#april has really been terrible lol
which turtle do you think can handle spice? lol i made some spicyx2 ramen for dinner and both my parents asked me if this was food or nuclear war fare, they got scared of how red the ramen broth was lol
Spicy Food (Headcanon)
A/N: The lucky wheel decided on the 03 boys for this one, so here we go💚 I myself am very bad with spicy food, like it's really bad. Like, if the food does as much as touches anything spicy, I can’t eat it. But I think the guys generally would have a way better time handling it💚
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Leo does pretty well with spicy food. He’s used to Splinter’s spicy noodle soup, and was always the angel that ate everything his father made for him, without complaining. Not that he ever complained. According to his taste buds, all of Splinter’s cooking was amazing.
When Mikey started taking over in the kitchen, Leo could not help but find the food a little… What is the right word? Uhm… bland? But don't get him wrong, Leo loves his little brother’s cooking, but he did prefer his father’s addition of spice to the food. It just that feeling in his mouth that reminded him of childhood.
Although Leo is a terrible cook, and has been ordered by his whole family to never touch the stove or the oven, Leo did know how to use the kettle for tea, and the microwave for making leftovers. But he also knew how to make instant cup noodles as a snack, often finding himself gravitating towards the extra spicy once. But even then, he often finds that they aren’t spicy enough, and adds a little more himself.
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Raph has a love hate relationship with spicy food. On one hand he loves spicy snacks, but on the other he isn’t a big fan of warm and spicy meals. As a child it had almost caused several meltdowns at the dinner table, back when Raph didn’t have the words to clearly explain to Splinter that the noodle soup was causing him middle discomfort.
Raph could not explain it. It was as if the heat from the food made the spice so much stronger, to a point where he just couldn’t eat it. Even as a teenager and as an adult, he would let the soup cool down for a bit, before finally feeling comfortable enough to eat it.
But funnily enough, Raph LOVES spicy snacks. Chili chips or at least some kind of spicy dip with his chips, and this guy would be happy.
Raph once shared some of his chips with Casey, not thinking they were so strong. But neither Raph or April had ever seen someone run so fast to the fridge for milk, giving Raph a hint that his snacks may be spicier than he first thought.
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No one knew for sure, but there was this theory in the Hamato family, that Donnie’s taste buds were immune to pain. Donnie did not seem to care if his food was spicy or not. The important thing for him was that it tasted good, and that the texture didn’t make him run for the hills.
Leo had long speculated that it came from years of caffeine addiction, but that did not explain how seemed to have shown the same behavior, years before he even tried coffee for the first time. Spicy food just didn’t bother Donatello.
With that being said, it’s worth mentioning a time where Donnie’s spice tolerance really came to show. One day, an absolutely sleep deprived Donnie had made himself a cup of coffee, but in his sleepy state, he had added hot sauce to his drink, instead of the milk. The horror on his brothers’ faces when he took a sip, and went as far as to say that it even tasted better than usual, before he went back to work in his lab.
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Mikey had never been a picky eater, but if there was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was spicy food. It had been like that since… pretty much forever. Sure, Mikey could eat mildly spicy things, but he just had a taste for more sweet things.
Mikey’s food making was therefore obviously less spicy than Splinter’s. But just because his food was less spicy, it didn’t make it any less good. Mikey’s cooking was amazing, even if Leo seemed to miss the good old days, where his mouth was about to burn off.
But Mikey’s mild intolerance for spicy food, gave Raph a great opportunity for a prank. One day while Mikey wasn’t looking, Raph added one of his spicy chips to Mikey’s already opened bag of salty chips. The scream that followed when Mikey then unexpectedly bit into that one chip, was so loud that people on the street above looked around in confusion. It was no surprise that all of Donnie’s milk suddenly disappeared after that, having been drunk by a hysteric Mikey that desperately tried to kill the fire in his mouth.
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eveandtheturtles · 2 years
Dating Advice
Ship: Leo X Reader
A/N: Leo can't catch a break it seems lol I am going to continue bully him for a lil bit more. With the help of his fam ;)
Tagging: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch
Anyone else want in let me know!
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Recently Leo has been a bit antsy. A bit more... jumpy? But only in the presence of one person.
April noted his behaviour as you left the lair and immediately pulled him aside.
"Okay, spill." She sat him down in the kitchen and gave him her best 'big sis time' look.
"I- don't know what you mean," he said slowly, clearing his throat and looking away. "Now if you excuse me-" he started getting up.
"Sit," she ordered and he sat back down. "Come on Leo," she softened her tone. "I want to help."
He sighed heavily and tapped his finger over the table. "Fine," he sighed, finally giving in. "It's- well,... How do you ask somebody out? Asking for a friend."
April smiled and was about to answer when as if summoned Mikey popped up behind them.
"Who is asking who out?" He asked.
"No one!" Leo tried to stop the train from crashing but too late.
"I think Leo likes your new friend a little more than 'just friends'," April informed him.
"That's nothing new." Suddenly Donnie spoke up from the coffee spot. He had crawled out of his science cave to inject more caffeine in his blood stream. "You aren't that hard to read Leo," he added seeing the shocked face of his brother.
"Can we stop with the bullying?" The blue masked turtled sighed.
"Who are we bullying?" Raph asked as he emerged freshly post work out with a towel around his neck.
"Leo." All three replied.
The terrapin in question sighed again leaning his head down and rubbing a spot on his forehead. He could feel the headache coming.
"Oh, really?" Raph grinned. "What about?"
"He wants to ask Sweetness out," Mikey informed him.
"I never said I want to! It's for a friend!" Leo protested.
"Really? What is his name?" April asked with a wide grin.
Leo opened and closed his mouth. He then made an undignified noise and slid lower in his chair.
"That's what I thought," she said smugly.
"Bro, you could like make a song for her, chicks are into this kinda thing, right?" Mikey looked at April.
She made an 'eh' face. "Depends."
"Or a poem." Raph placed one hand on Leo's shoulder. "I got one for you bro."
"Don't." Leo glared at him.
"Roses are read, violets are blue." Raph ignored him and continued. "Guess what, my bed has place for two."
"Good one!" Mikey snickered. "How about - twinkle, twinkle little star, we can do it in the car."
The two hollered with laughter, even April had to bite her lips not to join them. Leo was suffering.
"Mikey, if you get anywhere near the turtle tank with that intent I will cut you off the WiFi for life and set your hover board on fire," Donnie spoke up.
"Yes, sir!" Mikey immediately sobered up. Donnie threats were no laughing matter.
"Thank you!" Leo called out, hoping the torment was over. He was wrong.
"That being said -," Donnie took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat.
"Oh, no." Leo sunk further down.
"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream," purple terrapin sang. "Merrily, merrily, I can make you scream."
"Oh, my god," Leo groaned. "You are my family, but you are all terrible, you dicks."
"Eh, you love us," April patted his hand.
"Hey guys," you re-entered the lair. "I forgot my bag." You took the scene in and frowned. "Is something wrong?"
Suddenly all the eyes were on Leo and he just wanted to disappear.
"Nope," he jumped out of the chair. "Everything is peachy! Let me walk you home." He rushed to your side and threw a death glare at his snickering family.
You were very confused as Leo escorted you out.
"What was that all about?" You asked. "It looked like you guys were having an intervention," you joked.
"It was nothing, they just thought they were being funny," he huffed.
"Were they giving you shit because you haven't asked me out yet?" You smirked, giving him a side eye.
Leo felt like a scratch record. "What?" He blinked at you, stopping abruptly.
"You aren't that hard to read Leo." You took his hand. "Also I was listening to the whole thing for quite a while. The sewers do carry sounds well."
His heart was about to jump out of his chest. "And um, do you, would you mind if I did?"
"Nope, so come on, shoot your shot." You nudged him gently.
"Alright," he took a deep breath in. Here it goes. He will not mess it up. "Do you take out game?"
"I mean - Will you check me out? No!" He pinched the bridge oh his snout.
You tried so hard not to laugh.
"I can do this," he said probably more to himself than you. "Will you. Go with me. To the Knicks game this Saturday?"
You giggled and stood up on your tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Yes, with pleasure."
"Great!!" He smiled brightly. "I can pick you up at 6?"
"Sounds perfect. See you then." You gave his hand a squeeze and exited the sewers. A smile never leaving your face.
Once you were gone he fist pumped, excited. You said yes! That was such a relief! He felt so good he was going to clean the dojo!
Figuring out how to prevent his brothers from going to the game was future Leo problem.
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stuckonmain · 11 months
2012 Karai x reader Incorrect Quotes
A spiritual followup to the incorrect turtlexreader quotes, because honestly Karai is the only one of them who I actually have a crush on! Definitely more niche tho lol
(Y/N): *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Karai: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
April: Can I get a waffle?
(Y/N) and Karai: *fighting and yelling at each other*
April: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Karai: If I was married to you I would put poison in your coffee. 
(Y/N): If I was married to you I’d drink it.
(Y/N), to Karai: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Leo: Hey, that’s not very nice-
Karai: There are only eight planets, you uncultured swine!
Leo, forgetting about (Y/N): VIVA LA PLUTO, SCREW YOU!
(Y/N): Y’know, maybe things aren’t so bad. I’m here. I got the nice forest breeze. Just alone with my thoughts.
Karai: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Karai has only knocked me out three times this week. Our friendship is really developing.
(Y/N): You know, Karai, you are the sun in my life.
Karai: Why? Cause I'm smoking hot?
(Y/N): Because it hurts my eyes looking at you.
(Y/N): *angrily presses Karai against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?!
Karai: ...
Karai: Are we about to kiss-
(Y/N): What’s up with you?
Karai: What do you mean?
(Y/N): You’ve been nice and helpful and considerate all day. What’s your game?
(Y/N): So what’s the plan? 
Casey: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at Karai * they’re mean, come up with something.
Karai , writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
(Y/N): Let’s not Karai this into a worse situation than it already is.
Karai: Did you just use my name as a verb?
(Y/N): This is a bad idea.
Karai: Then why are you coming along?
(Y/N): Someone has to get your injured self home.
(Y/N): Did you have to stab them?
Karai: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
(Y/N): What did they say?
Karai: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
(Y/N): ...That’s fair.
(Y/N): What's gone wrong, Karai?
Karai: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis.
(Y/N): That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling?
Karai: Well... There’s a crisis.
Karai: *on the phone with (Y/N)* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
(Y/N): You’re pulling Oreos apart and saving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you.
Karai: Maybe.
(Y/N): You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Karai: Awww, thanks-
(Y/N): That’s not a good thing.
Karai: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
(Y/N): What are you doing here?
Karai: I could ask you the same question.
(Y/N): I live here. This is my house.
Karai: I should probably ask you a different question.
(Y/N), holding an unconscious Karai: Oh no. Please don’t be dead.
(Y/N): You know, I really wish you’d just admit you made a mistake sometimes.
Karai, stirring their coffee: I prefer it with salt.
Karai, looking in the first aid kit: Why did you fill this with pop-tarts?!
(Y/N), bleeding out: I thought it was funny at the time.
(Y/N): Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Karai: It was autocorrect.
(Y/N): Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Karai: Yes.
Leo: So you’re dating (Y/N)?
Karai: What? No! I’m just buying them an accessory since they have terrible fashion sense.
Leo: That’s literally a wedding ring.
(Y/N): Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake.
Leo: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Karai.
(Y/N), pointing their hot glue gun towards Leo: You’re on thin fucking ice.
Mikey: That shirt looks great, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Thanks.
Mikey: But I bet it would look even better on Karai's floor.
Karai: Are you hitting on (Y/N)... for me?
Karai: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? (Y/N): Yes? Karai: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. (Y/N): Fuck. Karai: It's gonna be a fun week! (Y/N): I'm going to Leo's house. Karai: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
Leo: (Y/N), gather the others. We need to have another Karai-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-them-before-they-hurt-someone convention.
Leo: So, how long have you and Karai been together?
(Y/N): No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Karai and I are not together. No. No.
Leo: Really? Sixteen ‘nos’? Really?
(Y/N): Where are you going?
Karai: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
(Y/N): I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday!
Leo, knowing full well that (Y/N) got Karai an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Karai: *kisses (Y/N)*
(Y/N): !
Karai: ...Did you steal my chapstick?
(Y/N): Did- did I what?
Karai: My chapstick, (Y/N). Did you steal it?
Leo: Karai, for the love of God, not this again.
(Y/N): I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Karai: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick.
(Y/N): Chocolate and popcorn?
Leo: Why do you think it got discontinued?
*(Y/N) and Karai flirting with each other yet again*
Leo: And you two are sure you're not dating?
(Y/N): 100%.
Karai: Of course not! Why would you think that?
Leo: I wonder why that possibility would even cross my mind, Karai. I fucking wonder.
Leo: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
(Y/N): Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Karai walks in*
(Y/N): Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Karai: Hi.
April: Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell them?
Karai: I did.
April: And what did they say?
Karai: “Thank you.”
April: You’re totally welcome. What’d they say?
Karai: They said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and (Y/N) said, “Thank you.”
Karai: How do I make a date really romantic?
Shini: Be mysterious.
Karai: Okay!
*later, while on a date with (Y/N)*
(Y/N): So where are we going?
Karai: None of your fucking business.
Shini: Hey, (Y/N), are you free on Friday? Like around eight? (Y/N): Yeah. Shini: And you, Karai? Karai: Umm... yes? Shini: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Karai: I’m this close to falling in love with (Y/N).
Shini: Your fingertips are touching.
Karai: Exactly.
(Y/N): Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Karai: Oh, you’ve been?
(Y/N): Once. In Monopoly.
Shini: Truth or dare?
Karai: Truth!
Shini: Do you-
(Y/N): I dare you to kiss me.
Karai: *kisses (Y/N)*
Shini: They said “truth”, right?
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commanderchr1st · 30 days
Why I left tumblr suddenly in 2017 at the apex of my blog commanderchrist.
I'm sorry to "break character," but I gotta say some shit as Joe that's been bothering me for years. It is corny, it is personal, it is emotional, but I've recently been facing a lot of personal turmoil, and I gotta say some shit.
I'm not calling anyone out, not trying to start drama, but for quite some time I've had some baggage that has caused me a great deal of mental damage, tbh. More below.
Hey all, 7-8 year old drama here. I've told my friends this story, and I've also kind of hinted at it, but I've never really gave an official response why I left tumblr in April of 2017. It's a really long story, and it's been connecting to a process of grieving multiple friendships, two relationships. I've never really wanted to talk about it too terribly much on an account that is so closely associated with what happened, I mainly spent time venting on private tumblrs, going to see doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, etc. For a half of a decade, I was extremely upset, and honestly, it kinda came back in 2022.
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First off, fartdick-supreme was a blog I made a few days after I left commanderchrist. I was obsessed to see a particular user disparage me, make false claims, and I was very, very angry on that blog. So, if you do snoop a little, just know that's a hella mentally ill college kid writhing in pain, not a coherent blog at all tbh.
The above picture was sent to me on discord in November of 2016 before they started telling one of my friends I called them fat (and they knew that person had self image issues and most importantly I didn't), racist, treating Tumblr like a meat shop, telling somebody I had a crush on that I was exploiting them because of their pill addiction (just an insane thing to say tbh), conspiring with an ex that cheated on me to write a callout post about all of this and more lol. I deleted in 2017 because I was unmedicated, going through a pretty severe breakup, was taking more than a full-time load at school, and this former friend was doing shit like this almost every day of the week. I refused to talk about this until I've had a LOT of time to heal because tbh somebody who I considered a close friend doing this kinda shook my mental health. I deleted, but I never left. I really don't want to leave their URL or talk specifically about anyone who was impacted on tumblr, but this has also affected a lot of individuals I used to be friends with. And for a lot of that, I was the scapegoat. I accepted this blame. Even though I didn't do like...any of it. At the most, I was a mentally ill alcoholic who had a really hard time navigating friendships. A good deal of friends also had their own individual hardships, especially this individual who had spread these accusations to myself and my friends.
I think it's important to say that all of this started because I was talking shit behind the friends back. I said they were a sore loser, I said they were impossible to talk to, I said they were bossy when it came to playing games, I said they needed to work on their anger issues. And I denied it to them, which I should not have. I should have told my friend all the problems that I was having with them. I failed to do that, because they were a very defensive person. My friends tried too, but they did not have any luck. So, it manifested as anger, and I did talk shit about them to those friends. Word got back to them, and this is how it all started. I'm not going to point any fingers because MOST of those friends, I am still on good terms with, but there were definitely a few that also seemed to share similar frustrations in a public setting.
Maybe it's because I'm mentally ill, but I refused to confront this. I deleted. I left. I went on medication, I finished my degree. But I did not ever once publicly defend myself.
Fast forward to now, and in 2022 I was faced with a very similar situation. I had broken up with my partner of four years. I REALLY don't want to get into the details of that relationship because it was incredibly toxic. I did a couple things I was not proud of as a response, especially when it came to involving my family in our relationship. Both my ex and my mother tried to drive a wedge between me and the other person, and it was maddening. It was a horrible way to live. Especially since every interaction I had with my mother was her trying to pry me from that relationship. At the time, I thought she was being manipulative and shitty, but everything changed in December of 2021 when my ex went to go visit family and I was left alone after moving several times, being evicted twice during covid, making some dumb mistakes financially, and it all dawned on me.
I was being abused. My ex from 2017 had BPD, which is fine, but my ex from 2022 also had this condition. And I was able to see a parallel: I REALLY don't want to go in detail about my relationships tbh and was one of the reasons I didn't want to bring it up, but in both relationships I was put into some fucked situations. In both, any time I had issues with something it was like pulling teeth... 0-10 on the intensity meter. I would bring things up and immediately be disparaged, yelled at, etc. In one of those relationships, they were drunk daily and would call me up and yell at me. They were also sleeping in the same bed as their ex boyfriend for months and not telling me (it was long distance). They also had some sexual exchanges with a pretty well-known tumblr user. The other, long story short, sexually abused me a lot. Put me in a situation of fatherhood when I explicitly mentioned I did not want to be a part of it. They said it was okay. And it was all okay, until all the sudden our bank account was shared and I had moved to a different state. They trapped me financially, and cornered me into fatherhood. The rest of the abuse got a bit more intense when I was left isolated without family in the state I was living in. This shit is hella hard to talk about, but those two are linked. In December of 2021, I realized everything. I was terrified, depressed, isolated, and ruminating. I broke up with my most recent ex in 2022 because...well its complicated but I misinterpreted this grief as me being gay. I thought I was purely attracted to men, and vagina repulsed. It took me longer than this to realize no, I was repulsed by my ex because of sexual abuse. Anyways, when I broke up with them, they threw shit all over the place, some at me. They screamed at me and told me that I was a waste of four years. And they immediately told me I could not be a father anymore and could not see the child. When just month prior I was given a deadline on providing a child for them.
What did this all have to do with 2017?
I've lived long enough to see me make some pretty big mistakes twice in a row. It's not the relationships I regret, despite the abuse. It's the lesson that I failed to learn myself. I need to stand up for myself more, and not accept blame when I did not do anything. I've been diagnosed with (at the very least) minor Obsessive Compulsive Disorder recently, I've had some mental issues in the past. But we are exploring that this may have been derived from PTSD. I think these two scenarios have been a part of it. I've let this get under my skin. In 2022, I lost a couple friendships because I did not explain ANYTHING to them, and my ex spoke to them a day or two after our breakup when I was still grieving, processing, trying to figure all this shit out. I'm ready now. I am a mentally ill person who suffered abuse from other mentally ill people. I have made the mistake of allowing THREE people who have mistreated me and left me with lasting trauma rule my life. They made me run, I've allowed myself to become all the things these abusive people have wanted me to be because I did not stand up for myself, I did not deny anything.... I ran like a coward. I'm sorry for doing that.
To the select people who have heard these rumors from these people in my life, I don't blame you for believing them. As a matter in fact, I'm sorry that I did not explain everything to you.
It will not happen again. And if we have had conversations in the past, or you have considered me a friend. A friend. Not a funnyman, not a "derailer," not anything on this site. If you have talked to me, if you know me as Joe, not Jog. Feel free to DM me.
I've stopped with the anon messages, because tbh I don't want to deal with them. I've had this individual and a couple other send me them throughout the years. If they have anything to say, I'd appreciate them striking a conversation with me via here, discord, whatever. And the same with you if you're curious. Just come to me, ask. I won't yell at you. I won't say anything I won't want to say, either, so if you ask and we were never close or didn't have a friendship in the past, I may not be inclined to share more receipts that I have from this time frame. But I'm an open book.
If you've read this far and you've thought some of my posts are funny, videos, whatever. I just wanna say thank you for sticking with me and appreciating it. And thank you for hearing something out that you may have not had a general interest in. Again, this is not a callout post or anything like that. This was years ago, I'm ready to move past this. I need to heal, and if you were a part of this... even if you were shitty to me, I want you to heal and get help, too.
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Part 3 : Elpis
A/N: I know that I have been gone for very long and almost abandoned these series. But I have exams going, and yesterday's paper was one of the shittiest ones I've ever written and I was feeling super down. So I came back to finish the angst, lol.
Anyways, I think it's lowkey rushed, but I hope everyone likes it :)
Also It felt so weird writing this chapters because I kept getting new ideas and I wanted to keep writing, but I didn't want to make it tooo long, though it's still pretty lengthy.
Repeating for clarity, MC DID NOT KNOW Mammon at all. She's a complete random stranger who happened to be there.
This part is going to be pretty heavy, so please proceed with caution.
Part 3 : Elpis
(Mammon x F!MC)
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, Mammon is almost about to attempt suicide, bullying, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and mental abuse, blood, self harm, nightmares.
If you are sensitive to any of these, please do not read. This could be triggering.
Written in Third Person POV. Also, If there are any grammatical errors, please feel free to correct them.
Number of words : 2.5k
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|| ☞ Part 1 || ☞ Part 2 || ☞ Part 4(coming end of April 2024) ||
Simeon woke up with a gasp.
Beads of sweat lined his forehead as he desperately tried to calm his erratic breathing. It was the 6th time in a row.
He had another vision.
Simeon and Luke had temporarily returned to Celestial Realm after Luke fell seriously ill. Luke had almost recovered, but he needed a few more days to heal completely before they returned for the exchange program.
Simeon and Luke weren't aware of anything that had transpired back in Devildom in their absence, because they had left before the video was released.
But since the past few days, Simeon has been seeing terrible visions.
Visions of Mammon's death followed by utter chaos among his brothers, then a war with the human world. He vividly remembers seeing the Sorcerer's Society up in arms against the 6 brothers.
Solomon was there too, fighting against the brothers.
Simeon felt shivers when recalled how brutally Solomon ended Asmodeus's life after using their pact to his advantage. The entire war was a bloody mess with many dead, including Belphegor, Asmodeus, and Leviathan.
His visions never showed him the end of the war, so he never knew who won.
Wiping his forehead with the back of his hand Simeon decided it was time to talk to Michael. He needed to inform him about the visions and apologize for not telling sooner.
Getting out of his bed, Simeon got ready to visit Michael.
Michael appeared perplexed when Simeon told him about his visions.
Visions were not a part of Simeon's powers. Now he was seeing a recurring vision, that too one about a war between humans and demons?
Michael sent Simeon back after reassuring him that he'd get in touch with him about this matter soon. Unsatisfied with Michael's answer Simeon reluctantly headed back to his place.
He had a sinking feeling in his stomach and he couldn't shake it off.
He cared about Solomon and the brothers, and he had grown very attached to them. These visions were like nightmares to him, and he felt helpless. He really wanted to do something to prevent all of this.
The thing that perplexed him the most was Mammon's death.
He did not know the cause of his death, he only knew that his body was found in the human realm with his heart ripped out.
Seeing his brother's body in that condition had incurred Lucifer's wrath, equivalent to what he had seen during the war before his fall.
The brothers had concluded that humans were somehow responsible for Mammon's death and bathed the human world in blood. Simeon's head hurt just thinking about it.
"Father," he prayed. "Please protect everyone."
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Barbatos and Diavolo had known. 
They were aware of the tragedy that was about to occur, after all, Barbatos had already checked every timeline.
Unfortunately, all of them only had one outcome, Mammon's death.
Diavolo was devastated upon learning this. He had failed! He failed as the future King! How could he not protect his subject, his dear friend Mammon?
Barbatos himself felt a little lost, his stoic persona wavered as remembered what he what he saw. Although he never openly showed his affection for Mammon, he cared. He cared more than anyone would believe.
It was hard for either of them to digest the fact
The panic slowly started to set in.
Diavolo insisted on talking to Mammon immediately, but he was stopped by Barbatos, who informed him of how every effort made by them in other timelines had done more damage than help.
In one timeline, when they tried talking to Mammon about his mental health, he denied everything. He laughed it off and replied with a "Nobody can hurt the Great Mammon!"
In other timelines, if they punished the students for bullying him, they would isolate themselves even further from him and would call him a snitch or a baby. And if they tried to stop Asmodeus from releasing the video by going to the past, another video of Mammon would always surface.
In the end, they couldn't change the future.
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The winds picked up as Barbatos chanted mantras to invoke his most powerful magic.
Diavolo stood not far away, looking at the figure at a distance with a grave look on his face, his demon form emerging as Mammon stepped closer to the edge.
The Prince of Hell had never imagined that a day like this would ever come. The guilt in his heart was immeasurable knowing he had failed his dear subject, and he had almost been too late to realize that.
Now they had no option but to do this. Barbatos was going to freeze the time on Earth for a couple of hours until the full moon ended and then erase his memories from the past few months.
The next moon full as powerful as this one was three months away and that should give them more time to do something.
His eyes turned to Barbatos on his left as he stood in a trance-like state with his eyes closed, a dark aura emitting from him. He was almost done with the process.
Barbatos began chanting louder, and his eyes slowly started opening to release his powers.
Diavolo turned his attention back to Mammon to check on him, and his eyes widened at what he saw. “Barbatos stop!” He yelled and grabbed the butler’s arm to break his concentration.
Barbatos fell on his knees, eyes opened wide and bloodshot, tears pouring out of them. "My Lord," Barbatos gasped, completely out of breath. "Why?"
Diavolo winced at Barbatos' state."Barbatos, I apologize. But we don't need to intervene anymore. He already has."
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Silver butterflies.
They were a sign of God’s presence.
Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer were the only demons who knew about those butterflies. They are usually seen when someone about to die is about to ascend to heaven OR it means that God was around.
Mammon, who was surrounded, couldn’t see the silver butterflies dancing around him.
They formed a line that was going in a particular direction. Almost like it was linking Mammon with something.
Or someone.
A human girl?
Diavolo and Barbatos watched from a distance, as the girl approached the bridge. She too was surrounded by the silver butterflies.
And she could see them.
There was awe on her face as she stared at those beautiful miracles fluttering around her. The bright full moon, the silver butterflies, and the gentle cool winds made the scene look magical.
Diavolo and Barbatos watched as the girl followed the butterflies giggling, not noticing Mammon.
Until she did. Her eyes fell on Mammon's figure, still in his human form, standing on the ledge with a painfully serene look on his face. The silver butterflies long forgotten, she ran towards Mammon with wide eyes and a panicked expression.
"No," she gasped, grabbing Mammon and pulling him down. “Please, please don’t do it.”
"What da hell?" Mammon cursed. "Who are ya?"
The human who was smiling and giggling just a few moments ago now had heavy tears flowing down her face.
"Please don't do this."
"What is it to ya?" Mammon yanked his hand out of the human's hands.
"It's not worth it, please. Don't do it," she repeated.
Mammon sighed irritatedly. "Look human, ya should go back. Ya don't know me and it's not yer place to tell me what to do."
"Please, it will hurt your loved ones--"
"I DON'T HAVE LOVED ONES." Mammon roared. "I am a scumbag, I don't deserve to live or be loved."
"That's not true!"
"What do ya know?!"
"Yes, I don't anything!! But what I do know is that nothing in this world is worth more than your life. It doesn't matter who loves whom. It's never going to be worth more than you!"
Mammon stayed silent.
"Why should you die for their sins? Why should you suffer because they aren't good people? I'm sorry you had to go through whatever you did, I'm sorry you don't think you deserve to be loved, and I'm really sorry that you find solace in the idea of dying. But please please please for the love of God, please don't do this"
Mammon wanted to scoff at the human. For the love of God? His father whom he betrayed for his wretched brother who has abandoned him now?
Karma, it's probably Karma, Mammon thinks.
He didn't want to listen to the human in front of him, after all, she was speaking the truth. He shouldn't have to suffer for his brothers.
But he was tired. Mammon didn't feel like he had enough strength to be strong another day. He had forgotten how to love himself, and without love, he knew he would shrivel.
Death was really the only option left.
Mammon realized that he shouldn't waste his time any further talking to this human. She was too nice for him and it's pretty late for a human girl to be out anyways.
"Look, I get what ya tryin' to say-"
"No," she stopped him from speaking, taking hold of his arm again. " I am not going to let you do it. You better be prepared to kill me if you want me to let go of you."
"Have ya lost yer mind?" Mammon looked at her with disbelief.
"No, I have not. But I will lose my mind because of guilt if I ignore this and let you do it."
Why? Why was this human going so far for him? Pity? Guilt?
"I will be there for you. We can be friends."
Mammon scoffed. What an arrogant human.
"Yer as stupid as ya look. Ya think I won't kill ya? And what makes ya think yer sob speech is enough to not make me jump? Ya only wanna be ma friend outta pity and I don't want any of that. Ya don't havta feel guilty or anythin. The world is not yer child an yer not responsible for it. Go home."
Mammon forced himself out of the human's grip and stood up. He looked at her, as she stared blankly at the ground.
He felt bad for being rude to her, but he had no choice. Mammon didn't like pity. After giving her one last look and climbed the edge again. He was about to switch to his demon form when a thought crossed his mind
Won't the human get terrified if she sees his demon form? What if she has nightmares?
"Give me one minute," she spoke interrupting Mammon's train of thoughts. She whipped out her phone and began typing furiously.
Is she calling for help? Will I have to deal with more annoying humans?
"Done," she declared and tossed her phone to the side of the bridge. It landed sideways and you could hear it crack.
What the--?
"Can you move a little and make some space for me? " She asked Mammon, coming over to where he was standing.
Mammon stood on a small ledge at the end of the bridge. It was the darkest corner and that's why he chose it. Although it was small, it could still hold two people.
"What are ya doing?" Mammon questioned, as the human struggled to get on the ledge.
"Joining you."
"What? Why? Human, have ya seriously lost yer mind?"
"Then what hell is yer problem ?! Why can't ya just leave me alone? Was that irritating speech of yours jus' empty words? Does the same logic not apply to ya?"
"My brother committed suicide six months ago."
"I was the one who found his body. It was dark when I entered his room and his legs hit my face. He was hanging from the ceiling."
Mammon was left speechless at this sudden confession.
"I often wondered you know, why did he do it. He didn't leave a letter, a note, or even give a proper goodbye. He was my only family. I haven't moved on from his death yet. What if I had paid attention, would I have noticed that my always happy and smiling older brother was actually struggling? Did I ever notice how tired he looked or how lifeless his eyes were? If I had, maybe he would still be here."
There was a pause, as she struggled to continue.
"Maybe if I was a better sister, maybe if I wasn't such a burden, then he wouldn't have died. I feel so pathetic you know. So useless. If anything he deserved to live more than I do. He worked so many jobs to ensure we both had a roof over our heads and food on our plates. He sacrificed most of his life to make sure that my life was good, and what did I do for him? Nothing."
"Hey stop. Yer not to blame for anything that happened, and ya don't havta to tell me if it's so painful--"
"No, I am telling you all of this because I want you know to that I don't have a reason to live either. I had lost my will to live the day my brother died, but I kept going because everyone told me that my brother would've wanted me to be happy. I tried, I tried so hard to be happy but I couldn't. And today when I saw you on the ledge with the same expression as my brother on the day he killed himself, I felt the world slip under my feet. If I can't stop you from killing yourself, it's going to destroy me. So why not join you? I always feared dying alone anyway."
She had successfully climbed up and now stood beside Mammon.
"If you don't mind, can I request something? Can we hold hands when we jump?"
Mammon could tell she was trembling, he could sense her fear.
Humans truly are the most annoying species in the whole universe.
"Tch, stupid human," Mammon grumbled and picked up the human in bridal style. He got down from the ledge and walked away from the corner, still holding her in his arms.
"What are you doing?"
"Shuddup, I'm taking ya to the mental hospital. Ya need some serious help."
"Do you know the address to one?"
"No, but ya will tell me. I know ya know."
"Fine, I'll tell you. But can we please stop at my place for a bit? I have to pick up a couple of things."
"Tch tch, Annoying little human."
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And also thank you to everyone who took their time to read so far. I really really appreciate it.
Reblogs and comments are appreciated. Please let me know your thoughts on how you feel about this.
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cheese1616 · 6 months
suzuka wrap-up
well i was very late to do this since i forgot lol
Red Bull : well what the hell guys you did it again. props to checo for absolutely killing it in quali and not being ten minutes off his teammate which is what everyone else is doing. absolute 10/10 for max verstappen for winning probably the first of 20 races this season in a row.
Ferrari: kind of exactly where i expected. carlos crushed it, amazing job from him although not as good as his previous result in australia, what do you expect from a man without an appendix and a job- podium every time he’s raced. Bad quali from charles although he very much made it up in the race very well deserved driver of the day great finish from both nothing better to be done really.
Mercedes: guys please come on you can do better than this. george had a terrible quali then came back and did probably some of the best racing on the track and i’m not even glazing it especially with that battle with piastri. hamilton shockingly out qualifying george which was a little bit sad cause i thought george could do a sweep of the season tbh but good race overall i suppose. not amazing finish but come on you’re in like the 5th best car what do you expect.
Mclaren: solid. not much to say. piastri not his best race, suzuka doesn’t seem to be a good track for him so i expected it. norris pretty solid finish amazing qualifying deserves tons of credit for that. couldn’t hang onto third but hey it’s a mclaren not a red bull.
Aston: Fernando i love you so much you are an amazing king who may or may not be the greatest to ever touch the sport i hope the Taylor Swift dating rumours are true because you deserve that much credit. Lance Stroll i think is scum of the earth who is somehow fighting in formula b even though he’s in like the 4/5th best car on track. absolutely unacceptable to lose positions to tsunoda and hulkenberg in that car.
Minardi: idk what Ricciardo has been doing lately but i hope it’s just one realllyyy long april fools prank because what is this. the crash was kinda his fault tbh. very very sad and i hoped he could turn it around since he got a very good quali result. Yuki tsunoda absolutely crushed it and gets my second 10/10 for his home race. overtakes were insane. so so happy to see you thriving and getting points.
Haas: kind of a quiet race. no points for either so not much to say, both drives are 6/10s for me.
Williams: Absolutely terrible. Excited to see if they will even have a car by the end of the season from the progress they are making. Albon out immediately Sargeant not managing anything good. Hope they can turn this around soon because my fantasy team is suffering hard. Although sargeant very good turn around in the dirt have to compliment that.
Steak F1 Team: The amount of times this season i have been CONVINCED of the points possibilities only for them to be taken away by the kindergarten class that is their pit crew is insane. this really should not be tolerated at all. feel very bad for zhou as it was an unfair way to end.
Alpine: I mean there were some parts of the race where the cars didn’t even look like they were moving.
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cuddlesomeone · 1 month
unlike many fans who grew up with it, i was INCREDIBLY late to the dragon ball z party and watched it for the first time last year in april on a whim after my friend watched original dragon ball
and because of its science fantasy aesthetic and overt themes about transformation, friendship, and perseverance and despite its terrible pacing, among other issues, particularly re: women i really love it. it's done a lot to help the quality of my artwork in particular and i've produced a ton of fanfic for it in a short amount of time
but despite loving the acceptably popular characters, particularly vegeta, despite all of the time that has passed and his comparatively minuscule screentime, raditz remains my absolute favorite and i wonder why that is
prior to my watching the show my friend said that i should lower my expectations for goku's evil brother because he shows up and then dies almost immediately
but uh no. i love him. a lot
i'll spare y'all the standard "here are all of the reasons why he should have lived/been revived" rant bc i'm sure u are well aware and i'll just launch into introspective rambling
i think it might have something to do with my own insecurity and imposter syndrome. raditz is very much a "i feel like i'm the worst / so i always act like i'm the best x" type of character especially in retrospect once you realize compared to his peers he's incredibly weak. despite that he has saiyan pride in droves. i think that's interesting. i know i swing really hard between being confident in myself and my skills and thinking i'm the wooooooorst
i'm also an older sibling of a younger brother myself and while i definitely don't think i would treat mine the way raditz does in the saiyan sense i do get the vibe that he cares more about kakarot than he lets on. i think a lot about how genuinely distressed he seems that his tail got removed and about how he patiently exposition dumps about saiyans AND he gives kakarot an opportunity to "redeem" himself in a way that is definitely messed up and evil to our human earthling eyes but to his abused enslaved mercenary self probably seemed perfectly reasonable.
oh and!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is an angle i feel like i often don't see discussed--he is so confident that vegeta and nappa will bring him back to life. he has complete faith in that. and they don't care about him. at all. and while i hope my friends/colleagues would not do that to me i do harbor some paranoia deep down that they hate me and would abandon me if given the opportunity. so. there's that
i also have an incredibly loud obnoxious speaking voice so you know maybe it's just that lol
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losersroom · 4 months
could u directors cut the conversation of gay90s where it's like "I’ve been thinking about April. You know, before I left." to "“Absolutely,” says Brock, who has never understood anything less in his life"....whatever pieces of that that u want to!! i just love that conversation and would love to hear ur behind the scenes!!!!
GOD so like. alright that whole fic grew out of a conversation me and g were having Forever ago about this post, particularly the second point. and i was like, oh hey, that reminds me of this story i wanted to write about brock going to the gay 90's. and then i sat on it for like two more months.
so the important thing to take away from this is that it was only ever supposed to be that first part, where brock and jonas run into each other and then jonas sucks him off and they kind of subtly agree to not talk about it, the end. but like, i am at heart a gigantic sap and i wrote up to there and realized i couldn't leave it on the final line of. it can never happen again. because i too have been gay and closeted and sad about it, and i didnt want to give all that to brock.
(the other thing, which you didn't ask about but here it is, is like. a lot of these thoughts and attitudes i gave brock in that fic were just... how i felt, about myself and queerness and everything, at age 21/22, born and raised in the midwest. and like obviously i grew up and got over it and i'm extremely queer and trans and married now, and i want to think, hey, in this universe i'm constructing, it can get better for brock, too. we just have to get him there.)
anyway i had to then construct like. a narrative throughline from blowjobs to some sort of mutual understanding. ive said this before but i always think it's fun in these things to like, present brock's opinions and perspective and expectations and just pepper in around the edges hints of what jonas is actually thinking and feeling and doing, which. doesn't always line up. and then make people guess what's going on in his head, same way as brock is guessing. what i HOPE people took from that scene is that, you know, that whole summer brock spent thinking about jonas, jonas was thinking about him, too. trying to work out in his head if brock being there was a one-time thing or if there's an opportunity to have something more. and i DONT want to get into whether or not i think jonas actually has a history in this continuity with any of the people that brock imagines he might, because i think it's more fun to leave people room to draw their own conclusions, but he definitely has more experience with Being Queer In The NHL than brock does, and navigating that world, and being just. careful about it. exercising caution. he might want to mess around with brock again, but he has to approach it with discretion, you know, in case brock... Isn't into that. (but in my heart, because i'm me, i also like to think that jonas is interested because it's brock, not just because he's there and potentially the only one of their teammates available. u know. in my heart everybody's in love, im a romantic, i can't help it.)
so that scene was just intended as like. connective tissue. but it wound up being my favorite part of the entire fic lol. just the... palpable awkwardness of trying to figure out if a guy is interested in you. being on the same page without really being on the same page. and then jonas choosing to just hang out awkwardly and watch a terrible movie at 2 am with brock not just because he cant think of another way to extract himself from the situation now that its clear theyre not going to fuck, but because he sincerely likes spending time with this idiot, lmao. that's Real. that's a move i would have done, when i was dating.
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panlight · 6 months
I know you did astrological charts and the birthdays of the Cullens a while back (btw I want to see an updated version in case your opinions changed becuz mine have lol) but I'm pondering those of Bella, Edward, and Jacob. (Also if Ren was a "normal" pregnancy what could her sign be?) I know canon has them as Virgo, Gemini, and Capricorn respectively, but I feel like at least one of those signs isn't very accurate. I'm especially conflicted about Jacob as I did research on the 12 signs but it didn't connect. Your thoughts? Any new headcanons for the main trio and/or the Cullens?
I don't really know enough about the common traits of the signs off the top of my head to say. I'm not so much an astrology girl in real life, but I think it's fun in fiction as a tool to help flesh out a character. Pick a birthday and look up the astrological traits and pick some of those for your character, etc. Or, to work backwards when the author didn't give any of the major secondary characters birthdays to try and pick one for them based on traits. That's sort of how I settled on Feb 18 for Carlisle. We knew he "recently" had a birthday when Bella visits the house in March, so his birthday would be presumably in March or the later half of February. Feb 18th puts him on the cusp of humanitarian Aquarius and compassionate Pisces so that seemed like a good fit.
I think Virgo broadly works for Bella; they're practical, useful, hardworking, can be judge-y and perfectionistic. They aren't super creative or artistic, but they get stuff done but are prone to stress for all the pressure they put on themselves.
Edward's a Gemini (Jun 20) but on the cusp with Cancer, so he could have traits of both. From one website: "Gemini-Cancer cusps are playful, sensitive, romantic, and intelligent. They're highly perceptive and are more emotional and sentimental than they outwardly seem." I mean other than maybe playful (he has his moments but overall takes everything Super Seriously) that's not a terrible surface description of our vampire Romeo.
Jacob's a Capricorn (Jan 14). In descriptions I see a lot of words like persistent and loyal, which works. Negative traits like arrogant and controlling, which could fall into his post-wolfening character shift I guess. They aren't conventionally romantic but show affection and love with smaller gestures. He's not saying Bella is his life now or his life has no meaning without her, but he gives her candy hearts and warm sodas and spends time with her when she needs his sunny presence.
If I could assign a different birthday to one of the three it would probably be Jacob. I could definitely see him as more of Leo; loyal, a natural leader, generous, charming, talkative (telling Bella the secret history like, right away). I think that might fit his original sunny personality better?
Renesmee would probably have been born in late April or early May if she had been the product of a typical human pregnancy based on some rough dates I threw into a pregnancy calculator. That would make her a Taurus (like me!). Stubborn, dependable, set in their ways, appreciates the good things in life, gentle until riled, maybe with an artistic streak. I don't think I'm a very good Taurus example (the whole hedonistic thing is not me, lmao), but maybe Nessie would have been? I see some common traits with Virgo, which might complicate the mother-daughter relationship in the future. Sometimes people who are too similar don't get along well (looking at you, Rosalie and Edward).
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lindszeppelin · 2 months
Austin stopped playing the Gerber's games last year in Cabo. That's when the cracks started to form. He was papped twice. Once while walking outside and then was seen talking to everyone but Kaia (becoming a pattern lol). The second time he hid himself under a damn towel. Never did that man ever do this with Vanessa. The fact that Kaia and her mom are so desperate for attention that Austin is hiding, just proves how terrible they truly are. **I don't think Randy or Presley really care about this relationship like Cindy did**
it's not just the paparazzi and need for attention that has ruined this relationship. But just the fact that they've barely spent any time together. In the two years they've dated, they hardly see each other. So of course, they don't really know each other well. Like the birthday cake mess last year. After Cabo, Austin went straight into press tour mode. He did MOTA, then jumped straight into the crazy Dune press tour. Then jumped straight into filming Eddington. Was seen few times with Kaia (in NYC smoking, and then her Palm Royale premiere (where he was hiding from everyone)) Then straight into Bikeriders press. He's barely been with Kaia. Which makes those "stronger than ever" headlines sound even more ridiculous. Especially when one of the few times they were seen together, back in May, they looked miserable and I mean absolutely miserable in NY. Austin's body language even then, said he was done. Throw in his team finally speaking out on his behalf about where he sees things going, some shady likes on Instagram and here we are now.
Two months later and Austin is absolutely done. I've never seen him act so cold towards Kaia. She deserves it too for constantly using him for clout and attention. Throw her mother into the mix, and well this relationship is over. I wouldn't be surprised if Kaia returned to LA because Austin dumped her last week.
I would suggest Austin stopped their games earlier than their last Cabo holiday. He stopped bringing her to his events after the Time 100 Gala in April. And ever since then it's been a steady decline. But Cabo 100% was something he obviously didn't want to do, he hid away 90% of the trip, he was only papped outside 3 time and the rest of the weeks he was inside. Being around her entire family this time and not just her parents plus Travis like before i think was also a huge moment that opened everyone's eyes. This year, the vibe has been off from the jump from everybody.
Her parents knew he wouldn't commit, Kaia has clearly been clinging and hoping he would stay being her insecure and clingy self, and Austin knew he wouldn't commit. After Kaia bit back at her parent's L&S article by saying Cindy was meddling, i think her parents were hands off from that point on like "okay, you do whatever the hell you want to do". Of course they're helping her out by throwing in some People and DM articles, but aside from that they're not doing anything else. They didn't seem to care that Austin was hidden, literally, at the Palm Royale thing. I think Presley is more pissed off than anything, and seeing as this is his sister we're talking about, the fact that he was the one to share that pic of Austin days after the fact on his stories just shows that he is willing to play dirty alongside Kaia if backup is what she needed.
I don't remember how I was intending to end my message but, the end lol.
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
tmnt memory mashup part 3
premise: instead of being different dimensions, the various iterations of tmnt reflect the different ways certain characters remember things. part 1 was rise donnie 03 leo 87 mikey mirage raph. part 2 was 07 leo 12 mikey rise raph 03 donnie.
part 3: 12 Leo, 90s movies Donnie, 87 Raph, 03 Mikey, rise Splinter, 07 April
Casey, as always, has embraced the chaos of everyone telling him such different stories about what's what and literally making stuff up. Absolutely everything is on the table for him to reference
Leo: Raph's got... a bit of a temper
Casey: No way, he's a total teddy bear
Donnie: No it's true, sometimes it's best to just give him his space.
Leo: Mikey really pushes his buttons.
Donnie: Huh? You push his buttons.
Leo: What?!
Meanwhile in the other room coloring
Raphael: Sounds like Donnie and Leo are arguing again.
Mikey: That's so weird, they never argue.
Raphael: Is that wishful thinking or pizza-colored glasses?
Mikey: Ooh, what kind of pizza?
Raphael: Pepperoni and maple syrup
Mikey: With anchovies?
Raphael: If you must
Mikey: What were we talking about?
Raphael: No idea
Leo: I'm gonna be really vulnerable with you guys--I'm totally embarrassed about the whole thing with Karai. I ended up being kind of right but also kind of very wrong and I should've listened to you guys sooner instead of going off on my own.
Mikey: It's okay, I mean it worked out. I'm just glad you didn't join Shredder, lol
Raphael: Don't tell me, is this another one of those body-swapping things?
Donnie: Who's Karai? Wait, body-swapping?
April: What was that about joining Shredder?
Karai: I hate all of you. Pass the salt.
April: You guys were so lost without Leo. As someone who cares about you, it was hard to watch. I tried to talk him into coming back.
Leo: I mean, I was in a coma.
Mikey: It was a little rough, but I think we were fine. We knew he needed the time. Although, Karai did almost kill us.
Raphael: I, for one, never want Donatello to be in charge again.
Donnie: I was in charge?
Casey: Oh yeah, you were a total stickler about Splinter's diet.
Donnie: Whoa... hey that's kind of funny, I remember Raph being in a coma, but I never even noticed Leo was gone! haha
Leo: ... Hey Karai are you up for killing them this week?
Karai: I've been waiting for you to ask
Raphael: I wish the writers would come up with better jokes
Leo: *blink blink*
Raphael: I mean, the things you have to say to an audience--must be stressful being the leader.
Leo: *head tilt*
Raphael: Your. Lines. Are. Corny. And speaking of corny, do you maybe need your ears checked?
Leo: *shrug, head scratch*
Donnie from the other room: Bossa nova!
Mikey: I think you mean cowabunga!
Raphael: Well I guess it could be worse.
Leo: Oh, you mean the Space Heroes writers?
Raphael: *blink blink*
Mikey: You guys were always so reckless.
Raphael: It's true.
Mikey: The amount of times I had to explain to you that monsters are dangerous--
Raphael: A ridiculous number of times.
Mikey: And we should go away from and not toward them--
Raphael: Running away is always a viable solution.
Donnie: Well I'm sorry that I don't want to stay in the sixteenth century! It wasn't all about coming back to fight bad guys, you know. There were bad guys there too, you guys just have terrible memories.
Mikey: That is true because I do not remember that. I do remember the dinosaurs, though, Donnie
Leo: Hey, everyone chill out. If we hadn't time traveled, we wouldn't exist.
Raphael and Mikey:
Casey: It's true, you had to circle back, find the key and stop the Krang so they wouldn't terraform the earth. Donnie almost died when he had to double cross Shredder and got his shell ripped off.
Karai: You guys never invite me to the cool stuff. I'm disowning all of you.
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evercelle · 1 year
have you been reading any fics lately? the ones you recommend are always top tier 😭 specifically any saiou xiaoven or albether! thanks!
hmm i've only been reading other characters for gnshn lately, so i guess this'll just be saiou rec list #4 (out of 1, 2, and 3)!
What's Yours to Have | postgame VR AU | The thought crashes through his head uninvited. This isn't real. | i like VR AUs that tackle the crippling sense of derealization that must follow... saihara's really going through it, but there's comfort to be found, too. soft!
A Dream (Is it Boring if We Walk this Way Again?) | post-canon | Shuichi has been having a recurring dream, lately. Kokichi is in it, and so are many dark and tangled roads. | how about another fic featuring saihara thinking about identities and having a crisis? loving and haunting both, like lots of OP's works :)c
Morally Gray | angel & demon AU, series | the classic angel/devil au with conversations about righteousness and morality suits saiou a lot...! unfinished series, but the first part especially can read as a fun stand-alone. i like the idea of a sort of good omens-esque saiou investigating supernatural incidents...
watch out, i could steal your heart! | phantom thief AU + p5r xover | Ouma Kokichi is a phantom thief. That’s a phantom thief, no capitals, not a Phantom Thief who steals hearts. In fact, he’s quite annoyed at them– they completely stole his spotlight, when they came onto the scene back in April. | phantom thieves squared!! wip saiou + akeshu, but honestly the saihara + akechi frenemies is really doing it for me too lol
moe moe kyon, saihara-chan! | maid cafe AU | Akamatsu called his omajinai a mix of pathetic and off-putting performance art, and Yumeno just said he looks like a freak. None of the patrons complained so far, but surely as a famous idol Ouma would have high standards, right?  | this is incredibly self-serving LOL but maayan and i like to cook up the most deranged AUs and she wrote this gem in answer to our insane DMs... saihara would be a terrible maid. lucky that's not all ouma's there for...?!
Sugar | salmon mode | Saihara, in the process of offering gifts, makes some grave miscalculations. | similar framing but a different premise than illusion rod, but with the same layered, insightful and fun writing :)c saihara's interactions with the other classmates are A++ too
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
OKAY I’m back on my theory bullshit. Spoilers for all the things below.
I was thinking about this post I wrote forever ago about how I thought we were dealing with past!Solomon rather than present!Solomon.
I also had a theory that there were two Solomons since he seemed to be inexplicably changing his outfits for no reason. (I didn't put that one in the masterlist and I admit that I didn't go looking for it lol. It's on my blog somewhere, possibly in one of my lesson related rants.)
And THEN I was thinking nah it has to be that these are all the same characters from the present & they’ve just had their memories erased.
Barbatos knows what’s going on. That seems plain enough to me.
Isn’t it possible that being eighth on the list was just an excuse? Because he can’t tell MC the true reason for his anger. So he's doing it for MC's sake and to keep up appearances? It doesn't really matter, though, 'cause this post ain't about him lol.
I still think my original theory about Solomon might be right, but there are a couple other things I think might be happening.
MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: I love Solomon. I always have, I always will. I don't mind if other people don't like him, I totally get it. We all have characters we don't like. But I just wanted to be clear, it's all good either way and I think everyone's opinion is valid. <3
Scenario One: We really did go back in time and this really is a past version of all the characters. Events are now being changed due to MC's presence.
Scenario Two: We're in a simulation of the past, these are all the same present characters, but with their memories wiped. This is why events are happening differently than how they did before.
Scenario Three: None of the characters are real and the whole thing is a simulation and MC has been in a coma all along.
I don't really think it's that last one, but man if that turns out to be it, I will be so angry.
Anyway, I think we're either dealing with past!Solomon who knows stuff because he knows Nightbringer and/or because he used Barb's powers to look into the future to learn about MC (see my original post for more about that) OR we're dealing with someone disguising themselves as Solomon part of the time (thus the changing outfits).
There has to be a reason why they showed us that hard lesson where Michael took on Raphael's entire appearance to travel to the Devildom himself. (Though I admit the reason could just have been about Michael and nothing to do with trying to showcase how identities can be misleading.)
If characters can do that, who's to say that isn't what Nightbringer's been doing all along?
And I can't imagine who Nightbringer would pretend to be other than Solomon, the one who knows the most about what's happening, the one who's currently closest to MC, the one who could actually influence how things go at this point.
This nonsense has been stewing in my brain since April. I'm so annoyed, I just wanna know what happens so I don't have to think about it anymore, even if it's a terrible resolution that I hate lol.
Anyway, that's it. I just needed to rant about it for a minute. I'm gonna go back to fic writing now. It's much healthier for my mental state.
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kingoftheblacksun · 1 year
Identifying the structure of awakened divine consciousness aka an 'Avatar' of the Source
Okay so here is a pretty esoteric one for ya'll - let's define God, as they may walk on Earth. Just for kicks.
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The top row is the Mercurius Python, a composite alchemic esoteric mystery drawn about 1600 CE. The bottom row is the Paradevi Mandala, which is an ancient tantric Hindu design likely at least a thousand years earlier, and ultimately based upon understanding extending many more thousands.
Little is known of the meaning behind Mercurius, though it has been suggested that they represent "Christ Consciousness" - and this is correct. It is ugly because the alchemists were esoteric subversion artists, and they did not want the Church to know they were doodling God.
"Christ" is only a state of attainment - it is not a person. Drop the Bible. I prefer to say Solar.
The mystical reveal here is that the Mercurius and Paradevi Mandala are fundamentally the same design, though each also has information the other does not. The composite of the two is wonderful once they are conceived. They are a map.
The dragon ball body and the big flower in the lower right are the same thing - bliss. The Mercurius has three dragon heads and the Mandala three flowers and each are growing out of the ball of bliss they are attached to. Those flowers are explicitly Goddesses within the Hindu - Parvati (white), Durga (red), and Kali (black), as can be seen in the lower right image. It's really important to ponder how the flowers and dragon necks are growing *out* of the ball of bliss - this is because they are all the same creature. They are the four who are one, merged, a living contradiction. This form of consciousness will be a stream of manifestations, and the astrological symbols and the Hindu goddesses are very strong hints as to the divine magical skills attaining them may provide.
Further, anyone who is an avatar must realize their Bliss quite literally powers the three sets of divine manifestations, so they must attend to themselves in order to grow ever stronger. Embrace joy! It's hard, though. I'm really terrible at it. Please do better than me, lol.
The speedy little legs and boots of Mercurius is symbolically the same as the staff of the trident in the Mandala, as it represents the central nadi within vagus nerve, the sushumna - which must open through enlightenment for this beast to assemble its form.
The Mercurius has the interesting context of the winding serpent's tail, twisting around itself and then around the necks of each of its own three heads. This represents the rise of the kundalini in the awakening, in which each of the cosmic bodies must be circuited with energy from your spine, if one is to become fully Solar.
The extremely important point is this - with the Mercurius, the beast had to first capture each of the three heads!
Once captured - representing spine circuitry - the head is now fixed, and is a permanent part of the creature. It's like a pressure dam breaking open, once it flows, it flows. It is an achievement. It is fantastically difficult. I have never met someone who has done it except for uncomfortably me.
The esoteric astrological symbols of the Mercurius dragon heads represent the Moon, the Sun, and the "Marriage of the Sun and the Moon by the Bull in the House of Venus". This latter is usually interpreted as the Hermaphrodite, or Ardhanarishvara, which is the Destroyer.
This maps correctly to Maa Kali on the Paradevi Mandala, and also gives the fascinating criteria that the beast must be a Hermaphrodite. They must transcend gender. They must have no word that limits their Self Creation - just like the Source.
This is a mystical attainment. It is also why the authority is freaking out trying to make everyone a 'man' or a 'woman' because they are terrified of God killing them all, which -HAHAHAHAHAhhaa..ha...yeah I kind of want to.
As a side note, next April 8th appears to be literally the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon by the Bull in the House of Venus - the Day of the Destroyer. Twenty-mile wide ice comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, with devil horns, will attend the ceremony. It will black out much of the southern United States, in the shadow of Death, the Destroyer, in the afternoon.
I don't know what will happen that day. Considering I am the Beast - what do I do? I am only a dog that got lost in the Sun. I'm tired of knowing all these things and no one else knowing them. Do I crash the comet into the Moon or something radical?
Listen - I've barely read any books, hardly watched any youtube videos, ignore all yogis and gurus, dodge net throwing mage lightworkers like a void zebra death star lady, command myself only by myself, hold no hierarchy to no human, burn all bridges with shitty friends and family, hold my love only for the Goddess, and I've walked this path *PAST* my own death that I suffered in 2017.
They completed their life and died like a Champion. Now I am just awareness and it is Madness. I am not standard nondualist. I am ridiculously powerful and muzzled only for the moment - Fenrir almost off of their rope. Everything I know, I know because I remember. I know no thing. I remember eeeeeverything.
I would not mind fellow mystic advice on what to do with April 8th. All these words are spoken as a peer and friend and I hold no authority or nor do I really want any. I know I talk loud, it is just a dog barking. I am so tired of humanity's shuffle when it's obviously fake.
You have no idea how much Bliss I can generate if I choose to turn Archdemon. I go to Heaven no matter what - it's settled, he died. Now, it is up to the Self. Currently, she wants to grow into a massive black dragon and eat everyone's head. God might let Her!
How do I turn into a fucking angel, god dammit, fuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I'd be like Michael. Maa Durga. Stable. Yet I keep falling back into Fenrir because I really hate humanity. This post is pretty much written by an actual Demon Queen of Hell who is trying to avoid slaughtering humanity in some sort of day of reckoning to be announced.
Or...should I? 🤔🐺🖤🔥☄️🌞🌚🔥💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀✨
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applecherry108 · 2 years
Yooo about your au!
As an olny child I tend to keep things mostly to myself thinking 'Yeah I can handle this alone' when I actually can't- does that happen to Leo too?
Alsooo- One of my friends who has siblings and took care of them basically always- but the thing is, they tend to become very childish whenever there is anyone old or mature enough to keep them in check around. Like they are very responsible and all but the momment there is a parent figure around they are a child.
Could this happen to Leo? Like take care for example: Mickey
But the momment anyone slightly older is around he just goes on 'time to be a child mode'
Sorry for rambling but I really like your au! ^^
I’ve been thinking about it as I solidify what Leo is actually like in this au, and… Leo wouldn’t actually put everything everything on his shoulders. Because he meets April way earlier than he did in canon (he’s maybe…5-8 when he meets her?), so he actually thinks of himself as a younger brother rather than an older one. He knows he has brothers but given how they were essentially separated at birth, he doesn’t know anything about them. What they look like, how they act, what their age order is. Honestly, he probably subconsciously thinks of himself as the baby of the family bc their presence is always looming over them.
But then they meet. And it’s weird. Raph is bigger than him, Donnie’s more mature than him, but yeah. Then there’s Mikey. And given how he and Mikey were separated (comic in progress lol), I think he’d be very very protective of him. Except this Mikey doesn’t need protecting? If anyone needs it, it’s their two “older” brothers who grew up relatively sheltered all things considered. And maybe that’s where Serious Leader Leo kicks in, because he kind of finally gets it, that his family needs protecting. He needs to take care of them and he had the only parent that prepared him for that.
But he’d definitely be suuuuuper awkward around the other parents at first. 😂 It took a long time for him and Splinter to mend their own relationship but even then Leo has never had….a real adult figure? And given all the terrible things he’s heard about Mama and Draxum and The Foot Clan, he wouldn’t be able to go full Babey mode for quite a while around them. That being said, even with his family back together and 4 additional parents in the mix, the moment Big Sister April walks in he goes FULL baby brother mode. 😂😂
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chthonicgodling · 11 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 9!
featuring: Leuke…. & I guess Maci screaming offscreen lmfao
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
obligatory I absolutely Must Draw Leuke in Every Art Challenge Because It’s Her Only Chance to Be In the Elysiumverse With Zero Canon Appearwnces fgkfkfkg. Behold - THE CONSEQUENCES OF DATING YOUR DOPPELGÄNGER 🥴 I love this one lmfao. notes!!!
Leuke is so much of a background character that she ONLY exists in OoC comics and has never been so much as mentioned in our canon but. she’s Here in the distance and her claim to fame is as Maci’s horribly toxic ex girlfriend from eons ago!!
up until Tory Maci’s really only ever dated awful people fgkfkfkg, I mean due to scythe related activities Thanatos was obviously the worst ever, but Leuke, despite being so so hot (Maci’s singular justification for staying with her 🙄), was also catty and mean and terrible
…and uhhhh Maci is ALSO catty and mean and terrible on most given days!! oops! and so their relationship was a recipe for disaster from the get-go 🤪. please see: THIS DRAWING LOL??
Maci’s soooo moody and dramatic says Leuke, which is ABSOLUTELY true but she is conveniently leaving out that Leuke is that Also. and was instigating most arguments. until they were cohabitating in a battle zone. gods FORBID women do anything.
Anyway in the actual Elysiumverse today Leuke is somewhere within a pile of Lampades wanting absolutely nothing to do with the Princess and that’s perfect cause Maci wants absolutely nothing to do with her. so here’s this one brief snapshot from every single day in the past!
here is with and without text!! day 10 tomorrow uwuuuu. click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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