#asg cos
5231045 · 11 months
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holy shit chuuburashka
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hunterrrs · 4 months
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NATE AND TATE LFG? nate: i claim sid btw. bettman: ok but why are both your pants off…?
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crow-the-unknown · 3 months
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fastbreakpoints · 1 year
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CO-DADS. CO-DADS!!!!!!!!!
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goalsdigger · 5 months
Podsumowanie postanowień noworocznych 2023 - 17/21
1. Być wolną od nałogu. ❌
2. Nie brać leków rekreacyjnie! Ani nadużywać tłumacząc się, że potrzebuję i chuj. ✔️ (rok temu brałam dzień w dzień i o tej porze byłam na morfinie)
Terapia/praca nad sobą:
1. Znaleźć odpowiedniego terapeutę i sumiennie chodzić na wszystkie sesje. ✔️
2. Przypominać sobie co już wiem, dalej wprowadzać w życie, utrwalać, pracować nad tym czego nie udało mi się przyswoić, odkrywać nowe, mieć się na baczności, lecz z odpowiednią dozą wyrozumiałości. ✔️
3. Próbować na wszelkie sposoby (jak coś jest głupie, ale działa, to nie jest głupie).✔️
4. Nie spuszczać z oczu celu i doceniać nawet najmniejszy progres. ✔️
5. Nie czekać do ostatniej chwili, szukać pomocy wcześniej, informować o tym, w razie potrzeby zaangażować psychiatrę. ✔️
6. Z całych sił się starać by moje zaburzenia nie odbijały się na Dawidzie. ✔️
7. Nie kłamać/kłamać mniej. ✔️
8. Odpuścić perfekcjonizm i nastawienie „wszystko albo nic”, większość rzeczy robić na 40-70%. ✔️
1. Dogadać pracę u Michała albo szukać innej. ✔️
2. Zacząć robić C ✔️
3. Kontynuować nurkowanie i zrobić specjalizacje z ratownictwa. ❌
1. Wyjechać na wakacje za granicę z Dawidem. ❌
2. Spędzać częściej aktywnie czas z Dawidem i pójść z nim na te jego ASG. ✔️
3. Szukać rozrywki w tym co naprawdę lubię, a co olewam. ✔️
4. Nieco bardziej zadbać o swój wizerunek. ✔️
5. Spełnić zachcianki, które odkładam od lat. ✔️
6. Dbać również o zdrowie fizyczne. ✔️
7. Wytrwać w pisaniu dzienników (nawet choćby miały być chujowe). ✔️
8. Utrzymywać porządek (nie zaniedbać zwłaszcza łazienki i kuchnii). ✔️
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harlowhockeystick · 3 months
singer being co captain at the asg w bieber and the media and everyone going nuts w her and will basically being all over each other the whole time
when she drafts him on her team everyone is like 🫣😏
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jedynaprawdziwa · 2 months
Jezu, ja nie wierzę, umieram ze śmiechu. Facet, z którym byłam w związku półtorej roku kandyduje w wyborach do rady miasta.
Przedsiębiorca, prowadzący przez wiele lat herbaciarnię (1). Arborysta zajmujący się pielęgnacją i wycinką chorych drzew metodami alpinistycznymi (2), co w połączeniu z wiedzą ze studiów inżynierii architektonicznej sprawia, że doskonale rozumie potrzeby planowania przestrzennego i dbania o zieleń miejską (3). Stale rozwija się i poszerza wiedzę z zakresu nowoczesnych technologii (4).
Prywatnie mąż (5) i założyciel dwóch lokalnych sportowych stowarzyszeń nierejestrowanych (6), związanych z parkour i akrobatyką oraz z paramilitarnymi rozgrywkami terenowymi ASG (7).
Herbaciarnię założył za hasj rodziców, co miesiąc przynosiła tylko straty. Szybko wypalił się i olewał wszystko związane z biznesem. "wiele lat"? Ha! 3. Trzy lata. Po drugim roku zaczął hodować zielone, żeby wyjść na zero i oddać rodzicom pieniądze, opłacił też z tego wesele i mieszkanie.
Nie mając studiów nie wiedział co dalej po ostatecznym zakończeniu herbaciarni. Lubi się wspinać po drzewach, a dowiedział się, że ten zawód to dobry hajs.
Nie skończył studiów.
Gówno, ogląda rzeczy, niczego nie kończy, wiele rzeczy zaczyna. Ostatecznie niewiele wie.
Mąż XDDD chłop z zaburzeniami emocji, potrzebuje terapii, ok był ślub ale ta Panna Młoda, taka 2/10, życie. Miał fajniejszą XDDD
I nic się z nimi nie dzieje, nie rozwija tego. Miał to oddać
30-letni chłop biega po lesie z plastikowym karabinem i strzela plastikowymi kulkami. Co tydzień. Wielki pan od planowania przestrzeni zielonej strzela plastikowymi kulkami i zostawia je w lesie. Na zawsze.
Mam nadzieję, że człowieka wyjaśniłam.
Bez odbioru.
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the-rookinator-3000 · 10 months
so for a good while the game was mostly untouched because adult swim games (the producer that owned rain world at the time) said they couldn't update the game until it was out on all platforms, if i recall correctly. later, after ASG turned over the rights back to them, a producer called akapura games took over the game and allowed them to do updates again. now for a good while at this point the game on steam was pretty far behind the console versions - two of the characters didn't even have their unique endings. it had been years since they've updated it. so i'm assuming alongside wanting to get up to date properly, they wanted to come back with a bang...
at the same time as this more slugcats was in development by their development team, and was at this point only the slugcats provided. it didn't have any unique regions, creatures, or campaigns, only their abilities were available to play. even still, the dev team wanted to do more, and videocult (the group that made the game) must've seen a lot of promise in their efforts and wanted to officially take them on! they also got people who made the jolly co-op mod to join and make their mod official as well, and thus the downpour DLC was officially in development. the DLC update also came with a free update that made mods officially supported by steam workshop, which meant you didn't need to install 3 different mod loaders and a ton of .dll files to play with your friends! hooray!
i'm really glad spearmaster is your fav because this gif can be literally us jumping up and down together now
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ohhh man saint. saint. it's crazy. i have to tell you about pretty much all of the basegame lore to even make a bit of sense for saint's ... it's a lot LOL but man this silly frog guy is cool
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them!!! it's us!!! yay!!!
OHHH NVM I GET IT .. actually i thought it had been a completely different approach ... otherwise damn u really know lots about rain world dont u...enough to make a whole video essay i fear!!! also.. adult swim games.....??? ???? question mark
also EHHSEHHSHAAHHAH i didnt expect saint to be that fluffy... hugs them
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laurastacey · 1 year
My ideas to make nhl all star weekend suck less
Bring back the all star draft
Have a coed asg and let women's players play in the actual game
Have each player pick a charity to play for. Award $ based on what team wins or points leader, most goals, etc
Zamboni racing
Celebrity judges to decide coach's challenges (like actual celebrities, not the people they got to judge the breakaway challenge last night. I've never even heard of those people)
Scrap the division 3-on-3 tournament and play a full length game. With the current format, some of the leagues biggest stars may only play 10 minutes all weekend.
Fun, marketable rivalries. Team Crosby vs. Team McKinnon or team ovi. Mini world up (can vs usa vs Sweden vs europe). Team mcdavid vs. Matthews.
Let team ebugs play a period
Just straight up don't even bother with an all star game and give players a weekend off. Players would clearly rather be on vacation than at the asg anyway.
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Thanks a lot @ellena-asg for the tag. It was great getting to know you.
3 ships: McDanno, Destiel and Buddie. we love blonde/brunette friends co-parenting children.
First ever ship: It was probably Prue and Andy from Charmed or Stella and Mac from CSINY tbh.
Last song: Mean Street the 2015 remastered version from Van Halen.
Last Movie: I legitimately can’t tell, i think it was Forrest Gump, i watched it for my geopolitics class.
Currently reading: Miroir, miroir, dit-moi ce que je vaux vraiment by Louise Aubery.
Currently watching: (this one is actually embarrassingly long) hawaii five o (yes again) doctor who, staged s3, the winchesters and criminal minds evolution. and i barely started Castle, Merlin, Stargate sg-1 and star trek.
Currently consuming: water because that’s the only thing i like.
Currently craving: a break, omg i need school to stop. and also need mu periods to stop hurting. pls. A flat chest would be nice too.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it cause i have no idea which of my mutuals are still active appart from @ellyhotchner. love you all.
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5231045 · 1 year
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this barbie is on a mission
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adelaydebclouds · 1 year
@ellena-asg Found it on your archive after long time. Love all your ideas but special shoutout to you for this part:
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I know Rachel makes you anxious, Ellie ;-((( Just thank you again for the idea. Love it more than Danny co-parenting with that *censorship* Hope you'll write your meta soon! <333
I remember you did comics with the trope (#all custody for Danno) and love it ofc! But you let Rachel to see Grace from time to time. Could you do smth (content) without Rachel in their life? Pls!
I need what we talked about some time ago. No seeing. Grace is happy with her mcdanno daddies. Grace hates Rachel for what she did to Danno and her (I'D BE VERY GRATEFUL). Grace knows everything and defends her Danno. (didn't mention Charlie cause I remember you don't like this plot)
PLEASE. I tried to find smth but only found "Danny & Rachel co-parenting".
Btw if someone read a fanfic/saw smth about it pls let me know and send me link! :-) ;-*
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crow-the-unknown · 3 months
yeah i'm eternally disturbed by the connor hate rn. coming from an avs, pens, oilers, canes, leafs, devils, canucks, and more fan. it wasn't rigged. and just because he helped design it does not mean it was automatically going to be him that won. anything can happen, anyone could have won that. he helped design it because he wanted to help make it fun. for the fans AND the players. and he did. him "making" it and winning it are not correlated. he tried hard, as did cale and a lot of others.
we should all know that connor is the best player in the world by now. maybe that's a factor too. makes sense. but you can't just hate him for that... he's a silly, sweet, personable person once you get over how much love broadcasts talk about him. he himself doesn't care for the media as much as we all do as fans. he's just as tired about being practically exalted as we are about him.
and yes, he is the best player. but you could argue nate is too. just because he's the best doesn't mean others are not incredibly close too. he is not perfect. he is human. he deserves a little more love in the real way. not the "great player amazing so good blah blah blah" way. the "he's humble and funny and so haunted by expectations i am kissing his forehead and giving him a hug" way.
tldr it's okay for the guy that actually made the push for the all star skills competition to be more fun to win it. it's not rigged. he just... won. no big deal. also the entire event was fun so do we really care who got an extra million dollars they didn't need? they had a good time and that's what matters.
(also yes i know a lot of the hate is a joke but still. i have a point here..) ((i am also a huge connor fan. so. tooootally not biased lmao))
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tapejob · 1 year
your analysis is SO insightful and complex i feel like a deranged academic nodding along. in light of that i would like to prophesize that this asg will be matty's big debut to the rich and interconnected lore of hockey men. where he turns from a boy to a Man who gets in Situations with other me. especially with those outside his team. matty's quinceañera if you will. also i would like to further prophesize that we see matty clinging onto noted one time roommate at the UNTDP jack hughes birthing the absolutely nightmare pairing that is matty/jack
HONORED thank you 😭😭 peer review has been passed!!
i'm honestly still sort of stunned that they brought in beniers, especially as a rookie, but proud of him for getting here nonetheless. i truly don't follow umich nor the young guns as much as others, but i totally agree... beniers probably has multiple connections with players given the nature of tournament hockey and nepotism, but this asg is a big chance for him to navigate a league-wide networking event without all the pandemic restrictions that he's had to work through before in college and co. i wouldn't be surprised if he goes through the majority of the event talking with superstars and getting mentoring advice thrown at him.
and omg.... while i would love to see beniers clinging to hughes, i'd also love to raise another fun hypothetical: beniers, who has been accepted to harvard and gone through the college circuit, is actually incredibly competent at networking his way through superstar pr events and making the most out of the event for his own personal growth. hughes, who has grown up in the usndtp, and (unlikely, but would be funny) has had none of his usndtp friends nor devils friends voted in alongside him, clings to beniers instead. either way, hell on earth reins.
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seemabhatnagar · 1 year
Supreme Court will not interfere in matters where call is to be taken by the Executive
Balwant Singh v. Union of India & Anr.
The Supreme Court (SC) of India dismissed the Criminal Petition of the Accused Balwant Singh one of the accused in the #CriminalConspiracy which had resulted in the #assassination of the then #ChiefMinister of #Punjab, Prakash Singh Badal. Further the Apex Court also didn’t find it appropriate to give #access to the #file of #Ministry of #HomeAffairs to the Petitioner.
This verdict was pronounced on 03.05.2023 by the Division Bench of the Apex Court comprising Hon’ble Justice B R Gavai J, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vikram Nath J & Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sanjay Karol J.
The present Criminal petition was filed for calling the record of #mercypetition submitted on 25.03.2012 seeking clemency from the President of India under Article 72 of the Constitution of India (COI). And to commute the death sentence into life imprisonment because of inordinate delay in deciding the mercy petition.
Fact: Balwant Singh, the petitioner in this case, is one of the accused who had hatched  criminal conspiracy along with 8 others (Jagtar Singh Hawara, Gurmeet Singh, Lakhwinder Singh, Shamsher Singh and Nasib Singh.) and had executed bomb blast on 31.08.95 in which Chief Minister of Punjab Prakash Singh Badal along with 16 others lost their lives and many were injured.
The Trial Court convicted the accused for the offence pertaining to Sections 120-B, 302, 307 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860and u/s.3(b), 4(b) and 5(b) r/w 6 of Explosives Substances Act, 1908 and awarded death sentence.  
In reference High Court confirmed the conviction and sentence of the accused (Petitioner Balwant Singh) but commuted the death sentence of Jagtar Singh into life imprisonment. However Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) filed Appeal before the Supreme Court against the commuting of death sentence into life imprisonment in the case of Jagtar Singh which is pending for consideration.
Other co-accused preferred appeal against the judgement of the High Court (HC) before the Apex Court but the present petitioner didn’t preferred any appeal or any Mercy Petition before the President of India.
The mercy petition pending before the President of India is filed by Shiromani Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee (SGPC) on behalf of the Petitioner Balwant Singh.
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India on 27.09.2019 initiated a proposal on the occasion of commemoration of 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji proposing special remission and release of prisoners.
Submission of the Petitioner Counsel:
Communication dt.27.09.2019 of Ministry pf Home Affairs, Government of India provided that 8 Sikh persons be given special remission under Article 161 of the Constitution of India and be released from prison and a further proposal for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment of one prisoner (petitioner) is to be processed under Article 72 of the Constitution of India.
Till date no decision has been taken.
As the State and the Union of India have not been able to decide the Mercy Petition which is pending for more than 10 years, this Court itself may grant that commutation.
Submission of the Additional Solicitor General of India (ASG)
Petitioner having expressed in specific terms that he has no faith in the judiciary of this country and that he did not regret at all being part of the crime and further has used contemptuous terms before the High Court which have been duly recorded, wherefore he does not deserve any mercy in view of his conduct.
Till date the petitioner himself has not submitted any Mercy Petition. The Mercy Petition dated 25.03.2012 was submitted by the SGPC. When the petitioner has not filed any Mercy Petition himself, there is no question of granting any relief as claimed.
Ministry of Home Affairs, upon material consideration of various reports from its different branches, has come to the conclusion that the consideration may be deferred as it could have an impact of compromising the security of the nation & creating law and order situation
Criminal Appeals filed by the co-accused Lakhwinder Singh & Jagtar Singh are still pending before this Court, as such consideration of any Mercy Petition would arise only after disposal of those appeals.
Criminal Appeal filed by CBI is also pending against the commuting of death sentence into lfe imprisonment in case of Jagtar Singh.
The decision in these appeals pending before this Court would be a relevant material and while considering the Mercy Petition the same could have a bearing. As such it would be appropriate to await the decision of the pending appeals.
There is no delay in consideration of the Mercy Petition. It is only after 27.09.2019 that the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, required the State Government to send the proposal for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment under Article 72 of the COI.
Considering the prevailing situation, a decision has been taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs that it would be appropriate to defer taking any decision on the Mercy Petition as it could have serious potential of compromising the security of the nation or creating a law and order situation.
Observation of the Apex Court:
Delay in decision on Mercy Petition can’t be sustained.
Petitioner himself never submitted Mercy Petition. Mercy Petition on behalf of petitioner Balwant Singh was submitted by the SGPC.
The Ministry of Home Affairs communication dated 27.09.2019, is the proposal for considering the commutation of the death sentence of the petitioner was started and a decision was taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs to keep the same pending till disposal of the pending appeals before this Court, filed by the co-accused as well as by the CBI.
Deferring the decision by Ministry of Home Affairs amounts to a decision declining to grant the same for the present.
Since Ministry of Home Affairs, upon material consideration of various reports from its different branches, has come to the conclusion that the consideration may be deferred as it could have an impact of compromising the security of the nation or creating law and order situation.
It is within the domain of the executive to take a call on such sensitive issues.
This Court does not deem it appropriate to issue any further directions.
Seema Bhatnagar
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evntualities · 3 months
also while i'm here real quick, still thinking about the structure of this last asg, with celebrity captains to go along with each division. drew has obvious ties to liam and to the sports world, so thinking about them being reunited as co-captains. drew would be living his best life all weekend. li might be less overwhelmed because the stories that come out are about them and their ties. i realize it's late because the asg was weeks ago, but time is an illusion
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