#as well as 2 self-study packages
jayden-writes · 5 months
to belong
pairing: Lucifer x gn!Reader
wordcount: ~2.9k
genre: hurt/comfort, angst
cw: skipping meals due to stress, anxiety, insecurity, school-related fears, self-esteem issues
summary: In an attempt to prove yourself worthy to be amongst the demons you were living with, you ended up pushing yourself too far.
other notes: no name, Y/N or MC used // AO3 // thanks again to @gravedwe11er for helping me so much with this fic!
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Sometimes you wondered how you fit into the House of Lamentation, if you even belonged there in the first place. You were a mere human among demons, the seven Avatars of Sin, and no amount of pacts could hide that fact. Everything you did, they did better - and with less effort at that. Mammon's grades were as bad as yours, with the difference that you have been studying night after night for them. Meanwhile, he rarely ever picked up a textbook, if at all.
The final exams were approaching at a rapid pace and you were trying and failing to keep up with the curriculum. Following your return from RAD, you had cooped yourself up in your room and it must have been a few hours since then - Levi had called you for dinner a while ago, and you had declined. How late it was exactly, you couldn’t tell and couldn’t be bothered to check. But you knew that getting enough sleep tonight wouldn’t be possible, just like all the other nights before. With a groan, you leaned back in your chair, running a hand through your hair as you yawned.
Deciding to allow yourself a small break, you went into your adjacent bathroom, standing in front of the sink and splashing cold water on your cheeks. The droplets trailed down your skin and you looked into the mirror, examining your face with a heavy sigh. The dark circles beneath your eyes could almost rival Lucifer’s, and you were nearly as pale as Levi. Your features were beginning to look sunken in and you were barely able to remember the last time you had a proper meal - you were lucky everyone was too busy with their own things to really pay attention to you, otherwise someone would have already scolded or forced you to take better care of yourself. As much as you wanted to do that, you just couldn’t; you had to do as well as possibly could on the exams, well enough to prove yourself to them. Or perhaps more so to prove yourself to Lucifer, to make him proud of you and your efforts.
Feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks at the thought of him giving you one of his rare compliments, you shook your head. It was embarrassing how hard you've been trying to get his attention, his approval; your attempts, however, stayed unsuccessful - the best result you've managed to achieve was the absence of criticism and just the tiniest upward quirk of his lips and-
“Focus, dammit!” you hissed at your reflection, sprinkling some more water on your face to shake yourself out of your reverie.
Finally, you stepped away and made your way to the kitchen to at least eat something small. When you opened the fridge, you grimaced at the harsh light and the emptiness you found inside. You huffed in annoyance and grabbed a cup of yogurt and a spoon, leaning against the counter while you ate your second “meal” of the day in the dim lighting. The cup was quickly emptied and you threw the packaging into the trash before going back to your room. Despite knowing that you should be eating more, especially since your brain needed energy to work properly, you just couldn’t get yourself to actually do so. It was either because you lacked the time or because you simply weren’t hungry; you attributed the latter to the stress you've been putting on yourself.
With that, you returned and sat on your chair, determined to somehow get through these piles of papers and books in front of you. Before you knew it, more hours passed and it was soon past 2 a.m. The letters and numbers were blurred by now and you blinked hard, attempting to bring them back into focus. Setting down the pen, you rubbed at your eyes and, when that didn’t help either, you stood up. The moment you were on your feet again, the room spun around you. Cursing under your breath, you staggered to the bed, collapsing onto it rather than lying down. The light was still on and you were too tired to turn it off. Sleep came easily, although it was anything but restful.
At 6 a.m., the sound of an alarm pierced the air, and you wanted nothing more than to roll onto your side, to sleep off the pounding ache in your head. You clumsily reached for your D.D.D. and turned off the blaring noise, groaning at the overhead light that burned itself into your aching eyes. Without a doubt, you were looking even worse compared to yesterday - you certainly felt like it at least. You sat up and swung your legs over the edge, wincing at the increasing pain behind your temples but pointedly ignoring it as you walked into your bathroom with unsteady steps. While washing your face you caught a glimpse of your appearance and cringed. It would only be a matter of time, and someone would eventually notice how you were neglecting yourself.
Still, lying to anyone who asked about your eating habits had gotten surprisingly easy - you had either already eaten or were going to get something on the way to or from RAD. It made you feel bad, but you couldn't have anyone meddling in your life, not when you so desperately needed to do well on those exams. All you had to do was to focus, to ignore everything that wasn't important until it was over. It was only one week. Seven more days and you could return to how things were before. You would be fine, you knew it.
After getting dressed and gathering your school supplies, you placed them in your backpack and headed to the main entrance. On your way there, you glanced into the dining room, noting the absence of Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, and Belphegor. The ones that were present greeted you halfheartedly, being absorbed in either their D.D.D. or the food in front of them to pay you any attention. You left the House of Lamentation, walking to RAD with an open book in your hands, intent on getting more subject material into your overwhelmed mind before you inadvertently had to write one of the exams later.
The classes went by in a blur and you barely saw the brothers throughout the day, exactly like it has been for the majority of the past few weeks. Somehow, your condition managed to deteriorate with every class that passed, your head spinning and throbbing. Nothing made sense to you anymore and you were unable to focus. By the time you finally had to get to the class you had an exam in, you felt completely out of it and absolutely terrified - at this rate, you were going to fail. Hurrying to the classroom, you climbed the stairs towards the correct floor, taking two steps at once despite the lingering dizziness. They were winding and you were rounding a curve when you forcefully collided with someone. Shrieking in surprise, you lost your balance and began to fall backwards. It all seemed to happen so slowly yet so rapidly. A strong arm quickly snaked around your waist and you were drawn against something firm. Lucifer. You would recognize that outfit anywhere.
“Can you not watch where-” he started to reproach you, but the words died on his lips as you pulled away. His brow furrowed and he gave you a quick look-over.
“Sorry. Didn't mean to. I'm in a hurry, sorry,” you explained, your speech rushed and a little slurred, and you pushed past him to continue your ascent. However, you couldn't get much further because his hand reached out towards you again, this time grabbing you by the wrist.
“Where do you think you're going?” he asked, his tone calm and controlled. His hold on you was tight, although not painfully so, and you turned back to face him.
“To class, I have an exam,” was your simple reply, and you attempted to shake him off once more.
“Oh no, you're not going anywhere,” he responded sternly, not releasing you and instead firmly, yet carefully, guiding you down the stairs.
“What? But why? My exam!” you sputtered. “I apologized, no need to punish me!”
“Punish you?” He frowned, stopping momentarily before shaking his head and continuing downwards. “This isn't about punishment.”
“Then what-” you began, only to be cut off when an especially intense wave of dizziness washed over you, making you lose your footing. Catching you for a second time, he steadied you against his side.
“Alright. Enough of this,” he muttered, keeping hold of your waist while sliding the other one under your knees, hoisting you into the air. Your stomach swooped and you yelped, instinctively wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Calm yourself,” Lucifer said tersely, holding your quivering frame securely. “I’ve got you.”
With a whimper, you pushed your face into the fabric of his suit to avoid seeing the stairs as he descended. The thought of being carried down the steps made you feel queasy and you anxiously held onto him tighter.
“I will not let you fall,” he stated, sounding mildly exasperated. “See? It's already over.”
And indeed, the harsher rocking motions of him descending had ceased, being replaced by the smooth swaying of him walking. You withdrew from him and looked up at his stoic expression. There was a small blush coloring your cheeks at the proximity and you quickly pressed yourself against him when red eyes glanced down at you.
“Are you not… putting me down again? I can walk by myself,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by his shirt.
“Yes, I saw how well you were able to walk down those stairs,” Lucifer retorted sarcastically and tightened his hold on you.
You only huffed and pouted, but that didn’t seem to deter him in the slightest. Soon enough, the main entrance opened and a cold breeze hit you, causing you to flinch, and you buried yourself further into his chest.
“Forgot your jacket somewhere, hm?” he concluded, setting you down carefully, making sure you were at least somewhat steady on your own feet before withdrawing his touch to take off his coat. With a confused look, you observed his actions, barely able to hold yourself upright, whether it was still due to your exhausted and weakened state or due to what almost felt like Lucifer fussing over you, you were not certain. Before you knew it, the warm and heavy fabric was wrapped tightly around your body, and then you were swiftly lifted back up.
“H-hey!” you protested. “You can't just give me your coat! What about you? Won’t you get cold?”
Lucifer's shoulders heaved with a deep sigh.
“You need not concern yourself with me, I will be fine,” he said and you could practically hear how he rolled his eyes.
It was silent aside from the sound of the gravel beneath his shoes as he carried you towards the House of Lamentation. When he stepped through the door, you expected him to set you down so you could go to your room. But instead, he walked up the stairs.
“What? That's- that's not the way to my room,” you exclaimed, shifting in his hold.
“That is correct, yes,” he replied easily, holding you securely and continuing his ascent, undeterred by your confusion. Maneuvering the door to his room open, he entered and placed on his large, pristine bed.
“I don't understand…” you muttered as you shrugged off his coat and made yourself more comfortable, leaning against the headboard.
With a furrowed brow, you watched Lucifer stride towards a cabinet and look through it.
“You will be staying with me for now. You are foolish if you believe that I will let you out of my sight anytime soon.”
Those words stunned you and you didn't know whether you should feel annoyed, intimidated, or flattered. Perhaps it was a mix between the three.
Finally, he found what he had been searching for, returning to your side with a small vial that contained a shimmery blue liquid and sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“I'm assuming you have not eaten a sufficient amount lately, am I correct?” he asked, his expression not giving much away as he uncorked the vial and held it out towards you.
“This will replenish your energy and hold you over for a bit,” he explained once you tentatively took it from him. “I want you to drink this and then sleep. After you've had some rest, I will make sure to prepare you a nourishing meal.”
“Do I really have to drink that?”
“I will not force you to, though I highly recommend you do; you will feel better afterwards. So be good for me and drink it, alright?” he spoke, smirking a little.
At that, your face flushed and you huffed, “D-don't talk to me like that!”
“My apologies,” he chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement, “but I simply can't resist making you blush. You do look rather endearing when you're flustered.”
You looked up defiantly, fixing him with a mild glare as you chugged the potion with a grimace. Lucifer quirked a brow and eyed you closely, a fond, barely there smile playing around his lips.
“That wasn't so hard now, was it?” He took the vial back and set it aside, leaning against his desk with crossed arms, watching you.
“It absolutely was,” you shuddered in disgust at the aftertaste. A pleasant warm feeling spread rapidly through your body and you did feel slightly better, albeit still terribly exhausted, and you couldn't help but yawn.
“What about you, though? Where will you sleep?” you questioned, sinking into the soft mattress nonetheless.
“My bed is more than big enough for two people,” he pointed out. “Plus, I do not typically sleep during the day. There is paperwork that needs to be done. However, I will not return to RAD today. I will take care of everything from my desk, to make sure you're actually doing as you're told.”
He gave you a stern look before walking to his table to busy himself with his work. Except for the scratching of his pen or the shuffling of paper and your steady breaths, it was silent while the time passed. Just when you were about to drift off, Lucifer began speaking in a hushed voice.
“Lord Diavolo, I'm afraid you will have to do without me for today, and tomorrow as well. I have some urgent matters at the House of Lamentation to attend to… It’s nothing for you to be concerned over, I will handle it… If something important comes up, you can of course-… Alright, yes, thank you for understanding…”
Listening to the call made you feel tense, hot shame flooding you. Lucifer, Diavolo’s right-hand man, won’t be able to do his job properly because of you. Because you were unable to keep up with the demands of the Devildom. The spoken words faded into the background as you burrowed yourself further into the mattress, willing yourself to disappear. You hadn’t even noticed that he had hung up until you felt a finger stroking your cheek, wiping away tears. When had you started crying?
“What’s the matter?” he asked quietly; the gentleness in his tone only making you want to hide more.
The mattress dipped and you opened your eyes, seeing him sit on the bed with a frown.
“You’re busy…” you muttered, averting your gaze and fiddling with the edge of the blanket.
“That I am, yes,” he replied slowly, tilting his head in confusion.
“… and I’m keeping you from your work…”
“I see. So that’s what this is about?” Lucifer questioned, his hand moving from your cheek to brush a strand of hair from your face.
Stubbornly avoiding eye contact, you stayed silent. With a heavy sigh, his touch disappeared and he shifted away from you, looking into the distance as if contemplating something. Before you could comprehend what was happening, he had already joined you beneath the covers, the heat of his body seeping into you as he gathered you in his arms.
“I assure you, Lord Diavolo will be able to handle everything without me for two days. Besides, you and your well-being are far more important than any paperwork or meetings with some nobles,” he whispered, pulling you towards his chest and tucking your head under his chin.
“But-” you began.
“No buts,” he cut you off, holding you closer. “I want you to sleep now.”
You wanted to protest, but the way you were nestled against him, enveloped in warmth and a sense of safety, made all your objections vanish into thin air.
“Fine…” you mumbled.
“Good. I will stay here with you until you fall asleep, alright?”
A tired hum was the only response he got from you and he chuckled affectionately, the sound vibrating against your cheek.
“Sleep well,” he breathed, pressing a kiss to your scalp and tracing small circles on your back.
It didn’t take you long to succumb to your exhaustion, and when you woke up a few hours later, you fully expected to be alone - instead, you were surprised to find Lucifer’s presence next to you, now also sleeping. Still in his embrace, you draped an arm across his waist as well, snuggling even closer. He stirred slightly and hummed, sleepily nuzzling your hair. With a smile, you nuzzled his neck in return and drifted off again.
Perhaps you were exactly where you belonged after all.
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jadeee · 6 months
Living with Nanami - Part 2
feel free to read part 1 here 🛋️ I poured my heart into the first one and what do you know, I did the same thing here. this is incredibly long so consider youreself warned.
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Not a lot of pillows on the couch or bed. It's just not practical. Honestly, he doesn't really care too much about this so he lets you have free reign. As long as it's comfortable enough to relax on, he's happy.
If you're like most people, your plants are barely surviving. They only get water when you remember. You don't think much about re-potting them, fluffing the soil, or moving them toward the sun from time to time; so, that unintentionally becomes Nanami's part time job. He can'r just leave them to die! Because then you'll complain, then buy another plant only for it to wilt within a matter of days.
The routine he develops is actually quite nice. He takes care of your plants every Saturday morning while you're still in bed - wiping their leaves of dust, checking how damp the soil is, looking for pests. When you comment on how well they're growing he simply says "Yes, they are," feeling a bit of pride swell in his chest.
Self-insert: One night, you two paint some terracotta pots together. Nanami isn't really sure what he's doing. He's not very artsy or creative; it comes so naturally to you and he's a bit envious because you make it look easy. The corner of his mouth was tight as he dragged the paint brush across the fragile pot in his hand. When he pulled back, he eyed it with obvious disappointment. {** pls read the footnote to hear the inspo behind this}
You sensed your husband's uneasiness like an incoming storm. "Ken, let me see." your voice was soft as you leaned over and he turned his handiwork toward you. Your eyes tried to make sense out of the shapes and lines.
"It's supposed to be an animal."
"... oh..."
"Is it really that bad?"
Heat filled your face "What?! No! It's," you studied the piece "abstract."
A soft grumble left him then but he perked up when you grabbed his artwork from him then started to add to it. After a moment, you flashed him the newly improved piece which was another little creature by the animal along with your shared initials. A remnant of a smile flashed across his face.
If you read part 1, do you remember that special framed object I mentioned? It's actually a memento from one of your earlier dates. You're cleaning your purse out one day when Kento walks over and notices an old receipt. He's a bit surprised when you don't throw it out. A smile forms when he hears you say "It means a lot to me." Because it's personal, it's in the bedroom away from prying eyes. Whenever he looks at it, he remembers that moment and it makes him feel warm, safe... loved.
Please don't hang those pictures and things on your own. He doesn't want you to accidentally fall or hurt yourself, so he prefers to do it. Maybe it's just me but I get the feeling these would be perfectly hung. Nice and straight, not slightly crooked.
Always interested to see how you'll redecorate the place when you get "bored". He'll study your Pinterest board and even search for things in his free time -- although he may not tell you. When I say 'search', I mean he's a collaborator on your board so he's adding notes and inspiration when he has the time but he's also searching for what you have so you can actually put it into your home. Imagine coming home one day to a package and he's not there yet. You: Hey, did you order this? *image* Kento: I did. I was hoping to get home first so I could set it up as a surprise. You: Aww! What is it? Kento: Don't open it. Just wait until I get there. You: Okay .... but what is it? Kento: Don't. Open. It. You: But.. Kento: 🫥 You: 🧍‍♀️... please? Kento: No. You: .... just a peek? Kento: (y/n), no. ~His sixth sense kicked in when you didn't respond right away.~ Kento: You did it anyway, didn't you? You: Sorry, I couldn't help it but aaahhhh I LOVE IT! TYSM! 🥰 Kento: You can be so impatient. You're welcome ❤️ Just don't set it up without me, ok? I don't want you to hurt yourself. You: Okay 😊 thank you, dear darling husband💐 Kento: You're welcome, sweetheart ❤️ I love you. You: I love you too, prob more Kento: Oh, don't start. You: 🤭
Side note: he really loves when you call him sweet little nicknames or things like 'darling'. No one's ever seen him in that light so you calling him something so soft and endearing makes his heart sing.
In regard to texting and all things tech, he's a fast learner but he doesn't dedicate himself to keeping up with these kind of things. So when you mention a new game system or getting a DVD player or projector {I saw a tiktok months ago where this lady's living room setup was a projector instead of a TV and now I want one} he's a bit indifferent. He doesn't really care as long as it's not costly and smthn you'll only use sparingly, go for it. Don't be surprised when he starts using it though, after you teach him ofc lol. Imagine coming home early after runngin errands and he's playing your switch 😂 I can also see him using emojis without knowing their intent {example: the sweat emoji}. If you get a DVD player or have anything similar, he actually loves it. He's a milennial {hope I got that right} so the whole thing is nostalgic for him. It makes him feel young again.
He'd have a few special movies that are close to his heart and remind him of better days before he met you. I'd bet everything I own that he has a DVD of the movie(s), he and Yu would watch. He doesn't watch it at first because he already tears up just holding it in his hand so it sits on the shelf for a while. When you inquire about it, he briefly talks about it. He's already told you about Yu and his entire past so you're not surprised. He loves how you don't push him to talk any further though, you're a quiet comfort and he couldn't ask for anything more. One day, he does watch the movie though, I'd imagine it's when he's by himself. 9 times out of 10 it's some horrible comedy. Yu loved it and Nanami only suffered through it for his friend's sake. As the movie plays on, he chuckles at some horrible joke then gets teary eyed when he hears the echoes of Yu's laughter in his mind. "Y'know he'd be proud of you, right?" he hears your words playback in his head then wipes his tears.
He's a laundry wizard. I remember seeing a post a long time ago that said smthn like 'we know he's great at laundry because how does he get all the blood off his clothes'. Can't find it but shoutout to the OP. This would honestly come in clutch for whatever period incidents you have {bc it happens}. I love this though bc he's completely unfazed when it first happens. He sees you rushing to the bathroom and watches you try to get it out then just says he can take care of it. Imagine just watching him to learn 😭he gets a little flustered but tries to maintain his seriousness.
"Wait," you move closer to him until you're peering over his shoulder. Your scent envelops him and he hates how quickly the blood rushes to his cheeks.
"Hm?" he stops working at the stain then looks back at you.
"How much of that stuff did you use?"
"Just a capful."
"Oh, okay." you remain close to him "Continue."
He didn't speak. He couldn't so he just did as told, rubbing out the stain with you hovering over his shoulder.
Actually gets a bit upset when he sees you taking the trash out for the first time. He doesn't yell but he simply stands by you and takes the bag out of your hands with a "I've got it". Tradition gets the best of him at times. His reasoning is that he "doesn't want you to get your hands dirty".
Everything has a designated spot. He'd prefer if you don't move things but if you must, at least tell him first. This actually made me think of the "Honey, where's my super suit?!" scene from The Incredibles lol.
The welcome mat at the front door is what solidified it for him. Seeing it everyday when he unlocks the door just makes him feel so warm. When his eyes land on you popping your head out of the kitchen to greet him with a brief "hey!" they tear up just a bit. He sheds his coat and shoes then walks into the kitchen to wrap his arms around you and bury his head in the crook of your neck. You chuckle out of surprise then wrap your arms around him "Are you ok?" Your fingers find their way to his undercut to give him that comforting caress. He blesses you with one of those low hums of contentment.
Domesticity really brings out the softer side of him. Don't get me wrong, it was always there but the fact that you two now have a place to call your own. It's not an apartment or a small shared space but a house that you've turned into a home. He can paint the walls with you, build a garden, maybe a nursery... he can live here. He can be happy... he can be happy with you.
You don't know he's thinking all of this though. All you know is that one morning, you're glancing out the window and see your husband painting the mailbox. The fabric of your houserobe feels warm on your skin as you step outside. "What are you do-" your eyes land on the white paint of his unfinished work which reads "Nan" in white paint. "I figured we'd be here for a while." he glances at you with rosy cheeks, still holding the paintbrush in his hand. "Where's mine?" He chuckles and hands you his paintbrush then places a kiss on the top of your head. For once, and more to come, he let himself smile fully as he watches you add "a" to your shared last name. "Y'know darling, you shouldn't be out here dressed like that. People may want you for themselves." "I guess you'll have to let them know I'm your wife then." you glance back at him with a smirk then face forward to finish the last detail of your work. When you turn around to hand him the paintbrush, he barely grips it before pulling you in for a brief kiss. The morning feels cool on his skin. The birds are chirping... are they bluejays? He'd find out tomorrow when he wakes up by your side and hears them again.
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Author's Note: I think we've established I'm sick for this man made up of lines and colors.
** In season 1, episode 3 of Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan, there's a scene where Uramichi is watching TV and a commercial pops up for the viewer to take a psychological test by drawing simple pictures. One of the pictures is an animal and he draws a dog. He then has to send the picture to other people to see if they can accurately guess what it is and it's meant to show if he/the viewer has personality issues. You should be able to watch the full clip here, just go to 21:00! Lmk if the link works or not - this is honestly such a favorite of mine and I haven't even finished it.
p.s.: I found out about the show when I used to work at the mall, LUSH for pple who are curious, and one of the girls/a customer had this really cool tattoo of this funky looking bird. Idk what it was so ofc I had to ask - then she tells me that her and her friend, who was by her side, have matching ones and that it's from Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan! I made sure to watch the show when I had time and even though I haven't finished it, I plan on it. He's so relatable, too relatable lmbo, and I can see some similarites between Kento and he; so now I have to finish it, right?
p.p.s: if you read all that, here's your reward lol 🧋🌼🥠🍎🫂
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saharaadesertt · 1 year
˖˚˳⊹Blue Lock University: an Uni AU˖˚˳⊹
included: aiku, chigiri, gagamaru, kaiser, isagi, nagi, reo, rin, sae, shindou
note: already thinking about uni even though i still have two months LMFAOOO i am catching up on bllk and i finally made it to the different team battles. idk y'all manshine city kinda slaps all of these HC's are not official! check out part 2!
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oh god, this guy gives off business major energy
most definitely in a frat, you can't prove me wrong
the kind of student that slacks off and parties all night but manages to do decent on exams and in class
not stellar but decent
insanely popular, gets all the girls but doesn't know how to keep them
the class clown
professors hate him so much but he does well enough where they can't lecture him
Sports medicine major: wants to help people the way doctors helped him when he tore his acl
also oversees track and xc meets because of his speed
can be spotted at the cafe studying most of the time
likes to spend time to himself but doesn't mind seeing friends once in a while
but when he has a deadline he will focus on that 1000%
Everyone likes him, he gets good grades and is always very good with finishing things on time
His sister and mom visit him often, a family boy!
loves when people compliment his hair
Agricultural science or archeology major: mans is in the mountains constantly
probably does research there
a little bit of an oddball, mostly on the quiet end in class
that being said, he's an underdog in his class rank and always performs suspiciously well
people are scared of him because of his stoic aura but is a genuinely good person to get advice from and study with
if you get past his quirks, he's a great friend and an ever better person to depend on when you need it
please hear me out
at first i thought "another business major but THEN"
i realized he could also be a really self-centered, full of himself STEM major
so i am going to say he is in computer science and thinks he is the true pioneer
honestly, the person that people complain about after class
tryhard and complains about getting a B on something
that being said, if you get on his good side, he is slightly more kind to you
kind of the same as kaiser but a psychology major, more popular, and much nicer lol
likes to study athletes and wonder if their personalities line up with how they play
a hard worker and studier, his weekends are rarely for rest
likes to go out though, he takes comfort in small things like visiting friends and grocery shopping
believe a healthy body is consistent with a healthy mind so is constantly health-conscious and drinks a ton of water
his parents send him care packages occasionally :))
this guy is undecided for now major-wise but will probably do something in video game development or digital communication
possibly cybersecurity if he actually wants to put in the work
lazy as hell but we knew this
constantly skips or sleeps in class but manages to do well
reo has to wake him up or call him if he has an early class he cannot miss or an exam or else nagi would legit miss it
isn't seen out much but when he is, he's with reo
fond of arcades, hoodies, and sweatpants
president of the gaming club and is surprisingly popular because of his gaming abilities
i believe him and reo share an apartment that the mikages help with financially because at this point nagi is like a second son to them <3
another business major, this time marketing
president of the uni's business frat for sure
the definition of star student
everyone loves him but he only hold a few close to him because he knows a lot of people gravitate to him for his money
despite his family line, he is the most humble person you'll ever meet
super polite and respectful
he and nagi live in a shared apartment and only a select few friends get to come over
but when they do, reo shows them the best hospitality and above all, they actually study since he is a man of his word
Definitely doing something in sports administration
the tryhard that is usually quiet, but piss him off and he WILL let you know
part of the school's podcast and newspaper club, where he works on reporting sports and talking to athletes
hates to be compared to his brother who is in the same major as him
gets jealous easily and finds it hard to keep a relationship because of this
communication is key for him in all aspects
also sports adminstration
quieter than his brother but also has more attitude
enjoys being alone no matter where on campus he is in
but also popular
an ace student
is a part of a soccer travel team so is away a lot
drinks venti cold brews
biology... i don't need to explain LMFAOOOO
is VERY interested in all that stuff
actually a good student but is a class clown
doesn't take work seriously but does well enough
befriends everyone although he is a little unhinged
no filter at all
loves sugary coffee and staying up until the sun rises
would be part of the improv team bc he has a quick mouth and is quick thinking
thanks for reading!
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 High Quality & Cinematic BLs
Ones that are very well made with a tight narrative and no cringey dialogue. For example: Old Fashion Cupcake or His. Japan knows what tf it’s doing, okay? You don’t come from a tradition that gave us Kurosawa and fail at broad scope cinematography. 
High Quality & Cinematic BLs + Comfort & Joy 
These are the ones that I love even though they’re artsy, but they also end happily and didn’t hurt me too much.
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1. Old Fashion Cupcake 
(Japan 2022 Viki)
This show had me from the moment they broke the egg yolk with the chopsticks in the opening credits for episode one. It’s about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said man with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s coming of age/queerness packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity and love and loneliness... and it’s beautiful. Full review.
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2. Restart After Come Back Home 
AKA Risutato wa tadaima no ato de (Japan 2020 grey)
Atmospheric study in rural Japan meets complex family dynamics built on a romance framework of city boy meets country boy. It’s beautiful and icy sweet. Slow moving in places but ultimately worth your patience. Full review here.
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3. Life: Love on the Line 
AKA Life Senjou no Bokura (Japan 2020 Viki) 
This is a beautiful movie and a good BL, if a bit adult and gut wrenching at times. Goes through young love, break up, and reunion - but it’s actually a saga of self acceptance. You want the director’s cut. Like His, LLOTL is an exploration of suppression and the limits we impose on ourselves when we’re dishonest about who we love. In high school, serious and self contained Ito fell in love with Nishi, the manic pixie dream boy of the dream he didn’t know he had. Nishi, emotionally and mentally fragile, struggled to fit into the world. Ito, however, found it all too easy, except for the whole - ya know - gay thing. This movie is about Ito’s willingness to sacrifice not just himself but his love (and even Nishi himself) to social and familial expectations and the misery that results. It has a hard fought happy ending that then follows them through the rest of their lives in a (slightly unnecessary but welcome) epilogue montage.
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4. A Tale of Thousand Stars 
(Thai 2021 GMMTV YouTube)
With great casting and cinematography this drama nods at BL tropes but manages to elevate them (and itself) with a strong mature story concept about a spoiled rich kid who gets a heart transplant and becomes a teacher it order to pay out survivor’s guilt. On the way he falls in love with a local park ranger and contends with his own classism and escapist tendencies. Everyone seemed to perfectly suit their roles and GMMTV made the most out of its stable. Combined with excellent production (and post production) values, 1000 Stars is without question GMMTV’s most mature, charming, and smart BL series. I think it should go down as one of the top BLs of all time. I feel safe recommending this one to friends and non BL watchers.
High Quality & Cinematic BLs + Work & Angst 
These are ones that I watched but were really difficult for me for personal reasons. Some may not have happy endings. I tend to call these moody arthouse smackdoodle. They like to pretend that "ambiguous" is somehow unique and special rather than bog standard commonplace for narratives of this type. Hold onto your psyche, these dramas will test you. But they very well done. 
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5. His the movie 
(Japan 2020 Viki)
His is about being a grown adult and still struggling with coming out as gay. It addresses the consequences of life choices disingenuous to identity. Nagisa turns up on Shun’s doorstep with his precocious daughter in tow. This is a touch confusing to Shun since they were each others first love. Shun has retreated from society, rejecting the world before it can reject him, already brokenhearted because without Nagisa he never had a reason to fight. Nagisa went the opposite way, tried to pretend to be something he was not and ended up with a daughter he adores and a wife who hates him. This movie is beautiful and the setting is unique and interesting but I'm not wild about the ending.
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6. I Told Sunset About You 
(Thai 2020 grey) 
I don’t have a ton to say about ITSAY because I’ve never managed to finished it. This one was too close to my own queer journey and it seriously messed with my head about 2/3 of the way through, so I stopped watching to protect myself. However, I can tell you that the production values are unreal for Thailand, using a soft lens, diffuse lighting, and a nostalgic atmosphere, paying close attention to framing, and forgetting neither background nor close-focus expressive detail. It’s a remarkable piece of work. I caught no mistakes in makeup, wardrobe, body positioning, reflection, or boom mic placement - so they clearly had continuity eyeballs during filming and on final product (which most Thai BLs don’t spring for). So yeah, the filming, directing, and acting is insanly good, but what’s really stand out in ITSAY from a film perspective is their smooth as butter invisibly perfect editing. Post production on this series must have been a BEAST.
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7. Your Name Engraved Herein
(Taiwan 2020 Netflix)
This movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. 
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8. Goodbye Mother AKA Thua Me Con D 
(Vietnam 2019 Netflix)
Like YNEH or Dew, this is a great movie but it deals openly with homophobia, bashing, family trauma, and social acceptance. 
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9. His the series 
AKA His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta AKA I Didn’t Think I Would Fall In Love
(Japan 2019)
Boy goes to visit his absent father, ends up kinda homeless on the beach, gets adopted by local family, falls in love with the boy working and living with them. Lots of long drawn out glances. 
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10. I Want to See Only You
AKA Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan 2022 grey)
This is a beautiful piece of cinema well acted, about two boys who are opposite personalities and grew up together. Gifted and serious Sakura (Kura Yuki from His the series) and outgoing eccentric manic pixie dream boy, Yuma. It is very pretty and this is the kind of atmospheric elegantly performed BL that only really comes from Japan (complete with dead fish kisses - what you though Korea invented them? oh no). For me it was lovely but slightly unmemorable. Full review here. 
More Like This From Japan 
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru (Japan 2020) - obsession, cheating, breakup, reunion, then break up again, explicit.
Does the Flower Bloom? (Japan 2018) - May/December romance about an artist student, the house he inherits from his dead parents. and all the people around him who are obsessed with him, including an older man.
Junjou: Pure Heart (Japan 2010) - I shoudl probably rewatch this one, it’s been a while. 
Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan 2017) - It’s not as good as any of us wanted given the beautiful glory of the original manga (I Hear the Sunspot). Also it doesn’t really end happily. Disappointing. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan 2022 Gaga) - After Mitsuru’s cheerful outgoing boyfriend Koichi is killed but stay’s walking around, everyone else begins to forget about him. Mitsuru recalls their romance while trying to understand what’s going on, hold onto his love, and come to terms with loss and identity. Sad and creepy but somehow still beautiful, Japan spending all its pennies on pain. 
Darker BLs and more thoughts on Moody Arthouse Smackdoodle here. 
Tangential blogs posts:
10 Best Uses of Cinematic Storytelling in BL
Top 10 Highest Production Values in Thai BL  
Some Noodling on BL Production Houses & Studios
This post the result of an ask from @theklutzymaniac, updated end of 2022. 
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hi jackal! Its me again-
I have a request again since I am having some hard times lately..
My request is..can you do mk, swk, macaque, tang and pigsy's reaction to Child!Reader having a low score in a subject that they used to be good at?
( platonic ofc and sorry if there are too much characters..you can remove 1 or 2 of them if you would like ^^ )
( the pronouns for child!reader is she/her also sorry if this is very out of place..)
Have a nice day!! ^_^
Aw it's good to hear from you again!! Sorry that you're struggling, I hope this helps! ^^
(also Pigsy and Tang are a package deal since they're married I don't make the rules)
PLATONIC Headcanons
CW: mentions of food/eating, slight disappointment from Macaque and Pigsy
MK - He would probably be a little concerned. He’s not one to notice ONE bad grade, however in a subject she’s shown interest in and succeeded thus far, then he might have to check in on her. He sits down with her, creating a very calm atmosphere(they don’t want to scare her) and asks her what’s been going on. Is someone picking on her? Is she not understanding something? No matter what, he makes it very clear that they’re not upset, they just wanna make sure she’s not burning out or anything. Very sweet, might encourage her to do some studying at home as well as school.
SWK - this is the same man who said AND I QUOTE “your disciple was born stupid” do you think he cares about grades?(/lh). He doesn’t put value on the reader based upon the scores she gets, he values her character and how she acts. Though if she is struggling with anything that is affecting that, then he will gently encourage her to do some self-care with him. Meditation, some healthy snacks, and a Power Nap or two. He would never be angry with her for a bad grade. “Try your best! Even if you do badly, you put in the effort!”
Macaque - Dad Mode engaged. Probably hangs her good grades up on his fridge or something, but then gets worried when she doesn’t want this particular test up there. Admittedly he’s a bit disappointed, but he doesn’t punish her. He puts time and effort into helping her make corrections for the assignment, he helps her study, and tries to help her balance out her mental health while he’s at it. An even amount of breaks in between work sessions, proper meals(I think he’s honestly not a bad cook!). Really nice about it.
Tang and Pigsy are a package deal - Aw what happened?? Do they need to have a chat with the teacher?? No, there won’t be any threats this time. Anyways, Pigsy would be the one to jump to conclusions—maybe she’s spending too much time playing games—but Tang would rationalize and calm him down. He’s an intelligent man, he’d probably love helping her with her school work. For any class, not just the ones she’s struggling with. Pigsy makes sure she’s eating properly and going to bed on time so she’s not throwing off her physical health. They celebrate all the small victories she has, they just want her to do her best!
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viiridiangreen · 10 months
TL;DR i got a spotify recommendation for podcast about """""Toltec philosophy""""" sponsored by a huge pawnshop chain, IMMEDIATELY smelled bullshit and clocked a full on made-up-yoga cult for wealthy whitexicans within minutes.
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Okay so first off the Toltecs may have been one of the most influential cultures in Mesoamerica or... not a thing at all lol
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100+ episodes… no names or faces, only the pawnshop folks' icon and 'TOLTECA NATION'?
Like. Listen. A moneylending chain with 400 locations in this country HAS TO be a mafia and integrated into narco-govt cartels in order to exist.
And then on their website there is this!!!
At Fundación Dondé we are convinced that the greatness of Mexico is in its Civilization Legacy of more than 8,000 years; We proudly exalt this Legacy and we aim to share it so that more and more Mexicans know it and feel proud of who they are.
The history of Mexico is much bigger than what they taught us; Toltec Nation is an educational initiative to rescue the Toltec legacy of Anahuac (Territory of which Mexico is now a part) and to publicize the foundations and principles of Toltequity as a philosophy of life, as well as to propose a feasible response to contemporary challenges.
From this wisdom of ours, we seek to move to support our communities, keep their traditions alive, recognize their languages ​​(68 today spoken in Mexico!), know-how, the environment, and reconnect with a more conscious Mexico.
Our field of action is comprehensive, in addition to spreading the story, we rescue an ancient physical practice based on the Toltec positions of power called KINAM. To start practicing visit Agoralucis.
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the alleged 'tOlTeCa nAtIoN' is just... their own org?? Like a subdivision of the pawnshop corp? Sure smells like some whitexican / corpxican self legitimising HorseShit & not an organic endeavour by indigenous ppl. And now they mention a new agey cult sounding name w/ no added context, just, like, "look em up if you really wanna". so I did! lol
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Glorious. Really digging the space glitter background on the lady who claims to cure hypertension, DIABETES AND CANCER by just, like, BREATHING RIGHT, DUDE! TRULY TUBULAR
Anyway. the shit we were looking for is right after her in the carousel
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Some certified whitexican flavor... anddddd
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THERRRRRE WE GO! Give us 400-800 USD to become a Certified Instructor of Totally Real NonYoga (which btw is OLDER THAN YOGA!!!!1!111!)
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In, predictably, a huge fuckoff space nestled in one of the peak "Rich Pieceoshit" parts of town, decked out in full "cult chic" blindingly white decor
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Or you can get the vacation package! That includes:
"3 days and 2 nights of lodging. Food, drinks and snacks, 2 temazcales, cocoa ceremony, 1 practice of KINAM daily, meditations, breathing techniques, NAHUALIC TECHNIQUES, talk about toltequity and dance five elements"
Eventually, I hit the motherlode, a blog with glorious "2000s lunatic" aesthetic and deranged contents to match
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I MEAN......
The stuff in the caption is "The wizards' secret is that they know time can be manipulated. For example IT IS POSSIBLE TO REVERT THE EUROPEAN INVASION OF AMERICA."
There's also a video of a talk the guy gave at the fancy schmancy yoga place, but he apparently usually does events along... Crunchier lines, graphic design and location-wise:
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The events apparently emphasise the PROPHETIC ASPECTS of sacred maya & nahuatl literature 💀 and the "CEACM", the "Center for Archaeoastronomic and Calendaric Studies of Mesoamerica", is populated by Grifters Galore alongside our deranged friend Julio
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And finally... a post where he rages against the horrible terrible no-good "ONLY FAKE RETIRED EX-NAHUAL" who exposed their bullshit:
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"At this web address, the only retired fake nagual that exists in Mexico makes a series of malicious, defamatory and insulting comments about me and some friends, especially Master Frank Díaz. The title says it all: "a sect destroyed". The funny thing is that there has never been a kinam sect, so you can't destroy something that doesn't exist. This leads me to consider that being the product of the sick imagination of this guy, he really IS the creator. So then you could believe that now it is "destroyed". A creator can destroy his work as many times as he wants."
the giiiirls arrrrrre FIGHTINNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!
So we have a happyish ending: this shit is sooo fucking shameless and out in the open that there is already a pretty great, comprehensive site exposing it. It looks like they're only parting goofy ass whitexicans incapable of googling with their money, so not as bad as it could be.
The site is here ( https://kinam.org/ ) and it's SUCH a gem lmao:
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TITLE: Kinam: Chronicle of a Destroyed Sect
MENU: (including this bc it's hilarious trust me)
The Impossible Toltec Yoga
The other Kinam
Faith of Facts
New Fire
Loud and rude 😹😭
More about
Sustained Reaction – Funny Interview
Sustained Thread
Notice of Privacy
"Summary 2017 : Julio Diana, a Uruguayan, tried to sell courses to a circle of friends with a good economic level, but when he was rejected, he and his partner Frank Diaz created the KINAM sect. This sect affirms that the world has been under an extraterrestrial attack led by Tezcatlipoca for two million years. The sect also speaks of spiritual dimensions, that the Olmecs are Toltecs and Julio Diana claims to be the current exponent of another sect called Linaje1723 founded 5000 years ago. The KINAM sect has been destroyed, but its founders still try to promote their vacillates using aliases."
It goes on a little bit and includes links to proof & shit...
TRULY I feel invigorated, amused, entertained beyond measure. I fucking love rabbit holes into silly cults, especially when nobody dies (that I know of? also this whole post is like. Allegedly™, In Minecraft™, none of this happened for real 😊).
i'm....................... need a drink after this lol
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compudescamso3000 · 9 months
It's been a while (not to say a couple of years...) ever since i been on tumblr, like for real. Looking for something in my old posts... i couldn't help but realize how bad i felt back then...
(and how cringe my english was)
Althought i can't say i'm fully happy now, i'm just a bit less bad... i hope i'm in the right way? I had some post full of hope over what the future was holding for me, making it even sadder how everything turned out now that i'm ... stepping on the time it was supposed to be my future, how my soul was crushed over and over.
Seeing in those posts how i went from someone who happily wanted to sing and that would sing as easily as breathing, to someone who could barely speak a word, whose voice would just have a limited time for speaking, a limited amount of words to say per day. More than a 5 min talk would leave me with a sore throat for days...
The source of high amount of my sadness been gone for 2 and half years now, not that i'm happy over her departure, i'm ... living a more peaceful life trying to understand how to be a person.
It's unbelievabe how trying to make your parents happy can break a person to the point that doesn't awknoledge it's own self, how easy it's to break someone else to the point that desires to die, but knows that attempting to make it happen, if failing, would lead to worse consequences from those that's already experiencing.
I wish i was braver...
"you better be using your phone only to sales"/"who you talking to? is it for a sale?" so i literally had to stop socializing
"everything you have, it was me who paid for it" so i basically stopped using much of my stuff
"come to the kitchen i want to tell you something" every couple of mins bc the 'something' was never told, so i ended up staying staring at the nothingless waiting to hear something that would never be said, to the point i barely laid a feet in my room but to sleep.
"you're useless, you do nothing, you're not helping at all and i'm paying for everything" but... i did DO a lot of stuff, house cleaning, laundry, sales, grocery shopping and most of the cooking, plus the sales picking up and organize the items... the sales itself the pricing the package the dropping at the post office.
"you know nothing/everthing you say you're wrong" then i stopped answering questions, i stopped giving my opinion
"you don't listen when i'm calling you" so i stopped listening to music
"you're drawing? that's a waste of time you're supposed to be studying" so i stopped doing it as well or if i wanted it so bad i had to sacrifice time from my sleep after SHE went sleep... "you can paint/draw on these stuff to sell" yeah, of course, when it was HER gaining money out of my work she was totaly up to me drawing...
"i'm going out to x place with x, i'll be back at x time" "are you sure you wanna go?"x500 times on a row till i say "you know what? i'm staying" so i barely went out in my life, and now the parent that's still around is *concerned* about me not leaving the house... oh dear god, i asked for his help more times that i can remember, and he never said a thing.
So... at the end, the career i was so proud about, the one that made my heart happy, i was silently forced to drop it, because i had to skip classes, because i coulnd't socialize and make connections, because i had NO time to do the one thing needed for it ... which was 'training my ears', because i wasn't let study. I changed for a career she'd be happy about, naive enought to thing she'd let me time to study for it... Only to realize she would expect me to answer messages from and about the sales page 24/7: while on classes, while being asleep (yes, i even had to wakeup to answer...), only for her to answer whatever thing pleased her even if i told her exactly what to say, because of course, she knew better. Even if it was my working, i wouldn't get paid or be able to decide what to bring to sell, i was not owner of my own money, because i had no bank account.
So i became silent, i stayed in standby mode sitting as a stuppid NPC awaited to be spoken to, seeing how my life was crushed and not knowing how to pick up the pieces. Sacrificing my sleeptime was the only hope to socialize... but when you sleep only 5~6 hours it's a terrible idea.
I'm broken, inside and outside. And it's sad to admit that i never attempted suicide because i knew that despite knowing that the treatment i recived was because 'i'm not a boy', the consequences i'd have to suffer were going to be even worse, i only lived because of Infinite, because sacrificing my sleeping time to listen to their music was the only thing warming my heart, and my dreams the second main source of happines/freedom i had.
After her departure, i ... filled a void in my soul by buying dolls, damn, first time deciding how to use my money...
Took me a while to realize i owned my time, that i could listed to music... the last year or so... music sprung in my heart making me sing again, can't sing or speak for long but, still i can...
Now, i've purchased a mic, not fancy, but it works, in hope to record my singing, to encourage myself to get back to the keyboard or the strings.
I've came to realize that my room, that was always my safe place, was as well my prison, my cage, it took me about a year to be able to stay in my room to read, or hear music, or write. I've been attempting to sing in here (where my pc is...) i feel anxious, and suffocated, can't find my voice, feel worthless, i forget... bloody hell, now i need to be able to feel safe in here again?
Damn, i didn't expect to write such long text... but yeah, 29 years to come to awknodledge that what i knew as 'normal' was a lie, suffering of allergies in a chronic way, it an endless pain with around 30 different simphtoms i been able to identify that doctors have no idea about... because they only think allergies=instant death
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csanoopjain1 · 6 days
CS Coaching in Delhi
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Becoming a successful CS requires rigorous training and guidance. This is where quality coaching comes into play. In this article, we’ll delve into why CS coaching in Delhi is crucial, and why CS Anoop Jain Coaching is a top choice for aspiring CS professionals.
If you’re based in Delhi and aspiring to become a CS, look no further than CS Anoop Jain Coaching. This renowned institute, led by the esteemed CS Anoop Jain himself, offers comprehensive coaching programs designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to excel in the CS professional exams.
A Guide to CS Coaching in Delhi with CS Anoop Jain Classes
Delhi, a bustling metropolis, is a hub for education and professional aspirations. Among the many career paths sought after, becoming a Company Secretary (CS) holds a prominent place. If you’re in Delhi and aiming to crack the CS exams, finding the right coaching institute is crucial. This guide delves into the world of CS coaching in Delhi, highlighting the importance of coaching and the reasons why CS Anoop Jain Classes stands out as a top choice.
Why Pursue a Career as a Company Secretary?
The role of a CS is multifaceted and carries immense significance. Here are some compelling reasons to consider this career path:
1.High Demand and Growth
2. Lucrative Salary Packages
3. Versatility and Flexibility
4. Job Security and Stability
5. Intellectual Stimulation
High Demand and Growth: The demand for qualified CS professionals is constantly rising due to increasing corporate regulations and governance requirements. This translates to excellent job prospects across diverse industries.
Lucrative Salary Packages: CS professionals command competitive salaries, with experienced CSs earning substantial packages.
Versatility and Flexibility: A CS qualification opens doors to various roles within a company, including Company Secretary, Compliance Officer, Legal Advisor, Corporate Governance Specialist, and more. You can also explore opportunities in consultancy firms or pursue independent practice.
Job Security and Stability: Due to the crucial role CSs play in corporate governance, they enjoy a high degree of job security and stability.
Intellectual Stimulation: The CS profession demands continuous learning and keeping abreast of evolving legal and regulatory frameworks. This ensures a stimulating and intellectually engaging career.
Why Choose CS Coaching in Delhi?
While self-study is commendable, CS Coaching in Delhi offers several advantages for aspiring CS professionals:
Experienced Faculty: Reputable institutes like CS Anoop Jain Classes have faculty members who are CS professionals themselves. Their deep understanding of the curriculum, coupled with practical experience, provides invaluable insights to students.
Structured Learning: Coaching provides a well-defined study plan, ensuring you cover the entire syllabus effectively. This organized approach prevents students from getting overwhelmed by vast amounts of material.
Enhanced Clarity: Complex concepts in Company Law, Accounting, and other CS subjects become easier to grasp with expert guidance. CS Coaching in Delhi provide a platform for doubt-clearing sessions, ensuring students have a thorough understanding.
Practice & Evaluation: Regular mock tests and practice papers offered by coaching institutes mirror the actual exam format. This helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to focus on areas needing improvement.
Peer Learning & Motivation: CS Coaching in Delhi fosters a competitive yet collaborative environment. Students can interact with peers, share knowledge, and support each other’s journeys, creating a motivating atmosphere.
CS Anoop Jain Classes: Your Gateway to CS Success
Established by CS Anoop Jain, a renowned CS professional and educator, CS Anoop Jain Classes has carved a niche in Delhi’s CS coaching landscape. Here’s what sets them apart:
The Guiding Light: CS Anoop Jain himself is actively involved in teaching and mentoring students. His vast experience, coupled with his engaging teaching style, makes complex concepts easy to understand and remember.
Comprehensive Course Structure: The CS Coaching in Delhi offers meticulously designed courses for all levels of the CS exam — CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET), CS Executive Programme, and CS Professional Programme. Each course covers the entire syllabus in detail, leaving no stone unturned.
Focus on Practical Application: Coaching goes beyond rote learning. CS Anoop Jain Classes emphasize the practical application of theoretical knowledge, preparing students for real-world scenarios they might encounter as CS professionals.
Study Materials & Online Support: Students receive high-quality study materials, including meticulously prepared notes, mock test papers, and access to an online learning portal. This portal offers additional resources, video lectures, and discussion forums for enhanced learning.
Personalized Attention: The CS Coaching in Delhi prioritizes individual attention. Smaller class sizes and dedicated doubt-clearing sessions ensure every student receives the support they need to excel.
Proven Track Record: CS Anoop Jain Classes boasts an impressive track record of student success. Consistently high pass rates in CS exams stand as a testament to the effectiveness of their teaching methodology.
CS Coaching Programs Offered by CS Anoop Jain Coaching
CS Anoop Jain Coaching caters to students at various stages of their CS exam journey. Here’s an overview of their programs:
1.CS Foundation Course
2.CS Executive Course
3.CS Professional Course
CS Foundation Course: This program lays a strong foundation for the CS course by providing a thorough understanding of basic legal and commercial concepts.
CS Executive Course: This comprehensive program delves deeper into core subjects like Company Law, Securities Law, Cost and Management Accounting, and more.
CS Professional Course: This advanced program equips students with in-depth knowledge of complex legal and regulatory frameworks applicable to companies. It also focuses on practical aspects of corporate governance and secretarial practice.
In Summary
CS Anoop Jain Coaching offers a holistic and comprehensive approach to CS coaching in Delhi. With its experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a proven track record of success, it stands out as a premier institution for aspiring Company Secretaries. Whether you are just starting your journey or looking to advance your career, CS Anoop Jain Coaching provides the resources and support you need to achieve your goals.
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santoshkumar369 · 1 month
Exploring the Benefits of Pursuing MBBS Abroad
In today's globalized world, pursuing a medical degree abroad has become an increasingly popular option for aspiring doctors. The prospect of studying medicine in a foreign country offers a myriad of advantages that can significantly enrich a student's academic experience and career prospects. In this article, we delve into the advantages of attending a MBBS college abroad and why it might be the right choice for you.
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1. International Exposure and Cultural Diversity:
One of the most significant benefits of Study MBBS Abroad is the exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives. Interacting with students from various backgrounds not only broadens your horizons but also fosters cross-cultural understanding and tolerance. Such experiences are invaluable in today's interconnected world and can enhance your interpersonal skills, an essential trait for any healthcare professional.
2. High-Quality Education:
Many renowned universities abroad offer world-class medical education with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge research opportunities. These institutions often have well-established medical programs that adhere to international standards, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive and rigorous education. Moreover, studying in a foreign country can expose you to innovative teaching methods and practices that may not be available in your home country.
3. Clinical Exposure and Hands-On Experience:
MBBS programs abroad often provide ample opportunities for clinical exposure and hands-on training from the early years of study. This practical experience is crucial for developing clinical skills and gaining confidence in real-life medical settings. Additionally, some universities have affiliations with top hospitals and healthcare institutions, offering students the chance to learn from leading medical professionals and participate in research projects.
4. Global Career Opportunities:
Graduating from a reputable MBBS college abroad can open doors to a wide range of global career opportunities. Medical degrees obtained from internationally recognized universities are highly valued by employers worldwide, allowing graduates to pursue careers not only in their host country but also in other parts of the world. Whether you aspire to practice medicine internationally or return to your home country, an overseas medical degree can significantly enhance your career prospects.
5. Language Proficiency and Communication Skills:
MBBS from Abroad provides an excellent opportunity to improve language proficiency, especially if the medium of instruction is different from your native language. Mastering a foreign language not only enhances your communication skills but also facilitates patient interactions and enables you to work effectively in multicultural healthcare environments. Moreover, being proficient in multiple languages is a valuable asset in today's globalized healthcare landscape.
6. Personal Growth and Independence:
Living and studying in a foreign country fosters personal growth and independence. It challenges you to adapt to new environments, overcome cultural barriers, and become more self-reliant. These experiences not only shape you into a well-rounded individual but also equip you with invaluable life skills such as resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities, all of which are essential for a successful career in medicine.
7. Affordability and Scholarships:
Contrary to popular belief, pursuing MBBS abroad can be more affordable than studying in some countries, especially when considering factors such as tuition fees, living expenses, and scholarship opportunities. Many universities offer scholarships, grants, and financial aid packages to international students based on academic merit, alleviating the financial burden of studying abroad. Additionally, some countries have lower living costs, making them more budget-friendly destinations for aspiring medical students.
In conclusion, attending a MBBS college abroad offers numerous advantages ranging from international exposure and high-quality education to global career opportunities and personal growth. If you're considering pursuing a medical degree overseas, it's essential to research and carefully evaluate your options to find the right fit for your academic and career aspirations. For more information on MBBS admissions abroad, visit our official site:https://www.axisinstitutes.com/
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englishwiseae · 2 months
IELTS Course: Things You Need to Know
An exam extensively used to evaluate non-native speakers of English is the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). It can be challenging to select the finest IELTS preparation course that meets your demands and ensures exam success due to the rising demand for these programs. In our extensive guide, we will examine the best IELTS courses for 2023 in-depth and present you with insightful information to help you choose wisely.
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Several things need to be considered when selecting an online IELTS coaching in Dubai. To begin with, you must evaluate your present skill in English. Do you speak the language as a first language or already know some? This will assist in deciding whether an advanced course or introductory course is best for you. Take your preferences and learning style into account as well. While some people do best in face-to-face classroom settings, others are better suited for online courses that provide scheduling and location flexibility.
An additional crucial element to consider is the instructor's standing and experience. Seek out organisations or instructors with a strong track record of assisting students in achieving their target scores and a wealth of experience instructing IELTS preparation courses. Reading their evaluations and testimonies is also helpful to gain insight into past students' experiences and results.
Things to Take Into Account While Selecting an IELTS Course
These elements can assist you in making an educated choice and guarantee that the course you choose will fulfil your unique requirements and objectives.
The training provider's reputation and accreditation rank among the most crucial considerations. Selecting an online IELTS coaching in Dubai provided by a respectable university or organisation is vital. By being accredited, a course can be guaranteed to fulfil specific requirements for efficacy and quality. Additionally, as businesses and educational institutions frequently value authorised providers' courses, they legitimise your IELTS preparation process.
The methodology of instruction is still another crucial consideration. Since everyone has a unique learning style, selecting a PTE academic course whose teaching philosophy suits your interests is critical. While some courses provide more interactive online learning environments or one-on-one tutoring sessions, others could concentrate on traditional classroom instruction with lectures and group discussions. Select a course based on the kind of learning environment you are most comfortable in.
Many students who are preparing for the IELTS exam while balancing other responsibilities like work or school place a high value on flexibility and ease. To allow you to study at your own pace, look for courses that provide self-paced learning choices or flexible timetables. Furthermore, consider whether the course gives you access to internet tools and study materials so you can readily check them whenever and wherever you need to.
Another important consideration while selecting an online IELTS coaching in Dubai is cost. Finding a course that gives good value for money is as vital as not sacrificing quality. Examine the costs of various classes and consider the package's inclusions. Some courses' extra materials or support services may justify higher course costs.
Tips for Making an Informed Decision
1. Read Reviews
Examining past students' evaluations and testimonies is one of the best ways to determine how successful an online IELTS coaching in Dubai is. Check the course website or other reliable sources for reviews. Take note of remarks regarding the calibre of guidance, the resources offered, and general course satisfaction. While unfavourable reviews could point to possible problems, positive ones can help you feel more confident about your decision.
2. Go for a Free Trial
To give you an idea of what the PTE academic course in Dubai is like before committing fully, many IELTS courses offer free trials or demo sessions. Utilise these chances to evaluate the course's general structure, material quality, and teaching style. Making a more educated choice will be possible for you thanks to this first-hand experience.
3. Evaluate Course Materials
All exam areas should be covered in in-depth study materials and tools offered by a well-designed online IELTS coaching in Dubai. Seek classes that include writing prompts tailored to the IELTS structure, vocabulary lists, sample questions, grammatical drills, and practice exams. The availability of these resources can improve your exam preparation and learning process.
Commitment, preparation, and practice are necessary to ace the IELTS test. It's critical to comprehend the test structure, become familiar with the different question kinds, and improve language proficiency. Furthermore, efficient time management is essential during the test. You can get the score you want if you prepare and get the correct advice. It's critical to remember that persistence and consistency are the keys to success on the IELTS.
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how-to-do-it-better · 3 months
The Ideal Penis: Part 2
No matter your size, you can make it work for you.
By PolySwingerWife. Listen to the Podcast at How-to Sex.
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We’re taking plenty of time for this issue, because it has a lot of myths, yet it impacts much of how we interact.
In the same way that busty women often carry themselves in a confident aura, and often intimidate other women, Some men have a confidence that is tied to their ‘package’. Men who don’t have super-sized packages, sometimes feel a significant lack of confidence.
Never mind that longer, thicker men are usually denied uncomfortable intercourse from many women. And they are almost always deprived of alternative sex act like fellatio and anal penetration.
Some men are also adverse to the attention they draw for their larger physiology; just as some women don’t like being stereotyped for having big tits.
Let’s hear from Evangelina Vargas, aka, Poly Swinger Wife. She’s married, but claims multiple sex partners.
Length vs Girth
It is often men who are concerned about cock size. I will admit that cock size can be an issue for some women, as well, but more often it is men who are the most concerned.
Men’s penises can be seen in gym locker rooms by other men, at nude beaches, and at nude resorts by both men and women. When penises are seen in these places, the penises are flaccid. Most men are not comparing their erect penises to other men’s erect penises in real life. When this occurs, it is usually while looking at or watching porn.
Since most penises are seen when they are flaccid, it is safe to assume that flaccid size is just as important as erect size.
Let’s say that two men are together, one man’s penis glans (head) is bigger than the other man’s entire penis. Could this be an issue? I believe so. Let’s now say that a woman is looking at these two men. Is she going to see both men as being equal, sexually or otherwise? Possibly not.
A person’s reaction to a man’s penis size can have lasting effects. And too often statements made about a smaller penis are rarely complimentary.
Imagine that you are a man, and more than once you have been told that your penis is “cute.” Does this foster a feeling of command, confidence, and masculinity? No. Conversely, if you are told that you are hung, or hung like a horse, does this foster a different feeling for the “hung” man? I believe so.
The size of a man’s penis often has a lot to do with how a man sees himself. How well he measures up will attribute to the man’s feelings of self-worth, and himself as a man.
It is said that flaccid size often has nothing to do with what the same penis will look like when erect. I agree, to a point. I believe that a man who has a flaccid penis that is 2.5 inches in length isn’t going to be as big when he is erect as a man who is 6.5 inches in length when he is flaccid.
A larger cock, when flaccid, may not grow much more when it is erect, but it may get thicker. So, let’s say that one man has a 4.5-inch erect penis that is 4.0 inches in circumference, and the other man has a 6.5-inch penis that is 5.0 inches in circumference when it is flaccid. I believe it is safe to assume that the larger flaccid penis is going to be the bigger penis when it is erect.
Many men fear being alone or rejected because of the size of their penis. This fear usually exists because of past ridicule of the man’s penis or the fear of that happening.
The Whole Clitoris Matters
Although most women care much less about men’s penis sizes, it has been noted that women who can, do, and enjoy vaginal orgasm prefer larger cock men. For women who don’t prefer vaginal orgasms, penis size is a far less pressing matter.
Studies have shown that fewer women can and do orgasm vaginally than those who orgasm through clitoral stimulation. Yet, it has also recently been proven that the clitoris is much larger than previously thought. Essentially, all women who experience orgasm, either through clitoral or vaginal stimulation, experience clitoral orgasms.
Why is this important? The reason many women can and do experience “vaginal” orgasm is that the penis rubs the clitoris on all sides. When looked at, the clitoris is not just the nub that most people think that it is. It actually covers much more ground. The “nub” is just the tip of the clitoris.
To put it crudely, the entire clitoris looks like a large wishbone that has incredibly large testicles. (Side note, the G-spot is actually the back of the clitoris.) A thicker cock can stimulate the clitoris in various areas. This is why girth is often more important to women than length is.
‘Show Me’ clubs
If girth is more important to women, why are men so worried about the length of their penis? The reason is that men’s penises are their advertisement, their forecast of what’s to come. Yet, I will admit, this, too, is situational.
My husband and I go to swing clubs, and we are also members of a nudist resort. My husband and I have both noticed that there is a big difference between the men who go to swing clubs and those who go to nudist resorts. The men we see at the swing clubs usually have penises that hang and swing when they walk. Whereas, most of the men at the nudist resort have small, or barely visible, penises.
Of course, swing clubs are sexual atmospheres. Whereas, nudist resorts are family-friendly. At the swing clubs, it’s rare to see men who have a small penis. Conversely, at the nudist resort, it’s rare to see men who are well hung. My husband has a small penis. At the swing club, my husband often feels inferior. Whereas, at the nudist resort, he’s larger than a majority of men.
We have become friends with another couple who also attend the same swing clubs we do, and they are also members of the same nudist resort. And we have talked about this with them. The wife of the couple has said that she feels more attractive at the swing club because men want to have sex with her. The husband says he likes the nudist resort most because he is around men who are more sized like he is.
Seeing the difference between the penis sizes of swingers and nudist men has made us think. In a sexually charged atmosphere, the larger penis men are seen as most valuable. Whereas, at the nudist resort, personality is what matters most. If you go online and look at nudists, you will see a lot of small penis men. Why is that?
At nudist venues, public sex or public displays of affection is forbidden. Whereas, at swing clubs, public sex is encouraged. So, what would attract one man to one place and another man to the other? Comfort and acceptance. You pretty much go to places where you feel you fit in most. So, if you have a small penis, you would feel more comfortable at a nudist venue.
We’ve gotten to know the one man, at the nudist resort, who is exceptionally well sized. To put this in perspective, he used to be a porn star, and he is bigger soft than almost all of the men I have seen (hard) at the swing clubs. He says he feels like a circus freak, sometimes, at the nudist resort. Yet, he also says that a lot of women, at the nudist resort, want sex with him. Although public sex is frowned upon at nudist venues, this big dick guy says that sex does happen, a lot, at least for him.
Neither my husband nor the husband of the other couple we’ve gotten to know, have been able to get sex at the swing club. Yet, a larger penis man, at a nudist resort, gets sex, often. At the swing clubs, you get to see men both flaccid and erect. Whereas, at the nudist resort, you only see men flaccid. At the nudist resort, it doesn’t matter if you are a grower or not.
We’ve been to several swing clubs and several nudist resorts, and our findings have been the same. Nudists believe that baring it all has physical and mental health benefits, including stress relief and improved self-esteem. Which makes sense, even sexually.
As a man, when you are around a lot of other men, who also have small penises, you see yourself as normal. At a swing club, if you have a small penis, you see yourself as that guy who doesn’t get to have sex. And that has no physical or mental health benefits, stress relief, or improved self-esteem.
It works in reverse, too
Nudism is about creating situations where there is psychological and emotional equality between people. This is not the case at swing clubs. A nudist environment is a safe, NON-sexual space. Whereas, swing/sex clubs are sexually charged. Having an erection, and not hiding it, in a nudist environment reinforces rape culture and works against everything the nudist movement stands for. Whereas, at a swing club, especially if you have a large penis, you are more than likely going to get to make new friends.
In nudist environments, sexually suggestive language, dancing, dress, or displays of affection are never appropriate. So, why is it that in swing clubs sexually suggestive language, dancing, dress, or displays of affection are permissible and even encouraged? Because nudist environments are considered wholesome and non-sexual. Whereas, swing clubs are sexual by nature. This being the case, why are there more larger penis men who go to swing clubs and smaller penis men who go to nudist resorts?
In a nudist environment, no one cares how big or small your penis is. And no one pays much attention. Whereas, at a swing club, your penis size is important. And everyone notices if you are big or small. Although nudist environments aren’t sexual, a larger penis is going to be noticed, just as a small penis is going to be noticed at a swing club, but not in a good way.
To add some balance, at a swing club, a plumper woman is not going to be seen as attractive as a fit woman. And she will not be seen as sexually valuable. This is something that we have come to see. If you are a larger woman or a small penis man at a swing club, you are not seen as sexually valuable. In a nudist environment, your size, whether you are a man or a woman, isn’t important. Why? Because nudist environments are non-sexual. So, in sexual situations, your size does matter, whether you like it or not.
I believe this is something many people don’t understand. To most people, sex is important. And in our findings, if you are a fit woman or a man with a large penis, you are seen as sexually valuable. I think we all want sex, but because of how people are, what you look like, and what you have, matters. The biggest difference between a larger woman and a small penis man is; a larger woman is more likely to be hit on than a small penis man is.
As far as confidence goes, nudist men don’t care who sees them nude, in a nudist environment. Even if they have a very small penis. Yet, at swing clubs, the larger penis men seem to be the most confident. It seems to us that confidence, where penis size is a part of it, is largely dependent on the situation and the environment. If overt sexuality is looked down upon, small penis men are the most confident. And, in sexually charged atmospheres, larger penis men are usually the most confident.
Take this outside of swing clubs and nudist environments, and penis size is often important, to both men and women. And, sadly, if you are a small penis man, even clothed and no one knows you have a small penis, the small penis man still often feels inferior. I joked once to my husband that maybe all men should be nudists. And he didn’t laugh. He told me that would not be a good thing, because then you’d know who really did and did not have a small penis, and everyone would know. Not what most small penis men would wish for.
It’s sad, considering that most things in life are not sexual, that penis size is such an issue. Big penis men complain that they can’t find underwear that fits them right, or that they can’t get their penis in a woman because their penis is too big. But that doesn’t seem to affect their day-to-day lives. Whereas, small penis men deal with small penis problems in all aspects of their lives.
I started this post to state that the importance of penis size is situational. But I have to admit that it isn’t. If the opportunity for sex doesn’t exist, then penis size isn’t an issue. Whereas, if sex is what people are there to have, or are looking for, then penis size is going to matter, a lot.
We are a society that sees our physical appearance as important. If you type “sexy nude women” in Google, what do you see? You see younger, fit women, with larger breasts. What happens when you type in “sexy nude men” in Google? You see pictures of men who are well hung, or you see pictures of men having sex with other men. What does that tell you? Sadly, our naked bodies tell others of our sexual market value. And this is why many men fear their penis isn’t big enough, or want theirs to be bigger.
Often people see sex as a private matter, but, in reality, it is more a socio-economical matter. Men’s and women’s bodies are like sexual currency, and each body has its own sexual and socio-economic value. As stated above, when sex is not wanted or looked for, a small penis isn’t an issue. When sex is the goal, that is when penis size matters.
Just 3 Seconds
A man and his penis may be likened to a property owner looking to sell. It makes sense for him to advertise, market, and position his property to create increased demand and end up with the best deal. Consider actual marketing, the business that has the most money can attract the most customers. Now, look at men and penises. The man who has the most to advertise is going to attract the most sexual partners.
A recent study revealed that women see a man’s height and penis size as equally important. And in this study, it was proven that women can approve of or reject a man’s penis in three seconds, by simply looking at it, and the majority of women in the study stated that they did not find a small penis attractive.
One thing that all men have to realize is that women can and do have sex more often than men, and usually understate their number of sexual partners. What this means is that no matter who you are, as a man, chances are good that the woman you’re having sex with has probably had sex with more men than you will with other women.
What does a woman’s number of sexual partners have to do with penis size?
If you are a man who has an erect penis that measures 3.75 inches long and 3 inches in circumference, and all the other men that your present sexual partner has been with have been at least 6.5 inches long and 5.75 inches in circumference, You’ll have a challenge before you. The other men were all almost twice your size in both length and girth.
Kinky Options ‘For Small Cocks Only’
Keep in mind, though, if a woman is into anal sex, many women prefer a thinner penis. And if you are on the smaller side, a woman can get your entire cock in her mouth, she can deep throat you. Then, she can relax and just have fun with your cock.
Some might say that a woman’s vagina feels different if she has recently had sex with a man who had a much larger cock. If it has been a while, the same woman may feel tighter. If you enter a woman just after another man pulled out of her, and his cock is larger than yours is, the woman may feel loose to you. And if you have a large cock yourself, you may never meet a woman that you’d consider to be loose.
There are benefits no matter what side of the scale you’re on. If you have a smaller cock, you may get to do more than a man who has a much larger cock. If you are a man who has a larger cock, you might get sex more often. Yet, if your cock is the size a woman can have fun with, then you win, no matter what.
Although any man with any size penis can please a woman, and enjoy himself, men still concern themselves with something they can’t change. Your penis can’t be any bigger than it is, you can’t change how tall you are, but you can lose weight and work out to improve your market value. Instead of focusing on what you can’t change, focus on what you can change.
I’m not saying that there is ever going to be a time when a smaller penis is seen as superior to a larger penis. What I am saying is that larger and smaller penis men can and do get sex. And you can, too, no matter the size of your penis.
In conclusion, men will probably always worry or be discontent when it comes to their penis, but keep in mind that women also worry about their bodies and parts. The fact that women have sex with more men than men do women should tell you that you’re still in the running, no matter your size.
By PolySwingerWife for Literotica
from How-To Sex Podcast
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helthcareheven · 3 months
Natural Harmony: Herbal Menstrual Cramp Treatments
Nonprescription Pain Relievers
One of the most common and effective ways for menstrual cramps treatment is by taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB), naproxen (Aleve), or acetaminophen (Tylenol). These medications work to reduce prostaglandins, hormones in the body that cause the uterus to contract and can lead to painful cramps. Taking the medication at the first sign of cramps can help prevent pain from worsening. Be sure to follow dosage instructions on the package label. Combining a pain reliever with a heating pad on the lower abdomen may provide additional relief.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Making adjustments to diet and daily habits may help some women experience less severe cramps. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is important. Caffeine and alcohol should be limited or avoided as they can worsen symptoms. Eating small, frequent meals that are rich in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B1 may help relieve cramps as these nutrients are thought to reduce prostaglandin levels. Regular exercise like walking or yoga can prepare the body for menstrual flows and is relaxing. Getting enough sleep and managing stress is also beneficial.
Herbal Remedies
Certain herbal supplements have been used for centuries to ease menstrual pain. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds and is safe to use. Studies found ginger to be as effective as ibuprofen for relieving cramps. Turmeric and boswellia also have anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, aromatherapy using lavender or clary sage oil applied to the lower abdomen may provide relaxation. However, it's best to consult a healthcare provider before trying herbal treatments as supplements can interact with medications.
Heat Therapy
Applying heat to the lower abdomen using a heating pad, hot water bottle, or warm bath soaks can relax cramped uterine muscles. The warmth increases blood flow to the area and reduces prostaglandin levels. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever and then lying with a heating pad massaging the lower back may offer the most complete relief without medication side effects. Heating pads or microwavable bean bags can be carried while out and about as well.
Prescription Medications
For women with very painful or debilitating cramps, prescription medications may be necessary. Oral contraceptives containing low doses of estrogen and progestin are often prescribed long-term to regulate periods and lessen menstrual symptoms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen are also available by prescription at higher doses for severe cramping. If cramps are disrupting work or school, birth control pills, contraceptive patches, or other long-acting hormonal treatments may be options to discuss with a gynecologist.
Home Remedies for Stress Relief Menstrual cramps treatment
Managing stress is key for menstrual comfort since stress hormones intensify pain. Gentle yoga stretches, deep breathing, meditation, or relaxing with a favorite hobby can all help take your mind off cramps. Listening to soothing music, reading an engrossing novel, or giving yourself a soothing massage may reduce cramp-triggering tension. Light scents like lavender are relaxing as well. If work, school, or home responsibilities are overwhelming, give yourself permission to slow down and rest without feeling guilty. This self-care will actually enable better productivity.
When to See a Doctor
While most women can find relief from menstrual cramps on their own, consulting your healthcare provider is advised if:
- Cramps are severe enough to interfere with daily activities for 2 or more days each month.
- Other symptoms accompany cramps like diarrhea, vomiting, heavy bleeding or fever over 100.4°F.
- You've had cramps for many years without improvement despite lifestyle changes and OTC remedies.
- Cramps started later in life or changed in severity recently.
- It's been over 6 months since your last period if under 45.
A doctor can check for underlying conditions and discuss prescription options tailored to each individual situation. In rare cases, painful periods are symptomatic of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease which merit comprehensive examination. Finding effective menstrual cramps treatment is important for one's quality of life.
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kieron141-blog · 3 months
Stress Saving Advice & Tips for Phoenix Florida cross country movers
Moving out of can be a stressful challenge, however with the best pointers and list in place, you can make the procedure smoother and more arranged. Whether you're relocating for a task or starting a new chapter in your life, appropriate preparation is key to ensuring a successful relocation. 1. KIck off as soon as you can: Begin your preparations as soon as possible to permit sufficient time for all the needed jobs. 2. Print off a tailored list: A detailed list of each key task that requires to be done before, throughout, and after the move. This will assist you to keep organized and guarantee key pieces of this complex jigsaw are not overlooked. 3. Research study your new state: Familiarize yourself with the regulations, laws, and requirements of your brand-new state regarding real estate, utilities, transport, and so on 4. Hire expert movers: Consider working with skilled movers who specialize in long-distance moves. Get several quotes and read evaluations to find trusted professionals who can handle your particular requirements. 5. Declutter before packaging: Take this opportunity to declutter your valuables by eliminating products you no longer need or usage. This will minimize the total volume of products being moved and save you money and time. 6. Load tactically: Label boxes clearly according to their contents and destination rooms in your brand-new home. Load fragile items with extra care using suitable cushioning products. 7. Alert crucial celebrations: Inform pertinent parties about your change of address, including banks, energy companies, insurance coverage companies, schools if suitable, and federal government agencies. 8. Organize important files: Keep vital files such as recognition papers, medical records, financial statements securely arranged throughout the moving procedure for simple gain access to when required. 9. Arrange for energies transfer or cancellation: Contact energy business at both ends to schedule disconnection at your present home and connection at your new house on moving day or quickly after. 10. Take care of yourself throughout the relocation: Moving can be physically demanding and emotionally draining; remember to take breaks when required and prioritize self-care to remain stimulated and focused throughout the procedure. By following these top 10 pointers, you'll be well-prepared for your out-of-state relocation, guaranteeing a smoother transition and a favorable start to your new chapter.
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How can one obtain GDPR training in Iraq?
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GDPR Certification the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) serves as an integral basis for defending individuals' privateness and rights in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). GDPR compliance is now not simply required for companies working in the EU, however it has now turned out to be a world popular for defending touchy data. GDPR recognition and Certification have ended up being extra applicable for companies in Iraq and different non-EU nations. In this article, we will appear at what GDPR Certification contains and how humans and agencies in Iraq may additionally get GDPR training.
Understanding GDPR Certification:
GDPR Certification is formal affirmation that an enterprise has adopted procedures and mechanisms to comply with the GDPR rules. The Certification manner consists of a thorough contrast of an organisation's statistics safety insurance policies to make certain that they are regular with the GDPR's ideas and obligations. While GDPR Certification is now not required, it is a positive device for incomes that have confidence from consumers, partners, and regulatory authorities by way of demonstrating a dedication to defending private data.
Benefits of GDPR Certification:
Enhanced faith and reputation.
GDPR Certification suggests to stakeholders that your association values information protection, which fosters self assurance amongst customers, partners, and workers.
Legal Compliance:
GDPR Certification ensures that your company complies with the European Union's prison standards, reducing the chance of prison penalties and fines.
Competitive Edge:
In the modern international company market, GDPR Certification can provide an aggressive edge, in particular when dealing with overseas purchasers and companions that cost facts protection.
Risk Mitigation:
Organisations may also restrict the danger of fact breaches and the ensuing reputational damage via organising GDPR-compliant policies.
How to Receive GDPR Training in Iraq:
Acquiring GDPR Certification necessitates great coaching to know the subtleties of the rule and its impact on commercial enterprise operations. Here's a step-by-step education for humans and organisations in Iraq in search of GDPR training:
1. Research and Select a Training Provider:
Begin by means of searching for GDPR coaching groups that supply thorough guides focused to exceptional talent levels. Look for diagnosed agencies or education institutes that have a tune file of presenting profitable GDPR coaching programs.
2. Online Training Options:
Given GDPR's international scope, a number of education vendors furnish online courses, making it available to humans and agencies in Iraq. Online coaching offers individuals the freedom to learn at their speed, permitting them to manipulate their expert obligations.
3. Course content:
Make positive that the GDPR coaching software you pick out consists of critical aspects of the regulation, such as records safety principles, lawful processing, person rights, facts breaches, and the obligations of Data Protection Officers (DPOs). A well-rounded application will supply newcomers with the critical data for GDPR compliance.
4. Certificate Exam:
Most GDPR coaching applications encompass a Certification take a look at to affirm participants' comprehension of the subject. Passing this check is a vital step toward income GDPR Certification.
5. Practical application:
Look for education packages that encompass real-world situations and case studies, permitting inexperienced persons to put their know-how into practice. This hands-on strategy improves education efficacy and prepares individuals for GDPR implementation in the real world.
6. Continuous learning:
GDPR is a dynamic rule that can also be up to date and amended. Choose a coaching software that promotes ongoing learning, affords regulatory updates, and continues newbies up to date on the altering surroundings of statistics protection.
7. Networking opportunities:
Choose education packages that enable you to communicate with enterprise professionals. Connecting with different contributors and instructors may additionally assist you share your experiences, thoughts, and satisfactory practices for GDPR compliance.
Why pick Factocert GDPR Certification in Iraq?
Factocert is one of the pinnacle main GDPR Certification carriers in Iraq. We furnish the fine GDPR Consultants in iraq, Baghdad, Mosul, Basra, Erbil, Najaf, Karbala, and different foremost cities in Iraq.factocert is the most relied on GDPR Certification Bodies in Iraq go to our internet site www.factocert.com or contact us at [email protected] for carrier of implementation, training, auditing, and registration.We furnish exclusive ISO Standards like ISO 27001,ISO 9001,ISO 45001 ,ISO 14001,ISO 13485,ISO 22000,and ISO 17025.
GDPR Certification is greater than a checkbox; it represents a dedication to defending individuals' privateness and rights in a more and more digital environment. For humans and groups in Iraq, reaching GDPR Certification entails selecting the right coaching program, comprehending the complexities of the rule, and organising sturdy records safety procedures. As establishments at some stage in the world see the price of GDPR compliance, obtaining Certification will become a strategic step to amplify trust, enhance felony compliance, and stay aggressive in the international market. Investing in GDPR coaching approves Iraqi companies to role themselves as statistics safety leaders, assuring a secure and moral strategy to managing non-public information.For More facts go to : GDPR Certification in Iraq
Related Links :
GDP Certification in Iraq GLP Certification in Iraq GMP Certification in Iraq SOC 1 Certification in Iraq SOC 2 Certification in Iraq SA 8000 Certification in Iraq RoHS Certification in Iraq HALAL Certification in Iraq
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intomybubble · 5 months
A small shelf update
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I bought the Homestuck books.
I bought Vol 3 and 6 on Instocktrades and they arrived this morning and were very well packaged. I ordered two volumes of The Royal Tutor, from the same site, to finish my set, but that’s arriving separately.
This shelf will only temporarily look like this since I still need Vol 5 to finish my Homestuck set, and I might buy Vol 2 and 3 of the collectors edition of Pokemon Adventures at some point.
I’m basically at the point where I’m just waiting on series to continue or manga I already read getting licensed (“I want to end this love game” is releasing in a few weeks!). It’s a good thing since I don’t have a lot of space left on my shelf and I had to move some other series into letter boxes (from Michaels) under my self to make room.
Though they all won’t be up there, I’ll post another shelf pic when I finish off The Royal Tutor (I’m hoping I can fit Vol 6-8 and 14 to 17 on the top shelf, I have Vol 1-5 with part of Pandora Hearts and The Case Study of Vanitas)
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