#asparagus ocean
bassrebelsmusic · 6 months
Ocean by Asparagus & Prima [Bass Rebels] Best Copyright Free Music
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somber-sapphic · 9 months
Cooking With A Cold
〖500 Follower Prompt: “Oh sweetheart, you’re worse than I thought” + “Sorry, I can’t stop sneezing” + 🏥〗
〖Summary: You hurt yourself while trying to cook a romantic meal for your girlfriend.〗
〖Word Count: 1.5k〗
〖Pairing: Natasha x Sick Reader〗
〖A/N: Hello! So, some of you may know there was a bit of a "situation" last week which threw me off a bit and I decide to postpone posting this. I know, it's been months, but I really needed to recompose and regroup which changed my plan. Sorry, I know this is a bit long but I hope you enjoy!〗
☾Masterlists☽ ☾500 Masterlist☽
Natasha had just gotten home from a long mission and when she had come into the kitchen you’d screeched at her to get out, not wanting to ruin the surprise. She’d left laughing and was currently sitting on the couch in preparation for what she didn't expect to be an incredibly fancy dinner. She knew that you hated to cook and assumed you’d just thrown a few frozen things in the oven and mac and cheese or something on the stove. 
Instead, you had taken it upon yourself to make her favorite dinner and a dessert to go with. Over the two weeks that she had been gone, you’d been watching cooking videos and practicing in your spare time. There was a lot of spare time. You had decided to make her a medium-rare steak with baked asparagus and sauteed mushrooms. Following that there was a cheesecake in the fridge that had come out much better than you’d expected.
When planning this fancy meal that you very much didn't know how to cook, you had been so excited. You were thrilled to get to spend real time with your girlfriend and you wanted her to tell you everything about the ocean and beach and blue skies. It hadn't been a particularly dangerous mission, and you were sure that she’d be happy to tell you all of the more fun details. 
So of course, your body had decided to throw something at you. Maybe it was the long nights spent awake wishing you weren't alone in your bed, maybe it was the fact that one of the Avengers (Clint) seemed intent on spending time with you even though he was clearly sick (it was probably the second one), but the cause didn't matter because you were sick. Sick sick. 
You didn't have a little sniffle that you could push through with a dose of cold medicine and a few tissues, you had a full-on everything hurts, whole body feels hot and cold, stuffy and runny nose, dizziness, chest cough that won't let up kind of cold. Or maybe the flu. You weren't sure, but that didn't particularly matter to you either. For now, all that mattered was you staying upright for long enough to finish this meal. 
Between breaks of sitting on the floor and about one million tissues, you’d managed to get down to the last stretches. The steak was done, and ready to be cut. The mushrooms were sitting on the stove covered by a pot lid to keep them warm. All that was left was the asparagus sitting in the oven and the timer for those had just gone off. 
You pulled yourself to your feet and stumbled slightly, the world shifting quickly around you as your center of gravity changed. It was all you could do not to grab the hot stovetop and stumble into the counter instead, hoping that you hadn't made too much noise. You may have felt awful, but you didn't need Natasha to know that. 
With your brain on autopilot, you stuck your hands into the oven and grabbed the metal pan with a bare hand. You were so out of it and ready to be finished cooking dinner that you hadn't realized you had forgotten the oven mitt until you felt white-hot pain shoot through your hand. 
You pulled back with a strangled gasp, catching the back of your hand on one of the oven racks as you did. Tears of pain clouded your vision momentarily and you clutched your hand to your chest, unsure what to do. The gasp led to a fit of coughing that left you doubled over and panicking. If you just kept standing there your dinner would burn, but you were pretty sure that your hand was useless. And the room was still spinning.
Now you’d have to get Natasha and she would be upset because not only had you ruined dinner, but she’d also need to take care of you. You stood there frozen, and to your utter horror, you began to cry. The frustration of it all was too much. All you’d wanted to do was make a nice hot dinner for your incredibly busy girlfriend and now you needed her help. 
“Hey Nat?” You called out in a watery voice, congestion seeping into your worlds. You sniffled and brought your tightly clenched hand up to wipe your nose on your sleeve, doing your best not to disturb the burn. A tiny part of your brain was telling you that you should probably be running it under cool water or at least stick it in the fridge, but it hadn't quite caught up to the part that was shutting down the pain. 
Natasha, bounced into the room, her smile lighting up her eyes falling as she saw the twisted expression on your face and the protective way you were holding your hand. You could feel your lower lip quivering and your nose might have been running again but you weren't sure, you were just humiliated. To be safe, you swiped your hand against your fist and sniffled. 
“Oh dorogory, what happened?” She asked, rushing over to wrap her arms around you. You laid your head against her shoulder and let out a whimper, wishing that you didn't have to admit to your failure out loud. This was all so humiliating. 
She pulled back for a moment and cupped your cheek, lips pursed, and eyebrows furrowed. She glanced back at the half-open oven, then at your hand, then back into your eyes and you watched her face go from pure terror for your safety to understanding concern. 
“Show me please?” Nat murmured, not wanting to force your hand open and risk hurting you more. You started to nod, but quickly wrenched away to sneeze into your elbow. One sneeze turned into four which turned into a bout of raspy coughing which made you glad you’d managed to turn in time. You didn't want to get her sick too. 
You extended your hand at the end of the fit, revealing the blistering burn across your palm. 
“Oh, Y/n, I could tell you were sick, but sweetheart, you’re worse than I thought!” She exclaimed, studying your burn intensely as she flicked her eyes up to your mess of a face. You wrinkled your nose and sniffled again, blinking rapidly at her. Black dots had appeared in the corners of your vision in these last few seconds, and you were beginning to wonder how much longer you’d be able to stand up. 
“Shit, okay. Let's get you sitting.” You didn't have to say a word, Natasha was right there wrapping her arm around your waist and leading you to the living room. She even managed to turn the oven off as she practically carried you out and set you down on the sofa. 
You leaned against the arm of the couch and rested your head on the cushion, another low rumbling cough echoing through your chest. It hurt to breathe, and you could hear a slight wheeze that might be more audible to those with less clogged ears. 
“Okay. This hand really doesn't look great baby and I don't like the sound of your breathing. You’re going to hate this, but there’s an Urgent Care a few minutes away and I think we need to go. They might be able to get you something for the pain and something to open up those lungs, okay?” She didn't bother to sugarcoat (much) and her tone made it clear that she wasn't asking. Whether you wanted to or not, you had earned yourself a trip to Urgent Care. 
Instead of answering you sneezed again, barely able to direct the sneezes to your lap rather than in her direction. You knew it was gross, but you couldn't seem to make your limbs cooperate the way you wanted them to. Lifting a pinky felt like lifting a thousand tons. 
“M’sorry. I can’t stop sneezing.” You mumbled, hoping those words were enough to convey just how sorry you were, not just for the sneezing but for everything. Natasha kissed the top of your head and pressed a tissue to your nose, guiding your uninjured hand to hold it there. 
“No apologies my love, just sit tight. I’ll get your shoes and your favorite blanket then we’ll head out, okay?” She soothed, running your fingers through your hair as she talked.
Her voice was the sound of summer rain on a warm night, slow rolling waves on a white sand beach, and birds chirping in a lush green forest. It was every comforting thing anyone could think of plus ten more. She was all that. She never failed to make you feel safe, loved, accepted, and, most importantly, worthy of feeling all of those good things. 
You nodded wearily and let yourself melt against the couch as she moved around you, turning off lights and gathering whatever she thought that you would need. You were dreading whatever might happen at Urgent Care, but if she was there you knew that it would be okay. She’d make sure that it was all okay. And when you felt better, you’d make her that damn dinner. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @fxckmiup, @animealways, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @kljhsong, @juststuckhereforever, @fayhar, @chairhere, @canvascoloredin, @iliketozoneout, @ash26424, @goldenempyrean @waltermis
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astrolovecosmos · 8 months
The Planets & Random or Obscure Associations
Creativity, vitality, head of state, the father, games, yellow and orange clothing, articles of value, jewelry, gold, brass, power, diamonds, citrine, topaz, jasper, amber, rhodochrosite, mistletoe, almonds, citrus, succulents, sunflowers, fevers, heart, back, spine, grapes, walnuts, rice, chamomile, frankincense, juniper, saffron, marigold, rosemary, rue, palaces, towers, luxury.
Eternal, cycles, silver, aluminum, pearls, moonstone, opal, selenite, chest, glands, lymphatic system, nervous system, emotions, mother, ancestors, nurture, rebirth, tides, baths, ocean, brew, boat, sap, willow trees, succulents, pale color plants, white flowers, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, melons, shellfish, pumpkins, lakes, fountains, ports, fishponds, pools, springs, sewers, dairies, toys, reflection, blankets, objects of comfort.
Communication, journal, pen/pencil, any writing tools, wings, phosphorous, mercury, agate, tiger's eye, brain, nervous system, eyes, respiration, thyroid, speech, hearing, intellect, vehicles, money, bills, paper, books, pictures, parties or social gatherings, scientific instruments, butterflies, messages, mail, hazel, mulberry, myrtle, seeds, aniseed, dill, fennel, lavender, liquorice, marjoram, parsley, valerian, hazelnuts, beans, mushrooms, pomegranates, carrots, celery, libraries, schools, markets, fairs, public spaces, tennis or badminton court, studies, banks, bowling greens, offices, blue, white, or light colored flowers.
Love, relating, lust, high-quality fabrics, copper, bronze, sodium, malachite, tourmaline, emerald, rose quartz, kunzite, sapphire, pastels, throat, kidneys, lumber region, art, music, aesthetics, social life, fashion, jewelry, wine, pleasure, alder tree, fruit trees, paint, ash tree, birch, pomegranates, early flowering, daisy, mint, marshmallow, meadowsweet, mugwort, plantain, tansy, roses, thyme, vervain, yarrow, potatoes, strawberries, wheat, sugar, nectarines, ballrooms, bedrooms, dining room, gardens, fountains, wardrobes, theaters, looking and feeling good.
Lust, conquest, desire, flaming sword, red things, fights, iron, brass, bloodstone, carnelian, cinnabar, pyrite, magnetite, ruby, garnet, hematite, muscles, reproductive organs, blood, kidneys, immunity, heat, action, arms, pepper, sharp instruments, cutlery, attacks, scissors, weapons, physical intimacy, bites, stings, scalds, burns, accidents, hawthorn, pine, thorns, cactus, aloes, anemone, arnica, belladonna, garlic, ginger, hops, mustard seed, nettles, wormwood, chives, onions, leeks, radish, rhubarb, tobacco, labs, furnaces, distilleries, bakehouses, ovens, smiths, butchers, fields, anger, passion, self-focus.
Expansion, optimism, religion, religious sites, tin, seduction, turquoise, chrysocolla, topaz, citrine, jasper, liver, pancreas, pituitary gland, sciatic nerve, excess, abundance, prophecy, philosophy, knowledge, universities, foreign travel, luggage, honey, oil, silk, fruit, distinct clothing, merchandise, horses, domestic birds, gambling, indulgence, entertainment, oak, dandelion, sage, endive, chervil, asparagus, figs, churches, temples, palaces, altars, courts, mansions, woods, orchards, winery, cornucopia, connecting with the soul.
Limits, boundaries, father time, lord of death, shadows, lead, iron, steel, calcium, asbestos, sulphur, diamond, onyx, calcite, skeleton, spleen, skin, teeth, nails, joints, structure, crystallization, old age, blockage, anything dark, wool, heavy materials, agriculture, wheelbarrows, spades, farm houses and buildings, cold, laws, aspen, blackthorn, buckthorn, cypress, elm, toxic plants, hemlock, henbane, belladonna, hellebore, barley, beetroot, safflower, parsnips, spinach, deserts, woods, valleys, caves, church yards, ruins, coalpits, sinks, wells, mud, institutions.
Eccentrics, mavericks, invention, genius, revolution, change, trends, disruptive science or tech, uranium, magnesium, lapis lazuli, sapphire, aquamarine, azurite, chalcedony, electricity, neon lights, plaid, nervous and circulatory system, pineal gland, chaos, violence, upheaval, astrology, steam engines, coal, machinery, coins, baths, fishponds, dangerous places, computers, magnets, quantum physics, research, welfare, humanity, hypnotherapy, railways, banks, gas, psychiatric hospitals, offices, hospitals, dispensaries, fortified places, chemicals, mingled/mingling, spirit and matter.
Illusions, veils, diffuse, deception, water, oceans, mysticism, enlightenment, artistic pursuit and understanding, zinc, potassium, amethyst, fluorite, jade, sugilite, coral, aquamarine, pineal gland, lymphatic and nervous system, spine, mental processes, addiction, psychoses, disease, photography, music, substances, gas, religion, poetry, mimicry, chameleon, anesthetic, telepathy, empathy, dancing, psychic gifts, places near water, hospitals, places of healing, jeweler, painters, brewers, musicians, visionary.
Power, influence, darkness, new life, what's hidden underneath, seeds, volcanoes, deep earth or ocean, bury, explosions, eruptions, abduction, plutonium, smoky quartz, obsidian, jet, pearl, deep reds, reproductive organs, the unconscious, nuclear, transformation, death, birth, rebirth, underworld, riches, earthquakes, big business, murder, detection, detective, invisibility, sneak, enforced change, hidden places, underground, drains, sewers, radioactive places, the occult, black magic, sacrifice, renew.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 7 months
Burning Hearts Chapter 9
Tumblr media
Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: *SLOW BURN BUT IT GETS HOT HERE* You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
WC: 2800
Taglist: @cottoncandyloverrrr @nothing-but-brass @zoros-fourth-sword
Burning Hearts Chapter 9: Carpe Momentum (Seize the Moment)
— — 
The summer heat had crept in. The trees on the island were full and green, the wildlife was emerging from their slumber, and the ocean waters surrounding the area began to warm. But your favorite part of course, was how lush and bountiful the garden was looking. Each night you were bringing in baskets full of fresh produce and cooking a huge meal to feed the Heart Pirates. Your efforts were met with great praise from the crew, but you didn’t care, you just loved having a garden again. 
You also turned one of the storage sheds with a skylight into a makeshift grow house for your *special* plants… Law had either not noticed it yet or was making a choice to ignore it. 
It was a hot, muggy morning and you were knelt down in the garden harvesting fresh garlic and asparagus for the soup you had planned to prepare tonight. You hummed one of Brook’s signature tunes to yourself as you dug your shears into the soil. Suddenly,  you hear the heavy door to the base swing open. You turn your head and place your hand over your brow to block the sunlight from obscuring your vision. 
It was Penguin. He waves as he walks towards you. You return the wave. 
“Howdy. What brings you into my dojo?” You smile.
“Captain’s called a meeting. Said to meet in 15 minutes.”
“Thanks, I’ll head in. You want a strawberry? Just picked em.” You hold out a large, bright red berry. 
“Oh man, do I!!” Penguin greedily snatches the berry and gobbles it up. He smiles at its sweet taste. “Are you sure you can’t stay here forever? I don’t think I can go back to rice balls and chicken breast after this.” 
You chuckle. 
“Spend some time out here and learn to do it yourself! Once you can grow your own food, you won’t miss me at all, I promise.” 
“Hey, I think we’d still miss you. Anyway, see you in 15.” Penguin jogged back into the base and shut the door. 
You finished packing your basket full of produce and stand up. You dust the dirt off your gardening apron and pull your gloves off, stowing them in the basket. You head into the base, wondering what Law had schemed up now. 
— — 
You sat in a wheelie chair in the meeting room with your feet up on the conference table. 
“He’s gonna tell us he’s an Emperor now or something.” Ikkaku sits next to you and lazily runs her fingers through her curls. 
“Pfffttt.” You stretch your arms over your head. “Unless one of the four has a heart attack, I don’t think that’s going to happen.”
Law enters the crowded room and his crew straightens in their seats. You however, just turn your head in his direction. 
“As I’m sure most of you know, we’re low on supplies. So, I will be taking some of you in the Tang tomorrow to the nearest inhabited island to stock up. It may be a day trip, it may be overnight, depending on the sea condition and weather. Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo, you’ll be coming with me. The rest of you will stay here.”
“Wait, I want to go!” You drop your legs to the floor and sit up.
“No, you’ll stay here. I want to make sure your ankle is healed.” 
“Come on! I haven’t left this place since I got here. It’s been months. My ankle is fine. I’ve been wearing these jumpsuits and Ikkaku’s hand me downs this whole time,” You nod towards Ikkaku. “No offense.” 
She puts up her hands. 
“None taken.”
“Please, let me go with you.” You stand up and meet Law’s eyes. He sighs. A long pause follows your plea. 
“Fine. You’ll keep a low profile. We leave at 8 AM. Carry on.”
“Yes!” You clasp your hands together. 
Law exits the meeting room.
“Wait, does this mean we’re getting more booze tomorrow…?” Penguin speaks up.
“Meaning that we can drink everything we have tonight…?” Shachi rubs his hands together. 
You turn back to the crew and grin. 
“YES!” You all shout together, a few crew members sharing high fives. 
— — 
You sigh in relief as you rinse the grit and grime from both training and your work in the garden off of your body. The hot water was cascading through your hair therapeutically. 
You finish washing your tresses and turn off the water. Upon exiting the shower stall in your towel, you find Ikkaku at the counter, contents of your small cosmetic bag spilled out on the sink. 
“You said I could borrow some makeup any time, sorry I didn’t ask!”
“You’re fine! I meant it, really any time.” You start to dry your hair with another towel and you notice Ikkaku applying some eyeliner… badly. 
“Do you… want help?” You cock your head and smirk. 
Ikkaku sighs. 
“Very much. Yes. I look like Pagliacci.”
You look at each other and smile. 
“But doctor!” You yell. 
“I AM PAGLIACCI!” Ikkaku responds. 
You both burst into laughter. 
Once composing yourself, you sit on the counter next to Ikkaku and begin to apply the makeup to her lids. “So… what inspired this little makeover?” You ask.
“Nothing…” Ikkaku says quietly. 
“This wouldn’t have to do with the bouquet of flowers I saw Penguin taking from my garden last week, would it?” You cock your head. 
“Definitely not.” Ikkaku tries to hide a smirk as you brush mascara onto her lashes. 
“Right, of course.” You smile. “Ok done. Open.” 
Ikkaku opens her eyes and turns her head to look in the mirror. She gasps softly. 
“Perfect indeed. Now hurry up and let me get ready, there’s booze to drink!”
“You’re right, we have to get a head start so the boys don’t guzzle it all.” 
— — 
After spending the next hour getting ready, You and Ikkaku join the rest of the crew in the galley… minus Law, that is. The double metal doors swing open and the two of you walk in. You are both met with open mouths and wide eyed stares. 
“Wow, Ikkaku you look…” Penguin begins. 
“Like a girl! Wow!” Shachi interjects. 
“Ok, asshole. Not my fault you’ve never seen one before. Where’s the booze?” She asks after rolling her eyes at her crew mate. 
“I’m glad you asked! I poured all the rest of the liquor we had in a trash bin, then filled it with soda and Daisy’s strawberries. It sounds terrible, but I promise it’s good!”
“You used my fruit to make jungle juice? You heathen!” You slap Shachi hard from across the counter. He shudders. You look down at the pink concoction below you. “I will have some, though…” 
You grab a plastic cup and scoop some of the punch up and take a sip. 
“Gross… but drinkable.” You nod your head back and forth, contemplating the flavors. You scoop another cup full of punch and hand it to Ikkaku. “Bottoms up, girlie.” You cheers your glasses as she takes hers from your hand. 
— — 
An hour of drinking games goes by and you find yourself seated at the dining room table in a game of Never Have I Ever. 
“Never have I ever peed in the bathroom sink!” Ikkaku glares at many of the male members of the crew as she spits out her question. 
“Oh my god…” 
Several crew members groan and put a finger down and take a drink. You definitely don’t. You make a mental note to be careful of where you leave your toothbrush. 
The door to the galley swings open and Law enters quietly wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. 
“Captain! Come drink and play with us! There’s plenty more!” Penguin drunkenly waves towards his captain. 
“No, that’s quite alright. I have work to do.” Law stoically replies. 
You roll your eyes. You stand up and approach the booze bucket ro refill your cup. You grab another cup it and fill it as well. You extend the cup towards Law’s chest. 
“Come on. One drink won’t kill you.” You wink. 
Law gulps. 
“I… I guess it wouldn’t…” He hesitantly accepts the cup and joins you at the table. As he sat down he was met with riotous cheers from his crew that he tried to wave away. 
“Ok so, we’re playing Never Have I Ever. Put up 5 fingers and every time someone says something you’ve done you put one down and drink. If you get to 0, you have to finish your drink.” Shachi nervously explains the rules to his straight edge captain. 
“Seems easy enough.” 
“Great. Well, Peng, it’s your turn.” 
“Ah yes! Never have I ever… been a Straw Hat Pirate!” Penguin laughs as he finishes his sentence. 
“Oh that’s such bullshit…” You put your pointer finger down and take a big swig of your drink. 
You could have sword you saw Law smile. 
“Ok ok my turn!” Bepo claps his paws. “Never have I ever, not been a polar bear mink!”
The room groans and everyone reaches for their beverage. 
“Never have I ever… kissed a man!” Shachi shouts. 
You look at Ikkaku and you both roll your eyes.
“We have to start adding more rules to this game before I get alcohol poisoning.” Ikkaku complains as she takes a drink.
“Big agree.” You sigh as you take another sip.
“We have to sabotage someone else, or else we’re on the floor.” She whispers to you. 
*easy* you think. 
“Never have I ever performed heart surgery.”  You say confidently. 
Law turns his head to look at you, he smirks. He drinks. 
“Never have I ever cut someones arms off…” Ikkaku follows up. 
You and Law both reach for your glasses… hey, you were a pirate? Who’s to judge?
“… and put them back on someone else!” Ikkaku continues. 
You draw back your hand and laugh. 
Law rolls his eyes and drinks. 
“Never have I ever grown illicit drugs in the storage shed in the yard.” Law blinks slowly with a sneaky smile. 
You chuckle, put a finger down and drink. 
You throw your hands up and whisper, “oops!” With a snigger. 
The game rounds the circle once again and many of you were close to losing. Your cheeks were hot and pink from the risqué questions and the alcohol coursing through your system. Both you and Law were on your third cup of alcohol, he was clearly handling his better than you were. 
You had the giggles, bad. 
“Never have I ever….. gone skinny dipping!” You laugh. 
“Obviously, you can’t fucking swim!” Penguin responds and everyone laughs. 
Next to you, you notice Ikkaku put her last finger down and finish her drink. 
“I’m out. I should quit while I’m ahead.” She stands from the table, wobbles for a bit, before excusing herself to her room. 
“I-, um” Penguin stands up awkwardly. “I should um, walk you back to your room! Make sure you get there safe, you know?” 
“Oh.. okay?” Ikkaku moves to leave the galley with Penguin behind her. 
After a few moments of silence, Shachi breaks the barrier. 
“I hope they finally do it, I’m so tired of hearing about it.” 
“Dude where have you been? They’ve been flirting for MONTHS… you seriously haven’t noticed?” You question. 
“Hmm… guess I haven’t noticed.” Law huffs. 
“Whatever. Moving on. Never have I ever… been in a relationship.” Shachi states. 
You drink. 
Law drinks. 
All of your heads spin to Bepo, who was taking a sip…
“Bepo?!?” You question. 
“We were just kids! She kissed me on the playground! I think it counts!” 
The room erupts into laughter, including Law. 
“You never told me that one, Bepo! I’d love to hear more!” Law lets out a surprisingly loud laugh.
“Come on, Captain, it’s not like you ever talk about that sort of thing!” Bepo shoots back, his fluffy white cheeks tinged red. 
After the laughter subsides, Bepo continues with his turn. 
“Never have I ever kissed someone… with dark hair!” He crosses his big, furry arms, trying to get back at his crew mates. 
Shachi and you both take a drink. You look to your right and notice that Law does the same. Your mind wanders… what does someone have to do to be romantically attractive to Trafalgar Law? He was such a strange man… what turned him on?
“It’s your turn, D.” Shachi prompts you. 
“Oh yeah…” You ponder for a moment. “Never have I ever… HAD A PENIS!” You roll over laughing. 
The three remaining people at the table take drinks and gripe at your cheap shot. “Alright, we’re done. You two win. I’ve gotta head to bed if you want anyone to drive the Tang tomorrow. Goodnight!” Bepo grabs Shachi by the shoulder and carries him off to the staterooms. 
They left you and Law alone in the galley.
“Are we cleaning up tonight or-?” You ask as you rise from the table. 
“Nah, Uni has kitchen duty. Let him deal with it.” Law rises and stumbles a bit, not realizing how the alcohol would affect him. 
You laugh. 
“You okay, doc? Come on.” You grab Law’s hand to steady him. He winces a bit, but then he eases into your touch. 
“I’ll… I’ll walk you.. back to your room.. your ankle…” Law suddenly scoops an arm under your left armpit and supports your pained foot. 
“Oh, thanks!” You smile and he helps you hobble out of the galley and towards your room. 
It was clear that the two of you were just a little drunk, Law having nearly dropped you twice on the way to your stateroom and the both of you laughing it off. 
“I believe this is your stop, ma’am.” A slightly drunk Law gently lets go of your torso as the two of you reach your bedroom door. 
You chuckle. 
“Ah yes, door to door service! How professional! I give the ride service 5 stars!” You laugh and do your best to put your weight onto both feet as he lets go of you. 
“Oof!” You misstep and your ankle throbs, but you catch yourself. 
Law’s playful demeanor becomes serious. 
“You’re okay?” He asks. 
“Yeah… just a twinge. I’m fine, though…” You grin through the pain. 
“I don’t want you to be in pain…” Law barely whispers as he looks into your eyes. 
“I know…” You quietly respond… drawing your face closer to his.
Law licks his lips and looks at your mouth… 
Suddenly, you feel hands on either side of your face as Law smashes his lips onto yours. 
Your eyes snap open wide and your hands are frozen at your sides. Was Law really kissing you right now? Here? In the hallway? His eyes were slammed shut and fingers gripped your cheeks tightly. 
Law pulls back and catches his breath. He sees your bewildered expression. 
“Daisy I…” Law stutters as he backs up from you. 
“Law…” You step towards him. 
“No, I… I’m so sorry. I really am so sorry…-“
“Wait!” You reach out a hand to touch Law’s cheek but in a flash of blue light, Law had completely disappeared. A pebble clattered to the ground in his place. 
You stand in the hallway alone, trying to process what just happened. Law had kissed you. You were tipsy, but there was no denying or imagining that Law had just kissed you. It was purposeful. He grabbed your face and kissed you with fervor. Was it a good kiss? No. Did he have any idea how to kiss someone? Clearly no. Was there feeling?
There was something behind that kiss… something you could feel… It wasn’t just a drunk attempt to get lucky… there was too much emotion, and you felt it through his grip. 
But he was gone now. You knew Law wouldn’t answer your call if you knocked on his door now… so you had best just call it a night. You enter your room and strip yourself of your pants and shirt before crawling into bed. After nestling your head between your pillows, you lift your right hand to your lips… Law had kissed you…
Now what?
*Authors Note*
OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING! WHAT'S THE PROCEDURE? WHAT'S THE PROCEDURE? IT'S HAPPENING! Happy Valentine's Day my loves! It took 9 chapters but we FINALLY got a little smooooooch! Comment and let me know if you want to be on the taglist for this series or you have any ideas for future chapters! Thanks and I love you :)
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mariacallous · 9 months
When you think of Eastern European Jewish cuisine, which words come to mind? Light? Healthy? Plant based? Probably not. Heavy, homey and meat-centric are more like it. 
Fania Lewando died during the Holocaust, but had she been given the full length of her years, Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine may have taken a turn to the vegetarian side and we might all be eating vegetarian kishke and spinach cutlets in place of brisket.
Lewando is not a household name. In fact, she would have been lost to history had it not been for an unlikely turn of events. Thanks to a serendipitous find, her 1937 work, “The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook” (“Vegetarish-Dietisher Kokhbukh”in Yiddish), was saved from oblivion and introduced to the 21st century.
Vilna in the 1930s, where Lewando and her husband Lazar made their home, was a cosmopolitan city with a large Jewish population. Today, it is the capital of Lithuania but it was then part of Poland. Lewando opened a vegetarian eatery called The Vegetarian Dietetic Restaurant on the edge of the city’s Jewish quarter. It was a popular spot among both Jews and non-Jews, as well as luminaries of the Yiddish-speaking world. (Even renowned artist Marc Chagall signed the restaurant’s guest book.)
Lewando was a staunch believer in the health benefits of vegetarianism and devoted her professional life to promoting these beliefs. She wrote: “It has long been established by the highest medical authorities that food made from fruit and vegetables is far healthier and more suitable for the human organism than food made from meat.” Plus, she wrote, vegetarianism satisfies the Jewish precept of not killing living creatures. 
We know little about her life other than she was born Fania Fiszlewicz in the late 1880s to a Jewish family in northern Poland. She married Lazar Lewando, an egg merchant from what is today Belarus and they eventually made their way to Vilna. They did not have children. 
Lewando, to quote Jeffrey Yoskowitz, author of “The Gefilte Manifesto” was “a woman who challenged convention;” a successful entrepreneur, which was a rarity among women of the time. She supervised a kosher vegetarian kitchen on an ocean liner that traveled between Poland and the United States, and gave classes on nutrition to Jewish women in her culinary school. 
“The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook” was sold in Europe and the U.S. in Lewando’s day, but most of the copies were lost or destroyed during the Second World War. In 1995, a couple found a copy of the cookbook at a second-hand book fair in England. They understood the importance of a pre-war, Yiddish-language, vegetarian cookbook written by a woman, so purchased it and sent it to the YIVO Institute’s offices in New York. There, it joined the millions of books, periodicals and photos in YIVO’s archives. 
It was discovered again by two women who visited YIVO and were captivated by the book’s contents and colorful artwork. They had it translated from Yiddish to English so it could be enjoyed by a wider audience.
Like many Ashkenazi cooks, salt was Lewando’s spice, butter her flavor and dill her herb. The book is filled with dishes you’d expect: kugels and blintzes and latkes; borscht and many ways to use cabbage. There’s imitation gefilte fish and kishke made from vegetables, breadcrumbs, eggs and butter. Her cholent (a slow-cooked Sabbath stew) recipes are meat-free, including one made with prune, apple, potatoes and butter that is a cross between a stew and a tzimmes.
There are also some surprises.
Did you know it was possible to access tomatoes, eggplants, asparagus, lemons, cranberries, olive oil, Jerusalem artichokes, blueberries and candied orange peel in pre-war Vilna? There’s a French influence, too, such as recipes for mayonnaise Provencal and iles flottante, a meringue-based dessert, and a salad of marinated cornichons with marinated mushrooms. 
“It’s hard to know who the target audience was for this cookbook,” said Eve Jochnowitz, its English-language translator. “We know from contemporary memoirs that people in Vilna did not have access to these amazing amounts of butter, cream and eggs,” she said. “Lewando was writing from a somewhat privileged and bourgeois position.” While many of these recipes may have been aspirational given the poverty of the Jews at the time, the cookbook demonstrates that it was possible to obtain these ingredients in Vilna, should one have the resources to do so. 
While the cookbook is filled with expensive ingredients, there is also, said Jochnowitz, “a great attention to husbanding one’s resources. She was ahead of her time in the zero-waste movement.” Lewando admonishes her readers to waste nothing. Use the cooking water in which you cooked your vegetables for soup stock. Use the vegetables from the soup stock in other dishes. “Throw nothing out,” she writes in the cookbook’s opening essay. “Everything can be made into food.” Including the liquid from fresh vegetables; Lewando instructed her readers on the art of vitamin drinks and juices, with recipes for Vitamin-Rich Beet Juice and Vitamin-Rich Carrot Juice. “This was very heroic of her,” said Jochnowitz. “There were no juice machines! You make the juice by grating the vegetables and then squeezing the juice out by hand.”
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, a Jewish scholar and Jewish cookbook collector, describes Lewando as “witty.” “She is showing us,” she said, “that once you eliminate meat and fish, you still have an enormous range of foods you can prepare.” Lewando is about “being creative, imaginative and innovative both with traditional dishes and with what she is introducing that is remote from the traditional repertoire.” She does that in unexpected ways. Her milchig (dairy) matzah balls, for example, have an elegance and lightness to them. She instructs the reader to make a meringue with egg whites, fold in the yolks, then combine with matzah meal, melted butter and hot water. Her sauerkraut salad includes porcini mushrooms. One of her kugels combines cauliflower, apples, sliced almonds and candied orange peel.
There is much that, through contemporary eyes, is missing in “The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook.” The recipes do not give step-by-step instructions; rather you will find general directions. Heating instructions are vague, ranging from a “not-too-hot-oven” to a “warm oven” to a “hot oven.” Lewando assumes the reader’s familiarity with the kitchen that today’s cookbook writer would not. 
Lewando and her husband were listed in the 1941 census of the Vilna Ghetto but not in the census of 1942. It is believed that they both died or were killed while attempting to escape. “She really was a visionary,” said Jochnowitz. “It is an unbearable tragedy that she did not live to see the future that she predicted and helped to bring about.”But in cooking her recipes, said Yoskowitz, as dated and incomplete as some of them may be, the conversation between then and now continues.
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sauriansolutions · 10 months
I have many stupid Floyd headcanons/scenarios, but this is my current, unbelievably stupid favorite.
The tweels are both big eaters, right? However, Jade seems to somehow always eat more. Are their appetites different? Or, maybe Jade is more focused while eating?
In truth, Floyd never manages to eat as much as his brother--in fact, he probably barely ever manages to finish his meals--because he's too busy playing with his food.
Imagine the octotrio in the cafeteria.
Azul is trying to very slowly chew and *savor* every bite of... whatever gross health food he's currently pretending to enjoy.
Jade is smiling serenely while industrially plowing his way through his seventh or eighth serving of spaghetti with mushroom sauce, a stack of empty bowls piling up in front of him.
Floyd? Floyd just can't eat normally. Floyd has to balance ever single French fry on his nose before he eats it. Floyd has to use his fork as a slingshot to launch individual meatballs in the air, and attempt to catch them in his mouth, (missing about 1/3rd of the time, to the annoyance of his fellow diners).
Floyd needs to construct an accurate diorama of the Night Raven College campus out of hamburg steak and mashed potatoes on his lunch tray before eating. With broccoli and asparagus for trees, alfalfa sprouts for grass, and savory broth for the rivers and ocean.
The bell has long since rung at this point. The cafeteria is basically empty at this point. Azul and Jade know, by now, the futility of interrupting Floyd's artistic vision.
It's just Floyd, putting the finishing touches on the NRC castle, made out of breadsticks. Epel is also there helping carve carrot sticks into the likeness of the Main Street statues. Cater is livestreaming this to magicam for posterity, and Sebek is in the background with one trembling hand pointing a finger, his mouth hanging open in awe, as he watches this all unfold.
Eventually, Crowley barges in, attempting to get mad about these shenanigans. But then he ends up crying over his precious students' display of creativity and school spirit. Crowley ends up trying to build a little wall around the diorama to preserve it until RSA visits for some inter-school function next week, so he can rub Ambrose's nose in it (maybe literally?)
The ghost chefs beg him not to, claiming this is an absolute violation of the Sages Island health code, to no avail.
Meanwhile Floyd shows up 45 minutes late for class, seeming very happy. Asking in a whisper, does Shrimpy have any tasty snacks they feel like sharing today?
Yuu (a gremlin): Uhh sure! I have these dinosaur nuggets I shoved in my pocket yesterday!
Floyd: Shrimpy. What in Twisted Wonderland are dinosaur nuggets?
Trein's class ends up getting hijacked as Yuu excitedly explains Earth prehistory, and Floyd convinces everybody to shove all the desks together and build an epic Triassic diorama out of stale dinosaur nuggets and random school supplies.
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 7 months
✨💚wasabi headcanons💚✨
- He was on the swim team in high school
- He is still afraid of swimming too far in the ocean though (he is terrified of rip currents)
- He likes most fruits and vegetables, but he hates asparagus and eggplant (this is projection bc I hate those vegetables)
- His favorite fruits are green apples and red grapes (he doesn’t eat the green grapes)
- Very picky when it comes to carbs, he will only eat bread (not the sliced bread, the real bakery bread) and rice and it is rare he’ll eat pasta or anything like that. (yes I’m giving him my exact flavor of autistic picky eating)
- He’s actually pretty good at cooking, sometimes he’ll take over for Aunt Cass in the cafe whenever she has to deal with something else (usually Hiro getting into mischief)
- He didn’t start driving until he was 17 because he was nervous about accidentally hitting someone, and that’s why he drives so carefully now bc he’s still nervous about that.
- He’s an only child
- He has literally anything you could ever need in his messenger bag at all times, including some stuff that he’s recently added because of Hiro’s shenanigans. Such items include a lock pick, a lighter, and a small repair kit
- He’s very good at board games like Monopoly, but he is a rule follower and won’t let people cheat. He does enforce the rules for Uno.
- He’s gay 🏳️‍🌈
- He can knit, crochet, and is learning to embroider
- Fiber arts and yoga are his two calming activities
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novemberhope · 6 months
Soooo… guess here are my current obsessions One Piece OCs
@auxiliarydetective I did give it a try… not everything is final yet. Might not be a great introduction like this but it was fun to do and if anyone has different questionaires (or whatever they're called) just tag me.^^
Ideas, criticism, inspiration, all is welcome :) I've never so openly done this tbh
Animal Resemblances Neri: Betta Fish Niara: Emerald Swallowtail Azura: Arctic Fox Cordelia: Bombay Cat Ellaria: Splendid Fairy Wren (Not 100% sold on that yet but it will be a beautiful bird) Ginny: Leopard Seal (looks cute but could actually kill you)
Specific Numbers Neri: 5/1/4 (ka – i - yo) (her last name) Niara: 22 (ni - a) Azura: 26 (a - tsu - ra) (eh, close enough^^) Cordelia: 5 10 0 2 (Ko - da - lei - a) (lol again close enough - but the many numbers look weird, this one might definitely change in the future?) Ellaria: 3-6-1 (Mirai = future) (it's a vision thing - but might also change if her name happens to fit better when she eventually gets one) Ginny: undefined yet
Specific Colors Neri: turquoise, light blue Niara: pale green, pale pink Azura: white, gold Cordelia: black, red Ellaria: white, grey, silver, very pale colors Ginny: a fiercy, angry red
Specific Smells Neri: ocean breeze, salt water Niara: apple & honeysuckle Azura: citron Cordelia: amber Ellaria: jasmine Ginny: honey & rose
Favourite Type of Island and Season Neri: summer on a spring island Niara: spring on a summer island Azura: winter on an autumn island Cordelia: autumn on an autumn island Ellaria: spring on a winter island Ginny: spring on a spring island
Favourite Food Neri: Seafood Niara: icecream, watermelon, blueberry pancakes, cupcakes Azura: oysters, shellfish, salad, filet mignon Cordelia: sunday roast, fried shrimp, spicy food Ellaria: Mushrooms, coffee, asian cuisine Ginny: strawberries, meat, soup
Least Favourite Food Neri: greasy food, meat, alcohol Niara: most vegetables Azura: fast food, cheap food, candy, cake Cordelia: lentils, fish sandwiches, anything with pumpkin Ellaria: fried foods, asparagus, ketchup Ginny: rhubarb, olives, brussels sprouts, eggplant
As a Family Neri: the adopted sister that comes from an entirely different culture Niara: cheerful youngest sister, always getting into mieschief Azura: the wine aunt Cordelia: oldest sister, often annoyed at her younger siblings but quick to defend them/come to their rescue Ellaria: the mother Ginny: (distant?) cousin
Real-World Nationalities Neri: Danish (as Denmark is associated with the little mermaid) Niara: Dutch (the Netherlands are described as the country of flowers and her devil fruit power is flower-based, so…) Azura: English-Irish (the latter shines through when she's drunk…) Cordelia: Italian Ellaria: Japanese Ginny: Scottish
Inner Brain Neri: probably lot's of excitement over various things that are happening around her or that she wants to give a try Niara: having fun with her friends, pretty things she likes, crushes (well one crush in particular) Azura: is annoyed at stuff and/or people half of the time so that's in her head a lot. Also, training. Cordelia: work hard, party harder, looking hot while doing both Ellaria: the fate of the world, secrets Ginny: training, anger, distrust, more anger
Suited Flower Neri: water iris Niara: sunflower Azura: white lily Cordelia: amaryllis Ellaria: tall garden larkspur Ginny: fire plant
Are they Strawhats? Neri: yes Niara: joins after the timeskip The others: no Azura: is a warlord of the sea Cordelia: works at a bar - it would be a different bar in cannon but she could keep her overall story I guess - might have to join a crew at some point though otherwise the characters would move on without her Ellaria: is with the revolutinary army (at least for some part of her story) Ginny: is with the revolutinary army
Ideas that first popped into my mind when certain OCs came to exist… Neri: it's a show about pirates, there's GOT to be a mermaid Niara: I want a character that uses a devil fruit mmmh what about plants/flowers (strangely enough, none of my pokemon oc's ever cared much about the grass type lol) Azura: I want a cool sword fighting lady Cordelia: I want a hot fierce type of character that looks good in black and that doesn't take anyone's crap Ellaria: came into the picture much later, I only recently decided somewhat on her looks, only things I know for sure is pale green eyes and can sort of see the future. Might never make it into any kind of story but she popped into my mind so here we go. Ginny: falls into the category "looks cute but can probably kill you".
Made some Picrew of them coz I saw other creators doing that
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Niara: (fun fact, she's currently one of my favorites)
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Ellaria: (I'm almost certain I'm gonna keep the color palette and probably the hair...)
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Ginny: (not her final look probably but I kinda want to keep the scars idk)
I took her pictures out because I decided on a different look for her. She will be a redhead now. She definitely has a scar or two on her face.
Bonus: A picture drawn by @indig0pearl featuring Neri and her own OC, Sora, as well as Nami, Robin, Chopper, and three of our friends (here also draw as OCs - yes the alpaka is one of them, she ate a devil fruit^^)
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chrissv4mp · 3 months
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about me...
my names amiyah, i'm latina & was born in mexico! my favorite colors are purple, black, & maroon.
i like to listen to read, write, sleep, & listen to music. some of the artists i listen to are...
billie eilish, olivia rodrigo, vince staples, adele, amy winehouse, chief keef, sabrina carpenter, juice wrld, taylor swift, lizzy mcalpine, tyler the creator, florence + the machine, doja cat, frank ocean, sza, & the cranberries.
some hobbies i have are baking, playing the guitar, piano, riding my bike, & journaling when i have the chance.
things that i like/enjoy are...
flowers, concerts, zip-up coats, cats, kiwis (bird & fruit), music, walking, sleep, warm & cold colors, lowercase letters, soft blankets/hoodies, autumn/fall, spring, the moon, learning new things, etc.
some facts about me are that i have anxiety, arachnophobia (fear of spiders), agoraphobia (fear of large crowds), acrophobia (fear of heights), and thalassophobia (fear of the ocean). so, basically i'm scared of everything around me💔
i love poetry and just any form of writing. writing is just such an interesting and creative way to express yourself and how you feel. that's how i got onto this app, to express myself (and maybe js to be a freak....)
another thing i like to do in my free time is watch videos/tiktoks. youtubers that i watch are...
the sturniolo triplets, benoftheweek, the kalogeras sisters, flamingo, avascreams, deb smikle, etc.
(i'm mostly on tiktok, i know it's a short list💔💔)
things that i don't like/dislike are...
bugs, BRIGHT colors, confrontations, the dark..., being alone for a long period of time, the color turquoise💔, asparagus, startling noises, etc.
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gatheringfiki · 9 months
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The following ficlet was written by @lazysaturdayonthebeach​ based on this photoset.
Britchell, Rating TBC
You might also be able to read this story on AO3.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please leave a comment either in replies or on AO3. :)
A Very Happy Christmas
Christmas Day was always spent at the Johnson family holiday barbecue. Hosting rotated, but Mikkel always manned the grill and Anders stocked the cooler and had some sides catered. Olaf usually brought his special cookies. Axl and Zeb brought cheap beer. Ty brought Dawn and cupcakes for dessert. Whatever current squabbles upset the brothers’ relationships were forgotten or at least ignored.
Christmas Eve belonged to Mitchell and Anders alone. Anders had made reservations at a 1930s themed restaurant atop a fine hotel in downtown Auckland. He also reserved a room for the night. None of the brothers would know where they were. They would turn off their phones so no one could interrupt them. Only Mikkel, as Ullr, would be able to find them if there was that big an emergency.
The whole evening almost ended before they left the apartment. Anders was chatting with the goldfish and feeding them for the evening when Mitchell walked out of the bedroom in a new burgundy suit. He stopped talking and just stared.
Mitchell smirked.
“Nope! None of that. You have to wait.”
Anders almost cried.
John picked up both bags and headed for the door. If they kissed, the night would be over. Maybe a quick smooch in the car on the way to the hotel would be safe. Probably not. Best to wait until they went to bed.
The club was beautifully decorated in art deco style. Bold geometric designs and bright colors harmonized with chrome and ebony. Mitchell compared it to his memories while they dined. Both started with clams and scallops, eschewing the roasted asparagus. They sipped wine and held hands while awaiting their lamb with cabbage and parsnips. Mitchell suggested that it might be a little better with potatoes.
A band started playing while they awaited dessert: spiced pineapple for Anders and cheesecake for Mitchell. Their first song was Cheek to Cheek and was smoothly followed by How Deep Is the Ocean. Mitchell smiled dreamily during Night and Day.
While The Way You Look Tonight played, Anders checked his watch. They had half an hour before their Uber arrived for Midnight Mass. He started to suggest that they leave, but As Time Goes By, from Casablanca, started playing and he pulled Mitchell to the dance floor instead. They danced close and slow.
Anders' phone beeped just after the song ended, letting him know that their Uber was on the way to pick them up. He had turned it on, briefly, just for this necessity. He memorized the driver’s name and turned the phone back off. He whispered to Mitchell, paid the bill, and they walked out hand in hand.
In the Uber to St Paul’s College Chapel where Anders had found a traditional latin Mass. Still, Anders questioned taking a god to an important Catholic celebration.
Mitchell frowned at him, “Can any of you create something from nothing?”
“Then maybe someone created you.”
Mass went as expected. Mitchell remembered all the old responses. Bragi helped Anders understand the language.
The same driver waited outside when Mass ended. They cuddled happily on the way back to the hotel. Perhaps in response to the generous tip Anders had added to the payment, the driver made a few detours so they could see Christmas lights and decorations displayed throughout the city.
Back in the hotel, Anders quickly divested Mitchell of the suit that had tormented him all evening. Mitchell kissed him with all the passion that they had been holding back since he emerged from the bedroom back at the apartment. The sex was desperate and quick. So much pent up anticipation and passion just refused to go slowly.
The aftermath was just the opposite. The two men relaxed, naked and sated, in the soft nest of their hotel bed. There was cuddling and slow kissing, talking and laughter. A second round of slow passionate love-making ensued.
Anders called for housekeeping to change the sheets while they took a long steamy shower.
Presents were exchanged.
Anders gave Mitchell a virgin cruise through New Zealand’s fjords. It was twelve nights from Auckland to Wellington to Timaru to Dunedin, where he hoped they would see the southern lights, around Dusky, Doubtful, and Milford Sounds, then on to Hobart, Melbourne, and Sydney. He whispered so softly that even with vampire hearing, Mitchell wasn’t sure he heard, “It could be a honeymoon if you want.” Anders would barely admit in public that they were a couple and here he was proposing .
Mitchell gave Anders a miniature that he had been sneaking off to pose for all year, and a yes.
He was terribly self-conscious about it, but he had hundreds of pictures of Anders. Anders loved it and was deeply touched, though he would never admit it to anyone else. Mitchell determined to get the same artist to do their wedding portrait.
They lay tangled together discussing wedding plans until sunrise. It was nearly six o’clock. They had time for a long nap before going to Mikkel’s at noon. Both turned their phones back on and made a last minute bet about who would wake them and when.
Dawn texted Mitchell five minutes later to ask how his proposal went. He replied with a happy face and “Shh.”
Anders mumbled about winning and snuggled closer, already asleep.
Mitchell kissed his fiancé’s forehead and whispered, “Happy Christmas.”
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pedrospatch · 1 year
Macaroni and cheese & asparagus? 🫶
Hi Evie! Thank you for sending these in my love, I hope you’re doing well! 🤍
Macaroni and Cheese: What makes you think of your childhood?
The ocean 🩵 I grew up near the beach so just being around the beach makes me think of my childhood!
Asparagus: What’s an unpopular opinion you have?
Oh this opinion is so unpopular I might lose followers or start a fight so I’m going to put it under a cut
pineapple belongs on pizza 🍕 👀
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only-by-the-stars · 5 months
Random ask jumpscare because I am bored, rank the four seasons. Which one do you like most and which the least?
SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER!!! summer is. it's long days with late sunsets. it's days at the beach with sand in your toes and the ocean splashing over your legs and the sun shining brightly from the biggest blue sky. it's so many wonderful fruits and vegetables being in season. it's getting to make delicious jam from those fruits and wonderful dinners from those veggies. it's all the amazing bugs being out and about. it's flowers blooming and green green grass and wearing sundresses and capris and t-shirts and all my favorite cute clothes and pajamas. it's ice cream cones. it's. everything to me.
spring. spring is not quite as warm as summer, but it's getting there. spring is the world renewed with green returning, with snow melting, with bugs and birds starting to really come out again. it's bunnies and ducklings and flowers coming out again. it's strawberries and rhubarb and asparagus. spring is my birthday! spring is the promise of the coming summer, of the end of winter. spring is hope.
autumn. autumn is. it's difficult. it's brightly colored leaves, it's apple cider and apple cider donuts on trips to my favorite California apple-picking town. it's Halloween and spookiness and Over the Garden Wall. it's pumpkins. but. autumn is the temperatures dropping. autumn is when I stop hearing the crickets at night. autumn is the end of summer and the herald of winter, so there is an inherent bittersweetness and sadness to it. autumn and I have a difficult relationship.
winter is. winter is my enemy. winter is ice and snow and never ever feeling warm enough. winter is gloomy skies and everything being blanketed in monotonous white. winter is all the leaves off the trees. winter is the absence of my beloved bugs and all my favorite fruits and veggies. winter is my least favorite holiday seasons and all the myriad irritations contained within. winter is seasonal depression and frustration when the season won't seem to end.
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norts-trolls · 1 year
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Tsunami Neiyon
Design by @indig0g0
Your name is TSUNAMI NEIYON and you're one of the new girl in town. Well new isn't that true you hop from city to city and decided to settle down for a little longer in this town. You do not own a hive due to ROUGH QUAD CHOICES, but you get by in your mobile hive. Personally you prefer staying by the sea anyways.
You're a huge fan of BOARDWALKS and their NIGHTLY ATTRACTIONS. When you aren't enjoying the food trucks you make spare cash as a TATTOO ARTIST. You've always wanted some yourself but you have a abhorrently low PAIN TOLERANCE. Just your lip piercing alone made you faint. Your other hobbies include DRAWING FANCOMICS and REMIXING POPULAR SONGS. While your drawing skills aren't that good the few fans you have make it so you want to improve a little bit every night. Your remixes consist of smooth BASS and lofi BEATS.
You aren't sure if that counts as what kids call daycore music but you aren't trying to crack their lingo to find out either.
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Name: Tsunami Neiyon
Nickname(s): Nami, Tsumi, NeiNei
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi masc leaning
Pronouns: She/they
Caste: Violet
Height: 6"0
Age: 14 sweeps
Voice Claim: Estelle Swaray
Abilities: Siren singing
Typing Quirk: ~~ Adds cute waves where~~ever she wants~~
Occupation: Tattoo Artist
Likes: Funnel Cake, Neon Lights, Blue nail polish, fat toads, horror rpgs
Dislikes: Heavy Metal, traffic jams, highbloods on high horses, asparagus
By the ocean
Where to Find Them | Plot Food:
in a tattoo parlor
coral reefs for naps
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eldritchsurveys · 2 months
Which flower is your favorite? >> Sunflower.
Have you ever picked wild flowers? >> Long time ago, I'm sure. These days, I prefer to leave them where they belong and admire them with my eyes instead of seeking to possess them.
Have you ever walked through a forest? >> Sure. Not nearly enough for my needs, unfortunately.
Do you enjoy walking through nature parks? >> Absolutely. Also an activity I don't get to enjoy nearly enough. I do live quite close to a nature center but in a frustratingly inaccessible way (there's a bus that goes past the drive that leads up to it, but I would have to then walk nearly a mile just to get to the nature center, which means I have two miles to walk total just to access it, not even counting the amount of walking I would be doing on the grounds proper. Bit too much extra exertion for my liking). What was the last wild animal you saw? >> A squirrel, most likely.
Have you ever seen a mountain in person? >> I have.
Do you prefer jam or butter on your biscuits? >> I most often use butter, but jam is good too. I'm just particular about my fruit spreads, so if the right kind isn't available, I'd rather not. Have you ever explored somewhere abandoned? >> I have.
Where is the last place you went to as a tourist? >> Indianapolis.
What country do you most want to travel to? >> All of them.
Do you have any plants in your home? >> There are a bunch of plants in here, but most of them are Sparrow's. I just have two little ones in my room.
Do you have a garden? >> I do not. I have a wild-growing backyard which I love.
Do you prefer to read in bed or in a chair? >> In bed.
What is the last book you read? >> The last book I finished was The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. Do you prefer tea or coffee? >> I prefer tea.
How do you take your tea or coffee? >> Black or with honey, for both. I will also use milk or creamer in coffee (I've had to use Sparrow's creamer lately because we're out of honey and I didn't want it black this time).
Do you have any pets? If yes, what are their names? If no, do you want any pets? >> I don't. Sparrow has a cat named Spooky. I don't think I'm suited to live with pets, it's too much work (physical and cognitive).
Have you ever kept a physical, hand-written journal? >> I have.
Have you ever caught a butterfly in your hands? >> I have not.
Which season do you think is the prettiest? >> Around here, I'd say spring, specifically that first profusion of plant growth. Autumn is very pretty in more rural parts of the state, particularly if you go during peak colour. Summer is more of the same re: spring except less colourful, and winter is just grey and brown in a drab way that doesn't [positively] stimulate my senses at all.
What style house do you want to own? .
Do you enjoy long car rides or long walks? >> Long walks, sure, but not long car rides.
What is in the drawer nearest you? >> My nightstand is next to me, and it has three drawers. The top one is just incense, there's miscellaneous items in the second and third.
Would you rather swim in a lake, a river, or the ocean? >> If I could swim, I'd prefer a river. The ocean is lovely but also has the most danger potential, which makes it a bit less desirable as a swimming location specifically.
Are there any interesting landmarks where you live? >> Well, I'd imagine so. This city gets its fair share of tourism, so those people must be coming to look at something. None of it is interesting to me, though.
What is the last thing you took a picture of that wasn’t yourself? >> Spooky's crossed paws. I just think it's funny when cats do that.
Would you rather play in the snow or the rain? >> The snow.
What is the last thing you cooked? >> I made fried ("fried") rice in the rice cooker.
What is your favorite fruit and vegetable? Fruit: Plums, strawberries, kiwi, nectarines, cherries, mango. Vegetable: Broccoli, asparagus, almost any sort of green (pretty fond of arugula lately), cherry tomatoes, carrots.
Do you like to drink or snack on anything while you study or read? >> Not while reading because I prefer to use both of my hands for my food. What is the last piece of jewelry that you wore? >> The Yog-Sothoth necklace and my rings. That's usually the bare minimum I go for when I don't feel like putting on my full suite of accessories. Have you ever pressed flowers or leaves into a book? >> I have not.
What do you usually order at a cafe, if anything? >> I don't go to cafes often enough to have a default order.
Do you prefer studying at home, at school, or somewhere else? .
What fragrance do you like to use most? >> I have a couple of roll-ons from Demeter that I use often -- especially the one called "Transfixed". I also have a dupe of Mugler's Alien that I use. Have you ever found a four-leaf clover? >> I don’t think so. Are you more of a day or night person? >> Day. Very diurnal, me.
If you could live in a fictional world, which would it be? >> This is a funny question to me because I do live in several fictional worlds. But out of the ones I don't already exist in, I think I would pick World of Warcraft's Ardenweald.
Which fairytale is your favorite? >> The Snow Queen.
Which mythological deity or creature is your favorite? >> There is no way I could ever choose a favourite.
What are three things that you always carry with you when you leave home? >> There are only two things I always have and that is my earbuds and my phone. Keys is situation-dependent and so is my zip pouch with my cards and money in it. What did you do the last time you hung out with your best friend? .
Which type of muffin is your favorite? .
What color is the sky right now where you are? >> Grey.
Have you ever taken an art class? >> I have.
When is the last time you tried a food completely new to you, and what was it? >> I had one of those fancy ramen kits by Ocean's Halo... fucking incredible.
Do you believe there is an answer for everything? >> Of course, if one is creative enough. Doesn't necessarily mean it's a useful or correct one.
Are there any smells, tastes, or sounds that you associate with childhood? >> Not with childhood specifically. I have like no sense memory of childhood at all, in fact. Wait, that's a lie, I definitely have sense memories of physical pain. But nothing like smells or sounds.
Would you rather live in a coastal town or a town closer to the forest? >> A town closer to the forest.
What sounds, smells, and tastes do you associate with your favorite season? Sounds: Lots of birdsong. Smells: Wet earth, flowering trees, general "fresh air" kind of smell (from finally getting to open the windows). Tastes: None.
When is the last time you spent all day in bed? >> I usually spend the majority of the day "in bed", because I use my bed the way people use couches.
When is the last time you went for a walk? >> The last time I did any walking was Monday, but the last time I went for a walk specifically (as opposed to walking as a mode of getting from place to place) was Sunday.
What do you like to put on your toast? >> Butter and cinnamon, or jam.
Would you rather watch the clouds or look at the stars? >> I could honestly go for either. The sky is a cool place no matter what.
What smells are your favorite? >> I’ll just rattle off a few – peppermint, sun-baked earth, Pine-Sol, various commercial chemical scents that I can’t identify, fresh-cut lumber.
What is your favorite shade of blue? >> Cobalt and ice.
Do you like to make to-do lists? >> I don't bother with lists because I just organise it mentally. Having to write out a list would just be another task and I'm not trying to add tasks if I don't have to.
Do you prefer iced tea or hot tea? Iced coffee or hot coffee? >> I prefer hot tea and iced coffee.
What is your ethnic background? .
What is your favorite animal on the merry-go-round? >> I don’t have one. Goats are cool, maybe a goat.
What can you hear around you right now? >> The fan in my room, some crows nearby (!! ♡), my typing, the occasional traffic sound. What was in your last sandwich and what bread did you use? >> Turkey and provolone, on Brownberry brand buttermilk bread. LOL, the alliteration on that.
Have you ever been camping? >> I have. Again-- not nearly enough for my needs.
What are you currently listening to? >> Nothing. I listened to God Forbid's album IV: Constitution of Treason whilst doing tasks earlier.
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elijahhendley · 2 months
7月17號 Day 6: The timeline
Greetings! After yesterday's late night basketball I was so tired. But still, I woke up early this morning to meet with a guy from the church. But before we talk about that lets talk about why I named this post timeline. Today we got to learn more about a potential future and also the past of Taiwan.
To start off the day, we went to the fulbright center. Now fulbright is an organization that gives scholarships for students to study overseas longterm and to experience a new culture outside their own. It is very important these days that we truly get to understand other cultures and the best way to do that is to live in them. It is more important than ever because today we live in a world that is greatly connected via the internet. Now I did not know what to expect to do when we got there, but it was actually really cool. We learned a lot about the fulbright program specifically for taiwan. One thing I enjoyed about the presentation they gave us was the amount of different masters programs they have. They cover everything from semi-conductors to teaching. Speaking of teaching what I also found intriguing was the video they showed us of many fulbright scholars teaching students english and sharing their experiences.
Also at the center we had lunch which was pretty good and we also had taiwanese snacks/drinks. They had Taiwanese rootbeer, milk tea, mint tea and asparagus juice. I personally tried all of them but mainly stuck with the tea because I thought it was the best. I am not a big snack person, so I did not really care for them but they were also pretty good(the only ones I can remeber were the oyster chips and the milk puffs).
Then we took the train and, the first time as a group, took the BUS. I LOVE the bus because it is very convienent here and the system is very well. But this day the bus was not the greatest. The AC was broken and we were all sweating really bad. But we finally after a long sweaty ride, reached our destination: the Museum of Formosan Aboriginal Peoples. We were able to see and learn about the people that lived on this island before it was colonized and modernized. The island was inhabitated by people who belong to the Austronesian Language family. This language family is associated with the polynesian and oceanic languages that are mainly found on the islands in the indian and pacific ocean. It was not until the 17th century when Taiwan was begining to be colonised first by europeans who originally named the island Ilha Formosa(Beautiful island) in passing. Ming dynasty loyalist then setted on the island and the island was under chinese mainland influence until the 20th century when Chiang Kai Shek came into power. Many changes have happend since then, but their seemed to be a misbalance in the way indigenous people were treated vs the multitudes of Han Chinese that migrated into the nation. Whether it was battling racism or cultural extinction, the indigenous people in taiwan have lasted thus far and many things are being done to improve their general well-being in today's society without drastically changing their original culture. So it was awesome to go to the museum today and experience many aspects of the culture of the aboriginal people in taiwan.
Also, at the meeting I had this morning with the guy from the church, he also taught me a lot of this information which was cool. He also taught me a lot about different religions in the region of south/southeast asia.
Until next time, 再見!
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ok but imagine Nate being with a chick who's into astrology (but not annoyingly so like "oh sorry i ran over ur dog im an asparagus lol") and is a whimisgoth
like Nate goes to her place and her home is just-
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and it compliments his love for the ocean ...ocean
idk i read that, "earth and mars and everything far" poem and it just fits a ship like that
"You're So Down To Earth And Im up in the Stars Show me the Sea And I'll Take you to Mars"
also sorry its taking so long to do requests im experiencing 💫burn out💫 (plus the seasons are changing so my "seasonal asthma" is pretty bad lmao)
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