#apologies i suddenly got albedo thoughts
Possessive reader x Albedo/Aether
Part 1
Note: I apologize in advance because 1, I definitely didn't proof read this, 2. I might accidentally forget to put in credits for the art and I already deleted it in the gallery so-
Important notice for the artwork!: Please read from left to right to know which art belongs to the artist. Also, some of the pictures has the same artist so I will number them and organize it. Tysm for reading. Hope you enjoy!
Characters!: albedo + Rubedo / Aether
Information of color: Albedo and Aether is orange/yellow and Rubedo is red. Tysm
2nd Information: You are a scientist or an Alchemist in Albedo/Rubedo. And for Aether, you're basically a rich person. [Which I want one in my life bc I'm broke-]
3rd information about my knowledge: I actually don't know about fake Albedo and when I came across a comic of him and Albedo and searched him up in Google, he was called rubedo. I don't think it's a Canon name and just a fan-canon name but I'll be using the name Rubedo
No pronouns are used, it's GN reader. No specific gender so it could be read as any gender. [I apologize that I also put tags of f reader and m reader with gn reader and not just gn reader]
Warning: The writing is very lengthy. Yandere Albedo/Rubedo?
Albedo + Rubedo
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[1.] Artist: Poi_poifu app: Twitter
[2.] Artist: 0jae app: Danbooru
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All 3 photos/Artist: @Kagura8999 app: Twitter
You were organizing your lab when suddenly there was a knock on the door. You quickly fixed your hair and coat, "Come in!" You awnsered. A blonde man comes in, smiling and slightly waving at your presence. "Oh, Albedo! Is there anything you need?"
'Albedo' paused. But then tilting his head and smiling. Although strange, you didn't mind. You flinched when a cold hand held yours and then something....soft was nuzzling it? You turned around and looked down to your hand, seeing 'Albedo' with his strange behavior, nuzzling his cheek on to your hand.
Your face quickly flushed with red, chuckling. You patted his head as he also nuzzled it. You tried to retract your hand, but his grip tightened as he stared at you. You became nervous and concerned but laughed it off. "Albedo? Did you take something strange again?" He looks down, seemingly ignoring your question. You sighed, sitting down as 'Albedo' comes joining you.
He leaned onto your shoulder, still holding your hand with his own. He trapped your hand with both of his hands and looked up to you.
"Do you like me now......Master..?" He said while kissing your palm. You froze, wait....is he calling you...MASTER?!
Your thoughts were interrupted with a door creaking. You looked at the door, seeing....Albedo?? Wait, why is there 2 Albedo's?!
"[Name]?! Why is he sitting with you...!"
You were cunfused, still wondering which was the true Albedo until you looked at their necks. Albedo has a star.....this one doesn't. Then who's the one clinging onto your arm?!
After things got settled, you found out that he was Rubedo. Rubedo was now sitting on your lap in your arms. You didn't really have a choice whether you let him or not. But unknownly to you, he was smirking at Albedo. Mocking him as his mouth word out,
'I got to be in their arms,' Rubedo said as Albedo grumbled. Feeling an unknown feeling bubbling inside him, jealously
Suddenly, Albedo grabbed your hand and shoved Rubedo off your lap. "[Name], let's take a walk around mondstadt"
You nervously agreed, not knowing what to do. It's even worse when you guys walk in Mondstadt town. Everyone was looking at you and whispering things about Rubedo and Albedo clinging onto both of your arms as they glared at each other. You were stiff, not knowing what to do.
You all three stopped when a drunk man began to stumble along the way to you. He began flirting with Albedo and Rubedo, saying that they should get to know each other. Your patience and anger were about to snap as you can see Rubedo and Albedo was clearly uncomfortable. Both were about to summon their sword until,
"Go fuck off for archon's sake! Who in their right mind would even think of giving you a chance to even "GeT tO kNoW eAcH oThEr?" So go away and leave us alone." You said. Mocking his words. Then you grabbed his shoulder, "And they're taken by me, so they are mine. Back off. " The drunk man angrily went away as everyone looked at the usual stress but calm [name] screamed in anger. And even curse?
Both Rubedo face and Albedo face went red. Like literally, red as a tomato! Even steam was coming out of their heads!! They definitely heard what you whispered to the guy. And when you wrapped your arms around both of their waist, making them come closer to you. (They shivered, from excitement and delight when they found your new side of you)
They both felt....warm (especially down there—)
You check on both of them, panicking as their face was still flushed red. It became worse when you put your hands on both of their foreheads to check if they had a fever. (If they can even catch one)
Then, when you guys went back to Albedo's lab instead of yours because Albedo offered to let you experiment with him and....Rubedo.
If only you knew, they made a contract to share you behind your back. At least they will be mostly at peace with each other. [Beside the people who made you uncomfortable or cause a threat of their love to you. At least their in the basement.....bleeding out]
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[1.] Artist: Usaryun app: Twitter
[2.] Artist: Shoraln app: danbooru
Location: Liyue
It was a normal day as Aether finished the commissions, bounty, and requests from the people. He's been saving up mora to go to fontaine. He was extremely tired and even worser, Paimon passed out to the heat of the sun and thank archons that he had enough mora to rent out a room for Paimon to sleep in.
He went out and sat on a bench. As if he didn't feel or cared about the heat of the sun, he was sweating. Not even bothering to get some cold water or ice to help him. Later, a figure approached him, and he looked over as the figure was familiar to him. It was you! Oh, how he was overjoyed!
You guys met in Sumeru when him got stuck in some vines while you were traveling. Although you had a good laugh before you could get him out as he pouted. You gave him mora for laughing as an apology. You let him stay at your house and gave them food to eat as Paimon stuffed her face with it.
You decided to travel with him as he was planning to go back to Liyue as you paid all the expenses even though he offered to pay instead. You guys had to separate though for a few weeks because of your business, but now you're back.
You gave him a glass of water with ice as he gulped it down. He thanked you for your kindness as he leaned on your shoulder. He actually caught feelings for you after a few months. You always do commissions for him when he feels tired or injured. You declined small requests from people since some people won't do it themselves.
His heart almost jumped out when you held his hand. He was about to say something until a lady showed up. She kept asking Aether to help her in her house because she needed some cleaning. She still won't budge even when you told her that Aether wasn't available at the moment. Aether was tired, and he was about to apologize and decline, but you snapped.
"Lady, it's literally just some cleaning. Your house is probably not even that big. Stop being so lousy and do it yourself. Or go hire some maid and not a person who's way out of your league."
His heart fluttered when you said that. He slightly grinned. He was startled when you stood up, walking up to the lady.
"And also, don't you try to even take him away from me. He. Belongs. To. Me."
His face was dusted in red blush. He was yours...? He didn't mind though. He was happy. Perhaps you would come with him to find his sister. He thought,
"Ah, Aether. Is the hot weather getting to you? You're face is red"
"N- no! I mean- yes!"
He stuttered as he got flustered. You chuckled and turned around to buy maybe some cold juice for Aether. He looked over to the woman, smirking at the woman. Crossing his arms as he mouthed out,
'He's mine'
The woman stormed off, as Aether smiled at you when he saw you coming towards him. He wrapped his arm with yours and headed to Wangshu Inn where Paimon is probably looking for him.
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nc-vb · 2 years
𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐥'𝐬 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, pt. i
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In advance, I apologize to those who have already seen this post. I’ve had to transfer it to a new blog thanks to a seemingly permanent ban on my former main blog, @/niicevibe. So this is just copy & paste from there. Sorry!
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Happy New Years, everyone!! This was supposed to be out at the end of December... hahaha. If you haven’t noticed (from the post I made earlier this month in promotion for this), some of the tags/warnings have changed and some have been added. Ackkkkk, I’m so embarrassed by this being my first smut fic on here LMAO and that’s why it took me so long to get out.  I really hope some of those more technical words used here aren’t a turn off for y’all? And side note… how tf does he get that belt thing off??? I totally wrote this piecemeal, so if there are any discrepancies or whatevs, I was all over the map writing this.
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masterlist | taglist pt. i | pt. ii | pt.iii
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pairing -> albedo x fem!reader
warnings -> 18+ (minors & blank blogs dni), virgin!reader, virgin!albedo, pwp, vaginal fingering, handjob, oral (m. receiving), brief deepthroating (🙏🏼), safe experimentation (& unsafe piv sex lmao), creampie (multiple, implied), impregnation (?), cock warming, aftercare; brief convo of menstrual cycles & periods; mention of blood; uhhh it’s a bit comedic at times, lawls, but this is pretty vanillz, y’know?
character mentions -> klee, kaeya, traveler, paimon, lisa, sucrose, iris, timaeus
wc -> 14.5k
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Most folks would argue that taking the advice of an explosives-loving ten-year-old over that of a time and experience-hardened adventure is idiotic; that accessing Dragonspine and braving its subzero temperatures from the route at Wyrmrest Valley rather than through the adventurer’s camp by the Snow-Covered Path was reckless— not just for you, but for those who would have to come up in the mountains and search for your body (to which you easily scoffed at; adventurers do have their penchant for dramatics, after all). Whatever she thought your goal had been when you initially asked Iris for directions with your map had been of no consequence, disregarding her noisy efforts of convincing you to go her mapped route.
“Look, I’m not some adventurer— I’ve got one destination and it’s right here, now tell me the fastest way of getting there, not the adventurer’s way.”
Before the ensuing argument could take another turn for the worst, a familiar face had appeared between you. Well, below you.
“Miss ______, Miss ______!” You’d flinched then, not expecting to see a child at your side so suddenly, but upon recognizing who it’d been, your heart settled.
“Ah, Klee!” You’d dropped onto a knee, grinning as you sweep her into your arms. “Just the sweet, helpful face I’d been hoping to run into!” She’d giggled at this, taking a second to cling to you just a little tighter before finally letting you go. “Say, do you think you could help me with a teensy little problem?”
“Of course!” she’d cheered. “Spark Knight Klee of the Knights of Favonius, at your service, Miss ______! How can Klee help!?”
Reaching behind you and snatching your map out of Iris’s hands, not forgetting to shoot the woman an obvious look of disdain, you’d turned back to Klee, your smile having returned instantly.
“Well, I’m trying to find your brother’s lab,” you’d explained, “but this is the first time I’ve ever been to Dragonspine. He once marked it for me on this map, but I’m having trouble figuring out the fastest route there. You must have the best route, right, Klee?”
“I do! It’s true!!” She’d immediately stuck her nose into the parchment, with you pointing at the small, inked on “X” sitting near one of the Waypoint markers. “Ooh, yes! If you go along this snowy beach, and up a biiiiiiig hill where this bright red light is! You’ll find big brother Albedo in his lab! Klee was just there!”
“Oh, I see! He wasn’t busy, was he?”
“Nuh-uh! He and I just ate lunch together! But now I have to go back to Mondstadt to see Grand Master Jean…” At this, she’d sighed.
You made a silly face at her, lip jutted into faux suspicion. “Did you blow something up again?”
“No!!” she’d been quick to argue, though just as quick to relent. “… yes... I went fish blasting again...”
You’d chuckled. “Atta girl, Klee. If you ask me, they deserve it. Those fish never bite.”
And so thanks to Klee’s quick guidance and no thanks to that useless, no fun Iris - Klee had agreed with this statement - you were on your way through Wyrmrest Valley, passing by a strange cave filled with the bright red light the young girl had mentioned (thanks to Albedo, you knew it to contain the heart of Durin from the old stories of Mondstadt) and trekking up a snowy hill with the hood of your coat pulled tight over your head. You don’t take much of a break until you reach one of the Waypoint markers, a ten minute standing siesta against it to catch your breath and absorb its warmth before heading due east toward the black “X” on your map.
The closer you get to the mouth of the cave, the thinner the layer of soft snow covering the ground beneath you gets, until eventually, your snowshoes sound against planks of wood bolted deep into the hard, bare earth. You heave a sigh of relief, your calves having been burning almost too fiercely for you to continue. Having received such a stroke of luck for having found where you were headed… you remind yourself to not to take it for granted.
Knocking the snow off your boots off as best you can before entering, you soon spot the person you'd climbed all this way for, standing with his back to the opening and before an easel. You decide to leave your arrival unannounced, suddenly rising onto the toes of your boots to lighten your steps on your way over to him, but even despite your best effort, he still greets you.
"Hello, ______. It's nice to see you today."
"Hi, Albedo," you reply, trying hard not to sound too disappointed. "Um... how did you know it was me? You didn't even turn around..."
"Not many people brave travelling up Dragonspine just to come and visit me," he explains. "Klee, Kaeya, the Traveler and Paimon whenever they return to Mondstadt, they all greet me normally-- but when you come and visit me in Mondstadt, it's usually without notice, and, you always try to sneak up on me."
You move around from behind him to see his face. His eyes flicker onto you, while his mouth quirks into a small smile in welcoming you before returning to the canvas.
"... do I really do that every time," you ask, your embarrassment showing through your awkward grin. He nods, another brush stroke leading up the canvas. "Oh... sorry about that."
"There's no need to apologize, ______. I look forward to your visits."
Despite the cold still managing to sting your cheeks, they're quickly warmed by his words.
"Are you able to stay for a while today? I'd like to show you the conclusion of that last experiment you saw me working on, but I'd also like to finish this painting and show you it, as well."
"I saved the entire day for our visit, so don't rush anything on my account, okay?"
"I don't want to keep you here too late," he says, dipping a new, smaller-tipped brush into his paint palette. "Dragonspine is less friendly at night."
Less friendly? you wonder, thinking back on how you had to run from a Frostarm Lawachurl only twenty minutes ago. I suppose from the perspective of someone with a Vision, this makes more sense.
"Worst case scenario, I could always sleep here," you reason. Off your shoulders, you slide off your pack of supplies, and attached to the bottom of it by a pair of two thick leather straps, "since I brought my sleeping pouch with me, just in case."
"I see. Well, that does bring me more comfort than having you hiking along this mountain in the dark. Which way did you come from, anyhow?"
"The path near the heart of Durin." He immediately sighs.
"Klee. Ever since she decided to wander around the base of the mountain, it's been through that route that she's come, rather than staying on the one the Adventurer's Guild paved out."
"But the map shows it to take twice as long to get up here?"
"That's because the other paths are twice as dangerous."
"In all seriousness, Klee bombs fish for fun, so I don't think her taking a Frostarm Lawachurl down with her Pyro Vision is much of a problem, nor is it one of her biggest concerns."
"Even though that isn't the point, and not exactly a fair comparison... I have to agree. After all, I've seen it done." Your eyes widen in awe of the girl. "______, please. If you come up here again, use the safe route. I don't want to hear of anything happening to you on account of you coming to see me."
"We've been friends for a long time now, Albedo, and I appreciate you always worrying about me, I do, but really," and you place your hand on his shoulder, "you don't have to. You deal with enough stressful things. I would never dream of burdening you with such an awful feeling."
"It's because we have been friends for so long that I worry, ______. It would bring me a peace of mind for you to stay safe, no matter where you go."
All the choice words you had to say die on your tongue, deciding against starting a meaningless argument. Besides, it goes the same for you, too. Even though he has a Vision and he's a skilled fighter, you always worry when he's alone up here. Especially after that incident with his imposter.
You sigh at him, taking your hand back and moving to collapse on the edge of his cot. You yank your thick, woollen coat off of you and lay it next to your pack on the floor. "Fine. I'll take the long way here next time. But if I freeze to death, that is on you."
"It's a deal, then," he says, and you instantly roll your eyes.
"Oh, before I forget," and you reach for your pack, "I brought you something."
You have to stifle a laugh when his head whips toward you. "By any chance, is it more sweets?"
"Don't sound too excited, Albedo," you say; "you might not like this one this time."
"Was it you who made them?" he inquires.
"Then I will like these ones, too."
You decide to relish in the heat created by his flattering words for an extra second before pulling out the tin. Filled with soft, white gelatin balls rolled in coconut, and at the center, a sweet jam filling, "Supposedly, the idea of them came from Fontaine, but this one is an old recipe I found from cleaning out my relative's attic the other day. They are called "coconut macaroons”.”
Standing, you open the tin and present them to him, watching his eyebrows raise as he studies them.
"Would you mind holding it for me to eat?" he suddenly asks, and in raising his hands to where you can see them covered in paint, you nod, no other words needed from him.
"Of course," you say.
Tucking the lid beneath the tin, you use your other hand to pluck one of the balls out, and hold it closer to his mouth. He gives it a light sniff per his usual routine with the food you bring him, before parting his lips to bite into it. It seems to surprise him, just how soft and sweet the treat is. Up until now, or at least in the past six months, most of what you've made for him had been either a pastry of varying textures or different kinds of cakes or biscuits, though based on your description of the new dessert, he hadn’t been expecting such a moist sweetness to it.
“So? What do you think?” He spares you a glance before leaning forward. You bring it a little closer, having drawn back to give him room, and he takes the rest of it into his mouth, his lips grazing over the tip of your index finger. “O-Oh…”
You don’t miss this. As slight as the contact had been, it still managed to freeze you in place as it registered. It was just an overextension, you fool, you tell yourself, internally shaking your head. If it wasn’t for what happened earlier, you wouldn’t have even thought it to be anything but innocent. After all… it’s not just bringing him some sweets as to why you’re here… Get your head out of the proverbial gutter, ______!
“It’s delicious,” he tells you earnestly, his turquoise eyes seeming to be shining just a little brighter. “By comparison, I think this might be one of your best creations. Did you make the jam middle yourself, too?”
“Yes,” you say, thankful that he’d decided to ask about it so as to settle your heart down. “A seventy-thirty ratio of valberries to regular berries, and refined sugar from fresh sweet flowers. Not too sweet, but not too tart either, right?”
“The perfect balance,” he agrees with a small nod. Your gaze zeroes in on the skin next to his mouth. “Thank you for bringing these, ______. I’ll definitely be enjoying them.”
“… you’re welcome,” you murmur, your brain a little slow in responding properly.
If you hadn’t bothered to visit Timaeus by Mondstadt’s alchemy station in an attempt at hunting Albedo down for the purpose of giving him these sweets, you wouldn’t have overheard the conversation at all. But it would only appear that the gods are seeing fit to serve you reminders until you bother to ask him about it. Now, it simply seems like you’re only buttering him up with the treat in order to get an answer out of him.
Which isn’t true! you’re quick to remind yourself. B-But… maybe it’ll help?
“Um… you have a bit of coconut on your cheek,” you mumble, internally sighing at the fact that your tone still remained near that of a whisper.
“Oh, thank y—” he halts in raising his free hand to remove it, nearly having forgotten about his painted hands. “______, would you actually mind, again, removing it for me?”
You set the tin down in the empty space of a small wooden table. “S-Sure.” Truly, it doesn’t need much focus to simply reach out and brush the shaving away, but you can’t hold a steady enough hand that you might’ve risked dropping the tray of sweets.
What's with me all of a sudden?! you’d wondered.
For as long as you’ve known him, both you and Albedo held a mutually platonic relationship. Before, it barely teetered on the line of coworkers and friends, you being a simple records clerk for the Knights of Favonius, and him, being their chief alchemist, until you mustered up enough courage to send him a personal gift during one of Mondstadt’s winter holidays; touched by the gesture, he sent you a beautiful landscape painting of his of Dragonspine.
Normally, with how busy you’d always been with the Knights’ affairs, you wouldn’t have bothered to approach him in the first place, but after a short conversation about him with Kaeya, you learned that not being too hasty so as not to startle him - in this case, first sending him a gift as a greeting of sorts - was the smarter move.
It had been almost three years since then. And in those three years, you’d never felt so strangely behaved around him until now.
Damn those chatty women, you mentally curse. It’s all I can think about now! How stupid.
You jump, not realizing you had zoned out. “Y-Yes.”
“You were shaking,” Albedo says, the slight drop of his brows almost barely noticeable. “Are you feeling alright? Are you cold?”
“Oh, n-no—” quickly and carefully, you brush away the coconut with a swipe of your thumb. “I’m not cold.”
Albedo goes silent, his eyes suddenly wandering across your face. As naturally as possible, you avert your own, and retake your seat at the edge of the mattress, knowing full well of his curiosity.
How would you even phrase it? It’s personal, isn’t it? Inappropriate? Er, invasive? Not only in regards to the relationship you had as both coworkers and as friends, but just in general— you just don’t really ask people this.
You groan, relenting to his wordless wondering. “… this might be a bit of an… awkward, personal question.”
Albedo has to hide his relief when you finally decide to speak again. He didn’t want to pry, despite that curiosity. You’d looked uncomfortable, after all. Or, “embarrassed” might be a more choice word to use.
“Inquiry is never awkward, ______. It’s an opportunity to learn more. What is it?”
You hold back a bated breath. No, really— it’s an awkward question. Maybe not for you it won’t be, but for me, yes.
“Right… well…” You clear your throat. “Earlier today, when I was speaking to Timaeus to find out where your laboratory was, the people who were behind me started a conversation that… involved your name.”
“I suppose that’s not uncommon, considering where you were.”
“W-While that is true, I assure you that it hadn’t nothing to do with the practices of alchemy.”
Albedo pauses, sparing a glance at you before finally setting the brush down into a somehow non-frozen glass of water. There were many things within the master alchemist’s laboratory that defied reason, this being of the few that genuinely shocks you the most considering how frigid his Dragonspine lab tends to be, even with multiple lanterns and a large fire always going. He turns to the basin of water and dips his hands in, the water quickly turning an off blue shade from the paint, and abandoning the canvas.
“Oh. Then, do tell. I’m rather curious to learn why I came up in their conversation, if not for that alchemy.”
“Ye— oh, boy.” An exhale leaves you sharply, an embarrassing heat suddenly spreading across the back of your neck. “O-Okay. So, you know how you were created as an artificial human, right? Wait, don’t answer that,” you interrupt yourself as he’d gone to speak; “of course, you know. Archons, that was stupid of me— well, i-it’s not common knowledge, naturally, but people have been making up their own theories since, obviously, you don’t age, and so I overheard some of the theories today, like you’re a secret god or a cursed human or a very well-designed, micro-versioned Ruin enemy with sentience, but then the talk about these theories got them to asking more personal, inappropriate-for-public-conversation questions, like—”
“________.” You gasp a little, out of breath from your tangent. “That was a very long sentence. Please, ask me your question before you go unconscious from poor oxygenation.”
You nod, cheeks hot.
“… a-are you able to reproduce?”
Albedo blinks at you. If he’s surprised by your question, he doesn’t show it— in fact, the only change he does show is one of inquisition. Curiosity. As if the thought of siring children had never once been a thought in his five hundred years of existence. Perhaps he could easily assume the answer is “no”, considering his “genetic make up”, for a lack of a more appropriate term— he hadn’t been nicknamed “the chalk prince” for simply his last name, after all.
But then, on the other hand, he retains identical biological functions to humans such as yourself— tear, saliva, and mucus production; urination and defecation; having the ability to bleed— so perhaps it stands to reason that his body contains the same chemical makeup in his ejaculate as any common male, too, no? Maybe, it might even be of a more concentrated design; a textbook definition of “virility”. And while he knows he’s quite capable of this type of fluid production, he’d only allowed himself to venture on that end of science (read: pleasure) once, and through a private venture. It hadn’t exactly been an experiment to perform in front of others, being frank.
Albedo has lost himself to thought, this much is easy for you to tell. His brilliant gemstone-like eyes have lost their shine and had gone out of focus, a hand has raised to hold his chin and ground him. You don’t bother to speak, waiting for him to exit his mind on his own. Eventually, his thoughts begin to spill out and off his tongue, his murmuring quick to join the crackling fire in filling his cliffside laboratory.
“… perhaps I should proceed with a plan to test this theory, though… a long term experiment of nine-plus months is slightly untenable in consideration to my main objective… There are numerous considerations… although… a willing, fertile participant would surely be necessary…” To your surprise, his concentration breaks, his gaze flitting toward and onto you.
You shiver, knowing full well it isn’t from the cold.
“A-And just what is that look for?” you ask, your voice having cracked with concern.
“… nothing in particular,” Albedo says. He has yet to blink, eyes seemingly stuck on you.
“In case you didn’t know, you were speaking out loud again, Albedo— I heard that last bit.”
“Oh. Perhaps I should explain, then,” he says. You instantly pale at his words. “Regarding your question, I can only partially answer it right now. I don’t know whether I am capable of reproduction. When Gold entrusted me with find the “truth and meaning of this world”, for many years, this had become my sole purpose and drive. After that, perhaps I might fully be free to investigate and experiment the rest that life has to offer. I see, however, that this has piqued your interest. In all honesty, I am curious about it, as well.”
“S-So then… what do you plan to do?” you ask, immediately wishing you hadn’t.
“Seeing as I don’t have any other experiments to tend to, I’m currently weighing the pros and cons on my decision to begin this one. The parameters and necessary criteria are relatively straightforward. Quite obviously, it wouldn’t take many, if not zero, tools or supplies. Really, there’s only one other factor necessary for investigation.”
“And that’s that “willing, fertile participant” you mentioned before,” you say, expression and tone both deadpan.
“You know, sometimes, you’re a little too honest, Albedo.”
“My apologies,” he says.
“I… didn’t mean it as a bad thing,” you mumble, looking away from him and at the opening to his lab, outside raging a sudden squall that could easily rival the old record in Dragonspine’s storm history. I guess I’ll be staying overnight here, after all. “I’m perfectly used to your honesty by now, considering how long we’ve known each other for.” What great timing. Comedic, even. Ha, ha, ha.
“I suppose so.” A pregnant silence has you shifting in your seat, suddenly favouring you putting your weight onto your hands while the waiting continues. You huff at him. “Based on the simple fact that you and I have been in close relations for as long as we have, _______, I have a proposition.”
You swallow, offering a small nod for him to continue, but before he does, he travels through his laboratory in search of something— a clipboard full of parchment that he brings along on his way back toward you.
“Firstly, am I correct in assuming that your menstrual cycle is regular, and you’re in decent health?”
“Albedo,” you start, tone unintentionally harsh. “Now it’s your turn to get to the point and ask your question.”
“… right, then.. Would you engage in coitus with me— for the sake of this experiment?”
“Archons alive,” you mutter with a shake of your head, “isn’t there some other way for you to figure it out?”
“Nothing so conducive. I’ve already had to eliminate the possibility of collecting a semen sample and examining it beneath the microscope as there’s a probability that the results would end up showing no evidence of impact; the samples may look textbook but may be inert. Even more, I sincerely doubt that the focal strength of the lens would be enough to see the sample’s cellular makeup on such a microscopic level.”
You instantly hate that he has such excusable, sound logic so readily available.
“I suppose I understand why you’re having doubts about committing to something like this. While I’m not privy to your stance on having children, nor can I fully understand the complexities that may stem from making the decision to go through with pregnancy, I can at least empathize from the standpoint of being one of Klee’s guardians— being a parent isn’t easy.”
“No, it’s not,” you agree. “Albedo, i-if we go through with this, and you do end up being able to reproduce, this is exactly what would happen. I would get pregnant. I would become a parent. I really don’t know if I’m ready to take this risk…”
To your surprise, when you sit up on the edge of his bed, you catch his sour expression in your peripheral vision— it’s not one that you see often.
“Are you under the impression that I would toss you aside when the experiment was done?”
You open your mouth to speak, but only single syllable, unintelligible sounds come out. “I—”
“At the very least, I understand what the end result would mean should it be a positive one. You and I would have created a life together.” Your skin prickles, eyes wide and trained on your lap. “It is not a short term commitment. I wouldn’t allow myself to be held any less responsible for that life than you, ______. In this case, I suppose the parameters need to be corrected— not “nine-plus months”… I should allot for two decades, give or take a few more years…”
“T-Two decades,” your fried brain finally allows you to say. He hums, the dejected look on his face slowly morphing into one of fondness.
“It’s strange, but… I find myself eager to get started.”
“I-I… haven’t even said “yes” yet,” you murmur, eyes daring to rise to meet his. Instead, your lips immediately part.
Being the kind of “person” he is, Albedo had been created with multiple human intricacies left behind. Most times, his expression is calm, complacent, untelling— that of a gambler’s dream. There have been few occasions that have drawn out those different, pocketed looks, but you have experienced of him things like anger when his friends and comrades were injured; joy when Klee or the other Mondstadt children are with him, or when he receives your gift of the week; frustration over a failed experiment or an unexpected result; and most recently, disappointment, when you assumed he would abandon you and the child you both might make. And you thought that one would be the most shocking.
But this… What he wears now… is purely desire; a resultant lust having overcome him by the multiple prospects dangling before him like a carrot on a string. Should the experiment be successful, he would learn that he, an artificial being, is capable of procreating with a pure human. Zygote squares dance before his eyes, hypotheticals of traits and genotypes spread across sheets and sheets of parchment— would they be born male or female? Would they look like him or like you? A thought he believes strange crosses his mind— he only hopes that the child would have your eyes.
You know him well enough to figure that he’s going over every possible outcome and theory, always so entranced by them that he would jot them all down later. Now, it seems there’s only one thing stopping him from being able to get to that stage in the experiment. You.
And so, you nod. Albedo’s lips part, relieved.
“I need verbal consent from you to begin this experiment, ______.”
“Yes, then,” you say, your voice trembling. “I give my consent. Let’s… try and make a baby.”
Your attempt at making the situation less stiff and formal somehow seems to work, the skin near Albedo’s eyes suddenly crinkling into a soft, appreciative smile.
“Thank you, ______. If it’s alright, I do have a few more questions for you before we begin.”
“Mm… hm.”
“Are there any physical restrictions I should know about? Present or past injuries that may affect you during intercourse?”
“Um, no, none that I can recall,” you say after a moment of consideration. He jots something onto the clipboard.
“And your last menstrual cycle,” he goes on, “when did it end?”
“I-I—” you blink rapidly, not expecting him to consider such a thing as necessary input, spluttering as you wrack your brain for an answer, “m-maybe… ah… It was… nine days ago, I-I think.”
Albedo nods, writing another set of words down. “Then that’ll put you in the fertile cusp…”
“… f-fertile cusp,” you repeat, watching him intently.
“Yes— from what I remember when I studied cellular anatomy, the first twelve days after the cycle ends is when fertility is at its peak.”
“No, I-I know that, it’s just…” And you can’t stop the small laugh that escapes you. “It’s all so formal and proper. I know it’s for the sake of collecting data for the experiment,” you quickly add, “but having intercourse… having sex… isn’t such a stiff affair.” But then you laugh again, apologizing under your wheezing breaths when you notice the unintentional pun you’d made, somehow made funnier as you know Albedo wouldn’t have caught it, himself.
He ponders your words, though it doesn’t take him long to acknowledge the truth in them. For as unknowledgeable as he is on these human intricacies, the colloquial term of “making love” surely didn’t involve note-taking or detailed inquiries— he’d figured this much. In exchange for you having become a willing participant in this fool’s experiment, you at least deserve a memorable experience.
“Ah, my apologies. You’re right. While I know of the act, engaging in coitus and its technicalities is something I’m unfamiliar with. “Making love”…” Your skin prickles at the sudden change in intonation. “It’s a romantic endeavour, isn’t it. Done between… loving partners.”
Even though it had been the first question to have asked you, he found himself pushing it further down the list, preferring to subject you the other eight questions ahead of it— have you had any other sexual partners recently? Why is it he couldn’t simply say the words?
“It can be, yes,” you say. “Some people have sex rather suddenly, too, and it’s not always between lovers. It’s not always romantic, either, but it deserves passion.”
It’s because you don’t want to know if she’s been involved with anyone else, he realizes, somehow brought to the conclusion without a second thought. Anyone else besides you.
Albedo sets the clipboard down next to the bed. How is it possible to have found yourself at such a conclusion, he wonders. But then he regards his memories, his past thoughts, managing to find your image dancing before his eyes and recall your words ringing in the space between his ears. He remembers the joy stemming from each of the many times you’d come to see him— out of the handful of people he’d bother to get involved with, get to know closely, you were the one whose company he enjoyed the most.
Never forcing himself into uncomfortable social settings, or into the public limelight whenever he achieved a new feat that might’ve deserved to be celebrated; always respecting his desire to keep his number of relationships to a bare minimum, aware of just how exhaustive maintaining them gets for the man— you made knowing you so much easier for him. Those same human emotions he’d have certain trouble in understanding were explained and shown to him just as naturally as it had been to breathe, yet the one bit of you he hadn’t yet seen a side of is love. Adoration. The same kind of fondness he feels deep down in his heart when he looks at you.
Be it for the sake of or borne through the results of this experiment… I’d like to experience it from you, if only once.
Now, standing before you, arms straight down at his sides, the tips of his fingers skim across the ends of his pant legs as if… suddenly shy.
Your eyes quickly dart over to the paper, and despite it being upside down, you can still make out some of the words of the unanswered first question. Realizing that he must’ve intentionally skipped it, you decidedly take one of his cold hands into your yours and force your fingers between his. Gaze lidded, he stares down at them, his thumb rising to rub into the fleshy part of it.
“I haven’t been with anyone else, Albedo,” you whisper, flexing your hand in a gentle squeeze. “You would be my first.” He swallows thickly. “And… I think this is why I’d been nervous to agree to this, but… this is your first time, too, right?”
“Yes,” he says, just as quiet. “It is.”
“Then…” You tug lightly on his hand, and with little resistance, he moves toward you, only a single, clumsy step necessary to find himself between your legs. Startled by the closeness, he raises his other hand to your shoulder to brace himself against you. “I’m glad. If it were anybody else, I don’t think I would have agreed.”
Albedo’s eyes wander, and the hand pressed against your collarbone travels in tandem, sliding to hold you by the underside of your jaw— something he’d seen while in the city of Mondstadt. He thought about it often. “And why is that?” Does it feel nice? He wishes he could read your mind, but it becomes telling in your warm gaze, in your sweet smile, in the way that under his cool touch, he witnesses your flesh turn feverish, made worse only by the thumb that caresses your cheek. You like it. You like him— he thanks the God who heard his wish.
You lean your weight into his palm, eyelashes fluttering. “Kiss me, Albedo. Let me show you why.”
He nods, a stiff gesture. Your warm hands drag him from his frigidity, placed on either side of the smooth porcelain of his face, and into you, your lips parting only far enough from each other that his may fit between them. It is almost a too perfect fit, he notes, even when you’re moving them.
You encourage him to move along with you, chin nudging his lightly enough that he gets the message, and his thin fingers shift to wind almost desperately through your hair, pulling himself closer into you that your chests nearly touch. For a moment, he sways, put off balance by his lilted stance between your thighs, but then you shuffle backwards on his mattress, leaving enough of a space opens that he’s able to kneel on it. You smile against his lips, taking in a soft breath through your nose.
Albedo, as someone who had only ever witnessed a proper kiss once during a walk through Mondstadt, and who had only ever read about them in the few romance novels he’d dared to borrow from Lisa out of pure curiosity, could only follow your lead. Sure, Klee had often given him a few pecks on his cheek here and there as she grew up, but in his almost five hundred years of existence, this had been his first kiss. So gentle, so warm, so plush— oh, your lips are so nice to feel, he thinks, his own cheeks slowly heating up.
A hand leaves him, lamely skirting down the curves in his shoulder and trailing over the heavily adorned end of his sleeve, only to jump to claim his waist by the material of his indigo shirt. Your fingers curl into the fabric, dragging him further onto the bed with you; he relents by swinging his other leg over yours, effectively straddling you.
Albedo feels light-headed. Oh, is the sound he makes when he finally realizes why. I need to breathe. A giggle finally has him pulling back, you, watching as he struggles to catch his breath with a slight smirk on your face.
“If you take smaller breaths through your nose, or, when we stop, you won’t lose your breath as fast,” you quietly explain.
“… I know that,” he murmurs, nudging into your lips with his. “But I don’t want to stop.” Your eyes widen in shock at his bold - for him - admission. “______… teach me how to make love to you.”
Truly, you wouldn’t have expected those words to come from him, not in a million years. It leaves you startled, hot, like one of the dying embers in the cave’s fire brought to life by the fierce wind. You take a moment, pulling your hands away from him to let out a deep, shuddering, embarrassed breath into your palms.
“… w-what makes you think I know much more than you,” you say, quieted and muffled by your own hands.
“I’m simply aware of how vast your capacity to show tenderness and appreciation to others is. That is a form of love, isn’t it?”
“A more innocent kind of love, maybe,” you answer, dropping your hands to rest on his knee. “That part is easy, since it can just come naturally… but this—? I haven’t… I only know a little of what to do…”
“Then, shall we keep learning, together? I’ve read that intercourse can be painful, and I don’t wish for you to experience that discomfort. Will you show me what you know?”
“O-Of course, j-just… don’t expect me to be good at it, okay? I… I’ve only read about these things.”
Gently, his lips press to the corners of yours, making you squirm restlessly beneath him. Naturally, the books you had read had been from Lisa’s personal collection, and were not of the safe-for-work variety. Hardly educational and deeply inappropriate, it certainly left an imprint on your mind’s eye— even more so considering you were about to do some of those things with him.
In steeling yourself, Albedo notes how the look in your eyes have changed. As if you’d remembered something important, “Albedo, switch places with me.”
He nods once, his hands shifting to settle at your waist. With surprising ease and a knee pressed into the mattress once more, he turns, spinning you atop him. You’re easily startled by the motion, grabbing at his shoulders to steady yourself until he settles.
“I think I quite like this,” Albedo admits, once he’d gotten comfortable. “You, sitting on my lap.” You kiss him chastely.
“… it’s one of the best seats I’ve ever sat in, that’s for sure,” you murmur, hands smoothing across the exposed skin on his arms. You pause, suddenly flushed with an embarrassed warmth. “Th-that came out too easily, I—”
“No,” he interrupts you, and the hands holding your sides offer you a gentle squeeze. “I liked that, too.”
A dry chuckle leaves you, but not at his expense— you’re nervous to start what you’d sought to do, your heart beating anxiously beneath your ribcage as you slide a hand back up to his shoulder. Keeping yourself balanced against him, you slip your free hand between the two of you to finally, finally address the obvious, growing bulge settled between his thighs.
Albedo chokes, elbows buckling from where they hold him upright when your palm, curved like a cup, rests against the dense tent of his black shorts.
“_-______, what—”
“If, maybe, you thought I never noticed…” you lean into him, and in pressing your lips to the shell of his ear, “of course, I noticed.” Pride swells in your chest when you feel him suddenly tremble underneath you, his eyes wide.
Your smiling lips find his one last time before you’re sliding off of his lap and onto the floor between his knees. Confused and slightly dazed, Albedo goes to grab your arm and stop you. “______, what are you doing now?”
“… do you trust me?” you ask, rather than providing him with an explanation.
“Of course I do, but—””Then,” you carefully pry his fingers away from your arm and set it back in his lap, “let me try something. Work with me, okay?”
After a moment’s hesitation, he finally relents in the form of a nod, and it takes but one more steeling breath for you to commit.
Once more, your hands slide up his torso, creeping along his chest until reaching the golden belt slung over his shoulder. After a minute of trying to figure out how to unlatch it, you sigh defeatedly. “Albedo…”
“You should’ve just asked in the first place,” he tuts, staring down at you through lidded eyes.
“I didn’t think a belt could be so complicated— what is it even for?” you rhetorically add in a murmur.
“It pins my coat shut,” he still replies. You refrain from making eye contact when he finally undoes the pin from the backside of the belt, and with a click, the two pieces around the flap of white fabric from his coat separate, slipping over Albedo’s shoulders and landing on the ruffled blanket behind him. “There.”
“Good. Now, take your coat off.” He complies, shrugging it off of his shoulders and letting it slip down his arms. Your hands lift from your lap and skirt across his, trailing up his clothed thighs and up his waist, and tucking beneath the hem of his indigo shirt to take the zipper of his shorts between two trembling fingers. “…a-and lift your hips up,” you mumble, upon pulling it down and unclasping its neighbouring button.
“Okay.” You’re quick to drag them away from his hips when his ass rises off of the bed, the clinking of his metal accessories jingling when they hit the floor before you. Your jaw falls open— with your eyes trained lower than where his knees sat parallel to the mattress, you hadn’t at all notice that you’d pulled down more than just his shorts. “______…”
“I-I didn’t mean to move that fast,” you swear, eyes wide and struggling to stay on his. He looks at you, waiting for your next move with his teeth pinching the inside of his cheek. “But, um…” You dare to glance down, and sigh. “… there really isn’t a point to me being nervous anymore. It’s… You… are right in front of me now.”
“That’s right,” Albedo says. You have to hide your surprise when he leans forward to touch your cheek with his cold, gloved fingertips; a supporting gesture, one with his own brand and level of comfort that he could muster. “You have me right here in front of you.”
Somehow, you find yourself being grateful in the silliest of ways, unable to help the way your mind takes you to the time of Albedo’s creation. Proportionate in every beautifully normal way, from the length of his torso to the expanse of each of his creamy white thighs; from the average length of his cock and its surprisingly wide girth, to how its head seemed to glow with rouge and how his balls hung before you in near perfect spheres— you almost ask him to undress the rest of himself, but as your gaze traveled even further downward to where his knee-high black boots both end and begin, squeezing the flesh of those same thighs you’d begun to adore, you stop yourself.
No, these should definitely stay on.
“You asked me to show you what I know, right?” Albedo blinks down at you, where your eyes rest on his twitching shaft almost too intently. You wet your lips, and finally wrap your warm fingers around his base; he flinches. “Then… what I know is that… supposedly… men really like this part,” you murmur against him, lips then pursing atop his blooming head.
Albedo involuntarily hisses, a hand rising to rest on the crown of his head in disbelief while the other fruitlessly clutches at the sheets beneath him. Having hoped to catch him off guard, you’d poked your tongue out and aimed it at the small slit in the centre, succeeding when his hips leap upward under your soft strokes.
“I-I’m beginning to understand… w-why — ahh…”
It tastes a little salty, you note. Gently, you curl your tongue beneath the head of his cock, and run it along its soft ridge, eliciting the softest of moans from the man sitting above you. In the corner of your eye, you watch his eyes flutter as the pleasure registers and his hands search for a new place to anchor themselves.
“You can touch me, too, Albedo,” you tell him, dropping your head a little lower to flatten your tongue against the base of his shaft. You drag up, sure to collect the small vein pulsing at his underside as you make your way to the top again, “I don’t bite, after all,” before collecting him into your mouth as far as it would let you, your mouth immediately hollowing around him following your words.
You smooth out your tongue beneath him as your cheeks puff out before contracting, a torturous set of suctioning squeezes that has Albedo squirming in place. You shift your hands to rest atop his thighs, only pressing down whenever he bucks just a little too much for you keep up with.
You draw back only slightly, the underside of his cockhead having quickly become the new target of your ministrations. Albedo’s hips roll, an automatic reaction he decided he didn’t care that he had no control over— your lips, your tongue, the heat of your mouth, the hot breaths you let out over his aching erection, oh— he wanted more of it.
Few things exist in this world that he desired as achingly so, if only the positive results of an experiment that led him closer to Gold’s expectations of him and the well-being of his friends. In the now, he simply desired you.
Albedo gasps, and as if on instinct, he lurches forward to hunch over you, almost throwing himself off of the edge of the mattress, and wind his fingers through your hair from behind. “-_____!!” For a moment, you panic, your hands flying up to brace yourself between his thighs, not having expected such a knee-jerk reaction from the alchemist that had him hitting the back of your throat. “Hngh!!”
As deeply as possible, you inhale around him, though very little air passes into your lungs. You shift higher onto your knees, your hands tapping against Albedo’s thighs in alarm the longer your throat remains constricted by his cock. But his head is thrown back, lips parted in pure awe and relishing at how tightly you’re able to wind around him, and how fast the strange burning sensation he’d only felt that one time before in his long life creeps up on him—!
Before he can warn you, and before he can even register what was about to happen, Albedo comes, his hot seed spurting heavily down the back of your throat. His groans are deep, filled with a vibrato that would almost tickle if not for the immense pressure. Lost in his pleasure, it takes him a moment to register that the strange flapping on his legs had been you, pleading for him to release your hair.
His hands fly up from you instantly, his groan sharp when you pull off of and away from him, swallowing thickly. “-_____—” your attempt at a proper first breath has you coughing a little, massaging your throat from the outside as if it would soothe what had just been done to the inside. “A… Are you alright? I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to…. do that.”
But you’re shaking your head, hand raised to wave him down.
“It’s… not your fault,” you tell him, your voice testing. “Honestly,” and you spare a chuckle, “that just meant I was doing something right.” Albedo frowns in his own confusion.
“Your pain was… a good thing?” he asks. “That’s slightly illogical.”
“I meant before that part. Your reaction… It felt good in my mouth, didn’t it? It must have… considering how quickly you came.” Hesitant, his concern for you still ever present in his expression, he nods. “I promise I’m okay, Albedo. But… we should keep going, hm?”
Albedo watches you, still knelt between him, his thoughts racing and unpinnable, most of them plaguing him with the guilt that he’s hurt you— but you only smile, your eyes squinted, and the tears collected along them threatening to spill. He enjoys it when you smile.
“Before,” he starts, his tone hopeful in his brand of emotion, “you said I can touch you.” You nod, your chest heaving with your breaths. “Does that permission still stand?”
“Wh— Y-Yes, of course, it does,” you answer, eyebrow raised in confusion. Albedo smooths his hand across your cheek, his thumb running along the soft skin beneath your one eye to clear away the bit of tears that finally fell.
“Then, I’d like to try touching you to get a similar reaction out of you,” he explains. “I’d like to make you feel as good as I just was.”
Lips parted, you consider his request. While a part of you desired nothing more than for him to reciprocate what you had just done to him, it’s difficult for you to attempt to escape the embarrassment it would bring you. Whether he would’ve been knelt before you, pushing your thighs apart whenever they might go to squeeze his head between them, or if he’d pull you to sit above his face, hold you in place, and—
No, no, no-no-no— either of those things are just too much to get him to do for his first time! you think, trying desperately to cast the details of Lisa’s personal collection out of your head to no avail. If your desire wasn’t showing before, it certainly should be now. So… i-if he wants to do this, if he’s really serious about it…
“… please, then, ‘bedo,” you murmur, leaning just a little deeper into his gloved palm. “Please touch me.”
Over and over, Albedo has managed to surprise you, though more than anything, it had been his astute eagerness that has thrown you for a loop. Despite his usual claims of lacking most human emotions, he seems to have no trouble displaying lust before you. Whether it’s expressed in regards to the promise of achieving positive results, or, as the potentially deluded area of your brain suggests, in regards to him harbouring a positive emotion, one aimed toward you, you weren’t privy.
This time, the surprise comes from him when he gently pulls you up onto your feet, him now standing with you, and spinning you on the spot to take his former place on the bed. You blink, slightly dizzied by the motion, and make to press your palms down flat to steady yourself, when Albedo leans into you, one of his own hands coming to rest next to yours. The other, however—
“Lift your hips up, ______,” he says, his thumb pressing forward to shove the button above the zipper to your trousers out through the hole, “and take off your jacket.”
You nod, swallow the lump in your sore throat, and shift your weight onto your hands that allows him to slide your thick, woollen tights down to your ankles, all in a single moment. Unlike you, however, he’s left your undergarment sitting askew around your hips— somehow, you manage to dub this even more embarrassing than if you were left half nude.
“I’m still right here in front of you,” he reminds you, once more leaning forward into your space, chin tilted toward his chest. You straighten your back, enough so that you’re able to meet his lips, and he gratefully obliges you, his own eyes shuttering closed upon contact. You part from him, grinning softly.
Albedo’s lips part to allow the tip of his glove’s middlemost finger to become pinched between his teeth— he pulls away, the dual-coloured leather falling against his chin before he discards it to the cave behind him, and reaches down between you. You catch his hesitation and decidedly remain silent until he finally moves, a curious hand coming to rest just above your pubic bone. Your breath barely hitches when his fingers curl to dig beneath the elastic banding on your underwear, only to pause with a single pad resting only an inch away from—
“I believe I asked you to remove your jacket,” he murmurs, eyes trained to where his hand waits.
“I— oh, I, o-okay, right…” Careful not to bump him, you begin shimmying out of your moisture-wicking sweater, tugging your arms and head from the holes, and tossing it behind Albedo, leaving you sitting in a half-as-thin turtleneck.
“Good. I’m going to begin now.”
You barely get a nod out when he’s already pressed down atop the flesh above your clit, your body jerking forward at the sudden burn of pleasure. In favour of helping Albedo chase his own release, you woefully chose to neglect the potential of your own, but this didn’t mean it hadn’t been sitting idle up until now, waiting for him to do something about it.
In all your time of knowing the man, you never would have thought you would see him make such an erotic expression, and having been blessed to, you still haven’t recovered from it. Brows knitted and eyes squeezed shut, teeth pinching his bottom lip through his failed self-restraint; you’d never seen a rosier red before than on those smooth porcelain cheeks of his— it sent waves of warmth to pool in your gut, a blindsiding strike against you as you became forced to wait your turn.
“From what I recall from my anatomy studies, the clitoris has over ten thousand nerve endings, so in a state of arousal…” He swirls his finger against it again and you jolt, your own hand rising from the bed to clutch at his wrist. “… the effect becomes heightened when it is physically stimulated.” His eyes flit up to watch your reaction when he moves lower, the tip of his soft digit catching under its hood; your trembling lips have parted, and your eyes are barely open to see him. You only feel when two of his fingers have dipped into you— your wide eyes snap up to him, cheeks flushed at the sudden squelch. “I see you didn’t even need physical stimulation for this— you’re quite wet, ______.”
Your grip on his wrist is shaky when it tightens; another indication of your arousal, Albedo notes. He doesn’t move his fingers as you had expected him to — they solicit themselves before your entrance, swimming in the slick that has gathered there, his reach managing to stretch far enough that it nudges your throbbing clit — and your mind immediately equates the emptiness within you to torture when you begin clenching around nothing.
“I-I don’t know if you’re teasing me on purpose, Albedo,” you start, your nails suddenly biting into the flesh of his hand, “but I’m begging you to stop.”
Your ears ring a little when the softest of chuckles fill them; you shoot a glare up at the alchemist. “No adverse effects to your cognition. If tempered, a high percentage persists, even under that same duress—” You whack his arm, at least hard enough that even he would feel it. “Ouch.”
“This isn’t a live anatomy study,” you joke at him, though the same bite you threw at him along with your knuckles are present in your tone. Albedo blinks, before his lips spread into a thin, almost apologetic, line.
“A habit,” he says with a shake of his head. “I’ll try to be more conscious of it.”
“J-Just… be less embarrassing about it,” you plead, turning your head away.
“Hm? Why is it embarrassing?” Albedo straightens, his back holding him upright instead of his other hand— he pinches your chin between two fingers, and turns you back toward him. “Sexual intercourse is an embodiment of what it means to be human, no? Without procreation, life would end.”
“Y-Yes, that’s all true, but… it’s not why I’m embarrassed. I-It’s not even you getting all technical while your fingers are—” as if cued, they slip into you once more, a gasp fleeing your wide open mouth in shock. “A-Albedo!?”
“So, is it me that you’re embarrassed over?” You wince, his fingers curling upwards as if searching. “Is it what I’m doing to you that’s made your body so warm?” His wrist turns, his other knuckles catching on your clit again and making you lurch into him. “Is it that my hand is so deep in your heat that’s making you look at me with such delirium?”
Your body spasms; you huff at him when he draws back.
“W… what are you even saying,” you pant, your hold on him faltering.
“I am only curious as to why you’ve been staring at me with such blatant adoration. I don’t believe I’ve done anything out of the ordinary to deserve it, and yet…” His own eyes move to meet yours. “I find myself enjoying having your attention on me.”
You could’ve quite literally melted on the spot, if not for the bitter chill filling the cave.
Albedo shifts before you, and seats himself to your right, his sole gloved hand curling around the underneath of your one knee to be thrown over his lap, the other remaining behind to slide up toward your hip. His fingers tug at the elastic of your underwear, collecting them around a knuckle and drawing them down your raised hips to your ankles, the wrinkled fabric pooling around the toes of your left foot.
“Keep your eyes on me, ______,” he says, barely audible. “Watch closely.”
You manage to amaze yourself at just how wet you’d truly become by his hand, the cloth surrounding your cunt and the blistering winds of the squall offering enough muffling that you hadn’t heard the squelching, and only felt it. You didn’t think it could get more embarrassing, but now, the sounds were out in the open, the progressively more intense smacks from his palm hitting resounding before you and belting between the stone walls. But you keep your eyes on him still, just as he’d asked you to, and let the heat continue to bloom.
His attention on you is somehow daunting— bottom lip caught between pearl-white teeth and brows furrowed; usually bright eyes darkened in his focus, occasionally flitting up to see the kind of expression you wear with each new ministration.
You shudder beneath him when the smooth skin of his thumb presses against your clit again, his fingers still curling and stirring your warm insides. An eyebrow raises, pleased by your reaction— Albedo rolls the pad of his finger against you in the hopes that you keep squirming beneath him, that your soft and barely controlled moans keep escaping you, all for him, all from him. Somehow it’s everything and not enough for you, though it shows when you roll your hips toward him and against his wetted wrist.
“I-It’s… how… can you can be… so… calm through this…!?” You pant, your fingers tightening at the breast of his shirt. Shivering beneath his languid touch, Albedo lets you keen against his smooth hand in a slow grind, his three middle fingers carefully pumping in and out of you, each draw pulling back more and more of your slick.
Eyes blown wide, Albedo takes his free hand and guides your lips back to his, tongue unhesitant in pushing past your gritted teeth to find your tongue. A moan escapes you when they curl together, your thighs instinctively trying to press together to curb the heat that starts pulsing between them. Albedo pushes them back open, eyes lazily shifting to the side in time to watch you begin to shake.
“Calm?” he repeats, having pulled away, and with a single stroke, you seize, both hands jumping to grasp at his wrist in an attempt to steady yourself through your first orgasm. “With you?” He presses his lips to the side of your head, a soft groan escaping him the tighter you manage to clench around his digits. “I’m not calm at all with you. Especially as you are now.”
“A-Al… bedo,” you whine, clutching at his shirt like a vice, nails barely digging through the fabric to reach him, but where you touch burns, only spurring him on to keep you sobbing until you reach the end of your high.
“Your voice is very pleasant when you orgasm, ______.” You seethe a harsh breath through your teeth when he retracts his fingers, and as if through a fogged lens, Albedo stares at his pale fingers coated in your release, watching it glisten under the glow of the fire as he turns them. “Hm.”
“… Albedo?” you call, voice hoarse but questioning.
“The viscosity is almost slime-like,” he notes— of course, he would, you think, biting back a chuckle. But then he does the unimaginable, though in his case, you’re surprised at yourself for not have expecting it— he tastes it, tastes you, his tongue poking out to lick up from his knuckle to the tip of his index.
“A-Albedo—””The hydrogen potential is rather acidic,” he goes on, completely disregarding your huff of impatience at being cut off, “but it’s more mild than I expected. It seems there isn’t enough here to collect as a proper sample, however. Before we continue, I’d like to—”
“A-Another time!” you half-heartedly promise, knowing exactly what he’d been about to ask you. Genuinely hoping he won’t actually hold you to your word, “P-Please, Albedo— I’m already exhausted from the trip here, and after all of this, I-I don’t know if I’ll last until the end if you were to do all of that again…”
“Oh. Was it that enjoyable?” he asks, and to your disbelief, he licks the rest of his fingers off before curving his head to better meet your gaze. Instantly, you’re scowling at his knowing glance. “Very well, then; I don’t mind postponing that until “another time”.”
You wheeze tiredly.
With a hand resting against your lower back, he places his other against your sternum and gently pushes you backwards and down into his mattress. Slipping his leg out from under you, he then straddles your one thigh and carefully lifts your other out in front of him. You instinctively flinch, your gaze quick to travel down to where Albedo’s erection sits atop your skin. As if testing, he shifts his hips forward, and drags his dick along your leg.
You barely catch the soft, wounded breath that passes through his parted lips, eyes squeezed shut once more as he ruts himself along you. Your own breathing is weak, both heart and mind stupefied by the scene before you— you can’t help yourself from reaching for him, for it, and cup your hand over its pretty curve.
Albedo gasps, instinctively reaching to steady himself against the bed when your thumb starts rubbing along his blushing cockhead.
“Albedo,” you call to him, voice thick with a sudden want the alchemist hadn’t been prepared to hear. “Albedo, please… I’m ready for you. I want you.”
In turn, you hadn’t been prepared for his eagerness— the way he helps you scooch further back on the mattress, and how easily he’d seemed to fit himself in between your warmed thighs; how sweetly he stares down at you, his pale pink lips curving into the slightest of smiles when you start uncontrollably grinning at him, and how soothing and gentle his touch is when he runs his cool hands along the burning flesh beneath your turtleneck. You shudder in your anticipation, a strong pulse beating from the center of your abdomen just wildly enough for him to feel it when his palm rests atop it. He maneuvers his knees beneath you, and in pressing his hips to meet your pelvis, his own arousal finally nudges into yours, the both of you flinching with a desperate keen.
A single hand comes down to rest on the bare skin of your midriff, hidden beneath your shirt, the other curled around the base of his erection to poise himself before you. “T-Then… I’ll deny you no longer.”
A strangled hiss passes through clenched teeth as Albedo rocks his hips forward, the head of his cock gently fitting just past your folds. You can’t help the shocked gasp that flees your parted lips; you take up the bedding in an iron grip to brace yourself as his own tightens around your hip, him pushing past each ring of muscle with a heavy breath and the smallest of grunts— he’s hot, and incredibly hard, and it sends a rippling ache through your core the longer he takes in fully sheathing himself within you, through no fault of his own. Your nerves have made you tense and tighten up, made you tremble around his throbbing girth so intensely that he’s forced to take pause with a choked breath—
“S-Sorry!” you gasp out, blinking rapidly between him and the ceiling. “S-Sorry, Albedo, I-I just—!”
“I know,” he interrupts, voice slightly haggard. “T-Take a moment. Breathe, ______.” You nod, likely too many times than necessary. “Does it hurt?”
“… y-yes, but…” You sniffle. “There’s pleasure with it, too. For my first time, i-it’s to be expected…” The alchemist stares down at you, unsure of his next move, but then you raise your shaky arms from your side to reach for him, hands taking the cool skin of his cheeks into your palms. “I-I need a distraction,” you murmur. “Kiss me, Albedo, a-at the same time.”
“… alright.”
Albedo lets you pull him down toward you, slowly so as not to hurt him, as well, allowing him to shift around you and reposition himself. At the last second, he leans forward out of your hands to claim your expectant lips on his own, immediately parting them with his tongue. The gesture had sent a rush of heat through you, miraculously allowing Albedo to thrust his hips into yours just a little more. Your moan is sharp into his open mouth, a whine more than anything else, and your shuddering has your legs threatening to either give out beneath him or curl around his slim waist— he notices this, and instead denies you from choosing on your own when he lets himself tip forward until fully sheathed, swallowing both your tongue and your voice when you cry out past his lips.
I-It hurts, you can only exclaim in your thoughts, your entire body lit up like an Inazuman firework when your legs kick out behind him— it hurts.
Willing yourself to focus on anything but where the pain pulses most, you search around the cave once more, chest heaving from a lack of air, mindlessly identifying the many small objects scattered about the laboratory— flasks and beakers, pencils of various lengths, jars of full and half-empty oil paints of all shades, piles upon piles of paper weighed down by miscellaneous paper weights— “______?”
You tear your gaze away from the inactive air gas burner sitting on the furthest table, and force it to meet that of the man’s lying above you. “H-Hm?”
“Are you alright?” Albedo asks. In the corner of your eye, you spot his one arm beginning to tremble. “You went quiet.” Shakily, you lift your arm to support it by his elbow; he spares it a glance before looking to you again. “______?”
“I-I’m… I’m okay,” you say before sighing, knowing you sound unconvincing. “Are you?” He hesitates in answering.
“… a human’s internal temperature is normally around thirty-seven degrees, but s-somehow—” Albedo exhales, and through squinted eyes of your own, you see one of his twitch in his struggle to adjust “— it feels much hotter i-inside you…” Despite your best effort not to, you laugh, your free hand rising quickly to try and cover it up, but it flies loose; somehow, Albedo finds himself displeased with your reaction. “______…”
“I-I’m sorry, I-I just wasn’t expecting that kind of answer, though maybe I should have…” You reach up to hold his face in your hand. “But you’re okay? You aren’t hurt at all, right? I know it’s a little… t-tight.”
“All the more reason why if either of us should be more in pain, it’s you,” he tries to reason, but you shake your head.
“I just… needed a moment to get used to you,” you tell him in earnest, “and I think laughing helped. You’re bigger than your fingers, after all.”
“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he immediately says.
“It’s only n-natural that it would hurt a little— d-don’t worry, okay?” He nods, albeit reservedly. “C… Can you try moving now?”
“If you’re sure?” And you nod back, your hand still wrapped around his arm providing a squeeze of encouragement.
“Please.” With a nod, he gently forces his hips from yours before thrusting back into you. Your grip on his forearm falters, dropping in favour of holding his wrists, instead.
While he knows a human’s autonomic functions obviously accounted for it, Albedo still found it amazing how easily you’d seemed to swallow him back up. Maybe it had been your laughter— you just needed a moment to loosen up, and not just physically. Despite everything that had already happened, you’d still been in disbelief that it did happen in the first place, and with Mondstadt’s chief alchemist; your dear friend.
Your own hips shift, your joints twisting to give rise for your thighs to press against Albedo’s sides. Albedo groans softly, soft hands moving to curl his arms around them and pulling you even tighter against his pelvis. You jolt, a strange sensation suddenly blossoming where his cockhead presses upwards— you just knew that curve of his would mean some kind of trouble for you.
“… oh?” Looking away from his strained expression, you find him focused on your lower abdomen, where he decidedly places his hands over. He presses down around it, your soft flesh pooling beneath his thin fingers.
The smallest of gasps escapes him when he readjusts his stance to the edge of his mattress to push back into you, only for the imprint of his cock to, once again, reappear beneath your skin. He pauses to look to you, and though you look unharmed, you’ve bitten down so intently on your knuckles, your nose scrunched and eyebrows bunched toward each other, in an attempt to suppress the sounds threatening to leak from you.
“______,” Albedo calls. When your only reply is a weary glance and an overwhelmed huff, he leans over you, his hands taking yours from over your mouth to pin them at either side of your head against the mattress. But the movement hilts him deeper inside you, tearing a whine from your throat and sending a shiver through your body. “… are you alright?”
“I-I—” Albedo rolls his hips ever so slightly. “’m f-fine… It… jus’ feels… hngh… g-good.”
“I’m glad,” he pants, shoving his fingers between yours and pressing them further into the duvet. “I was worried you were in pain.” Drawing his hips back, he slowly drives back in, lips parted and jaw hung when the immense sensation of your engulfing warmth overtakes him.
“N-no pain,” you promise, giving his hands a light squeeze each and him, a curdling smile. “Y-You can… m-move faster, Albedo...”
“If you’re sure, then,” he murmurs.
He drops onto his elbows, hands still claiming yours and his lips only inches away from each other— it doesn’t take him long to decide to claim them, either, pressing into you and prying your willing mouth open with his tongue. You don’t try to contain the moan he bullies out of you when he begins sucking at your tongue, in the same moment he draws back once more and thrusts into you as if sheathing his sword. Your body tenses, eyes flying open when you feel the head of his cock reach the deepest part of you—oh, this part hurts, you think, squeezing his hands just a little harder, and once more, he stops, turquoise eyes joining yours in a panic.
“That hurt this time, didn’t it,” he says, eyebrows turned down in concern.
You nod a little, and take a deep breath in an attempt to slow down your pounding heart. “Y-Yes,” you say. “You just went a l-little too deep…”
“I’m sorry,” he immediately says. He lowers his head to rest his cheek against yours, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear when he kisses the side of your head, “I won’t make that mistake again.”
You whimper in response, and nod probably more times than you’d meant to. It takes a moment for the initial shock and discomfort to fade, but then you’re nodding again, this time, in encouragement. Albedo takes your words into account, supposing that he just might’ve underestimated his own length in contrast with your depth… He’s hesitant to move again, though he knows it comes down to the amount of self-restraint he can muster, wanting nothing more than to continue with you.
Albedo startles when you take matters into your own hands and roll your hips up, slowly sliding yourself up and down his length with your features still verily pinched, though certainly, they’re steadily masked by that same pleasure you’d mentioned feeling earlier; no longer a stranger to the sensation himself, he dares to thrust his hips once more, a little more controlled, yet with his expected inexperience; jerkish.
It doesn’t hurt you anymore, you realize when one of his strokes manages to pull a shaky moan out of you. No longer are your breaths coated with your discomfort; Albedo finally found a rhythm that kept him steady and you, painless— one that only draws out more and more of your whines and whimpers and his heavy breaths to be pressed into each other’s skin; one that has your arms wrapped around each other like vices while he continues rutting into you, your fingers digging into the flesh over his shoulder blades to ground yourself atop the creaking bed—
“Can… can we move?” Albedo suddenly asks in separate, laboured breaths, his arms uncurling from around you.
“M… ove?” you repeat, your head too occupied by him to register what he means— “We’re… already moving,” you jokingly manage to conjure. But you relent. “… ’kay.”
Huffing, Albedo slides his arms beneath your shoulders and sits you upright over his thighs. The non-exhausted part of you is startled when he rises onto his knees to crawl closer to the wall the length of the bed touches, finally sitting back down with his back now leaning against it. Still having been connected with you when he unfolds his legs to shove them beneath your ass in the other direction, the jostling finally tears a long groan out from you when he manages to nudge something especially sensitive within you. Albedo sighs deeply, his hands coming to rest at your hips to ground himself when you clench around him.
“Hold onto me, ______,” he instructs, giving you a gentle squeeze. Your limp arms give rise to wrap around Albedo’s shoulders, holding him tighter to you and burying your face into the crook of his neck. You press your lips against his porcelain skin, leaving slight nips behind until you feel him shiver, and his hands drop under you to lift you off the mattress.
A strangled cry spews up from your throat when he sheathes himself into you again, burrowing itself beneath Albedo’s ear and strangely sending a shiver down his spine— he’s already said it before, but he tells you once more just how beautiful you sound when you peak; tells you how good it feels when you squeeze and keep him trapped inside of you.
Golden strands slip through each of your trembling fingers when you run them through his loose hair, having untied the band around it, and Albedo groans almost appreciatively from the sensation of them skimming across his scalp. Your balance in your knees is barely there, and your thighs are just strong enough to remain lifted off Albedo’s lap while he bucks up into you, but you’re gasping, the world suddenly turned on its axis when he spins you back onto the mattress, empty.
Dizzied, you look to him, meet his half-lidded, glossed over turquoise gaze, and swallow thickly when he hovers over you, his tip carelessly twitching against your pelvis. Is he… trying to hold himself back? you wonder, watching his lower lip become bullied by his upper teeth biting into them. With hot, trembling fingers, you guide him back inside you before reaching up between his arms and cradling his face in your hands, pulling him down to meet your lips. You swallow his heavy breaths until they turn into moans, hips driving into you, unrelenting, and only then do you part from him.
“P… please,” you beg, thumbs sweeping across his warm cheeks. “Please don’t hold back from me.”
“… b-but you… you’ve gotten so… so t-tight—” he chokes on his words. “… s-something… something is — hahh… I-I don’t wan… want to finish so… fast…!”
A sudden tension twists through your gut like a fire had been ignited there; you stretch your arm out across the messy sheets, small gasps escaping you with each of his thrusts, reaching for any semblance of stability along the thick duvet of his bed. His movement is fast, a hand suddenly darting out to pin your hand down before you.
“I-It’s okay,” you call out, your voice turning an octave higher than normal when he anchors himself deeper into you with a single, sharp thrust. “… I-I’m there, t-too!” You pant through gritted teeth, sucking in little air as you try to orient yourself— “I wanna hear you, ‘bedo,” you gasp out at him, “you sound so… beautiful…! I wanna hear you when you… c-come…! haah…!!”
He gasps again when you’ve suddenly tightened around him, his erratic pistoning into your wet cunt slowed by your own incoming high.
“Really?” he bites out, brows furrowed in concentration. Your nods are frantic, your hips rising to meet his with each of his thrusts, hips battering into yours almost painfully. “T-Together, then?” he groans, and allows you to further wind yourself around him, arms curling around his back, legs hooking around his waist, cunt fluttering and pulsating almost cruelly until the tears of pleasure formed along your eyelids finally spill over and roll down your cheeks when you finally peak.
“I’m… c-coming… hngh!!”
“C-Coming!” Albedo cries out through his teeth and into your shoulder, fingers forcing yours deeper into the blanket, hips stuttering sharply into yours for a last time as euphoria claims him. “______!” He finally goes still, relishing in the relief the snapping coil in his gut brings him when he spills inside you. You wince through your own gracious release, the head of his pulsating dick rutting lightly against your cervix with each of his tremors and jerks— Archons, it’s so h-hot! you mentally whine, eyes squeezed shut and arms wrapped tight around his back, holding him ever closer to you.
He had never experienced such a strong release of emotion as intense as he just did. It’s startling to him, maddening, that he’d never bothered to seek out such a feeling after that first time all those years ago— but now that he’s gone ahead and done such a thing with you? It stopped being an experiment to him long ago.
“______, I…” Albedo pants against your fast-rising chest, your heart beating too quickly for your own breathing to keep up, and presses his lips to it. “That felt wonderful…” Your arms, weighty from your exhaustion, slip from behind him until your elbows hit the mattress beneath you, only the tips of your trembling fingers deigning to remain behind to drag across his ribcage.
Delirious and still swimming in what pleasure remained from your shared release, you give a jerky nod of agreement, and turn your head ever so slightly to him to press your own lips against his hairline. The softest of laughs hits his ears, a sound that might’ve gone unheard under the howling winds outside the laboratory, but the existence of the five senses and your presence meant his hypersensitivity exists only for you right now— it’s loud and clear enough and he relishes in the fact that he’d been the first to hear it in such a circumstance.
A small part of him can’t help but wonder what Gold would say if she saw him neglecting her final task; if she saw him laying here with you. “Show me the truth and the meaning of this world”— he’d yet to even create a footing deep enough in preparation for the assignment. Simple hypotheses existed tucked between leather bindings and were only disturbed on relevant occasions. Should another note be added inside those bindings after today? His chin tilts your way as he ponders this, cheek smushed against your bicep while you struggle to catch your breath.
“… ‘bedo…” Pulling himself onto his forearms, he watches your throat bob when you swallow in your contemplation. “… in keeping this experiment honest, I… I think I need to tell you that… it’s going to be hard for me to call this… just that. An “experiment”.”
He hums, a wordless urging for you to keep speaking. For a moment, your eyes keep on searching the ceiling above you, half-lidded but bright, trying to pick your next words out carefully.
“I… I think I’ve tried not to acknowledge it all this time… and those women today got me to thinking about much more than whether or not you’re… fertile. Our relationship as coworkers, as friends— have they been the only kinds, all this time? I’m well aware that me cooking and baking for you and my doting on you whenever you’re in the city has far extended past my duties as the Knights of Favonius’s Records Keeper. And, at least in my eyes, it tiptoed the line keeping me from seeing you as just my friend. I just didn’t wish to acknowledge it.”
“… may I ask why?” he murmurs.
“Either… it was because I knew I’d be embarrassed if my feelings and emotions for you weren’t able to be reciprocated. That it would likely change our dynamic. I wasn’t prepared… to experience that distance from you if that was the result.”
Albedo agrees wordlessly, when his gaze falls from yours.
How should he even begin to articulate what his thoughts and logic are telling him to say to you? Through all his years awake and existing in Teyvat, he’s never had to bother with or confront his emotions— other than pure investigative curiosity or wholesome fascination, before coming to Mondstadt, he never experienced the warmth that those who would grow close to him would feel. The love and appreciation from Klee for taking care of her as her “big brother”; the camaraderie shared by Kaeya and the other Knights he’s associated with; even the admittedly strange kinship he once shared with Gold before abandoning him to his own devices— and then, despite swearing himself to his reclusiveness to Dragonspine, his visits to his Mondstadt laboratory would have him encounter you.
In being as work oriented as you are, you still often found yourself frequenting his laboratory to deliver field reports from those same Knights, and in knowing his more reserved nature, you respected it, discreetly leaving small gifts of thanks on behalf of yourself and the others; treats, should he “fancy a snack break?”; offering to run errands for him and his assistants in your downtime— if not for you making the decision to appear before him, he likely wouldn’t have bothered to ever make conversation with you. Most of his other relationships within the Knights of Favonius had always been strictly work ones, which he had been satisfied with.
The two of you hadn’t bothered to separate, in all definitions of the word, keeping his seed plugged inside of you with his flaccid cock. Holding onto you, he rolls, pulling the bedding up from under him to pull over you— he’d seen you had begun to shiver. Seeing the appreciative smile you’d put on for such a simple gesture that needed no thanks, Albedo finds he’s thanking himself for not deciding to keep his distance, after all.
“Maybe in the beginning, this would’ve been the case,” he admits. You nod, as if you were expecting this response. “In the months you first imposed yourself in my life, I had been content on holding the same distance I did as with the others, with you. You made it… complicated, I’ll say, to want to hold that distance any longer when you made it quite easy to be around you.”
“I-I knew it sometimes made you uncomfortable to have to be around a lot of people at once,” you murmur, turning onto your right to see him. “I offered to Grand Master Jean to liaison for you and your team while you were all within headquarters and if I wasn’t busy… though, it was really so I could see you more… even if it’d been from a distance…”
The corner of Albedo’s mouth twitches. “I still have that first gift of yours.”
A bashful grin slowly replaces your attempt at a poker face. “I’d hung that painting you gave to me in return above my bed, you know. It… sounds very silly to say out loud, but… when I found myself missing you, I put it there in the hopes that I’d see you in my dreams during the times you were away.”
“It’s illogical, but no. It’s a… sweet gesture. Not silly at all.”
Your cheeks instantly grow warm. “I’m… relieved to hear you say that.”
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It takes a while for you to warm yourself up again — as if sensing your sensitive state, Dragonspine saw to it to up the ante on the blizzard — before the two of you can clean yourselves up.
To say the process isn’t as embarrassing as everything else that had transpired would be a lie; feeling and seeing Albedo’s cum drip out of you — and onto a damned sample dish, by his request — had been mortifying. What you hadn’t expected, however, was that after he’d collected his sample, he’d sat you down on the edge of the mattress once more, rags and a newly warmed basin of water at his side to tend to you. And while he did, to distract yourself, you’d found your eyes stuck over on his incomplete painting and the supplies littered on the small table next to its easel.
Now, as the two of you lie facing the ceiling of the cliffside laboratory, you suddenly giggle, prompting Albedo to turn toward you.
“What is it?” he asks, breathlessness evident at the tail end of his words.
“It’s just… the water in your painting glass,” you say. “It still isn’t frozen, and here I am, carefully turning into a block of ice.”
A small chuckle escapes him, too. “Slime Condensate and Mist Flower Corolla extract. The condensate is viscous enough that the extract won’t freeze it completely. Because it tiptoes the line of a solid and a liquid, it won’t cross the threshold, even if I were to take it out into the harsh weather of this mountain.”
You hum in thought. “Is it… edible?”
“If the recipe was tweaked, I’m sure it could be. Why?”
“It could be patented and made for the adventurers that try to come up here. Their drinking water freezes, and they can’t eat the snow or it’ll change their internal temperature— if it could stay a singular temperature while they’re up here, it might make them last a little longer.”
Albedo’s gaze goes toward the glass. One of the two brushes sitting inside shifts from the stiff breeze that blows into the cave, clattering against the rim. He lets out a hum of his own, before looking back to you, eyes seemingly glittering.
“Want to run another experiment?”
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masterlist | taglist pt. i | pt. ii | pt.iii
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© nc-vb/niicevibe 2022-2023 please don’t repost! reblogs & comments are always appreciated.
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456 notes · View notes
gold-rhine · 2 years
sub! Albedo x Dom! GN! Reader
Warnings: not sfw, edging, first time, fingering, anal sex, long dialogs discussing metaphysics of human connection. Cock stands for cock\strap as usual.
A\N: Repost bc my previous blog got shadowbanned. very soft, almost didn’t want to tag as as dom! reader, but the dynamic is specifically pronounced. but give it a try even if you’re just into bottom Albedo.
Wordcount: 3k
Albedo might seem like cold and disaffected, but that’s mostly Neurodivergency (TM)
He’s extremely introverted and demi, he’s usually not interested in people at all and so comes off as curt and rude
But rarely, if he does form a connection, he very much quietly and intensely hyperfixates on it
“I used to think interaction with others was a waste of time. But after meeting you, I'd rather spend my time on you than other matters.”
As you can tell from the quote and his general interaction with the traveler, he’s pretty open about his interest. Albedo has a mix of very quiet, shy social awkwardness in some situations, and almost clinically shameless directness in others.
He’s lonely, but he wants very specifically someone who can see and understand him for what he is without flinching, and the people for whom the nature of his artificial creation would not change their demeanor towards him is who he tends to latch on.
While normally very precise and methodical, he can throw logic and principles out of the window when it comes to the person he really likes.
Like remember the last dragonspine event where he turned into an absolute spineless mush in order to fix traveler's ugly doodle without actually admitting that it's ugly.
They even specifically spelled out his thoughts to show that he does think it's ugly, while he's muttering out loud "no, its uh great, i mean i can maybe add a few embellishments if you would like me too".
He becomes clingy, but in an extremely introverted way. He would not initiate contact, but he’d aggressively, though in a very roundabout-way hint that he would like your presence (his story quests, esp the last scene of the latest dragonspine event)
And when you do choose to spend time with him, he’s very open about how he doesn’t really care what you do, as long as you’re together, and that he would like to prolong that time.
He’s also very straightforward about letting you decide and following the lead after he’s already realized he’s into you
“Would you like to have a chat with me?
Albedo: Certainly. Uh... I will let you decide the topic of our conversation.”
(again, the fucking second-hand embarrassment horror of the last dragospine event’s painting lesson)
“Heh, where should I begin...? In your company, I never lack inspiration”
“By the way, after we're done. may I have the pleasure of inviting you to dessert with me? To continue our time together, and to thank you for your company.”
Albedo is not an easy, quick fun type, he's a long time, deep investment only. But in return, he’s very curious and open to experiments, doesn’t have any societal prejudices, very accepting of other ppl’s oddities, artistic, deep-feeling, imaginative, with a quiet, but intense need for acceptance and praise.
He obviously won’t be loud and expressive, but if he’s your type, effort spent on him can be very rewarding, he is the case where you can give the lightest touch and see it ripple through him like a hurricane.
It happens on a seemingly normal evening while you two are drinking tea with desserts in your room. Albedo tells you about his latest research project, or, if more precisely, about how Cyrus from the Adventurers Guild keeps interrupting it with his inane training activities on Dragonspine. For someone who doesn’t know him, he’d sound just politely dry, but you can read sarcastic exasperation in his tone, so you laugh and sympathetically pat his arm. It’s a fairly innocuous gesture, but he suddenly freezes. You immediately take your hand away and apologize, remembering that he isn’t a very physical person, but he shakes his head, says that it’s okay. But when he tries to get back to his story, he’s clearly distracted and still thrown off balance, so you try to clear the air by promising to not do it again.
“No, I’m not displeased. On the contrary,” he says, throwing you an inquisitive glance askew. “It’s a somewhat interesting development on a… matter that’s been perplexing me for some time.”
“Huh? And what is this matter?” you ask, grinning, and are surprised to see Albedo, who is usually very straightforward even with the most direct questions when his curiosity is peaked, frown hesitantly.
“Well, it… depends. Do you see me strictly in… ah, platonic capacity? Because in that case, I would prefer to not endanger our friendship and move on from the subject.”
“Oh?” you smirk, raising an eyebrow and watch his pale sculpted cheeks color slightly as he avoids your gaze. “No, I’d be interested in your other… capacities.”
“Well, in that case I think it’s fairly obvious that I’m attracted to you.”
“I wouldn’t call it fairly obvious, but do go on.”
“The attraction itself does not surprise me, of course. What I find perplexing is how disproportionately strongly my body reacts. If you’re not averse to the idea of physical interaction, I would like to see what direct skin to skin contact would feel like.”
You look over him, a slight blush on his cheeks, but bright blue eyes watching you intensely, and grin.
“Anything for science, my prince.”
He nods seriously, starts unbuckling the clasps on the elbow-long glove on his right hand, but you don’t wait for him to finish, slide your fingers into the gap on his thigh between his high boots and shorts. He startles, almost jumping up, looks at you with wide opened eyes like a deer in headlights, and you lean in and kiss him. He makes a tiny surprised noise, but answers, a little awkwardly, leans into you.
When you move away, he sits there in stunned silence, blushing, one glove half-taken off, and shorts-pant rolled up, really looking like a prince who tries to find an etiquette- appropriate response to being ravished.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly.
“Yes. But I feel a little dizzy, I’m not sure why.”
You smirk.
“It’s probably a sudden redirect of a bloodflow.”
He looks down at his crotch, blushes brighter, but says calmly.
“Oh. That makes sense, I suppose.”
“I guess this makes an experiment a success, huh?” “Do you want to go on?”
“Yes,” he says without hesitation. “But I would like to have some time to prepare.”
You think that this “time to prepare” is just to mentally catch his breath, but when you walk back into the room after some time, you find him by the bed, completely naked, clothes folded neatly on the nearby chair.
You walk up to him slowly, smile, not wanting to spook him.
“Hey, are you sure you’re not moving too fast?”
“Do not patronize me,” he says firmly, narrowing his eyes. “I am more than 400 hundred years old, I know biology, I know how sex works. The process itself is not complicated at all, it’s simply a matter of stimulating the appropriate organs and zones.”
“Oh, such a romantic,” you smirk, moving to stand close to him, and he looks at you sternly, an interesting contrast to his stark naked body.
“I didn’t involve other people because it seemed too much of a hussle to satisfy basic needs of the body when I can do it myself.”
“Then why make an effort now?”
“Because…” he pauses, looks away briefly and continues more slowly, measurely. “Of the inappropriate reaction of my body to your touch. And because when I touched myself imagining you it felt much better than when I did without thinking of you.”
You raise your eyebrows at his admission, but he goes on, his voice frustrated.
“It makes no sense! It was the same hand and the same gesture, and yet it felt so much stronger. Why? The same stimulation should produce the same results, but it didn’t. And now your touch, even over the gloved hand, which should not even be a desired zone for stimulation, feels that much intense!”
You can’t keep away for longer, lean down, catching his mouth in a kiss. He moans, leans against you, his naked slender body trembling, arching when you run your hands down his spine, his cock already getting hard against your thigh. You push him down on the bed and he lets you, looks up at you with hazy, wide open blue eyes, wet lips half open, pink tongue showing, cheeks blushing, and he’s trying to hide his hard dick behind the half-closed pulled up knees. For a moment you’re tempted to take him right there, spread his legs and ram into him roughly, until he screams and loses his senses.
But it’s much more fun to play with him slowly, so you prop yourself on the bed next to him, catch his cheek in your hand, looking down at him with a smile.
“You have a theory on why, surely.”
He blinks a few times, swallows harshly and licks his lips, trying to stay in control..
“Yes, but I’m not sure I should say it right now. I wouldn’t want to ruin the mood.”
“The mood we started with was experimental biology, I don’t know how you can ruin that,” you smirk, but as he still looks anxious, soften your voice. “Baby, if I didn’t want someone weirdly over-analytical, I wouldn’t go after you at all, don’t worry, you can talk.”
“Well, it’s not directly correlated, but I think it works on similar principles. See, there’s a difference between just a rendering of something, no matter how accurate, and art including the same object. In fact, an art piece does not have to be accurate at all. I’ve struggled to identify it, but it is undeniable once you feel it. You may call it an inspiration in art, but it’s also that ephemeral and unspoken thing that separates home from the house, an acquaintance from friend, a string of words from poetry.”
“Oh, you *are* a romantic, huh,” you smile and stroke his cheek. He makes a small noise and leans into your palm. You run your fingers slowly, lightly down his neck, over the curve of his collarbones to the beating pulse in the delicate hollow of his throat, and he shivers, arches under your touch, his breath catching. His body, pristine, touch-starved, reacts so strongly to the smallest stimulation, but even as affected as he is, he still watches you sharply.
“Do you enjoy it, seeing the power you have over me now, how disproportionately I can’t help, but react?”
“Of course. It makes playing with you so delicious. Don’t you like it?” you slide your hand down his chest, thumb at the tender pink peak of the nipple and watch him squirm, his cock twitches against his belly and starts to leak.
“It's complicated,” he says quietly, pressing his head against your shoulder. “I enjoy the sensations, I feel excited and anxious about what’s to come, but I’m also acutely afraid to disappoint.”
“Don’t worry, baby.” you draw your hand down over his ribs, tensed up stomach, stroke teasingly at the lovely hipbones instead of finally touching his pulsing dick. He’s just such a fun, responsive canvas to explore. “You can’t disappoint.”
“Of course I can,” he says incredulously, but then you slide your free hand into his fluffy, soft  hair, grip at the flaxen blond locks and pull, making him arch his throat with a helpless whine. You kiss the golden diamond on his neck and feel him tremble and swallow harshly under your lips.
“This mark is not more sensitive than the rest of my skin, and yet when I know you caress my imperfection, it wrecks me,” he’s shaking in your arms, and yet his voice is calm, almost distant.
“Albedo, baby, the absolute most of humans would not look at this mark and think of it as “imperfection.” They would just think it’s cute.”
“Is it a sign of how deep my differences run then if it feels important to me?”
“Being anxious about perceived flaws that no one else cares about is the most human thing imaginable,” you answer softly and he chuckles, leans against you.
“I can’t argue with that, I’ve seen it too often. I suppose there’s no such thing as perfection for a human.”
“No, there is.”
He watches you with a raised eyebrow, and you grin, lean down, finally covering his cock with your hand, catch a tiny, strangled sigh from his parted lips.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it. I’ll make sure of that.”
You stroke him slowly, trying to prolong the pleasure, but he was too understimulated for far too long, too high-strung, he throws his arms around your shoulders, his hips rocking into your hand involuntarily, eyelashes fluttering over the glazed over eyes, and he comes with a short breezy moan.
You kiss him lightly, stroke him through it until his body relaxes under you, frantic breath slowing down.
“Are you okay, little prince?”
He opens his eyes, and you can see him coming to his senses, the focus coming back into his gaze like a bright sharp edge of a scalpel.
“Yes. A little dizzy, but I’m fine. You can go on.”
“Are you sure you’re not too overwhelmed?”
His fingers dig into your shoulders just a little deeper.
“No. And I think I’m forming a theory.”
“Oh? I have to hear this,” you smirk, slide your hand between his legs to circle at his entrance.
“At first, I thought interaction with others was a waste of time, but now I realize I was wrong. Art can’t be created without inspiration, and inspiration has to come from interaction with the outside world,” he whispers, quietly, but with conviction. When you slide your fingers inside him, he presses his cheek against yours, his quick breaths damp and hot against your skin, his disheveled soft hair tickling at your temple. “A transformation can only be achieved through a reaction with a new reagent, and so the same with humans, a person can only change through the experiences obtained.”
You bury your fingers deeper, scissor and massage his walls until he opens up, his hips bucking up and cock getting hard again.
“See, baby, but if that reagent reacts like a human, then what does the origin of it matter?”
He looks up at you with a small, surprised smile, the sweetest and shiest you’ve ever seen on him, despite his trembling nakedness under you, the shameless spread of his legs, your fingers fucking into him and his pretty swollen dick twitching on his belly.
“You really think so?”
“Of course, my prince.”
He arches to press an awkward, fervent kiss against your lips and moans when you slide your tongue against his.
“Please,” he whines when you break up to catch the air. “I need to feel this, please…”
You take your fingers out and slide your cock\strap into him, pressing into him slowly, giving him time to adjust, but even so, he feels so full. He moans, throws his arms over his head to grip at the bedsheets. When you start fucking him, it feels so good, but also like too much, like his body is too small to contain it, and so he instinctively tries to let out the excess of energy, the crystalline flower blooming under his fingers. But it’s not his usual, perfectly structured symmetrical construct, the delicate amber petals sprout wildly, disproportionately at all sides, shutter and form again like waves with every thrust. Soon the pulsing gold flower is covering the rest of the room with a helplessly writhing form of Albedo in the center, and the outside layers start losing the definition, turn into flickering white wings of the crystalflies. He shudders with each movement, small, breathless “oh-oh-oh…” escaping his half-bitten lips, but he never takes his eyes off you, the bright aquamarine of the high, cloudless noon of the Dragonspine skies, sharp glow reflected off the untouched snow and the deep-glimmering ice.
“I can’t take it anymore,” he whispers weakly, barely audible, while the gold and white pulse of his flowers throw the flashing reflections on his body. “It’s too much, maybe I was never meant… to feel…”
“Shh, baby, it’s okay,” you lean down, press the gentlest kiss to the corner of his open mouth, while fucking harshly into him, and he watches you hepleslly, intently. “You’re so beautiful and you’re doing so good for me. Just let go.”
He sees the way you look at him, the way you touch him, and finally he gets it, his body overripe, tension rippling on the cusp of revelation. When does a human feel perfect? Oh, but when someone sees them as such.
He arches in your arms and comes with a chocked scream, crystalized petals blooming all at once around you, and just for an endless moment, the chalk under his skin turns into gold.
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jekyll-doodles · 2 months
🌹(rose) for your lords + 049?
🌹 (rose) - What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
He would never admit it aloud, for fear of forsaking the position he was so generously granted, but deep down Nigredo knew it was true: festivals were more fun before he was a lord. Before his title, he could enjoy himself amongst the common folk while helping his parents supervise his younger siblings. Here however, in the palace crowded by nobility from far and wide, the ever looming pressure to keep up a noble appearance was slowly becoming a lead weight on his worried mind. Especially with his beloved siblings around.
Thankfully, in a lull of their commotion, he was able to sneak off into the courtyard. It was a breath of fresh air and out of view of so many eyes. A quiet moment to rest and compose himself amongst the flowers of the garden. The new lord took a grateful seat on one of the benches and sighed deeply. And for a few minutes, every little worry felt so very far away.
So much so, that Nigredo nearly jumped out of his skin upon being asked if he could be joined on the bench.
Luckily, it had only been Lord Rubedo; who sincerely apologized for startling him whilst skillfully holding back his laughter. And after being granted a seat, he wasted no time making his proposal: asking if Nigredo had gotten a chance to dance yet, and if not, if he would like to dance with him. The offer flattered him, especially from the charming lord, yet was poorly timed. Nigredo sheepishly explained, doing his best to not offend, that he did not wish to dance right now. That he was quite tired and that if he wasn’t so, he would have accepted the gracious offer of course. Rubedo sighed, lamented that the other lords had rejected him as well, and played up his dejection to make Nigredo smile. To help ease his worries.
“What about the, that duchess? She seemed to love the dance, and you.” Nigredo asked. There were too many nobles present to keep track of names; and he’d only seen the pair from across the room. Mostly heard rumors about the two: possible marriage proposals and similar gossip.
“Ah, yes. She is a talented dancer. Elegant, sophisticated, and quite beautiful.” Rubedo paused for a moment to glance at the hall’s entrance. “ I am a fool to turn her down, but our incompatibility would only make us both unhappy.”
He thought it was another joke. “You certainly are. She sounds perfect for you.” The comment got him a doubtful look from his colleague. He was not joking. “ I- I only mean that, she sounds wonderful enough. What other attributes are you seeking?” It was a nice way of asking how ridiculously high his standards were for the women he courted. Nigredo did not wish to assume anything, but he had heard the occasional rumor about his colleague ever since the lord settled into Alagadda. Everyone had.
“Her attributes, or lack thereof, are not the problem, my friend. I adore most who simply have a good sense of humor and open mind. The problem is…” Rubedo suddenly fell silent, his words caught in his throat. His gentle smile faltered briefly, in a way Nigredo had not seen before. He recomposed himself and forced a smile. “Oh, suppose I am simply not ready for marriage yet. I’m not the only one who’s avoided it though!”
Rubedo then went on about the other lords, an attempt to move away from his slip-up. How they did not seek out marriage either, yet still had ideals about potential partners. He noted how Albedo wished to find comfort in a partner that respected their modest and quiet ways, and adored those with honest and gentle hearts. Conversely, Citrinitas would prefer someone that was astute enough to match wits with, yet also merciful and patient. Nigredo was impressed by how well he knew his colleagues.
Rubedo failed to mention that the reason the other lords were not looking for marriage was because they had found their ideal partners, and were married. To each other.
“And then there is you, Lord Nigredo. What are you looking for?”
“M-me?” The sudden attention flustered him. Nigredo had hardly thought about the prospect of marriage. “ Oh, uh, kind and… reasonable?” He shrugged. “ Sensible, maybe?”
His friend chuckled and patted the addled lord on the back. “Someone to keep you grounded, I’m guessing? I think you will find plenty of that nature, my friend.”
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reveristcalicocan · 2 years
Characters: Albedo, Al Haitham, Childe, Cyno, Diluc, Kazuha, Ayato, Heizou, Wanderer.
Warnings: Slight nudity, suggestive, touching, unrealistic body, mentions of seasickness and throwing up in kazuha’s
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Now, he obviously didn’t mean to… It’s not like there was any privacy up in his camp in dragonspine. You just didn’t expect him to come back so soon.
Letting your skirt drop onto the floor, you bent down to get your clothes. Albedo who had involuntarily walked in on this didn’t say anything to alert you of his presence. Instead he just watched your ass high up in the air with that lace underwear of yours.
He couldn’t help but feel a little flustered, quietly walking away and acting as if he didn’t see anything.
As the acting grand sage, he was very busy. Especially when the dendro archon herself had made so many important requests to change the rules of Sumeru.
He hadn’t been home for two days, constantly working and taking short naps in his office. So when he finally went back home one day, he wasn’t expecting to see you in your shared bedroom almost completely naked safe for your underwear and bra.
The files he was previously holding dropped to the floor, grabbing your attention. Seeing Al Haitham again made you forget about your current situation. You greeted him cheerfully, going in for a tight hug.
Al Haitham on the other hand… he could feel your soft breasts pressing against him. He wrapped his arms around you too, grabbing your waists before throwing you over his shoulder and pushing you onto the bed.
Hah! This is another one, he would definitely make his presence known to you.
“Oh my, isn’t this a sight…” Childe had just entered your room to see if you were home only to find you in a cute purple lingerie.
Your face flushed red at his teasing, scrambling to cover yourself with your clothes. Childe grabbed your arm, taking your shirt away from you.
Feeling exposed and self conscious, you wrapped your arms around your stomach, looking downwards not meeting his gaze.
“C’mon! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about!” After Childe finally got you to show him your full self, he tugged at the elastic of your panties, pulling them down ever so slightly.
Cyno’s eyes grew wide, he was so extremely exhausted from the previous mission he completely forgot to knock. Hearing the sound of the door being opened, you looked back to see Cyno standing there, unmoving.
Neither of you said a thing for a while. That was until you opened your mouth to ask the age old question.
“um, Cyno, could you please leave for a bit…?” Suddenly realising his staring, Cyno immediately dashed out of your room.
“H-hey! close the door!”
Oh, he had only ever seen your body twice, both were in dim lighting. So this was new to him. He was entranced by your body, so unlike the gentleman he usually is, he couldn’t help but stay standing there.
You unclasped your bra and Diluc could see your plump breasts bouncing. His mind fogged over with dirty thoughts, seeing your body like this was far more entertaining than anything else.
It was a good thing you didn’t realise he had been watching the entire time, or he definitely wouldn’t be able to live it down.
You probably got seasick and accidentally got some vomit on your clothes. So after removing your previously soiled clothes, you were going to change into your new clothes when Kazuha’s soft voice suddenly rang out from behind you.
“ah, apologies. It seems i should have knocked, i’ll come back later,” Before you got to see him, the door had already closed and you were left feeling flustered and embarrassed.
Kazuha didn’t think too much of it, he simply brushed it off and never brought it up again. He knew you’d be uncomfortable if he reminded you, so being the gentleman he is, he kept his mouth shut.
“Perhaps you should lock the door next time…” Ayato leaned against your doorframe staring at your body.
He would never say it but the sight of you in your red thongs turned him on. The way the red fabric wrapped around your hips and your exposed ass made his pants feel tight. A smirk danced at his lips seeing your shocked expression.
You chased him out of your room, yelling and screaming at him in embarrassment.
“hm, looks good!” He gave a close eyed smile.
You, who were unaware of an intruder watching you change jumped and let out a yelp. He had never seen you without proper clothes before so you panicked and scrambled to find your words.
However, Heizou just had a positive and happy smile on his face, making you feel a little less insecure of yourself. After that incident you would sometimes wear more revealing clothes when around him.
See he just had to walk in on you when you were changing. Not even a minute earlier or later. He’s never seen a woman’s body before, so the sight of you wrapping a hand around your waist to remove your underwear didn’t phase him in the slightest.
He stood and watched you change without a sound, when you turned and saw him just standing there, you could have sworn you saw your soul jump out of your body.
“H-how long have you been standing there?” You sweat dropped, hoping that he just arrived.
“Since you started removing your underwear and bra.” A monotonous voice, you noted.
Your face heated up even more, a blush spreading like wild fire. It was him who spoke first.
“Can you take it off? I want to see you…” Your head shot up at his request.
You knew he didn’t have much experience and or knowledge of the human body but for such an upright question, you were caught completely off guard.
Slowly, you removed your clothes, stripping down in front of him until you were left with your undergarments.
“Wait… can I do it?” The Wanderer walked towards you, he was slightly taller than you.
“oh, uh sure!” Another question that caught you off guard.
He looked into your eyes while unclasping your bra, his hands smoothed against your soft breasts. Letting your bra fall onto the ground, he continued to kneel down to remove your underwear.
Being so close to him made you rather… horny.
You were turned on to say the least. Especially when he caressed your breasts ever so gently.
Looking away in embarrassment, the wanderer had accidentally touched your clit while he pulled your underwear down, making you let out a gasp.
Unbeknownst to you, he knew what he was doing. He could see the slick covering your pussy along with a part of your underwear.
“Let me help,” Picking you up, the wanderer pushed you down onto your bed before moving his head in between your thighs.
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kocherry · 2 years
Blume-ing Relationship
Cyno x GN!Reader
Cyno is really becoming my favorite character so far in the Windblume Festival so I wrote this ♡ Also this is Gender-Neutral Reader insert :>
Tags: Fluff, First Meeting, Pre-Established Relationship, Mutual Crush on First Meet, Horrible Puns
< 1.5k words >
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The Windblume Festival is a season of giving gifts to your loved ones. May it be platonical, familial, or romantic anyone could receive gifts. You always have something to give for platonical and familial gifts. As for romantic... well you don't really hope to receive or give anyone this year.
Despite that you always held that tradition in giving to your Alchemy colleagues that you consider as your friends now. Speaking of them... Sucrose and Albedo are the ones you haven't given their gifts.
Luckily you spot them both but they camping outside the walls of Mondstadt near Cider Lake. They were all in a circle surrounding a campfire with a lot of travelers. It was bad timing anyway, you could see how they were all interacting like they knew each other for a long time.
As much as you wanted to give your presents, the festival won't end today. So you turn your back and as you were about to head to the city, you step on a branch snapping it in half.
"I noticed you were spying on us, who are you?"
The sudden appearance of a tan skin and medium length grey hair gentleman surprised you. His red-orange eyes pierce through your own as if he's looking at you like some sort of predator ready to pounce on his prey. He wore almost nothing but his jackal ears hood. He is on guard to every movement especially to the small boxes on your hands.
"Wait Cyno, that person is our friend." Sucrose panicked since Cyno's whole demeanor changed.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here? Did you need something?" Albedo asked as he is surprised to have seen you this late in the city.
You didn't face Sucrose and Albedo because you were too busy admiring the features of the man in front of you. He stood a little taller and he is lean. His red orange eyes went from being stern to soft as he realizes his mistake.
"Forgive me I shouldn't have assumed that you were an enemy spying on us." Cyno scratch the back of his hood as he apologizes for his brash actions.
"I-It's okay! Really... I would have done the same and uhm are you from the Akademiya?" You ask because the silver haired man is oddly familiar especially in TCG, many from sumeru used a card of his image. So you wonder if he is the General Mahamatra that they would talk about.
"No. I am Cyno the Adventurer."
Cyno's deadpan tone made you snort, you could tell that he didn't want to be addressed by his official work title.
"Ignore him, he's just on vacation mode. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit (Y/N)?" A gentlemen dressed in dark reen clothes with fox ears greeted you as his eyes narrowing at his companion in annoyance.
"Oh I came to give this to Albedo and Sucrose, I was about to leave when they seem busy but Cyno suddenly appeared." You held out two boxes for the two alchemist who recited their gratitude towards you.
Tighnari, the fox eared man, elbowed Cyno to at least be courteous and invite you to eat.
"Again, I apologize for..." Cyno handed you out a small bowl of what they were eating. "...Soup-rising you like that."
A collective groan could be heard from that pun. Although it made you laugh, which surprises Cyno himself and his companions.
"I don't mind because you're a DandeCyno."
You gave him a thumbs up replying him with a pun that you also thought about. Then Cyno seems to be surprised at the joke you just made. Maybe he didn't get it... "You know like a Dandelion plus Cyno's name. Him suddenly appearing like a wind in front of me!" You explained to make sure everyone got the idea of your pun.
Cyno places a hand over his mouth and lets out a hearty chuckle. There is a small dark blush on his cheeks as he turns to you with a smile. "I'm quite glad to have met someone who shares my sense of humor." He extends his hand and you happily shake it.
"To think someone actually laughed at my flower puns, I think our friendship will definitely blume during the festival." He lets out another pun in his deadpan tone which made it funnier to hear.
"I cecilia hope it would." You reply with a pun as well while winking at him.
"Oh no there's two of them..." Tighnari groans as he puts a hand on his temple.
The others well... they just look like they want to be swallowed by the ground. Only Albedo seems amused and crossed his arms raising an eyebrow towards the two of you.
"Are you going home after giving us these?" Albedo asks while holding out his gift. "Perhaps Cyno could accompany you back since it is quite dangerous to go out at night even if it's festive season." In all honesty the Chief Alchemist is amused by all of these and he wants to see where this would go.
Cyno just nodded at Albedo's suggestion, not even hesitating to oppose. Mainly because he seems to have a feeling that you two would get along. "I don't mind escorting you home (Y/N), besides I think I owe you this much for scaring you earlier." His hood covered the top half of his face as he remembers how intensely intimidating he is earlier.
You met the General Mahamatra and not the Adventurer Cyno. So he does want you to see him in a different way.
"Sure! Plus I want to get to know you more Cyno, you seem really fun to be around." In all honesty, you could handle yourself especially with a vision hanging on your belt.
But you don't mind walking in the night with a handsome fella who shares your love for humor.
Tighnari folded his arms and lets out an amused sigh, "I can't believe you set them up Albedo now we both have to endure their bad puns."
Albedo lets out a soft chuckle, "I think they're pretty funny." Most of them disagreed.
So back to the two of you who were walking towards Springvale.
Cyno notices a familiar box in your bagpack. His eyes brighten up at this and his lips quirk up a smile. "Do you play TCG?" He asks while pointing at your card deck that was seen through a small opening of your bag.
"I definitely do! My colleagues often play it during our free time. Do you want to play sometime?" You ask excitedly but then got embarassed since you don't want to ruin his plans especially when he's from Sumeru. "If you're... up to it I don't really want to intrude your vacation in Mondstadt."
"Aside from accompanying my friends here, the other reason is to commission the talented Calx to design my cardback." Cyno does share the excitement of playing TCG with you. "Having to play TCG with a newly found friend is surely enjoyable this season."
You sigh in relief upon hearing that, it looks like the feeling is mutual. "I can hardly wait for our duel Adventurer Cyno." You elbow him at the side gently then notice that you were already in Springvale. "Oh this is my house, thanks for the walk back."
"You're welcome, as much as I wanted to make a pun... I'll just give this."
In his hand there is an unfamiliar flower, not native from Mondstadt. You saw in books once, a Kalpata Lotus, being placed onto your head. Cyno smiles at you softly and takes a step back, "I figured you might like this particular flower back from my home." He definitely will have to say sorry to Tighnari later for stealing this flower.
When he puts the flower in your hair, his face is incredibly close to yours. You remain quite on the outside while your inner voice is already losing its shit. Despite being flustered, you have to give Cyno a gift back.
After all, equivalent of exchange is a rule in alchemy.
"Wait I think it's unfair that I didn't give you anything." You grabbed his hand before he could take a step back.
"You don't really have to—"
You take a step forward tiptoeing to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "See you tomorrow Cyno." You smile brightly and the blush on your cheeks spread throughout your face.
Cyno stare at you dumbfoundedly as you shut the door close. He place a hand on the spot where you kissed him. The beating of his heart began to thump louder as the smile you gave him is imbued into his mind.
A smile crept up his lips as he turns around wondering how to not make a fool of himself tomorrow.
On the other side of the closed door, you were sitting on the floor placing a hand over your chest. You couldn't believe you already kissed Cyno on the cheek when you just met him. Then again... he seems to he smiling when you did that.
The Windblume Festival is a season of giving gifts to your loved ones. May it be platonical, familial, or romantic anyone could receive gifts. You always have something to give for platonical and familial gifts. As for romantic... you hope Cyno would be the one to happily accept it someday.
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jewels-writes · 2 years
how i think genshin characters would react to seeing you cry
Featured characters: Kazuha, Diluc, Kaeya, Venti, Zhongli, Tartaglia, Itto, Gorou, Albedo
(If you want your own custom story with any character from any fandom, please support me on fiverr https://www.fiverr.com/share/vP6NwZ)
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Kazuha and you had been traveling together for a while now, and you had seen their fair share of battles and hardships. But today was different. you had received some terrible news from your home world, and it was too much for you to bear.
Kazuha noticed that you were acting strangely all day. You were quieter than usual and seemed lost in thought. As you were setting up camp for the night, you suddenly burst into tears.
Kazuha was taken aback. He had never seen you cry before. He didn't know what to do or say. He just stood there, watching as you cried uncontrollably.
After a few minutes, you looked up at Kazuha with tear-stained eyes. "I'm sorry," you said between sobs. "I don't know what's come over me."
Kazuha knelt down next to you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "There's no need to apologize," he said softly. "We all have our moments of weakness."
you looked at Kazuha with gratitude in your eyes. "Thank you," you said.
Kazuha could see that you were still struggling to keep your emotions in check. He decided to do something to lift your spirits. He got up and went over to his pack, rummaging around until he found what he was looking for. He returned to you and held out a small, intricately carved flute.
"I was saving this for a special occasion," he said, "but I think this qualifies."
you looked at the flute in wonder. "What is it?" you asked.
"It's a Hulusi," Kazuha replied. "It's an instrument I learned to play when I was younger. It has a very soothing sound. Perhaps it will help calm your mind."
Kazuha sat down next to you and began to play. The sweet, mournful notes of the Hulusi filled the air, and you listened, transfixed. Slowly but surely, your tears stopped, and your breathing returned to normal.
"Thank you," you said again, this time with a small smile on your face.
Kazuha smiled back. "It was nothing," he said. "I'm just glad I could help."
As the two of you settled down for the night, the Hulusi continued to play, its music a soothing balm for your troubled soul.
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You had always prided yourself on being strong and self-sufficient, but sometimes even the strongest of us have our breaking points. And today was one of those days for you. You had just received some terrible news, news that shook you to your core, and you couldn't hold back the tears any longer.
Diluc noticed immediately when he saw you, your eyes red and puffy, tears streaming down your face. He rushed over to you, concern etched on his face, and gently wrapped his arms around you. You couldn't help but bury your face into his chest, letting out all your pent-up emotions as he held you close.
"It's okay, I'm here," he whispered soothingly, rubbing your back as you cried.
After a while, your sobs subsided, but you were still shaking with emotion. Diluc led you to a nearby bench and sat down with you, holding your hand tightly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly.
You shook your head, not yet ready to discuss the painful news that had rocked your world. Diluc didn't press, understanding that sometimes you just needed someone to be there for you.
Instead, he focused on taking care of you. He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped away your tears, his touch gentle and comforting. He then handed you a water bottle, encouraging you to take a sip.
As you sipped on the water, Diluc pulled out his phone and began playing some calming music, hoping to ease your troubled mind. He also grabbed a blanket from his backpack and draped it over your shoulders, hoping to keep you warm and comforted.
"Thank you," you whispered, grateful for his care and concern.
Diluc smiled softly, "Of course. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
You leaned your head against his shoulder, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. With Diluc by your side, you knew you could get through anything.
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You had been having a tough week. The stress of work and personal issues had been piling up, and you finally reached your breaking point. You found yourself crying in the privacy of your own apartment, overwhelmed with emotion. That's when Kaeya knocked on your door, having stopped by to check up on you.
He had always been a supportive friend, and his concern was palpable as he saw you crying. "What's wrong?" he asked softly, his voice laced with genuine care.
You wiped your tears away and tried to compose yourself, but the emotions were still too raw. "I don't know," you said shakily. "Everything just feels like it's falling apart."
Kaeya pulled you into a comforting embrace, letting you cry into his shoulder. "It's okay," he whispered, rubbing your back in soothing circles. "You don't have to be strong all the time. It's okay to let it out."
He led you to your couch, sitting you down and offering you a glass of water. He stayed by your side, his presence calming and reassuring. You felt safe and cared for in his presence.
As you began to calm down, Kaeya suggested taking a break from everything and going for a walk. The fresh air and change of scenery could do wonders for your mental health. You agreed, grateful for the distraction.
During the walk, Kaeya listened intently as you shared your worries and fears. He offered comfort and advice, his words gentle and supportive. He made you feel heard and understood, and the weight on your shoulders felt lighter.
When you returned to your apartment, Kaeya cooked dinner for the two of you. You sat at the table, enjoying the meal and the easy conversation. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, and you were grateful for Kaeya's presence in your life.
As the night drew to a close, Kaeya hugged you tightly. "You're going to be okay," he said firmly. "And I'm here for you whenever you need me."
You smiled through your remaining tears, feeling grateful for his friendship and support. You knew that with Kaeya by your side, you could get through anything.
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You are walking through the streets of Mondstadt when you suddenly bump into someone. You look up and see that it's Venti, the bard of the wind.
"Oops, sorry about that," Venti says with a smile. "Are you okay?"
You nod, but as soon as he turns to walk away, tears start streaming down your face. You try to wipe them away discreetly, but Venti notices and turns back to you.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, concern etched on his face.
You shake your head, not wanting to burden him with your problems, but the tears keep coming. Venti places a comforting hand on your shoulder and guides you to a nearby bench.
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he says softly. "But I'm here if you need to talk."
You take a deep breath and try to calm down, but the tears won't stop. Venti doesn't push you to talk and instead sits beside you, offering you a tissue and a comforting presence.
After a few minutes, you start to open up to him, telling him about the struggles and difficulties you've been facing lately. Venti listens attentively, offering words of comfort and encouragement.
"It's okay to cry and let it all out," he says. "But remember that you're strong and capable, and you can get through this."
After you finish talking, Venti takes you to his favorite spot in Mondstadt, a peaceful meadow with a breathtaking view. He brings out his lyre and starts playing a soothing melody, and you feel yourself relaxing and letting go of your worries.
As the sun sets and the stars come out, Venti sets up a small picnic and brings out some of Mondstadt's famous apple cider. You talk about more lighthearted things, and Venti's contagious laughter lifts your spirits even more.
Eventually, it's time to go, but Venti offers to walk you home. As you say your goodbyes, he gives you a warm hug and whispers, "Remember, you're never alone. I'm always here for you."
As you walk back to your home, you feel lighter and more hopeful than before. You realize that sometimes, all it takes is someone to listen and offer a shoulder to cry on, and Venti was there for you when you needed it the most.
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You have been feeling down lately, and your good friend Zhongli suggests taking a walk with you through the streets of Liyue to lift your spirits. As you walk and chat, you suddenly find yourself overcome with emotion and tears begin to stream down your face.
Zhongli immediately notices and comes to your side, asking if you're okay. You try to hold back your tears, but they keep falling. You feel embarrassed, but Zhongli is kind and patient, giving you a reassuring smile and placing a gentle hand on your back.
"Would you like to talk about what's been troubling you?" he asks softly, his voice soothing and calming.
You nod, feeling grateful for his concern. You open up about the struggles you've been facing, the stress and pressure that have been weighing on you. Zhongli listens attentively, his eyes focused on you and his expression empathetic.
"I understand how challenging things can be at times," he says, his voice gentle. "But you don't have to face them alone. I am here for you, and I will do whatever I can to support you."
With those words, you feel a sense of comfort and relief wash over you. Zhongli's words and presence are a balm to your soul, and you realize how lucky you are to have him as a friend.
As the two of you continue your walk, Zhongli offers words of wisdom and encouragement, helping to ease your worries and fears. He even takes you to a quiet teahouse where he orders your favorite tea and pastries, hoping to lift your spirits even more.
As you sit together, enjoying the warm tea and delicious treats, you feel yourself relaxing in Zhongli's company. He makes you feel safe and cared for, and you know that with him by your side, you can face whatever challenges lie ahead.
After your tea, Zhongli walks you back to your home, making sure you're okay before saying goodbye. You thank him for everything he's done for you, feeling grateful and blessed to have such a wonderful friend.
As you watch him walk away, you realize that your tears have stopped and that you feel much better. You know that there will still be challenges ahead, but with Zhongli's support and guidance, you feel more equipped to face them.
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You've had a long and tiring day, and when you finally get home, you let out all of the pent-up emotions you've been holding back. You start crying uncontrollably, unable to even breathe properly. You feel like you're drowning in your own tears.
Just then, there's a knock on the door. You try to stop crying and wipe away your tears, but it's too late. As you open the door, you see Tartaglia standing there with a concerned look on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks, stepping inside as soon as you open the door.
You try to answer, but you're still crying too hard to speak. Tartaglia just stands there for a moment, unsure of what to do. But then he takes a deep breath and steps closer to you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"It's okay," he says softly. "Let it out. I'm here for you."
Tartaglia sits down beside you on the couch and pulls you into a gentle hug, letting you cry on his shoulder. He doesn't say anything, just holds you tightly and strokes your hair.
After a few minutes, your sobs start to quiet down, and Tartaglia gently pulls away from the hug. He hands you a box of tissues and watches as you blow your nose and wipe away your tears.
"Do you want to talk about what's been bothering you?" he asks softly.
You nod, still sniffling a little bit. Tartaglia listens patiently as you tell him about everything that's been weighing on your mind lately, from work stress to personal problems. He doesn't interrupt, just nods and offers the occasional word of encouragement.
After you finish, Tartaglia takes your hand and squeezes it gently. "I'm sorry you're going through all of this," he says. "But you're strong, and you can get through it. And if you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you."
You smile weakly at him, feeling grateful for his support. "Thank you," you say. "I really appreciate it."
Tartaglia stays with you for a little while longer, making you some tea and helping you relax. He even puts on your favorite show and sits with you, laughing at all the funny parts and letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
By the time he leaves, you feel a lot better than you did before. You know that you're not alone, and that you have someone to turn to when things get tough. And you know that Tartaglia will always be there for you, no matter what.
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You and Itto had become close friends over the past few months since you had first met. He was always there to support you and make you laugh, but today you were feeling particularly down. You had just received some bad news and couldn't hold back your tears. You sat on a bench in the courtyard of the palace, your head in your hands, crying silently.
Itto had been walking by when he saw you, and he immediately knew something was wrong. He approached you quietly, taking a seat beside you on the bench. "What's wrong?" he asked softly, placing a hand on your back.
You looked up at him, tears streaming down your face. "It's just... it's just a lot," you managed to choke out before breaking down into sobs again.
Itto didn't say anything, instead he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. He held you tightly, letting you cry until you were ready to speak again.
Once your sobs had subsided, Itto pulled away slightly and wiped away your tears with his thumbs. "You can tell me anything," he said gently.
You took a deep breath and explained what had happened, and Itto listened attentively, nodding understandingly.
"I'm so sorry," he said, squeezing your hand. "That's really tough."
You leaned your head on his shoulder, feeling comforted by his presence. "Thank you," you whispered.
Itto didn't say anything else, but he didn't need to. He continued to hold you, running his hand soothingly over your back. Eventually, you felt calmer and pulled away from him slightly.
"I feel a bit better," you said, giving him a small smile.
Itto smiled back at you. "Good. Do you want to do something to take your mind off things?"
You nodded, grateful for the distraction. Itto took you to one of his favorite spots in the palace gardens, where you spent the rest of the afternoon talking, laughing, and forgetting your worries.
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You had been feeling overwhelmed and stressed lately, with various tasks piling up and deadlines approaching. As a result, you found yourself crying uncontrollably in the middle of the bustling streets of Inazuma. People were walking past you, but you didn't care. You just wanted to let it all out.
Suddenly, you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see Gorou looking at you with a concerned expression.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft and calming.
You shook your head, still crying. Gorou pulled you into a hug and rubbed soothing circles on your back. He held you for a while, letting you cry and release all your pent-up emotions.
Once you had calmed down a bit, Gorou took your hand and led you to a nearby tea shop. He ordered two cups of hot tea and some snacks, then sat across from you at a small table.
"I'm here for you," he said, his eyes warm and reassuring. "You don't have to go through this alone."
You nodded, grateful for his kindness. Gorou then proceeded to ask you about your problems, and you found yourself opening up to him about everything that had been bothering you.
As you spoke, Gorou listened attentively, offering words of comfort and encouragement. He told you stories of his own struggles and how he had overcome them, inspiring you to keep going.
After a while, you felt a lot better. Gorou's kindness and understanding had lifted a weight off your shoulders. He even gave you some advice on how to handle your workload and suggested some techniques to reduce stress.
"Thank you so much," you said, feeling a genuine smile on your face for the first time in days. "You're such a great friend."
Gorou smiled back, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Anytime," he said. "Remember, you can always count on me."
As you finished your tea and snacks, Gorou continued to chat with you, making you laugh and forget about your problems for a while. You left the tea shop feeling grateful for his presence in your life, knowing that he would always be there to support you.
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You had just received some distressing news and found yourself overwhelmed with emotions. You had managed to make it to Albedo's lab, where you knew you could find some solace in the quiet and serene surroundings.
As you entered the lab, you immediately felt the calm and peaceful atmosphere that Albedo always seemed to emanate. However, before you could even take a few steps forward, you broke down into tears. You tried to compose yourself, but the tears kept flowing, and you couldn't hold back the sobs that racked your body.
Albedo immediately noticed your distress and quickly walked over to you, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong?" he asked softly, his voice laced with worry.
You struggled to speak through the tears, but eventually, you managed to explain what had happened. Albedo listened patiently, his hand resting gently on your shoulder as he tried to comfort you.
Once you had finished, he took a step back, looking at you thoughtfully. "I'm sorry that you're going through this," he said sincerely, "But please know that I'm here for you, and you can always talk to me about anything."
Albedo then guided you to a comfortable armchair and offered you a glass of water. He took a seat beside you and listened as you continued to pour your heart out to him. He offered words of comfort and encouragement, reassuring you that things would get better, and that you were not alone.
As you talked, you began to feel a sense of relief, and the tears slowly started to subside. Albedo's presence had a soothing effect on you, and you found yourself feeling more relaxed and at ease.
After a while, Albedo suggested that you rest for a while, and he helped you to lie down on a nearby couch. He tucked a blanket around you, making sure that you were warm and comfortable.
He then sat down beside you and started to talk softly, telling you stories about his travels and adventures. His voice was soothing, and the gentle lilt of his words helped to calm your mind.
As he talked, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with you. Albedo noticed your breathing becoming slow and even and knew that you had fallen asleep.
He stayed by your side for a while, watching over you as you slept, and making sure that you were warm and comfortable. Eventually, he got up quietly and left the room, knowing that you were in a peaceful slumber.
When you woke up, you felt more refreshed and at peace than you had in a long time. You knew that you could always count on Albedo's calming presence, and that he would always be there for you whenever you needed him.
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wanzerous · 3 months
you were out of this world. literally. you crashed in mondstat with no recollection of yourself. your name? you didn't know it. your birthday? nothing. all you had were the clothes on your back. completely defenseless, you were approached by the knights of favonius who brought you in for interrogation. and before you knew it, you were questioned by a guy with a careful demeanor and another with a love for 'subjects'. kaeya x fem!reader x albedo.
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.☆。• *₊° 004 - 𝙳𝙸𝙰𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚁𝙾𝚄𝙶𝙷
your meeting with venti left you in a bit of confusion and haze. but you tried not to let it affect you too much. after all, he was just a drunk bard. he could be talking about anything! and, besides, maybe he mistook you for someone else. that happens ... so you hoped it was just that. but even so ... he thought he got rid of someone. did he just confess to a murder of some kind? 
it didn't matter. you didn't know him. and so, you wanted to assume that it was just his drunkness taking over. 
right now, you were walking a bit behind kaeya and amber; the two seemed to walk swiftly to return to headquarters. they were long ahead of you, while you lingered a bit more to the back you were nearly knocked over by someone much smaller than you were. thankfully, you were able to ground yourself even a little bit, but the poor child took the blunt force of the impact. 
" ow! " the child cried, falling completely on their rear with a thud. you blinked once, then twice, before quickly kneeling down to aid the young girl in red, " i'm sorry ... " you quickly apologized to the adorable young girl who seemed to pout. she had elf-like ears, and a bag that weighed more than her it seemed. even though she was in a bit of pain, the unnamed girl smiled and shook her head, " it's okay! " she had such a soft voice, and you smiled kindly at her. 
" are you hurt at all? " you asked her further, pulling her up off the ground where she began to dust off the bit of dirt from her dress, " nope! i'm fine! " she grinned, and you couldn't help but nod. that's good to hear ... but isn't she a bit young to be roaming around all by herself? you furrowed your brows, ready to ask her where her parents were until she gazed into your eyes, 
a-alien!? you took a bit of offense to that! " i don't think i've ever met you before, and i know everyone here in mondstadt! " she placed her finger under her chin to take a thinking pose, " and i heard big brother albedo mention something about a strange person. was it rude of me to call you an alien? " she seemed apologetic quickly, " i'm really sorry if i made you sad! i'm sure that was mean ... " she sighed softly, and you shook your head. you couldn't be upset or anything really ... she was a kid after all. 
but big brother albedo? did that mean she was mister albedo's younger sister? it would be pretty cute if it were true. " my name is klee by the way! spark knight klee of the knights of favonius! but you can call me klee! " she placed her hand over her chest as she puffed it out. she was pretty cute, and you playfully bowed your head at the energetic child, " it's nice to meet you, klee! " she seemed proud of herself, and you found her energy to be quite refreshing.  " my name is --  "
and you suddenly recalled that you did not know of your name. ever since you were saved, you were nameless.
klee must be an observant girl, because she noticed your hesitation and your sudden frown. you looked defeated, and she gave a pout, " you don't remember your name? " she asked, " its okay! it'll come back to you, i'm sure of it! your name is super important! " klee lifted your spirits, " and when you remember it, can you tell me then? " she wasn't pushy at all, and you nodded quickly, " i can do that. " you agreed, until amber called out to you, " hey! you're getting left behind, come on! " her and kaeya were already far ahead, and you took a step forward.
but what about klee? as you were ready to ask her, she was already latching onto you, " i figured we can go back together! i was planning on seeing albedo anyway! " she grinned, soft freckles coating her adorable cheeks. fine with that idea, the two of you walked beside one another to catch up with the other two. 
you were welcomed into the headquarters and led inside of jean's office. the same familiar faces, plus klee, but this time albedo was nowhere to be found. " huh? lisa, you couldn't find albedo again? " amber scratched her head while kaeya chuckled, " my, my. he's most likely locked himself up in the mountains once more. " 
master jean sighed softly, " it will be fine. kaeya, i entrust this information to be delivered to him later. " klee hummed and walked around to sit on the nearest couch, swinging her feet. and then suddenly, your eyes met with jeans. you blinked, and then took notice of everyone else almost sheepishly looking at you. 
" this is a meeting strictly for knights, " jean cleared her throat, " is it okay if you wait outside for a moment? " ah, that's right! how could you be so dense!? you nodded, before scrambling out of the office in a bit of embarrassment. the door was shut behind you, and you sighed softly. what could you do to pass the time? you didn't want to just linger here ... would it be okay for you to look around a bit more? looking behind you at the dark wooden door, you convinced yourself it would be fine, and began to exit the large building. 
and then you wondered about this mountain that kaeya spoke of ... the one that albedo may be hiding away at right now. he was a strange man from what you could pick up ... but your curiosity grew and you wanted to see this very mountain. but you had no leads, so what could you possibly do? seek out information from the young lady that helped you before .... barbara, was it?
· •.              •.   ✶                 * .  •
" oh? you want to explore dragonspine?! " barbara exclaimed worriedly, " i do not think that is the best idea! it's a very dangerous place, and you know nothing about it! " she frowned, hoping to convince you. " how ... dangerous is it? " you pushed. you weren't taking no for an answer. you wanted to see albedo, for some strange reason. " w-well , " she started, " the climate is extremely low there! without a heat source, you'll freeze to death! that's only for starters, but -- "
she sighed, " i just ... don't want you to get hurt or anything, that's all. i'm ... sure you have your reasons, but you shouldn't go alone. " 
from the shadows emerged a tall, curvy woman with pale grey skin. her hair color resembled a wine color, short and choppily cut too. the bags under her eyes clashed with her equally reddish eyes, and she crossed her arms under her large bust. 
" sister rosaria! " barbara called out, seeming to be thankful that she came to the rescue. 
" what's your business up there? i know you aren't exactly familiar with this area nor dragonspine, but you should listen to what she's saying. you are not qualified. " rosaria shook her head at you, before looking at barabra. it didn't matter, because you were going anyway. they told you plenty of information, so you felt like you could handle it. besides, how bad could it possibly be!? 
you were so confident, that you began the small hike with nothing but the clothes on your back. no weapon, nor food ... nothing. while you were thankful for their warnings, you helped yourself outside the gates of mondstadt. 
the breeze grew heavy, and you wondered if it was pushing you out the gates completely.
you passed the gates, and the large bridge, and found yourself under the tree in windrise once more. it seems like the damage here was minimal now, but it still amazed you by how far you've come. while you did have a lot to discover, you never imagine you'd be taken in by knights and nursed back to health. the windwheel aster's danced in the wind, followed by the tall grass and fluttering crystalflies. 
that is until you noticed the large mountain in the distance, where the clouds hid the mountain top and some glowing pillar levitated with ease. so that was dragonspine? you hoped you didn't run into any knights; you didn't want to be marked as a criminal. but you were excited to explore the unknown and remeet with that strange albedo. 
you took the path quickly, sneaking past a few hilichurls that didn't attack you. then again, you kept a fine distance from these creatures you weren't familiar with. and then you walked into the camp where people stood and chat around. in the distance, you can see the snowy mountain, and how the environment changed. 
" hey! you there! are you sure you'll be alright? you seem very underdressed for the weather! " a woman with glasses called out to you, and you nodded your head shyly. " oh ... alright then! good luck out there! " and that's when you continued fourth; and the snow began to trickle. the ground was covered in fleets of snow, and you took a deep breath.
your eyes widened at the scenery before you ... snow was so beautiful! you never encountered it, but it was such a lovely feeling! that and ... barbara was overexaggerating with the weather! it was a bit cool, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle! or so you thought. 
the fatui didn't spot you, and since you were unarmed, you were glad. they seemed like they weren't going down without a fight. but you continued further into the mountain, no longer really following the trail, until you noticed patches of red snow, and what resembled bones; a rib cage, maybe? you were hesitant, but you followed through with your investigation. 
you inched closer and closer, until your body froze at the sight of something red, and pumping. you couldn't bring yourself to enter the cave ... no ... your body simply wouldn't allow it. it wouldn't move, and your eyes focused on the glowing red orb that seemed to ... terrify you ... !
you began to grow cold.
" hm? what are you doing here? " there was a distant muffled voice before the snow crunched behind you. you couldn't turn around, " are you alright? can you hear me? " the voice called out until a hand was placed on your shoulder. your trance was broken, and you turned, pushing the hand from your chilled shoulder. 
you gazed at the person who successfully pulled you from your haze. your body trembled, and your breath created a cloud of fog. it was safe to say you were surely at risk of hypothermia. 
" did you travel here alone? " albedo asked, looking in the small bag he wore, " quite dangerous it was. if i did not spot you, you would have been in serious trouble. " he grabbed a warming bottle and prepped it, " why are you here in the mountains anyway? " he didn't really get a good look at your face, but it was safe to say you had a few tears.
you were silent for a time, wiping your eyes with your freezing hands. " hm ? " albedo hummed, wanting an answer out of you as the bottle created a comfortable heat. albedo, looking at you and offering the bottle toward you finally took notice of you ...
and the diamond in your left eye that wasn't there days prior.
[ when stars align. || kaeya x fem!reader x albedo ] [ 2146 words ] previous chapter, chapter three [here]
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jinmukangwrites · 1 year
weep little lion man (10/14)
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Fandom: Jedi: Fallen Order / Survivor Rating: T Warnings: panic attacks, one or two gorey metaphor. Ao3 Notes: I apologize for missing last Thursday. I've had some irl things I had to focus on, and then then when I planned to upload on the weekend Iskall85 broke into my house and held me at gunpoint until I downloaded Minecraft Vault Hunters and played it. It was all against my will I swear. Anyways, welcome to the climax to the story, I hope it lives up to expectations >:3
Summary: After defeating Dagan Gera for a third and final time, the Compass ends up in Bode's hands without a scratch. He could go back to Jedha with Cal... but he's holding what he wants. He doesn't see the point in pretending any longer. He makes a split-second decision. Or: Bode's betrayal goes a bit differently.
Cal didn't need to ask why Bode didn't let Cal throw the muzzle himself; not that Cal wanted to of course—if he could go the rest of his life knowing that he'd never touch one of those humiliating things again, he'd die fulfilled. Regardless, he's sure even if he did ask to do the deed himself, Bode's fingers would have tightened and his posture gone stiff, a no quickly breathed out. There's been too many instances in Cal's life where people have purposely made sure he would not touch something that he's long since stopped being surprised, or offended, by it.
People know when an item is important to their emotions. It was the same when Cal was a youngling and the older Jedi would keep him away from various rooms, or when he was a Padawan aboard the Albedo Brave and troopers would hold things in the hand furthest from Cal, or after Cere first explained to Greez what psychometry was and Geez did a deep clean of the ship and stuffed several items into his quarters. He saw it when Merrin refused to let him touch her necklace for months. He saw it with the Partisans, with his old group, how personal belongings quickly got locked up somewhere Cal couldn't get into.
Bode knew he had memories attached to that muzzle, and he didn't want Cal seeing them. That was fine, Cal didn't want to see them either. Honestly, this close to escaping this planet, the last thing he needed was getting into the mind of his captor and experiencing what Bode was thinking and feeling while putting that blasted thing around Cal's jaw.
Cal doesn't need psychometry to sense Bode's overwhelming and barely disguised guilt. He doesn't want to know what can motivate a man to dehumanize someone he once called brother despite that guilt.
Bode's avoiding Cal like Cal's suddenly caught a new stand of the Blue Shadow Virus rather than have just gotten over a bad cold. Cal wakes up the next morning with every intention dialed in towards playing along until an opportunity to escape without being immediately missed presented itself; and he almost thought he'd have to do just that until Bode grumbled off a small list of chores and announced he was off to see if the poultry laid any eggs.
It's worrying that Bode's mood has soured so quickly while Cal was sick. If he's honest, Cal's not sure if he wants to know the cause of it or not.
Not that it matters, after about a half hour of waiting to see if Bode would suddenly come back (he doesn't), Cal decides it's about time he gets out of here. He shares a meaningful look with Kata, fighting the sudden bout of anxiety pooling acid in his stomach; shaking his hands.
"Go," she says, giving a small smile. "I'll be okay."
Cal desperately wishes he could take her with him, but that would be reckless and risky. It would already be disastrous if Bode catches him on the way to steal the Compass and the jet while alone; if he's caught taking Kata with him, he's pretty sure whatever goodwill Bode has squashed deep down would suddenly become irrelevant. If he leaves alone, Kata can lie—she can lie and say she didn't know Cal was trying to escape, and Bode would believe her. But if he takes her, he's pretty sure Bode would see that as Cal actively threatening or endangering his daughter, and capture would be replaced with murder if those day-one threats are to be believed.
Leaving Kata will also give him time. If Bode comes back and asks where he is, she can give a fake excuse until Bode gets suspicious around nightfall. Cal hasn't forgotten about Bode holding his family over his head; he's pretty sure communications off Tanalorr are still impossible and that Bode hasn't magically found a way to bypass that, but it's not a risk Cal can make. He needs to leave and find his family before Bode goes through with his threats of calling the Empire on them.
He doesn't know what he'd do if he escaped just to find Bode followed through; that the Empire had found his family and had possibly... no. That won't happen.
So he nods at her, mentally promising to do everything in his power and return for her when he has more backup and a better fighting chance against Bode. He won't leave her here, to become a prisoner of isolation and loneliness.
Before he leaves, he goes to the corridor containing the bedrooms. He doesn't enter his own room, nothing in there really belongs to him and all he needs are the clothes on his back and the lightsaber at his hip. He could probably go through Bode's room to try and find his blaster, but then he remembers that Bode gave it to him in the first place, and his gut twists a bit uncomfortably at that. Besides, going through Bode's room would mean possibly entering memories he didn't want to enter.
So, instead of either of those things, he goes to the end of the collapsed corridor and presses his bare fingers against rubble. He sees a single Jedi, her blue lightsaber blazing as she stands her ground, protecting her Padawan who had fled further into the temple; he was too young to fight in a battle like this—only thirteen and so shy and sensitive. She shouldn't have brought him here; but it was supposed to be safe from the Nihil. It was supposed to be impossible to visit unless you had a Compass. She fully supported Master Khri and Master Gerra into making this strange place a haven, a temple, a planet for Jedi, but no one could have seen those blasted Nihil coming with their blasted ships that traveled through hyperlanes in ways no one could understand.
The ground shuttered under her feet and the walls screamed through a crumbling roar. A Nihil anarchist ran towards her, screaming their meaningless selfish words beneath their monstrous mask, and she swirled her lightsaber, eager to clash. "We are all the Republic," she hissed through clenched teeth right when another explosion rippled through the temple, burying them both below merciless rubble.
Cal blinks, pulling his fingers away. He hopes that Padawan got away safely and didn't die horribly, trapped on the other side.
Cal doesn't like the similarities.
Gravel shuffles underfoot as he carefully follows the directions Kata had given him to the cave. He needs the Compass first, the jet was useless without it; and there's all the possibility Bode might spot Cal leaving with it. It's better to have the Compass first and foremost.
Eventually, he comes across the very cave Kata had described; carved into an unassuming cliff face and hidden behind tall purple bushes. Its mouth barely came up to Cal's chest, but the width was about as long as two Cal's laying foot-to-head. He pushes himself through the shrubbery, then crouches low to hobble inside. Natural light dimly illuminates the small cave, the structure itself scales significantly the second he's passed the initial lip. He's able to stand fully—though the width remains about the same—and there's a slight decline in the elevation. The depth of the cave doesn't go far at all, in fact it only takes several small steps to get to the far wall where a duffle lays innocently, abandoned and untouched.
He watches carefully for any sensors or alarms before he fully approaches the bag, heart slow but loud. He doesn't find anything, and the Force stays silent, nothing feels off or dangerous—not like the Force has warned him about Bode before. After a few moments of finding nothing, Cal bends down next to the duffle and digs his fingers into the zipper. It takes a breath to open the bag, but it's a breath soon stolen as the contents reveal themselves. He can't say he's surprised to find all those thrice-damned restraints looking back at him, but it still stuns him into falling still, doing nothing but forcing breath through his lungs and staring at the cuffs and coiled rope.
It takes him entirely too long to swallow what felt like a lump of poison. The cave walls seem to shift at the corners of his vision, and every joint becomes tense with an overwhelming urge to get out. He can feel the air pressing around him, becoming stale and thick, every instinct suddenly very instant for him to get to open air as quickly as possible before the walls collapse around him like that Jedi at the temple, or the horizon in his nightmares...
... or the tight compartment of Bode's ship.
He needs to get moving. He tries to shift away the various restraints to dig further into the bag, but his hands shake so much that nothing stays where he tries to put it. Frustrated with his own irrationally rising panic and fear, he rips his gloves off for more dexterity and grip; building up familiar mental walls to avoid falling into unwanted echoes. He can sense his own emotions raging through the restraints. Confusion, betrayal, claustrophobia, terror. He's never sensed an echo of himself before, he didn't really think those kinds of echoes were possible. He blocks the emotions from whiting out his vision and rewiring every nerve in his body; he doesn't want to test and see if he can fall into an echo of his past self, especially when he already knows exactly what he'd think and feel.
He'd like to stay in denial about his new relationship with tight spaces, thank you.
He tries not to think about it, just like how he quickly finds himself also trying not to think about how there's extra restraints in here that he doesn't recognize; particularly a collar and a handful of tranquilizers.
He finally reaches the bottom of the bag, his heart fluttering and his vision swirling. His eyes soon land on the familiar cylindrical shape of the Compass and his knees nearly collapse in relief. He reaches his hand down to grab the small device and get the kriff out of there, but his hand accidentally brushes against something small and metal.
And everything goes blindingly white.
Strings of his own consciousness have just enough time to feel terror at entering an echo of himself, just enough time to curse himself for letting the relief crack his mental walls, before vision returns and...
... and his hands aren't his own. His thoughts aren't his own. His emotions aren't his own.
This memory isn't his own.
He- Bode is standing above Cal's body. He's fueled by instinct. Impulse. Fear. Guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt-
Bode lifts a small communication device to his lips, almost robotically, his eyes never leaving Cal's prone body as he clicks the button that will link him through to his intended audience.
"This is a secure channel! How did you-"
Cal's thrown out of the vision violently at the end of it. He crumples to the ground like gravity has suddenly increased, chest heaving and the structure of his bones feeling all wrong. It's been ages since he's had such an exhausting vision, such a horrible vision that he immediately wishes he could unsee.
But he can't unsee it. He can't unhear it. The words pound through his skull over and over and over again.
"There are multiple Jedi at this location, inform the Inquisitorius at once. If Lord Vader wants Cere Junda, he'd better hurry."
Voices flood through his system; every easy lie Bode's told him, the sound of mechanical breathing and the deep eruption of a red saber, screams of his family, of his friends, of everyone and everything and the Force itself.
His own voice joins the screaming, the communication device easily snaps in his fingertips as he clenches his fists against the stone ground, sobbing and dry heaving until he throws the vile thing across the cave, bringing his hands to his hair and weeping.
He thought he knew betrayal before, but this? This feels like being pulled apart by the seams; flesh being torn from bone and nerves left bare to be flayed.
The screaming mercilessly continues, so loud and piercing he's surprised his ears aren't bleeding.
Emotions rage, realizations stabbing into him like vibroblades between each and every rib.
He called the Empire- no, he called the Inquisitorius. Darth Vader. He sent death incarnate itself to Jedha where Cere and Cordova are... where Greez, BD, and Merrin could have gone after Cal was taken. And he lied when Cal asked about their safety.
He screams again, throat painfully cracking as his brain works against him to show him images of corpses and blood on his hands. He can feel the thud of Master Tapals body sliding down to the floor; he can smell the heat of Trilla's lightsaber as he tries to slam his own down on top of her; Prauf slumping down to the rain soaked stone. He can see Gabs's face go slack and eyes unfocused. He can hear heavy, mechanical breathing cut down Trilla after she begs to be avenged. He can imagine all of this and more so easily, so unwillingly, so vividly, happening to Cere, Cordova, Greez, Merrin, BD-1, even everyone back at the saloon. It's like he's been forced back into a vision, and he's watching it all happen, red lightsabers leaving glowing yellow embers in the flesh they cut through, unable to do anything.
Clutching his skull, groaning, he stumbles to his feet as tears leak through the corners of his eyes and down the tip of his nose. The screaming isn't stopping—why isn't it stopping?!
The ground rolls under his feet, his brain stuttering like an old hyperdrive to try and figure out what his next move should be. Is it even worth grabbing the Compass anymore? Is it even worth leaving this planet?
"You keep losing people."
His mind shudders, cringing within itself as overwhelming grief, pain, hate, floods into his very soul.
"Hold the line."
He doesn't know what to do. Anguish clouds his every thought. He had refused to entertain the idea of Bode lying, and the new information has shocked him to his core, ripping away everything that makes him him and replacing it with a body that acts on instinct and heartsickness. His family is dead. He's stayed in one place for too long. He's trusted someone he shouldn't. He didn't hold the line. He's a disappointment as a Padawan and an even more worthless friend.
This is his fault.
His eyes harden as his body, as the screams, as his hatred know what to do next. The urges come naturally, and easily, and there's hardly anything left of him to try and fight them off.
He stumbles out of the cave, the light of the sun burning against the back of his neck can't compare to the rage in his heart as his hand goes to his hip and grabs the hilt of his saber.
An orange blade erupts, and the tears clear with an angry, vengeful blink.
"BODE!" He howls, his hand tightening against the blade with resolve to avenge his family and surrender to the screams urging him onwards.
He's going to kill Bode. He doesn't care what comes after.
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satorugojooo · 2 years
Hello~ hope your having a sweet time~. Albedo is one of my favourite stars~.
I really would love to read your fic for (Crown prince Albedo × knight reader) 😇 of course~, that whenever you have time to write it~, lovely writer~. Thank you in advance~💙🌹
A/n: omg I love this request so much! I just came back from a council meeting and for the whole meeting I was thinking about this request! I hope you will enjoy, thank you for requesting <333
Pairings: crown prince!albedo x knight!reader
Warnings: none I think
You were a royal knight and you were almost all the time with crown prince Albedo. He was handsome, kind, emphatic and... A prince nonetheless. As much as you loved him you knew deep down that the chances were almost non-existent.
As you looked trough the window you heard a chuckle.
"What are you thinking about Y/N?" Albedo said as he glanced at you from his papers. You were currently sitting with him in his office while he completed some papers.
"Ah, nothing your highness-" you tried to say but he cut you off.
"It's Albedo when it's just the two of us I told you already." he said and you just nodded.
"If you say so... But still wouldn't that, be disrespectful for you?" you had asked him and he shook his head.
"You would never disrespect me, so please, call me Albedo." he said and you nodded.
"Okay Albedo."
As you looked at the window you saw how the wind blew a paper from albedo's desk right at your feet.
You got down to take the paper but you saw it was actually a sketch about.... You??
As your face became red and your knees weak Albedo caught a glimpse of what you were holding and he snatched the paper from your hands.
"Uh, I... Okay first of all apologies because I didn't ask you if I can draw you, and second... This way, supposed to be a part of your birthday present." he said and you looked at him.
"O-oh... Thank you Albedo, it's an honor to be drew by you and... I appreciate it very much!" you said and you, wanted to bow but he quickly caught you before you did.
"No, please don't bow, I merely did what I thought you deserve, and even soo, you still deserve so much more." he said as he still held your arms.
You smiled at him and his eyes widened. In that moment all he wanted to do was to press his lips onto yours and finally express the secret emotions he's been hiding from you.
"Albedo..." you said as he started to get closer and closer. When your lips were at millimeters apart suddenly à knock was heard at the door.
You quickly turned your back to Albedo and started looking at the window as if nothing had happened at all.
"Yes come in" Albedo said and à guard made his way in the office.
"Your majesty, Im sorry to trouble you but the king needs Y/N." the guard said and you looked shocked.
"Me? What could the king need from me?" you said and Albedo looked seriously.
"Do you know why my father requested y/n?" Albedo asked and the guard shrugged.
"I couldn't tell you your highness, the king didn't mention anything, now if you would excuse me." he said and you made your way out of his office.
"Come back here after your done Y/N." Albedo said and you nodded.
As you made your way in the throne room the king greeted you.
"Hello Y/N. I bet you wonder why I requested you here. Well, it's because of my son actually." he said and you looked surprised.
"Your majesty, is something wrong with his highness?" you asked concerned and the king laughed.
"It's just that... I want to warn you about the consequences if you will stay by his side... At some point, because your a knight and he's a crown prince things may get complicated. So I want to know if your willing to take every risk and stay by his side no matter what. "he said and you looked at him.
He didn't say anything directly but you had the feeling he meant other things.
"I would your majesty, all my loyalty belongs to his highness and I would never leave his side." you said and the king smiled.
"Very well then, you may leave." he said and you nodded.
As you made your way to the stairs in a circle that led to Albedo's office you felt a pair of hands pull you in a room suddenly.
You quickly put your hand on your sword but then the person who took you put their hands over your mouth and you started to panic.
"Shh, dont worry it's me." the voice said and you turned to see Albedo. Your eyes widened and he released you.
"Albedo... What are you doing here? Why did you mmph-" you said but you couldn't finish as you felt a pair of lips on your own. You watched Albedo as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.
You decided to close your eyes as well and you relaxed in his arms. When you both couldn't breath any more you broke up and he put his hands on your cheek as he caressed you.
"I hide my feelings for too much, I don't care if I'm a royal and your not, I am 100% sure when I say that I love you and that I want to have a future with you. Will you become my girlfriend and future princess of this kingdom?" "he said and you looked shocked at him.
"I do have feelings for you as well... I didn't dare to say them because I thought our roles weren't meant to be together, but after having a chat with the king, I know that I want to be with you Albedo... So yes, I will." you said happily and he hugged you tightly pressing his forehead to yours.
"Then we better more your room next to mine love, or soon I may as well move you in my own room." he said with a grin and you blushed hiding your face in his chest.
"Okay okay I'm done for now, say, what about we enjoy some quality time together while I draw you?" he said and you looked at him.
"Didn't you already draw me tho?" you said and he chuckled.
"I didn't draw you as my girlfriend, so I need to do it." he said and you blushed.
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Vincent giggled knowing the older now is determined to go on and might want to race too "silly" he murmured as they all got closer to the training area.
Lily was walking with Ruby behind the three men when she noticed some fluffy ears behind the small bushes "Puppy~?" She mumbled her question in wonder, tugging at her friend's hand to get his attention then pointinh at the fluffy ears beneath a tree trunk where there was a young general having a peaceful nap while holding a small note book.
Rubedo rounded the tree to see a young man with light down dog ears and a curly tail resting beside it.
“A person??” he said.
The dog-man jolted awake and leapt to his feet, immediately ready for action. “Who goes there?!” he shouted.
Rubedo yelped in surprise and nudged Lily behind him. “I-I’m sorry, sir! We didn’t mean to disturb you! We just saw your ears from around the tree and thought there might have been a lost stray dog!”
Bright blue eyes focused on the two children before he relaxed somewhat. “My apologies for scaring you,” he said, ears drooping in shame. “Even though the rebellion ended a year ago, I haven’t been able to shake some of my instincts.” Suddenly realizing he was slouching, he straightened his spine with a stern look set on his face. “I am General Gorou. Welcome to Yashiori Island.”
“Ah, so this is the esteemed General Gorou!” Nigredo said, having rushed over when he heard his son yelp. Gorou staggered when he saw the alchemist brothers.
“Not quite,” Albedo said calmly. “This is my older brother and his son, a shapeshifter of his own creation. General, it’s nice to finally meet you in person. I believe we’ve both heard quite a bit about each other. I’m Albedo Aliceson, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius and Captain of the Investigation Team, though you may know me better as Calx.”
Gorou’s ears perked up in recognition. “Oh! You’re the artist who was hired to do the paintings for the last Irodori Festival!” he said. “I would’ve loved to see your work in real time, but unfortunately, I was held up with some affairs on Watatsumi Island, so I didn’t get to go to Ritou until the festival was nearly over…”
“And my sister and I had already left Ritou by then. It seems we just missed each other,” said Albedo.
Nigredo invaded Gorou’s bubble, looking the General up and down. One of Gorou’s ears twitched at the intrusion. “Um, can I help you?” he asked nervously.
“Oh, no,” Nigredo said with a smug smile. “I was just expecting someone taller is all~”
Gorou bristled and stammered at that.
“Like you’re one to talk, Nigredo,” Albedo said, crossing his arms. “I’m fairly certain that even without the ears, General Gorou would be taller than us.”
“By what? Half an inch? Those geta platforms aren’t fooling anyone.”
“Papa, don’t be mean!” Rubedo said.
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crcta · 3 years
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OKAY BUT- what if Albedo has more marks like the one on his neck but across his body? not necesarily in that shape, but rather; more marks reminding him that he is and homunculus, that he is not human when he sees himself in the mirror-
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hanichurl · 2 years
you meet up with your partner, but they see you wearing someone else’s clothes! (part 2!)
zhongli, ayato, diluc, & albedo (separate) x gn reader
(also a bit of kaeya)
he’s not the sort of man who would jump to the worst possible conclusions
he would take the time to ask you how you suddenly got that new oversized coat that clearly wasn’t with you this morning when you left the house 🤨
you looked a little too comfy… do you like the coat that much?
“darling, that looks a little too big on you. i don’t recall you or i owning that sort of coat… where did you get it from?”
he is displeased to hear that one of your male coworkers is the one who gifted that piece of apparel to you.
he takes a second to compose his thoughts, not wanting to sound like a very possessive man.
“love, please don’t misunderstand. you look lovely in that, it’s just… i’d rather you not wear anything that another man gave you.”
you understand his concern immediately and you promise him that you’ll give the coat back to its previous owner tomorrow.
zhongli is pleased to hear that, and offers to accompany you to your workplace tomorrow,
“they all need to know that you are already taken, after all. if you keep accepting gifts from these random men, they might think you are interested. i can’t let that happen now, can i?”
the next day, zhongli stuck by your side the entire time, he’s making it very clear that you already have someone you’re dedicated to, and that someone is zhongli himself.
kamisato ayato
this man is probably a little too preoccupied with his work to even notice 😰
you wanted to prank him a bit, just so he’d pay a little more attention to you… even for just a few minutes…
you sneakily borrow thoma’s headband and put it on yourself… now to start pestering ayato to get a reaction out of him!
you ask him if he needs anything, you tell him that you want to help with any of his work… essentially, you’re kind of acting like a servant that won’t leave his side… just to get him to notice 😰
he’s thankful that you were being so generous… but he hasn’t commented on the headband sitting on your head just yet…
could it be that… he doesn’t care? 😞
your thoughts were denied, as ayato put away all his work and faced you.
“apologies my dear, but i know all about that little plan of yours. quite the adorable attempt, but unfortunately… i can see right through you.”
… what does he mean by that? he already knew?
he finally takes a long good look at you, grabs your face gently and takes the headband off your head.
“as if something like this would faze me. i already know how loyal you are, and i trust you wholeheartedly. but still, a prank like this? heh… you’re so cute.”
diluc ragnvindr
he’s very particular about the gifts he gives you, so he can recognize right away when you’re wearing a necklace that wasn’t given to you by him.
he would initially think that you just bought it for yourself, but the other possibility being that some other random person gave it to you is bothering him quite a bit.
“that’s a lovely necklace. where did you get it?”
you tell him that it was actually a gift from one of the customers in his tavern, you honestly didn’t think much of it.
diluc starts asking more questions, who was that customer? why did you accept it so easily? did you know that customer personally?
you start to get a little overwhelmed with how forward his questions were starting to get, but suddenly he asserts,
“i can get you an even better one. throw that thing away, got it?”
this angers you a little bit, you scold your boyfriend for saying such an insensitive thing. i mean… throw away such a harmless gift?
“you’re right. sorry. my emotions got the better of me. i admit, perhaps i was just a little… jealous.”
you were shocked to hear him admit that, but you couldn’t help but laugh at his adorable confession.
well, he should have just said that right from the start! you instantly understand and consider his feelings.
you take off the necklace and put it away. you promise him that you won’t wear it anymore, but it’s too much of a waste to throw it away. you decide to give the necklace to one of your friends instead.
in the end, diluc really did gift you a much more extravagant and lovely necklace to make up for his somewhat rude comment earlier.
you were out on dragonspine to investigate strange activity on the mountains. this was originally a mission for albedo only, yet as his partner, you insisted to join him.
it came as a surprise to both of you when suddenly you encounter the cavalry captain, kaeya.
he says he’s also on a mission here in dragonspine, but he asks if it is alright for him to join you and albedo, for safety purposes.
the three of you get deeper into the mountains, and the atmosphere suddenly got much colder. you are not as experienced, so you struggle to keep up with albedo and kaeya.
kaeya noticed it first, and goes back to check on you. he asks if you’re alright, and if you need to head back.
you say that you’re alright and that you want to continue helping albedo, but the cold is holding you back.
kaeya understands, and wraps his scarf around your neck with no ill intent, he just wanted to help you, because you were almost turning blue from freezing!
albedo finally notices that you were gone, but unfortunately he had witnessed the interaction between you and kaeya, and felt a twinge of frustration. he makes his way over to you both in a rather rapid pace.
“kaeya. thank you for taking care of my partner. but i can take over from here, please take your scarf back. i would like to be the only one who takes care of my significant other.”
he’s as calm mannered and reserved as ever, but his words aimed at kaeya felt a little cold-blooded.
“sigh… beloved, why didn’t you tell me? we could have taken a rest at a nearby camp. don’t push yourself like this ever again. i would hate it if i didn’t know until it was too late. also… i don’t want another man being the one to care for you, alright?”
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versadies · 3 years
men of the harem | genshin men x gn!reader
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salutations. @stellumi’s genshintoon collab event !
addressed. diluc, kaeya, tartaglia, thoma, arataki itto, kaedehara kazuha, albedo, scaramouche, xiao, and zhongli (w/ gn!reader)
content. harem, mentions of violence, mentions of cheating (not by reader), fluff/angst, unrequited love, misunderstandings, mild swearing, spoilers to scaramouche's real name, mentions of evil spirits, cameo of subject two of albedo, emperor!reader, royal!au, slightly suggestive but not enough for me to put a mdni, ooc (?)
words. 10k words
sypnosis. after being scorned by your lover and thrown into power after the mysterious assassination of your father, the emperor, you must marry a person to stabilize your empire. much to everyone’s shock, instead of choosing one person to become your royal consort, you decided to choose 8 young men to join your harem. however, it seems there’s more than just revenge on your past lover who betrayed you.
penpals: @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @hoshikistarlight @shenhesl0ver (visit my taglist info if you're interested to join !)
post-script. this is based on webtoon’s men of the harem manhwa and please consider that most scenarios in this fic did not happen in the manhwa. enjoy ! (i deeply apologize for posting this late vera)
masterlist | requests info | remarried empress au
“i’m sure you’re all aware of why you’ve been summoned,” you spoke, your voice echoing through the halls of your throne room. “i would like to talk about matters regarding appointing a royal consort, and yes i agree with you all that it’d help in stabilizing the empire.”
you leaned back to your throne, lips twitching upward. ”that’s why… i’ll be taking a few consorts.”
the nobles of the court instantly gasps, whispering to one another about your decision as a certain duke‘s mouth was open agape.
despite the reactions, you continued speaking. “i think six would be a good number, don’t you think?”
the certain duke suddenly steps forward, still in disbelief with your decision. “but your imperial highness, this is… madness! past rulers who have been thrown to power like you would usually choose at least one – don’t you think that choosing so much will be too much for the empire to process?” the duke protests.
“aren’t you the one who suggested to my father to take more than one consorts to promote diplomacy and to keep the empress in check?“ you asked with furrowed eyebrows. “besides, i’m not the only ruler who decided to take more than one consorts. are we going to forget my ancestors‘ amount of consorts?”
you watched as the nobles mumbled to one another in agreement while the duke stays silent in hesitation, eyeing your right-hand knight who tries not to smile in amusement from the situation.
“do not be so glum about this,” you spoke. “don’t you think this would be a perfect opportunity for some of you to have the emperor as your in-law?”
just you wait, you thought, hands slightly clenching into fists at the thought of a certain emperor as you watch the nobles instantly change their minds and all agree to your decision (except a certain duke it seems).
it’s my turn to make you feel the same agony that i felt when you left me for another, ragnvindr.
the man who scorned you, the very reason why you gave up on love. you could never forget the moment when he told you that the reason why he hasn’t returned to your kingdom after so many years to fulfill his promise is because he was actually with a woman who’ll become his wife in a few days, causing you countless number of nights that left you sleepless, thinking why you weren’t good enough for your first love.
you could recall the days when you two were hopelessly in love and never got separated — it was evident that the both of you would end up getting together. you had never thought of what life is like without the love of your life, and he can say the same thing as he holds you in his arms in a protective but caring grip.
you could recall the days when he’d whisper nothing in your ear as he talks about how he’s looking forward to the both of you getting married as soon as the both of you have come of age together, causing you to feel your cheeks warming from those words alone.
was everything… a lie?
you didn’t give a second thought when diluc informed you that he has to leave the palace because of his father’s condition, immediately telling him to come to his father and come back once the emperor is alright. if you held him back from visiting, would things have gone differently? would diluc still be by your side and not by a stranger’s side?
you could never guess that you’d find yourself standing in front of his palace to attend a wedding that isn’t yours.
he was with you since childhood, so what changed? turns out, he was only marrying the woman because it was his father’s last wish before his passing. he even had the audacity to ask you to wait for an unknown amount of years until he files a divorce, then that will be the day when he’ll come back to you, which didn’t make anything better, not when he looks at her as if she’s the universe while he looks at you as if you’re the moon.
as for the woman – goodness, the woman – even invited you to their wedding, oblivious to the fact that the new emperor of the infamous empire was her fiance’s lover who he promised to return to marry once he’s done visiting his ill-father, the emperor of a neighboring empire. you couldn’t bring yourself to despise her because of how genuinely nice she is. you don’t blame the passed emperor for choosing her as diluc’s wife.
you thought diluc was your forever, did he not think the same as well? or were all those words of love that came out from his lips were lies? what did she have that you don’t?
you swore to yourself to never love again, ignoring the way he glances at your way when you don’t look at him. you still look the same as always, he’d thought. beautiful and strong.
you ignore how some of the staff has been talking about how they had never seen their emperor being this expressive when you visited the palace, not knowing that the diluc you knew is far from how everyone in his homeland sees him.
you ignore how diluc confesses about being worried about your safety during your battle against the man who tries to take your throne, too focused on your heartbreak to even process the rest of his words after his confession about being with another.
you ignore how he sends you letters everyday when he has the chance ever since the wedding, throwing said letters aside among the piled up unnecessary documents, not knowing how he puts his heart and soul to those letters you despised seeing.
you ignore how his eyes were on you from his window when you walked away from his palace the day after the wedding as he ignores his heart screaming at him to run after you and tell you that he wants to abandon his empire for you.
but he couldn’t. not when his brain whispers how it’s his fault that he was too late for his father to die alone and how he doesn’t deserve to be with you. that’s why he drowns himself with guilt, not noticing how his most trusted royal advisor told him that his father’s dying wish is for his son to marry the daughter of the grand duke of favonius, not knowing how it was just a trick.
that’s why diluc has to suffer knowing that his step-brother, kaeya, gets to be with you while he can't.
the first person who joined your harem. his name was the first thing that caught your eye when you were reading documents about your potential consorts, and you did not hesitate to add him on the list much to your right-hand’s dismay. you may not know him much since diluc refuses to let you meet him, but that doesn’t stop you from inviting him.
you honestly never expected him to be so… flirty and witty, unlike his brother who’s more shy and calm.
not to mention the fact that you felt like you’ve seen him before — and it surely isn’t in diluc’s wedding — giving you all the more reasons why he’s so mysterious. despite not recalling any moments of meeting kaeya, the only thing you felt from him is familiarity and... comfort, leaving you conflicted and wondering where on earth you met him.
unfortunately you were against finding out, because you’re completely convinced that he’s just here as diluc’s spy due to the constant letters kaeya sends to someone who’s from his home.
it didn’t help that there were certain incidents between your consorts that always manages to have kaeya involved - and he never fails to plead that he’s innocent despite the other consort suggesting otherwise, giving you all the more reasons to doubt him and refrain yourself from spending more time on him while never noticing the mischief laced in the other consort’s eyes that kaeya spots.
you never noticed how he looks at you as though you’re the only thing that matters in this world.
you never noticed how he hopes - and even prays - that you’d look at him among the crowded room and pay attention to him and only him, just like the night during his brother’s horrible reception where you sobbed about how much you love him, your breath reeking of alcohol. yet, it didn’t stop him from feeling like his stomach sprouted butterflies and finally felt like he mattered to someone. ignoring how a part of his head is telling him that you’re just talking about his stupid brother.
you never noticed how he instantly stopped seeing other people for romantic purposes after he met you, instead of sleeping next to someone he’ll eventually forget in the morning, he’s all alone on his bed thinking about you with a smile on his face. who knew the emperor from a neighboring empire would be so cute when drunk?
you never noticed how he wonders everyday when you’ll visit his chambers at night or simply just spend time with him, rambling to his servant about the things he’d be interested in doing with you as he plays with a plushie that he bought in a store of your empire because it reminded him of you.
you never noticed how he stares in jealousy at the stupid consort who’s dancing with you on your first banquet that he arranged, wishing that he’s the consort that’s dancing with you and making every other consorts seething in jealousy.
you never noticed how he’s the one who made the talisman when he gave it to you when you first visited his chambers for a nice chat, excitement rushing through his body that he hides with his charismatic facade that he always puts around you.
you never noticed how he sends letters to a certain prince from another kingdom every single day writing about the things you do that made him go crazy and ask about his advice that could help him win you over out of the other consorts that's blocking his way.
but you did notice, in the end.
it was during the first time you took a stroll with kaeya as a make up for not choosing him to dance with you on the banquet when you heard something that never came out from his lips but instead in your head,
as if you can read minds.
“please don’t leave me again..”
the son of the same duke who tried to protest against your decision to have more than one consort and the second person that you chose to become your consort besides kaeya, much to the duke’s relief.
unlike his father, tartaglia prefers violence over reasoning, something you took note of after overhearing a conversation between him and his servant about how he‘d like to fight the other consorts to “see if they’re worthy to be considered as your consort.” despite his bloodlust, his charismatic personality and loyalty makes it up, something that’ll definitely be useful in the near future for you.
he’s also the first consort that you spent the night after the arrival, much to his delight. it’s safe to say that he felt incredibly disappointed when you said you‘re only here to sleep next to him instead of what he assumed, but he respected your wishes – besides, at least he gets to watch you fall into slumber. who knew the emperor would sleep so cutely?
because of this, every single consort is jealous of tartaglia.
who wouldn’t be? he’s the only consort so far who got to spend your first dance and first night, and he never fails to rub that on his peers’ faces with every chance he gets.
unfortunately, your right hand knight would beg to differ and agree that tartaglia’s on the same page as everyone, since you’re unaware of how the son of the duke always walks past your office, asking the guards stationed if you’re available.
you’re unaware of how he looks at you as if you’re the rest of his life.
you’re unaware of how dull blue eyes stare at your figure as you spar with your right-hand knight, wishing that he’s in his place instead. would you praise his skills in fighting if he was the one you’re sparring with?
you’re unaware of how his memories of what you did for him during his childhood and wanting to see his family again were the only things that kept him fighting for his life when he was trapped in a dark place called the abyss. would you believe him if he told you that he still remembers the time when you told him that you'll gladly marry him when you're older?
you’re unaware of how he thinks of you whenever he sneaks out from the palace, having fun with many commoners around him and watching multiple performances of your empire who all turn a blind eye to the fact that a consort is around. would you be as happy as him if he sneaks you out from your emperor duties and spends time with him and your people?
you're unaware of how he purposely flirts with you and is physically affectionate to you just to fire up a certain knight, whose amber eyes gazes at the consort with jealousy and anger. would the knight be angrier if he were to see you pulling him closer and perhaps place a kiss on his face?
you’re unaware of a side you never got to see from him that only his tortured victims get to see. the screams and begging from those pesky nobles who dared to question your ability as an emperor made him even more alive, yet it never washed away the anger that he felt when his secret agent informed him about how there are some nobles who are on your dead step-brother’s side and are against on you being the emperor. shouldn’t they be grateful that you’re so merciful to let them live?
you’re unaware of how a light shone in his eyes for just a moment when you finally have time to spend with him after so many weeks of walking past your office and asking the guards.
he was so enraptured by your potential skills that he didn't know that his strong desire had reached your thoughts because of his excitement just like what happened with kaeya.
you immediately brought out your sword, and childe could just imagine how thrilling it would be to finally see your strength.
“please tell me you’ll let me fight by your side.”
the sweetheart that you dearly care for.
now that you think about it, he’s the only consort you can think of when it comes to being well-behaved around other consorts and loved by many of your servants in the palace, not because of his kindness but also because of his amazing socializing skills. it's scary how he absolutely has nothing wrong and is the perfect royal consort for you.
though, it does seem strange that he’s sometimes around when some of your consorts are causing a scene,
you don’t pay attention to how his eyes look at you as if you’re his guilty pleasure.
you don't pay attention to how a strange crow flies past your window and the guards patrolling around the castle grounds as it heads towards thoma's window, carrying a small letter with its claws that contains the one thing that will make you change your view on the so-called perfect consort. he stares down at the letter that's written by the one person he swore loyalty for eternity: kamisato ayato, the famed prince who was considered your brother. thoma tries to think of a way to convince him that in due time he'll finally make progress in coming closer to you, knowing full well that he couldn’t bring himself to do the one thing that made him come here in the first place.
you don't pay attention to how his hobby of cleaning was just to spend time thinking of his plan to kill you and let his master take over the throne just as he and his mother had always wanted. if he could do that to your father, then he can do it to you as well, right?
no, he can't. unlike your father, you're.. different. unlike the people who died from his hands, you're someone he can't bring to kill without mercy, not when you remind him of his homeland that he'll never get to visit in this lifetime.
you don't pay attention to how his fists clenched when he sees you spend so much time with that knight, who's not even a consort like him and other men who compete for your attention and love, or when he spots you walking towards another consort's room instead of his. why can't he be the one you visit? why is it always the problematic ones you go to and not him, the perfect man you can choose?
you don't pay attention to how he deals with people in the palace who are also a part of the organization and tried to kill you with merciless tortures, making sure that not a single person gets away from trying to lay their dirty hands on you. he convinces himself that this was just their punishments for failing their lord's orders, but he knows the truth deep inside.
you don't pay attention to the number of times he tried to murder you, only for his guilt and heart to stop him from doing so. if only he hadn't grown attached, then maybe he could've been back to his lord’s hidden sanctuary and get ready to help him take over your throne.
you don’t pay attention at all, and it pains him so. if you knew, you could end his misery and he can pay for the sins he had committed all in the name of ayato, the man he swore loyalty to when he was but a helpless foreigner in a foreign place.
you did pay attention by the end of the day.
it was bad timing really, thoma just happens to be finished dealing with yet another subordinate in anger after finding out that they somehow invaded your bedroom to try and kill you in your sleep, not knowing that you happen to be passing by his chambers until your mind has suddenly been flooded by so.. so many dark thoughts.
“that fool should’ve known when to keep his dirty hands from them if he didn’t want to be punished by me. it’s me who should kill them.”
“which death would be quicker, i wonder? poisoning their food won’t do the trick, especially if i end up being the suspect – unless i blame one of those consorts?”
“perhaps lord ayato would let me go to my homeland if i manage to kill the emperor.. then their death would be worth it at least.”
chills ran down your spine when hearing thoma’s thoughts, not expecting him of all people to be one of your traitors in the palace. thanks to him though… at least you now know that your step-brother is alive.
you frown deeply in thought, debating whether or not you should take thoma to the dungeons and let your knight investigate. but then again, he’ll probably curse himself the way your past prisoners did when you investigated about your step-brother being alive or not.
it’s better to just let his anger get the better of him and you can just listen to his thoughts while he’s at it. you thought to yourself, before you return to your bed chambers to start your new plan and not notice a certain man peeking out from his chambers, watching your every move like a hawk.
the king of mercenaries.. and one of the only people who can make you laugh.
people are more than shocked when they find out that you have chosen itto as one of your consorts, especially since he’s viewed as the scariest person and most dangerous in the kingdom. it shocked them even more when some would hear you laughing when you’re spotted walking around the palace with him by your side.
at first, you were truthfully wary of how the man is like as your consort, until he talks to you – which you’re surprised of because of how he speaks so casually (much to your knight’s irritation since itto’s talking to an emperor).
it’s safe to say that he’s perhaps one of the only consorts you mostly talk to since you always come across to him. now that you think about it, it does feel a bit.. more than coincidences from the amount of times you encountered the mercenary, but his excuses are pretty much valid, giving you no reason to suspect him yet.
sure, he’s reckless in his own ways, but the way he acts like a gentleman and positiveness makes it up a lot, which everyone doesn’t see. it’s endearing, honestly, to see him come over to you and try his best to make you happy and comfortable with your surroundings.
whenever you talk to the mercenary king, you feel like a normal person with no high status, mainly because of how he treats you as though you’re both best friends and not an emperor he should be polite to. not only did he introduce you to the delicious meal of what people call ramen, but he also introduced you to many entertainments besides opera and jesters, particularly.. his singing and child-games.
his singing may not be as strong as that of an opera singer like yunjin, but it managed to make you amused and have the urge to laugh, causing your knight’s jaws to drop in surprise (surely your humor isn’t that as broken as he anticipated?!). playing games with itto made you feel like a kid despite only playing one or two rounds because of your busy schedule.
nevertheless, he truly does make your worries and stress over your empire and ayato’s situation go away by just talking to him despite his recklessness.
you fail to recognize the way he looks at you as if you’re his favorite book. every time he spends time with you, the more invested he is in getting to know you and love you even more. he makes sure that you always have a smile plastered on your face whenever you’re with him, because it’s what he feels whenever he sees you.
you fail to recognize the fact that he memorized your whole schedule (after forcing his servant to figure it out and write it down) so that he can “coincidentally” bump into you with perfect excuses just because he wants to hang out with you. oh, if only those losers who call themselves your consorts knew how he’s smarter than they think~
you fail to recognize how his eyes would brighten when he opens his doors and sees you walking around the consort halls thinking that you’re on your way to him, only for his face to fall when you stopped by thoma’s room and waited. no books could ever describe how furious he was when thoma didn’t open the door, watching as you rushedly left from the consort halls. just how ungrateful is that blondie for him to not answer the door and let you in?!
imagine his shock when he sees you entering a newbie’s room and never came out until in the morning. does this mean you’ve already slept beside two of your consorts out of eight!? will he be next, he wonders..
you fail to recognize how he often thinks about you and gets pouty each night whenever you don't visit his chambers. his servant is honestly on the verge to try and convince you to come visit the mercenary king, who’s obviously head over heels for you. thankfully, the man managed to reassure his servant that he’s alright, saying how good comes to those who wait.
you fail to recognize how he worked hard on his appearance despite his first time dressing in such formal attire for your first ever royal banquet after your crowning ceremony. his face once again fell when you chose that ginger haired noble to be your dance partner and paid attention to that weird blonde-haired man who's dancing like an idiot – not to mention the audacity the man has for doing a heart shape with his hands towards you! you can guarantee that itto’s the greatest dancer!
unknownst to itto however, you did eventually recognize it.
it was the day after the banquet was over when itto received a visitor, who is none other than you much to his delight! turns out, his servant had lied to you that the mercenary king fell ill and you just had to come over to check if he’s alright, causing the white haired man’s face to turn red and flustered.
you honestly didn’t believe that itto’s actually sick, given that his temperature is normal and isn’t even lying on his bed, but his voice that suddenly appeared in your head made you refrain yourself from taking your leave.
“...you finally visited me after so long..”
a skillful poet whose noble name has long faded away and forgotten – except for you, it seems.
it’s safe to say that kazuha was taken back by surprise when he received a letter from the royal palace, eyes widened when it turned out to be an invitation to become one of your very own consorts.
he wonders why on earth someone, let alone an emperor such as you, would even pay attention to him. as well as how you managed to find him just for him to receive your letter despite his great skills in hiding.
although he seeks no luxury, you’re quite an interesting person, he’ll admit that.
hence why he finds himself standing across from you in the palace gardens that he managed to sneak in, the grin plastered on your face says it all: you expected his arrival. it’s concerning how you know him so well, yet he couldn’t help but stay.
he suddenly became more interested the moment a certain name came out from your lips.
tomo. his dearest companion that he felt a connection with back then when he was in his homeland, eien.
“he told me a lot about you in his letters,” you said, giving him a sad smile. “i only invited you to become my consort since it’s the only way for you to come to the palace without anyone being against it. of course, it’s up to you whether or not you’d like to stay here. i should mention that you’ll also be safe from the raiden shogun’s wrath and my guards.”
before he could open his mouth to refuse, you immediately gestured around the garden. “i’ve also heard from tomo that you prefer outdoors than indoors, so the best thing i can do is to offer you full access to my gardens. i can request one of my staff to give you a map since it’s quite a large space.” you added.
kazuha could tell. if it weren’t for the winds and his smell, he would’ve gotten lost when he sneaked in.
“so, what do you say?”
…he supposed it won’t hurt to accept it, right?
not long after that, he accepted your invitation in the end.
you’d like to admit, it was difficult to get along with the man at first. he’s often quiet and isn’t found at his chambers (much to his assigned servant’s panic), which you weren’t surprised about. as time flew by however, you’re glad that the man has started to warm up to you and started talking more, particularly by reciting his poems that he made.
whenever you managed to find him by the gardens, it was always quiet – just the sounds of the calming wind and knights training in the arena nearby whilst never hearing the loud heartbeats of the samurai when he realized you were close.
you never saw how his eyes stared at yours, as if you’re a dream he never wanted to forget. he wasn’t familiar with the feelings he found growing every time you came to visit him in the gardens, but he knew all too well from poems and stories what it is. if he ignores it, will he eventually forget about it? if he acts upon it, will the feeling stay and be remembered?
you never saw how his ears turn red when you lean on his shoulder as you slumber, exhausted from your duties and how soft his voice was when reciting yet another poem. if possible, he would’ve stayed still in his position for a long time for as long as you desire to sleep. plus, you smell.. quite pleasant, really.
you never saw how kazuha actually starts getting into noble manners that he learned when he was still a noble in hopes of gaining favor from your peers in the palace during the banquet, giving him chances in being the most favored out of all your consorts (who aren’t exactly aware of who kazuha is since he’s always outside and away from people).
you never saw how his hand held a luxurious box that keeps a stunning brooch that he bought from a nearby jewelry shop during his escapades at night, thinking it’d suit you well (especially since it has his color). he was eager to give it to you before the banquet ends, or maybe when you chose him as your first partner for your first dance, until he finds himself standing in the background watching you choose tartaglia as your dance partner, shoulders slumped when you decided to take your leave from the banquet not long after.
it took a few weeks before you did receive his gift, letting him put it on top of your attire as his ears turn pink, not noticing how you’re paying attention to his thoughts that have finally come to your head.
“you look even more breathtaking with my color.”
the great sage who’s somehow entangled himself with your harem.
when you first discovered that one of your hostages has killed himself with a curse, you immediately called for the head priest of your empire’s holy temple alongside your dearest friend chongyun, who both confessed that exorcism won’t do a trick, given that the curse is what they call a “dark magic” curse, which is an assumedly extinct supernatural act that hasn’t occurred for years.
much to your relief, they both recommended you to the great sage, who may be able to help you on your investigations against the current threat of both you and your empire. hence why you decided to throw a royal banquet as a way to invite the great sage and discuss matters with him.
you had never expected the great sage to look so hot.
you were taken back by surprise when he removed his hood, giving you a charming-like smile as he thanked you for saving him from the sudden ambush that had occurred, paying no mind to your reaction to his face.
everything was pretty much a blur, but the conversation ended with albedo offering you a deal that’ll ensure both his safety and your desired information, leaving you no choice but to accept it gladly.
you never anticipated to see the great sage dancing in the middle of the dance floor, catching every single guests’ attention including your consorts by his strange… dance moves, causing your jaws to drop at the embarrassing sight.
it didn’t help that he looked in your direction and made a heart shape with his hands before giving you a wink, causing you to cover your face and prevent yourself from seeing such a performance. you told him that he should do something to catch your attention at the banquet — but not this way! why on earth did he have to do this and embarrass both him and yourself?!
you tried to ignore everyone’s shocked reactions as you walk towards the great sage and offer him an invitation to your harem for giving you such an amazing performance whilst internally dying inside from the embarrassment. you could only dread what others will say about your taste in men.
it didn’t help that you often have to come to his chambers a lot of times, raising a lot of eyebrows from onlookers (especially from your other consorts), surprised that you actually like kreideprinz (albedo’s fake name) that much.
in reality, you only visited him just to discuss matters with him regarding your investigation, too distracted by it to not notice how the great sage thinks more than that.
you were too distracted to see how he sees you as if you’re his most precious hardwork. he could stare at you all day no matter what you do and he’ll still be awestruck. every single thing you do is worth remembering for even if you’re doing nothing at all.
you’re too distracted reading your knight’s reports about your investigation to see albedo playing with his abilities, thinking you’d be entertained by his exceptional magic that his master had praised.
you’re too distracted to see how he often teases your other consorts, telling them lies about how you always come to his chambers for entertainment. he must admit, the most amusing consort out of all is definitely kaeya alberich, who has the strongest feelings towards you more than anyone (which gives albedo all the more reason to mess with him). besides kaeya, scaramouche and xiao are the most amusing ones since albedo gets along quite well with them.
you’re too distracted to see how he sneaks to your room and outside of it to bless it from evil spirits, pleasing him in the process when he caught that traitor, thoma, standing still near the doors of your chambers with a hesitant stance. albedo wonders when that man will find out that one of his love rivals is his actual enemy.
you’re too distracted to see how jealous the sage becomes when you asked him if he could make a talisman for a certain consort, who already gave you one it seems. if it weren’t for his title as the great sage and his determination in impressing you, he would’ve used his old-school magic and put an unharmable trick on the talisman for kaeya to suffer with.
in the end, you didn’t get distracted when you realized one thing about the great sage.
albedo is perhaps the only person you couldn’t read thoughts from even when he has a strong emotion, but then again, he isn’t the great sage for nothing.
you didn’t have to read his mind to know his feeling, staring at his bright teal orbs as his hand is placed beside your head, trapping you against a wall behind you in his chambers. you were just talking to one of your consorts before you suddenly got pulled by albedo to his room.
“do you… have any idea how much i want to be with you, your imperial majesty?” he spoke in a low tone, your cheeks feeling warm from how close the both of you are. his breath reeks of alcohol too, making you wonder if he was drinking a lot at such an early hour.
before you could try to move away from the sage, you suddenly hear the doors of his chambers opening unexpectedly, causing you to look away from the sage’s eyes in surprise–
only to see a small figure of a man entering the chambers with looks of murder.
“...i knew this bastard would hog the emperor.” scaramouche snaps, smiling sinisterly. “but i would never have thought that his twin would hog them as well, aren’t i right, oh great sinister sorcerer rubedo?”
if itto isn’t the scariest person in your empire, scaramouche would’ve taken that title instead.
you could understand why on earth your people are so scared of someone such as scaramouche, but you could never understand the cruel rumors about him in his household. besides that point, his way of speech, his posture, the way he carries himself, and everything else about him is every nobleman’s dream son – which isn’t exactly a surprise since his caretaker, yae miko from the empire of eien, had raised him.
given that he’s admired by every single nobles, it’s evident that he ended up a part of your harem despite the rumors.
his attitude was not a surprise when he introduced himself to you, he reeks of confidence and power (and a spark of lightning, it seems) from his stance and voice alone, it’s very much something to admire and be intimidated by nobles.
you’d be lying if you said that you’ll visit scaramouche to spend a night sleeping beside him, because deep down you don’t think you’ll ever do it any time soon since you’re quite unsure if he’s someone who’s considered as your foe or ally.
it’s no surprise that tartaglia seems to know him given that both share the same nobility title. though they’re usually found bantering one another over things. never once did you find scaramouche talking to someone in a friendly manner.
except you, he claims.
“it wounds me that you don’t trust me as such, your imperial majesty,” scaramouche said, letting out what seemed to be an irritated sigh. “fine, how would you feel if i let you call me by my real name whenever we’re alone like this?”
he can tell you were taken back, but decided to hide your expression, causing him to add more. “if it makes you feel better, no one in this world knows my actual name besides my caretaker and someone who was important to me. isn’t this a good step in trusting someone such as me?”
you swirl your drink around, thinking for a moment.
“..i suppose it won’t hurt to know. is your real name embarrassing for you to not let anyone know about it?”
he rolls his eyes, leaning against the railway of his balcony. “of course not. i consider my real name something that is valuable enough to let those i care to only call me that.”
“so… call me kunikuzushi.”
“kunikuzushi,” you spoke, to not let the name get it on the tip of your tongue. “..i’ll call you that from now on, kunikuzushi.” you said with a smile, not caring to see how his eyes slightly widens before the devilish grin on his face comes back.
you never seem to care to see how he looks at your direction as if you’re the forever he desires. he’s impressed that you invited him out of all the people that could’ve been your consort instead despite the rumors that’s always circulating in town. he only accepted it because of how it gives him a chance to have the privilege to be close to the most powerful person in the empire (and because of how he’s interested to know why you chose him).
you never seem to care how he sees you as more than just some emperor he wants to take the role from because he starts to feel for the first time in years. no longer was the numb and agonizing feeling that his birth mother stole from him that made him despise this world, for all he feels is how his empty heart races and how his stomach feels.. strangely good when he’s around you. could you be the one he’s been desiring for all this time?
you never seem to care how his words are less harsher than how it was whenever he’s stuck with one of the consorts, thinking that no, you don’t deserve to see the harsh attitude of his that was created from his hatred to this world and his birth mother, and that you deserve to see at least the small crack of his real self that he hides with the walls he built up.
you never seem to care how it felt like he was back to being an empty shell that roams around the cold halls of his birth mother’s mansion in your empire when he was but a child when yae miko drops by the palace to check up on him (to torture him by reminding him of who he was before entering the palace), only to feel his heart racing again when you held his hand and told yae miko that yes, scaramouche has been comfortable around the palace and has been a good person around you.
you never seem to care how he felt hurt that you don’t trust him enough. did you really not know how much he does?
you never seem to care, but it makes him all the more challenged. he’ll show tartaglia how much you trust him more than that stupid ginger man.
despite being harsh, he’d never go that far towards consorts, so seeing him barging into albedo’s chambers absolutely seething at the sight of albedo shocked you, let alone spilling profanities at the great sage – well, you thought he was the great sage.
“i think it’s best for you to step away from that man, your imperial majesty. ” he said, still glaring daggers at the sage, or sorcerer, who has currently trapped you against the wall. “who knew you’d have the audacity to try and touch the emperor without knowing your place, you filth?”
you immediately brought out your dagger that was strapped to your thigh before pointing it at the unknown person in front of you, who remains unfazed by the situation.
“..you must be my brother’s close friend, huh?”
the quietest consort…. and also one of the most reliable ones.
when you first met the man, the first thing in your mind was how pretty he looked. his amber-colored orbs definitely remind you of your knight, who you’re surprised to hear that he knows xiao a lot and is the reason why the consort was in your files of candidates.
the second thing in your mind is how quiet he is. he doesn’t bother spilling out flirts and words of flattery in order to gain your favor and love, though his caring self is what made you favor him a lot. unlike all of your consorts besides thoma, xiao comes from a family of exorcists, who your biological brother praised for their excellent skills, giving you an interest in inviting him to your harem.
just like kazuha, xiao isn’t found anywhere but by the gardens as well, where he sits on top of trees and relaxes. although it’s hard for his servant to look for him, you clearly didn’t have a hard time since the man always appears when you call him, scaring you in the process by accident.
he explains how he’s uninterested to be with people, since it’ll only harm them in the process because of a curse that’s been going around his family for generations to generations because of their ways in exorcism, killing his siblings in the process.
you were quite well aware of xiao’s curse thanks to his father, who explained thoroughly about the curse and gave you a book to read in case you wish to know what to do when he goes through pains, giving you more reasons to visit xiao every now and then to check up on him. sometimes if your busy time prevents you from doing so, you’d send your knight or butler to do it instead on your behalf.
“you don’t have to send your knight or butler to check up on me, your imperial highness.” he spoke as the two of you stroll around the garden. “i’ve dealt with this… curse for my life, i know what to do if i ever experience the pain again.”
“i’m quite well aware of that,” you told him. “but i just want to make sure you’re okay since.. it often worries my poor heart for your condition.”
is it just him, or has his surroundings gone.. warmer?
“...i’ll be alright,” he reassures you. besides, my pains have started to lessen ever since i arrived at your palace.
you don’t realize how much he sees you as his soulmate.
he was too busy devoting himself to becoming the best exorcist to not pay attention to something such as romantic love, but he’s spent time with a certain runaway prince from a faraway kingdom to become aware of love after listening to the certain prince’s songs and poems that he made that actually helped him come through his pains.
it was just like that when he first met you. loving and peaceful.
you don’t realize how much he feels at peace when he’s with you. he doesn’t mind that you didn’t come to his chambers to sleep next to him, but he would be lying if he said that his mind doesn’t trail off to thinking about what it’s like to sleep next to you. would he be able to experience what dreaming something good feels like?
you don’t realize how much it means to him when you accept his gift happily and thank him, it warms his heart a lot when he sees you actually wearing it when he spots you walking around the palace nearby without noticing him. it may just seem like an amulet that gives you protection from evil spirits, but to him, it’s an item that he made with love and in hopes that you’ll like it. he sometimes wonders how others would feel when they see the amulet (that has the same colors as his necklace that he wears on his neck) and realize it’s a gift from him.
not to mention the fact that you always gave xiao painkillers whenever he runs out of it, always insisting that he should tell you if there’s at least one painkiller that’s more effective than the other, not realizing that you’re his painkiller.
you don’t realize how it breaks his heart when you chose tartaglia to become your first dance partner of the banquet, even more so when your attention is only at a blonde man who goes by albedo instead of him, who actually showed up in such a crowded place just for you. does he not mean something to you as much as you are to him?
you don’t realize how he’s the reason why scaramouche found out about albedo’s secret twin getting rid of albedo and replaced him with himself, letting the angered noble come over to the dancer’s room to deal with the twin as he sets out to find the real albedo, who’s most likely trapped somewhere in the palace since he’s been sensing dangerous spirits lurking around recently. he would’ve ignored all this if it weren’t for your safety.
you don’t realize how much it pains him to see you visit half of your consorts’ chambers except his. he hides that from you, but it does hurt that you don’t notice it.
it all washed away one night when you came back from the empire of where kaeya came from ever since you visited the empire for the wedding.
xiao quickly headed towards the scene where he heard the sounds of someone crying, only to see you standing nearby covering your eyes that had tears.
he didn’t know what came over him, really. he was standing on top of a tree before he found himself in front of you, concern flashes through his face. who dares to make you cry so much? never has he seen you in such a fragile state, and he wanted nothing more but to see you happy aga–
it felt like his heart stops when you suddenly wrap your arms around him.
“i..” you sobbed as his breath hitched in response. “i hate him so much. why.. why does he do this to me?”
xiao isn’t quite sure of who you’re talking about. who’s he? what did he do to make you cry so much?
“..i don’t know…” he mumbles, before he hesitantly wraps his arms around you. “but i’m here for you, your imperial highness. whenever you need me, i’m here.”
the captain of the imperial guard, also your most trusted confidant and knight. he isn’t a part of your harem, but all of your consorts are envious of him because of how he gets to be with you everywhere you go.
you’ve known him for as long as you remember to the point where he knows you like the back of his hand (or so he thinks). it’s no lie to nobles that he’s someone precious to you both in status and personally, making him one of the only people no one dared to pose as an enemy in the empire.
the both of you are so close that it wouldn’t surprise anyone if you ever caught feelings for him and chose him as your husband, but much to their surprise, you caught feelings for a certain prince, who’s also your childhood friend besides zhongli.
he was with you through thick and thin. through your spar training, coming of age ceremony, escapades from royal banquets to get away from chatty guests, the person you practiced your love confession for diluc to, your heartbreak, the mourning of your father’s death, the battles you spent with him against your step-brother in order to win your throne, your coronation, and of course, welcoming your harem to your palace.
he’s quite knowledgeable and skilled in many activities. he’s actually the reason why you’re interested in opera and had the chance to meet the infamous yunjin as well as the reason why you always drank tea (despite your preferences in drinks). despite your protests, he had always visited your office to give you tea that he personally made, telling you yet another long explanation as to why it’s a good drink for you.
unknownst to him though, you’ve been getting suspicious as you find out more about your investigation. if ayato, who should be dead, isn’t the so-called dark lord who’s after you and your throne, then is your biological brother behind it? if so, is zhongli with your brother?
you don’t get to see how zhongli looks at you like you’re enough.
everyday, he wakes up and starts his day just to see you and helps you with everything he can as he makes sure you’re happy everyday even if he’s not the reason for your happiness. he devotes himself into becoming a better person and protector just for you. even a blind person could see how much he loves you.
you don’t get to see how he struggles to figure out how he feels about you. is this what poets would consider as love?
by the end of the day, he considers his feelings as love. he wonders if you love him back as well, causing him to feel a bit giddy and help him sleep better from thinking about you.
you don’t get to see how his face instantly goes from happiness to sadness quickly as soon as you take your leave after you practiced your confession for diluc, for someone who knows how to talk a lot, he was speechless from how painful his heart was when he finds out that his love for you was unrequited.
you don’t get to see how angry he feels when he sees you crying on your bed, telling him how diluc’s getting married to another without you knowing about it until you received his wedding invitation. the audacity that red-haired man has, how dare he wasted your love for him just for another?! just the thought made his draconic features that he unintentionally revealed on his face – only for it to disappear when you held his hand, telling him to not leave you alone for a moment.
you don’t get to see how smug he feels when diluc sees him holding his hand on your back, a sign of protection and a sign of disapproval against the newlywed man. after all, this is what he gets for treating you like nothing.
you don’t get to see how he was completely against your decision to get more than one consort. just when he thought his heartbreak would disappear, it simply returns so soon. unfortunately for him, he wasn’t able to express his decision since he knows you were only doing this to get back at diluc, who he’s sure will be upset from this.
you don’t get to see how he had a small discussion with your butler, who told the knight strictly that he should keep his feelings to himself since the butler wants nothing more but for you to fully move on from your heartbroken state and rule your empire, telling zhongli that he should leave you alone for now after the butler caught sight of the knight escorting you to your room after you got drunk from drinking wine with him.
you don’t get to see how zhongli makes your meals ever since you two found out about a traitor in your palace. he’ll blame himself if you ever get hurt from something he could’ve prevented.
if there’s a consort he trusts, the knight definitely trusts xiao, who he knows will protect you from harm as well. which led him to persuade the exorcist to give you an amulet that will surely protect you from evil spirits.
you don’t get to see how zhongli was there when he sees you hugging xiao as you cry your heart out as zhongli tells himself that he’s too late to be able to comfort you and that he should listen to the butler. he knows he can’t tell you how he feels for so many years, but it pains him so to try and forget his feelings for you, the only person who gets to make him feel like this.
you do get to see it.
it was one night when you accidentally fell asleep on your desk once more, only to wake up when you felt zhongli carrying you back to your chambers. just how many times have the both of you done this throughout your years together? you couldn’t count honestly, but you always made sure to pretend you’re asleep just to not make zhongli get embarrassed.
however, unlike the times when he does this to you, this moment was different.
instead of exiting your chambers as soon as he tucks you in and letting your servant dress you in your nightwear, he stays still before whispering words that make your heart drop.
“...i wish you good night, my love.”
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a few fun facts !!
zhongli and xiao know each other because of how both of their families are quite close together thanks to their mothers, who knew each other ever since they were children.
scaramouche, albedo, and xiao have an unspoken alliance with one another and respect each other a lot after an unknown incident. it’s quite an unexpected trio, really.
ever since rubedo, albedo’s secret twin, replaced his brother with himself, presence of dark spirits have grown stronger unlike before, catching xiao’s attention in the process and starting to grow suspicious of “kreideprinz’s” behavior, which started at the same time as the strong presences of dark spirits.
every single consort is aware of itto’s tendency to watch them from the doors of his chamber but paid no mind since it’s not something to worry about.
kaeya’s unfortunately a victim to most incidents that have occurred in the harem hall. sometimes he’d be involved in a fight, lost an item that he assumes was stolen by someone such as scaramouche, and so on. it honestly worries the man that it’ll change your perception to him.
tartaglia and scaramouche are in a one-sided rivalry, with scaramouche being the one who sees the ginger-haired man as a rivalry while tartaglia pretends to be oblivious of it and acts as though they’re childhood friends that have reunited.
albedo’s the first consort who manages to see thoma’s facade, especially since he caught a sight of a certain dark omen in an accessory of the blonde-haired man’s.
kazuha is a loner and wants to keep it that way, though he does find himself getting along with scaramouche and xiao, who he had conversations with during the royal banquet.
the only consorts who spend time in the training grounds are tartaglia, arataki itto, and sometimes kaeya, leading them to start getting along with one another and became good friends (and rivals when it comes to you).
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kazuhasmaid · 3 years
Hello! May I ask for a scenario with the main tall men(Diluc, Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya, Thoma) + Albedo where the reader got isekai'd in Teyvat and they have an electronic device with them, if it's okay?
It goes like when they met the reader, they noticed that they have a phone/tablet/laptop with them and is curious of what the device is. :00
You don't have to do all of them! 3 characters are fine!
Have a great day! :D
how they would react to an isekai'd!reader with a device 📱
Diluc, Childe, Kaeya x isekai'd!reader
genre: fluff/crack
a/n: THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG, ITS TIME TO DO IT JUSTICE. 🤧 if you want a part 2, please lmk! :)
implied omniscient reader's viewpoint references: just the reader having their phone and having exclusive skills for being the reader who's stayed till the end.
no beta read we die like dragonli - lowercase intended.
favoritism™ shows.
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having your life taken away and suddenly waking up inside the game you treasured for so long, one might count itself as a blessing for having tevyat as the next worl you get to live in, that's until you find a shock to yourself that your device is with you? perhaps this was the way the archons in tevyat tend to you, to survive in this world, having records of events that are yet to take events in this magnificent, vast world you've yet to see- not with your screen any longer but with your very own eyes. wait. wait a minute? who's that-
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you wake up in a cedar wood oaked manor, and to your beliefs, in shock, may i add, this is the dawn winery that you've just woken up in.
where diluc ragvindr himself, the wine tycoon, the uncrowned king of mondstat takes himself home.
you shift over to see the windows, and the bright sunlight the day has to offer, your thoughts were intruded as a knock begins to fill up the room.
"come in,"
and to your surprise, the diluc ragvindr that many fawned on excused himself for interrupting your morning, archons he was way beautiful than you thought of him to be. he was breathtaking, more in the fact that concerned washed over his face when he noticed you were no longer moving,
right. right. diluc ragvindr. tevyat. no big deal. right right. might as well try to imprint a good impression on the ragvindr hm?
"apologies ma-"
..there were many cautions to be aware of, like number one, attempting to forget and reset your background knowledge of everyone in tevyat.
diluc tilted his head in curiosity,
"ehrm, my name is y/n and may i please ask who you are and how i wound up here?"
straight to the point, he thought.
"my name is diluc ragvindr, you're currently at the dawn winery manor, and how you wound up here.. is quite the story, i found you while i was out- being batman patrolling last night." he picked his words carefully,
to this, you nodded, still in confusion that you've wounded up in tevyat but still had the idea of being reincarnated into another world like the amountful isekai manwhas you've read. though the way you've died and left the world is still blurry in your mind, no matter how much you try to force yourself to think back to it.
"i see, well then, i apologize for the inconveniences i might've caused and I'll be on my way-"
diluc ragvindr held up a familiar device, that..
hey wait a minute.
that's your phone-
even the case and the model-
now you know damn well a phone cant be in tevyat when the technology isnt as advanced to having a phone,
"so what's this device i found with you?" he waved it around in his hands, carefully inspecting it.
hm, diluc wasn't one to be left behind in technology advances as he himself, invests in technology that may help his business grow,
now how in tevyat were you supposed to explain to a fictional character that the world you're now in is a videogame setting where it could be played from your device?
struggling to come up with an answer, you started speaking in hopes that it's enough for the red-headed man to believe you.
"mr. diluc ragvindr, i dont think you'd believe me even if i told you"
"oh? do pray tell."
"we all have our secrets and that happens to be mine. it'd be quite unfair to use it against me."
"apologies, im just making sure that this device is safe.."
"i understand, though, i really do need it back."
you see his frown enhancen, and to this you compromise,
"if.. i was to show you what it does, can i be on my way after this? no questions after."
diluc nodded almost instantly.
he handed you the phone and you started to turn it on,
the screen glowed at the wallpaper of a white screen, thank the archons that your wallpaper was resetted or it mightve arose suspicion if it was your diluc wallpaper now, wouldn't it?
you planned to tamper with the widget and app name of genshin impact so that no one gets a clue but it seems that its all encoded in diluc's eyes. that they do not know of the alphabet you use. this advancement was an advantage such as to that no one else would be able to operate it, but you.
you showed diluc the applications, the camera, the notes, recorder, music, settings, games and everything basic you could possibly introduce to someone who had never seen a phone.
diluc was impressed with the advancement of this technology, stunned that a mere stranger had such a magnificent device that did multiple task to aid a lot in terms of business.
he let you leave the manor safely and had offered you a place to stay, and to this- you couldn't exactly turn the offer down as safety and security of your vulnerable state was important.
the pyro visioned man had started to warm up to you as if you've lived in the manor for a longer while than what it seems to be,
there was a time he'd sit with you at the balcony as he sipped grape juice, looking over to you, tampering with your phone,
an idea came across your head,
"master diluc, how would you like to be entertained by my device?"
his curiosity peaked even more.
you had entertained him in such a way that one may think you're advertising the technology,
you had shown him the emailing system, though it was clear to you that your phone has been boundaries as the addresses that were saved were welkin systems where they had aided you a fk ton of mora, competing with the numbers of the wine tycoon itself, it drove you quite shocking once you've figured it out,
diluc was amazed at the fact that he could just send documents in a click away not taking anymore days to wait for a response as it took some time to deliver and write proposal, business partnerings, offers and such.
oh how he'd love to have such a more light work,
an application you next showed him was the chess game you've had, and as you already know, diluc is one to play chess, you've challenged him to a game of chess...
"hm? oh well then, I'll just take my set out- oh.. you mean?? you can.. simulate the game?... in.. your device? ... that's amazing."
the diluc ragvindr was too stunned to speak. (LMFAO)
you two started a match and to his surprise, you won the match- and in diluc's eyes, you were, one of the individuals that have managed to beat him in such a strategical game. not only has his eye caught your device but.. to you as well.
'just how more special could this person be?'
oh boy. now this is chaotic, how did you end up in the third round knockout with childe?
in all seriousness though, while he was on his way back from the northland bank, he stumbled upon you in a secluded alleyway, all alone in the dark, unconscious, it seems.
childe looked around for anyone who may be able to recognize this person as he himself, is not one to be closely familiar to the association of liyueans.
to his dismay, nobody was around, not when it was hours past midnight, he decided he'd be the one to help you then, well if you actually need it.
"hey.." he tapped your shoulder, once, twice and-
oh there we go.
"what..where... you."
"m-me?" the dumbstruck harbinger stuttered as the tone in your voice showed familiarity.
"oh.. right, nevermind." you got up and took yourself out of the alleyway and it was finally clear to you that you were in liyue. you had an idea of how it might've happened.
you walked away, leaving the harbinger himself as you started to walk through liyue, awe in your eyes as childe stared at you.
"hey wait!" the harbinger had caught up to you,
you didn't look forward to getting yourself involved with him, not when it's the first day in a new world.
no matter how much you've liked him.
ahem. he was a favorite to you.
"what is it?"
"you dropped this." he hands you your phone.
he watched your eyes widen in confusion, you snatch the phone away and quickly said your thank you,
"hey wait a minute,"
you turn to him.
"are.. are you not from here?" he asks.
"..well not from liyue really."
"figures. im childe by the way, i dont live here in liyue also, more of a business involved travelling job."
"ah i see.."
'well no kidding, don't you look to accomplish what the tsasritsa orders?' you thought.
hm. it really doesnt seem like he's out to get me. it doesn't hurt to make an acquaintance, as long as i don't get on his bad side right?
"my name is y/n, nice to meet you."
"well uhm.. i noticed you were passed out in the alleyway there and i notice that you're not really in clothing that's warm enough to go through the breeze that sets in liyue during its nights"
he was right, it really was cold and all you had were battered up clothing.
"right uh.. can i treat you tonight? what do you say to free food, and clothing and a new..friend, perhaps?"
you nod and smile slightly at his attempt.
you knew he was a bloodthirsty harbinger, but deep known you know that he's a good man and a good brother and son to his family who just happens to serve in the line of violence and loyalty to tsaritsa.
childe walked you to a clothing store in liyue that were willing to help you get new clothing-
the harbinger couldnt help but also gift you new accessories, a new satchel and a few of the jackets and tops you eyed earlier but dropped them, due to the price, it was already enough of what he gave to you.
"mr.childe...no. no. this is too much."
why was he offering a stranger this much help?
"...y/n, it's fine, ill have you know a secret, the price tag means nothing to me, if that's what you're worried about" he winks to you, a friendly smile painting his face anew.
"how do you suppose i repay you then, mr.childe?"
"please call me just childe and you dont need to repay me, im only doing what a decent person would do.. and ive got the mora to support my genuine intentions."
"thank you." you look down to the ground,tears welling up in your eyes, it overwhelmed you to wake up in such a new world but a kind soul like childe leading you to the vast world of tevyat and offering help to you- a stranger warmed up your heart.
you took a deep breath and offered a smile at him,
"thank you childe."
childe's eyes widened upon seeing a genuine smile from you, returning back the gesture as he says,
"you're always welcome, y/n. now should we head on to get some food? im starving.."
you and him shared talks, jokes and laughter, familiarizing himself to you and you to him, in.. a more personal level as you've really met him now with your own eyes.
you two ate a meal together, enough to fill both of you up, you suppose the both of you were growing more tired as his eyes were half-lidded, a yawn escaping his lips,
"hey by the way, what was that thing you dropped earlier?"
"oh this? ...just a device i suppose."
"ive never seen anything like it, and i, for one are actually quite updated about new technology, what does it do?"
"hmm.. uh.. well i dont know if i can tell you childe.. but let's just say its a device that can do multiple tasks?"
"like what?"
"writing down reminders for yourself, having a calendar, taking photographs away from a click."
you operated the phone and showed him the basics of what the phone could do,
"where'd you get it? i'd love to get my hands on one.."
you gulped.
'please- if this phone ends up with me getting murdered-'
"hey childe, remember when you asked me, 'are you not from here' well the answer i suppose, is yes.. quite literally. i come from a different world.."
his jaw drops to the information you've let him grasp.
"oh. i see. i suppose you're the second outlander ive met. i've met a traveller who came searching for their twin sibling.. they've made quite the reputation in all of tevyat too."
you were surprised that he hadn't threatened you yet or something along the lines.
now that you think of it, can't an outlander threaten the goals of the one you serve?
you shrug the thought off and kept conversing with childe as the night begins to age.
youve managed to show him a game from your phone,
"hey childe look at this."
you showed him a timed fishing game in which the player has to catch as much fish as they can in the given time as a challenge.
at the first game, he'd caught 5 fishes as you stood with 25 fishes, the gap of the score making him scoff,
he made his way next to you and asked for a rematch.
you suppose this was the only duel he'd ever ask you on. well hopefully.
you'd done 5 matches with you getting better at each game,
he'd slumped over and pouted "i literally fish back in my home country, this just disappoints me!"
he'd earned a laugh from you, a first he'd heard from you.
he stared at you as light pink blushed over his face, smiling at you,
'what a kind soul..' is all what he managed to think as you both gave each other comfort and warmth in the coldness that surrounded liyue during its midnights, sharing a quiet but a memorable night in the new world you've woken up to.
the cavalry captain had heard reports from one of the knights that someone was found in the woods, sleeping near the wolvendom area, which wasn't the ideal area to be around.
the captain had requested for the knights to look for this person, including himself, he'd been curious as to who this person may be, all what the knight said was that they flee after taking a sight of them.
maybe this person was a tourist? perhaps a lost one as well.
his thoughts had been interrupted when he hears the leaves from a tree make some noises.
then a rectangular object fell infront of him.
he stepped back and examined the object,
"hey if you're here, you better come get this object-
or not. I'll keep it confi-"
"NO!" a person leapt down from the tree and approached him, dressed messily, with a disheveled appearance.
your eyes widen at the sight of the cavalry captain who smirked at you, knowing his bait worked better than he thought he would've done.
"so, are you from around this region of mondstat?"
"well..? then you're from?"
"it's complicated."
just then, a knight came to tell him that jean is concerned on whether or not this person may threaten mondstat's safety, and to this he had to oblige to the grandmaster's request and had asked you to come with him inside the city gates for some interrogation,
"nothing too heavy." he says,
"as long as you're innocent of any ill intentions" he adds.
of course, as 'lazy' as others assume of him, he wants nothing but to protect his hometown.
as you get to the favonius headquarters, you were welcomed by the absence of the acting grandmaster as something had come up urgently in need of attention,
leaving matters in the best of kaeya's judgement, you two sat in his office as he questioned you about your whereabouts and what you've been doing lurking around the woods to arise suspicion.
"it's.. quite unbelievable really."
"please enlighten me" he offered a pleasant smile,
"...would it be believable if i was to say that this is not my world.?"
his eyes widen for a second, "... you're.. not from tevyat?"
you shook your head as his mouth agapes, laughter arising from him,
"another outlander??"
you sheepishly smiled at him, how were you to be composed when kaeya, all in his glory was infront of you, resting his chin on the palm of his right hand?
"i guess so.."
kaeya began to tell you about how they've managed to find another outlander like you outside of mondstat, of course you knew of this.
kaeya had used his judgement and for the time being you two were together it was safe enough for him to assume that you had no ill intentions. though all he waited for was the presence of the acting grandmaster.
jean gunnhildr hadn't returned at the night that you two waited for, kaeya resolved to letting you in to his own home as it would be too much of a bother to disturb others into taking in a stranger- an outlander even, he had promised himself to keep an eye close to you and provide you with shelter. he had noticed your appearance, and your stomach grumbling had made him order a small feast for you and him. he had wondered how long you've gone without any food.
you two had shared a meal, and to your surprise, the conversation that you had interacted were genuinely comforting, in the warmth of his home and an actual shelter to stay in for the time being.
as you got up to help him clean up your dishes, your phone had dropped from your pocket and onto the wooden floor.
it had been days since you found out that your phone had come along with you. information about tevyat and the lore behind into the archives were saved in a way that you had assumed that this was a way you'd look for, to survive and overcome challenges in the new world you now live in.
to this, kaeya had turned his attention to you, asking you what you had dropped.
you thought it was no harm to explain and show him what the device does,
"hm. its a device from my world, it's called a "phone"
he had squinted his eyes at the sight of your phone,
"whats the purpose of it? why is it so rectangular?"
to this, you had laughed at his questions, you didn't expect the cavalry captain to tilt his head and look at you in a way you had found adorable.
"well it does function in many categories, come look"
kaeya wiped his hands as he made his way next to you, watching you operate your phone as you begin to show him some examples of what a phone could do,
and to your expectation, you were right.
kaeya had completely become smitten with the camera feature in your phone where he had learned to take a selfie, of you and him in his kitchen.
he had asked if it was possible to print into a picture,
you had thought of ways to avoid breaking his heart that your phone may be too advanced for the technology available, unless he could request to commission it to an artist for a physical copy.
he has noted himself to get a kamera,
the next morning, jean had greeted you and questioned you, even welcoming you into mondstat, taking note that you had become familiar with the cavalry captain as he had no guard up when he was with you, completely out of any suspicion. ironically.
once jean had let you go, kaeya had offered to tour you around mondstat, the breeze settling in, with the morning sun gracing the sides of yours and his face.
he had definitely hoped to get more captures of you and him with your camera. he wished for the two of you to get along together and possibly become better acquaintances as the cavalry captain had been attracted to the energy you radiate around him. no words in khaenr'iahn and mondstatian could form words for the warmth he felt though it was as small as sharing a moment.
he went crazy after you showed him that phones could record videos too- someone help this man pls.
part 2
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©kazuhasmaid please do not copy, paste or repost. plagiarizing or republishing in a different language will not be tolerated.
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genshin-scenarios · 2 years
I have a request! So the reader and the characters are best friends, but the reader suddenly woke up in their best friend's room while cuddling them, with no idea how they got there :0 It can be with whoever you'd like ;)
CW: Reader got drunk in Kaeya and Kazuha’s, Reader wasn’t resting enough/was overworked in Venti and Albedo’s, Reader almost got injured in Albedo’s.
Characters: Kaeya, Venti, Albedo, Kazuha
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To your horror, Kaeya was more than happy to retell the events of yesterday night: while hanging out in his home, you had a few more glasses of wine than you should’ve and ended up tipsy.
It was rather cute though - when Kaeya borrowed you a cloak as he tried to send you off, you’d pulled the hood over your head and smiled at him, saying that it felt warm.
He leaned down to kiss your forehead and wish you goodbye, but you surprised Kaeya by holding onto the collar of his shirt to tug him closer, pecking him on the cheek with an uncharacteristic giggle. Needless to say, this adorable behavior was soon cut short; you only made it a few steps away before your knees gave out, and Kaeya barely managed to catch you before he realized you were already fast asleep.
Seeing as he lived alone, he only had one bed and reasoned to himself that it had enough space to fit two people without getting too close.
He woke up on his side, facing away from you like he’d intended - but what he didn’t expect was the feeling of your hands holding lightly onto the ends of his shirt. Kaeya wasn’t sure if he should’ve moved, but curiosity got the better of him and he turned over so that he could face you - only to get the shock of a lifetime because you were closer than he expected, curled towards his warmth.
A tiny smile lingered on his lips. Not wanting to disturb your sleep or boundaries any further, Kaeya simply shut his eyes and settled back into the haze of sleep.
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It was safe to say that when you stirred awake in the morning, your first reaction was to panic internally: Where were you?? Whose bed was this? Why was it so comfy and how do you get out–
Your fretting was interrupted by the shift of someone behind you, who let out a little yawn before promptly settling to go back to sleep. The thought made you turn around in an attempt to stop them for an explanation, but upon realizing that it was Venti, your memories started to click into place.
You’d been with him at Windrise in the evening and fell asleep while he was playing music; it’d been a busy week and you barely had the chance to rest enough, which was probably why you dozed off like that.
“Since you haven’t been sleeping as much, I thought it’d be best to not wake you up.” Venti apologized for surprising you like that, but his eyes were glimmering happily. “You seem better rested now though, so I’m glad!”
Well, you supposed that he did save you from the potential backache of sleeping outdoors. That, and even if Windrise was safe, there was the chance of monsters appearing during the night.
But now that you were awake, Venti declared that it was his turn to catch up on sleep and wrapped your hands together, cuddling closer with your legs slightly entangled. (By him, he also meant you. You’re not running off to work on his watch - and Venti always did like to sleep in when he could, so you might be stuck here for a while.)
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While Albedo sympathized with the desire to be productive and throw yourself into your work… He was concerned about how you’ve been overexerting lately and not getting enough rest as a result.
This led to your reflexes becoming slower and being unable to sense incoming danger like you normally would - which occurred yesterday when you were exploring some Dragonspine ruins with Albedo, and a mini-avalanche caused you to slip and fall, passing out.
Luckily, your exits weren’t blocked and Albedo managed to get you to the camp to get treated (yes, complete with a bed! Though it was meant for medical reasons).
As you were sleeping however, Albedo noticed that you seemed to be pulling the blanket closer to yourself - were you cold despite the fires set up around camp?
The only other source of heat would be a human being, but Albedo wasn’t sure if the effect would be the same with himself. Yet when he went to your side to gauge your forehead’s temperature, you seemed to stir a little and lean towards his touch.
You woke up to the feeling of his arms wrapped loosely around your waist. It was clear in his body language that Albedo was protective of you, especially after your accident earlier. And you had to admit… even if you were confused at first, you’ve never felt unsafe.
Albedo’s first question to you was how you were feeling, and your heart almost jumped out of your chest from the proximity and huskiness from his voice. He didn’t seem to notice however, shifting to sit up and continue checking on your condition.
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When you asked Kazuha what happened, he first chose to tease you a bit by answering with: "Hmm? You forgot all about last night?" In a wonderfully misleading manner.
Though you knew him well enough to be suspicious, and Kazuha eventually raised his palms in surrender with a laugh.
What really happened was that during a party on the Crux, you got yourself roped into a drinking competition and blacked out… only to regain consciousness for a few moments to inform Kazuha that you did not want to walk all the way home. Thus… you ended up staying over in his room.
While you didn’t exactly throw a tantrum about it, the also-tipsy but not-that-drunk Kazuha couldn’t really say no when you tugged on his sleeve and pleaded with him to not drag you off the ship so quickly, and asked if you could sleep onboard somehow because listening to the sea was soothing.
As it turned out, both of you were the types to cuddle towards warmth in your sleep. Your back was slotted against Kazuha with his head resting against your shoulder, which was comfy enough that when you first woke up, your drowsy mind hadn’t questioned just who you were with.
You could feel his warmth, and the gentle rise and fall of Kazuha’s breathing had an oddly calming effect. Despite yourself, the thought of being this close to one-another made your heart quicken, and you could only hope that he can't hear it right now.
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