#aroace ice queen
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hanakihan · 1 year
I saw Sanhua showcase
I died as a simp she’s that beautiful
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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2023 reads // twitter thread      
The Wicked Remain
2nd half of a duology about girls at a boarding school cursed to play out bad fairytale endings
the girls are recovering from the events of last year and try to investigate how to end the curse
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Tried to think of some Miraculous Gaang names! You may want to Google a few of these, fair warning.
Ladybug!Sokka - Captain Harmonia/Harlequin/Beetle
Black Cat!Katara - Painted Jaguar
Turtle!Aang - Lion Turtle, Tortiseshell
Snake!Suki - Pythonic, Tealtime, Naga, Aspen, Tock Viper, Medusa/Stheno/Euryale, Teal Gorgan
Tiger!Toph - The Blind Tiger
Dragon!Zuko - Seiryu 
Fox!Azula - Inari, Kistune, Silver Reynard, Kuma Lisa, Blue Ren (“the tale of Miss Ren”)
Pig!Jin - Babirusa
Bee!Ty Lee - Bumblebee (there is literally a “Dance of the Bumblebee” music score), Honeycomb
Mouse!Mai - Rat Queen (based on the “Rat King” from the Nutcracker Ballet. Kind of as a slide parallel to her canon thing, here, Mai’s parents signed her up for ballet, where she met Ty Lee and Azula.)
Ox!Haru - Oxenfree (all I got right now)
Horse!Teo - got nothing but “Pegasus” which is taken
Rabbit!Yué - Luna Lapine, Luna Angora, Satin Moon, Velvet Moon
Monkey!Kuzon - a bit more explanation here. Mostly, I was trying to fill out the miraculous roster, cause AtLa only has a few “main” characters, I was trying to find some named characters the Gaang is shown being friends with who are roughly their age. I didn’t list Jet or his friends, cause, honestly, what exactly would their story be?? How do they integrate? Like, I’m sure you could do something, I just couldn’t really think of anything at the time. But also, I realized all the friends of the Gaang belong to Katara, Sokka, or Suki, later Zuko - Aang and Toph don’t really have any that are unconnected from them. In Toph’s case, she was raised super sheltered, and never got a chance to meet anyone, while Aang HAD friends, but they’re all mostly dead, except Bumi, because of the 100 years in ice thing. And we already have Bumi here being an old man. The only other friend Aang really mentions is Kuzon, the Fire Nation kid who … I think there’s a short story about the pair of them fighting off poachers? Anyway, I was basically imagining Kuzon as “Le Chien Kim, but Animal Lover and Environmentalist Advocate”. He would have grown up next door to Aang and Gyatso, and that’s how the pair are friends. As for names … I want to say Tarzan or Mowgli, but I feel like, even in universe, those would get him visits from lawyers.
so, Katara/Aang. Aang I see as non-binary - they don’t mind which pronouns you use, but mostly uses he/they when referring to himself. Katara believes she is straight, but is actually bi with a bigger attraction to males.
Sokka is poly-pansexual. His relationships start with Sokka/Yue, until Yué realizes she’s actually AroAce, and they break up. Then later Sokka/Suki, which morphs into Zuko/Sokka & Sokka/Suki, which changes to Zuko/Sokka/Suki. Suki’s bi, while Zuko is … Zuko (demi-pan, but never has the words for it till WAY later).
Toph is Aro, or at least grayromantic, as is Teo. Teo I also see as trans, but that might just be me.
Mai/Ty Lee eventually becomes Mai/Ty Lee/Azula. (Sexuality uncertain, but my cousin does call them the “Deadly Lesbians”.) There’s a brief Mai/Zuko, but only to get Mai’s parents to back off and leave her alone.
Haru is our only totally straight guy, congrats man, you are our cishet+!
Thoughts, Feelings, Opinions, New/Different Ideas?
(Also, side note. We still have Cabbage man, right?)
Loving the names! I think I’m gonna make a masterpost of the names here once I finalize them.
Totally get the thing on Kuzon. Like yeah I’m trying to think of other characters to fill out the Hero team and other than Jet’s group there aren’t a lot. There’s a reason I dragged Jin into this(other than the fact that I love her)
And yeah I’ve been turning Jet and co over in my head trying to think of what they’d be and I can’t think of anything for them because there’s so many changes to the base setup.
I have my ships I like and while I do take suggestions it’s my au and I get the nonsense!
Obvs the Aang/Katara stays.
I see the Zuko/Sokka/Suki and raise you adding Jin in there.
Swinging to Yue: I always have mixed feelings in some AUs because I love her and Sokka in Canon but most AUs they never really work out. And in this one idk why they wouldn’t exactly? Like nothing gets in the way. Maybe if I write Sokka starting the Suki relationship first and then while they’re poly they’re not at a ‘hey how do you think about another person?’ discussion stage when they meet Yue? And then by the time they are at that stage either they’ve moved on or Yue has her own partner?
That said. Yue/Azula. Any time I have the chance for them I take it. Like the equal opposite you see my vision.
I also have this weird soft spot for Toph/Ty Lee. Probably has something to do with that post of ‘Ty Lee teaches Toph to walk on her hands’ thing because as funny as that post is these two are menaces it’s great, the amount of trust involved in it!
Haru is def our token straight though.
My one original thought:
So like. The Gaang has a range of ages. And in atla that’s fine due to the circumstances. But here it’s kind of a question of ‘how do they all meet/become friends/etc if they never really meet’? so I’m gonna make shit up to squish them into the same grade in school. 
Aang and Toph skipped a grade. Homeschooling put them a bit ahead of their peers in public school so they just got placed ahead.
On the flipside, Zuko got held back a grade due to the whole ‘being kicked out and horrifically scarred’ thing. Like between the mental and physical care he’d need he missed a lot of class that year so just. Repeat the year.
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stesierra · 1 year
The world is a better place now. Because when I was a teenager, being ace or aro wasn't really a thing young people, even young people deeply entrenched in the Internet, heard about. Like at all. I came out as bisexual in high school because I thought that was the only option! I felt the same about men and women! What else could it be? This was around 2001, and nobody, not even my lesbian friend, ever even mentioned that asexuals existed. The fanfic I read was full of yaoi and yuri and plenty of lemons. Characters weren't asexual. If no one had a relationship in the fic it was called "gen" and assumed to be written by prudes.
I ended up married with a kid, and I wouldn't change that, but if I'd known about the aroace spectrum, I wouldn't have spent twenty years feeling like something was wrong with me. Searching desperately for a way to connect sexually and romantically with others. Something that didn't work for me the way it did for others. Maybe I would have found my way here without so much anxiety and depression and the feeling that maybe I was a monster incapable of loving others. I hope kids today have that chance.
By the way, I am plenty capable of love despite all the people who called me an ice queen and heartless over the years. And I love my family very much.
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thebisexualteen · 8 months
Some little facts bout my OCs(Not that much rn)
The Aerial Empress
-Birthday and age is currently unknown
-She/Her pronouns
-Element is Air
-The Introvert among the other rulers(The only Introvert)
The Forest Ruler
-Birthday and age is currently unknown
-He/Her pronouns
-Element is Earth
-The Extrovert among the other rulers
The Sea Lord
-Birthday and age is currently unknown
-She/Her pronouns
-Element is Water
-Ambivert among the other rulers(The only Ambivert)
The Ice Queen
-Birthday and age is currently unknown
-She/Her pronouns
-Element is Ice
-Omnivert among the other rulers(The only Omnivert)
The Blazing Sunrise
-Birthday and age is currently unknown
-He/Him pronouns
-Element is Fire
-2nd Extrovert among the other rulers
-Sexual Orientation is currently unknown
The Cosmic Monarch
-Birthday and age is currently unknown
-Any pronouns
-Element is Space
-3rd Extrovert among the other rulers
Btw Empress, Ruler, Lord, Queen and Monarch are a gender-neutral names since they don't have an gender cause they're all idiots/j
I'm scared if the Archivists ever meets them
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lunar-enigma · 8 months
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My Wings of Fire OC, Ghast
This is an OC I haven't drawn in awhile! I've been messing around with different fullbody poses; the Wings of Fire How to Draw book has been a lifesaver when it comes to breaking things down into shapes. Additionally, this piece was originally going to have a mountain background, but I was tired while drawing it so I decided to do the watercolor sort of thing you see above. I think it turned out cool.
Tribe: Sky/Ice hybrid Gender: Male (he/him) Orientation: Aroace Occupation: Archer Residence: Claws of the Clouds Mountains Special Abilities: Firescales
Ghast was born to a SkyWing mother and an IceWing father, and to their dismay, he had firescales (even if they were only on the underside of his wings). The couple could not stay together due to tribal tensions during the Great War, furthermore leaving their young son due to fear of what their queens might do to him. Thus, he was adopted by his SkyWing grandfather and raised in the Claws of the Clouds Mountains where no one would find him.
Ghast learned many practical skills from his grandfather such as archery and foraging, but due to being isolated from the rest of the world, Ghast never learned how to interact with other dragons. He is quite afraid of the outside world and lives alone as an adult.
Here's a transparent version of the artwork:
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 4 months
Please please please expand on this milf campaign I need to know more
So backstory first: imagine a cross between a lovecraftian elder god, and one of those christian momfluencers who just WILL NOT STOP having children due to an unexamined breeding kink. That's Illucia Starsong the woman who ate the gods.
Anyways 2 bazillion years ago the world basically existed in her image, then 1 billion years ago her 7 daughters (each themed around an element) teamed up to kill her. But then they chickened out last minute and instead trapped her inside the vault of her castle, and placed said castle at the bottom of a frozen lake.
The daughters went their separate ways, with Althaya (whose domain is nature) being the only one who tried to keep them in contact. A big part of Althaya's self image was being a healer and caretaker, so after a century or two of more and more of her sisters going no contact, she got married to a demon summoning warrior king. Cause you know, she could fix him.
So when that didn't work out, and her sisters weren't around to emotionally support her after the breakup/help her trap her ex in eternal torment underneath the roots of a tree, she decided to enter her villain phase.
Fast forward to now: After spending ages ruling an evil empire from the shadows Althaya, now going by matron Sortrose, has decided that if not even having children is going to fix the sense of loneliness she feels inside, her only choice is getting mom out from under the ice. Everything was way better when mom was in charge anyways! They were a family, and everybody loved her and saw what a kind and generous person she is!
So the high concept of the campaign is: the party having to track down the other 6 of Illucia's daughters and help them work through their issues so they can stop Althaya from unleashing the biblically accurate milfpocalypse.
And of course, since all her daughters have been around for a while, they're now all milf-aged, but because there's an in-universe justification, they don't count against my milf quota!! Also since the sisters are all some flavor of dyke, it means I also get to give them milf-aged girlfriends/wives who also don't count against my quota!!! #milfmaxing
So here's the seven sisters and their respective element and flavor of milf:
Ammanhue (magic) - witch milf
Aglaroth (Earth) - army/dad milf
Althaya (nature) - evil queen milf
Asper (air) - fuckboy butch milf
Aunrak (water) - paladin butch milf
Allustriel (fire) - unfuckable scientist milf (she's aroace)
Armillah (ice) - auntie milf (yes she has packed the party lunch, more than once)
Also a few other key milves from the story
Vivian Trench - detective milf, who is also a litteral cougar lady
Rhiannon - travelling magic item seller, with the approximate vibe of a used car salesman
Mocauhqui and Delilah - a couple of revolutionaries, who after succeeding in overthrowing the colonizers are doing a GREAT job at handling their trauma.
And of course my personal favorite: Azzy (aka. Azganriel the angel of love)
So, since Illucia is such a great and normal mom, when she learned her beloved daughter Asper was battling depression and addiction, she was like "I know what will help: a girlfriend who will act as a second mom when I'm not around." So then she created an angelic being in her own image, with limited capacity for independent thought, and sent her off to be Asper's girlfriend/caretaker.
It worked out about as well as you can imagine, but in the process, Azzy gained self-awareness which she used to be a huge slut. Her and Asper are bros now, and instead she's dating Aunrak.
So you've got this literal angel, loose fitting white gown and all (and a pair of melons to concuss a dragon), who is dating the most paladin to ever paladin. But she's also an endless source of innuendos, and will take any excuse to get her tits out, which never fails to turn said paladin wife into a tomato.
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ch4tk4t · 2 months
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Pride month is already over...(1/2)
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I posted a LGBTQ+ superhero comics character every day to my Threads account
Enjoy this recap of every single one. Take care y'all 💙🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💙
These are (sort of) in chronological order.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: America Chavez .
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Needs: A good on-going series, the MCU not f*cking up her backstory as bad as the comics did.
Qualifactions: Super DUPER f*cking gay (was born in a Sapphic paradise, f*ck the f*cking retcon in it's *sshole)
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Jean-Paul Beaubier, Aka Northstar
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Needs: his own x-team (with or without his awesome sister) of which, of course, he would be the leader because, well, duh.
Qualifications: Snarky prideful gay dude💅 (his wit is LEGENDARY)
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character, Aldrif Angela Odinsdottir.
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Needs a movie/more comics respresentation/possibly a cooler costume (Love the helmet though)
Qualifactions: Super duper gay.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: David Alleyne aka Prodigy
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Needs: His version of young Avengers to come back, for good. And he should hook up with Marvel Boy, just sayin'.
Qualifications: Baby bi boi 🩵
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Gwendolyn Poole, Aka Gwenpool
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Needs: For people to start buying her comics, so Marvel understands she's a WAY better character than Deadpool. I said what I f*cking said.
Qualifications: Aroace gurl 🩵
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Nico Minoru aka Sister Grimm (although I struggle to remember when exactly she used that alias 🤷🏽‍♀️)
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Needs: Nothing. She's perfect. I'll fight you if you say otherwise.
Qualifications: Buh-buh-buh-Baby biiiii bye byeeeeee... Ahem. Bi. She's bi.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Noh-Varr aka Marvel Boy
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Needs: More comics with him in it wtf? I get writing for him after the great Grant Morrison can be intimidating, but come on !
Qualifications: Bi alien guy.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: James Howlett, aka Logan, aka Wolverine (the least cool one imo but hey 🤷🏽‍♀️)
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Needs: Marvel to grow a f*cking spine already. For real. Like yesterday.
Qualifications: Bi and polyamorous. That's right. I went there. Deal. With. It. Do you think Jean had connecting doors to both Scott AND Logan's room for what ? BINGO NIGHT ? WAKE/GROW UP PEOPLE !
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Raven Darkholme aka Mystique aka Sherlock Holmes (not joking) aka my blue mom
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Needs: NOTHING. Perfection doesn't even BEGIN to describe it.
Qualifications: I still struggle with the concept of a Bi lesbian, but I'm thinking she fits the "label" PERFECTLY 💙
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Charlene McGowan
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Needs: Nothing. She was written perfectly. The fact she's trans is addressed ONCE, because it's PLOT RELEVENT, SHE'S THE ONE WHO ADRESSES IT, saves the day thanks to her experience as a trans woman, then she goes on with her f*cking life. Queen 💅
Qualifications: Badass trans scientist. Read. Immortal. Hulk.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Shela Sexton aka Escapade
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Needs: More comics. I love seeing her in every year's pride comics, but we don't stop existing after pride y'all.
Qualifications: Trans nerd with socializing issues, it's like she was written for me
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Eloïse Phimister aka Ellie aka Negasonic Teenage Warhead
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Needs: For Marvel to actually DO something with her character, like wtf was the point in bringing her back from the dead, rebooting her then NEVER F*CKING USING HER?
Qualifications: Badass angry dyke 💙.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Vivian Vision aka Viv aka... Vivid... Vessel? (wait, what ?)
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Qualifications: Lesbian android girl
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Bobby Drake aka Iceman (Ice ice baby)
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Needs: Another case of a character being perfect. Nothing to see here. Kindly move along. I'd hug him. Even in his ice form.
Qualifications: Gay as f*ck.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Julio Richter aka Rictor aka Druid
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Needs: For artists to stop drawing him so light skinned. Other than that, no comment (if any writer dares TOUCH his relationship with star again, I WILL bite them though)
Qualifications: Gay warlock. The best kind.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Martha Johansson aka Cerebella and another alias I will not use as it's basically her deadname.
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Needs: To be happy. Her origin is so dark, she deserves it.
Qualifications: Gay telepathic prodigy
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Phylla Vell aka Captain Marvel (one of the many) aka Martyr aka Qasar
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Needs: To survive her use in the MCU. I still have nightmares of what happened to Kamala.
Qualifications: Gay inter dimensional alien
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Teddy Altman aka motherf*cking Emperor Dorrek-Vell (I added the mothef*cking)
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Needs: Why exactly don't I have a ongoing about him and his husband ruling over the empire already? Like wtf Marvel.
Qualifications: Buff gay alien boi
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: William Kaplan aka Billy aka Wiccan
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Needs: I won't repeat what I addressed on his husband's presentation. Nothing else to add.
Qualifications: Romani magician gay boi
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Xuan Cao Manh aka Karma
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Needs: Nothing. The fact she speaks French makes me like her that much more. Just in case being a badass Vietnamese mutant telepath with a cyberleg didn't already sell me 🤷🏽‍♀️
Qualifications: Badass mutie lesbian.
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Kitty Pryde aka Shadowkat aka Ariel aka too many to remember
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Needs: A female love interest she doesn't sexually assaults, like wtf Marvel, who okayed this?
Qualifications: Bi Jewish techie with a heart of gold.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
I'm just curious, what's your headcannons about the sexualities of the LMK crew? I know you have a post about your ideas about their gender identities and I know that you mentioned that Wukong is ace (in a Celestial NATO post)? So if you're okay talking about it what are the others? (The babies are not included. I find it annoying when people push little kids/toddlers/babies being boyfriend & girlfriend because of hetero normality. Cis people are weird. Sorry for the rant.)
For the LMK versions of the characters specifically:
Sun Wukong: Asexual/Demi-romantic. If you're not Macaque, keep walking.
Macaque: Bisexual/Biromantic. Loves whatever config Wukong has on at present.
Pigsy: Bisexual. This man has been canonically attracted to a spider woman, and a man who turned out to be a cicada. He has a type.
Tang: Gay. Men hot. Specifically strong ones that know how to cook. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡° )
Sandy: Asexual/Homoromantic. Doesnt understand why he's considered "the hot one" of the gang. Has have any flirting spelled out to him.
MK: Gay/Demiromantic. Romantically attracted only to people he has forged deep bonds with in battle (preference for men/a certain fire demon).
Mei: Lesbian/Aromantic. Girls hot. Romance hard. Details in bio.
Red Son: Pansexual/Panromantic. Why worry about the gender of their probable mate, when they could judge them based on their power?
Nezha: "Get out of my room!" Likes guys.
PIF: Pansexual. Canonically attracted to power.
DBK: Bisexual. He be making eyes at Azure back in the day until PIF came on the scene.
Spider Queen: Bisexual/Homoromantic.
Syntax: Pansexual. Really doesn't care about the gender of his potiential partners, but you wouldn't know it from his lack of swag.
Huntsman: Gay. Specifically for a dense asexual river demon.
Goliath/Strong Spider: Ace. Thinks romance and stuff is just little too complicated/messy for them.
Spindrax: Lesbian. Like loudly so. Has a million different flags and vest patches.
LBD: Doesn't care. Destruction and Destiny first.
The Mayor: Straight but is on thin ice.
Scorpion Demoness: Panromantic. Is romantically attracted to pretty much anyone. Please give her kisses.
Tripitaka: AroAce. Didn't know that there was words for their sexuality until Tang started contacting them via meditation/possession - they just thought they were nailing this celibacy thing.
Zhu Bajie: Bisexual. Used to think he was straight as his rake until he saw some very pretty dudes while on the pilgrimage.
Sha Wujing: Asexual. Wasn't even included in Guanyin's catfishing (pun) chapter cus she knew it would be lost on him.
Ao Lie: Questioning. He never really thought about it? Guys hot maybe??
Azure Lion: Demisexual. One of the reasons he fixated on SWK back in the day was cus he was so unused to feeling "like that" that he figured that his interests would solely be on SWK for all time.
Peng: Bisexual. Men hot, women hot, them hot. Whats not to love?
Yellowtusk: Ace. Continuing to stay tf out of the Brotherhood's romance problems.
Erlang Shen: Closeted Gay. Running from his gay thoughts like that one Family Guy clip.
A bunch of characters are more detailed than others based on the vibes I get/fave interpetations from others.
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Empty Vessel-'verse headcanons: Tilda
Thank you to @tildabardsdotter11 for asking me to do headcanons for Tilda in My Heart is an Empty Vessel-'verse! Here are the ones I can think of, and I'll reblog with more if I think of them!
She is endlessly curious, and not at all afraid to ask awkward questions; she is very direct, which can sometimes come across as tactlessness.
Her weapons-grade cuteness (as a child) develops into a disarming charm and openness that means she has most people she meets wrapped firmly around her little finger in five minutes flat.
She becomes a keen gardener in Dale, restoring its gardens and orchards and seeking advice, tips and plants from every ambassador who visits; her hothouses, in later years, are the envy of half of Middle-Earth.
She also becomes a healer, learning how to use the herbs and medicinal plants she grows; she is particularly skilled in midwifery. Her mother died giving birth to her and Tilda is named for her - her mother was Maud, known as Maudie, and Matilda is another form of Maud (in our world, Matilda is the Latin and Maud the Old English form of the name) - and Tilda decides early on in Dale that she wants to learn to help women in childbirth in her mother’s honour, so that as few women as possible suffer the fate her mother did.
In adulthood she is very enthusiastically pansexual, and is forever getting into one sort of mischief or another.
This fact notwithstanding, she is an accomplished diplomat and is very good at dealing with foreign ambassadors, most of whom want to arrange a marriage between Sigrid (who is Queen in this ‘verse, Bard having abdicated to retire to the Woodland Realm with Thranduil as soon as Sigrid was old enough to take over from him, and who is very very aroace) and their own ruler; Sigrid calmly ignores the marriage proposals, and Tilda tends to deal with the ambassador in her own way.
Tilda is the one who breaks the ice with Thranduil, initially, and although he does not have favourites among his stepchildren, if he did his favourite would probably be Tilda. They absolutely adore each other, and Tilda is the one who can disarm him and persuade him into doing things that will be good for him.
She is an inveterate matchmaker, and if she sees people being daft about each other and not doing anything about it, she will absolutely be the one who says something about it; she is almost entirely singlehandedly responsible for Bain and his childhood friend Lotta sorting themselves out and getting married, for starters.
She never marries (she is far too busy and also she doesn’t want to limit herself) but she has her family around her and she is probably the happiest of all of them to the end of her days.
If you’re in Dale and you have a problem, Tilda is the one you go to. She will know what to do, whether it’s referring you to Sigrid (and probably putting a word in on your behalf), brewing you a tincture, taking you for a walk in the gardens and a good long talk, whatever you need.
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just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
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aaaaand HECATIA!!!! She's another one of the Prime Planets of the Taenarum System's Proto-era, and is a butterfly-like planet. She's also one of the ice giants. She's swift and agile, able to take down her enemies with efficiency. She's also an aroace sapphic girl!!
we stan an aroace queen💥💥💥
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The City is Ours ; a WIP Intro
(New and Improved Re-Introduction!)
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Genre and Setting
low urban sci-fi, superheroes, dark sci-fi ; set in big city somewhere northern on a US coast, I'm cautiously giving the city the placeholder name Henderson, modern times
Masterlist / Shitty Comic Sans Intro 🤪
third person limited, multiple characters (about 5-6)
Status and Length
First Drafts, roughly 2k ; 5 book series, no idea what the wordcount will be yet, maybe 100k per book?
Tropes and Themes
chaotic teenage superheros, domesticity in between the action, 2012-13 Avengers Tower fic vibes, found family but they're all dumbasses, villain arcs and redemption arcs galore, reluctant villians, superhero team but they're all lower middle class, POC disabled Jewish and Muslim and queer representation, "don't die or i'll kill you", heroes and villains and the chaos that ensues ; are you the hero or the villain, what's the difference between good and evil (is it who's telling the story?), forgiveness and redemption, saving the world vs saving yourself and your family, exploring morality
Warnings and Rating
guns, potential depictions of torture, superhero genre typical violence, blood, depictions of discrimination and bigotry (towards super-powered people mostly), trauma and mental health issues including possible depictions of panic attacks, and a whole fuck ton of angst ; Teen and Up
Main Characters
Nickelle Takahashi (she/her)
Team Leader, Superhero Name: The Icicle
Ice Powers
Japanese American, AroAce, lead singer in a local rock band
the leader who puts way too much pressure on herself, and who will do everything for the people she loves
Asher Romero-Cruz (he/him)
Team Dad, Superhero Name: The Flashlight
Light and Shadow Powers
Gay, Christian, Latino American, LEGO and Star Wars nerd
the Dad Friend of the team who is always looks out for everyone. Has a civilian boyfriend
Gabriella Wilson (she/her)
Team Cheerleader/Suit Designer
No Powers
CisHet, White with long blond hair, very talented sewer and fashion designer
the blonde bimbo who is super supportive of everyone and will be your wing woman ride or die
Kylee Trimble (she/they)
Youngest Teammate, Superhero Name: Now-Ya-See-Her-Girl
Speed and Invisibility Powers
Redhead with pale skin and freckles, Nearsided with Glasses, Nonspeaking Autistic, PanAce, Artist
the artist who is afraid of opening up and being her authentic self around others
Bryson Barns (he/him)
Team Medic, Superhero Name: The Healer
Healing Powers
Black, token straight that's on thin ice, Diabetic (Type 2)
the very tired healer who can heal all physical injuries, but he can't heal himself or mental injuries and struggles with accepting that
"V" Talić (they/them)
Team Cool Big Sibling, Superhero Name: Morph
Shapeshifting Powers
Muslim, Nonbinary Lesbian, Bosnian American, Soccer Jock
Impulsive and reckless, the one who always has crazy ideas for getting out of sticky situations. Struggles with fitting in with their culture/family while also being themselves
Jason Richens (he/him)
Team Asshole, Superhero Name: Hotshot
Fire Powers
CisHet (and an asshole about it)
Thinks he's special because his dad is rich, his character only exists to be bashed
Chase Silverstone (he/they)
Team Hacker and Tech Expert, Superhero Name: TechGuy
No Powers
PanAro, Jewish, Romani American, Bipolar Disorder and OCD, Anxiety and Depression
The team techie who struggles with asking for help and dealing with his mental health issues and taking care of himself
Black Hole - Main Antagonist of Book 1. Alien from Pluto, trying to take over earth as a last ditch extra credit project for his AP Government class. Can absorb any attack and reflect it back
Miss Recluse - Recruited by Black Hole. Has the human sized body of a Brown Recluse spider and the head of a human and poisonous fangs. Can do everything a spider does, and is a bit of a drama queen. Besties with The Magician
The Magician - A sorcerer from the dark ages who accidentally transported himself to the future with no way back. Uses a lot of dark magic that includes illusions- favorite spell to use is blue fire that is immune to water and can burn through metal and stone. Dr. Strange meets Dr. Faciler.
Mr. Cyanide - Recruited by Black Hole, eventually becomes a solo high level threat villain, main antagonist of book 2. Mad scientist with a deadly knack for chemistry. Only cares whether his experiments work, couldn't care less if they hurt or kill people.
Boss Lady - a Mafia boss who is colossally tall and wide, and incredibly strong. Big stronk woman who is working with/for the Snow Queen (her loyalties or questionable). Does have standards but also tortures people for the fun of it so....?
Blood Debt - Loner (mainly) vigilante who rides around on a motorcycle and kills anyone who he sees fit is deserving of dying, or whoever he gets paid to kill. Does jobs for the Snow Queen, and under the mask he is someone one of the heroes is very close with...
Nightmare - a small time, low threat villain that doesn't actually hurt anyone. Her powers put people to sleep and she takes their energy from them. A freshman/sophomore college student with an engineering major. More of an anti-hero vigilante if you squint.
The Snow Queen - The big bad for the last three books. Only an urban legend/rumor until the last two books. Has ice powers that can control tech and people. No one knows her identity and she is holed up in her lair most of the time, sending minions/Boss Lady or Blood Debt to do anything outside the lair. She is someone all of the heroes know very well :)
A bunch of rookie teenage superheroes and their journey to becoming the heroes and protectors of their city, and eventually the world, and most importantly- a family. With all of the chore rotations, late night grocery runs, fights for the shower, and everything else that happens along with the action. Full of full scale super powered fights, betrayals and confrontations, cool tech and superpowers, and everything we love about the superhero genre.
Book 1 - The Initiation
Book 2 - The Hunter or Hunted
Book 3 - The Shadows
Book 4 - The Snow Queen
Book 5 - The Forsaken
(all the titles are placeholder titles for now)
Extra Stuff
Chase is a caffeine addict and not only can, but has on multiple occasions mixed coffee and energy drinks
Kylee uses sign language or a text to speech app to communicate, or if she has neither goes old school and writes things down
the city is based on a combination of Chicago and Gotham City
Nickelle has two younger siblings, a brother and a sister who are inseparable, 8 and 5 years old
Nickelle also has a huge extended family that's more traditional and she has to tone down her punk look for family gatherings
Asher's boyfriend is Damian. Damian finds out about his partner's double superhero life when Asher saves him in the mask, and like a dumbass, Asher forgets to turn on his voice modifier and Damian recognizes his voice immediately
Damian is also a Chekhov's Civilian and becomes a vital part of the plot
Nightmare and V have a little enemies to lovers romance that's mostly in the background is is really just there for comedy
The Magician gets a redemption arc and becomes the Hero Team's weird morally gray uncle
Kylee has a brother who is in the US Navy. He is one of the few people that she is comfortable being fully unmaksed around at the beginning of the books, and he is deployed during the events of the books.
Bryson has a weird relationship with his dad, who raised him all by himself and is a full time EMT. Bryson really wants to tell his dad about his double superhero life because it's driving a wedge between him and his dad, but it's not safe and Bryson's not sure how his dad will react
And finally, some memes for your viewing pleasure:
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The City is Ours Taglist: @friendlyneighborhood-writer @jessica-writes22 @rose-bookblood @yejidoesthings @space-writes
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport
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romeoeatzkorn · 8 months
felt silly so-
Introduction Post! 2024 editon
Basic Info
Name: Romeo (or Roxx) Age: 15 Gender: Genderqueer + Non-Binary Birthday: Feb|16th|2009 Pronouns: they/he (just They/Them or He/Him works too) Sexuality: Butch Dyke Ethnicity: Scandinavian + Plains Cree Nationality: Canadian
My other socials
Facts about me;
Since I was born on the 16 in Feb, I'm an Aquarius
I am 5"8” and thus taller than John Leguizamo, my favourite actor
I love 2 headcanon characters I think r cool as Queer
I kin both Queen Barb (from trolls) and Roxie Richter (from Scott Pilgrim)
I like to call my favourite characters (who I hc as gay) faggots. IDK why
I hate tomatos
I'm possibly Autistic, but I definitely have ADHD
My dog is old and stupid (/j /lh)
sometimes I like to use Z instead of S, just to be silly
I love drag!!
I am very fond of musicals
N$FW accounts
AroAce deniers
Facist + Bigots
Z10n1sts and N@z1s
Wally x Julie and Wally x Eddie/Frank shippers
Butch/Masc/Stem haters we’re beefing
Femme4Femme only Lesbians all of my WLW/NMLNM content is Butch4Butch or Butch4Femme
LGB without the T supporters
Z00s and P3d0s
Thin ice:
Oda defenders
Danganronpa fans
Montague’s 🖕🏼🖕🏼 /j
Cishet LGBTQ+ allies
MSPEC Lesbians idk how to feel about y’all
French People /j
Queer/LGBTQ+ people
Butches, Mascs, and Studs
Sapphics and Lesbians
Juggalos and/or Juggalettes
Punks, Goths, Emos, and Anarchists
Furries + Therians
John Leguizamo fans
Neurodivergent folks
Artists any form
Fans of “Sorry Mom”
My fandoms:
ATHF (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
Welcome Home Puppet show
R+J (1996) any other version too
SHH (Strange Hill High)
Warrior Cats
One Piece to some extent?
My Welcome Home AUs
Trad goth Wally + Juggalo Barnaby
Thriller AU (WH)
Highschool AU
17 AU
I am comfortable with;
Being called a Dyke
Tagging me in art (this is heavily encouraged!! Please tag me in any sort of fan content, I’d love to see it!!)
Being referred to with masculine, feminine, and androgynous terms
Being called a creature/thing
DM-ing if we’re mutuals
Romantic or sexually suggestive comments directed at my OCs and AUs if the characters are 20 or older
Headcanoning my OCs/AUs if it doesn’t diverge from the canon too much
N$FW content being made of the Thriller!AU and the Trad goth!Wally + Juggalo!Barnaby AU
Saying KYS in a joking way (just please make it clear it is a joke)
Please ask/inform me, before;
Creating N$FW or heavily sexually suggestive content of my AUs + OCs
Making AI bots of my AUs + OCs (especially if they’re N$FW ones)
DM-ing me if we’re aren’t mutuals unless it’s for a reason other than to say hi
Bringing up sexually suggestive topics, unless I have already told you it is okay (specifically topics that aren’t too heavily explicit, like mentioning sex is okay but please do not go into heavy detail)
Making sexually explicit (like somewhat detailed descriptions of sexual acts) comments about my OCs
I am NOT comfortable with;
Sexually explicit comments/asks directed at me or my personas
Exclusively using She/her for me
Fetishizing/making fetishistic content of my characters
People using my legal name online (please only call me Roxx, Roxxi or Romeo)
Have a good day, Be gay Do crime
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transmorolians · 6 days
imagine a character that to an outsider's pov they look like a butch lesbian Defrosting Ice Queen but on the inside they're aroace and truly don't give a fuck and want to go home
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neoflames · 11 months
Having so many thoughts about my Minecraft ocs so I’m gonna try and summarise how I feel about them in a sentence or two because boredom
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Augh Dal my traumatised babygirl </3 the world did you so wrong…
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Explosion sounds Lathor ilysm you’ve never had anything bad happen directly TO you but you have watched at least like 1 friend die and also your girlfriend is besties with a Villain now so o7 also queen of the Nether slay
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Apolloooo </3 my poor baby boy with an unrequited crush, it’s fine u can go date Lux, he has two hands he can date Zephyr as well
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Okay you aren’t the best person Cyn but you’re in a very toxic relationship so I’ll let it slide
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Augh Delta… you haven’t looked this happy in a long time… admin who got wrongly accused of many crime </3
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Funky ice woman, you were too power hungry and died cause of it L L L but also o7 you tried your best and now your girlfriend is traumatised 10/10 fantastic job
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ZEPHYRRR MY BELOVEDDD so traumatised but she is REPRESSING that trauma ✌️
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Nicole :D you messed up your girlfriend ran away to start a rebellion you silly billy
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Amber :D honestly I thought of you as a good person but you aren’t very nice to people sometimes actually. But anyways yeah funky fox woman in a love triangle (love corner? Idk she has a girlfriend but their Facebook status would be ‘it’s complicated’- Amber killed her in a battle and lead a rebellion against her- and also her bsf had an unrequited crush on her)
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Satisss :D aroace queen (literally, they’re the queen of the End) who is so oblivious to her sister’s childhood trauma and also part of a rebellion now also she really likes monarchies and governments and shit she unintentionally started the Drama TM
I will continue in a reblog ‼️
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