#aquaman 1991
fancyfade · 17 days
Re: Aquaman's pant-fins: what's the truth, DC? Are they part of the costume or biological?
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Aquaman (1986) #1
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Aquaman (1991) #5 and 6
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somewherefornow · 8 months
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cryptocollectibles · 8 months
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Aquaman #1 & 2 (1991-1992) by DC Comics
1 (December 1991) Written by Shaun McLaughlin, drawn by Ken Hooper and Bob Dvorak, cover by Kevin Maguire and Joe Rubinstein.
2 (January 1992) Written by Shaun McLaughlin, drawn by Ken Hooper and Bob Dvorak, cover by Kevin Maguire and P. Craig Russell.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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I don’t think I’ve ever felt like the universe actively conspired against something until I witnessed the production of The Flash.
Since 1991 there have been quite a few proposals for Flash movies, but they never really got off the ground for whatever reason. Following Barry’s debut in Justice League, a movie finally was announced before multiple delays due to rewrites, in particular to cut Ray Fisher’s Cyborg from the story after he went public about the awful shit he had to deal with under Joss Whedon. Things seemed hopeless until It director Andy Muschietti came onboard, at which point production on the film finally started to go smoothly. Sure, there were rumblings about Ezra Miller having episodes on set, but that’s just typical actor nonsense, right? Surely it couldn’t get any worse!
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Look, I’m here to review a movie so I’ll keep this brief: Miller committed crimes. Lots of crimes. So many, in fact, you’d think they were method acting for the role of Reverse-Flash. The thing is, despite all of this, Miller was basically given a slap on the wrist by the studio, being forbidden from doing promos and press tours (oh no! The horror!). And as if the situation wasn’t already a fucking mess, while Miller’s crime spree was ongoing WB canned the nearly-complete Batgirl movie that featured Michael Keaton and Academy Award-winning actor Brendan Fraser while simultaneously inflating The Flash’s budget to nearly $300 million with reshoots. It seems baffling to cancel a movie that was nearly done and that people were marginally interested in for the sake of a movie that people were losing interest in quickly due to its star’s erratic behavior, but remember: Leslie Grace isn’t white, while Ezra Miller is. WB is never beating those racism allegations at this rate.
With a normal movie, this is where the nonsense ends. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!
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This film was meant to smooth out the clusterfuck continuity of the “Snyderverse” with a soft reboot, with Henry Cavill filming a end-of-movie cameo alongside Miller, Gal Gadot, Keaton, and Supergirl’s actress Sasha Calle to establish the new direction of DC going forward. Unfortunately, the hierarchy of power at DC changed, and Gunn shot that down. While this meant the ending would probably not get people confused with regards to upcoming projects, it also meant the movie wasn’t going to really have any closure for the old universe. Affleck, Cavill, and who knows who else are just gone, and the future is just a big old question mark. At least Aquaman is safe, maybe?
Literally none of this news was very reassuring to fans. Nothing above is any good for a film’s perception to audiences under normal circumstances, but here we have all this news coming to a fanbase that genuinely did not want this fucking movie. The DCEU was already divisive when the film was announced, and Miller’s portrayal of Barry doubly so; the fact it was adapting Flashpoint was seen as lazy and uninspired, not to mention its not really a story that lets Flash stand on his own merits, making it seem more like this movie was just an excuse to reboot; it was a multiverse story in a day and age with an abundance of such stories, and it was releasing around the same time as Across the Spider-Verse to boot; and Gunn’s reboot plans meant this story was likely a narrative dead end. This movie had an uphill battle the likes of which haven’t been seen since Sisyphus.
But much like that mythological figure, the boulder came crashing right back down when the numbers came in. The movie would likely need to gross $500 million at minimum to break even after factoring in the reshoots and advertising, and it only managed half of that with a pitiful opening weekend followed by a massive 73% drop. It now sits alongside films like The Lone Ranger and Mortal Engines as one of the most expensive bombs in history, to the point where WB would have saved more money by cancelling it like they did with Batgirl. And despite glowing praise from the likes of Tom Cruise and Stephen King, it received middling reviews from mainstream critics.
Audiences haven’t been any less mixed, but considering most people weren’t particularly excited or invested in this film’s existence this is basically a miracle. Sure, there’s plenty of people out there saying this is the “worst comic book movie ever” like they do every time a new superhero movie drops, but even more people are saying they enjoyed the film… although even they tend to have some severe criticisms.
Even though I knew most of what was going to happen in the movie going in, I wasn’t really sure what to expect given everything surrounding the movie. But you know me, I’m willing to give almost any movie a chance, and bombs this big don’t happen every day, so even before it was voted on I was trying to make time to check it out. So sit down, microwave yourself a snack—
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—and watch as I try and determine if The Flash is really that bad.
The biggest shock of this film is that Ezra Miller is actually really good here.
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Their Barry is still a bit of a goofball, but he’s clearly matured as a character since his precious appearances. They managed to make him much more charming and likable than he ever was, and this gets compounded when he interacts with the younger Barry and gets confronted with how annoying he was before. I think young Barry could have come off as really insufferable, but the fact he annoys everyone around him and also ends up maturing makes him a lot more endearing.
Miller really kills it with the emotional moments, particularly the ending encounter with Barry’s mom and the scene where old Barry snaps at young Barry. The film is really carried by the dramatic, emotional moments far more than any of the superheroics, and Miller manages to sell a lot of it very well. It was to the point where I started thinking, “I really wouldn’t mind if they stick around.” Then a scene where Barry says the Justice League has no real psychiatric help or where his younger self ends up repeatedly exposing himself in public by accident happens, and then I remembered, “Oh yeah, aren’t they a mentally unwell criminal?”
Unsurprisingly, Michael Keaton absolutely kills it in his role as Batman, but much more shockingly is that Ben Affleck's brief return as Bruce is pretty great as well. I always thought Affleck, much like Henry Cavill, was desperately trying to give a great performance while weighed down by bad writing; here, he gets an actual poignant scene where he talks to Barry about how dwelling on tragedies isn't the way to do things, and you should try and move forward instead. It shows he really could have been great if given better material to work with.
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Okay, enough being nice to Affleck, I wanna talk about Keaton again. As much as the marketing hyped him up and as much as he is obviously the most blatant fanservice possible, it's still so cool to see him in the suit again. I am not immune to nostalgia pandering, and as corny as it could have been from anyone else, the zoom into his face when he says The Line really is a highlight of the movie. Keaton has a great deal of charisma, and while there are issues with Batman they aren't his fault at all. Most impressively, he doesn't steal the show away from Miller like I thought he would; he enhances the scenes he's in without stealing the spotlight completely from their performance. I feel like this is a problem in a lot of movies like this, where the lead gets overshadowed by a hyped up character, but somehow The Flash of all things managed to avoid this.
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And as bad as the cameos could get, this movie gave two of the greatest cameos ever put to film with the return of the GOAT George Clooney Batman and, best of all, Nicolas Cage Superman from the unmade Superman Lives, fighting a giant spider to the death just as God intended. I am not immune to the charms of Nicolas Cage.
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Overall, this movie presents us with a solid story, plenty of fun moments, great character dynamics, and more... for the first two acts, anyway.
Once this movie hits the third act, it basically just loses any and all focus and becomes a big dumb video game-esque battle against Zod and his forces in a bland desert landscape. While both Barrys admittedly get some pretty cool moments sprinkled in and Keaton’s Batman’s second death is actually a well done emotional moment, Supergirl ends up being completely wasted, with her sole role being to angrily scream and then die repeatedly.
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This actually highlights the problem with Kara in this movie: She’s basically nothing but a plot device and has zero personality, and a good 80% of her dialogue is just angry screaming. As hot as Sasha Calle is and how much she obviously wants to make Kara compelling, she is given so little to work with that her efforts end up being fruitless. She does nothing of consequence after helping Barry get his powers back, and could be replaced or written out of the story and it would still make perfect sense.
Zod’s inclusion is pretty baffling as well, especially since they chose to water down one of the only good things from Man of Steel into a boring, generic doomsday villain. You can really feel that poor Michael Shannon would rather be doing anything else, and his bored performance just highlights how poorly implemented Zod is in the plot. Like, the Fladh has some of the best and most colorful DC villains in his rogues gallery, one’s that are often overlooked because Batman’s villains sell more toys. Why not highlight some of them instead of taking a Superman villain and stripping him of all personality to the point the actor clearly has no passion for the role? Cutting Zod would make cutting Supergirl even easier, and then two of the biggest problems with the movie are gone!
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The third act does manage to mostly rerail itself once it goes back to Barry trying to unfuck the timeline, with only a disgustingly egregious bit of fanservice that I’ll discuss in the next section hampering it. But at the end, despite the incredibly based George Clooney cameo, there’s just so many unresolved and unanswered questions, with the biggest one being who killed Barry’s mom? Considering her death is what kickstarted the whole plot, you’d think this might come up, but it never does. A lot of other things come up and get dropped too, like whatever was going on with Batman in the opening, but maybe I’m just crazy for wanting elements introduced in a plot to have significance beyond just being there to be cool.
Even beyond that, there’s the fact that Supergirl and Keaton!Batman’s final fates are never really resolved, something that apparently wasn’t a problem in early versions of the film since they showed up alive in the final scene. As much as I loved seeing Clooney, I think trading him for getting some closure for Keaton and Calle would have been more satisfying.
Everyone harps on how bad the CGI is—and it absolutely is, don’t get me wrong—but for the most part I found it endearingly bad. Like the opening with the CGI babies? That’s too goofy for me to hate. But once the movie revolves into bland grey and black CGI bad guys and creepy deepfake celebrity cameos, I stop being quite so forgiving.
Oh, and on the subject of cameos, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one as pointless and unfunny as Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman showing up out of nowhere (complete with theme music) to make Bruce and Barry look like dumb assholes. Imagine thinking this was a good idea.
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The biggest point of contention surrounding this movie is the CGI necromancy used in the aforementioned cameo clusterfuck from the climax, which gives us George Reeve, Christopher Reeves, and Adam West posthumously reprising their DC roles in non-speaking appearances (there’s archived audio from West, but his cameo isn't really focused on to the point you can barely tell it's him) where they just stand there before the camera swoops around like in that Saul Goodman gif.
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I think this is one of the very few times where I actually think the outrage is mostly justified. To be clear, I’m not getting mad on behalf of dead celebrities I never knew, and as long as the filmmakers went through the proper channels and the estates of these stars were properly compensated, I don’t have any legal objections. All of my distaste is coming from a subjective, moral standpoint.
I have never liked this CGI necromancy ever since Rogue One popularized it. I find it really gross and distasteful, and in most cases I think finding a lookalike actor would be preferable than playing Weekend at Bernie’s with a computer generated facsimile of a dead person. In The Flash, I understand having lookalikes would diminish the wow factor of the crossover, but there was an extremely easy workaround to this: Have cameos from all the living DC stars.
Was Brandon Routh not available to put on the Superman tights? Would it have been so bad to let Grant Gustin pop in for a cameo? They acknowledge Helen Slater, so why not Melissa Benoist? Hell, if you want to reference bad, campy movies, have Shaq show up as Steel or Josh Brolin pop in as Jonah Hex! Or even Ryan Reynolds, I’d bet he’d be down to return if you gave him a real suit this time!
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Like there’s just no excuse for ghoulishly parading around dead guys when there’s so many alive guys you could use instead. People can complain all they want about the fanservice and cameos in the past few Spider-Man films, but at least they only had returning characters played by living actors. And when this movie already has the niche, out-there Nic Cage Superman cameo, proving they were down to do things as out there and inoffensively creative as reference unmade movies, it’s really just inexcusable. It doesn’t ruin the movie for me, but it makes me lose a bit of respect for the people who okayed this over less offensive cameo ideas.
To my surprise, this film actually turned out to be pretty good. Not “great,” not “the best superhero movie ever,” but genuinely mostly good and enjoyable.
My opinion is that the movie is good in spite of itself. The third act is truly a hot mess, the stupid desert battle against Zod is awful and boring, Supergirl is depressingly pointless, so many plot points are just dropped or otherwise forgotten, and the CGI necromancy is nothing short of ghoulish. But the rest of the movie is truly a lot of fun. Barry and his younger self have a fun dynamic, Keaton really manages to take what little he’s given and show that he’s still got it as Batman, the Clooney and Cage cameos were delightful, and most importantly the emotional moments are actually effective.
I think with a bit more polish this film could have actually lived up to the hype around it. There is a great movie in here being suffocated by fanservice and CGI but still managing to get a few gasps of air regardless. I think if they’d kept the conflict more grounded or made Reverse-Flash the primary antagonist, things might have turned out better.
I think its score is pretty fair. My friend @huyh172 described this as “the worst good DC movie,” and it’s an assessment I fully agree with. It’s not as good as Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Suicide Squad, the Snyder Cut, or Shazam!, and it’s definitely not as bad as stuff like Wonder Woman 1984 or Josstice League. It’s also a bit too enjoyable to be mid. It’s just a really solid movie held back from true greatness by some damning flaws… and really, that makes it the perfect capstone to the "Snyderverse," a cinematic universe that had some solid movies but was held back from greatness by incredibly bad ones.
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elastijubilee · 4 months
Beauty and the Beast (1946, French foreign language)
The Color Purple (2023)
Time Bandits (1981)
Mean Girls (2024)
Repulsion (1965)
The Uninvited (1944)
Rumble Fish (1983)
Alien (1979)
A Brighter Summer Day (1991, Taiwanese foreign language)
Tess (1979)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
Aliens (1986)
So, I decided in 2019 to keep track of every movie I'd watched for the first time each year moving forward. This year has been my biggest year!
Movies I watched for the first time in 2023:
Glass Onion (2022)
X (2022)
Pearl (2022)
The Witch (2015)
Fright Night (2011)
The Lighthouse (2019)
Knock at the Cabin (2023)
The Northman (2022)
Hereditary (2018)
Midsommar (2019)
Men (2022)
Saint Maude (2020)
The Wolfman (1941)
Psycho (1960)
The Birds (1963)
Vertigo (1958)
Psycho (1998)
Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (2023)
Suspiria (2018)
Rosemary's Baby (2014 made-for-tv 2-parter)
Poltergeist (2015)
Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
ANOES 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
ANOES 4: The Dream Master (1988)
ANOES 5: The Dream Child (1989)
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (1980)
It Follows (2014)
The Flash (2023)
Oppenheimer (2023)
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2023)
The Little Mermaid (2023)
The Red Shoes (1948)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
The Blob (1988)
Paint (2023)
Mafia Mama (2023)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Uncut Gems (2019)
The Green Knight (2019)
The Last Airbender (2010)
The Dark Crystal (1982)
The Fog (1980)
They Live (1988)
Office Space (1999)
Fifty Shades Freed (2018)
Teen Titans Go to the Movies (2018)
John Wick Ch. 1 (2014)
Super Mario Bros (2023)
Muppets From Space (1999)
Scream 6 (2023)
12 Monkeys (1995)
Bottoms (2023)
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023)
The Craft (1996, fully through)
I Married a Witch (1942)
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964, French foreign language)
Friday the 13th, Part 2 (1981)
Barbie (2023)
The Boy and the Heron (2023)
The Color Purple (1985)
Violent Night (2022)
The Stepford Wives (1975)
Staten Island Summer (2015)
Nobody's Child (1986)
This is Spinal Tap (1984)
Shawn of the Dead (2004)
The Wiz (1978)
Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
Licorice Pizza (2021)
Fifty Shades of Gray (2015)
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
Cyrano (2021)
The King and I (1956)
Carrie (2013)
Carrie (2002, made-for-tv)
The Batman (2022)
Firestarter (1984)
Frozen 2 (2019)
The Fury (1978)
Firestarter (2022)
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
The Bob's Burgers Movie (2022)
The Deadzone (1983)
Sparring Partner (2022, short)
My Fair Lady (1964)
The Untouchables (1987)
Singin' in the Rain (1952)
The Black Phone (2022)
Barbarian (2022)
Nope (2022)
Flashdance (1983)
Crimes of the Heart (1987)
Don't Worry Darling (2022)
The Exorcist (1973)
Child's Play (1988)
Scream 3 (2003)
Scream 5 (2022)
The Fablemans (2022)
Halloween (1978)
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Return to Oz (1985)
Newsies (1992)
National Lampoon's European Vacation (1985)
National Lampoon's Las Vegas Vacation (1997)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
The Wolverine (2013)
Logan (2017)
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Watchmen (2009)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Aquaman (2018)
Shazam! (2019)
X-Men: New Mutants (2020)
Cruella (2021)
Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
Reminiscence (2021)
My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising (2019)
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes (2018)
My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission (2021)
Dune (2021)
Poltergeist (1982)
The Babadook (2014)
A Silent Voice (2016)
Rockdog (2016)
Rockdog 2: Rock Around the Park (2021)
Lion King (2019)
Terminator (1984)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
West Side Story (2021)
Spiderman: Homecoming (2017)
Spiderman: Far From Home (2019)
Spiderman: No Way Home (2021)
Looper (2012)
Brick (2005)
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Mr. Mom (1983)
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Pretty Baby (1978)
Private Benjamin (1980)
The Color of Pomegranates (1969, foreign language)
Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
Cunningham (2020, documentary)
And Then We Danced (2019, Georgian foreign language)
The Young Girls of Rochetfort (1967, French foreign language)
Love on a Leash (2011)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999, fully through)
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002, fully through)
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
Blazing Saddles (1974)
The Producers (1967)
Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog (2007)
Death Becomes Her (1992)
Captain Underpants (2017)
X-Men (2000, fully through)
X-Men 2 (2003)
Dust in the Wind (1986)
Phantasm (1978)
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
I Eat Your Flesh (1971)
Serenity (2005)
Juice (2017, short, Indian foreign language)
Earth (1998, Indian foreign language)
Protocol (1984)
Voices Within: The Many Lives of Trudy Chase (1990, 4 hr full version)
Clue (1985)
Unleashed (2016)
Fright Night (1985)
Moll Flanders (1996, BBC 2-parter)
Parasite (2019)
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010)
Irreconcilable Differences (1984)
The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)
A Very Brady Sequel (1996)
Frozen Assets (1992)
Knives Out (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Santa Claus With Muscles (1996)
Jack Frost (1997, dog sh*t horror)
Home (?, Indian foreign language film)
The Greatest Showman (2017)
Pinjar (2003, Indian foreign language)
Interstellar (2014)
Shock and Censorship (1993)
The Witches of Eastwick (1987)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Gypsy (1962)
The Shape of Water (2017)
The Favorite (2018)
A Small Circle of Friends (1980)
A League of Their Own (1992)
Shock Treatment (1981)
Empire of the Sun (1987)
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(A list because I am insane)
Adventures of the Supersons (2018)
Amazons Attack (2007)
Another Castle (2016)
Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target (2021)
Arsenal (1998)
Avatar: The Promise (2012)
Avatar: The Search (2013)
Batgirl (2009)
Batgirl by Gail Simone (2011) [1-42]
Batgirl: Year One (2003)
Batgirls (2021)
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity (2003)
Batman and Robin (2009)
Batman and the Signal (2018)
Batman Eternal (2014)
Batman Incorporated (2012)
Batman Secret Files (2021)
Batman Vs Robin (2022)
Batman: Battle for the Cowl (2009)
Batman Cataclysm Event (1999)
Batman No Mans Land Event (1999)
Batman Fear State Event (2021)
Batman Knightfall Event (1993)
Batman Knightquest The Crusade (1993)
Batman Knightquest The Search (1993)
Batman The Cult (1988)
Batman The Detective (2021)
Batman The Knight (2022)
Batman Urban Legends (2022)
Birds of Prey: Manhunt (1996)
Birds of Prey: Sirens of Justice (2020)
Black Canary (1991)
Black Canary (1993)
Black Canary (2007)
Black Canary (2015)
Boxers and Saints (2013)
The Brave and The Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman (2018)
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020)
Checkmate (2021)
Convergence: Batgirl (2015)
Convergence: Batman and Robin (2015)
Convergence : Justice League (2015)
Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle (2015)
Convergence: Superboy (2015)
Convergence: Superman (2015)
Convergence: The Question (2015)
Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths (2022) {Also the event lol}
Dark Crisis: Young Justice (2022)
Extraordinary (2021)
The final Night (1996) {Also the event}
The Flash (2011)
Flash and Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold (1999)
Forever Evil (2013) {Also the event}
Forever Evil A.R.G.U.S. (2013)
Forever Evil Arkham War (2013)
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion (2013)
Future State: Batman/Superman (2021)
Future State:Catwoman (2021)
Future State: Dark Detective (2021)
Future State: Gotham (2021)
Future State: green Lantern (2021)
Future State: Harley Quinn (2021)
Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman (2021)
Future State: Justice League (2021)
Future State: Kara Zor El Superwoman (2021)
Future State: Legion of Superheroes (2021)
Future State: Nightwing (2021)
Future State: Eternal Robin (2021)
Future State: Shazam! (2021)
Future State: Suicide Squad (2021)
Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman
Future State: Superman of Metropolis (2021)
Future State: Superman vs Imperious Lex (2021)
Future State: Superman World of War (2021)
Future State: Swamp Thing (2021)
Future State: Teen Titans (2021)
Future State: The Flash (2021)
Future State: The Next Batman (2021)
Future State: Wonder Woman (2021)
GCPD: The Blue Wall (2022)
Ghost-Spider (2019)
Gotham Academy (2014)
Green Arrow (1983)
Green Arrow by Mike Grell (1988)
Green Arrow the longbow Hunters (1987)
Green Arrow Year One (2007)
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series The Eat Bang Kill Tour (2021)
Identity Crisis (2004)
Infinite Frontier (2021)
Infinite Frontier Secret Files (2021)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year One (2013)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Two(2014)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three (2014)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Four (2015)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Five (2015)
Jane Foster and the Mighty Thor (2022)
Joker: Last Laugh (2001) {Also the event}
Justice League of America (2013)
Justice League vs The Legion of Superheroes (2022)
Justice League Trinity War event (2013)
Kingdom Come (1996)
Knight Terrors: Action Comics (2023)
Knight Terrors: Batman (2023)
Knight Terrors: Green Lantern (2023)
Knight Terrors: Nightwing (2023)
Knight Terrors: Robin (2023)
Knight Terrors: Superman (2023)
Lazarus Planet Event (2023) {NOT WE WERE GODS}
The Mighty Thor (2015)
Monkey Prince (2022)
Naomi (2019)
Nightwing (2011)
Nightwing/Huntress (1998)
Nubia and the amazons (2021)
Nubia Queen of the amazons (2022)
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011)
Robin (1991)
Robin II The Jokers Wild (1991)
Robin III Cry of the Huntress (1992)
Robin (2021)
Robin & Batman (2021)
Robin Year One (200)
Robins (2021)
Sensational Wonder Woman (2021)
Shadow War Event (2022)
Shazam! (2021)
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse (2022)
Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones (2023)
Spider-Gwen: Smash (2023)
Spirit World (2023)
StarFire (2015)
Stargirl: The Lost Children (2022)
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. (1999)
Steelworks (2023)
Suicide Squad (2021)
Suicide Squad Get Joker (2021)
Super Sons (2017)
Superboy The Man of Tomorrow (2023)
Supergirl (1994)
Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow (2021)
Superman: Death and Return of Superman event (1993)
Superman/Shazam! First Thunder (2005)
Superman and the Authority (2021)
Superman Smashes The Klan (2019)
Superman Day of Doom (2003)
Superman: Lois and Clark (2015)
Superman Lost (2023)
Superman Son of Kal El (2019)
Superman Up in the Sky (2019)
Task Force Z (2021)
Teen Titans (2011)
Teen Titans Academy (2021)
Teen Titans Year One (2008)
Thor (2014)
Tim Drake Robin (2022)
Titans United (2021)
Titans United Bloodpact (2022)
Trial of the Amazons (2022) {also the event}
Trial if the Amazons: Wonder Girl (2022)
Trinity of Sin (2014)
Our Worlds At War Event (2001)
The War for Earth 3 (2022) {Also the event }
Wonder Girl (2021)
Wonder Woman: Challenge of Artemis Event (1995)
Wonder Woman Gods of Gotham Event (2000)
Wonder Woman Paradise Lost and Found (2001)
Wonder Woman Agent if Peace (2020)
Wonder Woman Black and White and Gold (2021)
Wonder Woman Come Back to me (2019)
Wonder Woman Dead Earth (2019)
Wonder Woman Evolutions (2021)
Wonder Woman The Hiketeia (2002)
Worlds Finest (2009)
Worlds Finest Teen Titans (2023)
Young Justice (2011)
Zero Hour Crisis in Time (1994) {Also the event}
Zodiac Starforce (2015)
Zodiac Starforce Cries of the Prince (2017)
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imperiuswrecked · 11 months
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DC's "namor"/aquaman enemies to lovers fanfic is going really well...
Aquaman (1991) #4
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ormymarius · 3 months
If you like superhero Atlantean Arthur check out Aquaman Volume 4 from 1991! The people of Poseidonis LOVE him there, almost too much-- cause they're normal civilians and he has powers, they're overjoyed to see him no matter what he does and inadvertently worsen his self-esteem with their hero worship.
Pretty sure I’ve read it bc I’ve read almost every aquaman comic but ty 😭👍
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Cannot help but notice that the cover where Aquaman is fighting another man is in the colors of the bisexual flag... interesting...
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danthepest · 10 months
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More villains as seen in the DC Animated Universe. In order:
The Khund - First appearance in Adventure Comics v1 #346 (1966).
De'cine - First appearance in The Adventures of Superman Annual #3 (1991).
Karkull - First appearance in More Fun Comics #69 (1941).
Roulette - First appearance in JSA Secret Files & Origins #2 (2001).
Plastique - First appearance in Firestorm v2 #7 (1982).
Psycho-Pirate - First appearance in Showcase #56 (1965).
Orm - First appearance in Aquaman v1 #29 (1966).
Queen Bee - First appearance in Justice League of America v1 #23 (1963).
Major Disaster - First appearance in Green Lantern v2 #43 (1966).
Morgaine Le Fey & Mordred - First appearance in Batman v1 #36 (1946) & Superman #38 (1946).
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inhousearchive · 2 years
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House-ad for Aquaman (1991), running throughout DC Comics titles in the fall and winter of 1991.
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fancyfade · 3 months
Sorry ran out of options so no "I haven't read this comic" sweeps, just will have to wait one week to see results :P
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somewherefornow · 9 months
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rickberu · 4 months
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I kept track of all the #movies I watched last year. Part 1
The 13th Warrior 1999
Abraxas 1991
Absolon 2003
Adrenalin: Fear the Rush 1996
Alien Intruder 1993
Alligator 2 1990
Amityville 1992: It's About Time 1992
Amityville: A New Generation 1993
Arcade 1993
Aquaman 2018
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bigtinytoys · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Aquaman (Dec 1991, DC). First appearance of Thesily, the King of Atlantis.
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brookston · 9 months
Holidays 7.31
African Women’s Day
Always Live Better Than Yester Day
Apricot Day (French Republic)
Black Top Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day; UK)
Change Your Ringtone Day (Australia)
Cool Japan Day
Crossfire Hurricane Day
Devoted Couples Day
Emancipation Day (Belize)
Father’s Day (Dominican Republic)
George Jetson Day
Gryphon Appreciation Day
Hapje Tapje (Leuven, Belgium)
Happy Potter Day
Hot August Nights begin (Reno, Nevada)
Insect Appreciation Day
International Lifeguard Appreciation Day
International Seriously Single Day
Joust of Quintana: La Sfida (The Challenge; Italy) [Pt. 2 in September]
Ka Hae Hawai'i Day (State Flag Day; Hawaii)
Law Enforcement Day (Louisiana)
Mac Davis Day (Lubbock, Texas)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana and Punjab, India)
Milton Friedman Day
Mutt's Day
National Commando Day
National Diana Day
National Eisteddford of Wales (Wales)
National Heatstroke Awareness Day
National #Love Day
National Mom Bod Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Dog Day)
National Orgasm Day (UK)
National Parent a Biracial Child Day
Operation Motorman Anniversary Day (UK)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saui Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
Saxophone Day
Treasury Day (Poland)
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
U.S. Patent Day
Warriors’ Day (Malaysia)
World Day Against Electronic Torture
World MS Trend Day
World Ranger Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cotton Candy Day [also 12.7]
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Make Homemade Ice Cream and Invite the Neighbors Over Day
National Avocado Day
National Raspberry Cake Day
National Spam Day
Rum Ration Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day)
Shredded Wheat Day
5th & Last Monday in July
Carnival Monday (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba) [Last Monday]
Independence Days
Vanuatu (from UK/France, 1980)
Feast Days
Abanoub (Christian; Saint)
Bill Gates Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Birthday of Nephthys
Cameons (Positivist; Saint)
The Clodhoppers (Muppetism)
Dress Up Day (Pastafarian)
Erich Heckel (Artology)
First Sermon of Buddha (Bhutan)
Germanus of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Helen of Skofde, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius of Loyola (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Villon (Artology)
John Columbini (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Eastern Orthodox)
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. ... 
Hlafmesse (Loaf Mass; Anglo-Saxon)
Lammas, Day 1 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. Lughnassad Eve)
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lughnassadh (Grain Harvest)
Oiche Lughnasadh (Pagan)
Neot (Christian; Saint)
Real Ale Day (Pastafarian)
Seedy Birds (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bad Animals, by Heart (Album; 1987)
BASEketball (Film; 1998)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Film; 1992)
Dad’s Army (BBC TV Series; 1968)
The Dark Tower (Film; 2017)
Death Becomes Her (Film; 1992)
Enchanted April (Film; 1992)
Ever After (Film; 1998)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (TV Series; 2019)
Hang ‘Em High (Film; 1968)
Hot Shots! (Film; 1991)
Lego Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis (WB Animated Film; 2018)
The Living Daylights (James Bond Film, US; 1987) [#15]
The Lost Boys (Film; 1987)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Film; 2015)
Murder Included, by Joanna Cannan (Novel; 1950)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Only the Lonely, by Roy Orbison (Song; 1960)
Plenty of Money and You (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Book of Poems; 1786)
Rascal Flatts, by Rascal Flatts (Album; 2000)
Rushing Roulette (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Shadow (Radio Series; 1930)
Still the One, by Orleans (Song; 1976)
Urban Cowboy (Film; 1980)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Film; 2017)
The Wiggles (TV Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Hermann, Ignatius, Justinus (Austria)
Ignacije, Vatroslav (Croatia)
Ignác (Czech Republic)
Germanus, Helena (Denmark)
Ave, Meevi (Estonia)
Elena, Helena (Finland)
Ignace (France)
Herrmann, Ignatius, Joseph (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis (Greece)
Oszkár (Hungary)
Barbara (Italy)
Angelika, Renita, Rūta, Sigita (Latvia)
Elena, Ignotas, Sanginas, Vykintė (Lithuania)
Elin, Eline (Norway)
Beatus, Demokryt, Emilian, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Helena, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Justyn, Ludomir, Żegota (Poland)
Margarita, Marina (Russia)
Ignác (Slovakia)
Fabio, Germán, Ignacio (Spain)
Elin, Helena (Sweden)
Ignacio, Inigo, Reed, Reid (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 212 of 2024; 153 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 31 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 14 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 13 Av 5783
Islamic: 13 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 2 Hasa; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 18 July 2023
Moon: 98%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 16 Dante (8th Month) [Cameons]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 41 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 10 of 31)
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