#apparently it is an ad for a fucking movie that no one gives a shit about?
keylimepie · 1 year
Why the fuck is tumblr advertising Y2k? Can I go a day on this hellsite without some distracting garbage littering my dash? Has staff ever heard of being moderate?
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rynrising44 · 7 months
Just read a Facebook post dissing Captain Marvel and the Marvels (because it seems to be the new, manly thing, apparently. To rip this movie to shreds before even seeing it) and this mf had the nerve to say, "Captain Marvel is just such an unlikable character. Her origin story was one of the worst movies Marvel has ever produced, so my hopes for the Marvels are low. I give it a 2/10, prewatch. Thoughts? Comment below."
He is saying this, BEFORE WATCHING THE MOVIE. Not only that, but he's opening up the comments under the guise of 'friendly debate' while straight up encouraging bashing. He knows that everyone who comments is going to agree with him. He knows they're going to drag Brie Larson's name through the mud, bringing Teyonah and Iman with her, because that's what these people do, and guess what? That's what they did.
Every. Single. Facebook. Ad. Has. Laughing. Faces.
Every single one has horrific comments with the most disgusting content you can imagine.
And every single one is from these straight, white men (who I know are straight and white, because their profiles aren't on private like the idiots they are). Every single one!
Which is why I don't give a shit if the Marvels has pacing issues. I don't care if the storyline is weird at times or if the dialogue is wonky or if the villain was weak. I will defend this movie with my life, because if you can say sickening things about a project you've never seen, then I can say it's the most meaningful movie of 2023.
It made me fall in love with writing again.
It made me understand myself more.
It made me laugh, cry, contemplate my life and helped me work through overwhelming grief. It did all of this by simply existing.
Captain Marvel is a character. She is a character! But your daughters? Your kids? Those are real people. They are real. And you are sitting here, typing on your phone, talking about how much you hate a character, who has done nothing to you except exist as a woman.
So shut the fuck up, go cook a shitty burger on your grill, and STOP spamming my social media, Mike!
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weaselbug · 3 months
the fact that physical media is dying is so SO bad you guys. like, fuck.
say your like me, and love Godzilla, Jim Henson's Labyrinth and Jurassic Park (to name a few). to watch godzilla easily, tubi has a bunch of them, but they are the older ones and with ads, if you want to watch the newer ones (heisei and newer), your shit out of luck, AND finding them physically is either hard, or really expensive. to watch Labyrinth it has been dancing around every streaming site imaginable its apparently on tubi too, but its got ads. you could rent it for a buck or two, (which sucks. i hate that.). then Jurassic Park are all on peacock? i think? or something, or you could rent them.
all this is to say, THIS SUCKS!!! these movies should be easily gotten, and easily watched. while i have found libraries still have copies of video games, books, music, and movies to rent, sometimes they have quite a lacking collection.
yall, buy a movie if you like it. you can sell it, burn it, give it away, borrow it, and the best part of it all, you own it forever. and no rich fat cat can ever take it away from you so you have to buy it again.
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anamericangirl · 5 months
You know, AAG (Can I call you Aggie?), I really wonder how people like that anon exist.
"Trump is a known rapist" Evidence: Honestly, I'm being genuine here, none. I have been asking for evidence for 4 years now. Apparently it's "Common knowledge" as I've been told hundreds of times, which means it should be super easy to find evidence, right?
So why can't I find it? It's not on Wikipedia, there's no evidence shown on any videos, anywhere, even in liberal Discords and liberal image boards and liberal discussion boards and Reddit and shit, I can't find ANY evidence of him being a rapist other than "A lot of people say he is and state it as fact."
Meanwhile: "Biden showers with kids" Literally saw the video. "Hunter fucked his niece" Saw the screencaps of it on 4chan. "Bill Clinton on Epstein Island with a very questionably aged girl literally on a leash" Seen the picture thousands of times now. "Hunter getting massaged by a bunch of children's feet" Seen it, that one's old, everyone's seen it.
Got evidence of those instantly, no questions asked. Didn't even WANT to see that evidence, I just had it shown to me against my will. Literally no discussion to be had about those ones, I just believe those ones. I promise you, if I saw any hard evidence that Trump was: - Racist - Homophobic - Genocidal against trans people - A Nazi - A rapist - Hiding under the bed right now mom please check again I know he's down there and he's making trans people kill themselves - Literally any other thing liberals call him
I would believe them. If they would just produce proof, I'd believe them.
But Aggie, to this day, not one of them has actually provided proof other than "What, you don't trust me?" or changing the subject into "Oh okay bootlicker bet that boot tastes really yummy bootlicker you just love eating Trump's fucking boots"
Bitch I don't even like Trump, I just like to know that when I'm being told someone is a rapist that there's evidence to back that fuckin claim up.
Not you, Aggie. Anon's the bitch. Libs are the bitches.
Well, I won't speak for you, if you wanna be a bitch you be the hardest bitch there you can be. At least capital BITC on that. I wouldn't go too far though, you could transform into one of those humorless women who loudly announces that they don't find jokes funny when they happen on a movie 12 other people just laughed at.
I'm high I'm sorry.
You can call me whatever lol.
And that's the thing leftists don't realize.
"Well he's been called a rapist/racist/homophobe/transphobe/nazi so that should be enough to convince you. If you need evidence that just makes you all of those same things!!"
If there was evidence Trump was a rapist it would be all over the place all the time. Everywhere. Like when he said "grab 'em by the pussy" 10+ years ago and people are still going on about it as if he committed a serious crime by speaking those words. So if he was a rapist we wouldn't have to ask them for evidence and they wouldn't have to launch their ad hominem attacks because it would be everywhere. It would be all any media was talking about.
Meanwhile you have Biden in office right now with substantial evidence of very serious crimes, we have photographic and video evidence of him being a creep to children and his own daughter's journal entry about "probably inappropriate" showers with him and they don't give a fuck.
But don't worry even high you're a lot more rational and level headed than the "trump is a rapist" anons lol.
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Could This Be Love (Yandere!Shane x F!Reader - Stardew Valley Smut; MDNI
Minors, I can't stop you from reading, but do NOT interact with this post!
Content/trigger warnings: Alcoholism, suicidal ideation, obsessive behavior, jealousy, gross stalkery behavior, voyeurism, creepy camera stuff, masturbating (m), oral sex (m receiving), P in V sex, a lot of dub con stuff, some emotional manipulation, there is an... um... non-sexualized piss scene(?), reader is a young adult but referred to as "kid" affectionately (not sexually), slight love triangle situation with Sebastian, unprotected ushy gushy, lemme know if I missed any.
Word count: 9392. She's a long one, fellas.
Also just a quick reminder that reading or writing or thinking about fucked up shit does not mean you endorse any of it. There's a very big difference between thinking about something from the safety of your own home and something terrible and uncontrollable actually happening. That said, if you start feeling uncomfortable reading this, there's no shame in stopping! And no shame in continuing, as long as you ARE comfortable. Enjoy, sluts. :)
From the moment Shane laid eyes on you, the two of you shared a rocky, complicated, fucked up relationship. It started on the First of Spring, your first full day in Pelican Town. You'd spent the morning and better part of the afternoon working on your new farm, showered, put on a tight-fitting tank top and shorts over leggings, and headed into the saloon.
Shane had been brooding in his usual corner with his drink when you walked in. Heads turned towards you immediately like some kind of shitty pick-me-girl movie. Of course Shane had been informed of the new farmer who would become his next door neighbor to the north of his Aunt Marnie's ranch where he stayed. It was all anyone was talking about. But no one had mentioned the fact that you were drop-dead gorgeous. Shane couldn't help but stare for a moment.
Something about the confident smirk on your face rubbed Shane the wrong way. What the hell were you so happy about, anyway? It was your first day in town, and you had waltzed into the bar like you owned the place. Shane discreetly watched as you went around the room introducing yourself to everyone, just marching up to strangers with the confidence of the attractive. It was annoying, was what it was.
He didn't like the look of your apparent optimism, however sexy you may have been. He didn't like your cocky smirk, like you knew something he didn't. Most of all, he was bitter because he was certain that a pretty young thing like you would want nothing to do with a drunken loser like him. He'd been kicked in the balls by life enough to smell a rejection before it happened anymore. Yep, definitely no chance in hell you'd be interested in him. If anything, you'd just be a pretty memory to stroke his cock to on lonely nights...
As you made your way over to him, Shane groaned into his drink. Before you could get a word in, he cut you off.
"So're you that new farmer everyone and their mother won't shut the hell up about?" he grumbled, forcing his eyes off of you to give off a blase vibe.
You blinked, a bit stunned by his rudeness, but you put on a pretty smile and soldiered on.
"Yep. That's me."
You gave him your name and he gave you barely a grunt in return.
"...What's your name, you ray of sunshine?" you asked, quirking an eyebrow curiously.
He glared at you and drank from his mug, purposely taking his time about it before he finally answered you.
"Shane." And then he looked away and belched unapologetically.
You chuckled. "Try not to sound so excited."
Shane's glare darkened a bit, and he couldn't resist trying to knock you down a peg.
"Listen, kid. Nobody here gives a shit about you. This town has been dying for years, so the only reason anybody pretends to give a damn is because getting a new farmer in town is a hail Mary to try and save it." He looked at you sideways for a moment before adding, "...Do you know what a hail Mary is?"
Your nostrils flared a bit and for a moment, you gave him just the cutest little pout that had his cock twitching up, so he had to look away lest his body betray him further.
In an obnoxious voice, you retorted, "A hail Mary? What's that? I'm a woman! How many home runs does it take for the goalie to get to the 69-yard line?"
Shane bit his lip and blushed, embarrassed. He hid his shame behind a growl.
"Just fuck off, would you?"
You scoffed. "Gladly."
And you got up and left the saloon. As you walked off, Shane couldn't stop himself from admiring the sway of your hips in those tight shorts and leggings, a small, bitter smirk playing on his face.
The next time Shane saw you, he was hungover and trudging his way to his shitty retail job at Joja Mart. You had your back turned to him, facing the "help wanted" requests board. While sneaking another peek at your ass, he tried to clumsily slip by undetected so he could avoid talking to you. Unfortunately, he was too hungover to be doing any sneaking, and you heard him and turned around, putting your hands on your hips.
Damn. That's what he got for trying to have his cake and eat it, too.
You nodded at him. "You got any odd jobs for me, by chance, Shane?"
He gulped as he heard his name on your lips, but he quickly recovered.
"...As a matter of fact, I do. There's a rare bird around these parts, called a snipe. You bring me one, and I'll pay a pretty penny." He had to keep from laughing to himself.
"Oh, really?" you asked, feigning innocence.
Shane nodded convincingly, secretly enjoying the time he got to look at you. "Oh, yeah. Real colorful. Can't miss it."
"Hmm, I don't think I've ever seen one before, but I actually do have a different type of bird for you!" you said, deceptively chipper.
Shane couldn't hide his confusion. "You do?"
"Yeah!" you smiled. "Right here!"
And you flipped him your middle finger with a shit-eating grin on your face.
Damn it. He walked right into that one.
Shane found himself cracking a small grin despite himself. He rolled his eyes playfully.
"Alright, I'll give you that one," he allowed.
You snickered at him. "Come on, man, a snipe hunt? That's the oldest trick in the book, you geriatric."
Shane tried to scowl, but found that his amusement was evident on his face. "You got a sharp tongue on you, that's for sure."
He didn't mind imagining what else that tongue of yours could do, and he shivered at the thought.
You chuckled and shrugged. "It's gotten me both into and out of bad situations."
Shane shook his head and rubbed at his neck, squinting in the bright sun. "I gotta get to my shift. Later, brat."
You grinned and waved cutely at him. "Toodles."
And for the next few weeks, that was largely how your relationship with Shane went. Sometimes he'd be cold and prickly, but sometimes you could get a laugh out of him. He always admired the way you'd stick up for yourself when he acted like an asshole. He was actually astonished that you were so patient with him, despite not taking shit from anyone. Against his will, he found himself warming up to you quickly.
On the Twentieth of Spring, you were walking through the town square and happened to check the calendar. You saw that it was Shane's birthday that day, so you made sure to visit him at the saloon that evening.
That night, Shane took immediate notice when you walked in the bar, just like every time. He watched quietly in his usual corner as you ordered two beers. When you made a beeline for him and held one mug out to him, he was a bit taken aback. He had known better than to get his hopes up that you might do something nice for his birthday, but this was a pleasant surprise. It had to be too good to be true, right?
Shane looked up at you briefly and shook his head. "I don't wanna owe you anything."
You rolled your eyes and pushed the beer into his hand. "Shut up. It's your birthday. It's a free beer. Get over yourself and take it."
He was a little embarrassed to find himself blushing just a bit. "Thanks," he muttered.
You sat down next to him and gave him a small smile. "So, how's the birthday boy?"
"Not amazing," he sighed. "...But better now that you're here."
He smiled a bit, genuinely grateful for your company. Then he sighed and looked wistfully into the distance.
"Buh, life," he began. "I'm another year older, and not an inch closer to being happy. ...You ever feel like you're stuck in a hole, and no matter what you do, you just can't climb out of it? That's how I feel."
You paused, unsure of how to respond. Maybe he was just drunk, but it was a little unlike him to be this genuine around you.
"...Cheers, I'll drink to that, bro," was all you could come up with, and you immediately drained your tall glass.
He snorted.
"As will I," he sighed. "I mean, what the fuck else is there to do about it?"
Perhaps emboldened by the alcohol, you smirked and leaned in close to him, whispering, "Maybe instead of sending people on snipe hunts, you should go hunting for some snatch. Assuming you swing that way."
Shane had been trying to swallow a swig of his beer, but as you said that, he choked a bit. You laughed and thumped him on the back as he coughed. He gave you a cautious glare, but his flushed cheeks gave him away. He silently hoped you'd assume the blush was from drinking so much.
"Relax, Shaney. I'm just fucking with you," you chuckled.
Of fucking course you were, he thought. He should've known better than to mistake that for flirting, even for a split second. He grunted bitterly into his mug and downed the rest of his beer. The gorgeous new gal flirting with him? Entirely too good to be true.
"Little shit," he grumbled at you with a small smile.
You flashed him a winning grin and his cheeks heated up a little more. He had to look away as he felt a tingle in his pants.
He cleared his throat softly, then said, "Welp, my liver's begging me to stop. I better head home."
Shane slowly stood up from his barstool, trying to act normally, but he was clearly a bit wobbly on his feet. You frowned a bit with genuine concern.
After a deep breath, you stood up as well and put an arm around his shoulders. He looked at you in confusion as his head spun. Were you leaning in for...?
"I'm walking you home," you insisted.
Shane tried to roll his eyes, but it made him so dizzy he stumbled.
"You don't have to do that... seriously, get lost..." he protested.
But you weren't hearing any of it, and deep down, he was grateful. At least this way, he'd get some extra time to look at you up close. You gently guided him towards the exit. As you led him back towards Marnie's ranch, he bit his lip, and faked a stumble. You looked over at him with worry.
"You alright there?"
"I'm fine, jus' need to..." he mumbled as he dared to slip his arm around your waist.
Hopefully you didn't suspect a thing. If you did, you didn't say anything. As he leaned slightly into you, he couldn't help but catch a whiff of your scent. Damn it, but he was a glutton for punishment.
When you arrived with him at the ranch, Shane fumbled with his keys for a moment before unlocking the door. Before he could head inside, you smiled at him.
"G'night, jackass," you said with a warm smile.
He couldn't help but return it.
"G'night, little shit."
The following day, Shane found that he didn't remember much of his birthday, but he did remember that you were there, and the way you made him feel. His heart fluttered just at the memory of the feeling. He was still positive that you were too good for him, but... he'd be a fool not to explore some more of this feeling.
He cursed quietly and looked down at the tent in his shorts. He'd woken up with the most intense morning wood he'd had in years. It was a strange combination of headache, hangover, and horny. Horny. Yoba, he hadn't felt this horny since he was a teenager.
His cock was aching with need, begging for attention. He sighed quietly as his eyes flicked to the door, making sure it was locked. Then he slowly allowed his hand to slip into his shorts and squeeze gently at his pulsing shaft. His thoughts could only focus on you, and the intense lust he was feeling. He thought about you, your smug, cheerful face, those cute little outfits you'd wear. He mentally undressed you, getting even harder imagining what you might look like naked.
Fuck, when was the last time he jerked off to his pure imagination? He sighed quietly, sliding his shorts and boxers down just enough for his erection to spring free. He spat into his hand and started rubbing himself gently.
For a brief moment, Shane wondered if this was wrong. Getting off to the new girl just because she seemed to care about him and act interested in him? Or, more accurately, just because she showed him some basic human decency? Pathetic... He blinked rapidly a few times, dismissing the thought. His heart was thumping in his chest as he picked up the pace of his stroking.
He felt... different than usual. In a good way, surprisingly. How to describe this feeling, though...? Curious? Excited? Alive, was what he settled on.
He panted softly, trying to keep quiet as his arousal intensified. His movements were urgent now, as he was approaching his climax already. Fantasies of you kept racing through his head, each one dirtier than the last. You sitting on his lap at the bar, you lifting your skirt a little just to flash him, you not wearing any underwear because you were ready for him and wanted him, him dragging you into the back room of the saloon, him forcing you onto your knees and shoving his cock into your pretty mouth, your plump lips wrapped so deliciously around him, you looking up at him obediently, ready to serve...
Shane frantically reached over to his bedside table and grabbed a tissue, not caring that he accidentally knocked over a few empty beer cans in the process. He bit down hard on his lower lip, whimpered in ecstasy and despair, and shot his load into the tissue.
Slowly continuing to stroke himself as he caught his breath, Shane's climax died down rather quickly. His glowing feeling was replaced with his usual bitterness. There wasn't a chance in hell that any of his fantasies about you would come true.
But still, he was pleasantly surprised at how good it felt, rubbing one out to the thought of you. He truthfully couldn't remember the last time it felt like he had anything to look forward to, or fantasize about. As he disposed of the tissue, he figured that he might as well chase this feeling. It couldn't be wrong if it felt so right. It couldn't hurt to indulge in more of you, right? You wouldn't even have to know about it.
...Unfortunately, he apparently wasn't as subtle as he thought he was, because as you were walking through the town square later that day, you noticed he was filming with the bulky video camera he had gotten to film his admission for the Joja commercial contest.
"Oh, sorry, am I in the frame?" you asked after offering an awkward wave, wondering what he was doing.
Shane cursed his luck, but he smoothly fed you the lie he had rehearsed.
"Oh, hey. Don't worry about it. I'm getting into amateur filmmaking as a hobby. I'm making a mockumentary of Pelican Town, so I was just shooting some candid scenes. Don't mind me, just pretend I'm not here."
You smiled at him and responded, "Nice. I'm glad you found something to do other than drinking away your money."
Shane scowled briefly, but he supposed there was some truth to your words. Since he had become more fascinated with you and started capturing videos, he hadn't felt the urge to drink all day. Funny just how good for his health you were.
"Uh, yeah. Thanks."
"Alright, I've got shit to do, so I'll just pretend you're not here, like you said," you said with a small smile.
"Okay. I'll... see you later, I guess?" he suggested hopefully.
You snorted. "Obviously. We're neighbors."
"Right... of course. Duh."
And with that, you went about your day, doing your farm chores and running errands in town. Thankfully, you had bought his excuse, but Shane was extra careful about his new pastime from then on. He ended up spending the whole rest of the day following and filming you. He was so glad it was the weekend so he didn't have to work.
Shane cursed under his breath as he followed you at a distance up the mountain and to the mine. There was no way he could follow you inside without getting caught. Waiting impatiently for your return, he pretended to take some nature footage of the lake nearby.
By the time you finally reemerged from the portal of the mine, it was ungodly late. Even in the dark, Shane could tell you had gotten into a few scrapes with monsters in the mine. He huffed quietly and discreetly trailed you on your way home. He hid behind a tree as you entered your cottage.
As you turned the lights on, Shane's eyes widened. You just left your curtains open at night? He chuckled softly to himself. How innocent and naive you were.
Before he could register what was happening, you were suddenly stripping your muddy, sooty clothes off, and right in front of the uncovered window, too. His breath caught in his throat. He held the camcorder with shaky hands and zoomed in on your naked body. He could feel the blood in his body quickly rushing to his crotch at the scene before him.
But sadly, you walked away from the window, into what Shane assumed was your bathroom to take a shower. And just like that, the moment was over.
He turned the camera off and caught his breath.
"Fuck me," he cursed almost silently, running a hand through his hair and quickly sneaking back home.
When he got back to the privacy of his bedroom back at the ranch, he eagerly reviewed all of the footage he had collected of you throughout the entire day. He was watching all of it, too, slowly working up to the nude footage that he was blessed with at the very end of the day.
Holy shit, his perverted cock sprung to life just looking at footage of you doing mundane chores and errands. He chuckled breathlessly at his lucky shot of you dropping a package of cookies through the window at Pierre's. You'd bent over with your ass on display right in front of the window. Surely you knew people could be watching, right?
"Clumsy idiot," Shane murmured to himself with an adoring smile as he watched the footage and tugged at his cock underneath his pants.
He chewed thoughtfully at his lower lip with his attention split between the videos he took of you and the pleasantly selfish way he played with himself. He smirked slightly at how disgusting he was being, getting off to video footage of you that you didn't have a clue he had. Disgusting in a good way, though. As always, the shame would come later on.
Starting to break a sweat already, he groaned very softly. Shit, he might not even last long enough to get to the nude portion of his filmed peep show, after all. He could feel himself getting close already. His tongue stuck slightly out of his lips as he focused intently on his film of you fishing.
Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore. He set the camera down on his bed quickly and came with a grunt he attempted to keep himself muffled. He managed to catch his cum shot in his hand, and then wipe it on a tissue after a moment.
Shane waited for the inevitable guilt to follow, but to his surprise, he found that it was far more muted than he'd expected it to be. Sure, it was still there, but more than anything, he felt grateful that he now had something - you - in his life that consistently and effectively made him feel really good really quickly. He smiled a bit, chasing off his feelings of self-hatred by replacing them with images of you in his mind.
Unfortunately, when Shane woke up the next day, it was Monday. Meaning that he had to go into work, instead of engage in his new "hobby" of watching and filming you throughout the day, at least not until he got off work in the evening. He gritted his teeth and got dressed for work, hoping he'd at least get to pass by you on his way to work. He didn't, though, curse his luck. You must have been busy with chores on the farm.
The only thing that got him through the monotonous torture of his long shift at Joja Mart was the thought of hopefully getting to see you at the saloon. He had to cling to that little bit of excitement to stop himself from bashing his boss's face in when he was reprimanded for moving too slowly and "spacing out."
At last, he was able to clock out and change back into his street clothes. As he started making his way over to the saloon, he sniffed the air and smelled someone smoking weed. He rolled his eyes. Probably downwind of that weirdo, Sebastian, he thought to himself.
He was just about to move on when he heard your voice. That got his attention, and he followed it, only to see you lounging underneath a tree, sharing a joint with Sebastian.
Oh HELL no.
Shane's eyes narrowed as he marched right up to you and Seb. You were too entranced by your laughter to notice him standing over you until he cleared his throat. Then you looked up at him and smiled, exhaling a bit of smoke still.
"Oh, heyyy, Shaney!" You greeted him, your voice slightly raspy from smoking the joint.
No time for him to acknowledge the cutesy nickname you gave him; his blood was boiling.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he growled.
"Fuckin'... white water rafting?" you giggled, being cute and sarcastic with him, even though he clearly wasn't in the mood for it.
Which made it all the more funny to you.
You followed up as he frowned more, "What does it look like I'm doing, old man?"
Shane's nostrils flared as he snatched the joint from between your fingers. Now you were both frowning.
"Hey, what was that for?" you pouted as you stood up. "I'm an adult, and I can make my own choices!"
"You sure as hell don't act like it," he growled.
Sebastian stood up, too, glowering at Shane, but unsure of how to intervene, or if he even should.
You folded your arms and protested at Shane, "I've had drinks with you, but you have a problem with me sharing a joint with Sebastian?"
Shane scowled and put his arm around your shoulders to whisper to you. "Listen, kid. You remind me of myself when I was your age. I just don't wanna see you making bad mistakes with bad people."
He shot a glare at Sebastian, who was nowhere near out of earshot, by the way. Sebastian just scoffed and rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets and looking angsty as he kicked at the dirt.
You sighed. "Look, Shane, I appreciate you looking out for me, and all, but you don't have to be so protective over me."
Shane's face softened for a moment and he nodded slowly. Then he removed his arm from your shoulders, realizing with a slight blush that he'd been making physical contact with you for a little too long. Of course, he still knew he was ultimately barreling towards a rejection, but this definitely wasn't the time or place. Shane backed off, feeling like a bit of an asshole.
Glancing at Sebastian and raising his guard back up a bit, Shane scoffed, "Whatever. Just be careful."
And he turned around and headed to the saloon to hopefully quickly forget what had just happened and replace the bitter taste of jealousy lingering in his mouth with a different bitter taste. He hoped that his warning to you had sunk in.
But sadly, as seemed to be his usual luck these days, he found out during the Flower Dance festival just two days later that apparently, his message didn't get across to you.
Shane was honestly kind of hoping you wouldn't show up to the event. Unlike most mornings, today he had spent some time nervously fussing with his hair and trying to smooth out the wrinkles from his blue suit. He wasn't ready to bite the bullet and ask you to dance, that was for damn sure. Obviously, he didn't want you dancing with anyone else, either, but if you did... he wanted to know about it.
So he enjoyed the free refreshments and anxiously watched for you to make your appearance. You had shown up a bit late, but when you met his eyes across the field, you offered a slight smile and a nod to show that there were no hard feelings from before. He managed a small smile back.
As you made your rounds greeting everyone, Shane tried to remain inconspicuous as he kept a close eye on you. His grip on his drink tightened when he saw Sebastian approach you. He could just barely hear the words exchanged between you two from where he was standing.
Sebastian just asked you to dance. That slimy fucker.
You said yes. Shane's fists clenched. You bitch!
The dance was just about to start, and Shane was double fisting beers at this point. Emily approached him and asked if he'd like to dance with her as friends, but Shane gave her a stormy glare.
"Fuck off, and go dance with your own aura or whatever," he snarled at her.
Emily looked substantially more disappointed than angry as she left him alone.
Even after the dance, Shane kept his intense gaze on you from a distance. He couldn't believe that you had the gall to not only dance with Sebastian, but to talk with him for hours after the dance. And after he had specifically told you to stay away from him, too!
And still, after you went back to your farm and darkness fell, his anger wasn't subsiding. Only now he was drunk off his ass, as well, with his inhibitions lowered. Still with a can of beer in his hand, Shane found himself wandering onto your property, grumbling to himself.
Without realizing when he'd even made the decision, he was fishing his cock out of his pants, drunkenly pissing over your crops.
"Stupid... bitch..." he muttered.
"Nice stream. Eight out of ten."
It was your voice behind him. When the hell did you get out here?
"Fuck...!" he stumbled as you startled him, spraying a wider surface area of your livelihood.
Shane quickly finished up and fumbled his cock back into his pants. He slowly turned around, trying not to tip over, and was met with you with a scowl on your face.
"Explain yourself," you coolly demanded.
"Shut... fuck off..." he growled as he dropped his empty beer can on the ground.
You frowned deeper. "Pick that up."
"Pick this up," he grunted, grabbing his crotch.
"Alright, that's it, mister..."
You grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him towards your house. He allowed it to happen and tried not to trip over his own feet. Once inside your farmhouse, he looked at you with a dazed confusion. You pulled him into your living room and sat him down on the couch, leaving the room for a moment and returning quickly with a tall glass of water.
"Drink," you commanded, shoving the glass into his hand.
He took a small sip, then made a face. "...This isn't vodka..."
"It sure isn't!" you chirped with an obnoxious smile. "You drink that whole thing, then we'll talk."
Shane scoffed quietly, looking at you over the tall glass of water. He was able to down the whole thing within a few minutes. When he was done, you took the glass from him and set it on your coffee table. You shifted next to him on the couch to face him more directly, trying to keep calm.
Shane let out a long sigh and rubbed his eyes, then said, "I ju-just... felt like you were ignoring m..." he paused to burp. "...my advice. 'Bout Sebastian. Was only trying to keep you safe..."
You slowly raised an eyebrow at his lame excuse, thinking for a moment, before you said, "Shane, you want to know why I danced with Sebastian and not... anyone else?"
He met your eyes with a guilty stare. Fuck, nothing was getting past you, was it? He hated himself, but damn it, he had to know. He nodded slowly.
"Because Sebastian actually grew a pair and asked me. Asked me before I had the chance to ask you."
Shane grunted softly at the implication that Sebastian was tougher than him. And then the second part of what you said hit him, and his eyes went wide.
"...You were going to ask me?" he questioned, to which you nodded.
Then he had a suspicious scowl on his face. "Are... are you fucking with me? 'Cause it's not funny..."
You frowned, looking a little bit sad. "Is it really that hard for you to believe?"
Shane almost laughed a little. "Did you forget I just took a leak in your fields?"
You snorted a bit. "How could I forget? Your fly's still down, jackass."
He blushed and clumsily zipped his pants up. "...I'm sorry..."
You sighed and put an arm around his shoulder. "Listen, dude... whatever it is you're going through, it's gotta be more than just you being jealous. I mean, I'm pretty sure you were a drunkard before I rolled into town. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, and you can talk to me, okay? You're my friend, you know."
Shane smiled a little, genuinely touched. "You actually wanna be friends with an asshole like me?"
You chuckled softly. "Don't give me a chance to second guess that decision."
"Well... thanks, then."
An awkward silence fell over the two of you for a moment.
Shane cleared his throat softly. "I should... probably get back home... I'll repay you for the, uh, damages, promise..."
As he stood up from your couch slowly, you rose with him and steadied him on his feet. "I'll take you back."
He thanked you quietly as you helped him out the door and back to the ranch. Before opening the front door of his aunt's ranch, he hesitated. He caught your eyes, and you both lingered there for a moment. He leaned in...
But you'd turned your head to the side, so his lips met your cheek. Shane pulled back slowly, unable to hide the hurt in his eyes.
But you gave him a gentle smirk. "Call me when you're sober."
"Hah..." he breathed softly, unable to help the small upward curl of his lips.
"Goodnight, Shane," you said as you gave him a small hug, and then made your way back to your house.
Predictably, Shane ended up not remembering much of that night the day after, but his feelings for you did stick in his head. In fact, if anything, they intensified. Over the next few days, things between you and Shane were better than ever. He was a lot less guarded, and much kinder.
That is, until one fateful rainy evening. Shane was on his way home from work, and he saw it from far away, but it was unmistakable. You, in the middle of the town square, with your lips locked with Sebastian. After freezing up for a moment, Shane couldn't watch anymore, and he hurried off.
Maybe thirty minutes later, you were on your way back to the farm when you saw a figure laying belly down in the mud, dangerously close to the southern cliffs. Upon closer inspection, you recognized the familiar blue hoodie, and saw that he was surrounded by empty beer cans. You sprinted over to him and knelt beside him.
"Shane!" you yelled out.
"Buh... you..." he managed to croak, without opening his eyes.
Despite his grumbling, you rolled him onto his side.
"My life is so fucked up... I don't have anything good in my life, a-anything worth sticking around for... I'm just a piece of soiled garbage, fluttering through the wind... too small and s-stupid to take any control over my life," he slurred. "Been coming here often... Looking down... it'd be a way to take control. ...But I'm too fucking scared..."
You put a hand on his shoulder solemnly as he sobbed a bit.
"J-just... give me one reason I shouldn't... shouldn't just roll right off this cliff..." he groaned.
"Well... the decision is within your control, but I'm here for you... And you'd be missed. Marnie and Jas would miss you. Hell, I would miss you..."
After a moment of silence, Shane responded, "...Thanks. I appreciate that. ...I think you should take me to the hospital now, farmer..."
You picked him up and hauled ass over to the clinic to have Doctor Harvey treat him. You insisted on staying with him until he woke up. When he came to, he was in a hospital bed, and he saw you uncomfortably sleeping in a chair beside him. He groaned softly, realizing more or less what had happened. He sat up slowly and gave your hand a squeeze. You jolted awake and looked over at him.
"You didn't have to stay..." he said.
You finally let out a breath and your shoulders relaxed. "Fuck, I'm just glad you're still here..."
"Shit... it was that serious, huh?"
You swallowed thickly and nodded.
"Don't worry, I'm gonna get help," he reassured you.
Harvey knocked on the door and came in. He gently asked you to step out for a moment so he could talk to Shane confidentially. You left the room and fidgeted until you were invited back inside and caught up to speed.
Scratching at the back of his head in embarrassment, Shane filled you in. "Doc recommended I stay in inpatient for a week or so, make sure I'm safe."
You looked concerned, looking at Shane, and then at Harvey. "That sounds... really restrictive... I'm honestly worried he'd be worse off with that kind of loss of autonomy... Could he maybe stay with me for a week instead?" you suggested.
Shane's eyes widened. Yoba, he hoped that would be an option.
Harvey considered it for a moment, then said, "Well... it's not my recommendation, but if you can keep an eye on him, I suppose that's an option."
You looked at Shane and raised your eyebrows. He looked totally stunned.
"Uh... y-yeah... if that's okay with you, I'd prefer to... stay with you."
You smile a little. "If it wasn't okay with me, I wouldn't have just offered, dummy. We'll stop by your place so you can pack some stuff for your little vacation at my place. I'm ready whenever you are."
Shane nodded stupidly. "U-uh, yeah. Sure."
Was this really happening? Harvey handed him the discharge papers, and you and Shane left the clinic. Shane squinted at the bright sun, a bit distracted. That is, until you linked your arm with his. He looked over at you.
You shrugged and said, "Just keeping you safe."
He chuckled softly. "I guess I'll allow it."
As you walked with him through town, you looked over at him, deciding to let him know about what had happened with Sebastian yesterday. "Uh, Shane?"
"Yeah?" he paused and looked over at you.
"...Sebastian kissed me, yesterday..."
Oh, right, that.
His jaw clenched, but before he could say anything, you continued, "I don't want to be with him, though. I think he got the wrong idea when I agreed to dance with him at the festival. ...I just thought you should know."
You didn't want to be with Sebastian? Sweet fuck, that was music to his ears!
After the initial shock wore off, he couldn't stop himself from teasing you, if only to distract you from his own blush. "See? I warned you about him."
You scoffed with a smile. "Yeah, I guess you did."
He smiled wide and pulled you a little closer as you continued your walk.
Making a quick stop at the ranch to gather his belongings, Marnie stopped the both of you in the doorway.
"Shane! I was worried sick about you! You didn't come home last night!" Marnie exclaimed.
Shane looked down at his feet. "Uh... everything's fine. But I'm going to be staying at the farmer girl's place for a week. Just need some space to clear my head."
Marnie glanced back and forth between you and her nephew. His explanation obviously raised more questions than answers, but she bit her tongue, figuring it was none of her business anyway.
Shane brushed past her and went to his room to pack a suitcase with clothes and toiletries. He could barely be bothered to fold his clothes, lazily crumpling them up in an almost intentional way before stuffing them into his bag. Looking up for a moment, he paused as his eyes fell on the camcorder sitting on his dresser.
Hesitating for just a moment, he quickly checked to make sure you weren't looking before he hid the camera underneath his clothes in his suitcase. It was a massive risk, sure, but he'd be stupid to pass up such an opportunity.
Shane met you at the door, suitcase in hand. "I'm ready," he said quietly.
The walk back to your farm was too silent and somber for your liking. You wanted to try and stay positive, and hopefully it would have at least a small impact on his mood. He needed someone there for him, right?
"So, I know the circumstances of your visit aren't ideal," you ventured, "but I think we'll have some fun together." And you gave him an encouraging smile.
We'll have some fun together? Fuck me, I hope so...
"Er... yeah. I'm sure we'll find something to do to pass the time," he replied.
When you and Shane entered your house, you gave him the grand tour. The first thing he took note of after stepping through the threshold was that your home had a distinctly pleasant smell. A combination of you, cedar, and... something sweet, perhaps? Shane looked all around as you showed him each room. Looking at your decor and aesthetics satisfied his growing urge to know more about you.
Once you concluded the tour, you turned back to face him and said, "I bet you're super hungry. I can make us something to eat. How does pizza sound?"
Shane chuckled a bit. "I would kill for some pizza with you right now."
You grinned. "Awesome. I'll get started on that."
As you started shuffling around your kitchen to get ingredients and food prep materials ready, Shane lingered awkwardly in the background. It was cute, how you seemed to know what you were doing in the kitchen. Domestic, even. Imagine her, my perfect wifey, in an apron... nothing but an apron... us sharing a house...
Shane had to shake his head a bit to chase the thought away. Sure, against all odds, it seemed like you were into him, but he couldn't get that far ahead of himself. It would only be a recipe for disaster and heartbreak.
After clearing his throat softly, Shane said, "Do you want me to help out with anything around the house...?"
You looked up from what you were doing and smiled over at him. "Nah, you just sit there and look pretty. I want you to enjoy your stay with me."
Smiling and looking away, Shane deflected your compliment. "Me and 'pretty' don't go together, sweetheart."
You grabbed a flyswatter and gently bapped him on the arm.
He laughed out loud. "What was that for?"
"For being mean to yourself. I hit you with a flyswatter 'cause that shit won't fly in my house," you said with a grin.
Shane laughed more and rolled his eyes. "You're so corny. How adorable."
You chuckled a bit.
"Seriously, though. Go make yourself comfortable. Turn on a gridball game, or something. I'll be there in a minute with our pizza," you told him.
He smiled, his heart full of love. ...Holy shit, could this really be love? The thought of that was both intimidating and exhilarating.
Shane took his seat on the couch and turned the TV on the sports channel. But truly, his eyes were only on you. He watched as you took the pizza out of the oven. He smiled to himself as he saw you doing a little dance out of the corner of his eye while you waited for the pizza to cool off a bit. Fuck, you were so cute.
Pretty soon, you joined him on the couch with two plates in hand, each plate with a couple of slices of pizza on it.
"Take your pick," you said, offering both plates to him.
He couldn't help but chuckle a little. He looked at you as he took one plate at random.
"You're being too accommodating," he chastised you with a grin.
"Yeah, well, I care about you," you shot back with a snarky but authentic smile.
"I could get used to that," he murmured.
The two of you ate your pizza brunch and watched the gridball game together. When you were both finished with your meal, you took the dishes to the sink and cleaned up. Shane followed you with his hands in his pockets.
"I wanna help out around the farm," he finally said. "It'll be good for me to do something productive. Especially if I get to do it with you."
You shrugged, then nodded. "Sure, I won't say no to that. Plus, you'll get to see some of the chicks from your ranch all grown up."
As the day went on, Shane found himself growing more and more attached to you. He especially loved how gentle you were with your animals. By sundown, the both of you were tired and ready to head inside. You both showered - one at a time, sadly - had snacks for dinner, and were now on the couch, watching a movie together.
While your eyes were focused on the TV, Shane couldn't help but steal glances at you. You were sitting so close to him, almost thigh to thigh. If ever there were a better time to make a move, he certainly couldn't think of it.
He slowly stretched his arms up, and when he went to put them down, he slowly settled the one closest to you around your shoulder. Smooth. You glanced at him briefly, then curiously leaned into his touch, looking back at the movie. Okay, fuck. What now?
He looked over at you, and he smirked slightly. Deciding to act on his first impulse, he started tickling your ribs. You instantly started squirming as you erupted into breathless laughter.
"Cut it out, asshat!" you giggled.
Shane just chuckled and intensified his tickling. You laughed harder and tried to stop his hands, but he was relentless. As you wriggled around, you ended up falling onto your back against the couch cushions. Shane's body was quick to follow on top of yours. He posted his arm to the side of your head, gently trapping you under his weight. He looked down at you with a small smirk and half lidded eyes.
You stiffened up a bit. "...Shane?"
"Mhm?" he hummed softly in response.
"Shane... I don't think we should--"
Wait, what? His face fell in a bit of confusion. You had been flirting with him before, right?
"Why not?" he whispered.
"I just... I like you and all, but I don't want anything getting in the way of your treatment..."
Had you seriously invited him to stay over at your house for a whole week, only to blue ball him?
Shane shook his head, protesting. "Why would it get in the way?"
You tried to let him down gently. "Well, if things... end poorly, or get awkward between us, I don't want you to be worse off..."
Shane's expression darkened. "The hell do you mean?"
Your eyes widened a bit at his change in demeanor. "I just think you should focus on getting better before getting romantically involved with anyone. The last thing you need is for your mental health to decline from losing a friend or potential lover..."
His frown deepened as he leaned a little more of his weight on you, a silent threat to keep you trapped underneath him. "Yeah? Well, I think I'd be much worse off if we didn't even try it at all, don't you?"
Your jaw fell open. "You'd better not be implying..." your voice trailed off.
He could sense you were getting angry, so he took a deep breath, and went with a softer approach. "Please. We both want this. And I just need something to help forget the pain, even if it's only one night..."
You exhaled sharply, the gears turning in your head. He watched your face intently for any sign of a change in heart. Finally, your face relaxed a little, and you relented.
"...Alright. Fine. But no promises on this leading to anything more."
Shane grinned and looked at you with adoration. "Of course. No guarantees."
Little did you know, he'd already decided you'd be his, and now there was no going back.
He gazed down at you, his heart racing as he admired the view of you under him. How long had he been fantasizing about this exact moment? He leaned down slowly, as if trying not to scare you away.
When your lips finally connected, it was like sparks ignited in his chest. He couldn't help but let out a quiet, shuddering breath against you as he gently teased your lips with his. You closed your eyes and brushed your lips back against his in reciprocity. He groaned and smiled a little when he felt you kissing him back.
Truthfully, he'd already been at half mast since he was tickling you. But just a gentle kiss with you was enough to have an impressive erection straining hard against his shorts. He gently rocked his hips forward, making sure you could feel it, making sure you knew what you did to him.
Your eyes opened a little and you let out a squeak. Shane chuckled and nipped at your lower lip, making you let out a soft moan. Fuck, what he wouldn't do to hear you some more...
You reached up and gently cupped his face, sitting up slowly. He took his weight off of you to allow you to sit up, but he couldn't bring himself to disconnect his lips. He needed you like he needed air.
You pulled away and stood up from the couch, gently holding his hand and pulling him up with you. "Let's take this to my bedroom."
"Fuck yeah," he panted.
You led him to the bedroom and shut the door behind both of you, and then he was immediately on you again. He held the back of your head with one hand and your hip with the other, resuming the kiss that was broken earlier. You whined a little and tangled your fingers in his hair, slipping your tongue into his mouth.
He was quick to respond with equal force. As your tongues dueled, he started tugging at your top.
"Off," he commanded simply.
You pulled away just long enough to slide your shirt over your head and drop it carelessly to the floor. Shane took a moment to marvel at your tits, before he realized how desperately he needed to see more. He went back in for another passionate kiss, but as he kissed you, he unhooked your bra in the back. You felt him doing it and grinned a little.
Once again, he pulled back to stare, this time at your bare chest. Holy fuck, it was even sexier up close. You chuckled a little bit at how excited he was. He wasted no more time, cupping one breast in each of his hands.
"Fuck, they're perfect..." he whispered.
You smirked and gave him a playful swat on his ass. His eyes widened a bit, and he spanked you a little bit harder. Taking it as a challenge, you spanked him even harder.
"Ah! That wasn't nice," he playfully growled before giving you a hard smack on your ass.
You squealed a little in surprise, but still with a smile on your face. "Okay, okay! I'll behave!"
"Good girl," he murmured and rubbed soothing circles on your ass cheek where it still stung.
Focusing his attention back on your breasts, he leaned you back a little to give his mouth easier access to your chest. He swirled his tongue over one of your nipples, looking at your face for your reaction. Your little whimper in response made him grin wolfishly, and he moved his mouth over to the other nipple to kiss it and lick it as well.
After a few moments, you started tugging at his shirt.
"It's not fair if I'm the only one shirtless," you complained.
"Fair enough," he conceded with a small smile as he took his shirt off quickly.
He moved back in to kiss you again just as quick, so you didn't get too long an opportunity to look at his tummy. You whined into the kiss, sensing that he might be self-conscious about his appearance.
You pulled away just long enough to compliment him. "Damn, you look amazing without a shirt."
Shane's cheeks heated up a bit at that, and he chuckled. "Glad you enjoy what you're seeing."
And with a dominant smirk, he firmly pushed you onto the bed.
"Hey!" you giggled at him after you fell back.
His eyes were glued to your chest, obsessed with the way your breasts bounced when you moved. Leaning over you with an eager grin, Shane shimmied your pants and underwear off of your legs, then he let out a low whistle at the sight.
"You're so fucking hot," he said appreciatively, using his hand to spread your legs a little more to get a better look at your pussy.
You chuckled softly, then rolled onto your tummy while he stood close to the bed. He watched you closely as you teased your fingers lightly up and down his legs a couple of times. He pushed his hips slightly forward with a grunt, hoping you'd get the message.
"Impatient much?" you teased him.
"Obviously," he said. He couldn't even deny it anymore.
Shane let out a satisfied sigh when your hand finally settled on the massive bulge tenting his shorts. You slowly rubbed him over his clothes, and he was already going wild. His breath caught in his throat as he watched you undo his button and zipper. He slid his shorts off, and you grinned at the small wet spot of precum on his underwear where the tip of his cock was poking.
He rushed to take his boxers off and join you on the bed. He was pleasantly surprised when you gently pushed him back against the pillows. Glancing up at him and smirking, you lowered your face to his crotch, and he let out a groan just at the sight of you going down on him, without him even asking.
You teased him with your tongue, first, licking up and down his length a couple of times before focusing your attention on his balls.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned, utterly enamored with the sight of your lips closed gently around one of his balls.
You sucked gently on one of his testes, and then the other, while gently holding his thigh. You went back to gripping his cock and you affectionately gave the tip a few kisses, and it made his heart absolutely melt.
By the time you actually closed your lips around his cock head, he was unapologetically moaning. His hands went to your hair and clutched at it tightly, simultaneously trying to hold himself back and shove his whole cock into your throat. You took him in slowly, moving your head up and down at a slow pace, but one that left him breathless nonetheless. You worked your way up to fitting all of him in your mouth, and when his balls were pressed up snug against your chin, Shane panted loudly.
You only managed to bob your head up and down a few more times before he was grabbing your hair in a tight fist and pulling you off of him. You looked at him as he caught his breath for a moment.
"No fucking way I'd let myself cum without fucking you first," he breathed.
You blushed a little, and he sat up, grabbed you by the arms, and manhandled you down on the bottom. He knelt over you, absolutely loving the sight of you naked and ready beneath him. He leaned over and spat down onto his cock and rubbed it in, making sure he was plenty lubed up. But truth be told, you were already slick enough for this to be easy and painless.
Shane stared intensely into your eyes and pumped his cock slowly a few times with his fist. "Are you ready for me...?"
You nodded quickly at him.
He smirked. "Ah-ah-ah. Use your words."
"Yes, Shane!" you said excitedly.
He guided his tip to your already soaked entrance, pushing in just a little. It almost took his breath away completely, having just his tip inside of you. Since you weren't protesting, he slowly slid in farther, until your hips were connected, and he was all the way inside. It was almost too much, he thought. He sighed happily and pulled back about halfway, then pushed back in gently.
You let out a moan as he bottomed out again. He smiled a little and started thrusting at a slow but constant pace. You bit your lip and squeezed adorably at your own tits. As Shane got more into it, he leaned forward and started kissing at your neck as his hips rocked into yours.
He loved the sound you made when he bit down and sucked at your neck, and he relished in the idea of leaving marks all over you. His, you'd be all his.
It was a little embarrassing, how close he already was. He sat back up, licked his thumb, and pressed it against your clit as his hips slapped rhythmically against yours.
"I'm close, are you close?" he whispered.
"Uh-huh," you whimpered.
Shane rubbed slowly at your clit as he slammed his cock into you the last few times. You whined really prettily as you spasmed and came around him. In no time, his hips were stuttering, and he shoved himself into you as deeply as he could as he came with a loud groan.
His hips stilled, and his cock twitched inside of you a few times. He took another moment to cherish just how beautiful you looked after your orgasm. He finally pulled out of you with a soft sigh. Both of you caught your breath for a moment.
"I'm gonna go get cleaned up," you said eventually.
"Alright, babe. I'll be right here."
When he was sure you had left the room, Shane got up from the bed and made his way over to the closet. He reached inside and pulled out his camera that he'd hidden in the dark shelves in plain sight. He smirked as he stopped the recording.
It was a risky move, definitely. But it seemed like it had paid off. He hid the camera back in his suitcase. Finally fucking you felt amazing, and he hoped he'd be able to again very soon. He smiled to himself, certain you felt the same.
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frostythefrostedfox · 3 months
Spoiler Alert for Inside Out 2, you've been warned, if you keep reading from here on, that's entirely on you friendo
Nuff time has passed, and I know it's only been like a week, but in internet time that is like 500 days
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Inside out 2 was mid as fuck, not even Harry Potter makes me snooze this hard; is literally the first movie, with the same problems with the added problem of constant retcons and a super unsatisfactory ending. I would give it a 5.5/10, at least Blue Beetle made me feel something other than annoyance, even if that emotion was anger
I guess pixar wasn't lying, they are truly trying to massify the appeal of their new stuff by basically copypasting "The Current Trend TM" into the movie where it fits or not. What is this, a modern sonic videogame?
The scene in question was very well done, it felt very real, but don't forget there is still 85 minutes of movie to consider, and I bet it'll be just like the first one, where nobody remembers absolutely anything from the movie except for that one specific scene, the ending and the ending alone.
I really thought that pixar was onto something with Cars 3, when things seemed magical yet real, when the life lesson of the movie was something that is usually hard to hear, but no, instead we got "Be selfish and lie, that'll get you what you want", because that's exactly what the ending does by giving Riley what she wanted instead of punishing her for her blatantly shitty actions and being an even worse friend, nope, instead everything is solved with a hug and everyone's cool with her, what is accountability am I right?.
Joy apparently learned absolutely nothing from the first movie because now she has even more control and is doing even worse shit than before, in the first one she was just a control freak that kept the other emotions from doing anything, but in the second one she is even worse, now she straight up tries to make Riley forget things so she can create an idealized version that fits her perfect ideal of who Riley is, is like her whole take of the first movie wasn't that there has to be room for other emotions and that it is okay to not be happy all the time, her take seem to be that you should absolutely get rid of everything that doesn't makes you happy because that's just easier than acknoledge your mistakes, lie to yourself every single day of your life, that'll make you happy! And the least said about how Starbucks Karen coded she is in this movie compared to the first one, the better
I am not even going to talk about the huge ammount of inconsistencies with the first movie that were just shoved in for unknown reasons, like Nostalgia, did y'all forgot that Nostalgia is the emotion that Riley discovers at the end of the first movie when the memories of her past are a mix of sadness and happiness?
And lastly the marketing, it was the most corporate thing I've ever seen since the garfield movie, ew, never thought anyone could ever do it worse. Just product placement in bigger brands so they can hijack your attention for a couple of seconds while you consume another product and secure their money by force-exposing everyone to their movie. If those had been stand-alone ads I wouldn't have a problem, because that is the point of advertisement, to sell you something, and we know what happens when you barely show the movie you're trying to make money out of, like Elemental, but y'all could at least pretended to believe in your own product's ability to stand on its own two legs instead of ductaping it to literally every other brand that was popular enough at the time.
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hawkogurl · 10 months
in the genuine way possible, Why do you like Raimi verse MJ?
Would like a description of your thoughts.
So I just woke up (I know it’s 6PM I work night shifts) so this might not be as well verbalized as it could be. (Update: I put this in drafts and am now adding to it at midnight but I have had a day so prior warnings apply)
But for me, she’s a nuanced and flawed female character who isn’t given the credit for that she deserves and I think she kicks ass as a result. I don’t need characters I like to be good people, I need them to be interesting. She’s interesting.
But in terms of what people normally hate her for, I don’t really tend to agree for a variety of reasons. The main thing people get on her about is cheating, which is very much true, but that feels unfair when Peter also cheats! And he doesn’t see nearly the same amount of shit thrown at him that MJ does! (Wonder why that is?) Hell, he hits her while he has the symbiote but I barely see people bring it up. But on the note of her cheating, I don’t mind it because we’re given a reason as to why she’s got such bad commitment issues that I find interesting. She grew up in an extremely unstable home with a seemingly chronically ill mother and a verbally and likely physically abusive father. She’s a dysfunctional person for sure, but we as a community are more than willing to read into and analyze far worse behaviors in Peter, Harry, hell, people outright ignore Norman being an abusive father. It’s bs to me that she’s not given the same treatment. Shes someone who grew up in an unstable environment. Shes used to that. Her entire life in her formative years was that. As a result, the way I see it, she either gets into relationships with people who tend to continue not treating her well (Flash and to a degree Harry.) and when she’s in more stable relationships that hurt her less, (like John) I theorize that the reason she does so much to put them in jeopardy is that her, stability with men in her life is always something that has ended inevitably, but abruptly and probably violently. Being the one to destroy a relationship her trauma screams at her will inevitably end with her being hurt again gives her a sense of control.
And on top of that, I find her emotional responses to Peter’s behavior while he dates her extremely human! Sure, she definitely makes mistakes in how she handles it, but I personally absolutely hate the degree to which people ignore Peter’s own mistreatment of her. I’m not gonna claim she did nothing wrong, but people in this fandom have a tendency to remove responsibility or the ability to have done something wrong from Peter. At that point in the movies, Peter has everything going for him. His life is finally going well and as a result of his own inflated ego and the fact the world has revolved around him he sort of seems to forget that she has her own life and her own problems that she wants to be heard and understood and supported through. His ability to do that is one of the things that drew her to him in the first movie and she’s watching him as it becomes apparent he doesn’t really have that anymore. Everything in his life revolves around him and has for years, so when her life problems get brought up and he makes them about himself and remains somewhat unempathetic and so absorbed in his own joy he doesn’t notice how poorly she’s doing, I find it personally hard to deny that’s exactly how I would feel in that situation. I hate that people refuse to empathize with her, or when they do on a surface level they still refuse to acknowledge any blame Peter has there. Hell, I find it hard to deny that I’m irritated that it’s basically overlooked that Peter kissed another woman in front of her face but people will rip her to shreds for kissing another man one time. I’m not gonna say she didn’t fuck up, but I find the way she’s treated unfair and I frankly think the opinion wouldn’t skew the same if she was a man for both of these topics.
I also just like that she’s a person? She has emotions that feel real, she has a life and a career outside her relationship with Peter, she has compelling trauma that informs her decisions. I frankly find her to be a more nuanced and interesting character than MCU MJ or TASM Gwen simply because she feels more well rounded and flawed. They’re better and more likeable love interests, but I frankly think she’s a better character. Everything that people praise in them as something that makes them Better Than Raimi MJ either feels like rather shallow traits or things that feel somewhat misogynistic towards Raimi MJ, a character who they claim they don’t like due to misogynistic writing. No hate to those to ladies, I see the appeal to them and I think people should like them, but Raimi Mj has more depth to me.
In conclusion: To like a character I don’t need them to be a good person I need them to be interesting. Shes interesting. Also everyone in this trilogy, including Peter, is at least somewhat a bad person. So I don’t know why she specifically is being treated with so much less grace other than the obvious reason.
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meta-squash · 1 month
Just for fun, yet another fic commentary inspired by @shamelessdvdcommentary
We Drag Ourselves Hand Over Hand Summary: Maybe it would have been better if he hadn't come back. Because absence apparently makes the heart grow fonder and at some point he realizes he's fallen in love with Ian Gallagher. At some point he realizes he fucking hates camouflage. At some point he realizes he wishes Ian could stay. In which Ian actually goes into the Marines.
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc) It took me 3 weeks to finish this fic. I only know this because I mentioned it in my authors note. The fic is a 33,014 word oneshot.
What was the initial inspiration for your story? I wondered what would have happened if Ian had actually joined the Marines, but with Ian and Mickey actually kind of on the same page about their feelings. I had three scenes that I wanted to connect: Ian coming home from training before being deployed and reconnecting with Mickey and the two of them realizing that they want to be together but now can't be, Mickey and Ian saying goodbye at the airport a different time, and Mickey breaking his hand.
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character? It had to be Mickey, because Ian is gone. I really really wanted to go more into how the military exploits poor people, but I think I would have been better able to do it with an omniscient POV, not a fixed one. I don't think Mickey really gives a shit about (or is even aware of) the military targeting of low income communities for recruitment.
What was your favourite scene to write? It's a tie between Mickey breaking his hand/in the hospital/the moments after or the scene where Mickey picks Ian up at the airport and pulls him in for a kiss by his dogtags.
How did you come up with the title? Genuinely I have no idea. I don't remember at all where it came from. I'm absolutely terrible at titles, most of them have nothing to do with the fic and are gibberish. It's my biggest weakness.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice? I 100% stole the bit where Ian puts his face in Mickey's armpit and later Mickey doing it back from the film Lilting, starring Ben Whishaw (a beautiful but also very sad movie go watch it).
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this? I wasn't sure how to make the moments where Ian was home not repetitive and/or boring. I think I succeeded, just by injecting the constant awareness that Ian will be leaving again soon and this is so fleeting. I think it also kind of works to show how he's home for such short periods of time that it never feels like they can get closer or spend a lot of time together, it's either too shallow or too deep.
Favourite line in the story? Mickey wanted everything. He never wanted 'at least,' not with Ian.
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story? Definitely. I was connecting 3 totally different scenes and I didn't really know where I was going. I don't want to totally spoil the fic but I actually didn't have the major climactic event planned from the start. I wasn't sure what I wanted to have happen. I originally had Ian coming home only once, but then I added a second time because it felt like I needed the relationship to develop more. I also added a bit more to one scene after I posted the fic, just based on the reactions in the comments. It was a scene I didn't realize was going to be so emotional for people, so I wanted to add some stuff to heighten that.
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc) The twist, which I shall not spoil. I also really loved writing the Mickey and Fiona friendship in this fic, which is something I think was tragically denied us in canon.
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story? I think I had Ian and Mickey talking on the phone another time, but I decided it wasn't interesting enough. I think I also had a much more fleshed out scene with Mickey and Fiona just being friends and shooting the shit, but it broke the flow of the story enough that I deleted it.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a characters head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line? I actually did "research" and research for this fic. I don't know anything about the military and military leave and shit like that, so I did a little bit of googling and reading of blogs and articles so I could be at least vaguely correct even though I handwaved a lot of it. I also somehow found a youtube channel of a gay couple where one partner was in the military and the other was not, and I watched some of their videos and vlogs to kind of get a sense of like the interactions and events when people are deployed/come home or the feelings the civilian partner goes through, stuff like that.
Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add? Again, I wish I'd made the scenes where Ian is home a little more emotionally charged and stuff. But I also kind of like the distance, because I think the feeling of "too little, not enough time to make it more" fits with what the actual characters are feeling.
Would you ever write a sequel to this story? Someone asked me to, but I definitely wouldn't. I just wouldn't be able to write a realistic sequel and I wouldn't really know what to do with Mickey's character development except maybe more friendship with Fiona. But I think the end of the fic implied that, so I don't even need that.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story? Neither, but I'm incredibly surprised by how many hits it's gotten. I expected it to be a fic that got nothing because it's an AU and it's sad as shit and full of pining. But somehow it's my 3rd most popular fic.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story? I wanted this fic to capture the mundanity of missing someone; how after a while it starts just being a normal everyday thing until you realize you're treating it like a normal everyday thing, and then suddenly it's not anymore, and then you just go through that over and over. Also, season 5 of the show seriously squandered the potential for having the Gallagher siblings accept Mickey into their fold and become friends/a support system/partners in (mild) crime with him, so I really wanted this fic to have that, particularly with Fiona and Debbie.
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dreadnoughtus · 10 months
Liveblogging after taking an edible and watching
game awards
I don't know what these games are
Oh wait assassins creed VR??
Got distracted my friend texted me.
The dress is kinda flapper ish you know not in a bad way it's fine
What did Forza just win
Oh that's cool good for them I don't drive cars
The height differences......
This would freak me out being on live TV I would hate it ohmygod
Wait huh hometlstuck
This is such strange vibes
Sign language is so sick tho
Why isn't there a general neutral version of mommy and daddy
Oh here come the names I don't know
I'm playing Sandrock while I watch this
Would it be weird if your kid immediately called you by your name like would that fuck them up or
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Was told to use beepbo
Alright I'm back
Jk gusher break
I'm fucking clappiny
Ok but this game fucks
This is about persona 3 btw
I'm absolutely freaking out over her writing
Wait is it a bit
She's in a silly goofy mood
Oh never mind I wanted more burning things in a fireplace game
Cool if you're into goo.
I'm a googetter myself
Omg remember this
Ok but I'm hype
I'm gay
Hell yea hell yea
Remember when Rocco was sitting all by himself on camera
Guys I really don't hope someone says some dumb shit on stage again
Geoffs walking out music is cracking me up
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Get you a mans who sends you two chairs and a table through the mail
Omg remember his speech last year lmao
Oh it's a bit
What is this lol
Is this a roast
My fucking boyfriendddd
Idris where you at
Idris you're missing the fanciest night in gaming
Our boyfriend won!!!
.....what is he wearing lmaoooo
Security BEEFY this year
Aww omg
He wore his armor I'm dead
I need to replay baldurs gate NOW
That's right baldurs gate!!!! You can fuck a bear!!!!
Geoff relax
Huh lol
Immediate fanservice
...I'm dying
Turned him on??????
Is he gonna fuck us????
This isn't interstellar
Damn bro
Wet Chair :/
Daddy's back
Oh free dayum ok
Geoff has the air of a man who presents this as if he himself made these games
Goose guy 2
Wait this is great
This is my kind of game
I love this
Fuck gta6 I got Big Walk
Is this fornite Lego????
What the huh
Took a break for ice cream
I just got the news Wonka will be presenting
They give them less speech time than on the Oscars
Oh wait this is the cool lady
Gonzo has good taste
Cocoon was good
Ok Sega ok!!!!!
Hold up anime game I'm awake
Oh nice ok I'm into it
Alan Wake sweep
Apparently the site you have to login into to get a steam deck for whatever is crashing crazy lol whoopsie
I liked venba!!
His boy
I'm scared that's just a video
Not the fog machine
His broach is wild
I'm so glad kojima is finally making the movie he wanted to make
Is this wrestling
This is a WILD collaboration
They have my support
Movies and games!!!!
Ohhh dinosaurs?? I'm too scared to play this
Everything is fortnite now we are all assimilating into fortnite
Monkey 👍👍👍
I cannot escape suicide squad
Nooooot a fan of the remix
Where do I aquire claws
What is Warframe sorry
Good games!! I loved tchia
This looks sick, ori vibes
So many cool looking games
Man with ponytail?????
I want to play rebirth so bad
SHUT UP STOP lol huh?????
Sea of stars was meh sorry I said it
Omg I forgot about hades 2
Cutting to ads from ads is so funny
Holy shit he almost killed the camera guy with one kick
Anthony Mackey doing crowd work lmao
He's zooted
Thank you for the meme s
Thanks for the memeorys
Steve Martin looks different
There's 3 genshins now
Hell yeah democrazy
Are these guys a big deal I just don't know
I feel like I need to have played Alan Wake I guess
Ok but they are shredding
Ok I'm ready for bed how much longer
Stop flirting on stage
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Gamer snax
We get it you're a voice actor 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ok wait the armor??? Ok nice
It's funny tho cause the last thing I liveblogged was last of us, good show
The PR glowup for no man's sky was impressive no doubt
No mans sky 2!
We're always talking about mountains
Dragons so I'm in
Can I be a wolf man
Badass title
Stretching this is what I'm always saying unironically to everyone
I love tonberry king
Omgggg monhun!!! Chocobo
Huh what modded controller???
He flutin
Gotyyyy let's goo lol
Bg3 🫡🫡🫡
I sleep 😴
I'm not reading this back
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kamurocho-lullaby · 1 year
So I was planning to go through and pretty this up but I just haven't had the energy so I'm just gonna dump them here.
These are my notes from my first time watching the Yakuza movie!
I've added a cut because they're long. There's typos, they're not edited, it's literally just chaos bullet points but tadaaaah. There's also a lot of cussing, swearing, whatever u call it, so sorry.
Date is just so fuckin done with the Tokyo PD's shit I love him.
Throwing down in a Don Quixote, yes Kiryu.
Wait who's this little shit bleeding in Kazuki's floor?
Kiryu's fight in the DQ reminds me of that gif of him fucking up a Poppo it's so good.
HOLY SHIT ITS MILENNIUM TOWER! I sure hope that doesn't explode.
HERE HE IS! Mr Tumblr Sexyman himself.
I can't get over the fact Majima supposedly reads the financial times
"where's Kiryu?" "Somewhere" "not good enough" *murder*
I love the idea that Majima is at the batting cages so often it's his office. Like he absolutely painted that sign himself what a dork.
This chick is insane and wants to go robbing stores when a Yakuza war is breaking out, side story material
Date is so fuckin done literally said "not my Division"
Kiryu seems a lot colder in this movie than he is in the games idk maybe he'll warm up
Who is this cocktail making silent man I am so confused
Why is Kazuki so hot?!
Majima and crew are goofy as fuck and I really love them literally everyone is scared of them it's fucking hilarious
HE CALLS HIS CREW KIDDIES and then ditches them to get his rocks off in a video store and the guy he beaned with a fuckin baseball in his own crew is like "ILL FOLLOE U TO THE ENDS OF THE ESRTH"
This man is goofy as fuck one second and then breaking fingers and toes to find his boyfriend the next
Oh fuck he's got a gun, nobody should allow Majima a gun
Literally the Majima fam have a "oh fuck the boss has got a gun" emergency plan
I just noticed he's wearing a studded belt omg
Kiryu needs more frown lines
Haruka got some sass I love her
"don't be corrupting her mind" what the fuck Date he found her like that
Majima was fuckin up Pink Street why didn't he go karaoke
Lol the guy at Ebisu Pawn gives zero shits about being robbed
Kiryu, Haruka and the dog make a cute picture I love it
Fuckin Majima isn't even like looking for intel he's just wandering around shouting about Kiryu-chaaaaaaaan
Lol Kiryu gets a flip phone and it's got a charm on it omg
"over the top shit is his trademark" you don't fuckin say
LOL DATE he's just like Kiryu and Majima are up to shit it's your fuckin problem I'm out "the military won't even save your asses" omg
Don't tell me the fuckin Jingweon are here I don't wanna fuckin deal with thaaaaaaat
"Yokohama's Lau Kalong" WAIT WHAT (having learned more about 7, YES that Lau Kalong apparently the Snake Flower Triad are a bunch of assholes and they're also like everywhere)
Oh fuck this kid's been sent to kill Kyohei Jingu?! no shit of course he has
Oh fuck SERENA I didn't think we'd see that in this movie
Lol Kiryu knows the RGG way, they ain't dead until you see a body and even then cough cough Kashiwagi cough cough
Lol Haruka teaching him to use a cellphone
Majima taking a break from getting his ass kicked by Kiryu to beat up his boys is so fuckin funny
Haruka's just on the sidelines like "these fuckin dumbass boys smh"
I'm sad it's not his lacquered tanto
Yo Kiryu is fuckin merciless what?!
LOL HE JUST FUCKIN DROPPED Kiryu is so done with his dumbass boyfriend flopping on the groud
Lol all the Yakuza in Kamurocho mobilising like the fuckin Avengers
LOL the bank robbers feeding everyone in the bank is just wild I love it, still can't figure out who they are tho (they're side story material)
How is Majima MORE unhinged in this movie than he is in the games
Theatre square! Honestly the shots in this movie are actually pretty good, im surprised
The Jingweon's gun is a monstrosity why the fuck
Is that supposed to be Shimano?
Kazuki getting all intimidating with the weapons dealer do be kinda hot tho why he gotta grab him by his chin like thst
Also why does Kiryu know this guy and why does he know he's a massochist?!
LOL Kiryu protecting Haruka from the creep but like why is she there?!
Kiryu hearing all this shit about his kyoudai and he's just like... Stomping around like a mad man
Wait is Kazuki an imposter yet? (Spoiler alert, probably)
Lol these idiots cleaning up Pink Street like Majima isn't just gonna whirlwind through it again
"Don't fall for hosts, they'll get you in the end" solid advice Kiryu but are u talking from experience or? Like iirc hosts weren't a thing when u went to jail my man.
What the fuck is this dramatic military shit what who is this man?!
Kiryu actually trusts Majima to not go after Haruka! And he doesn't! He's actually genuinely not a bad man he's just mad as a bag of cats
Oh that whole Majima and Kiryu not killing people thing is out the window in this movie omg
"Kiryu-chan, you're so cool" Majima says through a mouthful of blood after he's been knocked fuckin cold onto his ass. This man has it so bad I love it
Fuckin Majima just pelting Kiryu in the gut with baseballs omg this movie is wild
Dude these guys literally kick the shit out of each other it's vicious I love it
The level of choreographed homoerotic whump in this movie
He just straight up put his foot on his ass
"Fuck you murder dad you shot my boyfriend"
Wait do I get to see Nishiki?!
The fuckin Staminan X and shit in the shop that's so rad, of course Kiryu is like I'll just chug some of this shit and go fuckin kill my bro I'm fine
Oh hey it's Zombie Majima
Who allowed a military helicopter into fuckin Kamurocho airspace that's gotta be so illegal what the fuck
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE BANK ROBBERS I love how they're just laying on the floor with the staff resigned to their shit
Nishiki put the fish away you dumb fuck
Lol Kiryu literally doesn't give a fuck about the Tojo and here's Nishiki making it all about the Tojo like bro wise up Kiryu is done with your shit
Kiryu just stone cold dead until he gets some of that Staminan that's a full triple heat gauge baby the dragon is back omg this movie is the dumbest shit I love it
The fuckin slow mo! 2007 did not deserve this movie
Top ten ways to kill your kyoudai, number 12 will jack your dad!
Wait we're not gonna get Mr "Beautiful Eyes" here are we?
Akiyama come get ur cash!!!!
Moooooom, Millennium Tower blew up again!
Y'know Date is kinda hot...
Suzuki also has no business being that hot
Fuckin Majima's dumbass batting cages sign someone better save his ass I swear to fuck
Fuckin dumbass got shot and he thinks he's got the flu lol
Oh shit there's Kiryu oops guess he's not to blame for the dog
Question, how the fuck they gonna get down from the tower?
Oh my god okay it's done I'll clean this up later (spoiler alert, he did not clean it up later)
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noffy96 · 1 year
Kustardweek Day 2
Wrote this on the train yesterday. Decided to use this prompt to add to my Mer Au! So enjoy!
Sorry if it isn't as polished as my other work. But i am still really proud
Photo surprise
Word count: 778
Chapter (1) (Complete)
Chapter Summary:
“How do you think they come up with this shit?”
Red mumbled with a bit of a slur, and he tilted his head back to indicate he had heard him. Letting out a questioning noise. Red pointed at the tv, that he had tuned out over an hour ago. He had just focused on the gentle breathing beneath him, slowly drifting him into a low slumber.
Sans and Red, see a commercial about a mermaid. After a comment from Red, Sans gets a idea
made for kustardweek2023
Link here to AO3
Or continue below the read-more line
He yawned deeply and took another gulp from his beer can. Sinking back more into Red’s hold.
It had been too long since they had done this. If there was one thing the ocean doesn’t have it’s good good alcohol. Drinking with Red had become one of his favorite activities when he spent on the surface. But now with him going back and forth for the bi-weekends. He couldn’t risk being hungover for the long track back. Not to mention Papyrus would yell his head off if he did.
“How do you think they come up with this shit?”
Red mumbled with a bit of a slur, and he tilted his head back to indicate he had heard him. Letting out a questioning noise. Red pointed at the tv, that he had tuned out over an hour ago. He had just focused on the gentle breathing beneath him, slowly drifting him into a low slumber.
But he refocused and saw that it was playing a commercial about an animated movie was playing. It seemed to be about a mermaid that gave up her voice for legs. Or something of the like.
“Aint that based on those old human tales, before the monsters came back into society?”
He felt Red shrug, his hand scratching away some dirt absentmindedly
“Just wondering what they think we have to give something up”
He gave a shrug jostling Red’s head on his shoulder who gave an angry grumble
“Don’t fucking know dude. Humans are weird. For them apparently, a horse with a horn counts as mystical! So I can’t fucking tell what’s normal for them”
Red gave a sage nod and seemed to absent-mindedly nuzzle his face closer and got a small kiss on his neck. And they continued to watch their show.
“You ever seen this movie?”
Red mumbled later when the next rum of commercials was airing, at the same ad, was playing.
“Once” He gave an answer
“You tried doing some of the stuff in it?” He snorted
“Like what, her twist and loops in the water? Or jumping out of the water? “
Red shook his head
“That one scene on the rock, with the singing after the prince woke up and is walking away”
He Frowned “Don’t have much of a singing voice, so No. Also, someone could spot me!!”
Red just nuzzled in deeper and mumbled, probably not realizing he was talking out loud.
“Bet you would look pretty though”
He fiddled with the camera. Double and triple checking it was Steady. And the camera angle was right. Fiddling with the settings, the timer would take pictures every couple of seconds. And once he was happy with everything. He sighed deeply, fixing the clear straps on his shoulders, and dove down to get into position. …. The things he did for his love
He didn’t make a big deal out of it. It took some planning to print the pictures at the local library without being spotted. He earned Edge a huge ass favor for that one. As soon as they were done he slipped them into a blue envelope and then hid them between some of Red’s hoodies.
He had intended for Red to find in between the meetings. But that morning, when he rolled over to make a flirty comment as Red grabbed some clothes. It had slipped out and saw Red pick it up. As he took out the pictures his boyfriend's face coloured into his namesake. Also, his eyelights grew to almost overtake his whole sockets.
“Wha….How…Why?” Red finally managed to Sutter out.
He shrugged helplessly his own face still Blue
‘Just wanted to give you something nice’
Red stalked back over to the bed. Quickly casing him in against the mattress
‘It’s very nice indeed
And Red crushed their teeth together in a harsh kiss. Wasting no time at summoning his tongue and licking at the seem of his mouth begging for entrance. After a few seconds of sitting there stunned he started to return the hungry kisses.
When they finally broke apart Red, spoke against his teeth
“I knew you’d be fucking pretty Before crashing for months together once more with no information of leaving the bed any time soon.
On the ground lay the picture he had taken. It was a picture of Sans in his mer form. Just like the mermaid girls of the movie sitting on a rock with a big wave splashing behind him. While wearing a replica of the shell top. A light flush on his face, as the sun hit him
Later it would be put in a special album Red keeps for special memories.
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vocalintel · 1 year
Top Ten Gougars of All Time
I don't know how to explain the complicated linguistic evolution of slang in a Discord server but I know that it is very much akin to how salamanders in underground cave systems turn white and lose their eyes, hyperspecializing to an ecological niche to the point that they are destroyed when agricultural runoff pollutes their primordial cave water. Anyway basically we have ended up referring to a specific class of horror movie guy as a gougar, and in the interest of using this term in further posts I will give examples of some of our favorites.
10. That weird little baby from Phenomena
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Argento apparently thinks of Phenomena as one of his best films, and I kind of don't. I think it was like highkey kind of ableist as a matter of fact. But the part at the end when they're fighting on that boat and he's trying to GET Jennifer Connelly with his little knife-on-a-stick contraption is funny to me.
9. The Byebye Man
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Do people still think the Byebye Man is funny? I know it was a huge meme on here when it came out. Am I old now? Anyway I'm really fascinated by how absolutely terrible this film was, down to the minutiae. If it came out today I would accuse it of having an AI generated script. I would like to give a shoutout to Mr. Byebye's pet dog that's made of hamburger for some reason.
8. Snake Woman
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I know she's from a manga but bear with me. This bitch is fucking fiendish. She's actually scary. I think if I was like a little 6-7 year old girl and this thing showed up pretending to be my mom I would have nightmares about it for the rest of my life. Therapy could NOT fix that.
7. This Specific Halloween Prop
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Yes I know it's the image from The Russian Sleep Experiment. Yes I know The Russian Sleep Experiment sucks and isn't even scary. That does not change the fact that this thing is freaky as hell. It does all the heavy lifting for that shit ass story. There are very few creepypasta jpegs that are still unsettling outside of their original 2000s imageboard context and this is one of them.
6. Mr. Boogie
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I like the first Sinister movie, my friends seem to hate it, life goes on. However, we can all agree that Mr. Boogie (née Baguul) is an iconic gougar. The only reason he's not higher on this list is that his competition is so stacked against him. We're getting into the real heavy hitters.
5. Newt Gingrich's wife
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4. Mesmer
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Cure is one of the best films of all time and if you haven't seen it you need to go watch it right now. This guy doesn't show up in person once in the whole fucking movie and he's still like one of the most earth-shatteringly creepy gougars ever written. It's like a yuri of absence thing. Horror vacui.
3. The Fucked up Guy From Possession
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This thing turns into a real(ish) guy later but holy fuck, when it first shows up. It's like a cross between a dick and a hammerhead shark with John Carpenter Silent Hill textures. It's so, so viscerally unpleasant. We weren't expecting it either, because the film hadn't had any shit like this right up until you get full frontal with it. Isabelle Adjani has sex with it. To each their own.
2. Pazuzu
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So the demonic entity in The Exorcist wasn't like actually onscreen or named until the disastrously terrible second film, but then in the 'Director's Cut' edition of the original, they added in these blink-and-you'll-miss-it cutaways to this dude in vaguely expressionist white face paint. Due to RedLetterMedia's lambasting of the "I am... Pazuzu!" scene from Exorcist II, he has become a permanent fixture in our collective horror schema. Every time anything even vaguely scary happens, whether in a game or a movie or perhaps my house, it gets blamed on Pazuzu. Often we mock terrible horror writing/jumpscares by saying it was Pazuzu. At this point he's just a guy we hang out with.
Dr. Freudstein
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I don't even want to mock Dr. Freudstein because he literally is just one of the most disgusting, unsettling horror villains I have ever encountered. The only time I have ever been actually nauseous while watching a film was because of him. I cannot think of a more iconic guy. Fuck Freddy, fuck Jason, there is nothing in any of their films even half as scary as when Dr. Freudstein starts cry-mewling like a little baby. This guy was in someone's basement! He could be in your basement! Fulci is a genius for making someone (something?) so creepy.
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Suptober 4 Oct.: Wicked
"Cas?" Dean asked. His profound confusion dissipated like a fog severed by sunlight as he realized he knew his rescuer. "Hiya, Cas."
deancas, full au, no hooky-spooks, friends to lovers
Here's what Dean remembered: the carp weren't biting. Standing up in the rowboat to grab a stick of something Sam had called Sweet-n-Tangy Organic Grass Fed Small Batch Jerky (pretentious as hell, Sam) out of his duffle bag. Losing his balance, flailing foot hitting the side of the boat as he went into the water. 
Thinking, Shit and I know how to swim. In that order.
The shit part was definitely correct. His ability to swim? Suspect, as evidenced by waking up – when had he gone to sleep? Underwater? Bad place to nap – on the sandy, pebbly shore, the heels of someone's hands making dents in his breastbone. Another two compressions and a gallon of lake expelled itself from his lungs via hacking, Exorcist-style projectiles. Embarrassing, but it's not like he or the guy whose magnificent arms he'd sat up in could get any wetter.
"Wicked," he heard some impressed youngster witness whisper from several feet away. 
Dean was a very hip adult, so he knew all about the youth and their lingo. 
He took his first deep breath in an undisclosed period of time and felt his whole body shaking like one of the pretty yellow oak leaves he'd apparently swallowed and horked up on a total stranger, who was (good news?) probably not a teenager. Not with this physique. Circumstances worse than Dean's last blind date. At least at the moment, he didn't want to die, unlike when he'd been seated across from a guy named Fergus who'd been, if memory served, so shittin' smarmy Dean had actually faked falling off the tall bar stool just to cut the evening short. 
"Dean?" a deep, urgent voice was saying. "Dean, are you in there?"
He made himself focus. Opening his eyes all the way helped. Knocking his skull directly into another skull, not so much. He pulled back to the sight of shockingly blue, shockingly worried eyes boring into his own – but in an intense way instead of a painful, bone on bone, one of us is going to suffer a concussion sort of way.
"Cas?" Dean asked. His profound confusion dissipated like a fog severed by sunlight as he realized he knew his rescuer. "Hiya, Cas."
"Oh, thank god," Cas said, his relief so radiant Dean almost covered his eyes again. 
God, he's beautiful, Dean thought. It wasn't the first time he'd entertained this notion about his tenant – his best friend, if he were being honest, and the only reason he'd decided to stay in town when it would've been so much easier to just sell his dad's old duplex and be done with it, take the money and go crash with Sammy until he figured out what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, now that he didn't have to wait for John to…well. Do anything, anymore.
Cas'd answered Dean's little ad tacked up on the ratty bulletin board at Ellen's roadhouse. New in town. Quiet. Prompt with payment. Not exactly shy, nor hesitant, but something a little lonesome. Like he hadn't ever made many friends. Turned out, he had a godawful number of siblings, a big ol' family, but Dean knew from personal experience having kin didn't necessarily give a person a home. 
The first time Cas knocked on the door on Dean's side of the duplex, he'd asked if Dean would like to split a meat lovers pizza; Dean asked if Cas wanted to watch a Monsters and Mayhem movie marathon with him. An hour later Dean found out Cas had never eaten meat lovers pizza before nor seen any of the iconic, legendary, unbeatable Zombie Slug franchise films, and Dean realized he had been put on earth to share these experiences with Cas, who may otherwise have not experienced them with anyone at all. Which, fucking tragic, if more because Cas was wonderful than because Dean was worth yanking out of briny depths.
"Everything okay here?" someone asked Cas, who looked at Dean in renewed concern.
"Yeah, hey, we're fine, I'm fine," Dean said, with only a little difficulty. Had to cough a few times. Sounded dank in there. He'd accidentally turned his lungs into water balloons and they were, y'know, kinda pissed about it.
"We should get you to the ER." Cas was rubbing Dean's arms in brisk strokes and generally giving off warmth like a brick oven; the man had the most gorgeous hands and Dean was extremely into having them on him. Having to shelp to the freaking hospital would interrupt massage time. 
"Nah, I'm good," Dean said, clamping his back teeth together so they wouldn't clack together like one of those wind-up toy dentures that chattered and hopped around. "I'd say yes to a ride back to the house, though."
Was he gonna take advantage of Cas's inherent kindness to smear lake residue all over his junky ol Lincoln Continental instead of the pristine seats of the restored Impala that had been Dean's only consistent home for over three decades? Dean never claimed to be a saint. He'd have Charlie or someone come fetch his best girl. Down at the dock he saw Victor and one of his employees doing a magnificent job of tugging in the rowboat with what looked like a hilariously oversized fishing rod. Guess Dean wasn't the first customer to ditch a rental in the middle of a session.
"You're something else, Winchester," Victor called over, when he saw Dean wasn't dead.
"Thank you," Dean rasped out, waving.
Victor shook his head. "It wasn't a compliment." 
Dean grinned at him, and then grinned at Cas, who didn't return the favor. "I'm fine, Cas." 
Keep touching me, he thought. 
"Let's go home," Cas said. "Ready to try standing up?" His eyes, god, his eyes were like windows to the sky, or something, like a clear blue lake Dean wanted to dive into. 
Oh, wait.
Standing up, for the record, sucked for a few seconds. Squishy boots, squishy boxer briefs, jesus christ. Jacket: missing. No, it was puddled behind Cas. Light application of sandy and teeny tiny pebbles on Dean from back of head to back of calves, like he'd been dredged for a deep-fried crust. He could go for some fried chicken; maybe they'd swing through a drive-thru…
Cas's hands were around his elbows, and his face was full of– Dean bit down a laugh, 'cause Cas was drenched too, and his hair was drying every which way. 
"One time," Dean said, "Sammy and me, we rode this little train at some zoo, I don't know, somewhere in Missouri maybe, way back, he was probably six? So I was ten. Took us through a haunted house. You know me, I loved it, stuff dangling from the ceiling and cackling, buncha animatronic nonsense, ghosts, vampires, Frankenstein, skeletons. The train exits and I look over, and Sam's hair was literally standing on end. Like he'd been electrocuted." Dean bit his lip and smiled, completely incapable of looking away from Cas. 
Cas didn't smile per se; his eyes did a little. "I presume there's a point to the story."
Dean lifted a trembling hand – trembling because he was cold, not for any other reason – and rubbed it over Cas's damp hair, a few passes until the soft strands were mostly all going in one direction. He didn't break eye contact.
"Ah," Cas said, sheepishly.
Best friend, Dean thought, oh, I'm in love with my best friend. …I should probably stop charging him rent.
At the house, Cas scurried around turning on Dean's shower, set to lobster boil, and finding Dean dry pjs. Dean peeled himself out of his disgusting clothes; taking off his socks, he had an unsettling sensation of sloughing off a skin as though he'd been dunked in acid, or like he was a beached creature shifting into a new body, chunks of viscera left behind on the bedroom floor.
Cas cleared his throat and scuttled out of the room, steam wafting out of the bathroom in his wake. Dean looked down and realized he was, as they say, full frontal. Well. What was a little casual nudity amongst acquaintances.
The shower tile surround made a satisfying clonk as he tapped his forehead against it and let the leafless, unmuddied, free from frogs and fish tap water scour him clean. The water pressure wavered near the end, no doubt from Cas on his side of the house.
When he was dried and in pajamas, he padded out to the living room. Cas was there, clean and mostly dry from his own bath, looking anxious. Dean plopped down on the couch. He missed Cas's lap by a few inches, sound of mind enough to have steered himself to the cushion beside him. 
"Your color's much better." Cas glanced at him and away. "We really should've gone to the ER." 
Dean tapped Cas's knee. "Look." He tapped again, and Cas turned his head toward him with such a sour expression it forced a laugh out of Dean. He pulled down the v of his t-shirt. "Check it. You left a mark on my sternum."
Cas's face fell to horrified at the sight of the pale bruise Dean knew was there, having admired it in the steamy bathroom mirror. "I'm so sorry–"
Dean grabbed his hand and squeezed him quiet. "You saved my life, Cas." He didn't mean for his voice to be so rough, so full of tears that were instantly there at the back of his throat. "Thank you." He looked up at the ceiling – which he badly needed to divest of spiderwebs, except it was October and in what other month would spider bunting be appropriate – until he was sure his burning eyes wouldn't spill over. "How did you even–"
"I was taking a walk along the lakeshore and saw you fall in." Cas gripped Dean's hand. "I'd been about to yell hello when you stood up and didn't even have a chance to. You didn't surface." There were tears brimming in his eyes too.
Dean cupped Cas's jaw with one hand. A warm tear slipped into his palm as Cas closed his eyes. Dean placed a soft kiss on his cheekbone, near his eye, and tasted salt. He leaned closer.
Cas blinked, shook his head miserably. "You don't– Just because I–" He swallowed.
"Can I kiss you just because I want to?" Dean whispered, as close as he dared. "Because I've wanted to for much longer than right now." He didn't mean to sound sad about it; he'd barely even meant to be honest. Almost dying really walloped a guy's ability to self regulate.
Cas searched his face. In a moment, he nodded. But he didn't wait. He kissed first, softly, softly, a brushing of lips against Dean's that Dean chased, be careful, don't push, and that worked for a few seconds, a few back and forths. And then: Cas made a small, desirous sound, pressed forward, all heat and breath, and Dean, desperate to hear him twice, infinitely, reeled him in.
Another successful day of fishing.
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halfdeadfullgay · 2 years
Pepperoni Punks
Chapter two - Be careful when burntout
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Summary - After that time with the pizza and breaking stuff, Casey kinda disappears for a few months. Only coming for stake-outs, missions and the occasional movie night. The turtles and April notice something's wrong but no one says anything. Well that was the case until Raph said something tonight.
That was the last time that the two of them hanged out besides the usual steak outs and helping with some missions. Casey was juggling their job, school, and on top of everything their sister moved in with them since she was finally able to decide who she wanted to live with; obviously she chose them over either of their parents. They were still talking to the turtles and April but was off and on with replying to stuff.
On the rare occasion Casey hung out with them for reasons other than stake-outs and missions , they would usually fall asleep on one of the seats alone or end up leaning against Raphael which ended up in Mikey teasing Raph. Raph surprisingly didn’t yell when the latter happened. It was concerning that the once energetic Casey was now just falling asleep, not even adding to conversations or anything. No one had brought it up or planned to.
Tonight was one of the rare occasions that Casey was able to hangout and sleep over with the turtles & April without a steak out or mission. They had brought the pizza while April brought the movies. “Hey dudes!” Casey was energetic for the first time in awhile. “I got pepperoni, sausage, and cheese! I’ll go put it in the kitchen.” They said making their way to the makeshift sewer kitchen, as April made her way to the turtles, “I got some that I thought each of you would like!”
While the others talked about what order they’d watch the movies in, Raphael went to talk to Casey. “Hey, Red! Let me guess, you want all the pepperoni.” Casey said with a laugh. “Obviously but that’s not what I wanted.” They gave him a weird look. “Okay? Spit it out.” Casey said. “Case, what is up with you?”
Casey got a bit defensive, “Nothing is up, I’m fine. What’s up with you?” Casey looked away from Raphael. “You only hang with us like three times a month, and when we do you always fall asleep. What is going on with you?” Raph said, trying not to raise his voice. Casey didn’t bother to look at Raph, “I just got a lot of shit going! Like how I told you that I had to take up night shifts but apparently you weren’t listening!”
“Tell the truth, Jones!” Raph ended up yelling, he didn’t get why Casey was being so defensive. They were friends after all, why wouldn’t they talk to him. He felt like Casey didn’t trust them. The yelling got the attention of the others. Soon the others were peeking their heads around the corner like in the telenovelas that Casey would make them watch. Casey felt their phone vibrate, a text from their sister; nothing important but an excuse to leave. “Look, I gotta go. Keep the pizza.” Casey said harshly, walking out of the kitchen; passing the others. They left the lair, they just needed to leave before breaking down.
Casey never liked showing their emotions, especially when they cried. They went to a rooftop of an old apartment complex. They sat on the edge of the roof, looking off at the city. They hated this, all of this. They had pushed away their friends and even their sister a little. Casey wiped away tears as they fell. “Goddamn, mom was right; I fuck up everything..” They continued to mutter to themself.
“If there’s one thing that I know as truth it’s that Casey Jones ain’t a fuck up.” Casey heard someone say. They didn’t bother seeing who it was. “Go away.” They buried their head in their knees so that the other couldn’t see their face. “Case, you know I ain’t gonna do that.” Casey slowly lifted up their head to see Raph going to sit next to them. “I’ll admit I ain’t good at giving advice or good with emotions but I can listen to you. You can talk to me.” Raph was trying his best to be there for the person that he cared about.
“Raph..I’m sorry for yelling. I shouldn’t have done that.” Casey said, looking at the concrete sidewalk below them instead of at the turtle next to them. Raphael didn’t look at them either, knowing that they didn’t like anyone seeing them cry. “It’s alright Case.” Time was a blur to Casey, same with what they were doing. They zoned out after that. At some point, they stopped crying and started leaning against Raph. Neither of them talked, they just sat there until both of their T-phones rang. Mikey was calling Casey and Leo was calling Raph.
That snapped Casey back to reality, they quickly stopped leaning on Raph. They both answered the calls. Casey was reassuring Mikey that they were fine while Raph was telling Leo to more or less fuck off. Raph hanged up on Leo. He looked at Casey who had put on a false positive attitude to convince Mikey that they were fine. After a few minutes they hung up , “They’re worried, we should get going..” Casey slowly got up and held out their hand for Raphael.
Raphael gave them a small smile. “How come you’re going soft on me, Case?” Casey laughed a bit and helped Raph up. “Come on, let’s go.” Casey lead the way back to the lair, talking with Raph along the way. The two joked, of course they would talk about what happened in the kitchen and on the rooftop but once they were at the lair; not worried about someone finding them. They walked back into the lair laughing together, surprising the others just like the first time they met.
“Aw, you guys would make such a cute couple!” Mikey teased the pair. “Shut up, Mikey!” Raphael yelled at the youngest turtle while Casey laughed and went to go get some pizza. They were glad that everything seemed to be good, even if it was just for a small moment before Mikey and Raph were causing a mess. “You know that I’m right!” They could hear Mikey from the kitchen. Casey laughed and went back to the others, watching the chaos unfold. “Cut it out, you two! You’ll wake Master Splinter!” Leo warned them.
Eventually everyone was calm and watching a movie. Donnie and Mikey were sitting next to each other, discussing plot holes much to everyone else’s annoyance. Leo was on the opposite end and April was on the floor, leaning against the seats. Casey and Raph were sitting together, Casey leaning against Raph with a smile. The movie was shitty and the pizza lost its taste but that didn’t bother the two of them. They were just glad that tonight there was nothing to worry about other than the bunch of shitty movies that they were going to watch.
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theelibugs · 1 year
Oh shit I got tagged in stuff time to go do my friendly duties \o/
Get to know me better! Tagged by @/bruxbea!
Last song: Hello, World! by Bump of Chicken! They're one of my favorite Japanese bands (got addicted after they did the opening for Tales of the Abyss). I listen to a lot of Japanese music when in story hyperfocus mode, because they seem to set my daydream moods a lot better than other music, so my JPN playlist is on repeat right now. BoC is a lot of it, lol (my favs of theirs are Karma, Aurora, Supernova, and Souvenir).
Currently Watching: okay so.... I don't... Actually watch TV or series much at ALL (much to the chagrin of my movie loving husband). Like. I am very very bad at focusing on TV shows or movies so tend to not watch em much.
That being said, the last show I watched was Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War arc and THE NEXT SEASON IS ABOUT TO DROP AND I'M GOING FERAL. A bit upset they aren't using Tatsuya Kitani for the opening though. I never finished the Quincy arc in the manga, stopped after Full bring, so it's been a lot of fun seeing the anime and wondering which parts were changed for the anime and what parts they kept from the manga (apparently Kubo is doing some slight rewriting!)
Currently Reading: I actually read way more manga than I do novels or series. I just got caught up to Call of the Night/Yofukashi no Uta and holy FUCK it is so good. Basically a kid loves wandering the streets at night, because he's alone and it's silent. And he befriends a vampire and ends up wanting to become one. It's kind of laid back in the beginning, but starts to dive into lore and plot, and I absolutely love the direction it's currently going. It's a very good 'Coming to terms with life' manga imo.
Current Obsession: Absolutely Stardew Valley. It's my go-to calming game when I just need to shut off my brain, but my brain has gone into story writing mode. And now that I'm finally into drawing comics, I've been coming up with so many HCs and story tidbits for my farmer that just makes things more interesting. Esp with all the fucking mods I have altering dialogue and events, it makes it more fun and gives me more freedom to write. So I guess look forward to more comics soon? Lmao
Adding just for funsies
Current Game: TEARS OF THE KINGDOM. IF YOU HAVE FINISHED THE GLYPHS MAIN QUEST PLEASE TELL ME I NEED TO DISCUSS WITH SOMEONE OR I'M GOING TO GO BONKERS, HUSBAND HASNT GOTTEN THEIR YET AND I NEED TO SCREAM. Not beaten the game yet, though, I'm fucking around with getting all the outfits, exploring the Chasms, and getting all my health (my stamina is maxed lololol)
Uhh gunna tag @marsipanic @hawkeshep @maebird-melody (and anyone who wants to!)
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I just watched a Ghibli version of Lupin, wild stuff. Have you watched other Lupin media and how do they stack up?
I don’t know if you’re a Ghibli Studios film watcher but I’d like to hear your take on them as cultural material if so!
I fucking LOVE the Miyazaki Lupin the Third movie, and apparently there's another one?!? Which I absolutely need to watch!?! It's so trope-y but in the most enjoyable way possible. I love a good heist film. Truly, I don't give a fuck how "cliche" something is, as long as it's well made and enjoyable. Which, Castle of Cagliostro is very fun. "Suave and sexy yet legitimately skilled and intelligent" aka "bastard with a heart of gold" is a FANTASTIC archetype.
Also, yes, of course I love Studio Ghibli films!!! Medium doesn't matter worth a damn to me when telling a story except however the medium can elevate the story being told. And holy shit does Miyazaki use every modicum of his talent to tell stories that could only be told in animation.
My personal favorite is Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, because: 1. It's super underrated and so few people in the West have watched it; 2. It fulfills all my preteen fantasies of being a magical girl who can talk to animals, and 3. the soundtrack by Joe Hisaishi is fucking incredible and uses one my favorite ever 80's fantasy music tropes of "hey, wouldn't it be cool if we added synth to this intense fantasy sequence that thematically should absolutely NOT heavily feature synth music?"
Btw everyone should watch Ladyhawke. I honestly do not understand why it isn't more popular, as the premise is a fucking goldmine for fic writers going for a starcrossed lovers concept.
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