#apologizes if i'm inactive soon
oh hey it's been a few days since I made a personal post
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paceyjoeydaily · 1 year
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'cause when emma falls in love, she's in it for keeps. — when emma falls in love (taylor's version) (from the vault)
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kingspuppet · 1 year
Also, hi hello I miss you guys lots and I hope that you've all been doing well! ;3;
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cauaullection · 2 years
out of all of your muses, who do you presently wish to use the most?
On this blog, I guess I don't have bias for anyone in particular at the moment.
As for bulletfestival, Chen (M.ystia's I.zakaya) is a new addition (although I still need to make her bio), so some attention for her would be nice.
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maddzgt · 3 months
SolJuly 2024 - Art Challenge Day 1
Tea Party ✨
Soooo with July starting, I decided to join @sapocipo's art challenge!! This time, it's a simple drawing of Jupiter and Saturn, drinking some nice tea, gossiping about the solar system 🤭
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But in all seriousness, I really apologize for my inactivity. Life wasn't as great especially last week and I eventually feel into the deep dark hole called "art block". But this challenge has given me a little glimpse of inspiration and motivation, so I really want to help myself by joining Sapo's SolJuly!! >:D
I'll try to answer all the Asks once I'm able to. School is also about to end so I'll hopefully have more time soon!
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deadboycharles · 26 days
Hey, everyone! Mod here. I would like to make a post about the recent cancelation of Dead Boy Detectives and the future of this account! I apologize, by the way, for being inactive here because I have been very busy. Anyway, let's cut to the chase! First off, I still plan to continue this account! Whoo! So don't worry!! Charles won't be going anytime soon :) but I'm not sure about @deadboyedwin if he's continuing to post as Edwin! Secondly, I wanna express my frustrations towards the cancelation of Dead Boy Detectives. It is truly upsetting to see the show being left in a state where the story will never continue. It's truly upsetting and frustrating that we'll never see what happened to Niko, we'll never see Edwin and Charles get together, we'll never see Crystal trying to be a better person, we'll never see any of those stories continue, and that sucks. I could say more but I don't want to keep you reading. With that said!! Have a great day and watch Dead Boy Detectives in honor of the show getting canceled.
-@thesillyeli (Mod)
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chibigo-ma · 7 months
Preview of ❝The Little Human Experiment❞ [Legoshi]
Summary: Misaki was just your typical teenage girl living in Japan, but not in the eyes of her society. She's a human in a life where animals live and think like "humans" in our society. She is now brought in as an experiment for her new life outside her facility to see if humans can co-exist with different other species. A certain wolf gets quite attached to our human friend as he is tasked to protect her.
Edit (13.07.2024): Man... after two months of being inactive... AhhCHOO 🫴 WATTPAD STORY LINK | AO3 STORY LINK I can't believe I didn't share a link..............
"Going already?" Mei asked as Misaki grabbed her bag. "Yeah, I have to go over there now to facilitate the choreography for the Light Ceremony," Misaki said as she patted Haru's head. "Get back soon!" Haru waved at her human friend before she left.
Misaki opened her phone to text Shiela that she would go to the clubroom as soon as she walked down the stairs. As she made her way to the clubroom though, she witnessed Juno carrying a sloth to the restroom. "Misaki-senpai!" Juno greeted with a smile as she placed the sloth down. "Ah, hello, Juno. Late for rehearsal?" Misaki asked as they walked to the clubroom together. 
"Yeah, I am. I apologize. Are you late too, Misaki-senpai?" Juno asked as Misaki texted Shiela once again that Juno was with her. "Not really. I come in and out of the clubroom as I have two clubs to deal with," she shared. "Woah, really? You must be very busy then. It's still remarkable as you're still the assistant head," Juno had great admiration for the human as she clung to her.
"Assistant director, but still the same," Misaki corrected as she opened the door. "Sorry, I'm late!" Juno announces her arrival while still holding onto Misaki. Misaki raised an eyebrow as she noticed how tense the room was until they came in the room. The majority of the members went up to the two.
"Come on, Juno! You're supposed to text Sheila-senpai when you're late," Els informed the first-year. "She was carrying a sloth to the restroom, so her hands were occupied. It was very kind of you, Juno," Misaki acknowledges Juno's willingness. "Why, thank you, Misaki-senpai!" Juno was happy with Misaki's compliment. 
"I've also made sure that Shiela got the memo and to not get you in trouble, so no need to worry," Misaki shared as everyone was wow-ed by Misaki's consideration. "But it doesn't excuse me for being late, so I want to clean the training hall after school. Sorry, Louis-senpai," Juno apologized as she bowed. 
"Oh, Legoshi-senpai!" Juno called out to the gray wolf. "I saw the dinosaur in the plaza. It was really pretty. The stage crew is doing their best, so we actors are going to do our best with our dancing practice. We're very inspired!" Juno smiled widely and only had her eyes on him. "...Mm, good, good," Legoshi doesn't seem affected by Juno's comment. 
"Yeah, you guys did great. Seeing as it's also my first time seeing it, I'm proud of each one of you. I'll be sure to take pictures of all of them when they're finished," Misaki smirked and showed that her lock screen was now the T-Rex Statue they painted, making sure she looked everyone in the eye. 
"Aww, Misaki!" Dom looked flattered. "I'm happy it exceeded your expectations!" Kibi smiled as everyone in the creatives team was appreciative of Misaki's honest remark. "Ah, speaking of, Misaki," Shiela walked up to the human and dragged her towards Louis. "We have some sudden news to share with you," she shared as Louis glared at the cheetah due to her comment before. 
"Yes, Sanu suggested that you'll be our main dancer," Louis mentioned and Misaki was shocked. "What!? What do you mean? I'll be at the front?" Misaki covered her mouth with her hand. "One of our dancers won't be available for the festival and you know the dances well. So, they made Juno be back up and you in the center since you know the dance very well," he shared.
"There's only two days left though," she looked worried. "You'll do fine, you the entire dance anyway," Louis was confident. "Did... did Tarok tell you that I'll be revealed too? Is that why you weren't opposed to it?" Misaki asked. 
"Yes, he did tell me. I asked his permission for the dance and he's fine with it. You won't be wearing that get-up anymore," Louis smirked and Misaki sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll do it. I'll text Haru that I have a big role here so they won't have to worry about my whereabouts," Misaki shared as she went to grab her phone to text her. 
"We'll do a quick fitting with you. I'm sure they'll just readjust one of the existing outfits," Louis told her as Misaki was ready to walk away. "I'll let Legoshi know," Louis smirked upon seeing Misaki frozen in place. He chuckled and patted her back and walked away from her to talk to Legoshi. She quickly ran to the changing room and walked out wearing her PE Uniform. 
"Woah, you do have fur in your legs," Juno wondered as she gave a close inspection of Misaki's legs. "They're called Hair for humans. Despite it being short and thin, they make sure they regulate our body temperature and keep dirt away such as my lashes here," Misaki pointed her eyes to let Juno get a closer look. 
"Woah, they're so tiny," Juno giggled. As everyone was talking to Misaki and was excited to see her fully perform on stage, Legoshi kept his eyes only on her. He looked up and down her figure as he felt aroused by her appearance. 
"Stop eye fucking, my sister." Legoshi snapped out of it and shrank away as Louis glared at him. Louis was most annoyed upon seeing Legoshi's wagging tail when Misaki came into the room. "Sister?" Legoshi questioned. "She's like a sister to me, so don't go hurting her," Louis crossed his arms as it would seem that he was finally open for Misaki to be together with Legoshi. 
"So whatever happened before they came in was a misunderstanding on your part," Louis pointed out. "You got the tape measure ready?" Louis asked. 
"Oh, yeah, I do," Legoshi went to pull it out, "Fix your problem first," Louis interrupted and he walked away. "Problem?" Legoshi questioned. He looked down to see a tent in his pants. He panics and quickly runs to the restroom. He could not believe he just had a hard-on. It embarrassed him more to notice his tail wagging faster than ever. He really wants to disappear.
"Where's Legoshi?" Misaki asked after she got away from the questioning members. "He went to the restroom real quick. Dom will be measuring you instead," Louis informed her as he tried hiding his laughter, which Misaki noticed but she didn't question it. She would truly have a heart attack if she knew that she had such an effect on Legoshi.
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esmedelacroix · 10 months
Coffee Shop Love Pt.6
pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader
summary: He's as stern and cold as the snow falling from the sky blanketing the bustling streets of Nueva York, Miguel O'Hara stumbles upon a hidden gem of a coffee shop just around the corner from Alchemax. Only problem is the annoying-as-shit smiley-ass barista.
contents: slow burn, no use of y/n, fluffy, not proofread, literally the fluffiest of fluffs, a little drama at the end
author's note: Hey lovies, whoo! Two chapters today! Consider it my apology for being so inactive lately. But don't worry loves I'm back on track. A like, comment, or repost is always appreciated. Hope you like this chapter, the cliffhanger not so much >.<, enjoy...
word count: 1.5k
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt. 5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Sequel: Sweet Tooth
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That morning you were so lost in the ridiculous amount of people coming for coffee that you didn't even realize that Miguel hadn't shown up that morning. "Which is so weird because he always comes for coffee in the morning, sometimes again midday then he comes at night and stays a while," you explained to Estella over muffins and Earl Grey tea.
"Alright girl, first of all, why are you this worried about it? It's probably nothing," Estella reassured.
"It can't be nothing, we slept together days ago when the blizzard happened, and he cuddled multiple times!" you exclaimed, as Estella almost choked on her drink.
"You had sex?!" she blurted out shockingly.
"No, no we just like, slept in the same bed, my bed," you muttered, trying to draw the attention away from the two of you.
"Wait, I'm confused, why was he even in your house?!" she questioned.
You explained the whole situation with the amber alert and filled her in on the day that you had spent with Miguel. The more you explained, the more her jaw dropped.
"Wait, now I'm confused, what is your relationship with him?" Estella asked, taking a bite out of a muffin.
"I'm not even sure, we've had this strange chemistry ever since we met," you explained.
"I'd say give a day or two maybe he's like, at work, or living his life?" she joked sarcastically.
"I'm gonna kill you, Estella! Get out of my shop!" you joked as you pushed her out. She laughed along and waved before heading back to the shelter where she worked.
Your break was over and the lunch rush was just about to happen. Still no Miguel, you were starting to wonder if you had done something wrong. No, it makes no sense to think that way, I know I did nothing. I wonder if he misses me this much as well, you thought to yourself as you began to make people's orders.
The day went by very slowly. You sat by the counter at 8 pm, chin propped up on your hand, as fatigue drooped your head down. Just then the bells rang. Your head shot up immediately hoping there would be a tall, dark, and handsome man standing there before you. But it was just Mr. Smith. Probably here to collect the rent. "Good Evening Baby, I've come here for something, but I forget what it is... maybe a drink?" he trails off as he looks up at the menu.
"No Mr. Smith, you're here for the rent. It's too late for you to have coffee," you explained. He smiled and nodded.
"That's right dear, silly me," he said. You handed him an envelope with the rent for the month and waved goodbye after sending him off with a candy cane.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you plopped into a chair and waited to see if Miguel would show up. Why do I miss him so much? What are my feelings for him? You asked yourself as you got up to lock up.
That night you slept wishing to see Miguel walk through those doors in the morning. But to no avail, he didn't show up that morning, or for lunch, or that night. You opened your phone for any notifications from him but nothing. You gave him a call but his phone was turned off. You decide to leave him a voicemail.
"Hey Miguel, It's been a while since we've seen each other. The shop’s really boring without you here, come by for a coffee soon, I know you can't go a single day without having like 3 cups, I miss you, and I'm pretty sure I like you" you said. You had no idea where that last part came from and you fumbled to delete it somehow but what was done was done. You hoped that he wouldn't listen to it. Besides he was a businessman he had better things to do.
That night you slept wondering where he was and why he would come see you. He was cuddling you one day, then you never saw him. Does he like me, or does he not? You asked yourself. You allowed your mind to rest and went to sleep.
The next morning you got through the rush just fine and went on break while mentally preparing yourself for the lunch rush. Miguel was nowhere to be seen but you didn't panic as much as the days before. You had hoped that maybe he would show up tonight and you would scold him for disappearing without notice.
So as you lay your head on the counter bored out of your mind, the shop bells rang. You headshot up as usual and there you saw him. Tall, dark, handsome, and stuck in the mistletoe again. "I told you, you have to get a taller door frame," he joked as walked in. You chuckled at his joke holding yourself back from rushing to him and hugging him.
"Where have you been Miguel?" you asked him softly, unable to wipe the upside-down smile off your face.
"Surprisingly enough, the second I walked into work I was rushed onto a last-minute retreat at another lab. It's one of those classified things where we turn our phones off. I'm sorry I could let you know Baby," he said softly.
"It's no problem, but this other lab... was it nice? Good coffee?" you asked skeptically.
"Yeah, it was alright—" Miguel started.
"Ha! I knew it! Miguel, have you been seeing another barista?" you jokingly asked him. Just then she heard a low sound break the silence between them. He had never fully laughed around her, but once she heard it, it was music to her ears. I would become a stand-up comedian if it meant hearing this beautiful laugh all day, you thought to yourself.
"Oh Baby, I've missed you so much," he confessed with a few chuckles.
"Alright then, sit down and lemme make you a coffee that will top whatever you drank at that 'other lab'," you said motioning for him to take a seat at his usual table.
Instead of taking his laptop out and getting straight to work, he just watched you. He watched you make the most simple but best coffee he had ever tasted. Once he took a sip, it felt like home. "This is that special brew you used at your place isn't it?" he asked with an amused smile.
"Yeah, I figured since you liked it so much, I would make you a nice big cup of it," you explained as you took a seat across from him.
You and Miguel caught each other up on the events that had passed while you were apart. Miguel couldn't stop talking about how much he learned at this fancy schmancy lab he visited with Alchemax in Washington D.C. and how much he learned about quantum physics. You didn't understand half of the terms he was using but that didn't matter because at least he was having a good time. Seeing him talking about something he was passionate about set fireworks off in your chest. You filled him in on the usual Café gossip and drama that was going on.
It was a lovely night of shared laughs and stories but it had to come to an end at some point. Just when he was about to leave you decided to ask him about the voicemail you had sent. "Miguel, did you ever listen to my voicemail?" you asked.
"No, I didn't have the time, should I?" he answered.
"No, just delete it. What I said was pretty embarrassing," you admitted.
"Well now I’m dying to hear it," he teased.
"Oh please don't," you whined.
"Too late!" he called out as he stepped out to his car and visibly pressed the button.
You begged God to allow the earth to swallow you whole and just began to wipe the counter. Just then the door swung open with violent speed and the bells rang crazily. You turned around to see Miguel out of breath holding his phone in one hand, running his hand through his hair with the other. "Baby?" he huffed completely out of breath from running back to the store the second he heard the voicemail.
"Did you mean what you said in that voicemail?" he asked in disbelief.
"I mean, yeah, I guess, but—" you started. But Miguel held his hand up for you to stop. you took that sudden motion as defeat. He doesn't think the same way, you realize in complete despair.
Next Pt.7...
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Hello! At this point it seems that me apologizing for not posting when promised is becoming an unfortunate part of every post that I make, but since I haven't posted in so long I feel like I need to at least explain myself. I'll put the explanation underneath the drawing and below a cut, just to make this post a bit easier to read. For people who aren't interested (which I totally understand) here is a drawing of Quacki :)
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First of all, I'm so sorry for the long wait. I got quite overwhelmed after seeing the amount of response that my last drawing got and while I am thankfull to everyone for that, it made me feel a bit anxious about how many people have seen it😅 But worry not! As during the time I was inactive I made a ton of drawings, doodles and sketches that I'll try my best to share :D
And secondly, since whenever I promise to do something on time I fail miserably, I'll leave the question of when will I post again with the answer "hopefully soon". I would love to post with some kind of schedule, but seeing that I'm probraly not ready for this much responsibility over a hobby I'll keep the deadlines much looser for now.
That should hopefully be all for now, If you have any questions you can ask them either in the comments or by using the "ask me anything!" button on my profile and I'll be more than happy to answer them :)
For now, bye! :D
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usedpidemo · 10 months
Hi pi puppy yujin is starting to show her cleavage 👀
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And a bit of her thigh as well....🫠
why the fuck is she like this...insanity. i want her.
Also, might as well, general housekeeping and update: I would like to apologize for my inactivity over the past few weeks. I got struck by a terrible case of the flu that required several trips to the hospital to recover from. The good news is that I'm getting better, and I'll eventually have new finished fics soon :) Thank you for your understanding and patience.
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salviadivin0rum · 7 months
hi mootie it’s been a while i hope ur doing ok !! 👋
Awhhh this is so sweet ;_; 💜 Sorry for the late response, I'm doing lovely!! I also apologize for the inactivity haha, I've been more focused on oc content recently 🤗
(I also see that I have a few other asks requests to get through in my inbox, I see you guys!! I'll get to you soon <3 I have NOT logged onto this account in a hot minute LOL my notifications are through the roof)
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Don't worry folks!
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Hello and I apologize for my inactivity. There are about 61 asks in my inbox at the moment and countless notifications and I assure you I will answer them once I get a chance. Things are rather busy at the moment at the Hotel and I am working on a vigorous project with Charlie. When things get less hectic I'll be more than happy to return to my broadcast!
Don't you worry! Your Radio Demon will be back soon! I'm sure you all miss me so dearly. My, how your life must be such a bore without my witty broadcasts! Hah!
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tiredsmashbros · 1 month
🌿 aug 15, update
aaa thought it may be good to create some sort of update on some things since the past week has been hectic + its been makin me anxious needing to be quiet a bit,,
may or may not be closing my inbox, if so it will be temp due to gettin a lot of asks than i expected/used to + i want to give each a good response and doodle bc i genuinely find everyone's requests / questions to be so fun to answer qnq
i do read + acknowledge every single one i receive, so pls dont be discouraged if it takes me quite a while to respond back. been going back n forth with ones that catch my interest/quick to answer. got a lot stuff happening i'm unfortunately a busy man,, might just end up doing a cleaning if anything from old asks from june + comments {tysm for the compliments btw 💛 ily all sm} just to lessen and organize more for the sake of my brain sdfghhjbv
i'm am going to be slow and inactive just a teeny bit this upcoming weekend due to packing and flying back to college! i'll be doing my best in my own time to respond back to anything mentioned, so i sincerely apologize in advance, please do not be discouraged! hope ya'll understand i'll be back to the heavy grind soon! :3c
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yuzurins · 28 days
pls read if u are interested in my smau!! (to tell you the truth)
hi guys its been a rlly long time since i've updated consistently (very sorry i am supa busy) and i have been working on the next few chap[ters of ttytt and wll be posting soon!
however the taglist has gotten pretty long and i need to split it into two. i'm not sure if everyoe on the taglist is still active or would like being tagged, so in order to stay organized and be efficient i plan get rid of those who are inactive / wish to be removed. i will be tagging everyone here that is apart of the taglist so pls leave a comment or send me an ask telling me whether or not you would still like to be included -- im posting on aug30 so pls lmk by then ^^
once again i apologize for the hella inconsistent updates but i promise i never forget about my smau and will have the next 4 chapters uplaoded in the following weeks! thank u for all the support <3
@kitorin @rinsque @jleijl @strawberrypockybox @beanxiv @ode2rin @h4nman @hanmastattoos @kaitfae @idk-bro-gay @piichuu @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @invictax @chaosinanutshell @exatse @kirameki-kumo @xoxojisu @mellozhi @certaindreampost @limerence-lu @nutsinspector @kawaii-angelanne @rroxii @saesins @anngelllla @anurst @hellothere9597 @evilenchantresss @msameikanevaeh @saesofficialwife @reiners-milkbiddies @f1yh1gh @celioderso @amenial @wooasecret @kascar-chronicle @izonoi @biaonww @blissblossom @sereniteav @1lovestrawberrymilk @hearts4itoshi @yeojeolmi @arxliana @janbannan @leeyzhuo @kiritokunuwu @geombyu @jiaspoon @yunxbin @p3achiee @supahumbreon @mine-lu @rijhi @suguruwhore @matchablossomsss @i-have-a-lot-of-ocs @kiiruv @pinkismyfavcolor @tamimemo @linmabbe @toffeeeez @hahausernamegobrrr @iuspired @neneletter @gigiiiiislife @bl3uc0r3 @mrsbachiraaa @court-jester-stuff @csbnova @raidenshogunmommy @saeskiss @shironagi @y-sabell-a @hotdogkongmalaki @kitsunetori @kryscent @brainrottingforhotpixels @tojirin @thomatri @urslytherin
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hsboo03 · 9 months
Thank you very much for your messages of support (and an apology because I haven't had the head to reply), my kitty Biscuit is feeling better and that's the most important thing. :) Now, on Monday I'm going back to faculty and I'll have a new subject so I'll have some drawing inactivity but as soon as I have the chance I'll be back (I'll keep coming back to this place because I feel at home here, you guys are already like my family). I love and appreciate you with all my heart. I wish you a lot of peace and love as Ringo Starr would say. :) 🌷🌻🪻🍓💫
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No one, I think, is in my tree
I mean, it must be high or low
That is, you can't, you know, tune in
But it's all right
That is, I think it's not too bad 🍓🍓🍓🍓
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hey bae, u alive? hope all's good xoxo
Bae, I ain't even gonna lie to you, there's been better days 💀. I'm not gonna air my problems out on the internet, but there's been some personal and health problems going on these past months. Luckily, it's not anything lethal so we're still chilling, and I'm still doing my best to continue writing.
I do apologize for being inactive though, however I still got good news. Chapter 6 for Andrew Graves: Star Patient is almost done, at 14,500+ words (the chapter still ended up long despite me splitting it into two chapters...). You should expect chapter 6 either on July 4th or by early next week (if it's not out during that timeline, I'm sorry and something came up).
And for my Yuri Briar: An Alliance fans, yeah, I need to do a poll to get some ground on what y'all want to see in the future cause I'm not sure when Spy x Family's manga is gonna end and I don't want you guys waiting years for an ending. Just expect a poll soon when I find time. You guys are seriously the real MVP's for waiting so long.
Thank you all to my stars who have been waiting patiently, and thank you for checking up on me. I appreciate your concern, but I'm not dying so we're still chilling!
Xoxo, thank you anon for your concern and thank you for checking in! It warms my heart knowing there's people on the internet who care about strangers like me, we need more people like you in this world!
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