#anyways. i like chatting about this stuff with people who relate
thebluestbluewords · 9 months
My brain is doing some NOT VERY GREAT things rn, so I am EXTERNALIZING THE FEELINGS ONTO FICTIONAL MEN because that’s a healthier coping mechanism than the other options. (cw for suicidal ideation)
Jay’s been to the college library twice. Once because it was part of orientation, and once on his own in an attempt to do homework. He got one chapter into his assigned reading before a group of enthusiastic tennis juniors swept through and picked up anyone they recognized, and he hasn’t been back since. There’d been too many people around to focus on homework anyway. 
“I’m not doing homework.” 
Carlos thwacks his head. “I didn’t say we were doing homework, I said we’re going to the library. I know you don’t focus around other people.” 
Jay rolls onto his back, as far away as he can get in the confines of a twin bed. 
It’s not very far. 
“I don’t focus….anywhere.” 
Carlos winds a hand into his shirt to pull him back.
“Like I said, I know this game. You don’t focus anywhere because your brain thinks you’d be better off dead, and it won’t listen to anything that’s not getting it to that goal. You’re not going to shout over it, so you’re got to sneak around it.”
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Until I read the comments on that one post I had no idea the Bechdel Test was a joke and wasn't supposed to be a serious measuring stick by which you gauged if something was feminist or not. Everywhere I'd ever heard it brought up, it was brought up as a very serious thing, and it was a failure of media if it didn't pass it. I remember the debate about Mako Mori from Pacific Rim and if she was a character you were "allowed" to like as a progressive person despite the fact that Pacific Rim doesn't pass the Bechdel Test, the discourse, the discussion of if the director was sexist for not writing in another woman for her to chat with about non-men related stuff, the camp of people trying to insist that having a fully realized character arc and being as developed as any of the male leads = good writing even if she doesn't talk to another girl...
And I've also had the remark about my writing not passing the test, just not to my face. I searched my fanfic's name once, curious to see if anyone was discussing it outside of tumblr and AO3, and found a Tiktok complaining about it not passing the Bechdel Test. The top comment was "motherfucker YOU don't pass the test but we still watch your ass". I cackled and moved on, but neither the commenter, poster, nor I had any awareness this wasn't Feminist Media Critique 101 theory and was, in fact, a goof.
Right now there's a segment of fandom debating if Blue Eye Samurai is feminist since when Mizu and Akemi talk, they do bring up men, since, y'know. Women aren't considered people with rights in their era in Japan and thus it's something they mention instead of only talking about being cool girlboss badasses who never bring up gender. If something doesn't pass the Bechdel Test, a smug segment of the internet high-fives itself and congratulates one another on being More Feminist Than Thou.
They then get really angry if you disagree, even though by this metric, Sleeping Beauty (the original animated one, where Aurora has only 16 lines of dialogue) is more feminist than Blue Eye Samurai.
Okay, so, nonnie....
Dykes to Watch Out For (1983-2008) was a long-running comic and major piece of lesbian media. I grew up buying compiled volumes at the bookstore. To be honest, that kind of 90s-ish lesbian culture isn't really my scene despite me being bi, but it was very nice to have this slice of life-y somewhat realistic, occasionally somewhat parody, look at the queer communities around me. It's up there with Tales of the City for me in terms of being a window into a particular culture and time and place.
If anybody is interested in queer history, in addition to looking up factual info, I think a read of the complete Dykes would give a really good overview of how people were thinking about things and what issues came up a lot. You'll see things like Barnes & Noble increasingly putting feminist bookstores out of business in the 90s, attitudes towards porn in lesbian circles—all kinds of cultural issues of the day.
I drifted away as I got later in my teens and found more genre fiction I cared about, but at one point, this comic was a very welcome antidote to the glurgey coming out stories that made up a lot of the more realistic media.
Anyway, here's the comic itself, reproduced in its entirety because I think it's important to actually understand the context.
This is from 1985, so the era of Rambo, Conan, and Death Wish, each of which you can see being made fun of here. It's based on Bechdel's friend Liz Wallace's actual rule for seeing movies.
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That's it. That's the origin of this whole stupid test.
"LOL, fuck 80s action movies". That's it. That's the joke.
The fact that blockbusters still routinely fail to pass in the 2020s is shameful, but that was never the point of the strip.
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Throws this at you
So…Hob is a pretty fair known streamer, mostly he talks about history and related stuff, but the most relevant segment of his career is debunking those rituals you often see on the internet (like the bloody Mary etc. etc. etc.) so he basically put himself in reckless situations, since he likes to do them in secluded areas or abandoned places “for the spooky factor”, adding a bit of urban exploration into the mix for the stream to be more lively.
His followers send him rituals from all over the world and he does them, most clearly end up being him chatting all night, with nothing paranormal happening (maybe an encounter with strange people on the buildings he is in or some wild animals but never ghosts, demons or something beyond)
One of those days, he receives a mail with a very detailed one, it´s a bit more complex in the prep /materials it needs, but as per usual, he just goes with it.
After all, they are not even real! (What´s a few drops of blood now and then to fill a tiny flask before going to bed, or collecting stuff like sand in a very specific time of the day…)
Anyways, the day comes, this time he does it in his home, since in the text it was written it needed to be done in the place he goes to rest.
When he is finished with all steps…nothing happens, zero.
So, he calls it another win for him! and after an hour or two online he says his goodbyes and cuts the stream.
Stuff begins to get weird the moment he doesn’t upload or do streams in the next following weeks, the normal thing is to think that maybe he is busy with life, so he is going to prioritize that first, but it´s so uncharacteristic of him, because it´s not only the streaming that ceased, it´s also the social media, and Hob LOVES showing all the stuff he is making or just interacting with people in general (always the social butterfly)
By the time there is a ping of an impromptu stream on his channel, some months had already passed.
From the look of it, he seems like trotting in the middle of the night in an unknown location, the camera is just a blurry mess, mostly it´s just the footage of the pavement and the movement of his feet.  The moment he sees the stream is still working his face lights up.
To keep it short, only thing he missed that day was going to sleep for the ritual to be fulfilled, he says.
After that, things went south quickly.
At the beginning the typical light flickering or total blackouts, then it came the weird sounds whenever he was alone, which, he thought it was because of lack of sleep that made him see things, he adds that he hasn´t be able to get some rest since the day he did the ritual, hence the lack of social presence for the first few weeks. He continues saying that he truly believed to be that…until he saw it…or him…he is not quite sure how to catalogue THAT.
At this point people are just speculating it´s just one of those ARG´S.
So, the moment Hob begins to describe the being and babbles about investigating who send him that email with the ritual and saying how he wasn´t able to communicate to anybody until now, the stream cuts abruptly and the chat is 100% convinced it´s an ARG.
But…is it truly?
Hob’s followers: I can't believe he pranked us all this time hehe
Hob, actually being haunted by an ancient sleep demon entity: P̷̨̡̢̢̢̢̛̬̲̲̠̬̼͔̖͇̞͙̼͍͉̘̤̠͎̥̉̌̈́̅̆̀̿̿̍͊̔̏̒̽́͂́̾̐̆̾́͘͜͜͝͝ļ̶̢͚͓͇͔̣̣̩̪͔͍̼̼̱̭̼̦͔̖̝͛̊̔͛́̀͛̇̊̒́ͅe̴̡̙̖̪̖͉̺̰͉͛ͅa̴̛̛̜̳̱͖͖̳̤͌̇͋̇̍̾̈́́̈́̉̑̈́̀̾̓͋̀̀͐͌̄̊͘ͅs̷̢̧̡̗̳̖͙̘̫̣͖̩̞̞̰̗͇̤̙̜͍͍̔̏̿̇̿͛͌͜ĕ̷̢̢͈̬̫̗̻̭̞̙̥̜̜̰̺͈̠̗͘ ̶̢̛̮̟̝̒̾̍̍͒̌͑̑̓͒̐̎̂͊́͗͑͘̕̚͘̕̕͠h̶̢͍̠͖̟͍̻̻͉̹̥̳̮̝̭̟̲̖̖̗̬̙̙̿̇͊̀̅͗̌̒̔̆͆͗̿͐̂̿͜͠ͅͅͅe̴̢̧̗͇̫̬̲͗̕l̴̛͙̭̱̳̮̅̓̉̊̕p̷̧̡̢̛͕͔̠̹̳̫͓̺̫̙̭͍̝͉̲̥͍̞̽̂̓͛̆̀̐̈́̽̋̀̎̈́͐̈́̉̆̍̊̆̚͝͝ ̵͔̬͕͈̈́̏́m̷̧͔̟͇̣̮̞̓̈́̈́̓̓͌̌̓́̀͌̌̽͆̂̑́̚͝͠e̸̛̝̩̪̟̟͚͎̱̗͊̈́̀̽̈͛̚̕͝ͅ
This is so great though. Hob summons this... thing and has a minor heart attack because the ritual actually WORKED and now there's this 8ft tall... guy? In his bedroom. And when Hob blows out the candles and stuff the guy is still there, and he's kind of flickery and staticy and Hob can't quite look at him properly because he feels like his eyes are going to start bleeding any minute.
So he goes out of the room hoping that this is all just a bad dream. and the guy/thing follows him. He just flickers into existence in Hob’s kitchen and stares at him expectantly. And at this point, Hob figures that he's definitely fucked up here and meddled with something real.
Meanwhile Dream is just waiting for the guy who summoned him to tell him what he wants. It doesn't really happen much but sometimes humans do ask him for a boon, but Hob is just shakily making a cup of tea and doesn't even seem to know what Dream is.
Which is pretty funny, as far as Dream is concerned. He decides he might hang around, take a little vacation here.
And he proceeds to break ALL of Hob’s recording equipment with his presence alone. The camera shatters very spectacularly. Hob is very much at the "what are you doing in my house????" stage while Dream looms in the corner like "I. Want. Waffles fries." He's having a great time winding Hob up. Teasing him. Flirting with him?
Anyway. Hob’s life is very weird, now.
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slashers-and-rats · 9 months
Do you think... You could do headcanons for the slashers X a mute/nonverbal reader? Like just how they'd react to that & how they'd adjust to alternate forms of communication and stuff like that (Which slashers are up to you, but if Brahms and the Sinclairs were there I'd start squealing and giggling fr)
rat chat: i will provide but i don’t like bo so I’m leaving him out he’s a BITCH
Slashers with a Non-Verbal GN!Reader
featured slashers: brahms heelshire, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair
Brahms Heelshire :
i think brahms would be a little perplexed at first, especially since you’d start out as the house nanny. one of the rules is to talk to the doll, but you find ways around it. you hum along to music when you feel up for it, and usually leave little letters near the doll. sometimes, during lesson time, you even throw in a little bit about sign language, and pretend to teach the doll new words.
when you first meet brahms outside of the walls, he’s quick to show off the things you taught him while he was watching you. he’s kept all your letters, tucking them away in his pockets so he can carry them around with him, and he poorly mimics the few signs you’ve been showing off. it’s a bit heart warming, despite the odd situation you’re in.
once you two have really settled in with each other, he gets into more of a groove with things. he finds he likes the silence. it’s not like you’re not around, you still amuse him in other ways. he likes that he gets to be the chatty one. he practices reading aloud with you, and you show him how to sign some simple sentences, and you continue writing him little letters that he collects. he even finds an old music box to stick them all inside. he keeps them very safe. they remind him of you.
i don’t really think it would effect him all that much. as long as you give him love and affection in your own ways, he’d be so happy. i think his favourite thing would be making you make other noises. y’know, not words. like he’ll sneak up on you and scare you, and hear you yelp, and he’ll snicker to himself. or when you two are alone, and you make a cute noise, he melts a bit. it’s the little things for him.
Vincent Sinclair :
in my head, vincent is selectively mute, so he’s pretty much immediately on board with you being non-verbal. there’s no questions, there’s no needing to get used to it, you two are just two quiet people. he finds it comforting, if anything, since he’s able to so easily relate to you.
you guys pass notes to each other like you’re exchanging secret messages. it’s especially amusing when you’re around the other brothers, and you’ll slide vincent a note, making the other brothers upset they don’t get to know what you guys are talking about. vincent always keeps these very private. communicating with you is a privilege, not a right, and if you choose to be selective about who you talk to, he is not going to let someone else change that.
you guys learn sign language together. bo never saw the use in teaching vincent, and his mum had tried but he stopped practicing when she had passed. so, he was very rusty, and you had similar experiences. you had tried to learn, but never found much use since the people around you didn’t know anyways. so, when you two met, it became a small hobby between the two of you. you explored the town, found a library with some books on asl, and pretty quickly you two were practicing in his little workshop whenever you had a chance.
i think a lot of your comfort with each other comes from the fact that you guys don’t need words to communicate. you can tell without needing to be told when either of you are upset or frustrated, and it’s easy to see when you’re happy. vincent has memorized all the little details of your expressions to know exactly how you’re feeling, even if you’re not open about it. it’s harder for you, since he wears the mask, but you’ve learned his body posture is a pretty big give away on how he’s feeling. you two just know each other really well.
Lester Sinclair :
lester is pretty used to the idea of people being non-verbal cuz of his brother, so it doesn’t take him as much time as others to get used to it, but there are still some bumps. i think, since he’s such a funny little dude, he finds your silence kinda hard to judge sometimes. he’ll tell a joke, or tell a silly story, and you’ll just crack a smile. he never truly knows what you’re thinking, since you never tell him, and so it takes him awhile to get used to being comfortable with just not always knowing.
i think he’d be someone who immediately does everything he can to be better about it tho. deep down, he really cares. he cares about his family, he cares about the town, he cares about you- he puts as much effort into those things as possible. so, he’ll put in the effort to learn ASL behind your back, and surprise you with it on a date or something.
he likes talking to you, and getting good at knowing what you’d say if you did speak. his favourite joke is to make up a conversation between you both and play both parts, and whenever he says something in your voice, he waits for you to nod or shake your head so he knows if he’s right in his assumption. he’s usually pretty accurate tho, since he watches you a lot.
he really does watch you A LOT. since you guys can’t have conversations about your interests, he just finds other ways to figure it out. while you’re reading, he’ll peek over your shoulder. he’s always a page behind tho, but he still gets an understanding of what you like. when you’re riding with him in his truck, he lets you pick the music, and notes down every song you repeat. when you guys are eating, he watches your face to see what you like and don’t like. he just likes learning about you, even if it isn’t as easy as learning about others.
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snaillock · 11 months
i really like ur writings🤭 and i’m happy bc finally someone writes male reader stories
anyway!! i would like to request a sae x gamer/streamer m!reader fic, where the reader is a big gamer and also a twitch streamer, how did sae get along with that, how does sae take it when the reader doesn't pay attention to him because he's playing / chatting with his friends on discord🫣 sorry if i write something wrong english is not my first language😔 had a good day!!
sae itoshi x male!streamer!reader
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tysm anon! i’m glad you enjoy my stuff! i also hope you enjoy this and that it’s to your satisfaction
tags: male reader, established relationship, jealous and overthinking sae, surprise! sae also sucks ass at communicating, also lowkey self-indulgent since i secretly dream of being a streamer, doing a different format than what i typically do
sae knows he’s being hypocritical but he simply can’t help it.
he saw the way you would hole yourself up in your office, streaming for several hours straight almost every day. sometimes you wouldn’t even get out to take a break.
you could’ve given yourself a much more laidback schedule thanks to sae’s success and wealth. instead you chose not to rely on him financially and prioritized your self-independence and stability. the only thing you really accepted from him career-wise was the massive clout boost that came with being his boyfriend. not to mention, you just loved the career path you chose, even if it did make you stressed sometimes. so you were more than fine with committing a lot of effort into it despite his insistence.
he understands and relates to how busy your lifestyle can get, yet he can’t help but feel a little neglected when he rarely sees you outside your office during the day and knows you don’t have much time free time to spend with him.
and perhaps he did feel jealous whenever he overheard you and your other streamer friends voice calling and playing games, laughing and cracking jokes with each other.
ugh he hated the idea that he could get jealous at all. he knows he should be more rational about this. he’s supposed to be the rational one! but he can’t help it. you’re his boyfriend! you should be spending your time with him. laughing and making jokes with him.
it’s gotten so bad that he even felt annoyed by your viewers fawning over you. he knew feeling a threatened by them was crazy because who the hell doesn’t know you’re sae itoshi’s boyfriend. anyone would be crazy to try to come in between that. plus he has plenty of his own simps going insane over him. so he of all people should be more than aware of what it’s like to be with someone who’s famous and very out there in the world. he should especially expect this when he’s dating such a good looking guy.
sae has rarely felt insecure about himself either. until his mind started spiraling and he manages to convince himself that he isn’t interesting enough to be with you compared to your gamer friends. he definitely doesn’t say anything to you about it since he doesn’t want you think he’s weak because of it. instead he lets those overcooked insecurities build up even more and more in his head until he starts believing them.
one day he noticed your office door slightly cracked open so he peeked his head in to see you streaming. which you then noticed from the corner of your eye.
“sae!” you spun your chair around to face him. you quickly took off your headphones, forgetting to mute the microphone, and held your arms out with a big smile. “come here baby!”
he was surprised and flustered from your enthusiastic response. how could he not be when he’s been living with those negative ideas about the relationship for a while that he’s gotten so used to them. he reluctantly walked over to you to which you wrapped your arms around his neck, making him bend down to your eye level.
“i’m so sorry i’ve been so busy lately,” you said before cupping his face and planting kisses on his cheeks. “i promise i’ll make it up to you.” his face softened as he felt his worries wash away thanks to your words and kisses.
“alright,” he nodded. everything’s going to be alright. he watched your screen from the corner of his eye as the live chat started going crazy, with a slight smirk on his face.
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a.n: when i got this request, i was also working on a much bigger sae fic which should be coming out in a few days or so. it’s currently 2k+ words. so stay tuned and if anyone wants to be tagged when it’s posted, let me know!
i also don’t think i can post a fic without using read more. i always write so fucking much.
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bubblesxo · 3 months
so. you know how a lot of people hc about the gotham accent in general dc media? well i always love this hc because accents are just so cool to me. so hear me out (this post is specific to the gotham tv show universe but can be generalized to any universe a cataclysm/No Man's Land event has occured)
earlier i was on tiktok and i found a video talking about the human tendency to create accents over time. (the video talked about how friend groups and families create accents/dialects which is?? so cool?? but i digress)
anyway, this led me to learn about a study about a group of scientists living in antarctica and how, over the period of just one winter, their vowel sounds had begun to merge together to create the beginnings of an accent. so now, i'll relate this to the cataclysm event.
to cause this event, during which gothamites are cut off in basically every way from the outside world, the bridges around gotham are bombed and destroyed (at least in the gotham tv universe). in this same universe, the time in which they are completely undisturbed (besides one guy communicating over a radio to one lady) is 97 days (over 3 months), at which time a military strike force (kinda. they're evil) is sent in to basically kill all of the criminals there. however, these people really only communicate limitedly with police, gang leaders, and like one time with bruce wayne. but that's about it. reunification with the outside world only began after day 391. that's over an entire year of near-complete separation from the outside world.
now, they already started off most likely having some kind of accent, especially noticeable in the people who lived primarily in the city. (even if the accent isn't particularly strong/differentiated at the time.) however, now they've spent an entire year together, alone in a big city. this has the makings of a stronger accent (at least for those who were stranded in gotham when this event occurred).
one of the important things to keep in mind when considering accents/dialects is the use of specialized vocabulary words, and lemme tell ya, gotham 100% has that. even excluding all of the names they have for people and the general gang info these people have, they still have multiple different terms for parts of town (ex: the financial district = penguin's territory, etc. with the other gangs in power at the time). on top of even this, the amount of stuff that just casually goes on in gotham is seen to completely flabbergast outsiders all the time. they likely have slang that is used to refer to various things the rogues do, or things about violence, gang wars, rations, barracks, etc. there is SO MUCH opportunity for an accent to originate here??
of course, once the events of No Man's Land end and reunification happens, a ton of gothamites who weren't there during it move back in and the accent is dispersed among the population. it likely is in part shared and, over time, becomes part of common vernacular, and, in part, deteriorates, especially regarding things that are no longer as common in the distant future (ex. referring to the financial district as penguin's terf 10 years after this happens would be a bit odd). however, i do believe that this would create a lasting impact on the overall population of gotham, even if only minorly.
(to those of you who keep up with my de-aged!gotham bruce au, this is going to be featured in some of the up-and-coming chapters (slang that feels off to others, weird references, a stronger accent, if only slightly, etc.). if you have any ideas or thoughts on this topic feel free to chime in!!! i love chatting and some help brainstorming on this would be appreciated <33)
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dandeyrain · 6 months
i've been rotating the "this doesn't make any sense!" response to boy and the heron in my head and i wonder how much of it comes down to like...the kind of audience that engages with ghibli movies vs the kind of audience that mostly only engages with weird art movies vs the kind of audience that only really engages with blockbusters and marvel movies, and the overlap of those groups in the theater.
because, like, the boy and the heron is far and away more straightforward, from a plot perspective, than a lot of other Weird Extremely Personal Art Movies i've seen and love, but it IS a Weird Extremely Personal Art Movie even so. usually the only people seeing Weird Extremely Personal Art Movies, especially in theaters, are people who like that and expect that and have seen those types of films before and are therefore capable of engaging with them even when things aren't as clear as they'd be in an average blockbuster flick. like, nobody who only cares about Cinema to the extent of marvel movies and MAYBE john wick is going to see beau is afraid, and if they did they wouldn't have the tools to engage with such a dream-logicy movie. it would just be a weird thing that doesnt make sense to them, at least until they worked their media engagement muscles with other weird films. there's a lot of self-selection to the kind of person who usually sees these kind of movies.
while boy and the heron is weirder and more complex than a lot of other ghibli movies, as far as weird art films go it is incredibly, INCREDIBLY straightfoward. every weird plot point is explained very clearly to the audience, very little is up for interpretation from a strictly "what was the plot" point of view. boy loses mother. father remarries and moves the family. boy struggles to contend with grief. boy is pulled into a magical world by an old man who wants to use him. time is weird and fucked up in the magical world, but the movie is going to go out of it's way to highlight who's who and make it clear how the time travel works and the characters' relations to one another. the boy refuses to take over the magical world because he wants to live in the real world with the real people he loves. boy leaves the magical world having learned an important lesson about moving on. but the boy and the heron trusts its audience, doesn't handhold, and expects the audience to engage seriously and with focus to its plot and characters and stories.
a lot of people never watch movies like that! a lot of people are used to uncomplicated superhero movies and romcoms and that's it. the difference is that those people were never going to see beau is afraid, so the discussion about that movie instead comes from people who have the tools to engage with it. but because of the aesthetic-ification of ghibli, a lot of people who don't Do art films but are really into the aesthetics of cute little guys and girls in pretty dresses went to this art film and were confused that it was weird and dream-like and dark and strange and requires more of its audience than just passively watching.
anyway there's nothing wrong with not having the muscles to engage with weird art films, though i do think everyone should challenge themselves with the kind of stuff they watch. there's nothing wrong with preferring simple straightforward uncomplicated plotlines. but it is really interesting seeing people talk about the movie like it's insanely weird and doesnt make any sense meanwhile me and the friends i've chatted with about who DO have experience with this kind of film all feel insane because the movie is SO clear and SO straightforward by the standards we're used to. its just a neat crossover re: the kinds of movie fans that exist
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onelocket · 1 year
Being Fyodor’s selective mute lover
Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN!Reader
PROMPTING GUIDE -- You’re Fyodor’s high-school lover, who is selective mute and uses notes to communicate. How would he tend to you in school hours?
INVOLVES -- mentions of violence, one mention of a feminine nickname (belladonna). not much warnings thankfully
I do want to mention that I am selective mute myself, but there may be points within this post that other selective mute people will not find relation to.
THEME -- mainly fluff, high-school au
WORD COUNT -- 2.3k
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Fyodor always has his eyes on you
Of course, don’t take it the wrong way. He has other stuff to deal with than being a stalker of yours, and besides—you two are already dating anyway. What more will he not know about you? Even if you’re selective mute, he always seems to know everything. But moving on, whenever you and Fyodor share a class period, he will mainly spend that hour or two watching over you. And you don’t even know it.
Because his chair is always ‘seemingly’ behind you, he has more access to you than you do to him. Unless, of course, you wouldn’t care if he sees you turn your head to him every minute of class. But you do, and with the facts that the teacher could see you do that too—you pretty much.. never turn around unless needed. There will be times where he softly calls you, just to get your head turning around to look at him. You think there isn’t an exact reason for this, but what you don’t know is that Fyodor does so just to see your expression. One’s expression tells a lot about their current emotion, so he uses that as an advantage to at least see how you were feeling. Especially since you don’t speak and can’t get your thoughts out through words.
Even if you guys aren’t in class, let’s say; eating lunch or attending a school event, Fyodor will always be watching you. If not close to you, then from a distance. It’s to ensure you were safe, and also to watch whoever tries to talk to you—and he was always taking note of who they were. There are times where other students notice his pattern, but Fyodor will always be able to make up an excuse to trick their foolish minds, for he does not want to admit it to others. But for closer students like Gogol and Sigma, perhaps even Dazai, he admits the truth to them. And if he ever does admit it to Dazai? The look on your face can be so funny when you hear Dazai’s overdramatic words. "Hey belladonna, don’t you find it bizarre that your boyfriend still stalks you?" "…??"
Sometimes, when the staring becomes too much of a boring activity for him—mostly when nothing dangerous seems to be around to threaten you, Fyodor may end up walking close and hold your hand to let you know of his presence. Of course, you do not mind. It’s one of the many ways that he can comfort you, especially if wherever you would be was somewhere full of students.
Your notes are never thrown away
Since phones aren’t a common occasion in your school, your small little notepads are always the resort to your interaction. There will be very, very rare times that you willingly speak to continue the chat, but never had anyone received this treatment other than a selected few. And obviously, Fyodor would be one of that few. Yet for how rare it happens, it’s almost forgettable.
You tend to use your notepads to everyone, regardless of who they may be. Your high school is pretty supportive, well—at least that’s what their surface was to you, so the students and teachers take the time to let you write your reply or inquiry to them. Inquiry—because you’d never start a conversation unless absolutely needed. Paper can cost quite a bit too, you know? It would be a waste to use them on situations that aren’t even necessary to you, especially ink. You sometimes use pencils, but you always have pens rather than pencils in your pockets, so ink takes the majority.
Your boyfriend is no exception to the notes. Since you can’t bring yourself to speak every time, you have to use notes to continue a conversation with Fyodor. And he doesn’t mind, for he always replies afterward and even asks if you’re okay after the chat. He even helps you out as well, insisting that he can keep the paper so that no more trash would stay in your bag. Because whenever you’re done with an interaction, you always keep the notes in your bag to refrain from any ‘blackmail’ or have a stranger hold your notes, and he knows that too.
But what you don’t know is that your boyfriends ‘act of kindness’ is pretty much just to brag, if we’re talking surface level here. Fyodor keeps some of the many small notes in his desk drawer—especially those notes which held such cheesy and sweet words from you. For having classmates like Gogol and Dazai, it’s not avoidable to have his drawer opened sometimes. And whenever any of the two see your cute little "Can we head to the nearby tea shop after class…? I miss spending more time with you, Fedya.. ♡", it’s best assured that you’d receive teasing from the other party after. And Fyodor could only chuckle at the scene.
He speaks for you when needed
As stated, you always use notes to interact with others. Some don’t mind, some do. Those who don’t always seem to have their reasons as they either don’t genuinely understand why you’re selective mute, or are either just complete ignorant people. Nonetheless, being with those types of people always makes your stomach upset. While Fyodor was in the same school, it’s not every second where he’s always with you, so for times that you’re left alone with such ignorant people… oh, just how badly would you love to run away and find your boyfriend.
There are times where, while Fyodor wasn’t nearby—a student will ask you "Why are you selective mute?", and damn does it always make you nearly cry. With the quietest hiccup replying first, you look down, trying to not let them see the upset look you had on as your stomach formed uncomfortable knots. Oh god.. write faster.. You’d think, fingers shaking as they slide the ink on your paper to form words. You lift the paper up, "I’m scared to speak. Please don’t push this question further." earning them either a confused look—or an apologetic one as they become quick to say sorry for asking that. Of course, you always accept it..
But for situations where teachers take place, especially recitations, you have very little to use to keep your comfort. There are teachers that let you write down your answer, but there are those who will deny that alternative and pretty much demand for you to talk. As much as you hated speaking, Fyodor hated the sight of these teachers forcing you something you clearly could not do. If only he wasn’t a student with a reputation to keep, then perhaps he would have been yelling at them each time it happens to you. But of course, Fyodor was a man of patience and held a collected demeanor.
So instead of starting an issue, Fyodor raises his hand before standing up from his seat. Gaining you and the teachers attention, he will politely ask if he, as your boyfriend, can help and speak for you. Thankfully, because of his ‘position’ and valid reason, he’s mostly allowed to help you, the teacher letting him walk closer to you so he could ask what you want to say. Fyodor always kisses your worries off first, peppering them light on your cheeks without a care on what the other students will think of. And for the teacher? Well, he can always shoot back another valid excuse for his affection. And besides, it always seems to help, for you end up very quietly whispering to him what you desire to say, letting him say it out loud to the class with his hand tightly holding yours. These were times you were so grateful he can still be around you in this school, and that he’s not afraid to speak for you when you need it.
"[…], Keep his protectiveness to an extent, please."
While the majority of those who talked to you were respecting and kind, a school experience can never be complete without a conflict some way or another, can’t it? Poor you, not excluded from that ‘unspoken rule’. Well, you’re thankful that you weren’t a constant target of bullying, but there just has to be some students who think they’re so good, so you still end up receiving negative treatment sometimes.
Fyodor is not a student council member by any means, in fact, he doesn’t like what kind of attention that role could bring him. However, people do know who he is, and what he seems to be capable of. Being once called a demon by the student council secretary himself, Dazai Osamu, a lot became wary and almost scared of his persona. And you were just another addition to peoples list. Well, maybe not as bad as Fyodors—since you were a very kind person to everyone nonetheless, so less saw you as a warning alone. Perhaps these less were even the people who decided to be offensive with you, unironically enough.
Even if you decided to go through with it to refrain from an angry assault, Fyodor always thinks otherwise of your decision. How dare they, insult and go on harassing you just because you can’t bring yourself to speak? Each hostile interaction made him angry. It makes him want to hurt the other party—which is a thought he never entertains. So somebody had to really be on their tail to have the demon do what he doesn’t like to. And Fyodor wasn’t the type to be afraid either, shooting the other side with such glare that usually makes them agitated and cause a larger ruckus with your boyfriend. But thankfully, you were there, somebody who’s able to try or at least make him discard any harsher words and actions until the situation was over. It wasn’t everyday somebody decides to be rude to you, and so would be his anger, so if you even let a portion of it escape Fyodor, best bet that you and him go straight to the guidance counselor.
But actually, it seemed to have happened once. One school afternoon, you were simply packing your bag in preparation for leaving before a teacher came close to you. A very close and friendly teacher, so their presence alone did not mind you. Until you hear them speak, "Dostoevsky is your boyfriend, right?" causing your head to nod and face them. They hum before they fell silent, looking away to watch the beautiful hues of sunset as they replied to you, "He has punched a guy that ended up bleeding just a few days ago, when you were absent. The other boy always defends himself by saying Fyodor shouldn’t be hostile just for his lover, which brings me here to you now. Well, I guess what I’m trying to say is.. keep his protectiveness to an extent, please."
Free time turns into ‘comforting time’
To end with some actual fluff—Fyodor’s way of comforting you is probably one of the bestest things ever set foot in your life, set aside him in general. You and him have a freer way of showing affection and communicating outside the school campus, but as long as you two were inside said building, there was a limit to it. And it made you upset, really. How comforting would it be to have your lover stay by your side every second in class and help you focus.. too bad you can’t have that.
But it’s evident enough that Fyodor sees the distress you feel, so he tends to bring you to secluded places during free time. You and his schedules weren’t so far off, so there was plenty of time to spend. He does want more than just watching you from afar, too. Whenever you two are presented with free time; usually during the afternoons, he will gently take your hand and bring you somewhere else that’s quieter—mostly the rooftop, which also has such a lovely view of the calming colors of sunset. If wherever you two first were was already quiet, then he doesn’t find need to bring you out the of room, but that finds itself to be rare because of the other students. But it does not bother you both as long as a relaxing space can be yours and his for a couple of minutes.
As Fyodor delicately presses kisses on your palms, he will occasionally stop to ask how today was going, and if anything negative happened while he had himself separated from you. He may also eventually cuddle up with you when your body seems to be asking for it. His concern was something that makes you melt, your heart beating as you reply to him with your notes. But there are times of these sessions where you feel comfortable enough to speak, starting off with a quiet voice calling his name, "F-Fyodor, I’m…okay.". And oh, just how bad his heart warms up to that too. He knows how difficult it is for you to even stutter a word, and for each word you manage to speak out—expect soft little praises from him. Nothing too major since he can’t have you overwhelmed more than you already would be, but enough to keep your face pink as he slowly tucks strands of your hair behind your ear, your eyes seeing such a faint smile that compliment his beautiful features.
Isn’t it a shock, somebody like you able to soften the heart of someone who was called a demon by your school’s student council secretary? Dazai was never known to be wrong, either. You’re a somebody who can’t speak to others because of your extreme fear, and for the eyes of others—you weren’t somebody worth to entertain even a minute to. Yet you manage to take in the attention of Fyodor, why could that be? You never knew, and maybe you never wanted to know. His love for you was enough in this high-school experience.
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thenightfolknetwork · 5 months
I need help. Or maybe I don’t. Maybe I need someone to tell me to stop worrying? Oh let’s be honest I have no idea what I need, that’s why I’m writing in.
See, I have a perfectly ordinary job during the week. I work in an office. It’s nice. Spreadsheets, cake on birthdays, quarterlies. It’s a boring existence but my afternoons and evenings are my own and the pay’s good. Sapio-Liminal relations are improving, but by bit. Honestly I’m just impressed my coworker got the time off when they wound up expecting in two of their three dimensional shifts.
So that’s during the week and you’d be forgiven for thinking I’m just about the most sapio a sapio can be. My liminal properties tend to activate on Friday afternoons, when I- travel.
Move. I move. To the same general area of a whole new plane of existence. It’s a known family trait- I’ve got a grandfather who became king of a small nation in my secondary plane, and my sister’s the apothecary for the capital city. She sells the really good potions, by the way, so if you’re in the area of Spirits and Sundries or someone gives you a radiant quest to bring ingredients to Amaranthia in the Bronze Quarter, just be polite and she’ll fix you right up.
Ah, but this isn’t about my sister’s business, it’s about me and what I do. See, this shift is so regular that I went and got myself a weekend job, just to have something to do. So if you’re sent to the Caves of Madness just north of the Foresaken Forest, be ready for the Riddle Master!
I’m in the first room of the dungeon, just after you pass the initial key puzzle. I keep my uniform in a chest in there, and there’ s a nice break room off the back. I like the work a lot! I see lots of new people and I’m always gathering riddles- there are some chat standards but I like to mix it up sometimes. They aren’t supposed to be hard, or else what’s the point of trying to conquer a dungeon? So sometimes, I admit, I give hints. There’s always the rude adventurer who attacks me first but when you take a job like this you don’t die, it’s in the fine print. I don’t like cleaning the blood off my stuff, though. Takes ages.
Anyway now that we’ve walked halfway around the block, my point.
I look very plain. Humanoid, two arms, two legs, a beard. It’s never bothered me but I am very distinctly ordinary which tends to be recognizable and last weekend I was in the village during my break and I saw a coworker. Not from this side, not from the Caves of Madness, no. It was Tina, from accounting. She was picking up a quest by the stocks.
And I realized, she might wind up at the Caves of Madness. She might make it through the puzzle door and be faced with the Riddle Master only to realize this Riddle Master is Jeff. From the office.
I don’t have hangups about my two worlds meeting- it’s hard to, when your sister pops in for Christmas still dressed for the Winterscratch Festival, or your brother’s filing out taxes for a whole kingdom over lunch. I just really like my job in the Caves, and I like to think I do it well. Our rating as a starter dungeon’s quite high, and I’m proud of that. What if my transdimensional adventurer coworkers encounter me and just- aren’t impressed? That’s not the Riddle Master, that’s Jeff. He has a rubber band launcher on his desk. His mug says ‘party naked’ with a balding chicken on it and he won’t let HR throw it away.
I don’t want to disappoint adventurers, especially not ones who work with me in my primary plane. I also don’t want to cause harm to my dungeon’s reputation. But aside from the whole ‘moving planes’ thing I am utterly dull. What do I do if my performance isn’t enough to make up for not being fantastical like Mordrath the end room boss or Reyala the sidequest kobold queen?
Is it okay to just be Jeff the Riddle Master?
Thank you for writing in, reader. Your letter serves as an excellent example of quite a common genre of letter we get through the inbox here at the Nightfolk Network and I think it might be rather illustrative for other followers.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but what you've done here is make up a scenario in your head based on the worst possible interpretations of everyone involved, and then worried yourself sick about that scenario coming to pass.
This may sound a little blunt, but please understand, I don't mean that dismissively. I only hope to offer you a little perspective, and to help you come to a more accurate understanding of the situation as it actually stands.
You enjoy your work in the dungeon, and are clearly doing a good enough job to keep your managers happy. None of your previous visitors have expressed any disappointment at your relatively mundane appearance, and it hasn't been an obstacle in the job so far.
Perhaps your co-worker will end up in your dungeon. Perhaps she'll make it to your section, and perhaps she'll recognise you. So what? I don't see any reason why she should be any more likely to be disappointed by you than any of your other visitors.
And even if she is disappointed, that doesn't have to mean anything to you. She's a co-worker, not a treasured friend whose opinion could make or break your self-esteem. You owe it to her to be a conscientious, respectful colleague. That's all. What you get up to outside of work, and whether she enjoys your efforts, is irrelevant.
You haven't let down your dungeon so far, and I see no reason to believe you will in the future. Stop borrowing trouble from the future, and concentrate on having fun and being the same old Jeff the Riddle Master you've always been. He seems plenty interesting to me.
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moshieee · 2 months
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
Oh hi @bixell-pixell I'll include you even if we're not mutuals I think you're pretty chill all things considered
That's kinda it idk you that well
You didn't specify so I'm going to list all my mutuals in the order of oldest to newest on my following page that I remember sorry of I missed anyone and for the @ s
@e-the-village-cryptid (I don't have a tag for e yet but it would probably just be E)
Not only the first person who I became friends with here but also the first one I ever started sharing my stories with, even if we don't talk too much I'm glad Every time we do and I see them on my dash, (they bring some of my favorite posts and when I do send posts sometimes I mix up and send them their own reblogs) I'm so glad we're still friends, thanks for letting me ramble about stuff for 6 hours hehe
@jaqofallgenders (no tag for jaq yet either)
my in person friend and the longest friendship I've ever had with someone, love you 🫶. I'll be more specific on Monday if our ADHD doesn't kick in and make us both forget
@strawberry-seal77 (seal-berry!!!)
Hi hi hi yellows my friend 👋 the person I consider to be the second ever friend I made on here, a lovely person as well and wait waaa and an amazing artist too 👀??? Love you silly goofball and the amazing posts and jokes you have we should chat more often I thinkith.
@rabid-mercenary16 (Rabid jumpscare)
Hey hey hey .... BWAMP! Hope you feel better soon
I probably have the most to say about Rabid but all try to make it a bit shorter. besides being the first artist to do art jokes and include me, with we also became mutuals and interacting around a time when my life started to get a lot better. Even if she's not the only factor in that I definitely associate her with stuff improving, and she did play a big factor in it (I already explained a lot on my Valentine's Day gift to her and the others). Also she's just an awesome person to spend time with and be goofy, amazing sense of humor and I just love being friends with such an awesome person and artist.
@dia-smthidk (Dia fren)
I'm assuming you don't want a bowl of soup
I also said a lot about them in my Valentine's Day gift, but we've become closer friends sense then even if we don't get to chat as much as I'd like to. I relate a lot and am surprised how we have so much in common. Amazing artist and person as well and I wish we could hang out more, idc if they think they're bringing down the mood when/if they bring stuff up about irl, and maybe I won't figure out their timezone but oh well, please take care of yourself gender sibling.
@bunnybunnsowo (BUN BUN BROTHER!!)
little brother 🫶🫶💝💞🫶✨👋❤️!!!
(I could have sworn we became mutuals before Dia?)
another person I shared a lot about with the Valentine's Day gift, I love you my little brother! Seriously one of the kindest people I've met and I'm so glad they have bug in his life. Bun deserves the world and they keep sending me opposum images!!! Gona die from cuteness and his kindness one of these days istg
@spookykittyzzz (greaah why don't I have a tag for you???)
A very kind person and artist I don't know too much sense we're not that close yet but love the few chats we have had so far. Hope we get to hang out more even if I'm awful at reaching out to others and saying hi.
@glitchyk (goop buddies)!!
Nooo the parallels
One of the first people who was interested to deep dive into my creations and ask about my stories and worlds They're probably competing with Rabid with how much I have to say about her/silly. Seriously it's incredible how much we have in common and now I get to share and collaborate our sonas stories together it's amazing. And as someone once said "you can yap for hours". I love how creative and clever they are, I just wish they would be kinder to herself. One day I'll make glichy see how awesome she is.
@unfunnyaceartist (Floridian disadvantage) I feel like I should change that
When I say I was shookith when ace asked to be friends I mean I was shookith first person so show up and ask that (the others kinda just happened). Amazing artist and don't believe her lies she is funny. I'm so heckn glad we're friends., love the goofy and silly idc if she's a bit of a simp they've helped me a lot start to understand slang and references I'm supposed to understand shhshsh (such is the curse of how I grew up) we need to make our mafia sonas interact at some point I can already imagine the chaos /silly
@neptunestoast (plushy slime)
Hugs hugs hugs*
Trying my best not to baby talk I swear. amazing person first person to show up and be like "hey I Wana do something for you and your friends". Love their humor and another gender sibling!!! Hugs for ever for as long as they're ok with it. I love their creativity as well and Noodle is so adorable. I just want to pick them up in a hug so much. Kibbity/silly
@ner5y (no tag woops ill figure something out)
What are you doing here??? How are we friends???
I was absolutely confused and startled when they followed me especially since it was during a spoons argument . Amazing artist like holy heck I wish I was allowed to curse on this blog. Their humor also took me by surprise when I got invited to the discord, and even if they doubt how well they're running it I think they're doing amazing. And I love our silly interactions like this one
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@vexation-816 (chaotic ADHD buddy!!!)
Why did it take me so long to follow you istg
ADHD ADHD ADHD my buddy oh pal we both got that and it's driving us insane/silly. Love how creative he is and the ideas for his sona and character lore. Also one of the first people who shared a character they added to my nightlight au. This is getting twords the end and I'm tired of whiting so much and am on a timer oh no. But your amazing dude don't ever forget thag
@butlerbugbunny (anxiety bunny buddy)
This is why I didn't respond to the DM yet hshsh
New friend who I feel anxious talking to sometimes but a wonderful kind bunny who I'm also incredibly happy to be friends with. Love his art so much it's amazing (shoot shoot timer is going off) I'm glad he's their for bun and wish them the best I possibly can 🫶.
@lilithloves-you (lillith my be-loathed?) need to change that
Don't you dare bring up grilled cheese
Glitchys friendo who I'm also friends with now. We don't interact too much but I've sent her on missions to go hug glitchy (to help both of them feel better but shhh). I hope we become closer friends in the future.
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muichiroslovermwah · 7 months
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Welcome to my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious blog.
Mhh, hi. My name is Toyuu, you can call me toytoy, tyuu, toyo, or any cute nicknames, i dont like my name getting made fun of ex: ugly toyoo. Here are the rules to my blog, If any rules are broken, I will block you.
• you can private chat me for stuff like asking for my oc details and more, but you can also use the askbox if you want to go anon.
• I am serious when talking about serious topics.
• anyone who asks me about serious stuff will be blocked.
• I do not allow such rude behavior, I will only allow it if it is only joking and isn’t hurting the person.
• spamming isn’t allowed, Instant block, only if it’s harmless then I won’t.
• dni if you are a pedophile, homophobic, or if you are offending people.
• i am 11 years old, if you make fun of my age i will not hesitate to curse at you and block you. Making fun of people's age's aren't funny or cool at all. Your just a fucking bastard doing so.
Fandoms! Games/anime
Fandoms I am in are
(idk anymore, can't list all.)
Drawing/fanfic/ or opinion requests.
I do drawing requests, only if it isn’t related to s3x, or abuse. You can request if it’s chibi or my style. I do not do minor x adult, or stranger ships. But I do oc x canon, or oc x oc.
Fanfics are the same, but I can do sad stories like abuse, or suicide, I can also do nsfw ones. And I don’t do minor x adult, strangers, but I do oc x oc, oc x canon, and canon x canon.
If you don’t know what opinion requests are, I just made them myself lmao😭 but anyways, it’s like what’s your opinion on/of ____? Like asking the opinion.
thank you for understanding.
Bye bye.
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simp-ly-the-best · 2 months
i hate marinette, here's why. (i don't hate her, i just don't like her.)
Reasons why i hate her:
Marinette’s behavior is just way too creepy and it’s NOT endearing when she sniffs his pillow or stalks him.
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She’s become too boring and is annoyingly insecure about everything, and you’d think that after a lot of time around Adrien she’d get used to being around him but no because plot
Adrien would be a more interesting character but there’s almost no focus on him.
Chloe could be such a great character and I honestly thought she’d be developed and fleshed out into a complex, relatable teen, but now that the creator’s like “oh she’s just evil” then i don’t know why the heck they spent episodes “developing” her and making her Queen Bee. So many key moments and characteristics, like her abusive mother and idiot father, all down the drain.
Lila was a character added purely to add stupid drama and is basically unnecessary and annoying.
The whole romance is so convoluted and stupidly written. And I don’t see a point in bringing Luka and Kagami into the mix if Adrien and Marinette will obviously get together anyway by Season 10 or something.
At thiis point Marinette should get with Kagami and Adrien with Luka cause they clearly have more chemistry than Adriennete
The akuma thing is so old now and they’ve even recycled villains. They have no creativity anymore. I am SICK of freaking Reflecta (don’t know if i got that right) appearing all the time.
Chat Blanc. Enough said.
Some people say she is a Mary Sue. Yes she has the attributes like perfect family, OP abilities she has two powers not just one. Chat's night vision is never used, her Lucky Charm and Miraculous Ladybug is an episodic ability. She is the only one who can do anything about akumas and amoks. She learnt how to fence out of nowhere, like Kagami and Adrien struggled with it for years she now has this ability too. At kawmi swap she uses the Cat miraculous without any issues and Adrien doesn't know anything. She uses a bunch of kwamis in one go, with knowledge. She becomes the Guardian when she made a huge mistake. Etc. I could go on why is she considered a Mary Sue, but honestly I don't consider her one. Zoey Redbird is the real Mary Sue in my eyes.
She is portrayed as a stalker for giggles. This is where the writers ruined a fine character. Do you watch anime? The stalker girl turns out to be a yandere, makes the protagonist's life hell, kills off his parents, friends, girlfriend, even in some cases the protagonist too. Yanderes have shrines of the protagonist's stuff, break into his house, follow home. Marinette is not that far away to turn into a yandere trope only for laughs.
She admitted herself that she is a stalker. She stole four phones trough the series (Adrien's in Copycat, Chloé's, Alya's and Kagami's phone in Ikari Gozen, but at first she gave her phone to Marinette wilingly), she stole the photographer's harddrive, tricked Chloé a bunch of times out of jealousy and nearly ruined Kagami's chances with Adrien.
She broke into his room as Ladybug, sniffed his pillow. I hate how she acted as an obsessive stalker when she entered.
She followed Adrien and Lila in Onii-chan home, she was ready to climb the wall and even asked a fireman for his ladder.
How she wanted to ask out Adrien in Simpleman. She ditched four kids with his usually tense grandpa to repair Adrien's angel wings. Because she was so shy to ask him out to the movies in this episode and Adrien too rushed back to his photoshoot. To have a chance with him she was ready to just ruin the wings again with a fishing rod. Yeah the Guardian ladies and gentlemen.
It still creeps me out that she knows everything about Adrien but she barely can talk with him. I used to know a bunch of stuff about my ex boyfriend because he was the one who told me or with time I found out a lot about him as we dated, spent time together or I got to know his precious people. Marinette knows everything about Adrien without asking him (Gamer, Befana, Goridzilla and Kung Food where I remember they talking about stuff). She knows his favorite color, fruit, his schedule for the next 5 years (I bet even Adrien doesn't know what his father planned), she knows his life but doesn't know him as himself. Samd thing can be said about Ladynoir but they have to protect their identities and at least Chat tries to know his partner only for her to remind him that they can't know anything.
She made macaroons for him every weekend, she made him gifts for his 30 years of birthdays bunch of little weird stuff.
She kissed his “wax” statue worst episode ever, the moment I started to dislike her.
She is a hypocrite with the rules. Alya and Nino can know, Alya can know her identity, but Chat can't know anything, he can't tell his identity to Nino. Alya, Nino and Luka were revealed yet they can still be holders, no matter that she risks their lives and she could choose new ones. Still Kagami probably won't be Ryuko ever again, Chloé couldn't be Queen B in season 3.
Lukanette. New York special she was moving on from Adrien only for everyone and their mother pushed her into Adrien's arms. She was dating Luka, he was dating Kagami. Still we see in Truth too that even her boyfriend Luka knows that she is obsessed with Adrien yet he is dating her without any jealousy. Poor Luka you deserve better.Give this man a fucking break.
She as the Guardian. I don't like that the we are equals plot is out of the window. Now she “can make/create anything the universe is the limit", so she can make charms, summon miraculouses, save the day as a civilian not let Scarabella or Chat save the day once.
The writers could have done so much with this show and this is why I am so bitter that they waste pretty good characters for no reason. Just think about that Marinette has a good story arc in the first two seasons. She stood up to Chloé, finally acted on her feelings, broke down under the pressure of being the Guardian. Yet they had to throw in the stalker, obsessive nearly yandere trope for fun to ruin her. I wish at least one character would call her out for it and she would learn from it. I wish that in season four she really moved on with Luka so her obsession would end. But no we can't have development.
Still she is a fictional character, I hate how the writers write these characters.
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chaeminnieya · 7 months
Bitched out
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It has been approximately 54 days since Giselle went off on you
54 days since you’ve spoken to Huh Yunjin
54 days since you’ve spoken to anybody from that group chat, the exception of sakura
Warnings- suggestive contents, cursing, Giselle bein weird
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“Just tell her that you accept her apology already!” Jeon somi shouted while walking back to the couch you were sat on from your kitchen, her suggestion made you let out a loud laugh “fuck that! The whore practically bitched me out in front of everyone and all i did was sit there looking fucking dumb.” You said getting annoyed just remembering that day
“God..she better pray i don't fuckin’ see her at any events or I'll fuck her up.” you said while tuning your guitar
“Well m- and who the fuck does she think she is?! I don't owe her shit..” you say while cutting Somi off
“I think s- why the fuck does she think it's okay to blab about our…relations to other people?!” Now even angrier than before you grab your phone and go to text Giselle most likely to go off on her but upon opening your messages you see
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Immediately even angrier you slam your phone down making Somi jump “You good?” Somi asked while sitting up as she watched you slip some slides on and grab your wallet “I'm fine, do you want anything from the store?”
Hearing that you were going to the store she stands to go with you, making you immediately put your hand onto her chest to make her stop walking “You’re not coming with me, now do you want anything?” Somi let out a soft huff as she crossed her arms and sat down “Bring me those chips i like y’know the uhh..” “The gross ketchup lay’s?” “Yes! And they’re not gross.”
“Yeah, and i don't like women.” You mumbled sarcastically making Somi laugh as you walked out and locked the door behind you
The walk to the gas station was quiet the only sounds being the cars that sped by but other than that it was silent you felt your phone notifications go off so you immediately checked it, a habit because there was a small part of you that wished that one of these days when you check your notifications it might be her
But it never was, anyway as you arrived at the convenience store you took note of nobody else in the store except you and the cashier, you grabbed Somi’s chips and grabbed yourself two bottles of soju as you walked to the front you found yourself waiting behind someone which confused you because nobody was here with you before, once the person bought their stuff they turned around and of course, it just had to be Huh Yunjin because that was your type of luck.
She didn't choose to torture you and spark up a conversation instead just walked out of the store
Instead of saying hi to her, you kept your head down only bringing it up to bow to the cashier and of course, the cashier just had to speak to you
“Soju? So early in the morning?”
“Oh, I hope you're doing well.”
“You come here often.”
“You don't talk much do you?”
“Well, have a good day!” the man said while bowing as you quickly walked out of the store and letting out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding.
“You seem talkative today.” Huh Yunjin said, appearing from God knows where making you almost jump out of your skin
“Where the hell did you come from?!” you said while catching your breath
“I was waiting for you.” she smiled brightly while intertwining your arm with hers “Also what's up with the early drinking?”
You wanted to pull away from her but you couldn't bring yourself to, instead just letting it happen
“Giselle is what's up.” you let out while scrunching your nose due to being angry just at mentioning Giselle
“Really? I thought you two were super close?” she asked while leading the both of you to a close park
“Yeah until she started acting like I owed her shit,” you said while sitting down on a bench because Yunjin did
“I never liked her.” Yunjin sighed while you grabbed the soju from your bag and popped it open, downing a mouthful of it “Yeah you've told me.” you grumbled while leaning your head on her shoulder, probably muscle memory “So what's up with you why were you at the convenience store? Stalking me or something?” “okay first off I was there first and because there's some sort of romance thing going on with Chaewon and Sakura, it's really suffocating.” Yunjin said while taking the soju bottle from you and drinking some, not as much as you but some.
Hearing her mention Chaewon and Sakura made you chuckle, making Yunjin glance down at you “Do you know something I don't?” that made you chuckle too “Of course I know something, but I'm glad Sakura is finally making a move.”
“I'm sorry, making a move? What is that supposed to mean?”
“it means Kkura decided to grow balls and finally get the girl.” You laugh while finishing the soju bottle and grabbing the other one “Pace yourself Y/n we both know you are a lightweight.” Yunjin said while patting your thigh
“Okay Mom” you laughed while downing the whole bottle making Yunjin jump and try to grab it but you already downed it “You literally did what i just told you not to!”
“Quit complaining…you’re a-lot prettier when you quit nagging.” You said while squinting your eyes and poking her cheek “Hey..that day that we were at that restaurant you were gonna say something but you got cut off by the waiter..what was it?” You said while playing with her fingers
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Quick Flashback
“Yknow i alw-“Hi welcome to slowpokes what can i get for you two?” The waitress said while bowing
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“Oh that” she said while the memory came back to her as she nodded “i was just saying that I wonder if we would have met if we didn’t choose to be idols.” You let out a ohh sound as you nodded “i hope so.” You said while standing up and stumbling because as Yunjin said you’re a lightweight, Yunjin immediately stood up behind you.
“Gosh…you’re so cool Yunjin and so pretty…i love you so so mooch.” You slurred as you slumped onto her
I love you? I love you. I love you. Yunjin thought as she processed your words, it scared her almost to hear you say that, made her hair stand it made her heart burn but in a good way..?
“I think we should get you home.”
The walk to your house was silent but not awkward silent comfortable silent, the only sounds being the sound of your shoes on the sidewalk and the calm waves of the water
The whole time you walked you were clinging onto Yunjin for dear life, and you were mumbling incoherent words but among those words she heard “love you soo————lets get—— together” she knew exactly what you were saying but she chose to ignore it for now, you arrived at your home you waved to her but then turned back around and took a picture of her
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And right after you took the photo you squinted at it and said “you look different unnie…” you mumbled with a smile, some fireworks went off, making you gasp and point “fire!” You said happily while jumping, making Yunjin grab your arm and pull you to your house
After lots of stumbling and slurred words you finally arrived at your home
“Bye unnie” you waved as you hugged her, and it was like your body acted on its own as you held her face and pressed your lips to hers,it wasn’t a kiss more like just pushing your lips onto hers bet if you weren’t drunk you woulda done way more😈, it felt normal like it was an everyday thing, she stood there stunned not knowing what to do but when you pulled back she kind of wished you hadn’t
“It girl energy.” You said while striking a pose and flipping your hair making Yunjin laugh and copy you
Your front door immediately swung open as Somi shouted at you “get your ass inside! Are you drunk?! Oh hey Yunjin! Take your ass to bed, thanks for bringing her, goodnight.” Somi beamed as she slammed the door
Yunjin took a while to process the whole interaction just know but when she thought back about a minute ago she realized, you had just kissed her?!!!
The whole way back to the fimmies dorm Yunjin was giggling like a highschooler Cute right?
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The second Yunjin arrived to the fimmies dorm she was greeted by a lovey-dovey Sakura and Chae-won feeding each other snacks and laughing at a film
Chaewon’s head snapped over to Yunjin “Where were you and why are you blushing like that..?” she said suspiciously making Yunjin clutch her shirt where her heart was dramatically “I got somewhat kissed by an angel.” she smile while practically skipping to her room
“Kill me if I ever act like that.” Chaewon declared while fake vomiting while opening her mouth so Sakura could feed her more.
I put alot of photos idk how i feel abt it tho maybe ill replace it with writing
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battle-of-alberta · 22 days
Got a question for Drum to round out my camping trip themed asks! While dinosaurs aren't exactly paranormal, the current town of Drumheller does contain the hamlet and ghost town of Wayne. Have you ever brought Paula and Vulcan with you to check it out? For that matter, what's it like living by a ghost town? And what (if anything) does that do to the municipality representative that lived there?
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to be continued...?
(wahoo answered in less than a year hooray!)
We did pass by Wayne on our way into Drumheller but didn't stop, by that time we were so tired and ready to go home hahaha. As usual, Drumheller belongs to @zomsaurus (and who has dibs on designing Wayne too hahaha) (let us know when you go on your research trip :) )
Some more notes...
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Meta Stuff
this is kind of my feeling on what makes a personification exist. I think if a town's population was relocated or only exists in memory, their connection to our world starts to fade
(This is also why non-municipal personifications like nations would probably be a bit tougher and more resilient, to a point.)
(and I'm still concerned about something like Fort Walsh that was rebuilt as an educational tool as kind of a reanimated corpse? lol)
Wayne technically exists as part of Drumheller, like a microcosm of how Strathcona exists as part of Edmonton, so I think amalgamation is one way to cheat death also.
In Hetalia canon there has been one case where a micronation "gave up" and "went back to being a human", though I'm not sure that interpretation works with the way I do things. Interesting to think about, anyway!
A bit more on the Hetalia approach: Prussia is "retired" and it's suggested in this linked scan that he's slowly becoming increasingly mortal. Ancients like Rome will still appear in the dreams of their descendants as well.
the votes are in and the chat thinks Wayne should be half ghost like Danny Phantom
Some fun facts about Wayne
Last I heard, Wayne's population was 28 whole people! At its peak, it had about 2,500.
I think the Rosedeer Hotel / Last Chance Saloon is under new management now, but it's one of the big attractions. If you don't mind the shared washroom down the hall, perhaps the honeymoon suite is for you!
The saloon also has real bullet holes in the walls (framed), though they're from an incident in the 1970s rather than the 1910s
How is Wayne related to Red? Kid sibling? haha. Coal town origins, as is true of many ghost towns...
Waynestock is a big music festival/camping event in early September. It lasts 3 days and features about a hundred artists!
You might recognize Wayne in the movies. Shanghai Noon was partially filmed there!
Other notes...
I keep writing Drum as the "normie" or straight man of the gang even though next to anyone else he isn't normal at all, haha. He just is devoted to the scientific method, that's all! and also jesus
finally my knowledge of star trek comes through for me again on this blog B) remember, you can survive a shoot out at the OK Corral so long as you believe in yourself (though a mind meld doesn't hurt) :)
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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chubbening · 2 months
OH MY GOD OKAY HEY so me and a popular artist friend who shall not be named recently got into your fic Calories and Kink and IT IS SO HOT AND SUCH A HUGE INSPIRATION!!!! I literally started my own fic bc of it and I'm trying so hard to do my own things based on my own tastes and not lift too much inspiration xD
I just wanted to ask if any of your characters (Alexa, Reggie, or anyone else) has references? We may or may not be doing gay fanart for your adorable fat lesbian comfort fic.
Also I was stoked to find you're trans (us too)!!! Happy for you, also just learned you're a system!!! You both rock, keep up the good work, you got some real fans here :D
I think you just broke Ava's part of the brain lmao (she'll be fine) but thank you so so so much!! We've gotten so much lovely feedback on this story, and it means so much to us that what started as a kinky little side project has so engaged folks in our corner of the internet <3 Best of luck with your fic! One thing about writing is no one else is gonna do it like you, so even if you take inspiration, it'll still be your own.
It's funny you ask about references, because we've been thinking about commissioning some art for a while, just haven't gotten around to it (*coughcough* $$$). So like, we don't have ref sheets or anything. But (speaking of lifting inspiration) Reggie was originally inspired by one of NekoCrispy's characters, Astrid. Specifically the energy of this piece sparked something. Obviously we made Reggie a maned wolf and very much our own character, but we still think of her shape as similar to Astrid's (while compensating for NekoCrispy's more stylized hips), but 6' tall and with bigger arms ;)
For Alexa, shape- and vibe-wise, we go to https://www.tumblr.com/littlestpigletann. She's been posting since she was a lot smaller, so it's handy to dig back (on various platforms) and get a sense of Alexa at various points in the story. Although, Alexa's probably a bit lankier than Ann, who if I remember is 5'1" (Alexa's 5'6").
Feel free to DM us with any questions (about this stuff or w/e), we love chatting with folks! Honestly feels surreal to have people calling themselves fans and talking about doing art of something we created, like… Obviously no pressure to follow through, but we'd love to see what y'all come up with!!
Woo, trans! Honestly if we had a do-over, the one thing we'd change is making one or both of the MCs trans. We were just at a weird place with our dysphoria when we started writing it, and by the time we got comfier with things, there wasn't enough support in the story to retcon that. That's probably why we started doing more with Ash, tbh.
Okay, last anecdote here, the system thing is so funny in relation to Calories & Kink, because we didn't know we were plural when we wrote most of it, but we 1000% wrote Alexa and Reggie as individual self-inserts. When one of our partners started reading it, she compared us (still unaware) to Reggie because I fronted more during sex, but Ava, the more frequent fronter at the time, was like, "What? No, I'm way more like Alexa."
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this message <3 We'll be giddy all day now ^^
Promise we'll work on the last few chapters soon--we really do want to give this thing a proper ending.
Take care,
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