#if i wanna be able to actually do things with a computer to try & maybe earn more money
berrymeter · 2 years
doing my yearly instagram story add is always rough bc all my friends from high school & shit are like, doing shit with life, & i’m just sitting here in my room being unable to get up more than five times on most days & look i’ve mostly accepted that next to them i look like a failure but also hhh dear god lmao,
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 years
So, this week I ordered a new couch pillow because I had a husband pillow full of shredded memory foam, and the thing needs to be opened and shifted around about once a week with the way I use it so it doesn't shape up weird and actually fuck up my back when I bought it to NOT fuck up my back.
I now have a wedge pillow, made of one piece of foam. And I ordered a book cushion from etsy, and I just wanna say to anyone who has thought "that adaptive thing seems like it would be useful, but I'm not disabled, so maybe it's not for me?"
It's for you. Trust me. My back hurt because I was slouching weird on the couch. I got a husband pillow. It helped a lot. But, it turns out, what I need is one giant piece of memory foam, not a bunch of tiny bits.
And the book cushion? Books are heavy sometimes. Being able to rest it higher in my lap so it's easier to read and hold? Better for my body.
Also, do you wake up with pain in the mornings? Try a contour pillow and a knee pillow.
Get those extra-strong treaded soles to wear with your heels because you wobble otherwise.
Wear compression gloves when you type. Get those orthopedic shoes because you can walk longer distances in more comfort. Buy the bra that actually supports the weight of your boobs. Get a lapdesk for your computer. Use a neck pillow even at home to keep your neck straight. Wear socks to bed. Listen to audiobooks. Read large print books.
You see something that you think will work for you and improve how you feel? Use it! Let's fucking normalize adaptative shit for everyone!
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
I feel a lil bit better today after getting some rest in. I always feel better when I can spend a day at home. I think tomorrow I'll wear my noise cancelling headphones or something so I can chill even more.
...funny how my way to chill is just trying to eliminate all external stimuli
(Pt 1 for description rant)
#diary#personal#i rly wanna book a therapy appointment but im having a rly hard time trying to get myself to do that bc i need to check i can vid call#cuz my computer monitor is broke and havent fixed it yetttt ugh.#i rly feel like researching autism again. idk. i saw a video about communication badges being used at furry conventions#and by god that sounds so fun ;-; like. i really struggle with interaction with others and talking is sometimes really hard.#mainly bc if theres a lot of noise i usually wanna block it out and if i gotta take my earbuds out to comunicate all the time its not fun#idk. i just wish i could go around writting shit out for ppl to read and thats that. no need to speak to clerks or crap.#bc imma be honest. i have a hard time hearing too. like in crowded places. its so overwhelming all the time.#its both a good and a bad thing that im giving myself the permission to be overwhelmed in situations#but its also making it much more difficult to actually be in those situations.#idk. i used to force myself through it. tell myself i like it or whatever. but by god everything just hurts nowadays#like. i dont like leaving my house mostly bc of the sensory overload.#i wonder how things'll change in the future. just how much more accepting will i and society be. i dont know.#but i hope i learn to cope more. bc life is really hard and imma be honest im struggling at best.#idk. i find it so hard to work lately. i love my thoughts. they are so fluid. and just. language doesnt keep up.#everything i say or write isnt quite right. and it bothers me. i sorta wished telepathy existed just soley so i could comunicate#idk maybe someday ill learn sign language. and maybe that could help. but it wouldnt help when im shut down. or having a meltdown#yknow. i find face to face human to human contacr really scary. i worry theyll want to do something and i wont#i worry i wont be able to get across my reasoning as to why. i worry that theyll see just how odd my behaviour can be.#and above all i just sorta worry they wont work with me to meet me halfway. like. im stuck with my family i dont want that with friends too#i hope if i visit them itll be okay. that like. i wont cause a problem or accidentally offend them or something?#idk. i wanna make friends n hang out. but as ive gotten older ive discovered just how much i hate that.#like i saw a rly cool tik tok about how they set up their home for all their autistic friends when they come over.#like. its established you can just stop talking and remove urself if you wanna. and theres stim toys n plushies n shit. and low lighting#and just. that sounds like heaven. i struggle so much in social situations. bc i eventually get tired.#and it makes me feel sorta burnt out/depressed. so itd be nice if i could just remove myself from a stituation whenever.#or just lay my head down on someones lap and silently observe.#i wish i knew what to do when i get overwhelmed in public. bc it happens a lot. and i freeze. and idk what to do.#and ill cry and get overwhelmed and shutdown or meltdown. and i start to aimlessly wander and its sorta dangerous tbh?
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astercontrol · 1 month
So here's a funny little thought about Tron.
Yes, he is an oblivious goofball sometimes, BUT...
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...He's a security program.
And, interestingly, his knowledge of security measures? Also seems to make him good at circumventing them himself.
We have it on good authority (Yori!) that before his latest stay in the pit cells, he had been captured and locked up -- and broken out by himself-- multiple times before.
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"I knew you'd escape! They haven't built a circuit that could hold you!"
Interesting side note: although we in fandom most commonly use "circuit" to mean the patterns on the programs' bodies, Yori here uses "circuit" to mean a literal computer circuit-- a place in the computer that Tron could be kept.
But anyway, this establishes that Tron has a history of breaking out of any circuit they try to keep him in.
Back in the cells, when Flynn arrived, Tron was already planning (with great confidence!) to do this again.
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"You really think the Users are still there?"
"They'd better be. I don't wanna bust out of here and find nothing but a lot of cold circuits waiting for me."
He has no doubt that he'll "bust out of here" eventually. His only concern is that maybe he'll find only "cold circuits" (which is a little ambiguous, but I took it to mean something like "cold empty hallways," with no User presence).
He has more faith in his own escape-artist abilities than he has in the actual Users.
Let's go forward to when he actually does get out.
This happened with Flynn's help.
Flynn, racing against an enemy lightcyclist, turned at the wall and led the enemy to crash into it, making a large crack.
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Then, Flynn went off toward that crack, announcing to Tron and Ram:
"I'm getting out of here right now and you guys are invited."
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And all he hears back?
"Got it." Like that, monotone. Didn't even sound excited.
(And that was Ram, the polite one! Tron doesn't even bother answering.)
Sooo. Conclusion? This thing with the cracks in the walls is not even a surprise.
It happens a lot-- often enough that the announcer-lady voice has a prepared announcement for it.
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"Video game warriors escaping game grid! This is an illegal exit."
(She doesn't sound surprised either, for what it's worth.)
Tron was confident in his ability to escape because he knew this was gonna happen sooner or later. He'd probably seen it happen! He was just waiting for it to happen when he was in a position to take advantage of it.
Yes, Flynn happened to be involved in making it happen, this time. But, in their whole little interlude in the energy-pool cavern, Tron and Ram never once express thanks or admiration or awe or anything. It's like Flynn's part in this was totally unremarkable.
Now, when Tron introduces him to Yori, he does have the decency to give Flynn fair credit for being the one who happened to "bust him out"....
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and Yori does mention that some thanks might be in order... although their primary focus shifts pretty fast to "yikes look at him getting all up in Yori's space like a creep."
Neither one of them seems impressed that Flynn helped with the escape. All the congratulation for Flynn's knowledge of how to break out of there? It's all self-congratulation-- right before Flynn seems to decide that now's the time he has to admit to being a User, in order to explain this great feat.
Really, Flynn. Really?
(I'm not saying Flynn was 100% useless on the entire mission. There was still the MCP Distraction that he provided. It's possible Tron wouldn't have been able to find a substitute for that.)
(But still. Really, Flynn.)
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hockybish · 4 months
l hughes sister au l lola hughes l masterlist
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"Lola hasn't shown up yet has she?" Maisie asked. She was missing her future sister-in that she had gotten to know well as she was now of the only influential females in Luke's life that actually liked her.
"Her flight should be landing in a couple of hours. Once we get unloaded I'll go pick her up." Luke set a timer, to make sure he would have enough time to get there on time. "Wanna come with?"
Luke and Maisie got there with plenty of time to spare, so they took the time to just talk since they were still working things out in their own relationship.
"Shouldn't she be out by now? It's been a couple of hours."
"Yeah. She should be" Luke looked around from the spot where they were sitting. It was a high traffic day and there were quite a few people milling about.
Luke stood up to get a better look. He scanned though the crowd, only to come up empty. "Watch for her, I'm going to stand in line at the desk over there, maybe they know something?"
He stood there for what seemed like for forever. In the meantime, Luke had a chance to shoot a message to Jack and called Mason.
“No I haven’t really seen her in a week” Mason admitted to the frustrated Luke.
“Shit” Luke mumbled. The desk attendant was beckoning him forward it was his turn. “Look I gotta go. Can you look around? Maybe Z knows. Call me if you find anything”
“Likewise” mason was worried about the girl he was in love with.
Luke pocketed his phone, stepping up to talk to the lady. He grabbed the paper that had Lola’s flight itinerary on it and showed it to her.
“Can you tell me anything about this flight my sister’s on? I thought it landed a while ago but I haven’t been able to find her and she’s not answering her phone.”
The lady nodded and started typing and clicking away on her computer coming up with answer for the desperate brother.
“Well I can’t tell you whether she’s on the flight. But that plane did get in on time about an hour ago and everyone should be off by now. I’m sorry there’s not much more I can do. Maybe check baggage claim?
"Hey man, please tell me Lola is in Vancouver with you. And she's not missing again." Luke asked into the phone.
He raced back to the lake house, only to find Jack was the only one there. Luke dreaded calling his eldest brother, but he knew it was for the best if he did, just to check that box off.
"What do you mean, she hasn't shown up yet?!" Quinn was trying to keep his cool. He was the one to deal with their sister the last time she decided to run away.
He didn't have time for it this time.
"I don't know Q. I went to the airport to pick her up and she wasn't there. I thought maybe her flight got in early and she didn't want to wait for us, so she got a ride home. But she isn't here!"
"Fucking find her. And whatever you do, don't tell mom or dad, yet" Quinn grumbled hanging up on his brother.
He wasn't worried or at least he tried to convince himself of that. He had complete faith his brothers would find her. But just incase he started making a few phone calls of his own.
"Lola Clementine Hughes if you are here you better fucking come out right now! There are people worried sick about you." Trevor barged into the place where Leo had been staying.
"Guys I told you yesterday she isn't here anymore. She left." Leo jumped at the loud voice.
"She left? So she was here at some point in time?" Mason frowned. When they were there yesterday, the rookie failed to mention Lola had been there. "Do you have any idea where she went?"
"Shit. I wasn't supposed to say that." Leo looked at the ground not wanting to make direct eye contact with either of his teammates. He started picking at the skin on his thumb, his nerves starting to get the best of him.
"Carlsson tell us everything you know right now, and we'll help protect you from her brothers, who probably kill you if they knew she was at your place and you let her slide right through your fingers."
"Clem asked me not too."
"Dude. Her family is just worried about her. That's all."
He shouldn't have been so scared of her brothers or her extended family like that. but he was because that family included a lot of guys who were bigger than he was. And the thought of something happening to her brought out his stutter again.
"Uh. I ran into her in the hall before the flight to Vegas. She asked if she could stay at my place while we were gone. I told her sure. And she left a few days later. I honestly don't know where she is now. I swear!" Leo spilled the beans on what he knew.
After they interrogated the child a little more, Mason and Trevor were satisfied that he really didn't know anything more and was telling the truth.
“Where do we go now?” Mason climbed back to Trevor’s car.
“Alex” Trevor replied taking off.
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"Lola what are you doing here?" Matty asked the girl who had just shown up at his door unexpectedly at three am.
He had gotten back from Boston early that morning. They had a game the next and he needed sleep if he was going to do well so they could stay alive.
"I need a place to stay for a bit. I promise you won't even know I'm here." Lola looked around the simple apartment, it could a little more furnishings, but at the same time seemed very Matty.
"Aren't you supposed to be in Michigan?" He cocked an eyebrow and pursed his lips.
Matty could tell she was running away again, he didn't care though. His home would always be open to Lola.
"I can't. Jack-" She wasn't going to get into it right now and Matt could tell and wasn't going to press the matter any further for now.
"You want to go to my game tonight, if you're not to sick of hockey. We can dress you up in Leafs' gear, no one will ever know you're there."
Lola shrugged, it could be fun
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KinitoPET, Doki Doki Literature Club, Pony Island, and The Beginner's Guide: Some Autistic Gamer Thoughts
This is gonna be a long post and not exactly my usual kind of post but I hope some people like it anyways and are able to read the whole thing. I'm kinda just infodumping some thoughts but still.
I really like all of these game. I really like them. And I sort of relate to them in an unexpected way that I think most of them (with the exception of The Beginner's Guide) did not intend.
I think the link between the first two is easiest to explain so I'll start there.
KinitoPET and DDLC are both games about computer program, who has a singular, hard-coded purpose, becoming sentient and taking that purpose to an extreme. And similarly, they both harbor no actual malice as characters. And that's what I find so compelling. Kinito just wants to be the perfect best friend, and as a computer program, all he knows is gathering data, so that's the means by which he tries to do it. He doesn't fully understand what it is to be human. He doesn't have a grasp of free will, especially because he doesn't really have free will the way humans do, even though he's sentient. He's a computer program. He has a singular purpose. So he uses that purpose as a means to the end of being your best friend, which to him, means trapping you in a world he made just for you, using all the information you gave him. Computer programs don't die. They don't have a concept of "eternity" or "eternal torment." To him, "forever" is just a length of time.
And most of the same things can be said of Monika. She was designed to be a character in a dating sim. The singular purpose of dating sim characters is to fall in love with the player. That's what they do. So she does it, and she does it the very best she can. Of course, being sentient means that she can think outside the box. She wants to be the one you fall in love with and she uses her ability to manipulate her world and the people in it to try and make that happen. At their core, both of these character harbor no malice whatsoever. They don't want to hurt you, they don't hate you, it's the opposite. They love you, they just don't understand human love.
Think about these ideas led me to Pony Island, which once again has that same idea. An Entity(tm) in a computer wants to trap you in/at the computer forever. Only in this case it's The Actual Devil who wants you to playtest his silly pony game forever. The main difference being that The Devil does, in fact, have an understanding of human concepts like eternity and torment. In fact those concepts are kind of His Jam. He is the primary symbol used to convey those ideas. But even still, he never seems to show much malice for the player outside of situations where the player is actively breaking and manipulating the game and subverting his goals. And honestly I can understand that. If I gave my game to someone to playtest it and they refused to play it the way I'd intended, I would not be happy with them. Now, The Devil KNOWS that what he is doing is morally evil. Trapping souls in Gamer Purgatory and all. But in a way I feel like that's not so different from Kinito and Monika. Evil and eternity and torment are the only things he knows. Is that his fault? We have no way of knowing for certain that The Devil has ANY agency over his narrative. We don't know that he knows any other way to live(?) outside of trapping souls and tormenting them and all that jazz. In fact if you really wanna get meta with it in this game that's already a metagame about game development (which is a phrase that describes most, if not all, of Daniel Mullins' games), we can say for certain that The Devil DOES NOT have any agency, because he is a game character designed specifically to be...well...The Devil. He's evil and torments people eternally. That's what a The Devil does. He is NOT self-aware. If he were and he had a choice, maybe he'd just put pony island on itch.io and try to get feedback lol.
All of these games, at their core, are about a character that desperately wants some kind of human connection, but doesn't fully understand how to get that, and in turn makes the human they reach out to feel trapped and uncomfortable.
Do you know what game also does that? The Beginner's Guide.
Even thought it's a massive leap in form from the aforementioned examples, The Beginner's Guide has that same core concept. It's a game about games, in which someone doesn't understand how to be human.
When I first played The Beginner's Guide I totally missed the point. I thought it was just a game about games, and I thought the Davey walking us through it was The Real Devey and Coda was A Real Person who made weird games. I totally bought into the narratives that Davey was telling us the whole time instead of actually thinking for myself. I'm older now, though.
This at-least-somewhat-fictionalized version of Davey is the socially awkward weirdo. Coda is Just Some Guy who likes to make creative games. He's not A Developer(tm), he's a guy with a hobby. The Beginner's Guide is about Davey and how he sees himself in Coda's games but thinks that what he sees is Coda. And Davey never once talks to Coda about anything other than his games. Davey never once mentions having an actual, real conversation with this person that he's coming to consider a friend. Davey is a well-meaning but misguided person, and in some of his games, Coda is actively trying to tell Davey that in his own way. I think a good line that represents this is "If someone had just told me he just likes making prison games..." because it shows how Davey never even asked. There's countless examples of this. Like when Davey says Coda was "weirdly happy all the time" during a specific time period. He doesn't know why. Maybe Coda got a new job he's excited about, or a romantic partner, or maybe he started taking antidepressants, but the point is that Davey doesn't know, and he never asks Coda directly. He just makes wild assumptions about Coda by playing his games.
The Beginner's Guide is about someone who doesn't know how to socialize and is unaware of it. Someone who doesn't know how to foster a relationship with a human, and tries his best, but whose attempts are seen as uncomfortable. When you interpret some of Coda's games through this lens you can see it more clearly. That game about being on a stage in front of someone you admire, that's Davey talking to Coda and Being Weird(tm). And then, when he feels weird, he doesn't actually talk to Coda at all. He recedes back, feeling trapped and distant from someone he wants to be around. Observing only from a distance, through a bunch of prison bars.
Seems familiar.
Of course I could be pulling a Davey by forcing my own interpretation of the game onto you. And so the cycle continues. I encourage you to consider your own interpretation if you haven't ruined by mine, unable to see it any other way (whoops, there's Davey again).
To me, these games are about autism. I am an autistic woman, so of course that's the lens through which I see things. You don't have to be autistic to be socially awkward or misunderstand people. Again, you can have your own interpretation.
But I've felt these things. Being distant from someone, wanting to foster a relationship but not realizing that what it means to foster a relationship is sometimes entirely different from what I think it means. What "a relationship" even is can be totally different from what you expect. And I've been on both sides of this dynamic. Being approached by someone who Comes Off A Bit Too Strong or Too Weird or just Different. And I'm patient with those people. I know what it's like. I know they've been through it with less patient people, or people who only pretend to foster that connection out of pity or some other misguided attempt to make someone feel better. Obviously a relationship founded on pity and one-sided affection is doomed from the start. And in most of these games that "one side" is the other side of your computer screen.
Communicate with your friends, your partners, your family, whatever. If they don't know how to love you right, it's up to you to help them. If they're not receptive to that, that's when the responsibility is on them, at that point they knew the risks, and if they don't respect your boundaries you cut them off. If you don't know how to love someone else, it's up to you to ask them. Nobody wants to be Kinito, or Monika, or The Devil, or Davey, and nobody wants to be their players, either. Be patient with each other, and talk about it.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
This is for the follower Special!
Rise Donnie
6. Jealousy
1. “Well that wasn’t very smart”
Romantic, maybe Reader is jealous because Donnie has intelligence for what they wanna be smart with
Idk I'm doin my best sifusufd
A/N, not important: Sorry if I made it too sad, I tried not to. This was very fun to write, and I liked it a lot. Thank you for participating in this special! Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: jealousy, feelings of not being enough, talking about your emotions, hand holding, bad writing, barely edited
Words: 2159
Prompt(s) requested: 6(Jealousy) & 1("Well That wasn't very smart.")
Summary: Donnie notices somethings wrong, leading to a small talk about your jealousy of his intelligence and your feelings of unworthiness.
The door to Donnie’s lab beeps once before the light turns green, notifying my allowed entrance. The door opens with a quiet hiss, my eyes admiring his lab in awe once more. I close my eyes, sighing. Everything in here was so… Advanced. It was incredible, Donnie had made things current scientists couldn’t even dream of. And he did it all on his own, no teachers, no mentors, just him. I couldn’t help the bite of jealousy in my stomach and I did nothing to stop the guilt that soon followed. Loving Donnie was easy, with his cocky attitude and his bright eyes. He was passionate, a true scientist. A Genius. He was so much better than me, and it killed me a little more every time because I knew I would never match up to him, never be able to stand on the same ground as the man I loved so dearly.
I sigh, moving further through his lab until I saw him at his computer, working his fingers off once more. I smiled sadly at the bags under his eyes, the fabric usually skewing them from view being set off to the side along with his goggles and wrappings. I move to sit in my usual chair next to him, watching as he works through his code. He glances at me, smiling softly before returning to his work. We both sit in silence for a while, the sound of his fingers typing and the ever present hum of the technology around us filling the empty space between us. It was nice, the familiarity of just existing by his side, no need for us to talk. We only needed to be near each other, and that was enough for us both.
“How long have you been up?” I ask softly, watching as the code flys across his screen, taking mental notes for my own projects later. I may never be on his level, but I could at least learn from him. He was brilliant and I was simply someone watching him succeed from the sidelines, hoping one day I could work alongside him. I’d leave the actual engineering to him though. I never did like building bots and such, coding them was much more fun.
He hums noncommittally, his fingers hesitating for only a second as he thinks. “Just since this morning. I need to get this done soon. I promise I’ll sleep once I’m finished, okay?” His voice is soft, his eyes not leaving the screen. I didn’t mind, this is how it always went. I wouldn’t want to stop either if I was him, if I could do the things he could do. My brain never made the right connections, the pieces never snapping into place. 
"Okay. As long as you promise. You know I worry." And worry I do, unable to think anything without constantly checking to make sure he was okay. He looks exhausted, his purple hoodie draping over him, the sleeves bagging at his elbows from his pose. His hood was up, most likely to try and muffle the sounds of his lab. His legs were crossed in his gaming chair, his back hunched even more than usual. I wondered how his back could even stand it, how his posture was so good otherwise. Maybe the curve of his shell just made it easier to manage. I’d have to ask him later, when it wasn’t so late. When he wasn’t so busy.
A line of code I didn’t recognize catches my eye, a call I couldn’t figure out. My eyes scan the screen as I lean on his desk, my eyes scan his computer, trying to decipher the line's purpose. My eyes narrow as I frown, unable to make the proper connections in my brain to understand it. I grumble a bit, pointing at the line. Donnie stops for a moment, looking at me. He was always ready to explain, ready to waste his time on talking me through something he found so simple, something that was as natural to him as breathing. He waits patiently for me to ask my question and I can’t help but feel like I was proving how beneath him I was, proving how every thought my mind made up was true. “What does this part do?”
I listened intently to his explanation, my head resting in my arms on his desk, curled up in the chair that was almost solely occupied by me. His explanation was clear, scrolling though his hundreds of lines of code to show me what parts it tied back to, talking of the parts he needed to add to make it completely smooth. My mouth was set in a smile, admiring his passion for the science of it. I ignored the pang in my chest, ignored the way my heart craved to be the same, to be able to match his intelligence. Even if just for a day.
“I wish I could do this as well as you.” I say, my voice is quiet due to the time. It was late at night, when my visits usually were. Donnie would text and I would show up, never wanting to miss a moment I could spend by his side. Donnie glances at me, his fingers finally leaving his keyboard as he turns his chair so he could face me. I sit up a bit, my elbow off the desk as I set my hands in my lap. Donnie scans my face, his lips pressed into a line. I scan his back, trying to decipher what he was thinking, to take a look inside his head. Maybe he was trying the same, to try and look into my thoughts, to read me without needing to ask for clarification. Unfortunately for us both, we couldn’t read each other's mind, couldn’t dive into the deep abyss that was our subconscious without taking the time to ask.
“What do you mean? You’re getting so much better at coding and I thought I was helping. Did something happen?” His eyes hold a kindness I never understood, one that should have never been directed at me. I couldn’t help but feel as if he would be better off with someone more on his level, someone who could match him pace for pace. Donnie was the brightest star in the night and I was just a mirror, stealing his light and passing it off as my own. I wanted nothing more than to be like him, my fingers itched to code the way he did. So seamlessly, completely flawless. Most of it had been from years of practice, but the way his brain just… Clicked with the code. It made me all the more envious. 
I shrink slightly, his words weighing me down. I didn’t want to feel this way, not about him. It wasn’t fair. I should be nothing less than ecstatic towards everything he does. There shouldn’t be this disconnect in my brain, it was all so straight forward. He was my boyfriend, my best friend, and my favorite person in the world. I hated feeling jealous because I wasn’t mad about his success, I was just… I wanted it for myself, to be able to have it with him. I wanted to be just like him. “No no no no no, of course you’re helping! I just… I’m not progressing very fast.”
“Of course you’re not. This stuff takes time dum dum. You can’t rush this.” His tone is very matter of factly, his smile wide as he relays the information. His eyes scan me once more, pupils shrinking as they narrow. His fingers tap on his desk, my body shrinking under his unrelenting stare. “Something’s wrong. Spill. According to Mikey, communication is key to all relationships and I’m not letting you leave until you talk.”
I huff slightly and he just raises an eyebrow muscle, waiting for me to talk. I run my fingers through my hair, slumping back in the seat. Knowing it would be pointless to lie or argue, I spill the beans. “I have been a bit… Jealous of you lately.” I admit, not meeting his eyes. Donnie waves his hand in a circular motion, prompting me to continue. “You’re so much smarter than me and it’s just… I can’t help thinking about how you’d leave me for someone more on your level. I just want to be as smart as you, but I’m not.”
“And you didn’t come to me with this, why exactly?” He asks, his arms crossed over his chest. I pat my thighs awkwardly, still not meeting his gaze. He was upset, that was obvious, but I didn’t know how to explain my feelings in a way that would make it all go away. I wanted nothing more than to be normal about his success and not have so much jealousy over his accomplishments, but the feeling remained.
“I uh… I thought you’d get mad, and I didn’t want to risk losing you over some stupid way I felt.” I admit, rubbing the back of my neck. I stare at the floor, rocking the chair back and forth to try and let off some of the energy coursing through me. My fingers danced across my legs, tapping out nonsensical rhythms to accompany my shame.
“Well that wasn’t a very smart way to think.”
I look up at him, his eyes still narrowed at me and his lips pull into a small frown. I chuckle nervously, not sure how to respond. He was right but I felt like I would be dragged to Mikey if I said the wrong thing. I really didn’t want to wake the poor guy, he was always grumpy in the morning. “What?”
Donnie sighs, pinching the bridge between his eyes. He takes my hand and brings it to his chest, holding it above his heart. "Hear that? As long as that beats, I'll love you."
His face is stern for just a moment, not having fully processed his words. As soon as his words sink in, his face slowly goes red. I let out a small laugh as our hands interlock, swinging side by side in between the chairs we sat on. Donnie had pulled the strings of his hoodie tight, covering his face as he sank into his chair. I squeeze his hand lightly, grinning at the sight. His head shakes a bit, loosening the strings so he could look at me once more. His face is much less flustered now, his cheeks only slightly tinged in color. He clears his throat, looking into my eyes and squeezing my hand back. "As cheesy as that was, my point still stands. I don't want you thinking like that. You may not be as good as me yet, but I truly believe you can catch up soon. If you want to, that is. Plus, you’re much better at other things than I am. I can’t talk to people like you can, and you’re much more in tune with your emotions.”
I look at him, smiling warmly at his words. “Thank you,” I say sincerely, squeezing his hand once more before letting him go. "I really needed that."
Donnie puffs out his chest proudly, beaming. “Of course! This just proves I am the superior boyfriend! Now if you could just let me record you saying that so I could shove it in Leo's face, I would be very appreciative." His words hold a small tease in them, a smug smile on his proud maw. His face softens again, patting the arms of his chair. “I am going to ask you to talk to me more often about this, okay? I don’t need you thinking I’m going to leave you just because you can’t keep up with me tech wise. Do you understand?"
I nod, sighing. I pull my knees to my chest in the chair, puffing out my cheeks. "Yeah, that's fine. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. You told me what was wrong, and now it's going to get fixed. I have no reason to be mad." He turns back to his code, pulling my chair closer to his. He starts to type again, settling back into his own little world, me by his side. I lean on the desk once more, watching him instead of the screen. His eyes were focused, lighten up by both his own mind
and by the light of the screen in front of him. I could see the reflection of the code in his iris', lines upon lines being written in mere moments. My eyes close, a large smile on my face as I settle my head in my arms.
“I love you.” I mumble out, starting to fall asleep to the soothing tapping of his keyboard. My heart flutters in joy when I hear his response.
"I love you too, you dum dum. Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake."
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cuubism · 2 years
wip wednesday so. here's a 'wip' (crack fic i binge wrote instead of working on my actual wips that are weeks if not months overdue in updating oh god)
necessary context: matthew has not yet learned that hob is immortal
“Alright, listen up, team!” Matthew cawed to the handful of dreams and nightmares gathered around him. “Most of you guys were here before me. What was it like last time Lord Morpheus had a catastrophic relationship failure?”
“Bad,” said a tiny dream in the shape of a mouse.
“Thanks. Very helpful,” Matthew muttered. “Wanna offer any specifics? Did the world end?”
“Yes,” said a ghost-like nightmare, rolling its eyes. “The world ended. This is just a collective hallucination.”
“Technically, it is a collective hallucination,” said another nightmare that looked kind of like… a computer? Matthew hadn’t even been aware Morpheus knew what computers were.
Some of the other dreams snickered.
“Hey!” Matthew squawked. “This is serious. You’re aware he’s dating a human, right? If breakups were bad, how do you think that will end?”
The collected dreams were silent.
“Eternal night!” Matthew yelled. “Doom and gloom! Tartarus in the depths of Hell! Thunder and lightning very very frightening! Do you want that? I don’t!”
“What are we supposed to do, though?” asked the little mouse dream. “Humans always die.”
“I don’t know yet, that’s why we’re here,” said Matthew, flapping his wings in agitation. “Um. Make an ark for when the Dreaming becomes Water World, maybe? Or uh. Clone Hob? No, that’s weird… Maybe we can get him an emotional support cat or something?”
“Mervyn says Hob is already an emotional support human,” whistled a dream that looked like, and was the size of, an entire forest.
“If he’s sad,” sang a music-box dream in its childlike voice, “maybe we should cheer him up!”
Matthew snorted. “How are supposed to cheer up Mister Emo King himself?”
The music-box trilled. “Everybody likes music!”
“And puppies!” yapped a Labrador Retriever.
“Sparkles?” said a dream that was just a floating star.
Matthew was feeling extremely dubious about any of these things being able to cheer up the most gothic depressed person he’d ever met, but it was going to have to do.
“Alright, guys,” he announced, clapping his wings, “here’s the plan. You all have to try to make Lord Morpheus as happy as possible so he won’t go fucking berserk when his human dies. But! Be subtle. Don’t let him know what you’re doing. And for the love of all that is holy Do. Not. Mention. The. H. Word.”
“Hell?” said a toddler dream, scratching her nose.
“No!!! Hob!!!” Matthew scrubbed a wing over his beak. “We’re all gonna fucking die.”
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
bts doing no nut november - explicit
been a minute since we did a headcanons post huh!!!! and this felt ~seasonally appropriate~ 🤭 i actually discussed this a million years ago w my hyungline chat and the lovely @goodsoop - thanks for always feeding my insane bts brainrot, love y'all 😩 (and i'm really just considering this as no fap/not discussing or thinking abt partnered sex here, just fyi~)
knj: loses on day 1. this virgo has his masturbation routine down, so engrained as a part of his daily life, that on november first he doesn't even realize what day it is. he just busts a fat nut to one of his very favorite porn videos (downloaded to his computer ofc) without thinking twice about it, and it's only as he's cleaning up the mess that he's like.... fuuuuuuck.... i knew i was forgetting something 🤦‍♂️
ksj: doesn't do it out of protest OR reluctantly agrees but then quits on day 1. y'all simply are not gonna tell this man what to do! he comes when he wants to come dammit! his dongsaengs might be able to convince him to "say" he'll do it, but the minute he actually wants to jerk off, the competition is over lmao. there's not even any good reason why he should hold it in - besides, isn't that bad for you??? unhealthy??? this game is stupid and he doesn't wanna play 😤
myg: has no trouble not coming for 30 days, could probably win on accident. i feel the agust d hoes coming to fight me about this one but i'm sorry 🤷‍♀️ imo yoongs is a low libido guy!!! and you can't change my mind!!!!! make your own post lol! imo he'd rather save it for when he's with a partner, and besides, he's obviously too busy working or sleeping or watching cat videos. plus it's just so much effort and he hates having to deal with the mess after. he's fine with it, homie probably ends up in no-nut january without even really meaning to 🥱
jhs: wins, but it's a struggle. we all know he's got that serious business 'dance teacher hobi' scary amount of self control.... but eventually his ~urges~ do get pretty strong and hard (lol) to ignore. i can see hoseok being one to try and keep himself busy to keep the horny thoughts away 🤣 his big-ass closet is getting reorganized, new choreo is getting learned for no reason, and if you see him spam a ton of selfies on instagram, it's cause he's trying to distract himself 🤪
pjm: tries and absolutely loses. mini is sooooo physical and touchy i just don't see this one working out for him. in the beginning of the month i think he feels like it's pretty easy and he wants to do good and get praised by the other members, but midway through november he gets pretty desperate. he tells himself it's not really masturbating if he just humps against the bed and doesn't finish, but then one thing leads to another and it just.... feels too good to stop 🫠
kth: does it wrong and wins. we all know taehyung lives on his own mf planet so i absolutely believe this man is gonna EDGE himself for 30 days in a row. literally bring himself right to the brink of orgasm, then hop in a cold-ass shower and carry on with his life. it's fun for him 🤭 and when the members tell him he's doing it wrong, he says he's doing the advanced version 😏 and i just.... god bless whoever is on the receiving end of that load on december first lmfaoooooo 💦
jjk: OF COURSE HE FUCKING WINS. jk is the one who makes everyone participate, no fucking question, and he is in it to WIN IT bc of course he is. i know he's a jerkoff pro tho so he has to suddenly deal with having.... EVEN MORE excess energy than usual 🤣 we're talking multiple workout sessions a day, every day, just to burn it all off (namjoon goes with him even tho he's already lost 🥲). maybe even a tattoo session to help get his mind off things idk 👀 and when it's finally december first he's jerking off til his dick is RAW lmfao 💀
what do you think? any you agree/disagree with? 👀 lemme know~
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rosiesdisneydrama · 1 year
Android Donald AU Idea
I was hit by a variant of an Android Donald au I've seen on here (this one, to be specific) while at work and I wanna share it. This is pre-dt17/in the same universe. Potentially pre-Spear of Selene as well.
Basically, Donald gets hurt really bad while out fighting. Like really, really bad. He manages to drag himself back to Ducklair Tower, but he's basically in critical condition. Uno isn't as ready as he would have liked for this, but he does have something that can help.
It's basically a healing pod that Ducklair (or maybe Uno himself) had made that wasn't any good for commercial/hospital use because of how much the material cost was and took a lot of time to do its job. But it would take a long time and Donald's family would notice if he just- went missing for a year (or likely longer). It could buy him, buy them, some time to figure out a more efficient way to heal Donald.
But he knows Scrooge and Della are off on an adventure at the moment (Donald had mentioned that it seemed like a long one this time), so he has roughly a month to come up with a plan.
He also has Layla and a tremendous laboratory at his disposal (and he's a supercomputer).
And he hits on something that should allow Donald's body the time it needs to heal as well as keep anyone from getting suspicious.
It's honestly a simple plan overall.
He makes an android body that looks like Donald and (through handwaved science things) he transfers the duck's consciousness to it and makes a link to his own servers with it. Even connecting himself to the body to make sure he can help/make sure he's alright at any time while this is set up.
Donald can pilot the droid body to keep his family from knowing that he'd been hurt while his real body is in the healing pod recovering. And, with the direct link to Uno, he can basically have his partner at a moment's call and even just- Have another person "with" him while dealing with his family. (Also, finances. Uno is a godsend for dealing with all the numbers that Donald just doesn't have a head for.)
The two of them continue this charade for a while, sometimes with Uno actually being with/in Donald's head for a few adventures.
Until Ducklair comes back and (unknowingly) royally screws up the previously smoothly working plan before vanishing into the aether again.
When he shuts down Uno and locks down the tower, Uno actually has part of his AI in Donald. So he's not gone, but he is cut off from his main network. He is still able to get data for the healing pod which is still working, thank the stars. But they can't get to it now since it's locked behind the security of Ducklair Tower.
Both of them are Stressed:tm: about this but there isn't much they can do. So they make do with what they have to work with and keep going. And things mostly go well.
Then the Spear of Selene happens and the duo have a whole new pot of issues to deal with.
Raising triplets is hard, but Uno and the scanners built into the android body make it easier. And Uno is down to help out with more than just that. So things are fairly good, if not as good as either of them would have liked.
Huey, Dewy, and Louie don't know that their Uncle is an android but they do know about Uno.
Since the two shared a body, it was impossible for the boys to never learn about Uno. But since they're really young, Donald and Uno agree that they probably won't understand that Uno is an AI. Advanced computer engineering and robotics are a bit beyond the understanding of a trio of four-year-olds.
The boys end up thinking that Uno is the ghost of a really smart scientist-friend of their Unlce that's possessing him now because he was locked out of his house by his wizard dad. (It wasn't explained in those words, but that was what the boys came away from the conversation thinking.) They have to keep Uncle Uno a secret because otherwise someone might think he was hurting Uncle Donald and would try to make him go away. And their Uncle Uno is cool and knows all kinds of cool things and they don't want someone to make him leave. So they promise to help keep him a secret.
Fast forward to the start of dt17.
I have more, but my brain is tired (it's 10 p.m. rn) so I will continue this later.
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red-hibiscus · 7 months
BL characters I relate to most as a mentally ill gay trans man
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Daisy from SCOY
Surprising no one, I, a trans person, relate to Daisy. They're outgoing and seemingly don't care about how people view them. They know they're visibly queer and they normally don't mind it (from what I see). But at the end of the day, society does affect them. They're hesitant to believe Touch genuinely cares and is attracted to them despite Touch being an absolute green flag who is very direct with his flirting. Even after, Daisy was worried about people would view their relationship with Touch and tried to become Day, a more masculine version of themself. Impossible of course and they broke down emotionally exhausted. I feel that so much because I also don't believe it when people, especially cis gay men, are attracted to me. I've caught myself trying to change my behavior to be more masculine (as I'm a bit on the nonbinary side of things). It's bad, but I know how Daisy feels.
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Wang from 180 Degree Longtitude Passes Through Us
As a 26 year old trans gay immigrant in a country that doesn't want me, I have a shit ton of pent up anger that has been building up since I was a child. I've calmed down over the years, but I can still be stubborn and argumentative when it comes to politics and human rights. I'm also a linguistics major, thus an academic.
Wang is so much like myself and like a lot of people around me. Like me and Wang would be close friends irl I know it. We're young and stubborn. We're angry at the older conservative people around us, too much sometimes. So he lashes out. Many of his points are correct, but they're not hitting. Partially because the people he's talking to don't want to change, partially because he himself is stubborn. People like us yearn to be free, to be ourselves and to learn. Wang has a passion for the humanities like myself. Yet he knows society really only cares about STEM fields. I've compromised and am getting a master's in computational linguistics. Even though really I just wanna learn as much as I can about sociolinguistics.
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Karl from Gaya Sa Pelikula
I haven't watched GSP in a hot minute, but I do remember feeling very seen.
So in the show Karl has his gay awakening, tries to internally and externally deny it, and eventually let himself be free to feel everything and be himself (at least in private).
Now I didn't have a gay awakening, but I guess you could say a trans awakening. In middle school I felt different, I suspected maybe some flavor of LGBT, but wasn't sure and I was too afraid to think about it too hard. Come high school I secretly wanted to join the LGBT club, but was afraid. Then I was essentially adopted into the LGBT club and dragged into the friend group during lunch because I was a loner like everyone else. At the time still "identified" as a cishet woman. As time went on people started to suspect. "Why are you in the club?", "why did you cut your hair", "why do you dress like that?", "your voice is low for a girl haha", etc. Much like Karl, I was not ready for any of that. I was still struggling to make sense of it all and come to terms with it myself. So I kept rejecting it and every time it hurt.
I kept rejecting it until I couldn't. Until someone I resonated with so much came out as trans and it clicked. My trans awakening was complete. I became able to be more myself, but only in private safe spaces. I wouldn't come out and live as a man until after high school and it was terrifying.
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Adachi from Cherry Magic
I've only watched the jpn ver, but I'm sure that character remains the same.
I'm anxious and used to be quite shy. Now I'm just awkward. I'm really bad at seeing the good in myself cause I feel like I'm wandering around aimlessly in life. Not that impressive. So when people compliment me I think "haha they're just being nice" (refer back to me never believing people are actually attracted to me).
Adachi is the exact same. He has the same routine every day. Just going through the motions and not really thinking anything of himself. But then Kurosawa comes along and the ability to read minds. Adachi then realizes "wait, someone I respect so much actually loves me? And thinks I have a lot of good qualities? Makes me wanna cry." And me too Adachi. I'd be the same.
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Jared from 7 Days Before Valentine
Jared, my precious baby, is described throughout the show as kind, but weird and different. We later learn that he has dyslexia, and honestly he seems to be somewhere on the autism spectrum. Even if he isn't, he has a behavioral difference people pick up on and then shun him for it.
I too was seen as kinda weird growing up. Maybe it was the autism, maybe it was the social anxiety. Probably both. And then of course there was the gnawing feeling that I was different than everyone else and it turns out it's because I'm trans.
So when Jared said that people didn't talk to him because he wasn't like other people it hit me so hard.
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Myungha from Love For Love's Sake
The whole show is sad yet cathartic for me. Myungha is depressed yet spends his time comforting others. He has a hard time loving and receiving love. If you give him a fictional character who is very similar to him he will love them and see all the good, but he doesn't see it in himself. Relatable as hell.
I have an incredibly hard time being honest with my emotions and letting people love me and express attraction. Mostly in a romantic/sexual context. Dpdr is cockblocking me. So dating is hell, but I'm lonely and yearn to not be.
Probably if you put me in a situation like Myungha I'd also go "yep, that right there is my blorbo" and then not realize that all the things I like about the person and make me care about them are things I have.
Honorable mentions:
Both Akk and Ayan from The Eclipse
Nozue from Old Fashion Cupcake
Oh-Aew from I Told Sunset About You
Cher from A Boss and a Babe (I headcannon him as autistic)
Amber from DNA Says Love You
Uea from Bed Friend
Mitsuomi from Restart After Come Back Home
Jao from SCOY
Maybe I'll make another post for those later
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1eoness · 1 year
hi! could i request something fluffy? maybe leon spoiling reader with some meal, or cuddles? thanks! ❤️
and yes ofc i love writing fluffy fluffy hehehehe (im kind of uncreative rn so sorry). btw i'm writing this in the same format as the other one but if you want it to be more structured and narrative just uh tell me LOL
content : fluffy leon kennedy x gender neutral!reader (it's written in second person though). pet names lol
synopsis : leon wants to spoil you so he's feeding you and providing you with an army's ware of cuddles >:)
-food is fuel and leon is a fucking engine
-tbh i hc that leon has a big appetite for sweet stuff,,,, i'm sure a big collective of ppl agree bc he's so squishy squishy [what the fuck am i saying idk]
-anyway enough about me gushing on leon.
-YOU. when will you ever take the time to let him spoil you? are you trying to avoid him?:((
-leon is part kidding. he's not mad ofc but sometimes he can't help but get a tiny bit worried about you sometimes.
-see, leon is a firm believer that a person cannot come to their best senses unless their basic/psychological needs are fulfilled. that includes things like eating, or affection—because when your body senses that you're lacking in something, it will use your brain power to signal you that you need to eat or be smothered with affection! hence you can end up feeling burnt out if u dont pay attention to ur love vitals!! >:(
-leon's mindset will always be applied on you because you're his second heart, you're his tough rock and you need to be taken care of!!
-HE KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE THINKING "affection? that's absurd people can still learn attentively and work efficiently without having to be coddled >:(" while yes in a sense its true—but sometimes you just don't realize that what you need is some time to be vulnerable and intimate, which can explain why your emotions feel a lot more heightened recently than usual (which he notices by the way). you've been tense for a while, and leon reasons that you can't just 'move on' from being overwhelmed with work stress and whatnot—you have to relieve it! but enough about theory.
-your hunger for food or affection is like a 7th sense to leon to be honest. while it's not an accurate intuition everytime, he's bound to think of you once every like two minutes.
-leon actually has very clear and high critical thinking skills. this means he is able to remember a lot of things about you even if he only notices them or you mention it once: this includes your comfort drink, where you like to be touched, hell maybe even the MBTI of your favorite character. and he ESPECIALLY knows what food you like. pad thai, sushi, oxtail, jerk chicken, cake, boba, YOU NAME IT HE KNOWS IF YOU LOVE IT OR NOT
-so when it actually came to asking you what you wanted, he'd send a text saying he's downtown and asking you 'what would you like, baby?'. he's careful with his words and doesn't say "do you want me to get you something on the way?" because it means he's giving you a choice >:( when the whole point is to spoil you because you deserve it.
-and if you answer with something vague like 'anything' HE DOESN'T MAKE YOU SPEAK FURTHER he'll just buy what he knows u like and keep the rest in the fridge if you dont wanna eat it :3 well that's what they're for, right?
"oh, my sweet.." his voice was quaint at the sight of you. leon tried his best to be silent when he entered the room, not wanting to sound like he was pitying you, but seeing you half-covered with comforters, mildly upset and your mind in a frazzle has his heart dropping a bit. you were probably thinking about so many things: meeting some deadlines, picking up this and that from the store, computing this... but you just couldn't organize your thoughts. but that's why leon was here.
your head moved to swivel his direction. "leon.." you smile at him weakly.
it was cold in the city tonight. leon places a hefty white plastic bag of your favorite on the nearby surface before he sits down in front of you from the edge of your bed. he takes the brief second of studying his lover's face before he pulls you into a comforting and warm hug. he can't help but pat the back of his sweet baby's head down, and you feel his lips barely nuzzle onto your ear as he mutters. "y're so good to me, baby. you know that?" leon reminds you before kissing the side of your head shortly. you tried to reciprocate it by giving him a nimble kiss on his cheek, which he gratefully accepts with an eager beam on his lips.
his hands slide down your arms in a soft stroke as he lets go of you gently. the rustling of the bed's layers being heard as leon moves a bit to reach for the hefty boxes of food, which he opens for you once he gives you take your utensil/s. leon's happy seeing you eat. it's a form of reassurance to him personally witnessing you getting the fill you deserve after a whole few days of being so busy and rushing everywhere. it's a calming sense to him as you both soak in comfortable silence while he watches you eat. he was caring less that it's 2 in the morning and caring more about the way the color on your face slowly vibrates back onto your features. you seem less tired, just by a tad percentage. it makes him smile to himself knowing he was able to take care of you. " 'm finished." you mumbled with a hum, feeling a little full and having to lie down. fullness makes you sleepy (and leon knows that!) so he has a subtle, cheeky little grin as he leans over and collects your legs with one arm, pulling you to make you lie on your back. he crawls over to lie down next to you, once again pulling you close to him while he wraps his arms around you— one patting and planted gently on your back while the other cradles your head close to his heart. just where you belong... "you tired, baby?" leon asked shortly and your little nod sufficed. his cheek gently rests against the side of the crown of your head. his touch is soft, it's sweet as he rubs and scratches down your back gently. he gently scruffles at your scalp with his other hand's fingertips, and the motions will send you to a hopefully revitalizing sleep ♡. he places a kiss on the top of your head, like a ribbon keeping its gift from falling apart :( he knows at this moment maybe you're thinking you don't deserve him. but that's so far from the truth.
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
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The other woman
'Cause to be by her side
Nanami x reader
Warning: Semi-smut, angst, adultery, Cheating, Gojo
All text I'm this font indicates (Y/N) as the wife and her POV or events occurring with her.
All text in this font indicates (Y/N) as the mistress and her POV or events occurring with her.
The other woman masterlist
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"So the big bad Nanami knows you're working for me" Gojo said as he sipped at his coffee watching as you sat at your desk typing away.
When Nanami had called you in a frantic despair voice asking why you were working for his companies rival, you were lost for words. With a little bit of grief in your heart for upsetting Nanami. You didn't know that Gojo would call Nanami to tell him about the job that you had accepted, but at the same time Gojo did think you were Nanami's assistant so it would be fitting to inform him of your departure.
The more you heard Nanami yell into that phone speaker the more your will to work for Gojo diminished, and you almost told Nanami that you were going to phone Gojo back and decline the position ( as Nanami was still your husband and you valued his opinion immensely) ,but just as the words were on the tip of your tongue you heard a giggle.
A giggle that reminded you that Nanami was not alone, that your marriage was not monogamous. That there was a hidden third party that Nanami tried to make you believe wasn't. And that giggle was all you needed to hear to confirm that you were going to work for Gojo.
You looked up from your computer screen, flashing Gojo a soft smile acknowledging his words before looking back at your computer.
Gojo watched with a grin as you merrily did your job.
"You said you were Nanami's secretary" Gojo stated as he took another sip, his hand on your desk leaning closer towards you. While you remained typing away, only acknowledging his words with a nod.
"Well you didn't tell me you are his wife"
The moment those words left Gojo's lips you stopped any actions, as your eyes stood wide with shock. You didn't know why you were shocked at Gojo's words, you were in fact Nanami's wife even if you didn't feel like it and it was obvious that Nanami would of told Gojo everything on there phone call.
"What's with the shocked face (Y/N), looks you just found out you're married to Nanami" Gojo laughed out, as he examined your face.
It was only when your shocked expression turned into one of sadness did Gojo realize the effect his words had on you.
"You're not like in a forced marriage or anything" Gojo asked with worry in his tone, as he now crouched down so that he was able to take a better look at your silken expression.
"No" you muttered out quietly.
"Oh good, I thought you were like some mail order bride" Gojo said with a sigh of relief
"It's actually illegal to do those things in Japan, but with Nanami anything is possible" Gojo babbled on while your expression remained the same.
'Nanami a man who was suppose to brighten your mood at the mention of his Nanami only soured yours. Sometimes you wondered why a young naive you didn't see through his charming facade, maybe if you did back then you wouldn't be in this situation now. Your mother did always warn you that his stoic aura was one riddled with mystery in an unpleasant way, but you were never one to listen. Oh how you wished you had listened' you thought to yourself.
"Hey you okay?" Gojo said snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I guess so" you said as your eyes met with Gojo's, that cerulean blue melding with your own eyes as he starred into your soul as if trying to decipher what was going on in that head of yours.
"You wanna talk about it?" Gojo asked in a soft welcoming voice.
'You wanna talk about it' those words you wished you husband could of said to you when times were tough and when you felt like you were alone, but instead he found comfort in another and still he wasn't man enough to even tell you.
And your sulken expression quickly turned into one of anger. You heart burned with with hatred at the image of her splayed out on a bed just waiting for Nanami to claim her.
"Yes I'd love to talk about it" you said with a bit in your tone, it was nownor never. The opportunity to expose Nanami to a rival businessman. It was petty and low of you to do but cheating on your wife and neglecting your children was even lower.
"So you know I used to live in Aichi, but something happened and I moved the boys and I to Tokyo. So what had transpired was ..."
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"Nanami-san what's wrong?" She asked, with her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her head peaking to the side as she spoke to him.
"It's nothing" Nanami replied in that stoic tone that he used when you heard him on business calls.
"It can't be nothing you were so upset last night you barely even slept"
Nanami looked slightly over his shoulder, wye meeting with hers, as she watch as his pupils expanded.
"You wanna know that badly?" Nanami asked with a sarcastic snicker, the one that had heat rising in-between your legs and your nipples to slightly harden.
"Yes" you said with one quiet breath, but still loud enough for Nanami to hear.
"Get off the bed and stand infront of me now" Nanami commanded.
You quickly stood up from the bed, hurriedly walking till you now stood infront of him in nothing but a sheer night gown that barely concealed your naked body underneath.
"Take off your gown slowly" Nanami instructed.
You slowly began to loosen the sloppy knot that barely held your gown together, letting the silk strings fall on either side of you.
Now the front of your body remained exposed. Your perked up nipples and the slick that was running down your thighs, as you waited for Nanami to devour you.
"Take it all off"
And you did as Nanami said removing the lace fabric from your shoulders as you felt pool at your feet.
"Come closer"
You took four delicate steps until you stood infront of Nanami, your soaked pussy to his face as you waited for further instructions.
"Spread your legs"
You felt as Nanami's hand travel up the inner parts of your thighs gathering slick, until he was met with your pussy that clamped down on nothing.
"You want to know why I'm upset?"
"Yes please" you moaned out, enjoying the feeling of Nanami teasing your pussy.
"You know Jujutsu Tech?" Nanami asked as his eyes lingered on your hardened nipples.
"Yes" you babbled out.
"So you should know that Satoru Gojo owns that company, his the biggest rival of the company I work for" Nanami said as his other hand traveled up and began playing with your puffy nipple.
Your brain became mush as Nanami's skilled fingers toyed with your pussy, ever so slightly slipping them in just to pull them back out.
"That little shit hired my wife, to be his personal assistant"
At the mention of Nanami's wife your body became stiff and your body began to heat up with worry. As you felt the slow rush of regret travel up your body, at the realization that you stood nude infront of a married man.
But just as the feeling of regret came he just as quickly washed away, as you felt his digits dip into your sobbing cunt. Feeling as his fingers massaged at the deep parts within your pussy, against that spongy spot that had you seeing stars. Cause to be by his side felt like heaven.
"Oh Nanami-san" you moaned out as you let your lusts overcome you.
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After you had told the hidden secrets of yours and Nanami's relationship, you had thought Gojo would of let out some grand outburst, some theatrical shock of distaste; as the man seemed to show his emotions to that of an actor trying to show his talents in an exaggerated manner.
But alas Gojo had only given you a soft smile and heartfelt sorry.
Which only made you feel worst in that you expected him to feel the same way you did, with the same burning anger that you held in your heart for Nanami, but now that anger had sizzled down into shame, perhaps bad mouthing your husband was not the best thing to do.
Keeping to yourself as you did for the rest of the week, as you worked away on your computer, running small errands every now and then for Gojo.
"Hey (Y/N)" you heard the upbeat voice say to you as you tilted your head up to meet his cerulean blue eyes.
"Hi sir"
"No need for the formalities" he said with a chuckle in his voice. His now warm aura engulfed you, you had just been accustomed to the distance the white haired man was giving you only for him to seek you out again. The only difference between him and Nanami is after the cold distance you would be the one to seek Nanami out.
"So, I was wondering maybe we could have a dinner this weekend. You know just you and I" Gojo enquired as he let a tight lip smile fall to his face.
He could sense the worry in you, from the way your browed arched up. After he had decided to give you space after you had vented to him, he thought that would be the best move, leaving you to clear your mind in case you decided that this job wasn't meant for you.
"It would just be a dinner for me to get to know you better, as an employee, if that calms your nerves more" Gojo continued hoping to calm your nerves and worries.
But it wasn't that you didn't want to spend more time with Gojo, hell you would tell yourself this is your first date since leaving Nanami, as in your mind the man Nanami was now was not your husband rather the shell of the man he once was.
"I have two sons and I'm a bit worried to leave them alone for long periods of time"
"Well lucky for you, I have three kids" Gojo said as he flashed three fingers infront of your face. While you looked at him in bewilderment.
"Let me guess you didn't take Satoru Gojo for the fatherly type" Gojo snickered out as he watched you still stare at him in disbelief.
"Well I guess you're kinda right. They're my adopted kids. I may not be their biological father but I'm still the father and they could keep your kids company. So them around Tokyo while we have dinner" Gojo suggested, you let the idea swerl in your mind for a bit before finally agreeing to the arrangement.
"Okay great, I'll see ya Saturday 8pm" Gojo said as he turned away with a wink, while your heartbeated out of your chest.
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If it wasn't necessary Nanami would of declined the minute he was invited to some pretentious restaurant, that served food that was fit for someone who enjoyed the McDonald's happy meal.
He prayed to whatever deity was there that this evening would be done and over with so that he could go back to his apartment and enjoy what would be left of his evening.
Nanami took another sip of his champagne, listening to the chatter of business men in the lower sector than he was.
Just as he was about to excuse himself to step outside and pretend to smoke, something caught his eyes. White hair that shimmered in the golden light that came from the restaurants chandelier.
Satoru Gojo.
His biggest rival in the business world was at the same restaurant as him, in the week that he found out his wife was working for him.
Nanami watched as Gojo continued spoke animatedly to whoever sat beside him. Smiling, laughing, enjoying his time with whoever sat beside him. And soon enough Nanami became curious as to who could have caught attention of a man whose attention was no better than a childs.
Standing up from his seat as he made his way over to where Satoru. With every step Nanami took another obstacle would come in his way preventing, him from who sat across Satoru.
"Sorry" Nanami said as he bumped in to what felt like the 10th server on this short journey to Satoru's table.
His hands clenching as he finally stopped infront of the table, watching as you laughed at something Satoru had said, unaware of his presence, till he let out a cough announcing his presence.
"Oi Nanami" Gojo said with a smirk as he gently held your hand.
Taglist: @05-redacted @missthatgirl @zeniiin @eddie-swhore @watyousayin
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
Let's pray the tags work this time round
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pagodazz · 7 months
Patrick and Michael hcs
for @freezingmcxn
These two are WAYYYYY more different than Evan and wow it makes me sick.
If Patrick was possessing another body, he would be pulling Michael into the biggest hug he could.
They're dynamic is something that is so special to me, something that is so gentle yet violent, but they know how to work with each other and its just so nice to see.
Michael is more than a vessel to Patrick, Michael is a friend. Michael is everything.
Patrick wants to take care of Michael, he wants to keep him safe, he needs everyone to understand that he's only doing what's best for MICHAEL.
it's not about anyone else, they don't matter. they're disposable, they don't matter the way Michael does, they are important like Michael.
Patrick is in his head like a guardian angel, something there to protect and guide him, all while rotting him from the inside out.
And Michael loves Patrick, it took him awhile to separate himself from him, but once he did, he found things to be just so much easier.
I'm so taking this from my mutual but, Michael and Patrick definitely have conversations in public through typing on the computer or writing stuff down on a little notebook Michael keeps around with.
Patrick will talk in his head, or take control of his hand and they'll have conversations. it doesn't always have to be about how to defeat Slenderman or figure out the whole clock thing. It could just be casual stuff, Like about how Michael is doing mentally. Did he eat? Patrick knows Michael didn't eat.
Michael doesn't exactly make friends easy, and he's always got Patrick to rely on. Patrick is always going to be there and he's always going to understand everything that Michael has gone through. Sometimes Michael thinks about what it'd be like to sit down face to face with Patrick, to be able to actually be in his presence.
Michael wouldn't want human Patrick of course, he would the true form, which to me, is wolf like, like HABITS or it would atleast be some sort of humanoid animal thing.. (maybe like an owl. An owl dragon fly type situation idk. they're just so Patrick to me.)
But he would want the real Patrick and he would want to be able to thank him for everything face to face, he knows that Patrick did everything he could, that he isn't evil.
Patrick is not human, he's not Michael, he's not related to Michael, he's PART of him the same way HABIT is part of Evan. But Patrick learned to adapt with Michael, he learned to communicate with him, he learned to be kind and he learned pain and regret thanks to Michael.
And Michael learned that HE is not human. and he learned he doesn't exactly hate violence. He doesn't exactly mind the way Patrick causes destruction, because it gives him something to feel. something he can hold on to.
Some guy could say something rude to Michael at a bar and Patrick will take over in seconds, slamming his face into the bar and kicking him out of his stool.
and Michael will feel GREAT after. nothing gets his adrenaline pumping more than the way it feels when Patrick takes over him..the phantom feeling of his fist hitting someones face could last on his skin for hours and it would have Michael itching for something more. Which is probably a reason Michael likes to get high all the time, he doesn't wanna always feel the need to be violent.
(Tw. self harm mention. I bring it up bc it's canon)
If it's not other people he's hurting, Michael will be hurting himself, especially if Patrick isn't present in his head all. whenever Michael is all alone by himself, he can barely TOLERATE IT. Somehow Patrick would always show up in his head just in time and he'd help speed up the healing process and he'd get all concerned and try to suggest maybe Michael needs the ward again but Michael HATES the ward.
So instead Michael will just tell Patrick all his problems and Patrick will give the best advice he can, and if someone hurt Michael, Patrick will make SURE he takes care of them.
They have something so calm and domestic going on and I love that for them.
I hope you guys enjoy these. comments are appreciated :3
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haruniki · 2 years
Movie Night- CSM
What your fav is choosing for movie night!- Power, Kobeni, Reze, Asa/Yoru, Quanxi(+the gfs), Makima, and Himeno
a/n: first post that i am making from a computer waaaahhh, sorry if it’s bad lol I watched some movies today and i wanted to share what I think some of the characters from CSM would watch! I hope you guys enjoy, also trying to branch out writing some of the characters so there's a bit more in this one i think. Also all movies choosen are just ones that i think they would watch, these are also mostly movies I’ve watched! some of these movie choices suck/are probs overused
Power has a very versatile list of movies that she wants to watch every single time
Getting to watch a movie dates are most likely her reward from you for bathing or being good
Power’s pick of a good movie are mostly likely horror movies. The more gorey the better, the more blood shown the better as well.
Always laughing at the horrific scenes
Doesn’t like horror movies where the people have to go through elaborate puzzles to live. Power finds those boring and way to long. (Definitely not disliking Saw)
Power’s go to movie is Texas Chainsaw Massacre! It reminds her of Denji and she likes taking notes of what’s going on then asking Denji if he’s able to do the things that were in the movie.
While watching the movie, Power is really invested! Finds the movies very interesting. Holds Meowy up to see the screen while asking Meowy questions.
“Meowy, don’t you think the movie is interesting? Oh wow! Look at him chopping up that human! Weaklings! I would never be killed in such a way.”
Kobeni likes movies that have a nice storyline and cute characters!
When she’s able to, Kobeni always choosen a movie that makes her feeling happy! She’s most likely choosing a Studio Ghibli film or a popular romance film!
Howl’s Moving castle is one of Kobeni’s favorite movies to watch on her days off. She likes to be able to be in her pajamas while laying either on the couch or on the bed cuddling with you. Maybe even having a snack or two nearby.
She loves pointing out detail in the scene as well as repeating some of the lines that she knows by heart, though she’ll get embarrassed if you tease her about it.
Kobeni especially loves it when you remember little facts that she tells you about the movie!
“uhh, I know it’s not in the movie, but Sophie.. Sophie actually has powers in novel! I really think they could’ve added it in the movie but I suppose it makes the movie storyline move better. AH! Sorry, I was rambling!”
Kobeni’s favorite character is Turnip Head! She finds Turnip Head helping Sophie along in her adventures adorable!
Action Movies with a bit of romance!
While it might be a bit cheesy, Reze likes movies that have both action and some romance. She think it’s nice that throughout all the violence that occurs that the main character and their love interest can still fall in love.
Her top movie of this kinda of movie is Divergent. 
She likes the main character and finds the storyline exciting and interesting.
Definitely read the book series and liked it just as much, maybe even better than movie itself.
Likes explaining niche details in the movie, maybe slightly spoiling the movie/book itself.
“So in this scene, you can see that she’s about to get a tattoo, but your gonna wanna notice the kind of tattoo it is! This will be important for later in the movie and- Heyy (y/nn) are ya listening?”
definitely looks up the actors to see what other movies/shows they’re apart of 
Reze also nit picks certain parts of the movie and how they differ from the book 
Asa doesn’t really watch movies. I see her watching more documentaries than movies.
Likes watching documentaries with you on different topics from oceanic life to ancient greece life.
Doesn’t really talk during these moments you both are watching, but will pause to discuss part of it with you or to correct the speaker about how the information they said was slightly incorrect. (mostly does that during oceanic documentaries)
“I disagree with what they said. While yes you can eat starfish, you have to be careful. A large handful of starfish are poisonous and it’s dangerous to eat them. You can differentiate between them though but that would involve you having to do your own research about such a topic. I don’t see you having to eat those anytime soon, plus if you did-”
Asa is always proud when you praise her for knowing so much. Even offering to teach you a bit more as a study date!
Yoru doesn’t really watch movies or anything but does also like documentaries. Specifically, about weaponry or even wars.
Watching the weaponry documentaries provides her with more ideas for weapons. Likes to also watch the clips of the weapons being made.
War documentaries are a bit different with Yoru though. She oddly proud of them and wishes for you to praise her for them, going so far as to slightly nudge you to hopefully prompt you to compliment such awful events.
“Y’know, I’m the one who cause all of that. Such memorable events came from me! It’s shame that nobody else seems to remember them, ah! But you can boast about how your dating someone so powerful if you wish.”
You might have to explain why those aren’t boastful events even if she pouts.
QUANXI(+the gfs):
Quanxi doesn’t choose what movie is being watched. She usually lets you and the other girls choose. 
However, it isn’t unusually for her to be a tie breaker for a movie. Depending on the movie and her mood, she’ll choose whichever she feels more like watching.
These can range from a horror movie (Cosmo’s choice being Halloween) to mystery movies (Pingsti choice being Where the Crawdads Sing) 
Quanxi usually chooses the movie of whoever she hasn’t been paying more attention to. 
A cuddle pile always occurs during the movies in which almost everyone falls asleep.
Snacks are also always present during these movie nights too. A whole buffet of choices
Quanxi most likely feeds one of the girls and the rest then all ask to be fed there choice of snack
“Eveyone got to eat there snack right? Oh (y/n), c’mere, you got a little somethin’ on your mouth.”
This leads to movie getting completely forgot, sometimes it’s a wonder why a movie night is even held.
While a bit of a mystery, one thing that’s for certain about Makima is her love for films.
Makima loves having movies night, especially when you choose then film. She likes to know the reasoning behind your choice. 
Are you sad or mad? Perhaps in a mood for laughs? Romantic movies perhaps you wish for something to happen throughout the movie?
Whatever the reason is, Makima enjoys watching you pick movies.
Makima usually chooses films that might make no sense or that have an artsy way of videography. Though she usually doesn’t say anything or show much emotion during the film
Makima doesn’t really have a favorite film. She likes ones that can make her feel emotions that she might not normally.
A film I believe Makima might genuinely like is Titanic. While an old movie and probably over used movie, it still has a nice storyline and pretty visuals.
“This movie is quite interesting. Were you interested in the romantic aspect of the film or perhaps the tragedy that was the boat sinking? Truly an interesting event, yes?”
Whatever the movie choice is, Makima is sure to even slightly enjoy even if it isn’t something she likes or usually watches.
On the days that Himeno isn’t working or out drinking with her friends in the division, Himeno enjoys watching movies all day in her pajamas while eating either take out or whatever she has in her house with you.
She always welcome a nice laugh, so comedy movies are definitely her favorites.
Himeno especially likes movies that feature Adam Sandler
Whether that be Grown Ups or Hotel Transylvania, she doesn’t mind.
Loves quote random lines even if the lines are cringey.
Will probably watch any/all comedy movies the she can get her hands on. As long as she can get a good laugh she’s fine with it!
Definitely calls you to tell you that she bought five new movies that you both just have to watch right that moment.
“ Okay so before you come home, head to the convivence store near our place and buy an assload of snacks, OH! And drinks, can’t forget those, No need to grab any beer, i think there’s already some in the fridge. See you at home, ‘kay?”
Overall, Himeno is probably chill with whatever kind of movie you want to watch, but prefers things with comedy or atleast a comedic relief.
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hollowsart · 11 months
I wanna know what the heck Cole and Betsy did to Beck - I mean he must have been pretty blindsided for them to be able to actually tie him up (my guess is even though he was starting to suspect them doing something he might've been holding out and believing he was wrong and maybe it wasn't them being malicious, especially since one of them is his childhood friend, but it was) - cause yeah he loses against spiderman a lot but how on earth did they manage to actually get him out of the way to do their thing? Did they hit him over the head or something? Cause when Miles shows up he's tied up in a back closet and talking in a small voice asking for help and when Miles opens the door he has his eyes closed and looks like he's in pain. I'm just curious how this played out here.
Also I'm real curious as to your thoughts on what potentially might happen afterwards - like he just wanders off but Betsy and Cole are now going to jail.
Tl;Dr cuz I went on a tangent: Likely they used his own tech against him. They lured him into the building, turned it on, and used it against him to trap him and catch him. Especially since it would have been the easiest way to go about it, and the safest just in case he had any tricks of his own to fight back.
Another option could be that they merely waited until his guard was down before seizing the opportunity to attack. 2 against 1 isn't very fair. And as you said, they definitely did something to hurt him physically. Probably to make it easier and make sure he didn't try to struggle or fight back as they took care of tying and locking him up out of the way.
Considering he showed up to Miles during the final boss fight, he wasn't chained up, but the way he was shown shows he must have been hurt. He was grabbing at his lower left rib/side, hunched over, and trying to stay balanced. He was swaying a little. His way of speech was also stressed, like he was in pain.
When he was handcuffed and tossed into that room (computer server room?) He was not able to stand, very tired, and very much out of it. Speaking was breathy and labored, like he was worn out from his struggle or whatever Betsy and Cole did.
They definitely did something to hurt him, like you said.
My guess is they likely waited for an opportunity to catch him off guard, teaming up to take him down, trapping him, and likely doing something more to make sure he doesn't try to fight back.
Near the end, when he leaves the roof after talking to Miles, I do believe he went off to find some peace for a while, think things over, and maybe try to figure out what to do and where to go from here.
He isn't exactly the type of person to give up so easily or to stop trying. At least, his character in general isn't. Doesn't give off that vibe. He's always been persistent, persevering through the hardships (getting his butt kicked and plans ruined by Spiderman or more). As well.. he seemed so genuine in wanting to turn over a new leaf. Cole and Betsy did nothing for him to actually help him move on. They didn't respect him nor his wishes. And even if Betsy WAS his childhood neighbor, even she agreed with Cole that he was always so "weird and creepy," heck. She laughed about it, betraying her statement, "That's not very nice."
Betsy was the most interested in getting the money. She used her connection with Beck to her benefit. Cole wanted to back out of it, thinking it was not worth it. Considering how Beck is, she wasn't feeling it. Wasn't feeling safe. You could hear in one of the dev logs that Cole was feeling flaky about it.
Beck was not happy. No one was. Betsy managed to secure money for funding their "get rich quick" scheme using Beck/Mysterio as the fall guy to take all the blame, since he's well-known to have done villainous acts in the past.
I still feel bad for him. He wanted to be Quentin Beck again, the special effects expert.. he didn't want to be Mysterio, the master of illusion, anymore. :( But they shot him down and didn't hear him through. They ran with their own ideas and kept brushing him off to the side. Using his own tech against him.
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