#anyways im really excited lets hope this time its at a place with seats
celticwoman · 1 year
omg maneskin is coming back ????????????
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mournings-stars · 4 months
Could I request an Alastor x reader? mostly smut, however i love fluff with aftercare and such
I was thinking the premise being of a reader who was and old friend from cannibal town coming to the hotel maybe? (cis fem reader)
hellohello! i personally don’t write smut for alastor but here’s a little fluff for you/how im comfortable writing for alastor!! its a bit of an ambiguous relationship but i hope thats fine :)
alastor x cannibal town fem reader (i may make this into a multi-part fic)
There was more than one reason Alastor brought Charlie to Cannibal Town — yes, it’s important she met Rosie, but he also had business to attend to while she did. He excused himself, heading down the street, several shops down, and into a narrow alleyway where he opened a hidden door to a small shop.
It was two small rooms and a back kitchenette. The walls of the first room were lined with bookshelves that made a narrow aisle to the back of the store. There, was an open seating area with sofas, armchairs, and a roaring fireplace across from the small register in the corner. It certainly wasn’t supposed to feel like a store where you had to buy something, but one where you could if you really wanted to.
“Welcome in!” A very sweet voice came from the back of the shop, a hint of an old, long-lost accent that made Alastor’s smile widen. “I’ll be right with you!”
“Take your time,” he hummed, and immediately heard shuffling from the other room before you stumbled into the front. “Hello, my dear!”
“Alastor!?” You gasped, lifting the hem of your skirt to rush over to him and hug him. He stiffened, a high pitched radio frequency sounding from his microphone and making you step back. “Sorry—“ You straightened out his suit jacket with a smile tugging at your lips as he watched you. When your fussing became too much, he placed a very calm hand over yours and gave you a gentle smile. You laughed under your breath and stepped back. “Sorry—“
“You said that already, my dear — and there’s no need to!” You nodded as he squeezed your hand before letting it go. “No need at all!”
“Right, right… How are you? Where have you been? I’ve… missed you.” Your excited tone dampened as you finished, clearing your throat and offering a smaller smile when it faltered. “But I’m glad to see you’re alright.”
“You were always too kind to me!” He said cheerily, walking to the second room to have a seat on the couch.
“Can I get you anything, Al?”
“Just a bit of precious time,” he said a little too sweetly, waiting for you to sit across from him. But you made yourself busy, pouring hot water over tea and preparing a plate of sweets for the two of you to share. “Tell me how you’ve been!” He said impatiently as he watched you go anywhere but toward him.
“Ah… where to start?” You hummed, leaning against the countertop. “I thought you might’ve…” You waved your hand dismissively, but as he’d gone missing just after an extermination, he understood and hummed along. “And since you never told me anything—“
“It was all so sudden, I would’ve left you a note—“
“A note?” You scoffed, but moved on when he nodded, going to get teacups for the two of you. “Anyway, I met someone.”
“Did you?” He sounded unimpressed, watching you get sugar and spoons; anything to avoid sitting down. “So quickly?”
“It took a few years.” He hummed along. “And it didn’t last—“ He laughed snidely. “—It felt very… wrong—”
“I'm sure,” he was almost too quick to say.
“And… They were exterminated, anyway.”
He looked very happy to hear that fact, but said nothing until he got his expression under control. “Shame,” he said, tone crass. “I would have loved to have met them.”
“I’m sure,” you repeated, throwing him a pointed look that he beamed at. “The years have become a bit blurry,” you continued.
“Have they?”
“I spend most of my time here, talking with Rosie. Missing you.“
“Ah, yes… You said that.” His smile dampened. “Surely you moved on?” But he was hopeful you didn’t, and he knew his hopes were answered when you stayed quiet and poured your tea. You remembered how much sugar he liked, and how much cream, not even bothering to ask before you put the cups on the plate and walked to the couches. “I always thought of you,” he admitted, taking the cup you offered, “but I could never go to you… I watched from afar.” He cleared his throat, sipping his tea and forcing his smile to stay put. “And I felt…” His eyes drifted to nothing as he thought back on those seven years. “Excruciatingly bored.”
You laughed. “Does that mean you missed me too?”
He narrowed his eyes, taking the plate from you before you could get anything else. “Why don’t you have a seat next to me?” He set the plate on the end table. “I didn’t come here to be served; I came to, finally, get the chance to see you again.” And then he offered his hand, and the small gesture of vulnerability made you understand that yes;
He missed you very much.
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mountslove333 · 1 year
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yours and masons first time sleeping over at his house.
this sucks so bad im sorry but cant not post it as it took forever to write so please please please request something juicy
 thankyou sm for all the love on my last post :)))))
and please request ideas (maybe something angsty????) cos im so bad at coming up with ideas
You were getting ready nervously to go to one of masons matches, you were nervous because you were sleeping at his place afterwards. 
You and mason had been speaking, going on dates and getting to know each other for a couple months, you both longed to spend the night with each other but due to the world cup, your work and just both your schedules you hadn't had the chance to spend the full night with each other as something always got in the way.
But one thing you knew is that you really liked mason, how couldn't you? he was perfect. Always caring if you were okay, having the best sense of humour and his looks certainly helped. You just really hoped he liked you as much as you liked him.
you finished off your makeup, tying your hair into a cute ponytail, then went to wear you laid out your clothes to change into. Some leggings and your ‘mount’ chelsea shirt which he had given you after you first trip to watch him at one of his matches. putting it on you remember the butterflies in your stomach and the smile on your face when he gifted you this and the way he would grin when he saw you in it so you certainly didnt complain each time you had an opportunity to wear it.
When it was time you grabbed your bag of your overnight stuff checking you had remembered everything before grabbing your keys and heading to your car beginning to drive to the stadium.
Arriving at the stadium you smiled, you loved watching mason play. you headed inside and too your seats you were meeting your friend, a long time chelsea supporter so when you went to watch mason she never minded coming with.
“hey millie” you greeted hugging her 
“hey, come on sit down its starting soon” she grinned standing back allowing you to reach your seat
“anyways you excited for tonight” she smirked
you had told her excited last night about mason offering you at stay at his, and about how long you had waited to spend this time with him.
“yes definitely, but also nervous what if it makes him not like me or something” i told her honestly
“don't be silly, it will make him like you more” she reassured me
“i hope so” 
The match was amazing, whenever he could mason would lock eyes with you even send you a wink occasionally making your stomach spin, and to top it off chelsea won which you knew would lift the mood for the night.
but now you were walking out of the stadium after saying your goodbyes to Millie your nerves heightened, heart beat speeding up as you got closer to him but that all seemed too disappear when your eyes met masons.
“hey you” he greeted as you got closer wrapping you in his arms, grins plastered across both of your faces
“nice shirt” he smirked pulling away from the hug
“it is isnt it” you said looking down at it
“well done by the way mase, you were amazing” you gushed 
“thankyou darling, now come on lets go its freezing” he said ushering you into his car
you had let millie take your car home and were going to collect it tomorrow as she didnt live far from you at all.
You got into masons car placing your bag in the foot well, you looked up at him finding him already looking at you
“i missed you y/n” 
“i missed you too mason” he placed his hand on your cheek bringing your face closer to his, your heartbeat began to quicken again before you lips finally met.
you moved in sync reaching your hand up to place it on his face, you pulled away for a second smiling, just taking him in. you really were lucky. you pecked his lips one last time before going back to sitting normally in your seat.
he started the engine smirking to himself, before beginning to drive,
 the radio filling the comftable silence that fell over you both mainly due to how wide your smiles both were and the red that grazed across your cheeks.
eventually you began catching up on anything and everything, just enjoying each other's company before reaching his home, he took you bag for you once you got of the car and you began to walk inside
his home was beautiful, it was so mason you loved it. you loved how everything was so him it felt so nice to just be surrounded it.
“wow mason it so nice”
“why was you not expecting it to be?”
“no, no that's not what i meant i-” you began to panic 
“im only joking y/n, thank you” he laughed putting his arm around you
“that wasn't funny” you told him half serious hitting him softly on the chest
“sorry couldn't resist” he smirked sheepishly
He showed you around his home before finally reaching his bedroom showing you where to put your bag, how everything worked ect,
“im going to take a shower, make yourself at home the tv remote just there” he said gesturing to his bed side table
“ill not be long” he said placing a quick peck on your lips
“okay, thankyou” you said your eyes not leaving him as he walked to the bathroom.
you decided to get changed into something comfier as you hated sitting on beds in clothes you had worn outside, you had just packed some joggers and a small top along with your pyjamas and essential toiletries. you chose to change into the joggers and top.
you sat on masons bed scrolling through you phone before you heard the water shut of finally, looking up as you heard bathroom door opening your eyes were met with a partially clothed mason he only had some grey joggers on and was mid way through putting his top on. the wet hair made the sight even better, you couldn't help but stare.
he smiled catching onto your staring 
“you okay there?” he questioned smirking
“yeah perfect” you smiled back.
he laughed shortly, joining you on the bed, you went to lay beside him your head resting on his chest as he pulled out his phone
“you want something to eat?”
“i was thinking of ordering something cos we both know it will be nicer than my cooking” he questioned looking down at me
“yes please”
you both picked what you wanted mason than he placed his phone down and put his hand on your back tracing soft circles, you stayed like this for a while, content. watching whatever mason had put on tv.
“i really like you” you told him turning your head to face his
the corner of his lips have never formed a smile so fast
“i really like you too” he placed his fingers below your chin to lift you head up to softly meet his lips, you moved positions to deepen the kiss, your fingers getting tangled in his hair as he pulled you closer
his lips began to trail down you neck sucking softly before returning back to your lips, you fought for dominance, eventually he won flipping you over so he was hovering above you. 
he pulled away breifly smiling at you, pecking your lips before starting to take of his shirt.
the ringtone of his phone rang loudly throught the room startling you and making mason curse under he breath, he glanced down at his phone
“shit the foods here”  
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missuswalker · 10 months
MEOW MEOW HELLO ITS ME AGAIN THE ANON WHO ASKED FOR THE NOTES PT 2 & 3 anyways.. can you please do a pt 2 of cheer you on 😼😼😼 -anon 😻 p.s. i love ur writing so sorry if im annoying you with this lol
HI I LOVE YOU OMG, and nonono you're not annoying me, it feels so good when people want me to continue writing, it's like 🤭🤭 you're my cat emoji anon now 😼😻
cheer you on, pt. two || kyle broflovski x fem reader
✮ summary: red helps you get ready for your date with kyle + he takes you out to eat (pt. 1 can be found here ✮ warnings: none
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"If I walk out of this house with a dick on my face, I'm giving Wendy the login to your snap."
I was currently sitting on my floor, Red doing my eye makeup for my date with Kyle. She had been begging me to let her do it since Tuesday, the day he asked me out. I see her slowly pull her hand away, moving to grab a makeup wipe.
"Did you seriously draw a dick on my face?" I scoff, watching her begin to wipe something away from above my eyebrow. "It was small, I swear," Red laughs, dropping the wipe and picking up her makeup brush.
"Why is this taking so long, I told you to not do anything extravagant." She rolls her eyes, holding my face in place. "It's not anything extravagant, I'm just trying to help you get some jeweiner," Red jokes. "Are you serious? Jeweiner? No, actually, that's pretty funny," I say, biting back a laugh.
"Hey, you never know, he could be freaky deaky," Red defends, letting go of my face. "Done." I look in the mirror, nodding. "He could be, but he's too much of a gentleman to even suggest it on the first date," I counter, smoothing out my top.
"No thank you? No Red, you sexy woman, this looks great?" Red says, putting all of her shit back in its bag. "Red, you sexy woman, this looks great," I exclaim, my tone dramatically excited. "You're ungrateful, I hope Kyle poisons your food."
Not even five minutes later, there was knocking at my front door. "My little girl is all grown up. Go get your honeybun," Red teases, pushing me out of my room. "Ew, I wish you'd stop talking. Go home."
Red rolls her eyes for the millionth time, walking me down the stairs. "I can't go home until you and Kyle leave, it'll look weird if I'm still here when he picks you up. Just go," She groans, sitting at the bottom of the stairs.
"Whatever," I sigh, walking to my front door. I open it to find Kyle holding up a bouquet of pink tulips. "Hi. You look ethereal." He breathes out, seemingly nervous. Ethereal? Damn. "Thank you, that's really sweet. You look nice, too." I respond, not being able to think of a better compliment.
He hands me the flowers, a goofy grin on his face. "I thought of you when I saw those. I was gonna get roses, but... I thought these were nice." This boy was gonna be the death of me. He's such a dork. "Thank you, I'll put these inside and we can go," I say, reaching out to hand them to Red.
He leads me out to his mom van, which honestly didn't come as much of a surprise. He opens the passenger side door for me before walking to his side, a nervous silence filling the air.
"I heard Stan talked to you," He speaks up, glancing at me as he puts his car in drive as pulling away from the curb. "Yeah, he scared the shit out of me, it was like he just appeared," I snort, shaking my head. "It's like he teleports," Kyle agrees.
We hold a light conversation all the way to Olive Garden (which I had suggested as a joke, but it turned out he loved Olive Garden, which also didn't surprise me). After parking, he sits back for a moment, looking over at me. "You really do look beautiful tonight, you know."
"Thank you. You look very pretty. Handsome, you look handsome," I compliment, letting out an awkward laugh. "Thanks, I try," He jokes, opening his car door. I copy his action, stepping out into the fresh, Olive Garden parking lot air. Romantic.
Eventually, we're seated, but we were sat directly behind an angry old couple. We couldn't help but listen to their conversation, trying to bite back our laughter. We look at each other with red faces, almost breaking. His lips are pressed together in a straight line while my hand covered my mouth.
"I wish I could divorce you, but you'll probably die before you can sign the papers," The old lady snaps, pointing a finger at her husband. That was it. I choke on my water, Kyle letting out a loud laugh. The couple seemingly didn't notice, both of us trying to recollect ourselves.
"Oh my god," He whispers, taking a moment to breathe. "This is so bad, I'm sorry," he adds, trying to keep his laughter in. I shake my head, a wide grin on my face. "No, this is great, it's possibly the best date I've ever been on."
"So you'll let me take you on another one?"
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not proofread
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asksidon · 2 years
hi hi! im a big fan of your writing n was wondering if you could squeeze in a lil scenario thingy! <3
fem! plus size reader gently rejects someone then gets the classic "whatever your fat/ugly anyway" response. used to those comments, it doesnt make the reader super distraught but she does emotionally shut down for the day. how would the prince react/comfort the reader?
[[ I'm kind of in love with this, so I'm going to drabble it. And thank you so much! <3 ]]
After a busy morning of work, Sidon has decided to stop by a tea shop that you happen to frequent as well; no other shop can beat the taste and value of their tea or the cute atmosphere inside the space. Neither of you have interacted, though you've noticed him before and never quite had the heart to join the admirers that make a point of stopping him for a selfie or a quick chat. He has smiled at you before - and you could swear he has even winked at you once - but your interactions haven't gone beyond that.
You hear him walk in before you see him, because the shop fills with excited murmurs and whispers. You see one very young hopeful approaching him for a photo before the barista can even take his order. Shaking your head slightly, you turn your attention back to your novel and go back to minding your own business.
That is, until another patron of the shop approaches you. A twenty-something male you've never seen before. He gives you what you decide is a nervous smile and proceeds to compliment your choice in books, then asks if he might buy you another tea and join you at your table. You hate to let people down, but something about the guy just gives you an "off" vibe. You gently tell him that you're leaving soon, and he questions you as to where you're going. Caught off-guard, you stammer something about an important meeting. Unknown to you, Sidon is waiting in the background for his tea hearing the whole thing - not making a point of eavesdropping, but he's nearby and knows what's going down.
Sidon's jaw drops a little when he hears the guy respond with an insult about your weight and walk away. Back at his own table, the unnamed guy says something to make his buddies laugh, and they all look over at you. Sidon is about to approach you when the barista gets his attention to let him know his order is up, and by the time he's fought through the crowd and turned back around, you've left.
Frowning to himself, Sidon leaves the shop and looks around its immediate vicinity to see if you're still around. Not finding you, he leaves and comes back in a few days around the same time to look for you. You're at your usual table reading, determined not to let anyone bully you out of your favorite place. Thankfully, since it is an off time on a weekday, the shop is not as full.
Your heart fills with dread when someone takes a seat across from you. As you've expected the worst, your eyes widen in shock when you look up and realize it is him. Prince Sidon. "Hello," he says. "I've seen you around so often, I feel I should know your name by now."
You feel yourself blush as you say, "Y/N... My name is Y/N. Hello, Prince Sidon, your royal highness." Since you are not standing to curtsy, and to do so might be awkward, you give him a head bow.
"There is no need for all that. I invaded your table, after all, Y/N." He flashes a grin. "I hope I'm not overstepping, but I heard what that... well, that idiot said to you the other day, and I had to know that you're okay."
"Oh," you say, surprised anyone noticed, as noisy and busy as the shop was that day. "Don't worry, I don't take things like that too much to heart." It seems like the best response to give, one that will make you seem strong. You certainly didn't feel strong after it happened.
"Good. Because you shouldn't." He leans back in his chair and regards you with a gentle look as he sips at his milk tea (which, he informs you, is matcha coconut and his favorite). "Someone like that really doesn't deserve your time, and if I judged right, you didn't know him personally before that instance?"
You nod your head. His curiosity about the situation catches you off-guard, but not in a bad way like the other day's incident.
"So, he must have thought you were pretty - as you are - if he came and asked you out based on your appearance. Some people don't know how to handle rejection in a mature manner, I suppose. Not that I would know anything about that. I'm always a gentleman." He winks at you for certain this time, and you smile.
"I don't doubt that, sir," you say.
"Sidon," he corrects you. "Anyway, I'll let you get back to reading, Y/N. If that idiot shows up again, try and get his name for me, will you? Frankly, I'm a bit bored with all this desk work I've been doing lately and would love a good brawl."
You're genuinely smiling by this point, and he gives you one of his own in return.
That's how you became friends with the prince, and he's been known to sit at your table several more times since then. He's pleased to know that no more idiots have bothered you, but his promise of a brawl still holds, if one does.
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princeresnikov · 2 years
it's in my nature {Tangerine} // 5
five. the scorpion: fantasizing about regicide to cope.
Chapter Summary: Clementine meets Yuichi Kimura, and realises The Prince is on the bullet train for more than just a joy ride.
{ Masterlist }
A/N: 4570 words. this one took a while because i have a new job!! its keeping me very busy!! but also im very excited because this chapter has a lot of dominoes being set up in it, and i hope they can pay off in the end!! again i feel like the prince is leaning a bit more heavily into her book characterisation but im not mad about it. also fuck book!wolf all my homies hate book!wolf. movie!wolf supremacy. anyways, i hope you like it, please lemme know your thoughts and feelings so far!!
Warnings: Don't be surprised when the OC is a terrible person and is implied to have done terrible things along with the rest of them. There will be smut in the future chapters.
Chapter Warnings: kind of implied torture, mentions of blood, implied daddy kink?? is that a warning??
Taglist: @venusthepirate @malar-region @tangerinesgf @esmaada @sarcastic-sourwolf @djjskfkskjf @justshutupmars @somikesoc @chachadelight @andydre4m @evangelineflowers @darkchai @basementsoup @bellatrix124 @kunikidaswhore @thewinterschildren178 @felhomaly @perksofbeingamultifandomm @aniglio18 @geeiz @mimidior @justicex101 @ltlthetrifecta @salsasadd @tongerines @xkawax
[ always open, just message or comment! ]
There is a man on the floor in front of Clementine's seat. Limbs at odd angles, it's clear he'd been shoved into the uncomfortable position simply to keep him out of the aisle. Before even fully acknowledging the situation or even her charge, Clementine drops to check his pulse. It's here she notices his bound hands, cutesy tape sturdily keeping his wrists together, so she presses two fingers against the soft underside of his jaw; steady. 
"Sit him up would you, fruit fly?" The Prince orders cheerfully, as if there isn't a partially deconstructed handgun on the tray before her; Clementine will get to that, but she's really trying to deal with one thing at a time here. This day will not let up. 
When she does finally stand, she turns wordlessly to The Prince, the silence demanding further explanation.Sure Clementine could move the poor man, she probably wouldn't even have to put down her bag, but too much today has already gone on unexplained.
"It's the best I could do without making a scene or a fuss," The Prince goes on to explain, giving an offhand gesture to the man on the floor with the half-assembled gun she had been fiddling with.Wrong answer.
"Malen'kiy Prints," Clementine's voice is ice cold, a warning, a murmur of carefully controlled anger from where she was frozen in place. The Prince purses her lips for the barest moment; she'd always been of the opinion that Clementine sounds too much like The White Death when she speaks Russian. As much as Clementine hated the comparison, it was useful when she needed to punctuate a moment, and this...this is all too much to go unexplained.
"He was going to kill me," The Prince says, regaining her composure only to pout almost comically, cool gaze focusing back on her victim, "had a gun and everything." At least this time she puts the half assembled gun onto the tray table in front of her instead of using it to gesture so casually. Still, there's no real care or concern from the girl; Clementine feels a little ill at the implications of it all. 
"Why is he here?" Through gritted teeth.
"Whatever do you mean?" Everything about The Prince's sudden wide-eyed innocence is an expertly controlled mask, one Clementine knows all too well, and one through which she can see a family resemblance. In the face of a credible threat, The Prince, like her brother, always became smug. Confident in the power she is able to wield, The Prince fully believes she has nothing to really fear. 
"Who is he? Why did you lure him here?"
A long moment passes, then another. Silence between the two, The Prince scrutinises Clementine with an almost clinical detachment, as if with intent to dissect. Clementine is fucking sick of the way this family look at her, but shewon't blink first.
Slowly, The Prince's lips twist with amusement. 
"You don't even ask if I'm okay," there's something in The Prince's tone, or perhaps shining in her eyes, that Clementine can't quite comprehend. It makes the hair on the back of her neck rise.
"You are," a statement, not a question. The Prince's smile grows wider, that light in her eyes grows brighter.
"Just sit him up, we have time for explanations before he wakes up," the moment breaks like nothing peculiar had rust happened, and The Prince went back to carefully picking through the parts of the gun scattered before her. 
So Clementine complies; she tells herself it's only because her own neck is beginning to ache looking at the poor man cramped in like that. After putting down her bag, it only takes her a moment to prop the man up, attempting a discrete medical check on him as she worked to shift him into what had been her seat. The bruising around his left temple and eye confused her, considering The Prince has never been a particularly physical fighter, however the moment the man's head lols towards Clementine as she's sitting him up, she get clarification by way of two minute, angry burn marks an inch and a half apart. What would be almost impossible to notice to the untrained eye is far too familiar to the operative, whose whole body tenses in visceral reaction the moment she recognises them. 
"What kind of voltage did you use on him?" Clementine hissed, mind alight with the memory of how sharp the pain is from electricity. Once again she pressed her fingers against the man's pulse point by his jaw, just to double check;still steady.
"Hasn't changed from last time," considering Clementine knew the voltage of The Prince's taser was already illegally high, that isn't exactly reassuring. She does, however, take some small comfort in the begrudging tone The Prince takes with her next words; "it appears youdo have a higher constitution than I gave you credit for." Though both are far too aware that it was neither intended as a compliment, nor will it be taken as one.  
"And the bruises on his face?" Retaining her focus, Clementine finds herself struggling to keep her composure after The Prince nonchalantly explains about the man having fallen face-first into the armrest; kneeling in front of him, Clementine still holds the man's face with one hand, the other moving to lift his eyelid to check - 
"Don't wake him!"
"He might have a concussion!"
"He'lllive, you can check him when he's awake -"
"If he wakes up."
"You think you're the only person I tested on?"
There's a certain tone The Prince takes on almost exclusively around Clementine, a sharpness that betrays her impatience that she goes to great lengths to hide from everyone else. To her, Clementine's obedience has always been easy to buy, so she never felt as though she had to manipulate her into it, "weaker men than Mister Kimura here have survived, now take a seat, fruit fly." 
"Where?" When Clementine finally leaves the man's side, it's to stand and level an truly unimpressed glare at the girl who just made her give up her seat to the man who allegedly came here to kill her.
The Prince sighed deeply, as if she had to take a moment to compose herself before pointing at the empty seat directly in front of her. The seats are at least staggered, meaning that if anything were to happen, the man would be as close to Clementine as he would be to The Prince. It's not ideal, but she figures between her own capabilities, the clear line of sight she'd be granted, and whatever scheme the hypercompetent teen behind her is running, The Prince wouldn't be inimmediate danger. However, as soon as Clementine is seated, bag in her lap, The Prince decides to situate herself in the seat in front of her victim, across the aisle from Clementine, able to better converse with her 
"His name is Yuichi Kimura, and he's here to kill me because I pushed his son off the roof of a shopping complex," The Prince explains without a hint of worry or remorse, without even giving Clementine a chance to speak, "Idid doit to incentivise Mister Kimura there into tracking me down here; I need a favour from him." It's candid and no-nonsense, almost like it's trivial to her,even as she pauses to deliberate, "well, I needed someone with far more effective buttons to push than you," and she has thegall to sound amused at that, adding as an afterthought; "as his sonis alive,for now."
A white-hotrage burns through Clementine's veins in an instant upon hearing it, an long forgotten ache reigniting by her hip. But Clementine would never give The Prince the satisfaction of seeing her as any sort of hypocrite, so she chooses not to react.
"A favour?" Her gaze is shallow. All she can do is keep her thoughts and feelings in the immediate.
"I've got a whole little spiel about that," The Prince practically light up with gleeful anticipation, "right now you don't need to worry about it; I just want you here for when hedoes wake up, just in case," she gives a mischievous grin, as if she doesn't even believe what she's saying, "then you can go back to looking for that case for me." Something curdles in Clementine's stomach as she bites down on protests and questions alike.
It takes a long time for Clementine to swallow the orders without questioning them; her last hurdle was this teen girl and her ego, she tried to focus on that, on better things. Her freedom. Her bonus. Her future.
"You know, don't you?" Clementine finally murmurs, "you know the rightful owner of the case, who it's going to, don't you?"
"Of course," there's a strange moment in which The Prince's expression softens, some kind of question in her eyes that Clementine can't quite glean, "I told you it was never for me." 
In this moment, it gets a little easier to breathe. If, amongst all this shit Clementine really washere to be The Prince's bodyguard her father's behest,perhaps she could simply focus on herself. If The Prince's scheme merely ran parallel to Clementine, if it didn'ttechnically involve her getting caught up in it all,thenmaybe she could consider forgiving the brat a little. After today, she never had to look back. 
"Okay," Clementine finally nods, exhaling slowly. Her easy compliance seems to catch her charge by surprise.
"No follow up questions? Justokay?"
"Oh, I have a million but I doubt you'll give me a straight answer," Clementine's expression relaxes, opens up, meeting The Prince's gaze like it's a challenge, "so I'm adapting." The Prince is ready to meet her challenge, leaning forward with something in her eyes that has Clementine on edge. 
"Adapting," The Prince somehow says the single word like a threat, tone poisonously bright as she continues, "is that why you came back sounding like someone else?" 
How had it not registered?! How had she not caught that?! How could she let The Prince catch her so thoroughly off guard?! Clementine's Brooklyn accent is like neon in hindsight.
"Now I should ask," The Prince said carefully, leaning further forward into the aisle with a cruel smile, hands on her knees, "what happened when you went looking for the briefcase? Don't tell me you got distracted." It had been a crack in Clementine's mask; a sliver of power over her is more than no real power at all. 
"No, ma'am," despite her furious disappointment, Clementine refuses to let The Prince know she was right. After her conversation with The Twins and The Son, she'd taken The Prince's call still sporting the accent she'd picked back up around Tangerine. It would have been a stark contrast from the accent she'd mirrored from the girl herself when boarding the train, but it had been allowed to stick as The Prince never made any mention or indication that she had noticed a change. Until now, of course. So she'd found her English accent once more, adding, "fugue state," by way of explanation as she willed her expression and tone to return to something neutral. 
"Fugue state?" The Prince deadpans, clearly displeased with the unexpected answer.  Clementine nods, doubling down. The Prince frowns, "am I not even worth the effort to lie convincingly to?"
"No, ma'am."
A genuinely sickened look passes over The Prince's face for a moment as she regards Clementine, disappointment and anger coalescing in her expression before the operative's very eyes. When it passes, she appears far less amused than she had after her momentary victory over her bodyguard. 
"Lie all you want, you selfish, little Scorpion," The Prince's voice drops low, words spat with malice, "but today ismy day, not yours; I amyour assignment."
"Are you threatening yourself?"
"All I'm saying is that I'm not above jeopardising your assignment if you jeopardise mine," The Prince's smile is tight, "after all, I don't think my father will carewhy I ended up in hospital, just that a failure is a failure; you remember him saying that, don't you?" There's a violent kind of cruelty barely hidden beneath her candid tone that cuts Clementine to the bone, the words in clear, sharp Russian, "a failure is a failure." 
Sometimes she sounds more like her father than her brother ever did.
Clementine won't break eye contact, won't react, expression blank even whilst rioting inside, alight with of pain, humiliation, andblistering anger.
"Say it, Clementine, I need to know you understand; a failure is a failure." Even if she says it in English this time, it's still a power move, cruel and simple and effective. All Clementine can do in this moment is concede.
"A failure is a failure."
"And you know better than to put either of us in danger byruining everything, don't you?"
Clementine is silent. 
"Of course you do, because you're a tragically,pathetically passive creature who will doanything to survive. At least it makes you predictable andobedient," a scoff of disgust, "of course he was obsessed with you," she spits once more, calling back to their earlier conversation, "honestly the real shock was you growing something of a spine. But that's gone now.Clearly; lucky for me I suppose." In this moment, The Prince knows she's won, that she has Clementine under her thumb for the time being like her father before her, like her brother so often wanted. 
But Clementine will not back down.
"If that's what you want to believe, ma'am." 
The tension finally breaks when The Prince finally rolls her eyes, sitting back in her seat as exasperation practically radiated from her. 
"You can go away now," she huffs, clearly put-out, "someone with a briefcase headed that way, go see if it's the right one," The Prince orders almost dismissively, gesturing with little more than a flick of her wrist towards the bar car. Standing, the teen stretches in an attempt to ignore the way Clementine's frowning at her, "go on, fly away, fruit fly." Looking past The Prince, Clementine draws her attention back to the still unconscious Kimura in the next seat along, "don't worry about him, he's all tied up, and I promise the first thing I'll let him know is that I have someone on standby to kill his darling son in case anything happens to me." The Prince casts her gaze over her shoulder to her victim, tonejarringly light all of a sudden, "he was fully prepared to kill the person who pushed his son, I think it's safe to say he won't try anything if the child is in danger; I don'treally need you here," then, almost spitefully, "adapt, Clementine."
There's a few brief but blissful moments wherein Clementine fantasizes about simply throwing The Prince out of the train's window, waving goodbye to her, and accepting her fate. But she can't; all she's worked for, all she'sdone, she'snot jeopardising thatnow. 
"What did they look like?" Clementine asks one final question. "The person with the briefcase, what did they look like?"
"I think he had glasses," The Prince says after a moment of consideration, "and a hat; I think you'll know him when you see him." It's not much, but Clementine can work with it. So, finally, she stands. The Prince brightens upimmediately, "good; I'll call you if I need you." It was the only thing Clementine could honestly take her on her word about; The Prince was many things, but could never be called an idiot. So Clementine's stuck for a response, but then finds herself realising that,oh, wait, that's a thought! A thought for a different place, away from The Prince. As much as Clementine knows that leaving her teen charge alone with various weapons and a man she's blackmailing is a terrible idea, there was something undeniably appealing about having plausible deniability regarding the unfolding situation. 
Before the door to the last car of the train there was a bathroom, and Clementine darts in, locking the door and immediately sagging against it with a heavy sigh. There she lets herself take a moment to breathe, even if it's shaky. Then, in a flash, she's tearing into her bag.Literally.
While a majority of its contents consisted of a surprisingly diverse range of medical supplies, Clementine also, of course, carried both essentials, as well as many discrete weapons. The first blade she grabs is a fold away knife attached to a keychain with countless useless, decoy keys she'd picked up over the years. The blade slices the lining at the end of the bag with ease.
Clementine was nothing if not prepared for any eventuality; passports and photocards from her various jobs across the world, each from a different country, rows of currency from various denominations, and the thing she found most important in this moment, a small plastic case full of old, SIM cards, all carefully packed between the leather and lining of her bag. The only SIM cards she ever bothered to keep were from jobs in the recent years where she'd made connections, had handed out her number at the time. For years she'd been in the habit of saving relevant numbers directly to her SIM card while on jobs as it made them far easier to both find and hide between both her more consistent personal phone, as well as the revolving door of burner phones she went through on the job. Once a fortnight she checked all that she kept on a burner phone to make sure there was no-one attempting to follow up with her. There's six from the past year, all prepaid with free international calls, all labelled in code in their tiny, plastic display box in the lining of her bag.
Box clutched between both hands, she slides down the door until she's sitting on the bathroom floor, knees drawn to her chest. Breathing carefully controlled, she knows there's no way he still has the same number... But she had totry. Because the last thing she wants is for Tangerine to come looking for her and instead find his assignment's resentful, scheming sister and the man with the gun she blackmailed. There's no way to spin that that doesn't end badly.
Despite it all, Clementine's hands don't shake; she retrieved the SIM card she'd used in New York, making quick work of putting it into the empty, second SIM card slot in her own phone beside the much newer Japanese SIM. 
She never thought she'd be so relieved to see his the stupid name he'd been saved into her phone as, but the minute she sees it, there's a rush of warmth that fills her. It wasa chance, not just to warn him, but forreal contactagain - 
It had been close to midnight, several hours after her shift had ended that day back in New York, with Clementine sitting daintily on the edge of his bed in her underwear as she frowned at the new contact screen on her phone. Tangerine had entered his number but the name section now taunted her with it's blankness. 
So she'd asked him. It had been a test of sorts; she'd been curious to see what code name he'd give himself in the situation.
"I don't know, it's your phone," the balcony doors were open, Tangerine having stepped through them to light himself a cigarette. Leaning against the railing, he looked out over the Hudson River, wearing little more than his nondescript pyjama pants. For just a moment, Clementine admires him, aglow in the city lights. For just a moment, Clementine wishes she could experience moments like this honestly. But the moment ends, as all moments do.
"I just need something that won't raise suspicion; it can't be just your name," locking her phone, Clementine picked up his shirt that had been laying crumpled on the floor, throwing it on without bothering to do up more than one button, joining him in the cool night air, "'cause everyone will figure out where I'm going when I take these breaks," she mused as she leaned on the railing beside him. Without even having to ask, Tangerine offers his cigarette, and Clementine takes it, taking a long drag before handing it back, "'s unprofessional," she breathes out with a lungful of smoke. 
"Nothing unprofessional about good customer service, love," Tangerine doesn't look at her, but he's smiling, sharp and teasing, eyes creasing at the corners in the way that brightens his whole face. Clementine grinned broadly, unashamedly watching him now. It takes a few moments of silence before he finally looks at her again, sees her just smiling as she watches him, "what?" He can't help but ask, and Clementine's grin gets wider. 
"Detective,you are the onlycustomer I amservicing."
"'making me feel all special saying stuff like that," Tangerine jokes, but even as he looks away, Clementine can see his smile turning bashful. Then, almost as if to further deflect, "you know no-one would get mad if you took a call from your dad." It takes a few moments for his words to sink in and for Clementine to realise what he was implying, but by then not only is Tangerine looking intently in the opposite direction, but he's also mid-inhale on his cigarette. 
"Is that really your suggestion?" She's grinning from ear to ear. 
"Iswhat my suggestion?" Tangerine attempted to play dumb, but Clementine could hear him smiling. 
There's no other number she would have saved under the name Daddy💖, and in the bathroom of the bullet train she's never been so glad to see that stupid contact name in her phone. All she has is hope, and a phone plan with unlimited international texting. 
It wouldn't be from a familiar number; her credit from New York expired months ago, so it would be confusing but innocuous enough if received by anyone else, but if he got it, he could at least reply so she could confirm -
Unable to deliver.
Fuck. Okay. Good to know. At least she tried.Leave the bathroom. Find the case. Finish the mission. One thing at a time. Focus on the moment, not the peripheries, the weird hurricane of uncomfortable coincidences that she's still trying to convince herself are just that. 
So she tries to do just that. The next car along, the bar car simple, surely. 
Except for the smashed glass and the sharp smell of iron-rich blood that even the air conditioning can't completely diffuse. 
And the man in the corner; at first it looks as though he's asleep, but after a few moments Clementine can't detect the slow rise and fall of his chest that would accompany breathing. Something about the way he's sitting is awkward, like he was posed, bottle in his arms and blanket draped over most of him. Maybe it would have fooled someone else, or at least fooled them for longer. Just to make sure, Clementine speaks to try and get his attention, and when he doesn't react, she carefully holds her hand inches from his face; he's not breathing. It's like a switch is flipped, her caution abandoned as she drags the blanket off of him with one hand, the other checking his pulse; he's still warm, maybe she could - 
The movement jostles him and the sunglasses fall away. The first thing Clementine realises is that she knows him, then she sees the crimson-stained gash in his nice white suit, right over his heart, and then it sinks in that despite how she's had her fingers against his pulse point for several long seconds now, his heartbeat has been completely still. 
The Scorpion had always held great respect for The Wolf. They'd never been on conflicting jobs as The White Death's interests rarely conflicted with El Saguano, but they had occasionally worked parallel to one another when Clementine had taken assignments in America. Their field of work wasn't exactly popular; everyone good at their job became known in their world. Every bit as efficient and effective as Clementine ever was, however, The Wolf was one of the few in their line of work who she could honestly consider something of a friend, and still regarded the few times they drank together fondly, each time having been at the end of successful assignments. 
Something inside of her shuts down. Each movement is muscle memory at this point, unbuttoning his top buttons, carefully trying to get a better look at the wound, inspecting it with clinical detachment. She could have stitched him up if he hadn't been hit in the heart. Her fingertips come away red and slick with blood. The bounty of medical supplies sitting right beside her are absolutely useless. If he had been hit anywhere else, she thinks she could have saved him. Sitting back on her heels, Clementine wipes his blood from her fingers on the sleeve of his white suit, and can't bring herself to get back up. 
"Maybe in another life I could trust you enough to invite you to my wedding," he'd told her the last time he saw her. It was years ago now, but she still remembers the sunrise from the motel roof they'd clambered onto during the early hours of the morning. Clementine had laughed until he'd made a comment about how she couldn't bring her 'idiot boy toy'. Clementine just takes another shot. Tequila burns different when she's drinking with The Wolf; she'd wished he would just go back to his uncharacteristically fond tangents about his fiancé. 
The Prince finds Clementine still in the bar car, with a deeply confused Mister Kimura in tow. Of course she takes the scene in stride; Clementine kneeling beside the corpse, who she'd tucked back in with his blanket, having taken and started to drink the bottle he'd been posed with; the liquor burned different than she was used to, it always did when she drank with The Wolf.
"You..." The Prince begins slowly, but Clementine doesn't look away from The Wolf's face, her own expression drawn, "don't have to keep looking,"for the case? At The Wolf? Clementine doesn't care enough to discern exactly what she means, "I need you to do something for me." 
"Okay," comes from Clementine as a robotic mumble. She caps the bottle. There's no resistance, no resignation, no fight against the cruel teen puppeteer. 
"Oh get up," at least it seems like The Prince is bordering on caring about Clementine, sighing as she takes the operative by the elbow, urging her to stand. Clementine obligingly stands, but her gaze is shallow when she finally looks to her charge. The Prince, after taking a moment to look over Clementine, almost as if sizing her up, reaches up and loops her finger through the chain of her necklace that was still peaking out by her neck, pulling it fully from where Clementine had tried to keep it beneath her collar. The clementine charm seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment, but The Prince just smiled. Mister Kimura keeps looking between The Wolf and Clementine, his expression unreadable. 
Clementine needs an incentive to get out of this car, she'll do anything, it feels like she can't breathe in here -
"Now fruit fly, there's a man in a blue suit; I need you to keep him distracted."
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lovestruckaphrodite · 11 months
I love your writing!! Can you please do a Kirishima fluff!
AHHHHHH (your my 1st req) YES! I've been wanting to write more Kirishima stuff, so thank you! thank you sm for the req, hope it fits your standards, you didn't really give me much of a prompt so I just went for an idea I've been thinking about for a while. love you sm, thank you!
they/them pronouns for this one ^v^
you met Kirishima about a month ago when school at UA started, you started to hang out around Mina and bakugo, and you two started to hang out more and more, realizing you have more in common than you thought...
"hey, [name] are you busy tonight?'' Kirishima asks from his seat across you, the whole group (who Mina and Denki named 'the bakusquad) sitting in a circle-like shape around bakugos desk
you immediately look towards Mina, and she's already looking at you, an excited look on her face, as she nods her head vigorously
"no, why," you say, almost skeptical. why does it sound like Kirishima Ejiro himself is asking you out?
"do you wanna hang out? there is this really cool place i wanted to show you, think you'll like it" he says, looking down slightly, then looking up into your eyes for the first time today
"hmm, how long will we be gone? my curfew is 1 am" you say, looking at him with a small blush on your face.
this is sweet. totally platonic. just two friends. hanging out. alone. with each other. in a secret place. yep, platonic.
"not too long, ill have you home by then. you dont have to if you dont wanna" he says, shrugging slightly, looking away once again.
"Uhm, sure, ill go. like right after school?" you say, getting your phone out to text your parents(s) that you're going to be busy after school
"yeah, we can go to like a park, until it gets dark, then we can go to the place," he says, smiling softly
"Okay, where are we going anyways?" you ask, tilting your head slightly, his heart races at the adorable sight
"can't tell you, but you're gonna like it, i swear," he says, smirking slightly
"huh? Okay then?" you say. this is suspicious, to say the least. him, randomly asking you to go with him, to a secret spot, that he can't tell you when you barely talk? well, you talk, just not as much as the others. not like this is weird, its just friends, hanging out, like normal, heh...
(time skip bc idk what to do w this, i have no plan, just jotting down words tbh D':)
you walk with Kirishima to a local park, which is pretty empty, and sit on the swing, him behind you, pushing the swing, laughing as you both talk
"hey Kirishima?" you say, looking at him as the sun sets (I have no concept of time stfu)
"yes?" he says, looking down at you, the swing slowly coming to a stop
"when are we going to that place?" you ask, smiling softly, looking up at him with a blush on your face
"Now, if you want?"
''yeah, please'' you say, smiling softly as you get up from the swing, the sun setting before you
you and him walk to the exit of the park, and he starts walking towards... the forest?
"c'mon!" he says, grabbing your hand and running into the forest
"woahwhoahwoah okay!'' you say, running with him into the forest, he starts laughing and you soon follow after
"oh god this is how im gonna get killed.." you mutter, and he lets out a laugh, dragging you to seemingly nowhere
after about a couple minutes of running, you both slow down to a walk, him looking around a bit
"do you know where we even are?" you say, laughing slightly
"yeah yeah, it's okay" he says, and starts running again
"hurry, we are almost there!" he says, running, you soon following suite
he slows to a stop, as you put your hand on your knees panting with all the running he is making you do (its pretty dark now, btw, bc i said)
"were hereeee!" he says singsongingly
after catching your breath, you look up to take in your surroundings
it's a small clearing in the forest, only about 1 or 2 yards of area, a small tree stump off to the side, and flowers scattered all around the grassy flooring, fireflies lighting up and flying around, trees surrounding the two of you
'This is beautiful' You look back toward Kirishima after a minute, him standing there, watching you look around in amazement, fidgeting slightly with the hem of his shirt
"Kirishima... this is... gorgeous," you say, looking around some more, at the ladybugs and fireflies flying around in the breeze
"yeah? I knew you would like it here" he says, sitting down on the ground, before speaking again "i used to come here a lot when i was a kid, i stopped in middle school. i forgot how pretty it was," he says, picking at some flowers, attempting to braid them together, chuckling nervously
"here," you say, grabbing the flowers from his hands and braiding them together into a crown, placing it on his head, before collecting more flowers to make a second one for yourself
"thank you" he says, laying down on the floor, looking up at the now starry night sky, before you lay next to him, looking up
"look there, that's the big dipper," you say, pointing out the shape in the stars, smiling softly, before turning to face him
"thank you... for this, i love it" you say, a small blush on your face, smiling at the red-haired boy before you
he turns his head, his gaze meeting yours, his red eyes boring int yours, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling softly with a blush on his face
"yeah, i knew you would like it" he says, chuckling slightly, before looking back up to the sky
that night changed something, between you two. Neither of you know what changed, or what it changed to, but they both know it was more than a friendship, more than that. a bond? love? who knows, but they internally agreed, that whatever this change, this feeling was, they liked it.
okay, i think that's it for this req (unless you want a pt2, i kinda am falling in love with this little one-shot) thank you so much for the req, i had a lot of fun writing this! i got to use a new prompt that i haven't been able to yet, so thank you! i love you sm, i hope this was good enough and it fits your standards lmao. ^v^
991 words, 5322 characters
19 notes · View notes
sexybabystevie · 2 years
hi, em!! congrats on 100 followers, you deserve it, lovely!
anyway,, i wanted to request for the garden event, and use the red rose prompt for steve harrington! :)
im a poet, i absolutely love writing. i'm trying to study to become a psychiatrist. im a hopeless romantic, i love reading and watching cliche romance movies, however, i'm not a big fan of huge romantic gestures, i like to keep things casual because making situations big like that stress me out😭 anyway,, i love horror games and movies, i also love listening to music (who doesn't). im extremely sarcastic. i can also be extremely emotional. i love haribo pineapple gummy bears, its a very bad obsession. i also love hanging out with friends and i also play guitar, so i love singing and playing on said guitar.
i also totally forgot half the things i wrote last time, so i just put some new stuff, you don't have to add some parts if it helps.
again, congrats on 100 follows, have a nice day/night, take care of yourself! <3
A/n: Ela!! Thank you so much for requesting (and for resending it when it somehow got deleted)! I'm super excited to write this for you, and I really hope that you like it!! <3
Steve Harrington Masterlist
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Saturday Night Sleepovers
Best Friend!Steve Harrington x Reader
Tags and Warnings: No Warnings, Best Friend!Steve Harrington, Soft!Steve Harrington, Sleepovers, Movie Nights, Confessions of Feelings, Very Casual (but Intimate) Friendship and Relationship.
Word Count: 1916
On the weekends when the typical absence of Steve Harrington's parents cause his house to feel more empty than usual – more like a facade of wealth and perfection than a welcoming home – you're the first person that he invites over for a party. These parties are nothing like what he used to throw when he was more popular; instead of filling his house with as many bodies as he can, people he had never even met before lining his halls, these gatherings are far more intimate. In fact, he's not even really sure if he can legally call these meetings 'parties' when the only two people always involved are you and him. (Sometimes Robin is invited, and sometimes a few of the kids crash at Steve's place for a few hours, endlessly talking about things that happened at school or just in their lives in general. Most of the time, though, it's only you two.)
Having been his best friend for a little over a year now, it was customary for you to get a phone call on an occasional Saturday morning, smiling to yourself as Steve tries to bribe you into coming over with the promise of some of your favorite snacks – not that he even has to do that; you would say yes in a heartbeat, regardless. You always say yes, and you always feel your heart tug a little when he tells you that he'll be on his way to pick you up in five, the smile on his face audible in his excited tone.
He honks his car horn when he pulls into your driveway – he knows he doesn't have to, knows that you've been expectantly waiting for him ever since he got off the phone with you, but he likes to see you playfully rolling your eyes as you get into the passenger seat.
That's where you are now, standing outside of his maroon BMW as you open up his back seat and put your bags into it. Usually you keep them in the floorboard with you up front, but you have more with you this time – your guitar case take up far more space than you imagined – so you waste no time in piling your things up in the space behind you.
You're quick to close the door and hop back into your seat – the only person who would ever put up a fight for it was Dustin, and sometimes you let him have it if you're feeling extra generous – buckling yourself in at rapid speed. Steve seems to notice your haste and raises his brows in your direction as he starts driving.
"Someone seems excited."
"Of course! It's not every day someone offers to buy me any and all of the snacks I could even imagine eating."
Steve chuckles at your antics and smiles smugly as he says, "You know, I don't even have to ask to know exactly what you'll end up getting."
"Yeah, because you've known since the very day we met." You look at him with a soft, playful smile, only to see those same features mirrored on himself.
"You'll buy the entire pack of Haribo gummy bears and pick out all of the pineapples because you insist that they're the best."
"Because they are!"
Steve doesn't argue back; he actually does agree with you. Ever since you walked into Scoops Ahoy and asked for an ice cream cone with gummy bears on the side – 'Would it be too much to ask for only the light yellow ones?' you had said – he had known that you were someone he wanted to keep around. Plus, you'd given him a few of them before, and he did get it. They were definitely the best out of the flavors given.
Instead, he just laughs, admiring the matter-of-factly way that you cross your arms and stare at him.
"And, as always, you'll say that you'll eat the other flavors too, but then you'll "forget" and I'll have to eat the rest."
You only roll your eyes and smirk at him in response.
"As if you don't devour them all in minutes and then thank me for not eating them under your breath."
Some more friendly banter follows through, as it always does with the two of you, and before long, you're carrying grocery bags into the large front door of Steve Harrington's house. You work together to put away the things that you aren't planning on eating right away, and then you're flopping right onto his couch with your bowl full of dissected gummy bears.
Steve walks into the room after you, arms full of various movies that he lays onto the coffee table before you.
"So, I wasn't sure if you were in more of a 'scare-your-socks-off' horror mood or a 'let's-pine-for-the-relationship-these-two-have' romance mood," he says, spreading out each tape and letting you read the titles that he totally didn't break work protocol to get for you.
Two horror movies – Poltergeist and A Nightmare on Elm Street – and two romance movies – Dirty Dancing and Sixteen Candles – are what he's chosen. You know you'll have plenty of time to watch them both today and tomorrow – you always spend the Sundays after your sleepovers lounging around his place for as long as you can, relishing in every mere moment that you have with him – so you close your eyes and randomly pick one to get your marathon started.
"Sixteen Candles it is," you say, handing the movie to your best friend so that he can go place it in the player.
Steve does so quickly, pressing the tape into the machine and rushing to his place next to you on the couch, as if he's going to miss something crucial in the first fifteen seconds of the movie. You giggle to yourself, finding his urgent and serious expression oddly adorable. Your chest feels a little tighter, softly compressed as your heart seems to speed up its beating, but you try not to pay it any mind.
You and Steve were close, and sometimes you almost verged into something that was slightly outside the realm of what best friends were known for doing. However, despite your absolute adoration for the flashy romance movies you watch, you would rather not experience something like that in reality. Making things so suddenly serious was scary, and you preferred to keep things the way they were, with you and Steve being each other's go-to people.
The movie begins and Steve's arm slings over your shoulders like it always does, fingers softly rubbing little random shapes into the skin right at the edge of your t-shirt sleeve. You scoot nearer to him, head resting softly against his chest as you face the TV and keep your attention on the events happening on screen. The warmth from his body radiates into yours, like your own personal heater, and you can vaguely feel the steady beating of his heart against your cheek.
The movie progresses with you resting against Steve, your supply of pineapple gummy bears slowly diminising as you pop them into your mouth every few mintutes. Occasionally you take one and lift it blindly up to his mouth, without bothering to look away from the TV. If you ever misplace it, hand ending up nowhere near his lips, he never says anything about it.
It seems like it's all too soon before the end credits are rolling and you and Steve are lazily standing up, backs and knees popping from your prolonged positions. After stretching, you sniffle a little and he's turning towards you with lightning speed.
His eyes are filled to the brim with concern until you jokingly swat at his arm, almost giggling again.
"Come on, you know how these movies can make me kind of emotional!"
Steve laughs – surprisingly more loudly than normal – and it rings throughout your brain for as long as you can keep it there, absently thinking that you wished you could hear such a genuine and carefree noise from him forever.
Except you must not be too aware of yourself, because the way Steve's eyes widen softly tells you that you might not have said that inside your head like you thought you had.
Minutes of an awkward silence follow, and you're really wishing that you had managed to keep quiet. The longer everything is noiseless, the more you want to say something to try and make it seem like anything except for what it was.
Meanwhile, Steve has your words bouncing around inside of his mind like the VHS logo that slides across the TV screen. 'I wish I could hear you laugh like that forever...' He's frozen in place, caught completely off guard by your admission, and while he knows that it very well could mean something else, that maybe you just mean it in a really friendly way, he can't help but hope that you mean it in the way it sounds.
After several long moments, he finally looks down at you with rose-dusted cheeks, softened brown eyes, and with his lips broken out into a bashful, hopeful grin.
"You could, you know," he says softly, gaze focused directly on you. "If you wanted to, of course. If... if that's what you meant."
You feel a lump of anxiety forming in your throat, and it's as if Steve can somehow tell that you're beginning to grow nervous at the prospect of things changing so drastically and abruptly.
"Nothing has to change!" he quickly says, hands lifted palm-up between the two of you as some sort of truce. "It can, if you want it to, but even then it won't change much. I mean, we're already pretty close. We don't have to rush anything, though. I guess that's what I'm trying to say?"
Steve's onslaught of nerves has you chuckling – you can't help it; he's so genuinely concerned about you but also so genuinely dopey that it has you giggling against your will – and at the sound of your own laugh, he gives in to the temptation and joins in.
As you listen to your shared laughter, you realize that he's right – nothing is really changing that much between you two – and you take both of his still uplifted hands into your own. You intertwine your fingers together, mirrored looks of adoration on both you and Steve, and while this is a bit of a newer feeling –the heat from his palms bleeding into your own – you do enjoy it.
The rest of the night follows as it would normally; you watch another movie together – horror this time, to balance it out – and you let Steve squeeze your hand whenever a jump scare pops onto the screen. (Don't tell anyone though, because he will adamantly deny that such a thing ever happened. Steve Harrington, afraid of horror movies? No way!)
Then, you read him some of your newest poetry, to which he always is a little lost, but is nonetheless enthusiastic. Even if you have to explain the meaning behind every line, he'll sit through it just so he can be properly proud of you.
Finally, the night ends with you playing your guitar, the quietude of the Harrington household filled with you – your voice and your guitar – something that makes Steve feel like he's found his home – the real one. He drifts off to the sound of one of the songs that you know is his favorite to hear you play, and you follow suit soon after.
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katsukikiss · 3 years
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WARNINGS: NSFW 18+, smut, oral (f receiving), fluff, semi-established relationship?
AN: Im a little late for Izuku’s birthday :( but this is for @rat-zuki The Deku Agenda Escapes No one event! and thanks @morelikebaku-no for helping me come up with a title >.<
WC: 2.2k
“Hey y/n! You look different, you have something planned for today?” Izuku beamed at you, looking slightly confused. He approached you as you headed towards the elevator in his massive agency building. You were both heading up to the top floor, where his office resided. You two had been ‘talking’ for the last two months now, since you started working for him, and were casually going on dates or hanging at each others places. Nothing physical had transpired between you two yet; he made you incredibly nervous even though he was so warm and welcoming, so there was no way you were going to make the first move. However, you two had spoken almost everyday since Iida had suggested you for the job, and you practically knew everything about each other at this point. The romantic attraction you two had towards one another was undoubtedly strong, but because he never made any moves on you, you feared that he didn’t like you enough to do so.
“Oh thanks, I was just trying something new, do you like it?” you sheepishly asked, your face filling with heat. You dressed a bit differently than usual, a feeble attempt at being more ‘alluring’. You thought maybe if he saw you in the clothes everyone else was wearing he might find you more attractive. You were always told you had the goods and should flaunt them; you were far too embarrassed and insecure to actually do so, but you were getting a bit frustrated at your lack of physical contact between you and Izuku. Momo took you shopping the other day for some new clothes and makeup and convinced you to ‘just give it a try, see it it helps’. You dawned a tight sage button up and a short form fitting pencil skirt, and heels an inch taller than you were used to. Safe to say, it was a big change to your long loose skirts and fluffy blouses you normally wore.
“Its nice, different but nice. I think I have a meeting in ten minutes, I hate to ask but could you go pick up some coffee?” he asked you, a hand scratching the back of his neck while the other held the elevator door open. You usually attended these meetings, taking notes and giving input, but he never asked you to leave right before one.
You quickly nodded, “Oh yeah sure! Text me the orders I guess?”
“I will, thanks so much!” he said, removing his arm from the door allowing it to close. His reaction to your outfit was okay? He didn’t seem to particularly like or dislike it, but sending you out the minute you arrived to work, and before a meeting, seemed really odd to you, especially since he usually made other people do coffee runs so you two could spend more time together. You turned around on your heel to leave and saw the large group of pro heros entering through the two giant glass doors.
“Oh hey guys! Deku sent me to go get some coffee for you all, since you’re here mind if I just write down your orders now?” you asked, gently curtsying in their presence.
“Hey y/n long time no see!” Red Riot called out to you, hopping forward and pass the group to get closer to you.
“Hey Kirishima! I think I know what you want already” you laughed. He was a close friend of yours in highschool so it was only natural you’d know his favorite coffee. He smiled back at you, his eyes downward, looking at your chest for a bit too long than you were comfortable with. You shuffled back a bit, looking at the rest of the men whose eyes were also glued to your body. You never had a problem talking to them during meetings or outside of work but you felt incredibly flustered now.
“Uhm just tell me what the rest of you want okay?” you mumbled, trying to get the hell out of there. They all nodded, each taking a turn to approach you, coming too close to your face to give you their orders. Once you had them all written down on your phone you waved to them and they each had wide smiles and waved back.
“You’ll be back before the meeting ends right?” Dynamight snapped at you. Although you knew of him in high school and saw him at the office occasionally, he never spoke a word to you until today. You nodded quickly, and turned to leave. You weren’t oblivious, this outfit was working wonders, you just hoped it was working on the one you care about.
“Here you are boys!” you cheered, placing each of their drinks down in front of them. As you went around the long table to hand out the coffee, Izuku's eyes weren’t on you but on every one of his friends instead. He looked calm but something was hiding underneath that soft face of his. Some of the men ignored you as you handed them their coffee, mumbling ‘thanks’ under their breath. Others, including Bakugo and Kirishima, still looked at you like they did in the lobby, with starving eyes, regardless of the way Izuku was looking at them. You smiled gently at each of them before taking a seat next to Izuku so that the meeting could resume.
When you sat you felt your chair being yanked. You held on to the sides of the chair as Izuku brought you closer to him, a low dragging sound emitting into the room. He looked down at you with a kind smile before addressing the group again. Your heart raced, something was different about him today, was it your outfit? Did it work?! You started to get excited, your legs dancing a bit in your seat. He placed a hand on your right thigh without looking at you as he continued with the discussion. You tried to focus and take notes but the warmth of his hand on you made you so nervous and happy; Of course you two have hugged, snuggled and shared a few kisses here and there but something about this moment felt intimate.
The meeting ended and the men began standing to head out. You were standing and about to move from your chair when you felt his hand pulling on your arm lightly.
“Could you stay for a minute? I just want to talk to you about something” Izuku remarked.
“Oh yeah of course” you responded, taking a seat once more. The men all waved to you and Deku before you were left alone. You reorganized the papers in front of you and into a folder.
“Why the change?” he asked, taking you by surprise. You looked around the dark meeting room and down at your body, before looking back up at your boss.
“I- um I thought you’d like it?” you stammered. He looked like he was thinking, looking forward at nothing with a concerned expression on his face.
“Well I do, but I like when you’re you much better” he affirmed, his eyes aimed downwards. Frustration and defeat came over you; he didn’t like the new outfit, not really, and you weren’t sure what else to do but be honest with him. You thought for a moment it worked but you must have been wrong.
“You never look at me the way all those other men did today, you don’t touch me like you want me, is there something wrong with me?” you implored, practically yelling at him, tears welling in your eyes. His face looked upset when he finally turned to face you. He raised a hand to touch your cheek and swirled his thumb over.
“Y/n, no theres nothing wrong with you at all. I didn’t know you felt that way. Honestly I just didn’t want to rush you. Your are so incredibly beautiful and amazing and theres nothing I want more then to touch you in the way that you want, I just wanted to be respectful about it” he assured you, his hand never leaving your face. You sniffled back your tears and your eyes looked at him longingly. He looked anxious, searching your face for some sort of inclination as to how you felt. Relief flooded over you when you heard his response and you leaned forward into his chest. He placed his hand on top of your head.
“Im sorry I freaked out on you like that Izuku, I was just overthinking it, I can assure you I’m ready to move forward with our relationship. And I didn’t like this outfit much anyway…” you paused for a second and looked up from his chest “what was the deal with the chair though?” you asked. He looked every so slightly annoyed, but he still had a smile when he spoke to you.
“Some of the other heroes were making comments in here after you took their orders, and its safe to say I was a little frustrated and shocked with their behavior, thats all” he admitted. You couldn’t begin to imagine what pervy locker talk they were having about you, and its no wonder he reacted that way.
“Oh wow I-“ he scooped you up and into his arms, causing you to lose your train of thought. He gently squeezed at your thighs before slowly placing you down on the meeting table. Your legs parted instinctually as he slithered in between them.
“Im ready Izuku, trust me” you whispered. He leaned forward and into your neck, placing hot wet kisses down your exposed flesh. He pulled away and looked down at you, cupping your face in his calloused hands.
“Alright baby, then let me do something nice for you” he breathed out. You nodded quickly, your deep breaths making your chest rise to new elevations before falling slowly. He bent his knees, landing on them and placing his face between your legs. He looked up at you quickly before using his hands to pull your skirt up. You helped him and allowed it to bunch up at your waist. You watched as Izuku slowly licked his fingers, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time before dipping them painfully slow into your needy hole. You gasped at the feeling of his two large fingers entering, he began slowly pumping them in and out of you. He kept looking at your wet cunt, admiring it before delving in with his tongue. You let out the quietest whimper you could manage, so as to not be heard by the rest of the staff and people in the office. His tongue danced to rhythms you’ve never experienced before. He lapped up and down your folds, even removing his fingers so that his tongue could get a chance to fuck you too. Your little gasps and moans grew louder but he kept telling you “louder, its okay”. Your legs started to tremble, involuntarily closing slowly on his head. He loved the feeling of your thighs pressed flush against him.
“Fuck Izuku ah I love you” you moaned out, without thinking as you ran your fingers through his green locks. Your mind was in a state of euphoria, lost in the overwhelming sensation of his finger and tongue working wonders on you. You grasped a wad of his hair tightly as you came undone for him, your sweet release splashing out of your cunt and onto his fingers and mouth. He lapped up your juices, reveling in the way you tasted before licking his lips and wiping his face with the back of his hand. He stood up and you immediately pulled him in for a passionate kiss with shaky arms. Your tongues intertwined, before he pulled away, bringing his fingers to your mouth. You sucked on them slowly while looking him in the eyes. He looked dumbfounded as he watched your lips wrap around his and felt your cute mouth sucking on him.
“We can keep going Izuku, I want to” you practically begged, your face almost pouting after he removed his fingers from your mouth. He backed up from between your legs and pushed them closed much to your dismay. He placed his hands on your legs and bent down to your level and looked at you before speaking.
“We have plenty of time baby, plus I have an interview in about” he checked his watch “six minutes” he smiled at you. You hopped off the table, pulling your skirt back to its correct place. He straightened out your shirt and patted your shoulders. His hands moved down to your waist and he pulled you forward, your lips finding each other perfectly. You shared one last kiss before making your way towards the door.
“You can dress however you want y/n, whatever makes you happy will make me happy” he said, pausing with his hands gripping the doorknob.
“I appreciate that Izuku” you paused, a clever idea crossing your mind, “but wait till’ you see what I’ve got planned for tomorrow” you winked at him. His face turned a deep shade of red, as did your own at your fleeting sense of confidence. He shook his head and took a deep breath.
“I cant wait” he murmured before opening the door.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Plank All Over Me - 72 Questions With Vogue Edition
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Plank All Over Me Series Masterlist
Regular Masterlist
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“Hi. I’m here from Vogue. Mind if I ask you a few questions?”
“Oh, hey. Didn’t see you there.” You flirtatiously flipped your perfectly curled hair over your shoulder and winked at the camera. “Come on in.”
You walked inside your house, and gestured for the camera man to follow. In preparation for the interview, you and Tom had gotten out every award you’d ever won and strategically placed them around the house. You smiled at the camera and rubbed your hand over your growing baby bump.
“Welcome to my crib. Sorry it’s such a mess.” You rolled your eyes and faked a laugh, knowing the house was far from being a mess. You kept walking and saw Tom in the living room, polishing on of his awards with a feather duster.
“Oh my stars.” You feigned a gasp once you spotted Tom. “Is that my husband, the critically acclaimed movie star and Lip-sync battle winner, Tom Holland? I had no idea he was home.” You winked at the camera again.
“Oh, hello.” Tom stopped dusting and posed with a smile. “Don’t mind me. I was just cleaning this.”
“Might want to give that a dusting too.” You pointed to one of your awards before sending the camera another huge smile.
“Are you guys ready to answer some questions?” The camera guy asked.
“I was born ready.” Tom concurred with a smile.
“You were a C section baby.” You reminded him. “You weren’t even born.”
“I was removed ready.” He kept the same tone in his voice.
“Where did you meet?” The camera man asked as you and Tom began to walk towards your backyard.
“We met at BBC Radio 1 while doing the Plank All Over Me challenge.” Tom answered.
“Where was your first date?”
“Cracker Barrel.” You winked at the camera as you opened your back door. Tom laughed and shook his head at your joke.
“It was not. We got milkshakes at an Ice Cream Shop in Soho.” He corrected you.
“Who made the first move?”
“Why, he did.” You touched a hand to your heart. “He found me after the planking challenge, both our arms sore and aching, and asked me out on a date. We’ve been together ever since.”
“When you did you move in together?”
“About six months into the relationship when I realized she had a bigger bathroom than me.” Tom answered as he took a seat in one of your decorative deck chairs.
“How long have you been together?”
“Since September 29, 2019 at precisely 6:33 p.m.” You responded.
“Wow. Just a year?”
“Realistically, we’ve been together for a few years, but that’s when this series was first posted.” You shrugged. Tom and the camera blinked in confusion for a few minutes as they processed what you said.
“Moving on.” The camera man cleared his throat. “Tom, how did you pick an engagement ring?”
“I went into the shop and I said “which is the least expensive because I’m trying to buy a Porsche” and that’s how she ended up with this bad boy.” Tom smirked as he held up your hand to show off your engagement ring.
“I can’t wait to tell our baby that story.” You played along as you rubbed your baby bump.
“When did you know you wanted to propose?”
“As soon as she started whining because the planking was hurting her arms, I knew she was the one.” Tom joked.
“Did you know he was going to propose?”
“Surprisingly, no.” You laughed. “It’s the one secret he’s ever kept.
“I nearly got an ulcer from trying to keep it from her.” Tom blew out a breath.
“Who planned the majority of the wedding?”
“I did.” You declared. “I had to text Tom the morning of the wedding to remind him where the venue was.”
“Did either of you cry?”
“As soon as I mentioned the yoga challenge in my vows, the whole room was sobbing.” Tom teased.
“How big was the reception?”
“Let’s just say, we had all the Avengers there.” Tom nodded.
“All the important ones, anyway.” You joked. “Mackie couldn’t make it.”
“How did you spend your honeymoon?”
“We went to Bali and didn’t see any of it.” Tom smirked, earning a playful smack on the arm from you.
“What’s been your favorite video together?”
“I loved the prank with Josh.” You answered with a smile.
“I didn’t.” Tom shook his head. “I nearly threw hands with a ginger that day. I quite liked the friendship test.”
“What video gave you the fondest memories?”
“Spill your Guts, for sure. That’s when I learned about the existence of this one.” Tom beamed as he rubbed your baby bump.
“What was your least favorite video to film?”
“We already know Tom’s answer.” You chuckled.
“Prank interview.” He stated. “To this day, I hate it.”
“Did you see yourself getting married when you first met?”
“All I saw were the nose hairs in Tom’s nostrils when we first met.” You laughed. “After all, he did plank on me for six and a half minutes.”
“I had a feeling we would.” Tom smiled shyly. “Or a hope, at least.”
You pouted at his sincerity and leaned forward to kiss him, which his happily accepted.
“Have you thought of baby names?”
“Josh.” You answered immediately and Tom groaned.
“I’m kidding.” You rolled your eyes. “I really like the name Ryan Reynolds though.”
”What are you hoping for?”
“An oscar.” Tom answered at the same time you said “A divorce.”
“You already want a divorce?” The camera man laughed.
“Oh, not a divorce from Tom.” You assured him. “I want Ryan Reynolds to divorce Blake Lively so he can marry me instead.” You explained as Tom nodded along.
“And I want to die every time she says that.” He cracked a smile.
“Let’s get back to the baby questions.” The camera man said as you began to move around the yard. “Do you know the gender?”
“We do.” Tom said deviously. “But we’re not telling.”
“Do you think the baby will be more like their mother or their father?”
“Definitely me.” You stated.
“Why are you so sure?”
“Because Tom’s not the father.” You smiled sweetly. Tom stared at the camera with an unamused expression and shook his head.
“Who’s going to be the fun parent?”
“Considering I’m the parent who can swing from buildings, I say me.” Tom boasted.
“Who’s going to teach the baby how to read?”
“I am. And after the baby learns, they can teach Tom.” You smiled as you patted Tom’s shoulder.
“Do you think the baby will like to plank?”
“If they’re anything like their mommy, no.” Tom poked fun at you.
“And if they’re anything like their daddy, they’ll grow up to play the Green Lantern.” You shot back.
“Hahahah. She’s so funny.” Tom forced a laugh at your joke.
“Do you think the baby will develop your senses of humor?”
“Wait, you have a sense of humor?” You asked Tom. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“She loves me so much, it’s crazy.” Tom deadpanned towards the camera.
“Do you want the baby to grow up to be an actor or actress like you guys?”
“I just want the baby to be happy.” Tom gave a serious answer. “Every thing else will fall into place on its own.”
“That’s a great answer. Do you think you’ll post about the baby a lot of keep them out of the spotlight for the first few years of their life?”
“I think we’ll wait until they’re at least 4 months old until we exploit them for our own financial gain.” You said and Tom nodded along.
“Have you picked out the godparents yet?”
“Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal.” You joked. “They’re so excited. Jake said he would take the baby fishing.”
“He’s taken me fishing a few times.” Tom said as he stared off.
“How have you been preparing for the baby?”
“Well, I personally stopped sleeping, changed my whole diet, started lactating, and my pelvic bone separated in the middle so that I could push the baby out. Tom, what did you do?” You tilted your head at him.
“I bought the car seat.” Tom said proudly. “My wife picked it out, though.”
“I also drove him there.” You glared at the camera for a moment, cracking a smile after your joke.
“What are you most looking forward to after the baby is born?”
“Laying on my stomach.” You laughed as you looked down at your protruding bump.
“I also miss laying on her stomach.” Tom pouted as he rubbed the bump. “That was my favorite cuddle position.”
“Aw. I’m sorry we can’t cuddle the way you want to anymore because I’m growing your child inside my body.” You said sarcastically, making Tom laugh.
“Thank you for growing our child inside your body. I don’t say it enough.” Tom praised as he leaned in for a kiss.
“You’re welcome.” You smiled at him before turning to the camera man. “Anything else you want to know?”
“Actually, I have a question.” Tom stated as he looked at the camera.
“What’s that?” The camera man asked. You and Tom looked at each other and exchanged a smile before turning back the the camera.
“Are you excited to meet our baby girl?”
Tag List 🏷
@thebookwormlife​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @weirdr-artiest​ @serendipitous-amor​ @dummiesshort​
@foreverxholland​ @lavender-writer​ @captainmandeestudent17​ @whatareyouhidingpeter​ @takenbyheartstrings​ @ultrunning​ @imyourliquor-youremypoison​ @theolwebshooter​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself​ @letsloveimagines​ @peterparkoure​ @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @justcallmehitgirl​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @jackiehollanderr​ @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @maryjanee23​ @geeksareunique​ @emmamarshmellow​ @unbelievableholland​ @rebekkah4766​ @flixndchill​ @sovereignparker​ @thisisthebiplace​ @spideydobrik​ @every-marveler-ever​ @undiadeestos​ @caelestii-e​ @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @fiantomartell​ @solarxmoonchild​ @where-art-thau-romeo​ @canyouevencauseicant​ @illwritetomorrow​ @thehappygrungelife​ @saysomethingspiderman​ @parkerboop​ @smilexcaptainx​ @quaksonhehe​ @kelieah​ @kickingn-ames​ @babeyspidey​ @seasidecrowbar​ @lovelessdagger​ @love-sick-blues​ @electraheart-3174​ @lou-la-lou @unbelievableholland​ @yourtypicalhotmess​ @spideyanakin​ @horanxholland​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @anapocalypseinmymind​ @marshxx​ @heyheycharlatte​ @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie​ @tomshufflepuff​ @cookiemonstermusic258​
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
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A/N : I just wanted to thank @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was​ for helping me with the idea of this story for I was having a block lol!!! Also im sorry if i didnt catch all the typos or mistakes, i tried my best lol! anyway i hope you guys like it :)
WARNINGS: 16+ (Kissing, Rude Language)
It was Summer 1985, it was unbelievably hot in Hawkins, IN this time of year.. but this year was different, it was hotter than any summer before that I could remember, so that only meant one thing.......Everybody and I do mean everybody was at the public pool. It was the only public pool in town and no on really thought or maybe they just didn't bother to get a pool of their own.
As I made my way to the pool just like every other day this summer, I felt different. I wasn't sure if it was because I did my hair different than usual, Instead of my usual half up half down action, I decided to do it to the side and crimped, it made me feel like I was in Teen Beat under the 'Your New Summer Doo' Section.... Or maybe it was my new swim suit that was all the rage this year with the coolest Neon Yellow and Hot Pink color block, sure it made me feel somewhat like a glass of strawberry lemonade but if i'm gonna be a glass of strawberry lemonade i'm gonna be the hottest glass of strawberry lemonade there is.
Well whatever, Im not going to let this strange feeling ruin my day at the pool, no way, nothing is going to ruin this day unless its an overly packed swimming pool with no room to breath...... as I walked through the gates of the public pool, I looked around, took a deep breath, and sighed "Ruined" I whispered to my self while closing my eyes. I walked over to my usual pool chair dodging kids left and right as i made my way, blocking out the parents yelling across the way for 'TOMMY STOP PUSHING YOUR BROTHER UNDERWATER!' I mean you think Tommy would know by now that when he tries to drown his younger brother, he's going to get yelled at. Taking deep breaths the whole way to my chair trying not to let anyone get to me, I laid my towel down and took my seat. I laid there for maybe 10 minutes before i heard Mrs. Fowl yelling once more "TOMMY STO-" but this time she was cut off *WHISTLE NOISE* "TOMMY! STOP DROWNING YOUR TWARP OF A BROTHER BEFORE I DROWN YOU! YOU KNOW THE RULES! YOU LITTLE DOUCHE" I heard a male voice call across the pool, I tilted my sunglasses down to see what was going down, first I saw Mrs. Fowl rolling her eyes at what the mysterious male just yelled, I scanned over to discover who this mysterious male was... He made his way down the side of the pool greeting a group of middle aged women who gawked at him. He was slowly getting closer to the Life Guard tower and thats when I realized who it was that was calling orders and greeting people across the pool...... It was Billy Hargrove, the new, but well known bad boy of Hawkins High School. Girls went Ga Ga over him, he was hot sure but I never really understood why these girls threw themselves at him, he was just a guy, I mean not to mention he was a major douche, didn't show respect to anyone he talked too, also I couldn't stand how loud his freaking car is!! like dude, not necessary, especially not necessary when its 3:00 in the morning!! did i mention he lived down the street from me. I was deep in thought, not realizing i was still staring at Billy, but now he was sitting at the top of the Life Guard tower, I didn't realize i was staring until he stared back at me and winked "Oh my gosh" I whispered to my self in embarrassment, I rolled over pushing my sunglasses back up feeling completely mortified, Maybe he would forget about it... I mean he has girls staring at him all the time.
I laid there for about 2 hours, forgetting about my slight interaction with Billy across the pool. I didn't feel bothered the last 2 hours until i felt a large presence blocking my sun, with out opening my eyes for not wanting to get out of my zen "Hey! Sasquatch, who ever you are, your mama wasn't a glass maker, so if you would kindly move out of my sun I would deeply appreciate it, thanks" I heard a cocky chuckle above me, as much i didn't want to, I opened my eyes, and there he was right above me... Billy "Ya know, its not polite to call people Sasquatch... and for your information my mom could be a glass maker... so you making assumptions .. well thats just plain rude" He said, licking his lips before continuing "But, i'm a very forgiving person so i guess ill let it pass" He said with a big cocky smile, I couldn't help but feel flustered, even though he was being so overly confident and cocky... he just had this charm about him ... but i wouldn't let him know that, I rolled my eyes in response and kept a straight expression laying still "Oh, Hey Billy.... I didn't know you worked here" I said with as little emotion as I could express "Now, I don't think that is true Y/N, I saw you checking me out earlier" He said with the same cocky but teasing tone, I scoffed "Oh please Hargrove, you wish i was checking you out" I felt him shift behind me before he answered "Ya know, usually when someone is just staring at another .. it means your checking them out" After hearing his words I tilted my sunglasses down to look at him "You flatter yourself sir" I said with a teasing smile, he scoffed and looked off and then back to me "hmmm alright Y/L/N, well my mistake" I rolled my eyes once more and pushed my glasses back up "Alright, you've blocked my sun for long enough, now move along Sasquatch" I said, back to no emotion, He chuckled "Yes Ma'am, I would hate to deprive you of your sun" He winked before walking away. I couldn't help but stare after him as he walked away..... I quickly looked away, realizing what i was doing ... What was I doing... I don't like Billy.
The next day rolled around, and I was feeling slightly more excited then usual to get ready to go to the pool. I know what you're thinking... NOO it had nothing to do with Billy... I just was excited to cool off in the water...... and lay in the sun again.... and maaaybe it had something to do with Billy, but its nothing big... I just like to give him a hard time, that is all... that. is. all.
I walked into the pool area, same as yesterday, but today I wore my red swimsuit that had little frills on the straps with a red Scrunchy to match. I laid my towel down, again like yesterday and just like clockwork I heard the same male voice as yesterday "TOMMY! DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS EVERYDAY! NOW STOP DROWNING YOUR BROTHER SO I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHERS TERRIBLY SHRILL VOICE YELL AT YOU TO STOP! IT IS LITERALLY THE WORST PART OF MY SHIFT!" I looked behind me to see Billy finish walking to his place at the Life Guard tower, I couldn't help but chuckle at Mrs. Fowl's face, mouth wide open in offense to what Billy said.
The afternoon flew by and Billy paid absolutely no mind to me, he just say on his tower and every now and then yelled at Tommy.... But other than that.. nothing. I Hate to say i was slightly disappointed, yesterdays banter was not only fun but the most entertainment i have had this summer, all my friends were away for the summer leaving me alone ... hence the coming to the pool by my self everyday. The past week went by the exact same way, I would show up to the pool looking the cutest i can look interchanging the 3 swimsuits i own, and the 3 different hairstyles i knew how to do. But nothing, he would yell at Tommy, sit and do nothing... except when he would flirt with bimbo mcBarbie or wanna be Farrah Fawcett, it made me have a pit in my stomach... not that i was jealous... absolutely not, I was just bored.
The next day, I showed up, the same way as I had been for the past week.. except today i had no expectations except to mock the plastic Phoebe Cates wanna be that would flirt with Billy endlessly today. Today I wore my red swimsuit once again, with the same matching scrunchy... I sat and prepared to be disappointed again. I sat for about 20 mins, and just like a week before.... someone was blocking my sun, I couldn't help but grow a small smile on my face, I tilted my sunglasses and looked right at mr. Billy Hargrove with his cocky smile in front of me "You're blocking my sun Sasquatch" I said with a teasing tone "Oh my apologies ma'am" he said right before walking away. Really that was it .... no banter nothing.... I sighed aloud before sinking into my chair, what was gonna do .... and as I heard Mrs. Fowl and Billy yell at Tommy, thats when it came to me.
I approached the edge of the swimming pool, took a deep breath, was i really gonna do this... just to get Billy's attention? I rolled my eyes at myself, before stepping into the pool. I carefully walked closer and closer to the middle of the pool, looking around at all the kids around me, they looked like they were having so much fun. I started to rethink my plan, I didn't want to scare any of these kids just to get a stupid guys attention... a guy i don't even like! 'this is so stupid' i thought to my self before starting my way out of the pool, but thats when i heard the most annoying high pitched laugh coming from the Life Guard tower, and thats when I saw the Bimbo Phoebe Cates wanna be standing beneath Billy at the tower, and with out thinking I went for it. I started flailing and putting my own head under water to mimic drowning "HELP! HELP!" I screamed each time i came up for breath "HELP! I NEED HELP" I continued to scream, Thats when Billy just casually climbed down from his tower like nothing was going on and walked at a normal pace over to the edge of the pool before getting in. Billy swam effortlessly to me, and before i even knew it he swooped me up into his arms bridal style, carrying me out like i weighed nothing.... as we were exiting the pool, I had to admit, the way the water dripped off his hair and down his chest, Billy Hargrove was insanely hot.... I couldn't help but just stare at him, his face was not only hot, but it was .... Beautiful .. i mean his complexion was flawless... his eyes were such a beautiful shade of blue, and his smile was brilliantly white.. and thats when i realized he was smiling at me, I slightly shook my head in order to leave the trance i was in "Wow Y/L/N, that was quite the scene you made there.... you alright?" Billy asked in his teasingly cocky tone he always had, with his big smile, I rolled my eyes "Gosh Hargrove, please excuse me for making a scene by almost dying .... how rude of me!" I scoffed, he licked his lips with a chuckle "Oh almost dying? My bad ma lady, you did in fact almost die" he glanced at the pool and then back at me "In the 4ft end of the pool" he said with a huge smile looking straight into my eyes, with embarrassment i glanced at the pool and back at him "I was not in the 4ft end! i was at least AT LEAST!!! in the 8ft end!" I exclaimed in defense to myself, I hated lying, not only did it make me feel terrible but i was bad at it!! I noticed Billy was still holding me, and I only noticed because Bimbo Barbie and Wanna be Plastic Phoebe Cates was staring at me with murder in their eyes. Billys grip tightened around my thighs and arm as he effortlessly held me "Y/N, I had to train in this pool for 5 hours everyday for week before the pool opened to get this job..... I think i know where the 4ft end is" He said to me with confidence, I was at a loss for words, I had no comeback except for "Well, they must have painted to numbers wrong on the pool" Great one Y/N, stellar... they totally painted the numbers wrong on the pool, especially since you stood just fine where you 'Drowned' .. it was totally the 8ft end ... I wanted to face palm so badly but i didn't wanna give myself away that easy, my thought was interrupted by Billys laughter "Ya know! I bet they did paint them wrong.... My bad Y/N" He said in a sarcastic tone, I rolled my eyes in response "Well Billy, Thank you for helping me ... now if you would please let me down" I said, even though I didn't mind him holding me.... it sure was fun pissing The bimbo twins off. He smiled and nodded his head and gently let me down "It was a pleasure saving you Y/N" and as he started to walk away he turned back to me "Ya know, i teach swim lessons... I could teach you a couple things" He said with a wink "Yeah! maybe! Don't want to drown again" I said while wringing out my hair "Good! wouldn't want your fellow swim team to know that you forgot how to swim over the summer" He said winking before walking away "Yeah!!! that would be embarrassing!!!" I called after him, once he was not looking my face hit the palm
hand so hard it's like they were magnets.
Before leaving, with all my pride gone anyway, I walked up to Billy "Hey!" I exclaimed up in order for him to hear me up there on the tower, He looked down at me and smiled "Oh Hey Y/N!" He responded "Billy, did you mean it?" he squinted his eyes like he couldn't understand me, I sighed "Did you mean it!!" I exclaimed a little louder, but he still squinted with confusion "Ya know! why don't you just climb up here and tell me" He exclaimed to me, I sighed and looked around "Why don't you come down here!!" I yelled back, and again he squinted, I rolled my eyes and started up the ladder "Was this really necessary Hargrove, I see you talking to the barbie twins all the time with out having them climb up here" I said exasperated, he just smiled propping him self up on his chair "Yes, but you see... Im not actually listening to them.. its the same thing every time" he says before he start " 'Oh Billy, you look so strong, please take me out for a ride sometime' 'Oh Billy, I bet you could bench me with ease' " He said in his best girl impression and then went back to his normal voice "and yadda yadda yadda, but you! if you're talking to me... it must be something worth hearing! so how can i help ya Y/N?" I couldn't help but chuckle "well, i was just wondering if you meant it, when you said you would give me swimming lessons?" I said, looking down at my hands that were clasping the edge of Billys seat to keep my balance, I could feel his eyes on me, but i refused to look at him until i heard his answer "Well, That depends.... are you asking?" He asked, with pure joy in his voice out of amusement, I mustered up my confidence to look at him "Maybe!" I said, he was smiling the largest, cockiest smile, placing his whistle in between his teeth, not breaking his eye contact with me and then *WHISTLE NOISE* "TOMMY! IM GONNA COUNT TO 3 AND IF YOU ARE STILL BEING A LITTLE DICK IM GONNA COME DOWN THERE AND TIE YOU TO A TREE ..... BET YOU WOULDN'T LIKE THAT KID!" He yelled, still not breaking contact , I again couldn't help but chuckle, he opened his mouth so slightly so that the whistle would just fall out with ease, his mouth still open he grew a sheepish smile "Yeah Y/N, It would be an honor to teach you to swim" I smiled "Good!! thanks" I said as I started to climb down the ladder "Hows 10pm tonight?" He said, and I popped back up to level with him to make sure i heard him right "Huh?" he chuckled "I said how about 10pm tonight?" I just sat there for a minute, no knowing what to say.... I would have to sneak out in order to do that but before i could stop myself i said "Yeah sure!! that works for me" He smiled even bigger "Great!! Ill see ya then Y/L/N" I started down the Ladder again "Great!!!" I exclaimed.
I ran home and did the usual, eat dinner with the family, go to my room and read whatever book i'm reading until my parents go to bed, in which i usually go to bed or sneak down to watch some TV to myself, but not tonight.... tonight i was sneaking out.... I've never snuck out before ... let alone sneak out to be with a boy.... and not only that .. the town bad boy ..... ugh! what am I doing.
As soon as I heard my parents bedroom door shut I finished prepping my hair and slipped on some shorts over my swimsuit. I ran down the stairs and snuck out the door, making sure to close the door very slowly in order to not make a sound, clicking it shut ever so slightly, as soon as it shut i sighed in relief and turned running into someone behind me causing me to scream "WHAAAA!" I screamed "Geesh Y/N!! Ya want the whole neighborhood let alone your parents to know your sneaking out" I heard Billy whisper to me as he clasped his hand over my mouth, I let out a huge breath happy it was just him and not some criminal, I licked his hand to get it off my face, he laughed before removing his hand "Excuse me Hargrove, you almost gave me a heart attack" he chuckled "You know this is your second brush with death today, I don't know if me being around you is good for your health" I smiled to myself, Oh no... You definitely are not Hargrove. I looked at him and then realized "Hey!! why are you here, i thought i was meeting you at the pool?" we continued to walk down to his car "You really think i was going to let you walk to the pool, by your self, at 10:00 at night" he said as he held the passenger door to his car open, I rolled my eyes "Im not getting in there" I said crossing my arms, he scrunched his eyebrows confused "and why not?" he asked "Because i hate your car" I said without thinking, he laughed, now leaning on his open car door, looking at me with an amused smile "Oh really? You hate my car!!! you have never been in my car, my car is offended" He said teasingly, I rolled my eyes once more "Why do you hate my car?" He asked, I sighed a big sigh "Because!! it's entirely too loud, which usually wouldn't bother me, but when its waking me up at 3:00 in the morning and i am having a really good dream... yeah that would make me hate a car." He just looks at me with disbelief before bursting into laughter "Well, we're gonna change that" he said winking at me and opening the door wider "Now please get in the car" he said gesturing to the car "No! i'm not getting in the car." I stood my ground, I was not getting in that- My thought was interrupted by strong arms scooping me off the ground and before i knew it I was in Billys arms "Billy!! what are -" he set me in the passenger seat of his car and closed the door before i could finish my sentence. Billy effortlessly swung into the driver seat and within seconds we were zooming down the street, in usual Billy fashion... I had to admit, it was exhilarating going this fast with the music blasting this loud I couldn't help but belt the lyrics along "THERES NO ONE LIKE YOUUUUUU! I CANT WAIT FOR THE NIGHTS WITH YOUU! I IMAGINE THE THE THINGS WE DOOO" I belted, Billy smiled at me in awe, I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and Billy started belting the song, hitting his steering wheel to the music, nudging me with his elbow to join back in, so I did. We belted songs all the way to the swimming pool, it wasn't a super long drive... but it was probably the most fun I have ever had in a 5 minute drive. As we pulled up to the pool Billy turned off the car and within seconds he was at my door helping me out. "Soooo are you even allowed to be here this late?" I asked looking around for security cameras, Billy chuckled "ummm thats up for debate, but for tonight.. yes" I nodded along "Alright.... why tonight but not other nights? did you bribe the security camera guy" Billy looked at me as he unlocked the gate to the pool "Not exactly" He said with one of his famous Billy winks, I have received more winks from billy in the last 12 hours then i have received in the past year its self.... but I didn't mind. He finally got the lock undone and we walked in, out of habit i started walking toward my usual chair "Ha, where you going Y/L/N?" I stopped in my tracks and realized what i was doing, I started back to Billy, but being flustered I tripped over my feet causing me to fall right into Billys arms, I couldn't tell if he moved to come catch me or I was just falling in
direction and caught me... either way, I liked the feeling of his arms around me "You know, you're a real dork" He said with a chuckle, and in a moment we just stared into each others eyes, until me being me had to sneeze, I faced away and sneezed into my arm, Billy helped me gain my balance before letting go of me "ehem.... well i'm gonna get the pool cover off and then we will start the lesson" I watch as Billy hastily got the cover off, I felt bad letting him do it alone, so I started helping him, he looked up at me and laughed "What are you doing Y/L/N" He said with a chuckle, I smiled at him "What!!! I wasn't gonna let you do it by yourself!!" He just smiled at me and then shrugged as we continued to get the cover off. We were now standing in the middle of the pool "Okay, Y/L/N, let start with basics.... Floating" He said looking at me as if to say 'Come closer' "Y/N You're gonna have to get closer to me" he said smiling grabbing my hand a pulling me closer to him, I looked up and our face's weren't even an inch away with how close we were, I could feel his breath on my cheek "you're gonna want to get on your back" He said in almost a whisper, not moving from how close he was to my face, I blinked a slightly turned to look into his eyes "Excuse me?" he chuckled "To float.... you're going to want to get on your back to float" He said smiling, all of a sudden his face was gone away from mine and i felt one hand on my legs and the other on my lower back as lifted up my Legs and balanced me out ... I was now on my back floating in a pool with Billy Hargrove "Alright, Im gonna let go" he said, he actually sounded kind of nervous, which i have never heard from Billy, as i felt his hands start to move away from me I couldn't help stop my self "No" I whispered, not wanting his hands to leave from me, he smiled and moved closer "If i don't let go, you wont learn" He said, i felt his fingers lightly graze my lower back "Well, I also wont learn if you leave me on my own too soon... ill sink" I said trying have a teasing tone but it was slightly ruined by my heavy breathing, i couldn't help i was filled with all kinds of emotions right now. Billy leaned down closer to my face "Thats true, good job" He said with just as heavy breathing as me. We focused on my floating for about 15 minutes before we went on to other things, we swam all together for about an hour or so until it started to get pretty cold, I could help but shiver "You need to stop Y/L/N?" Billy asked making his way back over to me "Im just a little cold, i'm okay though" I said through chattered teeth, he chuckled and ducked lower in the water and came over to me the rest of the way "C'mon, get down here" He said pushing my shoulder so that I would be in the water as deep as him, he moved closer where his arms were now around mine, and once again our faces weren't even an inch apart "better?" he whispered, all I could do was nod my head, I really was getting warmer.... "You smell good" I said, Did i really just say that...... 'you smell good' ? really??? ugh! ... Billy laughed "Thank you, I take pride in that." he said, moving a little bit closer "As you should, smelling good is something you should take pride in" man i am one with the words, i'm surprised he is even still here, with my stellar flirting..... A week ago I didn't even like looking in Billys direction, and now..... Now i wanted nothing more then to feel him closer not only physically but personally... He was a lot different than i thought he would be. I felt him start to lean in closer to my face, I didn't know why but i back away, which made me really mad at myself.... why did I do that "Im sorry I-" as he apologized I moved back to where I was and closer, inviting him to continue what he was gonna do, he smiled and then moved in, before i knew it his lips were on mine with out thinking I started moving my lips with his, our motion so fluid, he was good at this, his hands were now on my back moving me closer, and there we were ... me and Billy Hargrove.. making out in the middle of Hawkins Public
Pool at
11:45 at night. We both pulled away by the sight of lights passing down the street, cautious of getting caught, we both looked back at each other and laughed "You're good at that" I said catching my breath, once again feeling the blood rush to my cheeks "You're very honest ya know that" he said, rubbing my back now "Ya wanna know something though.... You're good at it too" He said looking down and quickly licking his lips and then looking back up at me "How do you do that?" I asked, he scrunched his brows confused "How do i do what?" I sighed "Get me from hating you to ... to... this! in less than a week" I exclaimed in a slight whisper "Its my super power" he chuckled "Now, c'mon... I better get you home" and before I could blink his hands were off my back and he was effortlessly hopping out of the pool. totally disregarding the stairs, he held his hand out to help me out the same way "I think, Im gonna use the stairs... ya know because ... thats why they are there" I said teasingly, he rolled his eyes "But where is the fun in that" he scoffed as he walked over to the stairs to meet me, and as soon as I reached the top he had me slung over his shoulder "Aaahh!!! Billy, I know that events today may prove other wise, but I do know how to walk on my own" I said in protest "Sure! but what if i let you down and all of a sudden a eagle comes down and swoops you away and i wont be able to stop him" I rolled my eyes at his comment "The likely hood of that happening, is about as good as me winning the lottery 3 times in 2 days" I said still hanging upside down on his shoulder "Well, maybe i just like holding you" and then ladies and gentleman .... butterflies happened... oh boy.
We had a good 5 minute ride back to my house, where he held my hand, in which I tried to protest just to mess with him but inevitably gave in... I like it. When we pulled up, just like before Billy quickly got out of the car and had my door open in second, helping me out and walking me to my door with our fingers interlocked, I started for my door until i felt a tug of Billy pulling me back to him, I knew he was strong, but just one tug i was flying back to him, he had to catch me, in which our faces were once again within millimeters from each other "We gotta stop meeting like this" He said teasingly with his famous smile "I gotta tell you something" I slipped out "I know how to swim and I wasn't really drowning, I pretended to get your attention" I said entirely too fast, he chuckled "I know" I paused at what he said "You know?" I asked confused "Ya know Y/N, You are a terrible liar..... First off no one drowns in the 4ft end of a pool unless your 3, and second we may not have talked too often in school... but that doesn't mean I didn't notice you, You're the captain of the swim team, which is why i brought it up earlier today, so of course you know how to swim... I offered the swim lessons as joke.. and then you came and asked and..... I couldn't be happier you did" He said still holding me, I smiled and did a little excited hop "You noticed me?" I said a little too eager, he chuckled and looked away and then looked back "Theres no one like you Y/L/N" he said right before taking my chin lightly with his fingers and bringing me in for gentle but passionate kiss goodnight.
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missblissy · 3 years
Heyo! Do you think you could write something for demon al finding out his demon s/o also likes to sing? I love singing and it think it would be really cute to do it with Alastor 🤲��
((I would love to nonny! Im sorry for the wait :') I hope you like it! I turned it more into a song fic? Like.... A... double song fic xD??? Anyways I hope you enjoy!! Here and Here are the songs used in this fic!!))
He took a deep breath in and held on to it for as long as he could. The one and only joy he really had within the walls of this hotel was this. If it wasn't for these weekend shows, he might have just killed everyone by now out of sheer boredom. Every weekend, the Hazbin Hotel opened its doors to the general public. The lounge was opened up, tables were set, seats were filled. Dinner and a show were to be served to all who came in those doors. Though not free of charge, much to Charlie's protests. But the hotel had to make money somehow, so Alastor was put in charge of that.
The curtains pulled and opened before him and a spotlight flashed upon him. Alastor smiled wide, "Hello~!" He said in a cheerful tone. He was already scanning the crowd of people, looking for you, "How is everyone doing tonight? Horrible I hope!" The audience let out a little laugh at that. Alastor kept looking around, but the seat you normally sat in had someone else in it. No noticed, but there was a twitch of anger in his smile for a second, "Well! Let's get this show started!" He snapped his fingers and the spotlight turned off. Music started to play and soon enough Alastor transformed himself into a more casual outfit. As the music picked up, his spotlight turned back on and Alastor was half tempted to not sing this song especially if you weren't even here. Well, he did only meet you a few weeks ago, and you only did just started some... flirtationship if you would even call it that.
Oh well. Here goes nothing. Some much for trying to impress you with this, "I heard the time just slips from your sugarplum lips. So I go there just to watch it fall and then my jaw just drops when your cherry lollypops! I get nervous when you bounce my ball~" He gave a charming smile to no one in general, unfortunately. Come on, were you late? No... You knew when the hotel opened....
"I get the strangest sense we were lovers, past tense. Like a dog in heat, I just can't be indiscreet and when I see you there I whisper my prayer so sweet~ I'm getting shaky on my feet, I'm incomplete~" Alastor's mind raced while he sang on autopilot. Maybe he just couldn't see you in dark? Maybe you were all the way in the back? "I'll be your one-man band, I'll be at your command! Just say the word and I'll be your renaissance man, I swear! I'll go where you don't dare, I'll bury this affair deep down in Sugartown~"
Alastor paused with the music, letting the song play only enough for him to take a deep breath and wonder where the hell was his favorite little play thing, "I heard your glass hips swayed while the jitterbugs played. Every man was on his bended knee~ And all my hopes got smashed as my nerve just crashed! I was as heavy as a boy can be." He went on to sing the chorus again, while somehow giving up on looking for you in the crowd at the same time. It was almost too ironic that the next lines fit his feelings perfectly, "And if you just can't do me right, then, honey, please do me wrong! I'll be your one-man band, I'll be at your command! Just say the word and I'll be your renaissance man, I swear I'll go where you don't dare, I'll bury this affair deep down in Sugartown!"
He sang on, with a slight hollowness to his voice that no one picked up on. He didn't move as quickly or flash as big of a smile. Alastor finished his little musical number and left the stage with a round of applause, and quickly someone else took the stage. All kinds of people showed up to sing, to even do comedy (Which Alastor did as well, he just didn't feel like it today. Maybe he should have seeing as you weren't even here.)
There was a special place where Alastor got to sit. In the very front, in a booth with Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk. Nifty was never around for these kinds of things, and Angel often made some kind of sexual escapade out of a song later into the night. When Alastor finally sat down with the rest of the group, he found it very odd that Charlie was bouncing with joy.
"Hi, Al!" She said a little too loud. She got "shh"ed by a few people close by, "Sorry-" She whispered out, "Hi!" She said again to Alastor with a little wave of her hand.
His ever-present smile grew only slightly, "Hello, Charlie. Excited for tonight, are we?"
"Yeah!" She blurted out again, with another round of people hushing her up. So this time she whisper-yelled, "You're in for a great show tonight, Al!"
Alastor flickered his gaze to the stage, the same person was still there trying to make music out of whatever horrible sounds they were making. He looked back to Charlie and raised a brow, "I am?" He asked, "What makes you say tha-"
"Shh! Shh!" Charlie held a finger to her mouth and waved her other hand in the air, "It's starting!" Alastor looked to the stage again, now empty with no lights shining on it.
Music started to play once again, but the lights remained low. He could barely make out someone walking in the darkness of the stage, then suddenly, the lights flashed on and it was you, "You call me on the telephone, you feel so far away. You tell me to come over, there's some games you want to play," You stared him down, eyes lock on no one else but Alastor. Finally, the table have turned, and little did Alastor know that he was going to be the one seduced with a song tonight, "I'm walking to your house, nobody's home. Just me and you and you and me alone~"
You quickly take step after step down the front of the stage, matching your movements to the tempo of the song. It was only a few steps before you stood right in front of the table Alastor, and everyone sat at. But somehow you made him feel like he was the only one in the room, "We're just playing hide and seek, it's getting hard to breathe under the sheets with you~ I don't want to play no games, I'm tired of always chasing- chasing after you~" It was like you a spell on him. Your words were sultry and loose enough for him to read between your lyrics. You even gave him that sneaky little smirk before going on to sing, "I don't give a fuck about you anyways! Whoever said I gave a shit 'bout you? You never share your toys or communicate, I guess I'm just a play date to you~"
You spun on your heel quickly giving a wave of your hand. You were playing hard to get and you knew Alastor couldn't resist. As you made your way back up the long stage, Alastor couldn't even stop himself before he realized he was following you up there. At that moment, he knew everyone was watching him... and you. How entertaining.
Just as he got close enough, you turned quickly to face him and quickly point a finger at him, then press it into his chest to push him away, "Wake up in your bedroom and there's nothing left to say. When I try to talk you're always playing board games," You then quickly moved your hand and grabbed him by his chin. You gave a dirty little smirk and made sure to give him look he couldn't resist, "I wish I had monopoly over your mind, I wish I didn't care all the time. We're just playing hide and seek~ It's getting hard to breathe under the sheets with you! I don't want to play no games, I'm tired of always chasing, chasing after you~"
You walked circles around him, Alastor's eyes hard on you and watching every move. His smile was weak, shaken, and there was a hunger in his eyes you'd never seen but always wanted to, "Ring around the rosy, I never know- I never know what you need~ Ring around the rosy, I want to give you- want to give you what you need~ I don't give a fuck about you anyways. Whoever said I gave a shit 'bout you? You never share your toys or communicate, I guess I'm just a play date to you."
Alastor made an attempt to reach out and grab you, but he was slowly and only half attempted. You spun by him quickly, missing him, and making sure to give him a wink as you avoided him. But you stopped just shy of him, standing dead center. You smiled, then tilted your head slightly and held your hand out for him to take, "You know I give a fuck about you everyday, guess it's time that I tell you the truth. If I share my toys, will you let me stay? Don't want to leave this play date with you~"
There was a loud round of applause, cheering, and whistling. To say he was stunned, walking around like a drooling dog, that would be an understatement. You smiled wide, giggling to yourself as Alastor started to remember where he was. He didn't like all these eyes on him, and especially on you. He looked over his shoulder and saw Charlie and Vaggie laughing, in a good way, at least. They seemed to be enjoying watching Alastor fawn over someone.
That drew the line in the sand for him. He quickly grabbed onto your wrist and with his free hand, he snapped his finger. In a little cloud of smoke and dust, the two of you were gone from the hotel's auditorium. You watched as Alastor poofed the two of you away, and manifested out in the hotel hallways. His grip on you was tight as you giggled at his flustered face.
Your little giggles grew as you asked, "So? Did you lik- Mwh!" Alastor cut you off by slamming his lips into yours. He held onto you, hands gripping your arms as he dragged you in closer to him. You were caught off guard as he pushed you backward until your back was pressed against a wall. He deepened the kiss, hungry for more and more of you. You moaned, falling into his embrace and giving in to his demands.
Alastor pulled only inches away but made sure to press you into the wall, hard, trapping you against him, "I loved it." His words were deep and husky, filled with a desire you've never seen him have before. The low growl in his voice sent chills down your spine and caused your skin to heat up, "But don't ever do that kind of shit with me ever. Again. Understood?"
You stared back at him with wide eyes and lips pressed together. You nodded quickly and watched as his sinister smiles curled onto his lips, "Good," He gave you a small kiss, then teased you by licking your lips. He knee was quickly between your legs as he rested an arm on the wall behind you. He went to the crook of your neck, whispering in your ear, "Now, where were we~?"
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
Yellow; l.mk
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+another repost, one of my favourite works ever. its unfortunate not many liked it... ;-; but im still gonna post it anyways. i did not make any changes to this fic.
summary: a journey where boxer!mark and you start to fall for each other.
5.8k words... it wasn’t supposed to be this long.. sorry guys ):
i changed the title because sunflower reminded me of johnny lmfao! also i know you guys don’t like long fics but istg i didn’t want it to be so long either ;;
warnings: mentions of blood & violence, f words 
+Day 1
The loud cheers were really starting to annoy you. Why did you let your friend drag you here in the first place?
You let out a grumbled sigh when your friend had pulled your hand, leading you closer to the ring. Truthfully, you hated anything that has got to do with blood or violence. You didn’t dare tell your friend that since she told you that she has always wanted to go to an underground match.
People were pushing you around as you struggled to keep your balance. You hold onto your friend’s wrist, to avoid from falling.
Your friend must have noticed your discomfort and leaned towards you, “you okay?”
Shaking your head, you reply, “yeah... this- this is just not my type,”
She pouts, “do you want to leave?”
“No, no, you’ve been waiting for this, let’s just watch the match,” you reply, looking back to the ring. Your friend nodded, looking back front.
The match started within a few minutes, both participants standing on each side started getting closer, waiting for one of them to throw a punch.
“That’s Jung Jaehyun,” your friend says, pointing to the one who had chocolate abs. He had some parts of his black hair dyed a dark green, which really suits him.  
He was handsome. Pretty face— really pretty face. However, his neck was filled with tattoos, which gets rid of his cute demeanour. You already knew he was the type to get lots of girls just by doing nothing.
“And that’s Mark Lee,”
Your eyes gazed on the boy with black hair.
He’s cute. He’s really cute. Super cute features. Plump lips, cute cheeks— you just want to pinch. You were surprised why he would be in a ring with such adorable features. You wanted to coo at his ears, why are his ears so cute?
If you were to pick one, you would pick the latter. He’s just your type.
Great, you’re doing it again. Thinking which boys you would choose.
Shaking your thoughts away, you focus on the match.
Jaehyun suddenly throws a punch, to which Mark managed to dodge. Mark suddenly throws a punch, straight to the other boy’s cheekbones.
You let out a gasp, flinching at the sight. Though, the crowd continues to cheer.
In a blink of an eye, Jaehyun has Mark under him, his arm tightening around Mark’s neck.
“Isn’t that dangerous?!” you screech, turning to your friend who was happily watching the match.
“That’s what makes it fun,” your friend winks.
Your mouth was left wide open as you look back at Mark who was struggling to breathe. You notice Mark tapping on Jaehyun’s arm as the latter lets go of his crazy tight grip on the boy.
“This is crazy,” you whisper out.
Despite being absolutely terrified of the scene that had just happened, you wanted to see more.
After a few matches, it was declared Jaehyun had won this time’s match. You actually expected it- seeing how he was slightly more builded than Mark. At the same time, you were disappointed that Mark had lost the match.
The people around you started getting closer, excited by the first match. It was making it hard for you to breathe.
You tap your friend’s shoulder, “I am going to step out for a while,”
“Do you want me to follow?” she asks.
You shake your head, “no, enjoy the rest of the match,”
“Okay, text me if you need anything,” she tells you as you let out a hum and step away from the crowd. You climb the flight of stairs, pushing the tinted glass door open. You take a deep breathe, finally able to breathe fresh air.
You rest your back against the brick walls, fishing out your phone to reply to some texts and scroll through Instagram.
“Oh, jeez!” you jumped, your hand pressed against your chest, turning to see Mark.
Mark laughs, staring at you in amusement, “weren’t you from inside? I saw you,”
You gulp and nodded, “yeah, yeah I was, I saw you too,”
You scan his features. He had multiple bruises and cuts on his cheekbones and lips. You notice a deep cut on his eyebrow, and a bruise on his neck. You look back up to his eyes.
“Are you okay?” you ask him, pointing to the bruises painting his face.
He chuckles at your question, wiping the blood staining his lips. “Your first time here?”
You nod, your head moving to scan the cuts on his face, “are you going to clean that up?”
“I’m okay,” he reassures you, a small smile playing on his lips, “this is nothing,”
You wince. That was nothing? You would be crying in pain if you had that many cuts and bruises on you.
“Okay,” you whisper.
“I’m Mark,” he says again, “what’s your name, pretty?”
Your face turned a crimson red, “y/n,”
“y/n,” he repeats, the name rolling out of his tongue smoothly, “beautiful name for a beautiful girl,”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his words, “how many times have you used that phrase, Mark?”
Mark was flustered for a moment, but quickly regain his coolness, “well, as of 3 seconds ago… once?”
He laughs when you grimace at his response, shaking your head in astonishment.
“So, what were you doing in an underground boxing, y/n?” he asks you, “you don’t seem like the type to be around this area,”
“My friend has been dying to come to an underground match and she dragged me with her,” you explain.
He hums, “ah, your friend? She really caught Jaehyun’s eye earlier,”
You smirk, knowing your friend definitely has been crushing on Jaehyun too.
“We should set them up!” you say excitedly.
+Day 15
2 weeks later, you were back at the same place. This time, you weren’t forced, you had begged your friend to bring you again. You would go alone but being alone in a place filled with rowdy men scares you. You knew your friend would agree since she wanted to see Jaehyun too.
“You usually don’t like this type of things, why are you suddenly so excited?” your friend asked, grabbing her bag, while you were tugging on her arm. 
You bit your lip nervously, knowing the exact reason why, but you refuse to tell her. 
“You’re back again,” says Mark, looking down at you with a smile plastered on his face.
“Yeah, I just need some break from the chaos at school,” you explain. You were actually doing well in school. Unlike other students, you let out your stress from doing work and projects.
Mark hums as he looks around, “wanna go somewhere quieter?”
“But—” you turn away to find your friend, but she was nowhere to be found.
“She’s talking to Jaehyun,” Mark tells you.
You turn back around, holding your breathe when you see Mark leaning awfully close to your face. When he saw your flustered state, he started smirking, letting out a low chuckle.
“Come,” he says, tugging on your elbow, pulling you out of the crowd. Climbing the familiar stairs, the both of you walked towards an empty playground. The both of you take a seat on the swings.
“It’s kinda scary to be in a playground at night,” you state, looking around the extremely quiet area.
You hear Mark laugh at your statement; you look at him confusingly. “You know what you remind me of?”
You raise your eyebrows.
“A sunflower,” he tells you, making you blush. “Anything with the colour yellow,”
“And why is that Mark?”
He rests his head on the rope of the swings as he stares at you, “You seem like someone who is absolutely cheerful, everyone needs someone like you in their life,”
You smile at his sweet words.
Your eyes gaze on his hands that was wrapped in bandages, blood seeping through them.
“Are your hands okay?” you ask, nodding your chin towards his hands resting on his lap.
He looks down at his hands then back at you, smirking, “why? Did I make you worry?”
You look at him like he was crazy, “of course you did! The guy went pretty hard on you,”
Mark felt embarrassed at that. You came to watch his match twice and he still couldn’t win in front of you.
He looks away from your gaze, “it was nothing,” he murmurs.
You were quiet for a while. You felt guilty for bringing it up, knowing he was already beating himself up for it.
“You did great,” you blurted out, “I came to support you actually,”
“Really?” he chuckles, his gaze still on his shoes.
“Yup, you did so well, I think I should take you out for lunch,” you blurt out without realising. Your eyes widen at what you had just said.
Oh god, why did you say that? Did you have no shame? What if Mark didn’t even feel the same way?
Mark swiftly turns to look at your confused face. Fuck, he just wanted to hug you so bad.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” he asks, an amused grin plastered on his lips.
Oh god. 
You quickly face away from the boy who was staring at you with amusement. “N-no,”
He lets out a defeated sigh, “damn, really? I was hoping it would be a date,”
Oh fuck, he was smooth. 
“Shouldn’t you be asking me out on a date?” you huff.
“Do you want me to ask you out on a date?”
“No! I mean—”
“Y/N, will you go on a date with me?”
+Day 17
The date was originally scheduled in 5 days but Mark was too excited and had asked you to meet slightly earlier, to which you agreed.
This time, Mark wasn’t in a tank top and shorts, he didn’t have cuts on his face or bloody hands wrapped in bandages. He was dressed in a button up and black skinny jeans.
He’s so adorable. 
“What?” you look at him weirdly.
“You keep staring at me,” he points out, “do I have something on my face? Or am I too handsome?”
You grimace at his words and threw a fry at him, giggles leaving your lips.
Mark wanted to take you out on a proper expensive date, but he was also a broke college student— just like you. He felt bad about not being able to take you out on a proper date, but you had reassured him that you’d rather eat McDonalds kids meal than eat a $50 meal that is the size of a pea.
“You know,” you start, leaning back on the chair, “If I saw you for the first time, I wouldn’t believe it if you told me you were a boxer,”
You shrug, “you look like a baby to me,” you tell him, “just wanna pinch your cheeks,”
He scoffs, puffing out his chest, “I may look like a baby, but I fight like a man,”
+Day 23
Mark: hey are you coming later
You: where?
Mark: my match you loser
You: I don’t think so :(
You: i have a bunch of work to do :((
Mark: :(
Mark: oky then :/ make sure you rest enough
You:  I will :) don’t worry haha
+Day 25
“I didn’t know Mark had many girl friends,” your friend says.
You raise your eyebrows at that. The both of you weren’t official yet, only at the talking stage. He has never mentioned his friends or his family, but the information had your suspicions growing.
You pretend to not be affected by the words, “how’d you know?”
“You know the day you couldn’t come for his match?” you hum, “I think he invited some girls because they were all hugging and talking,”
You would be lying if you weren’t heartbroken by your friend’s words. However, you have no rights stopping him from seeing his friends. The both of you weren’t a couple.
“Aren’t you guys a couple?”
“No,” you answer with a sharp tone, “it’s his life he can do whatever he wants.”
“You’re not fazed by it?”
“Why would I be?” you murmur, “he’s not mine to begin with.”
+Day 35
Mark: hey :)
Mark: it’s been a while
Mark: I miss you
You: I knw haha
Mark: are you coming for my match tomorrow night?
Mark: no no you have to come tomorrow!!
Mark: ok?
You: hahahah
You: I will oky
You: im finished with my work & all so why not haha
You: but I need you to come get me hehe
You: my friend wont be following so its just me :3
Mark: that’s great!!!
Mark: I’ll send u home too ok
You: oky Markie :3
+Day 36
You had your hands resting on Mark’s face, cleaning up his bloody face. Mark had lost this time round; his opponent was three times your size and had beat Mark down like a pipe.
“I don’t even know why I support you doing this,” you mumble, wiping the blood running down his face, “you make me worry too much,”
“I’m okay.”
You glare up at him. “If you think this is okay then I don’t what’s your definition of the opposite.”
He frowns at you but didn’t say a word.
It took you a good 30 minutes to clean up all of his wounds. You lean away from him, “make sure you rest for a week,”
He hums, staring at you, “thank you,”
You felt bad for being so harsh on him. You reach for his hands, holding it in yours, your thumb stroking the back of his hand.
“Can you take me home now? I’m tired,” you sigh.
Throughout the ride home, you had one of Mark’s hand resting on your lap. You didn’t let go for a second, loving the warm feeling of his hand clasped in yours. Before you knew it, his car stopped infront of your apartment building.
You pout, turning to face him., “I don’t wanna leave yet,”
“Me neither,” he chuckles, “don’t go,”
You lips break into a grin, “you loser,”
He hums.
You unlock the door, ready to open the car door but Marks tug on your hands. You face him. He lifts his free hands, his pointer finger tapping on his cheek.
You snicker at his actions, your pointer and middle finger pushing his cheek away. You stick your tongue out when he pouts at you. You open the car door and left the car, shutting it, turning to face the boy who was still pouting.
“Thanks for today,” you say, “make sure you rest for a week before you start working again,” you reminded him.
Upset that you didn’t kiss him, Mark clicked his tongue and gestured for you to go in.
+Day 40
Your eyebrows furrow when you saw the pictures Mark was tagged in Jaehyun’s photo. You knew this photo was recent from the evident bruises on Mark’s face.
You had already warned him to completely heal for a week before going back to work but why was he so stubborn?
The girls who was surrounding the guy you like didn’t go unnoticed by you. You noticed how he had his arms snake around both girl’s waist.
Shutting your eyes close, you let out a frustrated sigh.
“Is this from today?” you ask your friend, showing her your phone.
Your friend takes a look and nods without hesitation.
A loud and angry groan left your lips. Getting up from the couch, you stomped to your bedroom, shutting the door as you climbed in bed.
God, why was liking a boy so hard?
Tears started rolling down your cheeks. You were so frustrated with Mark. You liked him so much that you hated seeing him being hurt— even if it was something he loves doing.
It wasn’t the first time he was seen surrounded by girls. Although the both of you weren’t in an official relationship, you didn’t enjoy seeing him touching girls. Maybe you were being dramatic with the girls, but did you really want to date someone like him? Someone who could potentially be taken away in a flash?
You sit up, rubbing your eyes with a deep sigh. Everyone deserves a chance, even if he had hurt you.
You turn on your phone to send Mark a text.
You: you went to work today?
It took him less than a minute to respond.
Mark: how’d you know?
You: jaehyun’s Instagram
You: I thought I told you to rest?
Mark: sorry :( it was just a last minute match
You: hm
Mark: but on the bright side, I won this time!
Right. Of course he would win the match when you’re not there to support him.
You: was it fun?
Mark: yeah! Our friends came to support us
You: ohh who?
Mark: just some ex-school friends, you don’t know them haha
You: okay hha
Mark: you’re not angr right? Haha
Mark: angry*
You: no why would I be
You: you’re not my boyfriend so I have no right to be
You: mad
+Day 58
“Hey,” Mark sends you a bitter smile, “you okay? Been a whole year since we last saw each other,”
“It’s been 2 weeks, Mark,” you reply dryly.
Mark pouts and takes a seat next to you, “two weeks too long~”
He leans his head on your shoulder as his gaze on your phone. You turn to him slightly, offering your bubble tea to the male who happily accepts. He rests his hand on the plastic cup and your hand holding the cup, pulling it towards his lips.
You giggle, “you’re so cute, Mark.”
He squints his eyes cutely at you as he continues sipping on your drink. You didn’t complain, you love seeing him all happy.
You clear your throat, earning his attention, “I want to ask you something,”
He tilts his chin upwards, “what’s up?”
You try to think of a way to phrase your words together without sounding possessive.
Mark notices your furrowed eyebrows, he cracks a grin and nudges you with his shoulder, “don’t be so serious, what’s up?”
“Are you going to introduce me to your friends?” you blurted out.
Mark fell silent at your question. He wasn’t annoyed or anything— not at all, he couldn’t ever be mad at you. But it was just so sudden, where was this all coming from?
“I mean- you don’t have to, if you don’t want to,” you explain, “it’s not like I want to,” you laugh awkwardly, looking away from the male.
“N-no,” he stutters out, “it was just so sudden, where is this coming from?”
“I’m sorry,”
“Do you want to meet my friends?” he asks.
“I’m not forcing you,” you state, “it’s just a question- it’s not important,” you mumble the last part.
He let out a chuckle, “I want you to meet my friends,” he says, “but, they just…”
You purse your lips, already expecting the answer. Of course he won’t introduce you to his female friends. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t disappointed, but you couldn’t do anything. you can’t force him into doing something he doesn’t want to.
“I’m sorry,” he sounded sincere, too sincere. It’s weird.
You feign a smile, “It’s okay, but I have to go now,”
He frowns, watching you stand up to grab your bag, “already?”
You nod, “I’ll see you when I see you, I guess,”
Before he could even hug you goodbye, you had already left the bubble tea shop.
+Day 62
You had this habit of overworking yourself whenever you were down. You had drowned yourself in projects and work. The incident that happened a few days ago has left your mind, especially when he hasn’t sent you a single text.
“Hey,” your friend called, you hum in response, although your gaze was still glued on your laptop. “Have you been talking to Mark lately?”
Your fingers freeze at his name. Suddenly you were furious just by hearing his name.
“Why?” you reply crudely.
“He’s been asking me about you. Did something happen?” your friend asks, worried about you.
He’s been asking about you? So he has been thinking about you this whole time? Your heart fluttered a little at the thought. You genuinely liked Mark and it sucked that the both of you were already having arguments even before being a couple.
You bit your lip, turning around to look at your friend, “what did he say?”
Your friend passes you her phone, showing the text message between the two.
Mark: hey, im sorry if im disturbing you but
Mark: is y/n okay?
Mark: we haven’t been texting lately and I thought she needed space so i gave her that
Mark: I just want to know if she’s okay? If shes eating healthily?
Your lips tugged upwards at the text. God, he was so cute. You scroll down a little more to read more texts.
Mark: could you update me everyday on how she’s doing?
Mark: I miss her :/
“He really likes you, you know,” your friend says abruptly.
You pass her phone back, looking up at her.
“I know I’m not officially his and I have no right on stopping him who he should hang out with,” you explain, “but it upsets me seeing how he’s being surrounded by girls every single night,”
Your friend places her hand on your shoulder, her thumb caressing your shoulder comfortingly, “you should talk to him about it.”
She was right. Communication is key. You can’t keep it a secret forever. If it upsets you, then you should voice out.
You were going to talk to him about it.
+Day 67
You were at the underground boxing area again. Mark had texted you to come and support him. You were going to talk to him about it today. After his match. This was the only way that was going to make you feel better.
This time, you were standing near the wall, furthest from the boxing ring. Mark had warned you to stay here because of all the rowdy men crowding the area.
“With your petite size, you are just going to be stepped on,” he had said. 
You locked eyes with Mark who was standing in the ring. You automatically grin at him. Mark struggled to keep a straight face after seeing your adorable smile.
‘Good luck!’ you mouth, lifting your hands to show a thumbs up, then sending a heart to the male.
Mark’s heart flutter just by looking at you. He looks away to keep a straight face. Soon, the match started.
You swiftly turned to see a handsome male standing next to you. You send him a polite smile before turning back to look at Mark.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“I’m just here to support a friend,” you say plainly, your eyes gazing on Mark intently.
“I see,” the man says, “I’m Yuta,”
Does he ever stop talking? You hum, hoping it would stop him from talking to you.
“What’s your name?”
You wanted to roll your eyes at his question. You face the man, “I’m y/n,”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he flirts, winking at you. You grimace at his words. “You’re really pretty,”
You didn’t respond, irked by his presence.
“Do you hate talking or something?” he asks you. He rolls his eyes when you didn’t reply. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, I don’t, Yuta,” you sigh.
“Then? Do you hate me or something? Do you hate someone you’ve never met?” he asks you, leaning closer to you.
Unbeknownst to you, Mark saw you talking to the male and was distracted by it, which resulted in him getting punched in the jaw by his opponent.
Loud gasps and whistles filled the room.
You quickly turn to see Mark laying on the ground, getting stepped on by his opponent. Your hands went up to your mouth, watching in horror. Once his opponent was pulled away, you ran to find Mark, but was stopped by Yuta grasping your arm.
“Let go of me!” you shrieked, pushing his arm away, running to find Mark.
You see Mark in the room, holding his jaw painfully while Jaehyun helped him bandage his hand.
“Mark!” you call, running up to him. You instantly hold onto his elbow, scanning his face that was littered with bruises. He had a black eye too.
Mark meets your worried gaze. His eyes held something different— anger and annoyance.
“Are you okay? Are you badly hurt anywhere?” you ask.
The male suddenly pushes your grip off him, looking away from you. Your eyes widen at his actions.
Did you do something wrong?
You look at Jaehyun, hoping he would signal you something— anything. But he only looked away from you guiltily. You frown at the both of them.
“Mark?” he ignores your voice.
You felt your heart clench painfully. You didn’t know what you did wrong for him to treat you this way. A disappointed sigh left your lips as you turn around, leaving the underground boxing match.
You rest your back against the brick walls, you felt tears trail down your cheeks. You came here with Mark and was expecting him to drive you home, so you didn’t bring any money with you.
“Fuck,” you whisper, your fingers wiping the stray tears.
You fish out your phone, unlocking it but only to see a black screen. You harshly pressed on the button multiple times but it wouldn’t turn on. Great, your phone must’ve died. You look around, trying to find someone who could help you out.
“Are you going to get in?” a deep voice says.
You look up to see Mark standing next to his car.
A shaky sigh left your lips, brushing away the tears that wouldn’t stop leaving your eyes. You look out the window, hoping it would distract you. Another tear rolled down your cheeks.
“Stop crying,” Mark murmurs.
You wanted to scoff at that. How ironic, especially when he was the one who made you cry.
“I’m fucking trying,” you say through gritted teeth.
The car comes to a halt as you see your apartment building outside. However, you didn’t leave his car.
“Did I do something?” you ask. You have been dying to ask the question ever since.
He rolls his eyes, “I don’t know y/n, did you?” he responds sarcastically.
“Can you stop that?!” you shout, turning your body to face him, “Just tell me what I did so I can fucking apologize!”
He scoffs at your words, “who was that man? Openly flirting while I was in a match?”
Your brows knit in confusion. Is he being serious?
“Firstly, I don’t know who the hell that man was, and I was definitely not flirting with him,” you explain, “and secondly, you’re not my boyfriend. So, even if I wanted to flirt, I am allowed to.”
This relationship was starting to get confusing.
“We are in the talking stage!” he shouts, “technically you are mine.”
You laugh at that, “really? I can’t flirt with anyone but you’re out here hugging and touching random girls!”
He becomes quiet, looking away from your intense gaze.
You push your hair back, frustrated. “what now, Mark?”
He looks down at his lap, playing with his fingers. He felt like crying— he never cries. “I don’t think this is working out,” he whispers, voice cracking. “I think we should stop seeing each other,”
You feel your lips tremble, tears threatening to fall again. You close your eyes, the tears falling down your cheeks. Your hands clenched into fists, hoping it would stop you from letting out sobs.
“Okay,” you mutter, “I’m going to go,”
When you reached your apartment, your hand immediately rests on the wall, steadying your balance. You couldn’t even breathe properly as you let out loud sobs. Your heart was beating rapidly from your unsteady breathing.
You felt like you were going to die. You didn’t expect this to hurt so much.
You are going to get through this. You will get through this. 
+Day 83
It has been a few weeks since you had last seen Mark. You had spent most of your time in your room crying your eyes out. If it wasn’t that, you would be sobbing on the couch while your friend would try her best to comfort you.
You didn’t have the energy or appetite to eat. Your friend always made you drink lots of water and would sometimes make a sandwich for you.
Your friend had secretly sent text updates to Mark, but he would just ignore them. He was hurting as much as you were. Just by hearing your name, his heart would clench painfully. Mark had spent most of his time at the ring, taking out his frustration by throwing punches and kicks.
You were washing the dishes since your friend had left to support Jaehyun in the underground match. She had invited you to come with her, but you’d rather stay home, knowing Mark would probably be there.
Your phone started ringing. You let out an annoyed sigh, quickly putting the plate on the rack, then walking over to grab your phone. You answer the call.
“What?” you sigh, “I’m busy cleaning, you know?”
“y/n,” your friend breathes heavily. This was weird. “Can you come here?”
Your eyebrows knit in confusion, “what? Why? What happened?”
“Mark passed out,” she tells you.
Your eyes widen, “w-what?”
“He’s going to be sent to the hospital, you need to come, now,”
“What room is he in? Is he okay?” you ask, looking at your friend and Jaehyun with wary eyes.
“He’s okay,” Jaehyun says, “he’s in the room,” he nods towards the door.
You had tears threatening to leave your eyes. You couldn’t help but let the tears fall. You felt your body grow weak, you squat down, covering your face with your arms as you let out loud sobs.
It was all your fault. If you hadn’t taken care of him more often, none of this would’ve happened.
Your friend frowns at your state. She bends down and pat your back comfortingly. “Go in,” she persuades, “he has been dying to see you,”
You lift your head to look at her, a small pout on your lips. Your friend wipes your tears with her thumb, smiling at you.
Letting out a soft sigh, you stand up, smoothing your hair and your pants. Walking towards the door, you knock softly before sliding the door open. Mark tilts his head, seeing you walk in quietly with your lips pursed.
He didn’t know what to do. Should he send you a smile? Should he act cold?
When you got closer to him, you scan the state he was in. He had his forehead bandage and his arm in a cast. His lips were busted, a plaster on the bridge of his nose.
“Hey,” you say, voice still raspy from the crying earlier, “what happened?”
He clears his throat and looks away from you. He feels bad making you worried. But at the same time, he didn’t expect you to be here.
“Just a few bruises here and there,” he says.
“It’s nothing, really!” he exclaims.
You glare at him, “fuck you,” you spit. “I came down here because everyone was so worried about you. I was so worried about you. And now that I’m here, you’re going to tell me it’s nothing?”
Mark was unbelievable. God, why do you like him so much?
His eyes soften at your words. He bit his lip nervously, intimidated by you, he slowly looks up at you, “I just don’t want to worry you,”
You scoff, “your job already worries me, Mark.”
He pouts without even realising. He looks down at his lap guiltily, playing with his fingers.
You felt bad for shouting at him. Letting out a huff, you amble closer.
“You’re okay now, right?” you ask him.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, his gaze glued on his lap.
A pregnant silence fills you two, unsure of what to say to each other. You didn’t want to leave, and Mark doesn’t want you to leave. You bit your lips awkwardly as you look everywhere but Mark.
“I think I’ll leave now,” you say, “I have work to do and I don’t want to… disturb you,”
You stare at him, waiting for him to say something. Anything. disappointment fills you when Mark looks away from your gaze. You turn around, ready to leave the room when Mark calls your name.
“Did you mean it?” he asks, “that day,”
You stop in your tracks, your back facing him. Your grip tightens on your sweatpants.
“Mean what?” you repeat, “you suggested it, Mark,”
“I know,” he breathes, “I regret it,”
You missed Mark. You missed his dumb jokes and his annoying laughter which you loved so much. You turn around to look at him.
“I don’t like seeing you this way, Mark,” you confess, “your job scares me, it worries me,”
“What can I do to make you not worry, y/n?” he asks, eyes widening, “should I stop doing it?”
“That’s not what I meant,” you reply harshly, “if you would actually let me stay by your side, it might ease my worries,”
You step closer to the boy, your hand resting on his cheek. He subconsciously lean against your soft hand.
“I’m sorry for what I said the other day,” he professes, “I..I didn’t mean what I said,”
You take a seat on the chair that was next to his bed, holding onto his hands tightly. “Then, why would you say that Mark?”
“I just—“ he sighs, “I just didn’t want to lose you to someone else, y/n,” he explains, looking up at you, “we weren’t even dating yet! I just knew that I genuinely like you.”
Your heart clench at his words. “I didn’t like seeing you with other girls either,”
“I know,” he huffs, his free hand going up to ruffle his mop of black hair, “I was just stupid,”
Your thumb strokes his hand comfortingly, “It’s okay. It’s all over now,”
“I don’t want to deal with this anymore,” he tells you, “all this, jealousy and possessiveness.”
Is he going to…?
“I have been dying to ask you this question for the longest time,” he continues, “would you like to be my girlfriend?”
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garbagevanfleet · 3 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: talk of sex and such, feelings Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place.
Notes: alright, this is terribly late again because im a depressed snail at heart, but its longer than usual, so i hope that makes up for it. If you read my fic at all, i love you. If you interact with this fic in anyway, i want to wed you. 
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taglist: @valleyd0ll @satingrass-maidensfair @guitarfingers @thebohemianpenguin @peaceisouranthem @oblvions @hansonobsessed @myownparadise96 @anditsmywholeheart @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies @bigblack-catattack
You woke up in a daze of fuzzy but pleasant memories. You were trying to blink the sleep from your eyes when Josh entered your line of sight. He had emerged from the hallway, completely naked save for the necklace he’d been in the night before, little water droplets slipping from his curls to his shoulders. 
You shot up in bed, and as you did, the comforter fell away from your body. It took you a moment for you to realize that it was the air hitting your bare skin that was making you feel chilled, but it didn’t last long. Your face turned beet red as you quickly picked the sheet back up to cover yourself. 
He was giving you an odd look - somewhere between amused and concerned. “Are you alright?” he tried cautiously, still standing there stark naked. 
“Josh! You can’t just walk around naked,” you complained, stuttering on your words as they came out. 
He snorted a laugh. “What? First of all, this is my room. Second of all, it’s a little late to try and protect your modesty.”
You rolled your eyes at him until you realized what he was talking about. “Oh my god, we had sex last night,” you whispered to him like it was a secret, a tiny smile on your lips. 
He nodded, breathing a laugh. “Yeah.”
You experimentally shifted in your seat before grimacing up at him. “That would explain why I’m sitting in a damp spot.”
You could only describe the laugh that escaped him as a cackle, honest and unabashed. “Gross.”
You had to say you agreed with him. 
There was a cautious moment, where you stared at each other, both unsure of what to say. 
“Are we good?” he tried quietly like he was a little scared of what you were going to say.
You patted the spot next to you and he clambered in as he was told. You leaned against him as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 
“Of course, we are,” you assured, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. 
“If it’s going to make you feel better to pretend it didn’t happen, I wouldn’t be mad.”
You pulled away and looked up at him with a frown. “What are you talking about?”
He shrugged, sporting a nervous smile. “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
You heaved a big sigh, shifting to look into his eyes. “Josh, I want you to listen to me really carefully, okay?”
He nodded.
You slowly reached up to cup one side of his face in your hand. “I don’t regret it - actually, I had a really nice night. I just think that it would be best for everyone involved if it didn’t happen again. We probably shouldn’t be romantic...or naked around each other.”
The expression he wore seemed like an understanding one, at least to you.
“You want me to make pancakes? Maybe chocolate chip banana?” you offered, giving him a cheeky smile. 
He couldn’t help but match it. “Yes. You’re probably going to want to put your tits away first though.”
“You first,” you quipped, smacking the back of your hand against his peck. 
The rest of the weekend, the two of you spent watching Christmas movies on the couch (even though the holiday was more than a month away) while you worked on sewing the costumes. Josh had offered to ask the theater department if you could borrow a sewing machine, but you had been way too afraid of it to try and use it, so it sat in your room alone. That did, however, leave you to sew 26 costumes by hand. Well, more like 24, since Rachel had two of them mostly done. 
You were finding it oddly fun though, even though your fingers hurt by the fifth stitch or so. The hardest part was making sure you worked on the basics of every costume first - your instinct was to work on one at a time until it was perfect, but you knew you had to be smart about time management. Luckily, even though it was only near mid-November, Michigan’s weather was lovably unpredictable. The weather station had called for snow only through the weekend, but, in reality, it was Monday evening by the time it was done dumping snow - giving you a full three day weekend. 
Kate had been sending you pictures of the pieces of the set she had taken home with her to work on, and you couldn’t hide how impressed you were with her work. You would almost be offended at how good it looked if you hadn’t known she was an Art History major with a heavy side of sculpture work. 
In the last two weeks before the production, you barely got to see Josh. He would walk you to school, but then you usually wouldn’t see him for the entire rest of the day. You tried to wait up for him on Thursday night, but you ended up falling asleep on the couch, and woke at 1 am to him gently patting your shoulder. 
“Hey, you should get up and go to your bed.”
You blinked up at him, sitting up and brushing your sleep-mussed hair from your eyes. 
“You’re home so late,” you scolded half-heartedly, pulling your borrowed sweatshirt closer to your face. 
“I know, sorry. There’s still a lot to do, especially after we got snowed in last weekend,” he replied, sitting gingerly on the armrest. 
“I told you that I’m happy to help however I can.”
He smiled at you, but you had to admit that he looked over-tired. You’d been watching him burn the candle at both ends for three days straight. “It’s a lot of stuff that only I can do. Like going over the music and making the final set diagrams.”
You hummed in understanding as a response. 
“Want me to carry you to bed? You can come sleep in mine if you want,” he offered through a crinkly-nosed smile. 
You grinned back at him, genuine at first, but it quickly turned melancholy. “Josh,” you said under your breath. “I’d love that, but I don’t think it’s good for us to share a bed anymore.”
His expression fell, face turning blank. He nodded at you, standing and giving you a disappointed smile. “Sleep well,” he wished, patting your shoulder again once before retreating to his room. 
You stayed on the couch for a while, your knees tucked up to your chest, as you sat in your guilt. You had known it was stupid of you to have ever let things turn anything other than platonic with him - it had been undeniably fun, but he was your roommate, for fuck’s sake. You had to see him every day, eat your meals with him. Had you not selfishly let yourself go there in the first place, you’d be cuddled up beside him tonight. 
It had been so lovely having any kind of affection - platonic or otherwise - that you let yourself get carried away. 
When you finally got up and went to bed, Josh’s light was still on, his door shut for one of the first times since you moved in. 
Kate took you out for breakfast on Saturday morning to a local hole-in-the-wall that she swore had the very best pancakes she’d ever eaten. She had shown up in a puffer jacket that looked so warm, it made you jealous. 
You’d been chatting easily about your classes and the play, but when you had finished your first cup of coffee, there was a lull in the conversation. 
You hadn’t meant to say it, it just bubbled out. “I slept with Josh.”
She glanced up at you through her jet black lashes, stony-faced. “Yeah,” she replied, way too calm, sounding like she was wondering why you were even telling her.
You blinked at her for a moment. “Did you hear me? I had sex with Josh.”
She nodded. “Do you want me to pretend like I’m shocked?”
You grimaced at her, and in a whiny tone, responded, “Yes, please.”
A nervous laugh escaped her as she fixed her features to display a surprised expression. “You did what?!” she asked - purely for your benefit. 
You groaned at her. “Okay, I get it. I feel so bad about it, Kate.”
Her cherry lips shaped into a puzzled frown.  “Why?”
A deep sigh filled your ribcage - you had been hoping it would clear your head, but no luck. 
“Because I desperately miss being able to be platonically intimate with him and it not being awkward. Before this, I was sleeping in his bed from time to time when I got too cold and we would cuddle.”
“Why can’t you go back to that?” 
“Are you listening? I slept with him,” you groaned. “All I can think about is him on top of me now.”
She scoffed, her chipped nails tapping against her glass of diet Coke. “Imagine how he feels - Josh had real, honest to god feelings for you, I think. Like for a while.”
“You said that, but I don’t know. How do you know that he didn’t just want to sleep with me? Like not in a conscious way, but what if he just wanted affection? What then, Kate?”
She had one dark eyebrow raised at you as she sipped at her straw. “Because I know that’s not true.”
“How would you be able to know that? Because you see him sometimes at school-” 
She cut you off with a confident smile. “I know because I talked to Jake about it.”
You almost blew past it - that is until you realized what she had said. The two of you shared a long, silent moment as you stared at each other. 
“You’ve been talking to Jake?” you asked, trying to keep your tone even so she didn’t know how excited that made you. 
“I have talked to him in the past, yes. He said that he already knew, but he was able to pry it out of Josh when he was drunk once.” 
You stared at her. “Okay, there’s a lot to unpack here right now, I think we can both agree with that. But can we start with you and Jake?” 
She huffed a disbelieving laugh as she set her hand on yours on the table comfortingly like she was trying to cushion the news. “Josh has some feelings for you - the real kind.”
In an effort to prolong the moment that it was time for you to speak again, you picked up a bite of your breakfast and popped it in your mouth. The moment always comes though, no matter how long you try to put it off. 
“I can’t,” you said quietly, shaking your head in disappointment. Then when she prompted you with a confused look, you finished. “I can’t risk it. I mean, maybe there could be something there, but he’s my roommate. And my best friend - there’s no way I’d ever get lucky enough again to find someone I connected with like that if things went sour and I had to move out.”
She licked her lips absently. “My advice would be to think about it - for literally as long as you need to. I’m confident that you’ll figure out what you want.”
You nodded, not entirely convinced one way or another. “It’s hard because he’s so fucking cute,” you said in faux disgust. 
“And sweet,” she added. “Don’t forget that.”
You shot her an accusatory look. 
After a long pause, a smile found its way to your lips. “How cool would it be though if we were both dating one of them?” 
She laughed, picking a syrup-covered strawberry off her plate and chewing it with care. “Not me, I can’t be tamed. Jake is really hot and everything, but I got shit to do, you know?”
You scoffed at her. 
“I’m definitely keeping him in my contacts though,” she said with mischievous eyes. 
 You didn’t directly see Josh for the rest of the weekend, though he left evidence of his presence scattered through the apartment. He had left his hair mousse out on the sink and the toothpaste cap off of its tube in the bathroom, some crumbs of a sandwich he packed for lunch in the kitchen, and a note on his bedroom door. 
Can you please feed Penny a couple of flakes for dinner? If you have any time today, I’d appreciate it if you could spend some of it with her. See you sometime soon! - J
You plucked the paper off the door where it was barely hanging by a thin strip of green floral tape and smiled as you read it again. 
His bedroom was dim, hid away from the sun by his closed blinds. The desk by his door was covered in books - textbooks, music books, books for his English lit class, and one you’d seen him reading for fun on more than one occasion. On the hardwood floor next to his bed was a stack of papers, and even though you knew you shouldn’t you crouched to peek through them. 
They appeared to be rough drafts of plans for the play - nothing too exciting, but they were charmingly eccentric. He had done little doodles of his ideas for sets and props, even a whole sheet of costume ideas that caught your eye. You pulled it from the messy stack and folded it into your pocket. 
Careful not to spill any water, you moved Penny in her globe to your bedside table, but as you stared at her through the glass you frowned. 
You pulled your phone out and snapped a picture of her, trying to make sure you got an accurate portrayal of her size. She looked at you, sticking her lips out of the water in search of food. You remembered Josh’s warning about overfeeding her the first day you’d met him and it brought a genuine smile to your lips. You promised her you’d be back, holding your finger just above the water and letting her press her mouth to it. 
On the ride over to Petsmart, you had called your mom, asking if it would be okay if you borrowed some cash, to which she agreed to after her usual line of questioning. When you pulled into the parking lot, you checked your bank account just to make sure it transferred okay, always nervous that you’d get to the register and your card would decline.
You spent longer than you should have reading articles online as you studied the tanks, all set up in rows for purchase. They weren’t as expensive as you’d expect a water-sealed glass box to be, and after you were confident you had picked the right one, you still had plenty left in your budget for the dressings. 
You picked a couple of fun decorations - a fake log for her to hide in if she wanted to and one that looked like part of a broken Greecian statue. The part that took you the longest was picking out the healthiest-looking plants. You had read that goldfish often like to eat live plants, but you couldn’t bring yourself to buy fake ones - the plant lover in you knew it was a cardinal sin. 
A very kind cashier agreed to help you carry your haul to your car, even helping you shift it all correctly so you could make it fit. You left him a secret tip, even though he denied at first, and thanked him profusely.
Getting the tank into the apartment was the hardest part. You realized just how lucky you were that you didn’t live above the first floor. 
By the time you got the tank situated back on his dresser, your muscles - especially in your legs - were protesting, but you weren’t done yet. You grabbed an empty ice cream pail and started to fill the tank, one trip at a time until it was about 3/4’s full of water. 
The decorations had to be shifted multiple times before you liked their position enough to start pouring in the gravel around them. A Youtube tutorial taught you exactly how much of each chemical to add and how to put together the filter, and then you left it to cycle as you returned to your room.
Perched on your bed, you pulled the sheet of costumes from your pocket and studied it. You pinned it to your corkboard. Undeniably, the cutest design he had come up with was for the door mouse - grey fabric, huge ears, and a rope tail. 
The rest of the unfinished costumes were in a cardboard box by the side of your bed - you hadn’t moved it anywhere because you knew you’d be back at it before too long at any given time. You bent down off the side of your bed and rummaged through the different fabrics until you found the one you were looking for - a grey-blue faux suede deal. You were pretty sure you had enough to make it work. 
You fished your phone out from where you had buried it under the covers when you shifted and called the one person that could help. 
“Hello?” Kate mumbled, sounding like you’d just woken her up despite it being noon. 
You giggled at her. “Hi, I’m playing my best friend card. I know you’ve helped so much, but can you please please come work on these costumes with me?”
She hummed and then went silent for a good, long moment. “Give me ten to wake up and get dressed.”
A beaming smile spread across your face. “Kate, I love you so much. I’m going to Venmo you money to get coffee and donuts, okay?”
“Hmm, I do like donuts.” She sounded pleased.
“Good! Bring Jake too.”
The knock on your door came a half-hour later. You jumped from your bed, racing to let them in. Jake was dressed in the softest-looking flannel shirt you’d ever seen, a drink carrier in his hands that housed three drink cups. 
“Okay, so there are three jobs that need to be done. Measuring and marking, cutting, and sewing. If we each take one of those jobs, I’m confident we can finish a couple of the costumes today. I’ll let you guys pick first,” you informed as you lead them into your room. 
“I’ll take cutting,” Kate said, prompting Jake to reply that he’d like measuring. 
You handed Jake the notebook of measurements with a grin. “Rachel,” you started with a sneer. “Did a lot of the calculations for us, thank god. All you have to do is measure out the fabric. The tricky part is making sure you do it in a way that will leave enough fabric for the rest of the costumes.”
“Not a problem,” Jake responded with a smirk. “And I think her name is just ‘Rachel’, not ‘Rachel’.”
Kate shot him a look on your behalf. “I think she was just making a referencing the fact that Rachel left your brother with a huge ass list of things to do completely alone, not that she was jealous.”
“Jealous of what?” you asked accusatorily, a scowl painted on your face. 
Jake put both of his hands up in defense., but he didn’t appear apologetic in the slightest. Smugly, he said, “I’m just saying-”
Kate reached out and smacked his chest. “Jake, shut up. Okay, what one should we start on?”
“I’m going to have Jake start with this one.” You turned to the page in the notebook that showed the measurements for the door mouse, laying it out by him. “This is the main fabric. Kate, I have a lot of the Queen of Heart’s fabric measured and marked already, so I’ll have you start cutting that. There’s a lot of little pieces to that one.”
Kate looked at the six different fabrics you’d laid out for her, one eyebrow cocked at you. “Have you been getting any of your own homework done at all?”
Your cheeks flushed as you nervously rubbed at the back of your neck. “Let’s stay on track, shall we?” you replied, pretty much answering her question. “We’ve got one week until the production, and I know the costumes have to be done at least a day ahead of time.”
They both just stared at you in varying stages of disbelief. 
“Don’t look at me like that. We can do this,” you assured, sounding a hell of a lot more confident than you actually were. “Now let’s get to work.”
When Josh got home, you were nearly sleeping on the couch, the remains of your current project in your lap. You peeked at the clock.
10:54 pm. 
“You’re home so late,” you whispered, for no particular reason. 
“I know,” he agreed, wiping his hand over his face after he took his jacket off. 
“Come sit with me a minute,” you requested, shifting so he would have space. He gave you a grateful smile, immediately crossing the room to do as he was told. 
After a moment, he cautiously wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Is this okay?” he asked quietly. 
You gave him a smile. “Yeah, it’s perfect.”
You knew he must have been tired because he wasn’t talking a mile a minute like you were used to after not seeing him for long. 
“Are you hungry?” you asked.
He hummed, sounding like he was close to passing out. “I am, but I can make myself something.”
You scoffed, “Absolutely not. You got get into bed and I’ll bring something to you in a second.”
He reluctantly got up off the couch and clambered into his room. You waited patiently for him to notice the surprise, grinning to yourself when you heard him gasp. 
You listened as you made him a sandwich, and you couldn’t hear exactly what he was saying, but you knew he was talking to Penny just by the tone of his voice.
As you rounded the corner into his room, he turned and gave you a smile as bright as the sun. 
“Did you do this, or did Fish Santa come early?” he asked, his finger pressed against the glass of the tank. 
“Well, kind of both,” you responded through a laugh as you sat next to him on the bed and delivered his sandwich to his lap. “You can consider it your early Christmas present.”
He stared at you for a long beat, looking like he might cry. You knew you’d never be able to handle that, so you pulled him in for a hug, tightening your arms around him when he hugged you back. 
“You’ve been working so hard,” you whispered. “I miss my best friend.”
He turned his face, pressing his nose into your cheek in a move that felt a step or two farther than friends.
“I’ve put everything I have into this,” he admitted, and you were too scared to ask if he meant the play or something else. You sat like that with him for a long moment before he pulled away, giving you a thankful smile. 
“I’m sure you need time to decompress, so I’ll leave you be. Eat and then get some sleep, okay?” You stood and headed for the door, turning when he called your name. 
“Thank you,” he said.
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Arvin Russell - The preacher’s sins (1/2)
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Requested by an anon, please enjoy it! It was too long, so I divided it in two parts. I’ll post the next one tomorrow!
Plot: there is nothing bigger for you than the love you feel for Arvin Russell. Not a lot of people can awaken what he does in you, with his cheeky smile and chocolate eyes. Now, a stranger threatens to break that bond, manipulating where it hurts the most.
Warnings: It’s the devil all the time, and you know the preacher. So if you’re reading this, it’s because you’re alright with what’s about to happen. Anyway, violence and manipulation.
Arvin’s car was waiting for you when your shift at the café ended. You couldn’t keep the smile off your face when you thought about the upcoming events; a whole weekend just for the two of you, in your house since your parents were away in a business travel. That meant you could sleep in the same bed, have your own space and dream about finally moving in together. As you crossed the street jogging, your bag hanging from your left shoulder, you thought you could get used to it.
He was smoking, looking ahead and lost in his thoughts. Some wild strands of hair had fallen on his face, making him look a bit more childish that usually. Arvin Russell looked as handsome as ever, and for two whole days, would be handsome only for you.
“Arv” you announced your presence when you climbed in the seat beside him, rubbing your arms in an attempt to get ride of the rain’s coldness.
“Hey, pretty girl”
Arvin dropped his denim jacket over you, and while you put it on, he threw his cigarrete through the window’s car, moving his hand around to get ride of the smoke. Once he made sure you wouldn’t choke with it, he closed the car’s windows and looked at you with a half-smile.
“I can’t believe it’s finally happening” you giggled softly, enjoying that moment of excitement and peace.
“Hope ya haven’ changed your mind” Arvin quickly pressed his lips against your cheek, before starting the car. “How was work?”
As you started talking about a cute dog which owner had let you pet, Arvin drove you to your house. He managed to listen to the story, drive safely and sneak a hand so that he could hold yours.
During most of the weeks, it was hard to see him. He was busy with his family and his part times job, taking what he could to earn a little money. Lenora took a lot of his time too, because she often got picked up by the bullies at highschool and Arvin insisted in picking her up every day. Then, he went with her to the grave yard to visit his mother, and he stayed with her until she finished. Sometimes, he would sneak for a few minutes and come visit you in the café, ordering the cheapest thing in the menu and watching you for afar.
Neither of you had a lot of free time. Your family, humble and hard-working, was also very conservative, so even if they accepted your relationship with Arvin, they didn’t like when he stayed at night. His family didn’t have a lot of free space neither, and if they had they didn’t see with good eyes sleeping together before marriage.
That week hadn’t been different. You had been working every afternoon until the sun came down, and then drove back home. The only difference was that you had been stopping briefly at the church, to talk with the new preacher. You knew Arvin didn’t like him – which was why the mood darkened on the way to your house.
“He ain’t good, Y/N” he grumbled, briefly looking at you.
“You don’t know him, it’s just – he’s new here, he needs a chance to prove himself” you defended. “I know what he did to your grandma was wrong, but we can’t judge him by one mistake!”
“It wasn’ just one mistake. He talks and talks ‘bout how everyone is a sinner but ‘im” Arvin protested.
“Arvin, please” you shifted closer to him and placed a hand on his arm. “It’ll be just a few minutes. He told me he needed my help with something, you don’t even have to see him.”
The preacher, indeed, had told you the previous day that he wanted to meet you in the church on Friday. You hadn’t told him your plans with Arvin, even if he was kind of interrupting your peaceful weekend with your boyfriend; probably, because you knew he wouldn’t approve you spending the night with him.
Deep inside, you knew that Arvin was probably right; he always was at the end, no matter what he was talking about. He was the one who said that the boy who Lenora’s was after wasn’t a good man, and now he had fun chasing her with a bag and awful words. There was something about the preacher that you didn’t like either, but you still didn’t know what. For now, you wanted to be on his good side.
“So? Can we stop?”
“I’d feel better if not” Arvin scoffed. “But I guess that’s a yes”
Arvin stopped on the graveyard, an empty place where the sun was setting already. It was dark and silent, and even you, who wanted to stop, were starting to reconsider the decision. You looked out the window, seeing that the church’s door was open and a dim light could be seen from the inside. Arvin exited the car without another word, and you knew he was pissed. He wasn’t too keen on sharing his feelings, even more when they weren’t of love or happiness.
You had been dating for seven months officially, and it had been ten since he asked you for a date after your shift at the café. There was no way you could make him talk about it and comfort him before the sun disappeared completely, so you decided to ignore him and walk towards the church. Still, before entering you looked back, half expecting him to be ready to leave and pick you later. But he had lighted up another smoke and was leaning against the car, looking to his feet.
Much less happier than before, you entered the church. You wanted nothing more than Arvin to be happy, and if you were up to wish anything, for him to have a better relationship with the rest of Knockemstiff; starting with the preacher.
He was sitting in the first row, reading from a small book. The faint lights you had seen came from the candles, which made the place much more scarier than usually. You didn’t think anything about it, not even when you made yourself heard by calling him and he told you to close the door. It was a cold, October day, so you guessed there was nothing wrong with it. After looking at Arvin once more, and receiving no smiles, you closed the door behind you.
“What did you want me for, preacher?”
“Come sit with me, Y/N” he patted the bench beside him, and you approached him. “You ever read the bible?”
“Um, a little. Lenora reads to me sometimes, a-and from what I hear on Sundays” you explained, not really wanting to say it out loud.
The truth was that you had never learned how to read. You had had to drop out of highschool at a young age because your mother had fallen ill, and your father couldn’t manage the family business on his own. With no money to buy books or material, your father had you help in on the shop. You were good with numbers, from years of experience, and you were starting to know what some words were written like thanks to Lenora and Arvin. But not a lot of people in Knockemstiff knew that you didn’t write the orders down in the café because you didn’t know how.
The preacher hummed, finally raising his eyes from the small book on his lap. He shifted closer to you, until you were sure you could hear his heartbeat. He showed you what he had been so focused on, and while you knew some of the letters, it all looked like garbage.
“This is my favourite part” he said, his voice soft but with a sharp edge. “Mom used to read it to me every night, too. You know it?”
“U-um, yeah” you said. Quickly, you tried to search for a word that you could understand. Lenora always read to you a passage of the bible when you went to their house, and maybe you could know what was it about. However, the preacher closed the bible before you had time to find it.
“God is merciful and benevolent, Y/N” he stretched one arm behind your shoulders, and you felt tears run to your eyes when you understood he knew it. It wasn’t something to be ashamed of – Arvin had managed to convince you it wasn’t, but you felt embarrassment crawl through your spine. “He forgives us all, all of our sins. But you know what is what he doesn’t forgive? Lies”
The back of your hair was grabbed with so much force that you emitted a low cry. If the door had been open, maybe Arvin would have heard you. But he angrily pacing around the graveyard, thinking about how he shouldn’t be so hard with you, and you were too afraid and embarrassed to scream any louder.
You were met with the preacher’s hard eyes, hateful and unforgivable. The back of your head throbbed from how hard he was gripping it, and finally a lonely tear made its way down your cheek. It seemed to offend him more, because he squeezed harder.
“You think you’re worthy of stepping into this temple?” he hissed, his hot breath making you shudder. “You think I wouldn’t find out that you can’t read? Or that you spend the nights with that boyfriend of yours?”
“Preacher –“
“Shut the fuck up!”
The nice man who you had been talking to the rest of the week disappeared in thin air, and you were thrown to the ground with a force you didn’t know the kind preacher had. A small cry of pain left your lips as your right wrist bent awkwardly against the edge of the bench, and you tried to move away. But the preacher had other ideas, because he hoisted you up until his face was inches away from you again.
You were sure he would just bash your head against the bench and Arvin would only have your cold body for the weekend when his face morphed, and that calm that always surrounded him was back. He sat on the bench again, and put his head against his hands, as if he was in deep thinking. Before you could think about running out of there screaming Arvin’s name, the preacher talked.
“Get naked”
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primalsouls · 3 years
kaeya x gn! reader
⚠️ : none
theme : fluff
note: im still learning how to write kaeya lol anyway hope you enjoy reading it! i think i really like how this one turns out so i hope you do, too. :> thank you for reading ❤
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Working at Angel's Share had its perks. On one hand, it was fun to watch drunkards make a fool of themselves, tell stories of their adventures if they were from the Adventures Guild or simply have good time after Knight hours. On the other hand, those same drunkards tend to leave a huge mess that someone had to deal with later on. [Y/N] was that someone. They had started working for Master Diluc's tavern a few weeks ago as a bartender. It wasn't their first time working behind the bar. They had worked a couple of other taverns until they decided to settle a life in Mondstadt, the City of Freedom, as they remembered was one of the many names the city had.
A tired sigh left their lips as they placed another clean glass on the shelf behind the counter. [Y/N] had finished serving drinks since no new customers arrive after a few hours ago. No one bother to get more, at least not at the moment. They thought they would be done with making drinks until a certain bluenette appeared from the corner of their vision. With a quiet groan, [Y/N] turned to fully face the captain of the Knights who sat in front of them with a grin. Before they could utter a word out, Kaeya beat them to it.
"You come here often?" He asked, a bright hue of red on his cheeks, his grin turning into a smirk. It was no doubt the man was drunk. The question, possibly an attempt at flirtation, left the bartender puzzled and dumbfounded at the same time. It wasn't the first the Calvary Capitan tried to flirt with them. And it was no lie that [Y/N] didn't found it entertaining. Without missing a beat, they glanced at the captain and opened their mouth to speak.
"Well, I work here," they began, arms crossed over their chest as they leaned against the counter. "So, I think I'd have to say 'yes'." The bartender continued, their head tilted to one side. Kaeya's smirk grew wider, clearly enjoying his time with the worker.
"Ah, what a shame. Perhaps if you work for the Knights of Favonius, we could have been seeing each other every day." Kaeya continued with his flirtatious comments towards [Y/N], who gave him a raise of a brow. A laugh left their lips as they shook their head.
"Please, I prefer not to be on Master Diluc's bad side." [Y/N] responded, taking another wet, clean glass and began to work on drying it with the cloth they left beside them. Kaeya propped an elbow on the surface of the bar counter, chin resting on the palm of his hand as the other brought the glass of wine he held to his lip. The pair stared at each other for a few minutes. [Y/N] didn't know what to make of it but the stare Kaeya gave made their stomach fluttered with butterflies. They won't admit it but they did had a thing for the captain of the knights and whenever they come across him, whether outside or inside of the tavern, Kaeya does make an attempt to befriend the bartender. And they allowed it. They did liked the attention from the one-eyed knight.
"Hmm... Does it matter whether you're on Diluc's good or bad side?" Kaeya started, placing the emptied wine glass on the counter and slid it towards the other carefully. "He isn't fond of everyone, you know."
[Y/N] pursued their lips together, thinking over his words. They only shrug when nothing came to mind, taking the glass after putting the other one they had away on the shelf. Turning their back on the Cryo user, the [hair color]-nette focused their attention on the glass, ignoring the burning gaze of the man. The ignorance didn't last long. They didn't like being stared at for too long, so gently placing the glass down, they looked back at Kaeya.
"Do you need anything else?" They asked, hands on their waist as they fully faced him.
"A date."
A rosy blush bloomed across the bartender's face, their [eye color] eyes widen at the bold statement. They didn't expect to be ask so soon. Especially by someone like Kaeya, the Calvary Capitan of Knights of Favonius. [Y/N] glanced around, avoiding eye contact with the young man.
"You're really drunk, aren't you?" They asked, laughing the situation off but when they looked back at the bluenette vision user, a serious experience was what they were met with. It made the blush redder when [Y/N] realized he wasn't joking despite his state. They just couldn't believe. Of course, Kaeya flirted with them. Even make attempts to talk with them when he was no drunk or at the tavern. And they enjoyed those moments. But was it right to accept the date. Maybe he wouldn't remember the next day. No, that was not true. [Y/N] doesn't know how he does, but Kaeya does intend to know what he had done the day before after a drunk night at the Angel's Share. Guess not every drunkards forgets the night.
"So, what do you say, huh? Go on a date with me, [nickname]~." Kaeya continued to pester, leaning closer over the counter, eye shined with determination.
[Y/N]'s lips pressed into a thin line, their blush possibly spreading up towards their ears as they wiped the wine glass with shakily hands. Their heart skip a beat with each thought that came to mind about the date. So many possibilities could happen on the date, whether good or bad. They don't consider themselves date-able in terms of romantic relationships. No once had they been ask out before. So, what did Kaeya see in them? They only met a couple of months ago, ever since they started work in the tavern. And, possibly much like anyone else would, they did found the man attracted when they first met. And, yes, their eyes landed on the opening space of his shirt at first. They were embarrassed when Kaeya noticed and pointed it out.
But after a deep thinking, which they were grateful that Kaeya didn't push it, they came to a conclusion. [Y/N] sighed tiredly and looked back up at the captain, who stared at the bartender with a genuine smile that made their heart rate increased at the sight of it.
"I'll go on this date with you, but you better not forget about it tomorrow after your hangover." They said softly with a small frown on their forehead. Kaeya grinned at the answer as he nodded.
"Don't worry, dear. You should know by now that even after a horrid hangover, I won't forget about anything. Especially as important as our date." With a wink sent over their way, Kaeya reached over and took one of their hands, bringing it to his lips and place a kiss on each knuckle before pressing his lips longer on the top of the hand. Such action caused the butterflies inside [Y/N] to flutter more violently. It warm up their chest. Letting go, Kaeya smiled once more at the bartender as he left the pay for the drinks he took during his time at the tavern. "I'll see you tomorrow, my darling."
[Y/N] nodded, afraid that if they speak they would had sounded like a fool. They watched Kaeya stand up from the seat and turned his back on them, waving their hand as he made his way toward the door, but before he left, he looked back at the bartender. With the door already opened, Kaeya blew a kiss at their direction, a smirk on their face as he slipped out the door. The gesture froze the other in their spot, hoping their heart wouldn't burst out from their chest. They shook their head after a few minutes of silence, aside from the other patrons, and return back to their work, the blush still on their face being accompanied by the bashful smile that grew on their face. A date with Kaeya. How exciting. They couldn't wait for it.
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