#aside from when the doc comes to your house i think
berrymeter · 2 years
doing my yearly instagram story add is always rough bc all my friends from high school & shit are like, doing shit with life, & i’m just sitting here in my room being unable to get up more than five times on most days & look i’ve mostly accepted that next to them i look like a failure but also hhh dear god lmao,
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liveontelevision · 3 months
Bite Me (Continuation) Teaser
Vampire Lucifer x Reader
Hello :) writing is hard
Here's a part of something I wrote for some more one-shots with Vampire Lucifer (I have like 15k words just sitting in a google doc and they haven't even hanky panky-ed yet) It's just getting really plot-heavy, and I'm waiting for a good time where I can really focus and put my all into it!
But I reeeally like this part, so-
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"Let's get you cleaned up." With a sigh, he sweeps you off your feet quite easily. You would've protested, but the relief of not standing on your own two feet after such a treacherous journey had you melting into his arms without a complaint.
He opens one of the few doors in the corridor, one you were sure was empty before, to see it housing an intricate bathroom. The tub was large, the counter was sleek and cool, and it was full of dozens of soap, scrubs, and salts, decorating the shelf nearby. With a little gasp of astonishment, you're placed carefully on the edge of the tub.
"You didn't have to carry me, dummy." You watched him walk around the room and gather various bottles and jars, setting them aside on the counter after mumbling some agreement as to what he had picked was correct.
"Ha, you certainly weren't complaining." He hums, with a flick of his wrist your attention turns to the water spout that had turned on. You noticed the water was immediately at a comfortable heat while running a hand underneath. "Plus, your shoes are disgusting, I can't have you dirtying the floors." You laugh at him, but his look back at you had you stifling it quickly.
"Sorry, sorry, you're right." You start to undo your shoes, flexing your aching soles with another pathetic groan. Lucifer turns with a small concoction he has whipped up in a little wooden bowl. Sitting beside you, he ran his hand under the water with a hum and sprinkled it across the top. You could swear you heard chimes coming from the water. It immediately sparkled and glowed into a golden haze.
"Wow.. that's a bit much for some muddy shoes, don't you think?" You're hesitant to spoil the calm waters with your body, but when the smell hits you, you're fluttering your eyes shut with a hum. It's fantastic. When you return your attention to him, he's already slipped off his vest and is moving on to untuck his shirt. "W-Whaaat are you doing?" You scoot away from him a bit, your eyes wide at even the thought of his bare skin.
"It's.. we're taking a bath, are we not?" He's genuinely confused by your nerves.
"We??" You sit in silence after, Lucifer holding his shirt to cover what he had taken off just moments ago.
Like he was embarrassed.
You take a deep breath after much thought and start to pull off your own top as well.
"Are you sure? You seemed a little uh.. hesitant.. just now." He's shielding his eyes as if he wasn't the one to suggest a shared bath.
"Sure, I mean.. it's just a bath right?" He nods in response and continues to undress, facing away from you. You did no such thing, facing him and keeping your eyes on his body. The confidence you gain from seeing him flustered has you smirking to yourself. You saw him peek into the mirror, hoping to catch your reflection. When he realizes you've been watching the whole time he scoffs and quickly steps into the bath. 
"You are such a pervert." He rolls his eyes with his words. You gasp dramatically and pretend to weep at his words before following suit.
"This was your idea, Lucifer." He leans his back against the tub, slowly lowering himself into the water with a content sigh. Propping himself up with his arms on either side of the tub, his eyes flutter shut and his head lulls to his shoulder. Relaxed as he is, he doesn't expect you to position yourself in front of him, your back pressed against his chest. You did your best to avoid any sort of.. unholy contact, and the water had turned an opaque gold with whatever he had mixed into it.
Shifting your shoulders, you sigh, leaning your head against his chest with your own eyes shut. When you open them, you tilt your head back to look up towards him. He turned his head away quickly as if he could hide the fact he'd been staring at you these past few minutes. You chuckle, trailing your hands from the base of his legs to rest comfortably on his knees. The action makes him shutter.
"S-Stop that.."
"Stop what? I'm just getting comfy." You lay your head on his chest to look up to him again. He's glaring down at you, despite his daggers, his face is obviously heated.
He retaliates, moving his hands to your shoulders and sliding them down gently until his hands are placed atop yours. He becomes impossibly close to your ear,
"I missed you, darling~" He breathes against your ear, and despite letting out a startled yelp, you cock your head for him to gain better access.
"I-I missed you, too.. Lucifer..." You envied that he didn't have a heartbeat, considering yours was rapid at the moment. The heated moment calms a bit, when he starts lifting handfuls of water onto your shoulders and neck, rubbing the warmth into your skin. You let your head fall back far enough to thoroughly wet your hair, when he then proceeded to run his claws from the back of your neck to your hairline, circling his fingers for an incredibly satisfying little message. Occasionally, he'll pull your hand from the water to kiss its back. He'd run his hands down your hips and onto your thighs at some point. It forced a little moan from your lips, but that seemed to startle him. He pulled away silently, returning to running his hands across your back and through your hair. You're nearly ready to fall asleep in his grasp before you hear his voice.
"Why did you come back?" He seems distraught.
"Oh.. Well, I just.. I missed you. Your bed more than anything, actually." Your teasing isn't easing his mind as you thought it would.
"You have friends you can stay with, I know you do. It's much safer for you back in town. I'm just.. I can't fathom why you'd want to risk going to a literal Hell hole just to be by my side.." You turn your head to see his expression, and to your surprise, he has tears welling in his eyes.
"Oh my god, Lucifer..!" Your voice breaks with worry. You turn your body to face him and proceed to wipe his cheeks clear of any tears that had fallen when he blinked. "W-What are you talking about? I would stay by your side forever if I could! I.. I thought you knew that.." 
He seems to benefit from having something to toy with, you watch him reach forward to your shoulder and start twirling your hair between his fingers. He brings you close enough to brush his nose against it, partially for the scent, but mostly to keep you close. You free his hand from your hair to kiss his palm.
"It's just.. hard to believe, I suppose." Your heart is aching at his words. Moving your hand to his cheek, you pull him into a kiss, passionate and loving. One you hadn't felt since your last dalliance. As your lips part you press your forehead against his.
"I'm sorry. I'll just have to tell you every day from now on."
"Tell me what, exactly?" He's fishing for it at this point, you can tell by his sly grin. But you're more than happy to oblige.
"That.. I love you. And I never want to leave your side because of how happy I am with you. I'd go to Hell and back for you, Lucifer." You press another quick kiss to his lips. "If you'll let me."
You see his eyes go a bit wide, conveying his nerves are still very present. He lets out a breathy chuckle,
"Since you're so insistent.." He says softly. Your eyes immediately light up, and you wrap your arms around his neck to meet his lips with a smile. He returns it.
His hands trail your back, settling on your waist and pulling you closer to him. You pull him closer still, his back lifting from the edge of the tub to meet your chest. The sensation of your skin touching his has him breathing hard into your kiss. You shift your hips, moving forward to slowly lower yourself on his lap.
You're snapped from your fever by the sensation of being lifted by your waist and the frantic sound of water washing over the side of the tub. You're pulled away from his lips and finally catch his nervous expression.
"Sorry! Sorry, I.. I got too excited, I-" You stammer and begin to move away, making enough distance to allow him to rise from the bath. 
"Nono! It's okay, you're fine, you're.. fine- I just uh.. the water was getting a bit cold, I'm feeling chilled is all!" His nervous laughter is only making you more concerned. You have no problem with holding off on those kinds of activities, but his reaction leaves you a bit embarrassed. 
After wrapping a towel round his waist, followed by a robe, he grabs the same for you. With an outstretched hand, he assists you out of the tub. You attempt to take the towel from him, but he pulls away and falls to his knees in front of you. Starting from your feet, he thoroughly dries you with the towel, the softness of it leaving your skin tingling. You hold onto his shoulders to brace yourself, examining your skin to distract yourself from getting too.. worked up again. It's incredibly soft, and whatever he's used, has left a sheen to your skin.
So that's how he glows..
He stops with his hands on your hips, forcing your attention back to him. As he looks up to you, he presses a small kiss to your stomach, never daring to break eye contact.
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I was missing my Vamp Luci days, until SOMEONE (cough cough @bat-boness) made me a GORGEOUS DRAWING OF HIM and my love was rekindled, ngl
ANYWAY I'm in the middle of editing a completely unrelated fic, which I hope I can post sometime this week :D
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Bundle up next to me
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • The period between the farm fire to the prison, no one talks about enough. Granted, why would you want to remember a time you felt extremely useless when helping the ones you love? • ANGST/SFW • TW: Illness / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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When you’re a little kid, watching the snow fall from your bedroom window was always an exciting thing. School closes…you get dressed in warm clothing…and you run outside to build a snowman or have snow ball fights with the neighborhood kids.
This time didn’t have that feeling.
Waking up to find out that it snowed over night, lead the group in the house they were in—-to slightly panic. Rick needs to get his wife and son warm. Hershel needs to get his kids warm. They need to scavenge more for warmer clothing. Daryl needs to hunt whatever he can to provide for his family. There was a lot that needed to be done and Daryl didn’t wait to start hunting for whatever game could be lurking within the neighborhoods they hopped through.
Every new place they moved to, Daryl left for about an hour to go look for dinner. Even if it’s a bird. He’ll take anything. While Glenn, Rick, and Y/N took care of scavenging the houses for anything that will help them warm up. Leaving Maggie and Carol to start the fire and secure the places they lived in for everyone while they were out. Everyone had an assigned job during the winter.
But then there were down times…
“Y/N, hun, you don’t look too well” Hershel commented on her weak and pale complexion as she worked on a can of beans she found opening it for Carl.
The doc stating such caused everyone some alarm, if one of them were getting sick they’d need to be careful not to as well. But to also not lose said someone. Which was the thought that instantly coursed through Daryl’s mind.
“I’m fine, Hershel” Her voice was hoarse as she watched the concerned looks from Rick and Lori which made her get up from her spot to isolate herself. “Imma lay down”
“I’ll check on yea every hour. Just so you don’t get worse” Hershel frowns pulling his daughter Maggie aside along with Glenn and started discussing items that he will need that will most likely be in the medicine cabinets of homes surrounding them.
That when Daryl noticed the two get up after talking it out with the old man, he got up himself heading over to Y/N while removing his poncho.
“Oy, sit up” Daryl gave Y/N a look as she was confused but knew he wasn’t asking.
Y/N slowly sat up letting Daryl put his poncho on her and adjust it to cover all of her. He knew he would leave after check on her to find her a blanket or two that weren’t part of the surplus that Rick was hogging for his pregnant wife and son.
Daryl didn’t know much of how to take care of someone because no one correctly took care of him. But he knew by pressing the back of his hand to her forehead was to check for fever…and she was a bit warm. Least not the scary kind that yknow…turned people into walkers.
“Movin’? Again? Y/N is sick we should stay put a while”
“Daryl’s right, Rick. Not just that but we shouldn’t move too much for your pregnant wife’s sake as well”
“I found a house with a fire place. One not damaged by herds or human negligence. We can start a fire in that so it can remain ablaze while we slept at night.” Rick informs the two knowing their concerns. “We’ll be careful with moving the two. But I believe we can hold up most of winter in that house”
“If shit happens, it’s on you” Daryl states both of what he and Hershel were thinking as it wasn’t a good idea to move when the winter is getting even colder.
The Grimes took lead toward the house with the Greenes following behind them. Daryl currently carried Y/N in his arms as she was wrapped in all the blankets the archer had found her. While Glenn and Carol watched their backs.
Once everyone was in this new house, Rick and Glenn got to work on barricading the bottom floor’s doors and windows so nothing and no one could come in. Especially the snow. While Carol took care of sweeping the second floor before helping Daryl get Y/N situated in the one bedroom on the first floor when everyone else huddled with each other in the main room.
“Carol can yea—-“
“I’ve got the window” Carol went to barricade such while Daryl carefully placed Y/N down in the bed readjusting all the blankets she came with. “I’ll go get one of the can foods we brought from Glenn. See if she’ll eat”
“Okay…can yea get the thermometer thing from Hershel while you’re at it?” Daryl frowns watching Carol nod before she left to go such.
Daryl went through his pack to take out his canteen and opened it for Y/N, helping her take a sip of water. Even if she coughed a bit after such.
“Gotta get yea to eat somethin’ before I go out again”
“Be safe” She whispers snuggling herself into the blankets as Daryl brushes away the loose hair in her face.
After checking her temp, which hasn’t changed, and got her to eat a bit of the canned corn that Carol found, Daryl stepped out of the bedroom grabbing his crossbow and pack about to head out when Glenn shot up from his seat.
“Cool if I go with you?”
“Mhm” Daryl gestures toward the door indicating he’s leaving now.
The two set off to track what Daryl has been trying to find for a week. Hopefully a deer. The tracks were clear but it could’ve gone far that they can’t catch up. While Daryl kept his mind on the tracks, Glenn’s was elsewhere.
“Can’t believe she got sick man. That’s gonna be a difficult situation if it gets worse”
“If Maggie got sick. Boy I wouldn’t leave her side”
Annoyed silence
“If she gets worse, Rick might have us ditch her like we did Jim—-“
“SHUT THE FUCK UP” Daryl snaps in Glenn’s face as the yell echoed through, startling a few birds but most importantly…the deer he’s been tracking. Glenn had zero time to register what happened as he quickly drew his rifle and instantly aimed at the deer shooting it.
The silence grew between them when Daryl went to check and make sure the deer was dead dead by finishing the job, before tossing it over his shoulders. He turned toward Glenn watching him anxiously hold the gun looking at Daryl with an apologetic look.
“I know you care about her, Daryl…I’m sorry for rambling about it. It’s just..”
“Scary. It’s fucking scary!” The archer snaps again, this time with a bit of regret. “I’m trustin’ Rick with everythin’ he’s doing. But if it comes to that? I’d kill him on the spot if he makes me leave the woman I care about”
“Woah. You’re scarier than I initially thought…but same. If yknow…it was about Maggie”
He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him when Glenn scrambled to say such. It was soon followed with a sigh as the two started their way back “home”.
“Hershel has been giving her cold medicine. Hopefully it works”
“It gets her to sleep. That’s all that matters for now…until we move again and she’s still sick”
“Well…if it makes you feel better, we haven’t had a walker incident” Glenn quickly ran over to a house knocking on the wood. “Knock on wood. We should be safe in the place we are in until the end of winter”
“Hopefully she gets better before then” Daryl states feeling Glenn pat his back in emotional response.
When the two returned “home”, Daryl prepared the meat for Hershel to get cooking on the makeshift stove they made in the fireplace. He got all the meat prepared so that he could clean himself up before taking the can of water off the brick near the fire so it was hot enough for the tea Carl found in the previous place before they left. He had heard from Hershel that tea could help so before they left, he searched the kitchen and found a few boxes before handing them to Daryl.
Daryl made his way back into the bedroom listening to the soft snores escaping the woman he cares so much for. He sets the can on the nightstand putting the tea bag in before bringing himself to sit on the edge of the bed. He knew he closed the door but he still glanced over in case someone had followed him in…he didn’t want what he was about to say to be heard by anybody but her.
“You better get better” He’s not very good at this.
“Just. Stop being sick.” Daryl scoffs a bit fiddling with his hands. “I don’t like yea when yer sick…granted never really seen yea sick” he’s REALLY not good at this.
Then a sudden giggle escaped her. Making Daryl freak slightly as he thought she was out cold. Guess she’s also a light sleeper like him. More things they have in common.
“Yea awake?”
“Am now” She whispers keeping her voice low and not using it much because her throat hurt. “You made tea?”
“Mhm! Uh. Want help?” Daryl asks watching Y/N emerge slightly from the blanket pile as he picked up the van holding it up to her lips helping her take a sip. She gently rest her hands on his wrists letting him help her but touching him in case she needs him to abruptly stop.
“thank you” Y/N smiles a bit through the grogginess and a bit of the sick pain. “you were saying?” She wanted him to continue what he was saying as his face suddenly flushed.
“I uh—-“
“It’s ok. ‘M getting sleepy again..” Y/N gently rubs her eyes as Daryl sets the can down lifting the blankets for her to lay back down before he covered her. Noticing how she would get comfy in his poncho first before the blankets.
“Holler if you need anythin’” Daryl whispers to her watching her nod but before he even got up, she grabbed his shirt.
“Can you stay?”
And no more words were said as Daryl moved to bring himself to lay down on the other side of her once he placed his crossbow on the other side of the bed. In case of emergencies.
At first the man laid on his back staring at the ceiling while Y/N faced away from him sound asleep.
Next Daryl closed his eyes as Y/N moved to lay on her back.
Then Y/N curled up into his side hiding her face toward the bed while Daryl leaned his head toward her.
Finally, Daryl subconsciously wrapped himself around Y/N as she had moved one of the blankets to cover him while she snuggled close to him. Enjoying every ounce of warmth the man emitted.
The click of a Polaroid camera was heard in the morning but it wasn’t loud enough to stir Y/N. But enough to get Daryl to glare at Maggie, Glenn, and Beth that were documenting the soft moment. Beth forced the camera into Glenn’s hands blaming it on him as she left quickly. Maggie carefully set the photo on the nightstand before quietly and quickly getting out of there with Glenn as he gently closes the door behind him. Daryl would later figure out that they only came in to check on him and Beth had found a Polaroid camera in the other room but wanted to join the two on checking on them.
Daryl sighs toward the three before looking down at Y/N who was still fast asleep through that all. He gently presses the back of his hand against her forehead no longer feeling the overwhelming burn that indicates a fever. Still a bit warm but not too alarming. He sighed once again feeling better that she was starting to get better.
The archer was about to get up, when he was tugged back down by the woman he loves. He situated himself to get comfortable again…letting her get situated in his embrace. He didn’t care if she was sick. He wasn’t going to not enjoy this moment.
“Yknow I care about yea deeply right?”
“Mhm…I care about you too” Y/N smiles against his chest knowing he wanted to also say the other thing, so she emphasized her words bringing her as close as humanely possible.
Y/N was still sick a few more days but the symptoms lessen as they went by. She didn’t even have to isolate at one point. When she was well enough to be around others, they had given the room to Lori so she would be more comfortable in a bed instead of a couch.
“Here” Daryl handed her another can of tea since the glasses were broken as he situated himself right beside Y/N. Letting her lean against him as the smallest touch made the butterflies flutter in his stomach. Making him smile out in the open toward her as she occasionally drank her tea.
“Look at what I found” Y/N whispers to Daryl showing the Polaroid taken a few days back as it made him blush looking at it. “I think it’s a keeper”
“Don’t need a picture when I’ve got yea right here” Daryl whispers to Y/N making her own blush appear as she tried to hide it behind the picture when looking up at him.
“True…but imma keep it anyway” Y/N smiles setting the can down and taking the journal out from her bag to put it in for safe keeping. Before grabbing a blanket that Daryl instantly took to cover her shoulders but she adjusted so that one half is covering him as well.
“Yer the one still recoverin’”
“Yeah but I’ve got my personal heater” She winks at the archer making that smile of his break through.
“Fine…bundle up closer then” Daryl whispers as Y/N did exactly that enjoying all it.
All of the warmth
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The itch for destruction, the hands of repression and my theories on AFO's involvement in Shigaraki Tomura / Tenko Shimura's past:
For all I prefer to interpret the hands around Tomura as AFO's way to control his grief and turn it into a weapon, there's another option to it.
According to the canon, Tomura was using the hands to keep himself in check*. Supposing that what AFO said is true and Tomura's itching is his urge to destroy*, then he was using the hands to remind himself of what he did to his family and why he couldn't let himself be left unchecked*.
Image for the orange text:
AFO, talking to Tomura:
" You carry an urge for destruction that you yourself can't even control. That itch is simply your body letting you know that your urge can't be contained any longer. "
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Image for the green text:
AFO, talking to Doc Garaki:
" He wears the hands of his family as if he's restraining himself, reproaching himself. With his memories locked away, all that's left are residual emotions. He's insecure. Just look at him. He doesn't even realize he's holding back when he's using his quirk. "
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Those panels raise several questions.
For example, we already know how suspicious it is that AFO was the one able to find Tenko. Chances are that he had been observing the Shimuras all that time, but then why didn't he kill them before? What was he waiting for?
Another suspicious thing is that the hands of the Shimura were in perfect condition.* Tenko killed them at night. He says he flew from his house, he ran away. *
No one, absolutely no one showed up.
It happened in seconds, of course. The backyard probably looked like a war zone or something.*
Images for the red text:
He decayed the house completely, to the point it was split in two when he left. He decayed the sidewalk in front of his house and if you look closely, the house next to the Shimuras too.
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The question is: how was AFO able to search within that disaster for each individual hand of the Shimura family members before anyone could get there to clean it up? Those hands looked almost fresh, as sick as it sounds.*
You're telling me that AFO found Tomura— who was not speaking between, he went mute for a while after what happened that night— and he "coincidentally" found a way to get the hands of the Shimuras like it was nothing?*
My theory is that AFO manipulated Tenko more than we are allowed to know up until now.
Image for the blue text:
Doc Garaki talking to Tomura:
" These are your family members' remains. "
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Did the police ever get there? To erase Tenko's existence just like that means that AFO had to either pretend Tenko died too or somehow he managed to erase the Shimuras altogether. What was said to Tenko and Hana's school? Or Kotaro's workplace? To the neighbors?
Were there any neighbors even? A house gets demolished at night with people screaming and no one even panics thinking that a villain can be attacking them?
Of course AFO had cops on his side. It's just a bit insane to me to think it worked out like clockwork just by accident.
Theory aside, it makes sense that the memory of his family kept Tenko anchored to his morals and the rights and wrongs of society.* He was a good kid, he wanted to be a hero to help people. He is also the type to hate injustice to the point he can't shut up about it. No matter how many times his dad punished him for following the hero ideals, he kept trying.
(I wish I could add more than 10 pics, but you should absolutely re-read My Villain Academia and pay attention to Tomura's general hesitation when it comes to hurting people— before AFO).
Like I said, there are several moments of Tenko avoiding his "destructive" side and holding the justice he knew from his childhood close to his heart.*
If what AFO says is true, then he repressed his memories in order to keep his quirk from being too aggressive towards others.* It was a defense mechanism that tells us that Tenko didn't want to hurt people, because he was fighting the urge to do so.* He was even becoming self-destructive in order to contain his urges.*
Images for the pink texts:
Panels show Tenko wondering on a street with his hands clasped together to avoid touching anything and therefore decaying it.
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AFO talking to Tomura:
" What is that you want to do? "
Tomura talking to AFO:
" ... The two punks that hit me earlier... I want to kill them. "
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AFO talking to Tomura:
" Aaah, poor child. What are you so afraid of? Just follow your heart. "
( notice that the encounter of Tenko and the two punks happens BEFORE Tenko had the hold amoral combo with AFO.
The panels show how Tenko almost reaches to decay the people who just hurt him, but he forces himself to back down, close his hand in a loose fist and leave it at that).
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Like you could notice in the last image, it was AFO who gave Tenko the impression that he could give in to the urge to kill and destroy because it was okay.* Previous to that moment, Tenko was full of hatred. There are several panels of Tenko saying "I hate them all " the day he got his quirk and the Shimuras died. The difference is that he only killed the Shimuras because he couldn't even control his quirk and he killed Kotaro in particular with purpose, but while he was practically blind with the rush of all that was happening.
Never before Tenko killed someone premeditated. Never before he planned it.
When AFO gave Tomura the impression that the itching was because he wanted to destroy* and it was okay to destroy to get rid of the itch*, that's when it all went to hell.
It's a dangerous thing to tell an impressionable 5 years old who just got out of an abusive home in the most traumatic fashion. Especially because Tomura's hatred got mixed with the guilt over the way he killed his family. He was convinced that the fact no hero saved him was justice for what he did. He was throwing up over it. He ran away from home, scared because he was the culprit. He was 5 years old, I must remind you all.
AFO falsely liberated Tenko from his guilt by giving him the freedom to destroy*. It was clearly not the solution because Tomura's itch would only go away temporarily after destroying whatever was annoying him.
Listen, we all want to destroy things that annoy us on a daily basis. The problem with Tenko is that
A) He is very very little.
No one explained to him that he was allowed to feel pleasure over the fact his family could not abuse him another, while he could also feel guilty because that was not the way he wanted things to end. He lost his family. No, even worse, he killed his family. Even if they hurt him, he also loved them. Those feelings can coexist within him, but he shouldn't confuse one thing with the other.
B) All kids have tantrums.
If any 5 years old was given that type of power and I promise way more incidents like that would happen. They are kids for a reason, they don't know better. It's the job of the adults around them to teach them how to tolerate things and live in society.
Laws are there for a reason too. They are meant to keep people in check. No, you cannot murder everyone because you are stuck in the morning traffic. No, you can't murder your boss because they're an asshole. You cannot erase everything that bothers you from the Earth. Why? Because it won't make you happy in the long run. We need to learn to coexist with our surroundings, annoying as it could be.
AFO did the opposite. Just look at the way he speaks to Tenko. Even working on the assumption that Tenko always wanted to kill, it was AFO's manipulation who set him on the villain path.*
Image for the purple text:
AFO talking to Tomura:
" Otherwise, you'll be the only one suffering.
Integrity. Morals. Ethics. All of them are just social constructs designed by some guy who wanted harmony in the world.
There's no need to let yourself be held back by them. In the end, what you yourself want to do is the most important of them all. "
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We know AFO is not the most reliable narrator and neither is Tomura, right? The bnha manga is currently on chapter 414. We're at the point where Tomura and Deku just started seeing each other's memories. Hopefully, the manga will soon clarify / reveal the truth and this meta would be obsolete.
Take this purely as a couple of people creating theories for fun, because they want to entertain themselves in hypothetical scenarios. Okay?
Time to close this endless meta post by saying I think AFO was wrong about the nature of the itch. It does come from a form of desire to destroy, but I think it's Tenko's reaction to seeing injustice and not being able to do something about it. It started at home, when he was unable to change the way his dad treated, when no one would defend him or try to stop his dad.
When Tenko killed the Shimura's, his hatred grew to everyone because he found them unfair. You could say hypocritical too. He learned to hate himself for killing his family, learned to hate the heroes saying something and doing something else, especially All Might because he is the symbol of heroism, but wasn't there to protect Tomura from all the pain. Isn't he "all mighty"? He hated Deku for the same reasons / for being a copy of All Might.
It's a twisted version of Deku running to save someone without even knowing what he's doing. an instinct none of them can deny. Where Deku's instinct was nurtured and taken care of, Tomura's was taken advantage of and corrupted almost beyond recognition.
But that's an entire meta I'll post later, so I hope you all enjoy this rambling. No idea if it makes sense, for which I apologize.
Any asks, to the inbox as always <3
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I have rewatched YSBLF several times and I'm not sure if it was just me but was Armando trying to hide and deny his deepening attraction for Betty, from Mario?
One instance was the day after he slept with her. Armando dropped Betty off at her house. He begged her not to end their affair, while he kissed her passionately. Afterwards he contacted Mario and updated him on getting his affair back on track. Part of the transcript below:
Armando: No. Just now, she proved how much she loves me and how she feels about me.
Mario: Really? Did you give each other lots of kisses?
Armando: Yes, Calderon. There were lots of kisses. So what? Cut it out.
Mario: Fine, but did you get the chance to use Adriana's photo as your source of inspiration?
Armando: Adriana's photo? What photo?
Mario: The one I put in your jacket, man.
Armando: *silence*
Mario: Did you use it or not?
Armando: *silence*
Mario: Mendoza, I asked you a question. Did you kiss Beatriz Pinzon without looking at Adriana's photo?
Armando: Hold on, let me look for it....I didn't know there was a photo here. Here it is. Here's Adrianita, man. *kisses photo* No, I didn't realise I had it with me.
Mario: What happened, then? How many whiskey drinks did you have before kissing her?
Armando: None, aside from the one I had at the office.
Mario: But that was not nearly enough to get the job done. Could it be that you're starting to enjoy those kisses?
Armando: Stop it, Calderon. That's enough. This is not easy for me. You know what? I'll talk to you tomorrow, bro.
Another time was the morning after Armando beat up Nicolas at Ines' house:
Mario: So you beat him up?
Armando: Oh Calderon, the guy left his car understand. He got in-between Betty and I. What did you want me to do?
Mario: But weren’t you telling me that you were trying to stop her from getting that car. What did you think that guy would do? Oh yes, a drunk boss comes by and insults his girlfriend. Well do tell me, where were you going to take Betty?
Armando: Its not what you're thinking Calderon. I saw her, with that guy and thought about that balance which she still hasn’t given to me. It's still not manipulated, I got nervous and worried. So I wanted to take her some place, so we could talk and resolve this matter. That was all that I was going to do.
Mario: Oh yes and try to seduce her if you could.
Armando: If I had to seduce her I would have.
Mario: Yes of course and you couldn’t support that that guy would be taking her. In that instant, you went crazy and beat him up.
He even admitted that he got a trill from beating up Nicolas.
I doubt Mario believed Armando. Was Mario trying to point out to his friend that he was becoming too emotionally involved with Betty?
*sorry that it's too long
Oh I ABSOLUTELY agree! He was totally trying to hide his feelings from Mario. Armando was pretty embarrassed about them, tbh. I don't fully blame him, because in the world he lives in and judging by the people closest to him and whose opinions matter to him, everyone was very disgusted by Betty. Even random people who saw her once felt the need to remind him of Betty's "ugliness", like that one model he talks to outside the Club when Betty goes there to give him some docs and he takes her back to Ecomoda. The model insinuates that Armando's taste has gone bad because he's with Betty. Armando at this point hasn't fallen for her, but that comment is the one of the many that eventually pile up.
Armando has seen, and very much participated in at the beginning, all the jokes and laighs about Betty's appearence and lack of "class." He knows how controversial it was to simply give her a JOB, imagine DATING her...
And Mario was pretty much the constant reminder of all that. He's Social Judgment personified. Most of his arguments always fall back on what would society say whenever they argue about this later on: he tells Armando many times "what would your parents think? What would Daniel and Marcela think? Imagine the horror, the shame!"
With Mario, Armando has a strange relationship of sorts of confidants but also not fully. He tries to be as honest as possible in a sense, because he needs the relief of talking it out with someone, and Mario is the only person who knows everything (everything regarding the fill situation of Ecomoda + how this relates to Betty + how chaotic his relationship with Marce is). At the same time, Mario is always mocking him, lacks empathy, and always reminds him of the social shame.
So in a way, Armando is both reluctant and desperate to tell everything to Mario.
Among this mess of contradictions, there's also the denial involved. Armando is genuinely confused about his feelings for Betty because they're very gradual and because he's never felt this way before, especially for someone whose appearence isn't particularly appealing to him.
So yeah! Armando is totally reluctant to share his feelings for Betty with Mario, although he doesn't fully understand them while also desperately needing to confide in someone!
Thank you for the question, sorry this took so long!
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istorkyou · 2 years
The Price Of Love (Modern!Ivar AU)
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A Modern!Ivar x F Reader
Warnings - See individual chapters. STRICTLY 18+
Synopsis - Money isn’t everything.
Word Count - 1584
Note - This is the second fic I ever wrote and I’m not sure why I never posted it. I think I started writing The Arrangement not long after and kind of fell out of love with this one. Still, it’s been festering in my completed docs for well over a year so I figure I might as well post it 😬 It’s fluffy, and maybe a little cheesy (and by a little I mean a lot!) so if that’s your bag I hope you enjoy it!
Moodboard - The beautiful moodboard is made the magical, amazing @serasvictoria. Thank you so much xxxx
This was beta read by my aussie wife who has left Tumblr. All love, all the time Lou x
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @bragisrunes​​@noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​ @meandmycherrytree @mymindfuckery
Nine months of dating Ivar. Nine months of happiness. Nine months of amazing sex. Nine month of love.
The interest in your relationship publicly has definitely reduced, mostly because the pair of you don’t go anywhere the photographers would be. Ivar has adapted to your lifestyle easily and fits into your world perfectly. You still struggle sometimes fitting into his world, but you are getting better at the glitzy parties and rubbing shoulders with the extreme wealth in your city. You much prefer it when you guys do normal things together though.
You have become friends with his brothers, they were easily won over, especially Hvitserk. He and Iris have been on a few dates and he seems besotted with her. She likes him a lot but is being very ‘Iris’ about the whole thing and is playing it cool.
Ubbe is dating someone new and, aside from cracking a couple of jokes in the beginning, leading Ivar to threaten to murder him, in a seriously scary tone, your ‘thing’ is long forgotten.
Since the ball you haven’t seen too much of Aslaug, she has been away, staying in her house in Iceland for months.
She calls you the week she gets home and she comes to visit your shop.
You bond over your mutual love of fashion. She spends a long time looking through all the clothes you stock and buys some dresses and some jewellery.
“You have a really good eye, Y/N. A wonderfully eclectic mix of fashion in stock. Have you thought about expanding? Opening more boutiques across the city?” She asks curiously.
“I have, I am hoping to by the end of next summer, I just need to make sure the business plan is foolproof, find a space, blah blah! It will be a lot of work.”
“I can help, I am always looking to invest in small local businesses…” she trails off and raises her eyebrows.
“Aslaug, without wanting to sound ungrateful, because I really am grateful for the offer, I’ve got my heart set on doing it all by myself.” You give a determined look.
“Although, if you know anyone in real estate that can give me a heads up of any suitable spaces becoming available I will gladly take that help,” you give her a cheeky smile.
“It just so happens I do know some people who could help with that. I will get in touch with them,” she gives you a wink.
“Also, the jeweller who made the bracelet and necklace you bought could maybe use some help, she’s amazing but hasn’t managed to get herself a proper workshop. If you were interested? Her name is Sadie.” You hand Aslaug one of Sadies cards which she slips into her purse.
“You are a very determined young woman, Y/N. I can see why Ivar loves you so much. What time do you lock up the shop? We should go and get cocktails.”
“Yes! I bloody love a good cocktail, come back at 4pm?”
You think you might have finally cracked the cool exterior, Ivar will be so pleased and your heart swells.
You wake up early on Christmas morning and throw on an oversized hoody, before Ivar is stirring and you grab the heavy present on the kitchen counter and head to the elevator.
It opens on the ground floor and you head in over to the reception desk.
“Preston, Happy Christmas!” You shout and laugh as he jumps out of his skin. You hand him over the present.
“What’s this?” He looks in disbelief.
“A pressie, open it!” You are so excited.
He opens the present to see a state of the art coffee machine and his face lights up.
“What? Why? You shouldn’t have done this, Y/N.” His face is tinged with annoyance.
“Oh shush, you always look knackered, we thought you could use it,” you retort.
“Wow, thanks so much, I don’t know what to say.“ He holds his hands up.
“Just a gesture for putting up with Ivar’s rude ass for all these years! Are you going home to your family soon?”
“He’s not so rude anymore.” He tells you with a wink “I finish in 30 minutes,” he says happily. “Happy Christmas, Y/N, thank you.”
“Happy Christmas, have a great day. Hope the twins are happy with their bikes.” You give him a quick hug then head towards the elevator.
When it dings and the door opens Ivar is standing, with his arm above his head looking at the floor and his eyes travel up you until reaching your face and creasing with laughter.
“Will that never get old?!” You ask him in fake annoyance, he knows you find it adorable.
“Happy Christmas, baby! Did Preston like his present?” He asks, pulling you in for a big kiss.
“Yep, he was very happy,” you bury your face in his neck.
“Do you want your present?” Ivar asks with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Is it an orgasm?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Later,” he laughs out, “come on, it’s in the bedroom.”
“This is getting more interesting..” he looks back with a withering look.
“Get your mind out of my pants, filthy girl,” he wags a finger at you.
“Can I give you my present first? I’m so excited!” He laughs at you and nods.
You run to your side of the bed and pull out an envelope, skipping to him to hand it over. He opens the envelope and reads the Christmas card inside, smiling. He opens the card and two pieces of paper fall out. He picks them up with a furrowed brow, reading the words on them.
“Wha..what is this? Japan? You bought us tickets to travel to Japan?!” Pure disbelief on his face. He keeps looking back at the tickets and to you, clearly having trouble processing the information in front of him.
“What the fuck? This is too much, Y/N! We said small gifts.” His face is shocked.
“Meh, you are worth it. Are you ok? Do you want to go? I thought we could go and try some authentic sushi? Remember when I first came here?” You are searching his face for any sign of happiness.
“Y/N, this is too much. You can’t afford this.” His face still shows nothing but shock.
“I can baby, I wouldn’t have bought them if I couldn’t afford it, you know that. The shop has been doing amazing. Do you not want to go?” Your voice is small and dejected.
“Are you kidding me? It’s my number one place I want to visit! Oh my god I’m so excited, I'm just in shock, baby. Thank you! Thank you so much. I’ve never had a gift like this before.” He pulls you in for a crushing hug, kissing you all over your face and neck until you are swatting him away.
“Do you want to open your gift?” He asks excitedly.
He walks to his drawers and pulls out a big black box with a giant gold ribbon tied in bow. He hands it to you and sits close to you, watching your face intently as you undo the bow. You lift the lid on the black box and pull out a red box that you recognise. It’s one of Sadies.
You look at him and his face is so earnest you give him a kiss.
“Open it,” he urges you.
You open the box and inside is the most beautiful necklace you’ve ever seen. It has three platinum chain mail chains twisted round each other all joined together with a diamond on each clasp. It has a round platinum pendant on it, around the edge there is an engraving and in the middle is a beautiful, green stone.
“Ivar……” you look up at him, your eyes misting up.
“I need to explain it!” He is like an excited puppy.
“I designed it, with a little help from Sadie. It’s platinum and diamonds on the clasps..” the look on his face is one of pure amusement, you can’t help but laugh at him despite wanting to act offended, a clear call back to the unwanted bracelet he gave you.
“The circle of the pendant represents my never ending love for you,” his face changes from amusement to seriousness.
“The engraving is the date I first laid eyes on you.” You bring it closer to your face to read it.
“The date of the merger party.” You tell him, with a big soppy smile on your face.
“And the green sapphire in the middle is the exact colour of the blazer you were wearing when we met. I knew from that very moment you were the one for me. Forever and always.”
You don't know what to say, your eyes well up with tears.
“Do you like it, Y/N?” He asks nervously.
“It’s the most beautiful, thoughtful present. I love it.” You wipe your tears of happiness and kiss him. “You can't tell me off for the gift I got you, this must have cost a fortune, Ivar,” he just shrugs and grins.
“I left a space on it for another engraving. I am going to get it engraved with the date I ask you to be my wife.” his voice is smaller than before and his face is red with a blush. You gasp at his words and pull him close for a cuddle.
“Just for future reference, I will say yes.
THE END - thanks for reading :)
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cheezieypoofz · 29 days
SFW One-zhot!
DIZCLAIMER: zo, i wrote thiz zo long ago for my first ever tumblr account, but then my friendz found that account and i got embarrazzed and deleted the two thingz i wrote for that account. ion think i have the second one on a google doc (it was a kyle and ztan (zeparate) x reader with a zweet tooth (I'll pozt it if i find it)). i just don't want thiz sitting on a google doc that i'm never gonna uze again. zo if you feel like you've read thiz before, i bet you have. p.z., i'm not revizing it zo when i come back i can zee how far i've come with my writing
WARNINGZ: menzionz of alcohol, fighting wordz, no real zolution, angzt with no comfort, the uze of the word 'cunt', implied abusive mom
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Anonymous asked:
could you write a toxic Kyle x fem reader 🤔? I've never seen anyone do it I mean he's not all so innocent himself, he's a bit of an ass lmao
I also just came up with this on the spot 😓 !!
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I sigh at the rain as it hits my delicate skin harshly. I ran through the streets of South Park trying to cover myself with my school bag, however, it wasn't doing me any good. I was still drenched. My clothes clung to my body as I rushed to my most beloved boyfriend's house, Kyle Broflovski. Of course, I just had been naïve enough to take my mom up on her offer, which was to take me to and pick me up from school, take me to work, pick me back up, and then drive us home. How stupid of me. To even conceive she'll be sober enough to even pick up the fucking phone.
Oh well. It's her loss anyway.
It only takes roughly five minutes of running to make it from Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse to Kyles’ house. His house was rather modest, it looks like any other ordinary house on the block, besides the color. I bolt up the three steps leading up to his front door, almost tripping over the second step with how fast I am moving. When I hop on the third step, I start rapidly banging on the door, my breath staggering out of my mouth.
I watch the door creak open before fully opening, the person on the other side being Kyle, his eyes trailing over my body. His face distorts into one of confusion, “[Name]? Why are you not home?” I lean on the doorframe, my heart pounding from the mad dash. 
“Ough ough, I’ll tell you, can I come in first?” I hack through labored breaths, a loud crack coming out from the skyline. He nods and moves aside, making enough room for me to walk through the door. Kyle quietly shuts the door as I stumble into his house. I gave him a small peck on his cheek before he gripped my hand and dragged me through his living room. Ike, Kyle’s younger brother, was sitting on the couch watching McNeil Lehrer Report, which comes on every night at ten. I give him a small wave and he deftly puts his hand in the air dismissively and turns back to the monotone man on the TV.
We quickly make it up to his room, my goosebumps finally catching up with me. The familiar—yet not so welcomed—feeling forming all over. Kyle ushers me into his room, basically shoving me in there. 
“Jeez,” I mutter, walking over to his closet and turning to him. I gingerly set my bag on the closet door, hoping nothing got wet on the inside. “Can I borrow some of your clothes?” I ask, going to take a hoodie or two even if he said no.
“Yeah, but why aren’t you home?” Kyle said, a look of disgust coming across his face. 
I let out a breathy chuckle, “Yeah,” I cleared my throat, “Long story short. My mom wasn’t picking up the phone, so I just ran over here.” I slide open his closet doors, pick out a black hoodie and gray sweatpants, and throw them on his bed. “God, she’s such a cunt, and not in a good way,” I groan, turning back to face Kyle. 
“Well, that’s your fault, isn’t it? Don’t blame your mom for your poor planning.”
“Oh,” I laugh, “I’ve accidentally left a bra here, right?” I ask, just trying to get away from his questions.
“Yeah, it’s in my desk drawer.”
I watch him stride over and pull it out of the top drawer before throwing it on the bed with his clothes. “But seriously,” I yawn, “I’m so fucking pissed she couldn’t even stay sober for one night.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine. You’re just too sensitive, you’ll get over it.”
I tilt my head to the side, my lips slightly parting. I mean, he’s said that before but why does it hurt so fucking bad? “I’m too sensitive…?” I repeated back to him, not knowing what to do. My jaw opens slightly and my eyebrows scrunch together. The pain I feel in my heart went from a dull throb to an unbearable, gnarly stab, coming to me in multiple waves. His words hurt, and I have no idea why. 
“Mhm, yeah, you just, I don’t know, overreact to all the small things. Not to mention how forgetful you are.” Kyle lists off. He shrugs as he flops down on his bed. “So, really, you’re just being hypocritical, criticizing your mom like that when you’re just like her.”
My lips turn to a scowl at his words, “I’m not an incompetent, waste of space, alcoholic, believe it or not.” I say, my tone just being perturbed and angry. He sits up and peers into my eyes, his face covered with an “okay, and?” look to it.
This only made me scoff, “I don't even know what to say to you.” I feel tears sting my eyes, the droplets threatening to fall. “You know what, I’m just going to change and then text someone to come take me home. I can’t deal with this right now.” I shake my head, the clothes clinging to my body being uncomfortably tight.
“What?” He laughed, standing back up from the bed. “What the hell did I do?” Kyle asked, throwing his hands in the air. 
“If I try to tell you while you’re in whatever mood this is, I’m going to be irrational. So I’ll talk to you in the morning.” I walk over and snatch the clothes off his bed and then to my school bag lying on his closet door.
 I hear him scoff, “Yeah, go ahead, run away from your responsibilities like you always do!”
“No Kyle,” I snap, wiping my body toward him, “You know what I’m doing? I’m being responsible and trying to salvage this relationship!” I feel the warm tears streak down my face, but they don’t deter me. “We don’t reason in the heat of the moment. I mean, I can tell you’re irritated right now, that’s why you said that dumb shit.” I cry out, loud, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.
I let out an agitated sigh and place my hands on my hips, putting my weight on my right leg. I see his face contort into one of anguish and compunction, while mine, as far as I know, was filled with ire. I turn my back to him and snatch my bag, walking to the door before I pause at the voice behind me. 
“I’m sorry…”
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
Imagine the main 4 in the players world experiencing a snow day. I think they’d be bewildered seeing everything covered in white. Headcanons?
Yes! The Player's world is unique and strange with new things to experience! Here's the headcanons! ❄️ SNOW DAY~ ❄️ -Hank- + Upon walking outside one morning and seeing everything being a blinding white, his eyes squint hard from behind his goggles as he looks around. The world is encased in a thick layer of snow and there's a strong chill in the air that makes him shudder. + After being blasted by the white glare on the snow, he steps outside and takes in the sound of the snow crunching under his feet...it's strangely stimulating. + A few minutes later and he's actively investigating the world outside. Kicking the snow around and knocking into things to see the layers of snow fall to the ground. It looks almost wholesome watching the most wanted man in Nevada become so invested in such a way. + Once you get properly dressed enough to come outside, you join him and decide to show him some snow-related fun activities! You teach him how to make snow angels, make a snowman (or a snowgrunt in his case, since his doesn't have any eyes or a mouth...), and you both engage in a playful snowball fight. + You both were up the earliest and Hank was more than happy having you to himself for a while. But that eventually ends when there's a loud hoot and holler coming from the house that was approaching rapidly... - -Sanford and Deimos- + Both Sanford and Deimos woke up a bit later and upon seeing you and Hank gone (with worrisome jealous expressions shared between the two of them) they were attracted to the sound of your joyous laughter coming from outside. + Upon walking out onto the porch, Deimos lets out a loud curse and squints his visual cross in response to the blinding white glare coming off the snow, similar to Sanford as well. Once their 'eyes' adjust to the brightness, they are both surprised to see the world outside had changed overnight. + Sanford visually shudders in response to the cold (also because he never puts a shirt on...) while Deimos takes a deep breath and comments about how good the outside world felt. (Having a higher body temperature is a blessing in winter and a curse in summer...) + The pair then take notice of how Hank picks you up and tosses you into a mound of snow, enticing a happy squeal to come from you. Both of the mercenaries feel jealousy bubble up inside of them and neither waste time in rushing out into the snow. + Each one lets out a holler and a whoop as they tackle Hank down as your eyes widen from your little place in the snow mound. The ground was freezing, but it was certainly softer than normal. Both Deimos and Sanford pile up on Hank as the mercenaries roll around and wrestle one another in the piles of snow. + You joyously laugh as Hank eventually gets the upper hand and throws Deimos aside, making him bonk a tree and get covered with a thick layer of snow that falls out shortly after. You hurry over to make sure that he was okay as Sanford and Hank continue to grapple one another, finding Deimos perfectly fine...and even still warm! + Once the two brutes get over their power struggle, you demonstrate the same fun activities you showed to Hank. Both of the mercenaries make their own little snowgrunts, snow angels, and a big snowball fight free-for-all...you just didn't expect to be ganged up on by all the grunts! - - Doc - + The house being strangely quiet is what roused him from his sleep. Usually, if a place was too quiet...something was amiss. So he gains the incentive to leave his nice warm bed to get his clothes on...was there a chill in the air? + Upon getting up and walking by some windows in your home, he sees the sheer amount of brightness outside and that piques his curiosity...not only that, but the front door was left open. So that’s where the chill was coming from... + He gets on the porch and takes a look out into the world, seeing how the Player's world practically changed overnight. It was now bright white and there was a cold chill in the air. He blinks slowly as he lifts a foot and presses into the ground. + Which was a bad idea, because he didn't put his shoes on. He immediately retracts it and shudders in response to the chill that took hold on his foot. Uh uh. There was no way he was going out in that. + Then, he takes notice of the others as they come back into the front yard. Chasing the poor Player and trying to strike them with artificial weapons made out of the cold ground cover...are those three little grunts made out of snow....? + Despite the fun that the others were having, Doc refuses to step outside. He instead watches from his place on the porch. Regardless of his building jealousy at seeing the rest of his crew messing with HIS precious Player, they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. + Feeling himself grow more and more cold, Doc walks back inside and closes the door. He fires up the source of heat that would warm your lovely home back up and begins to make warm drinks for the rest of the crew. Cause he had a lingering hunch that you all would stay out there until you were nearly frozen as the ground was. + He even throws on some breakfast for you...and the crew, of course. + By the time you all come inside, you are all shaking and kicking snow off your boots and batting it off your clothes. Your face is red and you were shaking. Which made the others feel a little bad, but much to their surprise, this was 'normal' for humans to get once they've been out in the snow for hours. + Doc had managed to surprise you all with breakfast and warm drinks, to which you happily thank him graciously and take the hot chocolate from his hands. Not noticing the blush that crosses his face when you give him your gratitude. The others were also pretty thankful as they take their shares of coffee and all of you sit down to have a nice body-warming breakfast. -- After you all had your fun in the snow and were slowly warming up-- you all, with the exception of Doc because he doesn't like being crowded, decided to pile on your couch and watch some movies to help pass the day along. You were all nice and warm snuggling between the three mercenaries that surrounded you on all sides, each one radiating heat like a warming blanket as you stayed sandwiched between each of them. You couldn't have been any happier on a cold snow day.
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mouse-fantoms · 4 months
Okay so I was thinkin’ I made this post the other day, I’ll share some snipit’s I have from some of my wips 👀 let me know if any spark intrigue
@justaspeachy @electro-elemena
Sometimes I’ll make little notes to myself at the top of the doc about what I want to include, incase I come back to it and forget
This one is simply titled “Halloween”
Halloween jatp shenanigans
Julie going as Reggie for her Halloween costume to school
Carrie Halloween party
“What’s with this?!” Luke seemed outraged seeing how Julie’s school decided to decorate for the holiday, particularly the white cutouts of ghosts stringed from the ceiling. Julie rolled her eyes as she put her binders in her locker.
“Oh stop.”
“Do people really think ghosts are a big white sheets with faces that haunt people?”
“Well what did you think ghosts used to be?”
Julie’s head turned from her locker when she heard Carrie talking and promoting the flyers she was passing out.
“Another Dirty Candi performance?” Luke asked seeing what Julie saw.
“No.” She shook her head. “For a party.” She remembered from their passed friendship that might be repairing itself. She turned back to her locker to grab her belongings.
“Incoming.” She heard Luke warn before hearing him poof out.
She heard a “Jules” that caused her to turn.
“Sorry, not there yet?” Carrie apologized for the nicknames not being on the table yet. “It’s fine, I completely understand. But if…” she took a breath, realizing how weird it felt to talk to her after a year of the friendship falling out, “If… you aren’t busy the 30th you’re invited.
She furrowed her brows. “Not the 31st like normal?”
“It’s on a Saturday this year, I figured a Friday night might work better than that way people are free on the actual holiday.” She explained.
“Thanks Carrie.” She took the flyer that Carrie had in her hand for her, “I’ll… consider it.”
She nodded as a way of being passive with her and continued to hand out the flyers to any passerbyers. At least she was giving the rekindled friendship a chance.
This one is simply, “Luke Parent House”
Luke’s at his parents (one of the many times while Julie’s at school), ever since Julie gave them Unsaid things have felt weird, Luke shows them great
Ghosts paid visits to places of their past right? Yeah, that made sense. So paying visits at your estranged parent’s house was normal.
He knew that Reggie and Alex probably definitely didn’t visit theirs. They wouldn’t even know where to look for them for starters, aside from everything else between the two’s situations. It was nice though that they had someone in the present who they could hang out with in their free time. Luke might have been the only one out of them who was living in the past.
Maybe he was trying to make up for the past 25 years. It was nice sometimes to just talk while visiting them. He knew they couldn’t hear him but they did look, especially more so now, relaxed. He couldn’t do a lot besides watch and observe them’
They hadn’t changed. His father still read whenever he could and his mother would keep up her knitting hobby. It was a comforting feeling. It was nice too to see that ‘Unsaid Emily’ was on the coffee table. Whenever she would switch yarn, it would be in her eye sight. Mitch would occasionally pick it up from the coffee table and look it. At least that wasn’t a song that Trevor took.
“Do you think there are others?”
She looked up from her knitting. “Hm?” She noticed what he was looking at. “Maybe. Especially since that girl has the garage the band was in now.”
Luke answered from the top of the couch he was sitting and observing from. “Tons of them. Most with that girl.”
“Maybe if she finds more, we’ll hear about it. Julie? She said her name was.”
This one is just “Reggie’s Hotdog”
So much time had passed... thinking about it too much gave him a headache. So much had changed too. Their families had all probably moved on. 25 years of time had been lost to them. Stuck inside a room only to fall onto the floor of a garage an hour later. They were only hours away from “becoming legends” as Luke put it. But that was cut short when they ate those bad street dogs. Maybe they could still be legends, with Julie. They get to play at the Orpheum with her. Julie was pretty great. It was no wonder what Luke saw in-
Reggie was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a noise. High pitched scampers. He turned around and saw a brown puppy playing with a stick. The passerby’s clearly did not see the dog since no one had stopped to pet the puppy. He thought they were too entranced by their phones except when a mother walking with her children walked through the puppy.
Through the puppy?
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eliteseven · 5 months
do you, by any chance, have more HCs about the House of Tavyndír? 👉🏻👈🏻 how are Serena's mom, how is she called, how she sees Serena, Serena's brother and etc
i absolutely adore how you constantly think about your story and you always keep saying new things LMAO aside from the final result, which is when you upload a new chapter, i love how it makes more alive and richier than already is
Ahh thank you so much! 🥰 it’s definitely a living, breathing AU this way and it’s so fun to just consider all the possibilities with everyone!
I actually happen to have an entire planner sheet in docs dedicated to BG3 Nobility/Patriar Families and House Tavyndír’s history. I am SO flattered you would like to hear more 🥹 I was going to paste the entire thing here, but I think it's a bit too long and I don't want anyone to hate me lol. If you're interested in THAT much depth of their family life/history pre BG3 events, I'll make a post for it! 💕
A Few Tavyndír Family HC's:
-House Tavyndír was a once-great patriar family that owned a sizable fleet of trade ships and some dry docks in the Grey Harbor. This means they also enjoyed an estate in the upper city and frequented High Hall; they had political sway, at some point.
-By the time Serena's father came to power as the heir, their house was already in decline.
-Serena's father was Lord Aldin Tavyndír of Baldur's Gate, and he wasn't always cruel. In fact, he was kind, sociable, and liked well-enough by his peers before inheriting a failing dynasty. Though towards the end of his life, he only had time for his vices. He was the son of nobles, and thus was well-rounded in his skillset. In Serena's early years, he couldn't go a day without seeking her out and sitting her atop his shoulders- so strong was his adoration for his daughter. He was warm, then. He was well-read and Serena often enjoyed having him read to her, when she was a young child. He used to make Serena feel safe.
-Serena's mother is Lady Amelia Tavyndír, formerly Bayne, of Cormyr. She married Serena's father out of familial/business obligation. She liked Aldin, at first. By all accounts, he was a good father and a loving husband. They did enjoy a happy life, for a brief time. I think that’s an important bit of info.
-Serena has no siblings- though perhaps due to the stressful situation they found themselves in, Amelia could not conceive after her. This made Serena a little lonely- she would seek company from the estate staff, if her parents were feuding or worried about the last shipment that never reached the docks. A sibling definitely would've helped soften the blow of how everything played out. She made friends easily enough- but there were so many rules imposed upon her, upon the other children of nobility. She wasn't allowed to be a child, in the traditional sense- though she tried, anyway.
-Serena’s favorite activities: sneaking to the lower city (was often caught and as the severity of the punishment increased, she stopped). She enjoyed watching the guards train and switch posts. She loved going down to the docks and just people-watching, as well as keeping an eye out for new ships coming into the harbor. Wouldn’t be surprised if she tagged some walls with charcoal, just like Shadowheart mentions upon visiting the city.
-Though Serena's father began to grow cruel with time and pressure, turning to alcoholism, to gambling, etc.- her mother remained a beacon of light for her the entire time. Amelia is one of those people who simply radiates warmth, happiness. Serena knew the callousness of her father, yes, but she also learned love in its purest form from her mother.
-Serena’s mother would often sing to her, a talent she picks up and passes on to her own baby, eventually 🥲💕
-Serena was pretty capable by the time she was 19 or so. Though her family name was beginning to be tarnished, she was well-liked in court and an eligible bachelorette, which fueled her desire to escape with her mother. She could see the toll her father’s presence was taking, not only on her, but her mother. Surely, she could likely marry out of this abusive situation (and hopefully not into another one), but her fear for her mother made her strong.
-Serena and Amelia have nothing when they return to Cormyr. Amelia’s house has long since crumbled inwards- there is no family for them to join. Serena is forced to provide for herself, and her mother, and has few options other than joining the military. Still, they’re happy to be alive, relatively unharmed, and away from Baldur’s Gate. They go from riches to rags overnight.
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8bitsupervillain · 3 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 4 Himatsubushi pt. 4
First things first. The TIPS. TIP one is about the guys who kidnapped Inukai's grandson. The pair of kidnappers talk about how Inukai is slowly withdrawing the plans for the Hinamizawa Dam, and how everything seems to be progressing just as the "main family" (The Sonozaki family I feel it's safe to guess) has planned. TIP two is about an as-yet unnamed narrator disliking guaranteed outcomes, and how they yearn for something, anything to upset the established timeline of how events are meant to shake out. Based on absolutely no evidence, I assume this is Rika talking, and complaining about how set in stone the time loops have been. TIP three introduces Oryou Sonozaki as an actual character you get to see, and not just a "she's totally alive, trust me."
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See, here she is. More importantly:
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It's tiny baby Mion! Looking like an actual child in the console art, and looking more or less the same in the remake art. Isn't that neat?
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Also doc Irie is here! Now we just need tiny baby Satoko, and baby Rena and the collections complete. Anyway, Oryou and Mion have a sneaky double-meaning rich conversation about the dam project and stopping the wheels of government and all its machinations. Meanwhile the only thing I could think of was a line from the second Protomen album "now that the wheel is spinning out of control what happens if you hold them still? If you break the working parts what you'll get is a broken machine." Which doesn't quite fit with what the conversation entails, but it's fine.
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It's time for Akasaka to meet with Ooishi's informant, where the three soon arrive at a mahjong parlor, and a certain chill runs through me. They wouldn't...
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God damn it, I was joking! Mahjong shenanigans ensue.
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Here's what our man Akasaka looks like by the way. It would appear that I was off in my estimation that Akasaka and Tomitake were the same man. Especially what we find out later on in the chapter.
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"You'll be alright old man, and may your head be split open with a pick-axe is that isn't the case." Shortly after this the gang breaks up and goes their separate ways except for Akasaka and Sato, who go off to have their chat about the inner-workings of the Onigafuchi Guardians.
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What I find interesting about this meeting and the way it's presented it seems like every single member of all three of the families are forced to attend. The way I initially interpreted it, was that only those who held positions of power from the respective families would be there. Not every single family member regardless of age or station would have to attend. I know it's probably irrelevant to the story at large, but I can't help but wonder if this all hands on deck approach is a relatively recent decision from the Sonozaki family just so they could show the numbers their house is able to front at a moments notice. That this is more of a display of power than an effort to ensure that everyone involved is culpable in the decision making process. After all, there's at most three from the Furude family, let's be generous and say ten from Kimiyoshi, and enough for a hundred-man brawl from the Sonozakis.
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Setting aside the power dynamics of the Families for a moment I am intrigued by the family structure of the Furude family. Up until the TIP in chapter three there was nothing really setting it up, if anything it seemed to downplay the disappearance of Rika's mom as less important to the death of the priest. But with the revelation that the Furude family seemed to be actively working towards the rebirth of Oyashiro it makes their structure a lot more relevant in the grand scheme of things. Does the fact that the leader of the Furude family is a woman influence the power structure of the other families to an extent? Is Oryou only in power because the head of the family that can claim a stronger divine power is a a woman? Does it all come down to divine providence, because for a minute I thought that the head of the Sonozaki family was the grandfather, but the dialogue in chapter two Watanagashi specifically states that Sohei was the current heads husband. Which means, except for Kimiyoshi the ones calling the shots for two of the three families are women. She doesn't say much here, but I get the impression that Rika's mom openly challenging the decision to increase the price on these bulletins is tantamount to openly calling out Oryou's power altogether. But because of the Furude family being the spiritual center of Hinamizawa, and possessing the stronger divine blood they can't fight her directly. Which is why Mion chooses to focus on Kimiyoshi. The one with the absolute least amount of power in this triumvirate.
Is this why Rika's mom gets demoned away in a few years time? She became too much of a thorn in the side of Oryou, and her aims to seize complete and absolute power over Hinamizawa? I don't think that the god Oyashiro would willingly kill a follower who was so instrumental in his reincarnation. And I have my doubts about the Watanagashi deaths and disappearances being a divine act since it seems almost deliberately targeted.
If we accept the idea that Satoko is indeed the intended victim of Oyashiro's curse why then would it go after Rika's parents? In an attempt to drive a wedge between the two? If the goal of the curse is really to drive Satoko to the depths of despair wouldn't it just be simpler to have at some point made Rika the victim of the curse? In the past two chapters when Rika does die I don't get the impression Satoko lives much longer afterward. Mion kills Rika, and then a couple hours later gets Satoko. Keiichi, and Satoko just happen to find Rika's body having been ritualistically murdered and then shortly thereafter Satoko "disappears."
More to the point, if Rika is aware that "the dam project will be going away soon" what even is the point of the Watanagashi deaths and disappearances? I know there was an implication that this has been happening every year since time immemorial, but why only within the past few years of 1983 has it been becoming such a big deal? Is it because now's the time Rika has more or less ascended to her godhood as Oyashiro's reincarnation?
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timotey · 8 months
Ficlet: Sleeping Beauty
The Sign. Phaya/Tharn. AU? Missing scene from ep 10? Unbeta'd.
Tharn never wakes up when Phaya is attacked in his dreams. How odd.
(Just something that made me pause and go all, "Hm..." Ergo, a ficlet!)
He finds out about the pills completely by accident.
They’re set to depart for Nongkai in the morning but Phaya vetoes the suggestion that he should go home and pack - that they should sleep in separate places! No way, not gonna happen, never! One bed and with Tharn safely tucked in his arms, that's how it's going to be. Packing can wait for tomorrow, he will just throw some things into his bag when they stop at Phaya’s house to pick up his grandmother and his sister.
So, that’s how it happens. He walks out of the bathroom, rubbing his hair dry with a towel, when he sees Tharn pull a pill bottle out of the bedside table, shake out one and swallow it with a sip of water.
“What’s that?” he asks, running his fingers through his hair. He isn’t really digging for information, just being nosy for nosiness’ sake.
Tharn sets the bottle down on the bedside table, pulling the bed covers aside. “Something the Doc gave me,” he says and when he sees Phaya's face, he rolls his eyes. “It’s just a mild sedative, is all. He noticed I wasn't sleeping well after the camp. It’s not the first time.”
Phaya feels a shiver run down his spine. “Chalothon... gave you sleeping pills?” he asks carefully, a dark suspicion gnawing at his insides.
Nodding, Tharn slips into the bed. “Yeah. Like I said, not the first time. And they really help. I’ve been sleeping much better these days.”
Phaya grips the towel in his hands so hard his knuckles turn white. “I… see,” he says.
Tharn’s always been there to save him - unless Phaya was attacked in his dreams, at night, while Tharn was deeply asleep and so unable to perceive any premonitions. 
This can’t be a coincidence. There are no coincidences when that fucking lizard is involved.
Phaya doesn’t say anything, though. He just steals two pills from the bottle. Better safe than sorry.
Early in the morning, on their way to Phaya’s house, Phaya stops at the headquarters. He tells Tharn he needs to sign some paperwork before he can leave and that he will be back in a sec, no need to come with. He hates lying to Tharn but, well.
“Can you analyze this for me?” he asks Mayris, dropping the little bag containing the two pills on her desk in the lab.
She looks down at the bag and pokes at it with her pen. “What is it and why should I?”
Phaya sighs. “I can’t tell you and because I’m asking you. Please, Mayris. It’s really important.”
There must be something in his face or in his voice because she narrows her eyes and says, “Alright. But you will owe me one.”
He sighs in relief. “Anything.” 
For Tharn, anything.
Tharn’s in their bedroom at his grandmother’s house, waiting for Yai to call back, when Phaya calls Mayris from their bathroom. He hates this sneaking around behind his lover’s back but there’s no way he could explain all this without telling Tharn about Chalothon being the Naga that’s threatening their lives.
“Are you planning to tranquilize an elephant?” is the first thing that Mayris says without even waiting for a greeting. 
Phaya blinks. “What?”
“The pills you gave me,” she points out. “What do you think they are?”
Phaya's heart skips a beat. “I was told it was a mild sedative.”
Mayris snorts into her phone. “Mild sedative, my cute ass! This will put you under so hard a bomb could go off in your ear and you wouldn't even stir.”
“Shit,” Phaya hisses and closes his eyes. He was right. He wishes he wasn’t.
“Will you now tell me what’s going on?” Mayris asks.
Sighing, Phaya says, “It's better if you don't know.”
“That might be. I still do want to know. I'm nosy like that,” she says, leaving no room for debate.
Phaya rubs his forehead. This might be a bad idea but he needs to tell someone. He needs someone to know the truth about Chalothon, beside the abbot, that is. Just in case. He makes a decision.
“Those pills, Tharn’s psychiatrist, Chalothon, gave them to Tharn.”
There’s a pause. “The guy who helped us with Art’s case?” she asks slowly.
“Well, shit,” she says succinctly.
There’s a long pause, then Mayris says, “Look, I’m no doctor but I know my chemistry. Maybe Tharn really does need those pills but I can’t honestly imagine anyone but a literal walking zombie to need medication that strong. You need to get in touch with some other doctor and get him off that shit as soon as possible. Such strong meds can wreak real havoc with your body.”
“Agreed,” Phaya says, adding yet another item to his constantly growing list of Tharn related worries, most of them courtesy of one evil bastard.
“Just… don’t throw them simply out, the pills, I mean, if that crossed your mind,” Mayris warns. “You can’t go cold turkey from pills that strong. He will have to be weaned off gradually and under medical supervision.”
Phaya sighs again, feeling an even heavier weight settle on his shoulders. “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Mayris, I really appreciate it.”
There’s a pause. “You really like the guy, huh?” she asks and her voice is oddly soft. Phaya isn’t used to her being… like that. It weirds him out a little.
Still, he replies just as softly, “Yeah. Yeah, I do. A lot.”
“Good,” Mayris says, once again all brusqueness. “Then go and do something about the thing. Rip his doctor a new one, if you have to.” Then she hangs up.
Phaya stands there, in the bathroom, staring at his reflection in the fogged over mirror. Well, he was right. The fucking snake’s been drugging Tharn for months now. But what should he do about it? 
If he tells Tharn the truth about the pills, he will have to tell him the truth about Chalothon, too. And the abbot warned him not to do that. And seeing just how confrontational Tharn was with Captain Akk, a man they’ve known for mere months, Phaya can’t even imagine how Tharn would react to Chalothon’s betrayal. The guy - the Naga! - has been taking care of Tharn since Tharn was a teen…
Phaya leans against the sink, squeezing the rim so hard his knuckles turn white, and hangs his head. He feels guilty, so fucking guilty, but he has no real choice here. He will have to keep it to himself. For now. And just… watch out for Tharn even more carefully. The 15th night of the 11th moon is at hand. In a few days, it’s all going to be over and then, then they will deal with this, too. He will make sure that Tharn gets off the damn meds safely. 
Taking a deep breath, Phaya straightens up, squaring his shoulders. Throwing one last look at himself in the mirror - what are you staring at? - he grabs his towel and leaves the bathroom. 
Tharn’s still sitting at the desk, waiting for Yai’s call…
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wendigonamecaller · 9 months
Kai Anderson x OC. Pt 1.
♡ desc: Karina hasn't been feeling like herself lately, she hides it, but her boyfriend's sister sees right through her. ♡
Warning(s): eating disorder, Kai himself is a warning, cursing.
Taglist: @brknlamb
Want tagged? Feel free to shoot me a DM until I get a doc set up!
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Bright green eyes stared into a mirror, eyes flitting over a reflection. Clean, wet ginger hair draped over naked shoulders, that one white stripe was a darker off-white color in its dampened state.
Karina didn't quite like how her skin looked. It's appearance was off, however she didn't know how it was off. She wasn't pale and she didn't feel sick, though she'd been having migraines and an increased appetite lately.
Maybe that was it, maybe her anorexia was coming back into play, despite how hard she'd worked to keep it away from her boyfriend's prying eyes.
She dried off, slipping into a pair of leggings and an oversized shirt that belonged to Kai, one he had (privately) expressed that he'd liked seeing her in. Hell, he liked when she wore anything of his. Though he'd never openly admit it.
She grabbed the brush, pulling it through her drying hair as she pondered over different things, pushing her disorder to the back of her head.
She sat on the lid of the toilet and slid a pair of socks onto her feet, disliking how cold the hardwood of the floor was in December. Despite it not being as bad as the previous year.
After brushing her teeth and spraying the smallest bit of perfume, she gathered her dirty clothes in one arm whilst shutting the shower door and hanging her towel up, and then opening the bathroom door.
Winter stood there, having been appointed as Karina's 'guard' for the morning since Kai was absent from the house.
"Here, let me take those." The younger Anderson sibling said, gathering the dirty clothes in her arms and depositing them in the hamper in the next room.
"Kai's room or the living room?" Winter asked, and Karina pondered for a moment before deciding.
"Living room, it should be warmer." Karina says, trying to hide the exhaustion in her tone.
"Actually, Kai turned the heat up this morning so all rooms should be a little warmer." Winter said with a slight smile and Karina had the feeling Winter had persuaded her brother to turn the heat up since Karina hadn't been feeling well.
"Ah. I'd still like to sit in the living room, mayhaps I'll curl up with a book." Karina said, thinking out loud. She'd been reading the same book for a couple of weeks now.
Winter smiled while walking with the ginger towards the living room, they chatted absentmindedly. Winter was among one of the only Cult members Karina could talk to freely, others would get punished severely if they even looked at Karina a certain way.
Kai wasn't one to admire women much, hell sometimes even Karina wondered if she was good for anything except looking pretty or making him food, but he constantly reminds her of the one thing that shocked everyone in the Cult.
He named Karina his equal.
Ever since then, some members respected her, some lusted after her, but Meadow looked at Karina with a certain... rage. A jealousy that was only special for Karina.
Karina wasn't daft, Meadow had a thirst. Not necessarily for Kai, but for the power he could offer if his campaign worked and he became president. Meadow was desperate for a spot in his life that would guarantee her some of that power, and as it stands, Karina is the only one in any position aside from Winter that would gain any power.
Karina and Meadow had never really.. gotten along. So when Karina stepped into the living room to see said woman sitting in Karina's place on the couch, wearing one of Kai's jackets, it made something inside of Karina bristle like an animal.
"Problem, Karina?" Meadow asked, sipping a something out of a cup Karina recently bought for herself.
"Yeah, your in my spot, using my cup, wearing my boyfriend's shit." Karina said in a deadpan.
"You're just a whore who has him pussy-whipped. It won't be long until he sees his error and disposes of you." Meadow says, threading her fingers through her blonde hair.
"And what? Makes you his equal? Chooses you as the only woman he'll touch and not feel disgusted by? Don't make me laugh Meadow." Karina huffed.
"He's been mine for three years, and I'll be his for three hundred more if I want to. And sluts like you aren't going to change it." Karina says before heading upstairs, Winter following with her head bowed.
Karina picked up her phone, clicking on Kai's contact and typing a message. She sends it before gently sitting on the bed, not wanting to disturb the neatness of it.
Her phone dinged three times, two were approving messages from Kai, and one was a deposit to her cashapp.
"Rina?" Winter asked, she looked nervous.
"Go throw on something different, Kai said we can leave until he gets back at seven." Karina said, triumphant smile playing on her lips.
Winter shook her head but did as she was instructed, heading towards her room to toss on something warmer.
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shirohige-pirates · 1 year
Birds of a Feather
CisFem Reader x Marco
CW: Violence, blood, language, adult themes and scenes. 18+ only
Summary: Life has not been kind to you. After a string of bad relationships, you're a little jaded and a little depressed in all honestly. The worst day of your life seems to be the turning point, but the roller coaster ride that follows could either throw you soaring free, or have you caged forever?
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Chapter 9: Ruffled Feathers
“What would you like to drink?” Marco asks, as you step up to the café counter. It’s a small section of the larger book store, but the floors are stone and there’s trashcans all through the store. The drinks come covered and there’s signs everywhere reminding people to be mindful of their drinks and other food items. “I figure we can have something to warm us up and get the lay of the land before we settle in for something to eat.”
“A black coffee, please.” You request.
“Nothing fancy? It’s my dime.” He says with a smile.
“The hallmark of a good coffee shop is how well they can do the basics.” You say sagely.
Marco chuckles. “A fair point. Two medium black coffees, Miss Gram.”
“Oh! Doc! I didn’t recognize you.” She says with a smile as she rings up the order. “Definitely not the vibe I was expecting.”
“It’s a special occasion, yoi.” He admits and you see Gram’s gaze shift.
“Oh hooo- so it is. Well, not to harsh your flow doc, but these are on the house now.”
“Ah, miss Gram, I-.” Marco starts to stammer.
“I won’t give away all your secrets, doc, don’t panic.”
“You know secrets?” You pipe up. “Why Miss Gram that is a lovely purple hat.”
“Oi, oi, oi, don’t joke, yoi!” Marco looks truly flustered, his ears are pink and his eyes aren’t as relaxed as usual. He doesn’t look angry, but you’re also not trying to make him uncomfortable. Accidentally, or otherwise.
A little nervous though, maybe.
“Another time then, eh Gram?” You question and she smiles.
“I work most of the evening shifts.” She replies back, handing over two coffees. “Enjoy your evening with that stuffy old bird.”
Marco winces, letting out a heavy, if not defeated sigh.
“I think you’ve aged a few years in the last few minutes… doc.” You say cheekily as the two of you make your way into the bookstore part of the business.
“I feel it, yoi.” He says flatly, taking a sip of coffee.
“Truly worried?” You question, leaning forward a little to catch his gaze. The smile that crosses his face makes you feel better.
“… Nah. Gram’s good people, she might embarrass me half to death, but she wouldn’t say anything I’d rather you hear from me.” Marco admits.
You just smile at the statement, and the two of you walk through the store. Marco’s suggestion is to get an idea of where everything is first, and then if you wanted to walk through a particular section you could double back. Aside from books there were also little pockets of other products, either on the ends of the aisles or tucked into small stands. More than wanting to diversify, it was almost like the store owner didn’t want any space to go to waste.
There was ample room to walk the aisles, but along with selections of tarot cards, greeting cards, puzzles, figurines, candles, journals, and varied writing sets there were places to sit. The store was bigger than you had expected, but not the largest bookstore you’d been in. The size was kind of perfect, almost freakishly so.
When you finished your initial walk through the sections, you had both completed your coffees. Just in time to have looped back to the front of the store, within view of the café. The coffee was delicious, the layout was intuitive and business savvy, and the ambiance of the store was comfortable.
“This is a really nice place.” You admit, tossing your cup in a nearby bin. “The layout’s effective and efficient, the music’s not too loud or soft. If they could fit a fireplace in here, I don’t know that I’d leave.”
He smiles looking at his watch. “They close at 11, so that leaves us quite a few hours, yoi. But, they will kick us out eventually.”
“You don’t happen to be, uh, hungry, do you?” You prompt a little sheepishly. You’re realizing that you had breakfast, but you’d gotten so caught up in everything else you’d skipped lunch.
“I had a late breakfast at the office, but nothing since. I could certainly eat, yoi.” He looks over at the café and then looks back at you. “Need something more substantial than some toasted sandwiches?”
“Ehhhh, heh, yeah. I could make due with sandwiches.” You assure him. “But I’m realizing I skipped lunch and could go for something more.”
“Well, there’s an Italian place down at the end of the plaza.” He says, but there’s something in his tone and expression.
“Is it… not good?”
“It’s not that, it’s run by one of my brothers.” He admits.
“Oh. … Ooooooh.” You’re almost certain you’ve grown ears and a tail your smile is so cat-like.
Marco laughs despite it. “You’re not even conflicted, yoi.”
“Oh, no, I am. I’m very conflicted.” You assure him. “Conflicted about whether or not I walk down that way or skip the entire time.”
He laughs again, even louder than before, as he’s opening the door for you while the two of you leave Cups & Covers. “I’m more worried for you than myself, but if you insist.”
“Do I get to hear about this brother before we get there?” You question as the two of you walk hand-in-hand down the plaza.
“You’ve heard of him before, so I don’t see why not, yoi.” Marco rubs his chin a little as he considers. “Thatch owns the place, got it up and running before Pops passed away. A few extended family members work there with him, but too many rowdy brothers in the kitchen doesn’t work, so none of the direct siblings work with him.”
“I thought Thatch filled your dad’s shoes?”
“He did. Everyone pitches in to take care of the kids, so aside from doing paperwork, and assigning guardianship so the work’s spread around, there’s not much else for him to do, yoi. He works, same as most other parents. The main house is full though, no one’s left alone unless they can find a scrap of space to retreat to when they need it.
“But, old Thatchie-boy’s been cooking since he was six. A full two years before Pops was even okay with him doing it.” He explains, chuckling at the memory. “He’ll cook anything, but Italian is family cuisine, so he says, and so that’s what he decided to focus on, yoi.”
“So, pizza, pasta, garlic toast?” You prompt.
“Yeah, full run of things. Pasta dishes are the most prevalent, but there’s seafood platters, soups, all the way to carpaccio. It looks like a pizza and subs joint, pushed into a hole in the wall – at least from the outside. It’s a local’s paradise, yoi.”
“Won’t he be packed?” You question, looking at the time.
Marco doesn’t look at you as he clears his throat. “Probably, yoi.”
You give him a funny look, but as you continue down the plaza you realize that the place is more than just busy, there’s a line of people out the door. Marco walks right on by, waving to a few folks as you pass them. Despite the wait, no one outside seemed irritated by his actions.
“Marco, what are we-.”
“It’s alright.” He interrupts, opening the door and letting you step through first.
Walking through the door was like walking into a completely different world. The interior was old world, dark wood and heavy tables. The place looked small on the outside, but the space wrapped around the bend, and was easily three times larger than it first appeared to be. The lights were low, but not dim, and the scents of sweet tomato sauces and savory butter sauces permeated the air.
A young girl at a podium smiled up at Marco as he came in behind you.
“Uncle Marco, right on time.” She says happily, grabbing a couple menus and motioning for you to follow her.
“Right on time?” You start to question Marco, but he nudges you forward with little more than a smile.
While the place was packed, there was still enough space between the tables and booths. You didn’t have to worry about accidentally bumping some poor diner as you walked by, following the young girl through the tangle of tables. There were a few booths set into the wall that had curtains across them. Compared to the rest of the restaurant they offered some semblance of privacy.
The curtains were just short enough that the servers could see which ones were and weren’t occupied, and just long enough that the only thing anyone else could really see were the diners legs and feet. The hostess pulled back the curtains to one such booth and took a step back.
“Here you are.” She says cheerfully.
You give Marco a look before sitting down on one side of the table. He does his best to look properly admonished before seating himself across from you. The hostess sets the menus down on the table and lets you know your server will be with you shortly.
You shed your hoodie and side eye Marco a little. “We’re right on time, huh?”
“Seems so.” He says almost innocently.
The booth was a little dimmer than the main area, but there was a lit candle on the table to make up for it.
“And if sandwiches had been sufficient?” You question, folding your hands in front of you as you set them on the table.
“Then I would’ve called and released the table.”
“A place this busy, you had to have reserved the table weeks ago.”
“Oh, not at all. Thatch doesn’t take reservations.” He says with a smile.
“Doesn’t – then how’d you-?”
Marco lets a laugh slip before he gets a hand over his mouth and catches himself. “Sorry, you look really cute when you’re flustered like that.”
You can feel the blood rushing up to your face and grab a menu to hide behind it. You hear Marco grab the other menu as he leans back in the booth. There are a couple minutes of silence before he breaks it, the tone of a smile etched into his voice.
“Care for any recommendations, yoi?”
“… Sure.” You agree, peeking up over the top of the menu.
Before Marco can say anything, the curtains part, and a tall, barrel-chested man with a black goatee and an impressive pompadour hair style steps into view, setting down two glasses of ice water.
“What a lovely couple, welcome to my fine establishment.” He says, a grin as crooked and disarming as the scar on his face. “Can I start you off with something to drink, perhaps?”
Marco has the same half-lidded look on his face he usually has, but you can see traces of irritation at the edges of his smile. “Don’t you have a restaurant to run, yoi?”
“Ha! And miss this, not a chance.” Thatch beams, turning toward you with a wide grin. “I’m going to bleed this wretched brother of mine dry,” he laughs. “So feel free to order whatever you want, miss.”
You give him a crooked grin in return. “Then, I am at the mercy of your recommendations, sir.”
“Thatch.” Marco says as evenly as he can muster, but Thatch waves him off.
“I have some perfectly aged bourbon for the best Old Fashioned you’ve ever had.” He offers.
You look over at Marco who is a moment away from disappearing into his own hands.
“I think I already have the best old fashioned there is, sitting across from me.” You answer evenly. Marco’s neck and ears are red but he’s grinning devilishly at his brother who is looking at you mouth agog for a moment before he manages to compose himself.
“… I have to request, kind miss, that you compare my old fashioned with other drinks, and not-.”
“I mean, he is a tall glass of water as it is.” You muse. It felt good to fluster someone else after Marco had gotten you so good earlier. Thatch might be your unfortunate primary focus, but you could see that you were flustering both of them.
Thatch’s face was turning an impressive pink, and he straightened up, clearing his throat. “Different drink then?” He prompts, not meeting your eyes.
“An Old Fashioned is perfectly fine.” You answer evenly. Marco’s nearly biting through his lip to stifle a laugh as he enjoys the show.
“Very well.” Thatch turns to Marco and his expression goes a little sour. “I shouldn’t even offer, bird brain, but what do you want.”
“Seeing as I’m already a tall glass of water,” he’s nearly laughing as Thatch’s face turns redder. “I’ll take an Old Fashioned as well, yoi.”
“Sure, sure, I’ll get an order of bruschetta in too, and you two kindred spirits can sort out what you want for your entrées on your own.” He says, going from looking irritated to smiling by the time he finishes his sentence and leaves.
You and Marco both laugh after he’s gone, and after a minute the vet sighs.
“I haven’t seen him turn that red in a long time, yoi.” He admits, wiping his face absently.
“You were pretty in pink yourself,” you point out with a grin.
“Aye, I’m sure,” he smiles. “You certainly give as good as you get.”
You bite your lower lip a little, as you lift the menu back up. “In more ways than one.”
You hear the low chuckle from the other side of the table, follow by a quiet, “Oh, I don’t doubt that.”
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littlewalken · 7 months
feb 27
Realizations that have been realized-
My back figured out we're 'done moving' so it can hurt, swell, and remind me it's raining a bit.
There might not be any boxes in the house that will efficiently fit them boots, aside from the occupied Doc Martens box, because they are stiff and do not fold. If one is not found in today's adventures I will see if they fit in a Priority box and that will be it. Not a problem as I know the relative price of what I'm trading for and I got these boots so long ago in a junk store I don't even know what I paid for them but I can assure you it wouldn't have been very much.
I can so work on my wizard quilt, as I call it, or any other project when ever I want now. The only thing stopping me is my desire to have my environment a bit more organized so I have everything at hand. It's been since September of last year to March of 2021 since I've had access to most of my projects and I don't know where all to start.
I think they changed the recipe for Panda Express mushroom chicken, or it's the location we were at yesterday, because it didn't taste the same. Being close to the big mall I can have theirs later and compare.
We need a critter in this place and setting up the fish tank will be the easiest way as we aren't exactly ready for a mammal yet but getting closer and closer.
Tumblr media
Anyone concerned where Bluefish 2.0 (or some other color betta) is going to come from welcome to bring me one instead. (That is a plastic tube from the junk drawer, he loved it so much he would push it around)
something something I don't have time for 'boycott this' and 'boycott that' unless it's something like Anheuser Busch that uses someone with a large childhood following to sell beer or any other company that replaces a woman with a trans woman when they can have both something something get off your privileged high horse and really see how people with less means have to live something something My take home pay is less than some people spend on a night out something something
Pete Townshend telling the story that inspired Won't Get Fooled Again should be mandatory watching. It's like If You Give A Mouse A Cookie that ends with 'give us your baby'.
Now to see where today goes.
*Update- A box has been found so that will be part of today's doings which are a continuance of the ones we could not finish yesterday. And that fat quarter I thought I was doubling for the wizard quilt is because I already had one in the Halloween fabric.
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blueberry-lemon · 9 months
What I Did In 2023
Ever since finishing school in 2017, I've always had a hard time feeling like I've "accomplished anything" in a given year. The months all blur together, and it's crazy how quickly I will forget something that happened or something I did.
To help myself with this, I wrote up a post last year of What I Did In 2022, which honestly felt good. So I figured I'd try again.
Sorry if you find these kinds of posts obnoxious. Hidden under the Read More just in case you do!
A few things I accomplished in 2023:
I wrote some stuff
I wrote Chapters 3 and 4 of Soul Symphony: Abandoned Encore. This is a sequel to a webcomic called Soul Symphony that I made and completed from 2010-2015. Olivia Myers, former music maestro and magical-girl adventurer, lives life as a depressed freelancer after quitting her teaching job. I think literally only like 2 or 3 people are even reading this, but good enough!
I wrote about JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out, when players have to work with different characters and resources in games.
I wrote a review of Bittersweet, an album by Jamie Paige.
My big piece of the year, which I chipped away at for months, reflected on nostalgia in culture and our personal lives.
I wrote about Cozy Games, which bizarrely was recognized in a Critical Distance weekly roundup.
I wrote about my fear for the direction of art and social media, a review of the writing in Sea of Stars, and other Cohost/Tumblr posts, which you can find in the #blogofkylelab tag.
As usual, I've continued my work as a Writer working on Rhythm Doctor, detailed below.
Art and Game Dev
Another sad year of barely 👏 drawing 👏 anything 👏 which is a huge bummer but I'm coming to terms with it.
Don't have anything finished to show for it, but doing a lot of messing-around in Twine and RPGMaker, which has been good for practice at least.
I funded the guest art and music for an upcoming card game, Isle of Swaps. I commissioned around a dozen artists, who I think drew around 50 total cards. Getting paid work as an artist is getting rough out there, so I wanted to help freelance artists the best I could.
Still working on Rhythm Doctor and A Dance of Fire and Ice at 7th Beat Games
We released Act 5 of Rhythm Doctor, which was our huge undertaking of the year! I co-wrote this with fizzd, and for the first time we were working with a completely blank slate with no levels made beforehand. I was recently looking through my Google Docs and was reminded how many different drafts and outlines I had come up with for this Act, some of which were long before the "athlete" story was even decided upon at all. I eventually helped come up with the character of Lucky (designed by our pixel artist Winston), and we got it all built out from there. I had a part in almost every sentence you see in the Act, I believe. I think I did an okay job, and players seem to really like the story and characters of Act 5, so that's a big relief.
Other Stuff
I've been running IndieGamesOfCohost for more than a full year now! I hope people have been enjoying this. It's been really tough to make the spare time for it, especially getting multiple developer interviews up per month, but I'm gonna keep pushing forward. Maybe "one interview a month" is a better goal to aim for. It's hard to tell how much people enjoy the efforts, but people do keep Liking and Sharing and Following so hopefully that means I'm doing something good with my spare time lol.
My partner and I moved! Aside from Act 5 of Rhythm Doctor this was probably the biggest thing. It was my first time apartment-hunting, as well as finding and paying for a moving truck and buying big furniture, getting renters insurance and all sorts of annoying stuff. In past apartments, I was lucky enough to be invited in as a roommate after the place was already set up. I also helped my parents pack up to move from the house they lived in for 28 years. Lots of moving. Hopefully no moving in 2024.
I hope your 2023 was bearable! Take pride in the little things you were able to get done. Let's all push through 2024 together.
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