#aspergers tw
clownrecess · 1 year
(Tw for ableism, aspergers, etc.)
I want to talk about aspie supremacists, and accidental aspie supremacy.
First, what does Aspie supremacy mean? It is the belief that autistics with "aspergers" (a bad term for multiple reasons. I've talked about it before.) or those who are considered "high functioning" have a "superior form of autism" and should have more authority or influence within the community. This leads to the marginalization and silencing of high support needs autistics. The concept of "Aspie supremacy" perpetuates an ableist hierarchy that undermines the principles of inclusivity, intersectionality, and solidarity within the disability community.
Aspie supremacists, whether consciously or unconsciously, perpetuate ableism by marginalizing those with high support needs. They speak over us, disregard our experiences, and promote harmful stereotypes that undermine our value and contributions. This behavior is not only hurtful but goes against the core principles of neurodiversity and inclusivity, and I am tired of seeing it so frequently accepted.
Even if it isnt labeled as aspie supremacy, it is still harmful. One of the biggest challenges lies in the unlabelled nature of this supremacy. It often operates covertly, disguised as a preference for certain autistic traits or as a focus on specific experiences within the spectrum. By prioritizing these aspects without acknowledging the diverse range of needs and experiences, we inadvertently silence and exclude people like me.
Unlabeled aspie supremacy is extremely prevalent in both online and in person neurodivergent spaces, usually taking form as a lack of mention, education, and understanding of high support needs autistics. YES, only ever talking about level one autistics and ignoring the struggles and ideas of high support needs autistics IS aspie supremacy, whether purposeful or not. If you are only listening to and reading from low support needs autistics with no attempt to listen to higher support needs autists, you are contributing to the problem.
If this is something you are doing accidentally, I want you to please think about why it is you don't make an attempt to listen higher support needs autistics, and acknowledge your mistake. You should then try to fix this, and begin listening to our experiences, and spreading them through reblogs or similar means.
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PLEASE don't mention Aspergers as "Aspergers tw". It should be fine to just tag it as "Aspergers" so Anon can block. Their comment contains misinfo that's been widely spread by well-meaning but slightly misinformed Allies. Hans Aspergers did NOT "create" the term/name Asperger, it was coined by Lorna Wing. You can read about her on Wikipedia. It's true many reject the old label now, but others may still use it fully aware of Autistic history while respecting others' choice to use Autism instead
I'm gonna tag it aspergers tw not because I necessarily despise everything about the term but because that's how I like to tag triggers. I also tag polyam tw for a different anon. Doesn't mean I'm on a crusade against polyamory
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scarylarry376 · 6 months
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"Last thing I remember was how warm it felt, like a blanket, a hug, or a cup of hot chocolate in the middle of a cold snowstorm. It felt nice... well before reality came crashing right back down on me"
yap session if u keep reading
Stan has aspergers and so do I, (know as ASD or autism now) which automatically makes him 1# and if you know anything about me, I looooooooooooooove angst. So naturally, I had to make this!!! I might draw a follow-up picture to this with Kyle<3 if you like South Park repost brotha bc usually anything other than tmnt doesn't do well💀
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Being neurodivergent is so fun (/sarcastic) because you can stand there for a solid hour or two not being able to choose what to eat for a variety of reasons that only another neurodivergent people understand. Keep in mind these aren't meant to sound logical. Hence neurodivergent. We know it doesn't make sense logically, but we still feel what we feel. Texture Flavor Memories/association Doesn't go with today's mood You 'Don't deserve it today' If I eat this then I can't have this because it'll mess with this Misinterpreting/misremembering what something is Based on color Based on Order Wanting something mid-cooking and then changing your mind Simply a "I could have this or I could have that" and us being a little more emotional over the fact that we can't always have both at the same time. And then of course our dilemmas of when we do choose our food WHY IS IT TOUCHING WHY IS IT NOT MIXED (particularly added this one because there's some food I physically cannot eat unless they're mixed and I think it's an OCD thing, like mashed potatoes and corn-) PLEASE feel free to add on! I love hearing what other people have in their heads. These are just ones that i have on a daily basis. <3
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Kanye claimed he's autistic "Like rainman" and I have to explain why this is a Nazi dogwhistle that's being normalized with modern autistic media.
In Nazi Germany, there was Nazi doctor that sorted autistic people into two groups. The "high functioning" autistic people be labeled "Aspergers" and they were the "useful autistics" so they got to live. The "low functioning" autistic people got thrown into camps. The doctor's name was Asperger and it's a large reason why the modem autistic community doesn't like functioning labels. They have root in Nazi Germany and eugenics.
Why is Kanye comparing himself to rainman a Nazi dogwhistle? Because there's an alt-right pipeline in the autistic community rooted in Aspie supremacy (aspergers supremacy). And said pipeline has become more normalized in modern media with TV like Rick and Morty and The Good Doctor. Where the autistic representation are the "good autistics" or the "useful autistics" with savant syndrome.
You cannot have this idea of high vs low functioning autism without also acknowledging that this idea only exists because Nazis put those labels on people to eugenics the autistic community.
So yeah. "Kanye did Nazi shit" is a tired point to make in 2022, but I had to point out that his normalizing the idea of autistic people being a super genius is itself a Nazi dog whistle. And it's a dog whistle that's being increasingly normalized with autism in media unit being portrayed as super geniuses with savant syndrome.
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mysticscorpia · 3 months
I have a headcannon that Erik in Phantom of the Opera is autistic (or in my old fashioned terms of when I was diagnosed - Aspergers Syndrome).
This was much before I ever came across Ramin Karimloo, his interpretation, or anything to do with the slight controversy of his interpretation! I want to separate this as an influence on my own headcannon.
I would make a list of how Erik fits this category (whether it is Leroux Erik, or Musical Erik - mainly), but this is about what YOU might think and how reactive (?) people are on this idea.
(I also think Eriks can be autistic but with different traits/symptoms!)
I am tempted to go through all the media of Phantom and look if Erik has aspects of autism in more detail but I might make another poll on that idea, see if it appeals.
I thank you heartily for your time! Please reblog for a bigger sample size! 💖
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
i really feel like it should not be controversial that naming yourself after a fucking nazi is wrong? like you do realize that's what you're doing when you call yourself and aspie or say you have Asperger's Syndrome?? Hans Asperger was a real person who supported real genocide against millions of real people. why the fuck would you ever want to be associated with that? i feel like this alone would be enough not to use the term, let alone all the ableism and eugenics associated with it??
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21threjectedsoul · 1 year
I'd be afraid of everything and everybody if I wasn't angry with everything and everybody
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
if you agree with the statement "even if endogenic was a word used by ableist scientists in the 50s doesnt mean endogenic systems should stop calling themselves that because of ableist scientists in the 50s", then you agree that it is morally okay to use the term "Asperger's", correct? the nazi term used to separate "good" autistics from "bad" autistics to aid in the killing of "bad" autistics? the term that actively separates and harms the autistic community? because endogenic is the same thing. this is the exact same situation, a term created and used by harmful people that is for some reason, still being being used.
please try to actually read what I'm saying instead of blowing me off, thank you. its a common trend for you to badly misinterpret what someone else is saying and create your own meaning
this is the exact same situation
Is it? Is it really?
In truth, I'm not overly educated on the history of Asperger's and am reading some conflicting accounts of the history of Hans Asperger, so I'm just going to take the details you provided at face value.
Neither "endogenic" nor "endogenous" were made by bad people. These words already existed before Freud used them. He didn't coin them.
These are basic words with a Greek etymology. "Endo" means inside or within. "Genous" means originating.
In contrast, Asperger is a person's name. The name of a Nazi or Nazi aligned individual according to this account. Who was associated with the deaths of disabled people.
Aspurger's is a specific word that only applies to this one disorder. It doesn't have any existence or meaning outside of that.
Endogenic and endogenous have a long history with broad uses in a huge variety of contexts. Both within and outside of psychology and psychiatry.
Now, despite saying I was going to take this at face value because I am still learning. I will say that from what research I've done, it at least doesn't look Asperger's Syndrome was actually a "Nazi term." It wasn't coined until 1976 by Lorna Wing.
From what I've gathered... the term Hans Asperger actually used for his syndrome in the beginning... was autism. (Well, more specifically, it was "autistic psychopathy.")
And that would probably be a closer comparison. A word with a complex history including some ableist uses along the way. But one that most reasonable people wouldn't consider ableist.
Which brings me to the question... do you feel autism should be retired as well due to the fact that this is what Hans Asperger originally called his disorder?
I feel you should by your logic.
In any case, there's one last point I want to make on this.
You know Freud was of Jewish descent, right? And that many of his works were destroyed by Nazis who hated the field of psychoanalysis that he founded? (In fact, Hans Asperger himself was an opponent of psychoanalysis as well.)
There's something that really rubs me the wrong way when the comparison you're making is between a word that you claim was coined by Nazis who used it to kill disabled people, and one that's being associated with a man of Jewish heritage who was victimized and persecuted by the Nazi regime.
I don't think this is intentional. I don’t think you woke up this morning and decided "you know what? I'm going to equate a German Jew who suffered under Nazi rule to his Nazi-aligned opponent."
But I do wish you would strive for greater awareness before falling on Nazi comparisons in syscourse.
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You possibly don't know this so I just wanted to share that Asperger's is very much not a good term to use, it's been since removed from a lot of places and instead subsumed into the general "asd' diagnosis, the term was made by a Nazi to determine which autistic kids were good enough for society to save
Ik you can't change how other people refer to the word but do you mind tagging it with something like ableist language or outdated language ?
I actually did know all of that, I just overlooked it because I'm sleep deprived. I will make sure to use the tag aspergers tw from now on!
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clownrecess · 1 year
hey! im sorry if this is a weird ask and you absolutely don't need to answer it if you don't want, but i had a question. in your dni, there's a thing about 'people who use the term "aspie"', and i was wondering why? is there history behind that word i don't know about? (for context, me and my mother are both autistic, and she uses the word pretty freely to refer to herself, so i guess i knda just assumed it was normal lol). anyway, thanks. here's the best frog i could find on such short notice for the trouble. i hope you have a good day!
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Yes, there is a reason! But first, thank you for the frog!! ^^
"Aspie" is of course derived from the term "aspergers", and that is where the trouble comes in.
Aspergers used to be a medical diagnosis for "high functioning" (ew, functioning labels) autism. The term was coined by Hanz Asperger, who, was a nazi. The autistics he would diagnose with "Aspergers syndrome" were the ones he believed could be useful to him, all the others were killed.
For this reason, aspergers is no longer a diagnosis, it's all just under ASD.
People who use the term aspie or aspergers make me really uncomfortable for all those reasons. Along with the fact that then because of that, "aspie supremacists" became a thing, which is a whole other conversation.
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constellation-sys · 1 year
i got diagnosed with autism in 2012. the fact that i was diagnosed at a young age being afab is good bc people thing autism is only for amab’s. that being said i technically haven’t been diagnosed with autism. i was diagnosed with high functioning asperger’s syndrome. not only is that not the correct term for autism, i was diagnosed at one of the best children’s hospitals in the state. in 2012. being diagnosed with now outdated terms haven’t been outdated for as long as we may think.
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brightlotusmoon · 9 months
The celebrated physician Hans Asperger, known for his pioneering research on autism, became curative pedagogy’s leading exponent in Austria. Evy and I visited Herwig Czech, a medical historian in Vienna who, in 2018, revealed Asperger’s complicity in the Nazi regime’s eugenics policies. Heilpädagogik experts in Austria, Czech told us, had been eager to demonstrate the field’s compatibility with National Socialism, and also with the “strong authoritarian current” of Austrian Catholicism. Asperger had referred the most troublesome and mentally handicapped children to a Viennese institution, Am Spiegelgrund, where patients deemed “incurable” were killed.
Nowak-Vogl’s villa, Czech said, embodied the tenets of the Austrian school of curative pedagogy, with its relentless inculcation of “good” habits in children burdened by supposedly hereditary predispositions to alcoholism or crime, and with its unflinching willingness to remove kids from environments deemed undesirable. (Writing last year in Profil, an Austrian news magazine, the journalist Christa Zöchling decried “the disastrous history of curative pedagogy in Austria,” with its “dehumanization of children as ‘hereditary failures’ because they wet the bed or were left-handed, stuttered, or had learning difficulties or nervous conditions.”)
Nowak-Vogl shared with Heilpädagogik an unforgiving mentality toward sexuality—including toward children who had been sexually abused. According to Czech, the leading figures of curative pedagogy in Austria “turned against the victims somehow, by assuming that there was a kind of biological predisposition to being abused.” The idea was that a defective “personality trait led girls—mostly girls—to be practically seducing their abusers.” In 1952, Asperger wrote that young female victims of sexual violence often possessed “an endogenous willingness to experience” such assaults; some were “ ‘passive lure types’ who, above all, lack the natural protective mechanism of shame.” For such girls, he recommended a “long-term change of milieu, preferably placement in a good institution.”
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schizopositivity · 1 year
Hey, I'm Curious
Is there a way that being schizophrenic, having Asperger and having anxiety could be related to...ehh... Idolizing...H*tler??
No. Antisemitism, or any other bigotry is not a part of any of these mental illnesses or any mental illness at all. And you cannot divorce idolizing Hitler from what he believed and perpetuated. Idolizing Hitler is a personal belief that someone would have, and that's something they should work through, or get help working through.
Yes things like schizophrenia could possibly make someone more susceptible to conspiracy theories that could lead down a rabbit hole that turns out to antisemitic (no statistics specifically on this but it's possible, just like it's possible for someone who isn't mentally ill). But that's different than fully idolizing a leader of a genocide. And connecting such an atrocious glorification to mental illness only damages other mentally ill people further.
Also Asperger's is an outdated and pretty offensive term to use. Dr. Hans Asperger (the man who coined the term) was affiliated with the Nazi party, and sent many disabled children to hospitals where they would be euthanized. Also a lot of people on the autism spectrum don't like how it tries to differentiate people with ASD based on certain functionality and lack of intellectual disability. And how that has led to many people thinking people with Asperger's are "better" or "smarter" than other autistic people. It's not my place to say since I am not autistic, but I think many people would tell you to just say "I am on the autism spectrum" instead since that is the most current and accurate term.
I don't know if this question is coming from a genuine concern for yourself or someone else, or you're just trying to make connections here for some reason. Either way I just wanna say that as someone whose family was affected greatly by the Holocaust, and who wouldn't be alive today if my family hadn't fled the country and luckily survived, I personally cannot condone idolizing Hitler or trying to justify it in any way.
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depressedv0id · 5 months
Im really not a sociable person. Yet I hate that I have no friends.....
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
TW: This video has a nude image. This is one of the most unapologetically real films I’ve ever watched. And this is easily the scene that spoke to me the most. I too have Asperger’s syndrome. I was diagnosed when I was thirteen after a sensory overload in school that got me in trouble. I was lucky to have parents love me and support me and take the time to understand me. But I had nothing short of a miserable school life, where I was not only pressured and stressed to tears, but I was heavily bullied and abused for my condition. It wasn’t just kids finding it funny when I was miserable, or finding me stupid for not understanding a joke, or pretending to be my friend to solidify that I was lesser than the people around me. It was also adults letting me know just how wrong and broken I was, screaming at me for having questions, denying to help me, punishing me for not doing something fast enough, or even punishing me for looking at something weird. And when quarantine started and I attempted to break free from my horrible school life, I was grounded for an entire season, and my mom told me that the problem was always me for not being able to do what normal kids could do. I grew very hostile towards my peers as a result of betrayals and abuse, finding solitude in being a part of nothing for the longest time, and if you knew me back then, you’d know me as an odd kid who paced around for no reason, didn’t need glasses but wore them anyway, and was sarcastic, snarky, and hot tempered to be unpleasant to be around. If you knew me back then, you would hate me. I didn’t gain friends until my senior year in high school.
Im one of those autistic people who don’t struggle too much with showing their emotions. For a long time, I had to bottle up my anxiety attacks because whenever I had them, people found it funny or punished me for having them. My guidance lessons were ‘don’t be angry’ ‘don’t be anxious’ ‘just ignore it all’. And I tried to cry at night, alone, hoping no one noticed. Sometimes they didn’t. And around my sophomore year I got heavily sick from it, seemingly for dumb reasons, I felt like I was the problem and was a garbage human being. I had moved away from that abusive environment and taken to a much more comforting state and home life, and I felt like I didn’t deserve any of it because ‘I was a problem’. It was only then that my mom understood and got me the help I needed. And then in my final year of school, I could begin a healing process. I could find much more positive ways to fit into society and see the benefits in myself. Like my writing, and my skills in the theater. I excelled at stuff like that in ways other people didn’t. My habit of need for constant movement really helped my health physically, and I could be a runner if I wanted to.
I have a partner in my life now and we’ve been dating for over two years now. She was autistic, like me. It actually started out as a childhood friendship nearly eight years before we fell in love. Talk about slow burn. She moved away to another country, but we made a promise to never lose contact. And we never did. She became my own Mary over the time we were apart. Our communication was about stuff we found enjoyment in, like our own writing, or media we liked, and the people around us never understood it, found it ‘not chemistry’. We grew to ignore them because it made us happy and that’s all that mattered. She was there for me in my lowest points, and I was there for hers. She’s chronically ill. She was hospitalized just a year after our separation, and only now is she starting to recover and get better. Back then it just got worse and worse for her and she became depressed to suicidal thoughts. She claimed I was the one who saved her life. Then a year before we would finally see each other again, I noticed her feeling more for me. But I didn’t let it surface because I didn’t know how I felt at the time. I was always someone who very openly rejected love with no hesitation, and it was one of the things I was bullied for. Then half a year before we would see each other again, she accidentally told me she was in love with me. So I guess she confessed first?? Or, I was the first one to do it on purpose, because I called it out, and returned it. And so I begged my family to move down the country, where she was, to see her again, and we did. And that vacation was where we had our first kiss. After I had come out to my parents for being an asexual lesbian, (I didn’t realize the asexual part until I was in my senior year where someone pointed it out.) we officially moved a few months later, and we could proceed with a healing process and a happier life. And not only for me, but for her, as now she is beginning to heal from her many illnesses and form a healthier lifestyle since we got together.
A life where I could see the positives in myself and see that my Asperger’s was never the problem, it was how people treated me. I was not lesser then. People might not understand me, but how I communicated and what I felt was valid. And I could do great things with that I could do.
So when people say your functioning of your brain is wrong or less than an average person,
“I do not like it when they say that. I do not feel disabled, defective, or a need to be cured. I like being an aspie. It would be like trying to change the color of my eyes.”
Please, watch Mary & Max. This movie is so uncomfortably real, especially for people like us. It’s not an easy watch, but I feel like it’s a necessary watch. I wish I saw this movie sooner than I did, when I needed it the most.
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