#arab in hijab
girlskissinggifs · 8 months
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muslimhotties · 6 months
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katy-perry-mnwo · 2 months
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My husband treated me like a queen, little did he know. He could never feed my urges.
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zegalba · 1 year
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Shirin Neshat: Identified (1995) Photography: Cynthia Preston
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gojohotties · 8 days
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Arabic 😎
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xmuslim93 · 10 months
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sarahbourn · 9 months
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lesorus · 2 years
it's not that white liberal feminists truly believed the hijab is honorable, empowering, and a choice, it's just that they care more about "political correctness" than women's rights
Not only the hijab represents purity culture for the middle eastern/muslim woman but it clearly sexualizes every inch of a woman's body, contrary to popular belief. It imposes that unless a woman is covered, she is inherently sexual. And not just her hair, her arms and her legs, in some cases her feet, her face, her hands, and even her eyes. Even the outline of her body has to be concealed because there is always a man who will find it enticing, and this from the ripe age of 9. No matter how inconvenient it is. Not to forget, women are always to some degree pressured if not forced into this "choice" lest they bring shame to their family. How many arab girls have grown up hearing "You can do whatever you want, just keep a hijab on your head."? How many girls have been scolded, threatened, hit, because they were merely talking to a boy? How many girls were forbidden to go to school, to go out of the house until they abandoned their "westernized ideas" and started "dressing decently"? And how many were killed, charged with prostitution, stoned for not not wearing it?
Now, you want to convince me that libfems, the same group that wants to "free the nipple", thought the hijab was empowering for the last decade? Hell nah.
They just don't care. They don't care because they view middle eastern, brown, and Muslim women as lesser. Our suffering and our objectification are nothing compared to their inconvenience. So why would they even think about it? Why would they upset conservative muslim men and women ? They have been overlooking every honor killing for years now to not make muslims look bad.
Today it's trendy to oppose forced hijab, tomorrow, they'll forget about us.
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sivyera · 6 months
i dont know if you take request s but i really need this one i havent found anyone doing it. i really need headcanons with cullen their mate being turkish (like her english is good but like classical turkish things yk being angry at the smallest things, making fun of everything, being very kind and welcoming but looks so serious all the time and please if you can make her pretty as a valpire). its ok if you dont take requests 💗. and im sorry if i couldnt express myself english is not my first language.
hi! i tried my best and i add other islamic countries because i don't know if you wear hijab or not and i also wanted to give some love to my ladies with hijabs so there are some parts with hijab in every character, i hope you like it because i put a lot of work in it!
Twilight characters dating islamic reader
ft. carlise, emmet, rosalie, edward, jasper, alice, jacob, seth, paul, bella
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a/n: guys i'm not from islamic country so i apologize for any mistakes, i don't want to make anyone upset nor angry, it is also not really good because i don't know much about this culture so... i tried my best, hope you like it!
⤷ Carlise Cullen
-Carlise would love your constant switching emotions. at one time you are calm, kind, welcoming to everyone and a lovely wife and then out of the sudden you trip over your dress and you are now yelling over the whole house, then mumbling something in turkish (your native language) underneath your breath that no cullen understands and Carlise is just smiling while looking at you.
he'd want to know about Turkey (or other islamic country) and what is it like, i belive he visited Turkey (or other islamic countries) but just for two weeks max so... he didn't really explored the culture and he wants to hear you speak about your homeland and family and stories, he just loves it.
he'd love to see you cook your favourite food or some traditional meals or snacks from your childhood because he wants to educate himself about your country, but he cannot eat it which makes him kinda mad, about the educating; he'll also search some Turkish (or other islamic country) words and when he's feeling really flirty, he'll tell you something in turkish to impress you
if you're wearing a hijab, he'd be again very respectful and if anyone did you wrong, he'd have your back and be right next to you glaring and "politely" telling the person to fuck off
⤷ Emmett Cullen
-Emmett would love to tease you just to see you being mad. he will poke your belly a bit or (gently) kick your feet so you trip over and when you are being all angry, again mumbling something in your native language probably something how you gonna kill him and all, he's just there laughing on the ground.
sometimes he would get confused because you look so serious at all the time and sometimes you talk with serious, stone hard face without even realizing it, so if you tell him a joke with dead serious face he'd stand there blank look on his face, yk yk.
you can use it against him, because when you are really mad he's scared of you. and you are the only one he listens to.
he'd love to try and eat every single food you have in Turkey (other islamic country) or snacks or drinks, but because he's a vampire he cannot so you are just telling him what each food is like and what's inside etc.,, he can listen for hours to this
if you're wearing a hijab he'd definitely would use it for another teasing, like gently tugging on it or placing bananas on top of your head yk.
⤷ Rosalie Hale/Cullen
-Rosalie have always found islamic women so pretty. she always thought that they are the most beautiful women on earth, just their energy made her feel some kind of way...
so she is considering herself extremely lucky to date you, like really. she even thinks that you are more beautiful than her, which shows how much she actually love you.
she also has bad temper so when you are mad on the smallest thing, she's mad with you just because
sometimes people say you two are siblings because both of you have your serious face all the time, when people say that both of you are mad, you "yelling" on that person and Rosalie growling under her breath ready to attack this person
but when she sees you looking out of window, calmly breathing with sun rays slightly touching your soft features, she smiles to herself while being glad that she has you
if you're wearing a hijab, she'd want you to teach her how to make it and then she will do it for you. she'd find you even more beautiful because she can just look at your pretty clear face without hair in it and admire you.
⤷ Edward Cullen
-Edward reads a lot so i believe he knows a lot about your homeland and culture but he lied to you and told you that he never heard of it so you have to tell him about it, so he can hear you talk.
he didn't realize how many interesting thoughts he'd hear, i mean at one time he can hear you thinking about that pretty nail polish you've bought and after few minutes he hears some turkish (or other islamic language) words without knowing the meaning and then english words where you say you messed up that nail polish.
he'd probably could speak with you in your native language because he hears so many words (thoughts) in your native language so that he remembers them and know the meaning.
he'd play for you on piano some turkish (or other) songs he has found on the internet just to impress you and it was such a romatic gesture.
he'd be really interested in music at your homeland because it would make him feel more close to you.
⤷ Jasper Hale/Cullen
-Jasper is "old" cowboy so you two just somehow clicked. somehow there was a chemistry that just mixed your vibes and made a perfect couple yk.
he'd sneak into your room at night and listen to stories from your homeland and then he would tell you some stories from time when he was a human.
Jasper can feel your emotions so if you are tired of your bad temper just tell him and he will calm you whenever he feels that you are getting angry.
that's why you two are such a perfect couple, because you help him control his thirst and he helps you to control your emotions, so both of you are focusing on different things that doesn't involve you which means you are even calmer
you two agreed on that you are gonna pull out the "in pain face" card whenever one of you is feeling uncomfortable so
if you're wearing a hijab, Jasper would make sure no one makes you uncomfortable even more because people at Forks are not used to seeing women wearing a hijab and some kids at school can be pretty mean...
⤷ Alice Cullen
-Alice knew that her mate will be from Turkey (or other islamic country) so she had some time to get ready. she read something on the internet and she borrowed some books from Carlise or Esme about islamic countries so she could be prepared
she was very opened and VERY interested in your homeland and your traditions, so she would want to know every single detail! because she didn't wanted to disrespect you, not even the smallest
sometimes she could see when you will become angry, so she either wants to see you angry because she thinks you look cute or she will do anything to prevent it, depends on her mood
you two are the definition of sunshine x grumpy, because Alice is always smiling and kind and loving... you on the other hand are also kind and loving but your face looks like a stone so you kinda scare Alice's bullies away
Alice would be really interested in your traditional dresses just because she likes fashion and she likes to talk about it. so you two will lay in bed, you holding a photo of you in you traditional dress in your hands and she pointing at each suture and decoration
if you're wearing a hijab, she would love to style it for you or put cute stickers on it (if you let her)
⤷ Jacob Black
-Jacob would LOVE it! because when you are angry you cringe your nose in such a cute was, he's not scared at all he finds it funny because there is no way you could beat him.
he would be very protective because sometimes you and Paul argue which can lead Paul to shift so Jacob is here to protect you in that case.
but your welcoming and loving side is his favourite. when you treat him like a puppy, yeah really. when you stroke his cheek while saying "good job, baby" when he fixed his bike, his pupils will go bigger and he will follow you around like a puppy.
he'd eat everything you make, like everything. so when you started making you traditional food and snacks (with Emily's help) he ate it all and then say how much he liked it.
he will crave your both initials into a small piece of wood and gave it to you as a good luck charm, and when you asked him what's his lucky charm he answered with simple "you".
if you're wearing a hijab he will make sure that it's clean because there is a lot of wolf hair around the house.
⤷ Seth Clearwater
-Seth will also love when you are angry but because you look so hot! so he will just stare in awe and then take you to his room and kiss you all over
he will also start stare fights, like who can last longer without blinking but he will always lose and laugh at your serious face.
he can become really protective when someone is disrespecting you, and by that i mean he'll go feral if someone slightly disrespects you he'll tear them apart. he maybe looks cute but he's a real monster in his wolf form, to you he's just a big puppy
he will eat every traditional snack that you can offer, some small candy your grandma made when you couldn't sleep or some salty chip your mother fried when you wanted, he will eat it ALL.
when you cuddle with him, he will put his face into your neck and breath in your scent because that calms him down, knowing that you are here with him, safe
if you're wearing hijab he will make sure no one touches it or no one is making you uncomfortable with questions because if yes, oh lord...
⤷ Paul Lahote
-Paul again finds you anger sexy and cute at the same time so it depends if he's in a heat or not, and if you say you get angry at the smallest things well then you two will do a lot of cardio...
Paul, like every other shape-shifter will eat everything! if it's from you then TWICE of everything! he then uses the energy and calories to his wolf body which makes him even stronger than he already is!
he's also very possessive and protective, like a LOT! especially if it's a guy that's bothering you, he will beat him up like crazy i can tell
if you cup his face into your hands and kiss him "hard" on the lips, he will melt into you. he loves when you surprise him with kisses and affection...
he LOVES when you talk to him in your native language, call him baby in your native language and his full attention will be on you, he will come to you as soon as he hears your voice; put his hands on your waist and just stare into your eyes
if you're wearing a hijab he'll ask a lot of questions about it and then growl at everyone who starts talking about it, even at Sam
⤷ Bella Swan
-Bella would be shy from the start so she will just look at you with blank stare without knowing what to do because you were fine few minutes ago, now you are yelling at some ladybug that scared you.
but she will get used to it and then just giggle at you, she will also learn few turkish (other islamic language) words just to impress you but it will take her a bit more time to really say them to you
she will love to hear you stories while you're playing with her hair, she will lay her head on your lap and just close her eyes, listening to your calming voice telling her some fairy tail that you grandma used to tell you while you're stroking her hair
she will try some candy or sweet snacks from your country and some good meal that's not spicy, because i feel like she's not really a fan of spicy food
she often does some movements with her face like with her lips or eyes or eyebrows and she finds it so fascinating that you can stare at the tv with serious face... wow...
if you're wearing hijab she will look at you while you make it and how you tug your hair perfectly inside, gorgeous.
i feel like this is so bad, i really hope you like it!
-love, sivyera
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muslimhotties · 2 months
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katy-perry-mnwo · 2 months
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I was an infidel and now I deserve to be punished.
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gojohotties · 8 days
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Best halal ass?
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ronnyraygun · 1 year
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Talia and Baby Jay dynamic make my brain giggle.
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tortiefrancis · 7 months
disabled arab friends ^-^ (smile)
wanted to draw more arab people but also more disabled people, so i decided to draw both. i didn't have many ideas for this drawing so i'm open to suggestions! :3 (cat smile)
this also my first time drawing people walking so i hope this is good
[ ID in alt text and plain text ]
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[ ID: Digital, stylized art of four Arab friends walking together next to each other against a transparent background, with colorful lineart and some shading. From left to right:
A thin man with medium tone skin, brown eyes, short, straight, black hair, a unibrow and a thin beard. He's a leg amputee, has vitiligo on his hands and walks with a pair of green crutches. He wears a white shirt with green sleeves, swamp green pants and light swamp green shoes. He looks to the woman next to him.
The woman is fat and has medium tone skin, brown eyes, a scarred eyebrow and a cleft lip. She wears a dark red hijab, two yellow heart hair clips, an orange shirt with yellow hems and a heart, dark red pants and yellow shoes with light yellow hearts. She talks to the man.
Next, a man with light skin with a lighter patch on his forehead, brown eyes, short, curly, blonde hair with a light patch and a beard. He has dwarfism. He wears glasses, a gray polo shirt, navy blue denim pants and blue shoes. He talks to the woman next to him.
The woman is chubby and broad with light-medium tone skin, a port wine stain on the left side of her face, green eyes, one droopier than the other, and long, curly, light brown hair. She wears a red t-shirt with white stripes, black denim pants and light pink shoes. She looks at the man, her hands in her pockets and her head low. /End ID ]
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aivoluptulicious · 2 months
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Rare, hidden - haram but superb - women of Qatar *according to a simulation running with alternate rules
أنا موجود فقط في أحلامك، ولسوء الحظ فإن القانون الإلهي لا يسمح بذلك
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officialsaucecummin · 21 days
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