#anyways she has so many outfits so i just chose my favorite
cathalbravecog · 9 months
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i'm the antonymph of the internet
#how many tributes to this song will i make in my life#MANY ! it literally changed my life and means a lot to me. i love antonymph and vylet pony's music is worth checking out - please do.#unsupervised internet access as a queer neurodivergent kid anthem !!#i chose to do misty since we all know i like drawing her in experimental pieces and putting her in outfits. she also has art in a gir hoodi#from the clash team in treasure trove!! :D#this is also experimental/stylistic as well!! had fun!! nice to just draw something in one day and not worry. leaves me tired but...#haven't done a nice piece like so in one day in a while!!! i'm very proud :] it's a fun one#anyways... both a little tribute to the song and misty as a character#ihave so many thoughts about misty even if i dont talk publicly on them. shes a very interesting character to me and i care about her so#much. i compared her to fluttershy in the past - and realized that if i liked ttcc as a kid she would've been my favorite.#fluttershy on her own meant a lot to me as a child. including mlp itself as it's one of the core things that got me into drawing art online#a lot of my analysis on misty and headcanons at least on the more emotional scale do come from a bit of projecting but...it makes it more#fun to me when i can put myself into the shoes of a character like her who i already relate to. rrghh too bad im scared to talk about her#too much in nuanced detail in public since some people are... not so nice about her. though i know the tumblr audience is nice and unders#standing!!#anyways from me just having fun being me#i let misty have a little bit of fun... something i think she would possibly enjoy? i do see her as someone who gets nostalgic#and is stuck in more childish things and matters. she wants to play ip dip with you...its very sweet to me. letting myself and her be#confident through a song that means so much to me is kind of powerful to me. i had a lot of fun making this drawing.#anyways. love this song. love ttcc. love mity /p. be swag and be self indulgent and have fun. you can do anything u want forevah#toontown#toontown corporate clash#antonymph#guz art#rainmaker
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
what are your favorite met gala looks, if you have those? could be any year
oh my god okay so i could talk about this all day but i’m gonna choose a masculine and feminine look from my two favourite gala themes and talk about them
this is by far the BEST met gala theme there has ever been . this was the most iconic year with honestly the most beautiful garments . it’s hard to pick a favourite bc there was so many gorgeous ones like shot out to zendaya and her joan of arc outfit that was gorgeous, and blake lovely rihanna cardi b sza EVERYONE tbh the looks were fantastic but here’s two i want to talk about
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chadwick boseman !!!!! rest in peace chadwick you were an icon and i love you :( but this was genuinely my favourite masculine costume that year it’s so regal . it’s simple but the ornate details across the front of the cape and the suit bring this element of delicacy that is just so elegant. almost referential to elements of design in the vatican . the off white suits the undertones of his skin as well had the entire costume been the pure white of the button up shirt it would have washed him out the warmer tone suits him. it’s so gorgeous .
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for feminine i chose katy perry !!!!! al thought he outfit itself is a little basic being just a golden mini dress and high boot, the wings pull it all together for me. the absolute intricacy in the maker of these wings the designer is so fucking amazing . she is THE archangel. the added mesh layer over her dress and sleeves was a good idea i think so that there is some kind of pattern for some added detailing but nothing that’s too loud that would conflict with the wings or draw attention the bodice . this for me is one of the most underrated looks from this year everything down to the colour of her hair is perfect and the haircut itself works so well with this had she wore a wig it wouldn’t created too much going on around the neck she looks so beautiful and the impurity of the colour of the wings moving between shades of cream golds and off whites is so beautiful to me. absolutely gorgeously constructed garment . fantastic .
2019: CAMP
SO many people had trouble understanding the theme for this one just wearing ugly clothes but no girl . camp is a theatrical performance of gender art and fashion . you’re not just wearing something ‘so ugly it’s good’ you’re wearing something carefully curated to display a flamboyant and theatrical performance deeply rooted in queer culture . anyway .
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lady gaga. she fucking gets it . it’s the performance of femininity and sexuality . it’s the theatrics behind her costume, the orchestration behind each reveal and her attitude change with each new outfit she appeared in . it might not be intended this way but the evolution of female sexuality present in her performance from standards of beauty representing the modest neckline and wide hip illusion created by the flowing petticoats towards the modern movement of sexual liberation ending with her present in front of a crowd in clothing that is considered inherently sexual, or ‘skimpy’ having men as the ones who removed each layer of her clothing as theatrics and the performance of sexual liberation and the entitlement to the female body . that’s just my interpretation tho .
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ezra miller . I KNOW WE ALL HATE THEM THEYRE LITERALLT A CRIMINAL . but this fit went hard. the outfit incorporates both traditionally masculine and feminine aspects like the corset representing the feminine silhouette as well as the train a mockery of the masculine tailcoat becoming the feminine train indicative of the blurred lines between modern gender created by a sense of periodic fashion . the mask a hint to the experiences of the queer person hiding their uniqueness their ‘flaws’ and ‘imperfections’ that can be seen as unnatural by those looking upon them . red lipstick hidden by the mask again hinting towards that hidden femininity associated with the queer man . the multitude of eyes as well indicative of the queer persons constant vigiliamce and need to constant be aware of how they present themselves their mannerisms their appearance the way they speak it’s a reflection of constantly watching how peopel perceive you from behind the mask OUGH . maybe i’m reading too much into these.
anyway these r my favourite looks thank you for your time
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igotsnothing · 1 year
List 3 of your favorite sims from other simmers you enjoy and explain why (Send this to 10 other blogs 💖💖)
Hi, mysterious friend! I've done this ask before, but I have so many simblrs I enjoy that I won't turn down the chance to fangirl. I chose three sims from stories I really like and recommend:
@damseljamsel's Rosa Magnolia. Besides having a beautiful name and being lovely herself, Rosa is such a sweet, empathetic character. She is this gentle soul who is learning about her mystical powers and THEEEEN she meets Bo Braveheart, a shaman and a member of Glorious Guys (tm). Their love story is so tender and he is so hawt. Anyway, they start building a life together, have the most adorable baby girl...But Bo has this really unpleasant brother and Rosa keeps having these premonitions/dreams that warn her of threats to her idyllic life...I don't want to spoil anything. Go read it. I go unhinged in the comments and worry damsel is going to take a restraining order against me any day now.
@magicofsimplestories's Daniel, who is in "City of Inspiration" and "The Waking Light", which I've been enjoying and really need to catch up on (I miss a lot of updates for whatever reason...WHY, TUMBLRRRR???). It's been interesting following his trajectory through life, as he figures out what he wants, where he is going, (also he's handsome, so there is that, too). His movie posters are the best (The Unnaturals--I'd go watch that NOW). You'll find yourself rooting for him and totally shaking your head at this one piece-of-work girlfriend he has at one point... The stories are well written and super engaging!
@lynxsimago's Briar, in her story "A New Day". This is the story I credit for introducing me to the founding member of Glorious Guys (tm), Lou Howell. Her take on him is hawt and sexy, and also layered. The story itself is so interesting, with world building that consists of occults living in a tense truce with regular people under an increasingly fearful government of paranoid conservatives (sound familiar?...). Briar is funny, kind, adorable, and dealing with massive hang ups. She and Lou had been school friends and lost touch--there's a lot of guilt on both sides regarding that. One of my favorite moments in the story is when Briar is getting ready to go on a date with Lou and she horrifies her sister with the most hilariously disastrous wardrobe choices (I mean, that clown outfit had me in stitches).
There are so many others I love to see and read about! I guess you'll just have to keep sending me asks about this! ❤️
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calyxthenerd · 6 months
Group Vacation Surprises
Let’s take a look at how our favorite skaters and musicians are handling sharing rooms and a glimpse of their first day of vacation together, shall we?
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“So, which bed do you want?” Violetta questioned
“Um…” ‘How do I tell her I’ll probably just sneak off to the room my girlfriend’s in as soon as she falls asleep?’ “You can pick”
“Okay, so the one by the window is mine, but since I chose the bed, you can take the closet, I organized my outfits inside my suitcase anyways”
“Thank you! That’s really sweet! If you want, you can borrow some of my stuff too, I’m a really big fan of your work, by the way!”
“Thank you! It’s always good to meet fans!”
On the room next door
“Man, so good to bunk with someone I know, no offense to Simón’s cousin’s friends, but it would be really awkward to share with total strangers, y’know?” Pedro thought out loud, throwing himself in the bed closest to the door
“I totally get it, obviously I would’ve preferred to share with my bro, but I’d pick you over a stranger any day” replied Gastón, laying his suitcase on the bed and starting to unpack
On the other side of the hallway
“Don’t worry ‘Talia, you go make sure your girlfriend doesn’t murder her roommate, I’ll unpack your stuff” Marco reassures his friend
“Thanks Mar, if I’m not back in an hour, call an ambulance” Naty kisses his cheek and bolts out the door
A few doors over
“Geez, how many bows do you own? Please tell me you brought your entire collection” Ámbar exclaims, stupefied
“Pffft, no way, this is not even a third of it, these are just the ones I like to bring on vacation” Francesca answers, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world
“…And they call me a psycho” the blonde mumbles
On the room bellow them
“So, you like rap too?” Asks the shorter boy, unpacking his caps
“Yeah, I’m the best at it there is” answers the taller one, laying his skates by the door
“Cool…” Maxi was not impressed
Two doors from them
“So, half the hair gel for me and half for you?” Asked vest-wearing Italian #1
“Sounds good, also, what’s up with that other guy who looks exactly like you?” Questioned the redeemed asshole
“I honestly have no idea, and I’m too scared to question it, so I just pretend it’s not happening”
“You know what? Fair”
Two floors up
“You look really similar to my friend’s girlfriend and her twin sister, you know?” Says the moonchild
The hippie’s eyes widen “Oh, I know exactly who you’re talking about, they both wanted to join a band so they pretend to be one person and then two guys from the band fell in love with them, which caused chaos and ended with the other guy falling from the stage?”
Luna furrows her eyebrows “Yeah… how did you know?”
The redhead grins sheepishly “Because those are my younger sisters, Eva and Ada, and that whole thing was kinda my idea”
“WHAT???? My best friend almost got seriously hurt because of it!”
“I know, and I’m sorry, but I had no way of knowing all that stuff was gonna happen!!”
A few feet away from this conflict
“You’re a solist right?”
“And you’re Italian?”
“And you wear vests everywhere?”
“And your girlfriend has some form of space motif?”
“And you’re a cocky idiot?”
“Ask my girlfriend about the nickname she gave me when we first met”
“… And your name is not Federico Paccini?”
“I’m pretty sure I know what my name is, I had it since I was born”
“I’m sorry, it’s just… you’re identical”
In the room next to this identity crisis
“So, I made this list with the best tourist spots around here, mayeb we can go with the girls? Or maybe as couples, but I guess for you it’s the same because your girlfriend is also our friend and-“
“Nina, Nina, relax, for now, let’s just unpack, and I promised Simón that later we would take our guitars to the beach and have a jam session together”
“Oh, okay, I guess I’m gonna check if Gastón wants to go check out the museum with me”
The singer smiled gently “I’m sure he’ll love to geek out over old stuff with you”
Down the hall
“So you’re a bassist?”
“No, I’m Andres”
“Yeah, I got your name, I’m asking if you play the base?”
“You stole my name???! Just like those faeries I read about!!!!”
“No, I mean- Screw it, I’m not dealing with this” and he sets to start unpacking
On the next room over
“Since I know you’re going to take up the whole closet, the bed near the window is mine, and don’t start with the speech about needing to wake up to sunlight, because you’re going to sneak in with me in the middle of the night anyways”
“You know me so well!” says the redhead, jumping on her girlfriend’s arms, making them both fall on the bed
“Okay, Jazzy, now get off, we need to unpack”
“Can’t I just have that nice curly haired lady downstairs do it?”
“Jazmin! That’s another guest! She doesn’t work here!”
“With the way she was dressed, you’d never notice”
A few doors over there’s a noticeable beat of Samba coming out
Simón groans, covering his head with a pillow “Can you please turn the music down? I’m trying to sleep here!”
“Irmão! Why would you want to sleep! There’s a beautiful day out there! We have beaches! The sun! Music!”
“I know, I know, I know!! I grew up here, I know how it is, but right now, I need to sleep, so please, turn it down!”
And then there was fighting a few doors down
“Those pastels of yours make me puke”
“It’s better than your red and black shit”
“Whatever! The bed near the door is mine!”
“No, I want that one!”
“Ugh, Fine, I’m only staying with you until my girlfriend says she’s ready anyways” she connects her phone to a small speaker and starts playing metal music, and Ludmila gets ready to lunge at her, but Naty opens the door on the nick of time and grabs her girlfriend before she can get to the goth
“Lu, don’t, remember the last time, Diego had to pay for it, and he promised that if it happened again, he would leave you there to rot”
Ludmila is panting, but recovers, straightens her back and says “Nat, tell Marco that he’d better leave the room to us if he doesn’t want to witness anything that might scar him for life”
“On it” the curly haired one starts fiddling with her phone as they both leave the room
In front of the hotel
“Simón, are you sure it’s a good idea to leave with our phones on silent? I mean, the only references they have besides you are Luna, who is probably going to be busy with a certain Italian boyfriend of hers and Emilia, who is probably not going to be a big help, if she doesn’t go AWOL to make out with Ámbar on the beach somewhere” Yam rambles
“Don’t worry, they’ll be fine, besides, there’s Nina, who’s whole thing is worrying about everyone”
“Yeah… she’s going to be busy for the next few hours too, she said something about a museum date with Gastón”
“Okay, so what if they don’t have any one who knows the city or is responsible enough to look after them? They’re all legally adults! I’m sure it’ll be fine! C’mon! I’m gonna take you to one of my favorite spots! I always went there to get inspiration for my songs!” And he drags her away into the city
Soon two people replace them in that same spot
“Where is Marco?! We set a very specific time to be here so he could show us the city!” cried the antsy Italian
“Calm down, Preciosa, I’m sure he’s alm-“
“I’m here! I’m here!” wheezed the Mexican “sorry I’m late, I got stuck unpacking mine and Naty’s stuff so she could rescue Ludmila’s roommate from her post-flight crankiness and then they got back and kicked me from the room, probably to have a… moment”
“Okay, it doesn’t matter, can we go now? I really want to meet your home!!” said the bow lover
“You do know I’m from Mexico City, right?” says the laidback musician, starting to guide his partners into the city
Right after they left, two other people zoomed out of the lobby, barely escaping getting berated by hotel staff
“So, Chico Fresa, ready to experience Cancun from a local’s point of view?”
“With you? Always” and they skated away until they were out of sight
And out walked yet another pair of people
“Come onnnnn! I want to go to the amusement park!” cried the polo-clad Argentinian
“But there’s a killer party just two blocks from here!” countered his Brazilian companion
“Fine, but only because you’re funny at parties” he relents, letting himself get dragged away, just as a couple comes out of the building
“I’m still not convinced it was a good idea to let those two go off on their own, I mean, Broduey and Andres? last time they were left by themselves I had to pick them up at the hospital in Berlin” sighed the exhausted Mexican
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, but we have to get moving or we’ll miss our reservation, don’t forget I’m wearing heels today, so we can’t walk too fast”
“Who said anything about walking” just as he finishes talking, a carriage appears, with a horse and flowers around the edges and all
“You really never get tired of making me fall in love with you, do you?”
“Never. now, m’lady” he helps her onto the vehicle, before climbing in himself and giving the charioteer directions
Just after they leave, a pair of blondes run out, holding hands
“I rented a boat, in that same place we went the first time we were here together, that way we can go back, but without the part of throwing your cousin’s skates into the ocean and having to jump in to grab them”
“Sounds perfect, Em, let’s go” and they go off holding hands towards the docks
After them, four people come out together
“So, I mapped out all of the best boutiques and we can hit them all before dinner if we’re fast!”
“I’m sorry Jaz, I have something I need to do, but I’ll let you borrow Pedro to carry your stuff! And Nico too, but then that’s not for me to choose, gotta go, bye” says the black haired girl, before rushing off
“Hey! Delfi! Where are you going??” yells her boyfriend, but she’s already outside of hearing range, calling for a cab
“That was weird, anyways, come on boys! We have a long evening of shopping ahead of us!” She grabs them both by the wrist and drags them off to the nearest clothes’ store, as they both groan
Then comes out another duo
“So, I hear that a few blocks away there’s a cool band playing, wanna check it out?” Ask the cap wearing boy
“Sure, let’s go” replies his Italian friend, and they leave
Out comes another couple
“And I found this amazing museum with a bunch of props from sci-fi movies, do you want to go see it?”
“Is water wet? Of course I want to go! Specially with you!” says the Spaniard, dragging his girlfriend to go find a ride
“Actually, that saying is wrong because water itself is not wet, but rather what makes things wet and-“ they slowly walk further and further from the hotel as she rambles on
Out comes yet another pair
“So, I heard there’s a pretty cool Karaoke place in the next neighborhood, I was thinking, since your girlfriend is not here, you’d want to sing a few songs with me?” asks the rapper
“Sure, we haven’t sung anything together in a while an-“
They are interrupted by another presence, that decides to jump on Ramiro’s back “Fellow redhead! tall guy! where are you going? Can I join you?”
“Get off! What the hell?” Protests the alternative boy
“Sure, the more, the merrier” says the shorter one
“Cool! Tall guy? Can I?” asks the girl again, still hanging from his back
“Fine, I guess you can go” he resigns to carrying her, leading his friend to get a cab
“Wohoo!! Adventure!!” hollers the hippie, as they begin their journey
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charmixpower · 2 years
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☀️ Stel hairstyles explained 🌙
Stella! This one was probably the easiest because she has so many fun canon hairstyles to chose from, and making her hair even fancier is an absolute delight. I had to get a little creative with her earrings because I didn't want her to just have the same ones in, but it god hard after a while. Thankfully I think they turned out really well!
On to my thoughts about the individual styles
Classic Stella: behold, my hatred of Stella's early season pointy bangs in it's purest form. Also my redesign of her s1 outfit. I could not not include Stella with her hair down bc Stella would never have her hair up most of the time, and that's something. A high ponytail wouldn't be wrong but why would you do it like that with a bow????? Can you remember who this character is supposed to be???? Take those bows off her right now or so help me god—
Bedtime Stella: I love this outfit from s4 and I just had to include it bc it acknowledges how Stella has to deal with a fuck ton hair 24/7. It's just great. Putting the orange of the hair ties only on the yellow of her blended too much, especially because I made Stella's hair honey colored. So I made it red. Bonus unstyled bangs, bc I had to acknowledge her classic bangs somewhere
Club Stella: BLUE ERA. I never noticed how much long hair soften Stella look until I put it all into a small braid. Her muscles are so much more noticeable. I'd imagine this would be a reason Stella would avoid not having her hair down in anyway. Aside from that, I saw a braid from this hideous later seasons green thing pretending to an outfit and I just had to keep a braid for Stella bc the hair was so cute. Just one, decided to put it with a corset and all blue and purple for Stella embracing her moon for a night out
Disco Stella: I know a lot of people don't like this outfit, and nooo!! Look at how tacky she looks!!! It's so cute!!! She has some my favorite earrings here, like yesss I was so happy when I put those on her. I think I might be biased bc I really like how Stella looks without her bangs lol
All natural: we got ~all natural~ Stella. With her glasses, natural hair, and without the extensions she usually wears. I know plenty of people who usually have straight hair (most notably my mom and irl close friend), and the reason usually comes down to "it's easier to deal with" but I don't think that Stella would care if her hair was easy to deal with or not? So I'm giving her the reason I used to have my hair straight 24/7 as a child. She's extremely tender headed and anything that pulls her hair makes her start crying because it hurts so much. Curls pull, straight hair usually doesn't. That's how my mom delt with me before I was able to brush my own hair properly bc it just hurt so much, and I could deal with my hair my own way at that point. I really hate the way I look with straight hair so I sucked it up, but I still refuse to let combs come near my hair. I imagine Stella doesn't despise the way she looks with straight hair, but really likes it. Listen, I know she can just magically grow her hair but listen. It's just fun if Stella has extensions in, and getting my hair braided hurt way less than getting it brushed so I think extensions would hurt less too. Also yes, after seeing young Stella I have hc'd that she wears contacts most of the time bc she doesn't like the way she looks with glasses
Cozy Stella: I really love her fruity music bar look. Like a lot of the outfits from s4 annoyed the fuck out of me, see the Musa s4 civilian rant, but the fruity music bar ones always fucked. I gave cozy casual Stella a well styled low side ponytail, and a tinner headband. Because relaxing doesn't mean she's not gonna look good while doing it. Can I just say I love the side ponytail? For what reason the designers keep adding high side ponytails I'll never understand, but the low one looks so cute on her
Princess Stella: I know the correct answer to "why is that headpiece floating behind her head" is magic, but that's not fun for me, so I made it apart of a high bun which is holding it up. Love the earrings her so much, I was starting to run out of earring ideas lol. I added some sleeves to make the outfit slightly more royal looking. They're short sleeves, don't worry lol
Gala attendee: Omg I love the top of Stella's flower princess dress, we don't acknowledge the rest of it. We also don't acknowledge the second part of her bun. I'm not doing it. The double bun is hidious and I will not draw it, the single bun is super cute tho. I should of made it bigger tho bc of all the damn hair Stella has. VERY happy with her earrings on this one, so pretty
Princess ball: I left her hair mostly the same because this is best high ponytail that Stella has worn and will ever wear, and I don't wanna fuck with perfection. I did mess a little with her dress because I've always hated the top part of it mdksnd I feel so bad but the one sleeve and the slanted stap look bad to me fjajsns that's all
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ohmyronpa-imagines · 2 years
Hello!! I'm here to request some fluff domestic headcanons with Ibuki x reader (preferred female but I don't mind gender neutral or male lol just do what you wanna do 😜)
Look I'm just as disappointed in myself as you guys are. Once again, it took too long to get an imagine out. Anyways, I hope you enjoy, Anon! - Mod Hajime
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Fluffy Domestic Ibuki Headcannons Fem! Reader
Ibuki wakes up early, like 4:00 AM early. Though, she usually stays in bed with you because she doesn’t want to accidentally wake you up.
When you do get up, she bombards you with kisses (if you’re okay with kisses).
Her love language is touch, she loves to hug you, kiss you, hold your hand, as long as she’s close to you she loves it.
She has so many pet names for you she barely calls you by your actual name.
Her favorites are “honey” “babe” “my love” and “sweetcheeks “.
More than once she has yelled “I love my girlfriend” at the top of her lungs in public.
Sometimes she’ll write songs about you, she has an entire album about you.
She tried to bake for you once. Keyword, ONCE. It didn’t even look like food. Somehow it was burnt and raw at the same time. She stuck some edible glitter on it and some pink hearts made with store bought frosting.
It was the thought that counted, no matter how inedible it was.
She’s bought matching outfits and jewelry for both of you.
If you were ever interested, she would absolutely help you learn an instrument.
Oh boy, the amount of compliments she gives you in a single day is unreal. You could just be having a casual conversation and she would drop in a compliment like it was nothing. She doesn’t even realize that she gave you a compliment, she just speaks her mind and it comes out so naturally.
Your dates are usually dinners that end with going somewhere fun like an arcade or something close. If there’s a concert, she’ll take you no matter how pricey it is.
Sometimes when you two are having a calm day, she’ll put on music and just cuddle you. No extra noises or anything, just cuddles and whatever she chose to play.
Who knows, maybe you could be listening to death metal while laying on the couch. As long as it’s with you, Ibuki doesn’t mind.
She has a book full of pictures of you and her. She draws hearts and notes at the bottom of the Polaroids. They can go from cheesy and sweet to completely ridiculous.
Ibuki goes all out on anniversaries, gifts, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a night out. By the time you get back home you’re both exhausted from the amount of fun you two had.
Best girlfriend award goes to Ibuki Mioda.
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cityoftheangelllls · 3 years
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Entry 6 in my historical Disney Princess series: a beauty but a funny girl, that Belle!
I’ve really been looking forward to doing this one because Belle is my favorite Disney lady (tied with Cinderella) and I’ve also got a thing for fashion from the second half of the 18th century. I knew firsthand that Disney’s Beauty and the Beast would have to take place during the 1700s, since the original fairy tale, “La Belle et le Bete” was first published in the 1740s and a good handful of the concept art shows that the artists and animators were definitely going for an 18th century flair. Of course, like any Disney movie, it has its inaccuracies - one of them being the silverware forming the Eiffel Tower, which wasn’t completed until 1889, during “Be Our Guest”. They could have gone with Notre-Dame, but I guess audiences would have recognized the Eiffel Tower more. I don’t know. Anyway, B&TB has always had an 18th century flair to me, and this is retained in the (needless to say, atrocious) live-action remake, so that’s what I went with for Belle. For a time frame for research, I chose the 1760s - 70s, since fashions from this era seemed to suit Belle much better than the outrageous court gowns from during the French Revolution.
Working-class clothing for women seems to have changed little during the second half of the 18th century, so designing my historically-inspired version was easy enough. It consists of an underskirt/petticoat, a jacket/short gown (an upper layer worn by lower class people that saved fabric and also allowed for mixing and matching garments), an apron (as per the original design), and a fichu, a sort of lightweight shawl. Along with this extant example of a middle-class ensemble (wasn’t sure if it was too rich for a working class outfit? Anyway I thought it was pretty and suited Belle), I studied several paintings and drawings of working-class women from between the 1750s and 1770s, such as this and this. This and this were also a great help. I also gave her a mob cap and a bergere hat, like this one, as a working-class woman like Belle most likely would have covered her head while going out and about although I added a few haphazard strands of hair poking out, as in the movie, as I always thought those wayward strands of hair described Belle's carefree, easygoing personality so wonderfully. I also thought it would be a fun, period-accurate way to incorporate the hair ribbon she wears in the original design. The pink striped pattern I added to her short gown was just a pop of color other than blue, to avoid monotony.
The green library gown and pink "Something There" gown are essentially combos of a bunch of different "robes a la Anglaise" from between the 1750s and 1770s. The green gown, for instance, contains the general shape, underskirt, and ruffled trims down the overskirt of this gown, the ruffle around the neckline, button-front, and sleeves of this gown, and the floral pattern of this gown. The pink one is modeled after this dress and features similar trims to this gown (the pink one) and a fichu with a rose in the center like the one on this dress. And, with both outfits, I designed Belle's hairstyles after this portrait from the 1770s, of a woman whose hairstyle already looks a lot like Belle's ballgown hair! So I guess that style was pretty much accurate after all! My goal for both of these outfits was to design dresses that were lush and elegant, dresses that would have been in the Beast's castle, but not as extravagant as Belle's ballgown, as I wanted to depict Belle adjusting to life in the castle. Oh, and I also included another view of Belle in the pink dress, this time with a cloak, inspired in part by this one, over it.
And, last but certainly not least, we have her ball gown. I swear, I designed and scrapped at least two ideas for this one. It was the one I was looking forward to doing most, but in the end the hardest to design. I ended up looking at so! many! gowns!!! for inspiration. I found two mustard yellow robes a la francaise from the 1760s that absolutely screamed Belle so of course I had to throw a bit of them in there. I was also hugely inspired by the portraits of Madame de Pompadour by Francois Boucher, specifically this one and this one. They are from the 1750s, but I felt it would make sense for Belle's gown - hell, any of the dresses kept within the castle - to be from a decade or two ago, since the Beast kept himself in isolation from the world for a decade. And they give off huge Belle vibes too - the frills, the trims, the roses - ESPECIALLY the roses! After all, I wanted there to be a few touches of color in this sea of golden yellow - more specifically, ornamentation in the form of red roses. The trim at the bottom of the underskirt is a shout-out to the sashes adorning the skirt of Belle's gown in the original design. I was initially against adding bows to the stomacher, but I had no idea what to do otherwise, so I went with the bows, and now I think they look exquisite and don't take too much away from the other details! What do you think?
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evermoreholland · 3 years
in harmony | tom holland
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-> singer!reader x tom holland
-> summary: after a nasty break up, you go to london with your two best friends in hope to find inspiration for your upcoming album and a london boy soon became your muse.
-> word count: 5.7k
-> a/n: wow. this is probably my favorite fic of mine. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i do. big thank you to @rainbowrobin for hyping this fic up and being its biggest fan. also thank you to @cali-holland for beta reading this for me! your support means the world to me and you inspire me every day to keep writing. love you to bits <3
Breaking up with someone you used to care about was never easy. In fact, grieving and eventually getting over that person was the hardest thing to do. You were a singer so relationships that went public usually ended up terribly wrong. The good part about it is that you can write a hit song about the experience.
Breaking up with your past boyfriend was probably the worst experience for you thus far. You thought that he was the one, every move you made was for him and you ended up depending on him constantly. And he broke your heart. He played you like a fiddle and played with the strings of your heart. He cheated on you with someone you were insecure about the duration of your relationship with him, which made everything feel worse.
You decided that you needed a change of scenery in hopes to clear your head. You had been spending time in your Los Angeles apartment moping around, trying to get over your ex-boyfriend. You also had a deadline for your new album and you haven’t even started. Your album was due towards the end of the summer, and it was now spring.
You sat down on your sofa with a pen and notebook in your hand. You were determined to write something. You didn’t want to write songs about your breakup, but that was all you were thinking about. You saw your phone on the coffee table light up and buzz. It was your manager and agent, Cassandra. You picked up the phone nervously, knowing that she was going to ask about your progress or lack thereof.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Hello, Y/N,” Cassandra greeted sweetly. “How’s the album coming along? We need to start recording soon.”
“Funny you ask.” You always tried to make fun out of an uncomfortable situation.
“I’m sorry, Cass! I have no idea what I should be writing about for this album.” It’s not like you didn’t want to write. You did, but you had no idea what to write about.
“Maybe you need a change of scenery, dear. You haven’t been out in months,” Cassandra suggested.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Where would you want to go? You can stay there for the rest of the spring and the beginning of the summer.”
You thought about it for a moment. You definitely wanted to leave the country.  “How does London sound, Cass?”
“Sounds nice. I’ll book you, Natalie, and Sarah tickets for this weekend and I’ll rent the three of you an Airbnb for your stay,” Cassandra confirmed. Natalie was your personal assistant and your best friend. Sarah was your older sister who traveled with you everywhere and she helped you with many of your songs. She was good to bounce ideas off of. You had the perfect team.
“Perfect. Thank you.” You both said your goodbyes and hung up.
Tom got off the airplane and sighed in relief. He was finally home. After many months of filming on another continent, he was back in London. Tom was ready to finally sleep in his own bed and hang out with his brothers and friends once again.
Harry and Tom took an Uber back to Tom’s apartment. It was fairly late and all Tom wanted to do was sleep. In the Uber, Tom and Harry made light conversation.
“You want to go to the new pub by our flat this weekend? Haz and Tuwaine want to hang out,” Harry asked.
“Sure,” Tom mumbled. To be quite honest, Tom had absolutely no desire to go out at all this weekend, but he knew that his mates wanted to see him. He did want to see them too, so he agreed.
“Sounds good.”
You packed your suitcases for London at the last minute. In your defense, Cassandra only booked Thursday night’s tickets on Wednesday, so you didn’t have that much time in the first place. You were planning on using your time in London to relax and to create a healthy headspace to write your next album.
You called Natalie to ask her opinion on some of your outfit choices. “Nat, am I going for a  casual look this trip? Like sweatpants and t-shirts?”
“Absolutely not, Y/N. Are you insane?!”
“It was just a question, Natalie.” You defended yourself. “What should I pack then?”
“I don’t know, just look hot. You need to get out of the post-breakup sweatpants phase.”
“Fine,” you grumbled. You grabbed some cute spring sundresses from your closet and threw them into your suitcase. You packed some jeans and blouses as well.
You hung up with Natalie and took a look at your bag. “Should be good.”
The flight to London from Los Angeles was long and exhausting. You arrived at Heathrow airport in the early afternoon on Friday. You immediately went to the house to rest up from jetlag. Once you woke up a few hours later, Sarah was pressuring you and Natalie to get dressed. “We’re going to the pub! Get up, ladies!”
“What? Why?” Natalie groaned. You and Natalie were laying on your beds in your shared room. Sarah jumped onto your bed and tackled you.
“Sarah, we’re exhausted,” you said. You pushed your sister off of you and sat up. “We can just go tomorrow.”
“It’s the pub’s grand opening! It’s supposed to be fire!”
“Fine,” you mumbled. You got up and began unpacking your suitcase. “But I refuse to wear heels.”
Harrison made his way to his best mate’s flat to pick him up for the Cheer Beers grand opening on Friday night. Harrison used his spare key to get into Tom’s place. “Tom,” Harrison called out. He made his way to Tom’s bedroom to make sure he was ready for the night.
“In my room!” Tom exclaimed. Tom sounded upset and agitated. Harrison entered his room anyway because he wanted to hang out with his best friend. He opened the door and noticed Tom laying his bed under the covers.
“Are you alright, mate?” Harrison asked. Harrison noticed Tom in his pajamas while in bed. “Why aren’t you ready to go? Harry already went out with Tuwaine to wait in line.”
“I want to hang out with you all, but I’m just so jetlagged, mate.”
Harrison took his phone out of his back pocket to check the time and noticed an Instagram notification from you. He opened it out of curiosity and it was a direct message. It said that you would be at Cheer Beers tonight with your friends and asked if he was going. Harrison and you had met at an award show a few months back and you became friends. “You know what I just found out, Tom?”
“Y/N L/N is going to the grand opening tonight.”
“You’re lying just to get me out of bed!” Tom accused him. Tom didn’t want to admit it, but he fancied you. He has been following you on social media and listening to your music for a while now, so Harrison saying you were going to be at the pub caught his attention.
“I’m not.” Harrison showed Tom his phone with your direct message. “I had no idea she was in town, though.”
“No clue, either.”
“Now will you come?” Harrison asked. “I know you have a huge crush on her.”
Tom eyed him skeptically but then let out a sigh. “Fine, I’ll go.”
You waited in line outside of Cheer Beers with Sarah and Natalie. You were wearing a black sleeveless cocktail dress with black slip-on vans. You saw a few familiar faces approach you and you realized that it’s your friend Harrison and his mates. You recognized one of his friends to be Tom Holland.
“Hey, Haz!” You greeted. He pulled you into a hug and squeezed you tightly. You pulled away and said, “Following me, I see?”
“Very funny,” he replied. “We were coming to opening night anyway. We were planning this in honor of Tom’s return from filming.”
“Oh, that’s right,” you said and then turned to Tom. You put your hand out for him to shake. “I’m Y/N.”
He shook your hand and you felt his sweaty palm touch yours. You could assume that he was either unwell or nervous. “Tom. Nice to finally meet you.”
You introduced Natalie and Sarah to Harrison and he introduced the rest of his friends to the three of you.
“Would you like to share a table with us?” Harry, Tom’s younger brother, asked you.
“I’m sure that Y/N L/N would have much better opportunities than to sit with us, Harry,” Tom interjected.
“Actually, Tom, we would love to.” You all entered the pub and grabbed a table in the back room. Harrison sat between Sarah and Tuwaine. Harry sat by Natalie. You sat between Natalie and Tom, per Natalie’s whisper in your ear to go for it. You all got your first round of drinks.
“So what brings you to London?” Tom asked.
“Needed to clear my head,” you said and then ate the olives from your martini.
“So you flew halfway across the world?” Tom was amused and you could tell. He wasn’t trying to laugh at you particularly, he just thought it was funny that you chose London of all places.
“Shut up,” you teased. “We’re here for the summer. A vacation, or holiday, if you will.”
“Nice, nice.” You could feel the slight awkward tension between the two of you. You were basically strangers so it made sense. You decided to try and break it. “How was filming for the third Spider-Man film?”
Tom’s eyes lit up at your sudden interest in his work. “Can I tell you a funny story?”
Three hours passed by and you decided to call it a night. You talked with Tom the entire night. You enjoyed his company but you were also jetlagged. “Tom, I’m tired,” you said as you leaned on his shoulder.
“Me too.”
“Want to walk me home?” You asked.
“Would love to.” You both got up from the booth and Tom paid for your drinks, even though you protested. Harrison, Tuwaine, Harry, Sarah, and Natalie didn’t look like they were ready to leave any time soon so you said your goodbyes to them and left with Tom.
“How far are you away from here?” Tom asked you.
“About a ten minute walk.” You began walking in the cool London air.
“So, Harrison told me that you were writing for your new album. How’s that going?”
“Not well,” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest. “It’s been fucking difficult.”
“I’m sorry, love.” The pet named warmed your heart and body even more. Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. “I wish I can help you out somehow.”
“It’s alright. Getting out tonight helped me get into a good headspace,” you said.
“Glad to hear it.” You arrived at your Airbnb and Tom walked you to the front door. “I had a great time tonight, Y/N.”
You smiled, the first genuine smile that you’ve had in a while. “Me too, Tom.” You opened your door to enter.
“Wait.” Tom stopped you. “Let me get your number.”
Two weeks had passed since you arrived in London and you and Tom have been texting back and forth. He had even taken you on a tour of London. He took you to all of the hot spots. Occasionally, Tom, Harrison, and Harry would come over to your Airbnb to hang out with you, Sarah, and Natalie. You were developing friendships with everyone, but you felt a bit stronger about Tom. He was charming, kind, and really funny. You enjoyed his company and you finally got the chance to start writing for your upcoming album. You realized that you didn’t want to write about your breakup with your ex, but instead write about your crush on the brown-haired London boy.
“How is the album coming along?” Cassandra asked you on the phone.
“Pretty good. I have a killer single coming your way and many other songs too.”
“Remember, we need to start recording at the end of July.”
“You got it.”
“You sound happy,” she commented. She was right. You were happy and finally completely over your ex. “It’s a good look on you.”
“What are you writing about?”
“Oh, you know… London, pubs, boys,” you trailed off.
Harrison was busy planning his upcoming date with your sister, Sarah. They hit it off extremely well at the opening of Cheer Beers. They got each other’s numbers and planned to go on a date. To be honest, Harrison was stressed out. He scored a date with Sarah L/N, which ultimately shocked him. So, he decided to go to his best mate for some advice.
Tom was sitting in his living room and Harrison entered with two dress shirts in hand. One of them was a white button-down and the other one navy. “Which shirt should I wear on my date with Sarah?”
“Black slacks, right?” Tom asked.
“Yeah, and a black leather jacket.”
“Go with white,” Tom suggested.
“Thanks, mate. Another question,” Harrison proposed. It felt natural for Harrison to ask Tom about his lady troubles, even though Tom had been single for a while.
Tom nodded his head to urge Harrison to continue.
“What if I fuck this up?” He asked nervously. “I really like Sarah.”
Tom got up from the couch to come closer to Harrison and put his hand on his shoulder. “You’ll be fine, mate. Just be yourself. She’ll fancy you, I promise.”
“How are you so good at giving me advice but you can’t get a girlfriend?”
Tom mocked being bothered. “Rude,” he scoffed.
“What are you waiting for?”
“If I say the perfect girl, will you slap me?” Tom joked.
“Yes, yes I will,” Harrison laughed as he replied. “I think that you already found the perfect girl at Cheer Beers.”
“We’re still getting to know each other. Why must we move so fast?” Tom wondered. He wanted to take things slow. His life had always moved fast and he wanted something to move at his pace, for once. Too many relationships have moved too fast and he ended up hurt.
“Because she’s only here for so long and I have a feeling that she likes you,” Harrison reasoned. Tom was starting to feel the same way about you too.
“Fine. While you go on your date with Sarah tonight, I’ll see if Y/N wants to hang out.” He picked up his phone from the coffee table and texted you asking if you wanted to come over. You replied saying yes and he smiled. “We’re hanging out.”
“Great. Don’t forget to use protection,” Harrison said as he ran away to go get dressed for his date.
“Fuck off, you div!”
Tom went to the grocery store to pick up some snacks and beers before you came over to his flat. He tidied up the living room once he got home and made sure to fluff the pillow to make them look nicer. Even though you and Tom were only friends, he couldn’t help but make sure that everything looked perfect for you.
You arrived 30 minutes later. You wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt, along with your slides. Your hair was out of your face and Tom thought that you looked stunning. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Tom blushed. “Nice sweatshirt.” Your sweatshirt was light blue and it had butterflies on it. Tom realized that he loved that color on you.
He led you to the couch and he sat beside you. “So what did you do today?” You asked.
“I worked on a script that I’m writing and then I helped Harrison get ready for his date with your sister. What about you, love?” The pet name made your heart flutter. Tom was definitely charming.
“I worked on some songs for the album,” you answered proudly.
“Care to share?”
“Willing to share what the script’s about?” You asked back, already knowing the answer.
“I’m legally not allowed to share, so no. I’m sorry, darling.”
“Then my answer is the same.”
“Well played, pretty girl,” he flirted. “Wanna watch a movie?”
“Sure, what do you have in mind?”
“Avengers: Age of Ultron?”
“Yes, it’s one of my favorite Marvel movies!” You exclaimed. “I have a feeling that you knew that already.”
Tom smiled at you as he picked up the remote from the coffee table and turned on the television. “I may have, but only because Haz told me. Don’t worry, though. It’s one of my favorites too.”
Tom found the movie and before he hit play he got up from the couch. “May I offer you some popcorn before we start the movie? I have beer as well.”
“Yes to both, please.” Tom went to the kitchen to pop the popcorn and grab some beers. He came back around five minutes later with everything.
“Here you go,” he said as he handed you a bottle of beer. “I know it’s not a martini.”
“It’ll have to do,” you teased. You pat the seat beside you to urge Tom over. “Now, come sit.”
Tom pressed play and the Marvel introduction appeared on the screen. You moved closer to Tom and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, just like he did that night at the pub. “Is this ok?” He asked.
“It’s perfect.”
Around an hour into the movie, the popcorn was finished along with your first bottle of beer. Tom’s hand was still resting on your shoulder but now your head was resting on his. “Y/N?” Tom called out.
“Yeah?” You asked as you moved your head away from him so you could look at him.
“Can I be honest with you about something?” You nodded so he would continue. “I really want to kiss you.”
“Can I be honest with you?” You asked while smiling.
“I really want you to kiss me,” you said as you leaned in. He pressed his lips against yours in a soft first kiss. You kissed back almost immediately. After a couple of seconds, you pulled away from him.
“Wow,” he said.
“Ditto,” you said and then pulled him back towards you. You kissed him again and you knew that from now on, you couldn’t get enough of him.
Tom and you didn’t finish the movie the other night. After your many makeout sessions with him, you decided to go home, and you promised him that the two of you would get together again soon. You went home with the biggest smile on your face. Since your kiss, you and Tom have not talked about the status of your relationship. As of right now, you were just friends who have kissed before. No biggie.
It was now the 28th of May and you were sitting on a park bench having coffee with Harrison. It would be Tom’s 25th birthday in four days and the two of you were attempting to plan the perfect party for him.
“You’ll get the decorations, Sam will cook a few dishes, and I’ll provide booze,” Harrison said, listing things off. “We’ll host it at my new flat and I already called everyone.”
“Sounds great, Haz. I just hope he has a great time.”
“I’m sure he will,” he said as he winked at you, indicating something.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You asked, referring to his wink.
“I know that something happened between the two of you last week. Tom hasn’t stopped smiling since the two of you started hanging out. I’m sure he’ll be happy to know that you planned a party for him.”
“We all are planning it,” you corrected him.
“Yeah, but it’s not like he fancies me,” Harrison laughed.
You rolled your eyes at the blonde-haired boy in front of you. “Whatever.” You got up from the park bench and began walking towards his car. “Come on, Harrison. We need to go to the market.”
It was the 1st of June; Tom’s birthday. You woke up early to make sure that everything was ready to go for the party tonight. Harrison and Tom’s brothers planned a golf trip with Tom while you set up Harrison’s flat. You brought Sarah and Natalie along with you to help.
“Move that banner a little more to the right,” you told Sarah. She moved it as you requested. The banner said, Happy 25th birthday, Tom! in light blue glitter. “Looks great. Thanks, sis.”
You blew up balloons, set up tables for the food and drinks, got streamers and ribbons, and finally assembled the cupcake tower with the cupcakes you and Natalie baked the night before.
“Red velvet. Nice choice,” Sarah said as she took a look at the cupcakes on display.
“They’re Tom’s favorite,” you pointed out.
“Seems like you know a lot about him.”
“Well, he is my friend.”
Natalie laughed at your response to your sister’s comment. “Is that all he is?” She asked.
“For now.” You pulled out your phone from your pocket to check the time. It was the early afternoon and the party would start in a few hours. “We better get going to get ready. Sam will bring the food and set it up within the hour.”
Before you got into the car, you texted Tom to wish him a happy birthday and he responded with a heart emoji. You smiled to yourself and then got into the car to drive to your Airbnb.
The three of you washed up and got dressed for Tom’s party. You decided on wearing a light blue sundress with daisies on it. You matched it with white wedges and you did your hair to your liking. Once you were all ready you drove to Harrison’s. When you got there, Harrison, Sam, Tuwaine, and a few other friends of Tom’s were already there.
“Harry is bringing Tom in around 15 minutes,” Harrison told you.
“Ok. Everything seems to be going pretty smoothly.”
“We make a pretty great team,” Harrison said in appreciation for all of the work to make Tom’s party happen.
“Tell that to Sarah over there,” you teased him. His date with your sister went well from what she told you, but because of Harrison’s nervousness, they haven’t talked much since. “She’s been dying to hang out with you.”
“Are you just saying that so you can have Tom all to yourself when he gets here?” He tried to joke.
“No,” you said seriously. “Go talk to her, Haz.” You pushed him lightly in her direction to encourage him to go talk to her.
“I see Harry’s car pulling up!” Sam said a few minutes later. “Everyone get ready.”
Harry used Harrison’s spare key to get into his flat and once both of them entered you all yelled, “Surprise!”
“Thanks, guys!” Tom said in shock. Tom made his rounds to greet everyone to say thank you. You waited patiently in the kitchen for the birthday boy. He finally approached you after a few minutes. “Hey, love.”
“Happy birthday,” you said as you pulled him in for a hug. “You look very handsome.”
He pulled away to look at you. “Thank you, but you’re absolutely stunning.”
You leaned in to kiss his cheek and then said, “Thanks, Tom.”
“I should be thanking you,” he said and then grabbed your hands to intertwine your fingers together.
“For what?”
“Harrison told me that you helped him plan all of this, so thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” you said genuinely. “You like it?”
“I love it. He looked over to the counter and saw the cupcakes. “Is that a cupcake tower?”
“A red velvet cupcake tower,” you confirmed. “I baked them.”
“You’re a goddess.” He kissed your lips for half a second and then grabbed a cupcake from one of the tiers. He unwrapped the cupcake and then took a bite. He hummed in delight.
“I’m taking that you like them,” you giggled at the man in front of you. He could seriously make anything look cute.
“They’re heaven,” he moaned. Tom dipped his finger in the frosting and swiped your nose with it. You looked at him in shock. “Aw, you look so adorable,” he said.
You laughed at his antics. “Glad you think so, babe.”
Tom’s lit up at the pet name. “Babe? Hmmm.”
“Yeah, babe.” You took some frosting from what was remaining of his cupcake and placed some on his nose to match you. “You look very cute with frosting on your nose, babe.”
Tom grabbed a napkin from the counter and cleaned the frosting off the both of you. “We’re both very cute.”
“Ok, lovebirds,” Sam called out for the two of you. “Let’s get this party started!”
“Before we go out there, I have something to ask you,” Tom said.
“And what may that be?”
“Will you go out on a date with me?” He asked nervously. You felt your heart skip a beat and you could’ve sworn that you felt Tom’s heart beating rapidly from how close you were standing to him.
“I would love to, Tom,” you said and then kissed him to confirm that you really wanted to.
The rest of the night went well and Tom enjoyed his time with his friends. You, Sarah, and Natalie crashed at Harrison’s place along with Tom and Harry. The party ended late and the five of you were too tired to drive home, so Harrison offered to let you all stay there.
You woke up early and made your way downstairs to heat the kettle for tea. As you were waiting, you heard footsteps, and soon enough a pair of arms wrapped around you. “Good morning, beautiful,” Tom said and then kissed your clothed shoulder.
“Morning.” You turned around so you could face him. “How did you sleep?”
“Not so well,” Tom said as he stretched out his arms. “Harrison’s a kicker.”
“Poor baby,” you teased, and then Tom pouted. “Quit pouting, Tommy. I know you’re faking it.”
“Fine,” Tom mumbled.
You turned to the stove and saw that the kettle was ready. “Want tea?”
“Please. A splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” you said as you poured him a cup. “So where are we going on our first date?”
“That’s a surprise, darling.”
A week after Tom’s birthday, Tom texted you asking if you were available to go on your first date. You had been working on the album the entire morning so you thought it’d be nice to go out with Tom. You replied yes and he told you to be ready within the hour. Tom knocked on your door around an hour later, with a bouquet in his hand. “These are for you, love,” he said with a smile as he handed them to you.
“Thank you, Tom,” you said and then sniffed the flowers. “Come in while I put these in some water.” Tom entered your Airbnb and you searched for a vase in one of the cabinets. Once you found one, you filled it up with water and put the flowers in. “We should be good to go now.”
Tom held your hand as he led you to the car. He opened the door for you and then got in and started the car. “You ready?”
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“You’ll see in around 15 minutes, angel.” Tom grabbed your hand that was resting in your lap and brought it up to his lips to kiss it. “I don’t think I told you this, but you look ethereal.”
“You’re quite the charmer, Holland.”
“I aim to please,” he joked. “But in all seriousness, you always look gorgeous.”
Tom was by far the kindest man you have ever met in your entire life. You have known him for barely two months but he made you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. You had never felt this way about anyone before.
Tom drove down to a lake. “It’s one of my secret spots,” he told you.
He led you down to the grass near the water and he set up a picnic there for the two of you. “I made sandwiches, cut up some fruit, and some apple cider.”
“It looks good. Thank you, Tom.” He pulled everything out from the picnic basket and handed you one of the sandwiches.
“Anything for you.”
“So this is one of your secret spots, huh?” You asked.
“Mhm,” he mumbled as he took a bite from his sandwich.
“So you bring a lot of girls here?” You teased and you could’ve sworn that you saw Tom almost choke on his sandwich. “Is that why it's so special?”
“Very funny, love,” Tom said. “No, I actually come here alone.”
“I’m guessing because it’s quiet.”
“Yeah, I come here when I need to clear my head.”
You looked around the area and you immediately understood why Tom liked it so much. There was a beautiful, cool breeze and the birds chirping sounded like music to your ears. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“I can drive you here to write songs if you’d like,” Tom offered.
“That would be lovely.”
You and Tom spent a couple of hours at the lake. You talked about anything and everything, and you finally felt yourself get closer to him. You felt him opening up to you too, which you felt good about.
“Would you like to go on a drive with me?” Tom asked once you both packed up the remainder of the picnic.
“Will there be music involved?”
“What would be a nice evening drive without music? C’mon, let’s go.” Tom led you to his car and you began your drive. The sun was setting and it was beautiful. “It’s wonderful outside, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is,” you said.
“I had a great time with you, Y/N.”
“Me too.”
*** Once Tom dropped you off, you began writing another song. His date left you inspired and you were starting to like him more and more. Each time you saw him your feelings for him grew. He inspired you to write your song, London Boy.
Tom wanted a second date. He felt so good leaving the first one and knew that he wanted to pursue a relationship with you. He knew that it would be hard but relationships won’t always be easy. He decided to call you the next to ask when he could see you again.
“Tom, we just went out,” you teased.
“I know, Y/N, but I like you. A lot.” You thought that it was cute how Tom was eager for a second date. You were excited too.
“I like you, too. I would love to see you again, too,” you said.
“Coffee? I don’t drink it but I know how much you like it,” Tom offered.
“How about tea? Know any good spots for a cup of tea and maybe breakfast?”
“I know just the place. See you soon, Y/N.”
Many amazing dates with Tom and a bunch of fun days in London later and you know that you’re ready to start recording your next album. People had their assumptions about you and Tom. Rumors had gone around but Tom and you didn’t address them.
London inspired so much of your album that you decided to record there. The rest of your team flew out and you began recording.
You called Tom asking him to come to the studio. “I’m recording one of my favorite songs today. I would love for you to come if you’re free.” You were recording London Boy today and you wanted Tom to hear it since he hadn’t before. It would also be a good way to officially tell Tom that you’re falling in love with him.
“I would love to come. Send me the address.”
“You got it. See you in 20.”
You sent Tom the address of the studio and he was there within 15 minutes. You greeted him at the front. “Hey, babe.”
He kissed you on the cheek and then asked, “Are you excited for today?”
“Very. I’m excited for you to hear the song,” you said as you led him into the studio. You introduced him to Cassandra and the rest of your team.
“Y/N, get your pretty ass in the booth,” Cassandra said. You walked into the recording booth and put on your headphones. “Let’s do this.”
“Tom, sit up in front,” you said and then he took a seat beside Cassandra. “This one is called London Boy.”
The upbeat music came on and you knew that you were skipping the intro for now so you went in with the first verse.
I love my hometown as much as Motown, I love SoCal And you know I love Springsteen, faded blue jeans, Tennessee whiskey But something happened, I heard him laughing I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent They say home is where the heart is But that's not where mine lives
You heard Cassandra tell you to stop so they could play it back. You saw Tom smiling at you as you were singing and you took that as a good sign that he was enjoying it.
“Now for the chorus.”
You know I love a London boy I enjoy walking Camden Market in the afternoon He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet Darling, I fancy you Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates So I guess all the rumors are true You know I love a London boy Boy, I fancy you (Ooh)
You ended up finishing the recording of the song in an hour. You left the booth for your break and you first greeted Tom. “What did you think of it?”
“I love you, too,” he said. You leaned up to him and kissed him with every fiber of your being.
“That’s good because many of these songs are about you.”
“And I can’t wait to hear them all,” he said and then smiled.
“I can’t believe how I’ve only been here for three months and I already feel this way,” you said honestly. You have never fallen so fast for anyone, but it feels right with Tom. Everything feels right with him.
“Well, believe it because it’s real,” Tom confirmed. “Be mine, Y/N?”
“I thought you’d never ask, lover.”
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tagging: @tomsbabymomma @canwekissforever-hazzy @pinklxmonade​ @tomsbrina​ @storybookholland​ 
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atalho-s · 3 years
Light Up The Dark
Part 1 | June
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pairing: bartender!tom x famous!reader
warnings: some smut +18 (in this particular chapter it’s nothing TOO explicit, but miniors be aware), swear words?, drinking, let me know if anything else!
words: 4.9 k
summary: y/n is a famous horror writer. Her books are on the lips of the people and her face is on all the magazine covers of promising young people.
She has just moved to Los Angeles, the city of celebrities and luxury, when she starts to get a writer's block as she starts writing her newest book. A way to distract herself and seek inspiration leads her to have her destiny mapped out with a simple waiter named Tom who has a delicious british accent.
What happens when her inspiration comes back only after she spends a night with him and she only manages to write after being in the company of that guy she just met? Maybe he'll become her newest addiction.
a/n: english it’s not my first language, so i’m sorry for any mistake! this is a series i started writing a while ago, i hope y’all enjoy :) the reader it’s from brazil here, but you can replace from any country you want lol And obv i’m not from LA and never been there, so if i say something out of reality it’s bc of that 😂
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"June arrived at the restaurant, sat down near the bar and looked around vaguely. The strange people's faces made her think better and maybe drink a shot of tequila too.
She opened his folder with the horrifying photos of the mysterious case. She felt sick to her stomach.
People said that by then she should have been used to see this kind of thing, but that was repulsive.
She wish the nightmare she had the night before was a way to solve that puzzle, but believing in the afterlife now wouldn't help her... If...If..."
- Damn it... - Y/n slammed her fist on the table. - Writer's block sucks. - She said and took the last sip of her tea.
It s been a week since she couldn't write anything. She would write maybe two paragraphs, maybe even three if she got lucky, but she always ended up erasing it, because she always turned into something meaningless or too cliche.
Damn the time she had promised to deliver something to her editor by the end of the month. But she hadn't counted on the lack of ideas when she agreed to that.
She got up from her chair in frustration and crossed her arms, pacing, as if her creativity had gone out for a walk and she was waiting impatiently for it to come back.
Why had she agreed to write a new book in the first place? She didn't need money. Their previous four books were already making huge profits, and they were going to make a new television series based on one of them.
So why writing another one? Maybe because, she had been having too many nightmares lately. Many family and friends told her to see a psychologist, see if she didn't have some hidden trauma. But looking for a psychologist? Admitting your weaknesses and personal things to a stranger? Never. That would be horrifying.
Writing helped. Transferring his fears to pages was hers gift. When she wrote she didn't have nightmares, didn't see things, wasn't sad. It was like a drug, a calming medicine.
Maybe fame was also making her restless lately. She hated being the spotlight, being the magazine cover of promising young people. She hated to see her name highlighted. But she loved having readers, yes. She loved when someone felt good reading her books or in the good sense of the word: terrified by her stories.
At the height of her 25 years, he never thought her books would become famous at that point. She had always enjoyed writing since she was a child, but working with it was just an unattainable dream. Until, at age 19, she quit her hideous job as a hotel receptionist and decided to publish her first story.
Obviously there were many rejections, until a publisher agreed to publish their work. From then on, her books became more and more known. They called her the new horror genius, the mystery queen, and sometimes even "Stephen King's lost daughter."
She didn't think it was all that. But she accepted the descriptions gladly. No wonder her books didn't come out of the top spot on the best sellers.
Another thing that motivated her to continue with that story, was a phrase from her own idol mentioned, Stephen King: "good stories are those that stay in the head for a long time". And God only knew how that story had been with her for far too long. She always wanted to put it down on paper, so here she was trying to put into words what her head brought up as random thoughts.
But now she was having one of his first creative blocks. Obviously she had already had it with previous books, but nothing as frustrating as this one. She had been trying hard for days, which was exhausting.
She looked at the clock on the wall: 11pm. Who knows if she took another break before starting writing again? Maybe it would help to come up with more ideas.
She thought about watching a show or movie, but he wasn't in the mood. She looked at her long polka dot pajamas under her favorite warm robe and snorted. Go out? On a Thursday night? On a cold night? No way.
But what if it helped her have more writing material? Watching people on the street really helped. If June, the character in her book, was in a bar, maybe if she went to one too it would help to have something to build on.
Writers did it all the time. Describe places that already existed, situations similar to which they lived. So, it wouldn't be new. Maybe she'd even put the location in her tribute if helped she got out of her creative block.
She took a deep breath and went to take a shower. It was decided, she would go out. She put on her best jeans, a Ramones T-shirt with a leather jacket. It wasn't a fancy outfit, but she didn't intend to go somewhere fancy anyway. Her stylist would have been dying to see her now, but she didn't care one bit.
She went out pressing the bottom of the elevator. Y/n had lived on the top floor of a building for 2 months, right in downtown Los Angeles. Sometimes she didn't even know why she chose to live there, she hated the big city and what came with it: paparazzi, celebrities, crazy people who feel superior, wealth and luxury. She came from a humble family, so she always felt like an outsider.
Y/n arrived downstairs and left the condominium calling a taxi that was passing in the street just in time. She walked in and closed the door, crossing her arms, trying to ward off the cold.
- Good night miss, where are you going? - the driver asked looking at her in the rearview mirror.
- Good night... Actually I don't know, do you have any suggestions for a bar around here?- she asked looking out the window. She didn't even bother to look for suggestions for places nearby.
- Well, it depends on what you're looking for... Something luxurious or something fun? - He said and a smiled played on the corer of her mouth. Luxurious was the opposite of fun indeed.
- Something fun, of course.
- So, I suggest the new Seven Devils bar, it's less than 20 minutes from here... - he said.
- Interesting name... Could be. - She said shrugging.
- The name is kinda creepy, but the place is cozy and welcoming, I went once. - the driver said starting and entering the street that was practically empty for being a weekday.
- Cool... - Y/n said looking at the city lights through the window.
After nearly twenty minutes the taxi stopped in front of what appeared to be a small door with a security guard in front of it. The neon sign indicated the name of the place, it seemed a mysterious place for those who passed by without knowing it.
- Thanks. - Y/n said handing the driver the money.
- You're not the Y/n Y/l/n? I didn't want to say anything, but I'm a fan of you, I love your books, they help me pass the time while I wait for passengers. - the driver asked turning a little with one of the Y/n books in his hand. - Could you sign this for me?
- Sure! - Y/n spoke excitedly taking the book from his hand and leaving a message along with her signature. - Thanks for the tip of the place. Have a good night... - She said opening the door.
- No, thank you, have a good night miss. -he said and she smiled closing the door and the taxi left leaving her alone looking at the door in front of her.
She approached the security guard who wished her good night, giving her room to enter, after she showed her ID. Y/n entered a little afraid of what she would find. The door behind her closed and she looked around. It was really cozy as the taxi driver said, it had a part with several tables, which were a little empty and a bar with stools around. The place had a good atmosphere, one of those that people go there to meet and chat with friends, in the background there was a kind of pop song that she wasn't sure if she knew or not.
He slowly approached the bar and sat down on one of the stools. A woman with several tattoos appeared behind the counter and came to serve her.
- Good night! How can I serve you?- she asked with a smile.
- Good night... Hm... Maybe a martini? - Y/n said taking a look at the drinks on the shelf behind the attendant.
- Okay, I'll be back with your order, anything else?
- That's it for now, thanks. - She replied smiling and the attendant walked away.
Y/n kept looking around, watching people, maybe looking for some inspiration. Something that would turn the key in his mind. Many who were there were in groups of friends and were talking animatedly, laughing. Some young and some older, in suits and ties, perhaps coming out of work.
Until one guy in particular caught her attention. He wore the black uniform with the name of the place, with an apron tied around the waist of the same color, and was picking up some glasses from some empty tables. He had dark brown hair slicked back and eyes the same color, very expressive and large. A boy's face from the outside, but on the inside had a mysterious and confident air.
He balanced a tray full of things with an greatest skill in one hand and smiled at some people, he seemed charming because everytime he left a table he left people whispering and giggling embarrassed behind his back.
He walked over and entered the bar placing the tray behind the counter, came close to the other attendant who already had the Y/n martini ready and she could hear him talking, soon realizing he had a perfect accent.
- Sally, you can leave it to me, go take your break. Whose martini is it?- he asked taking a look around.
- Oh thank you, my feet are killing me. It's the girl over there. -she said indicating Y/n with her head and he looked at her, making Y/n realize that she was staring at him for too long, so she looked away embarrassed.
- Okay. - he said looking at where Y/n was sitting and stopped in front of her with the glass. - Good night miss, here is your order. - He spoke with a british accent. Only at that moment did Y/n realize that his accent was well loaded and God only knows how much she loved that accent.
- Oh yes, thank you very much. - She said raising her eyes to look at him and smiled then he blinked with one of his eyes and gave her one more look, before going to deliver another order to a man who was sitting a few benches away.
Y/n felt a shiver all of a sudden, that boy had made her legs a little weak and she didn't really know why. I mean, he was handsome, very handsome and he had a special charm, but it wasn't that much, was it? Maybe it was because it had been a while since she'd dated anyone. When was the last time? Two months ago? Since she had moved in she hadn't gone out with anyone, she had locked herself in her apartment and was writing like crazy. She didn't have time to go out, not even with her friends when she was working on a new book. Which brought them dissatisfaction from time to time, not just because she didn't hang around with them, but because she didn't even go out on one-night stands.
She never been the one that going out with a guy just for sex, she had to have some good first dates and maybe she would take him to see her apartment or go to his apartment. Friends of hers thought she was too old in her spirit, but what can he do? If she couldn't be bad girl once in a while. For a moment she thought, "For this english guy I would be" but shook her head away from the thoughts. She went back to analyzing him, dammit why did he have to be so fit? She could see that the T-shirt he was wearing highlighted his muscles that were only left to her imagination, she found herself biting her lip a bit and snatching her martini off the counter, taking a big sip.
The attendant approached again, drying some glasses with a towel, and took one more look in her direction where she looked away quickly making him smirk. He stopped in front of her again, bracing her arms on the counter, making her swallow hard. He didn't know why she was so nervous, he was just a guy, no biggie.
- I like the shirt. - He pointed with a smile, which made her think he had a beautiful and endearing smile. She looked down and then looked at him smiling too.
- Thank you... Ramones is everything... - she said and drank the last sip of her drink placing the empty glass in front of her right after. - Can you serve one more?
- Sure...- he said, still smiling, took the bottle and filled his glass again. - Trying to distract yourself on a thursday night?
- Yeah... you could say yes... - she said taking another sip. - Have you worked here for a long time?
- In fact, it's been almost six months since I moved to the United States and I've been working here for four months. -he said putting the towel that was in his hand on his shoulder.
- Hm... You're from London?
- I am, wow how did you find out? - he asked raising an eyebrow playfully and she smiled.
- Yeah, your accent really doesn't give out anything ... - she said and he gave a low laugh making her have more goose bumps.
- You also have a different accent, have you lived here for a long time? - he didn't know who she was, which was good. But it also wasn't like she was recognized all the time, despite her face being on magazine covers, she was still a writer, so she was only recognized by those who liked to read or who vaguely remembered her face.
- I was born in Brazil actually, but I've lived here for years, lived in another city for almost five years and now I've decided to come to Los Angeles two months ago...
- I see ... - he said organizing some drinks that were on the counter. - Do you like it here?
- More or less... It's a busy city, isn't it?
- Yeah, it's not for anyone. - He said shrugging. - I like it, I like the rush, but the glamor part really isn't me. - the attendant said and she smiled.
- You're right... I mean, I don't like the glam too much either... - She looked away at her nails.
- What do you work with? - he asked and she looked at him again.
- I'm a writer...
- Nice! What do you write? - He asked curious looking at her with attention.
- I write horror and thriller books.
- Interesting... I would never read, actually I'm not much of a reader anyway, but I wouldn't, because I'm terrified of those things. - He said crossing his arms and she laughed.
- Oh, it's not that terrifying, it's just stories. - She said leaning her elbows on the counter.
- Still, I prefer to have my good night's sleep intact. - He said and she laughed making him smile looking at her.
When she was about to say something, a customer signaled for him and he excused himself going towards the man who was furthest away.
Y/n sighed. She still didn't have any new ideas about her story, but she was entertained by that conversation. She liked not being recognized, she liked him not being interested in her books, for a moment she felt oblivious to anything, liked feeling disconnected from her world.
He returned shortly after and they started talking again. They talked about bands, movies, superficial celebrities and even politics (an important topic in Y/n's vision, who was very firm with her ideas, thankfully he had passed the test). She found out that he was the same age as her and that he moved to the US to look for something that would give him money or a perspective on life, ended up getting that job and intended to stay until he found a different area. The hours passed and they kept finding subjects to give their opinion or questions to ask each other.
- Did you go to college? - she asked after a while.
- No, I don't think I'm smart enough for that, or have the patience. What about you?
- Everyone is smart enough. I started going to business school, but I dropped out when my books started to pay off...
- Wow, your books should give you a good amount of money to be able to drop out of college and dedicate yourself to them...
- Yeah... You could say that. - She shrugged.
- You know looking at you closer like that...- he said getting a little closer and she held her breath for a moment. - I've seen you somewhere...
- Really? - She said raising her eyebrow and drinking from a straw, now with a different drink.
- I don't know, you're not strange to me... - he said putting his hand on his face thoughtfully.
- Well, I hope it's from somewhere nice. - She smiled and he smiled back looking at her. - Do you have a girlfriend or are you married? - Y/n asked and regretted a little, what was she thinking? He wasn't married, as he didn't have a ring on his finger as she'd noticed. But what was her intention by asking that question? She didn't even know, she just knew it had escaped her.
- Neither darling. - He replied smiling a little mischievously and she felt butterflies with the way he called her by that nickname and with that accent. - How about you?
- Neither ... - She replied avoiding looking at him, those eyes hypnotized her and she didn't like to feel at his mercy of a guy she had just met. She took the cell phone disguising but paid attention to the time. - My God, it's already 2:00 in the morning! I completely missed the time.
- I think the company ended up distracting you. - He said still not taking his eyes off her and she felt her cheeks heat up.
- Yeah, the chat was really good... But I have to go... - she said getting up.
- If you wait I can take you home, I'm already leaving, the bar is already closing. - he said and Y/n looked around seeing that some waiters were already collecting some things from the tables.
She thought for a moment, take a ride home with him? It didn't make sense, she had just met him, but at the same time she had enjoyed talking to him so much. He didn't seem like a bad person, but even so you would never know for sure. At the same time she never took any chances, why not let that pretty boy take her home? Finally, she thought: you know what? Screw this.
-Erm, ok...- She shrugged. - I'll go to the cashier to pay and wait for you outside?
- No need to pay darling, it's on me. - He spoke winking and she smiled.
- Oh no, I'll pay no problem...
- Your company has paid off your debt, it's ok. - He replied and she took a deep breath rolling her eyes.
- If you insist...- she said giving up.
He came out from behind the counter and motioned for her to follow him, arriving at the front door where the security was.
- Tuwaine, you can let her pass, it's on me. - He told the big guy and he looked at the english man, sawing his eyes suspiciously and smiling right away. Making Y/n laugh inside.
- Meet you outside? It will only take a few minutes - the attendant said and she nodded, leaving in the cold night.
She leaned against the door with her thoughts. She had come here just to get inspiration and to have her creative back, but she was coming home with an english guy. She didn't even recognize herself anymore, but to say she wasn't anxious (in a good way) was a lie.
She was lost in her thought, until minutes later he came out wearing a denim jacket, which made him look even more handsome.
- Let's go? - He said and she followed him to an old car parked right in front of the bar.
He opened the door for her to get in and she thanked him by sitting in the passenger seat, pulling on her seat belt as he closed the door. He sat down next to her right away, also putting on his belt.
- Hey, before we go: I didn't ask for your name! If you're going to take me home at least I have to know that- she asked realizing that she didn't even know that yet and he looked towards her smiling.
- Tom Holland. - He said stretching his hand. - Nice to meet you.
- Y/n Y/l/n- she said, squeezing his hand. And you can't deny that she felt butterflies in her stomach as she felt her skin on hers.
- Your name is not strange to me, I must have read it in one of your books in some shop window. - He said starting and leaving with the car.
- Yeah, who knows ... - she said and he turned on the radio leaving the volume low.
They were exchanging a few words until she indicated that they had arrived at the building where she lived. Tom parked and looked up in a daze.
- Wow, you really have money... - he said and she took off her belt turning towards him.
- A little bit...- she replied crossing her arms. - Well, thank you so much for the ride...
- You're welcome darling. - He said turning his eyes to her. Again that nickname that sounded perfect on his lips.
She turned around, but when she was about to open the door, she turned back to Tom, who was leaning with one hand on the steering wheel and watching her with attention. The next words escaped her again and she was afraid she'd regret it.
- Tom, do you want to come in? - She spoke still holding the door and the boy smiled.
- Sure ... - he said taking the key from the ignition and she shook her head slightly leaving.
He followed her and they entered the building. Tom looked at everything admired which made Y/n smile a little to herself. They entered the elevator and she pressed the penthouse button causing him to raise an eyebrow.
- You really must be a great writer. - he said and she laughed.
He leaned his back against the elevator wall, putting his hands in his pocket and looking her up and down, making her shy. He kept looking at her and it was making her nervous.
They were silent until the elevator opened after a while and they got out. Y/n put a password on the door and it swung open with a small click, she took held the latch and motioned for Tom to enter.
After the two of them entered she closed the door again behind her and watched Tom standing further on, looking around.
- Nice apartment...- he finally said.
- Thank you... - She leaned against the table at the entrance. She didn't know what to do next, maybe it had been a bad idea to bring him here. Why was she so impulsive that night? -Tom, I don't know why I invite you in, sorry...-she said a little nervous looking at her feet. He turned towards her, approaching and stopping in front of her.
- Are you sure you don't know? - He asked and she raised her head, seeing those brown eyes. She bit her bottom lip watching him closely. Damn he knew how to hypnotize her. He took another step and placed a hand on either side of her on the table, cornering her - Your body says otherwise, love... - he said softly feeling her breath hitch slowly and approaching his face to hers, alternating the look of your eyes to her lips. Y/n found another nickname that was perfect when he say.
He finally closed the distance by pressing his lips to hers. His lips were soft and warm, as if they were meant to be kissed. She returned the kiss willingly and when she laced her fingers in his neck, he licked her lower lip slowly asking for passage in which she opened them letting his tongue explore her mouth.
His hands gripped her waist and roamed her body greedily. As he kissed her, he caught her from behind her legs and sat her down on the entrance table, biting her bottom lip shortly after, provoking a low moan from her. He smiled against her lips and trailed kisses to her neck, attacking her skin with desire, making her throw her head back a little.
She grabbed his hair and pulled him back so she could kiss him. Which he gladly reciprocate. His kiss was urgent, but without being rude, he tasted like mint, making her want him even more.
His fingers found the button of her pants and he undid them quickly pulling them out, tossing them aside. When he came back he took her calf and kissed her leg up to her thighs, making her sigh. He moved up the kisses until he caught the hem of her shirt and pulled it up a little, kissing her stomach as well. Y/n didn't know what to do but feel goose bumps with every touch he gave. He then hiked up her shirt and she lifted her arms where he pulled her off, tossing along with her pants that were also on the floor.
She was just wearing her underwear in front of him, it made her a little excited and embarrassed at the same time, but the way he looked at her made her feel confident. He went back to kissing her body, this time kissing each covered breast in turn and reaching for the back of her bra and opening it. She helped him out tosiing to the side and he stood between her legs just watching her for a second, making her feel her cheeks heat up.
- Perfect... - he said with a low voice, as it was for himself and bent down to her breasts kissing each one of her nipples and then sucking them deliciously. Y/n moaned and bit her lip to keep her moans from getting louder, tangling her fingers in his hair again. He looked into her eyes for a few seconds and smiled slightly lowering his kisses to where she wanted him most.
He reached the hem of her panties and pulled them out slowly, kneeling between her legs and she looked at him with expectation. He returned the look and gave that smirk again.
- Look at you darling.... - That damn nickname. - Extremely wet and I haven't even touched you yet... - he said approaching and devouring her right away making her throw her head back with pleasure, biting her lips again to not sound so pathetic with her moans that insisted in wanting get out. - Oh, please don't drown out those wonderful sounds you make, I want to hear how good I'm making you feel. - He said in a husky tone, returning to his task after and she parted her lips letting her moans spread through the apartment.
Y/n woke up the other day in her bed. She didn't even know how she got there, she just had flashes of the night before and how good she felt in each moment. She stretched and looked to the side seeing she was alone. She got up and put on a robe who was on the side of the bed.
After going to the bathroom and doing her morning hygiene routine she walked around the apartment looking around to see if Tom was somewhere else in the house, but found nothing. Which was understandable, it wasn't like she expected him to stay there and have breakfast with her and all.
She arrived in the kitchen and made black coffee and lean against the countertop. What that simple waiter had done to her was ridiculous, in a good sense, she felt great and kept remembering that accent that was stuck in her mind. He had consumed her in a way she had never imagined it she could be.
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Taking a deep breath she set down turning her notebook on. Then opened her book and started writing.
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arctickat2400 · 3 years
Anniversary <> Zayn Malik
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It was your 1 year Anniversary since you and Zayn have been together and you couldn’t be happier. You were currently sitting on the couch, awaiting the time to come for you to get ready.
Zayn had said he had a surprise for you tonight, but as always, he kept it a secret and refuses to tell you. You loved surprises, especially if they're from Zayn, but you hate being left in suspense.
This morning, when you had woken up, Zayn was already gone at work, but you had gotten a text from him.
Happy Anniversary, Kitten. Can’t wait for tonight and I can tell you can’t either. I’ll see you at 7. I love you.
Zayn’s text read and you couldn’t hold back a smile. You texted back, returning the Happy Anniversary and the I love You. And, as much as you wanted to spend your entire anniversary with your boyfriend, you couldn’t ‘cause he had work.
So you spent your day around the house, having a kind of lazy day. You had gotten a few sweet texts from Zayn and a call or two from him. He had video called you because he “wanted to see your beautiful face,'' his words exactly. The boys were around him, too, and greeted you with a Happy Anniversary, Y/N, or something along those lines. The boys had given you and Zayn your privacy until Zayn had to go to the studio. You exchanged I love you’s as you both went your separate ways.
Zayn was picking you up around 7 to bring you to the first part of your surprise and you couldn’t wait. You sat anxiously yet excitedly on the couch watching Riverdale in your red and black pj short shorts and a thin sweater as you waited for the time to arrive.
It’s been awhile since you started watching your tv show and you’ve gone through many episodes. You picked up your phone to check the time and you saw it was 5:50. Oh no, I’m gonna be so late. You thought to yourself. You still had to shower, dry, curl and fix up your hair, pick out an outfit and shoes all before Zayn got home.
You paused your tv show, throwing the blanket that covered you off from over you and jumped up, taking your phone and went to search for clothes.
Once you had gotten to your bathroom after finding a pair of underwear and some extra clothes for when you got out of the shower, it was already 6 by the time you turned on the shower. You turned on some music, the boys music because you couldn’t get enough of it.
You sang in the shower as you washed through your hair and cleansed your body. After about 10 minutes, you turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around you. You stepped out of the shower and walked to the bathroom counter. After brushing through your wet hair, you put it up into a braid and began to dry yourself off. You changed into your underwear, tank top and denim short shorts and you checked the time. 6:15.
You let your hair down from your braid, brushing through it once again and beginning to dry it. After, you curl your hair and made perfect bouncy curls that fell over your shoulders. You would have put on makeup like any girl would do for a date, but Zayn hated when you wore makeup, and you did too. So, you never put any on. Maybe a little bit of acne cream and concealer to cover up some barely visible red spots, but that was the maximum amount of makeup you ever used.
It was around 6:35 when you had gotten done with your hair and everything that needed to be done in the bathroom and you walked into your connected bedroom and to your rather large walk in closet. You turned to your side and looked through your dresses. You tried to choose between a short pink and white floral dress with a puffy skirt and a white strapless dress that was longer on your right side and shorter on your left with diamonds outlining the corset that was quite thin and showed off our curves that Zayn like quite a lot. In the end, though you loved both dresses, you went with your favorite, the white dress.
You undressed out of your shorts and tank top and shimmied into your dress and easily zipped it up at the back. You knelt down by your wide variety of shoes and choose between black high heels with a bow strap on it or black strap wedged sandals, you chose the high heels with the bow. It went better with your dress, the white and black going together perfectly.
You slid them on and added a simple heart necklace that Zayn had given you for your birthday along with an anklet that was lined with crosses. You added a few rings that you wore almost 24/7 and you grabbed your phone. 6:55. Right on time.
You go downstairs just as you hear someone coming through the door. You stood on top of the stairs as you look down towards the front door to see Zayn there. He turns around, looking up, and his eyes widen, a spark igniting in his that showed absolute love and astonishment.
“Y/N, my love, you cannot look more beautiful.” Zayn told, a smile on his face as one crawls to your face along with a bright red blush coming to your cheeks. You descend down the stairs as Zayn makes his way to you.
You hadn’t seen him this morning, so you hadn’t seen what he was dressed in. And on your video call earlier, you hardly noticed what he had been wearing. He wore dark black skinny jeans, a white button up shirt and a black sportcoat with a little red handkerchief in the top left pocket. You hated when Zayn or any guy dressed in nice clothes like dress pants or whatever, but what Zayn was wearing, it was what you called nice clothes and you loved it.
You reached the bottom of the stares and Zayn’s eyes never left yours. “You’re not too bad yourself.” You smiled to Zayn as he took your hand in his and spun you around to get a good look from all angles. You giggled as he spun you into his, wrapping his arms around him.
“Happy Anniversary, baby. I know I already said it, but I wanted to tell you in person.” Zayn told you, smiling as he stared you seductively into your eyes, his face mere centimeters from yours. You just laughed softly, setting your hands on either side of Zayn’s cheeks as he leaned you back in his strong arms and pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss as he did so.
Zayn brought you back up and held you against him still as he looked you in the eye.
“You ready to go, princess?” He asked sweetly. You nodded as he pressed his lips against your forehead, took your hand in his and lead you to the car. You pulled into what looks like the front of a super expensive restaurant. There were some men in uniforms waiting outside, maybe valet’s, as you pulled up beside them. Zayn was first to jump out of the car as you got ready to get out of the car yourself. Zayn ran to the other side of the car, handing his keys to the valet, and opened your door for you, holding his hand out for you to take. You obliged as you smiled, stepping out of the car, entwining your arm with Zayn’s as the valet drove off with your car.
As Zayn led you up to the restaurant, it looked familiar to you, and you realized it was Galvin at Windows, a very expensive modern French restaurant that you’ve always wanted to go to. Yes, Zayn of course has a lot of money, but this was the kind of place you go to for a special event, and it was your anniversary. You were so happy that Zayn brought you here.
“Zayn, this is amazing,” You paused looking around as you walked inside the beautiful place. “I can’t believe you got a reservation here.” It was also a very busy place, so it was hard to get a reservation, especially on a Friday night.
“Well, I had to bring my very special girl to a very special place. And I knew how much you’ve been wanting to come here.” He smiled at you as he covered you hand with his, the hand that was set on his arm. You just leaned up and pressed your lips against his cheek.
Being the next in line, you walk up to the stand where the host, a woman in a fancy dress stood, looking up at you two with a sweet smile.
“Good evening, do you have a reservation?” The host greeted and asked. Zayn just smiled back as you smiled up at him.
“Yes, Mr. And Mrs. Malik, please.” Is all he said, and you could’ve sworn his smile grew just a bit bigger. You were confused about the name he put our reservation under. You guys weren’t married, not even engaged. Not yet at least. Maybe it was just easier to say that. You decided not to ask just yet.
“Here you are,” The host grinned, looking down at her iPad with all her reservation information on it. She took two menus, looking back up at us, saying, “Please, follow me.” As she turned, you and Zayn followed hand in hand as she led you two outside under lots a gorgeous lights at the back balcony of the restaurant, giving you an amazing view of the ocean. It was the perfect evening, perfect temperature, not dark just yet, but it was just beautiful.
“It’s beautiful, Zayn. I can’t believe this. We just got here and it’s already been an amazing night.” You told him as you made eye contact with him after looking around your surroundings.
“Well, it’s all for you. And this is just the beginning. And have I told you how beautiful you look tonight? I could just look at you all night.” Zayn smiled towards you, staring into you blue eyes that went quite well with your dress. You just blushed and Zayn couldn’t hold back a slight chuckle at how adorable he thinks you are.
You both look at your menus as your waiter comes by to take your drink orders. You both simply order waters. As you wait for the waiter to come back, you decide to ask Zayn about his choice of reservation named.
“So, Zayn,” You start, leaning your chin on the palm of your hand. “So, Y/N,” Zayn smiles, mimicking your movements. You just giggle, repositioning yourself.
“Anyways,” You sang. “What about that reservation name? What’s that all about?” You question him as you stare into each other's eyes. Zayn just chuckles as he looks down, an uncommon blush coming to his cheeks.
“It’s nothing. I just thought it’d be easier than anything else. And, we’re a couple, so why not?” Zayn answers, leaving a suspicious smile on your lips. You could tell it was something more than that. Just then, the waiter comes back with your waters and a bottle of champagne, which you don’t remember ordering. You both say thank you to the waiter as he asks for your meal orders. You wanted something simple, so you both ordered a burger. They were supposed to be really good and you hoped it would live up to your expectations.
About 10 minutes later, the waiter came back with your meal. After the first bite, you couldn’t get enough of it. It was amazing and probably one of the best burgers you’ve ever had. Throughout dinner, you and Zayn just made conversation about random things, life, the future, stuff you two usually like to talk about. You had already gone through the entire bottle of champagne and for dessert, you and Zayn shared a sweet, rich red velvet slice of cake with chocolate frosting on it. As was the rest of the meal, it was delicious.
After getting the check, and begging Zayn to let you help pay, though of course he didn’t let you, Zayn asked, “You ready to go, princess?” He asked with a suspiciously excited smile on his lips.
“For what?” You ask as Zayn stands and walks to you, taking your hand and lifting you from your chair.
“For the second part of your surprise, of course.” He smiled at you, and you just blushed as Zayn led you outside, hand in hand, where your car was waiting. Zayn opened your door for you after getting the keys from the valet as he ran to his side and started the car, driving off to the unknown.
You stare out the window, wondering where Zayn could possibly be bringing you, as he held your hand in his. Once in a while, a cute or funny thought would come to your mind and you would smile or quietly giggle. Little did you know, Zayn would look at you with a sincere and adoring smile on his face.
You begin to realize where you were and your surroundings, and you saw a little ways ahead the sand and the ocean. You smiled, knowing Zayn was bringing you to your favorite place: the beach.
Zayn takes your hand as you two walk around the beach together, you clutching onto his arm and leaning your head on his shoulder
You walk along the beach barefoot for awhile until your notice the darkness overcoming the sky and the sunset was arriving. Just then, a little in the distance, you see a few people, even though it’s about 9 at night and people aren't usually at the beach past 8. But, as you walked closer, you recognized the people to be the boys, Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall. They stood next to a burning fire beside a heart shape made of red rose petals. This was certainly a surprise to you.
You looked up to Zayn who had a calm, yet happy smile on his face and stared at you sweetly. He led you to the fire and the boys as you let go of Zayn and ran to the boys with a huge smile on your face.
“Guys, this is beautiful. Who did this?” You questioned as you hugged each of the boys, starting with Niall and going down the line, them all whispering sweet things in your ear like Happy Anniversary or whatever.
You got down the line and when you wanted to hug Harry, you realized he had disappeared somewhere without you noticing.
“Y/N,” You heard Zayn’s soft quiet voice as you turn around from the boys to see him holding a bouquet of red roses, your favorite. You see Harry beside him about to walk away back to the rest of the boys. Harry had a sweet smile on his as he stared at you lovingly. You eyes meet with Zayn’s again as you walked to him, him meeting you halfway.
“Zayn, you did this?” You questioned, though knowing the answer. You knew the boys were watching, but you couldn’t care less. At that moment, it was as if it was only you and Zayn left in the world.
Zayn handed you the roses as tears build up in your eyes. You smell the roses with a smile on your face, but you realize something different about your flowers. There’s a fake one. You look up at him confused.
“Why is there a fake one?” You asked and Zayn set his hands on your waist.
“When the last rose dies, that’s when I’ll stop loving you. Maybe even after then.” He smiled and shrugged at that last part. You just giggled.
“Zayn,” Is all you said as Louis game up to you and took the roses from you to keep them safe. You thank him and turn back to Zayn, his hands still set on your waist, as you lean up, wrapping your arms around his neck, and he presses his lips to yours.
“They’re beautiful, Zayn. This is all just gorgeous. Thank you so much. And you did this all for me. I can’t believe I was blessed with such an amazing, generous, and handsome, may I add, boyfriend.” You tell him, your hands locked around his neck, his arms around you waist as he held you close. He chucked at the last part of your sentence.
“Well, I’m happy to say that this night isn’t over just yet, my love.” Zayn smiled down at you. You slipped out of each other's grasp as Niall came up and discreetly gave something to Zayn, so fast you didn’t see what it was. Niall places he friendly kiss to your cheek, a blush coming to your cheeks. You turn around towards the boys as Niall reunited with them.
You give your best friends a confused look and they all just smile at you and gesture for you to turn around. You do as commanded and what you saw made you breathless, throwing your hands over your mouth to stifle your oncoming cries. Zayn was knelt down on one knee, a beautiful ring held out in front of him towards you. The tears now started streaming down your cheeks.
“Zayn,” Is all you could say as Zayn began to speak.
“(Your Full Name), I love you so much, and I’ve loved you since the day I laid eyes on you almost 2 years ago. I know you like the back of my hand, and I know you know me better than I know myself. I can’t think of anyone better to live my life with. And I know if you ever left me, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, because Y/N, I can’t live without you. You make me so happy and I know I want to live the rest of my life with you. There are so many things I love about you that I just can’t live without. Your laugh brightens my day even on the worst of days. You smile make me so happy, I could look at it all day. Your eyes, I can’t tell you how much I love your eyes. Your eyes bring me to your very soul and they tell your whole story just by looking into them. I could go on and on about how much I love you, but I have my entire life to do that, to make sure you know how much I love you and to make sure your know how beautiful you are, inside and out. I want to spend my entire life with you, have kids with you, take care of you when you’re sick, and give you an extraordinary life. So, (Your Full Name), my love, my one and only, will you let me love you for the rest of our lives, let me hold you in my arms forever? Will you marry me?” Zayn says, and you were almost to the point of bawling at this point. And, of course, you would refuse to say no.
You start nodding, slowly as it gradually sped up. “Yes. Yes, Zayn, of course I’ll marry you!” You screamed that last part.
Zayn stands with a huge smile on both your faces as he presses his lips against yours in a gentle, but passionate kiss, the best you’ve ever had in your entire life. Zayn leans you back in his arms as if it was the last move in a dance number, his lips on yours, as you are held in his embrace.
Zayn lifts you up, releasing your lips as he holds you close. He takes the ring and places it on your ring finger. He looks up into your eyes, his sweet, sincere smile giving you butterflies in your stomach, the feeling that you’ve felt everyday since you’ve met him. He brings you into a tight, sweet hug as you nuzzle your nose into his neck, him nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“I love you so much, Y/N.” Zayn whispers. You couldn't hold back that smile.
“I love you, Zayn, forever. Thank you so much, for tonight and the life you will give me.” You tell him as you back away slightly, your hands on the back of his head as you smooth your fingers through his hair. He stares into your eyes adoringly.
Suddenly, you both hear sniffles from behind you. You both laugh as you turn around in Zayn’s embrace, him looking up over you at the boys staring at you two with smiles on their faces. Louis and Harry were on the verge of tears, Niall was already in tears and Liam was just being his strong normal self as he stared at you two sweetly, his arms crossed over his chest.
You give them all hugs, thanking them for everything they did to help Zayn for that night. You ran back into Zayn’s arms as he swung you around, placing another kiss to your lips. During the kiss, he picks you up bridal style like you’ve seen in the movies as you giggle into the kiss. Zayn brings you home, the generous boys that they are, taking care of everything at your spot on the beach.
The good day you were having turned into the best night of your life, well so far. And you knew you’d have many amazing moments with your new fiancé and soon to be Husband Zayn.
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twerkinwithhazza · 4 years
Pumpkin Seeds
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Author’s Note: UH OHHH BACK AGAIN. I’m back yall finally off hiatus all because my phone is broken LOL. Anywho tumblr is a totally different place and most of my mutuals are adulting now. I would love new tumblr friends and I’m gonna try to continue this writing stuff but I’m busy with adult things now lol and it really depends on if you guys like what you see. Please excuse my rustiness this my first imagine in years... literally. I’ll get better with time. This was also slightly edited but I know there bound to be some mistakes. Anyways watch the Golden music video for clear skin and I hope you guys enjoy!  I think it's so adorable that whoever requested this thought this request wouldn't speak to me lol ! It definitely did because this went from a blurb to a full blown imagine.
psst you can read my other work here!
Warnings: smut smut smut and more smut and possible shitty writing, dirty talk, light choking, and some cursing.
Glossary: (y/c/n)= your cousins name + (y/m/n)= your mothers name
Request: hi!!!! if you are wrtiting for Harry please can you do one where missus and Harry are at a family party and have a quickie in the bathroom? don’t worry if it’s not speaking to you lol xxx
Normally you and your husband loved spending time with your families. Harry was always playing a balancing act between filming music videos, doing interviews, writing sessions, and an occasional date night in the house that always involved a Postmates order from your favorite restaurants and the two of you binge-watching Netflix on shuffle. As much as the both of you enjoyed stuffing your face with poke bowls from Poke Papa and watching True Crime stories, it wasn’t exactly romantic or fulfilling for the both of you, just enough to hold you over until his schedule clears up. So when Harry finally got a weekend off, you guys were ecstatic! You spent the week cleaning the house and meal prepping so no Postmates would be needed and Harry used his free time in between interviews for shopping for special toys and pretty lingerie he wanted to see you model for him. Flirty text messages were sent back and forth during small work breaks about your plans for the weekend and now all the two of you had to do was make it Saturday.
You’re not gonna like this...
The 5 words that destroyed you and Harry’s weekend plans. Anne called while you were organizing your closet and announced that her and Gemma, along with your parents and favorite cousins were coming to town to spend time with the two of you. You tried to convince her that maybe a small dinner party at that new fancy restaurant downtown would be a perfect spot for a get together but she was adamant about coming over to cook the two of you a homecooked meal. Breaking the news to Harry was the worst part, he was clearly devastated (you swore you saw the man shed a few tears). Now here you were stuffing your mouth with Anne’s famous juicy cooked duck instead of your husband's juicy di...
“(Y/N) can you pass me the mashed potatoes”
Your dad’s strong yet muffled voice interrupted your train of thought and broke you out of your horny trance as he chowed down on his meal. Pushing the dish over in your dad's direction allowed you the chance to look around and take a glance at Harry who was making small talk with one of your favorite cousins. He was wearing a black button-down shirt, of course with a few buttons loose, and his cross necklace bounced on his chest as he laughed at your cousin's crazy work stories. You focused on his fingers, his infamous rings adorned his hands, you noted that they were slightly damp from eating and the condensation on his glass cup. As you were drinking in his appearance a small damp spot was forming in your panties but given that there were too many eyewitnesses including, yours and his parents so you chose to just clamp your thighs shut and stuff your mouth with more mashed potatoes. 
Harry deserved his credit as a husband. Despite his calm demeanor, he was very well aware of your little ordeal yet still managed to give interview advice to (y/c/n) and compliment your mom’s cocktail mix. He was quite amused by how increasingly frustrated you were becoming. He noted your concentrated face as you munched harshly on a string bean, hands clenching onto the fork for dear life. He decided to do a little temperature check to truly see how far gone you were.
“So what are we thinking for dessert pecan pie or crumble cake ?”, Harry questioned as he stuck his fork in his mouth, pulling it out again once all the gravy was licked clean. Your eyes finally met and you can tell that he was tossing the ball in your court, it was your job to show him how you wanted the game to be played.
“Mmm I don’t know I guess I’ll have some pecan pie but I really wish I had some pumpkin seeds”, you flatly said as you finished sipping your wine, maintaining full eye contact with him.
Pumpkin seeds. You and Harry were “outside of the box” thinkers, you had to be with his life as a celebrity not exactly pairing well with your shared sexual fantasies. You had code words to indicate to each other when you were craving the other one's touch, but you knew that using the same words around friends, family, and other public figures for too long would possibly cause some suspicion. So your code words changed with the seasons, literally. When the leaves started turning that classic golden yellow and auburn, your code words changed thus came the use of the word Pumpkin Seeds.
Gemma and your mom shared a glance, raising their eyebrows in collective confusion.
“Pumpkin seeds.. For dessert ?” Gemma finally burst out., both of your mothers soft laughter followed in the background.
“Heyyy” ,Harry pouted as he bopped Gemma on the nose with some gravy ,“ I have you know Pumpkin Seeds are one of our favorite midnight snacks”. 
“Gross“, Gemma stuck out her tongue and wiped her nose. You couldn't tell whether she was referring to the gravy on her nose, your choice of midnight snacks, Harry’s smug statement followed by a wink at you, or a combination of all three.
“Well we can be concerned with dessert once we break out the baby pictures, I’ve been dying to see the infamous skinny dipping picture (y/m/n) has been telling me about”. Anne clapped her hands together and hopped out of her seat heading to the kitchen. Your mother followed behind but not before instructing you to head up to the attic to retrieve the pictures. You glanced at Harry but he seemed occupied cleaning up the dinner plates with your dad. You let out a frustrated huff and made your way up to the attic to grab the photo albums. 
As you shuffled through old boxes holding Harry’s old tour outfits and your little knickknacks from your travels, you heard the attic door open.
“Pumpkin seeds huh?”, Harry lightly chuckled letting the attic door close and leaning against the door frame. 
You refused to make eye contact with him, continuing to shuffle through the bins locating a few photo albums as you went , “It was only a matter of time Harry and you know it. Our weekend got stolen and we haven’t... ya know in like two weeks. So, yes Harry I want some damn pumpkin seeds.”
You let out a huff. You didn’t mean to come off so sassy and aggressive but you were frustrated… sexually. Your cousin was getting more Harry time in the 3 hour family dinner than you had gotten in the past two weeks. You stacked the photo albums gently on top of each other and cradled them in your arms, finally turning to face your husband but you didn't have to look very far. Harry had closed that gap between the two of you, gripping your face and making you look up at him causing you to drop the albums in shock. 
“Well let’s get you your pumpkin seeds then”
That’s all it took and sparks turned into a flame, you and Harry’s bodies connected and a feverish makeout session broke out. You both were so hungry for each other after weeks of neglects and it just felt so damn good to finally connect. Harry’s wet kisses were making their way down your neck, nipping and sucking as he goes. You knew he was getting into it and normally you would be completely here for it if your kitchen wasn’t flooded with family members waiting to laugh at your baby pictures.
“Baby.. we… fuckkkkk”, You moaned out as Harry popped one of your nipples out of his mouth before moving to nip on the next one. “Baby we can’t your mom is downstairs… we have to go”, you finally let out and glanced down at your husband as pinched your nipples between his finger tips. “When has that ever stopped us”, he slyly laughs. In one swift motion, he turned you around pulling your back into his chest pulling down your skirt. You couldn’t even get words of protest out, Harry had his hands wrapped around your neck and was already freeing himself from his pants and boxers. He pulled your panties to the side and let out a hiss as he watched a string of your arousal stretch from your dripping flower to his fingers.
“Baby please just do something”, you huffed out a soft moan as you waited in anticipation. The grip around your throat tightened as he entered you, both of you letting out a sigh of relief. Harry completely bottomed out inside of you, touching that special spot that only he could. Your walls clenched around him, holding him in snug almost as if your pussy was begging him not to leave. Normally the two you were very vocal during sex from dirty talk to his loud moans and your even louder cries of pleasure. However you both knew that wasn’t possible right now and kept your moans down as much as you could. Harry was not making it easy though and the noise coming from the two of your bodies colliding were basty in the best ways possible. With every thrust of Harry’s hip you could hear your wetness coating Harry dick and as Harry picked up the speed his balls roughly tapped on your clit, only adding to your pleasure. You could barely form thoughts let alone sentence, Harry was literally fucking you silly and using your G-Spot as punching bag for his dick, The sounds and the pleasure were clearly getting to Harry as well, the grip he had on your hips grew tighter and his eyes were squeezed shut. 
“Bloody fucking hell you’re so tight around me, can’t even take it”, he groans and throws his head back as he roughly draws your hips into his. It didn’t even feel like it was possible but Harry picked up the speed of his thrust continuing the assault on your poor needy pussy even further. The pleasure was all too much and that oh so familiar feeling hit the pit of your stomach and you were starting to lose your composure. Your moans were getting increasingly louder and your grip on Harry was growing tighter. Harry knew his wife and he knew your dam was getting closer and closer to breaking and he was determined to get you there. He placed a hand over your mouth and moved his other hands down to your clit rubbing it in slow circles. “ Look at you” he cooed cockily, “Taking me so fucking well like a good girl should. Barely let out a scream ‘cus you don’t want your parents to hear how much of a cock whore you are”. He knew you wouldn’t last long with the way he was talking to you and he was absolutely correct because his words were driving you insane. As the pressure was continued building up in your stomach, you felt the telling twitch in Harry’s dick that let you know he was approaching his end too.
“Gonna give me what I want uh? Gonna cum all over my cock and let me cum in that tight little pussy of yours. You gotta hold it in.. don’t want to leave any drops for our guest to find huh? Gonna be a good girl and hold all my cum in you?”, Harry grunted into your ear as you whimpered against his hands. You were seeing stars and feeling butterflies in the pit of your stomach and you knew it was only a matter of time before you both came undone.” Oh baby”, you whined and your head fell down as the pressure from your stomach finally was released as your orgasm spilled out all over Harry’s dick and thighs. The gushing feeling from your orgasm and your weak whimpers and cries drove Harry overboard, burying his face in your neck and his roughly groaning as he released inside of you. The two of you stayed connected for a bit, thighs stuck together thanks to your shared orgasm with Harry’s arm wrapped around your waist supporting both of your weights up as you composed yourselves. When he finally pulled out of you, you kept every drop he gave you tucked inside your tight walls just as promised. 
“So those Pumpkin Seeds huh”
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fantasia-monogram · 3 years
Seven to twelve
♥️ Inseong x female reader (female anatomy); mentions of other SF9 members.
♥️  This is set in the As the clock strikes midnight universe, right after the epilogue! Read it before this one to get the context.
♥️ Smut (2.7k words); y/n is a professional Domme. Inseong is a bisexual sub. Mommy kink, degradation, spanking. Mentions of other BDSM practices.
♥️ Quality Department leader Kim Inseong has two secrets: first is his love for kink, second is a massive crush on a hot guy from HR department. Every Thursday, a trusted Domme helps him deal with frustration keeping those secrets causes.
♥️ Disclaimer: this is just for fun! I’m not claiming that’s how they are in real life, it’s just my imagination doing whatever it wants. Read at your own discretion.
As you stepped back into the dungeon, you admired the transformation the room had undergone while you were taking a shower. Your previous customer made a huge mess (still, not even comparable to the mess you've made of him). You weren't the best at cleaning - you've had other talents that got you through life, after all - so you couldn't help but be amazed at the work the cleaning staff did in such a short time. 
Gone were the wet stains on the floor, and a soiled rug had been replaced for a fresh, fluffy one. All the scary torture equipment was hidden behind partition that would automatically slide out of the nearest wall by a press of a button. Antique leather chair was switched to a cozy looking armchair with blankets laid out on the floor next to it. The mood of the otherwise pretty sterile space was warmed up thanks to pink tinted lighting. 
All of those were a tell-tale sign who your next customer would be. 
You opened the wardrobe and took a black satin-and-lace bodysuit out of it. Your usual tight corset and leather boots wouldn't be needed this time. After you put the garment on, you opted for classic shiny stilettos, and topped the outfit with a short flowy dressing gown.
Just to be sure everything was in place, you checked yourself out in the mirror on the inside of the wardrobe door: the look was a blend of a retro housewife and a pin-up girl, complete with vintage style lingerie, aggressive eyeliner and red lipstick. Just as he liked it. 
There were only minutes left to the appointment, so you stroke a couple more poses to see the outfit in different angles. Perfect. You crossed the floor in a few elegant strides, to finally take a seat on the armchair in the middle of the spacious room. 
You had a pretty chill end of the workday ahead of you. 
A soft, somewhat cautious knock on the door broke the silence. 
"Come in." 
There he was, entering hesitantly, and closing the door behind him in an awkward manner. Inseong - you had no interest in your customers' last names, it was something only the administration ladies kept for business purposes - was a tall, very tall man with broad shoulders, lanky limbs and a bit of a tummy; his face, though, was that of a teenage boy, with barely any wrinkles and nervous expression. From what he told you, he was some kind of a supervisor or a boss or something in the field of corporate banking. At that moment, however, with his black bangs covering his forehead, he was stripped out of all titles he might have held as a higher up.
Honestly, he looked pretty cute in a set of pink fleece pajamas with a print consisting of little yellow chicks. 
He stood there, big eyes looking at you anxiously. You knew he was waiting for your sign - his wish was to experience your different moods, so you always kept him uncertain for a bit. It was more fun this way. 
That night you decided to play nice, at least for a while. You put on your warmest smile, spreading your arms. 
"Come on, baby, come to Mommy!" 
Inseong didn't need to be told twice. He rushed from his place. In seconds, he sank onto his knees inbetween your spread legs. You sneaked your arms around his neck and harshly pulled him forward, only to let him plant his face right into your breasts. 
Right, he had a thing for boobs. And muscular body types. That's why he chose to pay for your services in the first place.
He stayed like this for a good minute or two, occasionally rubbing his face against your soft flesh. You kept gently patting his head this entire time, until you decided that was enough and yanked him away by a handful of hair. 
"Why don't you tell Mommy about your day, baby?" You cooed, still gripping his hair tightly. His eyes, looking even bigger, were all fired up already.
He was so easy to figure out. 
"Y-yes… Yes, Mommy, I will," he stuttered. You let go of him, so he could sink back to the floor and lie his head on your lap. 
You got back to combing your fingers through his black strands, just to keep the variety.
"There is this guy in the company…" Inseong started, his voice a bit hushed. "In another department. He's dreamy. But I don't think he's interested in me. I don't think he's interested in guys at all. Or at least in pathetic guys like me." 
You uttered a soft mhmm to encourage him. Oh, so he came in to release the frustration. You already had a plan on how to help him with that, but that required waiting for a good moment to start the actual scene. 
"I can't believe anybody would be able to resist my pretty baby," you sighed, staying in character. 
"Thank you, Mommy…" Inseong replied shyly; he knew how to behave, or rather, how to reply to your compliments. "Actually, he spends so much time with that… I can never remember her name… She's a monster. Five and barely a half feet of a goddamn monster. I've heard they want to promote her to a leadership position soon. And she's so old! I can't believe Jaeyoonie is into older women."
Your eyes went wide at the name. No way. Glad Inseong couldn't see your face right now, you quickly calmed yourself down.
"Some guys are into milfs, you know that, right, baby?" You snorted. The things you had to do just to pace the appointment right… 
"She's not a milf! She's only a year or two older than me," Inseong explained. 
Come to think of it, you had no idea how old he was, and it was hard to tell by his looks only. 
"Anyway, I'm sure he's fucking her. Or that awkward skinny boy always hanging out with them." Inseong started to sound pissed off at this point. "Now that I think of it, he could easily take them both! And that would mean he's into older women and younger guys. I don't fit into any of those demographics. What a nightmare."
"You never know," you concluded, although internally you were getting more and more suspicious of Jaeyoonie's identity. 
"But there's more…" Inseong's voice broke at the last word. "There was a company party earlier that week… I drank too much and he saw me throwing up in the bathroom… I can't believe I embarrassed myself like that…" 
That was the moment you were waiting for. You stopped your caresses immediately. 
"Wait a minute. When was that party, exactly?" 
You could feel Inseong tense up under your hand. 
"Wednesday night…" He mumbled. 
"Is that why you rescheduled from Thursday to Friday?" 
You gripped his shirt at the back of his neck. 
"Yes, Mommy… I was so hungover… I wouldn't be able to play with you…" Inseong started stumbling over his words. You slid your hand up, grasped a fistful of hair and pulled it back so he could face you in a very uncomfortable position. 
The panic that flashed through Inseong's eyes gave you a solid rush of adrenaline.
"Good boys don't drink more than they could handle," you stated in a dead serious tone. 
"B-but…" Inseong stuttered, "I have low tolerance. And everyone else was drinking…" 
You tightened the grip on his hair, eliciting a strangled whine out of him. 
"Then you shouldn't have drunk at all, you silly baby." You slowly stood up from your seat, dragging Inseong up on his knees, followed by a litany of pained whimpers. "You made Mommy sad. I've been waiting for you the entire day."
"Oh, no… I'm so sorry, Mommy…" Inseong babbled, on the verge of crying. 
Not wanting to overdo it with his emotions just yet, you let go of his hair. He barely managed to feel relief, when you forcibly grabbed his chin.
"You're Mommy's favorite boy, but you need to learn your lesson" you concluded, staring straight into his panicked eyes. "What should I do with you now?" 
Inseong went silent, nothing but anticipation pictured on his face.
"Oh, you look way too eager," you said, loosening the grip on Inseong's chin, "Go to the corner, hands on the wall." 
"No, please!" Inseong cried out, although you knew very well he was just playing along. "Not the corner!" 
"Should I make you go there on your fours?" 
The guy mumbled a barely audible I'm sorry and obediently walked to the nearest wall. He took the usual position: propped on his hands, head hanging low, his broad back facing you - obviously, with the round butt presented to you in a shameful way. 
To keep him waiting, you first took in the sight, unable to hold back a smirk. You knew soon he would be absolutely wrecked, his cheeks burning red with embarrassment and shining with tears.
Saying you loved your job would be an understatement. 
Satisfied, you approached him, clicking of your heels the only sound in the room.
"I guess I have to spank you." 
Inseong's head jerked up a little. 
"I'm going to do this through your pants, though, and I'm going to use my bare hand only."
Inseong whined, head leaning down to previous position. 
"One more complaint and I'm going to shove a plug into your hole and make you stand here for the rest of the night." 
"I'm sorry!" He apologized frantically.
It's not like you haven't done that punishment before - you smiled at the memory of him coming untouched - but he really seemed desperate for some action this time. 
You came closer and hovered your hand over the perfect curve of Inseong's butt. He trembled under your touch. So, so desperate. 
"It's gonna be thirty, because that's how many hours I had to wait between the time you rescheduled to this meeting," you announced, causing Inseong to whimper quietly.
"Can I count?" He asked shyly. 
"You're dumb enough to not know your limits, I think counting to thirty would be too much to ask." 
With that, you landed the first slap. 
You observed Inseong for a couple seconds before continuing. He didn't make a sound, but his arms shook, long fingers folding into fists against the wall. You wondered if he would even last the whole session.
Your predictions would soon turn out to be true: he started whimpering after each hit as soon as you landed the third one. When you approached the tenth, the whimpers turned into screams. Once you passed the first half, all he could do was to moan uncontrollably, his legs shaking so much you were wondering how could he even stand up at that point. 
He didn't use the safe word, not even a single word of protest escaped his mouth either, so you knew it was fine to continue. He was so close to breaking. You absolutely adored the feeling of this moment approaching.
Finally, as you were raising your hand to slap Inseong's ass for the twenty seventh time, his knees gave up. The guy sunk down to the floor, still leaning against the wall. That turned out to be too much for him, though - ultimately, he slid his hands down, too.
You looked at him intently: Inseong, resting on all fours, kept trembling, his breathing so loud you could hear it from above. What an absolute mess. You were so amused you decided to end the session on a sweet note; however, your understanding of sweet was very... specific. 
"What's that, baby? You can't take it anymore?" You cooed, approaching closer. Your shin brushed against his buttcheek.
"Mommy… I…" Inseong panted, visibly struggling to form a complete sentence. "Can I touch myself? I can't take it anymore…" 
You almost laughed at how pained his tone was. Led by curiosity, you kneeled right behind him and leaned to take a close look: indeed, he was tenting in his cute pajama pants. Pathetic.
"Mmm, I'm not sure," you mused. "I don't think you've earned the permission to touch yourself."
"Mommy, please, it hurts," Inseong pleaded. He regained the ability to speak, but his voice started breaking. 
"I want you to come, but I also want you to embarrass yourself even more, since you couldn't take your spanking like a good boy," you wondered aloud in an amused tone, "What should I do?" 
You knew exactly, but hearing Inseong hold in his breath was worth every second of suspense. 
"Anything… I'll do anything…"
Hearing that, you came to conclusion you've had enough of toying with him. You reached to ruffle his hair. He leaned into your touch like a cat.
"Dumb kittens like you don't deserve to be touched directly." 
You lodged your thigh inbetween his legs, making him moan loudly at the sudden contact. He felt hard and heavy against your skin through the fabric separating you two. 
"Work for it, baby," you commanded. 
Inseong didn't need to be told twice. Disregarding all dignity, he started grinding against your thigh, his thrusts becoming more and more furious with time, until he couldn't hold back grunts escaping his mouth. You could feel his cock getting heavier; years of having to keep your urges to yourself during sessions gave you incredible self control, but Inseong's eagerness was turning you on so much you had to think of something quick. To ground yourself, you grabbed onto his hips, helping him grind even harder. 
He looked so broken, though - with his head low on the floor, resting on his arms, and his ass high up, relying on you completely in his need for pleasure. The sounds coming out of him weren't making it any easier for you either. 
It didn't take him long to finish at this pace. He stilled, arching his back, and came with a delicious, drawn-out moan. You quickly retracted your thigh, as you felt the wetness on his pants coming in contact with your skin. 
You let him come down from his high. Once he was fine enough to sit up, you pulled him into a back hug. He sighed happily, leaning against your cleavage. 
For good measure, you planted a couple kisses on his cheek and the side of his neck, leaving bright lipstick marks all over; he giggled uncontrollably at your affectionate gesture. 
"Thank you, Mommy," Inseong purred, a smile adorning his pretty lips, "My head is so clear now. I feel so much better." 
You wondered how he could sound so innocent with a huge wet spot in the front of his pants, not to mention he probably could barely sit with his butt burning from the spanking. 
"I hope my baby has a good weekend." You kissed his cheek once again, this time letting your lips linger on his skin for a little longer. 
Inseong's legs turned out to be still too wobbly to support him, so you helped him stand up and walked him to the door. 
"You're gonna be fine in the shower?" you asked, a bit worried considering his weak state. 
"I wish Mommy would join me, but I'm a big boy. I'll manage," he assured you. 
To be honest, you wished for the same thing, but business was business, and Inseong was just your customer - no matter how much fun you had ruining him each time.
"Thank you, really. I needed that so much," he said, dropping the character. "See you next week." 
You stared at the door for a while after he left, pretty sure there was something that slipped your mind during the meeting.
At last, it hit you: Jaeyoon, probably matching Inseong's ideal buff type, working a 9-to-5 job in some corporation. Could he be your old acquaintance from the BDSM community you met at a self defense course? You wondered for a while at the possibility.
Opening the wardrobe, you briefly rested your eyes on the clock. Seven to twelve. No time to muse over the past; you hoped those two would get together eventually, because if Inseong was the supervisor Jaeyoon couldn't shut up about all those years ago, then… well, they had some catching up to do. 
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Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 11- Much More 
Summary: Deciding to let Geralt handle the child surprise on his own and rekindle your friendship with Yennefer while against all odds, fight with mages by your side, it’s time to protect Sodden from Nilfgaard.
Warning: blood, fighting Nilfgaard soldiers, angst, reader going a bit feral, eyy more backstory ft. Geralt
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The next morning, in the early hours of the dawn did you, Yennefer, and a handful of willing mages set off in lifeboats for the distant shore. You sat in silence within the tight cluster of other bodies seated all around you, every mage dressed very distinctive from one another, their outfits less then ready for battle if you're being completely honest.
You could almost laugh, what exactly did these magical people have in mind when the time came to stopping Nilfgaard? They travel in their fancy robes and attire like it's time to go to court. But you digress, they may look like a fashionable lot, but they do know how to use their powers for destruction if need be.
Hopefully they won't shy away from turning a soldier to ash.
The boat ride lasted longer then you'd have liked, honestly why didn't you just fly across? Oh right, you wanted information about what's going to happen and you know, Yennefer.
Cursed that damned djinn.
Once the boat safely rested against the sandy shore did you get out with the rest of the other mages. Not caring in the slightest to help them pull it fully onto the grass beyond the sand, though you could have done it with one hand. Instead do you follow Yennefer as Vilgefortz questions her relentlessly about many things she simply brushes off, disinterested and annoyed.
It's another boring cluster fuck of hours before you can hear the telling noise of people as they prepare for battle. Once you find your way out of the woods do you notice the great castle-like structure of the Elven keep upon Sodden's Hill, it's crumbling white stony walls sticking out like a sore thumb against the greenery of the land. On the other side, a long bridge pathway leading to the other edge of the great pass, exactly where Nilfgaard is planning to go.
You follow the mages as you all make your way down to the grassy hill towards the tents below, Tissaia meets up with another mage, a man who welcomes you all with open arms, clearly he did not expect such company. But by the looks of it, is desperately going to need every single one of you.
You walk in step with Yennefer, Triss to your back as you shift your gaze from the spread out mass of tired refugee villagers, orphans, and scared old men. The atmosphere is dreary and tense, they all know what's coming and the sight of your group makes some of them even more nervous.
"These people," Starts the robed mage as he walks in line with Tissaia, "they have been pushed from their homes. They've seen the scorched earth, the fields of corpses stretching between Gemmera and this river. Such cruelty."
"It's Nilfgaards way." Replies Tissaia, "There's nothing like a higher purpose to permit men to do the unspeakable." If that isn't the truth.
"But it's all any of us have left. We have to defend it."
"That's heroic." States Sabrina much to your surprise.
You turn to her, "And stupid." They all stop and stare at you in puzzlement like you'd just kicked a helpless puppy and laughed about it, letting out a sigh you shift your scarlet eyes upon the man and Tissaia, "Take the children and hide before they get here so they may avoid more terror and death."
His brows furrow, "There is no more hiding from Nilfgaard. They have come from beyond the mountains to destroy the world." You stay silent, it's not worth arguing over at this point. He's already made up his mind.
Saving the slightly awkward moment, Triss steps in, "You still believe it can be saved?"
Everyone looks to the mage as he stares off into the distance, a look of hope in his bright blue eyes, "I suppose I do." He smiles before turning back to your group, "With some help." And just like that do you all make your way into the keep to further make use of your talents.
Countless arrays of glass bottles are set out and filled with some type of strangely smelling blue rock, arrows are constructed and set out up by the ramparts as you watch from your perch high atop a castle ledge. The preparations are made throughout the whole entirety of the day, the villagers and mages alike all working tirelessly together in a hopefully fruitful attempt at saving this dying stronghold from the Nilfgaardians.
The sun has kept herself hidden from the world hours ago, the beautiful welcoming blanket of darkness settling across the land for the time being. Your favorite time of the day. You watch as the mages and other villagers find their company with one another on a last night of peace before blood is most likely spilt tomorrow when the soldiers arrive.
Against all odds the atmosphere is quite happier and light, people telling stories over fires under the stars as they take their minds off of the impending doom. You've placed yourself a couple feet from Tissaia and Vilgefortz as they sit side by side on a stone ledge with their feet just about touching the ground, a drink in their hands as they reminisce about better times in their lives. You hold one knee up, your other leg dangling freely as you listen to Yennefer and Triss as they walk into view.
Triss snacks on an apple as she points towards your direction, "Is Vilgefortz to be our new daddy?" A small snort escapes you as your heightened hearing catches her jest. Not a second later does Vilgefortz happen to get up, leaving you and Tissaia alone, Yennefer parting from Triss as she stops in the grass. Unsure of where to go next, Tissaia takes this as a cue to raise her glass, "The ale won't disappoint. We should enjoy it while we can."
Yennefer turns to the two of you, a stoic expression crossing her features as she walks over, "It's the first thing Nilfgaard will destroy." She quips bluntly before sitting down in between the both of you.
Tissaia hands her a spare glass, "Must you always be so fatalistic?"
"It's only appropriate, seeing as we might die." Replies the violet eyed mage before taking a sip of the ale, still rather unenthusiastical about everything.
You chuckle, "Well maybe you two, I on the other hand plan on tearing these dogs to pieces."
Tissaia laughs, "All the more reason to live tonight."
Yennefer sets her mug against her lap, "Mmm. Like you." She retorts, looking knowingly in the direction of Vilgefortz as he converses with some soldiers. You look to Tissaia, a smile upon her slender face as she stares almost adoringly at the raven haired man. The three of you look to one another and begin laughing like young school girls who just found out about their friends secret crush.
It feels nice, oddly so.
Your laughter slowly dies down, a more heavy aurora laying over the three of you as your smiles vanish from your once happy faces. Tissaia sighs before excusing herself from the two of you, no doubt heading to seek out the man of the hour.
You sit back in a comfortable silence as a light breeze caresses your face before turning an eye to your friend, "Are you ready?" Your voice is steady and calm yet holding so much, Yennefer quickly turns to face you, her eyes full of apprehensive wonder, "To die." You finish with a raise of your brow, "If destiny decides to finally take us out that is."
She pauses for a moment to think it over as she watches some kids run by in the firelight, "Yes. I've lived two or three lifetimes already."
"But you haven't been satisfied in any of them." You point out as she frowns, her eyes downcast in the nearby fire light.
"But I've no legacy to leave behind. No family." She says sadly, "It's time to accept that life has no more to give." A tinge of disappointment in her voice as she sits next to you, feeling rather defeated with her life.
"You still have so much left to give." She looks to you now, a kind warm smile pulling at your features, "I know it, and I'm not just saying that because of well, you know. I've never really thought about it but you're kind of like me in a way."
She slowly nods, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips, not sure where you're about to go with this, "How so?"
You shrug, "We're both half of something, two pieces that make us a whole being of vitality and raw power. You're half elf, I'm half vampire, two incredible immortal races that should not be fucked with." You playfully nudged her shoulder, "We don't always get what we want in life, she can be quite the bitch you know, and even though I'll never have a true heir of my own. Well I guess, if I can keep alive some of the good in this world while defeating the evil, that's good enough for me. My legacy is hidden within my actions and who I help along the way, it's all it needs to be."
She furrows her brows, "Thank you Y/N." Sincerity in her voice.
You let out a breathy laugh, clearly confused, "For what?"
"For deciding to come with me to this place, you could have left and fucked off to wherever you chose next. But you decided to stay, and well...maybe I do enjoy having you in my company....no matter how how scary those eyes of yours are." She teases.
You smile, "Not the djinn talking?"
"No. Not the djinn. I swear it." Says Yennefer honestly.
You softly hum in agreeance, "So do I. I think it just makes us want to protect one another, perhaps that's how we're drawn in. It's like I'm a beacon of light and you're a moth," You laugh, "or something like that."
"I think so too. Hopefully we don't end up dying, or well, I don't end up dying that is. Guess I'm not entirely sure if I'm ready." Inquires Yennefer uneasily.
"Is anyone ever? I can't die just yet anyways, I still have to see Geralt again, tell him I'm sorry for leaving and probably punch him for that damned wish. Gods I feel horrible..."
"You had every right to say what you did, and don't worry, I know you Y/N. You'll survive. I'm sure of it."
You lean back into the grass, your arms holding you up as you stare up into the dark starry night sky, "Thanks, very motivational. But hey, since we're out here and unsure for the inevitable future.....got any stories?"
Yennefer takes another sip of her mug before setting it down in her lap, "Got a few, but I'd honestly rather hear something from you." She lightly kicks your boot, "Is there any truth to Jaskier's ballad about when you and Geralt fought a Bruxa? From his tale, it appeared to be quite the story."
Rolling your eyes you scoff, "Oh yeah, that bard loves to make our hunts seem so glamorous and amazing, the famous White Wolf almost got his balls slashed off from the nasty fucker."
She hums in interest, "Do tell." You look at her with the most unamused face you can muster, she simply laughs at your lackluster reaction, "Oh come on, Y/N. Tell me all the gory details, I'd rather enjoy hearing about how your Witcher almost lost his prized jewels."
You stare a her before making a gesture for her to hand you the half filled mug in her lap, with a smirk she generously hands it to you, "Now. I can tell you the story." You add before taking a hearty chug, setting the mug down next to you in the grass as you let out a little hiccup, "Alright, so for this specific hunt we though it best to leave Jaskier or he would have without a doubt been killed on the spot, and blah blah we all would have sorely missed him." You lightly chuckle at the dark thought, "Anyways, the town nearby had been recently dealing with a very dangerous problem hiding in some nearby abandoned ruins of some burned down village...."
(Cue flashback)
It's daylight as you walk down an old dirt road leading to a recently destroyed village, the townsfolk living just across the river had told you and Geralt how some vengeful bandits took it upon themselves to burn and pillage the place after some hero wannabe killed their leader with a lucky arrow to the head. The next thing they new, every wooden house had been set ablaze in the dead of night as they raced outdoors to listen to the terrified screams emitting from within the woods.
The mayor claimed it was a horrendous display of revenge, only a lucky few had survived the torment, but something even worse then petty bandits had loomed over the land in the following month, brought upon by the lingering stench of death and blood. It had begun with high pitched shrieking in the dead of night, right were the ruined village was, some brave souls would investigate the next day to find the mutilated corpse of a male traveler.
More people would go missing for another month before you, Geralt, and Jaskier happened to stroll into town one autumn afternoon. No one at the local tavern, nor the mayor herself, would know what beast was taking all the men hunting for it. So with a suspicious curiosity did you accept her offer of coin in return for the death of the mysterious beast. The next day, with lack of a certain bard, did you and Geralt set off to explore the destroyed grounds.
You kick a loose rock and watch as the little boulder skids across the muddy trail while keeping pace with Geralt, "So, any idea what this hungry fucker might be?" You ask, turning to him with a wiggle of your brow, "I have a few ideas."
Geralt hums, turning an inquiring golden eye in your direction, "Considering this place has gone to shit in the past two months, dead bodies everywhere, could be a ghoul....or a wraith...maybe even a werewolf." His voice gravely and filled with a tinge of dark humor.
You chuckle, "A werewolf huh, now that would be quite the battle to witness, me and the notorious dogman, claw to blade. I'd have its head on a spike in an instant..."
"Would you now?" He teases.
"I would!" You lean in to lightly smack his arm, "What? Don't laugh...grrr ugh okay fine....after it put me through a couple rounds, I'd get there eventually. Then you'd be there to celebrate my victory with loud cheers of praise before taking me on the grass to thoroughly show me your ever loving gratitude." You cackle as he coughs awkwardly on his own spit, sending you an surprised but very amused facial expression at your more sensual implications.
"Right then and there, in front of the headless beast?" Wonders Geralt as you nod, a smile breaking out upon his handsome face, "Y/N, you are quite the woman."
"Course I am, best thing you've got." You sass with confidence before stopping dead in your tracks at the scent of something decaying. Geralt watches in curiosity as you sniff the cool air, your scarlet irises dancing across the burnt ruins of the village now that you're both so close, you raise a brow at him, "New flesh. Someone was just recently killed."
Your feet are quick as they take you past charred wooden houses and broken glass, all the way through the mess before you stand a few feet away from a large half caved in house, its entrance gone as it stands looming over all the other destroyed ruins. You turn to Geralt, "The dead one sleeps in here, the blood is a couple days old." He nods as you cautiously enter through the broken door, your eyes adjusting to the shadowy darkness as you walk into the room.
It's one large area with a crumbling ash covered fireplace at the far middle end of the wooden structure, you walk a couple more feet before stopping, Geralt coming to a halt at your side. "Nothings here." He confirms, his eyes still looking over the ashen room.
You shake your head, a smile upon your lips at his terrible observation skills, you turn around to face him before taking his chin between your thumb and forefinger, tilting his head towards the rafters. His eyes immediately lock onto the incomprehensible corpse of a man, or at least what was left of him, only his guts and a single arm hanging from the ceiling.
"That's lovely." Muses your Witcher bluntly as you release your touch, he lifts a brow to you, "Definitely not a wraith or a ghoul. I'm not even sure a werewolf would have done this, that is the charming work of something incredibly violent and depraved. Some creature that would not care for their victim in the slightest, and the victims...all men.." He looks to the side, trying to think for a moment, "just men. And it showed up after the burning, but then it decided to stay...now it kills for food and apparently pleasure too. Maybe this is a..."
"Bruxa." His golden eyes lock onto your causal stance, he sets a hand on his hip as you simply shrug, "I could smell the bitch before we crossed the bridge, wanted to see if you figured it out first. Wow Geralt, what a monster hunter you are, very good sleuthing work." You tease with a slow clap as he rolls his eyes, motioning for you to follow him out of the dying house so he doesn't have to spend another second in this gloomy old place.
Stepping into the daylight he turns to you, the ghost of a humored smile gracing over his lips, "I would have gotten there eventually." He sasses back, using your own words against you, "Maybe this Bruxa is a family friend."
You scoff, "I wish, these type of bloodsuckers are more feral and less elegant, they're a subspecies so I won't feel bad about killing it, not that that's ever stopped me before. But still, they're deadly cunts who kill whatever has a heartbeat, only silver will take them down." You take a step forward, pushing your pointer finger against his leather armored chest, "So you better be on your guard tonight, I'd rather not travel alone with the bard until he dies." You snort, setting your arm down once again, "Or I kill him first."
"I'll be ready." Confirms Geralt with a knowing tinge of confidence, much to your amusement at his self-assuredness, "The sun doesn't set for another couple hours, why don't we head back into town and tell our bard of the plans, hm?"
"Yeah alright." You reply, beginning to walk back the way you came, "Jask is definitely not joining us tonight. That idiot would be dead in a heartbeat, I mean seriously...these nasty bitches whole thing is appearing as harmless attractive women before...blah!" You pounce at Geralt, squeezing his muscular bicep before letting go just as quickly, "You're ass is dead. And torn to shreds like a piece of meat in a starving dogs cage, not a pleasant way to go at all."
Geralt chuckles at your dramatic antics as the two of you travel back to the town; Jaskier was luckily fine with staying behind, unsurprisingly he happened to have found himself a lady friend, who was all too satisfied once learning her new lover would be staying the night once more. Soon enough, dusk had settled over the land and you and your Witcher began the hunt.
Taking silent steps through the forest as you both walked across the beaten down trail leading into the sad abandoned village, the two of you go to stand behind a large oaken tree while your eyes wander over the broken houses. Your silver dagger clutched tightly in your hand as the other one presses against the rough bark.
Geralt's armored back touches yours as the two of you watch from opposite sides of the tree, "Y/N you hear anything?" Whispers Geralt.
"Smell anything?"
"See anything?"
"Ask me something again and I'll shove a stick up your ass."
Another fifteen minutes would go by before your superior hearing would pick up the supposed sound of something brushing past some leaves from the treetops across the destroyed houses. Your hand grips the dagger tighter as you listen more intently, it moves slowly, a branch creaks as it sits atop it. Then the wood creaks again, more leaves are brushed aside as you suddenly realize where this fucker is headed, the town!
"Oh, fuck." You whisper yell, not even aware that you just said that out loud.
"What? What is it Y/N, did you hear something?"
"The bitch is in the trees, she's going for town." You pause searching for your words, "Uh, be ready I'm going to lure her out into the open." You rush before taking a step forward, stopping to turn towards a confused Geralt as he studies your face, "Don't, uh...get bitten or killed. Love you, good luck."
He's left to his thoughts as you swiftly race across the muddy yard in a blur before jumping onto a half standing thatched roof, you stay low as your crimson irises scan the tree line in search of the Bruxa, it doesn't take long before you spot a beautiful pale black haired woman looking in the opposite direction as she stays perched on a thick branch. You smirk, your fangs showing in the moonlight as you decide to be as boldly annoying as you can.
Rising to your full height, you stare at the beautiful bastard before yelling, "Hey! You big ugly horse fucker!" The Bruxa immediately snaps her attention over to you, her yellow eyes glaring down at you before she turns from an attractive young woman into a terrifying lady demon.
She screeches, jumping down from her perch before making a hasty beeline in your direction, you jump, just as she narrowly misses your face with her long sharp nails. You gently land upon the muddy ground, the growling Bruxa eyeing you hungrily as she stands once again, her body facing you with great malice, lips curling in a snarl, hands balling into angry fists.
You smirk, feet planted firmly in the earth as you grip your dagger tight, "Come on you pale faced cunt, come get me." You taunt as she hisses in fury before darting in your direction, you twist to the side, slashing her arm as you skid in the dirt, facing her once more.
Her face whips around to find yours as she grunts in pain, the silver burning her skin as she charges you once more, this time you launch yourself into the air. Just as she grabs for your feet, missing them by mere inches while you quickly flip above her head, you land, facing her. But before she has time to attack you once again, Geralt races out of the tree line and slashes the back of the Bruxa with a fury enough to turn you on if not for the current circumstance. A blood curdling scream rips through the frosty air as she whips around with lightening speed, grabbing Geralt's sword less arm before thrusting him across the yard to your left.
Her feet move inhumanly quick as she follows her downed silver haired prey, instinctively you throw your dagger, it makes a strong thwack sound as it sinks into the pale flesh of the feral vampire's thigh. She stumbles back, falling to the ground as she screams in agony, all before standing up once again and keeping as still as a statue, staring you down like a wolf to her prey.
You ball your fists, not sure what to do now since your only weapon is gone, you shrug, "No hard feelings?" You jest before she growls, her feet bounding against the earth as she quickly tackles you to the ground faster then you're able to blink.
Damn, vampires are fast.
She bares her fangs doing her best to chop at your exposed skin, her hands trying to claw desperately at your everything as you hold her forearms tightly in your grasp, droplets of spit fall upon your face as you grimace in disgust. Geralt where the fuck are you? She angrily struggles in your fists as her face desperately snaps at your own, inches apart she just misses your skin, a moment later do you sigh in relief as she's ripped from your grasp and thrown across the rocky ground.
You jump to your feet, only to watch in awe as Geralt and the Bruxa fight with one another in the center of the destroyed town, she slashes and bites at him as he punches and gets in some hits with his silver sword. But soon enough does she have him on his back, his sword only a few feet away, just out of reach as she pounces on him in a fury.
Instantly she tears at his black pants, ripping them open from his lower right hipline to his knee, he kicks her away before she lunges for him once again. Geralt scoots back just as she smacks her taloned hand right where is crotch was, not even a split second ago.
"Y/N!" Shouts Geralt with wide eyes, "My sword."
Wiping blood from your nose you take swift steps forward, he braces for the worst right as you grab a fistful of black hair, yanking hard as you pull her to the ground, your other hand closing tightly around her throat as her yellow eyes expand in surprised rage.
You pin her down, squeezing tight as she squirms from beneath you, her thin muscled arms reaching for your neck as you force your face away from her sharp nails, "You get your fucking sword!"
He lets out an annoyed huff before scrambling for the fallen blade, grasping it in his strong hands as she digs her claws into your clothed arms, you yelp in pain, losing your grip on her neck. She shrieks again before you suddenly get cracked in the forehead by the bitch's own skull, you see stars as she uses this opportunity to kick you in the chest, hard. You let out a breathy gasp before stumbling backwards across the dirty path, your head falling onto Geralt's boots, he looks down as you stare up at him in a daze. Your labored breaths coming out as a wheeze.
You blink, trying to focus on his blurry physique, "Fucking ouch." You growl through clenched teeth as he hastily pulls you to your feet.
"Watch out." Warns your Witcher before leaving your side to tear into the furious Bruxa.
"Thanks for the forewarning, very helpful." He ignores your annoyed jest, conveniently slashing off the head of the damn bitch before your very eyes. He's breathing heavily as he towers over the bloody mess, golden eyes finding your irritated ones as you pick up your silver dagger, "Great work, bravo, well done." You deadpan, giving your man a less then enthusiastic round of applause.
Lowering the weapon to his side he glances down at his slashed pants before finding your eyes once again, "Almost got me." Chuckles Geralt with a small smile.
Rolling your eyes you break out into a grin, "Oh yes, then we would have really had a problem."
Yennefer snickers as you end the tale, an amused laugh falling from your lips as you sit up once again, "After that we told the town, which of course they were surprised but nonetheless ever grateful, giving us a nice bag of coin. Geralt got some new pants, Jaskier got some more writing material, and I got a solid reminder that I am not invincible when it comes to creatures like a Bruxa. Vampires, huh."
Yennefer nods, shaking her head as she smiles, "That's...more then I'd ever encountered. Better you then me." She muses.
You sigh, a small tired smile pulling at the corners of your lips, "Those were the best times though, hunting, traveling, being with those two idiots. I do miss them, a lot actually."
Her lavender irises fall upon your saddened gaze as you watch people converse happily with one another, a mother tucking her child into a makeshift straw bed, you suddenly feel much sadder then before, "You will see them again, I know it Y/N."
Shifting your scarlet eyes to her shadowed face, you lightly tap the edge of your mug, "Hopefully I won't see a Bruxa again, fucking cunts. But yes, thank you for the words of encouragement and...friendly counselling, I'm going to bed." You scoot off of the grassy ledge, standing on the soft earth as you turn to Yennefer, "Right here's good enough. Also, not to worry, I don't snore."
She watches as you lay upon the ground, others doing the same as the night progresses, deciding to follow your example she moves to lay a couple of feet from you, pulling a foresty green blanket from out of a nearby bag, "Won't you get cold?"
Laying on your back you look up at the stars, "I've never felt cold before actually."
She lays down, an amused burst of air flowing out of her nostrils, "Right, half vampire. Well, goodnight then you odd freak of nature." Playful sarcasm dripping from every word.
You lightly chuckle, "Night, you insane fucking witch." The two of you share a humorous moment together before falling into a comfortable silence, the both of you trying your best to fall asleep before the sun rises, bringing danger on the fiery horizon.
You awaken to the shouting of men nearby, opening your eyelids do you raise yourself up into a sitting position as a massive fiery orange ball of light begins its decent from the great blackness of sky. Right in your very direction, you can hear it sizzling as your eyes grow wide in fear.
"Oh fuck!" You cry just as Yennefer throws her blanket to the side, reaching out her hands just in time to abruptly halt the death ball of enchanted flame before it can incinerate the whole yard of sleeping people. Her face is pained as she throws it to the left in mid-air, the tiny sun bursting into a beautiful explosion over the trees, safely away from everyone else.
In an instant are you up, both yourself and Yennefer screaming for everyone to rise and prepare for the beginning assault. The grassy grounds are covered in racing frantic bodies filled with frightful screams. Another fireball would be thrown at you all, and deflected just the same, nothing more coming about for the rest of the night. Nilfgaard keeping you all on your toes till the dawn.
Now here you are in the early hours of the morning, the sun illuminating the landscape as you follow the mages around the castle while they figure out a plan of attack. Everyone keeps low behind the walls as you'll quickly walk down some stairs, no roof to keep anyone adequately hidden.
"Stay low. We don't know what other tricks they may have." Warns Vilgefortz as you follow behind him, more mages rushing to a halt on the stone steps as you all look out over the forest in the direction that those damned flames came from last night.
"Maybe it's over." Says Triss, but you know better. This is just the beginning.
"No. Fringilla's just getting started." Whispers Yennefer.
"It hasn't been two days yet." States Sabrina, "How is Nilfgaards army here already?"
Vilgefortz gets up, "Doesn't matter. We can't wait for the Northern Kingdoms. We have to fight."
You chuckle, "There's only 22 of you left, those other cowards fled in the night like little mice chased by some housecat. Guess some heat was too much to handle." You quip as one mage stands, claiming with confidence that's he's not going anywhere, others agreeing as well. You suddenly feel uneasy, sorcery in the woods, snapping your attention over to the forest your crimson eyes go wide at the sight of white mist flowing throughout the trees, "Uh, what the fuck?"
"There coming!" Shouts a mage in fear.
"It's starting!" Exclaims another in excitement.
I hate magic.
In seconds is everyone up and moving to their assigned stations right before your very eyes. Leaving you alone to watch the strange unnatural fog slowly make its way closer and closer to the stronghold.
Times seems to go fast, in the next twenty-five minutes has the archers and people with slingshots wrecked havoc upon marching Nilfgaardian soldiers in the woods. No doubt giving them an explosive ending before their time in battle has even begun. Yennefer directs the mages assault from her position high up in the tallest tower with the best view. Your eyes shift from the nearing wood line where the real danger lurks to the grassy courtyard below where people are hustling back and forth, racing to their duties. You walk upon the castle ledges, high up above the sweating foreheads of the mages and archers as you make your way over to the tallest part of the Elven Keep. Gliding up to her level, you softly land with atop the wooden landing.
She appears quite distraught and panicky as you study her body language, she turns to you, tears in her lavender eyes, "Vilgefortz, he's..."
What is that fucking swooshing sound?
"Portal!" You shout, turning your body to look over the other ledge, just as you'd sensed, a large swirling portal has materialized from the earth. A second later do you watch in horror as arrows fly up from its center, thwacking into nearby mages and villagers. Killing them instantly.
Fearful tears fall from Yennefer's eyes as you feel a surge of rage forming within you at these grisly acts of violence. She quickly regains her bearings enough to telepathically speak to Tissaia before the heiress is cut off by something or someone in the woods. You can hear as more and more mages are being slaughtered from beyond the Keep's walls as they run to the stronghold for cover, Yennefer calls out to them but it's no use, they're already dead.
A gate has been breached!
You want to do something but you can't bear to leave Yennefer's side in such dangerous times, but hearing the screams and wails of agony from the brave people around you is enough to shift your mind. You must help them, now is the time.
"Triss! The gate! Can you buy us time?" Shouts Yennefer aloud, though you know she's speaking telepathically to Triss.
Tearing your eyes away from dying Nilfgaard soldiers and mages alike do you place a comforting hand on Yennefer's shoulder, she snaps her attention to you, almost startled, "I'll help Triss. Be careful, Yenn." She tearfully nods as you lend her a small smile in return.
Your feet move inhumanly fast as you run atop the castle roof, jumping down to the wooden balcony where the archers are, you race past them before bolting down the steps and into the grassy courtyard where a gate has been breached. Many armed villagers and a few Nilfgaard soldiers are currently fighting with one another, their swords clashing in desperate fury.
Across the courtyard is Triss who's struggling to cover the opened gate with thick vines as a couple dark armored soldiers get themselves tangled up in the process. A look of pure determination crosses your face as you unsheathe your silver dagger, your legs move quick as you take out a few soldiers on your way to aid Triss in her fight. Knowing you can't do much from behind the gate, you scale the stone wall with ease, falling to the grass below, you land atop the soft earth with the grace of a dancer.
A pained scream rips forth from Triss' throat as a Nilfgaardian soldier thrusts his flaming torch into her neck, in an instant have you sunk your blade into his skull, pulling the bastard away as you look down at Triss from behind the vines. Her screams of agony pierce your sensitive ears as she looks at you through glossy pained eyes, but the thudding of quickly approaching heartbeats alerts you to turn around.
Your scarlet irises lock with the green ones of a rushing soldier, his sword is bared as he charges you, adrenaline and hate coursing throughout his entire vessel. He swings the blade to his left in your direction, twisting around past him, you shove your dagger through his jugular and right back out again, a red spurt of blood bursting forth as a couple droplets dance upon your face.
The fresh scent is almost intoxicating, driving you into a more primal feeling, you turn with fire in your eyes to face three more ugly old bastards, weapons drawn and ready to strike. You hiss at them, bearing your fangs as pure fear flashes across their faces. In a blur do you end their pathetic lives before they even have a chance to realize what hit them. You hear another scream and race to the aid of a fallen mage, slicing through more Nilfgaardian men in a fury of blood and broken bones.
She fearfully thanks you, her eyes dazed as she carries herself to safety, though there is no safety here as moments later does your ear drums burst with the sounds of explosives shattering throughout the battlements where all the glass bottles of blue stone where being kept.
Oh, fuck.
Stones fly past your head as white smoke emits from the destruction, you can smell the blood and hear the cries of the ones most unlucky enough to be so close. No one alive is around you for the time being as you stand among the dead, your chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, some trickles of unfamiliar blood falling down the side of your face and hands. More red dripping off of your sharp silver dagger as you stand in the evening sunlight, the smell of smoke and blood on the breeze.
"Can anyone here me? Is anyone out there?" Calls Yennefer from inside your head, likewise to all the other mages, "If you can hear me, you need to get to the front line. More Nilfgaardians are coming to the woods. We can't give up. We can still fight." Her voice is tired and desperate, heavy with emotion as she makes a last fleeting effort to protect the Keep.
You catch her scent and the sound of her erratic nervous heartbeat as she emerges from the broken gate of vines, white fog pushing to the side as she walks into the daylight. She looks rough, her face and chest dirty, her left hand coated in her own blood from a wound at her side.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Races three unfamiliar heartbeats.
Three more men rush out off the bushes and whitish thick mist, heading straight for her, she thrusts her opened palm into the air. Twisting her hand, the men fall dead one by one at her beautiful display of chaos.
Her lavender eyes trail across the battlefield, landing on you, you're speckled with the ruby red blood of dead Nilfgaardian men. A mess of red coating your lips as a trail of it wanders down your chin to your throat from when you let yourself have a little taste of Nilfgaards finest.
You slowly walk over to her side, she swallows, her throat is dry, nonetheless you lend her a hopeful smile, "You're ability to still look this good covered in dirt and blood is honestly impressive." The tiniest of smiles gives you a small sign of hope on her face, "I've cleared this area but as you've said, more are in the woods. I can still hear them, they're close."
"Thank you." Her voice is hoarse as she lowly nods, her voice becoming distant as she looks out into the wood line, "I need to find Tissaia."
Tagged:  @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​​@haleypearce @diegos-butt​ (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work) @a-girl-who-loves-disney
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harryspet · 4 years
dark peter parker x innocent naive reader (or ofc it doesn’t matter) non-con fic?
CAMP KISSLESS | peter parker
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[WARNINGS] dark peter parker x reader (Y/N), virgin reader, noncon sex, outdoor/car sex (public?), peter isn’t very friendly neighborhood spidery in this
A/N: I’ve wanted to do a camp au for a little while so that’s why I chose this setting! This ended up being way longer than I thought it would be. Read at your own risk.
In which your the new camp counselor and you’re excited to start your job but Peter has other plans for your summer.
word count: 2.7k
It was gonna be a great summer. 
It wasn’t your first summer at Camp. No, your parents drove you to upstate New York every summer since you were eight and you stayed at Camp Moonfall for three weeks out of the summer. You always made the best memories there but, now that you were older, you were saving up for college next semester. Now that you were eighteen, you felt responsible enough to get a job and of course, Peter put in a good word for you. 
You remembered the summer before, all the counselors had let you join them around the fire since you were older. That’s when the game of never have I ever happened and that’s when you changed the way you looked at Peter. You always thought he was cute but with him smiling around all his friends, the firelight illuminating his skin, you developed a small crush. He was a year older than you and you remembered saying how you were going to miss him during your Senior Year. 
He smiled at you, of course, and your heart fluttered. 
It was in that game that everyone learned your secret about how you hadn’t even had your first kiss yet. They looked at you, shocked, and you would’ve preferred if they had just teased you rather than pitied you. You didn’t care that you hadn’t had your first kiss because you were waiting for magic. You wanted to settle for nothing less. 
“So who’s first on your list?” Peter had asked you and you raised an eyebrow. He turned his marshmallow over the fire, letting it brown, “Your kiss list? Who’s your dream first kiss?”
“Thor, I think,” You joke to Peter and he only rolled his eyes. 
“Haha, Y/N,” He spoke sarcastically, “But I’m serious, who’s number one?” For a moment, looking in his eyes, you could’ve sworn he wanted you to say him. 
“I don’t have one,” You slouched back in your chair, “Whoever it is, I want them to be the one I marry.”
All of their eyes turned to you, even Peter as if you had said something offensive, “What?” you asked. 
“You should save it for as long as you can, Y/N?” MJ said across from you, easing the tension, “High school boys are Satan's spawn. And I hear college boys aren’t far off.”
For the first day of camp, your outfit consisted of a tie-dyed t-shirt and a pair of running shorts. You had dreamed of carrying the clipboard you now possessed. Along with the wooden whistle around your neck, you felt complete.
MJ pointed at a gray minivan parked in a long line of cars where parents were unpacking their kids, “Y/N, can you check them in?” You immediately nodded 
She remembered her training, all eight hours of it, and took a deep breath as she approached the family. The Dad was lugging things out of the trunk and the mom was rustling around with her triplets. 
“Good morning, campers! I’m Y/N” You greeted them with a wide smile, hands tight around your clipboard. The kids didn’t seem to care much about you but you could get used to that, not every child was gonna fall in love with you, “Hope you all are excited for the best three weeks of your year. Can I get the last name?”
“We’re the Nelson’s,” The woman muttered, clearly not excited to hear your chipper voice this early in the morning. She pointed to each child and named them off. 
You looked down the long list of names and easily found the three Nelson’s. You took a look at each boy, knowing you’d have to remember all of them, “There, found ya! Are these all of their things?”
The father nodded, three suitcases and several pool noodles on the ground, “You got a bellhop, Betty?” He spoke, clearly not bothered to know your name. 
You looked down, still trying to smile wide as you crossed off the names, “Uhm, if you carry your things over there, someone will be there to carry their things to their cabin. Someone will also be there to take the boys down by the lake and they can join in the welcome festivities. You guys can say goodbye there and that’s when your vacation begins, Mom and Dad.”
You expected a smile or a nod of approval but you got cold stares, “We want to make sure they get settled in and see where they will be living. You can’t expect us to say goodbye now.”
Your smile fell a little bit but you kept your composure, “Well, here at Camp Moonfall, we want to keep the goodbyes short. When you took the tour, you were able to see the campsite. It’s very safe. We just find it’s easier for kids to adjust without the big, emotional goodbyes. It helps the homesickness when you start the fun right away,” You thought your smile would somehow lift their spirits but it only crushed yours. 
“Could you stop smiling like an idiot? You’re an adult, aren’t you? They must be hiring the mentally incompetent here, Diane,” The father said to the mother. 
Your heart sank and your lips parted to say something but the words didn’t leave, “I’m going to that cabin, sweetheart. Do you know what it’s like to give birth to triplets? I spent nine months with these kids and you aren’t gonna rip them away from me. I was in labor for twenty hours!”
“I-I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just telling you the camp policy. We just find that it works best-”
The dad interrupted, mimicking your voice, “We just find that it works best. God, Diane, I told you this was a bad idea.”
“My mother said this would be a good experience for them!” The Mom yelled back at the husband, she held her boys closer to her, “The boys are not staying here. It seems like there’s something in the water here anyways …” The woman scowled at you. 
“I-I can g-get my supervisor-”
“And now she’s stuttering,” The father rolled his eyes, starting to grab their things and put them back in trouble, “Get in the car boys.”
How could your first time at this have gone so wrong? You clutched the clipboard to your chest, tears stinging your eyes. 
A second later you felt a hand on your shoulder, “What’s going on, Y/N?” He looked at the family then back at you. 
You just shook your head. He could tell you were about to start bawling, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Go back to your Cabin and collect yourself,” You nodded and instantly walked away. 
You heard Peter talking to the family, hoping to solve the issue so that the boys didn’t miss out on camp because of their crazy parents.
“I did it. I saved the triplets,” Peter entered the girl counselor’s cabin, a soft grin on his face. He saw where you were laying on your twin bed and sat down on the edge, “I might regret it later because the funny looking one with the mo-hawk looks like a biter.” 
You didn’t laugh, just pressed your face further into the pillow. Peter’s hand rested on the small of your back. You felt him start to rub circles there and that level intimacy enticed you as much as it scared you.
“I suck,” You spoke but it came out muffled. 
“You don’t suck,” Peter insisted, “They sucked, hard,” That made you laugh. You turned your body to look at him and his hand moved to your waist, “You’re gonna have a good rest of the day. You’re gonna go swimming, eat hotdogs, and play way too many rounds of hide and seek. It’s gonna be awesome and you’re gonna have to perk up if you want to steal my title as everyone’s favorite counselor.”
You snorted, “Really? I recall Ned being everyone’s favorite last year.”
Peter faked a frown, “The man can make a mean s’ more.” 
Absentmindedly, your hand touched his and you moved it away quickly. Too quickly, “You’re right,” you coughed awkwardly, “Today will be good.”
Something clicked, you could see it in his eyes that something had shifted. 
“Do you want to come on a drive with me tonight, after everyone’s in bed. I have a view I want to show you.”
“Isn’t that not allowed?”
“I’m head counselor, Y/N. Plus, I’m Spiderman. Who’s gonna fire me?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, but we’re back before midnight.”
For such a techy guy, Peter’s car was more run down than you expected, “What? She’s a passion project,” He said, touching the dash as if he believed the car was actually a person. 
Peter was right, you had a great day. The kids loved you and you even had one of Ned’s famous s' mores. You had a feeling the night might even get a little better. The way Peter was looking at you was how you’d always wanted to be looked at by someone. 
The car turned on onto a dirt road and it seemed you were on it for ten minutes before suddenly a valley opened up before you. Peter parked the car so the trunk was facing an amazing view. You got out of the rusty truck with your flashlight shining for extra light. You really didn’t need it because the moon was full and the stars were shining so bright.
They illuminated the valley and the beautiful mountain range in front of you, “Wow,” your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and Peter looked at you as if you were the cutest thing in the world. 
“Just wait,” Peter opened up the back of the pick-up trunk and there laid a bunch of blankets and pillows. He kicked off his shoes, climbing in and setting the lantern down. He patted the spot beside him, “You can see the stars better if you lay down.”
You would’ve thought this idea was the most romantic thing in the world if you didn’t get so terrified at that moment. This was like … a date. At least, to her, these weren’t things normal friends did. Not when they held your waist and looked at you like that. 
You played with your fingernails, “Uhm..” Your voice trailed off. 
Peter had already laid down, expecting you to join him. He sat up on his elbows, “Y/N?”
You could do this. 
You climbed up into the truck, crawling beside him but leaving a few feet in between you. You let the small lantern keep you separated, “D-Did you only bring me here because of what happened earlier, Peter?”
You looked up at the stars and it was breathtaking.
“No,” Peter laughed nervously. “I just … It just made me realize something.”
“Realize what?”
You turned your head and realized he was already looking at you, “That I wanted to get to know you. You were still nice to those people even after they were so rude to you. It made me …” His voice trailed off and his eyes shut as if he didn’t want to admit what was next, “It made me want to protect you.”
Was this it? The magic you always wanted. 
“You don’t … y-you, don’t have to protect me, Peter.”
He laid his hand out and you surprise yourself when you pressed your hands to his, “But I want to,” He said. 
“I don’t know how to do things like this,” You admitted. 
“It’s okay, I can show you,” Peter said quickly, “Not that I’m super experienced either. But, as you can see, I’m pretty good at choosing romantic locations.”
You blushed and he interlaced your fingers. 
You laid there for a while, pointing out constellations and making jokes about the new ones you made up. 
“There, I found it!” Peter pointed up but there were so many stars that you couldn’t tell which one he was looking at. 
“What is it?”
“It’s you, can’t you see it?” You shook your head, leaning closer to him so you could try to see from his perspective. As you moved closer, Peter turned his head towards you, “Take my word for it, it’s as beautiful as you look right now.”
You looked at him too and you stared until Peter leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Magic. This was magic. You weren’t sure how to move your lips but you just pressed yourself further into him. 
As you pulled away to catch your breath, you smiled, “Was that good?”
Peter nodded, “Yeah,” and he pressed his lips against yours again, his hand on your waist, “I’ve wanted to do that since last summer.”
You pulled away, “You’ve liked me for that long?” 
He tried to kiss you again, pulling your body into his, “Of course, you’re so beautiful … and innocent.” And naive, you thought. You didn’t want him to think of you as innocent. You didn’t want that to be the reason he liked you. 
You pressed a hand to his chest, trying to create distance, “Peter, maybe we should go back now. What if someone notices we’re gone?” He held you tighter and your heart raced, “Peter, I-I think we’re moving too fast.”
“This is what people who like each other do, Y/N?” He buried his head into your neck and began to kiss the skin there, “You don’t like me?” His breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine. 
“P-Please, please, Peter,” You begged, struggling against him. He soon was on top of you and, as you tried to escape his grasps, he pinned your arms above your head. You screamed for help and Peter only frowned. 
“No one’s gonna hear you,” He sounded annoyed. Who was this boy above you? Was he always a wolf in sheep’s skin? All these years? 
“Peter, you saved me today,” You tried to reason with him, “Don’t do this.”
He held your legs down as he ripped off your shorts with ease, “White panties? I should’ve known,” This was what he wanted. To steal your innocence and to hold that title forever. He spread your legs with his own. 
His eyes hovered above your own, his eyes staring right into, “What do you think people will believe? This story or that an innocent little girl like you wanted to lose her virginity with the boy she’s always had a crush on. Who do you think they’ll believe, you or me?”
You cried out but he shushed you by forcing his lips on you. You bit his lip and he pulled away, fuming and his grip on your wrist tightened, “We’re gonna have fun these three weeks,” He pulled off your panties next, stuffing them into your mouth to muffle your screams, “I’ll be gentle if you stop struggling, Y/N. I know it’s your first time.”
He positioned himself between your legs, pulling down his own shorts before feeling your sex with his fingers. He tested your reaction, watched you flinch as he stimulated that foreign part of your body, “I bet you haven’t even masturbated,” Peter growled, “Jesus.” He could probably finish just with the idea of you being so tight. 
He positioned himself at your entrance and you felt just how hard he was. You closed your eyes tight but they shot open as he slowly entered you. You struggled but that only made it worse. You were still, the pain ripping through your lower region. Tears were spilling out of your eyes. 
He didn’t need to hold you down anymore, his body was pressed against yours now and you felt too helpless to fight it anymore, “You’re gonna be mine, Y/N,” Peter whispered in your ear, tasting your tears with his tongue, “Only mine.”
As he rubbed your sensitive area and moved in and out, you hated that you were getting used to it. You hated that it was starting to feel pleasure. Peter noticed that you were getting wet and that only made him start to thrust his hips faster. 
Something began building in your core and you thought you might explode. Your body convulses and your breathing becomes even more rapid. You tightened around Peter’s member, milking his climax out of him as you did the same but against your will. Peter slammed his hand down beside your head, groaning loudly as he finished inside of you.
You were his for the rest of camp and you were not to tell anyone what happened. 
“This is gonna be such a good summer, Y/N.”
Feel free to request some drabbles! If you want more dark peter than check out my masterlist!
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I was gonna make terrible-quality manips of the family dressed up for Halloween, but I’ve decided I can’t be arsed and also I think my time would be better spent writing today. So instead I’m just going to tell you what they’re dressing up as.
Alexios is Thor from Ragnarok (including long blonde hair). It’s his favorite himbo hero. He’s memorized all the funny lines and is quoting them whenever he can. He’s cracking himself up at least.
Deimos (Lexi) is Heath Ledger’s Joker, specifically the nurse outfit. He’s also memorized some movie lines, but not that many and not just his own character’s. His favorites are “Why so serious?” while holding a knife near the person’s face, and “Do you feel in charge?”, also while holding up the knife.
Myrrine is Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton!) from Terminator 2. Obviously.
Nikolaos is T1000 from T2. He hasn’t seen it, he’s just wearing what Myrrine told him to, to make her happy and doesn’t know he’s the baddie. His kids doesn’t have the heart to tell him.
Stentor is Batman. He chose that without knowing what Deimos had planned to wear and is now irritated and avoiding talking to him until Deimos forces it at which point Stentor growls at him through clenched teeth, which honestly goes very nicely with his costume.
Actually, Stentor didn’t want to join in with the dressing up at all (shocking) until Brasidas talked him into it, but then there was a little bit of a miscommunication. See, Brasidas talked him into it by saying they could dress up sort of matching (Batman and Superman), but neither of them remembered that there’s a bit of generational gap there. Which is why Stentor dressed up as a Dark Knight kind of Batman, while Brasidas dressed up like a Christopher Reeves kind of Superman. So they don’t actually match now and Stentor feels like Brasidas tricked him into looking like he cared enough to put time and effort into a costume (which he did, but that’s not the point), while Brasidas obviously just bought an off-the-rack polyester body-sock with fake foam muscles.
Kassandra is a Lynda Carter-style Wonder Woman, which matches very well with Brasidas’ Superman, which of course irritates Stentor even more because that just proves that Brasidas did trick him and that this was their plan all along, which of course amuses her to no end.
Stentor will cheer up a bit towards the end of the party when he realizes that all the single eligible women are flocking to either him in his cool Batman costume, or Alexios in his Thor costume. Because Deimos can’t stop acting creepy with his quotes and his knife so he’s weirding everyone out, and Brasidas only has eyes for Kassandra so he’s obviously a lost cause, and Nikolaos… well, everyone figured out literally decades ago that he had no plans on replacing his estranged wife so why would anyone even bother to try now that the estranged wife was in the room with them?
I can’t decide if Phoibe would be dressed up like an lovecraftian angel made of multiple wings and eyes and burning wheels (in reference to that crazy and honestly creepy dream/hallucination she had and shared with both Kassandra and Deimos where she was murdered back in Athens) or as Olaf from Frozen.
It’s definitely one of the two because she’s not allowed to dress up like Kassandra and borrow Ikaros for the evening (“Please don’t, Phoibe. I’m nothing special and no one would get it anyway. Can’t you think of something else?”), even though Ikaros would definitely be down for that.
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
Good Omens one-shot - “When God Closes a Door, She Opens a Window, But It's Up to You to Find It” (Rated T)
Summary: Crowley goes through unconventional lengths to escape a bad blind date...
... and ends up finding an angel in an unexpected place. (2770 words)
Notes: This is a re-write of an older story, but I think I like this version better. Human au. Fluffy as heck. CW: If you get squicked out by being covered in food trash, proceed with caution.
Read on AO3.
"Bollocks... bollocks... bollocks... bollocks... " Crowley mutters as she paces back and forth, simmering behind her eyeballs with so much anxiety she's about to tear her hair out by the roots. The only plan she can come up with to solve her current dilemma grows hotly in her mind, but she's searching for something - ANYTHING! - to take its place. 
Maybe something along the lines of acting like an adult, womaning up, and admitting this isn’t going to work? Be upfront about it and say it to the man’s face, for Heaven's sake! 'Go on, Crowley!' she thinks. 'Go ahead! One foot in front of the other. Steady on! You can do this!'
But she’s become so tired of the grind – going to bars, faithfully tending her online dating profile, endless blind dates set up by well-meaning friends, the rejecting and the rejections. She can’t face one more. It physically hurts, knots her stomach muscles until the pain turns her world monochromatic.
Crowley had had high hopes for this one, too. Her date Steven is the new doctor of the boy she nannies. He and Crowley have plenty in common – a love of theater and fine dining, and an appreciation for fashion. Crowley thought dating a pediatrician would be fascinating. After summarizing the pertinent details of her own life, perhaps her date would talk about getting through medical school, toss in a few whimsical stories about the joys (quote/unquote) of working with children - baby’s first shots where the parents cried more than the infant, or the tale of a precocious little girl who demanded he put a Band-Aid on her teddy before he helped her (the way Crowley's young charge had with his first doctor when he was around three). They could swap war stories, bond in that way.
But Steven’s favorite part of his profession is pediatric surgery, and, unfortunately, he loves to talk shop. Every morsel of conversation has been inappropriate for dinner and graphic in nature - appendectomy this and tonsillectomy that, abscesses and pus and untreated sores - until Crowley’s face turned as green as her salad and she couldn’t look at her steak anymore.
Neither could their neighbors, who flagged down a passing waiter and requested a new table. They've been sat near the kitchen, which most diners would loathe, but they look heaps happier.
Crowley excused herself as delicately as she could and raced to the loo, needing to escape any more gruesome talk. 
That was over fifteen minutes ago. 
She’s trapped with no way out.
She pictures the layout of the restaurant in her head. There has to be a back way in and out of this place. All restaurants have an exit through the kitchen, right? But the toilet, the kitchen, and the front door are all in full view of their table. Steven is sure to spot her sneaking out no matter how stealthy she is.
Crowley turns on the cold water and splashes her face, scolding herself to think, think, think! She’s an intelligent woman. She can come up with a way out of this. Could she phone someone to come down to the restaurant and make an excuse for her? Not likely, not on short notice. Her friends Anathema and Newt wouldn't be able to find a sitter - ironic, seeing as Crowley is a nanny, and if the tables were turned, she'd be more than willing to lend a hand.
Could she phone her employers, ask Mrs. Dowling to claim an emergency at home? No. She doesn't want to get them tangled up in her personal woes, especially when they concern a man they think of so highly.
She could look up one of those services that make fake calls to your cell phone to get you out of sticky situations, but that would mean going back out there to make the ruse believable. And from the way her hands lock around the lip of the basin every time she thinks about taking a step outside the door, she knows that isn’t happening.
Crowley looks at herself in the mirror, looks into her eyes, and reminds herself to calm down. Slow her breathing. She’ll find a solution. 
And suddenly, there it is. 
In the reflection of the mirror, she sees what might be her only way out.
A window. 
The only window in there, propped open enough that she’d be able to fit through. 
It’s kind of high, sort of narrow, and definitely a last resort. But what other choice does she have?
Loads, in reality. It just doesn't feel like it.
But does she really have to resort to jumping out a window? She’s already been in there for (she checks her watch and her eyes open wide) twenty-five minutes! And her date hasn’t come to check on her once. Maybe the man got the hint and left (hopefully after paying what should be close to a hundred-pound check). 
Crowley tests her luck, opening the door a sliver, praying silently don’t be there, don’t be there, don’t be there...
But there is no God - not one on her side, anyway - because there sits Dr. Steven Malory, talking to the waiter, telling him about another fascinating surgical procedure. He makes an exaggerated cutting motion across his stomach with a butter knife. The poor waiter, weighed down by a tray of soup bowls, nods politely, but looks like he may vomit in the tureen.
She winces. That poor waiter. Who knows how many times he's been called upon to lend an ear since her absence, or how many more times he'll be forced to endure another gory tale before Dr. Malory realizes she's gone. She peeks over her shoulder at the window, then back to the table, where Steven has his phone out, Googling something to the waiter's dismay. She slowly closes the door and backs away.
Window it is.
Crowley shelves the nagging feeling that she's perpetuating the most pathetic trope in the dating world and starts constructing a platform. There’s not much available – a small stepstool underneath the sink; a short, square, plastic rubbish bin that looks less than steady; another taller rubbish bin, dented along one side, looking like someone else already used it to make a break for freedom; and the toilet and basin, both miles away and completely unmovable.
Crowley does some quick engineering in her head and figures that if she turns the small bin over onto the stepstool, she might gain the height she needs to grab the lip of the window and hoist herself up, which would eliminate using the dented bin. She doesn’t like the odds that she won’t slip, fall, and crack her head open. She’s not so much worried about doing any permanent damage, but of having to explain to her date why she’s lying on the floor, covered in trash, and bleeding profusely.
With her luck, he'll giddily insist on stitching up any gashes, drawing a crowd of bystanders around to watch.
Crowley pushes the stool up against the wall with her foot. She dumps the trash from the small bin into its larger counterpart and sets it on the stool, centering it as best she can to keep it from sliding. With a hand on the wall for support, she puts a foot on the bin and attempts to pull herself up. It wobbles back and forth, then gives one backward lurch that nearly sends Crowley flying. 
She determines quickly that this isn’t going to work the way she had planned and makes a desperate leap for the window, using all her upper body strength to get her halfway through.
Crowley shudders when the cold air hits her skin, shocked by the drop in temperature, but mostly from fear of death. She looks down. 
A huge mistake on her part.
A horribly placed streetlamp keeps her from seeing into the alley, but she’s pretty sure she remembers a dumpster underneath this window. She had parked her Bentley in the lot across the way and saw it on the walk in. She looks out into the rows of cars and spots her vehicle. She sighs with relief. 
Now she’s a little more sure, but still not 100%.
Worst case scenario, she lands in food muck, probably not rotten since it’s still actively dinner, and ruins an expensive designer outfit.
Of course, that’s not actually the worst-case scenario, is it? Worst case scenario, she misses the dumpster altogether, hits the pavement, and breaks her leg, but she’s determined to remain optimistic. At this moment, when her anxiety-ridden brain has her convinced that the only logical route out is through this flippin' window, that’s a chance she’s willing to take.
She swings her right leg over, grateful that she chose slacks over a skirt tonight, till she’s straddling the narrow sill, bent in half by the metal lip of the window frame. She balances there, the dull edge digging into her sternum, her belly, and her crotch, but she can’t make herself jump. 
She’ll need to trick herself into it. 
She forces herself to relax, teeter-tottering back and forth, not dwelling on the possible outcome, just trying to work her way to the right far enough that she knocks herself off-kilter.
Fate lends a hand in the form of a drunken passerby yelling, “Oi! Oi, lookie there! There’s a big bird... human... thing hanging out that window!” 
Crowley panics, afraid she's about to be mistaken for someone breaking into a busy restaurant and not out. She fumbles, flails, starts falling head first, scrambles to get a hold. She hears a distant, “No! No, wait!” as her fingers slip. There are three seconds of cold wind and a sinking feeling in her stomach before she lands on her bum, thankfully in the dumpster, surrounded by the smell of not-too-rank food, the squish of something under her body that she thinks might be mashed cauliflower... 
... and a scream.
“Oh my God! I’m sorry!” 
Crowley yelps when her body lifts, something extraordinarily strong underneath pushing her up. She reaches around the slippery mess and wet plastic bags, struggling to pull herself off whoever is in the rubbish under her while trying to ignore the gravy seeping into her slacks, or the rice pilaf embedding itself beneath her freshly glossed fingernails. She knows she's broken two at minimum. 
How much worse could this evening get?
“I’m sorry!” Crowley scrambles to her knees, crawls away a few feet. “I’m so, so sorry!” 
“It’s alright, my dear.” A voice underneath her chuckles, its owner emerging from a layer of poached fish and au gratin potatoes.
Crowley turns in time to catch a glimpse as they move into the light. A woman wearing a vintage-inspired emerald gown covered in Hollandaise sauce and ranch dressing smiles sheepishly at her. The white light overhead gives a halo effect to her silvery-blonde hair, and her blue eyes almost glow.
She's quite breathtaking. 
“I thought I had reserved a private dumpster,” she jokes. “I’ll need to have a word with the maître de."
Crowley stares at her, stunned. “I… I don’t understand. What are you doing in here?”
“I suspect I might be here for the same reason as you,” she says, wiping mayonnaise off her hand before offering it to Crowley. “I’m Aziraphale.”
“Crowley. I’m sorry I landed on you.” She takes Aziraphale’s hand, forgetting to wipe hers off before and smushing creamed spinach between them. Crowley groans in embarrassment, but Aziraphale laughs.
“No worries.” Aziraphale doesn't let go immediately the way Crowley thought she would, her smile becoming brighter the longer she holds on. “It’s the most exciting thing that’s happened all evening.”
“So... I take it you’re running away from a bad date, too, huh?” Crowley asks, regretting when Aziraphale finally lets go.
“I'm afraid so.” Aziraphale glances down with a long sigh. “A friend set me up, but I swear, the only men she knows are unemployed, torpid, and skeevy.”
“Wow. That’s some A-plus word usage right there.”
“Yes, well, the written word is my passion."
“Does that mean you're the one who wrecked the silver rubbish bin?"
“Did I?” Aziraphale looks up at the window and grimaces. “I should probably offer to replace that then, shouldn't I? What about you?” Aziraphale turns her soft blue eyes back Crowley's way. “How bad was your date going?”
“I can now perform an appendectomy with my eyes shut.”
“Yikes. I take it that’s not a turn-on for you?”
“Not in the slightest. I appreciate medicine as much as the next gal, but I’d rather not know the gritty details." Crowley stares at Aziraphale until Aziraphale notices, then the two look away, blushing like giggly teenagers flirting in a coffee shop instead of two adults stuck in the trash. Crowley can't help herself. Regardless of the stench of curdled butter and cheese that will probably be with her for life, Aziraphale is a calming presence. And she looks like an angel. An honest-to-God angel! 
And Crowley found her in the trash. 
What are the odds?
“You know, we might want to get out of here before anyone else drops in,” Aziraphale suggests, rising to her feet and lending Crowley a hand.
“Yeah,” Crowley agrees. "Guess that's my night over. Though... " She looks down at her blouse and trousers, positively caked with sweet potatoes, chicken grease, tomato sauce, and chutney "... I’m not looking forward to driving home like this.”
"How far do you have to go?"
"I'm in Mayfair."
"Oh!" Aziraphale gasps. "Isn't that a lovely part of town?"
"I enjoy it," Crowley replies, never having felt quite so proud to live in Mayfair as she does in this moment. "And you?"
"I have a shop in SoHo."
"Lucky. You're just a hop, skip, and a jump, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am... " Aziraphale chews the inside of her cheek as her words hang, balanced in the air between stopping a thought or continuing it. “I hope you don’t think I’m being too forward, but if you come back to my shop, I have a shower. We could clean up there... " Aziraphale sputters when Crowley's eyebrow arcs sharply upward. "S-separately, of course! A-and order in some pie. I know a great spot nearby. I dare say they have the best pie in the world! And they deliver.”
“I don’t have a change of clothes,” Crowley says, wary of taking Aziraphale up on her invitation. Garbage notwithstanding, meeting her has definitely been an improvement to the way things were going. 
"I might have something that would work for you." Aziraphale sizes Crowley up, but not in a creepy way. In a surprisingly nurturing way. "It would be nice to salvage the evening, don't you think?"
"It would." But one disastrous date is plenty for the night. Should Crowley jump straight to another with a woman she met in a dumpster? Then again, it would be wrong for her to assume that spending time with Aziraphale would be disastrous. Plus the story of how they met is way too fantastic to waste on self-doubt.
Crowley took a chance on jumping out a window with only hope to guide her. She’d be stupid not to take a chance on this.
“Sure,” Crowley says, confident with her decision. “Your car or mine?” The words slip out before she considers the fact that she's talking about her baby. A vintage car that she, due to an extreme case of sheer luck, has been the sole owner of. She won't even wear muddy shoes in her car. Or rayon! On top of her own ruined outfit, which will need to be dry cleaned twice and then set on fire, if she lets Aziraphale in her car, she'll have two sloppy, food-stained seats that she’ll need to have scoured. 
Maybe Aziraphale will laugh her off and offer to take her own car. Why would she want to leave it behind, anyway?
“Oh, I didn't drive,” Aziraphale says, looking down sadly at her own destroyed dress. “I took the bus.”
Crowley's heart clenches. There's that decision made. There's no way she's going to suggest Aziraphale take the bus while Crowley drives her car. She just prays that, with time, her baby will forgive her.
“My car it is then.” Crowley loops her arm covered in soup through Aziraphale’s arm covered in whipped cream and leads the way. Aziraphale smiles, holds Crowley's arm a wee bit tighter, and Crowley becomes certain this new development will be worth the money she'll spend detailing her car in the morning.
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