#assistant nurse
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PANDEMICS- Hostile Power Takeover? Learnings on Urban & Domestic Warfare, “Disease: Bacteria Part 1, Fundamental Considerations”:
Let’s say the hostile power is more technologically advanced & half robot/half machine or full machine, so seemingly unkillable. Organic beings are very vulnerable to having disease used as a weapon against them.
Disease can be a major benefit to this type of hostile power & it would be an incredibly powerful weapon. This allows the destruction of an organic-based domestic population & it can also allow the harvesting of resources to build new bodies and/or reuse of the entire body depending on the disease process.
There are many insidious ways diseases develop & spread. This process DOES NOT just occur in a laboratory. Remember that there are many different “groupings” of entities we refer to as pathogens or things with the ability to cause disease.
Bacteria are an important one. Bacteria & other pathogens can reproduce by multiple means. Here I’m going to speak about bacteria with the capacity to do Bacterial conjugation. This involves passing characteristic between two different bacteria similar to how sexual reproduction can pass on characteristics. This is overall an important conversation because a lot of the most complex & common life forms in our daily lives also spread these characteristics through similar principles through sexual reproduction.
> A lot of bacteria to our awareness are able to pass on characteristics. Bacterial DNA contains the “instructions”/“resources” for bacteria to either have or not have characteristics.
-Bacterial conjugation for example allows one bacteria to attach to a second bacteria & send resources to the second bacteria. After this process, the second bacteria is able to transform and display the characteristics transferred to it. Example: Bacteria A can change colors like a chameleon. Bacteria B cannot change color. Once Bacteria A attaches to Bacteria B and they are compatible, Bacteria A passes on resources to Bacteria B. Bacteria B then acquires the ability to change color. Bacteria B now can change color & has attainted the same advantage as originally only bacteria A had. Now Bacteria A and Bacteria B can change color like a chameleon.
- The other way characteristics form & occur in a bacterial population is through mutation. If a bacteria’s DNA is altered or mutates then it can produce a bacteria with new traits & characteristics. Radiation for example, like from X-rays, often causes mutations. Sometimes mutations do “nothing” we can really perceive with our eyes. But overtime, they will eventually create large changes and can produce huge benefits for bacteria. For example: A bacteria could have always have been wiped out from nuclear weapons then overtime from mutations it can acquire the ability to survive living inside an area with nuclear radiation.
-This is a very important concept to fully understand so that you can become cognizant of how insidious this process is when discussing what bioterrorism in the modern world can look like. Pandemics are not caused just from mysterious lab leaks. The practices we do everyday are still contributing to the next pandemic occurring.
-This also gives everyone a better understanding of how MRSA or an antibiotic resistant bacteria really was “made” inside our hospitals.
> Bacteria can possibly have random or genetically engineered characteristics.
-If there are 100 random bacteria on an isolated surface that formed there naturally, some will have favorable characteristics to cause severe disease. But, some bacteria will not have those characteristics to cause severe disease. The bacteria lacking these deadly characteristics, but are still part of the same family of bacteria, would be considered weaker pathogens (weaker pathogen meaning they would cause less severe disease in organic beings).
-**But it is important to remember, If someone purposefully put bacteria down on a surface there is a chance it will not be a random distribution in strength of bacteria & they will mostly all be bacteria with strong characteristics. That group would probably be closer to 100 out of 100 of the bacteria carrying the deadly characteristic.**
>There are 2 main basic premises (which can be further subdivided and added onto when discussing what makes pathogens strong, but for now I’m discussing a more fundamentals explanation) we consider when determining bacterial pathogen strength: number of bacteria & the amount of deadly/harmful characteristics each bacteria possess.
-Reducing the overall number of bacteria in a group of random bacteria does not always mean you make a pathogen less strong. (Example: Purposefully killing 50 bacteria out of 100 and now there are only 50 bacteria in the group.)
If you destroy many of the weaker bacteria & only leave strong bacteria to reproduce, pathogens overtime can get stronger & more deadly. So, by destroying only the weaker bacteria in a group of bacteria, you slowly make pathogens stronger through this natural process & it doesn’t have to occur inside of a laboratory. To make a bacterial pathogen less strong by focusing on decreasing the overall number of those bacteria that exist in our world, you would also have to consider how many of each strength you eliminate. This is because we currently we do not use practices that wipe out groups of bacteria 100%, so we must consider these two elements together instead of separate when evaluating pathogen strength. Example: Lets say there are 100 bacteria and you wipe out 90. Bacteria A can cause humans to be paralyzed. Bacteria B cannot paralyze humans. Out of the 10 bacteria still alive, if all 10 are Bacteria A then you have eliminated the chance people would be infected with the less severe version of the disease, with Bacteria B. In the long term Bacteria A now has a strong chance to reproduce & when Bacteria A infects people it would then cause paralysis in everyone & the population could collapse. In another scenario, consider if you wiped out 90 bacteria out of 100, but you did it purposefully. Out of the 10 bacteria left, 9 were Bacteria that were Bacteria B & couldn’t cause paralysis. The last 1 out of the 10 left was Bacteria A. Then when those 10 bacteria reproduced it effectively helps “dilute” this negative characteristic in this bacterial family. Based off randomness & probability, when there this group reproduces to the size of 20 bacteria only approximately 2 of them may carry Bacteria A’s paralytic characteristic & 18 will carry bacteria B’s characteristic that does not cause paralysis. So, even though we can’t stop the bacteria number from growing, since we mindfully intervened we can still divert the trajectory of the pathogen from becoming a pathogen with the ability to become “pandemic level” and/or very very harmful.
>Two ways pathogens can get weaker is by lowering the amount of bacteria in the world & by lowering its severe disease characteristics, but this these two categories have an important interplay.
-This is an oversimplified explanation of how disease spreads & evolves, but the fundamental principles are VERY important to the overall understanding of what’s occurring. Imagine a group of bacteria you count has 100 total bacteria. 50 of them carry a gene to cause paralysis in humans & 50 do not carry this gene. When 100 people come in contact with the 50/50 bacteria distribution and get sick only 50 out of 100 of the people get paralyzed. This allows the other 50 people time to work on vaccinations & interventions to stop everyone from eventually being paralyzed.
-But, if you kill the 50 out of the 100 bacteria that do not carry the gene for paralysis then your bacteria group went from 100 to a total of 50 in size. In the short term the spread of the disease is likely to go down, as it is less likely people will randomly spread 50 objects instead of 100. BUT, those 50 bacteria with the gene to cause paralysis will only reproduce with other bacteria that also have that gene. So this bacteria, since you wiped out the 50 that don’t cause paralysis, now ALL cause paralysis & anyone who comes in contact with this bacteria strain will get paralyzed. So eventually with time the group of 50 bacteria will reproduce to 100 & spread at the same rate as they were originally, but now they cause more harm to people.
>When you unknowingly touch a colony of bacteria on an object or life form, you pick up a random sample of random “strength” of bacteria.
>****PLEASE READ: you can ALSO pickup a sample of bacteria that is all “strong bacteria” but this is NOT usually a natural occurrence you will see & is suggestive someone or something altered the bacteria and purposefully put those bacteria there. A group of bacteria that looks like it formed organically vs one that was purposefully placed there can be differentiated with taking samples of surfaces and people & counting how many strong bacteria vs weak bacteria there are, but we as a population do not regularly test for this in this way. Due to this I’m going to speak with the viewpoint of natural bacteria groups that have a gradient of “strengths”. In an ideal world we would identity groups of bacteria that have gradients of strength of bacteria vs groups of all similar strength, as interventions to stop them from becoming strong pathogens work DIFFERENTLY.)
>After you touch those bacteria they attempt to multiply and stay alive on you. Then if you touch other things they can be placed on another surface or thing. Sometimes they are placed on other surfaces in an environment or you touch your body & they are placed closer to an entrance to the inside or your body & then they are able to enter your body.
-This process will cause one of the following to occur: bacteria will stay in the area you touched & colonize it, they will die when attempting to enter the body, the bacteria will give you a disease , or in some cases the bacteria will live symbiotically inside you & help your body. If a bacteria lives symbiotically with you & does not cause harm then we do not refer to that as a pathogen, but rather just as a bacteria.
>Anytime you wipe out a group of bacteria by taking out 100% it causes that pathogen to get weaker overall, but the issue is that we do not do interventions that wipe out 100%.
-Currently anytime you clean an object in the hospital with a sanitizing wipe, you always kill less than 100% of the bacteria. This leaves behind a certain % of bacteria & they will be the strongest of that group of bacteria, because they were able to live even though you applied a cleaning product on them. This means the strongest bacteria left, even though there are less after cleaning, are now reproducing over and over again & getting stronger.
-So, when there is an environment with a large amount of bacteria variability (so all these new patients with new exposures to new bacteria that travel and touch things all the time), with shared equipment, with not 100% effective methods to destroy pathogens, & this long list of variables, we slowly produce very strong & deadly pathogens inside of hospitals.
-IF someone purposefully puts deadly bacteria ontop of a surface inside a hospital and it is a group of 100 strong & identical or cloned bacteria with no difference in genetics then wiping them out through imperfect cleaning will overall reduce pathogen deadliness. This is because there are no “stronger” pathogens vs “weaker” pathogens. They are all the same strength in this example and therefore will always get weaker when you reduce their number because they won’t reproduce to be more deadly.
>People often think when people are trying to cause them harm that would only occur when someone makes a pathogen in a lab & then deceptively goes and places some near you. This is not accurate.
-With knowing this do you see how for a hostile power there is actually LESS incentive to going through with all that work & instead a hostile power can abuse the system to cause harm? If you expect biological warfare to ONLY come out of a lab, this means you would be looking for the wrong patterns of behavior & pathogens will spiral out of control.
A lot of practices we currently use now unfortunately heavily contribute to this process that causes pathogens to get stronger.
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smthaboutuss · 4 months
Random doodls (cw gore?)
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gotchibam · 1 year
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Banette but instead of hate they're full of love 🥺💕
Banette wallpaper (regular & shiny) ✦ Pokemon wallpapers ✦ Patreon
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ley-med · 2 months
Something that's been on my mind for a while now
Very early on, sometime during med school (then doubling down on it when I started residency) I accepted and found utmost comfort in the fact that being a doctor isn't about being a "hero", but being the tiniest drop in the ocean. I sure make differences in people's lives, but when I'm not there, someone else does just the same, and medicine is the epitome of teamwork. And it's easy to get lost in this comfort.
Then there comes a case, maybe in the middle of the night, maybe sometime else, when no-one else is around, your colleagues do their part in a different OR, so it's just you and your assistant in this OR. And you oh so want to be anywhere else because the patient is dying and you aren't sure you are going to pull them through this darkest time of their life, and it's hard and you and your assistant don't have time to breath and both of you want to leave this mess, but there is no one else to take your place. So you grit your teeth and work and realise... You don't have to be someone big to matter. Every fucking drop matters.
It's exhilarating and also damn terrifying. And I don't know, kind of validating after all those years of medical school where I was made to feel I worth less than a dead frog.
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konigsblog · 1 year
doctor!141 where they have nurse!gaz, gynocologist!price, dentist!soap and pharmacist!ghost??
gynocologist!price fucks your tight hole and stretches you out, using a speculum and ruining your pussy by rutting into harshly, gasping and moaning for more and more as he fucks deep and hard into you.
nurse!gaz next door hear all your desperate gasps and mewls, using your mouth while price forces you to look into his intimidating eyes as he talks any issues or any prescriptions you'd get.
pharmacist!ghost who gives you aphrodisiacs and gets you all sticky, after you beg gynocologist!price for his thick dick, you'll suck or simon in the back of the pharmacy, letting him degrade you and finger your full pussy.
dentist!soap who fucks your mouth to calm you down. giving him big doe eyes while he reassures you you'll be alright, easing your fears as he slides down your throat. you always beg for his thick and hard cock in your mouth, sucking on it to calm you down 'til he begins working on your bruised mouth, puffy and swollen lips :((((
dentist!soap was based off a request, credits to that anon for dentist!soap
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whereporygon · 6 months
Since Ais helps around Kuras' clinic, does that mean he could be qualified as a nurse?
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
Total Drama World Tour Assistant Noah AU…
What if Assistant Noah wears beautiful dresses, whenever Chef wears a dress?
During the Wedding Challenge, how would Alejandro react to Noah wearing a dress like Chef’s, or grumpy Noah wearing a wedding dress? 😍
Hot take? I don't think Chef would want anyone stealing his limelight.
And I also don't think Noah would resign himself to wearing pretty dresses unless he's motivated by spite or money - neither of which would really apply here? Like, sure, he's got very little left in terms of dignity (like most poeple who've suffered through the trials of Total Drama, and/or being Chris' personal assistant) but he does have some semblence of self-respect.
He's also susceptable to things like performance anxiety, which is something we see in Ridonculous Race during the air guitar scene, so I imagine he'd be very hesitant to make a spectacle of himself on international television for no apparent reason.
If he were a contestant, then maybe he'd be willing to wear a wedding dress. Lord knows they've all done far more embarassing things for the sake of the competition. But as an assistant? He doesn't really have anything to gain form the situation outside of dodging whatever penalisation he'd get from not following Chris' orders, and he wouldn't be on camera enough to justify the "joke", unlike Chef.
You could spin this into Chef roping Noah into playing into the whole casino vibe they have going on, by having him pay Noah off to dress in something equally as gaudy and sequin-heavy as his own fuchsia gown. Though in this scenario I'd imagine Noah being dressed as a particularly sparkly casino dealer, if only to stay on theme with the whole Vegas-adjacent vibe they've got going on (you know; slot machines, speedy marriages, gambling, ect). He'd be unhappy about it, sure, but the outfit itself wouldn't be eye-catching enough to warrent any complaints from him.
Of course, Chef could just as easily pay him off to wear a maching gown. Or anything, really. With enough financial compensation, I reckon you could have him walk onto the casino stage in a fursuit, or a clown costume, or anything (within reason). It'd be embarrassing, but his further education won't fund itself.
As for Alejandro's reaction? That's fully dependant on what their relationship is like at this point.
Though I do think it'd be really funny to have him blue screen half way across the tightrope over Niagara Falls when he catches sight of Noah in the biggest, puffiest wedding dress imaginable standing casually next to Chef's customs booth. Either because he's just downright confused over Noah's wardrobe situation, or because he thinks Noah somehow looks pretty in a gaudy wedding dress that's bigger than he is. Likely a mixture of both.
Especially since Heather, at this point in the series, is trying desperately to keep his attention on her. Potential for a one-sided Heather-Noah rivalry, perhaps?
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that-butch-archivist · 3 months
1 out of 4 accelerated summer courses finished today. Next to go is Chem.
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amyxcruzz · 15 days
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Which way do you guys study better using an iPad or writing on paper?
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huntjames · 4 months
A Guide to Medical Transcription Courses in Dubai at The Knowledge Point Institute
The dynamic healthcare sector in Dubai is constantly evolving, offering exciting opportunities for individuals seeking to contribute their skills and knowledge. One such avenue is the field of medical transcription, a critical role that bridges the gap between healthcare professionals and patient records. Medical transcriptionists transcribe dictated medical reports, doctor's notes, and other healthcare documentation, ensuring clear, accurate, and timely medical records. This guide explores the advantages of pursuing a medical transcription course in Dubai and highlights the comprehensive program offered by The Knowledge Point Institute, empowering you to embark on a fulfilling career in healthcare.
Delving into the world of medical transcription offers a multitude of benefits.
Firstly, it presents a stable and rewarding career path. With the ever-growing demand for accurate medical documentation, skilled medical transcriptionists are in high demand. This translates to promising job opportunities in hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities across Dubai and the UAE.
Secondly, a medical transcription course equips you with valuable skills. Through comprehensive training, you'll gain a strong foundation in medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology. You'll also develop excellent typing speed, active listening skills, and meticulous attention to detail – all essential qualities for a successful medical transcriptionist.
Thirdly, the field of medical transcription offers flexibility. Many medical transcriptionists enjoy the flexibility of working remotely, allowing them to create a work schedule that aligns with their personal needs and preferences. This is particularly appealing for individuals seeking a work-life balance or those with existing commitments.
The Knowledge Point Institute, a leading provider of professional training courses in Dubai, offers a comprehensive medical transcription program designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in this rewarding field. Their program features:
Expert instructors with extensive experience in medical transcription. These instructors will guide you through the intricacies of medical terminology, ensure a solid understanding of healthcare processes, and equip you with the practical skills required for success.
A curriculum that emphasizes practical application. Through a blend of classroom learning, interactive exercises, and real-world case studies, you'll gain practical experience in transcribing medical dictation, ensuring you're prepared for the demands of the job.
State-of-the-art technology and resources. The Knowledge Point Institute utilizes the latest medical transcription software and provides access to a comprehensive library of learning materials, ensuring you remain at the forefront of the field.
By enrolling in a medical transcription course in Dubai at The Knowledge Point Institute, you'll be well on your way to launching a fulfilling career in healthcare. You'll gain valuable skills, contribute to the well-being of patients, and enjoy the flexibility and stability this rewarding field offers. So, take the first step towards your healthcare career today!
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puppyeared · 10 months
people who do STEM or administration as a career full time and continue to do art as a hobby, I am scared of you but like in a hot way. youre like if we were allowed to have cold drinks in winter. i look at you and think of miles morales with his two cakes. do you want to make out sometime
#i say all of this positively bc i just! i cant help admiring it!! even if its mundane or not a big deal to you i seriously cant wrap my head#around it.. this is in no way at all meant to be condescending or anything. whenever i look at someones bio and theyre like oh im working#as a lab assistant biologist pharmacist realtor etc im like woag.... thats insane.. and then i peep your art tag and it knocks my socks of#how?? what lives do you lead??? im so curious. i seriously want a peek inside your brains someday. or at least shadow you at work lol#i cant help but feel sad when someone says smth like well i have to support myself and art cant do that for me. or maybe you were#pushed into pursuing a 'safe' career bc i hear it a lot. all of my relatives have the same story working as nurses and OFWs for the family#i think for me its not about missed potential but rather its being sad about making a decision to put your happiness aside to get by#ive tried so hard to do it but it didnt work out. i guess watching you guys do it is fascinating to me#or maybe youve made peace with your decision or actually like what you pursued but im still amazed!! it makes me wonder what made#you pick one over the other in that case.. is it like putting time for two different things the way you would for a schedule?? hmmm#im doing graphic design so i dont really interact with ppl in other faculties even humanities like sociology or childcare... so i cant help#wondering what it must be like as someone whos pursuing visual communication both as an interest and career#i seriously wish i could do smth like a desk job or even admin and maybe ill try that if this doesnt work. or i could look into trades#but dyscalculia already makes it hard to do things like cash and mental math so i get overwhelmed if i think about this too hard#yapping
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baby-xemnas · 8 months
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"did your kid drew this haha /nervous" no my wife did
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carnation-damnation · 4 months
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Shadow the 3rd shift Resident Advocate who also provides hospitality aid! Remember when I said Shadow looks completely different while on the clock? Yeah
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putterpen · 5 months
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"Good morning little buddy, your parents are here to take you home. Lets go say hi."
Showing Cimon (Catnap) and Doug's (Dogday) jobs. I wanted to give them jobs that may seem weirdly opposite their personalities yet something they would also be good at.
Cimon is a pediatric nurse so he gets to work with the babies and newborns at Teddy Paw Hospital. Everyone said that despite his taciturn personality and penchant for dark places...kids love him. And a crying infant always seems to calm down in his sleepy swaying embrace. He usually works the night shift but the schedule can be all over the place. Meaning Cimon is tired a lot but in the quietness of the infant ward that he dutifully guards, he is content.
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"Looks like it's almost time for your big send off. Your family worked hard on the arrangements and I know you'll love it. See you later, friend."
Doug is a small guy with a big heart. He has a lot to give which is probably why his friends and many people in Playton Village love the guy. From Bubba's insecurities about his grades to a grieving parent or spouse, Doug seems to always know exactly what to say.
Death also doesn't seem to bother him so somehow he found himself a job as a mortician.
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waterlogged-detective · 8 months
i need to make darcy some type of doctors assistant to hold things during surgeries or write responses to potential customers that isnt condescending
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yuwuta · 5 months
i love men in uniform (pilot nanami, firefighter yuuji, nurse yuuta, vet megumi) soooooooooooooo much <3333
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