#applin variants
quillpokebiology · 11 months
orange applin called mandarin?
(this is very much related to a post i made about an applin in an orange)
Pokemon Variants: Mandarinn
Mandarin (also called Orange or Oranginn) is the name for an Applin that inhabits an orange instead of an apple. Despite its name, they don't always inhabit mandarin oranges.
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An Applin that inhabited and orange. They're found mostly in Paldea in parts of the region where oranges are grown, as well as a region South of Unova, where they're the most common.
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If a mandarin Applin inhabited a sweet tasting orange was given the special sweet orange item, it will evolve into an orange appletun. This breed of Appletun was bred to taste like orange pie with a mix of candy oranges. Many beach towns in Paldea have them (as well as pineapple appletun), and they're commonly used for festivals. The sweet oranges on their back are safe to eat, and grow back within a day, however, pulling off the two (2) oranges on the top can hurt them.
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If an orange applin eats a sour orange, or is given the sour orange item, it will evolve into an orange flapple. Orange Flapple use the orange peel to fly. Instead of their body resting on the orange, their lower body has fused with the orange instead. This can make flying for them a bit more difficult because of the added weight, so they're more known for gliding from branch to branch.
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My favorite one for this variant. Orange Dipplin evolve by eating a sticky orange, or their given a syrup apple. They secrete pulpy orange juice from the top of their bodies, which attracts a lot of bug types they can eat but also attracts the unwanted attention of flying types.
//my designs can be used by anyone if you credit me!
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moth-of-everglades · 2 months
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Order Up!
Appletun is one of my all time favorite pokemon and I love thinking of different varieties for them. There will be more to come.
In the meantime, have some Applin and Appletun in the following flavors:
Original Apple
Peach Cobbler
Key Lime Pie
Pumpkin Pie
And with their shiny variants!
(I always forget just how tiny Appletun is until I send them out to autobattle in Violet/Scarlet and it's the cutest thing ever.)
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honoratacarnage · 2 years
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click for better quality!
Some Applin variations! feels good to make some proper variations, it has been a long time... college is dragging me lol but now im on vacation, so if y'all want a request, im free as a bird!
tell me what y'all think!
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ninebaalart · 3 months
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Applin x Snorlax
With a shiny variant!
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keresacheron · 3 months
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icestardragonhc · 2 years
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Paldean variant of the Applin evolutionary line!
It's believed that today's galarian Applins, Flapples and Appletuns evolved directly from the paldean variant as they adapted to a new enviroments and food sources.
Unlike Applin's evolutionary line, they don't live in apple trees or other fruit trees but in and on the ground. They inhabit fields, farms and cities alike on the main continent beneath Galar. These Pokemon live off what the soil provides them like roots and tubers of plants. They also live in city parks and gardens and have been seen digging thru people's trash and compost. Farmers dislike them as they can become pests and destroy entire harvests. This led to them being driven out with various methods, becoming increasingly rare in the wild. While their population is recovering, they are now most often found in cities and suburban areas since there excessive spraying of chemicals is prohibited.
Paldean Applin: Grindle • Derived from ground and inside. Also the name of a rock formation. • It's loosely based on owl moth caterpillars that typically live in the ground
Paldean Flapple: Fletal • Derived from flapping and metal. • Instead of apples, their shell consists of metal and plastic pieces humans threw into the enviroment.
Paldean Appletun: Panetun • Derived from the spanish word for bread and "a ton". • It's a bread. • It's fire type because freshly baked bread is hot and so are they. Bird pokemon will burn themselves trying to eat them.
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I wonder how this place would look in Scarlet...
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The technology in this world is incredible.
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If only this game had similar mechanics to Pokémon Legends.
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That’s not what you say, and you know it.
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You’re telling me I can’t catch the Pokémon in a battle like this?
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I mean, it happened earlier last year.
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If only there was someone out there who could give me the Scarlet book...
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I didn’t. (Nemona’s dad could use a few suggestions for his business.)
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So Miraidon IS a special edition Cyclizar!
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It seems that these labs are in a set order. I thought I could visit the labs in any order I wanted. Considering this game is open and everything.
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Something’s off about Turo...
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Too late!
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The power of teamwork cliche.
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I thought this place would’ve been more bigger...
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Of COURSE he keeps his Miraidon in a Master Ball. (Then again, it DOES suit Miraidon very well.)
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In that case, I’m glad I buddied up with this one.
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If AI were to be put into the story of a Pokémon game, I would’ve expected there to be an AI Pokémon. (Or would that just be Porygon?)
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Never would I hear that the country’s leading researcher died in a Pokémon game.
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Yeah! I thought I’d have to use Thief on a bunch of Pokémon to get one of these!
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That’s what you think.
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Crush the dreams of an innocent man to save the world? Sounds fine by me.
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I was expecting something more spacious.
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Another missed opportunity in this game is not designing the pedestal to look like a Switch Lite. (So the books could act as the cartridges.)
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Of COURSE these types of things can never go easy...
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So, did he capture himself? (I thought he would’ve given me Miraidon so that I could fight against the Pokémon from the other version.)
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Don’t make an Undertale joke.  Don’t make an Undertale joke.  Don’t make an Undertale joke. (I love how they fancied the text up when it comes to the AI.) 
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That has to be the most epic Poké Ball throw I’ve ever seen.
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He would’ve learned the truth sooner or later.
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You mean, it’s not over yet?!
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And THAT’S why you should always carry a Pokémon outside of their Poké Ball.
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So NOW I can send him in?
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It’s about time.
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This must’ve been a very tearjerking scene for some people.
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Guess we’re going that way then.
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You should be glad that the image above this text isn’t a video. Because that would mean I’d have to face legal action. However, I will say that I knew this song would play during the credits. And as promised, I muted the volume while it played out.
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Yeah, as if a group of people actually tested these games and thought they were okay for release.
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Hopefully, those patches were the last few things the model quality assurance team had to work on.
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For those of you who think Satoshi Tajiri didn’t want stuff like this to happen, just remember that he’s been serving as executive producer for the past 2 decades. And unlike a lot of pompous people on Twitter, he’s a reserved man who keeps his personal thoughts to himself. (And so should I.)
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But how do I put him into a box?
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At least I have a Pokémon friend I can travel with permanently.
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You’re a little too late for that, Clavell.
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So it’s like that award from Kalos? Cool!
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I guess that’s how I’ll be able to get that Champion Ribbon on other Pokémon.
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At least I’ll be happy knowing I can school the teachers.
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AND I get to fight the Gym Leaders again? Hopefully, it won’t be just a one-time fight.
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I don’t think it’s all that great. I might have to face... ...HER...
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Technically, I didn’t go to the actual destination point.
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I was hoping I could prepare Miraidon for battles.
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It was a good thing I caught this guy on Pi Day!
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I always thought shiny Cyclizar would be more... ...blue.
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You mean, THAT was the Hall of Fame? No, that doesn’t count! You can’t just have the Pokémon go uncredited for their work. What is up with this country? Everything about the League here is all topsy-turvy!
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I made a wise decision to do a wonder trade.
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That should do it for now. I want to keep playing. But I don’t have a Pokémon with PokéRus. And without any PokéRus, I can’t make them as strong as they’re supposed to be. So until I can get this game to work with Pokémon HOME, it’s back to Sinnoh to train more Pokémon!
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fukushublog · 2 years
i’m fine and we got snowdrift the mask
gonna need a new crab apple
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pokemon-ing · 2 years
This Week’s Themes are “Red” and “Orange”!
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erinscoolart · 29 days
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i made a fakemon design prompter, and immediately rolled a single-type, no evolution, no special features normal type pokemon
so to kick it off and try to make myself feel better about rolling Basic Bitch(tm) right off the bat, here's Impossumble (based off of Australian possums n not oppossums dont @ me)
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I've written the prompt generator steps below, in case it's not clear on your screens/for screenreaders. If you use the prompt generator, please tag me in it! I'd love to see what you come up with
#1 Special Features - d20
1-10 = Nil, go to #2 11-14 = Gender Variants, go to #2 15-18 = Starter Trio, go to #3 19 = Single evo/form legendary, go to #3 20 = Double evo/form legendary. Roll d2 or flip a coin to determine. 1/heads = multiple evolution, 2/tails = multiple forms.
#2 Evolutions - d8
1-3 = no evolutions 4-5 = 1 evolution 6-7 = 2 evolutions 8 = diverging evolutions. Roll additional d4 to determine how evolutions split. On a 1, pokemon splits at first evolution(i.e. snorunt, wurmple, etc). On a 2, pokemon has an unbalanced evolution tree (i.e. Salandit, which only evolves if female, or Applin, which can evolve into three different forms, but only Dipplin evolves a second time). On a 3, pokemon evolves twice, with the split occurring on the third form (i.e. Ralts > Kirlia > Gardevoir OR Gallade). On a 4, pokemon evolves once, but with many variants (i.e. eevee). Roll a d6 to determine number of variants (minimum 3).
#3 Types - d100
Flip a coin/roll a d2 to determine single or dual typing (heads/1 = single type, tails/2 = dual types). For diverging evolutions with dual typing, primary type should usually be the same as the first evolution, however secondary type should be rolled separately for each diverged evolution. For diverging type pokemon with single typing, feel free to roll for each evolution.
Normal = 1-15 Fire = 16-20 Water = 21-25 Grass = 26-30 Electric = 31-35 Ice = 36-40 Fighting = 41-45 Poison = 46-50 Ground = 51-55 * Flying = 56-60 Psychic = 61-65 Bug = 66-70 Rock = 71-75 Ghost = 76-80 Dark = 81-85 Steel = 86-90 Fairy = 91-95 Dragon = 96-100 Pokemon frequently gain additional types as they evolve, so if you roll dual typing, feel free to apply secondary type to evolutions only! * Notes on flying types, the vast vast majority are dual types. If rolling a single type pokemon and landing on flying, roll a d20. On a 1-8, give the pokemon a Normal secondary type. On a 9-18, roll again on the type chart (rerolling if getting flying or normal). On a 19-20, give pure flying type, congrats!!
If you're still stuck for ideas on where to go from here, try using a random animal generator or object generator for additional inspiration!!
Happy rolling, happy drawing!!!
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Pokemon Variants: Pumpkin
(My favorite Applin line variant!) Pumpkin refers to an Applin who hid in a Pumpkin, and its evolutions ended up resembling one.
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(Not Height accurate)
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Applin that go into Pumpkins. Since Applin go into the first fruit or vegetable they find, these Applins eggs usually hatch in Pumpkin patches. They're often seen as pests since multiple usually hatch at a time and steal all the Pumpkins. To prevent this, many farmers have made decoy Pumpkin patches away from the main patches I'm hopes that Appletun or Flapple will decide to lay their eggs there instead. Pumpkin Applin are slower than usual but have higher defense.
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If their pumpkin has a sweet flavor (or they are given the special item, Pumpkin Sweet), they will evolve into the Pumpkin variant of Appletun. Pumpkin Appletun were bred to look like pumpkin pie, with the shedding on their back even being edible and tasting like pumpkin pie. They're often used for parties and are symbols of autumn. In old Galar, it was tradition to feed Pumpkin Appletun fruit and sweets for Samhain celebrations. They symbolize prosperity, abundance, and protection.
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My favorite member of the line. Gives me a mythical forest vibe for some reason. Anyways, Pumpkin Applin evolve into Pumpkin Flapple by choosing a sour pumpkin for protection or eating the Sour pumpkin sweet. While Pumpkin Appletun are seen as a symbol for Autumn, Pumpkin Flapple are symbols of autumn and death. They're also seen as protectors and helping ward away evil spirits. However, they're not loved by everyone, as farmers see them as the worst pests of the line for their quickness and determine to eat their crops.
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Applin evolve into Pumpkin Dipplin when they come across a Juicy Pumpkin, which only grow in Kitakami. They appear the most in the fall, when Pumpkins almost become as plentiful as apples in the region, and they're highly praised there for being a symbol of a good harvest. They're Syrup becomes pumpkin guts, which is thicker and more damaging but less sticky. They're often slower due to their bigger height.
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me! If you want, you can request other Applin variants to draw since these were very fun, and it only took around 30 minutes each.
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foreststarflaime · 2 months
Me and @stargazing-zani were bored so have this list of what partner pokemon the ff7 crew would have
The Banora boys get the Applin variants. Genesis gets a Flapple and Angeal has an Appletun
Genesis also tries to deflect attention onto his much flashier Ceruledge in public tho
Angeal was also given an Aegislash by his father which he nicknamed Buster. Buster has seen too much as it’s passed down to Zack and then Cloud in turn, watching its partners suffer but unable to form the words to comfort them
Hojo tries and tries to get Sephiroth something big, ultra-powerful and intimidating, but Seph is set on the adorable Mew which found him and refused to leave his side. Still a mythical so Hojo lets him keep it but is very miffed
Cloud was adopted by a Galarian Zapdos bc chocobo. I don’t make the rules. I do feel like the character arc the Sobble line goes through fits him really well tho
Zack has an unevolved Rockruff for quite a while. When it eventually does evolve, no matter what time of day it is, it will inevitably evolve into Midday Lycanroc because Zack’s sunny personality is overwhelming
Aerith has a Tinkaton. They’re perfect for each other
I don’t know how to explain it but Mudsdale gives me Tifa vibes, also it was a powerhouse when I had it on my team and I love it
Hojo created a Mewtwo bc all other pokemon rejected him, but it immediately turned on its creator and murders him violently, preventing all problems and fixing everything without the need for time travel
Insane Seph got a Deoxys bc creepy alien. Maybe it is Jenova in this universe and starts corrupting him as soon as he gets it driving him insane
Rufus gets a Houndoom bc that’s basically what Darkstar is anyways
Cait Sith is basically just Meowth already, I don’t need to do much here. Maybe Perrserker to be the version from the Scotland area Pokemon game
Alternatively for Reeve I feel like Duraludon works, bc urban development and it reminds me of the Neo Midgar concepts
Heidegger gets either a Skuntank or a Granbull, idk which but vibes
Hehehe Vincent has a Cofagrigus
I bestow upon Yuffie the honor of Thievul. Loved it on my team and they both have the little shit vibes. She would also be an evil team grunt stealing everyone else’s pokemon tho, and honestly good for her go crazy Yuffie
I know for Kunsel it’s always the hack-y technology vibes. But consider. Always hiding behind a mask, never see his face. Mimikyu
Barret? Absol. Avalanche, impending disaster, perfect
I feel like Rude would like Urshifu
It would be absolutely hilarious to me then if Reno just had an Emolga
Scarlet with a Metagross
Why is Tseng so hard. Inteleon perhaps for the spy-y stuff
For Veld maybe a Wishiwashi for the Turk’s whole stronger in numbers found family thing
Oh dear god while writing this I thought too much about the implications of SOLDIER still existing in a world where pokemon battles replaced normal fighting. Maybe it was an experiment to splice human dna with pokemon to get humans to be able to fight using pokemon moves too? So like you go up against a SOLDIER, faint all 6 of their pokemon and think yay I’ve won, and then the SOLDIER just starts going after your pokemon themselves. They are their own 7th pokemon
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Pardon my immodesty, but I just came up with a really cool idea. XD
This is about a potential future scenario for Momo and Midas, so I'll hide it under a read more. No art this time, just text idea-spewing.
So, while hatching some eggs, I was doing a casual (unsuccessful) shiny skim in an outbreak of Dragalge, and it got me thinking.
I can easily see Momo becoming a Dragon type trainer, if she becomes a trainer at all. And I started fantasizing about what Pokemon she would train.
And naturally, I can't think about Momo without Midas intruding on the train of thought.
Now, for a long time I've known that Midas would be a Grass type trainer. I haven't really thought about what he would train, but I was hit with a glorious, accidentally perfect thought.
The Grass/Dragon type.
Its evolutions are a SOUR variant, and a SWEET variant.
Momo and Midas' taste preferences.
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So then I started thinking of them as a Tate and Liza type Gym Leader set up, where they each have two Pokemon of their type specialty, and their respective Applin evo.
They could of course each have a full team of their respective types. But I ADORE the idea of them having twin/sibling Applins as their starters. Midas would have a female and name her Candy, while Momo would have a male--Bonus points if he's shiny, lol! (I haven't thought of a name for him yet. Smith, maybe? Real original, I know. XD)
I've always liked Flapple WAY more than Appletun. But this could be a chance to turn my opinion on Appletun around. I'm already finding myself with cute images of Midas and his little Candy apple. ^w^
Anyway, that's my idea. Just another "wouldn't it be neat if" to throw on the pile. Thank you for reading, if you did!~
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doktorpeace · 5 months
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Quick shitty sketches of a dumb Pokemon idea I had while driving home today. A convergent evolution variant of Tatsugiri based on sausage rolls, Pandogyuuri. It moves around like an inchworm and is fire/dragon to complete a 'food themed dragon' Fire/Water/Grass core alongside Tatsugiri and the Applin line. She's sooooooooooo cozy and safe inside her bun, nothing could ever get her. I love you food themed Pokemon.
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forgwater · 7 months
About the pokemon twst au I thought about
the whole word document comes with the preface that the au I was thinking about has the twst boys (dorms) as both pokemon gyms in nrc AND the evil team(s) lol
featuring Grim as some regional variant of meowth
the boys get gym pokemon and personal pokemon
and I thought of making the gyms as this
Hertslabyul - Grass
Svanaclaw - Dark
Octavinalle - Water
Scarabia - Ground
Pomefiore - Psychic (yes I know, controversial it's not poison)
Ignyhyde - Steel
Diasomnia - Dragon (I thought about maybe making it fairy)
I'm not against changing some of the pokemon I gave them
We can talk reasons for choosing what pokemon for who and all that if you wanna
Anyways here's the document lol:
Riddle (gym leader- grass)
Gym pokemon: budew, fomantis, roselia          Rematch pokemon: roserade, lurantis, sawsbuck, leafeon, liligant          Personal pokemon: roserade, sinistea/polteagheist, rapidash, seaking              
Gym pokemon: bounsweet, exeggcute                                                  Personal pokemon: cloyster, slurpuff, alcremie, chansey                 
Gym pokemon: cottonee, capsakid                                                        Personal pokemon: rotom, pickachu, mimikyu, oricorio(?)             
Gym pokemon: seedot   Personal pokemon: torchic, togepi
Gym pokemon: cherubi                       Personal pokemon: growlithe
Leona (gym leader- dark)                                                             
Gym pokemon: meowth (alolan), pawniard, mightyena                       Rematch pokemon: persian, mightyena, liepard/incineroar, bisharp/kingambit, mandibuzz                                                Personal pokemon: incineroar, kingambit, absol, pyroar, luxray
Gym pokemon: poochyena, rattata (alolan)                                       Personal pokemon: nickit, raticate (alolan), yungoos         
Gym pokemon: houndour Personal pokemon: cacnea, maractus, rockruff
Azul (gym leader- water)                
Gym pokemon: gyarados, lapras, octillery                             Rematch pokemon: empoleon, gyarados, lapras, omastar, milotic Personal pokemon: malamar, dhelmise, gholdengo/gimmighoul (both forms), dragalge(?)
Gym pokemon: gorebyss, basculin (blue stripe), qwilfish         Personal pokemon: indeedee (male), gorebyss , shiinotic, toedscruel, polteagheist
Gym pokemon: carvanhna, huntail, basculin (red stripe) Personal pokemon: sharpedo, huntail, golisopod, elektross
Kalim (gym leader- ground)                       
Gym pokemon: numel/camerupt, clodsire, donphan, Rematch pokemon: camerupt, seismitoad, golurk, torterra, donphan Personal pokemon: skuawkabilly, ambipom, cufant/copperajah, chatot
Gym pokemon: baltoy/claydol, silicobra/sandacobra, onyx Personal pokemon: sandacobra, arbok, seviper, hitmontop
Vil (gym leader- psychic)                  
Gym pokemon: meditate/medichamp, kirlia/gardevoir, gothorita/gothitelle, hattrem/hatterene Rematch pokemon: medichamp, gardevoir, gothitelle, hatterene, rapidash (galarian) Personal pokemon: altaria, tsareena, glaceon (?), salazzle, leavanny, furfrou(?)
Gym pokemon: hypno(?), mr mime, duosion/reuniclus, jynx Personal pokemon: audino, decidueye, diglett/ dugtrio (alolan), talonflame, smeargle 
Gym pokemon: espurr, flittle Personal pokemon: applin, mankey, scraggy, buneary
Idia (gym leader- steel)
Gym pokemon: klang/klinklang, metang/matagross, duraludon, perrserker Rematch pokemon: klinklang, matagross, aggron, kingambit, duraludon Personal pokemon: rotom, porygon, porygon2, porygon-z, greninja
Gym pokemon: magneton/magnezone, Lucario, steelix, mawile Personal pokemon: beheeyem/ elgyem, orthworm, whynaut/wobuffet
Malleus (gym leader- dragon)            
Gym pokemon: haxorus, hydreigon, salamance, druddigon, tyrantrum Rematch pokemon: haxorus, hydreigon, salamance, druddigon, tyrantrum,   Personal pokemon: relicanth, vanilluxe, chandelure, mismagius, aerodactyl
Gym pokemon: noivern, drampa, drakloak/dragapult, tatsugi Personal pokemon: grimmsnarl, tinkaton, toxtricity, crobat, gengar, obstagoon
Gym pokemon: hakamo-o/kommo-o, gabite/garchomp Personal pokemon: totodile, pachirisu, zebstrika, sandile
Gym pokemon: sligoo/goodra, cyclizar, dragonair/dragonite Personal pokemon: aegislash, noctowl, escavalier, gallade, sirfech’d, rapidash (galarian)
Elite 4
Sam (ghost)
Elite 4 pokemon: runerigus, gengar, banette, spiritomb, hounstone Personal pokemon: politoed, alakazam, mewscarada, runerigus, gengar
Vargas (fighting)
Elite 4 pokemon: machamp, hariyama, conkeldurr, hitmonlee, hitmonchan Personal pokemon: machamp, hariyama, conkeldurr, hitmonlee, hitmonchan
Trein (normal)
Elite 4 pokemon: Persian, delcatty, purugly, cinccino, ratticate Personal pokemon: Persian, delcatty, purugly, liepard, Persian (alolan)
Crewel (poison)
Elite 4 pokemon: revavroom, scolipede, drapion, slowking (galarian), vileplume, nidoking(?) Personal pokemon: Stoutland, boltund, furfrou, lycanrock(?), arcanine(?), houndoom(?), grandbull, fidough
Crowley (champion)
Team: corviknight, klefki, unfezant, alakazam, froslass, lunatone, raichu (alolan)
this is all I've got for now
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joltik-guy · 1 year
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I was bitten by a radioactive joltik, and for the last 8 months I've been Nimbasa's one and only Joltik guy (though technically I evolved into gavantula guy?? Guyvantula?? Idk joltik guy still sounds better)
People call me Joltik or Tik for short
I'm still an average college student dealing with a more than average amount amount of stress ^^;
My pronouns are They/Them - misgender me at your own risk
My pokemon rn are -
Quagsire - Hydro
Shiny Joltik - Spritz
Umbreon - Mint
Mimikyu - Plushie
Applin - Gala
Zorua - Missy
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// Quick rules
You can absolutely make spiderman/superhero rotomblr oc's you don't have to ask me, though I was one of the first ^^;, I'd love to interact with any other superhero blogs on here, shoot me a dm if you want to plan things
this blog does not accept Pelipper mail, magic anons or any variants at this time
Joltik is an IRL celebrity/superhero, feel free to have your character have heard of joltik/seen them around Nimbasa
Joltik is frequently getting into high stakes situations, this is a mid-high stakes blog mostly, keep that in mind before following/interacting
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