#astrid for chief!!!!
ellephantseals · 5 months
Will always be under the impression that Astrid should have become the chief of Berk, and not just because she’s a girl and i think it would be cool if a woman was in power.
1. Hiccup… doesn’t want to be chief, even in the end i don’t think he did, i think he just kind of had to, he had no dragon to ride off on whenever somebody tried to tell him to do his job.
2. She says in the second movie how amazing it would be to be chief and was really excited for hiccup and even offerred to take Toothless for rides when he’s busy.
3. She’s good at defence and has a strategic mind. I don’t know how many httyd fans have seen race to the edge, but i’m assuming it’s alot. That entire show shows Astrid planning ahead, protecting the edge and Berk when needed, her original idea for a base was a foretress (which with the trouble they get into they’d need one)
4. Even though she can get a little strict, or work herself too hard, or make a decision that seems brash or violent, Hiccup is there, Hiccup will always be by her side, and if she’s being violent, he will most likely oppose her. I think Astrid trusts Hiccup’s judgement most if the time and would listen to him.
5. We don’t see Hiccup as an actual chief too much, but even just in homecoming he was a mess. I don’t really think Hiccup is cut out for being chief.
The ideal here is that they all kept the dragons, Astrid becomes chief, and Hiccup flies into the clouds with toothless and explores around new Berk, but is there often enough incase Astrid needs him.
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home-of-renn · 10 months
One thing that I wished they kept throughout the franchise was Hiccup being the smallest Viking. I wish they kept him scrawny and stringy and shorter than Astrid and the rest of the gang.
Hiccup was ostracised by his entire community for many reasons, one being his weak build and small stature.
Snotlout may be shorter than Hiccup in the movies, but he's got bigger muscles and puffs himself up. He makes up for it by acting like a proper Viking, being loud and obnoxious and always ready to start a fight - that and he can actually lift a weapon.
The name Hiccup is meant to mean small and frail - the runt of a litter or the black sheep. I want Hiccup to be the absolute epitome yet antithesis of his name. I want Hiccup to be small and unassuming and shorter than the rest. But I also want him to be Great. I want him to be brave and stubborn and hard to kill. Awkward and sarcastic at the worst of times but still kind and friendly and always dependable.
I want him to be everything a Viking is and isn't. I want him to be a peacekeeper and a warrior, an adventurer and an inventor, the son of the chief and the hiccup of his tribe. Someone who can't wield the same weapons as his tribesmen so he makes his own. Someone who wants to uphold the traditions and culture of his people yet always thinks outside of the box. The representation of this new age that's fast approaching, the line in the middle where old and new clash.
I want Hiccup to dress like a Viking, talk like a Viking, eat, sleep and walk like a Viking yet be the very last thing anyone ever thinks of when they think of a Viking. And most of all I want there to be absolutely nothing wrong with that.
I wish they hadn't made him tall and appealing in the end. I wish they'd kept him the way he was. A Viking born too early and too weak in the middle of one of the harshest winters ever experienced by the barbaric archipelago. A Viking who beat the odds and survived. He's braved every terrible winter since his birth and lives in a place where it snows nine months of the year and hails the other three. He can endure bone-freezing chills and frozen oceans but never fails to catch the common cold. He's always been a bit sickly, ever since he was a child, but he always bounces back. He's got scars and a missing leg and his hands are filled with callouses, cuts and burns, but he's soft-spoken and loves to read and never skips a meal yet can never seem to get any bigger.
I wish they could have kept Hiccup the way he was. I wish they didn't have to change him in order to have him become a worthy hero.
I wish the entire village could look at their little runt of a chief and still crack jokes about his long-overdue growth spurt. I want them to look at him and be filled with pride, cause despite the fact that he hasn't grown an inch since he was sixteen, there isn't a single person on Berk who can look at him without seeing just how far he's come.
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dontgetcaught256 · 3 months
Gustav: How would you guys deal with a toxic friend?
Fishlegs: Tell them how you really feel.
Hiccup: Slowly distance yourself from them.
Astrid: Engage in a 1v1 sword battle and if they lose they have to stop being toxic or pay the price.
Gustuv, being handed a sword: … well heck.
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dizzybevvie · 9 months
"Stoick was just as bad as Spitelout" just say you didnt watch Riders of Berk
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lilaccatholic · 4 months
I am once again thinking about the reluctant ruler whose arc justly and correctly includes assuming the throne and taking responsibility for the people set before them
#it's about simba coming back to pride rock it's about aragorn using andúril to fight for middle earth and assuming the throne it's about#hiccup marrying astrid and assuming his role as chief and moses returning to egypt#and it's about irina loving her people so fully that when she claims all of her subjects as hers that chernobog must release them to her!!!#and it's about miryem choosing to stay with the staryk and repair the damage and assume responsibility for the land and people!!!!!#and! it's! about! gen!!!!#it's ALWAYS about gen!!!!#gen who didn't want to be king. who hated being king and only wanted to marry a queen but who obeyed his gods and became a king over kings#who lost his home and half his family and his HAND but who ushered in a new golden age.#and it's about sophos who ran away but who shot the ambassador and took back his kingdom#it's about duty and it's about sacrifice and it's always ALWAYS about doing the right thing even at great personal cost because it's about#submitting to a power higher than your own. of recognizing that the calling on life is one for serving others and having so much more to#answer for than just yourself. it's knowing duty is love is duty#i cant stand stories where the answer is 'give up the throne and reject your duty' because no!!! you dont get it!!!#thats how you get the monsters!!! thats how you get the prince turned into a beast and thats how you get every terrible weak king that#aragorn feared becoming#to accept your throne is to die to self!!! you are no longer you but 'king' or 'queen'#it's like queen mary says to qeii in the crown 'elizabeth mountbatten must die#elizabeth regina must take her place.'#that's terrifying! but it's also everything!!!!#die! to! self! die! to! self!!!!!!#lilac rambles#lilac goes to the movies#lion king#prince of egypt#lotr#spinning silver#the crown#tqt#the queen's thief#httyd
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skynapple · 10 months
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A cape's a heavy burden.
I wonder if he gets overwhelmed? Father gone, dragons gone. A lot of what he used to tap into for either wisdom or extra strength and help, and the dragons were kinda an outlet/escape too.
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westwindy1 · 5 months
Neither Hiccup nor Astrid would make a good Chief. Hiccup is an inventor and a wanderer; he's innovative but he's not particularly considerate when he's making decisions. He doesn't think about other people, he just jumps right into things and the other Vikings just have to tough it out and suffer the consequences.
Hiccup leading the Vikings away from Berk was stupid, he was displacing hundreds of Vikings and putting them at a tactical disadvantage, so was trying to befriend Drago in 2 and in HTTYD 1, he definitley was not thinking at all with the whole bola thing. It's really obviously implied that his inventing and trying to shoot down dragons caused problems before and his repeated efforts to the same end pre canon really shows a lack of thought and consideration for others.
Astrid is an amazing warrior; she's razor focused and determined and excels under whatever set of rules she's made to operate within, but being a good warrior does not mean having good leadership skills, expecially when part of being a good warrior means being good at deferring to other people. She leaves it to Hiccup to make the eccentric decisions, like in the first movie with the dragons.
When she takes initiative, things don't usually end up well, like when she was smack talking to Drago. She's not an out-of-the-box thinker; There's just not much sense to it.
Astrid also defers to Hiccup too much, even in the third movie where the decisions he makes are heavily led by her words; she never outright tells him to do something, just implies and implies and waits for him to get it, and the ends she's working towards aren't even for the best of the village; they are, in part, self motivated.
Neither of them listens to other people; Hiccup listens to himself and what he thinks is right even when it's not and Astrid listens to the lead. Everyone else just has to follow along.
Hiccup CAN'T lead.
Astrid can't, either.
A good Chief would consider the voices of the people, they wouldn't be trying to push people into working for their own personal motivations. It should be the opposite; they would instead take the improvement of the quality of life for everyone and their physical and mental health as their first priority.
A good Chief would WANT to do that, which is also why I don't think either Hiccup or Astrid would be great at it.
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koucangdadadao · 24 days
An Alternative Ending for HTTYD: Astrid as Chief AU
This article mainly discusses the possibility of Astrid becoming the chief, with a few mentions about the fate of the dragons. The ideas presented are highly subjective and contain strong criticism of the third movie including the light fury.
I have always believed that Astrid should be the chief instead of Hiccup. It's unnecessary to mention her wisdom and personality; anyone who has watched the series knows that Astrid is incredibly smart and empathetic. In terms of leadership abilities, Astrid is not inferior to Hiccup. Throughout the series, she often steps in as the leader when Hiccup is absent, provides calm and objective advice when Hiccup is impulsive, and assists in leadership tasks. Furthermore, Astrid has a stronger sense of belonging and a greater desire for power and honor compared to Hiccup. She follows the chief's guidance closely; for instance, in the first movie, she is particularly enthusiastic about fighting and training. After flying with Hiccup, her immediate thought is to report the dragon nest discovery to Stoick because her education leads her to understand that this aligns with the generations-long goals of Berk and benefits the entire tribe. She embodies the qualities of a powerful Viking, driven by her care and responsibility for Berk and its people. Additionally, besides her traditional Viking courage and strength, she is not overly stubborn. She was the first, apart from Hiccup, to accept dragons, and when Hiccup stood firm in his beliefs (assuming they were reasonable), Astrid didn't stubbornly report the news to the chief, showing her clear independent thinking and judgment.
Astrid is the type who knew what she wanted from a young age. In contrast, Hiccup was always marginalized, uncertain about his future goals, and unsure of what kind of person he wanted to become. Such a person, who takes a long time to find himself, is not suited to be a chief. Conversely, Astrid has clear goals and a strong desire for glory and to contribute to her tribe. This is why, at the beginning of the second movie, she joins the guard, and in the series, she always finds tasks for herself (like the A-Team). I have reason to believe that if given the chance, she would aspire to the position of chief (her excitement upon knowing that Stoick wanted Hiccup to succeed him and her expression of joy at the thought of becoming chief herself are evidence of this).
As for Hiccup, as mentioned earlier, he was marginalized from a young age and therefore does not strongly identify with the traditional Viking values that emphasize solving problems through force. Many fan theories suggest that if Astrid hadn't followed him that day and discovered his secret friendship with a dragon, Hiccup might have recklessly left. This indicates his greater desire for freedom, and becoming chief somewhat suppresses his nature. Even in the second movie, he still shows a bit of impulsiveness. Although Hiccup demonstrates strong leadership in the TV series and even learns how to be a leader from his father, I believe this leadership is more about his extraordinary wisdom and strong mediation skills. Hiccup's talents clearly lie in invention, research, and exploration. He independently recreated the Dragon Eye, for instance! Isn't it a waste of talent to have such a genius manage village affairs daily instead of focusing on developing Viking technology? Hiccup has leadership qualities, but they are not about commanding people or managing large-scale affairs. Another often overlooked strength of Hiccup is his teaching ability. In the first movie, he quickly teaches the main group to ride dragons (narrative needs aside, his personal ability plays a role). At 15, he starts a dragon academy in the TV series and teaches everyone effectively. He might not even realize this strength. I believe Hiccup's struggle to find his self-goal is largely due to his father's pressure, pushing him towards becoming a chief, which he is not suited for.
Astrid Chief AU
Hiccup After handing over the chief duties, Hiccup becomes a teacher, educating children about various subjects, including ironwork, mechanics, plants, and dragons. (Indeed, Hiccup has vast knowledge and rich experience from being an apprentice in the forge from a young age.) He would take students on field trips to different dragon and creature habitats, aligning with his love for exploration. During the day, he teaches students, and in his spare time, he collaborates with Fishlegs, now a civil official, to compile information, invent, and assist his wife in managing the village.
Astrid After the events of the second movie, Hiccup temporarily serves as chief. However, after serious discussions and preparations, Astrid becomes the official chief. She would be a diligent, open-minded leader. (Regarding children, since Hiccup already works at the school and deals with many kids, adding a couple of their own wouldn't be much different. At home, they would raise their children together.)
The role of the guard would be taken over by Snotlout.
Dragons Is it really a good idea to hide the dragons in the Hidden World? Depriving them of their freedom and the joy of soaring in the sky? Weren't there dragons in the Hidden World before Toothless became their king? What about the many dragon islands shown in the TV series? And the other protectors? Are they all gone? How can Hiccup be sure that all dragons went to the Hidden World? (The third movie is full of plot holes I don't even want to discuss. As for Light Fury, pairing her with Toothless is less convincing than pairing him with Cloudjumper.) Hence, the so-called "protection" is actually meaningless.
I hope the people of Berk indeed released the dragons because Astrid and Hiccup realized they were overly dependent on them, and Berk was running low on resources. Living in harmony with dragons doesn't mean keeping them. Toothless helps them return dragons to their original habitats (definitely not the Hidden World, which I don't acknowledge exists), but contact between humans and dragons is not forbidden. Essentially, the dragons are released back into the wild. After all, dragons are not pets.
Hiccup would still fly with Toothless privately, but to set an example of equality between humans and dragons for their children, he would use traditional means of transportation in daily life (we all know that kids seeing cool animals would immediately want to own one).
Simply put, I don't wish for or believe that the people of Berk would so easily abandon the land their ancestors have lived on for generations. I trust they would stand their ground, even if it means fighting until the village is burned to the ground, only to rebuild it after the war is won. (After watching so many movies and episodes, I've grown attached to Berk.)
Anyway these are my own point of view I absolutely happy to know if you got any ideas! And also I am so FREAKING DESPERATELY to read any novels or view any doodles of CHIEF ASTRID plz can anybody give me some charity, I'm just a poor little person.
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Thinking about Httyd...hot and perhaps too personal take: To me, Httyd was more than anything else a movie about emotional starvation. And Forbidden Friendship was the sweetest, briefest celebration of relief from that.
Afterwards, everybody basically told Hiccup to man up “because that’s just life” and I will never forgive Httyd2 and Httyd3 for that.
#httyd#wherethekiteflies#y'all keep forgetting that Hiccup grew up without a Mom.#In the same day he finds his mother; he loses his Dad.#and the third movie has nothing better to do than to make Hiccup let go of his friend because it's clingy or whatever#to keep the only stable; emotionally available being around that he has ever known.#he's painted as selfish and immature for wanting that.#Neither Astrid; nor Valka; nor Gobber understand Hiccup in the way Toothless did.#Hiccup is simply expected to go without emotional validation or the praise and intimacy he desires for his entire life#because taking responsibility is more important than feeling understood. or whatever.#this boy was granted Forbidden Friendship as the only real hug he ever received... from a dragon who chose him; who stayed with him;#who loved him; who didn't leave or bully or disappoint him. this dragon was the healthiest relationship Hiccup ever had.#and it was judged to be weak. to weaken him as a Chief. when his passion and compassion for Toothless and others were in fact#Hiccup's greatest strengths as Chief. it were those qualities; this sensitivity that made him amazing.#but the plot decided that he needed to become just like Stoick and Astrid and like the Valka who abandoned her dreams & hopes for "reality#how is desiring and needing emotional backup in life void of reality; weak; delusional and too idealistic?#shame on you httyd sequels for never granting this boy what he desired most. and that was honest; unconditional support.#analysis#httyd analysis#rant#hiccup
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oseytorvan · 1 year
In httyd, Vikings are presented as illiterate people, many of whom disdain reading and think in narrow terms. Because of this, most fans (and Hooligans) do not realize that in order to be a chief, it is not enough to be loud and muscular. You need to have certain knowledge that is necessary for the management of the tribe – diplomacy, foreign languages, reading, counting, geography… 
Hiccup did not want to become a chief not only because he was not confident in his abilities and did not want to lose his freedom. Hiccup had been trained for this role since childhood and was one of the few who knew what responsibility would fall on his shoulders. Astrid didn't know. 
She's a good commander. She knows what the tribe needs. But Astrid did not receive proper training. Astrid sees only honor in this position, she has no idea what it really means to be a chief. Astrid does not know that it is necessary not only to give orders, but also to listen. Not only to observe traditions, but also to find innovative solutions. To see the problem where everyone else sees something ordinary. These are Hiccup's strengths and Astrid's weaknesses. 
No one is saying that it will be easy for Hiccup, that he will make only the right decisions. The fact is that Hiccup knew exactly what he was going for when he spoke: “A chief protects his own”. For him, this is not a game of reputation and authority, unlike Astrid or Snotlout, for him it is a responsibility that is too easy to not handle.
Astrid was not mistaken when she saw a good chief in Hiccup. He brought prosperity to his village. The problem is that until Hiccup became the chief Astrid never thought about what it meant to him.
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reviewinghiccup · 1 year
Blog Post Title : Breaking Down Hiccup (Deep Talk)
Blog Post Series No.: #1
Title : How to Train Your Dragon 2
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Disclaimer: This isn't a full review on HTTYD 2 the movie.
Once again, Hiccup floating in the air, gliding through the skies on Toothless, seamlessly flying on invisible currents is cathartic. I just wish I could breathe air that clear and fresh. I wonder if some time away from everything will make it easier to make tough decisions.
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So far, I don't think I address the question on whether Hiccup wants to be chief. My reviews on Riders of Berk refer to the village's changing perspective of Hiccup and them taking to him as leader. I don't think I've discussed whether Hiccup wants the job. Besides, that question isn't material at the time and space ROB was just yet. Hiccup was still, a kid.
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In HTTYD 2, we know he doesn't want to be chief because he still feels lost. Incomplete. His thirst for adventure continues and he will harken to anything calling his name (apart from his dad). But Astrid's advice rings true. He has had so many missions, adventures, discoveries in ROB, DOB and RTTE but they did not quench or answer the inner call to "Who am I?"
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Even for us, sometimes wanderlust is just a distractions to the grand scheme of responsibilities we are suppose to take on to answer the question we keep asking.
Believing that being chief isn't innately him, is the very doubt that causes him to discount how much of a born leader he is.
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad, mostly because I never thought I could. How, how do you be someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess, you can only try," Hiccup says at his father's funeral.
Self-doubt is the thief of destiny. As such, even after his father's passing, Hiccup struggled to step into the role, to feel worthy of it, until Valka said that his father always knew he was going to be great.
"He always said you would become the strongest of them all and he was right. You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son."
You see. This may sound like news to Hiccup, but for those who have been following his story, he has always been brave and selfless. He protected Berk and his riders, diving to their rescue even at the expense of precious treasures.
Even to the extent of protecting day-to-day relationships. Like what he did for Snotlout at Thawfest, the encouragement he brings to Fishlegs, the validation he gives the Twins. Training dragons to live w Berkians. Defending Berkians. Saving anyone that needs saving. Helping anyone that needs help. Without question or quandary.
He thought that the answer to Who am I was out there, but it was in him all along. And when you are this blind to all your attributes, the only way to answer the all-asking question is by stepping out of your comfort zone.
He has always protected his own. It started w his undying loyalty to Toothless, protecting him from day one.
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I hate that Stoick's death had to happen, but it was that drastic nudge forcing Hiccup into the shoes he was always meant to fill.
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Parts of me feel like I understand Hiccup, 15-year-old Hiccup and 20-year-old Hiccup because I AM HICCUP. Sure, I don't have a village to run and no legacy to fulfil, but boy am I afraid to do something because I don't think I can.
This show just speaks to me because I hear that same internal struggle tugging at my heart. Where do I fit in this world of very definable squares?
But maybe that's the answer I need to hear. That to find it, I have to go towards it. And to believe, that "this destiny" was mine all along.
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n1blakelover · 2 years
i forget how emotional rtte’s finale is
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
oh NOW you wanna "toothless!!!!" shut up
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Hiccstrid is crazy because it's Hiccup "would kill for her" Haddock and Astrid "would die for him" Hofferson, not the other way round.
Yeah in any other case it's Hiccup 'would die for a cause/person' and Astrid 'would kill for cause/person' but when it comes to each other? Hiccup has canonically been ready to kill for Astrid, as in blast-a-man-to-bits with Toothless and let a nearly extinct dragon be slaughtered. And whenever Hiccup is in danger and Astrid is there she's the one who pushes him out of the way, endangering herself. Like with the Death Song, the Light Fury, girl was ready to sacrifice herself for the young chief.
I just think it's cool how much these two love each other they're willing to go farther than they ever would in any other occasion.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 3 months
I can never think too much about Httyd 1 Astrid before I get too emotional.
At 15, this girl was so bitter and harsh and kept everyone at a distance and hard on everyone, including herself, and she didn't allow any emotions of hers to shine through beyond anger and its varying shades. I mean, how could she?
She grew up around blood and death, destined to inherit the same war her parents and grandparents did, stuck in an endless cycle of violence no one truly knew how it got started in the first place other than the very plausible reason that their enemy was simply cruel, unreasonable and would never stop coming. Not until one side finally eradicated the other, never knowing that the annihilation of one side would without a doubt automatically mean the destruction of the other before the unknown third party in this war, the Red Death, inevitably moved on to rinse and repeat elsewhere.
Astrid had no prospects for the future and she knew it. She would live out her life as a warrior, fight and get injured until the day she would inevitably die, probably in battle. Except maybe she would get to see her parents die a brutal death before she goes. Maybe even her future husband. Maybe even her future kids. That is, if she even got that far in life.
So no wonder she just stood by and watched with a vaguely sad look as Hiccup was bullied. No wonder her best pieces of advice were "he's never where he should be" and "pick which side you're on." No wonder she got pissed as hell at Hiccup when she fought to get just the littlest bit of an edge in a cruel and unjust world only to have it stolen right out from under her by the chief's son, who basically breezed his way through dragon training thanks to Toothless. No wonder she was ready to tell on Hiccup's ass when she found out he was making friends with the enemy, the same one who would come at night and steal their food and destroy their homes, leaving them to starve exposed to the elements.
And no wonder, when Hiccup shows her that a bleak future of endless cruelty isn't the only option for her anymore, she blooms open like the most beautiful goddamn flower in the entire north. She loves Snoggletog, experimenting with cooking, pranks, big romantic gestures. She gets truly in touch with her emotions and finds it important to build up the guy who literally gave her a future.
Astrid makes me so emotional, guys...
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