#anyways this was so much fun thank you for hosting it!! 💕
harmonictechnicality ¡ 11 months
The List
(for @steddiemicrofic’s July prompt)
prompt word: pool | wc: 442 | rating: T (cw for suggestive language and minor sacrilegious-ness maybe??)
Steve knows his ‘Make Out Locations’ bucket list is lame. Also knows how much it riles Eddie up (not that it takes very much to rile him up).
“Not again,” Eddie groans into Steve’s mouth. He reaches for the paper, gnashing their teeth enough to cause permanent dental damage.
“Why do you hate it so much?” Steve knows the answer. It’s scribbled between the wrinkles on Eddie’s forehead.
“Cause I know what it’ll say.”
“Do you?”
Eddie hums. “It’ll say you’ve already made out here before. Just like everywhere else in the purgatorial Midwest.”
“Probably with someone named Bimbo VonBreasty.”
Steve snorts at that one. Jealousy laced behind a joke. Eddie’s specialty. “Ah, yes. The VonBreasty’s and I go way back.”
The mood melts again. They ease back into where they left off, tongues tracing lips. Palms pressing hard into each other's necks.
Eddie dips away for a second. “One of these days, I’m gonna find a spot where you haven’t sucked someone’s lips blue.”
It’s a comical idea. Comical, but impossible. Still, Steve is always up for a good laugh.
“Would love to see you try, Munson.”
They drive in Eddie’s van for a few miles. Steve is blindfolded, which should be alarming. Maybe kinky. But this is Eddie, so if anything, it’s for Dramatic Flare.
“It’s cheating if we drive outside of Hawkins.” Steve argues as they exit the van.
“Good thing I only play fair.” Eddie slips behind him, untying the knotted blindfold.
Steve blinks, takes in the open space. Deep and echoey, like a basketball court. Except much more ornate.
“Step down.” Eddie directs.
The scent of stale incense hits Steve’s nose as he takes another step. This time, he shivers at the sensation. The realization:
Water. Shallow water all around his shins.
“Is this the church on Main Street?”
“Not just the church on Main Street.” Eddie replies. “The baptism pool in the church on Main Street.”
Everything is louder here, rippling for ages against the reverb. Steve is so aware of every sound he makes, every movement reflected in the water.
“Hey.” Eddie knocks his knuckles over Steve’s wrist. Loosely catches his fingers. “Never kissed anyone here, have you?”
Steve shakes his head, rethinks his outlook on impossibilities. He wades in closer, keeping their hands connected. “Should we rectify that?”
Eddie nods into the kiss. They rarely kiss this softly, all warm lips and leisure speed. Every breath shared, gentle waves luring them chest to chest.
The list in Steve’s pocket is probably shriveled up, withering away. But it doesn’t matter anymore. Not in this moment.
Anyone before Eddie is just ink on a page.
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lady-of-tearshed ¡ 23 days
The art of bonding
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Ruhn Danaan x OC!Lyrie
Ruhn Danaan week 2024
Day one: Family
A/N: And it's a staaaart! 🎉 Thank you so much @cadiawrites for hosting @ruhnweek. You're AWESOME 💕
Anyways! Here you go people, meet Lyrie! We'll know more about her eventually, especially in day five. Enjoy!
Summary: Theodore, Ruhn and Lyrie's son, decides that his family members need a little bonding time.
Warnings: Theodore being a menace (just like his uncles, actually), Pregnancy, mention of arousal, heated touches but nothing more. Ruhn is hot.
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“No! Not on my-," Bryce's jaw dropped to the floor when her eyes pivoted to her nephew, Theodore, scribbling with his new color pencils, and he seemed to have chosen her white couch as his canva… Hunt couldn't help himself from snickering as he discreetly snapped a photo of Bryce’s astonished face. “White couch…” She sighed and her nephew froze, holding his pencil in his little hand. He stared at his drawing, then his aunt, then back at his artwork covering half of the couch. His little lip wobbled, and Bryce shot up to the child, holding him up into her arms, her star glowing as she panicked, talking over the loud Christmas music. “Ruhn!”
Ruhn had risen from his seat the second he had heard his child starting to sniffle. Bryce was bouncing the toddler on her hip awkwardly, trying to sooth the sobbing child as Hunt was folded in two, laughing loudly. Ruhn chuckled as his son shot his arms out, wanting nothing else but his dad's comforting embrace. “Hey bud, wow, that’s a quite impressive art piece you made here! Soon I'll let you design my next tattoos.” He told his son, kissing his forehead. He caught Bryce staring blankly at her couch, then she started to chuckle.
‘I'll clean it up. Or buy you another one, if you prefer,’ He mentally said in his sister’s head. Bryce smiled up at him, nodded, and ruffled her nephew's hair. Theodore was Ruhn’s identical copy. He looked exactly like his father. He stared at her with his wet violet-blue eyes, and sniffled, wiping his snotty nose with his christmas jumper. “I'm sorry…” The three year old child whimpered, looking down at his colorful ink covered hands. “TT… It's okay. I'm not upset.” Bryce smiled softly at the child, poking his cheek softly to earn a giggle out of him.
Flynn peeked into the living room, and whistled at the sight of the once-white-couch, a playful grin on his face. He whistled, “That's quite the masterpiece you made us here munchkin!” Declan followed after him, Theodore squirmed off his dad's safe arms to high-five his uncle awaiting hand. Declan sat down on the floor, next to the child, and he picked up one of the pencils sprawled all over the floor. “Might as well cover up the whole couch while we're at it. It feels illegal and incredibly fun.”
“Illegal is not fun.” All eyes turned to the heavily pregnant woman entering the room, she was munching on a sandwich, staring at the mess her son made. Her eyes widened, but then she laughed, everyone doing the same. “We're drawing on the couch, mum!” Theodore's toothy grin shines through the room as his uncles were already starting to pick up some markers to help tiny Danaan with his masterpiece. Ruhn’s heart filled with love and pride as he walked to his mate, his eyes still fixed on the view of his family bonding all together. Even if Theodore made a huge mess on his sister’s precious couch, no one could really blame him since it gave them an opportunity to make something fun out of the situation.
He glanced down at Lyrie when he reached your spot in the doorway and threw her a seductive grin, the one that made her heart beat faster, stronger. He placed a hand on your stomach and pressed to make you move on the other side of the door. Her back pressed against the wall of the dining room, the two, well, three of them, considering the growing babe in Lyrie’s womb, finally alone. Ruhn caged her between his arms, lowering his head to gently kiss the column of her throat. The red-haired chuckled, her hand sneaking behind Ruhn’s neck to tangle in his silky hair. “Mh… you smell good, treasure.” He purred in Lyrie’s ear, his hand moving from the wall to the side of her bump, caressing it gently. “Probably the egg sandwiches.” She teases, turning her head to the side to capture his lower lip between her teeth, tugging at it playfully before he moves to kiss her deeply.
He groaned, melting in the kiss as both his hands were now roaming her body, his left hand slowly, sneakily sliding underneath her shirt. He briefly smirked against her lips as he felt a little feet kicking underneath your skin, right where his hand was stroking her, just underneath her now pushed outward belly button. Lyrie's arms tightened around his mate’s neck, bringing him closer to her as the bond between them pulsed strongly, radiating with love, and a hint of arousal… She parted her lips from his, panting softly from the intensity of the kiss, and the fact that her hormones made her work harder to get air through her lungs. Ruhn hummed in displeasure, his teeth nibbling gently at the cartilage of her ear as his left hand kept massaging her butt cheek, and the other rubbing the skin just above the elastic of her legging. She chuckled “How about we head home now…” she whispered, and she could sense Ruhn’s arousal grow even stronger, he almost whimpered. What a big sensitive man…
‘I want a sandwich…’ Their eyes widened, Ruhn nodded, a confirmation that they both just heard the same thing, the voice of their toddler invading their minds. The arousal quickly left their bodies, and Ruhn rushed to the living room, eyes filled with tears as his toddler just kept scribbling on the couch with his uncles, the youngling probably had no idea what he just did. Lyrie, still catching her breath, appeared in the doorway behind the father of her childs, and she smiled brightly at his son. Ruhn was too stunned to speak, he just stood in the doorway with a hand over his mouth, tears threatening to escape their canal. Lyrie slowly approached her son, taking him in her arms under the confused glances of their family. “Do it again,” Ruhn whispered to his son, emotions making his voice crack as a smile grew on his lips. He walked closer to his son that rested in Lyrie’s arms, and put his fingers on his son's lips. “Repeat what you just said, the same way you did.” He added, making his son’s eyes, the same as his, widen. ‘I… I want a sandwich..? The same as mama had.’
Ruhn looked up at Lyrie and she nodded, confirming that they weren’t dreaming. That their son had inherited Ruhn’s gift, his ability to mind-talk. They both hugged their confused son tightly, they would explain him in depth later, for now, Ruhn only wanted his son to be reassured that his powers, this gift, should not be hidden. He wanted Theodore to know that he was allowed to be proud of his powers, just as Ruhn had wished he could have been as a child, how he had craved to share this exciting news with his father, if only he could have trusted him. The royal bloodline shall end with him, yes, it would. He had put a term to it all, resigning to his royal title at his father’s death, to love Lyrie freely, and to raise their children normally, safely. Flynn brows furrowed as he peered over their family embrace, “So… Mind giving us an update here?” Ruhn smiled fondly, and placed a delicate kiss on his son’s forehead, and he looked into the stars in his eyes. Ruhn’s heart fluttered at how proud his son looked right now, “It’s a mind-talking boys exclusive information,” Theodore's chest puffed while he wiggled his eyebrows at his uncle. Soon enough, the little guy was yanked from his parents embrace by the other members of his family praising him.
How beautiful it was to see his family celebrating Solstice, and TT’s new powers, gathered around a crayon covered couch.
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Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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kaiserkisser ¡ 5 months
mutuals appreciation post <333
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hello, everyone. this is my end of year mutuals appreciation post to thank each and every one of you here, who has put up with me enough to be friends with me. I simply can't put it into words how much I love yall and how much im grateful to all of you for being here, but I'll still try. I wish all of you a very very happy new year ❤
@delusina kaz, thank you. thank u sm for everything. you were my first mutual and i love you sm for that. almost all the friends i have right now, they're thanks to you. i still remember sending you cat pics every week in the beginning (im sorry i forgot to continue that 😭) and you and vi are the reason ✿❀ anon exists <3 ilysmm <333
@floraldresvi VIVI. ILYSM. ik ive already sent you a new year ask but still i can never express my appreciation for you enough <3 thank you sm vi for literally always being there for me, and i hope i can return the favor whenever you need :) i lovelovelove seeing you in my notifs :)) also baivi rules <333
@chosokisser mai my bbg my love /p again, ive already mesaaged you, but still, im so glad i have you in my life. if you need absolutely anything, if you just wanna talk to smn, or anything, ill always be here. in fact, we can even commit arson together if you want :DD and remember that me and choso adore you to heaven and back <333
@haithamvoid again, thank you sm for being friends with me. <33 im literally so glad for the day i opened tumblr to find mai forcing us to socialize XD we seem to have a bunch of shared interests and i remember the times we sent each other a bunch of kaiser (and gojo??) pics ehehe (also if you play genshin then on which server-)
@damyoujackson uhm thank u sm for being my irl bestie. I mean it. honestly i dont think ive actually had a friend i clicked with as much as i did with you in a long time. ik its probably not easy putting up with someone weird like me so erm tysm.. in all seriousness im really glad we're friends <33 ( we do NOT talk abt this in school OKAY.) (<- me being awkward)
@noomon you are an absolutely amazing, warm and pleasant person to be around! (And i love your aesthetic too omg) anyways you're very caring and nice and i always perk up whenever i see you in my notifs or inbox <33
@mikacynth mikaaa its been agesss i hope you're doing alright and uni is treating you well </3 again, one of my first mutuals that i interacted with bc you were a 'mutual in law' of mine hehe :) you're also an awesome and fun person to be around, so remember that me and kaeya love u <333
@yinyinggie yingg! You're such a big blog, so thank you sm for interacting with me! you're totally wonderful, and im so glad i got to participate in the ebg hosted by you hehe that was SO much fun <333(and it hurt my heart too but nvm-) anyways ilysmm <33
@alexisomnias aaah alexisss we dont interact much these days but still, i love you so so much, you are someone i always love seeing on my dash or in my notifs <3 and i adore alekav too its so cutee <333
@kitorin omg yes soutaa you're another person who shows up on my dash often and i love that you do <3 i hope you dont mind all the times ive tagged you in smth ahshshdhb i also always smile whenever i see u in my notifs so thank u smm for being moots with me <33
also to @ilyuu @m1shapanda @supernova25 @chooodles @camvrin @meidnightrain we havent interacted much this year, but ive loved seeing you guys often on my dash so i hope we interact more this next year <333 please dont mind me tagging you dhshsh
Happy New Year to all of you!!!! I hope you all have all the joys of the world and that all your wishes get fulfilled, because you guys totally deserve it 💕
I found a little something too here that i wanted to share with all of you since i thought you guys might like it <333
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reverie-starlight ¡ 1 year
um not me realizing that I’ve never sent in a request 😭
ok so hear me out
Paper rings feels like such a Kuroo song like it’s just so fun and cute. but like particularly
“In the winter in the icy outdoor pool
When you jumped in first, i went in too
I’m with you even if it makes me blue”
bc it’s just so silly and makes me giggle
you can do whatever you please with this, but the thought has been plaguing my mind for days now😭
much love 💕
(forgive me for making this less of a formal fic and more of a fluffy ramble, I'm a bit over excited rn so this will definitely be all over the place but I hope you enjoy it anyway!!)
this is all under the pretense that it's university/pre-timeskip!kuroo but still timeskip!kuroo and gn!reader btw
(also just a disclaimer, please don't jump into a freezing pool if you have alcohol in your system, this is purely for entertainment purposes, okay thanks <3)
you're at a party with him sometime during your university days- just a house party, no one's really outside talking or blasting music for the neighborhood to hear, but the pool is still uncovered for some reason.
and let's be real, I don't think kuroo is much of a hardcore party person (he'll go to parties and have fun but he's not the type to go every weekend or whatever, maybe like one or two every few months) which the party is probably hosted by, like, bokuto or one of his old teammates.
so obviously that means you're sleeping over so you can let loose and have fun.
you both mostly keep to yourselves at the party, sipping your drinks and snickering at all the antics happening around you both. it's nice to just be with him and not have to worry about anything for a night.
but when the last people have gone and you guys are getting ready for bed in the guest room of the house? he stares out the window overlooking the backyard and proposes an idea that truly has you questioning his sanity.
"you want to what now?" you ask him incredulously.
he just grins at you and grabs your hand, sneaking you back downstairs as quietly as possible. you thank every higher power you could think of that the party host was a known heavy sleeper, especially when he's had a few, because your boyfriend is stumbling as he tries to guide you down the stairs in the dark, giggling the whole time. the alcohol was mostly out of his system by now, and yours, thanks to the water you both got down in between drinks.
honestly, you can't help but follow him outside when he strips his shirt and jumps into the pool.
"shit! it's cold!" he calls from the water.
you snort and shake your head fondly. "it's december, dumbass. the pool shouldn't even be open."
"come in with me!" he says, but you're already removing your sweater and jumping in to join him.
you squeal as the water hits your skin, and you can already see your nails turning a bit blue. "not for long though, okay? don't want us to get sick. plus you've had drinks tonight, we should move to the shallow end just in case."
he nods in agreement and follows you closer to where your feet could touch the bottom. he wraps his arms around your torso and rests his head on your forehead. you stay like that for a while and then decide that it's way too cold to stay in any longer, so you get out and head back inside.
"well, babe, was it worth it?"
he blushes and heads into the bathroom on the main floor, grabbing a clean towel to dry his hair, tossing you a second one. "alright, I'll admit- it wasn't my best plan, but hey, now we can say we've gone skinny dipping?"
"tetsu, my love, that was not skinny dipping," you snort, wrapping yourself in the towel and then slipping your sweater back on. it baffled you sometimes how he was clueless about some things but knowledgeable with others.
he looks confused as he follows you back up the stairs to the guest room. "then what's skinny dipping?"
you fully laugh while plugging in the electric heater and grabbing the extra blankets the host left on the dresser. "that'll be another night's adventure. right now let's focus on warming back up, baby."
he grumbles a little about how he could just look it up if you weren't going to tell him, but digressed and changed into a warmer set of sleep clothes. neither of you wanted to run the risk of freezing in the middle of the night, after all.
after all that, you still weren't really tired yet, so you sat on the bed in front of the heater and your boyfriend sat at the dresser, busying himself with some paper.
soon enough he was standing in front of you, holding a paper ring out to you with a proud, boyish grin on his face. "I made this for you," he stated.
you smiled and put your phone down, letting him slide his creation onto your ring finger. "hmm, so does this mean we're engaged now?" you teased.
he chuckled and scooted you both under the covers, laying down with you and caressing your cheek. you'd both agreed that you wanted to get married some day, but not until you were both done with your degrees. still, that didn't stop either of you from joking around about it... or faking proposals in restaurants for free dessert.
"not yet, babe, but soon. we'll finish school first, then maybe I'll tell you about the ring I've been eyeing for months now. I think you'll like it. just need to save up for it now."
you knocked your forehead against his and smiled softly. "you know I don't need a ring," you held up your hand. "hell, you could reuse this as my engagement ring later on and I'd still be ecstatic."
he kissed your nose before resting his face in the crook of your neck. "I know, sweetheart, and I appreciate that. but trust me- you're getting a ring. a damn nice one, too, exactly what you deserve." he leans in and leaves quick pecks all over your face. "and my baby deserves nothing but the best."
you giggle and try to push him away. "okay, okay, I get it!" he finally leaves you be and stares into your eyes for a minute.
"I love you."
"I love you too," you smile back at him and press a kiss against his lips.
satisfied, he turns around and shuts the lamp off, wishing you a goodnight and throwing an arm around your waist.
not even five minutes later, he shifts and groans out "it's so hot in here now!"
yeah, the pool definitely wasn't the best idea.
I'm sorry this took literally FOREVER, but I'm happy with how it turned out!! and I'm happy to finally have new writing out after a million years lol
if it's a bit choppy in some places, just note that I'm only just getting back into the swing of writing again, it's been weeks and I'm rusty.
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e-dubbc11 ¡ 2 years
Say It Again
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Photos found on Pinterest/google
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: A lot of angst, jealousy, swearing, mostly PG-13, alludes to sex, Billy’s possessive tendencies and mention of fear of abandonment, pretty tame
Word Count: 2.7k-ish
Summary: Billy and reader attend a party that he is hosting for his company when the green eyed monster shows up as well as one in the form of a beautiful woman vying for your boyfriend’s attention. Then the game begins.
A/N: Fun fact, I looooove to get dressed up for a fancy night out. I love all things fashion, makeup and my favorite designer is Chanel (I have a Coco Chanel quote tattooed on my arm.) I saw the picture of the black dress from above and I just fell in love with it so I had the idea of going to a fancy party wearing that dress, with the smexy Mr. Russo on your arm. I realize my version of Billy is different from the Punisher series but he still has a lot of issues and I do think he could be a real sweetheart if given the chance and you can’t change my mind, I’m sorry for rambling.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments are welcome and encouraged. 💕💕💕
Billy Russo knew how to work a room, he knew how to get people’s attention, he was damn good at running his company, and he was all yours. ANVIL was doing very well, and Billy was always hosting functions to drum up business. Naturally, you were right by his side and at this point you were used to going to them.
Billy put these events on at least a couple times every month, so you always wanted to look your best for him, and no matter how many times you told him you could wear the same dress more than once, he insisted you have something “new” each time.
Your closet was just a revolving door of cocktail dresses, formal dresses, long ones, short ones and he didn’t care about the cost. If you liked it, he had to get it for you, no questions asked. He spoiled you rotten—you weren’t sure if you’d ever get used to it, the clothes, the gifts, jewelry, and flowers for no reason. It was like a fairy tale and you were his princess.
You told him you didn’t need all of that stuff but he isn’t really good with words—he was better at showing you how much he loved you, it was the one thing he knew he could do.
He’d bring you take out after a long day at work, along with a bouquet of flowers. He made you tea before bed, took care of you when you didn’t feel well, so he did know how to do other things besides spend money on you.
The dresses he bought for you for these functions were gorgeous, designer gowns. Every time you’d try and tell him it’s too much, that you didn’t need it, he’d pretend like he didn’t hear you and buy it for you anyway.
The dress you picked out for tonight was no exception—black floor length, mermaid style, sleeveless with a deep V neckline. It had a sheer black layer over top, covered in black flowers. It was so beautiful, you felt amazing in it, and Billy told you “I cannot wait to see this on you, love.”
As you sat in front of your vanity, doing your makeup, you couldn’t help but notice he had been having a lot of these functions lately.
“This is the fourth one this month?”
Billy was standing in front of the mirror, tying his tie—“I thought you like going to these things with me?”
You love going—it’s just a lot of work to get ready for one. “Oh you know I do, baby but it’s been a lot this month, don’t you think?”
Still tying his tie, he turned around to look at you, and he gave you that smile you love so much. “Maybe—but I do love seeing you get all dressed up for me though.”
You smiled back at him. “Only for you, handsome.”
He stopped to stare at you, to take in everything about you, from your black dressing robe to the curls in your hair, and your diamond encrusted hair comb.
“Say it again.” He said softly with a growl.
You swung your legs around to the other side of your vanity bench, stood up and walked over to wrap your arms around his neck. “Only. For. You.” And you pulled him in for a kiss.
Billy could be slightly possessive. If he catches another man even looking in your general direction, he would be furious—and you thought there were any number of reasons he acted that way.
More than likely, it was his fear of abandonment which would also explain why he had to always be near you at all times, it was a comfort to him so you were more than willing to accommodate and make him feel safe with you.
“I know how important these are for you and your business, Billy, so I’m happy to go with you. I love you.”
He winked at you. “I love you too, beautiful. Is it time for me to see you in that gorgeous dress yet?”
“Almost.” You said. “Almost.”
He loved to see you in black, it was his favorite color on you. It didn’t matter if it was long, short, form-fitting or full skirt—if it was black, it was Billy’s favorite.
He always wore a black suit and tie to these functions, he was the sexiest man you had ever laid eyes on and you weren’t the only one who thought so.
Women would throw themselves at him left and right, sometimes right in front of you but most times it never bothered you because Billy really did only have eyes for you, however jealousy would rear its ugly head tonight.
While you were getting drinks from the bar, a woman you recognized as the CEO of a rival company was talking to him, she was flirting and not being subtle about it. The bartender handed you the two drinks and you headed back to the high top table where they were talking.
Billy introduced you to her and he mentioned her suggestion of taking on jobs “as a team.” You knew exactly what she meant by that, the way she touched his jacket before you handed Billy his drink.
She looked at you with such disdain like she was about to spit poison at you, then excused herself to go retrieve a drink from the bar, and said she’d be back in a minute.
“Billy—she’s flirting with you right in front of me. Oh and “teaming up” with her? I know EXACTLY what she means by that.”
He tried to reassure you by kissing your cheek and lightly brushing your nose with his finger.
“Oh come on, baby, she’s just being friendly and wants to do business together.”
Your next words came out very sarcastic—“Yeah I bet she does.”
Before you could finish the conversation, she was back, batting her eyelashes and taking a sip of her drink, the two of them talking business and you not really understanding what they were talking about.
But you could understand her body language, the way she was standing, looking up at him, and gently brushing her collarbone with her delicate fingers that you wanted to snap in half. It’s perfectly obvious she has her sights set on your boyfriend, but apparently it’s not obvious to Billy.
Usually he touches you in some way, to keep you close. He’d hold your hand, snake an arm around your waist, or lean over to kiss you on the temple but he hasn’t done any of those things since she’s been holding all his attention.
He’s been completely ignoring you so you finished your drink and went back to the bar for another, leaving him alone with her.
There was a good looking man sitting at the bar that looked familiar, you’ve probably seen him at one of these before—you thought well, two can play at this game. He smiled, and you smiled back.
“Wanna buy me a drink?”
The man looked a little surprised to hear you say that.
“But you’re Mr. Russo’s girlfriend.” He said nervously.
“Do you work for him?” You asked.
“No, ma’am.” He anxiously replied.
“Is he here right now?”
The man scanned the room but he apparently didn’t notice Billy.
You knew this probably wasn’t a good idea but you wanted to give Billy a taste of his own medicine.
“Then you can buy me a drink.”
Billy took notice of you at the bar, looking a little too friendly with the mystery man and the two of you were hard headed enough to see which of you could fly off the handle first.
He started this though so you turned to the man who just bought you a drink, winked and thanked him after you knew Billy was looking at you.
To which he then swept a stray hair away from the woman’s face while you grazed the man’s arm with your fingers, all while narrowing your eyes over at Billy.
He was carefully eyeing the man that held your gaze.
Flirting with this guy was starting to get to Billy, you could see it all over his face and if he could have burned a hole into the guy’s skull with his stare, he would have.
But when the man touched your shoulder, that was when Billy had enough—you read his lips as he said “Will you excuse me, please? Thank you.”
“Mr. Russo is glaring at me, Miss.”
He took long strides to get to the bar quickly, grabbed your waist, pointed at the man that just touched you and with a stern voice said—“You’re lucky you don’t work for me, otherwise you’d be fired for even LOOKING at her, let alone buying her a drink and touching her like that!”
Billy turned to you next, he had his long, slender finger pointed up, flush against his chest—“And you, my love, I need to speak with you privately.”
Billy had succumbed to his jealousy but you weren’t finished yet.
“Oh if you have anything to say to me, I’m sure you could say it in front of my new friend—what’s your name?”
The man stumbled with his response. “Uh—well, it uh—it’s James, Miss.”
You smiled at Billy and said “You can say it in front of James.”
Not wanting to cause a scene, he gritted his teeth and tried to smile. “No, no darling, I really can’t. Can you just come with me, please?” He took hold of your hand and led you out of the ballroom, towards one of the private bathrooms on the floor you were on.
On your way out, you called to James “Thank you for the drink!!” You smiled and waved.
Billy ushered you into the bathroom first, he was close behind you, and locked the door as soon as it was closed.
He unbuttoned his suit jacket and started pacing back and forth while wiping his lips with his thumb and forefinger, you could tell he was absolutely furious.
“Y/n.” He said your name like he had daggers in his mouth.
“What the FUCK did you think you were doing in there!?”
You had a slight smile on your face and Billy was still pacing, he raised his eyebrows as he asked you another question.
“You think this is funny, baby!? You know how I get when another man looks at you, never mind watching you flirt with them!”
It was your turn.
“Like you weren’t flirting with Miss Sexy Legs in there?!! ‘Oh Mr. Russo, maybe if I play with my hair and stare at you seductively, you’ll take me home tonight instead of your girlfriend.’”
You knew you were being childish but you were trying to get your point across to him.
He looked perplexed. “I wasn’t—.”
You cut him off. “Oh no?!! She was openly flirting with you in front of me and you didn’t even believe me when I told you that she doesn’t JUST wanna do business with you, how can you not see that?! You ignored me, Billy and don’t even get me started on you TOUCHING HER!”
He finally stopped pacing, his jaw was clenched, and he moved closer. His intense eyes were staring down at you, your noses were practically touching, and you caught the scent of bourbon on his breath.
“I was reacting to my girlfriend putting her hands on another man! And him putting his fucking hands on you!”
You gave him a hostile glare, the heat rose to your face, and your anger felt like a white hot inferno that wanted to burn you from the inside out. That’s when you let him have it.
“Billy, you think I can’t tell that woman in there wants you?!! The way she was looking at you and you looking back at her, like I wasn’t even there!”
He softened a little. “Baby, you know that’s not true.”
You weren’t finished.
“I was standing right next to you!! You usually keep me close, hold my hand, kiss me, but there was nothing. You didn’t even look at me!! You were looking at her, the way you”—you took a deep breath—“the way you usually look at me.”
You stopped to try and compose yourself and pointed a shaking finger at him.
“I can handle women throwing themselves at you, Billy Russo, because you never give them a second glance. I feel safe with you that you don’t even entertain their advances but you having eyes for someone else is something I can’t—I can’t handle. That really hurt me.”
It was wrong to fight fire with fire, especially where Billy was involved. Both of you were stubborn and crazy about each other which can make for some pretty intense fights.
Tears stung the back of your eyes as you backed up to lean against the counter with your head in your hands.
He pulled a tissue from the box that was on the counter behind you and with one hand on your chin, began to catch the fresh tears that escaped your eyes.
Billy looked at you with his deep, impenetrable brown eyes, his lips were trembling a little and guilt suddenly consumed him like a snake swallowing its prey.
Now that he had time to think about it, that woman was flirting with him and he did ignore you—Billy was usually the needy one in the relationship but both of you had your moments because of how crazy in love you were with each other.
He picked you up, placed you on top of the counter, his hands planted on either side of you and rested his forehead against yours.
“I am—so sorry, baby. I just thought it was strictly business and I didn’t notice I was paying more attention to her, than I was you. Things just got a little out of hand, huh?”
Biting your lip, you gave him a slight smile and a nod. It was never easy for Billy to express his feelings verbally, he tried but it was just difficult for him to get out.
You grazed your fingers over his beard. “I love you, Billy.”
“I love you so much, y/n and you’re the only woman I will ever have eyes for.”
He tilted your chin up towards his face and leaned forward to kiss you. Tasting the bourbon on his lips, you kissed him back, your tongue begging for access to his mouth and Billy welcoming it, he could never deny you that.
He could never deny you anything—his touches sent shivers up and down your spine, goosebumps scurried across your skin, and you always wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
His hands roamed up and down your body, eagerly feeling the fabric of your dress and the exposed skin on your back while he kissed your jawline and down your neck.
He broke the kiss to stare at you like he had done earlier while you were getting ready, then lowered his head to gently kiss your shoulder, pulled you against him in an embrace and quietly held you there, calmly stroking your hair and kissing the top of your head.
You’ve learned a lot since the start of your relationship with Billy—he still had some work to do but he was getting better at expressing his feelings with words instead of keeping them bottled up inside or exploding like he had just done. He didn’t always have to use his words to express how he felt about you though.
Like the way he covered you with a blanket if you fell asleep on the couch, the way he brings you a coffee every morning to your office, the way he surprises you at work with lunch or flowers, and the way he sets the table for dinner even if it’s take out Chinese food. His love language is physical, doing, not always verbal—but in every sense of the word, he was YOURS.
“Shouldn’t we get back to the party, baby?”
“Not yet, sweet girl—I have something else in mind.”
He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a room key.
“We’re here for the night, all of our things are upstairs. Let me show you just how sorry I am, beautiful.”
Your tears disappeared and he kissed you again.
“Well, I’m all yours Mr. Russo.”
He closed his eyes and nuzzled your nose with his and whispered “Say it again.”
“I’m. All. Yours.”
Tagging: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck
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tarrenterror25 ¡ 1 year
Ah, Tarren - congrats!! So excited for you, absolutely so well-deserved. Reading your fics and thots and posts has been such a pleasure! And this is such a fun celebration - I can’t wait to see what you share with us 💖
Could I please request: Alfred Pennyworth + Regency + “I feel things for you that I shouldn’t.”?
Congrats again, my friend!!! 💖✨
OKAY so you and @communism-bitches requested the same thing! So this one is for the both of you! For that, this is longer than 500 words 💕
Thank you so much, J! 💕 I'm so glad you've enjoyed reading my fics and thots! I get all warm and fuzzy reading all of your feedback! Thank you so much for supporting my writing 💕
Thank you so much, H! 💕 Thank you for being who you are and for supporting my writing! I'm so happy you enjoy reading my fics and thots!
This one was the biggest challenge for me! Whew! I've never written regency AU before so thank you to the both of you for being my first! I hope you guys like it!
100 follower celebration
Alfred Pennyworth x F!Reader
Alfred Pennyworth + Regency + "I feel things for you that I shouldn't."
Tags: Age-gap, boxing Word Count: 1.2K
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It's that time of the year when Oswald Cobblepot is hosting his annual soiree at his home or his "winter palace" as he calls it. You hate going, but for you to refuse the invitation would cause a stir. It's not that the party is boring or dull, quite the opposite actually.
It's a madhouse.
The gentleman and ladies present never seem to get along, but somehow they all attend anyways. Cobblepot manor is always packed with guests and lively with all kinds of festivities. Usually during a card game, Mr. Dent would seemingly become a different person should he lose and you could always expect the most scandalous of gossip to come from Ms. Vale who just seemed to know everything about everyone. Often you would spend time with Pamela who spent her time in the gardens, preferring the quiet of the flowers versus the crowds. Sometimes you would chat with Harleen, she was great fun to be around though a bit raucous for a lady.
But there was one person who, for the past few years, made it all worthwhile. Since the two of you crossed paths, you looked forward to seeing him here.
You and Alfred Pennyworth, the mysterious guardian of Bruce Wayne, first met in the parlor of Cobblepot Manor where a game of charades was taking place. The two of you hung back in the wings of the room and, dare you say, mildly flirted with each other. Both of you talked all night and you quickly forgot the bickering taking place in the parlor happening over the game. Every year after that, you two sought each other and would spend the entire evening talking about nothing and everything all at once. You even dared to exchange letters with him this last year.
Now you're here, dressed in your finest gown and you're looking around, trying to spot Alfred, but there's no sign of him. Usually you find each other rather quickly. You adjust your gloves and wander the halls of the manor, fighting through the crowds of people looking for him, but he's nowhere to be seen.
Did he not come this year?
Oh, how your heart starts to ache.
You've grown so fond of him; your last letter might have been a tad playful in its tone and you recall how when you wrote that you realized your fondness was indeed an attraction to the older gentleman. Like a butterfly to flowers in spring, you found yourself always gravitating to him and quickly found it wasn't just his personality you liked. You never forget the year you saw him remove his coat and roll up his sleeves as some of the gentleman went out to the yard for a bit of rough housing. You could not deny the awakening in you as you watched the older man hold his own against the younger men. One young lad who was talking a big game came to regret the challenge when Alfred dodged his right hook and delivered a quick solid jab to the man's stomach making the younger man double over in pain before falling to the ground. Alfred, ever the gentleman chuckled and kindly helped him up.
You head outside where more people are gathered. There's a table with some morsels placed enticingly on some serving dishes and as you reach for one of them, your hand brushes another that simultaneously has also reached for the same. Your eyes flick over to the hand, it's broad and looks strong, a gold ring with a "W" on its face. Your gaze travels up the arm and to the person next to you and you smile as your heart flutters.
It's Alfred.
He smiles, too, but it looks...melancholic.
"Pleasure to see you as always, miss," he says placing his hands behind his back.
"You're here!" you say excitedly, but then chance a playful quirk of your brow as you ask, "Have you been avoiding me?"
His smile grows a little wider and he holds up his left hand, his right coming to rest on his chest. "You've caught me," he says.
Sensing a somberness in his tone, you ask, "...Truly?"
Wordlessly, he glances around to be sure no one is paying attention to the two of you. He gently grasps your hand. The gesture makes your breath hitch as he leads you away from the crowd, quite stealthily you might add. No one seems to have noticed that the two of you have disappeared.
He stops when the two of you turn a corner and reach a small set of steps leading up to a balcony overlooking the section of yard not occupied by guests. No one seems to have been bothering to venture in this area.
The pair of you sit on a stone bench on the balcony, his hand still holding yours for a brief moment more before letting go. The older man finally lets out a sigh. "I was hoping we wouldn't run into each other this year," he says.
"Why?" you ask. "Have I done something?"
"No, no, miss," he assures you. "I suppose...it is I who has done something."
"I don't understand," you say shifting a bit closer to him.
His gaze flicks down to where your knee brushes his and then back up to your face. If you had blinked you would have missed his tongue darting out ever so slightly to lick his lips.
"I feel things for you that I shouldn't," Alfred says. "A man my age...it is probably inappropriate."
You smile and let out a small chuckle, relief washing over you. "Alfred," you say turning your body to face his even more, your gloved hand coming to rest on his. "I feel things, too."
He looks surprised. "You do?"
"I do," you reply.
A content silence hangs between the two of you as you gaze into each other's eyes.
"I'd like to ask before it's too late," Alfred says. "I'd like to request that next year I do not see you like this." His hand comes up to cup your face. "I do not wish to rendezvous with you in empty hallways or secluded balconies. I should like to see you accompanying me to this event instead."
"Yes! Of course!" You smile bashfully and repeat yourself, trying to contain your enthusiasm.
There's a silence again.
The two of your scoot closer to each other, thighs pressing against each other, his hand still on your cheek, brushing his thumb across your skin, and his other hand coming to rest on your waist.
"Can...Can I kiss you?" you ask softly.
Your bold nature has the corners of his mouth turn up as he smiles at you, his blue eyes beaming with adoration. He slowly leans in towards you and kisses you. It's a soft and chaste kiss, but slow and romantic. His lips linger on yours long enough that you can taste the fruit and tea he's had from the party. When he pulls away, there's a growing desire in the pit of your stomach for more. He seems to sense it as he speaks and says with a chuckle, "We should be getting back now."
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lieutenant-amuel ¡ 4 months
Hi there! Sorry for being so forward with the random ask, but I read your Isla de Sueños fic on AO3 the other day and when I stumbled on it in the Tumblr tag just now, it made me smile all over again just thinking about it, so I wanted to reach out to thank you for writing such a lovely story! I've been on an unexpected EOA kick for the past few days, and I've enjoyed a lot of your posts while I was going through the tags. You have some very based and very thoughtful takes!! 😊 You also have such a sweet and fun story as well. I was just smiling the whole time I was reading it! Those taquitos and the music box were a big highlight. So wholesome! Also the way you wrote Gabe was so soft. 🥺 It warms my heart! He really does have such a soft side under all that bravado, I think. 💙 Anyways, thank you so much for writing and for sharing that! 💕 Not sure if you've moved fandoms or not, but please keep up the good work and best of luck with whatever it is you're working on now. Cheers!! 💖
Thank you! For both reading the story and reaching out to me personally, this is a very nice message to get ❤️
I’m not active in the fandom anymore but I still love Elena of Avalor and think about this show a lot so there’s always a chance of me writing a new story or making some other piece of fandom content. I was going to say I have a sideblog @elena-of-avalor-polls where I host poll tournaments but then I noticed you already follow this blog haha, thank you! I have written a few more fics and posted them on AO3 in case you would like to read them too.
And there’s no need to apologize! You made me very happy by sending this.
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lesbianrobin ¡ 10 months
TV show anon again, thanks for the recommendations! I'm loving American Vandal so far and The Get Down looks really good so I'm probably going to start that one this weekend. What season(s) of The CHallenge would you suggest I start with? Also just like. What is it? I've gathered it's a reality competition show but what are they competing in. I'm so confused
omggg i'm so glad you like american vandal!!
as for the challenge, the basic structure is as such: the challenge takes reality stars from other shows and has them compete in physical challenges that range from like pro athlete shit to very silly little field day activities. there’s also an ongoing social aspect to the game, because competitors are voted in to elimination based on their standing in the house. the prize ranges from like $250,000 to $1 million depending upon the season. but what's crucial to the challenge is that all of these people are batshit insane. there are people on the challenge who have competed in over ten seasons. like this is their whole life and they have beef with each other that goes back Years.
anyway some challenges involve wrestling in mud pits. some are trivia but when you fuck up the host hits a button that drops you forty feet into the ocean. an episode i watched recently featured a challenge where the competitors had to wrestle on top of a moving truck to throw their opponent off the side and two different people broke or dislocated their arm during it and the host was just like okay who's up next! one time a guy got sent to the hospital for hypothermia during a challenge that involved swimming in freezing cold water and as the ambulance took him away they were already making the next batch of players go in. and what's very special about the challenge is that these people just. do it. nobody's like no i quit. if they do quit the host fucking degrades them for it. it's insane. and all the while these people are living in a house together and sleeping in bunk beds and getting into fights over pizza and water and pasta and also other things that aren't food.
anyway TL;DR the challenge is basically just total drama island but in real life.
as for seasons to start with, i personally started with War of the Worlds and War of the Worlds 2 (seasons 33 and 34). they're really fun and have some of my favorite challengers! most seasons are on paramount+ but those two are currently only on hulu. if you don't wanna fuck with hulu i'd say that another decent starting point might be Dirty Thirty (season 30) because, if you end up liking it and watching more, dirty thirty kicks off a three-season arc that culminates in one of the most incredible finales i've ever seen in anything ever.
so yeah that's basically it!! i love the challenge so much thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about it 💕 and i hope if you choose to watch it you have fun!!
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velidewrites ¡ 1 year
I just read your hunger games au and it’s SO GOOD!!! Anyway, I love how you’re “casting” the hunger games character with the acotar characters. So spot on! Having Nuala and Ceridwen be the stylists is so smart!!! I would not have thought of that but it makes perfect sense! I can’t wait to see where this goes! Amazing blend of two of my favorites book series!!
Hi!! I’m SO happy you’re enjoying this fic, I’m having tons of fun writing it! 💕
It took me a while to cast the characters - I wanted you to read it and think “ah, that makes sense!” rather than “I’m sorry but casting Beron as Effie Trinket sounds like terrible idea.” Like Feyre, for example, made perfect sense to me as Katniss - there are so many parallels between them I could go on and on and on. And Helion as the host? I absolutely love writing him as a media personality.
Anyways, I’m so glad you like the story, and thank you so much for reading!! 💕
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jimiminily ¡ 4 months
🌹𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑯𝒐𝒃𝒊 🌹
Enjoy your 30! 💜
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Happiest 30th bday hobiiii 🎂🥳💕 A day full of sunshine, when hobi came
I miss him vm like at least he's coming back in like 8 months (17 oct) AND THAT'S VERY SOON (gaslighting myself) AND HOW HE TURNED 30?!?! HE WAS LIKE 26 WHEN I GOT TO KNOW HIM TIME IS PASSING BY SO FAST 😭
He's so adorable and sweet I miss him so much I can't believe we all have to go thru this wdym he's serving in the military ???? Stay safe and happy hobi ♡♡ goodluck with your service I love you so much 🥹💜
Time will pass quickly 🫡
He also wrote a letter on weverse today ♡
" ARMY !!!!!!!!!! this is hoseok~💕🫡
this is really.. fascinating/crazy !!!! my birthday did come...😅
i thought my birthday won't come while serving in the military...
but it's already february 18th ahhahahahah!!!
what does that mean..? it means! 'time goes on...' hahahaha
it's so fascinating that i ended up rambling on. 😅🤣
anyways, this is my first and last birthday i will be spending as an army soldier...! but these days, i really feel your love and interests in a big way hehe
from the reactions from those around me to the events you were hosting, i fully felt it with my skin so i think i feel <that love and interest> more!!! it's interesting and i feel like.. my shoulder goes up too:) (meaning that he feels proud)🤩😋🤩😙
it's all because of having our ARMYs right?🫡🫡😂😂
no matter what situation, in my heart, you all are always in the center...!! it's a big part that i never forgot while promoting/working for over the 10 years. 💝
though i always express and it might not be enough, but thank so much!!
thank you so much and i love you for being our fan and jhopes fan!
thanks to you, i am not lonely this birthday too!!!
i will healthily discharge from the military and greet you cooly!!
thank you!!
-from ARMY, to ARMY- "
No way he wrote "from ARMY, to ARMY-"
Welcome to the team bud 😭 this letter is super sweet :(
And he wrote an advanced letter too for his bday!
[HobisLetter] 📬Letter from jhope
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(in image)
"happy birthday jhope ♡♡♡
it is my birthday !!! 18th of february 2024...
a lot of people will be wishing me a happy birthday then too right ??,,,, kekeke just my wish..
i think it would be good to just tell you how im doing now !!
everyone, im adjusting well and doing welll~~!!
very healthily~~ ♡♡ hahahaha
the memories of getting lots of birthday wishes from you all every birthday is clear.
ive also celebrated my birthday together with you too !!
it is a shame that i have to give my greetings in a different way because i am completing my service.. but right now in my heart, i am thinking of you guys and am have strong feelings missing you even more !!
i was able to receive so many birthday wishes and my birthday was even more meaningful because of you all. this time again, i want to convey how thankful i always am from the bottom of my heart, that much more!!
i love you, for today, let us all have a hope day~♡♡"
And guess what! He also posted an :p
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They celebrated in the military too 🥹🎂💕 have fun in your free time
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Happy 30th Birthday to the gorgeous, super talented record-breaking, history-making Million-seller rapper, singer-songwriter, dancer, record producer, choreographer & Global Icon, the One & Only j-hope who rings in his birthday, trending at #1 WORLDWIDE on /TwitterX! 👏🎂🎉🌟🐐👑💜
j-hope rose to fame as the main Rapper of BTS, the Biggest band in the world! He is a hugely successful Solo Artist in his own right and one of the Best K-act performers, always paving the way! He was the first K-soloist to enter the “Top 100 Most Followed Artists” on Spotify, the first K-Soloist to surpass 16 Million followers and the most followed on Spotify for many years (now 2nd)! He's the 1st K-soloist to debut an album (Jack in the box) with over 60Million streams and the 1st k-Soloist to have 3 albums surpassing 500 Million streams on Spotify! j-hope is also the 1st South Korean Artist in history to headline a major US music festival "Lollapalooza" and the highest ticket- selling artist in Lollapalooza’s history! With his song "on the street" J-Hope is the 1st Asian Act to enter the Top 10 of the Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Digital Song Sales Year End Chart and the 1st member of BTS to earn a top-40 entry on the UK Singles Chart following its debut at #37, setting a new record as the highest-charting Korean soloist in the history of the chart at the time! j-hope ties PSY as the 4th K-act with the most #1 hits in World Digital Song Sales chart history after BTS! j-hope's solo discography including his songs under BTS has achieved 1,500 #1's on iTunes! He ties Suga as the Rapper with the most songs with over 100 x #1s on iTunes! His first solo mixtape, 'Hope World', in 2018 peaked at #38 on the US Billboard 200, breaking the record for the highest-charting album by a K- soloist at the time. He became the 1st member of BTS to enter the Billboard Hot 100 as a soloist in 2019, with his single "Chicken Noodle Soup", ft BeckyG, which debuted at #81. In 2022, J-Hope's chart-topping debut studio album 'Jack in the Box', scored the 5th biggest Album debut among K-soloists in history! J-hope is also the 1st K-Act to headline Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve in 2022!
j-hope has received 30 nominations and has won numerous awards including a Golden Disc Award in 2023, a Korean Hip Hop Award in 2023 for Best R& B track for "Rush Hour" with Crush and 2 MAMA Awards in 2022 including Most Popular Male Artist! In 2018, he was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea and in 2021, he was appointed Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture by President Moon Jae-in to help "lead the global agenda for future generations, such as sustainable growth" and "expand South Korea's diplomatic efforts and global standing" in the international community!
Further cementing him as one of the most influential K-figures globally.
And guess what!!!! >< he will release a new special album!!!!! BigHit just announced it!
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"We are pleased to announce the release of “HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1,” a special album by BTS member j-hope.
“HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1” is a special album featuring a total of six tracks and will be released alongside “HOPE ON THE STREET,” a docuseries that trails j-hope’s dance journey.
Please join j-hope as he looks back on his dance journey by listening to “HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1” and watching the “HOPE ON THE STREET” docuseries.
*Release Date: 1 PM, Friday, March 29, 2024 (KST)"
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planetpiastri ¡ 7 months
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pairing: logan sargeant x fem!reader [no faceclaim, reader is faceless] summary: when alex's childhood friend makes an appearance on his instagram, logan is instantly smitten, but the universe insists on keeping them only as a missed connection, and alex isn't helping matters. notes: i had a bunch of other wips in my drafts but when anon sent me this request it was all i could think about. anyways there's definitely gonna be a part 2 to this coming soon so keep an eye out! [series masterlist]
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liked by alex_albon, lilymhe, and others
ynusername fun week in miami!! alex gave me the quickest paddock tour known to man but fuck it we ball!!
view all 876 comments
georgerussell63 Oh is that your excuse for running the opposite direction when you saw me?
ynusername sorry georgie my hands were tied
williamsracing We look forward to hosting you for a full weekend another time 💙🫡
ynusername williams admin i have a crush on you
alex_albon you weren't missing much
lilymhe agreed alex_albon hey >:(
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liked by logansargeant, ynusername, and 168,205 others
alex_albon miami dump ft. the team and my two favorite ladies
view all 2,187 comments
ynusername pls don't call us that
alex_albon but it's true :( lilymhe cringggeeeee
username1 it's been so long since we've seen yn in one of alex's photo dumps the world is healing
logansargeant That's why you abandoned me??
alex_albon grow up ynusername alex oh my god be nice lilymhe get him again for me
username2 is yn alex's bestie or lily's??
georgerussell63 She's mine username3 HUH
username4 yn remains the cutest human being in existence 🥹💕
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon, and others
ynusername hi new followers here's a picture of my cat and a picture from the airport and a picture of my best friends
view all 1,278 comments
username4 hi 👋👋
georgerussell63 Busy day I see
ynusername why are you the way that you are
alex_albon 🖕
ynusername no!!!!!!!! that's rude!!!!!!!!!!
username5 gasp does this mean more yn in the paddock
williamsracing See you soon 😉
ynusername williams admin i'm going to kiss you alex_albon alright chill out username6 NEW SHIP UNLOCKED
logansargeant Nice cat
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and others
ynusername hey this f1 thing is pretty cool!
view all 1,789 comments
username7 LOGAN GOT POSTED !?
williamsracing Thanks for hanging out!
ynusername williams admin i want you landonorris booo come to mclaren
alex_albon it's okay i guess
logansargeant Glad you're not forever lost in the backrooms of the paddock
ynusername you're my hero fr alex_albon ok that's enough of that
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tagging: @sonder-paradise hey girl
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request: Can i request something for logan x fem!reader? Were the reader is best friends with alex and maybe logan sees a picture of her on alex his insta and falls in love. - from anon
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[series masterlist]
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poisonpeche ¡ 2 years
You seem like a very fun person to me? Like I think you'd be fun to get to know and hang out with. You have an attention to detail that is amazing.... You're hard on yourself but you're an incredible individual, artist, and in general human being. 💕
That is…so very kind of you.🖤
I would love to hang, and I will absolutely spoil you as a host.
It’s honestly my favorite thing to do. I love it all.
Cook you dinner, get lost in conversation, sit in comfortable silence on the balcony overlooking the city, sun bathe at the river, tuck you into a blanket burrito, watch sooo much tv like the good lordt intended, maybe do a wall handstand at the club who KNOWS.
Ain’t that just the beauty of it all?
I have a keen eye with people & art, so yes, that attention to detail is never ending, my blessing and my curse. 🖤
Hehe nothing gets past this ol’ fool.
Thank you for building me up when I’m quick to tear myself down. I need a lil’ bonk on the head sometimes to set me straight.
Like shaking a vending machine…or smacking the side of your computer…my brain is just loose change rattling around mercilessly.
Thank you for the sweetness you brought me.
I am treasuring it and tucking it away for those rainy days.
What am I like in real life?
0 notes
bangtanintotheroom ¡ 2 years
Fanservice (M)
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I wanna get freaky on camera, I love when we get freaky on camera
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• Pairing: Camboy!Taehyung x Viewer!(F)Reader
• Genre: Camboy!AU, Smut, Strangers to Lovers
• Rating: 18+
• Words: 30.8k
• Summary: Every Friday night at 10 PM was dedicated to your favorite camboy. When he hosts a contest and you end up the lucky winner, you’ll have to brace yourself for your unexpected debut.
• Warnings/themes: explicit sexual content, sex work, exhibitionism, voyeurism, camshows, mentions of anal play, masturbation (m. and f.), filmed sex acts (consensual), Taehyung has a filthy mouth, swearing, lots of dirty talk, use of sex toys, reader is lowkey a Tae fangirl (who wouldn’t be lol), discussion of consent and rules, performance anxiety, soft dom!Taehyung, breast play, TAECONDA 🗣, handjobs, spitting, oral (m. and f. receiving), gagging, deep throating, fingering, squirting, size kink, unprotected sex (both parties are tested and safe but WRAP IT UP PEEPS), multiple positions, spanking, come play, creampie, slight degradation, multiple orgasms, lots of sexual tension 🥵
• Song Inspo: Cyber Sex - Doja Cat (Spotify | Soundcloud)
• Notes: Big dick Tae go brrrrr 🤪 *ahem* forgive me, I had a moment of weakness. Anyways, this is for the “Camshow” square for @bangtanwritingbingo​! I’ve been super excited to delve into this one since I received my card but I couldn’t decide who to use...until I saw THIS pic of Taetae that just screams tease 🤧 had to do some research about cammers for this and found out some fun and interesting things along the way so please enjoy and remember to support your local sex workers! 👍🏾 And a huge thanks to @playmetheclassics​​ for beta’ing this for me, mmmmwah 😘💕 Crossposted to AO3 as well.
• Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @jeontier @park-hera-gi @feral-daisy @uzumakioden @raineandskye @noir-eyes @bebejungkook​ @parkdatjimin​ @sunshinerainbowsbts​ @m-yg93​ @jimilter​ @sexyuntitl3d @herecomesjoon​
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Masterlist | Fanservice | One Mo’ Gen | Offsite Services
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The apartment was shrouded in darkness save for the glow reflecting from your laptop, illuminating your face as you stared expectantly at the screen.
Your eyes flickered to the clock in the lower corner.
So close.
Surely you had something better to do than watch your desktop like a hawk, but you worried that even walking away for a second would make you late. He tended to start on time, no matter what.
In the meantime, you looked next to you on the bed, making sure everything you needed was there.
Lube? Check. Vibrator? Check. Hand towel? Check.
You made sure that whatever errands needed to be done were finished earlier, wanting to dedicate the rest of this Friday night to your favorite activity. There was a high chance you would go straight to bed after you were done.
A familiar ping went off in the room, making your head swivel back to the computer.
Just as you anticipated, a pop-up window came onto the screen.
[_vante is online!]
You bit back your smile, a giddiness lighting your veins as you put your pointer finger on the mousepad to hover the arrow over the ‘Join Room’ button. Clicking it, you wiggled in anticipation as it took you to a recognizable page with banners and ads on the side depicting men and women in compromising positions. 
The stream hadn’t started just yet. 
The rectangle in the middle was black with a message stating that the user was still in the process of setting up. But you didn’t have to wait much longer as the screen changed to show said user.
You let your grin go on full display at the sight of the handsome face brightening up your laptop.
“Hm...can you guys see me well?”
An involuntary shiver went through you as his baritone rang through your speakers. He hadn’t even said anything remotely dirty yet and already, his voice was affecting you.
You reached for the keys, flying across them with your fingertips.
[Y/N]: yup 😊
“Yeah? Great—“ V gave a signature boxy grin. “Then let’s get started. How’s everyone doing today?”
You typed out a brief sentence on how your workday left you needing to decompress. You weren’t sure if he saw your comment alone or a few of the others that shared your sentiment, but the model hummed and nodded.
“Rough day, huh? Same here. Work was hell and then some. I’ve been thinking about you guys all day, couldn’t wait to punch out and get home.” V tilted his head. 
“How about you? Were you thinking about me too?”
Cheeks warming up, you gave an answer that the rest of the chat echoed.
[Y/N]: of course, the only way I could get through the day was by thinking about your beautiful face ❤️
You realized after you hit enter that maybe that was a little too cheesy, but V paused to read everyone’s comments, face lighting up with a smile once more.
“Aww, you’re too sweet, Y/N. I always love to read your comments.”
Did you squeal to yourself just now? Of course not.
But V moved on to the next person, prompting you to get over your excitement and focus on the bigger picture. How did you get so into watching this beautiful man at 10 PM on the dot every Friday night?
Watching porn was something you did occasionally but watching actual camshows was a rarity. Before, you only viewed a couple of pre-recorded shows out of curiosity, only to click out after a few minutes. You admired these people for their hustle and courage to do such intimate acts for thousands of people to view, but none of them could capture your attention enough to give them your full time and attention.
That is until your friend Jules sent you a link one day.
You had been lamenting to each other at lunch break on the desire to find a cam person worth watching, needing some fuel for your lonely nights where you were too lazy to jump on Tinder or message former flings. 
Your friend lit up like a Christmas tree before she said that she had been recommended to someone who looked interesting (well, at least their profile picture did) and was going to catch their show live that night. Looking around to make sure no one would peek over your shoulders in the nearly empty cafe, Jules pulled up the profile of the person she was talking about, letting you take a peek.
You couldn’t deny that the man in the black and white photo was handsome. A nose perfect for brushing against thighs with full, kissable lips below, surrounded by a strong jawline. Slicked back black hair with a couple of strands resting on his forehead. Strong brows hovered above deep brown eyes that stared straight into your soul. You were never much for putting much emphasis on others’ bodies,but the subtle tone of his bicep and forearm that poked out of the sleeve of his t-shirt had your mouth watering a bit.
He caught your interest enough that you agreed to watch the show that night, making sure that Jules’ text came through with the right info. It was nighttime before you knew it, and the show was close to starting. You had to scramble to get whatever necessary items you needed before getting comfortable in your bed. 
The lights were turned off and your laptop was plugged into its charger (nothing killed a good orgasm like your battery dying). Typing the link from your phone into the address bar, you waited with anticipation as the browser loaded, pulling up a website you were familiar with.
However, the user was different this time, the picture of the man from earlier popping up in the corner. And soon enough, the screen showed the actual person, sitting in a purple-lit room on a leather chair.
The picture did not do him justice. And then he opened his mouth to greet all of the viewers; you couldn’t help but squirm at the bass that rang out from the speakers.
The model was named V and he looked to be in his mid to late 20’s. His outfit was rather formal for someone who was probably going to be taking their clothes off, consisting of a floral button-up shirt with a tie and slacks. Surprisingly, he pulled the look off. His setup also stood out as you picked up the soft sounds of jazz music in the background, V occasionally stopping his talking to bob his head along, a gentle smile on his handsome face. The move was endearing as hell.
Despite it taking quite some time before anything sexual occurred, you weren’t finding yourself bored at all. V talked to everyone as if he was in a group of friends, asking how everyone’s days were and saying what he was up to himself and what he planned to do over the weekend. He must have had quite a few regulars as he asked some users rather specific questions, from how their pets were doing and wishing them luck on whatever tests they had coming up. His attentiveness felt genuine, unlike some other models. It only intrigued you even more.
But then came what everyone had tuned in for.
The dynamic had shifted as V rolled his chair back, his eyes lidding as he ran a tongue over his full lips. He kept his gaze focused on the camera as he questioned whether everyone was ready for him. You were so enraptured up to this point that you hadn’t even typed a word in the chat, biting your lip as you sent a ‘yes’, drowning among the other affirmations. And with that, V gave a devilish smirk as his hands crawled up his lean torso to his tie.
After that, everything was a haze. All you could remember was coming to your senses a while later, your limbs trembling as your slick fingers slid out of your core, watching as V laid panting against his chair, his tanned upper body exposed and covered in sweat and come. Fuck, when was the last time you came that hard? And from someone who wasn’t even in the same room as you?
From that moment on, you were hooked.
Saturday nights were spent watching some of his older shows, working yourself up to orgasms that forced you to stifle your cries with a pillow. Sundays consisted of fighting the urge to have some more late-night fun despite the fact that you had to get up early the next morning. And Mondays through Thursdays were absolute torture, having to try not to daydream about V instead of crunching numbers and sending out emails in your gray cubicle. Didn’t help that your boss kept poking their head in to make sure you were doing your work right, despite the fact that you had been with the company for years. All you could do was hope that the look on your face didn’t scream ‘I’m imagining myself getting plowed by a man I’ve never met in real life’ as they condescended on whatever mistakes they thought needed rectifying.
But Fridays were your favorite days now. Not only because it was the end of a long work week but because you had something to look forward to that night. V kept things interesting every time too, switching up the ways that he got himself off, from only using his hand to utilizing some toys to even slipping a finger or two inside his puckered hole for extra stimulation. The man was captivating to watch in the throes of ecstasy. Despite his obvious enjoyment, he always made sure to look deep into the lens, letting absolute filth spill from his lips as if he was talking directly to you. Maybe that was what engrossed you. The natural way he spoke and acted as if he was there in that very room with you, his lean body doing whatever it could to bring you to a blinding climax. Even the people you had been with in the past couldn’t make you come as hard as he could through a computer screen.
You made sure to show your appreciation to Jules for the recommendation with an expensive sushi dinner the first time, even though your paycheck side-eyed you for it.
“Hm? What’s that, KookyBun?”
The sound of V’s baritone brought you back to the present, blinking as he addressed one of his regulars.
“...ah. Rough week, huh?” V tilted his head, giving the camera an angelic smile, but you could see the hints of lewdness lingering underneath. 
“What can I do to make you feel better?”
You weren’t surprised to see the suggestive response that the user gave him, quickly followed by others expressing different ones but along the same line.
“Hmm, you wanna see me touch myself? Will that really make you feel better?”
You quietly cheered on KookyBun as they emphasized their need, causing V to give a short laugh as he shook his head. “You guys are so easy to rile up, you know that? Don’t worry. It’ll happen—” His voice lowered as he leaned in a bit. “Believe me. I’ve been dying to touch myself all day, too.”
Your breath hitched as the air seemed to get heavier now. Wanting to prepare ahead of time, you scooted back from your laptop to take your panties off, biting your lip as it clung to your damp folds for a second before letting go the farther you pulled it down. Tossing it to the side, you spread your legs on either side of your computer, seeing V resting a hand on his crotch. You let out a slight whimper at the visible bulge there.
V didn’t make any moves to please himself yet, being the tease he was. Instead, he bobbed his head to his music, losing himself in the tunes. But the chat wasn’t having it as you spotted another pleading message, complete with the puppy eyes emoji at the end.
“Wow, babyJ13, you’re impatient today, aren’t you?” The model laughed and shook his head. “Well, your dance instructor is still out with the flu, right? I guess you need another outlet for your energy.” He then had the nerve to tilt his head again, blinking innocently. 
“What do you think, guys? Should I indulge you?”
Straightening up, you brought your hands out to fly across the keyboard.
V licked his lips as the responses filed in, biting back a large grin not long after you sent in your own.
[Y/N]: yes please. Wanna see that beautiful cock of yours
“Alright then, since you guys asked so nicely…”
Your heart began hammering like usual as his hands crawled up to begin loosening his belt, watching like a hawk as those long fingers of his moved. You had seen this scenario so often before but it always brought the same reaction out of you each time.
His digits sliding away from the undone leather to the button of his slacks. His thumb and index finger pinching the metal tab of the zipper and lowering it down. His fingertips parting the fabric and pushing it down enough to reveal the thick outline straining against his briefs.
You swallowed hard as V laid his pointer finger on it, tracing up and down the shape with a whisper of a sigh. “Mm…I’ve got a surprise for you guys. Would you like to see it?”
You and everyone else in the chat expressed your approval, nearing desperation (at least you avoided the thirst emojis that were rampant). With a chuckle, V held onto the waistband of his underwear, lifting his hips up enough to shove it down his long legs, along with his slacks. Kicking them off, he sat back in his seat, spreading his legs and exposing what you were dying to see.
His cock had taken your breath away the first time you had seen it. The size was substantial for someone of his build and the shape pleasant enough to look at. Even when he wrapped his large hand around it, a good portion of it was still uncovered, making you wonder just how big he really was. But this time, what caught your eye was what laid at the base of it, eyes widening in lust.
“Ta da. Finally got to wear the ring velvetyeri sent me last week. You sure know how to pick them, thank you!” V ran his tongue over his bottom lip while poking at the rubber. 
“Wish I could’ve kept it on all day like you asked but I almost had a close call a few times. Sorry baby.”
She didn’t seem too bothered by it, judging by the multiple heart and kiss emojis she sent in the chat paired with praises of how good it looked on him.
“Heh, thank you for understanding. But now that I’m home...”
With that, the model reached down to hit the button on the side of the cock ring, hissing when a buzzing sound started. “Dammit...”
You felt yourself getting more and more turned on as the minutes ticked, needing some relief now that he was starting the action. Keeping your eyes on the screen, you blindly reached for your vibrator and lube, bringing it in front of you. You looked down to coat the toy in the liquid before throwing the bottle to the side. Taking in a deep breath, you brought it down to rest against your folds, hitting the switch with a soft moan as the vibrations made a pleasant heat form between your thighs. “Mm...”
“Hah, this thing is stronger than it looks, trust me. Mnh—” V looked down at his cock, reaching a long finger down to swirl around his flushed tip before murmuring, “Been leaking all fucking day...surprised it didn’t soak through to my pants.”
You wished you were right there in front of him to lick up the bead of precum that sat there.
But then V went and picked it up with his finger before bringing it closer to the camera, pressing his fingertip against his thumb repeatedly to show the viscosity. “Wish someone was here to clean this up for me...”
You shivered as he expressed what had been running through your mind. Reaching your free hand over, you typed a few words for the model.
[Y/N]: wish I was there too, baby. Will you touch yourself for us? Pls?
V chewed on his lip as he took a moment to read the comments again, nodding to you and everyone else asking the same question.
“Of course...can’t wait any longer myself. Need to make it wet though.” Before he could reach onto his desk for his lube, you quickly typed out a request.
[Y/N]: spit on it, V
He had to have seen your comment as he let out a small groan, looking directly into the lens with a raised brow. “Yeah, Y/N? That’s what you want?”
You tightened your hold on your toy while emphasizing your desire with a strong yes.
Biting back a smile, you watched as V took a few seconds to gather spit in his mouth before leaning over and letting it drop onto his upheld cock, moaning softly at the way it dripped down the tip and shaft. “There you go...”
Repeating the motion again, you saw him give the camera a smirk. “All better now?”
[Y/N]: yes, thank you ☺️💕 enjoy, baby
“Oh, don’t worry, I will.”
And with that, V began stroking himself languidly, head tipping back momentarily at the pleasure. “Ah, shit...that’s it—”
Clenching at how his voice lowered, you decided to mirror his movements by dragging the end of the vibrator up and down your slick folds, hips bucking a bit whenever you bumped against your clit. Just a couple of minutes of this had you panting into the darkness of your room. It’s times like these when you were glad that you lived by yourself, not confident that you would be able to stay quiet on nights like these.
“Ngh...fuck—” V paused his hand to thrust up into it a few times, making you wish that it was your pussy instead. “So glad I wore this ring today...everything feels so much stronger—”
You almost forgot about the cock ring for a second, licking your lips at the vibrating rubber. It was a pleasant surprise for tonight and your mind only ran off further into your fantasies. Imagining yourself riding this man, the vibrations hitting your clit repeatedly as his sizable hands dug into your ass, pulling you down occasionally to bury his dick deep, forcing you to writhe and whine on him as the stimulation came to be too much.
Your fingers wasted no time in upping the level of strength on your toy, eyes fluttering as you kept the end on your swollen bud now.
Time was lost on you as you kept teasing yourself, switching up the motions to match whatever V was doing to himself. Unfortunately, you found that you were getting worked up quicker than usual, your walls constantly clenching in need of something to fill it up. But you wanted to hold off, knowing that inserting the vibrator would bring you to your end sooner than expected.
“Shit...God, I wanna come so bad—”
Your head swung back up from leaning back to see V panting softly now, cheeks reddened and a light sweat starting to cover his face.
“Fuck, sorry guys, I don’t think I can last too long tonight— oh shit— All that edging is coming back to bite me in the ass...”
You weren’t mad at his announcement, at all. Turns out you were in the same predicament, this week having been a rough one that led to you having to spend a little time before the show teasing yourself in the shower. Licking your lips, you forced yourself to write something out, hoping he would see it in the midst of his ecstasy.
[Y/N]: it’s okay, baby, been worked up all day myself. Why don’t you open that shirt up before you make a mess on yourself?
V zeroed in on your suggestion, along with a few others, laughing in relief. “Oh, thank you...glad to know I’m not the only one. Don’t worry—” His free hand worked on unbuttoning his shirt as he husked, “I’ll make it up to you next time, promise.”
Too many times you’ve pictured your tongue running up each bump and circling around both of the dusky nipples. Your lips quirked, whether from the acknowledgment, his skin being slowly exposed or for something to look forward to next week, you didn’t know. For now, you focused on his trim torso that was soon revealed, a light sheen on the tanned skin.
“There, much better. Now...” V shifted to get more comfortable in his chair, hips resting on the edge now. “Shall we?”
You could never brace yourself for his strong and fluid thrusts, your breath always halting at the sight. The sounds of his fist hitting his groin echoed through the speakers and paired with his low growls and moans, prompting you to take it up a notch yourself as well. 
Taking in a deep breath, you moved the tip of the toy down to part your folds before pressing it inside with a short gasp, the vibrations already stimulating your needy walls. You bit down on your lip as you went in as far as you liked, taking a moment to pause and whimper as your toes dug into the comforter, feeling a bit overwhelmed for a second. 
After a minute, you began thrusting the device in and out, unable to match his pace but close enough that you could pretend that he was here in bed, fucking you instead of his hand.
The thought made your arousal leak out even more, dripping past the toy and down your ass. Maybe you should have gotten the towel out tonight.
As time went by, you couldn’t tell what was louder; the squelching of your pussy, V’s guttural groans or your own unabashed moans.
“Goddamn— You fucking yourself right now, baby?”
You knew he was talking to everyone as a whole but you whimpered out like he was directly in front of you.
V chuckled huskily, pausing on the thrusting to twist his hand a little faster over himself now. “Yeah? You better be…think about my cock spreading you out nice and well— Mm…” His mouth fell open in sheer bliss before his head fell back against the chair. “Oh baby…you feel so fucking good right now—!”
Your hand reached up under your t-shirt and rolled your nipple between your trembling fingers. “Oh V…”
You could tell by the way the tip of his cock was nearly red and the more frequent words coming out of his open mouth that he was close to coming. Fuck, you were too...
Your wrist was probably going to protest but you sped up the rhythm of your vibrator, knees bending back the closer you got to your climax. The hand on your breast groped the flesh as you watched V continue to work his hand over himself faster and faster until a strangled gasp escaped him all of a sudden.
“O-Oh fuck me...ah—!”
V forced his head to come up, breathing ragged as heavy onyx eyes looked directly into the camera. Directly into your soul.
“I can’t hold back anymore, baby. You better fucking come with me, mnh! Shit—“ He gave himself a harder squeeze before resuming his pace. “Come on, do it with me, come on—”
Not wanting to deny his plea, you focused on hitting your release, whispering out in desperation to the empty room, “Please baby, make me come, make me come on your big dick, please—!”
It only took less than a minute before V let out a choked sound before an audible groan came out, the back of his head smacking into the leather. This was immediately followed by a spurt of white shooting out of his tip, strong enough to land on his chest.
“O-Oh my God—! Fuck!”
With that, your own climax came in like a ton of bricks, forcing you to fall back onto the bed as you cried out into the darkness. “V!”
Somehow your hand was able to keep moving rather than seizing up with the rest of your body, the thrusting and vibrations on the verge of overstimulating you until you were forced to pause as you felt something drench your hand. You were too caught up in your orgasm to look, doing your best to ride it out until your body finally gave you a break. Slumping against the comforter and shutting the toy off, you panted as your hand slid down from your breast to rest on your stomach, taking a minute to calm down.
“S-Shit...damn, that was a lot...”
At the sound of V’s breathless exclamation, you compelled your head to lift up, gasping weakly at what greeted you.
V lounged in his chair as he looked down at his torso, covered in multiple streaks of his come from his upper chest all the way down to his bellybutton. If there was any doubt that he had been edging himself all day, it was wiped away with the physical evidence of his release.
“Good thing I opened my shirt up, haha...”
The model brought his head back up to shoot the camera a spent yet satisfied look, strands of his black hair sticking to his sweat-covered brow. “How was that, baby? Did you come hard too?”
You had to give a feeble nod, still feeling the aftershocks in your toes.
“Good, I think we both deserved it.”
Using what little strength you had left, you sat up and looked between your legs, flustering at the wet spot housed on the comforter. Looks like you would have to take a trip to the laundromat in the morning.
Carefully easing the vibrator out of yourself, you winced at the wet sound that emerged before you rested it on your hand towel, wiping your hand off on the rest of it. Looking at the screen again, you nibbled on your lip as you saw V raising a brow as he read over the chat.
“Mm...you want me to taste it?” Your breath caught at the suggestion. “I mean...why not?”
V obliged the request by picking up one of the trails with his pointer finger, slipping it into his mouth, closing his lips around it. The curious look on his face was replaced with one of mild distaste. “Hmm...not terrible but I wouldn’t do it again. I’m sure you guys would enjoy it much more than me though, right?”
You would give your left kidney for a chance to taste his come.
Now came the ending of the show, consisting of V continuing to talk to everyone while he cleaned himself off yet made no move to redress. His confidence in his body showed in the way he lounged in his chair despite the fact that everything was hanging out. Sometimes you envied him.
“Okay guys, you know I hate to do this but I have to go now.”
You couldn’t help but pout every time he did this, realizing that you’d have to wait a whole week until you saw his handsome face again.
“But before I sign off, I have a huge announcement!”
Now your ears perked up and your back straightened.
V gave the camera one of his boxy grins and clapped his hands together. “So! The other day, my manager and I talked things out with the company about that little contest I wanted to do.” A few viewers must have expressed their confusion as he clarified, “Ah, sorry, this was a couple of weeks ago so some of you might not have been around during the show. Well, I got the idea from a fellow cammer of mine and I wanted to give one of you beautiful people the chance to be my co-host for a day!”
Your jaw dropped as you let out a sound of incredulity. How could you have missed this? You hadn’t skipped any of his shows, maybe this was on a day where you came so hard that your ears were ringing for a while.
“And guess what?” He gave a thumbs up, teeth on full display. 
“We got the approval to go ahead! So starting tomorrow at 10 AM, we’re going to open up a link where you can enter to be a lucky winner! The contest will be open until next Friday at 10 PM so there’s plenty of time to enter. Each subscriber will have at least one chance to enter and certain actions will allow for multiple entries. All the details will be on the entry page along with contact info for any questions you have.”
The chat went into a frenzy with the announcement but all you could do was sit there, a giddiness building up in you. You tried not to get too excited though; you never had the best luck when it came to contests.
“Alright everyone, that’s all I can give for now. And for safety reasons, the winner will be emailed by my manager and not publicly announced. Not saying that I don’t trust you guys but we want this to go as smoothly as possible.”
With that, V gave everyone a pleasant smile.
“I wish you all good luck if you decide to enter. Have a good night and please enjoy your weekend. Until next time—“ He held his thumb and index finger together in the shape of a heart, pressing it to his lips before holding it out to the camera. 
And just like that, the black rectangle returned.
A contest where you could end up doing a show with V…
You had to admit that you were surprised that the model was even doing this in the first place. He had been mainly solo in his work, never indicating that he wanted another person to join him. Not that you were complaining.
If you got the chance to win, you could only imagine all of the things you’d want to do with him.
But a sudden yawn burst from your chest, leaving you unable to think of what you could do. Sighing, you got up and began cleaning; the least you had to do was take a quick shower and strip your soaking comforter.
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“Yes, I…no, I did send the financial report to Ryujin. Can you ask if it may have ended up in her junk mail by accident?” A pause. “…yes, I understand but tech support still hasn’t gotten back to me on why my emails keep going there.”
You rolled your eyes, glad for the cubicle.
“Mhm…yes, I’ll try to have the request expedited. And—“ Your brow raised. “Wh— Tomorrow? But isn’t the deadline over two weeks from now?”
You listened to the voice on the other end go on for almost two minutes before you could get a word in.
“Yes, I understand. I will do my best to have it on your desk by then. Okay, goodbye.”
It was difficult not to slam your phone onto the receiver with the bullshit that just happened. Of course, your boss had to question whether you were capable of your job while dumping more work on your already full load.
And it was only Monday.
“For fuck’s sake…”
You grumbled to yourself, shaking your head as you turned to your monitor, looking for the email tech support had sent to you a week ago saying that they would have your issue fixed within two days. Lying bastards.
After typing a strongly worded follow up to them, you sat back in your chair and sighed, rubbing your temple as you tried to hold off the faint throbbing there. Thankfully, you only had fifteen minutes to go before you had an hour to eat and do something that would ease your stress for the rest of the workday. 
You decided to send an email to Mark, reminding him to send you the contact list for the latest clients. The two of you went back and forth until your alarm went off, signaling the beginning of your lunch break.
Deciding to hit up the buffet down the street, you walked in to get your usual options before taking a seat in the upstairs dining area, plopping down next to the window to get a good view of the bustling streets. You scrolled through your phone as you ate, smiling and shaking your head at some of the ridiculous posts Jules sent you. After replying to each one, you decided to check your personal email.
You were looking to delete the junk and make a mental note of any good sales going on but a part of your brain couldn’t help but wonder about the contest.
You earned about five entries, between subscribing to V and your donations, upping your chance a bit but you weren’t expecting much. The entry page had closed Friday night and you hadn’t heard anything. To say you were disappointed would be an understatement. All you could do was give your well wishes to whoever the lucky winner was and make sure to support them by rooting them on this Friday (even though you would be wishing you were in their place).
Sighing, you took a sip of your drink, ready to close your email until you spotted a message from an unfamiliar email.
The sender was Jung Hoseok and the only part of the conversation you could see was a basic greeting. Figuring that it was just spam, you decided to get a laugh out of whatever ridiculousness they tried to send you now and opened it.
Sender: Jung Hoseok ([email protected])
Title: Congratulations!
Hello Y/N,
We would like to congratulate you on being the lucky winner of the Victory Lap with V contest on behalf of the company!
V appreciates your support for his work and looks forward to spending a day with you! We apologize for the delay in contacting you, our process in deciding a winner is meticulous in order to weed out bots or cheaters, we aim to give all of our loyal viewers a fair chance. With that in mind, there are procedures and rules that must be followed before we can proceed, though.
Bangbangtan strives to keep its employees safe and healthy and requires the following:
A face to face meetup to discuss rules for the show (Skype is allowed if unable to meet in person)
Printed results of a recent STD test with negative results (must be within three days of meeting up)
(For female-identifying viewers) some form of birth control if condoms do not want to be used (condoms will be required if you are NOT on it)
Failure to follow any of these requirements will result in you losing your spot in which we will be contacting the runner-up instead. Please respect our rules and understand that these are in place for a reason.
To set up a time and date to meet, please reply to this email ASAP; a meeting must be made by Wednesday afternoon, the latest.
Once again, congratulations on winning, we look forward to working with you!
Jung Hoseok
Client Manager | Social Media Manager
Your fork dropped faster than your mouth did.
No way.
No fucking way.
Was this real?
Maybe some sleazeball had gotten your email and decided to play a prank on you.
Picking up your now dirty utensil, you placed it to the side before squinting at the message. Unsure about the legitimacy of this, you opened up the reply window and typed out a message that was along the lines of gratefulness tinged with skepticism. After sending it out, you got up to grab another fork and a refill.
Sitting back down, you refreshed your email, not expecting an immediate answer from the supposed manager. But lo and behold, a new message popped up.
You opened it with hesitation, only for it to ebb away the more you read.
Sender: Jung Hoseok ([email protected])
Title: Re: Re: Congratulations!
Hello Y/N,
Please, don’t apologize for questioning this email, it’s understandable that you would be wary! This is a legitimate message but I can send you a link to my page on the company website for you to look over. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible so don’t hesitate to ask any more questions.
Jung Hoseok
Client Manager | Social Media Manager
And with that, you opened the link, praying that nothing too compromising was on there. Luckily, it was a simple page with a picture of a handsome man with a rather bright smile and equally luminescent platinum blonde hair. And below that and his bio were pictures and links to his clients that he handled. Sure enough, V’s black and white photo was in the beginning, making your heart skip as it all set in.
You won.
You fucking won!
It wasn’t a scream, but a sound of elation escaped your lips, prompting the one diner near you to look at you funny. You shot them a sheepish smile before looking down at your phone again, gaze locked in on the smoldering model on the screen. To think that you actually got lucky with this opportunity...
You were so excited that you almost forgot to look over your schedule and message Hoseok back with details on where to meet up this week. After going back and forth, the two of you agreed to meet up Wednesday around lunch hour at a cafe that was twenty minutes away but made up for it with bomb croissants. Marking it down in your calendar, you remembered to contact the nearest clinic to see if you could get in for a test before you went home for the day.
The rest of your workday went by with the usual crap but you had a pep in your step as you went to get tested. It was hard not to laugh at how the worker was confused as to how happy you were asking for an STD check, used to tears or scowls. But you left after the screening to head home for the day, hoping that tomorrow would go smoothly.
Of course, you were asking for too much as your boss reprimanded you for your email issue still not getting resolved (how was that your fault?) and making a minor mistake on the charts that needed more than one day to perfect (but someone insisted on having it way ahead of the deadline). 
You were this close to telling them to shove their paperweight up their ass and walking out of that office with your belongings. But there was a funny little thing called rent that wouldn’t care that you decided to stand up to your superior. The only thing that got you through the rest of the day was rereading the congratulatory email, your frown easing up each time.
And then came Wednesday.
You got to work bright and early, hoping you’d be able to go out a bit sooner than expected for your lunch. The clinic had called you too late yesterday to say that your results were ready (they were negative, thank goodness) so you had to run there before the meeting. You managed to sneak out without your boss noticing, speed-walking to the building in your heels. You were making good time with the papers in your hand until a traffic jam blocked off the intersection, cursing at the idiot truck driver who decided to try and beat the yellow light. Now you had to nearly run to get to the cafe, trying not to look like a hot mess when you blew through the glass door, sweating underneath your blouse and blazer.
Giving one of the waitresses a flustered smile back, you scanned the dining area to see if you could spot Hoseok and V. Sure enough, a head of platinum blond hair and one of black hair sat by one of the windows, facing away from you. Straightening your posture and wiping off the sweat on your brow, you walked over to the table, clearing your throat to catch their attention.
It was hard not to feel a little weak at the two handsome faces that smiled up at you now.
“Yes, that’s me!”
Hoseok got up first with a sunny grin, holding out a hand to you. 
“Hello, nice to meet you! Jung Hoseok, I’m V’s manager. Well, you already figured that out in our emails but I have to be formal and all that crap.”
You giggled at this man’s easygoing disposition as you shook his hand, already feeling your nerves lessening. “Understandable. It’s lovely to meet you too!”
Hoseok let go and stepped aside to allow the other man to come forward. “And well, I’m sure you know this guy as well but I’ll let him introduce himself anyways.”
It took everything in you not to faint at the sight of the gorgeous being standing in front of you.
Seeing V in person in the daytime was completely different to seeing him in the dim purple lighting of his bedroom. His expression was less sensual and his face softer, cheeks pronounced as he grinned at you. 
The eyes that would practically fuck you through the camera squinted in humor at the awestruck look on your face. But it was still him. The parted black hair, the tall and lean form in a button-up with palm leaves and hibiscus that only someone like V could pull off.
And then he opened his mouth.
“Hello Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Yup. It was him, alright.
You realized that you were leaving him hanging, clearing the lump in your throat before you took his hand into yours, screaming internally at how it nearly engulfed your own.
“I-It’s nice to meet you as well, V. I still can’t believe this is happening...”
V chuckled. “Oh, believe it. And please, you don’t have to keep calling me by my stage name.”
You blinked. “Oh...what should I call you, then?”
“Taehyung will do. Tae is fine, too.”
You couldn’t lie, you felt pretty special right now to have this privilege. “Okay...Taehyung.”
Taehyung smiled wider. “Much better. Here, take a seat.”
He went to the other side and pulled your chair out for you, making your cheeks warm as you thanked him before sitting down. Once the other two men took their seats, Hoseok called a waiter over to have everyone place their orders. The three of you made small talk as you waited, although you had to behave and try not to let your eyes linger on Taehyung for too long, still fascinated at seeing him in the flesh. Thankfully, the food and drinks didn’t take long to arrive.
“So Y/N—”
You looked up at Hoseok after taking a bite of your chocolate-filled croissant.
“Do you have any prior experience with being on film?”
Swallowing the pastry, you shook your head. “No, not at all. I mean, I was considering on camming at one point in time but I never followed through.”
“Oh really? Why the change of heart?”
“Mm, I couldn’t think of what to do that would help me stand out, the market is pretty oversaturated as it is. Whatever I could do was way out of my comfort zone.”
Taehyung chuckled after sipping his coffee. “I hear you, it’s hard to stand out in an industry like this. I went through the same thing in the beginning until I finally got my footing.”
You blinked in surprise at his admission. “Really? You?”
“Mhm.” Taehyung set his cup down. “A nice face and body can only take you so far if you don’t have the personality to back it up.”
Hoseok jumped in, “And I’ve seen that way too many times for my liking. A young hot thing comes into the office thinking that they’ve got it made because they were blessed with good looks only to tap out after a month.” He sighed and shook his head. 
“It’s a shame but the cam life isn’t for everyone, you know?”
You nodded in understanding, taking a sip of your iced tea. “That’s why I admire people like V— I mean, Taehyung. It’s unfair that some want to label this work as illegitimate, I mean, it is a job at the end of the day.”
Both men lit up at your comment. “Exactly! Clothes on or off, you’re still making a living, right?”
You grinned at Hoseok’s chipper tone. “Right!”
Taehyung flashed his teeth at you. “Hyung, I think we’ve picked a good one here, I like her attitude.”
As if you weren’t already feeling flustered, he just had to go and say that.
“Oh, don’t flatter me so much. I mean, I am one of your biggest fans but—”
Before you realized it, the praise flew out of your mouth, making your eyes widen. Way to sound like a typical admirer!
“W-Wait, I—”
Both Taehyung and Hoseok laughed at your backtracking, the former waving you off with a humorous grin. 
“Ah, relax Y/N, I appreciate the kind words, really! It’s much different hearing it in person than through a virtual chat—” His head tilted. “Good to know at least one of my followers isn’t a bot.”
His little joke made a giggle escape, forcing yourself to break eye contact from his warm gaze as you shoved the last of your croissant in your mouth. Your embarrassment ebbed as the three of you continued to eat and converse. Once your dishes were removed, Hoseok cleared his throat.
“Okay, now that we’re all happy and full, let’s get down to business.”
You almost forgot what you were here for, thanks to the interesting conversations you were having.
Nodding, you watched as the manager reached down into his bag on the floor, pulling out a small stack of papers on a clipboard and a fountain pen. Hoseok set it down in the middle of the table before speaking in a more professional tone.
“As I mentioned in the email, we must discuss the rules required for us to allow you to perform with Taehyung. It’s not a mile-long list but I need you to understand that each one is non-negotiable—” His face steeled. 
“Failure to comply with any of them will result in you forfeiting your spot. Is that understandable, Y/N?”
You did your best not to swallow at how Hoseok did a 180 just now, keeping a straight face as you gave a firm nod. “Yes, I understand.”
Hoseok’s face lightened up a bit at your answer. “Excellent. Then let’s get started.”
He flipped the first two pages open to a paper with a numbered list. “These are all the rules, read each of them thoroughly and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.”
You brought the clipboard closer to read over it.
Negative test results for possible STDs must be presented at the time of this meeting. The test must be taken within three days and valid. Any suspicion of false or forged results will result in the termination of the winner’s spot.
Birth control is required, via (female-presenting winners) pill, shot, IUD or condoms. If the winner is negative yet is not on birth control, condoms will be required.
If the model has a pseudonym, please use it on camera in order to protect their identity.
Respect each other’s boundaries. Consent is key for our clients and everyone has things they are and are not willing to try. Safewords must be defined and respected (if used) and the winner must read over and understand the client’s list of kinks they are comfortable and uncomfortable with. Failure to do so will result in termination of the winner’s spot and possible legal action.
(OPTIONAL) Winners are allowed to hide their identity on film. We understand that having your face and name connected to sex work can be risky and respect any wishes to keep it private.
Winners will receive a share of the profits from the show/video. Footage may not be used for your own profits; this includes reuploading to other sites or editing. Personal use is permitted, we encourage our viewers to look back on their time with our clients fondly!
You hummed a few times as you processed each of the rules. Hoseok was right, the list wasn’t long at all but the weight of it was sinking in, especially on the fifth one. Although, you were pleased to see that this company took the well-being of their employees seriously, at least from what was on the paper. It also surprised you to read the last rule, thinking that you would be doing this for free (not that you wouldn’t let Taehyung do many things to you for free).
Looking up when you were done, you gave both men a smile. “These all sound pretty reasonable, does anyone ever give you trouble?”
Hoseok rolled his dark eyes. “Oh, you’d be surprised. I haven’t had problems since I started managing Tae but my other clients have had issues. One particular person had to get blacklisted because they refused to accept any of these.”
You scoffed. “Always has to be that one person.”
“Seriously. But back on track—” He picked up the pen and held it out to you. “You’re on board with all of these rules, correct?”
“Yes, I am.”
Hoseok beamed. “Excellent! There’s a line on the bottom for your signature so please give it a scribble when you’re ready.”
Taking the pen from him, you signed in the designated area before he flipped through the next couple of pages, going over details concerning how filming works and suggestions on how to prepare. Thank God he summarized each page because your eyes were beginning to hurt at the large amount of tiny words. You kept on until he finally reached a page that had your brows lifting and your face warming.
“And here’s the Kinks and Consent list! These are all acts that Taehyung is interested in and comfortable with—” Hoseok chuckled. 
“I’m sure you’re familiar with some of these by now but we have these written down for transparency. Now, these aren’t all guaranteed to occur during filming and you have every right not to perform the ones you aren’t comfortable with.” Now he flipped to the next page, a carbon copy of the previous one but blank. 
“So we’ll have you write down what you’re content with so you can discuss it with Taehyung and come to an agreement.”
Nodding, your brain tried to come up with what exactly you were into, aside from the vanilla stuff. Tapping your pen on the table, you took a couple of minutes to think before you began writing. Thankfully, Hoseok and Taehyung chose to have their own conversation rather than stare at you. You didn’t need that added pressure right now.
It took about ten minutes but you caught their attention after you set the pen down. “All done!”
Taehyung smiled at you. “Great! Alright, let me see what you’ve got.”
Sliding the clipboard and pen over to him, you watched with bated breath as the model looked over the list, occasionally humming or raising his brow. After what felt like an eternity, Taehyung looked up with a boxy grin. 
“You’ve got some interesting things on here, Y/N. Nothing too out of my comfort zone, though.”
You sighed in relief, slumping in your chair a bit. “Thank God.”
He chuckled at your reaction. “Here, take a look at mine and feel free to let me know if you’re not okay with any of them.”
You flipped back to the previous page to look over Taehyung’s list. As Hoseok said, you weren’t too surprised at most of them but a couple had you blinking in wonder. You discussed those with the model, letting him know if they could be skipped for now. He gave you an emphatic nod, urging you to cross them out for reference. Once you got to a point where you were satisfied, you signed on your own page.
Hoseok grinned and clapped his hands together. “Great! So you’re both on board with each other’s lists?”
The two of you gave your affirmation, receiving a pleased sound from the manager. 
“Wonderful! Alright, now I need a couple of things from you, Y/N, and then we can wrap this up.”
“Of course, what do you need?”
“I’m going to need your test results and I just have to ask you a few questions and jot down your answers.”
“Got it.”
You grabbed your papers from the empty seat and handed them over to Hoseok, who had slipped on a pair of oversized black reading glasses. He took a minute to read over everything, nodding in satisfaction. 
“Everything looks good here.” He handed the papers back to you before flipping to yet another page in the stack, bringing the clipboard closer to him and picking up the pen. “So, I’ll have to ask you questions regarding preferences, just so everything is clear-cut.”
You clasped your hands on the table. “Shoot.”
“Okay.” The blond cleared his throat. “Are you on birth control?”
“Yes, I’ve been on the shot for a few years now.”
Hoseok nodded while writing. “Good. Would you prefer Taehyung to wear a condom, regardless?”
You had to look off to the side to think. “...he doesn’t have to.”
“Okay. This next one might be a bit awkward but it’s necessary.” A brow raised. “Would you prefer he come inside or outside?”
You were glad your iced tea was long gone or else you would have choked on it. The heat in your cheeks flared. “I-I...I think outside would be best, less of a mess to clean up.”
“Understandable.” More scribbling. “And last one, do you want to use a pseudonym and have your face obscured for privacy?”
That one, you had to take a moment to yourself to ponder. Maybe you should say yes just in case someone from your job happened to be strolling along the camsite one night and saw your face. But somehow, you couldn’t bring yourself to care that much. Not like this was your dream job in the first place...
“No...I’ll show my face and use my name, I don’t mind.”
Hoseok looked at you for a couple of seconds, watching for hesitation before nodding and jotting down your answer. As soon as he finished, he slid the clipboard to you once more. “Alright, I just need one last signature from you and then we’re done.”
Taking the pen from him, you signed on the bottom line before setting it down on top. “There.”
With that, Hoseok removed his glasses and shot you a sunny smile. “Fantastic!” He looked over at Taehyung. “Well Tae, what do you think?”
Taehyung looked up in thought for a moment, keeping you on your toes until he gave you a boxy grin. “I think Friday is going to be a lot of fun with you around, Y/N.”
You lit up like a lamp at his approval, eyes twinkling in delight. “So is that a yes?”
“It’s a definite yes.”
The men chuckled at the sound of glee you let out. “Great! I can’t wait! Oh, hold on, one more thing—” Your head tilted. “Is there anything special I should wear?”
Both Hoseok and Taehyung shook their heads, the former speaking first. “No Y/N, all we ask is that you look put together so wear whatever makes you comfortable.”
“Although, it’d be easy on everyone if you wore something that could come off easily…”
The younger man blinked at his manager, now giving him a deadpan look. “What, am I wrong?”
“You’re not but could you say it in a less perverted way?”
Taehyung shrugged. “Didn’t mean it like that, blame my natural voice.”
You wondered how true that was when you caught him shooting you a wink from the side, making your cheeks warm a little.
“Anyways—” Hoseok held his hand out to you with a grin. “Congratulations again on winning, we’re happy to be working with you, Y/N!”
You quickly shook his hand. “Likewise. Thank you for the opportunity!”
Taehyung reached out to shake yours next, giving it a subtle squeeze that made your stomach flutter. “It’s my pleasure, Y/N. I hope we’ll have a good time together!
All you could do was show your excitement with the brightest smile you could muster, not trusting your mouth to not blurt out something else embarrassing.
The three of you parted ways after the bill was paid (you tried to insist on giving your share but Hoseok was having none of it), promising to keep in contact with each other if any unexpected changes came up. You were flying high the rest of the day, even when Felix passed off his work onto you yet again and tech support told you that they had to reopen your wonky email case.
As long as Friday was still a go, nothing could kill your mood.
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Whoever said global warming is a myth needed to get their face shoved in a lava pit.
It was nighttime and the A/C in your Lyft was on high. The morning was much worse, forcing you to forgo your usual blazer in favor of a light cardigan at work. You had to keep checking your shirt for pit stains as well since the air in the office decided to act up today, of all days.
But you stopped yourself and pushed any thoughts of your crappy job from your mind, looking to focus on what would be occurring in the next hour.
You were on your way to Taehyung’s house for the show, Hoseok having given you the address the other day with instructions to come at least thirty minutes early. Maybe you were a little overzealous in leaving on time, seeing as you were five minutes away and it was only 9:13.
Nothing wrong with punctuality, right?
As soon as you got home from work, you spent hours grooming yourself, picking out an outfit and looking up articles of dirty talk online. You were so engrossed in everything that your dumb ass almost forgot to eat something. At least you had leftovers from lunch to gorge on.
You had also debated on how dressed up you should be, seeing as how you were going to have everything ripped off at some point. But you didn’t want to look like a slob and a tiny part of you wanted to impress Taehyung without trying too hard. So you ended up deciding on a sleeveless shirt (minus a bra) and denim shorts and chose to go for a bare face, putting extra attention on your hair.
And before you knew it, it was time to call for a ride.
The car stopped all of a sudden, prompting you to look up in surprise to see a row of houses outside the window. Thanking the driver, you got out and forced yourself to go up the walkway to stand in front of the door, nervousness starting to set in. You came this far, you couldn’t back out now, not after getting their hopes up.
“Look, you’ve got this, Y/N. Just think about how much fun you’re going to have and try not to focus on the fact that a ton of strangers will be watching you have sex...”
Whatever reassurance you felt was swept away by the latter part.
You cursed to yourself. You and your stupid mouth.
Ringing the doorbell, you tapped your foot in order to give your nerves an outlet. You didn’t have much time to do it as the door opened, revealing the grinning face of Hoseok.
“Ah, Y/N, welcome! Come in, come in.” He stepped aside to let you enter the house. “Tae’s finishing up upstairs, he should be down any second now.”
Nodding, you looked around as Hoseok led you down the entryway and into a living room. Taehyung’s house had a simple and cozy vibe with various shades of black, brown and blue thrown around. You spotted picture frames with abstract art and various jazz musicians, not surprising to you as Taehyung had mentioned his interests outside of sex work.
“Take a seat, make yourself comfortable. Mr. Movie Star is fussing with his hair even though I told him it’s most likely going to get messed up.”
You giggled at how Hoseok rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that wouldn’t make much sense, would it?”
“Right?! Ah, I knew I liked you for a reason.”
Laughing at the thankful look the manager gave you, you decided to take a seat on the leather couch, sitting upright. No point in getting too comfortable when Taehyung could arrive any second. Next to the couch, you spotted a rolling desk with a laptop set up on it, tilting your head in question.
“Is that yours, Hoseok?”
“Please, Y/N, call me Hobi. And yes, it is! Gotta moderate the chat room and be on standby in case anything happens during the show.”
Your eyes widened a bit at the last part of his statement. “A-Anything? Like what?”
Hoseok shrugged, hands in the pockets of his dress pants. “Oh, you know, the toy gets stuck somewhere, the model starts saying things they’re not supposed to, stuff like that.”
You winced at his explanation, hoping none of that would occur today. Hoseok noticed your reaction and slipped his hands out to hold them up in a comforting gesture. 
“Ah, don’t worry though! That usually happens with some of my other clients but I’ve never had an issue with Tae before. Besides, judging by what was written in the contract—” He gave you a sunny smile. “I’m confident you two won’t have any problems.”
His reassurance did help a little but you couldn’t help but worry. Not about Taehyung but yourself. This was way out of your element. Hopefully you could calm down by the time the show started, not wanting to embarrass yourself and have Taehyung feeling like he should have picked another viewer to join him instead.
“Hyung, I’m ready! Is Y/N here yet?”
You and Hoseok looked out into the entryway where the deep voice came from.
“Yeah, she just arrived! Get your butt down here!”
Immediately, footsteps were heard bounding down a flight of stairs before Taehyung’s tall form appeared in the doorway, a pleased smile on his handsome face as he saw you. To your surprise, he wasn’t as formal today, opting for a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Didn’t mitigate his good looks whatsoever. If anything, it drew more attention to them.
“Y/N, good to see you again!”
You smiled at Taehyung, standing up as he walked over to let him give you a hug. Your nose twitched at the wafting scent of cologne and body wash coming from him. “Same to you!”
Taehyung stepped back, giving you an apologetic look. “Sorry for the wait, had to take a shower, the heat today killed me.”
“Ugh, tell me about it. It’s so late and yet it’s still so hot.” You motioned to your outfit. “I wasn’t planning to wear shorts tonight but Mother Nature said ‘fuck you’.”
Taehyung let his eyes travel over you, nodding. “Gotta do what makes you comfortable, right?”
Hoseok walked over to his laptop, peeking at whatever was on the screen. 
“Looks like everyone is filing in already. Tae and Y/N, why don’t the two of you head up and get settled in before the show starts?”
Taehyung nodded. “Sure.” He turned to you and held an arm out towards the hallway. “Shall we?”
You nodded and gave Hoseok a pleasant smile. “Well, here we go…”
He walked back to you and rested a hand on your shoulder, giving you an encouraging grin. “Don’t worry, you’ve got this. Just do what feels right and don’t push yourself too hard. Besides—“ He beamed at his client. 
“You’re in good hands here.”
With his words, you felt your worries ease a smidge, especially with how he vouched for Taehyung. “Thank you Hobi. See you when it’s all over.”
“Absolutely. Have fun, you two! Don’t be afraid to let me know if you need anything at all, I’ll be sitting here the whole time.”
The two of you gave him a thumbs up before Taehyung started leading the way out and up the stairs. At the end of the hallway was an open door that you followed him into, mouth opening at the somewhat familiar sight. His bedroom looked the exact same as it did in his videos, minus the purple lighting but with the addition of objects that gave hints as to who V was outside of camming.
A vase with a single rose on his dresser. The empty dog bed at the far corner of the room. And an easel with a half-finished painting over by the window.
“And here’s where the magic happens.”
Your lips twitched at his words, giving the model an amused look. “Quite the setup you’ve got here.”
Taehyung chuckled as you went along with his joke. “Thanks, it doubles as a sleeping space too.”
“Oh my God.” You couldn’t help but laugh and shake your head. “So you’re a comedian too? What can’t you do?”
“Well—” He pouted. “I can’t change a tire or binge watch a show in one day.”
Now you laughed even louder, feeling your anxiety going away even more. “Come on Tae, you need to fix that one of these days!”
“I will, I will, promise!”
With his puppy-eyed look, you giggled. Deciding to get comfortable before everything started, you went to the foot of the bed and sat down, Taehyung joining you soon after. The two of you remained quiet for a bit until he decided to break the silence.
“Feeling nervous?”
You looked up from your lap to see him gazing at you with his dark eyes. “Honestly, yes.”
Taehyung gave you a sympathetic smile, reaching a hand up to rest it on your bare shoulder (his touch felt so warm). “I can imagine, it’s a lot to handle. But a part of you must have really wanted to be on here or else you wouldn’t have signed up, no?”
“No, you’re right. I think...” You twiddled your thumbs and looked down again. “I think it’s a mix of that plus having to perform with someone way more experienced in this than I am. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Taehyung’s smile dimmed a bit at your admission. “Y/N, don’t count yourself out before we’ve even started. Besides...can I tell you something?”
Your head came up to give him a curious gaze. “Sure.”
His tongue ran out over his lips as his eyes darted off to the side for a while before returning. He looked almost timid now. “I’m pretty nervous too.”
Eyes widening in disbelief, you questioned, “You? Nervous? But you do this so often, why are you nervous?”
“Well, this is the first time I’m doing anything with another person. At least with myself, I know what my limits are and how to time things out, you know?”
Your face softened in understanding. “No, I get what you’re saying. But if you’re going to perform with me just like you do when you’re alone, then I think you’ll be fine.”
That seemed to ease Taehyung’s worries as his smile returned. “Thanks, Y/N...heh, look at this, I should be the one reassuring you, not the other way around!”
“Oh stop, does it really matter how it goes?” You beamed at the other before giving him a double thumbs-up. “I think we’ll be fine. Like Hobi said, I’m in good hands.”
Just when you thought you couldn’t feel more drawn to him, Taehyung grinned so wide that the backs of his teeth showed and his eyes squinted. He reflected your thumbs-up. “Then I guess we’ve got this in the bag.”
With that, the two of you spent the rest of the free time getting to know each other. You told him about what you did for a living and what you liked to do outside of that. Taehyung did likewise, revealing that he worked at an art museum and created his own paintings as well. Your jaw dropped when he mentioned that some of the frames you saw downstairs were his own works, commending him on his talent. He got a bit bashful and explained how he would love to do it full-time but it wasn’t enough to make a living, hence why he cammed on the side.
But before you realized, he looked over at his computer, jumping up to finish setting up for the show.
You thought your nervousness was gone but it decided to make a comeback now that it was actually about to happen.
Your fingers dug into the sheets while you gnawed on your bottom lip, watching as Taehyung double-checked everything. You hoped you disguised your anxiety enough when he turned back around to give you an expectant look.
“We’ve got two minutes to go...are you ready?”
Fuck no.
Taehyung’s boxy grin came back before he ran out into the hallway, shouting down the stairs. “Hobi-hyung, we’re ready!”
“Alright Tae, we’re all set up down here, connection looks good and no one’s complaining about issues getting into the chat. We’re good to go!”
“Great!” With that, Taehyung ran back in, shutting the door behind him before messing with the lighting, causing you to jump as the room went from soft white to rich purple. He then walked over to the stereo and turned on some light jazz music, adding to the atmosphere. Once he was done, he plopped back down in his previous spot. 
“Alright Y/N, just keep your eye on the webcam as much as you can. And try to talk to the viewers a bit too, reading and answering their questions makes them happy.” He shot you a smirk.
“But I’m sure you knew that already, right?”
Clearing your throat as your face heated up, you nodded. “Y-Yeah, I did.”
“Good. Looks like it’s showtime—” His hand came up to give you a gentle pat on the back. “You’re going to do great.”
You didn’t have time to thank him for his encouragement as the screen changed, showing a mirror image of you and Taehyung sitting together with the side portion consisting of the chatroom. Your eyes did their best not to bug out as you looked at the lens and straightened your posture.
“Hello everyone! Welcome back, I hope you all had an excellent week.” Taehyung read over the few comments asking how his week went. “Oh, you know, the usual bullshit but I’ve been pretty anxious for today...”
As he trailed off, his head turned towards you to give a bright grin (which you did your best to reflect). “Because we’ve got the lucky winner here today! Why don’t you introduce yourself to the chat?”
Nodding a little too quickly, you cleared the lump in your throat once more and gave a shy wave to the camera. “H-Hello everybody, I’m Y/N, um...” Oh right. “It’s nice to meet you all, but I’m sure I’ve talked to a few of you before, haha...”
Taehyung chuckled. “Thank you for joining me, Y/N. Are you excited to be here?”
“Of course!” You had to bite back your radiant grin as you tapped your feet on the wooden floor. “I-I still can’t believe I won...this is still a lot to process.”
“Well, believe it—” He scooted closer to bump his knee against yours. “This is the real deal and we’re going to have some fun today, right?”
You were ready to answer right away but the way his voice lowered towards the end tripped you up. “R-Right.”
Taehyung kept his professionalism going by continuing to interact with the chat and you but he could feel how restless you were. If you weren’t clasping your hands or gripping onto his sheets, you were bouncing your feet on his floor. And then you stuttered nearly every time you opened your mouth...
Especially whenever one of the viewers complimented or congratulated you.
“T-Thank you dom_chungha...”
Taehyung frowned lightly at the tremble in your voice, seeing the way you were fidgeting as well. Seems like you weren’t as relaxed as you made yourself out to be.
There was no way you would be able to do the show like this.
Taehyung interjected whenever a question was directed to him, coming up with a plan while he watched you continue to acknowledge and speak to the chat. But after a couple of minutes, his idea came to fruition, leading him to rest a hand on your forearm (blinking at how you damn near jumped out of your skin at the contact).
You turned your head and gave him an unsteady smile. “Y-Yes?”
Humming softly at your expression, he scooted back a bit on the edge of the bed before spreading his legs further to pat the space between them. “Why don’t you come and sit here? Might be more comfortable, no?”
Your eyes nearly bugged out at his offer, the sweet smile on his face completely inappropriate for the situation. But it was so tempting to give in and judging by the way his head tilted, it looked like he had a motive behind it. So you nodded slowly, getting up only to plant your bottom in the designated spot. As soon as you sat down, Taehyung held your upper arms and gently pulled your body back to rest against his, leaning down to whisper in your ear when he felt you tense up further.
“Relax, Y/N.” His hands started rubbing on your bare skin, goosebumps forming from the heated touch. “Just breathe. Pretend it’s me and you, no one else.”
Giving him a subtle nod, you continued to lounge against him, finding the firmness and warmth of his figure to be comforting. You weren’t sure if it was his words, the way he delivered them in his bassy voice or his touch but you found the uneasiness in your body ebbing away after some time. Almost like you were sitting in front of a giant teddy bear. The thought nearly made you giggle.
Now that you were distracted from your nerves, you went back to reading the comments popping up in the chat. You spotted a familiar username on the screen, lips twitching at what they typed out.
“Aw, sorry babyJ13, maybe next time you’ll win. I’ll be rooting for you!”
Taehyung’s own lips curled as your voice sounded less shaky now. Peeking on the screen again, he chuckled at the same person sending another message, complete with puppy eye emojis at the end. 
“Yeah? You think Y/N is a lucky girl, baby?”
You giggled softly at the praise, leaning further into the man behind you. “I certainly feel like one right now.”
With the smile you shot him over your shoulder, Taehyung felt his heart skip a bit and heat began to rush down south. It was so much nicer to see the confidence on your face rather than uncertainty. Maybe he could start to take baby steps towards his end goal now...
Licking his lips, he rested his chin on your shoulder, hands still working on your arms. “Do you?”
“Mhm...it didn’t sink in until this morning that I get to do this with you. I was nervous all day but I prepared as best as I could.”
“Oh? What did you do?”
You looked up in thought, tapping your foot on the wooden floor. “I made a nice breakfast, exercised a bit, took a nice, long shower before I came here...just whatever would help me relax.”
Taehyung nodded, ready to move on until he noticed that you seemed to have more to say but held your tongue. 
“Is that all?”
Out of habit, you withheld the last bit of info that made up your routine. But then you looked back at Taehyung and spotted those chocolate brown eyes giving you gentle encouragement. The last bit of your walls were coming down, thanks to this man; the least you could do was be completely honest with him.
“...no, that’s not all.”
With a raise of his brow, you wet your dry lips and continued speaking. “Well...ever since I woke up this morning...I’ve been touching myself.”
Taehyung’s breath hitched at the admission as he fought to keep his hips steady. “Yeah?”
You looked completely into his eyes. “Yeah. But I never let myself come...wanted to work myself up and save it for you, V. I’m sure you won’t disappoint me, right?”
The undercurrent of a challenge in your question and your gaze made his cock twinge, his grip on you tightening a mite as he pulled his bottom lip under his top teeth.
“I won’t. I aim to please all of my fans.”
You had temporarily forgotten about the audience that was present until he said that, your back straightening up a little as some of your anxiety returned. Taehyung frowned as he noticed this, cursing himself for being the cause. Wanting to get you calm again, he lowered his voice some more, tilting his chin down to look up at you under lowered lids.
“Y/N...how did you do it?”
You blinked, wondering if you heard him wrong. “H-Huh?”
“I said, how did you do it? How did you touch yourself?” He leaned in close, the tip of his nose close to touching yours as he husked, “I want...no, I need to know.”
Just when you thought your panties had a little more time to stay somewhat dry, he just had to do that. Who were you kidding, though? You had been wet practically all day but the second you stepped into Taehyung’s house, your arousal had increased to an all-time high. Your poor underwear had no chance of surviving today.
Swallowing the spit that had been gathering, you bit your lip, doing your best not to look away from his intense gaze. “I...well, usually I use a couple of toys and my hands but...I didn’t want to get carried away so I just stuck with my hands.”
“Huh...” Taehyung tilted his head, lips peeling back to allow his white teeth to peek out. “Do you mind giving me a play by play, baby?”
Your mouth popped open at his request, that smirk of his never fading, even as you gaped at him. Did he really just ask you to play with yourself in front of him? In front of thousands of viewers? Surprisingly, the thought wasn’t too intimidating. If he could do it weekly with no hesitation, why couldn’t you indulge just this once? No one in your personal life would know that you did such a thing (except for Jules but she hadn’t watched the show in months and made no indication that she was starting back up) and the only information the chat knew about you was your face and name. Plus the room was dimmed and shrouded in purple lighting, hiding most of your features that would make you recognizable in public...
Fuck it.
Giving Taehyung a nod, you reached up and removed his hands off you before standing up to face him, making sure not to block the camera. Keeping your eyes locked with him as best as you could, you took in a deep breath and placed your hands on the waistband of your shorts. Sliding down to the button, you popped it open and grabbed at the zipper, taking your sweet time pulling it down. 
Making sure that Taehyung’s eyes were still on your hands, you spread the fly apart and slowly slid the denim down your legs, putting on a show by wiggling your hips a little. Once your shorts pooled at your feet, you stepped out of them, one leg at a time, before kicking them off to the side. You must have made a great choice with the underwear you picked as the other’s lip was pulled under his teeth again, gaze zeroing in on the lace. Smirking at his reaction, you turned around, only allowing him a couple of seconds to get an eyeful of the back as you plopped down in your previous spot.
Taehyung immediately pulled your body flush against his, resting his palms on your waist now, massaging gently as he read over some of the comments popping up on his computer. A chuckle came out at the common theme in them.
“I guess the back really is as nice as the front, huh? Pity someone wouldn’t let me look for too long.”
His playfulness made your face heat up and your lips twitch. It looked like the viewers were starting to warm up to you, boosting your morale a little more. Turning your head, you shot him a pout.
“But I thought you wanted to see me touch myself? I can’t do that if you’re fixated on staring at my ass, now can I?”
Taehyung bit back a grin at how you were becoming more talkative now. “True, you can’t.” One of his hands trailed down to hook a long finger into the waistband of your underwear, pulling the fabric a bit before letting it snap back against your skin. “So why don’t you get started? I’m sure everyone would like to know just how you make yourself feel good.”
The lust swirling in his dark brown eyes and the sudden slew of comments on the screen was all the motivation you needed.
Running your tongue over your bottom lip, you nodded before turning your head back towards the camera. Taking in yet another deep breath, you relaxed against Taehyung further and slid a hand down to carefully cup your heated mound, hissing slightly at the contact to your oversensitive area. “Mnh...I just rubbed myself over my panties for a while...started as soon as I woke up.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm—” Your hand reflected your statement by moving firmly over the lace. “It’s usually what I do when I start...hm—”
Taehyung rested his chin on your shoulder, watching closely as you started stimulating yourself, fighting the urge to grind his hips into your bottom. Instead, he channeled his energy into continuing to rub at your waist some more. “Go on...”
You sighed softly as the heat of pleasure that had been building up all day began making a full return, leaving your free hand gripping Taehyung’s thigh and your toes curling.
“Well, I was able to keep this up for a couple of hours until I had to go to work.” You pouted. “I had to sneak away to the bathroom a few times to give myself a little relief until I punched out.”
You felt a hum vibrating from Taehyung’s body before he chuckled. “Naughty, aren’t you? Playing with yourself on the clock—” His lips came up to brush your ear, making you shiver as he whispered, “What would your boss say if they knew?”
“Mm, they’d probably fire me...would be a blessing at this point, ah—”
A soft gasp escaped when you decided to give your neglected clit some attention. You slowly circled around the covered bud, tilting your head back to rest between Taehyung’s shoulder and neck. The action made his breath catch at the way you exposed your neck to him now, fighting the desire to go in and start planting kisses and bites all over the column. Biting back a swear, he slid a hand forward to gently rub your stomach before murmuring, “Keep going...talk to me.”
The movement of his hand and his deep voice ringing brought you back to your senses, focusing on moving your lips again. “I went home and continued, ngh— But I took my panties off because of how soaked they were and I needed that barrier gone.” Your eyes fluttered closed at a particularly intense sting of pleasure that traveled up your spine. “After the day I had, I was this close to making myself come, haha...”
“Fuck...” Taehyung failed to hold back now, the curse leaving him with an underlying hunger. “But you didn’t, right? You waited like a good girl?”
“Oh...I did, V. It was so tempting to fuck myself with my fingers but I resisted...just kept rubbing my pussy.”
Now you felt his grip on your side tighten while the hand on the front curled into the fabric of your shirt. “Good.”
Tearing his eyes away from the sight in front of him, Taehyung read over the chat again, biting his lip as the comments started coming in faster and faster. Many people seemed to be expressing the words that were on the tip of his tongue. Letting out a short laugh, he looked at you once more.
“Y/N, you’re doing great right now but...I think we all want to see more.”
Your eyes opened at his request, looking up to see those dark orbs staring directly at you now. “Yeah?”
“Mhm.” A hand moved down to rest on top of yours, pressing it further against your mound, resulting in a sharp gasp from you. “Can you take these little panties off and let us all see that beautiful pussy of yours?”
There was no way you could deny that. You had been dying for some skin-to-skin contact plus Taehyung (and the fans) seemed to be dying for you to take it up a notch. Who were you to say no?
Licking your lips, you nodded. The other shot you a boxy grin before planting a kiss on your cheek, making your own warm up further. As soon as he removed his hand, you placed your own at the top of your underwear, shimmying the fabric down as you lifted your hips up. Once it was far enough, you wiggled your legs to kick them off onto the floor, keeping your thighs wide enough to show most of your intimate area. But that didn’t seem to be enough for Taehyung as his hands came down to hook underneath your knees, lifting your legs up to drape them over his own, spreading you further to the audience.
“Keep those legs nice and wide, baby. Show that pretty little cunt off to everyone.”
You wouldn’t be surprised if they could see how you clenched at the slight dominance in Taehyung’s voice.
Making sure you were comfortable enough in this new position, you swallowed the lump in your throat before shooting the camera a tiny yet coy smile.
Judging by the slew of hearts and stuck out tongue emojis, the answer was a yes.
You and Taehyung laughed at the responses, his chin perching on your shoulder once more. “Wow, I’m starting to think you guys forgot whose show this is.”
“Aw, don’t be sad, V. I didn’t mean to steal your fans.”
He chuckled. “Hey, I’m not. Besides, I don’t blame them for wanting to see this.” One of the hands under your knees gave a slight squeeze.
“I’m sure the sight is amazing right now...I’m almost a little jealous.”
You couldn’t hold back your shiver at the compliment, sure he could feel it with how close your bodies were pressed.
“Oh...well, you’ll get your turn soon enough. Just let me finish up and I’ll let you look all you want.”
Taehyung swore softly under his breath, just loud enough for only you to hear, both hands tightening on you now. “So generous. Ah, don’t let me distract you, baby, I’m starting to get yelled at by everyone.”
Giggling as you looked at the chat, sure enough, quite a few viewers were getting on his case and urging you to continue with your ministrations. “Okay, okay, calm down. Here, I’ll keep going.”
Lifting your hand up to your mouth, you ran your tongue over your fingers, making sure to wet the skin thoroughly. Just as you were about to reach back down to touch yourself again, Taehyung spoke up.
“Hold on, Y/N.” When you turned your head to look back with bewilderment, he raised a brow, eyelids a bit heavier than before. “Why don’t you make it a little wetter for me?”
A head tilt is what you gave him, bringing your hand back to your lips again only for him to shake his head. “No, not like that.” His onyx eyes lowered down to the area between your thighs. “Spit on it.”
Your mouth opened at the clarification, feeling a surge of wetness traveling down. Nodding quickly, you leaned your head forward, gathering up as much saliva as possible before letting it fall out of your mouth to drip onto your clit. You let out a small sound as you felt the spit slowly travel down to the crevices below your bud.
“There we go...now go ahead, baby.”
Sucking your lower lip in, you took in a deep breath to prepare yourself for what you were about to do. Lifting your hand, you eased down to brush the pads of your fingers against your clit, gasping at the lightning jolting up your spine at the touch. Taehyung chuckled deeply at your reaction, husking into your ear. 
Taking a moment to calm down, you pressed a little harder now, gritting your teeth as the pleasure was almost overwhelming. But you were dying for some stimulation and so, you pushed through to start running your fingers up and down, becoming slick with your arousal and the spit. It only took a minute to have you panting softly, moans and low whines falling from your mouth as you touched yourself.
“Oh...oh yes—”
You were too overcome by the enjoyment to notice the way Taehyung was watching you. He should have been talking for the sake of his fans but he couldn’t bring himself to cover up the lovely noises you were making with his voice. It was a pity he couldn’t get a direct view of the action like the others were but this angle wasn’t one to fuss at. He could see every furrow of your brow and the way your lips parted and caught between your teeth. He could see how your nipples poked through your shirt, asking for him to pinch and pull at the nubs. And he could see your digits glistening with wetness whenever they returned to the top.
“Are you enjoying this, V?”
He didn’t realize that he began grinding into your ass until you spoke up with amusement. Feeling a bit flustered that he lost control for a bit, Taehyung covered himself to murmur, “Of course I am...do you not know how fucking sexy you look right now?”
Another moan came out at his words. “Mm, I don’t. It must be something, I can feel your cock poking me.”
Taehyung growled under his breath, emphasizing his arousal with a harder roll of his hips. “That’s because it’s dying to see this pussy wrapped around it. Driving me crazy back here, baby...”
A husky laugh left your lips at his admission, leaning your head back on his shoulder once more to shoot a teasing grin. “Soon, soon...believe me, I want that big dick of yours stretching me out so bad.”
You swore you saw something fierce pass over his face, returning into his usual lustful expression after a couple of seconds. “Glad to know we’re on the same page.”
Giggling coyly, you slid up to circle your clit, crying out softly at the strong rush that came soon after. “A-Ah—”
Taehyung figured there was no point in hiding how turned on he was anymore and continued grinding into you, gnawing at his lip as he gained some pleasure from the friction. To think that he had someone like you doing something so lewd right in front of him...he could honestly come in his pants if he kept this up. But his fans wouldn’t appreciate him tapping out so early and so, he maintained some self-control.
But then he spotted your fingers moving lower again, prodding with your middle and ring fingers at your entrance.
His breath caught before he strained out, “Fuck...baby, are you trying to finger yourself?”
“Yes, V...can I? Need something inside me, I’ve been wanting it all day...”
Taehyung didn’t hesitate to nod as you peered up at him with lowered lids, lashes fluttering. “Go ahead, gorgeous. Let everyone see that pussy stretch around them.”
Shooting a grateful smile, you leaned up and pressed a kiss to his jaw (feeling gratification at the tremble you felt him give) and started working your digits inside your core, moaning a little louder at the feeling of being opened up. “Oh my God...”
Taehyung groaned at your sound, giving a harsh buck. “Damn baby...feels good?”
“Fuck yes—” Once you reached in as far as possible, you tried your best to ease the clenching of your sensitive walls before looking up at the other once more. “Can I move, V?”
“Yes—” His head leaned in until his lips brushed against yours as he growled out. “Fuck yourself on your fingers.”
Feeling thankful that he gave approval, you decided to kiss him since he was so close, biting back a grin at the slight surprise on his face before you looked back towards the camera. Sliding your fingers out past the first knuckle, you pushed them in quicker, starting a rhythm that gave you some temporary satisfaction. As torturous as it was to hold off all day, you were starting to think it was a good idea as you felt your pleasure rising a little faster than usual.
Taehyung gnawed on his lip as he watched your fingers reappear and disappear, over and over, glistening with your slick. The more he watched, the more he wished it was his own appendages (or even his cock).
For the first time, he wished that the camera wasn’t running so he could be selfish and indulge in your body without having to stretch things out for the sake of entertainment. But he had a show to run and had to wait his turn, even though he was yearning to take some action rather than just continue to sit there.
Unable to keep his hands still, he got your attention by nibbling on your earlobe before purring, “Y/N, can I touch you?”
You almost didn’t hear Taehyung with how focused you were, nodding as you panted out, “Please...”
“Where do you want me, gorgeous?”
“Oh fuck—” You threw your head back at a strong wave of bliss. “Please...play with my tits, baby.”
Cock twitching at your plea, Taehyung removed his hands from under your knees (making sure you stayed in your position) to slide his way from your legs and up your torso to cup your breasts, reveling in the way you arched into his touch. He carefully groped the mounds, brushing his fingers over the stiff buds peeking through your shirt. “Like that?”
“Yes...your hands feel so nice—”
Taehyung chuckled at your response, squeezing a bit harder as he leaned in to start pressing kisses to your cheek again. “Is this what you think about when you watch my shows, baby? My hands all over this lovely body of yours?”
You clamped down on your fingers, having to pause before continuing the thrusts. “Yes, V...”
“Mm...and you think about my cock sliding in and out of you instead of your fingers or a toy?”
“Yes, fuck, always...” You trembled when you felt him grind into your ass. “Don’t know if I could ever go back to those after this, hah—”
Taehyung grinned mischievously at that, pinching your nipples. “Aww, poor thing, I’m sure it’ll be hard. Why don’t I give you something to think about every time you’re alone, hm?”
“Please...” A whine escaped you when your palm brushed against your throbbing clit. 
“Give it to me.”
The man behind you didn’t hesitate to give you his next command, grunting in your ear, “Make yourself come, baby. Soak those little fingers of yours.”
You almost followed his order immediately with how it was delivered but you held off, letting out a guttural moan instead. Nodding swiftly, you curled your digits to begin thrusting into your G-spot, the area swollen from the build-up of arousal. Crying out was all you could do as you completely leaned against Taehyung, only focusing on bringing yourself to the orgasm that had been escaping you all day. He continued to help by sliding his hands to the hem of your top to bunch it above your breasts, exposing them to the air with a low swear.
“Look at these pretty tits, we can’t let them hide any longer, Y/N.”
You nodded again, hoping it was enough to show that you were fine with that as words were completely failing you right now. It only took another minute before you started feeling the inklings of a strong climax, causing your hips to roll up and meet your hand in desperation. This didn’t escape Taehyung’s notice, still occupying himself with your tits.
“You gonna come soon, baby?”
“Ghh— Y-Yes, I’m so fucking close—!”
Taehyung jerked hard into you once more, nearly nudging you off the edge of the bed with its power. “Do it, gorgeous. Everyone wants to see how you look.”
Your nerves at having strangers watching you in an intimate moment were completely gone now, causing the other’s words to trigger your end. You went completely limp in Taehyung’s arms, letting out a choked sob as waves of white hot pleasure overwhelmed your entire being.
You couldn’t even keep moving your fingers with how tight you were clamping on them, holding them still to feel your walls fluttering. Hips jerking uncontrollably while you came, the only other thing you could register was Taehyung’s large hands continuing to massage your sensitive breasts and words of encouragement that he whispered in your ear. This was all you could register until your orgasm petered out, leaving you as nothing but a shaking and gasping mess.
“There we go, baby...feel better now?”
“M-Mhm...” You rolled your head back on his shoulder, a satiated smile on your sweaty face. “Thank you, V.”
Taehyung huffed out a laugh at how pleased you looked now, removing his hands from your chest to wrap his arms around your stomach. “You’re welcome, Y/N.” Looking back at the screen, his teeth flashed at the barrage of praises from the viewers. “Looks like they loved it, too.”
Lifting your head up at his comment, you squinted at the computer, only for your eyes to widen at the words in the chat.
[xpeachymomox]: whoa, that was SO hot 🥵 more pls???
[jooniebb]: that pussy was clenching so tight, can we see it around V’s cock next?
[babyJ13]: I was a bit jelly of her before but now I think I’ve seen the error of my ways 🤪✌️
As if your face wasn’t already hot, now it burned, threatening to set Taehyung’s bedroom on fire.
“O-Oh wow...th-thank you, everyone...” You looked back at the other with sheer curiosity. “Was I really that good?”
Taehyung returned your gaze with incredulity. “Of course! You just laid back and let go like you didn’t have thousands of people watching you—” A brow raised. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”
A giggle left at his skepticism, leaving you to give his thigh a playful smack. “Honestly, I haven’t!”
Taehyung chuckled, reaching down to give your hand a squeeze. “Could have fooled me. You’re a natural, baby.”
Beaming even more at his compliment, you shifted a bit in place out of shyness. “Thank you, V.”
Pleased that you were looking a lot more comfortable than earlier, he let his eyes travel over to your other hand, digits still housed inside of your pussy. Licking his lips, Taehyung looked back into your eyes once more. 
“Hey Y/N...mind if I get a taste of you?”
His delivery was as casual as if he was asking to borrow some sugar but his voice lingered with desire, deep brown eyes staring into yours. A shiver ran down your spine as you nodded, easing your fingers out with a soft sound before holding them up to his full lips. With no reluctance, Taehyung leaned forward to take the glistening appendages into his mouth, his tongue languidly swirling around them to gather up every drop of your essence. You could feel his moaning as he kept his gaze locked onto yours, not a drop of bashfulness or shame in the orbs.
Once he finished, Taehyung pushed your fingers out with his tongue, letting out a husky laugh afterwards. “Wow...you taste incredible, baby.”
The sight was almost too much for you, despite all of the raunchy scenarios you had seen this man in prior to today. You wondered whether he was putting on a show for the audience or you.
Something about his praise mixing with your emotions running high from your orgasm made you spring forward to capture his lips in a greedy kiss. A noise of surprise vibrated against your mouth before he began kissing back, groaning when your tongue crept out to brush over his bottom lip, asking for permission. It was granted as his mouth opened up to allow it in, tangling with his own while feeling around, brushing against the roof, the sides and his teeth.
You wanted to commit this feeling to memory.
Taehyung was enjoying this just as much as you were, wishing the two of you could keep this up for a while longer but the show had to go on. Forcing himself to pull back, he laughed softly at how your eyes still remained closed. Licking away the string of spit that still connected your mouths, he reached up and brushed one of the strands on your damp forehead off. “Baby, don’t you want more than just kissing? Not that I’m not enjoying it, but...”
As he trailed off, you opened your eyes back up, seeing him watching you with curiosity as to what the next move was. It didn’t take long for you to make an executive decision, gaze breaking from his to travel down to the prominence at the front of his sweatpants.
“V.” The hand on his thigh slid up to rest its fingers on it, pressing down enough to feel it give a jump. “Let me see that beautiful cock of yours.”
Taehyung’s breath hitched at the headiness of your tone, nodding quickly. His answer made a coy smile form on your lips, standing up before turning to fully face him. Grabbing his shoulders, you carefully pushed until he was leaning back on his arms. He quickly readjusted his position for the camera to get a better view before you knelt in the space between his legs. Your hand grasped the hem of his shirt, pushing it up enough to see the waistband of his pants. Glancing up for a second, you giggled quietly at how expectantly Taehyung was looking at you. “Yes?”
Rolling his eyes at how you were teasing him, he pouted a bit. “Y/N...”
The whining was endearing (only because it was him, honestly), your laugh coming out louder as you dipped your fingers past the elastic. “Don’t worry baby, I’m coming.”
“Oh, are you?”
Now you rolled your own eyes at his joke, looking over your shoulder at the camera to shake your head. “Is this a camshow or a comedy special?”
Taehyung laughed, reaching up to rest his hand on yours, giving it a careful squeeze. “Sorry, sorry, couldn’t help it. I’ll behave now, promise.”
“You better.”
As soon as his hand returned to its previous place, you began sliding the rest of your own underneath his pants to make the journey towards your destination. You paused when your fingers brushed against short hairs and skin instead of fabric. Blinking rapidly, you looked up at Taehyung to see him shooting you a knowing grin.
“Figured I’d make it easier on you by going commando.”
A short laugh came out at that. “So considerate.”
Taehyung chuckled, groaning lowly once you wrapped your hand around his length. It felt hot and heavy in your palm and your fingers almost didn’t touch. You were desperate to see his cock in person but you had to tease him some more and put on a show. Licking your lips, you moved to his tip to collect the wetness gathered there, using it to slick up the rest of him before sliding your hand up and down.
You gave him a flirtatious smile. “Feels good?”
“Yes...been wanting you to touch me since you stepped foot in my house.”
Your thighs rubbed together at his words. “Oh?”
“Mhm—” Taehyung ran his tongue over his teeth while tilting his head. “Feels better than I expected, baby.”
A small giggle escaped, feeling a bit flustered at the compliment. “Good, I hope I won’t disappoint you, V.”
“I’m sure you won’t— Ah!”
The squeeze you gave him at the base caused the noise, hips jolting at the rush of pleasure. You were using your knowledge of watching him jerk himself off on his previous shows to satisfy him, happy to see that it was working. If only you had paid this much attention back in school.
“Fuck...” Taehyung panted softly as you continued stroking him, unable to take the teasing after a couple of minutes. “Baby, I want more...”
“Do you?”
He licked his lips. “I do...I’m sure you do too, yeah?”
You couldn’t hold back the way your hips shifted at his heated gaze. “Yeah...”
Taehyung huffed as he sat up a bit, resting his hand on yours once more to pause your movement. “Then why don’t you get my cock out, gorgeous? I know you must be dying to see it in person.”
Cheeks warming as he had you figured out from the jump, you nodded, receiving a smirk in response. Once he let go, you slipped your hand out of his pants to grab the waistband, waiting until his hips were raised to begin pulling down. Your breath caught in your throat as more and more of his skin was uncovered until the hidden treasure was revealed, a sound somewhere between a moan and a gasp leaving your lips.
“Oh my God…” Your hands went and wrapped around his cock to lift it, licking your lips at the sight. “It’s so fucking big…”
Big wasn’t the only way you would describe Taehyung’s length. The skin was darker than the rest of him with a tip that was tinted red and glistening with precum. You could feel how thick it was when your hand was down his pants before but actually seeing it blew your mind. And with the way his dick curved slightly and prominent veins ran along the underside, your pussy clenched at the thought of how it would feel rubbing against your walls.
The camera did not do him justice at all.
“Like what you see, baby?”
Taehyung’s ego was stroked at the awestruck look you gave him, nodding while your lashes fluttered. 
“Yes V...”
“Haha, I can tell, you’re damn near drooling down there.” He shot you a crooked smile. 
“Why don’t you go on and get a taste too? See how nice it would feel to have my cock in that lovely mouth of yours?”
With no hesitation, you nodded faster than before, leaning down to run your tongue over the head, moaning softly at the slight saltiness going onto your tastebuds. “Mm...tastes so fucking good.”
Taehyung pulled his lower lip in as your eyes refused to break contact when you did that, reminding himself to sit back and let you indulge. Remembering his viewers all of a sudden, he looked up to shoot the camera a lewd grin. “Having fun, everyone?” He was ready to return to watching you until he spotted a few people requesting something very specific in the chat. 
“Huh...good idea. Y/N.”
Pausing in your taste testing, you gave Taehyung a curious look.
“Everyone wants a better view, mind switching it up?”
“No, not at all. How should we do this?”
Lips twitching in mischief, he waited until you released him to get off the bed and stand at the foot of it, his body sideways to the screen. He looked at you before pointing to the floor in front of him, husking out, “Get on your knees for me, baby.”
Clenching at the authority in his baritone, you clambered off the bed to follow his directions, enjoying this angle you got of his heavy length jutting out from the rest of his lean body. Taehyung licked his lips, loving this sight as well, thinking about how submissive you looked.
“Good girl.”
Whimpering quietly at the compliment, you reached up to take him in your grasp again, not wanting to keep the audience waiting (well, that and because you wanted him back in immediately). Lifting your head up to hover above, you gathered spit before releasing it on top of his dick, catching the excess with your fingers so it didn’t drip onto the floor.
“That’s it, make it nice and wet...”
Licking your lips at his praise, you wrapped your other hand around the rest of him, only leaving a bit of his shaft and his head out. Taking it into your mouth, you sucked steadily as your hands stroked the rest of him, keeping your eyes locked with his.
“Oh shit...yeah, just like that, baby—”
Smiling around him at the encouragement, you pulled off for a second to let some more spit drip onto him, returning to giving him suction while your hands moved faster.
Taehyung could barely keep his head down to watch as you worked his cock over with enthusiasm. He wasn’t even fully inside and yet he was panting like a dog in heat. You knew just the right spots to run over with your fingers and palms and occasionally threw your tongue into the mix. You really must pay close attention to his shows to have this information on hand like this.
And then you started twisting on him.
“Oh fuck—!”
His hips lurched while his head fell back for a while, pleasure smacking him across the face. Needing some type of anchor to keep himself focused, Taehyung reached up to grip the top of your hair. This helped as he was able to bring his head down again, dark eyes noticing how your own twinkled in pride at getting him to falter for a bit.
You pulled off of his cock to laugh at his pouting, keeping your hands in motion. “Mm, sorry baby, I know how much you like this.”
“Hmph, I wouldn’t expect any less from one of my ‘biggest fans’.”
Your face warmed up at his teasing, bringing up what you blurted out when the two of you first met. “Hey, don’t tease me.”
Taehyung chuckled as you became flustered, giving your head a gentle pat. “Sorry, Y/N. I’ll be good, promise.”
He didn’t sound very apologetic to you so you pouted some more, unwrapping one of your hands from his cock. “I don’t believe you, V—” You brought your lips closer to his tip before purring out, “Looks like I’ll have to keep you quiet, hm?”
Taehyung’s smile faltered a bit at your words but it completely dropped once you started taking him into your mouth, ripping a groan straight from the depths of his chest. “Oh my God—”
Grinning around him at how he twitched at the new move, you began sucking gently while bobbing on him, not letting the tip out at all. You felt his hips jerk after a few times, unable to resist the reaction to your actions. You were only semi-aware of the people watching you blow him but you pushed the thought to the back of your head to focus mainly on the man in front of you. Hopefully what you were doing was enough fodder for the viewers.
“Wow baby...you’re sucking me off so well—” Taehyung’s voice rumbled out once more, eyelids heavy with sheer lust as he kept his gaze on you. “And you look so good on your knees like this...shit—”
You moaned around him, receiving a jolt of his hips in response to the vibrations. The desire to hear more of his approval and sounds rose in you, leading you to decide on trying something more drastic. Removing your hand, you slid your head down further until his tip nearly rested on the back of your tongue, ripping a gasp from Taehyung.
There was still a good portion of his cock that wasn’t inside but it was enough to make his knees weak, having to gather up some inner strength to stay upright. And then you decided to start bobbing again, obscene sounds echoing from your mouth as you hollowed your cheeks. Drool started building and leaking out of the edges, spreading onto your chin and drizzling down off his length.
“Shit, gorgeous, you’re making such a fucking mess down there...you love tasting my cock that much?”
You could only moan around his dick, feeling your arousal dripping out of your pussy the longer you had him in your mouth. Your fingers twitched for a second as you debated on touching yourself yet again. 
But the man above you must have noticed somehow as he growled out, “Keep your hands to yourself, baby. The next time you’re getting off is by my fingers only, understand?”
You gave your answer with another sound and your nails dug further into your thigh.
“That’s my girl.”
His praise only made your lust for him grow, wanting to push yourself a little farther than you were used to. You had only tried this once before with an ex with near disastrous results and whatever practice you had taken in your free time went to waste once you broke up. You debated in your mind whether to go through with it.
It could go either very well or very bad.
Fuck it; this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Taking in a deep breath through your nose, you calmed the muscles in your throat as much as possible before sliding down inch by inch. When Taehyung’s tip hit the back, you gave a short gag at first, quickly begging your body to fight the urge, lest you embarrass yourself in front of thousands of people. As soon as the feeling was gone, you pressed on, managing to press your nose to his crotch, the hairs tickling you.
“Jesus fucking Christ—”
The guttural swear that left Taehyung’s mouth was worth the slight ache in your airway and the tears building in your eyes. Your blurry vision managed to catch him staring down at you with unbridled fascination, heavy pants falling from his parted lips.
“You’re amazing, baby...”
His compliment only increased your need for more.
Keeping your gaze steady on his, you tightened around him by swallowing. Your nose scrunched slightly as he twitched in response and gripped your hair harder, a low growl leaving him.
“Such a hungry little thing, swallowing me down like your life depended on it. Wish I could fuck this throat of yours—”
The thought of Taehyung taking control of your mouth like that made you squirm in place but you knew you weren’t ready for that level of deep throating just yet. So you continued gulping around his cock, hoping this was enough for now. He seemed to be okay with it, continuing to moan and say all kinds of filth to you. But you got carried away and forgot to keep your spit from sliding into your throat, eyes flying wide open as you nearly choked. Gagging hard around him, you pulled off, coughing as a thick strand of saliva still connected you to his wet length.
“Shit, you okay?”
Your watery eyes looked up to see Taehyung giving you a worried look, his hold on your hair easing up to stroke it gently. Sniffling, you nodded, face hot with mortification. “Y-Yeah...sorry, that was uncool of me.”
He frowned and gave your head a gentle pat. “Relax, Y/N, you’re fine. Don’t want you hurting yourself for my sake.”
His concern for you plus the feel of his hand eased your embarrassment, a soft smile forming on your swollen lips. “Okay...”
Taehyung reflected the expression, glancing at the chat while you recovered. He tried not to let his face show the annoyance he felt at the couple of viewers who taunted you, claiming that they would do a much better job if they were in your place instead. Not wanting you to read the rude comments and feel worse than you already did, he looked back at you.
“You know, what you were doing before was nice too...”
You looked up as he spoke softly. “Was it?”
“Yeah—” Taehyung played with your hair a bit as he cocked his head. “Why don’t you give me more of that?”
Grateful that he wasn’t pushing you to strain yourself again (not that you would have expected him to), you gave him a brighter grin before reaching up to wrap around his dick once more, pushing the rest of him into your mouth. Taehyung hummed in pleasure, grasping your head for support again. 
“There we go...”
Making a sound of appreciation around him, you returned to the pace you had earlier, deciding to give everyone something to look at by keeping your lips loose enough for drool to come out steadily.
It was taking everything in Taehyung not to embarrass himself in front of his fans (and well, you) by coming early. But the sight and sensations below him was just too fucking much.
Those pretty eyes of yours looking up at him with sheer lust and marvel. Your mouth stretched out around part of his cock while your hand wrapped around the rest of it, twisting as it met your bobbing head over and over. And the amount of spit that was getting everywhere...
Smearing around your lips and down your chin. Coating your whole hand. Dripping down in globs onto his floor and your bunched up shirt, leaving your exposed breasts shining.
He had to put a stop to this.
Gritting his teeth at a sudden surge of bliss, Taehyung reached up and grabbed your wrist, tugging at it. “Baby, baby, stop—”
Furrowing your brows, you paused your hand and pulled off of him, panting hard as you caught your breath. “What’s wrong?”
“Hah, I’m this close to coming in that pretty mouth of yours if you keep going.”
Feeling a stroke to your ego at his confession, you smirked up at him while tilting your head. 
“Ah, I see. We can’t have that just yet, can we?”
“No, we can’t.”
Taehyung reached a hand down to help you up, guiding you to stand in front of him before his mouth descended on yours with hunger. While he had you distracted with the kiss, he reached down to grip your ass and lift you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist and grip on his shoulders for support. 
Turning towards the bed, he pulled away only to drop you on the foot of it, chuckling at the squeak you let out as your body bounced on the mattress. Leaning on your elbows, you watched with bated breath as Taehyung held your knees, parting them further as he kneeled on the floor between them, looking up at you with unbridled greed.
“I’ve got to touch you for real now, baby. Just groping those lovely tits of yours wasn’t enough.”
You trembled at his words, the tone even deeper than usual. “V...please, I want it.”
“Yeah? How?”
You guessed by his position that he already figured out how he was going to carry this out but maybe he wanted to hear it straight from your mouth.
“I...I want you to eat my pussy. Please?”
Taehyung was ready to oblige regardless but then you practically mewled out that last word, making him groan as his cock twitched in response.
“Of course, gorgeous. Need to taste you even more.”
You bit your lip as he wasted no time bringing his head closer to your wet folds, holding back a whimper as the heat of his breath washed over them. Taehyung seemed to be teasing you on purpose by holding back, barely hiding a cheeky grin at how you squirmed before him. But just before you gave in and started begging, his tongue came out to run along your cunt, starting from the bottom and going all the way to the top, giving your clit a flick.
“Mmm, so fucking sweet. Tastes better straight from the source.”
Taehyung smirked at how you looked away for a second, flustered at his words. To bring your attention back to him, he went to the lower part of your area, lapping at your entrance to pull a sharp gasp from your mouth.
The move making you push out even more of your arousal, Taehyung licked it up the second it landed on his tongue, his dark brown eyes locked onto yours with no shame. Now he rested the tip at your hole, pushing inside a bit once it stopped clenching, smiling against you when your hips jerked in response.
Laughing a bit at your reaction, Taehyung slipped it out. “You like it like that, baby?”
“Mnh, kind of...”
He tilted his head at your languid response. “Then what do you like?”
You had to take a few seconds to mull over just how you wanted him to pleasure you. The moment you came to a solution, your lips twitched in restrained mischief. Feeling a dash of spunk right now, you took a hand and let it creep down your stomach, brushing over your mound to rub a finger over your swollen bud.
“Well, I really like having my clit played with, mm...” You had to press your lips together to keep from grinning at how Taehyung’s heavy eyes zeroed in on your digit. You decided to torture him some more by moving down to your entrance, sliding it in with a soft whine. “And well, you saw how I reacted when I fingered myself before— Fuck—”
To drive it home, you pressed onto the rough patch inside and pumped into it, the wet sound echoing loud enough for the both of you to hear. You were only able to enjoy this bit of stimulation for less than a minute before a strong grip around your wrist made you pause. Looking down with a frown, your breath caught at the fierce gaze Taehyung was giving you, eyes nearly as black as his hair.
“I thought I told you that you’re only getting off by my hand.”
“Mm...you did, didn’t you?”
He flashed his teeth as he pulled, forcing your finger to slip out. “Then sit back and be a good girl for me, Y/N.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. You brought your hand back up when he released your wrist, watching like a hawk as Taehyung leaned in close again. His jaw clenched and moved for a bit before he spat onto your folds, soaking the skin even more. He groaned at the sight of his spit traveling down and moved his hand to gather some of it on his pointer fingers before resting them on your clit, rubbing it fast to pull a cry out from you.
“Like that, gorgeous?”
Taehyung smirked, leaning forward to spit on you again. “Gotta make sure this pussy is nice and wet so it can take my fingers.”
You brought your head to give him a baffled look. “Like I haven’t been dripping since I got here— Oh my, V—”
He hummed casually as he rolled the bud between his thumb and index finger. “Hmm, I know but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious, no?”
You couldn’t open your mouth without letting out a sound of bliss as he kept playing with your clit. A tiny part of you was starting to regret letting him in on what tickled your fancy. Just a tiny part.
“Baby, please, I want more...”
Taehyung raised a brow at your plea. “Yeah? What do you want from me?”
A sound between a desperate groan and a snarl escaped you, much to your surprise. “I don’t care, just make me come already, fuck!”
His laughing rang out in the room, not expecting you to react that way. “So demanding. Well, you did an amazing job sucking me off, so...”
Instead of finishing his sentence, Taehyung removed his fingers and latched on to give a fierce suck, ripping a shriek out of you.
And then he had to up the move by humming to give the sensitive bud pleasant vibrations.
You had fantasized about having him between your legs so many times, either at work or at night when you laid in bed. There was only so much you could do with your own hands to recreate the feeling. How could you imitate the way his tongue began rolling your clit and how he tightened his lips on and off?
For now, you would focus on this current situation to use as fodder for future solo sessions.
Taehyung’s tongue kept working on you, letting saliva drip out on purpose to join the rest of his mess down below. His eyes concentrated on your facial expressions and the way your body answered to his ministrations. Your head tipped back for a while before coming back up to watch him with heady eyes. Your back arched, breasts jiggling slightly with each lurch. Your mouth released nothing but keens and whines, praise lingering in the tone of each word.
“V...give me more, please...”
“Mm?” He pulled off for a second to lick his coated lips while peeking up at you. “Talk to me, Y/N.”
Groaning in frustration at his typical teasing, you told whatever timidity that lingered to fuck off before rasping out, “Put your fingers in me...fuck me with them, please—”
Taehyung grunted at your plea, nodding. “Don’t have to tell me twice, baby. Wanna see how tight this pussy is.”
True to his word, he brought his digits up to press past your folds, teasing your entrance with his index finger.
“More...do two.”
Shivering at your command, Taehyung added his middle one and rubbed at the hole until it opened up a bit, wasting no time sliding them in, swearing at the feeling of your walls around him. “Shit, baby, you’re already gripping me—”
“F-Fuck...your fingers feel so nice...so long, agh—”
He wasn’t even inside all the way and he was already hitting spots that you could only reach with your toys. As soon as he buried up to the knuckle, Taehyung began a steady rhythm, the friction making your head fall back once more.
“Oh yes, baby...just like that...”
“Yeah?” He licked his lips at your approval. “You like me fucking you like this?”
Taehyung gave an almost feral grin at your whine. “Maybe I could just make you come on my fingers and call it a day?”
Your head whipped up so fast to give the man between your legs an offended look. “Hell no. I’m not leaving here until— oh— I get that cock of yours inside me!”
Predicting you to have a strong response, he laughed and patted the outside of your thigh with his free hand. “Down girl. I wouldn’t do you like that.” A brow lifted as he smiled more. “Besides, the feeling is mutual. I’m dying to see how this pussy would feel wrapped around me.”
You clamped on his digits at that. “Good.” Deciding to read over the chat again, you sat up a little to look over the screen. Biting your lip, you saw a few comments that stroked your ego.
[bomiallnightlong]: fuck, you two are so hot together, can’t wait until you start fucking 😛
[KookyBun]: V, I love you but hurry up and make her come before I run over and do it instead 😤
[tonguetechsupport]: I don’t want the show to end but goddammit, I wanna see some railing before I end up busting
“Hey V, everyone is getting impatient.”
Taehyung tilted his head before looking behind his shoulder, huffing at the words with amusement. “I can see that. Alright, alright, everyone. I think we’ve been tormenting you enough—” Now he looked back up at you. “Time to give them something to cheer for?”
Judging by his expression, he was finally going to give you what you had been dying for.
“Lead the way.”
Taehyung gave a boxy grin, pressing his lips to your inner thigh. He slid his fingers out a bit, making you whimper in need until you felt the tips start to curl and rub against your frontal walls. But that whimper quickly turned into a cry when you were forced to arch your back at the sudden jolt shooting up your spine.
Seems like he had found your sweet spot.
“Y-Yes! Holy shit—“
All you could do was hold onto the sheets for dear life as Taehyung pumped into it with ardor, a sound lewder than the one you had made before emitting from your core. Having someone else touch you down there was way more gratifying than your own hand and you felt your pleasure building up even quicker.
“Damn baby, you sound so fucking wet— Can’t wait to get inside there with my cock...”
It didn’t help that the man below was spewing more filth from his full lips, eyeing his glistening fingers with marvel.
“Hnh, c-can’t wait either, a-ah!”
Taehyung could see that you were getting closer and closer to your end with the way your voice got louder and your hips refused to stay still on the bed. With a look of determination, he sought to get you there as soon as possible and leaned down to give your swollen bud some attention again.
“O-Oh fuck, right there, right there—!”
You wanted to reach down and dig your fingers into his obsidian locks and hold tight but something told you not to give in for fear of ripping some strands out. Pretty sure Taehyung wouldn’t want to have a bald spot.
The man between your legs continued to lap at your clit with fervor while his fingers worked you up to a finish that felt like it was going to hit hard. You felt the sudden swells more than once, preparing yourself to turn into an absolute mess but an odd pressure in your lower stomach was holding you back.
Grunting at another rise, you jerked your hips up while whimpering out, “V…I-I wanna—“
Taehyung pulled off to raise a brow at you. “You wanna come? Go ahead, I’m not stopping you.”
“I-I know but…”
You weren’t sure if you should explain to him what the issue was, not wanting to kill the mood.
A stern voice called your name, causing you to look down at the other, breath catching at how he gazed at you with unadulterated dominance.
“Come for me, now. Let it out, gorgeous.”
You weren’t sure if it was his assertive tone, the way his dark eyes looked at you or the harsh thrust he gave into your spot but your body quickly obeyed his command.
“A-Ah fuck— V!”
A scream barreled out of your throat as shockwaves gripped your body, causing you to collapse on the bed fully. Your eyes squeezed shut as you did your best not to go under and drown but his fingers kept moving and then his lips went back to sucking your sensitive clit, leaving you an absolute mess.
You couldn’t even register the other way that your body responded to the intense orgasm.
Taehyung kept his mouth working, despite your shrieks, until he felt something spray against his chin. Knitting his brows, he pulled off, only to drop his jaw in awe at the cause of the wetness.
“Holy shit—“ Taehyung watched with slight wonder as you gushed around his digits, still moving in and out of you with abandon. “Look at you, making such a fucking mess on my hand and sheets…”
You couldn’t hear his words either, your hearing temporarily muffled until finally, you were allowed to come up for air. Thankfully, he had mercy on you and slowed his fingers down considerably, going for straightforward thrusts now. The second you felt the last tremor run out, you flopped back, your damp and heated skin sticking to the sheets. You turned your head to press your cheek to a cool spot, moaning weakly in light relief. Feeling Taehyung slip out of you, you whimpered at how oversensitive your walls were now, torn between asking for a break or wanting more.
“Fuck, baby, that was a lot—“ A chuckle of disbelief came out. “You even got it on my shirt!”
At his exclamation, you finally mustered up enough strength to lift your head and look down at Taehyung, gasping at the sight.
His mouth down to his chin was wet with your release, a couple of drops sliding down his tanned skin. And sure enough, there were darkened spots on the white fabric, large enough to make your face heat up even more.
“O-Oh my God…I-I’m so sorry! I-I don’t usually do that—”
Taehyung laughed at your apology, shaking his head as he licked some of the mess off his lips. “Don’t be sorry, baby—” His lids lowered as he breathed out. “That was so fucking hot.”
As if his husking wasn’t enough, he lifted his wet fingers up to his mouth, inserting them to suck your mess off with a muffled groan.
“Goddamn, thought you couldn’t taste even better...”
Looks like you were ready for more with the way your pussy clenched at the sight.
Taehyung finished licking off whatever was leftover, only to notice you giving him a look full of outright yearning.
“Hm? What’s that look for?”
Your eyes narrowed as he playfully taunted you. This didn’t deter him, his head tilting in mock confusion.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
Realizing that words alone weren’t much of a useful weapon against him, you sat up (ignoring how your arms trembled in resistance) and scooted forward enough to lean down and ball your fists into his shirt, pulling him into a harsh kiss. You couldn’t tell whose groan was louder, his from the unexpected move or yours as you got a taste of yourself. Not wanting to waste any more precious time, you pulled back an inch to husk with lidded eyes.
“Fuck me, V. Get up here and give me that fat cock of yours now.”
Your idea seemed to work wonders as you saw that feral expression from earlier show up on his face again, nodding as he snarled.
“As you wish.”
With that, Taehyung stood up and grabbed the top of his soiled t-shirt, practically ripping it off before tossing it to the floor to join his discarded pants. Even in your post-orgasm bliss, your gaze roamed over his exposed torso. You had seen his body so many times on camera that you could picture it with your eyes closed but the image couldn’t compare to seeing it in person.
His toned chest and arms that were shining with a light sweat and dusky brown nipples that stood stiff. A flat stomach that was heaving with desire and sat above a rock-solid cock, the head wet and beading with precum. The owner of it noticed you staring and smirked, reaching a hand up to wrap around the length.
“What are you waiting for, baby? You want this fat cock inside you, no?”
“Yes, I do...”
Taehyung huffed out a laugh while giving himself a squeeze. “Mm...then come get it.”
Something in you snapped at the command, leading you to kneel up on the bed before grabbing his shoulders, turning and pushing him down to land flat on his back. An ‘oof’ came out of him but the grin on his face never faded as you quickly straddled him, sitting your wet folds directly on his dick.
“You wanna ride me, gorgeous? Wanna sit on my cock?”
You huffed at his teasing, grinding your hips down. “Fuck yes…need to see how well you’ll fuck me—“
Taehyung grinned lasciviously at your admission, bucking up against you. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure I won’t disappoint you, baby.”
Smirking down at him, you lifted your hips before reaching underneath to hold his cock, angling it to run the tip up and down your folds. “Mmm...you better not.”
Taehyung licked his lips as your wetness coated him, peeking over your shoulder to take a quick glance at the screen. The comments were in a frenzy, many begging the two of you to go on and get to the fucking already. Smirking, he took the initiative to please the viewers by thrusting up once he felt his head in line with your entrance, pulling a sharp gasp out of you at the sudden intrusion.
You clenched around his tip instinctively, forcing yourself to relax so he could continue. You had been waiting so long for this; you couldn’t delay it anymore.
So you started sliding down on the rest of his cock, making your mouth fall slack at the stretch.
“O-Oh my God...”
“Oh fuck, baby—“ Taehyung eyed you with unbridled need. “This pussy is so tight, can barely fit my cock in there…”
It didn’t help that you immediately tightened around him at his words, forcing you to pause for a bit before continuing until he bottomed out. The second you stopped, your head hung down in overwhelming, panting as you did your best to adjust to the pressure. As turned on as you were right now, it still wasn’t enough to take in someone of Taehyung’s size with little issue.
“Doing alright?”
You heard said man whisper to you, concern in his dark brown eyes.
“Y-Yeah...you’re just really fucking big...”
Taehyung chuckled, biting his bottom lip cheekily. “Oh yeah?”
“Yes—” You leaned down to press your nose against his. “You didn’t get the memo when I choked on your cock earlier?”
A twitch inside and a grip of your hips was the response you got. “Ah, right. My bad. Does that mean you won’t be able to handle me, baby?”
You scoffed, giving a clench for good measure. “I didn’t say that. Don’t worry, I’m a big girl, I think I’ll be able to handle you now.”
“Hmph, if you say so.”
Grinning, you pecked his lips before resting your hands next to his head to support yourself, lifting your hips up slowly only to go down slightly faster. After a few more motions of this, you began letting out soft noises of bliss, the discomfort from earlier fading away.
“Mm...ah, yesss—”
“You feel so fucking good right now, Y/N...wish I could stay in you all day—”
You were going to let Taehyung know that you shared his wish until he gave a roll of his hips, making you gasp loudly.
His sudden thrust motivated you to increase your speed, the sounds of your ass hitting his thighs starting to fill the room, combined with your whining moans and his ragged groans. You looked down at him, licking your lips at his nearly black eyes watching you with sheer lust, fluttering closed every so often.
“Oh baby…I bet your ass looks so good bouncing on me right now—“
You rolled your hips down at that, savoring the louder groan Taehyung let out. “Yeah? Pity you can’t see it, mnh— Guess you’ll have to watch your video later for that.”
Eyes narrowing a bit at your teasing, a lightbulb went off in his head, prompting an impish smirk to form.
“Hm, I don’t know about that, baby. Might be able to get a good view of it sooner than I expected.”
Tilting your head in confusion, you cried out as Taehyung pulled you off of him, your core squeezing in need. “Hey!”
“Shh, gorgeous. Turn around and get back on.”
Mouth opening as you understood what he was asking for, you nodded swiftly and clambered back onto his lap, lining up once again as he held up his cock. You quickly lowered down, having an easier time taking him in than before. Once you were seated, you felt Taehyung make a sound of approval as he rested his hands on your ass. “Go on, baby.”
He didn’t need to tell you twice as you immediately placed your hands on the bed to start riding him again. This angle felt just as good, allowing pants and moans to fall from your lips as he brushed along your walls.
“Mm, fuck, V—”
“Goddamn, Y/N—” A sudden smack to one of your ass cheeks made you cry out. “I was right, this ass looks so fucking sexy from here...”
Trembling for a few seconds at the unexpected spanking, you decided to up the ante and bury Taehyung inside you, rolling your hips enough to poke your bottom out as far as possible each time, biting back a grin at the loud swear that left him. That plus the harder smack you received on the other cheek was just what you wanted.
“You’re so fucking dirty, baby, making me spank you like this—”
“Mhm, I love it, V—” You wiggled side to side as you peeked over your shoulder. “Feels nice having those big hands of yours on me.”
Taehyung hissed as the motion gave him a strong rush of pleasure, forcing him to thrust up as he dug his fingers into your flesh. “Shit—”
A sound between a giggle and a moan escaped you, returning to moving up and down on him once more, receiving some grateful words. While your hips worked, you brought your head forward, remembering the webcam staring you right in the face. Many of the words flying on the screen were just as lewd as what was going on in this bed right now, making your body heat up more and your walls flutter. But a few comments were asking for Taehyung to be a little more vocal, knowing how loud the model could get when he was really enjoying himself. You knew firsthand, as well.
Licking your lips, you decided to try something to attempt to fulfill the viewers’ wishes.
“O-Oh fuck—!” Taehyung groaned out loudly as you started squeezing your muscles around him each time you came down, forcing him to throw his head back into the mattress. “Godammit, Y/N—”
“Hm, you like that, baby? Like when my pussy gets nice and tight on this dick?”
“Jesus, what do you think? Ngh—!”
His snark was interrupted by another moan, making you laugh softly. “I’m thinking yes?”
“You little—”
Even the swat he gave your ass didn’t faze you, enjoying how the tables turned this time. Pushing your luck, you wiggled on him again, giggling at the choked gasp that sounded from behind you. “Don’t be so mad, you know you love thi— Ah!”
You didn’t even get the chance to finish your sentence before you felt Taehyung sit up, reaching under your knees to lift them up and pull them back, forcing your body to lean against his sweat-slick torso. Gasping at the shift in angle, you opened your mouth only for him to press his lips to your ear to growl.
“Fucking tease...for someone who was so eager to have me fuck them, you’re messing around an awful lot.”
You were sure he could feel you shake against him at the change.
“I-I’m not…”
“Really? You’re not?” Taehyung nipped your earlobe. “Because I should be hearing you screaming right now, not making fun of me.”
You swallowed hard at how his deep voice only seemed to lower the more he spoke. Something was telling you that maybe you shouldn’t have been teasing him.
“Then maybe I should sit back and let you take over?”
Taehyung was glad you couldn’t see the feral smile forming on his face, especially at how the viewers were basically begging him to follow through. “Well...if you insist.”
Tightening his hold on your knees, he shifted his hips forward a bit to get better leverage. Without another thought, he began thrusting up into you with no mercy.
“Ah—! V!”
There was no way you could have prepared yourself for how the man behind you began fucking you with reckless abandon. You couldn’t even do anything but sit there and take it, his grip on you firm and making sure he had your arms caged against your body.
Taehyung rasped out, a hint of joy underlying, “Fuck, baby, this is so much better now, no?”
“O-Oh my God—” You thought having him inside in the last position was a struggle but this one took the cake. Every time he buried himself, you swore you could feel him in your guts, causing your toes to curl and your mouth to fall slack in mind-boggling bliss. “Y-Yesss...shit, you’re so deep—”
A chuckle sounded next to your ear. “Yeah? Guess this pussy can handle my big cock with no problem.”
It was futile to try and have a conversation with Taehyung as he drove in and out of you, nothing but noises that let him know how great he was making you feel coming out.
Taehyung panted harshly the longer he thrust into you, loving how you kept clamping down on him with every stroke. If he brought his head forward enough, he could see how your eyes kept squeezing shut and the drool that started leaking from the corner of your open mouth. The sight made him lick his lips and switch into rolling his hips up now, teasing you on purpose.
“Y/N, wish you could see yourself right now. Your face is just screaming ‘I’m getting fucked stupid’, so fucking hot—”
All you could give was a strangled moan in reply.
“Haha, can’t even speak, huh? That’s fine with me, baby—” He gave a harsh pump. “Just let me hear more of those pretty sounds of yours.”
Lucky for him, you didn’t deny his request, noises varying from strained whimpers to intense cries escaping the longer he fucked you. Taehyung savored each one while he managed to focus on the screen once more.
[bedrockbambam]: holy shit this is sooooo hot, well worth the wait 😫💦💦💦
[bomiallnightlong]: damn, look how well her pussy is taking that fat cock of his, love it
[velvetyeri]: you two are killing me, I already came three times, can you make it a fourth?? 🥺❤️‍🔥
Taehyung grinned, the backs of his teeth showing, at the comments. He lived for these words during his shows but to see that his fans were enjoying having you in the mix as well pleased him to no end.
Somehow you managed to croak out, catching the other’s attention. “Hm?”
“I— ugh! I-I want to switch...”
Taehyung tilted his head. “Oh? Feeling uncomfortable?”
“N-No—” You whined before you were able to continue. “I want to try something else...”
He raised a brow at your request, slowing his hips down to a stop. “Oh yeah?”
With your nod, the other loosened his hold on your body, allowing you to pull off of him before crawling on all fours into the middle of the bed, making sure to stay at an angle where the camera got a good view between your legs. Looking back over your shoulder, you shot Taehyung a mischievous grin and playfully wiggled your bottom at him. 
“Come on, baby. Want you stretching me out again.”
His eyes smoldered at the view while his tongue poked out and ran over his lips, coming over to kneel behind you within a few seconds. Taehyung brought his hands up to grasp onto your ass, molding the flesh to his lithe fingers. Muttering yet another praise about how good it looked, he gave one of the cheeks a smack while holding himself with the other hand, lining up the tip with your entrance before sliding in slowly. The action brought low sounds out of the both of you, especially as he filled you up in a different way yet again.
“Mmm, that’s it...wait. Stay still for me.”
Taehyung tilted his head in confusion as you stopped him from thrusting into you but that quickly turned into hunger as you took it upon yourself to start pushing back against him instead, moaning wantonly as the friction morphed into a pleasant heat. He leaned back and watched as you moved onto him over and over, licking his lips at how your ass jiggled each time it smacked against his hips. “That’s it, baby— Fuck yourself on my cock just like that—“
Letting out a strained giggle at his heavy words, you obliged happily, swiveling your hips on each stroke only to receive more swears and swats to your bottom. 
“Loving it, V?”
“Yes gorgeous, you look so fucking hot doing this to me—” Taehyung flashed his teeth at the webcam. “Right, everyone?”
You looked back also, laughing a bit at the amount of thirst-laden comments flying by.
“Gosh, you guys are too sweet.”
Taehyung chuckled, biting back more curses as you tightened on him every time you moved now. Unable to take any more of the passiveness, he straightened up and grabbed your hips, holding you down on him. You gasped at the move as he leant forward to husk in your ear, “Enough playing around, baby. Let me pound this little cunt of yours, yeah?”
You had no resistance to that, a shiver running through your body as you whimpered, “Please, fuck me—!”
Taehyung gave your earlobe another nip in gratitude while sliding his hips back, only to snap them forward in no time, prompting you to throw your head back at the sudden rush. “A-Ah!”
Sure enough, he stayed true to his promise and started a reckless pace that made your fingers grip the sheets and your teeth rattle, still feeling him hit deep. At some point, one of your hands went back to rest on your hip, just to fulfill your body’s desire to move (all the sensations were making your nerves go haywire). Before you could remove it, Taehyung’s hand came up to wrap around your wrist, his hold tight enough to make your breath hitch. You looked back at him in mild question only for the same thing to happen again at the sight that greeted you.
His parted black hair was mussed, the strands sticking to his damp forehead. Those nearly jet black eyes zeroed in on your face with unbridled greed, full lips suffering under the pressure of his straight teeth. Sweat covered every inch of his tanned skin, a few drops catching your eye as they rolled down his chest and torso. And the way the veins in his toned forearm popped as he gripped onto your wrist...
Whatever you were going to ask died out the second your eyes laid on him.
Unfortunately for you, he noticed, loosening his lips from his teeth to shoot you a ravenous smirk.
“What is it, baby? Trying to get a good look at me?”
You tried to speak but couldn’t, eyes looking directly at the hand wrapped around you.
“Ah, hope you don’t mind me doing that—” Taehyung rubbed over the inside of your wrist with his thumb. “Wanna make sure you’re not moving around too much while I’m fucking you senseless.”
A clench on him let him know that you didn’t mind at all.
“Shit—” Taehyung picked up the power of his thrusts, making sure to keep his hold on you tight so your body didn’t jolt too far, licking his lips at the sharp cries you gave with each stroke. “You like when I pound you like this, baby?”
“Fuck, V, yesss...feels so fucking good!”
“Goddamn— Your pussy is so amazing, gorgeous, taking me in like this—” He looked at where your bodies met, groaning at how you clung to and coated him with your arousal. “You’re squeezing me so tight and making a mess on me...fucking love it!”
Hearing the absolute lechery spilling from his mouth completely erased whatever mental blocks you had, allowing your own words to fly out without hesitation.
“Of course, baby...wanna show you how much I’ve been dying to do this since I first watched you— Always thought about this thick cock splitting me apart and making me come over and over again, mnh! Even my best toy can’t compare to you...”
Taehyung thought his desire couldn’t increase anymore but then you opened your mouth and said those words, causing a growl to escape. “Oh yeah?” His free hand decided to make its return to smacking your ass. “You love my cock that much?”
“Mhm—!” The swat made your voice raise in pitch momentarily and your back arch. “It feels so nice sliding in and out of me...think my hand would cramp up if I tried to recreate this on my own...”
“Heh, maybe—” He leaned down far enough for only you to hear as he husked, “But I wouldn’t be against doing this again with you, gorgeous. Maybe you won’t need those pesky toys of yours anymore.”
Your head whipped up in shock at what he said. Did he just say what you think he said?
That couldn’t be. Maybe your brain was all scrambled from the multiple orgasms and getting railed. Yeah...right?
But you couldn’t ask him to clarify as he decided to go even faster, ripping a shriek from your throat to intermingle with the slapping of his hips striking your ass repeatedly.
“Oh God! Yes, fuck me hard, just like that—!”
You didn’t have to tell him twice as Taehyung kept it up, the sounds coming from the both of you becoming louder and more frequent as the minutes passed by. The two of you were so into the sex that you forgot about your audience, paying no mind to the absolute chaos of compliments flying on the screen. The only thing that broke the veil of suggestiveness was the guttural groan that came from Taehyung after a while.
“Goddammit—“ His hand connected with your ass yet again. “I’m about to come…fuck—“
A hard clamp and a shiver was how you responded to his declaration, already picturing the expression he would make as he fell over the edge. Dark brows knitted together, eyes squeezed shut with his mouth slack as his head threw back in sheer euphoria. Whimpering at the vivid image, you did your best to help out by tightening on him with each plunge, earning louder swears and harsher smacks to your sore ass cheek. In time, Taehyung rasped out, sounding a little more unhinged now, “Shit, I have to—”
Just as you felt him start to pull out of you, you pushed back on him, burying his dick once more.
Taehyung’s head whipped up at your strained words as his hips paused, wondering if he heard wrong. “What’s that, baby?”
You had to force out around a strong moan, “D-Don’t…don’t pull out, please! Want your come inside me—“
Taehyung’s mouth dropped at your request, wondering if you were serious or just letting your lust cloud your judgment. But then you looked back at him over your shoulder, eyes lidded and overflowing with lust, your bottom lip held under your teeth.
“Do it, baby.”
Those three words were all he needed to get back on track with his thrusts.
“Fucking shit…” He snarled out, striking your ass more than once in response. “You’re so damn greedy, letting me come inside this cunt of yours— Can’t get enough of me so you want me to fill you up?“
Your eyes nearly rolled back at his reprimanding. “Yes V! Fill me up, fill this little hole of mine, please baby!”
Taehyung could feel his limit approaching fast but your needy words only gave him a few seconds before the pressure behind his dick came to be too much. All he could do was bury himself before he lost control.
“Oh baby— If that’s what you want, I’ll fucking give it to you! A-Ah, God! Fuck—!”
With a shout, Taehyung tightened his grip on your wrist and dug his nails into your ass cheek as he emptied himself inside you, making you gasp at the heat splashing against your walls.
“O-Oh yes...give it to me, baby—!”
As if he wasn’t coming hard enough already, you decided to milk every drop of him with your muscles, savoring the nearly broken gasps that came out of the man behind you. Taehyung could only keep upright for so long, doubling over your back as his hips jerked uncontrollably. All too soon, he came to a complete stop, panting harshly as the last of his release shot out.
“H-Holy shit...”
His breathless exclamation made you giggle quietly, looking back at him to grin at the fucked-out look on his sweat-drenched face. “All better now?”
“Y-Yeah...” Taehyung let out a weak chuckle, reaching a shaking hand up to push his hair back. “Fuck, been a while since I came that hard.”
“Oh? Could’ve fooled me, thought I saw you come like that the one day you had the plug in.”
He laughed a little more at the recollection. “Ah, that show. Well, as fun as that was, still pales to this.”
Your cheeks couldn’t help but warm at that, combined with the grateful look Taehyung gave you. “Glad to be of help, V.”
Chuckling, he gave your bottom a gentle pat. But then he realized that you hadn’t finished yet, cursing himself for getting carried away and ignoring your needs. Looking down at where he was still connected to you, he bit his lip before looking up at you.
“You didn’t come yet, right?”
Blinking, you realized that no, you hadn’t. You were so caught up in the frenzy that the thought of hitting your peak didn’t even cross your mind; it helped that you had experienced two orgasms already.
“No, I didn’t...”
Taehyung nodded, straightening his body up once more with as much strength as he could muster. Before you could ask what he was about to do, his hips resumed the rigorous pace from earlier, forcing you to gasp out loud.
“V, wh—”
“Shh, gorgeous. Need to make you come again, hold on tight for me.”
“B-But you, ah—!”
He cut you off with a deep thrust and a swat. “Quiet, Y/N. Stay there and let me do this.”
You weren’t going to fight his offer by any means but the sternness of his words killed any possible resistance. Giving a weak nod, you faced forward and received a bit of praise before Taehyung changed the angle of his movements, rolling his hips to stroke along your walls.
“You like that, baby?”
A whimper escaped your lips as you dug your fingers into the sheets. “Y-Yes—“
Taehyung chuckled huskily, grabbing one of your ass cheeks before shaking it. “Yeah? Like me fucking my come into this little pussy?”
“Oh God, yes baby—”
The man behind you flashed his teeth at how you buried your face in the bed momentarily afterwards, the last thing he said increasing your pleasure. You could still feel his seed housed deep inside you, being pushed further in with each thrust. The sensation of it was unexpectedly pleasant.
“Y/N.” Whipping your head up, you looked back at him, nearly whimpering at that commanding look on his face again. “Touch yourself.”
Swallowing hard at the darkness of his lidded eyes, you bit your lip as you moved your free hand underneath to begin circling your nub, crying out sharply. The strong wave of bliss left you unable to support your upper body any longer, forcing you to rest your cheek on the mattress for leverage.
“Feels good, huh? That little clit of yours must be so swollen by now.”
“Y-Yes V— Fuuuck—”
Of course he decided to speed up a little more now, throwing in some spanking as well. As if you weren’t suffering (absolutely enjoying) this enough already. Either way, everything Taehyung was doing, combined with your slick fingers working yourself over, was rapidly bringing you to your third climax of the night, your body beginning to tremble in anticipation.
“O-Oh my God—!” You squeezed your eyes shut to focus on all of the sensations, keeping your hand moving as you cried out, “Fuck, I’m gonna fucking come—!”
Taehyung cursed loudly at your declaration, keeping his hips moving steadily as his hand smacked your ass again. “Yeah, baby? Gonna come all over my dick like a good girl?”
“Yes, yes!”
He bared his teeth in unbridled lust, delivering another hit to the same cheek. “Yes, gorgeous, let me feel it— Gotta feel this pussy clench, wanna see if you’ll squirt on me again—“
His words shot straight to your core, prompting a tight squeeze at the thought of possibly repeating the little stunt from earlier. But you didn’t have much time to ponder as a violent surge overcame you as the knot deep in your belly snapped, forcing a broken gasp from your sore throat.
“A-Ah! V!”
All you could do was say his name before nothing but white blinded your vision, your back arching as you shook in front of him.
Taehyung had watched you close the whole time but now he made sure to keep his eyes completely focused on you as you came yet again, gripping his softening cock with enough force to make him grit his teeth. And sure enough, he got his wish as he felt a rush of wetness leaking onto him, groaning lowly when he looked down to see the mess. “Fuck, that’s it, gorgeous, knew you could do it— You must feel so fucking good right now, yeah?”
You could barely hear him but answering was nearly impossible with how hard you were coming. After what felt like ages, your body finally calmed down enough to slump against the bed, weak whines creeping past your lips and hips giving occasional jerks. You felt Taehyung lean down, pressing his sweaty torso to your equally damp back, brushing his lips against your ear to whisper.
“Still with me, baby?”
A hushed laugh left you at his question. “My body is, don’t know about my spirit, though.”
Taehyung chuckled and gave your cheek a kiss. “Just a little longer and we can finish, okay?”
As exhausted as you were, you felt a bit of sadness at your time together ending soon. But it was a show. He wasn’t obligated to keep this going on after the camera shut off. So you nodded weakly, trying not to whine when he straightened up and slowly began pulling out of you, allowing his come to start leaking out of your stretched hole.
“Damn...look at that.” Taehyung bit his lip and held your ass cheeks, spreading them apart to allow the audience to get a better view. 
“I guess this little cunt can’t handle all of my come, huh?” He brought his fingers up to pick up the globs that started dripping down your folds, pushing them back inside you (causing you to gasp as he brushed against your oversensitive walls). “Look at this, I’m putting it back in and yet you keep pushing it out. Not as greedy as I thought you were, hm?”
“M-Mm—” You trembled at the slight discomfort of his digits, nearly sighing in relief when he removed them after the third time of pushing his mess in. Feeling some of your strength returning, you managed to push yourself up with your arms before turning around to face the screen. It took a while for your eyes to focus but once they did, they widened in shock at the frantic words in the chat.
[babyJ13]: my chair is an absolute mess right now but not as bad as your sheets, I’m sure 😝 you guys were amazing, can you do this again sometime? 👀
[KookyBun]: take all of my fucking money, you sexy bastards 💸 ughhhh, pls tell me where I can see more of her, I love her 😘😘😘
And that was only a portion of the comments you read.
Despite all of the raunchiness you had done with Taehyung just now, seeing these words made you hide your face behind your hands, squeaking out your thanks to the audience.
“Th-Thank you guys! You’re all s-so nice!”
Taehyung wasn’t as fazed, laughing softly at your bashful reaction. Sitting down next to you, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, giving it a gentle rub. “Told you they would love you. My fans are some of the best on this site—” He gave the webcam one of his dazzling grins. “Right?”
Sure enough, the screen filled up with affirmations and declarations of love for the model, prompting him to laugh again.
“Aww, you’re all too good to me!”
Now your hands lowered down, revealing a face that bit back a large smile. This experience went a lot smoother than you expected (well, aside from your nerves in the beginning and nearly choking on Taehyung’s dick halfway through). You attributed most of it to Taehyung’s natural charisma and ability to make whoever he was interacting with feel comfortable. Well, that and the deep recesses of your mind that housed many fantasies of you and him in scenarios that you never thought would see the light of day.
“How’s my costar feeling?”
You turned your head to see him giving you a soft smile. “She’s feeling pretty damn great. Exhausted but great.”
His eyes squinted in joy, giving your shoulder a pat. “Happy to hear it. You looked like you were having the time of your life.”
“I was! Really, V—” You couldn’t help but lean in to give him a one-armed hug. “Thank you so much for the opportunity. You’re wonderful.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened a bit at the kiss you gave to his cheek before his grin became a little timid now. “No problem, baby.”
The two of you continued talking to the viewers for a few more minutes until the other looked at the time, making a sound of disappointment. “Shit, looks like we’ll have to wrap it up for the night.” He shot you a pout. “This is always my least favorite part.”
You reflected the expression. “Mine too.”
Your humor made his lips twitch before he looked at the camera once more. “Alright everyone, I wish we could keep this going on for a little longer but we’re way past schedule as it is. Don’t worry, Friday will be here again before you know it! Make sure to keep an eye out for the video to be uploaded in the next couple of days.”
On cue, Taehyung held his fingers together in the shape of a heart, winking and blowing a kiss. 
“Until next time. Borahae!”
Just when you thought he was going to get up and cut the stream off, he gave you an expectant look, motioning you to give your own goodbye. Mouth popping open in surprise, you quickly recovered, clearing your throat before addressing the chat.
“Thank you guys for being supportive! I’m sure a lot of you were upset that you didn’t win but I hope everyone gets another chance at this the next time there’s a contest. Trust me—” You shot Taehyung a coy smirk. “It’s quite the experience.” You didn’t see the way his eyes lowered at the comment, returning your gaze to the screen. “Anyways, see everyone next week in the chat!”
Giving your own kiss as well, you spotted Taehyung getting up to walk towards his computer, shutting off the stream, leaving just the two of you alone in the room now. With that one action, the atmosphere seemed to change. Your nerves were slowly making their way back in as you tried not to feel awkward now that the show was over. What happened now? Did you have to leave as soon as possible? Was there a post-camshow discussion that was supposed to occur?
Your inner rambling was halted when Taehyung called you. You jumped when you spotted him standing in front of you now, head cocked to the side.
“Everything alright?”
“O-Oh! Yeah...”
His lips curled as his arms folded over his sweat-covered chest. “You sure? You looked like you were in your own world just now.”
Your cheeks warmed as he called you out, lifting a hand up to brush some hair out of your face as you looked off to the side. “Positive. Just, um, processing everything, hah...”
Taehyung’s face softened. “You’re definitely feeling okay? I wasn’t too rough?”
“No, not at all!” A small laugh left you. “I mean, I’m sure I’m going to feel this in the morning but other than that, I’m doing very well.”
Taehyung smiled a little more at your reassurance but his boxy one made a comeback at the end of it. “Well, seeing as how my sheets are a mess now, I can’t accuse you of embellishing.”
“Taehyung!” You hid your face again as he laughed. “Jesus, I can’t believe I did that twice.”
“Hmm, guess I’ve got the magic touch.” Now you reached out to lightly smack the side of his thigh, receiving a loud laugh in response to that and the glaring pout you gave. “Sorry, sorry!”
“Hmph, whatever.”
The man in front of you giggled before placing his hand on your head, giving it a gentle pat. “Let me get you a towel so you can clean up.”
With that, Taehyung headed into the connected bathroom, reemerging with a couple of towels and handing one to you. You gave him a smile and a thanks before running the fabric over your damp skin first. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the other doing the same. He cleaned himself off but skipped over his cock for now. You couldn’t help but bite your lip at how it was coated and glistening with both of your come. Something about the sight was lighting that fire up inside of you again and gave you an idea that you were shocked to even think about.
Before you could kill the thought, you called out to Taehyung.
Taehyung paused, tilting his head. “What’s wrong?”
What was going through your head shouldn’t have been there in the first place. The show was over, what were you doing? But rationality was lost as you motioned Taehyung to step closer to you. He obliged, albeit with confusion still on his handsome face. Before you could chicken out, you took a hold of his limp cock, holding it up to lean forward and begin licking off the mess on it.
His shocked gasp of your name didn’t deter you, aiming to get him as clean as possible. The mix of everything tasted...odd, to say the least. But the hold this man had on you was so strong that you were doing whatever you could to leave a lasting impression on him, to stand out from any other lucky winners in the future. It must be working as when you finished, pulling away with a lick of the lips, Taehyung was giving you that same intense look that came up a few times during the session.
The sight made you shiver and press your messy thighs together.
He made sure to keep his gaze locked with yours, hoping that you could ascertain how much he enjoyed the surprise. Despite his recent orgasm, Taehyung felt a stirring beginning yet again. He was the professional and you were the fan but goddamn if he wasn’t tempted to pin you to the bed and go for another round or two after that.
But a knock on the door interrupted, making the two of you jump out of the bubble of tension that had begun building up again. Breaking the eye contact (albeit reluctantly), Taehyung cleared his throat before calling out.
“Just a minute!”
With that, you decided to push whatever just happened to the back of your head as you pulled your shirt back down, frowning at how stained it had gotten. Reminding yourself to throw it in the wash when you got home, you lifted up enough to wrap the towel around your hips. You would have stood up but your legs still felt wobbly plus Taehyung’s come was starting to run down your thigh. Said man chose to pull his sweatpants on instead before going over to open the door, revealing Hoseok behind it, beaming like the sun.
“Hello there!” He walked in, revealing a water bottle in each of his hands, handing one to Taehyung before doing the same for you. 
“How are my little movie stars?”
You giggled at him, quickly uncapping the bottle before taking a much-needed sip. “Ready to take a long nap.”
Hoseok chuckled as the both of you had practically the same answer. “Well, I’m not surprised, after all of that? You both deserve a sandwich along with it! Seriously, you guys were amazing—“ His eyes playfully squinted at you. 
“Especially you, Miss I’ve-Never-Done-This-Before.”
You couldn’t help but be amused yet flustered at his words, shrugging. “I’m serious, I haven’t! I just…let go and pretended it was only me and him the whole time.”
Taehyung couldn’t help but shoot you a proud smile, happy that you came around from the shaking mess that stepped into his room.
“Well, either way, I loved it. The audience did too, you should see how wild the chat was after you signed off!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm!” Hoseok grinned. “Got a lot of people asking if you’ve got your own channel.” He smirked at his client. “Looks like you’ve got a bit of competition, Tae.”
Taehyung gasped dramatically, a hand resting on his chest. “What?! Wow, to think Y/N would steal my fans from me, after all I’ve done for her!”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Oh please, like it would even make a dent on your followers. Trust me, I don’t think my shows would be as intriguing as yours.”
“Aww, so humble.”
Hoseok laughed at your banter before he clapped his hands together all of a sudden. “God, I’m so excited to take the video to Baekhyun-nim for editing tomorrow! I can’t remember the last time I felt like this!”
Taehyung gave his manager a look of offense. 
“Hyung, are you calling my solo shows boring?!”
“No dummy, you know that’s not what I mean. I’m saying that I haven’t seen chemistry and intensity like that from my clients in ages!”
“Hmph, if you say so. My manager doesn’t have faith in me anymore.” You giggled when Taehyung pouted at you, only to grow into a cackle when Hoseok walked over and smacked him upside the head. 
“Hush, you little drama queen. Okay—” The blond’s sunny smile returned. “Why don’t you two get cleaned up completely and I’ll order us some dinner in the meantime?”
At his offer, your eyes widened. “Oh Hobi, you don’t have to—”
“Hey hey hey, none of that, Y/N. What kind of manager would I be if I didn’t feed my workers? I’m sure you two are starving, I know I am.”
As he said that, your stomach decided to rumble quietly, proving him right. “Hmm, fine. It’s pretty late though, what’s even open around this time?”
Taehyung jumped in, “There’s a couple! There’s Chinese takeout, pizza and a place that makes some pretty nice ramyeon.”
Looking up in thought, you couldn’t find yourself in a mood for any particular type of food. “I could go with any of them, why don’t you guys choose?”
Taehyung lit up like a lamp at your suggestion before looking at Hoseok with puppy eyes. “Hyung, can we get pizza? Pleaaaase?”
Hoseok rolled his eyes. “Fine but I’m only getting one order of garlic knots this time. You left them behind the last time and I ended up having to throw them out!”
“Aw man, fine.”
Once the two came to an agreement, Hoseok left to go place your respective orders. Taehyung offered you his bathroom to get washed up and took your stained shirt to throw in the wash while he gave you one of his t-shirts to borrow for now. You couldn’t help but feel a bit special at getting to wear his clothing, the fabric smelling of him mixed with detergent.
Taehyung showered also, deciding to throw his pajamas on instead (you commended him for his trumpet-print pants). Not long after you were both done, Hoseok announced that the pizza had arrived, prompting the two of you to race down to the kitchen. Everyone got their fill of the food, along with a bottle of soju Taehyung broke out, until eyes were lidded and bellies were close to bursting. Hoseok looked at his watch only to comment on how late it was and that you should get home to get some rest. You didn’t mind staying longer in their company but both the men looked just as tired as you were; you couldn’t impose.
You pulled out your phone to call for a ride only for Taehyung to stop and offer to pay instead. You were ready to fight him on it until he gave you a no-nonsense look, forcing you to sigh and give in, too full to argue. Once the app let him know the car was ten minutes away, you said your goodbye to Hoseok. The blond gave you a hug and a pat on the back, congratulating you again for a job well done before promising to keep in contact with you concerning the video.
So now you and Taehyung sat on his front steps, taking in the warm air as small talk was made.
“And then he deleted the file by accident, all because it was off by one number.”
“Jesus, that sounds awful. Please tell me you guys have a recovery system.”
“We do, thank God.” You sighed. “Or else my company would have been one less employee short. Blood would’ve ended up on my hands that day.”
Taehyung shook his head as he chuckled in disbelief at the story about how Mark nearly lost an extremely important document detailing the company’s yearly finances. “Props to you for being able to be in a career like that, I would have lost my mind if I was in your place.”
“Trust me, I’ve had many close calls.” Your eyes rolled as you leaned back on your arms. “Especially when my boss gets wind of any mistakes? It makes me want to jump out of the window.”
Taehyung laughed, running a hand through his hair. “I can imagine.”
Silence came between the two of you, comfortable now that you were growing familiar with each other. This led to the model to think about something you had mentioned during your meeting, wanting to pick your brain a bit.
“Hey Y/N.”
You turned to him. “Yes?”
Taehyung tilted his head. “Would you ever consider giving camming a serious shot one of these days?”
You weren’t expecting him to say that.
But you couldn’t help but wonder. Would you?
“I mean...” Your hands clasped in your lap. “It’s not my dream job but it is something I’m still interested in trying. But I don’t know how I’d do...”
Taehyung nodded slowly at your response. “Hmm...you want my honest opinion?”
His tongue flicked out over his lips as his dark eyes regarded you. “I think if you find a market or niche to focus on and put the time and investment into it, you’ll do pretty well.” At your incredulous look, he continued.
“I’m serious, not blowing smoke up your ass! You looked like you were having fun during the show and the way you transitioned along the way and spoke—” The boxy grin returned. “You have potential. You’re not perfect but it takes time to improve and find out what does and doesn’t work for you. If you really want it, you’ll do amazing.”
All you could do was stare at Taehyung afterwards, in shock at what he said. To hear someone who had way more experience than you did in this line of work say that you had a chance?
You couldn’t help but break out into an ecstatic grin.
“Thank you Taehyung...”
The man next to you nodded before he became silent again. Now he cocked his head. “Hey, why don’t I give you my number? In case you ever have any questions or need any advice?”
Your mouth popped open at the offer. “I-Is that okay? I don’t mind but I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for giving your number out to fans.”
Taehyung waved dismissively. “Eh, it’s fine, you’re an exception. I trust you not to blow up my phone with creepy messages anyway.”
“I mean...” You laughed at the appalled sound he gave. “Kidding, kidding!”
The two of you exchanged numbers while you tried not to dance in place. How much more luck could you get? A ping sounded from Taehyung’s phone afterwards. “Oop, looks like your ride is about to turn down the street.”
He stood up and held his hand out to help you up before walking down the steps and walkway with you. The both of you stood side by side near the road, looking down the quiet street to keep an eye out for a specific car. Headlights popped up soon and made their way down towards the house. Looks like the night is over.
At the soft call, you turned and looked up to see Taehyung stepping closer before holding your shoulders with care. Tilting your head, you couldn’t help the way your heart beat a little faster at the proud smile he gave you. And then you felt yourself being pulled into a hug.
“You did great, gorgeous. Thank you for doing this with me.”
A thudding filled your ears as you wrapped your arms around his lean body as well, giving him a careful squeeze.
“Thank you Tae...really, you helped me out more than you thought.”
A pleased hum sounded from him. “It was my pleasure, Y/N. Get home safe, okay?”
“Will do. Enjoy your weekend, Taehyung.”
The two of you parted (reluctantly, for you) in time for the car to roll up in front, the driver waiting patiently. But then Taehyung had to sneak in a kiss to your cheek before shooing you off cutely. How were you supposed to leave quietly after that?!
You forced yourself to give him a pout and a light punch to the arm before entering your ride, greeting the driver as you rolled the window down and waved goodbye to Taehyung. Much to your gratitude, they weren’t much of a talker, allowing you to process everything that happened.
You still couldn’t believe that you had sex with your favorite camboy on a live stream. After only knowing him for two days. In front of thousands of strangers. And you used your real name and showed your face while you spewed and performed all kinds of smut that would give a priest a heart attack.
Would you do it again?
Your lips curled.
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Šbangtanintotheroom, 2022. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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hypmicdaydreams ¡ 2 years
Hi!! Can I request for how hifumi and his s/o would spend the day when stuck at home in a snowstorm? Thank you ❣️
Ohh cute!! It's been so cold here lately too as well as snowy, so I absolutely loved writing these myself! It fit the vibe and all. They may be a bit long/all over the place, but regardless I still hope you enjoy anon 💕 Thanks for the request!
stuck home amidst a snowstorm w/ hifumi
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-pairing: hifumi izanami x gn!reader
-genre: fluff
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snowstorms, albeit usually rather mild, weren’t all too rare of an occurrence over there in shinjuku, happening every few years or so
and yet, when you rolled out of bed that morning, trudging your feet along as you tiredly got ready, you hadn’t quite expected to find an emergency warning on your phone, calling for strong winds and high snow accumulation that day so it was best to stay indoors
it was strange to have a snow day it seemed like, especially in the middle of the week of all days, but you didn’t complain much, getting back into bed immediately and snuggling against your already warm boyfriend. it had been freezing those few moments you were away from the comfort of the blankets after all, and you wanted nothing more than to warm up and fall back asleep with hifumi right by your side
breakfast was pretty much the same as usual, though there was quite the late start, which was unusual given the morning bird hifumi was. on his days off (that is to say, when he wasn’t spending all night at the host club), he rose with the sun and set with it you learned, living with him for a while now
though perhaps it tasted much better today for some reason. whether it was because the warmth of your guys’ shared home while the bitter coldness of the storm raged outside or the fact that you guys were able to eat and spend a day inside together, the food tasted much more delicious, though that isn’t to say that hifumi’s cooking was lackluster by any means
honestly, i can see the boredom striking a bit early, probably after breakfast since there didn’t seem to be much to do
hifumi usually liked to do the chores around the place pretty early in the day, and if you were out running errands or were at work (hifumi had a night job after all), then he’d do so alone. it’s not like he minded though, given that hifumi had a strange fondness for doing housework. it was certainly peaceful in a sense
since you were stuck inside with him, however, you did try to do some of the chores, as much as hifumi insisted that you not
“aw honey, it’s your day off! you don’t get this often, right?” he’d ask, then lead you to the couch, forcing you to sit down and get comfy. “let me do the chores!”
would surely pout if you insisted otherwise and tried to get up. he didn’t really like seeing you overexert yourself when you were supposed to be resting, even if it was just chores
he liked doing them by himself anyway, especially since he had his own system and way of doing things
(i can see him eventually giving in if you were relentless, though he’d certainly be pouting throughout and perhaps just a touch nitpicky)
the day is certainly spent together
hifumi can be a bit clingy at times, i like to think, especially now that he had the time to spend with you alone. it wasn’t often the two of you had a slow, domestic day, so he certainly takes advantage of that!
cuddles you nonstop it seemed like, always by your side, beaming and exclaiming just how warm and comfy you were compared to the bitter cold weather outside
he simply wants to indulge in the warmth and homey feel of the apartment with you now that it certainly felt like a home. even if the day was spent doing nothing, hifumi didn’t mind, as long as you were there alongside him
feel like the two of you would have a cooking date of sort as well; for instance, cooking dinner together then sitting down and eating it
it’s not like the two of you could go out anyway, and besides, since the two of you were trapped inside, having a cute little date seemed like such a fun way to pass the time while the snow outside raged
the kitchen, once more, was hifumi’s domain, so it does take some convincing to let you help him out, a bit pouty when you insist. he did personally love making meals for you, to pour his heart out into a meal and watch the joy on your face when you at them. it was so rewarding!
but at the same time, i do think he’d let help out, simply excited at the fact the two of you were doing something together, as small as the kitchen may be
ah, but he does help you through each step, giving exact directions and even comforting you if you managed to mess up
“aw, you’re not supposed to do it like that!” he’d exclaim, coming up from behind you unprompted, his back on yours, holding your hand as he shows you how to correctly chop the vegetables or so
and the way he was no unfazed! not taking into account just how close the two of you were right now. you were practically flustered, able to feel his body heat, smell his scent, able to hear your own heartbeat in your ears, and my how fast it was beating!
even after living with him for a while now, he always managed to catch you off-guard, well, in the best way possible. hifumi simply had some sort of strange effect on you, the butterflies always flaring each time he does something so suddenly, though admittedly, you didn’t mind all too much
yet, here hifumi was, acting as if nothing had happened, which was in typical hifumi fashion i suppose
“oh, you’re so warm!” he’d tease, smiling all innocent like despite knowing full well what had caused such a response. “you get so easily flustered honey!” which only does so more
(it was a neverending loop actually)
dinner goes the same way as breakfast and lunch, though perhaps the meal has a slight off taste to it depending on your own experiences (i mean, you may not be that good of a cook, compared to hifumi at the very least)
but to hifumi, he does think that it tastes much better, even if you have a disgusted look on your face, disappointed at your own lack of skills
i mean, the fact that this meal was made together, within the vicinity of the kitchen, to hifumi, that meant that it’d taste much better, or at least feel so
everything felt better if you guys did it together after all, and given that it wasn’t too often you guys cooked dinner and enjoyed it at the same time, eating within each other’s company. ah, he did wish you guys could do so every day, however
night comes early with the winter season and all, and after dinner is spent cuddling up in blankets together, perhaps enjoying a warm drink as well. the temperature did suddenly drop, the snow falling with much more intensity, and the large heavy blankets that were stored in the closet were meant for this occasion 
though with the warmth of the full stomach, the blanket, and each other, it was difficult to not doze off. the heaviness of the blanket and the warmth and scent of hifumi made it so of course
but when you did fall asleep, resting on hifumi himself, he certainly felt his heart do leaps, a smile coming on. ah, you were so cute! sleeping on him, tired from the cold winter weather
you certainly deserved your rest after all
hifumi, as energetic as he seemed at times, surely had the fatigue catch up to him as well
he couldn’t help it! it was so warm and heavy underneath those blankets; sleep overcame him easily
but, y’know, sleeping on the couch, you resting on him, was somewhat comfortable, he had to admit
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xxatinyminionxx ¡ 3 years
ahhh tysm i just finished reading the Jay NSFW A-Z it was so so good ! (As your work always is :D ) thank you for taking the time to write it and for always giving us the best posts (you’re one of my favourite blogs 🥺) also i hope you do more games similar to that number guessing game in the future bc it was really fun ! (shshs sorry I rambled a bit… just wanted to let you know how much your followers and I appreciate you and your work) — 🌷
A-Z Post | 🌷anon you’re the sweetest tulip ever plsss 💕 It really makes me feel happy and grateful to know you all enjoy the writing I do. Running and writing for this blog is not easy and is incredibly time consuming, but I choose to do it anyway. It’s all for fun and because I want to share my thoughts about various things with you.
I’d LOVE to do another number guessing game soon! It was super fun to host! If any of you have ideas of what you want to win from these games next, let me know! Just nothing writing request-related for now.
And thank you again for this message! It has lifted a weight of uncertainty off my shoulders. I have been feeling unsure of my writing lately so this has helped me feel better about it <3
TLDR; Tysm for your support! Ideas for the next number guessing game prize (not writing request related)?
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skippyv20 ¡ 3 years
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I’ve missed all the MM drama today, but I just saw her pretend family Christmas card on your blog. What a joke! Anyways not thinking of her for the next few days. We are getting ready to enjoy or Christmas. It’s been a busy & fun Christmas Eve at our home. Cooking, playing music & baking. We had one set of friends come around for lunch & had a wonderful time, especially the kids. We had our second lock down in Victoria for 4 months, ending in October. We feel blessed & are not taking for granted that our restrictions have eased  & we can catch up w/ people during Christmas. Tomorrow however, we plan to have a quiet Christmas day at home just my husband, son and I. I’m excited about a small Christmas. Still planing to cook up a storm, but without the worry or stress of hosting a big gathering. I can actually sit and really enjoy the day. Sending you, Mr Skippy & the whole family giant Christmas cuddles from our side of the world. Thanks for all the laughs this year & letting me vent a few times when I felt overwhelmed w/ our lockdown & missing my family over seas. Your blog feels like a circle of friends who are there anytime. 🙏❤️🥰😘🎄🎄🎄🎄🎅🤶🤗😻😺💕💕💕
Thank you so much for sharing....sounds perfect!  Yes the idea of quiet Christmas will be a welcome change for some....So nice having a small child to keep the excitement alive!  We are blessed to be a family here...and blessed to have you as part of it....Merry Christmas to you and yours...stay safe!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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