#anyways time to queue slowly again
axuelot · 10 months
he's wondering if you have any games on your phone
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(July 2023)
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synthshenanigans · 8 months
Jashtober Day 13- Time
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sysig · 4 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Handplates
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Handplates
2:30 PM: Star Control II - Helix +4:20 PM Bonus!: Helix shitpost
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII OCs
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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kennysimp101 · 25 days
Can I request Harry x female reader smut based on the hide & seek sidemen challenge. Harry finds the reader and they think they can get a quickie in before anyone finds them but they get caught. Queue the funny hard launch and teases from everyone.
If you feel uncomfortable doing smut then Harry x female reader based on the holiday vs holiday vids. You’re invited to join them where a bond with Harry deepens, super cute moments that make it into the edit.
Hide and Seek: Harry Lewis x reader 🔥
Warnings: P in v, unprotected sex A/n: Heyooo, i loved both the requests so I may just do the other one to cause Harry>> Anyways sorry for the late update, and I shall keep getting threw the requests slowly but surely
“Ladies and gentlemen, today's video is Hide and Seek in a mansion with our special guest…. Y/N!!. JJ will be seeking and we all have 10 mins to hide”is what you hear Vik saying as you start running towards a spot you saw before. You've been friends with the sidemen for years and have been dating Harry for around a year. Today they asked you to film a hide and seek with them and you were soo excited. You ran to a hidden closet you saw before and opened it to see your bf already in there. “Oh fuck off Harry, I told you Im hiding here” you exclaimed as you were so sure this spot would not be found. “Welp, the game is the game,” he says as he giggles at your frustration. “You know what, im still gonna hide here” So you get into the closet with him. 
It's less claustrophobic than what you expected. There was around a foot between the two of you. You hadn't had time to do anything with Harry since your schedules have just been clashing together. None of the sidemen knew you guys were together so Harry felt odd asking to miss more sidemen or reacts shoots for things you wanted to do together. While the no time to hang out or talk sucked, you and Harry had a HIGH sex drive, so not having sex in so long has been horrible. Looking at him in this situation, so close to you, low light on his face from the cracks in the cupboard. “Yk, I dont think we are getting caught for a while, so….” Harry said and trailed off looking at you. “So??” You say as you act oblivious to what he is insinuating. “Sooo… quickie??” That was all he had to say as you closed the gap between the two of you, kissing him with desperation since you've been waiting for so long. 
He pushed you against your side of the closet, one hand against the wall to stabilize him and the other sliding down your waist to grab your ass. Your hands found their way to his hair as you slightly tugged on them, making him moan into your mouth while lifting your left leg as you bit his lip. “I've missed you so much y/n,” he said in between breaths as you started kissing down his jaw and neck, littering them in love bites. He slid his hand under your skirt, lifting it as he slowly started rubbing your inner thigh. “Harry… pleasee” you moaned softly and now it was his turn to leave hickeys all over you. “Yes babe, ik we have to be fast” He slipped your panties down as your hands went down to his pants, fiddling with the waistband, trying to take his dick out without removing all his pants. “You ready?” you nodded as fast as you could as he slipped into you. You were so wet and throbbing as you've been needing this for so long. You started to moan as you felt Harry's hand on your mouth. “We need to be quiet y/n” You nodded again but your brain felt like mush. Harry finally starts moving slowly, but picking up the pace cause he knew you guys had less time. “Omg you so fucking tight, so wet, have you been missing me this much love?” he says with a smirk looking at your state. 
You both were so encapsulated in the moment that you didn't hear the rest of the boys shouting your names as you were the only two left. You also didn't notice the noises getting closer towards the closet. You were both focused on getting your high, “so close” Is all you could muster in the moment “Me too babe” is said as the doors of the closet open. “Guys I found- OMG FUCKING GOD” Josh screams and closes the door while all the guys are trying to look from behind him. “WTF IS HAPPENING” Ethan is screaming or laughing you can't tell. “Oh fuck” Harry says as you both make urself presentable, but are so red from embarrassment. Harry slowly opens the closet as you both step out. “GET IT HARRY,” JJ says as he dabs up Harry awkwardly. “Wait… so are you two?” Simon asks. “Yup” You reply, still looking down in embarrassment. “Damnn congrats’ “WOOOOO” “LESS GOOO” You hear a chorus of cheers. “Im happy for you guys, but next time, don't fuck on a shoot pls, is there even any usable footage,” Josh asks. “First 2 minutes maybe,” Harry says awkwardly as he just wants to leave the situation.
A/N: I hope yall liked it, its been a while since I've written anything so a bit rusty BUT I WILL GET BACK INTO IT
Keep dropping your requests
Love yall <33
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Colonel's orders!
Summary: Lyle doesn't show up for your date, Quaritch rectifies the situation.
Human!Miles x gn!reader, Human!Lyle x gn!reader
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It was an odd situation you had to admit. Lyle and you? No one would have seen it coming, well no one except your roommate.
"He's a dog y/n! You're a fine piece of ass and he's sniffin!" She called to you as you got ready by the mirror. Her head didn't even pop up from her data pad as she chewed on her pen.
"What the hell does that even mean Kim?" You didn't have time for her nonsense warnings. Your own shift had run late and if you didn't leave now he'd be waiting. You just wished your hair knew that.
"Means what it means." She said crossing her arms. "You shouldn't go. AND if you do I'm not clearing out so there'll be no hanky panky" You rolled your eyes. Cheep as RDA was you were lucky in your station to only have one room mate to deal with. She could be a pain in the ass but at least she kept her side tidy.
"I have no idea what your saying half the time." You grumbled mainly to yourself, having a last once over in the mirror before heading out.
"If your not back by 0900 I'm inviting Prager over!" You wished the sliding mechanical doors were capable of slamming as you left.
She was one to talk about your taste seeing as she'd been making her way through the military types. Still in some ways she was right. You'd never seen them as your type before but Lyle had been a special case.
You were a jack of all trades, often flitting from task to task in where ever they felt you were needed. Your primary work load was in mechanics, which was where you met him. Lyle clearly wished to jump the queue and reckoned it was a 50/50 he'd get to the top of the order or blacklisted. His cheesy pickup lines and obvious eyeballing would have normally pissed you off but for some reason you'd found it charming.
Maybe it was his sincerity? He certainly seemed to find you genuinely attractive and was not shy about expressing it. Maybe it was the lack self seriousness he displayed? Or maybe it was simply that no one else had shown this much blatant interest in you in a while.
There were no games with him. He was clear in his intentions from the beginning. Before you'd even finished fixing his gun mount on the craft, he'd set up a date. You appreciated the straight forwardness greatly. You often found people difficult to read and wished more would be as blunt at times.
So here you were, outside the hanger leaning against the wall in your nicest causal clothes. It was a miracle you'd made it on time, better than that you were a couple of minutes early! You used the time to catch your breath, peering at your reflection in the glass.
You looked nice. It was hard to look special with what little you'd brought with you but still the effort was clear. Anyways he'd still be in his camo so he'd be a hypocrite to think you'd not bothered to dress up.
Not that dressing up was necessary, you were only going to an observation deck. It was technically out of bounds for yourself but with him as escort it would be allowed. As he told it, that catwalk had the best views of the night sky. You quite looked forward to seeing it, would be a change from the lower levels you tended to work in.
Minutes ticked by slowly. Muscular men and women in military gear filed past, looking at you with confusion as you waited. You kept your eyes down, hoping not to draw too much attention. Wouldn't want to get kicked out before Lyle even got here.
Your feet started to ache. Looking down at your watch again you noted how late he was. 15 minutes wasn't so bad, maybe he'd needed a shower first and had just forgot to message you. You rocked back and forth on your heels, staring out at the moving crane in the hanger.
30 minutes was understandable. Something must have come up and made him late. If it was work then of course he wouldn't have been able to message you and let you know. The timer lights had gone out leaving the hall dim. You slumped down now, sitting on the floor. Might as well rest a little while you waited right?
45 minutes. The cranes had stopped now, the large hanger bay stilled. Whatever workers left must have gone off to their own beds through other exits. You hadn't seen another soul in the last half an hour. Was he just not coming?
55 minutes was your limit. You could feel the frustration rising in your throat. It constricted as your chest spasmed, threatening to start you sobbing. You held the flood gates, your eyes only glassy, you wouldn't cry here.
You felt stupid for falling for what ever trick he was playing. A prank amongst his friends maybe? All watching on CCTV at the poor sod he'd tricked into thinking he liked them. Fuck them, they wouldn't see you cry. You were gonna walk back to your room like nothing was wrong and let your roommates vicious tongue say it for you.
You stood, stretching out your aching muscles, your back giving a satisfying pop. You moaned a little in the empty space as you reached high in your stretch. Then you heard someone clear their throat.
You glanced over to see the Colonel himself eyeing you. You yanked your arms down fast, adjusting your clothing that had crept up.
"Sir!" You straightened, mind racing. What could you say to excuse your being here? Did he know his own men well enough to mark you as an outsider here?
"Shouldn't you be..." He began.
"Yes! sorry sir! I was waiting for someone and..." You cut him off, trailing off with a half hearted laugh at the end there. You weren't hiding you emotion well, you could hear a manic edge to your tone. Well fuck it, your evening couldn't get worse right?
"I think I've been stood up, sir." You met his eye when you said this tears threatening to spill. This was the first time since the mandatory safety briefing you'd seen him this close. You'd done well the last few years, making yourself indispensable on base, never needing to leave its safe walls. Nor having to be in the presence of the Colonel who you'd found so frightening before.
He didn't seem so scary now. Emotions quickly passing across his admittedly handsome face. Though it was marked heavily by deep scarring he was very agreeable up close. He seemed to soften a moment, an easy smile gracing his lips.
"By one of mine? Now that won't do darlin" You blushed at the pet name, eyeing him nervously as he reached a hand out to you. You took it gingerly, staring down at his rough hand clasping your own. Then your eyes drifted to his biceps, wow he was huge.
"Colonel Miles Quaritch." He drawled out, laughing a little. Your eyes shot back up to his, busted.
"Uh, y/n, sir!" You squeaked out. You tensed as he pulled your arm in, hooking it through his own. You followed his movements, allowing him to walk you through the doors off limits to yourself.
"Gave you my name for a reason there darlin'. Just Miles will be fine." You just nodded to him, the whole situation rapidly getting away from you.
"Now what had my no good dog promised you huh?" he turned his head to you, flashing a brilliant smile. You settled against him, content he wasn't going to yell at you and happy to be closer to his muscles.
"The stars." You spoke, more steadily this time, a dreamy hint touching your voice. You'd never seen them so clear as the first night you arrived on Pandora and had been squirreled away ever since. "We were going to go look at them."
Miles hummed to himself, leading you to an elevator on the far wall. An assistant had made to approach with paper work, he shot him a look you couldn't see. The man almost jumped, fumbling with the papers before scampering off. Maybe a little apprehension on your part was warranted.
He seemed a little lost in thought as you entered the lift together. Maybe mulling over who's place he'd taken tonight. Part of you wanted to keep it a secret, after all he did seem annoyed you'd been left waiting. Maybe Lyle deserved what ever his Colonel would do however. Likely be better than your plan of never helping him again.
The lifts sliding doors brought him back. Charming smile slipping back into place as he stepped out with you.
"You'll be wanting a mask for this spot." He removed himself from your side, stepping ahead to the evopacks hanging on the wall. He took one down turning to you.
"After you." He placed the mask over your head, drawing you in close as he adjusted the straps. He tucked hair off your face, hands tracing down to tilt your chin up with his finger. Your breath caught in your throat, he was close now, his eyes darting to your lips. If it wasn't for the glass between you, you'd have felt his breath. He smirked down at you before pressing the seal, it hissed startling you back to reality. Where it didn't seem like your Colonel wanted to kiss you.
You hadn't realized quite how hot you'd become until the door hissed open and the cool night air hit you. It was refreshing, not so cold as to be uncomfortable.
"Up here." Miles lead the way climbing the ladder first and taking your hand when you reached the top yourself. He pulled you up sharply making you bump against his broad chest. He held you there a moment, hands on your elbows, before stepping back.
"Well, there's your stars." He smiled and you raised your head up.
No earthly sky could compare, not even the old photos of desert skies. Millions of pin prick lights, splashes of blue and purple nebula, another moon and the huge expanse of Polyphemus.
The night here glowed brilliantly. You couldn't help the glee that bubbled through you. You jumped a little, waving your hands trying to disperse the feeling. It was so beautiful, beyond anything you'd expected from your brief glimpse.
You twisted back to Quaritch, suddenly bashful from your display. He was simply smiling back at you from where he'd decided to sit. You joined him, flopping onto your back to better take in the view.
"As promised?" You turned your head to his, stars sparkling in his icy blue eyes. You grinned at him.
"Better!" You shuffled closer pressing your head to his shoulder. You wondered briefly if that'd be okay but he didn't move. You stayed like that for a time, letting him speak. He'd apparently learnt a bit from navigation, important out in the field so he said. He pointed to clusters, constellations changed quickly on a moon planet but certain groups could be spotted and used to navigate.
You told him about your fear of the forest. That you'd known a friend who died their first day out there. That you'd found every excuse to stay inside since. He listened, nodding to himself. You supposed he understood, he'd seen first hand what was out there, though he'd chosen to fight it.
When you began to yawn he suggested you go back. Ever the gentleman it would seem, he took your hand. Helping you up then escorting you back. You protested lightly, that you could return yourself but he wouldn't have it. Taking you right to your room door.
"Well y/n, it's been a pleasure." He raised your knuckles to his lips, leaving a soft kiss. You giggled a little, debating a curtsy when you noticed the time. 1100 and as expected your darling roommate had left the customary warning of her sock on the floor.
Miles caught your sudden change of expression, quirking a brow at the sock you glared at.
"Sorry...uh my roommate... she has company." You fumbled. It wasn't against any rules or anything but it felt like grassing her up to the big boss. He paused a moment before he caught your meaning, barking a laugh at the situation.
"Now wouldn't it be funny if I just..." He trailed off before quickly opening the door. You barely had time to react before you saw a half dressed Prager flail and fall onto the floor. Your roommate was no where in site, likely in the bathroom.
"Private!" Miles half yelled, causing him to scramble to his feet and salute. You couldn't help but laugh at him standing there in his underwear, beet red.
"You have a field mission at 0600, best get some shut eye soldier." Miles voice was light hearted, filled with humor at the situation. Regardless Prager scooped up the rest of his clothes before running off down the hall, babbling out 'yes sirs' and 'sorry sirs'.
You turned to look up at Miles, still giggling. He smiled back down at you before his face relaxed a little. He looked at you more seriously then, before his hand raised to cup your cheek. He was close again, this time you could feel the heat radiating off his skin. He stooped a little, leaning closer to you. You felt his lips brush against yours before...
"Colonel, sir?!" Miles leaned away, hand leaving your cheek, he turned to who ever called. You didn't even need to peak around him to tell, Lyle. What was he doing here now? You were still upset about him leaving you waiting like that, but he'd come to you?
"Ahh, this the date then?" He turned back to you, face tight in a forced smile. You felt your face flush, mind still reeling from the almost kiss.
"uh yeah... Lyle." He jogged into view around Miles now, red faced and out of breath. You looked at the floor, not wanting to meet his eyes incase it got you tearing up again.
"Aww y/n I..." He started, struggling to speak through his panting.
"This is my bad." You turned to Miles as he interrupted. His face and voice giving a casual impression that didn't reach his body language. His muscles were tensed. You could see his fists balled, white knuckled.
"I'm afraid my Corporal here was pretty behind on paper work and I'd insisted it be done by tomorrow. Fair to say I ruined your evening, you have my apologies." He tipped his head before marching off.
You felt you should say something but what? What do you say to your higher up who almost kissed you in front of your date. You turned to Lyle, his breathing more steady now.
"How about a rain check? Happy to show you that spot another night." He smiled sweetly, dimples forming. You remembered why you'd been so taken by him before, he really was a good looking guy.
"Yeah, rain check" You returned his smile, watching as his eyes lit up at the chance for a do over. "but your boss beat you to that date." You added laughing at his shocked expression as you entered your room.
"Wait he what?!" He shouted as you closed the door. Kim had reappeared and was grinning from ear to ear.
"Details. Now." You rolled your eyes playfully as she dragged you to sit on her bed.
The next morning you worked bellow an engine block. Trudy had complained about something leaking and was unwilling to let anyone but you touch her baby.
Your mind was still racing. You wanted to see Miles again but at the same time you still had a date promised to Lyle. It wasn't cheating right? You weren't 'dating' dating? He was just gonna take you out, no reason you couldn't think about someone else. Chances were he was playing the field too, no harm right?
"Knock knock" You heard someone tapping the metal and slid out from under it. Lyle stood above you offering a hand to help you up. He pulled you up and into a quick hug, before pulling back to grin at you.
"What?" you asked, the cheeky look still spread across his face.
"Someone cleared both our schedules for the rest of the day." He somehow smiled wider before scooping you up and spinning with you in the air. You shrieked, laughing as you balanced yourself holding his firm shoulders. He placed you gently back down, giddy smiles shared between you both.
"Must have made a very good impression on the boss. Maybe need to have him run into you more often." He winked slinging an arm over your shoulders. You blushed, he'd really gone and given you both a full day off? Lyle tugged you closer, kissing your temple and leading you out the hanger.
"We're gonna have so much fun!" He beamed. You smiled back, enjoying the feeling of being smushed up against his broad chest.
Unbeknownst to you Miles watched seething from the catwalk above.
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tonowarii · 1 year
Night Swim
Pairing: Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan x Fem! Metkayina! Reader
Summary: You decided to drag Neteyam onto the ocean after days of not being able to be with him.
Word count: 0.6k
Warning/s: overall intimate fluff, mature themes but nothing too explicit! the act of tsahelyu, neteyam and reader are both 19!
Note: although the act of tsahelyu is not sexual itself, i just thought i'd put a warning just in case! Anyways, likes, reblogs, and feedbacks are most welcome and appreciated!
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
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“Hold on, where are you taking me, woman?”
Neteyam breathes out with a laugh as he tries to follow your steps, it wasn’t helping that you were literally tugging on his arm to go faster.
The sun had started to set, colouring the sky in a somewhat purple hue as the waves crashed against the surface.
You turned around to face Neteyam and you smiled, yet did not answer him.
Only then you opened your mouth when you found the perfect spot, just in time before dark.
“I’ve been wanting to spend time with you.”
You utter, slowly stepping back into the sea, pulling Neteyam with you. Neteyam raised a brow, tilting his head.
“You’ve been gone for too long.” Was all you said.
“I’m here now.” He confirmed, reeling in the water with you as he takes your arms and wraps it around his neck.
Both of your legs sway in a steady rhythm below the water.
Both of you stayed in silence, taking the time to admire each other as the sky turned dark and the sea started to glow along with the dots that littered Neteyam’s face. You memorize every little detail.
It was not long before you’ve both chosen each other in front of Eywa as mates, a year ago after the events at the Three Brothers, a year since they were acknowledged as one of your people.
It was just like this that night, the two of you glowing in the moonlight as you bonded with one another.
Everything about him felt like a complete burst of fresh air for you. His eyes trail from yours to your lips, before going back to your eyes again.
You hum a slight tune of satisfaction before closing the gap between the two of you, pressing your forehead to his.
Your legs moved to wrap around his waist as his hands instinctively made its way to your thighs to prevent you from sinking.
“Ngenga lu narlor (You are beautiful).” He whispers.
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you avoid his eyes with a shy smile. His other hand strokes your waist. You flick your eyes to meet his again, you pulled back before leaning in to peck his cheek.
“I’ve missed you.” You utter, tracing lines on his back that made Neteyam suck in a breath.
“You have me now, paskalin (sweet berry). ” He said, looking at you.
You chuckle at the endearment.
Neteyam's head was running wild the longer he stared at you, giving your thigh a small squeeze as you softly gasp at the action.
Retracing your hand to move your hair to the side, you grasped onto your queue, looking up at Neteyam.
Once he saw, he wasted no time grabbing his with his free hand, placing it in front of him in a hasty manner that made you laugh.
“S-sorry.” He apologized with a sheepish smile. You shook your head, leaning your face closer to his as you littered kisses all over him that elicited slight purring noise from him.
“Don’t be.”
Looking at each other, you both glanced at your queues as they approached one another.
As the bond was favorably made, Neteyam let out a soft grunt as you gasped, feeling everything that’s within you were on fire, burning.
You shut your eyes, Neteyam pulls you closer as he hoists you up again, littering kisses on your jaw.
“Neteyam.” You whisper his name, almost like a prayer as you feel on every inch of his skin with your fingertips.
You couldn't get enough.
“(Y/N).” He breathes.
Looking at each other, Neteyam leaned in to capture your lips in a slow, passionate kiss.
You cup his face in your hands, desperate to pull him even closer as your legs locked around him.
Quick breathes were shared as you and Neteyam lived in the moment, it was just the two of you before the sea, before Eywa.
His hands were on your waist, softly stroking it with his thumb. “You- you make me crazy.”
You let out a soft laugh, nudging your forehead against his.
“You make me even crazier."
Tonight was one of those worth remembering between the two of you. Having memorized the other's touch, leaving remnants on the other's body only made from the love you both shared.
You became one once more.
Sincerely, having Neteyam as your mate couldn't get any better.
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pommetarte · 8 months
♡ Liebling ♡
michael kaiser x reader highschool au fluff a bit of romance, the start of a relationship Strangers to friends to lovers
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"Hey, come back!" A voice called out, "You didn't give me your number yet!"
Queue to you running in the hallways away from a certain German who's been bothering you after his match just finished.
"Wait, wait, where are you going?"
You could hear him screaming out to you, but you just ignored the noises and continued running.
Prior to this predicament, it was just you and your friend who "invited" (she actually just dragged you to watch the match between your school and another local high school for a sports cup). The players of your school have been doing well so far, already making it to the finals, which was today. The crowd goes wild for every goal achieved; everyone was hyped.
Everyone had their gaze focused on a single player, though. Who else but Michael Kaiser, the German prodigy of your high school? The ace, the sole star, is God's chosen emperor. Anyone should be grateful to be in his presence; the cheers grew louder with each passing moment, much to your dismay.
You had a small scowl plastered on your face from how overwhelming the entire match was. Sports are just not your thing.
The hype did not die down; in fact, it grew tenfold. There was loud cheering and chanting as the break finished and it was time to resume.
Time flew by fast, as now the trophy is in the hands of your school. Clapping erupted in the field as people whistled and chattered. Your school won the cup yet again. It was no surprise after all.
When the match was over, you quickly took your chance to escape. Sadly, your escape didn't go unnoticed by a certain someone as a larger figure began sprinting towards you.
' What could this idiot want?' you thought to yourself.
A hand was placed on your shoulder, causing you to turn your head around and face whoever was reaching out to you. To your surprise, it was Michael Kaiser. With a wide grin on his face and a confident demeanor, he strode towards you, flaunting himself.
"Hey, what's your name, Liebling?" he says, trying to strike up a conversation with you amidst the crowd swarming him.
It was just not your day. Exhausted and drained, you only sighed and turned around, continuing your way back to the classrooms to pick up your belongings and leave, hopefully back home.
Kaiser did not appreciate that; he continued to follow you, determined to not give up, as he shooed the crowd away. Seeing your pace increase instantly made him pick up his, and soon enough, it became a chase amidst the hallway, with him occasionally yelling for you to stop.
That's basically what led to you being trapped in a corner with him pestering you about your number and other details. Why would he want to know your class, schedule, and even subjects? It was so out of character.
Exasperated, you responded, telling him your name with a deadpan look. You looked so gorgeous even when irritated, he thought to himself.
He then looks at you with a genuine smile adorning his handsome face.
"Wow. You look so cool in that outfit. I almost want to say you're wearing that with love, but I guess I'll just call it curiosity. Oh my, how I've been missing out. I've never been with someone who made me feel this much joy." He muses loudly, proud of what he just said.
Your face had the most shocked look, as you could not believe what you heard. You could feel a blush slowly creeping onto your face as you averted your gaze.
"We can't just suddenly become friends; we barely even know each other. I only know you as a football  player."You protested, trying to cover your face.
"so? Is that even a problem?" he asked nonchalantly.
'Yes, of course it is; you don't just suddenly befriend strangers!"
"Well, I do if it's you," he winks.
You don't know whether to hit him or feel flattered.
"Anyways, can I please have your number? I really think you're cute. I've seen you around for a while, and you're always so pleasant and caring. I'd like to be friends, or maybe even more," he smiles, holding out his phone to you.
'Fine, just don't bother me too much, ok?" you say. You won't lie to yourself, but in fact, being in his attention made you feel all flustered. You feel your face heating up and the temperature rising.
Kaiser took note of it and slipped in a comment, earning a small smack from you before you typed in your number.
After you just walked away, Kaiser didn't stop you, only smiling as he looked down on the name he saved on his phone.
"Liebling ♡"
He whispers as he saves the number, his eyes resting on your figure as you leave.
And this was the beginning of what you'd like to call a very close 'friendship', although it was nothing like that at all.
Well, it blossomed into something more than that. 
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
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fuck-customers · 2 months
So this customer placed an order late last week and one of the items was special order (listed as such on the website, with an estimated timeframe) so I sent them an email letting them know we'd send the rest right away and restating how long the special order would take.
They email back upset that the website didn't say the item was "backordered" (again, it says right on the website this is special order and takes longer to ship, also special order is not the same thing as backorder) and demand that we cancel that item because they're in a hurry. I tell them we can do that if they want, but it will actually make the rest of the order take significantly longer, because instead of some items going out that day or the next and the special order going out later, we'll have to take the whole order out of the queue and put it on hold until the refund is processed and an updated invoice is generated, which can take 2-3 business days, and then it will go back into the queue at the end of the line, which will be another 2-3 business days to get through shipping again. I ask them to confirm that knowing this, they still want to cancel the special order item. They say yes, they definitely want to cancel it.
Today (three business days later) right before closing they call in blazing mad that their order hasn't shipped. I pull up the order and recognize it, and tell them hey, looks like it got held up for a bit because there was a request for a partial cancelation, but the refund has been processed, it's back in the queue and based on its position it will probably go out tomorrow.
Customer loses their mind yelling that this is insane and next time she'll buy direct from the manufacturer (who is on the other side of the planet and only sells through dealers, but never mind) explains slowly and loudly that "slow is BAD" like she's talking to a toddler and hangs up on me.
Like, yeah it sucks that we're so short handed it takes a few days for cancelations to be processed, but YOU waited until the last minute to order your stuff, YOU didn't read the estimated shipping time frame on the product description before ordering, and when I specifically told you the cancelation would cause a significant delay YOU confirmed you understood that and still wanted it done. If you hadn't gotten impatient it would have gone out days ago. Heck, even the special order would be halfway here by now. We might be slow, but the extra delays on your order were entirely caused by you and your unwillingness to read or listen. We're transparent about how long things will take and have actually consistently been within the time frames we provided to you since the order was first placed.
Also screaming at me after shipping is closed for the day speeds up nothing, it literally cannot go out until tomorrow, which is when it would have gone out anyway at this point if you hadn't called and thrown a fit. There is nothing I can do to make it get to you faster.
Posted by admin Rodney
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Venice Film Festival
A/N: the people have spoken!
SUMMARY: YN is Harry's date to the premiere of Don't Worry Darling. (3k)
GENRE: 1dbandmember!yn
(Part 1 Here!) Donuts // SINCE 2010 masterlist
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Harry is good under pressure, he’s been trained for almost every situation for every problem his line of work throws his way since he was 16 years old. He can flash a dimpled smile in front of a camera and gracefully swerve his way out of an inappropriate question. 
Movie premieres were supposed to be an exciting event. It’s the time when directors get to display their newest project, actors get to see mingle and have a good time, and where everyone can see their hard work come to fruition. It’s supposed to be a lively, joyful experience.
Key words: supposed to be. 
With all of the drama that’s surrounding the director, the actors and some of the content in the film, this was going to be an interesting event for not only the people involved but for everyone watching.
So yeah, Harry’s good under pressure but the only person who can see through the cracks in his mask is YN. When she’s around, the world and its troubles seem to fade into the background, her light breaking through even in the darkest places. She grounds him in the toughest storms. She encourages and humbles him in ways like no one else can. YN was truly made for him and it’s a fact that Harry still has trouble wrapping his head around.
Add in the fact that their relationship has been a public piece of information shared almost two years ago, there was no questioning the fact that she’s was going to be Harry’s official date to the Venice Film Festival.
“Ready, baby?” YN gives her love an encouraging smile. The couple just pulled up into the queue line up of cars, slowly inching their way for their drop off at the red carpet.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Harry sighs out, giving her a small smile in return. His hand leaves its resting place on her exposed thigh and intertwines it with hers. “Thank you for being here with me. S’so much better with you by my side.”
“Eh, had nothing better to do on a Monday night anyways.” YN teases, hoping to ease some of his nerves. She’s relieved when he lets out a chuckle. “But seriously. M’always here for yeh, always.”
Harry can’t find the words to express his gratitude for the woman next to him. Going against her make-up artist's playful warning of no smooching in fear of messing up his work, Harry gently cups her jaw and leans over to place his lips on hers. She giggles against his lips but turns her head to deepen the kiss, placing her hands on his chest.
“Sorry,” He smiles once he reluctantly pulled away, now only one car away from having to exit the vehicle. “Just wasn’t gonna be able to do that for a while.”
“Well, I certainly wasn’t complaining. Plus m’looking fabulous right now so, how can blame yeh?” YN pinches at his lips, trying to wipe off some of the gloss that transferred over from their kiss. He just furrows his eyes at her in disbelief, like it’s hitting him yet again that she’s his. That she agreed to marry him.
“How did I manage to snag you, huh?”
“Beats me. I’m just in it for your money. Just letting you know that now.”
Harry lovingly presses his lips to her hand by his mouth, “I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you more.”
“Not possible.”
The knock on Harry’s car window startles them both, he almost forgot he had to go to this event altogether by YN’s distractions. It hits him know that she succeeded because his nerves have been shot down to a zero. With one final kiss to her knuckles, he slides his Gucci sunglasses onto the bridge of his nose gives the escort outside the ‘go’ signal. 
Harry ducks out from the sleek car and YN can already hear the fans and paparazzi outside begin to yell and scream at the sight of him. But the noise only grows further when Harry extends his hand out to his fiancé. She grips his hand before gracefully sliding out of the vehicle next to him. 
There's a tiny part of him that breaks inside at the fact that she's not wearing her enagagement ring, but they both knew that all eyes were going to be hyper-focused on them today and their fans surely would have discovered that one of her everyday rings looks more wedding like than others.
But it's certainly made up for when she gives him that golden smile that never fails to make him weak in the knees. As they pose outside the car for their initial pictures for the night, Olivia is posing for her own pictures on the red carpet only a couple of feet away. When she looks over at them, the cameramen capture her smile faltering at the happy couple, clearly not expecting Harry to have brought his significant other to ‘her’ premiere. 
No one can deny the fact that they truly are the power couple of the century. They both look absolutely fabulous as Harry leads them onto the red carpet, her hand securely tucked into the crook of his arm while the holds the length of her custom Gucci dress. They naturally move with one another as they begin to stand and pose for photos, Harry snaking his arm around her waist for his hand to rest on her hip.
When he feels her hand on the bottom of his back, he's reminded of when he was 19 years old, posing with the rest of the band on some red carpet in front of flashing camera. He wished and longed for the day that she could be his. That one day he didn't have to feel guilty for the butterflies swirling around his tummy. That he didn't have to feel bad for blushing at her smiling at him, for being in love with his band mate.
Now with a smirk on his face, he gladly pulls her in closer and relishes in the way she looks up at him and gives him a knowing smile. They barely notice the way the camera flashes intensify when he brings his lips to her temple for a quick kiss, capturing the physical affection the couple like to keep private. 
Since things have drastically changed since being in the band and now being solo artists, posing for pictures has partially become a separate activity for the two. He reluctantly has to let go of her hand as they both have to take some pictures by themselves.
But he can't help himself from glancing over at his love who’s only an arm’s length away from him. She's gracefully shifting her head at the various photographers. She holds onto the top part of the slit of her dress by her hips, working with the fabric of her outfit to best present herself. How can he not look at her while she has her thigh is deliciously out on display for everyone to see? 
He doesn’t care if he gets told off later by his or her managers because, after barely one around of photos, Harry can’t take it much longer. He walks the short distance between them and snakes his arm back around her waist once again. It surprises her and it makes her scrunch up her nose as she laughs at her clingy fiancé. Not to mention that the couple pays no mind to the director a bit away from them. Too caught up in each other to realize that she makes her picture rounds short and walks further down the red carpet quicker than originally intended.
YN puts a hand to his chest, leaning up to say in his ear, “Just couldn’t keep away, huh?”
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” Harry says in her ear with a smirk. He is gifted with one of her infamous eye rolls and turns her attention back to the photographers. She poses up close to her fiancé, her back angled to the cameras as she looks at them over her shoulders. She’s a natural.
“Now I know you’re not hogging this beautiful woman from the rest of us.” The couple chuckles when they turn their heads when they hear Gemma Chan’s teasing tone. 
“Smile for the camera!” Chris Pine says excitedly, holding up a disposable camera to his face. The couple humors him, turning to pose for him and giving their best smiles. He captures one where Harry holds up his infamous peace sign while YN flips the camera off with a scrunch of her nose.
The small group laughs and goes about greeting one another in rounds of hugs and compliments.
“Any word to the boss lady?” Gemma discreetly nods over to Olivia and she smiles when YN scoffs.
“Don’t plan on it. This is supposed to be a fun night. Just going to enjoy ourselves the best we can for right now.”
“Yeah don’t worry about it.” The beautiful actress reassures YN. “I’ll make sure to stand with H for the group pictures later.”
Some of the stress is instantly lifted for Harry’s sake. She’s so grateful to have know Gemma for as long as she has. They first when the band first formed as she’s always been a loyal and caring friend to both her and Harry. 
“Harry and I appreciate that.” YN lets out a relieved chuckle and gives the actress a careful hug to not mess up their wardrobe. “Thank you.”
“Hey, what about me?” YN giggles at Chris’s playful frown.
“How can I forget?” She’s quick to give him a hug as well. “Well don’t you look dashing?”
“This old thing?” He comically wiggles the end of his bow tie. He’s always been a fun character, always in the mood for a laugh and lifting up the mood with a joke or two. “Just plucked it out from the back of my closet. And you, beautiful as always madame.”
“You’re too sweet. And a smart thing you are for bringing that.” YN taps at the disposable camera in his hand. “How fun.”
“Do you want one? I have another one here.” Chris says while reaching into his pocket to relieve another camera and it brings out a laugh from YN.
“Are yeh sure?”
“Go ahead. Got plenty to spare.” And it only makes her laugh harder when she thinks about him bringing a whole bag filled with disposable cameras on the way to Venice. “Oh! Being called over but I’ll see you around, YN.” He gives her a final hug before hurrying over to who she assumes is his manager. 
When she sees Gemma also ending her conversation with Harry, YN slides her thumb across the small wheel on the side of her camera and brings it to her eye. When he turns to her, she’s able to capture his smile with one click of a button.
“Is that Chris’s?” He chuckles, gently taking the camera from her hands.
“He gave me one.” She giggles back and puts her hands to her cheeks with her eyes closed when he lifts the camera to take a picture of her. “Now we can capture some of our time here in Venice.”
“And they’re hard copies, too.” Harry teasingly raises his eyebrows at her and she quickly catches his thinking. “Need to update a few pictures, hum?”
“Down boy.” She snatches the camera right back to tuck it into one of the inner pockets of his coat. “We can discuss that back at the hotel.” She winks before being escorted to their next designated section. 
The time consists of taking more photos with some of the cast members. YN even sneaks her way over to some of the fans waiting excitingly by the barricade, talking to them in Italian and taking some pictures.
As the couple talks amongst themselves, they turn their heads when there is an eruptive roar from the crowds. And rightfully so as they see the one and only Florence Pugh make her way onto the red carpet. Flo texted her earlier in the day telling her all about her feelings for the festival. It came as to surprise for everyone but YN that she finally made her way to the premiere, making her fashionably late appearance for the movie she was staring in. 
YN wastes no time reaching into the inner pockets of Harry’s blazer, pulling out her disposable camera. Harry chuckles as he sees his fiancé hurriedly shove her way to the side of the group of photographers, leaning sideways in front of Flo to get a good angle for a picture. 
“Over here, Flo!” YN waves her hand above her head. “Yes, work it! You’re gorgeous, babe!”
Florence laughs at her friend’s antics and poses as if YN were an actual photographer. After that, she wastes no time quickly walking into the actress’s open arms.
“You look so hot!” YN yells above all the commotion.
“So do you! I’m so happy you’re here.”
“I’m so happy you’re here. I was waiting for my date to show up.” YN teases before giving into another tight hug. Florence makes her way around to hug her other cast members, Harry giving his co-star a quick kiss on the cheek before they wrap their arms around one another. After the stars of the movie and YN and Flo took some pictures together on the red carpet, it was time for the event everyone was dreading.
“Harry, we need you for the group photos.” One of the red carpet escorts comes up to the couple with a smile. 
“Do I have to?” Harry mutters quietly to her, keeping the smile on his face to not let anyone see his dread for the pictures.
“It’ll only be for a bit.” YN straightens out his dramatic collar but leans up to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. He smiles at her touch as her thumb gently wipes off any of the gloss she left behind on his dimple. “Smile real big for me, yeah?”
“Only for you, my love.” Olivia has been eyeing the couple all night and it sting only intensifies in her chest when Harry brings YN’s hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles before having to plaster on a smile for the photos with her.
YN truly felt for the cast and crew in those group photos. The tension was so awkward and heavy that you can cut it with a knife. Her first movie premiere was so different from this one. The Little Women cast was lively and cracking jokes. They all held hands, spoke with one another the whole night, and happily worked with the director. 
There wasn’t any drama or butting heads among the people working together—it was an enjoyable experience.
All she can do is watch the cast and director of Don't Worry Darling shift uncomfortably with one another and have the reminder that this mess is almost over.
When the screen turns black and the end credits slowly start to appear, the whole theater politely stands on their feet to give the movie a standing ovation. 
YN had loads of opinions about the movie, some good but the majority of it not so good with both the knowledge of what happened during the making of the film and by just watching what was presented. She knows that she can for certain that Florence and Harry are magnificent actors and did their jobs to the best of their abilities. She can’t blame the cast, they were just doing what they were told and got sucked into the mess that is Olivia Wilde. 
And she certainly can’t blame Florence for leaving the theater during the standing ovation. If she were in her position, she might have walked out during the film so she commends the actress for her strength in lasting as long as she did.
YN squeezes her fiancé’s shoulders from her seat directly behind him. She gives him a smile in congratulations and Harry can practically feel the annoyance radiating off of her when Olivia taps his arm. When he leans behind Chris to hear her tell him that he did a good job, he just gives her a polite nod. However, when he faces forward again, YN can see the tension back in his shoulders. 
That’s the last straw for her. She’s ready to tell Olivia off, having so much information to tell her since she’s been holding it off for so long. Right as she’s about to open her mouth to say something, YN’s caught off guard when Harry spins himself around, tightly grips the sides of her face, and smashes his lips to hers.
They’re both well aware of the fact that aside from the video that exposed their relationship almost two years ago, there has only been a few times where pictures or videos of them have captured them kissing. They’re also aware of the amount of flashing cameras directed toward them, the sound of whistles ringing through the large theater. And they’re both well aware that either one of them can give a flying fuck at any of that when YN kisses him back with her hands on his cheeks. 
The kiss doesn’t last very long but it was surely enough to diminish whatever hatred she had inside her. She’s reminded once again that nobody else matters; it’s them against the world. That he is hers and no one else.
So when Harry turns back around to face forward, he can practically feel Olivia burning holes in the side of his head. 
But does he truly care when the smirk on his lips is covered in his fiancé’s lip gloss?
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love-armin @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @harringt8ns @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit
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bachissidehoe · 9 months
it's only just begun - isagi y.
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chapter 1 of 7 of the blue lock band series. chapter 2. chapter 3. chapter 4. chapter 5. chapter 6. chapter 7.
synopsis: y/n was the number one fan of the underground alternative rock band known as "Blue Lock", who after earning a well-deserved following through a viral single, left her wondering if they'd even remember her if they saw her- if he'd remember her. and why would he? y/n's no longer the only Blue Lock fan to have an unrequited crush on their lead singer.
warnings: smut; fingering; penetration; overstimulation; degradation; unprotected sex; dominant isagi; fem reader; minors DNI
disclaimer: all songs referenced are credited to THE DEEP END
note: my first fic on tumblr! pls show some love and i'll be posting more content here from now on :)
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w.c. 4.3k
And just like that, Blue Lock was no longer her secret little band that she felt like she had all to herself. It was fun while it lasted, but when their single “It’s Only Just Begun” took off almost a year ago, y/n slowly fizzled out of Isagi Yoichi’s life into the category of just another fan of his. 
She can’t help but feel a little upset at times, she really enjoyed talking to Blue Lock’s front man nearly every day. It felt like she was part of it. She remembers when they were writing their hit song and Isagi would run some lyrics by her- after all- it only makes sense that Isagi would take his #1 fan’s professional opinion into consideration. 
As for the other band members- it’s likely they knew of her. They followed her on Twitter and occasionally replied to some of her comments. But it was nothing like her closeness with the lead singer. 
Regardless, she still follows every single one of them on all social media and keeps up with their new releases. She even follows their manager and their stage director. And she’s proud of them, too. They’re a good band, they deserve this. They’ve always deserved to become as famous as they are now. So when their tour dates were released, y/n was the first in the queue, purchasing a single ticket.
And now she stands among the large crowd, the large crowd they deserve, listening to the beautiful sound of Isagi Yoichi’s voice followed by cheers and screams from his thousands of adoring fans. She can’t even bring herself to sing along, not even with the harmonies of the other band members, she doesn’t want to drown out any of his hypnotic, captivating voice. The way his mouth moves against the microphone, his vocal fry when he hits a high note, how he tosses his hair to the side to shake the sweat away, his smiles to the crowd- she wonders if he remembers her. 
Alright, fine. Maybe y/n had a crush on Isagi Yoichi: the lead singer of Blue Lock, the man of many talents who not only sings like an angel, but plays guitar, keys, and even the saxophone. Maybe y/n still does have a crush on Isagi Yoichi. 
She probably wouldn’t be waiting with a crowd of much younger teenage girls by the backstage exit in hopes she’d get to catch a glimpse of him on the way out of the venue if she didn’t have just a slight crush. She probably wouldn’t be telling herself “I’ll wait all night if I have to” if she didn’t have just a little crush on-
“Excuse me?” 
Y/n turns around, catching the eyes of a woman about her age, dressed in the venue’s work uniform. She points to herself, mouthing “me?” to the woman. 
The woman nods.
“Yes, what’s up?” She asks, stepping away from the crowd so she can hear her. 
“I just have a quick question, do you mind stepping off to the side?” The woman asks politely, professionally. She works here, obviously, so maybe it’s important. Maybe they found something of hers she dropped somewhere.
Y/n shrugs, looking back at the crowd for a moment. She’ll surely lose her spot, maybe even lose her chance to catch the eyes of Isagi Yoichi on his way back to his hotel. But it’s probably dumb anyway. She seems to think seeing him will make him want to talk to her again, maybe even fall in love with her, maybe even-
“Sure.” She says, ditching her childish chances to date the band member of her dreams. 
“I’m sorry to pull you away.” The woman says. “I just didn’t want to say anything too loud over there.”
“What do you mean?” Y/n tilts her head to the side. 
“Are you l/n y/n?” 
“Great! I was told to look for the girl dressed in the blue skater skirt and fishnets, but there’s quite a few of those around.” She chuckles. 
“What is this about?” Y/n asks again. 
“Oh, my bad. One of the band members said he knows you. So he was hoping you’d wanna come back and say hi.” 
Y/n’s heart flip flops in her stomach, and she instinctively squeezes her legs together to prevent the inevitable moment where said heart drops out of her body entirely. He remembers her- or at least one of them does. Enough to notice her in the crowd and ask to see her. She could scream. She wants to run back over to those teenage girls and tell them they lost. 
“Are you fucking with me?” Y/n asks, a look of shock plastered across her face. 
The woman laughs. “No, no. I’m serious.”
“I- I-” She stutters, trying to collect herself. It shouldn’t be like this. They’re just old friends, she doesn’t need to act like a deer caught in the headlights. She takes a breath. “I’d love to say hi.” 
Suddenly she’s being snuck around to the back of the venue, through a door, and down a long hallway. She considers the possibility of this being a joke and her being robbed and murdered, but she’d honestly rather that than miss the chance to see Isagi Yoichi. 
“You found her!” An ever familiar voice, a gorgeous one. It reaches her ears and penetrates the deepest reserves of her brain that she’s set aside for content relating specifically to him. 
And he’s there, sitting on a plush beanbag clutching his guitar, his hair sweaty and stuck to his forehead. 
“Isagi.” Y/n breathes out, smiling, her heart racing. It feels like it’s going a mile a minute. It didn’t actually fall out of her chest before, but it very well might now.
And Isagi, he’s beaming. He’s cheerful as ever, likely hyped from the amazing show they just put on. 
“Y/n!” His expression changes to a light, playful smirk. “Thought I told you to call me Yoichi.” 
“I- um-” She stutters, wishing she’d just be able to play it cool. “You’re right. I guess it’s been a while.” She scratches behind her head, becoming increasingly aware of the many eyes on her standing at the door of their backstage common area. 
“I missed you!” He stands up, leaving his guitar strewn on his beanbag chair as he walks over to her, wrapping his comforting arms around her shaky body. 
He missed her.
“I- missed you- too.” She manages. “You’re amazing.” 
“Oh stop.” He shrugs off her compliment with a kind smile. “Guys, remember y/n? She was one of our OG’s.” He turns toward his band mates, one of his arms lazily strung over y/n’s shoulders. It might actually send her into a psychotic spiral. 
“How could I forget the one who helped us decide on “always be the anchor in the back of my mind” for that verse?” The gorgeous lead guitarist flashes her a flirty smile. 
And y/n’s attention is suddenly directed toward someone besides the lead singer- the other six people in the room besides a few workers- the members of Blue Lock, the up and coming alternative rock band. 
Isagi Yoichi: Lead singer, keys & guitar Chigiri Hyoma: Lead guitar, vocals Nagi Seishiro: Backup guitar, vocals Itoshi Rin: Bass guitar, vocals Itoshi Sae: Drums Mikage Reo: Band manager Bachira Meguru: Stage director
“Chigiri, yeah. I did help out with that one, huh.” She giggles. “Great to see you again, and um, great to meet you.” She directs her attention to the manager and stage director, who were relatively recently brought into the scene. By the time Mikage and Bachira were hired, the band had already gotten fairly famous, and y/n had already basically lost touch with the original five members. 
“It’s an absolute pleasure.” Bachira smiles.
“Great to meet you, Blue Lock’s number one OG fan.” Mikage greets her. 
Of course, in obsessively keeping up with Blue Lock’s endeavors even after Isagi stopped talking to her personally, she’s well aware of the story behind Bachira and Mikage’s addition. Bachira is Isagi’s high school best friend, and Mikage is Nagi’s high school best friend. When she found out the two of them were brought on, she honestly was a little jealous. But they’re just as gorgeous as the band members, and meeting them in person is sending her body into overdrive. Plus, with Isagi’s arm still over her shoulders, she may as well be dripping down her leg. 
“C’mere, we have so much to catch up on.” Isagi leads y/n over to the couch, sitting her next to Nagi as he sits back in the beanbag chair across from her. 
“Are you catching up on the bus ride? Because we’re leaving for the hotel.” The unbothered drummer speaks up. “Or you can stay here and fuck her on the couch for all I care.” 
Y/n can almost feel her skin melting off at Itoshi Sae’s comment. 
“Hah! Well we’re not playing here again, so who cares?” Chigiri chimes in with a laugh, slapping the older Itoshi’s back. 
“May as well go back to her place.” Nagi shifts his body slightly, bringing his left thigh flush against y/n’s on the couch. It looks like he’s hardly noticed, but y/n definitely has. It makes her want to press harder into him, maybe even lay on top of him- the irresistible snowy-haired fan favorite. “I’ll come too.” 
“No you won’t.” Isagi playfully rolls his eyes. “And nobody’s going back to anyone’s place! I just wanted to say hi and talk to her!” 
“Unfortunately, Isagi, Sae’s right and we do have to be heading out.” The manager chimes in, holding his phone to his ear as he talks to who y/n can only assume is the tour bus driver. 
“Gonna have to talk to your lukewarm girlfriend another time.” The younger Itoshi slings his bass over his shoulders. 
Itoshi Rin was definitely insulting y/n just now, but she still feels an electric pulse rocket through her body when his emerald eyes meet hers. He could insult her any time. Plus, he called her Isagi’s girlfriend. 
“That’s all good, um, I’m glad I got to say hi-”
“No! Sae’s right, just come back to the hotel and hang for a bit.” Isagi suggests. “I feel bad, I haven’t talked to you in forever, I missed ya.” 
Y/n feels like she could combust, knowing that everyone else in the room is considering Isagi’s potential ulterior motives. She only wishes that were the case. She could only dream of him wanting her in that way. Even in all their time talking, he never made a move on her. They only met in person a single time and he was nothing besides friendly, so it never made sense for her to be forward with him about her little crush. 
“On- on your bus? To- the hotel?” She gulps. 
“Unless you have something to do. Don’t worry, none of the fans or paps will see you or anything if that’s what you’re worried about. Reo will handle all that.” 
Right. They probably do this all the time with girls. Obviously they’d have a protocol when bringing a girl back to their hotel. Even so, that’s not what she’s worried about at all. 
“I don’t have anything to do! I’ll come with you!” 
“Y/n, do you have a car here?” Mikage asks, already thinking ahead with making arrangements.
“No, um, I took the train-”
“Great!” He turns around, typing feverishly into his phone. 
“When you’re done with her, send her over to me.” Chigiri winks. He was always the shamelessly flirtatious type, frequently jumping into frame when Isagi was facetiming her just to make a quick flirty comment. 
“No way dude.” Isagi jokes. 
And with that, she finds herself shuffled away and snuck onto the tour bus, snuck off the tour bus, and snuck into Isagi Yoichi’s hotel room. 
“I wanted to say I’m sorry, you know, for like stopping talking to you.” Isagi walks around the room, a singular white towel around his shoulders, his hair still wet from the shower he must have taken while waiting for y/n to be gracefully snuck inside. 
“Oh, um, I-” Y/n struggles to focus, given that Isagi Yoichi is standing shirtless in a pair of gray sweatpants in her direct line of vision. And his body is fucking incredible. “It’s fine, um, I dunno, you got popular, uh-”
“Yeah I got popular, but it all went right to my head. I cut out so many people and I’m just glad you’re not upset with me. I know I’m touring now and stuff but I felt like seeing you at the concert was a good opportunity to apologize-” He trails off, noticing y/n’s dazed expression as she looks at him. 
“T’s all good.” She says, sounding like she’s from another world. 
“Uh, you okay?” He chuckles nervously. “You tired? Sorry for bringing you here I know it’s late-” 
“No! No I’m not! I want to see you, don’t apologize I understand I just, um, I miss being close with you and all, but you’re famous now! And you deserve it so-” 
“I know, it feels pretty good. But you didn’t deserve to just be unadded and unfollowed one day. It wasn’t fair, you were always so good to me and the boys.” 
“I- I was sad for a bit but I get it!”
“You were sad? Fuck, man.” Isagi sighs. “I know I hurt you, we were friends and I just threw it away because the fame got to my head.”
“No, no, I was barely sad- uh-” She panics, trying not to make him think he treated her anything besides perfectly. The last thing she wants is for him to remember her as that one salty fan he ditched. She’d rather him remember her positively, like someone who’s sweet, kind, an old friend. “I just missed you, it’s so good to see you! I never stopped listening to your music and supporting you, and when I saw you were coming here on tour I just had to go! I really am surprised you remembered me at all.” She chuckles nervously, her palms clammy and her eyes shaky. 
He’s really just standing here, trying to apologize to her, with his shirt off. How can she possibly focus on a serious conversation?
“You’re surprised I remembered you?” He tilts his head to the side. 
“Uh- well- I just felt like since you didn’t like me like I liked you I just thought you probably had other girls you were talking to or you know getting famous you’d want to like have girls and not really want me talking to you all the time-” It’s like her words are spilling from her lips before she can stop them, her eyes darting everywhere in the room besides Isagi. It’s like the things she’s been wanting to say to him can’t be stopped. 
“Hold on.” He stops her. “You didn’t think I liked you?” 
“Um, um at least not like that uh, you know-” She panics, her heart beating out of her chest and a layer of tears forming over her eyes. 
“Y/n, I wanted to apologize to you because I did like you, and I didn’t want to tell you that because if I was going on tour, I wouldn’t be able to see you. And I just cut you out instead.” He sighs. 
The words don’t even fully sink in at first. “Oh, okay.” 
“I liked you, like, the whole time. So I just wanted to apologize.” 
It finally starts to make sense. “It’s- it’s okay. It’s okay. I- you-” 
Isagi chuckles. “Maybe I can’t date you, but-” He leans down, placing a finger under her chin, forcing her nervous gaze into his deep blue eyes. “I could make it up to you, if you like.” 
His gaze is hypnotic, just like his voice. “I wanna, um, I- you- your-” She takes a breath. “Sorry.” She squeaks.
“Tell me what you want.” His voice is softer, slower, closer than before. She hasn’t heard this version of his voice before. It’s beautiful.
“I want, I want-” She takes another breath, a deeper one, one that lets her fully realize what she’s about to do. “I want you, Yoichi.” 
“Hm.” He breathes out. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He closes the gap, bringing their lips together, his finger still under her chin as he leans over her. 
Her hands grip the sheets, her legs shaking as she sits upright on the bed. Suddenly she feels like this is her first kiss ever, like she has no idea what she’s doing. 
His kiss starts out soft, but quickly devolves into something dangerous, something ravenous. His hand traces from her chin to her shoulder, his fingers pressing into her skin to push her backward. 
And she lets him. How could she not? His fingers feel like they’re leaving permanent marks on her skin, like she’ll never forget where he touched her chin, her neck, her shoulders. She finds herself looking up at him, reaching for the towel around his neck to bring his lips back into hers. 
In no time he’s on top of her, hungrily making out with her like he wants to devour her, his strong arms holding his body above hers as if he’d crush her if he were to let his weight crash down. She wouldn’t mind though, she’d be totally okay with him crushing her. 
“Always wanted this.” He breathes out, leaving a slight space between their lips only briefly before reconnecting them. His tongue slides effortlessly against hers, his saliva dripping from his tongue to hers. It’s so wet, and it tastes so damn good. 
She can only whine in response, reveling in his taste. She doesn’t have the space to talk anyway, not with his lips drinking up every single one of her noises. 
“Love those pretty sounds, fuck I’ve been missin’ out.” He shifts his weight to one side, tracing his other hand down her body to the hem of her shirt. “Want this off, baby.” 
Y/n licks her lips, completely dazed. “Off, baby?” She repeats, as if she’s shocked he would even say it. 
“Want it off, so fucking bad.” His voice is so lustful, filled with such a different tone than his normal, upbeat, kind attitude. He’s horny. 
“Mhm, please-” She lets him grab her collar, forcefully pulling her up so he can swiftly lift her shirt over her head. 
“Ahhhh-” He groans. “And I’ve been missin’ out on that?” His movements are rough, his hands forceful, needy. Within seconds her bra is discarded on the opposite side of the room, his tongue cascading over her nipples like he’s painting them with his saliva. 
She can’t stop herself from whining, moaning, it’s the only thing her brain can do while he sucks her tits like he’s trying to drink from them. He’s so different right now, he’s so dominant with her. She wants to sign her body over to him, she feels like her body should belong to him. 
His other hand slides to her untouched breast, his fingers moving to pinch her other nipple, kneading it as if he’s trying to bruise her. His hand trails further, traveling smoothly under her skirt to rest on her plush thigh. 
“G’na need these off too~” He slips his finger under the waistband of her panties, popping his mouth off her nipple to get through his sentence. 
“Mhm~” Y/n nods, her hands resting her hands behind her head as she lets his expert movements own her body. 
She’s dripping, she knows she is. The thin fabric of her panties wasn’t doing a great job of protecting her from her own arousal, but he slides them down her legs anyway, the soaked fabric leaving a trail of wetness down her thighs. 
“Hm~” Isagi chuckles, his lips wrapping back around her nipple like it belongs there, dipping his middle finger into her soaked cunt. “Look at you, such a wet little pussy for me.” He says, adding a second finger.
Her body is a mess, her voice is fried, her brain is mush. She can’t do anything besides submit to his fingers etching themselves into the memory of her walls like they’re shaping her body for him and him only. His mouth makes a mess of her breasts while his fingers make a mess of her inner thighs, pumping easily into her slick hole. 
“You’re already so ready f’me, but I need y’to cum first.” He gives his mouth a break, a final bead of saliva dripping from his tongue and landing on her already well-coated nipple. Without his mouth occupied, he goes harder with his fingers, curling them into her g-spot like he was the one who put it there in the first place. 
“Fuck- fuck fuck- ahh~” The breathless gasps leave her lips, her eyes snapped shut as she feels the aggressive knot grow in her stomach. 
“Y’need more? Hm? Bet you do, such a slut for my fingers.” He slurs, his thumb moving to rub quick circles on her throbbing clit. 
“I- gonna- Yoichi~” She whines, the knot exploding ferociously as she cums around his fingers, leaking out of her hole as if it was too full to stay inside.. 
“Ah there ya go, dirty girl.” He spits, sliding his coated fingers out of her aching pussy, directing them immediately into her mouth. “Clean me up, will you?” He forces them between her lips, her tongue circling over his fingers, soaking up every bit of her own cum. It’s demeaning, it’s degrading. But it’s so damn hot. 
“Taste good sweetheart?” He smirks, using his free hand to step out of his sweatpants he probably shouldn’t have put on after his shower in the first place. 
“Hm, f-fu-” She tries, her mouth too full to let any coherent words form. 
His cock springs out of its confinement, finally freed from the shackles of his boxers that struggled to keep him contained at all. And seeing the size of him- y/n wonders how any boxers would be able to survive without being shred to pieces by his gorgeous, thick cock. She wonders how she’ll be able to survive without being shred to pieces. 
“Scared baby?” Isagi smirks, forcing her gaze from his cock to his dark, lustful eyes. “Don’t worry, you can take it.” He leans down to kiss her, a menacingly soft, degrading kiss. “Either way, you fucking have to.” He places one last threatening kiss against her lips.
Before she can process it, his arms are wrapped around the backs of her thighs, sliding her ass slightly off the edge of the bed as he lines his cock up with her desperate cunt. The oversensitivity of her orgasm makes his tip against her hole even more intense. She can’t help but writhe against his grip almost animalistically, like she wouldn’t be able to stop if she tried. 
She’s wet enough for him to slide in easily, filling her up as if he’s carving out her hole himself. She wraps around him perfectly, squeezing around him in a way that causes his breath to catch in the back of his throat as he sucks in through his teeth. His nails dig deeper into her thighs, likely leaving a set of gorgeous nail marks she’ll surely cherish later. 
“Fuck~” His saliva pools in his mouth as he speaks, threatening to drip onto her exposed skin. “It’s like you’re sucking me in babygirl.” He breathes, holding her thighs tight as he begins fucking into her. 
Her fingers grip the sheets so hard she feels like she might rip them, she couldn’t have imagined being fucked like this, no matter how many times she got off to the thought of him back then. No matter how many times she’d play their songs in the background while she pleasured herself. She couldn’t have forced her brain to come up with a scenario where he holds her over the edge of the bed and fucks into her like she’s a doll. 
It doesn’t take long for his thrusts to become relentless, her cunt squelching with each forceful plunge of his thick cock. 
“Fuck, flip over.” He demands, though doesn’t give her any time to move her body on her own, flipping her body himself using only his tight grip on her thighs. “Knees.” He commands, and she does exactly as he says, propping her ass up and leaning forward on her elbows. 
“Damn, what a fucking nice ass.” He slaps her once, gripping the plushy skin as he sheathes himself inside her once again. “G’na fuck you hard ‘till I cum, kay?” He uses his other hand to grip her hair, shoving her face into the mattress. “Be a good toy f’me.” 
“Mhm~” She whines, though he wasn’t waiting for her confirmation anyway. 
His thrusts are somehow harder from behind, wrecking her pussy with every forceful push of his cock between her slick walls. He pounds into her, leaving her nothing but a whiny mess as her pleas are muffled under the weight of his hand pressing her into the bed. The pain is overwhelmingly masked by the pleasure of being fucked by him, Isagi Yoichi, the lead singer of Blue Lock, but even she knows she’ll struggle to walk- or even stand- after this.
“G’na cum, g’na fill you~” He grunts, sloppily thrusting a few more shaky times before painting her insides white, his cum overflowing her cramped pussy. He pulls out, finally letting up on his tight grip on her hair and ass, his cum spilling out along with him.
“Yoichi-” She finally manages, shakily rolling over onto her back. “That was-”
“Hm? You think we’re done?” He stands over her threateningly, immediately sliding one of his fingers between her used, overstimulated folds. 
“Babygirl, it’s only just begun.”
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Touchdown - Chapter 12.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 2106
Warnings Some strong language and some smut (masturbation).
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“So, we’re in US weekly.” Travis said with a laugh.
“I know, Hannah showed me this morning. Is that okay?”
“Of course, are you okay with it?”
“Yeah, yeah if you are!” You switched your call to your headphones, “I just didn’t want you feeling like a news story had been made out of nothing?”
“Well, I wouldn’t call it nothing!” He chuckled and his voice was calming in your ear.
You stopped walking as you had reached the gym you were heading to, “You know what I mean!”
“I know, I know! But journalists, you know, they’ll make a story out of anything. No offence!”
You laughed, “Anyway, I’m at the gym now.”
“Okay, babygirl.”
You caught your breath, “I’ll call you before I go to bed.”
“Okay, bye.”
You stepped into the stark white building and walked over to the desk so you could sign in. There was a small queue so you joined the back of the line. You looked around the entrance way, seeing if you could spot anyone that you regularly saw working out, when you made eye contact with someone who instantly looked away from you.
“Hi, Tom?”
He awkwardly shifted his feet towards you and lifted his head, “Hey.”
There was an obvious tension but you continued, “I didn’t know you worked out here.”
“Uhh yeah, I just signed up…thought I’d start exercising, you know.”
There was a pause.
“I didn’t know you worked out here.” His face was unchanging and cold.
You attempted a smile, “Yeah. So, how have you been?”
He almost turned away from you, “Fine. Did your phone break or something?” He shook his head a little with his question.
“Sorry, it’s been a busy weekend, I had to go to Wembley for work-“
“Yeah Wembley. I saw.” He scratched his neck, “You were really busy cuddling up to football players, it seems.”
The tension grew as you studied his face. His expression hadn’t changed but you could sense a hint of anger in his voice.
You gave a nervous laugh, “Yeah, photographers seem to catch stuff like that.”
“So, that was all it was then?”
You opened your mouth to answer but you stopped yourself.
Tom’s eyebrows lifted, “I see.”
He almost turned away but you stopped him, moving him to quieter corner of the entrance, “No, wait – are you pissed off with me?”
Tom shook his head again and avoided eye contact with you, “Shouldn’t I be? Did you think about me at all? Did you?” He took a few steps towards you.
“We’re not together, Tom.” It sounded harsher than you wanted it to.
“Yeah, I get that.”
You narrowed your eyes at him as he spoke.
“Look Y/N, I like you and I just thought you wanted to take things slowly but now I know this has all been because you were busy sleeping around with whatever his name is. Is this some sort of weird kink you have, messing people around? Or is it because he’s got money, is that all you’re after?”
“Excuse me?” You were aware you were starting to raise your voice but you didn’t care.
“You fucking heard. Does he know about me?”
“About what? Not that I need to explain myself, but we’ve been on a handful of dates, Tom. Whether I want to take things slowly is my decision and if in that time I find that I have a better connection with someone else, so be it. It’s none of your business.”
You didn’t wait for a response from Tom. Instead, you walked away from him and out of the gym, deciding to jog home for your evenings exercise. You quickly pulled your headphones over your ears and pressed play on your gym playlist, letting your feet hit the pavement. With each step you felt your aggression ease slightly so you hastened your pace, hoping a faster run would make you feel better. You could feel the burning in your chest start to ease but your mind was clouded with what had happened. Tom had been so demanding, so cruel. You blinked hard and tried desperately to enjoy your run.
As you breathlessly stepped through your door, Jess looked at you with wide eyes, “You’re back early. Didn’t you just leave?”
You grasped for the back of the couch to steady yourself and leaned forward slightly, attempting to catch your breath, “Didn’t…quite make it…Tom…crazy.”
Jess scrunched her nose, “What?”
“Tom…at the gym…just went crazy with me.” You spoke in between desperate breaths, “About Travis…that photo in…US weekly.”
“What? Really?” Jess picked up some dinner plates from the small dining table.
You stood up straight and stretched your back, “Yeah. Really.” You shook your legs and walked towards the couch, “He just started saying…all this stuff…nasty stuff…about us and me…and Travis.”
Jess made her way over slowly to the couch, still holding the plates.
“I was actually quite scared, Jess. He was really…pissed off with me.” You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, “It’s almost as if…he thought I’d cheated on him or something.”
Jess hummed lowly, “Well…”
Your eyes opened quickly to face her, “Oh Jess, not you too. Don’t you have a go at me.”
“I’m not, all I’m saying is-“
“Hey, you were all in favour me and Travis the other day, you were so excited for me! Now, you’re on Tom’s side.”
Jess sat down next to you, “No, Y/N. Look, I am excited for you and I’m not on anyone’s side.” She shifted slightly, “Maybe I just hadn’t thought about it from Tom’s side. As far as he was aware, everything was moving along, slowly yes, but for him this has come as a massive surprise. Maybe you should apologise to him?”
Your mouth opened, “Apologise? You didn’t hear how he spoke to me.”
“He was hurt, Y/N. Stop being so stubborn.”
You looked away from Jess, taking a breath. Jess waited but when you didn’t respond, she stood up.
“Or not.”
You heard her move out of the room and the sound of dishes being moved around in the sink echoed out of the kitchen. You laid your head back and stared up at the ceiling, letting the feeling of adrenaline settle in your chest.
You tried to keep your voice down as you laughed. Jess had gone to bed as she had an early shift at work the next day so you caught up on some TV before crawling into your bed yourself. You were wide awake, reeling after your run-in with Tom when Travis Facetimed you.
“It’s true! The network and managers and everyone made me do it!”
Travis looked relaxed as he spoke to you. He was at home on his couch wearing a casual outfit of a white t-shirt and red shorts. You were quietly pleased that you had worn some decent pyjamas even though you weren’t expecting to see him.
“No way. I bet you loved it, getting all of that attention from those girls!” You grinned at the screen.
Travis laughed and rubbed his beard, “Well, that certainly helped!”
There was a short comfortable silence before Travis spoke again.
“I miss you, Y/N.”
You blinked and your head lifted slightly. A smile crept onto your face as you studied his, searching for any sign of insincerity. But there was none, he looked genuine.
“You do?”
Travis licked his lips, “I do, babygirl.”
Your stomach burned and your clit began to pulse, “I love it when you call me that.”
Travis’ eyes widened slightly and his voice lowered, “Is that so?”
“Ohh fuck, yes.” You clenched your legs together.
“Is my babygirl getting all hot and bothered?” His voice stayed low, in almost a growl, which only fuelled you more. His eyes searched the parts of your body that he could see on the screen, “I wanna see you.”
You titled your head with a sweet smile, “You can see me.”
“I wanna see more.”
You gasped slightly before angling the camera down your body. You were wearing a matching set of red lace pyjamas; high waisted shorts with a cropped tank. You heard Travis groan as you lifted up one leg which gave him a view of your smooth legs.
“God, baby. You look good.”
You brought the camera back to your face. Travis’ face looked hungry for you, a similar look he was giving you back at the hotel.
“I should’ve had you when I could.”
You smiled as you squeezed your legs once more, feeling a rush of blood to your pussy. Travis must’ve have noticed.
“Do you wish I was there to help you out?” His lips curled into a smirk.
You closed your eyes and ran your hand down your side, “Fuck, yes I do.”
“Show me what you’re doing. I need to see you.”
You tipped the camera down to follow your hand as it reached inside your shorts, fiddling with the waistband. You heard Travis shuffle and his breathing began to get deeper and louder. As you pulled your shorts down, Travis groaned even louder and you quickly turned the volume down on your phone. You leaned your head down so you could catch a glimpse of him, his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed, mouth slightly open and tongue gently running along his top lip. It turned you on even more seeing him like this, desperate for you but unable to have you. You parted your legs a little to give easier access to yourself and a better view for him. You felt goosebumps as your fingers ran lightly along your pussy, imagining that it was his fingers instead. You were becoming wet and your fingers moved easily along your slick opening.
“Go on, babygirl. It’s me, I’m there.”
You plunged your fingers inside of your pussy, using the knuckle of your thumb to gently rub your clit. You gasped at the sensation, something you hadn’t felt for a while. It was sensitive but you continued, letting the pleasure take over. Your body began to tingle, starting in your feet and arms before spreading across your chest. Travis’ eyes focused on your body, watching it move and squirm, his gaze made your nipples become hard, poking against the fabric for him to see. You sped up your pace, pumping your fingers faster and deeper. You moaned under your breath, writhing on your bed, a tightness building up in your core.
“I wanna taste you so bad.”
Travis’ words were enough to send over the edge, your walls clenching around your fingers. You whined as you rode your high, your head tilting back onto the bed and your back arching upwards, letting your hardened nipples press against the thin fabric of your clothing. The pleasure ran across your body like a tidal wave, making your legs weak and your chest fall heavily. You squeezed your eyes shut and listened to Travis’s voice as you moaned away the sensation, relaxing every muscle and collapsing slightly back onto your bed.
“Good girl, that’s it. Man, you’re so beautiful.”
You opened your eyes and brought the screen closer to you as your breathing slowed, “When can I see you?”
“What, you wanna come here?”
You tried to control your breathing as you reached for some tissues to wipe your hands. Staring back into the camera, you watched his excited expression, “Whatever is easier for you, big guy. Honestly, I just want to be around you.”
He lowered his head and smiled enough so that his eyes creased more than you had ever seen, “I have some time off coming up. Why don’t I get you some plane tickets, you stay at my place and we can hang out a bit?”
You smiled at the screen, “I can sort the flights, don’t worry about that.”
“Nah, baby. Let me.” He winked, “I’ll show you all of the best sights in KC. One of them being you if you pack those jammies in your suitcase.”
You giggled and pulled the duvet back towards your chest.
“I’m gunna send you something, too. Can you send me your address?”
“Well, now I’m intrigued.” You raised an eyebrow at him.
He grinned at the screen, “You’ll see soon enough, babygirl.”
You sighed and laid further down in your bed, lifting your hand to cover your mouth as you yawned.
“You tired yourself out?” Travis smiled.
“Just a bit. And here I was thinking tonight would be boring.”
“I should let you get some sleep, don’t think about me too much.”
You yawned again, “We both know I will.”
“Goodnight, beautiful.”
Oooof. That man. That gif of him smiling is something. So, we're going to KC! Next chapter will be as soon as I can! If you want to be added to my Taglist, just comment and I'll pop you on the next one.
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae
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onboardsorasora · 1 month
If Max gets a real dog, like all the sausages Verstappens have a penchant for, how would Daniel feel?
Oooh this is a good question bestie!
I think it would create some negative feelings initially. Like maybe Sophie gifts Max a dog because a) she knows he loves them and wants on (let's be honest he probably sent her so many pics of dog Daniel when he was taking care of him). And b) she doesn't know Daniel is a shifter
So Max gets a puppy, it's adorable and lovely and Max is in love and doting and the cats are curious because well now they're used to having a dog around regularly so they're curious about this one. Does it change too?
Anyway, Daniel's feeling some type of way. Irrationally like annoyed at the pup because well, he thought Max liked him as a dog.
Let's be real, Daniel might be making strides about his self acceptance of himself and his other form but you cant just delete over a decade of minor self loathing with maybe a few months of scratches and praise.
So Daniel avoids the dog and busies himself when Max is doting on it and loving it up. And maybe slowly, after a while, he stops shifting. Maybe he'd only shift in his apartment when he'd go home or like just to do his Dr mandated hour. Until he just stops altogether.
Max doesn't notice this at first. Nothing seems wrong to him. Until maybe he offers Daniel one of the cookie treats, he already gave the new puppy one and he ate one and was handing the third to Daniel. And Daniel's like 'nah I'm good' and Max is confused because they always eat them together.
And Daniel goes for a run so he doesn't have to answer any questions. He pays attention and doesn't get hit by any cars thankfully.
So yeah, he resents the dog. Irrationally starts to think that Max doesn't like his dog form anymore because now he has a real dog to play with and lavish attention. And it isn't until he objectively refuses to go on a walk with the little fucker that Max realizes that something is very wrong.
Queue Daniel denying and Max pushing and Daniel blows up and says something like "go play with your real dog or something" and Max is like
"what? Daniel-"
"you clearly like him more than me so just go."
"I don't? I love you too both forms."
"when was the last time I shifted then?"
And Max goes quiet while he thinks and realizes he can't remember and Daniel looks at him in both 'i told you so' vindication and 'i knew it' devastation.
Daniel leaves to go back to his apartment and Max follows him and they argue a little in the hall. Well Daniel's arguing and Max is pleading.
And it takes a bit but Max gets to the bottom of the problem and he apologizes for not noticing for being caught up. For not realizing how it could affect him.
And they make up and maybe it's like starting all over again where Daniel only shifts because he needs to. And he doesn't do at Max's place. Not around that other dog. And then something happens where maybe he doesn't have a choice but the shift at Max's and he tries to like lock himself in a room or something but the puppy (who has a name but I haven't decided it yet lol) gets in and tries to maybe sniff him and cuddle him and Daniel is like trying to stay away from him.
And maybe Jimmy and Sassy bridge the gap and they curl around Daniel like commas and Daniel calms down a little. Enough for the puppy to curl up near Jimmy's back and goes to sleep.
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sleepykye · 1 year
Drops down head first onto the concrete floor
I wanna kindly request Muichiro x reader where the reader that has a big habit of falling asleep. Might as well imagine her sleeping in a literal busy town
Stop falling asleep please...
Muichiro x reader
I gotchu my dear reader !!
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"Its so hot..." You felt like an ice cube that was slowly melting away because of the hot sun. Lately, the weather has been getting hotter and hotter. Your corps uniform didn't help make it better either, you got a uniform that was alike muichiro's uniform. You first got the one that was the same as mitsuri's uniform but after muichiro saw this and how uncomfortable you looked in the hashira meetings, he hunted for the guy that made your uniform and demanded one that is less revealing and covering more of your skin.
The top three buttons of your uniform was unbuttoned as you layed on the wooden floor. Sweat forming on your forehead every now and then. You sighed as you got up, deciding to buy a popsicle in a attempt cool yourself down.
The streets were bustling with people as they all seemed busy, the queue of the shops forming all the way to the other side. You were internally crying as to how many people roamed the streets and that it would be hotter. With your uniform unbuttoned, you knew muichiro was gonna come after you and get you to button it, as he doesn't want anybody else seeing you revealing your skin.
Talk about overprotective.. -,-
You walked along the path, trying to find the convenience store, however, that's when your habits starts kicking in. You eventually fall asleep....
You were even sleep walking ! You passed by the convenience store, still sleeping. You didn't even notice you had reached your destination. Until, it was definitely your lucky day to have run into someone none other than....MUICHIRO !
He was actually pissed when someone bumped into him. He was already angry and was not in the mood, until he saw that it was you. Sleep walking again, but this time, in the middle of the busy streets.
He shook you awake, before pulling you to the side of the street. Holding your hand while doing so, you were already following behind, your eyes slowly opening, your mouth already had a bit of a drool from sleep walking. You noticed someone was holding your hand, so you quickly took your hand away from his before realising that it was muichiro.
" Ah ! Fancy seeing you here mui ! " you said, feeling all the sleepiness wash away from you upon seeing him in front of you. Muichiro just face palmed his hand and told you " stop falling asleep please...darling. " you just pouted and told him that it was a habit you couldn't get rid of, no matter how hard you tried.
" By the way, where are you going ? Your uniform is also unbuttoned. " he said as he helped you button two buttons only, leaving the third button unbuttoned as it was hot. " The convenience store, I was planning on buying a few ice popsicles as it was hot. " you said, drool already forming on your mouth as you thought about it.
Muichiro looked at you, amused. Before stating that you had already passed by it. You stared at him, he stared at you. Blush already began to form on your face at the embarrassment. He just chuckled before saying " Come on, I'll help you buy them. Let's go. " as he held onto your hand.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
Support System pt. 10 - The Finale!
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8 | CH 9
It's the end doo doo doo doo! The final match of the season, the ending. I really hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it. I've had the best time and I'm really proud of this one! 💜
Chapter 10
You hadn’t considered that footballers or their coaches would get nervous. But the tension in the run up to the Man City game was palpable. The whole town seemed on edge, Roy included. He’d spent each one of your Lexie nights at your house, it felt a little odd that he was there observing your boring mum routine of washing, cooking and carrying the mental load of knowing where Lexie needed to be, when and everything else in between. He didn’t ask to stay, even though you’d wanted him to, he’d said goodnight each evening and gone back to his place. By the time Lexie was back to her dads, you’d worked out that he’d been there every evening not just because he’d wanted to be, but because he’d needed to be. The build up to the game had him restless and distractible and the time with you and Lexie managed to relax him far more than sitting in an empty house, or going over and over the match with Jamie, or Nate or whoever else was free for a pint. When you’d gone to him just a day before the match, the only solace he’d found from the plays, the tactics and the team, was in you. He took his time, undressing you slowly and kissing every inch of skin as it became exposed to him.
"Let me take care of you," you whispered. You felt his head shake as he kissed down your neck. 
"I've never needed anyone like I need you." He muttered, swiping a calloused thumb over your hardening nipple, "you look so fucking beautiful like this." You rolled your hips against him, 
"Please, Roy. I need you-" you all but begged. All night he'd taken the lead and given you everything, losing himself in the feel of your body against his. When they won the next day, you were euphoric. Lexie and Phoebe had been in bits when the camera had focused in on Roy and Nate discussing something over an iPad and they could see that Roy was wearing his Richmond colours friendship bracelet. The late journey back from Manchester and the subsequent celebrations meant that it was Tuesday morning before you saw him again. You’d joined the slip road to the school, queuing for the carpark with the windows down and blasting 90s dance music when his car had pulled alongside yours. You and Lexie had been so engrossed in singing/shouting Robin S ‘Show Me Love’ - complete with 'big box, little box' hand dancing - that you hadn’t even seen him until Phoebe had called through the open windows. 
“Morning. Congratulations on the win!” You’d called out.
“Morning. Nice dancing.”
“Especially for you.” You winked. You’d ended up parked at different ends of the carpark so he and Phoebe had waited for you by the gate as you walked down to them. You’d pulled out your phone to take a call from a recruitment agency so he’d walked alongside you while you talked and the girls ran ahead. “And that’s in Richmond? Wow, ok that sounds really interesting. Absolutely yes, send my CV over if you think I’m in with a shot. Actually, just send it over anyway - I’d be mad not to at least try,” at the front of the queue at the gates, you handed Lexie her bag and gave her a kiss whilst still on the phone, “Ok, could you just hang on one second please?” You moved the phone away from your mouth and stepped up on tiptoes to give Roy a lingering kiss. The other playground parents looked on, wide eyed. “I have to go, I love you. See you later.” You whispered, taking up the phone again and going back to the car, your hand holding onto his until you couldn’t reach any further. Lexie was with her dad during the beginning of that week so that she could go with you to the final Richmond match at the weekend, so after work you’d gone straight to Roy’s. You hopped up to sit on the counter while he cooked.
“Ted’s staying.” He told you, hands on your thighs.
“Really? That’s great!”
“He got to work this morning and Rebecca was in his office. She only fucking told him she was in love with him, that she’d help his ex get a job here if she wanted to move, she’d help them find a school for Henry… pretty much told him she’d do fucking anything if he’d say.” You leaned forward, eager to hear more,
“And did he tell her?”
“Yeah, told her he was in love with her. We walked in to find them nearly going at it in the office.” You shrieked,
“Oh god that’s so cute! At least you all know before the weekend as well.”
“Settles the lads down a bit, bunch of fucking kids sometimes.” You slid forward to wrap your legs around his hips. “Any news on that job from this morning?” His hands move up your thighs and around your waist so he can kiss your neck,
“Not yet, the agency is putting me forward. It’s in Richmond though, which would be amazing. I should hear more tomorrow.”
“And how you feeling going into your last week?”
“Happy. Scared. Nervous.”
“We’ll figure it out, you know. I won’t let you fucking drown. Season finishes at the weekend, so this time next week I’ll have loads more free time for a few weeks. I can help with Lex while you do what you need to do.” He’s turned the pan off and pulled you off the counter, taking you over to the sofa, dinner forgotten for now.
You took a further call from the recruitment agency the following day. Their client was interested in meeting you but needed an informal off-site meeting. You arranged with the recruiter to meet with them towards the end of the week just outside of town. To say you were surprised to see Keeley Jones and Rebecca Welton being led to your table was an understatement. You shook hands and sat back down before your legs could give out. The mums might have been all good, the kids, but maybe you were about to be ousted by two of the most influential women in Roy’s life? You clearly looked terrified because Keeley, to her credit, took your hand and held it,
“Oh fuck, you look so scared! I’m so sorry we ambushed you, are you ok?” You think of the night before when Roy had cooked your favourite meal while you’d taken Lexie to swimming lessons and then onto her dads. When you’d sat in his lap and pushed your fingers into the knot in his shoulder to try and relieve some of the stress of the final week of the season. When he’d lost all patience and decided on a different way to unwind, which had mostly revolved around keeping his head between your thighs for as long as you let him. You think about your 4am wake up call that morning, and the 6am follow up, where he’d interlocked your fingers above your head and pressed you into the mattress as he whispered “I could do this forever”. Whatever had changed their mind in the time since the gala, you couldn’t let it derail your future.
“Look, if you’ve suddenly come to the realisation that I’m not good enough for Roy then that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. But I’m not going to be scared off. He loves me and I’ll take that for as long as I possibly can because I am so, so in love with him and I will spend forever making him happy in any way I can. I’m really sorry, I’m sure you’re both lovely women and I know he values your opinions, but if he’s ever going to change how he feels about me then he’ll do it himself and he’ll tell me himself. And congratulations by the way,” you turn to Rebecca, “I heard that Ted is staying and that he finally told you he loves you. I’m so happy for you.” Keeley smiled at you while Rebecca looked curiously. 
“Are you sure about this?” She asked Keeley,
“I’ve been doing some digging. Trust me, Rebecca.”
“We’re not here to try and break you and Roy up.” Rebecca said finally,
“Oh. Well then I don’t understand?”
“I’d like to interview you for a job.”
“Sorry, what? Shit, have I just fucked it up completely?”
“Nahh!” Keeley said quickly.
“Well-” Rebecca interrupted.
“No, she hasn’t. We probably scared her half to death, Rebecca! Give the poor woman a minute to recover.” You finish your water and take a deep breath.
“I’m sorry, really I am. I got completely carried away and I shouldn't have gone off like that.”
“Thank you,” Rebecca said, smiling at last. “And thank you for letting me know just how much you care about Roy.” You nod, making peace. Keeley whipped out some paperwork from her bag.
“So! Like Rebecca said, this is I guess, a final stage interview without all the previous stages? We already know about you, we'd love to know more. Our previous Director of Comms was Leslie Higgins, he moved into the Football Ops role quite a while ago now and there’s never really been the need to replace him. He and Rebecca have sort of taken on the various tasks and it’s worked fine.” She pauses for Rebecca to step in and continue,
“Now though, we’re one game away from maybe winning the Premier League just one season after coming back from relegation. That’s practically unheard of. The huge, growing success of the club, the opportunities with the Champions League next season and our plans for the future mean that we need to strengthen the internal team. KBPR can only do so much - they have other clients and I can’t ask Keeley to devote all of her time to the club.”
“We think,” Keeley started, “that with us, and Leslie and you… we could be a real Fab Four. The core AFC Richmond decision makers - with the coaches input of course.” You are stunned, to say the least.
“When you say you’ve done some digging, what exactly do you mean by that?”
“Well, when you told me who you worked for and what you’d worked on, I realised that we’d met before. I’ve been asking around people who have worked with you or who have come across you in a professional capacity to learn more. When I liked what I saw, I took it to Rebecca.”
“With Ted confirmed as staying now, I have some big plans ahead for Roy. We have some very big plans ahead as a club.”
“And you don’t think it would be weird? Me working with you, for one,” you gesture to Keeley, “or with Roy?”
“I’ve been at the club probably at least two or three times a week since the day you blocked him in on the school car park. He came in ranting and raving about some idiot driver and every day, I’ve heard him fall more in love with you. If he found out there was a way to have you in the same building every day, I think he’d be beating Rebecca’s door down himself. And working in the same building doesn’t necessarily mean you spend every waking hour together. You still have crucial jobs to do. And as for me, I'd love to work with you.” Rebecca nodded in agreement.
“The job is nothing you don’t already know, the only difference is the industry.”
“Exactly, my football knowledge is… limited at best!”
“We’re a family, we wouldn’t let you drown.” Hearing Rebecca use the same phrase as Roy struck a chord with you.
“I take it you have a job spec, contract, everything I need to read through and make a decision?”
“An interview is as much about you deciding if we’re the right fit for you, as it is for us to decide. I think you’ll find that the club's current standing means we can afford to give you a generous package, and the locality means we can support a better work-life balance.”
“Take this, read it and see what you think.” You take the folder.
“As his friends, do you think I should tell Roy now, or decide based on him not knowing? I assume we’ve met here because he doesn’t know, and inviting me to Nelson Road would be a dead giveaway?”
“Perhaps tell him about the role first and then bring in where it came from. Let him help offer an opinion based on the job alone.” Rebecca suggested. “And I do so hope you’ll agree to join us, I think you could be a truly great asset to the club.”
You’d kept the folder at your house, not daring to leave it in a bag or your car in danger of accidentally taking it to Roy’s. Being at yours also meant you could be ‘busy’ and have Lexie as a buffer and it also being your last week at your current workplace, this also gave you an excuse for being more distracted than usual. The last game of the season was doing the same for him so his being distracted also helped you. The intimacy of spending time alone at Roy’s exposed all of your vulnerabilities. You’d spent so many nights laying in the dark in his arms listening to him talk about his family and career, and have him ask about yours, it was impossible to hide anything from him. You’d mentioned the role to him, you’d had to since he knew about the original recruiter call, and he’d reacted to it exactly as you hoped he would - excited for you to have such a great opportunity, close to home, with a package befitting your knowledge and experience. You wanted to wait until after the West Ham game to tell him exactly who the role was for. Lexie was spending the night before the match at Phoebe’s for a sleepover. The night before the Man City game meant you knew exactly how he'd want to forget the West Ham match and this time, you'd planned accordingly. You'd finished your final day at work early and had blown the cash from your leaving card on the most beautiful lingerie set you'd ever seen. You'd come back via Nelson Road to borrow his keys, and gone back to his to cook. When he got back late that afternoon, you'd set up outside under the secluded canopy in his garden with soft lights, blankets and cushions. You handed him a beer and led him outside, brought food out - including dessert, and then when you'd eaten and cleared up, you stepped in front of him and slipped your summer dress down your body. He reached out and took your hand, you'd sat in his lap with your legs either side of his. He ran his finger over the cup of the bra, 
"Holy fucking shit, you're perfect," 
"Distracting enough?"
"Yeah I'd say so." He said gruffly. “It’s a good fucking job I just need to stand on the side of the pitch now.” He laughed. 
The match was intense, unexpected drama on the sidelines and Isaac’s incredible goal had everyone holding their breath for another goal or for news from the Liverpool game. When the win came, no one seemed to care what the final table result was. The fans flooded the pitch to be with their team. You, Sara and the girls had stayed back a little, you could see better as Coach Lasso danced with his team surrounding him. When you let the girls onto the pitch, they run straight to Roy and he ends up with Phoebe on his front and giving a piggyback to Lexie at the same time.
“Don’t come crying to me later when you can’t walk.” You tease, finding a route past Phoebe to give him a kiss.”
“You’re not gonna fucking take care of me?” He asks, faux outraged.
“Every. Single. Day.”
“Dad!” Lexie calls, she taps Roy’s shoulder and he lets her down. Andy is coming across the pitch from the away fans side.
“Alright love.” He scoops her up and hugs her. “Congratulations,” he says to Roy who nods without greeting. “Dunno what old Mannion was doing. Made us look like fools. Do you ehh, do you know if our gaffer is ok?”
“Yeah, that old twat is fine. Just a bruised ego and a picture of his balls on the front of every paper tomorrow.” Andy shrugs.
“I uhh, I wanted to apologise to you both. I was a real dickhead-” Roy snorts a laugh, “worse than that, then. I’m sorry. I’ve been watching since the game finished. You look happy.” He turns to you,
“I am.” You say shortly, unsure whether to trust the apology.
“Good. I mean it, you look happy together. And Lexie tells me so all the time. I’m… happy for you.” You thank him and he heads off with his mates to the pub. You’re left with the feeling that you might never be friendly, but you can at least be cordial. Relieved of carrying the kids, Roy pulls you into his arms.
“He’s jealous.”
“Of me?” he laughs,
“Of me, you muppet.” He leans down to kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear, “because you're the one. You're it. You're the only one I want for the rest of my life. And he knows he fucked it up.”
“Hmm, you're pretty irresistible yourself.” The kiss you leave him with leaves you both breathless,
“Think we can find somewhere-”
“No way, there are hundreds of people here. I need to tell you something later.” He looks curiously at you, but you both get caught up in another ‘Richmond til we Die’ chant when Jamie, Keeley and a raft of players come over to find Roy. A little further through the crowd, you see Ted sweep Rebecca into his arms and kiss her. Even an hour after the game had ended, the club was still heaving with people. The fans had gone on to celebrate elsewhere but the families and friends of the players and staff remained. Rebecca had instructed the bar to stay open, insisting that she’d cover the bill. Phoebe and Lexie were still running around on the now empty pitch with Leslie’s younger children and other player’s and staff kids. You’ve told Sara about the job and you can’t wait to tell Roy. He’s sitting with Nate, both of them animatedly discussing Jamie’s Oscar winning performance with Coach Beard. 
“Have you got an answer for me yet?” Rebecca asks, sitting next to you in the dugout.
“Yes, I think I do. I’d like to run it by someone in particular first though.” You catch Roy’s eye, he looks surprised but happy to see you talking to Rebecca. She waves her hand to call him over.
“Coach Kent, congratulations.”
“You too.”
“I meant your excellent girlfriend, not the match.” He cocks an eyebrow at her,
“Thanks then. She’s fucking brilliant.”
“I know. Thought I might poach her from you?” The furrow in his brow deepens with his confusion. You stand up and kiss the frown away.
“The amazing job I’ve been offered? It would be here. Working for Rebecca.” You tell him, trying to keep your voice light but nervous for his response.
“Here? Every day?” 
“Yeah,” you start to mistake his hesitation for annoyance, “but if you think that’s really fucking weird, then I can tell Rebecca to stuff it - no offense, Rebecca - and I can carry on looking and something else will turn up-”
“I don’t think it’s really fucking weird. I think you should say yes. You should definitely fucking do it.”
“Fuck yeah.” 
“You’d better come over tomorrow then, sign your contract.” Rebecca says with a smile. “Welcome.” You and Sara party on the pitch with the team until the girls start to flag and it’s time to go. You insist Roy stay,
“I’ll see you tomorrow, go - have an amazing night, you’ve earned it. I’m so fucking proud of you.” You kiss him and he waves you off. 
You’re reading in bed when the door knocks so quietly you think you might have imagined it. Lexie is practically comatose in her bed, the combination of exhilaration and fresh air has completely wiped her out. You creep down the stairs in one of Roy’s t-shirts and open the door. Jamie Tartt is on your doorstep with an arm slung around Roy.
“Tried to get him to come to a club with us, but he made us bring ‘im ‘ere instead.” You stifle a giggle, you can see that Roy’s nowhere near as drunk as Jamie but he’s still looking at you with total adoration.
“Thanks Jamie, I’ll take it from here. You have a good night,” you look around him to the taxi down the path. Isaac and Colin are both waving madly at you. “Be safe, boys.” You wave to them and blow a kiss before slipping your arm around Roy’s waist and guiding him inside.
“Night Coach,” Jamie grins.
“Night Tartt, fuckin’ love you man. Fuckin’ love all of you.”
“We know. And we wouldn’t have been on that fuckin’ pitch without you.” Jamie gave you both a little salute and ran off back to the taxi.
“Come on, coach. Time for bed.” You lead him upstairs and sit him on the bed so you can take off his t-shirt, then you drop to your knees and unlace his trainers. You pull his hands to get him to stand up, running your hands around the waistband of his dark jeans and pulling them down. Once they’re free of his hips, he sits back down. “Come here,” you whisper, climbing into bed and pulling him with you, his body between your legs and his head on your heart. 
“Feels like I won the whole fucking thing.” He whispers against your skin as he falls asleep.
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
Hopelessly Devoted to You
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one-shot inspired by this prompt. enjoy!
cw: n/a :)
wc: 1.9k
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Nancy asked.
“Yeah, why not?” Steve shrugged as he finished scribbling in the rest of his sign.
“He’s not even gonna see you.”
“Nance, just let him do what he wants,” Robin sighed.
“Yeah, Nance. Okay, you two dimwits ready to go?”
“Yes, dingus, we’ve been ready.”
It was Corroded Coffin’s annual Halloween gig at the Hoosier Dome—the lead singer, Eddie Munson, always insisted on playing his home state during the most sacred time of year. It sold out in minutes. Fans were hunched over their phones and laptops, waiting in the endless queue, hoping they were able to score tickets.
Given that Steve has been a die-hard fan since their first album (mainly because he found Eddie cute), he was a verified-fan on Ticketmaster, scoring him first dibs to all their big events. As much as he’d wanted floor tickets, him, Robin, and Nancy didn’t have enough money pooled, so they all settled for the lodge.
Steve insisted that the girls make signs too, as Eddie always set time aside to read through everyone’s insane, unhinged messages, but they refused. They kept insisting that Eddie wouldn’t be able to see, but that didn’t stop Steve. He figured Eddie wouldn’t be able to see a whole message, so instead he settled for a single word: DADDY?
Robin and Nancy called him crazy, but Steve’s rationale was that if he can’t see it anyway, what’s the harm?
The entire group dressed up as Teen Titans—Robin was Raven, Nancy was Starfire, and Steve was Robin (confusing? Yes. None of them thought that far ahead? Also, yes). They waited in line, got a few beers to sip while the openers performed, and before they knew it, it was showtime.
Corroded Coffin were dressed up as townspeople from The Nightmare Before Christmas, but Eddie was nowhere in sight. All of a sudden, the soft plucking of an acoustic guitar picked up and fog covered the floor of the stage. Eddie’s voice rang throughout the arena, soft and soothing—unlike anyone had ever heard him before.
“I sense there’s something in the wind, that feels like tragedy’s at hand,” he started.
A small trapdoor slowly opened as he sang, letting all the fog sink into it. The guitar plucked on, Eddie’s voice continued blessing everyone’s ears—then, he began to emerge as not Jack, but as Sally, dress and all.
“The worst is just around the bend. And does he notice my feelings for him? And will he see… how much he means to me?”
He stopped singing and the guitar paused—the arena went pitchy black. Confused chittered filled the air, but was quickly stopped when all lights were on Eddie wailing on his guitar, breaking into a quick solo. The crowd erupted with cheers as he showed off his skills to his devoted fans. He carried on with singing, ditching the somber tune.
“I think it’s not to be,” he continued. The rest of the band joined in, turning the sad ballad into a newfound rock anthem. “Try as I may, it doesn’t last. And will we ever, end up together? No, I think not, it’s never to become…” The lights flickered before going out again, all instruments and singing coming to a halt. The spotlight shone on Eddie, who returned to his somber tune. “For I am not the one…”
The entire arena was filled with people who were screaming, cheering, and chanting. The lights came up enough to show the rest of the band. Eddie chuckled to himself before taking a sip of his complimentary beer.
“How’re we feeling tonight?” he asked—everyone screamed. “Good, good. Happy Halloween, whores. Thanks for making it out, tonight.”
“We love you, Eddie!” Someone yelled.
“And I have no idea who you are. Alright, let’s kick this bitch.”
The concert continued on with a bang. They sang their usual line-up with a few Halloween-esc songs sprinkled in between. That was the real draw to this concert—it was nearly an entire hour longer because of all the covers he did.
As Eddie finished singing I Put a Spell on You by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, he took a few more sips of his beer before drawing his attention to the several signs people created for him.
“Eddie, adopt me! No!” he chuckled. “I missed my aunt’s wedding for this! Good, fuck your aunt. Um, alright…” He scanned the crowd for the next sign. “Eddie (or all of CC) do my BeReal? Yeah, fuck it. Throw me your phone.”
As the audience member tossed him the phone and he snapped the pictures, the camera crew focused in on one sign in particular—Steve’s. Robin and Nancy nudged him as he stood there, beet red in the face. The crowd was going crazy.
“Wow, I didn’t think you guys would have liked watching me take a picture that much,” he laughed to himself.
The people in the pit started yelling in protest, pointing to the arena’s central screen. Eddie cocked a brow and ran to where he could see it.
“Is that what you were screaming for?” The crowd erupted as the camera was still displaying Steve, holding his DADDY? sign up loud and proud. “Sorry… How’re you, sir?” Eddie smiled.
Steve gave him a thumbs up and beamed. Eddie ran over to the edge of the stage, getting as close to Steve’s section as he could. He extended an arm and smirked at the boy.
“Yes?” Everyone cheered as Steve nearly fainted. “Yes?” Steve started dying laughing as the surrounding fans continued yelling. “I fear there may be a communication barrier from this distance.”
“It’s okay, I love you!” Steve yelled, despite Eddie not being able to hear.
“But just know… yes?”
Steve flashed a Cheshire smile at the rockstar as he blushed up to his ears. Steve lowered the signs and blocked out the world around him. He fell back in his seat in awe, dropping his sign to his feet. Robin and Nancy were desperately trying to get his attention, but he couldn’t be bothered to listen. He’d rather stay in a state of bliss.
Eddie finished up reading through his posters before moving on to his next song. He smirked up the Steve as he went back to his set list.
“This next one goes out to my new baby, apparently,” Eddie teased, winking at Steve. “I was feeling done in, couldn’t win. I’d only ever kissed before…”
Steve’s eyes bulged out of his head as Eddie started singing a rocked out version of Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me (apparently dedicated to him). Steve sat in shock as Eddie pranced around the stage, like the sex symbol he was, singing a song about losing your virginity.
This had to be a dream.
Steve tried to muster his way through the rest of the concert as butterflies did backflips in his stomach.
His long-time crush, Eddie Munson, noticed him and called him his baby!? There was no way is was all real.
A few days later, after Steve managed to compose himself (which was hard to do, considering his social media pages were flooded with different views of his interaction with Eddie), he posted a video of himself hanging and framing the poster.
Thinking nothing of it, he hit upload, only expecting Robin, Nancy, and maybe Dustin go like it. But to his surprise, it went viral. Nearly a million likes and over six million views.
Shit. No way Eddie hasn’t seen this.
I’m awe, Steve posted to his Instagram story, blabbering on about how much attention it was getting. He turned off his notifications and left his phone alone for a while, trying to relieve himself of some of the stress.
That evening, when he did a final scroll through of his socials, he came back to over fifty messages of people who swiped up on his story. But one in particular stuck out.
eddiemunson: yes, baby?
“Oh my god… oh my god!”
His fingers were trembling beneath his touch as he typed out an equally cheeky reply.
kingsteve: oh, daddy, and to think, i never thought you’d answer
eddiemunson: baby teases back i see
kingsteve: only for you, munson
eddiemunson: oh, i like the sound of that
kingsteve: so, when are you taking me out?
eddiemunson: when’re you free ;)
Several months passed and the boys began seeing each other and becoming romantically involved. They slowly started teasing each other on their socials, never showing their faces or displaying any incriminating details.
It wasn’t until nearly a year in, right as the following annual Halloween concert was rolling around, when the hints became less subtle. Steve was attending concerts regularly (in blocked off sections with other friends/family of the band), and Eddie was slowly showing off more features of his pretty boyfriend.
This year, Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffin were people from Scooby-Doo—Eddie was Shaggy, and other members were different monsters. But where was the rest of the crew? Well, standing with Steve on the sidelines was Robin dressed as Velma, Nancy as Daphne, and Steve as Fred.
Similar to years prior, they opened with a Halloween themed song, then continue with their normal set list with a few covers here and there. Right around the midpoint in the show, Eddie started going around reading posters. Thinking he was funny, Steve resurrected the DADDY? poster.
Eddie made his way over to Steve’s area, knelt down at the edge of the stage, cocked his head to the side and smirked at Steve.
“Yes, baby?” he beamed.
The crowd burst into cheers, but they had no clue what was coming.
Steve smiled as he bit the insides of his cheeks, flipping the sign over to reveal another message.
Eddie dropped his mic as he blushed up to his ears, and walked away, smiling like an idiot. Steve proudly stood there, waiting for an answer.
The crowd was chanting at him, some things were good, some were bad. Meanwhile, the boys were having an entire silent conversation through their looks. Eddie eventually picked his mic up again, kneeling back into his previous position.
“I hope you know, you’re becoming a Munson,” he said.
“That’s okay!” Steve laughed. “So is that a yes?”
“Of course, stupid.” He winked as he strutted over to the other side of the stage, starting his next song.
Steve fell back into Robin and Nancy’s arms, gasping in relief. He was so caught in his own head, he didn’t even realize what Eddie was singing until he reached the chorus.
“But now, there’s nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love aside, I’m out of my head. Hopelessly devoted, to you…”
The song carried on and Steve was swaying back and forth, listening to his fiancé’s lovely voice. Then came the final bridge.
“But now, there’s nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love aside, I’m out of my head. Hopelessly devoted, to you…” Eddie walked to the edge of the stage and tossed Steve a velvet black box. Steve (barely) caught it, as Eddie caught him off guard. Eddie winked before finishing out the song. “Hopelessly devoted to you…”
Steve snapped open the box, revealing a diamond incrusted band—he looked up with tears in his eyes. He ditched Robin and Nancy and charged the stage (in the walking path for the band). He shimmied his way past some amps, much to the security’s dismay, and met eye-to-eye with Eddie.
“Hopelessly devoted… to—” Steve yanked him down by his chain and forced him into a kiss. Eddie smiled uncontrollably before breaking away and running his thumb across Steve’s bottom lip. “You…”
taglist: @steviesbicrisis
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leopardom · 3 months
✨ sappy post incoming ✨
(and a little trigger warrning for the vague mention of suicide)
i’m not gonna do any gig reports for now because last week still feels like a fever dream and i can’t really put my thoughts in an order that makes sense. but i just wanted to stop by to say how much i love the vibes and creativity of this fandom and how happy everyone was when it came to meeting and trading/giving out their creations while queueing for the gigs or even when they were over
in Munich, Milan and Padova i got to meet so many people from here. with some of them i chatted more and with some others less. but in any case it absolutely warmed my heart to finally see all those people i see on tumblr but like, in real life! i got to trade my stickers for bracelets/stickers/art/fan stuff, got to see everyone have a good laugh because of my stuff and also got to complement people for their crafts. and i'm telling you i really meant every single word because as i already mentioned, i love the creativity of this fandom 💕
last weekend i began my trip with pretty much nothing on me and now i'm back home with a bag full of bracelets, a folder full of art and a heart so full i wanna cry. i mean look at that:
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1) idek where to begin with the tags of the artists, i’m still confusion but i’ll try to come back to this post again later with a clearer mind
2) “big juicy” bracelet you will always be famous @greensolsikke <3
this last week was a tiring experience with many ups and downs but at the same time it was probably the best week of my life so far
i'm getting especially emotional about it all because this whole frenzy concided with my birthday (on the 29th of March). this may sound cringe or what, but on the actual day of my birthday and when everything was over, i was sitting alone on my hotel bed in Milan and was thinking how this last year of my life started in the worst way possible and how it was only escallating towards the worst every single day. during my 26 i reached a new level of low, a bottom lower than the one i had reached when i was 20-21 (and that was a bad bad time). and yes, there were a few times when i was close to ending it all because it was too much. my 26 was pretty much like hell
but now i'm glad i didn't give up and pushed through all the struggles. because if i hadn't, i wouldn't be able to experience last week. i wouldn't be able to see some of my dearest friends again, to meet all the amazing people from here and from twitter, to see one of my favourite bands perform for three nights in-a-row and to listen to all my fave songs of theirs live and even cry my eyes out to some of them (Barve Oceana in Munich, Padam in Milan and Metulji in Padova really were an Experience). can safely say that my 26 ended with a bang and it was a very good one 😌
i'm feeling sad that this is over but at the same time i'm so warm inside and so happy that it happened. and i would do it all over again, especially if it meant meeting you all again or meeting even more of you from in here. i have never felt so welcome by people who technically only knew me as a tumblr user and i never thought this would happen, considering how awkward i am when it comes to interacting with people online and in real life
anyway i think i've talked too much and i'm slowly loosing my train of thought because the thoughts and emotions are so many right now. i just wanna thank each and every single one of you for making the past week so special and one of the best weeks of my life. i'm beyond gratefull 💖
sincerely, the curly head with the meme stickers 🫶
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