the-delta-quadrant · 8 months
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
this whole "neopronouns are ableist because some disabled people can't use them" literally reminds me so much of "you can't say aspec because it means autism spectrum", it's both people speaking for disabled people with disabilities they don't have (it was literally only allistic amisics who said this shit) and using disabled people as a weapon for queer inclusion, and those very disabled people literally disagreeing but being spoken over because we're just tokens to appear progressive while being exclusionary
same with "you can't say ace because ACE stands for adverse childhood events and it's disrespectful to people with childhood trauma" and is folks with childhood trauma are over here like... no
or people saying "you can't be bi lesbian because the split attraction model is for aspecs only", when a) it's not and b) the term split attraction model doesn't even come from the aspec community lmfao
stop using marginalised groups you're not a part of to further some antiqueer agenda
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thisaccisdead · 4 years
AROSPEC VIRGE..... i owe u my intire life 😭😭
dont thank me !! Thank ppl who pointed out that having remus b the only arosprc charcter wasnt great !! But im rlly glad u like him 🥺🥺
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the-delta-quadrant · 1 year
ok you all i need some ace and aro podcast recommendations that are NOT sfbo (seriously, i didn't come out as elsegender 6 years ago just for cis queers to advocate for the eradication of (my) gender like fucking terfs). especially aro ones i guess because i can't find any active ones besides sfbo. bonus points if they're actually trans friendly and not constantly throwing ableist slurs around
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