#as a little kid i used to catch bees with my hands
flemingsfreckles · 4 months
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Jessie Fleming x Reader (parent fic)
Synopsis: You and Jessie catch wind that your teenage daughter might have a boyfriend. Jessie loses her mind over it.
Warnings: discussions of sex, bird and the bees type conversation
WC: 1.7k
A/N: literally no one asked for this but I’m struggling to write. This is just another short blurb that got written because I had a single thought about Jessie being a mom to teenagers and having to give her kids the birds and the bees talk.
When your children had gotten home from school that day, you and Jessie were in the office, organizing old documents. The office was just located off the kitchen where your two children had walked through the door.
Your youngest child, Riley was already interrogating at his older sister. “So what is he your boyfriend now, are you guys all gross and in love?” You paused what you were doing, listening further into the conversation.
“Stop Riley.”
“Amelia and Nick sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Your younger one continues to taunt his sister
“Ughhh, shut up!” Your daughter's voice begins to fade, you assume she’s walking out of the room and away from the teasing that’s going on.
“Where are you going? To call your boyfriend?” You hear Riley call after her followed shortly by the slamming of a bedroom door. Normally the door slamming would be immediate grounds for either you or Jessie to go talk with your daughter. However you and your wife both remained frozen in the office.
You hear your son grab something from the fridge and make his way to his own room before closing the door.
When you heard his bedroom door close Jessie started speaking. “Did he just say her boyfriend?”
“I think so? I don’t know?” You shrug at your wife before turning to put more papers away, no longer being distracted by the conversation between your teenagers.
“Why are you fine with this?” Jessie now standing, no longer caring to organize and shred paper. Clearly Jessie was not taking the new information well.
“Fine with what?” You look at Jessie, taking the papers in her hands to finish filing them away.
“Our daughter having a boyfriend.” She says as if it’s the most obvious answer.
“Oh right, I’m sorry, she didn’t turn out gay like us, we tried our best.” You feel the smile creeping across your face. “Maybe we should’ve let her play softball and dressed her in more flannels as a little kid.”
“Can you take something seriously for once?!” Jessie was usually a fan of your humor but it appeared that today was not the day for it. She was clearly upset.
“Jessie, first of all, Riley is 15 he might not actually know what he’s talking about, he might’ve just overheard some school gossip. Second of all, Amelia is 17, not 12, she can have a boyfriend.” You roll your eyes at your wife, seeing and hearing the panic that she was having.
“I thought we had agreed when she was born that she wasn’t allowed to date until she was 25!” Jessie was whispering yelling at you, not wanting to alert your children.
“That was a joke Jessie, I’m not controlling my kid’s romantic life until they’re 25!” You both had jokingly talked that you wouldn’t let anyone near her, she was your little girl, you both overbearing as brand new parents. You had forgotten about that, obviously realizing that she’s a human and will likely date before she’s 25.
“Well she can’t have a boyfriend.” She crosses her arms, staring at you like you’re the bad guy in this situation. You throw your arms out, not sure why Jessie is upset with you.
“She’s 17, it’s fine, we don’t even know if it’s actually a boyfriend.” You tried to reason with your wife but you could practically see the steam coming from her ears.
“She’s too young to have a boyfriend, she’s too young to be having sex!” Jessie whispers the word ‘sex’ as if just saying it was going to cause a teenage pregnancy somewhere in the world. “We cannot have grandkids yet!”
“Oh my god,” you start to laugh. “You’re fully losing it over this aren’t you?” You couldn’t believe Jessie’s dramatic jump from a potential boyfriend to your daughter giving you grandkids in a matter of seconds.
“I don’t know why you’re so okay with our daughter having sex with a boy we’ve never even met!” Jessie is wildly waving her hands, her face has a look of panic on it.
“Alright, sit, take a deep breath.” You push Jessie’s shoulders forcing her to put her weight up against the desk, half sitting on it. She takes a deep breath and you take one with her. You keep your hands on her shoulders, giving them a squeeze as you talk to her.
“We don’t know he’s her boyfriend. Let’s not jump to conclusions here. Amelia is a smart girl, you know that.” You take her hands in yours. “If she’s determined that now is the time she wants to start dating, I think we need to understand that that’s okay. We can talk with her about it. We’ll tell her our expectations, the expectations we have for her and whoever she wants to date. It’ll be fine.”
Jessie takes her hands from yours, crossing her arms over her chest, letting out a small huff. “But it’s not fine, I don’t trust him, I don’t think he has good intentions.”
“You’ve never met the kid, Jessie just because he’s a teenage boy, doesn’t mean he only wants sex from her.” You pause before you continue, knowing your wife would likely not be happy with the next few words you said. “And Jessie,” you grab her face making her look at you. “if she is dating this boy or dating anyone, and she’s curious about the physical intimacy that comes with that, I think that’s okay.”
“No its-” you hold up your hand to stop Jessie’s sentence.
“Let me finish. If she’s curious and has questions, I’d rather she feel comfortable coming to us than to the internet or her friends who don’t know and will give her terrible information. Yes, 17 is young, but she’s practically an adult Jessie. She’ll be off at school in a year, where she won’t have us to help her with these things.” You can practically see the rage building up in your wife’s face. “Now I'm not going to sit here and tell her to go have sex, but I'm not going to let our daughter be taught that sex is a sinful or scary thing, you know that. We’ve raised them to be open and honest about sex so far, we can’t become a sex-negative household now that she’s at that age where it might be a thought. We can talk with her, have an adult conversation. We’ll explain the emotional aspect that comes with it, we’ll make sure she understands all the aspects of what it means to have sex with someone. And that if,” you take a deep breath, “if she’s planning on, or has any interest in having sex, we’ll get her set with birth control or condoms, probably both.”
“She’s too young, putting her on birth control would be like offering to buy them a hotel room to do it.” You couldn’t believe Jessie’s behavior still, you thought your reasoning would’ve helped her opinion at least a little.
When you first learned you were having a girl, Jessie was admient that no one would go near your daughter until she was 30. But the two of you had done your best to raise your kids to be informed, you taught them about consent early, you taught them the anatomy of where babies come from, when your daughter turned 14, you and Jessie sat her down, giving her the full bird and the bees talk. You did most of the talking, Jessie was there but she looked just as mortified as your daughter did. You taught her sex wasn’t bad and sex wasn’t just for babies, it was for intimacy, connection, enjoyment, it was fun, it was a way to connect with another person, but that didn’t make it any less serious. Jessie had been on board before with these discussions, she didn’t always participate fully, but she was always there and you knew your daughter had gone to her to ask her some questions after to get clarification. But now that the reality of your daughter starting this part of her life was real, Jessie had done a 180.
“Jessie, she’s a teenager, teenagers have hormones. If she wants to have sex, it’s going to happen, teenagers find a way whether we like it or not. I’d rather her be having safe, informed, and protected sex, than unsafe sex in a boy’s mom’s car in a sketchy dark parking lot in the middle of nowhere just so they can avoid getting caught.”
You both sit in silence, Jessie looks at the ground and you look at her.
“I hate that you’re right.” She mumbles after a few minutes.
“I know.” You kiss her cheek with a smile. “Jessie” you grab your wife’s hand, your thumb rubbing over where her wedding band and engagement ring sat, “Let’s just go talk to her, that way we’re not sitting here guessing and making up scenarios. For all we know it’s not a boyfriend.”
“I just can’t believe she wouldn’t tell us. She’s our little girl, she used to tell us everything.” You can now see the sadness in Jessie’s eyes.
“I know, but our little girl is growing up, she’s a moody teenager now, she’s not going to want to share everything with us, and that’s okay.” You sit down next to Jessie, resting your head on her shoulder as you both stare at the door of the office.
“I want her to go back to being so little. I used to be able to hold her in one arm.”
“I know, they both used to be so little.” You and Jessie sat together, your head on her shoulder, reminiscing on the 17 years that seemed to have flown by. Thinking about how small their fingers used to be, how small their clothes were, how they’d babble at you, all of that gone, you now had two grown children.
“We did a pretty good job with them I think. They’re good people.”
“Yeah,” Jessie laughs, “just not to each other.”
“Well they’re siblings.” You respond back. You realize you’ll probably have to talk to your son too about his teasing. “Ready to go talk to her?” You ask Jessie.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to watch her grow up but I don’t think I have a choice.” Jessie says pushing herself off the desk. “Let’s go.”
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rainystarters · 1 month
💫 love is cosmic ! a collection of dialogue + action prompts inspired by red velvet's album cosmic. some prompts usfw. add +reversed for the muse receiving the meme to perform the action instead. adjust as necessary.
dialogue :
meeting you as the stars would have it.
i can't get you off my mind.
what did you do to my mind?
i want to know you.
how about you stay a little longer?
perhaps we're travelers searching for orphaned dreams.
come with me.
discover things no human eyes have seen.
i just can't say goodnight.
your love is cosmic.
you got me hypnotized.
i saw you hiding.
what are you? my god.
honey, i give you my all.
i'll find you in my dreams.
summer, autumn, winter, spring: the whole world is you.
my memories are floating away.
the beautiful times are leaving me, stealing you away.
this isn't the end ...remember.
i will gladly stay by your side.
it's you who kept me through the long nights.
no one knows where a fading star goes.
and i'll fly light-years to find you.
to you, my universe, the only reason i exist.
i'll always be here for you.
is it love?
i remember the first moment i saw you.
you feel the same way, right?
we can't play no game the right way.
it doesn't matter 'cause you're my prize.
i saw the same moon.
i want to dream every day.
i want to whisper in your ears the things i couldn't say.
we're not that young anymore.
i still remember the summer days when i first saw you.
believe in us more than anything.
i don't mind staying up all night, my love.
let's talk like we did when we were young.
i'm your friend. i'll be there.
take my hand and run.
sweet dreams, my love.
our story continues even in dreams.
when the moon shines bright, i'll tell you my story.
close your eyes and lean on me, my love.
oh, you've grown so quickly, kid.
we were always young and fearless.
we're together and we have the same dream.
actions :
crash-landing. sender chases a falling star but finds receiver where it fell.
stargaze. sender lies down next to receiver to stargaze.
daisy chain. sender weaves flowers into receiver's hair.
hypnotize. sender falls under receiver's spell, hypnotized.
zodiac. sender asks for receiver's sign.
bubble. sender blows/magically creates bubbles that surround receiver.
string. sender sees an invisible string of fate tying them to receiver.
chase. sender chases receiver through the woods.
arcade. sender loses a game to receiver while at a neon-illuminated arcade.
last drop. sender pours a drink into receiver's mouth.
hallucinate. sender finds receiver hallucinating and talking to inanimate objects.
memory. sender steps into one of receiver's memories.
sunburn. sender kisses receiver's skin and leaves behind a burn mark.
far-flung. sender wakes in another world to receiver staring down at them.
funny story. sender watches receiver trespass on a fairy ring and join the dance.
sunset. sender kisses receiver against the setting sun.
peek. sender doesn't notice receiver watching them dress through a hole.
honey. sender sends a bee to sting receiver.
stars align. sender fails to stop receiver from completing a ritual.
cosmos. sender and receiver feel each other's heart beat despite being apart.
night drive. sender and receiver drive through the night in a convertible.
butterfly. sender catches receiver transforming into [magical girl/werewolf/etc].
long-lost. sender reunites with receiver who has no memory of them.
sunflower. sender tucks a flower into receiver's lunch/purse/etc. to find later.
tarot. sender draws a card and waits for receiver to reveal its face.
flight. sender bridal carries receiver as they fly.
sweet dream. sender and receiver snuggle in bed below glow-in-the-dark stars.
may queen. sender crowns receiver queen of the spring festival.
turbulence. sender trips receiver, sending them falling.
carousel. sender grabs receiver's hand as they ride on a carousel.
moonlight. sender and receiver bathe naked in the moonlight.
astral. sender astral projects to receiver's location far away.
cat's cradle. sender performs a spell with receiver using cat's cradle.
night. sender and receiver walk through an illuminated night festival/market.
ride. sender sits on receiver's lap, straddling them.
see you. sender kisses receiver before they part forever/for a long time.
electric. sender teases receiver, brushing their lips across intimate skin.
cosmic love. sender and receiver break the bed during sex.
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
'i have writer's block', i say as i go back to a little ficlet i've had sitting in my drafts for months and immediately turn into 1.4k...
Summer, 1995
Wayne Munson's hearing isn't what it used to be, but he is almost certain he can hear a steady stream of cooing sounds coming from Eddie's bedroom.
He frowns and looks at his watch.
It's only 6:30am.
He yawns at the early hour as he shuffles to the kitchen for his prized coffee pot. And gosh darn it, he thinks. He really didn't want to be on a shiftwork sleep schedule while the boys are visiting with his granddaughter.
Yep – that is definitely Eddie with one of his silly pet names and a high-pitched sing-song voice.
Wayne can't help but stifle a chuckle as he fetches a clean mug from the drying rack on the sink. He's never known Eddie to wake up this early. Not even back when Steve moved in with his militant morning routine of jogging-showering-breakfast, all before Eddie's third alarm finally rustled him semi-conscious.
He sets his mug down with a clang on the bench as the incessant beeping of Eddie's blasted wristwatch sounds through his waning eardrums. He wishes he'd never bought the thing (in his futile efforts to make his nephew punctual) in the first place.
But the distant memory of Eddie's useless watch is quickly replaced with the disgruntled wailing of Joanie – a living, breathing tiny-human alarm that will surely be more than effective in getting his nephew up at a decent hour. For the next few years, at least.
He foregoes a courteous knock and opens the bedroom door to find Eddie sitting at the end of the bed with Steve in his lap as they both look into the crib that contains the source of the ruckus.
"What are you boys doing?" Wayne asks with fond amusement.
"Saying good morning to the light of our lives," Steve says, all syrupy-sweet as he reaches down and makes a shushing noise.
Wayne steps closer, smiling as he catches sight of his granddaughter.
"Hey, darling."
Joanie smiles so wide her eyes crinkle up, cheeks growing rosier as she kicks her feet with such vigour she could tear straight through her yellow onesie.
"We were basking in the peace and quiet," Eddie explains with an adoring sigh, "Gotta relish it before this little bean starts going about her busy day of toddling, talking and getting stinky."
"Talking?" Wayne is very much aware he sounds disappointed.
"Bee-shabba-fur," Eddie turns to Steve with complete seriousness, punctuating his babble-talk with a hand flourish.
"Eepa-nann-ca," Steve agrees, nodding up at Wayne like he is supposed to chime in.
He smiles, "I don't think you should be accusing anyone of being stinky, Eddie. I remember you at her age all too clearly."
His nephew frowns and hides behind Steve's shoulder to shield himself from any more barbs, even though his boy claps a hand over his own mouth to contain his laughter.
"A... app-ess," Joanie babbles and excitedly kicks her feet again.
"That means applesauce," Steve nods as Joanie starts grumbling again and makes grabby hands in the air.
"Looks like she's expecting that applesauce right now," he warns the pair as he scoops her up.
"But – " Steve protests.
"Shh," Eddie cuts him off as his eyes get all droopy, "Let him take her."
Wayne rolls his eyes.
Alright, so maybe Eddie still isn't a morning person. Parenthood has just forced it on him.
"Come on, kid," he says as his granddaughter cranes her neck to look out expectantly at the kitchen.
Although he is thrilled to have a whole two weeks with the boys and Joanie, the trio being back in Hawkins means that Wayne has to share them with others, including the Hendersons. Call him selfish, but he'd much prefer to just stay at home all day than pack half the house into the car for the short trip across town for lunch.
As Steve opens the car door to sit with Joanie, she grumbles and squirms, whipping her head about. Wayne dips his head to get a look at the fuss she beams, making an eh noise at the sight of him. He barks a laugh as she swivels to look at her father, her hair fashioned into two not-so-small buns giving her a disproportionate bobblehead.
"You want Pa to sit with you?" Steve asks the kid.
She shoots Steve a look like she is desperate for him to vacate the seat.
"You drive," Wayne nods, ensuring they arrange something before Eddie insists on driving.
He really doesn't feel like getting car sick before a Claudia Henderson-catered lunch.
With Steve safely driving, and Eddie being distracted by some local council drama playing out over the talk-back hour on the radio, Wayne can relax.
That is until he feels a little paw clawing at his hand.
"You wanna hold my hand," he asks Joanie as he offers his palm.
"Eh-ep...ish," she stutters out all spittle-filled.
"That means 'yes please'," Eddie chimes, leaning into the crackling radio as he scoffs at the disc jockey's quip.
Wayne chuckles, "Figured that."
He looks down to find Joanie now tracing the many lines on his palm. She's in a state of deep concentration, leaning as far forward as her car seat straps will allow as she goes.
She soon takes his thumb in her hand, clenching her fist around it as she grows tired, most likely due to the bumps in the road interrupting her tracing game rather than any actual sleepiness. Wayne can feel her soft fingertips press against the callous on his knuckle. She freezes and unfurls her hand to examine it.
She looks up with the same confused frown Eddie always had as a kid, her big brown eyes clearly expressing thoughts that she can't yet put into words. But she is most definitely thinking away in that little noggin.
She presses her forefinger to the callous to poke at it.
"Got a lot of those, I'm afraid," he explains, "Too tough for your hands."
She looks him over, eyes darting about as she opens her mouth like she is readying herself to respond.
For a moment, he thinks she might not have a damn clue, but then she takes his thumb again and pulls it close. He has to shift a little so his hand isn't twisting on the edge of the baby seat but sure enough, Joanie holds his hand for the remainder of the ride.
When they reach the Hendersons, Claudia announces she already has lunch well underway. She and Wayne think alike when Joanie is around. Rush through all that boring grown-up stuff to get straight to playtime with the kid.
Steve is going about his usual routine, carrying his daughter around the house to give her a tour while the others make the finishing touches on lunch.
Though Wayne is sure Eddie and Dustin are each sneaking samples and more getting in the way than actually helping. He smirks at the sound of something clanging in the kitchen and Claudia giving a scolding, "Dusty!" as he rounds the corner to the dining room.
Steve is walking around the table with Joanie in his arms, counting the chairs aloud. But Joanie isn't listening. She spots Wayne and beams.
His heart stops – or maybe it swells.
Joanie outstretches her hands as she tries to wiggle out of her father's grip. And Steve, the poor boy, looks shell-shocked. He blinks, eyes as wide as Claudia's special-occasion dinner plates.
"Eh-Eddie!" Steve half stutters, half shrieks as tears begin to well up.
"What, what, what?" his nephew panics, walking in from the kitchen cradling a gravy boat like his hands are too full for anything else.
He walks right up to Steve and practically hooks his chin on his shoulder. Eddie frowns at his partner. And Joanie just keeps squirming, now turning her attention to her father.
"Pa!" she whines through a frustrated little hiccup as she points across the room.
Eddie yelps and cups a hand over his mouth.
Thankfully, Wayne doesn't hear the sound of the gravy boat dropping onto the freshly-vacuumed carpet. He doesn't even look to make sure. He's far too focused on his granddaughter.
"She said her first word," Steve whispers like he has a frog in his throat.
Joanie did say her first word.
Wayne's granddaughter said her first word.
And her first word referred to him.
Her Pa.
His bottom lip wobbles as they lock eyes once more.
But the moment is short-lived as the kid resumes wriggling about, pushing against Steve's possessive hold with some real force this time as she balls up a fistful of her father's pale blue polo shirt.
"Pa!" she dry-sobs.
Wayne shakes his head and steps forward. He'll have to save the serious emotions and a doting session with the boys for later if they want to avoid a catastrophic meltdown right now. He beams as he rushes the couple of strides it takes to reach his cranky granddaughter, who remains completely unaware of the marvel that has everyone at a useless standstill.
"Better do as she says," he laughs, taking her from Steve.
The boy has no choice but to give her up.
Joanie almost jumps into his embrace as she hooks her arms in a vice-like grip around his neck. Wayne looks at the boys, apologetic as he bounces his granddaughter.
Not that she needs settling now, anyway.
More of this au HERE
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peachesofteal · 1 year
OOOOOOOOOO Obviously Simon's not gonna do anything when he's meeting him cuz his daughter is right there BUT AFTER. Johnny, like you said, is gonna be a lil shook up after meeting the new guy and he'll probably go back to work for a bit, a bit of a distraction, getting his head clear, before he realizes that yes, darling belongs to them. And thats where their plan slowly unfolds. So, Simon, ohhhh boy, now that he retired and he has more time on his hands, he'll just randomly show up at darlings place with the 'excuse' of wanting to see his daughter, making up for the time you and her were alone (obviously he also wants to see his lovely lil bean but he also wants to see darling but he can't say that now can he) even if darling desperately wanted to distance herself from Johnny and Simon, seeing lil bee get all excited when one of her dads show up unannounced, how could she tell Simon to leave again? So she let's him in. Unknowingly to her, Simons plan has already started. AH THIS IS SO GOOD. FUCK THE NEW DUDE. GET HER BACK BOYSSSSSSS
Ugh god I love these little drabbles. They’re so fun to explore🩵 and soft dad Simon Riley is my favorite.
18+ Mature themes / disco baby au / takes place after this and/or this.
“Alright, what do we want to do?” You pat Bee’s back while she babbles in your ear, syllables and words strung together. It’s mostly gibberish, but a few things are clear.
“Mamamama.” She drones and you bounce her, little breaths puffing onto your neck while she curls into you. Her little fingers twist in your hair, tugging and pulling while you hiss and try to turn away.
“No, no. Bee, please.” You use a soft touch to redirect her, and she grumbles her displeasure. “I know, but you can’t hurt mum, right? Nice hands, we use nice-“
The doorbell rings, and you frown.
That’s odd. You’re not really expecting anyone. Your boyfriend’s out of town this week for work, and your groceries weren’t scheduled for delivery until later.
Peeking out the side window, craning your neck to get a good look with Bee still sitting in your arms, you catch a glimpse of a broad, firm back, and don’t even need to see anything else to know who it is.
Your stomach instantly flips, and the sharp intake of breath that follows is anything but voluntary.
Your heart skips a beat in your chest. It’s also involuntary, and you try to ignore it. Pretend it didn’t happen.
What is he doing here?
“Hi.” He face shifts beneath the black mask, in a way you know he’s smiling, and Bee’s face lights up when she turns to see who’s at the door.
“Dada!” She squeals, high pitched and just so excited, full of love, beaming at him like he’s hung the stars in the sky.
It’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, every single time. It’s never not cute, her reaction whenever she sees either of them, and it tugs at your heart.
“Hey baby girl.” He replies, pulling the mask free and smiling at her. It’s a smile full of love, of tenderness, and you look away before he can catch you staring.
“Where’s Johnny?” You ask politely, as Bee continues to wriggle in your grasp, her whole body trying leap away from you and into her Dad’s arms.
“He’s working.” He leaves the rest unsaid, you drift for a moment, wondering about him, if he’s okay. If he’s safe.
“Dada!” Bee shrieks, insistent, and you sigh while you shift her over into his waiting grip.
“Sorry to bother ya. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by, see my girl.” He strokes a finger across her cheek before leaning down to kiss her, his affection met with baby giggles that were cute enough to melt you on the spot.
“Uh. Yeah, come in. It’s not a bother.” What were you going to say? No, leave. You’re not welcome here. Don’t come see your kid. Don’t be a good dad.
“So, how are you?” He asks, settling onto the couch with Bee in his lap, bouncing his knee while she plays the bunched fabric of his shirt.
“Uh, I’m good.” Lie. You follow up your lie with a nod, hoping to alleviate some of the awkwardness you feel. “Just, working. You know. Hanging out with Bee. The usual.”
“How’s… what’s his name again?” You blink. They’ve met your boyfriend twice now. There’s no way Simon doesn’t remember his name.
“He’s good. Great. He’s great.” You can practically feel him cataloguing your expressions, filing and storing them away for later. You swallow.
“Not here?”
“Uh, nope. He’s traveling. For work.” Simon nods.
“I was thinking about taking little miss here for a walk. To the park.” He looks you over casually, stopping at where your t shirt is sporting baby spit up and your ratty shorts. “Want to come? Get out of the house for a bit?” You bite your tongue. You know what he’s doing, what he thinks he’s doing, anyway.
But he’s wrong. You’re fine. You don’t need him. Or Johnny. You’re good.
“No, you two go ahead.” You gesture to her shoes on the floor by the stairs.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’ve got some stuff to catch up on. Stroller’s out front.”
“Brought ours.” Of course he did. Because he’s always prepared.
“Okay.” You stand by as he gets up, sorting her out, picking her shoes up and getting her ready. As he reaches the front door, he turns back to you.
“Say bye mum.” He points at you, and Bee rattles something off that ends with mama.
“Bye baby, love you.” You lean in, kissing her forehead, and your hand brushes along his forearm. It’s an accident, but he’s warm, like always, and you can smell him, the combination making those tucked away pieces in your heart scream and fight for a chance to swim to the surface.
“We won’t be too long.” He assures you with a gentle smile, and you shrug. You trust them both with Bee’s life. You know they’d die for her, you’re not worried about either of them taking her to the park.
“Okay. Have fun.” He lingers at the door, watching you while he slips the mask back on, and you give him a cheerful smile and wave. “Bye.”
He doesn’t say bye. Just holds your gaze for another few seconds before closing the door shut behind him, lock clicking with a firm shutter.
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harasharaved · 1 year
Jason Todd Fics - September 2023
Fics I recommend with a focus on or POV of Jason Todd. Masterpost can be found here.
Key: Has a ship or romantic plot, unfinished, multi-chapter, one-shot
NOTE: some of these do require an AO3 Account to read.
Whisper Closely in My Ear by Kangarou
The words went in one ear, rattled around like bees, before ramming out the other. The doctor was sitting painfully close, only two feet away. The tone of voice implied he was talking louder, not quite a yell but something nearly there; it sounded like a whisper to Jason. So quiet, with every third word unintelligible, except for that first phrase: "Mr Wayne, I'm afraid you're profoundly deaf." --- Jason is profoundly deaf. He learns to cope with it.
An AU in which Jason is deaf. This is one of my favorite Jason fics. I often find myself coming back to it. Its a great character study, introspective and has that delicious kind of hurt you just want to sit with for a while, with a helping dollop of comfort.
Children Will Listen by Parker Avenue
Jason Todd is good at extortion. He's what the adults call a snoop - nobody paid attention to the little kid with the big ears. Without even realizing, adults would hand him the keys to getting what he needed. Jason knew how to collect information, because adults found information valuable. And it was. It was free, easy to get, and easy to carry, so long as he kept his head clear and his facts straight. Jason had information Batman could use. He knew it. He had thought it over all day, sitting on that moldy couch, eating stale saltines. Batman would definitely be interested in the information Jason had. Batman had become scary again, like the old stories Jason used to hear the goons in the area tell. Breaking bones, just barely keeping people alive. Batman didn’t kill, no, but sometimes? Sometimes living was worse, maybe. Jason stayed crouched behind that dumpster, silent, because he simply couldn’t decide if Batman was far gone enough to make a kid wish he was dead. (Jason Todd knows how to get what he wants, and Batman tries to lure him to safety.)
Okay I will admit, my biggest weakness is fics about street kid Jason. Slow adoption got me good. Anyways, this one isn't finished but I love the way the pacing takes its time. Co-parents Bruce and Selina is never a con either!
Stargazer by LemonadeGarden
Jason Todd is seriously injured during patrol one night, and is forced to stay at the manor to recuperate until his injuries are healed. To pass the time, he makes a list of things he never got to do before he died. Except there's one small problem: most of them involve Bruce, and Jason doesn't really think Bruce cares all that much about him anymore. This is a story about how wrong he is, but I made it sad anyway.
I'm sure everyone and their mother has rec'd this fic, but I'm doing it anyways because I love it deeply. If you haven't read it, this is your sign!
Glow in the Dark Stars by essspressso (stylesmakethefight)
“I’m being serious, asshat,” Jason hisses, swatting his hands away from his face. “You have to tell me what year it is.” Nightwing crosses his arms a little petulantly. “It’s 2017. Happy?” Jason freezes, breath catching in his throat. 2017. Five years ago. He was…he was fifteen. “Shit,” he murmurs. He’s going to eviscerate Tim. Or: Red Hood Jason and 15-year-old Jason swap timelines, landing one week before 15-year-old Jason is supposed to die.
Time travel trope + Jason Todd's tragic ass life = amazing fics. Feelings, prepare to be felt! LOTS of Angst. You might even shed a tear. Wonderful fic!
Too Much Fucking Salt by Pez_The_Platypus
A rural housewife instinctively understood the law of quantity into quality. Add a pinch of salt to a soup and it tasted better; add one pinch too many and you ruined the batch. Jason had been in limbo for a year and a half, trusting things would get better even though everything just seemed to be getting worse. It was something small that set him off, but really, it was an accumulation of a lot of things that led to this. He was going to kill the Joker.
A one shot, but a LONG one. This one is very sad, heavy, and bittersweet. Its not Bruce or Dick "bashing", it provides a pretty well rounded and human description of them, which is to say they are not angels. Still, if you love pondering the tragedy of Jason Todd and themes of coping with trauma and the inherent grating sensation of trying to heal, this is a great fic for you.
Bruce starts, eyes glaring down at the city and unwilling to look anywhere else, especially in Jason's direction, "You always… hated the rain." Jason's breath gets caught in his throat. (For as long as Jason can remember, it's always been raining.)
Jason angst and character study rooted in comic-accuracy. Great short read!
This Kind of Weather by r_astra
Jason’s at school when his mom dies, and that’s the only reason any of it happens. If he’d been home, if he’d been with her, he would’ve been in the wind before anyone else even knew. Even if they looked, no one ever would’ve found him. He’d have taken to the sewers if that’s what it took, man-eating crocodile guy and all.
Yes, another Jason Todd adoption fic, one in which he does not steal the tires. I have a type and I'm limiting myself to only 2 of the many I love. This one does not have much of a focus at all on the Bat-side of things, just a story of Jason finding a home, much older than in the comics.
A Straight Blade by Sparkypants
"What happened to your face?" Bruce asks, reaching his hand for Jason's jaw. "You're bleeding." Jason bristles, cheeks turning pink. "I cut myself shaving." He says, and wipes at the cut with the cuff of his hoody. Damian makes a clicking noise with his tongue, "I'm amazed you haven't taken your own head off." He snarks. Jason shoves his chair away from the table, temper flaring. "Well it's not like anyone ever taught me, is it." He hisses. He's five years late, but Bruce finally teaches Jason how to shave.
Quick one-shot with feelings. Great little read I often find myself revisiting.
Growing Like a Breeze by WhaleofaTime
April 27th isn't anyone's favorite date, but it's somehow worse than usual today when Bruce gets his car stolen. It's nice of Red Hood to come to his rescue. Nicer even that Jason keeps him company afterwards.
One of those fics that explains everything about why Jason and Bruce's dynamic and relationship is so magnetic to read about. They both suck at feelings and yet make me feel SO MUCH.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
4000 Follower Celebration: Cufflinks -Mitch Ripley x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @spaghettificationandpretzels @mini-bee-bee
Trigger Warnings
Hitting the 'And what if I don't accept it? Will you scream at me? Hit me? Again?' Square on the bingo card.
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It’s the wedding that prompts Mitch’s mother to try to insert herself into his life again. He doesn’t know how she hears about it, only that she spends the next couple of days blowing up his phone. He ignores it the same way he has every other time because he doesn’t want his mother to ruin all the good things he has in his life.
It’s a couple of days before the event that she manages to track him down. He’s sitting in the café at the hospital going over the final revision of his speech when she drops down into the seat across from him. His breath catches in his throat, his heart pounding a little harder in his chest. Just being in her presence drags up all of those memories, the ones he’s spent years trying to forget.
“I wanted to give you this, it’s a wedding gift.” She tells, setting down a small box in front of him. He stares down at it frozen, unable to move a single muscle. She scowls then, opening it herself. It’s a pair of cufflinks, the tag from the pawnshop still attached.
It takes him back a couple of decades, to the last time he was in his mother’s custody. He’d been eleven years old when she’d forced him to break into a house in Forest Glen with her, he’d pawned a set of gold cufflinks the next day to pay for food. Only his mom had come back from the store with a couple of bags of meth and box of booze. She’d had a party later that night, got Mitch a little drunk.
“Don’t worry baby.” She had told him as she poured vodka down his throat. “It’ll make it easier.”
It was the first time she sold him to her dealer. He still can’t look at a bottle of vodka without his skin feeling like it wants to crawl right off his bones.
“I don’t want it.” Mitch rasps back in the present, shoving the cufflinks away from him. “I don’t want anything from you.”
“Mitchell.” She chides, pushing them back in his direction. “Take them.”
It’s another echo, a man’s heavy breath in his ear as he’s held down, face pressed so hard into his pillow that he almost suffocates.
Take it like a man.
“What if I don't accept it?” He asks her, his voice a hoarse whisper. “You’ll scream at me? Hit me? Sell me?”
“Why can’t you ever just be grateful?” She snaps at him, gesturing at the cufflinks. “I came here with a gift…”
“Grateful.” He repeats, the word tastes acidic on his tongue. “I’m supposed to be grateful that you sold my virginity to your dealer and his buddies? That it’s taken until my late thirties to actually form a healthy relationship because before that I was incapable. I’m supposed to be grateful for that? I’m supposed to thank you for it?”
His eyes are fucking stinging as he raises to his feet, clasping his tablet to his chest. He knows he’s on the fringes of a panic attack, his chest heaves, his throat constricts. His head  starts spinning as the edges of his vision turn black.
It’s Sean Archer that intervenes, that grasps his arm and guides him towards the sensory room they use for kids who are neurodivergent.  He closes the door, shutting out Mitch’s mom as Mitch drops into a chair, his trembling hands covering his face. He’s so bitterly ashamed right now, it leaves him feeling hollow and vacant as Sean kneels in front of him. There’s a calmness in the other man that he finds grounding, it anchors him in the moment, bringing him back to himself as they work through the breathing exercises together.
In for five, hold for five, out for five.
His hands stop shaking, his nerves began to settle.
“It happened to me too, at Sea Cadets.” Sean says quietly into the space in between them. “It’s why I went off the rails, became an addict. My dad doesn’t know. It was his idea for me to go, a way of following in his footsteps. He didn’t understand when I wanted to quit…”
Mitch understands what he’s not saying. Sean can never tell Dean about what happened to him. It’s always been the crux between the two of them because on some level Sean blamed his father for making him go back to that place week after week. It’s only through therapy that Sean’s learned to let go of all of that, that he’s managed to regain a relationship with his father again.
“I can’t forgive her.” Mitch tells Sean as he looks away. “I can’t have her at the wedding, my past and present colliding like that, I just can’t.”
“You don’t have to.” Sean reassures him, his palm coming to rest on his friend’s shoulder. “Do you want me to call Marley?”
“No.” Mitch says quietly, running his hands through his hair. “She’s on shift and I’m not…”
He trails off and Sean gets it. He’s not ready to talk about what happened to him back then. It had taken Sean a long  time to trust someone else with that information, there had been some triggers when it came to sex, things he’d had to explain to his partner.
“Alright.” Sean says softly before he pulls out his phone and holds it out to Mitch. “Wanna read through my best man speech? Tell me which embarrassing stories I can’t tell.”
“Yea.” Mitch says, the edges of his mouth tipping up into a smile for the first time since this whole ordeal started. “Yea Sean, I do.”
Love Mitch? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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notsopersonalcharlie · 7 months
Mid-Game Superstitions
(American) Football Star!Bucky Barnes x gn!reader
Note: Based on this idea I had watching the game last night and inspired by the fact that I like watching the sports ball sometimes. I'd apologize for the length but I wouldn't really mean it :)
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You were nervous as all hell, nearly bit off your press ons in the car. It had been pandemonium when you arrived with the other partners, some of the wives coming with their kids in separate cars, but most of you all together. A few of them had done it before, been to a Super Bowl as the second most important people in the stadium, and Peggy had clasped a hand around your forearm as you stepped out of the limo.
You were glad for the anchor against all of the screaming. To your surprise people weren't just screaming for Peggy, or Sam's supermodel girlfriend, but they knew you too. It was delightful if not a little off-putting as you all posed to people screaming your name each of you wearing some form of the team's colors, red, white, and blue.
You'd gotten used to the hubbub of metal detectors and being ushered in a pack of security guards up to the box designated for all of you. Once things had calmed down, and you'd all taken copious numbers of photos and got drinks, you slipped away from the people you'd well and truly decided were your friends after a year of breathless wins and harrowing injuries, and made your way over to one of the security guards by the door. There were two at the door and one moving around the room, just in case anyone got by the first two.
"Uhm, excuse me?" The man turned. He was massive, but you were no more intimidated by him than by Bucky or any of the other equally massive players on the team. You'd learned through the season that the sweeter you were, the quicker you got things.
"What can I do for you?"
"I usually go down to meet my husband outside the locker room during half time. I just wanted to make sure there was an easy way to get there and that you knew beforehand!" Usually that's all it took, a smile and a little shrug. Today though, the man frowned and leaned back out the door to say something to his partner, you didn't catch it all, but he said something about security and concerns. When he turned back around he was still frowning.
"I'm sorry, I have to check with the rest of the security team. They're running things a little militant around here."
"Oh, I know a thing or two about militant! Bucky and Steve were in the Army before they joined the league. I'm sure there will be some way we can make it happen." You hoped you sounded confident, but not too forceful. You were already antsy from not being able to see him right before the game like normal, but you knew this was not a normal game. He nodded with a small smile and stepped outside, the door closing behind him. You loitered there, glancing back at the rest of the teams partners, many of whom had looked back over at you and given you hopeful thumbs ups.
It hadn't seemed like a big thing in the beginning of the season, the stop by the locker room at half time. It was Steve's fourth season in the league, second as first string quarterback. Bucky had played tight end in high school and college, and Steve had practically begged when the Commandos were planning their draft picks to get his best friend on the team. He would have done anything to keep Bucky playing, that included letting you sneak down to give him a mid-game pep talk and kiss.
It wasn't until it was clear they were going to the playoffs that the players and their partners noticed that the games you weren't there or the games where you weren't able to follow through with the ritual between the halves, the Howling Commandos would lose. It wasn't a perfect measure, and it didn't even seem like the team played worse when you weren't down there, it was just like there was one missing piece.
The door reopened and the man seemed surprised to see you still standing there.
"I'm really sorry, but we've been told we're not allowed to take anyone down there between the game. There's too much chaos with the half time show dancers and teams." You floundered for an excuse, but 'they're going to lose if I don't' seemed pretty weak, so you were left standing there when he closed the door.
"Darling? What did they say?" You turned to meet Peggy's eye and shook your head.
"Oh dear." Most of the rest of the box seemed to have caught on and pats on the back were accompanied by nervous looks. Even though it had been your ritual with Bucky, it had kind of become the whole team's ritual. Peggy said Steve had mentioned that it wasn't that Bucky played worse when you didn't go down, it was his dark expression and lack of usual energy and camaraderie that brought them all down.
"I'm sure it'll be ok!" someone's wife called, "They're going to be so caught up in the game that they won't even have time to dwell on it. They've been practicing so hard." Before you could have too long a thought about it, they were called your attention back to the field and you watched them run out onto the field, all of you hooting and hollering as you saw your boys get on the field.
Bucky was ecstatic coming off the field during the half time. They were up by one touchdown and the energy was electric, every single move gained praise.
"Everyone take ten, do not, and I repeat! Do Not! Think about sitting for longer than five of those minutes. We'll huddle up then." Coach Fury lived up the name, but he kept them all ready to play.
"Buck, you are a beast out there man! Insane!" Sam practically bowled him over with the unexpected chest bump.
"Me? What about you!" Bucky gathered up a bottle of water and Gatorade, wiping away sweat and grass stains before slipping off down the hall to the way they had come in. There were a few people loitering around and security by the load, but he didn't spot you.
"Scuse me." One of the security guards turned and his eyes widened.
"Ma-Sir, you have to go back in the locker room."
"Oh, I'm just checking if my partner came down here. They usually do. Black jeans, shirt with my name on the back?"
"Sorry sir, we aren't allowed to let anyone but the half time crew in here. No one was allowed down." Bucky frowned.
"But-" He was cut off by loud music and the security guard shook his head, practically backing him towards the locker room again. Steve couldn't help but spot Bucky hanging his head and nearly swore out loud. He knew that look.
When all was said and done, they had fought hard, but the other team had a few last tricks up their sleeve. All of you had made your way down to the back doorway, where the players had come in and gone out, and were waiting for your freshly showered, if not very dejected football players. Bucky and Steve were nearly always the last ones out of the locker room, and Peggy and you waited patiently as they began to stream out. Sam was the first to say it, but it came like a steady stream after.
"They shoulda let you down here." It wasn't a specific blame, not on Bucky and not on you, but mid-game rituals were habits, and the habit might have cost the team the game. Finally, very last, you spotted the duo coming out, hair wet and heads handing.
"Hey peach," Bucky sighed, falling into your open arms and pressing his face into your neck.
"Hi Buck. You played great." He mumbled something against the hem of your shirt that sounded something like 'could'a played better' and you kissed the top his head, the smell of his conditioner reminding you of home.
"Next time," Steve said as he and Peggy began to walk away, "Next time I am telling the security team that you gotta come down no matter what." You could feel Bucky smile.
"Next time," he said as he pulled himself away from you, "If they don't let you come down, I'm coming up."
"Next time Buck." He leaned down and pressed a warm kiss to your lips.
"Let's go home."
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surfinminho · 1 year
Kinktober day 3- Somnophilia w/Chan
⤷ warnings: fem!reader, dom!Chan, mentions of alcohol, cumming inside
⤷ word count: 687
⤷Taglist : @greysweaters-blog @hannie-bees @ashydoinwhat @chansbabygirlsstuff @hiddlestandom @stanskzsstuff @mal-lunar-28 @leeracha @linos-kitten @bonateukna
*please dm me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.*
It was never an issue when chan comes home late. You know it was always for good. Working on a new beat for stray kids or plain old filing. It never crossed your mind that he never loved you. You know he did, but seeing him only in the morning and sometimes in the night upset you a little bit. Of course you saw him on days off, and he tried to spend most of his free time with you or on the phone with you.
You had your needs to. So when you got a little drunk one evening with Chan, you spilled how you wouldn't mind him fucking you in your sleep. He just stares, you laugh it off but he couldn't help but think about it.
The next time he sees you, he sits you down and have a formal conversation about it. He decided for a signal: a pendant bracelet. One you never really wore but still thought was pretty.
So when he comes home at ungodly hours at night and sees you wearing the bracelet, he sits on the bed, your back against his legs. You were sleeping on your side, small shorts and a T-shirt. Jostling as he moves on the bed.
He moves his hands all around your body, groping your ass seeing if that would wake you.
It didn't.
It seemed like he had free reign. Letting him do whatever he wants to you. His rough fingers touch and open skin he could reach, his calloused fingers against your soft skin made him want to take you more.
He pulls down his pants, stroking himself until he's fully hard before pulling down your sleep shorts.
"no underwear, you're such a slut " he whispers, running his index finger down your folds.
He grabs his cock, running it up and down your cunt. Tip catching your hole. He used his other hand to wrap your legs around his.
You mumble something in your sleep, pushing him to the edge. He didn't want to hurt you, deciding to ease into you.
When he bottoms out, any self control he had is gone.
"So good for me. Such a good baby for me right?" He picks up his pace, quiet room being filled with obscene noises. Hips meeting your thighs making that lewd clapping sound.
Sleep still in your body, you felt something, wet in between your legs. You tried to sit up but you couldn't. Something was obstructing your movements, specifically your legs.
Thinking it was a nightmare, you try to pinch yourself,  which failed making yourself more awake. As you gain back consciousness you grasp the situation.
"Did I wake my pretty girl up? Oh im sorry" chan sucks on your back, moving towards your neck.
The pleasure was overwhelming you. Just waking up not knowing what was going on heightened your senses.
Every thrust he did sent sparks up your spine, trying to grip on to anything around you.
"s-shit baby you're gonna make me cum" his hips stutter as you meet his halfway. "G'na make me cum, f-fuck" his hips still before releasing his seed inside you.
You whine, grabbing his forearms trying to get his attention.
"You wanna cum?" He chuckles at you, in an almost sadistic way.
"yes- please?" The way you were asking made it impossible for him to deny you.
His hips start moving again, cunt clenching from the pleasure.
"How am I supposed to fuck you if you keep clenching baby?" he asked, rutting his hips into yours instead.
"I-  shit sorry m'sorry" tears were lining your eyes, his cock was hitting that certain spot in you, making you shake.
"Cumming, please let me cum"
"Go ahead, cum for me."
It's like his voice was the thing you needed to cum, clenching down on him hard before releasing.
"Good job, you did so good" he smiles as he pulls out of you. He tried to ask you a question: if you wanted something to drink or maybe a shower but when he peered over you were already in Dreamland.
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billthedrake · 2 years
It had become a birthday tradition. Ever since my parents' divorce, Dad would treat me each year to a guys' night in the city. I was a hockey player, and my father the textbook hockey dad, and we were both big Rangers fans. So every year, Dad would drive me to New York, where we'd spend two nights and catch a home game.
I think Dad thought I'd outgrow it as I got closer to graduation, but I enjoyed the father-son bonding time as much as he did. My father is a brash, blue-collar kind of guy. Very heart on his sleeve, but also not good at talking about emotional stuff. The divorce made him even more closed off, but I knew he always looked forward to his custody weekends with me. Even at the pissiest, moodiest points of my teenage years, I got it.
I could tell Dad was surprised after I went off to college - on a hockey scholarship at a New England college - when I asked if we were still doing my birthday trip.
"You bet, buddy," he beamed with barely contained excitement in his voice. "Though I guess we'll need to wait till your season's over."
So that's what we did. A few days later he got back to me wondering if I'd want to catch an away series in Boston later that spring. That's how a new tradition got started, going to different cities each April.... Chicago, Montreal, and now that I'm 22 this year the trip is in DC.
The first night, Dad and I found a sports bar, where we watched a couple of games, but mostly caught up. About school, life, and just boring stuff. Dad seemed to be in a good mood, chattier than normal, and just happier with life. His contracting work was going well, and he promised that he'd take me out for a nice steak dinner the next night.
I asked him if he was dating any one, but he just cocked a grin and shook his head. "Nothing serious," he said with an uncharacteristic blush. "I mean, your old man gets out there for a little fun now and then, but I don't know if I'm ready to date."
"Dad!" I objected with a laugh. The man had given me the birds and bees talk and had checked in with me a couple of times. I'd admitted to him that I'd become sexually active, though I made up more experience with women than I really had. But we weren't the kind of family who talked much about sex.
"Goddamnit, Joey," he chuckled. "You're not a kid any more. I figure you know the score."
"Yeah, I guess," I said, pressing my leg against my father's next to the bar. "Guess you don't get used to the idea of your parents having a life."
"Could probably use a little more of one, to be honest," Dad chimed. God, he was really opening up this evening. "What about you, son? I thought you'd be going steady with someone by now."
"Nah," I hemmed and hawed, trying to hide my embarrassment. I'd gotten real good at bullshitting with my buddies and my teammates but for some reason had a harder time lying to Dad.
My father's hand clasped on my shoulder. "s' OK, I'm not gonna pester you like your mother does," he said. "I guess I wouldn't be a good Dad if I didn't want to know what's going on in your life."
Looking into his gruffly handsome face and his puppy dog brown eyes, I was THIS close to telling him. About the gay thing, about my doubts, about how I wanted to tell everyone but was too fucking scared. How I seemed to be putting my life off until after college.
Instead I gave a silent nod of acknowledgment and turned my head back up to the big TV screen behind the bar. Dad followed suit.
We were three beers in when Dad said the day was catching up with him. "It's early though, you should stay out," he urged. "Have some fun."
I almost said no, but it was barely 9 o'clock, and a part of me wanted to take advantage of some independent time. I told Dad I'd maybe stay out for a while longer.
"You got the spare room key, right?"
I told him I did. "I won't be out long," I said.
"I hope you are," he chuckled. "Seriously, enjoy yourself, Joey," he said as he got up from his bar stool. I try to not to perv on my old man but seeing him in his casual jeans and sweatshirt, it was hard not to admire his sturdy body. I mean, Dad's got a beer belly but otherwise is pretty damn solid. I felt his strength as he gave my shoulder one last squeeze before bidding me good night.
I gave it maybe five minutes after he left, then I downed my drink and found my way to the Metro to Dupont Circle. I'd only been to a gay bar twice before, and each time was nerve wracking as hell. But something about being in a different city made me feel anonymous. I felt giddy and excited as I walked the blocks to some bar I found on Google.
Maybe I picked the wrong place, or maybe it was too early, but the bar was dead. I may have been anonymous, but I stuck out in the place, the only dude under 40 in a place of older man. That would have been fine. I mean, I kind of get turned on by men in their late 30s, or 40s and 50s. But a couple of obnoxious guys made a beeline for me in turn, as soon as I got my beer. I tried to do the thanks but no thanks, thing but they wouldn't fucking let up. It brought out my whole anxiety about being in the place to begin with. I didn't even finish my beer, I just bolted out of there.
The whole way back to the hotel, I was frustrated and maybe a little mad at myself. I maybe should have tried another bar, but at this point I wasn't in the mood.
I tried to be quiet when I got back to the hotel room. There was the click of the key card, but other than that I slipped into the room silently, so I wouldn't wake Dad. It took me a second to realize that the light was on, and that Dad was hardly asleep. I was a few steps in the room, far enough to see half of the beds, when I realized what the fuck was happening.
"You like that cock, Daddy?" the voice was youthful and masculine, and it seemed to match the very attractive athletic younger guy who was boning my father doggy style.
My beefy bodied old man was bracing himself on all fours and actually bucking his meaty ass back against every hard thrust. If I wasn't hard yet, that sight alone made my cock feel more rigid than I'd ever felt.
"You know it, buddy," my father growled in that deep, loud voice of his. "Pound my fucking hole." God, Dad was being really loud and his sex talk seemed to echo off the walls. I hoped to God there was soundproofing, then realized I hadn't heard anything before stepping into the room.
The young dude just gripped Dad's waist and used the leverage to pull my father's body back and forth onto his shaft. "You wanna do the scene we talked about, man?" the guys asked, quiet in his voice now.
Dad nodded and blushed beet red. "Yeah, let's go for it."
The top's chest seemed to puff proudly. I couldn't believe they'd not noticed me. Hell, I couldn't believe I had the balls or the stupidity to just stand there and watch them. But they were so caught up in their mating. The man's hips now slowed to a slow sexy grind and he leaned forward and kissed along Dad's thick shoulder and neck. "I've wanted to do this for so long, Dad," he growled. "After every hockey practice."
"Oh god, yeah, Joey!" my father hissed, not as loud this time.
My heart pounded and my dick throbbed, but my mind was in a major head-fuck place now. I was actually hyperventilating, and the voyeurism had gone from a sexual turnon to a sense of invading Dad's privacy, or seeing something I shouldn't have seen. I backed out as quietly as I entered, and let the door open and shut as silently as I could.
"Fuck!" I hissed to myself as I stood in the hallway, feeling my heart race. I tried to gather my thoughts to something that would get my dick to go down. It half worked, but not fully. I thought of going somewhere else for a while, even the hotel lobby. But I had to know. Know who'd been fucking Dad. Probably not a boyfriend, cause Dad never came to DC. Maybe some dude from Grindr, I don't know.
It took ten minutes, maybe a little more. I waited down the hall, by the elevator bank, and when I heard the click of the door, I peered out. The first one was a different room, but the second, a minute later, was from ours. I pretended like I was I just coming from the elevators and walked slowly down the hall. The dude was busy with his phone as he walked, texting or something so I could get a good look at him. I'd seen his body in profile, but now that I saw him head on, wearing joggers and a zip up pullover, I could make out that he was almost a dead ringer for me! Blue eyes to my brown, and higher cheekbones, but otherwise there was so much similar. Same height, same athletic build, same dark brown hair, same jockish demeanor.
"Hey," he grunted in acknowledgement as we passed. Bro to bro.
"Hey," I said, nervously, trying to pass it off as a normal exchange. He kept on his way, and I paused at the room door, wondering if he'd look back. He never did.
I wasn't quiet this time. I wanted to give Dad time notice. I shut the door loudly and called out, "Hey Dad."
"Hey, buddy," he called out. He was lying back in bed, watching some sports news on the TV with the volume turned down. Wearing only a thin pair of gym shorts, his body was relaxed and I got a good chance to admire his muscle. Big bulging arms, rounded shoulders, and full hard pecs. Dad's surprisingly smooth for a guy his age, but there was a dusting of hair on his chest and torso... finer and lighter colored than my own body hair. Below his pecs there was some extra weight... more than middle aged spread, I guess, though his beer belly was shy of a full gut. On Dad it looked hot. The thin fabric didn't leave too much to the imagination, but my father's genitals were soft so didn't form too much of a package. And in some ways those thighs stole the show, with a rounded curve and palpable meatiness. They were hairier than his upper body but not outright furry.
I couldn't believe this man, my father, had just taken dick like a porn star.
I snapped out of my perving reverie and rifled though my bag for my own pair of shorts. No way was I sleeping in just underwear tonight. I even pulled out some compression to layer underneath, to keep any boner in check.
I ducked into the bathroom to piss, change, brush my teeth, and just collect myself. When I got out, bare chested as Dad, he was still on the other bed, absorbed in whatever boring sports talk program was on. I couldn't believe how nonchalant he was being. Then again, maybe getting laid puts you in that kind of mood.
I settled onto the other double bed and pretended to be interested in the TV. I'd sneak glanced over at my father, to get a look at his half naked body but also to imagine that forbidden spot between his legs, deep in his ass. No way did he have the chance to shower off after sex, and I just knew that cleft and hole were still wet with lube.... and if the guy didn't put on a condom, then cum as well.
I had to lift my leg and surreptitiously reach down to pinch the base of my cock to tame the hardon. Compression would only do so much.
"Have fun tonight?" Dad finally asked. "I thought you'd be out longer."
The messed up thing was that I felt guilty for coming back too early, of not giving my father enough time to hook up with a dude. "It was all right," I said. "Just wasn't feeling it."
He looked over at me, his brown eyes filled with normal fatherly concern. "Yeah, buddy? I figured a good looking dude like you would be able to score a hot girl for the night."
"Dad!" I objected.
"What?" he asked. As if his concern were just a normal dad's male bonding with his son. In another instance it might be, but I knew now that Dad got off on the idea of me fucking. That's why he was always asking me about girls.
I had every intention of playing dumb. Of just filing this evening back into my memory bank for stroke sessions. Because this was potentially explosive stuff.
Instead I picked up that stick of emotional TNT. "I, um, saw you guys... just now... earlier," I eked out through a shaky voice.
Dad's relaxed, happy go lucky face turned dead serious. "Oh," he said. "I thought I head the door click." He looked at me and I just knew what he was thinking. He was trying to figure out just how much I'd seen. "Sorry you had to see that Joey."
"Guess I should have picked up the hint you wanted some alone time," I said. Trying to pass it off like Dad was my dorm roommate needing to get laid. I even forced a chuckle to make light of the weirdness.
Dad turned off the TV and turned toward me. God, I wished he wasn't looking so hot just then. Chest and arm muscle bulging as his body pivoted toward me. "I'm serious, Joe... I didn't mean.... Damnit... I guess you know now... your old man likes to have a little fun now and then."
It was none of my business, but curiosity won out. "He wasn't your boyfriend or anything, was he?" I mean, it didn't seem likely but I had to know if I was getting a step dad my age.
He shook his head. "Nothing like that, son," he said, pausing before adding, "It's just, well, sometimes I splurge on a hustler."
It was a weird first reaction, but I was a little mad that Dad paid that dude when any number of men would be lucky to fuck him. But as the memory of that primal scene flashed in my head, I was getting rock hard again. "Dad, I'm pretty sure you don't need to pay anyone."
Dad's eyes were on me intently now. Deciding how to take my comment. "Sometimes I want someone who's not gonna pass judgment," he said quietly. Damn he was making himself vulnerable now, for sure.
I was too. Meeting his gaze, I said, less quietly now, "I'm not gonna pass judgment, Dad."
"No?" he asked. I could hear his voice catch in his throat.
"Nope. And I hope you don't pass judgment on me," I replied.
"What would I...?" Dad started to ask before he let out a surprised, "oh!"
I'd pulled my legs out and was revealing my hardon to dad. Even beneath the shorts and through the compression, my ridge of college-jock cock was visible. My heart raced nervously but I also sat up proudly in bed and spread my legs further to show my dick off to my father.
"Fuck, you're big, Joey," he gapsed, without thinking before he took his eyes off my crotch and looked back up at me. "How long?"
"I dunno, Dad," I said. "Maybe 7 and a half inches. Almost eight."
"Shit," he grunted. Then shook his head. "But I meant how long have you had a thing for me?"
"Honest, Dad?" I replied. "I don't know. Maybe longer than I realized."
He nodded, taking in the information.
I looked over at my father and could see his dick firming up to a spike again in those shorts. "How long have you had a thing for me, Dad?"
"Maybe longer than I realized, too," he shot back, now sitting up on the bed, facing me. "I swear Joey, I tried not to go there, but you grew into such a hot fucking stud."
I'd had sex with men a couple of times before, and I'd enjoyed the naughty thrill of it. But this just seemed to click, the mutual sexual attraction. The fact Dad was as boned for me as I was for him made me wish we weren't father and son.
Then again, that was the thrill of it, too.
With a playful grin, I hooked my thumbs in my shorts and pulled them up over my boner. Dad was silent and his attention fixated watching this simple, taboo act. I slid off the shorts and the compression and let my long, thick cock ride up. It was fully engorged and stood up from my treasure trail at a rigid angle.
Dad gulped again and looked up at me. "We doing this, son?"
"Yeah, Dad," I hissed, scooting off the bed and standing up. Horniness winning out over my nerves. "We're fucking doing this."
I heard a low rumble as my butch father scooted over and with one hand on my leg to guide me, he took me into his mouth.
"Holy fuck!" I gasped. At first it was just the sheer forbidden fact that my own father was licking and now sucking my bone. But quickly I was going wild at realizing how frickin' good Dad was at this. Not going for the kill, he gave slow, sensual head that seemed to be worshipful and did the trick of working me up to a boil without sending me over the edge.
I'd had guys suck my dick a couple of times, but I'd never fully gotten a blowjob, not for real. Dad was giving me my first.
"Dad," I hissed, spreading my legs to brace my body and running my fingers softly through his light-brown hair to encourage him. I rode out the incredible incestuous pleasure, then had to put on the breaks. "Dad..." I urged, using my fingers to nudge his skull back off me. "I don't wanna cum yet."
My father let out a soft, deep growl as my wet thick prick cleared his lips. And just as quickly as he'd taken me into his mouth, his face dove down to start tonguing and kissing my balls.
"You've turned into such a stud, all right," I heard him say between kisses. "Big fucking balls, too."
I'd had two hookups with older men. Men Dad's age. One was fun, the other I felt a little skeeved out by the man's lecherous fixation on my youth. But with Dad, I responded instantly to his worshipful lust for me. Something about it brought out both my loving and aggressive side. Holding the back of his head, I pulled him roughly into my crotch, then relaxed my grip and patted his head affectionately. Dad seemed to love that.
"I wanna fuck you, Dad," I let out. As I said the words, I knew they were a messed up thing to think, much less say. I was so horny, though, and after seeing Dad practically slut out earlier, my dick was doing the thinking for me.
Dad pulled back, spit on his lips and excitement in his brown eyes. "Yeah, Joey?"
If I didn't know before, I had a pretty good confirmation that Dad had thought a LOT about that very idea. His hand stroked my spit-wet prick, as if he was sizing up how much he'd feel my size.
A nagging doubt hit me. Not incest, but my inexperience. "I might not have the moves that hustler did, but I wanna bone you, Dad."
Dad leaned back, his burly body on display for me, with its hard blue-collar muscle and that extra bulk. He was beautiful and my cock twitched seeing his masculine build offered before me. "How you want me? On all fours?"
I stepped back for a better view, shaking my head. "Face to face," I growled, feeling my cock twitch. I'd had my experiences with men and a hell of a lot of self time with porn. This was better than both combined. "I wanna make out with my dad while I fuck him."
"Joey," Dad grunted, scrambling up to lie back on the bed. I was following him, already greedily tugging at the waist band of his shorts. The elastic snagged on his erection, but he helped me work it over and off his thighs, before I pulled the shorts off and tossed them aside. "This is SO fucking wrong, son," he hissed, and I knew we were on the same wavelength. Riding that taboo.
"Fuck yeah, it's wrong," I growled, the words almost catching in my throat I was so turned on. "A son shouldn't wanna fuck his father."
Dad honest to god whimpered at that. Or maybe it was the feel of my hardon nudging along his thigh as I leaned down and claimed a kiss.
This itself was a line crossed, more than the cocksucking, more than the sex talk. I was French kissing my own father and he was sucking my tongue into his mouth before battling it with his own. We grunted into our kiss, humping our heated bodies and feeling that incredible flesh-on-flesh contact.
This desire had been bottled up so deep inside me, but this evening had brought it out so quickly, I knew it was always there. Knew my father had been deep in my psyche as I masturbated all these years. Knew he was an implicit comparison for any man I went for.
I'd have to ask Dad where I fit into his fantasies, or if there were other men, young men, in his life. All I knew now was how hungrily he held me and felt up my hockey-jock body and spread his legs, inviting me in, then wrapping those feet around to guide me to enter him.
I wasn't hustler-skilled, so I had to reach down and guide my rigid cock to root around for his entrance. But that escort had left a good amount of lube there, and as I nudged my father's recently-fucked pucker, I could tell there was a good deal of cum, too. The idea excited me and made me jealous at the same time. That fucker should have been paying Dad for the privilege...
I thrust inside my old man. Between the suddenness and my size, it was a LOT for Dad to take. Turns out the man liked it that way. He growled into our kiss and used his heels against my strong ass to urge me on.
I didn't need my invitation engraved. I let my body and my hormonal need take over. I fucked Dad, maybe just shy of rough, but definitely hard. And the faster and deeper I went the more the big man's body responded beneath me.
"Fuck me, Joe," he grunted as I broke the kiss and leaned up to get a good look at the man I was shafting, the man who made me.
"You love your son's cock in you?" I prodded.
"Fuck yeah," Dad replied. "Hot fucking incest."
That alone about got me to cum. My hips were a blur of motion and I was THIS close to orgasm.
"Open your mouth, Dad," I urged. I don't know what possessed me to do this, but I think I'd seen it a porn video and something about Dad's need made me wanna try it.
My father opened his mouth and I did it. I spit right into it, hitting the back of his throat like a bullseye target.
Dad actually fucking whimpered once I did.
I hawked some more spit and let it fly once more. And that did it, I was cumming HARD. Harder than I ever had in my life. My hips were now longer thrusting madly but giving a couple of deep jerks into my dad's guts to add my seed to that hustler's.
Dad was rock hard against my abs as we made out and held each other. Holding on to each other and not wanting this father-son fuck to end.
After a couple of minutes I realized I didn't have to end. Dad hadn't gotten off, and I was still rock hard. I could probably go for another... yeah, I could definitely go for another. My hips began a soft, shallow thrust, enough for Dad to feel it inside him.
"You going for another, Joey?" he asked, surprised and excited.
I nodded, smiling down on my father. His hair was matted down with sweat and he had a vulnerable edge to his handsome looks. I felt a strange sexual domination over my old man, but a hell a lot of love, too. It was all in the mix.
"You ever been fucked all night, Dad?" I asked, putting on my deepest, sternest voice I could manage. Yeah, maybe it was a boast, but at that point I felt I had it in me. In any case, I wanted to try.
"God, Joe," Dad hissed. His hands openly massaged my arm muscle, not as big and round as his guns but still with that athletic harness from sports and working out regularly.
I grinned, feeling playful as hell. "Is that a 'God, Joe,' I can't handle that? Or a 'God, Joe, please fuck me all night, Joe'?" I teased.
I felt Dad's heels on my ass cheeks again. "God, Joe, please fuck me all night, Joe.... son."
"You got it... Dad."
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roadkillremi · 1 year
I had an idea for the uncle randy series. Y/n and randy are getting a little ✨️spicy✨️ and either Mindy or Chad walk in.
I sure can. Its a tad bit short but it will have something for ya! The one who walks in will NOT see any private parts.
Like Old Times
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^this picture does not direct what the reader looks like^ (My fav picture of Jamie Kennedy) ((he did not age well folks))
Summary :The ask above, Taking place during the time period of Scream 5. Part of the Uncle Randy AU
Warnings : Minors DNI, mentions of Ghostface, smut, fear, language, P in V, Not protected sex, Sub-ish Randy, mention of guns. Flash back to when they were 18, dom-ish Randy, mother catches you guys, orgasm denial.
It was Randy's bright idea to get a break from everything. Martha was at work and the twins were at school. It didn't help that Randy was a love sick puppy for you. He always loved physical contact and was needing more.
Randy's forehead had a thin layer of sweat. He looked up at you with big eyes, his mouth slightly opened. His hands lightly rubbed your hips.
"Just like old times" he muttered softly. Martha's guest room was Randy's old bedroom. It didn't look the same but it gave you two nostalgia. You gave Randy a soft smile before kissing him. He kissed you back before trailing down to your neck. His nose gently touched your skin as he moved his head. He started leaving soft kisses all around your neck. Your breath hitched up, you leaned into him. Your chests' were skin to skin, his heart beat echoed against yours. Your eyes drifted softly to the clock on the side table.
"Baby... The kids.". You softly whispered. Randy looked up at you, "They said they were hanging out at their friends remember?". You nodded, "We can stop if you want." Randy said softly. You shook your head, "I just wanted to make sure, y'know?". Randy nodded and went back to your neck. His large hands moved down to your thighs. You opened them slightly for him. He moved himself close to your entrance. His head bumped into your folds needingly. You lifted yourself up helping him place himself in you. You both let out soft breaths.
"I... I been wanting you ever since we got here.." Randy admitted. You smiled slightly moving your hips in circles.
"My poor Randy. Always been so needy since highschool." You teased. Randy's cheeks turned a soft pink, he gripped your hips trying to thrust into you. You clenched around him and grabbed his jaw.
"So impatient." You smiled. Randy breathed heavily, you slowly started rising yourself and falling.
You looked towards the window, "What is it?" Randy looked over.
"I swear I heard something..." You gripped his shoulder. Your heart started racing, it was a similar feeling from before. Ghostface spying on you, multiple times hearing things in the back before you get attacked.
"Hey. He's not gonna hurt you." Randy whispered. You looked at him, "Can you just-".
"Check the house? Yeah". You moved to the side covering yourself with a blanket. He slid his boxers on and dug through a suitcase.
"Here" he lifted a pistol up towards you to grab. You grabbed it, "Be careful.".
"I know." He gently smiled. The door flew open, you lifted the blanket to your chest. Randy screamed pointing his gun, and Mindy and Chad also screamed. Chad held a baseball bat close to him.
"I thought you were with your friends!!" Randy exclaimed. Mindy eyes darted from you to him, "were you two having sex?!".
"Mindy!" Chad cringed. Randy looked at you, "Uh, no. We were taking a nap. Now go!" He closed the door.
Randy put the gun down, "Jesus Christ, I'm glad we don't have children.". You sighed, "At least we don't have to give them the birds and bees talk.". Randy chuckled and laid back in bed. You looked down at Randy, "I'm gonna get dressed." You gently patted his slightly hairy chest.
"Remember when my mom caught us that one time?" Randy said sitting up. You slid your underwear on with a little jump.
"Heh, yeah. She was mortified." You smiled to yourself.
It was near the end of Senior year, graduation was about a day away. You snuck over to Randy's to celebrate. He turned on a movie in the background to mask the noise. He was on top of you leaning down close to your face. Your legs tightly wrapped around him. You'd be like this for an hour, every time you got close he'd stop and finish on your stomach. Desperate for release, your head leaned back against his pillows. You tried your best to be quiet letting a moan or two slip. Randy would laugh going, "Not so dominant anymore?". You'd give him a look, that's when you heard his door handle turn.
You gasped, reaching for a blanket to cover yourself. Randy sat up quickly looking at the door.
"Randall Meeks!" His mother yelled. She slammed the door shut, "Put clothes on and get out here now!". You giggled softly as his face turned red. You both put your clothes on walking out into the living room.
"I understand you two are 18 but this is unacceptable!" She fussed. You held Randy's arm close to your support to comfort him. She sighed, "I just need you two to promise me you'll go to bed!".
"Yes ma'am" you and Randy whispered dim unison. You both shuffled back to his room awkwardly. Randy closed the door and stared at you.
"We're in deep shit..."
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txtmetonight · 11 months
Ms. (?)
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call summary ⋆ ★ you and yeonjun since high school have had major rivalry. now you two are teachers at the same school, and your fiery bond hasn’t broken yet. but the other teachers and students make you guys the hottest ship in school. so…what’s next?
pairings *. * yeonjun x fem! reader
genre ⋆ ★ fluff, enemies to lovers (?) dunno its a little complicated, coworkers to lovers (?) again confusing...you'll see once you finish it, oneshot
warnings *. * a bit of cursing (just a pinch) :/, alcohol, a tinge of insults, bad grammar (english isn't my first language 💀 and Grammarly sucks)
featuring ⋆ ★ chaewon, taehyun, felix
call duration *. * 3.4K
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It was no big secret to the whole school about the immense tension between the sweet 10th-grade Math and Science teacher and the handsome music professor that almost every high schooler (whether you were a girl or not) drooled over. You and Mr. Choi's (aka Yeonjun) relationship with each other were rather tense and complicated. You’ve known Yeonjun ever since he overtook your place in the spelling bee in High school, spelling ubiquitous right, and ending it with a humongous, ludicrous, smirk sent towards your face. And once you graduated High school with high credits that got you into a prestigious college to receive your bachelor's degree, you thought that you would never see his stupid face again. But imagine your surprise when the same face you’ve hated for years walked through the building doors, ready to greet you in front of your new classroom, the same smug smile on his face. 
“You’ve worked in this school for four years, yet you still don’t know how to properly use the printer, do you even qualify as a teacher Mrs. (L/n)?” You grit your teeth in annoyance, instead focusing on the papers that spit your worksheets for your lovely kids. “No comment?” Yeonjun jokes, pushing around you to grab his own stack of papers, yet furrowing his eyebrows once he notices that the papers he printed out were filled blank. No ink or anything, just plain white copy papers looking like they came straight from out of a newly opened pack. “Um” He tries to turn his body so you wouldn’t notice his stupid mistake but you catch on right away loudly snickering. “I think you forgot to press the side button, again” You grab your papers swiftly before quickly sticking your tongue out once his back was turned and rushing out as fast as possible towards your classroom. Composing yourself, you stick your head into your room to watch Ms. Kim who was playing hangman with your class. 
“Nope, there’s no- oops your teacher’s back” She stays seated in your chair, completing the word she was thinking about while you stride towards your desk, the class filled with groans and gasps once the expo marker marks the last letter, spelling out your first name. You notice but don’t bother as Chaewon snickers, getting up so you could whisper your gratefulness in her ear. “Thank you, god, I already feel a headache coming on” you whine all while she understandingly pats you back before a devilish smile comes upon her cunning face. “Was it because of Yeonjun…you know I saw him hurriedly running after you while you were walking towards the printer room”. You sigh and instead glare at her giggling figure, you’d prefer not to feed into her mindless delusions. She takes the hint and opts to stride out of the classroom, of course not before butting her head back in for a final goodbye “Alright then, don’t give your teacher a hard time” Chaewon finally leaves with a flourish and you could probably guess where she was heading next, ready to prey on her next cup of coffee. Which leaves you to turn back to your kids to teach.
“So who’s ready for more Quadratic Functions” you smile (still stuck on your friend’s comment earlier about Yeonjun following you), and the class breaks out in another round of cries, some even begging you to not pass out those papers in your hands.
“Ms. (L/n)?”
You turn around to face another of your co-worker, who taught the 9th graders, just a hall over, though it was quite surprising to see him in the breakroom. “Mr. Lee, how may I help you?” you ask, politely smiling at the man who flashes a cheerful grin. “You know, it’s ok to call me Felix…I’m pretty sure you call Mr. Choi, Yeonjun, right?” The mood was a little awkward as you shuffled around quietly nodding a brisk okay and sorry, before he brushed it off with a loud chuckle. “Your classroom?”. You were hoping that you actually reminded him about his own kids to teach since he was spending so much unnecessary time with you, secretly wishing that he could leave you alone so you could eat your lunch. “We have a guest speaker who told me she could take over everything and that she was going to be fine on her own”. By now you were practically rolling on the heels of your feet, praying for any distraction of some sort. And it seems your quick prayers may have been answered because in came Choi Yeonjun with his own bento, confusedly staring at you and Felix then noticing the big empty and supposedly the best spot in the whole break room, which you were gonna sit in. 
This idiot better not. 
You clench your hands, watching the arrogant man take your place before being brought back to reality by a small cough, totally forgetting that Felix was in front of you. “Um so…I was wondering if you could- or wanted to eat dinner with me tomorrow, of course, no problem if not” He looks at your wide eyes while trying to gulp his nervousness away. “A date?” you point towards yourself, both you and Felix unaware of the angry eyes watching you two. Yeonjun looked like a ripe tomato that was gonna explode. The blonde in front of you sucks through his teeth, letting out a small exhale. “Yep” Ok now, Yeonjun was furious and one half of him wanted to confront and stop the interaction and the other wanted to stay put and see what you would do. So he decides the latter, beginning to forget his lunch and instead spreading his legs to lean back on the couch, staring intently. “You’re a great man,  but I don’t think I’m the one for you” You somehow get your words out, carefully picking them as they slip out of your tongue. “How can you be so sure about the future, when you’ve never ever even gone on a date with me before” You swallow hard, senses running all over the place, and his pitiful face definitely didn’t help. “I’m already dating someone” Your whisper was loud enough for Yeonjun to hear, making him sit upright eyebrows raised. 
This was new.
Felix looks taken aback, mouth pouting in shock. “Is that so? you should’ve told me the first time, then I wouldn’t have bothered you anymore” He bows down, ashamed of his actions. “Oh no, you’ve done nothing wrong, but please don’t tell this to anyone” Smiling he nods embarrassedly before gesturing that he was gonna stay quiet. “Have a great day!” he sheepishly skips out of the classroom and you continue waving, keeping the simple grin, it falling down right as his body was out of sight. 
“You’re dating someone?” 
You forgot that Yeonjun was in the room with you guys, tuning into your guy’s conversation. “Were you eavesdropping on us?” You already knew the answer. “It’s not eavesdropping if it was loud enough for me to hear, so are you actually dating someone?” He finally spoons a piece of his chicken in his mouth, though it was a bit weird that he actually started eating after you took your first bite out of your pizza from last night. Tired of his antics you decide to play along a little, nodding and smiling a little, a loud gasp led out by the male who was surprised by your confession. “Is he cute, or even good enough for you?” Yeonjun grumbles. You glance towards him with a huge grin “Yep he’s perfect…but don’t tell anyone though, keep it a secret between the both of us and I guess Mr. Lee” He continues to stare at you before turning back towards his meal, ears hinted with a tinge of red. The rest of the 15 minutes was quiet, except for a few bickers on the best sauce to go on a salad and the worst football team. It was almost the end of the period where you were finishing up your drink, smiling against the straw while your eyes peered at Yeonjun as he kept defending his point that when he was so into the discussion, his lidded eyes gaze at you, practically sending you into a cardiac arrest, leading you to accidentally swallow the drink through the wrong hole. 
And after Yeonjun notices he blanks out, panicking along with you. “Oh my god, are you okay!?” ‘Does it look like I’m okay’ you try to rasp but instead, you cough even more. He goes to kneel down next to you on the couch, slowly rubbing in circles into your back to calm you down and it works! Instead of full-on choking, you were left with little splutters in your throat. “Here drink some water, and try not to choke again” he grins, handing you his water bottle which you gratefully take. Taking your fill of water, you notice the close proximity between you and Yeonjun, and you could feel the red slithering up your back and neck while you turn towards him to give him your thanks. “Thank you” God your noses were basically touching, and at school too! You’ve never been this close in your guys’ workplace so it sent a shiver of butterflies down your spine. “You're welcome” He breaths and right when he looked like he was coming closer the bell rang sending you two flying apart. 
“Oh, Mr. Choi and Ms. (L/n)!” Both pairs of eyes shoot towards the unexpected intruder and you relax once you notice that it was Chaewon, her red lips tugged at the corners. “Ms. Kim '' Yeonjun immediately gets up to bow and you quickly follow, a little flustered about how your friends caught you and your coworker so close together. “I’ll take my leave, my 4th-period students are probably at my door…Mrs. (L/n), you didn’t forget about the staff meeting after school right?” He lifts his eyebrows at your gasp, entertained while watching you dive for your phone and open up your calendar. And there it was, your little reminder on how you were scheduled to overtime and drive all the way home and then back to a bar so you could catch up with your other workmates, all arranged by the principal. You take a look at Chaewon who also pulled her phone out, shrugging once she met your gaze before erupting in a small laugh. “Of course, you forgot, I thought Math and Science teachers were supposed to be smart, I guess not” He looks you up and down, letting out his squeaky laughs as he grabs his water bottle and bento, your face was frozen in shock and offense. “Bye Mrs. (L/n), Ms. Kim” He bows once more towards Chaewon and spares you a look before walking away. 
“The fucking nerve of that guy, you saw him!” She hurries towards you, slapping her hand over your mouth, not letting you speak another word. You look at her, a little startled as she pats your cheek gently. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, you need to go back to class Ms. (L/n)” She still holds your cheeks, her other hand moving your chin up and down to nod at her words. Her hands give you back your lunchbox, pushing you out of the room. “Your kids must be waiting for you, go back before they scribble something on the board again” She waves a goodbye while you cringe, agreeing with her, leading you to fast walk back to your classroom. The last time you were late to your class, the whiteboard was filled with little doodles of you and Yeonjun, each picture demonstrating romantic actions, and they had their own little actions too. The kids knew very much about the cute (in your words revolting) atmosphere that you two teachers had. And they took advantage of it. Some of the lockers were filled with small drawings of yours and his initials in a heart. Yeonjun once even got a love note that had your name on it, which he still teases you about to this day. The birth of a ship name of you two was even made and is still stuck on a water fountain in the 11th-grade hallway. But by the time you got to your classroom, you knew you were too late. The board was already filled to the brim. 
The bar was packed with customers and through the window you tried to spy your own group, which wasn’t too hard to find. All you had to look for was a shiny bald head that belonged to your boss. Almost everyone was there already, including Chaewon who looked like she was going to die from boredom. “You’re not going in?” You turn around to face Yeonjun who was pocketing his keys. You smirk, “Nope, was waiting for you, ladies first” He rolls his eyes playfully, yet taking your offer to lead the both of you into the bar. “Haha you're so funny” You follow him through the door which you held for him, awkwardly standing next to him, watching your group. “I know”. Waving back at Chaewon, Yeonjun and you stride towards the table. “Oh my, Yeonjun and (Y/n), you’re here, we thought you’d never come” The principal slurs his words, all while checking you up and down which you grimace in disgust. “Come here (Y/n), sit next to me” Mr Park lazily smiles, pointing to the empty spot next to him (which was forcefully cleared by him). You try to refuse but before you could get a word out, Yeonjun had already sat there. “Yeonjun?!” The man exclaims, ready to scold him out. “Sorry sir, but I’m deathly allergic to shrimp and rather not sit there” Yeonjun responds, slightly dipping his head in respect. The only open seat had fried spicy shrimp next to it. “Oh is that so, that’s fine I guess” Mr Park, slumps his cheek onto his palm, staring at you take the seat across from Yeonjun and next to Chaewon who hugs you excitedly. You knew that Yeonjun was lying and for a fact was definitely not allergic to any types of seafood, but you were extremely thankful. 
“Here Yeonjun, drink” Mr. Kang pushes him a glass, but Yeonjun refuses. “I’m not drinking tonight, I have to drive back home”. Taehyun nods before turning to you, offering a drink, and you accept the glass, the bright boy (Currently a student teacher) pouring you the liquid. Conversations rise and die down but there was a lot of chattering at your table. As the night progressed so did your face, turning red and red from the amount of alcohol you were downing. Everything around seemed blank and normal until Mr. Park brought up a futile question. “I’ve noticed that Yeonjun and (Y/n) always go home together and always arrive at the same time in the morning, has anyone noticed that?”. You and Yeonjun stop breathing in shock, even more, stupefied at the murmurs of agreement that arise from your co-workers. “W-we just have the same routes, that’s all” Yeonjun stutters, his black hair sticking to his face, chewing on his lips nervously.
“(Y/n)?” Chaewon shakes you out of your ogle towards Yeonjun, who was staring back at you too, eyes flitting the entirety of your flushed face. “Yeah, he’s right, in fact, me and Yeonjun have a bus to catch, we should go”. You try to stand up but the drinks coursing through your veins makes you stumble, the world around you spinning. “I thought Yeonjun was driving? He could stay a little longer” A 9th-grade teacher pipes up, a lovesick look on her face as she looks at the man. Though instead of reciprocating her look and lightly clears up his throat before sending a formal smile towards everyone. “I have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow, it’d be better to go now”. Usually, no one would believe that very obvious lie but they let it slide, their minds under the influence of alcohol. Yeonjun walks towards your side, laughing at your attempts at walking, and swinging his arm over your shoulder to help you. Sure everyone knew that Yeonjun hated your guts but he wasn’t that heartless. After a string of goodbyes, you both slowly slump out of the building, you sighing at the fresh air. Yeonjun titters softly at your swaying before looking back to make sure no one was behind him. 
“Aww is my baby tired?” You whine into his side, comforted by his large presence, his cologne making you sleepy. “Shut uppp”. Yeonjun couldn’t blame your fatigued figure, it was certainly tiring keeping your marriage a secret. Once you two were far away (and when he couldn’t watch you struggle anymore) his hands slither down to your thighs and in a blink of an eye you find yourself dangling in a pair of strong arms. “Jun what are you-” You’re cut off to a sweet kiss and you happily take it, leaning more into his mouth, wanting to feel him more but he cuts you off from your need, instead landing you onto your feet so you could get into his car. His hands gently move the pieces of hair that stick on your face, eyes glazed with something so pure that it made you want to melt into the seat below you. He spots your squirming, turning his hand so the back of it, laid on your cheek. “Do you need to throw up?I brought plastic bags?” You smile against his cold hands, shaking a no. The silence felt comfortable, as Yeonjun decided to crouch by your seat still out of the car, still observing you with a delicate look, and his soft lips pouting at how stunning you looked. “Stop staring at me like that” You whisper, taking his other hand in yours. 
“Baby you’re the smartest woman I know, I didn’t mean what I said today at school” He snuggles into your cheek apologetically. It’s been gnawing at him all day after he said that, feeling extremely guilty even though you knew he meant it as a joke. “I don’t mean anything I say that’s rude, I swear” He continues on, giggling with you as he burrows his nose deeper, lips puckered to leave a trail of gentle kisses. “I know Junnie, I don’t mean anything like that either”. You slowly turn your face, capturing his lips in another kiss, noses brushing with each other as his touch feels scalding hot against your skin.  “I really wish you could use my last name at school” He sulks. “Me too, love” You pet his hair, threading your fingers in it, forcing him to release his (fake) glower. “Come on, let's go home” He leaves one last smooch on your nose before groaning while getting up, stretching his limbs. You reach over in the glove compartment to grab your rings, and when he gets in the car, you grab his hand to slide his on, his own fingers scrambling to slip your own ring on your hand. At last, he starts the car, and the rumbling engine almost lulls you to sleep. “You could sleep if you want, I can tuck you into bed” He looks down at your jelly figure against the leather seats. “No I want to sleep with you” He bops his head softly at you, starting to softly hum a song. But alas your eyelids felt droopy and heavy like a dozen rocks sat upon them, so you decide to close them for a second, and the last thing you heard was a little muffled but in enough volume to where it sent blood rushing around your body. 
“I love you, Mrs. Choi”
Chaewon walked out of the building a little after her best friend and coworker left. She wasn’t going to deal without Mr. Park’s nonsense any longer. But as she walked farther and farther she noticed a young couple, the boy carrying his girl. “I swear to god, I’m going to sleep on the highway” she groans, walking faster to her destination so she could call for a taxi. Her eyes glance towards the girl, which looked like (Y/n), and the boy that twinned with Yeonjun. But that’s impossible, Yeonjun carrying (Y/n) would happen when pigs could fly. Maybe she drank a little too much. 
*sooo how was it? Sorry this is my first one-shot, hopefully, they'll be better and longer ones in the future :) Ask me to be added to my permanent tag list.
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I'm so glad I found your account! You guys are very talented <33
I know canonically Mortdecai isn't, uh, amazing with kids but what if a Marigold members daughter started hanging around the building (like Ivy did when she was younger) and she reminded Mortdecai of one of his sisters (Esthers moodiness or Roses cheeriness)? I'd love some headcanons about the scenario^^
I wasn't going to write this until later but I absolutely had to jump ahead of schedule and write this because it nagged at my mind almost all week. You even started an AU for the other mods and I, anon. This little idea is so tasty and adfghfgferhrj
You are the biggest brain and I hope you don't mind that me and Iphiko (and maybe even Rory!) had a little taste of this drink ourselves first. Different bottle, don't worry, we haven't touched any of what's in your hand right now
Also thank you so much for your kind words! I'm really glad you guys are enjoying these things (as if the inbox flooding wasn't proof enough), it makes us Lackadaisy Moonshiners so happy and gives me an excuse to keep writing. You're all awesome!
At first, it almost stings. He still remembers Ivy, after all; her wandering around following Viktor or whoever caught her eye whenever she could. It was cute. Adorable, even.
But Mordecai seems to be the target of this little beast's attention. And no amount of waving her off, gently pushing her away with his foot or annoyed threats will get her to pick someone else.
The Savoys are enamored with the little bugger. Serafine started calling her "Bébé Couteau" (Baby Knife) after being allowed to teach her some knife tricks (why Asa let them put a knife in the hands of a kitten, Mordecai will never know) and Nico picked up the habit of startling the little girl by picking her up and spinning with her...Which slowly evolved into throwing her across the bloody bar into Serafine's arms after an accident that resulted in the kitten getting yeeted by a distracted Nico (apparently she loved it (and to Serafine's credit, she ran like Hell to catch her); so it's not exactly safe but it's okay??)
Several speakeasy attendees mistake her to be Mordecai's kitten since she's always hanging around him (and especially so if she's a Tuxedo cat). It probably doesn't help that he loudly objects to the twins throwing the kitten back and forth like a football and has even ripped her out of their arms once or twice
They also (correctly) assume that he calls the shots when it comes to her. If she's making trouble or is heading somewhere that she shouldn't be, someone has to work up the courage to tell that ferocious shadow of Asa's. It's him, the queen cat that looks like she's constantly considering stabbing you or the heartthrob at the bar vicious son of a bitch who always looks like he knows that he's better than you
It's an unspoken rule between the three that Mordecai's word is law when it comes to the kitten. He hates this and is sure that they just use this as another excuse to tease him.
Asa scares the Hell out of the poor little thing. He tried greeting her once and she burst into tears and ran to Mordecai so he could protect her. The twins thought this was hysterical: the kitten adores the ground Mordecai walks on, laughs at Serafine's threats and thinks Nico throwing her at a soft target as hard as he can is the bee's knees; but Asa Sweet-the big fat cat with the softest features out of all of them-scares the living daylights out of her.
Mordecai thinks the kitten has a good judge of character sometimes. If it wasn't for her love of the chaotic duo he'd say that out loud
They brought the kitten along to a "meeting" once when she were sick with a fever. She cried when Mordecai left the car and Serafine refused to leave until she was comforted or at least sleeping, so (after some arguing and sweet-talking) Mordecai went back for her. When he didn't leave the vehicle for a few minutes, the Savoys went on without him.
They came back to find him reading a book, the kitten snuggled up against his side and sound asleep tucked under his coat and arm. The soft look in Morde's eye told Nico that maybe this wasn't the time to be teasing him.
This didn't stop Serafine. Mordecai hasn't heard the end of that event. (Asa also gave him some Hell for leaving the twins to do the dirty work, but Serafine and Nico shut him down pretty quickly-they found whatever crate he wanted, no witnesses are around to tell the tale, the job was done just fine and the kitten needed him more than they did. Shut up, Mr. Sweet.)
Whoever's daughter the kitten is, they'd better learn to deal with Mordecai becoming her guardian angel of death. If she doesn't have a parent and just wandered in somehow, she's gonna end up with something better: an aunt that'll teach her to kill and how to stay strong, an uncle that'll toss her around like a hot potato and teach her to be fearless and another uncle that'll pretend to not care for her until someone looks at her the wrong way.
Mordecai, Serafine and Nico. Probably the worst-fitting cats to be any kind of parental figures, yet ones that will guard a mutually-adopted kitten until their final breaths-whether they'll admit to it or not.
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 4 months
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 18
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent 🌒
Today Enid suggested we head into Jericho for Christmas shopping. I informed her that this was unnecessary for me as I had already finished making my Yuletide gifts before the final month began. She looked a little taken aback but I was quick to clarify that it did not mean I wouldn't join her in town. I donned my jacket and took her hand in my own. She lit up again at once and immediately pulled me out of our dorm.
As we walked through the halls on our way down to the bus she asked me many questions about Yule. I had no qualms in educating her about its history, symbols, and traditions.
'Woah! So it's kind of like an old timey Christmas?' Was her response. I cannot describe the physical pain this caused me. 'Willa, are you okay?' She asked as we boarded the bus.
'Perhaps it would also be prudent to discuss the history of the holiday you celebrate as well.' I said, taking a calming breath as we sat down. I could tell that it would be a long trip to Jericho.
-YourFavoriteFruitBat is now livestreaming-
"What's up guys! YourFavoriteFruitBat here along with my girl GayMerGirl as we head into town! We're going to see how long I can stand in the local churches before I catch fire!"
"You're not seriously doing that are you?"
"Hey chat it looks like we've got a guest appearance by QBB - Queen Bee Barclay!"
"Don't call me that."
"So what are your plans for town today?"
"Well, I guess they now include staying away from the churches."
"Aw, come on Bianca don't be- Wait, chat's going crazy. Hold on. Oh shit! I guess we've also got an impromptu episode of Wenid Watch!"
"So this is still a thing?"
"Yeah, it's become even more popular over the past couple weeks. I remember when Yoko started filming them occasionally as a joke but now everyone is super invested."
"Like, their relationship?"
"Yup! It's the whole 'will they won't they' kind of thing. Except they're finally together now, I think."
"Shh! Quiet you two! This is a rare sighting of the two love bats outside of their nest!"
"-and it was the psychoactive component of the amanita muscaria, or fly agaric, that caused hallucinations, with the most common hallucination being that of flying reindeer."
"Wow! But wait, if people only hallucinated the reindeer flying then how did the Christmas Werewolf win the werewolf games?"
"The… what?"
"The werewolf games! How did the Christmas Werewolf win if the reindeer he ate didn't actually fly?"
"I am unaware of such a tale."
"You not know about the Christmas Werewolf? Ha! Quit joking!"
"This is no jest, cara mia."
"You know, the Christmas Werewolf."
"Mi amor, I am afraid that you repeating it does not give me any greater clarity."
"…You? You really haven't heard the story of the Christmas Werewolf?"
"No. I am woefully ignorant."
"Please enlighten me."
"Okay! So my dad always told the story just before the twelve days of Christmas began back when my brothers and I were just cubs-"
"You know, kid werewolves."
"Ah, I see. Continue."
"The Christmas Werewolf, okay so you know how werewolves remain wolfed out for the twelve days of Christmas right?"
"Really? Okay, uh, there's a lot I'm going to need to cover then. Anyway, werewolves who have completed their first full wolf out stay wolfed out during the twelve days of Christmas. That's when we compete in the werewolf games."
"And what happens in these games?"
"Well, we test our strength and stuff, like running and hunting and jumping. There's also alcohol involved but that's mainly for the older werewolves. Anyway, so the story goes that a long time ago on a cold winter's night all the local werewolves gathered together for the werewolf games. Everyone got to play except for one little werewolf. None of the other werewolves would let him join in the games because they said he was too small and weak and could never hope to compete. The little werewolf was very sad but determined to prove them wrong."
"The other werewolves laughed and said they would let him join in the games if he could jump over the wall of a nearby castle. The little werewolf saw how tall the wall was and knew he could not jump it all by himself. He wandered off into the woods and that's when he saw it: Santa's reindeer. The little werewolf got an idea. If the reindeer could fly, maybe he could too if he ate one."
"That took a rather unexpected turn."
"So, he comes up with this whole big plan to catch one of the reindeer. Long story short he succeeds and eats one of the reindeer and goes back to the other werewolves. Anyway, he wins because he can jump super high now and gets crowned the Christmas Werewolf."
"And how did Santa respond to the death of one of his reindeer?"
"Well, I mean, that's why Santa doesn't deliver presents to werewolves. And why we can't enjoy hot chocolate at Christmas. And also why his reindeer wear silver bells, so werewolves never eat his reindeer again."
"That… makes sense."
"I know right? But if the flying reindeer were hallucinations, how did the Christmas werewolf make the jump?"
"I would suppose that with this werewolf being quite clever he found some alternative way to clear that castle wall."
"I guess."
"Enid, if the character of Saint Nicholas refuses to bring gifts to werewolves why have you hung stockings?"
"Oh! Those aren't for Santa! It's for the Christmas werewolf to leave dried venison. It's symbolic of the meat of the flying reindeer."
"Why stockings?"
"Well, you can't wear stockings when you're wolfed out, silly. That's why he puts it in there."
"Of course. And the tree?"
"Werewolf Christmases are mostly spent outside, since almost everyone is wolfed out. So we have two trees that are decorated the same. One inside for the cubs that haven't wolfed out and one outside for everyone else. You can find your family by the tree outside that is decorated like the one inside."
"There appears to be much I do not know about werewolf Christmas."
"I don't know. I think they're mostly the same. I mean, you spend time with family and people you care about, you give gifts, and you compete to see who is the strongest."
"Must one be a werewolf to partake in these games?"
"Uh, technically no but they are very challenging if you aren't."
"What is the prize of winning said games?"
"Well, you get to be the Christmas Werewolf."
"And what does that entail?"
"You get first pick when it comes to meals, everyone has to listen to you, you get bragging rights, and you hunt the Christmas reindeer so you can put venison in everyone's stockings."
"Interesting. Tell me the games again."
"Willa? You're not- you're not thinking of competing are you?"
"Would it be inappropriate for me to?"
"No but, you're not, you're kinda-"
"You're small."
"Is the story you told me not about the small and clever overcoming brute strength?"
"Yes but Willa- My family is super competitive."
"As am I, querida."
"Willa no."
"I am merely curious, mi loba."
"Well chat? What do you think? Do you think Wednesday Addams has what it takes to compete in the werewolf games?"
"I worry for the werewolves to be honest."
"Bianca's got the spirit! I'm adding a poll down in chat. Chat, do you think Wednesday has a chance? I guess we'll have to wait till after winter break to find out!"
-YourFavoriteFruitBat has ended the livestream-
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blkdaddie · 1 month
Daddy's Home
Part of the Natural As Breathing Series
I was settled on the front porch, in that old rocking chair Nate done fixed up for me last summer. The wood creaked gentle-like beneath me, and I let the rhythm of the rocking calm my tired bones. Belly big and heavy with this third one, it’s all I can do to rest and catch my breath these days. Good Lord, feels like I’m carryin’ a prize watermelon in there, but I reckon that’s how it goes when you got two little ones already runnin’ around, and another on the way.
The afternoon sun was starting to dip low, paintin’ the sky all kinds of oranges and pinks. It was that perfect time of day, when the heat starts to ease up and the crickets start singin’ their songs. I could hear the soft patter of little feet behind me, and sure enough, here come our two, as busy as bees. Our boy, he’s toddlin’ on his chubby legs, steady as he can be, and our girl, she’s crawling after him, determined not to be left behind.
I smiled, watching ‘em make their way across the porch, my rough and tumble boy leadin’ the way like he got somewhere important to be, and my sweet, fearless girl following like she ain’t gon’ miss out on whatever adventure he’s got planned. It’s a sight, seeing my babies grow so fast. Seems like just yesterday I was holding ‘em both in my arms, and now here they are, exploring the world like they own it.
Then I hear it—the familiar sound of Nate’s truck rumbling down the road. The kids musta heard it too, ‘cause their heads pop up like lil’ prairie dogs, eyes wide with excitement. Our boy lets out a squeal, and off he goes, wobbly legs carrying him down the steps as fast as they can, with our girl crawlin’ right behind him, determined to keep up.
I chuckle, leaning back in the chair, one hand resting on my belly as I watch ‘em. “There they go,” I mutter to myself, amused by their enthusiasm. Nothing like seein’ their faces light up when their daddy comes home. The baby in my belly stretches and kicks, ready to join in the celebration.
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Nate pulls into the drive, the truck rolling to a stop, and before he can even get the door open, our boy’s already there, reaching up with them tiny hands. Nate scoops him up like he’s light as a feather, tossing him in the air just enough to make him giggle. Then he bends down, picking up our girl with the other arm, and she lets out a happy squeal, clutching his shirt tight while he peppers her sweet face with kisses.
I can hear Nate laughing as he makes his way toward the porch, both kids in his arms, their faces full of joy. When he reaches the steps, he looks up at me, that same ol’ smile spreading across his face, the one that’s always been just for me. “Hey babe,” he calls out, voice warm and full of love.
“Hey, yourself,” I say, smiling back at him, feeling that familiar flutter in my chest that ain’t gone away.
He climbs the steps, settin’ the kids down on the porch, and they scurry off to play with the toys scattered around. Nate kneels down in front of me, his hands gentle as they rest on my belly, feeling the life growin’ inside. “How are you feeling today?” he asks, concern in his eyes, but there’s joy there too, like he can’t believe his luck.
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I chuckle, reachin’ out to smooth a hand over his hair. “I’m alright, just heavy and slow, but that’s to be expected, ain’t it?”
He nods, kissing the back of my hand, then leanin’ in to press a kiss to my belly. “You’re doing amazing,” he murmurs, his voice soft. “We’re almost there.”
I smile, lettin’ out a contented sigh as I watch him sit beside me, leanin’ back with his arm around my shoulders. We sit there like that, watching our babies play, feeling the peace of the evening settle in around us.
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come one, come all, it's happening again
Part 2/2 of "i'm coming right back to where i belong"
Summary: As Penelope tries to come to terms with Luke's feelings for her, she's thrown another curveball, but it ends up being exactly what she needed.
Word count: 1413
Can also be read here on Ao3
Karma was a bee-yotch, and she had it out for one Penelope Grace Garcia. She hadn’t been working that closely with Luke up until that point, so she figured it wouldn’t be that hard to have some space from him (and those damned expressive, concerned, beautiful brown eyes) while she figured out her next steps. 
But, as Lady Un-luck would have it, Rossi called to let her know that Emily was currently down for the count, and JJ was checking on her, while he and Tara were needed elsewhere. Meaning she and Luke would have to work together on their newest lead, some woman named Teresa. Oh, and the sewage-flavored icing on the moldy, rancid cake? She was Tyler’s ex-girlfriend.
She would have laughed at the craziness of the situation if she didn’t feel so damn awful. She’s sure she and Luke would have caught eyes and smiled about if the irony weren’t so… unfortunate. And if he wasn’t so busy looking like he wanted to murder Tyler at any given moment. 
Luke was, of course, being a complete professional with Penelope, meanwhile, she had a storm raging internally. His behavior never changed, because why would it? If he had truly felt these things for her the whole time, as he apparently had, why should he change? Penelope cursed herself for not figuring it out sooner. It really was obvious. 
Once Penelope had tracked down Teresa, they had to call her in for her own protection. And then was when things went from awkward to who-the-hell-is-writing-this-soap-opera. Teresa was younger, taller and had some tattoos, but by god she looked like Penelope. Her hair was the same. Her fashion style was the same. Penelope was even certain she had had that same pair of glasses once upon a time. 
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Luke muttered under his breath when he saw her.
Penelope was at first a little jealous of Teresa, in some disturbed way. Then she saw how Teresa and Tyler were together, and her heart melted.
“Oh my god,” she whispered to Luke. “They’re still in love with each other.”
Luke huffed out a laugh. “This could not get any weirder.”
He never should have underestimated her.
After the case, Penelope and Tyler were alone in the Round Table Room, gathering their things.
“Thank you,” he said in a quiet voice. “For helping me.”
Penelope smiled at him. “You still love her.”
He hung his head. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “Don’t be. It never would have worked between us, because when you look at me, you see someone else, and when I look at you…”
“You do the same?”
She laughed lightly. “Yeah.”
“Good.” Tyler glanced out the round table window to the bullpen where Luke could be seen discreetly trying (and failing) to not glare at them (Tyler) through the windows. “I didn’t want to have to be the one to tell you.”
“It’s really that obvious?” 
He shrugged. “Eh. Less so for you. But he hates me ten times more than anyone else on your team does, so…”
“I have no idea how I missed it for so long.”
“You should go for him. You two would be a lot better together than we ever could have been.”
“And you should go for her,” Penelope told him. “Something tells me if you explained yourself… she’d give you a second chance.”
Tyler’s face lit up. “You think so?”
She nodded. “Yeah. Go.” 
He knew Teresa was on her way out, so he bolted from the room, hoping to catch her before she left. Penelope followed behind, smiling, and stopped beside Luke’s desk.
“What’s up with him?” Luke asked. 
Penelope nodded with her chin toward Tyler and Teresa, who could be seen through the glass doors, right in front of the elevators. 
He was holding her hands and clearly speaking very passionately. She looked shocked for a moment, but then smiled, stood up on her toes, and kissed his cheek. 
Penelope was positively beaming as she watched them head out together, hopeful they’d find a way to make it work. 
Luke looked over at her. “Did… did you do that?”
She nodded, still grinning widely.
“Wow,” he said, voice soft, and kind of impressed. “That’s really big of you, I’m proud of you. I know how much you cared—”
She cut him off. “Stop. Don’t be proud. It was a no-brainer. Plus, you and I need to talk.” She extended a hand to him. “Come with me?”
Confused, he took her hand and followed her to her lair. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, everything is fine. Great, even. Or, it has the potential to be. But I have a lot to say to you and I didn’t want it to be overheard.”
“Okay… that makes me a little uneasy.”
“No!” Penelope exclaimed. “That was not my goal. I have a lot to apologize for. And amends to make. And thought processes to explain. So could you just let me talk for five minutes to make sure I get everything out?”
He nodded.
“Amazing wonderful thank you. So. Until, like, two days ago, I had no idea you ever had feelings for me. And I realize now how obvious you were the whole time, but there are reasons why I didn’t see it. You remember I was shot, right? Well, the person who shot me had asked me out, and so it kind of messed me up in the head a bit, giving me the idea that if it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Especially since he was the last conventionally attractive person to ask me out until, well, you. And yes, I can see you doing the mental math, there were, like, 13 years between those two events. So, you know. I thought you were too good to be true. Not that you’d ever hurt me! But I thought there was no way I could be so lucky that you’d… actually want something real with me.
“And on top of that, you have no way of knowing this because it was before you, but Derek Morgan. He and I were very flirty. For eleven years. But nothing ever came of that because it was a joke the whole time, and we both knew that! And then he left and you came along and when you started doing the same things he did… I was just so used to it being a joke it never occurred to me you might actually mean what you were saying. And I realize now just how obvious it was from your point of view how obvious it was, but you have to understand from my point of view it wasn't. So when you asked me out I was thrilled but I was also shocked. It didn't make any sense to me. And then things were awkward, so I figured I was right! It was too good to be true! I thought you were trying to find a way to let me down gently so I beat you to it but because my heart was breaking because I had been so excited I said some awful, untrue things I didn't even mean, and I just… I'm so sorry, Luke. That's what I'm trying to say. I am so sorry. For everything. I'm sorry I pretended to hate you all those years, I'm sorry I did and said all those awful things, and I'm sorry that when you admitted the other day that you'd had feelings for me this whole time—even if you didn't say it in as many words—I didn't say it back.”
Luke finally broke his silence, his voice thick with emotion. “You have feelings for me?”
She nodded, crying a bit. “And I know I've been so horrid lately, but if there's any part of you that's willing to give me a second chance…” 
“You mean it? You'd want to be with me?” 
“If you'll have me.” 
He took a step towards her and crushed her in a hug. “Just promise me you won't run from me again. I love you, Penelope, if we're doing this, we're doing this for real.”
She kissed him. She kissed him and kissed him and kissed him until she couldn’t breathe. Then she caught her breath and kissed him some more. “I love you too,” she whispered against his lips. “I won't run. I promise. I'm in this. Forever.”
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writeyouin · 10 months
How would the TFA autobots react to an Harley Quinn like character? Think about it! It would be so funny! They have deal with human villains before but never deal with an crazy and bad@ss girl before! Also she kidnapped Sari (for whatever reasons) and was broke up with an ex-boyfriend (can be either headcanons or scenario)
Transformers Animated / Reader Headcanons - Crazy Like Quinn
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Optimus Prime
What is wrong with this human? Sari, is it normal for humans to be like... this? No?
Either way, it's up to Team Prime to stop them.
Preferably before they do more damage with that hammer.
Briefly, he thinks the fight might be over after disarming you, but no... there's another weapon. A bat.
He gets rid of that and then, a bazooka. WHERE did you pull that from? Never mind, he doesn't want to know.
Just once, can't a villain like this put their talents to good? How many people could you help if you put that speed, agility, and strength to good use?
Boss-bot is so tired.
When Bumblebee saw you swinging that hammer... he was a little turned on.
Then you pulled out the many other weapons in your arsenal.
"Hey, this is just like the boss fight in my game!"
He is way too excited about this.
He speeds around you, "Do you like video games too? Is that where you learned those moves?"
You - "I learned those moves from my sweet puddin'"
You- You're taken. He deflates slightly until you add that you add that you do like video games.
He wants to go back and forth with some witty banter because you're so much fun to play with, but Bulkhead gets involved, trying to grab you, and tells Bee not to get distracted.
"Bumblebee, we're supposed to be fighting, not making friends."
Although Bulkhead says this, he sounds unsure of himself. You seemed nice when you weren't hitting stuff.
"Hey, clown-human, can we stop fighting, please?"
You put your hand to your cheek, playing coy, then... "NO!"
Bulkhead is beside himself.
Sari told him clowns were supposed to be fun.
He hurries to grab you again and finally manages to catch you in one clawed fist.
You up-kick him in the jaw plate and he reels back.
"No fair," He groans. "Humans aren't supposed to be that strong."
While you're pointing and laughing at Bulkhead, Prowl sneaks up behind you.
He throws one of his stars, and you barely dodge it.
"HOLY SHIT! Where the hell did you come from?!"
Prowl attacks again, without passing comment.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"
"Let's get this over with," Prowl says with a sense of finality.
Yet, through the fight, he can't help but admire your skill. In a match of 1 V 5, you're holding your own remarkably well.
He has a grudging respect for you.
Ratchet doesn't care much for this fight. It's a young bot's game.
At first, he was doing what he could to assist the others.
Now, he's more concerned with stopping you from hurting civilians.
"Pull it together and get this over with, Prime," He gripes at the team leader as he uses his EMP to hold up the crumbling foundations of a building, just long enough for the civilians to escape.
He's already thinking about the repairs he's going to have to give the others when this is all over.
What he would give for an apprentice doctor at times like this.
This is totally cool. You are such a badass.
She says as much, giving you pause, "You guys fight villains all the time and you think I'm cool? Aww, cute kid."
"Heck yeah! I wish I could do that."
The bots are wondering whose side Sari is on.
"You wanna see something really cool, kid?"
Sari is practically bouncing. What are you going to do next.
You flip over to her and pick her up, hauling her over your shoulder.
"Get ready to see a cool villain base, girly. It's the hottest place to hang out."
Sari knows she should be mad about be ing kidnapped, but she's sure your base will be awesome. Besides, the Autobots will probably rescue her soon.
You throw a smoke-bomb down and are gone. It's a hurried call of "Autobots, Roll Out!" and they are gone to search for you and Sari.
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