#anyways the feeling of safety sometimes results in tears and bad feelings because it’s okay to process it now
fluffydice · 2 years
Taking my relationship stuff and applying it to kubosai my beloved
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ameliora-j · 3 years
happier than ever // hp x reader
words: 1.7k
warnings: breakup, talk of the war, angsty asf, i think that’s all but as always lmk loves! :)
a/n: based on happier than ever by billie eilish,, italics are flashback/song lyrics
a/n ii: i do NOT like nor do i promote billie eilish in any way at all. but the song is trending on tiktok and i thought it’d be a good fic idea
it was the biggest argument the two of you had ever had. the one that resulted in the end of your relationship. you regretted every single second of it. you knew that he was trying. that he just wanted to help. he was trying to make a better world for himself. for everyone. for you. for both of you. so you could have the future you always talked about.
but lately he wasn’t around. he had a lot of responsibilities, you understood that. but you were his girlfriend. and lately he wasn’t being much of a boyfriend. you tried to push it away when he called rain checks on your dates. or when he was late because it “slipped his mind.” or when, sometimes… he didn’t even show at all.
it was your final straw when he showed up three hours late for your anniversary dinner. it wasn’t even your true anniversary… that was two weeks ago. but he had missed that because he was at hagrid’s hut with ron and hermione. you pushed it off with a shrug and a small smile. no more than a “it’s okay harry, i promise. i know you have a lot on your plate right now,” as you kissed his cheek and retreated to your dorm for the night.
but that night… that night you just had so much pent up anger. you were sick of it, truthfully. and you flipped out. “why’re you so dressed up, love?” the question would usually have made your heart sink. but by now you were used to it. now you just scoffed. you were numb to the hurt of him forgetting.
“had an anniversary dinner with my boyfriend. but it seems like he forgot… again,” you spoke plainly.
“darling i’m so sorry you have to believe me,” he implored.
“it’s fine harry. really,” you shrugged as you blinked back your angry tears.
“we can… we can reschedule. tomorrow i promise,” he bit his lip hopefully.
“no. it’s fine,” you shrugged.
“okay. if tomorrow doesn’t work, we can try next week maybe?” he tried again. you shook your head again. “okay well if not next week then i’m not sure. i’ve got army meetings and ron, mione, and i have plans with hagrid. plus we’ve got the end of years coming up so i have to study. when do you want to reschedule for?”
“i don’t harry,” you answered, finally letting the dam break. two tears fell slowly down your cheeks. “i don’t want to reschedule. or try a different day because there won’t be one. it’ll just be the same thing all over again. you’ll be late. if you even care to remember that we have a date at all,” you spat bitterly.
“yn, i’m trying,” harry quickly became defensive at the venom spitting from your tongue. “i’m doing my best really, can’t you see that? i’m trying to save the world here, you’re not making it easy by being so clingy,” he spat ruthlessly.
“then let me make it easier on you, harry. you never have to worry about me again,” you offered a sad smile as you turned and began to walk away.
“you’re breaking up with me?” the sea-eyed boy was dumbfounded.
“yeah. i’m making saving the world easier on you. you won’t have to worry about a clingy girlfriend anymore. go do what you need to do and save the world harry,” you told him. “too bad you couldn’t save your relationship as well,” you sniffled as you retreated to your dorm.
it hurt you to leave harry. but you both needed it. two years of dating and an even longer relationship… and it just all went to shit. it exploded right before your eyes.
you spent the following weeks buried under your covers. sobbing your little heart out, when you weren’t in class. you knew what would come of breaking up with hogwarts’ golden boy and the savior of the world. the dirty looks. the whispers. however, what you didn’t expect… was for the whole wizarding world to hear about it.
what you didn’t expect was for the front page of the daily prophet to read in big, bold lettering: “THE BOY WHO LIVED: HEARTBROKEN.” you read through the article by rita skeeter and you were fuming. she had called you “cold” and “heartless.” and much, much nastier words that you couldn’t even repeat, all of which were completely untrue.
harry had made you out to be the bad guy, of course. the golden boy could never do anything wrong. you scoffed as you picked up the paper and stormed your way to the great hall. all conversation at the gryffindor had died down as their eyes locked on you, storming over to harry. “you LIAR!” you screamed as you roughly shoved his chest, throwing the paper down in front of him.
he raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the article. “i see no lies here,” he shrugged, causing ron, ginny, and hermione to stifle a laugh. you rolled your eyes at this. “you’re nothing but a cold. heartless. bitch,” he spat ruthlessly.
“as if! harry that’s you! you’re cold and you’re heartless! you don’t care about anyone but yourself, oh chosen one,” you spit right back.
“cold and heartless when i’m saving the world?” he raised an eyebrow as he scoffed.
“please cut your little bullshit ‘i the chosen one am saving the world’ ploy. it’s nothing but bullshit! neville could save the world just as well as you can,” you shook your head. “you’re nothing without your title harry. absolutely nothing,” you growled. you saw red. nothing but red. you were positively pissed. anger was the only thought processing in your brain. “you’re an entitled brat harry. who never sees himself in the wrong even when you break hearts.”
“then i guess we’re one in the same, aren’t we, yn?” he snarked.
“oh please. you wish harry. i don’t relate to you. i could never relate to you. cus i would’ve never treated me as shitty as you did,” you shook your head as you spoke. crossing your arms defensively as you prepared to tell the chosen one all about himself.
“i treated you so shitty and yet, i still work my ass off to continue to save your life along with everyone else on the planet. right,” he scoffed.
“cut your bullshit harry. stop with the savior of the world shit. you scared me half to death with all of the dangerous shit you did. you stick your neck out and swim oceans for people who wouldn’t even step over a fucking puddle for you! you think these people care about you? they don’t! you’re a pawn in their little war. that’s all you’ll ever be!” you scoffed again. “i don’t even know why i’m wasting my breath. you only ever listen to your fucking ‘friends’ anyway,” you put air quotes around the word as you forced yourself to keep your tears at bay.
“so what if i’m a pawn! i’m helping! you’ve had everything handed to you on a silver fucking platter you’re entire life! you’d never know what this life feels like!” he shouted back.
“that’s your problem harry! you never see anyone’s problems but your own! you weren’t even aware of the fact that you made me miserable! for weeks you made me miserable. i couldn’t even tell if i still had a boyfriend or not!” you harshly rubbed your nose on the sleeve of your robe. “i wish it wasn’t true, but now that i’m away from you, i’m somehow happier. at least i know you don’t love me anymore instead of having to wonder every night,” you shook your head.
“we’re done yn! you made that very clear when you left me after forgetting one date! why do you care so much!” he yelled.
“because it wasn’t one date harry it was multiple! hogwarts was my home harry! and you made me hate this school!” you shouted.
“so what?! we’re over yn, i’m moving on and handling it in my own way! you should too!” his face was red and the vein in his neck was protruding. all eyes in the great hall—including those of the professors’—were on the two of you.
“no! cus i don’t talk shit about you all over the daily prophet or in school for that matter! i’ve never said anything bad about you!” you yelled at him.
“well why not? apparently you have every right to since i was such a horrible boyfriend for trying to make a better world for the two of us to have a future in,” he scoffed.
you rolled your eyes and decided upon not wasting your breath at his use of that defense yet again. “cause that shit’s embarrassing harry! you were my everything and all you ever did was make me fucking sad!” you rubbed at your nose again, nearly positive that the tip of it was now rubbed raw.
“i’m sorry that you feel like i was so terrible to you. i’m sorry that i couldn’t save our relationship like i saved the world like you said,” he shook his head.
“oh don’t try to make me feel bad harry! i have a whole laundry list of good and bad things about you. but at some point the good stopped outweighing the bad,” by now the inevitable had happened and tears had begun to spill slowly over your lash line.
“really? cus it sounds like you have nothing but bad things to say,” he snarked with a small scoff.
“i mean i could list all the times you showed up on time, but it’d be empty because you never did. you ruined everything good in my life, harry. and you always say you’re so misunderstood but you’re not! you’re just a heartless, selfish, asshole!” you shoved his chest roughly. “just fucking leave me alone! and keep my name out of your mouth,” you rolled your waterlogged eyes as you walked away.
once you were in the safety of your dorm, you let it all out. you slid slowly down the closed door and pulled your knees to your chest, releasing all the sobs you held in during your screaming match. your heart broke for the second time in less than a month. you choked over sobs as your stomach twisted in pained knots, matching the feeling of your heart thumping behind your ribcage.
your everything was gone. but somehow… you were happier than ever without him.
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captainhotch · 3 years
Afterglow | Steve Rogers
steve rogers x reader
based on this prompt list of Taylor Swift Songs
summary; a really solid mix of angst and fluff with a happy ending
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I blew things out of proportion, now you’re blue
You felt guilty more than anything. Steve Rogers was quite possible the best person you had ever met. He was kind and smart and oh so caring. The second you met the man you were his, whether he knew it or not. And lucky for you, he looked at you the same way.
You had been together for about four months before the honeymoon phase started to fade. It was your fault and you knew it— you just couldn’t help the thoughts that started to bleed in. Steve was far too good for you— the same qualities that brought you in would soon tear you apart. You felt guilty, like you were holding him back. Your past was jaded where his was honorable, your intentions in shades of gray where his were black and white.
You weren’t a bad person, but you sure as hell couldn’t compare to the man you had grown to love. Like most heroes with questionable origins, you had gotten your powers through HYDRA— albeit not by your own free will. Joining the Avengers for you was a safety net, Steve joined as a call to duty.
You had a past of ruining the good things in your life. And Steve had a past of loving another woman. Those two things didn’t mix well.
You had convinced yourself that he was still in love with Peggy Carter, and in all honesty it wasn’t a very far reach. When he talked about his first love his eyes burned brighter than you had ever seen them. She too was exceptional in every way— a force.
It hadn’t come up until you and Steve argued one morning. It had started small, he had canceled your lunch date to help Bucky with something or another. Normally it wouldn’t have bothered you— if it hadn’t been the third time in a row. Or if Bucky actually needed the help, but the man was fine— he even said so himself. You knew what it was, it was Steve desperately clinging onto his past. He would kill himself trying to bring back an old Bucky Barnes who no longer existed.
Peggy Carter was a very large part of his past. She was his first love, his soulmate if those existed— so when he brought her up in the argument, all hell broke loose.
“It always comes back to her,” you laughed incredulously, though there was no humor in it, “unbelievable.” You ran a hand down your face as you sat at the edge of your bed.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He questioned, face red with anger as he stopped in front of you. This was by far the biggest fight you’d ever had.
“I will never measure up to the memory of Peggy Carter. In your head she’s the perfect woman. I can’t compete.” You wanted so badly to cry, eyes so thick with tears you couldn’t see Steve’s face. You wouldn’t let the dam break... just to spite him if anything. A voice inside your head reminded you that Steve wouldn’t receive any satisfaction from your crying. He was good like that.
Put you in jail for something you didn’t do
“I don’t want you to.” He stressed, kneeling down in front of you, “I just want you to be honest with me. To tell me how you’re feeling. When you’re feeling it— don’t just keep it inside until it boils over.” He placed a hand on your knee to balance himself, the other tilting your chin so he could look into your eyes.
When you blinked the tears escaped, granting you full vision of Steve’s own sad face. His thumb swept the tears away, keeping its spot on your cheek so you wouldn’t look away.
“I want to be with you. Not Peggy or anyone else. And I need you to believe me when I tell you that— I need you to know that I wouldn’t lie to you.” He reaffirmed, leaning his forehead against your own.
The heat from his body surrounded you like a blanket. You were always so comfortable around him, he made you feel so safe.
Thought I had reason to attack but no
“I just don’t understand,” you whispered out, nestling into his large palm, “you’re this amazing human being. You’re so good and I don’t get how you could feel all those things for me.” You paused, shaking your head as if that would unjumble your thoughts.
“And it’s confusing and I get in my own head and ruin things. I think me saying them hurts less than if you were to say them.” You confessed.
It’s all me in my head, I’m the one who burned us down. But it’s not what I meant, sorry that I hurt you
You hated how self-destructive you were. And you weren’t sure if being aware was better or worse— because you fell into your own trap every time anyways. You always ended up hurting the people you loved.
“You’re amazing. And brave and beautiful and you make me happy. It’s okay to hurt and to be broken, and I know it’s hard to talk about it. But I can’t help if you don’t tell me.”
You reached up, placing your own hand gentle at the base of his neck. You had never been seen in the way Steve saw you. He understood what it meant to be broken— to lose and then regain control of your own life. He knew you were hurting and wanted nothing more than to ice your bruises.
“I don’t wanna fight with you. But sometimes I feel like I don’t know how not to.” You admitted, pulling back so you could look into his eyes. This tears were back but this time you didn’t will them away.
I don’t wanna do, I don’t wanna do this to you
“Next time tell me when something is bothering you— even if you think it’ll bother me. I want to know. I’d listen to every thought that passed your mind if you’d let me.” He laughed quietly, resulting in your smile.
“I think I love you.” You paused, letting out a shaky breath, “And that really really scares me. I don’t wanna ruin this.”
I don’t wanna lose, I don’t wanna lose this with you
“I know I love you.” He smiled softly, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, “And I don’t plan on letting you go.”
It’s all me, just don’t go. Meet me in the Afterglow.
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What Can I Do? (William One Shot)
WARNING: CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS OF LOVE UNHOLYC. Please be advised reading if you have not completed at least one route past day 7. I based this off of one of William’s side stories called “A Smiling Master and a Heartbroken Butler”. It isn’t relevant enough to the side story to be a spoiler for it.
Fandom: Love Unholyc Character(s): William and MC (unnamed and gender neutral) NSFW: No Description: Slight AU where even after spending 7 days with Sol, Leo, and Hi, MC still chooses William to be their partner for their Coming of Age ceremony. However, due to William losing his adult body during the day, he distances himself from MC and refuses the second time to be their partner.
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“Master?” William knocked on MC’s door 3 times before opening the door. They always scolded him for not knocking, so William was doing as he was ordered; knocking. However, he never nailed the timing on when he should enter. MC was lucky he knocked in the first place, he humored.
William wasn’t expected for the sight in front of him.
The room was empty. No master in sight. Not only were they no where to be found, but the room was mysteriously picked up. All of MC’s dirty clothes were in the hamper and their gaming desk was free of any and all debris or food. 
It wasn’t clean by any means, but it was suspiciously clean for his master.
William knew that MC was in their home 360 out of 365 days a year, but he felt panic swell in his chest. He was concerned for his master’s safety, but the thought of her with those humans made him feel even more insecure.
William’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out swiftly and almost dropped it. He cursed to himself before reading a message from his master.
MC: LIAM! MC: I’ll be home later. I have some things to do. MC: I know you haven’t been speaking to me much since you had to reverse time, but I understand.
William felt a tightness in his stomach at that. He didn’t know that MC noticed his distance, but even more so, he didn’t expect them to understand.
MC: Anyway, I picked everything up in my room. I ate before I left as well and I’ll eat before I get home, so don’t worry about making me anything. MC: I even braided my own hair today! You should be proud! (^-^) MC: Anyway, there’s no need to do anything today. Just take it easy, okay?~ MC: Oh, that’s an order from your master, by the way.
William stiffened. What was this? Why has his master done this? They’ve never done this before. William had so many questions that his head began to spin.
Then, he caught a glance of his reflection in the mirror. William clenched his fist at the sight in front of him.
The young boy in the mirror glowered back at William. He didn’t regret turning back time to save his master from Eater. He would do it a thousand more times. There was no price he wouldn’t pay for his master. He can’t help but wish that he paid any other price other than this one.
He was hundreds of years old, but during the day, he’s stuck in the body of his younger self. He also sacrificed half of his power when he turned back time. Due to his smaller stature, doing chores during the day was more difficult than ever. Keeping up with his master and a mansion in the state of his body was difficult work and often resulted in William cleaning well into the early hours of the morning. He would rest for a couple of hours before waking up to prepare MC’s breakfast. He complained out loud about how hard work has been, but he hadn’t expected his master to notice.
William looked around MC’s room. It was full of random items, all items he’d bought for them. He didn’t mind spoiling them. His master was unmatched as an Unholyc even if they didn’t realize it, managing to attract three partners on their first try for their Coming of Age ceremony. Out of all of the things they could be doing, his master plays games. He doesn’t think this is a bad thing. William’s brow furrowed at the memory of the humans. Leo, Sol, and Hi irritated him more than he could put into words.
William closed his eyes. He found the humans to be ungrateful and troublesome. He remembers how he came to be in charge of the 3 dogs.
-The day MC found their humans-
“Master, get up.” William pulled the comforter of the bed back to reveal a sleepy master, fighting him tooth and nail on getting out of bed.
“No!” MC fought, refusing to open their eyes. They rolled onto their side with a huff.
“You have to find a partner for your Coming of Age ceremony. Or, did you already forget? I swear, master. It’s like you intentionally stress me out.” William sighed. “Please, master. It’s time for breakfast and then the car will be ready for you.”
MC sniffled. Even though they weren’t facing William, he could tell they were frowning. “Why do I have to find a partner?” MC asks quietly. Their voice was laced with sleep and something else that William couldn’t place.
William did his best to hide the annoyance in his tone. “You have to in order to complete your ceremony. You have to have a ceremony to become a full fledged Unholyc. Do we need to have this lesson again?” William teased. He knew his master did not want to have that lesson again, but sometimes getting a rise out of them made them rise out of bed.
MC suddenly turned to face William. Their face was flushed and tears pricked the corners of their eyes. William’s eyes widened at them.
They looked angry at him.
“Why? Why do I need to go find a partner? Can’t Liam be my partner?” MC asked, brow furrowed.
Liam was completely taken aback by his master’s sudden boldness. He managed to open his mouth anyway.
“If my master commands it, I will be.”
MC’s face fell. “I see. Forget I said anything, then.” They got out of bed, refusing to meet William’s eye. “I’ll get ready. Please get out so I can change.”
William studied his master’s back before exiting, softly shutting the door behind him. He stood outside of their door for a few moments, gathering himself. He didn’t appreciate his master playing with his emotions like that. He didn’t want to hold out false hope of one day ending up with his master for eternity.
He didn’t want to be like that stupid butler of Shallotte’s, Pierce.
William sighed to himself. They probably only said that because they were too lazy to leave, and William was the easiest option for them since he lived with them already.
MC requested to eat in their room before they went to find their partner. William scolded them for eating meals in their room, however, it was just to mask how sore his chest felt. Truth be told, he didn’t want his master to find a partner. He wanted to be the only one to channel acme into them. He wanted to be their partner for her ceremony, and for their lives.
He wouldn’t admit this, however. He was fine being their butler forever, as long as he could remain by MC’s side.
No matter what, he just wants to be by their side. He won’t be selfish with his relationship with his master. He would only be selfish with being by their side. He told himself to never wish for more and kept the romantic feelings he had for his master buried as far as he could.
MC returned from their hunt for a partner with not only one, but three.
Not only three, but three humans.
William’s blood burned. Not only would be have to share his master, he would have to share them with three humans?
After they excused themselves to MC’s room, William quickly shut the door behind them. He couldn’t watch them channeling their acme into his master.
William’s gaze fell upon MC’s dresser. Before he had to reverse time, this had been where MC placed the gift he gave them on the day of their Coming of Age ceremony.
Even after spending 7 days with those humans, his master still chose him. After all of the hoops they jumped through for those humans, his master still chose him.
Liam sat on MC’s bed before curling himself up in her sheets. When he turned back time and realized what happened to his body, he couldn’t be their partner this time around. One of the humans would have to do it.
He couldn’t protect them like that anymore. He couldn’t provide for them in that way anymore.
Is that why they left today? Is that why they cleaned up after themselves? Were they preparing themselves for a life without William in it?
That must be why she chose the same three humans when he turned back time. They were choosing someone else they could spend eternity with.
-Coming of Age Ceremony-
Sol, Leo, and Hi held a gift out to MC. MC eyed all of them with surprise before tilting their head to the side. “For me?” They asked. All three of the men nodded.
“It’s your special day, my dear.” Leo piped up. “How could we not spoil you today? Especially with how cute you look!” Hi added. “After all you’ve done for us, it’s the least we could do for you, MC.” Sol finished.
William held a hand out in front of his master.
“You can only choose one gift today. Due to it being the day of your ceremony, you must choose the gift from whoever you want your partner to be for your ceremony. Choose one and make it quick.” William explained.
MC bit the inside of their cheek. They looked troubled. They were nervously fidgeting with their hands and shifting back and forth.
“Master.” William spoke up. “Just choose the one from whomever you like the best.”
“But-” MC started before stopping again. “How do I choose only one?”
“What does your heart say, master?” William asked them.
MC looked at William with tinted cheeks. “D- Did you get me a gift, Liam?”
William’s eyes widened along with the eyes of all three humans.
“I....” William trailed off. MC stared at them, urging him to continue. “....Did. I did get you a gift. However, it was a while back ago, since we’ve been waiting many years for this ceremony and all-”
“Please, can I have it?” MC cut him off. “I- I want you to be my partner. But only if you want to be my partner!” MC started fumbling over their words. “I didn’t want to order you to be my partner. I wanted you to want to be my partner.” They added softly. William barely picked up the last part. William began his ascent up the staircase.
“Excuse me for a moment.” He said over his shoulder.
William went to his room before grabbing the carefully wrapped gift. He’d gotten this for MC long ago and would re-wrap it every so often so that it still looked new. He didn’t think he would ever be giving this to them. He wasn’t going to hold back or allow MC to change their mind a second time.
William felt foolish. If he’d have just said yes to MC a week ago, he never would have had to deal with those humans. He never would have had to share his master with anyone. He wanted to make them happy over everything else, though. He didn’t know if they would be happy being his partner or if they were just scared to go find a new one.
Either way, he should have kept his mouth shut.
Descending back down the stairs, William gently took his master’s hand and led them away from the commotion and into the hallway. MC’s face was flushed and William couldn’t hold back his smile.
“Master,” William started, taking their hand in his. “In order for me to be your partner, we must first be under contract.” 
MC’s eyes widened. They must have just come to this realization. “Oh!” They exclaim. “Is it okay to do it this late into my ceremony?”
“Considering all of the steps you’ve messed up this week, breaking one more rule shouldn’t make a difference. You know the magic words, master.” William guided MC to a chaise in the hallway and knelt down in front of them. “Bind me with a contract.”
After MC recited the magic words, William felt his entire body flooding with acme. Even though he’s a few hundred years old, this feeling was new. Acme was coursing through his veins as he gazed upon his master. He’s always loved his master without question, but this feeling was different than anything he’s felt before.
Lust. Protective. Adoration. Fear. Yearning. Love.
He understood why those humans would sacrifice themselves for his master after knowing them a short time. The admiration he was feeling toward his master was almost unbearable.
William took MC’s hand in his before planting a kiss on the back of their hand. When his lips met their skin, he began to let his acme pour from him. 
“I, William, accept this contract to be MC’s partner.” He verbally signed his contract with his master before placing his lips back on their hand.
He was trying to hold back the best he could, but several years of pent up one-sided love was flowing out of him at an unstoppable speed. MC moaned, burying their face into their shoulder to muffle the sounds. William trailed his lips up MC’s arm, allowing his acme to pour into them with each kiss.
With one final kiss to the shoulder, William forces himself to pull back. His master’s face was flushed, mouth open as they were panting. William leaned up and placed his forehead onto MC’s.
“Liam.” They whined his name. It was music to his ears.
“Yes, master. I am here.”
“Liam?” MC gently shook William’s shoulder. He was sleep in their bed, glasses still on his face and hair disheveled. William’s eyes opened and fixed on the room around him. It was dark outside and he had grown into his adult body when he was napping.
“Master,” William called out to them softly. “What else can I do?”
MC’s eyebrows knitted together as they sat next to William on their bed. “What do you mean?”
William couldn’t help himself. He wrapped his arms around their waist and buried his face into their side.
“What else can I do so that you’ll want me to stay?” He asked them. He felt his chest swelling with each passing second, waiting for them to tell him to leave their room, waiting for them to yell at him in disgust.
However, to William’s surprise, MC smiled softly at him.
“Did you spend your entire day off in here?” They asked him softly, smoothing his hair down with their fingers. William’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment at the contact but he forced himself to look MC in the eye before nodding. When he snapped out of his daze, his eyes narrowed.
“Day off?” He questioned. He raised his eyebrows at them when he finally registered what they were saying.
“Yes, your day off. What did you think today was? I told you to relax!” They scold him playfully, poking him in the side with their finger.
“So, you were trying to give me a break?” William attempted to get clarification. He was just wallowing in self pity all day for potentially nothing.
MC sighed at him. “I know how hard it’s been adjusting to your body. You’ve looked after me for so long now, and I’m sorry I haven’t been looking after you as well.”
William felt a lump develop in his throat. He tried to swallow.
“You don’t have to do that, master.” William stated. “It’s my job to look after you.”
“True, but it’s my job as someone who loves you to notice when you’re struggling and take some of the burden off.” MC stated back. William’s eyes widened at his master, staring at them with a mix of wonder and admiration for a moment before composing himself.
“I know you’re holding back because of the circumstances, but I will always love you.” MC continued. “I’m going to work hard this week to try and help you get your body back. We will find a way. Then, I want Liam to be my partner again.”
William’s grip tightened on his master.
“I will always be master’s butler. So please, never stop needing me.” He mumbled into their side. “I love you, MC. Let me stay by your side.”
MC rubbed his back affectionately. “And master will always be Liam’s master.”
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beauregard-s · 4 years
Take The Wheel (Richie Tozier x Reader)
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader (aged up)
Word Count: 3.8K
Warnings: NSFW. Sex, Oral (fem receiving), cursing and light dirty talking. Also mentions of alcohol.
Anon said:  “ alright for whatever reason I can only ever think of Richie concepts but that's okay he's my boy :0 Anyway, So like a Richie x Reader smut where Richie is teaching the reader to drive in an empty parking lot and he sits them in his lap so they're both in the drivers seat. And he gets a boner and then car sex boom that's the concept ”
A/n: I must say it’s some *chef’s kiss* concept. I really liked this one, and had a lot of Cigarettes After Sex’s help to write it lol. Hope I fulfilled your expectations, my dear anon.
“Come on, doll, it’s your eighteen!”
“I already said no, Richie.”
It’s been years since you both realized you were too big to share the old hammock anymore, but you acted like it wasn’t an important detail. You and Richie had spent the afternoon laying there, he previously napping and now smoking a cigarette while you went through a thriller book Ben had lent you a couple weeks before and you were taking too long to return to him. 
Richie had his long hanging down, foot on the floor and here and there he’d swing you both from side to side, softly, in a way the had your eyelids fighting not to shut close. 
“What are you doing when I’m not around, then?” He teased once more, and it was enough for you to softly hit his ribs with your bare foot, since you two were so tangled in such little space that your legs rested by his sides.
“You’ll always be around, Trashmouth.”
“Maybe I won’t...” He blew smoke through his parted lips when you shoot a look, narrowing your eyes at him from over the book. The little lopsided smile he had made your insides tingle. 
Next week you’d turn eighteen and, until present days, you had not learned how to drive. That’d be a result of very strict and overprotective parents, alongside a not so irrational - in your thoughts -, but for sure overscaled fear of taking the steering wheel. 
Usually, Richie was the one driving you around on his beat-up truck, blasting Tears For Fears, an arm slung out of his window. Sometimes it was Stan or Bill, Mike and Ben were busier but they were always down to give you a ride if you needed it. Beverly was a heckin' reckless driver, but she was the one who usually took you shopping and even Eddie had rebelled against Sonia Kaspbrak to get his license. 
You were the last “baby” among the grown-ups.  
“Come on, y/n, I can teach you. I’m the best driver-”
“Stan is the best driver,” you corrected.
“Stan is bullshit!” he went, now pointing at you with his lit cigarette. “And you shall never say such fallacy again.”
You laughed his fake offended tone off, but, yeah, he was right. Stan could be the most prudent one, but he was too prudent even for your coward standards. Richie was, indeed, the best driver. Reckless, but not too reckless at the point of almost run over people on the street - like Bev did at least a couple times -, also he was surprisingly skilled, but had some worrisome courage, for sure. And he had got a few speed tickets, yeah, but he always knew what he was doing. 
Those facts, plus the way he kept looking and expecting at you made you roll your eyes and break.
“Fine, Tozier,” it was enough for his smile to widen up “but don’t blame me if I shove your car through a wall or something.”
He laughed and tickled your feet by his side, what made you jump on your place and kick him harder than the last time, earning a grunt of pain from him.
“Don’t worry, toots. I got you.”
It was an empty and probably abandoned parking lot behind the library. What on Earth could go wrong?
That was exactly what you thought when Richie set things up the last day, but, now, when you looked blankly at his truck parked there, with its doors opened, just waiting for you, it didn’t seem such a good idea anymore.
“No fucking way, doll, it’s the tenth time you call out for my name, not that I’m complaining.”
You threw him a pissed look, but of course it wouldn’t do any harm on those mocking eyes of his. But you looked better at Richie, right there under the golden hour light. His dark curls messed by his fingers and by the breeze that gently hit you, glasses always full of fingerprints on its lenses, but not hiding his narrowed eyes due to the clarity. He seemed more freckled than ever.
All of that made you tingle inside, again. Had been like that for a while now, and every time it’d happen, every time you’d feel that weird sensation, you’d just turn away from his view, not that bold to face whatever it was.
“Come on, toots, it won’t bite you! Let’s go!”
He placed his hand on the small of your back, gently pushing you to the driver’s side. You hopped onto the seat and Richie was so damn tall you felt you were miles away from the wheel and couldn’t even dream about reaching the pedals. He helped you adjust the seat to your height and ran around the car while you buckled your safety belt. 
“Fasten your belt.” You enjoined, the second he closed his door and looked up at you with expectation.
“For God’s sake, y/n, we’re just driving around the lot,” he scoffed, and you rolled your eyes. “Easy now. It’s no big deal, come on, start the car.”
Maybe you’d be able to focus and make your legs stop shaking, but Richie’s hand reaching for your thigh to supposedly soothe you down didn’t make it possible. And he stayed just like that when you turned the keys and the truck roared.
“Okay, now let’s switch the gear and loosen the handbrake...”
You had no idea of the amount of work involving getting a car to move. Richie kept instructing you and, for your disbelief, yes, he was a good teacher. He was clear as water when he told you what to do, and his voice went down to a soft and patient tone that made the tingling feeling hit you wave after wave. But even like that, you couldn’t put the thing on the road. The engine kept dying and you just weren’t coordinated enough to get it to move.
Richie and you switched places and he tried to teach you through visuals, letting you watch him as he drove around. And you really tried to. You focused on his hands but you wouldn’t absorb his moves. You’d just absorb how he firmly gripped onto the wheel and how skilled he moved the gear around. You tried to learn from his feet pressing the pedals, but your eyes would trail up to his sculpted side profile in the fading, cold light. How his lips looked soft, talking to you and dictating how you’d have to switch the gear every time the engine roared in en specific pleading way.
But you were fucking drooling over how handsome Richie Tozier was.
Before you had a chance to actually start paying attention to the mechanisms, he stopped the car like it all was the easiest thing. “See? Just like learning how to ride a bicycle.”
You tittered, not sure if you couldn’t keep up with all the steps on properly driving because there were a lot of them, or only because you just could take your eyes off Richie himself. 
“I don’t know... I mean, I think I just can’t coordinate enough,” you shrugged.
He shushed you immediately.
“No fucking way! You’re learning how to drive, and I’m teaching you, doll!” he raised his brows, his determination making you laugh again. Richie bit down his lip for a while, sitting sideways on the seat so he could face you.
“Do you want to sit on my lap, then? So I can help you?”
You slowly raised a brow and your brain sent off the red alert with a neon sign of “bad idea”.
“How messed up could this be?” You sneered.
“Not messed up at all, that’s actually how I first learn how to drive,” he smirked.
“Richie, you were ten, and no, pretending you’re driving isn’t learning how to drive,” you laughed.
You remembered that story very well, how Mr. Tozier would put Richie on his lap while driving around safe places when he was a little boy. But now this was a whole, dissimilar situation. 
Richie rolled his eyes, leaning in towards you, and you swore you were all hooded eyes at him. 
“Come on, doll, just like the truck, I won’t bite you.”
The red alert in your head went off even louder, but, still, with him that close and with the evening’s darkness engulfing both of you, your lips had a different plan than your mind.
“Okay...” it was what scaped through them.
And the way Richie smiled at that answer warmed your heart beyond what was acceptable. 
You unbuckled your belt as he pushed his seat back and even like that, fitting in between him and the wheel was a difficult task. You propped yourself up from the passenger seat, passing a leg over the gearstick to sit it between his. You both were a mess of legs and arms.
“Okay, toots, careful now-fuck!”
“Holyshit, Richie, did I hit you?”
“No, just my thigh. Big Richie’s okay...”
“I hate you.”
You managed to settle down to his lap, not too comfortably, but enough to access everything around you. To feel all of him beneath you.
“No way, sugar, you love me,” he whispered from behind, very close to your ear.
With a simple turn of neck, you could see Richie over your shoulder, and there was where he rested his chin. He took your left hand and placed it on the wheel, under his own. Your right hands together met the gear stick. 
“I’m starting the car now,” he warned. His hand left yours just for a moment, and his truck roared again. It vibrated slightly and that way you couldn’t help to friction down against Richie’s lap.
You thought you felt him stiffening up, but soon enough his hand was back over yours and he helped you switching the gear. 
“Now can I speed up?” You asked, trying your best to don’t look back at him, or else your lips would almost touch.
“Yeah, slowly. And keep those beautiful eyes on the road, toots.”
You did as he told you, slowly pressed your foot down the accelerator, and the truck slowly and finally left its spot under your riding.
You couldn’t help but smile. It was something really childish to do, but it was unconscious. Richie kept his right hand over yours, helping you through the gears correctly, his left one was supposed to guide the wheel with you, but as soon as he heard your giggles he let go, his arm resting lazily on his open window.
You only sped up to an acceptable speed to keep during a parking lot training, but it was enough for a breeze to blow through the open windows. You felt somehow proud, even if you have been strolling for five minutes in circles behind the library. You didn’t even notice Richie letting go of the bare control he had, but you were pretty aware of his hands falling down to rest on your thighs.
And you were pretty aware of the forming hardness underneath you. You could feel him, and every time you made a turn your hips would be dragged around due to physics causes you never understood while in high school. Every time that happened you could hear Richie sighing really close to your neck.
His thumbs traced circles against the skin of your thighs, right where it met the hem of your skirt. You were already relaxed back against him by now.
“I’m so sorry, toots...” You heard both a certain embarrassment, but also some guts in his voice. He was also pretty aware of what was happening, but you wondered if he was aware of the growing heat inside your chest, and the wetness inside your panties.
Or if he was aware of the way you “helped” physics by dragging your hips down onto his.
“Don’t be, Rich.” You muttered.
His hands went for yours again, and his feet took the place yours once had. Richie himself stopped the car and as soon as he turned the motor down you noticed how silent it was because he didn’t turn on the radio earlier, probably because he didn’t want to distract you.
But he ended up doing way more than that.
It was starting to get dark, maybe a little too dark. Dark in a level that’d be perfect to do hidden things and they’d remain safe under its cover. Maybe that was why you felt it was safe enough to turn your body slightly to the side, just enough to face Richie, and you two kissed in the dim light.
No words needed, not a single trace of hesitation because you both knew you'd been aching for this for a long time now. You parted your lips under his tongue insistence within time, tried to fought him for dominance. Absurdly unsuccessful that was. Richie had a hand through your hair, slightly pulling it so you couldn’t turn your face away from him. Little did he know you wouldn’t do that anyway. 
He was the one who pulled away after a while. You could tell he was smirking, eyes on yours, and then down to check on your already slightly kiss-bruised lips. He leaned in then, his nose softly brushing all the way up your neck, sending goosebumps through your spine just so he could talk lowly in your ear.
“I want you in the backseat, y/n/n.” 
You didn't know if it was how he sounded deep, or how he called you by the nickname that only he’d call you, nothing generical, but he made you whimper untouched. You just nodded and Richie pushed you off his lap gently, helping you to pass through the front seats.
You didn’t think car sex was comfortable at all, having experienced it in other guys’ sedans, but Richie’s car got some valuable space. It was enough for you to be dragged into Richie’s lap without your head bumping into the ceiling, as soon as he joined you there, kissing you as his life depended on it.
Richie smelled like smoke and tasted like mint chapstick and cola, and the way he held you so tightly against him was driving you insane alone. Slowly the darkness was taking over and you couldn’t see much of him, but you could feel him everywhere. Hands on your hips and crawling up your sides, underneath your top inch by inch. You couldn’t help to grind your hips down against his, earning yourself a low grunt every time you did that.
It was happening, and you couldn’t believe it. Richie and you've been friends over the time, but you’d be lying if you said you never looked at him in a messed up way, here and there. Mainly when you’d get drunk together in parties and he started to get extra flirty towards your horny self. And now, what you have fantasized about was happening.
“I want you down on me so bad...” You moaned.
You widened your eyes because it wasn’t meant to escape your lips like that. But it did and made Richie pull away from the spot he had been kissing on your neck, looking up at you.
You expected him to laugh or scoff, but he raised a brow slightly, lips curving in a way that had your legs weak.
“Don’t ask me twice, doll.” He mumbled.
Richie held you by your thighs before pushing you down to the seat. You propped yourself up to rest your back against the side of the car, ready to push shoes and clothes off, but he got different plans. Richie made his best to fit properly in between your legs, hands pushing your skirt up so it was lumping around your waist.
With no warning, Richie just pulled your panties down your legs, taking them off skillfully and shoving them in his pocket. With a smirk, he leaned himself down on you, drawing a bold lick all the way up from your slit to your clit.
You moaned louder than would be safe. Just the vision of Richie in between your thighs like that was enough to make you purr like a kitten, but the way he kept his eyes up just to watch what he was doing to you was top-shelf.
His hands were on your thighs, keeping you as spread for him as the space allowed, tongue flicking through your wet folds. And the motherfucker dared to hum against you.
“Fuck, y/n/n... How can you taste so good, doll?”
Your chest weaved up and down as you panted, a complete moaning mess. Your hands went for Richie’s curls, messing them up even more as he took turns closing his eyes to savor you, and then looking up at your blank pleasured face.
“Richie...” You cried out.
He pulled away for a second, thumb still rubbing circles on your clit to keep your pace.
“What, babe, are you gonna cum for me?”
You did. As soon as he reattached his lips to your heat again, you came by his mouth only.
Richie smirked satisfied at the way your legs were shaking and your eyes shut closed, still lazily licking you down your high, and as soon as your breath calmed down he was sitting back up, pulling you into his lap again, holding you so close you lost your breath.
When you and Richie kissed again, you could still taste yourself on his lips. Your hands fumbled with his jeans, unbuckling it quickly because you needed more of him. He groaned at your eager manners, immediately bucking his hips up so you could pull his pants and underwear down to his thighs.
“Holy fuck, Richie...”
You couldn’t hold it back when you looked down at his cock, fully hard for you. Richie didn’t praise himself for nothing. You felt like some stupid depraved girl, but Richie seemed to like it judging by the melodic laugh he let out. A laugh that quickly turned into a deep moan when you took him in your hands, pumping slowly.
The way Richie’s mouth hung opened when he breathed out heavily and the sounds that came outta there made you clench around nothing. You didn’t delay much before aligning yourself over him, slowly lowering your hips.
Richie cursed out loud, hands gripping onto your waist for his life as he threw his head back. Now you were the one observing how his chest went up and down fast, how he licked his lips with eyes closed in bliss. You had all of him inside you, every inch. He was stretching you out, yes, but he felt too good filling you up like that.
Richie finally looked at you, all hooded eyes and hands going for your shirt. He lifted the fabric enough to expose your breasts, mumbling something about loving that you didn’t wear a bra much often before attaching his lips to your nipple.
Your hands on his shoulders for support must have squeezed too tightly, but he didn’t seem to notice it under the loud moans you gave him. Richie’s lips slid from a breast of yours to the other, taking a time to kiss the valley between them.
“Ride me, doll...” He softly demanded, and you did.
You held tightly onto him when you started to bounce up and down very slowly, trying to adjust to him, but as soon as you picked up your pace the previously silent and dark truck was filled with both your moans. Richie was loud and it was something you expected and now his hoarse groans only drove you closer to your high.
He gave you a hickey on your breast, right before his lips escalated to kiss and mark your neck as well.
“How good you feel around me, y/n/n...”
You melted more in his arms every time he'd fill you up, every little nibble he’d plant on the sweet spot of your neck. You felt your muscles tensing, clenching tightly around Richie’s cock right before you came undone once again.
As soon as you reached the peak, your loud moans were muffled by Richie’s hungry lips on yours. When your legs went numb, he kept thrusting up into you, hands grabbing handfuls of your ass until he came.
Richie came moaning into your mouth, while you drifted away from your orgasm and your fingers caressed back the curls that covered his face. You could barely see him by now, but the few traces you could discern made you smile numbly.
Holy shit. You were in love.
You fucked Richie in his car, and now you were in love.
No, you’ve been in love with him for a long time but only now, when the facts were spread right in front of your eyes, you admitted it. Only now, feeling the numerous small kisses he was spreading all over your shoulder and collarbone, and how his cold hands cupped your breasts gently, only now you admitted it.
Things were silent for a while, while Richie had his face buried against the crook of your neck and you still cockwarmed him. You didn’t want to leave him, you were afraid that as soon as you put yourself together, he’d check you out off his hook up list and drag you back to the friend zone.
“I fucking love you, y/n/n.”
You still breathed heavily when he whispered that, but you immediately felt like your lungs stopped working.
You pushed Richie away from you, making him look at your face in the dark, although you could only see the little reflection of his glasses.
“What the hell did you just say?”
“Nothing, I-Shit...”
“Richie.” You were serious, and that made him bite down his lips, thinking he had messed things up with you.
“I’m fucking in love with you, doll.”
You kissed him.
The second he finished that phrase you took his face in your hands and kissed him. A long, slow, and breathtaking kiss.
Richie’s arms wrapped around your waist and his glasses were for sure getting dirtier touching your face, but he didn’t care about it and nor did you.
Only your lips parted away a few moments later, but you kept your foreheads together, eyes closed and hearts going a mile a minute.
“I’m fucking in love with you too, Trashmouth” you mumbled.
You smiled in a cheesy way and somehow you knew he was doing the same.
“Although you’re a bad a drive instructor who ends up fucking your learner”
“Shut up, y/n.”
You laughed together and Richie hugged you against him. That was for sure a not recommend spot to be parked at that hour, but none of you minded that. He was still inside you and you'd keep him like that for at least some moments more because you needed your legs to stop trembling and you also needed to feel more of him against you like that.
"Rich..." You furrowed your brows lightly, curled into his chest. "Where the fuck are my panties?"
He chuckled.
"They are safe, toots. And, by the way, those are mine now."
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celest1all · 4 years
coward || D•M
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pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: getting taken by the snatchers result in some secrets coming to light, not necessarily good ones either.
warnings: angst, major character death, sadness, illusions to sex although no smut.
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You and the Slytherin Prince himself were together. Well, not in a relationship, but you had a deal both of you understood.
When the Dark Lord made his return, you and Draco found safety in each others company. But that was it; sex with no strings attached.
It was good for a while and it helped you both feel something other than misery and pain. For example, when Draco has a particularly bad day, he would seek you out and fuck his emotions away. And you were okay with that. Until you weren’t.
Every time he fucked you, he would finish and then get ready to leave. And every time he did so, he was chipping away at your heart, unaware of what he was putting you through. However you had enough.
The blond wizard was starting to making his way towards your dorm door when you, stupidly, confessed your feelings to him. He froze when he heard those three words leave your mouth and declare he would never reciprocate those feelings. Oh, and he said that whatever you had, is over. And that was probably what hurt the most; you would never feel his touch again.
A few weeks had passed before you, Hermione, Ron and Harry were on the run. You avoided the snatchers and Draco was barely on your mind. You still thought about him sometimes because you had a sneaking suspicion what was happening to him at Malfoy Manor, but that was rarely.
Apparently your luck had run out as the snatchers has found and, well, snatched you. You thought that they were going to bring you to the Minister of Magic, but instead they took you to Malfoy Manner.
Ron and Harry were thrown into the cellar whilst you and Hermione were still being held upstairs. And that’s when you saw him. The familiar blond haired boy who took your heart and played it like a fiddle. And it broke you all over again. He had dark rings under his eyes and he looked sickly, pale. He looked terrible.
“Draco.” You whispered accidentally. You didn’t mean to say his name, but it slipped out before you could stop yourself.
Draco tried to ignore your presence. Ever since you had professed your love to him, he had hated himself. Hated himself for breaking your heart, hating himself for not making sure you were okay and most of all, he hated himself for not saying he loved you aswell.
“Well, well, well.” The voice of the deranged Bellatrix LeStrange rung out through the room, sending shivers down your spine. “Is this Y/N L/N? Daughter of Y/M/N and Y/F/N?”
You looked over at the black haired woman, confused on how she knew your late parents. Apparently she noticed this as she started laughing psychotically.
“Didn’t Drakey tell you?” You flicked your eyes over to the Slytherin Prince, confused now more than ever. “Drakey’s father, my brother-in-law, was the one to kill your parents.”
She laughed again whilst your heart broke even more, which you didn’t even know was possible. Lucius Malfoy killed your parents? Why the fuck didn’t Draco tell you?
Draco watched the way your heart broke. It was similar to the way you looked that night, but this was different. He betrayed you. He knew that you trusted him even if you didn’t say it outright, and he fucked it all up. He knew what was running through your head and it hurt him. Yes he knew that his father killed your parents, but he never had the heart to tell you. He was a coward and he’s paying the price for it.
“Oh yes, Lucius used the Cruciatus curse on them and they were screaming. Begging him to not hurt you.” At this point, Bellatrix was laughing hysterically, clearly getting off on your reaction. You were telling her to stop, shouting at her to shut up. She was putting you through hell and she knew it. And she liked it.
“And when they thought it was all over, he used the killing curse on them.” The curly haired witch stalked up to you, getting close to your ear before adding, “And that’s exactly what I’m going to do you.”
Draco heard what his aunt said and was about to go up to where you both were, but Narcissa stopped him. He briefly looked over to Hermione and saw that she had tears in her eyes. It was clear that as much as she wanted to look away from the scene playing out in front of them, she couldn’t. And neither could he.
Malfoy was expecting to see you begging for your life, crying you heart out. But you didn’t. You stood there, lifeless. You stared Bellatrix straight in the eye before facing Draco. The look you had in your eye told him what you were about to do.
“Do it.” You said, void of emotion whilst mainting eye contact with Malfoy. “I’ve got nothing to live for, anyway.”
Draco was two seconds before getting his wand out and cursing his aunt. But that was two seconds to late. LeStrange backed up a bit before using the oh-so-familiar killing curse on you. He couldn’t actually hear anything, although. His heart was pounding in his ears but that didn’t matter. He saw the green light and you falling to the ground.
Draco heard the scream and cry of Hermione, signifying he got his hearing back, but he couldn’t move. The person he loved, the person who put him first before anyone else had just been killed infront of him. All because he was too much of a coward to admit to anything.
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wordsablaze · 4 years
Soft Consequences
Jaskier uses a lot of nice words but unfortunately, they're sometimes not-so-nicely used to stab him in the back. Or, the three times someone betrays him and Eskel is there to save the day - day three of @jaskierwhumpweek
A/N: i promise i love jaskel really, i just also like hurting them - happy endings though :) today’s prompt: “betrayal”
Jaskier never expects bards to betray him.
He sees them as friendly and trustworthy and although sometimes morally dubious, never so cruel as to give up one of their own.
Which is why he doesn’t think to question Samuel.
He’d been headed to Oxenfurt to visit an old friend just before finding a witcher to spend the spring with and Samuel had approached him at an inn, asking to accompany him since he was new to the roads.
And Jaskier had said yes, obviously.
It had been fine at first, both of them sharing their pieces with one another over wine and generally having a good time, Jaskier perhaps more so since he was used to camping outdoors where necessary.
But then Jaskier opens his eyes to a sword at his throat.
“What…?” he blinks rapidly, trying to wake up as fast as possible even as his hangover bursts into life.
Samuel grins down at him. “More like who.”
Jaskier scowls and starts to curse but he’s cut off by Samuel laughing, which causes the sword to slip in his grasp and slide against Jaskier’s skin, across his collarbone.
“Oops,” Samuel laughs even as Jaskier starts undoing the rope that’s doing a terrible job of keeping his hands bound.
“What do you want then?” Jaskier asks, “It clearly wasn’t the doublet you just ruined.”
Samuel shrugs and settles the sword against Jaskier’s chest as he looks over to where their horses are. “You’re going to let me take your horse and coin.”
“Why would you need two horses?” Jaskier frowns.
His shirt isn’t going to protect his skin much longer if Samuel doesn’t tighten his hold on the sword but Jaskier doesn’t have time to worry about that, focusing on his hands as well as on keeping Samuel from noticing what he’s doing with his hands.
“So you can’t follow me. I’m going to use your new song and I’m going to be better than the likes of you,” Samuel explains, clear disgust in his voice as he looks over Jaskier.
Any other time, Jaskier might have winced and been offended. But instead, he manages to free his hands and push Samuel’s sword away, missing the way it gently slices into his arm, before scrambling to his feet.
“It’s really not that easy to steal my songs anymore, you know. People would know,” Jaskier says as if they’re simply discussing the weather.
Samuel scowls at him, glancing between him and his own sword. “How did you do that?”
Jaskier scoffs. “You, like almost everyone else, underestimate me. But fear not, I’m sure you’ll learn.”
He only has a moment to dodge as Samuel charges at him, but it’s of little value anyway since Samuel twists as he stumbles, throwing his arms out, somehow reaching Jaksier’s back with his sword.
Jaskier cries out as pain blooms from under his skin the same way his blood does, falling to his knees. He can’t reach the wound to allay the pain and unfortunately, Samuel takes the opportunity to try and stab him.
He fails, but he still manages to open a second wound on Jaskier’s back, then fleeing as Jaskier gasps and doubles over with a groan, sparing a moment to hope Samuel leaves his lute untouched even as he blacks out.
The next thing Jaskier knows, there are gentle hands turning him onto his stomach and peeling away his shirt.
“No, stop…” he moans as all of his wounds start burning.
But the gentle hands continue and something cool suddenly makes the pain fade almost entirely as a soft voice whispers, “It’s okay, this will help.”
“He wasn’t a friend, he was bad...” Jaskier mumbles even as he feels bandages being wrapped over his injuries, not entirely sure of his words if he’s honest.
The gentle hands pause for a moment before one of them moves to brush his hair back. “It’s okay, bardling, I’m not.”
Jaskier wishes he hadn’t gotten drunk the night before because he doesn’t have the energy to thank Eskel or question his appearance but he does shift as close as possible, seeking out his warmth and safety.
“Rest now, you’ll feel better when you wake,” Eskel promises, still running a hand through his hair.
Samuel’s betrayal stings but Jaskier can’t help thinking it may have been worth it if he gets this time with Eskel as a result.
Jaskier never expects witchers to betray him.
He sees them as kind and misunderstood and although sometimes a little on the quiet side, never anything like the monsters people made them out to be.
Which is why he doesn’t pay much attention to Eskel’s quietness.
He does think it’s a little odd that Eskel says nothing as Jaskier cleans and bandages the few wounds he’d received from the Griffin, but he chalks it down to his witcher simply being tired after hours of hunting.
“We should probably get some rest, right?” Jaskier asks once they’ve eaten.
Eskel hums, already moving to unpack their bedrolls, throwing one at Jaskier almost carelessly.
Jaskier flinches, wondering if he’d somehow managed to offend Eskel, but shrugs it off, smiling. “I’ll forgive you for that because Griffins are rather troublesome. Goodnight, darling.”
It’s not.
It’s far from a good night because Jaskier is woken by hands around his throat.
His eyes fly open as he finds he can’t breathe, starting to cry out for Eskel only to realise that his witcher is the one currently trying to kill him.
“This isn’t you... let go,” he gasps out, but Eskel doesn’t.
And he can’t move, he’s bracketed under Eskel’s legs and he can barely see, barely focus because of how desperately his lungs are screaming. He lashes out, not wanting to hurt Eskel but knowing that there must be something seriously wrong.
When his feeble kicks do nothing and he realises he’s no match for the strength of witcher mutations, he prays Eskel will forgive him and sharply digs his nails into the scars along his face.
As predicted, Eskel hisses in pain and reels back, allowing Jaskier to gasp and crawl backwards, one hand curled around his neck protectively as he inhales deeply.
“I’m sorry,” he rasps even as he continues moving away from Eskel. He doesn’t think Eskel even hears him at first but then amber eyes look over to him, bright and focused, unshed tears shining under the moonlight.
“Gods, Jaskier. Jaskier, I’m so sorry, I-” Eskel manages before he trails off, his gaze sipping to what Jaskier assumes are the bruises around his neck.
Jaskier coughs when he tries to speak again so he settles for shaking his head, reaching a hand out for Eskel because he wants him close, he wants to know they’re okay, he needs to feel safe again.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Eskel repeats, “I’m meant to keep you safe and I betrayed you.”
But that’s not what Jaskier wants and he can’t help but groan, reaching his fingers out further and hoping Eskel understands because his throat hurts and breathing hurts and Eskel usually makes everything hurt less.
“Please,” he breathes.
And then Eskel is there, faltering when he instinctively flinches but pulling him close when Jaskier whines, murmuring apologies into his hair.
“Not your fault,” Jaskier whispers, taking Eskel’s hands in his own, “dumb griffin.”
Eskel lets out a shaky laugh before pulling Jaskier closer and even if it was technically speaking some kind of betrayal, Jaskier can’t bring himself to count it as one.
Jaskier never expects his siblings to betray him.
He sees them as well-meaning and trying their best in a harsh world and although sometimes more like their parents than they should be, never truly cold-hearted.
Which is why he doesn’t hesitate to say yes when his sister requests his presence.
“Are you sure about this, Jaskier?” Eskel asks as they enter Lettenhove.
Jaskier shrugs. “She’s my sister, she’s hardly going to poison me.”
He probably should have held his tongue.
The two of them arrive around midday, Jaskier’s sister Emilie meeting them at the gates of her manor with a warm smile. “Jules, you made it!”
Jaskier embraces her and smiles back. “Of course, I wouldn’t let you down.”
Eskel steps closer to Jaskier and he blinks. “Oh and this is Eskel, my very handsome witcher. I trust you won’t mind his presence?”
His tone leaves no room for debate and slightly reluctantly, Emilie nods. “Of course. We’ll have another room arranged before-”
“One room is fine,” Eskel interrupts, but not unkindly.
Emilie glances between them with half a frown before giggling. “You really know how to make an impression, Jules.”
Eskel relaxes a little as Jaskier loops an arm through his and pulls them both inside, following his sister. “As always, my dear.”
And everything is almost alright.
Until it’s really not.
Because they’re both invited to dinner and neither of them think twice about drinking the wine that’s offered to everyone present after Jaskier is done performing. And Eskel frowns at the bitter scent but doesn’t want to seem rude so he just keeps an eye on Jaskier, making sure he doesn’t seem too tired or too pale.
Which he doesn’t, until the two of them retire to bed.
Only then does he groan and lose his footing.
“Jaskier!” Eskel exclaims, grabbing and stopping him from keeling over.
“I don’t know what’s happening,” Jaskier moans, his fists curling around the red doublet he’d convinced Eskel to wear in place of his armor.
Eskel curses under his breath. “I think you were wrong about your sister earlier,” he settles for.
Jaskier frowns and presses his head to Eskel’s chest, squeezing his eyes shut as spikes of pain burst to life in his chest. “Eskel, it hurts,” he whimpers.
The two of them sink to the floor, Eskel practically cradling Jaskier as he tries to stop the bard from hurting himself any further - he’s not sure he can avoid murdering someone if Jaskier is permanently hurt.
“Hang on, I think we have some of that mage’s potion left,” Eskel says, moving towards their bags but stopping when Jaskier tightens his grip and moans again.
“Jas, let go, I need to help you.”
“Please don’t leave,” Jaskier all but begs, looping his arms around Eskel’s neck.
Eskel sighs and, knowing his bard won’t let go, slides his arms under Jaskier and simply carries him over to their bags, keeping one hand wrapped around him and using the other to root around until he finds the vial they need.
“You need to drink this,” he tells Jaskier, wincing in sympathy as he feels the fear and sadness radiating from him.
Jaskier whimpers softly but lets Eskel pour the potion in his mouth, so full of trust despite having just been poisoned.
“She was my sister,” Jaskier moans, dropping his head onto Eskel’s shoulder as he shudders, the scent of sadness increasing to almost unbearable levels.
“I’m sorry, bardling,” Eskel murmurs, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Jaskier doesn’t say anything but he winces as the potion starts to do its job, his face paling just before he gags and turns to the side, spitting out the poison.
He groans once the job is done, collapsing against Eskel, who silently thanks the mage for having given them such a potion so recently and waits until Jaskier stops coughing before pulling him close again.
“How do you feel now?” Eskel asks softly.
Jaskier sighs. “Like my own sister just tried to poison me.”
He hates that he hadn’t seen it coming, that he’d joked about this very situation and how it would never happen. He hates that he always ends up nearly dying and he hates that he can never do anything to stop it. He hates that he can be so weak and-
“Jaskier, look at me,” Eskel asks softly.
-at the same time, he doesn’t hate that his witcher is always there to save him.
“Eskel, she tried to…” Jaskier manages before his eyes water and all he can do is stifle his sobs because yet another person has decided they don’t want him alive.
“I’m here, I’ll always be here,” Eskel promises, brushing away Jaskier’s tears with his thumb.
Jaskier exhales slowly before leaning up and pressing a kiss to Eskel’s cheek. “I love you.”
Eskel smiles widely. “And I love you, no matter how many times you tease death.”
Yet again, Jaskier finds he can’t really complain about people trying to kill him because it always means he gets to witness Eskel bringing him back to life and truly, there’s no better consequence to a betrayal.
yes i know jaskier is competent and can more or less take care of himself but also,,, soft eskel is my jam 
previous: “goodbyes” // next: “nightmares”
thanks for reading! masterlist | witcher sideblog: @itsjaskier
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halo-jpeg · 4 years
Could you by any chance, do slashers with a shy, twink SO?
I love this yes!!! I FINALLY finished this, jeez!!! This took a looong time. All my asks all for all the slashers I write for so it’ll take a long time for me to get the content out! Sorry for the wait!
Slashers with a Shy Twink S/O
Michael Myers
He’s a sucker for height differences, so a short guy is absolutely his type. He’d hold you close at all time, sitting you in his lap and never letting you get up.
You’re shy? That’s perfect, who needs to go outside into society anyways? He’d much rather keep you at home where he can make sure you’re safe, so don’t worry about having to go talk to people other than him.
Will protect you until the end of time. He’s super paranoid that you’ll be hurt or attacked for any and all reasons, so he’ll be close by no matter what, making sure no one makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable.
Whether it’s comforting or unnerving to know hes always close by, it’s the undeniable truth. Just shout for him and he’ll be there. Dip momentarily into a quiet place and he’ll be there. Talk aloud, he’ll hear you.
Jason Voorhees
Right away he knows you’re different from other campers. You’re short, fragile, and completely afraid to be out with the other teenagers. You aren’t as overly-confident and obnoxious like they are so that grants you bonus brownie points.
Again, you’re fragile and small, along with the purest babey in the world. The forest is dangerous; even before you know Jason is there he’ll be protecting you.
After you actually meet and get to know each other, he’ll be at your side no matter what, even if trespassers need to be dealt with. If it makes you happy he’ll do whatever you want him to.
He’s pretty shy himself, when he isn’t killing of course. He understands the whole ‘not too keen about attention’ stuff, so he does his best to keep trespassers away unless you want to be with them- until they’re killed.
Brahms Heelshire
He L O V E S Y O U. You are the cutest most adorable little thing hes ever seen and he will 100% love and cherish every single little thing about you.
You’re so tiny compared to this tower of a man and he LOVES to tease you about that, leaning his elbow on your head and purposefully placing stuff just too high for you to reach.
He’ll curl his entire body around yours like some human cocoon and you’ll be stuck there until he says otherwise.
Will always want to have tea parties and is always saying you’d look good as a doll, like his mini-Brahms self. Has scoured the internet for a custom-doll maker.
Billy & Stu
Billy likes to tease you for being so small and shy when he’s generally outgoing, and finds it almost weird that you’d go for someone like him. After all, you’re basically polar opposites.
Stu makes you feel loved every second of the day, making sure no one makes you uncomfortable and always asking to hold your hand.
Both boys are so glad to have someone like you tolerate them and their stupidness. They don’t know how they got so lucky.
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas is a big man, and he loves tiny little you and your nervous personality.
He’s always afraid that you’ll get hurt if you leave the house, so you rarely do, and only when he’s with you, glued to your side like a protective tick.
He’ll pick you up and seat you on his shoulder, carrying you around like a parrot or something. Tommy loves to take walks with you like that.
Any and all teasing from his family will result in him punching them. Hard. He won’t take anything, not wen it comes to you because you’re his S/O and no one gets to tease you >:(
Bubba Sawyer
Another sucker for height differences!! He’s TALL, so he’ll always want to compare heights, seeing if you’re going to grow as tall as him some day. Even when you tell him you won’t, he still has hopes that you’ll grow as big and strong as he is.
No matter what Drayton says you are NOT doing any chores that are even remotely dangerous. If you ever try to help hunt trespassers or use a saw or hammer, Bubba will erupt into a series of panicked whining, and then he’ll drag you away into the safety of home.
Even though you’re so small he still likes to be the little spoon sometimes. It makes him feel even more loved and valued than ever. On days where he’s the big spoon, he loves that too, because then he knows you are feeling just as loved.
He’s shy too, so he knows how you feel!! He’ll take you on walks through the sunflower fields if guests ever come over, or if you want to get away from the shouting of his brothers.
Danny ‘Jed Olsen’ Johnson
Twink? Y E S. Danny is pretty twink-y himself, so you go perfect together. Everything about your personality is entrancing you him.
Will teach you how to use your height and weight perfectly; if you’re short, you’re harder to spot, and you can learn how to walk silently no matter your weight.
Danny is the polar opposite of shy, but he absolutely respects that you aren’t as confident around people as he is. He’s a natural attention whore, so he’ll absorb it all and keep peoples eyes off of you.
Some days where you’re really reluctant to go into public he’s perfectly content with chilling at home with a movie.
Billy Lenz
Will 100% call you Twink. All the time. Every day.
Makes fun of how short you are even though he’s pretty short himself, doing whatever he can do sabotage your daily life while still being convenient for his own- a lot of things are going to be placed just out of your reach.
Shy? Good, you don’t get to go outside anyways. It’s always attic time for Billy, and attic times means him, you, and the rocking chair, much too small for two people.
The ultimate little spoon. Cradle him in your arms or suffer 😡
Leslie Vernon
He’s a very outgoing, loud person; your polar opposite, so he can be a little overbearing. He draws a lot of attention (and loves it all) as well, so you’re often put out when you don’t want to be simply because he doesn’t notice that you’re uncomfortable.
He always makes it up to you with cuddles and love, feeling bad for making you uncomfortable.
Short? Okay. That’s fine, he doesn’t tease you or anything, you’re too good for that.
His favourite thing EVER is planning out his little hunting games. He usually lets you pick out the group (after he’s chosen his final girl, of course). You always think up different ideas than he does.
Vincent Sinclair
L o v e l o v e l o v e
He will cherish every single little thing about you because he’s never seen anyone as naturally perfect as you are.
Models 80% of his wax figures after you!!! There’s a lot of different mini figurines with your features, even if he tries not to let you know that.
He’s so shy, so he doesn’t ever want to go out of the basement. Now, you don’t ever want to leave either, and he loves it. Your personality is so easy to handle, it’s not overwhelming in the slightest and he loves you.
Bo Sinclair
Endless teasing. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this nasty texas man.
He’ll randomly rip things out of your hands and hold them too high for you to reach, laughing all the while.
He can be soft though, and he’s softer around you than anyone else. He’ll cuddle you and tell you how he’ll keep you safe no matter what.
He locks you in your room whenever people stumble across Ambrose. He won’t risk getting you hurt.
Lester Sinclair
You’re just the cutest to him!! Compared to his brothers he’s tiny, so he loves that you are too!
He’ll bring you with him on his work rides, cranking country tunes through his old tinny radio and singing along loudly.
It’s nice and secluded all throughout the work day, so you won’t have to worry about much social interaction.
On the day Lester runs into someone he intends to lure back to Ambrose (like offering a ride) he’ll make sure he takes all the attention, talking non-stop so you didn’t have to talk if you didn’t want to.
Norman Bates
He himself is pretty twinky if we’re being honest. You’d totally click personalities.
He’s shy too, so there would never be the problem of having to talk to other people. The two of you make do with simply being around one another.
He’ll read you books and make tea, along with constantly buying you flowers. He’s so in love with you.
The most gentlemanly gentleman on the earth. Absolutely no teasing from this guy, and he’ll beat anyone who teases you to a pulp.
Pyramid Head
S m o l b o i = p r o t e c t
Super territorial and constantly worried about you. If you ever leave his sight he’ll flip, his anxiety blasting through the roof. He’ll spend hours tearing the town apart to find you.
He’ll pat your head as his main sign of saying ‘I love you’. If he could speak he’d shower you with endless praise.
He’s so big and strong and brutal, but when it comes to handling you he’s so careful and gentle, like two different sides of a coin.
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amysubmits · 5 years
Trial & Error
We like consistency. So when we figure out something that works, we tend to stick with it. The whole ‘if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.’ thing. 
So while we have occasionally added rules or routines or expectations along the way to help work on new goals, and occasionally removed rules that were no longer needed or no longer reasonable given our circumstances...those simple changes come pretty effortlessly because while it may be a new rule, we know how rules work in our dynamic so any give rule typically feels like a rather small change. It had been a while since we had to work our way through a change that required us to problem-solve together. 
We knew that moving in with family would mean less privacy than we were used to.  We have our own space and we don’t share many walls, but it’s still just too close to make spanking of any type work. When we were first discussing moving and our D/s, we had discussed a couple of possibilities for punishment. One being leaving the house to find an open field, deserted back road, or something like that - for punishment spanking. The other was the possibility of relying more on corner time. 
Recently, I broke a rule for the first time since we’ve moved. An accident, but on an important rule that has a ‘no tolerance’ enforcement for safety reasons. I had marked it as completed on our app because I thought I had finished it, but I had not later on. I realized my mistake while CD was at work a so I texted him explaining what I did, how I got confused and how it was marked off on the app despite not being done. He acknowledged it but quickly moved on to discuss something else with me. He does this when he’s at work, I think to try to keep me from dwelling in the meantime. 
After he got home that night he said that it would have to wait until the weekend, that we’d find some place where he could spank me. I’m not used to waiting at all, so that was a little hard to hear but once I knew it wouldn’t happen for a few days I was able to mostly forget about it. 
That weekend we get in the car, telling others we were going to town for something. We live in a small town, well outside of city limits with field and woods and dirt roads. CD explained that he had a couple of places in mind that he had noticed while driving in to work as being secluded but when we got to them, they were busier than usual. So he drove around into deeper and deeper back roads and several times we found areas that seemed deserted and well covered and then a single car would pop up wayyyy off in the distance every single time. What are the odds, right? So after several attempts, CD decided it was just too much risk. 
He said we’d wait until the middle of the night and try it in our own driveway. My anxiety spiked. Granted - our driveway is quite a distance from the house, the neighbors aren’t close to the drive either. Nobody would hear if they were inside and nobody could see after dark, of course. Everyone here goes to bed early. It probably would work fine and the risk is probably pretty low. But taking any risk of being caught by people we know just terrifies me. 
So, I told him so. That I was just too scared to do that - that the anxiety involved would be like a punishment in itself. I asked about corner time instead. We’ve always been a little worried that corner time might result in me being too harsh on myself. I sometimes feel too guilty on my own and corner time could potentially amplify that in a bad way, it seems. I’m used to crying from punishment spankings, the physical side allows for emotional release and I wasn’t sure I could get that from the corner. We had only used corner time once before (I shared that in The Gap) and it went okay but it was a really unique circumstance all around. We didn’t feel like that experience was a good example of how it would work to do corner time as a stand-alone punishment or for a more minor offense. However, we talked about how hunting season and winter are coming. How delaying punishment causes me anxiety, and how CD should be asleep well before it gets dark outside. We thought that if we could make corner time work, we could be more consistent with it than spanking while living here which seemed like enough reason to give it a try. 
When we got back from our failed attempt to find a place where he could spank me, we ate dinner and then CD told me it was time. He walked me to a corner in our living room and told me I had 10 minutes. As I took the last step to actually step right up against the corner I instantly wanted to cry. I don’t really know why that surprised me...I cry easily in general but I guess how suddenly it hit me surprised me.  At first the emotions were just from feeling punished - just the realization of he’s punishing me right now. I also felt embarrassed to be standing this way in our living room. Then I thought about the rule I broke and why it matters. How hard we’ve worked to create this habit and how I’ve fallen short anyway. I had some stray thoughts too - like how surprisingly hot it gets just from my own body heat reflecting back off the walls. About how my dog was circling my feet wondering what the heck I was doing. But mostly I thought about what I did. 
At the end CD walked over to me and told me I was done and I immediately felt better. He told me to come sit with him. So I curled up on his lap and shed a few tears while he patted my butt. He said something along the lines of “You know that isn’t okay, right?” and gave me some reasons why. Things I knew, of course - but hearing them made my heart sink so hard. I stayed on his lap for a few minutes until I felt better (at first) and then I tried to go do my own thing but anxiety hit me. I came back to sit with him. He asked if I was handling it okay and I said I was really sad. I knew it wasn’t a very good description of how I was feeling or what I was thinking but I wasn’t really in a place to be able to communicate better than that. He told me I shouldn’t feel bad anymore and we just sat together for a bit. I shook the funk after half an hour or so, and remembering that he didn’t want me to feel bad anymore. The next morning and next day I was totally back to myself and I didn’t have any lingering bad feelings about the punishment or what I did. I felt peace in knowing it was behind us. 
I think the small hiccup was just in the timing of what he said to me. I need him to talk to me or scold me before a punishment and not after, if he’s going to. I think the anxiety was the result of having thought I was done feeling bad and then being ‘talked to’ after that point, sort of stirring up guilt after I thought I was done. That’s a simple fix though. I feel confident that i the future as long as it’s 100% over once I’ out of the corner that I’ll be able to forgive myself quickly and move on.   
Having access to an entire D/s community can be great for ideas or as a resource in general. At the end of the day, we still sometimes have to do some trial and error with communication thrown in. Honestly, I’m glad we don’t have to do it as much anymore. I like knowing what the core of our dynamic looks like and having that consistency. But life changes, sometimes we change or circumstances change. So sometimes all we can do is do what we think might work and then see if it actually works out in practice and how it really feels when we try it. It’s how we find out what truly works best for us and our individual needs. 
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girlobsessed21 · 5 years
The 100 6x11 discussion - burning desires of change
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Hey guys, as usual, here’s my breakdown of the episode. Props to Mr. Bob Morley on his directing debut - insert applause emoji here. All in all, it was great, I enjoyed it, albeit a little weird. But it’s to be expected of a conversion episode taking us into the finale.
Like I explained in my 2nd predictions post, “Ashes to Ashes’ has Biblical connotation and it’s also a British crime drama about time traveling back to the early 80′s as well as David Bowie’s 1980 hit single about addiction.
Apart from Ash being Echo’s real name, I struggled to find the link to the title until it hit me with a wrench from behind. It’s about cycles, repetition, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results (which Einstein did not say btw). Only now, it’s breaking that rotation. Demons are overcome (apart from Madi), and it’s time to do better.
Octavia’s no longer Bellamy’s responsibility, Clarke refuses to kill innocents, the children of Gabriel learn the truth, Miller disobeyed to transcend and Echo (or Ash), well, I’ll talk about her later. To Monty! Will this also be the end of the ‘will they, won’t they’ dance for Bellamy and Clarke? See my thoughts on this.
That said, let’s fall into the recap.
A child possessed
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Okay, Sheidheda was a lot creepier in this episode than the previous ones. if Madi wasn’t completely overthrown before, it seems like she is now and her driving force is pure vengeance. The bond between Madi and Clarke is harder to break than diamonds, which we saw in season 5 and here again.
For six years, all they had were each other. Since the little Natblida was only six when Clarke found her, she won’t even remember her real family all that well. To Madi, Clarke was her savior, her family, her protector, her mother and basically everything else. Having such an influence taken away from you is artery-slicing.
The demon in her head knows this, plays on it and manipulates in a way an abuser lures children in with sweets. Given her age and lack of experience, she follows blindly. I have a feeling this might continue onto season 7 but I hope Raven finds a way to eliminate him. That face freaks me out. For now, he’s gonna cause a lot more damage than we anticipate and will probably be a spoil of war for the peaceful plan.
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John Murphy - court jester or hero?
Yeah, he’s been a fence-sitter the entire season, but you have to admit, Murphy provides some much needed comical relief. Granted, the writers have turned up the humor via Bellamy, Clarke, and Diyoza, yet Murphy’s sarcasm should never be taken for granted. “Houdini Miller.” He might not make it to the end of the season.
If someone threatens the life of the person you love, will you protect everyone else or only that person? Ask Bellamy, he did the exact same thing. Risked the lives of everyone else to save his girl, of course Murphy will do the same. He wants to marry Emori, he’ll face hell to ensure her safety.
Still, he warns Echo in good old Cockroach fashion. Don’t let them find out I’m on your side, there’s but one side and it’s mine - and Emori’s. As long as the primes think that, he’ll have a chance of being spared. Murphy is such a great character, sure, he has deviated from being good, but that’s what makes him interesting.
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The more layers and substance a character has, the more convincing and relatable they are. All of us have flaws, Murphy’s biggest one is his selfishness, does this make him a bad person? Absolutely not. He struggles and sometimes stumbles due to it but he still cares. Only the size of his heart’s in question, not the existence and it gets them out of some serious syrupy situations.
The makes of the Blakes
So, Bellamy doesn’t care about the delusional cult followers, he merely wants to save his people, to hell with the rest. In a sense, he betrayed them to rescue his love? soulmate? person? and has to make up for it. Now, Bellamy, did Monty not teach you anything?
Being so determined, he calls his sister the queen of cannibals. Killing her own people to ensure their survival. She did what she had to do, why can’t he? I didn’t know Bellamy even knew about this, why didn’t they show his reaction to finding out? Wouldn’t it have led to him cutting her some slack? He was in the exact same situation many times before. 
Probably not. His whole life has always revolved around her, everything he did was to protect his sister to the point of borderline, unhealthy codependency. Octavia was his purpose and yet she threw him in a fighting pit to die after he once again tried to save her - from herself.
Gabriel then tells Bellamy his sister is special, she returned from the greatest mystery of Sanctum. If I remember correctly, Lincoln called her special too when she was unaffected by the biological warfare. There’s more to it though, in my opinion, I still think Diyoza will return, they were both called by the anomaly, why would only O survive? That anomaly is going to be some crazy wow-factor, I’m certain.
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I believe a cult won’t be too happy to find out that its leader is the exact thing they’re rebelling against. And the children of Gabriel seemed pretty pissed, especially Xavier’s sister. That is until Bellamy gives them a plan to fulfill their cause. Unfortunately for him, it means teaming up with O to find the powerful red sun toxin. For once the cultists weren’t useless!
Poor Gabriel, all he wants is peace. I thought Jordan would be a Monty reincarnator but apparently, that’s Gabriel. Or he’s more of Lincoln II? Either way, I hope he doesn’t die. Speaking of Jordan, I miss him in his recovery bed. 
Anyway, “what do you say when sorry isn’t good enough?” Despite Bellamy’s countless efforts to keep O occupied, she won’t stop breaking down the walls around his heart. Those mushrooms were strong, Bell, we saw it. Octavia’s speech was so deep, honest and touching that Bellamy’s stray tears hardly seem enough.
The way it was resolved though, is more than satisfactory. After everything that’s happened, it wouldn’t be enough development for him to simply accept what she’s done and move on. But, he’s willing to give her a chance to prove herself while no longer being the core of his world. “You’re my sister, but you’re not my responsibility, not anymore” is probably the best metamorphosis I’ve witnessed on this show. It clips the umbilical cord for both of them to emerge as individuals.
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Echoes of a cold-hearted spy
So, I assume Echo protected Ryker thinking she could bank on his morality to spare her. And of course, she keeps scraping at the flesh wound. But Ryker believes saving his family keeps the peace, killing Echo saves everyone else. One life instead of thousands - it’s for the greater good, right? Wrong. The acting here was great, I was totally convinced of Ryker’s bouncing morals.
Off-topic, I completely forgot Miller used to be a thief and I’m glad we got to see his pick-pocketing skills in action. He deserves some credit and screentime, since being a part of this show for six seasons. Oh, and the transcending moment between him and Gaia was super sweet.
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For a second I thought Echo would become Simone and then I remembered that she also took ALIE’s chip and they wouldn’t rehash the neural mesh storyline. Meaning my fears were quickly soothed.
Onto the important part, what was that back story supposed to mean? All I got out of it, is that Echo’s cycle isn’t broken. That leopard hasn’t changed its spots. Don’t get me wrong, it broke my heart that she had to kill her friend and resume her identity in order to survive. But, it felt like a turning point in Echo’s character that plunged her into heartlessness. Will she become that person again?
I know Echo might not be a fan favourite, but she’s really grown on me this season. She’s smart, loyal and fierce, I like her. Not Bellamy and Echo together though, I can’t see a semblance of a connection between them. And their relationship is only hurting their characters.
Why would they build her up as a great character just to show that she cares about no-one, not even her friends? I mean I get why she killed Ryker, leaving him alive was too much of a risk - he would tell Russel about her, Miller and Gaia being at large. Though that murderous glint in her eyes tells me that was purely for revenge and completely against their newfound lifestyle. Maybe I’m wrong.
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I’m curious to know what being a nightblood will mean for her now and how her character might change after being held at gunpoint.
Meanwhile, Monty’s mantra rings through Clarke 
Oy, Bellamy risked everything and everyone to save Clarke and if she can’t play the part of Josephine convincingly, that was all for nothing. And our boy’s not happy about it - at all. Only, Clarke refuses a Mount Weather do-over.
I just need to mention Bellamy’s face when Murphy come’s through the tent - priceless. Then Jade finally gets a chance to knock someone out too. Yay for her!
The moment Clarke’s safe, she goes straight to Bellamy for reassurance and goodbye. Backtracking to the start of the episode, the way he flung to her side when she woke, touched and comforted her was toothachingly soft and way too intimate to be non-romantic. 
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Bellamy gets this shy, ‘aw it’s nothing’ expression when Clarke thanks him for saving her life. Because to him, it really is nothing, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. And while he’s making heart-eyes at his friend, his girlfriend is being prepped for a blood transplant and murder. I cannot see how there won’t be any followthrough on this. 
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If there’s not, it’s altogether bad writing, showcasing and wasted potential. Right now, there’s too much going on for a decent conversation that’s years overdue and I’m hopeful they’ll get it. In the synopsis of the finale, there’s a hint at romance and I truly believe it’s theirs.
Well done Eliza! For playing Clarke and Josephine, Clarke as Josephine and vice versa. She’s an amazing actress and has come a long way from, “Stop, the air could be toxic!.” 
The woman must have been devastated when she walked in on Madi strapped to a chair, being drained for her blood. Yet, in the scheme of greater good, she acts oblivious. She plays the part of a nonchalant sociopath so well, while sparing Madi via a sedative and shifting the focus to her mind drive. 
Those newlyweds sure know how to act and direct!! Like always, I’d love to hear your thoughts, did I read the Echo backstory correctly? Till next week, bye!
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neuxue · 5 years
You really think Rand would take it badly, if he learned Elayne was pregnant? I thought when I was reading maybe it was going to be the thing that got him over the hump and remembered laughter & tears. I don't get whats the big deal with babies, but I also wouldn't have a problem killing women who had it coming, or assume any sex I have is rape because no one would consent with me. Rand's weird and emotional, is my point. Oh and I like the anon's Grinch reference.
I think it would certainly be more complicated than my flippant one-word answer, and I apologise if that answer didn’t seem sufficient.
Sometimes, I get asks and immediately think ‘ah, yes, I want to write an absurdly long essay about this’ and depending on various things I’ll either do that immediately or take approximately a millennium to do so. Sometimes I get asks and feel like I can give a quick response right away, either because it’s a straightforward question I have a ready answer for, or because it’s not a question and I can quickly acknowledge it, or because it’s funny and I can make a joke out of it.
And sometimes I get asks that fall somewhere in between, where I look at it and don’t have an immediate answer (or an immediate ‘okay I don’t have the time to give this a full answer now but I know generally what I want to talk about so I’ll get to it when I have time’), so I let it sit for a little while, thinking that maybe I’ll have a better idea later. And then later happens and I look at it again and still come up more or less blank, for whatever reason. 
That question was one of the latter type. It wasn’t a bad question! It’s a totally fair thing to be curious about! I just... don’t have a whole lot that I felt like I could really say on it, or the energy/motivation to mine my brain for an essay on it, so I figured better to answer flippantly than to never answer it at all.
If pressed, I’d say that I don’t think Rand would deal with it well, in that he wasn’t in a headspace to deal with anything particularly well. But it would possibly fall into the same category as how he’s dealt with family and loved ones in the past: he thinks anyone close to him is in danger, so he cuts himself off from them as much as possible, and suffers as a result. In this case, there’d also maybe be a side of crisis over fearing for the safety of any child of his and a kind of ‘dream on my behalf’/wanting to leave something behind, where Rand (who is surprisingly sentimental for all that he suppresses it with the weight of an entire void) would hope that this is a form of leaving something behind, and hope his children can have a better life or be better than he is, but also despair that all he has to give them is death and destruction.
But I feel like we’ve already sort of... covered that in other ways? And I’m just... I’m not a parent, and I have no plans to be, and I can try to understand it but empathy isn’t my strongest suit at the best of times and it’s just not something that interests me that much, so I just haven’t spent that much time thinking about it.
But yes, I can absolutely see where thinking this would help him re-learn laughter and tears is an entirely valid supposition! It’s not far off of what does, really; he just gets there via a different route. But this could well have had a similar result, if it came at the right time, because it’s about the same general idea: that there is a purpose to living and trying to make a better world, so that we and those we love have another chance. He just ends up thinking in terms of rebirth rather than, er, birth.
And there are no doubt plenty of other options or interpretations or answers to the ‘what if he found out’ question that people more invested in or knowledgeable about such things than me could produce. I’m just... not the right person for that particular job in this case.
Anyway, apologies to you and/or original anon if my response wasn’t what you were hoping for, but sometimes that’s just how it goes.
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dovechim · 6 years
you’re my kryptonite (m)
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➾ 17.3k
➾ superhero! hoseok (please listen to anpanman before/during reading💓)
➾ warnings: mentions of outrage of modesty (minor), public sex, unprotected sex, slight degradation, cum, breathplay, temperature play, dangerous rooftop sex (pls don’t do this), mentions of death, torture 
➾ summary: Superheroes are immortal, they are everything we are not. The Krypton are a race of superhumans sent down to Earth to protect humans, and they are the epitome of nobility and protection. You have always believed in their immortal, God-like powers, revered and admired them your entire life. Your wish for your very own superhero is granted when you meet Jung Hoseok, a Krypton with the most unique, powerful abilities you’ve ever seen.
But when a couple of Krypton go rogue, and your faith in the superheroes you’d believed in all your life is shaken and uprooted, you realise that sometimes, you have to be your own hero instead.
ps: thank you so much to my fave hoseok hoes, @readyplayerhobi , @94hixtape and @wonhopes for listening to me rant about this fic <3 u guys are my heroes!!! 💜 and ofc, thank you to my lovely followers who sent in suggestions and gave me the Nasty Fuel i needed!
In the past month alone, the crime rate has risen by 250%. How can you protect your family? Want a peace of mind whenever you go out? Look no further, for we have your solution right here!
“Are you at it again?” Somin calls from the kitchen, but you ignore her as you continue to stare dreamily at the television set.
Millions of years ago, The Kryptons landed on our planet, sent to protect the human race with their God like powers. Now, we can’t imagine life without them- and why should we? We believe The Kryptons were sent to help us to live our best lives. One Krypton to every human. Just as nature intended. Call us to get yourself your very own superhero guardian angel now!
“Daydreaming about something you can’t afford? Why don’t you take a 12 month instalment instead?”
“Superheroes are not an electrical appliance,” you retort weakly even as the ad features barely clothed men in loin cloths, muscles bulging as they escort petite young women home under the cover of night. “Anyway, this ad is totally misrepresenting them. Not all superheroes are ripped like that.”
“Please,” Somin says as she fumbles through her morning coffee. “Who wants a skinny superhero anyway? Aren’t superheroes only good for their physique? How else are they better than us otherwise?”
“Not all…” your voice doesn’t travel all the way to the kitchen, because you’ve long ago given up on trying to convince Somin to let herself be assigned a Krypton. She belongs to the rare group of people who still remain sceptical of the superhumans that have integrated themselves with the human race ever since they landed on Earth all those years ago. Why sign up for an additional burden when she’s survived all 23 years of her life alone?
Somin strolls in with her nose still in her mug, taking a seat next to you as she switches the channel.
“This just in: a group of assassinators have infiltrated the Pyramid House, making attempts on the President’s life.” The newscaster on television is currently standing in front of a once regal building, now reduced to scraps of concrete and crumbling pillars. “Thankfully, the President’s dedicated team of Krypton bodyguards managed to whisk him away to safety.”
The footage on television cuts to a scene of carnage within the President’s quarters itself, the interior completely decimated and unrecognisable. You’ve never seen destruction on such a large scale before. As the newscaster begins to detail the approximate body count, you reach to switch the channel.
“Hey, I was watching that!” Somin says as she attempts to wrestle the remote from you.
“Why depress yourself further? Life is already hard enough… what is the world coming to these days,” you mutter to yourself, but Somin is almost freakishly strong as she manages to steal the remote from you.
“Damn, look at that, it’s completely destroyed,” Somin’s eyes are glued to the television screen as you stand up, straightening your pencil skirt as you stroll into the kitchen to continue making breakfast. “Look at that carnage. The building is destroyed beyond repair. That kind of damage couldn’t have been done just by guns or machinery alone. The culprits must have been way more than just your random ragtag group of criminals. And who else could have been capable of such large scale destruction? Kryptons, that’s who. Just because they’re Earth’s protectors, doesn’t mean they can’t and won’t go rogue. We give them so much power over us, when the time does come and they decide that us mere humans aren’t worth keeping around-“
Somin stands up, brandishing her empty coffee cup. “They’re the real bad guys!”
“There you go again with your conspiracy theories,” you finish buttering a slice of bread, slapping some egg mayo onto one side before you slice the entire sandwich in half. “You’ve been watching too many movies lately. You know those things only happen in the fantasy realm- here, the real bad guys we have to face are those stack of bills over there.”
“And next up on the morning news, a young woman was recently found dead in an alley by police at approximately 5am this morning,” the newscaster has moved on already. “There were no injuries found on her body, the cause of death is still yet to be determined. This is the second such case in a month, authorities are currently investigating.”
“See! Another mysterious death! I’ll bet it’s another one of those Kryptons-“
Emerging into the living room again, you shove a sandwich into her mouth before she can say anything further. “Are you even listening to yourself? The Krypton are our superheroes! They make up majority of our lawkeeping forces!” 
“Which is why it would be easy for them to take over!” Somin argues over the newscaster currently delivering a report on the autopsy of the newest victim.
“And don’t change the subject, it’s your turn with the rent this month, hmm?” You pat her lovingly on the head as she takes a bite and chews reluctantly. Somin pouts at the mention of rent, and switches off the television, getting to her feet and following you to the door.
With her sandwich stuffed in her mouth, she rubs her hands together, giving you puppy eyes as you slide your feet into your heels and get ready to lock the door. “Please, can this just be your month one more time? I promise I’ll pay double next month!”
You don’t reply as you walk toward the lift, peering into your bag to make sure you have all your essentials for the day. Somin hastily follows suit, straightening her blazer and brushing her bangs into place on her forehead as she gets into the same lift as you.
You pinch her cheek between your fingers, “Just do well for your interview today, brat.”
All those news reports are wrong. The real villain in your mundane life is taking public transport during rush hour.
Being confined in a tiny little train cabin, with tons of sweaty bodies pressed up against you is slowly taking a toll on your sanity. But this has been your reality for the past five years of your life. The woman beside you is currently absorbed in watching some drama serial on her phone, tuned out from the real world as she jams her handbag into your ribs unknowingly. Irritated, you try to shift away from her, but you only jostle up into another body next to yours, and you feel a stray hand slide down your side, coming around to briefly cup your ass before it draws away.
Heat singes your cheeks as you flinch automatically, your elbow flailing and knocking the woman’s phone out of her hands. She hisses in displeasure, and you can only apologise hastily to her while attempting to move away from that stray hand as best as you can in the crowded quarters, but the most you can move is only a few inches.
You clutch your bag to your chest, with your heart pounding in your chest as you bite your lip hard. If it’s just a misunderstanding, you don’t want to call attention to yourself and make a fuss out of nothing. You’ve never felt more helpless than you do right in this very moment, rooted to the spot with your voice stuck in your throat. If only you had your very own Krypton to swoop in and save the day, you wouldn’t have to deal with this at all. You’re trying your best to remain as small as possible in the confined space, but a trickle of dread makes its way down your spine as you feel a touch on your waist, making its way down your thigh and towards the hem of your skirt. Your voice feels as if it’s stuck in your throat, palms clammy against the strap of your bag as you struggle to calm your racing heart, to say something, call for help, anything-
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
You’re startled to find that the resulting voice is not yours, and the source of it comes from behind you. The touch withdraws from you abruptly, and you turn to face your saviour, only to find a young man with light brown hair parted in the middle of his forehead, with his hand clasped firmly around your perpetrator’s wrist.
There is a growing commotion as you can only stare at the young man who saved you. Your perpetrator is a middle aged man who is half-heartedly trying to deny the allegations, but with the firm insistence of your saviour and the resulting mob psychology, he is forced into a corner, restrained by a couple of other passengers who continue to interrogate him.
“Miss, are you okay?” His voice jolts you out of your daze, and you tear your gaze away from them toward your brown haired saviour. “Here, sit down for a moment till we get to the next station.”
His gentle hands are on your elbow, guiding you to an empty seat that someone has given up for you. You lift a shaky hand to brush your hair out of your eyes so that you can get a better look at the young man who is peering at you in concern. When you look up into his eyes, you’re stunned to realise that they are the lightest shade of pearlescent pewter, and they are filled with worry when you remain speechless. You are entirely absorbed by his radiant beauty that seems to resonate from his smile alone. There are two little dimples on either side of his chin that further highlight his charming grin, and for some reason, it’s the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen, and you’re completely captivated by this man.
“You must have been shocked, right? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything, I’ll just need you to follow me to the next station so we can make a report, okay?” He smiles when you nod mutely.
The announcement for the next station prompts him to take your hand and gently tug you up from your seat. His long, dainty fingers are wrapped around yours securely, and he leads you out of the train, with your molester held firm in his other hand, dragging him along with what seems like a surprising show of strength given his lean stature.
When you reach the control station, your saviour maintains a firm, reassuring grip on your hand as he says a few words to the station personnel, as well as the few Kryptons stationed alongside them. Remembering that Kryptons are easily identified by their unusually vibrant eyes, you watch as your perpetrator is interrogated by a sapphire-eyed Krypton- a Clairvoyant- and the officer who comes over to you to take your statement has emerald eyes, so he must be a Mass Manipulator, capable of super strength.
Your voice is still a little shaky and unstable as you give details and recount the entire incident. Your Krypton thanks you with a smile as he finishes your statement, leaving to help his partner finish up his interrogation before they haul the culprit away. A trill ring from your bag distracts you, and as you dig through, looking for your phone, you realise that you’re terribly late for work, and the call is probably from your boss asking where you are.
“You’re probably late to work, right?” The man with the enchanting grey eyes has a voice that is equally as mesmerizing. You press the ignore button on your call hastily 
“N-no, it’s alright, I’ll just catch the next train or something,” you give him a forced smile, still unable to believe how utterly beautiful this handsome stranger is. It occurs to you that you haven’t thanked him properly till now, and you curse your own incoherence in the face of such a good looking man. “Thank you so much for your help! I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble this morning, you must be late to work too?”
You briefly take in his attire of a pair of skinny jeans and a thin white shirt, but he grins and shakes his head. “Oh, I’m alright, but let me call you a cab.”
“N-no, it’s alright, I’ll just take the train,” you start to politely refuse his offer, but he only walks towards the taxi stand nearby, waving a hand to stop a taxi for you. He opens the door for you, gesturing for you to get in, and you bite your lip hard, wondering how to best turn down his offer when you know you can’t afford that $15 ride to the Central Business District where you work.
You sigh internally, deciding that you’ll just have to skip lunch for the next two days as you get into the car. He closes the door for you, and before you can react, he passes a wad of cash to the driver and gives you a little salute. “It’s on me today, miss. Have a lovely day!”
The car starts to move off, but you hastily wind down the window and stick your head out of the car, straining to keep him in your line of sight. “Wait! You never told me your name! How can I repay you?”
But your saviour only waves you off with a charming smile. “I’m Hoseok! And you’re welcome!”
You aren’t too late to work thanks to Hoseok, and when you burst into the meeting room, you realise that your boss hasn’t even arrived yet, and you set up for your presentation in a frenzied state of mind, skin still tingling from Hoseok’s touch, and his grey eyes still haunting your thoughts endlessly.
You’ve never seen anyone with eyes like that, not even a Krypton.
All throughout work, the hot topic of the day is clearly the attempt on the President’s life. With investigations still ongoing, rumours are rampant that the assassins are actually the Kryptons. No mere mortal could have snuck past all those security defences and overpowered the military security force on patrol, and besides, the resultant damages were beyond catastrophic.
Gossip abounds all around you, but they’re nothing more than just fact-less rumours. Besides, you have more important things to do, like stalk every single social media platform you have just to find Hoseok’s profile. Just as you’re mindlessly scrolling through your feed, your boss drops by with an armful of files that she unloads onto your desk, and you barely even have time to breathe amidst all the data entry, calculations and refiling that you have to do.  
In addition, she casually remarks over her shoulder that the storeroom could use a good and thorough cleaning before next week, leaving you slumped in your chair as you mentally prepare yourself to clock in another late day tonight.
“Hey, aren’t you getting off work?”  Your co-worker, Jimin, is grabbing his coat from the back of his chair, shutting off his workstation.
You glance up from the pile of paperwork on your desk with a tired yawn, rolling your shoulders to regain some semblance of circulation and hearing way too many joints in your body cracking. That can’t be healthy, can it?
“You go ahead, I’m just gonna finish up some stuff here,” you wave him off with a tired smile and continue working on your spreadsheets till you can feel your temples aching. When you glance out the window, the sun has already long ago set, having given way to a light drizzle that is slowly getting heavier and heavier. Somin has already texted you multiple times to ask if you’re getting dinner for the both of you on the way home.
Recalling the earlier news reports about the increasing crime rate has you glancing repeatedly at the clock to keep track of time. If only you had your very own Krypton to escort you home, then you wouldn’t have this uneasy lump in your throat as you clock the ever descending darkness outside. With Somin’s adamant refusal to get assigned, you try to convince yourself that you’ll be fine. But somehow, her logic of ‘I’ve lived my entire life without one of those Kryptons’ doesn’t quite work for you the way it does for her.
You hurry to the storeroom with crossed fingers, hoping that there won’t be much in the storeroom for you to organise, but you know better than that. There are stacks and stacks of cardboard boxes jammed up against the door, making it hard for you to even squeeze your way past it. It takes you nearly 20 minutes before you manage to slip past the crack in the door and flick on the lights in the dusty little room.
You get to work trying to move the top box from the pile, grunting with the effort and your muscles strain as it lands on the floor heavily in an awkward angle, twisting your wrist in the process. You grit your teeth and cradle your arm to your chest for a moment, massaging your wrist tenderly and wincing when pain shoots up your entire limb. The pain makes you collapse onto the dusty floor with tears brimming in your eyes, looking up at the huge stack of boxes still to be unpacked and organised, and desperation wells up in your chest.
You can’t do this. You’re too weak. It’s impossible for a mere mortal like you. If only you had an assigned Krypton…
You don’t know how much time has passed as you sit there in tears, staring at the stacks and stacks of boxes through the tears that clouds your vision. What makes it worse is that everyone would have left work by now, so there’s absolutely no one here who can help you but yourself. The knowledge leaves you paralyzed on the floor, overcome with your own perceived weakness as you continue staring up at the stack of boxes in a daze. But then, the door widens just a crack, and you immediately push yourself to your feet, crying out when you put weight on your injured wrist before hastily wiping the tears from your cheeks. “S-sorry, I was just unpacking in here, it’s just-“
The man that looks down at you has emerald eyes, indicating that he’s a Krypton, and you nearly sag onto the floor in relief.
Finally, you’re saved.
“Do you need help?” He says with a kind smile, offering a hand to help you up.
You vaguely recognise him as Kim Taehyung, an Account Manager who is also your Jimin’s assigned Krypton. Having seen the two of them together on more than one occasion, they have been the subject of many lunch gossips, with some even speculating that there is more than simply a mortal-Krypton relationship between them. While not uncommon, it is literally the stuff of fairytales, and you can only dream of one day being able to fall in love with your very own Krypton just like that.
“Why are you still at work? I thought everyone had left ages ago.”
“Oh, I was just packing up when I heard a noise from the storeroom. Lucky I decided to check it out, hmmm?” His emerald gaze glows as he shifts the stack of boxes away from the door effortlessly. Turning to you, Taehyung gets down on one knee as he inspects your injured wrist before shrugging helplessly. “Sorry, I can’t do anything about this, better call a Healer Krypton. Where’s your assigned Krypton? Shouldn’t he be here instead?”
Biting your lip hard, you just give him a small smile and turn to the boxes on the floor. “I’m okay, really.”
But Taehyung won’t let it go. As a Krypton, his instinct is to protect and serve mortal humans, so he gently takes your hand to stop you from straining your wrist any further. “Hey, I’ll do it. At that rate, you’re going to take forever. Let me help you. You just need these unpacked and in those cupboards right?”
“R-right,” you hold your hand to your chest as you watch him unpack and sort through the giveaways at an inhumane speed. With his super strength, he sends all the brochures and flyers onto one shelf, the thick stacks of magazines onto another shelf, and notebooks onto another.
He crushes the empty cardboard boxes with a single glance so that they’re flat, levitating them through the air as he gestures you toward the door. “Let me call you a cab so you can go to the hospital to take a look at that wrist, if you don’t have a Healer Krypton. I’d ask Yoongi to do it, but he’s already left for the day.”
You turn to look at Taehyung in surprise, “no, it’s okay! You don’t have to go with me. Won’t Jimin be jealous?”
The emerald eyed mutant only raises an eyebrow in confusion. “Jealous? Why would Jiminnie be jealous of me helping you like this? It’s my duty as a Krypton to help all mortals in need, and-“
“No, I meant, aren’t the two of you… you know,” you make a vague gesture with your hands, a blush heating up your cheeks as Taehyung throws his head back in genuine laughter. “At least that’s what I heard.”
Taehyung shrugs easily. “Not that it matters. Our duty is to protect and help you in times of need. He’ll understand.”
You don’t miss the familiar way in which Taehyung refers to Jimin, but instead of commenting on it, you nod thoughtfully as Taehyung walks you back through the quieter sections of the office. “Taehyung… is it possible for a Krypton to… go rogue?”
“What? Never. It’s impossible,” Taehyung answers immediately, shaking his head vehemently. “Where did you hear such a thing? We are, first and foremost, a peace-keeping force on this Earth. It’s what we were brought here to do. We settle everything in a non-violent manner as far as possible. Are you having trouble with your assigned Krypton? Is that why he isn’t here to protect you?”
“No!” You laugh nervously. “Not at all, in fact, I don’t even have an assigned Krypton yet.”
“You should definitely get one as soon as possible,” Taehyung pauses as he hands you your bag, escorting you to the lift. “You’re going to need it. These days, it’s dangerous to go out alone without a Krypton. I don’t know what’s happening to this town lately, but rest assured, with the Krypton around, you don’t have to worry about it at all.”
Taehyung walks you to the taxi stand nearby before he scratches his neck, shifting his weight on his feet as he glances out at the empty road. “Hey, I really don’t want to leave you here, but Jimin’s already waiting for me at home… if I’m late for dinner just one more time, he’ll-“
“Oh I get it, I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you this much already! I’ll be fine,” you wave him away hastily. “Go ahead!”
“Alright,” Taehyung still seems reluctant, his phone chimes in his pocket, distracting him as he pulls it out to check it. “Well… make sure you take a taxi straight to the hospital, alright? See you tomorrow!”
You wait till he’s well out of sight before you start walking to the nearest bus stop instead. Only rich people have the privilege of seeing a Healer Krypton, but for people like you, it’s straight to bed with an ice pack and an ace bandage. When a light drizzle starts up, Taehyung’s suggestion seems even more tempting, but you’ve already taken a taxi to work once, which more than the last five years combined, so taking one home again tonight would feel way too luxurious.
Cursing softly under your breath for leaving your umbrella at home, you hitch up your coat over your head to shield yourself from the rain. But you must have made a wrong turn somewhere along the way, vision obscured by your coat still shielding your head from the incessant rain, because you suddenly find yourself in an unfamiliar alley. Recalling snippets of the news report earlier that morning, you feel a shiver run down your spine as you speed up your walk, phone clutched tightly in your grip and panicked eyes darting around vigilantly.
Hopefully, you can get out of this grimy little alleyway and get your bearings soon enough. The rain makes it even harder to see, and you regret wearing your flimsy little heels, for they slow you down noticeably.
Resounding splashes from behind you make you turn around, realising you’re being followed as you can just about make out the silhouette of a burly figure in the darkness. Your heart speeds up in your chest as you attempt to quicken your footsteps, but you place your heel on a particularly slippery spot, and your ankle gives way.
“Are you alright?” A voice sounds from behind you, and you catch a glimpse of sapphire hued eyes glowing in the dark. Your heart settles in your chest, immediately sagging against the ground in relief. With Kryptons around, no crook would ever dare lay a hand on you.
The voice draws nearer, and as you struggle to get to your feet, there is a throbbing pain in your temples that renders you immobile. The mind numbingly overwhelming migraine leaves you helpless as the stranger’s hands close around your elbows, forcing you to stay down on the ground as the pain only grows stronger.
“Pl-please help me, my head…” you say to the Clairvoyant Krypton as the stranger takes you into his arms and you relax completely, entrusting your life to the superhuman whose entire race was devoted to protecting mere mortals like you.
The Krypton places his hand over your forehead, and as his large palm comes into contact with your skin, the pain only grows stronger, and you struggle in his grasp, breathing growing laboured.
“Shush, little one, it’ll only hurt more if you struggle,” his voice is a raspy baritone, and as you fight to hold on to your consciousness, you keep your eyes glued to the way his doe eyed, sapphire gaze burns into yours. “Just give in, don’t fight me, darling.”
Lulled into a sense of security by the Krypton’s words, your eyes start to droop, muscles relaxing as you sink into his grasp, consciousness slipping away from you as the pain only increases its crescendo in your temples, until-
There is a blast of howling cold wind that buffets both you and the Krypton, and you are tossed aside, the Krypton groaning loudly and losing his grip on you as he registers the impact upon his body. Once his hand loses contact with your forehead, the pain immediately subsides, but you are far too weak to even sit up, so you remain collapsed on your side as you watch another figure slowly descend from mid-air, remaining slightly elevated so that their feet aren’t touching the wet, muddy ground.
The rain abruptly comes to a stop as the sapphire eyed Krypton remains collapsed on the ground, until the figure reaches out to pull him upright until he is on his knees, and then he lets go, leaving the Clairvoyant hunched over, his chin bowed to his chest. Then, with his hand back around the Clairvoyant’s neck, the figure lifts him until his knees no longer touch the ground, and you can see the tendons in his neck bulging, his biceps tightening as he struggles. Briefly, he opens his eyes and they glow a cerulean blue, denoting his attempt to utilise his power of mind control over his opponent, but to no avail as the floating figure only chuckles.
Belatedly, your still foggy mind realises that this must be a showdown between two Kryptons, but what kind of power does that floating figure have? And why would they be fighting each other, when they were creatures of justice who couldn’t even harm a fly?
Your eyes travel up the length of the mysterious, floating figure, partially enshrouded by the cover of the night so you can barely make out any of their defining features. But judging from their stature, it is most definitely a man, if only you could see their face-
The figure’s eyes are glowing, as if illuminated by lightning, making the rest of his features seem inhuman, to the extent of resembling an ethereal, otherworldly being. You can just about make out his straight, slim nose, chiselled jawline and delicate lips, and you are breathless as he slowly lets his feet rest upon the soaked ground. With a wave of his hand, the kneeling Krypton before him is sent flying into the cement wall in an explosion of rubble.
Turning his attention to you, the figure takes a few steps before he kneels. His eyes slowly darken as the illumination fades, and as you struggle to meet his gaze, you gasp as you’re met with the same pewter gray as this morning.
Amidst your bedraggled, half drenched appearance, you try your best to tame your ruined hair do as you glance up at him, still looking as handsome as ever with rivulets of rainwater streaming down his chiselled jaw. His hair is swept back off his forehead as he places his arm around your shoulders, sliding the other underneath your thighs to scoop you close to his chest.
With the sudden proximity, your breath is snatched right out of your chest, and you struggle for something to say in response. “H-hi, Hoseok, I’m welcome.”
Hoseok only laughs a deep, belly laugh at your attempted Dad joke.
“Wh-who was that? Back in that alley? It was a Clairvoyant, right?” Your teeth are still chattering, and even though you’ve insisted that you’re fine about a million times over, Hoseok refuses to set you down until you’re at your doorstep. He only relents when you tell him you can’t unlock the door from this angle, but once you’re inside, he forces you to put your feet up again. “Why was my head hurting so much? Did he… do something to me?”
Hoseok has his mouth set in a grim line as he wraps a towel around your shivering frame. “He would have, if I didn’t get there in time.”
“Wh-what do you mean? Wasn’t he a Krypton, I thought Kryptons were supposed to protect and help us, and-“
“Not all. Recently, there have been murder and assassination reports that couldn’t have been committed by anything but a Krypton. That level of destruction and power, nothing else could explain it.”
“You sound just like my roommate Somin,” you dismiss his crazy theory with a shake of your head. “I mean, I understand if she’s anti-Krypton, there are people who believe that we can survive fine without them. But I never imagined a Krypton would be against his own race like this.”
Hoseok runs his hands through his hair in frustration, heaving a sigh. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me, and it’s normal. You were brought up your whole life to believe that us Kryptons are nothing but peace-loving, enforcers of justice who can do no wrong. But it’s all propaganda. My people, we aren’t as righteous as everyone makes us out to be.”
He turns to you now, his eyes pleading his desperation. “You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to. Just please, let me stay by your side.”
With Hoseok this close, you can feel his warm breath against your cheek in gentle puffs that somehow manages to both calm you down and send your heart racing at the same time. He reaches for the towel around your shoulders to pull it over your head, rubbing it against your hair gently to dry it. Hoseok then brings his hands to cup your face, and his warmth feels heavenly against your still cold and clammy skin, and you close your eyes.
You think back to the immense pain that radiated through your temples the moment that Clairvoyant Krypton had his hand over your forehead. Although it had seemed impossible at the time, it makes sense now that his power of mind controller would only be magnified through physical touch, and had he been given just a tad more time, no doubt would he have fried your brains and left you for dead in that cold, dark alley.
Just like those two other victims before you.
“No. I believe you.”
“Just let me be your hero.” Hoseok says softly, his lips are only an inch away from yours. “After knowing what it’s like to save you, I don’t think I could live with the idea of letting anyone else take my place.”
Your eyes drop to his lips, noting how soft they look, and Hoseok brings a hand to cup your cheek gently, stroking the soft flesh with his thumb.
There’s only one hitch to this whole plan: Somin.
Hoseok manages to sneak out of the house undetected the next morning after having spent the night in your room- sleeping on the floor, of course, on his insistence- and you have it all thought out.
You’re up bright and early to make Somin’s favourite- golden, fluffy and syrupy pancakes that are on the table the moment she stumbles into the kitchen blearily. Upon catching sight of them, she gives you a surprised look, but apparently, her hunger surpasses her suspicion, and she devours half her stack before you gather the courage to even utter a single word.
“S-somin, um, I have something to-“
“Spit it out,” Somin doesn’t even glance up from her plate in the midst of mopping up every single drop of syrup.
You sigh internally. “Listen, so there may be Kryptons going rogue lately-“
“So you believe me! Finally!” She pumps her fist into the air, nearly sending drops of syrup everywhere, and you wince in response, watching her wave her sticky fork around.
“And so,” you continue smoothly, “I thought I’d get us our very own Krypton to protect us!”
All her elation immediately deflates as she stares at you in disbelief. “Really? That’s your brilliant solution? You deduce that Kryptons are going rogue, and then you get another Krypton to protect us? How do you know that this Krypton isn’t a rogue one? Did you develop some magical rogue Krypton detector overnight or something?”
You hold up your hands in defense, “whoa, hold up there with the sarcasm, it’s way too early for this. And how come you’re suddenly acting like you’re the older one here?”
Somin only slumps in her seat, the corners of her mouth turned downward in an unspoken apology. “I’m just trying to keep us safe.”
If you told her about what happened last night with that Clairvoyant Krypton, there’s no doubt she would freak out even more, and then your chances of convincing her to let Hoseok protect the two of you would go down the drain just like that.
“I met this Krypton,” you begin calmly, and just as you anticipated, Somin’s eyes grow wide, but you hurry on before she can say anything. “And he can protect us. If there are rogue Kryptons running around, then our only chances of survival lie with the Krypton who are on the side of the law. Please, Somin. You saw how much damage was done to the Pyramid House. Us humans don’t stand a chance against Kryptons if they were to turn on us like that. You know that. He’s our only hope.”
Somin remains silent for a moment, running the twines of her fork through the puddles of sticky syrup that still remains on her plate. “Alright. But I just have one last question. If you can convince me with your answer, I’ll accept him.”
“Really?” You sit up straight in your seat, nodding intently at her. “What is it?”
“How do you know this Krypton can be trusted? What if he is the rogue one?”
Once more, you think back to the way Hoseok had cradled you in his own arms back in that alley, the flash of rage in his illuminated gaze as he sent the other rogue Krypton crashing into the wall.
“Because he saved my life,” you’re at a loss for words, offering her this simple reasoning as you shrug helplessly. “I’ve never seen another Krypton like him, with the kind of powers he has. I can’t explain it, and it probably sounds phony as hell to you, but he makes me feel safe. Whenever I see him, it’s like I know that no matter what happens, he’ll be there to save the day.”
You don’t expect Somin to believe you, not when you can’t seem to believe the words that are spilling from your tongue yourself. It’s just indescribable, how much Hoseok means to you, and what he has come to mean to you, at this point. Hoseok is nothing like the Krypton you grew up dreaming of- he isn’t insanely jacked with bulging muscles, but he can still carry you to safety when he needs to, and neither does he own a shiny Batmobile, but when it matters the most, he still manages to show up just in time to save you.
He isn’t just any Krypton, he is the Krypton you were always meant to be paired with.  
“Alright. He can move in with us, starting tomorrow. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know, I guess,” Somin brings her plate to the sink, turning her back to you as she starts scrubbing the dishes.
For a moment, you are left speechless, but then you remember that you left Hoseok out in the cold outside your apartment, waiting for you to let him in once you’ve convinced Somin.
“Um… how about we make that today?”
“So, what is your power exactly?” Somin is currently interrogating a very nervous looking Hoseok as he sits up, ramrod straight, at the counter with his hands folded neatly in his lap.  His eyes slide over to you, and you give him a small nod and a reassuring smile.
“My emotions are in tune with the weather, and I can control them that way,” Hoseok starts off nervously. To distract him, you push a plate of pancakes over to him, sliding a fork into his hand. “A-and, um-“
“Oh. So just a weather forecaster? How would that help if we’re faced with a rogue Krypton? A Mass Manipulator, for instance?”
“Somin…” you sigh as you watch her bustle around the kitchen, not even pausing for a moment to make eye contact with Hoseok. “Be nice.”
“I am being nice, I’m just asking what he can do to protect us if the event ever arose,” she crosses her arms defensively. “At this rate, it seems as if we might be better off without him. In fact, we might even have to protect him.”
“Once I touch another Krypton, I gain the ability to use their power as well,” Hoseok says quietly, his fork now set aside. “And it’s permanent, too.”
Both you and Somin are stunned into silence, a new regard for the stormy eyed Krypton sitting at your kitchen counter who is more powerful than you could have ever imagined. You can just barely hear an impressed whistle coming from Somin’s direction as she sizes him up and down as if he were a wrestler due to enter the ring for his next match.
“What powers do you have currently? Who was the last Krypton you touched?”
You and Hoseok exchange a brief glance before he turns to her with a casual shrug. “The weather control ability belongs to me. On top of that, I have Invisibility and Clairvoyance, why?”
“Hmm, well, nothing,” Somin says casually as she stirs some cream into her coffee, taking a careful sip so as not to burn herself. “It’s just, I have a really important interview today, and-“
“Don’t wear your nude heels today, they’ll break just after you get off the bus. And your interviewer, she’ll be in a bad mood because her baby threw a tantrum this morning. Appease her by getting her a coffee. Her favourite is Hazelnut latte.”
Somin looks as if she’s struggling not to look visibly impressed as she heads for the door, slowly sipping on the rest of her coffee. Before she leaves, she gives you and Hoseok one last look.
“Well, it’s not that I believe in such bullshit, or anything, but better safe than sorry, right? I’ll need all the luck I can get for this one!” Somin chooses a pair of dark red heels instead as she gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. “Wish me luck for today’s interview!” 
“Good luck!” You shout belatedly after her as she disappears out the door.
“Looks like she’s warming up,” Hoseok comments as he slumps against the kitchen counter in relief. “You didn’t tell me she was so scary!”
“Awww, is my cute little superhero scared?” You reach over to ruffle his hair fondly, a smirk tugging on your lips when he grunts in irritation. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the big bad meanie!”
You reach to give his cheek a fond little pinch, but Hoseok catches your wrist just before you can make any contact, and there is something entirely different about his gaze that takes your breath away as he draws you in close to him. His breath is now on your neck, and those tempting lips of his are dangerously close to your skin.
“We’ll see who’s the big bad wolf over here,” his low murmur sends a pleasant shiver down your spine, and his other hand cups the dip of your waist intimately, stroking your delicate curves with a flaming touch that you can feel even through the material of your dress. “If you’re not careful, I’ll eat you right up.”
“Oh?” Not one to back down from such a blatant attempt at flirting, you tilt your head back to expose more of your neck for his viewing pleasure, and you can practically see the desire to mark you with his lips and teeth cross his mind. “Be my guest, then.”
You circle an arm around his neck, teasing the sensitive skin with brushes of your fingertips before you pull yourself upright. “But after work. Bills need to be paid, can’t just sit around and be my pompous superhero self now can I?”
“Pompous? I’m pompous?” Hoseok protests with a yelp as he follows you, placing a well-mannered hand on your arm to support you as you slip on your shoes (navy heels, not maroon, he says. When you frown in worry, asking if they’ll break too, he just shrugs and says that navy matches better. Like you said, pompous.)
“Look, it’s not that I don’t appreciate having my own personal superhero and all,” you press the button for the lift, already feeling your navy heels pinch at your toes. “But do you have to follow me around all day long? Don’t you have a job or something?”
“What do you mean?” Hoseok frowns at you, tilting his head as if he doesn’t understand. “My job is to protect you.”
Rolling your eyes to the heavens, you grip your bag tighter, already envisioning additional late nights to come in the future just so you can feed one more freeloader. And you don’t even have to be a Clairvoyant to visualise this.
“You don’t have to send me to work every day, Hoseok, nothing is gonna happen in broad daylight,” you tell him as you speedwalk to the train station. “Besides, what are you even protecting me from at work? Are you gonna predict my future and tell me that I’ll get a paper cut while I’m reading my morning paper and flipping past the classified ads section?”
“Watch out!” Hoseok holds out a hand to push you to one side of the pavement, both arms encircling your waist to keep you close to his body just as a bicycle whizzes past the both of you, causing your dress to fly up from the breeze created. His arms slide down to your hips to keep your skirt from exposing too much as he glances after the rider that has long ago disappeared from sight. “That guy was going way too fast for a pavement!”
You notice a few women applauding your superhero and sighing dreamily, admiring the way Hoseok has his arms wrapped around you protectively. You’re so caught up in the way his arms feel around you that you don’t realise that Hoseok is nagging at you to be more careful, wondering aloud how you even managed to get this far in your life without being eliminated by natural selection already. 
Alright, maybe he isn’t the perfect superhero you always dreamed of.
“I wasn’t even using Clairvoyance back there…” Hoseok mutters under his breath. “And for your information, miss, no one even reads the Classifieds section anymore.”
“Oh stop it already, you’re like an old man,” you roll your eyes even as you scan past the gantry and hurry to the platform to catch your train. Just as you manage to squeeze into the packed train, there is a renewed anxiety in your chest when bodies are pressed up against you, and you are jostled about amongst a crowd of strangers.
Except Hoseok elbows his way into the train too, manoeuvring the both of you into a corner where he cages you in with his body, giving you ample space to breathe easy. You can scent the soothing smell of his cologne from this close, and it’s a welcome change from all the body odour and sweat you have to endure. Faced with his strong chest, you’re tempted to just wrap your arms around his slim waist and feel how firm his pecs are under your cheek.
A few stations down the line, Hoseok nudges you toward a middle aged lady. “Hey, she’s getting off at the next stop. Go stand in front of her and take her seat when she stands up.”
True to his word, she does get off at the next stop, and you secure her seat with Hoseok standing in front of you, holding on tightly to the handgrips so that you can admire the way his slim biceps flex and relax. His casual white shirt rides up just a tad to reveal a hint of his toned lower belly, along with a faint trail of hair that suddenly makes your throat go dry, and the ride to your stop seems a lot longer than usual this morning.
Contrary to what he says, Hoseok does actually have a job that he has to get to. It’s only when you tease him about using his ability to turn himself Invisible and keep a surveillance on you at work that he defensively reveals that he actually runs a dance school.
“Oh,” you pretend to be disappointed. “No peeking under my skirt at my desk then? I was hoping you’d eat me out at least. Always fantasised about a ghost giving me head, and you seem like the closest alternative.”
He sends you a look of mock disgust before giving you a sleazy little wink. “If I wanted to see your panties, I wouldn’t have to sneak about. See you later, baby.”
Your coworkers can’t help but notice how cheerful you are for the rest of the day.
You never thought that letting someone else into your life could be this seamless, but Hoseok’s presence makes you wonder where he’s been all his life. Even Somin has warmed up to him considerably, although maybe it’s because of his timely advice having helped her clinch her dream job that makes her forget about all her previous inhibitions towards him.
Two weeks into her new job, Somin decides that it’s her treat at your favourite Italian restaurant. So you find the two of you seated comfortably and waiting for Hoseok to finish up one of his evening classes before he joins you.
“You’re ready to order, right?” Somin closes the menu in favour of taking a sip of wine. “Just order for your boyfriend too. I heard the food takes at least an hour to arrive, anyway.”
You nearly spit out your own mouthful of wine as Somin casually gets the waiter’s attention with a wave of her arm. “Um, excuse me? Did I miss something?”
“What? Don’t be coy with me, miss. That apartment is like a living hell for me,” Somin fans herself dramatically. “The two of you have so much fucking sexual tension, I feel like I’m the director of your porn shoot sometimes. Oh, I’ll have the truffle cream carbonara, please.”
She casually directs the last part of her sentence at the waiter, who clears his throat as he takes down her order, clearly uncomfortable at being privy to your conversation. You swallow hard as the waiter turns to you, thankful for the dim lighting in this restaurant that hides your reddened cheeks.
“I-I’ll have the squid ink pasta, and one more pesto truffle linguine as well.” You send Somin a sharp glare as you hand over your menu. “Oh, and four servings of garlic bread too, please!”
You wait till the waiter is a safe distance away before you reach over to pinch her arm, hard. “You can’t just say things like these in public! And what does that even mean anyway? Just for that, I’m declaring dessert on you too.”
Somin only shrugs as she rubs her sore arm, rolling her eyes as she downs another gulp of her wine. “Whatever, text your boyfriend already to ask what’s his ETA. There’s nothing I hate more than cold pasta.”
Mumbling a curse under your breath, you reach for your phone to type out a text to Hoseok asking where he is.
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You frown at your phone screen, tapping out of the messaging app to open up your call log. “I think he might be lost or something, he says he’s at the-“
Your voice freezes in your throat when you feel something brush against your calves under the table. Immediately, you turn to Somin, but she’s only tilting her wine glass to get the very last dregs, totally oblivious.
The touch travels up your calves to the bend behind your knee, and the slightly calloused fingers caress your skin gently. Your heart is in your throat as you push the tablecloth out of the way to check underneath the table, but nothing is immediately apparent, until you realise that your skirt is folded in a very unnatural way.
And then, in the blink of an eye, you spot a freshly showered Hoseok with his hair still damp, crouched underneath the table with his face between your legs and his hands parting your thighs gently. He sends you a smirk before he disappears, pushing the tablecloth back into place as his touch travels further up your thighs. 
“What’s wrong? Did you drop something?” Somin is slightly tipsy now as she attempts to glance over at your lap.
“N-no! Just wanted to make sure my bag was still there, that’s all,” you give her a forced smile, and thankfully she is distracted as she calls the waiter over to order another bottle of wine.
You can feel Hoseok start to suckle wet kisses into your inner thighs now, and his tongue laves at your skin reverently, leaving trails of his kisses behind. You’re beyond thankful that you wore a skirt today of all days, and you can feel the way his breath quickens as his hands travel all the way up to the hem of your underwear and tug them down. Hoseok pulls your underwear right off your feet, leaving you bare as he helps you out of them, one thigh at a time. When he’s done, he spreads you again to his heart’s content, and you can’t imagine how his view must be like down there.
Hoseok is uncaring of how your posture might look like as he forces your legs part with a hand on your inner thigh, continuing to nose his way up till he reaches the apex. In an attempt to preserve your modesty, you tug the tablecloth surreptitiously to cover more of your lap even as he begins to pepper soft kisses onto your lower lips, and you can feel the way that they swell and engorge in response, and your arousal begins to make everything feel so slick down there, to the point where you’re worried you might even stain the chair.
When he deems you ready enough, Hoseok spreads your lips with his two slim fingers, and you can almost smell your arousal immediately. Thankfully, waiter arrives with your orders of garlic bread just at that moment, and the pungent smell of your appetizers helps to cover everything up.
Somin immediately reaches for a slice, stuffing it into her mouth and moaning in delight. “Oh my God. You were right, we should order ten more of these!”
You’re just about to help yourself too, but then Hoseok decides to grace you with a generous lick from your soaked core to your slit, and you have to bite your lip hard to keep from gasping. You can feel his smirk against your inner thighs as he gives kitten licks to your clit, torturing you with every lap of his soft, wet tongue. You can feel the knot in your lower abdomen growing tighter and tighter, in your desperation, you reach for a slice of garlic bread and bite into it harshly just so you can have an excuse to let out that moan you were holding in, just as Hoseok sees it fit to tease your clit with the pointed tip of his tongue.
“It’s that good, right?” Somin is already on her third piece. “If Hoseok doesn’t get here soon, he might not get to taste any of this heaven…”
Your thighs are trembling as Hoseok laps at your core in response, and you know exactly what he means. “O-oh, I t-think he already knows how good it tastes.”
“You mean he’s been here before?” She takes a swig of her wine to chase down her fourth slice. “And didn’t think to invite us?”
Hoseok’s licks are getting more and more daring, and you feel as if he’s delighting in making you as messy as possible. Every lick of his warm, wet tongue sends electric shocks down your spine, and you are practically sitting ramrod straight in your seat, biting your lower lip hard in order to remain quiet. Your thigh muscles are aching as Hoseok holds them apart firmly so he can bury his face in your cunt, and you don’t want to imagine how you must be dripping all over his face by now.
Just as Hoseok takes a hand off your thigh and you think you can relax, he slides something icy cold into you, and you jerk straight off your seat in response, reaching for your wine glass to cover up hastily.
Somin gives you a strange look. “Are you okay? Do you need the bathroom or something?” 
“Um, no, just thought I saw Hoseok coming in for a second there,” you mumble into your wine glass, and the cheeky little bastard has the gall to chuckle against your inner thigh, and you can feel the vibration travel straight to your clit. You’re trying to figure out exactly what he’s fucking you with, and when he begins to grind his palm against your clit, you realise that he has one of his fingers inside you now, but how is it ice cold? Unless-
That bastard can manipulate temperature along with the weather too.
You can’t believe this. You’re unbelievably aroused right in the middle of an Italian restaurant, sitting opposite your roommate, with Hoseok eating you out like you’re the finest dish on the menu here. He must have taken your fantasy of getting eaten out by someone under the table to heart, and now you’re beginning to wish that you’d never told him about this in the first place.
You have gradually acclimatised the temperature of his icy fingers, so as Hoseok adds one more, he focuses directly on your clit, laving it with the flat of his tongue as he thrusts into you, curling his fingers to seek out your sweet spot. You surreptitiously reach a hand down to where you think his head might be, and true enough, you are met with silky strands of hair, and you give it a firm tug in response to his incessant licks and suckles.
Your grip tightens on your glass, to the point that you’re afraid that it might even shatter as Hoseok brings you closer and closer to the edge. All it takes is a particularly firm suck, one that you can hear even over the particles of conversation around you and the gentle music throughout the entire restaurant. Your walls close around his fingers, the pleasure ebbing and flowing throughout your entire body as you tense every muscle in your body to keep yourself quiet.
Hoseok is licking up every drop of your release, and you can feel him slurping everything up as he cleans you thoroughly. With a final kiss on your inner thigh, he draws away, and you wonder how he’s going to show up at the table with his face all covered in your juices, and then-
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice comes from behind you, and Somin straightens in her seat.
“Finally! We already ordered for you, and sorry to say, but the garlic bread is pretty much all gone,” she gestures to the empty baskets on the table. “And ugh, you’re all gross from your class, couldn’t you have at least showered first?”
Hoseok says nothing as he slides into his seat, wiping his chin with the back of his hand as he sends you a smirk that makes your core throb again, aching for his tongue, even though you only just came. “No problem. I heard the best dish in this restaurant isn’t for sale, anyway.”
From now on, every time you feel the slightest touch against your legs, even when you’re working at your desk, a shiver of arousal shoots up your spine, and you fully blame Hoseok for it. He’d sent you off to work that morning with a satisfied smile on his face, resembling the cat who’d just caught the canary as he took in your attire of slacks rather than your usual pencil skirts.
But you have no time to submerge yourself in daydreams and fantasies about him and his skilful tongue, because your workday is more than a little busy. There is a new joiner to your team today, and your boss has instructed you to show him the ropes.
The new joiner in question is Jeon Jeongguk, a fresh grad straight out of college, and a Krypton to boot. He is a Clairvoyant with the most stunning cerulean eyes, and a doe eyed, innocent look that you feel as if you’ve seen somewhere before. His young, boyish good looks have attracted the attention of all the women you walk past while giving him the company tour, and on your own part, despite yourself, you can’t help but wonder if he already has an assigned mortal.
It doesn’t help that he is extremely flirty and touchy, finding excuses to place his hands on your arm, shoulder, and even the small of your back on the pretence of helping you up the stairs. Even if you started the workday all tired out and just wanting to snuggle in bed with Hoseok’s arms around you, just spending a few minutes around Jeon Jeongguk has you feeling like you’re on top of the world again, especially whenever he touches you.
But there is a small niggling feeling at the back of your mind, even though a part of you is tempted to just enjoy this handsome man’s attention. All around you, women are cooing over how handsome he is, and you can see that Jeongguk is enjoying their gazes of admiration too, sending them little winks and smirks. Any of them would be fighting for your place to be mentoring such a handsome young man as him, a Krypton no less, and here you are, being ungrateful, no less.
Feeling a little conflicted, you give him an inane task of sorting out the post-its by colour while you return to your desk, just so you can regather your scattered thoughts without him constantly giving you his innocent little grin and feeling his eyes roam around your body. A part of you can’t believe how incredibly fit he is, with his dress pants tight against his upper thighs, and the contrast of his narrow waist makes his body proportions ungodly. Without him at your side, you can think a little clearer now; why should a Clairvoyant Krypton even need to be so jacked when their power doesn’t even manifest physically?
In the period while you’d been away from your desk, someone had dropped a post-it on your keyboard.
Meet me at the rooftop.
-your anpanman
But… Hoseok? How could he be here? And more importantly, why?
Just as you push your chair back, Jeongguk bounds over from the storeroom to proudly announce that he’s finished with all the post-its, so did you have anything else in mind for him, or could the two of you go grab a coffee together?
He pushes himself into your personal space unabashedly, his bright doe eyes glowing a mesmerizing cerulean as he flashes you his charming little smile. You have a hard time pushing away from him, reminding yourself that you need to meet Hoseok up at the rooftop as you randomly tell him to go organise the calendars now, watching his face fall as you make your escape.
You’ve never been up to the rooftop before, and you’re wondering how Hoseok even knows about this place, having never visited your workplace, at least not officially. It’s fairly windy up top, and in the distance, you can see dark clouds beginning to gather, sure signs of a storm approaching. You wonder if it’s that good of an idea to be this exposed when there is a risk of lightning strikes, but then you catch a figure standing by the railings.
“Hoseok? What are you doing here?” You struggle against the increasingly strong wind as you make your way to him, sliding your arms around his waist as he turns around.
“I had to, of course, because someone was being naughty little slut, flirting with the intern,” the frown between Hoseok’s brows deepens, and you can see that his lips are set in a firm line, a sure sign that he’s pissed off for real now.
And then suddenly, the approaching dark clouds make sense.
“Wh-what do you mean? I was just trying to show him around, and I-“ You let your hands drop from his waist slowly.
A low rumble of thunder cuts you off. Hoseok’s eyes are glowing dimly, giving him an ethereal look as the wind sweeps his hair off his forehead. “Is that why you let him touch you all over?”
Hoseok slides his arm around your waist, hand dipping dangerously low as he brushes the top of your ass. “Let him touch you here, too?”
It’s not only the air that is extra super charged with electricity, you feel it in every single nerve of your body as Hoseok lets his hand envelope your ass cheek fully, groping it hard and to his heart’s content. Letting him touch you like this in such a public place sends a thrill through your veins, even as you glance around in desperation.
“No! I’m yours alone, I promise!” You pant against his chest as Hoseok lowers that sinful mouth of his to tongue at your exposed collarbone. “H-hoseok, not here, can we finish this at home?”
“Too bad I don’t listen to naughty little sluts who’ve been bad,” Hoseok releases his grip on your ass, letting his hands play with the little zipper on the front of your slacks. “Let me tell you what I do with desperate little sluts like you. I’ll fuck you so good that you’ll be sobbing and crying on this rooftop here, and everyone will know that you’re getting fucked by me. Then I’ll leave you dripping with cum, in case that little intern decides to get in your pants, he’ll find a little surprise in your dirty little cunt.”
Hoseok strokes your cheek gently even as he flicks open the button on your pants. “And too bad you wore slacks today, hmm? Looks like we won’t be done any time soon, babydoll. Bend over that railing for me, sweetheart.”
With trembling steps, you can only do as he says, and Hoseok pushes your pants down just enough to reveal your bare ass. You can hear him swear under his breath as he realises that you’ve gone commando today, and he swats your cheek with a sharp spank that makes you cry out in a needy little whine. From up here, it’s a long way down, and as Hoseok pushes between your shoulder blades, your weight is solely balanced on your midriff, leaving you completely at his mercy as he continues to spank you hard.
“What- do sluts- say- when- they’re- getting- spanked?” Hoseok punctuates every word with a sharp slap to your behind, alternating both cheeks as he watches your flesh bear his handprints, blooming a pretty pink that he ingrains in his memory for later times.
“Th-thank you, I want more, till I can’t sit down, please,” you can feel the blood rushing to your head as Hoseok tilts you nearly upside down, his firm grip on your waist keeping you in place. The wind slices against your cheeks, and the adrenaline pumping through your veins only serves to heighten your arousal as Hoseok slides two fingers through your puffy lower lips, only to draw away with them coated in your sticky wetness. As he circles your clit, there is a jolt of electricity from his fingertips that makes you sob his name shamelessly, feeling him chuckle against your back as he repeats the motion.
“That’s my good girl,” he murmurs, a low baritone that is accompanied by a roll of thunder that serves to underscore his dominance over you as he soothes your reddened skin with his palm, rubbing gently to calm you down. “So nice and wet for me, I think you’re ready to be fucked, hmmm?”
“P-please, baby please fuck me,” you whimper as he spreads your lips apart, admiring the strings of your sticky arousal that stretch from his fingers.
“Come down from there first, sweetheart,” Hoseok helps you down gently, his hands warm and steady around your waist as he sets you down on your feet. “That’s it, now down on your knees, wanna see your pretty lips around my cock.”
You oblige immediately, sinking down to your knees as you reach for his zipper, palming his bulge generously and giving it a little squeeze that elicits a strangled moan from him. When you reach into his underwear to wrap your hand around him, he is already dripping with precum, and you hold your tongue out to watch the drops land with a morbid fascination. The purple head of him is drooling with precum non-stop, a testament to how unbelievably turned on he is as he fists his hand in your hair.
Laving the tip of him with your tongue, his salty flavour explodes on your tastebuds, but you’re not given long to savour the taste of him because he pushes you down, forcing his length into your throat as you gag messily. Spit and precum are trailing down your chin, some of it getting caught on his balls as he rolls them roughly in his palm, thrusting into your mouth with a hot groan.
“Shit, that mouth of yours, so fucking good,” he pants, pushing into your mouth further. “Take all of it, choke on my cock like a good little slut. Gonna fuck your mouth cunt so good.”
You are gurgling around his cock, tears in your eyes as you relish the precum pouring down your throat. Hoseok pushes you down to his base, holding you there for a few torturously long seconds before he pulls away to admire the strings of saliva and precum that connect his aching hard cock to your lips.
“So pretty for me,” he coos, running a thumb to clean up some of the mess on your chin and popping it into his mouth. “Come here.”
Hoseok props his ass on the railings, stroking his dick a few times as he spreads his legs. His lap is inviting, cock twitching, as if beckoning you to perch yourself upon it and ride him till kingdom come, but your fear of heights makes you hesitate. The claps of thunder and flashes of lightning only serve to accentuate exposed you are, and when you make contact with him, his skin is alive with electric currents that deliver a pleasant shockwave to every single nerve of yours, especially when he concentrates his fingertips on your abused clit. Every stroke feels like a mini orgasm, and your thighs are trembling as he takes in how sensitive and reactive you are.
“You trust me, right?” Hoseok strokes your hip, pulling you in between his legs. “I won’t let you fall, sweetheart. Get on my dick.”
With his help, you straddle his lap, fully aware of how precarious your position is. When the tip of him brushes against your folds, you grab his shoulders and sink down on him fully, completely forgetting that you’re on the edge of a rooftop, getting fucked on top of a 50 storey building. You take him down to the root, relishing his breathless groan when you squeeze tight around his cock.
Hoseok’s hands are on your waist, holding you firmly to his base as he abruptly spins around so that your body remains suspended in mid-air. The spike of adrenaline and fear makes you clench around him, and he gives a few practice thrusts before he really starts pounding into you, every smash of his hipbones against your pelvis absolutely divine.
“You like fucking out here, where anyone could see us? You better keep it down unless you want the whole office to see what a slut you are. Or I bet you’d like any of those pedestrians to look up and see my cock in your dirty little pussy hmm?” The roars of thunder are getting louder, and with every flash of lightning, Hoseok’s features are lit up in a show of his dominance, and a hint of anger as well, accentuating the animalistic lust that resides in his gaze as he continues to ravage you. “Watch me take your pussy over and over till I fucking tear you in half, princess.”
You glance down to witness his cock spearing you open, and then Hoseok takes one hand off your waist to fondle your clit, and you jerk in response, half in arousal, half in fear. But Hoseok only smirks and lets his other hand drift down to your inner thigh, and now you are completely unsupported by anything other than his control of the wind currents alone. Your head tilts back, exposing the column of your neck to him as you feel the wind assaulting you from every angle, combined with his harsh thrusts, you are coming around him with a desperate sob, drenching him in a shower of your arousal.
“Well, fuck, looks like it just started pouring,” Hoseok is wiping the back of his chin with his hand, his white shirt completely soaked by you. But his thrusts don’t let up as he continues to chase his pleasure, heavy balls slapping against your clit.
“H-hoseok, I can’t, fuck, it’s too much, please,” you reach out to push against his firm lower abdomen, breasts heaving and nipples all sore and peaked from the wind’s assault on them. They are like an extension of his nimble fingers as you feel your nipples being pinched and rolled, the sensation shooting straight down to your clit. It’s as if Hoseok and nature have become one, intent on stimulating every single erogenous point on your body, and it’s too much all at once.
Hoseok drives his cock deep into you, feeling the entrance of your womb with his cock as he savours the way your tummy bulges with his intrusion. “Just one more, you can do one more for me, can’t you? My good girl.”
You are spineless, completely at his mercy as his fluid hips continue to rock into you. Glancing up, you catch a glimpse of his windblown hair, eyes alight with the luminous glow of lightning itself, sweat and your cum drenching his upper torso as his abs flex with every thrust. His fingertips are ice cold as he circles your clit, and you don’t know if it’s just your lust induced haze, but his dick is warming up with every thrust as he bottoms out against your cervix.
The knot in your belly is growing tighter and tighter, and your muscles are spasming with the overload of electric current from his touch alone. You are whimpering and pleading for him, caught up in the throes of ecstasy that threaten to overwhelm you and drag you under, but then you notice the door leading to the rooftop open.
“______? Are you here?” Jeon Jeongguk is struggling against the suddenly ferocious wind that buffets him from all angles, seemingly immobilised even as he tries to take a step forward. He has his eyes shielded as he glances around the rooftop of the building, first from one end, and then to the other- at this rate, he’ll definitely catch you with Hoseok’s dick still buried deep in your pussy, hanging off the ledge of the rooftop-
“Eyes on me, babygirl,” Hoseok gets your attention back on him with a sharp slap to your clit, and you cry out in equal parts pain and arousal.
Your shout has attracted Jeongguk’s attention, but you’re too far gone to care, especially as Hoseok begins fucking you with a renewed enthusiasm, intent on reaching his high this time as he imprints bruises into your hips. Your cunt is all swollen and aching, walls tightening around his cock as Hoseok sends you over the edge. Your lungs are burning, but as you gasp for air, there is a foreign sensation pressing on either side of your throat, restricting your air flow and heightening your pleasure as your nerves are rubbed raw and pink by his pretty cock pounding your cunt.
“Shit, gonna fill your sweet pussy up so good,” Hoseok grunts as he drives into you. His cock is twitching, growing almost unbearably hot as he releases, spurts of cum drowning your womb till you are overflowing with him. The restriction around your throat eases, and your airflow is regulated once more as you squeeze and contract around him, encouraging him to spill every last drop in his balls. He continues to fuck his cum into you with deep thrusts, watching it bubble up around his length and leak down your thighs, dripping onto the railing beneath him.
When he pulls out gently, arms back around your waist to cradle you to the safety of his warm body, you can still feel your cunt pulsing, pushing out rivulets of his cum as it streams freely down your thighs.
“Your pink pussy looks so creamy and pretty,” Hoseok gives you a brief kiss on your cheek as he runs his fingers through the mess between your legs before he pulls your slacks up. “Gonna smell like me all day now.”
The thunder has softened into a distant rumble, dark clouds clearing and a hint of the sun peeking out from behind them as Hoseok helps you with your clothes, murmuring soft praises as he does so. As you are coming down from your high, you help him tuck his now softened dick back into his pants, pressing your cheek briefly against his chest in a hug.
“You okay?” His voice is a pleasant rumble in his chest that you feel reverberating throughout your own.
“Yeah. D-did Jeongguk really see us though? Not that I care, or anything-“ you hastily correct yourself. “I just don’t want that little brat catching sight of the goodies.”
Hoseok pulls away with a laugh that makes your stomach flip, and the butterflies are flitting about equally unnerved. “Of course not, sweetheart. Do you think I would really let him see you like that? We were invisible the whole time.”
A darkened room, with the smell of fear and desperation in the air. The door is locked, but footsteps approach from the other side. With a tremendous force, the door is blasted open by some unknown power, splinters of wood embedding themselves into soft skin.
The glow of cerulean cuts through the blanket of darkness.
Hoseok awakes in a sweaty panic, eyes darting around the room as he gasps for breath, frantically reaching for you in the mess of blankets and pillows strewn around on the bed. You are still slumbering peacefully, completely unaware of the mortal peril that awaits you, but when Hoseok shakes you awake, you only swat him away.
“Five more minutes…”
But he is insistent, and when you pry your eyes open, you take in your boyfriend’s distressed state. Pushing yourself into a sitting position, you stroke his sweaty bangs away from his forehead, bringing his cheek to rest on your breast as you force his breathing to follow the slow cadence of your own. “What’s wrong? The same dream again?”
It is that one particular dream that has been plaguing him ever since he took you on the rooftop weeks ago. You always thought that being a Clairvoyant Krypton was a gift highly sought after, but having to watch your boyfriend wrest himself out of his nightmares repeatedly every single morning has you grateful that you are a mere mortal. It has definitely been taking a toll on your superhero, and the Krypton looks tired and worn out as he closes his eyes against your soft skin for comfort.
But despite having the same recurring dream for weeks in a row, nothing untoward has happened yet. You sought to appease him by staying home from work initially, but it was only a temporary solution. Bills still needed to be paid, and so you push Hoseok away from you gently so you can get ready for work.
Hoseok is uncharacteristically more clingy than usual as you struggle through your morning routine to beautify yourself. His arms are around your bare waist, lips on your shoulder and neck as nuzzles into your warm skin.
Considering that you already have a mega powerful Krypton boyfriend who sucks up powers like he’s Kirby, you’re not the least bit worried. If there’s any situation in which you find yourself in mortal danger, you know you can always count on Hoseok to swoop in and save the day like he always does. Alone, you may have resigned yourself to a life of nunnery locked up at home, but with Jung Hoseok by your side, you have nothing to fear.
But Hoseok clearly doesn’t feel the same way. You’ve already had a few arguments over Jeon Jeongguk, with Hoseok insisting that you stay away from him because he was apparently “dangerous and harbouring malicious intentions”.
“Do you even hear yourself, Jung Hoseok?” You are running late for work for the third time this week, and this has you in a mood. You brush him aside irritably as grab your coffee from the barista, thanking her with a brief smile. “I can’t just stay away from him, he’s my intern, I have to show him the ropes and stuff. It’s my job on the line here.”
“Can’t you just… I don’t know, hand him over to someone else? Like Jimin? He’s a sweet boy, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind taking over for you,” Hoseok follows you around like a puppy, bottom lip jutting out petulantly. His own Americano remains untouched in the other drink tray that you’re carrying.
“Jimin hasn’t been to work for a while actually…” You frown a little as you take a sip of your drink, feeling the liquid immediately warm you up from the chilly breeze outside. “Look, I know you’re worried about me and all. But he hasn’t even done anything to me yet. I know you’re just trying to look out for me baby, but I can’t just march up to my boss and get Jeongguk fired just because he’s intending to murder me the second he gets me alone.
“Clairvoyance deems a person guilty before proven innocent.” You tiptoe to give him a kiss to placate him, pushing the straw of his iced drink to his still pouting lips. Your arms are wrapped loosely around his slim waist. “I have to go in now. Have fun at dance, my favourite superhero. See you for dinner.”
You never knew that your big, scary superhero could pout in such an adorable way. But when the sky begins to darken, and a roll of thunder rumbles nearby, you pinch his bicep with a frown. “Hey! Stop that, people need to get to work. And all this humidity is ruining my hair!”
Hoseok relents with a sigh. You swat him on his ass to get him going, and he reluctantly steals one more kiss before watching you enter your own building.
Managing to dodge one pesky little Jeon Jeongguk should be an art form in itself, you decide, as you manage to make it through precisely 90% of the work day holed up in random meeting rooms and changing your location every few hours to make sure he doesn’t hunt you down. But going back to your desk to drop off some documents proves to be a bad idea.
“Noona, these just came for you, boss says it’s really urgent.” Jeongguk is hovering by your desk with a post it on his index finger as he waves it about. On your desk is a mountain of files that makes it look as if you have a million years’ worth of backlog. “She’s been trying to get a hold of you all day, where have you been?”
Ignoring his question, you briefly look through the files, along with the note from your boss that demands everything be done by tomorrow. It’s your fault for disappearing all day, now you’ll just have to lug every single file home.
“There’s so much, are you sure you can handle that all on your own?” Jeongguk sports a worried frown between his brows as he watches you stack all the files on top of one another. They come up to chest level, and you’re not even halfway done yet. He wheels over one of the document trolleys sitting nearby, and helps you to load it up.
“It’s fine, I can take a taxi back and claim it, anyway,” you mutter to yourself, already kissing a relaxing evening with Hoseok and Somin goodbye. Just as well, since Hoseok is due to be back late from his classes today. But Somin will definitely be more than annoyed since she wanted to binge watch the latest series of Black Mirror, and is too much of a scaredy cat to do it on her own.
“Noona, let me help you, I’ll come with you,” Jeongguk is way too helpful for his own good as he helps you to manoeuvre the trolley to the lift. “I’m a Krypton, let me do my job.”
It occurs to you that you could very well call Hoseok and have him help you out with this just as easily, but the thought of distracting him from his classes fills you with guilt. He is your Krypton, but what for make him come all the way here when you have another equally willing Krypton at your disposal?
Jeongguk jogs out onto the street to hail a cab, and looking at the document laden trolley, you’re almost sure that you could never manage it on your own. Besides, Somin is waiting at home for you, so you won’t exactly be alone. But there is still an unsettling feeling that pervades as Hoseok’s warnings are resounding in your head. You glance at Jeongguk’s frantic waving, your mind racing to think of a solution that will get you out of this.
Just then, you see a familiar silhouette leaving the building.
“Taehyung! Kim Taehyung!” You shout at the top of your lungs, attracting the stares of few passerbys, but the man in question turns around.
He takes in the trolley at your side, and Taehyung jogs over with a concerned look on his face.
“Taehyung, I’m sorry to bother you, but could you help me with these?” Glancing over at Jeongguk, you see that he’s managed to hail a cab already, and he’s making his way back to you at that very moment. “And could I trouble you to follow Jeongguk and I back to my house? It’s just, my boyfriend isn’t home yet, and I don’t want him to get the wrong idea and all…”
Your voice trails off as you berate yourself for being unable to come up with a better excuse. It sounds lame even to your own ears, but Taehyung only shrugs as he starts to push the trolley toward Jeongguk and the taxi. “Sure, no problem. Seems like your boyfriend is the jealous type, huh?”
“Something like that,” you mutter under your breath as he helps you to load up the car, slightly more at ease now as you get into the front seat, with the two boys taking up the passenger seat.
A bolt of lightning splits the violet and fuchsia sunset sky, and the following roll of thunder echoes deep in your bones.
“Th-thanks for helping me with these,” you are out of breath even though you barely even lifted a finger in helping them lug the entire trolley up the stairs that lead to your apartment. You can only blame the out of service elevator, but the two boys are unaffected. “I don’t know what I would have done without you, Taehyung.”
“Hey, what about me? I helped too!”
“Yeah, a huge help you were,” you sigh as you unlock your door, and the thought of the long night ahead puts a further damper on your spirits. “But really, thank you. I’ll treat you both to something delicious someday, okay?”
Kicking off your heels, you step inside your house, and seeing how you struggle even getting the trolley past the threshold, Taehyung levitates it effortlessly, following you inside as he sets it down in the corner for you.
“Jeon, you coming in, dude?” Taehyung kicks off his shoes as he invites himself inside.
“Uh, yeah, of course!” Jeongguk closes the door behind him, and although this isn’t exactly what you’d planned for, you can’t just kick the two boys out like this.
“Did you guys want a drink or something? I’m afraid I don’t have much in the house,” you chuckle nervously as you take a peek in the fridge. You know how Hoseok likes his beers, but unfortunately, the three of you had just finished the last of it on your last movie night, and there’s nothing in the fridge except for some stale sodas, and-
“Why so nervous, little one?”
The voice sends a shiver down your spine.
Jeongguk’s eyes are alight with an aquamarine glow as he steps into your kitchen, and suddenly, any desire to run or escape fades, and you feel unusually at ease, your entire body as light as air, every nerve of yours completely numb. Your ears feel as if they are stuffed with cotton, your mouth as dry as the Sahara Desert, and your head is pounding, the pain growing with every step that Jeongguk takes.
“I-it was you-“ you are struggling to form the words, your lungs constricting as Jeongguk’s once innocent smile morphs into a malicious grin as he watches you crumple to the ground, clutching your temples. “It was you-that night.”
“Bingo,” he whispers as he crouches down beside you, laying a hand on your forehead, and suddenly, everything is multiplied tenfold, making you scream in agony. The throbbing turns into a stabbing pain, and your mind begins to swim, consciousness rapidly fading as Jeongguk’s touch sucks the life force out of you. “You were so easy to charm, little one. Just a few touches here and there and you’re putty in my hands. Just like all the other girls before you. Just like your pathetic little boss who hired me the moment I looked into her eyes.”
“Dude, I didn’t know you could manipulate moods,” Taehyung comments, his tone one of awe as he makes sure the door is locked before joining him in the kitchen. “That’s sick. So, what should we do with her now?”
“We wait till that freak Krypton of hers gets home. Then we’ll kill them together.” Jeongguk strokes your cheek gently. “Although, it would be fun to see how he reacts when he comes home and sees the walls painted with her blood, wouldn’t it? I didn’t finish the job last time, but this time will be different. Lucky for me, Taehyung came along and told me you happened to be his coworker. Funny how things work out, hmm?”
Then, he turns to Taehyung. “Restrain her.”
Taehyung moves to do as he says, lifting you effortlessly and shoving you into one of your living room chairs. But then, there is a scuffle that emerges from one of the bedrooms, and the two men freeze.
“What is that? Do you have a roommate? Is there someone else living here?” Jeongguk turns to you with a vicious snarl. “You won’t spill? No matter. We’ll just go check it out, and then you can watch whoever it is die in front of your eyes. Taehyung, bring her.”
And then you are forced to your feet, and each step that you take is against your will as they lead you towards Somin’s room. Jeongguk pushes the door open, only to be met with some resistance, but with a single glance from Taehyung, the door is blasted apart, sending splinters flying everywhere and revealing Somin’s trembling figure in the corner, fingers wrapped tightly around her phone as she glances up fearfully.
“I think I’ll take that,” Taehyung says as he wrenches the phone from her, and it comes flying across the room. “Well. Look what we have here. Looks like it’s two for the price of one.”
Taehyung’s tremendous strength sends you sprawling into the corner as he shoves you hard with this telekinetic ability, and you crash into Somin, tears streaming down your face as she clutches you in fear.
“The attack on Pyramid House,” you gasp, wincing as you push yourself into a sitting position, knees curled into your chest. “P-please, why are you doing this? What do you want? Why are you hurting innocent people? Y-you’re Kryptons, you’re supposed to be protecting us!”
Jeongguk only sighs as he perches himself on the edge of Somin’s bed, studying his fingernails in mock boredom. “Yeah, we got tired of that. In case you haven’t realised, we Kryptons are the superior race here. Just look at you. You’re pathetic. You can’t survive without us. All you’re good at is squandering natural resources and defacing the Earth you live on. How much sense does it make to keep such an inferior species around?”
Hoseok was right all along. You should have believed him, taken his warning more seriously, and then maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation. Now, you are helpless and stranded without him, too weak to fight back against the very heroes you’d entrusted your life with.  
“It wasn’t reported as such, but the attempt on the President’s life was a success,” Taehyung speaks up now, coming to crouch in front of the two of you. “Our people have taken over the government from the inside. It was really too easy, like taking candy from a baby. See what happens when you let outsiders defend you? Now, we are everywhere. With the silly little ‘One Krypton to every human’ propaganda your own government promoted, it really speaks volumes for the trust that you have in us.”
“Too bad that trust is unfounded,” Jeongguk snorts in amusement.
“Jimin, what have you done with him?” Thoughts of your sweet natured, angelic little co-worker come to mind, and suddenly, a sick feeling pervades the pit of your stomach.
Taehyung only grins as he draws a slice across his throat. “Dumped him in a random alley somewhere. You’ll hear about it in the news soon. If you’re still alive by then, that is.”
“Now of course, every revolution has its rebels, individuals who think they can make a difference by standing in the way of the greater good,” Jeongguk joins Taehyung as he traces a random pattern on your cheek, causing your migraine to roar to life, and you are once again immobilised by the pain. “Your boyfriend is one such example. But no worries, for he’ll soon be eradicated.”
“Th-is is n-not a r-revol-lution, y-you fucking fools,” you grit your teeth against the blinding pain that threatens to drag you down into an eternal darkness, fighting it with every ounce of strength that you have. “It’s a-a genocide.”
Jeongguk relinquishes his touch with a disappointed sigh, and the debilitating pain lets up just a tad. “Well, I suppose that would have to depend on which side you’re on, now wouldn’t it? For us, it’s a liberation after years of being your slaves.”
“Now, be good girls and don’t move while we wait for your boyfriend to come back, hmmm?” Taehyung sing-songs as he upends the entire bed, lifting it above your heads and sending it crashing down. The both of you are screaming in terror, waiting for the weight to smother you, but it never comes.
The bedframe is wedged against the two walls that form the corner in which you are huddled against with Somin, forming a barrier that keeps you trapped. You hear the two rogue Kryptons murmur something on the other side of the barrier, and soon enough, their retreating footsteps indicate that they have left the room.
You remain paralysed, slumped against the wall as you feel your terror as acutely as a lump wedged in your throat.  Somin is still trembling, tears trailing down her cheeks as she gets to her feet, attempting to dislodge the bedframe that imprisons the both of you.
“Somin, stop, what are you doing?” You grab her arm to stop her from throwing her weight against the bedframe.
“Getting us the fuck out of here, that’s what,” she says with her lips pressed into a firm line. With a lunge, her shoulder hits the solid frame, but it doesn’t budge a single inch, but she cries out in pain as she clutches her shoulder.
“We can’t do this, we’re too weak,” You tug her away from the bed, trying in vain to see the damage done, but Somin is and has always been stubborn. “We’re no match for them, Somin, you saw what Taehyung can do! And together with Jeongguk, they’re practically unstoppable!”
“Then what are we supposed to do?” Somin shoves you hard against the wall with a sob, frustration evident in her voice. “Just give up and wait for them to kill us?”
“N-no, Hoseok. Hoseok will come and save us, he always does,” your voice is nothing but an unsteady tremble in your chest. “He will save us, I know it. We can’t do it without him.”
But Somin is having none of it as she shakes you hard, with her hands on your arms. “Don’t you fucking see? You said it yourself. Jeongguk reads every single thought of ours before we even form it in our heads. Taehyung controls every single movement of ours. How would Hoseok be any different if he can’t even get close enough to touch them? We have to do it. We have to save ourselves.”
“B-but still, maybe… he is a Krypton, and he- he stands a better chance…”
“You better hope so, little one.” And you can’t see him, but you know that the two rogue Kryptons are back in the room.
The bedframe is tossed aside by Taehyung carelessly, landing on Somin’s desk and crushing it to smithereens. It’s only then that you see Hoseok, who is down on his knees, head bowed with Taehyung standing behind him, and Jeongguk’s hand is only a few inches away from Hoseok’s forehead.
Your boyfriend is subdued, there isn’t a single scratch on his body, but Taehyung is keeping him pinned with tremendous force through his telekinetic ability. Even so, the rogue Krypton seems to be expending a significant amount of concentration and energy in keeping your boyfriend on his knees.
Hoseok’s breathing is laboured, as if he were breathing in lungfuls of broken glass, and you can see the veins which are prominent in his neck as he struggles to lift his head to look at you. His cheeks are tearstained, lips mouthing words that you cannot hear. Every movement is pure agony and torture for him as he groans, a low, mournful sound as he struggles against his invisible bonds. As Hoseok continues to struggle, he is suddenly lifted into the air and slammed against the wall headfirst, causing the entire structure to collapse as he falls boneless to the ground in a crumpled, defeated heap.
“I thought I’d do you a favour and allow the two of you to see each other in your last dying moments,” Jeongguk shrugs as he beckons you over with his free hand. “Come over here, little one. I won’t bite. At least not for now.”
There is nothing more devastating than witnessing a superhero experience defeat. But even worse still is watching your superhero, the one who’d never failed to be your saving grace and source of strength and comfort, tossed aside like a ragdoll. That image of Hoseok on his knees, head bowed in helplessness is forever burned into your irises as you watch him struggle to his feet, only to be slammed face first into the ground.
A guttural scream rips from your throat, and you don’t even realise that it had come from you if not for the searing pain that tears into your larynx as you lunge at Jeongguk. But you are caught in mid-air and flung aside just as easily. Never in your life have you felt more helpless than this very moment as the wind is knocked out of you and you crumple like a piece of paper tossed into a raging inferno.
“Enough playing around. Taehyung, get that freak on his knees and make him stay there. It’s time to end it for good,” Jeongguk grabs you by the collar and shoves you aside. As Somin lunges for his throat, he deflects her easily with a swift knee to her stomach. “And put these two worthless little rats in their place while you’re at it.”
Hoseok is forced up onto his knees, an invisible force around his neck cutting off his air supply as he struggles in vain. Then, you and Somin are forced to your knees as well, prostrate against the ground with your forehead against the cold floor.
“_____,” Somin chokes out your name in a bare whisper. “Y-you have to do it.”
“I can’t,” your breath is a raspy, broken sound that you don’t even recognise. You are rooted to the spot by more than just physical pain and Taehyung’s might; you are paralysed by the inaction that has plagued you for your entire life, frozen by the belief that you are helpless to save yourself when it really counts. “H-hoseok…”
“-can’t save us right now.” Somin closes her eyes as she struggles to control her panic laden breathing, whimpering as her arm bends in an unnatural direction with her being forced to put her weight on it. “A-aim for Taehyung.”
You suddenly recall the look of immense concentration on Taehyung’s face as he struggled to subdue Hoseok. With the added effort of keeping you and Somin in place, it shouldn’t take much just to tip the scales in your favour and break his concentration, allowing Hoseok just that split second he needs to make contact with Taehyung, and then-
If it’s not you, then who?
Little by little, inch by inch, you push your arms below your body to support your weight even as you can see the deathly glow of Jeongguk’s cerulean eyes refract throughout the room as he concentrates his efforts on Hoseok. The two rogue Kryptons are now occupied, and this is your chance.
It’s up to you to save your superhero.
Taking a deep breath, you gather every single ounce of energy that’s left in your broken and bruised body. With an inhumane strength, and the image of Hoseok’s tearstained cheeks urging you on, you push yourself to your knees, lunging for Taehyung’s torso with your eyes tightly screwed shut even as your muscles strain against his immense power. For a moment, it feels as if you are suspended in midair, caught in a moment of suspense, but you push forward with all your might.
And it works- Taehyung is distracted, and his concentration breaks for a second as you slam into him, causing him to topple into Hoseok, and that’s all it takes.
The moment Hoseok’s hands come into contact with Taehyung, Jeongguk is sent flying, smashing into the concrete wall behind him with a surprised groan. Taehyung crashes through the window in a similar manner, and Hoseok is left struggling to his feet, panting harshly with his sweat soaked hair limp on his forehead.
With a swift gesture, Jeongguk floats into the air, his hands coming to clutch at his throat desperately as he struggles for air. Hoseok tosses him out the window, plummeting to his death after Taehyung, and then he slumps to the ground, closing his eyes for a brief moment in silent victory.
You can feel him lift you gently and levitate you into his arms. Back in his embrace, your bruised and battered body feels renewed.  
“A-are you okay?” His voice is merely above a whisper, but you understand him just fine.
“I’m okay, but Somin-“ 
“I’m- fine too, just this stupid arm,” she says as she cradles it close to her chest, giving you a look of awe. “That was fucking amazing, ______.”
When you glance over at Hoseok, a similar look is reflected upon his own face. A smile spreads slowly across his lips, as dazzling and illuminating as the sun that creeps into the twilight dawn. He beams at you, and his radiance equals the sun itself as it strikes a chord of joy in your heart.
“Maybe you can be my hero now.”
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petri808 · 6 years
Fandom: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha
@inusecretsanta @coolstormy4  Fluffy Inukag Holiday AU.  Merry Christmas! Hope you like it :)
All Because of a Piney Bough
With Kagome in her first year at Yokohama N.U., as far as mama Higurashi was concerned, the winter break was one time of year she was required to be home for visits aside from summer.  Mrs. Higurashi sometimes missed the days when her daughter and friends would hang out on weekends keeping the shrine home so nice and lively.  But now, they had scattered like the four winds… well sort of, for Miroku had followed his girlfriend Sango to Tsukuba University, and Inuyasha followed his best friend to Yokohama.
Inuyasha… once or maybe still was Miroku’s best friend, yet now her daughters…  Actually, mama Higurashi had given up on trying to understand the dynamics between those two.  She was pretty sure they were both in love with each other since meeting 5 years ago and while they were almost attached at the hip, dated other people through high school.  It made, no sense.  Either way, she adored the Hanyo because as long as he was around, she never had to worry about her daughter’s safety.
Mrs. Higurashi figured that the kids would have plans on the holidays themselves, so two days before Christmas found the shrine home buzzing with life again.  Kagome had come home from college the prior week with Inuyasha in tow.  Sango and Miroku were back from Tsukuba, and Kohaku, Sango’s younger brother had also been able to make it to the party.  It was like old times, Mrs. Higurashi sighed as she finished the last touches on her Christmas Wagashi’s.  
“Here’s the K.F.C.,” Inuyasha places the two large buckets of fried chicken on the counter, “you sure this is enough for all of us?”
She wipes her hands on a towel and checks the boxes.  “Thank you dear, but I have other things already made as well,” she smiles at the young man.
“Mmm, I can’t wait!” he rubs his stomach, “you always make the best foods!”
Mrs. Higurashi just chuckles and shoos him out of the kitchen before he tries to sneak anything. “Could you let everyone know dinner will be ready in 30 minutes?”
Two hours later now fed and satiated, most of the group relaxes in the living room, centered around watching the two teenagers play some kind of video game on the screen.  The adults chat while sipping tea or coffee, with Sango and Miroku talking about their first semester in a new city. Kagome had just finished washing the dishes for her mom and now stands in the entryway between the two rooms. It was really nice to see everyone gathered together like this, she smiled to herself.  The internet makes staying in touch so much easier, but it still doesn’t make up for the personal contact.  
After taking out the trash, Inuyasha joins her.  Keeping his voice low, “so who’s winning?”
“I think Kohaku… but I could be wrong.”
Knowing the woman didn’t know much about fighter type games, he chuckles.  “You have fun shopping earlier today with Sango?”
“Mmhmm,” feeling a bit tired she leans on his shoulder and yawns, “it was fun, we even stopped at our old ice cream shop haunt…”
Across the room, Sota and Kohaku high-five after another good round against some online competitors on the Playstation, laughing along with Miroku who’s asking to jump in next round. The two boys turn to respond to the older man but stop suddenly and begin whispering furiously between each other.
“What, don’t wanna let me play too cause you think I’ll whip your butts?”
“Nah, that ain’t it,” Kohaku leans closer, so he can whisper, “look behind you.”
“Huh?” Miroku turns his head and immediately grins and nods, leaning over to Sango to pass on the message.
The next thing they knew, the room had gone silent and 6 heads had turned to stare at Kagome and Inuyasha, grins on every single one of their faces.  “What?” the Hanyo growls, “why is everyone looking at us?”
Kagome who is just as intrigued chimes in too.  “W-why is everyone smiling like that?”
It’s her mom who finally speaks up while the 3 younger males snickers.  “Mistletoe ball.”
“Mistletoe?” the young girl repeats what her mother had said.  So, Mrs. Higurashi points above their heads.  Both Kagome and Inuyasha look at the same time, their faces growing paler by the millisecond.  “M-Mistle…”
“…toe…” Inu finishes.
“KISS!  KISS!  KISS!” chants begin to fill the room, starting from Sota and Kohaku but quickly joined by Miroku, Sango, even Mrs. Higurashi can’t hold back her amusement.
“W-Wha…. N-No but he-he’s…. we’re not…” poor Kagome’s face is turning crimson and Inuyasha’s is heating up as well.  “Oh, my Kami!” she hides her face while the chants of ‘KISS’ rage on.  It was so not funny to be called out like that!
“Just Kiss her Inuyasha!” Miroku goads the Hanyo, “you know you’ve been dying to!”
“N-No I don’t!” shaking a fist, “this was trap wasn’t it!  Who did it!”
“No one, it was just part of the decorations,” Sango giggled.  “Aww, Kagome, kissing Inuyasha wouldn’t be so bad would it?”
But the young girl refuses to respond only shaking her head as her anxiety reaches a peak.  “Stop pestering her, can’t you see…” Inuyasha’s growls die off for Kagome had taken off out the kitchen door.  They hear it slam behind her.  “See!” he curses the whole room.
“Oh, dear, maybe be we pushed her too far,” Mrs. Higurashi covers her mouth as she rises from the couch, “I better go…”
“I’ll go check on her,” Inuyasha mumbles, swiping the mistletoe down before stalking out of the house.
As soon as Inuyasha has left, Sango slaps her boyfriend, “it was you, wasn’t it?”
“Oww!” he rubs his shoulder, “yes!  But it was meant to catch you at some point!”  
Kagome flees to the Well House and sits along the worn-out wooden edging with her head hung.  It wasn’t that she was sad or even angry, but this definitely wasn’t how she’d envisioned her visit turning out.  She didn’t know what embarrassed her more, the idea of simply kissing her best friend because of some western-fangled tradition…. Or the thought of kissing the man she’d been pining over for years in front of family and friends who suspected those feelings.  Her mother was always asking in subtle ways, how were things with Inuyasha, oh, still just friends, okay that’s wonderful dear, he’s a great guy to have around….
Ugh!  She felt crappy enough without having to be reminded so often that no, they were still just friends.  I mean didn’t they hear him say he didn’t want to kiss me!  Moisture clouds over her eyes and she squeeze’s them shut.  I wish they’d just drop it already!  Tomorrow is a day for couples and this year I get to celebrate it alone…  Kagome let’s out a shaky exhale as memories of previous Eve’s with her ex, walking around to look at the light shows, how she’d often dreamt it had been Inuyasha instead holding her hand….        
She hears a noise and the door opening, turning her head to hide further, Kagome assumed her mother had come to console her and covers her face.
But when she hears a softened male voice instead of that of her mother, she flinches; what was he doing here!  
“Kagome, a-are you gonna be okay?”  Inuyasha hops up onto the wells edging beside her in a crouched position and places a hand on her shoulder.  Kagome flinches out of his touch and stands up, placing a foot or so of space between them with her back to him.  “Oi, what are ya mad at me for!  I wasn’t the one who was doin the taunting!”
“I’m not mad at you, just wanna be alone right now.”
Inuyasha could hear the held back tears in her voice, smell the salt in the air.  He cringes, ears flattening at the pain it shot through his heart but in his head, it wasn’t fair that she was pushing him away over something he had no control over.  “Sure feels like you’re mad at me for somethin…”
“I’m really not mad okay, maybe confused sometimes, sad but not mad,” Kagome tilts her head up willing back the tears that furiously wish to break free, “you just…. I don’t know…” she lets out a long exhale, “…I just don’t know how to think of you anymore.”
Now Inuyasha was completely confused, what did she mean by how she thinks of him?  “What, you don’t wanna be my friend anymore is that it? If you don’t like me anymore all ya had to do was say something.”
“I like you too much is the problem…” her voice is so soft Inuyasha barely catches all the words, but then frankly he thought he might have heard her wrong anyways.  Kagome tilts her head in his direction this time, a weak smile gracing her features, “and just being your friend is getting to be too difficult to bear.”
Oh, bloody hell, so that’s what she was all upset over!  This chick has never given him one damn clue that she might have feelings for him, even dated his friggen rival for 2 years which is why he went out with hers hoping to stir up jealousy with no results, and now she wants to just break things off before there was anything between them?  Like hell he was gonna let that happen!  
“Kagome,” his eyes flash and narrow as he motions with a claw, “get over here.”  The gruff nature of his voice startles her at first, but she could tell it wasn’t in anger, more like she was about to get scolded.  She shakes her head.  Inuyasha jumps down from his perch quicker than she can turn to run and grabs her around the waist from behind.  “Stupid wench,” his lips are so close to her ear, she can feel the vibrations of his words and the heated air wafting against her skin.  “I have waited almost 4 damn years for you figure out what you wanted.  I stood back while you dated that wolf.  I followed you to Yokohama, do you really think I’ll let you walk away from me now?”
Kagome clenches her fists at her sides.  Was he for real?  They’d been like two idiots waiting for the other to make the first move!  “This whole time,” she breathes out, “are you seriously telling me you never asked me out because I  never made up my mind?”  She turns around to face him and immediately begins to bang her fists on his chest. “Are you serious!  Inuyasha, I’ve been the one waiting for you to make a goddam move on me, but you’ve never ever EVER acted like you had feelings for me beyond friendship!  Just now you shouted to everyone how you didn’t want to kiss me….  So how the hell was I supposed to figure it out!”  
Wow!  His eyes widen at the fury Kagome was trying to unleash on him.  He’s seen her mad before, but frankly this was amusing and endearing at the same time and it was taking all of his willpower not to laugh aloud and set her off even more.  He loved her pure heart, but he was even more in love with her feisty side.  
Inuyasha finally grabs her wrists to still them.  With a slight bemusement in his tone, “I didn’t want to kiss you in there because I didn’t want to take something if you weren’t ready to give it back.”  Kagome stops fighting and just stares into his honeyed hues confused.  Well that shut her up quick!  He drops her hands and scoops her cheeks into his hands, “Of course I want to kiss you…. I wanna kiss you all day, every day!”
Her eyes grow misty, “Inu…. I’m sorry I…”  
“Enough talking,” he cuts her off and crashes their lips together….  A rumble of contented abandon flows from his chest, oh Kamisama how he’s wanted to do this for so long! To nibble at her luscious ruby lips, to taste her as their tongues explore the heated antechamber…. Kagome was the sweetest hanami dango  and smelled as good the blossoms they celebrated.  He leans his forehead to hers after one more chaste kiss, “so…  can I call you my girlfriend now?”
“Shh,” Inuyasha cups a hand over her mouth, his ear flicking in the direction of the house.  Without warning he scoops her into his arms and drops down into the bottom of the well, “don’t say anything yet.”  As his ears scan above, Kagome just looks up wondering what had spooked him.
The pair hears the door open.  “Kagome? Inuyasha?  Are you guys in there?”  A pause in Mrs. Higurashi’s voice, then the door closes again. “Doesn’t seem like they’re in the well house or anywhere on the property.  I hope Kagome’s okay.”
“I’m sure she is,” now they hear Miroku’s voice trying to reassure the woman, “you know Inuyasha, if she left, he could track her down.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.  I guess they’ll come back when they’re ready.”  
Kagome and Inuyasha hear a shuffling of feet back towards the main house.  She turns to Inuyasha confused, “why didn’t we just tell them we were okay?”
“Because I wasn’t ready to go back to the house yet,” his voice is heady and low, “so what’s your answer wench?”  
“Answer?  Oh!” she giggles, “how about… I’ll think about it.”
“Oi!  Think about it!”  Inuyasha runs his claws along her ticklish sides, and with a growl to his tone, “I’ll give you two seconds to say yes,” then traces them along the waist band of her skirt, “1….”
“Okay, Okay!” she spits out, shuddering as his hands have curved behind and nails trail along her spine. “Of course, I’ll be your girlfriend!”
“Let’s start over then,” he pulls the slightly crunched up mistletoe from his pocket and holds it above her head.
Kagome giggles as she stands on her tippy-toes to kiss him, “Merry Christmas to us…” 
KFC & Wagashi info https://favy-jp.com/topics/1421
Hanami Dango info https://www.justonecookbook.com/hanami-dango/
Christmas in Japan simple info
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coffee-for-himchan · 6 years
sneeze | jongup
Word count: 2.1 k+
Genre/warnings: fluff ❤
Summary: Maybe being sick wasn’t even that bad.. At least when you had the right person to take care of you around at all times.
(A/N) Long ago (and I mean “Long” with a capital “L”), this was requested by @kittenburps. Dear, I’m sorry I never posted it back then - I started typing on it but never finished, and now that I dug that draft up accidentally, I decided it would only be fair to give it another go.
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It was all too good to be true.
Two days ago still seemed like a dreamy night - probably because it was one. The air was chilly, yet not chilly enough to be considered cold. Streets weren’t full, weren’t too empty either, just enough for you two to have some privacy and to feel alone together. It was cliche, but every bit of it was lovable and perfect - the simultaneously placed footsteps on the pavement, the warmth your intertwined hands provided each other, the smiles directed up at the stars and the tiny bits of conversation going back and forth. All too good to be true, yet it was there that night, and in the fears of letting the moment slip even though you did not want to do that at all, you held onto it extra tightly.
So when the rain started falling from the sky - slowly and mildly at first, until it started straight up pouring down onto your heads - you told him it was nothing. His hand was warm, so were his smiles, and as long as he did not shiver or squeal from the occasional raindrops hitting the nape of his neck, you were alright with getting soaked. And that’s how your night continued - through rain, through puddles, a few of which you occasionally managed to stumble into, and through chuckles at how easy it was to get used to the teeny tiny drops of water landing everywhere on you. How easy it was to forget about the world all around you when you were with the right person. It was nice, he was there, and you did not want to let anything to waste. Everything was like a fairy tale.
Until the next morning, when you woke up with a sneeze.
“Jongup-ah,” Himchan’s voice rang through the phone, making the younger let out another hum in response. It was a hard task to balance two mugs and a phone in his hands, but he was a professional. Not at balancing though, but balance was something his professionalism also revolved around quite a lot, so like the true grace itself that he was on quite a few occasions, he continued going on with his task.
“Me and Youngjae are leaving without you then, right?”
“Yeah,” Jongup mumbled in response, setting the two mugs down on the counter in front of him. Professionally.
“I’m staying at (Y/N)’s today. Probably going to be here for the night as well.”
“How is (Y/N) actually? Feeling any better?” Himchan questioned, and in the background, a crashing noise could be heard. Then Youngjae shouting bloody murder. Then Himchan nagging at Youngjae for shouting bloody murder. Then Youngjae apologizing for shouting bloody murder. Jongup could already picture the grimace that Himchan’s face had scrunched up into now, something among the lines of “I’m so done with this”, but he dismissed it as the usual and focused on what to answer with instead. All of these things happening on the other end of the line now were nothing new anyways.
“Well, there’s clear progress. The sneeze count has now went down by one or two every other hour, but otherwise nothing’s changed too much-”
“Jongup, you do know how to actually take care of a sick person?”
Hell, who did Himchan think he was!? He sure knew what he was doing, and was helping around like there was no tomorrow. Even now, he was in the kitchen, pacing around, waiting for the water in the kettle to boil, and what for? To make hot chocolate. To take care of you that way. Yeah, he was sure he knew what he was doing. He was taking care of you properly.
“You don’t just brew a person who’s sick hot chocolate and use it as an all-mighty curing elixir or something-”
“Hey!” Jongup said, surprised by both, the audacity of his own voice and the fact that Himchan knew exactly what Jongup was doing without even being present. He knew him too well. Maybe it was time to move out already.
“It heals you emotionally, okay? And before physical healing, you need to feel happy and stuff-”
“Oh my god, I should probably come by sometime if I still want to see (Y/N) alive and well after all of this,” Himchan probably rolled his eyes on the other end of the line as he said this quietly, as if actually contemplating on coming. Actually, Jongup was sure he had even heard the eye roll, and felt the need to use his own eye roll in defense to all this. His were better, by the way - much more sassy, and the fact that they were a rarer occurrence only added to their effects and charm. He rolled his eyes twice for this. Just because he could. 
“Joke’s aside, I will handle this like a man,” he said, trying to make his tone sound somewhat sarcastic but also convincing and stone-solid as he heard Himchan chuckling at the latter part of his statement, “I’m twenty-something, come on. I’ve lived life enough at this point to know. I know how to handle a sneeze or two.”
“I hope you do,” Himchan’s voice proved some partial defeat, and to that, Jongup smiled a little.
“If in question though, call me.”
Pff, as if that would happen. Jongup mumbled a quiet “okay~” and finally hung up the phone, adding a bit of sugar to the hot chocolate. Life has to be sweet, especially at hard times like this. He himself tried to be extra sweet now, and wanted his hot chocolate to be extra sweet too. Just for your liking.
From one perspective, Himchan’s inviting offer of help seemed like a safety blanket. Jongup could rely on him, yes, but question is, did he really want to do that? He wanted to be all independent on this. He just wanted to be nice and useful, all completely on his own. And he would try his best to do so.
“Bless you~”
You smiled quietly at the calm voice coming from the doorway, and peaking out from under your bunch of blankets, you saw Jongup strolling across the room and into your direction. Hair messy yet somehow charming, his clothes big and loose enough to be classified as a tent and his squint mildly present as he tried to identify your face in between all these pillows and blankets. Gosh was he cute.
“Although, isn’t my presence blessing enough?~~”
“Moon, don’t be overly-confident with your charms,” you chuckled, sitting up in bed and smiling as you watched him putting the two mugs he carried down on the bedside table and sitting down in bed beside you, “Although, I have to admit, that was pretty silly but sweet.”
“Glad to know it worked,” his cheeks tinted a light shade of oink and his stare trailed away from yours, as it usually did at such occasions. He was still a bit shy in his ways when it came to displaying open, unhidden affection.
“Is that hot chocolate?”
“Mhmm,” he nodded lightly, looking over at the two mugs, “Extra warm, extra sweet.”
“I guess extra warm is what I really need right now-”
You were cut off by another sneeze. And then another.
Your eyes teared up a little after the frequent sneezing, and though your mildly teary, half-open lids you saw Jongup throwing you a worried glance. His mouth opened once to tell you something, then it closed all of a sudden instead. He re-thought whatever he wanted to say, and then finally spoke.
“I guess we need something more than a simple "bless you” to stop you from sneezing like that all the time.“
Within a second or so - at least it was quick enough for you not to even be able to question him - he placed the tiniest kiss there could be on the top of your head and was gone with the wind, taking along all his inviting aura. With a mild pout, you furrowed your brows and were about to fall back on the bed, give up on your tired body and let mild sleep and grumpiness consume you until the rather faint smell of hot chocolate hit your nose again, and you smiled, leaning back up to wrap your hands around the mug and take a sip, careful not to spill the contents.
His care had always come in little, subtle, silly ways, and it had always been sweeter than this or any other chocolaty beverage.
He was back with what seemed like an army of attributes, nose and cough drops and tissue boxes included. You were made to stay sat up like that and watch as he fiddled the bottles and boxes in his fingers, eventually with a little bit of help figuring what would be of use and what not so much. His aim was just to make it a little easier for you, really, but he found it hard to watch you forcing your smiles and shivering lightly every little moment the blanket was moved a little bit more off of your frame. He hated seeing you this lowkey miserable and weak. He just wanted you to be as happy and lively as you usually were.
Despite you telling him to move somewhere else since you were most definitely contagious, he did not obey. His defense was that he was as stubborn as it could get often at the least convenient of times, and you wouldn’t be able to change his plans anyways. If he wanted to stay around, he would. You had nothing other left to do than to agree on this. Not that you minded. Spending time with him under any circumstances always resulted in fun.
By the end of the week that you mostly spent in bed watching movies or playing games with your favorite person in the world, you were feeling much better.
“I’m glad to hear,” Himchan’s voice rang through your phone as you thanked him for checking on you and reassured him that you were feeling much better than just a day or two ago, “I was just worried about the competence of your, ahem.. Care taker.”
You chuckled a little, thinking back on the week. In your memory, it wasn’t all that miserable - most of it just resembled a long slumber party, with you and Jongup constantly staying in bed, watching movies, playing games, chatting. His presence really did a lot on it’s own - it lifted your spirits and once you felt good emotionally, all of the physical pain and discomfort was easier to handle.
“Oh no, he’s a lovely expert, and has been a big help during the whole process, so cut him some slack.”
Himchan sighed, but it wasn’t a bad sigh. More like one of those “proud parent” sighs, as if he’d been the one to nag at Jongup to do this and that the whole time. Maybe he did, who knows. You didn’t question him that much longer, and after another minute or two talking, hung up the phone.
You slowly turned around, inspecting Jongup who was sitting at the kitchen table and was casually browsing on his phone with a mug of tea in hand. Had been casually browsing on his phone. The sneeze set him off and made him furrow his brows in confusion.
“Moon Jongup,” you quietly called out. Oh no, full name - that meant trouble - he thought as he slowly turned to you and let out a questioning sound.
“What did I tell you about me being contagious?”
“The truth, I guess-” he sneezed again, this time so that his eyes teared up a little, and he had to wipe them with the sleeve of his shirt.
“Maybe it’s an allergy though, how can you know?” he asked all innocently as you chuckled and walked up to him, enveloping him in sort of a hug from behind.
“What are you allergic to then?”
This made you spurt out a louder laugh, and you rolled your eyes at him playfully. Twice, just because you could.
“Well, let’s hope it’s that, but in case you do get sick.. For one, I told you to stay away,” you kissed the top of his head and nuzzled your face into his hair, to which he responded positively, “And for two, I’ll take good care of you~”
“Never have I doubted anything less than this.”
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taeguboi · 7 years
BTS as a family
Request: ‘ bts as 1 big family? I know u get the stuff w/ jin as the mom all the time but I wanna c what u think their roles are’
Headcanon Masterlist
Thanks for requesting! Check out my other HCs in the link above!
Rap Monster / Namjoon
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The Older Brother 
who thinks he can act like the father figure when dad is away, 
but really, it’s them who need to protect him
Somehow has more accidents than his dongsaengs
But he’s a really good tutor
So dad doesn’t have to always help with the kids’ homework
encourages Taehyung 
every time he thinks he’s found his dream occupation
even though it changes like 8473299 times a week
has a soft spot for the mysterious child that is Jeongguk
House is getting cramped
but they can share a room
Lets anyone share a bed with him if they’ve had a nightmare
cuddle monster
baby sits occasionally
plays peekaboo with the tots
and it’s all nice and fun
until he covers his eyes one minute
has to fish Taehyung down from a shelf
and pull Jimin out of the fridge
then Jeongguk’s crying because he’s due a nappy change
and then holy fuck why do safety pins exist when they make your finger bleed?
thinks his brothers are some sort of curse on him for a solid year
because the accidents only happen when they’re around
but then catches dad burning his hand on the stove like
probably shouldn’t have held those rituals to rid the curse
has to study at friend’s houses a lot though
so he’s not always at home
very independent as a result
because as much as he loves his brothers
they get so goddamn noisy
I guess that’s why they can come sleep in his room
because many study nights turn into sleep overs
probably only sleeps in his own bed about 3 days a week during high school years
the most trustworthy child
Jin /Seokjin
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The single parent
with A LOT on his hands!
Don’t ask how he acquired so many children
He just did
“You’re adopted!”
when one of his kids just won’t shut the f*ck up!
But then goes soft when they cry
Even though it was their own stupid fault
“Goddammit, I suppose I should take you out shopping or something then”
Still puts notes in the kids packed lunches
he has to be both parents 
but somehow to the kids, it feels like he’s three or four parents 
because he puts in 150-200% effort in everyday
Gets distressed at every milestone
he doesn’t want them to grow up
Starts crying in the middle of the clothes store
because he was only here last week
for the same child
how tf did Tae go up 2 shoe sizes this week?
why do Jeongguk’s shirts keep tearing so easily?
when did Jimin’s voice break?!
no recollection of Namjoon being a child, help
Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA on repeat
He does have a tendency to over do the whole protective thing
there’s going to be a lesson to be learned from this
but I’m just going to tell it to you now 
so you don’t have to go through all that upset and heart-break
but he gets some help along the way to let go a little
“Seokjin, why does Taehyung’s wallpaper now have a... rubbery theme to it?”
“Harry Potter is a bad influence and I will not have my baby having five thousand head injuries!”
“Jin, I know the kid can do some dumb things, but do you honestly think he’s going to try that many times?”
Makes the other parents jealous 
he doesn’t mean to though
he can’t help if he invites the kids’ friends round for tea, that his cooking happens to be better....
the other half of the parents of the kids at school however are single and all have a thing for him
Will buy everything his child needs for a project
perhaps a bit gullible at times
“a skateboard?”
“for science. gravity.”
“oh, okay”
Waves with a little hanky when the kids go on school trips
“have you got your bag?”
“have you got the lunch I packed you?”
“Yes dad, all 6 boxes of it”
Has some quirks that he won’t admit he has
or that the kids have picked up from him
“Why does Jeongguk make racing car sounds when he runs still?”
“I have no idea”
*goes to put something on the shelf making a swanee whistle sound*
“Why does Taehyung still believe in unicorns?”
“Shut up! They’re totally real!”
eat your crusts to get stronger
carrots to see in the dark
beauty sleep
the early bird gets the worm
*goddammit now the kids are waking up at 5am to take all the contents of the fridge*
err, too much chocolate milk makes you sad
“but it tastes so good Dad!”
“Goddammit children we should be endorsed for chocolate milk!!!”
Wants to hear all about your day
“Dad, I’m 27 now”
“I don’t care Namjoon. Tell me about your day.”
“and I made you hot chocolate and cookie, come snuggle on the couch with me”
Family photos at xmas with matching sweaters
From the
“Look at this piece of art that Jeonggukkie made for me today!”
*sticks it on the fridge but it’s made of pasta and lolly sticks so it keeps sliding down*
to the
“Oh my life my ChimChim has graduated uni!”
even the
“You just burped the alphabet? My son is so talented!”
“You made a rap about breakfast? Genius!”
Everything the kids do is amazing and a big achievement
Suga / Yoongi
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Grandad by blood to one of the kids
Pop-pops to all the kids anyways
No one is quite sure which kid is his grandchild though
Tbh he's just here for some peace and quiet
(Chance would be a fine thing though...)
Owns that one chair in the living area
over the years, the general room design and furniture cahnges
but that chair stays
Just watches the kids do stupid shit
Guk’s about to put a crayon up his nose
and Tae is about to walk through a wall
but he ain’t gonna stop them
“Let the idiots learn from their own mistakes”
*crash!* *bang!* 
“You raised morons.”
Makes less gestures 
but when he does, they’re huge
kinda like how some people pay for things weekly, and some monthly
One of the few grandparents that doesn’t constantly share their war stories
he just shares his own experiences when relevant
Though Taehyung is always asking for him to tell another story
“Tae, it’s 10pm”
“Just one more story pop-pops, please?”
He has more impact on the kids than he realizes
they adore him so much
and he wonders why the parents that helped create these kids don’t want to be around to raise them with Jin
but he wouldn’t have this family any other way
Gives the most heart-warming, tear-jerking toasts
everyone thought they were gonna cry at Jimin’s wedding because of the vows and love is beautiful and all the rest
but instead, everyone ends up being lame for the story of how pop-pops met his one true love
and the ending makes you emo for weeks
No one quite knows why he acts so indifferent
because he has such soft stories
Namjoon wonders for a while in his childhood
and then when he’s grown up
one day when he’s no longer living at home and drops in to say hello
Pop-pops is in his chair
watching the kids shooting each other with nerf guns
whites socks sliding on the kitchen lino
and sound effects
and then Namjoon sees it;
Pop-pops likes to just watch the kids progress day by day
watching them learn from their mistakes
watching them develop as people
that’s why he’d never step in when there was a recipe for disaster about to happen
He encourages Jin 
to make sure they grow up into well-rounded people
rather than put them in bubblewrap
and he couldn’t have done a better job.
J-Hope / Hoseok
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That cool uncle
Uncle Hobi
That everyone adores, especially the youngest 
because he comes back with a gift every visit
Puts up with a lot of shit from the younger kids
because he can go home at the end of the day
Proudest uncle in the world
goes to all the kids events with Jin
although it’s a problem when he’s watching a match and two of the kids are on opposite teams like
“go on you reds! you can do i---”
“oh nice tackle blues! sock it to them!”
“I love both teams!”
all the other adults are confused
“Everyone’s a winner; go purple!!!”
Owns so much cool stuff
sometimes the kids sleep round at his
they’re fighting over the arcade machine
challenging each other to snooker or darts matches
arguing about the artwork on the wall
uncle hobi just smiles
Takes them out every weekend
so many fond memories
Spends all his money on the kids
there’s that one game Jeongguk’s not so good at at the arcade
but he’s addicted to it
so cool uncle hobi keeps giving him quarters
*2 days later”
“Look! Uncle Hobi! I finally won!”
“Well done, champ!”
Yeah, and it only cost him 200 dollars...
and guess who feeds Taehyung’s taste for Gucci?
or rather, guess who started it?
Jimin doesn’t ask for much
but uncle Hobi is always showering him with gift baskets when the others aren’t around
Namjoon sometimes joins them on their little outings
and he tells uncle Hobi all about the the new things he’s learned in school
and then Hobi find himself writing a cheque mid conversation
“Uh, Uncle Hobi, what are you doing?”
“Just take my money and go change the world!!”
It’s impossible to be prouder than Jin
but he’s pretty close
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The middle brother
Who gets to order Tae and Guk around
as they get older, he’ll double dare them to some stupid shit
and they’ll do it
Younger brothers are just there for his amusement.
It’s the only reason they were born 
Like remember that one time it was snowing and he triple dared them to lick that frozen pole...?...
Takes more influence from pop-pops than he realizes
“It’s not my fault they were stupid enough to do it”
Doesn’t like it when Jungkook grows up
Yesterday, he was at Jimin’s shoulder level
but today, Jungkook is patting his head 
Probably because of all those times Jungkook took the last of the chocolate milk
“Stop copying me Jeongguk; I did it first!”
but nawh, he does adore the youngest bro
back up older brother
you know that mem
the one where it’s like
*someone is sad*
and then
Jimin: [that picture of him peaking round the corner being a cute lil mochi]
He’s mostly like that for Tae
but when Joon leaves home
he’s there for Guk too in this way
He’s a good listener
which he gets from Dad Jin and brother Joon
bonds more with Tae as time goes by
mainly because the other brothers move out first
Falls for the best friend of the girl Taehyung is dating
oh look at that, it turns out she’s his soulmate
double dates with his bro
embarrassing childhood stories
but the girls just find it charming, really
so many family get together events because of these two brothers alone
21st birthday parties
they could have had a combined celebration
but why do that when you can have twice the fun?
Taehyung’s friends are Jimin’s friends
and vice versa
Jin watches them on movie night from the kitchen for a moment being proud
and then makes them extra popcorn
“Dad, we’ll get fat!”
“Good; I like my children to have chubby cheeks”
what other life events? oh yeah
engagement parties
emotional toasts 
about how they’ve gotten closer these recent years
followed by a baby story
“Tae, I can’t believe you told them that!”
“What? You showed everyone my baby pictures at my last birthday party!”
It’s kinda weird when Jimin and Taehyung fall out
because when they fall out
it’s not even a proper argument
like they don’t even know how to argue
“Dammit Jimin! Did you have to dress better than me tonight?!... Like seriously, where did you get that sweater?”
“Kim Taehyung! Did you steal that hair dye I bought?!... Oh wait never mind, that really suits you”
Secrets that make them even closer
they don’t always like to burden Dad
so they tell each other instead
Tae helps Jimin come out of his shell
and in return, Jimin helps Taehyung understand people better
Very capable of living independent lives
but feel empty without one another for too long
V / Taehyung
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That child you cannot leave alone for 2 seconds
Bwi / TaeTae as a child, then
Tae as he gets older
“Okay, Tae Tae, I’m just going upstairs for something, so don’t touch anything”
Gets ice cream all over his face after one lick
Takes ‘the floor is lava’ game very seriously
creates the most laundry for Jin to do
because he’s always climbing and skidding 
and just being a boy really
Wants to pet everything, and
Wants a pet everything
“Dad! Can we get a dog?”
“How about a bunny?”
“How about a unicorn?”
“...Unicorns don’t exist Tae; they’re made up”
“Shut up! They’re totally real!”
(Like father, like son...)
Usually a carrier when there’s illness going round at school
“Look TaeTae, I know you don’t feel ill, but just be careful not to...”
*Tae sneezes really loudly without covering his face*
Lives for bedtime stories
loves fairytales
but comes to love underrated literature even more
so he really appreciates where those tales derived from
like old folklores and myths, etc
but also the more modern pieces that follow
and he knows all the pre-Brothers Grimm versions
but still somehow remains pure
santa is always real, no matter what you tell him
and the tooth fairy
and the easter bunny
Everyone knows Taehyung is a unique child
he just has a different perspective to most of the children
no one knows where it came from 
and not even Jin can credit himself for that
and he’s either going to grow up to be really smart
or a solitary eccentric
Has like a million teddy bears
they all get equal cuddles
one for each day of the week month year
Wants to try everything when he grows up
“Daddy, I want to be a surgeon!”
and it’s like a new occupation each day
you never knew there were so many jobs in the world
“Shoplifter? What? Tae, you can’t steal things!”
Looking back, you wouldn’t believe that stupid shit came out of his mouth
he grows up so intelligent
and becomes a writer for children’s books
Defends any family member no matter what
even if there’s a chance they’re in the wrong
but that don’t matter because they’ve raised him so right
Jin cries when he leaves home because he’s raised
husband material
Ends up extending the family by 60%
adorable little puppies for children
and then adorable children as cute as puppies
and because he’s forever a child by spirit
he raises them to believe and be happy and have a little faith
It’s so hard to pick godparents
but he picks Jimin eventually
Fathers of a new generation of kids
Wow, they grow up so fast
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Another child that needs constant supervision
‘Guk / Jeonggukie / Gukkie
Puts everything in his mouth
“No Jeonggukie! You can’t eat uncle Hobi!”
With baby Bwi he’s a 
Not even sure he’s Jin’s kid
or just a friend Bwi brought into the house one day
No one realizes until he’s like 11 years old
that he’s one of Pop-pops’ grandkids
"How could you not tell us something like that Yoongs?”
“What? You never asked...
“...also, he’s a moron”
but pop-pop Yoongs doesn’t mean it
He just doesn’t want to give Jungkook special treatment
back to Guk
Gets way too hyper before his teens 
then one day Jin is the garage trying to fix the car and Jeongguk won’t leave him alone
and in a panic he sees some weights like
“Here have a go on these”
and that’s why Jeongguk grows up to be a 
muscle pig
becomes stronger than all his older siblings 
they actually get low key scared of him in adulthood
also becomes like really good at fixing stuff
so when Namjoon moves out
Guk follows not long after to share an apartment with him
and it saves a bit of money on repairs
so it’s kinda cute
because in childhood, Namjoon would fix Gukkie’s broken heart with his wisdom and wise advice
and in adulthood, Jeongguk fixes Namjoon’s broken furniture with his more practical skills
Won’t admit it but
copies Jimin
on purpose
but like I say, he won’t admit it
“Jeongguk!! I had muscles first!”
*crushes a walnut with his bare fist*
he just smiles
because he’s finally as strong as his great older bro
Gathers a lot of hobbies and interests
he has something he can share with each family member
If he wants to talk about something, all he has to do is
ask Jimin if he wants a video game night or
ask Dad to bake Gukkie Cookies with him or
-- sorry --
ask Tae to meet at the book store or
ask Joon for an anime marathon or
ask uncle Hobi to come bowling or
ask pop-pops if he’s interested in a spot of golf
fortunately, he doesn’t even have to say something’s up
everyone knows that’s his go to move if he needs advice
Some people would say that all the things he has are down to luck
but he knows he wouldn’t be where he is without his family
and that’s the lucky part
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kiribakus · 7 years
man remember project metis
here is literally everything i have written for the third chapter of Project Metis since i probs won’t get to it for a while
****Chapter Three: they told us we could be whatever wewanted, and we chose puppies***
MILITARY RANK:Special Officer
DIVISION: HybridStrike Corps, Musutafu Base, PPDC
ACCESS: Omega Level
AGE: 5
HEIGHT: 176cm
ALTER EGO: “Shouto”
POINT OF ORIGIN:Endeavor Project
DESCRIPTION:Category Five; dragon-like; long, serpentine body; six eyes, heterochromia;spines and vents down back, spines trailing down to make a heavily spiked tail,note crown of horns and white shoulder spikes; red sheen over black scales
QUIRK: half-cold,half-hot; can expel magma from mouth and propel ice from shoulder spikes; canchange temperature of hide at will
MILITARY RANK:Special Officer
DIVISION: HybridStrike Corps, Musutafu Base, PPDC
ACCESS: Omega Level
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 166cm
POINT OF ORIGIN:Lycaon Project
DESCRIPTION:Category Three; lion-like; smaller but strong feline build; thick, curlingmane; green sheen over black scales and mane; beaked face, thick hide, dullspikes, massive claws on heavy paws
QUIRK: “one forall”; incredible physical strength
MARCH 17, 2035  8:32 HOURS
LOCATION: LOCCENTMission Control, Musutafu Base, Japan
Urarakahides a yawn behind her clipboard and doesn’t notice the person sneaking upbehind her.
“That’s agood look on you,” Aizawa says, coming to a stop beside her.
Urarakasqueaks and blushes, peeking out from behind her clipboard and glaring atAizawa. “Sensei!” she exclaims. “You shouldn’t sneak up on a lady like that!”
The cornerof Aizawa’s mouth twitches. “How are they?”
Urarakalowers the clipboard and turns to the holographic screens displaying a herd ofthousand-ton monsters running, swatting at each other, leaping, and all inall…playing around. On screen, Mina bites Kirishima’s tail and he yelps.Uraraka smiles. Then, straightening her back, she delivers her report.
“Artemispack seems to be in top-tier condition,” she says. “The test run a couple daysago showed no sign of shifting pack structure—Bakugou is still clearly thepoint of the pack. Ojiro and Shouji aren’t showing signs of discontent as rearguards, and Tokoyami is as usual, submissive to Bakugou. Any worries we hadabout Kirishima vying for Bakugou’s position are null. All our results suggestthat his insubordinate acts help Bakugou blow off steam. He’s acting as theregulator for the pack.”
“Good,”Aizawa says. “I’m still worried he’s a powder keg on the brink of exploding,but…”
But weneed him. Urarakanods. She gets it. “Apollo pack is due for a test run soon, but I don’t haveany worries about shifting pack structure. As a rule, they tend to be steadierthan Artemis pack anyway. That kaiju takedown illustrates just how functionalthey are as a pack. My only concern would be that they rely on Todoroki alittle much, but all his psych analyses come back with negligible worries. He’sa machine when it comes to leading; I’ll never understand how you managed topry him from Todoroki-sensei’s hands.”
“It cameat a high cost,” Aizawa says. “Sometimes I wonder if I have yet to realize allI gave up for him.” He frowns.
“I believeIida briefed you on the results of Alpha Strain’s routine check?” Uraraka says.
Aizawanods. “Yes, and I did look over the test run results briefly when they came out.What I really need to know from you is how the officers themselves are doing.”
Urarakarolls her eyes. “Well, Artemis pack is doing as well as their kaijucounterparts. They’re not…close…like Apollo pack is, but they have anunderstanding. They work together when they’re needed and their ties arestrong. I think Ojiro feels inferior,” she says, frowning. “Tokoyami and Shoujibalance and rely on each other. Kirishima and Bakugou balance and rely on eachother. But Ojiro has no one. I want to look into that.”
“AndApollo pack?”
“Like afamily,” Uraraka says proudly. “Midoriya and Tsuyu might as well be siblings.Mina gets along with everyone, and Kouda is protected and looked after by hispack. Todoroki is respected and loved.” Her smile fades a little. “Midoriyatold me he’s been having those nightmares again. He had one so bad it woke uphis packmates, the morning before the double event.”
“Is it aproblem?” Aizawa asks.
“As aresearcher, it’s not my place to say,” Uraraka says. “It’s Todoroki’sresponsibility to get Midoriya in to a psychiatrist if he thinks the nightmaresare affecting Midoriya adversely. I trust his judgment. He’s logical andclear-headed, and if he thought Midoriya was dragging his pack down, he’d doanything to fix it. But Midoriya performed well during the battle, so it can’tbe affecting him that much. As a researcher, I think it’s okay to let it go.”
“But as afriend…” Aizawa trails off.
Urarakasighs. “As a friend, I don’t like to see him suffer. I worry Todoroki is beingtoo cold, but I’m not in their heads. I don’t feel what they feel. I don’t knowif Midoriya can handle it, even if he thinks he can.”
“Thankyou, Uraraka,” Aizawa says. “For now, I’ll advise the Marshal to withdrawApollo pack from any encounters with return kaiju until we can get Midoriyaanalyzed properly. No special treatment aside from that; if he thinks he canhandle it, I’ll let him try. But I’m not throwing one of my best officers intoa situation where a trauma-induced moment of hesitation could kill him if I canhelp it.”
“Is itbecause he’s a good officer, or because he’s Alpha Strain?” Uraraka asksquietly. Not quietly enough, though, because Aizawa gives her a sharp look.
“If youwant to talk favoritism and human rights with me—”
“No, no,I’m sorry,” Uraraka says. “It just slipped out. I understand even if I don’tlike it.”
“Good,”Aizawa says. “We don’t look it, but we’re skating on thin ice here. The lastthing I need is one of my closest to start doubting our cause.”
“I don’tdoubt us,” Uraraka says. “But they are my friends, too.”
“Then youknow better than any of us why we can’t have anyone too nosy poking their headinto what we do,” Aizawa says.
Aizawajerks his head towards the door. “I’m going to check in at R&D. Make sureour officers don’t kill each other, won’t you.” He turns away sharply.
Urarakasighs and collapses into a chair, rubbing her temples. Ah, she had ruined hergood mood. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut?
She looksup at the kaiju moving millions of gallons of water like it was nothing as theypounce on each other and roll and snarl, jaws parted in what might as well besmiles. Aizawa-sensei was right that they were soldiers who lived to fight, butthey were also human underneath the mass of scales and claws and teeth and fur.They were human and they needed to be treated as such. Aizawa-sensei couldn’tseparate their human and kaiju selves, couldn’t help but see the whole picture;it was only logical, but also terribly heartless.
She wishesIida were here. Iida always knew how to phrase his concerns logically. He wasalways on the same wavelength as Aizawa-sensei, but Iida had a heart. Hecared for their friends as much as she did. He knew that Aizawa-sensei’s waysweren’t fair and he would find a way to word it so that Aizawa-sensei wouldagree. Uraraka thinks about calling him, just to hear his steady voice and havehim talk her down but no, she had taken this shift to allow him to sleep in foronce. She wouldn’t wake him up even if the sound of his voice, heavy withsleep, brought peace to her mind.
Besides,she loved this part of her job. She loved the kaiju. That’s why she was here andwhy she put up with the ethical dilemmas of their work. And to think UrarakaOchako, a woman fresh out of graduate school, could befriend the groundbreakinghybrids and work alongside the legendary Aizawa-sensei to keep them all safe—
Shefrowns, and then swears softly. Speaking of safe…
She poundsthe com. “LOCCENT to HYCOM, what the hell are you guys doing? They’re going tokill each other! Get on it, officers!”
MARCH 17, 2035  8:15 HOURS
LOCATION: MusutafuTraining Bay, Musutafu Base, Japan
Enrichmentdays, Midoriya thinks, are awesome.
Urarakahad told him why enrichment was an important part of keeping their kaijuhealthy and their mental health stable, but Midoriya couldn’t really fathom allthat science-y mumbo jumbo. All he knew is that his hundred-foot long lungswere heaving and he hadn’t felt this alive in days.
Ojiro’sear frills lift and then lower, a taunt. He’s poised and ready to leap, rear inthe air and spayed out in front of him, a reptilian dog ready to play. Midoriyatenses his own haunches and leaps out and to the side, ready to pounce onOjiro’s unprotected flank. Ojiro tears away from him, long blue tongue hangingout of his mouth as he pants. Midoriya chases him, hind legs bunching as hepicks up speed.
They teararound the group of kaiju in an outer circle, so fast Midoriya can feel thewind whistle past his ears. Ojiro makes for the relative safety of Shouji’stentacles. He’s right—Midoriya won’t run under Shouji’s body because he doesn’thave a death wish. Shouji eyes him with what Midoriya guesses is amusement.Tokoyami, draped across the slope of his back like a black, feathery ridge,ruffles his wings in irritation at the disturbance. Midoriya huffs. He bats atone of Shouji’s tentacles and gets another two slithering out after him.
Yelping,Midoriya jumps away. Shouji makes a sound that is definitely amusement.Tokoyami, decidedly woken from his dozing atop Shouji’s back sits up and glaresat Midoriya for a moment before beginning to clean Shouji’s scales with hisbeak and claws. Shouji makes an appreciative noise and lowers himself into thewater. Ojiro, realizing his protection is about to crush him, scurries out andright into Midoriya’s waiting paws.
Midoriyabody slams him, knocking them into a wrestling match in the water, jaws partedand snarling, the flats of their paws batting at each other. They’re careful toavoid each other’s spines. Ojiro gets to his feet and starts to run again, butMidoriya grabs onto his hind leg and drags him down, pushing him onto his backand holding him down with a heavy paw. Ojiro huffs.
You win.
Thehivemind is alive with emotions and thoughts and impressions from all thehybrids but Midoriya can pick out Ojiro’s voice easily, warm and amused, just alittle disappointed. This is why Midoriya was a flank and he was rear guard,though. It was only a natural result.
Midoriyalets Ojiro get to his feet and bumps shoulders with him affectionately,brushing their hides together from shoulder blade to hip. Midoriya feels aspike of pain and hears Ojiro exhale sharply and he pulls back, alarmed.
Shoulderouchpulled, Ojiro projects and Midoriya canfeel the faint throbbing as if it were his own pain. He sniffs at the sore spoton Ojiro’s shoulder, projecting his own worryconcernwasitme?
Ojiroshakes his head; he had landed funny on his leg when running from under Shouji.Midoriya laps at the sore spot anyway, as if he could take the pain away justfrom cleaning it. Ojiro pushes at Midoriya with his nose, appreciating thesentiment. He pads off to see Bakugou probably, who will look at his injury,snort, and say well, what do you want me to do about it?
Morelikely he’ll point out that it’ll heal when they shift back so Ojiro shouldjust deal with it, but Midoriya doesn’t want to give Bakugou that much credit. Ever.Hey, when one of your own kind nearly shreds you for trying to play fight withhim, it sticks with you.
Hispartner gone, Midoriya turns back to find a new bloodmate to brawl with. Minahas taken to leaping up in the air and swatting at Tokoyami on Shouji’s back,who screeches at her and claws back. Shouji doesn’t seem too perturbed byTokoyami’s distress. Their section of the hivemind is an almost sibling-likesquabble, easily dismissed as not real fighting.
Ojiro andBakugou are together. Kirishima is dodging Tsuyu’s attempts to smack him withher tongue, and underestimating her speed if that yip is anything to go by. Todoroki,predictably, isn’t engaging in the fun and instead sits off to the side, stillmanaging to look elegant with the long column of his neck extended and the sunglinting off the sharpness of his facial features. Kouda sits beside him, theonly kaiju bigger than Todoroki, head on his paws and eyes closed, taking inthe sunlight on his rock-like hide.
Midoriyaapproaches Todoroki, bobbing his head. It’s a causal invitation to play. Koudalooks up, senses Midoriya’s intention, and moves off towards Shouji with apassing good luck offered to Midoriya. Todoroki blinks slowly.
He regardsMidoriya with passing interest, showing no intention of getting up from wherehe’s comfortably splayed in one hundred feet of water.
Midoriyatries again. Runchasejumpcatch? He suggests. Bitepawgrowlplay?
Idon’t, Todorokireplies. You go.
Midoriyawhines. Not pack without you.
Artemisis here, Todorokipoints out. Bother them.
ButMidoriya doesn’t want to bother them. He wants to see Todoroki get up and dosomething, enjoy himself for once. Todoroki’s always so stone-faced andbusiness-minded; he never got a break. This is their break. Theirscheduled time off to play like the puppies at heart they all were.
Midoriyanot-so-delicately swipes a paw through the water and splashes Todoroki in theface.
Todoroki,to his credit, doesn’t react as angrily as he could have. His shoulders tense,but other than that he doesn’t move, dripping with water. His scales glitterand then he’s covered in steam, burning away the salt water. He exhales loudlyonce, expelling salt from his nostrils. He’s not amused.
Midoriya,however, is. He runs in a circle around Todoroki, continuing to splash him whileTodoroki burns away all the water. He paws at and chews on Todoroki’s tailuntil Todoroki shifts and growls at him. He actually gets Todoroki to whip hishead around and shift towards him. Midoriya leaps back, but Todoroki doesn’tfollow. He’s almost got him, though. Midoriya pads back towards him andheadbutts his shoulder affectionately, rubbing against him like a cat.
Todorokigrowls again and Midoriya does it again. He can feel the tension in Todoroki’sbody and his mind, irritated by Midoriya’s pushiness. As always, his mind isimpenetrable, but Midoriya can tell it’s a swirling mess right now. He probablyshouldn’t taunt Todoroki too much—he was much stronger than Midoriya,and bigger, too.
Midoriyaflicks his tail across Todoroki’s nose almost flirtatiously and Todoroki snaps.He gets to his feet faster than Midoriya expected and swipes at him. Midoriya’sfast enough to get away with only a few scales off his hide, but Todoroki canreach far.
The chasedoesn’t last long. Midoriya knows to run hard when he’s irritated Todoroki thismuch, but Todoroki has speed, length, and power and Midoriya’s only purpose inagitating him was to get him up and running anyway. Todoroki swipes Midoriya’slegs out from under him and Midoriya goes down, rolling onto his back.
Todorokiis on him in a second, hovering above Midoriya and prodding at him with one pawwhile Midoriya flattens his ears and growls, his muzzle crinkled into a snarl.Todoroki prods at his cheek and Midoriya hisses, swatting at his paw. Todorokijabs at him again and again, Midoriya on defense but still belly-up,vulnerable.
ThenTodoroki lets out a low, rumbling growl and parts his jaws, making a clickingnoise. His paws are on either side of Midoriya’s shoulders and he dominates thehivemind, pushing against Midoriya’s consciousness and subduing him.
Midoriya’sgrowl peters out and his muzzle flattens. He makes a small, chuffing noise andlowers his paws, allowing Todoroki to nose along his neck, nipping at the softskin he finds there. He’s completely limp under Todoroki’s ministrations andwhen Todoroki nips at his chin, Midoriya dares to lick his chin. Todorokigrowls softly, pleased. He parts his jaws and wraps them around Midoriya’smouth. Midoriya goes still and allows Todoroki to shake him a little and pressa paw over his heart, claws kneading Midoriya’s vulnerable underbelly.
This iscomplete submission.
Todorokireleases him a moment later and steps off him, eyeing Midoriya one last time.The hivemind is grudging fondness from Todoroki and a sense of satisfactionfrom his kaiju specifically at Midoriya’s submission. The rest of Apollo packare pings against Midoriya’s mind, vying for Todoroki’s attention next.Todoroki steps away from Midoriya, but not before the tip of his tail brushesagainst Midoriya’s nose.
Midoriya’sheart sings with so much pleasure, he knows it reaches the rest of hisbloodmates through the hivemind. Mina snorts, but she’s Todoroki’s next target,rolling on her back easily and grabbing at his face to lap at his chin,playfully submitting to her point.
Kirishima,inspired by Midoriya’s display, bumps Bakugou. Unlike Todoroki, though, Bakugoudoesn’t tolerate any kind of playfulness. Her turns on Kirishima in an instant,snarling. Kirishima barks back, pawing at Bakugou, playing with fire. Bakugoucharges him and Kirishima hops back swatting at his face. Bakugou knocks himoff balance immediately. Kirishima falls onto his belly and Bakugou climbs overhim, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck.
The fightgoes from Kirishima’s body immediately and he lets Bakugou give him a few roughshakes, snapping his head back and forth. Midoriya winces in sympathy. It lookslike it hurts, but when Bakugou releases Kirishima, there are no teeth marks inhis neck. Kirishima sinks bonelessly into the water, turning over curling hispaws over his chest, whining.
Bakugouignores him. Kirishima whines louder. Kidding, kidding! The hivemindsays.
Kirishimaplaces a paw against Bakugou’s muzzle and Bakugou’s lips pull away from hisgums with the force of his growl. Don’t touch me.
Aw, Bakugou…Kirishima plays cute harder, thistime wagging his tail.
Bakugousnorts. I hate you, he says.
Kirishimadoesn’t say ‘I adore you’ in so many words, but his love for Bakugou isn’texactly subtle across the hivemind. Even Midoriya can feel the force of it.This time, when Kirishima presses a paw to Bakugou’s muzzle, Bakugou knocks itaside so he can lean down and nip at Kirishima’s chin. Kirishima’s tail goeswild.
Bakugousteps off him and Midoriya huffs at Kirishima. Gross, he says.
Kirishimamight as well grin at him, tongue lolling out of his mouth. He flips onto hisstomach and growls gently at Midoriya. Midoriya growls back, tensing to leap onhim.
Bakugouthrows himself between them, jaws parted as wide as he can spread them, and roars.
Bakugou isnot Midoriya’s point. But he is a dominant member of a pack and Midoriya, alower rank than him, cowers back, tail tucking between his legs and earsfolding back. He shrinks into a ball, unable to run as his muscles lock.
Bakugoudoesn’t have a chance to make a move. Todoroki is at Midoriya’s side and infront of him with an ear-splitting roar of his own.
The twopoints square off, roaring at each other and posturing. The rest of their packsslink away save for Midoriya and Kirishima, frozen with fear and confusion thatinnocent playing had instigated a point-versus-point battle.
Bakugou’sjaw frills extend and shake, brilliant red-orange sunbursts against the purewhite of his scales. He’s intimidatingly large and fierce, but Todoroki is notshaken. He flares his own spines and ear frills, and the vents running down hisback hiss and spit steam. Their heads starts low but slowly rise in tandem witheach other until Todoroki’s height beats Bakugou’s.
Bakugoustrikes first. He swipes at Todoroki’s neck, but it isn’t with the flat of hispaw as he had swatted at Kirishima—this was with claws extended, hoping to tearTodoroki’s throat open. Todoroki bats him away, but then Bakugou is throwing himselfat Todoroki, standing on his hind legs to use both paws to punch at Todoroki’sface. Todoroki mirrors him and they fight like tigers, dueling with their frontpaws and then dropping to all fours so they can try to ram each other withtheir bodies before standing back up again.
Todorokishould be faster than Bakugou, but Bakugou is angrier. He manages to sink hisclaws in the flesh of Todoroki’s hind leg and hold on as Todoroki snarls andtries to throw him off. Bakugou locks his entire body onto that haunch andtears at Todoroki’s leg with his back legs, trying to cripple him, but Todorokidoesn’t let him. The steam that spews from his vents grows hotter, as do hisscales, and in one burst, he forces super-boiled steam into Bakugou’s rightthree eyes and burns the skin off the pads of the paws hooked onto him.
Bakugouhowls in pain and lets him go. When they stand face-to-face again, Bakugou isblind in three eyes and his scales are ashen and flaking off where Todorokiburned him. Todoroki is limping, his back left leg shredded. They circle eachother and Midoriya feels for the first time, the seriousness of this fight.
SPECIALOFFICERS BAKUGOU AND TODOROKI STAND DOWN, IMMEDIATELY, Yaoyorozu shouts over thehivemind, using HYCOM’s controls to amplify the volume of her voice so that itdrowns out the rest of the thoughts and voices of the hivemind. Bakugou,Todoroki, and the rest of the hybrids wince at the loudness. Kouda tries tocover his ears with his paws.
All ofyou are to return to base for a debrief at once, Yaoyorozu commands. You arenot to engage each other on the way to base or I will personally see youturned off from the Hybrid Strike Corps.
Before hecan help himself, Bakugou thinks, Sure you will. There are so manyplaces for a kaiju hybrid to go.
Itwould be my absolute pleasure to turn you off and watch the Jaeger teams tearyou apart,Yaoyorozu says heatedly.
Letthem try, Bakugousays, bearing his teeth.
Bakugou, Mina speaks up before anyone elsecan. That’s enough.
Like Iwanna hear that from you,Bakugou says, but the fight is gone from his mind and his limbs. He andTodoroki limp back to their exit bays, tension still humming across thehivemind. Their packs follow, subdued. The mood of contentment and relaxationfizzles out like steam in open air.
MARCH 17, 2035  9:07 HOURS
LOCATION:Shatterdome, Musutafu Base, Japan
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