#anyways i love lumi's dress
enemyoflactose · 3 months
I finished Battle City
So for my redemption arc, I have finished both Duelist Kingdom and Battle City.
I think I may have gotten worse.
I'll start by talking about voice acting and which one I prefer:
Bakurae: I like both Ted Lewis and Rica Matsumoto's performances. They both did amazing and I am so bi for their voices.
Marik: His goofy ass skeletor voice is not it. It's funny as hell, but he just sounds better in the sub.
Odion: I like both
Ishizu: I like both
Everyone else: could go either way
Yugi didn't really do a lot at the start, and everything I want to say about him happens in his duel with Joey. Honestly, I don't like how in the anime he doesn't play much of a role.
Yami Yugi: this man... This man.
Téa: I love her. Honestly. She gave like zero friendship speeches this season and didn't really do much except help Yami find Ishizu.
Tristan: he's there. I don't like how he treats Serenity.
Serenity: I actually really like her. She's not the most realistic sister character, but I still like her.
Duke: my guy, leave the girl alone.
Marik: I can't take him seriously. I just can't. He sounds like Skeletor, his plans are stupid, he can barely duel, he's a coward, he dresses ugly, mother fucker uses Revival Jam, this happened
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How am I supposed to take him seriously?! Also, his backstory didn't do anything for me. Like, yeah what he went through was awful, but it just feels like an excuse. It felt like Ishizu and Odion were trying to justify Marik's behavior and say he did nothing wrong and should be forgiven. (Also, I saw a post about how Joey should have showed Marik sympathy. They blocked me when I said that was stupid)
Ishizu: she's such a great character. Her love for her siblings feels real, she's a snarky dork, her duel with Kaiba is fantastic, and she's pretty.
Odion: Am I supposed to feel bad for him? Not because he was horrifically abused I do feel bad about that, but with the way he was treating Marik... My guy was an enabler. Of course Marik is still evil under your care, you haven't done anything to help him be good. He just rolls over and lets Marik do what he wants because he doesn't want to betray his oath or something.
Mai: literally so cool. I'll actually get to talking about her in a bit.
Kaiba: iconic.
Mokuba: he takes his duel commissioner job so seriously it's adorable. He just pops up out of nowhere to catch people cheating and then Kaiba comes along to scare the cheater when they don't listen to Mokuba.
Regular Bakura: B-baby boy???
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Yami Bakura: I'd literally bend over for him. He can have all of my possessions. Anyway I feel like he went through some character assassination this season. He just doesn't seem like a threat, but I guess that's how abusers get ya because he stabs Regular Bakura.
Arkana: I've said it once and I'll say it again, I am a sap. I felt so bad for this guy. First his magic show goes wrong, then his face gets mangled, then his wife leaves him, then he gets indoctrinated into Marik's cult, then he almost dies by saw blade, then he actually dies.
Lumis and Umbra: these two are gay and dating.
Strings: there is nothing there.
Mako and Weevil are pretty much the same.
Espa Roba: he's a cheater.
Bandit Keith vs Yugi Moto (Duel 1)
The first duel of the season introduces us to Marik. We learn that he wants the puzzle and has a magic rod that can mind control people.
This duel shows off that Yugi is not yet as good a duelist as Yami because this loser gets fucking cooked.
Yami Bakura shows up and breaks Keith free. This makes Marik a little annoyed.
Marik makes Keith break the puzzle.
Bakura comes in and helps Yugi fix it, but he puts a little piece of his soul in the puzzle because of reasons that are never explained.
Bakura leaves and Keith burns the building down.
Joey and Tristan save Keith and Yugi.
Yami Yugi vs Jonny Steps (Duel 2)
I am not talking about the duel you suckers. I'm talking about what happened before the duel!
Yami and Téa go on a date. During this date they go on wacky high jinks and Yami gets Light Force Sword.
After dueling Jonny Steps, they go to the museum and meet Ishizu. She tells them that Yami is actually an ancient Egyptian pharaoh and he needs to save the world by joining Kaiba's tournament and winning it. Also he needs three Egyptian God Cards.
Joey vs That one guy (duel 3)
Joey gets Exodiad and feels so bad that he doesn't go and visit his sister in the hospital.
He also lost his Red Eyes Black Dragon.
Tristan finds him on the beach and shows Yugi and Téa who he found (fuck you 4kids)
Kaiba vs the machine (duel 4)
Yami vs the one guy(duel 5)
Yami beats Exodia and wins back Joey's Red Eyes.
Joey declined it.
Joey vs Espa Roba (duel 6)
In this duel Joey faces an alleged psychic who had already defeated Rex Raptor.
Rex tries to help Joey for a little bit, but stops like half way through the duel.
During this duel, Espa is talking about the universe and how he can't lose and shit like that and Joey's just clowning on him.
Espa Roba has his brothers up on a building helping him win duels.
Joey figures this out.
Joey wins the duel.
Some guy in the audience says "Espa couldn't predict he'd be a loser", and I think that's funny.
Joey got a Jinzo!! The only good card he'll get this whole tournament.
Yami vs Arkana (duel 7)
Yami faces a magician who's all like "Aren't you SO sad that your precious Dark Magician is in the deck of another duelist???!"
Some bullshit happens, Dark Magician is sentient and saves Yami, Dark Magician Girl is summoned by Dark Magic Curtain, there's shadow blades, guillotine-chan is here, apparently there's no service in the tent.
Yami wins.
Arkana dies or something it was really unclear.
Joey vs Weevil Underwood (duel 8)
Joey got his deck and Duel Disk stolen by some mustache and had a card put In it.
Joey and Weevil duel ata fountain.
During this duel Weevil calls out to the Parasite Paracide card in Joey's deck and turns all of Joey's monsters into insect cards.
Weevil brings out Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth. Joey destroys it.
Weevil brings out his Insect Queen and talks about how much he wants to fuck it. Joey destroys the Insect Queen and wins it.
Joey gained the worst card of the season.
Yami and Kaiba vs some guys (duel 10)
Kaiba uses Lord of D and two Flute of Summoning Dragon to summon three dragons and then he summons Obelisk and then he wins the duel and takes some locator cards.
Joey Wheeler vs Mako (duel 11) ft. Marik falling for the Bakura sham.
Joey and Mako duel.
Joey is putting on the world's greatest show, and is told to stop because it's "embarrassing and taking to long"
Joey tries to use Parasite Paracide, but flip monsters haven't been invented yet.
Marik almost runs over Bakura.
Mako is telling a son story about his dad and how Legendary Fisherman is his dad and he loves his dad so he has to win the duel for his dad because he loves him ever so much.
Yami Bakura is talking mad shit and Marik's all like "This idiot has NO idea that to open the door to darkness he needs the Egyptian God Cards."
What if my guy was talking 'bout Kingdom Hearts?
Mako used a ritual card 🤮
Now Joey has to find the fisherman and attack.
Joey finds the fisherman and attacks. Mako gets sad. Loser deserved it tho for using rituals.
Joey uses some gambling cards and oh no
Bakura puts his scam into action and says he's a strong duelist (He's aight.)
Marik doesn't even fact check this and makes a deal with him.
The rod for a god card.
Joey uses Panther Warrior to wipe out the ritual card 🤮, and wins the duel.
Joey has gained Legendary Fisherman! Not as bad as the last card, but Joey you have a shitty deck how do you keep winning???
Seto and Yami vs Lumis and Umbra (duel 12)
It's awful, it sucks, it's worthless, they should have just used level cards
This duel is not worth my time.
Yami and Seto win.
We interrupt this essay to talk about important stuff that happened out of duels:
Bakura got stabbed
Mokuba, Téa, and Joey got kidnapped
Tristan ran for an hour with a teenage girl on his back
Duke hit some guy with dice
Mai met Serenity
Joey got mind controlled
Téa girl mind controlled
Joey vs Yugi/Yami (duel 13)
I cried during this duel
Joey got mind controlled by Marik and is evil and dueling Yugi for the puzzle and they're also strapped to this anchor that's gonna drag them to the bottom of the ocean in an hour and oh my God this duel
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Téa's life is also being threatened but she's a badass who doesn't care.
Kaiba can't help because then Téa will die.
Joey was given all these rare cards and is using them against Yugi.
Yugi is so scared to attack because he doesn't wanna hurt Joey.
Yugi is so fucking sweet I love him so much.
Yami is just in the corner like "you good Yugi?" And "Oh no!!! Joey!!" I love them so much
Yugi ends up giving the puzzle to Joey so he can fight Marik better, he summons R d eyes black dragon to get through to him, this shit is just barely working I HATE THIS DUEL
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Marik is being a whiny little bitch ass loser because his mind control is failing
Joey breaks free after attacking Yugi then he uses the effect of some mirror card to attack himsefl
Joey and Yugi both plummet to the ocean, Yugi is saved by Joey and Joey is saved by serenity.
Meanwhile at the hospital
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Yami Bakura vs Bonz (duel 14)
This episode is so fucking good. The animation, the duel, BONZ IS HERE
This duel starts off with Yami Bakura already being kinda annoyed. He just got jumped so it makes sense.
He summons a headless knight and it gets destroyed.
He destroys Bonz's cards.
Bonz fuses Medusa and crawling dragon to get... An elephant?
Then Bonz activates that one card that makes you lose life points for every card sent to the graveyard. Yami Bakura responded by fucking cheating and just tossing his hand to the graveyard.
Then he summons Earl of Demise and Bonz puts him in a cage.
Then Yami Bakura uses ectoplasmer and wipes out Bonz's life points and sends him to hell the Shadow Realm.
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Mai vs Jean Clawed Magnum (duel 19)
I am not talking about this duel other than
Joey x Mai supremacy
We love polarshipping
Stuff that happens before the finals
The gang is shocked at the idea of Regular Bakura dueling (rude)
Tristan can't flirt
The gang raid Joey's pantry
A bingo machine
Yami Bakura pretends to be Regular Bakura and messes with Joey by saying shit like "Cheerio" and "fellows"
Marik does stuff
Odion gets threatened a few times
Ishizu shows up late
Mai drinks censored wine
Yami Bakura vs Yami (duel 15)
This shit is so hype
It starts off with Yami Bakura being dog shit and summoning weak cards (it's for a plan), and Yami and the gang just ragging on him and insulting him.
Then Bakura summons Dark Necrofear, but he doesn't attack because he's scared that Yami's face down card is a trap (reasonable)
Dark Necrofear gets destroyed by a buffed Dark Magician Girl, but this was all part of the an because now Yami Bakura can use not only his Destiny Board (worst win strat ever), but he can also use Dark Sanctuary.
At this point in the duel, Yami Bakura is cooking. He is dominating.
He got out his Dark door, Yami can't attack more than once. He got his spirit redirecting attacks at Yami. He's cooking something delicious.
Then Yami special summons Dark Necrofear and now Yami Bakura can't use his strategy.
Unless he summons Jougen the Spiritualist!
Now the sanctuary is back and he can keep up with his shitty win strat.
Then Yami summons Slifer and he contemplates death.
Marik makes Odion walk over and go "I release Bakura from the spirit" and Bakura starts dying and at this point my shipping senses start going nuts.
This duel has become a love triangle between Regular Bakura, Yami Bakura, And Yami Yugi.
But that's not important.
Bakura doesn't like this strategy because it's for cowards and he's worried Yami will attack his host. (Reasonable. The Yami he knows probably would've)
Yami meanwhile doesn't wanna attack Regular Bakura because that's his friend.
No one has told this boy to just surrender.
Yami Bakura takes control of Regular Bakura again and tells Yami to attack him
Then Yugi tells Yami that he did that because he needs Bakura, not because he liked him. (This is untrue if I believe hard enough)
Regular Bakura is knocked out and the ring is gone.
Joey vs Odion (duel 16)
Joey is talking shit.
Odion keeps setting and passing
And oh what's this?? FLASHBACK
Odion was abandoned on the door step of Marik's and Ishizu's parents. He was raised by them but never truly accepted.
He wanted the tomb keeper initiation to become accepted, but he was adopted. So that didn't happen.
Joey's losing
Odion was Marik's best friend and watched their mother die immediately after Marik was born.
He vowed to protect Marik.
Odion has trap monsters and Joey is surprised by this.
A massive scorpion monster thing is summoned and Joey says
"Are you really Marik?"
Then Marik has a temper tantrum and tells Odion to summon Ra. Odion summons Ra and fucking dies.
Then Joey dies.
Odion watched as Marik got his tomb keeper initiation and afterwards he did his own initiation.
Odion tries to get up, but he doesn't.
Joey is having a dream about his friends helping him get ready for a tournament and he can't get up.
Joey gets up and wins the duel.
Marik is having a migraine and then becomes Yami Marik.
Mai vs Marik (duel whatever I don't wanna check)
Marik got a fashion upgrade and looks better!!
During this duel Kaiba is edging himself waiting for Ra to be summoned.
Marik makes the duel a shadow duel and starts to erase Mai's mind.
Mai loses one memory and almost gives up immediately.
Marik continues his mind games while Joey and the gang try to help Mai out.
Mai is having non of this.
Mai steals Ra
Marik is cooking
Mai summons Ra, but Marik broke a rule because Ra is written in a foreign language without a translation.
Mai loses because she can't summon Ra and Marik attacked her, Joey, and Yami.
Final duel, Kaiba vs Ishizu
Ishizu should have won
Kaiba and Ishizu keep milling each other's deck.
Ishizu has a plan though. She saw it in her visions
Kaiba defys those visions tho and instead of summoning Obelisk, he summons the Blue Eyes White Dragon and wipes out Ishizu.
I forgot to talk about the Yami vs Strings duel
Marik is a pussy so he uses some murderer to duel
During this duel Marik is using cards like Revival Jam and Jam Breeding Machine.
He uses them to summon Slifer.
Yami is trapped in a cage.
Yami uses Revival Jam against Marik and uses it to cause Marik to lose by DECK OUT.
That's embarrassing.
So yeah, I think this journey of redemption is becoming a journey of derailment instead. Wish me luck and health.
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lolly-047 · 1 year
current newest brainrot is diluven as fairytale everythings
I mean like - fairytale AUs. ALL the fairytale AUs - og, disney, reworked, e v e r y t h i n g
So far i got:
Cinderella/Fae AU (totally not in the process of writing that one, nope, not me) - just. Venti in a pretty dress, yes pls (also lots of probably not-that-true fae lore, bc i am a beginner with fae lore but once i grab an idea i grow several wildly different things out of it, oops)
Tangled AU with Diluc as the princess for a change - babyboi be struggling with expressing his need for freedom and Venti!thethief helping him (yes to all the musical scenes) - i have this really strong image of Dottore as Mother Gothel (bc of the manga, where he was being very predatory towards my poor boy Diluc) also Corona/whatever the name of the kingdom is def has a missing person poster left up for Diluc (his fake/new name could be Phoenix? Bc that sounds vaguely science-y and i don't wanna name him after a vegetable) and Crown Prince Kaeya (also Captain of the Guard aka, taking the role of Max the horse in this) spends half the runtime trying to figure out if Venti is scamming him with Diluc or if that introverted idiot is really supposed to be his older brother (the answer is yes. Yes he is.) I have no idea what to do with the magic hair bit, but i am sure it can be worked in somehow - i am really hoping my hoe of a muse won't decide that i wanna write this one, i am in the middle of way too many projects
Mulan AU, bc we love that one too - i admit, i don't really have the logistics worked out, even in my head, but i got this image of putting people in squads - like Anemo, Pyro, etc... Poor Venti wanting to be in a squad with hotguysecondincommand!Diluc but gets stuck in the Anemo squad instead (i have no idea where that one would go or even who would fight who, or even how the plot of Mulan - og ballad or rework - would fit into it, but i can hear BE A MAN be sung by genshin characters and that is a GOOD image)
Little mermaid AU (yes Venti as a princess again. We love Venti in pretty dresses!) - basically usual premise, but couldn't leave my fav princess story out - would have a bit more time for the bois to fall in love tho bc yes, we love some extended date scenes (no idea who Ursula/the sea witch would be or if they were even malevolent or benevolent in this story, but... yeaaaah. The rest of teh Archons can be mermaids too, cause why not, there's supposedly 7 of them anyway)
Beauty and the Beast - kinda more like the og tales (aka Venti!Belle is not an only child, there isn't really a Gaston character, etc... i might end up writing that one if i am not careful enough xD) - fairy!Lumi gets drunk and curses Diluc, bc everyone's fav redhead is a mess when it comes to love... Nobody turns into furniture, instead, they are locked in paintings (only one painting per person, meaning they can't even reach anyone! So sad, but hey at least they can gossip with Belle!Venti about the master of the house... i put way too much thought into this help xD
Just. All the fairytale AUs. I need more and even more than that
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shaampoo · 8 months
*Breaks into your house and shoves this OC into your arms*
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"Oh, Starlight, you're looking radiant today"
"Are you...talking to yourself?"
"Why of course, who else would i be talking to?"
Meet Starlight! Or Adrian Celeste as his civilian name
Adrian is pretty self-absorbed, but recently, he's been trying to tone it down a bit, since he's a bit more self-aware since joining the heroes, he's still pretty vain though. (there's a sad lore reason for this)
Adrian is the big brother of 4 other siblings (could change), and (!) his outfit idea was made by his siblings, like the kids drew a outfit on a piece of paper and gave it to Adrian as a idea for his hero outfit and Adrian, liking the design and loving his siblings (PLATONIC), he decides to get his hero outfit to be like that, plus its flashy, so it gets him more attention
His powers is star like (cause of course), he can glow, shoot beams, and kinda heal himself (?? dunno, stars are like the sun, so its kinda healing, but more weaker i guess), and he can also like, predict the future-ish, not by much, like its pretty vague, like, "the stars have aligned and yadda yadda"
Of course the guy is a theater kid, of course, he's an actor and singer, cause of course he's like that, he also uses makeup, ("Just so that i can add a bit more beauty to perfection" Adrian says)
He's about 25, he joined when he was 20, and has not changed much in terms of being self-absorbed.
He, like Lumi, started out as a joke character, then whabam, dude has a backstory, powers, etc.
Adrian is still nice (cause this is a wholesome universe after all), but he tries to cover it up, since he doesn't want to appear vulnerable to people (sad lore later), like once, there was a hero who was afraid of the dark, and the lights of the base went off, and the hero got scared, so Adrian glowed to calm them down, but he just claims he did it so that people can still look at him
Adrian is also a sidekick,
Anyways, heres the sad lore of bullying
So, the reason Adrian is the way he is now is because he was bullied back then, people put him down, overlooked him, and left him out (his siblings were really young then, like, not old enough to remember), and as Adrian grew up, he was determined to not let anyone treat him like that again, or feel like that again, so, he decided to pull himself back up, but...he kinda overdid it (but replace the kinda with really), and now he's like this, (i know its probably a bad backstory, but I'm still working it out). (his siblings are about children now)
So yeah, him being self-absorbed and not taking criticism much is kinda a self defense thing, just so that he doesn't get hurt anymore,
anyways sad lore over
Adrian's mom is a single mom, taking care of all her 5 children (her husband, who was the one working, left them for another woman [dw, the husband ended up broke and divorced {gambling addiction,} and asked Adrian for help {despite the fact the husband was the first reason Adrian was so down back then} and Adrian just closed the door {hooray}]), Adrian helped out in his teen years by doing plays in theater and earning money that way, and then at 20, he heard that heroes get paid a lot, and joined (he claims that its cause heroes are famous, but his mom knows), he wanted to be an actor back then, but here he is now, he's fine with it though, cause he's still pretty popular (a dream of his), he does do theatre when he has time off of heroing,
Adrian has good cooking, since he does have to cook for his siblings when needed, since his mom has work (even though Adrian says that his mom doesn't need to work anymore,),
So pretty much Adrian's schedule is, wake up, shower, cook for siblings, eat fast and get dressed fast, and get his siblings to school, if he has hero work / he's on for heroing, wear hero clothes, go to hero base to get ready just in case of crimes, and if he has no hero work, maybe clean up the house, or hang around the hero base, or maybe decorate his room in the hero base, or just chill, or practice for his theatre play, or go to his theatre play, then after, get home, pick up siblings from school, have fun / play with them, help them with homework, then get them to bed, and then go to sleep, (might make a mini story of this, maybe the title being "All in a stars work", being a parallel to "All in a days work" cause lmao)
of course, on weekends, he has a more chill time,
Adrian has a phone just for his heroics, like he has an account just for heroics, and he post a lot there, and it gets a lot of likes (and the fame kinda inflates his ego, which he does NOT need lol),
He/Him are his pronouns btw
hes about 5'6, but he wears heelies, which makes him 5'8, but he only wears heelies for the flair, and he has trained himself to be able to run in heels,
also, Adrian doesnt date, (citing that "He's the only one perfect for himself"), he's ARo/Ace (might change, but idk)
Following up that "hes perfect for himself" line, i kinda have an idea where like, there's a villain, who has powers like Aphrodite, being able to turn into the person the person looking at her loves the most (or their ideal love interest), and the villain breaks into the heroes base, and Adrian is passing by, and the villain hides behind a frame for a mirror, and Adrian looks the mirror frame and sees himself (cause y'know, he's in love with himself), and touches up his looks before leaving.
I think that if Adrian ever gets flustered, he will glow a lot, also i think that his glow can change colors depending on his mood, and maybe can change temperature, yknow, like a star, but idk yet,
Also, he will not hesitate to wear a dress. I have a story idea where there's like a ball or party or something for the heroes, and the heroes get their outfits, and a female hero gets a dress, even though they said they wanted a suit, so Adrian offers to trade his suit for his dress,
He also has big boots, kinda like Jinx's guy designs boots, but just stars and more bright
I dont think he would put others down or intentionally hurt others or anything like that, since he knows what its like being bullied and such, also, i can see him being a duo with Viz, another OC of mine, an OC of mine who has anxiety, so like, yeah.
Of course, since the hero gig pays well, he spoils his siblings and gets gifts for his mom, which they appreciate,
Also, his siblings really want to show off that their brother is Starlight, but Adrian advises against it, since he wants to keep his identity secret and them safe (he will burn down the world if it mean saving them), also, because people most likely wont belive them, and the siblings understand,
Adrians siblings are two sets of twins, one a year older than the other, though, people keep thinking they're quadruplets, only Adrian and his mom can tell the difference between them
Oh! And also, fun lore, Adrian and his mom and siblings are regulars at the restaurant Tito Kris is a working at, so Adrian and Tito Kris are good acquaintances, and Adrian, back in his teen years, even worked there before going to theatre,
oh i love making webs of connection
also, while yes Adrians room is canonically full of wall mirrors, but i am not drawing him at multiple angles, and i just realized i could just drawn a blue rectangle and a white streak but its too late now i guess lol.
Also, he has a lot of accessories, and sometimes, he lets his siblings choose what accessories he wears in his hero outfit before going to work,
also, his siblings sometimes stay up late at night to wait for him to get home, just to welcome him back, (inspired by young me and my siblings when we used to wait for our dad to get home :]), though, sometimes they fall asleep before he gets home, and when they are still awake, Adrian is happy to see them waiting for him, though, he does kinda reprimand them for staying up late, and then gets them to bed
Also, whenever his siblings have a hard time sleeping, they go to his room, and Adrian glows like a nightlight for them (this has caused many sleepovers, which Adrian doesn't mind),
Please dont ask Adrian about his emo phase, he will cry (/lh).
anyways, see you guys in like, two days or something when i draw another OC cause I'm chugging them out like my life depends on it lol
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fangaminghell · 1 year
In which Taka and Leo slow dance together.
" Are you sure you don't want in on this? You're asking him out too...."
Cain hums, adjusting Leo's color. He's not wearing anything fancy- he doesn't want to overdress. But he definitely doesn't want to underdress either- a simple button up and pants. Easy. Nothing special. Perfect for a simple dance lesson, which doesn't make Leo nervous. Nope.
Cain unbuttons one of the buttons on Leo's shirt. He pauses, thinking, then unbuttons another. He smiles contently.
" Much better!" He beams at his work. Leo gives him a look, but Cain smiles innocently.
" Is this necessary?" He says with a raised brow, and Cain nods a matter of factly.
" Yeeeep! Totally necessary. Besides if I didn't do it, you would have,"
Leo hates how right Cain is there.
" Anyways~ You'll be fiiiine. Taka is already heads over heels for you. As he should because you're amazing and adorable,"
Leo blushes at the complement. Ever since they started dating- no even before that- Cain has been making sure to compliment Leo any chance he gets. Despite loving the attention, Leo can't help but get flustered by it all. He would be lying if his self confidence isn't as high as it used to be, so Cain actively complimenting him kinda helps in that department. Though he thinks that Cain is mostly doing it to see Leo blush. He loves seeing Leo blush, apparently. Leo should have known from all the times Cain flirted with him before.
" W-well, okay, but you-"
" We can all talk about our relationship after you ask him out. Right now this is something you need to do, yeah?"
Leo thinks back to his time in Tourmaline Desert, back with Taka on the Teknite Ridge. Their kiss. Taka's death. The awkwardness of his return.
" ....Yeah. I need to do this. I want to do this," he says with a new conviction. Cain gives him a quick kiss on his cheek, smiling with pride at his boyfriend.
" That's the spirit!" He turns Leo around and pushes him out the door, " Go out there and charm that man's socks off!"
Leo nods determined, already walking towards his destination.
" I will!"
When Taka told Ace about his dancing lessons with Leo, he was expecting a quick pep talk to make him momentarily forget the bundles or nerves in his stomach. He was not expecting to have a full blown makeover with Zero, Lumi and Eve. Even less excepting the argument on whether or not he should shave.
'The stubble has got to go. He's going ballroom dancing, he gotta look smooth!' Zero argued.
' The stubble gives character!!!' Lumi countered.
Eve pointedly stayed out of the conversation. Ace was busy getting him dressed but he knew they were deeply amused.
Ultimately Taka's stumble ( he's not even sure if he could call it that) was voted in by the courtesy of Ace. And soon he was on his way, all dressed up for what should be a simple, dance lesson. He feels like he overdressed...
" Taka!" Leo's voice snaps Taka out of his thoughts. Following his voice, Taka looks behind him and almost loses his breath.
' I definitely overdressed'
He curses himself internally as Leo greets him with a smile.
" Hey," Taka waves.
" Hey," Leo replies, with a smile that makes Taka's hearts do flips, " I wasn't late, was I?"
" Nope," Taka smiles back, " I came a little earlier, haha,"
Leo smirks, almost catlike, raiding a cheeky brow at Taka.
" Oh-ho~You wanted to see me that bad?"
" Yes, actually," the words come out before Taka can stop them, and he tries hard not to blush when Leo's eyes widen, suddenly flustered. Admittedly, he was rather pleased with himself seeing Leo blushing. He's cute when he's flustered.....okay, cuter than usual.
" O-oh uh-" Leo stutters, looking away bashfully, and Taka swears he sees a small smile on Leo's face, " I-I, uh- I'm wanted to see you too,"
Taka hums, trying hard not to smile like an idiot. He gestures to the building next to them.
" Shall we?"
" Y-yes!"
And so the two enter the building together,Taka playfully bowing as he opens the door for Leo. Leo's laugh makes him feel even lighter.
When the two started the waltz, both of them only looked down at their feet, wanting to make sure that neither stepped on the other's toe. So far, they've been successful, and even fell into a nice pattern. The problem, Taka soon realized, is that now they're too shy to look at each other. Occasionally, their eyes would meet, but they both look away as quickly as they meet.
It's weird, really. Given the amount of time they've spent together, you'd think they wouldn't be as awkward around each other. Especially for a simple dance. Except this wasn't a simple dance. This was a confession. A proper one this time. One with no looming threats that can take his or Leo's life. Taka practiced his multiple times. He's repeating it in his head right now. But how can he bring it up? Are they just going to be stuck like this for the whole session??
....the music is nice. It's calming. He thinks it's helping him with his nerves right now. He wonders if it's the same for Leo.
' Come on Taka, say something,' he chastises himself, and then opens his mouth to speak.
" I-"
" I missed you," Leo cuts him off, still not looking at him directly. Taka's mouth slams shut, a sudden bitter taste in his mouth, a wave of understanding and grief washing over him.
He remembers dying. At least he thinks he did. Time and space makes the whole situation weird, and it makes his head hurt thinking about it. But he knows he died. He can't imagine what that was like for Leo. He remembers Leo's tears. He wished he could have wiped them away.
" I don't think I said that before, so I am now. I missed you so much Taka, I....I'm so sorry I dragged you into that. I'm so sorry you lost a life because of me,"
Taka frowns shaking his head.
" That wasn't your fault, Leo," Taka reassures, taking his hand from Leo's shoulder to caress his face, " And in don't blame you either,"
Leo turns his head to Taka. He still doesn't look at him,but he does place a hand over his, signing as he traces his thumb over Taka's knuckles.
" I....I still have a hard time believing that. Even when I know I should," he laughs bitterly, " And now I've ruined the mood. "
" No! Not at all!" Taka reassures once more, " I don't think there's anything to forgive, but if it makes you feel better, I forgive you. And I don't blame you for what happened to me, "
Leo looks up at him with watery eyes.
" Really?"
" Really,"
And then Leo smiles. It's small, but it's enough.
" T-thanks, I. I'm still having trouble with it but. But that helps a lot, thank you..." Leo stops to wipe his eyes, still smiling.
" Happy to help....do you still want to dance? We can stop now if you want?"
Leo shakes his head, bringing himself closer to Taka. He rests his head on Taka's chest, causing the older man to blush.
" Nah. I still want an excuse to be close to you," he whispers into Taka's chest, and for once, he's glad isn't looking to see how red his face is.
" A-ah," he says, wrapping his arms around Leo, letting the two just away, " Well who am I to object,"
The two sway for who knows how long, enjoying each other's warmth, listening to the music surrounding them. Taka almost forgot he planned a confession. Almost.
" Hey Leo, "
" Hm?" Leo hums, clearly sleepy.
" I love you. I don't know if I said that yet. I love you Leo," taka whispers, as if saying it too loud would have the meaning behind it go away.
Leo leans back from their dance.
" Really?"
" Y-yeah," Leo beams.
" I-I love you, too!"
" Really?"
" Yeah! Would you go out with me?" Leo says quickly, adrenaline pumping through him. Now it's Taka's turn to smile like an idiot.
" Yes!"
" Yes?"
" Yes, Leo, I would love to go out with you!" Before Leo can properly answer that, he is swiftly picked up off the ground, and is spun around by Taka.
" Woah!" Leo laughs, " Since when can you do that?!"
" Since I started training with Titania. And the overwhelming happiness of finally being able to date you now,"
The two laugh, and share a kiss. It's even sweeter than the one they shared on Teknite Ridge.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Hello! I'd like to ask for a bnha match up :)
Zodiac sun: Aries
Zodiac moon: Cancer
Zodiac rising: Sagittarius
Favorite color(s): pink, black
Favorite artist(s): Lumi athena, Melanie martinez, lil peep and lovejoy
Favorite movie(s): Scream, titanic, corpse bride
Hobbies: reading, writing, gaming, cooking
I'm 5'4 and kinda chubby
I have black hair with red chunky highlights that's down to my mid back with bangs
I dress in a 2000s fashion but more on the alternative side
I'm socially akward but really fun once you get to know me
I'm more on the quiet side and don't really speak unless spoken to but have alot to say when I do get the chance to talk
I prefer someone who enjoys staying home rather then going out, I'd also prefer someone with similar interests.
When looking for a lover, I tend to want someone who can make me laugh, I don't care for looks I just want someone who'll treat me right. I'd love my partner to be very loving and vocal about how they love me!
Thank youu<3
Hello hello thank you for the matchup I hope you don’t mind but imma make this my first female matchup because you didn’t list whether you wanted male or female and I thought this person was a good match for you, but if you would prefer a male one just lemme know and I’ll make you another one. With that out if the way let’s get to the matchup…drumroll please!!!
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No other reason for this pairing other than yall would be cute and mesh well.
You and Ashido met as soon as you stepped in the door of the UA classroom on day one. It's no secret that Ashido is a social butterfly, she makes friends with whatever person she meets even bullies. The minute you walked in she was already introducing herself and asking you questions. She saw when you came in how you were shy and awkward, so she wanted to make you feel more comfortable.
After that you had basically been adopted into her newly made friend group. She knows you prefer to be on you own though so she lets you have your space when necessary, but sometimes she will bring you out with a few of the others (not too many as not to overwhelm you). She also speaks up for you so you can say what you need to say and feel heard, plus usually you be spitting facts anyway.
You two hang out one on one as well because you have similar interests. As pink, energetic, and peppy as she is she loves horror movies, video games, and Melanie Martinez (personal headcanon). When everyone moved into the dorms, and everyone comes out for movie nights they dread when it's you guy's turn to pick the movie because they'll be screaming their heads off as you two just gush about the film.
Ashido also likes to take you out clothes shopping. Whether with the others or just the two of you (preferably just the two of you) she likes to take you to find clothes that you like that best suit your figure, make you feel confident, and make your inner beauty shine (all my knowledge of fashion is from barbie movies I'm sorry).
You and Ashido actually started dating pretty early on (aka Mina doesn't get enough screen time during big battles for me to fit this in) during your time at the training camp when the villains attacked, she was so worried about what happened to you. She fought villains as fast as she could so she could find you and make sure you were ok. Once it was all over, she ran up to you and hugged you so tight you thought she'd be the one to kill you instead of the villains. When she pulled away you saw her crying her eyes out and she told you how worried she was of losing you. After everyone was taken back home, she confessed how she loved you and how she always wanted to be by your side to protect you.
After things calmed down you two officially started going out. Nothing much changed after that except you two became way more affectionate. Ashido had a lot of cute nicknames for you, teasing you and seeing you get flustered, and loved showing off and making you laugh. You love to run your fingers through her fluffy hair and rub her horns to make her blush for once and compliment her on her fighting technique. There are a lot of stories of people loving their lover "despite their shape", but Ashido loves your body so much the way it is. So cuddly and soft like a human body pillow.
Dates between you two go from having horror movie nights with the class to having horror movie nights cuddled up in one of your dorms together, and if you're at one of each other's homes then expect cooking dates filled with food fights, laughter, and ordering pizza in the end.
You and Ashido are the introvert and extrovert couple. You two practically speak a different language and always know what the other needs. You have plenty of passions to share and love to give. You'll also do whatever it takes to reach your dreams together and protect one another no matter what despite being confident the other can more than protect themselves.
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Alrighty another matchup down. Sorry it took so long and is short, but I'm pretty proud of this one so I hope you like it.
Runner Up: No one rn
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kyaruun · 3 years
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A quick Lumine sketch / wip as I try to figure out her outfit
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vldlance · 3 years
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moon goddess vibes 🌙✨
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atticuswritesstuff · 3 years
Bittersweet Reward Illumi x Reader Oneshot
Summary: Illumi makes up for a previous punishment
Warnings: NSFW, BDSM themes, fluffy/loving sex scene, mentions of spanking, implied punishment, mentions of breeding kink, oral (female receiving)
Word Count: 2.2k
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Even though Illumi was only gone for a few days, you still felt the effects of his punishment. Even more so as he stalked into the dining room, joining you and the rest of the Zoldyck family mid-dinner.
"Apologies, my mission took longer than expected," He announced, striding to his place between you and his father. He greeted you with a hand on your shoulder and a kiss to the top of your head, "Hello, darling, I've missed you."
You gave him a curt smile, silently wincing at the way he squeezed your shoulder. Your bottom throbbed at the memory of being bent over and reprimanded for unintentionally interrupting an interrogation. Apparently, your interruption caused Illumi's victim a chance to escape, endangering you both.
All because you just wanted to bring him some damn flowers.
He took his seat next to you, briefly greeting Kikyo and Silva before enjoying the meal made for him. While you all consumed it while filled with a hint of poison, that didn’t stop anyone from enjoying it.
Illumi rested a firm hand on yours while you ate, hardly even making a sound other than your chewing. You were hesitant to even breathe around him. You couldn't tell if he was still upset with you or not, you could never tell with Illumi, not when you weren't looking directly at his face anyway.
You and Kikyo made small talk over dinner, blabbering about the new dresses you'd just bought or nen practice you two had indulged in while Illumi was away. Before dessert could begin, Illumi decided to excuse himself, leaving you abruptly and hurrying off somewhere else.
You sighed, your eyes following him as he left the room.
"Do you think he's still upset with me?" You asked Kikyo timidly.
She gave you a slight grin, "I don't think so, he's never been one to hold grudges over simple things."
You had cried to Kikyo when Illumi left, Silva joining in on the conversation later that night. You wanted to know how to be the perfect wife for Illumi. In asking his parents how to be such a wife for Illumi, you actually became much closer with them over the months. Kikyo no longer tried to put broken glass in your food, and Silva actually treated you like his daughter-in-law. They knew you were the one but doubted Illumi knew it.
After dessert, you found yourself moving at a snail's pace down Illumi's wing of the Zoldyck mansion, worried he'd be waiting with something more painful to spank you with. Or maybe, he would have just gone to bed and ignored you for the rest of the night, something you made clear really hurt.
You approached the door to your pent-house sized suite, entering into the living room.
It was quiet, you couldn't hear Illumi anywhere, nor could you see him. Assuming he was in the bedroom, you discarded your shoes and started up the marble staircase. The upper floor was quiet, too. There were hardly any lights on as you made your way to your bedroom, just the soft glow of some light within your bedroom.
"Lumi?" You called out, not wanting to accidentally sneak up on him again. One time was enough to make you never want to creep around him ever again, you still had the tiny pin scar in your thigh from trying to spook him last Halloween.
You knocked on the door, hearing shuffling from the other side.
"Enter." You heard softly from within the room.
When you opened the door, you were met with a shirtless Illu and several candles around the room.
"Lumi, what is this?" You gasped, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind you. Candles covered every surface possible while dark rose petals littered the bed.
"Do you like it?" Illumi asked flatly, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You felt your eyes start to tear up at the sight of it, you spent the last few days so scared he was still angry with you. He didn't notice you were crying until you started audibly sniffling.
"Darling?" He asked, turning you around to face him, "Is it not to your liking? I clean it up if you don't want it."
"N-no, Illu, it's not t-that," You cried, tucking yourself into him. Illumi rarely got to see you cry, if ever. So he was a little more than taken aback at your reaction, "I was just so scared you were still upset with me. I didn't expect any of this after what I did."
He didn't know what to do, he knew what you were referring to, but he didn't know you were so worried about it. While he didn't necessarily know how to comfort someone, he knew that you understood every little action and gesture. This embrace was enough to let you know he was there for you.
"I did this because I realized I may not have treated you the best recently, He started, holding you, "I didn't treat my wife the way she deserves to be treated."
You pulled away, searching his empty eyes. "Y-you're not still upset with me?"
His hands cupped both of your cheeks, "I wouldn't do this for you if I was still upset."
You nodded your understanding.
"Come," Illumi stated, grabbing your hand and leading you to the bed.
Illumi undid the back of your dress, letting the thin straps slip off your shoulders slowly before the delicate satin fall in a pool to the ground. You felt him wrap his arms around you from behind, just taking a moment to enjoy holding you. It was one of his favorite things to do when he got back from missions.
When Illumi gazed down at your underwear, he looked over the bruises still dark purple on your ass. The candlelight doing the marks no justice.
"Lie down on your stomach," He stated, walking away from the bed.
You were unsure of his intentions but did it anyway. Laying amongst the rose petals. You felt butterflies in your stomach. Illumi was very good at foreplay, although he never spent much time on it. This was definitely something you've never experienced.
You heard him coming back and settled into the plush comforter, knowing Illumi would take care of you. You could feel him slowly crawl up the bed, finally settling on straddling your thighs.
"Was your plan to get me naked just to sit on me?" You teased.
"Let's not have any disobedience now darling," Illumi stated, tracing the bruises on your bottom with his finger, "I don't want to have to punish you again, understand?"
"Yes," you whined, he never let you have any fun.
You heard some rustling around as he retrieved things he'd set next to him, the sound of a cap being undone was definitely heard, you assumed lube until you felt a cool substance being dripped across your back.
"What the hell is this, Lumi?" You gasped, feeling the same liquid being applied to your bruised cheeks.
"Massage oil." He replied flatly, he started rubbing it in on your back, slowly making his way down to your ass, gently rubbing it over the bruising.
You let out little sighs and coos at the feeling and Illumi knew he was on the right track. He worked his way up and down your back several times before spreading some of the same oil on your thighs, rubbing each one slowly, sensually. When he made his way up to your butt, you winced at the pain, a completely different feeling from minutes ago.
"I'm sorry," he stated, lightening his touch, "I didn't realize it was this bad."
You chuckled, trying to put up some sort of front, "S'okay, Lumi."
Not wasting any precious time, Illumi decided to rip your panties off, not caring about the torn fabric. He had more important things to worry about. In the candlelight, he could still see the way your pussy glistened as you got wet for him.
Only for him.
His hands rubbed up against your thighs once more, thumbs just barely massing your outer folds. You knew better than to beg, but Illumi was making it really, really hard. You just had to keep on whimpering while he took his sweet time.
Illumi took a moment to spread your legs as wide as they would go, admiring the perfect view he had of your naked body as he laid down between your legs. He licked a bold stripe up the length of your pussy, admiring the tiny mewl that came from your lips.
Illumi may have been a ruthless, emotionless assassin, but he was a very skilled lover.
He set a steady pace as he ate you out, teasing both your pussy and your ass before returning to your clit, fingering you with those perfectly slender and crooked fingers of his.
God, you were going to fucking explode.
Your legs started shaking as Illumi settled on rubbing your clit while he licked at your sopping hole, the teasing feeling of almost having him right where you needed him was building and building.
"Lumi!" You cried out, trying to shut your legs at the amount of feeling he was giving you.
“You can take it,” he stated coldly.
The sound of his sharp words were enough to throw you over the edge, cumming as Illumi continued to lick you slowly. He made sure to taste every cum soaked inch of you before slowly kissing up both your thighs. Illumi rubbed small circles up your spine as he kissed it, making his way to your neck and biting down.
“Ahh, Lumi,” You moaned, grasping the sheets, “More.”
Illumi obliged, biting a spot on your shoulder. You could feel his clothed cock rubbing against your pussy, causing you to needily grab the hand rested beside you.
“Fuck me, please?” You asked softly. 
“Of course,” He stated flatly, pushing himself away to undress.
He quickly lined himself up with your pussy, slowly bottoming out.
You both let out a groan, missing the feeling of being so full. Illumi pushed your elbows out from under you, holding you to the mattress by the back of your neck as he pressed his body weight on to you.
You liked this feeling, especially when he fucked you, you loved his weight pressed on top of you. To you, it was the closest thing you’d get to cuddling, something you didn’t do as often as you’d like.
Illumi started rolling his hips into yours. His long, thin cock brushing against your cervix with each thrust. You couldn’t help your increasing moans as he picked up the pace.
“Ah…fuck Illumi I missed you,” you moaned.
Illumi’s hand slid up your neck, pressing flat over your mouth, “Shh, I missed you too.”
Illumi loved having this control over you. He was already controlling over everything else in your life, so this to him was no different other than the fact that you enjoyed it and frequently asked to submit to him like this.
Illumi set a quick pace, trying to bring you to another high. You just moaned against his hand, sharp moans muffled by his hand punctuated by each thrust. Illumi didn’t just like this feeling of control, he was starting to become feral with it.
He let go of your mouth, sitting up to sit atop your thighs, holding your hips as he fucked into you.
You couldn’t contain your loud moans anymore, feeling Illumi fucking you deeper at a new angle was causing your legs to shake again, this time against his weight.
Illumi spread your ass cheeks with his thumbs, watching how your push swallowed his cock with every thrust, practically pulling him back in every time he pulled out of your warmth.
You could feel Illumi start to lose his composure as his thrusts grew sloppy. He continued increasing the pace, however, wanting to make sure you came again.
“F-Fuck Illumi, harder!” You moaned, burying your own face in the mattress this time.
Illumi’s mind went blank after that. He obliged your request, this time holding you down by your waist and drilling into you at an ungodly pace. The pressure that had been building inside you finally gave when Illumi held you down by your neck, his hips stuttered at the way your pussy fluttered around his cock.
Illumi bottomed out once more before cumming deep inside you, staying like that for longer than expected, mentally wishing he could breed you like this. He loved the idea of your belly round and full for him.
He was more concerned with how heavy you were breathing, or your heart rate. Your orgasms always seemed to shake you to the core when you were with Illumi.
Basking in his post-orgasm trance, Illumi pulled out of you finally, leaving kisses on your neck.
“Would you like to take a bath together?” He questioned.
You nodded, trying to enjoy your post-orgasm high, Illumi left you laying there in order to fetch a Butler who could draw a bath for the two of you.
When he returned minutes later, it was with a glass of water. He helped you sit up and drink before scooping up and bringing you to the bathroom.
He set you in the tub before joining you, allowing you to rest on his chest.
“Thank you, Lumi,” you hummed.
Illumi patted your head softly, “Anything for you, y/n.”
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lumiereandcogsworth · 2 years
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Adelle wedding post!
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first and foremost, i have this little fic that takes place just before belle goes to the altar, when maurice sees her in her dress for the first time. it’s a VERY sweet moment so please enjoy that :)
anyway, the wedding!
they got married in paris at the notre dame cathedral!! i think paris was also the first leg of their honeymoon. which quite frankly i think their honeymoon lasted like two months. they traveled a LOT because belle wanted to see Everything and adam was anxious to make sure his wife did see everything. (and it was also a chance for all the kingdoms to meet the young monarch of france !!!)
the day before, however, they didn’t see each other. tradition and superstition and all that. belle traveled to paris with her father and adam with lumiere and plumette. separate carriages at separate points in the day. they left little notes for each other the night before, which is too wholesome and precious for words.
they’re both just So nervous and SO excited at the same time. they took their time with their courtship after the curse was lifted, i think they just wanted the time together. but after adam proposed, plans and dreams swirled around their heads every day.
the day of, which was the 24th of septmeber, their hearts pounded as they dressed in their outfits. lumi dressed adam and plum dressed belle, there were shaky nerves, but they were just so anxious to see each other. also! here are some wardrobe ideas (yes i am AWARE these dresses are not 18th century, we’re going for vibes here okay thank you)
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also, some veil vibes !! florals would definitely very much be involved!
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adam’s suit i am less certain about, i think he himself would struggle to find a balance of elegance and extravagance whilst still dialing it down because he knows he’s not the center of this. their love is. but i think the suit would be blue and gold, i mostly like the left one but imagine the colors are a lot bolder!
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can we talk about adam seeing her walk down the aisle? i’m dying to talk about adam seeing her walk down the aisle. she stirs him and settles him all at once! his beautiful bride! oh my goodness! i think he does shed a tear because he just can’t keep it in. she’s breathtaking.
he steps down to take her hand, passed over by her father’s. maurice nods to him, smiling and happy and proud to be welcoming a son into his family. adam takes belle’s hand and they walk up to the altar together. “You look gorgeous,” he whispers to her. “So do you,” she replies, which settles all his nerves as he chuckles and squeezes her hand.
the vows! the rings! oh gosh!! they’re filled with love and trust and friendship and joy. there’s no uncertainty in either of their faces, this is the day they’d been longing for. some ring ideas! also, yes, i do think adam wears a wedding ring too. which i don’t think there’s any dispute on, among the fandom, lol. but i think being an 18th century prince, it would have been a little odd. but we all know how much he loves his wife!!! he’s gonna wear the ring to prove it!!!!
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not sure why but that ring has always been the ring i’ve imagined. i headcanon it was adam’s mother ring— not her engagement ring, as that ring was certainly not a symbol of marital bliss — but this ring was one she wore often, simply a ring she was fond of, and one adam remembered her wearing. belle loves it, not just for the honor it holds, but she’s always been fond of red jewelry, so it was rather perfect.
when they can finally kiss, pronounced husband and wife, they do so GLADLY. belle brings her hands to adam’s face, then stretches her arms around his neck. adam keeps his hands on her waist, pulling her closer as they deepen the kiss. before long, however, they’re giddy with laughter, and they part, pressing their foreheads together and both grinning from ear to ear. they’re just… so happy.
i’ve actually written this cute little scene for just after they’ve come down the aisle…
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they’re huge dorks. anyway!
you know their first dance together as husband and wife was one for the ages. just gorgeous and graceful and perfect, as their dances always are!! they could hardly stop, forgetting about the world entirely — only seeing each other.
belle dances with her father, it is so sweet. so beautiful. all their steps and practices in the cottage living room, and now here they are! smiling wide, maurice couldn’t be prouder.
adam dances with mrs. potts. it was unexpected on both their accounts, but to adam, in the moment, it felt right. who had been more of a mother to him, since his own mama died? mrs. potts deserved this dance. so they danced and it was good and whole and wonderful.
everyone danced the night away, under shining chandeliers and with gorgeous music filling the air. what else could be done at adam and belle’s wedding? they all just danced and danced :)
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malleux · 3 years
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☆ Day 1 - Prince Zhongli ☆
-> zhongli x fem!reader | royalty!au
-> fluff, conflict
-> warnings: mild cursing, fighting and blood, talk of human selling
-> “pick a prince” masterlist
a/n: day one! how’s everyone feeling about mr. zhongli? personally, i’m rather intrigued 👀 i hope you enjoy! sorry this is posted a little late at night, i didn’t realize how busy this week would be when i scheduled my event!
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The library was somewhat of a safe space for you. It was where you ran when the burden of an entire country rested heavily upon your shoulders, giving you an outlet to simply live.
After the slightly traumatizing dinner your father had hosted with your seven suitors, you ran to the library. You knew your mother, who was also rather uneasy about the entire arrangement, was there and that provided yet another layer of comfort that you so desperately needed.
Your mother read stories to you that night- uplifting tales that did at least a little bit to lighten the mood you were in. She read book after book, not once stumbling over her words despite your tears staining the paper and making the words smear across. It was as if your mother had read these books to herself numerous times before, trying to comfort her own mind when she was put through a situation similar to your own.
She didn’t put down her books until you had cried yourself to sleep. Then, your mother gently laid you against the plush velvet of the couch, draped a light blanket over your form, and kissed your forehead, bidding you goodnight and wishing for a better tomorrow.
☆ ☆ ☆
“Um, excuse me?”
You scrunched up your nose and huffed, pulling your blanket closer.
“Princess? It’s well past morning. You may need to get up.”
Who the hell was talking to you?
Albeit reluctantly, you yawned and opened your eyes, sitting up to stretch. Suddenly, you were looking into a pair of amber eyes. They seemed to glow in the dim light of the library, looking at you with slight concern.
“Wh- who’s there?” You mumbled, scooting back on your seat to shy away from the man’s gaze.
“It’s- it’s Zhongli. Just Zhongli. We didn’t see you at breakfast, your father is a little upset.”
“Shit- I missed breakfast?” You were wide awake in an instant.
“Such language is rather unbecoming of a princess, don’t you think?” Zhongli’s smirk gave away his playful comment, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little as well. “Anyways, as far as your father is concerned, I saw you earlier this morning. You weren’t looking too well so I sent you to take a long bath to relax. After breakfast, you showed me the library, which leads us here.”
You sighed in relief, thankful that Zhongli had practically saved your ass from a long lecture. He outstretched his hand and you took it, allowing him to help you stand up fully.
“Why don’t we take a walk through the market? You can tell me more about yourself and spend some time away from the stressful castle life.” Zhongli offers.
“Gods, yes, please.” You agreed, and allowed the polite prince to whisk you out of the castle.
The market was bustling at this time of day. It was early enough for the sun to warm the faces of your citizens, but cool enough to not scorch those who may venture away from the shaded roofs of the market stalls. You held tightly onto Zhongli’s arm as he browsed the goods your kingdom had to offer.
“This is a beautiful necklace, Princess.” He held up a dainty neck piece, the emblem of your kingdom hanging delicately off of a small golden chain.
“Buy it then.” You mused. Zhongli had been window shopping for a while now, and yet you hadn’t seen him buy a single thing he claimed to like.
“Unfortunately, that’s not possible.”
“Uh, why?” You quirked an eyebrow. With how Zhongli acted and dressed, you were sure he’d be able to afford everything in the market twice.
“I, um, seem to lack the funds.”
Maybe not.
“Aren’t you a prince? Shouldn’t you have money?”
“I suppose- anyhow, look at the gems over in this stall. Do you believe they’re real, or are your citizens being scammed by a merchant?”
He was avoiding the question.
You didn’t understand. If he was a prince, then his financial situation should be rather promising, right? What was there to hide? Unless, he wasn’t actually a prince?
No, you shook your head. Your father wouldn’t have invited him to the castle if his background was even slightly sketchy.
Where did he go?
Zhongli had disappeared from the gem stall he was at previously. You looked around the area, trying to scout him out. He should have been easy to find, standing out amongst the rather bland clothes of your citizens, but you saw nothing.
You began getting a little worried. You were dressed down, wearing a cloak and a hood that shadowed your face from most people’s views, but you were still a beautiful young woman. Even your lovely kingdom wasn’t a stranger to crimes.
Pushing forward, you started to make your way through the crowd. You considered just going back to the castle, but Zhongli didn’t know his way back. You had to find him. The only way he could’ve gone without you noticing was forward. Your forcefulness while moving through the market streets didn’t go unnoticed as people began giving you glares, whispering harsh comments as you shoved past. You couldn’t care less, you were on a mission to find Zhongli and go home-
You cursed as arm shot out and grabbed your bicep, yanking you between two stalls and into a narrow alleyway. Even more hands grabbed at your clothes and mouth, trying to keep you from yelling out.
“You look like you’ve got it real good.” A harsh voice spoke against your ear. You shuddered. A cold object rubbed against your cheek and you felt a contrasting warmth trickle down to your chin. Whether it was blood or the tears you were trying to hold back, you couldn’t tell.
“What’s in that nice little sachel you’ve got there?” Another hand grabbed at the bag around your torso. “I bet you’d be just fine without it.”
He pulled it off of you and threw it to the ground, letting a third man rummage through it. You stayed quiet, afraid to let out even a whimper as the first man pulled the hood of your cloak back. You heard his breath hitch a little bit.
“Now this is a sight.” You could hear the smirk in his words. “The little princess, all alone, with no knight in shining armor to help her. Forget the bag, she’ll go for a pretty penny worth way more than anything in that shitty old thing. C’mon, Princess, let’s get movin’.”
“You’ll have to get through me, first.”
Tears of relief fell from your eyes now at the sight of the very man who had inadvertently gotten you into this situation in the first place. He stood in the entrance of the alleyway, the sun shining behind him as if he were some god, appearing for the first time to come save you. Some broke, secretive, oddly polite god.
The first man sneered. “Yeah? What are you gonna do? Can’t get that dandy little suit of yours dirty.”
Zhongli practically scoffed. “I could deal with you lot without even wrinkling it.”
He rolled his sleeves up. “Let’s see about that.”
He charged at Zhongli, swinging his fist wildly at the prince’s face. Zhongli dodged the punch, stretching his leg out and sweeping the man’s legs out from under him. He fell to the cobblestone beneath him and Zhongli stepped on his chest, pressing his weight onto his body until he was gripping his ankle, begging for a break.
The second man came next, leaving the third, scrawniest man to try and hold you back. While Zhongli was dealing with him, you snapped your head back and smashed into his nose. The guy let go and grabbed onto the definitely-broken cartilage, practically helpless as you swung at his face again.
You backed up from him and ran into someone’s chest, jumping when their arms wrapped around your shoulders once more.
“Easy, Princess.” Zhongli’s deep voice immediately soothed your guard. “I apologize for losing you.”
You turned around. “I lost you.”
“No, no,” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small bag, handing it to you. “I thought you were occupied looking at the gems, so I snuck away to get this. I didn’t realize you’d go all over looking for me.”
Zhongli placed the bag in your hands and you opened it up. In it, the necklace he had shown you earlier. You smiled at him and held it out to him, turning around so that he could put it on. The feeling of Zhongli’s fingers against your bare neck sent a small shiver up your spine- one you wouldn’t mind feeling again.
“Thank you, Zhongli.” You smiled at him, “But, if you didn’t have any money, how did you get this?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” The prince replied. “Come, you’ve had an eventful day. I think tea and a nap is in order.”
He held his arm out for you once more and you took it, leading the way back to the castle. You couldn’t help but gaze at the man through the side of your eye, grateful for the sweet gift.
You quit wondering how he bought it when you noticed that he was only wearing one expensive earring, as opposed to the two he had started out his day with.
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restlessfandoming · 3 years
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 4) (chilumi fic)
“Lumine is the student council president and Childe is the school’s number one troublemaker. They cross paths more than they’d like. Especially when Childe finds out Lumine’s big secret. Highschool AU à la Kaichou wa Maid-sama.”
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link]
the president and the troublemaker (part 4)
Lumine narrowed her eyes at Kaeya. “What does this have to do with fighting?” she asked as she pulled at the frills and lace of the dress her manager had forced her to wear. The bright pink garment made her look like some fairytale princess on her way to meet the nearest unicorn. 
“Nothing,” Kaeya responded, the shutter of his camera clicking as he took her picture. “This is for publicity.”
“I need publicity?” 
“Well, no one is going to fight you if they don’t know who you are,” Kaeya explained. “I also think we can catch people off guard if we present you like this.” 
“She does look very...docile right now,” Aether noted from his perch on a pile of gym mats. They were currently in the back of Zapolyarny Palace; Lumine was posed against a white sheet for a simple backdrop to their photoshoot.
“Exactly.” Kaeya nodded. “People are going to think she’s easy prey to beat for some cash. Until she hits them where it hurts.” 
“And what does Childe think of this?” Lumine asked. 
“Tartaglia is in charge of your skills as a fighter. I’m in charge of your image as a fighter.” 
“Is that really that important?” 
Kaeya smiled. “Even as a fighter, you’re still an entertainer. The more likeable you are, the more you put yourself out there, the more sponsors you’ll get—which means more money for you.” 
“And you’re sure that her identity isn’t going to be revealed if we get too much in the spotlight?” Aether asked, pursing his lips. 
“We’re going to keep it contained within Snezhnaya, and as we’ve talked about, your little school friends don’t venture this way.” 
Lumine sighed. “Fine; let’s get this over with.” She gave a stiff smile. 
Kaeya brought the camera down, his face cast in disappointment. “This is part of the job, Lumine. You need to play the part. People can tell from a mile away if you’re not exactly passionate about this.” 
Her face dropped, and she yet again pulled at the dress. “I just don’t feel comfortable in this.”
It was Kaeya’s turn to sigh. “Let’s just call it a day then.” He gave the dress a glance-over. “You’re right, this doesn’t exactly fit you.” 
“It’s not really her color,” Aether agreed. 
“You’re right about that, Aether.” The captain put his hand over his chin, pondering. “But what color fits Lumine best?” 
“I’m fine with any color. Can’t we just use the pictures you’ve already taken?” 
Kaeya was already packing away his camera. “You look like a dead fish strung up on display in a seafood market; no one is going to want to sponsor that.” 
“Can’t we just win people over with my skills?”
“Do you think sponsors would rather back a good fighter who is personable, or a good fighter who seems to hate everything around them?” 
The blonde crossed her arms. “I guess personable,” she grumbled. 
“Good job,” her manager acknowledged, his voice almost tipping into sarcasm. “So just give it some thought as to what color you would rather your dress to be, and I’ll have my seamstress recreate a dress for you, okay?”
Kaeya walked off, and Lumine flopped down on the mats next to Aether. She let out a frustrated groan. “Why does this have to be so hard? I used to just show up and punch people, and now I’m doing photoshoots?” 
Aether laughed, then patted her shoulder. “Just something else to study, right?” he said jokingly. 
Lumine sat up slightly. Sure, her brother was joking, but studying was something she was good at. Later, as she changed out of the wretched dress, she compiled a list of how to start her research. 
First, maybe some fashion magazines...Then...
* * *
Unfortunately, her student council duties and school work came first, and Lumine wasn’t able to swing by her local library to pick up some magazines for her research. 
“You okay, Lumi?” Amber, the student council secretary and Lumine’s friend, asked. 
The blonde gave her a small smile. “Yeah, I’m just thinking about work.” 
Amber perked up. “Oh, where do you work? Maybe I can help!”
...Shit. “Oh, uhm, just at a local restaurant…,” she lied. Please believe me, please believe me.
“Ah, I see,” the brunette said, nodding. “Customers got you down?”
“Uh, no actually. Management is kind of asking a lot of me. If that makes sense,” Lumine found herself saying. “Like expecting me to wear some stupid costume and...act a certain way that isn’t really true to who I am.” 
“Hmm,” the secretary hummed. “I totally get that. It’s always hard when people try to force you to be something you’re not.” Her face split in a cheeky grin. “But you are one of the most authentic people I know! And hardworking! I know that whatever you do, you’re going to do your best and still be the great president we all know and love!” 
Lumine felt her heart warm. “Thank you, Amber,” she said softly. 
Amber saluted. “Anytime, Pres!” 
Just then, a group of boys passed by the open door of the student council room, all excitedly chattering and gathering around something. 
“Dude, she’s so hot!” the two council members heard them exclaim. “Are there any nudes in here?” 
Lumine’s soft expression immediately faded, and she stood up from her desk. “That sounds like something I have to take a look at.” 
She stepped into the hallway, and the boys were at the end, still crowded around their object. She marched up to the group, immediately identifying their object as a magazine of swimsuit models.
“Inappropriate magazines are banned in school,” Lumine announced as she snatched it from one of the boy’s hands. All the boys let out various shrieks, then ran out of the hallway. When she walked back into the council room, Amber was gone with a note saying she had to go grab paperwork from the main office. 
Lumine sat back down at her desk, setting the magazine off to the side as she tried going back to her homework. She found herself glazing at the magazine more than she wanted to admit. 
She glanced around the room, slowly picking up the magazine, and peeling it open. She stared intently at the way the models held themselves in the pictures—their postures, their facial expressions—and tried to imagine herself in their shoes. 
“I didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff, Pres.”
Lumine nearly jumped a foot out of her seat. Childe was bent over her shoulder, looking down at the magazine with her. 
She slammed it closed. “Childe, do you ever go to class? Like at all?” 
“Of course I do,” he said, sitting on the edge of her desk. “I just leave when I get bored.” 
She sighed. “Do I have to write you up for skipping class?” 
He raised a brow, then picked the magazine off her desk. “Do I have to write you up for being in possession of this?”
Lumine ripped it from his hands. “It’s not what it looks like,” she tried to reason, her cheeks flooding with warmth. “I’m just researching. For Kaeya.” 
“For Kaeya? Does this have something to do with why he asked me what color fits you best?” 
“He asked you that?” Lumine rubbed her forehead. “Just tell him any color is fine.” 
“Why’s Kaeya got you doing all this anyways?” 
“Publicity, promotion, whatever you want to call it,” she explained. “Making me ‘personable.’”
“He doesn’t think you’re personable?”
“Apparently. He basically stuffed me in a frilly dress and told me to ‘smile for the camera.’” She turned to him. “You don’t do any of this stuff?” 
“My managers in the past tried to make me do it.” He shrugged. “I told them that if they made me do it, I’d just beat them up.” 
“Geez, Childe.” Lumine rested her head on her hand. “I’m not going to threaten Kaeya. I know he means well.” She shook her head. “I guess it’s just something I’ve got to do.” 
“I’ve had plenty of colleagues in the industry go through stuff like this though. Maybe I could come to the next photoshoot and help you with Kaeya?” he offered. 
“I appreciate the help,” Lumine said. “But this is my image, isn’t it? I think it’s something I’ve got to do on my own.” 
A small smile from Childe. “You’re very stubborn, you know that right?” 
“Is that bad? I like going my own way.”
“No, not at all.” He leaned back, eyes locking with hers. “I think it’s quite strong of you actually.” 
Lumine swore her heart had skipped a beat. “Ah, th-thanks, Childe, I guess.” She quickly stood up, packing her stuff up. “Well, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later.” 
She rushed out of the room before Childe could say anything else. She brought her hand to her forehead, searching for signs of a fever. 
Why did my body do that just now?
* * * 
“Wow, Kaeya, I love this dress,” Lumine said genuinely, as she turned around in her new dress. 
It was a white dress, on the shorter side, the length going from high to low, with gold—almost armor-like—embellishments sewn in. The collar was a scarf that connected to the top of the bodice with two crossing straps, and the outfit was further accessorized with matching gold and white thigh high boots and long gloves. It fit comfortably, so comfortably that Lumine was confident she could actually fight in it. 
Kaeya nodded. “It fits you like a glove.”
“Aether, did you tell Kaeya to go with this look?” 
Her brother shook his head. “I really didn’t have any good ideas, so I didn’t suggest anything.” 
Lumine furrowed her brows. “Then who—”
“Looks like I was right—white really is your color,” Childe said, walking up to the trio.
“White?” Aether asked, his brows furrowed. “Like innocence?”
Lumine scoffed. “I’m not exactly ‘innocent.’ I mean, I punch people for a living.” 
Childe chuckled. “It’s ‘white’ because you don’t let others influence you. You are perfectly strong and hardworking all on your own.”
Lumine felt her face warm. Kaeya smiled. “Perfect,” he said. “I like the symbolism.”
“I must say, the piece turned out way better than expected,” Childe commented, his eyes roaming over Lumine. 
Again, her heart felt like it had stuttered for a second. 
“So, are we taking these photos or not?” she asked quickly. “The sooner we get these out, the sooner I can schedule matches, right?” 
“Okay, okay,” Kaeya said, unpacking his camera equipment. 
Soon enough, the backdrop and lighting equipment was set up again, and Aether and Childe sat in the corner while Kaeya instructed Lumine where to go and what to do. Aether had his nose in a book (avoiding conversation with Childe) while the orange-haired troublemaker just sat and watched. 
Lumine had been fine doing this ridiculous task in front of just Kaeya and Aether, but now that Childe was here, she was hyper-aware of his eyes on her, feeling more awkward than before, despite the better change in clothing. 
“Lumine, the dress does look much better, but you still look super stiff,” Kaeya commented. “Try to relax.”
“I am relaxed,” she said through gritted teeth. 
Childe laughed from the corner. “That’s what you call relaxed? You look like you’re about to pop a blood vessel.” 
“I’d like to see you try,” she snipped. 
A smirk. “Sure.” 
He sauntered up to the front of the camera, and Lumine stepped out of the way. 
“Wow, I get the honor of being your first official photographer?” Kaeya joked. 
“If Lumine demands it, I must,” Childe joked back. 
Kaeya started instructing Childe on what to do. To everyone’s surprise, Childe followed the instructions perfectly. 
Each pose struck, each expression made, Lumine could see coming straight out of a magazine. He was actually doing it, and doing it way better than Lumine had. Her muscles twitched at her failure—Can I really not do something as simple as this?
“See? Easy enough,” Childe said, smiling. “Are you really going to let me show you up at your own photoshoot?” 
“No,” she replied pointedly. She walked back to her place, eyes narrowing at Childe, silently telling him to get out of her space. 
Instead, he pressed into her space more. “Let’s try some things.” His hands were then on her arms, pulling them into specific angles. “Maybe if you tried posing like this…”
The embarrassment and frustration bubbled in her throat, and before she could even think about it, she yanked her body away from him. “Maybe it would be better if you left,” she snapped at him, her tone so poisonous that she swore her tongue tasted bitter afterwards. 
The room was absolutely silent. Kaeya and Aether’s eyes flickered between Lumine and Childe.
Childe stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Sorry. Seems like you’re in a bad mood today,” he said, walking away. “I’ll just leave then.” 
The anger in Lumine’s body quickly dissipated upon seeing Childe’s face—the cheerful glimmer in his eyes gone. He was just trying to help. 
“W-wait,” she said quietly.
Childe stopped, turning her way. 
Her eyes were cast downwards. “Ch-Childe, please help me.” 
Silence filled the room once more. 
The camera flashed, blinding everyone for a split second.
“That was the one,” Kaeya said. “A nice, genuine photo of you.” 
Both Lumine and Childe looked at Kaeya, a bit taken aback, then looked at each other. Lumine immediately averted her gaze back to the floor. After a second, she felt someone’s hand patting her head. 
“Looks like you didn’t even need my help,” Childe said, looking down at her. 
Secretly comforted by his touch, Lumine crossed her arms, feigning displeasure at his head pat. “But you did help,” she mumbled. “In a way.” 
Everyone turned to Aether in the corner. His hands were clasped tightly on his book, after he had slammed it closed. 
“Childe,” Aether said with a forced smile. “She’s not your pet, so let’s take your hands off, okay?” 
Childe pulled his hand back. “Oops,” he whispered to only Lumine. “Don’t want to get in bad favor with your brother, now do I?” 
“You’re already in bad favor with him,” Lumine whispered back, walking away from him and joining her brother. She glanced back, amused by his confused expression. 
“Sis,” Aether murmured once she was close enough. “Look, I’m glad he’s helping you with your job, but don’t forget that Childe is quite literally a delinquent at our school and has given you so many problems. Don’t get too involved with him.” 
“It’s okay, Aether, I don’t plan on ‘getting involved’ with him,” Lumine responded. 
Aether looked at her, and she could tell he didn’t believe her. 
...Why doesn’t he believe me? 
* * *
[part 5]
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Betrothred Ch. 1 - Illumi Zoldyck x Reader
Chapter 1: Bride
Summary: After making your choice, there’s no going back from it.
Warnings: Blood, Murder, Threats, Angst
Words: 2390
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Story Masterlist
A/N: This first chapter is kinda angsty but it gets better, I swear!
Today is the day.
Even though only mere hours would separate you from becoming a part of the Zoldyck family, the whole situation still felt very much surreal to you.
To be invited and welcomned on their property was one of the greatest honor of all, but to be considered a fitting consort for their eldest son was just unimaginable.
One of the butlers was harshly braiding your hair, trying to get it in a position you’d usually never wear. Another one would be working on your make-up, something you’d usually find unnecessary considering your profession.
Why would an assassin care for their physical appearance anyway? Well, all of this was probably part of some kind of tradition or ritual.
No matter how roughly they were tearing and tugging on you, trying to modify your body until you wouldn’t even recognize yourself in the mirror, you’d take their invasion of your personal space in a calm demeanour.
Because that’s how you were raised.
Obey, endure and function.
Your bloodline had a long history of both feared and powerful Head Hunters, for decaded being third place of all known assassin families - with the Zoldycks claiming the indisputable top.
Torture, poison and death were your fellow comrades throughout your whole youth, even though there were limits:
Only the most promising children would be chosen to become Head Hunters. The others were free to choose their way as they wished.
Your upbringing was strict, yet loving. And it was forbidden to break your free will. Serving the family should be an honor, not a burden.
Other than the Zoldycks, your family believed that emotions could become the surce of strenght.
There were other moral standarts: Murdering children was off limits, for example.
And your ‘carreer’ was just about to begin when it took this unexcpected turn.
You had met your soon-to-be-husband after finally completing your formal training, now allowed to take on the Hunter Exam.
Already accustomed to the basics of Nen, it was easy for you to see behind the disguise of the man calling himself Gittarackur.
At first being rather passive, even as the two of you completed the Trick Tower together, he soon stated to be impressed by your exceptional strenght and capability.
Truth be spoken, you always thought yourself to be mediocre at best. So that sudden compliment hit you off guard, especially after he casually revealed his true identity and heritage.
Immediately after the exam, you gathered all of your courage and asked Illumi to teach you in the ways of a true assassin - so you could grow and become the next leader of your clan.
And much to your surprise, he instantly accepted, not even wanting anything in return. You were useful to him and his missions, he stated. That would be enough.
After that, it wouldn’t take long until the stoic man announced that you’d make for a formidable spouse, asking your father for your hand in marriage.
Even though you weren’t quite sure if you made the right decision, his proposal alone the greatest honor for your kin and you just couldn’t disappoint them.
Illumi had always been very reserved about anything else than his work, making you doubt he was even capable of feeling anything else than the joy of killing.
Yet he was a reliable ally, both smart and strong - and admittedly very good looking. You were convinced that he wasn’t the monster most people saw in him: He had just been molded to be the perfect assassin.
And because of that, he would make for a good husband as well.
“Well, don’t you look beautiful?” The voice behind your back was Kikyo, dismissing the servants with a single gesture of her hand.
You wanted to stand up and make a curtsy as a sign of respect, yet felt her palms on your shoulder, pressing down so you’d remain in your seat.
Looking in the mirror, you saw your mother in law behind your back, her visor making it hard to read her intentions. Her aura gave it all away, though.
Illumi’s proposal surprised her just as much as yourself, and she obviously wasn’t content with it. You actually doubtet that she’d ever consider someone good enough to marry one of her children, so you didn’t take it personal.
The pressure would only help you grow.
“You’ll become the perfect partner for my son, won’t you?” Her fingernails dug deep into your flesh, but you didn’t even flinch. “Of course, honorable mother.”
“Good.” Apparently your answer didn’t calm her fury, since her fingermails only turned in the wounds they dug into your flesh. She only stopped when she realized that the blood was staining your clothes.
“I don’t expect any less from a lowlife like you are.” Seems like you should stay alerted around her. But that was no surprise, and it didn’t scare you either.
You knew what you were getting yourself into. And it was worth it.
To prove your worth, you’d go even beyond your limits.
“It’s time, Y/N.”
Up until now, you hid your emotions very well - but hearing that familiar, monotonous voice, you couldn’t help but smile.
“Illumi!” Kikyo shreeked out, “You’re not allowed to see Y/N before the ceremony!”
“Unnecessary superstition” he retorted quite unaffected, approaching both of you.
Kikyo stepped back, revealing you fully. He took in your appearance, rather observing than anything else. “Is that your blood?”
“Nothing worth mentioning.”
He grabbed your ankle, forcing you up from his seat to look at him. “How did this happen?”
You didn’t dare answering. It was not your place to drive a wedge between your fianceé and his mother, even though you highly doubtet that he would care at all.
Illumi turned around, his blank stare now directed to his mother, who defendingly put her hands into the air. “I-I was just advising-”
“No need for that” he cut her off. “I can take care of any business concerning my partner myself.”
Now she got all hysterical again, just as you got to know her. “B-but-”
“Never touch them again, or I’ll kill you.”
Kikyo relented, then having a mental breakdown for excactly 5 seconds, screams and cries filling the room.
The air had gotten incredibly thick, the unsettling atmosphere making you wish to just disappear right on spot.
“Oh, Illumi!” she exclaimed, sounding jubilant all of a sudden. “Being so cruel to your own mother...You’ve grown so much!”
What a weird fucking family.
“Show me your arms” Illumi demanded after he told his mother to be left alone, yet you flinched away.
“I apologize for having provoked an argument” you spoke all humble, “My wounds are of no concern. Don’t worry.”
“Starting today, I’m expected to take care of you. So you should obey and let me patch this up.” You sat down with a small sigh, exposing your shoulders and presenting them to him. “It would be a shame if you get scarred by something else than a honorable battle.”
Eventually you found time to appreciate your fianceé’s exterior: Illumi had his hair braided back, wearing a fully black suit with a white shirt and a bow tie.
It was the first time you ever saw him in formal wear, and it actually suited him very well.
“You’re very handsome, Lumi” you absentmindedly blurted out as you watched him bandage the wounds on your shoulder.
And Illumi would acknowledge your looks in his own way. “Your appearance is very adequate for this occasion as well.” That counts as a compliment, right?
“Glad you like it” you smiled, “But sadly the stains won’t get out. And we have no time to clean off the blood.”
Illumi swiftly helped you on your feet once again, vaguely explaining “Don’t worry. It won’t stand out after the ceremony.”
You linked arms with Illumi, who led you to the main room as you still pondered about what exactly he meant with that statement.
The celebration would be a small one, not even your own family being allowed to attend. When you entered the generously decorated hall, there were only Silva, Kikyo, Zeno, Kalluto and Milluki.
“Welcome, Y/N” Silva spoke in a way more welcoming tone than his wife earlier. You bend your head as you stood in front of the table where the family had gathered, greeting them politely before making your way to the altar.
Zeno would be the one to confirm the bond. You were actually glad that it was him, because he had already grown fond of you.
“Are you ready?” the old man wondered, noticing how you were trembling.
“Far away from it” you chuckled without doubt, adding “But I’m prepared to do anything.”
“That’s a honest but brave answer, young adult” he paised in an attempt to calm you down, then arranging both you and Illumi to stand facing each other. “And just what you need to become part of this family.”
One sign of Silva and the door swung open, a Bunch of butlers dragging in a terribly inured human.
Much to your shock, the person was not dead - not yet.
“So it begins” Illumi whispered as he saw the man wince in pain, begging for his life, and he almost cracked something like a smile.
“Wha-” Before you could even comprehend what was happening, it hit you like a brick: You were supposed to finish that person off.
That was what Illumi meant. A few blood stains on your wedding dress really were your smallest problem considering what awaited you from this day on.
“That man invaded our property with the intend to kill us” Silva explained to you, his stare bringing across his demands. “You’ll prove your loyality through ending his life.”
At that moment, you knew that you’ll disappoint them - because you were frozen in place.
You had taken and destroyed so many lives, yet always had the full information on them and could decide through your own standarts. But now?
What if it was a lie? You didn’t know that man, why he was here or if he deserved death.
Maybe he had family or came for revenge. Goddamn it, he could even be a reporter who just sneaked in to snatch a photo! Or they had presented you a completely innocent man, seeing if you were the undoubting slave they wanted to have!
Madness runs in this family, apparently.
It was a test. You knew that much. Quite fitting for someone from a family which was only rank three, known for their rather humane way of working.
“No Nen allowed” Kikyo completed the task, “No guns or similar either. You may only use your bare hands or close combat weapons.”
Yes. It was way harder, imprinting your soul to kill that direct way. How you’d deal with the situation was crucial for the outcome of this wedding. 
But were you really ready to throw all of your morality abroad just for your own sake?
“We won’t kill you if you decline the order” Illumi cut off your brooding. Was it out of sympathy? You had no idea. “You’ll be considered unfitting, but you are free to leave and no one will ever bother you again.”
“N-No” you stumbled across your own words, “I’ll do everything for the family.”
“Interesting” Zeno stated. “I never doubtet your spouse, Illumi, but I thought they'd take longer to decide.”
"I think Y/N will make for a great companion.” Silva’s wide grin streched across his face, making his eyes wrinkle a bit. “In both family and business.”
When all was said and done, Illumi grabbed a knive that was placed on the altar. “Let’s do it together, then.”
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You almost felt guilty that you became flustered in a moment like this, but couldn’t help it as Illumi genuinely smiled at you, taking your hand as you took firm steps towards the enemy.
“P-Please have mercy!” the man pleaded to no avail, and determination swelled in your chest at that intense moment.
Taking someone’s life together - it would connect two people in a cruel yet beautiful way.
Whatever else could be more fitting for the marriage of two assassins? 
It would be an easy kill. He was unable to flee or fight back. Just a single strike, ending his life quick as act of mercy.
“You should’ve known better than to mess with my new family.”
Both of your hands intertwined, wrapping your fingers around the handle of the knive before thrusting it into the victim’s chest.
And then it dawned to you.
“A needleman?” you sulked, ripping out one of Illumi’s needles out of the stranger’s head, while the others broke out in boisterous laughter.
“Yeah. He was already dead” Illumi shrugged. “I know you don’t like burdening yourself with victims you didn’t choose yourself. But we needed to test you anyway. It’s a tradition.”
Was he actually respecting your boundaries?! What the-
“I like your guts!” Silva attempted to pat your back, but it felt rather like he was going to break your spine. “Sorry for our harsh methods. I know it can be a bit much at the beginning. You’ll get used to obey our rules slowly, don’t push yourself.
Even Kikyo embraced you, now almost convincing motherly. “Reminds me of my first kill for the family!”
It almost felt like those people could actually feel compassion for others. They at least had undoubtingly strong bonds with each other, even if their way of living together was rather unusual.
Stiff movements as always, Illumi placed his hand on your head, almost as if a robot was trying to mimick human interaction. “I’m proud of you. I knew I chose well.”
The rest of the ceremony was just as you expected it: No vows, no rings, no music, no kiss. Just you and Illumi hearing to whatever Zeno had to say about bringing honor and wealth to the family, bearing strong offsprings, and other things that were the exact opposite from romantic.
“Blood for blood” Zeno stated now instead of “You may now kiss”, and every family member repeated it.
You took the knife from the altar once again, cutting your palm until it drew blood without any hesitation. Illumi would now do the same, then reaching out his hand for yours to hold.
As your fluids mixed before dropping to the floor, you unsucessfully searched for any hint of emotional reaction in your husbands expressionless face.
His eyes however would never leave yours, his hand firmly squeezing yours before Zeno announced:
“Your fates are now inextricably connected.”
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linawritesocs · 2 years
my ocs' ghost marriage voicelines!
okay, i'm working on merrill's chats and minnie and hayden's profiles, but!! here, have some avery, vance, merrill and allen's ghost marriage voicelines! (not counting the summon ones, because i already added them to their cards)
avery glass.
groovy: "listen, this guy isn't even from our school, but he came here just to see you, he's insane! WAIT, ARE YOU TELLING ME HE CAME HERE TO MARRY YOU?"
set home: "well, at least i actually put some thought into my bouquet, not like others."
home idle 1: "ugh, calm down, will you? you look fine in your outfit, great even. and yes, it's a compliment, so accept it!"
home idle 2: "do you want me to tell you the meanings of flowers you've chosen? don't worry, they don't mean anything bad.. wait a minute, let me check just to be sure. hey, i'm joking, i'm joking! what, i just wanted to lighten up the mood, you look like it's someone's funeral and not someone's wedding!"
home idle 3: "how do i feel about marriage and all that stuff? aren't we a bit too young to talk about that? well, my parents have a very sweet and loving relationship, so maybe one day i'll have a relationship like theirs.. wait, why do you even want to know my opinion?"
home idle groovy: "that guy finally left, you're safe now. all thanks to roland-senp.. ahem, i mean the leader of that gardening club i used to go to. ah, you're still shaking. do you want me to hug you or something?"
home tap 1: "why did i go for this suit? well, to be honest, it's actually kinda similar to the one my dad wore to his wedding. haha, if my mom saw me right now, she'd never stop talking about how i look just like my dad when he was younger. d-don't tell anyone about this, okay?"
home tap 2: "hm, now that i think about it, that snowhill guy would actually look good in his outfit if it wasn't for the fake blood. no, i'm not saying that he should've got real blood on his suit!"
home tap 3: "that gamer girl's dress is very pretty.. uh, wait, she didn't hear that, right?"
home tap groovy: "here, have these flowers. i didn't want to give them to that bride anyway. but take good care of them or i'll take them back! i-i'm not being serious, i actually trust you with them."
allen snowhill.
groovy: "it looks like everyone wants to separate us.. but it's fine, we'll be together no matter what! we're like romeo and juliet, hehe~"
set home: "i knew you'd choose me over that flower boy! it makes me happy to hear that you love me this much.."
home idle 1: "i was looking forward to our wedding day! i even bought a ring!.. what, you didn't expect that i'd get you a ring? of course i would, silly, they're not that expensive! i couldn't decide which one you'd like more though, so i bought three, you can choose any of them!"
home idle 2: "do you like my new hairstyle? i rarely do my hair like this, but i thought that it'd be more appropriate for this day. huh? you think that my usual hairstyle fits my personality more? what do you mean by that?"
home idle 3: "now that we're getting married, let's talk about you moving to my place. you're gonna love it, my house is huge, it has so many rooms! you're never gonna get bored there! well, i definitely won't let you get bored. oh, i forgot that we still have classes tomorrow.."
home idle groovy: ".. hey. you love me, right? you really do love me, right? i came to your school to propose to you, i bought you three wedding rings, i got this bouquet for you, but you still don't want to marry me. what else do you want from me? i love you, sweetheart, but please, don't test my patience."
home tap 1: "i wonder if lumi is here. heh, she's probably with that guy who always wears his stupid hat.. you didn't hear it from me."
home tap 2: "about the blood on my suit, don't worry, it's not real! that heartslabyul boy helped me out, he said that it will look cooler this way. and i think he was right, you fainted right when you saw me, you couldn't believe that such a charming man will propose to you!"
home tap 3: "this was supposed to be "eliza's wedding"? oh well, i don't know who this eliza is, but this is our wedding now. i'm sure, if we just talk to her, she'll understand just how much we love each other and that our wedding is more important and she'll leave!"
home tap groovy: "oh, so NOW you've decided to pay attention to me. thank you SOOOO much! "are you okay?" NO, I'M NOT! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR WEDDING AND WE ENDED UP BURNING THE SCHOOL DOWN! oh well, at least it's not rsa, so it's nrc students' problem."
merrill gardner.
groovy: "hey, i know that it will get cater a lot of clout, but i think we should stop this fight. and by saying "we", i mean YOU should try and calm everyone down."
set home: "you think i have the best outfit here? haha, i should've expected that."
home idle 1: "about this hat, one girl from rsa made it for me. i don't wear hats that often, but this one looks nice. i should thank her later. hm, maybe i should give her this bouquet?"
home idle 2: "why i'm not wearing glasses today? come on, i would look weird with them and they don't fit this outfit at all. about my vision.. um, it's not that bad actually."
home idle 3: "maybe i should keep this suit and take a couple of photos in it.. no, it's a bad idea, they'll figure out that it's me. but it would be a waste not to take a photo when i look this good. hey, do you want to take a picture with me? i won't post it anywhere, i promise."
home idle groovy: "wow, and all of this happened because so many guys have a crush on you. keep it up and one day you'll become more popular than me! oh, do you want me to give you some tips on how to deal with them? trust me, i have experience."
home tap 1: "let me just.. okay, your hair looks good now. sorry if i scared you, your hair looked a bit messy. it's understandable though, you went through a lot today."
home tap 2: "hey, let's see how my hat will look on you. here.. haha, you're so adorable with it! but i still think that it looks better on me~"
home tap 3: "my ideal partner? what, you want to ask me out? relax, i'm just joking around. but i don't really have a type.. why do you look like you aren't so sure about that?"
home tap groovy: "no, i'm not mad about eliza slapping me. i didn't want to do anything with her anyway. but also.. who does she think she is? does she even know how many fans i- never mind. forget about what i just said."
vance mintberry.
groovy: "okay, i did it, i tried to eat the wedding cake, you happy now? just don't let trey-kun find out! i want to be a good vice dorm leader number two that doesn't break any rules!"
set home: "yay, let's have a lot of fun today! i promise this wedding won't be so boring with me here!"
home idle 1: "riddle-senpai looks good today, don't you think? oh, you agree with me? haha, i knew it, i knew it! you like riddle-senpai! let me just tell him about it real qui- OW!"
home idle 2: "i look so mature in my suit! i'd love to wear something like this when i actually get married, like, for real! i-i hope that they think i look good too.."
home idle 3: "i didn't think epel would actually agree to wear a suit like that! i mean, it doesn't really have that "manly" energy that he wants to have. but i think he looks very pretty in it! don't tell him that though, he doesn't want to be pretty, he wants to be cool!"
home idle groovy: "i guess you could say that this wedding was "lit"! get it, because the whole school was on fire.. i just wanted to make you laugh, i'm trying my best here!"
home tap 1: "honestly, i think my card should've been at least sr. like, come on, this outfit is too good for a simple "r" card! oh, don't mind me, i was just talking to myself."
home tap 2: "sorry, you've probably expected someone different, but i came home instead. haha, you've probably got a lot of my cards now. but let's hope your fave will come home next time!"
home tap 3: "yes, it was me, who helped that boy from rsa with his suit! i think it's one of my best works! well, i didn't help anyone with their outfit before, but.. what a great start, am i right?"
home tap groovy: "it was a fun wedding-themed event! i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did! yes, i did enjoy it even though i didn't have a big role in it. because i had so much fun with everyone and they mean a lot to me.. if only all of this was real."
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
How to you think the trio would react to accidentally eating a bunch of edibles that thier s/o left out in accident
Hey, anon! Thanks for the request and I hope you'll like it! 🙇
I changed the request a bit since I couldn’t really make it fit with the situations exactly, hope that’s okay!
Oh God, at least one of them is dead, guess who 😂
you left the last cup of pudding on the kitchen table, unopened, because your phone rang and you had been expecting that important call
Chrollo was still reading when you had picked up the phone, so you went into your bedroom so you wouldn’t disturb him
your boyfriend went into the kitchen to get himself a drink when he took a break from reading
only to see the pudding cup
you’d told him earlier that day that there was no pudding left and now that he saw it on the table, he huffed
accident? maybe
intentional? also maybe
thing is, Chrollo had wanted pudding for quite a few days and none of you had had the time to go shopping
so right now, he was a bit desperate to feel the pleasant taste on his tongue again
he could still hear you in the bedroom, so he quickly grabbed a spoon and ate it, trying not to hurry because he wanted to enjoy the taste
but also knowing that he’d have to face it in case you would’ve caught him red-handed if he didn’t eat faster
he was gonna get in trouble anyway
might as well die with the knowledge of having eaten that pudding
Chrollo quickly finished the pudding and threw away the cup in the trash while the spoon was washed and put away
and just a few seconds later, you came out with a beaming smile on your face
you had just managed to get a job and told Chrollo immediately
he only smiled before coming to you and giving you a big hug
How about we go out and celebrate then?
with a quick nod from you, he ushered you into the bedroom to get dressed up, happy that he’d gotten your mind off the pudding
Oh, I forgot about the pudding on the table! I’ll put it back in the fridge really quick.
or maybe not
as soon as you came back with the groceries, you took them to the kitchen to sort through them and put everything in its rightful place
what you didn’t know was that you had dropped a bar of chocolate on the couch when you bent over a bit so your bag slipped off your shoulder and onto it before going to the kitchen
Hisoka had been showering and came out of the bathroom in a pair of briefs and with a towel in his hands, drying his hair with it
he came into the living room and heard the rustling of packs and bags and the opening of the fridge and the cupboard doors
knowing that it was you, he sat down on the couch, close to your bag, and reached for the remote, only to touch the chocolate instead
well, it wouldn’t hurt to eat a piece or two, right?
as he opened it and got the remote to look for something interesting, Hisoka’s motion of eating the sweet treat became almost subconscious
he hadn’t found anything that interesting, just some rerun to an episode from a show he liked, but before he knew it, the chocolate was completely gone
you had finally finished putting the groceries to their places before entering the living room, ready to greet your boyfriend
when you saw the candy wrapper on the couch next to Hisoka, who glanced at you before going back to watching TV
Did you eat all that chocolate just now?
you asked almost incredulously
Hisoka shrugged nonchalantly
you only sighed before kissing his cheek and going towards the bathroom to take a bath
Okay, but because of this, you’re making dinner tonight. That was my chocolate.
Yes, lovely~ ♠️
for the past few months, you and Illumi had found something you both liked
a box of 10 little cakes that looked like cats and tasted like heaven
you’d both usually share
but there were times when one of you got a bit greedy and would buy a box without really planning on sharing that day
thing is, those boxes were pretty hard to find since a lot of people bought them at an insanely fast rate
but today, you’d managed to buy one of the last ones and were now heading home
Illumi was out on a mission and wouldn’t be back until later or even the next morning, so it was perfect
and that’s how you ate half of them and put the rest in the fridge so you could eat them later
stuffed and alone in the house, you could barely keep your eyes open and decided to go and take a nap for a few hours
and a few hours later, Illumi silently entered your shared home
all your things were in their place and the bedroom door was closed, so he knew you were asleep
knowing this, he went into the kitchen to rummage through the fridge for something quick to eat since he hadn’t had time to
only to be pleasantly surprised at the sight of the cake box
only 5 left
forget food
he hadn’t managed to find a box that day either and he was craving some
Illumi took the cakes one by one and finished them in a matter of a few minutes
they were too good to resist
he’d buy you another box as soon as he could
hopefully, he could take your mind off them
he planned on going and buying a full box at dawn, when he knew you’d still be asleep and surprise you with it
hopefully, he’d be forgiven easily
Lumi, is that you?
oh boy
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
I sent it during the match up openings but I guess it was eaten :(
Anyways here's my information!
I'd like a mha romantic match up! Preferably male please
Gender: female
Zodiac: Aries sun, cancer moon, Sagittarius rising
Hobbies: crocheting, writing, reading, cooking and gaming
Favorite color: pink, black
Favorite artists: Melanie martinez, Brittney spears, the pussycat dolls, rihanna, corpse, lumi athena, dove Cameron
I'm 5'4 with mid-long black hair with red chunky highlights. I have an hour glass body shape with some chub. I dress in an 90s/y2k fashion and love all things hello kitty. I love retro things and anything pink.
My ideal type would be someone who makes me laugh and doesn't get tired of reassuring me. My love language is physical touch and receiving gifts. I love when people buy me things with the reasoning of "this reminded me of you" or when people say certain songs remind then of me. I like to know I'm thought about.
Hey anon I was wrong I think I did do your matchup already here’s the link: https://www.tumblr.com/mysteriawrites/720346029235601408/hello-id-like-to-ask-for-a-bnha-match-up
I think this is yours sorry for the confusion although if you think this isn’t you lmk.
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
silver tongue // part two
SUMMARY: charlie weasley was never the type to fall in love. his main focus has always been dragons. by the time he realizes he’s in love, it may be too late.
PAIRINGS: charlie weasley x fem!OC
WARNINGS: smut, and mentions of gore/injury.
well, here’s the final part to charlie’s story! i may write an epilogue of sorts in the future. and i may use luminita in a different story, i like her character! anyways, hope you all enjoy.
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charlie and luminita fell into step with the order and the weasley family. charlie spent time catching up with his family and conversing with arthur on the foreign wizards they had gathered. luminita spent a fair amount of time with kingsley, who had taken a great interest in the girl. he said she was a great asset and a natural fighter, and she was assigned as a watch guard for the burrow while they were there.
luminita was surprisingly comfortable at the burrow. it made her realize where charlie got his decorating skills from; his shack in romania was filled with warm tones of mismatched fabrics and designs. it had always drove her crazy, she preferred a set tone and color palette. but now she knew charlie was just trying to have a piece of the burrow with him while he was with the dragons.
the day of the wedding, she was stationed to stand guard outside of the tent the ceremony was being held in. another wizard and witch, remus and tonks respectively, stood guard with her.
luminita had gotten to know the two fairly well, remus was a werewolf and he had soothed a lot of the concerns she had over her injuries. the only thing she had experienced was a likening towards rare meat, and restlessness during the full moon. tonks was a delightful metamorphmagus, and a strong willed fighter like her. tonks had suggested she would make a brilliant auror, but luminita assured her that her heart belonged to the dragons and romania.
tonks was the person who had given her a dress for the wedding, a silver cap sleeved gown that clung to her chest and torso, before flowing weightlessly to her feet. her wild thick hair was twisted up in a bun, showcasing the thin dragon scale necklace around her neck. she rarely had a chance to dress up, and she enjoyed it in spite of herself.
“it’s a beautiful day for a wedding,” tonks commented brightly, twirling her wand in her hands. “not too warm, not too windy.”
“thank you for the weather update.” remus smirked playfully at the purple haired witch, nudging her shoulder.
tonks glared at remus, with no real malice. luminita laughed, their banter heartwarming and yet painful at the same time.
“so how long have you and charlie been an item?” tonks asked luminita, winking at the girl whose eyes had widened at the assumption.
“oh, no, we aren’t together,” she let out a humorless laugh. “we’re both too focused on our work. he’s always said the dragons are enough for him, he can’t entertain a relationship while there are so many undiscovered dragons.”
tonks shared a look with remus, their expressions gentle. “sometimes you just need to convince a man otherwise. even if they’re stubborn.”
luminita smiled politely, her insides churning. it was a nice sentiment, but it wasn’t like that with charlie. she knew long before her feelings for him grew that he wasn’t interested in any relationship with anyone. she was just foolish enough to let herself be captivated by charming grin and muscular biceps, his infectious laugh and extraordinary personality. she had never met someone quite like him.
spending time around his family for the past few days, she was able to see where it had all stemmed from.
before long, the ceremony had conceded and music began blasting from the speakers within. laughter and the clinking of silverware echoed outside, and luminita couldn’t help but peek inside to take a look.
“oh, you can go on inside,” tonks waved towards the tent, her eyes flicking over to remus. “we can take it from here.”
luminia hesitated, but at their reassurances, she slipped inside the tent.
she had never seen so many redheads in one place. charlie had been the first and only redhead she had met, and she found it a bit jarring to suddenly be surrounded by them. she sought him out now, a smile appearing on her face when she finally caught sight of him walking towards her.
“lumi,” he greeted, giving her a hug. he pulled away, his hands still on her arms, his eyes raking over her body. “you look wonderful.”
she laughed, a blush coating her cheeks. “well thanks. you don’t look half bad yourself, i almost don’t recognize you without the layer of ash on your face.”
charlie laughed loudly, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “thanks, i think!”
they walked over to the drinks, each taking a glass of fire whiskey. a few of charlie’s relatives came over to talk with him
about his work with the dragons, and a few of them asked if luminita was his girlfriend. charlie would quickly shake his head, his cheeks would flush, and he would deny it. luminita would joke and say she had much higher standards, even if the words burned her mouth on their way out.
“would you fancy a dance?” charlie asked suddenly, as they had finished off their drinks.
luminita nodded, her lips turning up as she let herself be led away to throng of people twirling to the music.
she began swaying to the music, charlie’s large hands splayed out on her hips. she had her hands on his shoulders, and they moved fluidly together to the music.
“your family is really nice,” she told him, looking into his brown eyes. “fred and george have a nice amount of spunk in them. and ginny is a force to be reckoned with. she kind of reminds me of me when i was her age.”
charlie nodded in agreement. “the twins have really made something for themselves. i’m so proud of them. ginny, too.”
“oh, charles, you’ve gone soft of us,” fred appeared next to them, twirling a gorgeous blond as he passed.
“really, i think we may swoon.” george finished, a similar girl in his arms as they danced together.
“just wait until after this wedding, i’ll have the both of you in a headlock before you can say mum.” charlie threatened, giving the two of them a look.
“we’ll be waiting!” the twins had identical grins, and they led the dance floor, disappearing with the veelas.
charlie grinned, shaking his head, and he twirled luminita in a circle. she felt wild, carefree. the feeling of charlie’s warm hands on her hips and the feeling of his thick muscles under her hands made her feel invincible. they never got the opportunity to be intimate like this, and all they were doing was dancing.
maybe it was the rush of euphoria she received from being so close with him, his hands on her hips, his eyes watching her every move. or maybe it was the feel that weddings had, like love was an attainable thing for all to grasp. whatever it was, when the music switched to a slow song, she had to finally put her feelings for the burly boy out in the open so there were no more second guesses.
“charlie,” luminita bit her lip, their movements slowing. “i know how you feel about relationships. i know we’re in a war. i know we can die at any moment... and that’s why i need to just say this and be done.”
“i care for you, charlie weasley. a lot. a damn lot, and who knows? maybe i love you. and perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but i think you like me too.”
she could feel him tense under her hands as her words spilled out in an honest confession. they paused in their dancing, and she waited with bated breath to hear his reply.
as charlie opened his mouth, everyone’s attention was suddenly turned to the opening of the tent, where a silver lynx landed a few feet away from charlie and luminita. she quickly reached under her dress for her wand that was strapped to her calf, holding it tightly in anticipation.
the patronus’ mouth opened wide, and it spoke in the loud, deep, slow voice of kingsley shacklebolt.
“the ministry has fallen. scrimgeour is dead. they are coming.”
everything was silent for a moment, most of the guests were still turned towards the remaining vapors of the patronus. then somebody screamed.
guests started running in all directions, many were disapperating. luminita swore, realizing the enchantments around the burrow had broken.
the death eaters came rather quickly. they were masked and cloaked, firing spells into the crowd of people.
luminita began dueling, her mouth set in a determined line. she was vaguely aware of charlie fighting at her side, firing off a few ‘protego’ as they fought together.
then luminita saw ginny, who appeared as though she was too busy searching for someone rather than looking out for her back. she was going to get herself killed.
“charlie,” she spat out of the corner of her mouth, firing a leg locking curse at one of the cloned figures. “where is your families safe house?”
“my aunt muriels,” charlie responded under his breath, stunning a death eater. “go there!”
“no chance in hell!”
she sprinted across the dance floor, kicking her heels off in the process. she dodged spellwork, twisting around to fire back as she ran.
“protego!” she shouted, blocking a curse that very nearly hit ginny. “ginerva! get a hold of yourself!”
“harry left,” ginny told her, her eyes wild. “i didn’t get to say goodbye.”
“you’ll see him again,” she panted, gathering the girl behind her. “where’s your wand.”
“i don’t know, i don’t know, i think it’s in the burrow.”
luminita cursed, scanning the crowd as spells continued blasting around them. molly weasley looked panic stricken, as she fired off spells at the death eaters, her eyes darting around in a worried haste. aunt muriel was next to her, looking as though she were going to hyperventilate.
she was looking for ginny.
“molly!” she yelled, grabbing ginnys arm as the quickly maneuvered through the crowd.
molly looked up at her, relief sagging in her features as she saw ginny beside her. luminita pushed ginny into her mother’s arms, and they clung to each other.
“go to the safe house, we’ll take care of things from here.”
molly nodded, and turned on her heel. with a crack, they disappeared.
luminita turned back to the crowd, and joined forces with remus and tonks, the three of them were soon joined by charlie. charlie and luminita fought back to back, alongside the other two.
it appeared the death eaters were only there for harry potter. once they realized he was no longer there, due to one of them shouting it in disappointment, they left in a cloud of black smoke.
the beautifully decorated tent was destroyed, the flowers trampled and decorations ripped, platters of food and drink strewn around the floor. a few areas had been set on fire and put out, the smoldering remains letting off plumes of black smoke.
“is anyone hurt?” arthur called out tersely, a deep looking ash on his forearm.
there were a few murmurings through the crowd, but no one appeared to be gravely injured.
“right, then, let’s clean up and then we can recoup.”
it didn’t take very long to get the place cleaned up, most of it just needed to be banished away as it was damaged beyond repair. bill expressed regret over the flowers being destroyed; fleur had wanted to save a few in a photo album of their day. but they were all wrecked, stomped into the ground.
the order members who had attended the wedding all apparated to muriels cottage, crammed into the small living room as they waited for kingsley to appear. he came at half past nine, looking worn and torn.
“was harry able to leave?” he asked, standing in front of the order members.
arthur nodded. “he, ron, and hermione left. no one was able to get them.”
“that’s good.”
they began discussing further plans for the order, and repairing the wards that had been broken at the burrow. they would all head back tomorrow morning to redo he magical charms, and resume their normal schedules.
as the order members aside from the weasleys and luminita began to file out, kingsley called to her and charlie.
“you two are heading back to romania tomorrow, right?”
charlie nodded tensely. “that’s the plan.”
kingsley nodded slowly, looking over at luminita. she forced herself to remain strong under his intimidating gaze.
“luminita, if you’re willing, i would like for you to stay behind. you’re an excellent fighter, and we could really use your help.”
she faltered, unsure of what to say. she hadn’t been expecting him to say that.
“no,” charlie answered, shaking his head. “no, she comes home with me.”
“charlie, think of what’s best for the order,” kingsley said firmly, turning his gaze on the man. “if she refuses, then that’s fine. but if she’s willing to help the order, that’s her decision to make.”
“im not leaving her here unprotected,” charlie’s voice was bordering on hysterical now. “miles away from where i could help her. where i go, she goes.”
the two men stared at each other, silence echoing loudly around them. luminita felt her heart thud at the way charlie was talking about her, and she very nearly said no. but he said she would be a great asset, and if she would be more helpful here... she couldn’t say no, especially not after the death eaters she encountered tonight. fighting like that... it gave a thrill that reminded her of trying to bond with a dragon. and if she could help innocent people and fight against voldemort hands on, well, she wouldn’t say no.
charlie looked at her, and his shoulders sagged as he recognized her expression.
“please, lumi,” his voice was low and pleading. “don’t stay. come home with me.”
she swallowed hard, and looked over to kingsley. she gave the man a firm nod, straightening her shoulders. “i’ll stay.”
charlie cursed, and stormed out of the room. the front door slammed behind him, and luminita shut her eyes briefly.
“tomorrow we’ll meet at the burrow and discuss your role,” kingsley held out his hand, and they shook firmly. “i have an assignment in mind for you already.”
kingsley left then, biding a goodnight to the rest of the weasleys. luminita took a steadying breath, and slipped outside. the grass was cool against her bare feet, and the wind was balmy against her skin.
charlie stood leaning against a tree a few yards away from the house, staring out at the vast forest that expanded beyond muriels cottage. his sleeves were rolled up, and the ends of his dragon tattoo poked out from his right bicep. her heart ached as she walked towards him.
“hey,” she said softly, crossing her arms as she stopped next to him. “can we talk?”
“how could you just decide that?” he turned to her, his words hard and fast as they came from his mouth. “how could you just decide to leave me and stay here?”
“charlie, you know i won’t back down from a fight. you know i’m not the type of person to run and hide. if there’s a chance i can be more helpful here then in romania, i have to do it.”
“even if that means leaving the dragons? leaving me? i thought you lov-“ and he cut himself short, the words snipped shut as soon as he thought them.
she shut her eyes, taking another steadying breath against the thud of her heart. “don’t do that.”
“do what? at the wedding, you said- you said you loved me. how can you just drop that on me and then just leave me?”
“are you kidding me? it doesn’t even matter charlie! you don’t feel the same way about me! the dragons will always come first!”
“fuck the dragons!” charlie roared, and he took hold of her shoulders. “i love you, damnit, and i can’t lose you!”
he crashed his lips against hers, and she lost her hands in his wavy hair. she opened her mouth, tongue and teeth clashing against each other. his deliciously muscular body pressed against hers, fulfilling many a fantasy she had ever since she saw him with his shirt off three years ago. his hands cupped her cheeks, pressing her harder against him.
every single one of her nerve endings were on fire as his hands ghosted down to her hips, gripping them tightly before he tapped her thighs, signaling for her to jump. she did, wrapping her legs around his waist as he turned around, pressing her against the tree.
as his lips trailed down her neck, nipping ravenously at her skin, she could feel his hardness pressing against her core. hardness that she caused. it sparked a fire deep in her chest, and she moaned loudly as he ground her hips into hers.
he looked up at her, his eyes dark. “do you want this?”
she nodded, her eyes fluttering at the feel of his body pressed against hers. “i’ve wanted this for years, charlie.”
at her admission, he pulled up her dress, and pushed aside her panties, slipping a finger into her wetness. her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she gripped at his hair as he plunged his fingers deep in her pussy. his thumb rubbed circles on her sensitive clit, while his two fingers thrusted in and out in a fast pace.
“charlie,” his name fell from her lips among a string of moans, his hair still gripped in her fists.
“say my name,” charlie growled, biting down harshly on her neck. “say my goddamn name.”
she could feel the knot in her stomach building, and just as it was about to unravel, his fingers left her heat. her unfocused eyes attempted to look at him in annoyance, wondering why he stopped, when his full length suddenly slammed into her with a force that brought tears to her eyes.
“you like it rough, don’t you slut,” he murmured, groaning as he rolled his hips against hers. “taking me so well.”
she threw her head back in both pain and pleasure as his cock pounded into her, hitting deep inside her as he continued sucking on
her neck. the pain subsided, and she nearly saw stars as he brought a hand down to rub circles on her clit.
the knot in her stomach returned, and with it came a primal need to mark charlie as hers. she lifted her head, bending towards his neck and searching for his soft spot. as he moaned when her tongue licked over a spot near the base of his throat, she bit down harshly, drawing blood that she quickly licked up, moving to suck on the other side of his neck.
“did you just bite me?” charlie gasped out, his hips flush against hers.
she tilted her head back, meetings his eyes as he continued slamming into her. “yeah, i did.”
“do it again.” he groaned darkly, moving his head back to expose the other side of his neck.
she did as he asked, sinking her teeth once more into the taught skin of his neck. she supposed the need to bite him and mark him as hers came from the werewolf scars, but she hadn’t expected charlie to be so open to it.
the knot in her stomach tightened, and she moaned as the pressure built. charlie’s thrusts became sloppy, and she knew he was close too.
“gonna cum,” he grunted, slamming his hips into hers. “fill you up like the slut you are.”
his words drove them both over the edge, and with one final thrust he came inside her, and she released on his dick. his hips stilled, still flush against hers, and he buried his head against her neck. she rested her head on top of his, her arms resting limply around his neck.
“so,” she said after a moment, a pleased smirk on her lips. “i’m a slut?”
charlie looked up immediately, his face flushing maroon. “oh, erm, i didn’t mean-“
“don’t take it back!” she exclaimed, a laugh falling from her lips. “it’s hot. dirty. didn’t expect that from you.”
charlie gave an exasperated sigh, shaking his head. he pulled out of her, setting her down gingerly. her legs felt like jello, and she held onto his shoulders to steady herself.
“was it too much for you?” he teased her, his eyes dark.
she swatted at his arm, forcing herself to stand on her own. “in your dreams, weasley.”
“oh trust me, this will be the center of my dreams for years to come.”
she rolled her eyes, pulling her panties back up. “if only you would have done this sooner.”
charlie nodded slowly. “if only... are you really going to stay?”
“i have to, charlie. if it’s in the best interest of the order, then-“
“forget the order,” he stated firmly, placing a hand on her hip. “what is best for you?”
she paused. “charlie. i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i left when i could have helped people. not after what i saw today.”
“i suppose i knew that,” he sighed ruefully. “that’s just who you are. it’s why i love you.”
“so you do love me?”
he gave her a look. “i don’t just tell people i love them if i don’t mean it. of course i do.”
she nodded. “i love you too.”
she held out her hand, and he grasped it tightly. his large one engulfed her small
one in warmth, and they walked hand in hand back to the cottage. they didn’t specify a label on each other, but she didn’t feel they needed to. they loved each other. that was all they needed.
the next day, luminita received her first assignment from kingsley. charlie prepared to leave for romania. they spent their last night together in his childhood bedroom, familiarizing each other’s bodies in the tangle of his sheets.
but he had to leave, and she had to stay.
kingsley kept her busy, and she found she didn’t have much time to dwell on how much she missed charlie. it stayed with her, like a thorn in her side, but most nights she was so exhausted she fell into a dreamless sleep, only to wake up the next morning early to get a start on her duties.
she stayed with the weasleys in the burrow, and grew quite close with molly and the twins. she practiced dueling with the boys on her rare days off, which they greatly enjoyed.
but of course, all good things must come to an end, and when ginny returned home for easter break, ron was found traveling with harry potter and hermione granger. the trio got away, but the weasleys shot to the top of the death eaters most wanted list. they were forced into hiding, and luminita took on a heavier work load as the death eaters became more determined to destroy the supporters of harry potter.
eventually, she was stationed in hogsmeade, which meant that when the final battle began, she was one of the first to join.
“it’s unfortunate you’re seeing hogwarts in shambles as your first impression,” george called to her, as he hexed a death eater. “it’s bloody amazing in its full glory.”
“has to be, though,” fred chimed in, dodging a bat bogey hex. “it’s where we got our start! the infamous weasley twins!”
“load of braggarts, you lot!” chided luminita, sending a stunner straight to the chest of a burly death eater.
the three worked together, battling the emerging death eaters. at some point in the chaos, george split away from the two, and they were joined by percy, the weasley who had blacklisted his family.
“i was a fool, fred,” percy shouted hoarsely, shooting spells at the four hooded and masked death eaters that had them back into a corner. “an utter fool!”
“and a right prat!” added fred, ducking as a green spell whizzed by his ear.
luminita became separated from the two as the death eater split them apart, two took on her while the other two kept at the weasleys. she was forced to only cast shielding spells, as she was unable to do much else with the both of them constantly firing at her. but then, by sheer luck, she found an opening.
“ventura!” she shouted, jabbing her wand directly at the two.
a hurricane swirled out of her wand, gathering the two death eaters into its depths. they flung around the room, hitting the ceiling with a sickening crack before falling to the floor, their thick blood spilling out onto the floor.
she shouted the counter curse, and the hurricane disappeared.
“nice one, lumi!” fred shouted in approval.
jets of light flew in every direction, and luminita rushed forward to help the two weasleys; out of the corner of her vision, she saw harry, ron, and hermione emerge from the hallway.
one of the death eaters hoods slipped, revealing his high forehead and streaked hair.
“hello, minister!” bellowed percy, sending a neat jinx to thicknesse who dropped his wand and clawed at his rom in discomfort. “did i mention i’m resigning?”
“you’re joking, perce!” shouted fred with glee, as the death eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of four separate stunning spells. “you actually are joking, perce.. i haven’t heard you joke since you were-“
luminita felt the electric pull of the air, and her instincts kicked in. she reached out, grabbing hold of fred, just as the air around them exploded.
they flung through the air, and luminita held fred close to her chest with her wand gripped tightly in her hand, protecting his head with her arms. the yells and screams of their companions echoed around them, and the cold air that hit let her know the wall of the castle had been blasted away.
they landed with a crash, her head cracking against the floor of the castle, her leg bending the wrong way with a throbbing pain. fred slammed painfully against her chest, but she didn’t release her hold on him.
then the world resolved itself into pain and semi darkness; they were half buried in the wreckage of the corridor.
she looked down at fred, who had a dazed expression in his face. there was a gash across his forehead, dripping thick blood in his eyes.
“lumi, you have to let go of me so we can get up,” fred groaned, and she released his hold on him. “think you may have just saved my life.”
“that was the hope.” the words came out funny, and her head exploded in black stars. she wasn’t sure that the words had came out at all. there was something thick and sticky coating the back of her head, and when she reached her hand back to gingerly touch it, moaning at the pain, her hand came back slick with blood.
“percy! ron! help me get her out of here!”
she was vaguely aware of someone jostling her body out of the rubble as the pain coalesced into a blinding blackness of stars, and she faded away.
the next time she opened her eyes, she was staring at the twinkling ceiling of the great hall. she felt as though her head was filled with foam, and her leg had a stabbing pain reverberating through her shin.
her eyes fluttered over to the worried face of charlie weasley, and her heart swelled. “charlie.”
he carefully gathered her in his strong arms, holding her against his chest. “i told you to be safe.”
she wrapped her arms around him, not fully believing he was there.
“luminita. never thought i’d see the day you weren’t tossing me a witty comment.”
she lifted her head off charlie’s chest to see billius standing near them, and a grin cracked across her face.
“oh, shut it,” she scoffed. “go suck on a dragon scale.”
“that’s my girl,” billius grinned, before pausing thoughtfully. “guess i probably shouldn’t say that. you’re charlie’s girl now.”
a warmth filled her chest as his words processed, and her head became less foamy. “yeah. i am.”
“you hit your head really hard and broke your leg,” charlie informed her, keeping her in his arms. “maria had to regrow the back of your skull, and a few of your leg bones. you’re still healing.”
“maria’s here?”
“all of our romanian allies are here. we got here just after the battle ended.”
she could hear the frustration in his voice. she knew it must have killed him to get here late and then find that she was injured. “you’re here now. that’s what matters.”
they caught up while her skull regrew, and the other weasleys came by as well. fred thanked her again for saving him, and molly nearly cried as she thanked her for saving her son. she waved them off, not caring for the attention.
before long, the battle resumed, and charlie had to leave her to help in the fight. she tried her best to get up against his orders, but her vision went blurry and her leg sent shooting pains through her body. so, she was forced to sit there while harry potter was declared dead. the war raged on.
then, harry potter was alive again. the war began turning for the better, and it seemed that they would win. the residents of hogsmeade joined in, and before long, harry had killed voldemort.
the war was over.
charlie came back to her immediately, taking her in his arms and holding her tightly. she wrapped her arms around his torso as his hands tangled in her hair, and he peppered her face with kisses.
“i love you, luminita,” he declared, cupping her cheeks in his hands. “marry me.”
“marry you?” she gaped at him, staring up at his heavily freckled face.
a grin broke out across his face. “are you deaf? i said marry me, damnit!”
her heart swelled with love, and she nodded fast, her head spinning from the movement. “charlie weasley, of course i’ll marry you.”
he kissed her passionately, lifting her in his arms. everything was right in her world.
the sun rose steadily over hogwarts as they celebrated, and mourned over the ones they had lost. luminita was saddened to hear that tonks and remus had died, she would never forget their kindness. she wished she was able to tel tonks that charlie had proposed, the delightful woman would been ecstatic to hear the news.
they celebrated, they mourned. clean up on the castle would begin tomorrow, but for now, everyone was invited to stay in the dorms or go home.
charlie and luminita decided to go back to the burrow with their family. they would head back to romania after the shock of the battle wore off, but for now, charlie needed to be with his family. luminita knew that.
as she lay in charlie’s arms that night in his childhood bedroom, she smiled genuinely. she supposed she had bonded with a dragon after all.
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