#arc: coffee shop
nikkywrites · 2 years
A Bitter Aftertaste
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— a wip intro
↳ “I don’t— I don’t know where we’re supposed to go now. What we’re supposed to do.”
Genre -> Drama, Romance, Super Powers
Themes -> Love, Trauma, Communication, Secrets Come to Light, Separation and Desire for Reparation and Doubt.
Vibes -> bitterness sitting on your tongue, heavy sad sunny days, nervous ticks hidden under a table and behind teeth, the way a person can be familiar and a stranger all at once.
Blurb -> Vega loves Celeste, but-- she used to be a villain. Celeste used to be a hero. How could there be anything in that?
Tags To Follow -> wip a bitter aftertaste, arc: coffee shop, wip masks and trust, wip MaT
To Be Tagged -> Ask!
Synopsis under cut
When Vega decided to put down the mask, she all but vowed never to even think of it again (though she does, often, but the taboo is in the fondness, the dusk shadow of maybe-regret). The unspoken promise was renewed when she met Celeste.
It was broken under Celeste’s confession, prompting her to make her own.
Because keeping her villain status from a civilian was one thing, but an ex-hero? But Celeste? No. She couldn’t. So she’s honest, taking a brick to their glassy relationship.
And she expects it to be the end — how can a hero love a villain, retired or not?
But Celeste asks to meet, in a coffee shop that’s not their regular, to talk. And it could be nothing — could be goodbye, could be (it’s not, don’t get your hopes up) forgiveness. It could be a trap. And in any other circumstance, she wouldn't take the risk.
But she loves Celeste. Even now, in the pitch of their polar confessions. She loves Celeste, but how can she ever forgive Vega’s past?
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canisalbus · 8 months
I'd like to say that I love your art but never really saw the older stuff where Machete is just getting the shit kicked out of him by a homophobic universe so I only know your cute gay dogs as operatically dramatic dudes getting into Situations that only homosexuality can save them from.
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redheartedtramp · 6 months
Scenario: *Jaune is just trying to take out the garbage behind the coffee shop and is fiddling with his keys.*
Jaune: Damn, why do we have to lock up the dumpster. Who's gonna try to dive through this?
*Jaune suddenly feels heavy breathing on his neck. He looks over his shoulder and sees Wolf!Cinder.*
Cinder: Hey there, Humie.
Jaune: !?!
Cinder: Ah ah ah. Eyes forward, Humie.
Jaune: *turns back to the lock*
Cinder: That's right, Humie, just focus on the task at hand. That's right, get your key. Undo the lock.
Cinder: Hey now~ Don't go too fast. You wouldn't wanna worry me now, would you? *flashes claws* You wouldn't wanna scare me, would you? If you go too fast, I might just feel threatened and act in self-defense.
Jaune: *glances at claws nervously*
Cinder: You ever get attacked by a Wolf, humie? They often go for the throat. Quick and easy.
Jaune: *sweats nervously as he finally gets the lock off and quickly starts putting the trash away*
Cinder: Hey now, don't go too fast now. Or you'll pull a muscle.
Jaune: *nervously slows down*
Cinder: That's right. Nice and slow, Humie. Really put on a show for me.
Jaune: W-why are you doing this?
Cinder: I like watching you humans get uncomfortable. Are you? Are you uncomfortable?
Jaune: A-a little.
Cinder: Is it because I'm a Faunus?
Jaune: *puts trash away* N-no?
Cinder: Oh, that'd be good. Cause you're being recorded.
Jaune: *slowly looks around and sees Wolf!Emerald holding her phone*
Cinder: Hey, hey. Don't look at her. Focus on your job, garbage humie. Put that padlock back on.
Jaune: Y-yes, ma'am. *pulls out the lock*
Cinder: Could you imagine what would happen if me being a Faunus was the problem, and not that I could cut open your throat like paper. People would eat you alive. Like a wolf.
Jaune: *gets the lock on*
Cinder: Aw, good job, Humie. Well, I'd better get going. Too-da-loo~
*Cinder and Emerald proceed to leave, leaving Jaune to run back into the store.*
Coco: Jeez, Arc, I just asked you to throw out the trash. What took you so long?
Jaune: ...T-trouble with the lock...
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fridgrave2-0 · 6 months
michie coffee shop AU has taken over my mind
i was thinking about it for two hours non-stop and its just AAAAAAA i want to draw or write it so badly, maybe even start a comic (which i won't finish but still)
i just love to think what max has to work at beanie's bc he lost a game and his dad made him work to earn a place in his house (max now basically rents his own room). so max has to spend the first half of the day at school, then work at coffee shop until 10pm and do football between school and work. he's tired AF and slowly looses his grasp over everything
its like he enters the adult life earlier, and max knew from the beginning what he will suck at it ("don't need no one to tell me // high school will be my peak"), so the fact what he still needs to go to school, earn money AND remain the star quarterback drives him insane. he's 25/8 frazzled, he can't do everything, barely sleeps (still needs to do his homework after job and he struggles with it all the time) and his blood is 80% celsius at this point. and then the guys like callahan show up, trying to overthrow max and make his job unbearable
but while his life feels like a burning dumpster, max (unwillingly in the beginning) serves the nerds who are the regular customers, and especially richie who's uncle has a crush on max's supervisor. max can't bully his customers (all he can do is spit in people's coffee like emma taught him), but then richie does nothing to make his job even worse. he's kind, he seems to really like max's coffee and more important! richie doesn't make him sing when tips (max wants to believe its a normal practice in their family to give 5$ tip for every order, or richie leaves 1$ for everyone in their nerd group bc no one else do that). max can't even spit in his coffee after that, and that is something!
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
What If (BR AU): SMG4 lost all of his vision during the arc?
Title: Helping Onwards, Putting Entries Living Each Soul's Sympathy
Tags: Fluff/Angst/Comfort
Previous Chapter...
Summary: Four with his permanent loss of vision, it's been too difficult for him to manage. But with a help of his crew and someone in particular helped him reach up and discover something new. PART 2/2 COMPLETE
"I'm sorry..." 
Tears streamed down from his face, hiding the soft and quick breaths. This strong and emotional feeling... it was... it wasn't just nothing...
This was something...
A 'thing' he couldn't quite define it.  
But that doesn't matter either way, what matters right now is HIS condition.
"Three?" SMG4 lifted his head, in the feet of shivering from a warm heart inside. His tender for the man gave back a sad look that he could not describe.
It must be so sad... losing visions and not even knowing what Three is giving that face right now...
With no such response, Four's arms leaned forward. Letting go of Three's hand, leisurely reaching for his face. He could feel a light touch of water from his gloves with his right hand caressing Three's cheek.
"You're- are you- are you- crying?" "N-no I'm not you idiot! I wasn't crying! Just- just- something got in my eye..." 
SMG4 thought, three wouldn't make up any excuses for that. He was Mostly bad at lying and would call him the "not-so-good-liar" whenever he lied back right in front of his face.
This was different, but he knows how Three acts this way. Even though his eyes are covered with an empty black void of nothingness, he knows SMG3 very well. 
Sure, being linked with the other guardian's emotions was something. But it got him feeling slightly confused about how Three had a blasting fill with mixed emotions when he was with Four.
He doesn't quite get the number on this, why would Three cry? Why would he tho? Honestly, I'm thinking of which. He'd barely even see the man cry at other moments of his life with him.
Not just because of something stupid like- games, or- magazines of Justin Bieber thrown out¿ his other memes lik-
Wait a minute.
"OH- SH-T!" SMG4 Screamed, with his voice bouncing back from the sound of echoes in the room were heard.
"I'M SO SORRY FOR FORGETTING ABOUT TERRANCE- I know how much it hurts losing someone you meant to, a lot."
SMG3 gasped, getting himself pulled out from the chair and held tight from Four's arms hugging him in an uncomfortable position.
Into the front where SMG4 hugged him, Three placed both hands to the sides. Keeping his position stable. "You and Terrance seem so close..." 
The tears had taken him aback, sure Terrance was his assistant. He was like a son to him. But it wasn't the reason that mattered just for it.
"He was my closest child than any other dead memes I've taken care of. Besides with any other children of mine that you killed..." 
SMG3 glared down at the memory Four had done. 
"It's... from the past... I've moved on already like I said." He dropped the subject, in mentions of Terrance. He couldn't bear to remember such painful memories and the fun times he and Terrance made.
But he couldn't blame SMG4 even tho he hated the man so much. "Do you... still hate me?" Four's hands shook, upset with the actions he'd done. 
A long pause holds within the air, contemplating to himself if he would want to tell the truth, but he'd rather shove that marker up his ass if he would too.
SMG4 had been waiting for his response, holding his patience. 
"I don't know." 
When three tried to respond, he couldn't answer straight away. It felt like the words were choking his throat.
Unable to answer the most obvious things...
"What do you-" The man in white and blue spoke that us when suddenly abrupted their conversation.
A nerve-wracking scream from an Italian, barged into the room with a Mario Kart destroying the door.
With Three taking him on the cover, Four hugged himself. He didn't know how to react and if he did, what should he express? In what words will he put?
Four just stayed put, this is all enough for today. Everything that is happening puts a spiral on his head.
How could he- SMG3- protect his rival even tho they aren't enemies anymore? 
Even tho they both hate each other, the nerve of wanting to kill one another, the HATE they both keep gaining. 
But still, these actions that four had caused. Were still permanent from the things that he'd done to damage three.
How- why would SMG3 still help SMG4 after everything…?
“The door was locked.” The fat Italian hopped out of his broken kart, walking towards SMG4. SMG3 lets go of Four before Mario can even react. With each step the man’s footsteps took, Four listened to the sound of how it synched from the heart beating in his chest.
SMG3 took a step back but immediately tugged in hugging them both by Mario himself. “Mario’s-a-glad you both did it! But S-M-G-4…?” He shared glances between the two guardians, then to SMG4. He cupped his glove to Four’s right cheek, looking closer to see those grey eyes reflecting light from the ceiling. 
“I’m alright Mario, you don't have to be worried.” “BUT MARIO SHOULD WORRY!” Smg3 eyed the fat Italian, he was four’s closest friend. A dearest one. When will he ever stop thinking about this jealousy that happens whenever Mario is near him when they’ve been both PRACTICALLY TOGETHER in some ways in a fight?
He didn’t want to keep on pressing buttons. He’ll just play the role that he’ll put through.
As a Meme Guardian with a bond to one another.
“Mario has been worried about you! Thinking if you barely even made it alive but you are! He thinks you could’ve died!” He screamed “MAMA” feeling the words bounce back from the thick walls. “MARIO THINKS YOU DIED AFTER GIVING EVERYTHING FROM YOUR POWER TO SAVE YOUR GAY FRIEND!” He started whining like a baby with his tears bursting out in the corner of his eyes.
Both of the meme guardians winced at Mario’s comment when the mention of ‘gay’ was heard.
“THE HELL? I’M NOT GAY FOR HIM YOU ASS!” SMG3 smacked off Mario’s head making it form into a completely flat folded face, he sat right beside SMG4. He didn’t know what he was doing at all. He never stopped and kept on doing so. (not just because to make sure he was there. It’s to keep him safe, and to remind that he’s already got his back.)
SMG3 covered his chest with both arms, his legs tilted on the other side where he could give foursome space of his own.
Mario is a good person. In some ways when it’s for his friends, he has a kind heart and a soft one when it’s with the ones he loves the most. But he couldn’t handle pain like how Three had dealt it with his way. It pities him.
“I’m okay now Mario like I said, I just lost my vision-” “Just lost? JUST LOST?” He threw out a “MOMA F-CKER” and ranted about what could’ve gotten worse than losing both eyes for sightseeing.
“Alright, red that's enough! Cut SMG4 some slack will you?” Meggy yanked off Mario’s back overall. “He doesn’t want to!!! He needs to be on his friend’s side! AAAA!!!!!” Mario tried to resist but ended up getting pulled out of the room. 
And it’s just that. Once again the silence covered the room with thicker ones, both of the boys were far more speechless.
“What- what just happened…” SMG4 asked looking nowhere but upfront, SMG3 sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. “Mario is being the typical again.” SMG3 said with a slight kick of his right foot from the air.
But anyhow. Smg4 is lucky to have a friend like Mario, he knows it’s not much for the red man that could offer any good benefits but does come by very much to hang around with Four. What he’s worst at? No one knows.
If SMG3 were to think after Four has been fully recovered he can go back to the Peach’s castle and probably teach himself how to walk with a stick.
Now that’s a bit improper.
SMG3 thought, if he were to leave four right now they both are going to have such huge complications with each other or more than that- HIS PARTNER IS BLIND. So maybe the option of leaving right after is more of what a d-ckhead would do for a living, he may be a bastard for ruining and destroying Four’s life again and again. But now that he’d changed after giving up? He didn’t even care wherever four goes.
He thought he moved on already but some part of his guts pulled him close to his link. The connection he and his ex-rival shared was a bit of a match and the future’s destiny for them both to protect the universe. How would they both still use their meme energy powers even tho one is blind?
What’s worse? Leaving Four solves all of his problems now that he’s blind? Or literally, stay with him for the rest of his life?
It was an exception for him that he couldn’t even decide with his own choices. How could he, the Hero, be the one who risked his own life to save his mortal enemy?
“It hurts…”
“It hurts…”
“It hurts…”
“It hurts…”
“It hurts…”
“It hurts…”
It hurt him. How could he…? It wasn’t fair at all.
“You could’ve…” SMG3 turned his head to him. “Huh?” SMG4 never quite caught the attention of what Three ever wanted from his life, but now that he has done all that. Saving his eye, almost the result of his dying is a tragic way to think of now that you’d want to consider leaving the blind guy to deal with his own.
“You could’ve just left me out there…”
Four could’ve left three out there, back when Niles almost took out three’s right eye.
“And I didn’t, I saved you.” SMG4 calmly replied, brushing his fingers against the edge of the sheets. “I didn’t want to lose a friend of mine you know? That’s why I had to act it all out.”
“Do you still hate me?” 
He recalled his words.
Despite everything, there were no words left to say in a sentence.
“Three…?” SMG4 wanted to look three in the eyes, but he couldn’t. The man didn’t answer.
“What was the reason?”
SMG3 didn’t think through, he didn't know what words he could say to the man. Why must it be so hard for him to come up with the answer rather than just saying one word? Sure he hated the man for about so long now, but the problem of him is…. 
What exactly was the problem at this point?
Why does he still hate Four? Does he? Yes? No? What is taking him so long to respond?
He doesn’t know, of course,7 he doesn’t know. What else would be a better way to tell him?
“Three, the truth. Now.”
“I-” “I need to know if you still- please…” SMG3 stared at his faded white eyes, something about it made his body tingle in such a sensitive feeling that it wouldn’t let him look away.
Staring back at the man’s eyes just made him shiver, feel guilt, and feel the bottom of his pit hit him the most. 
“Three….?” “I don’t know!” SMG3 cried out loud, both his knees now dropped down fully to the ground. Sobbing relentlessly waiting for what's going to happen next.
SMG4 stayed quiet, he didn’t know what words he could say to him but listened. 
Three moved towards Four while both of his knees were down on the floor, now holding both of Four’s hands.
“I- I hated you since before…. When we were enemies, back when I tried to steal away your videos, back before this happened, and even taking it back from the past. I’m not even sure what to think about it anymore. If I still do or not.”
SMG4 is easy to hate on, his stupid antics, his stupid sh-ts that were tossed again and again, he was just as miserable as Three is. They could never understand each of their signals. It already messed them both up one time, it could have gotten even worse if Four pushed more buttons and double-jointed his trick up his sleeve. 
He can’t blame SMG4 after assuming he’d be doing something wrong during his uprising popularity. He was the bad guy, always has. Why else would Three expect that things are okay now between him and Four even after the stupid cruel things he did to him?
“You were an -sshole, I was a f-cking disaster… I don’t even have any idea what made you still stay close here with me after the things I did…” He spat out the words from his throat, he couldn’t believe the words he was saying out loud in front of him.
Three felt the tears from his eyes wouldn’t go away. He tried to stop this heartbreaking, tried to hold it inside of him yet he failed once again. “But I-I don’t hate you anymore…” Four looked at the man in worry. “I gave up on being evil like I said, I couldn’t blame you for assuming… You still see me the way how you always do.”
“I’ll… never be… good enough…”
Four brushed the tears away with two thumbs softly pressing to his cheeks. “You’re already good enough, to me… To everyone in here isn’t that already enough for you?” He leaned closer, bumping his forehead onto his partner. 
“I may have been a b-tch to you and everything that I did. It was my fault too, not yours only so don’t blame yourself.” he ran both of his arms through his back slowly feeling each other’s breath. 
Three spotted his lips, staring, gazing, and slowly… started to get closer finding an opportunity to kiss his lips. SMG4 could feel his soft lips touching his, the burning sensation, hearts now collided together. The fluttering feeling from his stomach and his heart hammering. Four closed his eyes, seeing imaginative colors whirling yellow, blue, purple, and red  
The combination of blue and Purple made an amazing explosion pulsing of Indigo. 
He loved this feeling, he needed this feeling, they both carved their names to each other’s souls knowing that they belonged together. They finally pulled each other apart after that kiss, it was magical, it was emotional, breathtaking…
Three covered his mouth in shock at what he had just done, it started with making sure the guy was safe then kissing his lips. Does it even matter anymore? What is this strange feeling that wrapped him around? Is this the meaning of love? Did he do it after 8 years of his rivalry with the most important and loving person right in front of him?
To experience the feeling of Love?
Four was too stunned to speak with his mouth open, his eyes were in shock. His cheeks were tinted red, therefore started questioning his life between SMG3 He never thought much of it but now that he does, he was left with so many thoughts about it. 
He never thought falling in love with his arch nemesis was soon to discover each of their tainted mistakes.
“I- I’m sorry- I-I- didn’t know what came over me- Four I can-” SMG4 quirked up his cheeky grin and started giggling, by a low sound of his giggle grew louder. He started tearing up in tears of laughter. “Why are you laughing dumb-ass?!” furrowed eyebrows formed from the man in purple, the confusion on his face says it all. 
Mixed Feelings sent signals to his brain, he now wasn’t sure if Four was even joking around or laughing at him. “Are you making fun of me?” “N-no!” SMG4 flicked a tear from the corner of his eye.
“I was laughing because I never thought you’d also feel the same, it took us more than five more years just to understand…” “Understand what?” SMG3’s body stiffened after four rested both hands on his biceps. “This that we had a falling… both of us falling in love with each other at the worst moments to start.” Four smiled at Three now finally understanding what the man meant.
Three joined in, and both waves of laughter escaped out of the room’s atmosphere. They both are different, but love is always here. Unconditionally giving them strength, growing stronger day by day without even realizing it.
Love may be blind but it couldn’t be hidden. When push came to shove, his heart landed on the Blue man, and he did as well. SMG3 started hugging Four even more tightly. “Thank you…” SMG4 lowered his hand going down to place it to the man’s waist. “I’ll be here, always…. I’ll watch over you, I’ll take care of everything…” 
“Woah now, didn’t expect you had this soft side honestly I wouldn’t mind… wait- taking care of me?” SMG3 placed his hand on the man’s shoulder. “SMG1 told me I should look out and watch over you more often now. I don’t know why or what he meant about that, I wouldn’t mind honestly. At least I get to check up on you.”
SMG4 smiled weakly, he knew something that Three didn’t. 
What images he could describe when SMG1 told Four about what his arm looked like, even when Three is around now that he checks up on Four? He’ll surely know about this sooner or later.
In other ways, he won’t tell him about this just yet. 
“So, does this mean we’re both- uhh… you know?” SMG4 asked while holding Three’s hand. Three smiled back at him. “Yes, we are, unless… You don’t want to?” Three smirked making four roll his eyes now both of them flirting.
“Alright-alright we’re alright now, stop playing with my feelings.” 
-- THE END --
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babymagi · 9 months
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barista spartos inspired from an older fic I wrote a while ago :)
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Book Review: The Full Moon Coffee Shop by Mai Mochizuki
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An endearing and whimsical read about a magical Japanese coffee shop run by astrology-minded talking cats who know precisely what drink to serve each person. No order necessary. No need for directions, either, because it'll find you!
The story is divided into three parts, following three different characters - a screenwriter, a director, and a hairstylist - who are feeling lost, confused, and stagnated in their own lives, with an underlying thread of connection that entwines them all together. There's an emphasis on natal star charts and life lessons that gives this an air of wisdom. Of hope. Of coziness, too. It's the type of story you can curl up with on an oversized armchair and finish in an afternoon, letting it warm you like a steaming cuppa of seasonal tea.
Special thanks to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the ARC in exchange for my review.
3/5 stars
**Follow me on Goodreads
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wild-karrde · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/soka-writes-things/718137750970368000/blinded-by-coffee @soka-writes-things
Just a self rec lol ☺️
And self-recs are always welcome and HIGHLY encouraged, dear friendo!
And a coffee date with Echo? With cheesy pick-up lines (that he very likely learned from Fives)? And him just being generally sweet? YES TO ALL.
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The trepidation and the awkwardness are SO CUTE in this, and I just love Echo. Such a sweet guy. Thanks so much for sending this in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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atomiccryptid · 3 months
i applied to work at a truck stop and i ended up getting hired to work night shifts at a pizza place where my manager keeps calling me michael
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
i think some of u need to calm down and remember this is a game. i did not pay [redacted amount of money] for a game to not explore all the options, and if you did, i think you're stupid and should have just watched a playthrough on youtube.
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mifithemuffin · 4 months
aus where the core message stays true to canon but it's written in a very funky font you are so dear to me
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garr9988 · 1 year
Something that's always bothered me when talking about villain redemptions, specifically the idea of "people don't need to forgive them for them to be allowed to be redeemed" and such is a specific scenario of, say, an evil dictator/supervillain/high profile person (such as the Diamonds from SU, among others). That they can (and certainly should, imo) be allowed to live on and find their own happiness and even find ways to help undo the harm they caused.
But, you know. Having positive connections and relationships with other people is a huge part of having a good life, and is certainly some kind of motivation to keep helping others, to stay good and redeemed. But if you were known (and resented) by enough people (a whole country, kingdom, planet) and nobody forgives you... what are supposed to do?
If nobody wants to be your friend, wants you around them, wants your help, what's left for you then? Do you just remove yourself from society and live as a hermit for the rest of your miserable lonely life? Is a life without friendship and forgiveness one even worth living at that point? Why bother going on if no one can find it in themselves to like you even after you saw the error of your ways? At best, what's there to motivate you to not hurt people anymore if it doesn't matter to anyone that you don't hurt people anymore?
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llycaons · 10 months
I don’t even like meet-cutes. I think they're annoying. have them meet in school like canon and allow their relationship to develop natureally.
unless you count wwx trying to break into CR with forbidden alcohol as one because that scene followed by the moonlit swordfight is one of the greatest fictional meetings between love interests I've ever seen. its appropriately dramatic, it allows for chemistry and banter, it illustrates each person's character and how they react to each other, it comes back again and again in thematic relevance to their personalities, story, and relationship, and visually its absolutely stunning.
I don’t count their meeting at the gates of CR because. well I simply don't like it
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
What If (BR AU) : SMG4 lost all of his vision during the arc?
Since I can't stop thinking about this ass (curse this what if-) I'd consider making a fic about this <3<3
Title: Lost of sight, souls intertwined
Tags: Fluff/Angst/Comfort
Summary: Four with his permanent loss of vision, it's been too difficult for him to manage. But with a help of his crew and someone in particular helped him reach up and discover something new.
PART 1/2
Second Part
After the man in white and blue desperately helped his ex rival's loss of an eye, he gave up from all of his strength to heal his injury.
By the time Mario placed his hand on his shoulder, he stood by his side. "Mario believes in you!"
SMG4 grunts from the power he'd been releasing for three's eye, he felt himself getting drained off. In a matter of seconds, SMG4's abilities grew weaker giving up every power he had left.
*huff... huff...* everything started to go hazy, everything from his vision went blurry. Everything and all of it. Just to SAVE. His partner.
He did it all.
For love. For him. And to keep him alive.
His posture swifted slowly as he starts to lose his balance, from his mind where it gave him dizziness. His head and his arm had been damaged, and to both of his eyes...?
Almost falling down to the ground, Mario had quickly caught his best friend just as he was about to hit the floor.
Four wanted to open his eyes but even tho he wanted to... his visual view has lost its sight and its impairment.
He felt so weak, but he wouldn't give up. Because the battle with Niles is not over yet.
"I- I can't see anything..." he tried touching his own face, blinking twice, trying to feel his hands or even look at them. But it felt like the light source of the whole world, shut to his eyes.
Everything is black.
He felt numb.
"Guess I see what SMG1 is talking about." Four's fingertips touched to his skin, pointing to both of his eyes.
Mario's sad face formed at the blue's message.
Three opened his eyes, shocked that his injury has been fully recovered and with his vision clear again. He turned to look at his partner who sat beside him.
SMG4 seemed fine, tilting his head to the left seeing the angle from the view. Both of his eyes had been permanently damaged and could not be recovered due to its impact.
His optic nerve had been cut out from transferring what he could see, it has been completely destroyed.
He stared at both of SMG4's eyes in horror. How could this be happening to him now...?
"SMG4... I-" three wanted to speak, but Melony's words came out alerting the star trio.
"I got this! Go to the ship!" Melony with deity form on use, she swung the sword to her side. Mario and Three looked at each other.
It wasn't over yet.
They both nodded, Three started to carry SMG4 in bridal style with all the might and capability.
Three could carry Four without any struggle on whatsoever. (Thanks to his usual workout routine and liftings)
SMG4 couldn't process from what was happening, it happened so fast and counting with the loss of his view.
He'd been silent and confused with what was going on, he wanted to question who the person he'd been carried with.
"Come on Mario let's go!" Three spoke up, to now Four knowing that it was his partner who've been carrying him with strong arms. He winced after hearing three's voice.
"Ahh! Mama Mia! It's not working!" Mario aggressively pushed the buttons all in one try, they heard a clicking noise and it was... "TERRANCE?!" SMG3 saw his baby undangan knuckles, appearing from the side of the ship.
When Terrance quickly fixes the ship and had it working again, the trio including terrance went inside. Three slowly puts Four to the chair, assuring his company by placing his left hand brushing to his leg for comfort.
"Hey- hey- everything's gonna be okay dude. Just- just sit tight in there... you're gonna be fine." SMG4 stayed silent, he had no idea whatever sh-t just happened. Or he had completely lost his mind hearing what Three had said to him.
He had lost both of his sight of seeing, Niles still right after with the avatar with Three and him, and what three does is carry him to a safer place?
How crazy can that be? How- in the hell- could someone like Three possibly would also do everything to save Four right after saving his enemy?
They've both hated each other, they've been enemies for who knows what sh-tass years could there have, he knew how unbalanced or unstable their friendship with eachother have been. So why would he?
He'd been an asshole since before, so why would three? Speaking of it, he turned out to be a complete mess by ruining his own productions and the name itself.
He treated his name like trash, he hated Three's sudden succession, he'd been the one JEALOUS about him. So why would three? Why would he? Why couldn't three just left him there to die? Why can't he just ignore that Four saved him? Why?
Was it the reason for Three's development? Is he trying to give him the signals that- he MAY as well take it serious that three has been wanting to move on right after that 2020th wotfi? Right after EVERYTHING that happened, even without him having any simple hint of realisation that he just wanted to do some good quality contents than RUINING ANYTHING from SMG4?
"Take a hint." They say. And that hint wasn't even close enough. He was just too blind, too oblivious for the fame, fans, views, and his daily life with his phone sticking to social medias.
He had a hard time to recognice or even describe what a person has been feeling, he had no idea what consequences would face as soon as He assumed three of doing something bad.
Sure he was an extrovert. Without any knowledge of "getting to understand how someone feels"
It took too long for SMG4 to respond from whats been happening in reality at the moment, he had been stuck from his mindscape and couldn't say a word.
"Ahh! We've been downed!" Mario screamed to where it seems like the trios float in mid air. "Can someone ATLEAST tell me what the heck is going on here?" Four began to yell, brought up by three and Mario's suprise.
"The ship blew up! How are you not feeling any pain from that at all?!" The man in purple yelled back, but not the usually loud tone to SMG4.
"..." Four stayed silent again- how long did he zoned out? His whole body went numb during the explosion, and how is he still here?
"OI! I'm talking to you!" SMG3 tried snapping his fingers to knock out his senses, which it worked.
With Melony showing up again, Three and Mario cheered. Waving to the trios, she prepared herself to defeat zero once and for all. The anti memes showed up half away.
SMG3 thought of an idea, to where Mario had noticed after spotting anti memes on its way. "Don't do it SMG3! Remember how you and SMG4 had gone too coo coo crazy while using that?" He spoke in gibberish language.
"What? Don't tell me you want to use anti memes again!" SMG4 without seeing anything but pitch black, he can still have his sense of hearing.
"I..." there must be some other way-
Floating in the endless abyss, Three held Four's hand as Mario grabbed Four's shoulder. "Theres another way but..." (but?)
SMG3 gripped Four's hand tighter, much to his suprise.
Three used his other hand to pull out Terrance from his pocket. "Terrance...I'm sorry little buddy. We need you to save the world... please don't hate me... goodbye."
Terrance couldn't quite understand anything, but gave him a puzzled face right after Three hugs him. "I love you"
SMG4 heard Three's words loud and clear, it hurts to listen. He knows how Terrance meant to Three and how much Three meant to him.
Three lets go of Terrance, trying to hold back his tears locking his hand with SMG4.
"Three..." SMG4 whispered from his breath, rubbing Three's knuckles with his thumb. "We- we don't have a choice." Sniffed by Three, closing his eyes.
By harnessing Terrance's meme energy, it transferred to the avatar's body making Mario's head big. It was the only option to survive.
The time has now come to an end of Zero's defeat and Melony's victory. The world is saved by the hero. The crew were now in a hospital recovering for their bruises and injured parts.
In a room all alone, there was SMG4 putting himself to rest as SMG1 sighed looking at both of his eyes. "I told you, using your meme power alone would do damage to your body..."
"Can you even see me?" SMG1 asked him, unknowingly that the question made it a bit too harsh. "Ya think I could see any dim of the light or anything at all?" Four glared at the ceiling, not being able to look at the blue box or even visualize what surrounds him.
SMG1 coughed at his statement trying not to make everything awkward. "Sorry- I guess I'm getting a bit too old enough, still four. May I check your arm?" SMG4 hummed in response.
"What does my eye look like?"
Silence fills the air with SMG1 examining his eyes looking both sides and checking underneath his sleeve, taking off both of his gloves. The results were shocking to him.
"Both of your eyes has lost all of its vision. With what you can imagine both of it right now, would be plain white and emptiness. Your eyes are far too damage enough to be repaired, we don't have that kind of power to recover your eyes. I'm sorry."
SMG1 frowned at Four, seeing him helpless at this state he'd get even weaker from day by day without someone looking after him.
SMG4 blinked, it's all black. He can't see the light, he can't see anything, from where ever he looks. Nothing at all.
"What... else?" SMG1 touched his arm. "From your hand then to half of your arm, it- has a crack. You're gonna need meme energy for that, you'll have to wait for a couple of weeks for recovery. DON'T try to lift anything heavy or even trying to use them, it'll end up fracturing even more..." SMG1 used a cast and put bandages on his wrist then to his arm.
"But- what about my contents? What about Twitter? What about my fans? What would I even do without them-" "it's your choice to that out yourself."
SMG4 covered his stomach, hugging himself from the bed. "You won't be all alone just for taking yourself off from social media, you have your own crew here running their daily basis. How about you try figuring that out to yourself? Go live on."
SMG4 sat back up. "I won't be able to see what the whole world would look like now..." "I'm afraid so..." SMG1 sat next to him.
"But you're gonna be fine." "How are you so sure about that?" SMG1 smirked. "You don't think Mario and the others are here with you for no reason right?"
"You also have us, and even SMG3 can help" wait- SMG3?
A sound of a person screams at the hallway. "I JUST WANT TO TALK TO HIM-" with another high pitch voice of trying to refuse him by going any further.
SMG4 turned to the direction where the unaudible sound was coming from, from One getting down from the bed and opening the door.
Three ends up getting pulled back by SMG2 whose been holding his leg, he tried shaking him off by wigglingit. "Wait three!" "I JUST NEED TO KNOW IF HE'S ALRIGHT-" "SMG3! Wo-o-a-oa-AHH!!" Two held his leg tightly.
"SMG4 needs some time to rest! You can't interrupt him-" SMG2 tried his best to put out the reason to calm Three's impatient waiting.
"I just need to see him, I want to see if he's-" "SMG3?" SMG1 called out his name, shutting the door, making the two turn their heads. "Is- is he okay? Not like I care about him or anything-" SMG1 and SMG2 looked at Three unamused.
"He's alright, SMG4 is resting. Just a... just a fractured arm and lost of both visions, his arm will heal about a few more weeks. For his eye however, it's too late to save that now..."
SMG3 calmed himself down, letting Two go from his leg.
"Me and Two will check on Melony if she's doing fine, we'll both leave you two right at it" SMG3 nodded. "Oh and Three?"
"You should probably start looking after SMG4 for now, Four is already blind. The worst that could happen is him tripping over a flight of stairs. DON'T fail this as a Meme Guardian..." SMG3 took off his hat.
"I wont." SMG1 and 2 proceeds walking to the hallway, and Three watching SMG4 through the window. He knocks on the door. "Come in" Three opens the door and saw SMG4 sitting on the bed looking at nowhere.
"Uh- hey- SMG4 it's me-" closing the door behind him, he sat to a chair facing infront to the man in blue.
"How are your eyes?" SMG3 glanced at those white and empty faded ones, guilt and pity shook his guts. "It's all black, man." Four gripped his arm covered in a cast that One had put.
"Why are you even talking to me?" "What- what do you mean? I came here to make sure if you're doing okay! And now you're angry?" Three could feel his heart getting torn bit by bit.
"Do you really hate me THAT much? SMG4 I saved your ass back there, you saved me and my eye! And now you'd just expect this to yourself that I'll be the one to just- IGNORE you like that? What kind of sick joke is this?!" SMG4 couldn't move, he couldn't speak, he couldn't read what emotions Three has been giving.
"Look Four, I worry about you- SO many f-cking times- and I wish I could just ignore them" His tone lowered and started to go soft, suprising him.
"But I can't because we were both linked and we were meant to be the Guardians to the memes. You've never paid much attention to me, you've never paid much attention from the actions you use with other people, I know what and how manytimes you did to keep ruining my life."
"Then why?" SMG4's voice deepened. "What do you mean why? Call this horsesh-t talk but- you're still my partner. No matter how many times or how many things you've done by mistake, you're still here." SMG4 opened a gap from his mouth, wanting to say something.
But- no.
SMG3 stared down to his shoes. Worried, upset, and sadness overwhelmed his mind. Staring down for too long, Four slowly moves his arms towards three and by accident.
He ends up slapping his face. "Ow-" "Oh shoot- sorry about that-" "Just what are you doing?" Huffed by three, in annoyance. "Well Mr. 'Dark-Blue'" -"it's actually purpl-" "I was trying to touch your face."
"Wha- m-mh- my- my WHAT now?!" Four faced at SMG3's side, with both of his hands still remains hanging. Gesture his way of showing something. "You better not do anything funny..." SMG3 carefully placed both of his hands to both of Four's wrist and did his best to not startle the man.
(What am I doing... this is ridiculous... either way... I just... need to buy sometime for his... company...) even now with three hesitating to let his partner's hands reach his face, he wanted to do this. Even tho how much he hated this.
With the man being blind, it would be hard for him to imagine what experience SMG4 can be feeling or having this right now. This hurt him so bad, wanting to hide it.
His eyes softened looking at his face. Then gently, little by little his newly paired gloves have now touched his cheeks.
*ba-dump ba-dump*
Three's cheeks started turning red, as Four's eyebrows went up as he felt Three's soft and smooth skin. It was his first time ever getting his hands touched from his face.
"Your, your face is smooth, and so soft, it's like I want to squish it-" SMG4 smiled at the end of the phrase mocking SMG3. "I only let you touch it just this once! It's not like I like it or anything..." Four's thumb brushed through the purple's mustache.
"You're such a tsundere SMG3! Until now" SMG4 giggled, not even noticing how close his and Three's face were. "N-no I'm not!" He huffed in irritation.
"Baka." Four's smile became bigger at the time Three said the line. "You are~" "OI! NOW YOU'RE JUST TEASING ME AGAIN!" SMG3 pushed both of his hands away with Four now laughing.
Hearing SMG4 laugh gave something what Three shouldn't have felt before. Something from that laugh, his smile, everything about it. Was special.
By the time Four stopped laughing, he shed a single tear. "I just like hearing that from you, all that I want to say is... thank you. And I'm sorry too" with Four fixing his position, and fingers fidgeting.
Ready to get hitten by bricks with cold responses, but never getting any. Three grabbed his right hand.
"You're welcome" He puts up a smile, but then the water from his eyes formed.
"I'm sorry too..."
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aero-erin · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sakaki Yuya/Yuto Characters: Sakaki Yuya, Hiiragi Yuzu, Gongenzaka Noboru, Yuto (Yu-Gi-Oh) Additional Tags: coffee shop AU, sorta?, Fluff, Pining Summary:
Yuya is supposed to be catching up with his friends over coffee, but he can't take his eyes off the beautiful boy at the corner table.
Happy Birthday @blue-needle 💖
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