Today on "tumblr ads that I wish were rebloggable":
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I'm not wildly fond of tumblr ads promoting weight loss all willy-nilly, but the theming of this one combined with the fact that I saw it on a blog that I first followed for Dracula Daily posting has me losing it. Lose weight how, pray tell, dear tumblr ad? Lose blood weight? Because someone's drinking it? Am I going to be running through Transylvania because there's a vampire chasing me?
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see-arcane · 1 year
The Harkers have got me fucked up. Not just from how much they're going through. Not just from how well they know each other.
But in how much is not being said. How much that appears to have been missed.
Mina has just made their friends swear to euthanize her. In front of Jonathan, who she knows cannot/will not make said promise aloud, though she tries to fish it out. A funeral service, yes, but no more than that. She takes the wins she can, relying on the others for the sacrificial slaughter while she pries what she thinks is some mote of acceptance of the Worst Case Scenario in Potentia from Jonathan. Perhaps she's read the vampiric vow of his journal by now. Perhaps not. Perhaps she already suspects either way and wants desperately not to see him damn himself, damn both of them, to avoid raising a killing hand to her.
She is going into the dark. What kind, she does not know yet. But she knows--thinks she knows--she has taken some measure to save her soul and Jonathan's. God's will be done. (Piety trembles in her heart, a fear trying frantically to still look like faith.)
Jonathan, meanwhile, is in Hell.
As it was in the castle, there are some miseries too deep to dwell on for him to stomach writing them down. Hence his tapping Jack to record it all. But the silence from him here, bar the dodge of the promise that goes against his private vow, bar the reading of the burial service, sinks deeper than any horror he suffered from the Count in person. What can he be thinking now?
I made this all possible. I opened the door to England for him. Showed him how to spread his poison. Failed to strike a killing blow when I had the chance. Slept frozen and useless beside her as he drank and made her drink. Lost him by inches in Piccadilly. Now I am here, listening to her claim so sunnily that any man of old would murder his woman to save her from the enemy's touch, as if asking for a trifle. All the while I sit contemplating a hellish betrayal, holding my heart over her wishes, over sanity, humanity, Heaven and Hell. Contemplating worse.
(The kukri is very sharp by now. In time it will have so fine an edge that no one would feel its cut before their head toppled off. Be they in a coffin or a friend with their back turned. Sickly, he finds the thought cold and placid in his mind. Is he not already damned for what he's allowed? Is he not already slated for the Count's collection? He knows whose blood it was on the monster's lips on that final dawn in Transylvania. And when he dies...)
I imagine he has to stop himself from making a mirrored request to the others right there. Has to stop himself from handing Mina the Bible and asking her to read it out for him. If she is lost, he is lost. It is not merely undeath that he would follow her into--whatever she is, wherever she goes, so must he be, so must he go.
Read it for me now, darling. You laid it all out so eloquently. I am already lost but for the wait for the grave. Come everyone, while we're here. Two funerals. Two sets of oaths. I can perhaps save you half the work, if I fall neatly enough on the kukri. Pry it from my heart and take my head when the time comes.
But he bites his tongue. Does not touch his pen. Does not risk heaping another weight on his love who is already crushed beneath existential terrors that are being thrust on her by the actions of others. She does not know what he is planning, even if she suspects it by half.
What she knows: Jonathan cannot raise a hand to her. (He would have me as a monster than not exist at all.)
What he prays she never will: Jonathan will be anything she is. (Mortal. Monster. Dead.)
One last secret to keep.
All the way to the grave.
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ornii · 4 months
Wassup bro can you make a Wenclair x male reader where the reader is a stoner(i mean the one that smokes weed) and manages to hide it from both enid and Wednesday but get uncovered cause yoko got caught giving him his weekly stash
Contact High
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Stoner Vampire, a bit of an underground term people called you. Thankfully it wasn’t near earshot of Wednesday. You were able to keep it under wraps by pretending to be a deep emotional vampire but in reality your brain was so fried you just asked questions that lead to just more questions than answers.
Relaxing in the Quad’s hall you tapped away on your phone, until someone sunk next to you. Yoko.
“Sup.” She leaned in, “The usual?” She asked, and you nodded.
“Where do you get this stuff?”
“Transylvania. Turns out there’s a patch of it in Romania that gets powered up by the moonlight somehow.” Yoko slips him a bag of oddly glowing leaves. (Y/n) is ready to return the favor Keith a roll of cash but Yoko stops him. “On the house, you saved my ass from Thornhills test so we’re even.” Yoko leaves and (Y/n) also, heading down to his room he thought it was a sure shot, unfortunately someone was following him. Stepping from out of a corner Enid folds her arms as he halts to keep from bumping into her.
“Enid! You.. need something?”
“No, I just wanted to see why you missed Class.”
“Oh, yeah I’ve been.. sick.” He lied, and while Enid wasn’t a genius she was no fool and pouts. Obviously upset as his lie, Enid taps her foot and a shadow emerges from behind him.
“In some way what you are doing is a sickness.” He turned around to face Wednesday. Who somehow snuck up on him, Enid snatched the bag from his hand with more strength than he expected. Enid sighed and really let him have it.
“Is this why you skipped class? Seriously?” She gripped the bag, and got closer to him.
“Your scholastic skills are dwindling as is, and frying your brain with this isn’t helping.”
“It’s not what it looks like, I just.. like to feel alive, you know?”
“Alive? You’re standing right in front of us, you’re obviously alive.” Enid frowns, and (Y/n) took off his glasses to look at Enid, as she came to the realization that he’s a vampire, he’s dead. Enid relents, “Oh.. yeah that makes sense.”
“Going about it with this is foolish, what do you gain from smoking.. this.” Wednesday asked, and (Y/n) smiled.
“Well.. why don’t you join me and find out.” He took the risk and Wednesday scoffed.
“Do you really think we’d debase ourselves in order to achieve some superficial sense of reality?” She said..
Wednesday, Enid and (Y/n) lie on the ground in a row, eyes slightly red as the aroma of weed fills the air.
“Okay.. so.. if you drop soap on the floor, is the soap dirty, or is the floor clean?” He asked, Enid raised an eyebrow. “Ooooooh.. good question.” She muttered.
“Obviously the Soap is dirty… even things meant to destroy germs can be infected by it.”
“Oh, yeah that makes sense.” (Y/n) looks back to the roof. Silence, until Enid said something absolutely mind blowing.
“If you’re at a restaurant.. and you’re like, waiting for your waiter.. doesn’t that make You the waiter?” She said, Wednesday and (Y/n) opened their mouths to speak but were mentally stunlocked by the question.
“Holy shit.” (Y/n) turns to Enid, “You are.. a genius.”
“Really?” She smiled, Wednesday sat up, and turned to them with a slight panic.
“Is… is there a Synonym for.. Synonym?”
She lied back down as the three began to ponder such a question, for what seemed to be an eternity,
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
Yandere Vampire X f! reader pt. 1
The Woods PT. 2
Tw: noncon, dubcon,manipulation, mind control, isolation, sexual attraction to blood, blood.
A/N: This chapter is a slow burn kind. Mainly because the second chapter is just going to be smut due to certain circumstances which are revealed at the end of the story.
Kofi: Wanna buy me a coffee?
Your quiet gothic-themed village was never afraid of many things. Not even the bubonic plague scared the villagers. But, something that did scare them was the woods. They called it The Forest of Blood or El Bosque de Sangre. A long time ago, during the medieval ages, a family of wealthy nobles from Transylvania moved to your village. With their luggage were a human-sized coffin and a blanket with engravings of DC on them. They stayed in their castle surrounded by woods until the villager's livestock began to die. Cows and pigs as pale as ghosts with markings on their necks. The only clue was a trail of blood leading into the dark forest.
The villagers took their weapons and marched to the noble's castle, only to find the family in such a horrific condition, not even the graveyard thieves wanted them. Though, others say the family are beings of another name. Some called them Nosferatus, Draculas, Creatures of the Night, Demons, Bloodsuckers, anything but a human being. But that never worried you. What worries you were the girls going missing at the start of every winter, about a couple weeks before the first snowfall. No one knew who would be next, but no one dared to lock their daughters inside. For the last time they did, your village of Verano had mysteriously lost numerous amounts of harvest and livestock. And so here you are, walking to your grandmother's house to keep her company.
It didn't bother you that it's dark as you walk the dirt roads to your grandmother's house. You were used to the dark. It felt like home in a weird way. Even the predators that snatch livestock from the pens respect you as if you are one of their own. Although, it would lead to the villagers thinking you are a witch of some sort. But that didn't bother you either, for you always thought about flying high in the sky and doing witchy things with your friends, especially your friend, Nos, who you knew since that fateful day all those years ago.
"What are you doing behind that bush?"
The boy with pale skin and raven black hair looked at you with shock, fear, and surprise in his eyes.
"Come on, don't you want to play with the other children?"
The boy nodded and took your hand as you ran into the field to play with the village children. You put a flower crown on his head and held both his hands as you began to spin around.
"Nosferatu! Dracula! Demon and Creature of the Night! Everything you'll scream when they bite! Pure as snow! A virgin wearing a white wedding dress! Dye it red and rest in the forest! Be their bride in unholy matrimony!"
Your grandma walked up to you and said to say goodbye to the now-happy boy. You hugged him goodbye and skipped back to her cottage. When you got to her house, your grandma whispered in your ear.
"Nunca hables de los Nosferatus y sus novias. O de lo contrario desaparecerás en el bosque también."
"Bien, abuela."
That was fifteen years ago, and he's been your best friend ever since, even if you could never have adventures in the woods because you feared disappearing from the village.
"Nos, why do you insist on creeping behind me so much?" You ask, turning around to face a six foot three Nos.
"You shouldn't be walking out here so late at night. There are dangerous things in these woods," Nos says, putting his coat on your shoulders. "You should come back to my place and get warm."
"Sorry, grandma needs me to help with the pre-Christmas party," You reply, trying to move through the mud. "Did you hear about it supposedly snowing today?"
"Yes, I did, love. Are you going to start up about those girls going missing again?" Nos asks, walking side by side with you.
"How could I not?! It's supposed to be the first snowfall today, and not a single girl from the village has disappeared!" You exclaim, turning around to face Nos.
"Darling, those girls probably ran away from home. They found someone better in the world and left to explore it," Nos responds, taking you into his arms and dancing you around.
Snow begins to fall, and soon the roads become milky white. You made it to your grandma's house only to find she wasn't there. She had left on an emergency trip to Venice to help one of your cousins give birth. Your grandma had left a centuries-old family cookbook for you if you wished to cook something for dinner.
"It's snowing pretty heavy, darling. How about you stay at my place until it stops," Nos suggests, buttoning up the coat he put over you.
"That sounds fine, but what about you? Won't you be cold?" You ask, starting to shiver.
"I'll be fine. The cold doesn't affect me that much," Nos replies, taking the cookbook and carrying it in his bag. "Come, we can cook dinner and get warm by the fireplace."
You nod and follow his lead until he tries to enter the forest. The dark, snow-covered forest seemed to be staring back at you. Nothing made a sound, and nothing moved. You weren't sure if it was because of the snow absorbing the sound or because this forest was so terrifying that nobody dared enter it.
"It's ok. It's a shortcut to my manor. It's only a couple feet away, I promise," Nos promises, gently holding your hand. "If you feel safer, I'll hold you in my arms the whole time."
"Fine, but don't let me go," You whimper as Nos carries you like a princess.
Nos was known as a lady killer or a charming noble, depending on who you ask. Even though he only came into the village to meet you, he garnered attention from other girls. He got proposal after proposal but kept declining them. The girls eventually got over him, but the female elders couldn't help but notice how no boy or gentleman in the village would ask for your hand in marriage. Their husbands told them to pay no mind to it, but they stopped paying attention to you when predators acted like domesticated animals around them. Though others theorized you were the next Novia de Nosferatu.
"We're here! I'll get you some overnight clothes and make a fire. You can pick out a recipe if you want to," Nos says, handing you your family cookbook.
"I'll choose something yummy," You say, scurrying to the kitchen.
After fifteen minutes, Nos returned downstairs and saw you preparing to cook your family's calzone recipe. He wrapped his arms around your waist and asked if he could help.
"I'm fine, Nos. Why don't you get us something to drink?" You reply, putting the rolling pin away.
"Of course, darling. I'll be right back," Nos says, going to the cellar.
Dinner was ready, and Nos poured two glasses of wine. You brought the food to the table and began to eat with your friend.
"Sorry if the wine tastes bad. I know you're more accustomed to fruity alcoholic drinks," Nos comments, eating a piece of the calzone. "You're still not afraid of these woods, are you? My room has a pretty good view of the trees. It gets wonderful sun and moonlight as well."
"Don't you have a guest bedroom?" You ask, trying not to earn the title of village whore just for innocently sleeping with a guy.
"I'm afraid all the guest bedrooms are-oh fuck it. You've been the light of my life all the way into adulthood. Would you-would you please be mine?" Nos proposes, pulling out a box with a ring with a dark red gem.
The ring was silver with black markings going around it. It was something that only the richest of the rich could afford.
"Nos...of course I'll marry you!" You exclaim, kissing your now fiance.
"Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure? It's not the alcohol talking, right?" Nos questions, pouring you another glass of wine.
"It's not the alcohol talking. Besides, based on things are for me in the village, it seems you're the only guy who would willingly marry me," You respond, drinking the second glass of wine until it's half full. "What type of wine did you give me? It tastes so metallic."
Nos moves closer to you, eventually capturing you in an embrace. You can feel his muscles twitch, and he kisses the crook of your neck. Nos slips the ring onto the middle finger on your right hand.
"I'm glad you wanted this as much as I did, my unholy bride," Nos whispers, his voice becoming raspy and hissing towards the words of unholy bride.
You have no time to react before he bites you full force. Your ring extends a needle or blade into your skin and shoots something into you. You couldn't break out of his arms and felt nothing but pain. Your nerves felt like they were on fire, your body began to shiver, and your eyes felt like they were about to explode.
"Sh, sh, sh, it's ok. You'll get through the transformation soon. It’ll be nothing but pleasure from here on out, my love,” Nos comforts, gently stroking your head. “Once you drink my blood, the transformation will be complete, and we can be together forever.”
“Nos…Nosfer…Nosferatu!” You scream, rage and fear flowing through your blood.
“No! Call me Nos. I’m still your sweet, Nos. I’m your wonderful fiancé!” Panic is in his voice as he realizes he’s starting to lose you.
You yowl in pain, and with the newly formed claws, you swipe at Nos. He jumps away from you as you run toward the library. Everything was black and red. There was no other color present. You see a book on a desk and fiercely open it, only to find out some things are better left as secrets.
“The son of the chief of Verano made a deal with the blood devils. One maiden will be the sacrifice for us all and be the devil's future mother. A sacrifice made before the first snowfall, or else we will pay for it all,” You read the page making more anger surface. “This year’s Blood bride is Y/N. Please note that the heir has chosen to court her and then ask for her hand in marriage.”
“Darling, no! Don’t read that book! You’ll get confused!” Nos yells, grabbing your shoulder. “ Your body is tired from the transformation. You need to rest!"
"Don't touch me! I can't believe I was ever your friend! How long?! How long did you plan on doing this to me?!" You rage, tears falling down your cheeks.
"I only- thirteen. I knew you were my bride at thirteen and have courted you ever since. You wanted to stay friends, and I still wanted a relationship, so I abided by your wishes and drove suitors away from you. I didn't want you to find out who I was through force like the other brides of my family. I wanted it to be a nice experience for you." Nos holds you in his arms as your claws swipe at him drawing slow-moving blood. "We can still have a wedding with your family. I'll invite them, and they'll know you're ok."
"Do you know what you've done?! Everyone in the village thinks I'm cursed or a witch!" You scream, trying to get out of his arms. "I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!"
"NO! You don't hate me! It's the vampire venom talking! You love me! You love me just like you did before!" He growls, slamming you onto the brick wall. "Clearly, we need a little couples therapy until that is gone from your system."
He bites your neck, and pleasure goes into your veins. Your legs wrap around his, and your hips unconsciously grind on his crotch. Nos is too strong from drinking your blood to try pushing him away. You can only try to keep your body still as he drinks from you. Your vision goes dark, and you let out a small moan.
When you wake up, your vision is dark, and your naked body feels cramped. You push open the padded ceiling, and something metal moves as light hits your face. Red liquid falls on you from above, making everything but your face smell metallic. You crawl out of the coffin, trying to head towards the backdoor facing the woods. Nos grabs you and licks your cheek, making you shiver.
"I think this will bring us closer together, don't you?" Nos asks, removing his red robes and putting his naked body against yours. "I won't take your virginity until the wedding night unless you want to lose your virginity before then."
"I will never marry you!" You scream, trying to break away but can't due to the wet blood.
"Oh, I love it that you're still stubborn. Let me treat and clean you up, my love," Nos kisses as his hands go straight to your crotch and breast.
He sticks his fingers in you and rubs your nipple as he makes out with you. Nos looks at you, and his brown eyes become bright red.
"Focus on the sensations. In and out," Nos whispers, kissing the previous bitemark he gave you.
You felt like you were losing your mind. You didn't want to follow his orders. Soon enough, you were begging for him to finish you off. He took out his fingers from inside you after you orgasmed. He sucked on his fingers covered in your juices and blood. Then, began to lick the blood on your body. You tried tugging at his pants from below, but he swatted your hands away. Nos licked and kissed his way down to your crotch, where he found that you were bleeding. His face lit up, and you were too euphoric and full of lust to care what would happen next.
"It seems your body has decided that we must have our wedding now," Nos says, taking you into his arms so he can put you in a bath. "We're going to have one bloody hell of a wedding, darling."
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be-missed · 10 months
Not Strong Enough (Chap 5)
Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
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(pictures not mine)
Summary: Jenna was visiting her mom in the hospital to drop off the food that will be eaten for the hospital party, but she met a resident surgeon and she thought "God forbid I ran into an accident, but I want her to open me and stitch me up." While the surgeon tries her best to keep her fan girling low-key.
Warning: curse words.
A/N: 5th chapter, thank you for waiting. I'll be using a different POV her, please tell me if this is better or no. Also, I think if I start using this POV, y'all need to be guessing what's inside of Jenna's (in the story) mind.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 6
Chap 5
"Hey, thanks for today, I really enjoyed the concert. See you around!"
You kept on reading the last text message that Jenna sent you after the concert. In the past few days, you are trying to keep your distance from the girl that you have been liking for some quite time now. After the concert, listening to the songs, it feels like you are having a revelation; you can't and you won't be the love of her life you thought.
So what you did was to be more productive than you are to stop yourself from thinking of the other girl and checking your phone. In the hospital when Jenna visits, you try to lessen your interaction and dismisses her telling that you are busy and needed in the surgery room. But one time, Jenna caught you seating in the chairs and watching a video on your phone. You didn't know that she'll go visit and unfortunately she asked around and asked what time is your break.
You were watching Melissa Barrera's 'Get To Bed With Me' YouTube video for Harper's Bazaar. "So, you are on a break, right?" You heard from your side and that got you surprised, it is Jenna's voice and you answered "Hey, I didn't know you were coming." and she chuckles and said "I came to surprise you, you were always on the go when I visit" she said and sat beside you.
You look at her whole figure intently, nothing has change, still the same chipped nail polish from the concert, same chuck taylors that she loves to wear, her headphone hanging around her neck, that necklace she wears sometimes when she is in the mood and a few rings.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry... there's a lot that's been going around here" you said with a sad smile and Jenna answered "No worries, I'm just glad I get to talk to you." and smiled at you.
Why does she need to smile like you are the softest thing that she have ever seen. "So, I just noticed, I mean I don't want to assume, because like, you know, it's not good, but I would like t you know, ask maybe, or like no, I've been meaning to tell you-" Jenna started to rumble but you held her hand and squeezed it and said "Hey you're rambling, it's ok breathe."
"Okay, I noticed that you are kinda ignoring me. You haven't replied to my message last last week, you have been ignoring me when I go here, I mean yes, we talk in facetime but you end it so quickly. I just... I miss you." Those words came out of Jenna's mouth.
She misses you. SHE MISSES YOU.
"Oh..." You started "I'm sorry if you feel like that, but I have been really really busy." You ended. But you feel like Jenna knows that you are lying to her.
"Sure, I mean, I'm sorry to bother you." Jenna said and went up to stand but you stopped her "Hey, please don't think that you're bothering me, that can never happen" and you smiled at her.
"Okay..." Jenna said and accepted your answer "So, do you have any plans for Halloween?" she asked and you answered "Yes, actually My friends and I are having a Halloween Party, just the four of us since we can't handle big events" and ended with a laugh.
"That sounds really nice, what are you dressing up?" Jenna asked you with such curiosity and you answered "Well, I'll be dressing up as Mavis from Hotel Transylvania."
Jenna took a mental note on that. The both of you heard a blaring sound and a voice said "Code Blue" and that alerted you.
"Hey, I'll be calling you, I am needed, duty calls." You said and kissed Jenna's cheeks and hugs her and you bolted out.
"Y/N please stop walking around, please" Ava stated while you pace around the break room with you friends watching you like you were in a loop. Beatrice enters the room, kissed her wife and looked at you weirdly.
"What is happening here?" Bea asked and her wife answered, "Well your friend here kissed her little princess, IN THE CHEEK." Ava exaggerated the last words that made Bea chuckle and said "Wow, a kiss on the cheek made you like that, how about when you get to kiss her." and the wives made fun of you that made you stop from pacing.
"GUYS! This isn't even funny!" You said that made the both of them laugh even more, "Chill down Y/N, girl friends kiss each other in the cheek." Beatrice emphasize the space between girl and friends "And please calm your thoughts down, try to stay in the present and no overthink yeah." Beatrice added.
"Okay, sure sure, I will try" you sat beside them and drink your water.
"So are you ready for our Halloween Party?" Ava asked and you just nodded "Okay, I can't wait to see you in your costume."
"TRICK OR TREAT" Those are the three words that the four of them hearing while they are having a dinner and playing monopoly.
"Damn, it's so late and there are kids outside." Ava stated as you went up and opened the door to give them candies and give them compliments for the effort that they did for their costume.
As you take your seat again "You can't blame them. I'd be walking the whole neighborhood just to get lots of candies" and rolled the dice, you moved your character that landed on boardwalk. You hollered and celebrated as you got the most expensive property in the game.
"That's not fair Y/N, you need to leave some property for us." Camila exclaimed while pouting like a little kid, "Oh stop it, you almost owned all of the land on the other side."
Beatrice gave you a house and the card for the boardwalk. Another knock on the door and a "Trick or Treat" can be heard, with a happy feeling, knowing that you'll be crashing Ava and Camila in the game, you happily get the bucket of candy and opened the door, and it stunned you.
Jenna was the one that is in front of the door, with her little cousins.
As you scanned her face, you could also see a surprised look, she probably doesn't assume that you will be the one opening the door and will be giving them the treats.
"Hey..." you said with the brightest smile, feeling like a fucking winner even if the game hasn't ended, but looking at Jenna with her orange long sleeve under a yellow jersey T-shirt, cargo shirt, and on her adidas rubber shoes. You intake in everything that is on her and she replied back with a smirk on her face "Hey back to you beautiful."
"Can I get my candies now?" You hear a littlw voice and you looked down and answered "Sure sweetie, here get anything you want" and almost gave all of the candies to Jenna's cousin.
"Whoa there, that's a lot for you miss." Jenna exclaimed seeing that you almost empty the candy bucket that you have.
"Didn't know you live around our block?" Jenna said and you answered "Oh no, this is not mine, this is actually where Ava and Beatrice lives" and scratched your head, "You wanna join our party?" you asked Jenna and she answered "Oh I would like to, but as you can see I'm tasked to bring the kids to trick or treat"
That made you sad because you won't be hanging with Jenna.
"But... I can come after we round the whole block if that's alright?" She asked and that made you smile and you answered "Sure, that's great" and you watched them walking away. The both of you shared a small wave.
As you went back to the table, you said to the group " I hope it's okay that I invited someone later?" and that made them look at you "It's just Jenna, so I hope you don't mind?"
"Wow, so now you got the guts to invite her huh? But yeah, it's okay for me, how about you my love?" Bea said and Ava nodded because her mouth is currently full with m&m.
"It's about damn time I get to meet her. I'll show her how I fucking nailed Wednesday's dance" Camila exclaimed and both you and Beatrice said "Please no."
An hour passed and the four of you are just watching a horror film when the doorbell rang. When you opened the door, you saw Jenna standing with a wine on her hand.
"Hey you didn't need to bring something" you said and Jenna answered "I think it's good to impress your friends" and the both of you entered the living room that made the other three stare at you.
Beatrice paused the movie and Camila said "Wow, you got your whole costume planned huh?" and that made you look at her questionly.
You then scanned Jenna's costume, orange long sleeves under a yellow jersey T-Shirt, a cargo short, and a rubber shoes. That's where it clicked, SHE WAS DRESS AS JOHNNY, Mavis' husband.
"Surprise" Jenna said in a little voice and looked at you worriedly.
You bit your lips and said "Well good to see you husband." You kissed her cheeks again and pull her to the sofa to the spot where you were seated earlier and the movie continued.
"I hope it's okay" Jenna whispered and that made you look at her, you were so close to her face, the lights of the TV illuminated her face, and that just took your breath away.
"What do you mean?" You asked, a bit of perplexed on what she's asking. "I dressed up as Johnny" she said.
You thought, why would she feel sorry for dressing up as your husband, as Mavis' husband? Because what she just did for her costume, being in a couple costume with you, sent you heart beating impossibly fast that you fear it will just stop and Jenna will be seeing you body lying on the floor while your three friends are trying to perform a cpr on you.
"No worries, I kinda like how you played it off, it looks good on you." You said and if the lights were on, you will notice how the blush on Jenna's face creeps in. "You are beautiful as well Y/N" Jenna said.
"Can we please now watch" Camila said to the both of you because she is just literally seating close to the both of you, which made the both of you said your apologise quietly and sat comfortably beside each other.
The night went on, and the five of you finished two movies. Beatrice and Ava are now cleaning the living room while you clean the dining room which leaves Camila and Jenna in the living room.
Camila broke the silence and said "I really liked you on Wednesday." and that made Jenna smile and said a thank you, Camila then continued "You know, if I may, I can show you how I perfected the dance you did in the ball" Camila stands up in the middle of the living room and within a second you tackled Camila into the floor, not wanting to make Jenna feel uncomfortable since you have watched a lot of her interviews about the Wednesday dance and also you are concerned about your friend who can't really dance to save her life.
"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N" Camila exclaimed and pushed you off of her "I'm sorry, I just missed you" you answered while you are still lying on the floor.
Jenna went to you and helped you up "Are you okay?" she asked and you just nodded.
"That was not fair Y/N, I was about to show Jenna my dancing skills" Camila said with a pout on her lips, and that just made you giggle.
Jenna buts in and said "Maybe you can show me next time when we meet each other again."
But that just made your head shakes for a no, earning a few "no" that can be heard from Bea and Ava.
Finishing up and gathering your things, you said your goodbye to Ava, Bea, and Camila. Jenna by your side walking towards the street.
"Thanks for inviting me tonight" Jenna said kicking stones that got in her way.
You looked at her like a little kid, thinking it was fun to see her like this, enjoying herself and being young & free. "No problem, I love having you around and the girls have been wanting to meet you since they only got to greet you in the hospital" you said.
"Really? I'm glad to hear that. I also enjoyed spending time with them" She said.
Walking a few more streets and you were nearing Jenna's house. No small talks were made, only the noise of the neighborhood can be heard and your small hums.
Jenna the breaks the silence "I just noticed that you always invite me to do something while I just go and say yes."
"Well, I like hanging out with you" you answered, because it is true. You know for yourself that even if you don't have any feelings for Jenna, you would enjoy her company.
"How about if you come to our Family dinner next time, sounds good?" Jenna suggested and it surprised you. How come you got invited to a Family Dinner and that made you super shy because you will gonna be surrounded with Jenna's family and you were scared that they will not like you. But then you reminded yourself to calm down and live on the now.
"Uhmm sure, if that's okay with your family, I don't want to intrude" you answered and Jenna smiled and said "Oh trust me they would love you there, my mom was also planning in inviting you, she said you are like a daughter to her"
Wow, Natalie has plans on inviting you, that was the first time you heard that. You know that you and Natalie have this bond and you feel so treasured and loved, thinking that Natalie thought of you more like her daughter.
Stepping in front of the Ortega's front door, you and Jenna faced each other earning a sweet smile on both of your faces.
"Thank you for tonight" Jenna said.
That moment, this moment, you were so sure that you wanted to kiss Jenna, you are thinking, you have stopped yourself many times to not kiss her so maybe this is a good chance to let go and just kiss her. Live on the now, you think. Your heart beating loud and you try to block the negative thoughts.
So one of your hand went into Jenna's side, you were slowly leaning in, waiting for a movement from the other girl to pull away and you felt none, so you persisted and you felt that Jenna was also leaning in, placing her hands into your shoulder.
A flashing of lights and a honk is heard that broke you apart. The windows rolled down and you saw Jenna's dad waving, getting down the car and going towards the both of you.
"Hey girls, hope I'm not interrupting something?" said and hugged Jenna and looked at you.
You introduced yourself "Good evening Sir, I'M Y/N, Jenna's friend and Natalie's co-worker.' and stretched your hand to shake his hand which he did shake and exclaimed "So you are who's Jenna is talking about, huh?"
Jenna nudged her father "Dad, please stop" which made her father laugh and said "Well, if you are hungry you can go inside and dig in." and leave the both of you outside again.
You broke the silence and said "Well, I'm gonna go home" you take Jenna's hand and kissed the back of it, "Good night my husband" You said with a teasing smile referring to Jenna's costume and you started to walk down their front yard.
Jenna then said "Good night to you my wife, call me when you're home" and blow you a kiss which you catch and kept it in your pocket that made Jenna laugh.
And that maybe was the greatest Halloween that you could have ever have in you whole life.
Chap 6
A/N: an update, hope this was good. Thanks for reading!
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Nova’s Notes - DD - May 9 & 11
I’m combining both of these entries into one since I have similar thoughts about both!
First off, yay we get our first time meeting Mina and Lucy!!!!!!!! And may I just say it’s great to see these girls being besties and chatting? You can tell just by the way they write that they have known each other a long time. Bram actually did a good job writing these women talking to each other. It feels natural and organic. Finally a “men writing women” moment where I don’t want to gag. I will still never get over the adaptations pitting these two lovely ladies against each other!! Why do we still feel the need to make them “compete.” Ugh :(
Mina’s Letter - I love how she starts right away with “forgive me for not writing you.” She already KNOWS Lucy is going to get on her for that, lol. Also her gushing about Jonathan is adorable and I love how she talks about writing to him in code. Those two nerds, they’re going to end me with their cuteness. Also, studying lady journalists to help with your journalism? What a queen doing that research. As she should! Again, it’s the bare minimum, but Stoker really did a good job with this one I must say. Seeing her be hopeful about Jonathan’s trip to Transylvania and the subsequent promise of seeing places like that together is a bit sobering. :( that is, until we reach her PS!
“You have not told me anything for a long time.” This line makes me want to laugh for some reason and I’m not quite sure why? Maybe it’s because I can hear a slightly scolding tone when she says it, or maybe because I can totally see me telling one of my friends this, especially to goad them into telling me the tea. Either way, it’s great.
“I hear rumours, and especially of a tall, handsome, curly-haired man???”
I’m convinced Stoker read my texts or something because LOL that’s literally how I type! The idea of her writing “???” is adorable and I love it so much. Also by “rumors” does she mean Lucy’s mom? I’m pretty sure she means Lucy’s mom. I think it’s funny the first really descriptive thing we really hear of Arthur is his curly hair!
We can get a good glimpse of Mina’s personality just by this letter. We can already tell she’s genuinely excited to be married to Jonathan and help with his work. She is also very methodical, as she is thinking of several different ways she can practice her stenography and shorthand to help assist him. Like Jonathan, she does her research by reading up on how women in similar fields conduct their craft. She is obviously hopeful and in love with him, as she dreams of seeing new places with him after they are married.
However, she does not neglect Lucy in her missive! While her letter is mostly about Jonathan (which I assume is likely due to to Lucy asking after him and most engaged people do tend to talk about their fiancé — just look at Jonathan), she does take time at the beginning and ending of the letter to a) assure Lucy she misses her and b) tell her the latest news ASAP!! This shows that she deeply cares about her friend, even with her impending nuptials.
Lucy’s Letter - “I must say you tax me very unfairly with being a bad correspondent. I wrote to you twice since we parted, and your last letter was only your second.”
Yep, sure enough, Lucy gets on Mina for not writing to both of her letters (I do wonder if Mina answered everything that was in both letters…). Of course, it’s in a good-natured way and it gives me the same vibes as Rarity from MLP:FIM fainting into a couch or something and I am HERE FOR IT (for those who don’t watch the show, I genuinely mean this as a compliment. I love Rarity -- also I could probably make a whole post about Dracula characters as MLP characters, hmm…).
“Besides, I have nothing to tell you. There is really nothing to interest you.”
*Proceeds to list the hottest gossip* I love this girl so much. She has my whole heart.
“Some one has evidently been telling tales.”
Yep, definitely Lucy’s mom! I would love to see the letters between Mina and Lucy’s mom tbh.
Also when talking about Arthur, it’s so adorable because you can tell at first she only tries to sprinkle in a little bit about him, like “oh he’s just someone I met” and then it quickly morphs into “we met this guy who would be great for you” (Seward mention!!!! Can’t wait to meet everyone’s favorite pathetic wet cat /pos) to “I’m already picking up his slang and using his first name and did I mention IM IN LOVE WITH HIM????”
You can already learn so much about Lucy from this first letter. She’s sweet and caring to the people around her, lively about everything and a bit unsure about love (since she doesn’t quite know if Arthur loves her back). I looked up her age (idk if that counts as spoilers but I’ll tag this as such just in case) and she’s 19!!! This is exactly the kind of letter I would expect a 19-year-old to write to her best friend. I just love how excited she sounds, as she should!!! She’s a young girl in love, perhaps for the first time, and wants her best friend to know. I do love how she tells Mina “write back to me IMMEDIATELY with your thoughts.” Same, Lucy, same.
Back to Seward. It’s so funny to me that he wants to make a psychological study of her while staring straight into her soul and she seems to be chill with it!! Like she still loves Arthur, but she’s also not put off by Jack, either. He’s just got that neurodivergent urge to study her under a microscope and honestly, who can blame him? I can also see why Lucy would ship Seward and Mina together; obviously, I’m a diehard Jonmina shipper (and I’m pretty sure Lucy is too, she just likes chaos), but I feel like Mina and Seward would totally bond over train schedules and other nerd stuff.
So, to sum it up, I love both of these girls and their friendship so much and I can’t wait to see more of them!!! Eeeee
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
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𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT: 2.6K
𓆩♡𓆪 AUTHOR'S NOTE: wanted to get one more monster fic out before i get into the full holiday spirit, hope you enjoy! <333
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Nights like this still felt surreal to you. The sounds of the city echoing below you as they filled your ears mixed with the pretty view of the city lights never failed to make you smile in reminiscence. The cold breeze brushing over your skin as you peered over to the sky, leaning your head back against the balcony wall while you stared at the moon.
The gradient dark navy sky is so clear in contrast to the glowing yellow white surrounding you in an ethereal glow almost identical to that same night all those decades ago. The same night you met him.
Back when you were still a mere human, a famed hunter following her father’s footsteps after his death at the hands of Dracula, killing him in the process. Forced to carry on his legacy under the weight of the Helsing name as his only daughter when rumors of a new ruler taking Dracula’s throne arose after his death.
Arriving in Transylvania shortly after on behalf of the Vatican’s orders, in pursuit of the evil tormenting the villagers. It was expected of you to fill the void left by your father, being the skilled hunter that you were, having learned everything that you know directly from the source, positioned you at the highest rank among hunters. That's how you met the new prince, Bakugou Katsuki, a force of nature that many would say was more powerful and dangerous than Dracula himself.
Still remembering the first night you met him like it was yesterday, those glowing vermilion orbs invading your dreams the following nights after you managed to escape his castle. Almost like he was communicating with you through your sleep, calling to you. Eventually falling into this game of cat and mouse with every encounter you had with him, until you finally submitted to your growing desires, allowing him passage into your mind at night as he connected his thoughts with yours.
The sounds of keys against the front door capture your attention as you peer over to the entrance through the glass sliding doors of the balcony. Spotting the same glowing irises as he locks eyes with you whilst entering the penthouse, a grin immediately spreads across his face as he makes his way towards you. Gentle hands cradling your cheeks as he leans down to press his lips against yours before pulling back, pressing his forehead against your own as your arms wrap around his waist.
“What are you looking at?”, he asks while peering over to the city before his eyes return to yours.
“Nothing, just the moon is really pretty tonight”, you say as you twist your head to place a kiss on his palm while he leans his head back to look at the moon.
“Mm, not as pretty as you though”, he snickers as his hands run along the sides of your body before gripping the back of your thighs, hoisting you up as you wrap your legs around his waist while chuckling.
“You're the pretty one”
“Oh yeah? I wouldn't know since I apparently can't see my reflection”, to that you let out a laugh, still finding it amusing how bewildered he was when he sat down with you to watch the modern vampire movies humans have created countless of times, inspired by the old tales of Count Dracula that have been passed down millennia after millennia.
Some had accurate depictions of vampires, many had even mentioned your father which is how your interest in these movies began, but a few had questionable details regarding the attributes of a vampire. The ability to see our reflection in mirrors being one of them. Vampires were very much capable of seeing their reflection, especially in modern society where humans would make them from mostly aluminum, unlike back when Dracula still ruled, that mirrors were made from polished obsidian that could obstruct the image of a vampire but still be somewhat visible.
Which is why Bakugou found the allegations absurd that he hasn't been able to prevent himself from bringing it up every opportunity he gets. And don't even get him started on the movies where vampires could sparkle in the sunlight, or else you wouldn't hear the end of it.
“Oh, let it go”
“Nah, never forgiving humans for that one”, he grunts while carrying you towards the bedroom while you lean down to pull him into a kiss, still smiling at his small tantrum.
Placing you down on the bed as he nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck while you run your fingers through his blonde locks, reveling in each other, something you both enjoyed regularly since time was certainly not a problem for either of you.
“Mm, I'm hungry”, he says while trailing kisses along the side of your neck.
“You're always hungry”, you snorted back.
“What can I say… I can't get enough of you, baby”, he snickers while still placing kisses along your skin, his words making you let out a small laugh as you cradle his face in your hands to pull him towards you.
Pressing your lips against his as you devour each other in a fervent kiss, his tongue drags across your bottom lip, asking for entry inside your mouth as you give him access. Your tongues pressing against each other until you succumb to him, allowing his tongue to explore inside your wet mouth before you pull his bottom lip between your teeth, lightly cutting them with your fangs as the sweet taste of his royal blood hits your tongue.
“Go ahead”, you whisper against his lips, a smirk adorning your features as he matches yours.
Katsuki and you have always had this attraction towards one another, even back then when you would still be under orders to hunt him down and bring an end to his life for the sake of the people, he had always piqued your interest. Before him, vampires were just pests that did nothing but harm, just another evil in the world that you needed to get rid of like your father had taught you.
But Katsuki made you feel things no one else could, the thrill of the hunt growing with each encounter as you found yourself looking forward to meeting with the blood sucker each night that you went out in pursuit of him or members of his coven that could give you any information that could work at your advantage to take him down. The rush of adrenaline that you'd get when you would fight against him, always ending with either of you cutting the small rendezvous short before you could land a fatal hit on the other.
Eventually you started to notice the pull between the both of you with the way he’d whisper to you in your dreams, with how you couldn't bring yourself to pierce his heart after many attempts, or how anyone that would dare cause you harm, vampire or not, would turn up dead with their heads ripped out and the symbol of his coven carved into their foreheads. All leading up to the fateful night you'd manage to sneak into his castle when he was hosting a vampire ball, taking the distraction as an opportunity to finally put an end to your mission and return to your quiet life in the hopes of leaving the weight of the family name behind. But your plans didn't go as intended when you found yourself pressed against him in the balcony of his chambers, giving yourself to him as all your pride melted under the moonlight.
Katsuki continued to trail kisses down your neck as he removed both of your clothes in the process, settling in between your legs as he placed a kiss on your inner thigh before sinking his fangs into your tender skin, a soft grunt vibrating inside his chest as the sweet taste of your blood streams down his throat. The feeling of his fangs puncturing your skin making you close your eyes from the feeling of bliss coursing through your body.
Vampires feeding off of other vampires was considered a taboo by some but the both of you found it endearing, something intimate that makes the bonds between you two grow even stronger. Occasionally you’d pick up some human from a bar, taking advantage of their drunken state to use them as a blood bag when the two of you would be craving human blood. Sometimes you’d invite Katsuki’s right-hand man and best friend, since the redhead had harbored a soft spot for you after seeing how enamored his blood price was with you. But nothing compared to the feeling of feeding from each other.
Katsuki laps up the blood dripping from the punctures on your skin before he trails kisses down your thigh, caressing the other with his hand as he gets closer to your mound. Placing a quick kiss on your folds as he leans upwards towards your lower stomach, darting his tongue out to lick all the way up towards your belly button before licking back down the same path.
Sinking his fangs just above your cunt as he leans back to watch the blood drip down your smooth skin and through your folds. Watching as the red liquid mixes with your slick before diving in between your legs to drink up the mixture. Dragging his tongue with expertise and passion, licking all the right spots the only way he knew how to do.
Licking up towards your clit, scraping his fangs against the sensitive nub as he bites down around it, sucking on it whilst he drinks your blood while stimulating your swollen clit. The sensation of the added sting mixed with his tongue flicking against your skin, sending you over the edge as you release sinks into the sheets below you.
Removing his fangs from your skin as he leans back to admire the mess between your legs, resting his head on the side of your thigh while his eyes dart towards your hooded ones, noticing how your eyes are already glossy when he's barely touched you. Smiling to himself at how malleable you are when you're under him in contrast to that tough hunter he corrupted all those decades ago.
He sinks his fangs in the fat of your thigh again while he runs his fingers through your folds, collecting your slick on his digits as he lifts them up towards your mouth. Eagerly opening your mouth to him as you wrap your lips around his digits while he presses them down on your tongue. Sucking the mixture of your blood and juices from them as you moan around him, your eyes turning a deep shade of red that matched his vermilion ones at the savory taste of your blood seeping into your tastebuds.
Cleaning his digits before removing them with a wet pop as he lowers them down on your cunt again. Collecting the blood still dripping from the punctures as he inserts them into your warm pussy, your walls clenching around him as he starts to thrust his fingers in and out of your dripping cunt. Curling them upwards as he massages the sweet spot inside of you, making your moans reach a soprano as you feel the knot inside your stomach burst as soon as it builds as you cum around his digits.
The wet squelch of your release mixed with the pool of blood making his cock twitch between his legs as his need to feel your warmth around him grows unbearable. Presenting his fingers to you as he sinks his fangs down on your skin again, this time holding the liquid in his mouth as he hovers above your cunt, letting the blood spurt out of his mouth and drip down onto your already soaked cunt whilst he stares into your crimson eyes, your mouth still wrapped around his digits as you moan at the sight of your blood pouring down on you.
Covering your sensitive skin with the red fluids, making you more slick for him as he leans up to position himself between your legs. Spitting the remaining blood into his hand as he gives his cock a few jerks before aligning himself with you, dragging his cock tantalizing slow between your folds whilst he tortures you with it. His pre cum mixing in with your blood and release while he continues to tease your entrance, the tip of his cock flicking against your clit making you jolt with each slow drag of his cock against your cunt.
“How bad do you want it, princess?”, he asks while leaning down to place a kiss against your chest.
“So bad, need you inside, please”, you plead while reaching down to press your palm against the top of his cock whilst it continues to slowly drag against you, the added pressure making you both hiss.
“You can beg better than that, come one try again” he teases while smirking down at you as a loud whine leaves your lips.
“Please, I need you to fuck me…”, you beg while still rubbing the top of his cock.
“... Please, my price”, and to that Katsuki loses his composure as a small smirk adorns your features, knowing exactly the words to use to have him in the palm of your hand.
Smirking back at you as he aligns himself with your entrance, pushing his cock inside your warmth as you both gasp from the pleasure. Burying himself all the way inside of you before he starts thrusting his hips back and forth in your dripping cunt. Leaning down to wrap his arms around you to give you access to his neck as you sink your fangs into his smooth skin. The taste of his royal blood pouring into your mouth causes your eyes to roll and shivers to erupt from your skin as you greedily gulp down the sweet red liquid to quench your thirst as he continues pummeling into you.
Both of you getting closer to your orgasm as he sinks his teeth down into your neck as well, feeding from each other while he picks up his pace. Your moans muffled by the skin of the other as the knot inside your stomach bursts again, your release soaking both of your thighs as you squirt around him.
Katsuki follows shortly afterwards as the clench of your walls around him mixed with the honeyed taste of your blood sends him over the edge. Hot spurts of cum plastering your insides as he fills you up with his release before it rings around the base of his cock and mixes in with your other fluids while he continues thrusting into you, not wanting to part for your warm body just yet as you both continue to drink from each other.
Dethatching your lips from his skin as you lean back to rest your head against the soft sheets below you while you catch your breath, Katsuki doing the same to continue to trail kisses along your neck and down your chest, pulling one of your nipples into his mouth as he bites down on the delicate skin.
Drinking the blood from your breast before he leans back up towards your face, pulling you into a kiss as he pours your blood from his mouth into yours, swallowing everything down before he pulls back to rest his forehead against yours.
Rubbing his fingers on your scalp behind your ear while you stay in each other's embrace, lovingly staring into the other's eyes as the glowing red from your eyes starts to diminish into a soft mahogany whilst looking back into his tame vermilion ones. Breathing each other in, under the moonlight seeping through the curtains just like all those decades ago as you both start to drift away into sleep.
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darth-mortem · 8 months
I'm trying to learn English by writing short texts on various topics. I'm writing them about Ghost, Soap and other COD characters. So, here is text about travel and rest (613 words).
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“Hey, Captain, did you miss us?” Soap asked cheerfully, looking at Price.
“Honestly he didn’t.” Gaz answered and smirked snidely. “He said how quiet and calm it was without you two this whole week.”
“You’re a jerk!” Soap pouted. “It can’t be true!”
Captain Price sighed heavily and turned the page of the newspaper he was reading.
Ghost carried their backpacks to their rooms and came back to the dayroom. He started making tea for himself, Price and Garrick. Johnny didn’t like tea, so he made coffee for himself and grumbled something about fucking Brits.
“So where have you been?” The Captain asked, lighting his cigar.
“We traveled through the Carpathian Mountains by quad bikes.” Ghost said and sat opposite Price. “We stopped for the night and slept in a tent.”
“Wow, sex in nature is cool.” Garrick interrupted. “Hope you stocked up on wet wipes.”
“No need to be jealous, mate.” Soap sat next to Ghost and rested his head on his shoulder.
“Were you hunting?” Price asked because he was tired of hearing stupid jokes about personal life of his subordinates.
“Hell yeah!” Soap nodded and smiled. “And fishing! I caught a huge trout! And Simon cooked a gorgeous soup with mushrooms and grilled fish steaks.”
Johnny told how Simon and he were picking mushrooms and all his prey was poisonous. It was the first and the only time Ghost allowed Soap to pick mushrooms. Kyle was laughing a lot and Johnny kicked him once or twice.
“Where your route had started?” Price asked when the Sergeants calmed down.
“We flew to Slovakia by plane,” Ghost answered, drank his tea. “Then we rented quad bikes and went through it, Poland, Ukraine and Romania.”
“And Transylvania!” Soap interrupted.
“Did you see vampires?” Garrick smirked.
“No, but Johnny was attacked by a bat,” Ghost raised his balaclava and lit a cigarette. “It was at night when he left the tent. I was already asleep, but his screams and shots woke me up”.
“Soap, did you really shoot a bat?” Gaz stared at Johnny.
“Oh, fuck you, guys!” Soap got angry and pouted. “It was a bloody big bat! And very aggressive!”
“So did you kill it, son?” The Captain looked at Johnny with interest.
“Maybe,” he answered. “It was fucking dark there!”
Soap started showing photos and videos. There were a lot of beautiful pictures of nature; their camp with a comfortable tent, camp table and two fishing chairs; their food cooked by Ghost. Soap was in many photos and videos too. Price and Garrick saw how he was riding a quad bike, fishing, trying to help with cooking, jumping from the waterfall naked, even sleeping in the tent. Simon has much less photos and he was in his balaclava there.
“We have brought gifts for you!” Johnny smiled and ran to his room.
He came back very soon, carrying several packages. Price and Garrick received postcards from Slovakia, magnets from Poland, handmade leather wallets from Ukraine and vampire clay mugs from Transylvania.
“Now it’s your turn to go to leave,” Soap said to the Captain and Gaz. “Where will you go?”
“On the seaside,” Price answered. “I want just to lie in the sun, to swim in warm sea and to drink cocktails all week”.
“And I’ll go water skiing and spearfishing,” Kyle said.
“So you will go together too?” Simon asked, bowed his head.
“No, just at the same place,” Gaz answered quickly, and Soap smirked.
“Well, I’m going to sleep,” Ghost said and got up.
“Me too,” Soap smiled. “Good night!” They left together and Kyle got up to make another cup of tea for him and for the Captain.
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
midnight munchies
sometimes getting high with your crush ends in success
pairings: Modern!wolfwood x AFAB!reader warnings: !nsfw minors dni!, smut, making out, fluff, kinda mentions being high (doesn't go into much detail about that), cunnilingus, fingering, adam sandler notes: this went a bit out of my control lol- i may or may not have a part 2 in the works. also i have like a bunch of headcannons for my modern wolfwood in this fic if anyone wants them-- word count: 2.2k words
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“Remind me again why we can’t grab all these snacks?” The gravelly voice of your dearest friend Nicholas D Wolfwood asks, grabbing a few bags of chips from your kitchen. You sigh and shoot him a look. “Because I get the munchies and literally cannot control myself when I’m high.” You reply as the microwave beeps lightly. You pop open the door and grab the popcorn with a smile. Nic sets a bowl down next to you, and you give him a quiet thank you, before pouring the warm snack into the bowl.
It’s movie night - a now weekly tradition the two of you have developed. A night where you pick out a terrible movie, get high, and just hang out. 
You’ve only been friends with Nic for about a month now, after meeting on the balcony at some party you didn’t want to go to. It’s crazy how immediately the two of you clicked. And instead of making out and never talking again, you held yourself back from kissing this insanely attractive man and got his number instead. To be friends. 
Now the two of you are basically inseparable. Texting constantly, always hanging out during your free time, and basically becoming the ultimate pair of best buds. And although that relationship is great, you can’t help but long to be something more…intimate. You thought he was attractive the moment you saw him with his messy dark hair, and tan skin. He’s like straight out of a TV show. As you got to know him more though, you couldn’t help but just keep falling. He’s funny, nice, a bit of a loser, and he is really good with kids. He’s like a dream guy! 
Even now, as you sit next to him on your shitty ass couch, you can’t help feel your heart flutter within your ribs. The way he leans back, and puts his arm across the back of the couch- almost around your shoulders. The way he throws a chip in the air and catches it with his mouth so casually- his light chuckle as something funny happens in the movie. It’s all so perfect. 
You’re not even paying attention to the movie at this point, eyes focused on him with this small smile. You’re sure you look absolutely in love, but he’s not even paying attention to you.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss Adam Sandler.” 
His eyes are hyper focused on the movie (Hotel Transylvania 4). You’re a little confused on why he’s actually invested in this movie, but he’s cute so whatever. His smile starts to widen, and his eyes glance over to you, as if he’s waiting for you to answer. 
“He’s not in this one?” You ask, turning your head to the screen with a slight blush. “How can you not tell?” Nic asks, laughing softly. 
“Oh I’m sorry I’m not an Adam Sandler expert like you.”
He laughs again, throwing his head back. He’s so cute. You break out into a little giggle of your own, and join him in what feels like a non-stop laugh session. Yeah- the effects are starting to hit you now for sure. As soon as you can catch your breath you cool down, and with a happy sigh you lean over resting your head on his shoulder.
He smiles when your head hits his shoulder and looks down at you. “This is kinda cute, you know.” He mumbles softly, only loud enough for you to barely hear it. Your cheeks turn a bit pink, and you let your thoughts inside your head flow through your lips without even thinking. “You’re kinda cute, you know.” you huff.
He smiles softly at the words, his eyes lighting up. “What was that?” He asks, an amused tone to his voice. “You gotta be louder than that.” He chuckles, flashing you a coy grin, before turning back to the movie.
“I said you’re kinda cute.” You repeat, this time louder. Suddenly you’re feeling a little brave. There’s an almost permanent smile on your lips, even as your heart thumps softly in your chest. Nic’s breathing stops for a moment, before his chest erupts into a light chuckle. He lowers his arms around your shoulders, and pulls you into his side. You can feel the vibrations in his chest from the laughter, and smell the smoke on his clothes. 
He angles his head down to look at you. “Aww thank you darlin~” You can feel his breath against your face and it makes your heartbeat pick up. He looks at your relaxed expression and chuckles again. “Is it hitting you already?” He asks, his hand squeezing your shoulder softly. “You really are so cute…”
You make no effort to push yourself away, but hide your face a bit. “Don’t make fun of me like that I might actually explode.” You mumble, flustered beyond all belief. He puts his fingers under your chin, and lifts your face up so it’s facing his. 
“Adorable…” His hand drops, but you stay looking up at him. His tone is soft, but there’s a hint of amusement on his face.  “If I tell you a secret, will you promise me you won’t tell anyone?” he lowers his tone to a light whisper, leaning in closer so his lips graze your cheek. “Just between us?”
“I promise.” You mumble oh so softly, taking in his scent. Your eyes are a little wide, staring up at him with red cheeks. This feels intimate. 
“Okay…I think I like you.” He whispers, his tone so soft. “It’s dumb and cheesy I know, but I just…” he trails off with a sheepish smile. “Wanted to be honest with you. I mean we just smoked together, and I’m a little bit stoned, and you’re cute and this just feels right to tell you how I feel about you.” He rambles, lifting his head away a bit so you can see that he is serious.
It hits you hard. Really hard. He likes you too. You should kiss him, or tell him you feel the same way. Instead though, you give a little dramatic gasp. “This is crazy, but I…” you trail off, your teasing tone becoming more serious as your voice drops down an octave. “I think I like you too.” And when you say those words, they come out serious. You’re being honest.
His eyes widen, and it looks like he’s letting the news settle before he leans in more. “How much?” he asks with a tiny, playful smile. You lean forward and press a soft kiss to his lips, closing your eyes as you do. It’s a small kiss, and before he can kiss back you pull away. “That much.” 
In an instant he sweeps you up into his arms and pulls you onto his lap, his lips connecting with yours again. It’s a heated kiss, one filled with passion. He pulls you against him, and you have to hold back a whine as you rub against him softly. His tongue swipes against your lips, and as soon as you part them he’s shoving his tongue right into your mouth. He takes a little while to explore every inch he can, before he pulls away. It leaves both of you panting. 
“Wow.” Is all you can say, dazed from whatever that was. Nic doesn’t seem to be doing much better, nodding with a smile. “That was…really nice.” He agrees. “We should….keep doing that.” You mumble.
You both lean in for the kiss, picking back up where you stopped. Your hands rush to his hair as your lips move in sync. He puts his hands on your  waist, squeezing your body softly. He pulls away from the kiss, and pushes his lips against your neck. He trails kisses down, nibbling and sucking slightly. “N-Nic-” you moan and grind down slightly. He gasps at the pressure and lets out an honest to god whimper. “F-Fuck darlin’- you’re driving me crazy.” he mumbles against your skin.
You whisper a curse, your body heating up at the little nickname he calls you. “I love when you call me that.” You murmur. You feel him smile against your neck, and his lips leave your skin as he pulls back. “Oh is that so?” I guess I have to keep calling you that then, Darlin’~” He chuckles, watching your reaction. He must like it, because the next thing he does is lean down next to your ear. “Does it just make you melt?”
You let out a shaky moan, and his laughter vibrates against your ear. “You fucking tease.” You shoot at him with feign anger. He pulls away from your ear and instead presses his lips to yours again. A sweet little apology kiss. You grab onto his face and deepen it again.
It turns into a lazy open mouthed kiss soon enough, his tongue twirling around yours as soft moans leave your throat. As you pull away you bite his lip softly which causes him to grunt. Next thing you know you’re being flipped onto your back with him hovering over you. His lips are on yours again, and he trails his hand up your shirt. His hand is warm, and calloused. The skin to skin contact sends a shiver down your spine.
He slowly pushes his hand up further, cupping your breast, massaging it through your bra. You whimper against his lips, and in return he moves his hand to your other breast and gives it some attention as well. The feeling goes straight down, and you buck your hips up in a desperate attempt for some friction. 
He hums, and starts moving his lips down. He places phantom kisses over your clothed nipples, and keeps moving down. Your eyes widen at the realization of where this is going. His fingers dig into the waistband of your bottoms, and he pulls them off quickly. Now completely bare- he stares down at your exposed pussy. His pupils dilate with a hunger you don’t think you’ve ever seen before. He flicks his eyes back up to your face. “This okay?” He asks- voice soft.
You nod, but he doesn’t move. “I need a yes darlin’.” He mumbles. You can tell he’s excited, especially with the way his fingers dig into your thighs, but he’s still taking the time to make sure you’re alright. Cute.
“Y-Yes.” You manage to get out- despite being helplessly speechless by the situation. At your consent, his fingers trails down your stomach. Your breath hitches in your throat as he takes two fingers and dips them slowly through your folds. “So wet for me, and I’ve barely done anything…” He trails off, smirking as you twitch below him.
“I can’t wait to taste you.” He growls softly, lifting your legs into the air. He starts trailing kisses down your thighs, lowering his head between your legs. It takes everything within you not to scream at him to hurry the fuck up. He bites the inside of your thigh ever so softly, before his face hovers your cunt.
His eyes meet yours and he smirks before letting out a warm breath against you. You whine and try to lift your hips up to meet his face, but he’s holding you down. “Now, have some patience. I promise you it will be worth it.” He coos, softly.
The noise you let out must tell him how desperate you are, because right after he chuckles and licks up your folds, never breaking eye contact. 
“Nicholas- oh my god!” You arch your back up and cry out. He smiles and slowly inserts a finger into you, soon joined another. “Let me hear all those pretty noises.” His mouth moves against your cunt. You sob out his name again, and he presses his tongue against your clit.
He licks and sucks at the sensitive bud, while his fingers curl inside of you. The noises you let out are loud, and rather sinful. You’re not sure if your neighbors are appreciating the symphony of lewd screams as much as Nic is- but you honestly don’t care much right now. Your hands drop to his head, gripping onto his hair as he eats you out. 
He moves his fingers in a certain way that has your toes curling, and it becomes clear that you’re already close to the end. “Nic I’m close-” You warn breathlessly.
He speeds up his fingers in response, mumbling praise against your folds. It’s enough to send you over the edge- and the orgasm hits you fast. 
“FUCK- I’m coming- oh god I’m-” You squeeze your eyes close as you yell out for him. The pleasure waves through you, causing your body to jerk around a bit. He works you through your climax, lapping up everything that flows out of you like a starved man.
You fall slack against the couch as he sits back up, wiping his face. He’s got this lazy, satisfied smile on his lips as he looks down at you. 
You reach your hand out to his dick, still trapped in his pants but he shakes his head. “Tonight is all about you.” He mumbles, grabbing your hand to intervene. He brings your palm up to his lips, and kisses it softly. He pulls you up and has you sit with your face rested against his chest. He wraps an arm around you lazily, and goes back to the movie.
“Hey Nic?”
“I thought I was the one who got the munchies while high”
“Shut up.”
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fashion-foxy · 4 months
Lizzie Hearts x Robecca Steam propaganda (that no one asked for) :
Lizzie grew up as royalty. She was destined to rule over Wonderland. Meaning that her early childhood was spent learning about everything Wonderland to prepare her to be a great ruler and because of that and well, living in Wonderland she obviously loves it.
After Robecca was built, she joined her father in traveling across the Monster World. She spent time Transylvania and even visited the vampire court. Based on how she finishes Draculauara's sentences when talking about the court in Frights, Camera, Action! , time spent in Transylvania and having the Vampire Heart in her, she loves Transylvania.
Lizzie had to flee Wonderland after the Evil Queen's curse. This devastated her and in her diary and the show (especially right before they go to Wonderland and she gets an invitation to her mother's birthday) and doesn't especially have a way cope with leaving Wonderland and missing her mother except fashion.
Robecca and her father had to flee Transylvania. However, once her father started to get back to his teaching position at MH he vanished in the catacombs. This left Robecca devastated and she would often look for him in the catacombs to no avail. The only thing that really helped her cope with her loss was rollerblading.
I think if Lizzie and Robecca met they would bond over losing their parents. They would probably meet after Robecca's father came back, and right before Lizzie went to Wonderland. Robecca, sympathizing with this would definitely encourage Lizzie to share stories about Wonderland and her mother. Robecca would even take Lizzie rollerblading on their first date (something Lizzie has never really done before) after Lizzie started expressing interest on how she dealt with her father disappearing.
Lizzie would totally make matching outfits for the two of them because steampunk/blue and the more royal playing cards/red aesthetics blend beautifully together.
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~ A look, a ship and a sin ~
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warning : implied blood, kiss, sexism (I means it's the late 18th century), kinda smutish/flirting
Summary : The Demeter's last voyage had only a handful of crew members and a load of wooden crates. But when the housekeeper of the crates comes on board for the Lord, it's a look, the ship or a sin that comes up. Above all, the first mate can see through her the true nature of the pretty lady, or can he?
Info : So I watched the last voyage of the demeter a few weeks ago with my parents and I was so excited (because I read the Dracula and seeing the chapter ,,live" was just ahhh). Maybe some people on here want to read something for him I mean I do so here it is have fun reading ;)
gif from @minilev
A crossing to London in the late 1880s was something she had never done before. Such a journey from transylvania to London a world city a city of modernity, a city that would soon be home to her. A city that would soon be doomed without anyone on the ship finding out. Because a ship without a crew could tell nothing.
But nobody could have known that when the sun was high in the sky that day. In the harbor of the city the Demeter was anchored and the captain was not only waiting for his crew but also for his special guest.
A single woman. A single woman who was to serve as housekeeper for the count who had commissioned the crates transportation, but that was all anyone seemed to know.
The footsteps of heeled boots could be heard on the stone floor of the harbor, the leather dragging up her ankles concealed by the white and red dress. The red velvet pattern pulled over the clean white dress that lay against her body, the corset pulled together at the back with laces and covered by fabric.
The sun shone down on the woman, emphasizing her cleanliness and beauty. The hat on her head released her hair but the wind made her strands bounce and the smile on her lips widened a little when she saw the large ship.
A sight of dark wood the great sail furled the figure at the bow of the ship a mermaid. Pretty and mysterious. ,,Ma'm, can I help you?" she heard an older voice than she could attribute to an older man. The thick white beard, the bluish cap and the white shirt that was no longer brand new.
Like something out of a book, she thought and gave him a friendly look. ,,Sir, could you tell me where I can find the captain of this wonderful ship?" she asked, pointing to the Demeter behind the man. She saw the slight smirk and amused look in the man's eyes. A simple game.
The man took off his cap and made a semblance of a bow, which she returned with a flattered curtsy. ,,Miss, you're standing in front of him... you're the housekeeper?" he asked, and suspicion flashed in her gaze, knowing she had taken a close look at his "guest list". Surprise and a grin also made the older man smile, ,,Pleased to meet you sir, I hope we have a good trip to London together...may I perhaps come aboard already?".
The conversation between the two was ignored by the crew as the men had something to do and the newest member of the temporary ship's doctor went to the rope to secure the cargo. All except one man, a man who had his dark eyes on the female. Watching his gaze, unsure about the new passenger and yet with no trust.
And so it was that the captain led his passenger to the ship, helped her up the gangplank and took her pack, ,,A lady shouldn't be overworked," he said with a smile and as a lesson to his grandson, who looked at the woman intently. ,,Men, we have our last passenger, a lady, I expect respect and decency!" the captain shouted to his crew, who turned their gazes to her, some more than others.
,,Wojchek, take the lady to her room and then come to me," the captain demanded, handing the suitcases to his first mate. The black-haired man's gaze was not pleased, not friendly and annoyed.
The short black hair, the beard more well than poorly groomed and dark, unblinking eyes looked at her. ,,A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wojchek, I am-" she wanted to introduce herself and was about to make a knciks when he simply interrupted her, not impressed by her look and smile, or was he?
,,A woman...on board the Demeter, that's something you have to handle with kid gloves, isn't it miss? Come on before you hurt yourself...a ship with men can be dangerous," he replied, letting his gaze wander over her, lingering for a moment on her lipstick-stained lips.
Blood was the same color before he walked past her and she hurriedly followed him so as not to remain alone in the open longer than necessary. And so it was that a few hours later the crew set sail from the harbor, heading out to the great open sea on their way to London months alone at sea.
Just the captain and his loyal crew plus the woman, the new heart of the ship. The heart of the ship who helped the crew where she could which was really nothing.
When she tried to clean the ship because Wojchek had given her a brush and water, saying ,,A woman should be able to do that" before he left, his dislike for her was still there after the captain told him to keep an eye on her so that none of the men would try. 
Even though he knew his crew, the first mate knew that one or the other wanted to do more than just talk, more than just look at those flowers, and when she had finished cleaning she was supposed to help in the kitchen, but the cook gave her the Bible and said she could read it so she wouldn't cut herself on the potato peel. ,,Such an Eve should not be harmed," said the religious man and gave her a smile before turning back to the ingredients.
She was sheltered by all and even helped the little boy to read and count for the captain's grandson, at least what she could do herself, which was what a woman needed to be accepted as a housekeeper. But no matter what, the first mate did not seem to fall for the heart of the ship.
Neither when he saw her at breakfast in the morning in her robe, which protected the thin dress underneath, did his gaze see the cold of the sea showing on her body.
She had tried to cover up the fact that her nipples were pressed against the fabric, her stockings were in her room and he had seen her delicate ankles and noticed her slightly wispy hair.
It was a view that burned into him, a view that wouldn't let him go. Not in the morning did he feel the tingling sensation in his stomach, knowing where his blood was being pumped.
Not at noon when he steered the ship and she kept her diary on deck, looking at him and stretching, her dress riding up slightly, her ankles visible again. Not even after dinner when he was getting ready to take care of his problem came over him.
But this had to end, the ship had to wake up, the Crew had to wake up and if it started with her, he wouldn't let his captain and the ship go down. Not because of this witch.
As he walked through the corridors of the ship, the modn in the sky made the deck and the entire ship seem dark, the sea endless and his thoughts sinful. The knocking on her door as he walked through the ship seemed to make his gaze briefly uncertain if anyone was awake.
But when a ,,Come in" sounded, he slipped into her room, a relatively large room that had room for a bed, a table and a small closet that had seen better days but didn't bother the young woman. ,,Mr.Wojchek, good evening... can I help you?" she asked, getting up from her chair and putting down the brush she had been brushing her hair with.
Her smile was full of innocence but her body was full of sin. ,,A proper lady would have dressed and not come to breakfast like a...whore a witch," he said, his dark eyes looking at her body under her nightgown. The curve of her breasts, her hips, her legs with her lovely ankles and a view of her center which was interrupted when she placed a hand on his chest.
He flinched back a hint of a smile showing he had been right. ,,Was it that recognizable?" she asked, running her fingers over the fabric of his shirt, leaving red streaks with her fingernails from the pressure.
He put his hand on her wrist firmly, warningly as he looked at her. ,,From the beginning," he snarled and she pulled away from his grip with a strength he hadn't given her credit for. She continued to walk around him, letting her hands roam over his tense body, so close that her breasts brushed his arm and back.
Her smirk turned to a giggle as she felt him, that sweet heartbeat, his fear, his anger, his lust, his desire. ,,Such a brave man from the start and yet, yet you almost seduced a woman with your gaze, with your thoughts...with your actions," she murmured to him and reached for his hand, knowing full well what he had done.
That he had desired her. He avoided her gaze as her hand came to rest on his cheek, a sensual touch, and she let out a surprised sound as he pressed her against the wall, his hand pressing against her neck but not completely depriving her of air.
,,I have nothing of the sort," he whispered to her, squeezing harder for a moment, a warning as he reached into his pocket with his other hand, the knife gleaming in the light of the oil lamp. But she just smiled, knowing exactly what he had done, hearing his groans and grunts as he imagined her. Only her for himself.
He was a sinner. Her hand that wasn't around his wrist went to his center, seeing the flash of lust and hate in his eyes as he gripped the knife tighter, his knuckles already white. Knowing that he would be fun to have him. ,,This ends now," he said and pulled out with the knife, ignoring his lust, the flash in his body, the arousal that craved her as she tore his hand from her neck and kissed him.
Her red lips stained his, the lipstick that was supposed to be sweet wasn't at all. The knife slid to the floor in his surprise, he didn't fight back against the lust that felt so good.
But something so good shouldn't taste metallic, shouldn't be freezing cold and shouldn't paralyze him. ,,Shhh don't want to wake the others, good boy... shall we start?" she whispered to him and bit gently into his ear, feeling him wince as he didn't understand what was happening.
As she kissed her way down to his neck before he felt the pain as she rammed her fangs into his neck. Her new pet that sucked his blood was getting another hug. Just as her master could keep several mistresses, she could also keep more.
Starting with the first mate of Demeter who would be hers forever. He almost managed to expose her, but this secret would perish on the endless crossing and never reach her new home in London.
@jessicafangirl maybe you like to read it
@mask-knife-is-buggys-girl (liked your smut blurb)
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thedarkone121 · 6 months
How I would try to Adapt “Dracula”
Hello, resident Film student that is about to graduate here and I have been through the deep-dive of the Dracula by Bram Stoker waters. Suffice to say, I feel in love and was very disappointed that the cultural osmosis of adaptations that I grew up around to understand Dracula does not even come close to the masterpiece that I found within the original story. It’s Jonathan and Mina, by the way. Their relationship is the masterpiece of this story. Go away very problematic themes, stereotypes, and ideas, I will not let you take this relationship away from me.
Seriously, how was it possible for me to ship a Victorian couple so hard? Why do we not have this in more adaptations?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HOLLYWOOD?!
…AHEM! Once again, I am sorry to my followers for another fixation has caught my attention. At least this is something I could probably put in a portfolio…
Moving back to my idea, I should make a point that I am a storyboard artist so my idea generally falls to making it into an Adult Cartoon Series. Something along the lines of the Legend of Vox Machina — because I really like that art style and it feels like it fits best with my plot.
Speaking of which, let me get into the plot! Strap in newcomers because I am a bit of a storyteller when it comes to explaining my whacky ideas, if you didn’t already figured that.
The setting of my adaptation takes place relatively the same time period. In fact, things are largely the same as the beginning of the novel; Jonathan travels to the Count’s castle, he notices the strong ongoing, he has that horrible encounter with the Vampire Ladies, Dracula does who know what to him, he even has his refined taste for paprika!
You might ask yourself: “Well, how is your adaptation any different from the book?” Well, that’s easy, my good friends. Because Jonathan manages to kill Dracula that day on June 30th, where he successfully decapitates the monster that’s been tormenting him.
It all sounds well and good, right? That means no one to torment Lucy and she can have her big day with Arthur. Mina will be safe, no children get bitten. It sounds wonderful…
…But Jonathan can’t get out of the castle. He remains there, trapped, with the Vampire Ladies and a presence that won’t go away.
Months go by and Mina receives a letter, one from her missing fiancé. He is still in Romania working with the Count, but he would like for Mina to come by and look at the land. Thinking how it would be a wonderful place for a honeymoon.
Mina is confused by the contents of the letter, but it is her proof that her fiancé is alive. And now she has a location of his whereabouts.
With a sadden goodbye to Lucy due to the fact that she will miss her wedding, Mina heads to Transylvania in order to find Jonathan.
But when she arrives at the Castle, welcomed by the Three Women, Mina realizes what horrors had plagued Jonathan and now it will soon come to her.
And that’s the outline of the Pilot I had in my head. Do I think it’s possible for Jonathan to decapitate Dracula with the shovel? Probably not, but it needs to in order for this adaptation to work. And before anyone says, yes, this Adaptation is pretty much Mina Murray going all Resident Evil 7 on Dracula’s castle.
She deserves to have her rage moments. Also, she really wants to get married. If it means she has to storm a castle, then she will do that!
Some other facts that I wanted to include:
Lucy gets more of an active role in the story. She’s been poorly adapted for so long, I wanted to give her something more. She’s the Galinda to Mina’s Elphaba. You bet she’s going to lead a search party that involves her husband, their two best friends, and the silly Professor that was interested in the location in order to find her two childhood friends.
Also, yeah. Lucy and Arthur got married. I’m going to give these two a chance to be happy before things go wrong when they arrive at the castle.
The Vampire Sisters get a chance to be main villains for the first half of the show. Yes, I called them Sisters instead of Brides cause I read that two of the three look like Dracula and I’m just going to leave it at that. Also, I think the Blonde one is their mom? I’m not a hundred percent sure. It’s an adaptation. They’re getting more screen time and depth, is what I’m trying to say!
Mina has a gun, watch out.
Dracula still has a role in this story. That I can include.
I know I likened the plot to Resident Evil 7 so I ‘m just gonna go ahead and say this; Mina will not loose any of her hands.
Expect a lot of Jonmina moments, flashbacks and when they reunite included.
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paarthurnax59 · 1 year
Little Sparrow: Chapter 5
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Warnings: Not much, just some swearing.
    Two days had passed after your late-night phone call with Sam. You were packing and preparing for your mission to find Van Helsing and take down Dracula. You and Jinette planned it all out, flight times, transportation, and inns where you would be able to stay in. You gathered every single weapon that might have a chance of killing Dracula or any other creature that will get in your way. Holy water, a silver stake, crucifix, your anti-heart detecting armor, night vision specs and a gun with silver bullets. Everything you needed was packed and ready to leave when you a knock on the door. Ceasing everything you were doing, you walked up to the door. You turned the knob and opening the mahogany door you see Carl.
“Carl!” You perked up and opened the door wider for him. “Come in!” You stepped out of the way, and he entered your spacious bedroom.
“Hello, (Name)! Cardinal Jinette told you would be leaving today.” He observed as he saw all the bags that you had in your room. 
“Yes, I’m leaving today. I only have three weeks to hunt down Dracula and find Van Helsing. I’m almost ready and will head out before sundown.” You confirmed as held out your plane ticket and passport, being ready to leave for Transylvania. He looked around the room and saw an unfamiliar silver case that laid next to your bag, the case that contained the Holy Spear.
“Can I ask what this is, (Name)?” He said as walked over to your bed, making your heart rate increase rapidly. No one other than you and Jinette knew what was in that case, let alone what you plan on doing with it, not even Carl. You promised to keep it a secret from others, and you intend on doing so. 
“That’s top secret, Carl. It’s between me and Jinette.” You jumped at him and placed a firm hand on the case. Carl, being understanding person that he was, stepped back and nodded.
“Very well, (Name). I won’t push it any further.” He agreed as another knock on the door was heard. You smile as you saw a few other friendly faces come at your door. Five of them to be precise. Two of them being the Tibetan monks that you had seen in Jinette’s office a few days prior, Norbu and Tenzin. Bowing as they enter, you return the bow.  Few other also included Spanish, middle-aged nun, sister Maria Montello in her head wrap on her vale from, who was wearing her rosery on her neck.  The fourth was an Ashkenazi Jewish rabbi, whom you know as Nicolaus Goldstein. He walked up to you and gave you a hug. What you didn’t know was that he gave Carl a death glare. Carl gulped in nervousness and looked away with from the angry Jewish man. Last but certainly not least, Imam Nasir Assad, a Muslim elder that you had grown so very fond of since you came to Vatican City. He helps invent and craft armor for the Order. 
“It’s so good to see everyone again! I missed you all!” You said with a warm happy smile, seeing the friendly faces that you had known for ten years. “I hope everything is good for you guys.”
“Better now that you are back. We are very happy you have returned home, Rosa.” Said the kindhearted nun. When you were younger, you would help Sister Maria plant flowers in some of the Garden. Having difficulty adjusting to life in the Vatican, you found solace in helping create something beautiful. You would talk to her about your past and tragic experience of losing your family and being homeless. Sister Maria would often say you were like a rose, though beautiful and soft, can have many sharp thorns. Which is why she gave you the nickname Rosa. She was like a sister to you growing up. 
“Well, I’m not staying for long. I must leave as soon as possible. I have already packed everything and about to head to the airport soon.” You tiredly converse with your older peers as you looked at your things that lied on you bed.
“That’s a real shame, (Name).” Said Tenzin looking at you with sad eyes. “It felt like you just got here and now you had to leave again for some time.” 
“I know, but I have too. I don’t have much time for seeing all of you.” 
“We know, but we understand. Van Helsing is important to all of us and we would rather have him back.” Rabbi Goldstein patted you on the back, speaking in his Yiddish accent. 
“If I can get him back.” You said quietly, sadness laced in your voice. Everyone looked at you, their mood now sours a little from your lack of confidence. Nasir took a step forward with a deep sigh and place a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him and saw he was brandishing an encouraging smile. 
“You will find him. I know it. Have faith, (Name). He is much stronger than you think and so are you.”  He reassured you as his hand disappeared from your shoulder. A sense of warmth had spread through your body after Nasir talking. He always had a gift for uplifting people’s mood and build up their conviction.
“Thank you, Nasir. And I will be back with him as soon as-”
“WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THAT MISSION TO HER?!” Your sentence was halted by thunderous yelling coming from outside of your room and began to follow where the commotion was coming from. Peeking out of the hall, you see Jinette there, along with an all too familiar man, staring down at him with a burning glare. 
    Father Giovanni Capuano, the second in command of the Order. AKA, one of the worst human beings you had ever met.  Alongside him, was Jude Abernathy, one of the hunters of the order. He was Capuano’s protégé and another person you hated with a passion. Few other hunters stood beside Jude, glaring at your guardian with daggers in their eyes. 
“I have my reasons for having (Name) go to fight Dracula, Father. As the head of the Order, I have strong faith in (Name) for the task that is assigned to her. I trust you do the same.” Jinette stood firmly and held his ground against the mob. He showed no fear as he stared down at each of them.
“Faith, ha! That girl had been nothing but trouble since she had come here as a child! She is a spoiled, little street rat with complete disregard for others and their lives! For all you know, she could get anyone she is involved with killed!” Capuano shouted now getting in Cardinal Jinette’s face. Your blood boiled as you ran toward them. 
“If anyone of us have done what she did, we would have been expelled! She should get the same treatment.” Shouted Jude as he stepped in front of Jinette, towering over him with his tall frame. He glared down at him with his piecing blue eyes, trying all he can to intimidate Jinette.
“No! (Name), stop!” Cried Imam Nasir tried to pull you back but failed as you speed toward the crowded area where they were publicly harassing your adopted father.
“Hey! What’s going on here!” You shouted and soon enough, everyone’s eyes, attention…and ire… were on you.  
“Well, if it isn’t the little princess, coming to the rescue!” Mocked a black woman who wore armor as she stood next to Jude. All the hunters had their turns giving you hate filled stares. Carl and the rest of your friends followed you out to the hallway, watching you stand up to your fellow hunters.
“Shove it, Nadia! How dare you gang up on Cardinal Jinette! Is this how you show respect to a man like him?! You have no right to tell him on how to run this organization.” You barked at the woman with as much courage as you could in front of the disgruntled crowd. Father Capuano looked at you with a smirk as he stood away from Jinette and to you. 
“Respect, child? With the track record you have, you have no right to lecture to anyone about respect!” Father Capuano was so close to your face that you could smell the garlic on his breath. He ate too much of the stuff and it nauseated you. “If it were up to me, you would have been banished from this Order. It is foolish for him to have summoned you back. You should have stayed in America doing God knows what in that place.”
“Doing more than you ever did for the Order.” You snapped back at the priest. Capuano’s grin formed into a frown. You knew from the grape vine that Capuano hadn’t never been one to be at the for front of battle. When he had a crowd that surrounded him, sure he will stare you down. But when having to fighting for himself…he backs down like a dog with his tail between his legs. He paused in his speech and then that same malicious grin reared its ugly head once more.
 “Do tell us what have you done, hmm? How about you tell us all about your time outside the Vatican.” He mocked you as you gritted your teeth. The other hunters snickered at you. 
“Mind your own business, old man.” You growled as your clench your fists, wanting very much to punch this man. You had wanted to do that since the day you met with Jinette. The temptation just grew with each passing year.
“It is my business when you are part of the Order, girl! I am of a higher rank than you and you will respect that!” The elderly Italian man barked at you as the crowd, which now felt like an angry mob, shouted their own distain for you. 
“You shouldn’t be going on this mission! You just end up getting someone killed again!” Shouted Jude as he prowled over to you and stood next to Father Capuano, who was smirking down at you. “Father Capuano is right; you should be kicked out!”
“ENOUGH!” Shouted Jinette and everyone ceased their idle disagreements as they all turned to the leader of the order ounce more. All were amazed at how loud the old man was able to silence the entire hallway, including you and your companions. “I will hear no more of this! You are all acting like children! (Name) will go to Transylvania, find Van Helsing and kill Dracula! That is final!” with his conclusive declaration, he stormed off into the direction of his office. You observed with concern and were about to run after him when someone grabbed your arm and turned to find it was Father Capuano, pulling you to him. His lips were to your ear and whispered lowly so that only you could hear him.
“You are very lucky that Jinette favors you so much. For if it weren’t for him, you would be rotting in a cell after you had tried to steal from him when you were a thieving, little brat.” He snarled as he gripped onto your arm a little tighter. You try not to budge at his iron hold on you. Not letting the man see you expressing any amount of discomfort. “Let me make this clear, girl. You have brought great shame to this Order. So much so you would have been exiled and never to return. And I am not the only one.” He said making you look to the other hunters. The lot of them looked at you with distain. Once a upon a time, you would consider these people your brothers and sisters. They were your family.  But due to past transgressions, you had lost any trust and respect from them. They treated you like a pariah sense you had returned to Vatican City. Even when they would interact with you, they would glare at you with daggers in their eyes. “Yes, your fellow hunters despise you. You are not wanted here.” He whispered maliciously. Not wanting to hear anymore, you slip out of the old man’s grasp and huffed in anger as you turn to him.
“Like I need any of that. I’m only here to help find Van Helsing and kill Dracula. That’s it.” You attempt to say with great confidence, which you found yourself failing before the old priest. 
“Oh, and how to do you plan on doing that? Using a silver stake or a crucifix?” He chuckled with his arms folded, looking down on you with cruel amusement. “You have heard the legends, no one has been able to kill Dracula for centuries. This is not some regular vampire we are talking about. This is a monster that has lived for hundreds of years, whose strength and ferocity can rival that of the devil himself. He is in a league of his own. What chance do you have with this creature? What sort of weapon would you, of all people, possess to take out such a beast?” He snickered as he watched for any sign of fear or hesitation in your demeanor. In the end he found none. Instead, you stood straight and smirked as you folded your arms. A smirk appeared on your face. 
“That information is between me and Father Jinette. You heard him, it has been settled, Father Capuano.” You stated confidently, as Capuano lowered his arms down as a frown appeared on his face. “Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go talk to him about the final preparations for my departure. Have a good day, Father.” You start to walk away from before you heard his grating voice one more time before you disappear from the hallway. 
“Well, I’m sure Van Helsing will be so ecstatic to see you. Do tell him I said hello and hope he’s well…that is if he will speak to you.” He chuckled from behind you shortly before you heard heavy footsteps of his Italian leather boots sauntered down the halls and a few other footsteps followed him, knowing full well it was the other hunters taking their leave. Turning around, you noticed that Carl was standing a few feet away from you, with an appearance of sympathy after having to face an army of hunters. 
“(Name), are you okay?” Carl stepped up to your and rubbed your arm to keep you from getting riled up. 
“Yeah, yeah. I will be okay.” You lied through your teeth for Carl to stop fretting over you so much. In truth, you were pissed. Pissed at the fact that Capuano had throwing so much disrespect to Jinette and for shoving your own past failures into your face. Most of all, you were fuming at the fact that you let the stupid, old coot for getting under your skin. You told yourself that you would never let that happen when you came back to Vatican City. Not to mention the mass crowd of your former friends.  People that were the closest thing that you had to siblings. You had tried so hard to keep this kind of situation from happing again. 
“Look, (Name), if you need to talk about-” Carl started with a soft voice, but you interrupted him.
“No, I’m sorry Carl, but I can’t talk about it. I need to get to Jinette and make the final plans for my mission. I will talk to you later, okay?” You turned away from him as you finally let the tears flow down your cheeks. 
 At last, you reached the familiar mahogany double doors of your godfather’s office. The guards stood by as they took a single glance at you before you knocked on the door. 
“Father Jinette? It’s (Name). Are you in there?” You requested softly but still with a voice loud enough for him to hear. 
“He said you can enter. But only you, miss.” Said one of the guards before he reached out to open the door for you. 
“Thank you.” You acknowledged the man as you went in to see your guardian sitting at his desk, rubbing his head with his hands. Jinette looked tired and worn out.  He was taking deep breaths and heavily sighed. Also, you could have sworn you saw him shaking a little. You can tell that he wasn’t well now. “Father Jinette…are you okay?” You asked taking steps closer to his desk. 
“I’ll be alright, Paressa. Just having much to deal with lately.” He sounded drained assured you, or at least attempting to. Yet, you were not buying it for one second.
  You told Carl that you wanted to talk to Jinette about making last minute preparations for your search for Dracula and Van Helsing. Which was true and you were leaving today. However, with the way that the poor old man had been dog piled just ten minutes ago, you were worried. Concerned that the excitement had been a bit much for him. He may have been a great warrior back in his day, but now? He was now a much older and frail version of his former self.
    Never would you say it to him in person, but you can see it in his eyes. Jinette seemed like a very different person when you last saw him eight years ago. He was tired and the stress that he was being put under was not doing him any good. You can’t help but blame yourself for it. You simply being here had stirred enough controversy. Now that you were not only rescueung one of the best hunters in the Order, but also kill one of the most infamous monsters in history. All this cannot be good on your godfather’s health. He had enough to deal with as it is. You only wanted to check in on him and hopefully get the last of your preparations in order. Time was running out with each passing minute you spent not looking for Van Helsing. No matter what was going on in your life or what you had done, you needed to move forward. 
“I know, you shouldn’t have been yelled at like that. You didn’t deserve it.” You knelt next to him, watching him while he tried to calm his emotions. 
“Thank you, (Name). Once more, thank you for standing in. I know with everything that has gone on with you, that wasn’t easy for you.” Jinette gently grabbed your chin with his rough, aged hand. You smiled up at him while you grabbed his hand. You gave it a gentle kiss with as much affection. Jinette smiled back only for a second but his smiled formed to a frown. He noticed some redness in your eyes and nose. The tears that had not shed down your face because you too were trying to hold in your distress. “Paressa, is there something that you need to talk about with me?” He questioned you, making you blink at his inquire.
“What do you mean?” Your reply short and trying not to get into the drama you both had witnessed.
“Well, unless my eyes have gotten worse, I could have sworn I saw some remanence of you crying before you came to my office.” Jinette answered, making your breath hitch. You cursed yourself for him noticing your tears. “And If I am correct, I do believe I know the culprit of these tears.” He asked you again as a single tear came down your face. He whipped it away before you even realized it. 
“What did Giovanni say to you?” He was quick to probe you, knowing full well who made you cry. Jinette knew about your bitter history with Father Capuano. When you met him, it was at the time that you were caught stealing food from Jinette in Paris. Unlike your godfather and some others, Giovanni never warmed up to you, and vice versa. He felt as though that you were the scum under his boot. Just waiting for an opportunity for you to mess up and made you feel like you had caused Mount Vesuvius to erupt while at the same time drop an atom bomb in the heart of Rome. Jinette, and the rest of your friends, often enough had to come in and save you from his harsh criticism. He hated you and you hated him. You thought for a moment of what to say to Jinette, not wanting to cause any more drama. 
“He thinks I can’t do this. That I can’t take down Dracula and save Van Helsing. That everyone here aside from you and few others that I don’t belong here.” You answered as honestly as possible without mentioning the fact he said you belonged in a cell. Giovanni was the one person that made you feel insufficient. The man knew the right buttons to push when it came to your insecurities. He just had to pick a weak spot.
“Are you sure you want me to go, Jinette? There are other hunters in this order that can go and rescue Van Helsing. So many of them far more experienced than I am. They can find a way to take down Dracula far better than I could, and faster! I just don’t want anything to happen to Van Helsing! I still care too much about him to be risking his possible safe return…Even if I am the last person he wants to see.” He was taken aback by your admission, but he also understood. You and Van Helsing were not on good terms when you left. In fact, they were far from it when you went to the states. Which really saddened the old man considering how close you were to him. Despite your struggles, you were always a self-assured girl who never really cared for the opinions of others. Yet, when it came to Van Helsing, it was a very different story. When things fell apart between you, that was when you left the Order. You didn’t care about the others or their opinion of you, unless it affected others like Jinette or your friends. He rose, taking you with him, and embraced you in a warm, comforting hug. 
“(Name), there is no other person that I want to go on this hunt. I know your relationship with Gabriel is stained and broken.” He stroked your back when he spoke. “But it is still salvageable.” Jinette admitted as he let you. His confession made you turn to him with some, while a few te
“How can you be so sure? I mean the last time we spoke he said…”
“I don’t care what he said, considering that his actions spoke louder than words.” He cut you off before you said anything else.
“What do you mean?” You asked as your twisted in confusion.
“He never expressed this to me or anyone else for that matter, but I have noticed something.” He started as he walked away from you and to his large grand window that let him look out Vatican City. Some parts of the ancient city that laid beyond it. “You know when someone has lost something, a sense of longing follows them like a shadow? You can almost instantly notice a change in them right away. They way they speak and the way they move. A missing piece that is stripped from them and replaced by an emptiness that will never be gone unless that void is filled.” He didn’t turn to you as he talked, just stared out into the window as he let his mind wander. “That… my dear Paressa…is what I had seen when I look at Van Helsing, ever since you left.”
“Really?” You perked up when you heard him open about what had transpired with Van Helsing after leaving the Order. In truth, not a day went by you didn’t think of Gabriel Van Helsing. Even when you were traveling with the Winchesters and dating Dean, you still thought about him. You missed more than words can never express. Asking yourself as you lay down in your bed at night, even as you laid down with Dean. What was he doing? Who was he hunting with? What was he hunting? Was he alive and safe? 
     You never told Dean about Van Helsing. Sure, you had shared some details about him with the boys, but you never really got into the bond you had.  A part of you wanted to keep Van Helsing to yourself. Like he was your own deep dark secret that you wanted to keep hidden from the world. Including Dean. You felt like you were betraying him by thinking about Van Helsing while you went out on dates, hunting and even when you made love together. You loved Dean, hell, you still do. Despite what he had said and done to you. But you can’t escape this feeling you get when you think back on your times with Van Helsing. Like there is a piece of you that will always belong to him. A piece that Dean could never have. Even now with Dean having the Mark, how it’s affecting him, your mind is still fixed on Van Helsing. 
“I do believe…through going on this hunt…you will find what you lost. After that, whatever challenges you face, will become easier when you face them. No matter what.” He slowly faced you, his words making your eyes blink at him. You don’t know whether he’s being overly optimistic, or he had maybe gone a little senile. Nevertheless, you will take his word for it for now. Jinette has never steered you wrong before. You took a deep breath and tossed aside the hurtful encounter you had with Giovanni with it. Your head hung for a second and looked up back at Jinette, a sad smile surfaced on your face.
“Okay, I’ll try.”
“Good and as for Giovanni…to Hell with him.” He smirked making you gasp.
“Father Jinette! You swore in the Lord’s house!” You laughed as you covered your mouth in shock. The old man chuckled at how amused you were at your very first time at hearing him swear.
“I believe He would agree with when it comes Giovanni.” He chortled while he pointed upward as an amused grin on his face. You never thought Jinette had gotten so bold in the time you were away. “So…I know I have you leaving today at noon.” He clarified as his laughter died out in him. You nodded, wondering where this was going with this. “However, I have been thinking about something. I feel that it would be unfair for me to make you go alone.” He continued, causing your head to tilt in confusion. 
“Jinette are you…?” 
“No, I am not going with you. Believe me, I would if I could, Paressa.” He answered and feeling of disappointment creeped up in you. At times, you wanted to see what the man was like as a hunter. To see a legend like Jinette in action. But that was when he was a younger man. He was older now, old, and tired. He didn’t have the strength to hunt like you or any other hunter. 
“Then who is going with me?” As you asked him, you heard quickening footsteps come into the room. 
“Father Jinette! You need me for something?! I was in the middle of a new experiment!” Shouted Carl after he came into the room. 
“Ah, Carl! Right on time!” Jinette with a smirk when he approached the unsuspecting priest now standing unsuspectingly in the middle of the room. 
“Yes… one of your guards came and insisted that I needed to see you, immediately. What is the emergency!?” He said as he looked all frantic and shaky. Apparently, whatever Jinette to get him here, must be important. 
“Well, you see, Carl. Our dear (Name) will be leaving us for Romania.” He placed a hand on Carl’s shoulder and then pulled out what looked like an envelope. Carl looked at both you and Jinette back and forth before muttering an ‘okay’ before he opened it. His hand reached inside and pulled out what looked like two plane tickets, plane tickets. 
“Your grace, what is this?” He said looking nervous at his superior. 
“What do you think they are, my boy?” He answered with his hands behind his back, pretending to look as innocent as possible.
“Well, they look like two plane tickets to Romania. Is someone going with her?” He asked, his tone and facial expression getting both seeming to be more on edge.
“Yes, someone is going with her.” Jinette hand tightened on Carl’s shoulder. He raised his eyebrow with a no so innocent smile. “You are.” Carl was speechless for a second before answering the head of the Order. His mouth dropped before he looked back and forth to the two of you. You are also surprised by what Jinette had said. 
“I beg your pardon, your grace, but I am not really a field man.” He said as he stepped away from two of his closest friends, his voice shaking with a nervous smile plastered on his face.
“I know. You are not a hunter, but your knowledge of monsters and dark creatures will help serve our dear (Name) on her mission. Also, I understand that you have new equipment that you are looking to test it out. I can’t think of a greater opportunity for you to show case your talents.” He encouraged which you were not sure it was working as well as you hoped. As far as you knew, Carl had never been out hunting before. So having him go hunt with you would defiantly be a bit nerve wrecking for him. 
“But I don’t have anything packed! And she’s leaving in two hours!” he whined at he pointed at you.
“Not to worry. I had some provisions packed for you.” As Jinette stated, one of Jinette’s large bodyguards in nearly all black came in with two large suitcases. Carl jumped as the huge, burly beast of a man throw his suitcases onto the floor.  You looked over the luggage and noticed that it was a lot of the equipment from the lab, and one was Carl’s own suitcase. “Thank you, Victor. I trust you packed everything?”
“Yes, your Grace. Everything that is needed on this packed away.” Responded the large man with a Russian accent. Carl had his mouth wide open with a shocked expression on his face as the two other men converse like he wasn’t even there.
“Very well, you may take your leave now, Victor.” The man bowed and walked out without sparing a glance at either you or Carl. “Now, you were saying, Carl? A car is now waiting for you both to take you the airport. I suggest you both be on your way. Good luck and may God be with you on your mission.” He taunted the poor priest with a smirk and finally walked out
“But…Your grace! I don’t want to go to Transylvania!!!” Carl whined trying to get his attention and come back.
“Carl, give it a rest. You know once he made up his mind, there is no changing it.” You sighed with an eye roll, though you can’t help but feel bad for him. Unlike you, Carl wasn’t a warrior or a hunter. Brilliant and inventive, but not a fighter. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Carl looks at you with concern in his eyes. “Don’t worry, Carl. I will make sure that nothing happens to you. I swear it.”
“I’ll keep you to that. I don’t need to become vampire food.” He whines again without looking at you and you smirked in amusement.
“Come on, lets go get Van Helsing and kill Dracula.” You say before you walked out of the Office. Thoughts swam in your head as you walked out to the large grand building and to the car that is waiting for you. With Jinette’s encouraging words now planted in your mind, you have stringer hope and determination to succeed on this hunt. A small smile grew on your face as you walked down the halls with Carl trailing behind you. 
“Hang on, Gabriel, I’m coming.”
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crimswnred · 1 year
these hc are so cute ! maybe what halloween costume the Li would wear individually and in a couples costume 💓💓💓
I'm so excited!! ok, ok, without any further ado:
what the season 2 lis would wear for halloween (individually and in a couple)
individually: look me in the eye right now and tell me he wouldn't dress up as spider-man. especially now with the spider-verse movies.
couple: he's a silly guy so I'm thinking he could wear literally anything after a little convincing, but ultimately, I'm saying:
beast boy & raven or robin & starfire (teen titans)
scott pilgrim and ramona flowers (scott pilgrim vs the world)
shark boy and lava girl
this has gotten way too long!! pls check out more under the cut 👇
individually: most likely a star war reference. or something funny. definitely something tight
couple: again, another silly guy who would wear anything you ask him, but here are my picks:
han solo and princess leia (and he absolutely loves it)
bowser and peach, not mario tho because that's too basic
bob and helen parr (the incredibles)
individually: violet man. ok, let's say violet man isn't a real thing (like, well, it isn't). he's DEFINITELY dressing as another superhero. my guess? either superman or batman.
couple: he's gonna rock the best geek couple costumes ever and he'll show off. together, you guys will either serve cunt or die trying. here are some ideas:
batman and catwoman (the batman)
wanda maximoff and vision (wandavison)
jean gray and scott summers (the x-men)
individually: he would probably wear something that's more halloween than costume party, if you get what i mean? he prolly loves the holiday 'cause of his siblings and REALLY commits to the bit. fred krueger, jason, chuck, ghost face...
couple: like I said, he commits to the bit and goes all the way but he's sticking to the horror pattern because that's how it should go. some ideas include:
emily and victor (corpse bride)
other mother and other father (coraline)
beetlejuice and lydia (yes, the red wedding dress)
individually: something sexy but that he doesn't need to put much effort in, like a vampire or something. i can't see him going all out for halloween, i'm sorry 😭
couple: now, when in a couple, it's a tad different... he's making sure you look good together and when i say good, i mean GOOD. you guys would probably be the hottest couple at any halloween party, here are some ideas:
gomez and morticia addams (let's put that stache to use, shall we?)
mr and mrs smith
tony montana and elvira hancock (scarface)
individually: TARZAN. and he loves wearing nothing but a thong the whole night.
couple: I bet on something fun and easy, but also cute! he just wanna have fun with you and party for a bit, so I don't think he would propose something super complex. some ideas:
johnny and mavis (hotel transylvania)
daphne and fred (scooby-doo)
lola and bugs bunny (space jam)
individually: I'm thinking classic and boring. doesn't care much when he's on his own. classic halloween stuff.
couple: HEAR ME OUT — iconic moments from pop culture. what do I mean by that? well, I mean:
britney spears and justin timberlake in matching jeans outfits
xtina and eminem (at the ICONIC vmas)
sony and cher (like halsey did!)
individually: spock! a little on the nose for him but COME ON. he's always dressing up as a star trek character, switching up every year. I can see him wearing something marvel related too.
couple: yeah, some star trek reference for sure but since that's not my breed of nerd (sorry not sorry), I'm saying:
jessie and james (pokemon)
loki and sylvie (loki series)
link and zelda (the legend of zelda)
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ahh!! this was so much fun to do!! thanks for asking, anon 💝 I had a blast with your question!!
(!) I don't know enough about the missing LIs to add them to this list. if you'd like to ask for a specific islander that didn't make the list, don't be afraid to drop your request in my inbox.
more headcanons.
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AITA for having an “extreme” lifestyle?
I’m a sweet transvestite from transsexual transylvania as a heads up.
So I’m on earth when these two people named B and J appear, I show them to the lab. See I’m making a man as a personal sex toy, let’s call him R. Then when I’m showing him off, my groupie C said he’s only okay! I snapped then showed them to B and J but J said she didn’t like men with too many muscles but I didn’t make him FOR HER! Then a guy who we will call E appeared and stole the attention from me so I killed him.
Then I had sex with both B and J only to find out from one of my servants (RR), that R went missing. I whipped RR for this then my rival Dr. ES showed up and turned out E was his nephew then I found out J and R had sex!!!! ONLY I CAN HAVE SEX WITH THEM!
Then my maid, M, said it was dinner. We were eating E, I implied Dr. ES was a nazi, we sang a song about E, I slapped J and shat talked her then froze her, B and Dr. ES. Then I turned them to stone. Then I turned C and R to stone. M yelled at me and asked when we were returning to Transylvania. I told her I was grateful to her and her brother RR, but she still wanted nothing.
Then I made the medusa-d people perform in a floor show and we had a pool orgy then RR and M appeared to mutiny. I sang a song about wanting to go home but RR said my life was too extreme so he killed me, C and R. AITA?
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tteokokki · 1 year
hi, just asking if you can do cg! Jihyo's first time taking care of little!Tzuyu? like how did she do it? did she freak out or something? if you're comfortable 🫶🏻
| ATTENTION: Non!idol Au!! |
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Those Doe Eyes
Little🍼: Tzuyu - 2yrs
Caregiver🧸: Jihyo
| TW: Crying |
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Jihyo and Tzuyu had been in a long distance relationship for three years now, Tzuyu finally convinced her parents that she could go to South Korea alone, not needing to people by her side every second. And her desire to meet her caregiver/girlfriend was taking her whole person in a happy mood she had never had in years.
Jihyo on the other side was anxiously cleaning the whole house for the nth time today. She got everything ready to receive Tzuyu at her house, she had the little's playroom ready and her room was ready too. She got the little girl's favorite snack in a taiwanese market near her condominium. She knew how Tzuyu was in space..she was a non-verbal little, an introvert most of the time, crys a lot when she wants something specific.
Tzuyu is already on the plane in the first class seat Jihyo booked for her. She really had gotten the perfect woman for her. Jihyo is an well-known doctor in the whole South Korea, she receives a lot of money, lives on the most expensive apartment on Seoul, a loving girlfriend who acts like a mother when she is into her space.
Tzuyu slipped into Toddler Space during the flight while she was watching Hotel Transylvania 2. She in a 4 year old mindset. She ate the kids meal with a cup of cold apple juice, the perfect meal for the moment. The 2 hour flight felt quicker than expected, Tzuyu slept after the lunch all the way from Taipei to Seoul.
When she woke up during the landing with a pressure in her ear, she whined covering up her ears with her hands, small tears rolled down her face, but she finally was where she would live happily.
Jihyo was rushing to Tzuyu's gate, she thought that she was late but, there was no one there coming out, just a bunch of people wating in front of the gate.
Tzuyu got her dark blue backpack and her things, forgetting to pick her beige bunny that was placed on the seat. She went out of the plane without realizing the bunny wasn't with her, her mind was focused in looking for her Mama!
As soon as she saw the short haired woman. Jihyo showed that big motherly smile and opened her arms to catch her Baby in a bear hug. Tzuyu ran to her.
They went to get Tzuyu's Yoda suitcase. And finally they went home.
Tzuyu was feeling so excited she started to stim, she was in the back seat of the car watching Jihyo driving to her apartment, the little one was so happy she couldn't feel what was missing.
"Baby, where home!~" Jihyo hummed parking the car.
The day went by fast, with the two of them playing around, the girls calling Jihyo to meet Tzuyu, eating the little's favorite meal, and watching Disney movies in the shared bedroom.
It was just when Tzuyu started to feel sleepy, she felt something was wrong, and started to look around the house, trying to find her bunny. She turned her backpack upside-down and nothing about the Bunny was there. Her heart started to ache, eyes started to burn and a knot formed in her throat, she went to Jihyo balling her eyes out. The Korean woman was preparing the Baby's milk bottle when she heard the painfull sobs coming from the younger.
"Tzu? what's wrong Darling?" The woman got the girl in her arms, both of them were already in their pajamas ready to go to sleep.
"B-bunny" The girl blurted out, sobbing more,
"What's wrong with Bunny Baby?" Jihyo was still unaware of the situation.
"No' f-find Bun..." The youngest was so red she could pass out any moment, Jihyo rushed to the living room.
"Tzu Tzu, it's Okay...Mommy will find Bunny, but first she need you to breath slowly" Jihyo started to calm down the crying Baby, Tzuyu tried her best to breath slowly as her Mama was asking her to.
Jihyo got the little's bottle and gave to her trying to make her sleep, so she could think of an situation. Tzuyu slept after 30 minutes of denial.
Jihyo laid the girl in a fluffy mattress on the living room and went to the kitchen offer making sure the Baby would not wake up. Jihyo made some mint tea and started to think hard.
Jihyo freaked out. She knew what Bunny Tzuyu was taking about, it was the Bunny her grandmother gave her before she passed, she know how much that Bunny makes Tzu feel closer to her Nanny, and what it means to her. But she hasn't seen that Bunny since their last call before Tzuyu got to Korea, so there was only one place that Bunny could be...at the airport.
Jihyo ran to change up her clothes, but did diferent with Tzuyu, it was really cold tonight, so she just put the clothes on over the little one's pajamas.
Jihyo picked Tzuyu up, went to the car running and started driving to the airport. Tzuyu was sleeping peacefully with her paci in the back seat. The Korean woman got at the airport, took Tzuyu's stroller off the car, got Tzuyu on the stroller and went to the lost and found section were security was.
"Hi, I am sorry to bother you guys right now, but my girlfriend forgot her bunny in the plane earlier"
Fem. Officer 1: "What does the bunny looks like?"
"It's an Beige Bunny with a light pink nose" Jihyo said hopeful as one of the female officers went into the lost and found room.
Fem. Officer 2: "Is it this one?"
The woman got out with the Bunny, Jihyo just knew that because in the left feet there was Tzuyu's name written in chinese.
"Yes! This is it! Thank you, have a wonderful night you two" Jihyo got the bunny and went back to the car after giving Tzu the bunny for her to hold.
Tzuyu seemed to calm down as soon as she smelled the bunny's scent. They went back home, Jihyo dress her pajamas up again, and took of Tzuyu's clothes revealing the Yoda pajamas again.
The night went smooth after the bunny was found. Jihyo was relieved she found the stuffed animal that hour at night. And that was just the first time she took care of Tzuyu, but she already knew that it would be the perfect adventure for her life.
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