#art jam toronto
camillehenri · 4 months
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This is what I painted on Saturday.
Thank you Good Vibe People and ArtJam for having me. I had a great time painting, listening to music and meeting new people.
Hope we can do this again!
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takunwilliams · 9 months
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Vince Carter 2024
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dinoberrypress · 7 months
The Little Wolves Demo is available now!
Work continues on Little Wolves, and our May 14th launch feels like it's right around the corner! We're very excited for today's news, so I'll get right to it:
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The demo for Little Wolves is available now!
The demo's a bit of a teaser for what you can expect to see in the final game, with a little bit of everything so you can dip your toes into The Enchanted Forest without waiting any longer!
In the demo, you'll find all the dice rules, some info on the setting and the fae courts you'll aid in your adventures, 4 pre-made characters with some of the unique abilities you can gain, and an adventure that makes a great campaign start.
There's also a great bunch of art from Jam in its pages, featuring a picture of one of my favorite little guys in our game: the Puffballs (AKA Chicken of the Woods)!
The final version of the game is gonna be loaded with gorgeous, full-color illustrations & layout art, more denizens to meet, more setting details in general, more character options, more quests, and (guess what) more of everything!
We're so excited to release this demo, so please head over to Itch and give it a 5-star rating, a comment, and tell your friends!
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Find us at Breakout Con in Toronto!
That's right, Dinoberry Press is going to be at Breakout Con this week! I'll be running a few games of You're In Space and Justicar, and we'll be handing out some special Little Wolves stickers~
We're also gonna have a very limited number of physical copies of the demo, printed & assembled right here in our home studio! If you see us around, (or join one of my games), say hi and pick one up!
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And that's all for today! If you're not already, be sure to follow our Backerkit page!
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arkadenboden · 4 months
update on the fanfic for the nation. The first chapter is being edited and should be finished soon, however may be delayed because I kind of want to make art to correspond with the release of each one. For now, here are some headcanons that will be going into it:
starting with more minor ones that are just little things:
-Kim graduated with a degree in filmmaking!
-Ramona makes deliveries across Ontario, not just in Toronto.
-Kim’s father called himself “King Jeremy, the Wicked” as an unofficial nickname in highschool. This is a reference to Jeremy by Pearl Jam(Out of universe, anyway. Jeremy wouldn’t have been in highschool by the release of Ten because Kim was born in 1980)
-Kim’s hometown is in Greater Sudbury.
More important, spoiler-ish ones under the cut. Just cause.
-Jeremy wanted to be an artist, but settled for it being a hobby when his wife got pregnant
-Kim has OCD. I don’t see it represented much in media, let alone well. It’s something I also struggle with and I thought putting my experience with intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors into a fic like this may help with the desire to see myself represented
-Kim is the result of a teenage pregnancy. This decision was made specifically because I always thought Kim’s parents looked very young in comparison to the other older characters, and looked more like background characters that Scott would be acquainted with than Kim’s parents. They are both currently around 38-39.
-Kim’s little “area of subspace(think the desert Scott dreams about)” is a recreation of her hometown during her childhood. Things are exactly the same way they were when she was 7-15 ish. Subspace doors open onto a local trail, and pass through the trail and exit at the end of it. Ramona frequently passes through this area, but doesn’t encounter Kim for a while, as she has a tendency to wander off of the path and go elsewhere while Ramona uses it to move along.
-A character’s “Nega” form isn’t actually called that. I don’t know what they would officially be called on like a Wikipedia page but I think that is just what Scott thinks of Nega Scott as. Kim’s is dubbed “the Eidolon,” because she perceives it as a phantom or ghostlike figure of some kind.
thats all i can think of for now hope u enjoyed
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braintapes · 1 year
trying to find some images of simon for art reference and one of the first results that pops up is an image used for him in lgbt characters archive. which is a little funny to me because like....i GUESS? TECHNICALLY?
i do love the idea that simon has some gender stuff going on but because there is already SO MUCH happening in soma he doesn’t have the time or the brainpower to think/comment on it. 
like...like he’s essentially a software copy of some dude from toronto haphazardly jammed into the cybernetics of a long dead corpse trapped in a diving suit who also happened to be a woman but. like the ‘long dead corpse-jacking’ is already by itself SO MUCH. TOO MUCH. and iirc (though i could be misremembering) his reaction to finding out about imogen is just like “oh. huh okay.” and then he immediately moves on. presumably either to prevent himself from having some kind of breakdown about it or because he Can’t process it all.
and then that happens a SECOND time.
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graffiticanada · 9 months
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Cesar Alonso Mural
Sad that I missed this jam on the day of because I really would have loved to have seen Cesear Alonso working on this amazing mural
Check out more of his work on his website.
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stereogeekspodcast · 6 months
[Transcript] Season 4, Episode 3. X-Men ‘97 Spoiler-Free Review
The X-Men are back! Ron and Mon caught the Canadian premiere of X-Men '97 at Toronto Comicon 2024, and the following episodes. We share our review of the new season, all the feels about seeing our favourite X-people onscreen, and what we're looking forward to from the rest of the season. No spoilers!
Read Mon's Episode 1 review at Vocal, and learn more about the creation of the show with Mon's Comicon recap. Ron shares her experience at the X-Men '97 activation at Toronto Comicon 2024 on WWAC.
Listen to the episode on Spotify.
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(L-R): Beast (voiced by George Buza), Wolverine (voiced by Cal Dodd), Morph (voiced by JP Karliak), Bishop (voiced by Isaac Robinson-Smith), Rogue (voiced by Lenore Zann), Gambit (voiced by AJ LoCascio), Storm (voiced by Alison Sealy-Smith), Cyclops (voiced by Ray Chase) in Marvel Animation's X-MEN '97. Photo courtesy of Marvel Animation. © 2024 MARVEL.
Hello and welcome to a brand new episode of Stereo Geeks.
I'm Mon.
And I'm Ron.
Today, we will be discussing X-Men ‘97.
The new season of the 1990s X-Men animated show has got everybody a flutter.
We managed to catch the Canadian premiere at Toronto Comic Con 2024, and the hype was real.
I have never seen this many X-Men t-shirts, X-Men cosplayers, X-Men art, X-Men love, anywhere ever before.
And as two X-Men fans, this was a jam.
We literally went to Toronto Comic Con this year, just trying to get as much X-Men stuff as possible, and we did well.
Well, it's also nice because you suddenly see that there are other X-Men fans out there.
They love this franchise.
They love these characters.
Some of them are a little too enthusiastic.
But the highlight for a lot of people was the X-Men activation at Toronto Comic Con.
But it was an experience, getting in there.
Listen, with these exclusive things, it's always a bit of planning, a lot of loss of sleep, considerable anxiety before you can actually get there.
Sometimes you get lucky.
The stars align, the timings of your transporter line, and you get there well in time to stand in line and actually get into the room where it's happening.
The X-Men activation, we were already told several times, limited seating, you should get there early.
So that's exactly what we did, even though we'd spent all of Friday at Comic Con and it was kind of a late night for us.
But yeah, we were there first thing in the morning for the X-Men activation zone.
And it's a good thing that we went as early as we did.
So the activation was called Xavier's Lounge for Gifted Youngsters.
At first, I thought this meant it was only for young folks, like family zone or something.
Thankfully, it was open to everyone.
It was just, the naming of it was a bit odd.
But anyway, basically what this activation was, it was a couple of conference rooms turned into a giant North American living room like you would have back in the 90s.
It was Saturday morning, which is when the original show used to air.
And that's when they had the premiere.
I'd say there were about 10, 12 people before us, and this was a good half an hour, 40 minutes before the show even started.
So yeah, we were there really early.
Yeah, and you're talking about the show as in Toronto Comic Con.
That's not even when the screening started.
That started later, and it actually ran late.
So we missed another session.
But anyway, all in all, it was such a cool experience to be sitting amongst all these X-Men fans.
A lot of people had dressed up, a lot of t-shirts out there.
We were also wearing our X-Men t-shirts.
And just a great deal of buzz and excitement about this franchise that so many of us have loved for a really long time.
The thing is, you and I didn't grow up with this X-Men show.
It never came to India.
The X-Men movies, they came, and then we suddenly just fell in love with this group of characters, and we've been in love with them since.
But for a lot of people in North America, this was their introduction to the X-Men.
This is how they got into the comics.
So for them, this revival is huge.
Yeah, but also just spending time with the X-Men is so special.
It's weird because the X-Men weren't a thing when we were growing up.
Not just this show, but just in general, you never saw X-Men comics.
You never saw anybody refer to them.
So the movies were a game changer for us.
And then on the back of those movies, we had the PSP game, X-Men Legends 2 Rise of Apocalypse.
That really changed how we saw these people because there were all these characters in there, so many of them who still haven't made it to the big screen.
Then we went into reading the Wiki articles about them and finally got to the comics.
And that's how we learnt about this amazing group of people.
Now listen, comics, man, they're tough.
Some are good, some are bad.
Most of them are disasters.
You'll go through some runs and you're like, why do I like these people?
But in general, the X-Men do speak to a kind of community a lot of us feel, which is that you feel different, you feel like an outsider, you don't feel like you belong, and then you have the X-Men to turn to.
This is a really very important group of folks for us, and for a lot of people as we figured out at Comic Con this year.
And we were really like, you get pulled into that excitement.
Even if you're a little bit apathetic or unsure, I was like, oh, you know, like, you just get sucked into this.
Yeah, and we were so excited for anything X-Men related at Toronto Comic Con that we watched all five seasons of the 90s X-Men show on Disney Plus in anticipation for this event.
And I'm glad we did because at Toronto Comic Con, most of the main conference rooms were running the trailer for the X-Men ‘97 show.
And that starts with the ending of the 92 show.
Which has a huge spoiler for what happens in there.
So yes, I'm glad we watched it.
We marathon watched it.
Maybe that wasn't the best way to watch it.
And also as adults, you kind of do look at things differently.
On top of that, we're entertainment writers, so you're constantly analyzing everything you watch.
We are not devotees of the original series.
We have our criticisms of it.
But listen, it's the X-Men.
We had so much fun spending five seasons with them.
And I've gotta say, there were some very interesting notes in that original series.
And when I think about it, I'm like, wow, in the 90s, they were doing this.
I really enjoyed that aspect of it.
And there were some minute character changes, which I really enjoyed as well.
So yeah, I just enjoyed watching all these characters that we've completely fallen in love with for so many, so many years.
And I've been reading the Krakow era comics.
I keep telling you about everything that's been happening.
It's tough to get into those.
It's so vast.
There are so many different series.
I still don't know how certain plots ended because they weren't in the runs of the books that I was reading.
And I'm just like, okay, I'm just going to have to accept that this character died and just move on from that.
I will never find out how it happened.
Well, this revival is also happening at the same time that a comic book revival is happening.
So that's interesting.
I might actually start with these new comics because as you said, the Krakow era, I started it, but it's just too much.
There's too much to do in the world to catch up with that many comics.
I was kind of six months behind on the Krakow comics during Christmas.
And I literally didn't do anything else during the Christmas break, aside from reading comics from the Krakow era.
I'm caught up now and now I'm behind.
Such is the life of a comic reader, especially the Marvel comic readers.
Never know.
Anyway, shall we talk about 97?
Indeed, X-Men ‘97.
There's already a little bit of controversy just before the show launches on Disney Plus with creator and showrunner, Bo DiMeo, unceremoniously being fired.
No idea why.
And I think it's kind of odd because he was talking a lot about how much he loves the X-Men.
I don't know what happened.
We can't really speculate or anything, but it is a bit strange.
And it was obvious from the cast and previous producer and director, Larry Houston, when they were at Toronto Comic Con, nobody mentioned Bo DiMeo.
I was like, obviously the PR people got to you guys.
It's always uncomfortable when you start off something with a little bit of controversy.
His name is still in the credits from what we saw in the screeners.
So there's that.
But anyway, aside from the controversy, there's also been a lot of discourse about Morph.
We won't get into that because that's not even there in the first three episodes.
So let's just talk about the story.
First of all, we are not going to share any spoilers for the first three episodes.
The first two will be dropping on March 20th.
And then there'll be weekly episodes, total of 10 episodes.
All happening on Disney Plus.
So the show kicks off from the previous storyline.
It's not immediately after.
Things have changed.
Visually, things have definitely changed.
The animation style is gorgeous.
I would say it's almost too sexy.
I love the animation, the colors, the movement.
Actually, Larry Houston kind of said, that is really the Disney money because he couldn't get any of that kind of movement when he was doing the show in the 90s.
But yeah, oh God, it looks so good.
And there's a scene that for some reason, they've already shared it on Marvel's Instagram of Jubilee dancing.
It's absolutely gorgeous.
You would not have got that kind of movement in the 90s show.
Definitely not over here.
It's like your eyes just cannot move away from the screen.
Yeah, and the music is outstanding.
Not only has the theme tune been tweaked and updated to be more modern, but there's like these beautiful synth pop background tunes going on, which I'm like, this is exactly what I like.
Yeah, I'm like, are they going to unveil Leila Cheney here?
But you know, she wasn't there.
So one thing the voice cast at Toronto Comic Con mentioned was that the creators of the new show wanted to showcase the X-Men using their powers, but in new ways.
And that's obvious from the first episode itself.
And speaking of the powers, that's what makes the action in this episode so spectacular.
Each character and their awesome powers are introduced one by one.
This allows audiences old and new to acclimatize to the new era as well as the characters.
It was great to watch this.
And it's a really tight episode.
And honestly, it was more fun because we were watching it to the crowd and we were all like oooing and eyeing when the characters were in peril and ooh, they got out of that tight situation, yes.
So yeah, it was a lot of fun.
And another thing that, not that I noticed it, but the cast actually mentioned that the episodes in this season are going to be slightly longer.
So looking at the runtime, it's about 30 minutes for each of the episodes.
And I believe the 92 show, the episodes were generally about 21, 22 minutes.
So you get about six, seven minutes more story.
And I don't know whether that's the reason why it's only 10 episodes long.
We'll talk about that later.
Yeah, so the first episode really sets up a bunch of plot lines, which we're going to be seeing throughout the show.
The story does seem interesting.
The main story maybe, I don't know.
And then there's the Magneto drama, which honestly, I am far more into that than anything else.
Listen, if there's one thing that the X-Men is extremely good at, it's drama.
We don't care about who these big bad guys are that are attacking them.
We live with the drama.
Superhero soap operas, that's what we like.
Let's talk about Storm.
I know that the creators had said, oh, she's going to be powerful and cool.
In the first episode, she is definitely powerful.
She's never been more bad as before.
Yes, Storm's mohawk hair, like that just signifies that this is going to be an era.
I thought she was so cool, so powerful, and I love what she does with her powers.
It's different.
And I don't know whether it's because I've been reading the Krakoa era comics and all the characters are super powerful.
I just feel like it's a nod to what she can do in those comics.
So yeah, I like it.
On the flip side, Morph's look, that's a choice.
Well, Morph's look is much more consistent with their comic book look.
He looks like that?
In the comics, yes.
And now Morph and Bishop have been added to the main cast.
As you see, they're in all of the promos, etc.
Morph's human looking face, I don't know, I felt like it's been softened a little bit from the rather severe angles of the original show.
I don't know if it's a different choice because they have adopted a different default look or if it's just part of the animation style.
Bishop on the other hand, his powers are just so cool.
Again, the way they're using their powers in this show this time around, it's gonna blow people's minds.
I also feel like Rogue's face is slightly more soft.
The angles are gone.
I don't mind it, but because we've been watching the old show, and immediately after we see this one, you feel it.
I don't think this is a spoiler when I say Roberto da Costa has been added to the cast.
A lot of these characters, as we know, they sort of expand their roster, but it's not like they have full on main cast roles and screen time.
But love seeing Roberto, the way he's animated, so beautiful, really beautiful voice acting as well.
Now, we have seen one other new mutant in all this while.
One and a half, if you take into account little Ileana.
But what about the rest of the new mutants?
Also, so Bertro is like a little bit problematic in the comics, especially when he was first introduced.
I really hope they don't have all that misogyny in there.
Listen, when I see Bertro, my lad, I am so happy.
Listen, we lost Adam Cantor, who was a very lovely Bertro to see on the big screen.
I was so happy to see him, and it's really sad that we lost him.
But now we've got Bertro in this show, and he's being voiced by Guy Agostini.
I think he's doing a great job.
It's exactly what I'd imagine Bertro to sound like.
He's not sleazy here.
He's actually kind of sweet, very lost, and I really enjoyed the way they did his story.
There's a particular line that he says that got everyone in the feels.
Having said that, I don't think anybody ever gets Bertro's skin color right.
Like the New Mutants movie, let's not even start with that.
Bertro's mutant powers kick in because he's being bullied so badly because he has dark skin.
He's a very rich young boy.
It doesn't matter.
He's still getting bullied because of his skin color.
I just don't think it's correct in this show.
Like I love the fact that Bertro is here, but it's not right.
Yeah, no, I agree with you.
I really wish that they had just gone with the darker skin tone.
It's always these little things, you know.
Well, one course correction here has been the voice actor for Jubilee.
She's finally being voiced by Southeast Asian actor Holly Cho.
The original Jubilee actor, Alison Court, she said that she has a different role on the show, and she's actually very happy that she has passed on the baton to somebody who has the lived experience of Jubilee.
Court did not mention who she's playing, though.
Very, very sedative.
Yeah, I'm very happy that Holly Cho is taking over this role.
She got a really great shout out actually from Alison Court during the Q&A section.
She's really very happy about this new addition to the cast.
I'm really glad to see that they're willing to make these changes, you know, after everything that happened during the pandemic.
So it's a good change.
Can't help but wonder why we needed it in the first place.
Having said that, I did do some research, and at the time that Alison Court got the role, when she was, I think she said she was like 16, 17, they didn't tell her Jubilee's origins.
Poor thing was a bit shocked when she found out.
Well, at least they cost corrected.
So another cost correction, if you can call it that, is that this show is finally realizing how hot Gambit is.
Listen, I'm a writer at WWAC.
The WWAC team loves Gambit.
We once did an entire post about how much we love Gambit.
That's how much we love Gambit.
This episode, oh boy, people are going to love Gambit in this one.
Wow, yeah, how is Gambit this hot?
That's all we're going to say.
We're going to leave the rest to your imagination, because he doesn't.
That's a good one.
Oh wow.
So we had a kind of sad reason for a new addition to the cast.
Ray Chase has joined the cast as Cyclops' voice.
And this is unfortunately because the original voice actor Norm has passed away.
I absolutely love Ray Chase.
He is doing a great job.
When I started listening to Cyclops' voice in this show, I was like, this is it.
This is how Cyclops sounds.
Chase is doing a really good job of channeling Norm Spencer, but his voice acting is just so perfect.
He is exactly the way I hear Scott in my head.
I don't know what it is.
Maybe the timbre in his voice or something.
Scott is still a little bit more snarky in both these shows than I would expect him to be, but I love it.
It's so good.
I would listen to Scott in this show forever.
So we'll end the review for this episode by saying, it gets you in the feels.
There's a lot of emotion involved, not least because of the nostalgia value.
You're back with these characters.
You're spending a whole 30 minutes with them, which is honestly more time than you get to spend with the X-Men most of the time.
So this is great.
The best part of this episode is kind of in the trailer, but at the same time, every time I think about it, still makes me kind of teary.
This is quite an experience.
I don't know if it was heightened because of the Toronto Comic Con community and the whole premiere and the voice cast and meeting the person who made most of our favorite shows from our childhood, Larry Houston.
I don't know what it was.
It was a combination of a lot of things, but let's just say this first episode is worth the wait.
We can't really talk much about what we see in episodes 2 and 3.
We did get screeners to see them.
Let's just say they're quite different from the first episode, and comics fans are really, really going to love this.
From episode 2's credits itself, your mind is blown.
They're openly telling you nothing is the same anymore.
Without revealing anything about the episode, I will say that it was very tense, and honestly, there was one scene which I felt like it was riffing off the January 6th insurrection in the US.
Those sort of visuals and the tension of it, really scary stuff.
Now, whether it's intentional or whether we're putting those sort of visuals together because it literally happened not so long ago, I don't know.
Sometimes I do think art is sending a message, and if an X-Men show is not sending a message, it's not doing it right.
But from the scary to the sublime, if Magneto is so bad, why is he so hot?
That costume, that's something else.
It's making me question a lot of things.
Oh man, well, you know, Magneto's outfit is straight from the comics.
But I think it's the way it's drawn in this animated show.
It's really striking.
And I think it's because you don't usually see male characters dressed in that combination.
We can't reveal too much.
It may already be in the trailer, but when you see it in action, it definitely has a different feel to it.
And on top of that, you have this beautiful animation style and the colors are so beautiful, which actually makes a lot of sense because the X-Men are so colorful.
Like you have to have a colorful show.
Now what I do like, especially in this episode, is how they amalgamate a bunch of storylines into one tight story arc.
It's great because especially if you read different comics, you'll be like, oh, that bit's from this comic arc and this one's from that run.
I really love how they've done that.
Episode 2 for me was the best episode so far in 97, but probably the best episode of all of the original series as well.
Wow, that is high praise.
And I understand the sentiment because the X-Men, the 92 show, it kind of consistently had one message.
No matter what the mutants do, no matter how many people they save, humans will still hate them, humans will still hunt them.
The way that the Krakoa era comics have been going right now, that is the underlying theme.
It doesn't matter that the mutants have found their own island, that they're trying to just help people, cure people, it doesn't matter.
At the end of the day, they'll always be other, and because they are other, they must be eradicated.
This episode leans into that, and I think that's why it really hits you that these events can keep unfolding over and over again, despite what's happened to the X-Men.
The humans in this world will not accept them ever.
Well, one of the things which you can intuit from the first two episodes is that the humans are gonna hate the mutants because they don't see them as people.
And that is literally the real world issue with so many marginalized communities.
The people in power don't see them as people, so they don't see their suffering as an issue.
Now, how many people watching this in the year 2024 are gonna be able to draw that through line?
I have no idea.
Well, one of the things that was really hard hitting during the Q&A at Toronto Comic Con, George Booza and Lawrence Bain, both talked about how the X-Men appeal to people who don't fit in, who feel like they're on the periphery of society, the freaks, as Lawrence Bain called them.
They find refuge in the X-Men, which is what George Booza said.
And that's what makes the X-Men so enduring.
I do have to say that the Krakow era comics, I don't think they did justice to that feeling.
They got kind of lost in all the sci-fi stuff.
Very interesting to read, very imaginative, but so often I would be reading it, and I'm like, all those strong messages about it doesn't matter who you are, what you are, who you love, you're still a person who deserves respect, and the right to not be killed, whether you're mutant or human.
It just didn't come across that much in the Krakow era comics.
I'm hoping that the rest of the season really plays with that, because if you look at it, every time Bishop travels back and forth from the past, he's doing the same thing.
He's trying to save mutants, because humans just will not stop fighting mutants.
And honestly, at a time when the world is so divisive and so ready to fight over absolutely nothing, we need this show to send a message.
And I think it is, in its own way.
I think we're getting very maudlin over here.
Let's talk about the action.
The action was great.
Like the first episode, I loved the action.
It was so crisp.
And again, because we've been watching the old series literally days before, the movement of the characters was really something to behold.
What I loved about the action in the second episode is it's really hard to predict the outcome.
Again, maybe it's the crisp animation, but I felt I could really follow the different characters as they were fighting.
And sometimes in the old shows, I didn't always feel like I could figure out which character was fighting which.
I guess you could say the direction is a little bit crisper.
Again, technology has improved, so you can move animation and camera angles, et cetera, in a different way.
So it's much easier to follow, and it really ups the tension and the pacing a lot.
And Storm has a very interesting storyline here.
It's very different from episode one, but I believe we know which storyline from the comics this is.
So I'm very intrigued to see how the show is going to handle it.
So we mentioned the music in the first episode and how fun it was.
In this one, I felt like there were some musical throwbacks to the films, and it kind of reminded me of the Gotham Knights TV show, Short-lived, Why Did It Get Cancelled?
It was so good.
But that show had a few musical throwbacks to the Dark Knight trilogy.
It really worked to cement that show as part of that universe.
I kind of liked it.
Alright, episode 3.
Now this one, we really can't talk about anything here.
I swear every frame was a spoiler.
So we'll just give a sort of brief idea of this episode.
It kicks off with some extremely disturbing horror imagery.
If I was a child watching this, I would be awake for a few weeks.
This is not for the faint of heart.
And it actually makes me think, is this show for kids anymore?
The original show definitely was.
It was a Saturday morning cartoon.
It was meant for children to watch.
But watching the aesthetics of this show and some of the story arcs, I'm beginning to think this is a show for the people who had been kids when the original was around.
Yes, this episode was the first time when I thought to myself, who is this show for?
Because there are some really mature themes thrown in here.
They do scale back on some of the costumes because the comic storyline, oh boy, they did not leave anything to the imagination.
So that's definitely a bit different here.
But even then, like the horror elements, those were pretty disturbing for adults.
Forget children.
So the other thing I'd say, and I don't know if you noticed this, but Berthold's powers, it's borderline giving me trypophobia.
I really hope it doesn't actually because in the comics it never bothered me, but over here, because of the movement again, I don't know, it was like, oh boy, oh boy.
I really hope it doesn't get any worse.
Oh wow, I didn't notice that.
Now I'm worried.
But I do like how they're adapting stories from the comics.
And the original 90s show also did that, with Dark Phoenix saga and everything.
But the one that's in this episode takes place over several issues, and it's all kind of clumped together in this 30 minutes.
I don't know if that had to be so rushed.
I agree, it felt really rushed.
This was definitely one of those stories that required multiple episodes for the entire arc to run.
But again, how do you squeeze in a multi-arc story when you only have 10 episodes in this season?
The original show, one of the seasons had 13 episodes.
Some of the other seasons had 17 episodes, 19 episodes.
That's a good long time to base out your story.
But also there were a couple of other moments in this episode where I was just like, are people going to know who these characters are?
Because if you're a comics fan, you're like, oh yeah, oh yeah, this is great, this is wonderful.
If you're coming to this show as a newbie, you're going to be like, who's this?
There was definitely one character who I felt like, okay, they've put this character in there because they were part of the original comics arc, but there's no way the X-Men know about this person.
Or does this person even exist in this timeline?
It just doesn't make sense.
It's a great Easter egg, but it just doesn't make sense story-wise.
Talking about things that don't quite make sense story-wise, there's that love triangle.
Where did this love triangle come from?
I mean, it's alluring because the people involved are kind of hot.
But at the same time, it's also ecky.
Was it even canon in the comics?
When you guys watch it, you will know what I'm talking about.
Was it?
Okay, but I think we read about this in the trivia section of the Rise of the Apocalypse game.
I'm pretty sure.
But still, that doesn't mean it's canon.
Must be canon at some point.
This is so weird.
It's really weird.
This is probably the first episode of the three where I could tell that Gambit has a new voiceover artist.
He sounds a lot gruffer.
I couldn't tell.
He sounds the same.
He just looks great.
Yeah, the animation is so beautiful.
So yes, after watching these three episodes, how do you feel about the show?
Oh, I am super excited.
I'm enjoying it.
I love how many of the comic stories I can actually recognize.
I'm interested to see what's happening with the characters.
The animation is just so, so stunning.
I really just love being able to see it.
But I'm very intrigued by some of the story arcs that they've decided to adapt for this season.
And honestly, more X-Men.
Can't go wrong with that.
I completely agree with you.
Enjoying the action, the characters, the storyline, it's all great.
And we love the X-Men.
So glad this show is back.
And that's all from us talking about X-Men ‘97.
What did you think about the show?
Ron: You can find us on Twitter @Stereo_Geeks. Or send us an email [email protected]. We hope you enjoyed this episode. And see you next week!
Mon: The Stereo Geeks logo was created using Canva. The music for our podcast comes courtesy Audionautix.
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daggerzine · 7 months
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Laetitia Sadier- Rooting For Love (Drag City)
The album begins with “Who + What,” an eerie, moody keyboard-driven melody that builds with layers and layers of instruments and vocals. “I need to I want to I have to; Need to expand, want to expand; Embrace my Goddess; Escape the fortress; The walls are falling down, cultures are communing; Muses are converging; On the verge.” Track 2, ”Proteiformunite,” is the first of many French songs on this album. This time the bass gets the spotlight. Laetitia’s soft vocals take the listener away to another world. And then the band kicks in with a full-out jam! Next up, “Une Autre Attente," is another French track. Eerie keyboards and robotic piano are highlighted here, but the beautiful vocals truly add to this one. Check out the video:
Track 4, “The Dash,” is a soft, gentle, jazzy number complete with “Ba dee dup, Ba dee dup” Bossa Nova vocals. “Through the center; The discreet shine of your darkness; Eyes of children the heart of another; Things we fear are false; A current life; The place inside; Into the night slowly; Swells vitality.” Next, “Don’t Forget You’re Mine” has a stripped-down beginning, but eventually the music soars and swells with beats and strings. “Hey, don't scream with rage it’s vain. I’m not impressed, just exasperated again. A good slap is what you need; a good slap is what you want; take that take that, get up get up babe.” Track 6, “Panser L’inacceptable,” is another beauty of a song. It has a tropical feel to it. Love the horns here. Here’s the video:
Track 7, “The Inner Smile,” is possibly my favorite track with shifting flutes and a major jam near the end. It’s the most upbeat song on the album. “Smile at all parts of your being. Smile at the parts you’re aware of and those you’re not. Smile, smile and thank your whole body.” Next up, “La Nageuse Nue,” is a French-titled song with English lyrics this time. Laetitia gets deep with her poetry. “The dissolution beliefs; The singular world; Volunteers the ego. Social body, For a cleansing and healing, Experience. Which may turn the personality inside and out; Discloses the gold hidden within the heart.” Track 9,“ New Moon,” develops into a hypnotic blast of ambient sound. It actually came out way back in 2021. It’s one of those songs you just don’t want to end. A beautiful video directed by Laetitia and Tanya Small captures the song here:
   The album closes with “Cloud 6,” a repetitive outer space choral vocal exercise complete with blasting horns. “You have a power I haven't got. I have a power you don’t have. We need all the power we can get. Our psyches, well-being, brutalised, The world renounces its liberty because it is in fear. Because it is in fear, because it is in fear.” More deep thoughts from Laetitia as we would expect. Another great one from Stereolab’s Laetitia Sadier from start to finish.  Make sure to check the tour schedule beginning in March to see if she’ll be hitting your part of the world. ERIC EGGLESON
Sat. March 2- San Francisco CA @ The Chapel
Mon. March 4- Portland OR @ Polaris Hall
Tue. March 5- Seattle WA @ Barboza
Wed. March 6- Vancouver BC @ Fox Cabaret
Fri. March 8- Salt Lake City UT @ Kilby Court
Sat. March 9- Denver CO @ Lost Lake
Mon. March 11- Minneapolis MN @ Turf Club
Tue. March 12- Chicago IL @ Empty Bottle
Wed. March 13- Detroit MI @ Third Man
Fri. March 15- Toronto ON @ Garrison
Sat. March 16- Montreal QC @ Bar Le Ritz
Wed. March 20- Brooklyn NY @ National Sawdust
Thu. March 21- Boston MA @ Arts at the Armory
Fri. March 22- Philadelphia PA @ Johnny Brenda's
Sat. March 23- Washington DC @ Songbyrd
Mon. March 25- Atlanta GA @ EARL
Tue. March 26- Nashville TN @ Blue Room
Thu. March 28- Houston TX @ White Oak Music Hall Upstairs
Fri. March 29- Dallas TX @ Club Dada
Sat. March 30- Austin TX @ Parish
Tue. April 2- Phoenix AZ @ Rebel Lounge
Wed. April 3- Pioneertown CA @ Pappy & Harriets
Thu. April 4- Los Angeles CA @ Zebulon
Fri. April 5- Big Sur CA @ Fernwood Tavern
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(Photo credit: Marie Merlet)
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yeowninefive · 1 year
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Tower Vision
While Zoe jams out to music on the ground, Kolumbia gets to gaze out into the Toronto horizon from up high.
(I’m back home from my trip from Canada, but I still have a bunch of photos I’d like to sift through to make more mixed media art with. My main priority is start getting back to other art projects I put on pause due to the trip though.)
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musemash · 2 years
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IMAGINING OCEAN CHILD: OVERDUE HOMAGE TO AN ICONIC EXILED VISIONARY – tribute by David D. Fowler / playlists by Aeon 999 – updated & expanded Feb 26, 2023
This post is MFF's tribute to YOKO ONO's music, multimedia works, filmmaking, performance art – and of course, her relentless peace activism. We present links to the best available editions of most of her discography, and lots of items documenting her extraordinary life. Her many collaborations with JOHN LENNON are highlighted, as well as those with musicians such as LADY GAGA, SONIC YOUTH, FRANK ZAPPA, IGGY POP, FLAMING LIPS, SEAN LENNON, and various remix artists.
We also invite you visit our previous tribute to Yoko and John, – which has been totally overhauled and expanded, in honor of Yoko's 90th birthday. In 1970, the Ono Lennons separately issued their first solo albums. What if they had instead merged all that material into one release, alternating their songs in a similar way to their 1980 swan song, DOUBLE FANTASY? We offer our version of the resulting double album – along with lots of other entertaining items.
To go to that post, click the first link at the bottom of the page. You'll also have access to our other posts about John Lennon and the Beatles. Finally: all blessings of birth upon Ocean Child. We are happy to honor this extraordinary woman's life – as she marks nine decades of gracing this beleauguered earthly sphere with her immense talent, fearless integrity, and inspiring strength.
HISTORY OF A LEGEND Yoko Ono: The Most Famous Unknown Artist https://www.thecollector.com/yoko-ono/ Yoko Ono's Life in Photos https://people.com/music/yoko-ono-life-in-photos/ Yoko Ono Lennon: Then & Now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdG9aObHIvU Yoko Ono: The Untold Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3LVGDEls3g The Case For Yoko Ono https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoU0E_ab36Q The Real Yoko Ono https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f5SbaMMI7U&list=PL66C0D87412005F39 John & Yoko On Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmvmnYEy9NY Top 20 Yoko Ono Quotes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma-wAZ9LYss Yoko Ono's Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoko_Ono Yoko Ono Exhibit At MoMA https://www.moma.org/artists/4410 Fluxus: Happening Artists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UQFU-Nswro A Leading Woman In Fluxus Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTjMU7fW3H8 Fluxus Archive http://georgemaciunas.com/exhibitions/fluxus-foundation-archive-yoko-ono/ Fluxus Plays Ono's 'Lighting Piece' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxhrVKPtgu4 Concept Art On Show In London 1966 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ahjdOaJ4JE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Music Of The Mind 1967 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxNJbRtqTPs When John Met Yoko 1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT3nTx1exHE Amsterdam Honeymoon 1969 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1p1IC_rXIA Bed Peace 1969 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGHklZPuUjs War Is Over 1969 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhgq_XRKynY Sweet Toronto 1969 https://www.johnlennon.com/music/albums/live-peace-in-toronto/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb_PRqyqn_A Yoko Ono & Her Sixteen-Track Voice 1971 https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/yoko-ono-and-her-sixteen-track-voice-237782/ When John & Yoko Met Frank 1971 https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/john-lennon-yoko-ono-frank-zappa-jam-session-1971/ Dick Cavett Show 1971 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMKIitr-5gA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxoxMuca-2s Mike Douglas Show 1972 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag02O1HIAwU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMOgIGWfDZ4 SNL: Mr & Mrs Lennon At Home 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYRa8oXksoA John Lennon's Final Interviews 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qofTunet3g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VegLeptUQ4M ----------------------------------------------------------------------- John Lennon Murder News Reports 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3pMYI4Q2uM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L21zEKnw5G0 Lennon's Last Day & Death in NY City 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ68xik2pMo Shocking Facts About Lennon's Death 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sArxAjlBvRw Yoko: An Intimate Conversation 1981 https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/yoko-ono-cover-story-john-lennon-death-1234681088/ Walking On Thin Ice 1981 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft7-xEiwvJw 20/20: Yoko Pays Tribute To John 1981 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2olNCHH1-XE John & Yoko: A Love Story 1985 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q92u8seVWs Ubi Fluxus 1990 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M9-pwgHB3E Inside Edition 1998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBWx9KKmeho A Night For John Lennon's Words & Music 2001 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGVASx7Rz9g Yoko's Charm Offensive 2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uym1cYvLV8g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZbwM0XBG0M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn3Bs6P-G0o ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The US Vs John Lennon 2006 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI6vnXAdDZM Imagine Peace Tower 2007 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLTp11aWn-o Yes I'm A Witch 2008 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI7bSY6LwJc Yoko In Liverpool 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfi4sxYfFfw Yoko Ono: Inspired By Iceland 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABoAMKOPfBc MBL Interview 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bghYe3edOEQ Yoko's Favorite Things In Reykjavík 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMWjaT8s2Tw My Hometown 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isPVjHxxW5s Yoko Ono Speaking Freely 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5CQ5cgxKTE Imagine Peace 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCSBUXUXNg8 Lennonono Grant For Peace 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAqQ_9wKYHk Meltdown 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFqU1R48nUc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6-_fv_t4eQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kulturjournal 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKO3paQHKZc Jonathan Ross Show 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXgVugii5LA Ono Hits Back Against Ageists: 'Don't Stop Me!' 2015 https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/yoko_ono_hits_back_against_ageist_critics_dont_stop_me.html Yoko Ono Gets Long Overdue Recognition 2015 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/yoko-ono-w-magazine_n_7077946 Reconsidering Avant-Rock Icon Yoko Ono 2016 https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-album-reviews/reconsidering-yoko-ono-three-reissues-honor-legacy-of-avant-rock-icon-111164/ TimesTalks Interview 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WIosw1gv50 Ono’s Music Goes Back To The Future – Again 2016 https://hyperallergic.com/280337/with-a-new-remixes-album-yoko-onos-music-goes-back-to-the-future-again/ Just A Story 2016 https://madelinex.com/2016/12/08/yoko-songs-walking-on-thin-ice/ Walking On Thin Ice 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkGBz24KqtA Ono Added To 'Imagine' Writing Credits 2017 https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-40286790 https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/articles/features/the_story_behind_imagine_by_john_lennon-83853 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Six Vocalists On The Power Of Yoko Ono 2017 https://daily.bandcamp.com/scene-report/six-vocalists-on-the-power-and-influence-of-yoko-ono Re–Listen Without Prejudice To Yoko’s Debut 2018 https://www.popmatters.com/yoko-ono-plastic-ono-band-2530856589.html Life Lessons From Yoko Ono’s Twitter Feed 2018 https://www.dazeddigital.com/art-photography/article/39851/1/life-lessons-from-yoko-onos-twitter-feed Imagine Peace Tower 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msqonZoUDiw Yoko Ono’s Art of Defiance 2022 https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/20/yoko-onos-art-of-defiance Imagine Global Peace 2022 https://www.imaginepeace.com/ https://www.cnn.com/style/article/yoko-ono-imagine-peace-broadcast/index.html Chasing Ghosts 2023 https://donaldbrackett.substack.com/p/chasing-ghosts Yoko At 90: Still Misunderstood After All These Years https://www.nextavenue.org/yoko-ono-at-90-still-misunderstood-after-all-these-years/ Sean Creates Virtual ‘Wish Tree’ For Yoko’s Birthday 2023 https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/feb/17/sean-ono-lennon-creates-virtual-wish-tree-for-yoko-ono-90th-birthday Scribble Portrait Of Two Virgins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXBHWKRSJEA Don't Let Me Down: John & Yoko Tribute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGDSAVr13Uw
THE ARTS OF AN ICON Yoko Ono's Performance Art https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGCKom0bKIk John & Yoko’s Best & Strangest Collaborations https://musicfeeds.com.au/features/john-lennon-yoko-onos-best-strangest-collaborations/ Yoko Ono’s 5 Most Iconic Works https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-yoko-onos-5-iconic-works John Cage & Yoko Ono: Osaka 1962 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC_bg0_Tp4g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOuZnKVoMzw Cut Piece 1964 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbQBD06N0Hs Satan's Bed 1965 https://archive.org/details/satans.-bed.-1965.-dvdrip Bottoms 1966-67 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1280941726041621 https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/yoko-ono-bottoms-short-film/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/yokoonoofficial/3304679559/ https://www.royalalberthall.com/tickets/events/2017/screening-yoko-onos-bottoms/ https://madelinex.blogspot.com/2016/07/getting-to-bottom-of-yoko-onos-film-no.html https://www.moma.org/calendar/galleries/5511 https://www.gardinermuseum.on.ca/blog-exploring-yoko-onos-film-no-4/ https://www.moma.org/audio/playlist/15/380 https://vimeo.com/48883603 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AOS 1968 https://www.beatlesbible.com/1968/02/29/live-yoko-ono-and-ornette-coleman-royal-albert-hall-london/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0d9VDIfNuY Two Virgins 1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUdG5EfHrPU https://www.johnlennon.com/music/albums/unfinished-music-no-1-two-virgins/ https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/john-lennon-yoko-ono-two-virgins-album-cover-naked-controversy-censorship-a8649476.html https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/john-lennon-two-virgins-cover-court-case-1319452/ David Frost Hammers In A Nail 1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGyKlaGwya8 John & Yoko Have A Loud Conversation 1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZLTQ0Iwz3A Revolution: Take 18 1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3glcY2LQIk What's The New Mary Jane 1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI2LDXfHPL4 Revolution #9 1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF7SgFtSbaI Life With The Lions 1969 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgIvWeOTnGk ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wedding Album 1969 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GA0bSyllxo Plastic Ono Band 1970 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D0nMzHjMR8&list=PL6ogdCG3tAWis8381V3_hT6zlRmOVKJ_u https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK36mKhnvyQ Fly 1971 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpqu8kzp56I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlGnwOab_aE Plastic Onos Of Invention 1971 https://vimeo.com/799935514 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl5nL_tKXLA Some Time In New York City 1972 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5RuCEhHcG4&list=PL2L2BDLggO-C-nBI9u5CzGcvgVmEb6P3- Plastic Ono Elephant's Memory 1972 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe24sT7_NOQ Approximately Infinite Universe 1973 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZclA4vKtt4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-l8peTtSxY&list=OLAK5uy_n-lSeTHdHd7gyEmlAFe6WHeKftwUgkHGA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feeling The Space 1973 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXHUeQQZ0Q One Step Festival, Japan 1974 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOFogstDqb0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPz0v2dvqYE Shaved Fish 1975 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob2sGJk97DQ Double Fantasy 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWG9KAgD6UA&list=PLI6kLIhBBwmS-yWgD9TJFSAbb1wwiqIEb This Is Not Here: Rarities 1969-80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfwc1DgiFdc Season Of Glass 1981 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDTp2XjoJHA It's Alright (I See Rainbows) 1982 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnjkdw-aREQ Heart Play: Unfinished Dialogue 1983 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOPGiI7YX5E Milk & Honey 1984 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJgn68PA8X0&list=PLI6kLIhBBwmQjI_-Ggya-kUuCFRIZVhTl Every Man Has A Woman 1984 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-yqvCeW01o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3ZtAJE-kFg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=befr6EIGVGk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhRhsDOOOLc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- StarPeace 1985 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnbwTPafGBo New York Rock 1994 https://genius.com/albums/Yoko-ono/New-york-rock Rising 1995 https://open.spotify.com/album/3Eul0rbOz62sBPAOtFhlqr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqiSVpYc4p0 A Story 1997 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYTLSCxfgqI Blueprint For A Sunrise 2001 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCSoPJ_FGyc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfDHmIPg9CM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQiz5MulA2o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g45PgwycVuU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znH_xUc8EPM Yes, I'm A Witch 2007 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kmcOFpQ-YD9vcEYuLJeBzyq_6pJEQKoTg Open Your Box 2007 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kPWBoUgHfNgR3IKnh8cjqS4KHcEPHmTmY Between My Head & The Sky  2009 https://open.spotify.com/album/4BpAwcuCB5GAykJqbHjWjx ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Voice Piece For Soprano & Wish Tree 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GMHl7bmlzw Plastic Ono Flaming Lips 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi55FjvnVi8 The Road Of Hope 2011 https://www.imaginepeace.com/archives/13631 https://beatleshelp.net/collabo/yokoroad.html YokoKimThurston 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u-KTl8ke9Q&list=PL68pqhiMhQL7wCPYKEZDqb91fTGez6zi6 Take Me To The Land Of Hell 2013 https://open.spotify.com/album/5tVy5MAp2SYdxFbWZeLSX9 Cut Pieces 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8GzrtesFsQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMAIrFWk1fs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODG1Ha3YY0Q https://iconfetch.com/reviews/various-artists-cut-pieces-a-tribute-to-yoko-ono-review Yes, I'm a Witch Too 2016 https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2016/feb/18/yoko-ono-yes-im-a-witch-too-review https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-album-reviews/yes-im-a-witch-too-190238/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Warzone 2018 https://open.spotify.com/album/5EvPFlJpDNTJ6qFMiEJnwH SuONO 2019 https://open.spotify.com/album/2cbA9uLwDzvPeeG1QdJZ1R Yoko Ono Goes Metal! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wP3dOUl3Xg Ocean Child: Songs of Yoko Ono 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p25T01GWns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fgaQAKgOFQ&list=PLS4jAfE9d3aIGR1SPLm0GEOQay6UGuoA9 https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/feb/18/various-artists-ocean-child-songs-of-yoko-ono-review-canvasback-music-atlantic-records https://ultimateclassicrock.com/ocean-child-songs-of-yoko-ono-album-review/ https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/various-artists-ocean-child-songs-of-yoko-ono/ https://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwmusic/article/Ocean-Child-Songs-of-Yoko-Ono-Tribute-Compilation-Released-Today-20220218 Don't Worry Yoko https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6WU0rp4S2gsgjagf2hMjwB Passport Office: Yoko Ono Tribute 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5mE_oj7B7A Yoko's Smiles Film Project https://smilesfilm.com/ OceanChild Calls Me https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5iHenyL2W0nf58ze2jT8uL
PLASTIC ONO HIT PARADE Cut Piece Fragment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWczMBtPa04 I Love You Earth 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcjtJtheV0w Give Peace A Chance 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO2bHSTQvdo Sakura https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaizNVbic_k Oh Yoko 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59qSQRoDj4w We're All Water 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm2BiPIIe78 Imagine 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugrAo8wEPiI Who Has Seen The Wind / I Want You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-PlkbZmFL0 Franklin Summer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3qmWcOiBEw Every Man / Every Woman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aZKfBKIJzc Silver Horse 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVdoUJF60DE Talking To The Universe 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkn4CgJtk-Q ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Midsummer New York 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs_OGNfbfkY Waiting For The D Train 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx0jP0srv1Q Walking On Thin Ice 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1DHm7p1sm4 Death Of Samantha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_2zJolQqL0 Woman Is The Nigger Of The World 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tA1Rncx4D4 She Hits Back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGQT0-p8OKU Mrs. Lennon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wZGwXFP7RY Kurushi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj3XWYQoQio Ask The Dragon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axZFlBxstQw Toy Boat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWCQRQ-ceRc Mind Train https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loWNAErqpdY Age 39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdLMgSEpV3w I'm Moving On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-BweAhOUs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No, No, No https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk60mWX4FME Angel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKPtmy5PIRY New York Woman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDYU6lPtNwM I’m Not Getting Enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuQbhK_BeRk Bad Dancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ4loH18hQ8 Give Me Something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDAWM46XBX8 Move On Fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rte8k_LuXus Loneliness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVFjwcEdEfw Hold Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP_ELx_8Mo Tomorrow May Never Come https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxYBb-Hn_og Forgive Me, My Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h1icC_JU7g ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't Worry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioNtn3tKP_A Open Your Box: Club Mix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK6KA1Q6IyE Ono Wouldnit (I'm a Star) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUd7J-tQ6hU Yes, I'm A Witch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kve_s_9TXVw Between My Head & The Sky   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmDKKDwaXyQ I Love You Earth 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8y9KviIqK4 Walking On Thin Ice 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u7jf-TYoZk The Sun Is Down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpXcIo3e9-Y It's Gonna Rain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76LjyxX-GHI Hell In Paradise 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK_YKPQ9Sq4 Turned The Corner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPQ0v67TxhY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvN2iGm9tNs Born In A Prison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97LRxXJd1f4 Now Or Never https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svxKQ4l8SC4 Dogtown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw6aWu4M-qc Woman Is The Nigger Of The World 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOu7QtVLfJQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2lbYBLDbYU Why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_cwuRmjhsY Warzone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAsV7Udjl4A Hell In Paradise 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSlEb19xz-Y Don't Worry Kyoko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxCnKGl1hNU Hiroshima Sky Is Always Blue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbsdWHJbMWE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Thing Called Life https://channel.louisiana.dk/video/yoko-ono-thing-called-life Sky Piece For Jesus Christ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYXSXne1iOA Where Do We Go From Here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7_2sVdyJUw Imagine 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdX9XmLJkns Joseijoi Banzai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JGIS_ht0uU Teddy Bear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyRy1OoyU68 I Love All of Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtJKVJimb3U It Happened / Waiting For The D Train 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u3u16bFEYU Midsummer New York 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7JkwKtI6P4 Talking To The Universe 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caCLILHefio Walking On Thin Ice 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCCof18PBJE Wake Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C_nCLrA1wg ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rising https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx_5ySapx68 Give Peace A Chance 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ootBttc3hps Children Power https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EE3c5SVImk Give Ice A Chance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGQ5LEP2UY Woman Power https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AShdkFArvOA Silver Horse 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9MpXTKdCo0 Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqnIwAPKrew Nobody Sees Me Like You Do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18cAtRIIB2c I Love You Earth 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1_1DHLwHZo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Listen, The Snow Is Falling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkZvP5fjemw Imagine 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xZnzxovFqw Who Has Seen The Wind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvLgl-Y23u4 I'm Alive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II_kkhsz4Iw We're All Water 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfZvHuh7wKM Goodbye Sadness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PQ1DsJV84k It's Alright https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5-7AF6Iyy8 I'm Going Away Smiling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h53LXRsChvc Oh Yoko 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuBMA8quzkg Happy Xmas (War Is Over) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_kj60DIq2M John & Yoko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzciqnHlnL4
PLASTIC LENNONO BAND’S DOUBLE FANTASY REDUX https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/637199656638693376/plastic-ono-bands-double-fantasy-playlists OBSCURE BRIT POP BAND CONQUERS AMERICA https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/190742973420/on-this-day-in-1964-some-obscure-brit-pop-band IMAGINE THERE’S NO LENNON https://musemash.tumblr.com/post/189549754295/imagine-theres-no-lennon
Image credit: #9 by Bill Cannon
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if-whats-new · 4 months
What's New In IF? Issue 5 (2024)
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By Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, and Noi
Now Available!
Itch.io - Keep Reading below
This is a repost of Issue 5 (this see notice). The original post was not salvageable. We have removed the tags so not to inconvenience creators with notifications. You can still download the original version on itch.io.
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Starting a conversation…
With this project, we hope to start a conversation within the community. A conversation about community, and how it could be better connected through projects bringing people together.
The Interactive Fiction is a broad genre, with so many formats and systems. It is full of choices and kinetic, clickable and type-able, visual and textual, loud and quiet, classic and experimental, and available in so many languages! It is diverse…
… and fragmented. Between the language barriers, the different Forums, social media spaces, chatrooms, email chains, lurkers, and non-initiated, there is so much to explore and find. So much hidden behind because of bad search engine, forgotten tags and obscure spaces.
So we hope this project of ours helps you find other corners of the IF space, and maybe create a few bridges along the way!
We hope you enjoy this issue!
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You can now register for the Narrascope! It is happening June 21-23, in hybrid. They've also released the schedule of talks!
The voting period for the Text Adventure Literacy Jam ends at the end of May. The competition is looking for beginner players!
If Spanish is in your wheelhouse, the Spanish IFComp (Rayuela) is currently ongoing! You can submit a game until the end of June, with the themes Es un sólo botón and/or Conexión.
Also ongoing is the ParserComp, which are looking for parser games, both with a classic feel or a more experimental approach.
If you are looking to make a Visual Novel, the Otome Jam will be looking for entries for the next two months.
🔥 Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024 🔥 is also a fun jam to participate in, where you can submit stories critiquing capitalism (as a whole/aspects of). (We know it's not technically IF, but they took IF entries before)
There are still a week left before the end of the REALLY BAD IF JAM, hosted on itch.io, where the goal is to make bad art (IF-style).
A Visual Novel focused version is also happening at the same time, as a “Worst Ever VN“ Challenge.
Ending soon after this weekend if the Locus Jam, organized by Neo-Interactives (@/neointeractives), where the restriction is focused on one space.
Another short but interesting jam, the Text-Based Game/Visual Novel Jam, is also happening for the next week over on itch.io.
This week, the results of the Spring Thing have been announced! Congratulations to the two Best-in-Show entries and all participants!
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is still running, with new submissions, since last week! It is happening on itch!
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The Flesh Mechanic (Twine) is a dark horror short story. (@/reachartwork)
Terminal 71 (Twine) is a short post-apocalyptic game about tragedy. (@/vagrantclown)
Relative Stranger (Ren'Py) is a horror game for people with social anxiety (strong CW!).
Орлёнок - Eaglet (CScript) is an early 1900s Russian focused project where you are part of the disgraced Imperial family. (@/himbeereule)
Popular (CScript) is a reality-show project where your goal is to become the most popular contestant to win.
Serial Date (Unity) follows Aileen, a Toronto gal in a dead-end job looking for love, and finding more than she wished for. (@/lehxra-arts)
Knights of Venus (CScript) has almost doubled its word count, up to 37k words. (@/knights-of-venus-if)
Oh Mother, Where Art Thou? (CScript) has completed its first chapter. (@/ohmotherwhereartthou-if)
When Life Gives You Lemons (CScript) now includes chapter 9. (@/when-life-gives-you-lemons-if)
Velocity (CScript) has added chapter 2.
Sanguine Sky (CScript) updated its demo with chapter 2 pt 2. (@/sanguinesky-if)
Drink your Villain Juice (CScript) part 2 of chapter 6 is available on Patreon. (@/drinkyourvillainjuice)
Just Kiss Me (CScript) completed its first chapter.
Anti-Mutant Academy (CScript) completed its chapter 5.
Such Happy Campers (CScript) now includes chapter 4.
Core Uprising (CScript) added another part to its demo.
When Cloud Waves Break (CScript) completed its third chapter in this update. (@/whencloudwavesbreak-if)
Incubus (Twine) has released chapter 2. (@/sonnet009games)
Stake Through a Bloody Heart (Twine) now includes chapter 4. (@/lacewing-if)
Scales of Justice (CScript) is looking for beta- testers for the completed demo.
The new Amare Fortnightly Bulletin (@/amaregames) is out! Check it out here!
The Twine Gardening v2 (@/twinegardening) is updating again, for those wondering how some Twine map look like.
We apologize if we missed an update or a release. We are but volunteers trying to find as much info as possible, but sometimes news pass through the cracks.
Please, let us know if something should have been added to the zine, and we will shout it out next week!
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A couple of games that we thought were cool.
Dungeons & Distractions by E. Joyce (Twine)
D&D is a fantasy short game where you lead a D&D first session with your supernatural friends. It is a fun time, until… distractions arise. Will you manage to reach the planned end of the story?
submitted by Kastel
purrgatory by Niv (@/nivrad00 - Godot)
“Heartfelt and touching, this game will make you laugh then cry as you figure out how to get everyone out of purrgatory. Charming art, and lovely music, but it's the writing that shines. Plus great LGBTQ+ rep! One of the best VN's I've ever played!”
submitted by @/kris-mage-fics
Repeat the Ending by Drew Cook (@/golmac - Inform)
Between meta and “reality”, RtE is a deeply layered and immersive parser, about trauma, guilt, relationships and fate. It is profound and emotional. An experience. It also includes a “Story” mode (no input necessary) and extra downloadables.
recommended by [anonymous]
Your favourite game here?
Do you have a favourite game that deserve some highlighting? Tell us about it! A old or recent game that wowed you so much you want to spam it to everyone? Tell us about it!
We'll add it to the page!
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Before we end this issue, we would like to thank:
@/captchaluff, @/elegantunknownphantom, Kastel, @/kris-mage-fics, and a dozen of anonymous users!
Your shared news, helpful tips, cool links, filled form, written Sheet line, sent emails… all these little attentions toward the Zine help us so much!
We also would like to thank all of you who told us of cool recs that didn't appear this edition. We'll try out best to fit them in next week!
And a final thank to all of you who not only read our zine, but liked it, shared it with others, left a little sweet reply or dm, or even rated it on itch! Those little bits of support really help us so much!! Thank you for cheering us on this journey!
As a final parting word, it is less words but more of a question that we have for you:
Do you experience FOMO (fear of missing out) in the IF Community? If so, what brings FOMO for you and why? Is there a way of alleviating it?
We would really appreciate your POV!!!
See you again next week!
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camillehenri · 5 months
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Hello friends!
I will be live painting at Art Jam Toronto on May 25th.
Come and say hi if you’re around.
You can find tickets (with a discount) through this link: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/887841366427/?discount=camille
See you there from 6pm to 11:30pm at 918 Bathurst!
By: The World is Yours/ArtJam Events
Programming: Good Vibe People
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
In 1978, a Kiss concert was an epoch-making event. For the three teen fans in Detroit Rock City getting tickets to the sold-out show becomes the focal point of their existence. They’ll do anything for tickets — compete in a strip club’s amateur-night contest, take on religious protesters, even rob a convenience store! Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Lex: Giuseppe Andrews Trip Hurudie: James DeBello Hawk: Edward Furlong Jeremiah ‘Jam’ Bruce: Sam Huntington Mrs. Bruce: Lin Shaye Beth Bumsteen: Melanie Lynskey Christine: Natasha Lyonne Amanda Finch: Shannon Tweed Barbara: Emmanuelle Chriqui Cashier: Kristin Booth Father Phillip McNulty: Joe Flaherty Chongo: Matthew G. Taylor Elvis: Miles Dougal Kenny: Nick Scotti Bobby: David Quane Mr. Stewart Bumsteen: Rodger Barton Mrs. Stewart Bumsteen: Kathryn Haggis Detroit Priest: David Gardner Little Kid: Cody Jones Study Hall Teacher: Joan Heney MC: Ron Jeremy Kiss: Gene Simmons Kiss: Paul Stanley Kiss: Ace Frehley Kiss: Peter Criss Scalper: Richard Hillman Guy in Red Track Suit (uncredited): Jason Biggs Beefy Guy #1: Kevin Corrigan Six Year Old #2: Ryan Letriard Beefy Guy #2: Steve Schirripa Ticket Taker: Julian Richings Film Crew: Casting: Valerie McCaffrey Editor: Mark Goldblatt Costume Design: Rosanna Norton Executive Producer: Michael De Luca Director of Photography: John R. Leonetti Original Music Composer: J. Peter Robinson Director: Adam Rifkin Production Design: Steve Hardie Writer: Carl V. Dupré Producer: Gene Simmons Executive Producer: Brian Witten Producer: Kathleen Haase Producer: Barry Levine Editor: Peter Schink Set Decoration: Carolyn A. Loucks Art Direction: Lucinda Zak Associate Producer: Tim Sullivan Stunt Coordinator: Alison Reid Co-Producer: Art Schaefer Movie Reviews: Wuchak: _**Great 70’s songs, sometimes amusing, but basically an insult to KISS fans**_ In 1978, four teenagers from Cleveland plan to go to a KISS concert in Detroit and have many misadventures reaching their goal. The four are played by Edward Furlong, Giuseppe Andrews, James DeBello and Sam Huntington. “Detroit Rock City” (1999) features great rock/metal from the 70s by KISS, AC/DC, Blue Oyster Cult, Van Halen, Sweet, Thin Lizzy, Nazareth, Styx, David Bowie, Cheap Trick, Black Sabbath, Ted Nugent, the Ramones, etc. There are some fun moments, but the tone is too over-the-top for its own good and the story isn’t very compelling. Couple this with some odious bathroom non-humor, a lack of attractive women beyond Natasha Lyonne and the negative one-dimensional depiction of the protagonists and you have a curiously disappointing teen flick. The focus on pot-obsessed dudes is disingenuous since Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons were never into the drug culture; their idea of a party was working hard creating music, performing, touring, making money and celebrating gorgeous women. Unsurprisingly, mind-blowingly beautiful females were always attracted to KISS and frequented their concerts; so were dynamic, talented males. I’m not saying pot-worshipping, denim-clad waifs weren’t an element of their fan base, but KISS devotees always involved WAY more than this. No wonder Paul Stanley lamented: “To call it a KISS movie does it a disservice, because it does a disservice to the KISS fans, which is what it’s really about.” The film runs 1 hour, 35 minutes, and was shot entirely in the Toronto area. GRADE: C-
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sheetmusiclibrarypdf · 3 months
Oscar Peterson - The Bach Suite: Allegro (with sheet music)
Oscar Peterson - The Bach Suite: Allegro (with sheet music)Oscar PetersonPlease, subscribe to our Library. Thank you!Best site for Jazz sheet music transcriptions download.Browse in the Library:
Oscar Peterson - The Bach Suite: Allegro (with sheet music)
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Oscar Peterson
Oscar Peterson was one of the greatest piano players of all time. A pianist with phenomenal technique on the level of his idol, Art Tatum, Peterson's speed, dexterity, and ability to swing at any tempo were amazing. Very effective in small groups, jam sessions, and in accompanying singers, O.P. was at his absolute best when performing unaccompanied solos. His original style did not fall into any specific idiom. Like Erroll Garner and George Shearing, Peterson's distinctive playing formed during the mid- to late '40s and fell somewhere between swing and bop. Peterson was criticized through the years because he used so many notes, didn't evolve much since the 1950s, and recorded a remarkable number of albums. Perhaps it is because critics ran out of favorable adjectives to use early in his career; certainly it can be said that Peterson played 100 notes when other pianists might have used ten, but all 100 usually fit, and there is nothing wrong with showing off technique when it serves the music. As with Johnny Hodges and Thelonious Monk, to name two, Peterson spent his career growing within his style rather than making any major changes once his approach was set, certainly an acceptable way to handle one's career. Because he was Norman Granz's favorite pianist (along with Tatum) and the producer tended to record some of his artists excessively, Peterson made an incredible number of albums. Not all are essential, and a few are routine, but the great majority are quite excellent, and there are dozens of classic Standards. Without doubt, Oscar Peterson was one of the giants of jazz piano. His illustrious career spanned almost seven decades, and he played with some of the biggest names in jazz, including Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie and Herbie Hancock. Duke Ellington called him the “Maharajah of the keyboard,” while Count Basie remarked, “Oscar Peterson plays the best ivory box I’ve ever heard.” Born in a poor neighborhood of Montreal, Peterson became a piano virtuoso at an early age, and credits his sister Daisy Sweeney with expanding his musical horizon. Under his sister’s tutelage, Peterson mastered the core classical repertory, including the preludes and fugues by Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach’s continued influence inspired the composition of the Bach Suite, first released on the 1986 album “Oscar Peterson Live!” In 1960, Peterson established the Advanced School of Contemporary Music in Toronto, which lasted for three years. He made his first recorded set of unaccompanied piano solos in 1968 (strange that Granz had not thought of it) during his highly rated series of MPS recordings. With the formation of the Pablo label by Granz in 1972, Peterson was often teamed with guitarist Joe Pass and bassist Niels Pedersen. He appeared on dozens of all-star records, made five duet albums with top trumpeters (Dizzy Gillespie, Roy Eldridge, Harry "Sweets" Edison, Clark Terry, and Jon Faddis), and teamed up with Count Basie on several two-piano dates. An underrated composer, Peterson wrote and recorded the impressive "Canadiana Suite" in 1964 and has occasionally performed originals in the years since. Although always thought of as a masterful acoustic pianist, Peterson has also recorded on electric piano (particularly some of his own works), organ on rare occasions, and even clavichord for an odd duet date with Joe Pass. One of his rare vocal sessions in 1965, With Respect to Nat, reveals that Peterson's singing voice was nearly identical to Nat King Cole's. A two-day reunion with Herb Ellis and Ray Brown in 1990 (which also included Bobby Durham) resulted in four CDs. Peterson was felled by a serious stroke in 1993 that knocked him out of action for two years. He gradually returned to the scene, however, although with a weakened left hand. Even when he wasn't 100 percent, Peterson was a classic improviser, one of the finest musicians that jazz has ever produced. The pianist appeared on an enormous number of records through the years. As a leader, he has recorded for Victor, Granz's Clef and Verve labels (1950-1964), MPS, Mercury, Limelight, Pablo, and Telarc.
Best site for Jazz sheet music transcriptions download.
Read the full article
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fineartsjournal · 6 months
213341 Art Studio IIIA ⋆ Weeks 5 - Eueuguuughhhh
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The plan: make something entirely out of my small selection of bargain bin albums, and present it.
Keeping in mind, the plunderphonics must flow. No further depth to the samples used, presentation is to be entirely encased in its technique - like any artwork produced prior to the invention of the camera.
So I could actually hear the new albums I brought, I ordered this bad boy on TradeMe.
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…and it came not even two days later (albeit twice as expensive as I had hoped).
Without hesitation, I put it straight to work, ‘ripping’ audio all nine of my CDs, to which I stored them neatly both on my PC and on OneDrive, prepped and ready for all my sampling exploits.
Giving them a skimmed listen, I can proudly say that they're all terribly mediocre in their own special way:
The Shadows - Dreamtime: An instrumental soft-rock cover album featuring a pedal-steel guitar that gets old, really fast.
Theo Eastwind - One: Easy-to-forget folk rock with no dynamic flow whatsoever. It's just... loud.
Kim Stockwood - 12 Years Old: Decent, chill pop. I could hear a couple sample-able moments in there somewhere.
Fruit - Here for Days: Another folk rock album?? Slightly more memorable than One, but just as loud.
MC Trey - Tapastry Tunes: Probably the best one out of the bunch, but her voice throws me off - she's Fijian-Australian, why does she have a British accent? She had an interview with Rolling Stone, why does her channel have 274 subscribers?
James Hill - A Flying Leap: Instrumental ukulele album :(
Ylva Skog - Terra Firma: Avante-garde-y classical music, okay sampling material.
Clay Aiken - Measure of a Man: What? You haven't heard of THE Clay Aiken? 2003 American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken? Featuring an NZ-only cover of Bridge Over Troubled Water? Burn in hell, Clay.
Imelda May - Love Tattoo: Another acutally nice album; a whole lot of rockabilly jams! Also, the only album that the cashier recognized.
I also added, from my dad's records, this extra CD to my collection, called “Cool Fever - From Disco Jazz to Jazz House” that, while available in physical form through resellers, cannot be found in any digitally archived form online - and that added spice of obscurity is fine by me.
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John Oswald! We're overdue talking about him. While we've made a fair bit of mention towards the second, isolated invention of plunderphonics in the Bronx; John Oswald's definition of the genre saw more 'academic' origins.
With works stemming as far back as the late 1960s, his time at the Simon Fraser University would see him participating in the 1968-onwards World Soundscape Project (an ecologically-focused wildlife sound collage which is quite self-explanatory); using these sound collage methods, and informed by the literary Cut Up Technique popularised by William S. Burroughs, Oswald would perform various sampling experiments from the mid-70s onwards.
In 1985, Oswald presented to the Toronto Wired Society Electro-Acoustic Conference his essay on plunderphonics - which coined the term. His paper laid out the philosophy behind the genre, and its place within the history - and legality - of music.
He then applied these philosophies with the 1988 EP (and subsequent 1989 album release) - Plunderphonic - with a parodical take on the album cover for Michael Jackson's Bad, where MJ's torso is collaged with a nude model.
This accompanies the central track to the release, daB, which jumbles around the song Bad to an extent not dissimilar to Collage #1 ("Blue Suede") 28 years earlier - to take the 'lowbrow' pop hit and flip it into the 'highbrow'.
What it accomplishes in its seven-minute runtime is a technical marvel, a satiric time capsule that sounds as fresh as it sounds incoherently groovy, humorous, and even spooky.
Although Plunderphonic was distributed freely and at expense to Oswald, it goes without saying that Oswald landed himself in legal trouble due to the nature of this release; with the Canadian Recording Industry Association ordering the destruction of all undistributed copies.
The music video for daB released in 2016 after two years of production, and visually ensnares the idiosyncrasies of daB to a 'T'. In a later edition of the Plunderphonical Chronicle, I will mention the symbiotic relationship that the genre, in a specific, 'meme-y' form, has had with video editing.
In 1993, Oswald released his magnum opus, the logical endpoint to the genre, Plexure. The following screenshot is taken from the official entry on plunderphonics.com:
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Micro-sampling just about every charting CD release from the decade, Plexure features 20 minutes of "megaplundermorphonemiclonics", with a new sample appearing roughly every second to a total of "1,001 electroquoted contemporary pop stars*" as well as "*including hundreds of morphosoniferous performers".
It's best compared to quickly changing radio stations, but you have to appreciate the technical prowess that goes into an album as DENSE as this.
It's an intense listen, but I'd recommend it at your Plexure.
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altroottv · 8 months
'Turn It Around' - Bywater Call from The Extended Play Sessions on Vimeo.
The Extended Play Sessions - November 30, 2023
Bywater Call perform the song "Turn It Around" on The Extended Play Sessions. Acclaimed 7-piece Southern Soul, Blues, Roots Rock, Jam Band BYWATER CALL is a powerhouse 7-piece band out of Toronto, Canada. This was BYWATER CALL'S Fallout Shelter debut!!! “Powered by the dynamic vocals of Meghan Parnell and the blistering slide guitar work of Dave Barnes, this Toronto-based band has been generating acclaim throughout their native Canada and now the rest of the world,” states AMERICAN BLUES SCENE. “The powerhouse voice of Meghan Parnell and the slide guitar master guitarist Dave Barnes form the basis of Bywater Call…Meghan goes completely wild live vocally. What a set of lungs…” raves BLUES MAGAZINE.
The Band: Meghan Parnell - vocals Dave Barnes - guitar Mike Meusel - bass, vocals John Kervin - Hammond organ, piano, vocals Bruce McCarthy - drums Julian Nalli - saxophone Stephen Dyte - trumpet
The Fallout Shelter is an all ages 100-seat performance venue and state-of-the-art broadcast and recording studio, offering one of the most unique live music experiences in New England. Located in Norwood, MA, just 15 miles from Boston, The Fallout Shelter is run under the auspices of the Grass Roots Cultural and Performing Arts Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, promoting and advocating for traditional American Roots music.
Youtube: youtube.com/@thefalloutshelternorwood Website: extendedplaysessions.com Facebook: facebook.com/epsfalloutshelter Instagram: instagram.com/thefalloutshelternorwood
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