#assassin’s creed fanfic
demigoddessqueens · 1 year
prompt for codexmonthly
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He knew your schedule like clockwork, but today seemed more unusual than the others.
You’re market stand was still present, but it was an unfamiliar face manning it. Basim didn’t want to jump to conclusions yet, but still continued his search for you.
The squares where you frequently met? No sign of you. The streets, alleys and roofs? Still nothing of you.
Basim felt a pit forming in his stomach, but didn’t want to assume the worst just yet. Call it a hunch, but he still remembered how to find your living quarters.
His day as a thief were either spent hiding in the tight spots or biding his time with you when generously offered to hide him. It’s a memory that stuck with him even as he became a Hidden One.
Perhaps this gift he acquired from a not so careful Templar would suffice as a token of thanks.
Upon reaching where you resided, he saw a covered lump on the floor. Your hair was strewn across the pillows and blankets as soft snores emitted from your body.
Carefully stepping into your abode, his presence was given away as a delicate spot of the floor boards squeaked.
“….Basim…?”. You could only croak out his name before the cough started. The glistening of the sun reflected off one of the jewels from the necklace and onto your face.
“You didn’t happen to steal that from someone like last time, did you?”
He could only offer a wide smile as he crouched down to face you.
“No, only accessed through honest work and integrity.”
Despite your ill demeanor, you managed a weak laugh as you grimaced past the discomfort.
Basim placed a comforting hand at the crown of your head, feeling the heat radiate from you.
“Though this trinket would better suit you, I feel remedies from the market make for a more suitable gift. Don’t you agree?”
You offered a small nod of reassurance as your eyelids grew heavy.
“Rest. I’ll be only for a few.”
Slumber claimed you quickly as Basim snuck back to the markets, determined to return back to you.
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rk1kincorrect · 3 months
desmond: i am so fucking sad bro
literally everyone else: WE HATE ANYONE WHO WAS EVER WRONGED UOU😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Hi there dear!! How are you, i hope you’re okay!! Can you make a oneshot where an extemely smitten and lovestruck Jacob drives EVERYONE around him crazy because he just can’t stop talking about Madeline? Stay safe and healthy in these tough times. Best wishes😘
I'm okay as one can be when trying to adult and working retail during a pandemic but I'm marching on through the week xD
Many apologies for the delay and I'm sorry if it's a little short and slightly different, but I wanted it to be the best I could make it :) So I decided to set it around to just a bit after they first start dating.
Prompt: Lovestruck Jacob Frye
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"Is he here?" Evie asked with a soft whisper as she poked her head into the Curio Shop from the back door way.
Henry Green, her newly wedded husband, was going over some papers at his desk when he glanced and smiled, happy to see her presence grace his own, but rose a questioning brow at the female twin. "Is who here?"
Evie rolled her eyes, groaning at the question as she stepped out of hiding, realizing that it was safe to enter. "My brother dearest,"
"What trouble has Mr. Frye got into this time?" Henry asked with a knowing look.
"That's the problem, he's in the complete opposite of trouble!" Evie exclaimed as she threw her hands in the air before collapsing on the couch. "He's in love!"
"Oh, the humanity," Henry scoffed at her in a teasing manner. "Shall I call Scotland Yard?"
"Henry, I'm not joking, it's literally driving me bonkers," Evie stated. "He goes on and on about how smitten he is with this girl, I haven't had a moments rest in days,"
"Who is this girl? if I may be so bold as to ask?" Henry crossed his arms just as the bell chimed at the store entry way. He glanced over at the door to greet his customer. "Oh, Miss Shrike, welcome,"
Evie's eyes widened as she looked up and glanced at the woman that entered the shop. She wore a dark navy blue trench coat over her clothes to shield herself from the cold, but Evie could just barely make out her fishnet leggings along her thighs with her knee high leather boots.
"Afternoon, Mr. Green," The Scottish woman greeted the assassin with a warm smile. "I received your letter that my order was ready,"
"Yes, of course!" Henry motioned for her to take a seat next to Evie. "I'll bring it out, just one moment,"
"Thank you," Madeline sighed happily as she took her seat, taking a moment to warm her hands from the chilly fall air of the outside. She caught a glance of the female beside her, and did a double take before her smile brightened. "Evie, hello! I thought I recognized you!"
"It's good to see you too, Madeline, I thought Jacob would be with you?"
"Oh, he's waiting in the carriage," Madeline pointed outside towards the black and green carriage parked in front of the large store window. Jacob stepped outside of it as he turned his attention to the driver, one of his Rooks and struck up conversation as they waited. "Did you want to speak to him?"
"No!" Evie rose her voice but quickly back peddled, shrugging off her outburst. "My apologies, I mean no disrespect, I'm actually . . . hiding from him,"
"Oh? Did he do something to upset you?" Madeline glanced at the sister with concern in her eyes before cracking her fists. "I'd be more than willing to try and talk sense into him,"
Evie couldn't help but laugh a little at the idea as she took Madeline's fist in her hands gently, lowering them to her lap. "I know my brother, I don't think you'd be able to unless you want to be blue in the face,"
"He is a rather stubborn one, isn't he?" Madeline quipped with a small smirk.
"Oh, you don't know the half of it," Evie shook her head at the thought. ". . . May I speak freely?"
"Of course! I consider you a friend, Miss Frye, you can talk to me about anything," Madeline insisted, her eyes pouring with unrequited support.
"The reason I'm hiding from Jacob is because. . . he's absolutely smitten with you," Evie answered honestly.
This answer caught Madeline completely off guard. "I beg your pardon?"
"Constantly he's always telling me about how much he cares for you, what he likes about you, and honestly it's nearly suffocating," Evie spoke tiredly as she leaned back against the couch.
"Oh my! This is certainly news to me," Madeline responded as she took a moment to process everything she had heard. “So what you are saying is, Jacob talks about me?”
“All the time,” Evie nodded her head. 
Before Madeline could ask her any more questions, Henry returned from the back room with her package. It was a rather large parcel, as the dark skinned male carried it with both hands before setting it down on the desk, “Here we are, Miss Shrike, I hope it is to your liking,”
Madeline stood up and walked over as Henry carefully opened the lid, revealing the contents inside. The Magician’s eyes sparkled at what she say before looking over at the Assassin with relieved admiration. “This is perfect, Mr. Green! It’s just what we need for the Magic Club,”
“It’s rather heavy. Do you require assistance in carrying it?” He asked.
Before Madeline could answer, the entrance door bell chimed as a black leather dressed man entered the shop and scooped the parcel in his large hands. “No need, Greeny,” Jacob chimed in.
Madeline was rarely surprised nowadays when it came to Jacob’s antics, but thinking of what his sister had spoke of him, perhaps she wasn’t too far off. Her eyes briefly glanced over at the couch and to her disbelief, Evie was gone.
“Were you getting bored?” Madeline shot Jacob a playful jab.
“Waiting on you? Yes, it’s been pure agony, my dear, plus you did say you were in a hurry,” Jacob responded with his own knowing look.
“Yes, rehearsal was moved to this afternoon!” Madeline gasped, cursing under her breathe for forgetting such an important appointment. She quickly gave Henry a gracious bow of her head in farewell. “Thank you again, Mr. Green,”
“Happy to do business with you again, Madeline,” Henry offered her a reassuring smile.
“We can’t have the Marvellous Madeline Shrike to miss practice for her next big show, now can we?”
Jacob smirked at his admirer as he nudged her arm with his elbow, motioning towards the door. Using his back, he pushed open the door, holding it open allowing for Madeline to pass through first. When she was gone, Jacob yelled back inside, “Tell Evie her Brother Dearest says hello!”
The door closed behind him as Henry couldn’t help but laugh as Evie emerged from her hiding spot behind a curtain. “I’m never going to hear the end of it, am I?”
“Knowing your brother, likely,” Henry rolled his eyes before going about his daily tasks. “But, at least he seems to be happy, right?”
At that notion, Evie couldn’t do anything but smile. Happy that after everything they experienced in the last year liberating London from Templars, her brother found someone to truly admire and love and they genuinely gave it back.
“Couldn’t be more true,”
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kantush · 6 months
Does anyone here remember Protocreed......
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It's a dead crack ship that fucks me over to this day.
(so srry for invoking this but I'm going down memory lane and remembered this ship existed and y'all the way it had a hold on me in the golden age of Tumblr. Can't believe this was my first crack ship. And now that I know how to art, I realized what's stopping me from drawing a nostalgic ship. )
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sneaky-eel · 2 months
I decided to replay assassin's creed 2 and my very gay roommate plops down on the couch with me.
Him: is he gay?
Me: Desmond? Why?
Him: look at his walk. That is a very cunty walk. He is throwing his hips. Did they steal him from a gay bar?
Me: Well, he was a bartender in New York. I don't think they say what kind of bar.
Him: Oh yeah, he's gay.
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kiatheinsomniac · 8 months
hi kia :) are you doing ok? i hope you are queen 💃 I was wondering if you could write how the assassins (altair, ezio, connor, arno, jacob) would react to a reader who suddenly passed out after standing up too fast 😭 it happened to me yesterday and it made me laugh so hard afterwards like thats the goofiest way to pass out ever 💀 iron deficiency queen 👏
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: bestie mood. i stand up too quickly and immediately go semi-blind and have to lean on things for support lol 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, ratonhnhaké:ton | connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ he's got the fastest reflexes you've ever seen, he's lunging to catch you so you don't fall or hit your head. He immediately checks that you're still breathing and will cup your face in his hands and give firm pats to your cheeks while talking loudly to you, trying to pull you back to consciousness
♡ when he finds out why you've passed out, he's immediately reprimanding you and sending you to go and eat enough nutritious foods.
。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
♡ he wasn't quick enough to catch you yes this is based on how quick you have to be to interact with the game or you don't get to hug Leonardo sobs but he does immediately check you over for injury, your head being the first he checks. He lays you on your back with your head in his lap as he waits the few moments it takes for you to return to consciousness
♡ he immediately begins to ask how you feel and if anywhere hurts and wants to know if you're sick or if you've been eating or drinking enough. He'll pick you up bridal style and cook you a meal himself if it's older Ezio but younger Ezio will lay you down somewhere cosy while he sends for a servant to cook for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 ratonhnhaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ he won't show it but he panics. He's watched his village be burned to the ground as a child and his life's work revolves around killing people so when he sees you drop to the floor, his first though isn't that you've fainted but that you've died.
♡ he soon gets over that moment of gut-wrenching panic though and comes to his senses, immediately checking you over for injury, checking your temperature and your breathing. He sets you down somewhere comfortable, assuming you're now on your way to bruising from hitting the ground. He makes sure that you get plenty to eat and drink, trying to use the most nutritious ingredients he can for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ another one who panics due to childhood trauma: when he sees someone laid on the floor like that, for a moment, that awful memory of his father flashes before his eyes. He's not so good at hiding his concern as Connor is though. The panic is evident in his voice as he calls out to you and dashes to your side.
♡ Arno knows to make sure that you haven't hit your head or anything and he sets your head in his lap while he waits for you to regain consciousness. When your eyes do open again and you look up at him, you'll see teary eyes and shaking hands on him. But he's just relieved you're ok. You'll get a very pointed tongue-lashing from him following by him insisting on making sure you're well-fed and hydrated
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ with quick reflexes and his very extroverted personality, Jacob is either fast enough to catch you or surrounded by some Rooks who he can call to so they can break your fall if he's too far. His first worry is that you're overworking yourself so he makes sure you get a break from work
♡ cannot cook to save his life so he's had to go out and order food to bring back for you (or he's begged Evie to cook for which he now owes her many favours) but he insists that you eat and drink well to recover
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☾ ⋆ ゚like my work? why not: ∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ commission me? ∘ join my taglist ∘ consider following/reblogging
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sulfies · 3 months
Heavy Bleeding effect Des ends up in Altaïr times, his survival mode kicks in he bleeds as Altaïr for a week and just ends up at the bureus doing random assigments and Altair looses his mind to the bureu people being like "Did you hit your head Brother? You finished the task 3 days ago"
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knine-nights-loves-ac · 6 months
Memes for another one of my fav AC fics!
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For the fic Eagle of Alamut! Written by @teecupangel
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vastseamind · 30 days
I swear to the Gods I will search Karlach x Reader and all the comes up is Astrion. It’s honestly fucking infuriating because I don’t want to read about him. I could be one thing if there was just a scarcity of fic with her (which there is,) but the fact that every single time I search it, he comes up. This either leads me to believe that people are idiotic and can’t tag correctly or that tumblr is just fucking me and hates wlw content. 
She’s also not the only character that this happens to. I’ve noticed it happens a lot when it specifically comes to wlw content that is centralized around, not fem presenting characters. Almost every assassin‘s creed, character thats a woman or Abby Anderson (TLOU2) Dani Rojas (Far Cry 6) and so on when it comes to buff women. It’s honestly draining.
Anyways, there’s the rant, haters will be blocked ✌🏽
Tag your shit correctly
That’s means y’all that put x Reader then add a name. THAT’S UR FUCKING OC BABE, TAG IT AS SUCH YOUR RUINING THE VIBE! REALLY SHOULD NOT BE HARD!
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snailtrain · 3 months
actually E2 for Desmond and Altair too
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this is a fill for this meme
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saberamane · 24 days
...so I have a very specific excerpt from a mid-work fantasy I had today.
All you need to know is Desmond is a bartender at a new bar, conveniently owned by Ezio's family in modern times (assassin's may or may not exist, it really doesn't matter). Giovanni still is the head of a bank and very Important and has decided to have a Very Important Bussiness Dinner at his son's (Ezio) restaurant. It's an authentic Italian place, of course, with all the recipes made by Maria. Friday nights have live, Italian music.
On this specific night, their live performers have failed to appear, and Giovanni's Very Important Bussiness Dinner guests are expecting authentic Italian cuisine and live music. Things are looking bad.
Desmond, newly hired bartender and trying to stay on his new bosses good side (Claudia and Federico also work in the restaurant, but Ezio is the 'main' boss), overhears their predicament and goes all 'I know a guy...'
Cue cousin Clay, who is a classicly trained pianist, being unexpectedly called by his little cousin for a favor.
Clay is not what the Auditore were expecting when he shows up. Ripped jeans, leather jacket, pierced ears, combat boots... Desmond did not mention Clay worked as a bouncer at a club, and dressed like he was in a biker gang...
'Don't worry, I'll fix him up before the performance.'
Clay, in the staff room, trying to squeeze into Desmond's spare uniform.
'Your clothes sizing makes no fucking sense Desmond. Tiniest waist I've ever seen on a man, but with a fat ass and thunder thighs to put a woman to shame. What the fuck is your gym routine?' The black dress pants Clay is currently trying to fit into are distressed where he is trying to pull up the zipper. The waist is just not big enough. The button isn't going to hold, the zipper won't stay up, the seams are straining...
Meanwhile, the Auditore siblings are huddled in the kitchen, eyeing their fathers potential new clients from the little windows in the kitchen doors. They look impressed, so far. The decor is high-end, the wine fantastic, the food both authentic and good...
The entertainment though... Playing the piano is all well and good, but the singer is usually singing in Italian... Would their father's potential clients still be impressed with an English singer??
Clay and Desmond set up on the stage, Clay looking... mostly presentable. There aren't many professional musicians that play classical music with that many studs in their ears...
But Clay plays beautifully, and Desmond can sing? And it's in Italian??
The night goes a lot better than expected after the last-minute canceling of their usual musicians. Desmond and Clay wow the patrons of the restaurant, their father's new clients sign on with enthusiasm.
Desmond and Clay are offered to perform every Friday, should they wish it. It earns Desmond not only an extra check each week, but also an uptick in his tips. Clay, even hating playing something as prissy as piano, can't say no with Desmond's big doe eyes staring at him.
And well...Desmond's employers are worth coming back around to see... Especially when Clay catches the eldest Auditore son eyeing him up and own covertly.
And besides... Clay would do nearly anything to help out his baby cousin. Even something as embarrassing as playing piano.
Especially if the promise of a certain man's attention is on the table.
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
Day 1 of @codextober 2023!! Let’s go
Here and on my ao3
It was another one of those nights again. You could feel him tossing and turning next to you, the unintelligible words muttering into the night. Names that you had heard in ramblings whenever he came out of the Animus.
You flipped over to nudge him awake.
Another kick to your leg and you were alert, arms nudging him awake.
The names soon evolved more into more of his babblings in numerous languages: Arabic, Welsh, Italian, and many others.
You raised your voice just an octave more before Desmond awoke. Those brown eyes shot open with shock and he quickly sat up, the beads of sweat clinging to his forehead and shirt.
He looked at you, wide-eyed with the fear and confusion over taking his waking thoughts. The embarrassment began to creep through on his cheeks as he felt heated under your touch.
Stammering through his words and apologies for waking you, you just held onto him as his shoulders began to shake from the nightmares and what had been bottled up inside him for so long.
All of this, all of these demands and expectations weighed heavy on his mind. Though he admired his ancestors, sometimes you wish that Desmond didn't feel he had to carry this burden alone.
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a-little-buggy · 2 months
"Amore mio, we cannot keep doing this." Ezio paced across the wooden floor, running his hand through his hair. It was entirely dark out, and the room was lit by a single candle on the table. "You were gone two full days! I practically turned this city upside-down looking for you!"
"How was I supposed to know I was still seeing things!? I genuinely thought it would wear off before now!" Desmond was sitting in a common room chair; the dark circles under his eyes were accentuated by his washed out complexion. He had just come from a bath, otherwise he would still be coated in sweat and hay. "I thought after a few weeks everything would just go back to normal! Well. . ." Desmond gestured around at the Renaissance assassin's guild hall. "Normal being relative, and all."
Ezio pulled a chair over by Desmond and sat down, picking at the stray straws of hay still glued to Desmond's skin. "I know that you are just trying to keep active, but please. If I get another report of you passing out in an alley, or landing in the river, I swear to Christo I will go gray." He stopped and cupped his hands around Desmond's face. "Don't do this to me, Desmond. I'm too young for gray hair."
"Oh don't worry, it'll be just as popular with the chicks as ever." Desmond gave a *swish* of his imaginary long locks, but the motion made his head spin. He braced his arms against the table. "Though I personally have less interest in the grandpa-type."
"Molto bene, that means you should have a personal investment in not causing me any more stress!"
"You think it's stressful for you? You're not the one running an imaginary Boston Marathon every other weekday!" Desmond scoffed, and laid his head down on the table in such a way as to still be able to give Ezio the stink eye.
"You know that isn't how I meant it. I just wish I could convince you to stay safe." Ezio rocked his chair back, and set his heels on the corner of the table. "At the very least, until we have some kind of answer as to when these episodes occur, or why."
Desmond gave a deep, shuddering sigh. "What if we never get any such answer? What little I know about bleeds is that I originally got them from using the Animus. Except now, I've somehow traveled back through time, so who even knows what kind of effects that could cause."
Ezio pressed a finger to his forehead. "Wait a moment. What is the Animus?"
"Seriously? It's the device that showed me your memories. We talked about this a few days ago."
Ezio removed his feet from the table and sat upright, eyeing Desmond suspiciously. "And when was this again, exactly?"
"Why? I. . . I guess it was four days ago, now, so Thursday? I remember it was raining."
Ezio bit his lip and grimaced, then giving a deep exhale placed a gentle hand on Desmond's leg. "I had a contract in Forlì that day."
"No, no. You're kidding." Desmond pushed off of the table and sank down into the wooden chair, as if it could absorb the impact of this new revelation for him. Ezio couldn't have imagined Desmond getting any paler, but he had. "No. No no no no no Ezio I -"
"Hey, it's alright, you're alright, I just need you to breathe." Desmond was badly shaken by this point, and his legs had given out, leaving him sinking to the floor. Ezio grabbed hold of his shoulders, trying to ease his downward descent.
Desmond's voice cracked. "No, no, it's not alright!" He grabbed Ezio back, desperate for some kind of tether. "How can you stand there and tell me it's alright, just after telling me that you may not even be here!?!?"
"I am here, though. I'm here." Ezio wrapped his arms tightly around Desmond, holding him as close as he possibly could. What else could he do? "Just try to breathe."
And so the two sat there, as the candle burned down to a stump. Slowly, Desmond's shaking turned to shuddered breathing, which turned to deep breaths.
Ezio rubbed Desmond's shoulders. "It may not be much longer until daybreak. Do you think you are ready to try for some sleep?"
Desmond slumped forward, burying his face in Ezio's chest. "Honestly? I think I'm too exhausted to make it to bed. Here seems fine."
Ezio chuckled. "For you, perhaps, but I am a creature of comfort." With one of his arms still wrapped around Desmond's back, he slid the other one under Desmond's knees and stood up, carrying him off towards the bunks.
Desmond wrapped his arms around Ezio's neck. "My hero," he sleepily crooned.
"Don't sing my praises just yet, amò." Ezio shifted Desmond's weight, fumbling to turn the doorknob. "I may expect you to return the favor one day."
"What?!" Desmond gasped, playing up the dramatics. " 's not fair, you're much bigger than I am!"
"Is that meant as a compliment or an insult?"
"I dunno yet." Desmond yawned. "I'll decide later, when I need one or the other."
Soon enough, they both had clambered into bed, and were able to get some much needed sleep.
Desmond spent the next few days occupying himself in the base. Besides helping sort through the dispatching of contracts, he got caught them caught up on some long overdue weapons orders and offered advice to whatever young assasin might come knocking. This was his favorite task. It was a reminder of a simpler time, of when he could stand behind a bar and just chat with people about whatever was ailing them. Except this was a little more murder-y. But having been a bartender in New York, it was not so much more murder-y as one might think.
But all the same, he was beginning to feel cooped up. And so he went to seek audience with the Mentorè, about perhaps being allowed on a group mission of some form.
There were two novices already in Ezio's office, a boy and a girl. They were likely discussing the details of an upcoming contract. Having already opened the door, Desmond knocked on the doorframe. Ezio waved him in.
"What can I do for you, Desmond?" Ezio propped his elbows up on the desk and clasped his hands, resting his chin on top of them.
"Oh, it can wait. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Desmond glanced over at the novices, who in fairness, seemed unperturbed.
"So can this. Please, continue." Ezio leaned back in the chair, and the two young assassins stepped to the side.
Desmond cleared his throat. "With your permission, Mentorè," On this word he did a slight bow. Ezio rolled his eyes. "I would wish to be sent on a mission. As part of a group, of course," He hastened to add. "It's just. . . I don't do well feeling confined. And I'm about ready to go stir-crazy in here."
One of the novices smirked. "Is that different from the regular crazy somehow?" He asked. Desmond gave a dry, mocking laugh in response, but then turned back to Ezio and. . . Oh shit.
Desmond always knew that Ezio Auditore da Firenze was a dangerous man. He knew of all his great conquests, and had seen the fear in the eyes of his enemies. And yet somehow, to see the master assassin here and brimming with fury, it felt like the first time he really understood how terrifying such a man could be.
The other novice slapped the first upside the head, and then grabbed him by the wrist. "Thank you for the advice, Mentorè. We will send word as soon as we complete our task," She said, dragging him out the door, which closed firmly behind them.
Ezio took a deep breath, and settled back into his seat.
Desmond shuffled his feet. "Hey, so umm, you wouldn't have actually murdered that kid, right?"
"Fortunately, we will not have to find out." Ezio shot what he assumed was a comforting smile up at Desmond (it wasn't) and then rifled through some papers on his desk. "I actually have a mission that should suit you just fine. It should be straightforward, a matter of some scouting and interrogating a handful of people. There will be two others with you, and you will cover a fair bit of ground. Benè?" Ezio handed over a map with a few directions and way points marked on it.
Desmond nodded. "Yeah, benè. Thank you, Ezio."
"You're welcome. You leave in an hour. And Desmond," He continued, once Desmond had turned to leave. "I know you are highly skilled, but do still be careful."
"I will." Desmond walked back over to Ezio, then kissed him on the cheek and winked. "I promise."
Ezio kicked his boots up on the desk. "Oh, you are such a flirt."
"Well, I come by it honestly." And with that, Desmond left to make preparations.
Desmond was sitting atop a window dormer, watching the surrounding area as another assassin prepared to 'talk to' a gang member in the alleyway below. A third assassin was perched on another neighboring rooftop, similarly spying for any potential complications. This was the method they had all decided on, and it had been working quite well. One person would go to meet the target, and the other two would remain above: out of sight so as to not cause any alarm, but close enough to drop into the fray should anything go awry. This was the last one on their list, and then they could all go back and herald their mission as a success.
He scanned the skyline. Besides the other assassin (whose name he had learned was Achille), there was no one visible up here. He peered down into the street. Piera (visible in blue) had just cornered in on the gang member (visible in gold). One or two of their targets had been willing to part with their information before it came to blows, but such instances were few and far between. Piera gave a quick display of her hidden blade, just to make her intentions and alliances clear.
As was typical, the conversation started with an exchange of thinly-veiled threats. "Next will come the unveiled threats, and then the diet violence," Desmond mused to himself.
The target started shouting. Desmond thought he heard another voice. He scanned the rooftops again, and this time saw a pair of guards off in the distance behind him. He looked back at Achille, who did not seem to react. "This again," Desmond muttered under his breath. He shifted to the right, and the guards were gone from his line of sight. "Please let that fix it." He turned back to watching the alley.
"You belong down in the street with the rest of the filth!" The voice was still distant, but it was definitely louder this time.
Desmond sighed. He turned to look behind himself, and saw the two guards from before making their way over, and a third guard climbing up behind them. "Just ignore them, and they'll go away," He said to himself. He turned back to the alleyway.
"Get down off this roof, or I will throw you off myself!"
Desmond scoffed. "I'd like to see you try. I think I'm finished throwing myself off of rooftops because of figments of my twisted imagination."
He heard another shout. This one wasn't from the target, or the illusory guard, but from Achille. "Desmond, look out!"
Desmond spun around, but not quickly enough, because a boot impacted him squarely in the chest, and he fell from the roof.
He desperately reached out, trying to grab hold of something to hang from. His right hand caught the wooden paneling of the window he was sitting above, but the wooden beam was brittle and snapped off, splintering under his fingernails. He yelled, and was unable to grab hold anywhere else.
Desmond's ankle rolled as he hit the ground, and he fell prone. The guard peered from the rooftop above, and apparently for the first time put together the implications of there being three hooded figures together. "Assassinos! Get them!" Well, so much for subtlety.
Piera ran over to help Desmond to his feet, and the gang member bolted. Desmond shook his head, and pulled himself up. "Don't worry about me, I can handle a few guards. Don't let the target get away!" He turned to face the building he had fallen from. The guards were already descending. He shifted his weight, and winced. Running's not an option. He readied his blade.
Desmond lunged at the first guard to get his boots on the ground. He hadn't yet pulled his sword, so Desmond easily grabbed hold of him, sliding the hidden blade between his ribs. Unfortunately, the next two landed with their swords already drawn, and Desmond could hear more footsteps fast approaching. "Shit, how many of you are there?"
He heard a shriek from above, and looked up just in time to dodge a guard falling from the rooftop, an arrow lodged in his chest. He landed with a dull, wet thud. Desmond spared a glance up towards Achille, who was already nocking another arrow. "Oh, this should be a peace of cake, then."
Desmond crossed blades with the two guards closest to him, parrying and deflecting their attacks. One of them leaped forward with an arcing swing of their sword. Desmond dodged under and to the side of the swing, then came around behind the off-balance guard, slitting his throat.
Another shriek, another thud. Desmond easily dispatched his next opponent, sweeping him off his feet and then skewering him where he fell. But the next guards approached together, and Desmond had to shift his focus to defense again.
Shriek, thud. One of the guards tried to bring his sword down on Desmond's head, who used both blades to intersect it. In the sword's reflection, Desmond saw another guard coming from behind him. "I've got you now, assassino!" Desmond shoved his current attacker off and spun around, swinging his blade in a wide arc. But as soon as his blade hit the guard's chest, he disappeared into mid-air.
Desmond growled. "Are yOU KIDDING ME!?!?!"
Shriek, thud.
A low chuckle from one of the guardsmen. "Jumping at shadows, boy? Ready for someone to put you out of your misery?" Desmond turned on his heel and lunged for the unlucky dastard's face, plunging both of the hidden blades deep into his eyesockets.
What few guards remained turned tail and ran.
Shriek, thud. Desmond turned once again to Achille, who was now clambering down the building, bow in hand. "They were already running, y'know."
Achille landed on the street, and shrugged. "They picked the fight. The least they could do is have the decency to see it through."
Desmond chuckled, then rubbed his shoulder. "Well, whether Piera caught the target or not, by now, she'll be heading back to base. We should be, too." He looked down at his swelling ankle. "No crazy parkour shit though."
Ezio was pacing back and forth across the wooden floor, combing his hand through his hair. Piera had gotten back with her report on the mission two hours ago. He had already sent ten otherwise idle assassins out searching for Desmond, and he was deliberating about sending more.
"He has returned!" Came a voice from the door.
Ezio raced to the door. His stomach lurched when he saw Desmond, covered in blood and limping, except. . . He was also smiling? There he was, covered head-to-toe in blood, and grinning ear-to-ear!
"Desmond? Are you. . ." He looked Desmond up and down. Bloody. Beaming. "Did you hit your head?"
"Ezio!" Desmond threw his arms up wide, flinging blood on the assassins unfortunate enough to be standing near him. "No, I'm just fine! Well, I wrecked my ankle, but not nearly so much as I wrecked all of the guards!"
Ezio laughed. "So, you determined that what you needed was catharsis, and that any guard would suffice?"
"Well no, actually," Desmond responded a bit sheepishly. "I let them get the drop on me, believing they weren't real."
Ezio very abruptly stopped laughing. "You WHAT -"
"Can we discuss it later? I know it's a problem, but I'm currently riding a high, and I would like to enjoy it."
Ezio started to object, but instead wrapped an arm over Desmond's shoulders. "Later then." He lifted his arm, and stared in horror at the gloopy mess now dripping from it. "Dio mio, someone needs to give you a bath."
Desmond smirked. "Are you volunteering?"
I don't ever think of myself as a creative person, so I am ABSOLUTELY blaming @sulfies that I have done this again, lol. I hope you enjoyed though! Much less bleed effect whump this time around, and much less re-reading to check that it makes sense, lol. Hyperfixation + insomnia = I wrote another story, but now it's a quarter to six in the morning and I may low-key hate myself tomorrow (today?). Thanks for reading!
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everlastlady · 7 months
Everlasting's Master List.
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Hello, I'm everlastlady also known as Lady Everlasting. This is my master list that discusses what I have written and fandoms I wtite for. Here you will find stories I have written and just things about me.
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I'm 21 years old. My birthday is June 8th so I'm a gemini. The reason I'm on Tumblr is to enjoy fanart, discussions, and fan fiction. I'm also here to write silly little fan fictions of characters that I enjoy. I do want to be a published writer one day so I am working on my own projects. I'm bisexual, demisexual, and demi romantic. My pronouns are she/they. I enjoy writing, books, rain, coffee, tea, sleeping, nature, and photography. When I'm not writing stories or reading books. I'm practicing witchcraft, playing guitar, or playing stardew valley.
I also enjoy horror movies, true crime documentaries or videos, plush toys, and visual novel games. I have seizures so I'm cautious how I spend my screen time. I have other medical issues that I won't go into about. I'm a plant lover and really love spicy foods. I have too many comfort characters to name but my number one comfort character is Kakuzu from Naruto. If you want to get to know me more than feel free to dm me, my Instagram is ladyeverlasting_
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✧Fandoms I Write For✧
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Welcome Home
Stardew Valley
Assassins Creed
Certain Anime Shows, just ask me
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Request Are: closed
Ask Are: closed
If request are open then feel free to send them in but if they are closed please do not send anything or I'll delete them. Ask will always be open but don't spam me please. Also if you have an issue with me please don't use sunglasses to hide behind having an issue with me, just dm me. Also I'm open to criticism because I do want to grow and learn. Just at the end of the day please be respectful.
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Helluva Boss
✧- Husband Mammon
✧- Mammon Bloody Legend: Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9 , Part 10
✧- Mammon + Female Servant
✧- Mammon + Male Servant
✧- Boyfriend Asmodeus
✧- Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Mammon With S/O
✧- Verosika X Male Reader: Sweetest Treats
✧- Striker X Female Reader: Chaotic Beauty
✧- Striker X Female Reader: Daughter Of My Enemy
✧- Striker Father HCS
✧- Sinmas With Mammon
✧- Vox Boyfriend HCS
✧- Husk Boyfriend HCS
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valenli · 11 months
Jacob Frye x (Fem) Reader
Imagine you help patch up Jacob Frye after a fight club, but he confesses it was for good reason? (and it is your birthday no less!)
(warning: blood, stitching)
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Jacob Frye, what a force of nature was he. Jacob was either the best person to be around, or he'd cause you to be behind bars. As his supervisor on the train (as demanded by Evie Frye) I'd often have to patch him up whenever I'd stop by Whitechapel to get groceries for the Rooks aboard the train. But this time it was different, I looked for Jacob left and right around the fight club but he was simply missing. This wasn't good as he could easily have lost to a templar crook and been dragged out, and seems my theory wasn't far fetched as when I walked around the alleyways I found Jacob surrounded by templars. I carefully hid behind some wooden crates and looked through my pockets for anything I could use, having only one smoke bomb, a cherry bomb, and a single throwing knife, I had to be creative. I could see at lease five men, one of them being the fight club champion. I decided I'd get them to separate, I threw the cherry bomb down the alley and got two to depart from the other three. I then threw the smoke bomb at the threw and one blade directly to the head of the fight club crook. I managed to strangle the two men and once the smoke bomb cleared I picked up Jacob by his under arms and dragged him to the nearest carriage. Some time passed before I got aboard the train and placed Jacob in the bed, looking through his injurys I found something in his pocket, a large amount of money, made sense why they wanted so bad. Soon I began stitching in the injuries and heard groans from the big man baby.
Jacob had woken up with a big startled yet tired expression. I frowned softly, letting him know that I had been rather disappointed.
"the.. The coins! Where are they?" he exclaimed
"calm down your highness Frye, I have them put away, if you hadn't noticed we're safe in the train. Your welcome"
I sighed finishing my words and gently wrapped his arms in a bandaid. He calmed down and wouldn't stop looking into my eyes with that childish puppy eyed look he often gave Evie when talking about the rooks.
"whats the matter Jacob? Tell me would you.. I'm trying to finish up" I held his arm closely to my lap and put down the bandaid roll
"well I wasn't just beating away at those punks for my own entertainment, though it was quite fun I admit. I was going to get you something" he said smiling, I noticed the blood in his bottom lip and pouted. I got a needle and thread and got closer to patch the lip up. "well, what was your goal then? Mmm? Carry all of the rooks money so you could lose it all gambling away in that godforsaken fight club?" i said as I stitched his lips as best I could. Seeing his face red all over with his eyes blueberry colored wasn't something I enjoyed knowing I could've stopped it by telling him to stay put on the train.
"i was going to get you a gift, your highness Y/N. Not just any actually, buttt.. Oww, can't tell you now can I?" he smirked all smugly like the jester he can be sometimes. I knew asking him what it was would lead me to a cat and mouse game of words. I rolled my eyes and continued to patch him up in his arm with the bandaid roll, I could see in the corner of my eye he was looking at me still, waiting for me to speak. "look, whatever may be the reason for your foolish games better be good" i looked at him and frowned. Getting up as I finished helping me but I felt his weaker hand hold mine, I looked over slowly towards Jacob. A smile drew on Jacobs face as he sat up, "i think your the perfect reason to get beat up for, Y/N". I could feel myself get red on my face and I sighed softly. "look, your highness Frye. I'll let you go just this once since it is my important day, alright?" I smiled, deep down his ridiculous manner was to my liking. Jacob stood up as best he could and carefully placed his hand on my face, his hand was roughed up greatly but there was a gentleness that I felt in his hand, he smiled softly when I held his hand closer to my cheek. I could feel his lips meet mine as we closed eyes, after a minute or so I heard Evie chuckle softly. Jacob jumped and looked over.
"whatcha doin there Jacob?" Evie teased her brother, this was the first time she'd ever seen him kiss someone. He chuckled softly, "just wishing her happy birthday is all, why?". Jacob had a mission to get to it seemed, once Evie headed out. Jacob held me carefully, smiling, "seems as though the early morning crow has yet another fight to attend, Y/N" he kissed me once more, I kissed back and placed his top hat on his head, smiling widely. "you have a city to save my Jacob dear, you should get going" he walked out the door and followed to watch. He stood on the roof of the train. "happy birthday to the wonderful Mrs Frye to be" he said jumping away to his mission fast as the night
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sneaky-eel · 2 months
Sense Ubisoft decided to give us jack shit on Desmond's mother I wanted to do my own little head-canon of her.
Desmond's mother is a cold, no-nonsense woman. A prodigy in her own right who was probably one of the options for the next mentor, but preferred field work. Her acts of love are through services and what is a better service to those she loves then ridding the world of templars. The longest she probably went without being out in the field was when Desmond was born and it isn't till he is 5 or 6 that she goes back out. Now she is working twice as hard. Not just for her fellow assassins, but now she has a son. A son who will be forced to do this same exact thing if she doesn't do something.
So she is around less and less. One day here, two days there. And maybe she thinks she is doing her family a favor. She deludes herself into thinking this will push Bill and Desmond closer together. Desmond will love Bill more because he is there and she is not. But it has the opposite effect. As he gets older Desmond starts to resent Bill. He can never be good enough. Never strong enough or fast enough. He is subjected to a constant stream of belittlement from his father. Bill works all the time and Desmond hates that he is forced to have dinners at an empty table all alone while Bill is in his office. So close but still too far.
But his mother? Oh his mother is his hero because all this time he has been building in his head the idea of what his mother is. An ideal mother. "Yeah she isn't here cause she is keeping us safe. Everyone says how great she is. The best of the best." He tells himself. Then as he gets older he starts to compare Bill to this idea of his mother. "If mom was here she'd be able to explain this better to me. She is really smart.", "When mom gets back I'm sure she can help me with this move. She's the best.", "Once mom gets here we can have dinner like a family, maybe we can cook together." on and on.
Finally, at 16, his mother is home for the first time for a longer than a day. Two whole weeks in fact. And he is so excited only for that reunion to be awkward and kind of cold. He doesn't get those meals together like he hoped. Training with her is worse than his father. With Bill he had learned when the man is actually paying attention and where, which allowed Desmond to slack in other areas, but with his mother she is always watching. She nitpicks every movement and doesn't seem to understand why he can't get something on the first try. She pushes Desmond well past exhaustion and makes him train even past that. Desmond's carefully crafted view of his mother is destroyed in just a few days leaving him empty and convinced that neither of his parents actually love him.
From Desmond's mother's point of view the reunion is "cold" because she doesn't know what to say to her son. She has been gone for so much of his life and the only things she really knows about him are through Bill. She knows he has potential, but he is "disinterested" and "never takes anything seriously" so in training she pushes him. She has been a field agent this whole time. She knows that a single misstep can mean death and Desmond is already 16. In a few more years they will send him on his first mission and she will be damned if she lets him die. Those missed meals together? She is with Bill in his office helping with his work and on occasion they will sit there with a bottle of scotch between them, talking about life before. Before he had to be mentor, when they had at least a little time to themselves. A little time for each other. She doesn't see what she is doing to Desmond.
When it's time for her to leave again she doesn't question Desmond's lack of smile or how he says he is going to go "train", she only thinks 'Good. He is going to start taking things more seriously.' She doesn't think anything is wrong when she gets off the plane and she drives to the safe-house. She doesn't know that Desmond has snuck out. Ran away from the home he believes never even cared about him. Nothing is wrong until Bill calls her and says the three words the shatters her world.
"Desmond is gone."
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