#are you people fucking hearing yourselves
aroacedavestrider · 1 year
anyway i was gonna make a big long post about this but its 1:30am and im tired lmao. so has anyone noticed the insane similarities between all this anti-transmasc stuff and the entire aspec exclusionist movement or is that just me on my aroace trans dude shit
like. i dunno. the misconstruing of the concepts of transandromisia and aphobia in general being made out to “oppress other identities”, or just the downplaying / dismissal of our group-specific issues altogether, or insisting that these specific issues are just the results of some broader, equally shitty concept, or saying that we have “privilege” comparable to majority groups (cis men, straight people) despite being excluded / ridiculed / persecuted by those same groups, or the fact that when we talk about these issues were reduced to like “whiny little white teenage uwu tumblr blogger” instead of taken seriously, or that while real people in our communities are getting hurt or killed people are focusing on whether the terms we use are #unproblematic enough instead
idk is that just me? am i hallucinating or am i experiencing the 2018 exclusionist movement all over again except make it #trans
#transgender#trans#ftm#transmasculine#transmasc#lgbt#lgbtq#lgbt+#transphobia#transandrophobia#are you people fucking hearing yourselves#people who call us ‘transandrophobia truthers’ are the same people who say `its just transphobia`#ok so instead of addressing the transphobia youre making fun of us for saying its a specialized form of transphobia#newsflash fuckheads ‘transmisandry’ or ‘transandrophobia’ or ‘anti-transmasculinity’ or whatever the fuck#can peacefully coexist with the concept of transmisogyny!!!#because they are not nor ever were exact mirrors of each other!!!#sure ok there is no systematic androphobia so you cry out ‘theres no intersection!!11!!!1!11!!’#but let me ask you why THATS what matters to you rather than. like. real peoples safety lmao?#trans men and cis men are the same gender but that does NOT mean we exist in the same all-male vacuum#my experiences will NEVER be those of a cis mans#society does NOT cater to me NOR does it cater to any other trans people#and if you have to insist its cause of cis passing privilege then shut up and listen to yourself#cis passing privilege? you mean if i tell anyone im trans its immediately gonna go the fuck away?#you mean i only get that privilege while im in the closet? you mean i have to hide an aspect of myself to be treated the same as a cis man?#and do NOT construe that shit with me saying trans women have male privilege#i am fully fucking aware that trans women dont have male privilege im fully aware of how often trans women are attacked#but these two things are NOT mutually exclusive and im so fucking tired of people acting like it IS#you people have actually fucking managed to find a woke version of transphobia im absolutely astonished. appalling. horrible job#my post#dave speaks
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dykeredhood · 2 years
Cannot fucking believe I have to say this but:
butch ≠ big and broad and muscly
femme ≠ waify and delicate and shy
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anartificialsatellite · 6 months
Saw someone refer to Gaza as "one of the most brutal ethnic cleansings in history" and I'm just completely stunned and baffled by the pathological need to characterize it as The Worst Thing That Has Ever Happened, as if it couldn't possibly matter unless it was indeed The Worst, as if their suffering is not good enough to be upset about unless it is The Worst.
It's also profoundly disconcerting how many people have Absolutely Zero historical knowledge or awareness on this front. Occasionally I feel guilty for deciding teaching isn't for me because I know it's needed, but the sheer scale of the need is fucking daunting.
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dyketubbo · 11 months
not to be a woman womaning all over the place but i feel like if you genuinely like. do not have friends that are women then you have something to work on. if you cant think of any female characters that you treat the same way you do male characters then you have something to work on. if you cant handle even seeing "i dont like being called a guy/bro/lad/etc because it doesnt feel gender neutral to me" but can understand when one of your masc besties is uncomfortable with being called girlie or sister then you have something to work on. if your default in regards to how you handle other people and even characters is to assume masculinity then you have something to work on. if you cant even let women and otherwise feminine people speak about our experiences without bringing up how you suffer too then you have something to work on.
it doesnt matter if youre queer or a poc or a minority in whatever which way, if you do not include women in your life and cant even stand a fucking inch of genuine feminism (and i dont mean terfs but god is it fucking agonizing that thats all you people can think of when you hear feminism anymore) where the point is to treat women, all women, equally then you have something to work on. listen to women, even the ones whose experiences completely dont align with yours (hell ESPECIALLY the ones whose experiences completely dont align with yours). just like how we all have to check ourselves for racism, ableism, queerphobia, we all have to check ourselves for misogyny too. stop acting like it got solved at some point. it still exists and it exists within you and you have to actually fucking work on that. "women should be included in your life and you should listen to them" shouldnt be a hard goddamn pill to swallow.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 2 years
Nothing demonstrates the continued Western belief that everything between Moscow and Berlin is politically dead agency-free hunk of meat that exists to be shaped by one master or another than the assholes upon assholes responding to the Eastern criticism of Gorbachev with “But he gave you freedom!”
No, Gunther, he gave you freedom and that was only because he couldn’t keep you any longer. The Soviet republics took their freedom but I suppose that comparison isn’t very conducive to your superiority complex so let’s just press ignore on that, whatevs.
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koomaqu · 2 months
I'm so freaking tired of female beauty standards and the UTTER IDIOCY of people who have the audacity to leave comments under body positivity content that are along the lines of "omg this is disgusting, I could never... But you do you!" like it's a fucking compliment and not absolutely deranged. You're all fucking sick in the head, imposing artificial standards onto others with such viciousness, yet seemingly oblivious to the active harm you're doing.
Interestingly, I've seen the same thing happen in the barefoot shoes discourse, in regards to how natural feet look like. It's shocking how many people are there spamming vomit emojis and confidently saying they'd pick deformed feet over "disgusting" natural feet ????? After seeing that I have no words. If some people consciously deform their body parts because they deem the natural state this unbearably disgusting, there's no hope for accepting body hair. It's genuinely sickening.
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neverborncollective · 11 months
Chara unironically did nothing wrong. Y'all are just victim blamers
Nearly all your faves are attempted child murderers AT BEST. Meanwhile sans chose to let a child die repeatedly and then joked about it to their face.
But no the suicidal child who internalised harmful lessons is the real villain
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zouisexo · 1 year
#ok i will say smth abt it bc im a little pissed hehe#and verito is not answering my texts so now u all have to hear it#im not self absorbed enough to believe i know what's best for phoebe or if she planned it or not or whatever#the way she announced it seems she's pretty excited so good for her#but honestly some of the takes i've seen on here...#people in their middle/late 20s calling this 19 year old girl an idiot#saying that she must not know the difference between her vagina and her urethra#that louis must be soo disappointed and that he didn't pay and expensive school for her to get pregnant (????????)#do u guys hear yourselves what the actual fuck#ofc teen pregnancy is an issue worldwide but is this really the hill you're gonna die on?? that it's all the girl's fault bc she's stupid??#u sound like a 50 yo congressman wtf is the actual matter with you#people i've seen joking about how long until her bf leaves her...#i literally encourage u to seek help it is not normal to lack empathy in this way and to be so cruel to a person who has#literally done nothing to you#also louis can pay for whatever school he likes he still doesn't have the right to decide over his little sister's body?? do u guys#hear yourselves be so real with me rn#also how do u even know he's upset??#tfw some of u think u know louis.. it's insane#i literally am in shock at some of the things i had to read today#i really hope you are not in any field where people come to you for help#especially girls especially young girls#you guys are insane lmao#that's all <33#shut up laura
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backseatloversz · 1 month
"you NEED to vote the lesser of two evils" is an insane thing to say when theres already the blood of tens of thousands on bidens hands. im only NINETEEN it is NOT my fault american democracy is a joke and i REFUSE to let people make me feel like it is!!!!!! you can not fucking guilt me into saying anything but a vote for biden is a vote for trump!!!!!! thats now how it fucking works!!!!!! none of this is MY FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!! dont get mad at me!!!!!!!!!!!
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ariesbilly · 1 year
I’m sorry but living in a state like Florida…and seeing people online clutching their pearls because certain people don’t like the “right gay ship”…I hope you all blow up I’m so glad y’all live cushy lives but some of us have real problems to deal with right now in the queer community. And you wanna cry about a ship. I have to laugh right now I really do
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madamtrashbat · 22 days
Tumblr media
Me, staring into the vacuous abyss that is Twitter
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dylanconrique · 1 month
i genuinely wish the worst upon EVERYONE who bullied anna cathcart for her crooked teeth (which i personally thought were so adorable!) and are now complaining about her veneers. you're all a bunch of fucking soulless vultures bullying her for her appearance during season 1 of xo, kitty, and for continuing to do so even after she had the procedure done. will nothing ever be enough for you people??
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dyketubbo · 9 months
Holy shit thank you so much for your posts. It seems like tumblr is decades behind on its talks about feminism.
I see either:
- Basic feminism posts about the fundamentals of patriarchy and how men benefit from it getting bombarded by people saying the user is terfy (they have somehow never heard of men as a social class and think that every comment about men is bioessentialist)
- Posts with some of the most annoying rebranded notallmen stuff on the planet (I've seen a lot of posts saying women being wary of men is Bad because they're also oppressed! and there are Good Men out there!!)
- Actually extremely bigoted terf posts with some of the most unhinged pseudoscience stuff out there
It depresses me to such a huge extent! Why why why can't women actually call out misogyny? The focus on how white feminist women are bad genuinely reminds me of fucking gamergate. This isn't to say there is not a racism issue basically everywhere and also in feminism and its past and current history, but I always see that phrased used to dismiss women speaking out about misogyny and to coddle men right afterwards with stuff like "cis men we love you!!". Like please.
Sorry for the big rant internet stranger!
tumblr doesnt like feminism because it hasnt grown out of calling all feminists feminazis and its annoying as hell. ive had to explain to people that no, feminism isnt owned by terfs yes its about equality not about treating men as lesser and its fucking insane that people have let it get to the point where terfs have actually fucking managed to taint feminism in peoples minds. literally so many people have gone fucking backwards. even in queer spaces i cannot tell you how many fucking men can NOT go a single fucking second without talking about how actually its okay for them to treat women badly because theyre not attracted to them and seeing women make them dysphoric :((((
its sooooo fucked up. let women speak. hell not even just women just let feminists speak, in general! let the people who actually fucking understand the core points about treating people equally regardless of gender speak up. terfs and racists and bigots do not and should not have say about what counts as feminism because their idea of feminism is inherently inequal. i think honestly as stupid and corny as "what we all have in common is hating women" type statements can be it is very real that once you hate women, the more you disconnect yourself from women, from femininity, in order to hate them and look down upon them, you start fitting in. you start benefitting. (and of course theres nuance to this but its 12am and im not getting into all of that right now). and its not like i understand all the ins and outs, god no! im some 18 year old making feminist posts on my mcyt blog! but its incredible how many people just Miss the basics. completely. gnaws my arms about it
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killaura · 1 year
mcr fans keep fall out boy’s name out your fuckin mouth challenge
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
The queer media poll discourse is the most mental shit ever. Brother read the room.
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estrogenism · 1 year
"safequeers" dni btw, you actively make queer spaces unsafe for other queer people. you have no right to claim that you're "safe."
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