#asset sale results
determinate-negation · 6 months
“The division of labor is a broad concept and both in the workplace and across societies, and there are numerous social and cultural distinctions that shape its formation, including the organization of productive and social reproductive labor through gendered and racial hierarchies. However, at this point, Marx is focused on divisions between firms and economic sectors and more broadly with territorial divisions of labor. As with cooperation, he suggests (cursorily) that a social division of labor of some form exists in all types of societies, and in relation to territory, this includes exchange relations that arise between different communities with different assets, resources, and products. He asserts that “the foundation of every division of labor which has obtained a certain degree of development and has been brought about by the exchange of commodities, is the separation of town from country.” While territorial divisions of labor exist in precapitalist societies, the division of labor in the manufacturing system provides a “fresh stimulus” to the “territorial division of labour, which confines special branches of production to specific districts of a country” and “exploits all natural peculiarities.” This extends yet more broadly to the “colonial system and world market.”
While they reinforce each other, Marx makes an important distinction between the division of labor in the enterprise and in society, which he suggests, differ not only in degree but kind. One key difference is that with the social division of labor, the means of production are not strictly concentrated, but rather distributed among independent producers, and the connections between them are formed through the purchase and sale of commodities. The way the social division of labor is organized is also quite different. Marx points out that its organization is not based on conscious control but rather “the play of chance and caprice,” which “results in a motley pattern of distribution of the producers and their means of production among the various branches of social labour.” While the division of labor in production is extensively planned, regulated, and supervised—and is thus enforced a priori by capital—the division of labor in society, Marx writes, is enforced a posteriori, via market-price fluctuation and competition.
As a result, capitalism is characterized by “anarchy in the social division of labour and despotism in the manufacturing division of labour.” While capitalists eagerly plan the organization of production in the factory, they continually resist attempts to control and plan the social division of labor. This resistance, as Marx presciently observes, is enforced by bourgeois ideology which “celebrates the division of labour in the workshop” but “denounces with equal vigour every conscious attempt to control and regulate the process of production socially.”
There is a deep contradiction, in Marx’s view, between socialized production and private appropriation, leading him to suggest that under socialism, society-wide planning would eliminate capitalist “anarchy of production,” ensuring a more rational allocation of economic resources and productive capacities, while eliminating economic crises. This is expressed succinctly in Marx’s reflections in the Civil War in France, where he writes: “If co-operative production is not to remain a sham and a snare; if it is to supersede the Capitalist system; if united co-operative societies are to regulate national production upon a common plan, thus taking it under their own control, and putting an end to the constant anarchy and periodical convulsions which are the fatality of Capitalist production—what else, gentlemen, would it be but Communism, ‘possible’ Communism?”
In the chapter on divisions of labor, Marx points not only to the irrationality of market coordination, but also to the despotism and coercion this market system produces in the workplace. “Manufacture proper not only subjects the previously independent worker to the discipline and command of capital, but creates an additional hierarchical structure among the workers themselves.”The result is an “impoverishment of the worker in individual productive power,” such that “the possibility of an intelligent direction in production expands in one direction, because it vanishes in many others.” Workers’ own capacities to administer production are thwarted.”
Planning and the Ecosocialist Mode of Cooperation, Nicholas Graham
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razorroy · 12 days
Foxconn: A Lesson In The Art Of Deal
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$1.52 was the national average before 9/11
During Trump's time as president starting in January of 2017 the average national price was never lower than the national average since 9/11
The art of the deal is in fact the art of bankruptcy!
Trump Taj Mahal (1991)
Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992)
Plaza Hotel (1992)
Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992)
Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004)
Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009)
Trump is a lesson in bad business. Need more proof?
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Trump Airlines — Trump borrowed $245 million to purchase Eastern Air Shuttle. He branded it Trump Airlines. He added gold bathroom fixtures. Two years later Trump could not cover the interest payment on his loan and defaulted. 
Trump Beverages — Although Trump touted his water as "one of the purest natural spring waters bottled in the world," it was simply bottled by a third party. Other beverages, including Trump Fire and Trump Power, seem not to have made it to market. And Trump's American Pale Ale died with a trademark withdrawal. 
Trump Game — Milton Bradley tried to sell it. As did Hasbro. After investment, the game died and went out of circulation. 
Trump Casinos — Trump filed for bankruptcy three times on his casinos, namely the Trump Taj Mahal, the Trump Marina and the Trump Plaza in New Jersey and the Trump Casino in Indiana. Trump avoided debt obligations of $3 billion the first time. Then $1.8 billion the second time. And then after reorganizing, shuffling money and assets, and waiting four years, Trump again declared bankruptcy after missing ongoing interest payments on multi-million dollar bonds. He was finally forced to step down as chairman. 
Trump Magazine — Trump Style and Trump World were renamed Trump Magazine to reap advertising dollars from his name recognition. However, Trump Magazine also went out of business. 
Trump Mortgage — Trump told CNBC in 2006 that "I think it's a great time to start a mortgage company. … The real-estate market is going to be very strong for a long time to come." Then the real estate market collapsed. Trump had hired E.J. Ridings as CEO of Trump Mortgage and boasted that Ridings had been a "top executive of one of Wall Street's most prestigious investment banks." Turned out Ridings had only six months of experience as a stockbroker. Trump Mortgage closed and never paid a $298,274 judgment it owed a former employee, nor the $3,555 it owed in unpaid taxes.
Trump Steaks — Trump closed Trump Steaks due to a lack of sales while owing Buckhead Beef $715,000. 
Trump's Travel Site — GoTrump.com was in business for one year. Failed. 
Trumpnet — A telephone communication company that abandoned its trademark. 
Trump Tower Tampa — Trump sold his name to the developers and received $2 million. Then the project went belly-up with only $3,500 left in the company. Condo buyers sued Trump for allegedly misleading them. Trump settled and paid as little as $11,115 to buyers who had lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.  
Trump University or the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative — Trump staged wealth-building seminars costing up to $34,995 for mentorships that would offer students access to Trump's secrets of success. Instructors turned out to be motivational speakers sometimes with criminal records. Lawsuits and criminal investigations abound. 
Trump Vodka — Business failed due to a lack of sales. 
Trump Fragrances — Success by Trump, Empire by Trump, and Donald Trump: The Fragrances all failed due to being discontinued, perhaps as a result of few sales. 
Trump Mattress — Serta stopped offering a Trump-branded mattress, again likely due to slacking sales. 
Your move bosshag66!
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Hadas Gold at CNN:
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars media empire will be shut down and sold off, a bankruptcy court-appointed trustee said in an emergency court filing Sunday, signalling the end of the notorious far-right outlet that Jones has used to spread dangerous misinformation and lies. Earlier this month, a bankruptcy judge ruled that Jones’ personal assets would be liquidated to help pay off the nearly $1.5 billion he owes the families of victims of the Sandy Hook massacre. But at that time, the judge ruled Jones’ media company Free Speech Systems, the parent of Infowars, would not be liquidated partly because the process would be costly and lengthy.
The dismissal of the bankruptcy case against the outlet meant that the families were free to go after Jones’ assets, including Infowars, in state court. Since Jones is the owner of Free Speech Systems, a court appointed trustee was put in charge of the company. The trustee wrote on Sunday that since being appointed, he “began planning to wind-up (Free Speech Systems’) operations and liquidate its inventory.” But the trustee said the process was “derailed” when one of the Sandy Hook victim’s parents filed a motion in a Texas District Court to be granted custody of all of Free Speech Systems’ assets, including Infowars. As a result, Jones’ trustee asked the bankruptcy judge for an emergency stay in the case to allow them to conduct an “orderly wind-down and sale process” of Infowars.
In a statement, Christopher Mattei, an attorney for Sandy Hook families from Connecticut who were in favor of liquidating the company, said “this is precisely the unfortunate situation that the Connecticut families hoped to avoid when we argued that the Free Speech Systems/InfoWars case should have remained with the bankruptcy court rather than being dismissed.”
The end is near for InfoWars, the far-right conspiracy theorist outlet run by Alex Jones.
See Also:
MeidasTouch: InfoWars Being Shut Down
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death-tinkerer · 5 months
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We are hosting a sale for our Drawings! From sketches to renders! No slots, No waiting list, No hassle!
As a reminder! All prices are estimates! Heavier detailwork will always result in a high price depending on how much more detailwork there is to do!
ID in image and below the cut!
ID: Image is a commissions sale page for Kinship's drawings. At the top left is a rainbow title that says "Kinship's Commissions" with text underneath reading "All drawings are 50% off! Sketch, Lined, and Rendered! Sale Ends Sept 3rd!" overlayed onto a light greyscaled Screen Asset.
The bottom left is a currently single headed hydra fursona that has a big grin and is waving with their left hand. They have 3 sets of horns, short curly blond hair, a small blond soul patch on their chin, and pale purple-ish blue skin. Their wings and tails are mostly off screen.
To the right top to bottom, is the examples for Bust to Full Body drawings! There are 3 rows each with the original prices slashed out with a red line and the new prices right below each price. Top row are sketches of UWUMachina (No Mech, Our OC) and Hand Of The King (Dead Cells) with the prices listed between them, the new prices being 15USD to 30USD. Second row is the same character pair but now lined and colored with prices at 25USD to 75USD. The final row is the pair now fully rendered without backgrounds, priced at 32.5USD to 75USD. Below the rows is a double sided arrowed line that is labeled "Bust" to the left and "Full Body" to the right in all caps. Right behind the line and rendered examples is is a light greyscaled Desk Table Asset.
The background is a black and grey variant of an original and Undertale styled Battle Background. End of ID.
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I've understandably seen a lot of confusion and concern about the changed released date of death mark chapter 7, and that's totally fine! I've been cautiously optimistic as well since the dlc was announced but here's some things to hopefully put things into perspective
-We can never know for sure when the start time of chapter 7 actually was, but death mark 2 released in Japan in December of 2022 even if development didn't start right away for chapter 7 that's still give or take 2 years of dev time for a roughly 3 hour game sequence using assets and an engine familiar with them since its running off the first game
-Being a crowdfunded game aside, death mark 2 had a lot of delays before it finally got released so I believe if the dlc really was in a bad or rushed state EXP wouldn't release it I would hope. I mean the fact that this dlc is also on the switch means they're not divinding attention away from chapter 7 to work on a different version of it so that's something
-Again I can't say what went on behind the scenes or what numbers they were projecting to achieve with death mark 2, but sale numbers for it were...pretty low. And from what I remember at time of release Japanese Death Mark fans were pretty let down by it lol so not to sound cynical by why make more content for the series if the last project within it didn't produce results? Plus to coincide with chapter 7 death mark 1 is going on sale for extremely cheap, and it that's not a way to get some goodwill from fans I'm not sure what is and if it was rushed it would defeat the purpose of all of it
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a-d-nox · 1 day
lenormand cards: key phrases and an example of a card combo (part 3)
this is just a beginners guide to the lenormand. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally - the card / when it is in specific combos can change or alter its meaning in a reading.
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ring: unity, attachment, alliance, marriage, vow, affections, commitment, engagement, agreements, promises, partnerships, mergers, valuable objects, jewelry, completion, solution, full circle, etc.
ring + cross = joint suffering, spartacus energy, feeling burdened by your commitments, relationship trials, bad karma, being "cursed", being humiliated by your partner, disappointed by your partner, etc.
book: curiosity, knowledge, education, wisdom, intelligence, hidden things, mysteries, secrecy, information, facts, data, learning, education, projects, cases, assignments, audits, research, monetary accounts, research, exams, school, esoteric studies, discoveries, breakthroughs, confidential information, books, journals, files, deck of cards, etc.
book + ring = marriage license, wedding planner, knowledge about prenuptial agreements, combined assets in a partnership, a finished project, final exam, etc.
letter: news, messages, information, notes, memos, documents, reports, written correspondence, awards, certificates, licenses, credentials, diplomas, records, permits, authorizations, warrants, liens, titles, contacts, advertisements, flyers, brochures, junk mail, invitations, announcements, cards, posters, etc
letter + book = lecture notes, hidden messages, literary analysis, awards for intellect, learning permit for driving, etc.
man: brother, lover, father, spouse, fiancé, etc.
man + letter = a guy with news, a message from a man, doctor, educated man, famous man, etc.
woman: sister, lover, mother, friend, spouse, fiancée, etc.
woman + man = siblings, twins, couple, etc.
lilies: royalty, honor, nobility, purity, innocence, knowledge, respect, wisdom, maturity, happiness, protection, pregnancy, aging, peace, slow down, etc.
lilies + woman = queen, maid of honor, a nun, baby girl, a virgin, woman teacher/professor, grandmother, mother, motherhood, etc.
sun: new beginning, life, warmth, heat, success, glory, victory, happiness, glory, desire, courage, hope, recognition, fame, power, reputation, ego, pride, high self-esteem, charisma, alluring personality, summer, beaches, positivity, optimism, masculine, etc.
sun + lilies = pure joy, contentment, joan of arc energy, being well liked and trusted, invincibility, king, patriarchy, etc.
moon: imagination, musing, passion, unconscious, feminine, maternal instincts, intuition, psyche, dreams, creativity, inspiration, innovation, honors, fame, recognition, popularity, celebrity, emotions, passions, seduction, romance, intimacy, affection, desires, fantasies, motherhood, the womb, menstruation, hormones, instincts, perception, sensitivity, awareness, mystics, mediums, psychics, etc.
moon + sun = prologue, dream life, "the warm and fuzzies", psychic power, pearl energy, charming personality, awareness of yourself and your power, etc.
key: wishes, hidden things, success, unexpected results, karmic lessons, breakthroughs, etc.
key + moon = manifestation, creative success, overnight success, karmic lover, awareness of your lesson, etc.
fish: abundance, water, fertility, spirituality, prosperity, eternity, unity, happiness, transformation, femininity, adaptability, knowledge, creativity, freedom, luck, intuition, independence, self-employment, entrepreneurship, sales, purchases, exchanges, abundance, wealth, emotions, beaches, independence, etc.
fish + key = having a lot of wishes, murky water, the unknown, things working out, a gamble paying off, etc.
anchor: stability, security, safety, immovability, trust, faith, loyalty, stubbornness, consistency, endurance, destinations, support, reliability, lifestyle, etc.
anchor + fish = stability income, stubbornness paying off, enduring beliefs, freedom to choose, supporting yourself, lifestyle that supports the self, etc.
cross: suffering, martyrdom, burdens, challenges, worries, troubles, trials, pains, hardships, concerns, hardships, obstacles, hindrances, regret, remorse, guilt, shame, humiliation, disappointment, religion, faith, belief, esotericism, psychics, mediums, empaths, etc.
cross + anchor = financially struggling, lacking faith, being in your own way, struggling with consistency, regretting your life's choices, being disappointed by where you are, faith worth relying on, being a psychic/medium, etc.
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amtrak-official · 1 year
I was looking over Amtrak's financial report from FY2022 and I happened to read that "The Company [Amtrak] evaluated if its ongoing operating losses raise substantial doubt about Amtrak’s ability to continue as a going concern in the foreseeable future, considered to be through the end of December 2023, and concluded that the Company's forecasted cash flows, including anticipated Federal and state funding and credit arrangements, are sufficient to cover Amtrak's operations for the next year. Without Federal Government funding, Amtrak will not be able to continue to operate in its current form and significant operating changes, restructuring, or bankruptcy may occur." I would assume that federal funding will continue, however the fact that Amtrak felt the need to include this in the most recent financial report whereas it is absent in previous reports is what concerns me, but I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Other statistics I found:
In FY2023 Q2, only 6 of Amtrak's current lines broke even (see below)
Wolverine (Cost Recovery: 100%) Downeaster (Cost Recovery: 101%) Acela (Cost Recovery: 109%) Washington-Richmond (Cost Recovery: 113%) Auto Train (Cost Recovery: 118%)
Amtrak (and its subsidiaries) had a net loss of $1,827,688,000 in FY2021
Amtrak's largest asset was "Right-of-way and other properties" totaling $17,920,253,000
Amtrak's second largest asset was "Available-for-sale securities, including restricted securities" totaling $2,900,521,000
The least profitable line in FY2023 Q2 is the Illinois Zephyr/Carl Sandburg which only generated 18% of its operating cost
The second least profitable line in FY2023 Q2 was the Sunset Limited which only generated 20% of its operating cost
The line with the highest average ridership in FY2023 Q2 was the Auto Train with an average ridership of 399 passengers
The line with the second-highest average ridership in FY2023 Q2 was the Northeast Regional with an average ridership of 259 passengers
Federal Railroad Administration. “FY23 Q2 Financial Metrics  | FRA.” Railroads.dot.gov, U.S. Department of Transportation, 17 July 2023, railroads.dot.gov/elibrary/fy23-q2-financial-metrics. Accessed 16 Aug. 2023.
Amtrak. “National Railroad Passenger Corporation and Subsidiaries (Amtrak) Consolidated Financial Statements.” National Railroad Passenger Corporation, 30 Sept. 2022.
National Railroad Passenger Corporation. “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and Consolidated Financial Statements with Report of Independent Auditors.” National Railroad Passenger Corporation, 30 Sept. 2022.
Yeah the reason that's said is because Amtrak is always at risk of losing funding from the government, just this year Republicans tried to cut the amtrak budget by 70%, what that is saying is basically Amtrak isn't profitable and Federal Subsidies are still needed, so basically business as usual for Amtrak
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mariacallous · 14 days
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 included significant changes to the tax code. Many of these changes were enacted on a temporary basis and are set to expire at the end of 2025. Former President Donald Trump favors extending all the expiring provisions. Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t been specific, but says she opposes any tax increases on people making less than $400,000, which implies extending some provisions of the TCJA.   
Which are the most significant expiring provisions?  
Standard deduction: The TCJA increased the standard deduction and eliminated personal exemptions. For example, if the TCJA expires as under current law, the standard deduction for a married couple will be approximately $16,525 in 2026, while the personal exemption will be about $5,275. If this provision of the TCJA were extended through 2026, the standard deduction would be roughly $30,725, and the personal exemption would be zero.1
Individual income tax rates: The TCJA lowered marginal income tax rates throughout much of the income distribution. For example, the TCJA cut the top marginal tax rate from 39.6% to 37%. These rates will increase to pre-2017 levels if the TCJA expires.
State and local tax (SALT) deduction: The TCJA imposed a $10,000 cap on the deductibility of state and local taxes (SALT). If this provision of the TCJA expires, all state and local property taxes and income taxes (or sales taxes in states without income taxes) will be deductible, primarily benefiting high-income taxpayers in high-tax states.
Child Tax Credit: The TCJA increased the tax credit for each child under 17 from $1,000 to $2,000 (although the maximum credit that can be refunded only increased from $1,000 to $1,400 per child). It also increased the income thresholds at which the credit phases out. The child tax credit will fall back to $1,000 if the TCJA expires. The child tax credit is not indexed for inflation, so the real value of the credit should this provision of the TCJA expire will be about 25% lower than it was in 2017.
Deduction for small business income: The TCJA provided a 20% deduction for qualified pass-through income (section 199A) for sole proprietorships, partnerships, and S-corporations. If the TCJA expires, this deduction will no longer be available.
Alternative minimum tax (AMT): The TCJA increased the AMT exemption amounts and raised the income levels at which the exemptions phase out, resulting in fewer taxpayers liable for the AMT. If this provision of the TCJA expires, the 2026 AMT exemption for married couples filing jointly will be about $110,075, compared to about $140,300 if the provision is extended.
Estate taxes: The TCJA doubled the estate tax exemption. If this provision expires the exemption in 2026 will be about $14.3 million for married couples, compared to $28.6 million if the provision is extended.
Which provisions of the TCJA were not enacted on a temporary basis?
Corporate provisions: Most of the TCJA’s provisions that affect corporations—including the reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%— do not sunset. One exception is the provision that permitted a 100% bonus depreciation deduction for assets with useful lives of 20 years of less. This deduction began being phased out in 2023 and will be fully phased out by 2026.  
Individual and estate provisions: While most of the provisions affecting individuals and estates do sunset, one exception is the change in inflation adjustment methodology, which was enacted on a permanent basis. In particular, the IRS is now required to use the chained CPI-U rather than the CPI-U to index the various provisions of the tax code that are inflation-adjusted—including the tax brackets and the standard deduction. This measure typically rises more slowly than the CPI, resulting in increased tax revenues.
How much additional revenue is raised by the expiration of the TCJA’s individual tax policies?
In May 2024, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the expiration of the TCJA’s individual tax provision would raise government revenues by $4.6 trillion from FY2025 – 2034, about 1.3% of projected GDP.
What are the distributional impacts of allowing the TCJA’s provisions to expire?
The TCJA provided the largest benefits to the richest taxpayers, and so the expiration of many of its provisions will disproportionately affect the rich. The table below reports estimates from the Tax Policy Center of the distributional effects of the expiration of the TCJA provisions.2 Households in the lowest income quintile will pay roughly one-half percent more of their  income in taxes if all the provisions of the TCJA expire, while households in the top 1% will pay an additional 3.1% of their income in taxes.
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azspot · 26 days
America is a plutocracy. That does not mean only that wealth distribution is wildly uneven. It means also that nearly every major institution or process in our society is, if not directly for sale, then subject to financial constraints that make the influence of rich individuals and corporations difficult, and often impossible, to resist. Politicians at every level, who must begin, immediately upon taking office, to devote roughly half of their time to fundraising for the next campaign; university presidents and deans browbeaten by billionaires; public-television executives desperate to sell prestige for pennies; federal regulators who hope to exchange their meager salaries for more generous ones from some company their agency now regulates; newspaper editors badgered by their publishers because some corporation has threatened to sue, even with no hope of winning, in the knowledge that the newspaper cannot afford a suit; gigantic asset-management funds that now control an astounding 40 percent of the world’s wealth, including an increasing share of the physical and social infrastructure on which modern life depends; predatory private-equity funds, which use tailor-made tax laws to profitably destroy functioning companies, including hospitals and nursing homes, at great cost to employees, customers, and patients—these are just a few of the pressure points. The methods of social control through financial power in America are exceedingly numerous and intricate. The result is that very little gets done that the plutocracy—big business and the very rich—does not want done.
The Despotism of Money
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rafiqul01693 · 10 months
Unlocking Success: The Best Use of Facebook Marketing
In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, Facebook remains a powerhouse for businesses seeking to connect with their target audience and drive results. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers an unparalleled platform for businesses to enhance brand visibility, engage with customers, and boost sales. Here's a comprehensive guide on the best use of Facebook marketing to maximize your business potential:
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1. Create a Compelling Business Page:
Your Facebook business page is the digital face of your brand. Ensure it's visually appealing, consistent with your brand identity, and includes essential information such as your business hours,
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contact details, and a compelling 'About Us' section. Use high-quality images and a captivating cover photo to make a lasting first impression.
2. Leverage Facebook Ads:
Facebook's robust advertising platform allows businesses to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Invest time in creating eye-catching ad creatives, compelling copy, and a clear call-to-action.
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Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel ads, video ads, and lead ads, to find what resonates best with your audience.
3. Engage with Your Audience:
Social media is all about building relationships. Regularly engage with your audience through comments, messages, and posts. Promptly respond to inquiries, address concerns, and foster a sense of community. Encourage user-generated content by running contests or asking for reviews, turning your audience into brand ambassadors.
4. Utilize Facebook Groups:
Facebook Groups provide a unique opportunity to create a community around your brand or industry. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions, positioning yourself as an authority in your niche. Alternatively, create your own group to foster a sense of belonging among your customers and prospects.
5. Harness the Power of Facebook Analytics:
Facebook Insights offers valuable data on your page performance, audience demographics, and content engagement.
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Use these insights to refine your strategy, identify popular content, and optimize your posting schedule. Data-driven decisions are key to a successful Facebook marketing campaign.
6. Optimize for Mobile Users:
A significant portion of Facebook users access the platform on mobile devices. Ensure that your content is mobile-friendly, with concise and visually appealing elements. This includes mobile-optimized ads, responsive landing pages, and a seamless user experience.
7. Implement Facebook Pixel:
Facebook Pixel is a powerful tool that helps you track the actions users take on your website after clicking on your ads. Use this data to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, retarget website visitors, and optimize for conversions. Facebook Pixel is an invaluable asset for refining your marketing strategy.
8. Run Targeted Contests and Giveaways:
Engage your audience by running contests and giveaways. Encourage participants to like, share, and comment on your posts to increase organic reach. Ensure that the prizes align with your brand and attract your target audience, fostering a positive association with your business.
9. Stay Consistent with Content Strategy:
Consistency is key in maintaining an active and engaged audience. Develop a content calendar and post regularly to keep your audience informed and entertained.
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Mix up your content types, including images, videos, articles, and user-generated content, to maintain variety.
10. Test and Iterate:
The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Continuously test different strategies, analyze results, and iterate based on the feedback and data you receive. This iterative approach will help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing consumer behavior.
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bestaiapplications · 2 months
Revolutionize Your Business with Omodore: The AI Assistant That Transforms Operations
Tired of juggling countless tasks and inefficient processes? Omodore, the leading AI Assistant, is here to transform your business operations. This game-changing tool is designed to streamline your workflows, enhance customer interactions, and boost overall efficiency with its advanced AI technology.
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Omodore is not just another AI tool—it's a powerful assistant that takes business automation to the next level. Imagine an AI that can handle live customer interactions, manage detailed FAQs, and overcome objections with ease. Omodore’s sophisticated algorithms ensure that your customers receive accurate, timely responses, freeing up your team to focus on strategic activities.
One of Omodore's standout features is its intuitive setup. With just a few clicks, you can create and deploy an AI agent that integrates seamlessly into your existing systems. This agent is equipped with a comprehensive knowledge base, enabling it to address a wide range of customer queries and scenarios. The result? Increased efficiency and improved customer satisfaction.
Beyond customer service, Omodore's capabilities extend to other critical business areas. It helps with automating sales processes, analyzing customer data, and even optimizing marketing strategies. This versatility makes Omodore an invaluable asset for businesses looking to enhance their operations and drive growth.
The AI Assistant's ability to adapt and integrate with various business functions means that it provides actionable insights and support tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re aiming to improve customer engagement, streamline sales processes, or enhance overall operational efficiency, Omodore is equipped to help you achieve your goals.
Ready to take your business to the next level? Explore how Omodore can revolutionize your operations by visiting Omodore. Experience the future of business efficiency with the AI Assistant that delivers unmatched performance and results.
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fursasaida · 1 year
If you have a bunch of trees, and you chop them down to make paper or lumber or whatever, you can sell the paper or lumber or whatever for money, but on the other hand trees store carbon and cutting them down is bad for climate change. If instead you do not chop down the trees, that is good for the environment, and it is a great innovation of modern finance that, now, you can get paid for not chopping down the trees. This is called “carbon credits.” There are measurement problems.
If you mine Bitcoin, you use a lot of electricity to run computers to perform calculations to get Bitcoins for yourself, which you can sell for money. But this is bad for the environment, because it uses electricity that is probably generated in ways that release carbon.[1] If you were to stop mining Bitcoin, conversely, that would be good for the environment. Can you get paid, though, for not mining Bitcoin? Oh yes, modern finance has solved that one too:
Bitcoin miner Riot Platforms Inc. made millions of dollars by selling power rather than producing the tokens in the second quarter as the crypto-mining industry continued to grapple with the impact of low digital asset prices.
The Castle Rock, Colorado-based company had $13.5 million in power curtailment credits during the quarter, while generating $49.7 million in mining revenue. Riot booked $27.3 million in power curtailment credits last year and $6.5 million in 2021 from power sales to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which is the grid operator for the Lone Star state. …
The company had $18.3 million in power credits in June and July based on its latest monthly operational updates, including $14.8 million in power curtailment credits received from selling power back to the ERCOT grid at market-driven spot prices under its long-term power contracts and $3.5 million in credits received from participation in ERCOT demand response programs.
Here is the 10-Q; this stuff is described in Note 8. Some of what is going on here is that Riot has a long-term power supply agreement in which TXU Energy Retail Co. has to supply it with electricity at fixed prices through 2030, and Riot has the option to sell the power back to TXU, at market rates, for credit against its future electric bills, when the spot price exceeds the contract price. But part of it is demand response, where ERCOT pays Riot cash for using less than its typical electrical load during periods of peak demand.
As with carbon credits, there are measurement problems; I have never mined a single Bitcoin, yet ERCOT has never sent me a penny for my forbearance. Still, how great is modern finance? Twenty years ago, if you had told people that one day they could get paid for not mining Bitcoin, they would have said “what?” But now it is possible. Modern finance created the problem (Bitcoin mining) and the solution (paying people not to mine Bitcoin); the overall result is that nothing happens and yet people get paid. Just a miracle of financial engineering.
Also: Riot is getting paid for not using electricity, but if you are an enterprising Bitcoin miner surely you should look into getting paid for not using carbon when you are not mining Bitcoin. Riot is not there yet, but it is possible to imagine a warming world in which energy prices go up and Bitcoin prices go down and Bitcoin miners can get paid more for not mining Bitcoin than for mining Bitcoin. Giant fortunes will be made by people who got in early to the business of not mining Bitcoin. The future is so good, man.
This is from Matt Levine's "Money Stuff" newsletter (which yes is under the Bloomberg masthead), which I highly recommend if you want some kind of awareness of what the finance yahoos are doing but want to feel like you're hearing it from a human person
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workersolidarity · 1 year
This is an index of Economic growth of select ex-Communist countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and Georgia, with a mention of China.
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Poland, among the Eastern European ex-Communist countries, did the best. And it is true that Poland's economy is now more than 2.5x the size it was before the Warsaw Pact countries collapsed, having received ENORMOUS aid funds from the EU and US, and was even brought into the European Union, becoming fully integrated into the Western Imperialist fold.
There's just no way to credibly say that Neoliberalism served the economic growth of Poland. The massive economic intervention by the West into Poland's economy is antithetical to Neoliberalism. And so, we can conclude Neoliberalism was NOT a cause for Poland's economic growth.
Second best, as you can see, is Belarus, having grown to nearly twice the size its economy was in 1989. But what's interesting about this is that Belarus was the one Eastern European nation that did NOT adopt a Neoliberal Capitalist model. It is still to this day a largely publicly-owned economy, depending largely on large State-owned Machining and Manufacturing companies that employ large swaths of the population. Its education system as well has changed little since 1989, and Belarus still has one of the best education systems among Eastern European countries.
Russia is an interesting case because it began down the road to Neoliberalism, oligarchs formed out of the ex-Soviet heartland, with criminal enterprises and private corporations becoming nearly indistinguishable from one another for a time.
However, in very important ways, Russia has begun moving away from the Neoliberal model, even re-Nationalizing certain key resources and vastly increasing Social spending, Healthcare spending, and Infrastructure projects. This increase is reflected in the graph as a sudden stop in Russia's decline in the early 2000's and a steady, if slow, growth since then.
I don't personally know a whole lot about Georgia, and so I will decline to comment on the economic state of the country at this time, and will do some research on the economic system of Georgia.
Last, and certainly least, comes Ukraine, which followed a process similar to Russia's, indulging in the worst Neoliberal impulses for Privatization and Deregulation. With that said, much of Ukraine's previously strong Socialist Labor Protections, broad Union Rights, and huge public assets still remained at the time of the Euromaidan coup.
And what you see since 2014 is the very rapid deregulation, privatization and Union smashing of the Ukrainian economy. The entire country is for sale. Don't take my word for it, take Zelensky's when he made that weird video praising BlackRock and JP Morgan Chase as the future of Ukraine. Zelensky has made it crystal clear: any and all State Assets are up for the highest bidder to take. Mostly Western Corporations that see an opportunity to suck the wealth out of yet another country's working class. And the results have been so far predictable: huge increases in poverty along with economic decline and stagnation. I mean, peeling Ukraine away from its largest trading partner was always going to be bad for Ukraine, and the economic indicators make it clear that Neoliberalism is destroying their Working Class.
And lastly a simple note on China: China's economy has grown 1'480% since 1989. A staggering figure for a Nation that had been among the poorest in the world for the 19th and much of the 20th Centuries. China of course is no longer a Communist style Command economy, or is it? China still has no Private Property, all property must be leased from the State, and though China has opened up its economy, it hasn't exactly followed the Neoliberal model either.
Instead China has led global economic growth as a sort of mixed economy. Much of it remains under Command control, being massive State-owned enterprises, and the CPC has huge stakes in Private companies throughout the Chinese economy. Virtually all of China's resources remain under Govt control, under Public ownership.
I won't go much further into it, the point is clear: China, whatever its economy may be called, it is NOT Neoliberal Capitalism. So for our purposes, China's massive economic growth cannot be attributed to Neoliberalism by any means.
So just something to think about. It seems pretty obvious that Neoliberalism offers nothing to the Working Classes. All it offers is more poverty and stratospheric inequality.
Just an added side note: one thing each of the countries that have displayed economic growth since the fall of the Soviet Union have in common is an Industrial Policy. Poland, China and Belarus each have had an industrial policy with large-scale Govt intervention. This is also antithetical to Neoliberalism, and the countries that have not had an industrial policy were also the same countries to follow the Neoliberal model.
A clear Industrial Policy seems like an essential character of an economy growing on Main Street, not Wall Street.
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Sam Levine at The Guardian:
A judge dismissed a bankruptcy case filed by the Gateway Pundit on Wednesday, saying the far-right outlet did not file the case in good faith. The ruling from US bankruptcy judge Mindy Mora in the southern district of Florida comes as the outlet faces significant defamation cases from two Georgia election workers and a former Dominion Voting Systems employee who say the site spread false claims about them after the 2020 election.
Calling the site’s assets “eye-catching”, Mora noted that they were 22 times the size of its liabilities. The company reported nearly $3.1m in revenue in 2023. “TGP remains both balance sheet and cash flow solvent. There is no present financial distress, no looming foreclosure sale, no prospect of a market crash. There is only the State Court Litigation in which TGP must defend itself. That’s not a basis for bankruptcy relief; it’s the justice system in operation,” Mora wrote. The proceedings had also revealed that the company may have been operating in Florida for three years without a proper business license and could owe back taxes to the state, Mora wrote in her 28-page ruling. The Gateway Pundit declared bankruptcy on 24 April saying it was doing so as a litigation strategy in the defamation cases filed against it. Filing for bankruptcy pauses all civil proceedings against a business. The bankruptcy dismissal means the defamation cases can probably continue.
The bankruptcy filing came as lawyers representing Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the two election workers, were completing discovery in their defamation case and had informed the company it intended to take depositions of the Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and his twin brother, Joe Hoft, who is a contributor. “This is a common tool for reorganization and to consolidate litigation when attacks are coming from all sides. It allows TGP to consolidate this lawfare in one court for ultimate resolution,” Jim Hoft wrote at the time. “While we greatly appreciate the Judge’s careful consideration of the facts of this case, we believe some of the findings are not supported by the existing law or underlying circumstances presented at the hearing or otherwise contained within the record. The Debtor continues to consider its options and will move forward in its legal and business path,” Bart Houston, a lawyer representing the company, said in a statement.
The defamation cases are being closely watched because they are testing whether US libel law can be an effective tool to combat misinformation. The collateral bankruptcy cases are seen as an effort to try to avoid accountability for lying. A judge earlier this month also dismissed a bankruptcy case filed by Rudy Giuliani, who was ordered to pay the two Georgia election workers $148.1m for defaming them last year. After the 2020 election, the Gateway Pundit published several articles falsely saying that Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss, both election workers in Fulton county, Georgia, were involved in a plot to scan ballots multiple times and steal the election. The claims were immediately debunked and both women have been cleared of any wrongdoing. The false claims were amplified by Giuliani and other Trump allies and became central to their efforts to overturn the election results. When Trump called Georgia’s top election official and asked him “to find 11,780 votes”, he mentioned Freeman by name.
Judge Mindy Mora dismissed far-right propaganda outlet The Gateway Pundit’s bankruptcy filing on Wednesday because the company filed it for bad faith reasons.
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letrune · 2 years
The art and kofi post
Hi all! I’m currently in a predicament where I need to make circa 200 euros a month. So, I got a ko-fi, and I do commissions!
https://www.furaffinity.net/user/letrune/ my furaffinity gallery
https://www.deviantart.com/letrune my deviantart gallery
You can find me there or maybe on discord if you got questions!
New: commissions price sheet!
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Terms of service: Prices are starting prices, and will increase by the amount of work required, depending on content, complexivity and detail. All prices are in euros, these are the minimum. My artwork is -NOT for sale -NOT for feeding into AI -NOT for any sort of monetisation
If you are not the commissioning party, the image is NOT for you to use as your image, not for your roleplays, not as a forum icon, nor as a reference image.
Drawn commissions are all drawn digitally by myself, from scratch, there are no reused assets, no tracing. For this reason, you are also not allowed to use them unless you are the commissioner. If the commissioner is anonymous, see what you are NOT allowed to do with it. I work on commissions in my free time, therefore time is not specified. Please do not try to haste it. Breaking these terms and services will result in retaliation and publicly denouncing the breaker's acts.
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pitasmare · 9 months
recently saw a tiktok about toji n megumi…and good god. ppl in the comment section were willing to die in the trenches to convince others that toji had at no point sold megumi (which is so easily fact-checked it hurts) and that he was a great father. girl, we did not read or watch the same series. and mind you, this is not coming from anti-toji angle at all.
i don't understand glazing over the turmoil present in the text. it's what makes their father-son relationship so interesting and compelling. the tragedy of it all! how grief and trauma molded their relationship - or actually, lack thereof. and yet, even then, megumi was still toji's last thought as he was dying. the softness in his voice when he said "i'm glad" after coming to the conclusion that gojo had intervened in the toji-naobito agreement and had allowed megumi to stay a fushiguro!
and how delusional do you have to be to claim fushiguro toji is a good father?? bro??? toji loved megumi, sure. but his approach to his son, post his wife's passing, was hands-off: extreme edition. megumi himself says he hasn't seen his father in years and toji asks "who's that" in response to shiu asking about his son. all the "caretaking" choices he made for megumi (like arranging a future sale with the zenin, leaving him with his then partner, mamamiki) resulted in son's well-being and rearing being out of his hands. telling gojo that particular info but leaving it up to him what do with megumi's fate, is another wild example of his claim to absentee father of the century.
and i think it's easy to understand why. it's not out of malice, toji's treatment by his clan left him thinking that he was worthless and also, deeply unstable. all those traits resurfaced again during his grief. so, with an example of childrearing like that, zero positive influences in his own parenting (mamamiki isn't winning any mother of the year awards either. althought, idk if that would have changed anything) this was probably his way of trying to provide megumi w/ a better life by taking his presence out of the equation. the same happens when it comes to the sale. in his head, toji probably believes he is providing better odds for megumi by selling him back to their ancestral clan (even though, i'm sure toji knew he wouldn't be exempt from hardships - the zenin clan's still toxic even if you are an asset).
obviously, there here is also selfishness, lack of motivation, and a whole cocktail of other negative bullshit, in all of that. out of sight, out of mind (so out of mind he forgot to who the name megumi fucking pertained to. and, adding to the cherry on top, HE was the one who named his son). also, i cannot stress this enough,,,,he was going to financially benefit from SELLING his son. which is, and i cannot believe i have to say this so, bad! that, cancels every and any possible good (even if misguided) intention in leaving megumi in the zenin's care! he's a flawed fuck! he's another cog in the great old generational trauma of the zen'in clan! fushiguro toji is objectively not a god person or father! however that's part of what makes him, him. and as a consequence, what makes him such an interesting character. it's why their little father-son (unbeknownst to megumi) moment hits so hard. the baggage has to exist in order for that little moment to hold so much meaning.
in sum, i love all is well au’s as much as the next person, but why reduce such an interesting relationship, when discussing actual canon, to something with so little complexity? why viciously sanitize it? i want to see that energy in fics! in aus! but like. time and place ❤️
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