#are we ready to end up like clowns again??
bluerosefox · 2 years
Foreboding Words of Warnings
..... I had another idea that I wanna share. Going to be quick cause I got stuff to do today.
"This, Batman. Is a list of names and ages of people who once were upon the living, who died by the hands of Joker.... they are also the ones that are demanding his death and soul ripped into nothingness so they won't suffer his ghost should he become one...." the young looking King said, his voice hard like unmoving stone, his finger tapping against the open long glowing scroll sitting on top of the table "The very dead are demanding their justice Batman. My people, my subjects, my kind want to finally end that psychopath since they now have a King that is willing to listen to them."
Batman opened his mouth, trying to come up with words to counter argue that killing was wrong, he did his best to ignore the names, the ages (a cluster of children ages ranging from babies to seventeen year olds were together on the list) but was cut off by King Phantom.
"I'm not asking permission Batman, this is merely a formality and a warning for what's to come. Everyone and everything ends and enters my domain eventually, and from there their souls are judged. So before you say I have no right to be doing this, understand that EVERYONE will be mine eventually whether they like it or not.... Although never once has so many ghosts demanded judging on a living soul all at once. I can not ignore this, even my own council agreed to the demands once I brought this matter to them." Phantom said, his glowing green eyes staring him down and everyone in the room shivered (both internally and a tiny bit outwardly) as if they had been dunked in cold ice water. The light from his flaming crown seemed to be messing with the shadows around it in the cave sending a sense of foreboding at them. "You have twenty-four hours to bring Joker to me before I send my knights to find him and drag him into my Realm. I would rather not cause mass panic among the living should they see them however hence why I came here to speak in private with you about this matter before we do."
The room was silent after that, everyone trying to wrap their heads around what was going to happen, permission or not. And trying not to freak out over the existence of ghosts being a thing... and that they had a King in the afterlife.
"Question King Kid. Do you need to be fully dead to sign that thing or can someone whose been dead and got better add their name to it?" Jason finally asked from his spot, fully ready to sign his own name on the damn thing if it meant finally getting rid of the Joker for good in this life. And for the afterlife as well. He refused to let Joker's victims and himself should he join them in the ghostly afterlife suffer seeing that crazed clown again.
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hey-august · 7 months
Time to wake up | NSFW (Buggy x afab!reader)
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GIF from goodsirs
Description: After a night of partying, Buggy seeks out your attention, only to discover that you're already asleep. Despite his "best" attempts at not waking you, something else is up and ready for some action.
Word count: ~1.9k
A/N: One shot smut with an established relationship. Based on OPLA buggy. Let me know if you see any errors or typos. ♡
Warnings: Not beta read. NC-17. → MDNI ← A moment of dry-humping. PIV, reader on top. Buggy is slightly inebriated but not deeply intoxicated. Buggy is also a whiney and apologetic mess. afab!reader, no use of Y/N. All parties are consenting adults.
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At the end of a long night of celebrations, filled to the brim with drinks, laughter, tall-tales, raunchy shanties, and - everyone’s favorite - arguments that could only be solved with fights, Buggy made his way to his captain’s quarters. He clumsily crawled into the bed where you have been sleeping after slipping out of the party a few hours ago. Although the sheets were full of your body heat, the pirate wanted to get closer the heat source. 
Buggy snuggled against your sleeping form and pulled your back into his bare chest. He rested his head behind yours, enjoying how your hair caressed his face. He found your sweet scent tantalizing and overwhelming. Although he wasn’t drunk, he had enough alcohol coasting through his body to enhance his senses and fuel his imagination. The downside of those effects was the effort it took to process stimulation, and the numerous thoughts made it harder for him to keep his mind organized.
A subtle shift in your resting position nestled you into Buggy’s body, as if you were the first two pieces of a puzzle to fit together. Buggy took advantage of the movement, putting his face into the crook of your neck and pressing his hips against yours. His lips grazed your skin and his brain wrestled with the desire to kiss and nip your neck. Unfortunately for him, the thoughts fought back, bolstered by the swelling happening between his legs.
A few kisses couldn’t hurt, right? He started with pressing his lips against your neck, not really a kiss. When you didn’t stir, he gave in - little pecks, small licks, shaky breaths muffled against your skin. Buggy was so focused on trying to stay in control while tasting as much of you as possible, that he lost track of other sensations his body was seeking. His hips were moving on their own, pressing his hard length into your backside. Small movements, just enough to get pressure. A deep breath from your body, so light it sounded like a sigh, broke his concentration. The pirate clown stilled, afraid he woke you up.
“Bugs, do you want to have sex?” you asked in a voice still coated with sleep. Buggy shook his head against your neck.
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” he murmured, “I was gonna stop.” His voice was slow and heavy from partying and the lust he was trying to downplay.
“Babe, I woke up when you practically fell into the bed.”
“M’sorry, didn’t mean it.” He hugged you closer. It was intended to be a sweet gesture, but once again the sweet whisper of alcohol suggested he put extra pressure on his erection. You didn’t miss how his hard cock twitched against you, begging for more attention.
“I don’t mind, we can have sex,” you offered again, this time upping the ante by pressing against him. 
Buggy’s breath hitched but he didn’t respond. He was stuck in a tornado of different responses, thoughts, and visions, unable to find the one he wanted. You grabbed the arm wrapped around your waist and guided his hand under your sleeping shirt and placed it on your breast. He squeezed. A sign of life. Buggy felt your body melt against his at the sensation and the storm in his mind faded away. 
Buggy finally nodded and muttered another apology while kissing your neck, “M’sorry, wanna fuck you so bad…” This time the kisses were sloppy and heated, interspaced with small nips.
You broke free from his grasp and turned around to face the pirate captain. Under his clownish face paint, Buggy’s eyebrows carried a hint of a scowl, his eyes were dark and glazed with lust, and a blush spread across the unpainted sections of his face. While he didn’t have enough alcohol to get drunk, he was absolutely intoxicated by you. As bad as Buggy felt about waking you up, it was clear that he was so desperately horny that only you would do. 
You captured his lips in an intense kiss and distracted him with your tongue so you could pull off your underwear without his roaming hands interfering. You broke the kiss to pull off your top and directed your captain to take off the only article of clothing he had on, thankful that he only ever slept in his boxers. Buggy obliged dutifully and looked at you with an expectant look, waiting for his next order.
“Let me take care of you,” you said, straddling him. His piercing green eyes watched as you got into position. You could see his feral hunger but there was also another more morose expression. Guilt.
“You sure you want this, Buggy?” The soft expression in your eyes was somehow still strong enough to sting his heart.
“I didn’t wanna wake you…didn’t mean it, m’so sorry.” His face crinkled into a scowl, frustrated with himself. You felt bad that he felt so conflicted, but seeing this man at odds with his love for you and his love for your body had your stomach in knots and your pussy dripping.
“It’s fine, sweetie. Do you want to-?” Despite avoiding your gaze, his strong grip on your hips and bashful nod were affirmation enough. 
You took your cue to lower yourself onto the pirate clown, your heart pounding wildly as the tip made way for the rest of his thick cock. You moved slowly, relying on your slick juices to make the intrusion easier. Buggy’s thickness always stretched you to your limit, creating a delicious burn for you and a plush tight prison for him. 
Through half-lidded eyes, you observed Buggy. His head was tilted back slightly as his body remained tense under your touch, eyes closed and lashes fluttering, all under knitted brows. Under the surface, he was fighting the impulse to slam you down onto his cock and fuck you into oblivion. 
With his previous internal turmoils, the alcohol was his adversary. This time it was on his side. There was no way the pirate could ravage your body the way his unfettered thoughts cried out for. Honestly, Buggy was already closer to the edge than he normally was at this point. He had already been enroute to making a mess in his boxers while humping you from behind.
You began to rock your hips back and forth, feeling Buggy’s fingers dig deeper into your hips. He wasn’t guiding you, just holding on for dear life. You were a buoy and he was afraid of sinking into the murky depths of the ocean alone. 
“Ahhh, fuuuuck, baby…” Buggy groaned in a low voice. “..f-feels s’good,” the words came out strung together with raw ecstasy. He felt your cunt squeeze at the comment, the additional tightness nearly painful. His hips jolted at the increase in pressure as his impatient cock seeked relief.
“Fuck, Buggy!” you gasped, unprepared for his contribution to what you expected to be a solo dance. His movement stuttered at your cry.
“M’sorry, baby, I-I’m so s-sorry,” he whined, “you f-feel so good.” His green eyes looked up at you apologetically while his large hands pawed at your hips, still fighting the battle of keeping his body under control. You held still for a moment, unable to do much but let your cunt squeeze fruitlessly against his throbbing cock. Each contraction caused every bit of his member to massage your sensitive walls, sending tickles of sensation through your body and bringing you closer to climax.
A quiet whimper pulled you back to the bed, a heavy anchor tethering your mind and attention.
 “P-please, m’so close,” Buggy pleaded, shifting his body under yours. Needy hands ran up and down your thighs, having given up on gripping your hips. “W-want you so bad…please wanna come…”
You nodded wordlessly and bounced up and down, wanting nothing more than to give your captain what he wanted. Buggy watched your beautiful form ride his cock, his normally talkative mouth quiet and agape. No matter how many times he’s had this experience, he was always in awe watching your lewd expressions, how your tantalizing cunt accepted his large cock, and the way your hedonistic body moved above him.
Desperate hands returned to their rightful place on your hips. His fingertips dug in deeply, bracing you against the new pace and intensity his hips were going to deliver. Buggy was about to drown in the impending wave building in his body and he couldn’t let you go. As the wave began to crest, slurred words began to pour from Buggy’s cunt-drunk mouth.
“S-so close, please, gonna come…m’sorry b-baby, gonna come. Your cu- unnngh, you f-feel so good. P-please, please, please…” 
Each thrust rubbed his cock against that sweet spot inside you, building pressure through your body until all you could see were the stars flashing in your eyes. Buggy’s movements grew more erratic as his orgasm coursed through his body, from the continued whining flowing from his mouth to the hot streams of cum that began to flood your insides. The throbbing that accompanied each spurt was nearly enough to send you to the stars you were seeing, however, you could feel his eager movements start to ebb away. You rolled your hips, chasing the climax that was only breaths away.
“Oh, f-fuck!” Buggy cried out as the tide in his body retreated and the stimulation from your continued movements increased. His body wiggled helplessly, not in an attempt to get away, but to ease the feeling of overstimulation. The sight of your captain, the fearsome clown pirate, writhing underneath you, muttering and whining words you could no longer pull apart, while still creating bruises on your hips from his man-handling, because he wanted you to finish, was more than enough for you. Buggy feebly attempted to keep your hips moving as you rode through your climax.
You collapsed onto Buggy’s chest as your orgasm teetered out, fighting the twitches that were still lighting up in your body with each beat of your heart. Buggy’s chest heaved under your body, a deep hollow wind accompanied by his own heavy heartbeat. His arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace and he rubbed his chin on the top of your head.
“You’re sooo good, y’feel so good, baby. M’so sorry, had to cum so b-bad. M’sorry, didn’t mean to wake you, just w-wanted you so bad...”
At this point, you weren’t sure if he was talking to you anymore, or if the clown was broken and saying whatever words were left in his empty head. While you wanted to lay on him longer, you made the great effort in rolling off of his body, wincing as his softening member slipped out alongside some of the extra fluid inside you. Laying next to the incoherent clown - whose body was going through a merry-go-round of tension and relaxation as it attempted to come down from all the stimulation you delivered - you tilted his face towards yours.
“Bugs, it’s fine. I’m glad you woke me up for this, okay?” you affirmed in a gentle but straightforward voice. You nodded as you spoke, prompting him to nod back. It was hard to say if he really heard what you were saying, but the calmness that crossed his face was enough for this moment.
Buggy gave another small nod before closing his eyes and allowing his body to fully relax. You kissed his shoulder and basked in the afterglow with him. There was a mess to clean up and you would both need to actually prepare for bed, but you weren’t ready to leave this moment behind yet.
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A/N: there's probably a joke here about a clown shaped alarm cock clock 🤡
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
I am your Biggest Fan~
This was written while drunk-ly watching the new OPLA! If people like this I can make a Pt. 2 that gets SPICY ENJOY!
Part 2: Biggest Fan Pt. 2
Buggy The Clown x GN Reader
Warnings: Tsundare Buggy, Mild Kidnapping, almost noncon, Pirate stuff-
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Buggy and his Crew had landed on a small island far away from any post or true fun- in most cases he would have raided the place for a show- However he was in no mood. After being released by the damn Strawhats he wasn't in much of a performing mood- No.. Him and his crew of Freaks where utterly beaten by a bunch of nobodies and then their Capitan was taken hostage by Arlong, It was humiliating. They all needed to recoup and lick their wounds as well as a fluff to the Ego- So here they all sat, in a dinky bar that looked a few strong wind gust away from falling apart.
Buggy glared at the old stage of the Bar- like it was mocking him. His anger still not coming down from his escape. Downing his pint he sighed and fixed his hat, ignoring the stares as of the few Locals that worked up the nerve to glance his and his crews way. He was disguised in a old cloak in order to keep people from recognizing him too much and making a fuss-
"Welcome to the Green Fuzz! We have a special performer tonight!" A skinny man announced from the stage, snapping Buggy from his pouting as he rolled his eyes. Drinking more as he now wanted to leave..
"A world famous Burlesque dancer will leave you stunned, smiling and oh so saucy-!"
Bleh. Buggy thought, glancing to see where the closest exit was.
"Now put your hands together for (Y/N)~"
The curtains opened slowly revealing a lone person standing there dressed in what could only be described as a mock-doll get up satin ribbons barely holding up the corset they were in and the thin lace tulle barely hiding the revealing thong underneath, Their back facing the audience as the music started up. They spun as a flurry of thin lace wrapped around them like colorful flames barely concealing their body. Hips started to pop to the beat of the drums as (Y/N) smiled and danced forward. Buggy whole body froze like he was hypnotized, his eyes never leaving their form- How their body curved in the corset and how their hips jiggled and shook with each turn. The way their flashy makeup caught the light making them look like a true star. The too tall heels clicking with the beat as they did amazing jaw dropping moves and even slipping into a deep split, shaking their ass a little at the audience as they sauntered up once again.
People starting to clap to the beat as they watched them dance, Sinking along to the music as the performer pulled at the laces of their corset. Rocking their hips to the beat before with a flashy pose shed the corset and tossed it to the side, showing the dazzling tassel pasties on their chest which shook and twirled brilliantly.
Buggy left like his lungs were burning, his eyes glued to the performer and a uncomforble tightening of his trousers not helping either. It was almost ridiculous, the flashy dances and explicit comical manner just hit his brain right in every way. The crowd laughed, clapped and sang along with them and Buggy just watched- His eyes never leaving them for a second.
By the time the show ended Buggy felt like he was salivating, He didn't even care that his crew was genuinely clapping for someone else- He had his eyes on his prey and he wasn't planning on letting it go. He grabbed Cabaji hard by his collar and brought him close. A crazed grin spread on his lips.
"Ready the crew- We're taking this village after all.. I'm going after my New favorite act-"
(Y/N) sat back stage in their changing room, smiling as they took a seat at the vanity to start taking off the makeup of the night. The show had been going off without a hitch, as most nights. While they did travel to different villages for shows their favorite was these small places. While the pay wasn't anything grand it was the few people that did attend and the staff that hosted them. They were always the nicest and appreciated burlesque the most. (Y/N) started to take off the blue rhinestone earrings, Their was quite a lot of people for such a small town- That and there was a man in a cloak.. While their face wasn't shown his eyes- they stared at them so intently. Almost sent a chill up their spine.
Then a knock snapped them from their thoughts. Assuming it was one of the staff.
"Oh- Im still getting undressed just a bit longer please!" They called out. Quickly grabbing the makeup wipes to start, but froze as the sound of heavy footsteps sounded, a shadowy cloaked figure now in their doorway. Whipping around they stared in fear-
"H-How did you?" (Y/N) started as they stood up, their fingers hovering over a robe to at least cover themselves up- However they instead left something.. Fleshy? Looking down a severed hand holding the robe before waving at them. Opening their mouth to scream but the floating hand slammed into their lips sealing it from the scream.
The cloaked man laughed loudly at this, Pulling away his cloak as Buggy slowed to a chuckling at this as he stepped forward, tapping his boots mildly as he walked in further and closing the door behind him.
"I gotta say, That was a absouely ravenous performance. Almost as good as myself~"
He stepped closer, now inches from (Y/N) who was trembling standing there with the hand still tightly over their lips. Taking his free hand he carefully ran it up their form, Playing with the tassels of their costume. Tilting his head in delight as his eyes ranked their body- Not even bothering to hide his own arousal.
The muffled sounds of Buggy's crew starting to pillage the small village, screams of terror and crashing adding a eerie ambiance to the small room. (Y/N) trembled from his touch and the sound of the poor village being ripped apart.
"Usually I love being on stage, the people clapping and loving me. watching us in delight. I never am in someone else audience or a fan of someone else in the spotlight-"
He removed his hand from their lips, Smiling at the smeared makeup on their face. He practically moaned at the sight. He couldn't wait to see their mascara running down their face and lips bruised with what he was gonna do to them- He started to pull at what was left from their costume, feeling them trying to resist and even attempt to grab his wrist to stop.
Chuckling at the pathetic act he slapped their hands away from what he wanted- Ripping away the dazzling chest pasty on their chest savoring the pained cry that left them and how red their poor nipple looked.
"But for you,"
Buggy grinned widely, his watercolor eyes seemed to darken with lust as he reached forward and slammed his palms hard on the back wall on either side of (Y/N) head, Trapping them with no way to escape. A Rush of emotions flooded over (Y/N) and they had to lean back for support to keep from falling to their knees in fear. The smell of citrus, candy and sea air flooded their lungs as Buggy leaned in leaving a trail of love bites up their neck to their ear as he whispered.
"Im your biggest fan~"
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aespicysstuff · 6 months
Why did you have to go?
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
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Description: "You and Tara shared a common feeling through the hardships that the girl faced, but sadly sometimes things don't last forever, that can be said with peace too...Ghostface is back, and this time he took Tara's heart with him."
Words: 11.2K
Saju: Again, I'm Jenjenismysafety ok, just posting so y'all don't be left here in the dust. This year imma gonna be busy, enjoy it and I love y'all.
You and Tara knew each other for a long time; you practically grew up together. You were by her side at all times—well, almost all times. When her father left, you were there. When Sam left too, when her mother started abandoning her, but you weren't with her on the day of the attack, but you were with her as soon as you found out what had happened, when Sam returned, and you were with her at the events with ghostface.
Through all this, you got closer and closer, and what was just the affection of friends became something more, and soon you started dating. But not everything in life is permanent, and you thought your relationship would be until the day she simply threw it in your face that she wanted to break up because she was in love with Chad.
"Enough Y/n! What we had ends here! I love Chad! And I'm sorry, but he's the one I'm going to stay with." You looked into her eyes, seeing no trace of a lie, and felt your heart break even more. "No, Carpenter, you're not sorry...I...I dedicated all the time, love, affection and attention I could to you and I got it back like this? Thank you very much. I'm going to disappear from your life forever, Tara, and it won't be long; you don't have to worry." Before Tara could say anything, you were already gone.
After walking around the streets of New York for a while to think, you decided to stop off at a carvery for a snack. While you were waiting in line, you felt your cell phone vibrate. Picking it up, you saw that an unknown number had sent you a message. You clicked on the notification with trepidation, and when you saw what it was about, you didn't think twice and rushed off to Sam and Tara's apartment.
When you got there, you started to climb the stairs. You felt like your lungs were going to explode at any moment, but you didn't stop. You couldn't. When you got to the door, you realized that it was locked, and so, still in a state of adrenaline, you knocked frantically on the door, and soon Sam came to answer it. She was ready to swear at the person, but as soon as she saw you and your condition, she pulled you inside.
"What happened, Y/n?" She asked as she led you to the sofa and asked Mindy to get you a glass of water. "I...got...a message from.... an unknown number and..." You tried to speak, but before you could continue, Mindy fortunately arrived with the water, and you drank it in seconds, taking a deep breath and turning to Sam. "I received a message from an unknown number, and it had a picture of you (core 4 and Anika), and it said, 'These will be your last laughs' and I came running as fast as I could." You said, leaning back on the sofa, while everyone absorbed the information. In the middle of all the commotion, you hadn't noticed the presence of Tara and Chad.
"And who's to say that this isn't easy, and you're the clown making fun of it, since you have reason to, right? Dewey's dead, Gale's busy, and without a girlfriend, you literally have no choice. Which would give you enough reason to kill all of us." She pointed an accusatory finger at you with a cynical smile. "Tara! What the fuck are you thinking?" You felt everything hurt; how could she accuse you just like that? You felt your eyes fill with tears, and a lump formed in your throat, preventing you from saying what you wanted. Tara saw your reaction and felt a pang in her chest. She felt guilty and sorry, even for a few seconds.
You took a deep breath and swallowed it down with difficulty. You prepared to speak in your defense, but before you could, a notification sounded. One by one, Tara was closer to her cell phone. She picked it up and saw that someone had sent her an air drop and when she opened it she saw something grotesque, her roommate Quinn was dead in the photo sent....
Ding Dong, the sound of the doorbell rang, and everyone fell silent. The atmosphere was tense. The doorbell rang again. Everyone looked at each other as if they were communicating. Mindy put her finger to her lips to silence everyone, and suddenly the door began to swing sharply. "Run!" Mindy said just in time for the door and Quinn's body to fall on Anika, causing her to scream in despair.
Chad ran to the other side of the apartment, and he tried to take Tara, but you pulled her back. Ghostface approached the couple and plunged the knife into Mindy, hitting her arm. "Mindy!" Anika screamed for her girlfriend as a ghostface prepared to stab her. You ran towards him, colliding your body with his, taking you to the ground. You tried to punch him, but he managed to get you off by throwing you all over the ground. Tara ran to help you, and Sam went to the kitchen to try and find something to fight back with. While all this was going on, ghostface managed to grab Anika by the scruff of the neck and prop her up against the wall, driving the knife into her belly and turning the knife, making her scream in pain. But before he could make matters worse, Sam arrived with a stump, hitting a ghostface on the head, making him fall to the floor, and letting go of Anika.
Mindy lifted her girlfriend with a little difficulty, and you ran to one of the bedrooms. Sam locked the door, causing a ghostface to bang on the door. He stopped suddenly, and Sam turned to the four of you, telling you to go to the bathroom. Mindy was the first to enter and was startled to see a dead man in the bathtub.
She was startled to see the ghostface on the other side of the door, closing it before he could enter, Sam called you to help her drag a chest of drawers to the door, but you, Mindy and Anika were left holding the chest of drawers, not knowing how to get out of the situation.
Sam's neighbor appeared at the window as if he knew they were in trouble and asked if they needed any help. Tara and Sam said yes, and he quickly pulled a ladder up from his side. Sam started to shake her head in denial, but the boy asked if she had any other solution, and when she looked around and saw how everyone else was doing, she realized it was do or die.
So she asked him to bring the ladder, with a little difficulty they managed to get the ladder up to the windows, "Go Tara! Danny and I are holding it," she said to her sister, placing a hand on her cheek to comfort her. Tara hesitantly began to crawl up the ladder, arriving at Danny's apartment. Soon Mindy came and held the ladder, urging Sam to go, and she managed to get there even though she was afraid.
Everyone was shouting for her to go, everything was going to be fine and after a while she managed to get through as well, and when it was your turn you unfortunately had the bad luck to catch an angry ghostface.
He had managed to get in and pulled you out of the window and the sudden movement caused the ladder to fall, leaving everyone screaming in despair, begging for mercy, Tara screamed your name when she saw the ghostface pull you and stick the knife in your belly twice, you gave him a push making him fall and climbed on top of him punching him, but stopped when you felt a burning on your left side and again and again.
Ghostface threw you aside now he was the one who had climbed on top of you and was stabbing you mercilessly, it wasn't one or two stab wounds it was ten stab wounds or at least that's what Tara was able to count, the younger Carpenter felt as if the air had been taken out of her, it was with it was her who was being stabbed; every part of her body was screaming in pain, screaming for you.
Ghostface pulled you by the hair to face the group. You were barely breathing. You looked at Tara, knowing what was going to happen, and sent her a small, bloody smile, trying to somehow tell her that she's going to be okay. Ghostface moved the knife closer to your neck and stared at the youngest Carpenter, making her shake her head desperately. "NO! NO! PLEASE!" She screamed between sobs.
And nothing in the world could have prepared her for this scene. Ghostface slit your throat, causing blood to squirt and Tara's heart to break she hadn't felt or realized she was screaming, she had felt her knees make contact with the ground and felt when her sister hugged her crying too for having lost you.
That's when the shock and realization hit. Tara quickly got up, let go of Sam, and ran back to the apartment, leaving everyone screaming her name. Even though she was having trouble breathing because she was crying, she didn't stop; she couldn't; she needed to see you.
On the way, she saw Chad and the police, but she didn't care; the only thing on her mind was you. She needed to get to you, hug you, apologize and tell you how much she loves you and how much you matter to her.
No, you can't be gone; you can't have kept what you said. No, Tara won't accept that of all the promises you've made, you can't keep this one, not this one.
Arriving at the apartment, Tara tried to open the door, but it was locked. She felt the despair grow more and more, and the pain in her chest increased every minute she was away from you. Chad had approached her, "Tara..." She turned and pulled him to the door. "OPEN THAT DOOR, CHAD! Y/N IS THERE! I HAVE TO GET HER OUT!" She screamed again. Tara could feel her throat burning, but it didn't matter.
Chad with all his strength slammed his body against the door making it move, but not open and again he slammed his body against the door managing to open it, making Tara run into the place "TARA!" She didn't want to listen, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N that was the only thing on her mind.
She got to the bathroom and saw your body lying on the floor in a pool of blood, your blood, feeling her chest burn she ran over to you picking you up realizing how cold you were "M-my love..." She brushed your hair out of your face, seeing your eyes closed so serenely, as if you were in a sleep, an eternal sleep.
"I'm here, my love; you can open your eyes now!" She shook you. "Please, Y/n, don't do this to me; don't leave me, please; open your eyes, love!" She begged you as she shook your body, simply letting a cry out. She hugged your body, remembering the times she had done that, feeling your warmth, your heartbeat, and your breath, but now what she was left with was just a cold, motionless, dead body.
Tara's body shook with her crying; she let all her pain out. The realization that you were gone forever destroyed her. How will she live now? Who will look after her? Who will lie with her and talk about random things? How do you live after losing your heart, your oxygen?
Tara wondered all this; she felt lost. How do you say goodbye to someone? She looked at his face one last time, seeing the blood on it, she gave you your last kiss: "I love you, Y/n, my love! I will always love you.".
She turned away from you, watching the doctors take you away, and when she felt her sister's arms holding her, she let herself collapse again, crying like a child. After a while, she felt the exhaustion in her body. Tara felt her eyes close, and before she could give in to exhaustion, she said, "Why did you have to go?"
Ok, this not my best work, but i love this piece! IT GAVE ME WORK TO TRANSLATE THIS SHIT BRUH! I HATE GOOGLE! I recommend Language tool if you want to correct any grammar error hihi, enjoyyy
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Hii!! Can I request something based of a scene from season 3 of obx? So basically JJ and reader have been dating for a while and reader finally tells him that she loves him and he replies with ‘thanks’ because he doesn’t know how to act with being loved and reader feels hurt and leaves him alone. They ignore each other for a couple days but both feel bad and it ends with JJ telling reader that he loves her too ?? Hope this make sense 🥹
Request: Hii! Could I request a jj x fem reader with prompts 6 "don't push me away" and 8 "you can't love me". Basically a lot of angst that leads to fluff with jj not feeling like he deserves you.
I think these requests got sent when season 3 came out...I'm so sorry anons
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Late night cuddles were part of your and JJ’s night routine. It didn’t matter if you were outside in the hammock, the pull-out or in Big John’s old bedroom, he needed those cuddles to fall asleep. 
 Fingers entwined in his tousled hair, you playfully twirled a few strands around your fingers as his head rested on your chest. ‘’How do you fall asleep when I’m not here?’’ you mused softly, curiosity tinging your voice.
JJ's eyelids gently fluttered closed, his face painted with contentment as your touch traced soothing patterns. ‘’I smoke,’’ he explained, a sigh of relaxation accompanying his words as if the mere thought of your touch had already begun to lull him into a serene state. ‘’It takes me out like a light.’’ 
It wasn’t true. Nights at the chateau were fine. Your scent lingered in the sheets and on the pillow — and on the shirt you always used to sleep in. On nights where JJ had to go home — home with his father —, these nights were not so great. JJ would lay in his bed and, depending if his father had too much to drink or not, he would get a few hours of sleep or wipe the blood from wherever his fist had landed.
A comfortable silence fell in the room, joined by the occasional singing of crickets outside the window. You found them annoying at first, but you were used to it by now. It was part of the ‘sleeping over at the chateau’ experience. 
Along with the blinding morning sun. 
‘’We should go to the beach tomorrow, catch some waves.’’
JJ hummed. ‘’My board is still at my dad’s though…’’ 
‘’We could pick it up after he goes to work? He works on Wednesdays, right?’’ 
‘’Yeah,’’ he replied, snuggling deeper into your chest as sleep began to claim him. ‘’Let’s do that.’’ 
‘’JJ?’’ He hummed again. ‘’I love you.’’
You felt him stiffen on your chest as the three words left your lips, and for a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath.
When JJ fell into a deep sleep, you gently slipped from under him and searched for your pants and shoes. You felt bad for leaving in the middle of the night, but you couldn't wake by his side after he hurt your feelings so deeply. You weren't mad at him for not saying ‘I love you’ back. You understood if he wasn’t ready to say it back, everyone had their own pace, but his response had left a bittersweet taste in your mouth.
It was no news for anyone that JJ was an idiot and he had the tendency of blurting out something dumb when his brain goes into panic, which was probably what happened when you said the three big words. That’s why he always plays clown when things get emotional. 
Guilt filled his guts when he woke up alone in the morning. 
Truth was, JJ didn’t know how to act with being loved. No one ever told him they loved him before. No one ever made him feel like he was worthy of being loved. So he didn’t know how to react to someone telling him they love him…even when the person was the most important in his life. 
A few days later, you were walking down a street when you saw John B. and JJ coming out of the gas station. His blond hair was pushed back under a snapback, just the way you loved. He laughed at something John B. said, then his eyes crossed yours across the street. JJ completely froze. 
Your feet walked before you made the decision and you crossed the street. John B. saw you coming and eclipsed himself, going inside the store to pay for the gas, leaving you and JJ to talk. The latter tried to offer to go instead, but John B. didn’t let him. 
‘’What’s up?’’ 
‘’Really, JJ? We haven’t spoken to each other in five days, that’s all you have to say?’’ 
He looked toward the store and shrugged. 
‘’We have to talk about the other night,’’ you said, bringing up exactly what he didn’t want to talk about.
The words hung in the air for a few seconds until JJ said something. 
‘’I have no idea what you’re talking about. Like you said, it’s been five days since we saw each other.’’ 
You should have known he would play fool, but it won’t get him out of this conversation.
‘’JJ,’’ you said sternly. ‘’I know you hate talking about feelings, but we have—’’ 
‘’You can’t love me,’’ he interrupted, his voice laced with self-doubt, and his eyes filled with disbelief. ‘’I’m just some loser. I don’t deserve you or your love.’’ 
His words hurt like a knife to your heart. 
‘’Don’t say that.’’ You shook your head, reaching for him, but he stepped back. ‘’You’re not a loser, JJ. Whoever said that clearly doesn’t know you. I know you, the real you, and I love you.’’ 
‘’I don’t want you to love me.’’ 
It was at this moment John B. chose to return, forcing your and JJ’s conversation to end. You wanted to glare at the brunet, but your back was to him. Couldn’t he have stayed longer inside the store? 
‘’John B. is back. I’m gonna go.’’ JJ nodded at the twinkie, impatient to get in and drive off. 
You grabbed his arm with pleading eyes. ‘’Don't push me away.’’
‘’We really gotta go.’’ 
After that encounter, you decided to not go to the chateau for a while. It was more his home than yours, so you didn’t want to be in his space. If he didn’t want to talk to you, fine. No, it wasn’t fine, but what else was there to do? 
Sarah and Kiara were sad to not have you around for cookouts and boat days. They invited you for Pope’s birthday ‘party’, but you saw JJ smiling and having fun in John B.’s backyard and went back home.  
It wasn’t until the annual end of summer bonfire that you saw him again. He was talking with Kiara and Pope, probably telling them some dumb story by the way Kiara was shaking her head in disbelief. Now that you weren’t there, she was the one who had to deal with him. 
A little later into the night, you went to get a refill and bumped into JJ at the kegger. He kindly offered to fill your cup, then asked to talk to you. You followed him down the beach where the waves were crashing on the rocks, the music and voices from the party-ers fading into white noise. 
‘’I want to say I’m sorry. For pushing you away and for being a jerk to you.’’ He kicked his foot in the sand, a fidgeting habit when he’s nervous. ‘’No one ever told me they loved me before and I just— I flipped. You know how I be.’’
You hummed. No one knows him like you do. 
‘’I wasn’t mad because you didn’t say it back.’’
‘’No?’’ JJ raised his eyes to you. 
You shook your head. ‘’I could never be mad at you for that.’’ 
‘’Then why did you leave?’’  
‘’No one says ‘thanks’ after you tell them you love them!’’ 
‘’What was I supposed to say?’’
Truthfully, you didn’t know. 
A more serious expression settled on JJ’s face as he reached for your hand. ‘’I can see how that didn't land right. I’m sorry,’’ he said again. ‘’I'm a fucking idiot for not saying it back.’’
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage  @maybankslover @sunflowerziva @laylasbunbunny @Honey-marvel15 @leoluvsur-pappy @slytherhoes @kcskye123 @outerbanksacc  @pedrosprincess  @mikaelsonsstuff  @skyesthebomb  @a1mzcruml3y @iluurmom  @popeheywardssecretgf  @madelynie  @loverofdrewstarkey  @radiant-whore  @outsider-at-hogwarts @luci1fer @bbycowboi @rafecameronsbadussy @urbfsbitchlol @nomorespahgetti @bloodyhw @Veescorneroftheworld  @papayaboyluvr @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster @tommysaxes @johannelis2302nely @lynbubble  @straberryshortcake143 @beth-gallagher22 @doestalker @rubyliquor @theflcwer @angelxxrose @sierraluvzz @cruzgrecia @evelestrange @sunnysunny133696  @under-seasoned-pasta @hoeforsirius
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
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littyhoney · 1 year
If your comfortable with it could you write 42!miles and black widow!reader 'enemies to lover's ' type of thing but what if in another dimension they are older and have kids and those kids getting in dimension 42. They are twins and 15 but just them being confused couse "why were our parents so mean to each other when they were our age"
Unexpected. (Part 1)
(part 1) (part 2)
Earth 42 Miles x Fem!Reader
(Enemies to lovers trope)
Summary: Can two vigilante ever work together? No,But the future proves otherwise.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, weapons, curse words, slight violence.
This is a request that are challenging for me to work on but you know what, we dont run from challenges. I want to make this into a long one part story but the pacing of this makes me divide it into 2 parts. Enjoy spiders! <3
The alarm goes off loudly at the jewelry store as the robber is smashing the glass case displaying the gold,diamonds and variety of gems. Each one shoving as many jewelry they can into the bag,not noticing a figure is stalking them from the dark. You slowly creep behind the slim one before hold him in a chokehold with your palm againts his mouth 2 fingers pressing lose both of his nosetril. The robber franticly try to pry your arms as he losing his concious and slump to the ground with a thud.
The other 2 robber turns around looking at the body of his unconcious raising their guns ready to shot at anything that moves, the two of them heard a few crunches of glass beside them and they blast one round of a magazine towards the sound. They stop,silent fill the room again before the figure came from behind the robber at the back hitting their skull with a baton and sweep his feet to the ground. The 3rd robber turn around firing towards the figure but the figure moves fast and agile as they jump locking their legs around the robber’s neck and pulling them down resulting to the robber smack his skull on to the floor that have glasses from the display.
You crouch standing up focusing back to the 2nd robber struggling to stand up, you take a sprint and swing your feet hitting the boot right across his face making him fall unconcious. You look down at the body not noticing the robber behind you slowly and shakingly lifting his fun to you and pull the trigger,one bulet escape the chamber, a flash of purple came from the ceiling claws piercing againts the back of the robber,ending his life.
You turn around to see non other than the Prowler, your rival. “I don’t need any help” you huff stepping over the body walking towards the button where it can alert the police incase of emergency (this is available in almost all jewelry store)
“Clearly you need help mami” The prowler pull his claw out of the body,coating it red at the tip “Your work is sloppy,it almost got you killed” he stands up, his purple mask follow your movement.
“Wow what a hero, I got saved by a clown in a neon mask” You said rolling your eyes,sarcasticly. “Unlike you,I always keep my job clean while yours is an amateur mess” You said mentioning how he always leave a bloody scenes everytime he ‘take care’ of criminals. You reach your hand under the cashier desk and pressing the button, making the alarm blare through the room.
The prowler look at you before looking down at your abdomen,annoyed by his gaze on you “It’s rude to stare dumbass” you snap towards him.
“You’re hurt” he simply says as he walk towards you. “W-what? No I didn’t-” you look down to see a red starting to seep out staining your outfit. The adrenaline starts to wear off as you now feeling the warm pain coming from the bullet wound, you put your palm over it hissing as the bullet doesn’t go all the way through “Shit..shit”. You are panicking in your head,you cant go home like this,what will your mother say? Or your siblings?
The Prowler have already on your side picling you up and over his shoulder,the police will come any minute,with your injuries you can only run so far with blood trailing behind you. “You’re coming with me” he said before running through the back and up the fire scape, using his claw to pull himself up.
“W-wait! Put me down you ass! I did not agree to this!” you hiss as your body jolt up and down by his movements as he jump from rooftop to rooftop. “You really don’t have any choice Mami,either the police follow your trail or you limp out of the store and got caught” He speak as he keeps running towards his lair. You hung your head over his shoulder,knowing he is right besides you cant go home to your mom with a bullet in your stomach.
Finally arrive at his lair the Prowler put you down on the rusty couch before goes around searching for needed equipments to pull the bullet out, this is not the first time he did this as he and uncle Aaron have been patching one another,but mostly Aaron patch him up. He turn on a light above you and take a stool to sit beside you ready himself, he reach to pull your top off.
“Woah hey what you doing!?” your face flush slightly seeing his hand reaching for your black top,pushing yourself away from him further to the couch. You hear him sigh annoyed by your action slightly “Your wound Idiota” oh. “right..right” you slump back on the couch before reaching your hand to the end of your top and pull it back up exposing your stomach,you exhaled looking at the wound.
Miles open up his mask,letting his braids fall over his shoulder so he can look properly at your wound,with a black plastic gloves on he put his palm againts your stomach using the other hand to hold the scalpel digging around your stomach carefully to reach the bullet. He is so careful and focus on your wound not noticing that you are watching him in awe.
The light from the ceiling shine from above highlight his cheekbone and jawline as he tilt his head in concentration. You have never saw someone so….beautiful but deadly, his brown eyes look like a pool of honey, kissable lips pursing brows frown slightly as he seem to find it dificult to reach the bullet. He seems to be same age as you are, a teen, but he looks much more mature…handsome even. You admit it to yourself,the braids really compliment his looks.
“Its rude to stare mami” he glance his eyes towards you before smirking slightly,finding it amusing to see you drooling over his face.
You snap shaking your head slightly “Don’t flatter yourself prick” before leaning your head back on the couch looking at the ceiling. You hear him chuckle lightly “just admit it mami,I won’t bite” you clench your hand fighting the urge to just punch him right then and there but the though vanished as you hiss out a pain bitting your hand.
He drop the blood covered bullet in a tray and start to take the needle to stitch you up, he reach behind him for some clean towel folding it and hand it out to you. “Here,just incase if its too much just bite on it”.
Right,unlike hospital they have something to numb the pain,here is just you pray for the pain to pass. You take the clothes and put it between your teeth,bracing your hand on the couch. You gave him a nod closing your eyes bracing for the pain.
Miles take this as a sign and start stitch you up,careful in every step not wanting to mess up the stitches. You squeeze your eyes tightly,body tense as you feel the pain. You bite hard againts the cloth clenching your palm againts the sofa.
“Almost there, just a few more” he says to you after he notice your body tensing at the pain,a slight guilt runs through him as he though maybe if he were quicker you would’nt be in so much pain. Somehow you find a slight comfort in his voice. You huff when he finally finish with the stiching, you turn your head to look at him finding out he is staring at you. His eyes are soft,but still held the hardness in them before he speaks to you surprisngly gentle “You okay mami?”
You gulp down a saliva resting your head back on the sofa nodding “Yeah..yeah just need a minute” You feel him stand up taking the tray “Rest up,you’re in no condition to go move” walking away to the table that have a sink to wash the blood away. You chuckle “What are you,my daddy?”
He continue to keep washing the blood away replying “I could be mami” he teases you back.
You scrunch your face “God,such a pervert little shit” you hear him chuckle.
Suddenly the place shook as a bright portal looking thing just appear at the ceiling, it caught both of you off guard but Miles quickly reach for his claw on top of the table before standing infront of you trying to protect you from whatever the hell is happening. “What the fuck is that!?” you standing up clutching your side help your arms up from the blinding light. “Shit I don’t know!” Miles ready he claw as he saw two figure drop from the portal thing before it dissapear.
The two figure groans as the bottom one push the one that falls on top of it off with a “get off!” before it stands up looking around confuse as to how they got there “The hell are we?”
Miles waste no time but to run and leap towards the figure slaming it to the concrete with his claw raise while the other is holding down the person’s throat. “Who and what the fuck do you want” Miles hiss the words through his teeth as he glare towards the figure.
The other figure screamed out “Wait stop! We don’t want anything man get off of him!” the figure try to reason with a very pissed off Prowler,well trying it’s best. You on the other hand reach for the wall to turn on all the lights In the room when you finally feel the switch you flip it and the whole room lights up showing the two mystery figure while the two strangers see clearly who are they encountering.
 The one that is pinned down by Miles face changes from anger into a shock mouth open slightly as he take a very close look at the Prowler,he blinks “D-dad?”
The one that tries to reason with Miles then turn his head to you,a same reaction happens as he blinks as he yelled out “Ma!?”
 You look at the two figures,before the word sinks in to you at what did they just called you “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?”
To be continued...
(This is my first time writing this trope it's kinda weird im sorry. But chapter 4 for Right Person,Wrong Time will be out soon stay tune for future updates spiders <;3)
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nqmonarch · 5 months
hello......... we meet again...........clown to clown communication............... youve infected me so bad with your yandere blade thoughts please i have to be euthanizeddd.......... please i need to know more of your thoughts on the matter so bad /nf
Hello again :) So I ended up turning a bunch of mini thoughts into a mini story, if you don't mind. If you want more just brainrot thoughts lmk and I can get those out of my brain as well
Originally I was going to publish it in one part however, it's getting a bit too long (6775 words) and I don't like having such long posts.
This is a lot of the leadup portion Part 2 will probably focus more on the Yandere although it starts to lean on that a bit in the end.
TW: Yandere, violence, manipulation, drugging all that kind of stuff.
Also spoilers for Blade and High Cloud Quintet's identity (I don't know exactly which quests I spoiled)
I think the big question first off is how do you even get Blade interested in you?
It could be the classic, knowing Blade in the past, being his lover or friend before he became mara struck. Maybe even being his rival, someone that loved to challenge him, and ended advocating for him to be allowed to die an honorable death out of admiration for your opponent. Either way he'd have lingering feelings for you.
But I like to think you met him by chance on the Xianzhou Luofu when he returned as Blade. Maybe you were a healer, that not only helped but put people out of their misery, peacefully. You were someone who specialized in working with mara struck, finding ways to suppress and calm it, staying by your patients side as they slowly lost their mind, and making sure they didn't hurt anyone. You were trained well in the ways of combat, after all you had to be in order to deal with mara.
Your goal was to help them come to terms with their death and once they had you would hand them off to the Ten Lords Commission. If they weren't ready, that was okay they could stick around. Either way when they'd fully transformed into a mara struck, you killed them. Only once they'd fully transformed would you be able to, otherwise they'd regenerate.
One day, you'd been wandering about when you found a curious person. Someone you knew well because their face was on countless wanted posters. You'd never done much research into the Stellaron Hunters but were surprised to see one of their members was afflicted with mara.
You weren't cruel. Instead you grabbed some medication and approached him, cautiously like how one would approach a stray cat. A few seconds after you'd begun walking toward him, he reached you. Tip of a blade pointed at your neck, grazing it, cool metal pressed against warm skin, it shook ever so slightly each movement threatening to draw blood. He was barely restraining himself, you weren't sure why he was even trying. But you did know that your head would be on the floor if he really wanted it there.
"Let me help?" Your tone was friendly, and you held up the bag of medicine in your hand. Your words didn't register with him, you doubted he could even see your lips moving. But the most important thing was to have a nonthreatening presence.
For mara struck you could strangely talk your way out of it. You were surrounded by mara while working, to the point you stunk of it. For some reason mara struck soldiers never attacked you unprovoked, it was a strange phenomena and that was the only reason you could think of.
Unfortunately, it didn't work for you this time, and you quickly found yourself trying to outrun one of the most dangerous men alive. Oopsie? At least it was kind of fun! This exhilaration was really nice, you should get in near death experiences more often! You felt the wind whip around you as the hunter was hot on your trail.
You wouldn't be able to outrun him much longer, the only reason you'd gotten this far was because he'd been in the middle of swinging his sword at you. So your only option was to unconsensually drug him. That sounded really bad. But your life was at risk! You slipped one of the pills into your hand, it was one of the heavier ones that would cause the patient to pass out. There were some cases where even your medicine couldn't comfort, then the best thing would be sleep.
With a minor turn of your ankle you swung around and placed your hand in his mouth, opening it, and getting the medicine in. He bit your hand near immediately, but you kept it still, even though his teeth would sharp as fuck you could feel them even inside your hand clenching down. You felt the warmth of blood, and waited a moment looking into his eyes.
You wouldn't hold it against him, he was mara struck. This was how they acted toward most people, not normally you, but it felt good to be treated like most people for once. You were normal. It was nice. Then he fell off your hand, tumbling straight backwards, and hitting the ground with a painful thud.
"Oooh, that's gotta hurt," You muttered, not entirely sympathetic to the man that just tried to kill you. But he was an interesting person. A Stellaron Hunter with mara, huh?
Maybe you didn't know as much about them as you thought. You slipped off the cloth bag around your shoulder and fixed it over his face. Then you grabbed him by the arms and began to drag him, his clothes dirtying upon the street floor, back to your little apothecary. Heavy.
You managed to lift him for a few moments to put him on a cot, before placing your hands on your knees, and taking a moment to catch your breath. You prepared some medicine in case if he was still mara struck and a glass of water. He woke up in only an hour, you were lucky to have enough time to finish bandaging your hand. Normally, it'd keep people out for six hours. The farther along they were the less productive it was. By all accounts he shouldn't be able to have a single moment of sanity.
Yet when he got up from the bed he seemed normal. Eerily so. You remained poise in a seat near his bed which he hadn't noticed. His eyes rested on the pills before looking around the rest of the room and reaching you. He reached for his blade, moving his hand next to his side and grabbing at empty air. Thankfully, you'd already removed the blade from this room, he was probably more deadly when he had his wits about him.
You chuckled at his response, feeling your nerves heighten as you resisted the urge to run away. Maybe this was a bad idea. "Hello there, good sir!" You greeted chipperly, "I saw you passed out on the side walk and dragged you back to my humble abode! Is there anything I can do for you?" You kept on your 'being yelled at by a 500 year old Xianzhou long life mother whose kid had just been told they couldn't throw stuff at people' smile.
He remained quiet for a moment, assessing to see whether or not you were a threat moving his eyes up and down, "...My sword?"
"What sword?" You replied back innocently. No way were you giving that back.
He let out a sigh, getting up from the bed, and heading to the door. The good news was he didn't try to attack you, the bad news was that the most fascinating mara struck victim was leaving. You couldn't let that happen.
You raced in front of him, putting your hands and waving them defenselessly. He looked down at you, red eye glaring down at you as if you were obsolete. You laughed again, "Well, uh, good sir, as someone that helped you can I at least know the name of uh--"
"Get out of my way -- knowing me won't do any good." He was definitely going to kill you if you didn't move. But you couldn't just let him leave!
Your smile grew even further, holding your cheeks up painfully, "Well-- you see-- you're so beautiful!" You said desperately, "I was taken by you-- love at first sight, you see? Right? You're just-- so wonderful!" You stammered out, voice shaking, "Can I at least know the name of the breath taking soul who stole my heart!"
The long blue haired man froze in his path, hair swaying to a halt behind him. No fucking way that got him. He seemed befuddled, glancing further away from you, eyes focused on a small portion of the floor. "Blade." IT WORKED?!
Blade remained quiet for a moment longer before turning his head back to you, "Now move." Of course it didn't work, if it worked you would've been in a relationship by now.
He side stepped you easily, leaving you to stare at his broad back, clothes tight around his muscles. Now wasn't the time to think about that. "You have mara right? I can cure it." It was a bold claim. You'd never done anything like that before, and his case was more severe than others.
He stopped in his steps, "What?" One deadly word made you almost want to take back everything you said but you couldn't. Blade experienced mara differently than others, that was clear. If you had the chance to work alongside him then maybe... you could figure something out?
Even though you portrayed yourself as undisturbed by your job getting to know so many people and then watching them turn into monsters was horrifying. Blade was interesting, you'd hate to call him a test subject but, if he consented he'd likely end up helping your understanding of mara. You just needed a reason for him to stay.
"I work with mara stricken citizens and soldiers. I've researched it for my whole life and I use this knowledge to aid others, helping alleviate their pain, calm themselves, or sleep when mara takes them," That was convincing enough, right?
He appeared skeptical, still poised to attack even without his sword. But as you continued smiling, a hopeful yet scared look in your eyes he let out a sigh.
"Can you kill them?"
You paused a bit, understanding his intention, "Only when they're fully taken by the mara." Otherwise they'd only heal, "I can alleviate your pain until then." You were shocked at how self assured you sounded, as if you could genuinely help him rather than just use him for discoveries.
Blade remained quiet and unmoving, a statue with the first rays of sunlight hitting it and breaking it free from darkness, "Okay." His voice was quieter than it'd been this entire time, you thought you'd misheard him.
"Okay?" You repeated, as if what you'd heard was a dream.
"Keep your distance." He stepped out of the sun and toward your door frame before pausing glancing back for such a short time you thought you'd imagined it, "I will return, if it's what you want."
It was strange, Blade had a peaceful sleep unplagued by dreams of dying and pain. If there was a chance it was because of you and you really wanted to meet him again, then he shouldn't resist too hard, right?
You felt a smile grow on your face lifting up its corners as the swordsman continued to walk away, "Yes! That's wonderful!" Then you paused realization sinking in, "Oh, Blade!" You called out, hoping he wouldn't kill you for this, "Your sword's by the door!"
You saw him glare at you and instinctively shut your eyes preparing for a sword to be lodged between your eyes. But when you opened them neither he or his sword were to be found.
Part of you expected him to never return and he didn't tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow he didn't come back. You wanted to give up hope. It made sense and was likely better for your safety but, Blade was the breakthrough you were looking for.
You smiled at the elderly Xianzhou long life that you were walking with through one of the fake gardens on the ship. They continued to rattle on about their great granddaughter and how hard she'd been training to be a cloud knight. To care about someone's progress, such that the smallest milestones mean as much to you as they do to them-- that must be love right? You were a bit envious. You wanted to love like this old soul. Someone who had nearly lost their mind the other day to mara but could continue going on, loving, and hoping.
That day was the day they left, agreeing to be taken away by the Ten Lords Commission. It was bittersweet, as it always was and you were alone, again. That was alright though.
What wasn't alright was being woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of footsteps. Someone had broken in. They weren't well, they sounded limp, as if they were dragging one leg. But since you hadn't heard the door being broken down, they'd likely come in through the window you tended to leave open. Look-- people on the Luofu don't normally resort to these matters and if they did then they wouldn't go after you.
It meant whoever came was both highly skilled and injured. With careful steps, putting your feet down gently and slowly one in front of the other, you approached the trespasser.
You smelled the blood first, the faint irony scent that made your noise scrunch up momentarily as your mouth imitated the taste of blood. Then you saw it. The small dark red trail that gleamed in the moonlight. Then him.
You felt rather satisfied, even in a state where he was taken over by mara Blade had somehow made it back here, "I knew you'd come back," You spoke playfully.
At the sight of agony in his eyes, a pang of guilt struck your heart. It really wasn't the time to be joking around. Perhaps there was some sanity still left in him, as his whole body shook, shaking even more as you approached closer and closer. Part of him must want to attack you, to kill you, to rip you apart until you were nothing, but he wasn't.
"Good," You commended him, as you stood in front of him and knelt down, aside from the shaking Blade remained still. He looked like he wanted to scream, hurt himself, kill himself, rip himself apart until nothing remained. Did he want to die more than he wanted to hurt you? Was experiencing mara that painful? You'd never know.
"I just need you to do one small thing for me okay," You spoke gently, even though you knew he likely couldn't hear your voice at all.
You thumbed through the few medications you always kept handy in your pouch, and picked one for pain relief. Last time you'd needed him to sleep or you'd die, this time you could see the effect of what they did. You moved the pill into his mouth and saw him struggle to swallow, you weren't moving your hands close to his face though for some reason you had a feeling he might bite them off-- like a dog would.
He was a lot more like a dog than you expected. The medicine had been able to work, body instantly relaxing, to your surprise. The more surprising thing was what happened after. Blade visited you, more often out of his own free will, not just when he was mara struck.
Blade was an awkward companion, terrible at small talk, and you couldn't take care of patients when he was near for fear they might see the Stellaron Hunter. Sometimes he would mumble under his breath about a price, or bring you small things, little trinkets, food, a severed hand-- A SEVERED HAND?!
"Why are you giving me this?" You looked down at the bloody hand he was holding onto, your eyebrow twitching slightly. You were used to blood and all but this was unnecessary.
He looked up at you, partially confused and disgruntled at your obvious disapproval, "He bothered you?" His statement came out more as a question.
Oh. It was him-- You let out an aggravated sigh, "You didn't get caught right?"
You noticed Blade perk up ever so slightly as if he thought what he did was right, "No."
That was good at least. "Don't do that again." What was he a dog? Or maybe a cat was better, bringing you pieces of their hunt. Now that you think about it, where did he get those trinkets from? It was probably best not to think about. "Go put that away," You said dismissively, moving your hand up to touch your forehead lightly.
You were going to regret this weren't you? Well, that was a problem for future you. You weren't sure exactly where Blade put the severed hand but as long as it was away from you it didn't matter. For a moment you considered asking him for help, to maybe capture a mara struck so you could test to see if anything would work on it. But that was too far, wasn't it?
The days carried on and so did Blade visiting you. He'd come to you for medications that alleviated his pain or helped him sleep without his memories tormenting them and you obliged monitoring him all the while. Then one day he started to request it.
"Kill me," He'd spoke suddenly, as you were leaning over some finely grounded herbs trying to come up with something new to keep stronger pain at bay. Your medicine's effectiveness was starting to wear off on Blade.
You flinched spilling the small specks to the ground and staring at him in the eyes, "Excuse me?"
You didn't think he'd hated spending time with you that much! Sure, you were kind of using him, and you got upset at him whenever he brought you something drenched in blood but who wouldn't?! You thought the two of you were getting along just fine! You'd even consider him a friend... A strong word for a Stellaron Hunter. You knew he'd have to leave the Xianzhou Luofu eventually too.
"You can do it," There was a slimmer of affection in his voice it made you almost think you misheard the part about you killing him, "If anyone can, you can." It was oddly affectionate. You kind of despised how he spoke, as if he would never speak to you again.
You let out a small laugh, "Shut up Blade." Drop the conversation topic.
But he kept pushing, "Find a way to kill me." Blade took a step closer to you, and for the first time since you met him, you felt in danger.
"And what if I said no? Remember, I'm uh... head over heels for you," You said lightheartedly referencing to your excuse when you'd first met him. "I wouldn't be able to bare it if you died!" You smiled up at him, squinting your eyes.
Normally, you'd be a bit peeved that your sample had been knocked over but right now you were unnerved, and much worse, worried.
It looked like he was more in pain from your words with the way he grimaced at them. "Please." It was wholly desperate and vulnerable, a statue split open to reveal a bleeding heart which begged to be free from its misery. If you stabbed it the statue and everything around it would crumble. Not that there was much around it to begin with but-- there was you.
But Blade was your friend, in a very odd way you'd started to care for the strange man, "I'll try." He was in pain, it'd be wrong to let him just suffer, right?
Plus, you'd already collected enough data... You knew when medicines would stop being effective on the normal mara struck Xianzhou long lives and what to swap to. You hadn't found a solution but you'd found something that could better keep their sanity while they were in that state, even if it required the rare, Vidyhara bone marrow. You'd begun to find something that could supplement that as well, although you'd only heard of it in books you had to find Scalegorge Water Scape.
It was okay. You had all the information from Blade you needed. This was fine. This friendship always had an expiration date. His smile made it all worth it anyway. It was really the first time you'd seen him smile and for once he looked relieved, completely relaxed.
"Thank you," Foreign words from him, "When the mara strikes... It's no longer me." But what if you could fix that?
If you helped him keep his sanity then you couldn't use the pills to keep away the pain, or the ones to sleep. They couldn't clash. Maybe you had to figure out how to make it so multiple could be taken? Your mind raced for a different solution but in the end all you could do is smile back. Blade smiling was a beautiful sight. One you thought you'd never be able to see.
That night you cried. You hadn't seen Blade happy before. So why was he only happy at the idea of death? But you were a doctor you would remain stony cold and do the best you could.
It didn't work. Of course, it didn't. Why would it? You could've sworn his heart stopped for a bit, a few minutes after passing out after swallowing your "medicine." Was it really medicine if it killed someone? But he lived and he woke up coughing blood.
Blade wasn't happy but at the same time he seemed rather relieved..? You hated it. Someone too used to dying by the hands of a sword, by the strokes they were used to performing, that poison was a soothing way to die. You absolutely despised Blade. But you smiled and told him you'd try harder. You just didn't know what to do.
A few days after your promise Blade came back with a strange gift for you, a book titled Views of the Universe From a Starskiff. At the time he brought it, he'd been in pain, grunting, and making too much noise for you to have any patients over. You'd stopped taking patients recently anyway. Instead only selling medicine promising you'd been on the edge of a break through and needed more time.
His memory had been scattered and he didn't recognize you. He'd swung his sword at you only to stop a moment before it hit you. You were right. When you'd originally met him, if he wanted you dead he could've killed you. You could still feel the air sweep by your head, and the cool blade on your skin. He didn't remember why he brought the book to you and when he returned to a better state of mind, you decided not to ask.
Instead you did some research on your own, and it lead you to an interesting person. Someone you really didn't want to talk to.
You shifted uncomfortably under the amber gaze of the general, "Do what do I owe the pleasure General?" Your voice was stiff, and shoulders tense as he only smiled in response.
"General is a temporary title, you can just call me Jing Yuan." You smiled in response, corner of your lip twitching a bit.
"Right, so what do I owe the pleasure, Jing Yuan?" Your smile strained further but all he did was laugh causing your smile to shift into a scowl.
Jing Yuan smiled down at you, not the least imposing, "Relax, I was just curious about some activity around this area." Did Blade kill someone without you knowing?
Throughout the whole conversation you remained tense as the general idly brought up his younger days as part of the High-Cloud Quintet. He was clearly just talking about this sort of stuff to get you to let down your guard! You looked at him warily, paying special attention to every individual word looking for hidden meaning. Eventually you found the hidden meaning. He was helping you.
The author of the book you'd been researching, Views of the Universe From a Starskiff was named Baiheng. "You knew this whole time," You muttered, a bit peeved, you'd thought you'd done a good job hiding Blade's presence and yet this old man somehow managed to figure it out.
The General simply smiled in response as you tried to clarify the situation further, "So Yingxing is--"
He stood up from his seat, "It matters not. The past is the past." Yeah, you probably shouldn't talk about this. You stood up as well.
"I'll walk you out," You spoke, still wary of the man but if he wanted to hurt or expose you, he would've done so already. "...Is it really your place to tell me this though?"
Jing Yuan paused as if in contemplation, still smiling, it was eerie how he could smile after everything. He was an unbreakable monument dedicated to the Xianzhou Luofu, "Who else could?" No one else would remember nor be able to share, so was that why he decided to step forward?
You opened the door for him, feeling the sun greet you again. "I hope it brings you peace." Your voice was sudden, as you looked at the man with new found appreciation. Even the hardiest statues still had bleeding hearts.
You would kill Blade. If it was the last thing you did.
You grinned rushing over to the blue haired man, the scent of iron around him. You told him that if he made anyone bleed before coming to visit you that he should bathe. You'd have to check if he was bleeding. "Blade!" You greeted him cheerfully, rushing over, and grabbing onto his arm. He stiffened.
You dragged him over to your work station moving your hand gradually down his forearm and to his wrist to be able to pull him better. His hand reached out for yours, and latched onto your wrist instead. The two of you were friends. Killing him was the right thing to do. But if he didn't want to die, you wouldn't mind Blade sticking around. You would take care of him as you would a patient.
"Do you still want to die?" You might as well check, there was no harm in it, maybe he'd stay after all.
To your dismay, he nodded, it was cold and steady. Your smile stiffened but remained on your face, this was fine. It was what you expected.
"I'll still do my best to help you," You promised him, truly meaning your words. It was just, you didn't have any idea of how to proceed. Maybe, the mara struck would have an answer but even you weren't foolish enough to wander into their hordes. Sure, you were lucky that the mara struck seemed not to attack you normally but luck couldn't be all you relied on. "But, in order to do so I need to observe mara stricken more up close," You admitted, that was your best bet, "Could you help me with that?"
Blade was strong. You'd seen the way his muscles flexed and tensed under his shirt whenever he made a swing with his blade. This would be easy work for him. The selfish part of you was happy you could spend more time with him too.
That started the third phase of your friendship with Blade. The first being the initial visits, the second being your attempt to kill him, and the third being yielding him as if he was a blade. It made you feel kind of guilty. Speaking commands beneath your voice of who you needed restrained, looking down at abominations as you tested new pills on them to see the effects. They'd writhe as Blade held them on and you watched onward apathetically. They were monsters, you shouldn't care about their pain.
Then you'd try to kill Blade. Again and again. Seeing him cough up blood and lay motionless on one of your cots. Or seeing wounds reopen over his body, blooming as if they were flowers. It was sickening. You didn't know how many times you did it nor how many times you could continue trying to do it. He would bare his teeth, biting down on cloths, letting out whimpers, blood slowly covering everything close to him.
"I can't do it." Maybe if you were competent it would be okay, you could give Blade the freedom he deserved away from the pain and mara and biting harsh memories. But you weren't a competent enough doctor. Nor were you a good enough friend to tell Blade to the face.
It had been a cold night on the Xianzhou Luofu when you decided to leave. There'd been a lot of commotion recently, the Ambrosial Arbor had risen and fallen again. Blade had been more distant, visiting less often, as if there was something he was keeping from you. How he made your heart ache.
You loved him. That was why you had to do this. You stopped by the divination commission on your way out, a letter from Jing Yuan in your hand. You'd never met Master Diviner Fu Xuan before nor were you looking forward to doing so. If she could see your memories that would mean Blade would be at risk. But you had to know if this would lead you down the path where Blade died.
But you didn't end up meeting Master Diviner Fu Xuan at all. Instead you met a much taller, purple haired woman, with hazy eyes. She greeted you as if you were a friend, and you approached her with caution smiling in response. "I know you," your voice was laced in excitement, "Kafka, the Stellaron Hunter! A bounty of 10 billion, right?" Why did she have to show up now?
You held your hand out with a smile, "I've heard wonderful things about you, you're even more beautiful in real life than on the poster!" Your heart raced trapped in your ribcage, thrumming against it nervously. This certainly complicated your plan.
"Hi, Y/N. I've been meaning to meet you," Her voice was sultry yet teasing, which was more menacing than if it'd been cold and harsh like Blade's. She knew your name too, that must not be a good sign.
She remained back against a wall, small smile on her face as if she was toying with you. You dropped your hand back down to your side. "Is there anything I can do for the esteemed Stellaron Hunter?" You really just wanted this to be over with.
"Not for me," She pushed herself off the door frame and you could see into the battered room. Blade was slouched over, eyes stapled shut, the small shakes his tense body let out were barely noticeable.
You were by his side in an instant, kneeling before him before you could even think, hand resting gently on his chin. Since when had you begun to care so much for him? Was it when he'd gotten slashed in the arm by a mara stricken soldier due to your negligence? Or had you cared for him before you ever met him?
You had half the medicine on you, half back at your place in case he ever returned in search of relief. The half on you was for research but it would be better used for something like this wouldn't it? You glanced behind you feeling eyes stare into your back, and Kafka simply smiled as her eyes met yours.
"Well, Bladie's never been so obedient," She replied simply at your questioning look, causing your shoulders to tense.
You turned your attention back to the patient in question only to be met with a red eye gazing into yours, his face much closer than you remembered it being. You stood your ground looking into his eyes with a harsh look, did he really have to always go and get himself hurt? You could smell the blood on him.
"Who... are you?" Sometimes symptoms of mara included memory loss so you weren't surprised by the question but it still hurt. But it surely didn't hurt as much as Blade was hurting right now, you could see his wince as he accidentally glanced at the light behind you.
You slipped a pill between your fingers, "It doesn't matter, I'm here to help you," You replied simply, lifting your hand up to his mouth, "Now open."
Once Blade became more docile around you during his mara episodes you'd started to deliver his medicine this way. Originally, you hadn't done so since you valued your fingers. He opened his mouth without a second thought, albeit he looked rather confused as to why he complied.
You glanced down at his faint pink lips a sheen covering them, he really was beautiful. If only he could experience the beauty of the world at full. The pill was placed between two of your fingers and you brought it up to his lips, pushing past them, and his teeth leaving the pill in a good place for him to swallow. This was how it always was.
You felt his tongue move as he swallowed it without a second thought and you removed your fingers like normal, except. You glared at him, keeping your hand still. Apparently you still had to worry about him biting your fingers off. "Blade," You spoke warningly feeling the teeth pressed threateningly into your index finger, the other finger escaping freely.
He didn't respond and you swore you heard a laugh behind you which only further irked you. He wasn't biting down hard enough to hurt or draw blood but you knew the second you tried to move it he would. Instead of responding by letting go Blade only looked up at you like a dejected puppy. His bandaged hand reached up and grabbed yours, you could see faint blood stains near the edge of where it reached his wrist and disappeared beneath his sleeves.
"Don't bite me," Your voice was stern as you looked down at the blue haired man, only growing more remorseful by the moment. It was strange behavior, a kind he hadn't exhibited before, but he hadn't forgotten you before either.
This time his teeth let go of your finger, leaving it slightly warm and wet in his hand's hold as he clutched onto desperately as if he was afraid you'd disappear before his eyes. It should only take ten minutes for the medicine to leave him vulnerable and helpless, yet he was already so docile. You had to wonder if he knew you were planning on leaving.
You let out a quiet sigh, keeping your voice low as these words were only for Blade and you. Your hand reached to brush his hair off to the side, resting along his jawline near his ear. You moved close enough so that he could feel even the slightest inhale and exhale against his ear, "I'm doing this because I love you."
It was a shitty excuse but it was closest to the truth wasn't it? Maybe if Jing Yuan hadn't told you the truth then you wouldn't be so determined to help Blade. Maybe you would've cried to Blade that you couldn't keep failing to kill him because you didn't even want him dead in the first place. You wanted Blade by your side.
"I'll figure it all out, I promise." It was the most loving your voice had ever been yet when you met his eyes again you didn't see a subdued look instead a more panicked one took its place. It didn't take long for you to be entrapped completely, arms holding and rooting you in place, leaving you unable to move.
It was as if he was trying to merge your bodies into one. So you'd never be apart again. Your nose resting above his shoulder as the rest of you was pressed into him, chest to chest, stomach to stomach, his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer and tightening. It hurt a bit. They continued to squeeze you, hands pressed against your sides gripping onto them.
"Gentle," You reminded him, voice tickling his ear, and as he eased his hold, Blade's head collapsed against your shoulder, hot breath hitting your neck. It took you a few moments to realize he was crying. That the sudden small burn against your skin was tears.
He spoke in a broken voice, "Who are you?" You began to cry too, wrapping your arms around him with equal need.
"It doesn't matter, I'm going to help you." Your voice must've sounded ugly as well, off pitch from emotion.
"You... can't leave." They weren't words you expected, but you noticed his grip loosen on you anymore as time continued onward.
You couldn't reply. You had to leave right now, the answers you were searching for weren't here. They lay with Yaoshi and the lands Yaoshi had touched. If you could journey to those and research the people and mara there... you would be able to kill Blade. You didn't want to kill him. But to leave him in this agony was more painful for the both of you.
"You..." Blade looked up at you, head tilted, agony in his eyes, "don't... ...leave." You smiled down at him, unable to find the words and instead moved your lips to press against his tearstained cheek.
At your lack of response you felt his head tilt and his breath hit your shoulder. Then he bit. It didn't hurt as much as you thought it would. You thought his aim would be to tear through your skin and take your flesh with him, leaving a bloody hole in his wake. But instead it was a persistent gentle movement, desperate to leave an imprint, to keep you here, to convince you. The both of you knew he'd pass out in a minute or two, the decision would be up to you after that. So he pressed his teeth into your skin, removing them for a second and pressing again, hot tongue licking your skin in between the pattern. You really shouldn't be feeling these sorts of things at a time like this but you couldn't help the heat rising to your face.
There... wasn't any harm in this right? "...You're beautiful," You muttered, only able to see his long hair you rested a hand on it. You moved your hand through it slowly, untangling any knots you came across. "Really," His body collapsed into yours, completely devoid of any strength, "I love you," You couldn't help but smile despite the tears.
It was hard to hold his body up by yourself. You were strong but Blade with all his muscle mass was heavy, either way you placed him back down on the seat without aggravating any injuries further.
Then you stood up and turned your back, ignoring the minor twitching and hand reaching out for your warmth that came from his subdued body. Kafka, had turned her back to the two of you, instead looking outside as if she was searching for someone.
"All done?" She asked, voice playful when you joined her outside. Yet you felt some type of understanding from her.
You nodded and handed her the pouch of medicine, "I am, instructions are in the bag," you said you'd brought it along for research but hadn't that just been an excuse? If you'd seen Blade again you could've given it to him. "There's some more at where I stayed."
She looked back at Blade, lying motionlessly, "Well, you have made my job a lot easier."
"Take good care of him," You replied, beginning to walk off.
"Bladie will be awfully sad to hear you left," Kafka called out, her voice carried its usual lilt but you sensed a strange seriousness to it.
If anyone had ever told you you'd fall in love with a Stellaron Hunter you probably would've believed them. If they told you, you'd be trying to kill the person you were in love with, you would've hated yourself. "I know, but this is the way I show my love." But... wasn't this the best solution?
You decided to not go see Master Diviner Fu Xuan, having run into the Stellaron Hunters so recently probably would make it easier for her to see them in her divination. At least you assumed so, you didn't know much about divination. The night was quiet and dark aside from one gray haired individual walking toward where you'd just been, looking around anxiously with each step. When you reached the starskiff you didn't look back.
Kafka played with the small pouch in her fingers, letting out a slight sigh. Everything was going as planned, albeit she couldn't help but feel a bit bad for Bladie. Her eyes darted to the source of sudden footsteps, finally, the Trailblazer was here. She couldn't interfere with what happened anyway it was best not to dwell on it.
You were part of the script. The ending Elio had promised, the one where Blade died.
Lots of notes here:
Like dude Yaoshi would love the way that reader treats the life they've curated and grown. While Yaoshi lets it grow without regard and only cares for the abundance they have to admit the life you cater to comes out more beautifully.
Also sorry for the wait but I wasn't doing super okay mentally past week so I didn't write much, thank you guys for your patience! I had a lot of fun writing this, I know it really isn't thoughts or anything but I like having a story play out :D
And I also wanted the romance to seem organic and more natural even though it's yandere I wanted it to make sense. So I hope I managed to accomplish that even though I feel like it considerably lengthened this (especially nonyandere portion)
Was originally going to edit this but it turned out way too fucking long.
145 notes · View notes
mixvyu · 8 months
Parfum d’étoile - episode fourty-one
scaramouche x reader smau
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You weren’t late this time.
You were in front of your door gripping the fabric of your clothes in one hand and holding your phone in the other, waiting for him to text.
You turned your phone off then right back on to check the time.
Scaramouche’s classes ended at 3 and he texted you to let you know he’d stop by his dorm room to change but he was awfully long.
You started to think he might’ve stood you up and that you looked utterly stupid standing there.
As you started thinking that, he suddenly texted.
You could only see so much of the text on the notification that was displayed on your screen but you could read the words
‘Sorry, lots of things happened so I’m not…’
Your stomach dropped and you didn’t even want to read the rest of the text message but you were way too curious to not do so.
‘Sorry lots of things happened so i’m not gonna be able to pick u up rn but i’ll be there in less than 20 i swear’
You sighed in relief and your thumbs flew over your keyboard to text back.
´Dpn’t start a rext like tjat beo u scaref me… its finr tho i was gonba be late 2 neways.´
That was a lie.
´Good i feel less bad now’
He added a crying emoji at the end of his sentence, something out of character for him. You couldn’t tell if it was supposed to express relief or if he was making fun of you.
The cold air made your fingers shaky and it made it hard to type correctly but he didn’t seem to pay any mind to that.
You’ve been standing outside for almost 40 minutes now. The weather was awful and it even looked like rain would start pouring at any moment now. You felt like moving from your spot would be like giving up on him like standing in lines for something you’ve been waiting for all week and then chickening out and leaving your spot out of weakness but you got tired of standing there and sent him a text before even thinking about it.
‘Hey uh i’m not feeling that good laybe we should cancel ?’
You regretted it as soon as you sent it but he already read it so it was too late to unsend
‘? Are you sure??
You closed your phone as soon as you saw his reply, not wanting to answer or to face what you did but you realised he would see the read sign and that there was no getting out of this one.
‘Nvm i can manage haha!! I just need to take a pill i’ll be good’
You lied again.
Scaramouche replied almost immediately.
‘If you’re not feeling well we can do that another day i wouldn’t want to force you’
You clenched your jaw. You never understood his mood swing, how he could clown you one second then be the most caring person you’ve met the next it was almost annoying.
‘It’s okay!! I’m already ready anyways i wouldn’t want to waste a good outfit lmao’
Now it was your turn to use a crying emoji, still not sure of what it was supposed to express.
‘Ok :(‘
You chuckled at the frowny face. That too was out of character.
After ten minutes, there were still no sight of him.
You felt like every person that walked passed knew what situation you were in and were just pitying you and god it made you feel like shit.
Maybe waiting at home would’ve been smarter.
Just as you thought that a car you recognised pulled up.
You got up abruptly, opened the door in one swift movement and threw yourself on the passager seat without even looking at who was inside the vehicle.
You let yourself sink into the seat, sighing happily as the warm air hit your skin. And just as you thought you couldn’t get more comfortable you heard his voice
"Hey, so sorry i’m late i hope you didn’t have to wait for too long." Scaramouche said
You finally looked at him for the first time today
He was wearing black baggy pants but you couldn’t tell which top he decided to put on because of the coat covering it.
"It’s fine don’t worry. ‘Was just a bit cold."
"I have a jacket in the back, do you want to borrow it ?"
"Yeah i’d love to!"
He reached for the back seat without looking and pulled out a white jacket.
He handed it to you without a word and put his hand back on the steering wheel when you took it from his hands.
You put it on quickly and felt a tad bit disappointed when you recognise Kazuha’s signature cologne on it.
It wasn’t Scaramouche’s.
" So ? Where are we going ?" He said, finally breaking the silence
"Uhmm I’m not sure anymore… Do you want to go to the aquarium ?"
"Uh sure if that’s what you want"
"You don’t really seem enthusiastic."
"Fishes aren’t my thing to be honest, but if they’re yours…"
"What’s your thing then ?"
"I don’t know."
You let out a long sigh
"You’re not helping me ! Just pick a place and we’ll go !"
"You were the one that was supposed to plan it ! Why do I have to choose ?!"
God you forgot how annoying he could be.
"Ok, ok. What about the zoo ?"
"It’s like an hour drive, though…"
"The arcade ??"
"I don’t have any coins."
"The museum ?"
"It’s a bit boring isn’t it ?"
"Ok just kill yourself." You let out a sound that could only be described as a growl "where do you want to go ?"
"Anywhere is fine" he stopped the car engine realising that decided where to go was going to take longer than intended
"Anywhere is not fine ! You don’t like any of my suggestions."
"I mean, yeah they suck but if you want to go then we’ll go. Everything is fine if you’re here."
"Don’t try to romance me, asshole ! My suggestions are great !"
"I already went to all those places a thousand times so it’s not really interesting frankly."
You mumbled an almost inaudible ‘sorry rich boy’ before sighing for the thousandth time
"What about that library/coffee shop at the mall ? They opened like a week ago."
He turned to look at you so fast you thought he’d snap his neck
"They’re open?! Why didn’t you tell me that before ?! Let’s go !" He said restarting the car.
You took a seat at one of the few tables that were in place at the back of the library.
You hoped to use that face to face moment to talk to Scaramouche more before having to tell him that you like him even thought you don’t know him as much as you wish you did.
But that hope quickly died down when you saw that he did everything but stay in place.
He seemed to love books more than anything because he was going from aisle to aisle grabbing some of them so that he could read the back and either putting them back where they belong or nesting them under his arm.
After 20 minutes of that he sat down in front of you, pushed his cup aside and put down the 7 books he had picked up.
Some were novels, some were mangas, some were comics. The genre also seemed to be very different from one book to another.
"I’m so happy they restocked, i’m going to read all of them as fast as possible." He said, taking a sip of his coffee and making a funny face when he realised it was now lukewarm.
"So… you like books, eh ?" You laughed, not finding anything else to say to start a conversation
"Yeah, books are great."
"What’s your favourite ?"
He leaned even more into the backrest of his chair
"Uhm… if i had to say one it would probably be…"
He clicked his tongue not really knowing what to answer
"Oh ! The house of leaves is a super cool one ! I love it !" He exclaimed in a ‘obviously why didn’t i think of that one before’ voice.
"Oh really ? I never heard of it i should check it out."
"What’s your favourite ?"
"Uhm… I don’t really know"
He nodded.
If the entirety of the date was going to be this way, it was going to feel painfully awkward.
The walk back to the car was awkward as well even after the many attempts that both of you had at making conversation.
Scaramouche looked as good as ever even though he still didn’t discard of his coat and you were dying to see what was underneath and what kind of outfit he managed to pull together this time.
While in the parking lot, you noticed a few people staring at him and it almost made you feel proud.
"You feeling ok ?" He asked as soon as the car doors closed " you shouldn’t have forced yourself to come if you were feeling bad."
"I’m fine. It’s fine." You sighed "i’m fine."
"The more you say it the less i believe you." He laid his palm against your forehead "well, you don’t feel hot so that’s great." His hand traveled from your forehead to your cheek.
´If you keeps touching you like that, I might start feeling hot.´ you thought but didn’t dare to say out loud.
He looked at your eyes then your lips then your eyes again and you hoped to God he’d just kiss you but instead he took his hand off your face and rested his head back into the car seat headrest.
"So ? Where are we going next ?"
"Uhm…" you checked the time. It was already pushing 8pm "we could go eat."
"Sure that’s fine by me. Where ?"
"I’ll let you pick" you said trying to sound gentlemanly but knowing it was only because you had no idea what to pick and judging by his face, you didn’t fool him.
"We could go to a japanese restaurant."
"Don’t you already eat japanese at home ? It’s a bit boring for you isn’t it ?"
"It’s fine i haven’t had it in a while and i miss it. I’m doing this for me mostly."
You knew he was lying.
"I saw some leftovers when i went over, though ? If you want me to try it just say so." You teased
All he did was hum before starting the car engine."
Unlike what you expected, you weren’t face to face with him but instead sitting next to each other at a sushi bar.
"I haven’t had sushi in forever." You clapped your hands, excited for the huge free meal you were about to get.
"I could eat those forever, i’ll never get tired."
You downed the 4 makis you grabbed on the moving tray as soon as they were in front of you.
Before you could even grab something else, a green plate of three tempura was gently placed on top of the plate you just cleaned.
"Are you trying to shut me up ?"
"How’d you guess ?" He smirked half jokingly. "Try those next"
"If you insist !"
You took a bite out of it but before you could have a second one you suddenly felt like somebody was looking at you.
"What ? Were you planning on eating those or something ?" You didn’t have to stare back at him to know that it was his eyes that were gazing at you.
"No, no."
You took a second bite but almost choked when you felt his cold palm on your cheek.
You pulled away startled and uncomfortable by the sudden cold.
"What’s your deal, dude ?" You said, feeling your face heating up.
"Just checkin’ to see if you felt less warm than earlier."
"You said I didn’t feel warm at all earlier."
He looked away staring down at the plate of sushi he helped himself to previously
"Checking to see if it feel warmer then, i guess."
"God, you’ll be the death of me one day."
"You should take me out more often."
"Just so you can use me and drain my finances ? No way, i’m never doing this again."
You were leaning against the car, trying your best not to cough as the smoke from the cigarette Scaramouche lit made it’s way through your nostrils.
He seemed to noticed, telling you at least five time that if the smell was bothering you, he could open up the car and you could enjoy all the clean air you wanted but you so desperately wanted to stay close to him.
"Do you smoke a lot ?"
Scaramouche brought the cigarette to his lips, nestling it between them before inhale deeply. He brought it back to his side before releasing the breath he was holding, creating a cloud of fog in front of him.
He took so long to answer you thought he didn’t hear
"Not really. Tonight’s just a great night for a smoke." He finally said.
"How so ?"
He turned and glanced at you before looking up to the sky.
"The sun is setting, the sky is a mix of purple and orange, we’re in an empty parking lot talking about trivial stuff, it’s a friday night. It’s great for a smoke."
You giggled "When did you become so poetic ?"
He sat down, back against the driver’s side door and you did the same.
He put his cigarette out on the floor and rested his head on your shoulder.
"Are you tired ?" You asked, trying to stop your voice from cracking
"Yeah. Just a bit. Do you want to go anywhere else ?"
"No, not today."
Silence installed itself, a non awkward one this time. Only the sound of the wind let itself be heard and the few screams and giggles from the skatepark not too far.
"I love you, kuni."
He straightened up instantly
"What ?"
"I think I do ? Have feelings for you, I mean. I’m pretty certain."
"Wait… Huh ??"
You got up before he could even make sense of the situation
"Today was nice. I live not too far so i’ll walk. Thank you for driving me around." If you had the guts you would’ve kissed his forehead
You fled before he even had the chance to speak.
Extras !
• car seat headrest reference
• "erm i don’t like sushi 🤓☝️" WELL TOO BAD 👎👎
★彡Taglist! [open]
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Shanks rocks up to Lucky and Buggy’s wedding
Interacts with Lucky for like a minute: “you know what, this is nice, real nice, how about instead of it being your wedding (to buggy) it becomes mine”
Got inspired, did a little drabble
Frankly, this whole situation was embarrassing. Not only had you stupidly promised your hand in marriage to a god damn clown, you had now allowed yourself to be captured by said clown. Ashamed was not a strong enough word for how you felt.
Luckily for you, you'd been able to afford yourself some time away from what is regrettably your fiance by insisting that it was traditional for the bride and groom to not see each other right before the wedding. Admittedly, you didn't care much about it, you just wanted to give yourself some time alone and a chance to escape.
This was made difficult thanks to you being stuffed in a wedding gown by a very nervous seamstress that you're 99% sure was here against her will and being locked in the dressing room once she was finished. You weren't about to give up, though. Maybe you could squeeze yourself out of the window?
The escape attempt was shot down almost immediately by a knock at your door. Without waiting for an answer, whoever it was unlocked it and let themselves in. You'd assumed it was Buggy being unable to wait to see you in the wedding gown, but instead a red haired man came in. You can't help but wonder if he's lost, his clothing looks far too casual to be wedding attire.
His smile was warm and he held out a hand to you, "It's nice to finally meet you! I never thought I'd see the day where Buggy got married."
You had no idea who this man was, but politely returned the handshake regardless. His hand was rough and calloused, he most certainly didn't lead a leisurely lifestyle. The sooner you could end this interaction and send him on his way, the sooner you could make a run for it. You laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, I never thought I'd see the day either."
The man raised a brow at your response, but didn't comment on how forced it sounded. You attempted to pull your hand away when the handshake went on for longer than you deemed necessary, but his grip was too tight. It wasn't until you pulled again, harder this time, that he realized what he was doing and let go.
Even he seemed a little startled by his own actions. He scratched the back of his head and chuckled, "Sorry about that, my crew and I were up all night getting ready for the wedding when we caught word of it. I guess I'm a little more tired than I realized." His eyes gave you a once over, fully taking in the gown you were wearing, "Oh, and you look lovely by the way, I can see why he's in such a rush to get a ring on your finger."
"Oh, thank you, that's so kind of you," your voice was borderline monotone. "Also it's fine, don't worry about it." His excuse made sense. With how many people there were that would happily end Buggy if it meant even a slightly improved chance at being with you, the wedding was rushed to say the least. You're pretty sure Buggy was actively hunting down someone to officiate the union as you spoke.
You honestly hadn't expected to see any guests here beyond Buggy's own crew, which again raised the question of: Who are you talking to?
Might as well sate your curiosity and ask, "So... Are you a friend of his?"
His brows raised and his eyes widened slightly. Were you supposed to know who he was already? Oops. He spoke up before you could wrack your brain for clues as to who he was, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he didn't mention me, he's always been a bit... Moody. I'm Shanks, we grew up together."
Your jaw hit the floor. Shanks? THE Shanks??? The guy that Luffy couldn't shut up about?!
"Y-Y-You're the guy that gave Luffy his hat!" You pointed at him with a shaky hand as all decorum and manners went out the window from the shock of knowing who you were talking to.
Shanks laughed loudly, "The one and only. How is that kid anyway? Seems like he's still getting himself into trouble just like the old days."
"Calling what he gets up to 'trouble' is putting it mildly," that boy can't take two steps onto an island without toppling a government. "He's great though, especially after rescuing Ace."
"I was relieved to see him get out of there safely, too. It's still a bit hard to believe that Buggy is the one who pulled it off, though."
Ah. Yeah. It was hard to believe for you, too. And even more difficult to accept just what that meant for you. You deflated as you were violently reminded of your current situation, "Yeah, I can't believe it either."
"Is everything alright? You don't seem very excited about the wedding," Shanks narrowed his eyes at you, scrutinizing your face for any hints as to why you were acting this way.
You weren't sure if confiding in him was a good idea. He clearly held a level of fondness for Buggy, so it was debatable if he would want to help you escape or keep you here. But... It's not like you had much to lose at this point.
"It's, uh, kind of a funny story. You see, I might've said something along the lines of 'if you save Ace, I will marry you', but like, I didn't think he'd actually be able to do it. So now I'm kinda stuck in this mess where he thinks I really meant it, but I didn't, and we're getting married in like ten minutes give or take and I don't know what to do?" You can only hope that your hastily thrown together explanation not only makes sense, but also earns you some sympathy.
Shanks lips were pursed as he stared down at you, "I did find it odd that your door was locked from the outside."
Hope sparked in your heart. In a fit of desperation, you threw yourself at Shanks and held onto him while looking into his eyes pleadingly, "Please, if you can just get me out of this room, I will really owe you one!" You're sure that the Straw Hats can't be far behind. If you can just get to the shore, they'll likely be there and ready to save you.
His hand rested on your back to keep you steady. Then, it started to gently glide up and down the exposed skin, which felt distinctly not like it was for your comfort. Horror seeped into your very core as you saw an all too familiar gleam in his eyes.
No, please, no. This can't be happening again.
"It would be a shame to let this dress go to waste... Maybe we can continue this on the Red Force? How does that sound?"
Suddenly, the door was thrown open and you saw an absolutely enraged Buggy standing in the entryway. "What are you doing here?! Get away from my wife!"
"But you aren't married yet, she could still be anybody's wife," Shanks tone was teasing but the look in his eyes was anything but.
That set Buggy off and in an instant he was throwing knives right at Shanks who dodged them with ease. You were shoved off to the side as Buggy kept trying and failing to land a hit on Shanks. While the red haired pirate was trying to engage in some witty banter, the clown was having none of it and just shrieked various insults at him.
Using the chaos of the altercation, you quietly slipped out of the room and made a run for it. There wasn't a chance in hell that you were going to stick around to see who won that fight. Because either way, you would be losing.
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lostfirefly · 24 days
They say it's your birthday, we're going to have a good time
I'm in a pretty good mood today, and finally finished Buggy's birthday fic. I'll be honest, I originally planned a different scenario, but it was rewritten. We're waiting for another birthday fic with Buggy and my OC. English isn't my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Buggy and F/GN Reader - Masterlist is here.
Description: Buggy's birthday. You want to cheer him up.
Words: 2369
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots
The title is taken from “Birthday” by The Beatles.
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“That was great, pumpkin.” Buggy flopped down on the bed, breathing heavily. 
“A sexy present for the birthday boy.” You curled up in a ball and snuggled close to his chest. 
“I'm ready to receive gifts like that every day.” He hugged you tighter.
“How do you feel yourself today?” You started stroking his hand.
Buggy exhaled and mumbled in your hair. “Old.”
“You're not old, you're only 38.” You took his hand and squeezed it.
“Yes? What have I accomplished by the time I'm 38?” Buggy looked at you with sad eyes.  “I didn't find the treasure. Fucking little kid in a straw hat beat me again. He's annoying as hell. I want to kill that little shit myself.”
“You will kill him, my love. You will.” You pecked him on his nose. “But today, we don't remember that bastard. Today is the birthday of my favorite Captain Buggy the Clown! And I've got a few presents for you!”
“Wasn't morning sex a present?” Buggy giggled idiotically.
“No, asshole. Wait here!” You threw on a robe and ran to the closet. 
“Why are you wearing a robe, Y/N? I like your naked body!”
“Shut up!” You ran back and jumped on the bed. “So, this’s my gift number one.” You held out the box in his hands. 
“Gift number two.” Buggy showed you two fingers. “Don't discount sex, baby.”
“Open the present, please!” You pecked him on his lips. “Happy birthday, my clown! I love you!”
“Thanks, pumpkin. Okay, let’s see…” Buggy shook the box and opened the lid. “New brushes?”
“Yeah.” You took the brush and twirled it in your hands. “Your brushes have seen better days. I stole them when we were on the island.”
“What did you do?” Buggy looked at you with round eyes and started laughing. “You stole them? For me? I don't know how to react to that statement, baby. I'm either shocked or flattered. My girl's turning into a thief, huh?”
“That's your bad influence, jackass.” You pecked him on his lips again. “There's another gift in there. It's a box in a box. Open up! Open up!”
“All right!” Buggy opened another lid. “New gloves?”
“Yeah. Your old ones are worn out too, and I'm having a hard time sewing them up. Oh! There's another present in there.” You've been chewing on your finger waiting. 
“You’re spoiling me, baby. Okay! What have we got here?” Buggy pulled out a braided leather bracelet in the shape of bones. 
“I made it especially for you!” You took the bracelet in your hands and tied it on his hand. “And you see the ties here. Look, there's your Jolly Roger on the ends.”
“You made this for me?” Buggy rose his hand to have a closer look. 
“Of course I made! You'll wear it and remember me all day long.” You kissed his temple. “Okay! I have another present, but it's in the kitchen.”
“Oh, no, Y/N. I don't want to get up. I don't want anything at all.” Buggy flopped down on the bed and covered himself with a blanket. 
“But why, baby? It's your birthday!” You started stroking his body. 
“So what?” Buggy mumbled from under the blanket. “I don't want anything. I want to lie like this all day. I'm a worthless clown. And this worthless clown wants to spend his birthday under the blanket. I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N. Go away!” 
“Oh, no! That's not gonna work! You put your pants on right now, and we're going to the kitchen. Where's my fun-loving, booze-swilling Buggy gone?” You lifted the blanket and looked at his displeased face.
“He's still in his 37s.” Buggy lowered the blanket. “If we don't have sex again, I'm going to sleep.” 
“Get up!” You grabbed his legs and pulled him off the bed. 
“What the fuck, pumpkin? What are you doing?!” Buggy fell to the floor with a crash. “Fuck, my back!”
“Put your pants on. We're going to the kitchen.”
Buggy rolled his eyes, growled, and reluctantly started to get dressed. He was grumbling the whole time. As he put on his pants, while he put on his socks and t-shirt. Buggy mumbled he didn't want anything and asked to be left alone. You pecked his cheek to cheer him up, took his hand and dragged him into the kitchen. You opened the door with a wide smile and... there was no one in the kitchen. 
“Bunch of idiots!” You muttered under your breath
“Did you bring me to see an empty kitchen? I’m fucking impressed, Y/N. Wow!” Buggy clapped his hands. 
“No! There was supposed to be a surprise!” You look around the room. 
“You mean the surprise where the idiots jump up from the fucking tables and yell "surprise"?” Buggy placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah. I don't know where everybody went.” You glanced at him and was about to cry. 
“Honey, they're still here.” 
“I see Mohji's head ri-i-i-ght there.” Buggy pointed his finger at the table. “Watch and learn how to do it.” He blew his whistle and a sleepy crew came out from behind the tables. 
“Are you kidding me? What the fuck, guys?” You clasped your hands.
“Sorry, Y/N.” Mohji rubbed his eyes. “We were waiting for you and fell asleep.” 
“Assholes!” You stomped your foot. “You didn't have to do much. Wait a little while, jump up from the table and shout happy birthday! Is it too much I asked you?”
The team shrugged and scratched their heads in sync. “Oh, right! Happy birthday, our incomparable Captain Buggy! You are our sun, sea and stars. We wish you-- Well, all the best.”
You and Buggy were both squinting at that bad show. 
“I can't, Y/N.” Mohji became nervous. “You and the Captain look at me with the same expression, I'm frightened.”
“Get outta here!” You said angrily, but nobody moved. “Are you kidding me, right?” 
“Watch and learn again, pumpkin!” Buggy ruffled your hair. “Hey, you, fucking fat lazy sea rats. Let's all get out of here.” He barked at everyone and the whole crew quickly ran out of the kitchen. 
“I'm sorry, please.” You looked at him with sad eyes. “That was supposed to be nice.”
“Forget it, as you said, they are bunch of idiots.” Buggy plopped down on the chair. 
“But we're still celebrating your birthday, my love!” You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him on his cheek. 
“Can I go back to bed? I want to celebrate it there.” Buggy rolled his eyes. 
“No! I've got a present for you. Fi-i-irst!! That's a beer!” You ran to the fridge and took his favorite beer. “Tw-o-o-o-o! It's this deliciousness.” You put a huge cake on the table. “Happy birthday, my favorite Captain! The most fearsome and fearless Captain of all the seas! The one who's going to be king of the pirates!” You noticed how Buggy looked at the cake in surprise. “What is it? You don't like it?”
“Are you kidding me?” Buggy twisted the plate in different directions. “It's a cake shaped like a pile of hot dogs! How did you sneak it in here?”
You blushed and giggled. “I didn’t sneak it! I've been baking it for two days. It's got sponge cake, cream and nuts inside. Just the way you like it.”
“Looks yummy! But can I go back to bed after cake?” 
“Stop grumbling, Buggy!” You stroked his cheek. “We're celebrating your birthday! Today, you're resting and doing nothing.”
“That's why I want to go to bed, Y/N!” Buggy glanced at you. “To rest and to do nothing. But we can relax together, if you know what I mean.”
“I always know what you mean, baby.” You tapped him on the shoulders. 
“Pumpkin, I wanna go to bed!” 
“No!” You put some candles in the cake. “Here! Make a wish and blow out the candles.”
Buggy looked at you, rolled his eyes and sighed. “Fine! I wish to be the king of the pirates, I wish that little boy and his hat out of my life. I wish to sail the seas till I'm old.”
“Hey!” You put your hands on the table and placed your chin on the palms. “Where am I on that wish list?”
“All right! I wish to be the king of the pirates, I wish that little boy and his hat out of my life. I wish to sail the seas till I'm old with Y/N. Is that okay?” Buggy blew out the candles and you clapped happily.
“Yes! Try it!” You put the fork in Buggy’s hands, he carefully broke off a piece with the fork and put the cake in his mouth. A small smile appeared on his face and he broke off another piece. “Like it?”
“Very tasty, Y/N! No one had baked me cakes before.” He took your hand and pulled you onto his lap. “Can the old loser go to bed now?”
“You’re not old. And not a loser.” You ate a piece of cake from Buggy’s fork. 
“C'mon!” He took another piece of cake. “This fucking kid and his red-haired friend are probably already worth a million of money, and I can’t even add a couple of hundreds to my wanted poster.”
“What are you talking about?” You took a sip of his beer. “The marines are already giving you much more money for your head than when we met. And I'm sure they will give even more soon. Because you’re amazing!” You kissed him on his cheek. “Oh! You know, I know how to cheer you up!”
“Are we going to bed?” Buggy took a sip and ate another piece of cake. 
“No, you fool. Grab the cake, the booze and let's go.” 
Buggy shrugged, took everything with him, and you dragged him into the ship's large storage room. Inside, everything was littered with barrels, hay and bags, but thanks to the large windows, the room was not dark. 
“Put everything on this barrel!” You looked at Buggy, who was taking a bite of the cake without a fork. “Seriously? You just eat like a pig.”
“I'm a pirate, I don't know about manners. And your cake is delicious.” He walked closer to you and put his hand on your waist. “Nuts. Tasty!”
“You're covered in cake, my Buggy the Clown.” You wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Wait here! I’ll be back.” You ran away somewhere for a minute and quickly came back. Buggy continued to eat the cake with his hands and sip his beer. “Look what I’ve got!” You handed the leaflets into his hands.
“If this is such a fucking twisted way to humiliate me, then you got it, pumpkin. Why did you bring them here?” Buggy was shaking posters of Luffy and Shanks in his hand. 
“We're going to have fun now! These two assholes hurt my boyfriend. We're going to hurt them now.” You pecked him on the cheek, grabbed the posters and pinned them to the board. "We'll throw darts at them and tell why we hate them." 
“Are you okay in your head?” Buggy chuckled. 
“Completely. I won't let anyone hurt my baby.” 
“And exactly for this, I love you so much, Y/N!” Buggy stood up, groaning, and came closer to you. “I'm the first to throw at their posters.”
“It is your birthday today.” You gave him another peck on the cheek and ran to drink a beer. “And let’s start our private party!!”
“Okay. I hate you, the guy in the hat and that red-haired guy because you're always fucking positive!” Buggy threw a dart and hit Luffy in the hat. “Fuck, yes!”
“Woohoo!!!” You happily picked up the bottle and kicked your legs. “Let's take one more shot!” 
“Okay! I hate you for stealing my map!” Buggy threw the dart again and hit Luffy in the nose. “Take it, asshole!” 
“Oh, Buggy! Can I try to kick them?!” He beckoned you with his hand and placed the dart in your palm. “I’m about to throw it at the redhead. I hate you for hurting my Captain!” You threw a dart at Shanks' poster and hit him in the forehead.  “Yes, fuck!” You high-fived Buggy with both hands. 
“Now it's me again! I hate that you tricked me with the fucking map when we were in Marineford.” Buggy threw a dart. 
“Yes! Red-haired asshole!” You took a sip of beer. “Me now!!” You took the dart. “I hate you, hat boy, that you're the reason Buggy ended up in jail.”
Buggy cleared his throat. “Baby, technically…”
“Doesn't matter! It's his fault anyway!” You threw the dart and hit Luffy in his neck. “I won't even apologize.” You placed the dart in Buggy's hand. “Your turn.”
“Because of you I was struck by fucking lightning!” He hit in Luffy's forehead. “Yeah! I’m still good!” 
“Of course, you're! Can I throw it again?” Buggy took your hand, gave you the dart and kissed you on the top of your head.
You rubbed the dart with your palms. “Oh! I know! You are both so correct and honest. Look at us from your posters. Well, like real gentlemen. I hate gentlemen!” You threw a dart and hit Shanks in the eye. “Yes!” 
“This is my girl!” Buggy hugged you and kissed your head again. “Thank you!”
“Are you feeling better now?” You hugged him around his waist. 
“Oh, definitely!” 
“I propose to continue our “I hate you” sheet!” You looked into his eyes.
“I don't mind. But first…” Buggy pulled you closer and kissed you on the lips.
“What are you doing?” You moved your head a little. “Somebody might come here!” 
“And? Fuck it. It's my birthday today and I want another gift! This game has me a little turned on.” Buggy threw you over his shoulder and carried you to the hay. “We've never done this in the hay before, right? Let’s try!”
“BUGGY!!!! Let me go!” You started kicking your legs. 
“I can not hear you, Y/N!! I’m an old, deaf clown.” 
“Damn you, Buggy. Okay. Let's try it in the hay. Happy birthday, jerk!”
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sinning-23 · 2 months
Glass Chandelier
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Warnings; 18+ swearing, some hints at masturbation, buggy is a drama starter, sanji is failing at keeping his hands off your body.
Link to Chapter 3
Chapter 4
"Wow, you got another one? Already?!" A fourth and more....irritating voice speaks.
You tense again, brows angled down. Firstly, who was speaking, and second what the hell did he mean another one?
"I mean at least she's not ditsy like the rest of you idiots."
You raise a brow at Sanji then the rest of the so-called crew. Zoro sighed heavily, taking the bag you hadn't seen previously off his hip and slamming it rather aggressively onto a barrel.
The reveal was far more interesting than you anticipated, a severed head adorned with a large red nose and a red and white striped bandanna. It beams up at you, the face paint around its lips only accentuating his cheshire grin. You mutter a light 'the fuck...', leaning in a bit to truly try and figure out what the hell you were looking at.
“Not too close sweetheart, I bite.” It wiggles its brows, the innuendo making you scoff.
“Dickless and still talkin'.” You shoot back. The clown head is quicker.
“My mouth can do plenty honey, trust me.” It flicks its tongue and...detaches it?!
Oh wow gross-
“Why are you even speaking right now? Unless you have something useful to say, shut up.” Zoro interrupts.
The clown head rolls its eyes and does an awkward hop/shuffle to turn and look at the map.
“This one knew where to go without me even saying anything. Which meannnss?”
You tense, shuffling back and forth a bit, truly debating if you should punch this thing in the mouth or, better yet square in the nose. That'd shut it up. At this point Zoro has his gaze locked on you, it's somewhat unreadable but serious no less. Next is Luffy, then Usopp, and lastly Sanji. Wow, staring contest of the goddamn century.
"She's obviously been there before and could even be working for the bastard. God you guys are stupid. If I were you I'd ask pretty crucial questions before just throwing any random board my ship."
Luffy is quiet, looking from the map, and then back to you.
"You're already dealing with the aftermath of that as we speak HA! You'll end up doing it again if you keep bringing these random broads. " The clown head speaks, that same grin on his face.
"Yeah well, it's not like the fishy bastard took a chunk out of this 'broads' shoulder. You were stuck in a fuckin bag for that part though, huh Ronald Mcdonald?" Ouhhh the irritation in your voice is wicked.
His jaw drops as he fiends offense. This jackass has been active for no more than 5 minutes and he's already worked his way under your skin. Speaking of which, it's practically melting off as the rest of your 'crew' continue to stare for an answer. The clown had a point, they hadn't asked any questions and you'd just ended up being aboard with Sanji.
"Now's a good time to start talking," Zoro speaks finally, his hand ready at his sword. The last thing you wanted was tension among the people you'd most likely be spending an extended amount of time with. Despite this, your finger itches towards your picks in response.
"Oh yeah 'cause you talk plenty, don't you. I know the way because I've seen Arlong before. I made an assumption if you were even listening that he MIGHT be there still. That'll be the last time I call myself trying to be helpful. Or is 'useful' more of a term you'd like?" You'd hardly realized how close you'd gotten to the man, the sneer ever-present on your lips. Sanjis' at your side, giving a touch over your hips to try and reel you back.
It's quiet again but that clown's laughter rings loud and clear enough to offset the current debacle.
"Ha! Struck a nerve there. Listen, she is right though, you're gonna head in that direction. We get to the island and sing kumbaya, I get my body you get the girl, and everyone's happy!" He jokes, hobbling again to turn his head.
What a fabulous start to the tip. A panic attack and almost a fight. Simply fucking splendid. God, you needed a drrink.
It's dark now, and you hadn't left this room since you'd found it hours ago. You needed to reset. Gods know the longer you stay and interact with these strange characters you'd fucking explode. For some odd reason, in your newly adopted quarters you can still feel his phantom touch.
It lingers, something you make note of. The small of your back tingles, as does your waist and shoulder. Your neck and chin tinge and tingle in delight, resulting in a shiver that shimmies its way up your curves spine. Oh right...that's why they so prominent right now. Becaus you were filthy and couldn't help but let your fingers slip past your panties.
The ship rocks and creacks and with each splash of waves against the hull, much like the waters, you drip.
Promiscuous and touch-starved.
How long had it been since someone had been gentle with you, let their hands ghost over your skin. It didn't matter, you'd found ways to satiate the need, even if it was just temporary. You freeze when there's a knock at your door.
You take a breath, notn quite trusting your voice.
"One moment."
Slipping on a spare night dress in a hurry, you open the door.
She's beautiful. Her eyes were low and glossy, and her pupils were blown wide. Her chest rises and falls as the ruffles on the nightdress adorn her body so prettily. What is it she reminds me of? I can't seem to put my finger on it.
"I saved you a plate. Luffy was supposed to come tell you but he sid you didn't respond." I speak, seeing her breathe catch for a second.
Her lips part just a pinch and it finally rings in my head.
A doll.
"Thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't join you sooner, bad attitude still."
I smile, my hand clenched in my pocket. Fuck my palms are sweaty. Shaking my head in response, I panic at the silence that follows. It was just like earlier when we first parted. I wanted to ask her if she was okay. If anything I'd know what a panic attack looks like and with the way her face seemed paler than before, and her hands shook, I couldn't be far off. Or maybe it was just sea sickness. Didn't matter, some things just were my place to ask. But I can't catch the question before it's out my mouth and in the air.
"Are you alright?"
She breathes heavily, shoulder slumping in exhale as she avoids my gaze. There it is. Whatever it was she was either gonna tell me a half-truth or a lie.
I nod looking down the hall as if it'd help me escape and prevent any further questions I had from prospering. I was wrong.
"Fancy a drink?"
It's simultaneous and we laugh, so natural and her laugh is damn melodic.
Sanji was without a doubt one of the most talented chefs you'd ever had the pleasure of eating from. The food in front of you was proof of that. You can't help but melt at every bite of the dish before you, it was just so freaking good. Maybe it's cause you haven't had a proper meal in about a day or two as well. Mix that little fact with the wine he keeps pouring and you're done for.
Conversation flows easily, the two of you letting whatever comes to mind simply pass with each moment.
"So, about what he said earlier.." Sanji begins, inhaling from his cigarette as you swallow down the wine you'd just drank.
"The clown or Zoro? Either way, they were right to be cautious. I'm not a threat that's for sure though." You explain.
He hums in response, leaning against his hair with spread legs. Fuck his thighs look good strained against the fabric of his slacks.
"It's been a long time since I've been on a ship. I... I was on one years ago and I traveled to the exact island were going to. Arlong was stationed there and I guess I just never forgot my way back." You explain, tracing the rim of the glass. Not like you had a choice to forget where it was...
"You don't have to explain to me. We've both got trauma, we grow and we get better. You seem to have gotten better." He admits, gaze unwavering.
"Damn, I should be an actress then cause I'm one traumatic event from falling apart." You spoke as he laughs
Sarcastic humor seemed to be his forte and you couldn't help but feed into it, each giggle that slips past your lips creeping its way closer to a full belly laugh. And when he smiles like that, so pretty it makes your chest squeeze. His piercing peeks out just a little, mouth wide with a smile as he tilts his head back.
You sigh, sipping at the wine again, your both a bottle in, the second one nearing its end.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're spoiling me Sanji." You hum, his smile was still present, blue eyes scanning your frame.
He stands, taking your empty plate before approaching the sink and speakng.
"You think so? Pretty girls shouldn't have to eat alone. Thought you'd like company" He admits, washing the dish, awaiting a response.
You finish off your glass and set it in the sink. He pauses for a moment, realising just how close you were, almost pressed against his back.
"Not a girl blondie." You whisper, the wine definitely sinking into your system if it hadn't before.
He swears, squeezing the sponge and plate. Any harder and it'd shatter.
The veins in his forearms are strained and you let yourgaze linger. As if your thought weren't far from ur at the moment this was only making it worse. You reach around him, just barely missing the curve o his hips.
"What're you-"
"A woman."
You shut the water off, stepping away from him with coy smile
"Thank you for the meal and the wine. It was lovely, Sanji."
He swears again, trying to cove it up with a laugh and another smile. Too late, you can see right past the facade.
"Ah, of course. Get some rest, Y/n"
Safe to say you love how Sanji says your name.
Morning comes quick and docking is quicker. Sanji is carrying the clown head sack this time and he doesn't seem too thrilled about it. You figured it best not to these him cause you could very well end up carrying the damn thing yourself if you didn't find his body. You manage to slip into some extra clothes, considering the ones you were wearing when this little excursion started were thoroughly torn from the fight.
Your shoes weren't practical but they'd have to do for now. A simple cream-colored blouse with a neckline that dipped almost too far down paired with some pants that were almost too tight was what you sported. Until your next docking point, you'd definitely have to make this last and maybe not have it get fucked up in a fight.
Though you didn't know much about this 'Nami' besides her name, you could feel whatever anxiety from the rest of the crew sink into your skin and turn your tummy. No one really spoke. Well, besides Usopp trying to convince everyone that he should go back to the ship.
You try keeping pace, Luffy and Zoro at the front, Sanji in the middle, Usopp and yourself lagging behind. Since he was the only one really talking, it wouldn't hurt to chat back.
"Soooo Nami, you guys know each other long?" You ask, slowing down so that you're side by side.
"No, but it feels like I have. I know she wouldn't do this to us just because. She's not that kind of person." He speaks, eyes solemn. If you were thinking correctly, each one of these 'crew' members, yourself included was picked up from somewhere else.
"I see. How did you end up on this crew anyway?" You ask, opening a door you had no idea about.
Usopp was about to tell you the story of a lifetime.
Authors note: heyyyy everyone here's chapter 4 a little longer than chapter 3. I'm really trying to like build this up before we get to the super 18+ parts but uhhh we got our first little taste lol. As stated before lmk if you'd like to be added to the taglist :D
Taglist: : @waannty @strangermeats @nymeriiia @noom147
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hopeluna-archived · 1 year
Hello! Please can I request Mammon x Reader where he sees she's upset and tries to get her to feel better with lavish gifts (classic Mammon), but in the end finds out the best way to make her feel okay is cuddles?
Mammon comforting fem!reader
Didn't know what to do so turned this into a drabble, hope u like it <3
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Now we all know that Mammon is a little slow sometimes but out of all the brothers he is probably the most emotionally supportive. So he notices very early on that your smile is faltering and your eyes are not sparkling and just down in general. Maybe you've been stressed lately with work or maybe you're on your period or maybe its just one of those days where everything feels wrong. Whatever it may be Mammon makes it his mission to cheer you up.
Mammon is ready to get the clown costume out. His first strategy to make you feel better is to make you laugh 'cause, laughing = good mood, right? When he does succeed to make you laugh but still notices your mood not improving much, he'll resort to gifts.
He gets you that outfit you were talking about the other day, that one piece of jewellery that caught your eye a week ago. Mammon forgets for a while all about his money making schemes as he starts spending more and more money to buy you gifts, also having to steal borrow some of Levi's money.
But still Mammon can tell as much as you appreciate his efforts and gifts in trying to cheer you up, its still just not it. But then a light bulb turns on in his brain when Simeon makes a comment on how you would probably appreciate it if you and Mammon just got to spend a little quiet time together.
Mammon makes sure his room is clean and comfy with thousands of blankets and pillows. He's got all your favourite movies and shows ready, he's set aside all your comfort snacks before dragging you to his room.
And Mammon finally feels like he can breath when he feels you practically melting into him in relief. He quietly chastises you when you say that he didn't have to do all this, murmuring under his breath that he'd do it all over again if he got to see the smile return to your face <3
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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honey-flustered · 2 years
Cruel Little Vixen 5
Rockstar!Perv!Eddie Munson x Journalist!Reader
Enemies to Friends to Lovers (18+ MDNI)
Summary: You and Eddie go on a date extravaganza and the night ends with a bang. 😉
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A/N: Hello, readers! I do apologize for the delays with this chapter i was a lot and really long but it’s finally here. This is fluff to the max with some smuttiness. Eddie is a dom at heart so he’ll def show his rough yet gentle side of sex a lot more. Really hope you all enjoy this chapter! We’ve got 3 more chapters to go and things will be kind of tense but the love will grow exponentially. Thank you for the feedback, support, and love. I love writing for yall!
>>>>Series Masterlist Part 5 of 8
Word Count: 7.9k+
Warnings: lots of fluff, graphic language, tattoos, alcohol consumption, dirty talk, dom!eddie, facefucking, reader and Eddie are horndogs and flustered, semi-public sexual activities, Eddie being a tease, smutty smut, french kissing, nipple play, fingering, oral sex (m & f receiving), inappropriate use of belt (bondage), breath play, dacryphilia, hair pulling, scratching, biting, rough to soft sex
Tomorrow had finally come and, boy, were you nervous. Terrified. You’d had several intense dreams last night about the sexy rockstar that would put to shame a boy’s wet dream from how much you flooded your underwear. It didn’t help that you knew what his lips felt like. Now you were up this morning wondering how you’d be able to handle ALL of him when only a taste of him made you see so many stars.
It’s been a while since you had sex. What if you cum fast? Do men care about that stuff? Do they take it as a compliment? You curse yourself for your inexperience.
This looked like the time to call a friend. So you call Chrissy who was more than giddy when she found out you’d finally be getting laid.
“And to a rockstar, at that. Most girls would love to be in your shoes right now. This makes us sisters, ya know. Except you get to go all the way!” She says over the phone.
“I don’t know. Maybe I should just cancel…”
“Hell no! If you cancel, you might as well write the word ‘clown’ on your forehead. You deserve to have many orgasms which he’ll definitely provide.”
“Yeah, he really does.” You muttered, only to have your eyes widen because you spoke that a little to loud.
“What do ya mean?” Then you hear a loud gasp. “He ate you out?”
You blush. “Can we not be so vulgar?”
Chrissy rambles, squealing in a pitch dogs would cower in. “Oooh my god! He did! You loved it! I’m sure you did! Tell me details! Tell me how you feel! How many times did you—”
“Okay, okay,” You cut her off, laughing at her eagerness. “It was…in-fucking-credible. Insane. My breath was taken away from at a couple times through the whole thing. Then at the end…mind blowing.”
“Love that for you, babes. Sooo, where are you guys going?”
“I’m not sure but he called me this morning. Told me that the rule for today is that we can’t say ‘no’.”
“Ooo, sounds kinky.”
“I hope not. I don’t think I’m ready for anything too intense just yet.”
“You are! You’re a pretty, sexy bitch and you are unstoppable. Now say it.”
You say it with a reduced, conservative energy compared to her. “I’m a pretty, sexy—”
“Say it like ya mean it, girl!”
Now you’re yelling. “I’m a pretty, sexy bitch and I’m unstoppable!”
“I’m a pretty, sexy bitch and I’m unstoppableee!” You yell into the phone.
“That’s what I’m talking about! Now you dress in your hottest fucking outfit that you’ve ever worn and rock that boy’s world. He won’t be able to keep his hands off you with how much of a fiery force you’ll be so long as you embody your true spirit of…a vixen.”
Indeed, you were the vixen. You were the one who stood up to Eddie. Who put him in his place and made him act accordingly. You were the one you got through the hard shell he put around himself. You needed to be reminded that you weren’t like any girl he’s ever had.
“You’re my fucking soulmate, poms.” You smiled brightly.
“You know it.”
The “Say ‘Yes’ Date Extravaganza”. A date in which you and Eddie would have no particular destination. He’d drive around blindly then if you both spot a specific model of car model in a specific color you’d stop and go to whatever place you’d stopped near.
The date was meant to be all day. So right after your call with your best friend, you got down to business. The look you were going for now. Angelic. A contrast of himself. You were going to be the face of innocence and he would be your devilish temptation. Little would he know that despite your pure appearance, you would be just as sinful seeking carnal corruption.
So you’d dress in all white. White faux leather thigh boots that gave you legs for days. Face makeup meant to give a soft touch to your face. Flowy hair down and kept slick and neat also a contrast to his wild curls. You were opposites but that’s what made this work all so well.
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There’s a knock at your door and your heart nearly leap out of your chest. You sauntered over to the door, legs and hands slightly trembling. When the door swings open, you and Eddie exchange looks of enchantment.
Handsome was an understatement. He was sex on two legs. Adonis incarnate. The very depiction of Lucifer as an angel. You could feel yourself growing feral at the very sight of him. His hair up to keep up with his suave look.
Meanwhile, Eddie audibly gulped as he took in your frame. He wasn’t sure how he stood strong when everything in him wanted to crumble to his knees before you and beg for something he wasn’t sure he needed from you.
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He carries flowers and a small gift box in his shaking hands, handing them over to you. His face a light shade of pink.
“F-for you.” He manages to get out.
It was so cute to see him when he’s flustered. Actually, it was a huge turn on, too. You reached for gifts, doing what you could so your skin wouldn’t make contact with his or you just might pounce.
“Really?” You asked, surprised at his refreshingly gentleman behavior. “You didn’t have to.”
“But I wanted to.” He nods, mustering up a toothy smile.
“Thank you,” You smiled back, forcefully ripping your eyes from him to prevent yourself from looking down at the beckoning erection growing in his pants. You uncovered the small rectangular box and let out a astonished gasp. It was a beautiful silver necklace, the pendant in the shape of a treble clef and encrusted with diamonds. “Oh, my god. Eddie, this is gorgeous. I-I couldn’t.”
He rolls his eyes playfully before gesturing a spin with his finger, wordlessly guiding you to turn your back to him. You opened your mouth to protest but let the words die on your lips, removing your own necklace and obeying his wish. Moving your up and out from your shoulders and back, as he draped the expensive jewelry around your neck. The cold touch of the silver when it first contacts with your skin sends a shiver down your spine. Then, you felt his fingers ghost over the back of your neck and despite the goosebumps that lit across your skin you began to feel hot.
His hands linger on you even after he’s already clasp the necklace around your neck. You can feel his breath against your neck, your chest rising in falling at the sudden lack of oxygen. You slowly turned to looked at him, his fingers dragging across your neck line as you did.
Your stares magnetizing as your eyes attract from his eyes, the his lips, then back to his eyes.
I want him so bad.
He clears his throat backing away. “You should probably put those in water.” He says, referring to the flowers.
“Y-yeah. I will do j-just that. ‘Scuse me.”
Maybe I’ll be putting myself in water, too.
Eddie rented a nice car to drive on the road in style or so he says. Really, you believe that the reason was for its speed.
“You wanna see how fast it goes?” He says, smirking menacingly.
“No, I value my life. Thanks, though.”
“You failed the test.”
“I was testing you. We’re doing a say ‘yes’ challenge. Ya can’t say ‘no’.”
Oh, right. This challenge could either be the worse thing I agreed on or the best decision of my life.
You groan. “Okay fine.”
“If you said yes before I wouldn’t have done it. But as your punishment….” Eddie lifts his foot off the gas, reeling it back.
“No, no, no!” You put your hands over your eyes.
After a couple of seconds, you realized that you were still moving at same constant speed. You peeked through your eyes at him. Him giving you a wink then looking back on the road.
“You’re an asshole.” You pout.
“I know. But you just look so adorable when your scared,” He chuckles. “It’s your pick first by the way.”
You were meant to pick a model of a car and its color you to elect for this first round of dates. You looked up, finger on your chin as you dramatically contemplated your choice.
“Red Cadillac.” You decide.
“What year?”
“Does it matter?”
“No. I just wanted to be annoying. Maybe find out if you know cars.”
“Not me. My older brother. The guy was obsessed.”
“You have a brother?” Eddie asks, intrigued by the new information.
“Mhm, older brother. By 4 years.”
“What do you think he’ll think of me?” He smiles, knowing it wouldn’t be good.
You were mostly surprised by that fact that he would bring up meeting your brother. That meant meeting your family. The kind of step you’d take once a relationship becomes serious.
“He’d probably kick your ass.”
He laughs. “That’s fair.”
“Oh! There it is. A red Cadillac.” You point.
Eddie gets into a parking spot and you stretch over to his side to look in his window. The sign read as: Frieda’s Art Shop.
“An art shop,” You say, plopping back down in your seat. “How nice. Little shady with the sign but I’m sure it’s just an aesthetic thing. So far the date’s going my way. Hope the next one choice will take us to a nice seminar about female empowerment.”
“You’re just saying that to make me suffer, aren’t you?”
“Can’t say ‘no’.” You shrugged.
“Jokes on you. I actually wouldn’t mind. I support women’s right to fuck who they want.”
“Well…it’s not entirely what female empowerment is about but you’ve got the spirit.” You say, disingenuously. “Now shouldn’t we enter the art shop.”
Eddie looks through the window at the destination then he looks back with a smug look. “Yeah…’art shop’. Let’s go, little vixen.”
He exits the car, leaving you feeling both uneasy and bewildered. Why did he say it like that? That tone in his voice always signals that he’s up to no good.
He opens your passenger door, holding out his hand. You reluctantly take it, wondering what exactly have you gotten yourself into.
When you made it to the entrance, you began to question whether this really was what you thought it was. Your concerns were confirmed when you both entered the premises. It wasn’t an art shop. It was a TATOO shop.
“Oh, no.” You whisper.
“Oh, yes.” Eddie counters.
“You rigged this!”
“It was your choice. Not mine. I’m just really lucky.”
You couldn’t believe it. You had to ask someone in charge what exactly is this place. Scurrying up to the counter, you greeted the purple-haired lady with extensive tats and piercings on her body. “Hello. I saw your sign out there and so I was wondering is this the art shop or…”
“It’s a body art shop. Sorry that signs missing some letters and now it’s become like a running joke with us. Didn’t you see the drawing of the hand with the electric needle? I thought it was self explanatory.”
“I thought it was a paint brush!” You defended.
She shrugs. “You can still see some art. You look like a fresh one. Newbie. I like ‘em new. Wanna get a tat?”
You look behind you, Eddie urging you on. You slumped in defeat, turning on your heels to face the woman who also carried an mischievous smile on her face.
“Alright,” You sigh. “Let’s do this shit.”
“Follow me, freshie.” The lady beckons with one finger.
Unenthusiastically, you walk after, Eddie following behind with a lot more pep in his step. When you were sat in the chair, you looked panically at him when you spotted the needle.
“You’re fun Y/n, remember?” Eddie encourages.
“‘Fun but know her limit’ Y/n. I might pass out right now.”
“What if we get one together? That’ll calm your nerves. I was looking to get one soon and you said you’d be doing the same last time. Today’s the day.”
“Okay. Maybe seeing him do it first will calm me down.” You say to the tattoo lady.
“Alright, whatever calms your nerves, princess. Raul, help our mate over here please.”
You growled. Why did everyone take you as some pamper princess? Back then, you were viewed far from that label. Although, you couldn’t deny the feeling of happiness you felt being treated as such by Eddie.
“Hold on a moment. You’re the bloke from that new hot band, Corroded Coffin! I fucking love your music, bruv.” Raul says.
“Thanks, man.” Eddie says, shyly rubbing the back of his neck.
“You think you could play sign my guitar. I’ve got it right here in the shop—”
“No, ya wanker. Can’t you see the man is trying to have a night of fun with his girlfriend. He doesn’t need to be bothered as a celebrity. Treat him as any client.” The lady with purple hair chastises.
“Fuck off, Lilia. You’re no fun.”
“You fuck off, Raul. Grab a needle and let’s get this started.”
Your chairs were positioned side by side. Eddie rolling up his sleeve for a tat in his inner wrist. The moment the needle touches his skin, he lets out a strained yell.
“Oh, crap. It hurts that bad!” You asked, eyes wide.
“No. I just wanted to scare you again.” He laughs.
“One of these days, Munson. Mark my words. I will terrify you.”
Without warning, Lilia begins to tattoo your inner arm and you jerk up. “Watch it, princess.”
“You’re the one who started with no heads up,” You shriek. Eddie holds out his hand and you immediately grip onto it. “This is the craziest thing you’re making me do!”
“I wouldn’t say that just yet. The date’s not over.” His laughter turning into a hiss as the needle dug deeper into his skin.
You and Eddie were now preparing to show off your tattoos as a surprise to each other. You were pleased with the tattoo and honestly it wasn’t so bad but you wouldn’t tell him this or he’d never let you live it down.
“Okay, reveal in 3…2…2 1/2….2 3/4…” He teases.
“Will you please hurry up?” You giggle, jumping up and down excitedly.”
You both remove your hands from your tattoos. You both immediately burst into laughter at your tattoos. They were matching tattoos of cats. It was your tattoo artist’s pick and she decided to surprise you both with the matching tattoos.
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“She gave us matching ones. How embarrassing.”
“To her defense, she buys us as a couple.” He nudges you with an elbow, your face growing hot.
You didn’t think he’d pick up on her commenting on you being Eddie’s girlfriend figuring it was best to ignore it. Were you his girlfriend? He hadn’t exactly asked.
Before leaving the shop you thanked the artists, Eddie even signing the guy’s guitar and talking about playing sometime together, exchanging phone numbers. It was a nice first start and the two of you had plenty more dates to attend.
“My pick is a black…. Mustang. That’ll be hard to find. I don’t think anyone in this city drives a mustang. We might have to go farther out.”
“I have a good feeling we’ll be seeing one soon and that this time the venue will be in my favor.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy that tattoo. I saw your toes curling each time she forced the needle deeper. You like pain.”
You scoffed. “N-no, I don’t.”
“You’re very convincing.” He says, sarcastically. “So…tell me about yourself. I feel like I’m still kept in the dark about you.”
“You know who I was.”
“Not high school. Like your whole life or something. You know a lot about mine with this article thing. What about you though?”
“You’re taking the role as the interviewer?”
“Yep, make it good. I could use a juicy story.” He quips.
“I don’t know. My life’s pretty boring. I didn’t have a terrible childhood. I was just always kinda there ya know. You know, my mom wanted me to take piano lessons. Wanted me to be a prodigy. Be interesting, ya know. Like my older brother who’s great at almost everything. My mom would always brag about him to her friends rarely about me. She wasn’t trying to forget me of course. She was still kind to me. It’s just I wish she noticed what I can do to. What I’m actually good at. My dad was the same only a lot more misogynistic. He didn’t think writing was a girl’s thing. I just got so used to being ignored at home that it was only second nature in school. I found myself comfortable being alone. Sometimes alone doesn’t mean lonely….but I’ve known them both. I’m glad I met Chrissy. She really helped me out my comfort zone in college. Now I don’t feel so lonely anymore. And now with you…I don’t think I’ve felt that feeling at all.”
You couldn’t believe you just admitted that. Yes, you both were on a path to being more real with your feelings but this was too much. Too vulnerable. You wished a black hole could swallow you and collapse in on itself.
“I’m glad you feel that way. I’ve felt that way with you, too. For a while now.” He says in a tone sounded slightly relieved.
“That’s great. I’m glad I can be that person for you, too.” God, you were blushing so much tonight. Him, as well. The two of you staying in happy silence as you drove the narrow road.
Then, you spotted a black mustang.
“Whoaa.” You both say simultaneously, staring up at the tall castle before you.
You were clearly showing yourselves as tourists in the crowd of people but neither of you cared. It was breathtaking. This was definitely set up in the cards for you.
“A tourist attraction where the atttraction’s a freaking castle. You don’t see things like that in Hawkins.” You say, wistfully.
“I don’t like museum but I can admit that this is pretty sick. You wanna explore?”
Taking each other’s hands, you run up the flight of stairs to the front entrance and eyes taking in the sights before. Beautiful artwork of religious stories depicted on the tall, tall ceilings and endless halls to be explored.
You wanted to act your wildest childhood fantasies of running through a castle. If only you had a longer gown but, nonetheless, you wanted to roam freely without seemingly looking like a complete fool. Eddie must’ve sensed this because instead of following along with the crowd, he sneaks you both into the back of the line before guiding you up the nearest steps with him.
“Where are we going?!” You whispered.
“We can have a history lesson about this place some other time,” He imitates an old Cockney British accent. “Diving into the quest is a far better option, m’lady.”
“I guess we can have our own little tour,” You smiled, bashfully. “Race you to the top.”
Yanking your hand away, you run up the stairs as best as your heel boots would allow you. He laughs, following after you. He could easily surpass you but then he wouldn’t be able to admire you from behind and that’s something he couldn’t allow himself to do just yet. Especially, when the view involves the short hemline of your dress swaying side to side revealing just a couple inches of more of your soft, ample thighs. He regretted his perverted mind, psyching him up enough to want to chase you and pin you up against a wall.
You giggled away, unaware of the turmoil you’d caused within him. He finally catches up to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and you squeal in delight.
You turned to face him, his hands lowering to your hip. Believing you would kiss him, he presses his forehead against yours. Your arms slide from around his neck, down his chest feeling the soft material of his shirt along with the hardness of his chest under your fingertips. Instead of doing what he’d hoped, you take his hand and run through the halls.
Every now and again, you’d stop and admire the views of gorgeous renaissance paintings and lavish architecture. By the time, you’d finish exploring the sun was beginning to set.
“There’s a maze here, too. This place is endless.” You say, in exhaustion mixed with excitement.
“Wanna explore it before it gets too dark? We can head to dinner after and then…whatever you decide.” He says, a glimmer of nerves in his tone.
Hw was making it your decision for how the night ends. You appreciated it knowing he was doing this to let you know that tonight didn’t have to end with you both sleeping together.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You smile softly.
Once you reached the maze, the museum guides explained that it would be a difficult maze and should you both need help, they’d come after you. But if you did escape the maze then you’d get a prize at the end.
The sun was still setting so there wasn’t much time to wait. You walked through hand and hand, neither of you saying a word. It wasn’t for the fact that you had nothing to say but it was more so that you both were really nervous.
You knew the time was approaching where after this date you’d have to make the decision if you wanted to go all the way. Not that you were being pressured but once you do it , there would be no looking at each other the same way. You know your feelings would only grow from that moment on.
“Yes.” You say, breaking the silence.
He whips head at you confused. “I didn’t say anything out loud…did I?”
You shook your head and laughed, “You didn’t. But this is my answer to you about tonight. ‘Yes, I want to…I want you to…”
He closes the gap between your bodies, causing your words to die on your lips. His hands are calloused and soft, cupping your face. You press a kiss to his palm.
“I want you more.” Eddie whispers, tauntingly.
“Not possible.” You say.
“Pretty sure it is. I’m the one who’s been trying to get your attention for these past weeks. I didn’t think you were interested til you kissed me.” Now he’s admitting things that he’d swear he’d kept all the way to his grave. That old man from the other night wasn’t a mobster…he’s a freaking wizard.
“Think I’m gonna need you to keep my attention some more,” You whispered against his lips. “Kiss me.”
He captures your lips in a chaste kiss. It’s like he’s afraid to go on further. Like he was still giving you room to change your mind. Placing, your hand around the back of his neck, you pull him deeper into the kiss and the ropes of restraint snaps. You’re frenching in the middle of this maze, his thigh between your legs for you to grind against. Little whimpers escaping your lips.
His hands cup your ass to guide your hips against him. Once he felt like you’d picked up on the pace he set, his hands went to the thick strap of your dress. He lowers it, setting your breast free. Instead of hiding yourself, you arched into him, moaning at the hungry look on his face. He dips his tongue in your mouth for one last kiss, you sucking on his tongue to stop him from breaking away but he does. He blows air against your neck before peppering kisses on the supple flesh. Your eyes flutter close, biting your lip at the sensation. Then, you felt a small lick on your breast gasping softly at the feeling of his expert tongue. He’s licking short, flicks up it’s curvature, purposefully avoiding your hardened bud.
When his tongue finally circles around it, you let out a cry loud enough for the guide to voice his concerns from the front of the maze.
“You guys need assistance in there?” The guide inquires.
You both laugh at the context of the question along with the sexual activities you both were participating in. Eddie resumes his ministrations on your nipple and bites down hard enough to jolt you and falters your grinding.
“Oh, fuck.” You whispered, shakily.
He pulls away and a line connecting his lips to your hardened nipple forms, breaking when you tug him by the hair for another kiss.
You almost got carried away, hands traveling down to his belt when he places a hand over yours. “This was just a preview of the fun we’ll be having later, little one. No more.”
“What happened to say ‘yes’ extravaganza? You’re saying ‘no’ to me.” You whined.
“With good reason,” He says, fixing your dress. “We’re in public.”
“Never stopped you.” You retort.
“True, but I’m a changed man.” His body peels off yours and you instantly miss the warmth of his body.
Snaking an arm around your waist, you both walked through the maze. It’s dark now and you could hardly see where you’d just come from.
“Okay, I think it’s time we call it a night. This is harder than I thought it was.” He cups his hands over his mouth to call for help when you place wrap a hand around his wrist and point at the few lights in the sky.
Sky lanterns. Without a word, you follow the lifht in awe not thinking of how fast you were going. You needed to see where exactly they were coming from.
It seemed like you were getting closer because more and more sky lanterns littered the night sky. Until finally, you’d made it out of the maze, a female guide waiting at the end with two sky lanterns.
“Congratulations! You made it to end of the maze. Very few could do it. Here are your lanterns. Straight through that walkway, it will lead you to an area near our pond where guests are releasing their lanterns. It’s a little treat before the holidays. Enjoy!” She hands you both your lanterns and you both walk down the stone pathway passed the tall trees and then you were where the clear skies were. Floating lanterns filled the sky illuminating the rippling pond. There were families, couples, all sorts of groups releasing their lanterns and the atmosphere just felt magical.
You made an agreement with one another to release your lanterns once you thought about something you wished for.
“What’d you wish for?” He asks.
“You know the rules. If I tell you, it won’t come true.” You flip your hair off your shoulders.
“You’re boring,” He says, pinching your nose. “Ready to release?”
“Oh, yeah.” You nod, eagerly.
“3, 2…1!”
You release, following your lanterns in the sky. They bumped and swirled against one another before disappearing in the sea of lights.
This confirms it, saying ‘yes’ was my best decision so far.
From your perspective, all you saw were the lights. From Eddie’s perspective, you were the light. A light brighter than any of the ones in the sky. You stared up and giggling to yourself at the beauty and he’s smiling to himself, lucky to see such a sight on you.
You glance at him, nearly missing his stare until you did a double take. You smile, curling up against his body, your head resting against his chest.
“You wanna get out here? I’m starving.” You sighed, hugging your arms tight around his waist.
“What are you in the mood for?”
“If I tell you, you’d probably look at me different. But for now, simply, I could eat some Italian.”
He kisses your forehead. “Let’s get you what you want.”
You downed your third drink for the night. The nerves making you drink as you searched for a boost of liquid courage. Neither of you had ordered any actual food up until this point. When the waiter left, you let out a string of words in an attempt to carry the conversation away from sex. “I can’t believe I got a tattoo. What will my parents think when they see this?”
“Probably how awesome it looks and how they’ll wish they were as cool as us.” Eddie laughs only slightly tipsy.
“Oh, yeah, my parents would totally want tattoos of cats holding guns.” You snort.
He just looked so good. How on earth are you not supposed to think about sex when he looks at you like that? You didn’t realize you were biting lips and staring at him as he spoke until he stopped and chuckled. “You okay?”
“I’m fuck—fine. I’m fine.” You facepalm yourself mentally at the freudian slip.
“Someone’s got a dirty mind.”
“Oh, god.” You hide your face.
“I’m just playing around. I’m actually having a tough time not thinking about it either.”
“Maybe we should skip dinner and order takeout. I don’t want to avoid this anymore, Eddie. I want you to fuck me.”
Eddie nearly spat out his drink in shock. He must’ve heard you wrong? No way would you be this direct.
“H-huh?” His heart beat loud in his ears as he does what he can to focus on your words.
“I said, ‘I want you to fuck…me’. I don’t want to wait anymore. I need you.”
“Shit. If I’m being honest, I’m not sure if I can stand right now. That just made me so hard.”
“Don’t make me wait. I want to feel it.”
“How badly?” He leans in closer.
“So badly. I wanted it ever since I’d seen you this morning.”
“I wanted you ever since you walked in my dressing room.”
“Then, take me. Make me yours.” You were like horny teenagers again, ready to search for the nearest room to pounce at each other.
You wren’t planning on staying for the food. Dropping some cash on the, Eddie and you make your way out trying to keep your hands away from each other long enough so you wouldn’t tear at each other’s clothes in the middle of the restaurant.
Every red light was an opportunity to feel his lips on your, every now and then you’d palm the front of his crotch. He was so huge. You knew the first time he’ll enter you, it’ll hurt but you’d willingly take that pain over the aching you felt for him not being inside you now.
He was driving at a little under the speed limit, not wanting to scare you. His need was so strong that if he didn’t hold back, he’d slam on the brakes.
“Faster.” You whined.
“I don’t want to scare you.”
“Oh, now you don’t,” You groan. “Please drive faster. If I don’t have you, I think I might go crazy.”
“And you think I’m not going crazy with how needy your being. I want to take you in so many ways.”
“Then, do it. Right now. Fuck the hotel. Let’s do it here.”
“Y/n, not another word. We’re almost there.” He rests a hand on your thigh, rubbing up and down in an attempt to soothe you but it only made everything worse.
You brush his hand away. “No! Don’t do that or we won’t be leaving this car.”
“Almost there.” He says, breathing heavily.
When you spotted the hotel in the distance growing closer you felt such a relief. The tension had consume you deeply and in return you absorbed it’s energy. Once the car’s parked, your hands are each other once again. You make way with his hairtie releasing his wild curls and tangling your fingers into them.
It was a good thing that as you stumbled through the lobby that no witnesses were there aside from the front desk receptionist who neither of you could care less for the situation.
The elevator felt like a long ride up to but it didn’t stop your wandering hands and exploring mouths. By the time you reached his room, you could barely let him stick unlock the door, pulling him into another kiss whenever he’d try.
“Just a sec, babygirl.”
“No mor waiting.” You whisper, breathlessly. Pecking his lips over and over.
“It won’t be long.”
You reluctantly release him from your grip and he turns to quickly and frustratingly unlock his room door. Once he’d managed to open it, it’s like an unholy spirit bestowed upon him. His eyes that glimmer with excitement now replaced with intense dark eyes.
You take in his shift in demeanor. It was enough to bring you to your knees and it did…at least it almost did until he’d wrapped his ring-clad finger around your throat, guiding you back to your feet.
“Strip for me.” He orders.
You swallowed hard but you knew you would listen with little ifs, ands, or buts. He releases you, taking a seat at the edge of the bed and giving you the spotlight. You remove your shoes first and showing off your legginess. Next came, the straps of your dress. You slowly move them down your shoulder, revealing your breasts before him. You’re given any room to feel embarrassed as he looked at you like you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
While you allows your dress to slide down your body, you notice his hands unbuckling his belt, snaking it out of the loops of his pants; eyes still glued to your figure. You stood before him now in your lace thong, making the next move to remove them.
“Keep them on.”
He saunters over to you taking your wrists in his hands. You look up at him with doe eyes, curious and filled with desire.
“Is this what you want?”
“Yes, please.”
“How do you it?”
“In any way you like. Just take me. Please.” You begged.
Wrapping the belt around your wrists and knotting it tight, you were at his mercy. That’s the way you both liked it. He guides you to the bed, you’re on your back with your tied hands above your head. You looked so ravishing before him. Submitting your body to him to do as he wishes. He won’t let you regret this. He aims to please you and leave you dumbified at the end of the night.
He starts by kissing up your legs, exchanging between the two. When he places a kiss on the top of your clothed covered pussy, you squirm in need as you’re reminded of the feeling of his lips between them. He dips a tongue into your bellybutton, chuckling as you moaned out loud.
He grips your side, squeezing as he adored your body. When he makes it up to your face, he kisses in heated passion. Busied by his talented mouth, you didn’t notice his hands push aside your under, dipping a finger into your tight, hot channel. He pumps away inside of you curling his fingers and wiggling it in spots that made you gush around him.
“Eddie!” You cried out, bringing your hands down to slow him but, with his free hand, he pins them back up over your head. Years of guitar and piano, had it’s perks for Eddie making him incredibly skilled at bringing a woman to tears from pleasure in a matter if seconds.
You were sobbing uncontrollably, feeling him the cold ring tap over and over against your clit. It was too good and mind-numbing to the point where you’d nearly forgotten you were in a hotel room where people can surely hear you through these thin walls.
When he pulls out, his fingers glistened, hovering over you. Your slick has the consistency of honey as Eddie spread his fingers apart to admire the way it dripped and clung to his finger. He tastes you, moaning.
“I love the way you taste, Y/n. Can’t wait to have more.”
You were dead. He’ll be using his fingers and his mouth down there and you were going to die from an overload of bliss. It’s not exactly a terrible way to die.
He slips your thong of you, inhaling its scent. God, even the way you smell was addicting. You were the death of him just as he were for you.
Turning you over on your stomach, he drags you by the legs, making sure you were bent over the edge; feet planted back on the ground. He spreads you wide, seeing your juices seeping from your puckering core.
He’ll mentally capture this moment. You bent over his bed with your perfect ass in the air. He gets on his knees behind you, toying with you clit with a few fingers and eliciting a broken record of moans. Then, his lips and tongue make contact and you began to ride back against his face in a desperate attempt to cum. His nails sinking into the flesh of your ass, enjoying the way you bucked against his awaiting mouth.
“That’s right, baby. Ride my face.” He rasps, smacking one ass cheek in the process. You groan, using the bed as leverage to rut against his face made for riding. His thick fingers are added back into the equation again, thrusting into you to produce more of your wetness. Whatever pours from you, he collects on his tongue wiggling around to drink of the aphrodisiac.
“You’re so fucking good, daddy,” Your eyes roll into the back of your skull. “You gonna make me cum so hard. Please.”
You throw a hand over your mouth, shoving your face into the mattress when you feel his long, fat tongue plunge into your pussy all while his finger played with your sensitive nub.
“Ohhh, unh my god. I’m close.” You pant, flashes of light spotting your vision.
He can barely talk. So invested on your pleasure solely, he couldn’t break his focus to speak when he wanted nothing more than to feel you quaking around his tongue.
“Eddie, oh fuck!” You came harder than you did the last time which was dangerous for you. You were hyperventilating like you ran a marathon as a wave crashed into you, causing your arousal to run down your wobbly legs.
He slurps up whatever he could, groaning at the aftershocks racking through your body that jolt you back against his face.
He stands to his feet turning you back to face him and your blissed and spaced out. You were boneless but alive.
You sit up once you recovered, sliding down the bed to your knees in front him; your hands resting on his pants.
“This is about you.”
“And this is what I want.” You unbutton the front of his pants, eyeing him as you did so.
You lower his pants along with his underwear, kissing his soft belly and the trail of hair. One more tug and he springs out of his confines, popping out like a 3D movie.
This is your first time seeing his dick. It’s obviously incredibly huge. Veiny cock with a pink engorged tip, super thick and long, you questioned how could any man be this blessed.
He’s mouthwatering. You take him in your hands, running the tip and base over your lips. You kiss his cock hoping it’s enough to express your craving of him. He stares down at you from above thumbs swiping sweetly across your cheek as you take him into his mouth.
He hisses. “Fuck, that mouth is good.”
He grips your hair, guiding you against him. Despite your hands being bound together you made it work. With the force of his thrusts and his cock hitting the back of your throat, you pump him in between these moments. Gagging and salivating as you’re attempts to swallow him proved to be a challenge.
“You look so fucking hot. Got your mascara running down your face trying to swallow me, little vixen.” He brings you all the way down, your nose hitting meeting his happy trail and taking in his manly scent.
He pulls out of your mouth, watching as you coughed at the vigorous throat fucking.
“Cum in my mouth. Wanna taste you on my tongue.”
“Stick it out for me.”
You do as he says, sticking out you the wet appendage to offer for his enjoyment. He run his cock back and forth over your tongue, then slams back into your throat again. Your lips stretching further to accommodate him and whatever your mouth couldn’t reach, you stroked energetically.
With his balls drawing in, you began to with them to the actions of your head bobbing.
“Aw, fuck, Y/n….don’t fucking stop. Such a good girl.”
He sounded so sexy, falling apart because of you. “Mmm, yes, baby. Yes. Show me how much you want it.”
You sucked harder, staring into his eyes daringly. You wanted his soul and he’ll gift it to you with a smile on his face. “Shit, shit, shit.” He chants in succession, flooding your mouth with his cum. You’re relentless as you continued to suck him off with fervent passion, drinking every last drop.
His knees nearly buckle. You were sucking him to the point of sensitivity and he felt like maybe his life force had been sucked away, too. He hadn’t even penetrated you and already he’s weakened by your touch.
You pull off him, looking like you were expecting more. He couldn’t be more proud at this.
“Can I have it inside me now?” You rubbed your head against his thigh.
“You want it hard?”
“Please, so hard.”
“I might ruin that tight little pussy. You have felt a dick like mine.”
“I can handle it.“
“Give me your hands.”
You extended you hands, he frees them from the restraints and you’re more than happy. You were rewarded with the permission to touch him.
“Should I get a condom? I’m clean but I’m not sure I’ll be pulling out if I’m inside you.”
“Don’t. I’m clean and on the pill. I got on it for you, hoping one day I’d get to have you. Thank you for giving me your cock, sir.” You kiss his thigh, you were a complete opposite of yourself. You could hardly recognize who you were but it was his affect on you which resonated so intensely with you.
You’re laid back against his bed. You complained of the amount of clothes, he still had on and he listens; throwing off his clothes. You love the way his body looked. He was covered in tattoos and he was had the kind of body that was fit yet soft enough for your to cuddle.
He wanted to watch your reaction once he slipped to you. Skin against skin, eyes locked. The engorged head of his cock pressed against your entrance.
“Tell me when it hurts, okay?”
You nod. He presses the tip into you and although you felt the burn of the stretch, it didn’t seem to bad. Until he’d knocked deep into you, splitting you open inch by inch. You’re eyes widen.
“Oh, my god. Wow. I’m being split in two,” You choked out, blinking back tears. No matter how wet you were, nothing could’ve prepared you for this. “Oh wow. Wow.”
He kisses at the teary corners of your eyes, circling your clit as he deep, slow stroke into you. You hear the noise of squelching build up as he pick up the pace, watching his mouth fall open at the feeling of you.
“So damn tight.” He growls.
You whimpered. The pain slowly dissipating to a bubbling pot of lust, love, pleasure combined. You dig you nails into his back, raking down on the freckled skin.
“It’s so good.” You mewled before capturing his lips.
Once he felt like, you’d gotten used to him. He’d gone rougher, heavy balls hitting against you ass as he pummeled into your sweet heat.
You closed your eyes, smiling a little at the feeling of him filling you over and over. You missed this feeling and you were most happy to know that it was him that would claim your body after so long being off men.
His chokes you, gently hitting a spot deep enough in you that made you yelp with every slam against it. He lit you up in ways that you didn’t understand. The lack of oxygen feeling euphoric. He releases his tight grip and you gasp for air only to feel it cut short once again.
He whispers the dirtiest things in your ear along the lines of ruining you for other guys and keeping you tied to his bed for the rest of the trip and it worked enough to have you spilling in his sheets.
“I’m gonna cum. Daddy, can I please cum?” You asked, your tone pornographic.
He hits up into your guts and you can feel him, prodding through your stomach, nudging the spongy button within you.
“Cum for daddy. Make daddy all wet.”
You weren’t sure how you would do that until you felt him reach a depth of you that flash your vision white and you screamed as the sensation built and built then released with a satisfying flow of wetness.
You whined loud as he bit into your neck, pounding and sloshing around in your pussy. You were clenching around him hard enough to keep him from thrusting with ease.
With one last clench, he spills within you not long after after you. Breathing heavily and stifling his whines, he wrings himself for all he’s worth within you, coating your walls.
You were being filled by a rockstar. By Eddie Munson. A man you admired from afar. A man you hated once. A man who you once considered as your friend. This very man made you cum so hard around him, making you already anticipate for another chance at this.
He stills inside of you with a satisfied sigh. You playing with the curls of his hair. The night had ended with a band, indeed.
He pulls out of you, the sudden lost making you feel cold again. With laying next to you, it isn’t to bad especially when he pulls you to his side to rest on his chest. He looks down, smiling at you. “You feeling okay?”
“I feel like I just experienced something so out of this world. I feel like a whole new woman!
“I’m thinking for the rest of the night I’ll continue to make you feel that way. Anything to keep my girl by my side.”
You tensed. “Your girl?”
“Y-yeah,” He laughs dryly. “If it’s okay with you, of course.”
You smiled, giddily. Maybe it was the butterflies in your stomach from those orgasms or overall having Eddie as yours but it felt like you were on top of the world.
“Of course, it’s okay, Eds. I’m your girl.” You kissed his sweaty chest, curling into him.
“Good,” He sighs his relief, squeezing you closer. “The night’s far from over just so ya know. I’ve waited patiently for you. I’m going to get my fill of you by the end of the night. If that’s possible of course.”
“Bring it,” You challenged with a smirk. “I was wondering if it was only a warm up.”
He chuckles, darkly. “Oh, you’re gonna get it now.”
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Taglist: @that-idiot125 @strangerthingsstories5255
@haylaansmi @tlclick73 @chcolateeyelver
@apolixyan @micheledawn1975 @maystecc @gay-weirdo262772 @itswormtrain @httpmedxsa
@3m0xbunn1 @bebe0701
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@moonisu @mopeymopeymouse @lluviamg06
@shinydixon @cherrysoda444 @lovelyvivii @keiracottreau @mirrorsstuff @eddiemunson95 @e-munson666
@munson-fixation @paradoxicalconundrum @lulukings92 @sherrylyn628 @szalipcombo @elamity
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spqcebunsforever · 9 months
I thought you were dead!?!
Pairing: LA Buggy x Reader
Summary: Buggy and Y/n are two captains who seem to both "hate" each other. Every time they meet it seems like they want to rip each other's throats out. But what happens when they both get told that the other has died how will they react.
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y/n’s pov
"ONE OF THESE DAYS I SWEAR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU". I shouted at the blue-haired pirate who had just run away with all my rightfully stolen jewels. "NOT IF I KILL YOU FIRST DOLL" he shouted while running giving me his signature stupid smirk. I swear that clown would be the death of me this was the 3rd time we had been at the same place and we would always end up fighting. He just had such a cheek he thinks because he has powers he's better than the rest of us I honestly want to strangle him. I was about to run after him to continue our fight and hopefully get my jewels back but my first mate had run up and told me that the marines had been contacted and would be showing up any time now.
I sadly had to admit defeat because I would rather be killed by that blue-haired bastard than be caught by the Marines. "Ugh fine come on then everyone back on the ship" I was hoping that even though all my stuff had been stolen the crew had been able to grab some valuable things but I wasn't getting my hopes up I loved my crew but I knew I didn't have the sharpest crewmates the only one who had any real common sense was my first mate. So when I got on my ship I immediately went to my quarter and locked the door. The moment the door was shut I fired a dart right in the middle of the wanted poster of Buggy I had on my wall I swore that one day I would be the one to take down that annoying pirate.
A few weeks later I was pleasantly surprised I hadn't once bumped into the clown for a whole 2 weeks. I was a little suspicious at the start thinking he would pop out any second to catch me off guard but he didn't. But I can't lie after the first week things started to get boring not having someone there so you could fight was really boring we were just doing the same thing over and over again ransacking villages and leaving then the next day we would repeat the whole thing. At least when Buggy would show up we always had a different thing to fight about and I wouldn't know the exact time he would show up but he always did. While I was in my quarters thinking about how boring things had gotten my first mate came in looking a little upset. "What's wrong with you why the long face".
The news that came next was not something I was ready or expecting to hear. "We have just been given the information that Captain Buggy is dead I thought you would want to know". I didn't know how to respond I was in a state of shock for a second. "Is this a joke because if it is it's not the funniest you've told". My first mate just shook their head "No I'm sorry captain but it's not a joke but I'll leave you alone for now" and with that, they left leaving me with my thoughts. He couldn't be really dead right who would be able to kill him I couldn't think of anyone that would have been able to kill him or would have really wanted to. This was it my boring days were now here to stay I would never have to worry about him sneaking up on me or trying to steal my stuff from right under my nose and I would now never need to keep a lookout for blue hair or a random flying limb and I would now never have to worry about hearing his stupid voice ever again and thinking about that was making me...sad.
I walked straight out of my room and went straight to my first mate telling them that the plans had changed. We were supposed to be heading to a very wealthy village where we would steal all their gold but now that I'd heard this news the only place I wanted to go was a very small and poor island where me and Buggy had first met. I wanted to go back there because even though we hated each other I still had some respect for the idiot and I wanted to at least do something nice and a little bit meaningful for him. So we turned the ship around and started making our way to the island.
When we arrived I was a little upset about the state the island was in. Sure I and buggy were most of the reason that the village had been destroyed but the rest of the island looked dead there were barely any living plants and the ground was now just dirt and from the look of the place it didn't look like anyone even lived here anymore. I had told my crew that I would only be a few minutes and I left to find the perfect place to set down the flowers I had brought. It took me a while to find the perfect place but after walking around for a few moments I found the perfect place. I kneeled down and put the flowers down and before I stood up I pulled his wanted poster out of my pocket and lay it down next to the flowers and put some rocks on each side of the poster so that it would stay and the wind wouldn't blow it away.
But just as I was about to leave and head back to my ship I heard footsteps coming towards me. So thinking that it was someone who would be a danger to me I quickly hid behind the nearest tree and after hearing the footsteps stop I slowly poked my head out and I couldn't believe who I saw. Buggy the fucking clown the guy who I thought was dead and the whole reason that I even came to this island. I came out from behind the tree and pointed my finger at him. "I thought you were dead!?" he looked up at me also looking completely shocked "Wait I thought you were dead what are you doing here, I even cried over your death give me my tears back!". I had just noticed the flowers in his hands "Wait you cried when you got told I was dead" I noticed that his face was turning red. "Maybe...okay yeah I did" We both stood there in silence for a few moments until I walked closer to him and sat down where I had placed my flowers and he followed my actions sitting next to me.
"well, it's a little weird that we both wanted to respect each other at the same place". He just shrugged his shoulders "Well this is the first place where we met so I thought it would be at least nice to put down some flowers here". I just gave him a soft smile "Yeah that was my exact thought process as well". before I could say anything else Buggy picked up his wanted poster that I had put down "Why does my wanted poster have so many tiny holes in it" I just awkwardly coughed "Ugh I don't know I think I picked it up like that" He just shrugged and put the poster back down. "So you know how I reacted when I got told you had died how did you react when You heard that I died".
I didn't really know what to say because I didn't even know how I felt but I tried my best to explain it. "I don't think I wanted to admit it to myself but I was gutted I thought I would never see you again or fight you again or just be around you again and not seeing you for about 2 weeks I realized how boring it was to not have you around all the time and I guess what I'm trying to say is that I was really going to miss you if you were really dead". I turned to look him right in the eyes and he just gave me a soft smile something I didn't think I would ever see on his face "Well don't worry doll know I know how you feel I promise you that from now on none of your days are even going to be boring again and also I got these for you sure I thought you were dead but still". I took the flowers from him and let out a quiet laugh putting my head on his shoulder and we both sat there enjoying each other's company while watching the sunset.
Y/n's First mate's pov
I and Mhoji high-fived as we watched the Captains sit with each other. "Finally I'm glad you came up with this or I don't think they would ever actually speak about their feelings". I just laughed "Yeah they are both so headstrong and the plan worked perfectly just as I knew it would". Me and Mhoji again high-fived as we walked away letting the captains have some privacy.
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Hello!! Congrats on your 350 followers! I'm sure that number will just keep growing the more people read your fics! I'm so excited about your event.
You've written some of my favorite Hunter fics, so I'm going to stick with him.
Companion: Hunter
Luggage: Fluff and maybe Family? I wasn't really sure what the family would entail, but with Hunter maybe it could be something with Omega?
Destination: Hoth (I like the idea of the freedom and new beginnings, like maybe after everything is over and everyone is happy he can start fresh being a dad, not a soldier) and/or Pabu (relaxation and peace.)
Extra: If a female character could be included, that would be awesome also...maybe the fluff part...someone he could end up with that would be a great mom for Omega.
I'm not sure if that's possible, so take what you can use out of that and add in anything you need (just so it's Hunter and is a happy ending I will be excited!)
Carol (@clonethirstingisreal)
Thank you for booking with Soaring's Tours. We're now ready to board your flight. Please mind the gap between the transport and the platform. We wish you a pleasant journey!
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A Place Called Home
Determined to leave the fighting and running behind now that your little family are all together again, you settle into your new home in Upper Pabu.
Pairing: Hunter x f!reader
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: spoilers for S3, clowning that CX-2 is Tech, fluff, sweetness, domestic goodness, happy family times, all the kisses, reader treats Omega like a daughter, flirting, quirofilia (a thing for hands), very small reference to knife play, sprinkle of innuendos, implied night together.
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“I’m thinking forest green on this wall and leaving the other three as they are.” You muse, glancing around the room at the four white walls.
Between the credits Omega and Crosshair acquired during their escape from Tantiss and the credits you procured after tying up some loose ends on Ord Mantell, you all could afford a beautiful home in Upper Pabu. 
The boys and Omega had been excited to finally have a house – to have their own rooms. With your little family reunited and Tech’s memories starting to return, you’d put your foot down. There would be no more fighting, no more running. Echo had opted to stay with Rex and take care of Tantiss, and you’d received news last night that they’d successfully freed all of the clones being held captive and razed the place to the ground.
Wrecker was sad to miss the explosions. Echo sent him a holovid of them as an apology. 
“Whatever you’d like, cyar’ika,” Hunter answers, setting down the last box of furniture in the centre of the room. It had taken a few trips to bring all the newly purchased items back to Pabu, every bit of space in the Marauder utilised, and you couldn’t wait to set everything up.
Turning, you offer Hunter a soft smile as he approaches. A light breeze wisps through the room, the doors to the balcony overlooking the ocean thrown open. The early morning sun was already warming everything up and casting a golden glow across the tranquil island. 
“You get a say too, my heart.” You remind him.
Hunter draws you closer, wrapping his arms around you as you lean against his chest. Without his armour, he can feel the warmth of your body against his own through the thin layers of civilian clothing you’ve picked out for him - a new wardrobe for a new chapter of life. “I’m not bothered what colour you paint the walls, just so long as you’re happy.”
Pulling back from the embrace, you look up at the man you adore and reach for the small comms unit in your pocket. “Cross…” You speak as you flick it on. 
The line crackles to life a moment later. “Yes?” The familiar drawl comes through.
“Can you please pick up some forest green paint, too?” You ask sweetly, and you can almost picture the sniper’s eye roll in the following silence. He’d headed out a short while ago with a list of items to buy from the island’s stores, Omega and Batcher in tow. The lurca hound’s strength was being used, pulling a small cart for purchases.
“Anything else?” Crosshair questions.
Thinking for a moment, there was nothing else you wanted to add to the shopping list. But you did have a little surprise for them. “I slid some extra credits into the pouch. Make sure the three of you stop off somewhere nice and get some breakfast. We’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
“Goody.” Crosshair deadpans.
Chuckling softly, you shake your head. “I mean it, Cross. No skipping meals.” You’d been trying your hardest to help him regain some of the weight he’d lost on Tantiss.
“Understood.” He replies, his tone more serious now. “We’ll grab something decent.”
“Great. We’ll see you soon.” You end the call and slip the comms unit back into your pocket.
“Spoiling them again, are we?” Hunter teases, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Playfully swatting at his arm, you offer him a grin. “Hey, they’ve been through a lot. They deserve nice things. You all do.”
“Fair point,” Hunter concedes, knowing that everything you do for him and his siblings is out of love and care. It was ingrained in your nature, and it’s part of why he’s been so drawn to you since you first met.
You smile up at him, feeling a rush of happiness and contentment wash over you. It still amazes you how far you’ve all come since the early days of the war. Back then, you never would have imagined ending up in this peaceful little corner of the galaxy, surrounded by people who care about you. “Come on, this furniture isn’t going to build itself.” You hate to break the moment, but you hadn’t been lying – it would be a long day to get the house ready to live in.
As you and Hunter assemble the furniture, the playful banter continues. Tools clink softly as you work, and occasionally, one of you laughs over a particularly amusing remark.
“You know, for a tough, stoic soldier, you’re surprisingly good at putting together furniture.” You tease, watching as Hunter carefully screws in a bolt.
He smirks, glancing at you. “I think you’ll find I’m a man of many talents.”
“And don’t I know it.” You murmur, handing him another piece of the dresser he’s assembling as your eyes rake over the length of his body before settling back on his deft hands.
Hunter can feel the weight of your gaze on him, smirk still firmly in place as he basks in your admiration. “Cyar’ika, you’re getting distracted.” He points out, voice low as his gaze flits across to you, nostrils flaring as he breathes in your scent.
“Can you blame me?” You ask, reaching out to slowly drag your fingers down his forearm towards his strong hands, enjoying the unrestricted access now he’s packed away his armour.
Hunter watches as you touch him, enjoying the warmth of the action. You’ve always been more physically affectionate - lingering hands and gentle caresses. It had taken some getting used to for his senses not to freak out at the contact. “I’m not even holding my vibroknife.” He teases.
“And now I’m thinking about that. Thanks.” You sigh, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips as your hand curls around his wrist.
Your joint laughter echoes around the room, and Hunter can’t help but lean towards you, stealing another kiss. Everything with you had felt so easy since the very first day. “Later. At least let me build the bed first.” He chides playfully, but a glint of desire shines in his eyes. 
You concede with a nod, earning a smile from him before you let go of his wrist. You focus on building the furniture, even though desire still pools in your belly. Each completed piece is placed in the middle of the room, and old tarps from the Marauder are thrown over it to protect it from potential paint splatters. 
As you work, footsteps climbing the stairs interrupt your progress. Glancing towards the door, you see Crosshair and Omega with paint cans, while Batcher has a bag hanging from her mouth full of brushes and rollers.
“We’re back!” Omega announces cheerfully, setting down the paint cans she’d been carrying.
Crosshair follows behind her with a hint of amusement as he observes Omega’s exuberance. “Got everything on the list,” he states, holding several other cans.
You smile warmly at them both, grateful for their efforts. “Thank you, both of you,” you say sincerely, moving to inspect the cans of paint - the perfect amount for the room. Reaching for Batcher, you pry a few brushes and rollers from the bag in her mouth, giving her a gentle pet of thanks afterwards.
“What colours did you pick?” You ask, handing one of the cans to Hunter as he finishes laying down some tarps to protect the floor.
“Purple.” Omega answers, pointing to one of the cans Crosshair was holding.  
“Grey.” Crosshair chips in. “Yellow for Wrecker. Orange for Tech.” He adds, lifting some of the other cans. 
Omega grins, patting her thigh, which prompts Batcher to return to her side, the hound sitting next to her. “We’re all doing feature walls,” she explains happily.
“Trendsetter.” Hunter nudges you, grinning. 
You chuckle, enjoying Omega’s lightness and enthusiasm - after everything that had happened to her, she deserved to be a kid and enjoy the innocence that came with it. “Alright, the sooner we start, the sooner we can get the furniture in place and spend the night here.”
With that, the room fills with activity. Crosshair excuses himself to deliver the other paint cans and start making progress in his own room, whistling for Batcher to follow. The lurca hound is more than happy to trail after her favourite human.
As the door swings shut behind the sniper, Hunter pries open a can of green paint, pouring some into three trays and placing a brush with each. He hands one to Omega, the other to you, and he keeps the third one. 
As you all begin to paint, Omega takes the lead, happily painting broad strokes of green onto the wall, only able to reach halfway up it. You focus on the edges, painting neat lines, while Hunter fills in the top section that Omega can’t reach. 
Continuing to work, it isn’t long until you and Omega are side by side. Feeling cheeky, you swipe a finger through the paint on the end of your brush, calling the young girl’s name to catch her attention. As she turns to look at you, you strike, smearing a streak of green across her cheek. 
Omega gasps in surprise, her eyes wide as she stares at you in disbelief. Then, a mischievous grin spreads across her face. “Oh, it’s on now!” She declares, dipping her finger into the paint and flicking it at you with a giggle.
Your laughter melds with hers as the paint splatters your bare arm, and Hunter watches the exchange with amusement, shaking his head fondly at the playfulness between the two of you. He appreciates how you always try to give Omega a childhood, even when you all fled the Empire and worked jobs for Cid. The way you doted on her warmed his heart. “Alright, let’s keep it civil, you two.” He interjects, holding up a hand in a gesture of peace, as if this were a serious fight, though the smile on his lips gives the game away.
You and Omega exchange grins, and before Hunter has time to stop it, you both smear green paint across his face, covering the bridge of his nose and his tattooed cheek. 
“Oops.” You mutter in faux innocence, batting your eyelashes.
Hunter blinks, looking momentarily stunned before a slow grin spreads across his face. “Oh, it’s like that, is it?” He says, his tone teasing. Without missing a beat, he dips his finger into the paint tray and swipes it across your forehead, leaving a streak of green.
You gasp, feigning shock, before pouting. “Hey, no fair!” You protest, trying your hardest not to chuckle as Omega’s laughter fills the room.
Hunter steps forward, balancing the paint tray in one hand as he slides an arm around your waist, hauling you in. You’re radiant in the midday sunshine, eyes sparkling with mischief, the smear of paint across your forehead incredibly endearing. Dipping his head down, his lips meet yours in a tender kiss, tongue sliding against your lips teasingly before he breaks the connection, aware that you have an audience. Mouth ghosting across your cheek, he pauses as he reaches your ear. “I’ll paint you with something else later.” He rasps quietly, teasingly squeezing your side before he pulls away, heat burning in his gaze. 
Stunned into silence, warmth flushes through you. You watch, mouth agape, as Hunter returns to painting, completely unruffled. 
Omega calls your name, snapping you out of your. “Are you okay?” She asks, unsure what Hunter said to you, though she’s pretty sure she doesn’t want to know whatever it was. 
You blink, shaking your head slightly to clear your thoughts. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You assure her with a smile. “Just got lost in thought for a moment.”
“Mhm.” Omega hums. She loves seeing you and Hunter openly affectionate and is still proud of the little stunt she pulled shortly after you all fled Kamino, which led to the two of you getting together. She’d always been intuitive and knew from the get-go that there was something between you. “Good, then stop slacking,” she teases, turning back to continue painting.
You rejoin her, and the playful banter and occasional laughter continue as you work together to finish painting the wall. The forest green paint covers the surface quickly, leaving behind a fresh, vibrant hue that transforms the room.
A sense of satisfaction washes over you as you step back to admire your handiwork. The colour stands out against the remaining white walls, adding a pop and some character. “It looks wonderful.” You remark, smiling at Omega and Hunter. “Great job, team.”
Omega beams with pride, placing her paintbrush back onto the tray.
“How about we take a break and grab an early dinner?” Hunter glances towards the windows, making a rough guess at the time.
The idea of a break sounds appealing, and you nod in agreement. “Sounds like a plan. I’m starving.”
“How about a barbecue?” Hunter suggests, figuring it was worth the little extra time it would take compared to rustling something up in the kitchen. “We can grill some food outside and enjoy the nice weather.”
“Sounds perfect.” You agree. “Go fire up the grill. Omega and I will tidy up in here.”
Giving you a small kiss, Hunter heads out to the backyard to start the grill, leaving you and Omega to clean up the painting supplies and put away the tarps. It doesn’t take long, and once the room is tidied up, you and Omega make your way outside to join Hunter. The smell of cooking food fills the air, making your stomach grumble, and there’s already a small spread of food on the table.
“Looks like you’ve got everything under control,” you remark, stepping behind Hunter to wrap your arms around his waist as he mans the grill.
A huff of laughter leaves Hunter. “When have I not had things under control?”
“You do not want her to answer that.” Tech’s voice cuts through the moment as he steps out into the yard to join you all, along with Wrecker and Crosshair. Although Hemlock’s reconditioning had stolen most of his memories, he’d spent his life recording everything and was working through clips to see if they jogged anything in his mind. Between that and all the stories you all shared, snippets were starting to come back to him.
The boys and Omega slide into chairs around the table. You chuckle at the remark and the thin press of Hunter’s lips, knowing full well that there have been plenty of times when his plans haven’t gone smoothly. “Alright, everyone grab a plate,” you call out, gesturing to the spread of food laid out on the table as you place down another one. 
“I’m starvin’,” Wrecker exclaims, reaching for a few Nuna drumsticks. The rest of the group follows suit, filling their plates with delicious food and settling around the table. The atmosphere is relaxed and cheerful, and laughter and conversation fill the air as you enjoy the meal together.
As you eat, contentment washes over you. You’d fought so hard for this - moments where you could enjoy each other’s company and revel in life’s simple pleasures. Your little family deserves it after everything that’s happened, and you soak it in, feeling grateful that the Kaminoans assigned you as a liaison to the boys all those years ago.
Once everyone has eaten, Crosshair cleans up the grill while the rest of you remain around the table, enjoying the warm afternoon sun, and eventually, the conversation turns to plans for the rest of the day. “We should start putting the furniture where we want it in our room.” You suggest, glancing at Hunter.
“I’ll help with the heavy lifting!” Wrecker volunteers, already pushing back his chair and getting to his feet. The rest of you smile at his enthusiasm.
As a unit, you clear the table, gathering up the remaining dishes before heading back inside. With everyone pitching in, the process goes quickly. It also takes little time for Wrecker and Hunter to put the bedroom furniture where it belongs. The newly painted wall is mercifully already dry, thanks to Pabu’s heat. 
With a shout of thanks to Wrecker as the big man leaves your room, you let out a deep exhale. This is home now. And you can’t quite believe how lucky you are. 
Crossing the room, you step onto the small balcony overlooking the ocean. Your hands wrap around the warm metal railing, and you take a moment to close your eyes and let it sink in. As you stand there, basking in the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze, you hear the soft sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Opening your eyes, you turn to see Hunter stepping out onto the balcony, a small smile playing on his lips as he joins you. 
“Enjoying the view?” He asks, his voice quiet and gentle.
You nod, turning back to face the water, leaning against the railing as you see the endless ocean stretching out before you. “It’s gorgeous,” you reply, glancing over your shoulder at him. “Almost as gorgeous as you.”
Hunter shakes his head, flattered by the compliment but mad at himself for not seeing that you’d snatch the low-hanging fruit. He steps closer, pressing up against your back as he wraps his arms around you. You lean into his embrace, relishing the warmth and strength surrounding you.
“I’m glad we’re here.” He murmurs, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“Me too.” You whisper, letting go of the railing with one hand to intertwine your fingers with his. “I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.”
For a moment, you simply stand there together, enjoying each other’s company and the moment’s tranquillity. The world fades away, leaving only the two of you and the gentle sound of the waves below. Even the boys’ noise around the table in the yard, teaching Omega how to play Sabacc, fades into the background.
Eventually, Hunter breaks the silence, his voice soft and affectionate. “I love you.” He says, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head.
“I love you too.” You reply. “More than anything.”
Happy, Hunter dips his head down, his nose finding the crook of your neck. In slow motion, he drags it up the length of your throat towards the back of your ear, breathing in your scent.
The sensation sends shivers down your spine, and you tilt your head slightly to give him better access, relishing in the moment’s intimacy. His lips brush against your skin, feather-light and achingly tender, sending a rush of warmth through your veins. You close your eyes, losing yourself in the sensation of his touch, his breath hot against your ear.
“Think it might be time to paint my favourite masterpiece…” He murmurs, his voice heavy with desire. 
You inhale sharply at his words, hand tightening around his own as desire curls through you. Turning in his arms, you press your lips to his in a passionate kiss, hands reaching up to hold his handsome face. 
Heat courses through Hunter as he grasps your rear, taking control of the kiss as he steps backwards into the room, drawing you along with him. 
There was a new bed to break in. 
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Tag list: @clonethirstingisreal @starrylothcat @cw80831 @issa-me-bry-blog @leftealeaf @isaidonyourknees @padawancat97 @dangraccoon @jedi-hawkins @dreamie411 @sverdgeir
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yukipri · 4 months
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Ngl this is sorta making me queasy with excitement/nervousness...
Especially coming right on the tail of:
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So even though I will likely be a clown (again) this time tomorrow, here's what I wrote out in the twitter thread above:
Please @/starwars Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 2, this time with Ewan McGregor and Temuera Morrison as co-stars. There's closure now with Obi-Wan & Vader. Next, closure between the Jedi & the clones on Order 66, represented by the 2 we saw experience it first: Obi-Wan and Commander Cody
I know in the latest Obi-Wan comic, Obi-Wan basically goes "I miss Cody to this day, even though he tried to kill me. Ah well." And it just K*LLS me that that's it. Obi-Wan (and most the Jedi) have no clue that the clones were victims too.
Y'all are inserting Order 66 scenes in almost every show, so you can do it one more time, this time in an attempt to understand and gain closure. And this is a story that is genuinely best told through Obi-Wan and Cody. Palpatine sent the Order to Cody, first and most directly.
This is a story that doesn't need to mess with characters like Luke or Leia, who we know we'll see again. Cody is MIA as of TBB S2. Obi-Wan now also has some time after season 1, where we know he can't really be messing with Vader. This story can fit in well.
(heck, you can even insert more Clone Wars flashbacks, including young Ahsoka, you saw how much we all loved that in the Ahsoka show!) This show would let you share more about other clones and Jedi as well. Depending on how TBB S3 ends, we can have some connections there too.
PLUS! Temuera Morrison seems eager for a role. I'd love to see him again as Boba in TBOBF S2 (and have a whole 'nother pitch there), but Cody is a character that Tem personally originated in ROTS. He also had fantastic chemistry with Ewan as Jango!
So I'd love to see them share a screen again. (plus, age-wise, he's kinda closer to double-speed aged Cody than Boba?)
I could go on forever but…yes, please this.
(also can I help write it?😂😭🙏)
~~End Thread
But yeah, I know better than to get my hopes up, and I have been a clown about this many times before (including but not limited for the actual Obi-Wan S1 lmao).
So here I am with my clown mask ready: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
(Edit: added this in the tags but:
It does occur to me that another very possible route they could take an Obi-Wan Kenobi season 2 is doing something with Quinlan, since they left that very obvious thread open in S1.
BUT I would still prefer Cody & clones centric😭🙏)
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