#anyways...stas nation who is up
boxwinebaddie · 1 month
Hi Uncle Nina! I'm sorry you're so stressed, we love you <3 I had a TKAK question: Does Stas stand for anything? Or is that just her name lmao
ugh, love you too <33 and i am receiving Several kind messages c': so thank you so much for those, angels! i will respond when i am less beside myself ( it really does unloosen my very few spools of sanity )
BUT AAAAAAAA!!!! THANK YOU FOR THE TKAK ASK! THE TK-ASK! again, it's a lesser known uncle nina project, but as a sapphic girlie who loves drama and sword-fighting and magic it is...Dear to me.
as is stas, who is formally....
~Anastasia Rhiannon Wilhelmina Marsh~
but she is really only called that by sharon when she's cross with her bc shes sitting with her legs uncrossed in a way unbefitting of a proper young lady in want of a husband ( she is in want of a loaf of bread ), forgemaster black when she zzzs at the whetstone dreaming of dueling and drooling over fair gwendy testaburger, who gets a pass because stas has had an secret ye olde gay crush on her for...Eons.
but, yes indeed! stas i came up with because calling her 'stan' would confuse her with my other stans ( which is actually why i called rm!stan raven and called rm!kyle jersey, but i am glad it stuck because i think ravesey is cute, omg ) but stas was a nickname that came from shelley not being able to pronounce 'anastasia' as a kid.
and stas really just ABHORS anastasia. she thinks its too frilly and fussy, stas rolls off the tongue easier, like several freudian slips when she has siphoned too much mead from the backroom of the fam inn. she rlly do just be running around in her breeches with the boys, smh.
i had an hc later that when princess kylie figures out that stas is not really stan and is actually a girl and gets around to asking for her real name...actually thinks her name is very pretty indeed because in elvish it is "adonnenniel" which means rebrith :) -- i do think thats cool bc of stas gone girl medieval mulanning herself to enlist the challenge of champions -- and in private, princess kylie calls her adonnie <3333 eeeeewwwww!!! gay! harlots! get thee to a nunnery!!!
( they are very cute to me, i know i never talk about it because it's not really done and it's kinda only relevant to me but...love the GALS )
okay, sorry, i got hyperfixated on this, my last thing is that actually stanley marshwalker only happened because ( i think i mentioned this once i'm sorry it lives rent free, shes the patron saint of girl fails ) stas had to make a name up ON THE FLY bc she saw a man standing...and then walking...stan...ley....marsh...walker. SMH.
-uncle nina, who if tkak has zero fans i am DEAD
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rainbeausworld · 5 months
The Horned Serpent
So before I get started on this one, I have a couple of things to get out of the way. First, I will be using she/her pronouns for the Horned Serpent; this is just because UPG and because I'm used to it. I know someone else who venerates/worships the Horned Serpent, uses they/them pronouns for them, and considers them to be beyond gender / present as whatever gender they feel like. Second, I will be focusing on my interpretation of her on the Gundestrup Cauldron, in part because there's really not a lot of literature on her, even when you include works that specifically analyze Cernunnos' depictions. Third (and related), I will be using the National Museum of Denmark's estimate as to when/where the Gundestrup Cauldron was made, which is roughly in the Danubian or Wallachian Plain(s) around 150 BCE to 1 CE (link).
So first a little historical & cultural context. This area, as far as culture groups, would have been a heck of a melting pot, between the Dacians and Thracians that already lived there, the Scythians coming in and also living near by, the Gauls that moved in around the 300s-200s, the Greeks who came up and started establishing colonies along the Black Sea in the 300s, and the Romans, encroaching on everyone's business around the time the Cauldron was built. A pretty solid primer on the history of the region is A Companion to Ancient Thrace, published by Wiley Blackwell.
So I'm gonna try to make sense but it might be a little disorganized going forward. Anyway, onto the actual thoughts & stuff. So anyone who's taken even a passing glance at Cernunnos is well aware of the Horned Serpent, since she is present in basically every ancient art you can find with him. On the Gundestrup Cauldron, she appears three times, all on the interior panels. One is at the Hero's heel, who's holding the wheel; a second is at the end of a line of heroic riders, which seems to be a Thracian horseman motif; and of course the famous Cernunnos panel. In Thracian Tales of the Gundestrup Cauldron, published by Najade Press, Jan Best presents an interpretation of the interior panels as a story, and assumes that Cernunnos is singing in his famous panel, specifically about the secrets of immortality, a concept which was very popular at the time. I agree with this and I also assume that the depiction of Taranis / the wheel god is that he is also singing, and if he is singing then the lions and griffins - both predators associated with kingship (griffins were protectors of the pharaoh, and also decorated certain tombs out in ancient Persia), then the action of passing off the Wheel must have symbolic meaning, such as being handed the Wheel of Heaven.
The Gundestrup Cauldron's exterior also has very clear influence from the Scythians, you can almost 1:1 map the gods based on Herodotus's retelling of the Pontic stories. I believe there are also thematic parallels going on here on the Wheel God panel, featuring a new god/king being given the symbol of his domain. Wikipedia actually has some relatively thorough articles on Scythian religion as well as the genealogical myth specifically, which is the myth that I personally associate with the wheel-giving panel. As well, the animals in this panel don't appear to be particularly concerned with attacking anyone - if anything, the griffins and lionesses are slightly tilted from one to the next, which makes me think it's more likely that they are dancing, especially if the human/divine subjects are singing, especially if the human with the helmet is receiving a high honor, potentially his rank amongst the gods. In this panel, she is just at the hero's feet, not really joining the parade if the animals, but clearly not ready to attack either, but her attention does seem to be drawn towards the hero.
The final panel she is on is the panel featuring the nine soldiers and the heroized dead, represented by the "Thracian horseman" motif. After Alexander the Great and his penchant for having statues of himself be on horseback, it became popular for wealthy men and nobles to depict themselves riding horseback to a goddess or sacred tree (unfortunately my best source discussing this in English is also not great and he comes up with some..... questionable theories), but the popularity seems to have blown up to the point where even deities such as Zeus were depicted on horseback in a similar manner. There are also mentions in a few other sources that the Thracians believed in the ability for people to essentially become immortal after death. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble sorting out my notes and this essay has been nagging me for weeks now.
Anyway, I interpret this panel as what is expected to happen to us after we die - the "ordinary", so to speak, are lead to a deity, likely to be reincarnated (this is honestly just a guess on my part largely due to the popularity of that in Greece for ever, and Grecian influence was in full swing by the time the Cauldron was made), meanwhile the "extraordinary" are lead by the Horned Serpent.
This is where I tie all three together to my upg/theology: The Horned Serpent is a friend and ally to Cernunnos. He teaches the secrets of life after death to those who will listen. The Horned Serpent is by his side during his teaching, and when we die, if we have proven ourselves worthy during life, she guides us through the trials of the afterlife. If we succeed in these trials, we are awarded with apotheosis - becoming a god or godlike - and she stands by our side as we earn this prize.
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@musingmelsuinesmelancholy sorry it took me so long x.x & I hope this makes sense!
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firephoenix23 · 1 year
The Slugterra movie reviews
This has been in the drafts for a while so buckle up for a longerish post
Ghoul from Beyond
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Ghoul from beyond was pretty cool and I liked the concept of the goon and the beginning of the Eastern caverns but the coolest part of the movie which is when Eli gets ghouled is way too short and it literally happens and is resolved in like ten minutes. But the movie for me is very nostalgic and it was a big deal when it first was advertised and when it first came out. Everyone was hyped the fuck up and I was too but watching it now it’s still fun but maybe not as exciting. Plus we get introduced to best boi Junjie. 7/10
Return of the Elementals
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Okay lowkey I have a lot to say about this movie that I will try to fit in here. First off we have a new member of the team: Junjie. And the gang doesn’t immediately love him and they have to work together and figure out how to incorporate a fifth person in their group. There’s so many little details that I love from the movie. For example, Blakk doesn���t immediately kill Eli and the Goon is furious with Blakk and he brings it up constantly
Then there is the second time the gang tries to cure the ghouled elementals but the gang doesn’t know that the Goon took two of them, so when Kord finds this out he tells him tell Eli. Junjie clearly can’t get to Eli in time so he tries to stop Blakk himself. Obviously this doesn’t work and Pronto goes to tell Eli who is pissed. Normally, I would hate this misunderstanding trope because they happen so frequently in media and it’s just so annoying. But in ROTE the stakes are so high so when you see the Goon and Blakk switch the slugs and they try the plan again you’re like oh shit this is not gonna work. Plus Junjie not following orders again might make Eli question him again.
Also Will comes back!! And we get the most heart wrenching scene of Eli running up to the hole that his dad jump in literally screaming for his father only to be pulled away literally seconds before he jumps in. Also can’t forget Blakk’s darkbane form and the reveal of his new form is literally so fucking cool. Also the dialogue is great like when Kord screaming “does it look like I know slug fu” 10/10
Slug fu Showdown
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Honestly four points go to high Eli alone 😅 Which I literally made a post about. But anyway on a serious note I’m so disappointed about this movie. Literally it has the coolest premise which is Eli learning slug fu which is what everyone wanted him to learn the first time we saw Junjie do it. And don’t get me wrong Junjie teaching Eli slug fu is the best part of the movie. I also love that not only is Eli learning from Junjie, but Junjie is learning from Eli like how he learns to name his slug because of him. I love the dynamic that the two of them have. And it’s a constant thing for Eli and Junjie to learn and grow from each other. That literally sounds so queer but it’s true 😅
But other than the the rest of the gang really have nothing to do. Instead they are going around chasing the elementals around because every villian and their mom knows about the elementals and wants their power or something like that. And I know it’s so stupid that they figured it out because Pronto was on like national television but I think it’s funny that Pronto was the one they interviewed and not like literally anyone else in the gang. It is nice to see Sedo and the Hooligang again they’re pretty cool villains 
Speaking of villains I have to talk about the villains in this movie. I honestly can’t remember his name and I’m too lazy to look it up but his plan to use the elementals to like destroy Slugterra because they would hit like the fault lines?? Like I don’t get it and it’s clear he was just added so Eli can just learn slug fu. I do think it’s really funny how the only way for Eli to learn slug fu is like under pressure because he’s like really resourceful. Like boy literally had to learn when the world was at stake and all of his friends are just standing around like staring at him. Like it just all felt way too fast. I know we watched him struggle but it just happened so fast. And I love Eli but this is a common theme with him in the later seasons. He kinda becomes a gary stu but you didn’t hear it from me 😅 5/10
Eastern Caverns
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So I honestly didn’t know that the next two were considered movies but according to the Wikipedia they are so I’m going to count them. Next up is Eastern Caverns. I would definitely say it’s probably closer to 4 episodes that connected to each other than a movie but whatever. The concept of the Eastern Caverns is so cool but initially I was a little worried they would be like a little racist because I’m pretty sure most of the writers for Slugterra were white but they weren’t. The bar is so low 😅
I mean some of the stuff I was like a little 😬 like Pronto clearly dressing up in drag for shits and giggles and them talking about Chi but it’s stuff that I feel has been seen in Western media before. Plus this came out in like 2015 almost a whole decade ago 👀
But anyway most of the movie is them trying to get their slugs back and trying to gain the trust of the people of the Eastern Caverns after Junjie destroyed it for 20 years!! Which 20 years is just crazy. Like how old is Junjie technically supposed to be then like 35!!
But anyway they finally get into the place which is definitely the coolest part of the movie but then my one problem comes into play which is mostly a problem with Eli for me in the Eastern Caverns story line. They just make him so beefed up. Not literally but he has like so many skills under his belt like trick shots, fusion shots, slug fu, whatever the fuck he does with Burpy and they just write it off as well he’s so connected to the slugs that’s why which is just so dumb and lazy. And he just figures out slug fu because slug fu is connected to chi and chi is like the slinger code???? Like Eli I have never heard of this code you are talking about. But honestly deep down I don’t really care because I love Eli too much 😂
Also like I am so disappointed they used so many old models from the old 99 caverns but it’s Slugterra what are you gonna do. Like they couldn’t put a little bit of budget into making new background characters. And don’t even get me started on the Dai Fu. Overall I would give it a 7/10
The Emperor’s Revenge
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Another “movie” despite me not remembering it as one when it came out. Maybe it was considered one later on for marketing who knows. What I do know is that is has the coolest fucking intro I have ever seen with all the Shane gang walking out of the hideout looking all badass and then introducing the voice actors with the statue of the emperor in the back is so freaking cool
I will say that the word movie is kinda a loose term here as like with the last “movie” since it’s very obvious it’s just 4 episodes combined into one which I don’t know why they did that in the first place but whatever. So bizarre
First off the first episode err I mean part is about how Junjie became the dark slinger and the background of Yang vs the Emperor. It’s a great episode and it has really pretty drawing to go with the story.
The second part is great too with Pronto acting brave because of the emperor’s sword and the creation on an iron warrior which the gang can’t defeat so they have to retreat which like never happens in the show. I actually liked brave Pronto it reminded me of when they made Shaggy brave from the Legend of the Phantosaur.
Also the iron warrior was created to be powered by life essence and we see the Dai Fu take Underlord Holt’s life essence on screen which seems kinda dark for this show
Then in the third part her life force is taken away by the emperor, who is back, to power up two other unstoppable warriors. I think the unstoppable warriors have a cool design and I understand why they had to reuse so many models from the old show.
But honestly the coolest thing was the reuse of the Thugglet slug which hasn’t been seen since The New Kid episodes. It’s like one of the coolest slugs in the show and they never use it
And honestly the final episode with the battle against the emperor was pretty cool. Unlike the battle against Blakk which was just the Shane gang and the shadow clan, this battle involved all the friends I guess that they met in the eastern caverns and it was pretty cool.
Plus the emperor was actually smart when following Eli and Junjie back to the hole of the deep caverns. He brought one of his unstoppable warriors with him. Also the like traumatic moment when Junjie jumps into the hole to stop the emperor from coming back up and they frame it how Will jumped in after Blakk like why you gotta do that to me Slugterra writers 😩
Overall I didn’t remember this movie at all until I watched it a couple of weeks ago but I actually really liked it. I just felt like the stakes were higher and the way they defeated the emperor was fun and creative.
The one problem I do have is about the elementals like how do the shane gang get back to the 99 without them, why did Eli even learn slug fu if he’s not gonna use the elementals to save his dad. I mean in the end the show didn’t get an ending so it’s doesn’t really matter that much 😢 Plus this was the last we see of Junjie and they never like hug him goodbye or anything but I wouldn’t except that from a boy’s cartoon anyway. No sentimentality allowed 😂 8/10 for the revenge
Into the shadows
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I honestly thought I was gonna hate this movie because everyone else hated it when it came out in 2016. I know it was all because of Tad and how many plot holes he brings but (please don’t kill me) I like him. 
Sure he’s pulls the exact same thing as twist (rip a real one) but what makes me like him is that he’s from the surface and Eli clearly bonds with him over that especially since it’s revealed that Eli had such a horrible life on the surface after his dad went MIA and that Tad did too. Kinda interesting that they both escaped their horrible realities to live in a fantasy world but I digress. And don’t even get me started on the scene of Will wishing Eli a happy birthday. I’m still crying 😭 
But yeah the vibe I got from Tad and Eli was that they were like brothers. I mean Tad literally said surface bros. With Twist his betrayal was worst but I feel like we really didn’t see him and Eli bond personally. Twist was kinda just like Eli’s yes man. Just constantly hyping him up and just being like yeah I totally name my slugs and if Eli thinks it’s good than I think it’s good. Literally sucking his d*ck. What who said that!? 
It was also pretty cool seeing how much Eli has grown from the show from newbie to teaching someone of slugterra himself. Also how excited he gets when he goes “I know right” clearly happy that he found something to relate to. Maybe I’ll make a long post on tad and how he’s not as bad as people thought he was as a character. 8/10 only one point higher than Ghoul from Beyond because of that beautiful fucking animation. Everything has this like gold tinge to it and I really like it. It makes everything just pop. But again 8/10 sorry everyone who hated it 😅
Final List
Return of the Elementals
Into the Shadows (pls don’t kill me 😅)
Emperor’s Revenge
Ghoul from Beyond/Eastern Cavern
Slug Fu Showdown
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lily-blue · 3 years
To save a kingdom | step number four: search for the answer with taehyun
☆ characters: benders!txt & lady’s maid!you ☆ genre: elementals au, fantasy, action ☆ summary: When the morning comes, the six of you visit the campsite where the boys got their powers back in hope of finding the Star Crystal that could help you defeat Chi and his army. ☆ words: 5,2k ☆ massive thank you: to @dat-town​ for proofreading this chapter and also for your lovely comments that you left in the document while doing so. They sincerely made me smile ♥
➼ chapter index
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You woke up to a loud thud, a deafening laughter and a very grumpy Kang Taehyun knocking on your door without making the smallest effort to be gentle even though you would have bet your life on it that you had heard Soobin asking him to be more friendly towards you before they had all retreated to Yeonjun’s room last night. Not that you minded his behaviour as you could understand his heart that was full of doubt and hostility when it came to you (a stranger who dared to ask for an enormous favour despite her kingdom’s wrongdoings). And you had always preferred harsh honesty over sweet lies anyway, so you sat up in the bed silently and reassured him with a groan that you were about to join them at any minute.
When your gaze shifted from the door to the clock on the bedside table, you had to admit that it wasn’t as early as you would have thought based on Beomgyu’s warning about your early departure, but you guessed, early meant something different to everyone, so you didn’t make a comment on how the sun was already up. Instead, you put on your clothes from yesterday and braided your hair in a way that allowed you to fight without your long locks being in the way. You obviously hoped that you could have gotten to the Star Crystal and to the dungeon in the royal palace in Eternally without coming across Chi’s men, but if you had learned anything in your long life, it was to always prepare yourself for the worst. Then, everything else would be a pleasant surprise and you were in desperate need of those. Your entire nation was.
‘Morning,’ you greeted the boys when you walked into the kitchen, smiling at Beomgyu in a friendly manner when he poked at the microwave with his drink inside of the machine, not expecting him to heat up a mug of chocolate flavoured milk for you, too, although he did. He did it without you asking for it and without caring about the glances he got from Taehyun and Hueningkai when they noticed the way you looked at each other. It seemed, none of them knew about your late-night conversation, but you didn’t mind this, either. You were familiar with Yeonjun’s antics enough to assume he would have teased you both if he had known.
You weren’t hungry, but you accepted a slice of toast from the blue haired boy when he put it atop of the plate in front of you, the strawberry jam they kindly offered you tasting artificial on the top of your tongue. Yet, it was a lot better than what people could make in Eternally from those lifeless fruits that survived the never changing weather and time of the day. So you devoured it until the last bite like a starving man, knowing no shame when you gathered the tiniest crumbs from your plate. You didn’t want them to go to waste.
Just as much as you didn’t wish to waste your precious time on a second slice of toast, either, but seeing how goofy the boys were regardless of the journey you were about to take, you decided to not rush them too much. You didn’t want to kill their spirit with your worries and the silent reminder that with every second, you got closer to your princess’ public execution - in case, she hadn’t been dead already. You assumed that the redhead’s nagging was more than enough. And you were grateful for Taehyun’s dutiful attitude, because it not only made you feel as though you were of the same opinion, working towards the same goal, but it took the burden of guilt off your shoulders.
You went through your plans for the day during the rest of the breakfast, then headed to the nearest subway station that was just as fascinating to you, if not more, as the bus that you had taken last night. It was more crowded and stuffy than a bus stop, while the vehicle itself was faster than anything you had ever seen before. No wonder, you almost missed your stop and had only gotten off at the right one due to the mass of people that was pushing you forwards. The posters and the lights that signalled where you were exactly were too interesting while the unfamiliar characters and the Korean language were too distracting as it soon turned out that you could only understand it when the guys were the ones who spoke to you. You assumed that it was because of their connection to the medallion in your neck and their magic that belonged to your dimension. Though, you couldn’t have been a hundred percent sure.
‘Are you still travelling on horses in Eternally or what? Can you please not make us miss the transfer? We won’t catch the train in time,’ Taehyun hissed at you when the subway left the stop and the number of people around you started to decrease. Honestly, as he tried his best to keep his voice down, the redhead came off as more annoyed than angry, but you couldn’t be sure. He clearly wasn’t happy that your gaze stuck on every second billboard and sign that came your way. Once, you even stopped in front of a card reload machine which was far from the most interesting thing one could stumble upon in their country hence he was absolutely at a loss of words. Were you living in the Middle Ages back home? Because then, he had even less interest in seeing Eternally for himself, that was for sure. He liked his smartphone and unlimited data too much to give up on those for a country that had forgotten about him and his brothers for two decades just to reach out to him when there were no other options left.
‘I…’ you wanted to apologize or ask what was so wrong with horses, but before you could have done either, the redhead turned his back on you and marched toward the metal gates that apparently led you to another subway line.
With a frown on your face, you made a mental note not to rub him the wrong way more and fixed your gaze on the back of his head to not let it wander. Even though he could have been nicer, you weren’t easy to offend nor someone people had spoiled while growing up. You also knew that he was right. You should have concentrated on your mission instead of the wonders of this unfamiliar world.
‘Don’t listen to him. We still have plenty of time to get to the train station,’ Soobin told you when you passed the gates and walked down the stairs instead of using the escalator like how Yeonjun and Beomgyu did. You wouldn’t have said that its fast pace scared you, per se, but it made you feel a bit uneasy hence you opted for the slower albeit safer option.
‘Does he hate me?’ You asked after a moment of silence, munching on the inner side of your cheeks while you were waiting for the boy’s answer. You knew that Soobin was a kind soul, but you also knew that he wouldn’t have outright lied in your face just to make you feel better. Maybe, that was why you were a tad bit anxious that he didn’t answer your question immediately.
‘Of course, not. Then, he would look through you, believe me. It’s just…’ he started and you narrowed your eyes, a little suspicious, when he lifted his hand to his nape and scratched it with his index finger. What could have been so hard to put into words when your question required a simple yes or no as an answer? You didn’t ask about his reasons for treating you the way he did. You weren’t interested in his excuses, either. You would have only preferred to know whether he saw you as a friend or a foe. ‘This whole mission and the fact that we’re from another dimension where our parents might be still alive… is a lot to take in,’ he said and with his claim, he kicked the air out of your lungs - though, not literally.
‘Oh,’ you managed, visibly awkward due to your inconsideration. Truth to be told, you hadn’t even thought about their parents or how it must have felt for them to realize that they hadn’t been abandoned by their family members on purpose. That they hadn’t come to Earth on their own because their parents hadn’t cared about them to one bit. For all the magic in the world, it was so clear to you that they had been loved more than anything once that you had completely forgotten that they couldn’t have been sure about this until you had fallen through the portal less than twenty-four hours ago. Of course, Taehyun was irritated with you and the current situation. His emotions must have overwhelmed him a lot.
Thus, you sealed your lips for his sake and stuck by the other boys’ sides like honey until you reached your destination and your eyes grew wide upon seeing how a train was a subway that one could ride on the surface. It was longer, but not too crowded, which gave you the chance to take a seat on one of the comfortable textile-covered seats by the windows that you could have only observed from the doorway on the subway. 
It didn’t depart as abruptly as you would have assumed based on your experience with the South Korean public transportation, but like this, you had the opportunity to take your time with making yourself comfortable next to Beomgyu and in front of Hueningkai and Taehyun in a block for four people not far from the rest of the guys.
Once you were on the way to the campsite, you busied yourself with gawking at the outside world on the other side of the glass since you couldn’t fall asleep as easily as Hueningkai and you sure as hell didn’t have the opportunity to shut out the sound of Yeonjun’s and the earth bender’s constant bickering with those tiny white somethings in Taehyun’s ears that piqued your interest from the moment you had laid your eyes on them. The redhead seemed utterly unbothered by the noise unlike a few other passengers or Soobin whose discomfort soon reached a turning point where he couldn’t not try to silence his friends by joining their childish conversation. However, the two on sugarhigh teamed up on him without thinking, coaxing a low chuckle from you when Soobin excused himself to the toilet. Wow! You couldn’t have believed that trains had toilets on them. It was so awesome.
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The forests in Korea looked like the forests in Eternally, so you shouldn’t have been surprised by the familiar feeling that embraced you as soon as you set foot in the woods, but there was something overly comforting in the air while you were walking further into it that urged you to keep your guards up. You shouldn’t have felt at home in another dimension, it wasn’t right, but remaining suspicious in such a setting wasn’t easy despite your logic. You were someone who tended to act on her emotions, your rational side could have hardly fought your comfort, but you tried. Because the future of your home and the life of your princess depended on the outcome of your mission. You needed to stay focused.
‘So this is where you discovered your powers?’ You asked with a raised brow, trying to keep up with the speed the boys dictated with their unfairly long legs.
‘Yeah. We came here camping and suddenly the river changed direction when I got near the stream,’ the blue haired boy said with an amused smile. He clearly enjoyed having his power and bragging about being the first one out of the five of them who had discovered his magic. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have heard this story twice already regardless of the limited amount of time you two had had for mindless chatters yesterday. ‘Is it normal that we discovered them at the same time, though? Does this mean I’m lamer than Hueningkai because he got his power years earlier?’ He asked you after a moment of silence and seeing his pouty lips, you pursed yours before you shared your personal opinion with him. Obviously, you weren’t as knowledgeable about bender magic as real scholars, but it was also true that you knew more than them.
‘I don’t think so. I might not be as well educated as a guardian, but you’ve already had your powers when you were born,’ you reassured him since you knew how Hueningkai’s mother had suffered because of the magic her unborn child had had, but her body couldn’t have dealt with accordingly. During her time at the royal palace, you had heard her scream, vomit and cry until she had passed out from headache and dehydration. There was no way the boys had not had their powers from the very beginning so Yeonjun shouldn’t have been worried about his skills and capability. ‘But here, on Earth, magic is so insignificant it’s barely a thing. So if I had to say something smart, I would say that you couldn’t use it sooner because it’s not from this dimension,’ you concluded, offering him a friendly smile before you shifted your gaze from him to the path ahead of you.
If you had been right about the latter, that would have meant that Taehyun was right as well. There was something in this forest that had helped them find their magic and what else could have been so powerful if not the Star Crystal that contained their ancestors’ spirit and will to protect their people? Despite your instincts, you could feel your hopes getting higher and you weren’t sure how you felt about the excitement in your chest. False hope was dangerous, it could cause more damage than any other enemy.
‘Cool,’ the water bender mumbled under his nose happily, but you resisted the urge to look at him or to join his giddiness. You had to prepare yourself for the worst, you were aware of it. You needed to be strong in case they needed your strength. After all, you couldn’t have really offered anything more. You weren’t like them. You were a mere human.
Other than Beomgyu’s occasional complaints about the hot weather, you walked further into the woods in silence until you stopped to give the poor boy a break and refresh yourself with a few gulps of lukewarm water from the backpacks you had packed for the trip. He was right, the sunlight was burning, but it was almost completely above you, so it didn’t come as a big surprise. Without thick clouds, it was only natural.
‘I remember the storm that night when it all started. Soobin hyung and Beomgyu hyung got lost and found shelter in a cave nearby,’ the youngest of the group told you after he shoved his own bottle back into his bag. You narrowed your eyes partly because of the blinding light, partly out of curiosity which encouraged him to tell you a bit more. ‘We found them and stayed with them there until it stopped.’
‘Ah, right!’ Yeonjun exclaimed excitedly. ‘It was super cold there, but still a lot better than at the campsite. The wind was so strong, we found the tent on the top of a tree after it stopped,’ he added a bit more colour to the story, pointing towards the campsite’s direction, then at a random tree just to help you picture the height from where they had to get their tent back.
‘It was an expensive tent,’ Beomgyu chirped in with a frown that soon turned into an excited smile when Taehyun also joined your small circle and between two gulps, he told you that the cave the others were talking about was exactly where he intended to start the search for the Star Crystal. It made perfect sense therefore you paid extra attention when the boys - one louder than the other, although mostly Yeonjun and Beomgyu - told you more about that night on your way towards your first destination.
Like this, you reached the cave before you could have taken in your surroundings, its cold temperature freezing compared to the Indian summer weather outside. It dressed your limbs in goosebumps under your clothes and bit into your skin where it wasn’t covered which was insane, but a promising sign nevertheless.
‘Was this place so dar…’ Beomgyu asked from behind your back, but before he could have finished his sentence, his friends turned on the lights on their phones and he chuckled at his own silliness. ‘Nevermind,’ he shushed away the questioning looks and fished the rectangular device out of his pocket to share its light with you although it wasn’t overly necessary. Due to the other artificial torches, the tunnel wasn’t blindingly dark anymore.
You said thank you nevertheless and offered him a grateful smile before you urged him to follow you and the others. Honestly, it was shocking how long the tunnel was, but you knew how a cave’s size never really reflected its entrance’s size so you should have known better. Especially since the guys had failed to notice the Star Crystal last time which meant that it was hidden further inside its belly. Taking that the redhead was right. However, at that point, considering everything you saw and felt, you would have been at a loss of words if he hadn’t. Moreso because the further you walked into the eerie cave, the warmer the medallion on your necklace got. Hence, by the time you reached the end of the tunnel, it became so hot, you had to pull it out from under your clothes so that it wouldn’t leave a permanent burn mark on your skin. This must have been a reaction for the Crystal’s closeness.
‘Oh my… was this here last time, too?’ Hueningkai asked and hearing the lightning bender’s bewildered question, your curiosity got the best of you, urging you to walk to the front of the group. 
‘Well, we didn’t walk this far into the cave that time but I assume…?’ The redhead tried to reason even though the rational part of him still had his own doubts which clearly reflected in his voice and actions. He might have preferred not to show it, but his gaze shifted to you the moment you reached his side, seeking some sort of confirmation that you couldn’t give him. You were no scholar nor magician. All you knew, you knew from old books that you had read decades ago.
However, what you could help them with with confidence was the text written on the support that the Star Crystal was placed on since it was in your native language. The realization put a proud smile on your face until Soobin took a step closer to the magical object and reminded you that unlike you who couldn’t understand them without the necklace in your possession, they could understand you perfectly simply due to the magic in their veins. Which also meant that they didn’t need a translator. In fact! Based on Yeonjun’s reaction in the changing room, you wouldn’t have been surprised if they hadn’t realized that it was written in a completely different language. So much for being useful.
‘It says only those who are worthy are allowed to touch the Star Crystal without paying the price,’ Soobin informed everyone, coaxing each one of the boys with his words to take a step forward. You followed suit with Beomgyu by your side while the cogs in your head started to spin faster, looking for a distant memory or some facts that could have helped you solve the ambiguous instruction. What was worthy supposed to mean? Was it a quality of the heart or a quality more obvious like magic that only a few could bear?
‘Someone with a pure heart? Because then Yeonjun hyung is out. I saw him kiss that girl last week during his break when he thought no…’ Beomgyu chirped in, earning a low grunt from the blue haired boy with his unnecessary comment.
‘The hell? It has nothing to do with the purity of my heart,’ he claimed with his arms linked in front of his chest, lips pouty and slim brows furrowed in annoyance. In any other situation, you would have laughed at how offended he looked, but then and there, their childish banter only distracted you from figuring out the solution thus you tried your best to shut them out. ‘I am pure!’
‘Guys, calm down! It says worthy, not pure,’ Soobin made an attempt at calming down his friends, but either his voice was too quiet or the two were too invested in their debate, they did not stop talking until Taehyun stepped between them, lifting his hands in front of their chest. His disapproving glances sent a cold shiver down your spine, the unnerving kind.
You gulped and so did Yeonjun and Beomgyu.
‘It can be either of you, I think. After all, it contains all of your magic,’ you spoke up partly to brush away the tension, partly to throw your own two cents in the conversation in hope of positive reactions or at least a reasonable objection. Because even if you were wrong, you assumed that your idea could have served as a starting point or triggered better suggestions. Not to mention that you still weren’t that familiar with the boys’ dynamics hence their argument was rather unnerving for you. You couldn’t decide whether they were angry or their silence meant that they were trying to come up with their own solutions.
‘That’s true, but the earth bender was already dead by the time it was created. Does that really count as a willing offering?’ It was Beomgyu who put his concerns into words first and your eyes grew wide without realizing because of how surprised you felt due to his question. You had grown up believing that your home - as it lived in your memories - could have never been born without the sacrifices of each one of the five great benders. Therefore, hearing him questioning one of their sincerity rendered you speechless. You failed to find the right words even when you turned towards him with your entire body. ‘What? I just dunno… don’t want to ruin our chances in case it does not,’ the boy stumbled over his explanation, suddenly a tad bit shy due to the massive attention he received from everyone.
For a while, neither of you said a word. Not because either of you doubted Beomgyu’s worth or his ancestor’s willingness to save his nation, but because you obviously hadn’t been there when it had happened. Shouldn’t you have lived at that time, shouldn’t you have known those people to be able to form a credible opinion? You were afraid of coming off as fake. You had no idea what to say or how to say it which only added to your anxiety.
In the end, it was Taehyun who broke the uncomfortable silence.
‘I think it counts. Maybe, it counts more than the other benders’ participation. After all, their combined powers weren’t enough. There must be a reason for that,’ he said, not taking his eyes off Beomgyu for a second as though he had been afraid that if he had done so, the earth bender wouldn’t have believed him. ‘The others might have done everything for their people alone and saving the Earth nation was only a consequence,’ he reasoned and you had to give it to him that despite your beliefs, his claim did make some sense. It made you frown.
The innocent child inside of you didn’t want to believe him, she didn’t want to believe that those people could have been just as selfish as any other human being she had encountered while growing up. On the other hand, you could clearly see how Beomgyu’s tense shoulders eased due to the redhead’s reasoning and you didn’t want to take this away from him. Hence, you swallowed down your objection and tried to approach your options from another aspect. 
‘Maybe, at that time it was true, but this time there are no separate nations. It’s Eternally, the whole kingdom with all five parts,’ you said and the words tasted bitter in your mouth despite the cause you were fighting for. It felt wrong to agree with Taehyun even though you still left room for the possibility that the Star Crystal hadn’t been powerful enough back then without the earth bender’s power because it had simply needed more magic to overcome the curse. Goodness! Why were you so desperate for a sign that could have proven you right? It hardly made a difference. ‘You should try to touch it at the same time, removing it together,’ you suggested with a small lump in your throat. You were anxious that your stubbornness would be the sole reason why you would need to pay that price the wise words warned you about.
‘Okay. Let’s do that,’ Hueningkai chirped in, and you were grateful for his unconditional support even though you had no idea with what you had earned it.
Seeing them walking up to the magical object one by one, you shifted your gaze from the youngest boy to Beomgyu who was frozen by your side. He seemed hesitant, maybe a tad bit afraid as well, so you gulped down your uneasiness and put your hand on his shoulder. When he snapped his head in your direction, your smile was bright and encouraging. The most friendly you could have managed and the prettiest he had ever seen. He gifted you with a subtle one in return.
Your heart was beating in an unbelievably high speed when the fifth boy completed the circle around the Crystal and you would have sworn, you forgot to breathe when they exchanged a glance before reaching forwards. Your rounded nails were digging small crescents into your palm while you were waiting for all hell to break loose, but to your utmost surprise, nothing went wrong. The stone walls of the tunnel didn’t start to shake and the ceiling didn’t bury you alive. Even the medallion in your neck cooled down to a bearable temperature as if it was its way to reassure you that from now on, everything would be alright.
‘Do you think time will stop on Earth if we take this to Eternally?’ Yeonjun asked, pointing at the Star Crystal in Soobin’s hands. His worry for people who he might not have known was clear in his voice. No wonder he had been willing to save you, too, when you had fainted on him in that foreign alley.
‘Highly unlikely, hyung,’ Taehyun said and the only thing you could do was to shake your head in sync since it was your home that had been cursed. And this dimension had too little magic for a curse that big and destructive to work. You would have been quite speechless if the Star Crystal’s sudden disappearance would have had any effect on its people.
Once the blue haired boy got this thought out of his head, everyone agreed to start the second phase of your plans hence, they turned towards you with their entire body and you couldn’t help but gulp due to the intense attention you recieved. It was your turn to guide them back to your home. You were the only one who could do that since they had no recollection of what Eternally was like.
So you took the necklace off and held it on the top of your palm, thinking of princess Sowon, the royal library you liked so much in a lifetime that felt millions of years away and your room with the other maids in the palace since that should have been a safe place to appear at in case six people’s thoughts didn’t mess with the magical object and the final destination. As you had only ever used it to get here, you had no clue what to expect from the journey back to your dimension.
‘Remember, you have to think of Eternally, you have to yearn for being there or near the palace or the princess for the medallion to work,’ you reminded them one last time before you closed your eyes to be able to concentrate more. The growing pull of the portal and its blinding light even through your eyelids welcomed you with unexpected familiarity.
Since you weren’t sure whether people could change direction inside of the portal and how dangerous it could have been to travel with fuzzy thoughts, you proposed to hold hands and step inside of it at the same time which everyone accepted. So leading the way, you squeezed Beomgyu’s hand once and twice before you faced the portal with newfound determination in your eyes. You could do this. You could take them home in one piece.
The dizziness was tugging on your stomach as soon as you set foot on the other side and you almost lost your balance again, but the earth bender behind your back kept you from falling for which you were grateful. Moreso when your vision finally got clearer and you recognized your surroundings. Shit. Maybe you shouldn’t have told them to think of the palace. What were you doing in the middle of the hallway that led to the throne room? Out of all places, it was the second worst right after landing in the throne room itself.
You pulled Yeunjun behind a column before he could have wandered away aimlessly. You did not like the anxiety that was bubbling up in your chest.
‘Daebak! It’s real,’ you heard Hueningkai from behind your back, but you were too occupied to ask him to stay quiet as your blood was too loud in your ears. Luckily, Taehyun did the job on your behalf.
You had no idea for how long you were stuck inside of your own mind, frozen, because of the shock, but when you eventually put yourself together, you took a deep breath and turned to the boys who were staring at you with worry in their eyes. Oh! It must have taken longer than it should have.
‘Okay guys,’ you started with a small smile, trying to act brave and confident. ‘Let’s not get in trouble before we find the princess. She will know where to look for that secured place the librarian had told me about,’ you reminded them of the next phase of your plan, keeping your voice low due to your hidden fear of… well, certain death.
If they had noticed how terrified you were, they didn’t say a word. Instead, they nodded and followed you towards the dungeon wordlessly. You hoped that you had come to the right conclusion when you had told them that princess Sowon had to be behind bars. Because if she had been elsewhere, you had honestly no idea where to start the search.
➼ next chapter
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rokutouxei · 4 years
in future tense
part 3 of: atelier heart
ikemen vampire: temptation in the dark theodorus van gogh / mc | gen | 2565 | [ao3 in bio]
She and Theo were born and lived in times a hundred years apart. In the weeks they're together, she and Theo attempt to understand their time-separated worlds through a back and forth of trivia. But Theo learns much more than just what it's like to be in the 21st century.
spoiler warning: a conversation between MC and Theo in chapter 4 of his route is referenced.
What does it mean to be born in the 21st century?
Theo tries his best to imagine what it would be like, in a world more than a hundred years from his now; his “now” which is already ten years ahead of his “then”, before vampires, before Comte. And yet even in his wildest imaginations he can’t seem to grasp what it would mean to live in the future; time is instead a looping spiral instead of straight arrow, the kind he used to imagine it was.
When he takes her out into the city the day after she arrived, it’s her first time out of the mansion, into the world that is late 19th century Paris, France. To Theo, nothing really strikes him as different or interesting in this time period; sure, the fashion has changed a little from when before he was turned, and maybe there were a few different landmarks here and there, but nothing that was enough to warrant the look on her face, that was, in two words: entirely wonderstruck.
Eyes as wide as saucers like an excited child, an unashamed smile on her face. At the most mundane things too: the architecture, the cobblestone streets, turns her head at carriages like she had never seen one in her entire life before this point. She observes the ladies passing by, her eyes roaming over their clothes, and then turning back towards her own rather simple set—le Comte hadn’t had a chance to have clothes tailored for her yet, but soon he will. For now, she tugs at her sleeves and runs her hands over her dress like trying her best not to seem like she’s trying too hard to fit in, like these clothes aren’t hers to begin with, like this isn’t the world she belongs to.
And yet, instead, she does the opposite: carries the aura of being someone otherworldly, not entirely alien but at the same time—so strikingly unfamiliar.
At that moment, the image of a recognizable painting fills Theo’s mind, one he’d seen at an auction once, and he wonders if it is rather too on-brand of him as an art dealer to think of such a parallel like that.
Meisje met tulband, painted in the 17th century by Johannes Vermeer, during the Dutch Golden Age. An obviously European woman in what seems like clothes borrowed from worldly trips far from the embrace of home. During this time, what was exotic was valuable. It illuminated experience, knowledge of a bigger world beyond the borders of the mountains and seas. On her head, a turban from an Eastern country, on her frame, clothes that do not suit the style of European garb. But most importantly: a pearl earring, large and glimmering, treasure of the faraway seas, hovering just underneath her ear like hesitating if it actually hangs from it or if it is only an illusion of grandiosity.
So attractive, in all her exoticism, pulled back from the gray of European normal, that is known and familiar and comfortable, standing above all others.
And yet so remarkably out of place.
So on the first week, she and Theo make a deal.
For every thing about the 19th century that Theo explains to her, she would tell him something about the 21st century in exchange. A fair deal, Theo thinks. This is what he can give her. Just a trade of information: nothing too personal to be shared, nothing too involved. This guarantees that both of their curiosities are satisfied, and—well, Theo will never say it out loud, but—this is also his way of getting to know each other in tiny, unobtrusive ways.
Not enough to make a difference, of course, he thinks. He doesn’t want there to be a difference. If he’s keeping her by his side at all times to monitor her, he’ll just have to do his fair share of understanding who he’s working with. That’s about it.
Except there was one thing Theo did not get to add onto his assumptions: that the woman never runs out of questions.
Sure, she has the hindsight of having been born in the time when this has all technically already happened, already a time long past her—time is a spiral, or something, Theo reminds himself—but the reality of having to live all this is still way beyond her. So she doesn’t stop asking. Even about the most trivial of things.
It drives Theo insane.
Like what kinds of clothes people find fashionable. (“You could see it on the street.” “Well, yeah, but I wanted to know what you found fashionable.” “I don’t really care.” “You’re boring.”)
Or if ankles are still scandalous things. (A squint of eyebrows. “Dresses are often supposed to touch the floor.” “Not where I’m from. You’ll see much more than just ankles.” “…Knees?” “…Thighs. Or more.” “…Why.” “Why not?”)
And what kind of things people enjoy. (“Séances? Sounds scary.” “Others talk in flower codes.” “Oh! We still have that in the future! Kinda.”)
Also, if Kings and Queens are still “a thing” (her words)—and she can’t seem to believe him when he says they do, still, in fact, exist, and reign over nations. (“So instead, you have, democracy, you call it?” “Well, we’re trying.”)
But even if she always seems so awed by the workings of this era, somehow it is Theo who is left much more bewildered with the stories she tells. While she listens to him with this kind of avid wonder, the kind a child would have to a storytelling adult, Theo sits next to her like a skeptic, incredulous, mind unable to process what she is saying.
Like, what is an internet? The inter-, he figures out, but a net? Of what?
“It’s a network! That’s what the net stands for. So it’s kind of like a group of people, who get to talk, but digital.”
“Digital? What do fingers have to do with his?”
“Fingers? …oh, because digits. Um. No, it’s kind of like… a space that… you can’t touch? It’s sort of… mental?”
Theo doesn’t have a follow-up question because he doesn’t know how to follow-up to that. He just kind of looks like her like she grew a second head. Can this much change really happen in a hundred years or so? Why is her world so foreign from his?
But it doesn’t deter him. He listens intently to her stories about art in a hundred years. Cameras so small, they can fit in your pocket, so fast they can take a photo in a second. Artworks made not of canvas and paint, but of, again, this “digital” medium, which is accessible to nearly the entire world. And because of this “internet”, everyone who has it can both make and see art so easily—and they can fit these in their “cell phones”, hand-held telephones that can connect to nearly anyone… without wires!
And with each and every one of her attempts to explain the overwhelming time she used to come from, something inside Theo grows, a feeling he does not understand yet. It’s dizzying—but he cannot stop listening.
So he doesn’t stop answering either.
By the second week, whenever their schedule allows, he takes her to museums, introduces her to art movements that have flourished, are only beginning to flourish. Occasionally, she will point at one and say, “Oh, that one’s pretty famous in the future!” and Theo feels a sense of pride. The appreciation for art and beauty is one of the many things that transcends time—if the world allows it to.
He’s far from Comte’s level of elite, but he takes her to shops anyway, to see what things are in stores. The feeling that sits in Theo’s chest only grows as she points at things and says, “That’s a classic vintage piece. I’ve seen those a lot in museums,” and sooner than Theo would like, every mention of time gives him that feeling of distance, pulls her away from him.
So far away.
The fact keeps pressing itself into Theo’s brain, that she doesn’t belong here, she is only a tourist, she is only here for a short while.
The world is a gentler place in that time she is from. He doesn’t want to selfishly keep her here.
(But if he could, if she would, maybe, he wouldn’t be opposed to it.)
Shortly after a conversation about traveling from her home country to Paris in the 21st century—“You can get halfway across the world in half a day?” “Yeah, non-stop flights do that. 900 people in a single ride.” “…I find it hard to believe you.” “You don’t have to, it won’t change the fact.”—that last remark pushes Theo to finally, finally ask the question that he has held hesitantly in his mouth for the longest time.
“What’s it like, sitting here in the 19th century, knowing the future?”
She doesn’t answer for a moment, her eyes shifting off to one side, away from Theo, as she ponders on his question. Theo takes this time to observe her instead—the way she holds herself up now, so comfortable, rather confident in her 19th century clothing, the little ways she’s learned the mannerisms apt for the time. She’s so different from the girl he’d seen that first night, trembling, afraid of a (well-meaning) nightmare.
Ah, yes, yet another reminder that she does not belong here.
Not with him. Not like this.
Theo snaps back into focus once she speaks. “It’s a little conflicting to me,” she begins. “I don’t know how time works, so somehow it both feels like much of it is already set in stone, but also there are so many more things that can change.” She turns to him, meeting his gaze. “But what I’m sure of is that everything you’re doing now is going to have an impact on the future—I guess I’ll see it when I get back.”
(Theo withers ever so slightly, but not enough for her to notice.)
She continues. “It’s a little scary too, because historically—well, I guess it’s not history yet, but, there are still a lot of bad things that will happen, in the next hundred years. So many.” She cringes. “But after that? There are also so many good things that will happen. Things that—well, I haven’t stayed long enough here to say for sure, but—I think many of the good things that will happen by then still seem unthinkable now. The same way you don’t believe me sometimes. But they will happen.”
And she’s so sure of it: tells him that millions of people of all ages, classes, and nationalities go to museums to enjoy art—even Vincent’s!—in the future. That some of them even get to go for free, that the world’s governments actually want people to be in any degree appreciative of art. She tells him how she could just look up a painting on her “cell phone” and she would already be able to experience it, in a way. She tells him that so much of the world revolves around art being accessible, that people don’t even think about it too much anymore. It’s just normal.
“You won’t believe it, Theo,” she says. “Art is everywhere.”
She reminds him of the sunrise.
The sunrise he’s long dreamt of—the dawn of the new era of Art, in a better world where artists are free to make what they want to make, to showcase their work, to continuously push the barriers of the human understanding of beauty and creation. The fact that she’s come from that time doesn’t only make her a reminder of it—but also an assurance, that all of this will pay off, that he is making a difference.
He may not have been one of the chosen ones, the gifted ones, who had extraordinary talents, who could, with a wave of their hand, change the turning of the world, influence society, but—he has something he can do.
And she believes in him.
Why does it make him feel so much steadier just knowing she believes in him?
He is no one. He is nobody important. They can give him names now, call him the Phantom of Goupil, but in the long stretch of time after this, in a hundred years, in a thousand—he will be no one. History will eventually forget his name—and Theo has long accepted this truth. And if he doesn’t have much to offer to time, he has much less for her. The 19th century is no match to the 21st century’s innovations and astonishing development. He is just a plain man from a backwards time.
But at some point in the past few weeks with her, that feeling he’s once again started to ask if he could reclaim has grown in him. The desire to be remembered.
Not by the world, not by history—just by her.
Even a hundred years into the future.
There are a lot of things Theo doesn’t know yet about what’s to come. But if there is one thing about art that he knows is consistent across time, it’s that a single piece of art has the power to change something fundamental in people: the way they see life, the way they see art, the way they think about the world, the way they feel. A fateful encounter not only with the piece of art itself, but with the moment in which one meets it. The feeling that rushes, that consumes, the recognition: that one’s life has now been altered, irrevocably, by that one piece of art.
It is falling in love, but greater.
Theo really thought he would never find the capacity to ever feel that way again. That that moment, with that painting, is the pinnacle of what his heart can take.
But now he knows he isn’t.
Now he knows it isn’t, so he prays.
He doesn’t have much to give, but he prays.
That maybe she will give him the taste of it. Carve the shape of it in his mouth.
Down his throat. Chase it down into the pit of his belly where the acid of his self-resentment remains. Let it echo in his veins.
And if she does—his voice will scramble will to make sense of the sound, and he will settle for other ways to let himself be heard, the strained vocal cords of his heart, calling her hondje, knabbeltje, the only way he knows how. To say “this is for you.” To tell her how good she’s been to him, so obedient. To scoff at her rebuttals. To join in her laughter. To tell her things only the hollow in the center of his chest he’d long shouted at have ever heard.
Oh, she doesn’t even need to ask.
The fact dissolves like something bitter turning sweet, sweet, impossibly sweet on his tongue.
She doesn’t need to do much of anything: she just needs to stay.
To forgive his grumbling, his shaking footsteps, his frequent step-backs into a past that has long left him behind. To look back over her shoulder, call out his name in the star-like lilt of her voice, Theo?
And he will give her everything.
in the atelier: The Girl with the Pearl Earring, by Johannes Vermeer, 1665.
this is just a fun trivia thing, but the title "the Girl with the Pearl Earring" (Meisje met de parel in Dutch) was apparently only given to the painting in 1995. i didn't find what it was called much earlier (it was auctioned somewhere in the Hague in 1881, bought by a private collector), but after it was transferred to the Mauritshuis (also in the Hague) in 1902, it was called "Girl with a Turban" (Meisje met tulband). that's kind of why i decided to go for the more obscure / older name.
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missbasicxxx · 5 years
Peter Parker is nice to everyone...except for you | imagine
Well, actually that wouldn’t be very fair to Peter. He was trying to be nice to you these days. It was just...you could tell that you weren’t his cup of tea. He made it quite clear. When you first met him, at least. 
Even though he had been in Midtown tech for more than a year now, you didn’t really notice him until you tagged along with Liz to the academic decathlon thing one day. Now Liz, you knew. She was nice and you hung out sometimes but she had always been more focused on the academic side and you, well...you were more focused on other stuff. Yes, you were in a so-called nerdy-science-y-super-smart school, but that was just because you could, not because you had a passion or anything. You didn’t really want to get caught up in grades, or your future, or going to college, or all that stuff. Not just yet. You’re gonna have plenty of responsibilities once you become an adult anyway, so why not have some fun until then? 
Ok, now back to the academic decathlon. You didn’t even know that your school had an academic decathlon club until Liz told you about it. You had laughed it off at first.
“A nerdy club in a nerdy school, huh?”
But then Liz defended herself by adding,
“It’s quite fun, actually. It is a competition after all and all the guys are working really hard to win the nationals this year. Hey, why don’t you come join us for practice sometime? I promise we’re not as nerdy as you think.”
“Haha, That’s exactly what a nerd would say.”
Yet, a few days later, there you were, following Liz to the nerdy club. 
“I doubt that this is going to change my mind, but I’m just going to keep you company, ok?”
“Sure, sure, y/n. Don’t come to me asking if you can join afterwards because you can’t.”
“How devastating. How will I ever move on.”
You said dramatically as Liz smiled and opened the door for you to enter. 
“Hey guys, if you don’t mind, I brought us an audience today. This is y/n and she wanted to check out what our team does.”
As you politely smiled and took a seat next to Liz, you scanned the room for any familiar faces. Flash Thompson, now he was someone you didn’t expect to see. 
‘Hmm, probably has a crush on Liz.’
You thought to yourself. 
“Hey Flash, What are you doing here? I thought this was a no-dummy area.”
Flash turned to you with a pissed off look on his face.
“I was about to say the exact same thing to you. Why are you here? Have nothing better to do?”
“Says the guy who thought humans don’t burn because they’re 70% water.”
As you said that, you heard a small laugh and turned to see a brown haired boy trying to mask his laugh by pretending to cough and failing miserably. When he saw that you were staring at him, his eyes darted back down to his desk while his ears turned a light shade of red.
You’ve never seen him around before. 
“Who’s the live-action-bambi over there?”
You whispered to Liz.
“What? Do you mean Peter? You can’t seriously mean Peter.”
“I’m pretty sure I seriously mean Peter. So that’s his name, huh?”
“Yeah, but I don’t think he’s your type.”
“Oh really? What is my type then?”
“Not him. He has an internship at Stark Industries.”
Liz slapped you in the arm to lower your voice but it was too late. You looked up to see Peter staring at you with wide eyes. Wow, way to make a great first impression.
“Stark as in Tony Stark? How the fuck did he get something like that? I didn’t even know they had internships. Let alone for a high schooler.” 
You whispered back to Liz.
“I don’t know. Just super smart I guess. Anyway, he’s really busy.”
“Must have one heck of a brain.”
You murmured as you glanced at him fumbling to fit a notebook into his backpack.
As decathlon practice continued, he proved himself to indeed, have a heck of a brain. 
‘So that’s the kind of people who lands an internship at Stark.’
Although the discovery of Peter Don’t-know-last-name-yet was fascinating, the whole quizzing and solving stuff didn’t bring a lot of interest to you and soon enough you were zoning out to the floorboard arrangement.
You looked back up to the sudden call of your name to see Liz gesturing to the stage.
“I said, ‘Would you like to try out for a round?’“
“What? No, it’s ok. I-”
“You...can pair with Peter.”
Liz added, shrugging her shoulders. 
You looked at Liz, catching on to what she was suggesting, and looked at Peter who...looked horrified. You looked back at Liz, squinting one eye, meaning ‘Are you sure?’. 
“You’re ok with that. Right, Peter?
“I- uh, Yeah! Yeah, yeah, I’m-I’m ok with, with it. I, gueeeess.”
‘So you’re totally not ok with it.’
You cringed internally because you didn’t want to put him in an uncomfortable position. You probably already gave him enough stress for today. But after a few silent eye conversations with Liz, you were making your way up to the chair next to his. Maybe this wouldn’t be all bad. You wanted to get to know this guy, honestly. Your type or not, he was interesting. And maybe you’ll be able to convince him that you’re not all bitch. You were just...about 78%.
 As you walked closer to him, you noticed that he suddenly got way more concentrated on the piece of paper in front of him than he was before.
‘Ok, he doesn’t want to talk to me. Should I still say hi?’
‘Oh well, fuck it.’
“Hi, I’m y/n.”
“I-I’m Peter. Parker.”
You watched amusingly as he attempted to introduce himself, then wince, and turn away. So it’s Parker. Mr. Don’t-know-last-name-yet is Mr. Don’t-know-last-name-no-more.
“Liz probably put me with you because you’re the smartest one. Just put up with me for a little while, ok?”
You whispered to him.
He nodded then realised what he was nodding to, and then added in a very small voice,
“I’m not the smartest one...”
Well, that was pretty unbelievable since Peter got the next five questions in a row. While you, rested your head on one arm in boredom. There wasn’t a big difference from watching it from outside and participating in it. It was still not that fun. Besides, all of them were Physics related and you suck at Physics. You didn’t even understand most of the questions let alone try to answer it. Peter seemed to enjoy it though.
“So you like Physics, huh.”
“Yeah, I guess. It’s cool.”
“I don’t know anything about Physics.”
“Then what do you like?”
Now it was Peter’s turn to jump from his seat. When the whole room looked at him, he sank back to his chair. You almost died trying not to laugh.
“I was joking. Are you ok?”
“It wasn’t funny.”
Peter pressed his lips into a tight line and looked away. You could see his ears turn into a bright red this time.
“Ok, I’m sorry. I just thought you were too tense and tried to lighten up the mood, you know?”
Peter didn’t answer.
‘Oh, well, it was worth it.’
Part 2
A/N: This is a weird place to end and Peter has been pretty nice (btw can Peter actually be not nice? I feel like he’s just such a nice boy to be mean to anyone) so the title doesn’t really make sense I guess but hey I wrote something. I’lll probably write more of this. Or not. I don’t really have the energy to write any more right now. Thank you for reading tho. I appreciate you all. 
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jezfletcher · 3 years
1000 Albums, 2020: The Big Lists
Hey folks, I’ve written up my top albums and my top tracks of 2020, but there’s so much music released in a year, and restricting myself to just 30 albums, and 50 tracks is a difficult task.
As a result, I’ve compiled a longer list of my top tracks and albums (without write-ups), for your perusal. This is obviously more for the sake of completeness, but are here in case you’re interested in finding out if I at all rated something you liked this year (or, if you’re Sam, if you want to actually do a detailed comparison).
Want playlists? I’ve got playlists for you too:
My Top 50 Countdown - which I posted yesterday. This provides a sorted countdown of my top tracks from #1 to #50. (50 tracks)
My Top Tracks - a longer list of all the tracks I really rated highly this year. This accounts for a much larger number of artists, and includes most of the tracks I’ve listed below. (169 tracks)
My Top Tracks & Albums - a playlist containing all my top tracks, plus selections from all of my favourite albums of the year. (216 tracks)
My Top Tracks, Albums + Much, Much More - Are you game? Contains a huge, varied collection of music that we listened to this year. I really enjoyed all these tracks, and they provide a much broader collection of albums, artists and genres. (1,014 tracks)
Anyway, without further ado here’s my Top 200 Tracks, and Top 100 Albums:
Top Albums of 2020
100. Winnetka Bowling League - Congratulations (power pop)
99. Locate S, 1 - Personalia (art pop)
98. Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia (pop)
97. LukHash - Transient Offworld (synthwave)
96. The Drowns - Under Tension (street punk)
95. The Mystic Underground - Wrapped in Riddles (electro disco)
94. Jonathan Wilson - Dixie Blur (Americana noir folk)
93. Mighty Oaks - All Things Go (indie folk rock)
92. Kiesza - Crave (synthpop)
91. Dance Gavin Dance - Afterburner (post hardcore)
90. The O’Reillys and the Paddyhats - Dogs on the Leash (Celtic punk)
89. Warm Digits - Flight of Ideas (krautrock)
88. Dandelion Wine - Le Cœur (Australio dreamfolktronica)
87. Marc Scibilia - Seed of Joy (indie singer-songwriter)
86. Biffy Clyro - A Celebration of Endings (Scottish indie rock)
85. Savant - Void (complextro)
84. Cordovas - Destiny Hotel (Americana folk)
83. TTRRUUCES - TTRRUUCES (wonky pop)
82. The Claudettes - High Times in the Dark (Chicago piano blues)
81. Dustbowl Revival - Is It You, Is It Me (post country)
80. Sea Wolf - Through a Dark Wood (indie folk rock)
79. Cory Wong - The Striped Album (funk rock)
78. Someone - ORBIT II (psych pop)
77. Days N’ Daze - Show Me The Blueprints (H-town thrashgrass)
76. Blossoms - Foolish Loving Spaces (indie pop)
75. Kyros - Celexa Dreams (prog synth rock)
74. Dub Pistols - Addict (dub)
73. Grimes - Miss Anthropocene (dreampop)
72. The Hanging Stars - A New Kind of Sky (psychedelic folk)
71. Neon Trees - I Can Feel You Forgetting Me (indie pop)
70. The Corner Laughers - Temescal Telegraph (folk pop)
69. 3D Stas - Eleven (soiltronica)
68. Pantayo - Pantayo (kulingtang gong pop)
67. The National Parks - Wildflower (folk rock)
66. Pigeon John - Gotta Good Feeling (underground rap)
65. Novo Amor - Cannot Be, Whatsover (indie folk rock)
64. The Explorers Club - The Explorers Club (sunshine pop)
63. Poppy - I Disagree (bubblegum metal)
62. Overcoats - The Fight (indie pop)
61. Chemtrails - The Peculiar Smell of the Inevitable (psychedelic garage pop)
60. Joywave - Possession (indie pop)
59. Heart Bones - Hot Dish (indie pop)
58. Mitochondrial Sun - Mitochondrial Sun (darktronica)
57. L.A. Salami - The Cause of Doubt & A Reason To Have Faith (post blues)
56. Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open (alt rock)
55. Tunng - Dead Club (folktronica)
54. Butch Walker - American Love Story (glam rock)
53. Polly Scattergood - In This Moment (experimental pop)
52. The Beautiful Fear - The Waltz of the Moonshine Blind (prog rock)
51. The Altogether - Silo (acoustic pop rock)
50. KES - We Home (Trinidadian soca)
49. Man Man - Dream Hunting in the Valley of the In-Between (experimental rock)
48. Creeper - Sex, Death & The Infinite Void (horror punk)
47. Darlingside - Fish Pond Fish (indie folk)
46. Enter Shikari - Nothing Is True & Everything Is Possible (electronicore)
45. Trixie Mattel - Barbara (drag country)
44. City Mouth - Coping Machine (indie pop rock)
43. Bright Eyes - Down In The Weeds Where The World Once Was (indie rock)
42. The Texas Gentlemen - Floor It!!! (heartland rock)
41. Will Wood - The Normal Album (cabaret rock)
40. Maeve Gilchrist - The Harpweaver (harp folk)
39. rook&nomie - me&you (experimental pop)
38. Steep Canyon Rangers & Asheville Symphony - Be Still Moses (orchestral bluegrass)
37. Fiona Apple - Fetch the Bolt Cutters (art pop)
36. Sea Girls - Open Up Your Head (indie pop rock)
35. Michael Franti & Spearhead - Work Hard & Be Nice (reggae fusion)
34. Oneohtrix Point Never - Magic Oneohtrix Point Never (experimental electronica)
33. Ultrahappyalarm - Critical Daydream (happy hardcore)
32. The Living Tombstone - zero_one (Israeli electro rock)
31. The Flaming Lips - American Head (psychedelic rock)
30. Saint Saviour - Tomorrow Again (experimental folk)
29. Post Animal - Forward Motion Godyssey (psychedelic rock)
28. The Jerry Cans - Echoes (Inuit neo-folk)
27. Aloud - Sprezzaturra (blues rock)
26. The Phenomenal Handclap Band - PHB (psychedelic soul)
25. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit - Reunions (alt country)
24. Badly Drawn Boy - Banana Skin Shoes
23. MOBS - Cinema Paradiso (80s pastiche pop)
22. Jason Wilson - Sumach Roots (eclectic folk)
21. DMA’s - The Glow (Australio indie rock)
20. Cornershop - England Is A Garden (chamber psych)
19. Igorrr - Spirituality and Distortion (baroque breakcore)
18. Eleventyseven - Basic Glitches (synthpunk)
17. Kate Rusby - Hand Me Down (indie folk)
16. Indigo Girls - Look Long (folk rock)
15. Another Sky - I Slept On The Floor (indie rock)
14. Courteeners - More. Again. Forever (post britpop)
13. Dutty Moonshine Big Band - City of Sin (jazztronica)
12. Nelson Kempf - Family Dollar (art folk)
11. Beans on Toast - The Inevitable Train Wreck (drunken folk rock)
10. Joe Wong - Nite Creatures (baroque pop)
9. Luis Pestana - Rosa Pano (experimental electronica)
8. Sufjan Stevens - The Ascension (art pop)
7. MisterWives - Superbloom (indie pop)
6. Lola Marsh - Someday Tomorrow Maybe (Israeli noir pop)
5. Dyble Longdon - Between a Breath and a Breath (chamber folk)
4. Hugo Kant - Far From Home (downtempo nu-jazz)
3. The Lemon Twigs - Songs For The General Public (alt rock)
2. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - K.G. (microtonal psychedelic rock)
1. Ada Rook - 2,020 Knives (electropop concrète)
Top Tracks of 2020
200. Sea Wolf - Forever Nevermore (indie rock) 199. Steep Canyon Rangers & The Asheville Symphony - Easy to Love (orchestral bluegrass) 198. Dandelion Wine - Too Late She Cried (experimental pop) 197. Aloud - Oh Danny (blues rock) 196. Car Seat Headrest - Weightlifters (anti-folk) 195. Michael Franti & Spearhead - I Can Still Feel You (reggae fusion) 194. Dance Gavin Dance - Lyrics Lie (post hardcore) 193. Post Animal - Post Animal (psychedelic rock) 192. La Oreja de Van Gogh - Menos Tú (Spanish indie folk) 191. The Hanging Stars - Heavy Blue (cosmic country) 190. Oneohtrix Point Never - Long Road Home (experimental electronica) 189. Will Wood - I / Me / Myself (cabaret rock) 188. Butch Walker - You Gotta Be Just Who You Are (glam rock) 187. Brothers Osborne - Muskrat Greene (country) 186. Tycho - Easy (downtempo IDM) 185. The Altogether - Brown of Gold (acoustic pop rock) 184. Dua Lipa - Cool (pop) 183. Circa Waves - Jacqueline (indie dance rock) 182. Sangatsu No Phantasia - Rendezvous (Japanese pop rock) 181. Moonchild Sanelly - Bashiri (South African future ghetto punk) 180. Needshes - Love (Uzbek indie pop) 179. The Explorers Club - Ruby (sunshine pop) 178. Osi & the Jupiter - Appalachia (pagan folk) 177. Thievery Corporation - The Forgotten People (Symphonik Version) (orchestral world triphop) 176. Enter Shikari - Marionettes (I. The Discover of Strings) (electronicore) 175. Zuzu - How It Feels (pop rock) 174. Los Mocosos - Viva Los Mocosos (latin funk) 173. DJ Plead - Going For It (mahraganat) 172. Igorrr - Camel Dancefloor (baroque breakcore) 171. Someone - Pull It Together (psych pop) 170. Dizzee Rascal - You Don’t Know (grime) 169. The Corner Laughers - The Accepted Time (power pop) 168. The Claudettes - 24/5 (rock and/or roll) 167. The Ballroom Thieves - Tenebrist (neo Americana) 166. Joe Wong - Day After Day (baroque pop) 165. Porter Robinson - Something Comforting (complextro) 164. Jason Wilson - Happy Little Sisyphus (indie folk) 163. Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit - Be Afraid (alt country) 162. Hayley Williams - Dead Horse (indie pop) 161. Badly Drawn Boy - I Need Somebody to Trust (indie pop rock) 160. Bleached - Stupid Boys (bubblegrunge) 159. Man Man - Lonely Beuys (experimental rock) 158. Dustbowl Revival - Dreaming (neo Americana) 157. The Texas Gentlemen - Easy St. (neo Americana) 156. Maeve Gilchrist - The Storm (harp folk) 155. The Drowns - Them Rats (street punk) 154. Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer - Frolicholic (chap hop) 153. Zutomayo - Obenkyou Shitoiteyo (Japanese jazz rock) 152. Jonathan Wilson feat. Mark O’Connor - ‘69 Corvette (Americana noir folk) 151. Dub Pistols feat. Natty Campbell - Sound Sweet (dub DnB) 150. Cordovas - I’ma Be Me (Americana folk) 149. The Birthday Massacre - Enter (gothic darkwave) 148. KIDS - The Mourn (indie rock) 147. Kyros - Rumour (prog synth rock) 146. Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott - A Good Day Is Hard To Find (pop rock) 145. The O’Reillys and the Paddyhats - James Brian (Celtic punk) 144. The Fizz - The World We Left Behind (MOR pop) 143. Beans on Toast - World Gone Crazy (indie folk) 142. Liraz - Shab Gerye (arab groove) 141. 47 Soul feat. Shadia Mansour & Fedzilla - Border Ctrl (Palestinian shamstep) 140. 3D Stas - Dislocated Minds (soiltronica) 139. Bright Eyes - Tilt-A-Whirl (indie folk rock) 138. Darlingside - Ocean Bed (indie folk) 137. Once and Future Band - Freaks (psych pop) 136. Prizm - We Were Young (synthpop) 135. Z Berg - To Forget You (dreamfolk) 134. L.A. Salami - Things Ain’t Changed (post blues) 133. Kero Kero Bonito - It’s Bugsnax! (hyperpop) 132. Days N’ Daze - Addvice (thrashgrass) 131. Sufjan Stevens - Tell Me You Love Me (art pop) 130. Fiona Apple - Shameika (art rock) 129. Dutty Moonshine Big Band feat. HypeMan Sage - Big Band Fam (jazztronica) 128. Five Finger Death Punch - Leave It All Behind (nu metal) 127. Sundara Karma - Artifice (art pop) 126. TTRRUUCES - Lost Boy (wonky pop) 125. Theory of a Deadman - Ted Bundy (post grunge) 124. The National Parks - I Can Feel It (folk pop) 123. The Innocence Mission - John As Well (ambient folk) 122. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - The Hungry Wolf of Fate (microtonal indie rock) 121. The Jerry Cans - Atauttikkut (Inuit folk rock) 120. Sufjan Stevens - Lamentations (art pop) 119. Pigeon John - They Don’t Make Em Like Me (jazz hip hop) 118. Michael Franti & Spearhead - Lay It All Down (reggae fusion) 117. ARASHI - Party Starters (J-pop) 116. Neon Trees - Used To Like (indie pop) 115. Savant feat. Jahari Medina - Zealot (complextro) 114. Alestorm - Tortuga (pirate metal) 113. MisterWives - Valentine’s Day (indie pop) 112. Alex the Astronaut - Happy Song (indie folk pop) 111. Big Freedia feat. Kesha - Chasing Rainbows (bounce) 110. Cory Wong feat. The Hornheads - Click Bait (instrumental funk) 109. Suzzy Roche & Lucy Wainwright Roche - I Think I Am a Soul (neo Americana) 108. Victoria Anthony - Temporary Tattoo (synthpop) 107. Novo Amor - I Feel Better (indie folk rock) 106. Harper Bloom - Walk My Way (indie folk pop) 105. Badly Drawn Boy - Is This a Dream? (indie pop rock) 104. Bywater Call - Arizona (blues rock) 103. Mitochondrial Sun - Chronotopes (voidgaze) 102. Kronkel Dom - Giftig (Deutsch rap house) 101. The Phenomenal Handclap Band - Riot (nu disco) 100. Woodlock - Collateral (indie folk rock) 99. SKIES - It’s Alright (pop rock) 98. Pinguini Tattici Nucleari - Ringo Starr (Italian indie pop) 97. Warm Digits - False Positive (neo-krautrock) 96. Winnetka Bowling League - Come To The Beach (power pop) 95. ViVii - Whistle (folk pop) 94. Fame on Fire - Roxanne (post-screamo) 93. Tunng - Death Is The New Sex (folktronica) 92. Feuerschwanz feat. Melissa Bonny - Ding (neue Deutsche härte) 91. Jamie Cullum - Don’t Give Up On Me (jazz pop) 90. The Living Tombstone - What I Want (Israeli electro rock) 89. Walk Off The Earth - What’s Love Got To Do With It? (indie pop cover) 88. Hildegard von Blingin’ & Cornelius Link feat. Friar Funk - Pumped Up Kicks (bardcore) 87. Loma - Don’t Shy Away (ambient rock) 86. Pantayo - Heto Na (kulingang gong pop) 85. Gin Wigmore - H B I C (indie rock) 84. Dyble Longdon - Crossbones (chamber folk) 83. DMA’s - Never Before (Australian indie rock) 82. Mighty Oaks - Tell Me What You’re Thinking (indie folk rock) 81. Circles Around the Sun - Landline Memories (instrumental prog rock) 80. Blossoms - Your Girlfriend (indie pop rock) 79. Grimes - 4ÆM (industrial pop) 78. Ada Rook - 2,020 Knives (electropop concrète) 77. Walk Off The Earth - Oh What A Feeling (indie pop) 76. AWOLNATION - Radical (stomp pop) 75. Little Big Town - Bluebird (alt country) 74. Dutty Moonshine Big Band feat. HypeMan Sage - Outlaws (jazztronica) 73. Hugo Kant - Everything Is Transformed (downtempo nu-jazz) 72. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Intrasport (microtonal indie pop) 71. Stuck On Planet Earth - Higher Than The Drugs (dance rock) 70. Kesha - Potato Song (Cuz I Want To) (pop) 69. joan - want u back (indie pop) 68. MisterWives - Love Me True (indie pop) 67. Butch Walker - Fuck It (I Don’t Like Love) (glam rock) 66. Heart Bones - This Time It’s Different (indie pop) 65. Anamanaguchi feat. meesh - Pop It (glitchhop) 64. Poppy - Concrete (bubblegum metal) 63. Creeper - Cyanide (alt rock) 62. The Lemon Twigs - Only a Fool (alt rock) 61. Purity Ring - stardew (dreampop) 60. Curt Cannabis - Falling Sensation (indie rock) 59. Custard - Funky Again (Bluey’s dad rock) 58. Ryan Hamilton and the Harlequin Ghosts - Newcastle Charm (power pop) 57. Indigo Girls - Howl at the Moon (ectofolk) 56. Cornershop - Highly Amplified (chamber psych) 55. ShockOne - Follow Me (drum n bass) 54. Yelle - Karaté (French hip hop) 53. Ultrahappyalarm - Wanna Cam??? (hyperpop) 52. Biffy Clyro - Tiny Indoor Fireworks (Scottish alt rock) 51. Heaven Pegasus feat. rook&nomie - Nomi (pop rock) 50. L.E.J. - Pas Peur (French chamber folk) 49. Avec Sans - Altitude (vapor pop) 48. Trixie Mattel - Malibu (pop rock) 47. Beans on Toast - Logic Bomb (jazz folk) 46. Nelson Kempf - Family Dollar (art folk) 45. Marcelyn - Guilloteens (experimental folk rock) 44. Little Big - Hypnodancer (funeral rave) 43. Walk Off The Earth feat. Harm & Ease - Toxic (eclectic pop cover) 42. Stormzy feat. Aitch - Pop Boy (grime) 41. The Fratellis - Six Days in June (pop rock) 40. MOBS - Big World (80s pastiche pop) 39. The Lemon Twigs - The One (alt rock) 38. The Cuckoos - Weekend Lover (glam rock) 37. MisterWives - It’s My Turn (indie pop) 36. Sammy Brue - Pendulum Thieves (alt country) 35. TheFatRat feat. Laura Brehm - We’ll Meet Again (pop EDM) 34. Starbenders - Holy Mother (glam rock) 33. Minh Beta - Let’s Fight COVID! (Vietnamese coronavirus pop) 32. Kiesza feat. Lick Drop, Cocanina & Shan Vincent De Paul - Dance With Your Best Friend (pop) 31. Ultrahappyalarm - Messy Gyaru (happy hardcore) 30. Saint Saviour - Taurus (chamber folk) 29. Kate Rusby - Love of the Common People (indie folk cover) 28. Seazoo - Honey Bee (indie pop rock) 27. City Mouth - Sanity For Summer (indie pop rock) 26. Cory Wong & Chris Thile - Bluebird (jazz-bluegrass crossover) 25. rook&nomie - soft atrocity (hyperpop) 24. Will Joseph Cook - Something To Feel Good About (indie pop) 23. Courteeners - Better Man (britpop) 22. MOBS - School’s Out (80s pastiche pop) 21. Luis Pestana - Sangra (experimental electronica) 20. Hugo Kant - High Gravity (downtempo nu-jazz) 19. The Flaming Lips - Mother I’ve Taken LSD (psychedelic rock) 18. eleventyseven - Battlecats (synthpop punk) 17. Igorrr - Lost in Introspection (baroque breakcore) 16. Polly Scattergood - In This Moment (spoken word triphop) 15. Dent May - Hotel Stationery (indie fuzzpop) 14. Another Sky - Fell In Love With The City (indie prog rock) 13. Lola Marsh - Like In The Movies (Israeli pop rock) 12. Ada Rook - Reverie (JH Ligation Experiment 1) (breakbeat electropop) 11. Trixie Mattel - Video Games (country folk cover) 10. KES - Na let go / (when ah) Jamdong / (with d) Boss Lady (soca) 9. Emerson Hart - Lucky One (heartland rock) 8. Uncanny Valley - Beautiful the World (AI dance pop) 7. Villagers - Did You Know? (indie folk) 6. Chemtrails - Uncanny Valley (psychedelic garage pop) 5. Andy Shauf - Try Again (indie pop) 4. Lola Marsh - Echoes (Israeli pop rock) 3. Sea Girls - Do You Really Want To Know? (indie pop rock) 2. Kishi Bashi - Never Ending Dream (indie pop) 1. Dyble Longdon - Obedience (chamber folk)
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krajtaz · 4 years
welcome to me fixing boruto to make it make sense :) i started typing this in the tags but it was so so long anyway so. sasuke stays in konoha after the war & earns the trust of the village instead of leaving and gets help instead of isolation meaning team seven can resume being an active team after therapy bcs,,, war,,, and other stuff,, in which they actually learn to be a team!! you can't convince me that the half a year sasuke spent w them when he was 13 made them a cohesive unit ok wtf
naruto and sasuke take the fucking chunin exams wtf there’s no reason for them not to.. but it’s actually laughable because these two fucking grown 18yos, two goddamn powerhouses that could level half the country are competing against a bunch of 14yos and have to actively restrain themselves as not to kill them with a punch... then all three of them became jonin (let’s be real those three are absolutely stronger than the sannin at this point but i guess theres no higher position than jonin... ALSO the rest of konoha 11 become jonin as well??? like)
sakura teaches sasuke some medical ninjutsu because she & naruto can heal themselves but he can’t so. then they just resume acting as an active duty team operating close to the hokage, trying to smooth out things between the nations! THEN four years after the war they're like huh we're actually at peace and we can relax and live our lives!
naruto, 21 and experiencing a crisis, decides to try actually maybe doing something that doesn't relate to becoming hokage, to sasuke, or saving the world in any way & it's him who travels instead of sasuke & because i'm fixing boruto he travels w hinata and whatever whatever.
because naruto isn't there to be a buffer, sakura and sasuke are forced to interact regularly and become actual friends instead of just teammates and because sasuke now has people who actively want him to recover from his trauma he slowly learns to accept other ppl than naruto into his life. like sakura. who he finds actually pleasant to b around once she stops stanning and idolizing him and sees him as an actual person. he and sai have a kinda rocky friendship but they otherwise don’t bother each other... (sasuke gets cranky when he’s hanging out w sakura bcs sakura is his only friend and she’s not allowed to be busy)
sakura decides to put being a medic on hold and takes a genin team when shes 22 & her kids love fucking w sasuke and he lets them because they remind him of team seven :') sakura-sensei doesn’t stop them either because she thinks it’s hilarious when he’s trying to take a nap but they won’t let him, stick “kick me” notes on his back, and steal his scrolls when he isn’t looking...
sasuke mostly minds his business otherwise (he sometimes steps in as a sensei to sakuras team like yamato did for kakashi bcs he and sakura are good friends now and he can handle some kids thank you sakura) and occasionally takes some A rank missions when needed. the rest of konoha 12 begrudgingly accept him once he proves he’s an ally & he swears he doesn't like them but he actually doesn't mind their company now that he's doing better & they don't wanna kill him. “suprisingly” having other friends does him good! he patches things up with ino and apologizes (to both ino and sakura) for hurting sakura like that. kiba and shikamaru don’t completely forgive him yet but he’s trying now. he and shino have “hang out sessions” where they just sit in complete silence for an hour every two weeks.
at 23, he takes on his own genin team consisting of two twin girls and their older brother who were all orphaned in the war he's actually a good sensei now that he's had uuh seven? years of active recovery? (math brain damage) anyway this is boruto i'm fixing so he & sakura fall in love during those three years nart was away or whatever. and! wow! an actual loving relationship built on mutual respect, friendship, and trust! inovative
naruto comes back w hinata when hes 24 because he was invited to their wedding & wow he actually also had time to realize he was horribly mistreated by the village and come to terms with it during his travels making him more emotionally mature and less prone to throwing his life away for random ppl!! (also fell in love w hinata skdmdkd) and comes back after seeing how civilians live elsewhere and how other villages run and whatnot, ready to make changes after he becomes hokage
anyway they come back and naruto feels a little outta the loop bcs the village changed a lot under kakashis leadership (au where he actually does shit as hokage wow) and sasuke is marrying sakura and they BOTH have genin teams?? but then he throws the confusion back at them and says “lads hinata is actually pregnant” meaning none of them became parents at the tender age of 20,,,, like they do in canon,,
anyway naruhina gets married a year after sasusaku w little boruto present & then sarada is born a few months after the wedding but! because sasuke had enough time and love to recover he is actually a decent father who teaches his daughter about the uchiha clan! and naruto doesn't neglect his kids because of hokage duties once he takes the hat. (at the age of 34, making boruto 9 and himawari 4)
sakura doesn’t have to juggle staing home to raise her kid and being the head of a whole hospital (if i remember correctly) because sasuke is actually a present figure in hers and saradas life :) naruto gets to spend time with his children and deal with village relations without sending out clones to travel into a whole other country because shikamaru and sasuke have full authority to stand in in his absence. he spends less time running errands for random ppl (lmao what?? what was he proving by doing that??) but actually implementing changes and transforming the village for the better. that’s it.
(i’m unfortunately not even touching the whole orochimaru ordeal....wait ok let’s say he doesn’t fucking experiment on kids and instead of making yamato waste away watching him orochimaru stays in konoha under tight supervision and is allowed to idk adopt? mitsuki??... there fixed it)
anyway fuck canon stan hinata :)
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hellevator-mp3 · 5 years
how it all went wrong (and what went right) || Part 4
Pairing(s): Woosan, Yungi (maybe slightly less platonic, but platonic for now!), also ft Binhwan (?) if you squint
Genre: as usual, mild fluff, and slight gore! 
Word Count: 2100+
Warnings: none for this part! (i don’t think, anyways)
Author Note: so it’s been,,,, a while,,,, i have no excuses,,,, but please enjoy! 
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"and they were roommates!” wooyoung, talking about mingi and yunho to san
san and wooyoung had been laying in bed in the bedroom of their shared apartment when the sirens rang out, the noise easily penetrating the walls and letting them know that something was wrong.  san reached blindly to the side, groping around on the nightstand for a phone and saw that it was already lit up with a national emergency alert.  as his eyes scanned over the warning, wooyoung groggily asked what it was for, since they were almost asleep when it started.  
san informed him of the situation, assuring wooyoung that they were safe where they were.  of course, his fiance placed full trust in him and they laid there in silence for a few hours, listening to the quiet underneath the sirens with san's phone playing music all the while to attempt to cover it up.  san swore that he heard a crash from next door, but paid it no mind.  the couple next to them had a swarm of kids who were almost always making noise, so he let it go.  however, when the crashing turned to a thundering noise he sat upright abruptly, throwing wooyoung’s head off his chest in the process before pulling the two of them to their closet to grab a jacket each to throw on top of their pajamas, and then shoving the shorter male into the kitchen to grab a knife while he went to peek out into the hallway.  when wooyoung joined him at the front door, they heard slamming in the apartment next to them but saw that the door was closed and there was no one in the hallway, so they made a run for it, san holding desperately to wooyoung’s hand.  
neither of them quite knew how they accomplished it, making it past a horde of undead that swarmed the entrance of the stairwell, but they pushed their way through without a single problem and burst out onto the street just outside their building.  wooyoung took the lead, then, pulling san to a supermarket nearby that he knew was still open.  “we’re gonna have to camp out somewhere else, until it’s safe to go home.”  he had panted, pulling his hand from san’s to wipe the sweat on his pants.  they heard the groan of one of the undead behind them, and san lunged forward to take a hold of wooyoung’s hand once more so he wouldn’t lose him when they ran.  
however, they were confused to see the undead simply walk past them, not even seeming to acknowledge the two once san had a grip on the other.  they glanced at each other, and san experimentally let go of wooyoung’s hand.  the undead refocused on them, but lost interest as soon as san grabbed wooyoung once more.  “that could come in handy.”  san chirped wittily, making wooyoung groan at his horrible pun.  they walked calmly to the supermarket a block or so away from their building, san wielding the knife in one hand and wooyoung’s hand clutched in the other.  the market was silent when they walked in, separating momentarily so wooyoung could head to the other side of the entrance to grab a hand basket.  they had already discussed what they needed to get, light things that would be easy to carry until they could find a backpack or something to carry it all in.  they didn't think of the fact that perhaps there would be people already in the market, and froze when they came face to face with two boys who stood back to back, wooyoung nearly shrieking with surprise, until san pressed his hand over wooyoung’s mouth and soothed him quietly.  in this time, the blonde boy facing them tapped the other, who turned to face them as well, and it was a silent stand off for a moment until san’s hand fell away from wooyoung’s mouth.  “we’re not here to hurt you or raid you, we’re just trying to stock up before everyone else does. we can’t get back into our apartment, our building is surrounded in the undead and they’re walking the hallways, too, so this is our only shot.” he could feel wooyoung trembling, and tried to steady him by grasping his hand and squeezing, trying to reassure the other.  the blonde one blurted out that they could follow them to the mauve haired boys apartment, and figure it out in the morning.  san and wooyoung exchanged glances, while the mauve haired boy sputtered indignantly, yanking the blonde boy to the end of the aisle and out of sight.  
wooyoung and san looked at each other once more, shrugging, while san muttered “what could go wrong?”, to which wooyoung replied with a steely look and a quiet murmur of “everything.”  they heard the sound of quiet laughter before the two boys came back into sight, wooyoung and san watching them quietly, with nervousness clear in their demeanors.  
the two introduced themselves, mauve boy being yeosang and blond being seonghwa.  “if you get a cart and help us stock up, you can come home with us.”  was all that yeosang said, before san rushed off to get a cart.  wooyoung stayed behind, conversing quietly with seonghwa and yeosang and telling them about their situation, but deciding to keep quiet about san’s mysterious ability that may be able to keep them safe.  the fiances followed behind the two strangers to their apartment, dodging the undead that seemed to pop up out of nowhere until they finally made it to a safe place.  
wooyoung left the apartment with yeosang’s words still ringing in his ears as san discussed with mingi and yunho where they would be going.  it didn’t take long for the group to decide to try and go back to mingi and yunho’s apartment, hoping that the raiders would be long gone and they could collect some supplies.  the group decided as one that they would stake out yunho and mingi’s apartment building for a few hours, and then try to get to the two’s apartment in one piece.  “we have some supplies in there, we just couldn’t get them all in time.”  yunho had claimed, mingi nodding along in agreement.  
and so, after finding a comfortably dark alley with a lower amount of bugs and rodents than the others, they waited.  san had sat down with his back against the brick wall of the building behind him, stretching his legs out in front of him.  wooyoung threw himself next to san, while yunho and mingi sat cross legged next to each other on the other side of the alleyway.  the four watched in turns, san keeping an eye on his not yet dead watch. after three or four hours had passed with no signs of the raiders, they finally decided to go in.  mingi dug out his key, and the roommates led the fiances up to their apartment.  the sight that greeted them was not pretty.  
much of their furniture was overturned, blood trails covered the floor and splattered onto the walls.  mingi couldn't atop the shiver that ran up his spine at the sight, and soon felt a comforting warmth on the back of his neck.  yunho's fingers found purchase in his hair, rubbing soothingly over the spot to try and calm the other down.  yunho took the lead and ventured further in, stance tense and ready to protect himself if needed.  mingi was next, then wooyoung and san.  the rest of the space was no better - the picture frames that once hung on the walls and held pictures of their families had made the floor their new home, broken glass crunching under their feet with every step.  mingi grimaced at the sight of a picture once showing him and his mother being torn in half, his mother's glowing smile disappearing, probably into the pocket of a raider.  he forced himself to move on, venturing into the dining room while yunho headed to his bedroom.  san went to the next bedroom, leaving wooyoung to stand guard over them all.  
yunho emerged from his room with a bag slung over his shoulder with extra clothing, moving onto mingi’s room next.  he found san standing in the center of it, feet planted firmly in front of the overturned mattress.  their eyes both caught on the same thing - a smaller body that was occupying the space under the window.  the figure had their head caught between their knees, silver hair sticking up in unruly tufts.  yunho poked the figure with the end of a baseball bat that he acquired out of nowhere, it seemed, and they moaned lowly in response.  it took a second, but the figure raised their head up, the first thing catching their attention was a sharp pair of eyes.  as the figure slowly unraveled, they realized that he couldn’t be more than a few years older than them.  
when the person on the floor made eye contact with the two towering over him, he scrambled to get to his feet, slurring out apologies and pleas for his life.  san was the one to throw his hands out, trying to placate the other.  it took a minute before the other person calmed down and his eyes finally focused on yunho and san, and another few for him to explain why exactly he was in an apartment that wasn't his.  
he lived in the same building, just a few floors above where they were now.  he and his partner had been trying to get up the fire escape to their own dwelling, but had to duck into yunho’s apartment because they thought they heard a raider somewhere above them.  his partner - hanbin, he told them, was his name - had left him alone in the apartment, saying that since it was trashed already they (the raiders) probably wouldn’t come back and so he would head up to their apartment by himself.  the person in front of them, who soon told them his name was jinhwan, had been there by himself for less then a day.  he hadn’t heard from hanbin, but was certain that he was still alive.  he hoped that he was still alive.  
yunho was the one who finally offered a hand, pulling the shorter male to his feet and leading him back to the living room.  when he caught san’s eye, he mouthed for the boy to start gathering some of mingi’s things into a bag.  san nodded in agreement, watching as yunho led the other from the room.  it didn’t take long for mingi to volunteer to walk jinhwan up to his apartment, to check and see if hanbin was indeed there.  the two left, mingi leaving with a promise that he would come back unharmed to yunho.  then, the questioning started.  “so, how long have you guys been together?” wooyoung threw at him from his spot in front of the door.  yunho just stared at him blankly, leaving wooyoung to continue.  “you know, uh? being a couple? boyfriends? fiances, maybe? or even husbands? partners?” he exaggerated every title with a wave of his hand, and yunho’s cheeks flushed a deep color as he waved his hands, shaking his head at the same time as though trying to dispel the thought.  
“we’re not together, we’ve been friends since we were little and we ended up moving in here together because the rent would be cheaper and maybe i had slight feelings for him but he’s never felt the same.”  yunho stuttered out, his voice softening at the end of his thought.  wooyoung looked at him thoughtfully, as san emerged from the bedroom with a rucksack full of mingi’s clothes.  wooyoung quickly explained where mingi had gone, finishing up just as mingi himself walked back in the door.  fresh blood was sprayed across the side of his face, and a dark patch had made its appearance on his arm.  before he could explain the stains origins, yunho was rushing forward and wrenching his sleeve up, checking to make sure there wasn’t a hole accompanying it.  he breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of no such thing, but still found himself questioning if mingi was okay.  the younger reassured him time and time again that it wasn’t his blood, that they had run into one of the undead in the stairwell.  
yunho wouldn’t forget the knowing look he got from wooyoung later, when he stuck closer to mingi than normal.  
he also wouldn’t forget seeing seonghwa’s body fall to the ground, blood pooling where he had been struck.  
he wouldn’t forget the fear on hongjoong and jongho’s faces as the undead moved closer to him.  
he really wouldn’t forget a lot of things. 
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bcbdrums · 5 years
Things Change
Rant time. So I had the perfect ending for this written in my head. Witty in-character dialogue, vivid descriptions, a satisfying conclusion... And then literally seconds later I sit down to write and I've forgotten it all. What is wrong with my brain!? I really really tried, but it's gone. So I wrote a new ending and I know it's not as good. Anyway...
Trying my hand at prompt filling to stretch myself. From the Sensory Prompt list, number 55: Finding old photographs you had forgotten about. Requested by @benjimators
Muted orange hues illuminated the wooden interior of the treehouse lair in Tahiti as the sun set. Drakken was shoving cardboard boxes around, trying to get them all organized by their contents.
It had been two days since he'd received a medal from the United Nations honoring him for saving the world, and six days since the alien invasion. Most of his time in that period had been spent either spreading his plant mutagen around the globe or showing others how to synthesize it to help stop the alien devices that were rampaging out of control.
This was the first night since his abduction that he had returned to the lair and as he went straight back into a normal routine, he finally felt as if he could breathe again.
"Phoo!" he exclaimed, letting out a breath as he stood and mopped his brow. It was far muggier than he remembered when he had first built this lair, but at the moment he didn't really care. For the first time since he'd been abducted, things almost felt normal.
Glancing around, he spotted Shego's discarded beach chair and pulled it up next to the box he had just moved and sat down in relief, watching the sunset through the window. He felt a creeping sensation on the back of his neck and a moment later the mutant vine with its pink flower had curled around in front of him, seeming to look at him in question.
"I don't know, flower," he said with sigh, leaning on his elbow. "This is...new ground."
"Hey, Dr. D.," Shego's voice caused him to turn around. "Thought you said you were going to bed?"
The vine slinked away as Drakken turned back to the window and crossed his arms. "I would if I could find the bed," he grumbled.
He could practically feel Shego rolling her eyes behind him. Predictably, she crossed the room to another stack of boxes and ripped through the tape to get into one.
"Look, here's your futon..." she said, dropping the item on the floor as she walked up to the stack right next to him, "and here's your jammies," she said, opening another box. She plucked the folded clothes out and dropped them in his lap, followed by his teddy bear and slippers.
He blinked twice, and then grumbled out his thanks.
"You're welcome," she said. Her tone was almost polite, causing him to look up in curiosity. The moment their eyes met she turned away, walking back into some other part of the lair.
It had been like that since the ceremony. She never really looked at him, and their conversations were short and only about necessary things. She hadn't said anything sarcastic in over a day.
"Drakken, get these things off of me!" she hissed out through clenched teeth as cameras began to flash.
"I don't...! I didn't—" he stuttered, looking anxiously at the crowd as the vines tightened further around them.
"Tell them to let go!"
"Rgh. Flower, let us go!" he commanded quietly.
Obediently, the vines released them and Shego immediately stepped away from his side. He glanced at her as she swept her hair back, continuing to smile and wave as if nothing was amiss. He followed her lead.
He hadn't thought any more about it until they had arrived back at the lair and she immediately abandoned him for her room. When he realized nothing was in it since they hadn't had a chance to unpack, that's when he began really thinking back over the last two days.
Praise and honor and glory and a pardon, and money and job offers and research grants, and.....
It was beyond anything he had ever wished for, and he had made the excuse that he needed to do more work on his plant formula to ensure it continued working in order to escape the throngs. And now he realized that while Shego had been his companion through all of it, she had been completely silent.
He started to set his teddy bear back in the box when a large, dark book inside caught his eye. When had he packed that?
He lifted the old photo album out of the box and opened to the first page. Under the plastic was an 8 x 10 sepia photo of a baby wearing a white frilly dress and cap, giggling up at whoever was behind the camera.
'Drew's christening,' the caption read in his mother's handwriting.
Drakken began perusing the album, genuinely not remembering the last time he had seen it. Had his mother brought it during one of her visits? Had Shego packed it?
It was his entire life, condensed into one cliche narrative: the story of geek-boy, growing up brilliant and receiving all the accolades from school and from his family, but utterly friendless. He didn't like remembering it, and wondered again where the album had come from.
When he reached the final few pages he slowed down and actually looked. One photo was in front of the dome of M.I.S.T., where he posed with James, Bobby, and Ramesh in front of Bobby's new Audi. They were all smiling and throwing hand-signals that they thought made them look cool. Next to that photo was one of his mother kissing him goodbye on the day he had moved into the dorms.
He sighed. The college photos were painful, but he did like to see them. They reminded him of why he had become a villain.
But now...
The jobs he had been offered, the invitations to join research teams, the pardon... Everything he ever wanted and more was being offered to him on a silver platter. He finally, finally had the recognition he had wanted all his life.
He looked down at the images of his so-called friends, who had mocked and teased him and put down every innovation he had ever tried. Then he looked out the window, watching as the sun slipped beyond the horizon.
The awards and priveleges were conditional. The only way to keep them would be to stop being a villain. And if he stopped...would he eventually be ridiculed again? Would his heroics be forgotten in the face of his...unconventional ideas?
And if he didn't change his ways, what would the world do to him?
His gaze drifted through the darkening skies until resting on the remains of the alien robot which Shego had demolished.
He sat forward suddenly as he realized—none of it would have been possible without her. The earth would be under alien rule right now if she hadn't come after him and saved him. He'd be dead and forgotten, his corpse mounted on some Lorwardian's living room wall.
He tried to tell himself that of course she had come after him, he was her boss after all. It was in her job description to save him. And besides, he was the world's utmost genius. It would have been crazy of her to not...
He slumped back and hung his head. Who was he kidding? He was lucky she'd come after him. He had no idea why she stuck with him at all, especially after everything that had happened the first time Warmonga had shown up.
He owed Shego everything. It...wasn't really for him to choose his fate, if he was being fair. And he already knew what Shego would choose.
He felt a twinge of pain in his chest then, and realized that...maybe he really did want to try out being on the side of good again. Maybe? But there was no way Shego ever would, so there was no more point in thinking about it.
It was dark now. He may as well try to get some sleep.
He stood up and turned around, and was startled to see Shego leaning against the door frame, watching him.
He caught the strangest glimpse of sadness in her eyes before she quickly put on a smirk, and then shoving off the wall she started toward him.
"Reminiscing, Doc?" she asked.
He glanced down at the open album that hung in one hand at his side.
"Mm. As little as possible," he answered, closing the book and setting it back in the box.
"Don't know why you keep that. I'd think it would just remind you of how much everyone hates you."
He cringed. But then he took a breath and looked her in the eyes. "Funny thing... I don't remember packing that album. Do you know how it got in there?"
She halted her approach, and he smirked.
"I knew it! Where did you find it anyway? My mother's attic?"
She crossed her arms and turned away, her head held high. "Hey, I was just trying to help. Every villain needs to fuel their evil fire now and then."
He watched her hair swaying in time with her steps as she walked away, and he sighed through his nose. Frowning, he spread out the futon in the middle of the floor and began unbuttoning his lab coat. Maybe he could sleep off his disappointment...
"Don't worry, Shego," he said, his voice low.
She stopped and turned back, looking at him curiously.
"Worry about what?"
"I'm not going to take any of their job offers...or their pardon."
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Why not?"
He dropped his coat onto her beach chair and started on the rest of his clothes. She turned her back while he changed.
"Wouldn't work out..." he muttered.
"What? But...how do you know?" she asked, glancing briefly over her shoulder.
"I just know!" he spat as he hurried into his pajamas. "Where are the blankets..."
"The same box as the futon," she said. "But...you're always ranting about wanting to be recognized for your genius. Isn't this everything you've ever wanted?"
Drakken ground his teeth as he dragged a blanket out of a cardboard box and spread it over the futon. She knew well and good it was everything he wanted. Couldn't she just—!
"'Can't I just' what?"
He blinked.
"Did I...say that out loud?"
She turned to face him now, hands on her hips. "Uh-huh."
He frowned and crossed the room to the box with his teddy bear, retrieving it in a hurry.
"Just let me get some sleep, okay!"
He pulled a pillow from the first box, dropping it on the futon and then quickly hid himself under the blankets, staring furiously at her ankles as she continued to stand over him.
"'Can't I' what, Doc?" she said again.
"Just...leave me alone, Shego!" he said, rolling over to face the taller stack of boxes.
It was silent for several moments, save for the crickets outside. Finally, he heard her sigh.
"Fine..." she said, her boots echoing on the wooden floor as she walked away.
When he closed his eyes, images of the faded photos from his college days appeared in his mind's eye. He let his anger seethe as he tried to fall asleep, remembering everything his so-called friends had said to him back when he still believed in things like hope and happiness.
No. It really wouldn't work in the end, anyway. Even if it didn't happen immediately, the belittling would eventually start and he'd be banished down into obscurity again.
Though her tactics were dirty, he supposed he really was lucky to have Shego there to keep him firmly grounded on his evil path.
Gradually his breathing evened, and he let himself focus on the chirp of the crickets and the sound of the breeze blowing through the palms. It sounded like applause...and it reminded him of the ceremony at the U.N.
He would never hear that applause again. If he betrayed the world now, they would never recognize him the way he wanted them to. All he could do was...subdue the world, and rule it through fear...
Understanding suddenly hit him. He...didn't want that anymore. Not after knowing genuine praise and honor. To get what he wanted through evildoings would just feel...empty. If he didn't choose the straight and narrow, he would be miserable for the rest of his life.
He began to relax into his newfound understanding, but then his eyes flew open as he remembered—it wasn't what Shego wanted. Never in a thousand lifetimes would she go back to the life of 'good'.
He bit his lip. He knew that despite owing his life to Shego, he technically didn't have to include her in his decision. But theirs was an unspoken partnership. While he still referred to her as his sidekick and she called him her boss, their relationship had become...something deeper. She was part of his—he rolled his eyes at himself—evil family. He couldn't just...abandon her. Could he?
He sat up on the futon, clutching his teddy bear tightly to his chest as he stared out the window at the dark silhouettes of the palms, his face twisted in worry. Apparently...this would be a far more difficult decision than he'd thought.
Behind him, watching from the door frame, a fearful tear slipped down Shego's cheek.
After a moment she stepped forward, and he turned at the sound of her steps.
"Hey...Doc..." she said, going down on one knee in front of him and looking at the floorboards. Her eyes were sadder than he'd ever seen.
"I...I'm sorry. Do whatever you want, okay?"
"What? But..." he turned around and sat on his knees facing her, confusion written on his face. "You...do know what that would mean. Don't you?"
"I know," she said, her breath catching. She glanced up for the briefest of moments, and he was startled as the moonlight revealed two tear tracks down her cheeks. "It's fine," she continued. "Don't worry about me."
"What? But...Shego—"
"Don't worry about me!" she said, turning and running from the room.
Drakken stared after her, mouth agape as he fell back on the futon.
What just happened?
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wistfulcynic · 5 years
CSJJ Day 11: Finding The Altar Epilogue: Destination London
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A little addendum to Finding The Altar, which I wrote late last year. I had a request to write Emma and Killian’s trip to London, and what could be better for @csjanuaryjoy than a New Year's honeymoon to one of my favourite cities in the world? This is a straight-up London tourist brochure, and I'm not even sorry. It's also sweet and fluffy and super short, like candy floss on a shortbread biscuit. Grab a cuppa and enjoy! 
BTW if you haven’t read FTA, you can find it here, or if you don’t want to bother just know that this is author!Killian and deputy!Emma, just married and expecting a baby, taking a trip to London together at the New Year. 
@resident-of-storybrooke @kmomof4 @teamhook @jennjenn615 @let-it-raines @wellhellotragic @deathbycaptainswan @tiganasummertree
Destination London: 
London was everything Emma had hoped it would be. Crowded, noisy, grey, dirty, but full of unexpected corners and surprising crannies, quirky and weird and just so ridiculously British. Suddenly she understood Killian a lot better. 
They did all the touristy things: Blocking foot traffic on Westminster Bridge to get a photo of themselves in front of Big Ben, Emma rolling her eyes as Killian explained that the clock tower was just a clock tower and that it was actually the bell that was called Big Ben; taking a tour of Westminster Abbey and dawdling through Poet’s Corner, marvelling at all the famous names commemorated there; dodging the pigeons in Trafalgar Square, Emma barely resisting the desire to pout because she was too old and too pregnant to climb up on the lions’ backs; shopping in Covent Garden; gaping at the Crown Jewels the Tower; taking a million photographs from the top of the London Eye. They walked hand-in-hand along Southbank, grazing from the food trucks there before taking a river taxi to Greenwich where Killian excitedly took Emma thorough the National Maritime Museum and the Old Royal Naval College, only wincing slightly when she lit up in recognition. 
“Oh, yeah, this was in that Thor movie!” she cried, grabbing his arm.
“Indeed,” he replied, with a long-suffering sigh. “Shall we go see the Greenwich Meridian?”
Their trip coincided with the release of Killian’s third novel, which had turned out just as well as Emma had predicted and suddenly launched him from a glowingly-reviewed but lightly-read novelist into a bestselling one. His agent scrambled to take advantage of this surge in popularity by arranging book signings and other appearances in London, waving away his protests that he was “on my bleeding honeymoon, mate,” and aided and abetted by an Emma who was so proud of her husband that she thought she might burst with it, and wanted to show him off. Eventually he agreed, on the condition that he be allowed to choose the bookstores where he did the signings. 
“London has some amazing bookstores,” he told Emma as they lay curled around each other one evening, her head on his chest, his hand caressing her rounded belly. “Bookstores and tea rooms, that’s what I love about this city. There’s no such thing as a decent cup of tea in the States.”
“We dumped it all in Boston harbour that one time,” Emma deadpanned.  
“Bookstores and tea rooms,” continued Killian as though she hadn’t spoken, “And pubs. We should go on a pub crawl.” 
“You know the rugrat won’t let me drink.” 
“You can still enjoy the atmosphere, which is most of the fun anyway. I’ll plan us a route. Through Wapping and along the river, I think, that’s where I used to live and there are some great old places there. We can start at the Mayflower.” 
“The Mayflower? Like the ship?”
“Exactly like the ship.” 
When they got off the Tube at Rotherhithe, Emma was astounded. With its quiet streets lined with brown brick buildings opening onto the riverfront, it showed another facet of London entirely. Of course she knew from her experience living in New York that large cities were basically a collection of neighbourhoods, each with its own personality and style, yet for some reason the relative peace of this little corner of east London came as a surprise.  
So did the Mayflower pub. 
“This is great!” Emma exclaimed, taking in the view of the river from the small wooden balcony at the back of the upstairs room. “Are all pubs like this?”
“Not in the least,” smiled Killian. “Many of them are dank shitholes, if we’re honest. But the good ones can be amazing.” 
After the Mayflower, they took the Overground train across the Thames to Wapping, walking hand-in-hand through more brown brick streets to Turner’s Old Star, with its spacious and charming outdoor beer garden, then on to the Town of Ramsgate, another riverside establishment with a stunning outdoor deck and riverside view. From there they walked along the riverfront path to the Prospect of Whitby, Emma’s favourite pub yet. She found its dim, dark wood and flagstone interior charmingly quaint, and its iteration of the now familiar outdoor deck with sweeping view of the river enhanced by the addition of a gibbet and noose. 
“Used for hanging pirates,” said Killian, gesturing with his pint. 
“Aye, primarily, though there were others. In the case of the pirates, legend says the bodies were left there to hang until three tides had washed over their heads.” 
“The hazards of a pirate’s life, darling.” 
They ended their day by taking a taxi to Limehouse and The Grapes pub, where they ate fish and chips then as they were leaving shook the hand of Sir Ian McKellen, who co-owned the place. 
“I can’t believe we met Gandalf,” gushed Emma as they cuddled in the taxi on their way back to their AirBnB in Belgravia. 
“What honeymoon would be complete without it?” joked Killian. 
“Today was really fun,” said Emma. “I loved all the pubs, I can see why you miss them living in Storybrooke.” 
“Storybrooke has other attractions,” said Killian, smiling at her, his eyes warm with love. “London’s great but it’s not my home, not anymore. My home is wherever you are.” 
New Year’s Eve found Emma and Killian dressed to the nines and mingling with London’s literati on the opulent balcony of the Royal Penthouse of the Corinthia Hotel, on the north bank of the Thames. It was pretty much the last place Emma would have predicted she’d be if she’d been asked a few weeks ago about her New Year’s plans, but she wasn’t about to argue. The penthouse was taken every year by the London branch of Killian’s publisher for the New Year’s Eve party they threw for their top authors, and the fact that they thought highly enough of Killian’s new book to invite him to the party that year made her proud enough to burst. Or cry. But that could just be the pregnancy hormones. 
Killian’s agent, a nervous, bustling little man called Smee, shared her pride, though his seemed to be focused slightly more on his own foresight in backing Killian through the less-than-stellar sales of his first two books and the vindication of his third one’s bestselling status. 
“I always knew you’d hit on the right formula eventually,” he blustered as Killian smiled indulgently and Emma ground her teeth, wishing the little man would stop patting himself on the back and let her enjoy the New Year countdown and fireworks with her husband. “It’s not easy to find that delicate balance between artistry and popular appeal, but I always knew that with a little encouragement you could— is that Ben Aaronovich? I’ll be right back.” He thrust his empty champagne glass into Emma’s hand and hurried off in pursuit of the author of the popular Rivers of London book series. 
“Ugh,” said Emma, turning to deposit the glass on the tray of a passing waiter and resisting the urge to wipe her hands on her dress. “He’s a bit of a rat, isn’t he?”
“Aye, that he is. But he truly did stick by me for a number of years, so I’m prepared to overlook it. That said, I think we should disappear before he comes back.” Killian grabbed Emma’s hand and pulled her away into the crowd. 
The Royal Penthouse’s balcony offered a sweeping view of the Thames, similar to the ones they’d seen at the pubs but considerably swankier, and neither Emma nor Killian could imagine a better place to stand for the countdown and fireworks display. As the London Eye lit up and the assembled crowds below began to chant the descending numbers, Killian wrapped his arms around his wife, resting his chin on her shoulder and entwining their fingers together over the swell of their child growing inside her. When the last number was called and the noise of cheers and fireworks erupted around them, he turned his head and kissed her, tasting the sharp bite of the club soda and lime she’d been drinking mixed with the familiar precious flavour that was uniquely her. He thought about all they had to look forward to: the birth of their baby, his burgeoning career, settling in to their married life together, and felt such a surge of happiness and contentment that it brought tears to his eyes. 
“Happy New Year, my love,” he murmured against her lips, feeling her answering smile before he kissed her again. “I have a feeling it’s going to be our best one yet.”  
(Some friends and I did this pub crawl a few years ago, and I *highly* recommend it!)
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ofstassi · 5 years
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*james charles vc* good morning kitty girls ! i’m violet & after a few months of being highkey Stressed over coll*ge she ( me ) is Finally back from the dead :) this is a mess so i apologize for what u guys are About to witness, but be sure to click that like button & subscribe if you wanna see more videos ! but seriously plot with me ple ase ok anyways
a SCARLETT LEITHOLD lookalike was strolling down broadway street in their orange prada leather flame wedge heels. anastasia “stassi” deniro just had a birthday bash for her  twenty-second birthday. she has been living in new york city for twenty two years. i hear she tends to be gregarious at parties, but also kind of covetous. 
FULL NAME: anastasia ( resurrection ) lucille ( french origin of light ) sage ( wise one ) deniro. NICKNAME(S): annie, stassi, stas, stasia, anything her close friends & family can come up with, she’ll love. AGE: twenty two. DATE OF BIRTH: september 21th, 1996. ASTROLOGY SIGN: virgo. GENDER: female. PRONOUNS: she / her / hers. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual. LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english, french, italian, greek, some spanish. OCCUPATION: actress, 2019 miss universe contender. BIOLOGICAL PARENTS: aldo nathaniel arthur deniro & scarlett baccouche-deniro. SIBLINGS: aurora deniro ( twenty-six ) & atlas deniro ( twenty-one ). PET(S): gracie ( shihtzu ) & baby ( toy french bulldog ). CHILDREN: none. RELIGION: roman catholic. DRINK / DRUGS / SEX: yes / no / yes. HEIGHT: 5′10. RIGHT/LEFT HANDED: ambidextrous. TATTOOS: none ( at the moment ). POSITIVE TRAITS: gregarious, perceptive, audacious, quick-witted. NEGATIVE TRAITS: covetous, controlling, obstinate, snarky. NOTABLE HABITS: tying her hair up in a bun when she’s focused, fleeing the country when conflict within herself arises, unable to hide her facial expressions. NECESSITIES: green tea latte, lucky pen, lavender, 2 diamond-encrusted cartier bracelets ( gifted by her father ). LIKES: fighting, pastel blues, macarons, traveling, architecture, knowing all the answers. DISLIKES: small spaces, losing, anything orange flavored, the smell of gasoline. NET WORTH: 18 million.
𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚊 𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚛𝚘.
                  the story of the deniros was easily depicted as nothing short of a classic fairytale ; nathaniel was next in line to run his family’s long-standing business worth more than you could put into words, while scarlett baccouche, the daughter of two british politicians was also a woman in power many learned to fear. given their elite statuses, it was no surprise to anyone when they had enrolled into columbia university, one of the most prestigous colleges in the country ; though the story of how they’d become enamored with one another had started with a hatred that had only melted the forthcoming years. it was what one would consider a true love story as they graduated, professed their vows, & conceived their first well-anticipated child, aurora deniro. it only took a couple years for the deniros to calculate the birth of their next child, & to settle down & begin their empire ; or as most would put it, a family. 
                     on october 21st, 1996, anastasia lucille sage deniro was born. she was the second, yet not the last child to arrive, meaning her place in the home was that she was a middle child. it had its perks, obviously —— not reigning the full responsibilities of what it meant to be the first & oldest child, or not being taken seriously as most younger siblings struggle with. see, from the very beginning of her life, stassi was well aware of the fact that she wasn’t a child, and she didn’t want to be treated as such ; the female figures in her life such as aurora & her mother ( even their maid, diana had landed a  fond place in stassi’s heart ) were the girl’s inspiration growing up, & thanks to their strict upbringing, they were raised with class & were put on a pedestal that expected nothing less than perfection.
                      stassi was five years old when she had asked  —— or more so, begged her parents to compete in pageants ( only the most prestigious ones, of course ). while her mother didn’t take much convincing as her & little stassi had grown to share many loved interests such as acting, her father was apprehensive about the decision. but because the main factor besides beauty for pageants were intelligence, he agreed, though it resulted in him piling that much more pressure upon her for schoolwork & of course, to win so it wouldn’t disgrace the deniro family name. whatever child worked hard, stassi worked 100 times harder, thanks to her brilliant work ethic ; she managed to skillfully juggle her schoolwork alongside the additional business classes her parents had given their three children, the acting classes, her private ballet & jazz lessons 7 days a week for the talent portion, & the countless hours of tailoring her custom-made outfits ( with her input, of course ) it wasn’t a shocker to anyone when she was crowned little miss new york.
                        by sixteen, the pressure had only multiplied as she grew older, striving for nothing but the best. she was preparing for the miss world competetion rounding up another win at nationals. high school was supposed to be the best years of your life, yet she turned down any youthful opportunity as a means to please her parents. that is, until a fellow classmate introduced her to adderall ; the tiny, magical pill that enhances your focus, granting you more hours of the day to pass your tests with flying colors & maintain your social life, because who needed sleep ? flash forward to her senior year, where her life was crafted to perfection —— she held the title of miss world that year, got accepted into columbia on a full scholarship ( not that she needed it ), had the perfect jock boyfriend on her arm & friends that were on top of the hierarchy with her, class valedictorian: the only thing was she became reliant on her pills.
                        it was prom night when the realization had dawned on her that the bubble encompassing her perfect life was made of glass. when it came to the deniros, the extent of her social life was partly a double life. while she wasn’t nearly as bad as her brother, she wasn’t exactly an angel, either ; stuffing silk pillows under her duvet to cast the illusion of a sleeping stassi if diana or her older sister, aurora, would check up on her that night, adorning an innocent white lace dress to her parents only to hike it further up the moment she met up with her peers. she learned it was a skill of hers, keeping secrets.
                        popping pills had managed to become one, too, which is why after winning prom queen & attempting to get belligerently wasted, she hadn’t even felt the effects of the alcohol in her system. stassi woke up in a secluded hospital room with her parents beside her, along with a nurse. her blood work revealed that she’d gotten severe alcohol poisoning & had she not passed out, a few more drinks & she would’ve overdosed from the mix of adderall.
                        due to the fact that this was anastasia’s first slip-up, as disappointed as they were, the anger had faded just as soon as it arrived. & given the recent events with atlas’s friend along with her acceptance to columbia, rehab wasn’t a suggestion —— it was her only option. she’d go to a private rehabilitation center during the summer while her parents covered it up on her records & the deniro family would have to convince everybody that she was just visiting her grandparents in spain: it was a family secret that stassi had to take to the grave.
                          now, she’s twenty-two years old, currently enrolled in columbia as a business major for the sake of maintaining her role in her parent’s good graces, despite the fact that she’s not interested in helping take over the family business while she’s training for the 2019 miss universe pageant. for the past two summers, when she wasn’t in spain, she was in paris for some time to herself, where she met an owner of a small boutique where there were items such as trinkets, custom-made dresses, etc. 
                          somehow, it inspired stassi to create her own boutique/shop in multiple cities but new york first, especially when she carries the knowledge on how to turn a business into an empire: her own empire. it may be a small one now, but it was a break from the constant approval seeking that was practically instilled in her ; and at least it was hers. she even went to spain over winter break to hint the ideas to her grandparents, just now returning to the city & avoiding her parents so she can delay telling them that she isn’t interested in running the family company alongside her siblings like they dreamed of. after all, it was her parents’ approval that mattered most.
𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚜 & 𝚏𝚞𝚗 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚜.
ok hi i’m keeping this long & short
because stassi’s a pageant girl, she was bound to cross paths with honey boo boo when her reality tv show was kicking off, & now she’s stassi’s sworn enemy even to this day
ik they aren’t even in the same age group but fun fact stassi fought children & she still does tbh i hate her
she’s basically an angel in front of her parents but like ?? really different to her friends/people she hates ??
definitely doesn’t have a filter, she doesn’t cuss that much bc “it’s not ladylike :)” but she for sure speaks her mind & she can actually be really mean without meaning to be
she snaps really easily too omg i just imagine her being all cute & smiley & doing a complete 180 the next
she’s definitely stronger than she looks just know that
fully obsessed with dogs like next level obsessed she needs help
also a really big perfectionist if you couldn’t tell ?? please imagine her penthouse being all white & spotless & i know she arranges shit in other people’s houses out of habit
she’s basically monica geller, caroline from tvd & louise from bob’s burgers all wrapped up in one person
it’s honestly such a cursed combination i’m telling u guys she really is the spawn of satan
she’s a momma’s girl though 💗 she loves her dad ofc don’t get me wrong but they get along better when he just buys her gifts skdjsks
also !! i loosely based her off of one of my rly old charas emmie & i have a pinterest for her here if you wanna see what she’s kinda sorta like
i’ll probably make my own for stassi but u know for context
also stassi’s aesthetic 100000%
i’m still fleshin’ her out, so it’s a whole mess but i’m so excited to develop her & i hope you guys don’t hate her guts yet ! i promise she’s nicer than i described, but i do have some plot ideas ( i’m just too lazy to list them help me ), so pls plot with me i’ll do all the work i promise
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thorne93 · 6 years
Whirlwind Romance (Part 4)
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Prompt: You’re getting married to Chris Evans… Everything in your life is perfect… Except when you break the news to your two best friends: Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 2365
Warnings: language, anger, angst, adult themes??
Notes: This is for @carryonmyswansong challenge (Double Season, Multifaceted, 500 Follower Celebration, Writing Challenge!): Prompt – You’re marrying the wrong person! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes bcuz shes amazing and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo@carryonmyswansong for letting me brainstorm with them. Got this idea from @formyfandoms… Fic image made by the super bomb @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo
“Do we have everything?” you asked as you glanced at the list. Tomorrow you were throwing a grand charity event to help animals in need. The event was supposed to raise money for local shelters all over the nation that had trouble funding for food and ways to keep animals comfortable.
“Y/N, we’ve gone over this list twenty times in the last two hours,” AJ said. AJ was a very dear friend of yours. She wasn’t an actress, but her boyfriend was an actor on the show Supernatural, Misha Collins. AJ worked more on the side of social issues. She worked for animals, children with disadvantages or disabilities, and worked with hospitals for children with cancer. That’s how the two of you had met. You wanted to be more involved in helping the world, and you’d met up with her.
The two of you became quick friends. But you didn’t get to see each other except maybe twice a year. It was only three years ago, but even though you hardly saw each other, you two had one hell of a time together and you felt rather close with her. The only reason she wasn’t your maid of honor was because she was always so busy and you didn’t want to burden her. Lizzy was in LA a lot more often than AJ too, which would make it easy on everyone.
“I just want to make sure we have everything. The tables, the place settings, the--”
“Babe, I got it all done. Everything has been checked and checked twice. Everything is ordered, paid for, set in stone. Why don’t you get some sleep? We don’t want our gorgeous hostess having circles and bags under her eyes, do we?” she teased.
“Yes, because dark circles will lower the amount everyone donates,” Misha suddenly teased as he walked into the kitchen, getting more cereal.
“See? Misha understands,” you joked, sticking your tongue out at your friend.
“I can never win against you two.” AJ stood to clear the small table, shaking her head as she grabbed plates and glasses.
“Oh my god, it’s two!” you exclaimed as you looked at their stove clock.
“Yeah. It is late. Do you want me to go with you over to Chris’s?” AJ asked.
“Yeah, or I can,” Misha offered. “I know you two have a big day tomorrow. Honey, you can get some sleep and I can take Y/N here back to Chris.”
“Oh, you two don’t have to do that. It’s nearly thirty minutes to his place from here. I’ll just call a cab and go alone.” You got up and grabbed your purse, ready to sling it over your shoulder.
“You don’t have to do that,” AJ argued. “Why don’t you just stay here? Do you think Chris would mind?”
“Do I think he’d mind if I didn’t steal his precious blankets and eat all of his breakfast food? No, I don’t think he’d mind,” you said, laughing. “But are you sure I’m not imposing?”
“No! The couch folds out to a bed. It’ll be fine! Mish, do you mind getting her some sheets and stuff?”
“Oh, well thanks. I guess it’ll be easier anyway.” You gestured to all your luggage. You’d flown in early this morning with your dress and beauty supplies for tomorrow’s event. It would probably be easier just getting ready here, rather than at Chris’s anyway.
As soon as Misha got all of the bedding for you, and AJ helped you pull out the bed part of the sofa, you got all snuggled in and fell right to sleep after an exhausting day of last minute planning.
The following morning, you popped up bright and early and made breakfast with Misha. He was on pancake and sausage duty, while you did bacon, coffee, and eggs. Typically you didn’t eat breakfast, either there was no time for it, or you felt sluggish with a big meal on your stomach. But on days like today, you were going to need the energy to keep going. So you took a second, made a nice spread, and sat down to enjoy the yummy breakfast, taking it slow.
You and AJ watched the news after for a little while to let the food digest. Then, it was off to the races. You got into your silk robe to begin hair and makeup. You spent at least an hour on your makeup because you messed it up twice. AJ eventually had to swoop in and help you, thank God.
But once it was done, you had a smokey eye to die for, lush red lips, and a faint shimmer to your cheeks. Your hair fell in big glamorous waves, pinned so that all your hair fell to the left side.
Now, you needed your black gown on. In a few moments you were out of your robe, and AJ was zipping the gown. All of this was done in a flurry while you and AJ fielded calls from the caterers, the rental, the hotel, and anyone else involved in the event.
Next were your stilettos. As soon as they were strapped around your ankles, you set to your jewelry. Teardrop earrings, black diamond bracelet, and some rings. Your dress didn’t allow for a necklace, but that was fine because you had embroidered accents coming up to wrap around your neck.
As soon as you two were dressed to the nines, you, AJ, and Misha set off to pick up Chris at his house. You texted him, telling him you’d be there soon and he sent back a sweet reply. But when you reached his house, you were confused. There were at least ten cars outside. Lined down his driveway and the street.
“What the…?” you muttered in a whisper, frowning.
“Is everything okay?” AJ inquired, leaning forward in the taxi beside you.
“Um… I’ll be right back,” you said before jumping out and walking up the steps to Chris’s house. You found the front door was unlocked so you stepped inside. To your confusion you saw a lot of people… well, correction, a lot of men. It was a sea of men in Chris’s house. Several were huddled in the kitchen, drinking beer. Beside them were sandwiches, chips, dips, and wings.
“Chris?” you called out over the loud television that was blaring from the living room.
All eyes turned to you and some whistles echoed throughout the house as you stood, waiting for your fiance to appear. Finally, you saw him stand from his three piece living room set.
“Oh! Hey, babe!” he greeted, putting his bottle down on the coffee table. “Wow, you look great. A little overdressed for a superbowl party, don’t you think?”
Your eyes narrowed on him before they scanned the house. Suddenly it clicked. Superbowl. The food, the guys, the beer…. Of course. In your mania to get the wedding going and get the charity ball up off its feet, you paid no attention to that.
“Superbowl party?”
Chris looked confused. “Well, yeah. That’s why you’re here. Right?”
“No… No, Chris I’m here for my charity ball?”
“Charity ball? For the animals? I thought that was next week.”
You crossed your arms and looked at him. “No, that’s today.”
“Babe, why did you schedule that on the Superbowl?”
“Because people who care about animals aren’t going to be watching the Superbowl,” you snapped. “How could you forget? I just told you last Wednesday.”
He put his hand on his forehead and slid it back over his hair. “Shit. Babe. I’m sorry. I got the days mixed up.”
You sighed. “Well, that’s okay. Just… go change and let’s go.”
“What? You want me to go with you?”
You tilted your head and narrowed your eyes. “Uh, yeah. You’re my date? I’m the hostess. Come on. I’m sure everyone will be fine.”
“Well maybe you’re the hostess there, but I’m the host here. I’m not just gonna leave everyone.”
“What? So I’m just supposed to go alone?”
“I mean... I’m running a full party here.”
Your eyes went wide before he put his hands on your arms gently and started to plead. “Babe, it’s the Patriots. At the Superbowl.”
“I understand that, Chris but I went through a lot of trouble and hard work to organize this event and everyone expects me to show up with you.”
“I’m sorry. I… wish I could come with you but I can’t just leave, and I can’t kick everyone out.”
Tom was sitting in the living room, just a few feet away as he heard the exchange. He got up, beer in hand and came over.
“Everything okay? Y/N, wow… you look breathtaking,” he stated.
“Thanks, Tom,” you said semi-dismissively. “I just… I have to be at my charity ball and Chris is my date but I guess he can’t come so…”
“I could go,” Tom offered suddenly.
“Sure. Why not? You don’t want to alone, Chris would rather be here. Other than my being underdressed, I wouldn’t mind. American Football isn’t really my sport anyway,” he said before flashing a smile to Chris.
Chris glanced to you, a hopeful look on his face. “What do you say?”
You pursed your lips. “Well… I wish you were going. But Tom’s still a pretty good date,” you said with a side smile. You held up your arm and Tom linked his arm through yours.
“Am I dressed okay or…?” Tom asked, glancing down to his black sweater and jean combo.
“What matters is that you’ll be there,” you said, directing a stern look to Chris. “Well… I guess I’ll be leaving then.” You leaned forward and kissed Chris quickly. “I love you. Have a good game, I guess.”
“Have a good event. I hope everyone throws their checkbooks at you,” Chris stated.
You laughed. “Me too.”
Then with that, you left on Tom’s arm. The two of you joined AJ and Misha in the taxi. Misha had moved to the front seat.
“Where’s Chris?” AJ asked.
“He’s hosting a Superbowl party. So Tom agreed to go along,” you simply informed.
“Ah, okay. Cool. Welcome, Tom!” AJ greeted.
Once the four of you arrived, you quickly made check of everything, and began welcoming guests and mingling. Before you knew it, dinner was being served and it was your time to speak. You and half a dozen shelter employees from around the country stood on stage as you told about the plight of animals, shelters, and volunteers.
By the end your speech, imploring everyone to donate what they could, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Of course, it helped to have a slideshow of downtrodden pups, kitties, birdies, and reptiles behind you. A lot of them were success stories of animals being in poor shape before going into a shelter where they made a complete 180 in their health.
Finally, when the speech ended, the auction began. Most of the items were things like weekends at cabins in Vermont, movie premiere tickets, priceless art, a few signed books or manuscripts, some sports memorabilia. You name it, your charity had it.
After three hours in, the live band was well into full swing and you were sitting at your table, watching everyone enjoy themselves.
“Would you care to dance?” Tom asked, holding out his hand to you suddenly.
“What? Oh, no, I couldn’t. I need to be watching my guests.”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine. They’re not small children, Y/N. You’ve done beautifully. Everyone is happy and entertained. It’s time you did the same.” Tom stood and nodded toward the full dance floor.
You sighed at his persistence, smiling despite yourself as you took his hand. As soon as your hands touched, he pulled you hard into a quick tango pose. The two of you had learned tango together back in RADA and practiced it as often as you could. Both of you loving to dance, and not always getting a chance to do so.
Chris wasn’t much of a dancer. He could do slow dancing, and he seemed to like it, but he didn’t quite know how to cut a rug like Tom. He also didn’t jump at the chance to do it. A lot of times he immediately went into his frat boy dance, which you had no idea what to do with.
The two of you twirled and expertly moved over the dance floor for what seemed like hours. After around ten songs, you slowed down a little, your breathing heavy as you held Tom’s hand and he yours. The crowd around you cheered, applauding the spectacle.
By the end of the night, AJ had informed you that you raised over one hundred thousand dollars. These figures were fantastic to you. Every dollar could help. But this was… outstanding.
“Oh my god! That’s wonderful!” you exclaimed, hugging AJ, Misha, and Tom.
You yourself had donated five thousand dollars, and you knew AJ and Misha had donated a substantial amount.
“We had a lot of cold donations,” AJ informed. “A lot of it didn’t even come from the auction.” She glanced to Tom and seemed to wink. You spun to face him.
“Did you donate? That’s great! Thank you!”
“He donated five figures,” AJ corrected, making you gasp.
“Tom! That’s… oh my god!” You wrapped your arms around him quickly. “Thank you! Thank you!” you gushed, failing to hold back the tears. “That’s so amazing. You’re a literal angel, you know that?”
Tom returned the hug, smiling at you. “It’s nothing, sweetheart. I know this means a lot to you, and it’ll help some innocent animal getting help and a home. I’m all for supporting some furry friends.”
“You need to wear your halo, you know, so everyone knows you’re an angel,” you teased, pushing his arm slightly after you’d let him go.
He gave you a modest grin before the two of you wrapped up the evening and he took you back to Chris’s place, where Chris was passed out drunk in his bedroom. You grinned down at your fiance, rolling your eyes. You got undressed and crawled in bed beside him, kissing his bare back.
Forever Tags:
Tom Hiddleston:
Sebastian Stan:
Chris Evans:
WR Tag:
@gaylemonshark @tacohead13
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thorongil82 · 6 years
Silver Rings for a Web of Love - Chapter 1
Summary: After having to deal with every little thing that could have gone wrong; the breaking of the Avengers in the Civil War, Rhodey's injuries, the coming of Thanos, The Infinity War, The Decimation, returning the fallen to the land of the living, and battling Secretary Ross and the United Nations over amending the Sokovia Accords, finally Tony Stark has earned time for a break. Finally the world seems to be peaceful enough for a wedding that he knows is long overdue. Finally, he can marry Pepper Potts and all the Avengers are invited. Though a certain Spiderling's life may not be quite the way he would like it to be. 
Yes, he may still be the masked hero of Queens that the majority of the public adores. Yes, he may be studying in NYU in engineering and chemistry. Yes, he may be sharing an apartment with his best friend, Ned Leeds. But, when it comes to a certain snarky, frizzy haired girl who'd been observing him since high school, things haven't gone quite as smoothly as his heart so desperately hopes it had. Maybe a couple of weeks away can change that …
Chapter: 1/?
Words: 3601
A/N: So, I kinda ended up having this idea while writing the next chapter for Every Waking Nightmare. And, because I was a little stagnant in working on that, I moved onto this to help keep some creative juices flowing. Just, some quick information: 
First, this is set both after Endgame and after Far From Home, though admittedly I don't know when FFH will be. But, as they still seem to be in high school there, this should definitely be afterwards. Secondly, even though it will have a lot of other characters and it is a Stark Wedding AU, this is much more a Spideychelle fic than anything else. Thirdly, this'll run in an AU where everyone returns after Endgame, regardless of if they were taken out by The Decimation or killed in the lead up to it. Characters that died before Infinity War, I'm still tossing up on. Fourthly, there may be some stuff later on that may require trigger warnings. If there are, I'll let you know beforehand. 
Finally, and I apologise for the long note to begin, I'm going to try something a bit new with this. My thought was to open each chapter with a quote relating to the theme, and a song/video that I listened to whilst writing the chapter out. Would be good to here your thoughts on it. Anyway, that's enough from me. Onwards!
As a quick note for the Tumblr readers, I’m posting this on both AO3 and Tumblr. Trying something new. As such, there may be slight edits to accompany the change, but otherwise things should stay the same. There’s a link on my blog to the AO3 version if you prefer that, because I still don’t know if the linking issue has been fixed yet or not. 
Chapter 1 - An Invitation Plus One
Song of the Chapter: Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots
"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature Love says: 'I need you because I love you."
~ Erich Fromm
It wasn't every day that Peter got to travel to the Avengers compound. Sure, Mr. Stark had been trying to get more in contact with him, to make him a much more integral part of the team, but his classes at NYU would, at times, get in the way. Plus he could never abandon his duties to the people of New York. When he had first turned down joining the Avengers, he had wanted to keep close to the ground. Build up his experience. Look out for the little guy. Still try to live the life a kid like he was should have been able to.
Of course, a big purple alien decided to throw a big wrench in that plan. Or, rather, a giant spaceship. And a large golden gauntlet.
He knew he didn't have to go and help. But he had to. What else was he supposed to do? There was a giant spaceship shaped like a spinning donut in the sky. He had to make sure that his classmates didn't get hurt. And, obviously, the best thing his mind could come up with was to leap out of a moving bus with just his mask on and swing away after a distraction from Ned – he'll thank whatever deity he needs to for the fact that Ned was as surprised as he was – to go and stop the invaders. So, he got to reunite with and fight alongside Iron Man, meet a couple of wizards and a levitating cloak, and fight against and with a group of aliens. It could have been a power team. Maybe it should have been. Dr. Strange had looked into the future. He saw the one way that we could win. The plan was set. They had Thanos beaten. Mr. Stark was so close to taking off the gauntlet. He himself was so close. But the other human, Starlord, he had to go and lose control. It didn't make sense at the time. Everyone nearly died. Thanos nearly killed Mr. Stark. Strange gave up his stone. And then half the universe just disappeared. One by one they faded away. And, damn his senses, he felt it coming before it happened. It had felt horrible. Every fibre of his being screaming and tearing away, with nothing that he could do. Actually fading away caused no pain. Maybe it was because of how panicky he had been once he figured out what his instincts were howling at him. However, he still felt a lot of pain when it took hold. The fading, that wasn't it. The others that were dusted said that it just didn't feel like anything. They deduced that it was his healing factor working overtime to try and keep himself together. It had been so much that it nearly killed him a second time when the remaining Avengers succeeded in defeating Thanos and bringing everyone back to life. Mr. Strange magically transported The Guardians and them both back to Earth from Titan. Everything was finally over. The Avengers were, for the most part, back together again, with some new recruits; aliens, wizards, two humans that have travelled through the stars, and a high school student.
After the conflict, the public had, for the most part, rallied behind the Rouge Avengers, and the long fight to rectify the Accords fairly could carefully begin. The Rouge Avengers were pardoned, against the urges of Secretary Ross, and the others were invited to officially join the group. Everyone except Spider-Man, because everyone; the Avengers, the Rouges, the new recruits, and the few outside the superhero cohort still intricately involved, agreed that it would be a very bad idea for the world to find out his secret identity while he was still just a kid. So it was that Peter unofficially became an Avenger, and still is. The world still doesn't know who lies underneath the red-and-blue spandex, or whatever other suit is required for the job. And as far as everyone else knows, Peter Parker goes to the Avengers compound as Tony Stark's part-time assistant. Which isn't exactly a lie – he does do a fair amount of inventing and engineering for Stark Industries, alongside helping with some upgrades for Avengers gear. And, as far as he's aware, that is why he is being driven through the gates and up the driveway of the compound right now.
“You good, kid?” comes the voice of Happy Hogan from the driver's seat. Despite the years, he hasn't changed a lot from what Peter has seen. He still travels everywhere in a suit and hasn't observably aged. However, from his conversations and reports, Peter has noticed how he seems to have softened a little.
“Yeah. Why do you ask?”
“You're just … oddly quiet,” he answers as the car pulls up to the front of the complex.
“I'm just thinking about stuff. Things I can do during spring break,” Peter explains, lying through his teeth for the second part.
“Ah huh ...” Happy nods. For what it's worth to Peter, it doesn't seem like he's noticed the lie he told. Though, Happy was never one to wear his emotions on his sleeve, unless it was either stress or anger.
“I'm not carrying your bag, kid,” Happy says as he turns around, breaking Peter out of his train of thought. Looking around, he could see the car had stopped a while ago.
“Oh, uh … yeah, right,” Peter stammers, his hand quickly snaking to rub the back of his neck. “Thanks, Happy.”
Happy gives him a nod as the spiderling grabs the backpack beside him and slings it over his shoulder before dashing out of the vehicle. Striding out and climbing up the stairway, Peter arrives inside the sparkling clean foyer.
“Hello, Peter,” greeted the soothing feminine voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y. from above.
“Hey, Friday.”
“You're here early.”
“Yeah, Mr. Stark asked me to come in today instead of tomorrow,” Peter replied as he began walking through the complex.
“The boss has been alerted of your arrival. He's on his way down.”
“Thanks, Fri.”
Peter Parker continued his walk through the complex, passing multiple suits and artefacts from previous battles that were no longer in use; such as the dilapidated remains of several Iron Man suits including the battered and scarred mask of the first nanotech suit, a few pieces of weaponry out of War Machine's arsenal, Captain America's strike suit, sketches and designs of suits for several of the Avengers, and a jet-black hooded outfit and mask with blood orange and golden outlines, metallic gauntlets and a sleek katana that no one had bothered to tell the young Parker who it belonged to. It was while his gaze lingered on the more menacing outfit that the nearby elevator opened up, from within which Tony Stark strode out.
“Ah, there you are, kid,” the playboy billionaire says with a smile as he walks out of the elevator, snapping Peter out of his trance.
“Hey, Mr. Stark.”
“You know you can call me Tony, right?” he questions as he puts an arm round the young Parker and leads him into the elevator.
“Yeah,” Peter admits, shifting his weight from side to side as the elevator doors slide shut in front of them. “Force of habit.”
“Well, at least you were raised polite. School going alright? I've still got pull at MIT if you want to change-”
“It's fine, Mr. Sta- I mean, Tony,” the young adult catches himself, shaking his head slightly at his mistake. “No problems.”
“You sure?” Tony asks as he shifts his gaze down to his assistant.
“Yep. Work's all finished. Had an exam today. I'm pretty sure it went alright. Just got one more tomorrow and then-”
“Spring break, right?”
Peter nods.
“Ah, spring break, such fond memories … Lots of parties, plenty of girls …”
“Well I assume so,” Tony says with a shrug. “I was rich and a ladies man, but I also drank like a sailor. My memory isn't what it once was.”
“But you're one of the smartest people in the world!”
“Nah, everyone's starting to catch up,” Tony says, waving his hand as if to dismiss Peter's previous statement. “And a couple seem to be passing me by already – yourself included.”
“I wouldn't say that,” Peter chuckles embarrassingly, his hand snaking round his neck once again.
“So, you got any plans?”
“Uh, no … not really,” Peter replies as the elevator doors open, the billionaire and the spiderling walking through the shiny corridor towards Mr. Stark's personal laboratory.
“Really? Nothing? A good guy like you?”
Peter shakes his head.
“No parties? No girls? No heavy drinking?”
“No sir,” Peter answers, getting a grimace from the cocky philanthropist.
“That formality probably has something to do with it,” Tony mutters as they enter his lab.
Peter's face lights up as the room bursts into light, illuminating all the equipment, prototypes, particles, shiny metal and machinery thrown all over the place. He dashes over to the large pearl-white workbench in the centre of the room, his feet sliding along the polished floor as he comes to a stop. As soon as his hands press down on the work surface, the top dilutes to a dark cobalt-blue before sparking to life, an electric-blue hologram projecting upwards from the surface and shifting to form a large intricate design that appeared to be blueprints for a new type of Iron Man suit.
“So, what are we working on today, Mr- uh … Tony?” the young Parker inquires as his eyes dance with the light of the projection, remembering to catch himself on the name.
“First things first,” Tony interjects, sauntering slowly to the bench and waving a hand through the air, swiping the design back down into the table. He then reaches into his suit pocket and pulls out an envelope, handing it to Peter. “This is for you.”
Peter takes the envelope with an inquisitive look and opens it, pulling out a small folded page with a flowery pattern adorning the border. Unfolding it, he begins to read the words:
Mr. Peter Parker
You are cordially invited by
Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
to celebrate their union in holy matrimony. 
“W-Wait,” Peter exclaims, his eyes going wide. “This is for your wedding!”
“That's right,” Tony bluntly answers, shrugging his suit jacket off his shoulders before tossing it through the air, a coat hanger descending from the ceiling and catching it somewhat roughly before elevating back up into the roof.
“Bu- Wha- Why am I-” Peter stammers, his mind and mouth both currently being completely unable to form a simple sentence. His disbelieving laugh dies as he looks up at the smirking face of his mentor. “Th-This can't be right.”
“And why's that?”
“Well, I mean, why would I be invited?”
“Hmm, let's see here … Uh, you're part of the team, you help me out in here plenty of times, I have a certain amount of care for you that goes well beyond what most people could even dream of ...” Mr. Stark lists off, counting off each point on his fingers.
“That can't be … Is that true?”
“Don't interrupt me, I wasn't finished,” Tony says, holding up a hand. “Now, where was I?”
“The Care Bear Protocol,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. answers from above.
“Wait, Care Bear Protocol?!” Peter exclaims, eyes shooting towards Tony Stark.
“Unimportant details,” he responds, waving away the young Parker's many unspoken questions both figuratively and literally as one of his hands sails through the air in front of him.
“Oh god,” Peter groans, a hand flying up to hide his shame as his face quickly heats up in embarrassment.
“You're smart, respectable, polite,” Tony continues listing, as if the previous interruption hadn't happened, “Everyone on the team loves having you around, you brighten everyone's day, you're a hero to the people and you're probably the best out of all of us. So, yes, you're invited.”
Peter hesitantly looks back at the invitation, taking in the information.
“So, this is why you wanted me here today?”
“Yep. Pepper and I are leaving tomorrow after we finish up with some meetings.”
“The wedding's in a fortnight, though,” Peter observes, reading from the invitation and looking up with a puzzled expression.
“We could do with a break beforehand,” Tony explains, crossing his arms over the reactor in his chest. “Won't really have too much time for a honeymoon afterwards, so might as well get it over with beforehand with the team.”
Peter goes to open his mouth, but is cut off as Mr. Stark adds, “And yes, that includes you.”
“Cool! But … I've got an exam tomorrow. I can't just leave tomorrow.”
“Check the envelope.”
Peter takes another look inside the envelope and pulls out two plane tickets, boarding passes and small cards similar to the ID scanners that everyone uses in the newly re-bought and re-furnished Stark Tower. Looking at the plane tickets, Peter noted the departure time for 0800 hours on Saturday; the day after tomorrow.
“You're not the only one who can't get there straight away,” Tony explains. “Some are still getting there mid-week. I'd already checked in with NYU about when your exams were and planned around it.”
“Um … Mr. Stark?” Peter says, looking back up at his mentor.
“That name's not going to go away, is it?” Tony sighs, causing Peter's eyes to widen at his comment.
“Uh … probably not,” Peter answers guiltily.
“Don't worry, kid,” Tony says with a smile, bringing a smile to his student. “What is it?”
“Why are there two of all these?”
“Oh, well that's because everyone can bring someone along, and you've been put down for a 'plus one',” Mr. Stark clarifies.
“But I don't think I'll be able to bring anyone.”
“Really? No one?”
“Well, May's going to be away in Hawaii for another wedding, and Ned's going on a holiday with his family and his girlfriend.”
“What about that girl you hang around?”
“Michelle? No! Nonononono!” Peter frantically utters, vehemently shaking his head. “That would not be a good idea.”
“Why not?” Tony asks, eyebrows raising up in surprise. “I thought you guys were pretty close.”
“We are- were. It's … uh … It's not great …”
“What happened? You always use to spew your guts about every little thing about her. It got pretty annoying.”
“Um … you remember what happened in Europe?” Tony nods. “Well … we were kinda supposed to go on a date …”
“Wait, you were supposed to go on a date, or you were kinda going on a date?”
“We were going on a date … kinda.”
Tony sighs and shakes his head, but motions for the kid to continue.
“Well … we were going to be going to a carnival, but I was running a little late. On the way, one of Beck's goons tricked me and I ended up fighting Beck. By the time I had him webbed up, I was super late and she was so frustrated at me. She just screamed and shouted at me at the hotel and then didn't speak to me for the next three months.”
“Did you tell her why you missed it?” Tony asks. Peter drops his gaze to the floor and shakes his head, sinking into a nearby chair. Tony sighs and goes up to the youth, clapping a hand down on his fallen shoulder. “Well, that would have been a start. It could've helped her understand-”
“No! No, I … I can't tell her,” Peter states, his hands fumbling in the air in front of him. “I-I … I just can't.”
“Kid, all relationships are built on trust-”
“You don't understand: I can't tell her because she doesn't know I'm Spider-Man!” Peter declares, looking up at Tony Stark. “I … I never told her.”
“Why wouldn't you tell her?”
“I didn't want her to be hurt. I-If more people keep finding out who I am, then they'll be in danger. Vulture threatened to hurt everyone and Mysterio used his knowledge to distract me and lure me away.”
“We can take care of-”
“It's not the same. The Avengers can take care of each other. May, Ned, MJ … I-If someone like that comes after them …”
“It's alright, kid. Nothing's going to happen to them,” Tony assures as he crouches down in front of Peter, rubbing the younger man's legs as his eyes seem to stare off into space. His breathing quickens and becomes shorter as the panic starts to set in. “Hey, look at me. Peter.”
Peter slowly lifts his head to look at his mentor's eyes.
“Follow my breathing, okay?”
The young adult nods and follows as Tony starts with a normal paced breath, waiting for Peter's to drop down and meet it before carefully slowing it down until the young Parker had calmed down.
“All good, kid?”
Peter swallows and nods in response.
“Do you want my advice?”
Peter nods again.
“Okay. If you want to fix things between the two of you, my suggestion is that you tell her.”
“But I-”
“Don't interrupt,” Mr. Stark says abruptly, causing Peter to shut his mouth. “Do you still like her?”
“It's … It's complicated.”
“Kid, it's a yes or no question.”
“Well … Yes,” Peter admits, running a hand through his short curls. “But, it's not that easy.”
“Sure it is,” Stark responds with a shrug. “Three simple words: I am Spider-Man. Nice and short. Just like when I announced myself.”
“No, it's not,” Peter disputes. “I can't. I can't bring her into this world. If … If someone finds out, and she gets hurt … I just can't loose her again. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she's hurt because of me.”
“You realise you're saying this to a guy who's about to get married, right?”
“I-I didn't mean-”
“Look, kid,” Tony interjects, clearing his throat, “I know how you feel. It took me years to work up the courage to ask Pepper to marry me. And even then, it kept getting put off because of all these people that think they're powerful enough to rule the world. Or the galaxy. Or … whatever. Point is, in that time I realised something. It wouldn't matter how she felt about me, or whether we were together or not. So long as I cared about her, she would be in danger. People kept targeting her to get to me. Didn't matter what stage our relationship was in. So, if I was the one that was keeping her in danger, then I would do whatever it takes to make sure she's safe.”
“Also,” he continues as Peter opens his mouth, “if you want to be happy in life, then your better off being with the people you love. It'll hurt you to keep them at a distance, and it can hurt them too if they don't know why you're pushing them away.”
“So, what should I do?”
“Try to patch things up. I'm assuming you guys are at least in a civil acquaintanceship?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Peter answers glumly. “There are times were it seems friendly, and times where it still seems like she hates my guts. Then again, she is pretty dry and standoff-ish to everyone anyway, so that might just be her being who she is.”
“Then ask her to come. Tell her you're Spider-Man and bring her along.”
“Just like that? Hi, just thought I'd let you know I'm Spider-Man. Do you want to come to a wedding? I can't do that!”
“Fine, pick your moment. But I still want you to invite her.”
“And how do I explain that we'll be staying with The Avengers?”
“Why wouldn't The Avengers be there?”
“It's not that. It's just … what perfectly normal reason would there be for me to be there?”
“Well, if she-”
“One that doesn't involve me telling her I'm Spider-Man,” Peter cuts off Tony Stark, resulting in a glare from his mentor.
“Eh, we'll get there when we get there.”
“That's not really the kind of answer I was looking for.”
“Well, you keep wanting to make it difficult.”
“This is not going to go well,” Peter groans and drops his head into his hands before running them through his hair.
Tony sighs and stands up, walking over to the bench. He taps a couple of times on the surface, causing the bench-top to flash blue, before pinching the air and dragging upwards, springing up the holographic blueprints from earlier.
“How about we have a look at this?” Tony suggests as he folds his arms over his chest, getting Peter to look back up at him. “It'll help get your mind off your troubles, and get your head in gear for your exams tomorrow.”
Peter pushes himself out of his chair and stands next to Mr. Stark.
“Sure, but … um … I already planned to go to May's afterwards for dinner. I said I'd be there by 7.”
“What time is it now, Fri?” Tony asks, his eyes focusing on the designs.
“2:13,” the AI answers from above.
“Ah, we've got plenty of time,” Mr. Stark says, unfolding one of his arms and resting it on Peter's shoulder. “Hell, we'll probably have this all finished well before then.”
His arms shoot out to the holograms and brush a couple of designs aside before focusing in on the reactor and energy couplets and bringing his hands out wide, zooming into the design.
“How about we focus here first?”
A/N: So, there we go. First one out of the way. A shorter chapter than what I typically write, but probably about right for an introduction. Things may get longer. 
I'd like to hear your thoughts on the chapter. Suggestions, criticisms, ideas, all of that is welcome. In particular, I don't necessarily have a complete idea for events that they will all do before the wedding, so if there's anything in particular you want to see, whether it be an event, a face-off, or a particular relationship development event, please feel free to let me know and I'll see what I can do.
The next chapter will be uploaded as it's written. So, until then, adios.
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finnishfun · 6 years
Finnish FEL - Take 2.
Earlier I posted about the Finnish FEL App and shared some early ideas about how things work. Now that I’m revising I’m re-reading my old posts and practising with the app once again. So I thought to do a post about additional ideas based on what I’ve learnt in the meantime. I might not have a comment to each phrase but I’ll write them down anyway as practice.
Corrections welcome! (in case you feel like reading a very long post)
Basic phrases
Hei! - Hi! you can say this to anyone really, unless you want to be very formal
Näkemiin! - Goodbye!  It literally means something like “see each other again” which is much easier to say in Hungarian, a bit less in English, something like “see you” I guess.
Mitä kuuluu? - How are you? kuulua has lots of uses, one of them is to ask how someone is. The answer can be: Kiitos, hyvää. - Fine, thanks. Note hyvää is in the partitive.
Hyvää päivänjatkoa! - Have a nice day! Literally something like “have a good rest of the day”, again something we say in Hungarian. Hyvää is in the partitive again, similarly to other “wishing” phrases.
Kiitos, samoin. - Thanks, same to you.
Onnea! - Good luck! partitive of onni - luck
Voitko puhua hitaammin? - Could you speak more slowly? An example of the question ending -ko/-kö and a comparative adjective.
Puhun romaniaa. - I speak Romanian. Language names are not capitalized, but they are in the partitive when talking about speaking or learning them. 
Miksi tätä kutsutaan? - What is this called? tätä is the partitive form of tämä (this). If we translate as “What do you call this”, then “this” is the object of the sentence so it’s easier to see why it’s in the partitive.
Ymmärrätkö saksaa? - Do you understand German?
Kyllä, mutta en puhu sitä. - Yes, but I don’t speak it. sitä - partitive of se (it)
Olkaa hyvä / Ole hyvä - You’re welcome (formal / informal) It can also mean “Here you are” and “Please” (closest to the literal translation - ‘be good’)
Kiitos paljon - thank you very much
Eipä kestä / ei kestä - No problem, It’s all right the -pä ending is a sort of spoken thing as far as I remember
Anteeksi! - Excuse me, Sorry
Ei se mitään - No problem
Olen pahoillani - I’m sorry
Mikä? - What?
Missä? - Where?
Milloin? - When?
Kuka? - Who?
Olen väsynyt - I’m tired
Olen nälkäinen - I’m hungry
Olen onnellinen - I’m happy
Olen surullinen - I’m sad
Mennään! - Let’s go!
Pidä kiirettä! - Hurry up! kiirettä is the partitive form of kiire (hurry), so it means something like “take hurry”... anyway. :D
Rauhoitu! - Calm down! from rauha - peace
Ole hiljaa! - Shut up! note the partitive form here as well
Apua! - Help! again partitive form of apu (help), or verb
Tulipalo! - Fire!
Soittakaa ambulanssi / poliisi - Call an ambulance / the police
Ole kiltti - Please (Again ‘be nice / good’)
Onneksi olkoon! - Congratulations!
Hyvää joulua! - Merry Christmas!
Onnellista uutta vuotta! - Happy new year! A bit trickier partitive forms: onnellinen - onnellista uusi - uutta vuosi - vuotta
Hyvää syntymäpäivää! - Happy birthday!
Making friends
Tässä on poikaystäväni. - This is my boyfriend. tässä - here -ni possessive ending, although this form is more like the written option (but the app does teach you to write, so... :D)
Mikä sinun nimesi on? - What is your name? Okay, this form is a bit closest, though “sinun nimi” would be enough in spoken form and “nimesi” in written. But this works too, maybe a bit more emphasized.
Nimeni on Diana. - My name is Diana.
Kenen kanssa olet? - Who are you with? kenen - genitive form of kuka, used with kanssa (with someone). This is an interesting difference from Hungarian as it is not expressed with a different case like other things.
Olen ystävän kanssa. - I’m with a friend.
Kuinka vanha olet? - How old are you?
Olen (age) vuotta vanha. - I’m (…) years old. As we already saw, this is the partitive form of vuosi (year) - used with numbers
Milloin olet syntynyt? - When were you born?
Olen syntynyt vuonna… - I was born in (year) vuonna - in the year
Mistä olet kotoisin? - Where are you from? literally “where are you from originally?”
Olen Moldovasta. - I’m from Moldova. more examples of various cases/endings
Minkä maan kansalainen olet? - What is your nationality? “which country’s citizen are you?” kansalainen resembles kanssa, and there’s probably some connection, since both words suggest you belong somewhere
Olen albanialainen. - I’m Albanian. adjective made from the country name for nationality (again not capitalized)
Kenen kanssa asut? - Who do you live with?
Asun vaimoni kanssa. - I live with my wife.
Missä asut? - Where do you live?
Asun Belgiassa. - I live in Belgium.
Oletko naimisissa? - Are you married?
En, olen naimaton. - No, I’m single.
Onko sinulla lapsia? - Have you got children? lapsi (child) is a bit of a tricky word again. lapsia - partitive plural form (do you have (multiple) children) plus the “minulla on” phrase for possessions
Kyllä, minulla on kolme lasta. - Yes, I’ve got three kids. and here it’s the singular partitive form: lasta
Pidän ruoanlaitosta. - I like cooking. this ending needs to be used with the verb pitää (to like doing sth) Here it’s a little more complicated because the object is technically a noun (I like to cook / I like cooking), with the -sta ending.
Pidätkö television katselusta? - Do you like watching TV?
En, pidän lukemisesta. - No, I like reading. lukeminen - reading the -nen ending becomes -se in other cases so it’s lukemisesta (this took me a long time and I’m still not sure I’m using it right all the time)
Onko sinulla lemmikkejä? - Have you got any pets? again partitive plural form
Kyllä, minulla on koira. - Yes, I’ve got a dog.
Todellakin inhoan pitsaa. - I really hate pizza.
Inhoan solmion käyttämistä. - I hate wearing a tie.
Mitä mieltä olet kirjasta? - What’s your opinion of the book? Olla (partitive) mieltä - to have an opinion, to think sth about sth, and the object gets the -sta ending again (elative case, I’ll never learn these names lol)
Pelkäänpä, että en pidä tästä kirjasta. - I’m afraid I don’t like this book. everything needs the same ending so tämä becomes tästä here
Hän käyttää silmälaseja. - He wears glasses. silma (eye) + lasi (glass) = eyeglass :D
Olet erittäin mukava. - You’re very nice.
Millainen Emma on? - What is Emma like?
Hän on erittäin ujo. - She is very shy.
Voinko saattaa sinut kotiin? - Can I walk you home?
Haluaisitko tanssia? - Would you like to dance?
Mielelläni. - I’d love to. I feel like this has to do with mieli as well. -ni is the possessive ending, it’s probably not something that could be exactly translated, but I kinda feel what it means :D
Voinko liittyä seuraanne? - Can I join you?
Kyllä, toki. - Yes, sure.
Voinko halata sinua? - Can I hug you?
Voinko suudella sinua? - Can I kiss you?
Kuuma ilma, eikö? - Hot weather, right? this was probably said a lot this summer 
Mahtavat juhlat, eikö? - Great party, isn’t it? I recently read that post about things that are usually in the plural, and I think juhla belongs there, though not quite sure why. Anyway, it has to be the nominative plural form with the -t ending, so the same with mahtava.
Saavuin juuri. - I’ve just got here.
Miten töissä menee? - How’s work going? “How’s it going at work?”
Oli kiva nähdä sinua. - It was good seeing you.
En voi puhua pidempään. - I can’t talk longer.
Puhutaan lisää lounaalla. - Let’s talk more at lunch.
Aion lähteä. - I’m going to leave.
Tule tapaamaan meitä. - Come to see us.
Liity seuraani lounaalle. - Join me for lunch.
Ei kiitos, söin jo. - No thanks, I’ve already eaten.
Minne haluaisit mennä? - Where would you like to go?
Haluaisin mennä elokuviin - I’d like to go to the cinema.
Kyllä, minulle sopii. - Yes, I’m free.
Kuulostaa hyvältä. - Sounds good. things with senses (sounds, looks, smells...) need the -lta/-ltä ending
Mielihyvin. - With pleasure.
Ei, minulle ei sovi. - No, I am not free.
Minun täytyy opiskella. - I need to study. another useful phrase “minun täytyy” (+basic form of the verb) - I have to / need to
Minulla ei ole aikaa. - I haven’t got time.
Etkö ole sitä mieltä? - Don’t you think so? the interesting part is the -kö ending added to et and not the verb. In this case I guess this is because of the negation. Ei oletko... or Oletko ei... maybe wouldn’t be correct. Otherwise you can add the -ko/-kö ending to pretty much anything, though it might change meanings a bit.
Oi, en todellakaan! - Oh, surely not!
Etkö ole samaa mieltä? - Don’t you agree?
Olen täysin samaa mieltä. - I entirely agree.
Kumman valitsisit mieluummin? - Which would you prefer? kumman is the genitive form of kumpi (which one - of two things) again a mieli-form, this time it’s an adjective - which one do you like more?
Mitä teet? - What are you doing?
Missä hän on? - Where is he?
Miksi sanoit niin? - Why did you say that?
Se vaikuttaa minusta erittäin oudolta. - It seems very strange to me.
Olen varma, että hän voittaa. - I’m sure that he will win.
En usko. - I don’t think so.
Sinulla on erittäin hieno auto. - You have a very nice car.
Arvostaisin neuvojanne. - I would appreciate your advice. arvostan - I appreciate arvostaisin - I WOULD appreciate
Mitä minun pitäisi laittaa päälleni? - What should I wear? mitä - similarly to mikä, it means “what”, but mostly for actual things, while mikä is more abstract minun pitäisi - I should (note the -isi phrase again) laittaa päälleni - to wear, put on (sth like to put on my head :D sounds a bit funny, but a really good expression)
Voitko pitää tätä? - Can you hold this for me?
Voitko auttaa minua? - Can you help me?
Haittaako, jos istun tähän? - Do you mind if I sit here? tähän - to here
Ei, ei haittaa. - No, I don’t mind.
Mennään uimaan. - Let’s go swimming. another nice construction that I will get back to
Se on hyvä idea. - That’s a good idea.
Entä tänään? - How about today?
Mietin asiaa. - I’ll think about it.
Well, that was a good session! I continued the app earlier but I haven’t posted about it yet, so will do soon.
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overthinkinbrain · 3 years
Hi again :D I never thought that writing that first letter will be this relief. You know me, I wont say anything to anyone unless I cant handle it anymore. Its just too much emotion living inside me that wants to be release. Anyway, can I continue telling you something that you missed out to me? Well, you dont have any choice coz I will say it anyway :
I really wanted to tell you what happened coz I know you’ll relate to this. Also I consider you as my bestest friend that I can tell you anything without sugarcoating or whatever. That for the past years, I havent been able to open up to anybody how I feel and and how I felt on thing thats why you need to catch up to me HAHAHA again, you have no choice.
SEA GAMES. It was a nightmare. How come that our coaches are really coaches without a training program? that they come to training empty handed and just tell us what they feel like doing??? Did you know that eventhough I attend tryouts ( you know our team, each year they wanted new players thinking they will get someone who will play like a superstar) they didnt include me on the national team list of players. ME! They have a lot of bullshit excuse about that but I know whats really the reason. That I was short. They wanted to create a tall team and that ruin my comnfidence. That up to now that Im not on the team anymore(that I will tell you the story next time), I carry that insecurity that Im not tall. Insecurity that I thought I never had. Since I was not part of the first list, I was left out when they had their training in SG. I was so angry that I really wanted to quit. But I focused on my work, I mute all my teammates story for me to be able to focus and not think that I was left behind. *COMMERCIAL BREAK* If you will ask why am I writing this in english is because It will feel like MMK if I will write it in tagalog HAHAHA *END COMMERCIAL* Fast forward after their SG traning, I still trained. I fuckin’ trained hard. I run like hell so no can can catch up on me. Until the last day before announcing the final line up, I wasnt sure If I will go in. Thats how fucked up my confidence. Even if I know deep down that I am one of the players who the team looked up. And the, I GOT IN! But I was not that confident athlete, I always have a doubt in me, because these coaches always makes us feel that we’re not enough. That my height is not enough. But God will always save us. We were able to train by our foreign coach. We flew in SG to get ready with Seagames for 2 weeks straight. Training and games all day. And for the first time, I wanted to go home. It was tiring physically and mentally. But I pushed thru. Got back home and we only have 5 days to prepare for the next training which will be a house arrest in Sta. Rosa. It feels like that your body is not yours anymore. It was torture. We are not allowed to access our phone. We are not allowed to get our happy food. It feels like you are not allowaed to be you. You are just an athlete that needs to train and be prepared to fight. It was tiring. You know me, my mental health is not as strong as I act. Imagine how mnany time I cried myself to sleep. 
Im sorry! Haha. I never thought it will take this long. This is what I felt during this time. And you’re the only one whom I am comfortable to be vulnerable. During these days, I wonder what you would say to me. What would you do to make me feel better. But only I can wonder :( I was trying to survive each day. And no one knows I am trying super hard.
Fast forward to the games... I am really proud and happy that never quit. Playing for the country in front of our countryman is another level of pride. I am so happy that I get to feel the chills while playing. The hype I felt was undescribable. We lost to Brunei for the bronze medal. But we definitely give a damn fight. It was so heartbreaking and up to now, I feel the pain of losing that day. But you know what, I gave eveything that I have. I run until that final buzzer and for that I am proud. And in my head, I hope you can watch me, I prayed many time that atleast youre watching in distance (Ii dont know why am I crying while typing this HAHA I just really hope that you are proud of me. You are there when no one believed in me, You pushed me to be a better version of myself. And I know that I wont be able to do these things without you guiding me since day 1. Thank youuu! I am forever greatful for your love. 
and thats my SEA Games story, Universe. 
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