#anyways i just awkwardly stood next to them and gave ‘Aura~’
sofiaruelle · 7 months
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My brother and i dont know how to hold a child. They're just so tinyyyyyyyyyy.
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ateez-amanda · 2 years
time: september 2020
summary: through the help of some friends jeonghan and amanda make things official between them
disclaimers: mentions overworking, stress. (let me know if i miss anything)
characters: svt's s.coups, jeonghan, and vivi (@svt-vivi), also briefly mentions yuki (@txt-yuki)
a/n: it happening you guys. it's been a long time coming. also atz concert vids/pic🥵 im screaming😭 anyways hope you guys like it. please let me know what you think
taglist: @skzfairies, @3nhyp3nn [send an ask if you want to be on/off the taglist :)]
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Amanda plopped herself starfish style across her bed after finishing a relaxing shower and changing into her pjs. She reached for her phone from her nightstand, only to let out a defeated groan into her pillow when none of the notifications were the one she was hoping for.
She hadn’t heard a single word from Jeonghan since her impulsive confession she’d left him on his voicemail this morning (if that was even what he heard). Even after she left two new awkward voicemails and 3 text messages trying to redeem the damage she made. 
Ring Ring Ring
Not sparing a second to check the caller id, she cheerfully answers, “Hannie?” 
“Not exactly.” An unfamiliar female voice echoes through her phone. 
Surprised by the voice she moved the phone away from her ear to see an unknown number on the screen. “Who is this?” Her cautious voice rang, fearing that another saesang had somehow gotten her number.
“Vivi. I am Hannie’s friend. Well I guess I should say I am one of his members.” 
Amanda straightens her posture on her bed as if she was in front of her at this very moment, “Oh! Hi! Um, how did you get my number?”
“I might have gotten it from Jeonghan’s phone.” Vivi murmurs, “Sorry but I wouldn’t have it wasn’t serious.”
Registering the worry in the younger girl's voice, Amanda frowns, “Is everything okay?”
“It’s about Jeonghan.” 
“Is he okay? Is he hurt?’
“He’s not hurt. I’m just worried about him.” Vivi attempts to calm her down, “Do you think you can come to our company?” 
“Of course.” Amanda didn’t hesitate for a second. Even though she was worried about going to their company when not many people know about their relationships and it risks their relationship getting exposed, if Jeonghan was in trouble she would be there in a heartbeat. 
“Thanks! Also, could you bring some food with you, too?”
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Amanda awkwardly stood in front of the staff entrance door of the new HYBE building, where Vivi instructed her to wait so she could allow her in. She couldn’t help the 
“Amanda!” Amanda's eyes wanders towards the sound, spotting a girl exiting the building, waving energetically at her. Amanda waves back at Vivi though she felt like hers was way more awkward. 
As Vivi approaches her, Amanda notices a taller man trailing closely behind her. As they got closer, she realized it was Seventeen’s leader. 
She couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated. She had always admired S.Coups as a fan. He is an incredible leader to 12 rambunctious boys but after hearing how Jeonghan talks about him, she couldn’t help but admire him more as being a loyal and true friend.
Suddenly a thought hit her, she wasn't just meeting them as a hoobaenim and fan but as Jeonghan’s potential girlfriend. She had to make an acceptable first impression especially now that she is clear about taking the next step in her relationship with him.
Vivi beams, “It’s nice to finally meet you. I would hug you but social distance and all.”
Amanda smiles at Vivi’s affable aura that was somehow able to ease her jitters, “You too.”
“Thanks to Yuki I feel like I kind of already know you.”
“Who knew we would end up meeting without her help.”
“We should send her a pic of us together so-” Vivi was interrupted by S.Coups clearing his throat. “Ah! Sorry oppa. Amanda, this is our leader S.Coups.”
Amanda gave a polite bow. “Nice to meet you, sunbaenim.”
“Please, no need for the formalities. Just call me S.Coups.” S.Coups kindly assures her. “Thank you for coming here so late.”
“It’s totally fine. It sounded urgent. What exactly is going on?” Amanda asks the leader.
“It’s probably better to show you instead.”
Following the SVT’s oldest and youngest through the building, she kept fidgeting with her mask and pulling her hat further down to cover more of her face to prevent getting recognized.
“You don’t have to worry about being seen.” Seungcheol’s voice broke Amanda’s train of thought, “Us, Jeonghan and a few staff are the only ones here. Well and Woozi, but he probably won’t be coming out of his studio anytime soon.”
“But if you are still worried you can just say you are here to see your new friend, Vivi.” Vivi adds. Feeling assured, Amanda struts a little more confidently through the building, taking in the different features of the building.
“He’s in there.” Vivi gestures to the door where music was booming from. Amanda peeks through the glass door to spot Jeonghan dancing along to the rhythm of music. His body movements were more aggressive than the beat of music would allow and although his body looked drained, his eyes were burning with passion. 
“He hasn't come out since early this morning. No break, snacks, nothing.” Vivi tells her.
“You're kidding?” She dumbfoundedly asks as the duo shook their heads. “No wonder he hasn't replied yet.” She mumbles.
S.coups raises an eyebrow, “Sorry?”
“Nothing. Um, so why is he being like this?”
“We’ve been practicing the new choreo for our comeback and Jeonghan has been struggling with it. Our dance director yelled at him. He’s being too hard on himself. He needs a distraction right now and we figured if he’s not going to listen to us or the other members, maybe he will with you.” S.coups explains.
Stunned by his words, she stammers, “M-Me?”
“You do know how much he likes you right? He never shuts up about you.” The leader exposes.
“It’s true.” Vivi chimes in, “I swear Jeonghan oppa has talked more about you in the last couple of months than Yuki has in the past 3 years. I still can’t believe the girl he had been talking nonstop about was you.”
“If you could just try for us, we would be grateful.”
Amanda nods, “But I still don’t know if it will be any help.” 
“At least we can say we tried.” The leader gratefully says.
“Oh wait! I brought extra food for you too.” Amanda hands Vivi a plastic container of food from the bag. “I don’t know if you are on a diet or not-”
“Luckily, I am not, so I will enjoy it. Thank you.” Vivi graciously accepts the container.
Amanda glances at S.Coups, “I would have brought you some too if I had known you were here too.” 
S.Coups fondly smiles at her thoughtfulness, “Don’t worry she will end up having leftovers for me to eat anyways.”
“Not this time. I will definitely eat all of this.” Vivi proclaims, holding the container closer to her.
S.coups scoffs, “You say that everytime.”
Vivi rolls her eyes, unable to argue back, “Fine. I guess I will give you some.” 
“Thanks.” He sarcastically says.
She returns her attention back to Amanda, “I have to ask, Amanda. Why do you like Jeonghan oppa? He’s not exactly the-“ 
“Ignore her.” The eldest covers her mouth with his hand before she could finish destroying any kind of relationship between Jeonghan and Amanda, “Good luck. Let us know if you need anything.”
Amanda giggles as S.coups drags his younger member away. She sneaks into the dance studio. Jeonghan was so concentrated on the choreography that he didn’t even notice the girl he likes walking in. 
She spots the stereo and turns the knob to the off, only for Jeonghan to whirl around and see her. He blinks a couple of times to make sure the exhaustion hadn’t made him start imagining things, “Amanda? What are you doing here?” 
“Making sure you take a break.” 
After hearing her voice cueing him it was really her, he didn’t waste a second as he darts towards her and envelopes her in a hug, “Did my members call you?”
She nods into the hug, “S. Coups and Vivi.”
“I guess I should thank them later.”
She pulls away and waves the bag, “I brought you some food. Care to spare me a couple of minutes?”
“Let me try one more time and then I will.” He promises.
Though she did believe he would stop like he promised, it wasn’t the answer she wanted. As a pro dancer, Amanda could tell his body wouldn't be able to handle anymore of the intense movements. 
She shrugs her shoulders before sitting against the wall, “Fine. Then I’ll just stay and watch until you're ready.”
Jeonghan couldn’t ignore the scheming glint in her eyes and her nonchalant behavior, something he knew all too well. And when she began to pull out the food from the bag, his suspicions were becoming more accurate. “I thought that food was for me?”
Amanda innocently raises her eyebrows, “It will get cold waiting for you and you know I don’t like to waste food. Plus I did drive all the way here in the middle of the night so I deserve some for myself.”
Now that he got a better look at her, he could distinguish that her dyed dirty blonde hair hidden behind her cap was damp, clearly meaning she rushed over here after taking a shower without drying her hair.
A loud growling coming from his stomach, snapped him out of his thoughts. Amanda’s lips twitch at the sound, attempting to contain her laugh. 
“What did you bring?” He succumbs. A satisfied smile appears on her face as she hands him some of his favorite foods.
After the two munched on their meal, they continued to rest in the dance practice room. Jeonghan's head gently laid on her lap as she mindlessly twirls strands of his light chocolate colored hair that had been dangling across her lap. 
He plays around with the tips of her fingers of her free hand as he decides to ask the burning question that had been on his mind, “Why haven’t you asked me about it yet?”
“I figured you’ll tell me when you want to.” 
There were a few seconds of lull before he murmurs, “I don’t want to let them down. They have been waiting for me to figure this out.” 
“Hannie.” She softly gazes down into his eyes, “You are doing great and your members know that. All they want you in the best shape to perform and you can’t be in the best shape if you overwork yourself. So don’t make them worry….or me.”
Jeonghan sat up, placing an affectionate kiss on the back of her hand, “Thank you for coming and I’m sorry for making you worry.” A teasing grin emerges on his lips as whispers, “But then again, it did get you to come see me. Maybe I should make you worry more often.”
“Don’t even think about it.” Amanda lightly pushes his head back with her fingers before he could connect his lips with her, triggering the boy to sulk. “Since you’re done eating, I’ll clean this up while you go ahead and shower because no offense but you stink.” She dramatically waves her hand over her nose.
Now it was his turn to have a menacing gleam in his eyes, “Oh really?” 
Wary by his expression, Amanda begins to scoot away from him, but his arm swiftly wraps around her waist and tugs her into him as he devours her face with kisses. She giggles in between while attempting to shove him away. He stops, “Be careful what you say next time.” 
“I’ll think about it.” She teases.
He lets out an enamored laugh as he places one last little peck on her temple, “I’ll quickly wash up and I’ll drive you back to your dorm.”
She hums in response with a smile before he heads out the door with his things. Once he was finally out, she erupts into a little fit of giggles, “Cute.”
As she tidies up, she remembers that she has to talk to him about taking the next step in their relationship. But is now really the best time to talk about it? Though it outwardly seemed that his stress has lessened, she could tell he was still worried about his performance. But she needs to talk to him about it before he hears whatever she left on that voicemail.
The sound of the dance studio door opening, diverted her train of thought as she saw Jeonghan enter.
“If you are ready-” Her sentence was interrupted by him swallowing her up into a firm, warm embrace, nuzzling his head into her neck. Though slightly confused by his sudden action, she didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms, “What happened?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to hug you.” He mumbles into her neck.
“Okay,” She smiles as begins to stroke his hair. Her thoughts wander if now is the best time to bring it up, “Hannie.”
“I want to make things official between us.” She mustered up the courage to finally ask only for it to come out quieter than she anticipated.
He pulls away to stare at her, “What was that?”
“Nothing.” She sadly mutters with her courage depleting away. 
He frowns as he tilts his head, “You sure?”
“No, actually. Hannie, I wanted to tell you that I am ready to make things official between us.” She confidently declares before flusterly re, “I-I mean, if of course you want-”
“Oh, I want to.” He clearly emphasizes as he cheekily grins, “So it’s okay to officially call you my girlfriend?” 
She coyly nods, “And it’s okay to officially call you my boyfriend?”
“I would be honored.”
“Oh, I accidentally called you earlier today and left a voicemail. It basically said what I just said so you can just delete it-”
“Oh? You mean this one?” He pulls out his phone.
“I like Jeonghan….I really like him. I guess being away fro-”
Mortified, she exclaims, “You already heard it?”
“And saved it as my ringtone for you.” He amusedly adds with a devilish smirk that Amanda wanted to wholeheartedly wipe off his face.
“Give me that!” She whines as she tries to pry his phone out of his hand but ultimately  failing as his extra four inches of height and long arm made it almost impossible for her to reach it. All while the voicemail resonates throughout the dance studio and he relishes the moment. 
Eventually she gives up and pouts,“I want to revoke what I said and not date you anymore.”
“Sorry, sweetie but it’s too late to go back now.”
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Later Jeonghan enters his dorm room after dropping Amanda off, to be greeted by his fellow 95er laying on the couch, watching tv and eating as if it was his own dorm, “Welcome back.”
“In case you have forgotten, your dorm is down the hall.” He replies as takes a seat next to him.
“Thank you so much for reminding me.” S.Coups dryly says, making Jeonghan grin, “I came to make sure you actually came home. Which you have, meaning calling Amanda was the right decision.”
“I can’t thank you enough for that. Since Amanda is now my girlfriend.” Jeonghan smugly announces with a joyful smile.
S.Coups pats his back, “Congratulations!”
“Thank you.” Jeonghan glanced at the food in S.coups hand, “Did you get that food from our fridge? Because you are going to have to pay us back for it.”
“No, this is food from your girlfriend. She was kind enough to bring food for Vivi and I.”
Jeonghan smiles, “That definitely sounds like her.”
“I like her. She’s a sweet girl, so don’t ruin it.” His leader warns him.
“Promise.” Jeonghan earnestly swears. 
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© ateez-amanda — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
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mi-rae07 · 1 year
Kang Yeosang : Dream Come True (1/4)
Pairing : Kang Yeosang (Ateez) and named character (Moon Yena) 
A/n : Inspired by the suggestion given to me by @cqndiedcherries
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Yeosang sat on his desk in class, sighing as he took his books out for the math class. New school year, new things to learn and stuff his brain with. Which he wasn't bad at, considering he was the most intelligent in his class. Being intelligent also came with it's own drawbacks, however, because everyone naturally seemed to assume that anyone who was good at studies, was bad at everything else, relationships included. Which made yeosang seem boring to others, hence why he was alone all the time in school. And he didn't go around trying to correct anyone's mindset either. Because at the end of the day, no one is going to care about his thoughts or opinions.
Yeosang looked up as the teacher entered their class, the class going quiet. But as soon as another girl entered right after the teacher did, the class erupted in a series of gasps and comments. Yeosang couldn't care less about any of it, because his eyes were fixed on the girl that stood right next to the teacher now, scanning the class with her cold gaze.
God she was beautiful, yeosang thought. Big green eyes, full red lips, light brown hair tied into a low ponytail, she was going to be popular. Which meant yeosang wouldn't be able to make his presence known to her in any way.
Teacher : okay, class! Let's be quiet now, shall we? I have a new student that needs to be introduced.
The class quietened down once again, making the teacher nod at the girl to introduce herself. She sighed and said
??? : My name is Moon Yena, let's try not to be friends with each other.
The class chuckled at her, all of them thinking it was just a joke yena made up to sound funny. Except it wasn't, not that she bothered to explain that to them anyway.
Teacher : okay then, yena-shi, you may choose to sit wherever you want today.
Yena nodded as she stepped forward, once again looking around the class for an empty seat. There were only two, one beside yeosang and another beside Han. No one sat next to yeosang because he was boring. On the other hand, no one sat next to han because he was too popular and too handsome, people apparently couldn't concentrate in class when they were sitting next to him.
And although yeosang hoped yena would choose the empty seat next to him, she didn't. Who was he kidding, of course someone like her would choose han over him any day.
Yena sat next to han, making him smile in victory. The class gave each other the looks that said "they're gonna date, we already know". And yeosang could only let out a small breath as he lowered his head to face the textbook, wishing he was anyone but who he was right now.
Yena looked up from her lunch as a group of girls plopped down on the chairs beside her in the cafeteria table, their smiles too sweet to be real. The popular mean girls, yena thought. She didn't bother to acknowledge them as she continued eating her rice in silence. The girls shared a glance at each other before one of them chuckled and said
Naeun : hi! I'm Shin Na-eun. This right here is my twin sister, Na-young.
Mina : and I'm mina.
Yena : and how does that concern me?
Mina cleared her throat, looking away in slight embarassment. Nayoung chuckled awkwardly as she completely ignored that sentence and asked
Nayoung : would you like me to introduce the groups in our batch, yena-shi? It'd be fun!
Yena supposed that would be a good idea. Not because she cared about the grouping people had created based on their stupid opinions, but because she could understand the aura each person created for themselves.
Yena : go ahead.
Naeun : see that group over there? Those are the jockeys, the ones who play sports and win it.
Yena eyed the group of boys, half of them already staring at her with those eyes. Yena corrected naeun's grouping in her mind, the perverts.
Naeun : and that group over there? Those are the hottest guys in our batch, every girl here dreams to date them. And only the three of us have managed to actually do those.
The girls smirked in pride as yena ignored them, looking at the boys who were sitting there as if they were celebs. The narcistic jerks.
Nayoung : those there are the rich kids, the ones who are who they are because of money.
Yena looked at them, noticing that they were also already staring at her. Of course, the rich would always recognize another rich person. The people who would either be a complete success or an utter failure.
Nayoung : and that group there are the kids who are part of the art groups for school.
They seemed to be having actual fun, not caring much about the other people in the cafeteria. The talented ones.
Nayoung : and those there, are the nerds.
The way nayoung said the word "nerds" made yena want to roll her eyes, but she didn't. the people who were going to be actually successful in life.
Mina : and last, those are the goths, the ones that have not much emotions, or so they say.
Yena looked at that table, black being the only color visible to her. God their hairs looked like they went into some bad science experiment, yena thought. The wannabes.
Naeun : that's basically all, the others can't really be described into certain groups but fit into one of these groups at least.
Yena nodded, placing her spoon back in the bowl as she leaned against her chair and asked the three girls
Yena : and what would you call yourselves?
Nayoung chuckled as she said
Nayoung : the pretty popular girls, obviously.
Yena hummed. The mean girls who usually ended up either being absolutely broke, or married to some rich man and had his kids.
Mina : what about you, now. Who are your parents, yena-shi.
Of course they would wanna know if she was rich.
Yena : my father is Moon Yo-han, and my mother-
Naeun : Shin Ye-seul, of course we would know them. They own the wealthiest hospital chain in all of Korea.
Nayoung : you're…you're their daughter? The heir of their-
Yena : yes, quite.
The girls looked at yena with shocked eyes, not having expected any of that. Yena sighed and said
Yena : if that's all, then-
Mina : oh wait, I forgot! There's one person I forgot to tell you about.
Yena frowned, looking at mina with confused eyes.
Mina : Kang Yeosang, the person who doesn't fit into any group at all.
Of course, the loner.
Naeun : oh yeah, there's a reason for it though. He only got into this school because of a scholarship, his family is just too poor to afford the rates of this school. So he's an outcast, no one really cares about him and I think you shouldn't too.
Yena : and where is he?
Mina : not here, he never comes in here because there's no place for him to sit here. He usually goes to the rooftop or something, I presume.
Nayoung : so do you-
Yena : I'm grateful for the introductions, girls, but I gotta leave now.
The three girls stared at yena with betrayed eyes, having expected yena to be friends with them. If yena was anything else other than an heir to a wealthy ass company, the girls would've just started bullying her now. But since she was hot and rich, and talked about in the school, they would still continue trying.
And yena could care less about any of that and the numerous eyes on her as she placed her empty plate on the discarded pile before walking out of the cafeteria, her head always held high and proud.
Yeosang had his head dug inside the manga he was reading while walking through the empty school hallways, sipping on the mango juice his mother had made for him. Everyone was probably still in the cafeteria eating food, even yena, yeosang thought. She'd probably be surrounded by the entire batch, being more popular than he had ever been in his entire life.
Yeosang was about to have another sip of his juice when someone bumped right into him, making his book fly out of his hands and fall on the ground with a thud. His eyes widened as yeosang bent down, reaching for the book the same time the other person did. Yeosang looked up, his eyes widening even more as he realized it was Moon Yena in front of him, taking his manga and giving it back to him with a blank face as she said
Yena : I apologize.
Yena was about to move past yeosang when he said
Yeosang : it's not your fault!
Yena looked at yeosang with a frown, making him look away as he said, gripping the book tight in his hands
Yeosang : uh I mean, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking so if anything, I'm sorry.
Yena hummed and nodded before walking away from yeosang, not even paying a glance at him. Yeosang pressed his lips together, feeling his cheeks heat up from even such a small encounter with yena. He was about to walk to his class when his eyes fell on something on the ground, shimmering against the sunlight. Yeosang bent down and picked it up as he realized it was a diamond bracelet with the initial Y engraved on one of it's bigger stones. This was yena's, it definitely was.
But as yeosang turned around to give it back to her, he realized she was long gone from his sight. And so yeosang tucked it into his pocket, deciding he would give it to her next class.
As a matter of fact he didn't give the bracelet back to her the next class, or the next day, or the next week. Because every time yeosang would try to approach her, she would either be surrounded by someone else or would look too cold and angry for him to talk to her without making her scream at him. His own anxiety didn't help him, neither did the fact that he came to an acceptance that he did have a crush on yena after all. Along with the 50 other boys in his batch, of course.
And so yeosang held on to yena's bracelet, staring at it in the night in his bedroom as the moonlight made it glow. It was beautiful, just as yena was. He didn't know whether she noticed it was missing, or whether she was too rich to even notice that. But yeosang still waited for the chance to give it to her, because he wanted it to leave an impression on yena.
It had been 2 weeks since yena joined the school and yeosang realized if he didn't give the bracelet back to her sometime soon, it would cause some issue. And so as yeosang entered their class right after eating lunch and noticed yena sitting in her seat alone while listening to some music, he decided it was time.
Yeosang walked up to yena with unsure steps, making yena look up with a small frown.
Yeosang : uh, do you mind if I talk to you?
Yena removed her headphones, looking at him with a blank face as she said
Yena : depends on what you wish to talk about, yeosang-shi.
Yeosang nodded and reached inside his pocket, fishing out yena's bracelet. Yena's eyes slightly widened as yeosang placed it on her table. He opened his mouth and was about to say something when yena said
Yena : did you just steal my bracelet and return it back because you felt guilty about it?
Yeosang's eyes widened at that, his heart racing as fear started eating him up. Oh god, he hadn't thought that yena would think this way, he should've known.
Yeosang : I-I didn't steal it, I swear. It-
Yena : I lost this two weeks ago, kang yeosang. And you're returning this now?
Yeosang stood still, not knowing what to say to that. Was he supposed to say he was…shy? Yena wouldn't believe that, she'd obviously just laugh at it. yeosang flinched as the door to the classroom opened, some students slowly entering the class and shooting yeosang weird looks since he was standing next to yena.
Which, still didn't stop yena's accusations.
Yena : I heard you got into this school with a scholarship? So what, did you steal this so you could afford to stay here longer or something?
Yeosang felt his eyes burn at the harsh words, the students around them gasping as well.
??? : he stole her bracelet?
??? : that must've been expensive.
??? : it would be. He's poor after all, he'd need something as expensive as that to pay the bills.
??? : we should be careful of our belongings, what if he steals those next?
Yeosang clenched his fists, looking away from yena as he whispered shakily
Yeosang : I'm sorry.
Yeosang quickly walked away from the class, not having it in him to hear his classmates now labelling him as a stealer. He ran towards the rooftop, feeling tears fall from his eyes as he thought of how terrible that went. Yena wasn't to blame much, was she? Anyone would think yeosang stole their bracelet if he returned it to them weeks later, looking nervous and anxious as hell.
But even then, it hurt yeosang. To have heard he was poor and a stealer from his crush, of course he would be hurt. He needed to be alone, and the rooftop was the only place for him right now.
Yena looked at the bracelet on her wrist as she ate her dinner, her parents talking about something or the other while sitting opposite her, eating their dinner as well. Yena felt troubled, especially after seeing yeosang's face this afternoon. She didn't care much about him, he was just another boy to her and he was nothing special at all. But that didn't mean yena got to be rude with him, did she? The entire day after yeosang left the class, the classmates were just going on whispering about how yeosang is a stealer and that they should avoid him even more now. And after hearing all that, knowing she had caused it, yena felt quite bad.
Yohan : yena-ya, are you even here?
Yena's head shot up, looking at her parents who were staring back at her, concerned.
Yena : o-oh, yeah, yes appa.
Yeseul : yena-ya, what's wrong?
Yena sighed, deciding she should probably talk to her parents about this. They were the most kindest people she knew, maybe they could help.
Yena : uhm so, think about it hypothetically, right? So 2 weeks ago, I lost this bracelet of mine. And you know how much this means to me. The both of you gave this to me all while I was a toddler and I haven't removed it since, always adjusting it's straps to fit my wrist. But then I lost it, and I wanted so desperately to find it.
Yohan : and you did.
Yena : no I didn't, another guy from class gave it back to me today.
Yeseul : a whole two weeks later?
Yena : yes, apparently it was with him all the time. So uh, I naturally asked him whether he stole it. And he just nervously said some gibberish about how he didn't really steal it. But he's from a poor family so I asked him-
Yohan : you told him that? That he was from a poor family?
Yena : well, yes. Before asking him if that was why he stole it, to fund his needs-
Yeseul : god, that's terrible yena. Were there people around.
Yena : yes.
Yohan : spectacular. You've just ruined his image for him, daughter.
Yena bit her lip, looking away as she said
Yena : now that I'm saying it out aloud, it does seem bad-
Yeseul : bad? Terrible, is the right term for it. You have to apologize to him.
Yena : except how will I do that? I don't think he's even going to look at me from now.
Yeseul : well then don't wait for him to look at you, you go talk to him.
Yohan : not when there are other people this time, please.
Yena sighed and nodded, knowing exactly when she was going to talk to yeosang.
Yena walked into the class, feeling people's eyes on her again. Some of them wished her good morning but she ignored them, walking towards the one person that wasn't looking at her, his head dug in some book as it always was. Yena placed the banana milk on yeosang's desk, making him flinch as he looked at the banana milk and then back at yena. The classmates whispered to each other about some nonsense yena could care less about, leaning down as she said to yeosang
Yena : I wish to talk to you. Rooftop, lunch break.
Yeosang : you don't have to give me banana milk for that. Take it back, please.
Yena : do you not like banana milk? Then-
Yeosang : I just do not want anything that is yours. I stole your bracelet after all, didn't I?
Yena : just have it, yeosang-shi.
Yena turned and walked towards her desk, plopping down on it. Han looked at her with a frown as he asked
Han : you like him?
Yena : what does it matter to you, again?
Han : I don't know, I thought you accused him of stealing your bracelet or something the other day?
Yena : and?
Han : he's too shy to approach anyone without stuttering or tripping over his words, yena-shi. That's probably why it took him two whole weeks to give the bracelet back to you, because he was shy and anxious.
Yena looked at him with confused eyes, not expecting han to explain yeosang like that. Despite her sitting next to him for two weeks, he never really talked to her about anything and neither did yena. However this wasn't the first thing she had expected him to say.
Yena : how would you know, you don't even talk to him, do you?
Han : he used to be popular once, before everyone knew he was poor.
Yena looked at yeosang, realizing it would be surprise if he wasn't popular. He was handsome, in ways that other boys weren't.
Han : the girls adored him, fangirling over his beauty. To the point some of us even felt threatened. Yeosang was always reserved though, he never really talked much and was always just shy.
Yena : and then what, his mother came to deliver him kimchi?
Han chuckled and shook his head
Han : one of my friends exposed yeosang, said he knew him from middle school and that yeosang was actually quite poor.
Yena : and ya'all believed it?
Han : the school announced yeosang had got into the school because of winning a scholarship and gave him a certificate for it in front of all of us. Although that only ruined his image, and people actually started believing that he was indeed, poor.
Yena hummed, looking at yeosang with intent eyes.
Han : no one really knows him, and he's never tried making himself known to anyone either. If anything, you should try talking to him.
Yena : I was planning to anyway.
Yena opened the door to the rooftop, her eyes falling right onto the figure leaning against the railing, eating something with concentrated eyes. Yena closed the door behind her as she walked towards yeosang before saying
Yena : why not just have lunch in the cafeteria? Isn't it too hot here?
Yeosang : poor people like us are quite accustomed to the heat, yena-shi, not that you would know of course.
Yena frowned at the spite in yeosang's tone, that being the last thing she expected from yeosang
Yena : why are you suddenly rude to me?
Yeosang chuckled as he took a bite of his bread and said
Yeosang : you tell me?
Yena : yeo-
Yeosang : oh yeah no, I know now. It's because you labelled me as a stealer in front of half our class and to make it even worse, said that I'm more likely to steal since I'm the only poor one in this school.
Yena : yes, and I wish to apologize for that.
Yeosang : as if that's going to take anything back, moon yena.
Yena hadn't realized it would be this hard to get yeosang to forgive her. But now that she wasn't getting it easily, she wanted it even more.
Yena : what do you want me to do then, yeosang. Tell me, I'll do it.
Yeosang : there's nothing someone like you can do for someone like me, yena. You should know that.
Yena looked away, crossing her arms. She didn't understand why yeosang was being this hard. He could've asked for anything from her and she would've given it to him, even if it was just plain money. She knew her mistake was big.
Yeosang : you're rich, pretty, and everyone likes you. You can get anyone and anything you want within a snap of your fingers. I on the other hand am poor, has to work multiple side jobs to even pay all my bills, and has no one to so much as glance in my direction.
Yena : you're making all that seem as if it's my fault.
Yeosang : it isn't. so then just…leave. Don't make it even worse for me by making people whisper that you're here because of fucking pity now.
Yena : so does that mean I'm forgiven?
Yeosang : no, it does not! I don't want to forgive you, yena. And I won't.
Yena : but-
Yeosang : I'm done talking with you.
Yeosang turned around and was about to leave when yena held his arm, making yeosang flinch as he looked at her. Yena tip-toed and reached up to yeosang's hair, pulling a leaf out of his hair as she blew it away from them.
She looked at yeosang with innocent eyes, all while knowing how close she was to him
Yena : there was something in your hair, so.
Yeosang let out a breath, stepping away from yena as he said
Yeosang : you simply won't give up, will you?
Yena : giving up is not in my blood, yeosang-shi. Unless I earn your forgiveness, I'm not giving up.
Yeosang : how cliché of you. Don't you have better things to do?
Yena : I am doing better things right now, aren't I? I've never had to work to earn anyone's forgiveness before. You're my first.
Yeosang : honored, moon yena.
Yeosang rolled his eyes and left the terrace, making yena smile. She didn't know why she was doing this, she wasn't supposed to be begging for anyone's forgiveness.
But something in yeosang just made her want to.
Taglist : @anyamaris @cqndiedcherries
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Heyo!! Can I request a Kuroo x male reader, where yn goes to give him a love letter one day, but he sees him with his new girlfriend??? And he’s like-sad and he tears up the note and he moves on??? But then one day kuroo asks to talk to him, and he confesses to reader, but since reader already moved on he doesn’t accept??? Angsty ending if you will 💔💔💔 thank you, Mr. Mizunetzu !!
Hi paola ily paola hee hee
Kuroo x reader - you did once...
⚠️Warnings - Kuroo gets a gf, angst, not so much of a good ending?
Pronouns- male, he/him
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You can find part two here!
“(Y/n), can I talk to you real quick?”
(Y/n) looked up from adjusting his loose kneepad, and wiped a bead of sweat rolling off his face. He turned his head to his teammates still on their diving punishment, and looked back at Kuroo. They just lost to another school again, but he got his punishment done rather early. “Mm? Okay..?”
He rose to his feet, following Kuroo out the gym door. The walk to a secluded place far, far away from the main gym was silent and awkward, not to mention suspicious. If Kuroo wasn’t one of his good friends, he would’ve thought he was about to be kidnapped. Or murdered.
Eventually, they stopped where the fenced pathway met the grass. Kuroo stopped ominously, further proving (Y/n’s) ‘serial killer’ theory. He turned around, facing (Y/n), and leaned on the railing.
(Y/n) stiffly held his hands behind his back. “So...” he rocked on his heels, trying to seem as casual as possible. “...what did you...need...?”
He was met with no response. Kuroo, instead, gripped the railing tighter, his knuckles turning a pale white. His eyes were downcast and he was sweating like crazy. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.
(Y/n) stepped forward and crouched down, so he could see Kuroos face behind the mop that was his hair. He rested his palms on his knees, trying to decide what to say.
“...I...think your hair looks nice...today...”
If it’s one thing he hates, it’s awkward silence. Not to mention the suspense of waiting on someone to say someone possibly life changing. I mean, why else should he drag him out miles away from the gym during training camp?
“Uh-If we don’t hurry up, we’re gonna miss our next match-“
“I need to get something off my chest.”
(Y/n’s) throat closed up. It was simple. The secluded area, Kuroo flushed face, fiddling and chipping the rust off the railing. He didn’t know how he didn’t see it before. He’s been in this situation plenty of times, with girls he can’t even remember the face of. But oh how much he’d love to be in this situation a few months ago.
‘Just do it. just do it. God, just do it. Worse comes to worse, he’s straight. It’s not like he’s the type of person to de-friend someone because they like them!’
(Y/n) gripped the white envelope behind his back harshly, crinkling it on the corners. It had a red, heart shaped sticker on the seal flap, with the words ‘To Tetsu’ written in dark pink across the back.
Both Karasuno and Nekoma were bidding their new friends goodbye, all scattered across the parking lot of Karasuno. (Y/n) paced around awkwardly, looking for Kuroo’s familiar mop of black, messy hair. He was nervous, to say the least. Very nervous.
“Ne, Kenma,” (Y/n) placed a sweaty palm on Kenmas handheld game, pushing it down lightly and forcing him to look up.
“Have...have you seen Tetsurou? I need to give him something.”
Kenma hummed in acknowledgment, and nudged his head to the side. Sure enough, Kuroo was there, off in the distance and talking to someone he couldn’t make out. His back was facing towards them, and his hand was on his hip. (Y/n’s) heart pounded even more.
“Th..an..k...y-you...” (Y/n) gave a lopsided, very stressed out smile, and limped his way over to Kuroo. Kenmas eyes were drawn to the extremely obvious love-letter being wrinkled by (Y/n’s) sweaty hands. He pursed his lips.
He then looked up to the petite girl chatting with Kuroo. It wasn’t visible in (Y/n’s) line of sight, but it was to Kenma. He almost felt kind of bad.
(Y/n) stopped dead behind Kuroo, his eyes fixated on the ground as he ran through his memorized confession for the millionth time that day. He tapped on his shoulder, keeping the letter flush against his back with his other hand.
Kuroo turned around, and that was when his eyes landed on the brown-haired girl wearing an obviously oversized Nekoma jacket. From context of the scene, (Y/n) supposed it was Kuroo’s. He gripped the letter tighter.
The girl walked forward and extended her hand out. Her bubbly aura practically suffocated (Y/n). “Hi! You must be ‘(Y/n)’. Tetsu was just talking about you! You two are like—buddy buddies right?”
‘Tetsu.’ That was (Y/n’s) nickname for him. Only he got to call him ‘Tetsu’...and who gave her the right to call him by his first name?
(Y/n) glanced at Kuroo. Kuroo shoved his hands into his pocket and grinned. It wasn’t his usual shit-eater smirk, rather a genuine, lovesick dopey smile. A smile (Y/n’s) never seen before, not directed at him at least. It was a sight he wanted to burn into his mind, but at the same time, he wanted to slap that smile right off his face.
“(Y/n), this is Yumi-chan. She’s our new manager.”
Kuroo stepped behind Yumimite, and draped his arms around her dainty shoulders.
“She’s also my new girlfriend~”
“Oh-hush it, you!” Yumimite turned around and berated Kuroo with small punches, earning a playful chuckled from the Kuroo. (Y/n’s) grip on the wrinkled letter loosened.
“...ahaha! Congrats..! When...when did you two get together?” If (Y/n) was good at anything, he was good at pretending to be interested in something. Maybe he should’ve joined the drama club instead of the volleyball club.
“Mm. We got together just last week. She gave me a love letter.” Kuroo patted the girl on her head, ruffling her neat brown hair and making her blush red. It looked like it felt nice. He wondered how it would feel to have Kuroo’s undivided attention, to be pat on the head like a blushing schoolgirl. To be a small, pretty girl next to Kuroo, to have the ability to call him ‘his’. All his nervousness simmered away, replaced by a strange ache of numb.
“Well, that’s awesome dude! Honestly, I don’t know how you managed to snag a girlfriend before me...” (Y/n) slouched dramatically, quickly hooking the letter in the waistband of his volleyball shorts and tugging his shirt over it. “Especially such a cutie like her! I’m (L/n), by the way...”
Kuroo chuckled, slinging an arm around Yumimite. “Don’t go flirting with my girl now. You have plenty of girls practically throwing their panties at you.”
‘Yeah...but I’m gay, Tetsurou. For you no doubt! I-I love you-!’
(Y/n) almost wanted to yell that out. And he almost did. But he chose instead to keep silent and laugh in response.
(Y/n) bowed slightly. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you. I just wanted to say hi to Tets-uh, Kuroo...”
Kuroo tilted his head at the use of his last name, but brushed it off when Yumi hooked her arm in his. The couple bid their goodbyes, as they turned around and walked off. (Y/n) followed suite, turning around robotically and marching off.
Once he was a good enough distance away, he stopped behind a trash can and fished the letter out from his sweaty back.
He watched as the big pink words ‘To Tetsu’ bled and distort with every falling teardrop rolling down his cheeks. The water expanded and smudged the ink lighter and lighter until the words were practically indecipherable. You couldn’t tell it was a love letter anymore. Especially because (Y/n) ripped and trashed it up til it was a pile of pink and white paper shreds.
He tossed the stray flakes of soggy paper into the trash bin, watching as it fluttered and twirled tauntingly down the trash can. He quietly scrubbed at his red hot face, probably soaking his shirt with his salty tears. He rested his hands on the edges of the bin.
“Okay...” (Y/n) stretched up, spitting onto the concrete. “I...wonder...if my favorite ramen place is open...”
Strangely he didn’t feel devastated, or heartbroken at all. He just felt sort of numb. He didn’t feel the need to blast heartbreak music and cry out on his bed for hours on end. In fact, he was glad. Albeit a bit raw, and maybe a bit tired, but glad.
He got closure for the confusing feelings bubbling down his throat ever since he’d met Kuroo Tetsurou. He got his answer, and even if it wasn’t the preferred one, it was something.
The recovery process was easier than most people would think. It only took a couple long days to get him back to his prime condition. It was a given, since (Y/n) had so much other things to be worrying about. Midterms, volleyball practice, his friends. It’s a given that he would move on the things that was no longer on his priority list.
And Kuroo Tetsurou was no exception.
It was kind of pathetic to see such a high strung man like Kuroo so shaky and nervous. Though, he felt the same way three months ago, spending the whole golden week perfecting a letter he never got to read. What a hypocrite he was.
(Y/n) cleared his throat. “So...what did you wanna say?”
“I-just,” Kuroo swallowed thickly. “Ah-I...give me a second...”
“Okay, take you time, Kuroo~” he stood back up to his full height, and leaned on the rail across from him. It was obvious they weren’t gonna get anywhere. “So...hows ‘Yumi-chan’ doing?”
“Ah. We broke up. She’s gay. She has a girlfriend now.”
“Aw, I’m sorry. Though, good for her for snagging a girlfriend. No offense.” Kuroo mumbled out a ‘none taken.’ (Y/n) continued.
“Was that what you wanted to talk about? Her breaking up with you?”
“No! Actually, I broke up with her first. And it was...it was kinda mutual.” Kuroo sharply inhaled. “But it does have something to do with what I need to tell you.”
How could he be more obvious. (Y/n) forced a smile. It felt mandatory now. “Really? That’s interesting. Do tell.”
‘Please...Please don’t say it.’
“I broke up with her...because I had these...feelings.”
‘Please don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to read it. I don’t want to know it.’
“And you know how she’s gay? Well, I think I am too.”
‘No shit Sherlock. I don’t wanna hear it. You’ve been fiddling around with your hands like a schoolgirl. Stop it, so we can just be friends like we used to be. Don’t make it awkward. Don’t make me hear it. Please.’
‘Don’t make me look at your crestfallen face when I say no. It’s too much for even me to handle. I don’t want to see that.’
(Y/n) knitted his eyes shut. A fierce shudder threatened to rattle him and cover Kuroo’s mouth, but he kept still, as difficult as it was. He braced for impact.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
There it was.
(Y/n) pursed his lips and let his smile finally drop. Kuroo looked up from his trained gaze on the ground, only to be met with (Y/n’s) pitiful expression. (Y/n) never saw his face go from hopeful and love struck to devastated and heartbroken so fast.
(Y/n) cleared his throat. He was going to lay him down gently if it was the last thing he did. “...uh.”
He never said it’d be easy, though.
“If it makes you feel better...I did like you once, Tetsurou.” He only used his full first name during important situations, as he switched to using his last name instead of his first a long time ago. A lump grew in Kuroo’s throat.
Kuroo jabbed at his chest exasperatedly. “T-then what’s the problem?! We both-“
“The problem is I don’t love you. Not anymore.” Kuroo fell silent. He was so prepared to do anything it took to win over (Y/n), but after standing in front of him now, it was clear. Watching as he looked down at him with a pitying expression that made his brain go numb. He would get no where if he tried.
“...a-anymore? You liked me before? When!? Why didn’t I know?!” Kuroo grasped fistfuls of his black hair, a cold sweat condensing on his forehead. He was so animatedly desperate it was kind of sad.
“Not too long ago. Though, you kept me waiting since forever. And I thought I could wait forever.” A sorry chuckle emitted from (Y/n’s) lips. “I watched you go though girlfriend after girlfriend, Tetsurou. You even introduced me to Yumimite when I was going to confess to you. How do you think that felt? Even I got tired of waiting.”
“You...you were...” Kuroo had never felt so helpless. (Y/n) shrugged.
“I would give you the love letter I wrote for you that day, but it’s in a trash can somewhere. Ripped to shreds. And I don’t remember the words I wrote. I’m sorry, Tetsurou.” (Y/n) sighed and patted Kuroo on the head.
“You missed your chance...”
Kuroo’s eyes stung, threatening to unleash hell, but he promised himself he wouldn’t cry. No matter what. Instead, he rubbed the back of his neck and stood back up.
“I never stood a chance, did i?” Kuroo chuckled. It was a sad chuckle, one that made (Y/n) want to cry aswell.
“That’s the sad part.” (Y/n) pressed his lips into a fine line, turning it into a smile conotated with pity.
“You did once.”
Go sit there and stare at the wall in silence as you feel bad for Kuroo getting rejected by you. Go on, stare. Maybe then I’ll consider a part 2 (and if people comment or reblog asking for a part 2, hee hee.)
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brockadoodles · 4 years
Let me tell you that I love you (4 +1) - b. boeser
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AN: Burn this gif onto my grave honestly. BUT ANYWAYS. Uh decided to write during the Canucks game just in case they gave me pain. And they didn’t, and I finished something. A short sweet little 4+1 for you all. I haven’t written one of these in forever, so i really tried to keep each snippet short. Let me know what you think :)
Word Count: 3433
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol briefly 
Brock Boeser was an irremediable fucking romantic. He was the guy who was always more than willing to cozy up on a rainy day with a tragic Nicholas Sparks-esque movie on in the background, never shy at admitting that something as achingly faux romantic as The Notebook could make him weep. He was the guy that all of the cliches were written about, the over sensitive Pisces who stitched his heart on the inside of his left sleeve, ready and eager to give it to someone. That someone, the one who he wanted to give his entire soul to over the last year had become you. 
You were someone he had met by accident, a romantic comedy worthy moment where you both had bonded helplessly at some overly fancy bar where you both had been stood up on dates. He felt stiff in his suit jacket, and you were there in that beautiful navy piece that had him wondering how the stars and planets had aligned in such a way that he was lucky enough to be half enjoying a drink next to you. You had smiled at him, opening the gates for a shitty date turned into a memory he couldn’t wait to tell the story of in twenty five years. One chance meeting had become a date, and more dates after that until over the summer he was bringing you home to meet his parents, where he told you that he loved you for the first time. 
Brock was nervous to take you home but it wasn’t because there was an underlying fear that his family wouldn’t see all of the things in you that he did. He was apprehensive because he knew the backstory of his own life was enough baggage to send someone away, and it had. He had gone through this before, bringing someone home who didn’t want to bear the burden of what life with Brock Boeser actually meant and that loss had shaped his perspective on relationships. Bringing you home was hard, because he wanted so desperately for this to work out, and if you couldn’t take on that baggage, he knew that it wouldn’t. 
Brock felt like he had that nervousness in his chest and stomach for the whole first twenty four hours that you were there. You had flown in late, settling into bed and falling right to sleep next to him. You always found a way to sleep, whereas he was consciously restless late into the witching hour, anxious about the next day where you would be actually meeting his family for the first time. 
He had spent so long waiting for the other shoe to drop, that when you got along seamlessly with his dad, he was still uncontrollably on edge. He was watching wordlessly as you sat out on the porch with Duke, a smile on your face as you listened to him, nodding and responding with Easton comfortably playing in your lap. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned, seeing his mom with a comforting expression on her face.
“She’s great, Brock. Stop waiting for the bad.” She murmured. Brock turned back to look outside, where you were just reaching a hand to his dad’s wrist and laughing. He felt like the air was exhaling from his lungs the longer he let his mom’s words marinate in his mind. Brock opened the slider door and stepped outside, slowly walking over and pressing a soft kiss to his dad’s cheek, who in return patted his hand reassuringly. He then moved to you, settling into the wicker chair next to you and letting you hand over his nephew who was now reaching for him. As you handed Easton over, it was like everything clicked into place for him. This was what he wanted one day with you, passing over your own child with the sun setting over the lake and family all around. That was the first time he realized that he had finally figured out what love meant, because the feeling struck him harshly. He loved you, and instead of overthinking the feeling, he told you.
“I love you.” He murmured, softly enough that only you could hear it. Your eyes widened and your mouth hung open as if he could see every thought that was stampeding through your mind. He recoiled a bit, diverting his eyes from yours and swallowing back the feelings he had just let escape without thinking about the consequences. You smiled awkwardly, grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers together. You brought his hand to your lips and pressed a soft kiss to it, your non verbal way of not reciprocating. It wasn’t until you were alone that you explained to him you just weren’t ready yet, a conversation that felt like a punch to his gut but that he bore with patience and understanding. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple after, reassuring you that he understood what you were saying. You didn’t not love him, you just weren’t there yet, something he could have the patience to wait for. 
The second time that Brock shared with you that he loved you was by accident. It was a classic case of drunk words revealing sober thoughts. Not that his love for you was a secret that he was trying to keep, but instead it was a closely locked away feeling that he was trying to wait to share again until you gave him the go ahead. The wait had been eating him up inside, a small sense of rejection had made a home out of his heart after telling you the first time didn’t go how he envisioned. He loved you, he was so beyond in love with you that he wished for nothing more than to be able to tell you that every second of every day. But you weren’t ready, and his sober self knew that, his wine drunk self, did not.  
It was your birthday and Vancouver had blessed (or cursed, according to most of the people that lived there) you with a dusting of snow. It was nowhere near what Brock was used to from growing up in Minnesota. He was used to long winters where the lake would be a solid sheet of ice that he and his buddies could spend their days skating on, with sometimes over a foot of snow on the ground. 
Vancouver snow was a different story. The small amount was enough to close businesses early, and cause the city to almost shut down until the snow was gone. The mere 5 inches was a lot to people in the pacific northwest, so he watched you with a fond expression as you dragged him down to the park that was near his condo, a pom pom beanie on your head and one of his jackets wrapped around you. 
You both had knocked back almost two bottles of wine, and there was a hazy aura surrounding you as he watched you twirl around with your arms out, catching snowflakes in your hair. Brock grabbed your hand and pulled you into his chest, kissing your forehead and then your nose and cheeks that were cold from the snow. 
“What are you doing?” You giggled, bringing your hand up to rest on his cheek as he looked at you. God, you were his entire fucking world, and once again he didn’t think before opening the box to that thought he had buried in his heart from the summer, the words slipping from his lips before any sense of sobriety could catch up to him. 
“I love you.” He whispered, a soft smile tugging at his lips and his eyes searching yours, hoping for a different outcome than the first time just a few months prior. You stepped back from him, bracing your hands on his arms and shifting your gaze away, something that sobered him up completely. 
“I’m not ready.” You mumbled, a sad expression behind your eyes that Brock wished wasn’t there. He tugged you closer into his chest, another soft kiss to your temple as he ran a hand along your back.
“Take as long as you need.” Brock reassured you, more than willing to live by that promise. You were worth any wait that he had to endure.  
Playoffs were Brock’s favorite part of his job. The rush of the do-or-die series was something that every player loved. He felt like playoffs were the time where his real skills came into view, where he stood on his own as a talented forward instead of in the shadows wondering where his place was. It wasn’t that Brock was insecure per say, he just always felt like he had something to prove, mainly to himself. The Canucks had battled through all of the rounds, knocking out their opponents, leading them here to the Western Conference Finals against Vegas. It was game seven, the last hurdle before playing for the cup, absolutely do-or-die for this season.  
It was everything Brock had been striving towards. It wasn’t a Stanley Cup, but god in that moment it may as well have felt like one. A game seven game winning goal, sending the team to the finals. Every year he had spent plagued with injuries, wondering if he would ever get back to that spot he had been at his rookie year, wondering if he’d ever actually feel like he deserved to be a part of that core that were the faces scattered on the outside of Rogers Arena. He nearly couldn't breathe as the puck passed by Marc Andre Fleury, hitting the back of the net and sounding off the familiar goal horn. Elias and JT were quick to pile on top of him, nearly knocking him backwards into the boards as the rest of the team ran out onto the ice. This was everything he had hoped for, a chance to play for the Stanley Cup and he was in tears knowing it was his goal that sent him there. 
After the game, all he wanted was to find you. He raced out of the locker room, past the press area where thankfully he still had twenty minutes before he needed to sit down for his interviews. He ran out into the tunnel, hair still slightly damp as he searched for you. It didn’t take him long to find you, you were standing near Holly. You turned to face him just as he rounded the corner into your line of view. He watched as you touched Holly’s arm, saying something to her that he wasn’t close enough to read on your lips. You nearly jogged up to him, jumping into his arms hard and sending him backwards as he braced for your impact. 
The two of you stood there for a moment, ignoring the entire commotion around you as some of his other teammates were cheering and coming out. He didn’t care about any of it, he cared about you. You were the one who was there for the worst season of his career, and sharing this win with you was almost more special than the win itself. You grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him hard, peppering kisses after. Brock took this as his moment, another moment where he could share with you just how he felt.
“I love you, I love you, holy shit, I fucking love you.” He mumbled against your lips. You froze slightly in his arms, hesitating before you crashed your lips back into his, hopefully distracting him from the uneasy feeling in your chest.
“I am so proud of you, Brock.” You whispered. He just looked at you and smiled, ignoring the slight feeling of letdown he felt at your lack of reciprocation. You weren’t ready, and he was okay with that. Instead of dwelling he just kissed you one last time to your lips and then your temple, holding you close before he went to answer questions from people he didn’t care to answer to before you all were going to celebrate. The Canucks didn’t win the cup that year, and his first thought after watching the Flyers rush out and hoist the coveted trophy was that maybe the disappointment would fade once he got home to you. 
Brock Boeser was a fucking romantic, and there was nothing more romantic to him than a wedding. It didn’t matter how many he watched in movies, or attended as he got older and his friends and teammates started getting married. No matter who it was, there was something that calmed him about seeing two people so in love and committing to that for their lives. He always pictured his wedding, except it was only ever from his perspective. In his daydreams, he never saw someone walking down the aisle toward him, he only saw himself standing there with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face as he waited for whoever that person was to get to him. It wasn’t until he loved you that the perspective changed, and he saw himself looking at you walking toward him. 
It was Troy and Emma’s wedding, a small gathering just outside of the city and Brock was in a good mood all day. He was humming softly as he drove the two of you there, a smile permanently settled on his lips as the soft sounds of Kodaline came through the speakers of the car. He had one hand secured with yours in your lap and occasionally he glanced over at you, wondering how in the hell he got so lucky to still have you. 
The wedding was beautiful, Troy and Emma both cried softly as they went through their vows, cementing their relationship with that final first kiss as the small group of close friends and families sat in the gazebo in attendance. Brock held your hand the entire time, feeling his chest tighten when you reached up and kissed the back of it just as the vows were being shared. 
He loved weddings, but going to one with you had him tumbling back toward that locked away feeling in his chest. The romantic atmosphere clouded his judgement and dared it to come out for another time to share it with you. Brock made a mental note to stop getting ahead of himself, to stop planning out an entire future with you when you weren’t ready to even say you loved him yet. He tried to push the anxiety away, the feeling that maybe he was the one holding you back, maybe he was too sensitive or putting too much pressure on you to say it back, even though he had only let it slip less than a handful of times. He swore that sometimes he felt it. Sometimes you would look at him just long enough, with your lips pursed and the words sitting right there as he waited, but then you would falter and shake your head a bit, playing the moment off with a smile. He counted so many of those times and they were casting doubt into his chest that maybe he was there planning an entire future with someone who would never realistically be ready, no matter how hard he wanted you to be.  
You could tell that he was in his head, something about the way he was carrying himself through the day had you worried. You watched as his eyes wandered around the reception hall. He was watching everyone carefully and you knew him so well by now that it felt like you were almost inside his head with him. Only instead of letting you hear what was running through his mind, there was a locked door keeping you out. Brock shifted back to face you, grabbing your hand once more and helping you up.
“Dance with me?” He asked. Brock pulled you into his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist as he swayed slowly with you, not paying attention to much around him other than you. He was feeling grateful for a lot of things, grateful that he was able to share such a special day with some of his closest friends, grateful that now the picture of this with you was so clear in his mind, and grateful that you were there with him, dancing slowly around the room. Brock closed his eyes for a moment as you leaned your head into his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart as he moved you around. He pictured all of it, the flower crown you’d probably wear, the smile on your face, and the tears in his own eyes that he would have watching as you came toward him. He pictured every last detail, a vivid dream that he was set on becoming a reality now. 
“I love you.” He hummed, letting his eyes open slowly as you lifted your head. You didn’t even have to say you weren’t ready this time, the slight shift of your eyes had unfortunately become something that Brock was learning all too well. He did what he always did though, he pressed a soft kiss to your temple and tucked the box of love back inside, sighing softly to himself and wishing that one day you’d take it.  
Plus One
Brock loved you in all the ways that he ever thought that he could love someone, down to each subtlety of your demeanor and personality. He loved the way you laughed at his bad jokes, the way that you were patient with his dad, and the way you cared so much about the health of the world. But he also loved the bad things, the little annoyances that came with navigating a relationship that was long distance part time, the way you’d sometimes leave a mess at his place, hitting a nerve after a tough loss, he loved all of those things because that’s what made you human and your relationship normal.
This morning wasn’t anything special, there was no event the previous night that had kept you out late. There was no celebration of any kind. You had come over for dinner and stayed, falling asleep tucked under his arm with Coolie and Milo snuggled at your feet. This no doubt was Brock’s favorite way to wake up, and he’d do it for a lifetime as soon as you’d let him. 
Brock always woke up before you, he was often an early riser and whenever you were there he found himself settling in and watching you sleep for just a few moments before he would slowly roll away from you to get up and make coffee. This morning was no different. His fingers drummed along your hip as your eyes fluttered open and his chest filled with the same feeling he only ever imagined existed in an alternate reality. You smiled softly and tucked yourself closer into his chest, a soft and groggy  good morning escaping from your lips. He didn’t have time to think about if you were on his page, he was already writing the rest of the book with you. 
“I love you.” He said. 
He supposed it was just another instance added to the shortlist in his mind of attempts at telling you he loved you. Brock was now zero for four, more than a strikeout on the scoreboard, but Brock was also patient, and didn’t mind a late bottom of the 9th inning comeback if it meant his love was finally reciprocated. He didn’t mind telling you he loved you, because he did, but a small part of his heart cracked each time you smiled and nodded in favor of saying those three words back that he’d do anything to hear. Each kiss to the temple after masking that crack in his chest that was widening, possibly too far to fill in with hope much longer. 
Except this time, your smile wasn’t forced. There wasn’t a nervousness behind your eyes, there was something else. You leaned into him, kissing him softly while your hand tugged at the ends of his hair. Something felt different in this kiss, a calm wave settling into his chest instead of the usual feeling that Brock felt from the previous times he shared this with you. You pulled back, smiling at him brightly. 
“I love you, too.” And those words that fell from your lips didn’t hold a flame to any of the hopeless romances he not so secretly liked to enjoy, he now had the real thing. 
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sakuatsutingz · 4 years
hi can you possibly do osamu, atsumu and tsukishima when they see someone hitting on their crush (not s/o,yet)? thank youu!!
ofc !! i love this req tho omg,, enjoy !! — jamie
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osamu, atsumu & tsukishima when their crush is being hit on
masterlist here
request here
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so osamu has been your best friend since you guys were basically in diapers gn
and you were always attending his games in inarizaki, cheering him on !!
little did you know, samu has had a crush on you for the longest time
his heart would always go ➡️↘️↙️⬅️↗️⬇️⬆️⬇️↖️↙️ whenever you attend his games and cheer the loudest for him
well ure not just a big ass crush to him
youre his best friend and he doesnt wanna ruin your precious friendship <//3
cue years of mutual pining between u two because of that sighs
even aTSUMUS growing impatient
the line between being friends and something more is coming more to a blur every time you guys see each other
like people would think you guys are a couple already because of how close you two act towards each other <//3
but on one fateful day before his vball match started u were already in the hallways, making ur way to the gym where osamus game takes place
and it just so happened a man, who is only slightly taller than you, walked up to u and rested his arm around ur sHOULDER.
u were basically panicking bc u didnt know what to do
“heya doll, what are you doing looking all pretty here ? i say i should take you out.”
your eyebrows furrowed as soon as you heard him, and before you could shove him away from u, you were already caged between the wall
and the lord rlly said ‘let osamu witness all of this’ and boom osamu was there making his way to the water fountain with atsumu and he basically just dropped his water bottle at the sight of you uncomfortably between a wall and a stranger
as soon as he locked eyes with your quivering ones he speedwalked towards the two of u and pushed the guy away from you
“you should know, ya’ shouldn’t mess with what’s not yours.”
said osamu, bringing you closer to his chest with his left arm wrapped around your waist AAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
the man took the hint and awkwardly walked away as soon as he heard those words
the two of you then made ur way back to the gym, his hand never leaving ur side
well, maybe when you started teasing him
“‘what’s not yours’ ? are you implying that someone owns me, ‘samu-samu ?”
he stopped walking, making you flinch a little at the sudden halt of movement
“you were always mine, got it ?”
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you've known him since the beginning of high school
and you've always stood out to him !!
you always took his flirting just as a joke
friendly thing to say </3
even though he was being dead serious the whole time
but at the same time he would literally shy away from every opportunity in asking u out
u knew him well and so does he !!
just like osamu, u attended every one of atsumus vball games, cheering him on in his passion !!
honestly he would always do his best to impress u whenever you watch him practice with the inarizaki vbc
heck he would even use 1OO% of his power just !! for u !! to notice !!
whenever he flirts w u the entire team just leaves the two of u alone
bc atsumu has probably spilled about his ever growing crush on u to them
by accident
or maybe osamu was the one to spill the tea
before a match started you visited him on the bench just to check up on him real quick
but someone from the opposite team ran up to you before atsumu noticed your presence
“i’d never thought i’d meet someone so gorgeous like you here, why not you go sit there and cheer for me, yeah?”
meanwhile osamu notices the player go dangerously close to your face, and your eyes plead for help to his own
osamu points it out to his brother and iMMEDIATELY ATSUMU SPIKES A BALL TO THE GUY’S FACE
his aura is TERRIFYING
like do you know that weird yellow smoke thing that shows when the twins did their quick attack
but like you go bby <33
the guy runs back to his own team with a bruised face as tsumu spRINTS TOWARDS YOU
911 i need an emergency my heart stopped beating
“sorry, just had to. i wanted to let ev’rybody know that miss y/n is mine and mine only, ‘kay?”
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you, him, and yams have been a trio since elementary school
it was always you three in your own little world
he doesn't remember when he first started to form a crush on you
just like ?? since forever ??
but he's rlly good at hiding his feels sOBS
basically only yamaguchi knows
but it's not too hard to figure out he has some sort of feels for you <33
he's a lot nicer to you then he is to most people oops
also is always offering to help you !!
like if your struggling with a class
mans is there to tutor you IM DYING
you don't often go to their games
and if you do it's usually cause yams invited you
he invited you to a game !!
and you knew it was important if he invited you so you agreed to it <33
you ended up going on the bus with karasuno to get to the arena cause you didn't have a way to get there
and as your loading the bus or wtv ,,
someone from karasuno comes up to you
wayyy too close tho </3
it was clear your uncomfortable with their advances
but they didn't seem to care
clearly it was getting tsukki pissed gn
yamaguchi was trying to calm him down
it wasn't working SJSJDJ
he ended up basically glaring at the person flirting with you
before walking behind you
and pulling you into a back hug !!
kinda just looks at the other guy then to you
"is there a problem here babe? this person annoying you?"
grumpy dino can be v intimidating and this was one of those moments </3
the other guy backs off and ya'll get on the bus
and the only open seats happen to be next to each other for you and tsukki COUGH COUGH
"so, babe huh?"
he just lowkey rolls his eyes and is like
"don't act like you didn't already know, you're mine, okay?"
and the otp of y/n x tsukki came true
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 13: Thinking of You
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Putting your phone down on the wooden table, you groan in frustration. The piling paperwork and dating life are two different things but are both giving you too much stress. A lot of friends and colleagues had adviced you to stay single and focus on work, but Yaku is right.
You’re meeting all these people just to forget that you met him.
Kita was far from your ideal type. He wasn’t tall. He wasn’t rich. He didn’t give you expesive gifts every day. But he still managed to make you think that he’s the perfect man.
No matter how hard you try not you, you still compare every guy you’ve dated to Kita. He set the bars so high, that even you can’t see the top of it.
You are so desperate to forget Kita that you started dating all these boys and thought that maybe one of them can make you forget him. Relationships only lasted for a day or the most is a week. You’re getting a bad name in industry, but you don’t care.
“Hi, I’m (L/N) (F/N). Nice to meet you.” You introduce yourself to the pilot as you sit on the dinner table he reserved. You take in his appearance and he’s a 10/10. He has blonde hair and golden eyes, and very long lashes. He has wide shoulders and even under his suit, you can tell that he’s well-built.
“Kise,” he answers, flashing a smile your way. 
‘One of those charmers...’ You think as you check him out once again. You’re looking through the menu when the man in front of you clears his throat uncomfortably, catching your attention. “If you don’t want to continue this day, just say so.”
“It’s not that. I just don’t feel comfortable acting fancy and all that,” Kise remarks, loosening the tie around his collar.
“Then let’s go somewhere else,” you tell him reassuringly. The waitress waiting for your orders stand their awkwardly, witnessing how the restaurant will lose a customer just like that. “Miss, order anything you want in this menu. I’ll pay for it.”
“Ah, it’s okay,” the waitress stutters, taking the menu from you and Kise.
“I insist,” you tell her before standing up from your seat. After paying for the waitress’s meal, you and Kise head to his car. He attempts to help you put it on but you do it before he can. “So where do you wanna go?”
Kise looks out of his window shyly before giving you an answer. “I wanted to cook for you...”
“Okay, then bring me to your house?” You chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. The tense that was all over your date’s finally disappears as he brightly smiles at you.
“You’re kinder than from I’ve heard,” he confesses and starts the engine of his car. “I have this recipe I learned from a great friend...”
Kise rambles on about the most random things until you two reach the parking lot of his apartment. Just like he said, he cooked for you. You sit at the dining table as you wait for him to finish cooking. Staring at him from the angle, you remember Kita teaching you how to cook rice.
“How many cups of rice do I need?” You asked him, staring at the sack of rice once again. Kita scooped two cups of rice then put it at the pot.
“After that, you clean the rice by soaking it in water at least twice,” Kita instructed, putting two fingers up. You nodded, following through. “Then you strain the dirty water out. After that use your finger to measure the water. It has to reach the second line on your finger.”
Kita took your hand and dipped your finger in the water. You blushed furiously, containing your squeals from the sudden contact with your crush. After going through the whole process, he made you repeat his steps in making rice.
“And that’s how you cook rice.”
“Hey, (Y/N), it’s time to eat.” Kise shakes his hand in front of your face so you go back to your senses. You nod at him with an sorry smile then start eating. “Does it taste good?”
“It’s spicy,” you tell Kise softly. He stops eating and grabs milk from his refrigerator.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. But do you like the taste?” Kise asks you, and you just nod. 
“Tell me if you want to adjust any taste or something,” Kita said after you took a bite of the meal. It was your first breakfast together and the first time he cooked for you since Osamu prepared food the night before.
“It tastes good but I don’t really like spicy food,” you answered, taking a sip of water from your glass due to the spiciness of the dish. Kita noticed the discomfort in your face so he stood up and went back to the kitchen to make a new dish for you. “It’s okay. I can take the spice.”
“No. I want you to eat to your heart’s content,” Kita stated, causing you to smile. “If you’re craving for anything, tell me okay?”
“So how’s work?” Kise changes the topic.
You sigh from the spiciness, but continue to eat anyways, not wanting to waste the blonde’s efforts. “It’s tiring, but it’s bearable.”
“Work is hard nowadays,” Kise complains back. “I wish to take a break sometimes, but then I can’t.”
“Why not?” You continue to ask, seeking for an answer that will determine if you like him or not.
“Because I need money to take you out in our future dates,” he answers mischievously, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him. “Though I’m not really enjoying my job-”
You cut him off midsentence. “Then why did you become a pilot?”
“Because it earns a lot of money is looked up to by anymore.”
“Babe...” You called the grey haired man as you laid on the back of his truck. You went with him and Rice to the farm since you didn’t have anything to do. “Atsumu told me you the top university offered you scholarship to college, why didn’t you take it?”
“Because I want to be a farmer,” Kita simply answered. He took the towel hanging around Rice’s neck and wiped the back of his neck using it. Sitting up from your position, you continued to ask him questions.
“No particular reason. I just enjoy it and it helps other people,” Kita replied to you. You put on the spare boots that lying on the corner of the trunk and went over to him. “Do you want to help?”
“Yes, since I want to learn about the things that make you happy,” you told him confidently and he just let out a soft chuckle.
“Then maybe I should learn how to vlog, too.”
Your date with Kise goes on. The two of you finished dinner so he takes out a bottle of white wine.  After several of glasses, Kise scoots close to you.
“(Y/N), I know it’s just our first date, but I really like you,” Kise confesses, scooting close to you. Scoffing, you face him. “I’m serious.”
Kise leans in you and allow him to close the gap between the two of you, his lips colliding with yours.
It was your first breakfast as a couple and being the romantic person that you are, you woke up before him to make him lunch. Rice lied down the kitchen floor, confused on why it’s you cooking and not his father. You gave him his food before going back to making your boyfriend’s lunch.
“You’re just grilling a sausage, don’t fail this,” you muttered to yourself as you roll the said sausage on the pan with so much concentration. You felt arms wrap around you so you flinched in shock, almost dropping the ladle you were holding.
“Good morning,” Kita chuckled, placing his chin on your shoulder. “I should have asked you out the moment you got here if I knew that I would not make breakfast every morning.”
“Good morning, baby,” you giggled, turning off the stove to face him. “How was your sleep?”
“It was not that great since I didn’t see you when I woke up,” Kita answered, causing you to snort. “What?”
“You’ve become cheesy,” you stuck your tongue out, teasingly. Kita quickly moved his body forward, taking your tongue in his mouth. You pushed him away, gasping then laughing. “Babe, what!”
Kita let out a laugh, pulling your body closer again. He leaned his forehead on yours, his grip on your hips tightening. He’s staring at your eyes intensely but lovingly. “If you keep staring at me like that I might think you’re in love with me,” you joke.
Kita just smiled at you then pulled you in for a kiss. You placed your arms on shoulders, letting him kiss you deeper. His lips were soft but moved roughly. His hold was secure but dangerous. He was gentle with you but he was had a strong aura. He made you smile with his pure intentions, and made you moan with his sensual touches. He made you squeal like it was your first time to be in love, but he could also make you cry as if it’s your last time to experience love.
Kita was the best of both worlds. He was the calming moon, and the blazing sun. He was the cold night, and the warming morning. He was the sunrise that said hello, and the sunset that told you good bye.
You were in an axis. You have witnessed all the different planets and met all these people, to try to run away from him. But wherever you travel, you still see him. Maybe because he was not only both worlds, but rather the whole universe.
You are stuck in his axis. You’re sure of it, because even if someone else is holding you, your body craves for his touch. Though someone else is kissing you, your lips want to feel Kita’s. Someone else is making you smile, but only because you remember your happy moments with Kita. No matter who you’re with, you’re only thinking of him.
You push Kise away, thoughts about Kita flooding in your mind. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”
“Was I moving too fast?” Kise awkwardly asks, moving away from you.
“It’s not that,” you tell him, thinking of a reason to get out of the situation. Kise then giggles, scratching the back of his neck, so your attention goes to him.
“Is it someone then?” Kise questions, tilting his head to the side. You lower head, nodding shyly and gripping on the hem of your skirt. “That’s hard. Care to share? It looks like a serious case of not being able to move on.”
You chuckle at his statement. “I guess it is since we didn’t have proper closure.”
“Now, that’s complicated,” Kise hums as if he had not kissed you just minutes ago. “But it seems like you don’t seek closure.”
“Do I look like someone who’ll not be able to move on for years?” You sigh and Kise shakes his head.
“You look like you want to get back with him.”
An hour or two of just talking about your exes, you finally say goodbye to Kise. You feel in ease after talking to someone about your situation. Admitting that you are still into Kita is painful but you needed to let it out.
You head to Alisa’s house, where you dropped Rice off. You talk about your date for a while before you head back home. Your driver picks you up just outside Alisa’s apartment. Rice settles on your lap, comfortably sleeping. And then your heart sinks thinking about your dog.
Rice has changed his job from running in the fields to carry Kita’s towel to walking around the office to get paperwork for you. He’s a hardworking dog whose happiness comes from your smile.
Rice works hard. He has a schedule he follows like its a ritual. He’s caring. He’s smaller from other dogs but his dominance shows. He’s loyal to you. He loves you more than anyone in this word.
Rice is your little Kita.
Aside from you and Kita, Rice had a hard time coping up with your separation. The first month, Rice wasn’t able to eat properly since he missed Kita. You thought that a year would make him forget about Kita, but no.
Rice grabs a random towel every morning then head to the front door, a habit he picked up from going with Kita to the farm almost every day. He waits for Kita at the door every night. Every time you go for a drive and pass by a field, he barks and wags his tail excitedly.
It was painful to watch Rice long for Kita. Because unlike you who can speak and let your emotions out, Rice can’t. All he can do is do the same thing over and over again every day and night, until Kita finally shows up at the door. You both are.
“Do you miss your dad?” You ask Rice and he sits up excitedly. He stands on his back legs and his front paws are on your chest, giving you kisses all over your face. “I miss him, too.” As Rice whimpers from the word dad, an idea comes into your mind.
You know you’ll regret the idea, maybe you’ll even hate yourself for it, but you’ve already risked enough for Kita. So just go all the way. Take that fall. How much damage can be done?
“Head to the airport,” you say to your driver. He looks at you questionably but follows your order anyways. You call your secretary and tell her to book a flight going to Kobe and send a copy of Rice’s papers to travel.
As you arrive at the airport, the staff of the airline company you booked in assisted you and Rice to the plane. You turn your phone off, not wanting to receive any messages or calls from anyone. Checking the time, you realize it’s already 10PM, so you’ll be arriving at Kita’s house around 1AM.
You don’t care. You’ll wake him up. Kita needs to hear what you’ve been wanting to tell him for a year.
The flight to Kobe is fast, considering that you fell asleep in the plane due to the alcohol you drank prior to this sudden flight. Rice is dead asleep in his carrier. You take a cab going to Kita’s far. Your heart is pounding way too hard that you can feel your brain vibrating. You want to back out but you’re already too late. The driver has dropped you off the familiar house.
Rice barks at the door, thrilled to be home. You stand there for 10 minutes with still no response. Finally, you hear footsteps coming to the front door. The door finally slides open, revealing the man you’ve been longing for the most.
“(Y/N)?” Kita asks in confusion. Rice jumps to him, and Kita picks him up excitedly but unsurely. “I thought I was hearing things. Why are you here? At 1AM?”
“I was thinking of you.”
“(Y/N) I-”
“No. Let me finish. I’m not sure if you still like me or not, or if you’re dating someone. But I want you to know that I have forgiven you from the whole Ayako incident. I don’t care anymore about what happened to two of you that day. I also don’t mind if you didn’t have feelings for me that time. But I just want to say that I loved you from the moment I saw you in that video. Maybe I still love you until now. And I’ve been thinking of you every day, every moment ever since I met you. I love you so bad that if you ask me to marry you right now, I would. But I know you wouldn’t so it’s okay. I’m willing to give you my whole life. But I’m not asking you to like me back again or-” you ramble, your mind not even thinking of the words that’s coming out of your mouth.
“(Y/N).” Kita stops you, his voice sounding serious.
“Yes?” You’re preparing yourself to be rejected. You have been expecting it since you decided to book a flight going to him. But at least you’ve told him everything you wanted. You can live in peace, knowing that you have nothing left to regret.
“Can we sleep first?” Kita deadpans and your heart flutters, instead of hurting. He’s still the same person you fell in love with, the same man who broke your heart and changed your whole life.
“Yeah. Sorry,” you apologize, unsure of what to do next. “I’ll call a cab. Sorry for disturbing you. I won’t bother you ever again. I’ll take my leave.”
“No. No. You sleep here.” His words came out as an order, not a suggestion, so you just agree.
“Really? I feel guilty for showing up at 1AM. I really don’t mind leaving,” you try to argue, but Kita takes your hand and brings you inside. You then notice that Rice is already inside of the house, his eyes begging you to go sleep.
“Yeah, you should stay here. We have a wedding to plan tomorrow after all.”
note: was in a good mood so :>
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nanamikentcs · 3 years
word count: 1.7k
genre: fluff (??), reader meets diluc for the first time,  mutual admiration
warnings: none (gn!reader, not proofread)
summary: god isn’t some bigshot in the sky. god is a redhead playing the violin against the setting sun, while you watch in complete admiration. inspired by that new official art where diluc plays the violin.
Of the tasks undertaken this particular week, this seemed the least burdensome and most straightforward to you. One of the employees of Dawn Winery—presumably Charles (whose name you only learned recently), since he was within the immediate vicinity of the Adventurer’s Guild—put forth a commission to deliver a set of documents to the Winery itself, somewhere along the city outskirts. For a myriad of reasons—most revolving around the relatively low appeal of the commission, given that adventurers were drawn to more thrilling tasks—none had yet accepted the job. 
You wonder if, perhaps, another reason for the lack of interest in the request involved an unexpected run in with the Winery’s owner. 
By no means was Diluc Ragnvindr an unpleasant man. The reputable former knight was known for his courteousness, his polite nature most likely spawned by the esteem upheld by families of old. His demeanor was, nonetheless, off-putting, to say the least. He often kept to himself,  speaking rarely to others beyond business and smiling even less often. Shrouded by an aura of both invulnerability and power, the young Ragnvindr’s unapproachable nature served as an effective ward against not only those he explicitly opposed, but perhaps against those who longed to forge a connection with him as well. 
But, you were here for matters relating to work. Even if he hadn’t been aware of the commission, the documents you carried in your pack must’ve been important enough for a commission to be issued in the first place. Of course, having only encountered the redhead a couple of times—and oftentimes with a mind half-buzzed thanks to an alcoholic spell—your image of him was less intimidating than that of the locals’. 
The sweltering heat of the sun receded into gentler warmth. You kept your eyes trailed on the road ahead of you, watching how the path changed from pavements to rough roads as you neared your destination. Hailing leagues away from the City of Freedom, you appreciated Mondstadt for the little details that solidified the beauty intrinsic to the region. Fontaine—a place you once called home—was a city known for its artistry and innovation; but Mondstadt, in its simple yet unrestrained nature, called to your heart in ways you did not understand.
By the time you arrived at the Winery, the sky had settled into a yellow-orange hue, denoting the incoming arrival of sunset. A signpost indicating the Winery’s location seemed unnecessary, considering the visibility of the vineyard from miles away. This was the first time you’d step foot onto a property so large, so busy with the duty of sustaining an entire city’s economic stability. Still, your business lay ahead of you, and you would much rather be done with your tasks before nightfall.
“Are these from Charles?” A white-haired man questioned as he sifted through the papers you handed him, addressing you but not looking away from the documents.
“Ah, I didn’t get to check who posted the commission,” you admitted, slightly embarrassed to overlook such a detail. “But it was posted in the afternoon, so it must’ve been someone in the city.”
The man—his name was Elzer, if you caught it correctly—hummed at your response, staying silent for a few moments. You shifted awkwardly, half-wondering if this was your cue to leave, yet half-expecting a proper dismissal, as though you’d still been a student awaiting your teacher’s approval.
After a brief period (which frankly seemed like a lifetime to you), Elzer finally looked in your direction, promptly thanked you for your service, and assured you that your remuneration would be facilitated through the Guild.
As you turned to leave, however, he called after you. “Ah, wait,” the tone that laced his voice betrayed just the slightest hint of exhaustion. “Could you perchance hand these over to the young master himself? These documents should’ve been given to him directly anyway.”
You stopped in your tracks, wondering if you’d heard him right. Your only instructions were to deliver the documents to the Winery. You didn’t know that they had to be given to Master Diluc himself. 
“He’s at his study at the moment. First door to the left, once you ascend the stairs.” Elzer added, and, despite not having accepted the sudden request, you moved forward to retrieve the documents you’d just handed over. Following the directions he gave, you made your way to Diluc’s study, knocking once, knocking again, knocking twice for a third time, and knocking thrice for a fifth. No answer. Frustrated at the delay and the impending approach of the dark, you turned to find Elzer once more. You’d done your job. They couldn’t hold this against you, right?
Then you heard it: music created by a bow against steel strings, and for a moment you recall the endless symphonies composed by one frustrated musician after another in your hometown. Each was beautiful in their own right, but never seemed to meet the standard of perfection that greatness demanded. This song, however, was not perfect nor was it especially great—but it was indubitably beautiful.
Your feet moved by their own accord, following the direction of the violin and the mystery musician—not at all considering who’d dwelt there and who were expecting to find in the first place. The melody drew you in by some invisible thread, and before you knew it, you stood openmouthed by a door left ajar.
This was the first time you saw Master Diluc without his typical bravado. You watched as he nestled the violin in the crook of his neck, his right hand moving with grace as he shepherded the bow upwards and down, and the fingers of his other hand gliding with deftness across the violin. The sight of him and the sun setting through the window behind him was enough to root you into place. You did not understand why your heart leapt, but perhaps it was because it had not witnessed anything more beautiful.
He stopped. You wish he hadn’t but he did. His senses were keen, and though you had been too silent to make a sound, he knew he was in the presence of another. Turning to face you, an intruder in his personal area, he regarded you with an expression that furthered your surprise: he did not seem the least bit annoyed, nor did he appear to be upset at your sudden arrival. The glint in his eyes betrayed some curiosity, but beyond that, his face remained neutral.
“Was there something you needed?” He asked, as though your presence was a natural occurrence. 
“Oh, I...I was on a commission...and well,” You managed to stammer out, electing to present the documents in your hand instead of relying on your ability to form a coherent sentence. “Th-These are for you.”
Diluc glanced at the papers in your hands, noticing the slight tremble to them, and sighed before setting his instrument down. As he took the documents, you immediately pulled your hand away, eager to hide both the tremor and incoming clamminess. You knew you should’ve apologized for your intrusion, thanked him for his patience, and left at the soonest possible moment. Instead, the more irrational part of your brain decided to blurt out: “That was beautiful. The way you played, I mean. I’ve heard a lot of violinists back in Fontaine but you...I mean you could easily outclass them.”
The pair of you seemed shocked by your profuse compliment. Diluc gathered himself first (and fairly quickly), clearing his throat before offering a small yet gentle smile. Strange, you thought. I’ve never seen him smile before.
“Thank you. Do you recognize it?” He asked, a faintly amused lilt in his voice. You shook your head in response. He nodded, as though expecting it. “It’s a composition from the olden days of Mondstadt. Not many recognize it anymore, more so if one were from another place. You mentioned Fontaine, yes?”
You did not understand why you could not use your voice. You only nodded, hoping he charged your nervousness to introversion. He paused to consider your response, turning to the violin he’d set down earlier, then returning his attention to you. 
You watched as he opened his mouth to say something, then abruptly close it as though he changed his mind midway. Shifting his eyes away for a brief moment, he turned his gaze back towards you, asking, “Do you play?”
“The violin?” You inquired, rather dumbly now that you’d said it. “Oh, no, I don’t. I mean, I played for a little while then stopped. Hardly learned past the basics.”
He hummed at your response, unexpectedly content to hear your voice. 
“I play the piano a little bit better, though.” you added, after a moment’s quiet. Perhaps it was to impress the clearly impressive man in front of you, or perhaps it was your pride in your own abilities. Either way, you felt compelled to add that detail.
Diluc considered your words, scrutinizing you in a private silence he shared with you. To both your surprise and his, he raised the question: “Would you like to play together, then?”
The invitation was extended like a hand requesting one’s own before a dance. You wanted to take that plunge, accept the invitation and waltz a symphonic dance with the man before you. But, enrapt in allure and the desire to prepare for a more impressive showcase of your talents, you said instead: “I’m a bit out of practice, and it’s going to be night soon. But next time...I’d love to, next time.”
Had you not directed your gaze towards your shifting feet and the wooden floors, perhaps you would’ve noticed the flash of disappointment in his eyes. 
“Next time, then.” Diluc said, again with a small smile that rarely graced his features. He thanked you for fulfilling the commission, and watched as you turned to leave, unable to understand how one interaction could ignite so many emotions within him. With a sigh, he returned to his abandoned violin, absentmindedly plucking at the strings. 
Diluc Ragnvindr, in all his acumen and knowledge of the workings of the world, could not pinpoint what it was about your exchange and what it was about you that stupefied him so much that he--only much later did he realize--had not asked for your name. 
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captain039 · 3 years
A dark beast
Alekander x reader
Werewolf AU
Warnings: violence
Grisha - Werewolf hunters
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Part 1
Blending in had always been easy. You hadn't shown any signs of the beast not would you despite knowing there wasn't one in you. People gave you funny looks, odd glances whenever you walked around the village gathering some produce. You didn't know why, maybe it was because you were human? Your village was the last of what used to be many for beasts, werewolves. Once the Grisha started hunting there was no stopping them they slaughtered any wolf they found, anyone who was suspected of being one also. They were cruel beings, using magic to control and destroy anything they found to be beast-like. They feared one beast one from shadows and darkness.
It had been a peaceful morning till your mother and father rushed you inside and locked every door and window before scurrying to the underground hideout. You were frightened as your father stood on edge claws out as people walked above you. Your mother clutched you closely as she held a hand over your mouth. You held your breath as they finally left. Your mother let you go and you took a deep breath. They hadn't all gone though, someone yelled and opened the door to where you were. It happened quickly, they crushed your fathers heart inside and he fell to the ground. Your mother was next as she tried to transform, they cornered you then, thinking you’d turn to but you didn’t.
“It’s human” the man said as a commander came down.
“It’s not human if it came from them, kill it!” He snapped as your heart slowed and clenched. You held your chest groaning as you fell to your knees when the world around you got dark. The Grisha in front of you stopped, the smoke thick and black.
“Get out!” One yelled as they scrambled above. You heard cries and clashes above you, you crouched in the corner covering your head before the screams stopped. You dared peek through your arms seeing a form above the stairs. You froze seeing red eyes staring at you, a dark coat surrounded by a smoky aura. It was the Darkling, the dark beast everyone feared even other wolves. It was staring you down before leaving you a shaking mess in the hideout.
People didn’t come to check to see if you were alive. They must’ve smelt all the blood and left after seeing the Darkling. You were still down in the corner, weeping for your parents as the sun came down. You wouldn’t make it here, you were a beast, they’d kick you out and send you to a human village with the Grisha.
You stood on shaky legs laying your mother and father side by side awkwardly before grabbing a bag and packing things.
The horses were untouched thankfully, spooked but left alone. You saddled up Ailia and left the stables quickly with no place in mind. She ran hard and fast before you slowed her so she could breathe. You looked around, unsure to where this road would lead you. Your horse reared though and you fell off before she ran off. You groaned getting up quickly only to see what spoked her. You froze at the creature in front of you, red eyes black coat and smoke around him. He changed in the smoke, a man taking his place. You backed away a bit the man watching you with intense eyes. You looked away seeing he was naked, the shadows covering him though.
“You scared my horse away!” You said realising too quickly that was a bad idea.
“I apologise for that” he said and you frowned thinking he’d yell or curse you.
“Where are you going?” He asked and you gulped.
“To my aunts place” you lied and he raised an eyebrow.
“You’re lying” he said stalking a little closer, the shadows following.
“I-“ you stuttered heart pounding in your chest.
“Do you know what you are?” He asked and you frowned.
“A person-? I don’t-? What do you want from me!” You demanded with the courage you could muster up.
“Do you know, what you are?” He asked again and you sighed.
“Apparently not” you said and he hummed.
“If you’re going to kill me then do it” you hissed.
“I have no place here anyway” you whispered.
“Why would I kill the light?” He asked and you frowned at his words.
“I don’t understand you” you said.
“Shift” his voice was by your ear, low and deep almost eerie. You felt pain rush through you as you collapsed to the ground. You cried in agony your bones cracking and moving under your skin. Your skin began to change, white fur coming out of it, your hands turning into paws. You laid there a few seconds catching your breath at the extreme pain you had just experienced. You tried to push yourself up with your hands, only you stood on four legs. You looked down at your paws, large white paws firm on the ground. You tried too look at your body, heart pounding. You saw the darkling and went to yell at him only it came out growls and whines. You stopped feeling the sharp teeth in your mouth. An aura stayed around you, bright and misty almost.
“Saint” the darkling said and you frowned. A saint hadn’t been heard of in centuries, the last saint wolves had been powerful, stopping the wars and bringing wolves and humans together finally.
You began to panic, if anyone came down this road who wasn’t a wolf would certainly find Grisha to hunt you down.
You whined at him trying to speak, tell him to change you back. A voice echoed in your head, his voice telling you to shift again. You growled and whined till your cries became human and you shook on the hard ground. You curled in on yourself, clothes ruined by the sudden change. You cried softly, you were a wolf all this time, why hadn’t it shown? Why didn’t you shift at a young age.
“What did you do?” You said voice shaky.
“I made you whole”
next chapter
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iballisticcatt · 3 years
Old and New Friends
Note: Some of this writing is not my own.  rainbows-fanfics let me have a draft and create this. Thanks!
Louis’ POV
It had been a bit over a year since the Delta. Violet had started to get social again and Willy ended up making a prosthetic for Clementine. Life had been good, great even. I was in the piano room, playing away anything I could remember or any sheet music I found before the other music room burnt down. The door creaked open and scared me, making me jump and scream like a girl. Clementine came in laughing.
“That scream was amazing Louis,” Clementine chuckled, “Do it again!”
I became defensive but playful, “I was in the middle of playing piano when that door decided to creak in the middle of me playing!” 
Clem made her way over to the bench and sat down on my left, putting her head on my shoulder.
“I was thinking back to that card game we played when I first got here. You remember when I talked about that baseball player I met?” Clem seemed to be a bit brighter than usual as she spoke.
I responded, clawing into my memory to see if I could recollect, “Very, very vaguely.”
“Well, I was wondering if we could take a trip down there, the wars going on in the area are sure to have died down by this point, and Javi would be glad to see me. It’s where Richmond used to be, It’s called New Richmond, It is pretty far from here, but we can make good time if we find a car. It’s 300 miles from here to there. It should be about a week’s walk from here.” Clementine seemed excited at the prospect of seeing these people again, how could I say no to a face like that?
“Sounds like a hard trip, but I’m in. Who’s coming with us?” 
Clem smirked and looked right into my eyes, “Just us.”
That was unexpected, to say the least, but I was all for it. I nodded and smiled at the thought of being alone with her for so long. We both got up and went outside and explained the idea to everyone. Clem did most of the talking while I sat there and looked dumb. The idea eventually passed through and everyone helped us pack, we were going to head out in two days.
The two days passed, and with several goodbyes from A.J and Violet hugging me out of nowhere, we were off. Those days on the road were harder than I had ever expected, it only made me feel more guilty for leaving Clem and A.J to die in the forest, before the Delta. They were also some of the best. The cuddle sessions were amazing by the fire each day as one of us was on watch while the other slept. Seven days on the road and we finally arrived at gates with spikes on the ends of it and a control platform above it. As I first saw the gate, my mind forced me to blurt out, “This gives off medal music vibes to me.” Clem chuckled and said simply, “That’s kinda the point, don’t you think?” I replied quickly, “Yep.” As we approached the gates we saw a boy in an orange beanie, tallish, and holding an AK-47. 
Clem yelled out at the boy, “GUESS WHO’S BACK GABE?”
The boy jumped and looked at us, gun raised, then lowered it after looking a bit longer.
“Clementine? Is that seriously you?” The boy seemed shocked and happy
“In the flesh.”
The gates opened as Gabe came out and approached, I was walking beside Clem as the boy came and eyed me.
“Who are you?” He asked, strength in his voice.
“I am Louis, Clem’s boyfriend, she wanted me to meet you and Javier. I’ve heard about you guys from her.” I replied with strength above his own, subconsciously asserting my dominance over him.
His face dropped a bit at this realization. The face he made confused me a bit, but I brushed it off as Gabe spoke, “Well Clem, You are always welcome here to New Richmond, so let’s come in and find Kate and Javi, I’m sure they will be as glad to see you as I am and meet a new face.”
We were guided through the gates and a clang followed as they shut, seeming to trap us here. I hoped they wouldn’t kill us, I was sure they wouldn’t though. We followed a road down through the city, the buildings tall and unlike something I had seen since I was ten. We stopped in front of an apartment complex, the building standing tall with a raven or a crow standing in the front. We entered the building and climbed a flight of stairs before arriving at a door.
“Well, here is their apartment, I need to go back and get on watch, have fun.”
I quipped and smirked, “We certainly will!”
Clem looked at me and turned bright red, “Louis!” 
I just chuckled and knocked on the door three times. We waited for a second before the door opened and a tall man with black, moppy hair and a beard opened the door.
“Guess who’s back?”
A woman’s voice came from inside the house, “Wait, are you talking to Clementine? Is she back?”
The man, whom I assumed to be Javier, called back and said excitedly, “Yeah, it is! I can’t believe it! Wait, who is this?”
Clem responded, warmness in her voice, “Javi, this is my boyfriend Louis! Been with him a year and I adore him, I brought him along to meet you guys.”
Javier eyed me before sticking his hand out, I took it in kind, giving a firm grip to return his own. 
“Well come on in, Kate can’t wait to see you, Clem!” Javi seemed to be ultra excited, it had been a while since they had seen another. 
The one I assumed to be Kate stood up, her bangs split into thirds on her head with a braid in the back. She hugged Clementineshe was caring before eying me.
“Who might you be?” Kate seemed slightly concerned at my presence, her protective mode seemingly kicking in.
I replied, trying to defuse the tension, “I, am Louis, Clementine’s boyfriend.” I laid a kiss on Clem’s forehead as Kate relaxed a bit.
Javier spoke up, “Well, the last time I saw Clem she had the personality of an aggressive rock.”
I laughed, too long for Clementine’s liking. 
“I can’t imagine her like anything else but a teddy bear!” I replied between laughs and wheezes. Man, I like this guy already. 
A knock came back to the door, Three taps. Javi moved over to the door and there stood Gabe.
Gabe spoke, “My watch shift just ended, figured I’d hang out with you guys.” 
Javi looked over at Clem, “Well Clem, Kate and I would like to show you some of the newer things here in New Richmond,” Javi turned to face me, “You sure you’ll be okay with Gabe here?”
I replied with humor, “Of course, I have to be on my best behavior for my teddy bear here!”
Clementine punched my arm and chuckled. 
Kate entered the room, “We’ll get going, see you guys in a bit.”
They left without another word, stranding me with Gabe. We turned to face each other and I gave him an honest grin, nodding once in his direction. He smiled and awkwardly copied the gesture. We were then left in silence, our eye contact slipping as neither of us dared to start talking. I twiddled my thumbs under the table as I thought of what to say.
"So..." I whistled under my breath. "You're an old friend of Clem's?"
He looked surprised as I started speaking, but nodded in regards to the question. "Yeah, you could say that."
"How do you know her?" I pressed.
This may be awkward, but I was least getting to know him some more. I felt that was appropriate to do in this time frame until Clem got back. Gabe looked startled before going quiet, staring at the table and messing with his cuticles in thought. He looked up and shrugged, not bothering to make eye contact with me.
"Clementine helped us with overrunning the New Frontier. I helped her with some things and Javi said we made a great team together. Whether it was taking out walkers or playing a card game. She was just nice to be around."
I arched my eyebrow in interest. "Card games?"
"Oh, yeah, I, uh, taught her one." He squeezed his eyes shut before opening them again. "I think it was euchre."
"How about you and I play one, then?" I offered, grabbing the deck out of my usual pocket and holding it in my hands. "While we wait for them to get back, of course."
His eyes lit up. A good sign. "Shit? You carry a deck around with you, too?"
"You bet! Never know when the opportunity is gonna' come. I find that card games help lighten the mood." I dealt him a pile. "How about we play...war? Easy and shouldn't take that long."
"You seem to have a lot of confidence," He commented as he took his pile. I shrugged.
We started by focusing on the game first, easing into it by dealing with our cards. We had the same rank right out of the bat and, after turning them over, I found Gabe had the higher cards. I winched watching him take them and tuck them under his pile. Not a great start on my end, but I was sure I'd be doing better as the game progressed. We did a couple more rounds before I decided to speak again, clearing my throat.
"You said Clem was fun to be around with. Why's that?" His eyes looked into mine. They were too tense, so I followed it with a joke. "Didn't she, like, scare you? She has this aura about her, doesn't she? Freaked me out when I first met her."
"Oh, yeah." He gave a pitiful laugh. "I thought she hated me. Didn't think she'd ever talk to me."
"Right?" I laughed along. "I thought she'd stab me in my sleep when I first met her."
"She's intimidating, but I think that's why I liked her, you know? She's...interesting, once you get to know her."
He wore a shy smile as he flipped his card. I didn't say anything about it, not even when I won the round and took the cards. Gabe was right, after all. Clementine was a tough shell to crack, but when you got to know her, she was caring. To those, she liked, anyway. I admired her toughness as much as the next guy, and as much as it fazed me, I still didn't let it stop me from flirting with her.
"You're pretty good," He told me. I nodded back to him.
"You, too."
"So, Louis, uh..." He drummed his fingers against the table. "How do you know Clem? How did you guys meet exactly?"
"I think it was about a year ago. My friend, Marlon, found her and A.J. in a car crash near our boarding school. They treated Clem, but A.J. was a lot to handle without her there. He didn't exactly warm up to us at first. He was giving my friend Ruby a lot of issues. He even bit her on the hand just because she walked up from behind him."
"Oh, shit." Gabe cringed. I nodded and followed with a shrug.
"Yeah, well, I calmed him down by playing the piano. I don't know how long it was until Clem came into the room and met with him again. When she told me her name, I couldn't help it." A shit-eating grin grew on my face. "When she asked for another song, I sang her 'Oh My Darlin' Clementine'."
"How did she feel about that? She'd have punched me."
"She told me she loved that song. So I kept playing. I thought it would get on her nerves but it didn't. Not like that's an issue; I've found other ways to get under her skin."
I saw I had won the round and collected my share. By this point, we were getting closer to the end of the game. I was winning right now; Gabe's pile got smaller while we were talking. I grinned as we flipped over our next set of cards, hoping to get this meaningless victory just so I'd have something to talk about later. I noticed Gabe's sudden silence and glanced up. He was staring at his cards, a troubled expression on his face.
"Sorry, I meant to go easy but my cards were just too good." I rubbed my hand along my coat conceitedly.
He looked up in surprise. How do I manage to keep startling him just by talking? Either that or he was spacing out a lot. "O-Oh, uh, I was just...thinking."
"Well, then. Penny for your thoughts? They're not back yet and, as good as I am at winning, the game isn't exactly over just yet."
"Yeah." He chuckled nervously, watching as I won the round again. "I, uh...I was just wondering something. Like, um, how you and Clem are...together." His hesitation made me quirk an eyebrow. "The last time I saw her, she was really serious and kind of, well, hard at times. You're the exact opposite. How did she...fall for you, exactly?"
My eyes widened in surprise. I wasn't sure how to respond to that question. Juggling the card box in my hand, I thought about it seriously for a moment. "Well, I guess making her laugh a lot helped."
"How do you do that, though? It was hard just to get her to smile when I last with her." His frown deepened. "But you do it so easily...you don't even have to say anything and she still smiles."
"Heh." My chest warmed at that. "I don't know, honestly. It's usually me making a stupid joke and just hoping someone will laugh. If she finds it funny, she'll laugh."
His look didn't change. "Yeah. That makes sense."
It grew tense as we ended the game, all the cards in my pile. I expected to feel triumphant for winning, but the look on his face made me feel guilty for naturally doing so good at the game. I knitted my eyebrows together as I stuffed the cards back in, wondering what went wrong in our conversation. As I closed the lid and slid it back in my pocket, I faced him again.
"Well, that was fun! We should play another after dinner." It encouraged me to see him nod slightly. "I'm sure Clem will want to join, too."
He perked up. "Really?"
I wondered why he reacted that way so quickly. Before I question anything about it, we heard footsteps coming. Gabe smiled looking past me and stood from his seat, moving faster than I could get off of the bench. The door opened as we saw Clem, Kate, and Javier coming in. They were smiling, but I could tell just from the look on Clementine's face that there was something important. Gabe greeted them and I followed behind, slipping my hand into Clem's.
"You guys are back quicker than I thought," Gabe commented.
"Everyone's doing their job. We just checked in on things. We saw Jesus too." Javi explained. "What have you and Louis been up to?"
"We played a short game of war."
"And I won. Naturally." I added. Clem shoved my side as she rolled her eyes. I noticed Gabe watching us intently through the corner of my eye. As I turned, he faced his uncle.
"I can help you get everyone for dinner. And set things up."
"Thanks, Gabriel." 
Dinner was a blur, everything blends together when everyone is laughing. The next day Clementine and I left, giving our goodbyes. I was sad to go, Gabe was a cool dude, but that’s just how it goes. Seven days later and A.J tackles Clementine and then me. We were home.
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bobathirstaccount · 4 years
This or That
Boba x fem!reader x Din, Fennec shows up for some girl talk, smut, some romance/ plot
You are stuck in a love triangle with two Mandalorians. Maybe a threesome will help you sort your feelings out?

Mando brushed past you, reaching out a hand to touch you softly. You smiled to yourself and readjusted in your hammock. You felt Boba’s eyes on you, but didn’t acknowledge him. Sometimes he was too much. “Dinner?” Mando asked, holding up three meal packs. You both nodded, so he tossed one to Boba and handed yours to you. He sat down in another hammock to eat. Boba leaned back against the wall, taking a break from soldering whatever he was working on. You swung in your hammock and ate quietly.
You felt the tension bubbling underneath the bounds of propriety. You thought about them both. Mando was soft, kind. He was always checking in with you, making sure you were okay. The way he lingered around you spoke for itself. There was something else he wanted, but he didn’t know how to admit it. Boba was harder, but kind in his own way. Older. He knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to go after it. As his hands had shown you over the course of the past couple weeks. You got wet thinking about his roving hands, but pushed that thought down. You didn’t need to become distracted by lust.
Dinner over, you hopped out of your resting place and headed to the fresher. It was time for your daily shower. You liked to keep somewhat of a consistent schedule.
You stepped out of the shower, realizing you had forgotten a towel. What were you to do? You panicked for a second before grabbing your dirty shirt. This would have to do until you could get to your cubby hole to grab your towel. You tsked at yourself. Now you were damp and uncomfortable.
You looked both ways before you exited the fresher. You were slightly embarrassed. Seeing no one, you took off towards your destination. You turned the corner, apparently catching the two Mandalorians in conversation. They turned to stare at you.
“Oh, uh... just forgot my towel,” you said, embarrassment creeping into your tone.
“You should do it more often,” Boba commented, dragging his eyes over your body. “I didn’t know you had tattoos.”
You blushed. Mando shifted his weight and cleared his throat. “Anyway, I think that’s the best plan.”
Boba turned back to him, slightly annoyed. You grabbed your towel and beat it. You felt awkwardly aroused being nearly naked in front of them. You thought about their armor, and how it would feel against your skin. You dropped the thought. Not this again.

The next day you went into town with Fennec. You got to take Mando’s speeder, so you two raced. She of course won, but it was always fun to play with her.
You picked up a piece of fruit, turning it over. It looked okay. You put it in the bag Fennec had slung over her shoulder. She was also inspecting the fruit. “So you caused quite the disruption last night, in your little tee shirt,” she tossed the piece of fruit she was holding back into the pile. You turned to her, surprised, “How’d you hear about that?”
“I was in the room, I was just laying down in a hammock so you didn’t notice me.” She half smiled, “You were a little distracted, dealing with all that male attention.”
You shook your head, “I just needed my towel.”
“You’re really driving them crazy.”
You could’t believe Fennec was saying all this. She was saying the quiet part out loud. You flushed deeply.
“Just girl talking you. Someone needs to. Put them out of their misery and choose one. Or neither?” She studied you.
You pursed your lips, “You just want me to fuck your boss so he’ll have a better attitude.” She laughed, “I’m pretty sure that’s just who he is regardless. But I could be wrong...” she touched your hair.
You brushed her hand away and sighed. “I don’t... know what to do. I’ve never had this issue before?” You looked at her, asking for help.
She held up her hands, “You’re on your own there. I’m just saying: something has to give. So make a choice. Do something.” You turned the thought over in your mind. You guessed you were the tiebreaker.
Shrugging, you said, “Maybe I’ll just fuck ‘em both.”
You laughed and shoved her lightly. She pushed you back, smiling. You let the conversation drop.
Back on the ship, you picked the conversation back up in your head. You had debated with yourself. You and Mando had carefully been getting to know each other for awhile before Boba burst onto the scene. But there was something about him. You tapped your fingers on the book you were reading. What was a girl to do? Mando passed by you, squeezing your foot as he walked by. You smiled to yourself.
You had overslept, and so Fennec had left without you. You complained, “I can’t believe she just didn’t wake me up?” You liked the trips into town.
“You were too peaceful to interrupt,” Mando said softly. You smiled, but then frowned. “Still can’t believe she ditched me.”
“Maybe she thought you needed the sleep?”

”I dunno. Now my schedule is all thrown off.” You squinted at your watch. “It’s so late.”
“What are your plans for today?”

”Well, now... nothing. There is some maintenance I can help Boba with.”
Mando nodded, saying nothing but clearly not pleased. You could tell by the way he tilted his helmet slightly away from you.
Boba walked into the room, “Ah, good morning. The princess finally rises.” You heard the bemusement in his voice. You gave him a face, sitting fully up in your hammock. He reached up a hand to grab your chin lightly as he passed by you. Your tummy flip flopped.
Mando cleared his throat testily, “Well, you can still take my speeder into town to meet up with her.” You considered it. “Why do you want to send her away?” Boba asked, casually leaning against the wall of his ship.
“I’m not. She wanted to go.”
You felt the tension building again, almost spilling over. You nervously looked between them before swinging out of your bed. You went to get breakfast, leaving the men to challenge each other. You couldn’t deal with it this close to waking up.

You leaned against the counter in the kitchenette, sipping coffee. It burned your throat, but you needed some caffeine, so you tolerated it, hissing slightly. You decided to go sit in the observation room. You liked looking out at the desert sometimes, watching the weather unfold above it. It looked bright and hot. Naturally. You sipped your coffee, sitting.
You heard armor rustling behind you. Mando sat down next to you, putting his knee on the seat and turning towards you. You looked over your shoulder at him. He tilted his head.

Boba’s silhouette filled the doorway. He walked past Mando and you, and sat on your other side, blocking your view. You’d be annoyed, but he was nice to look at. For some reason he’d donned his helmet, though. You were unused to not seeing his sharp eyes. Without his emoting, you weren’t sure what to think. You couldn’t read his body language like you could Mando’s. He turned his helmeted head to you. You felt squished between them. Their auras seemed to be enveloping you, battling it out. You felt stuffy, hot. You licked your lips.
Mando leaned in, running a hand down your spine. You shuddered, gasping. Boba put a strong hand on your thigh, getting to the point as he always did. You stared into his visor in confusion. You could see Mando’s head tilting in the reflection. You thought about your joking words from days earlier, “Maybe I’ll just fuck ‘em both.”
You inhaled and held it. Was this happening? What was happening. You made a decision, like Fennec had told you. You leaned back into Mando’s lap, but put your hand over Boba’s hand, indicating not to withdraw. You waited for them to make their next moves.
There was a moment of silence before Boba squeezed your leg lightly. “Didn’t think you’d be so nasty, princess.” You looked at his hand and back to his visor, uncertain what to say. Mando stirred behind you. He wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you to him. Not to be outdone, Boba leaned towards you and ran his hand all the way up to your groin. He stopped there, waiting for your approval.
You moaned softly, and spread your legs slightly. He didn’t need any more invitation. He moved his hand in between your legs and started to pet you through your pants. Mando dropped his head onto your shoulder and moved his hand up to your breasts. You made an overwhelmed noise.
Boba suddenly pulled you towards him with one swift movement. Your ass ended up in Mando’s face. You readjusted, realizing you were on all fours now. You gulped. Wow.
Mando stood and grabbed your hips with his hands. They were strong, but tentatively. Boba wasted no time. He pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it to the other side of the room. You watched it go, momentarily missing it. His hands roamed over your body, squeezing and massaging you. You felt a tingle in your nether regions. Damn.
Mando finally reached around and undid your pants. You held on to your underwear as he pulled them and your socks off. You were suddenly in nothing but your mismatched undies. Boba pushed you up into a standing position, crowding you into Mando, who stood solid as a tree. You felt your back being pushed into his cuirass. The metal was deliciously cold. Boba’s hands continued to explore you. His chest was centimeters from you. You brought your hands up to his helmet, cupping it between them. You felt him staring at you.
“You sure you want this?” His hands went to your panties, ready to pull them off. Mando wrapped both arms around your waist, squeezing between you and Boba’s torsos. “We don’t have to do this,” he muttered to you, pulling you to himself.
You swallowed. No, you wanted to do it. You squeaked out your desire to keep going somehow, and your panties were gone just like that. Mando’s hands went to your bra, pulling it over your head. As soon as the fabric was away from your skin, you felt Boba’s gloved hands playing with you. Your pussy clutched at this. Mando’s hands went down to your pussy without delay. He slipped his fingers into your folds, gently petting you. Your pussy was drenched between the two of them touching you.
Boba backed up, pulling you onto all fours again. Mando grabbed your hip with one hand, the other hand still busy with your pussy. Boba inserted two fingers into your mouth experimentally. You looked up at him, sucking lightly. “Hnnn, so nasty,” he said, undoing his belt. He tossed it to the side, then started to work on his pants. You started to breath heavily. Holy shit.
Mando’s hands left you. You heard him working on his clothing as well. Boba pulled his already erect cock out of his pants. Your eyes widened. You always wondered what he was packing. It was impressive to see. You opened your mouth eagerly. He slapped you with his dick. “Hey!” You laughed, then took it in your mouth.
You felt the head of Mando’s cock appear at your entrance. You were soaked, so he started to slip in already. He grabbed your hips, pausing. Boba moaned as you sucked him off, taking him into your throat, gagging slightly. You felt Mando penetrate you in one stroke, making you moan pathetically. You readjusted, spreading your legs wider for him. He was big, stretching you out. It burned slightly. It was delicious.
Boba put his hand at the back of your head and started to fuck your throat in earnest. You sniffled and gagged, taking it. Mando started to pound into you, his left hand going to your clit. He rubbed tight, slow circles, driving you crazy. You started to squirm, feeling an orgasm approaching. You were skewered on your two Mandalorians. The idea itself was intoxicating.
“Want to switch?” Boba said to Mando. He didn’t respond at first. You thought, he probably had no idea how to respond to such a question. Did he want to switch from your pussy to your mouth? It was probably something that had never crossed his mind as a possibility.
“If she wants to,” he finally said.

“Well let’s find out.” Boba pulled his cock out of your mouth. You gasped for breath, trying to sniffle away your tears and mucus.
“What do you say, princess? You want me in your pussy yet?”
You nodded, unable to speak. Mando pulled out and they carefully turned you around. You were now facing Mando’s cock. Boba filled you up suddenly, grabbing your hair and pulling as he did. You hissed in protest, but your pussy let you know a little pain brought more pleasure. Your hiss turned into a moan.
Mando’s hand went to your jaw. He massaged it for a second before putting his cock in your mouth. You tasted yourself on him and groaned, turned on. You started to suck and work him with your hand vigorously. He moaned and both his hands went to your hair. Boba let go of your hair in response, and instead grabbed your hips. He switched the angle of his thrusts slightly. This angle hit something in you you rarely found on your own. You started to moan in earnest, writhing under him. Mando kept his cock stuffed in your mouth.
“I wanna cum in this tight pussy,” Boba said, panting. Your pussy jumped at the words. He kept mercilessly fucking you. Mando kept mercilessly fucking your throat. You felt an impending orgasm. It built at the base of your pussy, growing in density and mass. Finally it exploded, rippling through your pussy and your body. You saw stars.
“Hnn, your pussy is so good,” Boba said, fucking you erratically. He pulled out and came on your back, grunting. You shivered from your orgasm. Suddenly you knew what you wanted next. You pulled away from Mando, who let you go. You flipped yourself so your pussy was again facing Mando.

”I want you to fuck me,” you said. He complied, reentering you with a grunt. He grabbed your neck with one hand and stroked you. Your pussy, already worked up, was quickly at the verge of orgasm again. Mando slowly drug his other hand around your body, returning to your clit. You moaned, overwhelmed. Boba pulled your hair out of your face. He had removed his helmet. He licked you from your throat up to your jaw, lightly choking you. 

Mando continued to fuck into you, increasing intensity. All the stimulation pushed you over the edge, and you came again, moaning and squirming. Mando groaned loudly, and quickly pulling out, also came on your back. He sat back, panting. You collapsed into Boba, breathing hard and still whimpering. He gently turned you around so you were sitting in his lap with your head on his shoulder. He kissed you softly on your forehead. He was still breathing deeply. “Time for me to go,” he whispered to you, getting up and pushing you into Mando’s lap. You sank into Mando, exhausted and recovering from your multiple orgasms. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, and put his helmet on the top of your head.
Finally you sat up, looking into Mando’s visor. “I need a shower,” you laughed. He nodded, unsure what to say. You kissed the side of his helmet, and flitted off to the shower, totally naked.
In the shower you thought about what had just happened. You closed your eyes and hugged yourself under the warm water. You imagined the strong feeling of their bodies on either side of yours. How their cocks felt fucking you. You got wet again thinking about that. You switched up your thought process. You couldn’t do this anymore. You had to make a choice. While they had agreed to fuck you together, it was not something that was going to be on the table again. It felt like a one time thing.
You snuck out of the shower to your cubby hole. You encountered Fennec again. You were totally nude. You sighed, uncomfortable. “Well, I see something happened today,” she said, her hands raising. “I’m not going to touch this. I didn’t see you like this.” She walked off, leaving you slightly embarrassed and slightly amused. You dried off and quickly dressed, still a bit damp. But you needed to get clothes on again.
You went in search of your chosen lover. You found him outside, leaning against his speeder, staring at the suns. They were just beginning to set. You put your butt on the speeder next to him, and put your head on his shoulder. He had removed his armor, so his shoulder was soft with the fabric of his clothing.
He froze, and turned to look at you with sharp eyes. “Really? I didn’t think I stood a chance against a younger man.” He snaked an arm around your waist, looking down at you. You shrugged, “Maybe it worked in your favor.” He smiled faintly, then said softly, “I’m not a very nice man.”
“No. But you’re nice to me.”

”That’s because I like you.”
“That’s good enough for me.”

He kissed you on your forehead tenderly. You looked up, surprised. His face was soft, open. He almost looked unfamiliar. You tilted your head up and forward and kissed him lightly. He returned the kiss gently, eyes softening. “Definitely good enough for me.”
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 17)
Chapter 17 - Some feelings.
Word count: 3.8k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hello hello~ Chapter 17 is here! The story still has quite a long way to go, I hope you all don’t mind 🥺 Also! I’m working on more y/n and Junkyu interactions too (I need to remind myself this is a junkyu x y/n fic please omg fhdhhd) T^T Thank you for reading as always, love you all! <3
“Thanks everyone for the hearty meal today. I enjoyed it really well,” you said to them as you stood near their front door, along with them crowding the small area.
Well, everyone that is except for Junkyu.
“Aww y/n, you sure you can’t stay and hang with us?” Jeongwoo whined. “We could gather in Hyunsuk-hyung’s room and watch a movie on his PC.”
“What? Why my room??”
“Or! You could come over to our dorm instead! We can hang there too!” Jeongwoo continued, ignoring Hyunsuk’s question.
You shook your head as you giggled. “Thank you, but uh, I think I better head home. I mean, I’d love to hang, but maybe next time?”
“Okay…” Jeongwoo answered, slightly pouting now.
“Thanks for helping us out with the dishes as well y/n,” Jihoon thanked you, referring to how you volunteered to wash all the dishes after lunch just now.
“No biggie. I’ll see you all next time,” you smiled as you exited the front door.
“Wait! I’ll send you back,” Hyunsuk said as he reached for his shoes as well.
“Huh? Oh no, it’s fine! I live literally 10 floors below you guys, so it’s fine, Hyunsuk,”
“Nonsense! I won’t leave my lady friend walking alone home,” he said, slipping on his shoes.
Seeing that Hyunsuk was done putting on his shoes, you bowed at the rest, leaving them. Hyunsuk tagged along behind you.
Jihoon closed the front door and headed back towards the living room with the rest of the members.
“Oh? Kim Junkyu? You were here all the time? Why didn’t you say goodbye to y/n?” he asked when he realised that his friend didn’t say goodbye to you like the rest.
Junkyu sat on the sofa, looking slightly annoyed when he heard Jihoon mentioning your name.
“Yah, I’m talking to you,” Jihoon said to him.
Junkyu finally looked at him directly and opened his mouth to say, “Why did you have to give her my shirt?? That was my favourite one too!”
The younger members all exchanged looks with one another. They knew where this was going.
“Uh, kids! Let’s all go watch something on Hyunsuk-hyung’s PC!” Yoshi suggested.
With that, all the younger members followed Yoshi into Hyunsuk’s room, leaving only Jihoon and Junkyu in the living room.
Jihoon scoffed. “What’s the big deal? You were the one that ruined her shirt. Shouldn’t she be wearing your shirt then??”
“Okay but why the ASSC shirt?? You know I like that one!”
“Okay, I’m sorry. Clearly, it was my fault for handing her that shirt specifically. But, in my defense, I thought that it’s better for her to wear your old shirt rather than giving her anything new from your closet!”
Junkyu stood up from his seat. “Park Jihoon, next time, ask me first before deciding on your own!”
“Why are you getting all worked up over this?? Y/n is going to return your shirt anyways! Just like how she did with Hyunsuk-hyung’s shirt last time, remember??”
Junkyu sighed frustratedly at his friend’s response. To be honest, he wasn’t frustrated at Jihoon at all. He was frustrated at himself for lashing out like this. Again, he doesn’t know why he’s acting this way.
“Junkyu…why are you so angry at this?” Jihoon asked, gentler now since he noticed his friend no longer responding to him.
Junkyu walked up towards the window and stared at the view outside. He lets out another sigh.
“Do you…not like Y/n? Do you…hate her…?” Jihoon asked this time.
Hearing this question, Junkyu immediately turned to look at Jihoon.
“Wha…t?” he asked his friend.
Jihoon’s eyes looked completely serious as he stared at his best friend. “I said, do you hate y/n?”
“Why are you asking me this…”
“Because Junkyu, I need to know how you truly feel about her. If you hate her, then fine, I won’t bring her over or let you meet her anymore after this,”
“I…” Junkyu shook his head. “I don’t know,”
This made Jihoon scoff again. “Please. You do know. You’re just too scared to admit it.”
“Listen, Junkyu. If you don’t like her, just let me know. Because as your best friend, I wouldn’t want to force you to be friends with anyone that makes you feel uncomfortable--”
Jihoon stopped talking. He blinked a couple times, surprised with what has left his friend’s mouth.
“Yes, y/n makes me feel uncomfortable.”
“N-no way. You’re lying,”
“What if I’m not lying?”
“Look, I don’t hate her okay! I just,” Junkyu lets out another frustrated sigh. “I just—whenever I see her, my chest feels tight, and I can’t seem to think of what to say—so yes, she makes me uncomfortable!”
Junkyu sat back on the sofa, covering his face with his hands.
He took a deep breath and pushed his hair to the back with his right hand.
“Junkyu…do you like y/n?” Jihoon asked this time, more carefully.
Junkyu bit his bottom lip and blinked couple of times. He looks up at his friend that was standing opposite him. He stared at Jihoon, not saying anything.
Jihoon looked into his friend’s eyes for a while before saying, “It’s alright. It’s all good,” he walked up towards his friend and gave him a pat on the head.
 “Thanks for walking me home, Hyunsuk. Even though you didn’t have to,” you said as the both of you reached your front door.
“It’s no biggie. Like I said, there’s no way I’d let you walk home alone,”
You smiled at him, thinking how nice of a person he is. You suddenly remembered how he also helped you, a complete stranger at the time, when you first met back then.
“Don’t stare at me like that for too long,” he joked, noticing how you kept smiling and staring at him.
You stopped smiling and rolled your eyes at him slightly, making him pinch your cheeks in response to what you did.
“Ow hey, chill it with the cheeks, okay?” you rubbed your now red cheeks from his pinch earlier.
“You’re too cute, y/n,” he said, grinning with his eye-smile that you like looking at. Whenever Hyunsuk smiles like that, you felt warm all over. His smile really works like an antidote for any negative emotions, you thought.
You smiled back at him and tapped your finger on his nose, which caught him by surprise.
“Pfft, you’re the cute one, silly,” you said, really meaning it. “Well, I guess I’ll head in. Thanks again for sending me home,”
Hyunsuk nodded at you. He watched as you entered your combination lock on your door and as you entered, you called out to him again, “Oh yeah, Hyunsuk?”
“Hm, yeah?”
“I’ll return your shirt soon, okay?”
“Oh? Oh that’s not mine. That’s Junkyu’s.”
“Oh?? I-I see. I’ll return it to him, soon.”
“Sure, no worries there, y/n,”
The both of you waved goodbye to each other and Hyunsuk headed back towards the elevators once you shut your front door.
Treasure Dorm #1
Hyunsuk enters his apartment and shuts the door behind him, locking it. He took off his shoes and arranges it on the shelf near the entrance itself.
Stepping into the living room, he sees Junkyu sitting on the sofa, while Jihoon stood right in front of him. The both of them were hugging each other, well, to be more precise, Junkyu was hugging Jihoon’s legs since he was still seated on the sofa.
“I’m so sorry for shouting at you,”
“No, no, I should be the one saying sorry,”
Hyunsuk tilted his head slightly, taking in the bizarre scene that’s going on in front of him.
“Uhh, are you both okay?” he asked, approaching them now.
The both of them let go of each other upon hearing their hyung’s voice.
“Oh, hyung! You’re back!” Jihoon greeted him.
“How was…y/n?” Junkyu asked, hesitating a bit when he said your name.
Jihoon wanted to giggle at his best friend’s shy attitude when it comes to matters concerning you, but he managed to hold himself from doing so.
“Ah, she’s fine. Oh! She said she’ll return your shirt to you soon, Junkyu-aa”
“She knows it’s my shirt??”
“Yeah, I told her so. Why?”
Junkyu shook his head, “nothing. I just—nothing.”
Hyunsuk looks around the living room, noticing the other younger members weren’t around and it seemed quiet in the house.
“Where are the kids?” He asked Jihoon.
“Oh, I think they’re in your room,”
“Wha--? Why? Ah, never mind that,” he said, deciding that he doesn’t mind it at all. “Anyways,” he added, making both of the ’00 liners look at him.
“Y/n said I was cute earlier,” he bragged, his grin showing on his face.
Jihoon’s eyes widened when he heard this. He immediately looks at Junkyu.
Junkyu frowned when he heard what his hyung said about you.
“A-aigoo, that’s normal! Y/n calls everyone cute!” Jihoon laughs awkwardly, afraid that whatever Hyunsuk said might hurt his best friend’s feelings.
Hyunsuk shook his head cutely, his smile still visible on his face. “This is different! She even bopped my nose, like this,” he said as he taps his finger on Junkyu’s nose.
Junkyu forced himself to smile back at his hyung who was still all giddily talking about you.
Jihoon sensed his friend’s dark aura exuding in the room so he tried his best to change the subject.
“Oh, hyung! Have you ever seen that documentary?? A Social Dilemma? I heard people say it’s good!”
Hyunsuk frowned at his friend, “I haven’t heard of it. And Jihoon, don’t interrupt me when I’m talking about y/n. Now where was I? Ah right, did you know? Y/n’s cheeks are so soft—”
Suddenly, Junkyu stood up.
Hyunsuk stopped talking since he was surprised by Junkyu’s action.
“I…I’m heading back to my room,” Junkyu said as he quickly leaves both his leaders.
Hyunsuk watched as Junkyu’s back disappeared into his room. “Huh…Junkyu seems…a bit down…”
Jihoon facepalmed and lets out a sigh. “Obviously, hyung. You need to read the room a little better next time,”
 The weekend went by fast, dragging everyone back into their dreaded nightmare. Monday. You watched as everyone in the meeting room that your team has occupied since last week looked all demotivated and solemn.
“Hey, did everyone have a bad weekend or something? Why does everyone on your team look so down,” Chani whispered to you, as he leans close to you.
You turned to him and showed him a bored look as well. “The presentation…is taking wayyyy too long, Chani. Also, it’s Monday. Everybody hates Mondays,”
Chani rolled his eyes at you. “Puh-lease. I don’t hate Mondays. What’s with you all and the typical Monday blues. You’re all making it seem like Monday is the bad guy or something,”
You scowled at him and decided to just ignore him. You focused on the presentation being done by your team leader.
You watched as she presented the modules prepared by your company in such a classy and efficient manner. It matches her pretty face too, you thought. At times you wonder if Soomin herself knows how amazing of a person she is.
You rubbed your right eye, trying to shake off the tired feeling you felt. It’s not like you were tired by Soomin’s presentation though.
The truth was that, you had spent most of your weekend staring. Staring at the specific black tshirt that you had washed and dried and placed on the top part of your clothes rack.
It was Junkyu’s shirt. Junkyu’s. And you hadn’t even thanked him for it. You had tried drafting a short message on your phone but you couldn’t seem to press send. Why? Good question. Why?? You keep asking yourself this as well.
“I have a question,” one of YGE’s staff said as he raised his hand, interrupting your thoughts and also interrupting Soomin in the middle of her explanation.
“Oh? Uh, now?” Soomin asked back, perplexed that this staff actually had the nerve to interrupt her while she was presenting in front. Especially since everyone knows Soomin usually takes questions after whatever she presented was done.
“Yes, now.” The staff said firmly.
Bomin chuckled at his staff’s straightforwardness. “Alright then. Let’s hear your question since it seems to be so urgent. I’m pretty sure Ms. Soomin can answer whatever it is,” he says confidently as he nodded knowingly at Soomin.
Soomin shot him a glare instead, feeling upset that her very own best friend allowed that sort of behaviour from his own staff.
Soomin clicked her tongue. “Huh, sure. What was your question, sir?”
“Uh oh,” you mumbled to yourself.
“What, what?” Chani whispered to you when he heard you.
“Nothing…it’s just that, whenever Soomin clicks her tongue like that, it means that she’s annoyed,” you whispered back at him.
“Ahh, I see,” Chani said as he nods.
You watched the tension between Soomin, Bomin and the YG Staff increased in the room. Your team members were all focused on the meeting again now.
“Well, I’m just curious as to why we need to do these modules that you keep wasting your voice presenting on. Clearly it’s the same concept as those exercise books at the bookstores. Why should we, working people, commit to doing these modules? What, do you take us for high school students or something??” he laughed sarcastically after he asked this.
Soomin’s right eyebrow raised upon hearing this. She was clearly annoyed by this man’s question, you thought.
“It’s not the same. These modules were developed by our team yearly based on the feedback and analysis we did on our clients,” she answered back firmly.
“Pfft, I’ll say. I’m not letting this come out of my paycheck. This isn’t worth paying for,” the staff scoffed.
You felt your jaw tightened. Why is this man putting Soomin on the spot like that?? It’s unfair how he’s barking at her with his limited knowledge of your company’s planning for their staff.
“Huh, I see,” Soomin huffed. Everyone could see her expression has changed into anger at this point.
You noticed Soomin’s grip on the pen in her hand tightened.
Worried that the man would continue making her angry, you hurriedly stood up, surprising everyone in the room with your action.
“Miss Y/n? Is there something you need?” Bomin questioned you.
“If I may,” you said as you turned to look at your team leader, hoping she’d let you speak.
Soomin gave you a subtle nod. You nod back at her.
“If I may, sir. I’ll answer your questions regarding our modules from hereon.” You said, your heart pounding loudly now.
“Hah! A mere intern answering my questions! This should be interesting!” the man retorted sarcastically.
You bit the inside of your cheek, holding in your scowl. The nerve of this man! I’m not an intern! I’m a regular staff like the rest too!
You faked a smile at the man and decided to just explain back Soomin’s answers to his questions before this. “First of all, sir. I believe my team has emailed each and every one of you and your staff a copy of this module, right? Right, so if you did look through the module, you would know that the level of exercises we gave has a scaffolding technique in which you will be doing the exercises based on stages. And if you did read the module, you would know that the tips and notes given were all generated from our past analysis so you’d see how these notes aren’t accessible anywhere but from only our company.”
The man frowned at you, upset with your explanation that everyone including his team members agreed upon.
“Oh, right. I don’t know where you’ve been all this while but I clearly remember on the first day of our meeting we handed you all a contract form to be signed. And the contract clearly states that these modules were ordered by your company and not a single cent would be deducted from your salary. Oh but I guess you must have overlooked that part since you immediately signed without reading,” you added, a hint of sarcasm in your voice this time.
The room started talking all around, telling the man that you were right and that he should’ve minded his own business.
Soomin smiled at you, her tight expression softened as she was grateful you stood up to help her. Bomin shook his head as he watched everyone in the room talking out loud now.
Chani pulled you down to let you sit back in your chair beside him. He flashed you a proud smile. You smiled and nodded back at him.
YGE Building (Lunchtime – Rooftop balcony)
 “You were so cool! How did you even have the courage to speak up?? Last I checked, you were the quiet and timid type,” Chani said as he spooned rice into his mouth.
“I couldn’t help it. That man was being horrid to my poor Soomin-eonnie,”
“Ugh, tell me about it. The whole team stinks,” Chani grimaced.
“Hey, you’re a part of that team too, you know,” you reminded him.
“Yeah but I’m just an intern. They’re all horrible twats, including Bomin-hyung,”
“Shh! Are you crazy!? You can’t just go around saying bad things about your team leader like that!” your eyes looked around, just in case anyone would hear him, although it was obvious only the two of you would have lunch in an open space like the balcony area.
“Nah, I ain’t scared of him or anyone here,” Chani said matter-of-factly as he takes a sip of his drink.
You shook your head at him as he grinned sheepishly at you, acting like what he said wasn’t serious at all.
 “Bomin-ssi, about today,” the staff that had stirred up the meeting earlier today said as he approached his team leader in his office.
“Today, my friend, you’ve really created a mess. You have no idea how hurt my best friend was,” Bomin said, leaning back into his swivel chair.
“I-I’m sorry. I just, I was annoyed with the program that’s all. Work was all tiring enough, and now we have to do exercises and modules??”
“That’s just something the company wants us to do. It’s for our own self-development too.” Bomin shot back.
“I know, and I’m sorry for making a scene today,”
“Oh, but the intern from today.” The staff said, referring to you.
“Hm? What about her?”
“She’s really something, huh? The way she answered was so efficient I almost thought she was doing a better job than Soomin-ssi does even though Soomin is their team leader!” he laughed a little saying this.
Bomin frowned upon hearing this.
Not realising that he had made Bomin more upset, the staff continued on. “We’re getting separated into groups starting tomorrow, right? I look forward to seeing the list. I must say, anyone who gets into that intern’s group would be really lucky, eh? She must be very good at guiding and teaching people.”
With that, the staff leaves Bomin’s office, leaving him alone to think further of what had happened today.
“Huh…” Bomin says to himself as an idea popped into his mind.
 YGE Building – 4th Floor (Meeting Room 6)
 You entered the meeting room and looked around the room. The room wasn’t as big as the meeting rooms that you had always used with your team but you guessed it was okay since it could probably hold up around 5-6 people in the room.
Since you will be guiding some of the YG staffs for their exercises and modules for this whole week starting tomorrow, each person from your team was assigned with a particular meeting room. For your case though, you were the only person who had gotten the meeting room on 4th floor.
Closing the door behind you, you walk up towards the end part of the table, placing your bag onto the table. You leaned against the table and noticed that a huge mirror was placed opposite your view, making you notice that your full reflection was staring back at you from where you were standing.
You turned around and noticed the medium-sized whiteboard on the front end of the room, the air conditioner controller right beside the door, the bright white lights emitting from the ceiling…suddenly it hit you on what this room reminded you of.
Your eyes widened as you realised that the room reminded you of those interrogation rooms you’ve seen in the police movies you watched before this.
You shuddered from the realisation as it hit you. Shaking your head to yourself, you decided to step outside the room since being alone in here makes you feel a little scared.
You grabbed your phone with you and exited the door. Now you’re facing the railings that faced you to the open space below and the opposite side of you was the other part of the building facing you.
You leaned against the railings, facing the opposite part of the building and dialed onto your phone, texting Chani about the room you gotten for the groupings starting tomorrow.
 Chatroom (Chani and Y/n)
Y/N: The room looked like one of those interrogation room in those police movies. I feel like a criminal in question 🤡
Chani: LOL for real?? I’ll come visit you in a bit. Can’t wait to feel like a criminal 👀
Y/N: Bye, I’m blocking you for real this time 😒
 You chuckled to yourself thinking about how Chani’s weird antics are always making you laugh. You let out a sigh and let yourself drift into your own thoughts again. You wondered how many staff you’d get to guide and tutor tomorrow… You couldn’t wait to start doing your job for real this time.
On the other hand, while you were busy staring into space outside your meeting room, you didn’t realise the pair of eyes that were staring at you from the floor that was a level lower but oppositely facing you.
Junkyu rested his right hand against his chin, supporting it as he leaned in against the railings in front of him. Even from below here, he couldn’t help but feel his heart skip fast as he continues staring at you. He remembers Jihoon’s question the other day, when he was asked whether he likes you.
If he does like you, if what he was feeling all this while were him liking you, he wondered when did it all started at all? When did he really start catching feelings for you? To be honest he couldn’t even remember when he started feeling this way.
He blinked a couple times, his view not leaving your figure that was located on the floor above and directly opposite him. Your eyes were staring straight ahead but it looked like you were thinking about something.
“Y/n…” he whispers, the words being only audible for him to hear. “What if…I do like you?”
 To be continued…
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adrianasunderworld · 4 years
Something in your Aura
Raihans female!reader
Tired. He was so very tired. Raihan had a packed schedule most of the day. From a photoshoot in the early morning, a training session with his gyms trainers, and then overlooking some documents in the archives. By the time he left the vault, the sun was starting to set. He was ready to sleep, eat, and shower, not necessarily in that order.
    But it seemed the day was not over yet. As he walked down the street, Raihan heard what sounded like a pokemon cry. It was small yelping noise that gradually got closer and closer to him. Looking behind him, Raihan was greeted with the sight of the tiniest Rioulu he had ever seen come bounding up to him. The little one stopped in front of him, tilting its head up and staring curiously.
    Raihan knelt down at the little pokemons level and held out a hand for them to sniff. "Where did you come from?" 
   "Riii" it replied, putting its little black paws on his hand. "Rii rio!" Whatever the little one wanted, it seemed happy.
   While it was content, Raihan looked over the young pokemon. The Riolu looked clean and well fed. It had a little red ribbon tied around its neck like a scarf. At the end it had a name embroidered on the end in gold thread. Gently taking hold of the end of the ribbon, it said Aaron. 
    "Aaron? Is that your name?" Raihan asked the Riolu.
    "Ri!" Aaron nodded.
    "Where's your trainer then?" It was obvious the little pokemon wasn't one of the wild strays that wandered the streets. They clearly had a trainer that took care of them, and were probably very worried. Raihan picked up the small pokemon and stood. "How about we go find them?"
    "Riolu." Aaron nodded and happily perched himself on Raihans shoulder. It seemed the best idea was to go in the direction Aaron had come from. But as they wandered down the street, Raihan didn't see anyone who looked worried or was searching for something, and Aaron did not seem to respond to any of the people passing. He had stopped a couple of people to ask them, but all shook their heads and did not recognize the baby pokemon. 
     It was starting to get late, and at this point Raihan was starving. Aaron began to yawn from his seat on his shoulder. It did not look like they were going to find Aarons trainer tonight. So, without many options, Raihan bought himself some dinner and took his new friend home. 
     "Hey Rotom," he said, and his phone came flying out, the pokemon ready to snap pictures. "Lets get word to out about our little friend here." Rotom pointed the camera at him and started to record. "Hey everyone, listen, if anyone is in Hammerlocke and missing a Rioulu,  I've found him. He's safe. Say hi Aaron."
   "Ri!" He waved to the camera, Rotom being certain to get a good shot of him.
   "Please, if you are his trainer,or know his trainer. Message me and I will get back  to you as soon as possible. Good night." After posting the video and a clear picture of Aaron for good measure, Raihan settled down for the night as he waited for any responses. Meanwhile, the young Riolu seemed to finally grasp that it was no longer home. The cheerful little guy had curled up quietly in Raihans lap, looking a little sad. 
   Raihan scratched him behind the ear. "Miss your trainer?" 
   "Riii…." the baby pokemon nodded sadly. 
   "Don't worry, we'll find them." Raihan assured and let Aaron curl up on his chest that night to sleep.
    The next day, Raihans phone had blown up with notifications. Most of them were comments about how cute Aaron was and well wishes in finding his trainer. most of the private messages that had been sent were of people claiming to be his trainer, but most came off as shady at best. Raihan contemplated going down to the Pokemon center to see if anyone had reported Aaron missing, when he got another message. This one was from a girl, it said her name was __.
   Raihan opened the message and read it.
    Hi, my friend showed me your post about the Riolu you found last night. I'm his trainer, he ran off last night and was no where to be found. I've been worried sick. Please let me know when I can come get him.
    Out of curiosity, Raihan looked at her profile. It didn't take long at all to see a picture of Aaron, ribbon and all, curled up with a Lucario. Then another picture of him being held by the girl, both looking very happy. Raihan showed Aaron the picture and the little one pawed at the screen, crying out for her as if he could reach through the screen to get to her. That seemed to settle it.
     Raihan took one more look at the photo. "Why didn't you tell me your trainer was cute?" 
     He chuckled to himself as he messaged the girl back. Noon in Hammerlockes gym lobby sound good?
It only took a minute for her response. 
See you there.
    Sitting in the lobby, Raihan watched as Aaron played on the floor, Flygon had taken it upon themself to entertain the young one by letting him tackle their tail. Just as it was about to be noon, Raihan heard a girls voice from the entrance.
    "Aaron? Aaron!" 
    The Rioulu sprang up and happily ran towards his trainer. She scooped him and hugged him, Raihan could see her relax by the moment. Any worry immediately melting away from her face. 
   "Riri!" Aaron cried out and pointed his paw towards Raihan. 
    The girl looked over and walked towards him. She smiled. "I cant thank you enough for finding him."
    Raihan waved it off. "Dont worry about it, I'm just glad the little guy is back where he belongs." 
     She sighed in relief. "You don't know the panic attack I went through last night." 
    "I can imagine," he said. "What happened anyway? How did you two get separated?"
    "We were walking home after training in the wild area, when he just ran off." She said. "My Lucario did his best to track him down, but he got lost so fast we couldn't find him. I searched everywhere but no luck. Then my friend sent me that post you made and I messaged you as soon as possible." Then she paused. "How did you find him anyway?"
     "He just ran up to me." Raihan said, unsure of how to explain. "I don't know.He seemed so happy, like he was looking for me or something. "
      ___ nodded thoughtfully. "Hhmm…"
      "What do you mean hhmm?"
      "Well…" she paused as if collecting her thoughts before continuing. "I think… maybe it's something about your aura."
     "My aura?"
      ___ nodded. "Yeah… I mean. How familiar are you with the Lucario line?"
     Raihan shrugged. He didn't get to fight many Lucario. Though he was vaguely aware of their unique abilities. "I know they're the aura pokemon. I've read a bit about that stuff, but I can't say I know much."
    She nodded. "Okay, well, to make a long story short, aura is this energy that all living things have. And the Lucario line are unique in that that they are able to sense and use auras energy. I think maybe Aaron sensed your aura and went looking for you."
    Raihan couldn't help but chuckle at the idea. It was certainly an interesting theory. "What could possibly be so attractive about my aura that he would come running?"
     ___ looked him at and down, a coy grin in her face. "It doesn't seem that far fetched. You have a very good aura."
    "You say it as if you can see it."
     Her face went red and she looked away in embarrassment."....I-I can…"
     "Oh," Raihan didn't mean to make her feel embarrassed. Though now he was genuinely curious. "That's pretty damn cool."
      She turned back to him, Aaron seemed to sense whatever it was she was feeling and looked at her curiously. "Thanks, um...but yeah. I guess he could just sense you were a good person and wanted to meet you." she smiled awkwardly.
    Raihan grinned back and reached out to scratch Aaron behind the ear. "Well I was glad to meet him."
      Aaron seemed very happy about it too. But his mood quickly changed when ___ said, "Thanks again for finding him. Come on, Aaron, let's go home." The Riolu started to squirm and cry out. He kept reaching out to Raihan like he didn't want to leave. __ seemed equally distressed. "Aaron, what's wrong? What's gotten into you? Dont you want to see Riley?"
     Aaron only kept pointing at Raihan and looked as if he was begging not to leave. Until eventually, he jumped out of her arms and ran to Raihan wrapping his little arms around his leg and nuzzling him.
     "Oh no." He and ___ said in unison.
     Raihan treated them to ice cream and they sat on a bench, unsure of what to do. Aaron sat between them, swinging his little legs as he munched on his snack. Not caring about the trouble he had caused. Her Lucario, Riley, sat on the ground, arms crossed. Looking at Aaron as the disapproving parent he was. 
     She still seemed so quiet and embarrassed about this whole ordeal. So Raihan did his best to break the ice in an attempt to make her more comfortable. "Riley and Aaron are certainly interesting names for pokemon."
     __ looked at him shyly and grinned a little while her Lucario turned its gaze to him. "I guess so. But in my defense, Riley is named after an old friend. The one who gave me his egg in the first place." 
     "I take it that Riley taught you about Auras?" She nodded. "And what about this one?" He pointed at Aaron.
     "This one is named after Sir Aaron. Another Aura user. One of the few recorded ones in history. Definitely the most famous by far."
     Something about that name struck a cord with him. "I've heard of that guy. Stopped a war and saved the tree of beginning, that Sir Aaron?"
     ___ nodded. "The one and only. So you do know a bit about Auras." She said teasingly.
     Raihan shrugged. "We have a few documents on aura users in the vault. Some of them mentioned the guy. But that's the extent of my knowledge." He paused for a moment before adding. "You seem to know a lot though."
     "A fair amount." She replied, taking another lick from the cone in her hand before it started dripping. "Why, is there something you want to know?"
    "I'm a historian by nature, I always want to know." He then winked before adding, "especially when the source is so cute."
     __ blushed before snorting and rolling her eyes. "That has to be the lamest line I've ever heard."
    Raihan laughed. "Can't blame a guy for trying. But there is one thing I am curious about."
    "And what's that?"
    "What is my aura like?" __ looked surprised. "What's with the face? You can't just say I have such a good aura that your pokemon come running and not tell me what's so great about it."
     ___ shook it off. "Sorry, it's just that I don't get asked that a lot. I dont really go around telling people I see auras."
     "Yeah…" she let out an irritated sigh as she relayed how annoying it could be. "Whenever i talk about Auras most people either think I'm going to talk about the healing properties of crystals and oils next, or think I'm going to read their auras for free and act like it's some kind of fortune telling. Needless to say I dont bring it up often."
     "Oh Arceus, that does sound annoying."
     ___ laughed and took another lick of her ice cream before turning towards him, resting her arm on the back of the bench. "But since you asked nicely…" she paused for what felt like forever, looking him up and down with a scrutinizing gaze. Raihan had never felt more exposed then in that moment. Though oddly enough, he found that he did not mind. "Your Aura is strong and vibrant. That much is certain. It's… warm and kind. Yet sturdy. The essence of a protector. If that makes any sense. No wonder Aaron ran to you. He knew he would be safe by your side." Then her lips tilted slightly in a smirk. "You're aura is friend shaped."
     For some reason that made Raihan bust out laughing. "Do I get to be your friend then?" 
     She smiled, "I'd like that very much."
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Paparazzi - Sonamy
It should have been a normal day, by all accounts.
Amy was waiting for Sonic in the Chao Garden, happily humming a tune and playing with the Chao by taking one of their pudgy, teardrop arms and spinning it up and around as though as they were both dancing.
The Chao loved it, seeming to roleplay a ball of sorts and the dashing prince trying to dance with Cinderella, as many other Chao seemed to vie over playing the parts next, tumbling over her shoulders and pawing at her hands to get her to lift them up and twirl them in pairs as well.
She giggled at their enthusiasm, “The duke, and the duchess!” She took another pair of arms and twirled them as well, these two being flying types, they gently fluttered their wings and closed their eyes, playing the roles well and then bowing to each other after she let them go and they did a figure-8 together.
“The prime minister and-” she stopped when she felt a brisk wind, and excitedly got up and turned around, “And my Sonic!”
He stood a little uneasy, but smiled as though feigning something. He was reluctant to have her hug him but didn’t protest her abrupt embrace, looking as though he really didn’t want to spoil her mood.
“Playing with the Chao again, huh?” He commented, smiling sheepishly down to one and bending his eyes as it came right up and tugged on his socks, wanting some affection too. He wiggled a finger to lightly tickle it’s head and then swirled the slight tip of his head around his finger from above before pulling up and seeing Amy’s excited expression again.
“They sure do they love pretend.” very motherly, she put her hands behind her back and looked to them, seeing them all cheering for Sonic and Amy to play as well. “I guess before our date, we could humor them, yeah?” She blinked her eyelashes towards him flirtatiously, but he again acted as though something was wrong but trying to hide it.
The two flying Chao took back to the skies and also grabbed Sonic and Amy’s fingers, lifting them up to lightly host Sonic and Amy to the top of their toes.
Amy giggled into her hand and then softly twirled, showing Sonic the game.
He sighed, but kinda awkwardly seemed to enjoy the silliness as he turned too, making the Chao cheer.
“The king and queen!” Amy sounded off, and the Chao gave an applause.
After letting go of their fingers, the two flying Chao took to each other and twirled as one, inspiring other Chao to partner up and try a silly “waltz” impersonation as well.
“So cute!” Amy cheered, her hands pressing together at their endearing whimsy. “I remember when I was that young... always dreaming of my true love~” she seemed to be referencing Sonic and he ducked his head and scratched his nose, looking away.
“I really don’t want to say this...” He admitted, but tried to toughen himself up, patting his cheeks to get himself to ‘man up’ and tell her. “But Amy, there’s something you gotta-”
“Look!” Amy pointed to a blue speed Chao, dancing with hops and jumps to a rhythm it made up, dancing with another Chao. “It acts just like you!”
“What?” Sonic was momentarily distracted, “I dance nothing like that!”
“Oh, you’re just jealous that he has better footing then you do.” Amy joked, moving up to his chest and placing her shoulders to it, “Well, if you’re so inclined, why not prove me wrong? We can go dancing for our date today!” she thought herself so sly and raced ahead towards the fountain, looking in it’s reflection to ‘spruce’ herself up before believing she was going to be swept off on another fantastic outing with her hero.
Sonic gulped, pulled at his quills, and turned away from the sight. “Aw man, get it together! You have to tell her! It’s the only way she’ll understand!” he softly gave himself his reasons through the prep-talk, but looking back at her, he felt his heart sink at how happy she was right now... and how upset she’ll be if he told her.
“Stay strong...” he repeated to himself, and walked back up to Amy. “Amy, it’s kind of important I tell you what I heard and saw the other day.” he began, lifting a foot to the fountain as it caught Amy’s attention, her head tilting and turning to look at it. She was fixing her quills, but slowly looked up to Sonic, pausing as she noticed how he hid his mouth with his hand as though in strange thought, and spoke as though trying to upfront but indirect.
She raised an eyebrow, “Right now?” She smiled then, turning playful, “Why not tell me on our date!” she lightly hopped to his side and took his arm, pulling him back towards her as he swayed with the action.
“W-wah-o!” He caught himself and looked back into her eyes again. Sighing, he placed a saddened hand to her own on his arm. “We can’t... Go on dates anymore... not like this.” His voice definitely seemed to be conflicted, and Amy’s eyes blinked to a low-riding dispute as though she couldn’t understand.
“Is it Eggman?” Amy asked, about to give her reasons why that didn’t matter but he shook his head and held up his hand from on top of her own.
“N-no, it’s not that. I...” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from her and down towards the ground. Instinctively though, he held the arm she was grasping like a gentlemen, crooking it for her to have a better grip of. “I saw some photos... someone took of us on our last date. It’s kinda... all over the city now.”
“Ah!” Amy’s enthusiasm skyrocketed again, her mouth opening wide into a grin. “That’s wonderful!”
“W-what!?” Sonic was amazed at her response, turning back to her a little dumbfounded.
“Hehe, what are they calling us? The cutest new couple to emerge this year!? Ohh! Did they call us the Fashion Couple of the week? Oh-oh! Maybe we’re on Celebrity’s hottest new pairs!”
Her hands flopped around like a teenage girl and Sonic just shook his head, moving since her hands weren’t spazzing while on his arm anymore and put his hands to his hips. On his face, a clear expressive groan, but no sound to follow it.
He looked a little annoyed she didn’t understand, and looked away, grumbling, “Scandal... actually.”
“...What!?” Amy had to process that a moment before flinging her hands back behind her and having her mouth drop open this time, bewildered but also shocked at the news. “How could they say that!? You won’t even let me hold your hands across the table without worrying I’ll see you blush.”
Sonic’s whole body spiked up, “I do not!” he defended, but as Amy ‘aww’d his cute reaction, he coughed into his hand and played it off. “W-we-well, regardless, seeing as I’m kinda a hotshot and you’re my friend, it’s something I’m not comfortable with and-”
“Friend?” Amy gave him a funny look and he started sweating, shaking as he saw Amy’s fiery aura rising.
He made small whimpers as though wanting to say something, unable to change from his position of ‘coughing into hand’ when Amy’s hand flexed out as though threatening to summon a hammer.
“Friend..?” she continued.
After a few more attempts to speak, Sonic finally broke out of his intimidated fear and held his ground, putting his closed-hands up to his sides to show his determination at saying what he had too. “E-either way, Amy! We can’t be seen by the public eye anymore! That means... I can’t take you on a date today.” He straightened out, more of the usual, typical hedgehog boy she was used too.
He closed his eyes and relaxed his body, his head down as though ashamed he had to break the news to her.
“Once they caught wind of it, they started saying some things that I don’t agree with it. Especially about us. I won’t bother relating all the things I heard people talking about, it’s all fake news anyway, but I worry it could hurt who we are and what we stand for... I don’t want to see you misrepresented by people who don’t understand your feelings, Amy.”
It was kind. It was considerate...
But Amy wasn’t having it.
“OOOoooOOOh!” she let out her infamous whine and summoned her hammer, turning away from Sonic and bashing it around furiously in the air. “Who do they think they are!” she shook her fist up and bent her head down, “Spreading lies about my Sonic and I, will they!? Making my man feel the need to hide his appreciation for the well-deserving woman that I am!? Aughh!!!” She took a few, powerful steps and smashed a small but decently sized rock on the ground, causing the other Chao to freak out and fly away. “I won’t forgive them! I’ll make them pay! They’ll rue the day they came between me and my Sonic!”
At her declarations, Sonic just pulled back away from the scene a bit and looked the other way. “Stop it, Amy... you’re embarrassing me and frightening the Chao...” He didn’t know how else to respond to her, but was used to her flip-floppy emotions by now. “Anyway, I’m really sorry about all this. I know you were looking forward to today, too.”
From behind Amy, her rage seemed to rise and then fall all at once, and she turned back to Sonic, her eyes showing her ranged emotions.
“Why should we let them win? You promised me a date today and who are they to say you can’t keep it!?” She puffed up her cheeks, flushing red as her anger was quickly turning her to glossy eyes... but she wouldn’t dare cry in front of Sonic.
Instead, still frustrated and fuming, she kicked the now pebbles of the remaining rock she crushed. “It’s not fair! And I won’t stand for it!” she defiantly placed a foot down as her eyebrows shook. “Whoever disrespects my man’s honest intentions disrespects me!” she was really getting riled up, and Sonic poked his head into her frame to try and wave his hands out in front of him, looking a little already defeated as he knew he couldn’t calm her down now anyway.
“Amy, Amy... it’s not that big of a deal.”
“We’ll go somewhere else then! Somewhere no cameras or rude people will follow!” she stood proudly with a fist to her hip and her pointer finger wagging in the air their new plan, but Sonic felt he was getting roped into her antics again.
He shrugged, shaking his head. “What are ya gonna do?” he seemed to realize he wasn’t going to change her mind.
“Here’s the plan!” Amy swung back to him, shaking him up and pulling him down to her level as she gave him a held wink and whispered her idea. “We’re gonna go on the run! Just you and me! We’ll make sure no one sees your adorable girlfriend getting you all flustered.” she poked and wiggled her finger into his cheek and snickered at her go-hard-go-lucky scheme, but Sonic just felt his face being pushed and squished and tried to lean out of it, unable to as he struggled by rocking back but she would pull him with her arm over his shoulders back to her side again, continuing to brew her plan further.
“B-but where do you think we can go that they won’t follow, Amy?” Sonic was still uncomfortable with the idea, but knowing nothing could stop Amy once she put her mind to it, decided the sooner he got through this date the better.
“You leave that to me!” Amy encouraged, then let him go and lightly pushed him forward, having him try and catch his balance again as he stumbled forward and looked back at her. “You’ve been all over this world and back, only now you’re telling me you can’t even think of one spot that the paparazzi can’t get us?” She looked at him skeptically, “With all their lies and tabloids trying to fancy-up our innocent romance... I can’t believe you’re not trying harder to save our marriage!” she seemed to be idolizing something and half-daydreaming, but then turning to scold Sonic as he looked at her confused.
“I mean our relationship! That’s what I said.” she folded her arms, blushing and pouting to the side as Sonic scratched his head.
“Hmm...” Sighing with a bit of a grunt at her obvious fib, he just let her carry on and took her up in his arms. “Sorry to make this awkward, Amy...” He seemed sincere enough, and Amy just happily held her arms around his shoulders, like how they normally would go running together.
“Don’t you worry, Sonic The Hedgehog! Little articles like that won’t stop me from marrying you!”
Sonic cranked his head slooooowwwllly her way.
“I-I mean, um, dating you! Haha!” She nervously corrected, but he lowered his eyes to her, showing he wasn’t amused by her imaginations. “... Okay, okay! Hang out dates...” she grumbled the ‘politically correct’ terminology and Sonic smiled at her acceptance of it.
“Hang on!” satisficed that she at least understood him enough to agree to keep prying eyes out of their conduct together, he took off towards where Amy had previously designed to take them.
But while racing around, popular news-drones chased them everywhere. They tried for a picnic retreat but the drones flew up with camera flashes. Sonic dived to save Amy as she gasped and then sped off with a serious look of annoyance to find another location.
They tried the deserts, basking in the sun on beach chairs, but the drones flew speedily by and took a shot, photoshoping it and printing out a picture of them sharing a chair and acting like a spoiled hero with his woman laying beside him and an arm wrapped around him.
The two were shocked out of their chairs.
“I-I-I didn’t know they could do that!” Amy gasped, realizing they could completely fabricate their relationship. “This... this is not good...” her fingers flinched against the sides of her cheeks as her eyes shrunk at the covers of magazines spreading falsehoods about her being some... some...! 
“I’m not a trophy wife!” she bashed the drones and 10 more flew over to take pictures of her violent act. “Ah!” she cowered from the bright lights and kept swinging.
“Amy!!!” Darting from his own paparazzi drones, he dove in and grabbed her, protecting her by jumping out of the encircling camera drones and taking off.
Amy clung to him, looking back and seeing, just like printers, the drones having photoshopped Amy’s violence on Sonic, the header reading something along the lines of how she was forcing the greatest hero into submission, and how you can dominate your famous man into being your one and only.
“Ah! That’s awful!” Amy felt her chest tighten, “I would never do something like that...”
Looking back at her face, seeing how scared she was to lose face and be framed for something she wasn’t, Sonic’s righteous indignation also flared up. He scowled, wanting to say something but keeping it silently to himself.
The two tried to lose them in the bushes, but as the drones looked around, dived in and starting taking pictures of them trying to get away, showing instead that the two were ‘rendezvousing’ in the brush of nature’s finest temptations... each other.
“That is so blown out of proportion!” Amy smashed another drone and pulled out the original photo from inside it’s round body, “We look terrified!” the originally showed them pushing back to avoid the drones in the bush.
Sonic just grumbled, seeing another robot about to take a picture and jumped up to spin dash it, “Come on..!” he extended his hand, and suddenly... Amy’s imagination got away with her.
As she took his hand, him pulling her towards him, she imagined him and her running away to elope, and her jealous suitors pursuing them in raging envy.
“Oh, Sonic~” she blushed and swooned, closing her eyes as she fanaticized and had her hands up to her cheeks, the two photos flying off in the wind behind his incredible speeds. “I’ve always wanted to run away with you~”
They hid in the snow, as the drones flew by and fought the winds, one scanned a pile of two snow heaps. Deciding nothing there was interesting, took off.
Their heads popped out of the snow, Sonic having some snot dripping frozen from his nose and went to sneeze as Amy’s bundled two hands shook in fury.
“Ahhh, come on..!” Amy tiredly drained out an exhausted cry, “At first this was refreshingly new, d-d-due to them not shooting at us like Eggman’s robots of course!” she looked to make sure Sonic wasn’t accusing her of over idolizing a situation again. “Ehem, but now it’s just tiresome! Why can’t we just explode them all..?”
Sonic folded his arms, showing a disapproval. “They’ll photograph that we’re destroying the right to say as they please... or something like that.” he had a sweat drop of uncertainty fall from the side of his face. “You know how these people get, that’s why I wanted nothing to do with them.”
She realized his plea and sighed, “I give up then.” she kicked the ground and sat down beside him, getting out of the snow and leaning up against his shoulder. “Sonic... we can’t just give up... right?”
He remained silent.
“What about our relati- I mean... our friendship.” she made the fish-lips as though upset she had to call it that. “They’re insanely persistent! But... I wasn’t wrong for wanting to spend more time with you... personally having you here with him is already a dream come true! Ah... But... I can understand if you’re growing sick of me.”
She was all dreamy and suddenly, realizing he didn’t like that, went to trying to be a bit more modest.
“I get it now. I’m something that could be an embarrassment upon your image and virtues... without me, you wouldn’t have to worry about this with Tails or Knuckles... I don’t like hiding the truth, but if that’s how you feel you can still hang out with me then... then...” She lowered her head, her eyes covered in dark shadows as her shoulders bounced slightly, clearly not liking what she was saying or accepting, and having her fingers dig slightly in shakes into the snow, showing her resentment at these things.
Then... all at once... Sonic’s hand gently and without delay, reached out to place itself upon Amy’s trembling and gripping for anything solid in her life hands... quieting some fears and reassuring her, being comforting.
She looked at his hand, startled, then up with sparkling admiration into his own.
He was so calm, smiling to her.
“Forget about being tagged for property damages.” Sonic joked, getting up and stretching out, “Hmm uh, hmm uh,... If we’re gonna get these guys... hu ho, hu ho, then we better start with luring them to us first.” As he did his exercises, he then took a deep breath out and offered her his hand, winking to her. “Let’s make it a clean hit, so they can’t crop and cut anything this time.”
Her heart grew so large with love for him, she just jumped up and embraced him, littering his face with her tears. “Oh, Sonic! Sonnnnic!”
He just chuckled sheepishly at her.
Later, the drones were still looking as Amy cried out, “Oh, Sonic, I’m soooo cold!” The drones quickly turned in the direction of their voices.
Sonic and Amy were hiding behind some trees, as Amy cupped her hands around her mouth to let the sound carry, “Hold me in your arms and never let me go~”
The drones paused a second, as though not believing it.
“They’re not buying it.” Sonic whispered, before raising his voice up. “I got something better in mind!” and then swooped a leg under Amy.
“H-hey!” she cried out, as he made her trip and fall down. “Offph! Sonic! What’s the big idea!?”
With that, the drones looked flustered, sparking and fritzing out in the air as they had anime blush marks over their camera lenses. They flew over to the trees, their apertures tensing and unclosing as though to show interest when a human’s eye dilates, looking to Amy in the snow as Sonic came out of hiding and rammed one of them with his fist, crushing their face and sending them flying.
“I’ll give you a show.” Sonic smirked, turning to the others. “Now, who’s up next?”
“Batter up!” Amy got up from laying belly-first in the snow, and wacked one that was distracted by Sonic, shaking in fear as it went to attempt a picture, and was bashed away by Amy’s hammer.
“You want hot and spicy?” She turned to the next drone, “Take a quick peek at this!” She whipped up her hammer as though a boxer spinning around his arm and laid a huge grand-slam with her hammer’s hilt into the drone like a saber.
It toppled in the air a few times before finally falling down. “Ah!” Amy noticed the insignia was Eggman’s, and realized who the freelancer was that was taking pics of them. ‘Oh no!’ she looked back to Sonic, still spin-dashing some of them in multi-hits. ‘If he finds out this was Eggman trying to ruin his happiness... he’ll think he can’t ever be with me again!’ she looked uneasily towards the trashed robot. ‘It does make sense though... I can’t let Sonic know about this... Not yet, at least.’ she took her hammer out of it and bashed the logo further into the snow.
‘No wonder those creeps were saying bad things about Sonic and I’s relationship! O-or friendly hang out sessions!’ she grew furious, racing around and beating up some more. ‘Eggman is the only one who could keep up with me and Sonic’s whereabouts! He’s been sitting back and making millions on exploiting our love! I-I mean- ohhhh..!’ she stood side by side with Sonic. “Let’s let them have it!”
He could tell she was riled up, but actually liked it.
“On your count, Amy!” he joined the fun. In unison, Amy swung her hammer and Sonic jumped back to reel his fist back.
“Counter strike!” Amy saw the drone rise up to dodge Amy, but she lifted her hammer up to match the direction of where it dodged, and Sonic held nothing back to slam his fist into her hammer’s other side to launch her swing with even more force--blasting back the force of air with it--to completely obliterate the drone where only a few minor pieces were actually sprayed like darts out into the trees trunks.
Another drones turbines kick up and blast the snow away as it retreats.
Sonic charges after it, following it by scaling up a tree as Amy looks around at the bear ground.
The robots’ had Eggman faces being exposed everywhere.
Amy’s eyes shook, “Oh no... oh no, oh no, oh no!” she quickly fell to her knees and tried to pile more snow over them, spreading them out but the heat of their explosions caused the light bundles of snow she was trying to put over them to melt in a few seconds. “Stop, stop, stop!” she felt her emotions getting the better of her and hammered the drones down into the ground, but the one she was working on wouldn’t budge. Yes, it dented it’s metal in, but the ground was too solid for it to pierce below and hide itself by Amy burying it.
When Sonic flung down, Amy knew it was already too late... he was too fast to expect herself to hide anything... and wondered what horrible fate lay in store... now that he knew.
She wouldn’t look up at him.
She knew he must have seen them. There was no way to hide them.
He stood there for a long time... ‘Oh! I knew this was hopeless! Now Sonic will never go on another date with me!’
She felt the tears, but held them back. ‘No... I can’t let him see this affect me... I’ve worked too hard to let Eggman, the press,... anyone stop me from being with him!’
As she lamented, silently trying to hide her crying, Sonic walked through the bare, frozen, and solid ground.
He bent down and showed her a thumbs up, just under her vision.
“H-huh?” She looked up with tears that frosted to look like she was crying crystals, as they glittered like stars, and watched as he closed his eyes and gave her the brightest smile she had seen on him to date.
“Nice teamwork,.. Amy!” It was a light acknowledgement, but when he said her name, it was so wonderfully pleasing to her ears, so soft and full of charming reciprocation.
He needn’t say those famous words... as long as he always said her name with such flare and devotion.
It filled her with such profound hope, that it inspired her to reach out to him.
A little startled by her reaction, he couldn’t resist hugging her back, and she held him as he picked her up and carried her to warmer climates.
(Based this one off of Sonic X!Sonamy a bit, can you tell? ;)b )
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tteokggukk · 4 years
let’s fall in love for the night → kth
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✳ pairing: taehyung x reader
✳ genre: college au, fluff, slow burn
✳ warnings: none! just pure fluff
✳ words: 9.4k
✳ a/n: hello! this was inspired by finneas’ song let’s fall in love for the night, which just really made me think of taehyung while listening. this is my first oneshot and also the first time i’ll be posting my writing so i’d really appreciate some feedback so i know how i can improve! thank you and i hope you enjoy!
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S T O R Y  P L A Y L I S T:
1. Let’s Fall in Love for the Night // FINNEAS
2. I Fall in Love Too Easily // Chet Baker
3. Realize //  Colbie Caillat
4. Ain’t Together // King Princess
5. Lay Me Down // Sam Smith
6. Dreams // Fleetwood Mac
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"It'll be fun, you know."
Kate says in an imploring tone at her hundredth attempt at trying to get you to join a party your other friends had planned. "It'll just be with people we know, and maybe a couple others but— you know how Justin is. Come on, please?" She looks at you with begging eyes while clutching onto different pieces of clothing she planned on trying out.
You were lying in your bed contemplating whether or not you should click on one more episode of (your favorite show) or give in and get out of your comfortable pajamas. Your best friend knew you didn't want to choose the latter, but you knew better that she never took no for an answer.
"I don't see what's more fun than being in bed right now," you groaned as you shut your laptop and stood up, walking over in front of the mirror as if staring at it would help you decide what to do. It’s been a while since you’ve last been to a party. Crowds and loud music were only fun to a certain extent, one that doesn't last very long, and you were pretty sure Kate was going to end up leaving you later in the night until she needed someone to hold her hair up while she puked in a bathroom stall. 
But then again, winter break was only days from now and you'd be going off to travel with your cousins to places in Europe. It was a break you needed—a break from college and stress. All you could look forward to was the comfort of being around people you were free to be yourself around. Though this meant you wouldn't have any time to hang out with Kate and you certainly didn't want to leave without spending time with her, especially since you never come with her to parties anymore.
"Yet there you are getting ready anyway," You could hear her smile in victory as she spoke, making you roll your eyes. 
"Just this once," you glance back at her before entering the bathroom to shower, silently regretting your decision.
Forty-five minutes later, you were done getting ready and Kate was waiting for you by the door frame of your shared dorm room. The only good thing about going out to party was that you always rocked the clothes you wore, and tonight you couldn't help but feel yourself in your tight black dress and combat boots. You took your keys from your drawer and you both headed out. You got in the driver's seat while Kate rode shotgun.
It was six in the evening, the sky faded into a deep blue mixed with purple and the stars were close to lighting up. The view nearly tempted you to drop the whole party and just go on a drive, until you remembered you were with Kate who was more than happy that you finally went with her after her endless invitations.
"I'm glad you listened to me for once," she says, head nodding to the sound of her music.
"I don't know if I should be happy or scared that I did," you chuckled, though you already knew your answer.
"Y/n, parties aren't so bad. You gotta learn to loosen up," Kate shakes your shoulder, "Plus, you need this. You haven't gone out much and had fun since Lance."
"I think I'm already a loosened up person, thank you very much," You glanced at her with a sarcastic smile, "And Lance? Lance who?"
Kate laughs at this, and from the corner of your eye you could see her shaking her head before looking out the window.
"You're over him, then?" She asks.
"It's been like, six months, Kate. At this point I'm just a loser if I haven't gotten over him," you laughed to yourself knowing full well how convincing you sound, you almost believed it.
Lance, that idiot cheater, you thought. You were over him, but that didn't mean there wasn't a slight pang in your chest at the mention of his name and at the thought of what he did. It wasn't him you were bothered with; it was the experience of being cheated on. It made you question your own worth, and sometimes even your existence.
But that was months ago, and right now there was really no time to get hung up over a guy. You've practically given up on whatever chances of love you thought you'd ever find when you broke up with him, you decided it was time to give some more time for yourself.
"I'm proud of you. Who knows, maybe tonight you'll meet your next prince!" Kate giggled a little menacingly, it almost scared you.
You doubted it.
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When you got to the house, it was exactly how you imagined it. Loud and trashed. You could already feel the bass from the blaring music being played and you weren't even out of your car yet. It made you feel slightly anxious, already sensing something stirring up in your stomach, your heart racing and your palms sweating. 
Kate looks at you as if waiting for some kind of confirmation, probably sensing you didn't really feel okay. "You good?" 
You didn't want Kate to feel guilty, nor did you want to kill the mood, so you decided to do what was best which meant having to go inside and get the night over with.
"Yeah, let's go."
When you both got out of the car, the noise only got louder and you could hear the sound of teenagers laughing. Before you could enter the place, you recognized a guy walking towards the two of you with a smile, first giving Kate a side hug before moving to you to give you one as well. It was Nick from your chemistry class and one of your friends. He gave you a surprised look and a smile before turning back to Kate. 
"This is the first time in a while you brought y/n with you!" He says enthusiastically, "It's great you finally came!" 
"It took me a lot of convincing," Kate says.
"I'm not gonna be here over the break, so I figured why not," You nod as you spoke. Nick was a good guy, he was smart and friendly, he pretty much knew everyone around the whole campus. 
"It's good you could make it, Min-Jun's been wailing thinking you'd never come," Nick laughed. You gave Kate a look at the mention of Min-Jun's name, her eyes turning slightly wide. You could tell she knew something, but this wasn't the time and place to confront her. Nick places his arm around and you before telling you both to come inside and try the drinks.
It stuck in your head, though, the fact that you felt like Kate and the others had this all planned.
The house was huge and close to being crowded, but there was just enough space to walk in. You recognized most of the people from your batch and some of them looked as shocked as Nick to see you, though just as happy as they offered a wave while some even called your name.
"Where are the others?" Kate asked, referring to both your group of friends.
"They're over at the back, follow me." Nick leads you both to the backyard, revealing a huge pool surrounded by your friends along with some guys who also went to the same class as you but never had the chance to talk to. You made eye contact with one of them, specifically the tall, familiar guy who had black—maybe even dark brown hair, sharp eyes, wearing a black, rose printed dress shirt and black pants. He had the same classes as you but you couldn't recall a time you've ever had a proper conversation with him, the most you could remember was when he needed to borrow a pen or whenever he’d give it back. The eye contact might have been a little too long, so you quickly averted your attention to the others.
I didn’t know the Kim Taehyung went to parties with my friends.
Taehyung and his friends had a reputation for being popular with everyone. Unlike his friends who were more sociable and outgoing, Taehyung was much more reserved. He didn’t go out much either, nor did he date often, but his serious exterior gave off a mysterious aura that most girls (and even some guys) couldn’t resist.
Everyone else was visibly surprised to see you, and it’s safe to say it was a pleasant surprise as they all greeted you warmly, easing the anxiety you had previously felt. All that was gone by now and is replaced by the feeling of comfort around the people you knew.
Min-Jun caught your eye and even with the dim lighting you could tell he turned into a deep shade of red. 
"Y/n! I can't believe you actually made it," Jen, one of your close friends, gave you a side hug.
"This is the first time I've seen you come to a party in years," Justin, the owner of the house and another one of your close friends, gives you a high five.
"Yeah, well, thank Kate," you grinned.
"Min-Jun, why are you suddenly so quiet?" Lucas teases, who also happens to be the guy Kate has a crush on.
"Shut up," Min-Jun bumps Lucas on the shoulder making Lucas laugh before he made his way to you, "Hey, y/n."
"Hey," you greeted awkwardly, forcing a smile. Honestly Min-Jun was a close friend of yours until he started creeping you out. He'd get jealous over Lance when you were still together and always indirectly told you how much you "deserved better" while you dated someone else. He was right, but you found that it felt too invasive and caused you to see him in a different light ever since, and not in a good way. It still didn't stop him from trying to make a move on you. 
"Y/n, by the way, these guys are our friends," Justin points towards Taehyung and his friends as the three of them came forward to introduce themselves. "This is Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung, though you might already know them," Justin motions at them, each of them waving and saying "hi", "We have the same classes."
"Hey." You waved back.
"You look great," Jimin grins at you. He was cute, and you couldn't help but smile back.
"He's a massive flirt, so don't fall for that," Jungkook teases, and everyone laughs. Jimin shakes his head but laughs along while their friend, Taehyung, was just sipping on some coke.
"How come we never really see you around Justin's parties?" Jimin asks.
"I haven't really gone out to party in months," You told Jimin.
"What happened to your boyfriend? Was it Landon? Lee?" Taehyung asks, holding the can of coke in his hand. 
Just as you were about to open your mouth, Min-Jun decided to race with you and answered, "Lance. They broke up like half a year ago, right?" He quickly spoke. Annoyed, you glared at him subtly, hoping he'd get the message.
"Right," was all you could say.
Taehyung just raised a brow and sipped on his coke again while he nodded his head. You were slightly disappointed at what impression you gave off to Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook— the girl who stopped partying solely because she broke up with her boyfriend, but right now what bothered you most was the way Min-Jun stood right next to you, beer in his hand, looking at you as if he had the right to speak for you. You didn't want to cause a scene, but man did this irk you.
"We should head back inside before we run out of drinks," Justin announces and everyone follows. 
Before you got in the house, you could swear you saw Taehyung glancing your way. Or it might've been your imagination, so you decide not to think much of it.
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In the kitchen, you waited for Kate as you stood next to the punch bowl while you watched as she flirted with Lucas. You took a glass of punch, leaning on the counter while looking around the place. Min-Jun wasn't in sight, what a relief, you thought, but you also saw Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin surrounded by quite the number of girls. Jimin seemed to be quite flirty, Jungkook only nodding his head while someone spoke to him, and Taehyung sat on the couch’s arm rest, just scrolling away on his phone.
Kate finally noticed you and walked over. 
"Why didn't you tell me Min-Jun was gonna be here?" You asked, arms folded.
"Cause I knew you weren't gonna come if I did," She whined, "I'm sorry. The others wanted you to come too, you know."
"You know how uncomfortable I am around him, Kate."
"Look, I'm really sorry, okay?" Kate held both your arms, "I'll make it up to you, I promise."
From behind Kate, you could see Taehyung making his way over your area. He looked at you, causing your brows to raise so you looked back at Kate.
"Fine," you sighed.
"Yay! Thank you, y/n," Kate pulled you in for a hug. Taehyung was looking at you both before proceeding to fill his red cup with punch. Kate must've noticed him as well because she began to pull away from your short hug.
"Justin says we should all go to his room to play a game. The others are already there. You should come," she takes your hand and then looks at Taehyung, "Taehyung, you should come too!" Taehyung nods at this while gulping down the drink.
The three of you headed upstairs to the second floor. There were people playing games on different consoles while taking shots, people making out— it was like a whole 'nother party. Kate walked ahead into Justin's room while you lagged behind with Taehyung in front of you.
Taehyung looked at you as you scanned the area, "Weird how people get used to these things," he comments, making you look.
"My sentiments, exactly."
"Y/n, what are you doing?" The sound of the familiar, irritating voice pierces through your ears. Even through the loud music, his voice manages to be the most annoying sound.
Min-Jun's head pokes out from Justin's door frame. He looks at you then at Taehyung before stepping out to walk in front of you. Taehyung watches Min-Jun with eyes slightly squinted as if he's onto him.
"You're hanging out with him?" He asks.
You couldn't make a scene. This guy's never seen you angry, and you weren't going to risk for people to see that either.
"I was just heading inside," you smiled politely and walked past Min-Jun to head in Justin's room, Taehyung following behind you.
Everyone was sat in a circle and there was a bottle placed in the middle. You knew where this was a going and you weren't sure if this was a good idea. From what you could tell, everyone in the room was way more buzzed than you. Could you really handle this game without being drunk?
You sat on the empty space next to Jen, but Min-Jun found his way next to you. Taehyung sat opposite from you where he started talking to Jimin and Jungkook.
"Great, everyone's here. You know how the game works, spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to go in the closet with the next person," Lucas explains.
"Seven minutes might not be enough though," Min-Jun whispered in your ear and smirked, making you very uneasy. You wished you could switch spots with someone else, but at least sitting next to Min-Jun could lower your chances of being paired with him.
Yet you weren't the only one who felt like strangling the boy next to you. Taehyung felt it too.
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Several spins and unnerving whispers from Min-Jun later, the bottle finally landed on you. Your eyes went wide as everyone began chanting your name. Your luck has gone so well for the whole of the game, you thought for sure it would end without the bottle landing on you— but it did, and Min-Jun took this opportunity to quickly spin the bottle, thinking it would land on him and that he'd be the guy to enter the closet with you.
But it didn't land on him.
It landed on Taehyung.
You could feel the anger radiating off of Min-Jun as he tried to keep his cool. Taehyung gave you a look that seemed as if he was asking for your consent. All you wanted was to get as far away from Min-Jun as possible, so you stood up.
"Y/n's down for it!" They shouted. Even Taehyung's own friends started applauding.
Taehyung stared at you as you walked into the closet, him following behind but not missing the chance to send a mocking smirk at Min-Jun. The door closed behind the two of you and there was nothing inside except the closet lights, a bunch of coats, and just enough room for two.
"Seven minutes, you guys!" Justin slurred behind the door.
"I really wanna get out of here," you sighed to yourself and ran your hand through your hair as you leaned on the walls of the closet.
"You wanna call it quits? I could talk to Justin," Taehyung asks, his hand already on the knob.
"No! No," You chuckled, slightly feeling bad, "Sorry, I meant this whole party."
Taehyung smiles shyly, "Oh, sorry."
He had a different aura now than he did earlier.
"Same though," He spoke quietly, "I was dragged here by my friends, as always."
You let out a breathy laugh, "I was forced to come here as well." You looked around the closet, realizing the whole purpose of getting in here was to have a seven-minute make-out session. Taehyung probably heard you gulp nervously, so he looked at you with a fond smile, "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with, don't worry."
What a relief.
Taehyung leans on the wall opposite you so he's facing you. "Maybe it's not my place to say, but your friend, Min-Jun, was it?" He starts, making your left brow raise, "Seems like he's been trying to impress you all night."
You snicker, "He makes me uncomfortable."
"You're good at hiding it, but I could tell," He gives you a sympathetic smile, "Sorry you have to put up with that."
You had to admit he was already extremely attractive from afar, but he's deadly up close. His skin looked so smooth and his eyes were so captivating. You noticed he had both a monolid and a double eyelid, then you shifted to his nose and noticed a little mole. His eye had it too, and so did his mouth. 
It was like God put a whole constellation in him. It fascinated you.
You must've been staring at him for a long time, because he suddenly snapped his fingers in front of you. It took you by surprise and maybe it was cause of your facial expression, but this made Taehyung laugh. 
And his laugh made you laugh.
"You're so annoying," you chuckled.
"Am I? Can I compete for most annoying with Min-Jun?"
"You know, something tells me you'd win," you say sarcastically, earning you a smile from Taehyung.
You were both silent for a moment until he started talking again.
"I know this seems too sudden, but do you wanna get out of this place?" He asks.
"Like, the closet?" You look at him, confused.
"No, out of this party. I know we don't know each other well but I really wanna go out and have more fun," He scratches the back of his head, "And something tells me it'll be exciting with you."
You felt the heat building up on your cheeks at his words. Maybe it was the punch talking, but for some reason you suddenly felt a little more confident. Whatever it was, you just had to blame the punch for the words that were about to slip from your mouth within the next few seconds.
"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" You blurted, "Just for tonight, though, then we forget it all in the morning."
You couldn't believe what you just did right now.
Taehyung only smiled, his eyes turning into crescents before saying the words, "I'd love to."
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Seven minutes were almost up, but you and Taehyung rushed out of there as fast as you could. For a brief moment you could hear the others shouting 'Hey! It isn't over yet!'. Then you saw Min-Jun standing up in shock while Taehyung ran to the door, his friends Jungkook and Jimin shouting 'What's going on?' as you tossed your car keys to your best friend Kate, screaming 'I'm sorry!' before finally running to Taehyung, who was waiting by the door frame.
You took one last glance at everyone knowing full well you had a lot of explaining to do tomorrow, but you had to start running because Min-Jun, Kate, and Justin were suddenly following the two of you. 
Taehyung took your hand as you both ran down the stairs, trying to squeeze your way out of the crowd. When you were near the door, you heard Min-Jun scream your name though you never bothered to look back. Taehyung held your hand tightly until you were both in front of his car. You quickly got in and rode shotgun and he immediately stepped on the gas, leaving no time for the others to catch up.
The feeling of your heart pounding in your chest and the rush of adrenaline caused by the chase was the most fun you've had in months, and it was all thanks to the guy who you barely even talk to in all your classes. You looked over at Taehyung who had on a wide, toothy smile, panting as he drove.
"That was crazy!" He shouted.
"That was actually fun!" You breathed out, "I can't believe we really did that."
"I know! The way you threw your keys at Kate! That was funny," he laughed and so did you.
You never expected the guy who looked so intimidating to be so spontaneous.
"So wait, where are we heading now?" You asked.
"Anywhere, we'll make the most out of this night," Taehyung grins, "I'm taking you on an adventure before this offer expires in the morning."
"I can't wait," You grin back.
You looked out the window. The sky had already turned black with stars scattered all around it, it was beautiful. You had been so occupied with the party you hadn't noticed it was already 10:45 in the evening, so there weren't much cars on the road. Taehyung drove fast but it didn't scare you, in fact it only excited you more.
"You wanna roll the windows down?" He asked.
"Can I?" You looked at him.
"By all means." He gave you a quick smile before turning his attention back on the road. You smiled and rolled the window down, feeling the wind run through your hair. The way the streetlights illuminated his face made you see him clearly, and though you'd never admit this to yourself you knew he made you flustered.
Taehyung drove for another ten minutes before pulling over at a nearby park. No one was around but it was an open park so you were both free to wander. You both got off the car and Taehyung ran to the slide, a big smile plastered on your face as you watched him. You sat on the swing adjacent to the slide and watched as he went for a second round before walking and sitting on the swing next to you.
"I'm sorry for asking about your ex," he spoke.
You hadn't even thought of it and it didn't bother you, but you found it heartwarming for him to apologize over such a small thing. "Oh don't worry, it didn't bother me. I don’t mind when people ask me questions about him. Thanks, though."
"What are your plans over the break?" You asked, changing the topic.
"Not much. I might go to my family, help them out with the farm," he looked up at the sky.
"You have a farm?" 
"Yeah, a strawberry farm," he grinned at you.
"That's so cool, you should bring me some."
"Yeah, I should," He chuckled, "What about you? Any plans?" 
"I'm not sure yet," You started kicking the sand on the ground. You lied only because you didn't really want people knowing you were going out of town for a few weeks, and it wasn’t important anyway you thought. You looked over at Taehyung, who was already looking at you.
“Well, I know we only promised this one night but if you ever get bored just know that you can call me.”
You smiled at him, which you found you’ve done quite often tonight, “Maybe I will.”
He started scrolling through his phone and you wondered if he was getting bored. Just as you were about to ask him what else he wanted to do, he stands up and puts his phone down while a song begins to play.
You recognize the song as one of your favorites, Chet Baker’s I Fall in Love Too Easily.
Taehyung was now standing in front of you, offering his hand. You stare at it first before asking, “What?”
“You asked me out on a date, so we’re dating.”
Before you could open your mouth to your defense, he beats you to it.
“For a night, yes, I know. Come on,” he says, his hands inviting yours to hold his. You tried to keep a serious look but you fail as a smile cracks on your face. You take his hand as you stood, then he takes both your hands and places them on his shoulders so he could place his on your waist and he begins to sway you both to the music.
“Didn’t know you had nice taste in music,” You muttered.
“Thank you. If you like it then yours must be wonderful too,” he grins.
It was just the two of you swaying in the night with nothing but the sound of your feet on the sand, the music playing, and the cars that would occasionally pass by. The moon and the stars along with the warm streetlights around the park gave just enough light for you to see him standing inches away from you. You realized the kind of person you’ve been missing out on after all these months. Why haven’t you had the chance to talk to him?
“If you don’t mind me asking, why’d you break up with Lance?” Taehyung asks after a minute of silence.
You look at him, not expecting him to be interested. Or maybe he just wanted to make conversation. You decide not to read into it too much.
“He cheated on me, to make things short,” You nod and his eyes go wide, “But I mean, we only dated for like—five months?”
“However long or short your relationship is doesn’t give him an excuse to cheat,” Taehyung stopped dancing now, his arms were crossed but you kept your hands on his shoulders. Cute, you thought, chuckling.
“What?” he asks.
“Nothing, you’re right. I wish he thought the same as you,” You smiled, “Come on, the song’s not over,” you place his arms back on your waist, earning a small smile from him.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that though,” he apologized.
“You sure do apologize a lot for things that aren’t your fault,” You told him, “But it’s fine. I got over him pretty fast, it’s just the experience of being cheated on that really stayed and bothered me.”
“Like a trauma?” He asked.
“Kind of, I guess.”
“Lance is dumber than I thought. I can’t believe he’d let go of someone like you,” He scoffed while you smiled to yourself. The song ends after a few seconds and Taehyung lets go, bowing in front of you. You copy him, making you both laugh, but the sound of your stomach growling makes him laugh even harder. Taehyung takes your hand again and leads you to the car.
“Let’s go get something to eat.”
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Taehyung drove you to this small restaurant that he claims sells the best jajangmyeon which you had to try. You couldn’t object, you were hungry and you didn’t have time to play the guessing game when it came to restaurants. Plus, he just looked so happy talking about it, you didn’t want to burst his bubble.
“Wait here,” Taehyung told you before he got off the car. Maybe he was going to check the place first, or talk to the owner and ask if they were still open. You were surprised when you saw him walk to your side of the car and realized he wanted to open the door for you. His hand was extended out to you, waiting for yours to hold his.
“Thanks,” You told him, taking his hand.
“Don’t mention it.”
When you both walked into the restaurant, you almost felt bad because the staff was already packing up and cleaning, the smell of food already faint. But when the staff members saw Taehyung, they all lit up and so did he, greeting each one of them with a wave.
“Auntie, Taehyung’s here!” One of the staff members shouted.
Just then, a short, plump woman who looked like she was in her forties walked out of the kitchen and walked up to Taehyung. She had short, curly hair, and the crinkles in her eyes were evident with the way she smiled.
“Taehyung, it’s so nice to see you. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you here with your friends,” She spoke.
“Ah, yeah. We’ve all been busy with college, but I really missed your food,” Taehyung grinned.
“Well come on, sit down!” she motions for us to sit and offers us a table, “I’ll make you your usual.”
“Ah! For two please,” Taehyung puts two fingers up as he sits down before looking back at you.
One of the staff members began talking to Taehyung in a foreign language while placing down tissues and chopsticks on the table. Taehyung, whose face turned into a deep shade of red, nervously began talking in the same foreign language while picking up his chopsticks to rub them together. The staff member said something back to him, sending Taehyung what you could only assume was a teasing smile. This caused Taehyung to laugh anxiously before replying to the staff.
You looked at him in confusion, but also amazement. You found it so cool the way he was so friendly with the staff and how they were nice to him as well, it was even cooler when you heard him speak in Korean for the first time. You were mesmerized.
“That was so cool,” You spoke, sounding as if you’d been holding your breath the entire time.
“What is?” He asks, dumbfounded.
“Just now. The staff here knows you and you speak Korean? That’s amazing, your voice sounds so nice in Korean.”
His eyes widened, “Wait—you knew it was in Korean… did you understand what we were talking about just now?” Taehyung felt as if his heart was beginning to palpitate. It was an innocent conversation about how the staff member found you pretty and thought you were his girlfriend, and how Taehyung agreed that you were gorgeous indeed, however you two weren’t together.
“No, I just recognized the language. Plus, there’s a small Korean flag outside this restaurant. One would notice,” You spoke blankly, “Why? What was it about?”
“Oh,” was all he could say before coming up with an excuse, “He just told me that it’s late and we shouldn’t overeat or we’ll get nightmares.” That was a fast excuse, I deserve an award for that, he thought.
You may not have known him enough, but it was easy to tell he was lying by the way he wasn’t looking at you properly. Maybe it was a personal thing, so you decided not to push his buttons and pry. Soon enough, your food came and both your mouths were watering. It smelled delicious, and you couldn’t wait to dig in. Taehyung let you taste it first to see if you’d like it, and you did.
“Do you come here often?” You asked him.
Taehyung took a sip of water, “Yeah, I used to. I think the last time I went here was two months ago, with Jungkook and Jin, our older friend.”
“You’ve seen Jungkook and Jimin, right?” He asked to which you nodded. “We’d come here with four of our other friends, they’re all seniors in college now.”
“It’s nice that you have lots of friends.”
“Yeah, they’re great. You should meet them sometime, I have a feeling they’ll like you,” he says, giving you a grin you were starting to feel accustomed to. You smiled at the thought of him wanting you to meet his friends.
When you were both done eating, you took your wallet out and asked Taehyung how much the food was so you could split. No matter how hard you insisted to pay for your food, he was more persistent in paying for everything, so he did. Taehyung thanked the lady who owned the restaurant and so did you before you both walked back into the car.
“Are you up for some karaoke?” Taehyung asks.
“Yeah, of course! Let’s go,” You beamed.
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The twenty-minute car ride was spent with you and Taehyung not-so-seriously singing to a bunch of songs from the 2000s as well as original soundtracks from cartoons you both watched as children. You’d laugh every now and then whenever Taehyung would try to copy the female voices and Taehyung would poke fun at you for trying to imitate voices with lower ranges.
Taehyung was enraptured with how you were able to hang out with him like he was an old friend of yours. You were fun to be around, and he wanted to take every opportunity he could to make this feeling of elation you caused to last because he knew things would probably change in the morning. Prior to your party-turned-date-night, he already had a hunch he’d have a great time with you. What he didn’t expect that as the hours passed, you were turning out to be so much more.
“We’re here!” Taehyung exclaimed after he finished parking, “Wait inside.” He got off the car and you laughed to yourself knowing he was going to open the door again for you. This time you took his hand before he could give you his. He looked surprised at first but not even half a second later that was replaced by a wide, boxy smile you found endearing.
As you walked in, you noticed how well-lit and alive the whole place was at night. You barely come to Karaoke Bars, the last time you went was in high school when you and a couple of your friends tried sneaking drinks but failed because you were minors. It wasn’t the most exciting experience, at least this time around you didn’t need to sneak around anything.
“For two, please.” You heard Taehyung tell the person behind the counter.
“Would you like any food and drinks?” The lady asks.
“Want anything?” Taehyung asks, looking back at you.
“Any is fine,” You told him, but really you’ve been eyeing the spicy wings on their menu. Taehyung looks at what you were staring at and quietly laughs to himself.
“We’ll take the spicy chicken platter and 2 bottles of fruity soju, please.”
This was the absolute bare minimum, yet your heart couldn’t resist leaping after hearing Taehyung order the wings you had your eyes on. Had he noticed? If he did, he was only making you fall deep without you even realizing.
You both entered the room. It was square, and it looked slightly smaller than a studio apartment. Two songbooks were placed on a table in the middle of the room and there was a long couch that faced the television. For some reason, the magenta lighting made it feel like it was an intimate space.
Taehyung plopped himself onto the couch and took one songbook. You followed him and sat down, careful to leave a distance of at least one foot between the two of you. 
"Here, you should sing," he hands you the songbook.
"I think I'm gonna wait for the soju first before I can sing, thanks," you placed the songbook on his lap, and as if on cue, a lady knocks in and walks into the room holding a tray of spicy chicken on a plate and two bottles of soju with two shot glasses.
Taehyung thanked the lady while you stared at nothingness, silently cursing this unlucky timing. He laughs while reaching over for the bottle of soju, opening one and pouring you both a shot.
"You said you needed one before you could sing, so here you go," he hands you a shot glass and you glare at him, taking the glass from his hand and downing it in one go. He raises his brow in amazement, letting out a breathy laugh before downing his shot.
"Give me that," you held your hand out for the songbook. You scanned the pages, looking for a specific song. You were the kind of person who wanted to relate to what you were saying, the kind who wished people could read between the lines and realize there was a meaning to whatever song you chose.
So you picked Realize by Colbie Caillat.
You looked at Taehyung hesitantly before standing up. Would he notice? Maybe he'll think it was just one of your favorites. Maybe he won't even think about it. Either way, there was no turning back now as you've already entered the numbers.
"I just want you to know, I am by no means a singer," you warned.
"In our date, there's no room for judgement," he grinned, visibly awaiting your performance as he watched you while he rests his head on his hand.
The lyrics popped up on screen and you began to sing.
Take time to realize
That your warmth is
Crashing down on me
Taehyung leaned forward from his seat the moment he heard your voice. You lied, he thought, you were most definitely a singer. His heart began to race for the nth time tonight, but this was different. You've got him wrapped around your finger, and he knew. Your voice was the final thing that trapped him into the pit of feelings he's been falling deeper and deeper into throughout the night. It didn't help that he was the type of person to really analyze every line from a song, wondering if there was some hidden message behind your song of choice.
He couldn’t help but wish that song was meant for him.
If you just realize what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other and we'd never find another
He was captivated by you. When Taehyung realized he'd been thinking of you and just you, he had to snap out of it by downing a shot.
By the time the song ended, you felt your knees go weak and your hands were trembling. You took a shot of soju hoping it would calm your nerves and placed the microphone on the table. "I can't believe I just sang." I can't believe I just sang a song like that.
"I can't believe you lied to me," Taehyung tried to play it cool, "You have a beautiful voice."
Singing wasn't something you could easily do in front of people. As much as possible, you wanted to keep that hobby to yourself. You never really had the confidence to let people listen to you, but hearing those words from Taehyung felt like an affirmation. You were touched.
"Thanks," you gave him a soft smile, "That actually means a lot."
"You have to sing one more," he begged.
You raised a brow, "Are you serious?" Taehyung nods at this. You wanted to protest but his eyes made it impossible. How could you say no to him?
"Fine, but you're singing after me." 
Before you sang for the second time, you made sure to drink another shot to get rid of your nerves. The next song you chose was Ain't Together by King Princess and you were hoping Taehyung would read the lyrics on screen and realize they were for him and not for the sake of singing.
When you were done, you found Taehyung staring at you. His eyes followed you even when you were already sitting down, you had to snap your fingers in front of him to get him back on earth. When you did, he suddenly dropped his head down the way participants would wake up after being hypnotized. 
"Are you okay?" You asked.
He looked back up, only to reveal a smiling face before he reached for the bottle of soju and poured himself a shot, running his hand through his hair. Thoughts of you were devouring him. The alcohol was supposed to help, but it was only stopping him from suppressing his emotions.
"Never better," he told you.
I must be going crazy, he thought to himself.
"I've done two songs, Taehyung. It's your turn now," you handed him the songbook, your fingers accidentally touching. Taehyung took the songbook from you, his heart nervously pounding when he felt your index finger.
You watched his hands as he flipped through the pages, looking at every ring wrapped around on his fingers. Your eyed then trailed to look at his ears and noticed he was wearing several earrings as well. He always did, you figured, but they were way more noticeable now. 
"What's your favorite song?" Taehyung asked, leaning on you a bit. Your faces were suddenly inches apart; you didn't notice how close you were getting as you were inspecting his accessories. Taehyung's eyes grew wide, so you quickly leaned back.
"Uhm, Dreams by Fleetwood Mac," you tried saying nonchalantly trying to ignore the warmth on your cheeks because of that brief moment.
"Oh, sorry, I don't know that. Any faves from Sam Smith?"
You laughed, "Lay Me Down, definitely."
"Perfect," he began typing the numbers and the song appeared on screen, "I actually know this song."
"Are you gonna serenade me?" You teased.
He stood up from his seat and held the mic in his hand. Funny how the microphone seemed to belong in his grasp. If he weren't majoring in (your major), he would probably do well as a performer.
"I intend to," He smirks, "I'm gonna make you fall in love with me with my voice, darling."
Those words sent your heart jumping and you had to restrain yourself from touching your cheeks to cool them. Thank goodness Taehyung's eyes were now fixated on the screen waiting for the lyrics to come out, or else he would've seen you fanning yourself with your hand trying to cool down.
 Yes, I do, I believe
That one day I will be, where I was
Right there, right next to you
 Your mouth dropped at Taehyung’s deep and velvety voice. You always knew his voice was deep—it was evident in the way he talked, you just didn’t expect he’d turn out to be an impressive singer.
And it's hard, the days just seem so dark
The moon, and the stars, are nothing without you
 Your touch, your skin, where do I begin? Taehyung turned to face you as he sang, making you flustered. He might’ve been joking about making you fall in love with his voice, but right now you were certain that you no longer took it as a joke—you could easily fall for him right then and there. Maybe you already have. It was even harder to resist with the way he had his eyes set on you, only emphasizing how it was just the two of you in the room. His soulful voice made you feel something—an inexplicable leaping feeling in your chest.
Soon the song ended and Taehyung placed the microphone back on the table before sitting back down, the distance between you two measuring at only half a ruler. Maybe it was the alcohol kicking in, but you could swear you were within an ace of losing the filter from your mouth. All you needed was one more shot.
So you took one.
"You didn't tell me you were such a great singer," You spoke while you rested your elbow on the couch.
Taehyung laughed at this, though his laugh sounded deeper than it did earlier, "I told you I'd make you fall for me with my voice,” he says as he reaches for his shot glass.
"Is this how you get girls, then?" You teased, placing your glass back on the table. Cause it’s working on me.
He laughed again, shaking his head, "No."
"Then how?" The question comes out in a more serious manner than you had originally intended.
“Why?” He places his glass back on the table before looking straight at you, his warm eyes turning to an even darker, more alluring shade of brown. "Do you want me to show you?" He asks looking straight at you, head tilting coyly and his voice treacherously deeper than it normally sounds.
A small bead of sweat began to form on your forehead. Show you what, exactly? Though you were curious about his ways of picking up women, you weren't exactly sure if you were ready to find even more reasons to like him. For a split second you caught his eyes traveling down to your lips before making eye contact with you again. Perhaps your mind was playing tricks on you, or maybe it was the soju, but you almost felt him leaning into you.
Time was moving painstakingly slow, but before you could decide whether or not you wanted to find out what was going to happen next, you anxiously clear your throat and decide to shift the topic to the spicy chicken platter that you both have barely touched.
"I-is the spicy chicken here good? We haven’t even touched it and it’s probably getting cold."
Taehyung was only teasing and though he’d never admit it out loud, he noticed the way a blush formed at your cheeks and how flustered you were at his question. It has to mean something, he thought. He never imagined he’d ever relish in the fact that he had the capacity to affect you in that way.
He uncontrollably grinned to himself as he watched you take a bite from a chicken wing.
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A few more songs and chicken wings later, you and Taehyung decided to get out of the Karaoke Bar and drive to a nearby beach to stroll around. You appreciated how consistent he was with opening the car door for you, even when you tried to argue that you could open it for yourself.
"It's a date, y/n. Even if it was storming, I wouldn't let my date open the car door for herself."
The way he reminded you each time that you were both on a date made you regret telling him it was something you could both forget in the morning.
It was cold and the breeze made it even colder. Thankfully, Taehyung had an extra jacket in his car to lend knowing your black dress wouldn’t be enough to keep you warm. As you walked you would breathe into your hands and rub them together to keep them warm. Taehyung noticed this, worrying your enjoyment would be compromised because of the temperature.
"Do you wanna go someplace warmer?" He asked.
"No, I like it here," you smiled.
He looked at you with much concern on his face, you had to convince him you were fine, really. Because you insisted so much that you were alright, he took your hand instead, placing it in his coat pocket. At this point your heart was leaping out of your chest, you found yourself questioning how he could make the absolute bare minimum feel like such a grand gesture.
"Your hands feel like ice,” He told you
“Say it,” You joked, referencing a film.
“You’re a—a vampire,” Taehyung played along, making the two of you laugh.
The whole night with Taehyung really got you thinking. It’s not like you were the type to easily fall for guys, but for some reason Taehyung was different. Nothing felt forced, and you could tell he was just being his genuine self around you. Though he’d call you his date, there was a certain comfort you felt around him, as if he’d been your friend for years—a sense of familiarity you’ve never felt towards anyone else.
“I see people doing this a lot in movies whenever the girl gets cold, but it never really occurred to me until now that it only helps one of your hands,” he comments, making you giggle.
“It’s a sweet gesture, s’all that matters,” you reassured him, making him smile to himself.
The two of you walked along the shore while Taehyung would tell you stories about his childhood and his friends, then he’d tell you jokes that made you laugh really hard, your stomach would ache. In turn you’d also talk about your childhood and how you wanted to be a singer when you were younger but eventually realized you wanted other things. Later on when you both got tired of walking, you decided to lie down on the sand. Talks of childhood memories transitioned to opening up to each other about your own individual worries about the future and random thoughts.
It was so easy to talk to him. It was true when he said there was no room for judgement on your date, and you absolutely loved how you could just be yourself, because now you were really wishing you two had been closer sooner.
“You know, you’ve always seemed a bit intimidating to me,” You spoke.
“I get that a lot,” He sighs, “But so are you.”
“I get that a lot too,” You smile followed by a small laugh, "I just never imagined I'd have this much fun with someone who I can only remember borrows pens from me."
Taehyung laughs, slightly embarrassed, "You have the best pens in class, you know that?"
"You're the only one who actually gives them back, thank you for that."
There was silence for a moment while you two stared up at the sky, the stars were almost fading.
“I wish we got closer sooner," you said quietly.
“Yeah, me too. I guess we just never knew how to properly approach each other,” He takes your hand and begins playing with your fingers, “But better late than never, right?”
“Right,” You smiled.
You wished this night would never end, but you could already feel your eyes drooping as a yawn involuntarily escaped your mouth. You hoped that Taehyung wouldn’t hear, afraid that he’d think it was time to bring you home, but he did and no matter how hard you tried to protest that you weren’t tired yet, he wouldn’t buy it. He laughed as you tried to hold back another yawn before finally helping you up.
“I’ll carry you, get on my back,” He offers, not taking no for an answer.
For the duration of the drive, you struggled to keep your eyes open. Taehyung found it adorable whenever you’d tell him to turn back and find some other place to hang out in, but it was already 4:30 in the morning and most shops and restaurants were closed. “You can sleep, y/n. I’ll still be here when you wake up,” He chuckles. He tried singing you to sleep, but his voice just served another reason why shouldn’t doze off so you could hear it.
The sky was already turning into a lighter shade of blue and the stars were long gone, why couldn’t time move slower?
The car ride was tranquil, just you and Taehyung sharing what a fun experience you both had and how you’ve both never had this much fun with anyone else. Something in you wished he would do something more, though you weren’t exactly sure what. The scenario from the Karaoke room floods back, making you feel slightly embarrassed from what you pictured would have happened. Forty-five minutes later, you finally reached your dorm building. Taehyung, staying as consistent as ever, opens the door for you one last time and walks with you ‘til you reach the outside of your dorm. You were slightly less sleepy now but couldn’t help but feel downhearted that your date had come to an end.
You stared at your room’s door, mentally groaning at all the packing you had to do for your trip along with Kate, who apparently had 86 missed calls and over 200 unread messages in your phone, would probably nag you while you were at it. You didn't really want to go in.
“So,” Taehyung starts, “Date’s over.”
You forced a small laugh to try and disguise the small disappointment you felt because it was over, “Yeah, guess it is.”
Taehyung digs his hands into his pockets, “I had a great time with you.”
“Yeah,” You nodded followed by a sigh, “Taehyung, thank you, really. I haven’t been my best self lately and this date with you was the most fun I’ve had in months. I hope you know this means a lot to me.”
Taehyung had no idea what to say. There were too many thoughts going on in his head and they were all about you and how much he appreciated this spontaneous date you just had, but he didn’t know how to piece them together to tell you how much it all meant to him as well.
A wave of confidence unexpectedly washes over you, "Don't take this the wrong way, but this is just a thank you for being the best date I've had in years." Taehyung watched as you moved closer to him. Your faces only centimeters apart now, you'd think you were the only one whose heart was beating faster than a person racing in a marathon. You stared at each other for only a second before you pulled him in for a hug. He was shocked, but he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear as he wrapped his arms around you. You wished that was enough for a goodbye, but deep down you knew it wasn't.
When you were about to turn your back and open your door, Taehyung took your hand and pulled you back so you were both facing each other.
"This has been overdue since we left that karaoke room," he spoke as he pulled you closer. He stared at your lips before glancing at your eyes to search for any sign of discomfort, but you wanted this just as much as he did you almost asked him to just kiss you already.
And so he finally did. And oh my god, he was a phenomenal kisser. You could both feel each other smiling through the soft kiss, but it wasn't long before you two had to pull away.
"I'll call you. You can keep the jacket," he smiles before letting go of your hand, "See you soon."
"Drive safe."
After he left, you quietly entered your room. You couldn't believe that actually happened. Of course everything just prodded more questions in your head, did he like you? Were you two going to keep this up or will you both really just forget the whole thing when the sun comes up? Immediately you began to regret telling him to forget it all in the morning.
You carefully got in your bed, trying not to wake Kate who was sleeping soundly on the other side of the room. The light from the sun slowly made its way into your dorm, your eyes closing while your thoughts drifted off to the image of your kiss with Taehyung, repeatedly playing in your head before falling asleep.
The date felt like a dream. Maybe Kate was right about finding your prince tonight, only he was much better than that.
It was Kim Taehyung, and you couldn't wait to see him again.
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a/n: hello!! if you finished the story, feel free to leave comments so i know how what stuff to improve on!! i’ll be posting stories for fun (just as a “creative outlet”) but i’d also love to receive some feedback. if you liked it, please look forward to my next uploads! 
also follow me on twitter for updates: tteokgukk ! thank you!
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ᴍᴏʟᴛᴇɴ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴇ | 𝘏𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘺𝘶𝘶!! Hitmen AU! [Kuroo x F!Reader] ɴꜱꜰᴡ
Just a short little drabble with sly boi Kuroo~ ^^
I’m warning you all now, this is-- uhm very very nsfw SKSKSK Idk what my mind was thinking when I wrote this but uh--- yEaH
TW; Choking, Manhandling, Possessive Behavior
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««
You couldn’t remember the last time you were left in rather...provocative situation. Normally, whenever Kenma would assign you missions, they were quick and easy. Nothing like the one you currently faced. How you found yourself teamed up with your boss, you probably would never find out. Yet here you are. 
It was supposed to be a simple ‘meeting’ with a client who had not only failed to pay off the debt they owed for purchasing your teams services, but was actively trying to run and hide from the prying golden eyes of your boss. And honestly, you couldn’t blame them. 
Despite being a rather lax and understanding boss, Kuroo showed none of those traits when he was on the field. The movements he made, the words he spoke, and the condescending look in his eyes made anyone freeze if they were placed before the terrifying man. The look of a predator.
“Look, I know you’re rather stupid. What, with running your 2 ‘successful’ businesses and what not. But you’re quite bold in thinking that I wouldn’t see this coming~.” 
A sinister smirk then stretched across the taller man’s face as he kicked the client from the chair down to the floor. A heavy leather boot immediately being pressed into the frightened individual’s chest as your boss leaned forward. 
“And...to think, you’d try to convince one of my teammates to join your pathetic workplace? It’s honestly laughable.”
You froze. It never occurred to you that Kuroo had actually heard the conversation between the client and you. Granted this was a conversation from a previous warning visit. But to hear the harsh and possessive tone laced in his voice sent chills down your spine as you couldn’t help but become a bit flustered at the boss’s attitude. 
Why was he so worked up anyway? As far as you were aware, the others that you worked with had faced similar situations as you. So...why exactly did he have to say something like that? 
Deciding to ignore the way your stomach flipped at the sight of your boss, you went to put a hand on his shoulder in an effort to calm him down. After all, you both still needed to get the money. If not that, then information as to where you and your team could inquire to next about the fees accumulated from this client.
“Boss. Ease up a bit,”
You began, hoping to divert the irritated male’s attention onto you. Though when it looked like it was going to work, the man pinned on the ground just had to speak.
“Glad to see that besides having a nice body, she has an actual brain---”
The words died on the man’s lips as Kuroo added more pressure. His eyes set ablaze as an almost animistic growl escaped his throat. 
“Shut the fuck up.”
An uneasy feeling came over you as you pulled back from the other. A look of wariness crossing your features as Kuroo refused to even spare you a glance. The man beneath him seemed to be suffocating from the pressure of Kuroo’s weight and his piercing stare.
“...Step outside (y/n). I’ll be with you in a moment.”
A promise of a lecture most likely, was the first thought that came to your mind as you gave him a nod before venturing outside. If only it was actually a lecture you’d be receiving. Though of course you couldn’t predict the future. All you could do at the moment, was wish that it would be over soon and you wouldn’t be assigned on another mission with the panther like man.
»»————- ᴛɪᴍᴇ ♔ ꜱᴋɪᴘ ————-««
An irritated sigh, and a quick glance to your watch as you watched another hour of your life go by with you just staring at the discolored and poster ridden wall before you. As far as you were aware, any sort of warning meetings with Kuroo ended within the hour and the money would’ve been retrieved with a call for a clean up crew to be on the way.
Though why was it taking longer than usual? Before you could even begin to theorize what was going on, the door opened and out stepped the man in question. An oddly calm look on his face as he fixed his leather gloves briefly. 
“Did you get the---” Before you could even finish your sentence, you were slammed against the wall. A cry of pain escaping you as you tightly closed your eyes. Your heart began pounding in your chest as you tried to understand the situation before you. Though it was hard to concentrate with the ringing in your head and the sudden breathlessness you felt. Were...were you being choked?
“How many times?”
The words came out fuzzy to you as you let out a breathless, “Wha---?”
“How many times did that piece of shit speak to you like that?!”
Confused, you could only weakly grasp at his arm as you blearily looked up at him. Though again you fell breathless as his eyes seared straight into your soul. Practically burning his mark on it as he kept you pinned to the wall. 
“I-I...B-Boss... K-Kuroo, I can’t---!” 
Your adrenaline was kicking in, your heart hammering against your chest as you felt the coil in your gut tighten as you cursed yourself. This wasn’t the situation to be getting turned on! Yes, your boss looked incredibly hot right now, but you literally were going to die if he couldn’t control his emotions!
Suddenly realizing what he was doing, he let go. Watching your chest heave as you gulped down lungfuls of air. A strange high coming off of you as you shakily met his gaze. His own boring straight into you as he seemed to still want his answer from you. 
Once regaining a sense of clarity, you collected your thoughts as you finally spoke. A slight rasp to your voice as you internally winced at how your voice sounded.
“He...it was every time I visited...sir.”
A sharp click of his tongue and a string of curses came under his breath as he closed his eyes briefly. You stood there, awkwardly waiting as you tried to quell the shake in your legs from the near death experience before you were jolted out of your thoughts when a large hand clamped down onto your wrist. The hold unrelenting as you were suddenly tugged down the alleyway.
Utterly confused, you could only follow him blindly as he didn’t speak the rest of the way towards the now undisclosed location. Within moments, you found yourself in front of a an apartment door. The area where it was being much more higher class than the previous location you had been. Though, before you could even question where you both were the taller male unlocked the door and tugged you in.
Putting two and two together, you realized you were in Kuroo’s apartment. Startled by this, you went to ask him why he brought you here. Instead, you were pinned to his door as his lips were suddenly on yours. 
A messy and dominant aura coming from the male as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Taking advantage of your shocked state to get a much needed fix of your taste before he slowly pulled back. 
“You have no idea how much it pisses me off to hear the girl I fucking love is getting treated like some ditsy whore.”
The words punched into your chest as your cheeks flushed at the words your boss said. He...loves you? Of course you had a crush on him. You were sure any of the rookies who joined the Nekoma team could agree on having a crush on the mischievous leader.
Though for you in particular, you grew to have more of a crush on the taller male after witnessing his personality and his mannerisms towards children and those in need. It warmed your heart that besides being a cruel and unrelenting figure in the dark world you both lived in, he still had a kind heart.
Before you could even think, you took this chance into your own hands as you suddenly grabbed at his jacket. A sharp tug and your lips meshed with his in a messy, yet fiery dance. His hands found their way around your waist before suddenly lifting you up into his arms as you let out a startled gasp.
Once again, taking this little change in your actions, he let his tongue dive into your mouth. Exploring and savoring the addicting taste that was you. You let out a soft groan at his play as you were overwhelmed by him. His scent, his touch, his voice. Everything about him had your body reacting in ways you didn’t think were possible.
The next thing you knew, he was pressing kisses against your neck, his hands roughly holding you up by your thighs as he gave them a nice squeeze. Then suddenly, you were thrown onto his bed. Soft black sheets enveloped your form as you looked up at your boss. A breathless look on your face as you watched with wide eyes as he began to slowly strip. A sort of show as his piercing gold eyes never left your wide (e/c). 
His lust filled voice cut you off as he threw his button down haphazardly onto the floor before crawling towards you. That predatory look in his eyes once again returning as he took in your form beneath him. It was mesmerizing. The way your hair fell against your skin and his sheets. The flushed look that covered your cheeks. The way your eyes held his own in a never ending game of cat and mouse.
You tested the name, your lips playing with the syllables as he let out a groan. The way you said his name sending heat straight down to his already strained pants as you slowly brought your arms up to wrap around his neck. Your fingers toying with his hair as you suddenly dropped a sultry gaze to him.
“I want you to wreck me...make me yours. Prove to me that what you said wasn’t a lie...”
And almost as if a switch was turned on, the man above you ravaged you almost immediately. He dove for your neck, already making claim to the soft skin and leaving his marks wherever accessible. his hands began to claw at your clothes. Roughly tugging and desperately peeling the layers away to touch your skin. To get a feel for you. 
The gasps and moans that escaped your reddened and swollen lips only urged him to explore more of you as your clothes were tossed into a pile on his bedroom floor. Mingling with his own abandoned ones as he continued kissing lower and lower until he was at your dripping entrance. A seductive grin formed on his face as he grabbed your thighs. The feel of his calloused hands sending another wave of heat into you as you grasped at the sheets beneath you.
“F-Fuck TetsuRO!”
A sharp cry came from you as your eyes widened in utter surprise as your boss began to suck and bite at the sensitive and supple skin of your inner thighs. Already you could feel your eyes water at the stimulation as you trembled underneath his hold. 
“Stay still kitten...”
A purr came from the male as his warm breath fanned against your dripping folds. A taunting smirk on his lips as he forced your thighs apart, and the next thing you knew you were crying and begging for release as his tongue delved deep into you. Taunting and teasing every little nook and cranny that he could reach. 
Your noises only fueling him further as he kept you from grinding your hips down against his face as you pleaded for him to stop teasing and to give you that sweet release. Of course that never came as he continued to absolutely decimate you with his tongue. The sweet little spots you had hidden away being prodded and teased at as he relished in your desperate sounds. 
And just when you thought you were about to cum, the ever mischievous male pulled back as you let out a sob of frustration. Your flustered and tear stained face only further prompted him to lean forward and capture your lips into another kiss as you let out a small moan as you tasted not only him but yourself on his tongue. 
The action making you even more embarrassed before you finally decided to take matters into your own hands. If this was the game your boss decided to play. Then so be it. You weren’t going to be the only one to suffer tonight.
Without warning, you pulled him in closer, stealing every breath he took as he let out a low and throaty moan at your sudden boldness. Though the sounds escalated the moment you flipped him onto his back. A victorious grin now on your face as he looked up at you with surprise in those golden irises. 
“I’m not the only one being teased tonight, tiger...”
A seductive smirk graced your features as you fumbled with his pants briefly. His cock straining desperately against the cloth of his boxers before you pulled both layers loose. The pair being lost in the pile of forgotten clothes on the floor as you leaned over to his nightstand. A teasing wink being sent his way as you grabbed one of the condoms he had stashed away. With practiced ease, you slipped the condom on before you positioned yourself over his weeping cock.  His face suddenly becoming flustered, as he attempted to stop you before you slowly worked his tip against your aching folds. A desperate moan coming from the both of you as you struggled to keep him from bucking up and stretching you too quickly. 
Thankfully, you managed to keep his grinding hips down as he let out a breathless string of curses as you continued to ease and work your way onto him. Though the more you did the more shaky and hazy your eyes became as you couldn’t help but let out a wanton moan at how he filled you up. Your walls clenching around him tightly as he let out a sharp curse and a strong buck of his hips.
The action catching you off guard as you squealed. Your hands pressing against his lower abdomen to steady yourself as you gave him a sharp glare. Amused, he let out a breathy chuckle before letting our another colorful string of curses and moans as you began to move. Your body taking the reigns as you began to ride the man beneath you until he was a desperate moaning mess.
Though just as you thought he was about to break, his hands shot towards your own hips as he began to match with your speed. Your flushed cheeks turning even darker as his gaze became practically liquid gold as he watching you bounce on his cock. The both of you nearing your limits as both gold and (e/c) meshed, drowning one another in each other’s hypnotic stares before you both came with a loud moan. 
Suddenly you fell forward, collapsing against the sweaty male beneath you as the musk of sex and sweat filled the room. Groaning, you let your eyes slowly flutter closed as Tetsuro pulled out of you. Giving himself a moment to catch his breath before he turned, lazily wrapping an arm around you as he carefully tugged the messy sheet off and onto the floor before wrapping the both of you in the blanket. His molten stare now basking over your sleeping features as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head before he too succumbed to the exhaustion.
A soft whisper danced into your ear before the both of you finally fell asleep though, and it brought a subconscious smile to you as darkness brought you into it’s soothing embrace.
“...I love you (y/n)...”
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