#apple iphone low price
todorokies · 1 year
midnight love affair - suguru geto
contents: nsfw, established relationship, fem!reader, reader is lowkey a smart mouthed bimbo, would this classify as crack ???, modern au where suguru isn’t depressed as shit
a/n: idk what this is i just need geto tbhh … inspired by the song midnight love affair by October London
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“do you think touchscreen tvs will be a thing in the future?”
head woozy and heavy filled with nothing but the intoxicating sensation of your wet folds gracefully gliding up and down his painfully hard cock with your pussy occasionally clenching around him leaving a white ring imprint of your creamy residue. your raven haired boyfriend tried to make sense of the current predicament at hand as you stilled yourself on top of his lap, fully seated, letting his cockhead rest snug up against that spongy spot that always makes you dizzy.
his eyes held a look of pure dumbfounded confusion with sweat cumulating at the beginning of his hairline, lips extremely chapped and mouth agape he truly couldn’t believe what he’s hearing right now. (mostly due to the faint ringing of his ears as the pleasure was too much that he began to hear colours.)
you already fucked him dumb and he hasn’t even cummed yet.
with his leftover strength he was finally able to piece something together to counterpart your bizarre question. “huh?” was all he was able to conjure. you wrap your arms around his neck, “what do you mean “huh” did i already fuck your brains out? did you not hear what i said?”
oh now you’re getting sassy. he quickly licks his lips then elaborates. “i did hear you, i’m just confused where this is coming from all of the sudden.”
you simply shrug “it’s just a simple thought that came to me… consider it a shower thought if you will.” suguru gives you a look of uncertainty but doesn’t question any farther, instead, he indulges you.
“well the concept of a touchscreen tv is inconvenient, nobody wants to get up from the couch every time to change the channel.”
“i had a feeling you would say that!” you dramatically flail your arms in the air, “inconvenient or not you can’t deny the speed of the way technology is enhancing everyday; sooner or later somebody is gonna invent it.”
you had a point. “you’re right but would anyone willingly buy it? it just seems impractical to have in a home doesn’t it?”
“you’re not looking at bigger picture here; every year people complain about the amount of camera lenses apple adds to the latest iphone but yet they still go out of their way to buy it for a ridiculous price and you wanna know why this happens..?”
he quirks an eyebrow up signalling for you to continue suddenly intrigued to hear your conclusion.
“because consumers, especially tech nerds, love getting their hands on the newest inventions. it doesn’t matter how impractical it is, just knowing they possess something so expensive and high tech gives them this sort of euphoric high.”
“huh, i guess that reasoning never crossed my mind…you should definitely donate your brain to science.” a low dry chuckle passes from his lips and a frown tugs upon yours as you lift your hips to glide all the way up to the tip of his cock then slam yourself down earning a desperate throaty groan from the man below you.
“keep laughing and you won’t be cumming tonight.”
and at that all suguru could do is fondly smile to himself. you keep him on his toes everyday; always unpredictable with your actions and words. never in a million years could suguru see himself stopping sex midway to have an out-of-the-blue conversation about touchscreen television. this was one of your many quirks that made him gravitate towards you and crave for your spontaneous persona to find it’s way into his life.
“whatever you say goes my love, now can we please go back to fucking?”
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
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trivialbob · 10 months
All this mall walking I'm doing, a track suit and Velcro-fastened shoes may be in my future.
Today I started at Southdale. It is the nation's first indoor mall. I grew up nearby. Friends and I would bike or take a city bus to get there. The stereo store and Woolworths were my favorites.
It's not a bad place now, but like some malls these days it has low attendance. Good parking spots are plentiful.
The Apple store was the only busy place. Others were, like Bed Bath & Beyond's checking account, mostly empty.
I hate to go in and browse if I'm the only customer. Either an eager employee will want to talk to me or a sullen one will glare, thinking I could interrupt the time he or she is spending on the phone. Being lost in a light crowd is my preferred browsing experience.
Southdale isn't much of a hangout for young people. The few teens I saw mostly concentrated on their screens. Maybe the stores could have doorways that look like big iPhones, to get the kids' attention.
Having a dollar store surely isn't a good sign for a mall, nor is one that just sells candy and chips. One end of the building had a lot of vacancies. Festive signs cover windows, or clothes from other stores that are still open are displayed.
Southdale is like a 10-year-old red haired Golden Retriever, that good boy whose smiling face has turned white. I have fond memories of the mall of my youth, when it had the energy of a puppy. Now it naps a lot and has a difficult time with stairs (one of Macy's escalators was out of order). You start to wonder if it will be around next year.
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The good news is that a huge athletic club repurposed a JCPenny store, and a really nice grocery store is taking over where Marshalls(?) used to be. There's still hope for the old boy.
After I walked both levels I crossed the street to the The Galleria, the mall with higher-end stores. There I had a hard time finding a parking spot.
Williams Sonoma and Crate & Barrel are awesome. A $2000 espresso has now been added to my letter to Santa. A more moderately priced martini glass also got my attention. I would have bought a pair of them, but the checkout line was too long for me for an impulse purchase.
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There's a Yeti store in that mall that I hadn't seen before. That was a great place to look around. Note to young people working a first job: When a well dressed $$$ customer asks a very specific question about a $450 item it doesn't sound good to start your reply with "Uh, yeah like maybe..."
I want some new eyeglasses. Warby Parker had a few frames I liked. We'll see (hahaha). These frames look much better and not so wide in person than in this photo, I think. As I always do with glasses, I'll bring my wife with some other time for help selecting.
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autolenaphilia · 10 months
Apple has the worst fans in the whole of tech. Like people complain about Linux users having a superiority complex, while Apple fans makes fucking Arch Linux users look humble. And they are unhinged in general, I've seen several of them go on deranged rants against open source software.
And that's because Apple products are severely overpriced Veblen goods, conspicuous consumption for the digital age. Like you are paying for the Apple brand to show that you have money. That's the cause of superiority complex of Apple fans, it's class snobbery.
That's why iphones and Macs have such distinct looks, but aren't really that capable, they are meant to be shown off.
Like with Apple, you are often paying more for less, and that's the point. Macs cost a ton but are fairly low-spec for that price range. And they are far less durable and repairable than a far cheaper Thinkpad. And iphones cost more but have objectively less functionality than cheaper phones, like no headphone jack. Apple's software with its proprietary walled garden policy further limits its users in what they can do with their tech.
And that's the point, it's not for the person who has a limited budget and want to make their money spent on tech count, it's for someone who buys phones/computers at least in part for the brand, and to show how off how much money that have. An Apple product a status symbol rather than a practical tool.
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moonshinemusings · 2 years
Random TF 141 + friends headcanons (Pt.4)
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Warnings: mentions of drinking
• Rodolfo was that one kid who thought chocolate milk came from brown cows. Alejandro constantly teased him about it for years
• You know those protein bars you can buy at like every corner store? Yeah, Gaz hates them with passion and would rather starve than eat one
• As a kid, König only ate apples if they were cut into slices
• Soap particularly loved painting when he was a kid, the passion for arts has always been present in his life
• If Farah didn't do what she does as a living, she'd love to have her nails done professionally. She's always loved the idea of low-key but well-made and beautiful pieces, but never had the chance to wear them
• Valeria only uses one specific brand of nail polish. That's the only one she trusts and knows won't get ruined, even when doing stuff she usually does (running errands etc)
• The iPhone morning alarm sound gives Gaz heart attacks no matter how many times he hears it. It's literally the flashback meme for him
• Laswell doesn't like driving. She does travel by car to work and usually she's the one behind the wheel when going somewhere with her wife (she's an acts of service type of person), but she doesn't particularly enjoy it
• Rodolfo hates strong smells like gasoline or bleach. Naturally he got used to them fast, but that doesn't mean they don't bother his nose
• König has the full collection of those colorful McDonald's glasses (the Fifa World Cup 2018 ones)
• Ghost rarely drinks to begin with, but he has a specific dislike for beer. Don't know where it came from, he just doesn't like the taste
• Nikolai has such a high alcohol tolerance there isn't anyone who comes near his level on the team. The closest anyone has ever been to beating him was when Price and Laswell managed to keep up with him for a while, but then both of them ended up knocked out on the counter. Nik had to take them home and the next day he didn't stop teasing them about it
• Back to my Hay Day dumbassery for a second - somehow Valeria's level passed everyone in a couple of weeks and you better believe Alejandro was super jealous. Unsurprisingly, Soap and Gaz also argued about it
• Horangi didn't even know the game until he saw König play one day. The latter finds it quite relaxing, especially because of the animals and chance to decorate. He's that one player who has a bunch of decorations all over his farm, somehow looking horribly out of place yet put together at the same time. He's also the friend who helps with requests and does the best he can at Valley season. He feels bad every time he can't feed his animals, so he always makes sure he has every crop and component needed for stuff he has to make. Sometimes the game stresses him out like that, but it's mostly to help his mind relax
• Horangi forgets to play a lot to be honest. He only started because König begged him until he gave in, but he can't be bothered enough to play all the time when off duty. Even then, his farm is simple but effective: buys only the stuff he needs and doesn't really care about additional details (yes, König takes offense to how plain his game looks)
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How Apple could open its App Store without really opening its App Store
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Last week, Mark Gurman published a blockbuster story in Bloomberg, revealing Apple’s plan to allow third-party Ios App Stores to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act. Apple didn’t confirm it, but I believe it. Gurman’s sourcing was impeccable:
This is a huge deal. While Apple’s “curated” approach to software delivers benefits to users, those benefits are unreliable. As I explain in a new post for EFF’s Deeplinks blog, Apple only fights for its users when doing so is good for its shareholders. But when something is good for Apple shareholders and bad for its customers, the shareholders win, every time:
To see how this works, just consider Apple’s record in China. First, Apple removed all working VPN apps from its Chinese App Store, to facilitate state spying on its Chinese customers:
Then Apple backdoored its Chinese cloud servers, to further facilitate state surveillance of Chinese Iphone owners:
Then, just last month, Apple neutered Airdrop’s P2P file-sharing in order to help the Chinese state in its campaign to stamp out protests:
Apple claims that its App Store is a fortress that protects its users against external threats. But the Iphone is designed to block its owners from choosing rival app stores, which means that when Apple betrays its customers, the fortress walls become prison walls. Governments know this, and they rely on it when they demand that Apple compromise its customers to totalitarian surveillance:
Now, there’s an interesting contrast here. When the DFBI demanded that Apple backdoor its devices to aid in the prosecution of the San Bernardino shooters, Apple took its customers’ side, bravely refusing to compromise its devices:
That was the right call to make. Does it mean that Apple doesn’t value privacy for its Chinese customers’ privacy as much as it values it for American customers? Does it mean that Apple respects the CCP more than it respects the FBI?
Not at all. It just means that China was able to threaten Apple’s shareholders in ways that the DoJ couldn’t. Standing up to the Chinese government would threaten Apple’s access to 350 million middle-class Chinese potential customers, and an equal number of Chinese low-waged workers who could be tapped to manufacture Apple devices under brutal labor conditions at rock-bottom prices.
Standing up to the FBI didn’t threaten Apple’s shareholders the way that standing up to the CCP would, so Apple stood up for its American users and sold out its Chinese users.
But that doesn’t mean that US Apple customers are safe. In the US, Apple defends its customers from rival commercial threats, but actively prevents those customers from defending themselves against Apple’s own commercial threats.
Famously, Apple took its customers side over Facebook’s, adding an amazing, best-in-class, one-click opt-out to tracking, which is costing Facebook $10 billion per year. You love to see it:
On the other hand…Apple secretly continued to its customers’ clicks, taps, gestures, apps and keystrokes, even after those customers explicitly opted out of tracking, and used that data to build nonconsensual dossiers on every Ios owner for use in its own ad-targeting business:
Apple defended its customers against Facebook’s predation, but not its own. When Apple’s shareholder interests are on the line, Apple’s App Store becomes a prison, not a fortress: because Apple controls which software you can install, it can (and does) block you from installing apps that extend its block on commercial surveillance to Apple itself.
Then there’s the app tax. Apple charges app makers a 30% commission on all their sales, which means that certain businesses literally can’t exist. Take audiobooks: audiobook sellers have 20% gross margins on their wares. If they sell their audiobooks through apps and pay a 30% vig to Apple, they lose money on every sale. Thus, the only Ios app that will sell you an audiobook is Apple’s own Apple Books.
Apple Books requires authors and publishers to wrap their books in Apple’s DRM, and the DMCA makes it a felony to supply your own readers with a tool to convert the books you published to a rival’s format. That means that readers have to surrender every book they’ve bought on Apple Books if you switch platforms and ask them to follow you. It’s not just social media that turns creators into digital sharecroppers.
It’s not any better when it comes to the businesses that can eke out an existence under the app tax’s yoke. These businesses pass their extra costs on to Apple’s customers, who ultimately bear the app tax burden. Because every app maker has to pay the app tax, they all tacitly collude to hike their prices. And because mobile is a duopoly, the app tax is also buried in every Android app, because Google has exactly the same app tax as Apple (Google will also be forced to remove barriers to third-party app stores under the DMA).
All this to say that it is a terrible error to impute morals or values to giant corporations. Apple and Google are both immortal colony organisms that view human beings as inconvenient gut flora. They are remorseless paperclip-maximizing artificial life forms. They are, in other words, limited liability corporations.
“If you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product” sounds good, but it’s absolutely wrong. You can’t bribe a paperclip-maximizing colony organism into treating you with dignity by spending money with it. Companies’ treatment of you depends on what they can get away with — not their “personalities.” Apple doesn’t respect privacy — it thinks it can make more paperclips by giving some of its customers some privacy. As soon as Apple finds a way to make more paperclips by spying on those you (say, by starting its own internal adtech business), it will spy on you, and the $1000 you spent on your Iphone will not save you.
Once you understand that corporate conduct is a matter of power, not personality, then you understand that the way to prevent companies from harming you is to meet their power with countervailing power. This is why tech worker unions matter: organized labor has historically been the most important check on corporate power, which is why tech companies are so vicious in the face of union drives:
Beyond labor, two other forces can discipline corporate conduct: regulation and competition. The biggest threat to a business’s customers is that business’s own shareholders. A company might defend its customers against a rival, but they will never defend its customers against its own shareholders.
Regulation and competition both impose costs on shareholder who abuse their customers: regulation can punish bad conduct with fines that come out of shareholder profits, and competition can create a race to the top as businesses seek to poach each others’ customers by offering them progressively better deals.
Which brings me back to the DMA, the EU’s pending regulation forcing Apple to open its app store, and Apple’s leaked plans to comply with the regulation. This is (potentially) great news, because rival app stores can offer Apple customers an escape hatch from mandatory surveillance and price-gouging.
But the devil is in the details. There are so many ways that Apple can use malicious compliance to appear to offer a competitive app marketplace without actually doing so. In my article for EFF, I offer a checklist of fuckieries to watch for in Apple’s plans:
• Forcing software authors in Apple’s Developer Program. Not only does this force developers to pay Apple for the privilege of selling to Iphone owners, but it also forces them to sign onto a Bible-thick EULA that places all kinds of arbitrary limits on their software. It’s not enough for Apple to open up to rival app stores — it also must not sabotage rivals who produce competing SDKs for Ios.
• Forcing App Store criteria on rival app stores. Apple mustn’t be permitted to turn legitimate vetting for security or privacy risks into editorial control over which apps Ios users are allowed to use. Apple may not want to carry games that highlight labor conditions in high-tech manufacturing sweatshops:
And it may object to apps that track US drone killings of civilians abroad:
But those arbitrary editorial conditions shouldn’t be imposed on rival app stores.
• Taxing rival app stores for “security vetting.” Apple is not the only entity qualified to assess the security of apps:
and it’s just as capable as its rivals of making grave errors:
It’s fine to say that app stores must submit to third-party security certification, but they should be free to choose Apple out of a field of qualified privacy certifiers.
• Requiring third-party app stores to process payments with Apple. The app tax should be disciplined by competition. Allowing Apple to extract 30% from transactions in its rivals’ app stores would defeat the whole purpose of the DMA.
• Arbitrarily revoking third party app stores. It’s foreseeable that some third-party app stores would be so incompetent or malicious that Apple could revoke their ability to operate on Ios devices. However, if Apple were to pretextually shut down third-party app stores, it could sour Iphone owners off the whole prospect of getting apps elsewhere.
Apple must not be permitted to use its power to shut down app stores in an anti-competitive way, but distinguishing pretextual shutdowns from bona fide ones is a time-consuming, fact-intensive process that could leave customers in limbo for years.
One way to manage this is for regulators to dangle massive fines for pretextual shutdowns. In addition to this, Apple must make some provision to continue its customers’ access to the apps, media and data from the app stores it shuts down.
All of this points to the role that regulators pay, even (especially) when it comes to disciplining companies through competition. The DMA is overseen by the EU Commission, which has the power to investigate, verify and approve (or reject) the standards that Apple sets for privacy, security, and app stores themselves. The Commission should anticipate and fund the regulators needed to manage these tasks quickly, thoroughly and efficiently.
Finally, Europeans shouldn’t have all the fun. If Apple can do this for Europeans, it can do it for every Apple device owner. If you bought an Ios device, it’s yours, not Apple’s, and you should have the right to technological self determination that Europeans get when it comes to deciding which software it runs.
Image: Electronic Frontier Foundation https://www.eff.org/files/banner_library/eu-flag-11.png
CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
[Image ID: An EU flag. The blue background has a fine tracery of etched circuitry.]
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lunarsilkscreen · 6 months
Value of Money
"When demand on [currency] goes up, its value goes down." - shameless self quote
I've written at length about the axiom I'm claiming to have invented. Now; I wanna go into the chain of events that lead to this axiom.
Many will decry Bernie Sander's and the Democrats, and socialists, and liberal media for using [minimum wage increase] as a key position. This is because arguably; the price of the things that those living on minimum wage might buy will increase in value.
Like food stuffs; which doesn't increase in purchase rates when consumers have more money to spend. It increases in price when it costs more to produce. However; a lot of food {nearly half in America} goes to waste (it goes bad before use). Which suggests; that farmers overproduce expecting that most of their produce goes to waste.
This ensures that ingredients are really available when you or I go to purchase them. Prices on unprocessed raw ingredients and bulk foodstuffs remain fairly stagnant. Because most prices that Farmers have to pay are to their corporate overlords, like Monsanto, or their local credit Union. (And to a lesser extent property taxes on land zoned for agriculture)
What we are seeing now isn't a price hike on the low end raw ingredients; but on processed foods, sodas, alcohol, fish, meat and dairy.
Why is this?
Well; we must first ask: why are those working minimum wage jobs asking for wage increases at all?
This has to do with the total cost of living. Electric and water prices remain a concern for your average person; and since the entire world is digital now; electricity usage rates are at an all time high.
Then the fact that the housing market is at an all time high, and prices to rent, along with discerning landlords; means that the bottleneck is at these prices (housing) overall, and to a lesser extent; prices of food that pay money to individuals who work in the supply chain after it leaves the farm.
Brand new video games after all are still 15-60$. So it's not entertainment's fault. Tesla might've increased the cost of their newest car; but that's more likely because Tesla's sales overall have dropped.
The value of money drops when demand on it increases.
What causes higher demand on currency? One could say that it's greedy people being greedy. Asking for more money because they can and that's it. They want the latest iPhone and Tesla Truck! Every year! (As opposed to when you need to buy one and can afford new)
It's not that. It's Debt. When the bank comes knocking, then the Lendees (the ones who borrowed money) need to pay it back; and before you go off on college students who are still working minimum wage because jobs can't afford to hire them; remember--This is affecting corporations like Tesla, Apple, Google, and Disney
All of who have cut back spending, and are still having trouble meeting their obligations.
(But record profits!)
Profits include money made over money spent, but not necessarily money borrowed. Because money borrowed is an operating cost. With a monthly payment to repay the loan; record profits could be made, and the company still needs to worry about paying back that loan.
Which means they (the corporations) expect sales to continue decreasing.
The National Debt (the amount of money currently in circulation, including bonds and other obligations) is *not* the same as the cumulative debt in the nation (the total amount of debt held by individuals and company's and any-entity-else the banks have lent to) which is a far more important indicator.
The National Debt goes down as tax money is collected and returned to the federal government. But the cumulative debt only goes down as people make a profit, and pay theirs back. This includes workers at minimum wage (who need to afford homes and a vehicle to get to work on time, or a bus pass if they live near a bus station that also goes to their place of work.)
Web search about the ease (or difficulty) to get a loan right now returns results like this article from CNN that talks about the decrease of loans being given out. Loan rejections are up for people with low indicator of default (failure to make payments.)
The banks aren't giving money as freely because they also have met their limits. And so we have this [inflation] issue. Debts can't be paid, so people raise prices in order to pay their debts on time; rising prices mean less sales, less sales mean more defaults, and the cycle continues.
Which again suggests outright; demand on currency is high. Demand on goods? Very low. Luxury Goods? Even lower.
Will increasing minimum wage help? Will forgiving debts? Will we be able to escape this black hole? Find out on the next episode of; "Somehow the entire world is in debt to itself, and it can't pay itself back."
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travel-with-us2025 · 7 days
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Transparent TWS, Capless Design, BT V5.3 Color True Wireless Stereo Earbuds, Silicone In-Ear, Touch Button, Hands-Free Headset, Digital Display Of Battery Capacity, Low Latency Low Power Headset, Auto-On, Ergonomic Design, Dual Connection 🎉 Coupon price[10.86$] 👉 item link: https://temu.to/k/ekoov3ylhaw ⚠️ The discount may vary, please refer to the page display.
#airpods #iphone #apple #airpodspro #applewatch #pro #promax #samsung #plus #ipad #caseiphone #ios #airpodscase #iphonex #appleiphone #case #l #ipadpro #tech #s #bluetooth #technology #k #applewatchseries #music #headphones #xiaomi #earbuds #macbook #appleairpods
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jaaduse · 5 months
Welcome to Jaadu Se : Shop the Latest, Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Apple Products, iPhone , iPad , Watch & Premium Accessories
Jaadu Se, a proud division of iZone Digital India Private Limited, is where magic meets technology! 🎩✨ We're here to sprinkle enchantment into your shopping experience and turn every wish into a reality! 💫
At Jaadu Se, we believe in our tagline, Jaadu SE - ab hogi sabki wish puri, which means "Magic Happens - now everyone's wish will come true". 💫
Step into our mystical realm, where we offer an enchanting array of mobile phones, tablets, smartwatches, and earbuds from top brands like Apple, Samsung, VIVO, Realme, Nokia, Google Pixel, Xiaomi, and OnePlus. From the latest gadgets & Low Budgets to trendy accessories and tech-savvy solutions, we've got everything you need and more!
Explore our curated collection and discover hot deals on your favorite brands. Don't miss out on our Weekly offers and best deals, where you can score amazing discounts on must-have products! 🛍️✨
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marketkar · 6 months
mobile phone
4 minutes, 10 seconds Read 
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POCO has finally confirmed a date on screen for its new phone , it carries screen-to-body ratio of 93.3% at it as minimal possible art . It will carry a 7.69mm slim body. The company has confirmed LED screen for the PREMIUM ART . The TEAM confirms 108MP rear camera for the phone, blue and golden colours, but we can expect more colours possible and wish for our choice. Based on earlier news the phone will be renamed, the phone will be a rebranded version of the Redmi Note 13R Pro 5G which was launched in China last year, so we can expect a 6.67-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen, Dimensity 6080 SoC (Rebranded Dimensity 810) SoC, 108MP + 2MP rear cameras, 16MP front camera, Side-mounted fingerprint sensor, Infrared sensor, 3.5mm audio jack, and a 5000mAh (typical) battery with 33W fast charging. The phone will be sold on Flipkart, similar to other POCO phones. Since the phone will compete with realme 12, it is expected to be priced in Rs. 17,000 range. A Mobile Phone in this day and age of this running era are far more than just tools for communication on the move, not for only calling or messaging it contains our world in it The MARKETKAR.IN is just one click away from you table we take you to the new mono world of best category mobile phone timeline its where about issues relevant to you and your mobile.…let me take you to know whenever new launch with new camera features on any Web pages will get you notified on this website telling you about mobile relevant information and news some of which could save time and money. Ever wondered how the Apple name came to be and why? Well here is how it all began. Who new Jobs was on one of his “mid full days ” and had just come back from an apple farm and thought the name sounded fun, spirited and not intimidating in anyway. That’s how it work choice of your thought your choice matters . Chose it wisely from latest mobile series’s from MARKETAR.IN The very first iPhone was personally announced in early 2007 by Steve Jobs himself from the ground up suffice to say that they have not only led the whole SmartPhone industry but have also revolutionised the mobile phone into SmartPhones that we see today, to put it quite simply they more or less shrunk a Mac laptop computer to fit into the palm of your hand coupled with great aesthetics in terms of design, with their great desktop and laptop computers they produced. A natural transition for Apple
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Apple’s latest iPhone 15 series is still fresh in the market, which means that the best Apple iPhone 15 prices far off the original retail price. We’ll likely see some worthy price cuts during this year’s Black Friday sale son but the more significant savings will be record-low iPhone 14 prices instead, as part of the early Apple Black Friday deals. The standard iPhone 15 has a starting price of 80k, with the iPhone 15 Plus sitting at 90 k and the iPhone 15 Pro at 99. Only the iPhone 15 Pro Max was given a higher starting price than the previous year , but it now has 256GB of storage at a minimum, instead of the original 128GB, making it more on par with the original iPhone 14 Pro Max price. The best iPhone 15 deals are usually found through new contract offers and by trading in your old handset. If you’re not on fussed choosing and owning the latest Apple smartphone, or one of the best iPhones for photography at all, then take a look at our guides to the best camera phones in 2023, as well as the best Samsung Galaxy S23 prices for Android fans
Pre booking of upcoming variety of phone’s available at MARKETKAR.IN in today’s rapidly growing world in tech landscape staying updated is the most demanding thing today. Know your latest smart gadget at very cost friendly part With it’s essentials. The wide variety and range choices in latest mobile phone what set apart the competition in best price market with latest design at the effective cost with warranty Key features like 5g connectivity advance camera systems revolutiozing mobile photography with multiple mode added with advance technology.
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mariacallous · 1 year
If you had battery-related performance issues on an older iPhone—and you got in on a class-action lawsuit against Apple six years ago—you could soon receive some payback for your trouble.
According to a statement released by the law office involved in the suit against Apple, the tech giant will soon have to pay out up to $500 million to customers affected by its throttling of iPhones that had older batteries. The so-called Batterygate scandal affected people using iPhones in the 6, 6S, and 7 families, as well as the original SE model, and stems from complaints from users that Apple purposely slowed down the devices after they installed software updates. Apple hasn’t admitted any wrongdoing, instead positing that its practice of deliberately slowing down its phones wasn’t a technique to get people to buy a newer device but rather a safety measure to keep the phones from shutting down when the battery got too low.
The checks will be doled out to the roughly 3 million people who filed claims for the lawsuit, which works out to somewhere between $65 and $90 per person. It’s too late to make a claim now—the deadline to join the suit passed in October 2020.
Here’s some more news about the stuff on your phone.
Premium Prime 
Bad streaming music news for anyone who’s somehow not on Spotify or Apple Music: Amazon’s music streaming service is getting more expensive.
The price hike from $9 to $10 was revealed by a FAQ page on Amazon’s Music site, spotted by The Hollywood Reporter. The increase is relatively small and will apply to Amazon Prime members with Unlimited Music plans and family plans. But it’s part of a trend of streaming services putting the squeeze on their customers. The cost of a Spotify Premium subscription went up by a buck last month after 12 years without an increase. Hulu and Disney+ are getting more expensive later this year. Netflix has cracked down on password sharing and introduced a paid ad-supported tier. And don't forget that HBO Max removed gobs of content from its platform. Amazon Music doesn’t seem to be ditching any of its songs quite yet—or banning password sharing—but clearly the Amazonian overlords want to squeeze a little more out of the platform.
Muting TikTok
A recent Reuters poll shows that nearly half of Americans approve of the US banning the social media app TikTok. (Disclosure: Yes, WIRED is on TikTok.)
US lawmakers have been talking about tanking TikTok for years now, citing concerns that the app’s Chinese parent company ByteDance could share Americans’ user data with the Chinese government or that the app could serve as a software backdoor for Chinese spyware. Pundits and members of Congress have posited the TikTok ban as a push to protect privacy, even though the issue is more due to international tensions between the US and China. (Cue the I Think You Should Leave “you sure about that?” clip.)
The process of actually banning the app from US soil would be laborious and controversial. Montana is going to give it a shot in 2024, when its recently passed TikTok ban goes into effect. Enforcing a ban will be nigh impossible, since users could likely circumvent the rules by using a VPN to make it appear that they are in another location or by simply downloading the app while they are traveling to another state.
Stay Cool
It’s getting hotter here on planet Earth. Heat waves intensify, oceans warm, and wildfires worsen. And all the while, humans—and everything else living on the planet—pay the price. Human influence has undeniably altered the weather of the world, and as we hurtle along in a climate emergency, it’s only going to grow hotter and more unstable.
This week on the Gadget Lab podcast, WIRED’s resident doomsday reporter, Matt Simon, joins the show to talk about extreme heat, why it keeps getting warmer, and how we might be able to adapt.
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govindhtech · 1 year
IPhone 15 production before its launch next month
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The company Apple, citing “Demand Concerns,” is expected to reduce iPhone 15 production in advance of the device’s launch the following month
We are hearing fresh insights about the smartphone and what it will have to offer, and the launch of the iPhone 15 by Apple is just a few days away at this point. Since its release, the iPhone 14 has not been considered by customers to be one of the most desirable models of the iPhone line. This is due to the fact that the device is almost indistinguishable from the iPhone 13 in terms of both its appearance and its capabilities.
The corporation is getting ready to deliver significant new features with the iPhone 15, in order to combat the poor demand. However, reports have surfaced suggesting that Apple would implement production constraints on the iPhone 15 in response to a combination of the two primary reasons outlined below.
As a result of problems with the supply chain, Apple is anticipating lower sales forecasts for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models
Analyst Jeff Pu claims that Apple is reducing manufacturing for the iPhone 15 in preparation for the release of the new model. When compared to the iPhone 14, which was released the year before, this indicates that there would be a less number of iPhone variants available. According to the analyst, shipments have been reduced from 83 million units to 77 million units, and there is a clear reason why the corporation could be looking into it.
There is a high probability that manufacturing troubles may arise when Apple releases the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models, both of which will have significant hardware and design updates. According to the expert, the delay is caused by the new Sony camera sensors, lower bezels on the iPhone 15 Pro, and the new grade 5 titanium construction of the smartphones. These three factors together contribute to the delay. If the firm can not come up with an adequate solution, the high manufacturing costs of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro might result in some small supply shortages.
Another issue that was cited by the expert was Apple’s worry about demand. Because of the prolonged global recession, the buying power of end users has been seriously harmed. Apple is concerned about demand. This indicates that there is a possibility of a decrease in demand for the iPhone 15 models by the corporation. As a result, Apple will need to make significant modifications to its flagship smartphones in order to stimulate consumer demand.
Aside from the buying power of the consumer, it is anticipated that the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models would both cost more than the variants that are now available. If Apple really wants for its iPhone 15 models to be successful, the company will need to limit the price increase to a low, even if this requires the company to reduce its profit margins for a period of time. The corporation has revised its forecast for the number of sales it will make because it believes that demand will be lower than normal, despite the fact that this outcome is very improbable.
As was announced before, Apple will have a press event on September 12 to introduce the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models, and the handsets will be available for purchase on September 22. Please keep in mind that the information presented here is only speculative at this point, since Apple has the right to make the ultimate decision. Make sure you remain around so that we can keep you up to speed on the most recent information.
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charleneadam · 1 year
Remarkable Features of the iPhone 15 Pro Max
The iPhone 15 Pro Max is Apple's latest flagship smartphone, and it's packed with impressive features. Here's a closer look at some of the most notable ones:
Design and Build
The iPhone 15 Pro Max features a sleek and modern design with a titanium frame and Corning-made glass on both the front and back. It's also IP68-rated, making it water and dust-resistant.
The titanium frame is stronger and more durable than aluminum, and it also gives the phone a more premium look and feel. The Corning-made glass is also very durable, and it's resistant to scratches and cracks.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max is also slightly thinner and lighter than its predecessor, the iPhone 14 Pro Max. This makes it more comfortable to hold and use, even for extended periods of time.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a stunning 6.7-inch LTPO Super Retina XDR OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, HDR10, Dolby Vision, and a peak brightness of 2000 nits. This means that you can enjoy your favorite content in stunning clarity and detail.
The 120Hz refresh rate makes animations look incredibly smooth and fluid. HDR10 and Dolby Vision provide a wider range of colors and brighter contrast, resulting in more realistic and immersive visuals.
The peak brightness of 2000 nits makes the display easy to see, even in bright sunlight. This is especially useful when you're using your phone outdoors or in other well-lit environments.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max is powered by the latest A17 Pro chip, which is built on a 3nm process. This makes it one of the fastest smartphones on the market, capable of handling even the most demanding tasks with ease.
The A17 Pro chip is also very efficient, so you can expect to get long battery life from the iPhone 15 Pro Max.
Camera System
The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a triple-lens camera system on the back, consisting of a 48MP wide-angle lens, a 12MP periscope telephoto lens with 5x optical zoom, and a 12MP ultrawide lens. This system takes stunning photos and videos in any lighting condition.
The 48MP wide-angle lens captures more detail than ever before, and it also performs better in low light. The 12MP periscope telephoto lens provides 5x optical zoom, which is the most on any iPhone to date. This makes it possible to zoom in on distant objects without losing any detail.
The 12MP ultrawide lens captures a wide field of view, making it perfect for capturing landscapes and group photos.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max also has a new ProMotion camera system that features a faster autofocus system and improved low-light performance.
Video Recording
The iPhone 15 Pro Max can record 4K video at up to 60 frames per second. It also supports HDR10 and Dolby Vision HDR recording.
The new ProMotion camera system also features improved video stabilization, making it easier to capture smooth and steady videos.
Battery Life
The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a large 4422mAh battery that can easily last a full day on a single charge. It also supports fast wired and wireless charging, so you can quickly top it up when needed.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max officially hit the market in September 2023, with an initial price point of 230,000 BDT in Bangladesh. This price applies to the 8GB 256GB variant, while the higher-storage variants are expected to command higher prices. It caters to a wide range of preferences and needs.
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How to Choose the Right iPhone Repair Service: Tips for iPhone Owners
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Your iPhone is more than just a smartphone; it’s an essential part of your daily life. When it malfunctions or gets damaged, finding the right iPhone repair service becomes crucial. With numerous repair shops and services available, it can be challenging to make the right choice. This guide provides you with valuable tips to help you select the best iPhone repair service and ensure your device is in capable hands.
Check for Certification and Expertise
The first step in choosing the right iPhone repair service is to verify the technician’s qualifications and expertise. Ensure that the technicians are certified by Apple or have undergone specialized training in iPhone repairs. Apple Certified Technicians (ACT) are well-equipped to handle your device’s repairs and ensure that genuine Apple parts are used, maintaining the quality and integrity of your iPhone.
Research the Reputation
Before entrusting your iPhone to any repair service, research their reputation. Read online reviews and testimonials from previous customers. Pay attention to both positive and negative feedback. Consider the overall sentiment and look for recurring themes in reviews. A reputable repair service will have a track record of satisfied customers and positive reviews.
Verify Warranty Policies
If your iPhone is still under warranty, choosing an Apple-authorized repair service is paramount. Using unauthorized repair services may void your warranty, leaving you responsible for all repair costs. Apple-authorized repair centers follow Apple’s guidelines and use genuine Apple parts, ensuring your warranty remains intact. Always ask about warranty policies and ensure they align with Apple’s terms and conditions.
Inquire About Pricing
Comparing prices among different repair services is essential. While affordability is important, be cautious of unusually low prices, as they may indicate the use of inferior parts or subpar workmanship. Request a detailed quote that outlines the cost of parts and labor. A reputable repair service will provide transparent pricing and offer reasonable rates for their services.
Assess Turnaround Time
Consider the time it takes for the repair service to complete the job. A reliable repair center should provide an estimated timeframe for your repair. While a quick turnaround is desirable, quality should not be compromised for speed. Ensure the repair service can deliver your repaired iPhone within a reasonable time frame without sacrificing the quality of the repair.
Ask About Data Privacy and Security
Your iPhone contains personal and sensitive information, so data privacy and security are critical concerns. Inquire about the repair service’s policies regarding data handling and protection. A trustworthy repair service should have strict protocols in place to safeguard your data during the repair process. If you’re uncomfortable with their data policies, consider backing up your data before sending your iPhone for repairs.
Visit the Repair Shop (if possible)
If the repair service has a physical location, visit it to assess the cleanliness, organization, and professionalism of their operation. A well-maintained and organized shop often reflects the quality of their work. Additionally, talking to the technicians in person can help you gauge their knowledge and customer service.
Check for Warranty on Repairs
Reputable iPhone repair services should offer a warranty on their repairs. This warranty demonstrates their confidence in the quality of their work and the parts used. Be sure to understand the terms and duration of the warranty. A typical warranty period is 90 days to one year, but some services may offer longer warranties.
Ask for References
Don’t hesitate to ask the repair service for references from previous customers. Speaking with people who have had their iPhones repaired by the same service can provide valuable insights into their experiences. Ask about the quality of the phone repair, the customer service, and whether they would recommend the service.
Trust Your Instincts
Finally, trust your instincts when making a decision. If a repair service gives you a bad vibe or makes you uncomfortable, it’s better to look elsewhere. Your iPhone is valuable, and you deserve peace of mind when entrusting it to a repair service. Choose a service that makes you feel confident about your abilities and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Selecting the right iPhone repair is essential to ensure your device is repaired properly and efficiently. By considering factors such as certification, reputation, warranty policies, pricing, turnaround time, data privacy, and customer references, you can make an informed decision. Remember that the quality of the repair is as important as the cost, so prioritize reliability and professionalism when choosing a repair service for your iPhone.
Q: 1 What should I consider when choosing an iPhone repair service?
A : Look for certified technicians, genuine parts, warranties, and customer reviews to ensure a reliable and trustworthy repair service.
Q: 2  Is it important to choose an authorized Apple repair center?
A : Authorized centers guarantee genuine Apple parts and highly trained technicians, providing the best quality and warranty support.
Q: 3 How do I compare repair costs among different service providers?
A : Obtain quotes from multiple repair shops, considering quality, turnaround time, and warranty to make an informed cost-effective choice.
Q: 4 Should I prioritize quick repairs or quality service?
A : Balancing both is ideal. Ensure the repair shop can offer timely service without compromising the quality of the repair work.
Q: 5 What questions should I ask the repair service before choosing them?
A : Inquire about their experience, turnaround time, warranty policy, and the types of repairs they specialize in to make an informed decision.
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onedirectdeals · 2 days
Apple iPhone 12, 256GB, White - Unlocked (Renewed Premium)
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: 5G to download movies on the fly and stream high-quality video. Beautifully bright 6.1-inch edge-to-edge Super Retina XDR display. Ceramic Shield with 4x better drop performance. Incredible low-light photography with Night mode on all cameras. Cinema-grade Dolby Vision video recording, editing, and playback. Powerful A14 Bionic chip. The iPhone 12 has it all. Product…
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rsgoind · 2 days
iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Max Comparision
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The iPhone 15 series has created a lot of buzz with its stunning features, improved performance, and sleek design. In this guide, we will break down the differences between the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max to help you decide which one is right for you. Whether you’re looking for a powerful camera system, top-tier performance, or value for money, this comparison will make your decision easier. Table of Contents - Overview of the iPhone 15 Series - Design and Build Quality - Display Comparison - Performance and Processor - Camera Features - Battery Life and Charging - Storage Options - Pricing and Availability - iPhone 15 vs iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 15 Pro Max: Which One Should You Buy? - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. Overview of the iPhone 15 Series Apple's 2024 iPhone lineup introduces three standout models: iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max. Each offers a distinct set of features, but they all share certain traits like improved camera capabilities, better battery efficiency, and a sleek design. Let's dive into the major differences. 2. Design and Build Quality - iPhone 15: It features a sleek aluminum and glass build with curved edges. Available in multiple colors, it appeals to users looking for a stylish yet durable phone. - iPhone 15 Pro: The Pro version is crafted with a premium-grade titanium frame, making it more robust and lighter. It also features a matte glass back, offering a professional look. - iPhone 15 Pro Max: Similar to the Pro in design but larger, the Pro Max feels luxurious with its titanium finish and is the most premium model in the lineup. Key Takeaway: If you value premium materials, the Pro and Pro Max offer superior build quality. 3. Display Comparison - iPhone 15: Comes with a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display, which provides excellent color accuracy and brightness. - iPhone 15 Pro: Also features a 6.1-inch display, but with ProMotion technology (120Hz refresh rate) for smoother scrolling and transitions. - iPhone 15 Pro Max: Boasts a larger 6.7-inch display with ProMotion and always-on display functionality. Key Takeaway: For users who prioritize smooth scrolling or a larger screen, the Pro Max offers the best display experience. 4. Performance and Processor All three models are powered by the A17 Bionic chip, but the Pro and Pro Max versions include a more powerful GPU for better graphic performance, particularly useful for gaming or video editing. - iPhone 15: A17 Bionic chip with a 6-core CPU and 5-core GPU. - iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max: A17 Pro chip with enhanced GPU and Neural Engine for superior AI and machine learning capabilities. Key Takeaway: The Pro and Pro Max models have a performance edge, especially for graphics-intensive tasks. 5. Camera Features - iPhone 15: Dual-camera setup (48MP wide + 12MP ultra-wide) with improved low-light capabilities and Smart HDR 5. - iPhone 15 Pro: Triple-camera system (48MP wide, 12MP ultra-wide, and 12MP telephoto). ProRAW and ProRes support for professional-level photography. - iPhone 15 Pro Max: Includes the same triple-camera system as the Pro but with a 5x optical zoom, which is exclusive to the Pro Max. Key Takeaway: The Pro Max offers the most versatile camera system with its superior zoom and professional photography tools. 6. Battery Life and Charging - iPhone 15: Up to 20 hours of video playback. - iPhone 15 Pro: Slightly better at up to 23 hours. - iPhone 15 Pro Max: Longest-lasting, with up to 29 hours of video playback. All models support fast charging and MagSafe accessories, but the Pro Max takes the crown for battery longevity. 7. Storage Options - iPhone 15: Available in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB options. - iPhone 15 Pro: Comes in 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB variants. - iPhone 15 Pro Max: Similar to the Pro, starting at 256GB and going up to 1TB. If you need extra space for 4K videos, RAW photos, or extensive apps, the Pro Max and Pro offer larger storage capacities. 8. Pricing and Availability - iPhone 15: Starts at $799. - iPhone 15 Pro: Starts at $999. - iPhone 15 Pro Max: Starts at $1,199. Key Takeaway: The Pro models are significantly more expensive, but the price jump is justified by the enhanced camera, build quality, and performance features. 9. iPhone 15 vs iPhone 15 Pro vs iPhone 15 Pro Max: Which One Should You Buy? - iPhone 15: Ideal for casual users who want a powerful phone without the premium price tag. - iPhone 15 Pro: Perfect for users looking for professional-level photography, improved performance, and a premium build. - iPhone 15 Pro Max: Best suited for power users who want the ultimate iPhone experience, with the largest screen, best battery life, and the most advanced camera. If you’re someone who values photography, gaming, or simply wants the best Apple has to offer, the Pro Max is worth the splurge. For most users, however, the iPhone 15 offers excellent value at a lower price. Feature iPhone 15 iPhone 15 Pro iPhone 15 Pro Max Design Aluminum frame, glass back Titanium frame, matte glass back Titanium frame, matte glass back Display 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR + ProMotion 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR + ProMotion Refresh Rate 60Hz 120Hz (ProMotion) 120Hz (ProMotion) Chip A17 Bionic A17 Pro A17 Pro RAM 6GB 8GB 8GB Camera Setup Dual 48MP (wide) + 12MP (ultra-wide) Triple 48MP (wide), 12MP (ultra-wide), 12MP (telephoto) Triple 48MP (wide), 12MP (ultra-wide), 12MP (telephoto) Optical Zoom None 3x Optical Zoom 5x Optical Zoom Video Recording 4K HDR, Dolby Vision 4K HDR, Dolby Vision, ProRes 4K HDR, Dolby Vision, ProRes Storage Options 128GB, 256GB, 512GB 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, 1TB 256GB, 512GB, 1TB Battery Life Up to 20 hours video playback Up to 23 hours video playback Up to 29 hours video playback Charging USB-C, MagSafe USB-C, MagSafe USB-C, MagSafe Face ID Yes Yes Yes 5G Support Yes Yes Yes Weight 171 grams 187 grams 221 grams Price (Starting) $799 $999 $1,199   10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q1: What is the difference between iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max? - The main differences are the screen size and the camera system. The Pro Max has a larger 6.7-inch display and offers a 5x optical zoom, whereas the Pro has a 6.1-inch display and a 3x zoom. Q2: Does the iPhone 15 series support USB-C? - Yes, all models in the iPhone 15 series now feature USB-C charging, making them compatible with more universal charging solutions. Q3: Can I use MagSafe accessories with all iPhone 15 models? - Yes, all iPhone 15 models are compatible with MagSafe accessories, including chargers and cases. Q4: Are the cameras on the iPhone 15 Pro Max better than on the iPhone 15 Pro? - Yes, the iPhone 15 Pro Max features a superior zoom (5x optical) compared to the 3x zoom on the iPhone 15 Pro, making it the better option for photographers who need more reach. Q5: How much better is the A17 Pro chip compared to the A17 Bionic? - The A17 Pro chip in the Pro and Pro Max models has a more powerful GPU and advanced AI capabilities, which can be noticed in gaming, video editing, and machine learning tasks. Read the full article
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alltrade · 4 days
iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB Natural Titanium 5G with FaceTime: A New Era of Performance and Style
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The iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB Natural Titanium 5G with FaceTime, Middle East version, is not just a smartphone—it’s a statement of cutting-edge technology combined with a luxurious design. This latest release from Apple is packed with premium features that make it the ultimate choice for tech enthusiasts, professionals, and those who seek elegance in their everyday devices. At Alltrade.ae, we bring you the best deals on this high-performance phone, ensuring you get your hands on the future of mobile technology.
Sleek and Durable Natural Titanium Design
The first thing that sets the iPhone 15 Pro Max apart is its stunning natural titanium finish. This design not only provides a sleek, modern look but also offers incredible durability. Titanium is known for being lightweight yet incredibly strong, giving you a premium feel while ensuring your phone can withstand everyday wear and tear. With this elegant finish, the iPhone 15 Pro Max truly stands out in terms of both form and function.
Powerful 5G Connectivity
Equipped with 5G capabilities, the iPhone 15 Pro Max allows you to experience ultra-fast internet speeds. Whether you're streaming 4K videos, gaming online, or downloading large files, this phone delivers seamless performance without any lag. The Middle East version ensures that it’s optimized for the region’s 5G networks, giving you uninterrupted connectivity wherever you go.
Unmatched Storage Capacity
With a whopping 512GB of internal storage, you’ll never run out of space for your photos, videos, apps, and documents. Whether you're a professional who needs to store large files or a content creator looking to capture high-quality media, the iPhone 15 Pro Max offers ample space for everything. No need to worry about running out of room ever again.
Next-Level Performance with A17 Bionic Chip
At the heart of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is the groundbreaking A17 Bionic chip, which is the most powerful chip ever in a smartphone. This chip offers lightning-fast performance, enabling smoother multitasking, faster app launches, and immersive gaming experiences. Coupled with the phone’s advanced graphics capabilities, the A17 Bionic ensures your device is ready for the most demanding tasks with ease.
Pro-Grade Camera System
One of the standout features of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is its Pro camera system, which includes advanced triple-lens technology and improved low-light performance. Capture professional-grade photos and videos effortlessly, with 48MP primary sensor, 12MP ultra-wide, and 12MP telephoto lenses. Whether you're taking breathtaking landscape shots or detailed close-ups, the camera system provides you with the tools to get the perfect shot every time.
Additionally, FaceTime on the iPhone 15 Pro Max brings crystal-clear video calls to life, ensuring you stay connected with friends and family around the world.
Enhanced Battery Life and Fast Charging
With the iPhone 15 Pro Max, battery life will never be a concern. The device is equipped with an all-day battery that ensures you can power through your day without constantly reaching for a charger. Plus, with fast charging support, you can recharge your phone to 50% in just 30 minutes, making it perfect for those on the go.
Advanced Privacy and Security Features
Security is paramount when it comes to your smartphone, and Apple has made sure the iPhone 15 Pro Max includes advanced privacy features to protect your personal data. With Face ID, your phone is secured using your face, ensuring only you have access to your device. In addition, iOS 17 offers enhanced security measures to keep your information safe from prying eyes.
Why Buy from Alltrade.ae?
At Alltrade.ae, we offer the Middle East version of the iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB Natural Titanium 5G with FaceTime, ensuring full compatibility with local carriers and services. We provide competitive pricing, fast shipping, and excellent customer service, making us the best choice for your tech needs in the UAE.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max 512GB Natural Titanium 5G with FaceTime is more than just a phone; it’s a complete experience of cutting-edge technology and refined design. Whether you’re looking for high-end performance, superior camera quality, or advanced security, this device delivers on every front. Don’t miss out on this premium smartphone—get yours today from Alltrade.ae and elevate your mobile experience.
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