#are there any other designers on here who just die inside or just me??
sethdeanromanwwe · 2 years
So now HHH is back can we talk about rebranding NXT and making it cool again? It doesn’t need to be black and gold just not whatever the crap this is
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An analysis on how Sir Pentious' character design represents his personality and development perfectly (beware of Hazbin Hotel spoilers)
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Let's get this out of the way: Sir Pentious is a snake, an animal mostly known for generally believed negative traits such as poison, deceit and betrayal. We don't know WHY he's in Hell, maybe he was a "snake oil salesman" considering he comes from the Victorian times and he's into hyping up what he does, or maybe he was into war. Thing is, he's a Sinner whose design just scream "Evil".
(BTW, a snake could also represent "fertility": looking at you, Egg Boiz!)
He always had eyes all around him not just because of a stylistic choice.
Sir Pentious always felt like he was watched, and had to watch out for any danger.
"Everyone here is too nice: obviously it must be a lie! I can sense they are planning to kill me, but when?! HOW?! I must be PREPARED!"
Sadly, he's been constantly berated by other demons, far more effective in destruction, status, cruelty and charisma. Alastor won't ever bother to remember him, Cherri always ones up him, and the Vs, the ones he admires to most, won't care less about him.
To the point that Vox sent him as a spy without the intention to save him if things were going to fail. Heck, he even openly tells him to die while calling him a failure.
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So of course he's got reasons to have trust issues, or taking everything so seriously, being constantly reminded of what he can't accomplish. So he puts an air of grandure that may be very flamboyant, but is VERY frail.
But, if we have to be frank here, his biggest source of insecurities... is himself.
He has eyes on his tail (his softer, more vulnerable side, which is ironically made even MORE lieable to getting hurt because of how sensitive those organs are), and inside his hood, so he could look out better for danger when on alert mode.
Heck, even the mark on his hood kinda resembles one eye.
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Problem is, when you see his hood folded, when he's at ease, neutral or sad, those are not looking at outside sources.
They're looking at him, at his back. A constant stare that happens everytime he lets his guard down and shows how vulnerable he is. A gaze that can sense all of his weakness, his struggles, his insecurities.
And it's all him.
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Pentious constantly believes that his inferiority complex will fade away once he'll accomplish something grand that will make others accept him. But he is his biggest critic, his worst enemy: HE is the one who believes he's a failure, that he'll never gain approval from others.
This show takes place in Hell, but this is Sir Pentious' personal Hell: insecurity born out of self hatred. Doomed to feel everyone's gaze upon him, including his own. Believing the danger to his self esteem is from others, when it's really from him.
But then he's accepted at the Hazbin Hotel: Charlie forgives him, he bonds with Angel, Husk and Niffty who don't care a bit about what he's accomplished or not, or what he's done in the past.
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He feels more comfortable in showing his vulnerable side, and no one judges him for how easy it is for him to get emotional.
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Of course he's still very insecure, considering how he struggles to confess to Cherri, but notice how he stops building machines or planning to attack others as soon as he starts bonding with the others: he doesn't have a reason to destroy or attack, now that he knows he's loved.
And his final design, when he goes to Heaven, shows how much he's changed, yet stayed the same. He may have died a hero, but he's still the same awkward snake we've come to love.
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Speaking of love, let's talk about that!
No more eyes on his tail, now it's just on his chest (showing he's opened his heart), his glasses are now heart shaped, and even the markings inside his hood resemble kiss marks more than anything else.
And look: the mark on his hood is now heart shaped!
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Why all these hearts? Why did all the eyes disappeared from his body? Even his eyes that were looking at his back?
Simple: love. Love defeated his insecurities and self hatred. He died for love.
He died protecting his friends, his new family, his new home.
He confessed and kissed Cherri knowing full well he wouldn't have made it, and yet he went anyway.
The usually cowardly and timid Pentious actually faced a great danger with courage and determination: he acted selflessly by putting himself in harm's way, he didn't steal (naturally) and by going against Adam he did indeed "stick it to the man"!
He used his weaponry knowhow and battle experience not to conquer, but to save his loved ones.
His only thought up until his demise was: "I'll go down protecting them".
And he's been rewarded not only by becoming an angel, but also being spawned directly in front of Emily and Sera, two Seraphim, the highest rank for an angel to have, who have also been depicted as snakes of fire throughout history! Sir Pentious, the lowly demon considered a failure by everyone, actually has been noticed by the Seraphim! He's come so far!
He's now come to represent the REAL symbolism of a snake: the duality of death and rebirth, transformation and immortality (ironically a reference to the fact he's been around since 1888 without ever dying from any Extermination or blessed weapons).
And isn't so poetic that a snake, the "source of the original evil", was the first sinner to ascend to Heaven? Or that this episode was released on February 1st, or National Serpent Day?
And of course, as the Bible itself says:
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."
(John 15:13)
And knowing him, I'm confident in saying he'll keep helping his friends even in his new position, like the soft hearted noodle he's always been, but was to afraid to show it up until now.
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Hey can you write something about Joe and reader. Can it be like enemies to fwb. Joe bumps into reader at an event, he teases her about her stalking him and being obsessed with him but the reader just happens to be there because she’s genuinely interested in the event. Maybe after the event Joe decides to invite reader to like a after party kick back in his hotel room or home depending on the setting you choose and thats where they get intimate. Make it super smutty. Reader isnt famous in anyway she works in the field like a data analysis or statistician something other a journalist please, and you could make their rivalry or hatred stem back to college days.
NO BC I LOVE THIS CONCEPT SM YES YES YESSSS and i have the perfect song inspo in mind too :))
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if u think i’m pretty - joe burrow x fem!reader
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requested by: @multiflcs :))
warnings: exes to enemies to ??? (i’m sorry, all i know is complicated relationships tbh), smut (18+ ONLY), oral (fem receiving), joe is a certified munch (y’all can’t tell me otherwise), overstimulation, p in v, unprotected sex, BIG DICK JOE, riding, hair pulling, spitting, mention of unrequited love, praise, implied height difference, no use of y/n, brief cameo from ja’marr
disclaimer: i do not own any people, teams or organizations i included in this story. this is for fictional purposes only. do not copy or claim my work as your own. comments, reblogs and constructive feedback are appreciated!!
a/n: this is my first time writing smut so hopefully you enjoy reading this as much as i loved writing this!
here are resources for supporting palestine and gaza 🇵🇸
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i know that you're shitty and you're bad for me but i can't stop thinkin' 'bout it
as you walked the past the red carpet, you made your way inside the event venue, which was packed with celebrities, athletes and other public figures alike. as a data analyst for the 49ers, you were sent to las vegas to work for the super bowl so it was pretty exciting but a bit apprehensive. you’ve been to many football games for the past four years you’ve worked for the nfl but being able to attend the super bowl was a once in a lifetime experience.
through the connections you made throughout your time working, you scored an invite to the fanatics super bowl party this year so of course, you accepted. you look down at your outfit, which was a simple long-sleeved black cocktail dress, making you feel slightly undressed amongst those wearing luxury designers.
you walked through the sea of people that were socializing and talking amongst themselves to the bar area. the bartender, a woman who looked about your age, “hey, i love your dress! what can i get you?” you smiled, “thank you! and can i get a blue lagoon?” she nodded and began to make the drink. a voice behind you said, “you still order that? old habits die hard, i guess.” you scrunch up your face in confusion and look behind you, seeing the nfl’s golden boy, joe burrow, the sight of him making you sigh and roll your eyes.
you met joe during your second year at lsu, you had seen him around campus, went to some of the football games and at parties so you knew of him. you both had a statistics class together and he was failing so he asked you to help tutor him. you helped him gain a better understanding of the subject and was able to get his grade up. as you two spent more time together and got to know other, tension began to develop.
one night, he asked you to come over and hang out after your shift at a local bar and restaurant near campus. you got off of work and you drove over to his place, it seemed like a normal kind of night between friends, which consisted of ordering in food and taking turns to pick out a movie to watch.
this week, it was your turn to pick so you decided on sixteen candles since he never watched it before. you tilted your head up toward him from where you laid on his chest, “why haven’t you seen this before?” he shrugged as he gently ran his fingers through your hair, “just never got around to it.. i think tara tried to show me this other movie and i ended up falling asleep.”
tara mays was the typical popular sorority girl and cheerleader who thrived on daddy’s money in order to keep up with her lifestyle. her and joe would hook up occasionally but she would always want to make things into something more serious between them. however, joe would always have to let her down easy, insisting that she’s a great girl but a relationship wasn’t something he wanted (at least from her).
the words came out of your mouth before you actually thought your words over, “you aren’t seeing each other anymore?” he sighed, “yeah.. i had to be honest with her and myself about letting it continue.” you perk your head up in interest, “how so?” he looked at the television screen as if he was paying attention to the movie, “i told her i was into someone else.”
you nod understandably, “so.. who is this mystery girl? do i know her?” he looked down at you and smiled softly, “i think you know her very well. she likes to read a lot, she even has her own little library in her bedroom which is very cute. i have her coffee order memorized, which is a iced caramel macchiato with two sugars. her fav-”
you leaned forward and cupped his face, giving him a eager and passionate kiss. he quickly reciprocated the kiss, his hands wandering down your back. he moves away from your lips and starts to leave kisses all over your face, which made you laugh and try to wriggle away from him but his strong arms held you in place. he began to kiss down to your neck, then he flips you both over so that he’s on top.
it made you gasp and a breath hitches in the back of your throat at the way he moved you so effortlessly, like you weighed nothing. you opened your legs and wrapped them around his waist so he can feel more comfortable on top of you. he laughs softly at your reaction, “so.. i guess you’re into me too then?” you roll your eyes playfully, “shut up”. then you grab him by his shirt and kiss him deeply, internally praying that nothing ruins this moment.
the bartender handed you your drink and joe slides his card across the bar table to pay for it. you attempt to push it back in his direction, “that isn’t necessary, joe.” he shrugged it off and gently moved your hand away, “don’t worry about it.” the poor woman sensed the tension between the two of you and silently took his card and swiped it through. she asked, “do you want a receipt?”
before you said anything, joe shook his head and she handed him back his card, giving you both a polite smile. you sip your drink, annoyed at the fact that he even bothered to show up and the fact he pulled this kind of gesture knowing you wanted nothing to do with him. his voice broke you out of your thoughts, “you know… a thank you would suffice.” he dawned those famous cartier sunglasses and those stupid jeans he wore throughout college. even if he did look really hot, he was still the same person who broke your heart after graduation years ago.
you scoffed, “like i said, it wasn’t necessary. i could have bought it myself.” he retorted, “well i wanted to so you’re welcome.” your blood started to grow warm and beginning to boil at the way he was acting. he wasn’t the one who had his heart broken so the attitude wasn’t needed. he clears his throat awkwardly, “are you stalking me?” you furrowed your eyebrows at the audacity of that question. the fact he even asked you that made you want to punch him in the nose.
you laughed sarcastically, “are you fucking kidding me?do you seriously think that i came out here for you?” he shrugged, “well, why are you here then? you don’t know anything about football. you’re too obsessed with me to actually pay attention.” you glared daggers at him as the tension between the two of you grew by the second. you get closer to him and throw your drink in his face, causing attention towards you and him as he wipes the remnants of blue lagoon on his jacket sleeve.
the other partygoers stared both of you down, wondering what happened and what led to throwing a drink in the quarterback’s face. you seethe, “fuck you, joe.” you walked out of the party venue, completely embarrassed and anxious about losing your job since this incident involved a prominent player in the league. you made it outside and walked further down the street to a empty bench far away from all the commotion from the party.
you open your purse and dig through to find your pack of cigarettes that you only smoked when you’re stressed or overwhelmed and desperate times call for desperate measures. you take one out of the pack with your pink lighter, igniting it. you take a long drag and inhale into your lungs, letting it calm your nerves as you exhale. your hands were trembling and your brain was going at a million miles per hour when joe sits next to you.
he looks over at you, his eyes softening at the shaken state you were in because of him. you stare at the cars and people walking by, “if you want to get me fired, that’s fine.” he shook his head, “i’m not going to get you fired or anything like that. you had a right to throw that drink in my face.” you took another long drag as you flicked off some of the ash beginning to build up on top.
you both sat in an uncomfortable silence until he decided to break it, “so you work in data analysis now?” you nod, “yes.. i don’t know how long after what just happened.” he sighed, “you aren’t going to get fired. plenty of people in this field have done worse and received no repercussions. i’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you don’t get in trouble for this.”
you shook your head, “you wouldn’t understand, joe. you’re a man, if you were in my shoes, you would face no punishment. but for me, it’s 100% a possibility that i can lose my job because of this. you’re a famous quarterback who i threw a drink in his face while i just work for the team.” you felt yourself growing to panic as you anxiously tap your fingers against your thigh, “it’s supposed to be this huge event and i feel like i would be a liability for that.”
he wrapped his arm around you, not caring about the smell of the cigarette lingering on his clothes. his free hand rubbed against your back soothingly, doing his best to calm you down. he reassured, “if anything comes out about it, i know a few people that can make it go away. as for the team, i’m going to talk to them about it being a misunderstanding.”
you looked over at him, “you don’t have to do that for me.” he said, “i want to, okay? i put you through so much pain and i want to make it up to you.” you didn’t notice a few stray tears flow down your face until joe tilted your chin with his fingers and wiped them away with his thumb. his ocean blue eyes stared deeply into yours, “i am so sorry. for everything.”
you flick the remains of your cigarette to the ground and let out a tearful sigh, “i haven’t loved anyone else since you. i don’t think i’m capable of feeling that way towards anyone.” your confession made his heart drop into his stomach. he remembered that night after you both graduated as if it happened yesterday.
as you slowly kissed him after settling into bed after that eventful day, you whisper against his lips, “i love you.” those three words made him stop kissing you. while you two had been dating for almost 6 months, he had no idea if he was ready to say it yet. while he was the #1 draft pick for the cincinnati bengals, you were able to obtain an internship for the denver broncos, which was going to 17 hours away from him.
you noticed his lips stopped moving against yours, you looked at him with concern. “are you okay, baby?” he let out a shaky sigh, “i don’t know if i’m ready for this.” you asked, “what do you mean?” he continued, “you’re going to be all the way in colorado while i’m in ohio. how are we going to make this work if i won’t be able to see you?”
you looked at him, taken aback. “well, we can always facetime and we can visit each other whenever we can.” he shook his head, “we’ll literally go from seeing each other every day to barely seeing each other at all. do you have any idea how hard that is for me?” you rubbed your face, feeling the skin in order to not shut down.
you bite back, “it’s going to be hard for me too! it’s not just about you, joe. we both have our own careers we need to focus on but it doesn’t mean that i don’t love you.” he gets out of your bed and grabs his backpack off your chair, packing up his clothes. “where are you going?” he opened up the drawer you cleared for him whenever he would spend the night with you, shoving whatever clothes that he can fit into the bag.
“i just need space. i’m just going to go back to my place for tonight.” you get up out of bed, standing in front of the dresser so he wouldn’t just leave. “we need to talk about this, joe.” he sighed, “what do you want me to say? that long distance relationships don’t last no matter how much we’d try? get realistic and stop romanticizing this.”
your voice cracks and eyes well up with tears, “so that’s just it then? you don’t want to be with me anymore?” he shrugged, “i really don’t see any other solution.” you nodded meekly, finally moving out of his way. “just get your shit and go.”
you leaned closer to him, burying your face into his neck. he wrapped his arms around you, inhaling his cologne, noticing it was the one you gave him for his birthday. he kissed your forehead gently, “we’re going to figure this out, okay?” you nod and pull away from his embrace, wanting to get a better look at him. he still had the same haircut from college and his cartier glasses were off, the streetlight capturing how beautiful his eyes are.
he stared back at you in awe, he still thought of you as the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on. he moved a couple strands of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear, the gesture making you melt like putty in his hands. without a second thought, he leaned in and softly pressed his lips against yours, suddenly pulling away incase he misread any signals.
“i’m sor-“ you cut him off by kissing him passionately, your hand finding its home in the back of his head, running through his dirty blonde hair. while your other hand wandered under his plain white t-shirt, feeling his warm body against your manicured fingertips. he wrapped his arm around your waist while his free hand groping your left breast over your dress causing you to moan into the kiss, slipping his tongue inside your mouth.
his hand moves down to your plush thighs, giving them both a firm but gentle squeeze. his lips move away from yours, kissing down your jaw to your neck. your hand moves back to his hair, giving the roots a gentle squeeze, he lets out a breathy groan against you. his breath tickles your skin softly, his lips finding the spot on your neck that makes your squirm. he sucks against your sensitive skin causing you to mewl at the feeling of him sucking and biting your neck, leaving a bruise that you’re going to need to cover up later on.
he detached his lips from your neck to admire his work, lightly kissing the hickey he left on you, which made you wince. you both smile softly, taking in what just happened and how much you’ve missed each other. he asks, “do you want to head back to my hotel or yours?” you shrug, “it doesn’t matter to me.” he nods, “okay, we’re going to mine then.” he sat up, holding his hand out for you to take.
you hold his hand, allowing him to help you up from the bench and intertwining both of your fingers together. he said, “my hotel isn’t too far from here so it won’t be too long.” you nod, standing up on your toes and kissing his cheek. he blushed softly, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer to him as you walk to his hotel room.
as you walk closer to where he was staying, you began to slow down next to him as your feet began to grow tired in the heels you were wearing. he looked at you concerned about you slowing down, “is everything okay?” you nodded, “yeah, it’s just that my feet were starting to hurt.”
he squatted down onto the ground near you, he looked up and asked, “can you lift your foot up really quick?” you nodded, lifting your foot up off the ground for him as he held it delicately. he unhooked the heels clasp around your ankle and gently took off the heel for you. you lifted your other foot off the ground for him and he did the same thing.
he held both of your heels for you as he got up off the ground, dusting the dirt off his jeans. he asked, “do your feet feel better?” you smiled softly and nodded, “they do. thank you.” he smiled back and leaned down, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. “you’re welcome, baby.” you laugh softly, “baby? are you getting all soft on me, burrow?”
he rolled his eyes playfully, “only for you.” he interlocked his fingers with yours, kissing your hand softly and leading the way back to his hotel. as you both walked through the lobby and inside the elevator, he pressed the fourth floor button and turned you over to face him as the elevator doors closed. he leaned down once more, kissing your lips once again, cupping your face gently in his hands.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you as the kiss grows more intense when the elevator opens, signaling that you made it on the fourth floor. he grabs your hand and hurriedly pulls you outside the elevator and leads you down the hallway to his room. as you reach the outside of his door, he pulls the keycard out of his pocket as you lean closer to him and teasingly kiss his neck.
he shudders as he puts the card into the slot, “fuck, don’t tease me.” you smiled against his neck, “or what?” the light on the door turned green and he immediately opened it, pulling you inside. he grabbed the “do not disturb” sign and set on the door outside the room, shutting it behind him and locking it.
you set your purse on the desk and he threw your heels to the floor near the nightstand, lightly grabbing your wrist to get you to look at him. he feverishly kisses you as if his life depended on it, his teeth clashing against your own. you managed to slip your tongue into his mouth as his hands explored your body over your dress. he managed to say through kisses, “take this off.”
you nodded eagerly as he sits down on the corner of the bed, wanting to watch you undress for him. you slowly took off your dress, revealing your matching laced black lingerie set underneath. he took off his jacket and his necklaces as you undressed for him, throwing his jacket to the floor and setting his necklaces on the nightstand then turning over to face you again.
you decided to straddle his lap, pulling him into a needy kiss as his hands wander your body to the back of your bra. “can i take this off?” you smiled against his lips and nodded, “of course, baby.” his hands unhooked your bra, letting it fall to the floor as he looked at your breasts for the first time in years.
his hands caressed them softly causing you to let out a soft moan into his mouth. he looked down at them, his eyes widened slightly at the sight of your pierced nipples. “when did you get this done?” you blushed softly, “like two years ago.. do you like them?” he nodded, his fingers teasing the balled jewelry, making you shudder and whimper.
he takes your breast into his mouth, sucking on your nipple and teasing the jewelry with his tongue. you moaned softly, watching him lick and suck while you run your fingers through his hair. his free hand teases the other one as his mouth moves to it, giving them both the same love and recognition. you whimpered, grinding your hips softly onto his lap.
he detached his mouth from you as his hands held your hips, helping you grind against him and groping your ass. he captured your lips again in a messy kiss, his nose brushing against yours. “i missed you so much.” you whispered against his lips, “i missed you too, baby.” your fingers reach the hem of his t-shirt, him quickly obliging as he pulls it over his head and throwing it to the floor.
he quickly flips you both over, climbing over you and kissing down your neck to your chest. you shudder softly against his lips as he kisses down your stomach to reaching the hem of your panties. his fingers brushed over the damp cloth causing you to whimper softly and open your legs for better access for him. he asked softly, “can i take this off too, pretty girl?”
you nod eagerly, “please take them off.. i need to feel you.” he grabs both sides of your panties as you lift your hips up so he can easily take them off. he pulls them down your legs and reaches your ankles then throwing them to the side. his fingers brush over your wet folds as you mewl softly at the feeling of his fingers against you.
he bit his lip as he teasingly rubbed his fingers against you, “you’re so wet for me.. and i barely did anything. it’s kind of pathetic, baby.” you mewl at his words, not being able to take his teasing any longer. you begged, “please do something, joe. i need you so bad.” without hesitation, he opened your legs a little wider and buried his face between them. he kisses and teases your clit with his tongue causing you to let out a sigh and closing your eyes.
he tapped your inner thigh, “look at me, baby. i want you to watch me.” you opened your eyes and looked down at him as he suckled your clit into his mouth. you run his fingers through his hair and mewl loudly at the feeling of him slipping his tongue inside of you. he devoured you as if he hadn’t eaten in days, you moaned in satisfaction and contorting your face in pleasure as you watch him eat you out.
his tongue lapped against your wet cunt as you push his face closer into you, grinding against his tongue as if you’re riding him. he pulled your legs onto his shoulders as your thighs clench against his head, you whimper and grip his hair tightly causing him to moan as he kisses and laps up your wet arousal. the pit building in your stomach began to boil over until you’re writhing against his face. and arching your back.
he knew you were growing closer to your orgasm as your movements started moving sloppily against him. he asked, “you want to cum, baby?” he slipped his tongue inside you once more. you nodded, “yes, i’m so fucking close!” he urged, “beg for it. tell me how much you missed me.” you whimpered, “i missed you so much, joe. no one can make me feel as good as you.”
he smirked against you, “good girl. cum for me, baby. cum on my face.” you came undone at his words and the feeling of his tongue flicking against your clit. you moaned in ecstasy as your legs shook against his face as he continued you to guide you through your orgasm. you gasp and whine as the overwhelming sensation of his tongue curling inside you.
you whimpered, “okay, you can get off. please.” he moved his tongue out of you, his chin and mouth glistening with your juices. he pressed a few chaste kisses in your inner thighs before he finally moved out of between your legs. he leaned up closer to you, your legs wrap around his waist, his hard cock straining in his jeans and rubbing against your inner thigh.
he kisses you feverishly, slipping his tongue in your mouth. tongues and teeth clash against each other as the neediness between the two of you grew more intense. he pulls away from you and lightly pecks your lips, “you taste better than i remembered.” you blush, “you remembered what i taste like?”
he nods, “of course i do. you haven’t left on my mind since i left that night.” you sat up, kissing him softly as your hand reaches down and teases through his jeans by caressing your hand against him. he groans softly, shuddering at the feeling of your soft hand on the outside of his jeans. “you can take it out if you want. i don’t think i’ll last long if you keep rubbing me like that.”
you giggle lightly, “you got that hard from eating me out?” he said, “i got hard the moment i saw you again if you want me to be honest.” you peck his lips softly, “you’re so fucking cute.” your hand moved to the zipper of his jeans, unzipping and unbuttoning them. he pulled his jeans down to his ankles, kicking them off to the side, revealing his black calvin klein boxers.
you helped pull his boxers down, revealing his girthy, rock hard cock slapping against his abdomen as you free him from his boxers. you stroke it softly, your thumb feeling the slit of his tip as he lets out a sigh. “fuck, i missed your hands on me.” you asked, “oh yeah?” he nodded, “if you keep doing that, this is going to be over pretty quickly.” you laughed softly and moved your hand off him.
he rubbed his cock over your folds, making you both groan and whimper in pleasure. “if it hurts, i’ll stop, okay?” you nod feverishly, bucking your hips to match his movements. he slipped the tip of his cock inside of you, letting you slowly adjust to his size and so he can feel how warm and tight you are. you both let out a breathy moan, he slipped more of him inside you causing you to wince and him to groan softly. “fuck, i missed you.”
his thrusts were teasingly slow as he let you adjust to his size again since it was so long since he’s been inside you. you whimpered, “fuck me, joe.. please”. he moved his hips, thrusting a little faster causing you to moan softly in his ear. his lips nipped and sucked on your collarbone as you buck your hips into his to match his thrusts. he asked teasingly, “do you like that, baby?”
you nodded eagerly, “fuck me harder… i need it so bad.” he moved your legs over his shoulders as he thrusted deeper inside you. your knees were against your chest as he fucked you harder, the sounds of his skin slapping against yours and both of your moans filled the hotel room. both of you were lost in each other until the sound of his phone rang from the pocket of his jeans.
he groaned annoyingly at the dreaded sound ruining the mood as he moved out of you, causing you to whimper at the loss of contact. he quickly grabbed his jeans off the floor and took his phone out of his back pocket, swiping to answer it and holding it against his ear. “yeah?” he smiled softly down at you as his hands groped at your breast, rubbing his thumb over your pierced nipple.
he sighed, “no, dude, i left the party over an hour ago. what happened?” you mouthed, “do you want to stop?” he shrugged, listening to whatever ja’marr is asking him about. “no, i caught up with an old friend and we’re back at my hotel.” you smiled softly as you knew you were the old friend he was referring to. he laughed softly, “no, i’ll tell you about it later..” you grew more comfortable onto the bed as he finished up his phone conversation. “okay i’ll text you later.. get back safe.”
he ended the call and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed, leaning down and kissing you hungrily. he asked softly, “do you want to keep going?” you nodded, “yes please.” he laughed softly, “aww, look at you using your manners.” he kissed the crook of your neck then pecked your lips, “such a sweet girl.” you asked shyly, “can i ride you?”
he nodded eagerly, lying down on the bed next to you. you crawled on top of him, kissing his neck teasingly. he lets out a soft sigh, running his fingers through your hair as you find the sensitive part of his skin, sucking and nipping the same way he did on the bench prior. his breath hitches, “fuck, don’t tease, baby.”
you giggled softly, detaching your lips from his neck before giving the forming bruise a small kiss, hearing a wince from him. you got up onto the bed, hovering over his cock while you line him up with your entrance. you sink down onto his length, hearing shudders and gasps from the both of you.
you start to roll your hips, his hands going straight to your hips helping guide your movements against his body. you whimper and moan as you close your eyes and throw your head back in pleasure. his hand reaching up and groping your tit as you ride him to oblivion. you had plenty of hookups after you and joe broke up but no one made you feel so full and satisfied you the way he did.
he laid up further, pulling you closer to him as he kisses you passionately. his hands gripped against your hips, probably leaving tiny bruises for you to wake up to the next morning. sweat began forming and dripping down from both of your foreheads as your legs started getting weaker. his hand giving your thigh a gentle squeeze as your movements began to slow.
the heat in your stomach was rising as you continued to move against him. his hands wandered and caressed your body on top of him. he cupped your face softly and lowly whispered, “open your mouth, baby.” you obeyed, sticking your tongue out for him as he spit in your mouth. you whimpered softly as you swallowed his spit causing him to groan at the sight of you. “you’re such a good girl.”
his words push you closer to the edge of your climax as you push through the soreness in your legs. your walls began to tighten around him causing him to let out a soft moan. you moaned, “i’m so close.” he grunted, “fuck, i am too. cum for me, baby. i want to feel you around me.” you loudly gasped, burying your face in his sweaty shoulder, biting down to muffle your screams. the feeling of your teeth digging into his skin and your walls clenching his length made groan and shudder as he fills you up with his cum.
you pull him into a slow, needy kiss as you both were steadily coming down from what just occurred. you get off of his lap, legs shaking from either your orgasm or how long you were using them for. you get up from bed and attempt to gather your clothes to get dressed when joe asks, “what are you doing?” you eyed him with confusion, “getting ready to leave?” he shook his head, “come lay down with me.”
you found yourself crawling back into bed with him before thinking it over, you were used to leaving after a hook up so him asking you to spend the night was something that you hadn’t heard in a long time. you cuddled into his chest as he pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you, your leg draping against his hips. what you didn’t know was that joe rarely dated after you two broke up. he went on a few dates but always found himself thinking of you to fully pursue anything.
you felt yourself beginning to doze off but was fighting to stay awake so you can be in the moment with him longer. he whispered in your ear, “you can go to sleep.. i’ll be here when you wake up, okay?” you nodded sleepily as you finally shut your eyes, softly snoring on his chest. he gently moved your hair out of your face and kissed the top of your head as he watched you peacefully sleep. he never thought you’d actually end up in his arms again..
but now that you’re here with him, he finally felt he was whole again. his only regret was that it took him so long to realize that he loved you after you two broke up and you moved away.. he cooed softly in your ear as you slept, “i love you.” he gave you a kiss on your forehead before drifting off to sleep, being happy that you were back in his arms again.
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
Sorry... Not Sorry
Soldier Boy x Reader
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Warnings: Smoking, Male masterbation, Drug and Booze use, Fingering, P in V, Unprotected sex, Orgasm denial, Dirty talk, Language
Summary: You work with the boys to fulfill Butchers mission. Your family, like MM's, were killed by Soldier Boy. The only difference, you aren't mad about it. Your family was terrible and you constantly suffered at their hands. When you all find Soldier Boy, you offer to be his babysitter, only your attraction for the older supe might be too strong to fight.
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He escaped you in Russia, only to track him to The Legend's house. You aren't a supe so for the most part you hang back when they go fight. Butcher always had a soft spot for you.
When it comes to Soldier Boy however, you willing volunteered to babysit the nuclear powered superhero. Everyone was reluctant at first. You're the youngest of the group, but you weren't backing down. Not this time.
Eventually Butcher agreed, which led you here. Some old man's house who wants to relive the glory days. Any other day I would pretend to listen, just not today. I am on a mission.
I walk towards the room The Legend informed me he would be in. Whatever I was expecting to find on the other side of the door, orgy, some chick giving him head, was not what I found.
His back was facing the door when I opened the handle. Wildly designed silk robe hiding his body from my lust filled eyes. Leg proped up on the bed frame. His whole body moving as he grunts from the pleasure his hand was providing his dick.
A very well endowed dick if I remember Russia correctly.
My body begins to heat, my underwear quickly becoming damp from my own private show, breathing coming in fast shallow pants.
Forgetting he had super hearing, Soldier Boy rips a surprised gasp from me when he speaks into the quiet room, "I can practically smell your sopping cunt from here Pretty Girl."
He doesn't turn or even stop his movements. Though you do notice he has slowed to a lazy rhythm. No longer chasing a quick orgasm.
Closing the door behind you you take one step at a time towards the powerful man infront of you. A man who I'm positive can spit me in half with one powerful thrusts into my heat.
Oh what a way to die.
By now you're standing right behind him fighting the urge to touch him. In a blink of an eye he swings around to come face to face with me.
We are in the middle of a staring contest. Him wondering my next move. Me wondering if I even have the nerve to follow through with anything.
Now or never I guess. This is one way to thank him for saving me. I know he hurt a lot of people and is the ultimate asshole, but to me he's a hero.
With a wave of bravery rushing through my veins, I step up and wrap my hand around his huge cock. My tiny hand barely touching as I begin to slide it up and down his shaft.
Soldier Boy throws his head back from the contact. Long, messy hair shining as te sun hits him just right. What I wouldn't give to run my fingers through it. I know I've got him when I hear a deep moan leave his kissable lips.
"Been a long time since a beauty such as yourself has touched me, Doll."
I still can't speak. His husky voice drips of honey when he's aroused, eye's that were once shining green are now hooded and black with lust. The man's beautiful on any given day, but when he's in a stage of bliss, he's breathtaking.
Strong, long, thick fingers move rapidly inside me as Soldier Boy brings me to the edge again. Pistoling straight into my g spot repeatedly.
"You're stunning when you're fucked out and frustrated, Doll." He removes his fingers from my soaked core, bringing them to his mouth before sucking them clean. My pussy clenching around nothing.
"Mmm... taste sweet." Rolling on top of his naked body I rub my wet center up his length while sinking my tongue into his mouth. Stunned for a moment from surprise before he begins to kiss me back... hard.
Breaking away I lift my body and grab his leaking cock before impaling myself on his perfect dick.
I was right, he's going to split me in half. It burns as he stretches me to my limit. Never had a cock this good. I can feel every vein as I slipped farther down his shaft.
Bottoming out I stay still waiting for my body to adjust. Feeling my velvet walls flutter around him as they fight to accept his size. He shifts slightly sending electricity shooting through my body, another wave of arousal soaks his dick.
"Soldier Boy..."
Laughing he leans up, wrapping a strong arm protectively around my waist as he kisses me sweetly. "Sweetheart I'm balls deep in your sopping cunt right now, pretty sure you can call me Ben." Then he thrusts into me, hitting my cervix.
"Ben..." is all I can moan as he takes control of my body.
"That’s my Pretty Girl. Scream it baby, my names never sounded so sweet before."
His pace quickens sending me into my first orgasm. Clenching him so tight I'm amazed he can still move as he fucks me through it. "Squeezing my cock so good."
Ben watches where our bodies are join, "this pussy is drooling Doll. Making such a pretty mess of my dick." I tighten around him, "oh fuck yes..."
"Got one more in there for me baby girl." It wasn't a question. He brings his rough hands to my bundle of nerves and starts to vigorously rub me there.
My orgasm build fast and hard. Just as I'm think I'm about to be thrown over the edge a new sensation comes over me, "shit... Ben you have to st.. stop. I.. I think I'm go.. going to pee."
He doesn't listen. If anything the statement makes him feral as he double downs his efforts. Then it happens. My body let's go, vision goes white as I scream his name as loud as I can before slumping into his chest.
What feels like hours goes by, but I'm sure it's minutes, before I feel someone gently finger my pussy. Whimpering I hear a dark chuckle beside me.
"That was fucking hot Doll." Ben holds me to his chest as he lazily plays with my pussy and our mess, "I'm far from done with you, sleep for now."
"You should have known better than to try and tease me. Best damn pussy I've had... just might have to keep you now." He gently bites my ear lope.
Through my blessed out haze I weakly smile before whispering, "Sorry... not sorry."
I fall asleep in his warm embrace with his laughter as my lullaby and his fingers bringing small waves of pleasure every once in a while.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
The Bet (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Based off this request
“Chicas!” You shout just before the team return to the pitch for the second half “here’s a little incentive for you in case lifting that trophy isn’t enough. If we win this then I will get a tattoo to celebrate” 
The look of disbelief on every player’s face would have been funny under any other circumstance but you wanted them to know that you were very serious. Your body was a blank canvas and getting a tattoo never interested you even when some of your closest friends begged you to get one. Ink wasn’t really your thing, hair dye on the other hand well that was how you expressed yourself. You had tried every colour under the sun and then repeated it. 
Alexia on the other hand loved to use her body as art and every single tattoo on her skin told a story. Her hair up until her injury had been brunette. When you told her that her tearing her ACL is like a bad break up, she has to learn to move on so he decided to do the typical thing after any break up, she died her hair and you loved the blonde more than the previous colour. 
Knowing that you and Alexia have a competitive relationship they all looked at their captain to see if she would rise to your bet.
“You know what! If we go out there and pull off one of the greatest comebacks in Champions League history I will die my hair” 
The team couldn’t believe what they are hearing. 
Your word was your bond and you never went back on your word. Alexia was a woman who when made a promise, always kept it. It made you both incredibly trustworthy but as the final whistle is blown you cannot help but think your good word had gotten you in trouble.
“We won” Alexia pulled you close as you walked over to where your families were.
“Baby, we’re fucked! We can’t go back on this” Inside you were panicking. Alexia’s promise could be temporary but yours was permanent.
“Don’t be such a wuss. How about this? You can pick my hair colour if I get it pick your tattoo”
You loved half of this plan. You already had a colour in mind but whilst you did trust Alexia with your life, you couldn’t guarantee that her choosing what is going to be on your body for the rest of your life is a good idea.
“Trust me, you’ll like what I have planned”
“Fine but you’re dying your hair pink”
Alexia’s eyes widen at your choice of colour but having been the person to suggest the idea, she couldn’t exactly go back on it now.
After playing Panama, the national team was given three days off before having to report back to camp. Alexia had told you that she had designed your tattoo with the help of Mapi and she had booked an appointment for you at the studio where her and the rest of the girls go for their tattoos. You had also made a call to your hair stylist and asked them if they could squeeze Alexia in the morning before you would get your tattoo in the afternoon.
“And this woman knows what she’s doing” on the outside Alexia was cool as a cucumber but as you walk down the streets of Barcelona she is holding onto your hand for dear life.
“She has been doing my hair for years Alexia. You are in safe hands”
You walked into the salon and greeted everyone as if they were family. Alexia stayed close behind you as you guide her to the chair in the fair back corner. 
“So what are we doing doing?” Your hair stylist ran her fingers through Alexia’s hair as your girlfriend looked at you through the mirror.
“Pink but a light pink”
“What! No! If I’m doing this then I’m doing it. I want it like Y/N’s after her first appointment post COVID”
“Ale, that was really pink” 
“I know, I loved it” 
The hair stylist did as she was told and a couple of hours later Alexia was walking out the salon almost unrecognisable.
Now it was your turn and you felt sick as you walked in the studio which was tucked down one of the side street in Sants.
“Does it hurt? It’s got to hurt, there is a needle piercing your skin at 100 miles an hour and it’s injecting ink. Oh God! Why did I even agree to do this, I can’t do this”
“Y/N take a breath” Alexia’s hands rested on your shoulders. She took a deep breath in, one which you copied almost immediately “I think you will really like my design and if you don’t then we will tell the team that I made you get it on your bum which they will believe because—“
“You are obsessed with my bum” you finished your girlfriend’s sentence.
“I am so they will believe me but please take a look at the design”
The artist, who you had learnt was also the owner, sat you down on the sofa as she showed you the design and at different sizes. You had no control over the smile on your face as you saw what Alexia had come up with.
“It’s like yours” 
“It is. I thought why not kill two birds with one stone. The tattoo would commemorate the final and it would be a matching one to mine”
The tattoo was perfect. It was an outline of a basic flower within a square. The pattern was seen all around Barcelona as it was a tile that covered the pavement. Alexia has the same one on her back with ‘made in’ above it. Yours wouldn’t have the text and instead of the ink being black it would be blue and red, Blaugrana the colours of FC Barcelona.
Once laid on the bench Alexia offered to hold your hand in case the pain is too much.
“Is it really going to hurt that much?” You ask the tattoo artist who reassured you that the pain would be nothing compared to some of the tackles you have been on the receiving end of over the years.
“Ale!” You smack her with your free hand.
“Sorry. It’s just that i’m used to seeing you as this tough cookie”
“I’m never a tough cookie around you, you make me soft” 
Alexia kisses you softly, the two of you forgetting your surroundings until the artist clears her throat.
“Soft cookie or tough cookie, I do need to to sit still or this won’t end well”
“Don’t say that” Don’t tell her that” you and Alexia say at the same time.
When the two of your arrived back to Los Rojas two days later the entire team was in shock and fascinated to see Alexia’s pink hair but only the barcelona players knew about your side of the bet. You removed your hoodie to show them the tattoo which you had decided to get on your arm, just about your elbow. 
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cottagecheese1 · 8 months
Helo could do part two of Surprised, Tony Stark x little sister reader wherein the reader couldn't take anymore pain and the cancer is strong it means the reader is dying to make her is being comfortable. She has wishes and tony and Avengers were determined to make it true. Also the reader seems dead by the end. Of it and make the avengers and tony sad and devastated especially tony who practically raise her
Nice surprise (part two)
a/n: This is part two for however wanted it! you can find part one right here
Everything seemed to be going great a few months after the avengers came to visit you, or that's what Tony thought at least. He had decided to visit you today just because you were his only little sister and he thought you might wanna see someone, Tony couldn’t bear the thought of you just sitting in that bed all alone and rotting in that damn hospital with no company, but even though he was sure you were used to it, since you’ve been sick for your pretty much your whole life.
As Tony walked through the hospital doors and did the routine check in and signed the visitor sheet, then proceeded to walk to your known hospital room, he opened the door to stick his head in expecting to see you, but you were nowhere to be found. While Tony stood in front of the door pondering where you may have gone, he only seemed to be thinking the worst, one thing Tony did know is that you didn’t deserve this. You were the sweetest living soul and you just happened to get the worst of it.
Tony's worries seemed to be interrupted when he heard a deep voice behind him speaking
“Mr. Stark, may I have a word with you in private..it’s about your sister”, Tony looked at him with confusion then that feeling quickly turned to fear but he didn’t want to believe what he was thinking.
“Is something wrong? I thought you said she was okay.”, Tony stated with an exasperated tremble in his voice.
The doctor looked at him with a sympathetic frown, “Mr. Stark..I’m afraid she won’t make it much longer, she is in a great deal of pain and unfortunately it is just too late to go forward with any other treatments.”
Tony looked down at his feet and clenched his eyes shut, he could feel his heart drop to his stomach and tears began to swell in his eyes, “I..can I atleast see her”, Tony responded with a noticeable tremble in his voice, the doctor frowned at him and nodded his head, “Yes, follow me this way, Mr. Stark”.
As soon as Tony stood in front of your room, he quickly went inside and placed himself right next to your bed, where he peered down at you and saw how tired you were from fighting. Tired of being in pain. At this point the doctor made himself out of the designated room to give you both some alone time.
There seemed to be a pregnant pause in the air as Tony took both of your hands in his own and cried, Tony couldn’t hold down any of the emotions that he attempted to keep down. He wanted to be strong for you, but the thought of losing you just put him in a harrowing state of mind. You looked at him with tears in your eyes as you managed to croak out, “I don’t wanna die Tony..please help me, it hurts so much..I..I just want you to help me”.
Tony shook his head “I’m sorry..I..I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you, I love you and I want you to know that more than anything in the world.”
“I’m going to die aren’t I? And I’ll never get to see the things I wanted to see..because I’ll be gone, and nobody will remember me..I’ll just be gone” you cried out
As Tony lifted your hand off the bed and shook his head in denial, “No, don’t talk that way, everyone will remember you..a..and I’ll make sure of it okay? Hang in there okay, please don’t leave me yet..please don’t” Tony’s voice trembled as he stroked your head, attempting to calm you down.
“Can I ask for a favor Tony?..please”
Tony nodded his head quickly “Y-yes, anything”.
“I wanna go outside and see the world..just one last time before I leave, please”
“Yes, absolutely..I’ll make sure that happens today, if it’s the last thing I ever do”
You gave a half hearted smile and closed your eyes, tears silently running down your cheeks. You never told Tony how you were feeling or how you were actually doing, in your mind your brother was a busy man, and you were sure he didn’t need anymore stress on his plate then he probably already had, so you kept your mouth shut for the greater good.
After Tony spent a few more hours with you, he jogged out to the hall and quickly made his way outside through the automatic sliding doors. He felt like if he didn’t get the team to help him with your last wish, the world might come spiraling in on him. As quick as he got into his black BMW the quicker he got to the compound to make an emergency meeting.
As soon as everybody made themselves into the conference room, Tony quickly started to speak, too fast. Natasha hesitantly interrupts Tony in the middle of his tirade, “Hey hey, slow down, what's wrong? We're here to help you” the rest of the team silently agrees and looks at Tony as he takes a deep breath and rubs his temples.
“I..I’m sorry, it’s just my little sister doesn’t have much time left, and I want her last wishes to be perfect..while she’s still here, and I really need your guys help. It would mean the world to me.”
Everyone looked at Tony sympathetically, while Bruce got up to try and hug him, which quickly led to Tony pushing him away with a “Don’t touch me” Bruce silently nodded and awkwardly put his hands in his pockets, everyone let out a laugh at Bruce's embarrassment until Steve smiled “of course we’ll help you Tony, what kind of friends would we if we didn’t”, Tony smiled at them thankfully and gave a quick thank you.
When the team and Tony of course finally got you out of the hospital for the day, after piles of paperwork. The first destination that you wanted to go to was the ice cream parlor, then go eat at the park. Which of course Tony happily obliged with your request. You happily got your mint chocolate chip ice cream and made your way to the park, with Bucky pushing your wheelchair by the bench. You thought it was a wonderful day outside, sunny warmth radiating off your skin and the sight of children playing on the playground, which made you a little sad since you couldn’t do that, you never could since you were always sick. Tony sensed your discomfort and quickly moved you under some shade.
“So what would you like to do next? Remember that today is about you.” Tony sternly but softly spoke as you got the last phrase.
You pondered and quickly spoke “Hmmm..Oh! How about we go to the zoo!”
Tony chuckled and patted your back lovingly “like I said, Anything you want”.
After you made it back to the bland hospital, that you were disappointed to return to. But you had one more request, “Tony?” he looked at you inquisitively then responded “yes?”
“can you stay with me tonight? Just for tonight..I-I promise”
“Of course, let me check in first, alright?”
You smiled at him brightly then nodded happily. Waiting patiently for Tony to come back, you felt a throbbing pain in your chest, and you knew that wasn’t good. Tony came back starting a sentence but stopping when he saw you clenching your chest and your face twisting in agonizing pain. He ran out your room and grabbed the nearest doctor by the shoulder and attempted to drag them to your room. If one word could describe how he felt right now it would be panic, just panic.
The doctor led Tony out of your room and into the lobby where he was made to sit, with anxiety pouring down on him.
As hours and hours went by, Tony’s worries were yet to cease, until a doctor came into the lobby and called his name. He popped up out of his seat, following the doctor into the mostly vacant hallway.
The man began to speak “Mr. Stark..I am so sorry to inform you that your sister is deceased, we tried everything but..there was nothing we could do to help her, it is very unfortunate you had to find out like this Mr. Stark..but you may go see her for the last time”
At that moment in time, Tony’s world came crashing down on him. And that was only because you were his world. The reason he still had that glimmer of hope, that maybe the world wasn’t all that bad, but apparently it was. He was wrong, but more importantly you were gone and there was nothing in the world he could do about it.
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galacticgraffiti · 4 months
☽⋆The Night Comes Down Like Heaven⋆☾
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All credit for this beautiful artwork goes to @pinkiemme! If you don't already know and love her, go check out her stuff, and whether you do or don't already follow her, leave some love for her! She deserves all of it.
Summary: Sometimes, everything gets to be too much, even for Rex. On a planet of blood flowers, where else could he turn but to the night sky? Rating: General Wordcount: 2.2k Warnings: Angst, Self-Doubt, Rex has a panic attack, Rex doubts his self-worth and personhood, hurt that turns to comfort eventually, brotherhood between soldiers.
A/N: I know I've been pretty absent from the Star Wars fandom, and unlike most of my other fics this is not OC content nor a reader insert. This fic is a gift for and a collaboration with @pinkiemme, who is a wonderful friend and so beloved to me. Every day you inspire me, my love. Thank you for asking me to collab, I had the best time! ❣
The Night Comes Down Like Heaven
Rex’s heart is beating way too fast. He knows that, his hands shaking and his breath too hot inside his bucket. But nothing helps, nothing calms him. Nothing can take away this feeling of being outside of his own body, and simultaneously being trapped inside himself.
Rex tries to breathe, but the weight on his chest just won’t let him; he is being dragged under, voices fading into the background when he should be focusing on them and not the abnormally loud rush of his own blood in his head.
Campaigns like this are always hard, the ones where he has to be away from base for a long time. Not that he ever had any place to truly call home - not even Kamino, even though that might have been the closest he ever came.
But campaigns like this are still harder, being deployed for months at a time without a break, no time to truly rest, no time where he ever gets to feel safe. 
Rex tells himself that he should be able to bear it, that he was designed for this, made for this.
It doesn't help: his heart still races and his hands still shake. The weight on his chest gets heavier, and the ringing in his ears unbearable.
Rex leans forward, clinging to the table where the Generals have set up a projection of the upcoming battle to talk it through. His knuckles must be white underneath his gloves from the force it takes him to stay upright, and General Skywalker’s concerned enquiry is just an indistinguishable mumble.
Rex feels like he might pass out just then, dark spots swimming in his vision as he desperately gasps for air beneath his bucket but his lungs just won’t fill.
“Excuse me,” he mumbles, abruptly leaving the war meeting. He knows General Skywalker is staring after him, he knows General Kenobi and Cody are looking at each other with furrowed brows. But if he stays here even one second longer, Rex knows he is going to scream and scream and never stop again until a blaster finally gets him.
It’s a miracle he is still alive, after all this. By all accounts, he should be dead a hundred times over. So many enemies, and they just keep coming. It never stops, never slows, not even when Rex feels like he could just… crumble to the ground if it only meant he got to rest.
So many vode have been lost. Too many, even though they were bred for this, made for this, engineered for this. They are not real - were never real - just like Rex is not real. Not a real man, not even a real soldier. Just a clone, one of millions, all of them with the purpose to die, and do it slowly, to keep the Republic on its last legs a little while longer.
Rex bites down on his lip until he tastes blood, feet carrying him away from the light, from the chatter, from company and everything else. Just… away. He walks fast until he reaches the edge of their encampment, and only then does he let his legs speed up, running and running, almost in full gear, helmet fogging up, but he can't get his feet to stop.
The Republic is dying, and Rex is dying either for it or with it. There is no other way. That is all there is for him, because that is all he was made for, and that thought tastes so bitter he gags.
Treasonous thoughts, these are. Thoughts he would be court-martialed for if he ever spoke them aloud, even if he has heard rumblings in the barracks that have never been reported. The vode are loyal, even more to each other than to the Republic they were made for. But all it takes is one weak link.
The threat of reprogramming looms over them eternally: a fate worse than death, where nothing is left of the old soldier as a new one is made from his flesh, no more than a blank slate.
They are all expendable, Rex has no illusions about that. No matter how soft General Skywalker's eyes go when he looks at him, no matter the way General Tano bumps-
Rex stumbles, nearly dropping to his knees. He has not been watching where he’s going, just walking, running, sprinting - escaping the endless rows of tents. Fleeing with no rhyme or reason, his heart too heavy in his chest as his feet thunder on the ground.
When he looks around, there is nothing as far as Rex’s eyes can see, not a soul, not a building. Just meadows and rolling hills, and the deep night sky. 
This planet could almost be beautiful if the flowers did not only bloom after blood had soaked the ground.
Rex double checks his surroundings with a heartbeat so fast his chest wants to break apart, but there is nothing and no one. He is really and truly alone, for the first time in weeks. Probably months. Maybe years- maybe ever.
That realisation hits Rex like a speeder train. Everything is too much: his body is not his own and he wants to shed it in this moment. He wants to cease existing in this way, and that is treasonous when it should be natural.
Rex lets himself drop to his knees, lets himself rip off his gloves and bury his fingers in the deep grass that surrounds him. And he lets himself scream. Scream into the void and the vast emptiness of the universe. Scream until his lungs give out, silent tears running down his cheeks and soaking the cushions of his buy’ce.
In the vastness of this universe, Rex is nothing. Not just nobody, but truly and entirely nothing. He is lost and without purpose, because his whole life means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
An old Mandalorian saying pushes through the heavy fog of anxiety that has settled on his thoughts, so pragmatic it nearly makes him laugh.
Ca’tra darasuum rohaka verd’an.
The eternal night sky defeats all warriors.
Rex almost tips over with the laughter that bubbles up in his chest. It falls off his lips like bitter pearls, but he cannot seem to swallow it down, and he can't breathe like this but it doesn't matter.
He can tell he is becoming hysterical, hiccups shaking him between laughter and tears, but he just can’t stop. Rex lets himself fall, and he lets himself feel. All of the emotions he has been pushing away, everything that has happened, all the little cracks in his armour, slowly eating through the Republic-issued plastoid until Rex just… falls apart. His cuirass is laying in the war tent with his General, Rex’s brittle heart exposed in the middle of a war zone.
And still, it’s not a shot from an enemy that brings him to his knees, it is the vastness of space looming above him, it is the hundreds of lightyears that lay between him and his fallen vode and it is the memory of Ahsoka’s small hand on his arm when they first met.
His protection is already frail, and there is nothing to be done about it. He is all alone, and without cover, with no back up and no weapon. And for once, Rex allows himself not to think about it as he takes off his buy’ce to look at the sky with his own eyes. The eyes of the man that he was made from, that are somehow still Rex’s own, made so by the things he has witnessed, by the bloodshed he has caused and the battles he has fought. Made so by the love he has been part of, and by the family he has found, most of them sharing those same brown eyes.
Rex lays back in the grass and stares at ca’tra darasuum, and he lets himself remember. The stars swim before his eyes as this blood-soaked planet slowly turns and turns, making its way around the centre of its universe. Rex lays between flowers born from the blood and the sweat and the pain of his brothers, and he feels so much that he thinks he will burst. Time passes like honey, and the sky is still dark when he is finally found.
Cody is like the sunrise, advancing slowly and then all at once, bathing Rex in his golden light even in darkness.
“Thought you couldn’t be far,” he mumbles as he crouches down next to Rex. “Guess I was wrong. Took me fuckin’ ages to find you, vod’ika.”
“This world is big,” Rex simply replies, with a voice rough from tears. “This world is so big, Kote. If we survive this, it won’t even make a difference. I look at the stars and all I see is cold indifference in the face of suffering and death.”
Cody cocks his head, and even through his dark visor, Rex can feel his brother's eyes on him. The sound of Cody’s voice is filtered through his helmet.
“Ca’tra darasuum rohaka verd’an.”
Rex laughs at that, a dry, humourless laugh. Nobody else knows what he is thinking the way Cody always does. Two generations of brothers, sometimes closer even than those from the same batch ever are.
“You know me too well.”
Cody scoffs.
“No such thing. Not when it comes to family.” He offers his hand to Rex. “Come on, vod’ika. You have been out here by yourself for too long already.”
“Nayc.” Rex shakes his hand. “Shebe ti’ni. Please. Just for a moment.”
Cody sighs deeply.
“I forget how young you can be sometimes.”
But he stays. He sits with his brother, in spite of everything, In spite of the war, the death, the pain that surrounds them every day and every night. Rex lays back again, while Cody keeps watch.
“The galaxy is so vast,” Rex says again, but this time, his voice is coloured not by sadness nor fear, but instead by awe. “Kote, if we get out of here alive… maybe we can be someone. Become someone. You know… the end of the war-”
“We don’t speak of the end of the war,” Cody interrupts him. “Cuyi verde, vod. Don’t fuck with me, you know this. We all know this. It's the truth that guides our path.”
Rex exhales. His breath forms little clouds in the cool night air, and something almost akin to peace washes over him. This is it. This is tangible proof that he is here, and he is real. Just like the grass beneath him, flattened by his weight. Just like the earth below, warmed by his body heat. Proof for his existence. He inhabits this galaxy.
“I have never asked for anything,” he says, and that makes Cody shut his mouth with an audible click. Rex smiles, sadness and fragile joy mixing on his features that are so much like Cody’s, but no matter how hard the Kaminoans have tried, have never been exactly the same. “I have never asked for anything, Kote. I have never had anything of my own, and I have been alright with that. But I’m asking you now. Let me have this moment, just a moment of peace and quiet. I am falling apart. Let me glue my pieces back together so I can hold on a little longer. Nakar’tuur mhi oyacyi akaanir ashi’tuur, isn’t that how the song goes?”
Cody goes very quiet and very still next to him. He does not respond, but when he takes off his bucket and sets it down next to Rex’s, Rex knows he has won.
“Look at the constellations with me, Kote,” he says, and in this moment, he is seven years old, tugging at Cody’s shirt sleeve and dragging him to the big skylight at Kamino, the one that never sees daylight in the eternal rain, on the one night of his life he can remember where no rain fell on Kamino. “Ta’raysholan verda, vod. They came before us, but we will outlive them. Let me dream of the end of our war before we die. Please.”
Cody smiles his crooked little Cody smile, the one that looks exactly like it did when they were children.
“War?” he says, and settles down on his back with his hands tucked behind his head, mirroring his little brother. “What war?”
Rex’s cheeks hurt from the smile that splits his face, and he lets himself bask in this moment of happiness. They are alive. They are here. He raises his hand to point out the first constellation they learned, way back when. Even though it looks all wrong, he would recognise it anywhere. Kamino seems a million lightyears away, and maybe it is. But the night sky still seems the same to him.
vode - brothers buy’ce - helmet Ca’tra darasuum rohaka verd’an. - The eternal night sky defeats all warriors. vod’ika - little brother Nayc. Shebe ti’ni. - No. Sit with me. Kote - Glory (my own personal headcanon where the name ‘Cody’ comes from) Cuyi verde, vod. - We are soldiers, brother. Nakar’tuur mhi oyacyi akaanir ashi’tuur - Tomorrow, we live to fight another day. (Taken from my Mando’a lullaby) Ta’raysholan verda - A thousand warriors (also taken from that same lullaby - fuelled by the belief that dead soldiers become stars to watch over their fighting siblings).
Taggies for the beloveds and a huge shoutout for @baba-fett, my eternal wonderful beta-reader who messaged me back within 2 seconds when i dropped the words 'rex angst' on her doorstep.
@purgetrooperfox @ashotofspotchka @daimyosprincess @deewithani @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @ulchabhangorm @sleepingsun501 @queen--kenobi @kik51199 @samspenandsword @ficsbynight @writingbylee @thefact0rygirl @wild-karrde @hayley-the-comet @rescuethewretched @equalityforcats @witchklng @ladykatakuri @certified-anakinfucker @mandoloriancookie @felinaone @rosieofcorona @savagemickey03 @amyroswell @supercalifragilisticprincess @palpipeen @idkwhatsgoingonwithme @dudewhynotthis @kimiheartblade
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jeonride · 10 months
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would you dance with me?
SUMMARY; in the middle of a party, you are the one hansol is looking for.
FEATURING; chwe hansol x fem!reader
GENRE; fluff, comfort, a lil' bit angst, non-idol au, meet cute, strangers to lovers, and this fic also feels like hmm, modern royalty (?) basically just like how high-class people throw a party and yeah includes waltz dancing ! <3
WARNINGS; mentions of insecurities, flaws, anxiety, and the reader isn't confident with herself, suggestive
NOTES FROM KALA; just imagine this fine man asks you to dance with him..
jeonride's masterlist / join the taglist here !
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Your eyes stare straight into the brilliant mirror, clean of any stains and dust. Your body stands rigid, feeling every strap of the dress you're wearing being pulled by your maids- meant to tighten, to make your waist look slim. Your chest is tight because your mother told you to wear a special corset for the dress- she said it would make your breasts look better. Yet you don't feel any difference.
Tonight is your grandmother's 70th birthday. You even wonder at the prospect of living such a long life with endless wealth. It's not that you wish for her to die soon, no. But it's tiring to come to your grandmother's birthday party that is celebrated every year. It's not that your grandmother is bad or that she likes to talk bad about you with her friends, it's not.
It's because you know that whether or not you're at the party doesn't affect your grandmother's happiness.
You realize you're not beautiful.
You're not as pretty as your cousins and that's what makes you insecure. Even though your mom says you're beautiful as long as you take care of yourself, it's hard to accept that kind of opinion- or even praise, as it turns out. You're the one who feels that you're not pretty enough, even though other people say you are, you don't believe it. Back to you again, deep down inside you feel less beautiful and not worthy to come to a lively party filled with prestigious people, conglomerates, with their gorgeous faces. As a result, you are always alone in the corner of the ballroom. There is never, ever a gentleman to ask you to dance with him.
You don't feel that you're pathetic, though. You enjoy watching people dance with their respective partners. Embracing each other, stepping together, dancing the waltz gracefully with their eyes fixed on each other. Though you have to admit, sometimes you get lonely watching it all. How exciting it would be if there was a guy who would waste his precious time just to dance with you.
Your grandmother also prefers to talk about tea parties, new dresses by famous designers, and the most expensive wine to sip on the night of her birthday party with your other cousins. Your grandmother always said that she loved all her grandchildren equally. But it's you who feels it. And well, what you feel is different from her perspective. She laughs with your other cousins, stroking their chins and complimenting them on how pretty they are, while with you, she laughs at your stupid antics, calling you her most different grandchild. Her odd grandchild.
Like the dimmest star in the night sky.
"Please do not move too much, Miss." said one of your maids when you're squirming too much because the way she fastens the straps of your dress around your waist is too tight as if you are forbidden to run away from the party and you are sure if you insist on running away from the party, your breath would be taken away because your dress seems to be strangling the wearer's body.
Your mother, on the other hand, folds her arms across her chest, smiling with satisfaction as she sees her daughter looking beautiful with her makeup done. "You look beautiful, darling." she praises.
You exhale roughly, blowing the air upwards so that the stray hair covering your face is blown away, moving gently. "It's because of the make-up, mother."
"Well you're still beautiful, y/n. As long as you're confident."
"The problem is I don't feel confident."
Your mother waves her hand as if to say, 'enough, cut the crap I don't want to argue tonight.'
"Mother, can I not come-"
"Talk one more time and I'll make sure you don't get your evening snack again, y/n."
"Oh come on," you complain. Rolling your eyes in aversion. Your mom isn't too concerned about you being alone again tonight, just like at the previous parties.
One of the maids who has been adjusting the lace of your dress starts to put the 5cm heels on your feet. Her movements are gentle, that maid is indeed a trusted one, having served you since childhood. "Does it hurt, miss?" she asks. "Because I know your shoe size differs by one centimeter depending on the shoe brand. Does this one feel tight?"
You smile, returning the gaze of your maid who now looks up to gaze at you. "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't feel uncomfortably tight. Thank you for always looking out for my comfort."
The 40-year-old maid chuckles. "It's my job, miss. I'll be sad if you feel your feet hurting at the party. Because today your grandmother's birthday party is more festive than ever, she is entering her seventh decade! Can you imagine that?! She is blessed with a long life." Your maid sets the shoe on your bare left foot, slowly. "Therefore, I want you to be able to comfortably dance with a gentleman at this party, miss."
You are stunned. Swallowing your saliva, you are not sure if there is a gentleman who wants to dance with you even though your loved ones say you look as beautiful and perfect as a royal princess wearing a baby blue ball gown with white lace at the bottom and glittering white high heels.
Your maid strokes your shoulder gently, smiling in a way that you don't know how to define. But it's a warm smile.
"Trust me, miss. Tonight, there will be a man that will ask you to dance."
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Arriving at the hotel where your grandmother's birthday is being celebrated, you are amazed by all the decorations. That's right, this time the party is more festive. Even at the parking lot, you can see many limousines lined up, neat and shiny like they have just been delivered from the car showroom.
Your mother gets out of the car first, handing the guard an invitation printed in gold as a sign of vvip member which means, part of your grandmother's family. You follow your mother behind, awkward enough as you are in the middle of the crowd now.
"Head up, darling. Don't keep your head down. Look around, try to greet whoever it is. And oh, don't forget to keep smiling!"
"Yes, mother. You said it so many times that I memorized it."
"Already memorized but not doing as I told you."
You remain silent, replying to your mother's words with a heavy sigh. Then you slowly walk the red velvet carpeted stairs that lead to the ballroom. Once inside, you are amazed again. There are glittering chandeliers, and cakes as tall as five meters, or even more. Gilded tables full of people eating cake and drinking wine, chocolate fondue, sweets, and of course, your grandmother's 70th birthday photo shoot displayed near the golden chair she's sitting on now. Your grandmother looks like she's on a throne. Her bleached hair is pulled up into a high bun, with a crown of pearls holding her long hair back. She wore a bright red dress, successfully capturing the attention of the man who seemed to be the same age as her, older to be more precise.
Your mother approaches your grandmother, carrying a large silver gift box with a black ribbon on it. They talked for a while, then when your grandmother finally turned to you, her face lit up.
"Hello, darling!" she greets you. "You look stunning tonight. I almost didn't even recognize you."
"Grandma, you're overreacting. It's all just because I'm wearing makeup."
"What's wrong with wearing makeup? As long as it makes you more beautiful then there's nothing wrong with it, right?"
You just shrugged your shoulders. Then your hand picks up a glass of wine brought by the waiter who is going back and forth while carrying a tray with many glasses on it.
"Grandma, happy 70th birthday. I hope you become more beautiful and always be healthy. Now, can I go home?"
Your mother glares, pinching your arm unseen by your grandmother which successfully makes you scowl.
"So you think I'm going to let you go home after that insincere birthday wish?" your grandmother shakes her head in disagreement. "Unfortunately, you can't go home as soon as usual. My friend's grandson wants to meet you tonight."
You blink, your brows furrowed. Astonished by your grandmother's words. "Who?"
And your grandmother just flashed a smirk. "Ah, you'll find out later."
Then your grandmother claps her hands, drawing everyone's attention to her figure. She opens her birthday party with a short speech, ending with a toast. Everyone raises their glasses high, so you just do what they do even though it's awkward because there are more adult people at this party, mostly 35 years old and above. Well, they're all your grandmother's colleagues who come just because they don't want their relationship with her to suffer just because they didn't come to wish her a happy birthday and insincere wishes like your grandmother said just now. Their faces flash smiles with fake friendliness and somehow, you're sick of this kind of atmosphere. It's boring, full of two-faced people with tricks up their sleeves.
You quietly walk to the corner of the ballroom. Can't stand the pain of wearing heels. You aren't used to wearing them. You aren't used to wearing dresses, using makeup, or acting like a civilized princess, you just can't do it. You also feel dizzy because of how tight your bun is.
So when you reach the corner of the ballroom even though can't hide your 'had enough' expression because the entire ballroom is lit by chandeliers light, you take off your heels. Lifting your dress unconcernedly, you gently massage your calves that are starting to ache while your left-hand carries your pair of white heels. You've only been standing for a few minutes, but the soreness in your feet when wearing heels is more powerful than usual.
"Excuse me, miss. You shouldn't have lifted your dress like that," a man from nowhere, with gelled black hair, comes up to you and kneels in front of you to take down your dress that has been lifted to your knees.
You are surprised, of course. Especially because he kneeling in front of you like that. He could have managed to get a view of your panties- damn, this must be just one of those jerks pretending to be a gentleman.
"Stay away from me!" you say harshly, your foot moving to kick his wrist. "Don't pretend to be nice. I know you have devious intentions of peeking inside-"
"Wait, wait, pardon? Peek at what? I can't even see what's in there because your dress is covered in layers of lace skirts, miss." the man finally looked up, staring at you. Smiling, not looking angry even though you just kicked his wrist. You can stupidly feel your cheeks heating up just from looking at his handsome face and captivating brown eyes. "Does your leg hurt that bad, miss? Your face is flushed. Want me to help?"
Dumbass. You should control your heart beat now, that is unfortunately becoming faster and more noisy. You are worried he will be able to hear your heart racing.
Calm yourself down.
Do not fall for the beauty of a someone's face.
"I don't need your help, sir. Just mind your own business."
"Sir?" he laughs. "Just call me Hansol, y/n."
How does he know your name?
"I'm sorry but have we met before?"
He shakes his head. "This is the first time I have approached you just because, a young lady like you lifted her dress up to her knees without thinking further about her action."
You wave your hand, a habit that you got from your mother whenever you feel like you do not want to hear more about the topic you don't like to be involved with, "Okay? I said, just mind your own business, Hansol." maybe he knows your name from your grandmother or perhaps, this man is the grandson of your grandmother's friend?
His smile grows even wider as if he likes the way your tongue pronounces his name. "But you are the business itself. Came here because of you, miss."
Your head tilts to the side a little, "What do you mean?"
"You don't have a partner to dance?"
You shrugged. "Is that even important?"
"So it's a no?" he guessed it right. You never had a partner to dance. Not even just for one night.
"Yes, I don't have a partner to dance and why is that?"
"Then would you dance with me?"
Your eyebrows immediately furrowed. But your stomach certainly feels tingly, like a butterfly's wings are fluttering. Your heart beats faster. This is the first time you've heard such a request. The first time a man has asked you to dance with him.
"Wait. But why?"
This time, it is Hansol who looks confused. "Does there have to be a reason to dance with you? If so, then I would say, because I don't have a dance partner."
So he's just an ordinary guy who doesn't have a dance partner, so he asked you to dance? Okay, you don't have to feel special then. But, is it possible? How come there's no one asks a good-looking and educated man like Hansol to dance?
"There are other women you can dance with, Hansol. You don't deserve a dance partner like me."
"Why are you talking like that? Why are you judging yourself when others can see the potential in you?"
You chuckle. "What potential? Hansol, I don't even look attractive. Like you said earlier, I don't think much before I do something. I even go barefoot now because I'm uncomfortable wearing heels."
"Then? I fail to see any problems with your appearance now." Hansol then smiles again. It is such a beautiful smile that you can see the wrinkles at the end of his eyes. Wow, he is the definition of a gorgeous man, looks to have a lot of money, an influential position, and is well-educated. Dangerous. At this moment, you think you will fall in love at first meeting.
"You look like a dream come true in my eyes."
Your face turns red. It's hot. You can feel your cheeks heating up to your ears. Who exactly is this guy? Hey, he caught you off-guard!
"What are you talking about, Hansol?"
"The waltz is about to start, you'd better agree to my offer."
"If I don't?"
Hansol chuckled. "Well, I've asked you anyway. I think I'm just going to pull you into the center of the ballroom."
"What? Wait-!"
Before you realize that Hansol's hand is gently tugging on your wrist, he has already led you to the middle of the ballroom. To the dance floor, to be more precise. "Hansol, but I'm not good at dancing!" you protest to him.
"That's okay, you can follow my footsteps, then."
"Hansol, I-" your gaze meets your grandmother's. And she just smiles at the sight of her odd and most different granddaughter finally being seen with a man to dance at her birthday party.
Then, the waltz music started. Your other cousins are already around you with their respective partners. They smile at you, happy that you are finally participating in the dance after all the parties your grandmother has organized.
"It's already started, y/n." he says. "Hold my hand, and put your other hand on my arm."
You finally obey Hansol's words as the waltz has started. Your body is a little stiff because you are nervous about the attention of the people around you. But Hansol succeeded in calming you down with his smile. His other hand is on your back while your right hand intertwines with his. You can feel how smooth and warm his hand is.
"Watch my steps carefully," he whispers. You start with a basic waltz box step, and you slowly follow his footsteps, unconsciously keeping your face down.
"Keep your head up, y/n. Follow my footsteps without actually looking at my feet."
You look up at him. Feeling a strange feeling as your gazes met. Your heart is beating fast now as if your chest could rip apart because of it. Your eyes glance around so you don't meet his eyes because you feel nervous.
"Eyes on me, young lady." Hansol reprimands.
You nervously return his gaze. But Hansol's gaze slowly lowers from staring at your eyes to your lips, certainly making you think of something else that manages to make your cheeks feel even hotter.
"You're doing great. Follow my count, okay? One, two, three... one, two, three. That's right," he compliments. You follow the count and Hansol's footsteps, matching the music.
"You're flushed." Hansol chuckles softly, lowering his voice as much as possible to not be heard by others because the ballroom situation is now really solemn. Everyone is dancing gracefully with their partners and if there are people who aren't dancing, they're watching with genuine smiles on their faces.
"Oh, shut up, Hansol."
The man notices the look on your face change. "Why? Is there something wrong?"
"I- I just feel... I don't deserve to dance with you, Hansol. There are many more beautiful women-"
"But I just want to dance with you," Hansol answers back with a definite intonation. His gaze implies sincerity in his words. "Stop talking like that, y/n. You are beautiful. You're beautiful inside and out and I like that."
"How can you say that? You sound like you've known me for a long time, Hansol." You laugh, finally revealing your genuine smile to him. And that makes Hansol stunned because god, to him your smile is so lovely and charming.
"Because I... have liked you for a long time but didn't have the courage to say it. I've only been watching you from afar, y/n."
You remain silent. Feeling surprised. Your eyes widen, looking at Hansol to see if he meant what he just said. But seeing Hansol's attitude who immediately looks away with reddened ears, it seems like he meant what he said to you.
"I... I like you, y/n. So stop judging yourself because really, you are enough. I'm sad if you feel less beautiful than other women. You have no idea how beautiful you are in my eyes."
With his gentle attitude and words that sound so sincere,
Oh, y/n.
You fall in love with him.
Falling for the man you just met because of his sincerity towards you. Falling for the first man who asked you to dance.
It makes you remember what your grandmother told you when you were little, "Keep dancing even if you're alone, darling. Keep dancing until you find your partner to dance with,"
And you found him.
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© jeonride 2023. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, plagiarize, or repost any of my writing anywhere!
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shiro-luvs-victor · 3 months
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Gilbert von Obsidian, the main reason why I started playing Ikemen Prince. The main reason I started playing Ikemen games at all. Your route was so much fun, I can't explain.
Gilbert's route is not a route. It's basically a chessboard that we watch Gilbert play from both sides. Yes, it's a one-sided chess game and it's fun to watch. Really fun to watch! I was getting so hooked-up with the story and ended up falling in love with it.
👇👇👇Spoilers 👇👇👇
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I think the fun part of Gilbert's route is uncovering his secrets slowly. For example, What is he hiding? Why did he change into....a beast? How does he know so much about Emma? What is his main goal here? All these questions get's answered in a well-crafted way in his story.
Gilbert is one of those characters who on the outside has all the characteristics as a villain but in reality he's a pure-hearted man who sacrificing everything for the better future of his country. Everyone just judges Gilbert based on rumors and what the previous Emperor of Obsidian did (I'm talking about the Bloodstained Rose Day). They all call him names like the 'Conqueror of Beasts' and 'Worldwide disaster' just because he's from Obsidian, a country known for corruption. But once you actually find out Gilbert's ambitions and what he's doing for his country, I just think he's a pretty cool guy. He's an anti-villain disguised as a villain.
His ambition to make sure everyone is being treated equally whether its royalty or a commoner and everyone should be punished for the crimes that they have committed and no one could gain favorable advantages because of their status, is truly remarkable. On top of that, he's not all fighting and conquering every nations he sees. He also works hard to make sure his country is doing better for his people. I'm talking about their food supply and technology upgrades. It does hurts me that Gilbert is only known as a 'Worldwide disaster' around the other nations especially in Rhodolite, instead of getting praised for developing his country and helping his people. People really like to look at only the bad side of a person, don't you think?
Gilbert also in his own way is trying to eradicate as much corruption and decay from his country. Starting with killing his own father, the Emperor because if the Emperor ain't doing anything for his people, he should either step down as an Emperor and let someone else more competent take the throne or just die. Neither happened, so Gilbert killed him to eliminate that threat. Then his killed of any corrupted nobles and that's why Obsidian is called the Country of Soldiers, because everyone inside the palace is a soldier (Including the maids, I guess)
Also, maybe it's only me, but I prefer the design of the Obsidian palace over the Rhodolite one. The Rhodolite palace is prettier-looking, covered with roses from head to toe every where both inside and outside. The Obsidian palace on the outside looks like a Haunted Castle that might eat you up, but in the inside, the ambience suites me perfectly. I don't really like too much light pouring inside my room.
Another thing I like about Obsidian palace is how Gilbert made sure everyone inside the palace who works for him is talented in their field of job. He recognizes talent over any kind of nepotism or status. Although Gilbert's ambition is to make sure that all people are to be treated equally, he's still feared by many ministers in the parliament. I think that's a good thing because it's good to be feared and having people do what you're asking for instead of letting them trample over you. Gilbert used to be like Emma, where he loved everyone and was kind to everyone. But since humans are the worst kinds of beasts, they will surely trample on kindness of people like Emma or former Gilbert. I'm not saying being kind is foolish but one should never let anyone trample over them for any reason. For example, we see Emma getting wrongfully bullied by some nobles just because she hangs out with Gilbert. Emma, for being a commoner gets bullied and other nobles or princes who talks with Gilbert, never. What frustrates me even more is that Emma just never stand up to her bullies and always let them have their way. I don't see any of the Rhodolite princes help her (except for one time when Yves caught that one noblewoman). When Gilbert clearly asks her, she calls him a beast and doesn't tell him. Honestly, I felt like Gilbert was the only one protecting her at that point, Emma was just being clouded by rumors about Gilbert where he's treated as the Voldemort of this world. He who-should-not-be-named!
I'm happy that later she does realize that she shouldn't be blinded by these rumors and must look at Gilbert objectively. Looking him as a human rather than a beast, but it's good thing that she admits her mistake. For her, she was like "I can fix him. I will bring him to my world which is filled with kindness and warmth and I can fix him and turn him into a human." and what does Gilbert do? He enters her world and paints it all black. Great job👍
Speaking of Emma, I love that Gilbert keeps giving her a reality check. Emma's whole ideals about fixing problems by talking things through is not a bad thing, but it's not effective in the current situation because of the tragedy known as the Bloodstained Rose Day. She never knew how much of tragedy that was and it was also partly the Rhodolite Princes' fault too. All this time, she was living in her own dream world like a main character of novel, that she mentions time to time, who never changes herself no matter how much hell she is put through. I think Emma is character who likes to dream a lot and she lives in a fantasy world which is all rainbows and sunshine. Once she is chosen as Belle, everything she thought about 'royalty' and 'nobles' which she read from books proved to be false. She starts learning about the cruel place she lives in, that is the royal palace, how the princes are not just some good-looking rich men but also very smart and strong, how the royalty can get a away with many things because of their status and even how much of piece of shit the previous Rhodolite emperor was. She learns these things and clearly realizes that despite living in Rhodolite for her entire life, she never actually knew everything about her country.
After being send as a hostage in Obsidian, it is only then she gets to see how truly developing Obsidian is, maybe even more than Rhodolite. People are all treating her well. The country wasn't like what she was expecting. To me it looked like she was having much better time in Obsidian than in Rhodolite, because at least there are no childish nobles that bully her just because they can.
Now coming to the meat of the story, Gilbert's illness. I was kinda surprised but also rolled my eyes at first when I heard that Gilbert had some kind of illness and he's going to die soon. I have seen this trope in other movies and dramas and it's usually a last minute thing that the story writers pulls it out of their ass to bait the viewers into keep investing in their characters. I always like to believe that they use these 'I'm dying from cancer' trope when they have no idea left. So when I saw Gilbert coughing blood I was praying so hard that the writers don't disappoint me. But thankfully it was not like that. I really did feel sad when I was reading the ending chapters. I admit that I was crying like a baby because Gilbert is just too sweet that I want to shower him with kisses. Every time. ALL THE TIME!
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I think all in all Gilbert's route is really well written that I enjoyed most of it but it's not perfect. The issue is not that concerning, but I really wish they didn't emphasize it too much. I don't like cringy dialogues! Dialogues that make me physically cringy to the point that I roll my eyes. Dialogues like:
"What can I do to make you turn into a human?"
"If you shut down your feelings, you will eventually become a beast like me."
And my least favorite "He's the Conqueror of the Beast, the worldwide disaster...."
Emma just really loves that line to the point that she uses it every time Gilbert does something normal.
Sees Gilbert reading a book.
Emma: *gasps* "The Conqueror of the Beast, the worldwide disaster is reading a book!?!?!?"*shocked 101*
Sees Gilbert eating cookies.
Emma: *gasps* "The Conqueror of the Beast, the worldwide disaster eats cookies and not children!?!?!?"*shocked 102*
Yeah, and it's not just Emma, but some of the princes' and ministers except for Chevalier and Luke, who treats him like a normal human being. Maybe they have a past together. Probably the other other kid at the start of chapter 1 is Chevalier. They must be childhood friends. Luke and Gilbert also seems to know each other well, Luke was the only person that proudly claimed that Emma is doing very well in Obsidian so it seems like Luke must have been to Obsidian before.
Another thing. See the general rule of story-telling is 'Show than tell'. I want the writers to 'show' me how much of a pure-hearted character Emma is rather than the princes keep 'telling' the audience that Emma is kind and pure-hearted. If Emma is kind-hearted, I want them to show me her kindness in any way possible. For example, when they went to the orphanage, they could've have shown Emma mingling with the kids and helping them with whatever they need or maybe something like Emma doing a research about the Bloodstained Rose Day (actually she does, she goes around asking the princes but no one told her that the princes' were also at fault) learning both sides of the story. Show me things that would make me like her personality even more. Show me instances where she's actually a kind-hearted soul. If you don't show me, all I'm left with is a girl who forces her ideals onto others without thinking how much it's hurting the other person. I don't think Emma is terrible but I wish they could add more scenes for her where she truly gets to show her potential as a kind-hearted Belle.
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Gilbert's route is a very neat political drama with a little bit of romance infused into it. Like I mentioned beforehand, the whole story is a chess game and Gilbert is the only one winning.
Both Gilbert and Emma's ideals are different. Gilbert, now, thinks that violence is the only means to get justice and Emma thinks talking is the only means to get justice. I don't think both are wrong. In cases like the Bloodstained Rose Day, the family of the victims needed justice because the royalty was not punished for their actions. That's why the anti-monarchy faction was developed. If Gilbert's ideals are followed, there would be Bloodstained Rose Day 2.0. If we go by Emma's ideals, it would be hard to get them to talk things through because of the gravity of the situation. It would still lead to the Bloodstained Rose Day 2.0. It was a straight up slaughter. It's a very complicated situation.
Anyways, I think Gilbert's route is truly amazing. A perfect 9.5/10. (I'm taking 0.5 points because of the cringy lines. NEVER COME SEE ME AGAIN!!)
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I wasn't going to come back to this au, I might not do so again, but... Happy Ending AU, bitches. These scenes are kinda short for the au, half way between notes and actual scenes, but I hope they still bring you joy.
And then, one day, they are just... ready. Months of work and research and sneaking around and now... Well, here it is. Most people were only told once summoned to the meeting room - thirty minutes to pack a backpack of everything you want to save, give it to Philza, and be back here on time.
They expected resistance, or blame, or... Or Fit is not sure, but not the way Jaiden just broke, laughing and sobbing, or Foolish's sharp "finally!".
Fit's known this was coming for a while, and so have the people he loves. Even Ramón's is already packed and safely with Philza, filled with gears and cogs and the giant sniffer toy that Pac had made him.
Pac and Mike are also ready, Richarlyson already sat inside the train and they and Aypierre make the final adjustments. In the interests of information security only those three and Philza himself know exactly where they are going; Fit is here to protect them if the Feds do catch on at this most delicate of times.
Slowly everyone makes it back, the first time everyone has been punctual for a while, every surviving egg and islander bundled into the train.
Everyone except for Philza.
"Be good for papa Missa, your tios and tias, okay?" Philza tells his children as he hugs them both. "Hey, hey, no, fuck- don't cry, kids, don't cry. You'll make me tear up too."
"You sure you aren't coming with us?" Cellbit calls to him, eyes strained as he bundles against Roier, Richarlyson in his lap. There's life in them, though, life that Fit hasn't seen in weeks.
"Nah mate," Philza stands, one egg on each hip as he walks them the last few steps to the train. "Someone's got to open the portals, yeah? Couldn't risk pre-building them, and I'm the one who won't die from this."
Frankly, it's a fucking miracle they have anyone who can touch the void, but Fit's known Philza's secret for decades.
It doesn't stop him from grabbing his arm and pulling him into a rough hug.
"You be careful," Fit tells him. "Don't wanna come out the other side to see my babygirl all burnt up again."
Philza cackles despite the scars, "won't be making that mistake again, big boy. Come on now, what's gotten into you, Fit? It's just a little hike, yeah?"
Fit lets him go; they both know it isn't just a hike, "I'll see you on the other side."
"The other side."
Philza steps away, inventory full of backpacks and their lives. You don't bring things across the nether-borders, but a god-touched elytran... Well, despite everything, Philza has his contacts.
Just as Fit has his.
Tazercraft's train is the same of any of their trains in design, just with a little more care taken to have enough seats. Fit checks Ramón's seatbelt, before leaning over to help Cellbit with Richarlyson's; some of the eggs are good about these things, but his boyfriend's son is certainly not one of them.
After everything, after everything, they refuse to lose any more children now.
Not right now, not at the last hurdle, not when at the end of this train journey they will be as immortal as any player.
And fuck, it hurts how many didn't get here - Fit sees it in Jaiden and Roier's eyes most of all, but in Slime and Mariana where they hide on the upper level... Maxo and Dan are dead, and Quackity does not remember today, but... Well all four are griefs, are they not?
Fit watches Pac and Mike as they turn the engine over - once, twice, before the Creation shudders into life. Aypierre is in the driver's seat first, the three of them taking shifts for the long trip. This train, unlike the rest, is designed to take up the tracks as it passes them, leaving no trail to follow.
Philza will blow up the portal on his way out.
The train crawls into picking up speed; Fit holds Ramón's hands at the familiar sensation of a portal.
Just a few seconds, and then they are in hell.
The portal shatters, trapping them there.
It's still a better, more hopeful prison than any other before it.
Philza blows up the portal, and runs. The Feds will already know something is up, so he's got just minutes to get from A to B. Cannot warp, has to run - too easy to interrupt a warp, even if his inventory had space for one with everyone's bags hidden deep within.
One bag each, don't take the piss stacking them, he's still got to sustain the things with his own reality until he makes it to the landing spot.
Up the stairs, into the light of the Favela. There is already one security guard out by the time he makes it there, but he is Philza Fucking Minecraft and he can outrun one asshole in a bear suit.
Around the corner, up to the football field, and down at a right angle. Across the traintracks - they're firing guns at him now - duck through the trees and into the open expanse of Felps Square.
It is more dangerous here, with nowhere to hide. Philza keeps up a zigzag as he finds his way to the centre. He knows what is hidden here, but the Feds? Do they?
He doubts it.
Philza steps through the ghost blocks, letting gravity take him. He twists to have his back facing downwards, unfurling his wings - beautiful, repaired wings - out behind him, trips scraping the edges of the three-by-three hole. The Feds do not follow him.
At -64 Philza does not die on the bedrock, a hole blown wide - he keeps falling, and falling, and falling, and-
Ph1LzA fell out of the world
It is a four days across the Nether by rail. Established worlds have their shortcuts between one another, but that is not the sort of place they are heading for.
By the end of it they are tired, and thirsty, and hungry, and the portal does not yet exist.
"We made good time," Aypierre tells them. "It will be fine."
They have food and water for six days, and no idea if the Federation will catch them up. Worse, they have no idea as to if Philza even made it - if he got out of the world, and to the right place. Nobody mentions as much, but Missa can hear the sympathies in every pair of eyes that turn his way.
From the Nether, someone will take them in. From the Void...
Not even players always survive dying in the void intact.
The first night, Chayanne and Tallulah stay awake, waiting for their dad, entertained by BadBoyHalo as Missa gets some sleep.
The second night the children sleep, as Missa holds a private wake. One only in his heart, but one he knows the others see.
The third night...
The third night Missa is nudged awake by Pomme, and shown a portal finally alight.
They abandon the train.
Pac and Mike dismantle it, scattering its parts to the wind; with a change in world, it would be destroyed anyway, so better just to hide the evidence and finish on foot. Missa... Missa doesn't quite understand the intricacies, but he knows enough. Last time he crossed a world border, it was with his brother.
This time... this time he has children, and nieces and nephews and friends, but he knows that Spreen is never coming back.
A world portal is not quite like a Nether portal, for all they are in principle the same; no matter where you are the Nether is the Nether just as the Void is the Void, both just infinitely dangerous to navigate. Most people make use of short portals and hub worlds to travel, never daring risk interdimensional hiking. Even those that do travel well known routes; it is testament to everyone else's skills, but especially the Creatists, that they made it here alive.
Missa... he does not know how to explain it to Chayanne and Tallulah, so he doesn't. He just waits their turn - Etoiles and Roier went first, just in case of danger - and steps through with both children in hand.
He has never been here before; it tastes like coming home.
His husband's arms catch him as he stumbles from the portal, laughter echoing as a family of four tumbles down and to the grassy floor. Missa does not have time to look around, not when he is being held, not when Philza looks the healthiest he has ever seen him, laughing and bright beneath the stars.
"How was the trip?" Philza asks him.
Missa bats his arm, "fine until you- you-"
He will not cry, he will not cry!
Philza kisses the tears from his cheeks.
"Sorry," Philza looks slightly cowed. "Had to stop at one of the hubs to get something to eat. Thought I'd be clever and register this place while I was there - queues were a fucking nightmare, but there's a link to the network out on one of the further islands."
"Didn't want anyone to feel trapped. Would have thought of it sooner if not for the birdbrain."
Missa understands; Maxo's death had rattled them all.
The family cling to each other as everyone else makes their way through the portal, a careful headcount being done before dismantling it. From there Philza leads the group down into a valley, chattering with everyone even as his hand stays firmly in Missa's. They all keep an eye on each other for another long trek, a winding path through the undergrowth and to...
To a wide open area with a beach in the distance, and a single large, wooden and windowed building in the centre. The whole place is brightly lit - the entire path down had been - and styled like some sort of town hall.
"I didn't think you'd want to be building houses tonight," Philza tells them. "So I put together some dormitories. Be sure to set spawns at least, and get properly bound here. Your shit should all be in the main room."
Inside is not luxurious, but it reminds Missa of home. There are couches and rugs and an extensive kitchen, with enough rooms for each family to take their own. Lanterns hang cheerfully from the ceiling, supplemented by sealights and candles in a beautiful glow.
He leaves the children to explore under other parents' watchful gazes as Philza steals him away, and to their room. The beds are marked for each member of their family, almost like a ship's cabin. It won't be home long, not if Missa knows his family, but... but once again Philza has built them safety from nothing.
Philza, who pulls him to the bed, and wraps himself around him and says "I love you" as though those words do not shatter entire worlds.
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andmaybegayer · 11 months
Hello. So what's the deal with computer chips? Let's say, for example, that I wanted to build a brand new Sega Genesis. Ignoring firmware and software, what's stopping me from dissecting their proprietary chips and reverse-engineering them to make new ones? It's just electric connections and such inside, isn't it? If I match the pin ins and outs, shouldn't it be easy? So why don't people do it?
The answer is that people totally used to do this, there's several examples of chips being cloned and used to build compatible third-party hardware, the most famous two examples being famiclones/NESclones and Intel 808X clones.
AMD is now a major processor manufacturer, but they took off in the 70's by reverse-engineering Intel's 8080 processor. Eventually they were called in to officially produce additional 8086 chips under license to meet burgeoning demand for IBM PC's, but that was almost a decade later if I remember correctly.
There were a ton of other 808X clones, like the Soviet-made pin-compatible K1810VM86. Almost anyone with a chip fab was cloning Intel chips back in the 80's, a lot of it was in the grey area of reverse engineering the chips.
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Companies kept cloning Intel processors well into the 386 days, but eventually the processors got too complicated to easily clone, and so only companies who licensed designs could make them, slowly reducing the field down to Intel, AMD, and Via, who still exist! Via's CPU division currently works on the Zhaoxin x86_64 processors as part of the ongoing attempts to homebrew a Chinese-only x86 processor.
I wrote about NES clones a while ago, in less detail, so here's that if you want to read it:
Early famiclones worked by essentially reverse-engineering or otherwise cloning the individual chips inside an NES/famicom, and just reconstructing a compatible device from there. Those usually lacked any of the DRM lockout chips built into the original NES, and were often very deeply strange, with integrated clones of official peripherals like the keyboard and mouse simply hardwired directly into the system.
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These were sold all over the world, but mostly in developing economies or behind the Iron Curtain where official Nintendo stuff was harder to find. I had a Golden China brand Famiclone growing up, which was a common famiclone brand around South Africa.
Eventually the cost of chip fabbing came down and all those individual chips from the NES were crammed onto one cheap piece of silicon and mass produced for pennies each, the NES-on-a-chip. With this you could turn anything into an NES, and now you could buy a handheld console that ran pirated NES game for twenty dollars in a corner store. In 2002. Lots of edutainment mini-PC's for children were powered by these, although now those are losing out to Linux (and now Android) powered tablets a la Leapfrog.
Nintendo's patents on their hardware designs expired throughout the early 2000's and so now the hardware design was legally above board, even if the pirated games weren't. You can still find companies making systems that rely on these NES chips, and there are still software houses specializing in novel NES games.
Why doesn't this really happen anymore? Well, mostly CPU's and their accoutrements are too complicated. Companies still regularly clone their competitors simpler chips all the time, and I actually don't know if Genesis clones exist, it's only a Motorola 68000k, but absolutely no one is cloning a modern Intel or AMD processor.
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The die of a Motorola 68000 (1979)
A classic Intel 8080 is basically the kind of chip you learn about in entry level electrical engineering, a box with logic gates that may be complicated, but pretty straightforwardly fetches things from memory, decodes, executes, and stores. A modern processor is a magic pinball machine that does things backwards and out of order if it'll get you even a little speedup, as Mickens puts it in The Slow Winter:
I think that it used to be fun to be a hardware architect. Anything that you invented would be amazing, and the laws of physics were actively trying to help you succeed. Your friend would say, “I wish that we could predict branches more accurately,” and you’d think, “maybe we can leverage three bits of state per branch to implement a simple saturating counter,” and you’d laugh and declare that such a stupid scheme would never work, but then you’d test it and it would be 94% accurate, and the branches would wake up the next morning and read their newspapers and the headlines would say OUR WORLD HAS BEEN SET ON FIRE. You’d give your buddy a high-five and go celebrate at the bar, and then you’d think, “I wonder if we can make branch predictors even more accurate,” and the next day you’d start XOR’ing the branch’s PC address with a shift register containing the branch’s recent branching history, because in those days, you could XOR anything with anything and get something useful, and you test the new branch predictor, and now you’re up to 96% accuracy, and the branches call you on the phone and say OK, WE GET IT, YOU DO NOT LIKE BRANCHES, but the phone call goes to your voicemail because you’re too busy driving the speed boats and wearing the monocles that you purchased after your promotion at work. You go to work hung-over, and you realize that, during a drunken conference call, you told your boss that your processor has 32 registers when it only has 8, but then you realize THAT YOU CAN TOTALLY LIE ABOUT THE NUMBER OF PHYSICAL REGISTERS, and you invent a crazy hardware mapping scheme from virtual registers to physical ones, and at this point, you start seducing the spouses of the compiler team, because it’s pretty clear that compilers are a thing of the past, and the next generation of processors will run English-level pseudocode directly.
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Die shot of a Ryzen 5 2600 core complex (2019)
Nowadays to meet performance parity you can't just be pin-compatible and run at the right frequency, you have to really do a ton of internal logical optimization that is extremely opaque to the reverse engineer. As mentioned, Via is making the Zhaoxin stuff, they are licensed, they have access to all the documentation needed to make an x86_64 processor, and their performance is still barely half of what Intel and AMD can do.
Companies still frequently clone each others simpler chips, charge controllers, sensor filters, etc. but the big stuff is just too complicated.
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redbootsindoriath · 1 year
Okay so I, like most Silmarillion fanartists, draw the Fëanorian twins as looking like...well...kids.  The book says they were the youngest in the family, and we all went, “Okay then they’re children.”  Which...yeah, that’s fair.  They really just seem to be chilling most of the time, which makes them seem a bit more innocent than the others.  But rather early on in my time doing Silm fanart, I thought about how funny if would be if they looked way older than their brothers.  But I never did anything with the idea.
Well, after finishing the Fëanorian Week drawings this year I was thinking about how I don’t really draw many Ñoldor due to not having headcanons about many of them.  And you guys know by this time that I love a bit of good angst, so I looked at the twins and said, “...ooh goody” and gave them a big old revamp.  (The drawing is of Amras and Maedhros, by the way.  For one thing, I’ve said before that I don’t like drawing identical twins. And for another…we’ll get into that in a second.)
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Real quick, for those who aren’t super familiar with the different pieces of source material we have from Tolkien: in the Silmarillion both twins survive most of the story until they die together in the same battle near the end of the book. However, in one lone version of the story, Amrod dies when the ships are burned at Losgar.  Okay so.  That’s what’s been published, from here on out it’s just headcanon territory.
I think Amrod did die when the ships were burned.  Elves are spiritually a bit...different...so I expect twins have a particularly strong bond.  Amras wasn’t really able to handle the death of his brother, and went a little bit weird in the head.  He believed that half of his own soul died at Losgar, and half of Amrod’s still lived inside of him.  For the rest of his life, he answered to Amrod’s names, his own names, and Ambarussa, and signed his name and managed accounts as any of them as well.  He refused to acknowledge Amrod’s death and became irrational when any of his brothers mentioned it, so eventually they played along.  The story spreads that there were two of Fëanor’s sons that guard East Beleriand, but they are unsocial and rarely seen together.  People will report having seen one or the other of them but no one can tell the difference (in reality, this is because there is only one that is still alive.)
It’s uncertain who all knows about Amrod’s death, even among the Ñoldor that came with Fingolfin.  Most of the Sindar and Silvan elves don’t know.  Probably no humans know.  Anyone who does know doesn’t talk about it, and all everybody else knows is what they're told, and this is why in most versions of the story they both survive until Sirion.  For a while you’d see one or the other of them out hunting or going to war, and you just assumed the other was doing something else.  But then after Sirion no one ever saw either one.  Therefore, they obviously both died in the same battle.
Anyway, that’s just the version I came up with.  I don’t know if I’ll keep it, but it makes Amras a much more interesting character.  And that let me come up with a more visually interesting design, much older than I used to draw them.  Whether this was always the way they looked or a change that Amras went through after arriving in Middle Earth I haven’t decided yet.
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evernkillian · 1 year
Tomarry/Harrymort Fanfiction Recs | One- Shot Edition; Part 1
Standard Rec Lists Disclaimers Apply: Please for the love of God read the tags and Author's Note/s, This is NOT the ultimate rec lists or whatever, the fics below are my cup of tea.
Also, I tried my best to make the Quotes I included spoiler free but if you think it is just tell me!
(also I have more fic recs! Here)
1. naïve melody by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts
G | 2.9k Words
Summary: “You invited me to go to a fair with you,” Voldemort says levelly. “Because we’re going to battle to the death soon.”
Well, when he puts it like that.
Fluff beloved. They understand each other the way only enemies can. Voldemort as the Drama Expert™ also accidental date 👀
Voldemort returns, looking punchably smug and carrying the largest stuffed lion Harry has ever seen. Competitive git. Harry holds his stuffed snake a little tighter and ignores the feeling of rejection. He’d meant it as a joke, anyway; there’s nothing to be disappointed about. Voldemort clears his throat. “I propose a trade.” And he holds out the stuffed lion to Harry, his other hand gesturing for the snake. Oh. Harry hands over the snake hesitantly and accepts the lion in turn. Did we just win each other stuffed animals? he thinks.
2. Breaking More Taboos by Destiny_Of_A_Dragon
M | 3.3k Words
Summary: The first time Harry broke the taboo, he’d been beyond starving, with little to no choice. The second and third times were much the same.
But the fourth?
That’s when everything changed.
I KNOW I RAVED ABOUT IT ALREADY BUT. IT DESERVES REPEATING. LIKE PLS. THIS FIC HAD ME IN A CHOKEHOLD AJSVSHSBSHSH. Also, Deliciously Dark Harry. Voldemort saw that darkness, and moved. When I crave dark Harry who's oblivious he's dark- I read this. Sadly no favorite quote since spoilers 😔
3. Roads Untaken by wynnebat (@wynnefic)
T | 3k Words
Summary: Harry wanted to be outraged on behalf of the castle that he still considered to be his home. Hogwarts didn't deserve to have a piece of Tom Riddle lodged inside it like a particularly vicious splinter.
But there was something he was annoyed about even more than the fact that he was once again alive at the same time as a once and future dark lord. For the first time in his life, he sympathized with Voldemort, and knew that in this one instance, Voldemort might sympathize with him.
Harry looked at Tom head-on, and said, "Albus Dumbledore is a bastard."
Both turned down for the position of Hogwarts DADA professor, Tom and Harry have a few things to say to each other.
Ahvshsvs laughing at Dumbledore in this fic. "I am happy to have done right by you.", He says, while making another mistake. Aberforth, Tom & Harry bonding over insulting Albus. They got drunk and planned to build a new school- it was hilarious.
"Do you want to grab a drink at the Hog's Head? Dumbledore's brother works there. He can join us in insulting Dumbledore."
4. V Is For Vampire by duplicity (@duplicitywrites )
T | 13k Words
Summary: One cursed night over seventy years ago, Harry agreed to bite Tom and turn him into a vampire. Flash forward to today, when Tom hires a rag-tag group of starving film students to film a documentary about their lives as two totally platonic vampire pals.
Because Tom thinks their life as vampires is interesting enough for mainstream media.
Because he’s crazy.
Harry should have just let Tom die of old age like any other sane person would have done.
What really endeared me to the Vampire Harry and/or Vampire Tom troupe. COFFIN SHOPPING!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) They're idiots who love each other very much. You know that love strengthened, and deepened with time? Yeah, like that. They're everything for each other. I love the whole crew (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠). Harry's endearing habit of knitting clothes for Tom. Artist Harry who draws (or redraws, as Tom makes a...sketch first) Tom's coffin designs ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ. Vampire Ollivander [insert shaky eyes]. Ginny is our lord and savior for putting up with these idiots. Ron Weasley is also our savior- because of him there are no....casualties. Jealous Tom [insert shaky red eyes]. Fluff- seriously, I read this when I need a pick me up (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥. Also Honorary mention to Tom Riddle's Hair Curl™
Harry laid a hand on Tom’s chest and said, “Okay.” Tom’s anger floundered, replaced with confusion. The harsh, inhuman lines of his face smoothed out as he tilted back, withdrawing from Harry’s touch like it had burned him. “I said okay,” Harry told him. “I do have you, don’t I? You’re right. I choose to be here, with you, and I’ve done that for about seventy years now.”
5. Sola Fide by crowthing (@crowcrowcrowthing )
M | 7.9k Words
Summary: Surely what he was dealing with was some level of deity, because quite suddenly the man was standing in front of him. No trace of apparition, no burst of speed. The man had parted through space and now towered over him, translucent and human-like.
Harry offered up his bleeding hand.
Hermit Harry- still magical, though. His lifestyle is so calming, no kidding (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠). I love the world building (?) In it where it shows his simple life. Love the cute niffler and the gnome family (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠). Harry taking care of his magical garden and Voldemort supplying the rare seeds ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ. *Screams* BWVSSGSVSGSGGS VEE AND HARRY'S RELATIONSHIP IS JUST 👌. Mutual Devotion [insert vibing emoji].
Blood glared against pale skin, ruby-bright, gathering in bunches and trickling down a bare chest. The man was so much taller than Harry, so much more, even while still so insubstantial. He eclipsed the world, staring down with those red, unblinking eyes and such pale, scaled skin.
He leaned in to rasp into Harry’s ear, “Worship me.”
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innsyn · 11 months
Writers and Dreamers needed.
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Have you ever heard the term parallel collaboration?
It’s where teams, or individuals, working towards a larger goal, tackle tasks independently.
How could that work in creative writing?
Think of writers telling different stories set in the same world with overlapping characters.
Each writer has independent control of their own story, but needs to collaborate on consistency and continuity between stories.
Why are you telling me this?
Because I would love some of tumblrs many wonderful writers to join me in a parallel collaboration project of epic proportions!
I knew this was a trap! You never wanted to be my friend, you’re just trying to recruit me. Go on then, tell me more.
Okay - so it’s a totally non-profit, Creative Commons Share-A-Like endeavour. Anything anyone contributes can be taken, reworked, reimagined and recombined by everyone - as long as it’s all properly attributed, and distributed under the same licence.
It’s a sandbox which is open to everyone - the idea is to operate like fan fiction in reverse. Anyone can come and write a story using any of the characters that have been developed, and the best will be adopted into canon.
I would love to have stories of all types exist within one original story world - action, romance, horror, smut, slice of life, coming of age, hero’s quest - I want them all and more!
Why should I contribute towards your project instead of working on my own?
I would never ask anyone to bench their WIPs. I promise, I understand how personal that connection is. If you are feeling good and working well on your WIP then I am super proud of you and will cheer you on. But working on your own WIP can be hard precisely because it’s so personal, because it’s your baby.
I don’t subscribe to the archetype of the solo writer, tapping away in isolation. It helps to have people to bounce ideas off, it helps to know that other people are working towards the same goal as you, and it helps to know that you’re not shouldering all the responsibility.
I want this to be your favourite side project. Somewhere you can go and share a big dumb idea and write without pressure, whenever your WIP is kicking your ass.
But what’s it actually about?
I’ve tried to design an overarching scenario with inherent conflict, but scope to be interpreted in many directions…
Here's the idea:
An alien with godlike technology finds an Earthlike planet and its human people.
It designs a game to select a human to be given access to its technology and decide the fate of the planet.
The alien enlists its friends to select 5 human ‘team captains’, spread around the world. They each receive access to a different technology, giving them a unique superpower.
These captains then recruit a further twenty four ‘players’ each, taking it to 125 contestants, each with their own different power.
Once the teams are fully recruited - the humans still unaware where these powers are coming from, or what their purpose is - the alien talks to them. It explains they are part of a game, and what the prize is.
The game is a deathmatch. Any player who kills another player will gain their tech access/superpowers. They cannot kill their own teammates until only one team remains.
A global superpowered battle royale. 5 teams. 125 candidates. 124 of them must die.
And you want, what? Different writers to adopt the different players and tell their stories?
Exactly! I want someone to adopt the teleporter, and someone else to adopt the earthbender, or the emotion manipulator, or the one who can bring nightmares to life. I’ve outlined 125 possible characters, each with a different superpower, but I have no idea what’s going to happen or who is going to win.
Battle Royale. Hunger Games. Squid Games. Haven’t we had enough deathmatch games?
Quick answer: no!
The important differences for this idea are twofold. Normally deathmatch stories happen inside a fixed ‘arena’ - but our stories are loose in the world.
This means most of our players have to travel around the world, trying to hunt or escape from each other - giving them much more opportunity to engage in other adventures aside from trying to kill each other - or to hide from the game and try and live a normal life.
Secondly, by making the project open ended and collaborative we make the writers part of the game. Don’t want your character to get killed off? Write stories better than the ones where they get killed. The deathmatch is part of the project process just as much as it’s part of the plot.
You’re insane. This will never work.
The only way it will definitely never happen is if we never try.
Damn. You got me. Sign me up.
Alright… let’s figure out which character you want to start with…
I've still got a loads of questions though.
Come at me, let's do this!
So what are you calling this big dumb project?
So... who can I tag in who might get a kick out of this?
@advashaviv @prokopetz @huttslut @whats-on-your-mind-then @fearofthefourthdimension @caxycreations @time-to-write-and-suffer @wip-nook @blind-the-winds @autism-georg @ryns-ramblings @writeblrfantasy @writeblrsupport @harleywriteshit @unmellowyellowfellow @leebrontide @melonsap @jgmartin @tananaphone @pluttskutt @careful-fear @scribbling-stardust @irlactualwizard @cryptid-s-wips @squarebracket-trick @at-thezenith @slowboz @writinglittlebeasts @lividdreamz @all-write @sergeantnarwhalwrites @tabswrites @authoralexharvey @quantumlandbooks @stanrendipity @manuscriptsatmidnight @memento-morri-writes @magic-is-something-we-create @lukascritical @liv-is @garthcelyn @fearofahumanplanet @antique-symbolism@poetinprose @thedeerwight @inflarescent @viva-la-topknot @theblackbookofarkera @nikoschrissis @sfhoe @soiledcat
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darthpastry · 9 months
Incorrect Quotes of the Kingdom Pt. 2
Link: I'm never donating blood again. The second you walk through the door, it’s just one invasive question after another! ‘Where did you get it?’ 'Why is it in a bucket?’ I mean... do you want it or not?
Revali: Any idiot would know that.
Link: I knew that!
Revali: See?
Revali: Could you be any more annoying?
Link: Definitely.
Purah: Ew, what kind of tea is this?
Link *sipping tea cup with pinky in the air*: I boiled Gatorade.
Link: Ok so, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.
Tulin: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this?
Riju: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
Zelda: What are you two arguing about this time?
Purah: They're always using common phrases incorrectly!
Link: Cry me a table.
Link: Fight me!
Ganondorf: Ha, look at your size! What are you gonna do, kick my ankle?
Ghost Sonia: Why is Ganondorf crying?
Ghost Rauru: Link kicked them really hard in the ankle.
Zelda: Please could you go to the shop and get a carton of milk, if they have avocados get six.
Link *coming back from the store with six cartons of milk*: They had avacados!
Link: Rauru, I screwed up big time.
Rauru: Link, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
Link:  *About to do something incredibly stupid*
The sages: I know I can't stop you, but I won't let you go by yourself.
Sonia:  I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I have quite possibly been bamboozled.
Purah: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it.
Link: ... I was hungry.
Sonia: Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid of Link...
Rauru: As you should be.
Sonia: No, for real. They're kind of-
Rauru: As. You. Should. Be.
Ganondorf: Life is like Link. It's short.
Link: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Yunobo: I think you mean cards.
Tulin: He did not.
Link *pulling out knives*: I did not.
Link: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math.
Link:  Like they say, "If you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs."
Purah: When will Ted himself...finally show up to the talk?
Tulin: The final boss.
Riju: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right?
Link: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer!
Link: Yum, thanks!
Ganondorf *puts more tape over Link's mouth*: I said, stop eating it.
Purah: Didn't you die?!
Link: That was weeks ago. Things change.
Purah: Wake me up...
Tulin: Before ya go go
Zelda: When September ends
Sidon: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Link: That would suck because you can't microwave metal.
Riju: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
Ganondorf: I've been expecting you, Link.
Link: How did you do that without turning around?
Ganondorf:  Let's just say the first few people I did that to were not you.
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yigashimei · 3 months
This is it! The part two! Enjoy!
Maki Zenin(?) x fem! reader
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You cut your ribbon, it hurts for her to see that, yet that is what she wanted... right?
Why did it have to come to this? Why did she have to push you this far?
Was it the right thing? Or not?
What would she do now?
Warnings⚠️: Angst and Fluff at the end
'It's too bright!' is what you first thought when you woke up, your arm hurts and your head was pounding like crazy, it felt like you were inside a nightmare
But looking around you were unfamiliar with the place where you were in, it seems like this is a dorm of some sort yet your guard was up
Not knowing who dragged you here fear hits you, the last thing you remembered was the girl named Maki and you cutting you soulmate ribbon
...Right you cut your ribbon, it's her wish yet why does it still hurts to do so? What is because you were looking forward to having a relationship with your soulmate?
Whatever the reason was, you did not want to know it now do anything about it, you just have one thought in your mind 'I have to get out of here!'
With a new found energy despite just Woking up, you stood up and went straight for the door, thankfully it wasn't locked and that you were dressed in some sort, even if it looks like a oversize hoodie and some shorts that barely made it to your knees
Opening the door you saw a hallway that seems like it was plucked out of a movie, it was very old due to the design and the wood coloring, yet it was very clean and well maintained to your eyes
Walking slowly you used the wall for supporting die to your wounds hurting once again after just waking up, even if it hurts you pushed through, you have to get out of there and fast
You did not know what the person who brought you here wanted, nor did you know them and if it was that woman, then it might just break your heart once again
Getting rejected by her, without even getting to know her, then having your ribbon cut, it was all crashing down on you, the reality of now not having a soulmate but also getting rejected hurts
'Why? Of all people, why did it have to be me?! What did I do to suffer this?!' you asked yourself while tears built in your eyes and started to fall down your cheek while you walk through the hallway
It's was terrifying, just thinking of a world without the person that was supposed to love you and stay with you
A world where you were never given a chance and was outright rejected in the day you meet, a world where you felt that you have no more purpose or any other things to do than just be there
Yo wish that maybe this was all just a silly dream, that you are about to wake up soon and find that your soulmate never rejected you nor did you cut your ribbon just for her
But alas, the world is nothing but cruel to your fragile and broken heart, maybe in your next life you can have another chance, you can have another soulmate that treat you rightfully and wont reject you, will love and take care of you, will be beside you till the time of death came
Yet why is it that everything goes wrong for you?
Did you deserve this?
Tears suddenly fell from your eyes to the floor, your vision going blur, you stopped and leaned your body to the wall taking deep breaths too replenish your oxygen
It was getting hard to breath, your lungs felt like it was being crushed by stone tablets
Tears kept falling from your eyes to your cheek it was getting a bit hazy in your view, it feels like everything was spinning non stop and you were starting to feel dizzy
Yet despite that you wanted to continue on and leave this place
You wanted to get out of here and get to the safety of your home, cry your self to sleep and forget any of this ever happened, just wishing that it was all but a painful and hurtful dream
There were voices, you did not know if it was your hazy mind playing tricks on you, but it sounded so familiar
'Who is talking? It's getting a bit noisy, shut up pls' you thought, even though you were feeling weak, you managed to open your eyes when you heard rapid footsteps going to your current location
Some shouts were heard and when you opened your eyes, that is when you have managed to catch a glimpse of that beautiful forest green hair and golden sun eyes
It was mesmerizing, yet your vision was getting blurry, even so you pushed through and stood up to run and get out of here
But it seems like fate has other plans for you today, having only woken up a few minutes ago, your body seems to have denied your request to stand up and run
Your hand that was supporting you slipped and you lost your balance, closing your eyes you braced yourself for the incoming impact of the floor, yet you felt nothing, no pain or whatsoever
"Got ya" that seductive voice brushed behind your ear and your face exploded to a hundred shades of red and your knees suddenly lost its strength, causing you to fall to the floor
Her hand was holding you from your waist, supporting you and letting you down slowly rather than abruptly to the floor
"Are you alright?" her voice was smooth and laced with worry, it then made you think 'Why?'
Looking behind, you saw her with her two companions behind her, those golden eyes were full of worry, yet questions lingered in your mind
'Why are you so worried?' just by looking at her mad you want to believe that this is nothing but a dream
Yet you yourself know that it was too real to be a dream, everything about her was too damn real, and it angered you
"Why do you care?" your question caught her off guard, "Of course I will care! I am your-..."
She really can't say soulmate after the recent events that lead to this, yet why does it feel right to say that?
"Your my what? May I remind you we have nothing between us that you can use as evidence that we are connected in any way possible, so please, stop saying things that wasn't there" your words stung her so much
Yet she knew you were right, after all she was the reason you were now here, without a soulmate because of her
"I know, sorry it just came out" her explanation was disgusting to your ears, yet sweet and tempting at the same time
"What happened? Where am I? And what did you do?" your questions were all that was heard before she smiled at your direction
"You collapsed that's what happened, you are at Jujutsu High School right now and I merely changed your clothes after Ieri-san checked and bandaged your wounds up" she explained
You tried to stand up knmy to slide back down again, you would have fallen on your ass, but luckily her hand wrapped at your waist keeping you steady
You did not deny the help while she assisted you on standing up, making sure you were fine before letting go but not going that far away from you
"Let's get you back to the room, you are still injured and it's best to rest so that you can have enough strength and energy" Panda said before guiding you back to the room where you woke up
Maki didn't have the courage to go with you two but Inumaki stopped her and made sure that she came to the room where you were being led top
Once inside panda helped you get settled in back to the bed, you didn't lay down just sit there looking at your surroundings
"Why did you bring me here?" the question came out more cold than you initially thought "So that you could recover more quickly, with our doctor here we knew she will be able to help you in recovering" Panda answered
"I want to go home" it was the only thing that came out of your mouth "You can't, not right now at least, you're still injured and weak at the moment, you need to stay here and rest till you get better" Panda once again answered his voiced laced with worry for both the you and his friend
But at the same time he could not help but get mad at Maki for telling such things to you and feel pity at what you have experienced, yet he knows why Maki did that
She was scared
Panda knows this all too well, Maki was really glad, yet instead of saying those things to you she chose to distance herself because she was scared
She was scared that if her family knew you will received discrimination and maybe some threats to your life, she doesn't want that to happen
She is scared that if your family found out that she was disowned by her own family the will say things that will hurt you, so she made that decision
He decision to cut ties with you, it might seem like she did not care one bit, but for her it was like her world shattered and was burn to ashes, this was also her dream
Her dream to see and have a life with her soulmate, a life where you two can live happily and more peacefully, a life where she does not need to be scared anymore, a life where she does not need to distance herself from you and end up hurting both of you at the process of it
She wants that life, a life she saw with the people who she either pass by or people she knows, those people who are happy with their soulmate, those people that does not need to be scared and have to hide away
Those were the kinds of people she admired, she holds them in high regards, yet she also envy them, after all she wished she could have that life with you
Yet she knew she ruined it already, just looking at you right now without the red ribbon connecting you to her hurts her
Maybe, she really does not deserve you after all, you were kind, funny and beautiful in her eyes, someone she will always love even if she was the reason she wont be able to do that now
"Maki!" a voice pulled her out of her trance "What?" she asked looking at her friends that was looking back at her "I called you like 3 times already, well that aside" he paused before continuing with a sigh "She wasn't to talk with you alone so Toge and I will be outside, call us if you need us"
Panda left dragging the shorter male with him "Kelp?" he asked his friend "Wait what?" the girl looked back at them before shouting "Get your asses back in here!" "Talk with her! We will wait here!" shouted by Panda before closing the door
'What the hell was he thinking?! That idiot! She hates me! He should have not left me here with her!' she kept saying to herself
"Are you going to look at me now?" you asked, waiting for her to acknowledge you so that you both can talk, even without the ribbon, she was your soulmate, and you want to know her reason, why she pushed you away
She had no choice, she then turned around and looked at you, you then stood up and walked to her, she wanted to run and get out of here, but she knew she had to do this, she had to face you one way or another sooner or later
She didn't even budge, she just stood there while you walked to her, by the time you stopped looking you can clearly see the height difference you both had
"Your quite tall and muscular despite being a female" your voice startled her, she then looked down at you she was 170 cm or 5'7 while you were 160 cm or 5'3
"Skip that, why did you want to talk with me?" she asked while keeping her stoic expression on, she was making sure you would not be able to read her
"I wanted to ask something" you started but paused before turning around and walking back to the bed and sitting down, you continued while looking at the window, the rays of the sun reflecting you and in Maki's view it was like an angel had descended on earth
"Why did you not want to have me as your soulmate, Maki-san?" your question made her flatter, she knew it was coming yet she did not have the heart to listen to you ask her that kind of question, because she herself is still questioning her own mind for making that decision
"..." silence overtook the room, it was thick while you were waiting that answer from her "Are you going to talk or not?" you asked her frozen state standing Infront of you
"My question was simple, why did you not want me ask your soulmate?" you asked once more "Is that question so hard to answer Maki-san?" you continued when she did not answer once again
"What did I do to deserve this Maki-san? Have I made something that made you hate me? As far as I know, we have just met" again it was silent, she refused to answer you yet she can feel her heart shattering to more pieces, it was hard, this was hard for her
"Please answer me, its like I'm talking with air here, my question isn't that hard Maki-san" you continued "Maki-san please, just answer me!" you raised your voice, hearing this surprised her
"I was scared!" in that moment she revealed her real reason, why she wanted to break the ribbon between the both of you, why she forced herself to say those hurtful words, why she even think those things
It was then silent before it was broken by your words "W-what? What the heck do you mean your scared?!" anger overtook you 'Her scared? Yeah right! This girl is just messing with me that's it!' you thought while looking at her with a glare
"I was scared.... I was scared that if my family found out I was your soulmate, bad things might come your way, I was scared that you would get involved with my family, I was scared that if you found out I am just like you an ordinary student with no ability to see curses without these glasses like Panda or Toge you would leave me" she said, tears build up on her eyes
You were shocked by her revelation "What?" you asked, your voice low "That's right! This soulmate of yours is scared, she is a coward! That is why I never wanted for you to have a connection to me!" she continued her words
"That's why I told those things to you out of my own will, every time I see you with your eyes falling to a set of tears, all I wanted was to just take it all back!" her words was laces with anger, not to you but to herself
"I wanted you far from me, so that you can be safe! So, I am sorry you got stuck with someone like me as your soulmate! But I really like you to the point I am willing to so all this for you to be safe... So please, lets forget this ever happened" her words rung to your ears
You were silent and she took that as your agreement and silently started to walk away from you "Hopefully you can find a more suitable soulmate than me and I am sorry for what I did, but in my opinion it was the best choice for your own safety" before she could leave you talked
"Who are you to tell me that?" she stopped and looked back at you "What?" you looked at her dead in the eye "Who the hell asked you to do that?! I never wanted you to do that!" you shouted back at her "All I ever wanted was to be with my soulmate! My dream! You have no right to tell me that!"
She looked surprised, your words made her heart skip a beat for a moment "What?" you looked at her, she can see anger and passion flickering through your eyes, and when you look at her you could see she was happy, a flickering fear and sadness lingering
"I don't care what your family thinks! I only wanted to have a life with you! I never wanted to cut our ribbon!" you confessed, tears streaming down your eyes that made her more surprise
"H-hey, why are you crying?" she went near the bed and kneels in front of you "What do you want? I will do anything just.... just don't cry please, you look more beautiful smiling and laughing" she commented and wiped the tears falling down your eyes to your cheeks
"You idiot!" you shouted and kept on crying "All I wa-wanted was to meet you! T-to be able to build a c-connection with my s-soulmate!" you told her while tears kept on spilling no matter how much you try to stop them
"All I e-ver wanted was to h-have a happy connection with my s-soulmate! No matter who t-they are or what they do! No matter who hated them or w-ho liked them! I wouldn't even change anything in them!" her eyes widened at your confession
"S-sure you're a jerk for saying those things to me, but no m-atter what happened you were al-ways my soulmate! Nothing will change that, not e-even this stupid soulmate ribbon that co-connects us!" her voice echoed through the room
"No matter how much I try to forget a-about you, get mad at you or just st-raight up curse at you I can't! Because you are always there, in the b-ottom of my heart! There is always that spot in my heart that a-always belonged to you!" This made her more guilty than she already is
Your tears are now full sobs, looking at you she can feel her eyes watering at your confession, her heart aches of guilt and sadness, she never meant this to happen
Out of her guilt and her growing love for you she hugged you so tight, it was full of warmth and love something you have only received from your parents
You hugged back glad that she could finally accept you as her soulmate "I'm so sorry I said those things to you" her voice brushed by your ears "I want to start over with you" is all she said before she cupped you tear stained cheek and look deep into your eyes "That is if you ever want to accept me back? Even tho I'm a jerk?" she asked and all you could do was nod and wrapped your arms around her neck, while her lips found yours
The kiss was full of love, something you always dreamed of, it was definitely a dream come true for you and for your soulmate Maki Zenin
Out of the corner of your eye you could see your broken ribbon from your pinky, the cutted end was glowing and getting longer till you weren't able to see it anymore
Air was needed and you both pulled away from each other, she put her hand on your cheek and looked deep at your eyes with love, yet a glow caught both your attention
"W-what?" the soulmate ribbon you both shared was fixed and connected to each other "It's fixed?" she asked with a shaky voice, afraid this was all but a dream "It is..." you trailed off
Looking back at the ribbon tied to your soulmate made you happy, she was yours again and this time you weren't letting her go, and neither will she do the same
"Looks like you're stuck with me now" her voice rang through your ears making you look at her with a smile "Looks like I am" you answered while tightening your arms on her neck "But I wouldn't have it any other way" you kisses her "Me too"
And you both shared a sweet and passionate kiss, a deal that symbolizes your love for her and hers to you
This is how your story begins in a new chapter this time with a soulmate that you know will love you till end
Tag list • @nana90azevedo
Thank you for all the support
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