#ask castiel
strawlessandbraless · 6 months
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Possessive Castiel with a marking kink makes me feral
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
I always wondered, ever since I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be, what my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer, because the one thing I want... it's something I know I can't have. But I think I know - I think I know now, happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being, it's in just saying it. What are you talking about, man? I know - I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive and you're angry and you're broken - your daddy's blunt instrument. And you think that hate and anger, that's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not! And everyone who knows you sees it. Everthing you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love, you fought fo this whole world for love. That is who you are! You're the most caring man on earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of hell - knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack, but I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean. Why does this sound like a goodbye? Because it is. I love you. Don't do this, Cas. Cas- Goodbye, Dean.
String identified: aa , c t tat , tat c, at t c , at t a c . a a, ca t tg at… t' tg ca't a. t t - t , a 't t ag, t' t g, t' t ag t. at a tag at, a? - , a. t a a . ' tct a ' ag a ' - a' t tt. A t tat at a ag, tat' at , tat' a. t' t! A t. tg a , t g a t a, a . a tt t , gt t . Tat a! ' t t cag a at. a t t , g a g . , c t, c t - g a cag . ca ca, ca. ca at . ca at a, ca at ac, t ca at t ca . cag , a. t a g? ca t . . 't t, Ca. Ca- G, a.
Closest match: Apoda limacodes genome assembly, chromosome: 12 Common name: Festoon
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chxrrylungs · 4 months
Can I present to you the idea of a wet angel with wet wings like a cat when it gets wet…
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then he'd shake off like a dog
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fallenangelblade · 4 months
no because what do you MEAN the first thing benny does upon meeting castiel for the first time in purgatory is angrily confront him about why he left dean? meanwhile dean is clinging to the hope that it was just an accident, there’s no way cas would leave him intentionally, right? girl………
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eggchef · 1 year
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reverse version of 4x01 with angel dean and hunter castiel
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casdeans-pie · 9 months
They had the chance to do THE most crunchy delicious parallel of all time with Cas being the one to pull Dean out of Hell being repaid by Dean being the one to pull Cas out of the Empty and have it all come full circle
And then they DIDN’T DO IT
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destiel-wings · 1 year
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this is dean directly speaking to us with the fanfiction writing power and living outside of the narrative he's trapped in, asking us to do what chuck and the cw don't allow him to have
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thenameisgul · 2 months
if not a romantic couple then why create the textbook ‘you emotionally cheated on me and had a kid who you chose over me and then died while protecting so now I hate that kid because everytime I look at him I see you which makes me hate him even more’ story arc for dean, cas and jack
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mishaesque · 3 months
need them to invent memory wiping technology so that I can watch Lazarus rising again for the first time
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bloodydeanwinchester · 4 months
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cas, are you god?
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captainchilly · 10 months
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"So we have a dungeon." "Finally." ↳ 8.22 - CLIP SHOW
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chxrrylungs · 1 month
So, you like Destiel? Do you have any other ships?
i really liked whatever these two had going on
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notable-toad · 5 months
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Car time ;w;
Another little work in progress! I had a part from the season 5 finale in mind with this. I’ve just started season 6!
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wigglebox · 4 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 5; Cursed or not
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its-alittleobsessed · 4 months
Listen pal. On the very little chance that destiel becomes real. I need mr. Jackles to put his whole pussy into that performance. I need him to kiss Cas like he’s rediscovered air. Like he’s been drowning his entire life and now Cas’s lips are on him and suddenly—oxygen exists.
I need it to look like Dean’s been waiting for this moment his entire life without even realizing it. I want him to be stunned and in awe. I want him to melt into Cas—make his shoulders fall into him a little and i want him to make that awed breathless look he does. And i want it to be like Dean cant help but be pliant and at ease with whatever Cas wants bc holy shit—cas is kissing him and its so good and it was never effortless but he’s here now and it feels like he’s somehow made it home.
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