#apart from the obvious songs named the basement
allonzy · 2 years
the more i listen to finn's "drive" playlist the more i'm convinced it's his playlist for s3 mike wheeler
(also because some genius person decoded it as mike wheeler -> wheeler -> wheels -> wheels on a car -> car -> drive)
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spencermyangel · 2 years
For a prompt Spencer singing to a child after they rescue them to calm them down.
Spencer entered the room in the police station, his hand flapping at his side, the screaming of the small girl they had found in the basement of a child serial killer’s home drifting into his ears. 
“Come on, sweetie, you’re okay,” JJ tried to coax the child out from underneath the table, but the little girl, who they had identified as 5 year old Lisa Sutton, who had been missing for just over a year, just continued to cry. Spencer had come in to give Emily and JJ some files, they thought it best to keep the girls with Lisa and had sent Spencer in because he was the ‘least threatening’ male on the team. 
“Um, Hotch wanted me to give these to you,” Spencer nervously handed the files to Emily. He shook out his hands and began rocking back and forth slightly, a soft humming coming from him.
It became obvious to JJ that the noise of Lisa’s crying was overwhelming Spencer, “thanks, Spence. Listen you can go no-” JJ was cut off by Lisa’s crying stopping and they turned as the child peered out to see Spencer. 
“Edelweiss,” Lisa softly whispered, the first thing she had said since being rescued. 
JJ and Emily glanced over at Spencer with confusion. He was silent for a moment, until he realized they were looking at him for an explanation. “Oh, um,” he cleared his throat, “I was humming, it was the song Edelweiss. From the sound of music.” 
Lisa inched her way out from under the table wearily looking at JJ and Emily.
“We can go, if you want, Lisa,” Emily offered. Lisa seemed to consider this for a while before nodding. 
JJ and Emily then left, leaving just Spencer and Lisa in the room. Lisa slowly shuffled over to the wall, leaning her back against it, her teddy bear that an officer had given her clenched tightly in her fist. She watched Spencer with cautious eyes as he sat on the floor a few feet from her. 
Neither of them spoke for a while until Spencer asked, “does your teddy have a name?” 
Lisa shyly shook her head and bit her lip, “sing, Edelweiss?” she looked at Spencer with big brown eyes. 
Spencer froze for a second before he started to softly sing the song. Lisa slowly came closer and closer to Spencer throughout the song, until she had crawled into his lap and leaned her head against his chest. Spencer stroked her blonde curls while he finished the song. 
Lisa's quiet voice then spoke, “daddy and I used to watch it all the time, before. It was our favourite. Do you think he’s still looking for me?” she asked, voice breaking. 
Spencer nodded reassuringly, “Your dad is on his way here right now.” It was true, Lisa’s father had never given up and worked hard to keep Lisa’s story in people’s minds, to help bring her home. He was torn apart in the media though, with the popular theory in the public being he had killed Lisa so he could start a new life with his girlfriend. His girlfriend had even believed the theory and left him. 
Spencer and Lisa continued to talk, with Spencer occasionally singing to her, until Lisa fell asleep in his arms, with Spencer himself eventually falling asleep as well. Spencer woke to JJ shaking him. 
“Lisa’s father is here,” She whispered. Spencer nodded and began to wake Lisa as her father entered the room. He stood in the doorway watching his daughter, who he thought he may never see again, slowly wake up. 
“Lisa, look who’s here.” Spencer brushed her curl out of her eyes. Lisa turned to see the man, who stood in the doorway. As soon as her eyes landed on him, he made sure to blink back his tears and smile. 
“Daddy!” Lisa shouted, running over to her father and flinging her arms around his shoulders as he leaned to pick her up. 
“I missed you so much, Angel,” her father whispered, a few tears managing to escape. He looked at her for a few moments. “You need a haircut,” he said with a watery laugh, flicking her longer curls behind her ears. 
“Look at my teddy,” Lisa showed her father the light brown coloured bear, “one of the police gave it to me.”
“They did?” her father said, “does he have a name?” 
This time Lisa nodded, “Spencer,” she announced.
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j-pankratz · 3 years
Stuck in the Middle with You
A gift for the lovely @chubbykatsudon for the Novigrad Gift Exchange 2021!
Geraskefer, minor Lamden. 16507 Words. Can also be read here on ao3! Rated M for an abundance of cursing and deeply suggestive flirting! Tags for a small amount of canon typical violence, & a very big dog (Roach, my love)! Other tags include: Oh My God The Were Neighbors, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Idiots to Lovers, We're Really Running The Gamut Here, Going viral on TikTok, The best lease of all fucking time, apple juice, and ever changing groupchat names.
“A year! A full year. Two! THREE!”
“Hmm.” Geralt muttered. In one hand above his head, he dangled the dead-though-still-writhing remains of a drowner. He’d stabbed it in the spine— nerve damage, unfortunate stuff. At his feet, the groveling man who’d gotten him into this mess in the first place. About 75% of the people he had to rescue from monsters, he found, were the rich sticking their noses places they oughtn’t, out of pure arrogance. This one, a landlord, apparently, had decided to wander off drunkenly from a party and go poking about the river.
He whimpered. “I— I’ll throw in maintenance! Please, Witcher, I—”
“Do you allow pets,” he asked dryly, “I need a place for Roach.” He gestured with his head to Roach, who was watching the thrashing drowner body with interest.
“Ah, no, we don’t—” Geralt dug his thumb into a wound in the deceased drowner’s neck, causing it to hiss and send out spittle. The kneeling landlord cried in fear.
“Yes! Yes! Fine, we can accept your dog, please, please Witcher I can’t die, I—”
“Deal,” Geralt said, and thrust his sword through the drowner once more, severing its head from its body. The man yelped as blood and assorted monster bits sprayed out. Geralt dropped the remnants of its head and neck to the ground, landing with a sickening splat, and the man wailed again.
“When’s move in?”
Move-in, as it turned out, was a week and a half later, the first of the month. It was a good apartment, better than he’d have ever rented for himself— a quiet street, an elevator, laundry in the basement, and a doorman half the time. Geralt had a view of the city from his bedroom and of the tree-lined street below from his brightly and naturally lit living room, while the second bedroom had a view of the apartment’s courtyard. The kitchen was a good size, though he didn’t cook much, and it had a dishwasher, which was worth its weight in gold. There was a corner shop at the end of the block, and a few restaurants, coffee shops, and bars within walking distance. Eskel and Coën would love visiting, at least, and if he got a decent enough couch and tv, Lambert would too. Not that they’d have much opportunity to visit, but he could have his dreams, few and minor as they were.
It was on the 8th floor, which was high enough to feel safe. There were only four apartments to a floor, which helped. Ultimately, he figured, nobody would really suspect a Witcher to live in a regular apartment building. And if anyone came after him, well, he’d deal with that then. With Ciri away at school, he would have less to stress about. He’d be subtle, wouldn’t tell people in the building he was a Witcher, wouldn’t talk much to anyone, would hope they wouldn’t notice his eyes. He’d wear sunglasses. It would be fine! This apartment was probably the second most favorable payment he’d ever had from a contract—the first of course, being Ciri— he wasn’t about to turn it down, or regret taking it.
Even when he was stuck in the elevator with, quite possibly, the most annoying man on earth.
Geralt was taking the last of his suitcases upstairs, which was really Roach’s suitcase, and a box of his cooking supplies— an embarrassingly small number of pots, pans, bowls, plates, and utensils. Just as the door was closing—
“WAIT! Hold that, hold that, if you’d please, fuck!”
A man with brown hair came barreling toward the elevator, just barely sticking his expensive looking brown leather shoe in the doors before they closed. They slid open with a soft ding, and the man, out of breath, tumbled inside.
He was tall, with a mop of brown hair and egregiously bright teal pants, a slightly lighter blue dress shirt tucked in to match. He heaved against the elevator walls, breathing heavily and eventually sinking down to a crouch to catch his breath.
“Good save,” Geralt said.
“Thank you,” the man said between gasps. “You saved my life.”
“I didn’t do anything."
The man waved his hand at the buttons. “Button. Button. You. Press. You pressed the— you know.”
“No I didn’t.”
The man paused, his breathing slowly going back to normal. “You didn’t—” He looked up at Geralt, his eyes a brilliant, piercing blue. He was frowning. “What do you mean you didn’t? You didn’t press the button?”
The man came to standing, and Geralt found that the man wasn’t just tall, he was nearly Geralt’s height. “You mean to tell me, you see a man running for the elevator, screaming for you to hold the door, and instead you just— just stand there and watch?”
Geralt lifted his box a bit. “Got my hands full.”
“You have elbows! Two of them, might I add!” the man cut in before Geralt could lift the suitcase tucked into the crook of one arm. Instead, he shrugged.
“More fun to watch you run.”
“More fun to— I cannot believe this,” the man said, looking up at the floor numbers. The elevator continued to rise, and he suddenly groaned. “Ah, fuck, we’ve missed my floor,” he said, fumbling over to the buttons. Geralt frowned.
“We’re only on the fifth floor.” He watched the man press the button for the second floor. “You ran to the elevator… to go to the second floor?”
“I don’t like stairs!” he complained; Geralt could tell he’d had to give this explanation many times before.
“You like running more than stairs?”
“I would run toward convenience any day.”
“Mmm,” Geralt hummed softly.
They stood in silence for a moment. “Sorry, who are you? New neighbor, then?”
“Do you have a name, or must I call you Mildly Rude Elevator Man? You wouldn’t be the first to earn a title from me. I don’t even know the woman’s name who lives in the Penthouse so now she’s just Penthouse Lady. But surely you have a name?”
Geralt smiled. “8b.”
“Oh, hilarious, 8b, alright, then I’m 2d. Lovely to meet you, 8b,” he said as the doors slid open to the 8th floor. “Do you need some help with those?”
“No,” Geralt said, and maneuvered himself out of the elevator carefully.
“Alright, fine then, if you say so, but I’m very helpful, actually, when I need to be. I have two hands, you know.”
“I’m sure,” Geralt grunted and approached his door. Fishing in his pocket for his keys for a moment, he found himself turned to the man in the elevator— 2d— and watched as his eyes grew wide as they fell on Geralt’s medallion, just as the elevator dinged and the doors began to slide closed. Well. Fuck.
“Wait— is that—” 2d’s eyes grew wide, and then a grin split across his face. “You’re a Witcher, aren’t you! Wait!” but the doors had already met, and the elevator began its descent.
Okay, so, subtlety gone, and given how chatty 2d had been, he figured it was only a matter of time before the entire building knew. That was the price for a free 3-year lease in a building far above his price range at the best of times, he supposed.
There was no way this would be worth it.
There were three days of peace, before 2d came knocking.
It was mid-afternoon, and in the living room the sunlight streamed through his new windows onto the small amount of furniture he’d arranged so far. Roach’s bed, his orange couch, a small tv, a chair, a barstool, a bookcase. Everything else was either still in boxes or simply not purchased yet— he’d never had need for it. He didn’t even know what to do with an apartment he could enjoy spending time in. The morning had been spent sitting on the couch, letting his coffee go cold as he looked around and tried to figure out what to do with this place he might actually be able to relax in. Until, of course, the knocking began.
He tried to ignore it, but 2d was persistent. After the 5th set of knocks, Geralt groggily rose from his chair, coffee in hand, and opened the door.
“Good morning! Hi, ah, hope you’re alright, settling in well?”
“What do you want.”
“Oh, glad to see you’re in a good mood,” 2d replied easily. His outfit was just as bright today, his pants a vibrant green with a mango pattern on them, his shirt a matching orange, with yellow cuffs, and a… oh, gods above, a guitar case strapped to his back, the leather strap running across his chest, hugging him closely. His clothes fit remarkably well, Geralt noticed, and then tried to promptly un-notice. But it was hard. 2d’s eyes looked especially blue today, which was bullshit. Geralt raised an eyebrow and hoped he wasn’t being obvious about anything, though it wasn’t as if Witchers let their faces be easily readable.
“Listen. You’re a Witcher. Very neat, very cool, I could smell the heroics and heartbreak on you in that elevator, I’m getting whiffs of it even now—”
“That’s sweat. Or coffee.”
“Well, okay, it’s not, but okay. My point here is, you have stories. And I write stories. Well, I write songs. Music. Poetry, art, etcetera. And I’m good, I promise I’m fairly decently good—”
“Was that you on Sunday singing the song about the… rabbit? And the moon?” He didn’t remember it well, but whoever was singing had definitely mentioned worms, as well.
“The… oh! Yes! Ah,” he cleared his throat and began. “But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon? Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon? Right? Yes, love that one, it’s a fun one to sing at bars. Great warm-up song. Cosmo Sheldrake! Gotta love them, strange bastards. I should record that for TikTok, now that I think of it.”
“Sure.” The man’s singing voice was… light, airy, with something like a faint rasp in there, but he dipped down low into his register another was a whole new layer of sound there as well. It sounded like him, but it was somehow completely different than what Geralt would have expected the man’s singing voice to be like. “Cows don’t do that, though. And the references to beasts in your other songs were just as unrealistic. You shouldn’t be confusing people, monsters are serious business. Someone could get hurt.”
“Perfect!” 2d cried excitedly. “See! You know these things. I would like to learn these things. Think of it as educating the public, and helping out your great new friend Jaskier. Which, hello, I’m Jaskier. You’re Geralt, right? Of Rivia?”
Geralt shifted on his feet. It shouldn’t have surprised him. There were only so many witchers, let alone ones with long white hair and a wolf medallion. Damn internet. “And if I am?”
Jaskier’s wide grin turned sly. “Then I know for a fact you have stories.”
The witcher sighed. Well. He’d bore this man with his bad storytelling, and he’d get bored, and he’d leave. In the meantime, Geralt would get to look at 2d’s well-fitting clothes and shoulders that looked terrifically broad. It could be worse. There was a long pause.
“Fine. This once. But I’m not your friend.”
“Brilliant! Beautiful, fantastic,” Jaskier was saying, and slipped past Geralt and in to the apartment.
And then Roach barreled in.
“OH, HOLY FUCK!” Jaskier screamed in surprise, as the great Dane barked, getting right up to Jaskier before Geralt quieted her with a quick command. She plopped down at Jaskier’s feet obediently, and stared up at him with big, watery brown eyes. Jaskier’s hands were raised high above his head, and when he spoke, it came out as a raspy whisper.
“I did not know you had a dog. Have you always had this dog? Whose dog is this, this is your dog? How have I missed this. What’s his name?”
“Her name is Roach.”
“Her names Roach,” he repeated in the same horse whisper. “Why have you named your dog after an insect.”
“Can’t get rid of her,” Geralt replied, though he knew that made it sound like he didn’t absolutely adore her. The name had been a joke, and it had stuck, simple as that.
“Oh. Lovely. Okay. Will she eat me? She won’t eat me, right? This is a good dog, a good dog with manners?”
“She won’t eat you. Unless I tell her to.”
“Stop that!! Oh, stop that, oh my gods. Okay. Okay. Hello puppy. Nice, non-murdering puppy. Not a puppy. Good… large dog. Good large girl. You’re nice, aren’t you. You won’t kill me at all, not even a little bit.” He slowly let one hand come down to his side, and Roach surged forward to lick it. Jaskier yanked his hand back up and shut his eyes tightly.
“Okay. Maybe I should come back. At another time when I am more prepared for your non-murdering, not at all monstrous 4-foot tall dog.”
“She’s more like 2 1/2 feet tall.” Geralt cocked his head to the side. “Maybe three.”
“Fuck. Gods. Okay. Okay. Another day then! But definitely. I will want to hear these stories. Okay?”
“Sure,” Geralt agreed. This was more entertainment than he had expected today. He held back laughs, smiling while Jaskier’s eyes were still shut tightly. “Another day, then.”
“Okay. I’m backing out now, he said, and slowly began to do so, not turning away from Roach. She came to standing, and he jumped back at the sound of her nails against the tile floor of the kitchen, eyes still squeezed shut. “OKAY, OH, NO, okay doggie, no following me. No following. Thank you. Okay. I will. See you soon. Okay? Okay.”
And then Jaskier was out the door, and running down the stairwell. Geralt closed the door behind him, and turned to see Roach looking at him, her head cocked. He laughed, and bent down to pet her.
It took just over 24 hours for 2d— no, no, Jaskier— to come knocking once more. This time, Geralt answered the door more quickly; best to either get this over with, or get some more laughs out of it while he could. Behind the door stood Jaskier, mildly nervous looking, already glancing over Geralt’s shoulder into the apartment.
It was either a blessing or a curse that Jaskier’s outfit was not nearly as tight-fitting today, though the strap of his guitar case still cut close to his figure against his lavender sweater. In his arms, he held a variety of brand-new-looking dog toys; kongs and bones and pull-ropes and even some balls.
“Hi! Ah, this time, I’ve come prepared! With distractions and assurances your Roach will not eat me. If you’d still be available for relaying some stories?”
“…You bought her toys?”
“Ah…. maybe a bit? Well, yes, I certainly don’t have a dog, I just did some searching for what kind of things abnormally large dogs might enjoy and picked some up on a walk this morning. Nothing big.” Geralt looked again at the pile in Jaskier’s arms. He’d… bought toys. For Roach. Who he’d just met the day previously, and had scared him silly.
The more time he spent around Jaskier, the less he understood about the man.
Geralt took a step back and gave a whistle, and soon Roach was trotting in from his bedroom. He could smell the tension off Jaskier, and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. “Try to relax. She’ll know if you’re stressed.”
“Right. No stress, just a dog who could swallow me whole. That’s fine, this is fine.”
“Put your hand out low, so she can sniff.”
After a bit of hesitation, Jaskier took a deep breath and did as he was told. “Friendly, Roach,” Geralt said as she sniffed loudly around Jaskier’s hand. And a moment later, she was licking his hand, sobering all over it. Jaskier laughed nervously, a light and airy sound Geralt found himself enjoying a bit too much. His smile was radiant, the relief in his broad shoulders palpable. He carefully moved his hand to give her a scratch on the cheek, and Roach leaned into it, pressing up against him, her tag wagging a mile a minute.
“Feel better?”
“Hmm? Oh! Yes, yes,” Jaskier said, pulling his attention away from Roach. “I’m really not usually scared of dogs. She’s just… very large, and was unexpected. But you’re a good girl, aren’t you? You’re not nearly as scary as you look! Just like your owner, isn’t that right.”
Geralt frowned. He knew he was frightening, there was no sense in denying it. He had frightened nearly every human he came across, at least in some small way. But even since Jaskier had realized he was a witcher, Geralt hadn’t smelled fear on him. Only just now, when he’d met Roach.
Again, he understood Jaskier less than before.
Geralt stepped back wordlessly and allowed Jaskier to step further into the apartment. He pulled out one of the balls tucked into the pile of toys in his arm and threw it further into the living room, and Roach excitedly ran after it, plopping down to chew on it next to her well-loved gray bed.
Jaskier followed, moving through the room like the breeze, before sitting on the couch, kicking his shoes off, and shoving his feet between the cushions.
“So! Where should we begin! Tales of your early days, your first forays with beasts? Your most recent victories? Epic quests?”
Geralt stared at Jaskier, an eye twitching. “Don’t— what are you doing?”
“Well, I figured we’d be here a while, might as well get comfortable!”
“On a stranger’s couch. A witcher’s couch.”
“On my new, good friend Geralt-The-Witcher’s couch! We’re hardly neighbors, we’re strangers! Wait, no, sorry, hardly strangers, we’re— where are you going?”
Geralt had turned and walked to his bedroom. He quietly shut the door behind him, walked to his bed, grabbed a pillow, and screamed into it. He was good at controlling his emotions. He barely had them, after all, that’s what they said about witchers. But this man, this self-proclaimed friend was driving him to madness, and it had only been four days in the building. He briefly considered moving, abandoning the apartment entirely, giving it to someone else. Or perhaps throwing this Jaskier out the window. But none of those were worth the time, or the inevitable paperwork. He could kick Jaskier out, but he’d come back, he knew he would.
It was best to just be boring. Just be boring, refuse to tell the good stories, and tell the boring ones he did have, badly. Jaskier would get tired of it, take what he got, and discover there was nothing interesting or worth telling about witches. Who would want to hear songs about him, anyway? Humans, in large part, still thought witchers were monsters. It had gotten better the past few decades, but… not much.
He took a deep breath and pulled the over-worn pillow away from his face. Time to just get it over with, he supposed. Another deep breath and he returned to the living room, where Jaskier had pulled out a pad of paper, several pens, his guitar, a small bag of what looked to be popcorn, and three notebooks that looked completely filled already. Jaskier whipped around to see him and gave a big, toothy smile.
He was doing this, Geralt thought, just to get the writer out of his hair. No more, no less. It had absolutely nothing to do with anything else.
“Geralt! I am perfectly ready, and if you can’t think of where to start I have dozens of questions for you. Hundreds, really, so don’t worry about it at all! Sit down, sit down.”
“This is my house,” Geralt said, grabbing the only other chair and sitting a ways from Jaskier, “I should be inviting you to take a seat.”
“Well, that might be the case if you were an experienced host, but I get the feeling it’s not really your forte. Alright, ready to begin?”
“Did you notice how I didn’t invite you to take a seat?”
“I did, actually! Again, I can tell you’re not a natural at the hosting thing. Not to worry, I’m plenty comfortable now.” There was a glint in his eye that told Geralt he knew exactly what he was doing.
Geralt sighed, and fought off the thought that Jaskier was very, very lucky he was pretty.
A few hours later, Jaskier had gathered up his things, ready to head out. “Don’t worry, Geralt, you were plenty helpful. And our next session we will absolutely get to some… even more interesting stories, I’m sure we’ve only just barely scratched the surface.”
Geralt had been as boring as he could possibly manage, giving only the barest of details. Jaskier had still seemed intrigued, still prodded. His eyes had been full of life and wonder at the smallest details, he’d taken fervent notes, he’d looked like an oil painting when the sun had begun to set and cast him in vibrant golds, showing off the warmth in his cheeks and the well-hidden but sharp lines of his body. This had nearly killed Geralt. And now Jaskier wanted to do it again?!
“Yes, of course, I’ll need to do some writing and then come back to you for more— really, I think I should just accompany you on your next contract, I think I’d get much more out of it— not to say you didn’t do wonderfully, dear, but I can hardly imagine that anything compares to the real thing.”
“No. Too dangerous.”
“I can keep out of the way!” Jaskier said, hefting the guitar case onto his back.
“You can’t, you won’t it wouldn’t matter if you could. No.”
“Oh, I’ll wear you down.” Geralt was deeply afraid that this was correct. “Gods, I should probably eat. What time is it? It’s not Thursday, is it? Is it Tuesday? Oh, I wonder if Posada’s is doing their wings night tonight. You’ve had them, right?” Geralt stared back blankly. “Geralt. Ohhhhh, Geralt, you cannot tell me you haven’t had Posada’s wings yet.” Geralt raised a single eyebrow.
“I’ve been here four days.”
“And what have you eaten!”
“…Food?” The real answer was anything that took less than 15 minutes to prepare, cook, and eat, but he wasn’t about to say that, was he? That’s not a thing you say to people.
“Ohhh, no, Geralt. No no no.” Jaskier shrugged off his Guitar case and whipped out his phone. “No, this is my treat. Oh fuck, it’s Thurs—no, nope, sorry, saw the T and got worried. It is in fact Tuesday, and it’s 7pm so we’re in the clear; we are in fact doing Posada’s wings deal. This is half the reason rent on this place is worth it— not that you have to worry about that. I mean, neither do I but, whatever. Sit down, I’ll order now. Wait, no, you get the plates, I’ll order, okay.”
Geralt stared blankly at Jaskier as he bustled through the apartment, around the unopened boxes and suitcases, the few pieces of furniture, all while on his phone, ordering takeout for the both of them. He seemed to be a natural at almost everything— except talking, somehow, which didn’t give Geralt much hope for his lyricism. But he flowed through the apartment like water, the lilt of his voice carried through the air like honeysuckle on a breeze.
(If you asked Geralt how Jaskier had managed to stay at his apartment from 1 in the afternoon until 10:30 in the evening, Geralt wouldn’t be able to tell you. It involved some toys for Roach, some terrible storytelling, and a wing deal that seemed like it should be financially devastating for Posada’s. And if you asked him at what point Jaskier had started feeling like, well, maybe one of the better things in his life, he would deny it was so early as a mere few days after they met.
He’d be lying, but he likely wouldn’t quite realize that.)
Contracts weren’t especially plentiful in the early spring like they had been in years past, but the ones that did crop up were often fairly big. Such was the one Geralt happened to find on a walk with Roach, a week later on a billboard outside the largest park in the city.
A Griffin’s nest. He could probably relocate them, if he had help. He didn’t like killing monsters when he could avoid it— and griffins weren’t horribly dangerous when left well enough alone. It wasn’t their fault society had branched outwards, into their natural habitats. They shouldn’t have to pay for the mistakes of humans.
Besides, he understood monsters more than people, half the time.
So, he reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone, snapped a picture of the flyer. The chat was used so infrequently that he didn’t even bother to scroll for it, he just typed in the names with one hand, the other busy wrapped Roach’s leash. Slowly, the names appeared. ESKEL, LAMBERT, COËN.
He sends the picture with a short message; ‘Anyone in, or am I doing this myself’ before tucking the phone back in his pocket. Geralt had learned years ago to keep his phone on Do Not Disturb when on walks with Roach; it was his quiet time. If he didn’t have his walks with Roach, he would lose his mind. When he arrived back at the building, he checked the phone in the elevator.
Coën – Just now
I don’t think that’s how flamethrowers work??
And before he could even open up the messages, another notification popped up as he stepped out of the elevator;
Lambert – Just now
Fine ruin my dreams fuck
He smirked and put it away to let himself and Roach into the apartment. A turn of the key and he let go of the leash, Roach pushing the door open and bolting for the couch, rolling all over the orange cushions. Before Geralt stepped in, he heard the sound of music fluttering up from the second floor; this time, Jaskier was writing a new song, getting stuck on different chords and changing his idea on the words every few seconds. The stop and go nature of it should have bothered him, having to hear someone all the way from the second floor should bother him (why did Jaskier insist on having the windows constantly opened??) but instead, he found it… pleasant.
That could not possibly be good.
When the four returned back from the contract, they were bruised, had splinters in truly unspeakable places, and were covered in grime. But, four griffin eggs successfully relocated, a mother griffin tolerant of her new home, and a decent paycheck to split amongst the four of them. Roach, dirtiest of all of them, ran into the apartment first and rolled around on the cool tile of the kitchen. At least it wasn’t on the couch, Geralt supposed, as he led in his fellow witchers. His apartment had been the closest when they’d returned to the city, and he’d agreed to let them all crash.
“Geralt holy fuck,” Lambert said, sounding incredulous as he began to shed his armor. “This is ridiculous! I know you saved the landlord, but shirts, did you show him a good time too?! This is unbelievable.”
“Damn, Geralt. You did good,” Eskel agreed with a pat on his younger brother’s back.
“It’s really nice. You could use some… decoration, though,” Coën added. “Just, you know. Anything on the walls. Pictures, posters, something.”
“I just moved in. Do you guys want coffee?”
The three groaned, and Lambert flopped on the couch, sufficiently de-armored. “I want to sleep for a hundred years, Geralt. No I don’t want fucking coffee.”
“Suit yourself,” he said, and put up a pot.
“It’s 11pm,” Coën said blankly. “Do Wolves not sleep? Is this a thing? I thought it was only Cats who didn’t sleep.”
Lambert shifted carefully onto his side. His next words were said almost in rote, as though he’d heard someone else say them a thousand times before. “Cats sleep pretty soundly, they just don’t do it at night. They have better things to do."
Coën shrugged and headed for the bathroom, but Eskel and Geralt sent each other a look. Eskel’s eyes squinted a bit, and they slowly turned to look at Lambert, motionless on the couch. There was a long moment of silence, as they just stared at the youngest wolf.
“Where’d you learn that one, lil Lamb?” Eskel asked carefully. Geralt caught a whiff of anxiety emanating off his younger brother for a moment.
“What? Oh. Uh, yeah, I met a Cat. So what?” He turned to look at his brothers, and he frowned. “Hey! So what?! You have something to say?! I can make friends!”
“You get this defensive about all your friends?”
“Geralt I will throw your couch out the fucking window, I swear to God.”
“What’s your new pal’s name?” Eskel asked. “This buddy of yours. Your chum.”
“I fucking hate you both!” Lambert shouted, and buried his face in a pillow.
With the coffee done, Geralt poured himself a mug and sat down at the kitchen bar, watching Lambert toss around on the couch. Eskel settled into one of Geralt’s only other chairs, and sat back.
“Are you gonna tell us about him?”
“…I need to be fucked up for that,” Lambert muttered. Geralt gave a gesture with his head to Eskel, who rose and opened a cabinet in the closet to reveal two bottles of White Gull. Eskel barked a laugh.
Lambert groaned and let his head fall back against the cushion once more. “Fucking hate you guys. Give me one of those.”
This was not the first time the halls were muddy.
Over the past two and a half weeks, the floor of the lobby had often been tracked with mud. She had tried to ignore this. The annoying musician, (her mortal enemy on the second floor), had been particularly stuck on some new song that was both uninspired and going nowhere. She had tried to ignore this, as well. She’d ignored Jane on the fourth floor’s delivery fiasco, and the fact that Eiman from floor 6’s fire alarm had gone off in the middle of some careful brewing she’d been doing. She had even tried to ignore the barks of a large dog from the new tenant in what was supposed to be a strictly no-dog apartment building.
(It wasn’t that she cared about the rules, she couldn’t give a shit about rules. She just hated them being broken when it inconvenienced her.)
What she could not ignore, however, what had pushed her decidedly past her breaking point, was what sounded like a heard of grown men who had trampled through the lobby, made their way up the stairs, undoubtedly coating it with mud, and were now somewhere several floors below her, all the windows thrown open, one of them lamenting about some man who he was infatuated with.
It wasn’t even good gossip. It had stopped being good gossip an hour ago, when he’d become so drunk he’d just started repeating the same things about this man— Adam, or Adrien, or Aiden, or something like that— over and over and over again.
And they were doing all of this past quiet hours. Did she have insulated, noise cancelling windows, yes. Did she herself enjoy a good night in with friends, or even a party, sometimes past quiet hours? Of course. Had she occasionally made a mess in the lobby? Possibly.
But she’d cleaned up, taken responsibility, and not made it everyone else’s problem at 2am on a Wednesday night when she’d very much like to have the windows open for a fucking breeze.
This, Yennefer thought, was not what she paid rent on a Penthouse for.
She groaned, checked her phone, and turned her bedside light on with a wave of her hand. Hadn’t anyone told these poor bastards about the witch who lived in the Penthouse? She stared at the hour again; it was 2:06am. Did she want to deal with this now? Or did she want to save raining down unholy terror for a reasonable hour, and instead capitalize on time differences.
It wasn’t a difficult decision. She pressed a few buttons, and her video chat call began to ring. A few moments later, a smiling but confused looking Anica lit up her phone, adjusting her tortoiseshell glasses.
“Yennefer! It’s lovely to hear from you but… what time is it there?”
She groaned. “2am. Don’t remind me. New neighbors suck. Tell me something fun you’re working on.”
Anica smiled. “Oh, if you want something fun, you’ve come at exactly the right moment. This week Sabrina’s here, and we’re working on a warding charm against fungi in gardens— I figure we could likely scale it up to fields, but I want to have things worked out just right before we move on….”
Yennefer smiled as her friend went on, and tried not to wince every time she heard a faint wail come from several floors beneath her.
“And— he sucks. Like, he’s fucking. Sly, and cocky and shit. Where does he get off being all—” 3 hours after he had begun, the deeply drunken Lambert was still talking, gesturing wildly in front of them. “—You know?! It’s no v’y thoughtful.” He drifted into silence once more, while Coën, Eskel, and Geralt just nodded. Most of what that had gathered was that Lambert’s overwhelming crush on this mysterious Cat Witcher, Aiden, had hit him like a truck a year or so back and he still hadn’t made a move. Which meant he was serious about this one.
Coën opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. There wasn’t much to say— Lambert was a goner. He hadn’t quite fallen asleep yet, so far as Geralt could tell from the rise and fall of his chest, but he was getting there. Eskel slowly began to stand up and collect the empty bottle of White Gull they’d finished. Suddenly, Lambert’s eyes flew open, and he careened forward, arms waving wildly. “AND HIS HAIR?! I fucking hate him! He’s awful. He’s so fucking hot and I hate everything. He sucks. How do I get him to sleep with me?!”
Eskel sat down again with a sigh.
“Wait. Geralt, you went on a contract without me?! After I specifically asked to go?! Geralt!” Jaskier huffed, his tub of sesame chicken nearly spilling. The nature documentary in front of them hummed along, though neither payed it much mind. They never did, really.
“Griffin nests are too dangerous,” Geralt said around a bite of noodles. Jaskier’s presence in his life could be described with many negative adjectives, but he had to admit, he was better fed when the musician was around. “Besides, that was two weeks ago now. You’re behind.”
“All the more offensive that I’m just hearing about it now!”
Geralt rolled his eyes. “You going to come watch me deal with these Wyverns, or not?” He might as well just let Jaskier tag along for something small. Maybe he wouldn’t be a disaster, and then he’d stop pestering Geralt for stories he didn’t want to tell, much less be broadcast to the entire world. Unfortunately, he was beginning to admit to himself that he rather enjoyed Jaskier’s company, but that was all the more reason to cut him out of his life, wasn’t it? He was too big of a liability.
Jaskier had started helping to brighten up Geralt’s apartment, both figuratively and literally. There were now some framed pictures on the wall, as well bright takeout menus (“At least it’s something, Geralt, you need color in your life!”) and even a plant hanging by the window, which was thankfully fake. When Jaskier was around, everything seemed to fit well enough.
When he wasn’t though, the living room was discordant, this wall decor was now big and bold in places and nothing matched, and very few things were things he’d pick out himself. When he saw it in the mornings, he often sighed and shook his head, and tried not to think about it too much, or who had put it there.
He tried really quite hard not to think about Jaskier very much at all, but he was over nearly every day now. It was hard not to.
If Geralt had also finally bought himself a sturdy bedframe, bedside tables, and good sheets for himself, well, that had nothing to do with Jaskier at all. It’s not like Jaskier would ever see it, after all.
“Fine,” Jaskier replied after some internal debate, “But I want to see griffins, someday.”
“Mmm. Look them up, if you’re so keen on seeing one.”
“It’s not the same! Do you think it’s the same?! Ugh.”
“So, you’re coming?”
“Of course I’m coming! What sort of question is that? When do we leave? What should I bring? Ooo, what do I wear?!”
Geralt sighed deeply. “Don’t wear anything baggy, or bright, or anything that will make much sound. Don’t bring anything. Your phone, but only for if you get lost. Do NOT get lost. We leave here tomorrow at 5am.”
Jaskier choked on a piece of chicken. “Five a— Geralt, we cannot possibly leave here at 5am. Why! God, the things I do for music. How non-vibrant do my clothes have to be? Does a sort of forest-y green work? Do I have to wear camouflage? Please say no. You’re already severely limiting my wardrobe options, please don’t also make me commit fashion crimes.”
“Jaskier, you’re not going anywhere where you have to… impress people. You’re watching me catch, tag, and release a wyvern outside the city. That’s it.”
“I think the Wyverns deserve a good outfit! Besides, this is my first hunt! Our first big outing! I want to mark the occasion, but you and your rules prevent me. Frankly, I’m hurt.”
“Would you rather get eaten?”
“At least I’d leave a handsome corpse!” Geralt chuckled, and took a swig of beer as Jaskier swallowed thickly and continued. “But, ah, no, I’d really prefer to avoid death and injury as much as possible. Really. Truly. Not a masochist. Which surprises some people, weirdly. Do I give off a vibe? Geralt, do I give off vibes? I don’t give off any vibes, right?”
The biggest benefit of having Jaskier around, Geralt found, was that he could tease to his heart’s content, and Jaskier wouldn’t realize until Geralt had gotten a good laugh out of it.
Geralt nodded. “I can see that. There are definitely vibes.”
Jaskier gaped, and then stuttered in response. “I—you—no! That’s—there is no way—how—and what do—what’s—abs—there—I—you—that is not—!”
If Geralt could fight off his smirk a little longer, he’d get to watch Jaskier fumble for at least another minute… and it would take his mind off of trying not to picture Jaskier on his bed, pale skin and dark chest hair fully revealed, arching his back while Geralt indulged him in some fictional, masochistic tendencies. No, couldn’t think about that. Not realistic, anyway.
And then the image flipped, now with Jaskier above him, gazing down lovingly, raking his nails against Geralt’s exposed chest…
“I—the—Geralt! I thought we were friends!!”
Geralt shook it off. Not realistic.
The contract was supposed to be for the removal of a particularly pesky wyvern, who’d made a habit of sleeping on the top of a high rise on the other side of town, occasionally swooping down on unsuspecting residents on their balconies. Recently, it’d nabbed a little girl’s doll, which shouldn’t have tugged on his heartstrings, but after Ciri had come into his life, all bets were off. So, a nasty wyvern, somewhere it shouldn’t, who needed to be returned to a suitable habitat and tagged for tracking purposes. It had happened before, there was nothing suspicious about the contract.
Unfortunately, things were rarely so cut and dry in Geralt’s world.
It was 7 o’clock before Geralt and Jaskier finally dragged themselves back to their building; muddy, grimy and tracking it all through the lobby. Geralt’s chest was somehow still sore from being thwacked by a steel baseball bat. The contract had been a sham, and he and Jaskier had been… detained, Geralt would say, kidnapped being too strong a word, by some idiots who wanted to prove they could best a witcher. He’d hoped they’d mostly left violent displays of superiority back a few decades ago, but humans never failed to live up to the worst of themselves, he thought bitterly.
If they woke up from their concussions, hanging upside down from some pipes in the basement they’d chosen for their assault, Geralt was fairly sure they wouldn’t bother with witchers again.
“So, this was a less dangerous one, mm?” Jaskier asked groggily as they piled into the elevator. “Wanna come to mine? I feel like I’m five minutes from sleep.”
Geralt shrugged. He hadn’t actually seen Jaskier’s apartment. Not that he wanted to, of course. Jaskier mashed his finger into the button for the second floor, swaying on his feet. He slumped against one of the walls and let his eyes fall closed, and Geralt found it hard not to stare. His dark green shirt was ripped, exposing some pale skin and shallow cuts and bruises he’d received. His pants were filthy, and his face was still covered in grime, while bits of his hair stuck out at odd angles. Small prices to pay for making it out alive.
In fact, Jaskier had put up much more of a fight than he’d been expecting. He wasn’t a trained fighter by any means but he’d made himself more than useful. Geralt might not have made it out without his quick thinking—a phone flashlight to the eyes of their assailants, a kick to the back of the knee of another, biting the wrist of a third when it shot past his face, as he had lunged for Geralt. Jaskier had been damn near feral. Adrenaline, Geralt supposed. Hell of a drug.
Witchers felt adrenaline too, though it was different. Similar enough, though, that he was sure his overwhelming fear of seeing Jaskier hurt, how he’d screamed at their captors to let Jaskier go, how he’d been a second away from ending them in retaliation before he’d realized how far he’d gone, yes, he was sure that all of that was nothing more than adrenaline. Even if it had only kicked in when he realized Jaskier was in danger, rather than just himself, rather than when they’d spat obscenities at him. It had been when Jaskier had spat at them, called them bastards, and earned a kick in the stomach for it.
The elevator was silent as the doors slid shut.
“Do people always look at you like that?”
“You mean with a dagger in their hands?”
Jaskier frowned, chin still tipped toward the sky, arms folded close to his chest, eye lazily shut.
“No. I figure you wouldn’t have brought me, if that happened very often. But they were so…” he shook his head. “They were fucking hateful. They were monsters.”
Geralt huffed a laugh. “Monsters chasing a monster.”
“No, you’re not. Hey. Geralt. No, you’re not.” Jaskier had opened his eyes and waited Geralt to meet them. The witcher looked away as the doors slid open. “You’re not a fucking monster, I don’t care what they say. I know you by now.”
“Just open the door.”
Jaskier sighed and shuffled over to his door, opening it after a bit of a fumble with the keys.
The layout of his apartment was different, Geralt noticed—the front door let out into the living room, not the kitchen, and his bathroom was on the left, not the right. It seemed like there was only one bedroom, and his main window looked out over the cityscape. But it was, predictably, the décor that stood out the most.
Jaskier had lined his ceiling molding with little lights, and as they entered, they flicked on, drifting smoothly between all colors of the rainbow. The place itself was messy, notebooks strewn about everywhere, cords coming out of various outlets without rhyme or reason, cups and plates scattered about. Geralt spotted what he thought might have been pants in one corner, but he chose not to look so hard. Jaskier flicked on the light switch, and Geralt could see how bright and colorful Jaskier had made his home—it worked somehow, though it seemed as though if a single piece were removed it would look wrong, somehow.
His instruments all looked remarkably well-kept, though. They hung on the wall in specialized mounts; two guitars, a violin, some other string instruments Geralt didn’t recognize. There was a small black case maybe holding a wind instrument sitting next to a rather impressive-looking keyboard, and the table where they sat was the only tidy area in the apartment, so far as he could see. Of course, he hadn’t seen Jaskier’s bedroom. Yet. Not that he would want to, of course. Or ever have cause to.
Jaskier plopped down on a vibrant green velvet chair and waved one hand at the room, the other covering his eyes. “Sorry for the mess. You can sit anywhere. Oh, wait, there’s cider in the fridge, would you mind? Second shelf. And don’t laugh at me for drinking cider.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“I know it’s too sweet. I get it. But if you drink beer or wine every night it gets boring. And if I ever grew bored of alcohol, I’d be devastated.”
“Won’t disagree with you,” Geralt muttered as he returned to the living room with a 6-pack. He sat down on the couch and opened the bottles, handing one to Jaskier. They drank in silence, and Geralt tried to get comfortable on the overly plush blue couch.
“Sorry you got dragged in—”
“No, no, stop that. I asked to come. Specifically. You had no way of knowing. Besides, I’d rather be with you to deal with that, instead of you… oh, disappearing to your apartment for days and not answering me.”
Mm. He’d done that, once or twice. Maybe three times. “Sorry.”
“Geralt. It’s fine. It’s their fault. You did nothing wrong, you were just trying to help.”
They drank in silence for a bit. The cider was, in fact, too sweet, but it suited Jaskier. Geralt find he didn’t mind it much as he should have. He tried not to think of kissing it off his lips.
Jaskier gave a snort in the silence. Geralt looked over and raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, it’s just—got any other enemies I should know about?”
Geralt smiled and leaned back. “Mm. A few. Lot of humans.”
“Right, just, in general. Alright, so just ‘most humans’, got it. Next?”
“Monsters. Don’t know why, they just don’t like me.”
Jaskier laughed. “How unfair of them! They ought to give you a chance. Anyone else?”
“Mmm… some other witchers. None from my school, though. Definitely some mages.”
“Oh, fuck mages,” Jaskier said.
“Don’t fuck mages,” Geralt teased, “It won’t end well.”
“Ugh. Trust me, I know.”
Geralt raised his eyebrows until Jaskier looked at him and groaned. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ve only done it a few times, and I’ve sworn off them.” He finished his cider and reached for another.
“Do you have any enemies I should know about, Jaskier?”
“Valdo fucking Marx,” Jaskier spat immediately, kicking his legs up on the table. “Garbage. Absolute garbage. Stole my work at Oxenfurt. Deeply fucked up man. I want him dead. Not in a, ‘I’d hire someone to kill him’ way, but in a, ‘if he died in an untimely and horrific way tomorrow, I would spend the weekend celebrating’ way. Shouldn’t say untimely. His death will absolutely timely, whenever it comes. Really, maybe untimely because it’ll be late. Hmph.”
Geralt nodded, kicking his feet up as well. “Anyone else?”
“Mmm, no. Oh! Well, Penthouse Lady, or as I like to call her, The Bitch of the 13th Floor. She’s a mage, you know.”
Geralt stared at Jaskier. “Oh, no, no, don’t think like that. That is decidedly not one of the mages I was speaking about. No, Penthouse Lady is just… I mean, gorgeous, but evil. Extremely, wickedly beautiful, which should be a crime. She will take your clothes out of the washing machine, wet, just because you’ve left them there a bit too long. A minute. 35 seconds, minutes, whatever, really. And if you break one of the building rules and catch her in a bad mood, she will eviscerate you. She’s made people move out before, out of pure terror.”
“But not you?”
“No! No, I’m not leaving. She’s can’t make me. We’ve been mortal enemies for years now, that’s a commitment.”
Geralt laughed. “How do you afford to live here, anyway? You haven’t got a job.”
“Geralt,” Jaskier said, lowering his cider with a smile, “How dare you. You have no idea. I could be employed. I could have several jobs, you don’t know.”
“Jaskier, I met you at 3pm on a Monday. You come over at all hours of the day. You are rarely doing anything one could describe as ‘work’.”
“Alright, alright, I get it. It’s a… parents thing. And grandparents. Whole family, really. Ever been to Lettenhove?” Geralt thought a bit, and then nodded—it had been awhile. “Yep. That’s us. Earls and whatnot. Technically, I’m a viscount, but I prefer the title ‘Family Disappointment’. More accurate.”
Geralt pushed Jaskier’s foot with his own. “Stop that.”
“No, it’s not—it’s not a bad thing, to disappoint those people. You know? If I’m disappointing them, I’m doing something right. Besides, they keep throwing money at me in hopes that it’ll change something. Which, you know. I’ll take it.” They sat quietly for a moment. “I have been published, to be fair. And I do go out to sing at bars on Thursdays and Saturdays. I have some followers on Spotify, TikTok and what have you. I’m not nothing. It’s just not up to their standards. ‘S why I have a pen name in the first place.”
“Jaskier?” Geralt asked, and his friend nodded. “It’s a good name.”
“Why thank you.” There was quiet for a moment. “You know what they named me? Julian Alfred Pankratz. What a name. That’s the thing, with them, and their traditions—I’ve got two other people’s names, and none of my own. ‘S why I picked one for myself.”
“Mm,” Geralt said softly. Jaskier hadn’t ever said much about himself, now that he thought of it. Might as well take the plunge. “Don’t know what my surname was. Just have Geralt. Witchers are left to their schools and made to pick their own names. Picked Rivia out of a hat, essentially.”
Jaskier looked at him oddly, before raising his bottle. “To families that don’t know what they’re missing,” he said softly, and Geralt clinked their bottles together, the sound short and sweet.
A few hours and ciders later, Jaskier had slipped asleep, chest rising and falling gently. It hadn’t been a hard call for Geralt to make; he’d slipped Jaskier’s shoes off and carried him to his bedroom, laying him down on the bed, maneuvering him under the sheets. The bedroom was subtler than his living room—a cream color, beautiful loose paintings and sketches on the walls of flowers, hung up with tape, and dozens of pictures; some framed, some loose polaroids hanging on strings, all of friends and places he must have travelled. His oval mirror had sticky notes around the edges—what looked like scraps of songs, chord progressions, passwords, dates to remember, and a small note of encouragement to himself— ‘Keep Going!!’
Geralt smiled, found an unused sticky note, and grabbed a pen. When he was done, he smiled to himself, and put it just below the ‘Keep Going’ note.
After leaving a glass of water on his bedside table, Geralt slipped out of Jaskier’s apartment taking the elevator up. When the doors slid closed, he took out his phone.
Lambert – 48 minutes ago
God, this shit should NOT be so hard.
Message: yeah, I feel you
He slipped it away, and hoped nobody would question it in the morning.
Yennefer stretched, sun hitting her eyes, and sucked in a lungful of the breeze coming through the window. It was… nice. Pleasant.
She took out her phone.
To: Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Message: Who wants to go clubbing this weekend. I’m bored. Also Sabrina I know you’re 200 miles away w Anica don’t be snarky
She rose and began to stretch, sparing only a glance when her phone dinged.
Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Sabrina – Just Now
Sure count me in. I’d love that. Woohoo
She rolled her eyes and smiled, ignoring that her friend should absolutely still be asleep, given the time difference.
Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Coral Lytta– Just Now
I’m down for a barhop at least but only if we’re coordinating outfits I’m begging you I don’t want a repeat of last month!!
Yennefer finished her stretches and flicked her hand to start the coffee pot in the kitchen. She needed a change of pace. Things had gotten too predictable. Maybe she’d take someone home, that would be fun. She checked her phone again.
Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Fringilla – 7 minutes ago
Why is anyone awake??? Go back to sleep
To: Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Message: Frin it’s 7am. This is a normal hour.
Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Fringilla – Just Now
Not on my day off it’s not
She sighed. Okay, maybe they wouldn’t end up clubbing, not given everyone’s moods this week. But at least she’d get out of the apartment, and maybe get someone else into bed.
Thursday, March 12th
2 Messages from Jaskier
Just now
Oh, and the note, I’m just seeing this now. “Reminder: Don’t Fuck Mages.” Thanks, Geralt, what would I do without you? My witcher in… slightly muddy armor, last I checked. ;)
Eskel – 19 minutes ago
“YEAH I FEEL YOU??” GERALT????? (sent with Echo)
New Novigrad Times – 2 hours ago
Three men suspected of breaking and entering, larceny, and assault found suspended upside-down in a residential downtown building. This story is will be updated as new information is revealed.
14 more notifications
The next afternoon, he heard it while on a walk with Roach, and tried to brush it off. A voice sounding suspiciously like Jaskier’s was emanating from some teenager’s cell phone. “Oh Valley of Plenty, Oh-” the voice sang, before he tuned it out. It was deeply unlikely it was Jaskier. Something in seeing him asleep a few nights before must have poisoned Geralt’s brain.
He heard snatches of it, though, everywhere he went.
Toss a—
They came after me , with masterful—
Brings you to mourn—
That’s my epic tale—
It drove him mad, but he shook it off every time. What was the likelihood of it being Jaskier, anyway?
It’s in the lobby, where he realized. The doorman, Sonny, was swiping through his phone as Geralt checked his mailbox. When he turned back around—
With Geralt of Rivia, along came this song…
Geralt grimaced. “Fuck.”
When he returned to his apartment, he found a sticky note waiting on the door for him.
If you track mud into this building one more
time, I will make you kneel and fix it yourself.
All the best, ~Penthouse.
Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Coral Lytta – 17 minutes ago
Yen! Isn’t this your ~enemy~??? That guy from the second floor who takes like 3 hours with laundry?? http://vm.tiktok…
Jaskier -- 15 minutes ago
So. I may have gone viral,
To: Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Message: How the hell does this have 700 thousand likes already? It was only posted today
Jaskier -- 5 minutes ago
This is a good thing though, right??? Is this the wrong time to invite you to see me perform tomorrow night
Ciri -- Just Now
Hey uh??? Dad??? I think someone wrote a song about you???
Anica -- Just Now
Yennefer, I am so so sorry, but I already have it stuck in my head. I’ve only watched it twice now I swear
Lambert – 1 minute ago
Literally how the fuck does this happen to you
Jaskier -- Just Now
Hey that rhymed!!
Jaskier had told him not to stress about what to wear, that he could just ‘sit in the corner and brood’ and that ‘nobody would recognize him’, but nothing about this felt like a good idea to Geralt. Is this what having friends was? Going to places he didn’t want to be, at times he didn’t want to be there, just to make someone else happy? It was terrible, and frankly, he wanted a refund.
Geralt slipped into the bar a few hours before Jaskier was slated to go on—just to get a booth decently near the stage where nobody would bother him. He didn’t care about seeing Jaskier warm up. He was on stage, tuning his instrument that wasn’t quite a guitar—either a mandolin or a lute, Geralt thought. He was listening for something, adjusting things, getting a feel of the space. His brows were furrowed and he looked to be deep in thought. Not wanting to bother him, Geralt bought whatever was on tap (some earthy beer he would tolerate for the evening) and slipped into a booth near the stage, far enough out of the light so that he wouldn’t be noticed easily by people.
He sat, watching Jaskier, letting his eyes wander down his teal and red ensemble. The pants were a tight fit, but the shirt was airy, unbuttoned a bit more than might be decent, and Geralt found himself mentally unbuttoning more, and more, and more, until his eyes flashed up and made contact with Jaskier’s.
The musician lit up like the sun, a wide beaming smile, and he quickly hopped down from the stage. “Geralt! You made it! And early, too! Oh, I’m so glad. Okay, I’m 3rd up, so you will have to sit through some other people, but not too many. I’ll join you when I’m done! You’ll enjoy it. Well, I don’t think you’ll love it, but you’ll probably tolerate it for your dear dear friend, who is slowly but surely making you famous. Right? Okay!”
“You’ll be fine,” Geralt said. He knew Jaskier’s nervous energy speeches by now.
“What? Oh.” Some tension in Jaskier’s shoulders loosened. “Thank you. I just haven’t been on a stage since suddenly so many people know my face. I did post about this, but I don’t think very many people will come. Maybe I shouldn’t have? I dunno. Still navigating fame! Alright, I should get back. I’ll see you soon!”
“I’m making an executive decision,” Fringilla said, turning on her heel. They’d been walking for 45 minutes, trying to decide on a bar. “We’re going here. We are too damn old to be spending half the night walking around.”
“Fine,” Yennefer relented, taking Coral’s arm, “but if it sucks we’re going out again tomorrow and it’s my pick.”
The three entered the bar, a dimly lit place, mostly wooden and already fairly active with people bustling about, a stage in the back looking ready for a musician.
“Oh, I love live music, yes! You get us a table near the stage and I’ll get the drinks,” Coral said; “Dry Martini and a Whiskey Sour?”
“You know us so well,” Fringilla said, and she and Yennefer left to find a table. They ended up at a booth egregiously close to the stage, in Yennefer’s opinion. They got comfortable, settling in for the night, most likely. Until one of them found someone to go home with, at least.
When Yennefer looked up, it was to a tidal wave of people entering.
It wasn’t to say the place wasn’t busy before, but soon she could barely see the bar, as giddy looking patrons took up tables and booths, and eventually, just whatever standing room they could find. Coral managed to cut through the crowd, levitating the three drinks, looking frazzled. “When did all these people get here?!”
“No idea,” Fringilla said, reaching for her Whiskey Sour, “but I’m glad we’ll at least be able to see.”
“Mm,” Yennefer agreed, grabbing her Martini, raking her eyes over the crown. Options, she thought. It was always so good to have options.
“Any idea who’s performing tonight?” Coral asked. “I couldn’t find a poster or anything that said—probably someone good, for all these people to be here”
“No idea,” Yennefer replied absentmindedly. It’s not like it mattered. She couldn’t imagine herself giving much of a shit about who was on stage, anyway.
The first performer was fine. Geralt thought they were a little boring, but they weren’t who he was there to see, anyway. Yennefer couldn’t be bothered, staring instead at a handsome young woman in a low-cut satin dress. When she finally made eye contact, though, she gave a friendly, decidedly not flirtatious smile, and Yennefer moved on.
The second performer, a kind of musical comedian, was pretty good. She capitalized off of the energy in the room, which Geralt had to admit was palpable. As soon as people had flooded in, he’d made a point to look intimidating—much as it had prevented people from sitting at his booth, it hadn’t stopped them from buzzing around the bar, and he realized they must be there for Jaskier. It put a pit in his stomach, but also made something in his chest whizz around in joy. Ah, fuck.
And then, up was Jaskier. The announcer welcomed him on stage, and Jaskier bounced on, to the warmest welcome thus far.
“Gooooood evening everyone, lovely to see you all. And I do mean all. How many people are here? There are at least…” he counted for a moment. “At least 12. Possibly more.” He got a laugh, and winked at someone in the middle of the audience as he sat down on a stool in front of the mic.
“I cannot fucking believe this,” Yennefer groaned quietly. Fringilla patted her on the back. “There, there. Maybe he’ll be terrible.”
Jaskier hummed softly, warming up his voice. No, Yennefer though, he wouldn’t be terrible, because unfortunately, he was quite fucking good.
His first song was another one that had also blown up after his sudden viral-ness of the past week, an original he’d told Geralt he’d written in university, and never stopped being proud of. Geralt smiled into his second drink of the night, enjoying watching Jaskier get comfortable on the stage.
His second song finished to applause and cheers, and Jaskier got up to bow, pushing the stool far behind him with his foot. Yennefer put a fist in her hair. Unfortunately, her mortal enemy was fucking magnetic.
“Freak him out, like you said you do,” Coral whispered to her. Yennefer frowned, but nodded soon after. At least she could make this fun for herself.
Jaskier grabbed the mic and moved it off to the side of the stage, throwing some smiles to people who had their phone out, before stopping and speaking into it when the crowd had quieted a bit.
“Hey,” Jaskier said gently, his voice commanding the bar, as he looked out into the crowd. He found Geralt’s face, and beamed at him, before turning back to the sea of people. “Is uh… is anyone here on TikTok?” The crowd cheered and he launched into Toss a Coin, forgoing the stool entirely, choosing to dance around the stage.
To Geralt’s complete mortification, at the top of the first chorus Jaskier suddenly pointed to him. “Toss a coin to your witcher, Oh valley of plenty, oh!”
By the third chorus, Geralt had been sufficiently pummeled with coins, bills, and what looked like a gift card to a café, when Jaskier tipped back his head to the other side of the stage. Yennefer was sitting back, arms folded, a single eyebrow raised, flanked by Fringilla and Coral on either side, looking expectant of the musician, mimicking their friend’s pose. Yennefer thought she was fighting off her smirk, but it was hard to say. Her eyes met his, and for a brief, brief moment his smile faltered, before he let out a cackle, continuing to play. The audience ate out of his hand, and he seemed to grow more and more at ease, preening at the attention.
“It was worth a shot,” Fringilla said with a huff of laughter and a shake of her head, returning to her glass. “He’s really got something, hate to admit.”
When the song finished, he took a deep bow to riotous applause and caught a coin someone threw to him, tucking it in his pocket.
Behind him, a witcher and a mage made eye contact for the first time; gold met violet, and the air between them seemed to electrify.
“I think we’re on our own for tonight, Coral,” Fringilla said with eyebrows raised, watching her friend stare across the room, and Coral giggled in response. Yennefer made a point to use a fraction of her chaos to stir her martini from afar, so this man knew what he might be getting into.
“Thank you, thank you all. I think we have time for one more quick song. And I do hope you’ll give our next artist after the break the same amount of attention, as a personal favor to me,” Jaskier said, getting some laughs, and tuned his instrument for a moment before speaking again. “You’ve been a dream. Really, truly, thank you. I fully expect this kind of turn out every week, though, so cancel all your other Saturday night plans for the next, oh, 7 to 8 years.”
A smattering of laughter again from the audience, and then Jaskier was starting Fishmonger's Daughter, a song Geralt had deemed dirty enough to ignore the lyrics of. He looked away from the woman, clearly a mage, across the stage from him—she was gorgeous, long black hair and bright violet eyes. She was flanked by two other women in similar deep velvet dresses—the first a rosy pink, the third a midnight blue, while the woman’s he’d locked eyes with was pitch black, matching a choker around her neck. She tilted her head to expose more soft tan skin, examining him from afar as she stirred her drink with magic, graceful and languid.
Do not fuck mages. Do not fuck mages. Do not fuck mages.
He sat back in his chair, and suddenly realized that Jaskier’s set had ended; his friend was bowing, and then disappeared off the stage in favor of the announcer. The bar was buzzing, people milling around, and then Jaskier, blue eyes gleaming, cheeks flushed, smile stretched from ear to ear, was sitting in front of him.
“Geralt! Was it good? Give me your thoughts.”
“Not bad,” Geralt said with a smile, and a pat on his friend’s shoulder. Was it too much? He gave it a small squeeze, and something small in Jaskier’s face changed. He looked up and down Geralt’s face, and suddenly the witcher realized how close they were, that Jaskier was licking his lips, that he hadn’t taken his hand off his shoulder, that the world had disappeared around them. His gaze dropped for a moment to Jaskier’s lips. He could smell arousal, and excitement, and happiness, but he was in a bar, there was too much to take in, no way to know for sure it was coming from Jaskier. He held his breath, and met Jaskier’s eyes again.
His phone rang.
They kept staring.
Another ring, and someone tapped on Jaskier’s shoulder.
“I should—you get that, Geralt, I’ll be a moment, just ah, have to say hello to the adoring public, I’ll be back!”
Geralt let his witcher-slow heartbeat a few more times, dazed, before looking down at his phone to see Lambert was calling. He answered, putting a finger in his other ear.
“Geralt!” Lambert hissed. Geralt could barely hear him over the noise of the bar. “Geralt! Have you seen the group chat?!”
“No. Speak louder, I can barely hear you.”
“I can’t! He’s in my apartment, Geralt! What the fuck do I do! He brought booze! He looks fucking fancy!”
Geralt frowned. “Are you on a date?”
“Not that I’m fucking aware of!”
Geralt frowned deeper. “It sounds like you’re on a date.”
“We can’t be on a date! He just asked if I wanted to do dinner! That’s not a date!”
“It can be. Clearly is. Just—take him out somewhere.”
“Fucking WHERE, Geralt!”
“Don’t you have a sushi place around the corner? Do that. Or somewhere else. Doesn’t matter, just wear something decent and go.”
“How the fuck—” Lambert was asking when Geralt hung up. He looked at his phone screen—98 unread messages from the clowns. He shook his head and looked up—Jaskier was peacocking around the bar, flirting with everyone who seemed receptive. He was a natural, winding his way through the crowd, making them all feel special. Someone was buying him a drink, and it looked like he was already part of the way through another. He delighted over everyone, taking selfies, accepting compliments, giving them in return to appreciative and giddy smiles.
That was how Jaskier was, Geralt thought. With everyone. Little moments didn’t necessarily mean anything.
He turned back to look at the sorceress across from him. Her companions had left her, disappearing into the crowd for more drinks, perhaps. She was playing with something on her table, and glanced up to see him staring. She smirked, picked up the small object, and began to levitate it over to him.
Geralt watched as through the crowd, over the stage, the object floated over to him.
When it finally arrived at his table, Geralt watched as a small coin was dropped neatly in front of him, giving a small clink.
He smirked. It was a parlor trick, and barely that, for a mage. But it was intriguing. She was intriguing. And Jaskier was busy being fawned over by fans, so it’s not as though Geralt would be missed. He stood and waded his way through the masses, towering over many of the other patrons, before finally making it to his destination. He held up the coin.
The woman smiled up at him, sly, and spoke before he did. “No need to thank me, just doing as the song requested. Are you so often followed around by… loyal bards?”
He laughed. He hadn’t heard someone use ‘bard’ in decades. “Not until recently. To who do I owe the pleasure?”
“Whom, I think,” she quipped, and offered her hand. “Yennefer.”
“Geralt,” he said, and she laughed as he sat down across from her.
“Yes, I’ve heard as much. The White Wolf. Quite the title.”
“I didn’t pick it myself, I assure you.”
“You don’t seem to mind it all that much.”
“… I suppose not. Better than some of the other titles I haven’t picked.”
“Do you have many of those?”
“Plenty. Couldn’t tell you what most of them were, though. Hard to hear when you’re dodging enemies.”
She titled her head slightly and sat back to let her gaze drag over him. “So, none from lovers, then?”
He smiled again. “Cheeky.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Take it however you’d like.”
“You’re not much for flattering yourself, are you, Geralt.”
“That’s what I’ve got my bard for.”
She laughed, a light thing that he knew would be echoing around his chest for days. She leaned back in, looking around conspiratorially. He leaned in a touch as well, their faces only inches from each other now. “Tell me, Geralt. Are you as noble and chivalrous as that song made you out to be?”
“It flatters me. But I do my best for… those in need.”
“And if I were in need, you would do something for me?”
“I might be able to do that.”
“Well then.” She leaned in to whisper in his ear. “I would be entirely grateful, Geralt… if you get me some apple juice.” He leaned back in confusion, while she pressed the coin he still held further into his hand. “This should cover it.”
When he leaned away, she wore an unmistakably coquettish smile, biting back a laugh. He smiled despite himself, brows furrowed as he looked down at the coin, and back at her, before letting out a small laugh himself.
“Alright. One apple juice, fair mage. I will do my best.”
“Take care on your dangerous voyage!” She called after him, as he slipped into the crowd. She whipped out her phone; the break would be lasting another 15 or so minutes, just enough to play a game on her phone. Whether or not Geralt made it back to his table in time for the next set was none of her concern. Besides, he’d somehow befriended her most recent mortal enemy, so anything that happened tonight would have to be a one-time thing. If anything happened, of course, but Yennefer was not in the habit of letting a good time pass her by.
Things were perfectly right in her world, as she waited for her phone to load, until suddenly someone dressed in frankly garish teal and red was standing before her. She didn’t look up from her phone.
She continued looking at her phone. The damn thing wouldn’t load.
“You know, it’s very rude to keep your most reviled enemy waiting.”
It still wouldn’t fucking load. She groaned and put it down. “What do you want, Jaskier?” Her neighbor, grinning widely and holding two glasses of punchy looking drinks, sat down across from her. “No one else hesitated to applaud my wonderful performance except… for you. Come on. You must have some review for me. Three words or less.”
She raised an eyebrow and looked at him for a moment. “I don’t buy it.”
He frowned. “No, that’s four. What don’t you buy?”
“The song. You expect me to believe you willingly put yourself within 10 miles of danger? You already complain that the second floor is too dangerous for you.”
“It is dangerous, and I sleep there, so it’s different. Really, it did happen, you could ask Geralt. Actually, gods, no, don’t ask Geralt. Don’t talk to him, actually. You’d hate each other, definitely, best stay away.”
“Oh dear. Someone’s already jealous.”
“I am not—!” he squeaked, before leaning in. “I am not jealous, I just don’t need you and your…” he waved a hand at her, “your face-ness scaring him off!”
“My face?”
“Yes! It’s full of… secrets. And… plots. Evil plots!”
“Right. Do you know what your face is full of?”
“Charm? Charisma? An air of mystery?”
She swiftly grabbed one of his drinks and splashed it in his face, while he gaped. She swiped a finger across his cheek and tasted it. “Mmm, no… something fruity. Strawberry?”
“Raspberry,” he corrected. His face dripped. “I had that coming, a bit.”
“Oh, absolutely.” She waved a hand, and the drink was gone—his face, shirt, the table all now dry. “Don’t take that as a kindness. I just don’t want to pay for your dry cleaning.”
“Of course,” he replied, touching his now dry face. “And I don’t want any more battles with you in the laundry genre, if I can help it.” Despite herself, she laughed.
“Ah, I see there is a brain behind those blue eyes after all.”
“You just like seeing me covered in liquid and at your mercy.”
“Maybe,” she admitted.
He sat back in the booth. “You know, if you weren’t utterly terrifying, I could write songs about you as well. I’m sure you’ve got stories. We could make some together.”
“I am the story.”
“See, that’s good! Have you considered abandoning magic and the position of ‘very sexy, very scary witch’, and instead working towards of ‘very sexy, very charming poet’? At least then we’d be competitors in the same field. Same playing ground! Same weapons, which is to say, absolutely no weapons.”
“Mm. And have you considered abandoning your current title of ‘unfortunately charming, unfortunately talented, deeply annoying musician’ and opting instead for ‘very quiet, mildly charming eye candy’? It would suit you more.”
“The day I stop talking is the day I run out of breath.”
“I look forward to it.”
“Dear Ms. Penthouse, I’m sure you’ll be the one to bring it about.”
“Wouldn’t you love to be so lucky. Besides, haven’t you got a wolf in shining armor to protect you?” Just then, a sound went over the loudspeakers. 5 minutes until the end of the break, then.
“Well, much as I’d love to continue this lovely and for me, a frankly sexually confusing chat, I must grab my drinks before our next musicians are on.”
“Take care, then. I’d hate to see you die without getting to be a part of it,” she said, giving him a pat on the arm, her hand lingering as he looked at her for a moment, licking his lips and then hurrying off.
It was only moments before Geralt returned.
“One apple juice,” he said, setting a tall glass in front of her with a straw. Yennefer smiled and pulled it closer to her, taking a sip. “Is it to your liking, fair mage?”
It was quite good, actually. “Acceptable. Thank you, dear witcher, for your services.”
“Any others you’d like to request of me?”
“Mmm… give me the evening to think of one.”
“I can’t promise I’ll be here forever.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll think of something. You just go… sit in the corner and brood.”
He laughed. “You’re not the first one to say that to me tonight.”
“Mm, so you’re completing quests for others? Should I be worried?” She snuck a glance toward the crowd, and Geralt followed her eyes to land on Jaskier, fliting between people, drinking something that this time looked icy and blue. “Just a friend, I hope?”
Geralt turned to look back at her. His face had too many things subtly happening for her to read it well, and after only a moment Fringilla and Coral had returned, beginning to slip into the booth.
“Will you be joining us?” Fringilla asked, but Geralt shook his head.
“I’ve been told to go brood,” he replied, and made his way back to his booth.
Geralt did, in his defense, make an attempt to listen to the other performers. Jaskier spent the evening continuing to flirt around the room, hands lingering on him, his own hands gently caressing shoulders and arms. Geralt could tell already he’d be going home alone that night. Well, not alone. Yennefer and he had been sharing glances as the night progressed, and he was fairly certain he knew where that was heading.
He just wouldn’t be going home with Jaskier, who would himself undoubtedly be going home with some fan or other patron. He had his pick of the room, for the most part. Which was good. Geralt knew he sought the praise, the fame. Besides, Jaskier and he had only planned to spend the late night catching up on their weekly nature documentary.
Another man paid for Jaskier’s next drink, a fizzy concoction, and Geralt felt himself give the tiniest hint of a growl.
Eventually, Yennefer’s companions slipped out, and he returned to her booth.
“Do you have a quest for me, then?”
“Mmm. How about, protect me here, until it’s time to leave, and then walk me back to my apartment?”
Geralt nodded. “That, I can do.”
The night pushed onward. After a few performers more, Geralt looked around in between sets and realized he’d lost track of Jaskier entirely. It would be unlike him to not give a heads-up before going home with somebody. Geralt frowned and checked his phone. A few dozen messages from Eskel and Coën, and; one missed call from Jaskier. Shit. He took a deep breath—he could smell his friend in the air, but not quite which direction it came from, not with so many people. Yennefer gave him a look.
“What’s wrong?”
“Missed a call. Hold on.” He pressed the redial and held it to his ear. It rang three times before it picked up. “Jaskier?”
“Mmm. Ger. Ger’lt. Do you wanna go home? With me.”
“You want me to take you home?” He shot an apologetic look at Yennefer.
“Come home with me.”
“Okay, Jaskier. Where are you?”
“Alright. Be there soon.” Geralt hung up and began to slide out of the booth. “Sorry. He’s had a big night.”
“I could tag along,” Yennefer offered. “And then you’ll have doubly earned your rewards tonight.”
“I—sure, sure,” and they were off, navigating around the bar and out the door. “He doesn’t live that far away,” Geralt began to explain.
“Oh, I know.” Geralt shot her a questioning look as they exited the front door.
Jaskier was right there, leaning against the wall. His head ached—he’d had possibly more to drink in this night than he had for the past two weeks combined. It had all caught up with him, and he’d found himself outside, taking deep breaths of fresh air, clutching his lute bag to his chest.
He’d flirted around all night, but nothing, nobody had been worth his time. How was he supposed to focus on anyone when Geralt was right there? Not that he was interested, of course. But he’d come out, he’d come early, just to see Jaskier perform. Well, to be fair, his hit song, (he had one of those now!) was about Geralt, so that was probably why he came. But he wanted to pretend it was just for him. That Geralt had wanted to see Jaskier perform. He was miles out of Jaskier’s league, but oh, could he could absolutely dream some very, very sexy dreams.
And then his mortal enemy had been there, and wasn’t that a treat. She’d looked gorgeous. It was unfair. His building was full of beautiful people, all who only tolerated him, were abysmally out of his league, or would eat him for breakfast, if they had the chance. At least fighting with her gave him the excuse to look at her, talk to her. She’d splashed a drink in his face and he’d needed to slip away to the bathroom when they’d finished talking, just to calm himself down. That was unfair. Don’t fuck mages, he reminded himself. Not that she ever would. He’d had at least 6 more drinks after that, just to push the thought away.
He’d thought he’d been doing a bit better, the past few minutes. But clearly, he wasn’t, as he must have been hallucinating.
Before him stood Geralt (gorgeous, fascinating, generous, kind, warm-hearted Geralt), looking a bit dazed himself, as well as The Bitch of the 13th Floor (intriguing, deadly, witty, beautiful). So, his sexual fantasy that he had not until that moment realized existed.
“Oh dear. I’m worse than I thought.”
“Jaskier, what’s wrong?”
“Too much to drink. Now I’m hallucinating.”
Geralt frowned. “What do you see?”
Jaskier pointed to the woman in front of him and then shut his eyes tightly. “Unless… unless it’s a magic thing.”
“No—Jaskier, this is Yennefer. Yennefer, Jaskier.”
Jaskier’s eyes flew open. “You know this woman? Of course you know this woman. So you do have a name!”
“Of course I have a name.”
“I don’t know, maybe mages don’t all have names.”
“You two know each other?”
Jaskier smiled loosely. “That’s my mortal enemy.”
“This is not Valdo Marx.”
“No! Penthouse Lady. Second one.”
“Oh. The Bitch of the 13th Floor.”
“Glad to know I hold a reputation in your circles, Jaskier,” she said lightly. “Though I’m a touch offended I’m only number 2.”
He frowned, and reached out for her arm, and held it lightly, then did the same with Geralt.
“Oh fuck. You are both here.”
“Right. Let’s get you back home.” Carefully, Geralt lifted Jaskier’s arm over his shoulders, and the three began to walk, Yennefer on his other side. They went to walk before he stopped, pulling Jaskier’s arm off him, and bent down.
“What are you--?”
“Your shoe strap is undone,” Geralt explained, before flashing a grin up at her. “I suppose this isn’t what you meant when you told me to kneel.”
“As I recall, I haven’t asked you to do that yet. I was saving it for the bedroom.”
Geralt finished with her shoe and then rose up, and they began walking. “The sticky note. ‘I will make you kneel and fix it yourself’?”
“…You’re the new tenant?! You’re the muddy bastard?!”
“Wait, you two were going to have sex?!” Jaskier whined.
“Let’s not jump to any conclusions.”
“I thought it was ‘Don’t fuck mages’, not ‘Don’t fuck mages unless they’re really hot, then that’s the exception’!”
“I can’t believe this,” Yennefer said. Her world fell apart and clicked into place all at once as they crossed the street. “Oh my god.”
“Did you not know?”
“Of course I didn’t know! You didn’t say how you knew him!”
“Well, there it is,” Geralt sighed. “And Jaskier, don’t just to conclusions, I wouldn’t presume that of her. All I did was buy her apple juice.”
“Now what kind of metaphor is that!”
“The kind that isn’t a metaphor at all.”
“Jaskier, if you say a single word about my apple juice—”
“I’m not saying anything about apple juice! It’s a noble beverage! But your apple juice leads to some implications!”
“And what if it does!” “Well! Well!” Jaskier flustered. “Well! We were going to watch our nature documentary tonight!”
“No we weren’t,” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier looked at him, hurt. “What?”
“We weren’t going to watch the documentary, Jaskier. You were going to find someone to go home with.”
“I did find someone to go home with!” He said, bumping his hip into Geralt.
“I don’t count,” Geralt muttered, as they finally made it into the building.
“Why don’t you count?”
“Because, Jaskier, you weren’t planning to sleep with me.”
“Says who!”
“Let’s just go to mine,” Yennefer said as they stepped in the elevator. “I don’t want to try and navigate his apartment in the dark. I’m sure it’s a wreck.”
“It’s fine, actually,” Jaskier muttered. “Geralt I know we wouldn’t have slept together, you have standards, but—”
“Well, more like because he was planning on sleeping with me, thank you very much.”
“Watch out, Lady of the Penthouse, or I’ll… write a song about you.”
“Who said I was planning or not planning on sleeping with anyone?”
“You did!”
“I haven’t said anything.”
“That’s the point!”
“So, you two… aren’t sleeping together?”
“What’s your point?!” Geralt demanded, oblivious to Yennefer’s question.
“Well, that’s how you know someone doesn’t want to sleep with you! One of the many ways. They don’t say they do! You’ve made it clear we’re just… you know. Pals.”
“I never said that!”
“That’s what I’m saying!”
“Jaskier, for once in your life, would you say something with some sense?!” “I said, ‘come home with me’! How much more clear do I have to be than ‘I’d rather spend the night with you’?! Actually, frankly, with both of you, this is nice. Loud, but nice. I can’t believe I’m saying this about my sworn nemesis.”
“Now, hold on—”
“Everybody shut up!” Yennefer said, loud enough that the boys shut their mouths. “No more speaking. We will be at my apartment soon. I will be going into my kitchen to get you,” she pointed at Jaskier, “something to ensure you don’t get sick all over the elevator.”
“I’m—I’m feeling a lot better, really,” he said. She made a shushing motion against his lips, and she could feel his hot breath, could sense his heartbeat race faster, watched his cheeks flush. Interesting.
“By the time I’m back, I want you two sorted.” The doors dinged, and they emerged on a landing in front of an intricate white door, which Yennefer opened with a wave of her hand. “I’ll be back in a moment. Just… let me know who Geralt will be kneeling for,” she said, and then walked into the kitchen, heels snapping against the tile.
She looked at her cabinets, opening one and retrieving the bottle she wanted. Well. They’d need more than a few seconds, surely. She placed it carefully on the counter and listened.
“I…” Geralt was saying. “Um.”
“I didn’t… Geralt. I’m sorry. I don’t want to… ruin things.”
“You’re not ruining anything.”
“You’ve hardly shown interest, I know you’re not…”
“I’m bad at these things. Talking. You know that.”
“Okay, then…” Jaskier trailed off, and took a big breath. “Then show me.”
“Show you?”
“What you mean. Or… what you don’t mean. I don’t know. But if there’s… Geralt, if there’s something, anything about me that you want, in that way, I am asking you to show me. It’s fine if not. But… I’m here, I want it, if you do. I mean, I want it either way, really. Have for a bit.”
“…You’re drunk.”
“I won’t be, once Yennefer gets that… thing. And it’ll be the same. I promise.
“I don’t want you regretting anything.”
“How could I regret you? Show me, Geralt. Please.”
“…Show you."
“Yes, yes, please, Geralt. Pl—”
And there was silence. Or, there was the sound of mouths sliding against each other, soft, deep moans reverberating in their chests. She let them have the moment, and then Jaskier gave a soft whine, and she smiled. That was her cue.
She clicked into the foyer, bottle held aloft.
“A gift,” she said, and the two staggered apart, “for my nemesis. Purely because his white wolf brought me apple juice, let it be known. And thank you for the show. Both at the bar and here.” Jaskier stepped toward her and took the bottle.
“I must warn you,” she said, “it tastes like goat piss.” Jaskier popped the cork, and chugged the bottle before making a face.
“How long does it take to— oh, fuck—”
“Pretty instantaneous,” Yennefer said as he grabbed her shoulder to support himself. Geralt came up behind him.
“The room stopped spinning. I didn’t even realize it was spinning,” he frowned. He shook his head for a moment, turned back to Geralt, and grabbed his neck, pulling them to meet in a firm kiss. “See? Meant it.”
“Maybe I need some of that too,” Geralt muttered. “Things are spinning.”
“As much as I enjoy playing cupid,” Yennefer said, taking back the bottle, “it seems as though I’ve been a bit removed from the equation, so you two had best be off, I suppose.”
“Someday, you’ll be won over by my charms,” Jaskier said with a kiss to her knuckles. “But if you two had… plans… I could always wait a night. Unless you’d like both of us in your bed,” he half-joked to her.
“I don’t know how this is happening to me,” Geralt muttered.
“Oh, be careful what you wish for, Jaskier,” she hummed, “you might just get it.”
“Does this mean I’ve won you over?”
“It means I don’t let a good night pass me by.”
“Oh, so you think I’ll be good, you admit that.”
“It means I’m open to you proving me wrong. But I saw you play. You can make good use of those hands. Geralt?”
Geralt was leaning against the wall, staring into the middle distance, looking lost. “I just. A lot has happened. I thought you hated each other?”
“I told you she was gorgeous, I don’t just say things.”
“You do very much just say things.”
“Well, then, someone’s going to have to shut me up.”
Yennefer tilted his head back to face her and pulled him down into a kiss—languid and slow, as one of his arms grabbed her waist and pulled her upwards and to him, just enough that she was standing on tip toe. She ran her hands up his chest, coming to rest around his neck, playing with his hair. He finally pulled away, just to kiss a line down one side of her jaw, sucking a small mark onto her neck.
She looked back at Geralt, still a bit dazed but with a fire behind his eyes. “Well,” she said, detaching herself from Jaskier. “Will you be joining?”
Rather than answer, Geralt took a few steps forward toward her. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her—gentle and almost pleading. They fit together so easily, he thought. He hadn’t ever fit with someone like he had with two people tonight. How had he earned this? How had he made it to this point in his life?
Jaskier was suddenly behind him, kissing his back, running one hand up his chest, the other against Yennefer’s hand, which had reached his shoulder. He couldn’t have all this, could he?
“You think so loudly, Geralt,” Yennefer teased him.
“It’s true,” Jaskier agreed. “Even I hear it, darling.”
“Okay. Then… take me somewhere I don’t have to think.”
Yennefer smiled, took his hand in hers, and Jaskier’s in her other. “I’m glad your place was the bedroom,” Jaskier whispered, “Because honestly, mine would probably be the zoo.”
Yennefer pinched his hand, “Ow! But am I wrong?! You don’t need your brain for the zoo!” and led them on.
Sunday, April 3rd
16 Messages from Aretuza Takes Novigrad
Coral Lytta — 9 hours ago
okay, thanks for letting us know, yen!!! have fun!!
Fringilla – 9 hours ago
Wait, I’m sorry, were the two people you just went home with the witcher and the musician? The guy you hate?
Sabrina — 9 hours ago
What on earth is happening
Fringilla – 9 hours ago
She didn’t specify which two guys she went home with, but I’m pretty sure I just saw them all leave together.
Sabrina — 8 hours ago
I can’t believe drama is happening without me
Coral Lytta — 7 hours ago
its not drama drama is frin getting the number of someone with a green hair when she specifically said she’d sworn off of green hair for at least a year
Sabrina — 7 hours ago
Fringilla – 6 hours ago
Coral!! Where are you, I’m not letting you get away with this! They’re cute! You can’t shame me.
Coral Lytta — 5 hours ago
update everyone we got a car home and frin has been texting green hair (jesu) the whole way home if youre reading this its too late for me it was nice knowing u
Sabrina – 3 hours ago
Loving this. Just blew up half a field with Anica. She says hi
Sabrina – 2 hours ago
Hey yen I am seeing this mystery enemy of yours on tiktok people filmed his set
Sabrina – 2 hours ago
He’s hot good job
Sabrina – 2 hours ago
But why is he playing a fucking lute
Coral Lytta – 1 hour ago
morning all yennefer please send pics of ur hot date(s)
Fringilla – 15 minutes ago
Are we not addressing that Sabrina and Anica blew up a field?!
Sabrina — Just Now
Sunday, April 3rd
Lambert – 10 hours ago
Okay I made him laugh and now I’m in the bathroom what the fuck now??
Eskel – 10 hours ago
Pay for the bill, leave a good tip for that waiter for saving your ass, and then ask him if he wants to go back to yours. You’ve done this before, Lamb.
Coën – 10 hours ago
He’s been flirting with you all night, you’ll be fine.
Lambert – 10 hours ago
Fuck Okay If you never hear from me again it’s because I died of embarrassment
Lambert – 10 hours ago
Bye forever
Eskel – 9 hours ago
Drama queen. Hey Geralt how’s it going?
Coën – 9 hours ago
He’s in it too deep. He probably watched that guy play live and just died.
Lambert – 6 hours ago
Sex is so awesome
Eskel – 6 hours ago
Congrats bro. I’m sleeping now.
Lambert – 6 hours ago
Don’t you wanna hear about how great sex is
Eskel – 6 hours ago
I know it’s great, Lambert. I’ve had sex before
Lambert – 6 hours ago
Are we sure are we super sure you had sex cause like I just had GREAT sex possibly the best
Coën – 6 hours ago
It is two in the morning. I am begging you to shut up
Lambert – 6 hours ago
Put us on silent so I can talk about how great sex is
Lambert – 6 hours ago
Ha beat you to this one Geralt bet you didn’t have sex with someone hot tonight. HA
Lambert – 6 hours ago
Okay gotta go round two bye
Sunday, April 3rd
Geralt – 10 hours ago
You coming back to the table?
Geralt – 10 hours ago
If I’m gone when you get back let me know when you get home
Geralt – 10 hours ago
You did really good, Jaskier. I’m proud of you
TikTok – 2 hours ago
You have 25,634 new followers!
TikTok – 1 hour ago
You hit 2.3 million views! Click here to see what people are saying…
Spotify – 15 minutes ago
You have 5,785 new followers and 806,216 new listens on Toss a Coin EP
Maybe: Yennefer – 5 minutes ago
It's Yennefer, send me that selfie of all of us you took, I wanna freak out my group chat
Geralt, Maybe: Yennefer
Maybe: Yennefer – 4 minutes ago
I can’t believe I’m the one doing this, but I guess we need a group chat.
To: Geralt, Maybe: Yennefer
Message: 1 image
Here’s the selfie for you both!! Use it wisely ;)
A Sorceress, A Witcher, and a Handsome Bard Walk into a Bar…
Yennefer – 3 minutes ago
Geralt get me apple juice while you’re up
A Sorceress, A Witcher, and a Handsome Bard Walk into a Bar…
Yennefer – 2 minutes ago
Jaskier, this chat name, you cannot be serious
A Sorceress, A Witcher, and a Handsome Bard Walk into a Bar…
Geralt – Just now
A Sorceress, A Witcher, and a Handsome Bard Walk into a Bar…
Geralt – Just now
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ssa-sugar-tits · 4 years
Before It's Too Late
Request: this one
Have this scenario in mind: Hotch is working on a case where the victims look like the reader and he feels he should tell her his feelings before it's too late like what happened to his ex wife. Smutty or fluffy, it's your decision
Pairing: Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner x Reader
Content warnings: canon typical violence (torture/murder), mutilation, cursing, mentions of haley's death, smut, oral sex (male receiving), penetrative sex
a/n: yeahh we're doing the classic there's only one bed shit. enjoy, my horny lovelies.
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The entire team saw it, instantly. When JJ pulled up the victims with an uneasy gaze. They looked like you. All four women. You saw yourself in their cold, dead eyes. Your hair matched theirs too under the bloodstains. Hell, they could all be your sisters. The only difference was the glaringly obvious: the terror spilled all over those poor women's faces before they'd been tortured and murdered.
Wheels up in 20.
Hotch's meaningless words echo in your head as you stare deeper and deeper into your victim's eyes.
Hotch sits at his desk, the team's leaving in 10 minutes. He can't shake what everyone knows damn well. The women. They look like Y/N. They look like his clandestine love, Y/N. Hotch won't let anything happen to you, he'll die a thousand times before that happens. But he can still feel Haley's heavy, limp body in his arms and his heart shattering. It took a long time but piece by piece, you put it back together and now you hold Aaron Hotchner's heart in your oblivious hands.
"Y/N, we're leaving," Emily yells to you, walking with JJ out to the jet. You're forced to leave your trance and join the others. You feel hazy and have to focus your breathing as you take a seat next to Hotch.
"Hey babygirl, you're on." Derek places a laptop down with Garcia's live image displayed. Quickly looking up at the team and not wanting to show any sign of weakness, you share your thoughts.
"Well clearly, our guy's got a type. Same ethnicity, hair color, even the lip shape is insanely similar. I'm thinking surrogate." Receiving nods from the team, you hope precariously the profilers beside you don't notice how you're doing everything you can to avoid looking at the crime scene photos. Hotch agrees with you, not looking up from his file for fear of showing just how miserable the very idea of something happening to you is making him.
"Y/L/N is right. Garcia, start by looking at men in the area 20 to 40 years old who are related or romantically involved with a woman fitting the physical parameters of our victims. It'll be long but somewhere to start."
"Yes sir!" Penelope says enthusiastically, already beginning to click away at her keyboard. JJ stays at the back of the jet, making a phone call and Emily speaks up.
"Actually Penelope, cut that down to only romantic involvement. The torture and mutilation of the women's genitals is an act of sex in itself, I doubt he'd be doing that for a mother or sister. And the rage is evident so focus on recent breakups or rejections." Rejection. Why does that word stand out to Hotch?
"Very helpful, my raven-haired beauty," she chirps. "We are down to... 2700 matches!"
The word rejection still makes its way, floating around Hotch's mind like an annoying song he can't get out of his head. That's it, isn't it? You're the song he can't get out of his head. A song he loves, one that may not feel the same way. A song he can't lose.
"Garcia, try looking for large places of residence. Our unsub wouldn't torture in an apartment where neighbors can hear or in a house with other people around." Reid says.
"Look for areas with basements, sheds, garden houses, and such." Rossi adds.
"Hit you back later! P.G. out," she signs off.
Instead of, as he probably should be, doing his job, Hotch lets himself get lost in his thoughts. Thoughts about what happened to Haley, what could happen to you.
Those three gunshots ring in his mind.
Is this why your marriage fell apart, Aaron?
Foyet's words taunt him. How can he let himself love someone again? After failing Haley, at the cost of her life? At the cost of Jack losing his mother.
"Hotch?" you tap him lightly. "We landed, the team's outside."
"Thank you." He gathers his things, taking a quick deep breath.
"Sir," you say it with a careful tone. "Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine Y/L/N," he reassures you quickly and starts to leave but looks back at you. "Are you? We've all noticed that the victims...."
He trails off but you know what he's talking about.
"It's scary," you admit. "Definitely offputting, but I'll manage."
"If you need anything, let me know."
Your heart skips a beat. He's only being a good boss, you tell yourself.
"Thank you Aaron."
A rare sight, Hotch smiles at you. It's the first time you've called him by his first name.
The team sets up in the precinct and it's a slow day for the case, all in all. The suspect list is narrowed, slowly but surely, and interviews are conducted but no arrests are made. Most of your friends have turned in for the night, urging you to get some rest but you can't. Not when you're-- and you hate to admit it-- fucking scared. How could you possibly not be? Every time you look at the bloody photos, it's almost like looking into a future mirror. Hotch stays in the next room, alone. Gazing down at the file, he has to wonder. Is it really protecting you if he hides his feelings for you? Or is it a selfish attempt to guard his own fucked up fears? He doesn't have time to think about it much, interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Hotch?" You call.
"Come in, Y/L/N."
The object of his misery enters.
"I'm going back to the hotel for the night, I came to see if you wanted to ride back with me." Saying it confidently, not worrying he'll know your true desires. He almost objects but can't resist, especially not when he's made the decision to tell you before it's too late. To tell you he loves you.
"Give me a few minutes, I'll meet you outside."
"Got it," you smile genuinely, pleased that he agreed.
Checking into the hotel, the owner gives you a key, saying it's their last available room. Not a problem, you think. You step into the elevator and notice a hitch in Hotch's breathing.
"Y/L/N, I need to speak with you regarding something."
He cringes at his own words. How formal does a goddamn love confession need to be? This is stupid, what is he even doing?
"I'm not in trouble, am I?" you laugh, unlocking the room. He doesn't respond but one thing catches your eye when you walk in. You turn to face Hotch and your face is mere inches from his, able to feel the heat of each other's body.
"Hotch," you breathe out your words, low and shaky, feeling the tension you'd convinced yourself you'd been imagining all this time. "There's only one bed."
"That there is." He says calmly, not breaking eye contact. With a small burst of confidence, you place a hand on his rising chest.
"What'd you want to talk about, Aaron?" He almost moans just at the way his name sounds on your precious lips.
"This," he growls. You don't resist when he grabs your face to mash his lips against yours. In fact, you throw yourself on top of his and deepen the kiss. Without breaking the kiss, you push him onto the bed and straddle him. You take grip of his shoulders and he wraps his hands around your waist. He grunts and you take the opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth, attacking his with yours. Hotch tilts his head to have more access to your mouth and you feel his growing bulge against your thigh. You throw him down and smirk as he stares lustfully.
"Is this what you want Aaron?" you tease. He doesn't give you an answer, only exhaling and undoing his belt.
"Y/N, I need you." he pants, hungrily.
"Yes sir."
Pulling down his strained boxers with one swift movement, your mouth salivates at the sight of his already hard cock. His pink head glistens with precum and you bring your head down to swipe your tongue on it, making sure he's watching you.
"Fuck," Hotch moans, grasping a handful of your hair. You slide your mouth down on his cock, moaning against him and stroking what you can't fit with your hand. A long noise escapes him and he grips your head tighter while you bob your head up and down.
"Just like that baby, so good Y/N."
"Mmm," you hum, savoring every moan that travels from his mouth. Tears pricking your eyes, you take him down your throat determined to taste every inch of him, making him hum with delight. Cupping his balls in your hand, you work on him with your hands and mouth at the same time and you feel him near the edge. You pull your head up from him, a string of saliva connecting your lips and his dick.
"I was close," he mutters roughly. You lift your shirt over your shoulders and pull down your skirt, leaving you in your lacy white bra and panties set. Glad I wore something nice, you think. When he sees your body hovering over him, he's a man captivated. Rapidly, he unclasps your bra and takes in the view, starting to knead them sensually.
"Fuck me, Aaron." you command, somehow sounding sweetly. Hotch pins your wrists above your head and kisses you again, like he's waited his whole life to have you. He takes hold of your hips and moves your underwear to the side, holding his shaft to enter you. You moan in sync and he enters your pussy all the way.
"Aaron, fuck."
"You feel so good, baby." He praises.
"God yes!" you scream with his first thrust. "Fuck me as hard as you can, please sir."
You plead and Hotch complies. As he fucks you faster, moaning all the while, his hands tighten on you. You're sure he'll leave bruises for the morning but you don't care experiencing the pleasure you have right now. His fingers roll your nipple in his hand, pinching and squeezing lightly and he thrusts hard and passionate.
"I'm gonna cum," you warn and your pussy's blissful walls tighten around his nearing cock.
"Me too Y/N," he grunts. Exploding inside of you, he throws his head back messily and moans, pushing you over the edge. Your juices drip down your thighs and Hotch pulls out of you.
Breathing heavily, neither of you say a word. Only holding on desperately to any last drop of what you just did.
"I'm in love with you."
You stare into his deep brown eyes, still floating internally and inhaling the smell of sex. You trail a hand down his firm arm. It wasn't in your head.
"I'm in love with you too, Aaron."
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fenfyre · 3 years
Instructions for Living - Part IV
Part I    Part III
He can not remember the last time he went to bed with Jean instead of hours after him. Can not remember the last time he felt Jean fall asleep beside him. The last time they had sex unhurried and luxurious between these sheets instead of hastily groping each other between appointments and the hundreds of other things needing to be done.
Had it been months?
Shit, it might have been months.
At first glance not much is different from this morning when they said goodbye to each other.
But after some time he notices that just because the changes are not as glaringly obvious as they were in the living room, with whole chunks of their decor missing, that does not mean there are no changes. No losses to mourn. A framed picture of them is missing from the side table and Jean's phone charger is not on the bedside table anymore.
When Eren pulls back the neatly made duvet he finds no soft sleep shirt between the sheets. Only his own pyjama pants. The flannel ones Jean got him forever ago because he liked the way they felt when they cuddled. Eren barely wears them because he tends to run hot but the last nights were chilly so Jean laid them out for him without question or comment. He tends to notice these things, the ones Eren is too preoccupied with other thoughts to pay any mind to, and he takes the steps sane people take to make things more easy and comfortable.
Steps Eren could live without but did not have to in so many years he is not sure what going without them would do to him. If being apart from Jean might not just break him in the big, heart aching ways, but also in the small ones he never before paid much attention to.
Eren's hands are clammy as he changes into the pyjama pants and he is not even completely sure why. Maybe it is the way everything around him felt off since he first stepped into the apartment a while ago. Or maybe going to bed without Jean already sleeping soundly is the strangest thing he had to do today. Stranger than coming home to a too empty apartment and too many memories to handle.
The itch in his palms spreads into his fingertips as soon as he finishes changing and he has to take a moment to push away the urge to take out a notebook and jot down a few verses. This is not a feeling to cast into a song, even if that might just be the one medium flexible enough to contain them for him.
Maybe he should have talked about them to Jean more instead of pressing them between the pages of little notebooks like Jean does with his flowers.
There is a lyric somewhere in that too and Eren hates himself for it.
He grabs his phone from the pocket of his discarded jeans but instead of opening the notes app the way he tends to do when he has another late night idea for a project or a song, he pulls up Jean’s contact.
While it rings he lets himself fall onto the bed, the old frame creaking under his weight. He planned to fix that months ago. But now it has to wait a while longer.
After a few ringing sounds the call goes to voicemail, which is not surprising. He did not expect Jean to actually pick up right now and if he is fully honest with himself Eren is not sure what he might have said or done if Jean actually did. Talking to him right now would be too much, too cruel. He at least hopes Jean has the relaxed night with Sasha he planned and was able to distract himself somewhat from everything going on.
Hearing the short message Jean had recorded for his voice mail already cuts too deeply.
He has to take a moment to collect himself after the beeping sound, swallowing around the thickness in his throat.
"Hey pretty", he murmurs after a moment and wants to hit himself for the word as soon as it leaves his lips. This is not the time for pet names and endearments. But calling Jean by his name would have been so much worse.
"I'm ... I found the album..." The words are halting and Eren does not know exactly where to take it from there. It is not like he wrote down a concept before pulling up Jean's number. But he knows there is something he wants to say, feels it in his chest and the itch behind his eyelids.
There is a pause as he swallows again.
"I'm gonna try", he finally forces out the promise he already gave Jean last night. This morning. "I'm gonna do my fucking best to try as hard as I can. And I don't care if you need one month or three or a year ... I'll still be trying for you. I'll still be..."
Waiting. That is the word that gets stuck in Eren's throat almost violently.
Jean waited for years. For Eren to find some kind of balance. For Eren to come around to them. For Eren to just come to bed.
Eren had a lot of his own waiting to do if he ever hoped to make it up to Jean.
"I'll be waiting." The whisper was so low he was not even sure if his phone had picked up the words. "You just come home whenever you're ready. I'll be here. And I'll do better. I promise."
There is much more he wants to say but he feels the lump in his throat thicken again and the itch behind his eyelids flares up. He hangs up before the first tears squeeze out from behind his shut eyes.
The urge to get up and move, to distract himself with any of the projects still in the work room or the garage or the basement is almost unbearable. But instead of getting up and following his decades old habit Eren presses the phone against his chest, rolls onto his side and allows the pain to crash over him.
"Can you do it?", Jean asks after he brought Eren to the door of their apartment for the last time in what would certainly be a long time. Neither of them know how low exactly.
How could Eren ever answer that question honestly? The truth is he has no idea. He has not been without Jean for so many years. How is he supposed to know if he can do anything without him?
Still he nods. If they want to save this they have to try on their own for a while. Eren has to try on his own.
"You sure?"
"I love you", Eren blurts because honestly, that is the only answer Jean needs. Even if Eren is not sure if he can do this on his own he will try. He will try anything. "So yeah. I was never this sure."
He holds Jean's searching gaze for another moment, his heart beating all the way up into his throat. If there is a person who can read him like an open book it is Jean. So why is he so afraid his boyfriend might not believe him?
Then Jean's gaze softens, the hard edges of his face smoothing like the worry plastered across his forehead. It is the one thing, Jean softening like he does because he trusts Eren, because he found hope in that moment, that makes Eren truly believe they can do this.
"Alright", he nods, seemingly more to himself than to Eren at this point. But the small smile that tugs at his lips, the softness in his eyes, those are for Eren alone. "Take care of yourself."
It is said with barely more than a breath and even though Eren can feel the distance still between them that Jean said he needed, he can not resist but to reach out and grab his boyfriend's hand. Squeezing cold fingers between his own.
"I will", he promises. "However long it takes."
And the only thing that allows him to let go of Jean's hand and turn towards the stairs is the trust, the unshaken knowledge, that however long it takes ... he will hold that hand again. Some day.
The End
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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lunequireves · 3 years
Second Chances and Repeating Outfits
Now that we have the entirety of Second Chances, it’s interesting to think about the repeating outfits in the song a bit more. But it’s not just the first or second outfit they appear it in the clip, which is interesting and talked about here, but it’s also the repetition and choice of which outfit is being repeated which is interesting.
Ricky’s jacket makes its third appearance as well after its appearance in the pilot and Wonderstudies. The first time he’s wearing it, he’s talking about getting back together with Nini and the second time, he and Big Red are in the basement talking about what he should do about Nini. Interestingly, Ricky asks during that scene if it’s time to move on. He doesn’t that time – which leads to essentially the romantic plot line of season 1, but based on context and lyrics and even the name of the song, it sounds like he will this time.
Who knew that love could be so bittersweet. Oh, when it finally meets the end?
But there is somethin' in this summer wind, a moment to begin again.
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Nini’s East High Sweater makes its third appearance. The first time we saw it was during her audition where she stepped out of the shadows and auditioned for the lead and the second was when we see her in the music video for You Ain’t Seen Nothin’. This second appearance happens after she has been struggling to compose any new songs and finally takes off the guitar pick necklace from Ricky. In a sense, having it appear in You Ain’t Seen Nothin’, which she wrote with Ashlyn, was almost symbolic of her chasing her goals. So, the choice for that to be her more repeated outfit was definitely an important choice which goes along with her lines which are all about chasing her goals.
I know that every time a door is shut a window opens up for me
It's all wide opened on this road I'm on I'm findin' who I want to be
Although, Nini’s costume is interesting since the outfit she appears in while singing these lines - based on the clip that was released earlier this week – is actually her pink jacket and not the sweater. So, based on the scenes that the pink jacket appears in – which are mainly about her relationships with EJ and Ricky, one could argue that these lines are also about her moving on past both of them and pursing other goals. But, even if we take the lines that she sings just in the sweater – “I’ve got a second chance to fly” – it still makes sense in terms of her chasing her goals.
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EJ’s letterman jacket makes its 3rd appearance after its appearance in the pilot as well as the Read Through where you have him EJ jealous over Nini and Ricky’s past relationship and planning to steal her phone. Also, the first episode where EJ and Gina actually interact and start scheming together which makes his lines about having read between the lines and misread the signs even more apt because when you compare where they were before to where they are now, the change is quite impressive.
Was I a fool to read between the lines? Did I misread the signs that much?
Who would've thought we'd come this far as friends? Maybe that should've been enough
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Gina’s jacket makes its third, well, technically 5th, appearance. She first wore it in the pilot, where we see her passing by Nini and Kourtney talking about EJ. She wears it in Opening Night when she returns to the show and is hugged by her friends. She also wears it in Act Two when Ashlyn asks her to move in for the semester and then it appears in the scene where she talks to Ricky about her feelings for him. And now it makes an appearance here as well. Given her lines, this was the obvious costume choice because of the pivotal scenes that the jacket has been worn in and what has happened during them. The first time she talked to someone about her feelings and opened up her heart, it was not taken the way that she might have hoped, so this is a second chance, but she’s worried that it might be a repeat of what happened before. (I will say that it is very interesting that the first scene that we see her in with the jacket isn’t one that she even has a speaking role in, but rather one where Kourtney and Nini are talking about her new relationship with EJ and having to tell Ricky about it.)
Maybe I'm safer when I'm on the run no time to open up my heart.
Maybe I'll hide behind my walls again instead of tearing them apart.
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All in all this is going to be a great scene and I’m really excited to see how it fits into the episode.
Note: Just an observation, but it’s also interesting how Ricky and EJ have questions in their lines while Nini and Gina don’t. 
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brockadoodles · 4 years
21 - q. hughes
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AN: As promised, another repost for my love, @pettypetey​, a little shortie that I wrote on my old blog for his birthday. 
Word Count: 1675
Warnings: a little angsty if you squint, mentions of drinking. 
You sat at the kitchen counter with your head in your hands swirling the now disintegrating paper straw around in your drink, the ice had long melted and watered down any alcohol that was left. You almost felt like it was a mistake for coming here tonight. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be there, you loved Quinn, but that was the entirety of the problem. He normally wasn’t around this time of year, having already gone back to Vancouver for the start of his season. You missed him when he was in Edmonton, spending game nights with his brothers didn’t feel the same anymore when your feelings hit you. The subtle “I miss you” texts from him causing your heart to ache and your mind to race and read between the lines into something that might not have even been there in the first place. 
You’d known Quinn for so long now that you shouldn’t have been surprised when you grew even more attached to him over the last year. The pandemic and him being home for longer than he had ever been home caused something to grow between you that you were almost sure was more than what was acceptable to call just a friendship anymore. It was in the late nights spent in his family’s backyard, the long drives you’d take together just to clear your minds, you smiling softly at him from his passenger seat while he drove. 
You spent so many months in this self-created bubble with Quinn that it almost didn’t feel real when he told you that he was leaving again. You kept yourself together while he told you, the words mulling in your head and creating an ache in your heart that you spent the following week denying was even there. 
It was Luke who called you out on it first, putting the words into the air that you had been afraid to murmur out loud for the last few months. You were sitting in the Hughes basement, ready to watch the third game of the play-in round with Jack and Luke when he said it.
“So when are you telling Quinn you like him?” He said so nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink as Jack walked back into the room, a knowing expression on his face as he overheard what Luke said to you. You groaned, trying to play it off as nothing when in reality your insides were twirling and you had to stop yourself from letting it all out. 
You thought about it the entire game, and by the time he called that night the words almost left your lips with a soft “I miss you” that would have meant more than just the simple words could give the impression of. 
You almost told him so many times over the weeks that he was away, the ache in your heart only growing bigger into something that stayed with you each passing day. You almost told him when he came back, running into his arms when he pulled up to your house just hours after his plane landed. His head hung in your neck, and you swore that he almost placed a soft kiss into your neck as your hands curled in his hair. But you didn’t say it, instead the “I miss you” came out solid, friendly, and you pretended not to notice as his face slightly fell at your tone. 
Now you found yourself at a small party for his 21st birthday, a small gathering of the friends that were still around due to the unforeseen circumstances of the world, and all you could think about was the fact that you needed to get over these feelings before he left you again. 
Quinn had noticed something was off about you since he came back, you started retreating from him, not answering calls and making up stories about being busy whenever he’d ask to see you. He wasn’t entirely sure you were even coming to his birthday, as you gave him a halfhearted answer when he asked the night before. It was nearly killing him, his heart had ached for you the entire time he was gone, and he knew you felt it too. Jack had spilled it to him one night shortly after he came back, so when he came back and you immediately started pulling away he didn’t know how to fix it. 
Quinn was quiet, not the type of person who had any sort of eloquent way with words. His mind didn’t work in love stories or songs, he would probably stumble out any confession so poorly that it would almost be funny. But he knew how he felt about you, how much those phone calls meant to him when he was in Edmonton, how you would talk him down from the pressure of contributing for his team in such a surreal environment, how you reassured him no matter what happened everyone would be proud of him.   
Now here you were, standing feet away from him, the most beautiful person he knew looking like they would rather be anywhere else but there. He wasn’t sure who looked more pathetic that night, you for sitting by yourself, or him for watching your every move instead of enjoying what was supposed to be one of the best birthdays of anyone’s life. He felt like you were just out a reach, a whole lifetime away from him and all he wanted was to bring you into the same life with him, whatever that looked like. 
He watched you set your still full glass in the sink and grab your phone, his mind going blank when he realized that you were leaving. Everything felt frozen as you turned around, catching his eye with a hurt expression on your face. Your eyes widened as you stood there a few feet apart, the nonverbal communication making everything so clear. You smiled sadly at him, turning around to leave his party, your heart no longer able to take being around him. 
Quinn reacted quickly, ignoring a few calls of his name as he walked quickly after you. He caught up to you as you were walking down the steps of the porch.
“You’re not going to say anything to me? You’re just leaving?” He called out, his voice soft but firm as you froze in your place. You turned around slowly, your eyes starting to water from the emotions that were bubbling to the surface. 
“I can’t be here, Quinn. It’s too hard.” You smiled sadly, hoping that he would just let you go. It was easier this way, you told yourself. If you could break the attachment now, it wouldn’t hurt as bad when he left again. Quinn shook his head, taking a tentative step toward you. 
“So let’s make it easy, I don’t want you to go,” he started, grabbing onto your hand and lacing his fingers through yours, squeezing softly. 
“Quinn,” you tried, but he only came closer as he pulled you into his chest, melting away almost every resolve you had to leave. You stood there for a moment listening to the steady beat of his heart, memorizing the rhythm of it as his hands rubbed circles into your sides. You let yourself imagine it for a moment, what it would be like to have this be real, but it wasn’t real, and no matter what you wanted you had to accept that Quinn would always leave again even if it was no fault of his own. 
“You should go back to your party,” you smiled sadly as you pulled back. Quinn shook his head softly at you.
“I don’t care about the party,” he said, reaching his hand to your cheek, placing it there and wiping a tear from your eye. 
“Quinn, it’s your 21st birthday, of course, you care,” you responded. He just shook his head at you once more. Quinn knew that he was dense, he knew that he wasn’t good with his feelings or emotions, but all he wanted to do was somehow communicate to you that what he cared about was you, not some stupid party, not getting blackout drunk just because he legally could now. 
“I don’t,” he argued, shaking his head again as he added, “I like you, a lot. I realize that’s probably the most underwhelming way for me to say that, but it’s true. So no, I don’t care about the party, I don’t care about any of it, just you.” You could tell he was telling the truth based on how frustrated he sounded. His words were firmer, more sure sounding than Quinn normally ever sounded when it came to admitting something like that. You almost couldn’t believe it, but you did because Quinn wouldn’t lie to you about something like this. 
“So, what do you want from this?” You asked, your heart beating in your throat as you struggled to breathe. Quinn smiled at you, his eyes softening as he grabbed your face once more, using his free hand to guide your body back to his. He leaned his forehead against yours.
“Right now? Kinda want a kiss for my birthday, then maybe to get out of here and just spend time with you. So can I have that?” He asked. You smiled up at him, your cheeks heating up under his hand as you nodded softly, your eyes fluttering closed as he kissed you for the first time. You dug your hands into his waist as you kissed, your stomach doing backflips as you heard the cheers start to come from outside the house where some of his friends had gathered. 
Quinn didn’t stop kissing you as he flipped them off, both of you ignoring them completely as you shared your moment. You pulled back, laughing softly as you placed your head on his chest. 
“In case it wasn’t obvious, I like you too.” You whispered into his chest.
“Thank God or this would probably be the worst birthday ever.” 
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lag1995-fics · 3 years
Maybe Superheroes by The script for Peter Maximoff if you'd feel like writing something for it? 😄💕 thinking about X-Men everytime I hear it haha it's so amazing
I hope you like it, it’s a little angsty. Thank you so much for requesting and following.
Song: Superheroes by The Script
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x female!Reader
Warning: violence, and an f-bomb or two. It also has some dadneto
Words: 1336
Summary: When you are kidnapped, Peter tears the world apart to find you.
Song Fic Masterlist
When you started dating Peter it had been like breathing air. Kissing and loving was as natural as breathing air or drinking water. He was the best thing that had ever happened to you.
Things were amazing and you didn’t think anything could bring you down. Peter made you laugh so much he was so goofy and good natured. He brightened your world like a kerosene lantern in a thunderstorm. The only thing you guys ever argued about was whether or not he should tell Erik that he was Peter's biological father.
You were adamant about this, you had lost your own father when you were still a teenager. You didn’t want Peter to have any regrets; especially with how reckless Erik was.
Things didn’t stay amazing though, now that Strijer knew where the school was he had teams of people watching for someone who might be leaving alone. You hadn’t thought at the time that going to pick Peter up a birthday present would lead to you being kidnapped by some shady government officials.
You woke up to a hazy migraine and blinding fluorescent lights. You went to get up but you realized with panic that you were securely tied to the metal cot.
“Time to wake up mutey!” A man’s harsh voice barked at her.
“W-where am I?” You stuttered, finally getting a look at the severe man.
“I’m colonel Striker, and you’re somewhere they will never find you mutant!” He spat as if mutant was a dirty word.
“Now tell me your mutation and what can you tell me about Charles Xavier” He demanded and you had to bite back a shiver of fear.
“I would never give up my family” you declared determined to keep quiet. Peter and the x-men would find you.
Peter was beginning to get concerned it had been a good three hours since he had last seen y/n. He began zipping all over the school looking for her. He then ran into the next town and they were nowhere to be found. The panic began to set in as he ran as fast as he could back to the professor breaking the sound barrier.
“Professor! Do you know where y/n is!” Peter all but shouted to the startled professor.
“No I believe she was going into town but I haven’t seen her since,” the professor replied evenly trying to calm the panic in Peter’s voice.
“Can you look with cerebro, I looked over every inch of the town?” Peter asked, his voice still fraught with anxiety.
“Of course Peter,” Charles conceded and two of them made their way down to the basement of the school.
Charles looked for y/n for over an hour, each minute stabbing Peter in the gut with fear. The ring box in his jacket pocket felt like a lump of lead against his heart. When Charles pulled out of cerebro with a deep frown on his face, peters stomach fell out to his feet.
“Peter, I couldn’t find her. It was like there was a void. It’s similar in feeling to Erik’s bloody helmet,” Charles said watching the silver haired man’s face crumble. Tears streamed steadily down his cheeks.
“We have to find her!” Was all that Peter could choke out his tongue feeling like rubber.
“We will Peter. I'm going to search for her face in other people's minds, please tell Hank to get the X-Men ready to go,” Charles told Peter, trying to convey his reassurance.
Peter ran to Hank telling him what was going on as quickly as possible. He needed to recruit one more person. Magneto had contacts that could help him get Y/n safely home.
Peter arrived in Genosha uninvited and out of breath. Erik had immediately walked out guarded but not hostile. Peter looked into his fathers eyes, his own brown ones frantic.
Erik couldn’t help but notice that the silver haired man had eyes that were very much like his mother’s.
“I need your help!” Peter all but demanded, afraid for his lover’s safety.
“I would normally love to help another mutant brother or sister, but I am quite tied up with getting this community off the ground” Erik waved at the shipping containers he was using to construct small homes.
“No I need your help they took her, someone took her and I need her. Please!” Peter begged, his voice broken.
“Peter you are emotional, I’m sure there are plenty of x-men that can help you” Erik walked closer to the boy laying a hand on his rather clad shoulder.
“You don’t understand, I need your help, they won’t be enough!” Peter snapped looking up at his father achingly.
“I’m sorry Peter, they will find her” Erik repeated and Peter felt a chill of anger go down his spine.
“Maximoff!” Peter snapped and Erik’s eyes went wide before narrowing in suspicion.
“Excuse, me, Erik said gruffly, pulling away from Peter.
“Where did you learn that name?!” Erik’s voice held a hint of anger. He had always tried to push the wife who had left him out of his mind.
“It’s my name, I was born Pietro Django Maximoff on February 10, 1955” Peter was desperate. He would do anything to find his lover, even if that meant fighting his demons he had kept since the day Erik had tried to off Nixon.
Erik felt his face drain of color, his mind whirling. This boy who broke him out of the pentagon at seventeen. This boy whom he had almost let die at Apocalypse hands. He had almost lost another child and he would have never known it. It was obvious that Peter had no intention of ever telling Erik of their relationship.
“Your mother, what was her name?” Erik asked just to confirm and Peter snorted unhappily.
“You tell me,” he lamented.
“Magda,” Erik uttered and while Peter didn’t confirm he also didn’t deny. Now that Erik was looking he could see that Peter had taken after his mother’s side of the family. He looked strikingly like Erik’s late uncle. He knew immediately without a doubt he would do anything for this boy. He would walk through the fires of hell for Peter.
You woke up to a sharp kick in the stomach causing you to write in the corner you were huddled in. They had taken to beating you until you would talk. You wouldn’t though, Peter was there and he was your whole world.
“You ready to talk yet Mutie” The guard taunted and you spat at him, blood and spittle staining his fatigues.
“Go fuck yourself,” you gasped out as he kicked you again.
“We have a Code M, all units respond,” the guards radio garbled. A flash of fear crossed the guards features before he ran out of the room not even bothering to cuff you back to the bed.
You could hear screaming and banging getting closer and you could only hope that the cavalry had arrived for you. You needed to see Peter, you never wanted to leave his side again.
Your half swollen eyes widened when the door to your cell burst open and a silver blur darted to you. A magenta clad man stood outside the doorway as well killing anyone who tried to enter.
“Y/n,” Peter breathed touching your face like you were made from glass.
“I knew you’d come for me” You cried collapsing into his arms sobbing.
“I’ve got you baby and I’m never letting you out of my sight again” Peter sounded determined and more mature than she had ever heard him be.
“I love you” you gasped, pressing a bloody kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“I know,” he grinned and you slapped his shoulder lightly. He would find a way to drop a silly movie reference even at a time like this.
“Let’s get you home” Peter murmured and before you knew it you were strapped into a seat on the jet, ready to go home.
Requests are open if you have something you’d like to request. Thank you all for reading ❤️❤️❤️
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Okay, so this made me want to write about stockings, but then I got inspired by that one scene from Brooklyn (2015) and my own grandparents and here we are. 
A 1930s Everlark 🌹:
The only reason Katniss agreed to the Friday night dance was because Prim had promised to do all her Saturday chores if she’d come. “Mama won’t let me go unless you come,” her sister had pleaded, crawling across their shared bed, hands folded together. “Please please please, Katniss?”
“I hate those dances,” she argued, shoving her sister off her notes. “Plus I have an exam next week that I need to study for. Why can’t Mama take you?”
Prim looked aghast at the suggestion. “I can’t take my matka to the dance! I’d be the laughing stock at school! Katniss, please? I’ll do all your Saturday chores and take care of Babcia all night instead. Please?”
She likely would have gone without the promised bribe, but if Prim was offering to batter out dirty rugs and polish their mother’s silver and deal with their strict grandmother for a whole Saturday evening, then Katniss wasn’t going to bypass it. So here she sat in her church’s basement, huddled in the far corner where the girls with no dance partners sat, counting down the minutes until 9 o’clock.
The room was crowded with kids from the neighborhood, excited to congregate together without total parental supervision watching over them, and she saw Prim near the band with some fellow she recognized from church, her head thrown back in laughter. The guy’s face was a bit too close to her sister’s neck, but Prim would never forgive her if she stepped in and played matka. Katniss crossed her arms and sighed, slinking down in her seat.
Sixty-seven minutes to go.
“Not much for dances?” a boy next to her asked, causing her to jump. He hadn’t been there a moment ago.
She frowned. “Am I that obvious?”
“Most girls over here are scoping the dance floor for fellas. You, on the other hand,” he said, eyeing the clock, “keep checking the time. Got a hot date or something?”
Her cheeks flushed at his forwardness. “Gee, you talk to all the girls you’ve just met like that?”
“No,” he smiled, leaning closer to her, “but I think it’s important to make sure I’m not stepping where I shouldn’t be stepping. So is there a lucky fella? Or are you free to dance with me?”
Katniss gave him a hard look, amazed at just how forward this guy was. She hadn’t been asked to dance often, but she’d seen the bashful way boys usually asked Prim and Leevy. They were never as forward! She sniffed the air. “Why would I tell you such a thing? I don’t even know your name.”
“Peeta Mellark,” he said, holding his hand for her to take. Katniss lightly grabbed his fingers, gave a halfhearted shake in greeting, and put her hand back in her lap. “What’s yours?”
“Katniss Everdeen.”
“Everdeen?” he frowned. “That don’t sound Polish. Are you crashing this dance, too?” She tried her best not to notice how his blue eyes seemed to twinkle in the church’s poor lightning when he smiled at that.
“That’s because it isn’t. My mother’s Polish, but my father wasn’t.” She checked the clock and held back another tired sigh. Only five minutes had passed.
“Time would go faster if you danced,” Peeta suggested teasingly, leaning back in his seat. “I’d be happy to fill that time.”
Her fingers drummed on her knees, considering his offer. She still had an hour left of this thing and he wasn’t wrong about time moving faster if she was doing something.
“Okay,” Katniss agreed, holding her hand out. “One dance and you leave me alone for the rest of the night.”
He hurried to stand and grabbed her offered hand, bowing dramatically at the honor. She rolled her eyes and told him to move it along, before she changed her mind.
They walked to the dance floor just as the band was starting a new song. It was a swing tune, one the whole room cheered to as couples started to sway to the rhythm. It took Katniss a moment to pick up the new steps, unfamiliar with this particular dance, but with Peeta’s laughing encouragement, she was soon dancing and laughing along with him. He shook his hands to the side as the gentlemen in the talkies did and spun her around until her head spun. He even convinced her to take center floor with him as they kicked and stepped to the beat, the couples around them cheering around them.
Before Katniss knew it, they had danced four more times together. He didn’t ask if she wanted to stop after that first one and she didn’t bother to deny him as he kept pulling her back for more. Her hair was a bit disheveled now, her curls coming loose due to the room’s humidity and her own movements, and her feet hurt in her heels, but it’d been awhile since she’d had this much fun. Prim was never going to let her live this down.
Finally, the priest announced the band would be playing one last song, even though it was past 9 now, because they’d all been such a great group tonight. It surprised her, how fast time really did go by when she wasn’t sitting in the corner, pleading with the clock to move faster.
The band started one last time, crooning a slow ballad. Couples paired up and she saw her sister on the other side of the room with the same guy as earlier. Were they serious, she wondered, Prim and this guy? Peeta’s hand on her lower back pulled her back to them, their bodies pressed together now. She rested one hand on his shoulder, realizing just how tall he was as she looked up at him, his smile causing something in her to flutter, and she smiled back. Peeta smelled nice, she noticed, pressed against him so close now. Like fresh baked bread and a seasoning she couldn’t place. Dill maybe? His body felt warm against hers, but she welcomed it, despite how hot she was after all the dancing.Their hands laced together as the music swept through the room, couples spinning slowly to the tune.
“This is nice,” he said near her ear. “Glad you said yes, Katniss Everdeen.”
“It is,” she agreed, deciding it wouldn’t be a bad thing to rest her head on his chest. The other girls were doing it and well, Prim always said these dances were for meeting fellas.
“Hey, Peeta?” she asked, looking up at him.
“Hey, Katniss?” he asked in return, that smile of his still there, looking down at her.
“What’d you mean when you asked if I was crashing this dance?” It’d been bothering her since about their second dance. “Are you crashing?”
He laughed and spun them around. “Does Mellark sound Polish to you?”
“Well, no,” she frowned, not even thinking of that when he introduced himself. “I guess I just figured you were like me.” She couldn’t be sure, but it felt like he pulled her closer. Not that she was complaining about that.
“Both parents are German,” he said, his cheek pressed on top of her head. “As hard German as you can make them, really strict, you know?”
“So what were you doing at a Polish dance, then? Don’t the Germans have their own dances?”
“Oh yeah” Peeta said, laughing, “We do, but I like coming to your dances. They’re more fun and well, I really like Polish girls.”
Katniss tucked her face into his shirt to hide her blush. “German boys aren’t so bad, either.” If it was at all possible, his smile grew.
“I’ll take you to one, if you’d like,” he promised. “You can see for yourself how much more fun your dances are.”
“Are you asking me out on a date, Peeta?”
“Would you say yes if I was?”
Katniss bit her bottom lip. “I would, yes.”
He spun them around one last time before the song ended, resting his forehead on hers. The music had stopped, the couples around them breaking apart, but Katniss and Peeta stood there, still holding on to each other. “When can I take you out?” he asked. “Please say soon?”
Glancing over at Prim, who had clearly noticed where she was and giving thumbs up in approval, Katniss smiled. “You free tomorrow night?”
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oneweekoneband · 4 years
meet me behind the mall!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know why Taylor Swift thinks that teenagers drink wine, and I don’t know why she chose to record and release a wistful high-school-other-woman song which left me feeling naked as a frog and therefore furious. Some questions we ask only so as to be soothed by the familiar sound of our own voice, still there after all. The answers are not coming. 
The Taylor Swift Teen Love Triangle Triad of “cardigan”, “august”, and “betty” is the part of folklore that makes me most bullish about where Taylor is going as an artist. A turn away from writing songs which are intentionally meant to appear confessional and toward, instead, songs which reveal the personal as refracted through fictitious circumstances and made-up characters is a better use of her big, weird brain, and allows that brain to be unleashed on a broader plain of experience. It’s incredibly embarrassing to be an adult woman with my own problems to manage and to have living in my head Taylor Swift’s demented YA fiction, but it’s an embarrassment that feels appropriate, like I could never really have escaped this fate. On “betty” she gets to play-act as a contrite teen boy who knows he’s done wrong, and while obviously the most charming thing about the song is Taylor saying “fuck” (and also her giving us a little of the ol’ razzle dazzle by way of some light twang), her experiment with imagining what it’s like to be a skateboarding kid who hates dances, trying on an imagined teen boy interiority as a costume, is effective too. 
“cardigan” is more removed, less plaintive and shouty. This is a song from adult Betty’s perspective looking back on this period in her life and in her relationship with James, who the song seems to imply she is still with now. While—full offense—I believe marrying your high school girlfriend or boyfriend is a disorder which should have its own listing in the DSM, restoring order by putting the original couple back together so as to make the story one of true love triumphing over adversity, rather than a series of sketches of kids doing fuckup kid things just because it is not easy to be alive and to be alive alongside others and with gentleness, least of all when you are very new at it,  is the only conclusion this saga could ever have reached with Ms. Swift at its helm, and I do appreciate the consistent, if baby-brained, internal logic. I’ve never known a teenage girl whose signature garment was a cardigan and, frankly, this Betty sounds like sort of a self-absorbed drip (I do love, love, how Taylor’s own voice comes through so clearly on the lightly threatening, smug lines, “I knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired / And you’d be standing in my front porch light” !!) so I’m not totally surprised she got cheated on, but that’s very uncharitable of me and probably comes from the same meaty polyp in my brain that is responsible for my still loving all the hilariously mean-spirited, woman-hating songs on Speak Now.
“august” is about the other girl. The “her” in James’ rather pathetic defense, “slept next to her, but I dreamt of you all summer long”. “august” tells a story that brings to my mind another story. It is a story I won’t belabor because it is neither exciting nor unique. It will not illuminate an unexplored human experience, as it is, in fact, incredibly boring, regular, an incident which would be at home in any normal Tuesday, ordinary as meeting at the mall. This is a million years ago and there is a boy whose basement I go to sometimes after swim practice. We have matching team sweatpants with our names embroidered above the pocket at the right hip and I like to switch pairs. I’m you and you’re me and when we have pushed and bent the tiredness out of our muscles together, making experimental declarations in hushed voices down there while the furnace groans, well, then I’m you and me and you’re you and me and we are we are we are. 
One February day at twilight I bound out of the school building with wet hair and a fleece jacket, but his car is already gone. No worries. Standing at my locker the next afternoon like in a movie he will say, easy as anything, that he has a girlfriend, a family friend, two towns over, she goes to private school. You’ve probably met her, he says. And right then I remember that I have. Last year I did her zipper in the bathroom at a dance. We were fighting but we never really broke up, he says. For months you’ve been fighting? is all I say back. Fighting since October? As if that matters. Like that’s the point. My voice is pinched and ugly and I know I’ll hear that sound forever. Well, anyway... I feel bad. He doesn’t clarify for whom he feels bad. He’s got one sneaker toe working against the other one atop the tile floor that’s the murky green of sea glass. He looks at my St Brigid’s cross necklace, at the blue Masterlock hanging open like a broken jaw, at someone in a hoodie who punches his shoulder as they walk by. Nothing personal, he says, and there is a tiny smudge of cafeteria pizza at the corner of his mouth that I hadn’t noticed until that second and a day ago would’ve reached up and wiped away with the pad of my thumb, laughing. I get it, right? Oh, sure. 
The worst of it was not skipping pre-calc to cry in the bathroom, since, I mean, I couldn’t actually do pre-calc and would never learn how, but was inspecting my soul in the dark when I couldn’t sleep that night and finding part of me had known this all along, had chosen to pretend, wanted the wanting so badly I’d knocked from my brain the truth of how it was going to end. This would not be the last false love from which I’d find myself unceremoniously discarded, and in time I’d learn to be the liar myself, too. It’s unseemly to pathologize bad decisions, to take on poor impulse control or self-destructive patterns as an identity, but I do think that just as some people are born serial monogamists, part of a twosome forever with very little mess in-between, some of us were built from the very first cell to live like a pool ball struck and banging teeth first into the wrong mouths and hearts. I can examine my romantic history and tap my finger against the obvious errors, the times I chose what I knew would hurt me, when I ascribed hope to situations where it did not belong, when I, like the narrator of “august”, regarded someone as not mine to lose but still put myself in the position to be harmed by the losing, yet I can’t produce alternative choices that feel realistic. If you are in love and it doesn’t work out, there is mourning, there is pain, but there is all the while a record which shows something happened, it was real. “august” stands somewhat apart in the Taylor Swift catalog as a song neither about the glory of true love or the heartbreak when it’s over, but about the small, paper cut heartbreaks that are inescapable during each day of an untrue love. “It was never mine”. When it turns out you were wrong the whole time, fooling yourself, then even remembering that you’d been happy in the lie is like being trapped in a fun house, body bent and broken in the mirror, a thing not built right for this world. 
“august” is about the girl who James was with over the summer, the girl he leaves to return to Betty. Taylor said it’s the first of the three that she wrote, and I fear this has warmed me to her in some new and unsettling way. I fear this means she’s matured as a person and writer, capable now of a more expansive view of situations, to be generous. It’s like how you shouldn’t feed gremlins after midnight; there is no telling what new and more dangerous creature this woman might turn into if she’s suddenly been taught empathy. When Taylor-as-James in “betty” sings, “Would you trust me if I told you it was just a summer thing?” in his effort to woo Betty back I hate him a little, that thoughtless child undeserving of the kind of adoration in lines like, “your back beneath the sun / wishing I could write my name on it.” I try to extend grace to this fictional boy, but I think of the “Do you remember? in “august” and I feel a little sick from being so certain that no... No, he doesn’t. Not really.
“Back when we were still changing for the better / wanting was enough / for me it was enough”. I’d like to think there is no last chance to change for the better. I’d like to think wanting is enough so long as you want the right thing. I’d like to think that God made sure Taylor Swift became a singer instead of a young adult novelist because the absolute last thing this world needed was this freak joining the circus that is YA Twitter. Most of all, I like thinking that Judy Blume knows that her beautiful, searing, devastatingly romantic and also textually gay 1998 novel Summer Sisters is the only important book that has ever been published, and, further, that the world will show me the respect of understanding and accepting that “august”, when removed from the context of the Swiftian child romance trilogy, sounds as if it were specifically written in homage. Taylor, I know I’ve accused you of at least fifty crimes this week alone, but if you want to talk about Summer Sisters, please get in touch.
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Survey #335
“on my forehead, a birthmark  /  remove it with the kiss of a knife  /  even if it causes me to die”
Do you recover well from surgery? Judging by the two surgeries I've had, oh yeah. I was hyper as hell when I came home from getting tubes put in my ears as a little kid, even though the doctor said I'd be very sleepy. Then, after my cyst removal, I was put on very strong painkillers but was still warned it was going to be a painful recovery, when it totally wasn't. I literally only took painkillers the first day. What addictions have you had? Caffeine, technology. Would you change your name if you became famous? Nah. If Cupid were real, would you hire him to make someone love you? No. I don't want somebody forced to love me. Ever been to an auction? No. Which word(s) do you generally use to describe someone attractive? (e.g. “fit”, “sexy”) It kinda varies with gender. Women I tend to call "beautiful" or "gorgeous," sometimes "hot" or "cute," while men I usually refer to as "handsome" or "hot"/"sexy." The last person you kissed - are they older or younger than you? She's a bit younger. When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused? Hm. I dunno. I have a hard time saying "no," so. When was the last time you had Pop Tarts? What flavour were they? Many months ago; I kinda stopped eating them because they're truly not filling and just a load of sugar that veils itself as an actual breakfast choice. But anyway, I liked the chocolate sundae ones. Have you ever felt a temperature below 0? No. Did you ever play Spyro? I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! SPYRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those games were my CHILDHOOD, and it's half the reason I'm dying for a PS4 to play the remastered trilogy. Speaking of which, it'd be awesome if they remade the The Legend of Spyro trilogy as well. I might just like those games more than the originals, but that's a bold statement I'm unsure about. Have you ever dated someone who was of a foreign origin? I dated a Hispanic guy for less than a day. Have you ever read any of your idols’ books/autobiographies? Ozzy Osbourne's, yes. I'm just fucking waiting for Mark to write one, but he's always said he has so little interest in writing about his life. DO IT, YOU FUCK. Do you own any succulents? No. I think they're pretty, though. Do you have a drone? No. What’s your favorite Netflix series? *shrug* What is something a lot of people like but you don’t? Summertime. The heat, the humidity (at least here), the sunburn from just standing outside for ten minutes... I hate all of it. The ONLY two things I enjoy about summer is swimming and then flowers, though spring is the more floral season here anyway. Do you have revenge fantasies that you never actually play out? They've... happened. Did your first real significant other change you at all? Pretty sure forever. Are you waiting to have sex until you’re married? Once upon a time, that was the plan. Now, nah. I'd just want to be in a healthy, stable, and long-term relationship. What do you think about divorce? It's sad, but necessary for some people in order to be happy, which everyone has the right to be. I used to be very firmly against divorce except in extreme cases like abuse, etc., and I'm still definitely no fan of it and think couples should do their best to work things out, but it's incredibly unfair to believe that someone should be stuck for the rest of their life with a person they just don't love anymore. Getting married can be a mistake; don't damn people forever to be chained to their bad decisions. Do you remember the first time your heart broke? What was the reason? It was probably when Dad just abandoned us. What's the worst prank someone has ever done to you? I don't think anyone's ever pulled a sick joke on me. Have you ever seen someone sleepwalk? Yes; my little sister deadass tried to walk outside late at night. Thank God I was on the computer in the living room and stopped her. What song are you listening to right now? I just turned "Mutter" by Rammstein on. When is the last time you cursed? I'm not re-reading, but I have probably cursed fifty times in this survey already. It's so deeply ingrained into my vocabulary. Are there any words on your shirt? No; it's just a plain gray tank top. Why do you forward forwards? I never do because they annoy the fuck out of me. How many people are you interested in at the moment? Just one in a healthy and logical way. I can't be truly interested in Jason because like come on I haven't spoken to him in four whole years. My PTSD just ensures I never forget the memory of who he was, who probably no longer even exists. I mean, look how much I'VE changed in four years. Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars? Nnnnope. Who was the last person (apart from family) that you spent time with? What did you get up to? Apart from family, I have no idea. If you have pets, when was the last time one of them got on your nerves? Venus never does, but Roman can get on my nerves sometimes when I don't let him lay on me when I'm on the laptop in bed. He's a large cat (not overweight, just a big male cat) and blocks the screen big time unless he lies down properly, which he doesn't always do. He still tends to win when he tries to come over, but sometimes I'll block him with my arm, and this spoiled brat will actually slap it a few times before walking away lmao. Would you rather live in a house with a swimming pool or an indoor cinema? Absolutely a pool. I want one badly. Do you own a credit card? If so, do you currently owe any money on it? Could you afford to pay it off tomorrow if necessary? No. How many hours of sleep do you typically get each night? Is that enough to function or would you rather have more? Especially lately, I don't get nearly enough. Like at the time I'm answering this question, it's 4 AM, and I've been up for almost a couple hours. I struggle with falling asleep, I will ALWAYS wake up at least once in the night, and I jerk awake from nightmares regularly still. It's a big reason why I pretty much require naps. Does your house have a loft/basement? Are they functional or do you just use them for storage? We only have an attic. Do you suffer from road rage? What kind of thing tends to set you off or wind you up while driving? No. I'm way too timid of a driver to get that outwardly pissy about stupid people. I'd just judge them in silence, haha. What kind of animal did you last see in the wild? Is that a common sight where you live? Because of just how common they are, I'm going to assume this excludes birds, in which case it was probably a squirrel? Yeah, the normal brown ones are common. Do you post a lot on social media? If so, what kind of thing do you tend to post on there? Since I was fucking stupid enough to post a suicide note on Facebook (I don't want to hear a goddamn thing about "attention seeking," I genuinely wanted to say goodbye), I almost never, ever, share things about my personal life. Even before, it was rare for me to actually share what's going on with me. All I really do now is share relatable, wholesome, or funny shit I find, as well as political things I'm in firm agreement with. What are some habits you have in common with your parents? I pace like my dad, and it drives people crazy because it apparently makes them anxious? I can't think of an obvious one I have with Mom, but I'm sure one exists. Where's your favourite place to swim - the ocean, a pool, river, lake etc? I feel safest and most clean in a pool, but c'mon, swimming in the ocean is so much fun. When you're saving your place in a book, do you use a bookmark or fold your pages down? Or something else? It depends on the book, it seems. Especially if someone else owns it, like in school or something. Is any part of your body hurting at the moment? Is there a specific incident that caused the pain? My legs always hurt. I've shared enough as to why; it wasn't an actual, singular "incident." What was the last thing to make you laugh out loud? OH MY FUCKING GOD. So in group therapy the other day, one of the girls had her bearded dragon out, and he was being aggressive. I think he tried to bite her aND SHE SAID WITHOUT REALIZING HER MIC WAS ON, "fucking dickhead," and everyone d i e d. She's a really cool chick, I'll miss her when I'm finished with PHP. Who was the last person you heard sing? Myself, surprisingly enough. I barely ever sing. Do you bite your lips a lot? Yes, especially when they're dry. .-. What part of your body would you never get pierced? Anyone who gets a piercing "down there" has a greater pain tolerance than this bitch right here. Have you ever dated someone with tattoos? Juan had quite a few. I don't remember if Tyler did... but I think maybe a The Legend of Zelda-related one? Have you ever failed gym in school? No. Are you scared of dogs? No; I love dogs. What is the saddest movie you’ve ever seen? Man, idk, I'm a little bitch when it comes to emotional movies. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is high up there, as is of course Johnny Got His Gun. Old Yeller, too. Which one of your friends is most likely to be famous one day? Why? Sara's gonna write a fuckin book series ok you can't convince me otherwise. What is the worst present you have ever gotten? Damn dude, what an ungrateful question. I'm just appreciative someone even thought TO give me something. Do you shave your arms? My armpits, yes, but not my arms themselves. How many people have you dated? I only count three as even remotely serious: Jason, Sara, and Girt. Have you ever performed in a play? I remember back in Sunday school as a tiny kid I played Mother Mary in one we did in class. Do you chew gum? I have been more lately since my doc upped the dosage of one of my mood stabilizers (which I think is actually helping); I mention that because apparently a side effect is dry mouth, and it's the fucking Sahara in there. He advises those who deal with it to always carry around hard candy or something like that for the sake of forcing salivation, so gum works for me. How old were you when you first started dating? I was in the 7th grade when I had my first "boyfriend," but it was total puppydog love. I started dating my first "real" bf when I was just shy of 16. Are/were your parents strict? Dad, no. Mom, only to a degree that I feel was pretty reasonable. She only ever wanted to prepare us to be functional, independent adults. Didn't work so well on me though, ha... Do you wear glasses? Yes. God, I need new ones. I'm blind as hell. What do you miss most about your childhood? Being so outgoing and happy to just be weird lil me. Do you write “To-Do” lists? Not really, no, but I do have notes on my phone about a couple things, like a bulleted list of planned monetary investments by importance, as well as a list of drawing ideas. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it? I don't, really. There's loads I like, but no one favorite. Could you survive as a vegetarian? I pretty desperately want to, but I don't know if it's realistic. I am so, SO picky, and without meat, it's very questionable as to where I'd get an adequate source of protein. I still want to try again though once I'm at my goal weight. Has anyone ever asked you for your autograph? Lol no. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Yeah, but that was a looong time ago when I was actually some semblance of pretty. Do you prefer to take your showers at night or in the morning? I used to be someone who firmly stood by nighttime showers, but now I'm all about them in the morning. It's a nice way to wake up and start the day with productivity. Could you handle living with a male roommate? I mean, I lived with my then-boyfriend once, but I'm going to assume you'd consider him more than a "roommate." We lived with our two other friends, though, also a couple, and I was totally fine with living with them. Has anyone taken their shirt off in front of you? Yes. Do you like Freddy Krueger? His concept is very scary, but all the movies I've seen bits of have always been super cheesy. Which do you prefer, Naruto or One Piece? I haven't seen either and really aren't interested. What do you think of Rob Zombie? I've never really watched his movies, but I'm a fan of his music. What’s you fetish? I don't have one. Have you ever been in the “friend zone?" Well, what I'd call a "fake" one with Jason after the breakup until I was blocked on Facebook. I know now he absolutely did not want to be friends; he was trying to appease me. Is the area you live in more liberal or conservative? Definitely conservative. Do you know anyone who had to have tubes put in their ears as a baby? Yeah, me. Were either of your parents baptized? I'm certain Mom was, but idk about Dad. I think so. The last concert that you were at, was there a mosh pit? No. What was the last computer game that you played? World of Warcraft. Does your bathroom have a theme to it? No. Are any rooms in your house themed? No. What was the last thing that you recorded? I think Mom and I singing "happy birthday" to my late dog Teddy; we knew it would be his last. Do you like the show Futurama? Not really. Have you ever been in a choir class? I was in the elementary school chorus, as well as the choir at my childhood church. Are you ashamed of any of your family members? No, only myself. Were you a chubby child? No. Did you ever have senior photos done? No, even though I wanted them. Who is the person you dislike the most? God, this is so petty... but it's the girl Jason dated after me. I know it's childish as hell to feel like she "took" him from me, and I just feel this horrible hatred towards her that is entirely uncalled for. I just can't get myself to move past it. Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? No, as I'm unemployed and also don't have disability, so I literally can't. How do you usually celebrate New Years? I really don't do much. Sometimes Mom will grab a pack of daiquiris, but that's pretty much the extent of it. Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? N/A What was the last job interview you went to? At a local grocery store to work in the deli. Got the job, lasted there for not even two hours. :^) Do you know anyone with autism, mood disorders or learning disabilities? Autism and mood disorders, yes. I myself may have high-functioning Asperger's (yes, I know that term doesn't technically exist anymore, it's just the umbrella term of "autism," but w/e). Have you ever had an immediate relative pass away of cancer? My grandmother died of pancreatic cancer, and it's pretty much guaranteed that, unless there's some sudden accident, my mom will die of cancer, too. Hers got too bad to entirely eliminate every trace of cancer cells, so it will inevitably re-emerge at some point, just obviously some place else given that she had a total hysterectomy. Would you rather work in an office, warehouse or on a retail shop floor? Office. Are you a fan of sweet, sour, salty, or savory snacks? I enjoy all of those, but sour I think tops the list.
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herradhighpriestess · 3 years
The Butcher and the Maiden
Summaries are hard, has a definite foundation in the series for names, faces and identities but then goes in a different direction. An abducted Vought scientist, secret formula. Starts slow, but smut and major character deaths ahead. Becca isn’t a part of this Butcher’s world. Lots of triggers and consensual non-consensual activities afoot. I hope you enjoy, xoxo
Chapter One: Outpatient Surgery 
“Were you this much of a sniveling cunt before the Compound V or is this the effect?” Butcher growled before he depressed the trigger on the detonator and watched the Supe’s midsection explode from the C4 belt that Frenchie had wired together from phone charger cords.
“Goddammit Butcher, we needed to try and get some answers first. That’s the fifth Supe you’ve blown up, you know how hard they are to get a hold of,” Mother’s Milk growled as he shook his head.
Butcher chuckled as he wiped grey matter from his forehead. “He wasn’t going to give us anything, these fucking Supe’s are all the same.”
“How do you know? You didn’t even ask him anything?”
“No, but I got this,” Butcher said and tossed a laminated ID badge at MM’s broad chest.
MM examined the badge, seeing it was an access pass for one of Vought’s off-site research facilities.
“So, what, we’re going to go walk right in the front doors?”
“Something like that,” Butcher said with a smirk.
Both men looked to Starlight when she spoke from the doorway.
She couldn’t conceal her disgust at the blown apart and remaining visceral stump of the Supe and averted her gaze up to Hughie as he came to stand beside her.
“I could go there, if I got stopped, I could say I was returning the badge, that I found it.”
Hughie immediately began to protest and both Starlight and Butcher simultaneously interrupted him.
“Let me do this,” Starlight murmured.
“She’s a Supe, she’ll be fine,” Butcher grumbled and pushed past all of them.
Hughie followed him to the shabby bathroom as he wiped a damp cloth over the most obvious of the blood stains he could see and paused when Hughie didn’t move from the doorway.
“Stop getting distracted, your bird wants to help.”
Hughie blew out a breath and stepped aside so Butcher could find Frenchie and the Female and bring everyone together to discuss a way of getting into the Vought facility with the access badge.
Frenchie pulled up some info after hacking a Vought firewall and according to a glossary of Vought’s offsite facilities, this particular badge granted access to a building that was classified as Medical Research and Development.
Frenchie continued to check the schedules of the various companies that hauled away documents to be archived or shredded and trash abatement.
MM noted a few things that would be needed with a stubby pencil on a yellow pad of paper.
Everyone gathered around the dimly lit table in the rundown safehouse. As MM outlined a rough outline of the Vought facility, putting x’s on the entrances and rear access doors as well as the safety required fire escapes, Dr. Olivia Phillips pulled her luxury sedan into her reserved parking space behind the Vought Medical R&D building. She flipped down her visor and checked her teeth to make sure her breakfast bagel from the drive-thru espresso hut hadn’t left a poppyseed lodged in between her front teeth.
Olivia dabbed on a fresh coat of peach gloss before pulling her purse and backpack from the passenger seat. She juggled her coffee as she clicked her key fob and the car beeped twice.
She adjusted the thin strap of the hot pink backpack over her shoulder as her high heels clicked on the pavement of the freshly paved lot.
Olivia gritted her teeth as she slid her access badge and heard her co-worker Craig’s voice sound from behind her.
“Morning Florida,” he drawled.
She fought to keep tension from making her shoulders rise and plastered a saccharin sweet smile on her face before glancing back at him as the door buzzed loudly as it unlocked.
“Good morning Dr. Dalton,” she said and fought to not walk stiffly to the employee lounge and locker room as he called to her back. “Oh, come on, call me Craig.”
Olivia stuffed her bags in her locker and slipped on her lab coat before draining the last of her now tepid coffee and taking the stairs down to the sprawling lab in the basement.
She was buzzed in by security and washed her hands thoroughly before grabbing her daily inventory sheets and reviewing the notes left by the night shift.
Olivia pulled a few cultured specimens from one of the deep-freezes according to an urgent work order from a Vought scientist on the third floor. She tagged the specimen and checked the task off her task list.
Doctor Olivia Phillips had no idea that in just a few hours, her life was going to be completely turned upside down, shaken apart and turned inside out.
Olivia was listening to a voicemail and didn’t hear Craig until he tapped her on the shoulder.
She nearly dropped the phone as he held his hands up and pretended that he hadn’t purposefully made his approach as stealthy as possible.
“How’s it going Florida, what do you have planned for your Friday night?” he asked openly leering at her chest.
“I’ve asked you to not call me that,” Olivia said stiffly and deleted the voicemail.
“Sorry, sorry,” Craig said and leaned on the stainless-steel counter and pulled one of the ink pens from its mesh holder.
Olivia hated her pens getting stolen, so she decorated them with garish artificial hibiscus blossoms and gaudy feathers.
“Come get drinks with me tonight,” he said easily and deftly twirled the blooming pen in his long fingers.
Olivia reminded herself to keep smiling, “no thanks. I’m driving to my parent’s house this weekend, it’s their anniversary.”
“Bring me as your plus one,” he quickly countered.
She shook her head as her smile started to fail around the edges. “It’s just a small family get together; my mom hasn’t been feeling well.”
“You always have an excuse,” Craig said snarkily and shoved the pen back in the crowded holder.
As Olivia took in a deep inhale as the head of Vought’s R&D pouted, across town, MM, Butcher, Hughie and Starlight loaded into the dark nondescript van as Frenchie kick-started the foreign made motorcycle and the Female climbed onto the seat behind him, molding herself against him.
They started towards the Vought facility, obeying all traffic laws, and not drawing any unnecessary attention to themselves.
After checking to make sure it was Friday, they decided to approach through the delivery entrance.
There were several surveillance camera blind spots, but that facility wasn’t considered high-risk for break-ins.
As the van and motorcycle closed the distance between themselves and the facility, in the basement lab, Olivia blew out a relieved breath when Doctor Craig Dalton was paged on the overhead system and he had to leave.
She tapped her fingers on the stainless-steel counter as she listened to the next voicemail message and looked up at her educational accolades in matte grey frames with a simple ivory mat.
“Dad says this job is just a stepping stone,” she mumbled aloud, reminding herself that as soon as she logged enough hours she could get a better job in the main Vought laboratory downtown. She needed two-thousand hours with Dr. Craig Dalton before she could apply.
As she logged some chemical panel results from a high-pitched lab assistant in the downtown lab, MM and Butcher breached the service entrance and went to the right in search of the freight elevator that led to the basement as Hughie, Starlight, Frenchie and the Female took the second freight elevator to the first floor in search of the security office.
Olivia cranked the satellite radio station when one of best classic rock songs ever began to play.
As she sang along to the song in a blissfully unaware off-key tone, out in the hall, a security guard who was taking a smoke break returned early and turned the corner, nearly colliding with MM’s formidable frame.
The fresh-faced guard pulled his firearm as Butcher raised his own gun.
Several gunshots were rapidly exchanged and called the attention of two more nearby guards who began sprinting towards the sound of gunfire.
MM’s hand shot out and pulled the guard into a chokehold and easily snapped his neck, letting his body drop heavily to the gleaming linoleum.
Butcher and MM dashed into an alcove and exchanged gunfire with the two guards. MM threw a flash grenade down the hall and the inexperienced guards were too slow to react and shot wildly as the explosion disoriented them.
MM and Butcher’s sites each found a guard and ended them efficiently with a shot to the head and heart.
Butcher staggered and dropped to one knee as his side felt like it was coming apart. MM saw the blood soaking through his ribbed, grey shirt and half-pulled Butcher to the closest open door.
Olivia nearly fell off her padded stool when MM practically kicked in the door, dragging a bleeding Butcher behind him.
She fumbled for the phone as MM slammed the door shut and engaged the deadbolt.
“Put down the phone,” MM ordered calmly as he aimed his titanium gun at her.
Olivia nodded and replaced the phone and swallowed hard in relief when MM put the gun into his waistband. “You’re a doctor?”
Olivia nodded, not trusting herself to be capable of speech.
“Do you have the supplies here to help him?”
“It’s not really that kind of lab but there are some emergency supplies in the cabinet.”
“Get them,” MM shouted and Olivia scrambled to the cabinet and yanked out a plastic-handled case and nylon duffle bag of emergency supplies. She dropped next to Butcher as she yanked on a pair of snug-fitting green chemotherapy grade gloves.
MM watched Olivia as she yanked Butcher’s blood-soaked shirt out of the way and pressed a large, square gauze to the bullet’s entrance wound. MM dialed Frenchie and told them to pull the van around the back and that Butcher had been injured.
Olivia dug around in Butcher’s side and eventually her gloved fingertips brushed against the bullet lodged in his belly.
“You need to keep pressure on this,” Olivia said to Butcher as she needed both hands to get to the suture kit. The blood threatened to seep around her fingertips as she pressed a fresh white gauze to the wound.
Butcher looked at her and arched an eyebrow, his pupils seemed to truss her up and see inside her before he blinked and added with a ragged chuckle.
“I don’t have time for that love,” he grunted as he leveled his gun at the door as it was broken down and a pair of bulky guards rushed inside.
Olivia blew out a sharp breath and shifted until she could lean her hip against the bandage and hold pressure long enough to dig out a sterile needle and length of sterile suture.
Butcher tried to focus on the door and not the woman who within minutes of seeing him, had a gun pointed at her and was then saving his life. He let his eyes move over every bit of her exposed skin as she put several internal stitches to stop the bleeding and then stitched him close.
She felt herself flush at her uneven stitching. “It’s been a long time since you were in clinical, you stopped the bleeding and that’s what matters,” she told herself.
Olivia looked up startled as a skinny pale guy with huge, unblinking eyes and a cute blonde dropped into the room from an off-white ceiling panel.
“What the fuck is going on?” Olivia murmured to herself, but Butcher heard her. He kept his expression neutral and tried to conceal the pain that was radiating from under her busy, gloved hands.
Olivia taped the edges of a thick absorbent dressing as the skinny guy and blonde each got on a side of her impromptu surgical patient and hauled him to his feet.
She found herself walking with them as they scrambled out the rear of the building, pressing a sterile swab to the wound’s seeping edges.
Olivia shadowed Butcher’s half-carried steps until he helped half-slide himself into the back of a van and then started to back up with the intention of returning to the safety of the building.
“I’m going to need you to get in the van doctor, please don’t make me repeat myself,” MM ordered easily.
Olivia felt her bladder tighten at the emptiness in his words and nodded as she kept her eyes on MM’s broad frame as she climbed into the back of the van.
The skinny guy climbed behind the wheel as the blonde got into the passenger seat. The muscular man pulled the van’s doors closed and Olivia turned her attention back to the man she was pulling a bullet out of just minutes after seeing him for the first time.
Hughie pressed the accelerator and the van lurched as it gained speed. Olivia pressed two smooth fingertips against Butcher’s neck and found his rapidly pounding pulse.
“Don’t worry love, I’m still alive,” Butcher murmured as he sagged against the bare metal floor of the van.
“This will sting,” Olivia murmured as she started a saline IV on Butcher and only had large bore needles available that would part his flesh more than necessary.
She taped the plastic IV catheter in place and injected a broad-spectrum antibiotic, not trusting how sterile her technique was considering the field circumstances.
Butcher grunted and then fell silent as Olivia cleaned the coagulated blood off his side to make sure he had stopped bleeding.
Olivia glanced up at him, finding his eyes closed. “Are you with me?” she asked as she tore off a fresh strip of paper tape and affixed it to his side.
“Yes doctor, but I could use some mouth-to-mouth when you’re done there,” he murmured in a heavy, masculine tone despite the blood loss and ensuing state of shock.
Olivia shook her head and attended to the smaller wounds and lacerations Butcher had sustained as Hughie continued driving the van for another hour before pulling into a low-rent mechanic shop that would serve as the new safer safe house.
MM and Hughie flanked Butcher and moved him to an industrial green cot as Starlight held out her hand towards a visibly shaken and fish belly white Olivia.
“Hi, I’m Annie, I promise you’re going to be okay. Just bear with us a while as we get things straightened out.”
Olivia stared at Annie’s extended hand before tucking her hair behind her ears and clearing her throat.
“Hello, Olivia, Olivia Phillips,” she said and closed her hand around Annie’s as she stood from the rear of the van.
Annie trailed her eyes over Olivia’s blood splattered form. “Let me show you where you can clean up, I have some stuff you can change in to also.”
Olivia felt a touch of relief as she followed Annie to the rear of the auto shop and a shabby bathroom with glorious soap and hot water.
Annie set a stack of clean clothes on the counter and hovered outside the door as Olivia took a long time cleaning up. She washed her hair three times and scrubbed her fingernails until the cuticles threatened to bleed. She turned off the water when it began to cool off and dried with the rough towels before slipping into knit pants and a long-sleeved thermal top and blue-grey hoodie with a local burger chain’s brightly colored logo.
As Olivia got dressed, on the other side of the shop in a room that used to be the manager’s office, MM adjusted the lumpy pillow behind Butcher’s head.
MM paused and looked over when Olivia appeared in the doorway and moved to the other side of the cot. She peeked under the edge of the gauze dressing and nodded in satisfaction that the swelling had not increased nor a return of blood loss.
“Why don’t you go clean up,” Olivia said to MM, gesturing to his blood-stained hands and shirt.
“I’ll stay right here, I swear,” Olivia said dramatically and managed to keep from rolling her eyes.
MM finally nodded and went to clean up in the same cramped bathroom.
Olivia tucked the rough wool blanket around Butcher’s side and felt how saturated his shirt was with blood, sweat and topical antiseptic gel.
She tisked to herself and rooted around in the nylon bag she had carried with her from Vought, the company’s name in bold embroidery on the bag.
Olivia found a couple bottles of sterile water and spied a half-empty cardboard box of clean shop rags in the corner of the room.
She was tearing the cellophane seal on the first bottle of water when Butcher’s pained groan broke into her thoughts.
“Am I going to live?”
“I think so, just don’t aggravate the stiches by moving around too much,” she cautioned before she laid the back of her palm against his forehead as she counted his respirations.
Olivia flinched as he shot out his hand and captured her wrist, keeping her hand pressed to his forehead.
“You should get more rest,” she murmured as she tried to tug her hand free.
Butcher nodded in agreement and gave her wrist a final squeeze before releasing her.
The instant knot dissolved in Olivia’s gut when he let go of her and she adjusted the linen up and around his shoulders.
MM reappeared at the very moment her phone chimed from deep inside her lab coat’s pocket. He crossed the room in three long strides and yanked at her jacket, ripping the pocket until he could close his large hand around her phone.
He frowned as his eyes moved over the text message.
“Are you okay Florida? Call me ASAP,” MM read aloud from the rectangular screen.
“Is that some fucking Vought code?”
Olivia shook her head and stared at her phone solidly in his grip. “It’s a stupid nickname, that’s my direct supervisor.”
Butcher hovered between a conscious and unconscious state, but he heard the stupid nickname and tucked it away for later reference.
Annie rapped on the door jamb and broke the growing heaviness in the small room. “You should get some rest too, we’ll take turns keeping an eye on him,” she said authoritatively nodding towards the passed-out Butcher.
Olivia nodded and followed Annie to another room that had a couple chairs and broken-down sofa kept company by a buzzing, blinking vending machine.
She ate a bag of stale sour cream and onion potato chips and can of flat soda before curling up on the sofa with a similarly scratchy wool blanket that Annie had left for her.
Olivia settled on to her back and shifted uncomfortably as she stared up at the water-stained ceiling.
Her frenzied, stressed mind and physical shock response had her thinking of the most unimportant things.
“I forgot to mail the mortgage,” she whispered to the empty room as she thought about the rectangular envelope on her hallway oak entry table. “Will I ever get to wear that new DVF to Caroline’s wedding?” she murmured before sleep finally conquered her taxed system.
Hours passed as she slept, her future still murky and composed of the unknown.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
Codas, Spoilers, and Music Videos
Okay, so once again I have a ton of little things to post that have come to my attention this past week. Just lots of bits and pieces that are quietly being posted. I’ll try to mention all of them over the next few days.
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Here are the first few.
First, well, this isn’t something that was posted. Just something my peeps and I have been discussing. Even non-TD reviewers of episode 10x16 are really confused. GN’s comment about the last five minutes being jaw-dropping is really confusing everyone. If you’ve read spoilers, you know there’s nothing jaw-dropping in this episode. So I’ve seen reviewers trying to justify it. Like, “well, maybe if you haven’t read the comic books then…it might be…kind…”
No, just no. Based on what they’ve seen, there’s just nothing to justify the “jaw-dropping” comment.
And that’s frustrating for us (because no Beth) but it’s also frustrating and confusing for non-TDers in the fandom who just can’t figure out what he was talking about.
So that made me start wonder if maybe, just maybe, there might be something extra that the screeners didn’t see. You know, a coda, after the credits, kind of like Morgan showing up in 5x01.
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And remember, the gray ninja who’s with Maggie has a mask REALLY similar to the one we saw Morgan wearing. And Morgan’s mask is something I really think we ought to talk about more. He wore it for all of 2 seconds in an after-the-credits coda in 5x01. And he never wore it again. Like, NEVER. We never saw, it, got any explanation for why he was wearing it in 100-degree Georgia heat in the first place. Nothing. And why have him wear the mask at all if he was just going to remove it first thing and show us his face? There really wasn’t any functional reason for it.
So I feel like it had to have been some kind of hint or foreshadow or something.
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My point is, I guess the last hope we’re holding onto for seeing Beth in 10x16 is the idea that maybe there’s something the screeners didn’t see.
And really guys, it’s kind of a long shot. Chances are this is just another example of tptb over-hyping the show. If that’s the case, as I’ve said before, I’ll be disappointed in Nicotero. Because others, like Gimple, have overhyped the show before, but it doesn’t seem like Nictoero usually does. But, there’s a first time for everything. So please understand this is just kind of a hope on our part, and nothing with any concrete evidence.
However, to this end, @wdway asked me if the 5x01 coda with Lenny James was leaked beforehand. I honestly couldn’t say. I wasn’t part of the online fandom (following, posting, reading spoilers, etc.) until after Coda happened, so I have no idea if Morgan’s appearance was spoiled or not.
I do remember Lenny James telling a story on TTD about how his coming was kept a secret. He stayed in a basement apartment of some locals (who I think often host actors and guest actors on the show) and they weren’t even told who it was who was coming to stay with them. But they had to sign dictionary-sized non-disclosure agreements. Then, when the woman saw him, she obviously recognized him (being a fan of the show) and went, “Oh. It’s you. That’s why.”
So obviously he was sneaked around and everything was kept very hush-hush. At the very least, I doubt any cameras saw him before the episode aired.
I’ve asked around to others who I know were online back then, and no one really remembers for certain. It was a long time ago. Not to mention, technology and even the way spoilers are handled was very different back then.
But the general consensus seems to be that it was not spoiled. Everyone was super-shocked to see Morgan at the end of that episode because no one had figured out he would show up in it.
So, that’s just to say that it’s possible there might be something more.
But once again, I wouldn’t necessarily count on it. It’s better for all our emotional health to not hope too much for that. But I just wanted to throw it out there and say that, especially where the ninja is concerned, I’ll be keeping an eye out for Morgan/Ninja parallels and what they might be pointing to.
Which segues nicely into my next point.
Everyone remember the spoilers that came out not long after 10x16 was officially cancelled/pushed back? They said the ninja was a new female character named Melody. Now spoilers are saying it’s a man and that we won’t learn his name or see his face in 10x16.
I’m going to assume these second set of spoilers are true, because we’ve heard them from people who have already screened the episode.
But I’m really side-eying those early spoilers. What are the chances that we’re told someone who is a actually a man is a woman, and one who has a music-centric name (Melody). And even more, that they wear a mask similar to one Morgan wore when he first appeared?
I don’t know where those spoilers came from other than really general things (Reddit) but I almost feel like they might have been put out by tptb to mislead us. And, you know, why would they do that?
I don’t have specific theory, but it’s definitely suspicious to me.
Music Video
Okay, last thing I’ll talk about for today. If you haven’t seen the Marilyn Manson music video Norman is in, go watch it. So, remember when I posted his IG story a few weeks ago, saying it was suspicious but he and MM are friends so he might just be promoting his friend? Yeah, I didn’t realize back then that Norman was going to be in the music video. So he was hyping his friend, but it was his project, too.
The song is called Don’t Chase the Dead. (Which by itself could be a TD theme.) If you look at the lyrics, it has lots of TWD themes in it (tomorrow, ice cream truck, etc.) which may be why Norman agreed to do it. But I’ve gotten half a dozen messages this past week from people saying it’s giving them Beth vibes, and I agree. I just want you to notice a couple of things as you watch.
At the beginning, they cut some kind of canvas out of a frame. So the back drop is art theft. You could see the canvas they steal as sort of a “treasure” or “jewels” theme. And where do they put this treasure that was valuable enough to break in and steal?
In the trunk. At the end, the woman walks around to the back of the car, opens the trunk, takes out the canvas and walks away with it.
And then there’s the much more obvious tie, which is that someone (in this case, Norman’s character) is shot in the head and left in a car.
So yeah. Check that out. It’s definitely making my TD senses tingle.
Angels in exile Here lies the dead An ice cream truck in your inferno
Don't chase the dead Or they'll end up chasing you Don't chase the dead Or they'll end up chasing you
If tonight lasts forever It won't matter if there's no tomorrow If tonight lasts forever It won't matter if there's no tomorrow No tomorrow
I got my tickets to Hell I know you so well And I know you wanna be there too
If tonight lasts forever It won't matter if there's no tomorrow If tonight lasts forever It won't matter if there's no tomorrow No tomorrow
Don't chase the dead Or they'll end up chasing you Don't chase the dead Or they'll end up chasing you Don't chase the dead Or they'll end up chasing you
If tonight lasts forever It won't matter if there's no tomorrow If tonight lasts forever It won't matter if there's no tomorrow
Don't chase the dead Or they'll end up chasing you Don't chase the dead Or they'll end up chasing you
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samwrights · 4 years
Bricks - Punk!AU [Terushima]
Here is the first chapter of Terushima’s route in Elixir! If you haven’t read the prologue, I’ll leave a link here as well as at the bottom of the chapter’s navigation. Artwork is not mine so if we find the artist, can someone please let me know so I can properly credit them?
Ya know, this is probably least popular post/series on here but I’m in it and I write what I want 🤙🏻
Lyrics are italicized and sang entirely in your voice.
WARNINGS: this kinda fluffy chapter involves cheating, vulgar language, indirect use of marijuana, and cocaine use. There is a brief mention of you getting drugged a party and mild sexual themes as well, but nothing super heavy. Just making out. Please please please do not read if any of these themes make you uncomfortable.
Word count: ~4K
Song used: Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore
A complementary playlist can be found  »  here
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“Can we run Brick By Boring Brick one more time? My vocals were kinda meh.” Was your response to Kuroo’s question. The rest of your bandmates look to you in surprise, which you feared that they might since there was nearly no flaws in the song at all. After all, it was a pretty straightforward song with simple beat and melody. “I-I think my notes were just a little flat and my timing’s off, that cool with you guys?” Both of the guitarists looked to each other before turning to face the drummer, who gave a reassuring grin to you.
“If that’s what you wanna work on, baby, then we’ll do it.” You had half a mind to reprimand Terushima about using pet names with you while his girlfriend was present. Not that it necessarily should have raised anybody’s suspicions—more often than not, Teru called everybody by some form of a nickname, whether it be out of affection or because he didn’t know a person’s name was entirely dependent on the situation. In truth, you loved the lyrics to this song more than anything, even more so that the same man you wanted to reprimand was the one who helped inspire you to write it.
It started off with easy power chords and a steady drum beat, until Makki took his place as the steadfast rhythm. The intro takes a few bars of space before you begin your first verse nearly twenty-five seconds in.
She lives in a fairytale
There were many reasons that this song was special to you. For starters, it was one of the few pieces that Elixir had in their repertoire that emphasized and valued the distinct differences between yours and Makki’s vocals. Naturally, you tended to have a higher yet shorter range, whereas Makki was capable of complimenting you in more ways than one.
Another was that, since this was a second song in the set after a taxing song like Besitos, Brick By Boring Brick was much more tame, yet still held an easy feel to it that the audience could weave and bob along at a leisurely pace. It was a crowd pleaser while simultaneously having bits and pieces in which the crowd could engage by clapping along with the beat, which always gave you an additional burst of energy.
Finally, this song truly highlighted the things that Terushima did for the band. This blondie was in charge of setting that pace to fire up the crowd; he was in charge in holding the steady rhythm to keep the four of you in time.
He was the reason you wrote the song.
Not that anyone else in the band knew that the words comprised in the verses were strings of feelings you’d had towards the man in a non-obvious way.
She’s ripping off wings of butterflies.
You smiled as you drawled the line out, staring at the three girlfriends sitting on a couch together not ten feet from you. They were staring back at you as well, not that you could be bothered in the moment. Right now, your focus was on making sure you were hitting the high notes in the right key when you entered the chorus. Considering you wrote the song, it shouldn’t have been hard for you to hit. Then again, you’d been smoking nearly a pack a day for seven years—there were bound to be raspy inconsistencies. After the first chorus, you were granted a moment’s reprieve as Makki scatted a simple line, his soprano contrasting your tenor in all the right ways. And while you loved hearing your bassist sing, you were entranced in the way Teru focused on emphasizing the drum beat, considering you and Kuroo were essentially mute for the brief moment.
Terushima hated the second verse of the song with every fiber of his being, but he loved seeing how joyous you looked when you sang it. He hates it because he knows why you wrote it and he hates because he knows you feel the same way he does.
The first time he cheated on his girlfriend was with you. Or rather, you were the only person he cheated on her with, and the first time it had happened, you were so overrun with guilt that you laid naked in his bed, curled into a ball and sobbed. Yet the two of you couldn’t stop, refused to stop, no matter how much guilt flooded your bodies.
More importantly, he hated the song implied that he was some sort of prince when he lacked the grace of one and the implication that he saved you. He did no such thing—if anything, he destroyed you.
But it was a trick and the clock struck twelve
How Terushima was able to focus on drumming when every time he heard his song, all he could think of were the secret trysts between the two of you, was beyond him. But hearing that line constantly reminded him that your relationship was illusion made of paper thin glass that could be shattered in an instant. Hence the line,
Build your home brick by boring brick or the wolf’s gonna blow it down.
Yūji was thankful that Elixir was home for you because it was home for him too. The bricks that built your guys’ foundation was the many years of friendship and memories together. A lot of them were firsts—the first time you all met; the first time you all hung out outside of work; the first time you all drank together despite being underage; the first time Yūji offered to smoke everyone up and the way you hesitated, never having smoked weed before. He distinctly remembers having to work a bong for you because you couldn’t grasp the concept of the mechanics.
Terushima remembers the first and only time you got drugged at a party in college and he how he had never felt the fear swelling in his body so bad. The same night the four of you vowed that you were done with the party life and how the only people you trusted was the four people holding instruments right now. Sometimes he would use these type of thoughts to ease yours and his guilt for his infidelity when, in reality, Terushima really just didn’t know how to tell her he didn’t want to be with her. Minami meant well, that much he knew. She wanted to see him succeed in life, as opposed to the way he was wasting away in his mom’s basement while playing in a band with his high school best friends. According to her, Terushima was destined for something greater than the way his life was going, but he also was too pathetic to do anything about it. She’d told him once he would never go anywhere if he didn’t try to push himself.
You built up a world of magic, because your real life is tragic.
The only way that Terushima felt that he was destined for something greater was when he was with you buried and twisted up in the sheets of your apartment. Naked or not, there was no better feeling for him than when he got to lay beside you, reassuring you that he was going to leave Minami one day. But you weren’t stupid, and you swore that it was better for the group if you two remained incognito. Your delusions convinced you that Kuroo and Makki would be more upset to know that the two of you were fucking behind each other’s back, as opposed to respecting the “homeostasis of the group”, as Kuroo called it. Deep down, you knew and Teru knew that the others would be so happy to finally see you both stop embarrassingly trying to bottle your feelings because man you guys flooded rooms with sexual tension.
If it’s not real, you can’t hold it in your hand.
Yūji Terushima loved many things about you. He loved your passion for life, the vivacious nature you brought to everything you did, how you made dirty words sound like praise and compliments and not just when you sang. However, he could live without you singing songs that had constant digs at him and you and your guys’ shitty situation, but even then, he could listen to you forever. Even if there were times he could see the veins in your neck begin to protrude in efforts to try to raise your pitch, Teru swore you were an angel. Even if you would lean your head on Makki while the two of you closed out the song in harmony, he knew the feelings you had for Makki were different than what you felt for him. You were special to him and he was special to you.
“Satisfied, princess?” The drummer asks you, not even remotely out of breath after the track. You gave a roll of your eyes before grabbing another beer from the mini-fridge just to the side of the stairs, making sure to hand one to each of your mates. By the second turn around, you noticed that the couch was now vacant and Terushima was excusing himself, plucking the tall can from your hands. “Just gonna walk ‘em out real quick, be right back.” It takes everything in him in that moment not to reach over and peck your lips, like he’s not saying his goodbye to his actual girlfriend for the evening.
“So, did that sound better or—“ while your question was technically finished, the remaining bandmates stared at you knowingly. You were thankful all the girlfriends left. “What?”
“Don’t think we didn’t see that.” Kuroo muses. Everyone in the band knew, to some degree, that you liked Terushima. It was so painstakingly obvious, yet you chose to live in denial that you would ever have him. Even though the mutual pining between the two of you had gone on for years, you were adamant on remaining neutral and keeping the friend group together until Terushima had finally given up on you.
Well, he did give up on you, until the first time he had laid victim to the verbal assault, for lack of better term, to Minami’s insults. She knew how to play him better than he did his drums, knew that to keep him hooked she just had to sit there and stroke his fragile ego and tell him he was the most amazing person in the world. That Terushima was worthy of all the love and praise she showered him in, before she would follow it with knocking him back down to size. The first time he heard it three months ago, he had spiraled so hard that nobody was even in contact with him for a week. Every day for seven days, Terushima was so far gone, blowing through his monthly supply of weed and tapping into his emergency stash of edibles. So far gone with nothing to numb him except for dabbling with blow, hoping the high of cocaine would soothe his need for constant reaffirmation.
Spoiler alert—it didn’t.
“You saw nothing.” You bit back, glaring at the two men before you before taking a gracious glug of your ale to quell your embarrassment.
“We aren’t stupid, babe.” Makki chimes, setting down his guitar and leaning on his amp to stare at you. “Why are you guys even putting yourselves through this? It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Let me humor you, Makki,” your voice is dry, and contrarily humorless as you sit on top of a spare stool that Kuroo kept nearby for when he had to switch to acoustic guitar. “Say we date and everything’s all happy and shit, hooray! But then it’s like we leave you guys behind. I would never forgive myself for that.”
“[name], we would never let you leave us behind.” Kuroo blanches in rebuttal.
“Okay, but what if we have to end things and it gets messy? You’ve seen how I can get.” The latter leaves your lips bitterly, knowing full well that when you were mad, there was no object off limits to you and they would inevitably be broken and thrown. “It’s just not worth throwing away our ten plus years of friendship.”
“I’m not worth it, huh?” Teru announces as he walks back down the basement stairs, face sullen as he heard every word of the conversation. Seeing his own grave expression cracks your heart like concrete in an earthquake.
“T-Teru, no...”
“Everyone get the fuck out.” Sensing the volatility of the situation, Hanamaki and Kuroo remove their instruments cautiously, fearing that the slightest upset would unleash the kraken of Terushima’s bitter rage. Gathering their belongings, the two men began to trickle out, stopping when they realized you’d yet to move. They glanced at each other in worry, unsure of whether or not they needed to drag you out of the basement or stay to back you up for an inevitable argument. Their decision was made for them when Terushima repeated, “get the fuck out!”
“No.” Sometimes, everyone hated how stubborn you were, especially Kuroo and Makki. Everyone hated how stubborn you both were.
“[name], please try to get this shit together. We have a show tomorrow for fuck’s sake.” The raven haired guitarist mumbled in defeat before thudding up the steps with Makki in tow, leaving you in the basement and Terushima halfway down the steps.
“I meant you too.” The blonde bites out, contradicting his movements as he descended down the stairs further. You don’t move, watching him cautiously as he pulls off a small panel of the wooden walls of the basement. “I mean it, [name],” all humor and sunshine has dried from his vocal chords as he says your name, something he does not do enough of. “Go. I-I can’t look at you right now.” Still, you remain, watching in wonder as begins cutting up a small rock on a silver tray near his drum kit, pulling out a bill and rolling it tightly.
“I thought you quit.” You say quietly, unsure of whether or not you should approach him.
“How can I?” Terushima’s voice is bitter and sharp, his statement accentuated with the sound of him snorting the line he had out on the tray. You could tell from his movements alone that he needed to adjust his nose ring after doing so. “Takes me to the only place where everything’s okay.”
“How is any of this okay, Yūji?”
“Don’t fucking call me that!” The blonde snaps, whipping his body around with a feral look in his eye. Out of context, it would have been stupid to say that considering all you said was his name. But you knew what it did to him to hear you say it, to not call him by his last name as you have for ten plus years; for you to not call him by the nickname that only you used. “You lost the right when you said I wasn’t worth it.”
“Yūji, I didn’t say that.” By now, your voice is pleading, begging for him to hear you out. As he stomps towards you, you expect him to grab you, either out of anger or love didn’t matter, you welcomed both. But instead he breezes right by you to sit on the couch where Minami once sat and buried his face in his hands. Hesitantly, you sat beside him, his silent cries coaxing you to approach. Terushima was shaking, the clothes on his back trembling as he mutely wracked sobs. “All I said is that I’m fucking terrified of throwing away everything we built for the last ten years.”
“Why can’t we just keep building?”
“Teru, you made that choice and I don’t blame you for it.” You shifted slightly beside him to face him despite his face still being covered. He meant it when he said he couldn’t look at you right now—he couldn’t stand to stare at you knowing he wouldn’t find judgment or anger like when he faced Minami. Every time he looked at you, he saw nothing but love and trust and he couldn’t help but be overrun with guilt over making the stupid decision to date Minami in the first place. “I made that choice, too.”
“I thought having her around would help me get over you.” A small, sympathetic hum vibrated between your tightly pursed lips. “I’m still hoping she does.” You know there’s truth to his words—there is. But even with that portion of honesty didn’t change the fact that he routinely cheated on his girlfriend with you and you can’t help but wonder how all of this happened in the first place and why you kept going along with it. There was no use in wondering, not when you had all the answers. Not when you knew the first time it had happened, he was so overrun with insecurities than Minami created and that you loved him so much that you couldn’t stand to see him talk about how much he hated himself. If infidelity was what was needed for him to see himself the way you see him, then so be it.
You needed him to see himself as the light that brought and kept the four of you together—kept you together. As the person that protected you at university after someone drugged your drink when nobody was looking. As the person who valued your safety more than he loved his freedom and proved it by getting everyone to put their party phase to rest. As the beautiful man that he was, even with scars that littered his face from old, retired piercings he had taken out because he thought they made him look stupid. You missed his lip rings.
You loved him so much that you couldn’t risk a sour relationship ruining your friendship with him forever. “Yūji, you know that I return your feelings...” With extreme carefulness, you pry Terushima’s hands away from his face and cradle them in your own. “You also know what I’m afraid of.”
“You can’t keep hiding behind that fucking excuse.” He snarls, his blown out pupils finally turning to face you. The harrowing of his eyes was daunting, taunting you with guilt that you were some how responsible for his dependency on cocaine. “Our friendship was ruined a long time ago.”
“You can’t keep a back up plan,” you countered, “either we face this together or we call it off.” As the words left your mouth, tears began to quietly roll down your cheeks, speaking your ultimatum into existence. You’d had enough. No more seeing your sunshine bury who he used to be under bumps; no more covering up his stupid amateur basement tattoos with hoodies and jeans because Minami didn’t like them; no more pretending that he was over you just to crawl into your lap after a bad high and kiss you. You couldn’t take it anymore, but neither could he.
With urgency and fire, Terushima’s trembling hands cup your cheeks, holding you in place like you would disappear if he hadn’t. Surely, had your lips not softened the blow, your teeth would have clacked with his from sheer force. Needing no further assurances, your eyes squeezed shut, basking in the warmth that radiated off of him. The stud in his tongue ran along your lower lip, asking for permission he knew he didn’t need before the muscle and metal traced along every surface in your mouth. Your fingers twisted and tangled at the base of his grown out undercut, trying to pull him impossibly close to you, trying to fuse his body with yours. “We face this together.” The blonde pants out, only taking a moment to recollect his oxygen before he’s on you once again. Clumsy, tattooed hands are tugging at the hem of your shirt while yours are unceremoniously clawing at his zip up hoodie to get it off of him. When both of you are faced with the need to pull cloth off of your torso, your hands press delicately to his inked chest, stopping him from professing.
“I love you.” You remind him softly, wondering how many times someone else had been underneath him, saying the same thing. Terushima doesn’t say anything in reply, instead latching his lips on the thin, sensitive skin on your neck. “Yūji, listen to me for a second.”
“No.” There was a fearful twinge to his voice that he could no longer mask. Fear that if the two of you stopped what you were doing, it would never happen again; fear that this wasn’t happening and he was too high and that he was imagining it all. It happened to him enough times. Knowing that he liked to be treated rough, your fingers thread through his matted locks once again, though this stop not out of pleasure.
“Listen to me,” you repeated, now scooting up a bit to rest on your elbows to keep you suspended. “I love you. And no matter what happens, I will always love you.”
His voice trembles, along with every bone in his body, as Terushima responds. “Please, you’re making this sound like this is the last time...” It broke your heart in more ways than one. Because, in a sense, it would be the last time. Only if the two of you couldn’t dive in together, only if he couldn’t end the relationship that was slowly tearing him apart from the inside out. “I promise, it’s you and me.” He’s far from calm, but he stills has your fingers trace down his sweaty brow, following down to the single dermal stud below his eye before dancing along his nose hoop. Knowing your path, Teru sticks his tongue out, allowing the tips of your fingers to trace the barbell that typically rested in his mouth. It’s an oddly intimate act, one that was only ever done by you, but it’s an act he loves nonetheless because it’s done by you. But while you love touching him, you know what he needs more than anything.
He needs to hear it.
“I’ve always loved the way you looked.” Your words of praise start off slow and your fingers gingerly graze over where the studs in his lips once resided. “I waited those two extra years for because I didn’t wanna move on to a new chapter in my life without you.” Terushima groans at the admission, unsure if he wanted to cry or kiss you in response. “It breaks my heart to see Minami treat you like you’re less than you are, because you are my sunshine. You bring light into everything you do and I can’t help but wonder if it’s my fault that she’s in the picture at all.”
Cry, he decides finally, because your words hurt him in the most sensual way.
“It’s my fault. I ran away, thinking if I just fucked someone else I would get over you.” Shit, now he’s blaming himself and the two of you are back at square one.
“No, Teru. It’s my fault for being chickenshit.” He doesn’t wanna hear it anymore, he decides, bringing his bruised and swollen lips back to yours. It doesn’t matter who’s fault it was or is, all that matters is that you stick true to your word. That after Minami’s out of the picture, the two of you hang on to each other tightly and dive headfirst into this new territory. “I love you so much and I’m so fucking sorry for ever holding back.”
“So don’t hold back anymore.”
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[ Elixir « Bricks » Love Bites ]
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contessajellyfish · 4 years
when i was in kindergarten, i proudly proclaimed my favorite season was spring. after all, spring brought with it the sweet, tall purple grass and the little patch of tulips that my mom always sat and smiled at.
it's supposed to be a time of change, of endings and new beginnings, of laying in soft green grass and laughing with friends and family and of chocolate squares wrapped in words of an unknown tongue.
but sometimes i guess it is is a bright blue bandana hastily made into an arm sling, while a lemon-scented bathbomb cracks and fizzes on the other side of the room.
we didn't meet in the spring, we didn't even become friends in the spring, but the closest thing i have to a definitive answer about what spring is to me is the way your car seats always lay low, the sickly sweet mixture of coca-cola and sprite and orange soda and whatever else we threw in it it that day stuck to the back of my tongue, the loud music you always sang along to as if there was nothing greater in the world.
i mean, to be fair, i probably should have been in class. but you were right, that there was nothing greater in the world. you weren't right about everything, but that's okay. it's okay.
you're okay. even now, even drinking iced coffee with oat milk and extra carmel drizzle in your rundown apartment. i guess- i just wish i had more of you. that's selfish, i know, but i want to protect you, and not in a romantic way but in the sense that you're a reflective pond and that looking at you, i finally see a me that i'm okay with. we're not the same, you with your sharp angles and me with my soft curves but, hey, we both look good in maroon, and that's enough. it's enough.
here's the thing, about summer, the thing i found out that hot afternoon where i tricked you into letting me stay over all day and we talked about the napoleonic wars under the shade of that tree and pretended you weren't leaving so soon,
the warmth and the light easily become blinding and suffocating in their affection. they're painful in their embrace, and that's why i sought refuge in your cool, dark basement on that torn up chair.
you always run warm. i think i've told you that before, but the same things that brought me to you in winter, in spring, are the very things that drove me away from you in the summer. well, that, and the whole living-far-away thing.
they always said we made sense for each other, that we were an obvious pairing, so uniquely suited to make up for each other's weaknesses and compliment each other's strengths, but i can't help but recoil from anything steady and unchanging. i know you, i love you, and those are the precise reasons i don't think we would work out.
who knows, thought. maybe in these cold months i'll seek you out desperate and starved for warmth. and when summer comes around again- well. we'll deal with that when the time comes. it's never ended so well before, but maybe it can be different this time.
october is a hell of a month, isn't it? the autumn air is crisp and the nights are dark and silent, at least until filled with the headlights of an old ford focus and its radio perpetually switching songs too early looking for whatever i thought would make you the happiest that night. or whatever would make you laugh. or whatever would give you that faraway look in your eyes and relax your too-stiff shoulders
we talked to ghosts, holding hands and drinking wine and waiting for whispered replies. we didn't get many of those, but we didn't stop each other from pouring another glass or squeezing tighter, anyhow.
on the nights i can't pretend you don't exist, i fiddle with the trumpet you let me borrow and never came back to retrieve. sometimes i oil the keys slowly, methodically, with reverance i never knew you to have and with diligence and passion you had tenfold.
are we similar, you and i? because from so many angles you seem to be everything i always wished i was, and from other angles i can't see anything but your aching absence. that's an unreasonable, unfair pedestal to put you on, to pretend your only flaw is how hurt you left me. but i hurt you, too, always taking and taking and never giving. i see you as self absorbed, but fuck, what does that make me then?
i would still pick up in a heartbeat if you called me. i still pay for the domain name just to keep your dream possible. i haven't reached a point where i let the leaves rot away and stop thinking about you. i'll get there, soon, after i clean my room and finally ask if you'd like me to mail your things back.
one of my first real memories of loving you was that afternoon it snowed and i spent lunch watching you dance around and revel in it. the winter was still novel to you, back then. it's not my favorite, though, because my favorite is you and i and him hidden away from the cold and watching tv on a beat-up laptop.
i missed you, when you left, and when you came back i was so uneasy, so unsure, but it turned out everything that made us was just behind a door, and in one night everything just clicked back into place with the turn of a silver, paint stained key i found in my back pocket.
when this is all over, you'll give me a too-many-toothed grin and i'll fall asleep on the drive back from the aquarium, a shocking twist of events that the clownfish can gossip over.
but, you know, i'm still terrified. i still hate the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter, even if the distorted radio static points out that i barely feel either anyway. i still worry i'll cling too tightly when you try to fly. maybe things will go badly again and this time i'll definitely have myself to blame.
but until then, i'll hide under the blankets and stay on call with you as long as you need. it's better not too think too hard about what the next season will bring, anyway.
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winterromanov · 5 years
we will grow taller together - bucky x reader
parts: masterlist
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
extract: He sniffs what could be a laugh if he had any energy whatsoever. “I wish you were psychic. Then you could maybe tell me what goes through a six-year-old’s head.”
genre: nanny x single father!au
taglist: @blindedbyyourgrace17 @verygraphicink @chubby-dumplin @igotkatiepowers @welcome-to-my-studylife @bi-bi-bi-bisexualz @mywinterwolf @mychemicalimagines (still open, message to be tagged)
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The following week or so is swallowed by the pre-Thanksgiving rush, so other than a quick text to confirm his number and a Facebook request you’ve not heard all that much from James. Work is mayhem as you try to learn at least eighty holiday drinks combinations and you go shopping with Natasha for Thanksgiving tableware, as her and Steve are hosting Steve’s parents for the first time at their apartment. Your whole family lives on the West Coast so you’ve decided not to make the trip to your childhood home this year. It makes you sad in a constant, throbbing kind of way, to spend Thanksgiving without them, but you’d mutually decided with your mom and dad that the trip just isn’t economically or temporally viable. Even the cheapest flights exceed two hundred dollars and you’d end up spending most of the vacation cramped in a plane seat and listening to babies screaming anyway. Natasha offers a place at their table but you can tell she’s a little anxious about impressing Steve’s family and you’d rather not add any hassle. Looks like it’ll probably be white wine and Friends re-runs for you this year, but at least you’re not fucking working for once.
You think everything has returned to normal. So much so, in fact, that when the weekend rolls around and you turn up to Steve and Natasha’s place in a party dress for their pre-Thanksgiving do it doesn’t cross your mind that James might also turn up. Or what will happen if he does.
“Looking sexy, (Y/N),” Natasha clicks her tongue approvingly when she answers the door, hand on her hip. Your frock is dark blue velvet and long-sleeved, hugging your figure in a way that makes you feel more self-confident than you actually are. It is pretty sexy, you think, but your attempts are always nothing compared to Natasha’s. Her dress is elegant and black and split all the way down the front to enhance her already impressive cleavage, and combined with the gentle curl of her red hair and matching lipstick she looks like a rebellious Hollywood starlet.
That’s always been Natasha, though. She always looks beautiful, exuding a natural class, but also in a dangerous kind of way. She looks like she could break your neck and smile while doing it. It’s pretty fucking powerful, to be honest.
“Nothing new there, then,” you remark, stepping inside. Natasha smirks and hands you a glass of champagne from the table by the door. Tipsy laughter and a Taylor Swift song play from the kitchen, so you follow Natasha’s clicking black heels to the main room of the party.
So far, it isn’t so crowded, but Steve and Natasha are pretty popular (Steve because he’s A Really Nice Guy, Natasha because she isn’t) so you expect the couches and corners will fill up as the night draws on. You recognise most of the people chatting over bowls of chips and hummus but you only know Steve by name, so you naturally gravitate towards him once Natasha’s elbow is caught by a well-built man with brown hair.
Steve is talking to a broad, dark-skinned guy with cropped black hair that you keep seeing around. Both of them look at you when you come over, the unnamed man scanning you discretely up and down with a half-smile on his face.
“(Y/N)!” Steve announces excitedly, squeezing your shoulder. “You know Sam, right?”
“I do not,” you reply, shaking his hand, “But I’m always happy to meet new people.”
“Likewise,” Sam replies. He scrubs up well in a smart shirt and shoes, Steve sporting a similar garb. As is usually the case with these things the girls have obviously made more effort, but in your experience, if a man has combed his hair and put on cologne they’re already too good to be true. “Steve may have mentioned you a coupla’ times.”
“He has?” You quirk an eyebrow, and Steve shrugs. He doesn’t look embarrassed about the fact. “All good, I hope.”
“Mostly. Although, there was an incident at one of Natasha’s parties in your junior year that you might—“
“Okay, so what happens in a crappy basement apartment during college under the influence of extremely cheap beer stays there,” you interject, the two men laughing, “I’m an adult now. All that stuff is behind me, I can assure you.”
You chat to the two of them a while longer, you and Sam mostly swapping funny stories about Steve—he feels like your safety conversation starter, the thing you have in common. Eventually Natasha drags Steve off into the kitchen and you’re left with Sam alone. What is it with Steve and abandoning you with his friends? Not that Sam is a problem. He’s attractive and funny, your sense of humour instantly clicking with his.
“So, (Y/N),” Sam says seriously, “Would you like another drink from the Rogers free bar?”
When you look down at your glass you realise it’s empty already. You’re not a big drinker, not anymore, but another glass to ease any surface anxiety wouldn’t hurt. After all, you think the guy in the jarringly expensive suit by the window might be Tony Stark, the tech billionaire, and the sheer amount of wealth that pours from his figure has left you on edge. That, and the fact you have always strongly believed that billionaires are unethical. Maybe another glass would give you the confidence to tell him that.
(You have no idea how Steve and Nat know Tony Stark, because you know enough about both of them to acknowledge he’s not their typical company.)
You shrug your shoulders and let him take your glass. “Sure. Thanks.”
Sam disappears and you trail after him at a distance, hovering outside the kitchen. You nod to the beat of a Vampire Weekend track, not really paying attention when the buzzer goes off, because people are expected to come and go. Natasha smiles as she slips past you to the door, deftly pulling the latch aside with a flick of her fingers.
Your body straightens from your slouching position against the wall when you realise who is waiting in the hall.
James. James is there, a small child clinging to his neck, the metallic frames of her bright pink sunglasses catching the hallway light.
“Hi,” you hear him say breathlessly, “Sorry I’m so late. Clover has—Clover wanted to see you both, so I couldn’t… Well. She wouldn’t let me leave her with the babysitter.”
“I don’t like Mrs Mary.” A child’s voice—Clover’s voice—responds, her tone low and sullen. “I like Auntie Nat.”
“It’s a good job that I like you too then, huh?” Natasha’s arms reach out and James hands her his daughter. “Nice sunglasses. Always useful in November.”
“If you wear sunglasses you can cry and people won’t notice.”
Yikes. The comment leaves the two adults stunned for a moment, before Natasha combs a strand of blonde hair out of Clover’s eyes, smiling fondly. “Let’s see if we can find you some cookies.”
You move out the way when Natasha comes back down the hallway, watching as James closes the door behind him. He starts when he sees you standing there, but his edges soften when he realises it’s you who is watching. He looks even more exhausted than the evening in his apartment, his eyes grey and hollow, shoulders dipping. He still manages a watery smile for you.
“Tough day?” you ask, even though it’s obvious. His mouth opens. Nods wearily.
“You could call it that.”
“If it’s any consolation, an old lady shouted at me for putting a snowflake made out of chocolate sprinkles on her mocha because she doesn’t like cold weather. I was like…I’m not paid to be psychic, Brenda, or whatever your name is.”
He sniffs what could be a laugh if he had any energy whatsoever. “I wish you were psychic. Then you could maybe tell me what goes through a six-year-old’s head.”
You smile gently, sympathetically. “I think a lot of people would have a hard time telling you that.”
Sam then reappears with your drink, but takes one look at James’ expression before sighing and disappearing again. Moments later he emerges with a second glass of champagne and shoves it into his grip.
The party returns to normal for about thirty minutes after, Clover bouncing comfortably between her dad and Nat and Steve and Sam, bright and funny and charming all the guests she doesn’t know with her gap-toothed grin. But it’s like—it’s like a light flicks in her head and suddenly she’s having a meltdown in the bathroom, screaming through tears she doesn’t know how to control. You can hear James talking to her and trying to calm her down, but his voice keeps wobbling, like he’s on the verge of breaking down too. Taking a deep breath for courage, you twist the knob on the bathroom door and invade a conversation you should probably stay out of.
James eyes glance up at you in desperate surprise. The shock also freezes Clover, like the lull in the middle of a hurricane. Her tiny face is red and wet with tears, pained in a way that is heart-breaking to see on any child. Your hand brushes across James’ back as you crouch to meet her height. Blue eyes scrutinise every single inch of your body.
“So. You’re Clover Barnes.” You delicately offer your hand and Clover looks at it, faced scrunched, before slotting hers into yours. “I’m (Y/N). I’m a friend of your dad and Uncle Steve and Auntie Nat.”
Clover blinks back, but doesn’t say anything. She’s not screaming though, so at least that’s something. You’ve done that, at least. Even if it’s just out of shock.
“I have to say, Clover, you’re very loud for someone so small.” You try not to smile as she looks mildly offended at this observation on her height, because six year old priorities, right? That’s what’s really going through her head. The fact that she’s perhaps half an inch shorter than the other girls in her class. “But people used to say that about me, too. There’s nothing wrong about being loud, but there’s no point in having such a big voice if no-one can understand you. You gotta talk to your dad if something is upsetting you—I’ve been told you’re super clever so I’m absolutely certain you can tell him what’s up.”
Clover is silent for a moment, and you wonder if your spontaneous pep talk (which you somehow pulled straight out of your ass) will go totally ignored, but she takes a shaky breath and looks James straight in the eyes.
“I don’t wanna go to grandma and grandpa’s for Thanksgiving,” she sniffles, “I heard you talking on the phone and I don’t wanna go. Please don’t make me go. I wanna stay here with you. Please don’t send me away.”
James almost crumbles away into nothing when he grabs her into a hug, squeezing all the air out of her lungs. Her hands slowly curl around his neck, meeting at the nape, her face burrowed deep into his shoulder.
“I won’t send you anywhere, I promise,” James murmurs. His eyes catch yours and he looks at you in a mixture of amazement and thankfulness and more prominently relief. “Sweetheart. Baby. You’re not going anywhere.”
The tantrum must have tired Clover out because slowly, gradually, she flops in James’ arms; her eyes flutter closed while still pressed in James’ shoulder, so he rises and gestures for you to open the bathroom door. Natasha and Steve open up their spare bedroom so you follow him in quietly, pulling back the bedsheets so he can slot Clover in to sleep the rest of the evening off. She looks so peaceful and relaxed, like a normal six-year-old girl, like she could wake up again and everything would be normal and okay.
But you know—nothing about this is normal. You thought that Steve was being a bit over-the-top about them needing help, but you can see it now. It’s not so eccentric. They need something. Something.
When James pulls the door so only a small shaft of light from the hall glows on Clover’s tranquil face, his hand curls round your wrist.
“I take back what I said, that time at my apartment.” His eyes are frantic. Pleading. “I do need your help. Please, (Y/N). I need so much fucking help.”
You turn your hand so that it clasps his, squeezing tightly. “I’m here.”
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