#anyways. if u want a Little bit of context. of which i don't know if ive said previously or not
99probalos · 2 years
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aheem heem. 70s au shtuff that ive been doodling. spoilers w/o context as they say in the biz
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bonus-links · 3 months
mandatory directors commentary ask because I’m absolutely obsessed with them <333 I just think it’s really cool seeing what you put into each update it’s so interesting :)
a kind of important piece of context that's probably missing for this conversation wake and tetra have is that they were dating and broke up fairly recently. it felt awkward to shoehorn in a line about it but there u have it. anyway that's why wake feels the need to ask tetra to keep an eye on outset in the first place. like she'd actually say no.
did u know tetra has this image of the hero of time in her room on the ship? this worked out very well for me having that in frame hehe. it's also where the sun motif in the "we're cursed" panel comes from!
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i like the idea that wearing big fancy earrings is a part of formal dress across all hylian cultures, and outset is no different! these particular ones wake is wearing are based on abalone shells which i think make really beautiful jewelry :-)
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i just want to call attention to this relationship chart panel. wake doesn't even know that the first thing slate did was put a sword to wolf's neck. he doesn't know how right he is
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this location is the top of ganondorf's tower. it's a little bit more of a symbolic image than a memory tho. fun fact, when you look at this location in noclip tetra is just standing there without her eyes loaded in. spooky stuff
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okay, now onto the big one. the flood scene! this is in fact a vision Loft had of the original divine flood that created the Great Sea, and Loft is putting the pieces together. The one in the middle is actually wind waker's hyrule castle, not a temple like i've seen a few people guess. i had this really strong image in my head of the flood starting by pouring out of Hyrule Castle. does this make sense logistically, given the barrier we see around Hyrule Castle implies it was saved from the flood? maybe not, but I couldn't get the idea out of my head, so in the comic it goes
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we don't ever seen WW's castle town in the game, so I actually used OOT's castle town as a reference. I just really needed a reference for this or else my head was gonna explode lol. that's also OOT's death mountain, which is mostly just there to show the spread of the flood.
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this ending bit with the flood is kind of intended to be a continuation of the Farosh scene on the bridge. Loft is going to continue to have and be reminded of terrible visions of the future, and that anxiety he has around that isn't going to just go away. But I really wanted a scene where he acts on what Slate told him on the bridge— don't pity this place. He snaps himself out of it and chooses to join the party.
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another note on that last panel lol, the person who's waving to him is Rose, the pig lady from the bonus comic!
alrighty I think that's all I got for now
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misshugs · 6 months
₂The Cameragirl² || snc
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After an eventful night in the haunted asylum, you and the guys began looking at the footage, only for you to start making cocky remarks that might've set a spark you weren't expecting.
contains: just fluff and reader trying to be funny (but failing miserably), cheeky comments from reader, cursing, slight flirting? idk i suck at it
a/n: "part 2" of The Cameragirl, no need to read the first part though! but for context: you got choked by a ghost and you almost died but colby saved you by giving you mouth to mouth
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
word count: 2.3k
[u n e d i t e d]
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
You don't exactly remember when you fell asleep, you're just sure that right after you fell on your bed you were knocked out.
It wasn't something that happened often, but boy you were tired due to last nights events. Beause of that and because of your commonly terrible sleeping habits, Sam and Colby didn't even want to bother you much.
They did however check on you after they woke up hours later, making sure you were still breathing. The experience has somewhat made them paranoid about what could happen to you.
Although they cleansed you before returning, they'd much prefer to be one hundred percent sure you were alright.
The problem was, you were a light sleeper. After they finished checking up on you, your eyes opened up slightly. Groaning a bit from the ache in your body from the fall you had a couple of hours prior. You stretched yourself nonetheless.
Yawning, you sat down and rubbed your eyes. Taking your phone from your nightstand, you looked at the hour. 01:17 PM. Sighing softly, you stood up and fixed yourself up before walking out of the room.
Looking around, you heard mumbling from the other room. It was the office. You walked inside and saw them both looking back at the footage.
You furrowed your brows. Usually, you were a part of this process. Why did they begin without you?
Since they haven't noticed you yet, you started walking closer without making any sounds. As quiet as you possibly could, you basically stood behind them, watching the footage.
"What're you doing?" You asked, gaining a scream from Sam and a jump from Colby, almost falling off the chair. A smile grew wide on your face after that reaction.
"Fuck! You scared me!" Sam exclaimed, putting his hand on his chest.
"Oh my god, my heart." Colby said, hiding his face in his hands.
"That's for beginning without me." You said, crossing your arms on your chest.
"You were sleeping so soundly after all that happened, we didn't want to disturb you. And... we were curious... sorry." Colby admitted. You sighed.
"It's alright, I guess. What's this part?"
"We just started watching the part where... it happened." Sam said, looking at you.
"Ooh, okay. Then go back, my head's a little fuzzy, I can't remember clearly what happened, I want to know." As you said that, they nodded and ran back the video.
You didn't miss much anyways. They rewined right when they began arguing about it not being a good idea and whatnot. They haven't seen the whole night or anything, they just skipped right to the end.
After the arguing and the preparation for everyone to go into their respective corridors, the challenge began.
They paused the video. "Even though it made sense, it was still strange for you to be so persistent about it, was it not?" Colby said, looking at you. "Also, can you please sit down? There's a chair right there. You're stressing me out."
"No." You quickly answered.
"Why?" He asked.
"I don't want to, it's my fight or flight mode. It's easier to run while standing up." You giggled softly, which gave them both a sense of peace that you couldn't even imagine.
You were their everything, and thinking that their everything could've ended up like that made them so overprotective that they would've absolutely slept with you that night... to keep you protected, of course.
"Also, my legs feel numb, I don't want to cut the circulation again, it felt weird last time." You admitted.
Sam quickly stood up, concerned. "Are you okay? Do you need an oxygen mask again or something?? Water?"
"Wha- no. Calm down. Jeez." You said, grabbing his shoulder and making him sit back down. "Anyways, about the video. Um... I do remember having this urge to do it. I don't think it might've been anything bad, but I did have this... feeling, I guess."
"Maybe it wasn't you?" Colby said, raising a brow. "Maybe something was making you feel that way, just so that you were left alone... like it happened." You thought about it.
"I... guess it's an option." You shrugged.
"It could've also been a possession. It is said that people tend to quickly switch emotions when one is possessed." Sam continued. "Or... it could've also been the fact that you were so indifferent about it all."
"I'm just used to it, it's not like I don't believe."
"Yeah, but since we were making our reactions so... extra in comparison, maybe the spirits were trying to target you?" Colby added.
"...yeah, it does add up. Well, continue. Let's see what truly happened. I genuinely can't remember." They nodded and the video rewined.
As you began walking through the corridor, you began to speak on the video, it was almost automatic when you heard your voice that you started whining. "Oh, fuck no. Nevermind. This is so cringe. I remember this."
They started laughing and kept on watching although you pleaded for them to skip it. You tried to stop it yourself but Sam quickly held you back, hugging you and your arms, unable to move.
You didn't have the strength at the moment to try and get out of his grasp, but you tried anyways.
Not like it mattered. Not like you minded, actually. In the way he was holding you back, he basically let you sit on his lap while watching.
You didn't mind at all.
"You guys know I suck at youtube, I was trying to be funny, it didn't work." You laughed a little bit while your voice also seemed on the edge of breaking, mainly fake crying.
"What do you mean? You did great." Colby said, hiding his smile underneath his hand. Listening to your cute attempts on making jokes. It melted him.
"I can see you trying not to laugh, Colby." You fake cried again.
"Whaaat? I would never." He said. Sam didn't hide anything. His smile only giving away how much he was actually enjoying this version of you. If only you were open enough for them to be able to record and replay more of this.
A couple of minutes into the video, you started panting, heavy breathing could be heard. It was when you began to explain that you could barely breathe. "It feels... hard to breathe." You said in the video, your lips visibly shaking.
As you began walking faster, you could see through the video that you stopped on you tracks. Blinking your eyes as you looked at, what you remembered to be, a figure.
You tried to breathe.
"Holy shit. Holy shit! Did you see that?" Sam said, letting you go and pausing the video and quickly going back a couple of seconds. You stood up from his lap to let him search quickly.
"What?" Colby asked. Confused, you got closer. He started playing the video once again, this time, slower. You could see the light on your neck moving.
"Holy fuck. Look at that. It looks as if something is like, pushing on your neck. Like pressing onto as if you're getting choked." Sam explains, pointing at the marks on your neck where there seemed to be a dent suddenly forming.
"Oh my god." You said as you touched your neck, remembering what happened barely a couple of hours ago. Colby had his mouth wide open after watching that.
"That's... that's poltergeist activity right there. It's undeniable." He said, looking at the both of you. You nodded, shocked at how much power this entity seemed to have. "We need to get you properly cleansed, we can't be having another demon up someone's ass." He contined, looking directly at Sam, who seemed offended. You chuckled.
As they continued the video, they heard the soft 'help' that you could barely spit out, your voice breaking in the midst of it. The quick movement of the camera as you turned around only to be thrown to the floor. Seconds later, watching as you tried to crawl back but your body seemingly giving up as quickly as you tried to do so.
It broke their hearts, even more so knowing you tried to scream for help. And so, the camera kept rolling for what felt like an eternity.
"How long did it took for you guys to come look for me?" You asked, seeing as the video kept going.
"So far, it's been five minutes..." Sam said softly, painfully watching the screen.
"Oh my god, I was dead for five minutes?"
"Don't say it like that." Colby looked at you, almost sad. Fear went through his body at the thought of not have gotten there on time.
"It is true though... oh, there are my heroes." They smiled softly as you said that. As you heard the conversation they had while you were unconscious, you scoffed. "You guys thought it was a joke?"
"Hey, listen. We've had our jokes and giggles with extreme pranks before, it could've been a possibility." Colby put his hands up in defense, looking at you truthfully. "Honestly, I was wishing it was."
"Sam. Call 911. This is real." Colby said on the video. Before you could completely understand what was going on, you saw him kissing you.
Well, saving your life, but touching lips nonetheless.
Your cheeks started switching colors. You obviously don't remember much, but your brain didn't thought about the fact he had to give you some oxygen back.
Your fingers touched your lips softly as you were watching. They seemed to be immerse on watching what happened, thankfully. You don't think you could handle their stares right now.
Trying to calm yourself down, you saw yourself waking up. No further from that, you saw as Sam helped you up for a split second before the camera was turned off.
"And that's the footage alright. Wow." Colby sighed and looked at Sam, and then at you.
"That was... something. I can't believe we caught that on camera... it's proof, yeah, but... you were seriously hurt." Sam says, looking at you. "Are you... okay with this?" He asked, you looked at him, confused.
"What? You mean for posting it? Oh yeah, I don't mind. Don't worry about it. I'm safe and sound anyways." You said, smiling as you put your hands on your hips.
"Just making sure you're okay with it." He said and you nodded, understanding his kind gesture.
"So..." You began, gaining the attention of them both. "Are you gonna keep the part where Colby kisses m- uh, gives me mouth to mouth?" You quickly correct yourself, trying to act cool. Not leaving your stare from the screen.
"What?" They smirked at your sneaky comment.
"What?" You asked back looking at Sam, seemingly ignoring their cocky smile as much as you could.
"What did you say?" He asked.
"If you're gonna keep the mouth to mouth on the video."
"Not that, when you stuttered." Colby obliged, making you nervous.
"...I said Colby?" You raised an eyebrow, looking confused although you perfectly knew what they were talking about. They shook their head.
"You know what we mean." Sam says, reclining back on his chair, getting comfortable as he looks at you, amused by the situation. Mimicking Sam's actions; Colby lied back, a hand underneath his chin, smirking back at you.
Like Gods. They looked like Gods.
It was driving you insane.
You sighed, "I'm just saying. A bit upset that that was my first kiss with any of you- I mean, not like I was... waiting for one anyways, of course. Ahem." You started mumbling at the end, looking away while scratching the side of your neck.
It wasn't anything strange for all of you to have some sort of stupid flirting in between conversations, but usually they were extremely noticeable jokes.
These? Oh. These weren't jokes. These were genuine mistakes.
And a part of you hated these silly accidents. Mainly because they knew.
"There seem to be a lot of mixed signs in what you're saying." Colby said, smiling at Sam then looking back at you. "I'm a bit confused in what to believe here."
You shrugged. "Believe what you want to believe, good sir."
"It's just that I don't know if we're on the same page, you know?" Colby continued, looking at Sam. "I only know he's with me."
"Oh, for sure." The sexual tension only filling the room even more. Usually, the jokes were seemingly too overboard and hence, you could tell they were that, plain jokes.
Just like your silly little mistakes, these weren't jokes.
"And what does that mean?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, we know what we want. We don't know if it is what you want though."
You sighed heavily, seemingly loosing yourself for a moment as you whined. "Dear God, why are y'all so hot?" You looked up, dozing out of existence after thinking about their looks, their positioning, their everything.
You accidentally said your thoughts out loud.
How does that even happen?!
When you realized what you've done, your eyes went wide, quickly looking at them. "Oh. Fuck. I didn't just- oh God." You didn't even wait to see their reaction as you began walking away. They quickly stood up, and you quickly sped up.
You started laughing but you were absolutely dying inside out of embarrassment. "Come back here!" Sam yelled as he got a hold of you and hugged you from behind, quickly throwing you over his shoulder.
"Let me gooo!" You yelped, moving your legs as you laughed purely by reflex. He held your legs in place. You were blushing hard.
"Nu-uh. We're gonna have a chat, young lady." Colby said, crossing his arms as you looked at him with a pout on your face. Sam turned around and slapped your ass, walking back to the room. You yelped, not expecting the sudden movement.
"A nice, long chat." Sam said as you sighed.
Oh boy. It's gonna be a long night.
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how do you guys like the banner? i got creative(ish)
also pls tell me what you thought about the fic, cause i don't really know if i did good with the idea, i did want them to review the footage but i also wanted a bit of tension or something extra to make it spicy, i'm not sure if i did a good job tho...
thank you for reading!
smol taglist: @lemonnightmare @yourfavoritefangirl @stardollswrld
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project-sonadow · 9 months
My [15M] rival [15/50M] has been weirdly aggressive towards me ever since he lost his memories for the second(?) time. Should I be worried about him trying to kill me again?
A post on r/relationship_advice by u/Chili_Dog1991
EDIT 1: Stop saying I'm Sonic I'm not.
EDIT 2: Okay I am Sonic. I don't see how that matters.
EDIT 3: Stop trying to figure out which of my rivals this is.
EDIT 4: Stop telling me to contact the police about his attempts to murder me or his age. It's complicated in regards to his age but he's essentially 15 and I can already defend myself way better than the police can in regards to his murder attempts. Also the police would probably try to arrest me too because they're either useless or make things actively worse.
EDIT 5: Stop DMing me to ask how murder attempts can be fun. I shouldn't have to explain this.
EDIT 6: Stop implying I'm a masochist.
EDIT 7: Stop implying I'm an adrenaline junkie. If I just wanted adrenaline I've got tons of other people who could give me that.
EDIT 8: To everyone who actually responded with advice, thank you. I attempted to talk to him about it, we fought again, and it turns out he's been acting aggressive because he doesn't know how to show affection so he just defaults to violence. We ended up holding hands after we physically couldn't fight anymore. It was a great night and I think we're together now.
EDIT 9: Which of you motherfuckers sent this to Tails.
Hi everyone, using a throwaway account to make this post because my little brother knows my main and the embarrassment would kill me if he ever saw this. 
So for context, I've known this guy for a while now, at least in the context of my life. I've got a pretty hectic life and I'm a traveler, so I've met a lot of people and he's one of the few that's been able to keep up with me. Our first meeting was during a bit of a stressful time because he kind of inadvertently framed me for thievery (we look kinda alike and the police are stupid, it's not his fault but I was pretty pissed at the time) and got me arrested, so we ended up fighting about it in the middle of the street. I'm used to fighting and pretty good at it, so it was a surprise when he turned out to be basically my equal at it, which is pretty rare even among my other rivals. He got the upper hand on me for long enough that the police were able to arrest me again. I was pretty mad but also impressed. Our second meeting was even more stressful because I had just got out of jail after being arrested for the second time, and I was still angry about it so we fought again. I was about to win but then it turned out we were both in danger along with some friends of mine so we both left as fast as we could. Both of these times I could tell he was taking the fight seriously, but I could also tell he wasn't trying to KILL ME kill me. Y'know?
Anyway, in our next meeting he was definitely trying to kill me. Outright said it to my face. I won that fight thankfully, and I'm not even angry about it because a lot of people have tried to kill me over the years and also he has some kind of goal I was getting in the way of, and he didn't even succeed. He ended up changing his mind about that goal though, and when we next saw each other we were on the same side trying to deal with a mutual threat. 
And it was at that point I kind of realized I was in love. I've never really wanted a relationship because I thought it would get in the way of my lifestyle, but with this guy specifically it wouldn't be a problem. I would have told him about it, but then I thought he died and I didn't see him for a while. I wasn't too broken up about it because we only knew each other for a couple days, but I was still sadder than I thought I would have been.
He ended up coming back to life though, and he had lost his memories for the second time in his life (long story I'm not gonna get into) and he didn't really remember me anymore. I know from a mutual friend of ours that he remembered me well enough to be annoyed by my name, which made me irrationally happy, and I think he did end up getting his memories back, but when we first saw each other he definitely didn't know who I was. We fought again, it was a tie, and then we ended up teaming up to take down a mutual enemy again. 
Things have been a bit less chaotic since then. We've fought a couple more times but nothing serious, he's saved my life, I've saved his, you know how it goes. We haven't really talked about anything that happened, but that's fine because neither of us have ever been much for verbal communication and we understand each other just fine. I've tried getting over my crush on him, but that's never really worked because we see each other a lot due to our lifestyles and we have some mutual friends in common, and I like spending time with him anyways, even if we're just beating each other up most of the time.
Personality wise, he's basically my polar opposite, but we get on pretty well despite that. I think aside from my general attraction to danger and his ability to match me in a fight and a race that might be the main thing that draws me to him. I've got a lot of friends, but never one so different from me and yet so similar. He's just always been special to me.
But the main reason I'm making this post is because despite all we've been through, he still acts like we're enemies at worst and temporary allies at best. We fight almost every time we meet unless something less serious is going on, and he's pretty grumpy and mean to me all the time. I like this about him, but it does make me question if he even sees me as anything more than a rival, and I don't know how to ask him because we don't talk about weird emotional stuff. I also think that asking him directly could maybe lead to another murder attempt, which would be fun, but it's not what I'm looking for anymore. I don't mind all the fighting, but just once I'd like to kiss him on the mouth instead of punching his teeth in, y'know?
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drivestraight · 2 months
anatomy of a joke, AKA "oscar's six-year long con ruined by a dutch sim racer," my commentary
first things first: section titles.
originally the section titles were going to be like, "the set-up" "misdirection" "assumptions" "the inciting incident" "misdirection revisited" "assumptions revisited" etc. but then i think that that definitive structure was limiting me so i instead pulled some of my favorite phrases from infinite jest... which i'm only like 1/5 way through haha. but ANYWAY YEAH! i tried to match the vibes of the section with each header.
the vignette-ish style of the fic, which is something i don't really do/am not used to, is framed by these little section titles, and i think it kind of helps set the tone for each section.
the place where things break down
aka, where it all starts
imagine being drunk off your face at a club and you accidentally stumble into the darkrooms without realizing they're the darkrooms and u see your teammate pressed up against his friend's side as the friend is very obviously giving him a handjob under the table. imagine that.
but, yeah. the first threesome offer that max extends. and a sort of introduction to whatever the hell the sexual dynamic between norstappen is. re: max initiating things, and lando going along with it no matter what it is. and also their exhibitionism kinks...
that most angelic of distortions
assumptions, introduced
i think it was really important to put the first scene into context. norstappen aren't dating, lando's on raya, and max is happily with kelly. kind of important in that it makes oscar question if he really saw what he thought he saw
like chess on the run, beautiful and infinitely dense
misdirection, landoscar flirting, but max being present. "infinitely dense" aka oscar being dense throughout this whole thing man
from the "not my fault you're so small" to "flirting with me, piastri?" and "you like how i'm smaller than you" to "think you like it, mate," i wanted to set up the flirty landoscar vibe but in a way that's like - toeing the line, almost too casual to be something real. and then, of course, max comes in, interrupts, and oscar's stomach drops. i think this is the first allusion to oscar's feelings. i wanted to keep it, at this point, as vague as possible. he doesn't address any of his feelings until much later in the fic, but the descriptions: oscar's gaze constantly straying, looking at lando's neck, his sweat, his frame, how he smells, the moles on his face, etc. and how he reacts and gets a bit prickly when max comes in... yeah that's the stuff.
and the whole. max being so physical and taking up the space. and his "i dont mind sharing"... and oscar pulling away. Crazy stuff man.
also lando is chewing gum here... important... i'll explain at the end...
something bigger than the self
an interlude
this section kind of stands out but i think it's thematically probably the most important section. it's the clearest, in my opinion, way to understand what's going on.
the whole mclaren / oscar / lando discussion, about mark telling oscar he needs to start fighting for equal treatment, to be smart about it is a parallel to the lando / oscar / max dynamic of the whole fic. don't be soft. they'll eat you alive. oscar wants it (to win with mclaren, to have lando) so badly, but he puts on this air of not caring, when he deeply, deeply cares. mostly out of self preservation, and because he thinks that if he lets people know how much he wants it, he'll end up losing it. it's better to not make an idiot of yourself trying, than to try and fail. he rationalizes the decision with the upgrades too much, and mark reads that as him letting mclaren/lando walk all over him. whether that's true or not, well.
the self you cannot live without
the inciting incident
classic carlos. bathroom handies. not much to say here.
reducing chaos into pattern
oscar's rationalization
this is where it starts to get a bit more complicated.
“Just good fun,” Lando says, shrugging casually. His voice betrays him. So does the flush on his cheeks. “Like, after races, and stuff.” “Yeah?” Oscar asks. “All it is?” Lando purses his mouth. “All it is,” he repeats. “We’re friends.” Oscar breathes out a sigh. “Friends, right,” he says stiffly.
and then, lando saying that he and oscar are friends too. it's a really tense section, of oscar not saying any of the things he really means, and lando being vague and weird and sort of in denial about what's happening
Oscar thinks about how good their car is this year, especially after the upgrades; how it’s better than the simulations projected; how it’s better than the RB20; how Lando could have won today, but didn’t. Thinks about Max’s rough hand squeezing the back of Lando’s neck in Melbourne; thinks about his palm covering Lando’s mouth in Miami; thinks about how Lando met his eyes and came all over his stomach; thinks about how he instantly called an Uber back to the Hilton and shoved a hand down his trousers before he’d even managed to get the door locked behind him; thinks about Max saying he doesn’t mind sharing. Thinks about Mark telling him to fight for equal treatment. He thinks about Mark telling him to be smart.
oscar thinks... he is a thinker... but yeah after miami he literally just went home and jerked off and felt horrible about it all.
that kind of animal grace
intimacy from the outside looking in
obligatory jimmy'z moment. norstappen shotgunning hookah in the most strangely intimate way, as oscar voyeuristically watches, and hates what he sees.
They’re both wearing matching black hats, but Max’s is on backwards. He breathes out a cloud of smoke, and then dips down until his mouth hovers next to Lando’s ear. Lando throws his head back, shoulders rising and trembling. Oscar catches the crinkled crow skin around his eyes and wonders what Max said to make Lando laugh like that. The lights are epileptic as the beat accelerates, punching, synths shrill, ear-grating tremors. The crowd is animated and frantic all around him. Oscar feels deep underwater, heart muffled but startlingly vivid in his ears. He feels frayed, pulled apart, in pieces, fragmented.
he has a cwush... but still at this point, i made sure not to ever, like, say it obviously. just aiming to show oscar's feelings through what he pays attention to, and his physical reactions. he sees them there, and it's probably even worse than what he saw in miami. it doesn't just seem to be something physical, doesn't just seem to be good fun or casual. but if it was just good fun and something casual - it's like, he knows that he couldn't do that. couldn't give lando what he wants, if that's what he wants.
that kind of brutish no-care
oscar is pulled in
oscar mr i hate clubbing goes to afterparty and afterparty for reasons that totally have nothing to do with norstappen, of course.
more landoscar flirting! max being flippant about what happened in miami. it's all just good fun to him. he finds it funny, what happened. and then there's the really casual sort of assertiveness when he pats the seat for oscar to sit, tells lando to sit in oscar's lap, and lando does. but lando hesitates. i think it's up to the reader to decide why lando hesitates, but the version i like the most is that oscar isn't just someone he can make a joke out of/he doesn't want to cross some sort of line/make oscar uncomfortable. but max told him to, so he does. i think, maybe, lando is a little bit aware of how oscar feels about him, but it's, again, something that he's not addressing. and he isn't even sure if oscar's into guys, at this moment.
purposeful attention and measured no-care. norstappen can get WEIRD. they're playing a weird little game with oscar, and oscar is the butt of the joke. talking to each other while he's there, but not a part of it. max is nowhere near as emotionally involved as the other two, but there are little moments of possessiveness, reasserting who he is to lando in front of oscar, especially with the hand on his hip at the end. a casual sort of power play, if you want to read it like that.
and the pouring liquor into lando's mouth, and lando just taking it. they are them... max is just very clearly vying for a threesome but oscar just is not biting.
to disappear inside the game
the offer
okay a big part about this setting is that. i wanted to be somewhere that wasn't a club 😭 but it also was a good opportunity for them to have a proper talk. another mention of kelly and p was important, again, to bring us back into context of max's situation. really, what's going on with him and lando isn't at the centre of his life. not at all.
meanwhile: tender ankle touches, DTS watch, oscar making fun of how small lando was, and then - lando offering a blowie... because they're frens... max says he's good with his mouth... and then oscar making it all weird. "max doesn't own me" "you sure?" for the millionth time, oscar is shooting himself in the foot. as much as he wishes it didn't, it comes back to max.
“Wasn’t what I was asking,” Lando says. “Was asking you if you think it’s weird.” And Oscar knows that. All this time, he has wanted to scream, Yes, it’s weird. He has a girlfriend and you’re trying to steal a championship from him and I see you, I see you after all the races you finish second to him, beating yourself up and talking yourself down, while he just smiles and grabs you by the shoulder and shakes you around and you let him, you let him do whatever he wants to you, and I understand you’re friends, I understand that you mean something to him and he means something to you, but I cannot understand it, I cannot understand what you’re doing, and whenever I see you two together, I think to myself, There’s no way this can end well. Someone will get hurt. “I think it’s fine,” Oscar says. “You guys are friends.”
this is the first time we get any real, internal address of how oscar is feeling about everything. until now, (at least the narration would hopefully have you think), it was mostly just - him going along with everything, being uncomfortable about a lot of things, but never really expressing why, or any of the internalization of it. it bothered him, but only ever displayed in physical descriptions. here, we see just how much the entire situation frustrates him, and this is where things really start to go off the rails. someone gets hurt.
a toast to our knowledge of bodies
austria my beloved.
this is the switching point, of course. the logic is that: max is out of the picture. for the first time, lando and max (seemingly) aren't friends, and for the first time, oscar finds space for himself to be close to lando, without max there (kind of funny though because in the end, it all happens Because of max).
Lando just continues, miserably, to rant about how Max was moving under braking, how he was being stupid and reckless, how he ruined everything for the both of them, and Oscar gets the feeling that this isn’t just about the racing. 
there's the whole lando and max of it all, which i think is, obviously because the fic is from oscar's POV, the most unclear dynamic of it all. oscar isn't sure what it actually is between them, if it really is just casual, but there are moments, like in monaco, where there's intimacy, and there are moments, like in austria, where it feels like it's more than the racing, that oscar questions things. i think it's better when it's unclear, and you have to come to your own conclusions.
I knew it, he wants to say. I knew that something like this would happen and you’d be a wreck about it and it’d matter more to you than it does to him and you’d break your own heart over something you should’ve let go of a long time ago.
bro doesn't know he's talking about himself
the body betrays you
i mean. i think what's going on here is pretty clear. oscar likes lando, a lot. lando wants someone to be mean to him, cruel and dismissive, and oscar can only do that to an extent.
a kind of love, with artful care
oscar's feelings, revisited
FINALLY. i really wanted a scene like this that showed and didn't tell, but showed really clearly what oscar hasn't been addressing this whole time: since he was seventeen, he's kind of sort of had this flame for lando. maybe it didn't take root for real until they became teammates, but it was still there, a little seedling for 6 years. there's something about lando that makes you care. oscar has cared, for 6 years, and even in their first meeting, which he remembers and lando doesn't, he took care of him. if the extent of oscar's feelings were unclear before this, hopefully this section was like loud alarm sirens lmao.
the judgement and punishing fall
the comedown...
“We don’t—” Lando says, mouth opening and closing rapidly, the physical not caught up to the mental. Oscar doesn’t know what’s going through his head right now. He’s kind of afraid to find out. “Like, we don’t have to talk about it.” “Lando,” Oscar repeats, feeling frozen. He feels like an idiot, sitting with his dick out in the wet spot where Lando came, the car spinning out from under him, a passenger. “It was just good fun, right?” Lando asks, with a shaking smile. He’s never looked so small. “That’s all it ever is.”
this is about norstappen. their dynamic is difficult for me to just, like, outright say what it is, but these little things help give it some shape. it's just good fun, that's all it ever is.
you could also read this as lando being frightened by the care that oscar showed him, and running away, because it felt like it meant so much. because it was too much, etc. the more i try to explain what's happening here, i feel like it starts to lose its magic but. it's all there, and you can read whatever you'd like between the lines.
the religion of the physical
the comedown, cont.
mostly just a transitionary section. it's like it never happened. <3
worshipper at the temple
the reckoning
Max is smiling at him, and Oscar thinks about how he and Lando made up the day after Austria. Oscar saw the headlines all over social media, how Lando had texted Max early in the morning to sort things out, how they’re friends again. Always friends. How they’ll keep racing, hard.
the scenes when oscar realized that lando fled from his hotel room after they had sex and stayed up for hours drafting a text to max. like he's going fucking THROUGH it. and it's made worse. when max tells him that lando told him what happened. "how was he? was he good?" max might be the worst person in the world 💀 but it's another, like, show of possession. "you can have him, if you want" aka. i'll let you have him. he's mine to give.
“For what it is worth,” Max eventually says, “I think he likes you too.”
maybe this is true. i'm not sure if it's worth anything, at this moment in time.
and. mwahaha. max is chewing gum. lando was chewing gum at the start of the scene. i wonder if it's the same piece of gum. wouldn't that be gross and crazy.
“Have a lovely night, Oscar,” Max says, finally making to leave. But before Oscar can let out a breath of relief, he pauses, turning back around on his heels to add, “Oh, by the way, my offer is of course still open, if you ever change your mind.”
bro who is still vying for a threesome even after all of that 💀
okay. yeah. WOW! what a fic. hope you guys enjoyed it & my commentary, if you got this far.
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bonefall · 1 year
So I decided to read through Bramblestar's leader ceremony from the original Ultimate Guide today- and I had a thought: have you chosen what cats give him his lives in Better Bones already? Granted, I'm sure you'll gut some of the canon placements for not knowing him in life (Lionheart) or being alive by the time he becomes leader (Goldenflower, Ferncloud, Mousefur) but Bluestar imparting clear judgement is a fun virtue considering his actions are anything but. Plus, Jayfeather could always gripe about it when he argues with Bramblestar. 'Wow Bramblestar, you sure displayed clear judgement when you asked me to let Sunrise BLEED OUT IN CAMP!'
I hadn't picked yet actually! I also haven't read his leader ceremony in aaaages. I never really liked it, felt full of TPB fanservice and didn't really say a lot about Bramblestar as a leader.
(But tbf that is probably because the writers have no idea what they're doing with him. He's generically noble and they have a double standard against female characters, so they just use his man pain to make the girls in his life feel wretched without examining WHY having defiant women in his life bruises his ego so easily)
But anyway, I don't have a FINALIZED thing yet, but here's a rough draft. It's a total overhaul. A big difference in BB and Canon is that Bramblestar is leader BEFORE the reveal, and long before the Battle of the True Eclipse. So all of these picks have to be from Po3 and before.
(BB context: Firestar was killed offscreen during the Fire Scene in an assassination, Ashfur took advantage of the situation to attack the Three. It was an arson set by Whiskernose and carried out by Thornclaw, Breezepelt, and possibly Harespring. Ashfur is still on the run, suspected of killing Firestar to hurt Squilf because he failed to hurt her kits)
(also if you want FULL full context go look at BB!Hollyleaf's character summary)
Gorseclaw -- Righteousness. His progenitor ancestor who set history into motion by betraying his siblings during Ripplestar's Rot, and whose curse continues down through the generations. He tells him he's proud. He SEES how much he's struggled. He's had to make hard choices that everyone else thought would be easy, and he understands. But he's done the right thing... and he tells him to keep doing it. Bramble briefly feels hot with shame-- did he really have so many ancestors in the Dark Forest that he had to hear from someone so ancient? Tigerstar, Pinestar, Oakstar... this life unsettles him and sets the tone for the rest of the ceremony
Snowcarve (Snowkit) -- Opportunity. The last time Brambleclaw saw his little uncle, he was carried off by a hawk after shoving one of them out of the way. He stands as a proud, starry adult before him: the age he would have been. He "speaks" through unfamiliar glyphs that form beside his head, and Brambleclaw knows somehow that this is the writing that he had been working on before his death. Snowcarve commands that he watch for that which he would have missed, to listen to those who are different and have new ideas, for opportunity is silent and tender. If your mind and heart are closed to what could have been, you will miss your chance and never know what you could have had. Brambleclaw tries to bring up that he's sorry he didn't save him-- Snowcarve taps his ear and shakes his head, giving him a stern glare. The words say, "you did not need forgiveness. It was my choice and I have never regretted it." In fact, he can wave his tail and welcome the next life;
Yellowfang -- Judgement. She asks him, "Would you ever blame a kitten for what someone else did?" Bramble is confused, "Of course not?" "Then stop blaming yourself for what others have done for you. I ran back into that fire to save my herbs and leeches. I put myself there, and Firestar knew that. Stop confusing blame for experience, guilt is not wisdom, pain is not good judgement."
Feathertail -- Kindness. A little bit of understanding goes a long way. When you get wrapped up in your anger, or your fear, slow down and consider the feelings and intentions of others. You'll find that most people are good. (He accepts the life but stops himself from arguing with her-- ok, sure, but what about everyone who isn't? He has a bit of a thought spiral wondering if the wise cat he'd travelled with had changed or if she was ever wise at all)
(Idk which elder is dying in Po3 yet, if it's Frostfur or Mousefur, but one of them gives a life) -- Confidence. There was a time where their own judgement lapsed, and they pinned their anger on him. They apologize for it, and tell him that this life is for living in spite of that. The strength to mind that you can't control what other people think of you, and the firmness to commit to what he believes is right.
Brackenfur -- Negotiation. To remember that every action sends a message, to understand that you must remain calm and make the right concessions to accomplish greater things. Don't let emotions like anger, offense, and spite cause you to ruin something you may have worked hard to build. (Brambleclaw is by the halfway point totally missing the point that these cats are trying to teach him nuance and mindfulness, and mostly feels betrayed and confused. He knows most of these things... and did the elder not just tell him to have confidence in himself in spite of people who hate him?)
Speckletail -- Courage. When everyone runs away, you run TOWARDS. People will rely on you now, and StarClan will give you the power to protect them. No storm, no beast, and no tyrant will find its way through you. When he takes the life he feels the rage and FEAR she did when she ran towards the bulldozer, the pride in her power as she attacked the human, and learns that Thornclaw was wrong when he told them she looked satisfied on the way down. After kicking him out she was terrified, but overwhelmed by relief and LOVE that her grandson was safe. It makes him collapse, and as he gets back up he's in tears, asking "i thought this was a life for courage, you were afraid!!" And Speckletail puffs her chest up proudly, "Courage is being terrified and doing it anyway."
Swiftpaw -- Acceptance. He has no warrior name. He has no adult form. When Brambleclaw asks him for his title, he simply says, "I give you this life to know when to accept what you cannot change, and the wisdom to see what you can't control." Brambleclaw can't help himself, this ceremony has been a horrible experience, "what a terrible life!" Swiftpaw dips his head solemnly, "yet without it, what a terrible death." But Swiftpaw also reminds him, this is not a part of his life that he cannot change. He can move on with only eight lives, and he will understand. But Brambleclaw says no, "I have a clan to protect. This is one of the things I can't control." He is surprised by how soothing the life is when he gets it though. He doesn't feel any of Swiftpaw's pain as he died. It's not about that. It's the quiet embrace of the void, the shouting as the patrol finds him and Brightpaw, falling away into silence, accepting that he is dying, and that it's okay to let go.
Firestar -- Trust. It HAS to come at the end.
Firestar opens up by asking Brambleclaw what's wrong, seeing how exhausted he is. He responds, his voice trembling, "I hoped it would be reassuring, but I feel more lost and powerless than ever. How can I be responsible for so many people? How will I protect them all? I will be blamed for everything that goes wrong and never know if I made the right choice!" Firestar goes hm, genuinely and sympthetically, "Those are very heavy and legitimate doubts for a new leader to have. I felt the same things when I was in your paws. He waves his tail, "So, I will give you the value that it took me many years to learn, something you were not given and so feel you cannot give. With this life I give you TRUST. You will face many trials in the near future, Brambleclaw. Your truth will crumble. Secrets will be revealed, friends will turn out to be foes, those you think are enemies may be allies, but you must not lose the ability to find the good in all of them. Remember that trust is a choice and an honor. Apply it wisely, but bestow it generously."
Bitterly, but with what dignity he can have in this situation, Bramblestar murmurs sadly, "So there will be betrayal, but I must still trust? I had hoped that you, of all ancestors, would not speak in riddles"
Though the world is blurring and the spirits of StarClan are fading away, he catches something pained and complex in Firestar's expression. Like he has so much to say, doesn't have the exact words to express it, and he's running out of time to find them.
"There were no riddles," he shouts already sounding far away, "Listen to what we have told you and you will find the way!"
(Basically he's shouting "WE WERE VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD ACTUALLY!!!")
We wouldn't get to see this happen in Cruel Season though, since it would be offscreen and not important to the plot of that book. I'd rather get it into Bramblestar's Thorns, which is about Alderheart, Sparkpelt, and the ways that they've been impacted by him as a toxic father.
The ceremony is written to highlight his major flaws. Especially the way that he's bursting with doubt, pain, and immediately tends to make things about himself without realizing. Bramblestar is a very unhappy person, and he often extends that misery to other people.
he's a tragedy to me, man. All these people turning out to tell him that love and faith exists for him and he can't even see it.
Anyway, bonus, some other thoughts for possible lives; (still possible some of these guys get swapped out)
Lionheart, his uncle, who died before he was born. He'd give a good life for wisdom but I think these others are a lot stronger.
Birchface, one of his Tigerkin ancestors in StarClan. Decided against him in favor of Gorseclaw; I think Gorse's both more interesting AND his distance is a good point of doubt for Bramble. They had to go back 4 generations to find a direct ancestor who isn't damned to hell. Birch would have just waffled about admitting mistakes anyway, still too fearful to admit that he is responsible for getting Frecklewish and Oakstar damned.
Bluestar, a leader who contributed to the death of his brother and mistrusted him when he was young... but honestly I feel she is kinda irrelevant. He didn't know her well.
Elderberry, one of his apprenticehood friends and the twin of Ferncloud/older sister of Ashfur. It could be cool for her to give a life of mercy and ask him to be rational about Ashfur's crimes (starclan won't say outright that Ashfur didn't do it because they're not entirely sure he was uninvolved until after his death in a few chapters, Dark Forest influence hiding the assassins), but it's actually a lot more important that StarClan is trying to warn him about the LEADER he will be and fatal flaws he will display for arcs and arcs, not waste a life on teasing the plot of a single book.
Cinderpelt, his cousin who died tragically. There's no reincarnation thing so she could be here to give a life, but I think the current list is a lot stronger.
Lynxkit, his oldest sister. Strongly considered her for acceptance but I think Swiftpaw's WAAAY stronger and I don't need both of them.
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matan4il · 6 months
hi quick question: what do u know about the lavender ai post that's circulating? i saw it on this fact checking blog i follow and they made it seem legit but im not convinced
Hi Nonnie!
Before I get into this specific subject, I just wanna tell you that for me personally, this war has been an eye opener about how little some "fact checking" sites are worth. I've read several articles on that type of site, which could have used some fact checking themselves. In some cases, they had author names attached to them, and when checking the authors out, it was easy to find that they were not free of bias themselves. So... yeah. Take "fact checking sites" with a grain of salt. Even journalists sometimes get it wrong, and they're held to higher standards, and have more personal accountability, than most "fact checking sites," not to mention that the latter often simply rely on a selection of journalistic sources, but sometimes without really taking into account which are reliable, and which aren't.
As for the lavender AI issue specifically, I heard it briefly referenced on the news, during a discussion panel, and it was brought up in the context of recent conspiracy theories about Israel. The panelists were so clear on how obviously false these all were, they didn't even really get into refuting any of them.
A bit like how, in the past, when watching panelists discussing antisemitic tropes reincarnated as anti-Israel lies, I saw them bring up the one claiming Israel set up a field hospital in Haiti after the earthquake in order to harvest organs, which is obviously a new version of "the Jews are bloodthirsty" without bothering to refute it, because to Israelis, it's evident that it's bullshit. Not only because we're aware that we're not actually those evil creatures, lusting for death and destruction, that the anti-Israel crowd likes to portray us as, but also because we know that the constant terrorist attacks here have made Israel a world leader in the field of emergency medicine (here's an example: even the antisemitic UN had to admit an IDF unit was the best medical emergency team in the world), so that's the actual reason we set up that field hospital, much like we use our experience to help others in basically every disaster around the world that's willing to accept aid from Israel (and sometimes we operate even in places like Syria, where technically, we're defined as an enemy state, so all of the aid had to be provided directly to private people, and while keeping their identity a secret, so their own government can't presecute them for receiving it).
Anyway, since the TV discussion didn't get into refuting what they clearly saw as an absurd, hateful lie, I went online in search of more info, and found that this news venturing into mainstream media happened in The Guardian, a British news source known for its anti-Israel bias, to the point where a female black, non-Jewish journalist of theirs felt the need to point it out all the way back in 2003, and in Nov 2023, a Jewish employee of theirs had published a personal piece about feeling unsafe there, and looking for another place of employment. But the source that The Guardian is quoting, is actually not a proper journalistic publication, it's an anti-Israel propaganda blog based magazine, which includes Israeli anti-Zionists and Palestinians, publishing in English since its audience is very much not Israelis despite claiming that they want to inspire change in Israel, and responsible for systematically vilifying the country and spreading lies about it.
If I, as an Israeli, thought that something was wrong with a system the IDF is using, and wanted to see real change in my army, I wouldn't go to a publication that isn't journalistic in nature, that doesn't publish in a local language, that most Israelis have never heard about, and that those who did, don't trust, because of its known anti-Israel reputation. That in itself makes me suspicious.
The IDF gave a statement in response to questions presented by The Guardian, based on the aforementioned piece. It's a bit long, but here are the main references to the claimed AI system Lavender (emphasis added by me):
Some of the claims portrayed in your questions are baseless in fact, while others reflect a flawed understanding of IDF directives and international law.
The process of identifying military targets in the IDF consists of various types of tools and methods, including information management tools, which are used in order to help the intelligence analysts to gather and optimally analyze the intelligence, obtained from a variety of sources. Contrary to claims, the IDF does not use an artificial intelligence system that identifies terrorist operatives or tries to predict whether a person is a terrorist. Information systems are merely tools for analysts in the target identification process. According to IDF directives, analysts must conduct independent examinations, in which they verify that the identified targets meet the relevant definitions in accordance with international law and additional restrictions stipulated in the IDF directives.
The “system” your questions refer to is not a system, but simply a database whose purpose is to cross-reference intelligence sources, in order to produce up-to-date layers of information on the military operatives of terrorist organizations. This is not a list of confirmed military operatives eligible to attack.
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For each target, IDF procedures require conducting an individual assessment of the anticipated military advantage and collateral damage expected. Such assessments are not made categorically in relation to the approval of individual strikes. The assessment of the collateral damage expected from a strike is based on a variety of assessment methods and intelligence-gathering measures, in order to achieve the most accurate assessment possible, considering the relevant operational circumstances. The IDF does not carry out strikes when the expected collateral damage from the strike is excessive in relation to the military advantage. In accordance with the rules of international law, the assessment of the proportionality of a strike is conducted by the commanders on the basis of all the information available to them before the strike, and naturally not on the basis of its results in hindsight.
The IDF outright rejects the claim regarding any policy to kill tens of thousands of people in their homes.
Some things about the claims in that piece don't work out IMO. Like, the number of fatalities if indeed there's an AI system, which produced a list of 37,000 Hamas and PIJ terrorists, with an automatic green light to kill between 15 to 100 civilians per each, especially in the first months of the war, and even assuming they couldn't target them all during that period of time (we do know most Hamas units have been destroyed). There are about 1,500 terrorists in a Hamas battalion (source in Hebrew), and 4 are left in Rafah, so only about 6,000 Hamas terrorists are in the last area the IDF has not operated in yet. That would mean roughly 31,000 terrorists were accessible targets. Just for the sake of erring on the side of caution, let's assume 10 killed civilians per Hamas terrorist, instead of that piece's claimed 15-100 approved per target. This would produce somewhere around 341,000 people killed in the first months alone. Let's go even lower, let's say 5 civilians killed per terrorist instead of 15-100. That would mean 186,000 killed during those months. We are exactly 6 months into the war, and even Hamas' numbers (likely inflated) don't claim more than 33,000 as the total number of fatalities. The given numbers and directives in that so-called "article" just don't match the reality on the ground, but claim to explain it, and to prove that Israel is being callous with civilians' lives in Gaza.
I'll also add that the AI-based decision making described doesn't take into account the possible presence and harm to the lives of Israeli hostages held captive in Gaza. That's another thing that makes me doubt that piece, because the IDF commanders have repeatedly stated their commitment to bringing back all the hostages, and as many alive as possible, and Israeli soldiers more than once risked their own lives to get them out, whether it was living people, or the bodies of Israelis who deserve to get to be buried back home, with their loved ones there, as in tact as possible. This scenario only works if we assume the Israeli commanders and soldiers have no sentiment for the lives of their own kidnapped civilians.
I guess that's what the piece's aim is. To play on people's fears of AI determining whether people will live or die, and to paint Israel as an evil, unfeeling, bloodthirsty entity, capable of anything, including of the inhumanity of letting computers decide the fate of human beings. The ease and speed with which people believe this, and spread this notion, before anyone has verified that Lavender is anything other than a database, just like the IDF says, feels like a demonstration of how all antisemitic blood libels are spread.
I hope this helped!
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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uhhhitsme · 2 days
for the song thingy! how about 63 if it hasn't been done yet? :]
OKAY this is good because the first one u sent in was 4. and the 4th song on my curtwen playlist is you belong to me. which im sure you already know the context for because of smys incredible wonderful stunning fanfiction.
this is very fitting to me because somehow, even though crane wives is like 90% of my curtwen playlist, youre the first person to rq a crane wives song!! and also i think this is the first owen focused analysis ive done for the song thing so im doubly excited!!!
anyways, this song is so painfully owen carvour coded it makes me sick. its about (as im sure you already know) someone who can never be direct or clear about who they are, who is a liar and hardly trusts anyone they're around. who is constantly wearing a mask.
what saf does really cleverly (imo) is creating two characters so unlike each other that you can't directly associate them with each other at all---even if there are hints to the truth. the owen carvour we see in a1p1 is collected, practical, and a bit cocky---he is presented as the "brains" to curts brawn (key word presented im not doing that thing where ppl say that curt was a stupid little dumb dumb who was always being taken care of by owen), the thing that pulls curt back from doing anything too out there. he's calm and rational throughout most of a1p1 until his plans are blown to bits. but the dma is the opposite. he's quick to anger and explosively violent, big and burly and nowhere near as put together as owen seems. he kills for no reason, acts on the spot without much plan, and is so drastically different from the man curt knew intimately for years that he cant recognise him.
and i do think that this completely different persona wasn't just a role, for owen. that in a way, it was an outlet. an escape from being the person who had been hurt as brutally as he was, something to help him to cope with the trauma. but i also think that this isn't his first time disappearing into a role so completely. like owen says himself, he could've been actor, but (supposedly) chose to use his talents in combination with his interest in foreign policy. i believe that as a spy, this was his greatest asset---his ability to play pretend.
so obviously, i can't help but associate these lines with him, especially considering his "roles" as a spy probably hurt a lot of people.
i keep my closet free of skeletons 'cause i'm much better at digging graves
i've gotten good at making up metaphors i've gotten good at stretching the truth out of shape and all these words are sweet and meaningless you can't trust a single thing i say
but to me, that's not all. for owen, i don't think it's just that he plays a role really well, and the moment his job is over he goes back to being himself. i think that he inhabits a mask even when he's supposed to be himself.
even after his reveal---even when owen is supposedly acting as himself, instead of playing up that role, its... very performative, as well. at first, he presents himself as uncaring, smug, completely detached from what he and curt had. he casually ribs curt about his very real grief and guilt over the past four years, pokes curts insecurities by describing him as a foolish, bumbling idiot who was never as good of a spy as owen was, "im going to have dinner with my NEW FRIENDS now" *dramatic hair flip.* this version of owen we see holds nothing but deep contempt for who curt is, and everything he represents. there is nothing complicated about it---his recklessness nearly killed him, and now that he has the chance he wants simple revenge.
but when we get to the staircase scene, both of them are worn out over (i think?) days of travel. and curt, desperate and still unravelling because of this new revelation, and he pleas with owen in a way that hits home. and we see him break from that controlled anger that he shows to the group when he first reveals himself. we hear the violent pain in his voice when he says they can't just go back to how things were, hear the trembling way he tells curt that whatever they had has died. that there's no saving them. we hear that it mattered, to him. we hear the grief.
and then curt kills him.
owen was an actor---not just in his work, but in his life. because he feels so much, cares so much, and he knew that vulnerability of his could be exploited. he knew that to trust anyone---to show the truth of himself, to give himself away the way he did with curt---was to set himself up for hurt. and after surviving all that he did, both as a spy and as a child growing up in WWII-era london, he couldn't let that happen again.
but i always dig up bones in your sympathy i can't trust a single thing you say
don't look too hard, 'cause you won't like the scars he left in me
i know that a lot of my analysis for the two of them is that "they both hid their vulnerabilities because they were gay men in the 1950s" but like. it's true. it does make up a significant part of their lives, and probably defined a lot of how they express themselves and acted at the time. and there's something to be said about the association of emotion with femininity---how owen presents himself as this logical, controlled character, traits typically associated with masculinity---whereas the sentimentality and love and emotion that he experienced because of curt is something that deviates from that reason. how owen probably tried his best to squash out his feeling, because he knows that being seen as something other than a traditional man is basically being seen as queer, because he was raised to be ashamed of it.
he put up so many walls and wore so many masks---to protect himself from that prosecution, and to protect himself from letting his emotions run the risk killing him. not that it worked lmao
tldr; this man cannot say anything directly and has more layers than a fucking onion, and i am incredibly normal about him.
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feekins · 1 year
here are my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read ch 4 of Trigun Maximum vol 4!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
this is interesting: Dark Horse's title for this chapter is "Den of Thieves" while the Overhaul's is "Den of Evil" 🤔
as Meryl's waking up, there's this panel where it looks like there's a curled-up winged insect on her thumb? for some reason, I always thought it was like...coming out of her skin...but now I think perhaps it was originally in her mouth...?
moving on - when Midvalley first speaks up (addressing Zazie), Dark Horse has him saying "Frankly, I'm surprised...that you had the idea of taking a 'hostage.'" the emphasis is put on the 'hostage' bit. this kinda makes sense in context, but it's still a little vague. the Overhaul's translation goes more specific, having Midvalley say "Frankly, I'm surprised...that you're the one with the idea of taking a hostage." the emphasis here is on the fact that it was Zazie who thought to take a hostage.
and then Dark Horse gets sillay 🤪
on the next page, the Overhaul has Zazie replying "Hostage? No. More like bait. But you are right, Hornfreak...this is not usually my way." Dark Horse's translation is p much the same, but with one key difference: "Hostage? Not quite. More like 'bait.' It is as you say, Bluesummers...this is not really my way." 🤣
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
Dark Horse weird and vague. Overhaul more specific, and "a certain few other people" makes a lot more sense in context.
there's another interesting translation discrepancy as Hoppered is moving away from Meryl. Dark Horse has him saying to her "If you don't even know that much...killing you would be boring." meanwhile, in the Overhaul, it's "If you don't even know anything...then killing you would be meaningless."
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Dark Horse's translation had me thinking Wolfwood was talking about Hoppered wanting revenge on Vash, which? sounds like info Wolfwood wouldn't have been privy to? so, once again, the Overhaul's translation makes more sense - "it's time for us to get revenge on them for taking Meryl."
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
the Overhaul's translation makes Zazie a lot more threatening here imo =u=
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honestly, Dark Horse, idk what to say at this point;;;;;
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looks kinda like Dark Horse did that thing where they put certain words in different speech bubbles here 🤨
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(...at least, I think the Overhaul is referring to Knives here...)
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kinda minor translation discrepancies here
there's another translation discrepancy as Wolfwood continues on the next page. Dark Horse has him saying "We're being pulled...along the blood-spattered road. That's my purpose." meanwhile, the Overhaul has "We're bein' dragged along this road...and I'll cover it all in blood. That's what I do."
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Millyyyyyyyyy 😭
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Wolfwood's bit is weirdly vague in Dark Horse. also idk, the Overhaul's translation of Milly's bit here makes her sound a lot more competent? and more assertive? to me, anyway.
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and yeah. Dark Horse leaving whole speech bubbles out and being weirdly vague, and the Overhaul being much more clear and making a lot more sense in context again 🥴
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extraordinarilyextreme · 11 months
Hello! May I ask you a question regarding MLC?
On ep 38, we see the wedding chamber is named "雨伏風關", and upon seeing the subs "Never ending Winds and Rain", my mind inevitably went to clouds and rain which is, ahem. I wouldn't put it past Jiao jie tbh to name her wedding room Never Ending S** but turned out It's actually a reference to a Du Fu poem https://baike.baidu.hk/item/闌風伏雨/4666705
And the characters are in reverse??? I do not have nearly as enough knowledge in Chinese language to parse out what this means.
Is it a normal idea to name a wedding room Stormy Times to begin with?
Or does it have a different implications when the characters are reversed?
Thank you so much for any brainstorming you can offer, much love! 🥰🥺
hello my friend,
going to be perfectly honest; i did not pay much attention to the names of each of the locations while watching this show. however, i'm willing to bet that the characters on the plaque of the wedding chamber aren't in reverse - it's just that chinese historically is read from right-to-left instead. so it's still 阑风伏雨 as per the line from the poem.
to my knowledge, 阑风伏雨 is typically used as an idiom these days - and indeed it would translate to "the unending wind and rain." it seems it once specifically referred to "the wind and rain during autumn and summer."
as per that baidu page u linked, it seems its equivalent (阑风长雨) came from Tang dynasty poet Du Fu's 《秋雨叹三首》 (Three Laments About the Autumn Rain), and specifically the second part:
阑风长雨秋纷纷,四海八荒同一云。 去马来牛不复辨,浊泾清渭何当分? 禾头生耳黍穗黑,农夫田妇无消息。 城中斗米换衾裯,相许宁论两相值?
apparently it was written during a year when it rained for more than 60 days - pretty dire times! people didn't have food to eat, the heavy rain destroyed their homes, the crops failed and couldn't be harvested... and then the chancellor/prime minister(?) Yang Guozhong happened to find some seedlings that had survived and were growing well, so he proclaimed to the emperor: “雨虽多,不害稼也。” (Despite the heavy rain, the crops are not harmed.)
so...... i'm kind of blanking on how that fits into the context presented in LHL. @ruiconteur & @difeisheng, any thoughts?
BUT another search showed me that the specific character-for-character phrase is also used in Qing dynasty poet Nalan Xingde's 《菩萨蛮·阑风伏雨催寒食》 (The Endless Wind and Rain Ushers in the Hanshi Festival):
阑风伏雨催寒食,樱桃一夜花狼藉。刚与病相宜,锁窗薰绣衣。 The endless wind and rain ushered in the Hanshi Festival; Overnight, the cherry blossoms were scattered into disarray. Such a scene was most fitting: recently ill, I was reminded of the springtime of my youth - that which had gone and could never return. After locking my windows, it was time now that I dried my embroidered robes by the brazier. 画眉烦女伴,央及流莺唤。半晌试开奁,娇多直自嫌。 In my husband's absence, I could only trouble my female friend to draw my eyebrows. But she was not around either, so I had to ask my maid Ying to call for her. When she arrived at last, I was so afraid of seeing my sickly complexion in the mirror that I hesitated for a long while before daring to open the trousseau. Yet to my surprise, I appeared delicate and lovely - I was happy for a moment, then wondered for whom I was dressing up as my husband was not here to see it. At once, embarrassed, I resented my own beauty.
that is SUCH a rough translation; let me know if you want me to clean it up in the future.
typically (given the wuxia context/general historical framing) i'd assume the Tang dynasty poem is the one they're referencing, but i feel like the later Qing dynasty one fits more here with respect to JLQ?
to sum it up: i don't really know why the wedding chamber is called that either. tbh it just sounds like an elegant literary name. (are clouds and rain a euphemism that i'm not aware of?? lol i really did not think in that direction at all) anyway i hope this was at least a little bit interesting <3
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dgalerab · 1 day
Honestly I never thought about Dadzawa in the context of like... being obsessed with the nuclear family structure 🤔 that's an interesting way to think about the fandoms interest in it.
For me personally (as someone who does like Dadzawa), it's always been more of a reflection of my issues with my parents growing up and how I experienced parentification in addition to a deep innate desire to have had someone who would have literally sacrificed themself for my well being at that age like Aizawa does for 1-A. Plus I really love the dynamic between Aizawa and Midoriya. The complexity of the way Aizawa sees Shirakumo in Midoriya and how it influences the way he interacts with him and looks after him is just so interesting to explore and Aizawa acting as a parental figure to him is a vehicle in which to do that.
I'm with you on the not getting the obsession with having him adopt 1-A kids though. Don't get me wrong I'm not against him adopting if it makes sense in the context of the story being told but sometimes it feels like it happens for the sake of checking off that list of things successful adult lives need to accomplish and as a result can feel so forced. We can have Aizawa being parental and forming a deeper bond with one of his students without him needing to make them legally his. Family is deeper than some paperwork and the obsession with this possession is really uncomfortable to me. Why can't found family just be a mutual understanding and love of one another without needing to make it 'official' anymore haha.
So I definitely get where you are coming from with regards to the obsession with making the Erasermic family into a nuclear situation. I feel like it extends past the whole Dadzawa situation and into the way Aizawa and Mic are depicted. I cannot read fics where Aizawa and Mic's characters are diluted down to talkative flamboyant husband and unfeeling angry husband, not only because it does a disservice to the depth of their characters but because when people write them like that they are specifically doing it to make Mic coded to be the 'wife' of the relationship and it's so obnoxious. They can be in love and not fill the typical heteronormative roles in a relationship y'all. They are just two disasters 🫡
Sorry that was super longwinded and I hope it didn't come off as me trying to convince you to like Dadzawa because that is absolutely not what I was trying to do. I just thought the way you interpreted the interest in Dadzawa was insightful and had never considered it before and wanted to share my perspective! Also I like having in depth conversations about BNHA lmao. Hopefully that's okay! 🫶 Feel free to ignore this if you want.
oh god oh no the consequences of my actions haha
see, whenever i'm bitching and hating on fanon takes i always feel like i'm reacting to those ubiquitous "everyone knows this is canon lol" takes. i think any hc can be valid and from a place of someone genuinely exploring a potential story that speaks to them and like. let's be real canon is just not important enough to overwrite that potential, even if it's not necessarily "in character."
but i think a lot of the time you walk in to a fandom and everyone's just like yep this is The Take. and you're like. why. that's weird. and then i go and write a post being like EXCUSE ME YOU'RE ALL WRONG. and then inevitably it ends up landing on the people who are like. genuinely thinking about the characters and want to explore certain tropes and they're like. oh no. am i wrong?? and i have to be like nooooo not you you precious angel.
gonna be so real i forget it's not just my 10 reliable likers and mutuals who see my posts. ain u have nearly 3k followers pls.
anyway i think that fandom ultimately likes to have like. a lot of quick-start hcs. like a lot of the same-yness of fanon comes from the fact that sometimes it's just a social endeavor and not a literary one, and so there's a little bit of a speed dating type "here are the vibes let's chat and make things" element to fanon. but i think that also crosses over into really flat and sort of... idk if i want to say conservative but stereotypical takes? it's a fascinating phenomenon and it's both a boon of fandom bc it makes things very social and communicative and also a bit of a failing bc that sort of shortcut characterization does land on a lot of like. preconceptions that can be shallow or toxic or whatever
anyway this is a very round about way of saying tl;dr: you're totally valid and i just yell about certain attitudes being the fandom standard bc after a while my patience wears thin seeing the same take i think is wrong and i'm here on main being like NO. I DON'T LIKE THOSE STANDARDS. AND ALSO YOU'RE GOOFY.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
You said jk will never say anything rude to jimin. Okay. But he can do something rude? https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq-6zwRP5JW/?igshid=MWNmMTk3NmQ= isn't this so rude of him to do something like that to jimin in front of thousands of people?? Jimin looks really upset. And what about this.....https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrIdOElI8Dz/?igshid=MWNmMTk3NmQ= is it okay for him to initiate this if he's really in a relationship with jimin and clearly knows how Tkkrs are...and at the end it's gonna be only jimin who gets the hate. So it's okay for him to do this?
Short answer concerning your first link; No. It's not the same.
Anon's first video
Before we proceed take a look at JK's face at the end. He's being a brat on purpose and he knows it.
This was the Love yourself, speak yourself tour in 2018.
Okay so OG content is always important but if you've already been around a while then there's nothing wrong with compilations. Especially if they're not badly edited and manipulated. Which is why I also use compilations as proof because 1) the moments are easier to find and b) They're not usually out of context. Not the ones I link anyway.
So, Made in Busan made a timeline of the high fives. Timestamp: 3:51 to 6:19. U don't have to watch her personal commentary unless u want to.
People only talk about Manilla, but they don't talk about this tour. Something was happening with Jikook. They were clearly not in good terms. And it seems to me like Jimin was the one who shut the bed, going by JK's behaviour. Members notice but they don't intervene. 1) because they're in the middle of a performance and 2) because its a lover's quarrel and therefore none of their business. Jhope does keep laughing at them though but we know he knows the most about Jikook 😂😂
What JK did to V in the new years live and what he was doing to Jimin on this tour are not the same thing my dear anon. Not even close. JK was downright rude to V, with Jimin he is just snubbing him because he's clearly upset about something. With V he just did it randomly at a live. He also apologised for it and they moved on. With Jimin it kept happening.
Idk what to tell u anon but I just don't think these 2 situations are the same at all. Not even a little bit. Watch Jimin get ignored and run after JK to kiss his ass. Which is why again I think Jimin was the one who did something. This is how a lover's quarrel looks like anon. Especially when u see how happy baby was whenever he got a high 5. He looks at Jin and smiles happily. Does this mean members knew what was going on with them? Who knows.
2017/2018 Jikook were really fucking petty and they sometimes forgot to leave drama at home. That's that.
Now for your second link about Busan
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Anon, first of all, yes its okay for JK to interact with any member he wants to on stage, not just V. It's not JK's fault that the fandom is full of assholes. He and all other members can do whatever they want with whoever they want, whenever they feel like it. End of.
That being said, yes this ended up being a Tkk moment. But it is of my personal opinion that JK needed help standing up but V didn't understand the assignment. Ugh. I wanna share a link but all of them are from the vermin and I dont wanna ruin your algorithms. Anyway, we all watched, we saw it happen. Before JK squatting he was limping a bit. Idk why. And then when V approached JK offered his hand. I am pretty sure he just needed help getting up. But Taekook_lives said otherwise and that's all she wrote.
Dont get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Tkk fan service, I just don't think that's what JK was trying to do.
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djservo · 1 year
also pls show give us another apartment tour I KNOW you've been messing around with it againn 🙏
answering this like 2 weeks late so the first part of ur message is so funny out of context LOL sighhh you simply had to be there <3 I don't think I've done enough to warrant a full-on updated tour, but I'll give u the 411 on the bigger changes
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here's the previous tour if you need a refresher for the layout, which has mostly remained the same (at least the birds eye view for which/where each room is)
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IMO the biggest/most noticeable change (as seen in recent b roll/ask pics) is the addition of these brick columns(?) sorta framing the front door. there was a lot of empty space that was such a lost void to the eyes in screenshots and while the darker wallpaper helped neutralize it, that front area still looked so bare and flat to me. now there's some dimension and #texture and if anything I'm questioning if it looks too busy now LMAO but far better than before
THE DOOR! one of my biggest pet peeves about this apartment was the fkn sad hunk of brown wood ugh like I know it's meant to add to the ~dingy city apartment~ atmosphere, but it just looked so out of place to me like that shit didn't even have a lock tf!! I used TOOL to update all the apartment doors in this building to the dorm ones that came with DU & it makes a lot more sense with the lil peephole, lock, and emergency exit map on the inside. I may recolor it to make it a little more weathered, but I'm defo happier with how it looks now
general furniture changes, as you can probably pick out. I'm switching swatches and swapping things in/out practically every time I open their save so take the specifics with a grain of salt, but I like how things are generally evolving (mainly just filling up dead space). I was torn about getting rid of their projector screen but I stumbled upon the r/TVtoohigh subreddit recently which has made me rethink every TV placement ever in sims And real life LMAO so I wanted something more leveled with their couch. speaking of, upgraded them to a sectional finally. adulthood!!
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I made their kitchen 1 square shorter length-wise so I could flatten out that weird bit between the kitchen and bathroom (if you look at the previous apartment tour, the archway area kinda just juts out and makes this awkward corner by the bathroom door). the extra kitchen space wasn't necessary anyway bc it pretty much looks and functions exactly the same. I moved the fridge to the left because it was partially blocking the window and I always got weird routing issues whenever someone needed an empty counter to cook on, so now there's a designated empty counter for that 🧑‍🍳
I'm phasing out some of the more Loud (for lack of better term) English/real language decor (for example, that silly marihuana poster I recolored) -- definitely not planning on going the full-simlish route, but I feel like some of the wordier pieces can get distracting & I'm trying to be more mindful about what's taking up visual space/attention in screenshots ykwim?? mise en scène or whatever that fuck 🤌 and while I'm trying to piece together a more cohesive/complementary flow decor wise, I also want to be realistic about their ages/tastes -- for example the bella goth pop art piece represents their vaguely trend-forward millennial artistic sensibilities but also their juvenile hornball tendencies don't you think
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kae-karo · 2 years
heck only 2- got it umm heck okay i want to see your take on mabey nahida and kaeya? not as ship but they my two attack mains and im very curious on your thots thanks!!!!!!!! djsbdhsbdusbdhsbshdbsj
sadlfjkjlsdfj VALID i think more than 2 at a time would make my brain hurt so thank u lmao - for context (x)
OOOOO okay this is definitely very wholesome and sweet. i think kaeya's first instinct, regardless of whether he knows who nahida is or not, is to treat her a little bit like klee - he's not baby-talking to her or anything, but he's definitely not talking to her like she's a full adult
this changes Very quickly once nahida clocks him - whether it's his desperation to hide behind a facade or his roots as a khaenri'ahn or anything else, kaeya finds it immensely hard to double down on holding his mask in place
it probably takes time, kaeya's reluctant for sure, but i think nahida sees him as someone whose dreams deserve to become reality, and who - by virtue of a desire to escape his past rather than shed more light on it - she can help
and i get the feeling that nahida wants more than anything to help someone
especially someone that she very likely knows she may have historically harmed (or, his ancestors at least). this is a little hard to place in terms of the fact that we don't know what happened, exactly, but the minute nahida figures out that kaeya's ancestry is part of what has ultimately made him so disconnected, she feels particularly motivated to do right by him
i suspect that it's kaeya that puts her in her place about reading people's thoughts too freely - god of knowledge or not, her desire to understand humanity must still respect the humanity she wishes to understand, and that information freely given is worth more than information stolen. she takes it to heart, of course, because she just wants to help people
i think the point at which nahida respectfully stops reading kaeya's thoughts that he feels (cautiously) more comfortable sharing them himself, but on his terms, etc, and that ends up being a powerful lesson in itself for nahida. anyway, i think at the end of the day, kaeya probably tries to retain his facade but ultimately cracks in some regards, and nahida helps him if only by serving as a sounding board
i also feel like they represent the positive and negative views of humanity pretty well? nahida, who loves her people and wants to help them, all of them, with her determinedly positive outlook on humanity, versus kaeya and his more bitter experiences and regular working with those considered enemies or problems, who counters all of nahida's positivity with "realistic" (negative) takes on similar situations and thoughts
not that this discourages them from talking, i think ultimately it serves to give them both better perspectives on the world - less narrow, more whole
send two genshin characters (ship or not) and i’ll give u my take on their dynamic
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blackjackkent · 5 months
im so inspired and in lovvveee w u (as a fan!! no parasocial shenanigans here I swear 🫶)
When they said they weren't doing any more DLC for the game, I wasn't sad, actually. I noticed there's a big divide of peeps who like the game right? I realized this when I saw there were people who *always* play Durge and think it 100% hands down better than Tav, and seeing in the forum why people actually *liked* playing Tav over Durge, And it's like because Tav can be anyone with any story. Durge is really just a customizable pre-existing character (That's why they're under origin character, right?)
So that's what I realized the divide of people. There's always going to be certain people who prefer to play Something with a pre-existing story, people who don't enjoy the extra work of making your own character. But for people who do, the lack of DLC is disappointing but not a big deal. Because ask someone who has always enjoyed making her own characters, The end of a story is never really the end for me. And all that jibber jabber to say I see it in YOU too, and I looooooovvvve it! You're such a good writer and it's fabulous 🫶
though, as someone previously non-experienced with D&D, I do admit that makes imagining the future a little bit harder, despite, What really is probably one of the most Fanfiction-Friendly properties 😂
I did want to ask for advice on that if you have any to spare! Like, for example, I'd love to write about my own Tav and Karlach rolling around in Avernus, but I have no idea where to start even looking 😭
:O This was a fun message to receive! c: I appreciate so much that you like my writing and reached out. <3
You def make an interesting point about the Durge vs Tav experience. I think there's a lot of room for character headcanon even when you're playing Durge tbh (certainly I'm enjoying giving Rakha her own sense of personality and such), but you're right that it adds a bit more of a "built-in" framework for people who prefer that kind of experience and not having to think too much about the character details.
(It also, without giving too much away, is very representative of the character experience in BG1/2 - which was more of a Tav/Durge mix, really.)
But yeah, I also feel okay about the lack of DLC because there is lots of room to come up with the story I want outside of the events of the game. :)
As far as advice - I think you're asking specifically for advice on writing within the Forgotten Realms world and D&D sphere in general? Tbh I am not the hugest expert on the subject myself; there is a lot more FR lore than just what comes up in this series and I am by no means familiar with most of it.
My practical advice would be to point you towards the Forgotten Realms wiki, which is where I get most of my info that I can't get from the game's own dialogue. (Sadly it's a fandom.com wiki - if anyone else has other resources that particularly like for FR lore I would love your comments also!) There's lots of info in there that I've drawn from when needed for my fics.
On a more general level though - honestly I think my best advice is to get comfortable with the idea of getting lore wrong. We love to play in this sandbox but we're allowed to bring our own toys too. :D So if something feels like it'd make a better story by being a certain way, then fuckin go for it. :) Any reader who wants to make a stink about details being off isn't actually there to appreciate your story anyway. And the vast majority of readers are there in good faith to see what you're going to come up with and enjoy it. :)
(I've been thinking about this a lot in the context of writing "Open Your Eyes", because they're off to Calimport now and I have realized I know nothing about Calimport. XD So I've been studying the wiki a lot but I've also made an executive decision to not stress myself overly about it and focus on making the setting work for the story and not the other way around. I dont really mind if someone ends up letting me know (politely) that I missed the mark on something, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it if I'm pleased with the story regardless. :D )
I hope this is the sort of answer you were looking for! Sending very supportive vibes for your writing adventures also. c:
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cee-grice · 1 year
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this will be so unserious because if i try to take this seriously i will spontaneously combust
Okay first some terms and explanations:
Venemagiks (pronounced with a g as in good)—people who are born part human, part magical creature. Their traits can vary from as mild as having some cool horns, to as severe as having their skeleton on the outside, same with magical abilities. For some it's a blessing, for a some a curse, 'cause they'd rather not catch fire in direct sunlight, you get me!!
Transmutation—I know you know what transmutation is, but in the context of this story, it works by deconstructing material at the molecular level and thus is more science than magic, really
Human transmutation—pretty self-explanatory, but important note: it is ILLEGAL!! because it's TOO DIFFICULT!! the chances of success are so astronomically low that you'll probably kill whoever you're trying to transmute so it is AGAINST THE LAW to even TRY!!
Magia (again with that same g)—the physical element in the air using which people can Do Magic
There are three types of casters: mages—academics who've studied the discipline and have a license to wield a magia conductor, 'cause otherwise you can't Do Magic; priests—they're devoted to certain deities and have access to magia through them (these communities rarely mix); freecasters—mostly some magical creatures that are innate spellcasters and can just Do Magic through their bodies, and some venemagiks can also inherit this trait
POV Characters!!
Quilin d'Alisso
a transmutation mage, certified Expert in his field
tortured genius™
decided he's Good Enough to do human transmutation with the help of his besties because it is, in theory, the only way to help venemagiks who need that help
well he was right and thus became the first ever Former venemagik
can't really hide that fact so the academy he was part of was like ">:000 ok you did it to urself so we're gonna let u off with a warning BUT YOU GOT LUCKY AND DON'T ATTEMPT THIS SHIT ON OTHERS"
guess what he did lmao
anyways things did go wrong eventually, because of course they did, and he got the ye olde exile hammer
it was either that or execution for his crimes so... i mean....
oh boy did it this whole thing give him trauma tho aha :)
he swears off ever doing this shit again, some years pass, a cute boy comes along, asks for help really really nicely, and, well, you know
and then HE DIES
but don't worry he gets better
anyways he's a bit of a bastard man, 'it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission', absolutely in love with said cute boy (coming up) and that uh causes some problems, his sense of humor involves threats of medical malpractice
i initially planned for him to be the deuteragonist but then i got obsessed and so he got promoted
some general info: trans guy, 28-29, blind without his glasses, comes from high society, pastel palette (prefers pink for hair), lost an arm in the Incident
Endra Velion
mentioned cute boy
actual babyboy, the sweetest ever, kinda immature
neurodivergent as hell
a venemagik, only kinda a weird one... has a sentient parasite in his body that is slowly eating away at said body and mind (looks like obsidian is spreading over his skin)
at the point where he finds Quil, he no longer has a FACE, so.... man's suffering a little
is a freecaster because of it tho!!
also he doesn't need to breathe, eat, or drink because of it, 'cause the parasite wants his body to remain alive....
doesn't mean he doesn't feel the need to, because i'm evil sorry
his past isn't as dramatic, he lived in a secluded community established and ran by his mom, consisting purely of venemagiks that feel unsafe living with the general population because of their quirks and stuff
he did have to run away from it, though, 'cause his mom is vehemently against seeking any mages or priests out for help (because of....reasons....)
anyways he manages to convince Quil to help him yay
falls for Quil very hard, he's obsessed (affectionate)
an artist, loves to play the piano, draw (when uh he was able to see at least), learns how to cook for Quil too 'cause god knows he does not feed himself well, also a big cat enthusiast (adopts the first stray he comes across rip)
he is also illiterate
so basically this dynamic is 'guy who has an entire library in his basement and is obsessed with books x guy who does not know how to fucking read'
some general info: cis guy, 24-25, tall, wears mostly simple earthy clothing, (dark) hair bun gang
next time i'm gonna go over some other relevant characters that play major roles in the present timeline, 'cause what i talked about here mostly concerns the past one lol
also, check out WWCC intro post
tag list (let me know if you wanna be removed 'cause i'm adding people from the pitch event, so i'm not entirely sure you're okay with being tagged x) also let me know if you wanna be added): @writerfae, @tate-lin, @iriswords, @sternenmeerkind, @thecrookedwriterspath, @pure-solomon, @moonshinemagpie, @arowanaprincess
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