#apparently another open is all the writing i'm doing today
ltcmdrdax · 2 years
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mutuals only.
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SETTING:   quark’s,  deep space nine,  jadzia is once again talking abt captain boday.  
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“oh come on,   so you can see the man’s brain,  is that really so strange?”  eyebrows lift challengingly as the question’s aired,   “i’m sure the fact that our skulls aren’t transparent is equally bizarre in his eyes.  in fact,  i know it is,  because he told me so,”
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therealbeachfox · 4 months
Twenty years ago, February 15th, 2004, I got married for the first time.
It was twenty years earlier than I ever expected to.
To celebrate/comemorate the date, I'm sitting down to write out everything I remember as I remember it. No checking all the pictures I took or all the times I've written about this before. I'm not going to turn to my husband (of twenty years, how the f'ing hell) to remember a detail for me.
This is not a 100% accurate recounting of that first wild weekend in San Francisco. But it -is- a 100% accurate recounting of how I remember it today, twenty years after the fact.
Join me below, if you would.
2004 was an election year, and much like conservatives are whipping up anti-trans hysteria and anti-trans bills and propositions to drive out the vote today, in 2004 it was all anti-gay stuff. Specifically, preventing the evil scourge of same-sex marriage from destroying everything good and decent in the world.
Enter Gavin Newstrom. At the time, he was the newly elected mayor of San Francisco. Despite living next door to the city all my life, I hadn’t even heard of the man until Valentines Day 2004 when he announced that gay marriage was legal in San Francisco and started marrying people at city hall.
It was a political stunt. It was very obviously a political stunt. That shit was illegal, after all. But it was a very sweet political stunt. I still remember the front page photo of two ancient women hugging each other forehead to forehead and crying happy tears.
But it was only going to last for as long as it took for the California legal system to come in and make them knock it off.
The next day, we’re on the phone with an acquaintance, and she casually mentions that she’s surprised the two of us aren’t up at San Francisco getting married with everyone else.
“Everyone else?” Goes I, “I thought they would’ve shut that down already?”
“Oh no!” goes she, “The courts aren’t open until Tuesday. Presidents Day on Monday and all. They’re doing them all weekend long!”
We didn’t know because social media wasn’t a thing yet. I only knew as much about it as I’d read on CNN, and most of the blogs I was following were more focused on what bullshit President George W Bush was up to that day.
"Well shit", me and my man go, "do you wanna?" I mean, it’s a political stunt, it wont really mean anything, but we’re not going to get another chance like this for at least 20 years. Why not?
The next day, Sunday, we get up early. We drive north to the southern-most BART station. We load onto Bay Area Rapid Transit, and rattle back and forth all the way to the San Francisco City Hall stop.
We had slightly miscalculated.
Apparently, demand for marriages was far outstripping the staff they had on hand to process them. Who knew. Everyone who’d gotten turned away Saturday had been given tickets with times to show up Sunday to get their marriages done. My babe and I, we could either wait to see if there was a space that opened up, or come back the next day, Monday.
“Isn’t City Hall closed on Monday?” I asked. “It’s a holiday”
“Oh sure,” they reply, “but people are allowed to volunteer their time to come in and work on stuff anyways. And we have a lot of people who want to volunteer their time to have the marriage licensing offices open tomorrow.”
“Oh cool,” we go, “Backup.”
“Make sure you’re here if you do,” they say, “because the California Supreme Court is back in session Tuesday, and will be reviewing the motion that got filed to shut us down.”
And all this shit is super not-legal, so they’ll totally be shutting us down goes unsaid.
We don’t get in Saturday. We wind up hanging out most of the day, though.
It’s… incredible. I can say, without hyperbole, that I have never experienced so much concentrated joy and happiness and celebration of others’ joy and happiness in all my life before or since. My face literally ached from grinning. Every other minute, a new couple was coming out of City Hall, waving their paperwork to the crowd and cheering and leaping and skipping. Two glorious Latina women in full Mariachi band outfits came out, one in the arms of another. A pair of Jewish boys with their families and Rabbi. One couple managed to get a Just Married convertible arranged complete with tin-cans tied to the bumper to drive off in. More than once I was giving some rice to throw at whoever was coming out next.
At some point in the mid-afternoon, there was a sudden wave of extra cheering from the several hundred of us gathered at the steps, even though no one was coming out. There was a group going up the steps to head inside, with some generic black-haired shiny guy at the front. My not-yet-husband nudged me, “That’s Newsom.” He said, because he knew I was hopeless about matching names and people.
Ooooooh, I go. That explains it. Then I joined in the cheers. He waved and ducked inside.
So dusk is starting to fall. It’s February, so it’s only six or so, but it’s getting dark.
“Should we just try getting in line for tomorrow -now-?” we ask.
“Yeah, I’m afraid that’s not going to be possible.” One of the volunteers tells us. “We’re not allowed to have people hang out overnight like this unless there are facilities for them and security. We’d need Porta-Poties for a thousand people and police patrols and the whole lot, and no one had time to get all that organized. Your best bet is to get home, sleep, and then catch the first BART train up at 5am and keep your fingers crossed.
Monday is the last day to do this, after all.
So we go home. We crash out early. We wake up at 4:00. We drive an hour to hit the BART station. We get the first train up. We arrive at City Hall at 6:30AM.
The line stretches around the entirety of San Francisco City Hall. You could toss a can of Coke from the end of the line to the people who’re up to be first through the doors and not have to worry about cracking it open after.
“Uh.” We go. “What the fuck is -this-?”
Remember why they weren’t going to be able to have people hang out overnight?
Turns out, enough SF cops were willing to volunteer unpaid time to do patrols to cover security. And some anonymous person delivered over a dozen Porta-Poties that’d gotten dropped off around 8 the night before.
It’s 6:30 am, there are almost a thousand people in front of us in line to get this literal once in a lifetime marriage, the last chance we expect to have for at least 15 more years (it was 2004, gay rights were getting shoved back on every front. It was not looking good. We were just happy we lived in California were we at least weren’t likely to loose job protections any time soon.).
Then it starts to rain.
We had not dressed for rain.
Here is how the next six hours go.
We’re in line. Once the doors open at 7am, it will creep forward at a slow crawl. It’s around 7 when someone shows up with garbage bags for everyone. Cut holes for the head and arms and you’ve got a makeshift raincoat! So you’ve got hundreds of gays and lesbians decked out in the nicest shit they could get on short notice wearing trashbags over it.
Everyone is so happy.
Everyone is so nervous/scared/frantic that we wont be able to get through the doors before they close for the day.
People online start making delivery orders.
Coffee and bagels are ordered in bulk and delivered to City Hall for whoever needs it. We get pizza. We get roses. Random people come by who just want to give hugs to people in line because they’re just so happy for us. The tour busses make detours to go past the lines. Chinese tourists lean out with their cameras and shout GOOD LUCK while car horns honk.
A single sad man holding a Bible tries to talk people out of doing this, tells us all we’re sinning and to please don’t. He gives up after an hour. A nun replaces him with a small sign about how this is against God’s will. She leaves after it disintegrates in the rain.
The day before, when it was sunny, there had been a lot of protestors. Including a large Muslim group with their signs about how “Not even DOGS do such things!” Which… Yes they do.
A lot of snide words are said (by me) about how the fact that we’re willing to come out in the rain to do this while they’re not willing to come out in the rain to protest it proves who actually gives an actual shit about the topic.
Time passes. I measure it based on which side of City Hall we’re on. The doors face East. We start on Northside. Coffee and trashbags are delivered when we’re on the North Side. Pizza first starts showing up when we’re on Westside, which is also where I see Bible Man and Nun. Roses are delivered on Southside. And so forth.
We have Line Neighbors.
Ahead of us are a gay couple a decade or two older than us. They’ve been together for eight years. The older one is a school teacher. He has his coat collar up and turns away from any news cameras that come near while we reposition ourselves between the lenses and him. He’s worried about the parents of one of his students seeing him on the news and getting him fired. The younger one will step away to get interviewed on his own later on. They drove down for the weekend once they heard what was going on. They’d started around the same time we did, coming from the Northeast, and are parked in a nearby garage.
The most perky energetic joyful woman I’ve ever met shows up right after we turned the corner to Southside to tackle the younger of the two into a hug. She’s their local friend who’d just gotten their message about what they’re doing and she will NOT be missing this. She is -so- happy for them. Her friends cry on her shoulders at her unconditional joy.
Behind us are a lesbian couple who’d been up in San Francisco to celebrate their 12th anniversary together. “We met here Valentines Day weekend! We live down in San Diego, now, but we like to come up for the weekend because it’s our first love city.”
“Then they announced -this-,” the other one says, “and we can’t leave until we get married. I called work Sunday and told them I calling in sick until Wednesday.”
“I told them why,” her partner says, “I don’t care if they want to give me trouble for it. This is worth it. Fuck them.”
My husband-to-be and I look at each other. We’ve been together for not even two years at this point. Less than two years. Is it right for us to be here? We’re potentially taking a spot from another couple that’d been together longer, who needed it more, who deserved it more.”
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Says the 40-something gay couple in front of us.
“This is as much for you as it is for us!” says the lesbian couple who’ve been together for over a decade behind us.
“You kids are too cute together,” says the gay couple’s friend. “you -have- to. Someday -you’re- going to be the old gay couple that’s been together for years and years, and you deserve to have been married by then.”
We stay in line.
It’s while we’re on the Southside of City Hall, just about to turn the corner to Eastside at long last that we pick up our own companions. A white woman who reminds me an awful lot of my aunt with a four year old black boy riding on her shoulders. “Can we say we’re with you? His uncles are already inside and they’re not letting anyone in who isn’t with a couple right there.” “Of course!” we say.
The kid is so very confused about what all the big deal is, but there’s free pizza and the busses keep driving by and honking, so he’s having a great time.
We pass by a statue of Lincoln with ‘Marriage for All!’ and "Gay Rights are Human Rights!" flags tucked in the crooks of his arms and hanging off his hat.
It’s about noon, noon-thirty when we finally make it through the doors and out of the rain.
They’ve promised that anyone who’s inside when the doors shut will get married. We made it. We’re safe.
We still have a -long- way to go.
They’re trying to fit as many people into City Hall as possible. Partially to get people out of the rain, mostly to get as many people indoors as possible. The line now stretches down into the basement and up side stairs and through hallways I’m not entirely sure the public should ever be given access to. We crawl along slowly but surely.
It’s after we’ve gone through the low-ceiling basement hallways past offices and storage and back up another set of staircases and are going through a back hallway of low-ranked functionary offices that someone comes along handing out the paperwork. “It’s an hour or so until you hit the office, but take the time to fill these out so you don’t have to do it there!”
We spend our time filling out the paperwork against walls, against backs, on stone floors, on books.
We enter one of the public areas, filled with displays and photos of City Hall Demonstrations of years past.
I take pictures of the big black and white photo of the Abraham Lincoln statue holding banners and signs against segregation and for civil rights.
The four year old boy we helped get inside runs past us around this time, chased by a blond haired girl about his own age, both perused by an exhausted looking teenager helplessly begging them to stop running.
Everyone is wet and exhausted and vibrating with anticipation and the building-wide aura of happiness that infuses everything.
The line goes into the marriage office. A dozen people are at the desk, shoulder to shoulder, far more than it was built to have working it at once.
A Sister of Perpetual Indulgence is directing people to city officials the moment they open up. She’s done up in her nun getup with all her makeup on and her beard is fluffed and be-glittered and on point. “Oh, I was here yesterday getting married myself, but today I’m acting as your guide. Number 4 sweeties, and -Congradulatiooooons!-“
The guy behind the counter has been there since six. It’s now 1:30. He’s still giddy with joy. He counts our money. He takes our paperwork, reviews it, stamps it, sends off the parts he needs to, and hands the rest back to us. “Alright, go to the Rotunda, they’ll direct you to someone who’ll do the ceremony. Then, if you want the certificate, they’ll direct you to -that- line.” “Can’t you just mail it to us?” “Normally, yeah, but the moment the courts shut us down, we’re not going to be allowed to.”
We take our paperwork and join the line to the Rotunda.
If you’ve seen James Bond: A View to a Kill, you’ve seen the San Francisco City Hall Rotunda. There are literally a dozen spots set up along the balconies that overlook the open area where marriage officials and witnesses are gathered and are just processing people through as fast as they can.
That’s for the people who didn’t bring their own wedding officials.
There’s a Catholic-adjacent couple there who seem to have brought their entire families -and- the priest on the main steps. They’re doing the whole damn thing. There’s at least one more Rabbi at work, I can’t remember what else. Just that there was a -lot-.
We get directed to the second story, northside. The San Francisco City Treasurer is one of our two witnesses. Our marriage officient is some other elected official I cannot remember for the life of me (and I'm only writing down what I can actively remember, so I can't turn to my husband next to me and ask, but he'll have remembered because that's what he does.)
I have a wilting lily flower tucked into my shirt pocket. My pants have water stains up to the knees. My hair is still wet from the rain, I am blubbering, and I can’t get the ring on my husband’s finger. The picture is a treat, I tell you.
There really isn’t a word for the mix of emotions I had at that time. Complete disbelief that this was reality and was happening. Relief that we’d made it. Awe at how many dozens of people had personally cheered for us along the way and the hundreds to thousands who’d cheered for us generally.
Then we're married.
Then we get in line to get our license.
It’s another hour. This time, the line goes through the higher stories. Then snakes around and goes past the doorway to the mayor’s office.
Mayor Newsom is not in today. And will be having trouble getting into his office on Tuesday because of the absolute barricade of letters and flowers and folded up notes and stuffed animals and City Hall maps with black marked “THANK YOU!”s that have been piled up against it.
We make it to the marriage records office.
I take a picture of my now husband standing in front of a case of the marriage records for 1902-1912. Numerous kids are curled up in corners sleeping. My own memory is spotty. I just know we got the papers, and then we’re done with lines. We get out, we head to the front entrance, and we walk out onto the City Hall steps.
It's almost 3PM.
There are cheers, there’s rice thrown at us, there are hundreds of people celebrating us with unconditional love and joy and I had never before felt the goodness that exists in humanity to such an extent. It’s no longer raining, just a light sprinkle, but there are still no protestors. There’s barely even any news vans.
We make our way through the gauntlet, we get hands shaked, people with signs reading ”Congratulations!” jump up and down for us. We hit the sidewalks, and we begin to limp our way back to the BART station.
I’m at the BART station, we’re waiting for our train back south, and I’m sitting on the ground leaning against a pillar and in danger of falling asleep when a nondescript young man stops in front of me and shuffles his feet nervously. “Hey. I just- I saw you guys, down at City Hall, and I just… I’m so happy for you. I’m so proud of what you could do. I’m- I’m just really glad, glad you could get to do this.”
He shakes my hand, clasps it with both of his and shakes it. I thank him and he smiles and then hurries away as fast as he can without running.
Our train arrives and the trip south passes in a semilucid blur.
We get back to our car and climb in.
It’s 4:30 and we are starving.
There’s a Carls Jr near the station that we stop off at and have our first official meal as a married couple. We sit by the window and watch people walking past and pick out others who are returning from San Francisco. We're all easy to pick out, what with the combination of giddiness and water damage.
We get home about 6-7. We take the dog out for a good long walk after being left alone for two days in a row. We shower. We bundle ourselves up. We bury ourselves in blankets and curl up and just sort of sit adrift in the surrealness of what we’d just done.
We wake up the next day, Tuesday, to read that the California State Supreme Court has rejected the petition to shut down the San Francisco weddings because the paperwork had a misplaced comma that made the meaning of one phrase unclear.
The State Supreme Court would proceed to play similar bureaucratic tricks to drag the process out for nearly a full month before they have nothing left and finally shut down Mayor Newsom’s marriages.
My parents had been out of state at the time at a convention. They were flying into SFO about the same moment we were walking out of City Hall. I apologized to them later for not waiting and my mom all but shook me by the shoulders. “No! No one knew that they’d go on for so long! You did what you needed to do! I’ll just be there for the next one!”
It was just a piece of paper. Legally, it didn’t even hold any weight thirty days later. My philosophy at the time was “marriage really isn’t that important, aside from the legal benefits. It’s just confirming what you already have.”
But maybe it’s just societal weight, or ingrained culture, or something, but it was different after. The way I described it at the time, and I’ve never really come up with a better metaphor is, “It’s like we were both holding onto each other in the middle of the ocean in the middle of a storm. We were keeping each other above water, we were each other’s support. But then we got this piece of paper. And it was like the ground rose up to meet our feet. We were still in an ocean, still in the middle of a storm, but there was a solid foundation beneath our feet. We still supported each other, but there was this other thing that was also keeping our heads above the water.
It was different. It was better. It made things more solid and real.
I am forever grateful for all the forces and all the people who came together to make it possible. It’s been twenty years and we’re still together and still married.
We did a domestic partnership a year later to get the legal paperwork. We’d done a private ceremony with proper rings (not just ones grabbed out of the husband’s collection hours before) before then. And in 2008, we did a legal marriage again.
Rushed. In a hurry. Because there was Proposition 13 to be voted on which would make them all illegal again if it passed.
It did, but we were already married at that point, and they couldn’t negate it that time.
Another few years after that, the Supreme Court finally threw up their hands and said "Fine! It's been legal in places and nothing's caught on fire or been devoured by locusts. It's legal everywhere. Shut up about it!"
And that was that.
When I was in highschool, in the late 90s, I didn’t expect to see legal gay marriage until I was in my 50s. I just couldn’t see how the American public as it was would ever be okay with it.
I never expected to be getting married within five years. I never expected it to be legal nationwide before I’d barely started by 30s. I never thought I’d be in my 40s and it’d be such a non-issue that the conservative rabble rousers would’ve had to move onto other wedge issues altogether.
I never thought that I could introduce another man as my husband and absolutely no one involved would so much as blink.
I never thought I’d live in this world.
And it’s twenty years later today. I wonder how our line buddies are doing. Those babies who were running around the wide open rooms playing tag will have graduated college by now. The kids whose parents the one line-buddy was worried would see him are probably married too now. Some of them to others of the same gender.
I don’t have some greater message to make with all this. Other then, culture can shift suddenly in ways you can’t predict. For good or ill. Mainly this is just me remembering the craziest fucking 36 hours of my life twenty years after the fact and sharing them with all of you.
The future we’re resigned to doesn’t have to be the one we live in. Society can shift faster than you think. The unimaginable of twenty years ago is the baseline reality of today.
And always remember that the people who want to get married will show up by the thousands in rain that none of those who’re against it will brave.
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moonlitdesertdreams · 1 month
Of Ghouls and Drugs
Request: "ok so I'm absolutely obsessed with that coop fic you did where reader helps him when he's injured and it's super domestic and fluffy....could you maybe do something where the roles are reversed and he helps the reader who's injured? maybe she's a little shaken up over it too and he calms her down and it's just very sweet and soft. thank you i adore your writing so much 💖" A/N: First of all, the reception of my Fallout content has been amazing. If you're one of the people who have liked/reblogged/replied/shared/saved/etc, I am eternally grateful to you. Second, thank you once again to the anon who sent this request! It's a bit of a switcharoo from Stuck Like Glue, so if you need some more Cooper content, check that out or take a peek at my Fallout Masterlist! Tags: Fallout, Cooper Howard, Cooper Howard x F!Reader, Cooper Howard x You, Ghoul x Reader WARNINGS: Canon-Typical language and violence Summary: Injured and scared, you can always count on your Cowboy to save the day.
Word Count: 1.7k+
(Gif Credit to @victoryrifle)
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You don’t know why you’re hyperventilating. 
Sure, you’d been in countless fights and been scared more times than you can remember. In the Wasteland, if you’re not scared every now and again, you’re dead. But today, cornered in a decrepit open-air shopping mall store while a hoard of feral ghouls claw at the rusty security gate, you’re frozen with fear. 
It was an old clothing store, picked apart by scavengers and ravaged by time. Everything was covered in a thick blanket of dust, from the old checkout counter to the racks of high heels that sit untouched. Unfortunately for you, it hadn’t been a department store you ducked into where there could be some hope of escape. This one was a small boutique-type outlet with one way in and one impassable way out. Furthermore, the roll-down security door currently saving your life had been pure luck on your part. The lever for it was broken off and mounted on the side of the entrance; you’d only found it after the damn thing had torn your upper arm to shreds in your haste to get away. 
And now you’re ducked behind the checkout counter, old patterned men’s tie wrapped tightly around your bicep in a poor excuse of a tourniquet. You were out of ammo, banking on the security gate holding until the ghouls got bored or forgot about you. But there was something about today, about how they’d come charging from the darkness the second Cooper had left to turn in your latest bounty, that terrified you. Feral ghouls were shells of people with no logic or sense left in them, but the attack had felt calculated, planned. You argued with yourself, knowing they had basic instinct and probably just singled you out after another of their kind left.
Then again, maybe you’re conflating your fear of Cooper becoming one of them one day with the looming fear of death. 
Unable to do anything about it, you sit behind the counter and shake. Your breath comes in quick punches, inhales cutting off the exhales and vice versa. The iron smell of your own blood is overwhelming. Despite the tourniquet, warm liquid leaks down your arm and drips into a thick crimson puddle beneath you. Your backpack, full of stimpaks and every chem known to man, is abandoned just outside the gate. The damn thing had been torn away when you’d got caught on the jagged lever, beyond your reach and unable to be saved. 
The ghouls wail and groan while clawing at the gate, the sound of rattling metal echoing around the store’s walls. It’s deafening to the point where you cover your ears, accepting the fact that you’re screwed either way. Blood loss or ghoul attack, it doesn’t matter. Cooper’s long gone towards the last town, and you’re cursing the apparently lackluster job the two of you did making sure your camp was secure. 
“Take a look around.” He’d told you, “Getch’yu some new clothes if you need ‘em.”
Cooper’s voice and kiss goodbye lingers in your thoughts as you hold your hands over your ears. It’s a more pleasant thought than the ghouls outside. Your ghoul always keeps you safe. 
You almost smile to yourself, probably delusional from blood loss. 
Your name slipping out of Cooper’s mouth dances across your foggy mind. 
“Goddamn it woman, open your eyes.” 
Something shakes your whole body, and your eyes snap open. 
At first it’s too dark for you to recognize any solid features, and you scramble away. The missing nose and scarred flesh blend together in your mind. You swing your injured arm in blind panic, which has the tourniquet breaking loose and bright arterial blood spattering the floor.
But you hear a voice calling through the haze. Soft and slow, like it’s calling to a wounded animal. “Ay, ay ay. Calm down now, sweetheart.”
You squint through the darkness, fighting dizziness. A familiar silhouette makes itself apparent. 
His face, weathered by radiation and pain, is usually twisted into a dramatic scowl. But right now it’s concerned, brow furrowed into worry that you’d never seen. The sounds of ghouls and impending doom have vanished. 
“It’s me, babydoll.” He almost coos at you, reaching out a hand. “C’mere.”
Your emotions rage, and tears burn at your eyes. You reach out a hand and brush the one he’s holding out, but your fingertips barely catch on the seam of his gloves.  You squeeze to make sure he’s real. He wraps strong fingers around your wrist and pulls you in. 
It’s easy to give in as his familiar scent and feel washes over you. Gunpowder and smoke are the main notes, but you catch the leather of his duster and the unavoidable grime provided by the Wasteland. The tears flow easily out the corner of your eyes and drip down your cheek.
“I-I don’t know where they came from.” You clutch at his coat, “Scared the hell out of me.”
Cooper is still moving despite you being all but wrapped around him where he’s knelt down. You feel his hands near your injured arm and instinctively cower. 
“Came from somewhere in that back parking lot, it looks like.” Cooper grits in his usual gruff tone, “Must’a got ‘em goin’ when they heard us. Waited ‘til you were alone.”
You sniffle pathetically into his coat, and it morphs into a strangled cry as he wraps the tie back around your arm. His other hand holds a broken piece of wood that he uses to knot into the fabric and twist. 
“Ah! Fucking hell, Coop!” Your protest is little more than a whine as your arm starts to go numb. 
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He murmurs, tipping his head back so he’s able to look in your eyes. “Don’t want ya to bleed out here.” 
You hold his gaze for a moment. “Why’d you come back?”
He helps you stand, giving you a moment to lean back against the counter and acclimate to the dizziness. Your eyes hold steady on him, watching lashless eyelids blink above gaunt cheeks.
“Vials.” He hooks an arm around your shoulders and the other behind your knees and lifts you up, “I wanted to have enough in case I got caught up.”
The slow cadence of Cooper’s walk almost lulls you into closing your eyes and he trudges silently to the shop’s entrance. You see gore splattered on the walls and floor, headless ghouls lying motionless at his feet. The top handle of your backpack is sticking out of the mess, and Cooper snatches it up. 
He walks for some distance, away from the pile of dispatched ghouls. He doesn’t stop until you come up on a store a ways away, advertising furniture and televisions. It seemed relatively untouched considering an atomic war and a two-hundred year wait. The Ghoul moves near the door, and you hear him clanking about with the lock. It takes a few tries and muttered curses, but Cooper jimmies it enough so he can get a toe nudged in the door. You attempt to help by grabbing the door, but he moves your hand back to his shoulder and pushes in on his own.
Cooper sets you gently on a shockingly clean and padded couch. The Ghoul is quiet, but gets to work cleaning the long gash in your arm. He gives you his inhaler, but there’s a strange canister clicked into the mechanism rather than his vial. You take a huff, and gag at the strong taste. 
“H-Holy Shit.” You cough, and it almost distracts you from the pain of a stimpak being stabbed into your wound. “What is that?”
Cooper unties the tourniquet when he’s satisfied, and sets the stimpak off to the side. “Med-X. Inhalin' it works faster.”
You nod and huff on his inhaler again. The Med-X is potent as all hell, and it feels like it’s shooting straight to your brain. You’re more willing, desperate for more as the effects set in. Cooper settles himself on the cushions beside you, watching carefully and taking away the inhaler before you overdose yourself. 
“I’m sorry for bein’ stupid.” You murmur. “I shoulda ran anywhere but there.”
Cooper leans in, ungloved hand cupping the side of your neck and tilting back. “Never apologize for survivin’, sugar.”
The drugs swirling about in your brain make it hard to form normal sentences. “I wouldn’t have without you… I hurt my arm and lost my cool.”
He tries to talk, but you  shush him.
“I couldn’t quit thinkin’ about those ghouls… about you.” 
Cooper sighs and wraps an arm around your shoulders. He pulls you in close and shushes the soft cries that creep up your throat, fueled by a drug-induced haze. 
“Y’know… There’s always somethin’ that’s gonna make us lose it.” Cooper drums his fingers on your forearms. “No matter how tough we might be.”
You feel his lips in your hair and lean into it. “Guess I gotta trust that, ‘cause you’re pretty tough.”
Unbeknownst to you, your words are already comically slurred. Cooper chuckles into the bird’s nest on your head. 
“Feelin’ that Med-X, honey?” 
You swear to god, it’s gotta be that drawl that’s honey, not the drugs.
“Jus-Just a little.” You slump further into his side, head dropping onto his chest. He uses the tip of his boot to drag a nearby footrest closer and prop his feet up. 
“Good. Time for a nap.” Cooper tilts his hat down over his eyes. 
You hum, unable to argue. A nap sounds rather splendid, especially with the amount of drugs circulating your body. You glance up just as the Ghouls huffs down the rest of the Med-X himself. 
“Coop!” You try to chastise him, but it comes out as more of a laugh. “That’s not safe. You don’t need that right now.”
The Ghoul grumbles something that sure sounds like ‘goody two-shoes’, but reigns in the hostility, 
“Sure I do.” His hand rubs up and down your arm before finding its way to your waist. “I’m an old fuckin’ man. Joint pain.”
“Joint pain, schmoint pain.” You mock, eyes falling shut and staying that way. “Fuckin’ old man.”
Cooper actually chuffs at your remark and ducks to press a kiss to your forehead. It’s unexpected and sweet to feel such affection from him, and combines with the euphoric feeling of opioids pulsing through your brain.
“Go to bed, darlin’. Before I knock you out myself.”
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thanks for reading, much love ❤
Read More: Fallout Masterlist
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vanteguccir · 4 months
Medium girl | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader | Nick and Chris Sturniolo x reader (platonic)
Summary: Where Y/N is a medium and Matt's girlfriend. She is invited to participate in the collab between Sam & Colby and the Sturniolo Triplets but ends up being targeted by ghosts all night.
Warning: Paranormal, supernatural, ghosts, mediumship.
Requested?: No.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
PS.: I spent long hours writing this, I was so excited because of the video and how this would come out! I hope you guys like it ♡
PS. 2: Another version of this same "universe" that I wrote.
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"Guys, today we have some very special guests. You literally spent months asking us to do a collaboration with them." Colby said as he walked through the Driskill Hotel Hall with Sam at his side holding the camera. "The Sturniolo Triplets and Y/N!" The brunette finished, pointing to the four mentioned while the camera lens focused on them.
The duo had just finished their initial presentation of the channel and the place where they were, happy to finally do something that their fans had asked for so much.
"Are you guys excited?" Colby asked, clasping his hands in front of his chest as he looked at them with excitement on his features.
"Super excited." The triplets responded at the same time, smiling broadly.
"Very!" Y/N responded from beside Matt, her left hand rested on the brunette's covered back while Matt's right arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Are you guys scared, nervous, or just excited?" Colby asked again, looking briefly at the camera.
"I'm scared." Chris responded quickly, his hands resting on his waist.
"I'm terrified." Nick admitted without reservation, receiving laughter from everyone there.
"I'm super excited, a little nervous, but super excited." Y/N spoke, nodding as a smile spread across her face.
"We wanted to ask this to you specifically. You're a medium, right?" Sam asked from behind the camera, adjusting it in his hands so that the lens caught the four of them and Colby, but with the focus on Y/N.
"Yes I am." The girl nodded.
"She's Lorraine Warren herself." Nick interrupted, pointing briefly at Y/N with his left hand.
"It's not that big of a deal, Nick." She rolled her eyes, not holding back her smile when she saw the boys laughing at the oldest of the triplets' joke.
"But you're good, right? We watched some videos and podcasts of the triplets, and they commented a few times in them about you being a medium." Colby took the lead, looking at her carefully, hoping she could help them with the investigation of that video.
"She is great." Matt spoke before Y/N could open her mouth, carrying a big smile on his face and a proud look in his eyes.
"I don't consider myself great." The girl rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's comment, feeling her cheeks heat up. "I've always had this 'power'." She made the quotation mark gesture with her hands. "I can see, hear, and feel. I remember that when I was a child, I didn't understand anything, and I was scared to death, especially because people said that only I could do those things, I felt crazy. Until my mother took me to my grandmother when I was 9 years old, and they explained it to me together. My grandmother was a great medium, and apparently, that passed on to me." She explained briefly.
"So you can do all three? And you have control over them?" Sam asked from behind the camera again.
"It depends on what the spirit or demon wants. I can feel anything, both energy and proximity. As for hearing or seeing, it depends on whether the spirit wants me to see or hear them. But when they want, I do all three perfectly, everything becomes very clear to me, as if they were really there in the flesh." Y/N explained, receiving nods from Nick and Chris, who were next to her paying attention to her words, even though they already knew that.
"And how do you react to that? You live together, right?" Colby turned to the brothers, bringing their attention to them.
"Yes, we always knew that Y/N was a medium since we all grew up together in Boston. When we moved in together after moving to LA, we not only knew, but we started living it." Nick began explaining, his eyes going from his brothers to Sam and Colby.
"Yes, she never went into much detail about what she saw or heard because we were always a little scared-"
"You're all pussy's." Y/N cut Chris off, releasing the sentence with a smirk on her face. Colby laughed loudly, shaking his head.
"Thank you, my love." Matt scoffed, getting a "your welcome" in return.
"It has become normal for us to be talking to her, and out of nowhere, she looks at a specific point that, for us, has nothing. Or she stops paying attention to what we are saying to listen to something that someone from beyond is saying." Chris continued after rolling his eyes at his sister-in-law, already used to her jokes.
"Yes, it's scary. Sometimes, she wakes up in the middle of the night and stares into space, sitting on top of our bed. I just pull the blanket over my head and pretend I'm not seeing it happening." Y/N slapped Matt's arm after his comment, muttering a "best boyfriend ever".
"Do you think you'll be able to capture the movements here well?" Colby turned to her, looking at her with a curious look.
"I hope so. I'm hopeful that they will be open to me and show me what I need to know." Y/N nodded, breaking into a smile.
Matt moved his right hand down to Y/N's left, intertwining their fingers and caressing his girlfriend's soft skin with his thumb, knowing how much she was looking forward to the video and wanting to feel helpful, even if she didn't need to be a super medium for this.
The six were now standing near the staircase where Samantha had apparently died after chasing a ball and tripping, rolling down the stairs.
Sam was standing on the second step while Matt and Chris were on the left side of the staircase, Matt leaning on the handrail, and Nick on the right side as they listened to the blonde's explanation.
Y/N was a little further away, Sam's voice was muffled to her while her ears picked up indecipherable whispers from all sides, as if many people were trying to ask for help, explain what happened at the hotel and sending hateful comments at the same time.
Matt's presence approaching her broke her from her trance, making her look up at him, seeing his worried expression.
"Is everything okay, baby?" He asked in a low voice, not wanting to attract the attention of the others.
"Yeah, I'm just trying to get a feel of the environment." Y/N responded in the same tone of voice, smiling softly, trying to calm her boyfriend and herself.
She was already used to seeing and hearing spirits since she had done it all her life, but this experience was different from any other she had ever had.
Nick looked at her momentarily, asking her if she was okay with just a move of his lips, receiving a nod in return.
Y/N decided to get closer to the others so she could focus on their main mission there, receiving answers from the spirits through the lanterns.
"Samantha, are you the only one up here on the stairs?" Matt asked after the boys asked several questions, his right hand holding Y/N's, trying to convey comfort.
"No." Y/N replied seconds before the red flashlight turned on, receiving looks from the five on her.
"Do you see any other ghosts up here?" Sam asked, watching Y/N's reactions carefully.
"Yes, I can't see them all clearly. Many are blurred, but I can see at least three up here, besides Samantha." The girl explained, briefly pointing to the spots where she saw the three aforementioned ghosts before turning her attention to the boys.
"Can you see Samantha?" Chris asked, raising his eyebrows, his blue eyes wide in curiosity.
"No, she doesn't want me to see her. But I feel her... Here." Y/N counted, closing her eyes briefly before pointing to a specific spot between Colby and Nick.
Nick looked at the indicated spot, moving away and going to Matt and Chris' side, feeling shivers run up his spine. Colby focused the camera on there, as if waiting for something to reveal itself to the lens.
Matt looked up at his girlfriend, watching her carefully, trying to make sure she was okay.
The six were now on the mezzanine, ready to stand in front of old mirrors, which were very expensive, while they tried to call for spirits through them, specifically for Carlota.
"Hey Carlota, we have five men here, but only four are single, and one of them is off limits." Matt began, looking around briefly as his right arm held Y/N close to him by her waist, not wanting to lose sight of her in the dark of the room.
Colby and Chris began to say pick-up lines into the air as they looked around blindly, causing Y/N to laugh. She couldn't believe they were actually doing that.
The scent of roses intensified around the group, making the girl divert her attention from the boys and also look around, looking for a source of the smell.
An intense tug on her hair made her take a step back, her hands flying to the spot as if she was trying to feel someone there, turning around abruptly.
"What was that?" Colby asked, stopping in the middle of one of his nonsensical pick-up lines.
"Someone pulled my hair." Y/N responded quickly, keeping her gaze firmly on the space where she felt a presence.
Matt turned to look at where his girlfriend was looking, keeping his hand in contact with her body, wanting to make sure she was still there.
"Are you sure that-" Chris began, stopping mid-sentence when he saw Y/N stumble forward, causing Matt's hand to lose contact with her body.
"Why don't you appear in front of me instead of pushing me around, Carlota?" Y/N spoke out loudly, her tone angry while her eyes rolled across the room, feeling several presences and trying to look for Carlota among them.
"Wow, calm down, baby." Matt asked, moving closer and touching her shoulder, only to have Y/N pushed to the side again.
It was obvious that that spirit, Carlota, if Y/N's intuition was right, didn't like the girl there for some reason. This was made clearer by the fact that she only pushed Y/N but didn't even touch the others.
"Are you sure it's Carlota?" Sam asked from behind the camera, zooming in on the lens and moving it so the camera captured the entire place.
"I can't see her, but I feel her presence. And it would make sense. She likes to be pampered and praised by men, having another woman in the same room as her might offend her." The girl explained.
"Or make her feel threatened." Nick added, receiving a nod from Y/N, who was still looking at specific points in the room.
"Get out." A whisper echoed directly against the girl's right ear, making her turn around abruptly, seeing only the female silhouette for a few seconds, before it disappeared like smoke.
Matt approached Y/N quickly as he saw her begin to show her nervousness, wrapping his arm around her waist firmly again, marking his territory and taking on a serious expression, looking around as if confronting whatever was there.
“You are not allowed to touch Y/N.” Matt stated, his voice echoing in a serious tone, tightening his grip on the curve of his girlfriend's waist.
The six stood in silence for a few minutes, waiting for something to happen again, but nothing happened.
"Matt took a firm stance, which probably proved to Carlota, or whoever was doing it, that they shouldn't touch Y/N." Colby explained to the camera. "If it worked so quickly, it probably means you have an aura similar to mine." He turned to Matt, who looked back at him with a confused look, not understanding what that meant.
"It is said that the spirits are afraid of Colby because he has a very "firm" aura, which scares them and makes them obey him." Sam explained, lowering the camera a little so he could get a better look at the couple.
"That explains why the manifestations at home lessen when Matt is around me." Y/N contemplated, bringing her right hand to Matt's left on her waist, stroking the area lightly in gratitude.
Colby resumed his explanation of what they would do in the room after noticing that nothing else would happen to Y/N, focusing his attention on the camera lens.
Matt brought his face closer to the top of his girlfriend's head, sealing his lips in the area for a few seconds, before moving away and exhaling the smell of shampoo and perfume that Y/N exuded, calming himself down.
"You guys are so cheesy." Nick interrupted their moment with a smile on his face, getting closer to feel some sense of comfort.
Y/N just laughed as she rolled her eyes, resting her head on her boyfriend's covered chest, feeling grateful to have him there to protect her.
"Do you want to do it yourself?" Sam asked Matt.
Matt and Sam had just gotten out of the elevator after doing the ritual, which brought no results. The boys that stayed behind were surprised, saying that the ritual lasted just a few minutes, less than they expected.
Y/N was next to Nick, looking carefully inside the elevator as if expecting something to appear there, but there weren't even any traces of ghosts, which left her confused.
Matt looked at Sam for a few seconds after his question, shrugging as if to say, "I'm already here, why not?"
"Babe, can I come with you?" The girl's voice sounded among the group, making everyone look at her briefly.
Matt nodded quickly, feeling relief fill his heart, knowing that he wouldn't have to do it alone anymore. He raised his left hand in the air, waiting for his girlfriend to take it, intertwining their fingers tightly.
"What if you never come back?" Nick began, making Y/N roll her eyes.
"I promise I'll bring him back intact." The girl interrupted the drama. "I'm Lorraine Warren, remember? I'm going to protect my Ed Warren." She added, making everyone laugh.
"Send me the numbers." The brunette asked, looking at Sam as he fished his phone out of his jeans pocket.
The couple entered the elevator, Matt holding the camera in one hand and his phone in the other.
"Don't forget to say "take me to another world"." Sam remembered before the doors closed, the two of them repeating the words being the last thing he heard.
"Okay, let's do this." Matt unlocked his phone screen, opening the messaging app and clicking on Sam's chat, seeing the texts with the numbers.
Y/N read over her boyfriend's shoulder before leaning over and clicking the button for the first floor, taking a deep breath.
"Are you okay, baby?" Matt asked in a low voice, arranging the camera in his hands so that the lens framed the two of them before turning his head to look at her.
"Yeah, just nervous." Y/N began, turning to face her boyfriend while putting on a nervous smile, cracking her fingers in an act of anxiety. "It's just been too much, I've never felt so many presences at the same time."
"I know, baby. I'm here-"
Matt stopped mid-sentence when the elevator door opened, the two of them turning to the it quickly, their eyes traveling down the hallway, scanning the place.
A sigh escaped Matt's lips when nothing happened, his hands relaxing and the camera moving slightly as he leaned in to click the next button.
He reread the texts sent by Sam before putting away his phone, taking his free hand to Y/N's shoulders and pulling her close, the warmth of her body calming him.
"You're brave today. I like this new Matt." The girl commented a few seconds later, looking up, her eyes meeting the blue ones she loved so much. Matt smirked, lowering himself momentarily, sealing his lips over Y/N's forehead.
The two remained in that position, their heartbeats accelerating each time the elevator doors opened again, before they relaxed when nothing happened.
Until the fifth floor, where supposedly a "lady" should enter the elevator. Y/N stood still when the doors opened, the hair on her arms stood up and her heart seemed to freeze for a few seconds before speeding up, feeling like her entire body trembled with each beat.
"Matt." Her voice sounded broken and weak. "She... She's right there." Y/N muttered, raising her right arm and pointing out of the elevator. Her gaze seemed to be glazed over.
Matt swallowed hard, tightening his hand around his girlfriend, wanting to make sure she didn't leave his side. He arranged the camera so that the lens was focused outside, although neither he nor the camera were capturing anything.
"She's not coming in. Something seems to be stopping her. But she's so angry." The girl said, her voice full of emotions, looking like she was about to cry.
"Alright, that's enough. Let's go back." Matt interrupted, leaning in and clicking the button to go down, placing himself in front of his girl, with the intention of protecting her or taking her attention away from the figure.
The elevator began to slowly close, the doors appearing to be held by something.
When it finally did, Matt turned to Y/N, lowering the camera momentarily and focusing all of his attention on her.
"Baby, are you with me? Are you back?" The boy asked in a low, soft voice, afraid of scaring her even more. His blue eyes looked into his girlfriend's, hoping to see them come into focus again.
Y/N blinked repeatedly before finally looking at Matt.
"Yes, I-I'm sorry." She asked, her voice coming out weak. She closed her lips in a thin line, trying to hold back the post-adrenaline crying.
"Hey, don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Are you okay, baby? I just need to know this." The brunette was worried, he felt his heart tighten at his girl's features, and if he could, he would pass on everything she saw and felt to himself, just to spare her from all that.
"Now I am. I promise." The girl responded, nodding her head and offering him a small smile.
The sound of the elevator doors opening interrupted them, making Matt turn his back to Y/N and face the boys waiting for them, Colby already with his camera in hand and the lens focusing on the inside of the place.
"Wow, don't tell me you guys were- Wait, is everything okay?" Nick started the joke, believing that they would be kissing due to their position, but stopping in the middle of it when he noticed the expressions on Y/N's face.
"Y/N saw the "lady" who was supposed to enter the elevator on the fifth floor." Matt said, taking his girl's hand and guiding her out of it carefully.
The group was now in room 525, ready to do the Estes Method.
Y/N was sitting on the edge of the bed, next to Matt, and facing the chair where the other two brothers would do the method. She had a soft smile on her face as she saw her boyfriend and brothers spouting barbs, creating a pleasant atmosphere, before Nick and Chris got under.
The girl kept her eyes glued to the duo, refusing to look around her despite hearing whispers. The words that Nick and Chris repeated, she could hear seconds before, sometimes even phrases, but she didn't want to pay attention to the ghosts there. Y/N wanted to know what they wanted them to know, and she would only get it if she heard what Chris and Nick heard.
The words came disconnected and fast. It seemed like the two were in an argument, often even complementing each other's phrases.
"Y/N." Nick spoke suddenly, his nose wrinkling under the red blindfold as if trying to understand where that came from, or hear better what it meant.
Matt quickly brought his right hand to Y/N's left thigh, maintaining direct contact with her as he kept his eyes fixed on Nick, a serious expression on his face.
"Unwelcome here." Chris spoke next.
Colby felt his fingers on the camera shake slightly. He knew well what was happening here, having already been through the same situation with Sam and their psychic friend, Amanda. He looked at Y/N with a worried expression, followed by Sam, who went over and sat on the bed next to the girl.
Matt pressed his fingers over his girlfriend's covered skin, taking a deep breath. He couldn't believe this was really happening.
"Yeah, it seems like the ghosts hate me." Y/N spoke with a nervous smile, letting out a low laugh, trying to calm the tense atmosphere that had settled.
She finally looked up and around the room, easily finding the ghost who had said that.
The "lady" from the elevator was next to Chris, staring at her with the same anger as before, showing her hatred for the girl's presence there. It was obvious that she didn't want Y/N in her hotel, but no one there understood why.
"What the hell?" Y/N exclaimed milliseconds after Chris said the last word, turning around abruptly when she felt something grab her arm and let go seconds later, but curiously, her eyes didn't catch anything.
"Okay, I think that's good for now." Sam said after seeing her reaction, getting up from the bed and touching Nick and Chris, making them take off their headphones and blindfolds.
"Apparently, I'm unwelcome here." Y/N was the first to speak after getting the attention of the other two brothers. "Something just touched me, I swear."
"I just don't understand. Why would they try to attack Y/N? It doesn't make sense." Matt asked, turning to Colby in hopes of him having an answer, as he moved closer to Y/N on the mattress, trying to give her some reassurance.
"I don't know, sometimes spirits just choose one person to terrorize or attach to, and only they know why. Sam went through something similar once." Colby explained, pointing briefly at the blonde, who nodded.
The girl sighed, it's obvious that they would choose her, after all she could see and hear them. She looked around the room again, drowning out the sound of the boys' voices. Her attention was drawn to the bathroom, which had its door opened by Matt earlier.
She felt a presence there. It certainly wasn't evil, and it seemed to be calling for her, as if it needed her to come in there.
"Guys, why don't we try again, but in the bathroom?" Y/N interrupted Nick's sentence - without even knowing what he was saying -, turning to the boys with a firm look.
"Baby, are you sure? I think we're past your limit." Matt asked, uncertainty settling into his gaze as his blue eyes ran over his girlfriend's features, as if searching for any sign of fear there, but finding nothing but firmness.
"I'm sure, I feel like there's something there that needs to talk to us."
Minutes later the six had organized themselves in the small bathroom; Colby was standing in the bathtub while Matt sat on the edge of it, Nick was sitting on the closed toilet and Chris was leaning on the sink, both looking at his brother. Sam was standing in the doorway, still with the camera in hand, while Y/N was sitting on the floor, between Matt's legs and looking up, her eyes focused on her boyfriend's blindfold covered face.
Y/N had her right hand on Matt's thigh, caressing the skin carefully, trying to reduce the boy's anxiety and nervousness, knowing that despite him trying to be thought, he was afraid of what might happen, or if he would even be able to hear anything.
"A very deep breath." Matt spoke for the first time after going under, his voice coming out loud before mimicking the breath he heard.
Y/N frowned, looking around but seeing nothing. Seconds later, she felt goosebumps run down her arm and a wind on her right side, as if something had passed there and settled next to Matt.
"Love." Matt got the first word out.
"Is that why you're here? Because you love the hotel?" Sam asked from behind the camera.
"Are there any couples here with us?" Colby asked, pinching his lips with his fingers as he tried to think of possibilities, but there was no response from the boy.
“Are you referring to Y/N and Matt?” Chris asked suddenly, causing Y/N to look at him quickly, her eyes wide.
"Do you think they're both beautiful together?" Nick asked this time, resting his left foot lightly against Y/N's thigh, trying to keep her calm.
"Are you angry because they are a beautiful couple?" Sam asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Wait, that makes sense. There was a woman in the room while Nick and Chris were doing the Estes Method, it was the same lady from the elevator, and she was very angry about something, just like she was when I saw her in the actual elevator." Y/N explained, lifting her head and briefly looking at Colby, who carried a concentrated look. "She was staring at me with hatred, as if I had done the worst thing in the world."
"Wow, that's the fourth time tonight that the same word has been repeated." Colby murmured, his eyes wide.
"Is the woman in the room mad that Matt and I are a couple?" Y/N asked with uncertainty in her voice. She didn't understand why a many years old ghost would be angry at their relationship.
At that moment, Y/N felt a new presence in the bathroom, as if something had left the room and entered there, it being filled with hatred. The girl looked up and saw the same woman, this time closer, looking at her with the same look as before, but for some reason she didn't try to touch Y/N, or she couldn't.
"She's-" Y/N's sentence was cut off by Matt, who repeated words again.
"Touch. Hurt. Y/N." Matt spoke the words without pause, his hands flying to the headphones and quickly taking it off, followed by the blindfold. "No, you can't touch her. She's not yours." Matt growled angrily, standing up and pulling Y/N by her arms, making her stand beside him, before pulling her tightly to his side and wrapping his arm protectively around her shoulder. "You're not allowed to touch any of us, especially her." The boy finished, his blue eyes traveled around the bathroom, as if he was trying to find where the entity was.
"What the fuck dude?" Sam quickly lowered the camera, looking at everyone there in shock.
Chris and Nick took a rigid stance, as if they were ready to help their brother if necessary, despite there being nothing they could do against a ghost.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Nick turned, looking at her with careful eyes, trying to read the girl's expressions.
"Yeah, she didn't actually touch me, but it was intense... I'm just scared. At least she's not here anymore." Y/N sighed, leaning into Matt, who patted her shoulder affectionately.
"That was crazy man. I didn't think the night would turn into this." Colby muttered, stepping out of the tub.
"It's okay, it's over now." Matt whispered in Y/N's ear, embracing her into his arms. She took a deep breath, breathing Matt's scent in, calming her nerves down.
The ghosts really hated her.
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
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chaos-in-deepspace · 9 days
LNDS: Hospital Trip | Fluff
Listen...this was supposed to be a crack fic. Apparently when I write long form fics I can't help but take it seriously. So this is romantic comedy now. It's fluff. I'm not a Zayne girlie but damn do I adore him...I might be a Zayne girlie. And a Rafayel girlie. And a Xavier girlie...I'm a whore.
Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. Warnings: Crack treated seriously, But also is this really crack anymore?, Romance mixed with comedy, flirting, Blood, Leg injuries, stitches, shots (the not fun kind) Synopsis: You had been enjoying your day when a small incident led you to the hospital. Thankfully your beloved boyfriend is taking care of you, but he does demand an explanation at to how you got injured...something you'd rather he not know. Word Count: 4,159
Blog Information | Masterlist
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Hospital Trip | Zayne x Reader
You let out an unamused huff as you leaned against the back of the hospital bed, looking off in the distance. Your leg was on fire at the moment and you weren’t exactly happy to be in the hospital. Thankfully Yvonne had been sweet enough to allow you to see Dr. Zayne about your injury (even though she insisted that Dr. Greyson was available immediately and Zayne was finishing up a surgery, you didn’t care.)
You perked up as you heard the door open, smiling the moment you saw Zayne. You weren’t even sure if he was aware that you’d be his patient as Yvonne didn’t bother getting you checked in. He looks up from the paperwork in his hands, seeing that you were sitting on his examination table with a dopey grin.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” He said, his voice soft as he adjusted his glasses. He clearly hadn’t noticed that something was amiss as you shifted on the table.
“Well, you see…” You said, shifting more to show the inner part of your thigh. The thigh that happened to be getting blood on his examination table. The way you were sitting had helped it not pool too much, and the nurse that helped you in the room did place a small tourniquet around your leg (although in all honesty it wasn’t that bad).
Zayne paused at seeing the injury, looking at you and then back at your bloody thigh. His lips pressed together as he nodded in disappointment, realizing that you had probably given some nurses hell as they tried helping you and you refused. The hospital was used to your antics, especially when it came to your doctor. Unless you were dying, you insisted on seeing Zayne for everything.
He approached you, placing a hand over a section that didn’t have blood on it. You were grateful to be wearing shorts today so you didn’t have to take off your pants for this…although the thought of waiting for Zayne in his office in only your underwear was an amusing thought. An idea for another day.
The feel of his cold hand had you instinctually opening your legs up more for the man. He looked back up at your face and you couldn’t help but wiggle your eyebrows suggestively at him.
“Is there a reason this hasn’t been treated yet? How long have you been here?” He asked, finally taking his hand away from you.
“Um, maybe ten minutes? I told them it wasn’t that bad and I’d wait for you.” You told him and he shot you a look. He sighed, going over to see that the nurses had already gotten him a tray of items he’d be needing.
You wouldn’t lie, you had gotten nervous when you saw the nurse wheeling the tray in and seeing it had items for stitches. You really didn’t think your injury was that bad. Granted you couldn’t feel your leg at the moment, but that's besides the point.
“If your leg is in this condition, you should’ve allowed another doctor to tend to it.” Zayne scolded, walking over to the sink and washing his hands.
You hummed before smirking, “Well I figured you wouldn’t like having one of your coworkers between my thighs, since you are the jealous type.” You teased him. Zayne shot you a small glare, but you knew he wouldn’t stay mad for long.
“Leave the suggestive comments please. There is nothing sexual about a doctor tending to their patients.” He said, pausing and letting out another long sigh. You wondered what was causing him so much grief since you saw a flash of something in his eyes as he remembered something, “I need you to take your shorts off.”
You barked out a laugh, “Nothing sexual my ass.” you said, going to unbutton your shorts, “I’m surprised you’re letting me take them off, you’re always so eager to be the one doing it back home.” 
“I said to leave the comments.” He said, placing gloves onto his hands as he approached you on the table.
“I can’t help it when you’re this easy to tease.” You winked before looking at the supplies he had been given, “So you gonna numb me up before you sew thread into my thigh?”
“I don’t know, should I be numbing you? If you have the energy to flirt, the pain must not be that bad.” He said, watching as you shucked your shorts off and placed them next to you on the bed. “Now might I be enlightened as to how this happened in the first place? If I’m not mistaken, today was your day off.”
You made a small, pained noise in the back of your throat as you thought back to what you had done. Nope. Absolutely not. He didn’t really need to know what had happened, did he?
“I tripped.” You lied, knowing he wouldn’t buy it for even a second. You’d rather tell him an obvious lie then do too good of a job and have him believe you. He always ends up finding the truth eventually, and when he finds out you actually lied to him, he always gets upset and distant. So you never did it to him. You’d give him the world’s fakest lie so he could tell right away.
“I’m not asking out of curiosity. I need to know if you might’ve gotten something in your wound. I need to know as your doctor.” A shiver went down your spine at the statement. There was always a difference between your sweet, caring boyfriend Zayne, and Akso’s Chief of Surgery, Doctor Zayne Li. You, of course, adored both sides, but seeing him switch to being Doctor Zayne was always hot.
“Fine, then I assume if you’re asking as my Doctor, then you won’t be judging me when I tell you?” You said, shifting in your spot. You really didn’t want to tell him. He was the best boyfriend ever but god damn could he give your sass back ten fold.
“Sadly doctor’s are entitled to judge whomever they please, we’re just not allowed to voice it to our patients or coworkers.” He said and you huffed. 
“You’re judging me right now, aren’t you?” You finally murmured.
“Always quick to catch on.” He had the audacity to smirk as he grabbed the shot that you assumed had the lidocaine in it and waved it in place to tease you.
“Asshole…” You said under your breath. He looked at you with his eyebrow raised.
“What was that, you don’t want to be numbed?” He asked and a small, pathetic whine came from you.
“I mean my beloved boyfriend who is so kind, caring, and compassionate. The boyfriend who will do anything to keep me out of harm's way and fixes me up when I have booboos in the nicest way possible.” You said, pressing your hands together and smiling at him.
He looked like he wanted to roll his eyes at your praise and you finally relaxed a bit, “I’m still waiting to find out what happened.” He reminded you.
"Okay, where to begin…” You said, tapping your lower lip, “Well I woke up a bit later than usual since I didn’t have work today. I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast and was going through the freezer when I noticed we didn’t have any ice cream left!” You began and Zayne gave you an unamused look.
At this point, Zayne was grabbing the alcohol wipes to begin cleaning off the blood so he could see the actual damage, “I don’t need a play by play of your day, darling, I need to know how you injured yourself.”
You chuckled at the pet name and Zayne smiled ever so slightly at the happy wiggle you did on the table, “Okay, but it’s all super important information.” You chided with a small waggle of your finger, “So I decided the best course of action would be to run down to the store and go buy some in case we wanted some ice cream tonight. So I got dressed and walked down to the corner store.”
“Did you actually manage to get any?” He asked and your smile fell.
“Well…of course I did. At first. I got the ice cream and it was all bagged up. I left the store after thanking this sweet new cashier, her name is Tamara by the way.” You said with a wave of your hand, “Then out of nowhere I heard this sweet little chirping and saw a baby bird was on the ground. Clearly he had fallen, but thankfully it had been in a bed of soft flowers.” You explained.
You watched as Zayne paused, thinking about what you said and shook his head, “Sit correctly please, I need to clean your wound.” He said, pushing your legs to a better position.
“Okay so clearly you know the corner store I’m talking about, ya? The one right by your apartment?” You asked.
“Our apartment? Yes, I recall. It’s the one that always has a sign outside with those drawings to draw people in on the newest products.” He said and you paused before giggling again at him calling it our apartment. You'd never get tired of that since you had only been living together for a short while.
“Then you know how there’s some construction going on right next to it. There’s that metal fence they put up to keep people out and there’s a tree right on the other side.” You said and Zayne nodded, “Well the nest was in that tree.”
“Of course, why wouldn’t it be in an easier to reach location?” He sarcastically murmured to himself. It was just loud enough for you to pick up, and you went to kick him before freezing at realizing it was your bad leg. The same leg that earlier you couldn’t feel, but when you made sharp movements apparently it was all you could feel.
“Well I couldn’t just leave the poor thing there to die, so I scooped it up and put it into my jacket pocket.” You said and Zayne made note that you didn’t seem to have a coat anymore. How curious.
You flinched away as Zayne began cleaning the wound, the alcohol burning but he held your leg in place as he continued dabbing at it. 
You cleared your throat, trying to not think about the sting, “So I managed to climb the fence without any issues thankfully. There were also no construction workers so I was all by my lonesome in my quest to put this birdie back in its nest.”
Zayne paused as he finished cleaning the wound, looking up at you from behind his glasses. You don’t know why you felt small under his gaze at the moment, especially since he was technically underneath you.
“Then I started to climb that tree to put the birdie back into its home. It wasn’t very high up in the tree thankfully, so it was easy enough to place him there.” You explained, happy about your accomplishment.
“I’m very proud that you managed to save a single chick by doing two very reckless things.” It was sarcastic as all hell, but you’d take the praise when you could get it.
“Thanks babe.” You said and he shook his head.
“This doesn’t explain how you ended up with a gash on your thigh.” He said and looked down at your legs, “Or why your legs have dirt on them…and probably future bruises forming.”
“Well, so the nest was home to an eagle! Can you believe it? It was very majestic looking as it began flying back to its babies.” You said, then you let out another hiss as he swiped a disinfectant of some kind over your wound. As if the alcohol wasn’t enough…
“Don’t mind me, continue your story.” He said and you got a sense he was almost amused now.
“Well apparently mama eagle wasn’t happy I was spending time with the babies because she swooped in to attack me. Obviously my natural reaction to an eagle coming for my throat was to flinch back. Sadly it caused me to fall from the tree and as I fell, I managed to catch my leg on a piece of the fence that was jutting out…thus ending in my giant gash and forming bruises.” You finally confessed.
You felt like an idiot, but honestly how were you supposed to know that would happen? You just wanted to save a baby chick that had fallen. Then BOOM! Eagle attack. To make matters worse you had fallen right on your ice cream and the concoction splattered all over your white jacket (alongside your blood since you used your jacket in an attempt to stop the bleeding) so you ended up just tossing them both away in shame.
You watched Zayne grab the needle that had the lidocaine in it and flicked it a few times to get the air pockets out, “And how, pray tell, did you get to the hospital? If the ambulance brought you in, you would’ve been treated in the ER right away. Since we’re having this conversation, it’s clear you didn’t make the right decision.”
“An ambulance would’ve been overkill.” You said and the look Zayne gave you said otherwise, “I just walked here. It’s only a few miles and the day was beautiful.”
Zayne could feel his eye begin to twitch at your lackadaisical response, “You walked miles with an injured leg that needed stitches. Did nobody try to stop you when they saw you trailing blood everywhere?” Oh he was a bit upset by this.
“Well people on the highway are normally like super busy and not looking at random people walking on the side of the road.” You said and Zayne seemed to be trying really hard to keep his cool at the moment. He wanted to properly scold you and tell you how stupid you had been; his worry wanting to turn to anger, but he held himself back. He didn’t want to lash out with emotions when he was trying to treat you as a patient. 
“Of course, you just casually walked on the side of a busy highway where a car might’ve hit you.” He couldn’t help but say in almost disbelief at the lack of self awareness. How he managed to fall for you was a mystery. He did absolutely adore you, but moments like this would only cause his hair to gray faster.
Zayne took the shot, carefully placing it on the edge of your gash and began injecting you with the medication. You let out a hiss of pain, the sensation being horribly uncomfortable. You held as still as you could though, wanting to tear up a bit from how bad it stung going in and watching as he moved it around wasn't helping.
“Are you making it hurt a lot because you’re mad at me?” Your voice came out in a dejected whine. Zayne had just pulled back the needle when he looked at you. He gave you a tired smile, his hand going to rub at the non-injured area of your leg.
“I apologize for the discomfort, but you should know that no matter how upset I am with you, I would never do something to cause you intentional pain like that.” He said, his hand feeling cool against your hot skin. It helped numb the pain, and as the medication slowly began working the entire area was numb to…everything.
You were surprised by how fast it worked, and even more surprised by how fast Zayne worked. He was already getting ready to stitch your leg up and you looked over at him with a cheeky grin.
“If you’re gonna sew up my leg, can you make a heart shaped design for me?” You teasingly asked.
“I’m a doctor, not a seamstress.” He said as you watched him grab the threaded needle and pressed it against your skin. As soon as it was about to go into your leg, you looked away. There was no way you’d be fine with watching him put a needle through your body.
It doesn’t take long for him to finish with the stitches, leaning back in his chair to check it over. You look down as well, a bit off put by stitches but at least it was going to heal properly.
Zayne began cleaning the wound and then grabbed the gauze, tapping your thigh to lift up as he wrapped it carefully. Once it was all wrapped up (sadly without a neat little bow like you requested) Zayne ran a finger gently over it.
“Does that feel better, darling?” he asked and you smiled, loving the nickname and nodding.
“Yes sir, feels a million times better…but I also can’t feel it at all so that might be why.”
“It’ll most likely feel sore and ache for the next few days. I’ll make sure to pick you up some painkillers from the pharmacy before we head home.” He said, going to take off his gloves and move the tray away from you.
“Thank you, doctor.” You finally said. Despite all your teasing, you really were happy he was the one treating you. You always felt the most comfortable when he was in charge of your care, after all.
Zayne looked over at you, adjusting his glasses on his nose and tilting his head, “Don’t think you’re off the hook. I haven’t forgotten what you did.” He said and you huffed.
“Now why did you have to say that?” You murmured, watching as he went over to his desk. He began typing things up on his computer, looking through some files it seemed. Once he saw what he needed, he clicked his tongue.
“We can discuss your actions when we get home.” he said, looking you over, “For now I’ll need you to wait here. I need to grab some things. It seems you’re due for a tetanus shot, and with your most recent endeavor of getting cut on a metal fence, I think now is the best time for it.”
“Wait…a shot?” You groaned, “Oh you’re mad, mad.” The accusation fell on deaf ears as he was already heading out the door. 
With another huff, you crossed your arms and looked at the clock. After only five minutes you decided you had enough and got on wobbly feet. You could barely feel your thigh still so it made it awkward, feeling almost like you were walking with a partially dead leg.
Still, you limped with purpose and eventually got to Zayne’s large desk. You didn’t care much for all the paperwork; most of it was medical jargon that went well over your head. No, you were curious about if he kept some of your gifts.
You opened up one of the drawers, smiling as you saw a sticky pad with little pears on it being the first thing in sight. You also saw a handful of pens that doubled as flowers. You felt all warm and fuzzy seeing how the items were clearly well used. 
Then you heard the door open.
You froze in place, staring at Zayne who was carrying a few items. You two made eye contact for a moment and he only sighed, shaking his head. It wasn’t like you could run away from him. You watched him close the door behind him and it clicked as it locked.
He walked over to you, placing the shot down on his surprisingly clean desk. He towered over you in that moment, making you feel small yet again. He went over, lifting you gently as he paid attention to your newly wrapped leg.
Your ass met the cool wood of his desk as he sat you on top of it, “Can’t you behave for five minutes?” He asked and you looked away to avoid eye contact.
“I wanted to see where you kept the candy…” You murmured, as it was half true. You didn’t want to admit you were checking to make sure he didn’t toss out your little gifts.
“Next drawer over.” He said and you looked over to see his hand grazing the edge of the desk, opening the drawer and grabbing the candy, “However only good patients get it. If you behave for your shot, I’ll give you a piece.”
You knew him damn well, he’d give you a mint no matter what happened. He was always a sucker for spoiling you, even when you were acting up and being a total brat.
“Alright, Dr. Zayne. I’ll be good.” You huffed, looking at the delicately wrapped mint in his hand. He placed it next to you, then went to grab his supplies. You watched patiently as he cleaned an area on your good thigh then grabbed the needle.
Once again, you can’t look at the needle as it goes into you. However, this time the feeling was so much worse. You cursed under your breath, your hands going to Zayne’s shoulders to grip onto for some stability. Thankfully Zayne didn’t falter as he finished up, taking the needle out and placing it next to you.
His gloves hand goes to rub soothing circles over the area in apology, before he grabs a plaster and places it on top where a small bead of blood was already trying to come out of.
“Are you alright?” He asked finally and you grumbled under your breath.
“Ya…” Your hands tightened on his shoulders, not wanting him to leave, but also being a bit upset at all the pain you had endured because of your antics. It wasn’t fair, why couldn’t you do stupid things without consequences?
One of Zayne’s hands cupped your chin, forcing your face up to look up at him, “You need to be more careful in the future, understood? You got off lucky with only a few stitches this time.”
A small whine comes from the back of your throat, your cheeks reddening at his proximity. Your eyes couldn’t help but glance down at his lips for a second before going back to his eyes.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Zayne as he leaned down, giving you a short and sweet kiss before parting. His lips found your cheek next, then your other, then finally your forehead. He leaned his forehead against your own as he looked at you.
“Let me finish up some of my paperwork then I’ll take you home. I don’t need you walking on this leg right now.” He said and you pouted. Who knew how long it would take for him to do all that paperwork, “I promise it won’t take long.”
“Fine…but do I get a reward when we get home for being so good?” It didn’t go unnoticed by you that Zayne was practically between your legs as he leaned over you. Your pants were still on the table across the room, and you desperately wanted him to just kiss you properly this time. You wanted to be gasping for air by the time he parted from you.
Zayne paused, noticing the current predicament before smirking. His hand left your chin, instead going to box you between his desk and body. He leaned closer, pressing his lips near your ear.
“You want to know what I’m going to do to you later?”
You shivered at his suddenly husky voice, your hands grasping onto the lapels of his lab coat. You bit your lip, feeling suddenly hot in your own skin.
“I’m going to have you lay in bed and make you drink plenty of water and rest while your leg heals.” He whispered in your ear.
You let out an annoyed groan as his body left your own, standing at full height as he went to begin cleaning. “That wasn’t sexy at all.” You complained.
“Falling from a tree and gashing your leg open is also rather…unsexy.” He said and you groaned, a small smile spreading on your lips. Touché Zayne, touché.
“Okay can we at least stop by and get ice cream on the way back, then cuddle on the couch while we watch a movie tonight? I think I deserve extra cuddles for the pain I’ve had to endure.” You said with a small pout.
“I find those terms to be rather agreeable. It’s a date.” He settled on. You giggled as he picked you up from his desk and took you back to the examination table. He placed you on a clean spot and handed you your pants.
Sometimes dating a doctor has its perks.
Sadly dating a spiteful doctor had plenty of downsides as you later learned that night. You, curled up against his chest, as he puts on a movie for you two to watch. A documentary…on eagles.
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astrophileous · 7 months
ZAHRA I DEMAND (request) A PART TWO OF JEALOUS REID I AM BEGGINGGGGG 🧎‍♀️😩🙏 I am actually in love with the way you write spencer like MY GAWD. MY GAWD.
your request (demand) shall be my command, your majesty 🙏
Warning(s): gn!reader, more jealous spencer bcs apparently it wasn't enough in the first one, a cheesy narration abt "change" 🤢🤢🤢 bcs why not.
This is part two for this blurb.
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
If there was one thing Spencer Reid always found peculiar about mankind, it would be the general lack of acceptance when it came to change.
Before today, Spencer never understood the science behind metathesiophobia: the fear of change. Unpredicted and terrifying as it was, change was necessary to keep the ubiquitous balance of the universe. Change existed in the smallest and biggest capacity of the world, and Spencer, for the life of him, had never been able to berate change for doing exactly what it was intended to do.
Until now.
As Spencer stood next to the copy machine just a few feet away from the kitchenette, eavesdropping a discussion he had no business injecting himself into, Spencer finally understood why many people in the world feared change. The noises coming from the machine in front of him were tumultuous, but Spencer craned his neck and ears to the best of his capabilities just so he could listen in better to the conversation.
"JJ," Spencer heard you say, "I'm telling you, I'm not interested."
"I haven't even told you anything about him yet!"
"Jennifer, it's not about the guy. I'm sure your friend is lovely, but I'm just... not looking for anything like that right now."
"C'mon, (Y/N)," JJ nearly whined. "Please, please, please, just think about this? How long has it been since you broke up with that Bran guy, anyway? You've been single for a while now, don't you think it's finally time for a change?"
The word tasted bitter as Spencer felt it burn all the way down his throat.
There was a beat of pause where Spencer's heart thundered inside its crate; reeling in suspense over what your answer was going to be. He heard your sigh before your voice arose once more, "Fine. Just text me his number and I'll handle the rest myself, okay?"
Spencer tuned everything out after that, safe for JJ's elated squeal that echoed nearly halfway through the bullpen.
The rest of the day unraveled like a tedious nightmare. After collecting his belongings, Spencer headed out of the bullpen with his car keys in hand. He was waiting for the elevator to arrive, internally cursing his decision for having driven to work that morning, when an unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared behind him.
"You're still here, Doctor?"
Spencer turned around to see you approaching from the direction of Penelope's office. The smile on your face reminded him of cotton candy: soft and sweet; just like the scent of your perfume as it engulfed Spencer's whole being.
"I thought you already left," Spencer muttered.
"No, I had things to take care of. How about you?"
"Yeah. Same."
The elevator arrived with a ding. You walked in after him and pressed the button for the lobby, your scent attacking Spencer's senses even more ruthlessly within the tiny metal box.
"You have any plans for the weekend, Doc?" you asked once the elevator started going down. "A hot date, perhaps?"
Spencer loathed the view of your cheeky smile, along with the teasing gesture of your eyebrows at the suggestion of him going on a date with another person. Here he was, propelling himself to the brink of insanity over the idea of you being on a date with anyone else but him, and you didn't even bat an eye at the prospect of Spencer being with someone else.
"No hot dates for me," he responded. The elevator opened with another ding. "Can't say the same about you, though, can I?"
Your inquisitive gaze slid his way.
"I heard you and JJ in the pantry." Spencer opened the lobby doors, allowing you to walk through before falling into step beside you again. "So, are you going?"
"On the date? I honestly don't know." The night breeze blew against your face. Spencer shuffled closer when he noticed your subtle shiver. "I haven't even texted him yet. I don't feel like it, to be honest. But JJ just seemed so excited about it, so the least I could do is try talking to him first, right?"
An interim silence settled between the two of you. Before long, Spencer spotted his Volvo being parked a few paces ahead. "This is me." Spencer gestured to the car.
"Nice ride." You smiled, humming appreciatively at the vehicle. "Well, I'll get going, then. See you Monday, Doc. Drive safe."
Spencer watched as you started to saunter away. A familiar flame had begun raging and licking up his spine since the moment you mentioned the phrase a hot date in Spencer's face, and now, he could feel that same flame taking a hold of the beating organ inside his chest.
"Don't do it."
You stopped in your tracks.
It took Spencer a few seconds to realize that the interruption had come from him.
"Don't text that guy."
You spun around fully to face him. "Why not?"
"Because I don't think you should go out with him."
You looked at Spencer strangely. "You don't even know the guy."
"I don't need to. I just—" Spencer's jaw hardened, "—I need you to swear to me. Please. Swear you won't go on the date."
Your forehead creased in confusion.
You knew what Spencer was saying didn't make sense, but what perplexed you even more were the words that came out of your mouth next, "Okay. I won't go on the date."
Spencer breathed out his relief as if you just granted him fresh air after years of being buried underground. He gripped his satchel tighter and fiddled with the strap, giving you a curt nod before he slipped inside the driver's seat of his car.
Spencer drove away after that, leaving you standing alone in the middle of Quantico's deserted parking lot as you stared feebly at the tire marks on the ground. A foreign fire had suddenly flickered inside your chest, and even if you didn't understand the significance of it yet, you knew that it must've had something to do with a specific genius profiler who just demanded you to back out of a date that hadn't even been planned yet.
After casting one last look towards his speeding Volvo in the distance, you turned around and headed for your own car, feeling the fire in your ribcage burn brighter with every single one of your steps.
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moonydustx · 19 days
Hey, Brazilian here!!! Can you write about Law x Sick!Reader?
Oi oi! Mais um dia, mais um atraso om os pedidos. Primeiro, muito obrigada pelo seu pedido <3 Aqui e aqui temos algumas histórias sobre Law x Sick!Reader. Mas como é quase irresistível escrever sobre nosso pirata favorito, hoje eu trouxe mais uma. Espero de verdade que goste!
And here’s the translation: Hi Hi! Another day, another delay with orders. First, thank you so much for your request <3 Here and here we have some stories about Law x Sick!Reader. But since it's almost irresistible to write about our favorite pirate, today I brought one more. I really hope you like it!
Requests are back soon, don't give up on me!
one piece masterlist
The isolated
Law x Sick!Reader (F!Reader)
warnings: idiots who don't know how to show their feelings, maybe there is a wrong use of DF, certainly medical errors because I'm not very good at writing this topic.
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The sun shone brightly outside the Polar Tang, matching the summer island you had stumbled upon. Beaches, parks, and even a small forest trail awaited you, and despite Bepo's grumbles, it promised to be a good time to relax.
"Are you two staying here?" you adjusted your backpack on your back and stopped beside your captain. "There's so much to do."
"I only leave here to buy ice, or ice cream." Bepo, sprawled on the deck, grumbled. Your eyes soon turned to the captain's.
"And you?"
"Maybe I'll go to the city later, need to buy some things." he said, assessing you from head to toe. "Aren't you going to the beach with them?"
"Not really. From what I saw, there's a pretty cool trail to hike, I can take the opportunity to get some new herbs."
"Hm, alright." he replied, returning to contemplating Bepo suffering in the heat.
"Any problem, Captain?"
"No, nothing serious." Lie. The invitation for you to accompany him on the small visit to the city lingered on his lips, but apparently, it would stay there. "Enjoy your trail."
"Thanks, Captain! I'll be back before the end of the day."
You disembarked from the ship without further difficulties, following the small map you had bought earlier. On the Polar Tang, Law watched from afar as you walked away. He held a certain fondness for you - one you would never suspect - making it difficult for him to approach. Despite the shared breakfasts and the plant and herb lessons you gave him, which he insisted on attending despite knowing most of the content already, he enjoyed being with you. It was a pity he didn't know there was a reciprocal feeling on your part.
On the other hand, you even expected an invitation to accompany him, but just as he didn't seem very interested in being on your trail, he also didn't seem interested in your company. The hours passed without end, and with each passing moment, you grew more and more exhausted. Even before the sun set, you were already making your way back up to the Polar Tang.
"What the hell happened to you?" Shachi was the first to ask, catching your attention as you headed towards the submarine's interior.
"What the hell what?" you looked over, seeing nothing abnormal except for the fatigue and heat in your body, likely from all the walking.
"We better call the captain." Jean Bart advised and didn't wait for a response, running further into the submarine.
You tried to see something in some reflection as you watched your colleagues avoid you as if you carried the plague within you. Your irritation with your friends was replaced by concern as soon as Law saw you. You expected a scolding, you expected some acidic comment from him, but you didn't expect the lack of words, except for the ones that made you teleport with him straight to the medical ward.
"Captain, what's happening?" you stumbled backward as he guided you not so gently to a stretcher.
"Open your mouth." he completely ignored your question, and you could tell he was more worried than usual, so you just obeyed. With a small flashlight, he checked what you believed was just your throat. "Can you breathe normally, have you felt anything?"
"I'm just a bit tired, that's all. I don't understand all this fuss." you grumbled.
Only then did Law realize that indeed, you knew nothing of what was happening or why everyone had practically become concerned. Looking for a mirror and finding it impossible to find one in the medical ward of the Polar Tang, he grabbed a small sterilized steel tray and passed it to you, indicating that you should look at yourself.
"What?" your cry echoed through the enclosed room. Your face, neck, and every piece of skin you could see were adorned with red and swollen lumps. "Law, what's happening to me?"
"At first, I thought it might be an allergic reaction. But with unobstructed airways, I rule out that possibility, given the size of these lumps, if it were an allergy you shouldn't be breathing." he touched your face, gently turning it from side to side.
"And you're speaking so calmly?"
"If I spoke more agitatedly, you'd get nervous, your body would pump your blood faster, and if it were poison it would only take a few minutes for you to drop dead here." again, that calmness in dealing with serious matters infuriated you. "It might be that," he muttered to himself.
"Poison? Am I poisoned?" you stood up and immediately stumbled, leaning against his arms. "Am I going to die?"
"Probably, maybe, and no." he helped you sit back down. "Just give me a minute, I suspect what it might be."
He disappeared from your sight, and immediately, it was as if exhaustion dominated your body. You allowed yourself to lie down and wait for a few minutes. When your eyes were already heavy - even though less than five minutes had passed - you saw him appear with a book in hand.
"Can you stand up and take off your clothes?" he asked, seeing you nod, even though it took minutes just for you to stand up.
Remaining only in underwear, Law took care not to touch your body disrespectfully. The lumps already occupied almost your entire skin, giving him some trouble finding what he needed. After turning you around a few times and bending down to see better, he unfortunately found what he suspected.
"Here!" he pointed to the side of your body and again picked up the small steel plate that served as a mirror. As soon as he showed you, you could locate two red dots. Law then stood up and took the book he had brought. "It's a type of bug common on this kind of island."
"And what does that mean?" you leaned on the cot, not bothering to put your clothes back on.
"Well, it's going to be a few difficult days, and I'll need to isolate you from the rest of the crew, but you'll be fine."
"What do you mean by difficult days?" you tried to grab his book, but he didn't allow it. The way the symptoms were written was much scarier than it should have been in reality, at least that's what he hoped.
"Some symptoms are quite annoying, but with the right treatment, in about six to seven days, you'll be cured." he explained, watching you nod slowly. "It's normal to feel a bit tired at first; you might feel a bit itchy tomorrow too."
"You said you're isolating me here, is there a risk I've contaminated someone?" contaminated you, you wanted to add, but preferred to keep the thought to yourself. "I haven't touched anyone, but you never know."
"Contamination is through fluids, so no, for now, we'll all be fine. Here, I can still use my fruit to ensure a bit more protection for myself." he closed the book and stooped down, picking up the clothes you were wearing. "I'll get rid of this, alright?"
"Can you ask Ikakku to bring something for me to wear?"
"You're isolated, for a few days, only I will be able to come here, okay?" His hand almost touched you, but retracted in the last moments. "While you're not feeling better, we'll stay here on the island, but visits to the trail will be prohibited to everyone. I'll bring your clothes in a few minutes."
Law left and left you alone for a few moments, only returning to bring your pajamas. Even though you said it didn't need to be that type of clothing, Law warned that you would still be thankful for it.
On the first day, you were completely alone as the captain made sure that no one was infected and that everyone was aware of the necessary precautions. The lumps on your face seemed even redder, and when you noticed, you were already scratching and clawing, seeking some relief from the agony crawling on your skin.
"Don't scratch, you'll regret it." Law's voice appeared, and only then did you realize that he had entered the room. "It'll hurt more afterward."
"But Captain!" you grumbled and brought your nails back to your legs, barely reaching them before he grabbed your wrist. "It's itching too much!"
"I brought this." Only then did you realize that he had come armed with things. In one hand, a small pot that from the smoke and aroma, should be food. In the other, a small bag. "Here are ointments that can help, Ikakku also set aside some more clothes and other things that you might need."
You barely waited for him to finish speaking and began rummaging through the bag, searching for the ointment. As soon as you smeared it wherever you could reach, under his attentive gaze, you didn't need to ask. It only took a single exchange of glances for him to reach out and take the ointment from you. As soon as the cold cream reached your back - and perhaps because of the gentle way his fingers slid - you swore you could melt.
"I think it's good." He returned the tube and lowered your blouse carefully. "I brought soup for you."
"I'm not hungry."
"But I need you to eat, please." His eyes seemed to plead on their own, making it almost impossible for you to refuse.
Law stayed longer than the day before, watching you eat and updating you on what had happened outside. From Shachi and Penguin almost getting beaten up by two women on the beach, to Bepo swimming with buoys and several other amenities. Although he stayed longer than the day before, it didn't take long for Law to leave you alone again.
The next morning, you understood what Law meant about regretting scratching. The vivid memory of your nails scratching your body was replaced by an unbearable burning sensation, which left you almost immobile. Except that it also itched, making you seek friction, however minimal. That morning, you were taken out of bed by Law's appearance. A tray was in his hand, and as soon as he placed it on the table, he transported two more bags in.
"How are you feeling today?" he stopped by your side, looking at your still-laying face. "Burning, isn't it?"
"Like hell!" you grumbled, and saw him laugh, as if to say he had warned you. "Can you fix this?"
"At best, alleviate it." he warned, and saw you nodding against the sheets. "But first, breakfast." His tattooed hand stretched out, and you used it as support to sit up.
Grabbing the bread and juice glass, you pushed the fruits in his direction.
"Eat too." he just waved his hand, and you insisted. "Please, Captain. It'll make me feel less strange."
"Okay, just a little." He grabbed one of the grapes and ate.
As soon as you finished, Law used the power of the Ope Ope no Mi to get you to a shower, and apparently, he had already left that isolation for you. He leaned against the outside and left you alone, washing your body. Even against his will, Law could hear your grumbles and sniffs, he knew that the contact of the water against the skin would be torture at that moment, but it was the best solution he could think of. How he wished he could take that pain away from you.
In the afternoon of that same day, you didn't expect to see him again, until once again he appeared in the room, armed with things that barely crossed your mind of what they could be.
"I-I…" he started, feeling a little insecure. He felt that perhaps, just maybe, he might be crossing the line between doctor and patient. "I believe you might be feeling lonely."
"You have no idea." you weakly laughed, accepting the package he offered. Some books, crosswords, and candies were piled in the package. "That's very kind of you captain, thank you."
"I brought more of these too." He piled some books next to you, with a glance you realized they were comics. "They help me pass the time, I think they might help you too."
"This is that story... Sora, right?" you flipped through some, excitedly. "I've always heard about it and even tried to read it, but I confess I didn't understand much."
"What didn't you understand?" he sounded almost offended, sneaking a peek at what you were talking about.
The idea was for him to just leave things there and leave you alone, but it seemed almost impossible that afternoon. Law got lost in the hours, what was supposed to be a simple explanation ended with him reading some issues aloud to you. He only realized this when he heard your stomach growl, knowing it was already dinner time.
In the following two days, you alternated between scratching, trying to avoid scratching, getting scolded by Law, and him losing hours again, talking to you. It had reached the point where Law and you were counting the hours to know when you would see each other's faces. You because you loved the company of your captain and how soothing his voice sounded when he read, or how he got excited gossiping about the "outside world," and Law felt he needed to see you up close, to ensure that you were and would be fine.
The last bout of symptoms was what worried Law, and it was when he entered the room and found you lying on the floor in a fetal position that he knew it had finally arrived. Although it meant that the illness was leaving your body, he knew it would be the most painful part.
"Law." your tearful voice called him as soon as he picked you up to put you back in bed. "My body hurts so much."
"I know, I know." he tried to calm you down and saw you curl up even more. "I promise, just one more day, and you'll be okay."
"I don't know if I can handle a whole day with so much pain." you sobbed and hugged yourself. "It hurts to breathe, it hurts to move, and-I-I don't know what to do."
He sighed, trying to think of how he could take that away from you. It was just one more day of symptoms, but it hurt him to hear from your mouth that you couldn't handle it. Just one more day, one more day, and you would be well again.
"Do you remember when the pain started?" he stepped away to start preparing a serum with medications for you.
"About two hours ago." you whispered, pulling the blankets against you and trying to press against your own body, the contact of your skin seemed like a relief.
"Okay, we have a few more hours ahead." he gently pulled your arm, and with the dexterity that only he could have, hit your vein on the first try, plugging the medication. "Maybe this will help a little with the symptoms."
Law stepped back again to get the book he had found the information about the insect that had bitten you. Most of it was that the symptoms were difficult, but they overcame themselves, and although it seemed like you were going to die, the probability was minimal. Pain and complications, pain and complications. Law finally found the topic he needed. When the disease was leaving the body, the heat provided by fire, blankets, humans could help, as well as pressure on the painful area.
"I have an idea." he murmured and began to take off his shoes.
While you were lying down, barely having strength to open your eyes, you saw him take off the shoes he was wearing and take off the hat he had on. The first thing he did was cover your head with the hat, making sure to keep as much of the top of your face covered and warm. Soon, he climbed onto the bed with you, his legs intertwined with yours, and his hands began to press against your body, promoting such relief that it drew a sigh from your lips and allowed you to stretch.
"Sorry." he apologized, his hands now pressing against your back intensely. "It's the best I could think of quickly."
"It's perfect." with some difficulty, you turned to him. "Thank you for taking care of me, Captain."
"This is my duty, isn't it?"
"Well, not when I'm a mess here, in pain, and crying." you tried to laugh, but a memory of a conversation you had some time ago struck you. "Enough, Law, you need to step back."
"And why would I do that?"
"Why do you think? Contact equals contamination, don't you remember?" you grumbled. Even though the massage he provided was the relief you needed, the last thing you wanted was to infect him.
"You're no longer so contagious. You're on the last day of the illness, full of symptom medications, and I'm protected, there's no possibility of you infecting me." he explained and felt your hand against his chest, trying to push him away. "Don't you believe me?"
"I'm a mess here, of course I'll infect you."
Instead of answering you, Law just stole a quick kiss from your lips, in an impulse of courage to show a little of what he felt and in the desperation to stop you from continuing to push him and, consequently, pushing himself out of the bed.
"I wouldn't do this if you were contagious, you know that." he simply said and pulled you closer, allowing your face and body to almost merge against his skin. "Now let me take care of you."
The last day of the illness passed faster than you expected, mainly because much of it you spent sleeping in the arms of your captain, who didn't stop for a second trying to ward off the pain from you.
The next day, you were finally free to walk around the submarine, take a shower freely, choose your own clothes, free from the small medical ward you spent those days in. As soon as you finished putting on your uniform, two knocks on the door caught your attention.
"Can we talk?" Law inquired, not waiting for the answer to enter the room. "About yesterday…"
"There's nothing I would change about that." you interrupted him, and you swore you could see a certain blush on his face. "Except the pain, I thought I was going to die."
"I would never let that happen."
"Captain?" you approached, stopping a short distance from him.
"Law, please." he corrected you. He liked to hear his title leave your lips, but hearing his name was a much more savory experience.
"Law, aside from all the pain and stress, it was good to spend these days alone with you." you confessed, seeing him nod. "Although I'm also ridiculous with those lumps that have now turned into scars, I really should have listened to you."
"Don't say that, even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be that." he refused to name you in such a rude way. "And I also enjoyed our time together."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I want to do it right." he cleared his throat, adjusting his posture and asking the question that could avoid all the stress of you having gone to do the damn trail. "Will you accept to visit the city with me?"
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can u please do like filthy slut of nat fucking y/n but its hard and its rough and its toe curling and eyerolling kinda good but its so full of i love yous in between of spanking and face slapping and hair pulling but forehead kisses in between too 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 basically agressive but her telling y/n how much she loves them and their pussy
Love to Hate You
Warnings: Natasha has a dick, oral (Natasha and R receiving), fingering (R receiving), a bit of fluff, jealous!Nat, daddy kink, breeding kink, degradation, a few clichés but what's a fic without one?
Words: 3,105
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
A/N: i loved this ask! i added a little bit of plot, i told @lovsalvatore about what i was gonna write ;)
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You never understood why she didn't like you, the two of you had worked together before. But she kept her usual cold demeanor towards you. You always tried being nice to her, putting on a smile whenever she threw an insult at you or ignored your presence during a duo mission. You never had control over who you get assigned with on missions, if you did you probably wouldn't have picked her, as much as you respect her work and all, you had to admit it, her behavior towards you hurt.
You were sitting around in the Avenger compounds lounge room, bored out of your mind. “God, I wish I had a mission with Sam or something,” you muttered to yourself, Sam was pretty much your best friend, maybe almost like an older brother at times. “Yo, Y/N. Yeah, we need you and Romanoff in the meeting room.” you heard Tony say over the speakers. You groan, getting up from the couch and making your way to the meeting room.
“Good morning Agent Romanoff.” you say to her as you walk into the meeting room, she just acted as if you weren't there. “I'm so done with her. Oh my God.” you thought, regretting even speaking to her in the first place. “Ladies, you gorgeous girls are going on a mission. Today. Like right now. Pack your bags.” he said, handing out mission report papers for after the mission.
“Tony are you being serious right n–” he holds up a hand, interrupting you. “Yes, yes I believe you're due for a mission right now. So, get a move on.” Tony said, gesturing for you two to leave the meeting room.
The mission started early, Tony wasn't kidding. A 4 -day long mission with just you and the woman who hates you apparently. Things can't get any better. That was a lie, things got worse. “Natasha are you sure there aren't two beds?” she sighed, “Yeah I'm sure.” you chewed on your lower lip nervously. “Can't we get another room?” she shook her head, “Hotel's booked.” “Oh.”
You open up your suitcase, picking out some clothes. “Um, if you don't mind I'm gonna go clean up.” she hums in response, her attention focused on the evidence you got from the mission. You left the bedroom and got inside the bathroom. Natasha sighed, looking over at the locked bathroom door. “Fuck– what are you even thinking Natasha?..” she whispered to herself, shaking off any thoughts.
A few minutes later you come out of the bathroom, your hair wet, and your clothes were thin but comfortable. The ex-assassin took a short glance at you, observing how your pajamas showed off your figure without seeming uncomfortable at all. “What did ya find from the evidence Nat?” you toss your hair to the other side of your shoulder and sat next to her on the bed. “Something about green aliens. I guess–” you grab the note, “Skrulls? Isn't that those things that care bear and Fury helped all those years ago?” she looks over at you, “Care bear? Who's that?” she asked, “Carol.. captain marvel– she was the one who—”
“Yeah, I know her, never mind. But what about the Skrulls?” you move a bit closer to her, putting the two pictures together on the bed in front of you and her. “See look, that's Fury over there..” you point to a second figure, similar looking to the Director. “And there.” she furrows her brows, looking at the pictures. “But that can't be–” your gaze flickers to her face and back down to the pictures, and a slight smile appears on your face. “Unless.. the Skrulls can shapeshift Natty.” you don't notice your slip up in words, but she does. “..Natty?” your cheeks go bright red, “I didn't– I didn't mean to say that, sorry.” she looks over at you, hiding a smile. “It's fine, don't worry.”
You stifle a yawn and hazily blink your eyes. “It's pretty late, we should get some sleep Y/N.” you pick up the pictures and files and place them in the nightstand drawer. “Which side of the bed do you want?” she asked. “It doesn't matter! Pick the side you want.” she shrugs, sitting on the right side. You lie down next to her, keeping your distance.
The next morning you find yourself wrapped up by strong arms, unable to move. “Natasha?” you mumble out breathlessly, attempting to pull her arms off of you. “Natasha..” you sigh, squirming around on the small bed. “What?” she quickly takes her arms away from you. “Oh– I didn't notice.” she said, as you sit up against the pillows. “It's okay..”
“So.. what are we supposed to do today?” you ask, propping your head up with your palm under your chin. “We're–” she stopped mid-sentence, her gaze focusing on something, “Natasha?” she takes her eyes away from what seemed to be your chest. “..going undercover, to some HYDRA gala thing.” you nod, “hm.. undercover as what?”
She pauses for a second. “As a couple or something.”
“Oh- well won't we have to practice acting all coupley?” you ask, looking down at your hands. “Well, yeah..” she clears her throat, moving closer to you. “Natasha..?” she grasps your wrist, “Shh.. just stay still.” you do quite literally so, staying silent as well. She brings a hand to your waist, slightly pressing both of your bodies together. “Natasha–” you get cut off by a call notification on your phone. “Hey Carol!” you say, picking up the phone call.
“Hi Y/N, how's the mission going?” you get up from the bed. “Uh.. it's going fine for now, how's space going Captain?” she chuckles, “Great, would've been better with you here sweetheart.” you giggle at her comment, and Natasha scowled at the entire conversation. “Hey, do you.. know if– if any Skrulls still live on Earth?” you ask, “Hm.. I don't keep in contact with many Skrulls babe.” you sighed. “That's fine! Me and Nat will figure it out, eventually.” you hung up the phone and made your way back to bed.
Natasha glanced at you for a quick moment. “Are you not capable of putting on clothes properly?” she brought two hands up to your shirt, buttoning the top up. Your face heats up, a light blush appearing on your cheeks. “..w-when does the gala start again?” she sighed, “In a few hours, I'd suggest you get ready.” what made you feel this way? Fuck– you have a crush on the woman who probably hates you, good job Y/N. “Alright, if I get ready so should you then.” you say, turning off your phone and putting it aside.
Natasha gets up from the bed and goes into the bathroom to change out of her clothes. “God, why is she so– insufferable.” “I wish I could kiss her to shut her up.” she thought. “Fucking hell. Why am I attracted to her?” she muttered to herself.
Her suit didn't take too long to put on but, as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom she caught you attempting to zip up your gown, she stood there. Admiring your exposed back, your face all blushy pink as you struggle to put on your dress. “I should probably help her.” she walked over to you, placing her hand on your waist and the other on the zipper of your dress. “It took you that long to put on a dress?” you huff, puffing your cheeks up. “It's not my fault the zipper was too far.. I couldn't reach it.” she slightly smirks, “Are you done getting ready?”
“Almost, just one sec.” you bend over the desk to get a view of yourself in the mirror, touching up your makeup and hair. “It's been 10 minutes Y/N–” she looks at you, bent over the desk, your tits practically falling out of your dress. “Stop being so dramatic, it's only been like 2 minutes.” she rolls her eyes, “Well? Are you done? We're gonna be late.” you nod, grabbing your purse and heading out of the hotel with Natasha.
As much as you'd hate to admit it, the gala was beautiful for fucking HYDRA. The lights were perfectly dimmed down, the scenery outside of the building was gorgeous too. “What's your name?” the freakishly tall and mean-looking guy standing outside the entrance asks you two. “Natalya Reeds, and my wife Y/F/N Reeds.” she answers for the both of you. He raises a brow, looking down at the list once more. “Okay.. enjoy the night ladies.” he opens the door to the inside of the building, and you flash a smile and a ‘thank you’ to the man before stepping inside.
“Listen,” she squeezes your arm, “I need to get talking with that group of people, just sit still and look pretty. Got it?” you nod and walk over to the bar.
“Mrs. Reeds?” someone calls out to you, “Yeah?” the call came from behind the empty bar. “Over here.” you crouch down on the floor behind the bar, facing the mystery person– alien? “You're a- a Skrull?” that last part came out as a whisper. “What are you doing here? You could jeopardize the whole mission!” you whisper-yelled at them. “There is no mission, Fury sent me to tell you that HYDRA didn't even come here. They sent out false information.” you sigh, “Great.”
You got off the ground and went over to Natasha where she was talking to random people. You walked up to her, and rest your chin against her shoulder. “Darling.. it's getting late Natty.” you look up at her, batting your lashes. She pulls you over to an empty hallway. “What do you think you're doing?” you scoff, “HYDRA isn't here, this was false info. We have to go back to the hotel.” she sighs, “Okay.”
Once you were back at the hotel, you were so quick to change out of that uncomfortable gown. “Ugh, when will HYDRA just go away..” you flopped onto the bed. Natasha chuckles, “Never, clearly.” she laid down next to you, face-to-face. You both stare at each other for a moment. “Natasha.” she hums in response. “Why don't you like me?” she frowns, “Who said that I don't?”
“Well– I mean you never talked to me often before this mission.” she sighed, “I'm sorry for making you think that.” your pout faltered into a sweet smile. “I can make it up to you..” you didn't know what she meant but somehow her words made your heart beat faster. The room grew silent as she inches closer to you. “Would you like that detka?” before you could answer her lips were on yours, hungrily kissing you.
You receive open-mouth kisses as she pushes your back flat against the mattress, not hesitant to slip her tongue into your mouth. “mmn.. Natasha–” she slides her hand underneath the thin, light fabric that covered your chest, groping your breast, emitting a soft gasp from your mouth. “Wanted to ruin you the day I saw you wear this. Fuck.” she squeezes your thigh, your bodily reaction making you spread your legs even without her asking. “Good girl..” she lowered herself down to your hips, and you felt her fingers hook onto the hem of your panties and discard them, leaving your cunt exposed.
“Nat..” you mumble out, feeling her blow onto your dripping pussy causes you to buck your hips against her face. You slightly hiss when you sense a sharp pain on the inner part of your thigh. “Do that again kotenok and see what happens. Stay still.” you whimper as she sucks onto your clit while rubbing your folds with the pad of her thumb. “Natasha please.” she smirks, shoving a finger into your cunt, completely drenching it with your slick. You moan softly, “mmh.. fuck–” she pumps her finger in and out of your hole, and inserts a second finger as well.
“Natasha– oh God, I'm gonna..” she lightly kissed your thigh. “Make a mess all over my fingers baby.” your walls clench around her fingers as you came all over them, and your juices drip down from her fingertips to her wrist. She pulls her fingers out from your cunt, and presses them to your lips. “Open.” you comply, parting your lips only for her to shove her drenched fingers into your mouth. You clean off her fingers, ridding them of your essence.
“Natasha?” you ask out of curiosity, noticing her unbuckling the belt on her pants. “Are you gonna be good for daddy and suck her off?” you desperately nod, wanting to please her as best as you can. “Then get on your knees slut.” you get off the bed and on your knees in front of her. And quickly help her rid herself of her pants and boxers.
You let out a soft gasp as her hardened cock springs out, with pre-cum leaking out of it already. “Be a good little bitch and suck.” she says, her raspy and husky voice sending unimaginable thoughts into your head. You lower your head and wrap your plump lips around her tip. You feel a strong grip on your hair. “Fuck.. that's it. Keep going.” you push more of her girthy length in your mouth, sucking on it gently.
“shit. You're so fucking adorable baby.” you ignore the sudden rush of arousal between your legs, wanting nothing more than to please her. You shove her dick deeper into your mouth, moaning around it. “God, yes kotenok. Take it.” she throws her head back in pleasurement. You take more of her into your mouth, moaning softly as you go faster, running your tongue along the veins of her erect cock.
“Gonna cum in that slutty little mouth of yours baby girl.” her grip on your hair tightens as she shoved her length into the back of your throat, making you gag on her. Despite the tears running down your cheeks, oh how you loved every bit of this. “oh fuck– you better swallow it all.” with those words, thick ropes of cum pour into your mouth. You swallow it all down and she yanks your head off of her dick.
“Get back on the bed, I'm not finished with you quite yet.” you get up on wobbly legs and lie back down on the bed. She aligns the tip of her cock to your entrance, and she smirked at your neediness. She sent a harsh smack to your ass, “How badly do you want me?” she said, loving how you became a whimpering mess for her. “Need you so bad daddy. Please.”
She grabs onto your thighs, swinging them over her waist to hold you in place. “oh Natasha–” you moan as she inserts a few inches deep in you. “You're so tight detka..” you whimper, looping your arms around her shoulders for leverage. She begins moving slowly within you. As you began moaning louder she leans forward and whispers in your ear. “How does it feel baby?”
“Good.. you feel so good inside me!” she briefly chuckles as she moves faster. You moan as she buries her cock deep inside of you. Her breathing grows heavy as she grips your waist firmly and moves harder into you. She grunts as she speeds up a bit more. The sound of skin slapping together fills up the room as she pounds away at you.
“oh my God–” you moaned, digging your nails deep into her back, hard enough to draw blood. She lets out another loud groan when she slams her hips into yours with force. Her hands grip your sides tightly as she continues thrusting her length deeper into you. “Daddy ’m so close..” she smirks as she hears that, “Me too kotenok.” your hold on her shoulders tighten as you came all over her cock. “mmh..” she grins broadly as soon as she feels you cumming on her dick. She immediately starts slamming her hips against yours even harder. It was clear she wasn't going to stop till she finished inside of you.
“ngh– fuck.. daddy!” she doesn't slow down for a moment. Instead, she just kept going, hammering away at you relentlessly. “’m too sensitive Natty..” upon hearing that she looks down at you, “Is that right?” you nod. “mhm..” with a smirk she pulls out, after doing so she flips you onto your stomach, and your face flush onto the mattress. Without warning, she rams her entire length into you from behind. “mmph– natashmmf mmh!” your words came out muffled, one of her hands tightly placed onto your waist. She had a fistful of your hair in her other hand, pushing you flat against the bed.
You moan loudly as she fucks you from behind. She then begins rocking her hips back and forth in a steady motion. She lets go of her grip on your hair, allowing you to speak properly. “Are you gonna cum Natty?” she pauses briefly, “Yeah.. I am.” you exhaled shakily. “Then cum inside me daddy.” she nods, continuing to thrust in and out of your dripping cunt. Fuck, the sheets must be drenched by now. “You want me to cum inside of you detka?” you could tell by the tone of her voice that she was getting closer and closer to her climax. “Please! wan‘ have your babies daddy!” slutty moans escape your mouth as she continues her rough movements. Your words seem to push her over the edge. Her rough grip on your waist tightens, and with a loud groan, she slams herself deep inside you, reaching places you've never thought could be reached. She lets out a soft moan as she cums inside of you, filling you up to the brim.
“mm.. Natasha?” you mumble, breathlessly. She plants a gentle kiss on your neck. “Yeah?” you weakly turn your body to face her, “W-What does this mean for us?” she smiled, pressing her lips to yours, pulling you in for a slow kiss. “I love you Y/N. This mission made me realize how much time I wasted by not telling you.” a bright blush crept up your face. “You do..?” she nodded, “I.. I love you too Nat.”
She pulled out of you and laid beside your worn-out body, “I bet that dumb space blondie couldn't have done that.” you laugh at her words, “I knew it. You've always acted weird when I mentioned her.” she sighed, wrapping an arm around your body. “Wanna get married?” you widen your eyes, “Natasha!” she chuckles, kissing your cheek. “Just kidding moya lyubov.. but I do intend on marrying you one day.”
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pablitosgf · 10 months
𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 — jb05 !
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! — jude bellingham x fem!bestfriend!reader
𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ! — in which an old lady mistakes you and jude as a married couple, leaving you with many thoughts.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ! — nothing!!
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ! — no because this took me 3 days to write… anyways… Y/N/N means your nickname <3
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓 ! — writing
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You lay in your bed, bored, to say the least. Today, you had no plans at all, and all your friends were busy. Including your best friend, Jude. Apparently, he was going to be babysitting his nieces, you knew he was good with kids but told him:
“If you need help just tell me, okay?”
You were no stranger to his nieces, after all, you were like family to the Bellinghams. Knowing his aunts, grandparents, cousins, and nieces and nephews. They treated you as family and you reciprocated that.
Of course, when Jude heard you say that he instantly replied with an “I don't need help, I'm good with kids.”
You laughed it off, knowing he’ll need help at least at one point, but you didn't say that to him. So now, you still lay there bored as ever. Watching as the warm sun seeps into your window, casting an orange hue on your body as you look at the window. You could hear the low voices of your phone lightly exuding music from its speakers, making the surroundings more tranquil. You observed as people walked around your neighborhood, immediately thinking that you should too.
And just as you were going to go on a walk, a vibration came on your phone. Inside, you hoped it was Jude so you can prove him wrong, saying that he did need help from his best friend. A smile played on your face as you thought about it, you extended your hand for the buzzing phone, producing noise as its laying on your sheets. Instantly your eyes darted to the contact name, you smiled even harder.
A silly nickname you called Jude, eventually making it his contact name after he mentioned it. You brought your phone to your ear as you press the green button, and his voice bleeds from the phone's speakers. Some unidentified shuffling came through and some giggles and laughs. A grin tints your face.
“Okay, you were right I do need help…” Jude sighs.
Your chuckle fills the whole call, “Of course you do. Send me the location.”
He says a quick okay, ending the call fast. You flitted to grab your car & house keys before strolling out the door. The fresh breeze wafts into your nose as you inhale, making you feel serenity. You made your way to your car, clambering inside as you wait for it to start.
And when it starts you make your way through windy roads and scenic views. England wasn't always thought of as the most beautiful, but it definitely had pretty sceneries.
You eventually made your way, moving toward the entrance of the house. It was for sure one of the prettier neighborhoods around here, not to say your neighborhood was the worst, but this one was definitely better. Your arm extended, folding into a fist as you knock on the black wooden door.
Patiently you waited for your best friend to open the door. You heard some noises from inside the house and footsteps gradually become louder and louder like a crescendo. Click! Was the sound the door made as it opened ajar. A toddler peeking through the black door. Immediately, you recognized who it was.
“Hi Nalia, where’s Uncle Jude?” you asked, tilting your head. She looked back, and Jude came into view as he scrambled to the door with another baby, who you also recognized. You chuckled, seeing as the other baby, Jazelle, was wrapped around his waist. Sweat beads fall down his face.
“I’m right… Here,” he said, panting.
“You look…” you began, looking at him up and down. His shirt was off, revealing his muscles, and overall he looked disheveled. But somehow he still looked perfect as ever. “Like a mess.”
He chuckled, “I know, anyways come inside. The girls want to go to the park.” he gestured for you to enter, closing the door after you did.
“I'm gonna go shower and change, take care of these two, please.” he put Jazelle down after planting a kiss on Jazelle and Nalia, running off to what you assumed was the bathroom.
You nodded and kneeled down to the two of them with a warm smile, “Do you, girls want to play while we wait for Uncle Jude?”
The girls responded with an excited “Yes!” jumping up and down. A cordial smile rolled down your lips as Jazelle and Nalia dashed to their playroom. You watched as Nalia passed by Jazelle, and you let out a chortle. Everything is a competition if you have siblings.
You finally made it to the playroom, and damn it was very nice. Nicer than whatever you had in your childhood. The playroom was littered with toys, some that you recognized, some that you didn't.
You look at the kids, playing Barbies with each other. You rest your head on your hand with a smile adorning your face as you sat down on a little chair. Their little voices and giggles overwhelm your ears and the smile that once adorned your face was even more brighter. Some day, you wanted a husband and a happy family. But for right now, you were fine being alone.
If you were going to be honest, watching Jazelle and Nalia play Barbies together made your baby–fever rise. You’ve always dreamt of kids and honestly, you didn't mind having a baby currently. You didn't get how people resented children because all you wanted to do was hug them and hold them in your arms for hours.
You were too stuck in your thoughts to realize Jude finished getting ready, “Hey, we should go to the park now.”
You nodded as you watched Jude playfully tickle the kids and pick them up. Your heart was beating faster than normal… Something you’ve never felt with Jude. Deep inside you knew what these feelings were, you knew it all too well. Maybe, it's just a one–time thing. The next time you hang out with him it’ll be all back to normal.
“Hey, Y/N/N ready to go?”
Your head whizzed in his direction, and both of the girls were strapped on his hips. A blush tinted your cheeks, he was wearing a goddamn compression shirt.
“Y–yeah! Let's go ladies and gentlemen!” you chuckled, getting up and walking towards the entrance.
Walking out of the house, you all advanced to the cars. “We should probably use your car… It has the booster seat things, right?”
Jude nodded, “Can you take my keys and open the car?”
You reach into his pocket, searching for the keys. As soon as the car keys meet your hand you take them and unlock the car.
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You settled down on a bench, watching as Jazelle and Nalia play on the playground. You monitor them carefully, you didn't want their parents blaming you and Jude for getting their babies hurt.
And just as you were about chat with Jude an old lady walked up to the both of you. “You guys are a really cute couple! I remember me and my husband at this exact playground watching our kids. Are those two cuties yours?” she pointed to Jazelle and Nalia.
“Yeah! They are.” Jude smiled, slinging his arm around your waist which struck an uneasy feeling to settle in your stomach.
It wasn't like the bad uneasy though, it was the uneasy where you had so many butterflies in your stomach to the point you just wanted to kiss them in the face. Like… Like a crush.
“They really do look like Dad don't they?” the grandma chucled, glancing over at the sisters.
You chuckled along with her, “They really do! I was hoping that they looked like me, but as soon as I saw her the first time out of my womb I was like ‘Uh oh, she doesn't look like me!’”
You all erupt in laughter, “I get that… All my children look like my husband it's crazy!” the grandma said.
You both awkwardly smile at her, “Anyway, you two have the cutest little family. I wish you two a successful marriage and a happy family!”
You both let out a thank you and as soon as she walks away you both look at each other, exploding in laughter.
But one thing you didn't notice, was how he kept his arm around your waist, and you didn't say a single word about it.
And one thing is for sure, you went to bed thinking about Jude.
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jo-harrington · 3 months
Standard Operating Procedures 1.06 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie’s your boyfriend. Now what?
Previous Part: Disaster Preparedness
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. First Dates and silliness, Sickeningly sweet fluff, miscommunication (not in a bad way), sexual tension, smut, allusion to oral sex, PinV Sex
Note: Here we go guys, the penultimate installment of SMVerse. We only have the finale to go. It's been a wild ride, I'm both ready to move on and give my other stories their attention, and also a little bit loathe to let my babies go. They can always make their little appearances in one-shots in the future if I need them back.
Thank you to @deathbecomesthem and @courtingchaos for looking over a few little things. Your insight is always appreciated.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
"Do I show up with flowers?"
"What's that voice, you don't like flowers?"
"Not really."
How you got to become friends with Steve Harrington, you couldn't tell for sure. One day, he was just a frantic customer running around in a Scoops Ahoy sailor uniform worrying about cherry chapstick, and then suddenly he was sitting in your store once a week looking for relationship advice.
Like today, as he tried to figure out plans to win back his ex.
Or something like that.
It was hard to tell with Steve. Oftentimes you got a half-finished story, as though you were some omniscient being that was supposed to know the other parts already. Sometimes he'd be an apt listener with the patience of a saint as you gave him whatever advice you could, and sometimes, he would go off on a one-sided tangent, and thank you for something that you didn't even know had come out of your mouth.
He reminded you of Jimmy a lot, which was why you were as patient with him as you were.
It was fine; it was a Thursday in January and the holidays were over, that meant the mall was dead. You'd hadn't had a single customer yet and a mountain of shipment to process. He could stay as long as he wanted, as long as he kept bringing cookies as payment.
"Everyone likes flowers," Steve argued skeptically after a moment of contemplation. "You're telling me Munson hasn't gotten you roses or something?"
Speak of the devil...
The shop bell rang, a chain rattled, and leather squeaked, and before you could answer, your boyfriend--you were still giddy referring to him like that in your head--himself chimed in.
"If I was a jealous man," he started with an exaggerated glare at Steve. "I would say you're here flirting with my girlfriend."
You rolled your eyes at his antics and crossed your arms over your chest, both Steve and your menial tasks forgotten momentarily, but you giggled nonetheless.
"What are you doing here?" you asked. "Don't you have school?"
"I came to ask you a very important question," Eddie smiled conspiratorially. "But imagine my surprise when someone else is sitting in my spot."
"It's not your spot. And I'm giving him advice."
"He's hopeless, apparently."
"I'm right here," Steve exclaimed and got to his feet, ready to leave. "I didn't come here to be made fun of. I actually need help."
You were about to deliver a snarky remark to your friend when Eddie held a hand out towards you and led Steve out of the store.
The shop bell rang again and you sighed, lamenting your conversion for the millionth time.
You'd just bully Eddie into buying something small.
After a short time, Eddie returned to the store and approached you with a smug smile on his face.
"What?" you asked.
"Oh, nothing," he replied nonchalantly. "Just playing Cupid, that's all."
"Look at you, hopeless romantic." You opened another box and gleefully picked up a little purple jewelry carding that proudly displayed fuzzy red heart studs. You held them up to Eddie's face and squinted one eye.
"What are you doing?"
"Valentine's Day is coming up," you explained. "Trying to see if my resident Cupid here would look cute in heart earrings."
He slapped your hand away and chuckled.
"You know I would," he teased and then fluttered his lashes at you coquettishly.
"Does that mean you're finally gonna let me pierce your ears?"
"Mmmm, does Claire's have a lobotomy option I could consider first? Maybe next time, sweetheart."
"I knew you hated needles," you shot him a teasing glare. "Alright, why did you skip school today? Spill. What is this very important question you wanted to ask me?"
Eddie shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket and rocked on the toes of his boots, then began pacing around nervously. Which made you nervous in turn.
"You know, you just mentioned Valentine's Day," he began. "And...actually yeah, they're starting to talk about a Valentine's dance at school. It's corny, they always do it. Paper hearts and cherry punch and sugar cookies and bad love songs.
“And the guys were asking if I was gonna ask you. Well, Henderson more than anyone. I think he has a crush on you if I'm being honest, even though he insists that he has a girlfriend in Salt Lake City, do you believe that? Little liar. Isn’t the whole bit that the fake girlfriend lives in Canad—”
"Eddie," you snapped him out of his tangent with a laugh, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach. "Are you asking me to the dance right now?"
Ok, a high school dance...wasn't exactly your idea of a good time but...the idea was a bit of a novelty. They didn't have dances like that at your very Catholic, very-all-girls high school. Even prom with the neighboring boys school was...modest dresses and suits and a nice dinner at a banquet hall. No real fun, no real dancing.
Last time you really even danced with someone was at a party Jen dragged you to and then you ended up in a heated makeout session that maybe went a little too far. And wasn't remarkable.
To go to a school dance with Eddie...that would be so sweet and fun. A do over for some non-existent or downright mediocre experiences.
"No, I'm not actually."
Never mind then.
"But it reminded me," he abruptly turned to face you. "That we haven't gone out on an actual date yet."
"Wh...Eddie what do you mean?" you scoffed. "Did you hit your head? We went out on Christmas Eve. Dinner at Benny's."
Eddie had picked you up for work with a thermos of hot coffee that day, you both worked until the mall closed, and then went straight to the diner. The jukebox played Christmas carols only and Ben had two special holiday prix fixe meals: a classic Pot Roast dinner and then one with a little more Benny’s flair—Christmas Dinner style omelettes, candied yam hash browns, and hot cocoa with peppermint whipped cream. You and Eddie ordered one of each and shared.
But you were both so tired that you didn't even talk; you just sat on the same side of the booth snuggled against each other, dozing off and picking at your food until Benny came to wake you both up when he was ready to close.
When Eddie dropped you back off at home, it started snowing right when you kissed goodbye. It was the perfect date.
"I've decided that it isn't our first date," he announced.
"And why is that?"
"Because we didn't even say anything but 'fuck that guy wanting to make a return on Christmas' and 'pass the salt.'"
"You also realize that we've been going out every Sunday since last..." you paused briefly to think back. "May? First week of June?"
"Those don't count either," he shook his head resolutely. "In fact those were specifically not dates."
Funny, that’s how you always thought of them too.
You were about to give in and agree, about to tell him "whatever you say Eddie." He did make a good point and it wasn't like he was calling your relationship off, he just wanted another chance at a first date. What was the harm in that?
But he beat you to the punch, suddenly nervous under your scrutiny.
"Listen, I know it's silly," he crossed his arms over his torso and shrugged. "I just...want to get it right. Make you dinner, see a movie, I know you just told Harrington you don't like flowers but...a bouquet of cookies or something?" He reached over and flicked the bag of cookies on the ear piercing station. "Make you a mixtape, I dunno."
"You made me a mixtape already, Ed."
"Yeah but I want to give you the kind of mixtape a guy makes for his girl."
You melted at his words and fought the smile that threatened to bloom on your lips and butterflies that suddenly fluttered in your stomach.
"And what's on that one that's not on the other one?" you teased, intentionally obtuse.
"You know...ballads and...sappy love songs and..." He froze and you watched as he flushed prettily. "You're making fun of me."
"It's really fun to do," you told him matter-of-factly.
Eddie ran a hand over his mouth and then looked around. He leaned back to glance out into the mall, and then faster than you could react, he ran right up to you, cupped your face in his hands and smooshed his lips to yours in a kiss. You dropped the jewelry you were holding and covered his hands with yours; you took two little steps to get as close to him as you could, and sighed as he broke away to continue pecking at your lips between his words.
"You're a menace." Peck. "You're a trickster." Peck. "And I'm picking you up for a real date." Peck. "Our official first date." Peck. "On Sunday."
You were joined together once again and he paid special attention to your lower lip, sucking on it in a way that made your spine tingle.
"Hmmm," you pulled away, trying to ignore the heat that was overtaking your body. You were still at work, after all. "Sunday huh? I thought Sundays didn't count."
"Well they count starting now." He stole another peck and then backed out of the store. "You have a great day, sweetheart. See you later."
Everyone teased you for your entire shift on Sunday.
Mindy was the first, having already unlocked the gate and counted up the registers for store open.
"Oh lookie here," she whistled. "Miss Lovebird is all dressed up for her date with the wannabe-rockstar."
You did a little spin and a pose for her; not dressed in your Seventeen Magazine best, but something a little more comfortable--still a dress, just a little more you--so you wouldn't have to frantically change for your date.
Chrissy offered to do your makeup on break and then confessed that she had a first date fast approaching too.
"No more Jason?" you asked, trying not to sound too hopeful as she swiped eyeshadow on.
"No, he was kind of..." she sighed. "He wasn't what I thought he'd be like as a boyfriend. I don't think I would've had the courage to end things and go after someone I really liked if I didn't work here though. I've...gained a lot of confidence since being here."
"I'm glad," you beamed at her.
Stacey even apologized for all the jokes she'd made about Eddie before she left at the end of her shift.
"I know I give him a lot of shit, but Munson's actually alright," she sniffed uncomfortably, as though complimenting him was something she was allergic to. "That thing he did at Christmas...the Santa thing? That was really sweet."
"Yeah it was."
Finally, 6pm rolled around and the gates closed. The rest of your team went home and you were left counting down the registers in anticipation as Mindy gave you a talk very reminiscent of the Birds and the Bees that your parents gave you once upon a time.
Before you knew it, Eddie was standing outside with his hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket, and you flashed him a quick "five" to let him know you wouldn't be long.
"Ok listen," Mindy got real close to you know, hand on your shoulder, lips close to your ear as she whispered. "If you guys wanna do the ol' Horizontal Tango tonight--"
"What are you 75?"
"--at the very least do it in a bed and not the back of his van, ok?"
"I swear to god," you mumbled under your breath.
"Invite him back to your place. Light a candle. Ambience. Make sure you have condoms."
She started cackling.
"I mean, I guess you don't have to have--
"Utter one more word and you're fired," you pointed at her threateningly.
Mindy immediately held her hands up innocently and then dragged her fingers across her lips like a zipper.
As you finished counting down the registers though, you wondered if you'd only shut her up because she was crossing a line...or if it was because she was actually really good at reading the secret expectations that you may or may not have had for this date.
It was just a first date, nothing was gonna happen. You could think about all of that next time. But…what if…
The store suddenly became unbearably warm.
Before long, the two of you ducked under the gate and Mindy simply waved goodbye while holding back her laughter as Eddie approached you.
"What was that?" he asked, thumbing over his shoulder at her. "Everything ok?"
"She thought she was being funny, but instead she's just an asshole," you explained, trying to laugh off the awkward conversation and illicit thoughts that still lingered in your mind.
"Ah," he nodded slowly, his eyes squinted for a moment and you swore you saw the gears turn in his head. "Yeah...Kyle did the same thing for me too. You remember when I found out the kids had a bet against us? Apparently the whole team had a secret bet going too.”
"And Kyle won?" you questioned eagerly, glad for a change of topic.
"No, Paulie. But P gave me a cut, thanked me for being such a stick in the mud and holding out as long as I did."
"How much?"
"Fifty bucks," he pulled a roll of bills from his pocket. "Gave it to me today and told me to take you someplace nice. Which was the plan anyway, if you were wondering."
The two of you stood there awkwardly for a second before Eddie cleared his throat.
"You look nice sweetheart," he said with a nervous smile.
"Thanks, so do you."
And he did.
He had his leather jacket over a fitted forest green henley, with ripped black jeans and boots. You'd never considered green to be such a favorable color on him, his usual outfits consisting of blacks and reds and the occasional blue, but it was dashing. Brought out the glowing warmth of his eyes, the tiny honeyed flecks that often got lost in chocolate depths.
"I, uh, have something for you," he announced, fishing something out of his pocket. "I didn't have time to do a new mixtape, so you'll have to take an IOU for it. This...might be a little cheesy... but...well, close your eyes."
You followed his instruction and felt him grab your hands and lift them up. He positioned them just so, and then left you standing there as he prepped whatever your gift was.
"It's not my usual thing," he muttered as he fumbled with what-sounded-like a rustle of paper. "But the guys helped me clean out the van--"
"You cleaned the van?" you scoffed. "For me? Eddie I've been in your van before."
"Hey listen," he suddenly sounded offended. "First date and such, you deserve the best."
"I like the clutter in your van," you told him truthfully.
"Listen, if I hadn't cleaned it out I would've never been able to gift you with this, the Mirror of Galadriel. Well it's more like a hand mirror. Hey no peeking!"
He continued telling you about the way Lucas and Will, crafty as they were, helped him make this little surprise during the break of their Friday night session of Hellfire.
"Apparently Sinclair's little sister and her friends make these for each other, and he's helped them. Which, ask me to paint minis for DnD any day; this shit was hard. There. Open your eyes now."
He slipped something over the tips of your fingers and when you opened them you found...
"A cootie catcher?" You asked with a laugh. "Eddie..."
You were about to ask what the deal was when you noticed it wasn't just a folded piece of paper littered with numbers and words, but taped and glued together with bits of familiar papers.
You brought it closer to your face for further inspection, flexing your fingers this way and that to see the bits folded inside.
Was that the logo from Pizzeria Uno? And...a movie ticket?
"Ok, it's not just garbage," he assured you. "I know I don't really clean out my van that often. Shit, there was homework in there that I was supposed to turn in last year. No wonder I had to repeat again. But I guess I never realized that after our not-dates, I sort of left a few things in the glovebox or emptied my pockets in the back to throw out later.
"This...this is from our first outing for pizza. And when we went to see Day of the Dead. I cut up the order form when you paid the last installment on Sweetheart. And this? The menu from that one takeout place we ordered from? That night when...you know...before we went to Chicago? A-and a Chef Boyardee label. Y'know from that one time we ate dinner at your place? Well, actually, I don't think it's from that night.
"I-I know, I'm a walking contradiction," he concluded with a laugh. "I said that this was gonna be our first official date and here I am with a reminder of all the times we weren't dating but...I guess I figured...our times together as friends are just as important as any date. So now that...you're actually my girlfriend, I needed you to know you'll still always be my best friend too."
You felt your eyes water and your heart pound in your chest.
"Do you like it?" he asked nervously.
"It's only," you let out a watery laugh. "Only the best gift I've ever gotten."
"Not even the Boston cassette I got you?"
"Not even that," you shook your head. "Seriously Eddie...it's perfect."
All you wanted in that moment right there was to kiss him.
And you would have, but the lights in the mall concourse dimmed, signaling customer hours were over and that everyone needed to leave.
"You ready?" he backed away from you and held his hand out, fingers wiggling and eager to twine with yours. You gladly took it, expecting to hold his hand as you walked out towards the employee lot, but he surprised you by twirling you in a circle. He spun you into him, tucked against his side, and draped his arm across your shoulder.
You were sure it was gonna be a perfect night. Again.
Because he was perfect.
Turns out the Cootie Catcher wasn't just a gift with little mementos of your friendship, it was the means of which the two of you would decide the fate of your date night.
"I'll pick first," he explained. "And then you pick next ok? You just gotta trust me on this."
Throughout the night you both picked numbers and pinched the corners of the cootie catcher back and forth, back and forth, until you came up with the next activity you would embark on.
"Dinner at...the Hideaway," you read the first outcome that had come up. "The Hideaway? I thought it was the Hideout."
"No, they're two different places," Eddie explained. "Damn, you've almost lived in Hawkins for a year now and you still don't know? I'm a really bad Welcome Committee."
Turns out the Hideaway was a sports bar on the outskirts of town. The bar itself was a little crowded with patrons drinking beers and watching football on the twin tv's that were mounted overhead, but there was a tiny little dining room off to the side that was practically empty.
As you scanned the menu, your eyes immediately caught a glimpse of The Wayne under the sandwich header.
"Wayne as in...Uncle Wayne?" you asked with a laugh, and Eddie couldn't have looked any prouder if he tried.
"Yup," he puffed out his chest. "Nothing amazing ever happens in Hawkins, but if you can guess the Super Bowl winner accurately at the beginning of the season for 5 years in a row, you get a sandwich named after you at a bar."
"Shut up," you laughed. "He did not."
"Swear on my mother's grave," Eddie leaned forward and challenged you.
You both ended up ordering the Wayne, and Eddie spent most of dinner telling you Wayne's Scientific Method to choosing the winners, and then the way the winning streak broke.
"He put twenty dollars in a pool at the plant," he explained. "Figured he'd been guessing right at the Hideaway for so long without getting anything more than a free dinner out of it, he might as well try to win a little cash. Turns out fate only meant for him to win a hearty chicken dinner and nothing more, so he didn't try to tempt the Gods again lest he incur their wrath."
The sandwich was delicious, the company even better. And you held hands across the table pretty much the entire time.
Back and forth, back and forth the cootie catcher went, and you groaned when you saw the outcome.
"I'm not good at it Eddie," you tried to persuade him to choose again. "I'm gonna embarrass myself."
"Too bad, I'm not good at it either. We'll both look like idiots together."
"I'm wearing a dress Eddie."
"This is our destiny!" He exclaimed with a tone of finality, hand on the gearshift to put the van into drive. "And before you try to fight me on it, I'll even let my chivalry take a hit and let you pay for the first round of beer."
Knowing that a win was a win, you agreed.
The Roane County Bowlarama was something out of a time capsule, though, and that in and of itself was a novelty. Casino carpet and funky modular chairs and a neon light that sat over the pristinely waxed hardwood lanes in a very kitschy style that proudly advertised the Bowlarama's foundation in 1960.
It certainly smelled like nostalgia in here.
Eddie went to get your shoes while you meandered to the little concessions counter to get two solo cups of cheap beer and a soft pretzel with plastic cheese for the two of you to share.
As you got your score cards written up, you confided in Eddie that the only time you'd ever been bowling was for a birthday party for a classmate when you were in the 7th grade.
He just laughed and told you it had been the same for him too.
He pointed down to one of the lanes where a family was happily bowling with their two small children.
"If you go over there, I'm sure you'll still see the dent in the floor where I dropped the ball," he whispered. "It was too heavy and I went to go bowl and it dropped out of my hand and almost cracked the hardwood. And I vowed never again."
"Then why did you put it on the Cootie Catcher?" you asked incredulously.
"Well, we've gotta look stupid in front of each other sometime, right?" he reasoned.
“As though we haven’t done that already.” You shook your head. "Eddie Munson, you are something else."
"I know." He bowed proudly and then went to take his turn.
At the end of ten frames, you turned in your scorecards and your shoes at the counter, all the while snickering as the attendant read out your abysmal scores.
You'd beaten Eddie, sure...but it wasn't hard to beat a zero.
Was he really that bad at bowling or had he let you win? You’d never know.
It had been a great night but it was getting late by the time you got back out to the van.
Normally, you wouldn't mind a longer Sunday night out with Eddie, even if you had work and he had school in the morning. Honestly, you couldn't quite give a shit if you were tired for a Monday morning call with your boss or to unpack shipment boxes.
Still, you stopped Eddie before he could fish the Cootie Catcher out of the cupholder on the console.
"What's wrong?" he frowned. "You getting tired? Too tired for a late night snack? I put Dairy Queen for ice cream and Bradley's for a mystery snack adventure as options."
He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, trying to entice you into letting fate take you once again.
The thing was...ending the night wasn't really the thought on your mind. It had been a great night out, reminiscent of those few early Sunday nights, cruising around Hawkins and finding someplace new you hadn't been yet.
But part of the fun of some other not dates with Eddie were the times you got to spend alone. Even recently, as you started cuddling and making out on the couch or stealing kisses in the food court at the little table hidden closer to the JCPenney entrance while sharing cheese fries, it was the intimacy and closeness you cherished. Those times spent together were spent in a world just for the two of you.
And as the night went on and you came to that realization, Mindy's words echoed through your head: Horizontal Tango.
God, ok, that was not the way you wanted to think of it, but it did get your mind on that night. The last time things had started getting heated between the two of you, the night you thought everything had been ruined before you both realized that there were some actual feelings deeper than friendship there.
That had been...nice.
Sure you'd been high, but laughing and groping and kissing and grinding...
Yeah it was more fun to do all of that with someone than to take care of things on your own with your imagination or one of the bodice rippers you secretly bought at Waldenbooks at your disposal.
One of the bodice-rippers with a love interest that your brain had started to fill in with a certain metalhead that was your then-crush and now-boyfriend.
Suddenly the more you thought about it--actively thought about it--sitting here in the van with Eddie, surrounded by the scent of his cigarettes and his Old Spice cologne, having just had probably the best date you could ask for...you realized that you wanted more too. With him.
More than a quick fuck at a party or a romp on a couch.
You wanted Eddie.
First date be damned.
"Sweetheart?" Eddie pulled you from your thoughts. "We can call it if you want. If you're too tired to drive, I can take you home now and...I'll pick you up for work tomorrow before I go to class."
"Uh." You worried your bottom lip, at a loss for words, as your hand still gripped the top of his over the center console. He was being so kind, so chivalrous, so thoughtful with this whole date, all of these sweet plans...you didn’t want to undercut the effort he’d put in.
How did one just ask their boyfriend to have sex with them?
"Do you wanna have sex?"
The words escaped your mouth as though you were on autopilot, and both you and Eddie stared at each other dumbfounded as the question hung heavily between you.
Well that was one way to do it.
"Wha...whe...like? Here? Now?" He stared at you wide-eyed as he questioned. There was a beat and then he shook his head and stared down at your hands in silence.
What you wouldn't have given at that very moment to hear the thoughts that were clearly racing through his head, as he visibly tried to compute the situation you were both in.
You felt your chest get tighter and your heart raced.
See? First date, no fooling around. You should have trusted your instincts.
"I mean...yes,” Eddie finally blurted out. “But it wasn’t on the cootie catcher.”
It was silent for another moment, then you both broke down in hysterical laughter.
Unintelligible words were shared as you both relived the last few tense moments with intense clarity—basking in the silliness that could only be shared between the two of you—and then you both seemed to have a lightbulb moment. Eddie turned in his seat to grab something from the back of the van while you dug for something in your bag.
It was a race to see who could get there first, and Eddie won as he fell back into the driver's seat with a sharpie held in the air like his ultimate prized possession. You abandoned your own search and began carefully unfolding the cootie catcher and before long, on the inner most flaps, new adventures for the night were written.
Blizzards at DQ was soon scribbled out in favor of Your Place.
And Mystery Snacks from Bradley’s replaced by My Place.
Eddie started situating the fortune teller over the tips of his fingers when you grabbed his wrist.
“What if we don’t end up getting either place?” You asked a little stupidly.
“Well then I guess we’re gonna head to the civic center and play Boggle with Gareth’s mom and dad, Sweetheart,” he snarked. “Pick a number.”
Back and forth the cootie catcher went as you called out numbers.
Until Your Place sat proudly on display between you.
“Alright then,” Eddie placed the cootie catcher back into the cup holder and then clapped his hands. “Your place it is.”
For as bold as you both had been in the van, it was unexpectedly awkward when you got into your apartment.
It was a moment of being in a place you'd both been a hundred times together before, but the implication of why you were there made it difficult to simply begin.
You both ended up on the couch for a while, watching some late night reruns and sharing a pint of Rum Raisin until you were calm and comfortable enough to share tentative kisses and touches in front of the glow of the tv.
"This isn't..." Eddie chuckled when you found yourself horizontal on the couch and he kissed his way down your neck and across your décolletage. "This isn't like a porno."
You both broke down in laughter again and he admitted that that thought had been on his mind all night, along with the possibility that this would be waiting for the two of you at the end of the date.
"I had that thought," he continued once the laughter had subsided. "Last time we were like this. That's...do you remember I...god did I honk your boob?"
"You did," you remembered fondly, even though the outcome of that encounter was anything but a fond memory.
"I think that's why I did it," he ran a finger along the neckline of your dress, which caused goosebumps to erupt along your arms as you shivered with anticipation. "I don't need to be anything with you except myself. I don't have to be the...hot boyfriend or the hunky pizza guy or anything. I'm just me, and you're just you."
"You can't make me cry before we fuck," you told him matter-of-factly, and dragged him back up so you could kiss him again.
"Actually," he broke away again and his brows shot up into his bangs. "That's another kind of porno. We can add that to the list for next time ok?"
That set the pace and the expectation for the rest of the night: intimate moments punctuated by words and laughter.
There was no rush, so you took your time to explore one another's bodies. You moved from the couch to the bed and clothes came off one piece at a time, including socks which both of you agreed was the least seductive piece of clothing to remove.
"But I did read about this thing with tights once," you bit your lip in too-little-too-late realization, after you'd chucked your pantyhose into the corner of your bedroom. "It was kind of hot."
"I'm making notes," Eddie tapped his temple twice. "Don't worry. Next time."
And if you ever had the impression that Eddie was a bad student, all of that doubt vanished because he was incredibly studious when it came to your body. Both of you were as you licked and kissed and groped. You took the time to find spots that were sensitive or ticklish, that generated moans or giggles.
Boy, did you find out how much he liked to giggle.
You traced along the hazy ink of his tattoos with the tip of your tongue, in awe of the imagination that he'd put into each piece of artwork permanently etched on his body as he stammered out a brief story of each one. He told you about something he wanted along his ribcage, and when you went to kiss along the proposed path, he burst into a fit of laughter that almost rocketed him off the bed.
Soon there were more panting breaths than breathy laughter. As Eddie took his time worshipping you, committing every dip and curve and crease of you to memory--just like all the other things that he seemed to take note of--and the way you hiccuped and moaned as he lavished you with attention.
You both became teachers, showing one another just how you found pleasure alone--Eddie quick to admit that his solitary ministrations might have been done to the thought of you--before tonight. You were both happy to oblige each other's desires with your hands and mouths.
You quickly realized how much you liked the way that he stuttered your name as you suckled the head of his cock, and he seemed to take that as a challenge when he kissed and sucked your clit in return, the first partner you'd ever had to think to do so and not just fumble with zero thought or coordination.
"I'm a sex god," he boasted, chin resting smugly on your mound after you'd finished riding the crest of your first orgasm. "What can I say?"
"You're so full of it," you scoffed. "But you can say whatever you want if you just promise me you'll do that again."
"Oooh, gonna especially take note of that one," he said mischievously as he walked his fingers up the length of your body and then took your hand in his, both of you ready for the pièce de résistance of the night.
It was a lazy kind of fucking, even though the two of you were as wound up as you were; however, considering that you'd both had an entire day of work and then a lengthy date and foreplay, neither of you could complain.
You could have headboard-banging, heart rate-climbing, frenzied, nasty sex anytime you wanted for however long you'd be together.
"Hopefully forever," Eddie whispered against your mouth after you'd reassured him of just that, as he sank into you and realized that he was more comfortable in the cradle of your arms and thighs than stiffly knelt above you. "You promise?"
"Hopeless romantic," you muttered in return. You moaned as he slowly bucked into you and created a delicious drag of his fingers on your clit again. "But yeah, I promise."
There were very few words after that, just sounds. Pants and sighs and sucking kisses; a few swears as you both found the peaks of your pleasure, and finally an "is there any more of that ice cream" once Eddie collapsed beside you when it was all over.
You both couldn't help but brag how great it had all been come morning, when he drove you back to the mall for work.
Or when you showed up at his place the following night to do it all over again.
Next Chapter: Longevity
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weneeya · 2 months
HIIII!! I love your writings!!! I really like how you manage the characters and how you make the scenes<3
May I request some Headcanon/scenario of Kageyama being in love for a female s/o?
bad at feelings w/ kageyama m.list | rules
note. hiiii omg thank u sm I'm so happy to read this <3 kageyama is my baby, like all the first years ; ofc I can write smth with him!! requests are still open :)
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Kageyama Tobio wasn’t really well known for his ability to speak about how he felt. Actually, it was the exact opposite. The boy was so bad with his feelings and his thoughts, because he didn’t know how to express himself correctly. Watch him play with his team and you would quickly understand that talking was his weak point. 
He never really cared, until you arrived. You were friends with Yachi, one of her classmates who arrived in the middle of the school year. This is why you started to spend a lot of time with the volleyball team, soon becoming friends with all of them. You were a real ray of light, always smiley and happy, like nothing could hurt you. 
You were quickly adopted by the team, as Nishinoya and Tanaka made everyone understood around the school. They were giving dark looks to any boy who could want to speak with you, scaring them by clearly threatening them. It was a bit funny, you had to admit. 
Tobio knew he liked you, but he didn’t know how he really felt at the same time. He never experienced love before, because volleyball was the only thing he cared about since he was born. He knew it wasn’t the same affection as the rest of the team, but love? He wasn’t sure about it. This is why he decided to come to talk with Daichi and Suga. 
They were going out after their class, and Tobio was waiting for them outside, standing up all straight in front of the door. The two seniors almost jumped because of the surprise, not expecting Kageyama to be here. 
“Is everything okay? Do you have another problem with Hinata? I told you to-” Daichi couldn’t finish his sentence because Tobio quickly bent in front of him, his voice coming out louder than expected. 
“Sawamura-san, Sugawara-san! I need your help!” The captain and the setter looked at each other before looking back at their cadet. Suga told him to straight back up, an embarrassed smile on his lips. 
“Come here, let’s talk somewhere else,” he said, and the three boys got outside the building in a minute. Kageyama quickly started to speak about his said problem. He sighed slightly before looking at his two senpai. 
It took a long time, way too long in fact. Kageyama was searching for his words, saying the same things again and again, apparently lost with himself. His mind was racing, and his heart as well. Daichi could swear that he almost saw a blush over Kageyama’s cheeks for a second. Arms crossed, the captain looked at his setter who couldn’t help but to laugh at the poor boy’s behavior. 
“Slow down Kageyama, breathe,” started Daichi and the younger boy stopped talking, looking at Suga with a slight frown on his face. Why was he laughing at him? Tobio was clearly not understanding. 
“Our boy is in love,” finally added the third year, and Kageyama’s mind went wild. He looked at them with wide eyes, processing what he just heard. Daichi tried to tell Suga to go easy on him, but the setter kept going. 
“Feelings, romantic ones ; this is what you’re experiencing right now.” Silence. Tobio couldn’t believe it. So it was really love in the end? He never thought he would go through that one day, or at least clearly not right now. 
After thanking his seniors, Tobio left them to go walk alone. He needed milk, nothing would help him more than milk right now. He was in front of the vending machine when he heard a voice next to him. It was you, obviously. He could recognize your voice in the middle of a shouting crowd. 
This is how you ended up walking home together, as there was no training after school today. You had this soft smile on your lips as you were talking about a few different things. Kageyama wasn’t listening, he was too busy staring at you to focus on your words. You finally looked at him, taking him out of his thoughts. 
“Are you listening? You know, you can tell me if I’m annoying…” you said, and a small pout appeared on your lips. Tobio felt his cheeks burning suddenly, and he quickly looked away, his grip tightening a little around his milk. How could you be so adorable? It was too difficult to handle. 
You wanted to add something, but Kageyama suddenly stopped and you did the same, turning to him. “What?” You asked, and the boy took a deep breath. He frowned slightly while looking at you, and for a moment you thought he was going to be angry at you. 
“You… You’re pretty…” He finally said after a few moments of silence, and you couldn’t restrain your surprise. You slowly processed his words, and you felt your ears becoming warmer. You tried to find your words before being able to articulate a small “Thank you” to him. 
Love really was a strange feeling, but Kageyama Tobio was ready to learn about it and how to handle his feelings if it meant staying by your side.
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maybe I'll do a second part if you guys like it, I didn't want to make it too long hihi
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stop-talking · 3 months
So I'm stuck on this shithole island, and I can't even have a smoke? (pt. 5)
Derek Danforth x fem reader
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Word count: 4k
Tags: 18+, Derek x fem reader, no use of y/n, angst, lots of fluff, enemies, enemies to lovers, fluff, (very) slowburn, sass, banter, misogynistic undertones, (Derek is a prick), suggestive themes, mentions of drug use, withdrawals, rehab, masturbating.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
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To celebrate a week of sobriety, you decide to surprise Derek with a cake.
Of course, since there isn't exactly a bakery on a remote island, you had to bake it yourself.
Which you did. Last night. Now you stand in the kitchen, wondering how exactly you should decorate the damn thing.
And what to write on it?
"Congrats, maybe now you'll live past 40!" No, that's morbid.
"Bye-bye blunts and blow!" Too cringy.
"Happy one-week?" Hmm... that sounds like an anniversary thing.
Damnit. Maybe this isn't a situation that calls for cake after all. You sigh and continue to mumble random slogans to yourself as you slather the icing on nice and thick.
It looks a little messy, but you're not exactly a professional baker. Which is unfortunate, because that's probably exactly what he's used to. Oh well. It's the thought that counts, right?
You just want to show him how proud you are. He really has changed a lot over the past week, surprising you every day with how... normal he can be. When he wants to, at least.
Picking up a piping bag of green icing, you start placing decorative dollops around the edge of the cake. Some of them are a little lopsided, but it doesn't look too bad overall.
What now? You mindlessly lick some stray icing off your wrist and stare down at the gaping blank space in the middle of the cake.
Eventually, you settle on three words.
"Proud of you."
It's fitting. He has a lot to be proud of. Not just the sobriety stuff, but everything.
He's been picking up new skills every day. You smile as you tidy up the cake decorating mess strewn about the counter, thinking back to your first time cooking with Derek.
He'd been cocky and overconfident, and so utterly dumbfounded when that pancake met a splatter-y death on the stovetop.
And yet, he still got back up and tried again. After relentless pestering from you, obviously, but it still counted.
You stand back and survey your work. Cream colored icing, green lettering, and... okay, maybe the hearts were a bit much. Hopefully he didn't get the wrong idea. You're just... proud. That's all.
Now the only thing missing is Derek. He went upstairs an hour or so ago for a nap, mumbling something about a headache. Poor thing.
He's been so damn clingy lately, always touching you in some way or another. It seemed almost subconscious for him at times. A hand on your shoulder, his knee against yours, an arm around your waist... no matter what you were doing, he had to have physical contact.
You smile as you make your way upstairs to his room. Maybe today would be the day you finally give him a proper hug.
Derek is woken from his fitful sleep to the sound of you calling out his name.
Usually, that would be a welcome sound. You're always such a good distraction from his withdrawals.
But right now? He just wants to sleep. No, more than that. He wants to hibernate, to go into a goddamn coma and never have to wake up again.
"Can I have another twenty minutes?" He croaks, lifting his head from the mess of pillows to call out to you.
Apparently he can't, because he hears the door click open, and you peek your head in through the crack.
Derek just groans and buries his face back into the bed. His sheets and blankets are a tangled mess, and he's twisted himself into an awkward angle throughout his nap.
"Come on, It's been over an hour already." Derek can feel the bed shift as you take a seat on the edge.
"Well I'm still fuckin' exhausted." He mumbles into the pillow, not bothering to turn and look at you.
"Derek. You should know by now I'm not gonna let you rot in bed all day."
The almost sarcastic tone in your voice is what finally breaks him. This week has been hell, and you're just mocking him.
He hasn't only given up drugs this week, but all of his servants and staff as well. It was one thing to help you with cooking, but yesterday you'd made him do laundry. LAUNDRY. What the fuck did he look like? A maid?
"Fuck off." He grumbles a little louder, pushing your hand away as you reach to play with his hair.
His sour attitude apparently doesn't deter you any, because he can hear you laughing at him. Derek grits his teeth and finally sits up, glaring at you.
"You're really fucking annoying, you know that? Always pissing me off."
The words leave his mouth before he can really think them through, and when he sees your smile fall he immediately regrets them.
Unfortunately, he's too tired, sick, and stubborn to take it all back. Even while his heart drops into his stomach, he continues to glare daggers at you.
"Alright... twenty more minutes." With that, you slide off his bed and quickly make your way to the door.
Fuck. As soon as the door closes, Derek is left in darkness, in more ways than one.
His stomach twists into knots and he can feel his chest grow heavy. He tries to scramble after you, but gets caught in the tangle of blankets and ends up falling to the floor instead.
God damn it. Why does he always have to be such a fuck up? You aren't annoying. You're the only thing keeping him sane right now, and he goes and pushes you away.
He collapses on the floor, sighing at the feeling of the cold hardwood against his cheek. A few tears roll down his face, and he laughs bitterly as a thought crosses his mind.
Your thighs make a much better pillow than the floor.
Twenty minutes later, you knock at Derek's door once more. He mumbles something incomprehensible, and you take that as permission to enter.
The sight in front of you makes you pause. What the hell is he doing? You flip the lights on just to make sure your eyes aren't playing tricks on you.
They aren't.
Derek Danforth lies on the floor next to his bed, groaning and blinking up at the harsh overhead light.
"Looks real comfortable down there." You tease, setting the glass of water you brought him on his bedside table before joining him on the floor.
He refuses to look at you, throwing his arm over his eyes and groaning.
"You need to eat. And drink. I brought you some water."
Derek stays quiet as you sit next to him and place a hand on his shoulder. His lips are pressed into a tight line, and he's still hiding behind his arm.
"Why are you so goddamn nice?" He finally groans.
"We've already had that talk."
"Okay, then why are you so goddamn nice even when I'm being a prick?"
You move his arm away from his face, and he doesn't fight it. When you finally get a look at him, it's obvious he's been crying.
Derek Danforth. Crying on his bedroom floor. That's a sight.
A sight that really breaks your heart, actually. His watery eyes threaten to make yours overflow as well, so you quickly wipe away his tears with the hem of your shirt.
"You think I expect you to go through three weeks of rehab and not be a prick sometimes?"
Derek actually chuckles at that, and finally meets your gaze. He looks absolutely wrecked.
"I didn't mean what I said earlier."
"I know."
You scoot a little closer, and gently tug at him. He takes the hint, placing his head on your lap with his cheek against your thigh.
Neither of you talk for a few minutes. He just closes his eyes and sighs as you play with his hair. Over the past week, you've learned what he likes. Tug at his curls in just the right way, and he...
Derek lets out a soft whimper and you smile. There it is.
"Wanna make it up to me?" You tease.
He glances up at you, an eager look in his eyes.
"Get rid of this." You laugh and trail a finger along his jawline, feeling at his overgrown stubble. He most likely hasn't shaved since arriving here a week ago.
"What? You don't like it?"
"Do you?"
Derek pouts, pushing your hand away and feeling at it himself. His brow furrows adorably as he considers your words.
"It looks manly."
"There's a difference between manly and cave-man-ly."
He scoffs at that, but when you start poking and prodding at his face where his stubble has grown out, he cracks a smile.
"Fine, fine. You win. I'll shave."
He swats your intrusive hands away, then sits up and stretches.
Now that he's up and moving, you decide it's time to go. On your way out the door, you hesitate, remembering the reason you came to get him in the first place.
"Oh, don't take too long. I have a surprise waiting for you downstairs."
Derek stares at himself in the bathroom mirror, feeling at his stubble. You're right, he does look better with a trim.
He knows he should head downstairs, but his heart is beating a million times a second, and not even from withdrawals.
That little comment about a surprise? God damnit. You're teasing him. You have to be. How could you say something like that and not expect him to get excited?
Derek sighs and tucks his boner into the waistband of his boxers, then looks at himself in the mirror one more time to make sure it isn't noticeable. It's not... mostly.
Damnit. He could probably take a few minutes and rub one out, but he'd absolutely die of embarrassment if you walked in on him AGAIN.
He groans and turns to leave. Oh well. It's hidden well enough, and you'd already seen worse. Plus... maybe if this surprise is anything like his fantasies, he'd have an opportunity to use it.
"Oh, wait wait wait!" You scramble over to him as he trudges downstairs, keeping him from entering the living room.
"Are you gonna tell me what my surprise is?"
"No! Then it wouldn't be a surprise at all. Close your eyes."
Derek does as instructed, shutting his eyes tight. When feels you grab his hand and start to tug him along, he can't help but sneak a peek.
"I swear... if your Idea of a surprise is to walk me into a wall-"
"Oh, shut it." You scoff and clap your free hand over his eyes.
"Just trust me. And no peeking."
Derek grumbles, but he does trust you. A lot more than he lets on. So, he blindly stumbles along as you lead him into the... kitchen? Yeah, he's pretty sure he's in the kitchen.
"Okay, you can look." You uncover his eyes, but keep a tight hold on his hand as you beam at him.
"What do you think?"
What does he think?
What does he think?
Derek chokes up at the sight before him, and has to turn his head so you don't see the way his eyes are watering again.
A cake. You baked him a fucking cake to say you're proud of him. And he called you annoying.
"It's to celebrate being a week sober." You explain, leaning over to try and catch a glimpse of his face.
He squeezes your hand tightly, but can't get any words out.
"A week." He whispers, blinking back tears. Fuck, has it been a week already? It feels like hardly a day has passed.
"Oh, love. C'mere."
Derek lets himself be pulled into your arms. He groans from your touch, melting into the embrace and burying his face in your neck.
God, this is perfect. He's wanted to be held like this for so long, but now that it's finally happening... he can't help but feel guilty.
"I'm such an ass." He mumbles into your neck, lips pressed to your skin.
"Not always." You laugh softly and pull him a little closer.
Too close. He can feel your breasts pressing against him... fuck. Any closer and you might be able to feel what he has tucked away.
"Not always?" Derek scoffs, pulling back just enough to look you in the eyes.
"Is that really the best you've got to make me feel better?"
"What? You want me to lie?"
He stares into your eyes, heart pounding in his chest as he suddenly realizes just how close you are. It takes everything in him not to lean in and bridge the few inch gap between the two of you.
"You look nice like this."
Derek can feel his face heating up as you cup his face with a hand. Shit, If you don't stop soon he might actually just kiss you.
"Like what?" He asks breathlessly, mesmerized by your touch.
"With a trim." You smile and run your thumb along his his stubble, eyes trailing from his jaw to his lips.
For a second, Derek is sure you're going to kiss him. He tilts his head ever so slightly in anticipation, and his eyes flutter shut.
"So... you want a piece of cake?" You clear your throat, suddenly dropping your arms and breaking the embrace.
Of course you weren't going to kiss him. Derek gives you a half-hearted smile and nods, trying to hide just how crushed he feels.
"Yeah, sure. Cake."
"No, love, you're supposed to do the edge pieces first."
You chuckle as Derek angrily fumbles with two puzzle pieces. They quite obviously don't match, but he's trying to force them together anyways.
"Sorry, I wasn't aware puzzles had rules." He scoffs, dramatically tossing the little cardboard chunks across the table.
You'd dragged him out to the porch for a little fresh air, since he insisted he was too tired to make the five minute walk down to the beach.
"Well, they do. The biggest rule is don't throw the puzzle pieces, or you'll lose them." You laugh and continue flipping pieces over so they're facing upwards.
It hasn't been very long since you started the puzzle, and Derek already looks bored.
"Is this supposed to be fun?" He grumbles, helping you flip over pieces with one hand, the other finding it's way to rest on top of yours.
You wonder if he even notices he's doing it again. Touching you like that. You've gotten used to it by now, and usually just let it happen.
"Oh, come on. You gonna let a puzzle get the best of you, Danforth? A child could do this."
Derek makes a face and gestures to the sea of little cardboard scraps scattered across the table.
"A child could do a one thousand piece puzzle?" He scoffs.
"Okay, maybe not..." You laugh and adjust your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"But I'm sure you can do it."
Derek's face flushes pink, and you aren't sure whether its from the praise or the way you're so casually holding his hand. Probably both. But so what if you're holding his hand? He's the one who started it.
He just mumbles something under his breath and looks back down at the table, suddenly very motivated to help you pick through the pieces.
His hand doesn't leave yours.
Derek wakes up from a deep sleep to the sound of your voice and the feeling of your nails gently scratching his scalp.
He gasps and tries to sit up, but finds he's stuck.
Er, not stuck, just... underneath you?
"Come on, love. You slept through nearly the whole movie." You laugh softly and start to nudge him off your lap.
Derek finally remembers what's going on, and pulls his arm out from under you. Apparently he'd tucked it beneath your knees while he slept, because he sure didn't remember doing it.
"Told you a chick flick would put me to sleep." He mumbles, fumbling to sit up. He finds his other arm is also stuck, wedged in between your waist and the couch.
"Sure made yourself comfortable, huh?" You tease, scooting forward and freeing him.
"Shut up." Derek reluctantly pulls away from you, sitting up and looking at you with a dazed expression. He wipes the drool from the corner of his mouth and groans. That really was a good nap.
"It's just so easy to fall asleep on you." The words come out before he can really think over them, and he freezes in embarrassment. Thankfully, you seem to take it in a different way than he meant it.
"Oh, am I that boring? I put you to sleep?"
"Exactly. I'm yawning already." He teases, letting out an exaggerated yawn that only earns him an elbow to the ribs.
"Hmph. Next time you can fall asleep somewhere else."
"But you're so damn comfortable." He whines, scrambling after you as you make your way upstairs. You can't leave him yet. You just can't.
"Well, your bed is plenty comfortable as well. Go to sleep."
Derek is suddenly struck with a thought, and takes your hand before you can slip away into your room for the night.
"What if..." He starts, placing his other hand on your hip and pulling you a little closer.
"What if I don't want to sleep in my bed tonight?"
You give him an incredulous look, and Derek can hardly believe the words that just came out of his mouth. Fuck, you're going to reject him. He just knows it.
"My bed?" You ask, raising an eyebrow and looking down at the way his hand is gripping your hip.
Derek can hear his heart pounding in his ears. He's being WAY too forward, and probably seems like a creep. Damnit.
"I... I just won't be able to sleep without you. I know it." He stutters, stumbling over his words. It's the truth, though. The only time he's been able to sleep peacefully lately is when he's touching you.
"Derek, love..." You chuckle and start to brush his hands away, taking a step back.
Fuck. He needs to show you how serious he is about this.
"Please? Just for tonight?" He grabs both of your hands, intertwining your fingers with his as he meets your gaze. You said he has puppy-eyes or something, right? Derek does his best to look pitiful.
It's not hard to do. He really does feel pitiful in this moment, begging you so blatantly. He might as well get on his fucking knees.
"Fine." You finally relent, groaning and gently shoving Derek aside as you head into your bedroom.
"But I hope you know I kick in my sleep."
"I don't mind taking that risk."
After quickly getting ready for bed, you settle down under the covers while Derek stands awkwardly to the side.
"Well? You gonna join me?" You ask, patting the spot next to you.
God, how did you get roped into this? Him and those damn puppy eyes. He's so hard to say no to.
"Oh, uh, yeah." Derek scrambles to climb into bed beside you. He looks like he's having just as much trouble believing what's happening.
"Sleeping with you wasn't really in my job description, you know. I'm complaining to your mother after this."
"Please don't." He groans, squirming and getting comfortable under the shared blanket. He keeps his distance, seeming content just to be in the same bed as you.
"You gonna sleep in that?" You lift the blanket to peek at his outfit, a simple t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Yeah? What's wrong with it?" He pouts and tugs the blanket back down, acting self-conscious.
"Nothing, just... You aren't going to be hot?"
"Are you trying to get me to take my pants off, sweetheart?"
"God, no. I've seen enough of that."
Your teasing clearly gets to him, because he rolls over to face away from you, grumbling. You swear his ears are a little pink. Is he blushing?
"Oh, love. I'm just messing with you." You scoot a little closer to him, and put a hand on his waist.
"I know." He whispers, breath hitched.
"Is it okay if I do this?"
He groans when you get even closer, spooning him from behind. Your arm wraps around his waist and you press your entire body against his.
"M-maybe I will get hot..." He mumbles, but makes no effort to push you away. Instead, he completely melts under your touch, relaxing against the pillow.
"Keep your pants on, Danforth."
"Yes ma'am."
Derek has been in bed with you for what feels like hours, (though really only around half of one), and he still can't believe what's happening.
Your arm is around his waist, holding him tight while the rest of your body is pressed up against him. He can feel your breasts pressing into his back, and your lips on his neck.
He almost wishes you'd kiss him, but that would probably send him over the edge.
And God, is he dangerously close to the edge right now.
His heart is pounding, heartbeat in synch with the throbbing in his pants. He's been hard ever since you cuddled up to him, but no way in hell is he going to ask you to stop. Not ever. Even if it kills him.
Scratch that. It is going to kill him. Derek can't help but let out a whimper as his dick twitches in his sweatpants.
Fuck. Your hand is right there, on his stomach. If you'd just slide it down a little...
"What's wrong?" You mumble, giving him a tight squeeze and nuzzling against the back of his neck.
"O-oh. Just... headache... Don't feel good..."
He feels like a total prick for lying to you, but what is he supposed to say? Yeah, totally fine, just horny as fuck? He'd rather die.
"Aww... I've got you, love."
Derek's breath hitches as you throw your leg over him. He can feel your thigh pressed up against his side, and the way you squeeze him feels heavenly.
He whimpers again, and starts to squirm slightly in your grasp. Fuck, if you keep this up he's not going to be able to control himself.
You continue to gently squeeze, rub, and cuddle him, whispering words of comfort with your lips pressed against the back of his neck. He can feel your hot breath on him, your breasts against his back, your hand on his stomach, your leg wrapped around his...
He can feel everything. And it's driving him insane.
Okay, okay, fuck. He can fix this. He just needs a quick release. That's all.
Derek starts to form a plan in his head, fueled by desperation and lust. Once he's mostly sure you're asleep, he slips his hand down into his boxers.
Biting back a moan, he slowly starts to jerk himself off. Painfully slow. He can't risk waking you up.
It's so fucking hard to not go faster, or move, or make a sound. Fuck, it's just so hard. Period.
He didn't really think this through, huh? Asking to sleep in your bed. Next time he'll jerk off first. If there is a next time. Damnit. If you catch him like this, you'll never speak to him again. He's sure.
Trembling, he accidentally lets a small whine slip out. Even with the absolute minimum amount of stimulation, he's close to finishing.
"Hnngh... Derek? You okay?"
Fuck. You're awake.
"Huh? Yeah, just... nightmare..." He chokes the words out, hand still wrapped around his cock as he slowly milks out a steady trickle of precum.
"It's okay." You whisper, holding him even tighter. "I'm right here."
Yeah, and that's the his damn problem. Your words and touch send him spiraling over the edge, and he bites his lip with nearly enough force to draw blood as he comes in his sweatpants.
It's not the most satisfying orgasm, seeing as he could barely touch it... but it still feels so much better than being that fucking horny with no release.
"Thank you..." Derek groans, praying that you don't ever discover the double meaning behind his words.
He had originally planned to sneak away and clean himself up, but with the way you're clinging to him...
Fuck. Guess he's sleeping in wet sweatpants.
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Author's note: Oh my goddd, sorry for such a long wait on this chapter!!! I've been wanting to write this scene FOREVER, but I also wanted to get it right!!
I love putting Derek in uncomfortable situations. Not sorry.
Also its crazy to me that I've written 16 thousand words of fanfic for a character that had 20 minutes of screen time and then fucking DIED 💀
Anyways... expect the next chapter in 2-3 days. Thanks for all the love and support!!!
Part 6
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venturelovebot · 1 month
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A/N: IT IS DONE! I'm so sorry this took over a week to write, there's really no excuse for it and I really can't apologize enough. I hope I did your prompt justice! Link to request here!
Premise: Surely hiking and having an orthostatic intolerance are things that can go together right? Right? Goofy goober is about to find that answer the hard way.
Warnings: None! Pure fluff!
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You can't feel your legs.
The soft crunch of twigs and leaves underneath your feet is all you can focus on. Sweat beads down your face and body as you climb higher and higher into the vast wilderness before you.
"We're almost there, it's just up ahead!"
Sloan's cheerful voice makes your head perk up to look at them. The happy expression on their face means everything to you, so you bit your tongue and didn't complain about a little exercise... but your body was on fire and your heart was beating out of control. You weren't sure how much longer you would last out here. You glance back down at the ground.
The buzzing of cicadas grow louder in your ears.
"Do– you think– we could take a– break?" You huff.
Sloan turns back to look at you, but all you can see is the burning sun in the sky. You don't even remember falling.
"Oh my God! [Y/N], hold on!"
You feel them lifting up your body near effortlessly before completely blacking out from over exertion.
You can hear the worry in Sloan's voice. The awareness slowly comes back into your body as you feel cold water pour into your mouth and you swallow it with relief. You have a lot of questions, but they only seem to be coming out as muffled groans of confusion.
"I am so, so sorry..."
Your eyes flutter open finally and you see your beloveds face hovering over yours. You were resting your head safely on their lap. They pour more water into your mouth and wipe down your forehead with a damped piece of fabric. It all felt so nice in the sweltering heat.
"Did we make it?" Your voice is raspy and tired.
"No. I headed back to the campsite as soon as you passed out. I was going to take you to the hospital until you woke up just now."
You frown. You can't help but feel like you ruined the trip for them.
"I'm sorry."
"No need to be sorry Cariño, it's my fault."
They adjust your body so you're laying down on a soft surface inside the tent the two of you shared.
"We'll go home soon, alright?" They lean down to place a kiss to your cheek.
"But what about hiking? I know you were excited."
"I've hiked this trail before, so it's nothing new to me." They nuzzle your face gently to bring you some comfort. "You matter more to me than that."
You bring your hand up to cup their face and they place another kiss on your face before sitting upright again.
"We can spend another night here and we'll go home, okay?"
You nod and they hand you a half empty cold bottle of water. Without hesitation you drink the rest of it before they wipe down your face again.
"Oh! That reminds me!"
Sloan unzips the tent and rushes outside. You can see the flicker of a campfire nearby– apparently you were out for longer than you expected. They reenter the tent with a paper plate stacked high with freshly made s'mores.
"I made you these so you can feel better!" There was a childlike excitement in their voice, followed by a grin.
They help you slowly sit upright before letting you lean against their body for support. You reach for the treat they brought you and it turns to a gooey mess of sugar in your mouth. Immediately all of the negativity that today had brought melts away.
"Thank you," You smile.
"And I got this from the vending machine because s'mores and water is just wrong..."
They hand you a cold bottle of milk. You screw off the lid and you finish off the chocolatey marshmallow goodness. You pick up a second s'more and offer it to Sloan as a form of gratitude.
"No! These are yours! I feel awful after everything that happened today..."
You shake your head. "I want to share. You have to take it!" You insist. "Besides, you got me back to safety. I think you deserve a reward for that."
They hesitantly take the treat from you and chomp down on it. Their face lights up with happiness.
"And we can share the milk, too." You offer them a drink and they take it without a second thought.
The two of you sit in silence as you finish off the stack of s'mores and milk together, exchanging glances of contentment as the sun sets below the horizon. The sound of singing crickets surrounds you as the sleepiness set in.
"Even if we didn't make it to the top, I'm still glad we had fun today." Sloan grabs a blanket from their backpack and begins rolling it out for the two of you. "I mean– passing out isn't fun, I'm talking about the s'mores. S'mores are fun! Nearly dying of heat stroke definitely isn't."
You can't help but giggle at their cuteness.
"I know what you mean. Being brought to safety by a cutie pie is also very fun."
They blush from your compliment as they join you underneath the blanket. "Aww, it wasn't a big deal..." They catch themself again. "I mean– it was! I mean–"
You place a kiss to their lips to stop them from yapping.
"Go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning." You reassure them.
All they can do is smile.
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munsons-melody · 6 months
putting the x in sixx (part 2)
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summary: with corroded coffin now on tour with the boys of mötley crüe, nikki sixx takes the time to keep trying to get to you
pairing: rockstar!boyfriend!Eddie x female!reader
cw: mentions drugs/drug abuse,
recommended song: you’re all i need by mötley crüe
word count: 2.6k
a/n: this was a request and i was over the moon to write it!! also not very proofread :)
requested? yep :))
part 1 can be found here
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
"uh huh... yes... yes of course... yep... okay... okay great thanks man" eddie said as he hung up the phone, turning to you with the biggest smile on his face
"good news?" you asked excitedly, moving up from your laying position on the couch, turning off the tv
"we're going on tour!" eddie screamed, jumping up and down causing you to giggle
"wait what? huh? explain!" you leaped from the couch to where he walked over to the living room
"that was our manager, he apparently talked to his buddy doc who talked to the boys of mötley crüe and said they loved our sound and our stage presence and when they go on tour they want us to open!" he explained, talking fast
your jaw dropped and you squealed, pulling him in close, wrapping your arms around his neck as you jumped and your legs wrapped around his waist
he held you close until you heard a small sniffle, and moved so you carefully landed on the ground
"eddie baby you okay?" you asked, moving a few strands of hair away from his face and wiping a tear that was falling down his cheek
he nodded and sniffled again, wiping the tears away from his face and looked at you
"i just can't believe it, i'm so happy" he admitted as you held his face gently and leaned into kiss him
as you pulled away, your brow furrowed in confusion "wait don't you need to tell the rest of the band?" you let out a small chuckle and eddie's eyes widened
"oh shit yeah thank you love you" he said, kissing you fast before running to the phone again
it was 2 weeks later and tour rehearsals were in full swing along with corroded coffin recording songs for their new album and mötley crüe doing endless press for their girls, girls, girls album that had just come out
you hadn't seen much of the boys of mötley crüe due to their heavy promo schedule, occasionally seeing vince in the studio helping eddie with some vocals, and of course, mick just appearing randomly, fueling yours and Eddie's inside joke that he truly was an alien with superpowers- reminding you of a specific girl that once escaped hawkins lab that led you to meet eddie
"god i'm just so excited for the tour!" you said excitedly, walking in between Jeff and Gareth into the rehearsal studio
eddie was stuck at the recording studio with dougie for another hour while you accompanied the boys to the rehearsal space as they deemed it necessary you be there since eddie couldn't
"me too! can you believe we're actually here and doing this?" gareth replied, matching the excitement in your voice
the three of you continued to talk as you walked through the corridors of the large building before appearing at the double doors before the room that served as the rehearsal room
you already heard Vince, singing out the last few high notes of 'dancing on glass' when the three of you walked in, standing there watching them finish up the song
once they were done, you clapped along with jeff and gareth and nikki looked at you, smiling
"great guys, take 5... and no bump- we have a lot to get through today" doc said in a grumpy voice before patting mick on the back and turning to talk to some other important looking person
nikki set down his bass carefully on its stand and walked over to where you were standing
"hey stranger" he said and you felt a blush creep onto your face
"hey yourself" you replied back with a smile
"didn't know you were going to be here today" he said casually and you nodded, turning to where gareth was once standing until you realized he was in conversation with jeff and their manager steve
"yeah well eddie's stuck in the studio for another hour and the guys wanted me to come watch them rehearse so here i am" you joked and he chuckled
"well i'm very glad you got to see us perform a little bit of our song" he said
"me too, i'm excited to see it on stage in a month when tour starts" you admitted, tucking your hair behind your ear while nikki gave you a confused look
"wait are you coming with us?" he asked and you nodded
"uh yeah i'm staying with eddie for the entire tour" you smiled and he did a slow nod and pursed his lips
"good to know" he said with a smirk when you heard tommy yell "sixx! we're doing girls now!"
"that's my cue... maybe you should stick around and watch us play, i'm very good at doing girls" he winked at you before turning around and walking back to where his bass sat
it didn't click until you heard the intro to their hit girls girls girls, that you understood the joke and for a second you felt stupid before you realized that nikki was hitting on you again... was he always this persistent with every other girl he's ever slept with? not like it mattered anyways, you were with eddie, and the happiest you've ever been
before you can fathom another thought about nikki, talking to you, the door swung open, and you saw eddie and dougie, walking in with smiles plastered on their faces
eddie immediately walked up to you and gave you the biggest kiss and wrapped his arms around you
"hey you still had like half an hour left before you had to be here?" you questioned with a laugh and he pulled back to look at you
"it's crazy, i just was able to sing every perfect note with the right amount of energy and dougie just knew the exact notes of what to play to help me and it was like everything just clicked and we finally nailed it, so now i can watch the rest of their rehearsal with you" he smiled, lacing your finger together
your heard the drums starting up along with the guitars and bass, and took eddie to one of the couches facing the set up as vince started singing
you've heard this song at least a thousand times, and you liked it too, but as you were sitting with eddie's arm around you, half your back leaned into his chest, it was hard to watch them perform with nikki's eyes fixed on you
this might be a long tour... you thought to yourself
the past week had been a blur with traveling all up and down the east coast, but you were finally in New York City, after a month into the tour
you were hanging out in the dressing room while corroded coffin did their sound check
you heard their songs being played in a row so many times within the past month that you took the opportunity to hang out in the dressing room and get a moment to yourself
you had just flipped, open a new magazine, and lay down on one of the plush couches in the room when there is a knock at the door, and before you could even get up to answer it, it was none other than Nikki walking into the room
"oh shit hey sorry didn't know you were in here" he laughed, attempting to turn around to walk out when you got up
"oh, no, it's fine, i just needed a break from everything, god this tour has been so hectic... i don't even know how you can put up with it all" you joked and he chuckled
"with this my dear" he laughed and pulled out a small bottle that you immediately recognized
"ah yeah right" you said, awkwardly smiling at him as he sat down at the table across from you
you aren't uncomfortable with drugs, as your boyfriend used to be a dealer back when you two were in high school but you've never actually seen anyone snort anything right in front of you
"want some?" he asked as he set it up on the table and you shook your head
"no thanks i'm good" you said as he took out a card from his pocket
he did his business and as his head came up, he looked at you, his eyes looking straight into yours
"what?" you asked, secretly praying that he wasn't somehow going to just OD right in front of you with how long he was staring at you before he finally spoke, which calmed your nerves
"i don't know why the fuck i can't stop thinking about you, but jesus christ i've fucked every girl i wanted, and yet you're still on my mind..." he said, fiddling with the card in his hand
you looked at him with raised eyebrows before you finally found the courage to speak again
"oh wow uhm... that's blunt" you choked out
"i'm that type of guy" he said before taking in another line
"listen nikki-"
"god even the way you say my name is so hot" he breathed out and you found yourself blushing yet again at his words
"i will admit years ago before i met eddie... i had the biggest crush on you and yes if i wasn't in the the most amazing loving relationship with eddie and these were all different circumstances, then it probably would've happened, but that's not what's going on and honestly, i highly doubt you'll even remember this conversation in a few hours" you finally said as he just stared at you
the tension was so thick you could chop it with an ax, and it would still be there, but eventually he leaned up from a seat, and took another line before falling back into his chair
"if i could turn back time" he started to sing and you let out a laugh
"if i could find a way" he continued
"oh now you're gonna try and seduce me with cher?" you joked and he let out a laugh
"no just manifesting i build a time machine and go back in time" he said, staring at the ceiling
"you know, for someone who likes to sleep around and not commit or come off as anything more than being a sexual partner to the opposite sex, you do have very romantic words" you admitted with a laugh and he shook his head with a smile
"i think tommy and his stupid hopeless romanticness is rubbing off on me" he laughed and you smiled
you heard cheers and screams from outside your door when it burst open to see a very wet corroded coffin barging into the room
"oh my god babe it started raining when we were outside on the stage and so after we finished up the last song we ran around on the grass and it was the most amazing thing!" eddie yelled walking to you and shaking his hair like a wet dog
"agh! babe!" you squealed with a laugh as he went to pick you up
you turned to run so he wouldn't pick you up to get you all wet but as you did, you fell right into nikki who was getting up
you landed on him he sat in the chair, your bum pressed against his crotch perfectly
"shit sorry!" you said, scrambling to get up
"don't ever apologize for getting this close to me" he quickly whispered, looking into your eyes before you got up, looking at eddie who had his head flipped over as he dried his long hair with a towel
"see you tonight boys! have a good show!" nikki yelled before giving you one last glance and headed out the door
it was an hour before showtime, and you sat with Eddie on the small loveseat in the dressing room, pretending to be in your own little bubble before you had to share your boyfriend with the rest of the world well the rest of the boys were trying to hype each other up and blasting the radio
you ended up telling him about everything that happened with nikki that day, and you sat there feeling guilty for no reason when eddie grabbed your hand and locked his fingers with yours
"y/n there's no reason to feel bad, i'm just thankful o have a girlfriend that's loyal enough to me that when nikki sixx is hitting on her, she doesn't cave, especially when you had the biggest crush on him... i love you and i trust you and just know that nothing you do will ever change that for me" he said, looking at you, bringing his other hand up to gently stroke your cheek
"i love you too eds" you said, immediately feeling better, and you wrapped your arms around his neck and the two of you switched positions so you could lay down together
"and honestly if you're feeling uncomfortable, i have no problem fighting him, he'll probably be too doped up to even realize he's in a fight" he joked causing you to laugh
"thanks but babe have you ever actually won a fight outside DnD?" you questioned and his face dropped into an expression of confusion and thinking
"uh not technically, well this one time-" you cut him off by kissing him and the second you pulled away, you could see the enamoration and love he has for you wash over his face
"when do we stop in Vegas?" you asked and he looked away for a moment as he thought about the schedule
"uh maybe like 2 weeks from tomorrow i think our show is there? why?" he asked and you smiled
"i think we should get married" you said as a smile grew on eddie's face
"you want to elope?" he asked and you nodded
"the whole nikki thing made me further realize that the only man i ever want to be with for the rest of my life is you eds, and i think it'll be romantic just the two of us together"
"sounds like a plan" he said ecstatically, kissing you
"wait what about nancy? didn't you and her already start planning wedding stuff, aren't you each others maids of honor or something?" eddie asked you once you pulled away
"what she doesn't know can't hurt her" you joked
soon enough, it was time for the boys to go on stage, and you kissed Eddie one last time before he ran from the side of the stage into the center as the music started to play
you had just finished corroded coffin's set and were in the middle of watching mötley crüe's set, standing in the private section of the crowd to catch a couple of their songs before you headed back to the tour bus
"this next one goes out to someone in particular, hope you know i remembered the conversation babe" nikki said as the beginning of 'you're all i need' started to play
you looked at eddie, who was looking right at you and you both let out a small laugh, knowing about the conversation you had with nikki earlier and how you believed that he wouldn't even realize what he said till just now
"you know i love this song" you joked as you moved his arms around your waist and yours around his neck
you were pulled in close to eachother, enjoying the song as you stared into each others eyes and stealing kisses from eachother, feeling like the only two people in the arena
"yeah, i know you" he smiled
"you could probably write a better ballad that's all about me" you said and eddie shook his head with a smile
"don't you think nikki will be upset i'll have my own personal love song dedicated to only you as your wonderful, soon to be husband?" eddie said with a laugh and you let out a chuckle
"what he doesn't know can't hurt him" you smiled
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shiny-kaibernyte · 5 months
hi i heard you're The Guy Who Writes Drayton Stuff /silly uhhh if you're ok with it could I possibly request something with Drayton x Reader who's mute (and bullied because of it)? thank you :)
This is the first post i have written since coming back for the new year. I'm currently focusing on my new etsy shop I'll be opening soon but I'm so happy with how this one turned out and I do hope you do to. 💜
Moonlight Silence | Drayton x Mute Reader
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
Mentions of bullying and self doubt. Drayton comes to your side in your moment of zen. Deciding to tell you what he truly thinks in the first moment he gets to share with you.
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It was so quiet. The stars above you shining brighter than normal, the moon's radiant light more prominent than you’d seen it before, almost a halo around the planet. Refreshing. That was the only word your mind could muster up in the sea of peace. Just you and the sky, no Pokémon, no people, not even a cloud. Pure peace, the odd sound of a Pokémon cry being the only thing truly bonding everything together. Sometimes the thought of what was up there ran across your mind… what if you could just grab a star, hold it, love it close up instead of admiring from afar. As if you were trying to make your thoughts come true, your hand reached up towards the sky, covering the moon so only the stars could be seen by your eyes, until another sight took over. “Seems you’ve taken, reaching for the stars literally huh!” Your new vision chimed looking down at you completely covering your vision. Lowering your hand you realise your visitor is no other than Colgate himself, Drayton. 
Quickly sitting up, you stare at him in pure confusion. Drayton was never up at this time, he may have been a bit laid back but he stuck to a very strict sleep schedule, so seeing him up past that was highly confusing. Not to mention the fact he was out here alone, normally he’s paired up with Crispin. Apparently your confusion was noticed by your new companion who simply chuckles at the sight of your face, sitting down beside you.
“I came looking for you…” Drayton bluntly responded, a small smile appearing on his face when your confusion only grew more. He was looking for you? Once again as if he could read your mind, he continued. “Your confusion, I can tell you are wondering why I'm out here. Now you're asking yourself why I came out here specifically to find you… If I'm honest, I've been trying to find you all day. Seems Arceus had other plans for me today.”
Turning on your knees, you give him your full attention, confusion now curiosity as your attentive ears perk up in anticipation. Why had he been looking for you all day? He had your number so he could have just texted you, left a voicemail, anything at all. Why in person?
With a sigh, Drayton turns his head to the sky admiring the same stars you just were. “You know I'm not one to use tender words. Just wastes time and plays on the emotions of others. I prefer speaking plainly and honestly! You know that better than anyone… So I'm going to ask you this plainly all you need to do is nod yes or no.” 
His attention was now back on you, a small bit of concern laced over his eyes, causing your stomach to sink slightly.
“Yesterday, those two boys… were they bothering you?” He asks plainly. Within a moment your eyes grew wide as you replayed the scene in your head. Skipping over small details, only remembering the feeling of them pushing you against the wall, dragging you around in a strange push pull game, yelling hurtful and disgraceful things to you, all because of your silence. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence either by these two. To be used as they’re punching bag in a sense. But never once would you go for help, to you, it would have only been confusing. Having to write down what you wanted to say. So all you could do was repress the thoughts in your head and continue on with your day, as if it never happened. But now… sitting here, being, asked about the event. The images of their faces, coated in a sinister smile, as if these boys had some kick in seeing your misery. Their eyes were black in your mind, blocked out completely, only their mouths repeating the words over and over. “That’s a yes”
Drayton's sudden words pulled you from your daze, staring intently at him, confused as to how he knew this. From your knowledge… No one else was there in that hallway.
“You know you can come see me if you're being bothered right? You don’t have to go through something like this alone! No one deserves to be treated like that. And don’t give me that ‘I don’t know what you mean look’ This isn’t the first time I've witnessed it…” He looked at you completely focused on your expressions reading each one perfectly. Gently taking your hands into his he pulled up towards him before continuing once more. “I care about you… so much, and seeing how people treat you, just because you don’t talk is heart breaking, but knowing the fact you didn't think you could come to me, hurts even more. You are so important to me, and I want you to know that I will always be here for you. And I want you to know that I will protect you, even if you don’t want me to stand by your side, I will protect you from afar, or as close as you’ll allow me. But please, don’t push me away, it's alright to be afraid, to feel outcasted. But know, you will never be left behind by me, I will never leave you out to dry.”
Tears began welling up in your eyes, your mind running through the words he said over and over again.
“I just wish I had said all this sooner… This whole Kieran situation, the battle league, everything was keeping me away from telling you this…” Suddenly he snaps out of his own daze, seems he got so caught up in the moment he hadn't realised what was going on, and seeing your surprised face, tears running down your flushed cheeks caused him to smile warmly, running his free hand across them to clear away the tears. “I’m sorry, seems I got caught up in my own talking I barely gave you a chance to process anything I said”
You began profusely shaking your head, not wanting him to apologise to you for anything, you just couldn't understand why he was saying any of this to you or why he would care so much in the first place. Just thinking of it made you smile. This whole situation was so overwhelming yet so comforting, the only thing you could get your body to do was hug him. A hug which he returned, no hesitation. His embrace was warm, comforting, even more so than the night sky you’d been absorbed in just moments before. All his words seemed so true at this moment.
“You know… I’ve seen many sights since I came to this school, views many people only dream of seeing, and yet, none compare to your smile.”
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clemblog · 22 days
Caine’s Lesson - Part 8
A few days had passed, Gummigoo having spent said days slowly chipping away at a pistol for Poms! It was sleek and a lot smaller than what he was used to, perfectly weighted to the sizing of Poms hands! He grinned as he gave it a final check over.
"Nice one Gummi, another perfect piece, just like Pa taught you!" He hummed happily to himself, leaning to pick up a paint brush from his tool kit to write Poms name on it. That way anyone would know from a first glance that it was hers.
He took a few moments to careful write 'Pommy' in curly writing to go along with the rest of the style of the weapon.
Now, all he had to do was go pester his Ma and see if she had any spare holsters lying around!
"Yes Gummigoo?"
"Ya got any old holsters lying around?"
"I'm not sure, we might! If you come stir this pot of soup for me, I can take a look!"
Gummigoo hummed at this, walking into the kitchen. He handed over the pistol to his Ma as he took the ladle from her.
"Ooh! What a beauty, my boy." She cooed, softly as she looked it over. "I'm sure we have a perfect holster for your friend Poms."
"Thanks Ma." Chuckled Gummigoo, stirring the soup his Ma was working on. If he had to guess it was most likely a gummy fish based stew.
A few moments later Ma walked back into the room, holding a ruby red leather holster in her hand.
"Oh! Ma, are you sure?" Spoke Gummigoo, eyes widening slightly.
"You know I don't shoot anymore Gum, besides I trust Poms. She seems like a fine young lady." Nodded Ma, gently placing the holstered pistol in his hands. "Now shoo! Out my kitchen, I got meals to cook."
Pomni was just relaxing in the barn, it was hot day today, so she didn't exactly feel like being out in the sun. She looked up when Gummigoo entered the barn, hands behind his back.
"O-Oh! Hey Gummigoo, what's that?"
"It's a surprise, for you Pommy~" He grinned. "Made it myself."
Pomni's eyes widened slightly as she looked over the item, taking it slowly from his hands.
"W-Wow- Gummigoo- I don't know what to say-" She eeked, slowly.
"How about whether or not you'll be joining me and the lads on our trip tomorrow~?"
"O-Oh absolutely!"
"Snazzy, I'll get Max and Chad to get you a ride before tomorrow-"
"Wait- Gummigoo, do you mean a horse-"
"So, Ragatha, you feeling any better?" Hummed Zooble, curiously.
"A little!" Smiled Ragatha, sheepishly. "I'm not really thinking of Pomni so much anymore- I'm still worried about her- But it's not like taking over my life- Like I’m still worried but I can do other things-“
“We got it Rags, don’t worry.” Mused Zooble.
“Y-Yeah! It’s nice to hear you’re feeling better.” Nodded Gangle in agreement. She was still drawing, but was now drawing things for herself or what she wanted to make or plan out. Apparently it was a break, but Ragatha didn’t really see that as a break in her honest opinion- Gangle was happy though, so she left it be!
It just meant she could start to theorise on what to make Gangle as a present!!
Truth be told, with everyone sat talking together, Caine having been absent from the circus for a week now. Jax was feeling rather… lonely. Even [————-] got lonely- But that was the downside of being, well an [—-]. Nobody stuck around much in situations like this.
So, he’d decided to get even more familiar with the circus, see if their where anymore secrets to find! They might be useful! You never know- You can never do enough slinking around!
He’d been walking around for a few minutes when he found a door he’d never seen before, it looked old and untouched. Except for the disturbed dust on the floor, indicating the door could in fact open.
“Hello door! You don’t mind if I-“ He hummed, opening it and stepping inside.
What Jax wasn’t expecting to find was Caine, however.
“Uh- Caine, buddy? I didn’t realise this was how I got to you-“
“JAX!” Exclaimed Caine with a large grin. “You made it just in time to go on your next adventure!”
“Oh an adventure? Finally~ Let me go get the others-“
“Nono, theirs no time! Off you go!”
Jax found himself being engulfed by a portal before he could get another word on.
“Uh… Max- Chad- I don’t really know how to ride a horse-“
“Don’t worry! It’s easy as riding a bike!”
“Uhm… Okay-“
“You’ve got this!”
Max then proceeded to slap the butt of the horse, causing it to charge off with Pomni sat in the saddle.
That’s to say Gummigoo wouldn’t be leaving Pomni alone with Max and Chad again anytime soon. He took over Pomni’s riding lessons, and after a few laps of the field, Pomni was feeling a lot more confident with her new mare! She decided on naming her jingles. She was a very sweet blue and pink coloured gummy horse. The sweet girl was anxious just like her but she could run fast! Pomni had no doubt that the horse could help her travel and keep up with the trio of bandits on their next adventures!
This was nice, building up a home, some skills and a form of transportation. It helped make her feel more human.
Part 9
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