#as someone who's been denied a hometown due to Circumstances i really really like that
skrunksthatwunk · 2 years
oh before i forget lemme just say that i love that rgg6 gave us silly little riddles and puzzles as part of the main plot like way to shake it up a little!! that's innovation baby
(actually this was gonna be shorter but I'm not done let's talk about onomichi. very minor spoilers for rgg6)
rgg as a series has always shown a lotta love and care for its settings that i really respect. i can't speak for accuracy but like. i could NEVER give as much of a shit about local food as these games do, for instance. but someone on staff thought it was important, and i think that ROCKS tbh. and onomichi, to me, really demonstrates that in a more open way, including mechanical/design choices that i think are pretty sick.
when kiryu first gets to onomichi we're shown/told a few times that the people there are slow to trust newcomers. at the same time, something i noticed immediately was that there was jack shit to do in this massive town. (honestly, i was a bit disappointed.) but, as you keep interacting with the town, you unlock minigames through helping and earning the trust of its citizens. you get more out of the town as people let you in, as you prove yourself to ono michi (almost like its shrine offerings, where you have to give first to receive). and, between new gaudi, the baseball team, and spearfishing, these activities tend to be group-based. contrast this with kamurocho, where everything's immediately available, but it's always stuff you can (and almost always) do on your own, reflecting the more solitary, flashy entertainment-centric energy of the place. the mechanics follow the character of the town, yeehaw.
the plot also hinges a lot on onomichi as a location, specifically "the secret of onomichi", as well as who is involved, namely a shipbuilding company, in a shipbuilding town. it makes sense that these big industrial powers would have sway over their lives (though, of course, bc it's an rgg game, iwami shipbuilding is more than that).
and then we have the poem stones. i just assumed that these were another inclusion for realism, like ono michio crying throwing up thinking about his cute fish pouch omg oh my FUCKIGN god and the oysters and the shrines, another little bit of fascination for and dedication to these places and what makes them unique. and then they got roped into the conspiracy too and frankly i love that because the only reason it was a surprise was that I'm so used to the series just including stuff like that because it wants to. like i would believe that rgg6 just wanted to give us some poetry to stir our and kiryu's thoughts and nothing else. it doesn't lose anything by being woven in like this and i think it's nice!!
basically i just think it's cool that they wove it more obviously/intensely in a story where the setting matters more and where it's more developed
tl;dr i love rgg's dedication to building its settings and i think they did a splendid job w onomichi, 10/10 I'm a big fan
0 notes
glassesandswords · 3 years
Of Wings And Wheelchairs
Pairing: Levi Ackerman & Onyankopon, Levi Ackerman/Hange Zoe (mentioned)
Summary:  Levi and Onyankopon sit in a coffee shop, waiting for Gabi and Falco to return from their small detour during their vacation together. Levi reminisces about the old Survey Corps veterans and their times together as Onyankopon listens. Soon, the conversation makes its way to a person the two knew very well- Hange.
Ao3 Link
“Let’s wait here.”
Levi and Onyankopon stopped at a coffee shop. With so many people bustling about, it was hard to find a place to relax for a while, especially with all the walking they had done. Well, at least all the walking that Onyankopon, Gabi and Falco had done- as Levi had been pushed around on a wheelchair by Falco the whole time. But the kids had spotted an ice cream vendor and left together to buy something to eat, and the older men decided to get a quick drink before continuing on with their journey.
The coffee shop had outdoor seating shaded by giant blue umbrellas that flared briskly over the round tables. A florist sold bouquets nearby. The scent of roses and lavenders wafted through the air, mingling with that of roast coffee.
“Are you sure letting Gabi and Falco go off on their own in a foreign land a good idea?” Levi asked as Onyankopon looked around for an empty table.
“They are fifteen now. They will be alright. Us, old men, shouldn’t be interfering with a pair of love-birds, so let them enjoy this vacation on their own.”
“You might be right about that.”
Onyankopon decided on an empty table on the opposite end of the florist and parked Levi next to him as he pulled a chair for himself. “Fifteen, huh?” Levi muttered, adjusting his wheelchair close to the table. “If they were in Paradis, they would have graduated from the cadet corps. But these two- they have had their fill of the battlefield way before that, being Marley’s warrior candidates and all.”
“Yes. That’s why they deserve to live like the carefree and free-spirited children they are right now.”
“Not that any child needs a reason to live like that. They all are equally deserving of happiness.”
“Of course,” Onyankopon called the waiter over to them. “A black tea and a black coffee, please.”
Levi noted how Onyankopon kept his favorite drink in mind and ordered it for him by default. Over the past three years, the two men had bonded over their shared losses and he had been a constant companion for Levi after the war. Onyankopon had helped him start a new life and set up his own tea shop after he retired in Marley, taking care of all the paperwork and technical details required.
“I heard you spent your childhood in the underground district within Wall Sina,” Onyankopon said as he watched the waiter leave with their order. “I wasn’t allowed there due to the restrictions on the volunteers, but I heard it was a rough place to live in.”
Levi raised an eyebrow. That piece of information was hardly common knowledge. 
“I think I might have an idea of who babbled to you about that,” the face of a certain four-eyed abnormal popped up on Levi’s mind. “Yes. I was raised as a thug in order to survive that hellhole.”
“Did you have anyone close to you at that time? Your parents? Any siblings?”
Usually, Levi would have found it annoying if people dug into his past. But with Onyankopon, he did not really mind. “I was an only child,” he replied, leaning back on his wheelchair, “My mother died when I was young and the closest thing I had to a father was an uncle who abandoned me as soon as he realized that I could take care of myself.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s an old story,” he waved his pity off, “I did have two close friends there. Farlan and Isabel. They were as good as a brother and sister to me.” A fond remembrance flitted over his face, as if he could see them in his mind’s eye as he spoke. “The three of us thought life above the ground, in a land touched by the sun would be better. Turns out it is all the same.”
It wasn’t hard for Onyankopon to make out that Farlan and Isabel were probably no more from how Levi’s voice dipped. He changed the topic to something lighter.
“But you finally retired from all your duties and responsibilities. How does it feel to go on vacations to foreign countries?”
“I’m surprised you are dragging me along. Not like I could be of any service anyway, after being permanently bound to this wheelchair,” Levi tapped on the metal armrest. 
“You are too humble, Levi,” Onyankopon shook his head, “I’ve seen you offering guidance to Armin and the others whenever they need it.”
“I help them as much as I can, but in the end, it is nothing more than an old man’s advice.” Levi sighed, remembering a certain someone’s soliloquy in a forest. “Times have changed and perspectives are different. After the rumbling ended, Armin offered me retirement and I took it. But even if I were in top shape, I honestly don’t think I would want to do anything with the Alliance anymore.”
Onyankopon watched Levi as he gazed at the busy road. The man looked broken, like he had lost way too much in life. He reminded him of some of the volunteers who had seen their families killed and hometowns destroyed in front of their own eyes. For previously being known as ‘Humanity’s strongest soldier’, Onyankopon had not seen Levi in action a lot. But the way he held himself together during that day- exactly three years ago, after Odiha- was a testament to his immense internal strength. The man in front of him was a fighter, but the fight had taken its toll on him.
The waiter arrived with steaming drinks and served it on the table.
“How do you drink that bitter bean-juice?” Levi asked as Onyankopon took a careful sip, trying not to burn his tongue in the scalding liquid.
“Six years and you still haven’t warmed up to coffee, have you?”
“I prefer tea, usually that of my own shop.” He sipped his tea, holding it by the rim with his left hand. “But I have to admit, the aroma of coffee is quite enticing.” His voice went back to its hazy tone. “Mike would have liked it. That guy had a sharp nose for things like these.”
Though Onyankopon did not know the details, he knew Mike was probably one of Levi’s previous comrades.
Levi had a habit of talking about his fallen comrades now and then. He did not seem to care if the other person knew them personally or not. Onyankopon assumed that it was to remember and acknowledge their existence and stories, being the last living veteran from his original group.
He heard about the battle of Shiganshina that resulted in the complete decimation of the earlier Survey Corps and wondered if Mike was one of the people who died there. Or maybe he had been one of the many unfortunate victims who were killed by the hands of the pure titans long before. Onyankopon felt a small stab of guilt for following Zeke, who had caused nothing but pain for Levi and the rest of the Survey Corps, but he had his own circumstances. Choosing sides had blinded them from appealing to their common humanity, until Yelena had revealed to him the plan to offer assistance to Paradis before their first scouting expedition six years ago. He had almost convinced himself that the Paradis military would crush them with their titan power before they could put forth that proposal, but then, a certain Survey Corps Commander gave them the warmest welcome they could have received in the island of ‘devils’.
“Brings back memories,” he hummed over his coffee, “Remember, the first time we chatted was over a cup of tea in that tent?”
“Ah yes,” Levi nodded grimly, “Another one of that person’s stupidly optimistic ideas. It was a surprise that you volunteers actually agreed to it.”
There was a silence as Onyankopon knew exactly who he was referring to.
Levi sipped his tea. “Honestly, they’d come up with the most reckless ideas, that Four-eyes.”
Onyankopon gave a small, sad smile. It seemed safe to talk about them. “I have to admit,” he said slowly, “I was shocked when they pointed the barrel of that gun over their one good eye, even if it was unloaded.”
“You don’t know half the trouble Hange caused back in the Survey Corps,” Levi shook his head disapprovingly. “Always blabbing about their latest hypotheses. Putting my entire squad in danger for another titan capture mission. They’d have had their head bitten off by a titan long ago if it wasn’t for their trusty assistant, Moblit. Hell, they went days without taking a damned bath just because something more interesting caught their attention. Sometimes, when I couldn’t bear the stink, I had to knock them out and clean them myself.”
Onyankopon chuckled at his ramble. He had observed Levi and Hange’s inseparable relationship from his time at Paradis. Maybe it was because they were the last ones to survive from their generation, or maybe it extended a little deeper than that. Onyankopon was not completely sure. He gazed at the long scar across Levi’s face, crossing through his one blind eye. If Hange were there, the two of them would have made quite the one-eyed pair.
But Hange wasn’t there as they had sacrificed themself so that he and Levi could sit in peace under a blue umbrella, drinking hot beverages on a sunny day without worrying about anything else.
Levi was still rambling on, “...all those stupid naming ceremonies for the captured titans. At least three Garrison guards used to throw up after each of their experiments. The tantrums they’d throw in Erwin’s office whenever he denied their requests. That Four-eyes once talked to me about titans and their planned experiments for two days straight after we first found out about Eren’s abilities. Can you believe it? Two days!”
There was a bitter aftertaste in Levi’s mouth and he knew it had nothing to do with the tea. A memory of Hange floated in his mind, of them carefully dabbing medicated cotton over Eren’s face after he had kicked the hell out of him in the courtroom all those years ago. He remembered Hange chiding him for having gone too far and declaring that they’d never kill Eren.
His stomach twisted at the irony of how everything played out in the end.
Onyankopon’s voice stirred him out of his thoughts. “It must have been hard for them to pursue their scientific research after they became the commander.”
“It did take a huge toll on them,” Levi agreed, “Erwin’s shoes would have been hard for anyone to fill. But he himself chose them as his successor and they did their job well, even if all odds were against them.” He gave a short sigh through his nose. “But over the years, they changed too much.”
Levi had noticed all the times when Hange had faked a smile to cover up their exhaustion. They tried to maintain their cheerful façade through all the uncertainty to keep their subordinates from becoming concerned about their mental well-being, but from his time with the past two commanders, Levi knew the bone-crushing pressure they were under.
He had spotted the missing tea from his shelf during all those late nights when Hange had fallen asleep on their desk after pulling multiple all-nighters. Although they weren’t new to burning the midnight oil, the commander’s work was grueling. Adding to that, the knowledge and responsibility of dealing with an entire world full of potential enemies weighed them down incredibly. Only he knew how tired and defeated Erwin had looked during his last moments with him. In a way, the role demanded much more from Hange than it did from Erwin himself.
“You mean they were more excitable before?” Onyankopon asked, “I really did not think they could look more starry-eyed than while they were being introduced to all the new technology from Marley.” He chuckled, “The way they whooped after the success of the new improved 3DMG test session was unforgettable.”
Levi set down his empty cup. “Hange was always a vocal advocate for technological advancement. Their inventions helped to get rid of all the pure titans in the island without much loss of human life. When they were given the hope that the rest of the world was not as cruel as we thought it was- but a place where they could learn and discover- that was when I saw them truly happy for the last time. They hoped to make peace when we left off for our first Marley visit. But we both know how that ended.”
Ah, yes that Marley trip, Onyankopon thought as a tense silence settled between them, The time when everything spiraled out of control. To ease the heavy pauses, he decided to bring up some good memories from back then.
“Remember the time when Hange bought that lollipop from that clown just so that he’d stop stalking you? And the time when they tried to feed carrots to a car?”
Thankfully, it seemed to work as Levi snorted. “Shitty-Glasses was supposed to be the smartest of us all,” he said, “Yet, that was still better than the way they squealed after the camera flash the first time we took a picture in Azumabito's place. Now that was just plain embarrassing.”
Onyankopon smiled. When Levi's squad was out drinking, he had insisted Levi and Hange to take a photograph with himself and the Azumabitos as a keepsake memory of their first official trip outside Paradis. Hopes were ripe that night, with the peace conference scheduled for the next day. To keep their optimism up, they had a small dance session in which Hange had dragged Levi with them and had successfully managed two rounds around the ballroom before Levi remarked that it was ridiculous and sulked in a corner for the rest of the night with a wine glass on hand. After which Hange teased him and invited Onyankopon to give them company instead.
When the camera was ready, they were all suited up- with hats placed on their heads despite the fact that it was evening- just for the sake of the photograph session. Onyankopon knew that the Paradisians had never taken a picture before, so his eyes were on Levi and Hange instead of the camera.
Their reactions did not disappoint.
Hange squealed as the flash lit up the room and Levi flinched, grimacing at its sudden brightness. The photograph was quite comical when it was developed: Hange with their mouth slightly open, Levi with his eyes half closed and Onyankopon’s lips in an amused half-smile as he gazed at them.
“To be honest, you looked quite shaken at the flash yourself,” he pointed out to Levi.
“Yes, but I did not wake up everyone in a fifty mile radius within the building.”
“It didn’t seem to wake the kids up, though.”
“What do you expect? Not even Hange can wake up a bunch of hungover brats who had drank all night and ended up passed out on each other.”
“The three of us had to carry them back, didn’t we?”
“Only for Sasha to puke all over the new suit I wore for the photoshoot.”
Onyankopon laughed at that memory. The waiter came over with the bill and he paid it before Levi could reach for his own wallet.
“I told you before,” he said to Levi as he handed over the money, “This vacation is entirely on me.”
“Thanks,” Levi kept his wallet back inside his pocket, knowing that arguing about it would not change Onyankopon’s mind.
They sat in silence for a while, gazing at the people walking around, exploring the shops. Levi got a few quick stares now and then because of his heavily scarred face, but he did not care. He was used to people staring at him; the annoying looks of envy and awe when he was considered as humanity’s strongest soldier, glares of anger from the military higher-ups after he had brought back Armin instead of Erwin during the battle of Shiganshina, and gazes of pity after he had been severely injured due to the thunder spear, thanks to that shitty monkey.
“I wonder what happened to that photograph,” he murmured, his mind wandering back to that day in Marley.
“It was left in Paradis,” Onyankopon replied, “The militants probably disposed of it along with the rest of our belongings after we were declared traitors. It’s been three years after all.”
Levi’s heart sank. That was the last piece of Hange he had left, apart from the scars they had stitched across his face. If everything was disposed of, that would mean that the badges he had collected from the uniforms of his former comrades, his letters, Hange’s research notes, Moblit’s sketches from the night they visited a bar after work, all of their personal belongings- everything had been burnt or destroyed. Apart from Erwin’s grave, there was nothing left for him back in Paradis- the place the Survey Corps dedicated their lives and hearts for all those years.
He masked his bitterness, “It was just a piece of paper anyway.”
Onyankopon did not say anything. The cost of freedom had been incredibly heavy for both of them.
“It’s been three years, huh?”
Levi remembered that moment when the spirits of his comrades appeared in front of him as he sat battered and broken. The old Survey Corps, with whom he had spent so many years fighting, resting, experimenting and pushing through every loss, every death and every failure together. He had finally finished their job. He had taken all of their dedicated hearts with him and won for them.
His final salute both crushed his soul and set him free.
A part of him wanted to depart with them. His duty was done, Zeke was killed, the rumbling was stopped and the world was finally free of titans. What use would he be to anyone anymore?
But he knew that the others would want him to live the life that they couldn’t. To explore the world and all it had to offer. To make the dream of world-peace come true.
So, he decided that he would go on, and when his time finally comes, he would stand tall among his noble comrades and tell them stories of the world they never got to see.
Levi hesitated for a moment before turning to Onyankopon.
“Do you think they’re still watching over us?”
Onyankopon didn’t miss a beat.
“I’m sure they are.”
Gabi and Falco reappeared from the crowd, with half-eaten ice cream cones in their hands. The brats had grown so much since the first time he had seen them, all beaten up and bruised on that zeppelin three years ago. Now they looked happy and content, their eyes shining with hope, optimism and love.
Hange’s words from all those years ago played in his mind.
I want everyone to feel safe again soon. I want this to be a world where people can live without fighting each other.
There was still a long way to go for that, but with the threat of the titans gone, they only had humans to negotiate with. Though that probably did not make it any easier, peace was still an option. He’d leave that to Armin and Historia.
Erwin and Hange would have loved it here. All the new places and technology, exotic food, new discoveries; it would have blown their minds. Sometimes, he wondered what would have happened if that bastard Floch did not show up to shoot holes in that fuel tank. Hange would have been alive, they would have boarded the plane together, they could have seen the flying titan and the previous titan shifters. It might have probably returned them to their normal, curious self again.
They could have survived together.
What would Hange have done now that the titans, their life’s work, were gone forever? The two of them had never really discussed such situations, for they never imagined such a day would actually come to be. For them, a world without the threat of titans was a distant fantasy. But if Hange were alive, they’d have probably headed the peace talks. They were never the one to stay out of the action anyway.
“Sorry, we were a little late,” Falco said as he approached them, “Shall we go?”
“Sure, no problem.”
Falco popped the rest of the ice cream in his mouth before silently pulling the wheelchair by its handle without being prompted to. He was a sweet kid. Erwin, Hange and the rest of his old squad- Petra, Oulo, Eld, Gunther- would have liked him.
Levi picked up a newspaper from a vendor, to see if there were any mentions of the peace committee who had set sail for Paradis earlier that day. As they made their way through the street, he winced as the wheel stumbled over a small pothole.
“I’m so sorry,” Falco exclaimed.
“No, that’s fine,” he rubbed his back. “Times like these are when I really miss Four-eyes.”
Onyankopon laughed, “They’d have come up with a crazy convenient wheelchair, custom-made for you.”
“Knowing them, they would have probably attached an engine and the 3DMG trigger-anchor system complete with a safety belt into the wheelchair,” he shook his head. “Then again, I think they might have also pushed me down a slope as a test run, so maybe I’m safer this way.”
A distant hum of an engine made all of them look above.
A plane, similar to the one they had taken off from in Odiha, flew past the sky, its shadow falling on them as it streaked by.
For the kids, it was just another ordinary plane they stared fascinated at. But for him, something about it felt reassuring.
It was almost as if…
Levi glanced at Onyankopon, who gave him a knowing look.
So, they were watching us after all.
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Mistletoe Headcanons
So all the boys except Siver and Sebek are in here. I wanted to post them last night but my power went out. Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: fluff, kissing, possibly oc characters
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Riddle Rosehearts:
Not sure how to react
On one hand he would like to take the head of whoever put it up
On the other hand he has to follow the rules and the rules with mistletoe are that you have to kiss who you meet underneath the hanging kiss trap
Oh look you’re the one he has to kiss
He’s gone beet red by now 
Rules are rules though
Steel’s himself and shuts his eyes
The kiss is quick and somewhat off since he couldn’t see what he was doing
“Ahem, excuse me”
Your shocked as Riddle runs into the next room
Trey Clover:
Somewhat annoyed by the mistletoe
But only because he knows he’s gonna have to deal with Riddle later when the dorm head finds out
What he isn’t annoyed by is your cute, stunned face staring up at it
Taking his chance he moves in and pecks you gently on the lips
Your shocked gaze meets his and he smiles before moving around you
Wait. What just happened?
Cater Diamond: 
Don’t tell Riddle but he knew the mistletoe was going to be there
Tells you he wants to take a selfie with you in this doorway because it has ‘good lighting’
“Oh look mistletoe. You know what that means.”
Steals a kiss before you can even react
He pulls back with a wink
“If you wanna take another selfie here later let me know.”
Ace Trapolla:
Highkey he’s the one that put it there
Literally only thought that other people were gonna get caught 
Spends quite a bit of time lingering near the doorway and laughing into his cup when people realize what they walked into
It’s not until you’ve attempted to drag him to the other room through the doorway that he realize that he’s screwed
Cater sneakily points it out to you
You grab him excitedly and kiss him on the lips 
“Oh...ok. Thanks”
Walks away stunned and redder than Riddle’s hair
Deuce Spade:
Oh no
He forgot this was going to be here
The two of you have been standing in this doorway for about 3 minutes and you haven’t seemed to notice
Unfortunately he knows that he can’t walk away now that he’s been caught
Takes a deep breath and kisses you
Not understanding what happened you pull back shocked
“Oh my god I’m so sorry-” 
You see the mistletoe and kiss him again
Smiling shyly you pull back and walk away
“Wow I kissed someone”
Ace is snorting in the background
Leona Kingscholar:
Deeply annoyed by this situation
His tail swishes irattably behind him
Whoever did this was going to get eaten
More upset that he was foolish enough to get caught by it
Realizing that you’re staring at it curiously he sighs and puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose
Here goes nothing
He growls and grabs your chin, tilting it towards him
He kisses you harshly and growls again in distaste that he had to be coerced into this by a damn plant
Pulling away he only takes a second to admire your flushed face and dazed look before grunting “African mistletoe” and stalking away
Pointedly ignores any stares he gets and growls under his breath
Would deny it to his death but he enjoyed the brief kiss
Would also deny that he wants to do it again
Ruggie Bucchi:
Snickers at the face you make when you realize you guys are underneath a mistletoe hanging
Greatly appreciates the blush that decorates your cheeks
He honestly doesn’t care all that much about the mistletoe
It’s just a kiss
He leans forward and pecks you on the lips before pulling back and snickering again
“You should see your face y/n” 
Stunned you mumbled and walked away
He wished he had taken the chance to kiss you again
Jack Howl:
Oh boy
Tsundere wolf blushes like a madman
He’s pretty much in denial that mistletoe exists
You noticed that the two of you had crossed underneath it and pulled him back to the doorway
“Rules are rules”
He didn’t appreciate you saying that
Sighing he moves in to kiss your cheek
You turn at the last second and place your lips together 
He’s in complete shock and his face makes you giggle
Will deny to the end of his life that his tail wagged like crazy afterwards
Azul Ashengrotto:
Isn’t the type to let his fluster show at first
Will casually gesture to the mistletoe and ask you how you feel about the tradition
Unconsciously strikes up a conversation about it to prolong the inevitable
At some point you realize what he’s doing and reach to kiss him
He makes a noise of surprise but quickly contains himself to kiss you back gently
You pull away and continue to talk about christmas traditions as if nothing happened
No there isn’t a blush on his face (he’s just developed a fever that’s all)
Jade Leech:
Sneaky eel 
This man probably conspired to put it there in the first place
Also meant to get you underneath it with him
He takes a moment to watch you shift uneasily as he eyes you like you’re prey
Taller then you so he leans down and places a hand underneath your chin
Kisses you slowly and teases you a but by nibbling on your lip
When you think he’s going to deepen it he pulls back with a smile
“Darling if you wanted to kiss me you should have just said so. No need to use traditions as an excuse.”
Yes that was his way of flustering you further while also slyly mentioning that he didn’t just kiss you because of the mistletoe
Floyd Leech:
Not a fan of the mistletoe game
He’s aware of it and makes a point not to get caught underneath it
He’s not a kisser 
He’s a hugger
If he ever did meet someone under the mistletoe he would pretend to be oblivious to the proper tradition and squeeze them instead
With you however he is very excited to be caught
Picks you up with a squeal and squeezes you tightly
His inner sadist loves how you squirm and gasp for breath
Also loves the redness of your face when you see the mistletoe
“Come here Shrimpy~ You owe me a squeeze~”
Thinking he wasn’t going to kiss you, you brace yourself for a squeeze
He does squeeze you but he kisses you too
Also bites your cheek lightly 
“There. Now everyone knows that Shrimpy is my mistletoe buddy, hehe”
Kalim Al Asim:
Mistletoe everywhere
Literally is obsessed with hugging his friends and it gives him an excellent excuse to do so
He just didn’t count on you being there 
Not that he minds
Holds your face in his hands and peppers you with kisses
His brilliant smile is blinding afterwards
“Y/n! Y/n! Let’s go find some more mistletoe, kay?”
Jamil Viper:
Lowkey aware of the Mistletoe he just hasn’t had the chance to move Kalim away from it
Of course he has to chase Kalim through one of the doorways
Bumps into you
You’re surprised and go to move when you see the mistletoe
Flushes a deep red and has to take a moment to collect himself
Calmly he leans closer to you 
Kisses passionately but also nervously
Beet red when he pulls back and hides his face with his hood for the rest of the night
Vil Schoenheit: 
Will absolutely not kiss you with his lipstick on
Honey never
You can kiss his hand of course but that’s about it
What you don’t expect is that he will pay up later when he’s removed his lip makeup
Probably called you to his room after the day was done and pecked you on the lips
“There now I have fulfilled the tradition and don’t owe you anything
Also put chapstick on you beforehand
“That flavor suits you. Keep it.”
Rook Hunt:
Due to his hunter instincts and excellent observation skills he knows where every piece of mistletoe is hung
Likely guided you right underneath it without your knowledge
If you’re extra careful about them then he might just shoot another one up
“Did you put that there?” “Shhh, ma chérie."
Will kiss your cheeks, nose, and lips in that order
Calls you beautiful and asks you to spend some more time with him
Highkey Rook is the only one at NRC that knows what he’s doing with the ladies
Epel Felmier:
Epel has literally never kissed anyone in his life
There are rarely any people his age in his hometown either so he has little experience with dating or even dealing with anyone he’s interested
Finding himself under mistletoe with anyone would be terrifying nonetheless you
You’re cute and sweet and kind and a lot of things
But most importantly you’re someone who he wants to kiss
Which means that you and him can not kiss under any circumstances
But here you are and here he is under the mistletoe
And know you have to kiss
The kiss was short and barely existent but it was sweet and when he pulled back his face was equal parts red and pale
You giggled and kissed his cheek
Idia Shroud:
Ok Idia is really shy
So it’s super unlikely he’s gonna end up anywhere with an actual mistletoe 
But Ortho dragged him out of his room so here he is
And now he’s under the mistletoe
With you…
And regretting all of his life choices
But he forgets all of that once your lips touch
He’s not cold like you thought he would be
He’s actually very hot
The kiss only lasts for a second because you were cut off by his hair turning red and flaming up
Ortho drags him back to his room where he resets enough to remember where he is
Once he figures out what happened he’s gonna flare up again
Poor Ortho has to spray the whole room with the fire extinguisher
Ortho Shroud (platonic):
Ortho is delighted at all the cool traditions and decorations that are strewn about the place
He spends Christmas with Idia of course but he finally managed to get him out of his room long enough to have a look around
There are some things that he doesn’t recognize like the dangling plant clippings that people are kissing under
When he finds himself under one with you he points to it and asks about it
You giggle and tell him before quickly kissing his cheek
The younger Shroud tells Idia afterwards and laughs at his older brother’s face
Idia is at least fond of your friendship with Ortho 
He thinks it’s fine that you told him about mistletoe as long as Ortho remembers to avoid it at all costs for the rest of his active life
Malleus Draconia:
Has no clue what mistletoe is
“Child of man what is this thing here?”
You flush and start to stammer about mistletoe
Cue Lilia popping in with a thorough explanation about of how mistletoe works and pays special attention to the fact that Malleus has to kiss you
The vampiric man takes his leave and smirks knowingly when you glare daggers into his back
Malleus stays silent for a moment before leaning down and kissing you
He is a surprisingly good kisser and you are too shocked to do anything
“Well then, I hope that the tradition was to your liking child of man.”
Would never admit that he is blushing and walks away quickly
Oh Malleus the tradition was very much to your liking
Lilia Vanrouge:
This man has been waiting for you to show up 
Highkey pops in just as you walk underneath the mistletoe
“Hello there”
Your mini heart attack means little to him as he giggles and points up
“Look mistletoe”
Then he kisses you
Experienced kisser and leaves you breathless
“We should do this again but right now I have to go deal with one of the, ahem, children” (Sebek)
Stunned you stand there for a moment before wondering what happened
“Um ok later then”
Yes he did here you and will take that as permission to kiss you again
Hi there if you are looking for Sebek and/or Silver I am very sorry to say that I don’t write for them just yet because I don’t know them all too well. Very sorry and hope the other headcanons were to your liking. Happy holidays!
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tackyink · 4 years
The only reason I've decided to post this is that I think unless I do I won't stop anxiety-editing it and I'd like to move on to something more interesting. And maybe pick up Veleta again, because I had written more than what I posted here and I want to keep working on her.
I can only offer for context that I hail from real life Dressrosa and one day someone asked me what, as a historian, I would do if I ever came across a Poneglyph in the OP world.
— — — — — — — —
Chapter 1
In a remote corner of Paradise, outside of the main travel routes, there was an autumn island called Harlun, and on its shores there was a place called Duster Town, remarkable if only for the fact that every day was exactly the same and nothing of interest ever happened.
Duster Town was acceptably hot in summer, relatively cold in winter, and unavoidably wet and muddy the rest of the year. This had been a big reason for Alex’s stay to last as long as it had: five years and counting. She was fond of the weather because that was what living in summer islands for nearly twenty-two years did to a person.
She had been working in Duster Town’s old, old library since she had arrived there, having secured the job through contacts she had made while studying. Alex was a historian, and there weren’t a lot of secure jobs for people in her field unless one wanted to work under close supervision of government officers. She had never liked research that much, anyway – or rather, she had liked sticking her nose in archives for the sake of it, but the actual process of searching for documents, putting the pieces together and then writing papers sucked. Learning to satisfy her own curiosity was fun, being forced to share that knowledge was not. Besides, if there was an area of research that grabbed her attention more than anything else, it was that conspicuous century-wide blank in human history, and everybody in her profession knew what happened when someone tried to look too closely into that. Ohara was the biggest ‘accident’ that came to mind, but it wasn’t the only one. Things happened to people who knew too much. Everybody was aware of it, but complicit silence was a healthy tactic that her sensible colleagues employed.
Alex had opinions on that, as, admittedly, did most historians she had met, and since opinions were like assholes, she wasn’t going to be the gross weirdo showing hers to other people. Figuratively speaking or not, it was liable to get her in trouble with the law, and that was the last thing Alex wanted.
She liked her library, and even though she was incredibly disappointed that she’d never be able to set foot inside the Tree of Knowledge due to the unfortunate circumstance of having been born too late. Her job was quiet; since she wasn’t a librarian proper, they had put her at the entrance desk to check out and retrieve books, and she handled the petitions for documents researchers sent to the library. The building in which she worked dated back to several centuries, and the foundation upon which it was built, and which housed the local archive, suggested an even earlier date. It contained one of the biggest and best preserved documentary collections in that half of Paradise, so she spent a lot of time digging inside the archive to fulfill the researcher’s requests.
All in all, she thought she had had an amazing run so far, lending books, persecuting tardy neighbors to retrieve them, memorizing catalogs from too much use, and sending informative material to researchers who were actually doing important things with their lives, unlike herself. Her coworkers were few and not very nosy, which she appreciated, because she loved her time alone and wasn’t too fond of talking about the past.
She could see herself growing old in there and getting cobwebs, if sudden changes in the town hall didn’t run her out of the island, and the way things worked in moderately small towns like that, where everybody knew everybody and keeping a job was more a matter of knowing the right people and having been there for a while than being actually competent at it, meant that her position was likely secured in the long run. That said, the local mushrooms by themselves would have tempted her to stay, even without the rest of advantages. Not many of those in her hometown or Sabaody. Lots of heat and not nearly enough rain.
The sun wasn’t yet up when she woke up with an itchy nose in the small apartment she lived in, and a flurry of sneezes alerted her that she should have taken her allergy meds the night before. Navigating the place with closed eyes, she threw on the same skinny jeans and oversized sweater that she had left on a chair two days ago for yet another day at work. It took more effort than someone who had slept so many hours at her age had a right to. Like nearly every morning, really.
The last remaining days of winter had brought the cold in full force, at least for her summer island sensibilities, and after having a steaming cup of red tea that fogged up her glasses, she bundled inside her black coat and red scarf, put on a pair of burgundy gloves, and headed for the library with a thermos full of more tea, making the usual stop at the nearest bakery to buy a croissant. Her hands ached with the chilly breeze.
(She kept a kettle in the library, but there was never too much tea, in her humble opinion, and the thermos kept her freezing hands warm on the way.)
The sun had barely risen when she arrived at the building, an old stone structure that casted its shadow over a private square, though the tall iron fence was open at all times so the people of the town could use the benches and the fancy stone fountain in the middle of it. According to the records Alex had read, the whole area was built four hundred years back or so as the private residence of some rich family that eventually lost its fortune. The basement that doubled as the archive, though, was considerably older, but records stopped around 700 years back, like everywhere else, and so she couldn’t tell how old the foundations were, or what sort of building used to be there in the past without digging a trial trench in the square, something the town hall had been vehemently against when she suggested it. The refusal only made her want to do it more.
She crossed the fence and was halfway through the square when she saw someone in front of the library’s massive oak doors. That was so unusual it made her stop in her tracks. She wasn’t ready to interact with human beings this early in the morning. In fact, the baker was so used to her being absent at that time of the day that the only things she needed to say when she picked up her breakfast were ‘good morning’ and ‘thank you.’
She repositioned her glasses to peek above them and tried to focus her teary eyes on the figure before approaching it. It belonged to a man, obnoxiously tall as many in these seas had a tendency to, who wore a long black coat with a yellow pattern around the hem and a fluffy spotted hat that looked quite ridiculous but also warm, so she wasn’t going to judge in a morning like that. Since he seemed to be looking for something and having no luck, she did what she was paid for, though she was still off the clock, and approached him.
“Hello,” she said to catch his attention. Her voice came out raspy because this was only the fourth word she had uttered since waking up, so she immediately wanted to jump in one of the flowerbeds and melt into the muddy soil. She cleared her throat softly. “Is there anything you need?”
He turned around to look at Alex. He was in his twenties, and his face was kind of familiar. His earrings caught her attention, but then again, she had a bad tendency to not pay much attention to people’s faces and fixate on irrelevant details. This individual’s entire ensemble and circumstances, though, made him difficult to forget overall.
“Do you work here?” He asked.
She barely registered the question, because it was about then that she noticed the smiley yellow faces on his coat and the long-ass sword he held against his shoulder. She hadn’t been able to see them from behind, and if she had, she sure as hell would have kept her distance until he left.
That… had the potential to be really bad.
“Yes,” she said, thinking she should have not, but it was stupid to deny it when there was nowhere else to go in the plaza, she had offered to help, and the only place she could hide in was inside.
After she unlocked the building.
With the keys she was carrying in her hand.
Yeah, honesty had been the right move.
“What are the opening hours?”
That was also unexpected. “Nine AM to eight PM. It’s on the plaque—” She pointed to the side of the door, and she saw someone had vandalized it with rude graffiti. “Not again,” she sighed to herself, and then back to him, “Nine to eight.”
There were still thirty minutes to go, and she hoped to god that he didn’t plan on sticking around until it was time to open.
“I see,” he said, looking pensively at the door. “I’ll be back later, then.”
“Of course,” she replied, smiling, relieved, and then panicking inside because there was a pirate planning on coming to her workplace that morning and this was an anxiety factor she hadn’t asked to be burdened with. He had to be dangerous. People who weren’t dangerous didn’t carry swords around. Not that people who were dangerous sometimes didn’t carry weapons, but at least those had the grace of not putting every stranger around them on edge. And wait a minute, were those tattoos on his fingers? She couldn’t see all the letters, but she could guess, and after she did, she wished she hadn’t.
When she thought he was already done and about to go, she made her even more nervous by saying, “Just to make sure, I heard you have a sizeable medicine collection.”
Ah, so he was looking for something specific. It made more sense than him simply waltzing in for some light reading, she supposed. “You heard right. It’s not updated often, but it was until ten years ago or so.” Then they ran out of funding. “If you’re looking for recent studies, you may not be in luck.”
Medicine. Why medicine? This man was a pirate. Was he a doctor in his ship? She regretted more than ever having such a bad memory for names and faces. She should take a look at the newspaper archive when she went in, just in case.
“Lucky me, then. What I’m looking for is older than that.”
She noticed a bit of a northern accent. He sounded… not quite polite, but not aggressive, either. Clinical. At the same time, it made the innocent statement sound vaguely threatening. She was curious now about what he wanted to read. What if he was one of those weird pirates? There was a chance, she supposed. Like winning the lottery twice, which she didn’t count on.
“That’s good,” she replied awkwardly, and then added in a valiant effort to be left alone, “There’s a café around the corner that’s already open, if you need to kill some time.”
He looked slightly surprised at the courtesy, and nodded before going off.
And when he was far enough to be a very stupid but not totally unsafe to say, she spoke a little louder to tell him, “Excuse me! Weapons aren’t allowed inside the library!”
The dude seemed amused when he looked over his shoulder to look at her, and he didn’t say anything as he walked off.
Nobody could say she hadn’t tried.
Unbearably jittery after the encounter, Alex went on to switch on the lights of the entire building, put the last few books she hadn’t returned to the shelves the day before in their place, and picked up the day’s newspaper to sit down at the front desk to scarf down the croissant and hopefully wash down all that nervous energy with a cup of tea.
If her first encounter in the morning was a sign of what was to come, she could tell her day was going to be shit. She should have known when her own sneezing woke her up.
Alex wasn’t sure when or how her anxiety had started. It just had, a few years prior, seemingly unprompted, and though it wasn’t severe, thankfully, it had a tendency to assault her when she least expected it. Like a pirate. Pirates did that, right? Not all of them, but according to her limited experience there was a fifty-fifty chance that he would, at the very least, turn out to be a pain in the ass.
Still, without any additional intel, she couldn’t think of any ulterior motives for the guy to come to the library. Since she couldn’t do anything to stop him, for her peace of mind, she decided to be willfully optimistic and believe.
Or at least she could try. She had never been too good at this denial thing.
A several bites into her pastry and a few pages into the newspaper, she came across an article about a sunken Marine warship by a pirate submarine, and she choked on her tea when she saw the same smiley face on the picture that accompanied the article. On said submarine. Accompanied by the word “DEATH.” Good on her for guessing what was on his fingers. At the same time, a coworker arrived, and blanching, she said good morning, got up from her seat and made a run for the newspaper archive, where they also kept in storage a copy of every bounty the Marines distributed with the World Economic Journal.
She didn’t have to look too far to see that yes, the face was familiar because it was supposed to be. She had classified it a few times in the last months – every time the guy got a bounty raise.
Surgeon of Death. Heart Pirates. Captain of one of the several rookie crews that were stirring up trouble that year. Those were the worst, they thought they were at the top of the world just because they had made it into the Grand Line. She could deal with older pirates, but she had yet to come across a newbie that wasn’t an unrestrained asshole.
She thought she saw something about dismemberments in the poster, did a double-take because she had surely read wrong, and by the time she was done with all the crimes attributed to the guy she just put the bounty back in place, went to the front desk once again, and told her concerned coworker, “A famous pirate will probably show up today. Don’t mind him. Let’s hope he just wants to read.”
She looked a little frightened. “Should I call the Marines?”
“If worst comes to worst. Let’s try not get involved if we can. He didn’t seem aggressive.”
“Okay,” she replied, sounding relieved. “Good luck out here, I’ll be in the back tagging the new arrivals.”
“Some people are lucky.”
She sighed and turned the page. Sipped on her tea. It was getting cold. Sipped on it again. She just had to play it cool. She was a professional. The guy had been okay to her.
She just hoped he would come soon, because she wasn’t so sure she could drown her nerves in tea anymore.
It was okay.
Everything was surprisingly okay.
The pirate, the day, the lunch she had at the café around the corner – waitress said the guy even tipped – but yes, everything had gone fine.
Alex didn’t move a lot from the lower floor because she often had to come and go from the front desk to the archive, but she made escapades upstairs to make sure everything was still standing.
She had seen the pirate sitting next to a window in the medicine section reading one of those thick tomes that looked very interesting but made her dizzy because she suffered from having a very graphic imagination.
Her coworkers, who roamed up there more often than her, gave her periodic reports, and one of them remarked that he was kind of hot, didn’t she agree?
No, she did not. The radiator was hot. The kettle was hot. The adjective could hardly be applied to a man unless he was on fire.
Though perhaps he was not a human man, because he had spent all day long sitting in the same position, staring at that book. She had to admire that attention span, if nothing else. She was pretty short on that, lately.
And so, having avoided any type of incident during a day in which she was very tense for no reason after all, it came time to close shop.
The pirate was still there.
Her coworkers were, very conveniently, not. She was sure it had nothing to do with the fact that someone had to remind the wanted man that it was late and he had to go.
As much as she wanted to go home and have dinner, the temptation to stay in her post so she didn’t have to interact with a criminal that hacked his victims to pieces was strong, and no one could blame her for it.
But then he appeared.
The massive door in front of her began to open, and Alex thought it was one of her treacherous coworkers returning to pick up something until a head peeked inside the hall.
“Hi?” The newcomer said shyly.
Alex wasn’t sure if the gross amounts of tea she drank every day had finally caught up to her and were making her hallucinate, because she was seeing a polar bear’s face.
“Hi?” She replied, to busy processing what was in front of her to come up with words of her own.
It seemed that that was enough for the bear, because it – no, not it, he? She? How deep was a female bear’s voice anyway? – pushed the door open some more, becoming more visible. A bright orange jumpsuit was not what she was expecting, but the smiley face on its chest and the sight of the sword the pirate had been carrying that morning didn’t leave a lot of room for imagination.
The creature in front of her eyes was a bear walking on two legs. A pirate polar bear. Probably a boy, with that size. Was he a mink? She had never seen one so up close.
“I’m looking for my captain,” he said, clutching the sword against his body. “Is he around?”
Words decided to come back to her, although in a rather clumsy manner. “Oh. Yes. Yes, I think so. He should be upstairs, reading.”
The bear smiled and she melted at the sight. “Can you… tell him to come?”
“Sure,” she said, sealing her fate. She had to face it sooner than later, she thought as she rose from her seat. The bear was still half-hidden by the door, his boots barely touching the tiles of the library. Curious. Was he that shy? “Why don’t you step inside?”
“I thought you can’t enter the library with weapons.”
His reasoning hit her in the solar plexus with the force of a herd of rainbow ponies. “Right,” she breathed out, wondering how something in the planet had managed to be so big and cute at once. “You’re absolutely right. I’ll go get your captain.”
“Thank you!”
Alex walked as fast as she could towards the stairs until she was out of sight and covered her face to keep her reaction under control. So. Goddamn. Cute. Was that how those pirates lived? Trying not to squeal whenever the resident polar bear was being sweet?
Steeling herself, she walked up the remaining steps, hoping the captain had somehow vanished while she wasn’t looking.
No such luck.
She stepped a little more forcefully than necessary as she approached him from behind a shelf, always staying at a safe distance, to try to catch his attention, but he didn’t move.
(The annoying voice in her head told her that the only safe distance from that man was a sea away.)
Could he have been asleep? That would have explained things. What was his name again?
“Mr. Trafalgar?” She tried. She wasn’t sure if she should have made known that she knew who he was, but the deed was done. He looked up. “It’s about time to close and… there’s a polar bear looking for you in the reception hall.”
“Bepo’s here?” He looked in confusion at her, and then at the window. It was dark outside. “I hadn’t noticed it had gotten so late. Eight, right?”
He stretched in the chair. Between the movement and the spotted hat and jeans, he reminded her of an overgrown leopard.
“Almost,” she offered.
He glanced at the book, frowning. Granted, his face seemed to be stuck in a perpetual frown and he didn’t sound angry. “Do you have the same hours tomorrow?”
“Oh, no, we don’t open on Sundays,” she replied, wondering if this was the exact point where the conversation would go downhill. She attempted to make it better. “But you can come on Monday if you want to keep reading.”
He grimaced, this time for real. “Can’t do. We leave on Monday morning.”
“Oh.” A quick stop, then. It was a thing that happened often. The recording time for the Log Pose was less than a day in Harlun. “Well, we could make some photocopies, but…” The book was way too long for that, and he seemed to be about halfway through.
“Can I take it out tonight and give it back to you sometime tomorrow?”
She appreciated wholeheartedly that he wasn’t getting mad at her, but the thought of the book going out of the library like that made all her alarms go off. “Not without a library card.” Which was only for residents, obviously.
She braced for retaliation, but it never came.
The pirate looked kind of conflicted. She didn’t know what was so interesting about the book that he couldn’t find it in another island, and she didn’t need to know the options that were crossing his mind to realize that she probably wouldn’t like them.
Since idiots had to find ways to console themselves, she would tell herself during the following hours that the only reason she made a tremendously stupid offer was to avoid the much worse alternatives.
“I’ll actually be working here tomorrow. The library is closed, but if you’re really that interested, I can let you in.”
Or maybe she was a fucking bleeding heart who couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make someone’s day better for free. But ironically, at what price.
She recognized the emotions on his face. First surprise, then suspicion. “Why would you?”
Because she really was that stupid, she wanted to say. “You’re a doctor, right? I don’t want a dead patient on my conscience because you couldn’t finish a book you needed. Anyway… you’re free to come tomorrow.”
And she left him there, quickly making her way down to retrieve her stuff. The bear had come inside, at last, and he looked up from the documents on Alex’s desk. She would have been surprised if he could read that handwriting.
“He’s coming,” she said with a small smile, but she didn’t know if it showed. She had, on occasion, been asked why she was angry when she tried to smile. “I’m going to pick up my things inside.”
He looked pleased, though. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
She went into the back room, taking extra long on purpose until she heard movement outside and the sound of the door closing. By the time she found the courage to crawl out of her hole, the pirates were nowhere to be seen.
She left a note in her desk’s drawer, just in case, saying that if she disappeared under mysterious circumstances, Trafalgar Law was to blame. She had thought about phoning a coworker to alert her, but she wasn’t supposed to let anybody in on Sundays, much less a wanted man, and she didn’t want to risk this incident reaching the ears of the mayor.
For the first time in years, her stomach couldn’t handle the tea and she had to throw most of her cup down the drain. Damn nerves. Her hands were acting up more than usual, to the point where the warmth of the thermos wasn’t doing a lot to soothe the pain. She would have worried about that if it weren’t because of more pressing matters.
Even earlier than the day before, he was already waiting for her at the door when she arrived.
Alex would admit without missing a beat that she had been an idiot for offering – never mind the very real possibility that the guy could have broken in to retrieve the book and left damages the library couldn’t afford to repair – but he was either equally dumb or exceedingly confident for having shown up. Alone. Alex could have called the Marines, for all he knew.
She didn’t miss the sword he was carrying, this time around.
She put two and two together then. Of course. He had appeared before the hour to check that the surroundings were safe.
“I didn’t expect you to actually show up,” he said as a greeting, and she reached for the key in her pocket. His tone was impressed with a good dash of mockery. “Do you know who I am?”
He already knew the answer, since she had called him by name the day before. With only two sentences, he demolished most of the halfway positive impression he had made the day before, and Alex, already predisposed to think he was a dick, decided he was exactly that.
She was tired and anxious, so she couldn’t muster up any facial expression as she said, “Should I care?” Upon noticing that had sounded even worse than she meant to, she added in a hurry, “I mean, what’s the point of asking that? Do you want me to turn around and leave the door locked?”
He didn’t seem to take it badly, thank the heavens. He looked a bit amused, in fact. “I don’t need you to unlock a door.”
“I’m well aware,” she replied in a monotone. “I appreciate you had the courtesy of waiting.” The budget was tight and changing the lock would have been a royal waste of money.
She opened the door and went in first to turn on the lights. He closed the door after going in, and she would have usually locked it again, but she really did not want to be stuck alone inside of a building with a stranger, even if the state of the lock wouldn’t make much of a difference.
“I’ll be working downstairs.” She pointed to an old, reinforced door on the wall behind the front desk. “Give me a heads up when you’re done.”
That sword was making her unnecessarily jumpy. He didn’t need to have it with him.
“Alright,” he said, glancing at the staircase to the second floor, and then he must have noticed that she was giving the sword the stink eye, because he tapped it against his shoulder and smirked. “Got a problem?”
Yeah, one about two meters tall. “None as long as you don’t use it.”
“As long as you don’t give me a reason to.”
She wanted to say a lot of things. That they were alone, that he was kind of a dick, that yes, she was as dumb as he was thinking, and to please leave her alone until he was done and only then appear to say goodbye and thank you.
Instead, she picked up a folder from her desk drawer and a lantern from the wall and left it at, “Enjoy your reading.”
He took the hint and left, and so did she.
The door to the archive closed behind her with a heavy thud, and she lit the lantern.
It was a fire hazard in a library, but it was inevitable, because the basement didn’t have electricity. After many years of pressuring the city hall for a budget increase, the council had seen fit to make renovations and extend the electrical installation to the basement. She just had to keep herself from setting the archive on fire for a couple months and the risk would be no more.
She went to the farthest area from the entrance and set the lantern on an ancient wood table. The basement was pure grey stone from floor to ceiling, making it permanently cold. She hadn’t bothered to take off her coat and scarf, but the gloves had had to go and she wasn’t happy about it. She had icicles for hands as every winter, and this year they had begun to hurt earlier than usual.
Alex had decided to put in some overtime that week because she was researching a family tree that a cousin of the mayor, a pretentious git that paid very well, had commissioned. Something about proving a blood relation to a noble family from a nearby island to have a claim to somebody else’s lands. Alex didn’t care. She had been trained for this thing, a job was a job, and she was going to do it to the best of her ability. Even if she had absolutely loathed genealogy back when she was still a student.
She didn’t think her employer would be too happy with her findings, though, because so far she’d only found a mess of marriages that didn’t bring her any closer to the neighboring island. She even found some records of a family branch that had one of those pesky Ds in the name and then disappeared from record. She supposed they just left the kingdom. She had noticed that every D. that rose to prominence was an outright weirdo, and she wasn’t sure if it was just confirmation bias because boring people didn’t make the news, but damn it they didn’t seem to crop up in the most outlandish incidents. There was the infamous Monkey D. Dragon, his father Garp, who she had seen a couple of times in person and seemed frankly overbearing, the guys in Whitebeard’s crew… And the biggest weirdo of all, of course: the King of Pirates. She’d heard from an acquaintance funny stories of him to last her a lifetime. A lot of the mystique around his figure was lost, but that was one of the things that made history interesting, in her opinion.
Sitting down on the floor to open the cabinet on the lower part of a bookcase, she took a look at the bundles of papers there. It was a seriously old part of the archive, housing documents from six hundred years back, but thanks to the cold and darkness, they had stood fairly well against the tide of time.
She reached inside and pulled out the dozen of tomes at the forefront to make sure noting was trapped behind. That part of the archive had been catalogued way before Alex’s time, after all, and not every archivist had been as careful as they should have. She had learned that the hard way, finding folders that didn’t match the catalog and misplaced pages centuries into the future. Whenever that happened, she passed the mess to her coworkers, the actual archivists, who had a tendency to curse her incessantly until they fixed the issue, but it was all in good humor.
Very carefully, she took the lantern and approached it to the cabinet. She looked inside and stared at the darkness. In fact, she had to stare for a very long while before realizing that she wasn’t looking at the back of the cabinet or even the wall.
There was an empty space there.
A secret compartment?
Work forgotten, she had a good minute of doubt, sitting on the floor. She was severely allergic to dust mites and exploring further was a health hazard. There could be spiders or rats or fungi or lethal mold. She could wait until the next day and ask a coworker to check it out in her stead.
But the temptation. There was only so much willpower she could exert in less than twenty-four hours until she ran out.
Please let it not be rats or fungi, she thought as she peeled off her coat and scarf to avoid getting them dusty, and dived in.
It had been eleven years since he had any anything to remember his parents by other than the bitter memories of how Flevance had gone up in flames.
If someone accused Law of dwelling too much in the past, he would have denied it with full knowledge that he was a liar. But there was a hint of truth in that, and that was that he didn’t think of his dead family often. It was another particular piece of past that haunted him.
There was nothing left of Flevance but ashes and ruin. He knew it well, and that was why he avoided revisiting those times.
And yet.
He closed the book he had just finished, running a finger over the cover. He remembered the nights his parents spent locked in their study, writing the results of their investigations in order to share their knowledge, hoping that a cure could be found in time.
He had spent the last two days reading every word in their voices, surprising himself when he could still recognize in the wording which parts had written who.
He’d been thinking from the moment he’d found the book, the first time in over a decade he had found a copy of it anywhere, that he’d have to let it go, but he wasn’t willing to. He had considered offering to buy it from the librarian, but given she hadn’t even let him take it out the day before, he had a feeling that she would refuse. She was understandably wary of him.
Well, he was already going to hell, so proving her suspicions right wouldn’t make a difference.
He slipped the book inside his coat and went downstairs to find her. He’d at least say thank you before she could find out what he had done. He was mildly curious about her reaction, but he’d make sure to miss that.
He opened the door to the place where she’d said she’d be to be greeted by darkness and a faint light, and he immediately tumbled down half a set of stairs when he set a foot down and only found air.
Cursing under his breath, he fought against the urge to leave unannounced and, going against popular advice, he followed the light at the end of the tunnel. It got increasingly brighter the more he advanced, passing bookcase after bookcase. The way they were set made the basement somewhat labyrinthine, and he was unsure he’d be able to find his way upstairs again if he had to follow the same path he was taking.
And right as he reached the source of light… it disappeared. Briefly. As did half of the librarian’s body inside of a low cabinet in which there was no human way an adult’s torso could fit.
How interesting.
He cleared his throat, and she visibly jumped, hitting her head with a resounding plunk and an ow. She pulled out of the cabinet, looking pretty embarrassed when she faced him.
“Um, oh—Are you heading out?”
“That was the plan.”
“Okay, then,” she said like nothing had happened. Her hair, brown and chin-length, was covered in dust bunnies, as was her sweater. She took off her glasses to clean them with her clothes, revealing a set of dark circles under her eyes that could rival his. When she noticed she couldn’t wipe anything with what she had available, she discarded the glasses on top of a nearby table. “The door’s open, so—”
“What’s in there?” He asked.
“Oh, nothing important,” she said calmly, and rubbed her nose with the back of a hand. “Just old registries.”
She watched her watch him. She wasn’t budging under his stare, but Law could detect lies from miles away. Also dust allergies. He hoped she was getting medicated for those, because this town was supposed to be a quick, relaxing stop, and he wasn’t in the mood to get the corpse of a librarian added to his list of crimes. “Inside the wall?”
“I guess someone saw fit to build a compartment in the cabinet?”
“A compartment where an adult and a lamp can disappear into?”
She spread her arms, as if to make a point. “I’m fairly small.”
“Don’t you say.”
Her expression went from neutral to mildly annoyed as she dropped her arms and the pretense altogether. “You really don’t have anything better to do in town?”
The question would have been fair had there been anything out there other than mud and the tavern his men had occupied since the day they arrived. “Any suggestions?”
She conceded the point. “No, not really.” With a sigh, she nudged her head towards the cabinet. “There’s no wall. I think there’s a hidden room in there. Too wide for a passage.”
“Is this something common in libraries?”
“No, but it is with old buildings, to an extent. And these shelves may be old, but they sure as hell aren’t as ancient as the basement.” She knocked on the wood. “Someone hid that room when this basement was repurposed as an archive.”
Consider his curiosity officially piqued. “Any idea of what’s inside?”
“I was about to find out.”
“You want to check it out?” She sounded confused and like she didn’t want to hear the answer to that question.
Too bad he wasn’t feeling charitable. “Sure. You never know where a treasure may be hiding.”
If she had been tense until then, at that moment she looked ready to shove him out with her own hands. “Any objects that may be in there could be historical artifacts and need to be treated as such.”
“And are you going to stop me if I decide to take something?”
Her frown deepened, but there was little else she could do. She had to know that, even if he left just so they wouldn’t have to put up with each other any longer, he could come back any time he wanted, key or not.
There wasn’t as much bite in her voice when she relented. “Be my guest,” she said, offering him the lamp and gesturing towards the cabinet.
“Ladies first,” he replied, which didn’t win him any points, going by her huff, but she didn’t waste more time arguing and headed inside.
And then he was left without any light on his side.
“Well?” She asked, sounding a bit nervous.
“Are you in a hurry?” He said, feeling his way down the cabinet until he found the opening. There. He saw a faint light on the other side.
“Do you enjoy making people uncomfortable?”
“It’s a job perk, so might as—” Thud. His hat fell off his head and rolled to the other side. “—well.”
“…Did you hit your head?”
“No,” he lied, crawling out of the cabinet and picking up his hat.
“That’s why I tried to give you the lamp,” she said with obvious satisfaction, ignoring his reply, and holding the lamp higher to cover as much terrain as possible with the light. “The floor and walls look the same as outside. This is an extension of the basement, built at the same time as the rest of it, by the looks of it.”
“Why do you think someone would block the entrance?”
“To hide something or someone, so there’s a good chance there’s going to be a corpse instead of treasure. In fact, I hope it’s a corpse,” she sentenced.
“You have strange hobbies.”
“You wouldn’t try to steal a corpse. At least I’d avoid a pointless argument.”
Well, that depended on its state. He was bored, and it couldn’t hurt to take a body part back for closer inspection.
“…You wouldn’t, right?”
“Technically, it wouldn't be anyone's property.”
“Just saying, you have no right to judge anybody else’s hobbies. Hm?” She walked forward a few steps, and the light revealed something square standing in the middle of the room.
“Doesn’t look like your corpse,” he said.
“Doesn’t look like your treasure, either,” she replied, but she seemed to tune him out as she approached the object, and by the time she was standing in front of it, her eyes were wide open and her mouth fell a little bit.
Law waited for her to say something, but she was too caught up inspecting the thing. He took a few steps forwards and saw a perfect stone cube with etched inscriptions that covered one of its sides completely, and whatever it was, the librarian must found it fascinating. She was running her free hand over the symbols, leaving trails in the dust, and looking at them so up close that she may as well have been head-butting the stone. He was fairly sure that he had forgotten he was there. And that had to mean something, since she had made clear that she didn’t want him there.
“What is it?” He asked. There wasn’t anything interesting to him about that stone, and the fact that she had the lamp he had refused to take just to be a smartass meant that he couldn’t inspect the rest of the room while she did her thing.
She wasn’t brought out of her reverie right away. When she finally spoke, she took a couple of steps back to look at the entirety of the cube. “It’s a Poneglyph. It makes no sense, but it has to be.”
That didn’t answer anything. “And what’s that supposed to be?”
“A Poneglyph’s a… a record of sorts. There’s an indeterminate number scattered across the world, and they contain… well. Historical records.”
“So something that makes sense to have it in an archive.”
“Well, yes, but no. Poneglyphs contain forbidden knowledge.” Her stare could bore a hole in the stone if she kept it up. “You know the Void Century? Have you heard about the tragedy of Ohara?”
“On passing.” He recalled the news about the Tree of Knowledge burning and the scientists being declared enemies of the World Government. “One of the people involved has joined a pirate crew recently, hasn’t she? Devil Child, they call her.”
“Do they?” It seemed to come as entirely new information for her, and that made her look at him, at last. Without the glasses and under the light of the lamp’s flame, her eyes looked yellow. “I don’t pay that much attention to pirate news. No one ever comes here.” The question of why was he there was left unspoken, and thus unanswered. “Anyway. They are the only remaining records of the Void Century, and its study is prohibited by the World Government. Rumor goes that Ohara’s experts were working on them.”
“World Government covering up stuff then. Nothing new.”
“Indeed.” She switched the lamp to her other hand and glanced back at the Poneglyph. “I wonder why there’s one here. They are supposed to be extremely hard to find.”
“What does it say?”
“I don’t know. Nobody can read them. Maybe the people of Ohara could have, but…” She shrugged. “We’re twenty years late.”
She stared pensively at the Poneglyph, the lines of frustration etched on her face showing more emotion than anything he’d seen so far from her. Then, unexpectedly, she offered the lamp to him. “You want to take a look around, right?”
Their hands brushed for a moment when he took it by the handle, and she turned again towards the stone and crossed her arms.
He was still curious.
“What are you going to do?” He asked.
“Hm? About what?”
“What do you think?”
“The Poneglyph? Did you not hear what I said? Its study is prohibited.” He tone became despondent. “And… the city hall is going to know it’s here in a few months.”
“Renovations. We’re supposed to get electricity in the basement. Lamps are a fire hazard.”
“So it’s your only chance. Could you decipher it?”
“With years of work and research, maybe. But that’s—nah, no way, they reduced an island to bits because of this. It’s not worth the risk. I couldn’t do it anyway.”
“Sounds to me like you’re just making excuses, but what do I know? I’m just a pirate.”
And he started walking around the perimeter of the chamber, in hopes of finding something. After a few minutes of continuous disappointment, the librarian spoke up, and she sounded oddly polite.
“Could you wait here a moment? I want to pick up some material from outside.”
It was his turn to be suspicious. “Won’t you need the light?”
“No, I can navigate this place in the dark. I’ll be right back.”
He supposed that this was too convoluted to be a trap, but he felt kind of naked having left Kikoku in the archive. He didn’t feel uncomfortable for long, though, because true to word, about a minute later and after bonking her head on the way back in, she reappeared in the room with large sheets of paper and several other packs that she stacked up in front of the stone.
“Is that carbon paper?” He asked as he approached her. He hadn’t found anything else in the room, but damn if the library’s resident gremlin wasn’t a welcome entertainment.
“That’s right.” And she climbed on top of the unstable pile of papers and started to smooth the carbon paper over the stone. “I’ll transcribe it back home.”
This was a turn of events he hadn’t seen coming. “What happened to ‘it’s forbidden?’”
“All the good things in life are unhealthy for you.” With one hand, she pulled out a roll of adhesive tape and cut a few pieces with her teeth to stick the carbon paper to the Poneglyph. “Besides, fuck the government.”
Law couldn’t help but smirk at that. “A commendable sentiment.”
“Why, thank you!” She beamed at him, whether sarcastically or not, it was hard to tell. With considerable effort, she kept sticking pieces of carbon paper to the surface. He guessed the plan was to cover it entirely.
“Do you need help?”
“Are you offering?”
For someone who had been so wary of him a few hours earlier, she was a bit of a smartass, herself.
“Good question.”
He thought he heard her snort, but he couldn’t tell if it was because she was annoyed or amused. Probably the former.
“That stack of papers looks very unstable,” he commented.
“Yes, thanks for mentioning it.”
“You aren’t tall enough to reach the corner of the Poneglyph.”
Silence, resignation, and the telltale look of someone who was looking at an infestation beyond the capabilities of pest control. “I don’t suppose you would help me?”
“If you asked nicely.”
She looked at him with a strange face, one that indicated many thoughts and the inability to pick a single one and answer accordingly.
“No?” He tried.
Her eyes narrowed as she motioned to one of the papers. “Can you hold this up for me, please?”
His reply, however, was immediate. “I’ll think about it.”
She sighed, determined to ignore him, and returned to her work like she hadn’t expected anything from him at all, which he thought was a great attitude to have. But again, because he didn’t particularly care to see her slip and crack her head against the stone tiles, he did the tremendous effort of lifting up an arm to hold the paper in place.
She paused to look at him. Stone-faced as she was, it was hard to tell if there was any surprise in there or just mere curiosity, but she smiled a little when she said, “Look at you. Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way.”
He let go of the paper, but since she didn’t stop chuckling to herself, he nudged the stack under her feet to remind her who was in control here.
Alex said goodbye to the pirate that had managed to surpass her admittedly low expectations, but not before filing him under the pain in the ass category. Her classification system stood the test of reality so far.
Relieved at being alone again, she locked the door, did a few stretches, and decided that she’d had a lot of emotions that day and deserved another cup of tea.
One hurdle overcome. The pirate had seemed a way bigger problem before she’d found a fucking Poneglyph in the basement. Now she had no clue what to do with the new one.
It didn’t take her long to realize that she was fucked, no matter how she looked at it.
She felt oddly calm about it at that moment. She supposed it had something to do with the shock of the discovery and that the danger was still nebulous, if certain.
She sipped on her tea.
She was the only person that ventured regularly into that art of the archive, but alerting about the discovery herself was out of the question. If they knew she knew, they’d probably make her not know anything anymore.
The problem was that the construction workers would surely find the door, and now that she and Trafalgar had been walking around the room, there was obvious tampering. Cleaning the dust would get rid of the footprints and marks on the Poneglyph, but the lack of dust would be as suspicious as the sets of footprints.
The next gulp of tea scorched her throat.
So, only two options remained: stay, wait patiently and leave up to chance whether an accident happened to her, and probably the whole library with its workers, or quit her job, take a boat somewhere else and drop off the radar. The first one wasn’t worth the risk.
Two things to take into account with the remaining option: anybody with half a brain could suspect that her sudden departure had something to do with the Poneglyph, and in that case, all suspicions would fall on her. The plus side was that her coworkers would probably be spared.
What to do? It was a long way to her hometown. She could settle back there if she was spared from the government’s suspicions. If not…
Well. There was Sabaody.
Which was stupid for several reasons, the main one being that it was on Marineford’s and Mary Geoise’s doorsteps.
The ache in her hands felt especially acute, even through the heat radiating from the cup.
It would come down to luck, no matter what she did. Maybe she was overthinking the situation and nothing would happen. Workers would move the Poneglyph in the middle of the night, or seal it away while no one was looking, and that would be the end of it.
But assuming a best case scenario would most likely spell death in this situation, and she’d like to avoid that. She may not have had a super interesting life, but she was quite fond of having it.
Reality started to sink in then. Oh, god. She had to make a run for it, didn’t she?
She left the cup aside on her desk and started pacing around and up the stairs to burn energy. She could tell the city hall that a family member was ill and she needed to go back home. That would be sensible, but all the paperwork and finding a replacement for her would take weeks. At least one month would go by before she could leave the island without raising suspicions. Being able to cross the Red Line depended entirely on travel time and the wait for permissions to traverse the Holy Land, both of which would take money she didn’t have. She could probably cover the expenses to get to the Red Line, but not the rest of the way.
She’d need to pick up a quick job in between to replenish her wallet, then.
Why couldn’t she go work to a normal library? Why had this happened to her?
She hurried towards the medical section to put the book back in its place, and when she didn’t find it in the cart, she went to check the desks. All empty. Maybe he had put it back in place?
But all there was where the book should have been was an empty space, and a nervous heat started to rise to Alex’s cheeks as she realized that she had been duped and the son of a bitch had stolen her book after she’d had the generosity to open the door for him on a Sunday so he didn’t have to break and enter.
She was too full of anxious energy, with all that had happened, to sit still and fume silently. She’d never been prone to resignation where there were still options left to try, and if what her near future held for her was a one way trip to Impel Down, getting murdered by a pirate wasn’t the worst that could happen.
Harlun wasn’t big, and it was muddy outside. Very much so. Enough that Alex picked up her belongings, went outside, and, for once, was grateful that the roads were made of dirt and not pavement.
She hurried through the private plaza, carrying her bag on her shoulder, boots stomping on the cobblestones until she reached the road and saw a recent pair of shoe imprints that headed down the street.
With her black coat open and billowing in the wind, she went on Trafalgar Law’s pursue and, to her relief, his trail didn’t lead to the port, but rather to the tavern where every single sailor that stopped in Harlun seemed to spend their days in. Not like they had much of a choice.
A friendly face saluted her from behind the counter as she crossed the door. “Long time no see, A—”
“HiAl,” she said to the bartender so fast that she wasn’t sure if the words came out properly, but she didn’t care, because the bastard she was looking for was sitting on a barstool right in front of her. She couldn’t interpret the look on his face, but what she could tell for sure was that she wanted to deck him in it. “You,” she said, accusatory.
He smirked, and her irritation only grew. “What a coincidence. Here for a drink?”
She inhaled deeply, angrily, walked up to him and dropped her bag on the nearest barstool. Damn, he was tall, and so was his seat. Even sitting down, he towered above her. Not that it mattered, because most people tended to be taller than Alex, so this didn’t register as an intimidating factor. “You know what I’m here for.”
“I’m afraid not.”
“You stole my book.”
“Your book?”
She had come here to embarrass herself, hadn’t she? Too late to turn back now. “The library’s book.”
“What makes you think I did?”
Oh, he was insufferable.
“Do you take me for an idiot?” She retorted. “You’re the only person who could have taken it.”
“How so? The library’s closed today.”
Alex’s mouth fell a little bit open at Law’s flippant answer under the curious gaze of Al. “Really?” She said, unimpressed. “I can’t make you return it even if I try, and that’s how you’re going to play it?”
He wore a self-satisfied smile, and he wasn’t even looking at her. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She considered what to say for a few seconds. “Okay,” was the best she could do. She didn’t know why she felt so disappointed. It wasn’t like she had expected anything good from him, from the start. He was right if he thought she was an idiot. “Serves me right for trying to help,” she said, yanking on her bag to retrieve it and turning around without facing him. “Bye, Al.”
Being taken advantage of was the worst feeling.
She hadn’t taken a second step away from him when a hand grabbed her by her left arm and pulled her back.
“Wait,” she heard Trafalgar say. When she turned around, he wasn’t smirking anymore. “What’s the name of the book?”
“You know the name,” she said irritated, confused, and offended that he was invading her personal bubble.
“Do you?”
“Effects of heavy metal poisoning on the cardiovascular system, I think?” She said, punctuating the sentence with a tired sigh. “Do you need the reference too?”
“No. The authors.”
“Are you getting at something or are you just laughing at me?”
He let go of her to search for something in the coat he had discarded on the barstool to his other side. The book she was looking for. He held it up for her, but didn’t offer it, and Alex didn’t try to take it by surprise because there’s no point in stealing when you can’t make a swift escape with the loot.
She looked at the names written below the title. “Doctor…” She muttered, and then she read the surname, and the surname below it, and she blinked a couple of times before redirecting her attention to Law. “You aren’t old enough to have written this book.”
It said Trafalgar. Twice. Family? Was this a con? Did he come from a line of doctors?
“A parent?” No, there were two. “Parents?”
Alex’s indignation and disappointment fizzled against her will. He was a thief, he’d taken advantage of her good will and was waving the prize in front of her face, she should’ve been furious!
And yet, she had to be a bleeding heart again. “And I don’t suppose you can ask them or the printing press for another copy?”
His response wasn’t immediate, but when he gave one, it was silent. He opened the book from the back, and showed her the words printed behind the back cover:
Printed in Flevance.
That was a resounding no if there ever was one. But did that also mean…? No, he couldn’t have anything to do with that incident, there wasn’t anybody left from Flevance. Perhaps his parents had been working there when war broke out. It was safe to assume that the son of two doctors wouldn’t become a famous pirate if he still had a family to fall back onto. This was a huge can of worms that she had no intentions of opening, though.
“If you’re a liar, you’re a very convincing one,” she admitted. She couldn’t even get rightfully enraged without the universe throwing her a curveball, huh? “All right, keep it. Not that you need my permission.”
With a satisfied smile, he put away the book. “Will you get in trouble?”
“Why do you—” She cut herself short. Not worth asking. “No, I’ll blame you if anybody notices,” she replied. “Al—”
“Not a word.”
“Thank you.” She nodded, and then looked at the pirate once again. “Well, Mr. Trafalgar, it’s been…” Not exactly a pleasure. “Interesting.”
A short laugh escaped him. She had to wonder if it was the alcohol what had him in such high spirits. “Leaving so soon?”
“What, you steal from my workplace and want me to stay for the party?” She asked with incredulity.
“Is it theft if you’re allowing it, though?”
The gall of this dude. “No, thank—”
Suddenly, a red haired man wearing sunglasses indoors and a white jumpsuit entered the scene, putting an arm around Law’s shoulders. “Hey, Captain! Who’s the girl?”
“A librarian,” she offered. “Just a librarian.”
“Oooh, the librarian!”
“Penguin, come here! It’s the librarian!”
His friend, who wore a cap with the word ‘penguin’ on it that concealed his eyes, but otherwise was dressed exactly like him, walked up to them, “Nice to meet ya!” He wave at her. “You’ve got guts!”
She sensed her chance to make a swift exit was gone. “I think I’m a little lost.”
“Captain said you opened the library just for him.”
“Oh. That.” She was still regretting that. She should have never woken up. Sundays were meant for sleeping. “That’s not guts, it’s being a dumbass.”
The two men laughed, and the first said, “Aren’t they the same?”
She tilted her head, conceding the point. The tilt of their voices was similar to the captain’s, she noticed. Northerners, too. She felt small thinking that they had travelled from practically the opposite side of the world until she remembered she had done the same. The difference was that she had managed to make it boring.
“So what brings you here?” Penguin asked. “Come for a drink after work?”
“No, not really, I was just about to—”
“Come on, have a drink with us!”
“Um, I should really—”
“You live here for long?” The redhead intervened. “I wanna hear about this town. Is it as boring as it looks? Because we’ve been trying to find something to do since we got here.”
“There has to be something.”
Alex smiled a little despite herself, feeling their plight until she remembered the Poneglyph in the archive. “There’s nothing at all.” She turned her head to look at the tables for a moment, hopefully find an excuse to escape. As expected, she saw about a dozen people dressed in the same kind of uniform as those two, but she did a double take when she saw someone clad in orange.
There was the polar bear again, toasting with his friends.
“Is he a mink?” He asked the guys, who grinned at her. She saw Law hide a smile behind his glass before returning his attention to the bear.
He was laughing as he lifted a companion from a chair one handed. Everyone looked so… happy.
“Woah!” Penguin exclaimed. “Second person—”
“Right, third – third person who’s realized what he is since coming to the Grand Line!”
Not surprising. She had never seen any so far from the Red Line. “Is he part of your crew?”
“Yeah, Bepo’s our friend.”
“And our navigator,” Law added.
Aw. Oh, she was getting soft with age.
“Wait here,” said the redhead, “we’ll introduce you!”
“Oh, no need, we already—”
But the two were gone before she could finish her excuse and leave. She supposed there wasn’t any harm in staying a while. She had already demolished her life in a matter of hours, and she didn’t see how this could make it worse. They seemed friendly people, even if their captain was kind of an ass.
“I never thought I’d see the day,” she said quietly, more to herself than anybody else.
Law replied, though. “There aren’t many of them around.”
“No, I’ve seen minks before. I meant a free one.”
Law regarded her with a brand interest that she hadn’t received from him yet. “Are you talking about slaves?”
“You’re headed to the Sabaody Archipelago, right?”
“Be careful. Minks aren’t safe there.”
He snorted. “I assure you Bepo can take care of himself.”
Raising her eyebrows at her dismissal, “Don’t underestimate what those people are willing to do to get their hands on a novelty slave.”
“How do you know? Have you been there?”
For longer than she had ever expected to. “Some time ago,” she replied noncommittally. “And it’s dangerous enough for boring people with the kidnapping crews, the human auction, the Celestial Dragons and the Marines so close. You already stand out, but your friend? Keep an eye on him.”
He sounded disgruntled when he said, “You don’t need to tell me,” but it sounded as close to a concession as she thought she was going to get from him.
“Coffee?” Al interrupted to offer one to her. He already had a press in hand.
“Sure,” she said, giving in. She wasn’t going anywhere soon, it seemed, so she climbed on a barstool. “How did you even meet him?” She asked Law, who seemed amused by her interest in his friend. “Don’t they live in the New World?”
“North Blue. We met eleven years ago.”
That was about the last answer she expected. “He’s been with you all along? Wow.”
She felt kind of jealous. She didn’t have any friends from when she was a child. She knew people, sure. A lot of people. Some she liked, many she’d rather not have met at all. A couple of true friends here and there, but no one close by. As much as she enjoyed being alone, and she couldn’t recall a moment in her life she’d felt lonely, she had to wonder how it was like to have such good friends around all the time. It sounded exhausting and fun.
“Yeah,” he agreed, though she hadn’t expected him to, and the admission made her smile a little. “My thoughts exactly.”
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lemonjoonah · 5 years
The Shoulder on Which You Cry (M)
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Pairings: Jungkook x Reader, Namjoon x Reader, Mention of Yoongi x Reader Word Count: 11K Rating: M Genre: Romance, Drama, Hometown AU, Fluff, Angst Warnings: Drinking, Smut Scenes (Unprotected Sex, Fingering, Slight Amount of Thigh Riding) 
Summary: After moving away from your hometown five years ago, you’ve struggled on every return. Each trip back being made out of haste due to an unfortunate event in your life. Namjoon has always been there to help you through those moments. But when he can’t be there to support you during your current trip home, Jungkook offers to stay by your side and be the comfort you need. 
A/N: Definitely not the typically genre I write in but I thought I would give it a shot, I would love to hear your feedback! I came up this story after listening to Intro: Persona for the first time (it’s been in my head for a couple months now), using the line, ‘I just wanna give you all the shoulders when you cry,’ as my inspiration.
“Fuck,” you mutter repeatedly as you grip the narrow armrest next to you. The women sitting beside you throws you a disgruntled look, prompting you to whisper an apology as turbulence continues to rattle the plane.
Flying is by no means your favourite pastime. You knew that it would become an issue when you moved away. You’re almost thankful that your career goals have kept you chained to your desk instead of enduring this torture on a more frequent basis. Now your trips home have become few and far between, returning only when it was absolutely necessary. 
This place was once filled with such good memories holidays, birthdays, graduations. But now in the past five years it seems like you’ve only returned for unfortunate circumstances events like, the divorce of your parents, your father’s car accident, or the death of your grandmother. Leaving your hometown to become a grim retreat. You’ve come to fear this town and all that it represents, but there’s always been one bright spot in the form of Kim Namjoon.
You slowly shove the last box of your father’s into the back of the truck. That’s it, there’s nothing left between them, what’s his is his and what’s hers is hers. When you first heard the news you wondered what could have gone wrong, why did it have to escalate to this? If you had been home could you have seen the warning signs? Could you have urged them to seek help and work things out? 
Your father claps you on the back thanking you for your help before starting the engine and driving off. Leaving you alone in the driveway. Your mother had gone to stay with her sister while your father removed his belongings. You have no desire to reenter the empty house just yet, the emotions of the day are still too raw. At least in the yard with the warm breeze on your face and the cicadas buzzing your world feels a little more full. After the physical and mental toll of the move you take a rest in the shade of a tree, closing your eyes for just a moment. 
“You know most people find somewhere comfortable to nap. A bed, a chair, but no you prefer the ground outside.” Namjoon hovers over you with his soothing tone. 
“Most people didn’t spend the day lifting heavy boxes,” You groan back at him. “Who called you to say I was here?”
“Your mother.”
“Of course she did...”  It’s no secret, she’s had always tried to push you and Namjoon into a deeper relationship than your current friendship. She thought he would convince you to stay, that he might keep you here when you had made a new life elsewhere. Even now she hopes he will bring you back, and at times like this you worry that she might be right.
Namjoon sits down next to you on the grass, pulling the blades of greenery between his fingers. “Was that everything?”
“Yep, he is officially moved out.” You struggle to keep your tone even.
“And how are you doing with all of this?” He asks cautiously as if the question might inflict even greater pain. 
“Fine.” You mutter looking down at the ground
“Liar,” Namjoon scoffs back.
“What? It’s not like I’m the one getting divorced, why should it matter?” You retort your tone falling to a whisper as you reach the end of your rational.
“Because this affects you too. You’re allowed to be upset.”
“Not as much as it affects them.” You remain focused on the ground trying to fight the emotions he brings to the surface.
Namjoon lifts your chin to focus his sights on you and your reaction, “Really? You should tell that to the tears in your eyes.” He shifts closer to you under the tree letting your head rest on his shoulder and your tears fall upon his shirt.
Namjoon has always been there for you as a friend since you were young. Living just across the street for most of your life, helping you whether your problem be a skinned knee or a difficult test. Even as your feelings for your town grown dim, he refuses to give in, he is that one light which refuses to fade.
When your father had been hurt car wreck, Namjoon was by your side from the second your flight had landed.  He stayed at the hospital with you until visiting hours were over and then proceeded to make sure you got home safe. There were tears then too when you realized there was nothing you could do. But Namjoon didn’t shy away, he came in and held you close. 
You’ve lost count of how many shirts of his you’ve ruined with mascara. You haven’t been back for two years since your last trip, your grandmother's funeral. He had been the one to take you in then, with all of your family at your house there was little place for you to stay, so Namjoon graciously offered up his spare room. 
After the funeral you both take a seat on the sofa, the light of the day slowly fading outside. His house is beautiful and comfortable but it’s so large just for him, despite the warmth of the wooden furnishings it feels somewhat cold and empty. However for him this home is a step in the direction of the dream that he’s always told you of, the hope that one day he would have a family. One that he could grow with in this town that he loves. 
His arm crosses around your shoulders as a movie plays on the screen in front of you. You tuck into his chest and close your eyes when the strain becomes too much. 
His fingers comb through your hair with a soothing touch pulling the strands from you face. Its when his lips touch the top of you head you open your eyes to look up at him.
He looks down at you with a conflicted expression before closing the gap between you. His lips take yours in a desperate fashion. Your mind starts to swim with the possibilities of what could be. The clothes discarded on the floor of his bedroom. Your back pushed into the mattress as Namjoon hovers over you. His eyes meeting yours as he presses himself between your legs. 
You gasp at the thought encouraging him to pull you closer, his hands coming to rest on your cheek and lower back locking you in place on top of him. You can’t deny your feelings for him, those have always been very apparent and without question. The problem rests with the cost of staying together. The life you’ve created far away, the one you’ve worked so hard to build, it would all be gone. The thought of staying in this town has never held joy for you, and it’s only gotten worse as you’ve parted. As much as you want to stay with Namjoon, you can’t remain here. 
You push away from him. Trying to find a way to explain yourself, when Namjoon opens the discussion for you. “Ask me to go back with you.”
“W-what?” Your breath catches from the shock of his offer.
“Ask me to be with you and I will. I’ll leave this life behind and follow you.”
The selfish side of you is so overwhelmed, so eager to accept his proposal. Screaming at you to say the words he’s requesting of you. But you can’t do it, not with the man who’s always been so supportive of you.
“You’d never ask me to stay, please don’t expect me to ask that of you. It wouldn’t be right Namjoon, you wouldn’t be happy there, just like I wouldn’t be happy here.”
“Do you love me?” His crestfallen face begs the question of you, as if asking for a reason to discard his dream. 
The simple ‘yes’ rests on the tip of your tongue but you refuse to let it out. “You have to stay,” Your voice cracks but you hold firm, knowing you would never forgive yourself if you took this dream away from him. You know he’ll find someone who wants this life as much as he does.
As the airport comes into view below, you begin to dread the landing, and the arrival home. You’ll cry on this trip too there’s no doubt about it, but this time Namjoon won’t be able to offer his shoulder in comfort.
The customs agent leads with the question you dread most on every return. “What’s the reason for your visit?”
Your throat immediately tightens at the thought, you swallow before spitting out the words, “A wedding...”  
Namjoon’s wedding... he called you a month ago to issue the invitation. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, he had already bought your plane ticket and was sending you the information. He confessed that he had a favour to ask of you when he sees you, but you didn’t care at the time  the majority of what he said didn’t register with you after the words ‘I’m getting married’.
You knew he was dating someone but he didn’t go into details. That part of his life is rarely shared with you since the exchange after your grandmother's funeral. You should have been prepared for this, it’s what you wanted for him, you know that you did the right thing, but it still hurts so much. 
After a short taxi ride you check into the same hotel where the wedding is to take place. Choosing to stay alone rather than reside at your mother’s, where you would be barraged with her constant comments on how it should have been you standing beside him all dressed in white.
It’s a large affair, the ceremony and reception rolled into one event, and you are seated at a round table with many of Namjoon’s friends. You recognize several faces from long ago but much to your embarrassment you’ve forgotten many of their names. You sneak a glance at your neighbours place card before greeting them. In anticipation you do the same for the empty seat beside you, reading ‘Jungkook’... yours and Namjoon’s neighbour from when you were kids and one of your oldest friends.
You smile as you recall the scrawny doe eyed child who used to follow Namjoon everywhere like a fawn following a parent. Even though there’s only a few years between them, Jungkook still looked up to his elder with great admiration and in return Namjoon always cared for him like a younger sibling. You remember how you were both eager for Namjoon’s attention as kids.  As you grew your dynamic didn’t change much, even when you and Namjoon briefly dated in high school he was a constant third wheel. 
You haven’t seen or spoken to him in years, not since you moved away. You tried to keep in contact but it would seem that distance and time had gotten in the way. It’s a shock when a sturdy man, with wavy hair, takes the seat next to you. “Noona, it’s been a while!” 
You choke on your water. Finding it difficult to see the boy you used to know in the man sitting next to you. “Jungkook?”
He smiles and you relax, it’s definitely him, you would recognize his bowing smile anywhere. But finding it attached to such a built figure is unexpected and slightly intimidating.
“It’s good to see you,” you return the smile. “How have you been?”
“Good, can’t complain business is going well. How about you, how’s life abroad?”
“Busy, I’m just lucky I was able to make it make it back for this.”
As the ceremony starts the chatter dwindles. Namjoon looks dashing in a three-piece suit and his bride statuesque in white. There’s a brief moment of tears from her which Namjoon promptly wipes away as he had done for you so many times. You’re stunned when you see her reaching to his face, knowing full well that Namjoon would rather bury his than put them out on display, but there they are rolling down his cheeks. 
“That’s the first time I’ve seen him cry...” You whisper as you watch the couple. All those years he had been the one to give you strength when needed and yet he’s never shown his own weakness. They might be tears of happiness today, but they are still hers to wipe away. She’ll be there for him in ways you never could, she’ll be his strength.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Jungkook glance over to take in your comment, but he doesn’t press you for any further explanation.
You sit in silence for the rest of the ceremony and throughout the dinner. A mixture of happiness and longing as you watch the new couple take their seats. Friends step up to the microphone telling stories of how they met and moments that you had missed. Wrenching further emotional reactions from you as the speakers recount the love between the newlywed  pair.
As the cake is served the table begins to empty and disperse giving you the freedom to leave your seat without rudeness. Jungkook had already slipped away several minutes before when a few of the bridesmaids began to hang around the table.
The door to the garden is open prompting you to grab your glass of champagne and steal a moment of fresh air.
Passing the rows of fairy lights you spot in the far corner a table between the hedges, hidden away from the others, with only one other occupant, the missing Jungkook.
“Can I sit here?” You ask nodding to the seat next to him.
He looks up from his phone with his wide eyes and nods. He shifts in his seat sitting up straighter before looking back down at his phone.
You glance over to see him on twitch watching an Overwatch match. Your happy to see that he hasn’t changed entirely over the years apart. 
The door to the event room opens to a gaggle of young women. Jungkook’s head jerks up as they call out his name, but not out of acknowledgement, judging from his expression it’s more so a panic of being found. 
You snicker into your glass as you watch him slink back down in his seat hiding from his admirers. He gives you a pleading look as to not reveal his location. You nod and smile back to him, his fear breaks into relief. Once they retreat back inside you begin to pester him regarding his suitors. “Still afraid of girls Jungkook? That’s quite the following you have there.” 
“I’m not afraid of girls! They want to drag me back in there, you know I don’t like crowds.”
“Nice try you were totally afraid of me growing up. You were worried that I would steal Namjoon away from you.”
 “I wasn’t afraid of you...” He nurses what’s left of his beer in sadness, probably realizing he’ll have to go in if he wants to get more.
You get up from your seat and extend a hand for his glass to take it in. “Another drink?”
His eyes brighten and a grin returns to his face, “Please...th-thank you Noona.”
You chuckle as he continues to call you with such familiarity, despite having been apart for so long. 
“Is it okay... that I still you that?”
“Yeah, I’ll be right back.”
You hand him a full glass and take your seat once again under the dim glow of the lights.
“So what do you do now?”
“I have a repair shop,” Jungkook mutters quietly.
“Really? How did you get into that?” Hearing that Jungkook actually owns his own business comes a surprise.  
“Opened it together with a friend of mine. I never thought it would get as big as it has though...”
“That’s great if it is, I’m sure you’re parents must be proud,” You smile back at him confidently.
“They are...” Eyes look down to the ground. “I think they’re holding out for something like this though.” He tilts his head in the direction of the ballroom.
“I know what you mean.” You scoff as you take a sip of your champagne. 
He starts to ask about you own life, but with the sound of the door you pause your answer to warn him, “Looks like your club is going to be making another round for you.” You watch as he winces at the inevitable, “Why don’t you just go home? Everything seems to be winding down.”
“My ride is in there, dancing the night away I’m sure.”
“I have a room,” You blurt out much to your own surprise, slightly bewildered by your own offer. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to be alone, or maybe you took pity on the shy man next to you, but you stick with it despite your own confusion. “I have my computer to stream, full mini bar...” You laugh in spite of yourself, what you definitely did not expect is for him to take you up so adamantly.
“Yes! Get me out of here please.”
While Jungkook practically dashes in and through the ballroom for the exit, you pause to take one last look at the glowing couple surrounded by their family. Namjoon had given you so much throughout the years the least you could do for him in this moment was be happy for him. You lock eyes and give him a bright smile not wishing to intrude on this moment of his before slipping quietly out the door.
Jungkook waits for you in front of the elevator. Finally seeing him in the full light of the lobby is a staggering sight, the suit neatly trimmed against his built form, you find the fabric taut against his chest and thighs. His lips pull back giving you a view of his clenched teeth as he stares around clearly hoping not to be spotted. 
“Are you sure there’s nothing else wrong? You honestly look like you’re avoiding more than just a group of giggling girls.”
Jungkook nods, “You haven’t meet Hoseok or Jimin, if they find me no doubt they’ll physically drag me out. Which is why I want this damn elevator to hurry up!” He pushes the already lit elevator button several times for good measure.
The second that the door cracks open he grabs your arm and pulls you in with him. A loud sigh breaks from him as they close. 
You give him a smile in sympathy remembering how he used to cling to you or Namjoon in social situations like this.
You unlock the room, and head in grabbing the ice bucket before stepping out again. “Go ahead make yourself comfortable I’ll be back in a second.”
His level of comfortable is far more relaxed than you had anticipated. Your old friend had no problem stripping down to his undershirt and pants, while making himself at home on your bed.
You avert your eyes when you reenter and open the mini fridge finding several small bottles of liquor.
You hand him a strong drink over ice laughing at how he cringes with the first sip. “You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.”
“No it’s okay it just takes me a bit to get used to it.”
“It’s funny to think, but last time I saw you you weren’t even drinking age... I can’t believe it’s been five years.”
“Do you miss it here?” He asks with a slight worry, looking into his glass, “After being gone so long do you find yourself wanting to come back?” 
“No, not really, not anymore. Don’t get me wrong I still miss people but with each trip home I feel more and more like I’m a stranger to this place. There used to be some comfort here for me, but it’s a bit more complicated now...” You can’t help but be saddened by the thought. 
“Namjoon hyung, you and he-”
You look to Jungkook with a slight dampness in your eyes willing it to stay in place and not let it cascade down your cheeks. He notices your grief and switches to a more pressing question. 
“Noona... do you still have feelings for him?”
You give a slow pained nod, “Please don’t say anything, and  don’t tell him that I was upset. It’s foolish really, it never would have worked between us. His life is here, it’s what he’s always wanted, but I wanted to leave, I had other goals.”
He nods in understanding, “How bad is it?”
“Pretty bad, definitely more than one should care for a married man...” You hate every word of your confession. You chose this and yet here you are grieving. A tear falls and you are sick of it, you’re sick of crying over things you can’t change. “Fuck I’m sorry.”
Jungkook’s hand comes to rest on your knee, rubbing circles with his thumb, and lingering far longer than you expected him too. “No it’s okay, I’m surprised you came if you still feel this way.”
“Namjoon was very insistent. I think he thought he was being kind. I figured it would be best to support him.” You hesitate before asking the next question, “Do you know her well? Will she... is she a good fit for him?” 
“I do, and I think so. They seem very happy when they’re together.” He pauses and looks to you, “I was surprised when he let you go though, I thought he really cared for you too.”
“No I told him to stay. I could never ask him to come with me.”
“Then he should have gone off his own accord,” Jungkook reasons.
“That’s sweet of you to say,” you chuckle lightly, “but our dreams were both bigger than each other. It was time to let go.”
“But you haven’t let go yet.”
“No... I haven’t.”
“And why is that?” He prods. 
“He’s been one of the few people I really connect with, someone who enjoys being with me even when I'm an emotional wreck. I’m doubtful that I’ll find that again...” You give the easier answer failing to mention the fear that’s been holding you back. The fear of finding someone, of falling too deep and the pain that follows when it inevitably comes time to part. You worry that if you let go of Namjoon someone else will fill that void and the cycle would repeat.
You’ve had one night stands and hookups, but nothing beyond that. The longest connection you’ve had with someone is with a man by the name of Yoongi, but that’s purely for physical relief. He’s very upfront about a no strings attached arrangement, and it works for your purposes too.
“You’ll find someone,” Jungkook states confidently.
“And how do you know that?”
“Why do you think I’m here?”
“To avoid your fan base...” You can’t help but snort at him.
But he only rolls his eyes. “Because I’ve enjoyed your company tonight.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
“Yes it is Noona! I haven’t seen you in years and yet you still feel comfortable to be around. Do you see me running away from you?”
Jungkook’s hand trails up your leg as if to make a point. “Just because it didn’t work out with Namjoon doesn’t mean you can’t find someone else. It doesn’t mean you can’t be happy.”
You’re enjoying his company far too much. The warmth of his fingers on your skin. You should never have invited him up here. He is far too tempting and dangerous of a rebound. “You should go, I’m sure there all finished by now.”
“Why? Because you’d rather wallow away in your pain alone? Stop punishing yourself, you came here to be supportive, you did nothing wrong. You’re allowed to be upset.” Hearing Jungkook speak the words that Namjoon had said before hits you hard, leaving you defenceless as he continues, “What if I want to stay? Are you going to push me away? I didn’t just come up here to hide out Noona. I wanted to make sure that you were okay, you’re awful at hiding your grief and I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to make you feel better.” 
He moves in closer placing a hand on your upper chest and softly pushes you down pinning you beneath him. “Look me in the eye and tell me you want me to leave. Tell me you’d be happier if I left you alone tonight.”
How can someone who seems so innocent be so commanding. His legs are strong on either side of your thighs. One hand now holds him off the mattress while the other tilts your chin. His eyes search yours looking for the honest answer. “Tell me what you want.”
“Please stay...” You whisper, ashamed by your need.
He obliges locking your arms behind his neck and lifting you off the bed pulling the sheets back before climbing under the blankets with you. Joining him under the covers adds an unexpected level of intimacy for such a sudden affair. The warm weight of his body presses you down into the mattress as he nuzzles your neck.
“Yes Noona?” He asks in a soft voice.
“Would you... would you kiss me?” He pulls his head up to meet your eyes again and you begin to worry about what you had just requested, “don’t feel like you-” 
Before you can finish your panicked thought his lips come down onto yours. His mouth moving with yours as his had palms your cheek. The faint taste of his beer and liquor eases into your mouth along with his tongue. 
Your chest pushes back against his as you attempt to draw in deep breaths.
“What else do you want?” He mutters against you. 
You fiddle to undo the zipper embedded the side of your dress desperate to feel his warm skin against yours. His fingers join in the attempt to pull it down lifting himself off you so the fabric can be pushed down your frame, with his fingers making sure to trail along the exposed skin as he does so. 
He holds the seam of his own shirt and looks to you as if asking if it would be okay. You promptly nod, you had felt the definition muscles as he pressed against you but seeing them is a wonderful sight to behold. 
He flips you over to your stomach, your face presses into the pillow, your lipstick no doubt staining the case.
With the clink of his belt behind you find yourself squirming between his thighs, excited by the thought of one less layer between you.  While he takes off his pants you reach back to unlatch your bra sliding it off and free from beneath you. 
He returns to his lowered position on top of you. His chest resting against your back is so warm, the weight extremely comforting. He kisses the top of your shoulder before moving back towards your neck. You feel almost smothered beneath him with the blanket trapping in the heat. 
One of his hands caresses the length of your arm while the other wedges itself between your stomach and the bed.  His cock pressed against the seat of your ass ready and willing but Jungkook places his attention elsewhere. He pushes your underwear to the side finding the sensitive nub and devoting a rhythm of shallow circles to the nerves. 
He whispers in your ear “Do you just want me to hold you like this, or do you want more?”
You nod for more, your hand reaching back to feel for his shaft beneath the cotton of his underwear.
He moves to pull the concealed erection from the fabric of his boxers. Giving it a quick stroke before lining himself up with your entrance, pushing between your dampened folds with the head of his cock. You return grip the pillow as he plunges inside. A swear drops from his mouth along with a groan. 
Your head arches back while a hand comes to grip the apex of your neck, with a commanding grip. Though he takes you from behind you’ve never felt anything so close, so intimate. The full rhythm of his thrust has you aching for more after a few minutes, causing your hips start to buck back into his crotch. “Noona if you keep doing that I’m not going to last.”
You moan as his fingers pick up speed in retaliation. You can feel yourself tighten around him as he draws you closer. There’s a pleading whine in your ear as Jungkook begs you to come for him. His fingers grip tighter on your throat making your head swim as you reach the peak and begin to quake from the tremor that surges through you. 
You’re not sure how long he laid on top afterwards, or when he moved to his back tugging you into the nook of his arm. So lost in a daze you don’t care. It just feels good for once to fall asleep in someone else's arms, and to see him still there by the time morning comes around.
You slowly dress yourself as he smiles up to you from the bed. “How long before you go back?”
“A few days.” You explain, “I thought I would take some extra time to visit my family.”
“Give me your phone.” He holds out his large hand waiting. 
You humour him knowing that even if he puts his number in you should probably keep your distance. You don’t want to give him any mixed signals that you might be looking for more. 
The second you step into your mother’s house there’s a barrage of questions about the wedding. Who was there? How lavish was it? Did the couple look happy?
“I give it two years tops.” Your mother adds, “He’ll be single again before you know it.”
“Mom?! I’m not having this discussion. Namjoon is happy, he’s made his choice.”
“Sweetheart I’m just thinking about you,” She softens her tone but you still find it difficult to swallow.   
Giving up on any civil conversation after an hour, you exit the house to take refuge in the garden. Seeing Namjoon’s childhood house across the street, and the tree in your own yard under which you both sat, is almost as painful as the topic you mother refuses drop.
Looking for a distraction you busy yourself with the weeds that have taken hold of the flower beds. The sun beats down burning the back of your neck as you yank the dandelions from the dusty ground. Your frustration grows over the realization that the only questions she’s asked have been about your love life, with not one thought to what you are doing with your career or if you’re happy where you are. No her focus lies primarily on you obtaining the golden band that has the potential to drag you home. And now the weeds of the garden are paying for it dearly as you take your aggression on them, not giving in until the sun is significantly lower in the sky.
“Jeez what did they do to you?” The joking voice of Jungkook asks behind you will looking to the wilting pile of greenery. 
“I kept picking them hoping that one of them could answer my wish, but unfortunately I’m still here.”
“But you’re missing one important step.” He picks up one of the discarded dandelion heads, closes his eyes and blows away the seeds. 
The innocent sight brings a smile to your face, “Your right, how could I have forgotten?”
 “That’s okay you don’t need to wish on a weed when I can easily grant that for you. Let me take you out for the night.”
“You don’t want to hang out with me right now I’m a mess.”
“Then at least let me give you a ride back to the hotel. I’m heading in that direction anyway, I just came by to see my parents but I’m heading off now.”
You consider his offer, if you left alone your mother would never let you hear the end of it. But if you left with Jungkook... you could possibly kill two birds with one stone and have some form of peace for the rest of your visit.
“Okay, but I’m going to need you to follow my lead for a minute. Don’t say anything, just smile and nod if you have to.”
You step into back into the kitchen for a moment calling out to your mother. “Mom I’m going to head out, I have a date with Jungkook.”
There’s a brief silence and then a flurried rush of steps from the other house before your mother pokes her head out with a surprised grin. “What?! Why didn’t you tell me?” With his parents still living across the street your sure she’s overjoyed by the thought.
Jungkook takes the act very well waving to your mother, “Hi Ms.-”
You push him out the door before he can finish his greeting knowing she’ll want him to stay for her game of 20 questions. “I’ll be by again tomorrow,” You call out to her, before turning back to Jungkook and mouthing a thank you.
He smiles back to you taking his role very seriously he grabs hold of your hand and leads you to his car where he opens the door. If your mom was watching out the window, you’re sure that this would convince her. 
You take a deep breath as you get into the car, throwing Jungkook a smug look, “I owe you one.” 
“Don’t mention it. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to forge a relationship”
“Why would the boy with a fan club need a fake girlfriend?” You ask, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“For the same reason you would.”
“Oh, so your mom wanted you to marry Namjoon too?” You chuckle at him unable to contain yourself.
Jungkook bursts into a fit of laughter clutching the wheel. “Not exactly, just family pressures. And me finding it difficult to... commit I guess would be the best way to put it.”
“Lucky for you I won’t be here in a couple days, so that won’t be an issue.” You breathe a sigh of relief, if he has difficulty committing spending time with him shouldn’t become an issue later on.
“Yeah... lucky I guess.” 
He parks the car in front of the hotel and thank him for the ride. But you look over in confusion as he gets out too.
“You told your mom we’re going for a date.”
“Yeah but not actually.”
“Oh...” His expression falls looking dejected. 
Fuck... why does he have to look like a kicked puppy when he’s sad, it’s not fair. You give a small huff, it would be easier to maintain the lie if you stuck around with him. “Fine, I need a shower first though.”
His face lights up and he follows you back up to your room taking up residence on the bed to wait for you.  
You throw your phone and purse down on the desk and before slipping into the bathroom, sliding out of your clothes and stepping into the stream of water behind the glass door.
A few minutes later, Jungkook pokes his head through the door you left cracked to help vent the steam. “Noona your phone’s ringing.” He holds it out to see if you want to take it.
“Who is it?”
“Uhh... it’s Namjoon.”
Your stomach drops, “Let it go to voicemail... I’ll call him back later.” The thought of talking to him now, the day after his wedding, is unbearably painful. You stand still in the shower watching the water flow down the drain as you contemplate why he called. Maybe he just wanted to say hi, or to thank you for coming, as you didn’t get a chance to speak to him yesterday. 
Jungkook calls out to you again possibly noticing your stillness behind the fogged glass, “I have somewhere in mind to take you if you still want to go out. I just have to stop by my shop first. Taehyung, my business partner, just sent me a message, he can’t remember if he turned the alarm on when he left the shop today and asked if I was nearby.”
You force a smile back at him, “Yeah, I’ll be out in a second.”
Jungkook suggests to walking to his shop since the final destination of the night is a favourite bar owned by a friend of his.
“It’s just right here,” He points to a small building just across the street, taking your hand before dashing across the road. 
You smile at the small sign out front, ‘Nostalgia: Restoration and Repair’. “Cute name.”
Jungkook gives an embarrassed laugh, “Taehyung came up with it. It just seemed really fitting.” He unlocks the doors with a large ring of keys, and then looks back to you “Do you want to take a peek before I set the alarm?”
You nod curious of what you might find inside. It’s not really a store but more of a work space with painting backdrops, vent hoods, and a workbench littered with wires and soldering tools. Behind the bench are several outdated electronics old gaming systems and PCs, things that people wouldn’t normally use nowadays except for... well... out of nostalgia.  “When you said a repair shop this was not what I expected. ”
“Yeah it’s a little different, we deal with things that you can’t buy anymore, items that hold sentimental value. Some people want them just repaired in working condition, while others hope to get them looking like new again.”
You pick up a brick-like gameboy from one of the tables, your fingers brush over the paint worn keys. Hundreds if not thousands of hours would have gone into this device to bring it to this state, it must have been well loved in it’s day.
“It’s not much,” he states nervously looking around the space, “We specialize in mostly electronics, but I’m hoping to branch out in some other areas too, things like metalwork and woodwork. I still have a lot to learn.”
You’ve seen places like that your own city, those which refurbish antique wagons and linen chests, but this is something new and different. This catered to a whole new generation. “It’s brilliant, it really is.”
Jungkook blushes with pride as he scratches the back of his head. “Thanks Noona, I’m glad you like it.”
The bar is only two streets over from his shop. The owner looks relieved as he spots Jungkook come in the door. “Thank god, I was going to call you and see if you still planned on coming tonight. Some drunken idiot knocked into our jukebox and it stopped dropping records.”
“Ah Jin I told you, you shouldn’t be using it as your main system unless you go completely electric with it.” Jungkook scoffs.
“I know but do you think you could take a look at it for me.” The barman spots you behind him, “Sorry I can see you’re with someone, but drinks on the house for you and your date if you can fix it.”
“Deal! I’m going to hold you to it.” Jungkook acts like he’s won big with this agreement.
Jin’s tone verges on exasperation, “Just fix it please.” 
“Yeah, yeah, do you have a tool box?”
You take a booth right beside the broken music machine, kneeling on the cushion with your chest pressed to the back of the bench so you can watch as he works. Jungkook pulls away the backing of the player to take a look inside, muttering to himself while he looks over the interior. 
“Electrics look fine nothing seems to have disconnected...” He works his way up the machine leaving no spot untouched. “Ah, here it is...”
“Did you find what’s wrong?”
“Yeah,” he reaches into the mechanical portion and tugs on a lever which falls back into place once he lets go. “Looks like the spring for the release dislodged itself... it should be around here... found it...” His nimble fingers latch it back into place. “That should do it.” He reattaches the back and selects a track with success. He glances over to Jin at the bar with a wide smile, who matches it although looks slightly nervous. “Right, I need to go wash up really quick,” He looks down at his hands covered in black grease, “What do you want to drink?” 
“A beer sounds good.”
“That’s it, you sure? Jin’s buying, so no need to hold back.” Jungkook gives a wicked grin.
“Yeah I’m sure.” 
He returns a few minutes later with your beer while he holds a whiskey for himself. His hands are raw from scrubbing and there’s still a hint of the black grease here and there. He drinks deeply from the cup clearly not caring for the taste but continuing with it nevertheless. You take a couple long drafts of your own drink but know it’s a futile endeavour to try and keep up. 
 “I’m surprised you went for something so strong considering you had a hard time with the liquor last night.”
“Honestly I can’t stand the stuff,” He laughs. “but it’s the most expensive drink he has and I’m not one to waste an opportunity.” Jungkook looks back with crooked smile to Jin who is found shaking his head. “My skills don’t come cheap.”
“I can see that, I’m almost afraid to ask for your professional opinion on a personal matter, I don’t think I can afford your answer.” You peel at the label of your bottle somewhat nervous, but still hoping to discuss something that’s been bothering you for a while now.
“I have been bought with flattery on occasion... just don’t tell Jin.” Jungkook raises a finger to his lips as he lets out a small snicker.
“May I ask you a question then oh talented one?” You can’t help but laugh as you stroke his ego. 
“You may,” Jungkook’s voice sounds confident but you notice a slight blush to his face as he laughs along with you.
“How would you fix nostalgia for a whole town? Say someone only gets to return during the worst periods of their life and the whole view of their former home shifts? How can you save it and bring it back to what it was before.”
Jungkook pauses, the laughter vanishes from his expression as he takes in your question. “That’s a tall order. I don't think you can for something that big. I don’t go around fixing entire blocks, I work with the smaller items. You have to find those things that you still love about this place and hold them tight, bringing them with you when you go.”
You really wish that you hadn’t asked now, for the first thing that pops into your mind is of course Namjoon. “What if you’ve already let it go...”
“Your whole past isn’t linked to just one singularity, you’ll find something else. You don’t always know what you were missing until you find it again. The items that people bring to me have often been hidden away for years in a dark closet or dusty box. All it takes is a little attention to bring them back to their former glory... sometimes they become even better than before...” He stops again looking hesitant to continue but pushes through with his final words. “Namjoon hyung isn’t your only tie Noona... there are other things you can hold on to.”
There’s silence between you as Jungkook brings up his name, you resent how easily he’s able to guess that it was Namjoon in your thoughts. 
 “I’ll go get another round,” He offers giving you some space.
You excuse yourself to the washroom for a moment while Jungkook fetches the drinks. Checking your eyes in the mirror for any sight of streak to your mascara before returning.
He’s still waiting at the bar when you come back, so you proceed to the empty booth. There’s a loud cat call from one of the tables you pass. You look away trying to ignore who ever thought that would catch your attention. That is until he calls you out as a, “cold bitch.”
Jungkook must have heard the insult because seconds later he’s pulling the man forcefully out from the seat. 
You immediately intercede, not wanting for Jungkook to get in trouble on your behalf. “Jungkook, put him down.” He continues to hold the man, and pushes him against the wall with a look of fury. 
“Apologise,” Jungkook demands of the drunkard.
“Jungkook it’s not worth it.” You try to calm him down, but to no avail. Resorting to a more forceful method you grab the arc of his ear. A yelp of pain echoes through him but he releases the man. “We’re leaving.”
“Ow Noona!”
You let go once you reach the front step of the bar grabbing his hand this time to drag him back to the hotel. His other hand reaches up to rub his ear.
“What the hell do you think you were doing?” You question him.
“He insulted you!”
“That doesn’t mean you have to throw him against the wall... fuck Jungkook. I told you it wasn’t worth it, a provoked apology means nothing. What if he retaliated and injured you? What then?” 
There’s only silence as Jungkook reflects on his actions. 
“Do you usually pull shit like this?”
“No...” He mutters in defeat.
“Then why would you try and start a fight?”
Jungkook doesn’t answer instead looking down at his feet as you both walk back.
You anger breaks to empathy at the sight of his sad submission, and you give him a small smile. “It was nice to see how fast he shut up though,” you glance over at Jungkook who lifts his head and grins back at you. “Usually I would just end up leaving the bar if something like that happened.”
Your half way back to your hotel when Jungkook begins to speak again, “Do you ever get scared or lonely in your city?”
“Sometimes, but that doesn’t mean that I was never scared or lonely here. It’s kinda hard to compare the two on that level thought... there just... different. Personally I prefer the city.” You look up to the night sky, “I do miss things like this though. Do you remember when Namjoon tried to teach us the constellations?”
“And you kept making up your own to impress him?” Jungkook guffaws back.
“If I recall you got jealous when he said my koala constellation was adorable.”
“Because it was, and I didn't get to tell you first...” Jungkook confesses his blush even more prominent this time. “You see, you do have something good to remember. It’s memories like that which you need to focus on.”
“I don’t think it’ll be enough though... the lights of the city often hide the stars, so I can’t hold them as close as I’d like.”
“It’s a good thing then that they aren’t the only part of that memory.” Jungkook takes your arms and wraps them around him before stealing a kiss. “You can hold me close Noona.”
You can’t help but be confused for the lack of communication between you two if he felt this strongly about your past together, “Jungkook... I wasn't the one who let go, when I moved away. I sent messages to you but you never replied.”
He looks away in disappointment, “When you left, I didn’t know what to do. Namjoon was sad and I couldn’t help but be angry. For a long time I held on to that... but when I saw you again I realized that it was really because I missed you Noona.”
“I know, it was stupid of me. But I see that now, I shouldn't have left you in the dark. I’m sorry it took so long to find you again.” 
Your final visit with your family starts off well, your father stops by and it’s almost like things are back to the way they were before, before the wedding, before your parents split, before your move. But then the bubble bursts. You thought your mother would behave, that maybe on your last night she wouldn’t put you through another round of guilt.  Questions of when you would return begin to overwhelm you.
You return to your hotel room in tears. When checking your phone your finger hovers over two more missed calls from Namjoon. If he was so adamant to reach you it wouldn’t be wrong to talk to him despite your feelings right?  You phone changes screens with an incoming call from Jungkook, you answer but there’s a slight warble in your greeting which he notices in an instant.
“Noona... are you okay, what’s wrong?”
“Just nervous about my flight tomorrow,” among other things, you think keeping them to yourself,  “Was there something you needed?”
“I wanted to see you again.”
“I think I might head to bed, I have to get up early.” You voice catches even more tipping him off to a greater problem.
“What happened Noona? Why are you really upset?”
“I-I’m sorry it’s just... my mom asked about you, she said that if I couldn’t comeback for her that I should come back to see you...” You have heard it all before, but when she spoke of Jungkook that tore into you more than anything else. He’s been nothing but kind and now you’ve dragged him into you family affairs. “I’m sorry I pulled you into this, I told her we aren’t dating so she shouldn’t trouble you with anything.”
“Noona that doesn’t bother me. I can tell your upset, please, just let me come see you.”
“Jungkook I’m not going to use you as a shoulder to cry on. It’s not fair to you.”
“Maybe I want you to use me...”
“You can’t be serious. You see how much happier Namjoon is with someone who can be here with him.”
“I’m not Namjoon hyung,” Jungkook raises his voice enough to startle you, “Noona... I don’t want what he has. I want you!”
“No you don’t... Jungkook... Jungkook!” The line goes dead as you try to talk him down leaving you shouting his name to a dial tone. “Fuck.” You know it’ll be harder to convince him than Namjoon that being together would not be the best for either of you, that he needs to prioritize himself over your feelings. You try calling him back but his phone goes straight to a busy tone.
Ten minutes later there’s a pounding fist at your hotel door. “Noona open up!” You move to the door slowly, resting your hand on the knob and your head against the panel debating if you should give in. The pounding stops after a minute with one last thunk, his next plea no louder than a whisper, “Noona please...” 
The waver in his voice takes hold of you and throws all forms of self-preservation out the window. You open the door to find stunned and teary eyed Jungkook. Stepping closer to him your hands reach up to his face, thumbs brushing away the dampness on his cheeks, before he crashes straight into you with a fierce need. His lips ram against yours almost to the point of pain. His hands take your shoulders and push you out of the doorway, the door slams shut as you are thrust into a wall.
His mouth continues to feast on yours in hunger, his tongue sweeping in for a deeper taste. If you weren’t wedged between Jungkook and the wall you doubt you would be standing. Your legs start to give way and you slip down a little before he places his leg between yours. A moan escaping you as you come to rest on his thigh.
He presses his leg harder against you, dragging out your reaction. “Why didn’t you answer the door sooner Noona? Why did you make me wait?” he mutters against you.
“I didn’t want to hurt you...” You whisper back.
He tugs your sundress over your hips. His hand roaming down in search of answers regarding state of your arousal. “So you were holding back? If I were to touch you would you be already wet for me?” 
You nod adamantly, hating yourself for how quickly you give in to your selfish needs. He relaxes his leg for a moment allowing his fingers to push aside the damp fabric and press inside. As they start to curl inside his leg ramming the back of his hand driving the tips of his digits even further sending a shock wave through you. 
You collapse forward head against his shoulder with deep quaking breaths. The palm of his hand folds up pressing firmly against your clit. You can feel the warmth begin to spread through you, his fingers no doubt soaked pressing you to your limits. As he drives more you are forced on to your toes and with nowhere left to go you give in to the wash of tingling heat. All you can do is lay limp against him as he continues to cull your moans with his hands and collect them with his lips.
You gladly accept his arms as they encircle you, supporting your body as he moves you to the bed. He takes a moment to tug off his shirt. Throwing his pants and boxers to the floor before climbing on top. He holds the swell of this cock in his hand, pumping it slightly as his hangs over you. “God I want to fuck you. Do you enjoy this power you have over me?”
He gives you a crooked smile, “Should I make you beg? Should I show you what it feels like to wait?” 
“Jungkook... please...”
He buries the head of his cock to your entrance and roughly snaps his hips. “No I have a better idea, I’ll fuck you without end, continuing even when you’re raw and filled. I want you weeping my name.” 
His thrusts are slow but determined and impactful, shifting you on the bed each time. His hands take your wrists and pin them beside your head.
He drives himself deeper inside as you writhe beneath him. You cry out with each surge from his cock. He looks down at the sundress and bites his lip. He stops his thrusts and removes his hand to grab the hem, dragging it up and off you. You bra is next to go, barely surviving the forceful removal.  Jungkook catches the curve of your breast in his hand his mouth latching on to the stiff peak, and toying at it with his teeth. You take his other hand and bring it to your mouth, you can taste a hint of your remaining arousal but you could care less considering what the sight is doing to him. 
His thrusts return and he bites down hard. A squeal of surprise exits much to his pleasure, you release his hand only for him to drag it down your stomach and grip your waist. 
His fingers appear so desperate to grasp your flesh, to handle you in any way he can. Never letting go but trailing from spot to spot in a teasing line. You are at your end every nerve you your body screaming to release. “Jungkook...” You whine with desperation.
“What’s wrong Noona? If you think I’m finished with you, you clearly weren’t listening before.”
Your vision clouds as you quake from the climax that hits, but he carries on with a smirk. “I don’t want to let go just yet.”
By the end you’re nearly in tears just as he promised, barely able to move. You lost count how many times you called his name, but on each occasion he would reward you with a harder thrust leading down an endless cycle.  He leaves your marked chest with a kiss before turning you over and folding in behind you. You both lay there in the dark for a time, letting the quiet settle as you listen to his breathing.
“Noona,” His mumbles with hesitation, his voice void of all the confidence that he held a few minutes ago, “If I were to come see you in your city... would you still want me? Could we ever have more than this?”
“Jungkook...” You have to cut this off now, you have to lie for his own benefit. Your selfish honesty would only cause him to follow as he admitted before. “No... I don’t think that would be a good idea.” You fill your head with assurances that he’ll find someone better for him here, just like Namjoon did.
        You step into the airport the next morning in a haze, sleep having escaped you after rejecting Jungkook in such a manner. He surprisingly stayed with you until the early morning before heading off. You in your cowardice you pretended to remain asleep as he bid farewell with a kiss to your cheek. 
Your thrown off when you hear someone calling your name from behind you. Turning around to find Namjoon running towards you. “Wait!” He urges as he takes the last few strides which separate you. His heavy breathing accompanied by a smile of relief. “I’ve been trying to reach you...”
“Namjoon, why... shouldn’t you be...” You want to question him and chide him, but all you can give is an apology. “Listen I’m sorry...”
“No, I’m the one who needs to apologize.... I got a somewhat angry and condemning call from Jungkook last night. He told me you were upset, and why you didn’t return my calls. I’m so sorry if I had known...”
“No it’s okay, I’m glad you didn’t.”  You can feel the tears brimming to the surface. You plead with yourself to keep it together, just a few more minutes and then you’ll be on the plane. You make a promise to yourself that you can cry all you want then, just not now.
Namjoon pulls you into a hug and whispers. “I wanted to invite you as a thank you, to thank you for being strong, and for allowing me to find the happiness I needed... by telling me to stay.” 
You have no hope in hell maintaining your expression now, the dam bursts and your tears spill out. But for the first time it’s not Namjoon that you cry over... but the loss of a future with Jungkook, and the confirmation that you’re doing the right thing by telling him that you’re relationship can’t continue. 
Namjoon reacts calmly as always, rubbing your back with his hand. “I’ll be here when you need it, I’ll still give you a shoulder to cry on when you need it. Okay? We’re still friends right?”
You nod lifting yourself away from him. 
“I need to ask something of you though. It’s about Jungkook... He doesn’t want me to tell you this but I think you need to know and make your own decision. Do you remember how I wanted to ask you a favour?”
You nod in confusion. 
“I need you to look after Jungkook...”
Your heart breaks even further, having Namjoon plead his case. “Namjoon, please don’t say that, he belongs here, for god's sake he has a successful business! I’m not going to drag him to another city, another country with me.”
“That’s just it. He didn’t want me to tell you this but he and his partner are almost certain to by a business out your way. There’s a seller who has a restoration shop for sale and is willing to train him in the areas he wants to expand in if he buys the business. He didn’t want to tell you because he wasn’t sure if he was going to put in the offer, he was scared to make that jump and leave to somewhere new. I told him he should talk to you about it at the wedding, to hear how much you love it there.”
You chest tightness at the prospect, and the fear over the impact of your lie. “When he called you did he say that he if he had decided?”
“No I’m still not sure if even he knows. He was supposed to leave quite soon after the wedding to make an offer. If he does decide to go I wanted to make sure that someone was there for him, to check up on him. He’s probably going to have a tough time adjusting so he might need someone to lean on every now and then.”
You give Namjoon a small smile back, Jungkook clearly hadn’t gone into details about what had happened in the past few days between you two. “If he goes, I’ll gladly be there for him.”
Once you leave to go through security you’re stuck with a dilemma. How much did you affect his choice? You don’t want him to make the decision based on you but at the same time you don’t want to leave him with a bad taste in his mouth regarding the possibility of a move. You would be there for him if he moved, you want to be close to him. But if his dreams fail, if he makes the wrong choice because of you, you could never live with yourself.
You take your seat by the window fastening your belt as tight as it will, before resting your hand in it’s usual in flight position, clutching the arm rest. In your other palm lies your phone, you have only a few short moments before you have to turn it off, and you are still hoping that it’ll make the choice for you. When he calls...
You answer it quickly, and Jungkook leads with a stern question “I need to know, did you lie to Namjoon or did you lie to me?”
You begin to stutter unprepared for his question, “I-I...”
“Do you want to cut all relationship ties even if I come to the city or do you want to see me? Did you just say yes because Namjoon asked it of you? I need to know Noona. You need to tell me what you want.”
All his cards are on the table all of his choices are there, you only need to lay out yours to make this right. “I’m sorry Jungkook, I’m so sorry I lied to you last night. I was just worried that you would follow without-”
“So you want to see me again?”
“You’re okay if I go the the city alongside you?”
“Yes, I just wanted to make sure if it’s something that you want for yourself.”
“It is... I’ll see you soon Noona.”
“Wait no... don’t hang up on me again...” You plead but the line still goes dead.  
 You’re about to call him back when you spot Jungkook boarding the plane. His fluffy black hair and masked face peak over the line of people boarding. The phone drops from your hand as you look to him. You may not be able to see his mouth but you can tell from his eyes he’s smiling widely. He sees the empty seat next to you and double checks his ticket, before a man in a suit comes to claim the spot. Jungkook looks across the aisle to what must be his seat and instead taps the man on the shoulder. 
“Would you mind switching seats with me,��� He points to his own two feet away. “It’s just that’s my girlfriend and she’s terrified of flying.”
The man grumbles but makes the switch. Jungkook plops down in the seat next to you but before he can get a word out you smack his arm. “Ooow what was that for?”
“Why didn’t you tell me? Do you know how painful it was to let you go?”
“I was still deciding, besides I wasn’t sure what you wanted out of our relationship. If you only wanted to have a fling and to cut ties again after this weekend I wanted you to be free to do that. I didn’t want you to have to look after me, I told Namjoon not to ask you but he came here to see you off anyway, and I guess I’m glad he did. I overheard the two of you talking...”
“And what were you going to do if I said I didn’t want to see you just now.”
“I would have taken the next flight,” He smiles sheepishly. “I remembered how much you hated flying, I wanted to be there for you if you needed it.” 
He lays his open hand in front of you, his eyes wide and expectant. A hint of a smile graces his lips as you release your grip from the rest. Your fingers graze across his palm before interlocking with his. “Hold on to me Noona,” He comforts you with a whisper before resting his head on your shoulder as the plane takes off.
-Three Months Later-
You wait at the airport checking the flight arrival information for the hundredth time. Making sure that his flight did in fact land when you finally see him amongst the crowd. There’s a heavy bag on Jungkook shoulders but even that can’t weight down the massive grin on his face. You run to greet him colliding with his chest and forcing him to take a step back with the impact. He coughs slightly from the hit to his lungs, but then hugs you back just as tight. “I definitely prefer the welcome here, Namjoon only shook my hand when I saw him.” 
“So that’s everything, your visa cleared and your belongings shipped? No more loose ends to tie up?” After Jungkook’s offer was accepted it’s been months with him going back and forth for the transition. Helping Taehyung find an additional worker and supply training, plus the time spent packing up most of his life to move it out here. You’ve grown so accustomed to having him here that sending him off each time leaves a deep ache inside you.
“Yep, that’s everything.” He takes your hand and kisses your fingers with a smile, “No more letting go.”
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ofaurcra · 5 years
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full name: CHIURA AZAMI nickname(s): AZA, MIMI, AMI gender & pronouns: SHE/HER sexual & romantic orientation: BISEXUAL & BIROMANTIC age & dob: 22, 9TH NOVEMBER 1996 birthplace/hometown: YOKOHAMA, JAPAN parents/siblings: CHIURA AKEMI (MOTHER) & CHIURA TATSUYA (FATHER), AZA ALSO HAS A SIMILARLY AGED BROTHER. pet(s): TONKINESE CAT (KIMURA) (X) & SINGAPURA KITTEN (ROMI) (X) astrological sign: SCORPIO dominant hand: LEFT handwriting style: neat, small & cursive (very pronounced swirls joining letters or flicking them off) language(s) known/spoken: JAPANESE, KOREAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH religion: AGNOSTIC current living arrangements: OWNS HER OWN UPTOWN STUDIO APARTMENT occupation/major: FASHION DESIGN AND FLOWER SHOP MANAGER
picture reference: (X) blood type: AB+ nationality: japanese skin tone/color: honeyed glow birthmarks & scars: birthmark on her neck and one behind her ear, they’re usually a very pale beige and she has a scar located on her pelvis from being shoved into a brick wall when younger and scraping across the skin. height: 5′4 build: petite but athletically toned allowing for surprising strength hair color: platinum blonde currently, silvery tonage hair length: (X), (X) her hair is currently this length and style eye color: naturally rich chocolate brown but she’s taken to wearing jade hued contacts more recently. diet: healthy and balanced but she isn’t overly worried over it, she quite likes her salads and all her fruits anyway and will happily choose them over sugary snacks. the only time she really binge eats is on her patisserie visits, if she has people over for breakfast (cause she goes all out she is an extra bitch) or if she’s having a movie night with friends. exercise & level of fitness: she tends to swim and run a lot but is more prone to relaxing exercises which help the mind and body like yoga and meditation, she’s very flexible and used to do gymnastics too. but in general she gets the recommended amount of aerobic activity recommended for healthy adults. how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )?: she usually stands very upright, with her chin in the air so her posture is really good and she often has her arms crossed if she’s being all ‘business workaholic’ aza but if she’s being more relaxed and casual she tends to slant one leg out more and jut the knee with a hand usually resting on her right hip. typical style of dress: (x), (x), (x), (x), (x),(x) body modifications: (x) - this tattoo can be located on aza’s index finger, (x) - this tattoo is located on aza’s back lying just above where her bra strap would sit, (x) (x) - the first image references the design of this tattoo and the second shows the location being just beneath the breast and across the ribcage, it is a tiny tattoo that she shares with ( @sunsbloom) signifying her bond with ivy and referencing the shared zodiac of scorpio between them. (x) - this tattoo can be located behind aza’s left ear. (x) (x) - both these finger tattoos can be located in the places on the images. (x) - this tattoo is dedicated to her brother and can be found on her inner thigh but it is incredibly tiny. (x), (x), (x), (x) - these ones are located in the same places as they are on the images. what can be noticed is that aza has a surprising amount of tattoo’s yes but all are tiny designs and usually incorporate floral elements because she feels such an affliction for flowers, she also prefers to use white ink or red where she can if it works stylistically. finally, she’s hoping to get these (x) with america squad ( @hijinae, @ofdaeseong) as a tribute to their friendship.
how does your muse walk?: it’s a bit of a sashay when she’s in the mindframe of getting things done with a lot of hip swinging and fast pace, its not an intentional boss bitch walk but it happens naturally when she’s in a rush. if she isn’t stressed or busy then her walk becomes more of a peaceful and slow paced saunter where she appears to admire or take in her surroundings a little more and get a little zoned out. how does your muse talk?: aza has a delicate and gentle voice, it’s soft and comforting but it’s not quiet at all, she talks clearly and with confidence and when in a position of leadership she can project it without issue. it tends to sound like she’s drawling out words when she’s with those she is comfortable with in a somewhat unintentionally seductive way. she just has a sexy voice asfhfh what can u do.  what does their laugh sound like?: twinkly, it comes out in quiet and soft peels and is more akin to a giggle, it kind of lingers in the room long after she’s finished because her laughter is usually short when its genuine as well. how does your muse typically smell?: she favors fruity perfumes which aren’t overpowering but strong enough to catch on the breeze when she moves her hair or embraces someone so scents like patchouli, musk, white amber, grapefruit, wild berries, caramel, praline, jasmine, freesia, peony and pomegranate are some of her favorites. what kind of air do they carry?: somewhat regal, a don’t fuck with me vibe like she’s always sizing you up and knows your next move before even you do to strangers. to friends she’s like a strict but overly affectionate mom. do they have a(ny) catchphrase(s)?: as the legend ariana once said ain’t you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch. what are their nervous ticks?: she runs her hands through her hair a lot, like frequently in a matter of seconds or minutes and pushes it back a lot haphazardly, she also bites her lip or chews things more when stressed.
what makes your muse happiest?: spending time with the america squad or ivy since those are her bestest friends, in the past phone calls with her brother really lifted her spirits when she was struggling but its been a while since she’s had one, going out for coffee or picnics in the summer. what upsets them the most?: liars and hypocrites, in general but especially in family dynamics she cannot stand parents who have children and then don’t love them unconditionally as a parent is expected to. she’ll flare up if her friends have family issues and she sees their parents talking down to them automatically because she knows what that feels like and most of the time in her experience with rich upbringing the parents aren’t so perfect either. what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them?: she likes to sketch when designing her fashion and she’s pretty good at painting, likes exploring fashion or art museums and exhibits, likes finding new cafes and quiet restaurants or patisseries for hangout spots, loves spending time in botanical gardens and at the library reading. she’s a bit of an adventurer by nature she just loves to be going places but more quiet hobbies are things like baking, journalism and a bit of blogging. do they have any guilty pleasures?: other than food not really but aza does occasionally enjoy to socially smoke if she goes out partying. she’ll also deny it to all hell and back because sorbet is healthier but she could eat five tubs of ice cream in one evening. is your muse an extrovert or an introvert? neither?: she funnily enough is sort of both, i would say she is more extroverted now because circumstances have definitely forced her to be so if she isn’t working one of her many diverse jobs she is going out and exploring but she used to be a huge introvert. and if there is one sign of rain find her under a duvet with hot cocoa sleeping the day away and marathoning on netflix. do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence?: she loves herself what more can i say. she doesn’t believe in vanity she thinks its important to be in love with yourself and i would say her self love comes from a place where it is well earned because she definitely struggled with low self esteem and confidence issues in the past being so silenced and controlled by her father.  are they easily stressed and how do they normally respond to it?: definitely, if you worked the way aza does you would be as well. it doesn’t help she’s prone to anxiety attacks from stress so she doesn’t respond very well. if its a minimal amount she can be alright, she tends to just walk away and take a break until her head is clear but sometimes if she is overwhelmed she’ll just break down and cry over the smallest things and shut down on herself, going quiet and unresponsive, she tends to get shaky and her breathing worsens. what is your muses worst fear?: following in her parents footsteps and one day being a neglectful parent, she hates the idea of letting anyone down especially her own potential family.  what is your muses biggest dream?: making it as a fashion designer i suppose, she doesn’t want fame especially after seeing how it made her family act with people due to their empire and riches but she wants to live comfortably and be able to show her talents and fresh perspective off more. is your muse a morning person or a night dragon?: definitely a night dragon but she tries to go to bed and get up at the same time when she can because its supposedly healthier to have a routine. how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it?: aza is very cultured and i would say she has a philosophical and extremely open mind. her intelligence is one of the kinds where it is more of wisdom than it is scientific and factual or academic alone. though she did incredibly well with her grades academically she’s still god awful at maths and will not engage with it. describe their sense of humor: dry witted, sarcastic, sometimes dark, crude.
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships?: there aren’t any plotted out for aza yet (but like pls do come love her down) but knowing her anyway i’m just going to say she probably is in sexual relationships because aza is prone to having flings. what is their experience with relationships?: OOF its not great, mostly negative since her life has became more stable in daegu she’s slowly starting to feel and receive and learn how to allow herself for healthy ones but in the past she had a lot of fucked up ones due to miscommunication and her fear of commitment primarily.  how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one? would they ever?: yes yes and yes. BUT aza is way more cautious about it because she’s very aware that usually its a one sided kind of fun where one person ends up falling harder than the other and being hurt. how important is sex to your muse?: i want to say she isn’t that shallow and it isn’t important but... it is, i think for aza its a way to feel things and immerse herself in those emotions without having to feel vulnerable at all but at the same time that only applies to good sexual partners. if not aza thinks sex is just...average at best, its not bad and its not mindblowingly good its just kind of nice for a while and then its done. what are their biggest turn on and turn offs?: OH LAWD, okay well turn on’s: neck biting, choking, broad physique, a lil bit of manhandling like yes slam her against the door and yes pin her down to the table and yes you can lift her and push her on the counter. turn offs: anything too weird like foot fetishes or watersports or something and doNT for the love of god pls don’t ever spank her, she will freak out, spankings are triggers for her big time. does your muse find it easy to make friends?: yeah i mean azami is pretty agreeable, she gets along with basically everyone. its hard for her to have enemies although she may have healthy rivals and frenemies there is never truly really any bad blood between azami and others. she likes to work through the kinks in relationships and she’s stubborn so she won’t give up on people without one hell of a fight. she even tends to stay friends with her ex’s because in her eyes they should be adult and able to wish each other well in their lives and be happy for one another without tension or awkwardness.  how important is friendship to them?: considering that for aza her friends have been like her found and chosen family and her only real soulmate connection that runs truly deep in this world is ivy emotionally speaking i think friendship is the most important thing in the world to azami.  quantity or quality of friends?: 100% quality of friends how important is family?: suprisingly although azami’s family are trash and can rot she does find them important and she always will love them and she always will wish that her dad was proud of her. also even though she hates that her brother kind of shadows her and makes bad choices bc of it and she shoulders the blame a lot of the time he is the center of her world and she would do anything for him. she hates the fact she couldn’t be there for him the way she wanted growing up and protect him as much as she’d have liked are they close to their family? why or why not ?: hnhh i mean this one is obvious but no she isn’t close to her family. she did not fit the mold of prim and perfect princess who does as daddy says and knows her place without question even if its wrong. her mother simply shut her out as a way to cope with the fact aza wouldn’t pretend like she would. its also to do with the fact that she had aza far too young and didn’t get a chance to live her own life as she constantly made sacrifices for her and to keep the family together but aza doesn’t know so much about all of that. 
activity: reading animal: cats and she likes chinchilla’s beverage: strawberry smoothies and vanilla and honey milkshakes book: milk and honey by rupi kaur color: pastel pink and mustard yellow designer: ralph laurent food: coq au vin and churro’s flower: wisteria  gem: garnet holiday: valentines mode of transportation: car or cycling movie: burlesque musical artist: lana del rey quote / saying: l'avoir c'est avoir les étoiles scenery: starry nights in flower covered fields, bright days in quiet secluded peach orchards and strawberry farms. scent: jasmine weather: sunny but with a light breeze vacation destination: bali
greatest dream: fashion designer of haut couture dresses greatest fear: letting down her family and loved ones most at ease when: in a quiet cafe getting work done, having a movie night cuddled up with jinae,dae and the cats, shopping and spending time with ivy doing anything really, looking at art or reading poetry in the sunshine. least as ease when: facing unwanted advances, having phone calls with her family, facing a tight deadline with a heavy workload. worst possible thing that could happen: losing the opportunity to be a parent because she’s too afraid of messing her kids up the way she was and losing the chance to be happily married and living alone forever because she can’t open up to someone on that level of vulnerability.  biggest achievement: modelling for some lesser known brands and being included in photography shootings for freelance friends. opening up her flower shop and balancing two other jobs as well as her education. being invited to attend some fashion shows by having some designer connections biggest secret: azami doesn’t really like to keep secrets so there isn’t anything scandalous other than the fact that at one point when she was younger she had a slight crush on dae and if anything that’s just laughable to them now so she doesn’t really give it much thought. top priorities: work, coming up with new innovative and fresh ideas for all of her work and not only dedicating herself to her study of and love of fashion, making time for her friends no matter how busy she gets, remembering to go easy on herself and allow herself to take breaks and vacations. 
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grandestblood · 7 years
Chapter 01: Messenger
The Musæum Of Alexandria was where the most elite minds gathered for research and development. It was located at the world’s magic capital, the country of Aegyptus, whose military forces were magicians themselves. Its scholars studied all kinds of knowledge but what I came here for was magic, which they had a terrible but beautiful reputation about. Since magic was considered the greatest form of art, math, and science, it was the hardest to learn among all branches of learning. To regulate the magicians they admit, the Musaeum had the best rewards and the worst punishments for those who abuse their research. The qualifying examination for its researchers was held every year and given only to a hundred examinees at a time. A letter from the high priest of the Musaeum was required to participate and only those recognized by Emperor Theodosius could get one. I got my letter by paying my taxes along with the best wine the empire had tasted for the last century. Last year, the result of the recent examination brought a new scholar into the Musæum – the one that dethroned me from the top rank of the magical division. Casra of Athenia, she was called. She was special because last year was special by itself. Nobody expected anyone to qualify back then because only three percent of the total examinees managed to pass due to the additional evaluations that the high priest implemented after news about a serial killer targeting magicians alarmed the Musæum. They concluded it was safer for all magic users, combatant and not, to master a martial art to defend themselves if the need for hand-to-hand combat arose. Thus, the examination had a tournament where participants were made to spar in pairs without using magic. To strongly implement that, the examinees were stripped off of any wand or staff and all amulets. It was a decision that dreaded all magicians including the audiences who watched. What differentiated Casra out of all the others was her expertise with her body. She moved like a warrior instead of a librarian, which most magicians were. That impressed all who watched, myself included. Rare was the magicians who honed both mind and body.
Much sooner than later, Casra was able to secure the top rank after challenging me for that spot. I never felt bad about it. It was impressive and thrilling to watch her every move ever since losing to the challenge she proposed to me the first time we met. The condition of which was becoming her friend if I lost my rank to her. It was funny the way she put it, like she never had a friend. She actually called me her adjutant. She talked as if everything moved at her command and that simply asking for friendship was not enough, that it must be worked for. She sounded arrogant but I liked her the way she was; though, not everyone felt like that toward somebody as good as her.
At first, she was admired for her abilities as well as her looks. She was a tall woman with long straight flaxen hair that flowed like golden river behind her back and pale violet eyes that contrasted to my deep amber ones. She looked elegant in any clothing she wore. Her family background was stunning. She was from a family of aristocrats in Hellas; born and raised in Athenia, the garden of philosophers. Rumours said she was related to the royal family of Ptolemies but she refused to confirm it. She won’t say anything but royalty was apparent in her. The way she spoke and carried herself was that of a noble blood. However, admiring quickly became difficult because of certain circumstances.
“Look, she’s sucking up to Sir Theon yet again,” said a scholar to another scholar at the front row of Alchemy’s lecture room. They gave Casra a pair of nasty looking glares while whispering gossip to each other.
“I don’t understand how Lady Siduri lost to someone as arrogant and disrespectful as Casra.”
“Just because she came from a good place doesn’t mean that we have to treat her differently. Lady Siduri also came from Hellas but she doesn’t act like we must worship her.”
Didn’t they know they were loud enough for me to hear? I sat in the third row and I could hear them loud and clear. How much more could Casra hear them? She stood right before them, demonstrating how to make a mehorjia potion. It didn’t have to be her but after Sir Theon got angry at the discussion for failing to remember the recipe of the potion right, he decided to call on to Casra, his best student, to show them how to properly use the herbs and spices in making a real concoction. She concentrated on what she was doing as if she couldn’t sense anything. But that woman was aware of her surroundings even when she slept – something I learned the hard way after sharing a room with her. Surely, a little dovetailing couldn’t falter her hearing.
“I want to see her fail at least in arithmetics for once. Perfect people like that shouldn’t exist,” said one of the two scholars.
I had enough.
“She did that already,” I said softly with a smile and they turned to me with gooey eyes. “Failing, I mean.”
“Yes! See? She’s not great at all?” the scholar said with an ugly giggle.
“She failed in a handful of classes at least once, so she’s not perfect at all,” I grimaced a little to show them sympathy. “She’s still better than you though.”
They blanched before turning crimson in embarrassment.
I could whisper a little hush spell so that they could not find their voice to speak anymore. A hush spell was a spell meant to counter an opposing magician’s incantations but, since common people and magicians alike used their mouths to talk and chant spells, it was also effective for shutting people up if they needed to be. But I thought that it would be better if they shut up on their own out of shame, wouldn’t it? They tried a few times to speak with flabbergasted expressions on their faces. I smiled at them, putting an index finger to my lips to indicate the universal sign of please shut up. They smiled back as a polite gesture but what I really needed was when they gave up gossiping and turned to watch Casra again, whether they liked it or not. I didn’t always care about people and what they said but I liked it when I could say the truest of things that they could not admit to themselves.
Well, it wasn’t like I didn’t understand their sentiments. Casra was a sluggish student on most days but she excelled where it counted most. Practical exams were her forte. She failed in subjects like arithmetic and history if she did not cram. And I would be lying if I said that did not frustrate me because no matter how much studying I did compared to her, she still outranked me. But I respected that out of her. That wasn’t so hard to do, was it?
When Casra finished, Sir Theon rated her potion and gave the class another lecture on how potions must be made with dedication. Sir Theon was also a Hellenes and Athenia was his birthplace, another reason for the scholars to pick on Casra. They thought that the lecturer favored her more as somebody from the same hometown. Theon was a young man with short soft ash brown curls. His body was as chiseled as his mind. After all, it was the unspoken rule of his people to shape both mind and body to its maximum potential.
“If you fail making this, you will cause opposite effects. And there are counter indications as well. You’re lucky if the side effect is a known one. But if it’s something else without a known cure, you’ll only kill the ones you make your potions for.” He took in a large breath before adding, “That’s all. Class dismissed.” then he took his things and left the room in a hurry. He always did that when lamenting the level of the scholars’ learning. Sir Theon was only nineteen back when the high priest of the Musaeum invited him to teach in this elite ground. For any magician out there, to be invited by the Musaeum was the greatest honor. No mentor was here because they applied. There always had to be a recommendation by the temple shamans of the obelisk and an invitation by the high priest himself. Theon was the youngest lecturer here and he only started having discussions seven years ago but he already became one of the best among the faculty. It was easy for the scholars to see him as one of them because of the close age gap and-
“Wow, Theon’s anger can be really scary despite his height,” Casra said sarcastically as she walked toward her seat beside me. She started to fix her things, readying to get to the next class. Anyway, Casra said it. Sir Theon was shorter than his students. Beside Casra, who easily reached six feet in height, Theon looked like a dwarf. If there was something I hated about Casra, it was the fact that she was taller than me by a couple of inches.
“You have a bad reputation because of that disrespectful attitude of yours,” I reprimanded her for referring to our mentor without any title. She always did this even when she was in a meeting with the people in question. “Why don’t you ever pay any respect to authority?”
Casra shrugged her shoulders. “I respect them for who they are and what they do. Not how long they’ve been alive. There are some people older than you but you can’t respect, right? Like corrupt politicians for an example.”
“I can’t deny that.” The best thing about Casra was not only her genius sorcery and capability as a fighter, but she also had a broad outlook about a lot of things like politics. She even talked about warfare at times and I wonder if she had even gone to war? But women weren’t meant to be soldiers especially in Hellas. She was good in everything that it was easy to love and hate her. “Anyway, would you mind practicing with me later? We have a practical test in archery. I need a moving target to aim at.”
Yes, we were not trained to hit the bull’s eye. This was all for combat. So it made more sense that aiming at a live target who will equally do their best to survive the hunting will get the better results. It wasn’t like we used real arrows. The arrowheads were replaced with small sponges dipped in washable paint. We just had to hit our target as many times as the instructor demanded to meet the quota.
“You might fail your test if I would be your official partner, you know?” she arched one elegant blond brow at me, her angelic soprano voice smooth and teasing. She was just as fast as she needed to be when in combat. It wasn’t a surprise at all.
“Precisely why you have to practice with me. If I manage to hit you a few times, I’m sure I’ll be able to hit anyone a hundred times over.”
“What’s in it for me though?” she shot me a challenging look. All the other scholars were filling out the room by now and we were just here chattering to ourselves. “You didn’t even catch me when Theon forced me to make him a stupid potion. We both scored 100 in his practical exam. You should be able to do it as much as I can.”
“Well, I was busy while you weren’t looking.” If I was not with her, the group of people who wished to burn her alive gossipped louder than usual. I must stay in the middle of the class to monitor everything quietly and act if I must. “Besides, I think that was Sir Theon’s punishment for you because you keep sleeping through alchemy whenever you feel like it.”
“Really? But he doesn’t seem to hate me at all,” she said as a matter of fact. The faculty had long since stopped nitpicking on her. She may had been a little disrespectful but it didn’t hinder her from getting the best results. Between the top scholar whose only offense was calling authorities by name and a bunch of social climbing students who only acted nice for incentives, the former was a lot preferable. At least Casra could prove her worth and she didn’t bring anybody down unlike those two earlier who were gossiping about her. She was actually a lot helpful if only they allowed her to help.
She always helped me like this whenever I needed to study or practice anything; she was always the one to invited me to her room in the dormitory. Even after Casra had stolen the first rank from me, it didn’t change the fact that I was only a little behind her. I tended to welcome people better than she did but even if I had more friends, when it was time to spar, I never had a partner to practice with. I always did it alone. The instructors were the ones who partnered with me during tests. The scholars all said they only respected and admired me but I felt like it was closer to fear. They were scared to realize how big the gap was so they avoided having to see or learn it through experience. But the ever confident and a little bit disrespectful Casra ignored all that. Sometimes, I managed to defeat her in a fight or in academics. She didn’t think it lessened her abilities. Rather, she always encouraged me to charge more fiercely at her next time by catching me the biggest fish in Nile every time I managed to beat her. The ranking could say she was unreachable but the rank only spoke in numbers. It couldn’t understand friendship. And that’s why those who felt insecure about those numbers could not possibly understand how Casra and I formed this bond.
“Forget it,” said Casra. “I know you hate being the center of attention. That’s why I stole it from you. Getting forced to do a boring alchemy demonstration in your place is part of our deal after all. You hate the pressure but you’ve gotta learn how to care less about it if you really want to free yourself from those scrutinizing eyes.”
I frowned at her remark. It was true. She hit me spot on. I didn’t like those gossips so it was better for her to be the best scholar there is. I felt guilty for making a scapegoat out of her so I watched out for anyone who spoke ill against her.
“Well, we’ve gotta go now, Sid – or should say Lady Siduri?” she said tauntingly.
“So you heard them?” I phrased, not really asking.
“I’m not an idiot who’d miss what’s right in front of me,” she replied. Casra of Athenia is far from any image of an idiot. “You didn’t have to talk to them.“
“I said nothing wrong.” I shrugged my shoulders and threw my silk robe over my shoulder. I headed out of the lecture room with Casra in tow. “I just thought I could teach them a thing or two about you.” ———————————————————————————————————————- The next class was geology. We first gathered in the lecture room in the last chamber of the third floor’s Bastet Hall before going out of the academy and venturing to the oasis that belonged to the Musaeum just behind the campus. At first, we were given a lecture about a rock’s life cycle and formation. And then we were told to look for an appropriate type of rock to practice earth magick with. The type of soil it came from, its stage in the cycle and its formation will influence our spells greatly. Bonus points if we could climb the nearby mountain and take a sample of the rock formations there. After that, we must conduct a research about the rock we chose and prepare to perform and display our earth spell that we developed from it next week. A research about the rock sample we provided ourselves and an original spell we could make out of it must be finished in a week. Sometimes, this institution’s standards could become too ridiculous.
Nevertheless, we set out for the rocks immediately after the debriefing. I headed for the mountain without any delay. Most students stayed on the low grounds to search but it would be hard to look for a proper rock there. The oasis was mostly composed of trees, wild grasses, bushes, vines, and moss aside from the body of water. It was only good for herb gathering but rocks hardly came by. They could settle with picking up stones but we weren’t provided with a pair of chisel and hammer to simply pocket stones and go home. By rock formation, it was obvious that we had to go for the large boulder type ones and extract our samples from them using our tools.
I arrived at the mountain top after an exhausting climb wherein I almost lost grip twice but I kept going. I stopped for a while to take a rest and admire the view. The slope was steep and I got a few cuts and burns after skidding down the cliff but I knew the reward was worth it. I will apply salve on them later but for now, I had a perfect view of the sunset and I couldn’t ask for more. Casra told me that my hair looked like the skies of a sunset and that was a more accurate description of it. Better than comparing it to a lion’s mane. I didn’t really like my hair before that. It was a mesh of tangled copper curls that I could never tame down. I especially hate it whenever I have to brush it while it’s wet after shower. After chugging down the water from the jug I brought with me, I immediately set out for what I come for. I walked some more until I reached the entrance of the cave. If you came looking for rocks, caves were the perfect spot where they thrived most bountifully.
As I stepped inside, I noticed a figure emerging from the darkness and approaching me. I kept advancing until we were close enough for me to identify the figure.
“You’re done already?” I asked curiously. I was sure I would be the first one to finish.
“Don’t be surprised,” Casra said with a smile I could clearly make out in the darkness, her voice still managing to sound melodic. “I’m always ahead of you, right?”
That smile turned to a smirk. Sometimes, she could get arrogant for real. It was annoying but I got familiar with that attitude in a short time after figuring out how showing her satisfying reactions will just welcome more snide remarks.
“I’d finish too in no time.” Then I noticed the sample she got. She carried it single-handedly. It looked heavy from it’s size and shape but she showed no signs of it. I could see it’s deadly icicle-looking tip even in the darkness and I wondered what she did to get it. “How’d you get a stalactite?”
She laughed softly. “Who knows? I’ll tell you if you manage to get yourself one.”
I snorted in frustration. I had the idea of carving out a stalagmite because it was relatively easier to break compared to boulders but a stalactite had a more formidable destructive power if used for a spell and that was precisely what our research was for. Questions was how to extract a sample from the rock formations of the cave’s ceiling.
“Well then, should I head first or do I have to watch you flail around in the cave?”
Now, that got very annoying. “Go away, jerk. I don’t need your help!” I shouted at her, my voice reverberating throughout the cave and its darkness She laughed again. This time, much louder and lacking finesse. There were instances when she lost her image of royalty, at least in my eyes. “You’re so fun to tease. I’ll go ahead to dump this thing in my room. Be careful of the bugs ahead.”
I shuddered at the thought of how there could be centipedes and spiders – especially spiders – inside the cave and almost cried to her for help. Good thing she was gone before I could whine about it. I swore I will cover her in paint later when I use her as my moving target. ———————————————————————————————————————- Luckily, I finished extracting my sample without any accident. There were hundreds of bats inside but bats were no problem at all. The oasis had more or less bugs at night so I did my best to beat my sprinting record to reach the dormitory in less than three minutes. It was already dark and I was too tired for the target practice later so I headed to my room for a hot bath. I took an amazing flight of stairs and my exhaustion worsened each step. My room was located at the top floor just next to Casra’s. The perks of being a scholar at the Musaeum was the allowance from the high priest and the maintenance within the campus. We got free food and shelter. Others even had servants to help them in their research. There was the option to share a room so Casra and I once lived together but we fought over the bathroom countless of times until we finally agreed to live separate lives. She was still my neighbor so there was little to no consequences about it. I placed the rock sample on one corner of my room behind the door and almost ran for the shower. I undressed first before soaking myself in the lukewarm water while the tub was filling.
It wasn’t long before I heard a knock on my door. Normally, if someone needed your attention in this institution, they sent you their familiar to deliver the message. A knock meant a personal visit and personal visit meant it was something urgent and in dire need of privacy. I turned off the shower and the tub’s faucet and dried myself with a towel before striding to my closet and picking out casual clothes. I’ll just put on my night clothes later after I finished my bath. Before attending to the door, I wore my silk robe for formality. Silk robes were exclusive for magicians. It signified the respect and acknowledgement bestowed upon them. Sometimes it was passable to wear night clothes under the robe for short meetings in the midnight if you felt sluggish for it. I’ve done that before.
I picked up my staff from my study table and approached the door. I was greeted with the presence of sir Neiro, our mentor in geology as well as our combat instructor. His towering figure hovered over me with his back slouched awkwardly. He looked troubled about something. His blue eyes failed to meet mine and his dark brown hair was slicked back, kept in a long ponytail as usual. He always had this serious militaristic demeanor with a steel bar as his spine but now he looked different even though he was the same as always. Maybe it was the difference his poor posture made. Whatever troubled him must be greater than what he could shoulder – literally.
“Good evening, miss Siduri,” said the professor. “Excuse me for this sudden intrusion but I require your help.”
I sighed mentally at his wording. That was way too sudden and formal for a night visit. How could this happen just when I was about to retire for the day?
“Sir, this is no intrusion at all,” I said with a smile to cover for my reluctance of entertaining him. I could roll my eyes at the formalities so I squinted instead like a cat to avoid being rude. “What can I help you with?”
“The thing is, miss Casra have been ignoring the request of her patron for months now.”
Oh, that jerk. How could she deny her patron’s wishes? It wasn’t free to study in this elite ground, even for us scholars. Our patrons paid for the costs but we must comply to their conditions if we wished to stay here. Magicians get hired by them and the jobs normally included security for political figures. Casra hated authority unless she saw merit in them but that was going too far. It would be stupid for someone as talented as her to be expelled just because of something as trivial as that.
“I understand,” I bowed my head to the mentor curtly. “I’ll talk to her later.”
“Right.” sir Neiro returned the bow. Then he took out an envelope and handed it to me. On it was the name of the high priest and Casra’s. It often slipped my mind that sir Neiro was also the high priest’s associative. He handled all business matters that the high priest tended to. “This is the high priest’s letter addressed to miss Casra. Please make sure she reads it. I’m afraid if I make my familiar deliver this, she’ll just throw it in the trash.”
“I’ll make her listen somehow.“ Even though I said that, I didn’t even had a clue how to get her to open her door to me. My stomach churned at this new dilemma. I haven’t even eaten dinner yet and I have to face a stubborn wall like Casra’s mage pride.
“We’ll be waiting for her in the oasis.” With that said, sir bidded his farewell and left. As soon as he was gone, I stompped my way to Casra’s room. I raised my staff and I was about to blast her door open with a fiery spell but the door unexpectedly went ajar, revealing Casra in her silk robe and carrying her scepter with her. It was rare sight for her to wear her robe. She disliked authority and that included her own. She avoided anything that displayed her rank.
“What are you doing?” she asked, her brows knitted together at her confusion. I realized I was in an awkward position, caught in the middle of a trespass attempt. “Nothing,” I laughed it off nervously, putting my staff down beside me, but she wasn’t convinced.
“I heard about it already.” she stepped out of her room before locking it. “I’m going.”
“You’re not reading this letter?” she was pacing down the hall already and I was forced to follow her if I wanted a talk.
“I know what’s in it,” she said. “Apparently, my patron wanted to test me out. He wants to spar with me to gauge how much I’ve learned. Depending on the result, I might be recruited into the army as early as now.”
“What!” I barely noticed my exclamation and the disturbance I might have caused to the other residents of the dorm. “That’s a rare opportunity! Why the hell have you been ignoring it until now?”
“Because it was suspicious.” Was that panic I heard from her voice? “The patrons the scholars have are usually politicians and wealthy merchants. The army never gets involved. And why does this person challenges me into a fight? Patrons don’t know how to fight that’s why they need magicians to fight for them – it’s all a bluff.” “Okay, you’ve got a point. But why would they pull a prank like this? And they even got the high priest to cooperate.” I waved the letter in front of her but she slapped my hand away. What she said next caught me off guard.
“Sid, I’m sorry,” she said it so softly, I could not be sure if I heard it right.
It was much later that I discovered what those words meant and how she got the stalactite from the ceiling by practically levitating.
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