motelfetish · 3 months
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i told my friend i wanted to ask jensen what's up with don's joints at the panel in august & she sent me this. mystery solved, i guess... ?
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monstermoviedean · 11 months
carver edlund and thompson sitting on the picket line writing the destiel reboot: you think we can get them to kiss?
jackles from thousands of miles away: i'd fuck him if you asked
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deancasbigbang · 7 days
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Title: This Impossible Happiness
Author: FriendofCarlotta
Artist: sidewinder
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Length: 50467
Warnings: undefined
Tags: Alternate Universes, Multiple Versions of Dean and Cas, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Post The Winchesters 1x13, Second Chances, Getting Together, Getting Back Together, Mutual Pining
Posting Date: October 22, 2024
Summary: In one universe, Dean Winchester is pushing thirty. He’s just danced at his little brother’s wedding, he likes his job at the garage, and he goes on the occasional hunt with friends and family. He’s also desperately lonely for someone to share his life with. One day, he finds a mysterious package outside his door. It contains a news clipping about an urban legend that just might be real, and a book by Professor Castiel Novak, who happens to specialize in that same urban legend. In another universe, Castiel Novak’s roadside motel is slowly dying, its business hollowed out by the interstate system. Dean Winchester, the man who asked him to run away together years ago, is only a painful regret these days. Until the day a mysterious letter Castiel doesn’t remember writing brings Dean back to his doorstep. Out there in the multiverse, a man and an angel look for each other in all the wrong places. In the meantime, they might as well help a few other versions of themselves figure things out.
Excerpt: The motel is where the memory of Castiel’s father is still alive, in the memorabilia stuffed tightly into Carver Edlund’s Chamber of Horrors — the roadside attraction housed in the small building next door to the Scenic View. It’s nothing but a single room stuffed full of objects that belonged to his father, along with a few life-size recreations of monsters from his books. But it still attracts visitors from time to time, thanks to a single billboard on the interstate.    The motel is also where Castiel’s memories of a different man live. And, though Castiel doesn’t like to admit it to himself, those are the memories he clings to the hardest.    The summer Castiel turned twenty-five — nearly five years ago now — a drifter washed up at the Scenic View. He’d been traveling the country doing odd jobs for over a year, and he happened to be a big fan of Carver Edlund’s novels.    Even all these years later, whenever Castiel dusts the display of his father’s old typewriter inside the Chamber of Horrors, he can still hear Dean exclaim over it, his voice bright and sugar-sweet with delight. Whenever Castiel freshens the paint on the monster replicas, he can still see the childlike glee on Dean’s face when Castiel encouraged him to touch the scarred face of Hatchet Man or the Wraith’s wicked spike.    The ghost of Dean’s memory is why Castiel always lingers a little longer than he needs to over the daily cleaning and upkeep of the Chamber of Horrors. It’s also why he saves one of the motel rooms for last — after both the Chamber and all the other rooms have been seen to.    Room 8 was Dean’s room. It was here that the two of them became intimate for the first time, on the fourth night of Dean’s stay. As Castiel approaches the door, he pauses — as he always does — with his hand on the doorknob. He remembers how Dean was still nearly a stranger then. A mysterious being of light and laughter who’d come into Castiel’s drab, dreary life to make him forget all about how he’d left college to care for his father through the long illness that eventually took his life.    Castiel had wanted him so very much. Every time Dean glanced at him from under his eyelashes or made a flirtation so subtle that it could plausibly be denied, Castiel refused to let himself respond, to believe that someone so lovely could ever want him. And yet, Dean must have read Castiel’s yearning in his eyes, because on that fourth night, shy glances and blushing remarks became an arm slung over his shoulder and the tip of a nose, nudging bashfully against Castiel’s stubbled cheek.   It’s pathetic how well Castiel still remembers the details of that night and every night that followed. It’s even more pathetic how, every time Castiel turns the knob of Room 8, he half-hopes to find Dean waiting for him inside, sprawled decadent and freckled atop the covers.
DCBB 2024 Posting Schedule
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destielfandomlore · 13 days
s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
pre finale, post finale
‘08, ‘09, ‘10, ‘11, ‘12, ‘13, ‘14, ‘15, ‘16, ‘17, ‘18, ‘19, ‘20, ‘21, ‘22, ‘23, ‘24
jensen ackles, misha collins
kripke, berens, dabb, carver, thompson, yockey, fitzmartin, perez, charmelo & snyder, edlund, glass, buckner & leming, glynn, lofin, humphris, adams
singer, sgriccia, manners, boyum, speight jr, lopez-corrado, ackles, wanek, wright, bedham, beeson, bee, kaderali, edwards, tobin, carner, ellis, nutter, showalter
narrative parallels, narrative symbolism, other media parallels, queer media parallels, romantic tropes, queercoding, queerbaiting, queercoding vs queerbaiting, TPTB, spn scripts, cut/changed/silenced/censored
fandom side
spn con, effect on fandom, effect on other media, social context, nov 5th
(adding names of writers & directors as they become relevant, if anyone important appears to be missing shoot an ask!)
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pollsnatural · 7 months
*The second question cannot be turned into a poll. So, if you want, please write your answers in the tags.
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Do you know any fic recs where dean finds out sam is gay/bi and gets weird/obsessive about it? Thank you!
Not all of these are exactly what you asked for, but I think they're close enough...
Stranger Than Fiction by nyxocity
Dean becoming obsessed with why the fans of Carver Edlund's books write gay porn about him and Sam.
In this Sunrise by hellhoundsprey
Pre-series, Sam dates guys and Dean finds out and is an obsessive weirdo about it.
Incidentally, It Was Christmas by ani_coolgirl
Sam comes out to his brother. Dean handles it about as well as to be expected, and is pretty cool about it--right up until he realizes something rather distressing about himself. That it's Christmastime is purely incidental.
brother only wants by hathfrozen
One of them had to fall first.
And now for some shameless self recs because apparently this is a trope that I've done a few times...
Things Overheard Through Motel Walls by jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
Dean overhears Sam in the next room and not only can't he let it go, it's going to change everything.
Junk Accounts by jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
Okay look, just because they think it's weird and unsettling that fan's of Carver Edlund's Supernatural books like to imagine them together together doesn't mean that they're okay with losing a Tumblr poll, especially not when the other side is obviously cheating.
Spinning by jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
Dean was only going to check up on Sam, that was it, just get eyes on him to make sure he was doing okay. That was the plan anyway. He hadn't planned on finding some guy putting the moves on his little brother, or the wave of jealousy it brought out.
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miss-madness67 · 11 months
Cool Cosplay (Dean W.)
Prompt: You go to a Supernatural convention and -unknowingly- meet Dean.
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The Supernatural convention is finally here. You’ve been waiting for months for the gathering, supposedly, Carver Edlund, the writer, was going to make an appearance late in the afternoon. The Supernatural books belong to a small niche because not everyone likes them. So when you started reading, you had trouble finding people involved in the fandom as much as you. Meeting new fans became a slow process of writing on the internet forum. That’s how you met one of your best friends, Celeste Middleton.
She seemed very into the books, just like you, although her fanaticism was different because she didn't partake in the discussion of the characters or the narrative, she was mostly interested in learning about the monsters and the ways to kill them. You, on the other hand, couldn't shut up about your love for Castiel, and how much of an underrated character he was. But because you were also interested in the monsters, you became quick friends and met up a couple of times. It was she that told you about the supernatural convention. You also agreed to go together and dress up as your favorite characters. You, obviously put on a trench coat, and she decided to be Charlie, the redheaded tech friend of the hunter brothers.
“Even if you’re a redhead, I still don’t think you quite fit as Charlie.” You tell her while walking through the stands.
One of the sellers has a collection of Castiel stickers that you stop to watch. The best thing about this type of convention is that everyone in the fandom can bring their own things to share and sell. If the fandom were bigger, that probably wouldn't be allowed.
“Really?” Celeste asks with incredulity. “I’m a hacker; she’s a hacker, I’m gay; she’s gay, I’m a badass; she’s a badass. What’s more to compare?”
“Celeste, there’s more to Charlie than being gay, you know?”
She chuckles, “oh, believe me, I know.” She murmurs.
You’re about to answer something when one of the nearby stands calls your attention. It’s one of the writers whose fanfic you’ve been reading. “C’mon, let’s go over here.” She follows without hesitation.
While you decide to buy one of the copies of your favorite fanfiction, your friend’s checking something on her phone. “So, you remember the friends I told you about?”
You think briefly, “the ones that were curious about the convention and wanted to come?”
“The same ones!” She announces, “they just got here, wait for me while I go get them?”
You're way too interested in your new acquisition, to really pay attention to her words. “Yeah, yeah, sure.”
Celeste told you about some friends that she had that weren't supernatural fans, but wanted to get to know the fandom and the surrounding fame. You're not sure whether there's anything interesting to learn considering they haven’t read the books, but you’ll be the best tour guide you can be. Your friend comes back shortly after, followed by two tall guys that are dressed up in a way that reminds you, probably too much, of certain characters in the books.
“I thought you said they weren’t fans?” You ask Celeste.
The one dressed up as Dean chuckles, “oh, we’re not, sweetheart, believe me.”
You look at him with incredulity, “well, then, why are you dressed up as Dean, and your friend here as Sam?”
The Sam cosplayer shifts uncomfortably under your scrutiny. The Dean cosplayer, though, is quick to answer, “because we are Sam and Dean.”
The encounter is proving to be way too funny. You look back at Celeste, “and they role-play too?” In spite of being dressed as Castiel, you’ve never been too much of a role player, so it amuses you that some non-fans are very into the characters. Even fake Dean’s voice is how you imagined real Dean’s voice would be like.
Sam throws an annoyed glance at Dean . “What my ah- friend here is trying to say is that our names are actually Sam and Dean, and Cha- Celeste convinced us to come as the characters in the books.” There’s something in his words that doesn’t quite persuade you.
“I see,” you murmur, “you did a great job!” Your wary demeanor instantly shifts to a friendly one. “You really do look like Sam and Dean.”
Celeste chooses that moment to finally speak, “and I don’t look like Charlie?!” There’s incredulity and exasperation in her tone.
Because you already had this discussion multiple times in the day, you decide to ignore her. Looking at Dean, you add, “though you need the Samulet, did you forget to put it on?” You pull something out of your trench coat pocket, “here, I’ll give you mine.” Technically, your costume didn’t need the jewelry, but you decided to keep it for some reason.
You extend your arm and give it to Dean, who takes it reluctantly. “Oh, thanks? But I’m good.” He tries to give it back.
“No, I insist. If you’re going to do cosplay, you’re going to do it good.” At your insistence, he takes it.
Celeste smiles mischievously. “Yes, my friend right here is a very good fan of Supernatural.” She looks up and down your outfit, “guess who her favorite character is.”
You don’t even let the boys speak, “obviously Castiel.” As if there’s any contest with the rest of the characters. “After all, he’s an Angel of the Lord .” Your imitation is too bad that Sam and Charlie can’t avoid laughing.
Dean chuckles, “so, you’re not a Dean girl?” You’re not sure, but there’s something in his voice akin to disappointment.
“Dean is ok, but there’s no one like Castiel.” You clear your throat, trying to contain the excitement when speaking of your favorite character. “I mean, he’s sweet, powerful, understanding…”
“Cas? Really?” Now he’s almost indignant, “and Dean is definitely more than ok.”
Now, normally, you’re a pacifist, but you’re not going to let this rando talk bad about your fictional love. “How would you know? Considering that you’ve never read the books before.”
There’s a hint of condescension in his voice, “oh, honey, I know, I-.”
But before he can say anything else, Sam interrupts. “So! Why don’t you girls show us around?”
Dean seems to be completely annoyed by being interrupted, but he doesn’t complain when his friend Sam tugs him forward. At this point, a lot more people have arrived at the convention. The fans of Supernatural are not enough to be a crowd, but not as small as to allow you to recognize everyone. Your group is not the only one dressed up as the characters. You mostly see Deans and Sams lingering around, but there are also some Bobbys, Johns, Castiels, and even famous monsters like the walling woman. Sam and Dean (the ones in your group) take everything in with open eyes, and, sometimes, uncomfortable gazes. You and Celeste show them to the different stands, there are merchandise, game tables, fanfiction tables, fanart artists, and discussion tables. There’s anything and everything to make the Supernatural experience enjoyable. You can even see a fake tattoo artist draw a devil’s trap, in, well, a fake Meg.
“Oh, and the author, Carver Edlund, is supposed to be giving a conference and signing,” you finish your tour.
This last bit is what interests the boys the most, “really? Do you know when?” 
“Uh, I don’t know. I suppose in a few hours,” you answer Sam’s question.
If he is disappointed by your lack of knowledge, you don't notice because you're too busy now looking at a stand full of drawing of different supernatural characters. It doesn't take you long to buy what you want, though, by the time you turn around, you see that all of your companions are chatting in whispers a few steps away. They seem to be in a heated discussion, so you don't dare to go near them. Whatever they're talking about must be private. Nevertheless, on some occasions, you catch them looking your way and then continue speaking. Are they talking about you? Out of the blue, Dean and Sam start a game of rock, paper, and scissors. Dean wins and cheers in place as if it’s something that doesn’t happen often. Before you can even try to make up your mind to approach them, Celeste and Sam walk away, while Dean returns to you.
“What happened? Where are Celeste and Sam going?”
Dean answers without hesitation, “they're taking care of something, don't worry. Why don’t you keep showing me around? They'll be back in a bit.”
Despite the fact that you are still worried about the sudden turn of events, you decide to listen to him and venture to some of the stands with Dean's company. He seems to be very on high alert because he keeps looking everywhere like something is about to jump from the crowd. He also looks at the “monsters” with a particularly nasty frown on his face that earns him some compliments for being very ‘Dean’. The demeanor, though, appears too real to be fake. You try and encourage him to buy a few things while he waits you wait for your friends to return, but he really is not interested. You even suggest playing a game, but he refuses. The only thing he seems to be remotely curious about is a particular stand on Supernatural creatures the brothers have defeated. You try to be a good guide by letting him in on your knowledge about the supernatural.
“And you learned all of this from the books?” He is really surprised by all the things that you've told him, even to the point of slightly forgetting about keeping his guard up.
“Some, other things I’ve researched on my own or Celeste told me.” Your hand caresses one of the books’ covers with a vampire. “I know it’s not real, but it’s fascinating to know.”
Then you dive into a full-on explanation about the different, fictional, possible ways one can get rid of certain monsters that you come up with. Things that supernatural books and your research don’t quite show that you think could work as an alternative to certain methods. You jokingly tell him that sometimes your mind wanders into the possibility of the supernatural being real, and you cannot help to think about it. Dean seems deeply impressed, and then something else.
“You know? You’d make one hell of a hunter,” he nods approvingly.
“IF hunters were real,” you respond instantly.
He chuckles, “sure, sure, if they were.”
You continue through the convention for half an hour, this time he seems to be more taken by you than before, because, despite that he’s still on guard, he makes conversation about yourself and your interest in The Supernatural books. He even tries to convince you that the best character is not Cas, but Dean. You believe that he is biased, considering that his name is the same one as the one from the character. Sometimes you notice the way his eyes look at your figure, and you cannot find it in yourself to feel angry. More like there's a small part of you that cannot help to gloat at the feeling of a handsome man finding you attractive. Though, you believe it must have to do also with the fact that, for some reason, besides his name, your mind cannot seem to stop pairing him up with Dean from the books. You’ve never been a Dean girl, but you’re starting to think you could maybe make an exception. He has something that draws you in. Whatever it is, you’re a goner because, by the time Celeste and Sam come back, they find you entangled in each other’s arms, kissing near the restroom’s door.
A/N: For plot’s sake, let’s imagine Charlie is in the Supernatural books. Also, if reader is dressed up as Castiel, does this count as Destiel?
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mommymlkrs · 2 years
~ You Can’t Escape Destiny ~
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~ Summary: Sam, Dean, and Y/n come across a profit writing books word for word off of their lives. They seek out the writer and he tells them something they may not have wanted to hear. Do they really want to try and escape destiny though?
~ Pairings: Sam Winchester x Fem Reader
~ Warnings: Smut, this is also very long.
*Based off of Season 4 Episode 18* *Spoilers*
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The bell dings as Sam and Dean enter the comic book store after being sent on a possible hunt by Castiel. They both make their way to the guy at the front counter in their black and white suits posing as FBI agents.
“Uh can I help you?” The worker says confused.
“Sure hope so, agents DeYoung and Shaw, just need to ask you a few questions.” Dean holds up his badge.
“See anything strange in the building the last couple of days?” Sam pipes in.
“Like what?”
“Strange noises? Any skittering in the walls? kind of like rats?”
“And the FBI is investigating a rodent problem?” The guy asks suspiciously.
“What about cold spots? Feel any sudden drops in temperature?” Sam keeps nagging.
The worker looks like the lightbulb in his head suddenly flickered on as a smile creeps on his face.
“I knew it! You guys are LARP-ing, aren’t you?”
“Excuse me.” Dean says offended.
“You’re fans!”
“Fans of what?”
“What is LARP-ing?” They both question.
“Like you don’t know.” Still finding a bright smile on his face, Sam and Dean both look at him with confusing looks.
“Live-Action role playing, and pretty hardcore too!” He exclaims pointing towards their suits making them both look down.
“Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You guys are asking questions like the building is haunted. Like those guys from the books. Oh what are their names..” He explains as he tries to remember.
“Supernatural.” The guy recalls as Sam and Dean are both utterly confused.
“Two guys use fake Id's with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires." He tells them. Sam and Dean both give each other confusing looks.
"What are their names? Uhh, Steve and Dirk? Sal and Dane?"
"Sam and Dean?" Sam questions.
"That's it!"
"You're saying this is a book?"
"Books, it was a series." He corrects.
"Didn't sell a lot of copies though, kind of an underground cult following."
"Let's see uhh" The worker jumps up and searches for the series within his store. Both Sam and Dean follow as he searches through the bargain bin.
"Oh yeah, that's the first one I think." He hands the book to Dean."
"Supernatural by Carver Edlund." Dean reads the title continuing when he flips the book over.
"Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious woman in white lures men to their deaths."
"Give me that." Sam grabs the book from Dean frantically scanning the book.
"We're gonna need all the copies of Supernatural you got."
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
Back at the motel, Sam is seated at a desk researching on his computer, Dean is sitting on one bed reading one of their new found books, and Y/n is lying on her stomach on the other bed already starting the second in the series.
"This is freaking insane. How's this guy know all this stuff?" Dean perks up.
"You got me." Sam replies.
"everything is in here. I mean everything. To the racist truck to me having sex. I'm full frontal in here." Dean explains.
"Those were some of the best parts." Y/n chimes in joking. Both Sam and Dean look at Y/n with weird looks. Although Y/n never takes her eyes away from the words on the page she can just imagine their faces so she smirks.
"How come we haven't heard of them before?" Dean says Ignoring Y/n's comment.
"They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation. Uhh started in 05. Publisher put out a couple dozen before going bankrupt. And the last one, 'No Rest for the Wicked ends with you going to hell." Sam faces the laptop to Dean once he sits down next to him.
"Well, I reiterate. Freaking insane. Oh and check it out, there's actually fans. Not many of them, but still. Did you read this Sam?"
"Really? Oh my god, you guys are like famous!" Y/n gets up to look over Dean's shoulder at the laptop.
"For fans, they do complain a lot. Listen to this. Simpatico says 'The demon story line is trite, clichéd and overall craptastic.' Yeah well screw you Simpatico, we lived it."
Y/n starts to laugh and points to the screen to read it out.
"There are Sam girls, Dean girls and Sam / Dean fans.”
"What does that mean?" Dean asks.
"As in.. Together." Answers Sam.
"Like together together?"
"They do know we're brothers right?" Dean says wide eyed.
"It doesn't seem to matter."
"Oh come on. That’s just sick."
"This just keeps getting better and better." Y/n giggles.
"Oh don't worry Y/n, there's some of you too." Sam smirks.
Y/n goes wide eyed and her face heats up in embarrassment.
"I take it back, this is definitely too weird."
"Oooh look at that, 'Y/n and Sam ge-" Y/n shuts the laptop closed immediately and releases a breath she didn't know she was holding while Dean chuckles at her action.
"We gotta find this Carver Edlund."
"But how?" Y/n questions Sam.
"I don't know. No tax records, no known address. Looks like Carver Edlund is a pen name."
"Someone's gotta know who he is." Dean replies.
*:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*
"So you published the Supernatural books?" Sam questions the woman.
"Yup, gosh these books. You know they never really got the attention they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap."
Both Sam and Dean give Y/n side glances knowing that's all Y/n ever reads.
"What?" Y/n whispers looking back and forth between them.
"Well, we're hoping that our article can shine a light on an underappreciated series." Sam looks back to the woman.
"Yeah, if we got a little bit of good press, then maybe we could start publishing again."
"No, no, no, no. God no. I mean why would you wanna do that? You know, it's such a complete series... What with Dean going to hell and all." Dean tries to explain.
"Oh my god, that was one of my favourite ones! Because Dean was so strong and sad and brave, and Sam, I mean, in ‘Heart’, when Sam had to kill Madison, the first girl since Jessica he really loved.." She says so excitedly.
"Totally agree, and Y/n, right guys? Personally I think she was one of the best characters." Y/n says trying not to be left out.
"Yeah.. I mean she could definitely use some character growth but she added to the story." Y/n was definitely offended by that, but the woman continued.
"I really wish I could've seen what happened with her and Sam though."
"Her and Sam?" Sam questioned her statement not understanding.
"Yeah, you know, there was definitely something between them. You guys finished the books right?"
Both Y/n and Sam's faces started to heat up trying to look anywhere but at the people in the room.
"Yeah, yeah, totally! Great books." Dean chimes in.
"How do I know you 3 are legit? Hm?" She points a finger at them.
"Oh trust me, we're legit."
"Well I don't want any smart ass article making fun of my boys." She sits down behind her desk.
"No, no, no." The 3 quickly say in sync.
"We would never." Y/n adds.
"We are actually uhm big fans, read the books cover to cover."
"What's the year and model of the car?" Clearly trying to test them.
"1967 Chevy Impala." Dean says like a proud dad.
"What's May 2nd?"
"That's my-" Y/n quickly shoves Sam's foot.
"Uhh that's Sam's birthday." Sam says correcting his mistake.
"January 24th is Dean's." Dean quickly slides that in there.
"And (your birthday) is Y/n's, i-if you wanted to know."
"Sam's score on the LSAT?" Both Y/n and Dean look at Sam.
"One... Seventy four.?"
"Dean's favourite song?"
"It's a tie. Between Zep's 'Rambling On' and 'Travelling Riverside Blues.’”
"Okay, okay. What do you wanna know?" She smiles.
"What's Carver Edlunds real name?" Sam questions.
"Oh no, no, sorry I can't do that."
"We just wanna talk to him. You know get the Supernatural story in his own words."
"He's very private."
"Please." Sam pleads.
"Like we said.. We are very big fans." Y/n explains rolling up her sleeve to show her anti-posessing tattoo eyeing Sam and Dean to do the same. They both unbutton their shirts showing their tattoo's placed on their chest.
"Awesome." The woman says nervously obviously eyeing their chests. Y/n can't help but roll her eyes.
"You know what? One sec." She pulls down her pants to show her ass. And it just so happens to be the same tattoo. Y/n makes an uncomfortable noise from her throat and coughs to interrupt the weirdness.
"Wow, you are a fan." Dean says without removing his eyes from her tattoo.
"Hah, okay, well here, his name is Chuck Shurley. And he's a genius. So don't piss him off." She explains while writing down the information.
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All 3 of them get out of the car and head to the house.
"You know what? Maybe this guy can see our futures.” Y/n says as a joke.
"Yeah, he probably has a crystal ball too." Dean making a sarcastic comment as always.
"Ha ha Dean. Lighten up once in awhile, it's just a joke." Sam chuckles at her nagging.
"See, Sam laughed, it's probably because I'm funny." She speaks while skipping on a few steps to get beside them. When she reaches them, Sam’s hand and hers accidentally touch, startling them.
"Or because you can't keep up with us, short legs." Dean remarks once making it to the porch. Dean presses the doorbell and after a few seconds a guy with brown scruffy hair opens the door squinting at them like a vampire who hasn't seen light in days.
“You Chuck Shurley?” Dean asks.
“The Chuck Shurley who wrote the Supernatural books?” Sam seconds.
“Maybe, why?” The scruffy vampire man replies suspiciously. Y/n steps up between the boys.
“I’m Y/n, this is Sam and Dean. The ones you’ve been writing about.” She explains pointing at them. The man shuts the door so Y/n raises her arm and pounds on the door. Once again the man appears in the doorway.
“Look uh, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It’s always nice to hear from the fans. But for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life.” Y/n scoffs at that and stops the door when the man tries to shut it.
“So here’s the thing, Chuck. We have a life, you’ve been using it to write your books, and I’m not in the mood for crap today.” Y/n perks up and walks into his house. The brothers both look at each other not expecting that from her.
“Wait a minute, this isn’t funny.” The man stutters.
“Damn straight, it’s not funny.” Dean starts to get mad.
“Look, we just want to know how you’re doing it?” Sam asks obviously being the nice cop here.
“I’m not doing anything!”
“Are you a hunter?”
“What? No, I’m a writer.”
“Then how do you know so much about demons and tulpas and changelings?” Dean pressures.
“Is this some kind of Misery thing? It is isn’t it? It’s a Misery thing.”
“This is not a Misery thing.” Y/n chimes in.
“Believe me, we are not fans.” Explains Dean.
“Well then what do you want?”
“I’m Sam, this is Dean, and that’s Y/n.”
“Sam, Dean and Y/n are all fictional characters. I made them up. They’re not real!”
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Dean opens up the Impala’s trunk.
“Are those real guns?” Chuck asks.
“Yup, this is real rock salt, these are real fake Id’s.”
“Believe us now?” Says Y/n.
“Uh, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans. That’s awesome, so.. I think I got some posters in the house.” Chuck dabbles and walks back to his house.
“Chuck stop!” Deans yells.
“Wait, please, please don’t hurt me.”
“How much do you know? About the angels or Lilith breaking the seals?” Asks Sam.
“Wait a minute, how do you know about that?”
“How do you?” Y/n questions.
“Cause I wrote it.”
“You kept writing?” Questions Y/n again, curious.
“Even after the publisher went bankrupt. But those books never came out.” The 3 look at each other then Chuck.
“Okay wait wait wait, this is some kind of joke right? Did that- Did Phil put you up to this?” He laughs pointing to his left.
“Well nice to meet you. I’m Dean Winchester, this is my brother, Sam, and that’s Y/n Y/L/n.”
“Last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down.”
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After talking more with Chuck, they all head to the Laundromat.
“‘I’m sitting in a Laundromat, reading about myself in a Laundromat, reading about myself-‘ my head hurts.” Dean recites the paper.
“There’s gotta be something this guys not telling us.” Sam says putting his laundry in the machine.
“‘Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck. Whether he was telling the whole truth.’”
“Stop it.” Sam now annoyed.
“‘Stop it’ Sam said.’ Guess what you do next. ‘Sam turned his back on Dean. His face brooding and pensive.’ I mean I don’t know how but this guy is doing it.”
“Yeah I mean those are definitely his brooding and pensive shoulders.” Y/n responds to Dean.
“See, I knew you were gonna say that, and Sam just thought I was a dick. As well as Y/n daydreaming about Sam’s ass.” This caught Y/n’s attention.
“It does not say that!”
“I’m pretty sure it does, look-ey here” Dean waves the paper in Y/n’s face.
“Gimme that.” Y/n scootches over to Dean on the bench to grab the paper but he waves it around out of her reach.
“Oh my god, you are so childish Dean.”
“Says the one embarrassed she got caught starin’.” Reading off the paper again, Y/n snatches the paper, crumples it and throws it in the trash.
“You gotta admit, the guys good.” Sam chuckles and tries to ignore the previous conversation.
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Back at the house trying to get more information, Chuck holds more paper.
“So you wrote another chapter?” Asks Sam.
“This was all so different before you were real.”
“We need whatever you can tell us to figure this out so just spit it out.” Y/n perks up.
“Okay, uhm this might be a little uncomfortable, but you asked so.” The 3 share glances across the room from where Dean is sitting on a chair and Sam and Y/n are sitting on the couch. Chuck sits on a stool, puts his glasses on and begins to read, obviously seeming like he doesn’t like to read his work out loud.
“‘Y/n grabs him by the edges of his unzipped jacket pulling him closer to her when he hungrily smashes his lips on hers like a wave of relief, a desire fulfilled.’ Chuck stops reading to look at the 3, who’s faces are utterly confused to see if he should read on. Y/n just knows her face is red as a tomato when she starts to feel very uncomfortable at the mention of her name. Chuck starts to read on.
“‘Sam’s hands grab her hips trying to get impossibly clos-‘“
“Okay, I don’t think we need that much information..” Sam cuts Chuck off feeling embarrassed and very sweaty at the moment. Dean chuckles at the very obvious uncomfortableness in the room.
“It’s just a draft..” Chuck states. Y/n stands from the couch.
“I’m uh super thirsty actually, do you have any water Chuck?”
“Y-Yeah, I’ll uhm go get some.”
“Great, I’ll come with you.” Y/n follows trying to leave the awkwardness as fast as possible.
Sam starts to laugh.
“What’re you laughing at?” Dean questions.
“Nothing, nothing, its just, Y/n and me? In bed?”
“Who are you trying to convince here?” Dean smirks.
“Don’t worry, I definitely don’t see you’re guys’ little glances and hand touches, and staring at the other when the other isn’t looking type of deal.”
“What?” Dean says innocently causing Sam to roll his eyes.
Y/n and Chuck walk back into the room with her glass of water.
“Thank you.” Y/n says kindly avoiding eye contact with Sam as she sits on the couch but a little farther away this time trying not to make it more awkward.
“How does this whole psychic thing work?” Dean asks Chuck.
“You mean my process?”
“Yes. Your process.”
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“Come on.” Sam starts while they’re all in the Impala.
“‘The minivan accident wasn’t that bad. But Dean was still seeing stars, he scratched absently at the pink flower Band-Aid on his face..’” Y/n giggles at that from the backseat.
“So?” Questions Dean.
“So I’ve seen you gushing blood. You use duct tape and bar rags before you’d put on a pink flower Band-Aid.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is this, all this is totally implausible. It’s nuts.”
“He’s been right about everything, you think he’ll ground out at first now?”
“‘Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved Impala and drove off, the plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow.’”
“Can we stop with these papers? Our lives aren’t a script we have to follow, reading off of these isn’t gonna help with anything right now except make you guys argue.” Y/n put her hands on the seat and leaned forward glancing between them.
“Yeah whatever, you just don’t wanna come across another part with you and Sam.” Dean smirks.
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Back at the motel Dean still seemed to have questions.
“I’m gonna go outside and try to see if I can contact Cas.”
“Don’t leave me in here Dean!” Y/n whisper yells.
“Sam’s in the shower, I’ll be like 10 minutes tops Y/n. Just don’t go hopping in there with him.” Dean smirks and shuts the door to the room.
Y/n decides to get comfy so she sits on the bed, back against the headboard and watches whatever she can find on the tv. After watching the clock, it had been 10 minutes exactly when she heard the bathroom door open. Sam walked out, damp hair and water dripping down his body with only a towel hanging on his waist. Y/n found herself staring.
“Oh, uhm I thought I heard the door close, I assumed you left with Dean.” Sam explained gathering up his clean clothes.
“He said he would be like 10 minutes, just wanted to contact Cas.”
“Oh okay.” Sam said nervously heading back to the bathroom to change. After a few minutes the bathroom door opened again and this time he had pants on but still no shirt.
“Could you uh pass me that shirt beside you?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, here.” She tossed him his shirt. He raised his arms and put his shirt on. Y/n swore she almost drooled. Sam came and sat down across from Y/n on the other bed facing her. She sat up and put her feet on the floor.
“Listen, about earlier..” Sam started as he scratched his neck. Remembering back to earlier Y/n laughed, noticing how funny it actually was.
“Which part? There was so many.” She giggled referring to all the awkward times people said something about them being together. Sam laughed too at that.
“Yeah, I just don’t want that to make things awkward between us, it’s kinda felt that way since earlier.”
“Yeah, I felt that too. But maybe Chuck was wrong? I’ve always believed we write our own futures, so fuck destiny. If we don’t feel what everyone is saying we should feel, then so what?” Sam laughed and nodded his head.
“I agree.” At that, Y/n smiled and stood up to hug Sam.
“See? All better, we can feel how we wanna feel.”
“So I can feel that I wanna tickle you?” Sam smiled and Y/n immediately gasped and tried to run away but Sam grabbed her waist and started tickling.
“SAM! I swear if you don’t stop!” Sam pushed her back onto the other bed stopping her from squirming away.
“You swear what?” Sam stopped tickling her but held her hips to the bed still. After a few moments, Y/n caught her breath but didn’t know what to say. She looked back and forth between his eyes and lips and so did Sam. Suddenly they heard voices and sat up quickly. Dean walked through the door.
“I don’t even wanna know. C’mon we are getting out of here.” Dean stated.
“What where?” Asked Sam.
“Anywhere, okay? Out of this Motel, out of this town. I don’t care if we gotta swim. We are getting out.” Dean started packing his bag.
“Why aren’t you guys moving?” Dean raised his voice.
“Listen, Chuck is not a psychic. He’s a prophet.”
“What?” Y/n stood up.
“Cas showed up. And apparently, Chuck is writing the gospel of us. Now let’s get the hell out of here.”
“It’s the middle of the night Dean, the road out of here is cut off, we can’t leave.” Y/n walked towards him.
“Fine. We are leaving as soon as the road out of here opens up.”
“Okay.” Dean repeated.
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That night, Dean some how ended up getting his own bed and Y/n got the other bed while Sam was stuck with the couch after very much debate between him and Y/n.
Y/n slowly opened her eyes to find it was still dark outside, she found herself thirsty so she got up to grab a water bottle out of the fridge but only found beer. ‘Liquid is liquid I guess’ she thought. Once her eyes adjusted to the room, her eyes found themselves on Sam, quietly laughing at how gigantic he was with his legs hanging off the end of the couch. She looked over to Dean but he wasn’t there.
“Dean?” She asked like he was suddenly gonna appear. She quickly made her way over to Sam shaking his shoulders to wake him up.
“Sam? Sam!” He groaned as he awoke.
“Deans not in his bed.”
“What?” Sam questioned Y/n.
‘Oh my god, his morning voice.’ Y/n thought.
“I don’t know where he is. The Impala is still outside and all of his stuff is here.”
Sam stood up to see Dean was in-fact not in his bed. ‘He doesn’t have a shirt on too? Oh my, what this man does to me.’ Y/n thought.
“Maybe he went for a walk?” Said Sam obviously too tired at the moment to focus.
“I don’t know Sam.” Sam took a step closer to Y/n to get her attention.
“Y/n, I’m sure he just went to the bar across the street or something. Let’s just go back to sleep and when we wake up I’m telling you he will be here. If he’s not, we can take as many precautions as you’d like.”
“Fine.” At that Sam took another step closer to put his fingers on her chin turning her head up to him.
“Y/n.” Sam said sternly knowing she was worried.
“It’s okay Sam, if you think he’s fine, I believe you.” Y/n explained placing her fingers on his hand. Sam smiled at that.
“Goodnight Y/n.” Sam said softly leaving her touch.
“Are you sure about that couch Sam? You didn’t look too comfortable… You can sleep in my bed if you want, I really don’t mind.” Y/n said calmly trying to act as chill as possible as she climbed in under the covers.
“You sure?”
“Just get in Sam.” She smiled at him. Sam made his way over to the side of the bed and hesitantly got under the covers as well. Y/n turned over to face Sam still smiling.
“What?” He smiled at her.
“You’re so warm, the bed was so cold before.” Y/n said, thoughts racing.
“I’ll gladly be your heater anytime Y/n.” She loved when he said her name. She shuffled a bit closer not wanting to roll off the bed during the night. At that, Sam slowly reached his hand up to brush her hair out of her face behind her ear. At the action, Y/n’s cheeks turned pink, thankful it was dark so he didn’t notice.
After a moment of staring into each others eyes, both of their gazes flickered back and forth from their eyes to each others lips. Sam leaned in slowly not wanting to accidentally get the wrong idea. His lips grazed hers and after realization Y/n pressed her lips to his. A slow kiss made faster in the moment turning his hand on her hip and hers on his cheek.
They both separated taking heavy breaths, echoing through the motel room. Y/n smirked and pulled him closer once again intertwining their mouths and pressing their bodies as close as possible to each other. Sam put both hands on her hips now turning them over so he was on top, he started kissing her jawline and down her neck giving them a break to breathe. Y/n put her hands through his hair as Sam looked up at her.
“I remember you saying ‘fuck destiny.’” Sam smirked.
“And I remember you agreeing. So shut up and kiss me Winchester.” She smiled at him and brought him up to her face connecting their lips. Sam tugged at the edge of her oversized shirt making her lean up off the bed so he could pull it off finding her without a bra. He instantly went to sucking her chest and twisting her other nipple. Y/n let out a moan and Sam smiled against her chest switching to give each the same attention.
He went back to her mouth and Y/n found the draw string to his sweatpants undoing the bow tugging at them. Sam got the hint and detached their mouths to kneel and take off his pants. He slowly reached for Y/n’s shorts and looked up at her. She smiled and nodded so he continued to pull them off her. He rubbed his fingers against her covered heat.
“Your so wet.” Sam noticed and smiled at her.
“All for you.” Y/n spoke up. Sam then hooked his fingers on either side of her hips pulling her underwear down and off. She whined at the cool air hitting her suddenly. Sam leaned down toward her heat spreading her legs with his hands and licking a stripe up her slit. Y/n moaned at his action so Sam did it again liking the sweet sounds she made. He then started sucking on her clit harshly making her squeal and try to shut her legs around his head so Sam reached both his arms under and around her thighs keeping them open for him.
He started moving his mouth around more chasing her to moan and stick her hands back in his hair pulling and tugging.
“Sam pleasee.” Y/n moaned.
“Please what? Tell me what you need sweetheart.” Sam replied against her pussy.
“I- I need more!” At that, Sam unhooked one of his arms from her thigh and stuck his finger in her hole. Y/n screamed at the sudden movements. Sam roughly moved his finger in and out adding a second one still sucking her clit.
“I- I’m gonna-“ Y/n tried to tell him.
“That’s it, cum on my fingers sweetie.” At the nickname, Y/n came on his fingers a moaning mess. Still thrusting, he let her come down from her high.
Sam sucked her juices off his fingers coming off with a pop.
“You taste so good.” Sam stated crawling back up to her to intertwine their lips. They broke apart as Y/n tugged his boxers down finding his hard cock.
“You’re so big.” Said Y/n, almost drooling. Sam chuckled and turned her on her stomach with her ass in the air. Sam stuck his arm around to her face.
“Spit.” Y/n did as told and Sam brought his hand back to stroke his cock a few times. He put one hand on her ass spreading her open for him and the other hand guiding his dick in her wet hole. He slowly went in as Y/n started to whine.
“C’mon, you can fit me honey.” She moaned at his deep soothing voice and Sam bottomed out giving her a second to adjust before he pulled out, back in, and started slamming into her from behind with both hands on her hips now bringing her hips to meet his. Their moans and groans filled the room along with the slapping of their hips.
“Sam-“ Y/n moaned into the bed gripping the sheets. Sam grabbed both her arms and pinned her wrists behind her back grunting as he pounded harder. Y/n started to whine loudly and he felt her clench causing him to roll his head back.
“You gonna cum baby?” He said to her reaching his fingers down to massage her clit.
“Mhmm.” She moaned out not being able to form words. He let go off her wrists, grabbing a fist of hair instead making her uncontrollably moan as well as her eyes rolling back in her head. Sam stopped his movement on her clit and let go of her hair before pulling out quickly to flip her body around. Her back now on the bed he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder immediately putting his cock back into her wet cunt causing her to whimper and scream. Sam leaned down grabbing the sides of her face in his palms and kissed her. While pulling away from her lips he started pounding into her like never before shaking the bed. They stared into each others eyes mouths wide open moaning. Y/n’s eyes started to get heavy and started to stutter.
“Sam, I’m-“ Sam knew what she was trying to say and continued fucking into her.
“I know baby. Cum for me.” He said between breaths feeling her starting to clench around him. Y/n moaned his name all the way through her orgasm.
“Good girl.” Y/n then began to shake at the over stimulation.
“Sammy- I ca-“
“Just a little longer sweetie, you can do it.” He reassured her and let go of her head to pound into her a little more when his thrusts started getting sloppy and his dick began to twitch. His cum shot into her causing them to both moan. He carefully pulled out and leaned down on top of her to kiss her swollen lips. She ran her fingers through his hair while both of them panted to calm down and catch their breathe. Sam lied down next to her on his side, pulled her into him by her waist and kissed the top of her head.
“I guess we can’t really escape destiny huh?” Sam joked and Y/n looked up at him kissing him again.
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Y/n’s eyes began to open immediately putting her hand up to block the bright sunlight. She looked around to find Sam’s arm draped over her waist and Dean’s bed still empty. Sam awoke from her movement.
“Hi.” Sam said fluttering his eyes open.
“Hi.” She replied smiling at him. Suddenly the motel room door opened and in walked Dean landing his eyes on them.
“So, destiny huh guys?” Dean smirked. Sam’s cheeks went pink and Y/n grabbed her pillow and tossed it at Dean.
“Hey! Watch the coffee grumpy.” Dean remarked.
“Where were you last night?” Y/n asked ignoring his comment.
“Just at the bar. Why? Seems like your guys’ minds were somewhere else.” Dean placed the coffees down and widened his eyes at the pair.
“Couch comfy Sam?” Dean asked, obviously amused. Sam just rolled his eyes at his joking behaviour.
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alulangel · 2 months
Winchester Directive 1521: Pilot Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole // T // deancas // ~5k words // written for the ProfoundBond Exchange: Space
Written for @adromelke !
Having never seen Red Dwarf I unfortunately could not pull off an AU, but I hope I may have captured some of the vibe? Also featuring food and a brief appearance of wings! I hope you enjoy!
A space AU that boldly asks: "what if Sam and Dean Winchester, but on a spaceship." After their food bio-resequencer gets stuck on the leafy torture of Sam's plain salads, Dean sets off on a deadly mission to scavenge old ships for parts to fix it. But while on an abandoned mining vessel, they brothers encounter a strange, otherworldly voice trapped in the ship...
They head to the bridge. Things aren’t even close to desperate, not yet, but it’s been two months of no credits, repair after repair, running from system to system. Their bio-resequencer broke, stuck on the last meal it had made. Which would be fine, except the last meal that it had made was one of Sam’s stupid fucking salads, so all Dean had had to eat–apart from what they could buy fresh on-planet when they had the rare chance–was Lepus Saturnalia food. He was dying for something else. Anything else. Sam was, unsurprisingly, not at all sympathetic to his plight.
“It’s good for you, Dean,” he’d say, which was bullshit, because any spacer worth their salt knew that it was your mind you had to keep healthy first and foremost, and days and days staring out into the black picking at a bowl of leaves was enough to make anyone want to throw themselves out the airlock. Good for him. Ha. It was killing his spirit, Sam , what was good about that? And it would be one thing if it was just a bio-resequencer problem, but the trouble with flying a vintage ship like Baby was that they didn’t make S-class Impala cruisers anymore, and trying to find someone with the know-how to work on it and easy access to parts was a pain and a half. And that was just on one of the outer worlds that still used the barter system, not one of the “civilized” planets that used Edlund Corp. credits. If Dean ever met Carver Edlund, he’d like to greet him with a swift kick in the ass.
Read on ao3
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captain039 · 2 years
Craving the wild side
Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: AOB, mentions of medical things, mentions of needles, mentions of abuse, feral alphas, light swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, mental health issues
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Feral alpha AU
Case file No.5643
Cases name: Dean Winchester
Cases D.O.B January 24, 1979
Cases age: 45
Dean Winchester (feral alpha) was found in the underground raid in a place called ‘Ascended’ raid was completed by head officer Jody Mills (alpha) and her team on November 14th 2022. Dean Winchester (feral alpha) was placed in quarantine and given appropriate medical attention before moved to the Alphas corp building 203 on January 10th 2023. First assign to Dr Harper (female, beta) unresponsive to methods and treatments remains in a ‘feral’ state transfer required. Second assigning to Dr Freeman (male, beta) unresponsive to methods and treatment, remains in a ‘feral’ state transfer required. Now on head of the Dean Winchester case Dr Y/L/n, waiting for report and outcome
Signed by head of department Carver Edlund
You walked quickly down the white hall, this was your first day on the Winchester case. You had your tablet in hand and your assistant Charlie behind you.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” She asked and you kept your eyes ahead. You were nervous, hell you might have a breakdown before going in, but you were determined to help this alpha.
“I am sure” you nodded heading to his room. The guard nodded his head in a greet and opened the door. Charlie said her goodbyes and departed as you were checked for anything on your person before heading into a small room. You didn’t know what to expect, all feral alphas were different. Dean Winchester sat in the corner where his bed was. His mattress was on the floor and his frame was obviously thrown against the wall and discarded. You gulped slightly thankful for the glass between you both.
“Morning Mr Winchester” you said through the mic but he didn’t respond.
“My names Dr Y/L/n, I’ll be your-“ you stopped your sentence when green eyes met yours. Your breath got caught in your throat as he stared at you.
“Your head officer” you finished nodding as you tapped at your tablet. His hair was unkept and long, his beard obviously grown, he was also wearing no clothes, but the way his legs were kept everything covered. You read over the other Drs notes, not many treatments worked with him, especially with the glass there. One of the Drs went in, got a response just not the best one and ended up in the medical department, while Dean was tranquillised.
You stood nodded to the guard who opened Deans door. You walked in minding the thrown bed and kept your distance. Dean was watching you like a hawk, he didn’t blink often and made sure to watch every movement you made as you grabbed a discarded pillow and sat down.
“I am Dr Y/l/n” you said.
“I’m a part time soon to be full time officer here I’ve worked three cases in my last five years you will be my fourth” you hoped to gain some conversation with him.
“I live nearby the facility at a farm house owned by my parents, I have 3 cows, 2 sheep and 6 chickens there and a dog named Champ” you watched his eyes peek with interest and you took it as a good sign.
“Dean do you know your age?” You started questions. He nodded and you felt a little relief go through you.
“Do you know where you are?” You asked and he nodded again.
“Some of these questions may be hard or triggering, I will take in account your response and try to avoid them or the topic for the time being till you’re ready” you said tapping on your tablet to get the questionnaire.
“You were found in a place called ‘ascended’ one of the lesser known underground black markets” you stopped checking to see his response but got nothing.
“Officer Jody Mills got you and five other alphas out, did you know or have any relation to the other alphas there?” You asked and saw him tense but shake his head.
“Ok, it says you were a pleasure alpha, house alpha, as well as use and abuse as well as fighter” you winced at the words.
“Are these correct?” You asked and he nodded.
“Do you know what ascended is? In the underground establishments?” You asked and he nodded.
“Did you have many omega owners?” You said and he snapped his head to you. You jolted a bit in surprise as his eyes darkened. You noted that quickly and went to move onto a next question but it was too late. The alpha had crossed the room quickly and pinned you under him, hand on your neck. He didn’t squeeze though just kept his hold as he stared you down. The guards came in shock guns aimed as you held a hand up to stop them.
“Don’t!” You said looking at the alpha. His eyes were swirling with feral emotions, he was breathing harshly but he didn’t harm you.
“He won’t hurt me” you said quietly hoping you were correct. He leant down swiftly, pressing his nose to your scent gland before a disapproving growl left him. The guards shot them and stunned him off the shock going to you also. You jolted a bit your breath getting knocked out of you. Dean was quick to recover though as a guard went to help you up, the alpha body slammed him to the ground and began to punch him. Despite the helmet Dean kept punching knuckles bloodying as he went. He was torn off, shocked again and you were dragged out. You were pissed smacking the guard off you.
“You idiot!” You snapped and the guard was taken aback.
“He wasn’t hurting me he was trying to find my scent!” You glared at the guard through the mask and sighed.
“He growled Dr” she said.
“Because he wouldn’t be able to smell me due to the implant” you sighed rubbing your neck from the shock that went through you.
“He hasn’t had progress in months! He was responsive to me and now we’ve thrown him in a corner!” You sighed making her leave the room. You looked at his unconscious form on the bed and sighed quietly.
Next part ->
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lol-jackles · 1 year
Usually, one wonders what you think are the best episodes of SPN. Instead I wanted to ask you what do you think are the worst episodes. Thank you.
Easy, the worst episode is 10x09, introduction of a character that NOBODY asked for, Claire Novak. Even worse, they wasted the mid-season finale on her, a character that NOBODY asked for. No surprise that showrunner Jeremy Carver was tote on board because Claire was his creation in season 4, meaning he would get paid residuals every time his character shows up on screen.
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This youtuber's reaction sums up my anti-Claire Novack feeling even though Kathryn is playing a different character: “I swear to God this girl through the entire movie makes me feel like placing my forehead against her forehead and having my forehead absorb her brain for the empty calories because it’s not like she’s using it anyways.”
The other worst episode was 6x20, “The Man Who Would Be King”, a Castiel centric episode that should be taught in screenwriting class on the wrong way of using flashbacks to retcon and salvage a character instead of adding to the plot.
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There should be only one reason for flashbacks, the character has a backstory that matters to the main plot and moves the plot.  Even then, it’s not a good enough reason for flashback to be worthwhile unless it has enough information to be important.  After that, the flashback must be a plot catalyst for a plot revelation that jumps the character’s arc into higher gear than ever before.
Now did any of Cas’s flashbacks do that in Supernatural?  Be honest now, this is a safe space. NO IT DIDN’T. The episode was literally telling the audience that Cas is a swell guy through Cas’s narration.  Worse, his backstory was used for padding instead of progression because it wasn’t integral to the narrative.  None of Cas’s flashback offer new information other than making look Cas worse, like confirming that he took Sam out of the Cage and despite knowing something was wrong with Sam, took no further action to rectify the situation.
Most of the appeal of Cas’s story is the subtext.  The moment TMWWBK brought his backstory into the clear light of dramatized narrative, it cease to be subtext and instead it became blatant and on the nose.  It lost more than half its power.   Cas’s main story was sacrificed to a needless exploration of a backstory that could have been revealed with more power and precision without the flashbacks.  Flashbacks should be earned, just as any plot development is earned.
Writers need to always ask if the fun of dramatizing the backstory is worth the subtlety and mystery they lose in the main story.  Edlund turned Castiel into a charisma-vacuum character.
I think Misha and Edlund knew the main audience will turn against Cas when he breaks Sam’s mind in the finale two episodes later and why they (or maybe just Misha) campaigned hard to have a Cas-centric episode before the finale to excuse explain Cas’s actions.  Except I don’t think it worked since most Cas stans don’t refer to TMWWBK to defend Cas.
ETA: correction on the episode number for 10x09
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castiels-pussy · 11 months
top five spn moments where I really don't even know what they were going for honestly
5. handprint anna sex scene. WHAT does it mean. i have after lots of very creative thinking found that maybe anna has feelings for can and fucked dean to make him jealous but they GOTTA know that is not how it comes across even a little bit
5. i thought you’d gotten over trying to label me. its low on the list because it was written by ben edlund and we really do even know what he was going for honestly. 
4. s8 boner scene. need i say more.
3. my bloody valentine morgue scene. the whole reason i made this list. normal on the outside EXCEPT dean is staring at cas with huge moon eyes the whole way through. well what was that for.
2. 4x02 kitchen scene. in light of jensen ackles' recent comments one finds oneself going back and asking. well what was all this then
1. there are two things i know for certain. one: bert and ernie are gay. two: you are not gonna die a virgin  WJHAT WAS THE REASONNNNNNNNNNN! THAT WAS IN THE SCRIPT! SOMEONE (jeremy carver) WROTE THAT. PEOPLE EDITED IT AND READ IT OVER. THE ACTORS PRODUCERS AND OTHER WRITERS INVOLVED. and no one was like hey does it not seem incredibly obvious that dean is about to fuck cas here? in supernatural season five episode three? can no one tell that dean is extremely blatantly propositioning castiel angel of the lord? for sex? on the cw show supernatural?
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fandomtherapy44 · 11 months
castiel x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Winchester. The sister Of Sam and Dean. We will be starting from season four since sadly we did not get Misha Collins as Castiel throughout the whole series. It will start off as a friendship, but it will grow more as the series goes on. I will be skipping some episodes even though they are great episodes they do not push the story forward. I am so excited to get to write this since there are not many Castiel X reader stories out there. Okay without further due Love War & Grace enjoy the Story.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Word count: 4,674
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season four of Supernatural
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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Wow, wow, wow my life is well let’s just say people aren’t usually yearning for it like a Disney movie. My feet still hurt from wearing those heels. I mean props to the people who rock them but with our lifestyle I don’t really have the room to wear them. We entered the comic book store to ask anyone if they had experienced anything of the regular ghost list. “Uh... can I help you?” The man asked, looking a little confused. 
“Hi. We sure hope so. Agents DeYoung, Shaw, Ross. Just need to ask you a few questions.” I said pointing to the three of us. “Notice anything strange in the building in, last couple of days?” Sam asked, putting away his badge. “Like what?” “Well, some other tenants reported flickering lights.” “Uh, I don't think so. Why?” “What about noises? Any skittering in the walls? Kind of like rats?” “And the FBI is investigating a rodent problem?” He asked very skeptical. “Uh, we want to make sure we leave no stone unturned even… rodents.”  I said not believing my own sentence. 
“What about cold spots? Feel any sudden drops in temperature?” Sam asked again.The man smiled like he knew something. “I knew it! You guys are LARPing, aren't you?” Uh what? “Excuse me?” Dean questioned. “You're fans.” “Fans of what?” “What is "LARPing"?” I asked. “Like you don't know. Live-Action Role-Play! And pretty hardcore, too.” “I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.” “you're asking questions like the building's haunted. Like those guys from the books. What are they called? Uh... "Supernatural." Two guys, a girl, use fake IDs with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires. What are their names? Uh... Steve and Dirk,Y/n? Uh, Sal and Dane,Y/n?” “Sam and Dean, Y/n?” I answered. 
“That's it!” oh no come on. “You're saying this is a book?” Dean questioned. “Books. It was a series. Didn't sell a lot of copies, though. Kind of had more of an underground cult following.” He walked over to the bargain bin which is fitting with our lives. “Let's see. Um... Ah. Yeah” He pulls out a book with two buffed-up guys and a girl whose shirt was too low for my liking. “That's the first one, I think.” he said, handing it to me. “"Supernatural" by Carver Edlund. "Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious woman in white lures men to their deaths." I read out. “Give me that.” Sam grabbed it from my hands. “We're gonna need all the copies of "Supernatural" you've got.”
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For the past two hours, we have been reading supernatural books like we were cramming for tests on our own lifes. I am currently reading about how in book scarecrow Y/n was so conflicted between the two brother sides and how she didn’t know if she could keep this family together. “This guy makes me sound like I don't have a personal life. Could you believe that.” I said to my aforementioned brothers and all I got was silence. “Guys this is the part you agree with me.” “I don’t know Y/n.” “What!? I have a life!” Dean sighed looking down. “When was the last time you went out, with friends or made friends?” “I-” “That aren’t hunterters” “That’s-” “And aren’t us.” 
“You know what you guys have no friends either so shut it.” “Either way this stuff is crazy. Everything is in here. I mean everything. From the racist truck to – to me having sex. I'm full-frontal here, guys.” “How come we haven't heard of them before?” Dean and I sat at the table where Sam was researching the books online. “They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation. Uh, started in '05. The publisher put out a couple dozen before going bankrupt. And, uh, the last one – "No Rest For The Wicked" –Ends with you going to hell.” Sam said talking to Dean. “I reiterate. Freaking insane.” “Check it out. There’s actually fans. There’s not many of them, but still. Did you read this?” Dean said checking out the fansite.
“Let me see.” He pulled the screen so we could both see. “Although for fans, they sure do complain a lot. Listen to this – Simpatico says "The demon storyline is trite, clichéd, and overall craptastic." Yeah, well, screw you, Simpatico. We lived it.” Yeah and lots of trama to go with it. “Yeah. Well, keep on reading. It gets better.” “There are "Sam girls" and "Dean girls" “Y/n boys” and – what's a "slash fan"?” I read out. “As in... Sam-slash-Y/n-Dean. Together.” Sam told us. Dean and I do a double-take at that. “Like, together together?” “Yeah.” “They do know we're siblings right?.” I almost shouted in surprise.
“Doesn't seem to matter.” “Oh, come on. That... That's just sick. We got to find this Carver Edlund.” I said closing the laptop. “Yeah, that might not be so easy.” “Why not?” Dean questioned. “No tax records, no known address. Looks like "Carver Edlund” is a pen name.” “Somebody’s gotta know who he is.”
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“So you published the "Supernatural" books?” Sam asked the woman who clearly loved this trash series. “Yep. Yeah. Gosh. These books... You know, they never really got the attention they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap. You know – "Doctor Sexy, M.D."? She scoffed. “Please.” “Right. Well, we're hoping that our article can... shine a light on an underappreciated series.” I said.  “Yeah, yeah, because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press then m-maybe we could start publishing again.” She said sitting down. Oh god please no. 
“No, no, no, no. God, no. I mean, why – why would you want to do that? You know, it's, uh, such a complete series, what with Dean going to hell and all.” Dean nice save. “Oh, my god! That was one of my favorite ones because Dean was so... strong... and sad and brave. And Sam... I mean, the best parts are when they'd cry. You know, like in – In "Heart," when Sam had to kill Madison, the first woman since Jessica he really loved. And in "Home," when Dean had to call John and ask him for help.” She started to explain some of her favorites but for us, it was some of the most traumatizing memories.
 “Gosh... if only real men were so open and in touch with their feelings.” I am laughing so much inside right now. “Real men?” Dean asked, offended. “I mean, no offense. How often do you cry like that, hmm?” “Is that supposed to be funny?” I “elbowed Dean for him to realize to shut up. “Lady, this whole thing is funny.” I guess it didn’t work. “How do I know you three are legit, hmm?” She said with suspension eyeing us. “Oh, trust me. We, uh... we're legit.” I said in a deflated response. “Well, I don't want any smart-ass article making fun of my boys and girl.” “No! No, no, no. Never. “ Sam tried he tried. “We – We are actually, um... big fans.” I am trying to salvage it. 
“Hmm. You've read the books?” “Cover to cover.” “All of it.” “What's the year and model of the car?” Of course, Dean answered that one. “It’s a 1967 Chevy Impala.” “What's May 2nd?” “That's my – Uh... that's Sam's birthday.” “January 24th is Dean's.” “November 2nd being Y/n’s.” I added in quickly so as to not look like I didn't know what I was talking about. “Sam's score on the LSAT?” Shit I hope she doesn't ask about my last grade in math I got. “One… Seventy-four?” Sam answered, unsure of his own test scores. “Ok here’s the last one. What was the name of Y/n’s first love?” The boys both look at me and I look down. “That’s a trick question … she’s never had one.”  
“Okay. Okay. What do you want to know?” “What’s Carver Edlund's real name?” I quickly said moving away from my broken non non-existent love life. “Oh, no. I – No. Sorry, I can’t do that.” “We just want to talk to him. You know, get the "Supernatural" story in his own words.” “He’s very private. It’s like Salinger.” Yeah sure, Salinger. “Please. Like I said – we are, um… ... big... big fans.” Sam had pulled his shirt collar so you could see his tattoo and Dean disgruntled did the same and I pulled my sleeve up to show my wrist. “Awesome. You know what? I got one, too.” She said as she pulled down her skirt to show the one on her ass. “Whoa. You are a fan.” I elbowed Dean again for that. “Okay. His name's Chuck Shurley. And he's a genius, so don't piss him off.” 
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I rang the doorbell to this Chuck Shurely’s house and who answered I was expecting and not at the same time. “You Chuck Shurley?” Dean asked in his pissed-off voice. “The Chuck Shurley who wrote the "Supernatural" books?” “Maybe. Why?” “I'm Dean. This is Sam. That’s Y/n The Dean and Sam and Y/n  you've been writing about.” I gave a little wave. And he closed the door. I rang the door again. “Look, uh... I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It's, uh, it's always nice to hear from the fans. But, uh, for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life.” He tries to shut it again but I stop it.
“See it’s funny you say that because we do have lives and You've been using them to write your books.” I said a little aggressively. Dean pushed inside the house. “Now, wait a minute. Now, this isn't funny.” Chuck was fearful. “Damn straight, it's not funny.” I put my hand on Dean’s shoulder to calm him down just a tad. “Look, we just want to know how you're doing it.” “I'm not doing anything.”
“Are you a hunter?” I asked. “What? No. I'm a writer.” “Then how do you know so much about demons? And Tulpas, and changelings?”Dean again advances on Chuck and he falls back on the couch.“ Is this some kind of "Misery" thing? Ah, it is, isn't it? It's a "Misery" thing!” “That’s an amazing story but no we are not fans.” I said sitting next to him. “Well, then, what do you want?!” “I’m Y/n, that’s Sam and Dean.” “Sam and Dean and Y/n are fictional characters. I made them up! They're not real!” 
We drag him outside and show him our car and more importantly the trunk.”Are those real guns?” “Yup. This is real rock salt, these are real fake IDs.” “Well, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans.That’s, that’s awesome. So, I-I think I've got some posters in the house.” He starts to try to back away from us. “Chuck, stop.” “Please. Wait. Please, don't hurt me.” “How much do you know? Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?” Sam asked. “The question is how do you.” “Because I wrote it?” “You kept writing?” I questioned. “Yeah, even after the publisher went bankrupt, but those books never came out. Okay, wait a minute. This is some kind of joke, right? Did that – Did Phil put you up to this?”
“Well, nice to meet you. I'm Dean Winchester, and this is my brother, Sam and my sister Y/n.” “The last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down.”
We all got back in the house and Chuck was pouring himself a drink. He glugs it down. “Oh! Oh, you're still there.” “Yup.” “You're not a hallucination.” I wish sometimes. “Nope.” “Well, there's only one explanation. Obviously, I'm a god.” “You're not a god.” Sam said to him annoyed. “How else do you explain it? I write things and then they come to life. Yeah, no, I'm definitely a god. A cruel, cruel, capricious god. The things I put you through – The physical beatings alone. And for you Y/n having no time to find love or no one to find-” “Chuck you are not a God.” I am now annoyed.
“Yeah, and we're still in one piece.” “I killed your father. I burned your mother alive. And then you had to go through the whole horrific deal again with Jessica.” Great memories. “Chuck…” About all three of us were now about ready to slap Chuck. “All for what? All for the sake of literary symmetry. I toyed with your lives, your emotions, for... entertainment.” “You didn't toy with us, Chuck, okay? You didn't create us.” “Did you really have to live through the bugs?” “Yes, it was disgusting.” I said shivering remembering that week. “What about the ghost ship?” “Yes, that too.” “I am so sorry. I mean, horror is one thing, but to be forced to live bad writing... if I would have known it was real, I would have done another pass.” “Chuck, you're not a god!” Dean said raising his voice. “We think you're probably just psychic.” I said stepping in.
“No. If I were psychic, you think I'd be writing? Writing is hard.” “It seems that somehow, you're just... focused on our lives.” “Yeah, like laser-focused. Are you working on anything right now?” “Holy crap.” Chuck said going over to his desk pulling out papers. “What?” “The, uh, latest book? It's, uh, it's kind of weird.” “It can not get more weird than finding a whole book series about your life.” I said with sarcasm. “"Weird" how?” “It's very Vonnegut.” “"Slaughterhouse-Five" Vonnegut or "Cat's Cradle" Vonnegut?” Dean answered. “What?” Sam and I asked surprised. “What?” Dean said back defensively. “It's, uh, "Kilgore Trout" Vonnegut. I wrote myself into it. I wrote myself, at my house... confronted by my characters.” OK so added on weird.
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Sam is throwing the laundry in while Dean and I sit together to read Chuck’s story. “I’m sitting in a laundromat, reading about myself sitting in a laundromat reading about myself. My head hurts.” “There's got to be something this guy's not telling us.” Sam added in. “"Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck, about whether he was telling the whole truth.”” Dean read out and he was right. “Stop it.” “"'Stop it,' Sam said." Guess what you do next.” I read out. “Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive." I mean, I don't know how he's doing it, but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face, but those are definitely your "brooding and pensive" shoulders.” Dean continued. “You just thought I was a dick.” “The guy's good.”
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Chuck called us back in a frenzy very worried about something. “So... You wrote another chapter?” Sam asked slowly so Chuck wouldn't explode. “This was all so much easier before you were real.” I agree with that. “We can take it; just spit it out.” “You two especially are not gonna like this.” He said looking at Dean and I. “I didn't like hell.” “It's Lilith. She's coming for Sam.” “Coming to kill him?” I ask. “When?” “Tonight.” “She's just gonna show up? Here?” “Uh... let’s see, uh, "Lilith patted the bed seductively. Unable to deny his desire, Sam succumbed, and they sank into the throes of fiery demonic passion."
“Eww not again." “You're kidding me, right?” Sam laughed. “You think this is funny?” Dean asked angrily. “You don't? I mean, come on. "Fiery demonic passion"?” It does sound ridiculous but then again he did with Ruby so nothing’s out the window. “It's just a first draft.” “Wait, wait, wait, wait. Lilith is a little girl.” “No, uh, this time she's a "comely dental hygienist from Bloomington, Indiana." “ Oh fantastic. “Great. Perfect. So what happens after the... "fiery demonic" whatever?” I ask. “I don't know, it hasn't come to me yet.” “Dean, Y/n, look, there's nothing to worry about. Lilith and me? In bed?” “How does this whole psychic thing of yours work?”
“You mean my process?” “Yes, your "process."” “Well, it usually starts with a headache. A really bad headache. Aspirin is useless, so... I drink. Until I fall asleep. The first time it happened, I thought it was just a crazy dream.” “The first time you dreamt about us?” I asked. “It flowed. It just, it kept flowing. It still does. I-I can't stop it, really.” “You can't seriously believe –” “Humor Us Sam.” I said putting my hand on his shoulder. “Look, why don't we, we just… Take a look at these and see what's what.” Dean said picking up the manuscript. “You –” “...knew you were gonna ask for that. Yeah.” 
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We are driving and Sam is reading the Manuscript. “Dean, come on. "The minivan accident wasn't that bad, but Dean was still seeing stars. He scratched absently at the pink flower Band-Aids on his face." “ “I would love to see that personally.” I said from the back seat. “So?” “So, I've seen you gushing blood. You'd use duct tape and bar rags before you'd put on a pink flower Band-Aid.” “What's your point?” “My point is this – all of this – is totally implausible, it's nuts.”
“Look, Sam, He's been right about everything so far. You think he's just gonna ground out at first now?” “Huh. "Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved Impala and drove off, the plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow." “A tarp?” “Yeah. On the rear window. And you drive it like that.” “Okay so he doesn't get the details right but that doesn't mean he's wrong about the end result.” “So we’re just gonna run?” “Dude, we are a long way from ready for a face-to-face death match with Lilith.” We pull up to a roadblock and there are police next to it. “What seems to be the problem?” “Bridge is out ahead.” “We're just trying to get out of town.”
“Yeah, afraid not.” “Is there a detour?” “Nope.” “There's not a side road that takes us to the highway?” “To get to the highway, you have to cross that river. To cross the river, you have to take that bridge.” “How deep's the river?” I ask. “Sorry. Afraid you three are gonna have to spend the night in town.”
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Dean is now looking at the manuscript while we are ordering at a diner. “Hey, this could be a good thing. I mean, if this is what puts us on the path to Lilith, then all we got to do is get off the path.” “Dean’s right this is a guide to not to do the devil’s tango with Lilith.” “How do you mean?” “It's a blueprint of what not to do. I mean, if the pages say that we go left –” “Then we go right.” “Exactly. We get off-book. We never make it to the end. It's opposite day. It said that we, uh, we get into a fight. So, no fighting. No research for you… No saving us Y/n.” “No bacon cheeseburger for you.” I said glaring at Dean. “Yeah, no problem. I'll just order something else. Hi, uh, what's good?”
“Well, if you like burgers, Oprah's girlfriend said we have the best bacon cheeseburgers in the country.” “Ha sometimes God does give me Bones." I said laughing to myself. “I'll just have the cobb salad, please.” Sam ordered. “Chicken strips and fries for me please.” I said. “I'll have the... veggie tofu burger. Thanks.” “This whole thing's ridiculous.” “Lilith is ridiculous?” “The idea of me hooking up with her is.” “Right like you would never do that.” I said sarcastically. “Guys, for the first time, we have warning that Lilith is close.” “So?”
“So... we've got the jump on her. If we know when she's coming, we know where she's – this is an opportunity.” “Are you – It frustrates me when you say such reckless things.” Dean said trying not to get angry. “Well, it frustrates me when you'd rather hide that fight.” They trying very hard not to fight. “Alrighty here y’all’s food.” The waitress put the plates down. “Thank you. It's not hiding. It's being smart. It's picking your battles. This is a battle that we are not ready to fight. Oh, my god. This is delicious. Tofu is amazing!” Dean committed biting into his burger. “I am so sorry. I gave you the bacon cheeseburger by mistake.” It’s all coming together.
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Dean and I praked the car after dropping Sam off  snd were walking away when we looked back and it looked like teenagers were looking into baby. “Hey!” Dean screamed out and went to cross the street. “Wait dean DEAN!” He had got hitten by an minivan.
“I'm so sorry!” “Lady you hit my brother with your car what do you mean Sorry!?” Her daughter was putting … pink band-aids on Dean and he came back. “Dean! Dean you ok?” He looks up and sees the car. “Oh, no…” He ran over to the car and the back window was busted open. So here we are driving to Chuck’s house with the tarp flapping in the back.
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Chuck enters the house carrying a huge bag of beer. They start to talk and Dean keeps on asking how Chuck knows everything and he gets to the point that he’s about to punch when someone shows up who I did not expect. “Dean, let him go!” “ This man is to be protected.” “Cas!” “Why?” “He's a Prophet of the Lord.” What the HELL? 
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“You... You're Castiel... aren't you?” Chuck said with amazement. “It's an honor to meet you, Chuck. I... admire your work” Cas picked up one of the books and flipped through them. “Whoa, whoa, what? This guy, a prophet? Come on, he's – he's... he's practically a Penthouse Forum writer.” “Did you know about this?” I ask Chuck. “I, uh, I might have dreamt about it.” “And you didn't tell us?!” “It was too preposterous. Not to mention arrogant. I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? That's like M. Night-level douchiness.”
“This is the guy who decides our fate?” I ask Cas quietly. “He isn't deciding anything. He's a mouthpiece – a conduit for the inspired word.” “The word? The word of god? What, like the New New Testament?” “One day, these books – they'll be known as the Winchester gospel.” “You got to be kidding me.” Chuck, Dean, and I say together. “I am not... kidding you.” “If you'd all please excuse me one minute.” Chuck goes upstairs. “Him? Really?” “You should've seen Luke.” “Why'd he get tapped?” “I don't know how prophets are chosen. The order comes from high up on the celestial chain of command.” “How high?” “Very.” 
“Well, whatever. How do we get around this?” I ask. “Around what?” “The Sam-Lilith love connection. How do we stop it from happening?” “What the prophet has written can't be unwritten. As he has seen it, so it shall come to pass.” 
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Dean goes into the hotel room to get Sam while I wait outside. And Cas pops up beside me. “Hello, Y/n.” “Hey Cas I met your uh friend Zachariah he kind of sucks.” “Yes well, Zachariah's methods can be extreme.” “Extreme!? he made my brothers and I forget who we are!” “Im sorry, Y/n” “You don’t have to be sorry you didn’t do it.” We stare at each other for a bit before I rember something. “Oh I got you something.” I said hading him a flip phone he looked confused. “Why would I need a phone I can just fly next to you when I ever I need to.”
“Well, Cas believe it or not it’s not really working out for us I mean you scare the crap out of us every time. Also, it’s so I can call you.” “Call me?” “Yeah well, I hate that I can't exactly fly next to you so that is the next best thing so do me a favor and call me even if you don't have any information about the upcoming apocalypse I want to know you're safe.” He ponders what I said. “Y/n?” “Yeah, Cas.” “Thank you.” “No problem.” He gets closer as to hug me but gets interrupted by Dean stomping out of the hotel room. “Dean, where’s Sam?” I asked. “He said he’s staying.” “HE’S WHAT!?” “That’s what I said he wants to fight Lilith now.” “My gosh, we are stupid sometimes,”
I said thinking back to the supernatural books and how the characters were depicted, sometimes being stupid. “Cas can you help?” He said walking over with hope to the angel. “I'm not sure what I can do.” “Drag Sam out of here, now. Before Lilith shows up.” “It's a prophecy. I can't interfere.” “Look Cas we have done everything you have asked But now I'm asking. I need your help. Please.” I said pleading with him. “What you're asking, it's... not within my power to do.” “Why? 'Cause it's "divine prophecy"?” Dean questioned angrily. “Yes.” “So, what – We're just supposed to sit around and, and wait for it to happen?”
“I'm sorry.” “Screw you. You and your mission. Your God. If you don't help me now, then when the time comes and you need me... don't bother knocking. Come on Y/n.” He turns to walk away and I look at Cas a bit heartbroken and I think he saw that. “Y/n Y/n!” “What?!” “You must understand why I can't intercede. Prophets are very special. They're protected.” “Right yeah.” “If anything threatens a prophet, anything at all, an archangel will appear to destroy that threat. Archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're heaven's most terrifying weapon.” “And these archangels, they're tied to prophets?” “Yes.” “So if a prophet was in the same room as a demon –” “Then the most fearsome wrath of heaven would rain down on that demon. Just so you understand... why I can't help.” He just gave us the answer without giving the answer. I get a smile on myself. I run up to him to give a quick but crushing hug. “Thanks, Cas” “Good luck."
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We had pushed Chuck into the room and it worked the room got invaded by this powerful white light and it dispersed and along with it Lilith. We got to finally leave the town. “ So she offered a deal?” I questioned Sam. “That's what she said.” “To call the whole thing off – angels, seals, Lucifer rising, the whole nine?” Dean added into the question. “You didn't think once about taking it?” “You kidding me? You two spent all day trying to talk me off the Lilith track.” “I'm just saying…” “She would have found some way to weasel out of it. And all it would have cost us was our lives.”
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” “Anyway, that's not the point.” “What's the point?” I asked “The point is, she's scared. I could see it. Lilith is running.” “Running from what?” “Don't know. But she was telling the truth about one thing.” “What's that?” “She's not gonna survive the apocalypse. I'll make sure of that.” Sam left the conversation off at that and it left me wondering what was going to happen to us and It also really made me hope that Cas would call.
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Hey, y'all hope you enjoyed the Chapter thank you so much for reading! I'm so sorry that this has taken so long been a busy month. Just to warn this is a slow burn so it will probably be a while before we get to a romantic relationship but I’m really liking the friendship between Cas and Y/n Im building and I hope you are too. Also, the next two chapters are some of my favorite episodes so look out for that.  And happy late Halloween.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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The Monster At The End of This Book
Masterlist pt 1
Masterlist pt 2
The boys and I, now wearing FBI costumes, enter a bookstore and walk over to the counter to see a heavy-set man stocking his shelves. "Uh...can I help you?" The man asked us as we pull out our badges. "Sure hope so. Agents DeYoung, Shaw and Gowan. Just need to ask you a few questions." Dean said.
"Notice anything strange in the building, last couple of days?" Sam asked him. "Like what?" The man asked us. "Well, some other tenants reported flickering lights." I said and the man still looks at us like we are crazy. "Uh, I don't think so. Why?" The man asked.
"What about noises? Any skittering in the walls? Kind of like rats?" Sam asked him. "And the FBI is investigating a rodent problem?" The man asked, skeptical. "What about cold spots? Feel any sudden drops in temperature?" I asked and then the man starts to grin.
"I knew it! You guys are LARPing, aren't you?" He asked and the boys and I exchange looks. "Excuse me?" Dean asked. "You're fans." He said and I furrow my brow in confusion. "Fans of what?" I asked. "What is LARPing?" Dean asked. "Like you don't know." The man laughs but he notices our confused looks.
"Live-Action Role-Play! And pretty hardcore, too." The man said as he looks over our looks. "I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about." Dean said. "You're asking questions like the building's haunted. Like those guys from the books. What are they called?" The man said as he thinks then snaps his fingers. "Uh...Supernatural. Two guys and a woman, use fake IDs with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires. What are their names? Uh...Steve, Dirk and (a variation of y/n)? Uh, Sal, Dane and (different variation of y/n)?" The man said and the boys and I exchange a look before Sam turns to him.
"Sam, Dean and (y/n)?" He said and the man snaps his fingers and points at him. "That's it!" He said. "You're saying this is a book?" I asked him. "Books. It was a series. Didn't sell a lot of copies, though. Kind of had more of an underground cult following." The man said and he goes over to a table labeled Bargain Bin, the boys and I follow him.
"Let's see. Um...Ah. Yeah..." he said and he hands Dean a book. "That's the first one, I think." He said and I come up next to Dean and sees the book cover. It had two men, who were both very muscular, standing in front of an haunted looking house. One of the men had long dark blonde hair that was blowing in the wind, he had his shirt off, showing off his six-pack, and holding a shotgun with jeans on. The other man was standing on the right of the man and he had short brown hair and was wearing a tank top and jeans
Then over on the left side of blonde man was a woman with long brown hair, also looking like it was blowing in the wind, and she was sitting on the hood of the Impala. She was wearing short shorts and a black tank top that seemed a bit too tight on her, her boobs were almost protruding out of the top, and she had this sexy, sultry look on her face while her right leg was pulled up to her.
"Supernatural by Carver Edlund." Dean reads then he flips the book over, which had the front end of a motorcycle appearing out of the corner of the book, and reads the back cover. "Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious woman in white lures men to their deaths." He reads then Sam grabs the book. "Give me that." Sam said as he looks over the book then turns to the man. "We're gonna need all the copies of Supernatural you've got." He said.
Later, we were in a motel room and Dean is reclining on the bed, flipping through a book and frowning. I was sitting on the other side of the bed, reading another book. Sam was seated by the window with his laptop. "This is freakin' insane. How's this guy know all this stuff?" I asked. "You got me." Sam said.
"Everything is in here. I mean everything. From the racist truck to – to me and (y/n) having sex. We're full-frontal in here, dude." Dean said as he gets up and crosses over to Sam and I get up and stand next to him. "How come we haven't heard of them before?" Dean asked. "They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation. Uh, started in '05. The publisher put out a couple dozen before going bankrupt. And, uh, the last one–No Rest For The Wicked–" he said then he turns the laptop towards us, displaying a web site listing the books. "Ends with you going to hell." He said. 
"I reiterate. Freaking insane." I said as Dean browses the site and I go and grab my laptop and pull up more information on the books. "Check it out. There’s actually fans. There’s not many of them, but still. Did you read this?" Dean asked Sam. "Yeah." Sam said as I read some more on the site. "Although for fans, they sure do complain a lot. Listen to this – Simpatico says the demon story line is trite, clichéd, and overall craptastic." I said, reading from my laptop, and Dean scoffs. "Yeah, well, screw you, Simpatico. We lived it." He grumbles.
"Yeah. Well, keep on reading. It gets better." Sam said and we read some more. "There are Sam girls and Dean girls...oh and even (y/n) girls and – what's a slash fan?" Dean asked and Sam sighs. "As in...Dean-slash-(y/n)...Sam-slash-(y/n)..." Sam said. "Like, as in a couple?" Dean asked and Sam nods. 
"Uh...there's also Sam-slash-(y/n)-slash-Dean and sometimes I'm written out, rude, and there will be Sam-slash-Dean...together." I said and Dean looks at me, confused. "Like, together together?" He asked and I nod and his face turns into disgust.
"They do know we're brothers, right?" Dean asked as he gestures between him and Sam and I shrug. "Doesn't seem to matter." I said. "Oh, come on. That...That's just sick." Dean said, disgusted, and he shuts the laptop. "We got to find this Carver Edlund." Dean said. "Yeah, that might not be so easy." Sam said.
"Why not?" I asked him. "No tax records, no known address. Looks like Carver Edlund is a pen name." Sam replied. "Somebody’s gotta know who he is." Dean said and Sam thinks for a moment.
"So you published the Supernatural books?" Sam asked the young lady, who was the publisher of the books. Sam figured she might at least know who Carver Edlund really is. "Yep. Yeah. Gosh. These books...You know, they never really got the attention they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap. You know – Doctor Sexy, M.D.?" She said then scoffs. "Please."
"Right. Well, we're hoping that our article can...shine a light on an underappreciated series." I said. "Yeah, yeah, because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press then m-maybe we could start publishing again." She said then Dean looks a bit panicked. "No, no, no, no. God, no. I mean, why – why would you want to do that? You know, it's, uh, such a complete series, what with Dean going to hell and all." Dean said and I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Oh, my God! That was one of my favorite ones, because Dean was so...strong...and sad and brave. Oh, and finally having a badass female character. (Y/n) is the type of character women should look up to. I mean, her standing up to Dean in Bloodlust, when she told Dean how replacing his Dad with Gordon was an insult to his father's memory and then challenged him to let his anger out on her. Or how she helps the boys out of sticky situations. God, what a badass!" She said and I couldn't help but smile at this.
"And that last moment Dean and (y/n) had together...proclaiming their undying love to each other..." she said, getting emotional, as she places a hand on her chest. "Romantic. And that slow burn between those two...it was like c'mon, you idiots! It's right there, you two are obviously in to each other! Get together! Kiss! Do something! I mean, I loved it but I also hated it, especially since they got together sometime before Dean goes to hell. They didn't get enough time together!" She goes on while Dean and I exchange a look and I see Sam smirking.
"And Sam...I mean, the best parts are when they'd cry. You know, like in–In Heart, when Sam had to kill Madison, the first woman since Jessica he really loved. And in Home, when Dean had to call John and ask him for help." She turns away at this then let's out a sigh. "Gosh...if only real men were so open and in touch with their feelings."
"Real men?" Dean said, a bit offended. "I mean, no offense. How often do you cry like that, hmm?" the publisher asked. "Well, right now, I'm crying on the inside." Dean said and I elbow his side. "Is that supposed to be funny?" She asked, incredulous. "Lady, this whole thing is funny." Dean said and I elbow his side again.
He stops and the woman looks between us. "How do I know you three are legit, hmm?" she asked. "Oh, trust me. We, uh...we're legit." I said, trying to assure her. "Well, I don't want any smart-ass article making fun of my boys and my girl." She said and the boys and I shake our heads.
"No! No, no, no. Never."
"No, that's..."
"We – We are actually, um...big fans." I said and she eyes us. "Hmm. You've read the books?" She asked. "Cover to cover." Dean said as Sam and I nod. "What's the year and model of the car?" She asked. "It’s a 1967 Chevy Impala." Dean replied.
"What's May 2nd?" She asked. "That's my–Uh...that's Sam's birthday." Sam replied. "January 24th is Dean's." Dean added. "And June 16th is (y/n)'s." I said and the woman nods. "Sam's score on the LSAT?" She asked. "One..." Sam said then looks at us, almost at a loss. "...Seventy-four?" He said, questioning, and she nods.
"Dean's favorite song?" she asked. "It's a tie. Between Zep's Ramble On and Traveling Riverside Blues." Dean replied. 
"How old was (y/n) when her father taught her how to drive a motorcycle?" She asked. "Thirteen." I replied. "What is Dean's and (y/n)'s song?" She asked and Dean and I exchanged a look before I clear my throat and said. "Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon." And it seemed she was happy with our answers.
"Okay. Okay. What do you want to know?" She asked us. "What’s Carver Edlund's real name?" Sam asked her. "Oh, no. I – No. Sorry, I can’t do that." She said, quickly. "We just want to talk to him. You know, get the Supernatural story in his own words." I said. "He’s very private. It’s like Salinger." She said. "Please. Like I said – we are, um..." Sam. Said then he unbuttons his shirt, cringing a little, to reveal his demon-protection tattoo. "...big...big fans." He said then he looks over at me and Dean.
I sigh and pull down the collar of my shirt to show my tattoo just as Dean, who rolled his eyes, displays his own tattoo. The woman licks her lips, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. "Awesome. You know what?" she said then she turns around and hikes up her skirt, showing us her tattoo. "I got one, too." 
"Whoa. You are a fan." Dean said then he turns to me. "You should've gotten yours there too." He teases me, quietly, and I slap his chest as the woman turns back to us. "Okay." She said and she scribbles something on a pad of paper. "His name's Chuck Shurley. And he's a genius, so don't piss him off." She informs us as I take the paper.
Later, the boys and I approach a ramshackle house with trepidation. We get out of the Impala and I stare at the house and started to wonder if I really wanted to learn the secrets that lay beyond that door. We make it to the front door, share a look then Dean pushes the doorbell.
Then a disheveled man, wearing only a shirt, shorts and a bathrobe, answers the door. "You Chuck Shurley?" Dean asked him. "The Chuck Shurley who wrote the Supernatural books?" Sam asked him. "Maybe. Why?" Chuck asked us. "I'm Dean. This is Sam and (y/n). The Dean, Sam and (y/n) you've been writing about." Dean said and Chuck closes the door.
Dean rings the bell again and Chuck opens the door. "Look, uh...I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It's, uh, it's always nice to hear from the fans. But, uh, for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life." He said and he tries to shut the door, but I put out a hand to stop it. "See, here's the thing. We have a life. You've been using it to write your books." I said as I shove the door open and enter, forcing Chuck to back up into the house.
"Now, wait a minute. Now, this isn't funny." Chuck stammers. "Damn straight, it's not funny." Dean said. "Look, we just want to know how you're doing it." Sam said. "I'm not doing anything." Chuck said.
"Are you a hunter?" I asked Chuck. "What? No. I'm a writer." Chuck exclaimed. "Then how do you know so much about demons?" Dean asked as he advances on Chuck, who falls onto the couch. "And Tulpas, and changelings?" He asked. "Is this some kind of Misery thing? Ah, it is, isn't it? It's a Misery thing!" Chuck shouts, panicked. "No, it's not a Misery thing. Believe me, we are not fans!" I said.
"Well, then, what do you want?!" Chuck asked. "I'm Sam. And that's Dean and (y/n)." Sam said. "Sam, Dean and (y/n) are fictional characters. I made them up! They're not real!" Chuck shouts at us.
Minutes later, we take Chuck out to the Impala and Dean opens the trunk, displaying the arsenal. "Are those real guns?" Chuck asked, shocked. "Yup. This is real rock salt, these are real fake IDs." I said. "Well, I got to hand it to you guys. You really are my number one fans." Chuck said and I let out an annoyed sigh while Chuck looks around at us, nervous. "That’s, that’s awesome. So, I-I think I've got some posters in the house." he said.
"Chuck, stop." Dean said, annoyed, as he reaches out to Chuck. "Please. Wait. Please, don't hurt me." Chuck said, panicked, as he moves away from Dean. "How much do you know? Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?" Sam asked and Chuck looks at him, startled.
"Wait a minute. How do you know about that?" He asked us. "The question is how do you." I said, questioning. "Because I wrote it?" He replied, shrugging. "You kept writing?" Sam asked. "Yeah, even after the publisher went bankrupt, but those books never came out. Okay, wait a minute. This is some kind of joke, right? Did that – Did Phil put you up to this?" Chuck asked and I sighed.
"Well, nice to meet you. I'm (y/n) (l/n) and this is Dean Winchester, and his brother, Sam." I said and Chuck was shocked once again. "The last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down." He said and it seemed like he was about to pass out.
Back inside his house, Chuck pours himself a large whisky and gulps it down, then sets the glass on the kitchen sink. He turns around, sees us, and groans. "Oh! Oh, you're still there." he said. "Yup." Dean said. "You're not a hallucination." Chuck said. "Nope." I said, shaking my head.
"Well, there's only one explanation. Obviously I'm a god." Chuck said. "You're not a god." Sam said. "How else do you explain it? I write things and then they come to life. Yeah, no, I'm definitely a god. A cruel, cruel, capricious god. The things I put you through – The physical beatings alone." Chuck said, upset. "Yeah, we're still in one piece." Dean said.
"I killed your father. I burned your mother alive. And then you had to go through the whole horrific deal again with Jessica." Chuck said to the boys then he turns to me. "And I burned your mother alive. And then gave your dad cancer." He said. "Chuck..." I said, a bit sympathetically, but he continues on.
"All for what? All for the sake of literary symmetry. I toyed with your lives, your emotions, for...entertainment." Chuck exclaimed. "You didn't toy with us, Chuck, okay? You didn't create us." Dean said and Chuck looks up at us.
"Did you really have to live through the bugs?" He asked. "Yeah." Dean said. "What about the ghost ship?" Chuck asked. "Yes, that too." I said. "I am so sorry. I mean, horror is one thing, but to be forced to live bad writing...if I would have known it was real, I would have done another pass." Chuck said. "Chuck, you're not a god!" Dean yells.
"We think you're probably just psychic." I said to her. "No. If I were psychic, you think I'd be writing? Writing is hard." Chuck said. "It seems that somehow, you're just...focused on our lives." Sam said. "Yeah, like laser-focused. Are you working on anything right now?" Dean asked and Chuck has a look of realization on his face.
"Holy crap." He mutters. "What?" I asked and he goes to pick up some pages. "The, uh, latest book? It's, uh, it's kind of weird." He said. "Weird how?" Sam asked. "It's very Vonnegut." He said. "Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut or Cat's Cradle Vonnegut?" Dean asked, intently, and Sam and I look over at him, confused.
"What?" we asked. 
"What?" Dean said, defensively.
"It's, uh, Kilgore Trout Vonnegut. I wrote myself into it. I wrote myself, at my house...confronted by my characters." Chuck said and we exchange looks.
Later, we were at a laundromat ans Sam and I were doing laundry as Dean sits nearby, reading Chuck's latest manuscript. "I’m sitting in a laundromat, reading about myself sitting in a laundromat reading about myself. My head hurts." Dean said, pained. "There's got to be something this guy's not telling us." Sam said as he turns to toss his darks into the machine.
"Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck, about whether he was telling the whole truth.” Dean said and Sam turns to Dean. "Stop it." He said. "'Stop it,' Sam said." Dean reads then he looks up at Sam. "Guess what you do next." He said and Sam turns away, scowling.
"Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive." He reads and looks up at Sam. "I mean, I don't know how he's doing it, but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face, but those are definitely your brooding and pensive shoulders." Dean said and pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head. Great, now my head hurts! I thought.
"(y/n) felt like her head was gonna explode, like the pressure of it all was coming down on her." Dean reads and I raise my head and glared at him. "Dean, please..." I said, exasperated. "'Dean, please...' she pleaded." Dean reads and Sam sighs, exasperated. Dean looks over the manuscript again. "You just thought I was a dick." He said and I choke back a laugh while Sam turns around, looking impressed. "The guy's good." he said and Dean gives an unimpressed look to him.
The next day, the boys and I arrive back at Chuck's house as he called us and said he had something to tell us. He paces nervously, as if building up the courage to speak. He holds more pages in his hands.
"So...You wrote another chapter?" Sam asked and Chuck nods. "This was all so much easier before you were real." Chuck said. "We can take it; just spit it out." Dean said. "You especially are not gonna like this." Chuck said to him. "I didn't like hell." Dean remarks and Chuck sighs
"It's Lilith. She's coming for Sam." Chuck said and I furrow my brow. "Coming to kill him?" I asked. "When?" Sam asked at the same time. "Tonight." Chuck replied. "She's just gonna show up? Here?" Dean asked and Chuck sits down at his desk and puts his glasses on.
"Uh...let’s see, uh...Lilith patted the bed seductively. Unable to deny his desire, Sam succumbed, and they sank into the throes of fiery demonic passion." He reads and Sam laughs and I try to bite back the smile. "You're kidding me, right?" Sam asked and Dean turns to him. "You think this is funny?" Dean asked him and I turn to Dean. "You don't? I mean, come on. Fiery demonic passion?" I said, a bit of a laugh in my voice.
"It's just a first draft." Chuck adds. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Lilith is a little girl." Dean said and Chuck shakes his head. "No, uh, this time she's a comely dental hygienist from Bloomington, Indiana." He said, reading from his manuscript. "Great. Perfect." Dean grumbles.
"So what happens after the...fiery demonic passion?" I asked Chuck. "I don't know, it hasn't come to me yet." Chuck said and Dean growls under his breath. "Dean, look, there's nothing to worry about. Lilith and me? In bed?" Sam said, as if the whole thing was ridiculous, but Dean glares at Sam and I turn to Chuck.
"How does this whole psychic thing of yours work?" I asked him. "You mean my process?" Chuck asked. "Yes, your process." I said and Chuck sighs. "Well, it usually starts with a headache. A really bad headache. Aspirin is useless, so...I drink. Until I fall asleep. The first time it happened, I thought it was just a crazy dream." He said.
"The first time you dreamt about us?" Dean asked as he turns to Chuck. "It flowed. It just, it kept flowing. It still does. I-I can't stop it, really." Chuck replied. "You can't seriously believe –" Sam said to Dean, who turns to him. "Humor me." He said and he stands up while Chuck holds up the manuscript for him. "Look, why don't we, we just..." Dean said as he takes the manuscript.
"Take a look at these and see what's what." he said and he looks to Chuck. "You –" he started to say then Chuck finished his sentence. "...knew you were gonna ask for that. Yeah." he said.
Later, Dean was driving and Sam sits beside him reading the latest chapter while I was in the backseat. "Dean, come on." Sam said, exasperated, and he begins to read. "The minivan accident wasn't that bad, but Dean and (y/n) were still seeing stars. Both of them scratched absently at the pink flower Band-Aids on their faces." He reads.
"So?" Dean said, shrugging. "So, I've seen you gushing blood. You'd use duct tape and bar rags before you'd put on a pink flower Band-Aid." Sam said. "And I haven't put on a Band-Aid like that since I was like five." I said.
"What's your point?" Dean asked. "My point is this – all of this – is totally implausible, it's nuts." Sam said. "He's been right about everything so far. You think he's just gonna ground out at first now?" Dean asked and Sam scoffs before he continues. "Huh. Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved Impala, (y/n) sitting next to him, and drove off, the plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow." Sam reads.
"A tarp?" I asked, confused. "Yeah. On the rear window. And Dean drives it like that." Sam said. "Well, he might be wrong about the details, but doesn't mean he's wrong about the end result." Dean said.
"So we’re just gonna run?" Sam asked. "Dude, we are a long way from ready for a face-to-face death match with Lilith." said Dean but at that moment we come upon a roadblock and Dean stops and an officer leans over the window.
"What seems to be the problem?" Dean asked. "Bridge is out ahead." the officer said. "We're just trying to get out of town." said Dean. "Yeah, afraid not." said the officer. "Is there a detour?" Dean asked him. "Nope." The officer replied.
"There's not a side road that takes us to the highway?" Dean asked. "To get to the highway, you have to cross that river. To cross the river, you have to take that bridge." The officer replied. "How deep's the river?" Dean asked, sounding a bit desperate. "Sorry. Afraid you three are gonna have to spend the night in town." The officer said and Dean lowers his head while Sam looks over his shoulder at me and I shrug.
We stopped at a dinner to get something to eat, while I was now reading the manuscript as Sam looks over a menu, Dean was just sitting next to me. "Hey, this could be a good thing. I mean, if this is what puts us on the path to Lilith, then all we got to do is get off the path." I said, optimistically, and Dean gave me the​​​​ what the hell are you talking about​​​​look.
"How do you mean?" Sam asked. "It's a blueprint of what not to do. I mean, if the pages say that we go left –" I said and Sam's eyes light up with understanding. "Then we go right." he said and I nod. "Exactly." I said. "So, we get off-book. We never make it to the end. It's opposite day. It says that we, uh, we get into a fight. So, no fighting. No research for you..." Dean said. "No bacon cheeseburger for you." I remarked and he looked a little put out with that.
"Yeah, no problem. I'll just order something else." Dean said just as the waitress approaches. "Hi, uh, what's good?" Dean asked her. "Well, if you like burgers, Oprah's girlfriend said we have the best bacon cheeseburgers in the country." She said and Sam and I laugh at this. "Really?" Dean asked, disbelieving.
"I'll just have the cobb salad, please." Sam said. "And I'll have a chicken sandwich." I said.  "I'll have the...veggie tofu burger. Thanks." Dean said and she takes their menus and leaves.
"This whole thing's ridiculous." Sam grumbles. "Lilith is ridiculous?" Dean asked. "The idea of me hooking up with her is." Sam said. "Right. 'Cause something like that can never happen." I remarked and Sam starts to scowl, then controls himself. "Guys, for the first time, we have warning that Lilith is close." He said.
"So?" Dean and I said. "So...we've got the jump on her. If we know when she's coming, we know where she's – this is an opportunity." He replied. "Are you –" Dean said and I could just feel the anger radiating off of him. "It frustrates me when you say such reckless things." He growls. "Well, it frustrates me when you'd rather hide that fight." Sam said and I sigh, angrily, at this. "And It frustrates me when both of you get like this." I grumble as the Waitress comes back.
"Cobb salad for you. Chicken Sandwich for you." She said as he places Sam's plate in front of him then mine. "And the tofu veggie burger for you." She said to Dean as she places his plate down. "Thank you." Dean said and she leaves and Dean leans in close to Sam.
"It's not hiding. It's being smart. It's picking your battles. This is a battle that we are not ready to fight." he said and he takes a huge bite of his burger and his eyes widen in surprise. "Oh, my God. This is delicious. Tofu is amazing!" he said and I look and noticed the burger.
"Um, honey, that's not..." I started to say but then the waitress comes back, flustered. "I am so sorry. I gave you the bacon cheeseburger by mistake." She said as she takes his plate away and walks off.
That night, Dean drives us up to a very sleazy-looking motel and pulls into the parking lot. "Dude, this place charges by the hour." Sam remarks as we get out of the car and look around at our surroundings.  "Yeah, well, the book says Lilith finds you at the Red Motel. Hence, the uh, hooker inn. It's opposite day, remember?" Dean said and we head inside.
Once inside, Dean drops a bag on the bed and starts pulling out items. He takes a few small string-tied bags and places them around the room. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Couple of hex bags ought to Lilith-proof the room." He replied.
"So, what? I'm supposed to just hole up here all night?" Sam asked, annoyed. "That's exactly what you're gonna do, okay? And no research. I don't care what you do – use the Magic Fingers or watch Casa Erotica on Pay-Per-View." Dean said and he reaches into Sam’s bag and pulls out Sam’s laptop, smiling.
"Oh, dude, come on." Sam whines. "Just call it a little insurance." Dean said as he hands me the laptop and I put it in my bag, that I had over my shoulder. "What are you two gonna do?" Sam asked. "Well, the pages say that we spend all day riding around in the Impala. So I'm gonna go park her. Behave yourself, would you? No homework. Watch some porn." Dean said as he smiles, gestures for me to follow him and we leave.
"I sure hope this works." I said as we drive away from the motel. "It will. We just gotta do everything in our power to make sure Sam and Lilith don't get together." He said as he parks the Impala and we get out. We check the doors, then walk away across the street.
Moments later, we look back to see two teenagers attempting to break into the car. We run towards them. "Hey!" We shout but then I hear a noise beside me. I turn to see a van coming at us and I let out a scream as Dean grabs me and turns me around, so that he'd be my shield, and we get hit by the van, knocked us out.
"Oh my God. Just take it easy, you two are gonna be okay." I hear a female voice say as I start to come to. I open my eyes to see a woman hovering over me and she was wearing long dangling earrings, shaped like stars.
"Stars." I said, incoherently. "What was that?" She asked as I blink and look over to see Dean on my left and he had pink flowery Band-Aids on his face. "I'm so sorry. I just didn't see you two. Are you okay?" The woman asked as I raise my hands up to my face then I hear Dean starting to wake up.
"And sorry about...you know." the woman said as I sit up then see the woman indicating a young girl standing nearby. "M-My daughter's going through a doctor phase." she said and Dean starts to sit up.
"What are you talking about?" Dean groaned and I raise my hand to my face and felt Band-Aids on my face. "You're all better now." the girl said while Dean looks across the street and stares in horror. "Oh, no..." he mutters as he gets up and I look over and see that the back window of the Impala was shattered.
I sigh then turn to the girl. "Thanks, Doc. We feel all better now." I said and the girl smiles as I get up and go over to Dean while he catches a glimpse of himself in the side window and sees the Band-Aids. Frowning, he slowly peels one off.
I go over to the passenger side and look at the mirror to see my face covered in Band-Aids and began to peel them off. 
We put a tarp over the rear window and then Dean, still pissed, starts to drive down the road while I sat in that passenger seat. "For what it's worth, Dean...I wanted to say thank you for at least trying to save me." I said and I don't hear him say anything but just a small grunt, which told me he was too angry to even talk.
Later, we made it into Chuck's house and waited for him since he was nowhere inside. Finally, he walks in, carrying a bottle in a brown bag and six-pack of cans. He walks in slowly and does not appear very surprised to find me and Dean sitting in his living room.
"Dean. (Y/n)." He said. "I take it you knew we'd be here." I said as Chuck looks us over. "You two look terrible." He points out. "That's 'cause we just got hit by a minivan, Chuck." Dean growls. "Oh." Chuck replied, taken aback.
"That it? Every damn thing you write about me comes true; that’s all you have to say is oh?!" Dean yells as he walks up to Chuck. "Please don't yell at me." Chuck said, cowering.
"Why do I get feeling there's something that you're not telling us?" Dean yells, angrily. "What wouldn’t I be telling you?" Chuck said asked. "Chuck, please...tell us how you know what you know." I said, trying to be the calm one. "I don't know how I know, I just do!" Chuck said, panicked.
"That's not good enough." Dean growls and he shoves Chuck against the wall. "DEAN!" I yelled as I go up to Dean's side. "How the hell are you doing this?!" He yells at Chuck.
"Dean, let him go!" A voice demanded and we all turn to see Castiel standing behind us. "This man is to be protected." Castiel said. "Why?" Dean asked him. "He's a Prophet of the Lord." Castiel replied.
"You...You're Castiel...aren't you?" Chuck asked, shocked, as he sees Castiel. "It's an honor to meet you, Chuck. I...admire your work." Castiel said as he picks up one of the books and starts paging through it. "Whoa, whoa, what? This guy, a prophet? Come on, he's – he's...he's practically a Penthouse Forum writer." Dean said and I turn to Chuck.
"Did you know about this?" I asked him as he stumps over to his armchair; he cracks open a fresh bottle of whisky and pours himself some. "I, uh, I might have dreamt about it." He said and my eyes widen and jaw drops as Dean turns to him. "And you didn't tell us?!" He yells. "It was too preposterous. Not to mention arrogant. I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? That's like M. Night-level douchiness." Chuck replied as he finishes this tirade and desperately gulps down the whisky.
Then Dean turns to Castiel. "This is the guy who decides our fate?" He asked, quietly. "He isn't deciding anything. He's a mouthpiece – a conduit for the inspired word." Castiel replied.  "The word? The word of God? What, like the new new testament?" I asked him. "One day, these books – they'll be known as the Winchester and (l/n) gospel." Castiel said.
"You got to be kidding me." Dean, Chuck and I said, in unison. "I am not...kidding you." Castiel said and I sigh. "If you'd both please excuse me one minute." Chuck said as he stands, still clutching the bottle, and disappears upstairs.
"Him? Really?" Dean asked Castiel. "You should've seen Luke." Castiel said. "Why'd he get tapped?" I asked him, gesturing towards the stairs Chuck went up to. "I don't know how prophets are chosen. The order comes from high up on the celestial chain of command." Castiel replied.
"How high?" Dean asked. "Very." Castiel said. "Well, whatever. How do we get around this?" Dean asked. "Around what?" Castiel asked, confused. "The Sam-Lilith love connection. How do we stop it from happening?" I asked him. "What the prophet has written can't be unwritten. As he has seen it, so it shall come to pass." Castiel said and Dean and I exchange worried and fearful looks.
Dean drives us to the motel, parks, and we get out of the car. Then we head inside. "Come on. We're getting out of here." Dean said to Sam as we enter and I shut the door. "What? Where?" Sam asked. "Anywhere, okay? Out of this motel, out of this town. I don't care if we got to swim, we are getting out." Dean said while I look around, confused.
"Sam, where are all the hex bags?" I asked him. "I burned them." Sam replied and Dean and I turn to him, sharply. "You what?" we asked him. "Look, if Lilith is coming, which is a big if –" Sam started to say but Dean shakes his head. "No, no, no. It's more than an if. Chuck is not a psychic. He's a prophet." Dean said.
"What?" Sam asked, shocked. "Castiel showed up, and apparently Chuck is writing the gospel of us." I replied and Sam thinks then nods a bit. "Okay." He said. "Okay. Let's get the hell out of here." Dean said as he grabs our bags. "No." Sam said, firmly.
"Lilith is gonna slaughter you." Dean said to him. "Maybe she will, maybe she won't." Sam replied, shrugging. "So what? You think you can take her?" I asked him. "Only one way to find out, guys, and I say bring her on." Sam said.
"Sam..." Dean and I said, worried. "You two think I'll do it, don't you? Both of you think I'll go dark side." Sam accused. "Yes! Okay? Yes. The way you've been acting lately? The things you've been doing?" Dean yells and Sam looks up, startled. "Sam, the way you ripped Alastair apart like it was nothing, like you were swatting a fly, it was pretty frightening." I said, giving him a worried look, and Sam looks over at Dean, fearfully.
"Oh, I already knew. Her and Cas told me." Dean said and Sam's eyes narrow. "What else did Cas tell you?" Sam asked him. "Nothing I don't already know. That you've been using your psychic crap, and you've been getting stronger. We just don't know why, and we don't know how." Dean said. "It's not what you think." Sam said.
"Then what is it, Sam? 'Cause we're at a total loss." I asked him as Dean grabs his bag and heads for the door, I go and grab mine and follow him. Dean stops and looks back. "Are you coming or not?" he asked. "No." Sam said and Dean and I turn back to the door, pause, then drop our bags forcefully on a chair by the door before Dean leaves. I sigh then follow him out.
Dean heads to a soda machine and drops coins into it, and I could tell he was fuming. I frown and walk up to him. "Hey..." I said to him, softly, and I placed my left arm around his shoulder. "How can he be so stupid?!" He asked me, angrily. "I don't know, Dean. I wish I knew myself." I said.
“I mean really! How can he hear a Prophet giving him his fortune and decide to let it happen?!” Dean asked, steam practically coming out of his ears as he continues getting more and more enraged. 
I open my mouth to try and say something but Dean continues ranting. “Why did we fight so hard to prevent every vision you two had from coming true? Why are we trying to stop these seals being broken? Why do we even TRY!” Dean shouted, pulling away me to punch the soda machine and cracking the glass.
“Dean please, calm down.” I pleaded. “Why?! I have every damn right to be upset!” Dean growled. “I know you do and I’m upset too. Right now, I want nothing more than to go back into that room and give Sam a piece of my mind. But clearly arguing isn’t gonna do anything and neither will breaking your hand.” I said.
Dean let’s out an irritated huff and turns away. “And to be honest, you’re starting to scare me a little.” I admitted. Dean turns back to look at me, his harden expression had finally softening. “I’m sorry it's just…” He tried to say, he sighs and shakes his head. “I don’t wanna lose him. I can’t…I can’t lose either of you.” He said, tearfully, voice breaking.
My heart broke at the sound of his voice and I step over to him, taking his hand to hold it. Dean looks down at our hands and squeeze mine, while I rub little circles on the back of his palm. “I know. I can’t either. We’ll find a way to stop this.” I said.
Dean continued staring down at our hands for a moment. “How?” He asked, raising his head to look at me. “I don’t know. But we’ll figure it out. We always do.” I said, giving him a little reassuring smile. Dean eyes moved away from mine, looking thoughtful. “…I might have an idea.” He muttered, returning his gaze onto me. 
He leans in and gives me kiss. When he pulls away, he rested his forehead against mine. “Thank you.” He whispered. I smile, giving his hand a little squeeze. “Anytime.” I said.
He sighs and closes his eyes before he speaks. "Well, I feel stupid doing this. But...I am fresh out of options. So please. I need some help. I'm praying, okay? Come on. Please." he begs and I run my thumb over the back of his hand again.
"Prayer is a sign of faith. This is a good thing, Dean." Castiel's voice said and we pull back from each other and see Castiel standing next to us. "So does that mean you'll help us?" I asked him. "I'm not sure what I can do." he said. "Drag Sam out of here, now. Before Lilith shows up." Dean said, firmly. "It's a prophecy. I can't interfere." Castiel said and I could see the anger growing on Dean's face again as he walks up to Castiel.
"You have tested me and thrown me every which way. And I have never asked for anything. Not a damn thing. But now I'm asking. I need your help. Please." he begs. "What you're asking, it's...not within my power to do." Castiel said, plainly. "Why? 'Cause it's divine prophecy?" Dean asked him. "Yes." Castiel replied and I run a hand over my face.
"So, what – We're just supposed to sit around and, and wait for it to happen?" I asked Castiel, who gives me a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry." He said. "Screw you. You and your mission. Your God. If you don't help us now, then when the time comes and you need me...don't bother knocking." Dean growls and he grabs my hand and we brush past Castiel and begin to walk away.
"Dean. (Y/n)." Castiel called out. "What?!" Dean yelled as we stop and turn to him. "You must understand why I can't intercede. Prophets are very special. They're protected." Castiel said. "I get that." Dean said. "If anything threatens a prophet, anything at all, an archangel will appear to destroy that threat. Archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're heaven's most terrifying weapon." Castiel informs and my eyes widen, getting at what he's doing.
"And these archangels, they're tied to prophets?" I asked him. "Yes." He replied and Dean and I share a look. "So if a prophet was in the same room as a demon –" Dean said, thinking, as he looks back at Castiel. "Then the most fearsome wrath of heaven would rain down on that demon. Just so you understand...why I can't help." Castiel said and I smile at him. "Thanks, Cas." Dean said and Castiel nods. "Good luck." He said and Dean and I head to the Impala and make our way to Chuck's house.
We enter Chuck's place, seeing him sprawled out on his couch, and approach him. This time he actually does seem surprised to see us. "What are you two doing here? I didn't write this." Chuck said as Dean begins to manhandle him. "Come on. We need you to come with us." Dean said. "What? Where?" Chuck asked. "To the motel where Sam is." I replied.
"That's where Lilith is." Chuck said, fearfully. "Yeah, exactly. We need you to stop her." Dean said. "Are you insane? Lilith? I know what she's capable of, guys. I wrote her." Chuck said and I roll my eyes. "All right, listen to me. You have an archangel tethered to you, okay? All you got to do is show up and boom! Lilith gets smoked." I said and Chuck looks between us.
"But I-I haven't seen that yet. Th-the story –" he stammers. "Chuck, you're the only shot that we've got left." Dean said. "But...I'm just a writer." Chuck said, upset. "This isn't a story anymore, man. This is real! And you're in it!" I yelled at him. "Now, we need you to get off your ass and fight. Come on, Chuck." Dean tells him but Chuck shakes his head. "No friggin' way." He said. 
"Okay, well, then, how about this – I've got a gun in my pocket, and if you don't come with us, I'll blow your brains out." Dean threatens. "I thought you said I was protected by an archangel." Chuck said, questioning. "Well, interesting exercise. Let's see who the quicker draw is." Dean said and Chuck looks between us and, eventually, he decides to come with us.
We make it to the motel and go to our room door and the three of us burst in. "I am the prophet Chuck!" Chuck shouts as we see Sam and Lilith standing there. She looks over at us, a bit unimpressed.
"You've got to be joking." She said and she leaves Sam and approaches Chuck. "Oh, this is no joke." Dean said just as the room begins to tremble, and a great white light pours in through the windows. "You see, Chuck here's got an archangel on his shoulder. You've got about 10 seconds before this room is full of wrath and you're a piece of charcoal. You sure you want to tangle with that?" Dean asked her.
Lilith gives Sam one last look then she leaves through her vessel's mouth and the light and the shaking of the building stopped.
After taking Chuck home and helping the woman Lilith possessed, the boys and I drive out of town. The rear window still busted and still clumsily covered in a tarp flapping in the wind.
"So a deal, huh?" Dean asked Sam after he told us what Lilith really wanted. "That's what she said." Sam said. "To call the whole thing off – angels, seals, Lucifer rising, the whole nine?" I asked, not really buying it. "That was the gist of it." Sam said and Dean hums at this.
"What?" Sam asked. "You didn't think once about taking it?" Dean asked him. "You kidding me? Dude, you and (y/n) spent all day trying to talk me off the Lilith track." Sam said. "I'm just saying..." Dean started to say but Sam talks over him. "She would have found some way to weasel out of it. And all it would have cost us was our lives." He said.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Dean mutters. "Anyway, that's not the point." Sam said. "What's the point?" I asked him. "The point is, she's scared. I could see it. Lilith is running." He replied. "Running from what?" Dean asked. "Don't know. But she was telling the truth about one thing." Sam said.
"What's that?" Dean and I asked. "She's not gonna survive the apocalypse. I'll make sure of that." Sam said, in a serious determined voice.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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destieltaggedfic · 6 months
How you find these gems is beyond me TAT
Do you have any recs for Dean and Sam talking/bringing up about their childhood
Like Sam and Dean talking and Dean let's it slip on how f-ed up it actually was?
I haven't forgotten any of the asks I've received lately, I've just been really busy in real life.
I had something a little bit similar to this a while ago
Cats In The Cradle - LokiNeedsHugs1031   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Injured after a hunt, the Winchesters are waiting in a hospital and Dean reacts badly to a father abusing his son.  Sam doesn’t understand why it affects Dean even after they leave.
Word Count: 4k                                 No Sex
For Him - morgana07   Ao3
Set S9.  The case at Sonny’s makes Sam remember the time Dean had been missing when they were kids. (Gen Fic – no Destiel)
Word Count: 2k                                 No Sex
Sign of the Times - MCUsic_to_my_ears   Ao3
Set 15x20 didn’t happen AU.  Now that the world has been saved one last time, Dean’s traumas have space to make themselves known.  Most of them centered around his childhood.
Word Count: 5k                                 No Sex
Our Old Heroes – AdelaClancy   Ao3
Set S12 AU.  Instead of Mary being brought back to life its John and while trying to find a new dynamic a lot of old secrets come out about how John always treated them.  But even John might not be enough to stop Dean and Cas finally acknowledging what’s between them.
Word Count: 499k                            Graphic Sexual Acts
Don’t matter how you feel (it only matters how you look) – TheGrumpyOneIsSoftForTheSunshineOne   Ao3
Set S10.  After laying some truths on Sam, Dean escapes and the demon tried to convince Cas to run away with him.
Word Count: 2k                                 No Sex
Nightmare, by Carver Edlund – BiP   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Sam finds and reads the Carver Edlund book about the episode Nightmare.  He finds out something about their childhood that Dean had been hiding. (Gen fic - no Destiel)
Word Count: 1k                                 No Sex
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teamfreewill2pointo · 8 months
//Showrunner pick//
I’d like to see them choose a showrunner that has done a lot in the horror/thriller space like Kripke that can bring in more depth to create an elevated revival. Robbie was just too inexperienced and lacked overall storytelling experience for a full series. The others that have gone on to produce other series like Gamble, Carver, Edlund would be my choices IF my selection were previously connected to supernatural.
But it would be great if they chose a more experienced producer/screenwriter that’s done more in film than TV in this genre, and a revival of a tv series may interest them. People like Bobby Roe or Patrick Durham would be my pics.
I hope someone asks this question to J2 at an upcoming con. Jared has a few cons coming up!! Someone ask!
I was very hesitant about Kripke being showrunner despite Jensen's enthusiasm because Kripke wanted such a dark and bleak ending. His original ending was Sam going dark and Dean killing him, then them both jumping into the cage together.
While I love Gen V and The Boys, Kripke's love of shock and gore can be a bit off-putting and when he made the comment that Dean might vote for Trump, I feel like he has a different view of Dean.
Then something was said in a m&g that made me feel better about Kripke as showrunner, although my pick would be Yockey or Edlund as both are experienced at show running. I think someone can be a great writer, but bad at showrunning.
They might also pair one of their experienced showrunners from another show they've done with an experienced writer.
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