rayactive-factory · 1 year
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gawrkin · 1 month
Arthurian Knighthood and Guinevere's Sword
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As a modern person, this SHOULD be in more Arthuriana:
Guinevere giving Lancelot his sword - it is symbolic of his:
entry into knighthood,
establishing of his relationship with Guinevere, in both Romantic AND Feudal contexts
AND, the granting of Martial Prowess from a Lady (in a sanitized, Medieval Gender-conforming context). Possibly being an expression of that Lady's own martial potential.
Like, this plot thread reeks of some kind of Mentor-Student relationship that normally would be between male characters, but instead, its between an "Older and Wiser Female" and "Younger, Inexperienced Male" (compared to Tristan and Isolde, where its Tristan who teaches Isolde at her mother's behest).
It's like Scathach and Cu Chulainn. Obviously, Guinevere could never be allowed by medieval writers to teach Lancelot martial arts but the implicit allegory in place for us to take advantage of, especially in this era where Guinevere can fight and/or be a warrior queen.
It helps that Guinevere has her own cadre of young knights that she rears and maintains:
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Its basically a kind of feeder school.
Hell, I would make the sword Guinevere gives as Arondight, the sword of Lancelot from Bevis of Hampton (and weirdly hyped-up in Japanese Media). The sword would have been Guinevere's personal weapon since her maiden days, and the passing of this weapon to Lancelot represents
Guinevere retiring from her own Martial Career
Lancelot, in becoming her champion, acts as an extension of Guinevere's prowess, stuff she can't be doing anymore as a court lady and Queen and now must work through proxy.
Lancelot becoming, in a sense, a successor of Guinevere's legacy
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akystaracer22 · 9 months
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It is done!
Forgotten Chivalry was my first ever Sonic Fanfiction, and until Hade Furnace, it was the only book I posted. I didn’t have a set chapter length initially, and I was mostly flying by the seat of my pants so I didn’t really know what I was doing. I knew the direction I wanted to take it but not the way to get there and I was posting as soon as I was done with it. This time for the rewrite I’m giving myself a bit of a buffer, and I have also written out my plan.
I’ve now got a concrete plot from beginning to end, and the major plot points mapped out. I'm going to hold off on posting the rewritten prologue for now until I have a few more chapters done, just to make sure I've got something to post.
A few design aspects I will point out though:
Knuckle's many band's and marking's is special to him, no other echidna had that number of marking's and there is a lore reason to this.
Sonic facing away from the audience is also intentional, and something I ruminated on for a good three hours in the sketching phase, I was trying to decide between him facing the front with his head bowed or facing away with his head held high. I ended up flipping a coin. Truthfully I needed a fully facing/completely facing away view purely because otherwise it would have been off kilter but there's a fun plot reason too. A lot of the mystery of the story surround's Sonic and what he's going through from an outsider's perspective so it was a fun nod to that.
Shadow's eye colour was also an intentional deviation. His eyes are more reddish/yellow in the sclera as a nod towards his blood ties to the Black Arm's.
Silver has white marking's! They're barely noticeable unless you're looking for them but they're there. They gave Shadow a lot of strife when he first met the grey hedgehog
I'm really excited to start posting Forgotten Chivalry again, and since my art style has improved enough I can deliver more fanart of it as I post the chapters!
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jesscrazydoodles · 6 months
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Slashing right through the fire ❤️‍🔥
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the-void-archives · 2 years
Arondight | Phantom Of The Kill | 63 Icons
[ Dropbox ] Medium: Game Please Like or Reblog if you are using! None of the Art is by me, all of it belongs to its original Curator.
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thecorruptedquietone · 5 months
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there's no need to fight he's got two hands 🗡️🖤🫲💙🫱🖤🔫
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askleaderscrest · 4 months
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Arondight: I want to see what's beyond these mountains!
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silvermun · 4 months
Besides LanSoni, what do you think of Caliburn (Excalibur) and Arondight?
oh my god if arondight was sentient too i would cackle so hard that'd be so incredible dkfhksjsk
i wonder what kind of personality it'd have 🤔 lowkey i kinda want 'em to be just as stuck up as caliburn + maybe a little weirder, and they have their own sort of rivalry going on LMAO
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anryuuepic · 6 months
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Winterkill Works — Ward 7 Executive
Lisette Arondight
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Sorry if you answered this before, but other than Excalibur, will other weapons like Galatine and Arondight make an appearance?
Galatine will definitely feature as Gawain’s sword!
In the Vulgate Cycle, Lancelot’s sword is usually called Secace so that’s the name I’ll be using for it. I might call the Sword with the Red Hilt Arondight to add the name in though. And because sword with the red hilt is a lot to say
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sucrecube9 · 1 year
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Oh wait also yiik was mentioned in my general direction
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djohnhopper · 8 months
MONDAY MORNING LISTENING: A melancholy mood for this Monday morning, from Arondight Studios - wear headphones!
The Elegy of Time - Somber and Mysterious Ambient Music
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westopoliscity · 1 year
Shadow hand sketch ft. Arondight
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awakenedmaiden · 2 years
@askthemagebrawler liked for a starter.
Holly would find herself called to Satori's mansion, at the woman's request. She had heard mention of the girl's calming abilities. That her mere presence alone was said to be calming. It intrigued the lady of the manor. A curiosity had sprung up in her heart. Could such an ability allow her to feel more comfort in public? She had to know.
The moment the door opened to welcome Holly into her home, Satori was there. Dressed more formal than was her standard. Appearances were an important thing and if this girl could help her, well, she wished to make a strong impression.
Of course, Satori had said nothing about why she was calling the girl to her home. No no no. That would be too forthright. Rather she simply sent word that Holly's presence was absolutely needed in the underground for some reason.
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"Welcome to my home. Please, if there is anything that you need. Anything I could provide at all. Do not hesitate to ask it of me or my staff."
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kierisadragon · 2 years
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Stabtober day 2 Outfit Swap - Ridill/Sock
day 2 of the surprisestabtober prompt list, an outfit swap between Ridill from the upcoming show Reflection and Sock from Roobventure.
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irradier · 2 years
When Colette was given permission to adopt Gaia and Arondight at age 13 after working with them for a few years prior to that, even, she was eager to introduce them to her home her parent’s teams, and to Morgana. The two were a bit shy given that they were both still young, but they fit into the household well enough.
Of course, Arondight wasn’t as willingly social as Gaia was, and he would quietly tag along with her for the most part. Not to talk with the others, really, but just to be part of the group. He felt a bit more at ease with the other dark-types and rescues, like Cerberus and Copycat, and he also found an acquaintanceship with Calista too.
One pokemon they both seemed to gravitate towards naturally was Joyeuse. Not because the Aegislash was a nurturing, motherly pokemon, but because of her strength and the way she carried herself. The two of them spent a bit of time watching her train, and it wasn’t long before they tried training with her. While Joyeuse would slice things with her blade, Gaia bit them in half, and Arondight would do his best with his own blades as well, despite them still healing a bit. He never pushed himself, and sometimes he did sit off to the side and would watch them instead.
Joyeuse took notice of this, of course. With these two pokemon being a package deal, she took them both in and decided to train them personally. She could see they both had the drive and ambition. Joyeuse knew her own limits, and her limits were quite high. She was mindful of the other two, though, given their past and how young they were. When they started appearing tired, but still pushed on, she would stop them so they didn’t strain themselves.
Gaia has always been more of a heavy attacker, while Arondight is quick on his feet. Joyeuse was able to adapt to both of their styles, and they trained with her up until Colette made the decision to set out on her journey. With Joyeuse’s help, they both became extremely formidable in combat. Gaia learned techniques to totally overpower and overwhelm her opponent, while Arondight learned to maximize his attacks and incorporate his fast movement into them.
The two of them are who Colette will use most often when double battles come up. Their teamwork is unparalleled given their history together, along with both of them knowing their fighting styles and able to provide sufficient cover for one another.
Gaia herself is extremely fearsome given her size now, and has become akin to Joyeuse among Kalos’ media outlets. Whenever the Garchomp is around, most reporters are too nervous to approach Colette. Arondight also acts similar to Joyeuse as well, in that camera flashes reflect glaringly off of his steel.
When Colette does return home, Gaia and Arondight will spar Joyeuse for fun, like old times. Joyeuse can still hold the two of them off like she used to, but she’s noticing that it’s getting more and more tough to hold her own each time she sees them again. She has gotten to see how the two of them have grown and improved, and she suspects it won’t be long before she has to relent and fight them one at a time instead.
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