#aspen posts
candles-in-the-snow · 2 years
got hit by a stray hyper beam in the school yard earlier, it slammed me into the wall
hurt like shit but i just got up and ran before anyone saw me
i don’t think they realized that they hit me
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agueforts · 1 year
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truer words have never been spoken
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aster-pkmn-irl-real · 4 months
café remix themed ask game just dropped baybee!!!!
Eevee Latte: How do you take your coffee?
Lilligant Floral Tea: What's your favorite type of berry?
Nutty Buneary Frappe: How long did it take you to befriend your first Pokemon?
Hot Litwick Cocoa: What's the spookiest ghost story you can think of?
Poppin' Pachirisu Float: How are your swimming skills?
Miltank Mix au Lait: Have you ever been to a farm? What's your favorite farm Pokemon?
Bouncy Brionne Soda: What do you like to do at the beach?
Teddiursa Iced Coffee: What's your favorite thing to do in the winter?
Roasted Furret Latte: What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
Gratin a la Pumpkaboo: What's something that scares you?
Piquant Pikachu Curry: What's your favorite gigantamax Pokemon?
Glossifleur Combo Plate: Is there anybody in your life who you disliked at first, but are close with now?
Happy Snorlax Loco Moco: How much sleep do you get on average?
Torchic Rice over Omelet: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Cheesy Whimsicott Meatloaf: How much have you changed over the past 10 years?
Playful Pancham Fried Rice: What was your favorite game as a kid?
Dugtrio Sandwich Trio: If you had to give up all of your belongings but could pick three things to keep, what would they be?
Yummy Yamper Pasta: Lights, camera, action! How are you in front of a camera? Do you like the spotlight or do you prefer to be backstage?
Cheesy Rowlet Pizza: What's somewhere you'd like to go for a vacation? What would you do there?
Rainbow Oricorio Popcorn: What's your favorite movie? What about your least favorite?
Eiscue Caprese Salad: Did you eat your vegetables as a kid? What about now?
Chikorita Bruschetta: Tell us about a legend/myth from your home region!
Sneasel Burger with Pickles: Do you have a friend you would do anything for, no questions asked? What about a friend who would do anything for you?
Comfey Fruity Sandwich: Have you ever been to the hospital? What was the reason for your last hospital stay?
Fluffy Eevee Pancakes: How tall are you? Do you wish your height was different?
Combee Waffles with Honey: Do you like bug-types? Do you have a favorite bug?
Swablu Shaved Ice: What are your favorite weather patterns?
Burnt Caramel Vulpix Sundae: What's your favorite regional variant Pokemon? Is there a Pokemon that you like the 'regular' form of over it's regional variant?
Decorated Alcremie Cupcakes: How is your room/home decorated?
Ribombee Chocolate Cake: What's something you want or want to do for your next birthday?
Pikachu Fruit Flan: What's something really popular that you're not the biggest fan of?
Scorbunny Berry Sandwich: Do you have a favorite sport? Do you watch any sports on TV or in person?
Sylveon Custard Slice: @ another user you appreciate and tell them why!
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spartalabouche · 3 months
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important addition to the lunch order
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juniemunie · 4 months
I made this a year ago and it spawned an entire alternate timeline idea that me and my friends made up
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Reupload because i found my lil sketch of it (and hey, its my billdip kid!)
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Only my friends can call me Aspen
If I dislike you then you’ll have to painstakingly write out all 5x aspens in my username when you refer to me
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nat-1-whump · 7 months
We need to give winged whumpees more love. Consider:
As hurt, we've got...
Sick Whumpee struggles to sleep because their wings make lying down tricky. This makes them extra miserable when they're already sick, tired, and desperately need to sleep but just can't get comfortable.
When Whumpee gets badly injured on the field, it takes the whole team to pin them down so they don't thrash around and make it worse while Caretaker tries to treat them. They've got people holding their legs, arms, and wings, and as much as Whumpee screams and writhes in pain, they don't let go. While they try to pull their wing from their teammate's grip, Whumpee accidentally dislocates it.
Whumper restrains Whumpee and rips their feathers out, one by one... Or all at once, if they are so inclined.
Whumpee gets caught in some kind of trap that covers their wings in gunk, effectively pinning them to the ground as they desperately try to escape from Whumper.
Sick with a horrible fever, Whumpee feels freezing cold no matter how much they're actually burning up. They keep trying to wrap their wings around themself for warmth, but Caretaker keeps stopping them by spreading their wings out. Whumpee groans as they try to pull their wings back. Caretaker whispers an apology, but they still can't let Whumpee risk making their fever worse.
Whumpee gets knocked out in midair, plummeting to the ground completely helpless. Or slamming into every tree branch, rooftop, or clothes line on the way down.
And as comfort, there's...
Caretaker gives Whumpee a warm bath and massages the dried blood out of their feathers. By the time they're done, Whumpee is fast asleep.
Caretaker repositions the pillows and blankets on Whumpee's bed into a sort of nest, trying to help Whumpee get as comfortable as they can. Afterwards, they bundle Whumpee in a blanket, wrapping Whumpee in their own wings first to make the blanket fit around them better and provide some extra warmth.
After Whumpee gets badly injured, Caretaker bandages up their wings, trying to soothe them whenever they cry out from the pain. Unable to fly, Whumpee gets increasingly impatient with themself over the following days. Caretaker notices their frustration and gently encourages them to take it easy and let their wings rest.
Whumpee uses their wings as a blanket for both themself and Caretaker as they snuggle together on the couch.
When Whumpee can barely walk due to their injuries, the weight of their wings only adds to the struggle. Though they encourage Whumpee to stay in bed and rest as much as possible, Caretaker is happy to wrap their arm around Whumpee's waist and help them around the house. Whumpee rests a wing on Caretaker's shoulders as they make their way to the kitchen for some warm food.
Caretaker asks Whumpee to hold still so they can draw their wings in their sketchbook. They say it's so Whumpee can see what their wings look like without trying to bend backwards in a mirror, but there's a silent understanding between the two that it's because they're both craving some time together. Whumpee starts to feel stiff from holding their wings out, but they can't help but smile a bit at the way Caretaker leans closer to watch the light move across their feathers. Though Whumpee had never seen their wings as anything particularly beautiful, they set off a sort of sparkle in Caretaker's eyes.
And maybe some wing-related dialogue, such as...
Whumper grinned, picking up a pair of wire cutters. The tool glinted in the flickering torch light. "Well, you've gone and flown a little too close to the sun, didn't you, Whumpee? Not to worry, though. You'll never fly again, when I'm through with you."
"Oh, why won't you sing for me, my beautiful songbird?" Whumper drawled as they ran a finger along Whumpee's throat. Whumpee only glared back. If it weren't for the muzzle, they would have spat on Whumper's shoes. They squirmed in their restraints, leather straps binding their wings close to their back.
"Oh, you poor thing... What happened to your wings? C'mere, let me look at them..." Caretaker pulled Whumpee into an embrace, grabbing their wings with gentle hands. Their breath hitched as they noticed that, under the tattered feathers, Whumpee's injuries were even worse than they thought.
Caretaker slapped sick Whumpee's cheek, trying to wake them up. "Hey, Whumpee, um. Listen, y-you're fever's getting worse and I just need to know... Whatever you are, do you go to a doctor or a vet?" They weren't exactly prepared for this winged stranger to show up on their doorstep half-dead. While they might have normally found their dilemma a bit comedic, right now it was hard to laugh. Whumpee desperately needed medical help, but they had no idea where to take them.
"Ngh-stop! Let go of my wings, or so help me I'll---" Whumpee's protests turned into a scream as Caretaker poured antiseptic onto a cloth and pressed it against their gaping wound. Whumpee passed out from the pain, falling limp with tears still streaming down their face. As their vision faded, they heard Caretaker's whispered apologies.
"Six months for the feathers to grow back?!" Whumpee's lower lip started to quiver. "B-but... I can't fly..." They took a wing in their hands, running their fingers along the bare, bloody skin where their feathers had been ripped out. Caretaker reached out to put a hand on Whumpee's shoulder, but Whumpee flinched back. A tear rolled down their cheek, stinging them as it landed right on an open cut on their wing. "Nonononono, th-there's gotta be something you can do! Anything! Please... I want my feathers back."
Just... Wings. Yeah.
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lamp-shading · 5 months
idrc what your personal stances on plurality is as long as youre respectful and not hateful/harassing others but you cant go on saying some shit abt this towards endogenic and mixed origin systems. Like you really cant claim youre all for mental health advocacy and call people "schizos" for having experiences you dont agree with (even though theres definite proof of their existances being real. look into astraea's web and lived experiences of non disordered plurals in early 2000's spaces i beg of you this isnt a new concept.)
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Also before yall get on my ass yes I know in aspen's description they say theyre schizophrenic but by calling others schizo in a derogatory and insulting way you are being so fucking ableist. Just cus you are schizospec doesnt mean you can throw around these fucking words towards others. I hate involving in syscourse but theres no way in HELL you should be getting away with this.
again, idrc what your stances are as long as youre being respectful, anyone can interact with this post but just know that if you say this ableist shit (calling endogenics schizo, delusional, etc) to justify your stances, congratulations, you fucking suck!
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falcon-writes · 8 months
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doctor who + text posts
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
i just love the concept of an immortal human whumpee being kept captive by a vampire whumper. the whumper can take however much blood they want and the whumpee will never die.
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lynzishell · 6 months
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Transcript and Bonus below the cut:
Phoenix: It’s been ten years, almost to the day, since I lost my mom. I’ve been thinking about her a lot since we had Aspen. Something about knowing that she’ll never get to know her granddaughter. That Aspen will never get to know her. It’s a different kind of grief that I wasn’t prepared for.
Phoenix: [wipes a stray tear from his eye] After I moved in with Julian, I would come out here sometimes. I’d sit on this bench and look out at the water, and I’d talk to her. I’d tell her about my life, that I loved her and missed her, that I was sorry for being such a pain in the ass. I even told her about Malcolm. I don’t know why this spot. Maybe just because it’s pretty here, and away from everything and quiet, but I could almost convince myself that she could hear me.
Phoenix: I guess I hoped that by bringing you both here… well, it’s the closest I could get to introducing you.   Dawn: If your mom was here right now, would she prefer it if I called her Leanne? Or Miss Realta? Phoenix: [breathes a laugh through his nose] Definitely Leanne. She’d give me hell if I let you call her Miss Realta. Dawn: Okay. Well, Leanne, my name is Dawn, and I am madly in love with your son. We’re getting married in a couple of months, and I’m so excited. You’re invited, of course, if you can make it to Brindleton Bay.
Dawn: Most importantly, though, this is Aspen. She’s your granddaughter. Her middle name is Leanne, after you, of course. And, um, you should know that Phoenix is an incredible father. I wish I could’ve gotten to know you. And I wish you were here to give me some parenting advice because you clearly did something right, and I feel so lost all of the time. But I promise we’ll come back to visit, at least every Winterfest, so you can see Aspen as she gets older.
Phoenix: Thank you. Dawn: Thank you for sharing this place with us. I can see why you were drawn to it. It does kinda feel like she’s here, like she’s listening. Phoenix: [nods but doesn’t speak for fear that his voice will betray him] Aspen: [coos] Phoenix: [clears his throat] Did I ever tell you that she wanted to write children’s books? Dawn: I remember you saying she used to make up stories a lot when you were little.
Phoenix: Yeah [smiles at the memory] She was never able to pursue writing seriously because she was always working two or three jobs to take care of us, to take care of me. I always hoped she’d be able to one day, and that she’d publish her own books. I can probably tell Aspen a few of them from memory, but how cool would it have been to be able to give her an actual book?
Dawn: That would’ve been amazing. Out of all the stories she told you, did you have a favorite?
Phoenix: Oh, god, um… if I had to pick, it would probably be this one about a polar bear name JuJu that dreamed of going to Jupiter. [laughs] I remember, we were learning about the solar system in school, and we all had to do a report on a planet. I chose Jupiter. But I had a really hard time writing the report, I’d never done one before. So, she made up this story about my favorite animal, a polar bear, going to Jupiter. It was really funny and full of facts about the planet. Not only did I get an A on my report, but I made her retell the story about a hundred times.
Dawn: Aw, that’s so cute. I wanna hear it. Will you tell us the story? Phoenix: Right now? Dawn: Yeah. Phoenix: Okay, sure…
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And, of course, Aspen got to meet her Great Uncle Julian while they were in Copperdale. She was a little unsure at first, but she warmed up to him pretty quick. 🥰
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candles-in-the-snow · 2 years
Tried on the uniform since my first day at the academy is tomorrow and you're kidding right? I have to wear this to school everyday? Really?
I already gotta commute from Montenevera to the academy every day and you're telling me I gotta wear this as well???
. . .
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agueforts · 1 year
nothing is inherently romantic, unless you wish it so, in which case i hope your fervid efforts bear the tender-fleshed fruits of affection. gayass
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veryaren · 1 month
again.... im nor a fan of posting my paper doodles but with how busy I am this is what I have to serve at the dinner table tonight... Sigh
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w-eons · 1 year
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nobledragonflying · 28 days
I just want to say that I love Esther Finch and she is a great villain but she is sooooooo sinister. I don't think enough people realize how terrible she truly is beacuse we mostly see her as a somewhat campy villain. Which she is but she is also so much more.
To start with she goes after Becky Aspen, a little black girl, and, well, Becky is a very vulnerable person because of it. The police and even other (white) people will be less likely to look for her because she is black. I wouldn't be surprised that the police did very little to look into her disappearance. And Esther isn't a stupid woman, she most likely went after Becky because she uses the systemic issues in place that make it easier for her to go after vulnerable girls, such as Becky Aspen.
Not to mention that the police wouldn't have gone after her anyways because she is friendly with them and they are friendly with her. She talks to them like a friend and the police treat her like one. And it's easy for Esther to do because she is a wealthy white woman, why would she be the cause of such a horrible tragedy? She is trust worthy and our friend so of course this wealthy white woman is not the kidnapper/killer. Because she is a wealthy white woman.
More under the cut
The police also show their incompetence/bias in the show by dismissing Crystal and Niko during the Lighthouse Leapers, because they are 1) outsiders in this town 2) are renting at Jenny's so they must be poor 3) not at school so they must be high/on drugs and 4) woman of color, while not mentioned, is something that most likely played a factor in the cops decision to not believe them.
The cop also immediately runs into Esther, who further turns the cop against Crystal and Niko. Esther takes advantage of her position in society, especially to those who are beneath her, to have power and control over them.
And the police will not side with her victims because it is her words over theirs and her word carries far more weight than those of her victims.
After all, Esther Finch is such a poor wealthy white woman and she is so sinister because it reflects our reality of how we (western) society view wealthy white woman.
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