#as we dance to the masochism tango
abyssruler · 2 years
As we danced to the Masochism Tango
Bash in my brain And make me scream with pain Then kick me once again And say we'll never part
I know too well I'm underneath your spell So, darling, if you smell Something burning, it's my heart
excuse me!
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inuhalfdemon · 4 months
We Dance to the Masochism Tango!
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Inspired by the AI Cover found: here
Day 6 Prompt: Dancing
Word Count: 1,306 Words
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“No, Charlie!” Lucifer told her loudly, exasperated. “I’m not doing it! Not this one! Not with him!!! Find us different partners!”
“You and Alastor both need to learn how to get along!” Charlie emphasized, refusing to budge. Vaggie agrees with me; this exercise is a perfect way for both of you to form a connection and finally: really and truly bond!”
Lucifer made a disgusted face. Alastor stood well and off to the side; eyes narrowed, his smile insane, head tilted and static buzzing from him loudly.
“Seriously, dad: You both enjoy dancing, you both enjoy music…you get to pick any song! It doesn’t have to be a big thing even; just a quick little dance routine! Just do the Cha-Cha or a swing dance or something!”
Lucifer opened his mouth; about to say something when Alastor drifted up from the floor; materializing himself from shadow, beside him. Leaning in; a wide and sly smile stretched across his face he glanced at Lucifer then looked at Charlie.
“Any…song?” Alastor asked, darkly.
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When it came time for the residents of the Hazbin Hotel to demonstrate their dance routines for Charlie’s recent bonding activity; the initial results to the idea were actually quite very tame. Even Angel Dust and Cherri- both having public performance backgrounds of an erotic nature - chose to do a tasteful but well-rehearsed Ramba with each other for everyone to enjoy.
Lucifer and Alastor’s dance was the final routine to be performed; and it came to be their turn.
The lights cut out. The room blazed a vibrant green from fiery pillars that depicted coiling and hissing basilisks – suddenly occupying the impromptu dance floor.
Jaws dropped.
“Holy shit…” Angel breathed and everyone nodded.     
Alastor was dressed handsomely in a stark red, long-sleeved dress shirt and black tie; wearing a pin-striped black vest and dress pants with sharp black dance shoes. Lucifer wore a splendidly white suit; the lapels and the bowtie he had with it emphasized in black, matching his own black dress pants and shoes. Both were standing in the middle of the dance floor; hands clasped and arms resting on each others shoulders.
A live orchestra had emerged toward the back of the room; made up of a horde of shadow demons that Alastor commanded, and a few Lucifer clones thrown – here and there - into the mix. All were holding instruments and ready to begin. Percussion from the orchestra sounded loudly and the music bolstered lively throughout the room.
As the music began, both Alastor and Lucifer slowly waltzed together across the room – taking long and purposefully placed strides.
“I ache for the touch of your lips, dear”- Lucifer
“But much more for the touch of your whips, dear”- Alastor
The sharp crack of a whip sounded throughout the room.
“You can raise welts, like nobody else” – Lucifer
“As we dance to the Masochism Tango!” – Together
Lucifer dramatically – and awkwardly - dipped Alastor before they both smoothly spun; waltzing slowly the other way.
“Let our love be a flame, not an ember!” - Alastor
“Say, it’s me that you want to dismember!” – Lucifer
 Alastor jerked an arm away; slamming his elbow into Lucifer’s face.
“Blacken my eye!” – Lucifer
Lucifer roughly pulled him by the tie; pulling Alastor close to a green burning pillar and letting the fabric combust with the flames in his hand.
“Set fire to my tie!” – Alastor
“As we dance to the Masochism Tango!” – Together
Not a single resident of the hotel moved; eyes wide and barely breathing.
Flourishing himself away from Alastor now, Lucifer took quick and skillful strides as he danced around singing:
“At your command, before you here I stand
My heart is in my hand…” – Lucifer
Sliding onto his knees in front of Alastor; he pulled a hand away: palm open and extended: holding an actual bleeding and pulsing heart in his hand – tissue and vessels clinging to it from the gaping hole he had made to pull it out from his chest. 
“Yeeeecch!” – Alastor
Alastor looked at the throbbing organ with disgust; spitting his tongue out.
“It’s here that I must be.” – Alastor
Rolling his eyes; Alastor casually slapped the back of Lucifer’s hand holding the heart – pushing the organ and tissue all back into his chest. Taking him by the hands; he whirled Lucifer back up onto his feet, pulling him with him into dancing again.
“My heart entreats! Just hear those savage beats!
And, go put on your cleats!” – Alastor
“And come and trample me!” – Lucifer
They pulled each other close; disproportionate torsos brushing as they resumed their initial position: hands clasped; arms resting on shoulders as they moved quicker through room.
“Your heart is as hard as stone or mahogany,” - Lucifer
“That’s why I’m in such exquisite agony,” – Alastor
“My soul is on fire!” – Lucifer
The green flames engulfing the pillars flared brightly; burning hotter.
“It’s aflame with desire!” – Alastor
Still waltzing; Alastor reached for his ruined tie – pulling it away and loosening the collar of his shirt.
“Which is why I perspire when we tango!” - Together
The two did another turn; coming back around. The residents continued watching with open-mouthed stares; only blinking.
Alastor made to spin Lucifer; his hand smacking him across the face with the movement.
“You caught my nose…in your left castanet, love.” – Lucifer
Alastor pulled him back, dipping him low.
“I can still feel the pain yet, love. Every time I hear drums.” – Lucifer
And, the percussion crashed loudly.
“And, I envy the rose…” – Alastor
Alastor flourished his hand; sparking green, and a beautiful red rose with leaves and stem appeared in his hand. He briefly admired the flower before jamming the stem of it into Lucifer’s mouth.
“That you held in your teeth, love.
With the thorns underneath, love,” – Alastor
Alastor gripped Lucifer roughly by the jaw; pushing clawed fingers into his face, lifting the  corners of his mouth so that he could see the thorns of the flower digging bleeding cuts there in-between his teeth.
“Sticking into your gums.” – Alastor
Alastor smiled down on him wickedly and Lucifer spat out the rose; glaring up at him. Smoothly, they both turned; clasping at each other’s hands again and moving forward.
“Your eyes cast a spell that bewitches,” – Alastor
“The last time I needed twenty stitches!” – Lucifer
“To sew up the gash,” - Alastor
“You made with your lash,” – Lucifer
Another loud crack of a whip echoed across the room.
“As we danced to the Masochism Tango!” – Together
Their stepping increased tempo; their strides coming and moving together more quickly:
“Bash in my brain, then make me scream with pain,
Then kick me once again and say we’ll never part!” – Lucifer
They did a quick spin and a turn; going back the other way again:
“I know too well, I’m underneath your spell,
So, darling, if you smell something burning: it’s my heart!” - Alastor
Alastor stopped suddenly; gripping his chest and making a smiling but disgusted face, looking as if he may very nearly vomit…
“Eep…s’cuse me.” – Alastor
Pulling Lucifer with him back into a slower waltzing tempo:
“Take your cigarette from its holder,” – Alastor
“And burn your initials in my shoulder,
Fracture my spine!” – Lucifer
Alastor dramatically dipped Lucifer again; his face leering close:
“And swear that you’re mine!” – Alastor
Then, lifting back up, they quickly waltzed; shuffling and stepping apart – inside hands clasped together and outside hands spread wide and open toward the small, stunned and paralyzed grouping that watched:
“As we dance, to the Maso…
-chism Tango!” - Together
They both stopped; breathing heavily and smiling proudly…waiting.
Nobody in the group moved. Nobody blinked. Nobody breathed.
Then, Niffty cried out loudly, happily: “YES!!! AGAIN!!!” Laughing maniacally and clapping her little hands; her one wide eye bulging with her excitement as everyone else stared on in dead and complete silence.
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Taglist: @helluva-simper
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keebwee · 7 months
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as we dance au doodle before bed (i cannot sleep and also do not want to yet). as a friend said, "THE RETURN OF A KING" !!!!
crazy to me that this fic is over a year old. it was my introduction to multi chapter works and absolutely beat my ass, but i wrote it, and i think its wonderful. i can see issues with the writing style, but again, that was a year ago—and since then I've written 50k+ words for rottmnt, vs the 13k-ish that as we dance is.
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roadkill111 · 5 months
the masochism tango is a freaking banger tho
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sulfuric-nest · 2 years
Soundwave’s Tango
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Happy Valentine’s Day to THE Robot Husband
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size-two-shrimp · 1 year
Screaming and crying and punching my computer monitor (I misremembered the lyrics to a song)
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Levi, if given the chance, would you have a threesome with Tally and Rex?
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"Eh. Not Tally. I'm not gonna fuck God. They've already fucked me over enough."
Now Johnnie on the other hand...
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goji-pilled · 2 years
i hate tiktok this stupid app is giving me sounds and songs that keep getting stuck in my head
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cruucigerglobus · 2 months
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as we dance to the masochism tango
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nat-20s · 7 months
Doctor vs Master in terms of who I'd rather have as an enemy is Master all the fucking way. The thing about The Master is their number one priority is not their moral code or revenge or domination or being a villain no their number 1 priority no matter what is being high camp. If the master was after me I would just clap to lower the lights and make "masochism tango" start playing and then during the dance I'd cuff and collar them with some ridiculously strong stuff and at the end they'd be like "mon chéri...it seems you have foiled me for now, but we shall meet again" and then they'd kiss me hand and I probably would have at least a few years before they show up again. Whereas if you're not already in a deeply codependent situation ship and you piss off The Doctor their number one priority is Fucking Getting You. You can fuck off to the year 6 billion in the 13th dimension and they'll still find your ass and be like "I tripled your lifespan and also gave you anterograde amnesia so everyday you will wake up with fewer and fewer loved ones but the grief will be brand new" like jesus christ man i don't wanna deal with that
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flamintyy · 6 months
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as we dance to the masochism tango ~
vox is probably fine, dw :)
also, little bonus, lmao
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samzikei · 5 months
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Oh as we dance to the Masochism Tango📻🎶
A smol comic from my Butcher x Florist AU!
on twitter
Original Art | extra 1 | extra 2 | Comic Part 2 | Comic Part 3 | Comic Part 4 | Comic Part 5 | Comic Part 6 | Comic Part 7 | Comic Part 8 | MUSIC PLAYLIST | Comic Part 9 | Comic Part 10 | Comic Part 11 | Comic Part 12 | Comic Part 13
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keebwee · 10 months
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i dunno if i ever posted this individually so here we go. made december 13th of last year for my fic as we dance (to the masochism tango)
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radiodemonxkingofhell · 4 months
Okay so we all saw Alloplush's animatic of Alastor and Lucifer singing the Masochism Tango, right?
I have to say that this is my favorite part of this animatic!
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Look how fucking ecstatic Alastor looks being with Lucifer as he brings them back into a dance...
And Lucifer's very soft smile and slight blush at Alastor, they look so damn HAPPY being in each other's presence like I- 🫠
Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention Alastor's EAAAARRRSS 😭
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pigpo100 · 6 months
“As we dance to the masochism tango”
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Two posts in a row where I use a song quote for the title thing look at me go
Version with blood:
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dreolinn · 7 months
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as we danced to the masochism tango
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