#armor of altaïr
teecupangel · 2 years
Shoutout to @fanworldbuildingfun for adding this fantastic comment to my post about the Altaïr armor in the Destiny-AC collab:
This stupid attractive overachiever almost managed to replicate Isu technology with only 12-century tech and an Apple
So this is the Armor of Altaïr that we all know and grieved over (curse you, Cesare Borgia!!!! I spent hours trying to get this armor!)
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We might even say that some of us have yet to move on from such devastating loss (fuck you, Cesare Borgia)
Anyway, from that image alone, it's hard to distinguish which is part of the armor and which is Ezio's fashion sense.
Here's another image then:
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Looks better? Is the white undershirt really part of it? How can we be sure which is actually a part of the Armor and not simply added by somebody else before it was locked underneath Villa Auditore?
So how about how it was sketched in the Codex then?
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Simple. Almost looks like Altaïr only did the chest armor and the rest were added later on (or, perhaps, Altaïr only sketched the chest armor)
The sketch does make it easy to compare it to a similar armor: The Isu Armor from Origins and Odyssey (Valhalla not included because that Isu Armor looks totally different)
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If we compare the Isu Armor (using the Odyssey ver because it's clearer) to the sketch of the Armor of Altaïr:
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We can make an argument that the sketch looks like what a 12th century scholar would draw after having a (perhaps a bit blurry) vision of the Isu Armor.
We might even say that the sketch is most probably the final draft based on the Isu Armor, focusing more on defense by developing a closed area on the chest instead of the Isu's open chest area.
The entire Armor of Altaïr was created during Altaïr's time. He's noted as the only creator which meant he probably did everything by himself like the overachiever that he is
. This includes the materials he used for it which he created thanks to the Apple.
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This page from the Codex meant that, not only did Altaïr create his own version of the Isu Armor, he actually created a similar (how similar it was would be questionable because of the 'further refined' that he mentioned) metal to what is used by the Isu Armor.
And there is one metal that we are sure that the Isus used.
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(Does it have a similar color to the Armor of Altaïr?)
Which meant that Altaïr was able to recreate (degree of success questionable) Adamant in 12th century Levant.
And Adamant is known as:
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Considering there was no mention of the Armor of Altaïr having mind control capabilties, it's probably safe to assume that Altaïr was only half-succcessful in recreating Adamant because whatever metal he used in the armor was definitely nearly indestructible.
You wanted me to imagine Altaïr with 21st century tech at his disposal, @fanworldbuildingfun? Here's my initial analysis made with not enough sleep + trying to finish this while eating lunch at work:
The creation of the Armor of Altaïr was due to the Apple providing him with the information. If he has an Apple under his control in the modern day (or if he is a reincarnation of the 12th century Altaïr with all his memories intact) and enough resources, he will definitely create a better version of this armor using a more refined version of the Adamant metal. Depending on how much resources he manages to acquire, making more armors is not out of the question.
If he doesn't have the Apple providing him with this information and only has, maybe, stories about how Ezio Auditore used to have an 'invincible' armor?
He'll have debates with Shaun about it. Shaun will be on the side that the armor is as invincible as the stories say because of his love for conspiracies and Altaïr will argue that the 'invincible' part could simply just mean that it was strong enough to block arrows and blades. It would be useless if hit by a bullet or a cannon ball.
This debate will annoy both of them so much that Altaïr will go "You want invincible? Fine! I'll show you what an invincible armor should be!"
And, propelled by annoyance and the desire to have the final say, Altaïr will make his own 21st century version of the Armor of Altaïr.
During the initial planning stage...
"Oh, cool. You making an Ironman suit?"
"uuuhh... Altaïr?"
(furiously destroys everything he's already made) "Desmond."
"Y... yeah...?"
"Not a word to anyone about this."
He will later present a detailed schematic of an armor set that can, in theory, be created using 21st century tech.
It must be stressed it looks nothing like an Ironman suit.
(for the record: the early concept for the armor does say that it's meant to be Leonardo Da Vinci's invention but they later pushed it to be Altaïr's instead, probably to further develop Altaïr's 'sorta mentorship' setup in AC2)
All images from AC Wiki (you guys are the true MVPs of this fandom)
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hyeonoll · 2 years
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Altaïr's armor (Assassin's creed 2)
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mephisto-ph3les · 2 months
I'm sorry for all the people who will never feel the cheer happiness I felt when I unlocked Altaïr's armor in assassin's creed ii
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acgames · 10 months
I will never be over how much I love Liberation's persona mechanics. It just makes so much sense.
Aveline is local to New Orleans. She is by far the only assassin to operate in her native town (well except Ezio in Firenze but it was bit different for him). People know her as Lady de Grandpre, daughter of wealthy businessowner, a respected figure. And yet they are unaware of her true work.
This is why Aveline has to mask herself to do work easier around the town. Lady can't get caught murdering people, this is why she has to redress as Assassin or Slave. But Lady also can't access areas suited for labourers without incriminating her family name, but her slave persona can. While Assassin is always notorious which I find very realistic (because she is highly armored individual wandering inside civilian city, so sure guards take notice to her presence).
I just love these mechanics, because unlike Altaïr, Ezio or Connor, Aveline initially lives double (or triple) life and I swear this is the coolest mechanic in these games ever.
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saberamane · 1 year
Ngl, when I saw your tagged post about the Nergigante, I immediately had war flashbacks of me and my friend playing MonHun. Nergigante’s a beast (haha).
Nergigante is actually a good monster to turn Desmond into because it’s an elder dragon which means it’s one of the most dangerous monster in any MonHun game but it has a certain quirk to it:
It keeps fighting even if it means hurting itself.
Not to mention, it’s an elder dragon without any elemental abilities, relying heavily on brute force and it’s theorized (or maybe this is already confirmed? Not sure) that Nergigante’s null elemental status and its penchant for hunting fellow elder dragons shows that it is meant to keep the balance of the world by keeping the other elder dragons in check which would… sorta tie in with Desmond’s ‘special situation’ in terms of AC lore (especially now that he’s the Reader).
The spikes on Nergigante’s body can also be used as projectile which would make short work of Cesare’s Papal Army. Although, it should be noted that due to its large body, it’s more on the destructive side so if you want him to stop the colonizers from attacking Ratonhnhaké:ton’s tribe, it would be better for him to strike them before they reach the village, otherwise, the village would be caught in the battle.
As for saving Sef and Malik and Abbas’ coup, that would even be harder because Masyaf is a small space when compared to the normal Nergigante size. Although, at that point, I’m sure Desmond wouldn’t care about destroying the fortress if it means he can save Sef and Malik.
Another thing to note is that the Nergigante’s spikes regenerate (freaking too fast in my opinion) so… Altaïr can definitely use it to craft some things. (Nergigante-based armor and weapons usually rank high as well)
Btw, if you want Desmond to have a more ethereal flaming look, may I suggest a gold/white version of Xeno'jiiva?
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While Xeno'jiiva does not have Nergigante’s devastating brute force, it does have a sense of mystery surrounding it, which would fit Desmond well, and is a fire elemental elder dragon (. It’s final form Safi'jiiva loses the ethereal look but is deadlier as well.
Although, if you want a monster with a connection with the sun, our best bet is Teostra.
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Or the deadlier variant, the Risen Teostra
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Additions by SaberAmane:
Ok, so...I have Monster Hunter World for ps4, and I’ve had it for literal months now, and just havn’t gotten time to play it. But all the monsters and such I’ve seen from the game look awesome and is the main reason I got it to play.
Now for Nergigante, his size would cause issue for doing anything in towns, or dense forests, but I love the fact that Altair could use the spikes from his body to make weapons and armor, and it wouldn’t hurt Desmond at all since they detach organically.
Xeno’jiiva looks even cooler, and yes a white/gold variation would be stunning! Also I love the ‘false eyes’ look that travel up the horns, it’s something a lot of animals do to protect themselves (there’s a moth/butterfly that literally has wings that look like a snakes head) but also it’s just a cool look, and it seems like they might be able to glow as well? That would just make him all the more menacing.
But I have to say, for my love of dragons and related creatures, Teostra would have to be my favorite choice. It seems to be a type of Manticore, which is just awesome and a fantasy creature that doesn't often get used because Dragons are seen as being ‘cooler’ and often more menacing.
My argument would be, how is a lion/dragon hybrid, which is usually venomous/poisonous, and can fit into the same space a human would go to hide, not just as cool and deadly??
The Risen Teostra looks more manticore than the regular, having a more lion-like face, but I do like the giant tusks the regular one has. And it’s probably the rendering or angle or something, but the regular Teostra seems to have bigger, more ‘ornate’ horns??
So...I would have to say Teostra would be my pick. It’s still deadly, looks cool, can fly to get places quickly, but also... you can’t hide in a building/cave to get away from it because it’s too big to fit. It can pretty much go where ever a person can. The only thing i’d change is to give it the scorpion tail manticore’s typically have so he could have that poison ability to both use himself on enemies, but to also aid the Assassin’s.
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Welp the Miles kids won the poll so they will be introduced first. And I am adding Desmond as a bonus.
The Miles kids information sheet 
Armand Arno Miles
Born: March 23rd 1984
Character song: Gods of War Arise by Power wolf
Flaws: Capricious and Hedonistic
Strengths: Independent and Protective
Interests: Loves the Snow and Detective Stories
Meaning of Name: The eagle rules the merciful soldier
Faction: Assassin Brotherhood
Age: 28
Rank: Master Assassin
Info: he looks like his ancestor Edward Kenway. He though acts like Federico Auditore being witty, sharp, and jovial, and he does enjoy teasing his siblings but refuses to tolerate someone else hurting them, least of all their father William Miles.
How is he with Desmond?: despite the playful brotherly ribbing, Armand will protect Desmond with his life and doesn't care that Desmond is gay, so long as he is happy and loved.
Skills: Candle making, legendary lore, and horseback riding.
Weapons: Standard issue Hidden Blade, Twin Handguns and a board sword.
Vehicle: H1 Hummer fully modified for Stealth and Combat
Westen Kadar Miles
Born: April 19th 1985
Character song: We Take the Church by Storm by Power wolf
Flaws: Prideful and Rigid 
Strengths: Benevolent and Caring 
Interests: Loves exploring and tea
Meaning of Name: The strong soldier of the West Town 
Faction: Assassin Brotherhood
Age: 27
Rank: Dai (was crippled by Daniel Cross and is wheelchair bound.)
Info: he looks like his ancestor Conner Kenway. He acts like his other ancestor Ezio Auditore in his youth, being playful, charming, affable and helpful. He is outgoing but if anyone harms his family (blood, Creed, or otherwise) except the devil himself when dealing with Westen, even post paralysis.
How is he with Desmond?: Despite also like Desmond being compared to Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad in his youth, Westen cares about his baby brother often being compared to Ezio's care of his baby brother.
Skills: Story telling, Literature and Healing 
Weapons: A heavily modified Hidden Blade, Bow and Arrows, and Tomahawks 
Vehicle: Hoverboard with matching armor which are his Tomahawks and the bracer of his hidden blade.
Jasmine Maria Miles
Born: May 10th 1986
Character song: When the Moon Shines Red by Power wolf
Flaws: Obsequious and Judgemental 
Strengths: Realistic and Reliable 
Interests: Loves Art and Comedies
Meaning of Name: The gift from God, a bitter destroyer
Faction: Assassin Brotherhood
Age: 26
Rank: Rank Five/Mercenary/Disciple 
Info: she looks like Claudia Auditore whom she also acts like with a violent temper yet affable, humble and hardworking. She is close to each of her idiot brothers.
How is he with Desmond?: she is hard on him but fair about it too given his childhood ailments. Despite being the chosen one their father still belittled him.
Skills: tightrope walking, Mathematics, and Anthropology.
Weapons: Standard issue Hidden Blade, throwing knives and daggers
Vehicle: Ford F-150
Desmond Perseus Miles
Born: March 13th 1987
Character song: Woe to the People of Order by Cami-Cat
Flaws: Clumsy and Gullible 
Strengths: Gentle and Self reliant 
Interests: Loves music and tabletop RPGs 
Meaning of Name: The merciful destroyer and gracious defender 
Faction: Assassin Brotherhood
Age: 25
Rank: Novice 
Info: he looks like his ancestor Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad except has dark hair and eyes. He acts like Pertiucco Auditore being curious and perceptive though like the ill fated 13 year old was sickly as a child. 
How is he with himself?: he is a mess. He can be really hard on himself or he can engage in self deprecating humor or he can be really caring and loving.
Skills: sewing, tactics and sign language 
Weapons: Codex modified Hidden Blade, a long sword Syrian style and a crossbow.
Vehicle: Vitacci Ninja 200 fully automatic motorcycle 
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nintendowife · 1 year
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I finished Assassin's Creed: Revelations on PS3 a couple of days ago. I played Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood last year and got a pre-owned copy of Revelations to see the story further. Revelations is continuation to the story of Brotherhood and the final chapter to the Ezio trilogy. You step in the boots of matured Ezio Auditore Da Firenze and this time you head to Constantinople (known as Turkey's Istanbul today) in 1511 AD. As usual you meet plenty of historical figures like Prince Suleiman, Niccolo Polo (Marco Polo's father) and Manuel Palaiologos. There are also sections where you play as the legendary assassin Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, the protagonist of the very first game in the series.
I liked the landmarks skillfully recreated for the game and the work on the characters' outfits is outstanding again. The characters are written rather well and I found them interesting. My favorite character may have been the charismatic Yusuf Tazim who heads the assassin operations in Constantinople. His interaction with Ezio was quite funny and enjoyable. The first time they meet, Yusuf introduces himself and he confirms "and you were Ezio Auditore Da… lalalala?".
I liked the ambience of the environments and the dialogue made me laugh at times. When a conflict between the Templars and the Assassins broke out, there was this civillian crying out "Why me?! Always in the wrong place at the wrong time." Some main story quests were hilarious too, like when Ezio and his pals needed to disguise as minstrels for a party in the Topkapi Palace. A guard commenting "you sound like a dying cat" about Ezio's singing talent cracked me up.
Traversing the environments was pretty handy with the new hookblade that allows for faster climbing and sliding on ropes suspended over the city. Ezio's behaviour when parkouring was a bit erratic at times though and occasionally instead of going up a tower he suddenly jumped down to a haystack for example. Stealth was a bit difficult to maintain at times (maybe I was just impatient) but performing silent kills was satisfying.
The story was pretty cool, a good combination of history, fiction and mystique. I liked the story of Altaïr and the game ends in a cliffhanger that made me want to see how it continues.
There's plenty of side content aside from the main story in form of collectibles, a tower defence minigame, rebuilding the city by renovating shops and landmarks, side missions, online multiplayer, etc. I collected all the memoir pages which unlocked the Ishak Pasha armor and I fully rebuilt Constantinople, other than that I didn't care much for the side content. There's a separate first-person platformer / walking sim game mode where you learn more about Desmond but that was so clunky and had such terrible level design that I didn't finish even the first section of those.
Overall my feelings towards the game are clearly more positive than negative regardless of some frustrations I had with it. The game was concise and felt like just the right length. According to HowLongToBeat it takes 12 hours on average to complete the main story.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted". I'm looking forward to playing Assassin's Creed Mirage once it launches this autumn.
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lockea · 1 year
What Fanfiction Should I Bind Next?
I can’t quite decide what book to bind next. I chose “Teach Me How to Fight (I’ll Show You How to Win)” in part because it is only 60k total (a little less than that actually) and it is easier to bind a smaller book since there are less signatures to sew. But, for this next one, I’m ready for a challenge.
Summaries for each fic are under the cut.
"the sun is our, the day is new" by notavodkashot https://archiveofourown.org/works/12302844/chapters/27967644
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Pairing: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric
Two very competent idiots, one small child. It shouldn't be too hard, right? Or Nyx and Cor adopt Prompto (and each other), while Regis and Clarus have quiet, dignified freakouts in the background.
"Immovable, unbreakable" by Cards_Slash https://archiveofourown.org/works/2685119/chapters/6006827
Fandom: Assassin's Creed Pairing: Malik Al-Sayf/Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Altair has known since he was thirteen years old, the year he realized he was an omega, that his body was never going to be his own. He thought he had overcome his own fate when Al Mualim agreed to allow him to stay on as an Assassin but even becoming the youngest Master Assassin ever did not save him. Following the semi-failed mission at Solomon's Temple, Altair is gifted to Malik as a reward for his service. Malik doesn't want Altair but he does not turn down the chance to show him his place.
"Fool Me Twice" by Charmkeeper https://archiveofourown.org/works/18247526/chapters/43176068
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Pairing: Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia/Gladio Amicitia
Ignis had bartered for the babe years ago now. It was supposed to be his. Too bad it was promised to someone else too.
"Maan'alor - The Prime" by papermachine https://archiveofourown.org/works/30731636/chapters/75845207
Fandom: Star Wars Pairing: None/Gen
Jango Vhett was Mand’alor only briefly to the Mandalorian Empire before he was captured by the Jetii and Republic forces on Galidraan.
Now an unwilling guest on Kamino, he is buir to Boba and he fears his protection can only stretch so far for the rest of the children made in his image. Jango doesn’t know if he can save all of the clones from the Kaminoans or the Republic, but he does know this: Verde sa akaan nau tracyn kad. Warriors are forged in the fires of war.
These children are made for war, and they have been fighting to stay alive since their creation.
He will do what he must to save them.
(The formatting for the Mando'a will be a challenge for this one)
"hope has bloody knuckles" by independent_variables https://archiveofourown.org/works/40008048/chapters/100190655
(you must be signed in to see this work)
Fandom: Star Wars Pairing: Davijaan/OC
She sat up from her slouch against the wall, studying him more intently. “Huh. The only footage in the news has you all in full armor. You're shorter than I expected.” He snorted. “I’ll be sure to file a complaint with the manufacturer on your behalf.” “Shit! That was unbelievably rude,” she sputtered, cheeks flushing, waving her hands as if to fan away her words. “It just slipped out, I’m so sorry! I promise I usually think before I speak, it’s just been a really long week. I’m– I’m Loren.” “I go by Odd Ball.” She relaxed a bit, and her smile returned. “Nice to meet you, Odd Ball.” “Pleasure’s all mine.” *** Davijaan discovers mountains, thinks about the war, and maybe falls in love.
"The Fifth Act" by Sinnatious https://archiveofourown.org/works/362128/chapters/587564
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Pairing: None/Gen
Cloud has an accident with a Time materia, and finds himself in the middle of the Wastes at the start of the Wutai War. There are people to save... and for that, there are three people who need to die.
"Jason Todd: The Not-So-Outlaw" by GoAwayOlivia https://archiveofourown.org/works/7601896/chapters/17300497
Fandom: Batman Pairing: None/Gen (Friendship and Family pairings)
Jason Todd isn't what Batman made him, he isn't what the Joker made him, he isn't what the League of Assassins made him, and he isn't what the Lazarus Pit made him. He's his own person and he's taking himself back, one home renovation at a time. Also he might just make friends with the people who are supposed to be his brothers while he's at it.
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cut-small-but-deep · 2 years
OC Assassin’s Creed Facts!!
I am starting, slowly though, on making their bios in the lives of Desmond’s and other’s bios too. For now, I’ve only done Enola, Haytham’s side in Assassin’s Creed III, and I’m still writing Tehya’s, Enola’s and Haytham’s OC daughter and Connor’s Half-sister in 3 as well, and Voilette, Arno’s side in Assassin’s Creed Unity. Here are some fun facts about my assassins and Templars that I’m sharing now!
Saida Naghma Tahann
She is actually a very skilled Arabian dancer, and was one before becoming a full-time assassin. She still does this as her signature distraction, before assassinating said target.
She did have a little crush on Altaïr, but it quickly went away when she fell in love, instead, for another Syrian man.
Gaia Valentina Azzaro
Gaia has had a sexual relationship with Ezio, and didn’t mind that his heart was always set on Christina. She was mainly there to help Ezio with his relief, and somewhat fell in love with him too. Though, at the end of Brotherhood, they ended up having a love relationship as well, and in the middle of Revelations, Ezio broke it off because he fell in love with Sofia. This, indeed, broke her heart, but it came to pass once she learned how much love there was, the love that she could never give Ezio.
In Brotherhood, she wears the cross necklace and earrings to respect the church and wears it for the rest of the game. Her outfits try to stay in the Renaissance era as much as they could.
Enola Natalia Rossingol
She has a blue and red outfit without a jacket that contains a red or blue corset, red or blue sword, and red or blue heels. Both the blue and red outfit contain a corset with only one sleeve. (My personal favorite is her blue outfit)
Her favorite Templar other than Haytham, Shay, or Alanna, Shay’s part in Rogue, has to be John Pitcairn, because during her time alone when Haytham was gone, he was one of the only Templars that treated her nicely and like a lady. He was one of her friends that had her feel regret and sorrow for losing.
Tehya Celeste Kenway
This is going to sound really weird and gross, but, if Connor wasn’t her brother, she would’ve probably kissed him. Nothing more. But, she truly does love him as family, as he did welcome her into the homestead with open arms. She is his little sister, and for the rest of their lives, he’s always there for her, even if he’s in another part of America.
Tehya’s own reality in the King Washington DLC is that her family is all together, safe and sound, and she got to really know her father and her mother, and be trained more by them.
Branwen Paloma Edevane
She had a one night stand with Edward Kenway once, when they were both drunk. He woke up first though, and quickly regretted being in bed with her. She didn’t mind it, but she swore to never tell this to another soul, as long as he didn’t either, which he gladly said he won’t. They never spoke about it again.
Secretly, she’s bisexual. She had a one night stand with Mary Read/James Kidd. When she found out that James was Mary, she was surprised, but swore to never tell anyone as long as Mary was still under the disguise.
Alanna Sesen McGann
She loves her katanas, and once Shay came back to America from France, she already had a home where she took care of her katanas and kept a full collection of them. Her favorite katana is the one with the silver dragon hilt and red eyes. She also kept a collection of Templar artifacts, rings, swords, armor, you name it, she had them. Some of this collection was passed down from generation to generation to Courtney, who still follows Alanna’s tradition of having it as her collection item.
Since Shay is still an active member of the Colonial Order, she, however, still keeps contact with Shay and even goes on to be his ‘mistress’, though she becomes Grand Master of the Canadian Rite, and has the permission of Shay to do so.
Voilette Eloise Robideau
Voilette ends up dating Arno after the last mission of Dead Kings, and they rendezvous at Arno’s room in the upper floors of the Café Théâtre. She doesn’t marry him, however, but still keeps him company all throughout his life and he writes her letters like he did with Élise.
This is somewhat going to be surprising for you guys, but ummm… let’s just say that she has a damn 8 pack. Yep. An 8 pack of abs. How does she keep them in her corset? I don’t know. Arno almost fainted when she saw her like that though, and even asked what’s her secret. She never told him, to his disappointment.
Catherine Sarah Hammond
Catherine dates Jacob during the events of the DLCs, and even has a special kiss moment after the final mission in the storyline. Jacob does get jealous and annoyed when she talks about Alexander Graham Bell and even is forced to take her to his workplace when she keeps blabbering about him. Though, sometimes, he does tell her he’s jealous, and it turns to her blabbering about Jacob and that day is spent fangirling and being all over his body, to his amusement.
Catherine is a very smart woman, even in that time and place. She’s a very special friend to Miss. Nightingale herself and even is her pen pal when Nightingale is far away from England. She’s still alive with Jacob and Evie when World War I breaks out and loathes the war, to where she took no part in it and stayed neutral. She never stopped being a true Victorian Steampunk girl though, and her belongings were quickly descended from generation to generation. Courtney kept her belongings in her collection.
Courtney Miracle
She gets along pretty well with Shaun and Rebecca, and is also a master of disguise. As one of the subjects, she gets transferred from Abstergo to the Assassin’s, and after Desmond’s death, she gets transferred back to Abstergo and secretly exchanges messages to and from Shaun.
There was a secret part in where she confessed her feelings for Desmond to him and he didn’t know what to say. But, he knew he was going to be gone soon, and they had a one night stand without anyone knowing. If Desmond didn’t have to sacrifice himself, they probably would’ve been together. After that night, exchanges were made that they never spoke about it, but that they will always remember it.
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Nothing can describe the anger I felt after spending nights trying to get through those stupid dungeon/jumping puzzle areas to get all the seals so I could unlock Altaïr’s armor in Assassin’s Creed 2…only to have it BLOWN UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER IN BROTHERHOOD.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Someone asked me what my Guardian looks like, so here you go 💜
It's an older pic, as I'm not at my pc, but yes, that is the Altaïr armor for Warlocks that were given out a while ago 🔪
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teecupangel · 1 year
Is it just me or does Altaïr look like a twink??? Like I was rewatching ac1 when I noticed that Altaïr doesn't seem to have visible muscles compared to Ezio and Connor, heck! Even Desmond seems more muscular than him???
Nonny, I would like to thank you for sending this ask. The idea that Altaïr is a twink made me laugh so hard my brain could only go “jkansfmbajfhsbabfhbasjkf” for a bit.
Anyway, @ma-du and I talked about Altaïr, Ezio, Ratonhnhaké:ton, and Desmond’s body type in this post and, yeah, among the four, Altaïr has muscles but he’s definitely leaner than them.
My headcanon is that he has a body more similar to a long-distance runner or gymnast and is a lightning bruiser, using speed to add force to his strikes.
Because… I mean… how else could he have bitchslapped this armored dude so hard he toppled out of the screen?
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In other words:
Altaïr uses the power of physics to topple dudes in armor.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Headcanon/Preference # 5
(Assassins Creed)
Gifs NOT mine.
If any gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credits go to - (In order) @naidleen @lockescoles @itspapillonnoir @captain-james @sarky-sassin @itspapillonnoir @iures
Year posted - 2021
Note that text in blue is them talking.
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◉Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad◉
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◎ Altaïr is one salty boy.
◎ You thought he was grumpy before, just wait until someone (Malik) points out how much you surpass him in skills and looks!
◎ Don't worry though Altaïr still loves you, but the knowledge of you being more badass definitely pushes him to train harder.
◎ Which usually results in you sleeping alone while he exhausts himself in the training yard.
◎ Another thing he can't stand is when you decide enough is enough, and you drag him out of the training yard to join you in bed.
◎ He's relatively easy to detract from his grumpiness if you're in the mood. (^_-)
◎ Deep down he's insanity proud of you, and so in love with you it almost hurts.
◎ He'll never admit this though, not unless you were like on your death bed, but even then he might not be able to admit it.
◎ The first time he seen you training he assumed the opponent was going easy on you.
◎ Up until it was his turn to train with you.
◎ Before you got together he had a lot of respect for you, and was very formal and professional while around you.
◎ After you guys got together he still has that respect for you, but over time he loosens up a bit, and after the first year he's completely dropped the formalities when your alone together.
◎ But he'll always keep that formality bull up when others are around.
◎ With that in mind, PDA is out of the question... Unless you wanna man handle him into submission, stealing kisses as you see fit because he can't do anything about it.
◎ Practically insists/demands that he will only ever train with you.
◎ Secretly because he hopes to learn your moves and someday have the upper hand. Which is totally not gonna happen!
◉ Ezio Auditore da Firenze◉
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◎ Insert Ezio eeking like a fangirl.
◎ I hope you enjoy being shown off to anyone and everyone in all of Florence!
◎ He gushes about you to just about anyone that will listen, mostly to Leonardo.
◎ Leo totally ships you two hardcore!
◎ He loves watching you train, practically swooning all over again every time.
◎ He'll bring you flowers before training with you, in hopes that you'll go easy on him. And maybe let him win for once!
◎ Despite trying to bribe you Ezio loves how much you push him to train harder.
◎ He knows you do it out of love, and that you want him to be the best he could possibly be.
◎ Which makes him swoon for you even harder!!!!!
◎ Gets super turned on when you dominate him, he never thought that was possible, but he's not complaining.
◎ He totally encourages Claudia to get some training from you, wanting his sister to be taught by the best of the best.
◎ Practically begs (despite not needing to) for you to follow him on every mission, saying that you're a formidable team to be reckoned with.
◎ Smirks smugly when some fool flirts with you, watching in amusement as you deal with the fool yourself.
◎ He did get pretty jealous once though when a master assassin was getting a little to close to you.
◎ He had removed his shoulder cape, and draped it across your shoulder as they spoke to you. Acting as if he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.
◎ Gets super clingy when you get hurt on a mission, while it doesn't happen often, he always feels guilty because it's typically his fault in the first place.
◎ Although every time you save him, he's all heart eyes.
◎ And probably pitching a tint. (^_-)
◎ You're his Knight in hooded armor. 😍
◉Connor Kenway◉
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◎ Well this is unexpected. 0.o
◎ Initially confused and jealous that you're more badass than him.
◎ Subtlety tries to mimic your moves, and learn from you without actually asking to train with you.
◎ He takes so much pride in the fact that he's a little more swift than you in the trees.
◎ He also take pride in being your boyfriend when you finally get together.
◎ Even when you get together, he's still to shy to ask you to teach him some of your moves.
◎ Gets all bashful when you take it upon yourself to teach him something here or there.
◎ Ridiculously smug when you meet his father and you not only out class Haytham, but you prove to be more badass than him as well.
◎ He's all like yep that's my girlfriend, she's a total badass and she can totally kick your ass!
◎ He's also a wee bit smug about the fact that he's got his own ship, and you do not.
◎ That smugness vanishes when he witnesses how good you are at Captaining the ship regardless of it being his ship.
◎ He's really proud though, and he secretly wonders if his mother would approve of you.
◎ He's confident she would, in fact he's confident she'd adore you as much as he does.
◎ Asks for your help to find and take down Charles Lee, knowing if anyone could do it, it'd be you.
◎ Despite you being more skilled than him, he still feels the need to protect you at all costs.
◎ Which makes you feel the need to protect him at all costs as well.
◎ It's a never ending cycle.
◎ Conner once had to restrain himself from attacking his father when the older man tried flirting with you.
◎ He practically melted when you called him by his birth name.
◎ Ratonhnhaké:ton just rolled off your tongue so naturally, he was so proud and happy!
◎ He almost cried.
◎ Was there anything you couldn't do?
◉Edward Kenway◉
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◎ Challenge accepted!
◎ He's constantly challenging you to do all sorts of things, and he's both proud and disappointed when you beat him each time.
◎ My ships bigger babe!
◎ He holds that one over your head, it's about the only thing he's got over you so what do you expect?
◎ Despite you being a total badass, he refuses to let you go diving for treasure.
◎ It's to dangerous babe, let me do this for you please.
◎ He swears to you he seen that kraken creature of legend.
◎ How have you killed more whales than him!?!?!?!?
◎ Totally thinks you're related to Black Beard because of the relationship you have with the older man.
◎ Unlike the others Edward is not going to train harder, he knows you're more badass, and he's okay with that.
◎ Similar to Ezio he's gonna show you off to all sorts of people, although his showing you off isn't as wholesome as Ezio's.
◎ It honestly feels more like a dog owner instructing their dog to show off some tricks.
◎ He's completely oblivious to you feeling this way about that.
◎ When he met you it was an instant love at first sight.
◎ He froze in his tracks, went uncharacteristically silent, and just stared at you like you were a goddess among men.
◎ And when he found out you were beautiful and a badass, he was completely and utterly in love.
◎ He stuttered oddly enough the first time he spoke to you, after a long drink from his bottle of rum he got over the stuttering.
◎ He was ecstatic when he made you laugh the first time.
◎ Edward lives for seeing you kick ass.
◎ Not so much however when it's his ass you're kicking.
◎ He will act like a kicked puppy when you beat him during a training session, sulking away to lick his wounds.
◎ Behind closed doors he practically makes you butter up to him, giving you the cold shoulder and all.
◎ At least until he can't take it anymore, and he just attacks you with love and affection.
◎ He's just being a drama Queen, and you're well aware of this, but you're content to play along.
◉Jacob Frye◉
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◎ Is it just Jacob, or is it hot in here????
◎ Like oh my god babe do that again!!!! 😱
◎ You thought Ezio was a fangirl, he ain't got anything on Jacob here.
◎ This teddy bear of a man is just so freaking soft around you it's adorable and ridiculous.
◎ He insists on training with you, and it's totally because he gets super turned on when you beat him.
◎ Like yes that did kinda hurt, but your tits are pressed against me and now I'm hard.
◎ Just like Edward he won't push himself to train harder, he ✨loves✨ the fact that you're more badass than him and Evie.
◎ Laughs like a mad man when you beat Evie in training, which agitates his twin to no end.
◎ Also finds it super hilarious when a new Rook thinks they can flirt with you, or god forbid they challenge you to a fight.
◎ He'll sit back with a beer in hand and just watch the show unfold before him, grinning like an idiot.
◎ Jacob also has a habit of challenging you to do stupid stuff, and he's purely ecstatic when you win the challenge every single time.
◎ Any time he finds a strange looking weapon or contraption he goes straight to you with it.
◎ Will watch you intensely as you try to figure out exactly how said thing works.
◎ He'll smile like a dope when he sees just how fascinating you are by it, especially if it's a weapon.
◎ Now you can be even more badass!
◎ The moment you got together he is certain he will marry you one day.
◎ He admitted this to you once while a wee bit drunk.
◎ Wants to join you on every single mission, mostly just to watch you be a badass.
◎ Although that has been a problem in the past.
◎ Jacob will never forgive himself for the time you almost got killed trying to protect him, because he was being particularly reckless that day.
◎ When that happened he refused to leave your side for anything, not until you were healed up and safe.
◎ Consulted in Evie about it, and his new found insecurity.
◎ Was he good enough for you? Was he holding you back?
◎ Evie went against Jacobs wish to not tell you, and she confided in you about this.
◎ She was doing it for his own good.
◎ Without hesitation he asked you to marry him when you soothed his worries, and assured him that he was stuck with you for good.
◎ Probably screams in excitement when you say yes.
◎ He secretly can't wait to have kids with you, and see just how badass they'll be as well.
◎ He is the sappist & happiest gang leader / assassin to ever live with you by his side.
◎ He's so proud of you he will shout it from the roof tops, especially when he sees you blushing from this.
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◎ Happy Medjay noises!
◎ He adore a badass woman, one that can not only keep up with him, but one that can potentially surpass him as well.
◎ He also likes knowing that you can handle yourself against deadly enemies.
◎ And he feels comfortable with you traveling into the desert, knowing you can survive the harsh terrain.
◎ Loves loves loves traveling Egypt with you by his side.
◎ He also loves that Senu adores you, Senu is his feathered best friend after all.
◎ He totally challenged you to see who could climb up to the very top of the largest pyramid of Giza.
◎ He laughed when he found you punched at the top waiting for him, his chest sweeping with pride.
◎ He proudly presented you to Cleopatra once, gushing to her about how incredible you are.
◎ When he presented the idea of the Hidden Ones to you he was both nervous and excited.
◎ He beamed with pure joy when you encouraged the idea, and agreed to join him on this journey.
◎ Asks you to train with him all the time.
◎ When you train together he enjoys that you push him to try harder.
◎ And when the Hidden Ones become a thing, he asks you to train the first initiates.
◎ Bayek loves racing with you out in the desert, horseback, camelback, or carriages doesn't matter which one he loves it.
◎ He was relieved to have you by his side in the gladiator arena, the two of you together are unstoppable.
◎ He's so far from jealous of your skill.
◎ He loves gifting you with new weapons, and armor.
◎ Seriously fell in love with you when you saved him from a pack of Lions.
◎ He has very few people left in his life that he loves, so he cherishes every second he has with you, and makes the best of it.
◎ He was tempted to get you a puppy hyena when he learned that you find them adorable.
◎ If anyone could tame a hyena pup it would be you.
◎ He would love to settle down with you one day, but he knows you both have a busy schedules so he understands that it won't happen for some time.
◉Desmond Miles◉
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◎ I bet I'm more badass at bartending!
◎ I have lifetimes of training from my ancestors, how are you more badass than me!?!?!?!?!?!?
◎ Totally jealous for a very long time.
◎ He's always trying to prove that's he's more badass, but he fails each time.
◎ He's very stubborn so this isn't gonna stop.
◎ He was super moody and cold with you for the first few months of knowing eachother.
◎ Over time though your charm wins him over and eventually you start your relationship with some sexually frustrated sex.
◎ At the beginning of the night he was a grumpy bitch, but by the end of the night he was all smiles and giggles.
◎ After that you were inseparable, more like he wouldn't leave your side for anything.
◎ He's still a little jealous of you even after you get together, maybe one day he'll get over that.
◎ Despite he's jealousy of you, he is inspired to dedicate himself further to the creed
◎ He doesn't want to train with you, because you don't go easy on him, but he cannot stand when someone else trains with you.
◎ Male or female doesn't matter he's a jealous bitch.
◎ He randomly gets your name tattooed on him as a good luck charm.
◎ Desmond also insists that he's way funnier than you, and he won't be told otherwise.
◎ He got violent once while suffering from the bleeding effect, and he was terrified he'd hurt you, but he's pleased to find that you handled yourself just fine.
◎ He also really appreciates that you help him through the bleeding effect, comforting him like no one else could have.
◎ Hates that you both have to be on the run from the Templar's, and that you can't have a proper date outside of one of the hideouts.
◎ Also hates how busy you both are, often throwing a fit when you're sent out on a mission while he has to stay behind.
◎ He knows you're more than capable of taking care of yourself, but if something happens to you he needs to be there with you.
◎ He looks forward to the day to this will all be over, but with each passing month he's loosing hope that it ever will.
◎ Oh was he a smug bastard when you snapped at his father, taking Desmond's side without hesitation made him feel all giddy.
◎ He just wants to be with you hidden away from the rest of the world, and just living in content bliss in your own little haven.
◎ Desmond tried showing off his bartending skill to you once, but he dropped everything when he seen Altaïr walk right passed you.
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*These boys are just my personal favorites, and the ones I know the best. 😅 ALSO feel free to add to this! 💚
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chika-the-terrible · 2 years
Okay, so I’ll probably be editing this later because I need to double check and get pics, but here’s a wild take: The reason why Ezio wears the fur outfit to Constantinople in Revelations is because it used to be part of the Armor of Brutus set in Brotherhood.
Hear me out: If Ezio was actually sensible and stayed outside in Constantinople, he would know that it isn’t the best place to wear fur for any reason. Maybe for going up on top of the towers or in Masyaf when it was snowing, but otherwise, he’d be overheating himself all the time with his running, not to mention his walking.
And tonight I just got the Armor of Brutus set in Brotherhood, and I noticed that there was fur near the hood like Ezio’s outfit in Revelations. So it made me wonder, was it possible that Ezio kept the fur? And why would he keep it in a different outfit?
To answer that, I give you the scrolls you collect on your way to find the armor set. They describe what Brutus went through on the lead up to stabbing Caesar. It mentions in one of them specifically that he hopes the armor and dagger will do good for someone else if they find it (I’ll need to double check what it actually says but this is the gist) and we all know how Ezio became a bit obsessed with Altaïr during Revelations.
Part of that, to me, is because he looked up to Altaïr and, after finding what was in the Library, honored the man’s wishes by leaving everything as it was and not tampering with another Apple. I wanna say that Ezio might have had a similar feeling with Brutus and his letters. He didn’t look up to Brutus but he could understand the pain Brutus went through, killing his close friend and the reasons why. And so, to honor Brutus’ last wish, Ezio kept part of the outfit with him. The armor itself would be too heavy as he gets older and I guess Ezio might’ve lost the dagger at some point, leaving the fur. It gets repurposed into Ezio’s new outfit and BAM, you have Ezio wearing fur for some fucking reason in Constantinople.
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getdownonfryeday · 4 years
The Assassins and Templars Finding You Asleep (Part 1)
A/N - This is so funny because it's been in my drafts for two years
Altaïr: Sighs and smirks at you when he spots you fallen asleep. He picks you up bridal style; kissing your forehead before laying you down on your shared bed. It happens quite often.
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Ezio: When he's back from a mission and sees you fallen asleep from reading a book, either he carries you back to your room or he takes off his armor and cuddles next to you, more so if it's cold and you're both in front of the fireplace.
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Connor: He goes full mother eagle mode and carries you to bed. He tries not to wake you up as he takes you to your room, but you usually end up doing so and nuzzle into his chest. He's just so warm.
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Edward: Considering you're on a ship, you end up falling asleep in the captain's quarters. This usually happened when you get hold of a new map with information on which Templars went where. Edward's amazed at how you can fall asleep amidst all the ruckus outside, and he carries you to his bed where he brings you into a warm embrace.
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Shay: He smiles and kneels beside you, holding your hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. Shay then proceeds to carry you in his strong arms, and lays you on the bed. He kisses your cheek before leaving again to join Haytham on another mission. (I'll be back soon love, I promise.)
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Haytham: The Templar is normally exhausted, especially with the mountains of paperwork. At around midnight, he comes back home to see you asleep on the couch, probably waiting for him. Haytham smiles and covers you with a blanket, not wanting to move you as you might wake up. He leaves a small note, apologizing for coming home late again but promising to compensate. You find the note delivered to you by a servant the following morning.
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silvysartfulness · 3 years
Omg I saw that you used to write for the assassin’s creed fandom and honestly what a throwback 😭 are they on livejournal?
Aahhh, this is the part where I have to admit, I don't think I ever put any of those drabbles online! It was more a fun thing me and wife used to do, writing very very short 5 minute one-shots based on single word-prompts.
Oh, wait! Apparently I actually still have them, in an old folder of mine! Will post under a cut. These are AC 1-3-brotherhood, primarily focused on the latter.
La Volpe/Cesare post the fall of the Borgia was my main rarepair ship in that fandom, so that's the main (if occasionally only implied) focus for a lot of these. (CW some dubcon/non-con under the cut, so be warned.) 😊
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1 Unwillingness
It goes against everything he is, a greater challenge than any battlefield taken on. Snarling, eyes blazing his defiance, Cesare submits for now.
2 Memento
”Something to remember me by,” murmurs Volpe softly against the sensitive skin of his neck, and it's all Cesare can do not to yelp as those vicious teeth leave a bleeding gash in his ear.
3 Baseline
He still doesn't trust Machiavelli, Volpe muses, and it's equally clear Machiavelli doesn't trust him. Perhaps their shared love of secrecy is the one dependent thing about their relationship.
4 Sniper
He has shot guards from rooftops, towers, horseback, beams and the treacherous crumbling tops of ancient stone pillars. So why was it, muses Ezio afterward, that he hadn't even thought of pulling crossbow or gun out as his sworn enemies held their short council in the courtyard a few measly yards below his feet?
5 Birthplace
It is in Masyaf the order of Assassins was born into what it is now. Searching for answers Ezio sets out on the longest journey of his life, back to the beginning of all.
6 Denunciation
It is hard to remember what it was like to have faith, Cesare thinks, but easy to remember when it was lost. What God could ever work through the instrument that was Alexander VI, his father?
7 Distaste
”Volpe, you didn't!” Ezio exclaims, his face a mask of distaste. Volpe smirks.
”Oh, it was not at all bad. Cesare is well trained.”
Ezio shudders. ”That is exactly what bothers me!”
8 Elimination
Constantly, frustratingly one step behind, it is little Cesare can do as his allies are meticulously taken out by the Assassins one by one. And yet it is not until the last of those on his side willingly turn their backs on him that he realizes this battle is lost.
9 Bluntness
”You can do as I say,” says the master thief matter-of-factly, turning the vial of antidote over in his spindly fingers, ”or you can spend the night dying slowly while vomiting your innards all over the floor. The choice is yours.”
Pale with fury Cesare chooses to live.
10 Turf
The Assassins had been myth, legend, bed-time stories to frighten a young boy already afraid of the dark. But as they dealt an all but deadly blow to his father inside the Vatican itself, Cesare grimly declares war. Roma is his city, and all who oppose his rule must be swiftly and mercilessly dealt with.
11 Assassination
He burns for the ideals, fights the fight with passion and utter devotion. But when Shaun's shaking hands lower the suddenly impossibly heavy gun he knows something he'dnever even thought about (Innocence? Compassion? Humanity?) has perished as surely as that very first body at his feet.
12 Apprentice
He remembers a gangly youth skidding across slippery roof tiles, trying so hard to keep up and even harder to hide his inability to do so. La Volpe silently studies Il Mentore and considers he's no longer sure who would lead the way across the rooftops.
13 Debris
Ezio swears as the ceiling collapses over the bed he shared with Caterina until moments ago – his armor and weapons are buried in the rubble and will be hard to replace. He does not yet know they will be the least of his losses this day.
14 Scolding
Altaïr has never been one to accept blame or criticism for his actions, but something about the way Malik's not-there left arm twitches as to shake a not-there fist in his face as the man speaks makes him look away in hidden shame.
15 Torrent
The rain pours down over the city, making roofs and cobblestones alike wet and slippery. Volpe tugs his collar tighter around his shoulders against the biting cold and idly contemplates if a trip to the Castello would be worth the trouble.
16 Anchor
He cheats and steals and tells honeyed lies with the ease of a snake. But his eyes can be oceans and his touch velvet – sometimes Ezio wonders if his always restless, inspiration-ridden friend keeps Salai around just to remember what it's like to be human.
17 Truce
”It would be nice,” says Machiavelli evenly, ”if you would not so readily name yourself judge, jury and executioner the next time you fall victim to unfounded suspicion.”
”Fine,” mutters Volpe, frowning. ”It would be niceif you were not so secretive. And stop trying to steal my spies. Get your own.”
”Fine,” Machiavelli replies with a minute smirk.
Fellowship is knowing just when your brother-in-arms is lying.
18 Nook
There are many unknown and unseen hiding places among the rooftops of Florence. On his back, hair plastered against his face and hot breath against his ear, Giovanni concludes it's very handy that La Volpe always knows to find one when you need it.
19 Orgy
These parties are more to his father's tastes than his his, Cesare firmly tells himself, perhaps letting his eyes linger thoughtfully on the multitude of courtesans a moment longer than intended. Then a familiar slender hand grazes his thigh and he is reminded that the only person even close to matching his own schemes, cunning and skill is the woman on the throne next to his.
20 Scoff
”I spend all my time in the Animus,” Desmond frowns, ”Lucy's keeping an eye on Abstergo and Rebecca... hacks and stuff. What do youdo, really? Anyone could use, what, Google and Wikipedia?”
Shaun grins or at least bares his teeth.
”You mean Templar Central One and Two? No, it's called obtaining knowledge, Desmond - sifted like little gold nuggets of fact from the vast sands of ignorance you're so fond of burying your head in. Google can't help you there, I'm afraid.”
21 Scolding
At the time, Ezio always figured Giovanni's constant nagging and pleading with him to stay out of trouble was only the worrying of an overprotective father. Only later was he taught discretion was part of the ancient Assassin's creed. He never got very good at it, even so.
22 Bonfire
No-one is entirely sure why Julius II has tempered justice with mercy for now and opted for his enemy's imprisonment rather than death sentence. As far as la Volpe is concerned, the way Cesare goes pale whenever the topic is brought up is at least good for entertainment.
23 Nakedness
Being exposed holds no particular shame for him, but the walls and floor are freezing to the touch, draining precious warmth from his aching body. Now would be a prudent time for an accursed thief to show up with a blanket to bargain for.
24 Arbiter
It was funny, Machiavelli drily noted in his notebook, how God and Divine Justice so often were on the side of the biggest army with the sharpest swords.
25 Purgatory
The land burns, smoke choking the sky and tinting the sun a sickly shade of blood. It is with a cold and unfamiliar sense of foreboding Cesare hurries through the flames toward the towering walls of the fortress to escape this hell on earth – one way or another.
26 Fingernail
Ezio has more than his fair share of scars adorning his hardened body, some remembered more fondly than others. He would never dream to ask Caterina to trim her nails, or use them just a touch more carefully.
27 Slavery
The Creed dictates freedom of thought, and in his reckless youth Altaïr would use it as justification for any rash impulse. But the older he grows, the more he comes to realize freedom and all its crushing responsibility can be the harshest master of all.
28 Carnivore
When confronted on his nasty habit of biting, Volpe only grins and quips something about foxes and their nature. Cesare is tempted to snap he's often seen dirty foxes prowling the back streets for garbage, but can see where Volpe would go with that, and so holds his tongue.
29 Bluntness
Ezio is too flustered after his mother's blunt request he find other outlets than vaginas to realize the enthusiastic young artist at his side seems more than eager to offer a few suggestions on the particular subject.
30 Vow
He will live, Cesare vows. He will live, he will regain his freedom, his power and his army. At any cost. And then they will. All. Pay.
31 Blending
It was simply not fair, thought Machiavelli, that no matter how solid your acting, no matter how meticulousyour disguise, Volpe would immediately spot you in a crowd and grin at you. Clearly spying on the sly old fox called for more cunning means, he conceded as he made his way to the Rosa to shamelessly bribe Claudia for information.
32 Misconduct
“Not that we are in any particular hurry to the Castello,” Orsini says, the knuckles of his war-gauntlet quite pleasantly buried in Cesare's face, “but things would just be easier all around if you would stop squirming and came quietly.”
33 Ultimatum
“If you don't stop hogging my mp3-player,” Rebecca whispers softly in Shaun's ear, “I'll tell Lucy exactly whatyou and Desmond used her yoghurts for last night.”
34 Takeover
“Stop!” Lucrezia commands as the soldiers feed the paintings to the fire – already the image of a swan is crackling and fading to black amongst the flames. Such a waste of beauty. She hasn't even realized Cesare is standing behind her, fierce and bloodied after the battle, until he speaks.
“You like them?”
She nods, and he touches her cheek with a smile, careful not to stain her hair.
“Then they are yours. A memento of the day the Assassini fell.”
35 Afterlife
“I blame you for this,” says Cesare flatly as the imps re-heat the lake of boiling tar. Again. “There is no God, you said. No heaven and no hell, you said. Stupid old bastard.”
Rodrigo mutters something about Hell being other people, but will have to concede that in this trifling matter, yes, he was mistaken.
36 Distaste
He would rather be hated than forgotten, Cesare sullenly thinks, rubbing his stiff hands for warmth. Bony, filthy, with the matted long hair of a hermit falling into his face, he has to settle for the guards' contempt. At least it's better than pity.
37 Slavery
He isn't really paid, Leonardo thinks, merely kept alive, yes. Not really compensated as such. And so the construction of the intricate war-machines is really on the consciences of his masters, not his. Sting of guilt quenched he returns to the blueprints with renewed fevered enthusiasm.
38 Probation
“What's the catch”, asks Cesare with deepest suspicion.
“No catch,” Volpe assures, looking innocent. “Just a reward for your recent good behaviour. Keep it up and there may a meal and a hot bath in it for you, too.”
Cesare does not for a moment believe they are just going out 'to stretch their legs', but a meal does sound inviting. He follows.
39 Adversity
Ezio strongly disapproved of the idea of his little sister taking over the Rosa in Fiore, and he frankly can't say whether he is more disappointed or proud when it flourishes under her care.
40 Bluntness
“You are a thief,” Machiavelli growls, piqued into a rare display of anger. “A liar and a cheat and an honourless thief!”
Volpe grins.
“All those things. And I'm still better than you.”
41 Scheming
Ezio gave the Apple to Mario, who had it stolen by Cesare, who gave it to Leonardo, who found it plucked out of his helpless hands by the Pope and his daughter. He ponders life was easier when he was just a painter. The Apple is a thing of awe, but the intrigues in its wake make his head hurt.
42 Favorite
It wasn't that Cesare particularly hated his older brother. It was just that while he no longer childishly sought his father's approval, the position as the Pope's favorite son came with several practical perks. Unfortunately for Juan, that meant he simply had to go.
43 Truce
When things are civilized, they can be bearable, almost even pleasant. The food is good, the wine plentiful, and Volpe's skilled fingers all but gentle. An unspoken truce, no matter how temporary. But neither man ever forgets the truth, which is war.
44 Scour
They answer to no-one, self-proclaimed executioners beyond all law. Too much blood on their hands now. Just before sunrise Cesare gives the command to attack. The cleansing of Monteriggioni has begun.
45 Extrovert
To hold his own council and play his cards close to his heart has always been his way, and he knowshe is a master at his game. And yet, Machiavelli can grudgingly admit to himself, it isn't until the boisterous chaos in human guise that is Ezio bursts in on the Roman scene that he begins to see how they will win this war.
46 Protagonist
“I will avenge the cowardly, treacherous plot against my father,” he thinks. “I will root out all those involved, every single one, and I will kill them and all they stand for.”
No-one ever sets out to be a hero, only to do what is right.
For Cesare, the path ahead is clear.
47 Willpower
It is never easy. Every time Altaïr visits his (his!) bureau in Jerusalem, Malik has to struggle with himself not to slay the man in his sleep. On many a moonlit night, only a lifetime of discipline stays the blade in his white-knuckled hand.
But strangely, it does get easier over time.
48 Esacalation
At first it had been mere proof of his ability to go anywhere in Roma as well he pleased, the taunting and impotent rage in response a given bonus. After some time, forced still-furious intimacy gained through blackmail had appeared a logical step. Then force turned out redundant. As Cesare clings to him, nails biting into his arms and teeth bared with need, Volpe admits to himself he would never have suspected the caged Borgia would so willingly use him to sate his desires – nor the other way around.
49 Torrent
Raw grief fades over time, a broken heart healed into a dull ache. The thing that keeps Claudia from sleeping at night is not all she has lost, but her screaming frustration at not being able to take her fate, and that of those responsible, into her own hands.
50 Danger
The peaceful life he had envisioned just the evening before will have to wait, Ezio grimly decides, pressing a hand to his wounded shoulder and focusing on not falling off his horse. And despite the shock, grief and pain, it somehow feels right. He has lived this life so long, he isn't sure he remembers how not to.
51 Splattering
Leonardo likes to buy birds at the market and set them free, watching with dreaming eyes as they take to the endless sky. Once, Ezio surprises his friend with twenty white doves. Much belatedly he wishes he'd remembered that stressed pigeons prefer to lighten their load before taking off.
52 Ramification
“It is time you take responsibility for your actions,” Rodrigo snarls, and Cesare struggles with the impulse to scream, childishly, “But father, younever did!”
53 Concession
“I'm not sure we should...”
Lover and Thief, silhouettes in the dark, alone. A light touch.
“Come now. It will be good, I promise.”
“But, what if...”
“Ssh. Are we not both Assassins? Everything is permitted.”
His honed thief's nerves tingling with foreboding warnings, La Volpe allows Claudia to persuade him in the end, knowing Ezio will probably kill him, and that it will no doubt be worth it.
54 Leer
You can't even seehis face in the shadows beneath the cowl. And yet, Volpe just standing there outside the bars, nonchalantly leaning one hand against the wall, makes Cesare want to scream. Or punch him hard. Preferably both.
55 Whisper
Ezio reflects that there are few other voices he would instantly recognize by just a short, urgent uttering of his name. His hesitation to turn around stems not from uncertainty, but the childish wish to postpone the trial of his oldest friend's rumored treason just a few moments longer.
56 Absurdity
At first Ezio had felt confused, then worried and finally terrified. But as they've fled Florence and the man introducing himself as uncle Mario tells him that his family belongs to an ancient clan of legendary assassins, relief washes over him. Finally is clear it has all been an insane dream. He can't wait to wake up.
57 Experimentation
Leonardo da Vinci is a true genius, his brilliant mind always seeing the world through a lens of wonder. Nothing escapes his never-sated curiosity – but that a small poseable wooden mannequin could be used like that? Cesare is a man not easily impressed, but will have to admit the artist rarely fails to amaze.
58 Farewell
It is with uncharacteristic kindness Volpe kisses him, between shared gasps for air after their final tryst. A last goodbye before the approaching dawn will see Cesare on his way to exile in Spain.
”Growing sentimental, old fox?” the younger man scoffs at him. ”No need. I shall return soon enough, and repaint the walls of Roma with Assassin blood.”
Volpe just smiles. He has already helped Ezio prepare his own journey and knows with certainty that Cesare will never again return to Rome.
59 Turf
”Maybe Giovanni could get away with doing paperwork all day over in Florence,” Mario says, and his tone clearly states what he thinks about his brother's choice. ”But arround here we train Assassins, not accountants or delivery boys.”
Ezio's body has never ached as much in his life as it does after his first day of training with his uncle.
60 Smoothness
When she smiles her deep red lips are like tantalizing rose petals, framed by sun-ray golden hair. She is smooth, flawless, perfect. But every rose has its thorns, and Lucrezia's are laden with poison.
61 Kneeling
Every fiber of Ezio's body strains desperately to regain control as he jerks like a puppet on golden strings of light.
”You are lucky,” breathes Rodrigo in a low, husky growls, leaning hard on the staff after the battle, ”So verylucky, little Assassin, that I am in a hurry.”
As the dagger sinks into his guts, Ezio briefly thinks that indeed, it could have been so much worse.
62 Purgatory
The imps don't know whether to feel amused or put out that the screaming, flailing argument between father and son has by now escalated to the point they don't even seem to register the lake of boiling tar anymore. A bit of respect for good solid workmanship, is that too much to ask?
63 Lick
It has to be said in favour of Machiavelli's assassin reflexes that the unexpected lick at his ear out of the dark earns Volpe neither a jump or a shriek but a rapid fist to the nose.
Only half an hour later, safely home in his bedroom, does Niccolo allow himself to contemplate what might have otherwise transpired.
64 Bonfire
It is a sad thing, reflects Ezio in hindsight, older, wiser, that compared to all the priceless art and knowledge fed to fire during Savonarola's mad reign of Florence, the mere loss of a human life that ended it is remembered with little sense of loss or revulsion.
65 Last
After Mario's death, Ezio has felt the weight of being the last Auditore Assassin ever heavier on his shoulders. But as he watches Claudia fearlessly take her leap of faith, he wonders how he could ever have been blind enough to think himself alone.
66 Well
The guards in hot pursuit yell and stab at wells, haystacks and dark alleyways. From his perch on a rooftop Ezio smiles. He always did prefer to take to the sky.
67 Wrongdoer
As his support falters and the opposition grows ever bolder, Cesare becomes increasingly frustrated with their attacks and accusations. He would prefer to answer only for his own sins, not those of his dead father.
68 Deliberate
It really is getting unnerving, decides Machiavelli, the way Volpe has taken up the habit of commenting on his every observation with a frosty ”Indeed” or ”Yes, quitethe coincidence”. He wishes he could believe the man isn't doing it on purpose.
69 Counter
When he first arrives in Jerusalem, Altaïr can't quite shake the feeling that the only thing between him and certain death is a rather narrow, map-strewn desk.
70 Bribe
Cesare has always been good at striking a profitable bargain. Unfortunately Borgia as a currency is bitterly deflated, and these days he often have to sell himself too cheap for comfort. Even though it isa warm, snug blanket.
71 Chess
Cesare knows he is a brilliant strategist – not so much because of the expected praise from his subordinates as from the satisfactory number of pins currently adorning his map of Italy. He would like to believe himself modest in this, careful not allow hubris to cheat him of a victory. And yet he never knows whether to frown or laugh helplessly as the absent-minded artist all but appologetically check-mates his king time and time and time again.
72 Feel
Leonardo never knows how to feel when Cesare enters the room. At first he is apprehensive, but as weeks turn into months and he realizes he's not only allowed but encouraged to dream up grander designs than ever before he is thrilled.
In the end, seeing the Assassins' plans put into motion long before Cesare even knows the final battle has begun, he can only avert his eyes in regret.
73 Mister
”Outside the kingdom of God is the realm of men,” Salai says, leaning just an inch too close. ”You worship there, Messere?”
Only years of training his clueless look on Leonardo helps Ezio keep a straight face as he blankly waves for the boy to follow him.
74 Fine
There are simply too many guards around for a discreet kill, so Ezio grudlingly counts the florins and hands them over. How was heto know he wasn't allowed to park his horse there? Time to liberate another stable from its Borgia-tower shadow, he decides. Burning them all down is easier than keeping track of territories anyway.
75 Dog
If La Volpe is the fox and Ezio the bird of prey, Pantasilea ponders, then Bartolomeo reminds her of a large, lumbering dog. Faithful and loyal unto death, but with a booming bark and a vicious bite for those who threaten those dear to him.
76 Forgotten
When Volpe appears he is the first person Cesare has seen in days. He greets the thief with his usual brazen curses, careful not to let any trace of relief shine through. Of all things he is most afraid to be left alone to die; not slain out of hatred or need, but simply ignored and forgotten.
77 Changed
Had Ezio been the kind of man to think upon such things, he might have noticed the Cesare facing him atop the towering walls is not the self-assured young general he met a handful years previous in Roma. Tired-looking and hunched over he looks defeated even before the battle has begun. But Ezio is here for one single purpose alone, and has never been the kind of man to think of such things anyway.
78 Gondola
Antonio assures Leonardo that only from an extensive tour with his private gondola will the artist truly get to know his new home town. As it happens, a rocky two-hour boat ride later, Leonardo still hasn't really seen much of the city. But that's quite alright, as he happily agrees to repeat the endeavour soon again.
79 Casino
It never hurts to try to win Fortuna's favour when gambling is one of your favorite pastimes, Salai knows, but in this particular case divine intervention is quite a bit closer at hand. As long as you have La Volpe's favor, the dice at the Sleeping Fox will never let you down.
80 Soup
The first bowl of watery gruel ends up thrown in the guard's face with enough force to break his nose. The next morning the second splinters against the wall. Nearly a week passes before he forces himself to eat the fifth, to preserve his strength.
Cesare closes his eyes as he quickly raises the bowl to his face to wolf down the hundredth, before the reflection in the dull surface can show him what he has become.
81 Carrot
”Tell you what,” murmurs Volpe in the starving prisoner's ear, dangling the vegetable in front of his face, ”If you give me a good enough show I'll even let you keep it for supper when you're done.”
82 Madame
Volpe has to admit himself impressed – Claudia is shrewd, ruthless and horrifyingly practical, and stillmanages to be praised a good businesswoman rather than cursed a thief.
83 Kilt
Yes, Ezio decides as he flexes his body inside the unfamiliar weight of Romulus' armour, there is definitely a draft around his nether regions. Whatever the old Romans may have thought, a skirt of leather belts does notconstitute proper clothing.
After some swearing and creative arranging of his spare cloak he considers it may well look even moreof a skirt, but at least this cut preserves his manly dignity when he jumps.
84 Theft
He has stolen valuables, information, people and lives. La Volpe draws in a deep breath as he surveys Roma in the first light of morning, then exhales in satisfaction. She is the greatest city in the world, and she is all his for the taking.
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