#ask tabitha
team-magma-official · 5 months
◓ Tabitha you are so correct for being a Skitty trainer, tell me all about Princess and your other Pokemon!
(OOC: My cat in real life is also named Princess this is WONDERFUL)
Aw, thank you! Cat tax for your trouble:
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Princess is a cotton candy skitty, which means she has blue eyes and would be more blue than purple if I decided to evolve her into a delcatty. It's a popular breed on the contest circuit.
She's a typical skitty in terms of personality--loud and mischievous. Maxie's officially banned her from being in his office but that doesn't stop her from sneaking in and chewing on stuff. I'll admit she's a tiny bit spoiled.
Ani's your average crimson-throated swellow. I caught her as a taillow on my journey as a teenager. She's a clever bird--pokémon tend to be smarter than mundane animals anyway, but she's fantastic at puzzle solving.
Arcturus was my starter! He's been in my family for ages--torkoal live pretty much forever, and he's been around as long as I can remember. He was my mom's starter when she went on her journey too.
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official-team-magma · 3 months
okay, i'm sending you real anon hate. maxie, your glasses are ridiculous. how do they not slide off your face??
You guys do not want to see the five page essay he typed up in response to this.
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special-magma-friends · 4 months
Hi Tabitha :) You haven’t evolved your Golbat yet?? Why
🐈What are you insinuating?
⌖Anonymous internet stranger... be nice to my special friend Tabitha... or I will blow you up... with a meteor. Aha. ♪
🐈Courtney, it's fine, you don't have to do threaten people.
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alonelylimes · 25 days
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brainrot brainrot brainrot brainrot brainr-
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isawiitch · 1 year
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goodbye riverdale :’)
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roxyandelsewhere · 1 year
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if i were ever to remake riverdale i'd assign the characters these buttonsonas and use them like cutouts in a terry gilliam animation or perhaps as puppets
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magma-queen · 1 year
Archie proposing to Maxie! 🥰
Oooooo yes!! That sounds adorable! Here you go, friend! <3
It was unexpected of Archie to suddenly tell him that they were going on a vacation to Alola.
“But.. how come?” The redhead questioned. “We don’t usually plan a trip until summer.”
It was October.
Archie tried to ease his suspicions. “Babe, it’s our 5th anniversary! Don’t ye remember?”
“Oh god- of course!” He smacked his head in frustration. “Please forgive me. I’ve been working so much lately and I-“
He shut Maxie up with a kiss.
Maxie then broke the kiss for a moment and looked at his boyfriend. “But, we have a little girl with us now. If you were planning a dinner or something-“
“Tabitha, Matt, Courtney, and Shelly are coming with us. It’s their anniversaries too, y’know. They can watch Sierra while we have a night to ourselves.”
“I’m acting like our daughter is a burden… trust me, she’s far from it. I hope you understand that.”
Archie guffawed. “Oh Max, c’mon now. I know ye better than that. I know ye love our little girl. But I need someone to watch her while I take ye out to dinner one night.”
“Oh, Archie~ You really don’t need-“
“Ah Ah! Yes I do, snookums. *kiss* It’s all for ye, baby. For us.”
Maxie smiles and cups Archie’s face in his hands. “I love you.”
“I love ye too, Max. I know all of us are gonna have a great time.”
Around 2 months later, The 7 of them boarded onto a ship to sail for the Alola region. It took around 2 days for them to get there, so once they did, they booked a big hotel room on Poni island for all of them.
“Wow, this place looks amazing!” Matt exclaimed, his arm around Tabitha’s shoulder. “I hope we get a room aaaaall to ourselves~” He chuckles, smirking seductively at his husband.
“For god’s sake, Matt.” Tabitha blushes, looking away. “We have a child here!” He giggles when Matt kisses his cheek.
“Yeah, all of us have a room.” Archie explains, picking his daughter up. “And our little emerald will sleep with us!”
“Papa! Papa! You said you would teach me how to swim, right?”
He smiles and nuzzles her face with his beard, making her giggle. “Of course I will, me little scamp! Yer uncle Matt and yer auntie Shelly will too! Right, guys?”
“Of course we will.” Shelly smiles, motioning Archie to hand Sierra over to her. “I’ll teach you to swim like a pretty mermaid, how would you like that?”
“Uh huh! You really will, auntie?”
“Awww, you know I will, kiddo!” Then smirks at her wife. “And your auntie Courtney will too, right babe?”
She went wide eyed, Shelly knows good and well she doesn’t like to swim. “Umm-“ She cut herself off, looking at her goddaughter’s eyes plead to her. “Of c-course! Of course, sweetheart.” She smiles, petting Sierra’s head.
Shelly handed her back to her dads, and they split into their rooms. Not much later, they all had dinner together.
“Now, Sierra. Your papa and I are going to dinner by ourselves tomorrow night.” Maxie told her. “Your aunts and uncles are going to be watching you while we’re out.”
“But daddy… why can’t I go with you and papa?” She asked.
Tabitha took the conversation over. “Your daddies have some adult things that they need to take care of, sweetie. But don’t worry, the four of us will be with you until they get back.”
She smiled. “Okay.” She turned back to her daddies. “Please don’t have too much fun without me.”
“Oh, never.” Maxie chuckled, kissing her forehead.
The next evening, Archie and Maxie left together and headed towards a particularly fancy restaurant on another island in Alola.
“I can tell that you’ve been keeping something from me~” Maxie teases, watching Archie’s face redden. “What’s with all the fancy trips and expensive restaurants, dear? It’s only our 5th anniversary.”
“Well…” He muttered sheepishly. “You’ll see soon, baby. I promise. I want to take you somewhere special after dinner.”
“Okay, I’m looking forward to it~”
Once they were finished with dinner, Archie took Maxie towards a big beach nearby the restaurant.
“Beautiful sight, isn’t it?” Archie asked.
“Oh yes. He is.” Maxie said back, watching Archie’s face and ears turn red. “It’s beautiful.”
“So are ye, Max. Listen.. we’ve been dating for 5 years now, and… there’s something I really wanna ask ye.”
His eyes went wide, knowing what was about to happen next. “Arch-“
He knelt down on one knee, and he held a small, black box in his hands. “Max… yer the one and only man in my life that has made me the happiest I could ever feel.. and I wanna spend the rest of my life with ye..”
He covered his mouth, tears dotting the corners of his eyes. “A-Archie..”
“Maxie Matsubasa… love of my life, will ye make me the happiest man on earth? Will ye marry me?” He asked, looking up at his lover with a gleam in his eyes.
The other man couldn’t hold in his tears anymore. He took his glasses off and slowly nods his head. “Yes! Y-yes! Yehehehes!” He cried out, then being scooped up into Archie’s arms after having the engagement ring put on his finger. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you!”
“I love ye, baby.. forever and always.” Archie smiles, holding him close as he cried. “No tears, Max.. only love and happiness~”
“I-I’m just s-so happy- *sob* I didn’t know y-you were going to do this! I.. I simply don’t deserve you.”
Archie grins and kisses his cheek. “Oh stop that~ Of course ye do. *kiss* I love ye, Maxie.” His kisses trail down to the base of his neck.
“Aha-! *snort* Archie-! That tickles! Wahahahait-! Hehehehehehehe!” He giggles as the kisses continued. “Stohohohohop ihihihihihihihihit! *snort* my neck ihihihis ticklish!”
“Mmmm~ if I get to hear those sweet giggles during this wonderful moment, then I can take any revenge ye give me. *kiss*” His hands get clingy and wrap around his torso.
He let out a big snort. “AHAH! Archie plehehehease! Thehehehe moment’s behehehing ruhuhuined!”
“Nah~ it’s not, love. I love hearing ye laugh~ *kiss* but not as much as I love ye.”
“Cheeheheheeheesy bahastard~” Maxie giggles, trying to squirm out of the ticklish grip.
“Oh, that’s it!” Archie clung to him and picked him up, bridal style. “Now yer gonna get it!” He practically smothered his face and neck in kisses.
“Hehehehehehey! Ahahah- put mehehehe down! Ahahahahrchie-! Stop- hahah- thahat tihihihickles!”
“Nope. *kiss* Gotta practice for our wedding day, honey. I’m gonna spoil ye rotten~ *kiss kiss* because ye deserve every moment of attention and lovin’s I give ye~”
He practically carried him the entire way back to their hotel room. Everyone was shocked to see the redhead being carried in Archie’s arms.
“What in the world?” Shelly cackled.
Sierra smiles at them. “Papa is so strong!”
“Hehehehe- He won’t put me down!” The magma leader giggles as Archie nuzzles him with his beard. “Archie! Hehehehee- your beard!”
“Guess what, everyone? Max and I are getting married!” Archie announced, making everyone stand up from their seats.
“About time!” Matt guffawed, clapping his hands.
“About time is right!” Tabitha added. “You two have been together for 5 years! We were worried that one of you would never pop the big question!”
Courtney giggles. “So, who proposed?”
Maxie was too flustered to say anything, he still kept his hands over his face.
Archie cackles. “Awww, he’s flustered. *kiss* I did. And he said yes! Ain’t my man the cutest?”
“Archie PLEASE.” He tries to stop his giggling, but he can’t. He’s just too happy not to. He had NO clue that Archie was doing this.
Sierra ran up to them. “You guys are getting married? But papa, I thought you and daddy were already married!”
“Hehe, we sure acted like we were already married, didn’t we?” He smiles and looks down to her. “But it’s true, sweetheart. We are getting married. How would ye like to be the flower girl at the wedding?”
She gasps. “Really? I can?”
“Well, of course my little emerald!” He sets Maxie down and she gets up on his shoulders. “Yer our little girl, so we’d love to have ye be the flower girl.”
Maxie stood up on his feet and stood next to them, not able to get the happy grin off his face. “Archie, I love you.”
“Awww, I love ye too, babe.” Archie smiles, putting an arm around him.
Sierra soon got sleepy, leaning on Archie’s shoulder. They celebrated the engagement later that evening after putting Sierra to bed. There was plenty of wine and laughter.
“Seriously though, congrats on the engagement, you two.” Shelly laughed. “We’re all so happy for you.”
Everyone else agreed.
“Thanks, Shell.” Archie smiles, holding his red headed fiancé close. “I couldn’t be happier to be here with my Max.” *kiss.*
His face turns red with a blush. “Archie~ I couldn’t be happier either. I love you.”
“I love ye more.”
He reached up and kissed his cheek. “I love you, the most.”
Matt chuckled and coughed out “cheesy”, making everyone cackle, but not too hard, since their little girl was fast asleep.
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itsmewahoo · 2 months
What makes you think Tabitha would wear those clothes? She wouldn't wear them.
i just like drawing her that way in an au and im also going off of what abby said she'd wear from a q&a stream (1:21:56)
also the au posters have her wear stuff like that. i just think its neat she's able to wear clothes shes comfortable in if she wasnt weighed down by the harsh responsibilities placed on her and the generational trauma
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sumquiasum · 2 months
A crazy spell puts all of the riverdale characters in separate decades. What decade do you put each character in, and how are they fairing?
1900s: Cheryl. Turn of the century, between the old and the new, industrialisation in full swing but not everywhere. More of a clash of the centuries. She would fare alright, though she wouldn't thrive.
1910s: Archie. Trench war-fare 2, electric boogaloo. Guess how he's doing.
1920s: Veronica. She'd THRIVE. She already owns a speakeasy in canon.
1930s: Kevin. US-American reaction to Nazi Germany, rising fascism in the US as well. Kevin's complicity turning into refusal as he realises the leopards would 100% eat his face too and finds community with other marginalised people. He doesn't thrive. (Alternatively: Jughead gets to be one of those Great Depression authors.)
1940s: Betty. Rosie the Riveter but it's Betty. Charles is fighting in WW2. The Coopers mysteriously always have meat. Unrelated, sometimes people disappear without a trace around Riverdale. She'd be doing alright.
1950s: Fangs. Rockstar Fangs was pretty fun so let's do it again.
1960s: Jughead. Cold War. Conspiracy theories. He also gets to get involved in civil rights in a very 2x11 way where he learns racism exists, is outraged by it and becomes a fierce ally for a week before getting distracted by space aliens or something.
1970s: Toni. Free love, black power. She is THRIVING! Also maybe she'd get an afro.
1980s: Tabitha. She's just having fun living a John Hughes movie, but more diverse.
1990s: Josie. Disco revival. Need I say more.
2000s: Reggie. Partially responsible for the economic crash. Scammed a lot of people out of a lot of money. He's thriving.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 10 months
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Gerri Kellman
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Gregory Hirsch
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Kendall Roy
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Roman Roy
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Siobhan Roy
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Stewy Hosseini
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Tabitha Hayes
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Tom Wambsgans
non x reader
Succession Mood Boards
Make requests in my ask box! Headcanons take priority!
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All of you
Socks or sandals
Don't you mean "and", anon?
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tabi-the-great · 4 months
Now then what were your flings Tabitha?
Oh please- I wouldn’t stoop so low to something so casual! I am Chief Admin Tabitha!
I had a few short lived relationships back before I got this job, but it’s no one you’d know.
Love is far down the checklist, we of Team Magma seek to better humanity’s future! Romance can find me in its own time.
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special-magma-friends · 4 months
favorite type of dirt. this is important.
⌖ I like... compost... we all become dirt... eventually. Aha. ♪
🐈This might be a bit basic but topsoil. It has the most nutrients and microorganisms of all the soil layers.
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leavingautumn13 · 10 months
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busted. [a scene from a fic i'm working on]
[i have commissions open now]
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exomagmaofficial · 4 months
Greetings, trainers!
We of Team EXO Magma welcome to you EXO Magma Official! We were informed by some of our grunts that opening an official social media account may help us reconnect to the people of the world.
Feel free to direct questions towards our individual representatives, or to all of us if so desired! Please use the ask box for such things!
Application letters should be mailed to Admin Tabitha instead.
About us
Our great leader and the mastermind behind Team (EXO) Magma, Maximilian (Maxie) Matsubusa.
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Our second in command and head of science and engineering, Colress N. Achroma.
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And of course, our wonderful admins, Tabitha Homura and Courtney Kagari!
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Honorary members
Grimsley Pieris Gima - The Rattata that lives in admin Tabitha's room... He's not actually part of the team but Tabitha would crucify me if I didn't include him.
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Dustin Hokori - I'm not sure what he does, but he sits at the admin table during lunch, so I'm sure he's important to some degree... ... Does he even have any pokemon?...
For simplicities sakes, we have decided to color code our answers as well! Maxie's posts will be in this color. Colress' posts will be in this color. Tabitha's posts will be in this color. Courtney's posts will be in this color. Grimsley's posts will be in this color. Dustin's posts will be in this color.
Furthermore, the description of every post will feature the name of the representative that has answered. Some may also choose to leave their name in the post itself!
Once again, we of team EXO Magma thank you for your time, and we look forward to interacting with you! -Colress N. Achroma, PhD.
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logicalloony · 4 months
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the greatest honor I can bestow a fictional character is giving them menstrual cramps.
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