#astrology bitches
dakotacrisis · 2 years
Listen, I could care fuck all about the Try Guys bullshit. But I showed my sister a picture of Eugene's face during the statement video and her reaction was "That is a Capricorn face if I've ever seen one." Does a Google search. "Yep! He's a Capricorn sun Aries rising! Love that for him."
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whereiswonderland · 5 months
i wish i had an astrologer bestie to tell me if thats my leo midheaven doin that or what
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xyphergeist · 2 years
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breegadey · 7 months
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birthdays! we have birthdays!!
(click alt text for dates + astrology signs)
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asstrolo · 1 year
what a girl does with the birth time of the guy she likes is between her and god
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 months
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Full Pink Moon in Scorpio ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Hey, was your Full Pink Moon in Scorpio great on the 24th/25th of April? It took me a couple of days to realise there was an active shedding and releasing of A FUCKTON of black magick and karmic debris from the collective of people tuned into this PAC. That shedding and releasing was by Divine Mandate, so that’s good to know hahah
After the Full Moon, have you been feeling lighter now? Brighter in the mind? Clearer about your purpose, maybe? More motivated to take the next step? Kinda ironic because Scorpio is the darkest sign of all. But hey, seeds need to break in the dark for them to grow into plants, trees, fruits and flowers, right?
This Full Pink Moon in Scorpio is really associated with rebirth, plant magick and wishing for a victorious blooming of our desires. Scorpio is also a sign associated with the underworld, death and ancestors. Did you know people born with significant Scorpio influences in their birth chart were often born shortly after some death had occurred within the family/bloodline?
Since the Full Pink Moon has passed, have you been feeling the call of your ancestors? You’ve got a huge family of great and wise ancestors you’ve never even met in this incarnation watching over your spiritual development. Each of them loves you and honour all the spiritual work you’ve done in this incarnation. The ripples of your lightwork go beyond what you can comprehend at this moment.
Listen carefully with your pretty heart~ Your ancestors and Spirit Guides are currently very active in guiding you towards your most exciting chapter yet! Stomp forward confidently, babes~!
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Pile 1 – Let’s Go Far Away! Far From All the Dra-mama-mama~
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s h e d d i n g – Queen of Pentacles Rx
You are not taking anybody else’s karma as yours anymore. You’re done. Fucking done with spiritually taking care of everybody who isn’t even aware of their bullshit karmic load. And on top of that, you’ve been known that these fuckers ain’t ever gonna be grateful anyway. So, why should you bother? You learnt the hard way, didn’t you? Now you’ve truly become a spiritual boss bitch. You ain’t vibing with Love and Light anymore—not like that, at least. You understand now that the whole ‘love and light’ consciousness has been weaponised to neutralise the power of those who can defeat EVIL consciousness.
Now, you understand people are fully responsible for their own healing; for how they react to what’s happening around them and for their own choices. Even their points of view are theirs. You’re not participating in anybody else’s drama anymore. No amount of empathy will ever make you stupid again. That was your decision quite a long time ago and now that resolve has become SOLIDIFIED. Welcome back, spiritual gangster. You’re YOU again~ Now, we watch you quantum jump into your greatest abundance Reality yet!
t r a n s f o r m i n g – 9 of Pentacles Rx
I feel like you’ve been in isolation of sort for quite a while, right? Or at least, there’s a clear indication that you’ve not been in communication with too many people. Your ancestors gave you that push to be alone and to clear your aenergetic field from a lifetime’s worth of bullshit you’d absorbed from other people. During this time, you were shielded from further psychological attacks from your environment. But at the same time, you were also being given clear guidance about your next steps.
Your visions and daydreams are not random, so this Full Pink Moon is giving you more reasons to believe all of your gut feelings about your place in the world—about what you’re put on Earth to pursue and manifest. When you’re excited, make sure you share your good news with ONLY those you feel are vibrationally safe to share with. People you know won’t have any business being envious of your progress. Otherwise, keep moving on in silence, dear ghost~ You’re about to become reborn into real riches!
g l o w u p, BITCH – 6 of Wands Rx
The whole aenergy of this Pile is abundance and material riches. I’m being told, you’re building a massive Empire that’s based on real spirituality. An empire that will serve a great number of people and how that contributes to not only your material security but also to the prosperity of all involved with your projects/spiritual work in the future. With that said, your success is needed by the world! You’d better believe there’s no force on Earth strong enough to mess this up.
Your ancestors, in fact, have been setting you up for this success for literally aeons. Even from the aethers they’re still very much actively making this happen. It’s a family project, babe~ You’ve got important codes stored in your DNA—you bloodline is special. One way or another this will continue to get revealed to you through various means your ancestors can think of ;P Your physical beauty, physical prosperity, physical safety and everything is quantum jumping into a much higher octave of Reality.
You’ve set up the foundation well. You’ve sacrificed a lot with so little guidance. Congrats again, welcome Home to 5D Consciosuness~!
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Hello? Ordering From Future Express~
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s h e d d i n g – Page of Pentacles
You’ve been in the process of learning (or preparing) for a big change in your Life. This Full Pink Moon, if anything, is just indicating that you’re ready to mingle in the higher level of whatever you’re graduating from. Rather than becoming a student, you’re becoming an actual employee, worker, or expert at this thing you’ve been studying/preparing for. You have a lot of knowledge that’s ready to be shared by those who can benefit from your work. So, congrats~!
Of all the Piles, I sense your journey thus far has been pretty much lighthearted. It isn’t to say some traumatic things haven’t happened, but no matter your age, you’re such a wise optimist. You’re the type that can always say, ‘Oh well, I did learn and gain valuable lessons from it.’ You have an awareness of your surrounding and the events that visit your everyday Life, so you’re not often bothered to the degree some of the other Piles are XD
t r a n s f o r m i n g – Knight of Cups Rx
I sense that many of you reading this have been in the active process of manifesting a new kind of Reality. You’ve daydreamed and fantasised a lot—too much, sometimes LOL But I’m getting that your heart is literally constantly pulled in that direction because you’re literally that close to manifesting this Reality. Of course, when we say ‘close’, some of you may wonder how that’s even possible because you don’t feel like you’ve done a lot.
But I’m being told that your manifestation is heavily ‘water based’, meaning it is highly based on the emotions produced during your daydreaming~ As long as you maintain the feeling, the optimism, the feel-good vibes from those daydreams, you’re GUARANTEED to get every single thing you’ve envisioned for yourself. I betcha you have significant Water sign placements or planets in Water Houses in your natal chart :D
g l o w u p, BITCH – 5 of Cups
I know that recently you feel like you’ve lost something important. Although you’re positive and optimistic, it’s only natural that people can still dwell in the negative emotions caused by the shock of any kind of loss. You can take your time. But also know that this Full Pink Moon is promising you a way to rebuild or rediscover in another form what you’ve lost. What’s been lost or broken will be renewed and you will be a lot happier.
By this, the general message is that you have so much good fortune and success in the future. It’s almost like, your daydreams have been ordered from the future express and delivered to your doorstep as feel-good thought-forms. For now, they may be only thought-forms, but you’re being directed to the right place, so don’t lose sight of those visions, OK? For the most part, I think most of you already know this—you just needed some kind of a validation ^o^v
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Calm in the World, Lucky Girl~
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s h e d d i n g – 7 of Swords
Ooohhh my lucky guuurl~ You’re the lucky Pile, but actually, you’ve worked really hard to increase your luck quotient in this world! Of all the Piles, you’ve transmuted a lot of karmic bullshit in your bloodline—things like toxic mindsets which were passed down by your elders. I think you’ve worked the hardest to transform yourself whilst carrying generational bullshit which you vowed would stop with you, because you wouldn’t want these mindsets or ways of living to be passed down to the next generations.
And in your case, I get that you’re not just thinking about your own bloodline; you’re also thinking about stopping these toxic ways of living and being for all people belonging to your generation and the next. You’re thinking global—you’re thinking cosmic. This Pile is definitely for those of you who identify as being a witch or a mystic or something similar in nature. You are now shedding ugliness. All the ugliness in the ways you were brought up.
t r a n s f o r m i n g – 9 of Cups
No matter when you come across this reading, within just a couple months your abundance level is going to visibly get better. This sense of abundance is going to be real—not just a mindset thing—it’s going to be physical. You’ve been working so hard for so long on the mental and spiritual level, and in many cases, you might’ve felt like your spiritual work hasn’t produced anything tangible at all. And this could’ve often dimmed your light and made you cry, because it felt like your struggles were never going to end.
You were going in circles, but babe, you were always spiralling up out of that hell that was created for you. I think you just didn’t realise that. The path was never straight; it was a spiral in which you were spiralling and meeting old wounds and healing them, but the whole time, you were spiralling UP! Okay? The exit is close. Dang, many of you tuning into this are already out! The real physical abundance is following along tightly. Look forward to this year’s Lion’s Gate, Wise Ones~! You’ll be surprised! <3
g l o w u p, BITCH – 10 of Wands
In the deck I’m using, 10 of Wands depicts an array of soldiers who’ve just finished warring. They’re back home now, exhausted, traumatised, needing a lot of care and ease after a long battle, and are probably still in a war mindset after being in it for quite some time, right? But the important thing is that they’re home; that the war is OVER. It is OVER. It’s peacetime now. You’ve just got to celebrate all you’ve done for your country (yourself) and relish in a good bowl of soup to soothe your aching heart.
Recuperation and relaxation are crucial for you right now. You need all the TLC you could give to yourself, so in that sense, if there’s somebody who could be of some assistance to you, don’t hesitate to ask for help so your Life can be a little easier. For the time being, you need to be taken care of. Sooner than later, you will be jumping into a different kind of an exciting bandwagon straight to your Destiny~ Then, you can help others~!
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 8 months
i saw this tik tok forever ago and can’t find it now but was like “kuroo knows nothing about astrology but Swears he doesn’t trust geminis”
this has become a pivotal part of his character in my head kuroo tetsurou doesn’t know Anything about astrology but uses it to insult people and thinks he’s so fucking funny. the extent of his knowledge is the names of the signs and that’s all he needs does he know anyone’s sign? no he doesn’t need to the jabs still land he’s a Master instigator.
bokuto buys a lottery ticket doesn’t win anything complains about it over lunch kuroo raises an eyebrow says “it’s cuz you’re a sagittarius” goes back to eating. it only works bc he’s so quick with it yaku gets pissed off starts yelling in the locker room kuroo elbows lev “pisces men ammirite?” eyebrows exaggeratedly high head tilted dramatically turns away starts tying his shoes. akaashi’s talking about a restaurant he went to - the atmosphere was great but the food was just okay - kuroo scoffs “that’s such a virgo thing to say” kejii blinks flips him off keeps talking. kenma forgets his keys at home locks himself out calls kuroo “you’re such a fucking capricorn” hangs up immediately . one day at practice everyone’s off their game he calls a huddle stands with a hand on his hip looks around “guys. is it because mercury’s in retrograde?” Dead silence coach nekomata puts his head in his hands and ends practice early. kuroo meets oikawa for the first time 10 minutes in interrupts him mid-sentence finger in the air smirk on his face “i bet you’re a leo moon” “What. is that supposed to mean.”
it’s mostly for the bit though kuroo doesn’t believe in astrology by principle like “i am the master of my fate” or whatever But. but. he swears up and down he doesn’t trust geminis. daichi introduces him to sugawara (gemini sticker on his phone) kuroo narrows his eyes in suspicion no wonder he’s so good at volleyball. he claims his lack of trust is cuz koushi cheats at monopoly (he does) but no. gemini.
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raeiyyn · 5 months
astrology bitches who are in love with you be like "I know a place" and then take you to a forest infested with a fungus that would consume you to obliteration
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k6tzie · 13 days
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⋆ ˚。 ghost: march 5th - pisces. i would say pisces or libra but i feel as though he fits pisces well - he's adaptable to new situations where pisces are known for being flexible. pisces are idealistic and strongly guided by moral compass, he seems to be driven by duty and principles even if his actions are seen as morally ambiguous. pisces are intuitive and his high alertness towards split-second decisions add to why i think he'd be a pisces 🐟 ⋆ ˚。 price: may 11 - taurus. taurus are loyal, stubborn and organised. the bull represents stability, strength and discipline which is what a leader like price possesses. they are very loyal people and price demonstrates this throughout the game with how dedicated he is to his team 🐂 ⋆ ˚。 gaz: february 13 - aquarius. aquarius' tend to be more on the 'quirky' side which gaz definitely gives off a little lol. they are independent and free-thinking, gaz tends to show autonomy and the ability to think and decide for himself even with the military hierarchy. they also have a desire to make positive changes to the world which i find gaz to be one of the more creative and kinder ones in the game 🌊 ⋆ ˚。 soap: july 17 - cancer. cancers are moody, irritable and very empathetic. he shows a lot of emotion throughout the game - especially irritation. cancers are often deeply loyal and devoted to their loved ones and causes. soap's loyalty to his team and his commitment to them could be seen as a reflection of being a cancer 🦀 ⋆ ˚。 alejandro: march 29 - aries (canon?) now, i'm not sure if this is canon or not but i see this as something many people are saying like it's a fact 🤷‍♀️ aries are courageous and bold. he is portrayed as a highly skilled and fearless colonel who isn't afraid to take on dangerous missions like saving rudy from that fire. as colonel, it's important to have leadership skills and good decision making, aries are often assertive and initiative which fits ale well. 🐏 ⋆ ˚。 rudy: march 14 - pisces. pisces' are known for being calm, quiet and sensitive. rudy is portrayed as a character who is attuned to the emotional states of his teammates and is willing to offer support and comfort when needed, making him a strong empath. most of his interactions throughout the game is gentle and soft spoken. he's also seen as creative, which fits the pisces archetype. 🐟 ⋆ ˚。 farah: january 25 - aquarius. aquarians are often associated with a strong sense of social justice, humanitarian ideals, and a desire to help others, which practically sums up farah lol. her selfless dedications and rebellious spirit make her a perfect fit for being an aquarius. 💨 ⋆ ˚。 makarov: april 18 - aries. aries are often characterized by their aggressive ambition, leadership qualities, and a relentless drive to achieve their goals, all of which makarov naturally possesses. 🐏 ⋆ ˚。 konig: december 23 - capricorn. i see he might be a capricorn due to his disciplined approach, strong sense of responsibility, and strategic mindset. his focus on meticulous planning and achieving long-term goals aligns well with capricorn's traits. 🐐 ⋆ ˚。 keegan: august 10 - leo. i think he could be considered a leo due to his confident and charismatic leadership style, as well as his strong sense of loyalty and courage. they're known for their boldness, natural authority, and commitment to their team, traits that align well with keegan's.🦁 ⋆ ˚。 logan: april 2 - aries. even if he doesn't speak, i see him as aries for his courageous and proactive nature. aries' are known for their bravery and willingness to take initiative, traits that logan shows through his bold actions and readiness to face challenges. 🐏
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moon8th · 2 years
Pluto entering Aquarius
imagine me screaming this whole post mama
I may be a bit excited about Pluto entering Aquarius happening on March 23rd.. however..
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GOODBYE fake it til you make it energy 👋🏽 🖕🏽✌🏽
HELLO the birthing of more actual people living in their truth ☺️🥰🫶🏽💋🗣️
GOODBYE people just copying each other / influencer-culture ✌🏽👎🏽👎🏽
GOODFUCKINGBYE hustle culture 😭🖕🏽
GO OUTSIDE 🧚🏽🧖🏽‍♀️🦋🦚🌱🪸🌍🫧✨🥥🤍♻️
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
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spookysalem13 · 9 days
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self-aware-sawtrap · 2 months
too lazy to edit this in the proper format but every friend group should include a bimbo (hoffman), a mean bisexual (john), an even meaner lesbian (amanda), she/theys and he/theys (lynn denlon & lawrence gordon), a token straight who’s on thin ice (logan), an astrology bitch who’s got everyone’s birth chart memorized (eleanor), and a short king (adam/adam’s corpse)
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dysthoepiadaily · 1 month
24/7 thinking about Dan's branding and the esoteric symbolism behind it...
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Heey, has the Full Strawberry Moon caused you some level of fatigue? At least physically rather than mentally? It was in the sign of Capricorn last June 23. This FM brought a shake-up to the foundation of our routines and a sense of belonging. I hope you’ve been feeling more secure in terms of your job and finances, or at least in the way you get to schedule your work.
There’s this little thing that I’ve been saying to myself ever since the arrival of this FM: ‘I’ve decided now that I am stable and secure. I’m not anxious anymore. There’s nothing to worry about.’ I’ve been saying that for my finances, yes, but especially, about my place in the world. I’ve become even more certain that what I’m doing is contributing positively to the world around me, and I’m very happy about that :D
This Full Moon, the aenergy is all about dreams and manifestations of a stable, secure Life going forward as Workers of Light. Personally, I don’t know what’s going on with people who are not of the Light LOL I guess all the foundation of their Reality is simply crumbling because they haven’t worked on their traumas? *cough, Hollyweird, cough cough*
Anyway, this FM also brought in a huge-ass cosmic broom to sweep up even more karmic debris from your energetic field (even bloodline). Releasing yourself from the shackles of guilt and unworthiness so you can grow tall and reach the heights of the heavens. All that, so you can now focus on your legacy project—something important, and unique, which you’ve known for quite a while only you can do.
This Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn is the time all these wishes and endeavours are blessed by the Light forces of the Universe. Workers of Light, this year is YOUR year! Stomp forward bravely!
IDEA: High Paying, Low Stress Feminine Careers by Beauty & Beyond
deck-bottom: XVII The Star Rx, Gold Astronomer (John Dee), Priestess of Strength
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Pile 1 – It’s Time to Nourish Your Body
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security – 2 of Cups Rx
Oh, this is interesting. You know that 2 of Cups is a soulmate card, right? But here in reverse I’m getting that up until fairly recently you’ve given so much of yourself to the wrong soulmates. It could be that there was something in the air that convinced you that you’d met your tribe, friend group, or even the one and true significant other, but then the Universe did something and the truth was unveiled, and it was painful.
The, uh, disclosure, took quite a toll on your physical body, probably due to the shock or trauma. This could’ve eaten away at your self-worth, too, to some degree. You might’ve dealt with an affliction of an impostor syndrome after the incident. Emotionally, it was really hard. But now, the Full Strawberry Moon has swept away a huge chunk of that trauma and now you’re good LOL
Basically, you’re being assured by your Spirit Guides that everything is only getting better from here <3
stability – 10 of Wands
If you resonate with having been in isolation for quite a while, this is your confirmation that you’ve chosen well. I mean, I guess your Spirit Guides ushered you into isolation LOL But this isolation period is your recovery phase from all the lessons you’ve taken from the previous chapter of your Life. Your Spirit Guides are saying the past was not a mistake. You needed to experience those things to help you develop a stronger intuition.
It's part of your Life Scenario to meet many, indeed, Souls that you’d known in different incarnations, but they’re not necessarily your long-term Soul Tribe. It was more like meeting old friends, neighbours or students you’d interacted with in the past and now they’re just passing by to say hi or help you with a light task. They were never meant to stay for long. Because, your True Soul Family is elsewhere.
Know that. Feel that with your intuition. Accept their call. And have fun making your way to them, or inviting them to your space :D
worry-free – 6 of Wands
For some of you tuning into this Pile, you may have been in this isolation mode for a very long time. Your Spirit Guides are saying your time in hiding is almost over. Soon, you’re gonna be connecting with people again and be seen for all the wonderful work you’re able to produce now, and everybody around you is so gonna appreciate and admire you for all that you are. They’ll think you’re super wonderful and they’re gonna wanna hang out with you and all that stuff :D
Are you still afraid of some kind of a betrayal or abandonment from these connections? No, it doesn’t seem like that at all. Why? Because you’ve transcended above your self-worth issues; because now there’s something that you’re doing that you feel very proud of, at least confident about. You know your worth now, so you’re just naturally magnetising people who will also view you the same.
Take care of your body though. Don’t work too hard. Your body still needs to get used to a healthy routine so it gets stronger. A strong body supports a more stable emotional plane <3
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Enjoying Unwinding for a Moment
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security – 7 of Wands Rx
Seems like you’ve been huuuuuustling for the longest time. This FM in Capricorn is saying you’ve done marvellously well, so please take a break now! XD It’s more like, gosh, you haven’t taken the time to smell the panna cotta at all. Chill out, bro. You’re gonna work yourself to death before you even get to enjoy any bit of your labour of love. If it’s not possible to take a break, at least delegate. You really don’t have to do it all alone~
There’s a bit of a message about learning to trust other people. In essence, also learning to trust the Universe. Trust that things won’t suddenly spin out of control just because you’re snoring one minute. You’re working on something important that can benefit other people as well, right? Even if ‘other people’ literally means only yourself at this moment, and your family in the future.
Trust that the work—or the intent to change jobs—you’re doing now is in alignment with your Highest Intended Good. And in that sense, everything is perfect. You can relax~
stability – 10 of Cups Rx
Other than the scenario involving work, it seems a bunch of you have simply been dealing with a sense of ‘burden’ that goes beyond just day-to-day work. I feel like there’s been so much dark clouds in your mind, covering all your senses and your perception of Reality. These dark clouds are just worries, anxieties, and a fear of rejection or shame from the people closest to you.
It feels like there’s an endeavour you know you must take, a decision you know you must make, but you’ve been so stressed out about how to balance what you want with what’s expected of you. This FM in Capricorn seems to have lifted a huge chunk of those gloomy clouds tho, and I’m seeing you’re more able to distance yourself from the opinions and influences of those who might disagree with you.
This time around, this year in fact, you’re prioritising yourself. There’s something very important that you must undertake, but first, peace of mind first.
worry-free – 6 of Cups Rx
It does seem that the majority of your concerns come from ‘people’ rather ‘situations’. Your interpersonal relationships were simply weighing you down because you feel so much empathy and gratitude towards the people whom, I get are meant to be left in the past. These are people in your early chapters of Life; they’re likely not gonna make an appearance in the next arc, babe.
So you’re being advised to let go with grace and gratitude. I feel like you’re this dragon who’s meant for something mega-important and mega-luxury but the people around you couldn’t understand that. Well, that’s OK. That doesn’t make them ‘bad’, right? You just aren’t each other’s people, apparently. Your people, in fact, are those who are just as weird as you.
As you move forward, you’re going to meet more of these people who will even help you in building your empire. For now though, just enjoy unwinding those stressful threads of expectations in your mind~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – This is Literally Where It All Starts
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security – Page of Pentacles Rx
You’ve dedicated a huge chunk of your Life to studying. Most people won’t even be able to grasp just how much ‘a huge chunk of your Life’ is in this scenario. It almost feels like practically your entire Life, you’ve just been studying. A whooole Life of nothing but hard lessons from the Universe. Are you fuckin’ kidding me? You may have felt like giving up numerous times, too.
But it all ends by this FM in Capricorn. You’ve finished studying. You’ve graduated, or soon graduating. For the most part, the majority of you have closed that chapter of studying, learning and experimenting (with prototypes). From here onwards, it’s full-on Creation with active R&D on the side. You’re being propelled into your Highest Intended Mission.
Of course, vacation, first, baby~ Relax and celebrate your graduation. You deserve to take it easy now that you’re in preparatory mode.
stability – 2 of Airships Rx
I see that whatever you’ve felt was restricted before, whether money or time or a general sense of ‘freedom’ to do what you want when you want, is being lifted and suddenly there’s just this almost magical burst of material blessings that enable you to just…have a good time! Like, before, it was as if either you turn on the electricity or go without food for a day (hi, Australia). There was just SO much compromise to make. Not anymore! This FM in Capricorn is bringing in a lot of ease and material abundance!
Well, this Strawberry Moon is all about manifestation and fruitfulness, yes, but it’s also the way Saturn (ruler of Cap) seems to be easing in on the restrictions put around your physical manifestations. And it’s mainly thanks to your finally returning to the core of who you are. If this is your main pile, chances are, you’ve figured out your spiritual work in this world.
Basically, the lessons of Saturn revolve around that theme. Finding your footing in this world so your physical manifestations are always going to be in the service of your Highest Intended Good :D
worry-free – Knight of Wands Rx
I get this feeling that up until recently, you’ve been sort of torn between doing what’s responsible/practical and following this calling in your heart. Being pulled in more than one direction has caused you a great deal of mental turbulence. It wasn’t because you were choosing or managing poorly, no, not at all; it was because you were meant to follow both LOL
But yeah, I get that the whole learning phase was more like a tempering of your passions. Basically, the Universe was teaching you trust and faith in its grand orchestration. There this quote that fits perfectly for you right now:
‘You ever just like… Trust the Universe so much that you don’t give a fuck?’
For most of you tuning in here, I feel like you’ve kinda just stopped giving a fuck about whether or not you’re gonna make it or fail hahahah
And that’s the whole point, right? Doesn’t matter what happens, the Universe has big plans for you, so you’re surely gonna end up alright, and even thriving! Since you already know the outcome anyway, might as well relax and take it easy from like right now~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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ladyeidolons · 4 months
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Knowledge is infinite.
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