#astrology predictions 2023
unknown-internet · 2 years
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
the biggest astrological events of 2023
and how they will affect YOU
Saturn enters Pisces (March 7th)
Now that Aquarius placements have been drained of their energy, matured and learned how to overcome their difficulties, it is time for Pisces to enter their Saturn era. Saturn in Pisces shows that discipline and organization may become more difficult, blurry. People may become more disoriented - it could be hard for everyone to manage their time and stay on schedule. On a positive note, this will be the ideal time to commit to any creative plans, ideas, endeavors. The people around you may become more understanding of your struggles, there will be empathy in regards to failure.
Most prominent for: Pisces Risings (Identity, Life decisions), Virgo Risings (Relationships), Gemini Risings (Family, Home), Sagittarius Risings (Career).
Pluto enters Aquarius (March 23rd)
One of the most prominent astrological events of the century (in my humble opinion). Pluto in Aquarius will bring grandiose changes in the world. Major focus on technology - if you believe you have seen technological growth/improvements in the past two decades, wait for the Pluto in Aquarius era. AI, focus on crypto/digital currency, any personal information will be digitalized, robots and robots taking over human jobs, possible cameras everywhere/monitoring. I believe this will bring major changes in the world. For Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), this can be quite transformative, it could bring more personal power, challenges, a lot of growth. We will truly see the Age of Aquarius.
Most prominent for: Aquarius Risings (Identity, Life Decisions). Taurus Risings (Career), Leo Risings (Relationships), Scorpio Risings (Family, Home).
Mars in Cancer (March 25th)
Geminis will finally release the frustration that has been held inside them for a while. Mars in Cancer could make everyone easily irritable, fights may become more emotional, people may get angry for smaller things, there could be slight chaos due to the sensitivity around us all.
Most prominent for: Cancer Placements (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Rising); Capricorn Placements (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Rising). For Cancer it could be a rush of energy, enthusiasm, but also lack of patience. For Capricorn it will be motivation, better balance, but more conflict.
Solar Eclipse in Aries (April 20th)
The Solar Eclipse as well all know marks the beginning of a big change, of slight chaos that may turn into something bigger for us. The House the Solar eclipse is in could go through big changes in the months after it occurs. It can be a transformative time for that area of life. It can point to major shifts, important decisions, focus on the area of life it's in.
Most prominent for: The house cusp in your chart Aries is in; Aries Rising (Identity, Decisions), Taurus Risings (Spirituality, Secrets); Gemini Risings (Social Circle, Aspirations); Cancer Risings (Career); Leo Risings (Travel, Education), Virgo Risings (Finances); Libra Risings (Relationships); Scorpio Risings (Work; Health); Sagittarius Risings (Romance); Capricorn Risings (Family, Home); Aquarius Risings (Ideas, Communication); Pisces Risings (Income);
Mercury retrograde in Taurus (April 21st to May 14th)
Mercury retrograde, also known as one of the most dramaticized events in Astrology, indicates the time in which you should avoid making big decisions, signing important documents, starting something new and talking to your ex. The worst time for organization.
Most prominent for: Virgo and Gemini placements; Taurus and Scorpio Mercury;
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (May 5th)
The Lunar eclipse indicates chaos in the house it falls in. That area of life could go through some major shifts, unpredictable events, possible setbacks that will lead to growth, gained experience. Compared to the Solar eclipse, it could point to major endings, there is a theme of letting go, moving on - but first there could be some suffering.
Most prominent for: The house cusp in your chart Scorpio is in. Scorpio Risings (Identity, Life Choices), Libra Risings (Income); Virgo Risings (Ideas, Communication), Leo Risings (Home, Family), Cancer Risings (Romance), Gemini Risings (Health, Work), Taurus Risings (Relationships); Aries Risings (Finance); Pisces Risings (Education, Travel); Aquarius Risings (Career); Capricorn Risings (Friendships); Sagittarius Risings (Spirituality, Mental Health).
Jupiter enters Taurus (May 16th)
One of the most abundant events for the year. Jupiter in Taurus shows that luck may come regardless of how hard you work for (compared to Aries where luck is something you have to put effort and energy in order to get). Jupiter in Taurus is luck that is secure. It can point to financial growth, obtaining material possessions, financial security - it is one of the more materialistic Jupiter placements therefore it will be manifester as people spending more on shopping, anything that provides them with security and comfort. Money is happiness.
Most prominent for: natal Jupiter in Taurus people; the house cusp Taurus is in; Taurus Risings (Identity, Life decisions); Aries Risings (Income); Pisces Risings (Communication, Ideas); Aquarius Risings (Home, Family); Capricorn Risings (Romance); Sagittarius Risings (Work, Health), Scorpio Risings (Relationships); Libra Risings (Finance); Virgo Risings (Education, Travel); Leo Risings (Career), Cancer Risings (Friendships, Aspirations); Gemini Rising (Spirituality, Mental Health);
Jupiter square Pluto
This transit can be quite challenging as it will feel like everything good may require a sacrifice, a big change that has to be made in order for this abundance to arrive. It may feel like there is an overwhelming amount of pressure, tension, complication. Any intense emotions could be exaggerated because of this.
Jupiter conjunct North Node
On of the most abundant transits. There will be major opportunities for growth, for overcoming challenges and looking forward. Great opportunities may come. I believe for some time there will be grandios and positive changes in the world. You may feel like you are on the right path for the things you are doing. It can feel optimistic, hopeful.
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Luck will come with effort and hard work. Good things will require patienct. People will be more realistic about their abilities.
North Node in Aries (July 17th)
This will feel quite energetic and will bring out people's ambition, desire to go after what is meant for them. It can feel forceful, like there is lack of patience and too much movement. On a bigger scale, I think there could be violence, aggression, tension, eruption. A lot of force since Mars-ruled Aries will bring out people's energy, desire to compete, ruin their competition.
Most prominent for: Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn), but mostly Aries placements;
Pluto square North/South Node
Letting go of past trauma, possible trauma from the past re-merging. Having to go through difficult events that will push you to the path that is meant for you. I believe this will be one of the more difficult transits for everyone. Pluto equals change, it shows us what affects us psychologically and combined with the Nodes it will be energy from the past and future combined together. It will feel tense, it will require a lot of strength.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo (August 13th-September 15th)
Again - avoid important conversations, try not to sign important contracts, don't make plans, avoid talking to your ex.
Solar Eclipse in Libra (October 14th)
The past Solar eclipse in Scorpio felt intense for everyone, but this one could be something different. The changes that will occur during and after it could bring more balance in your life. While there could be a sacrifice that has to be made, it could lead to something better for you. I think with this eclipse a lot of the changes could be centered around romance, relationships regardless of the house cusp in your chart Libra is in.
Most prominent for: The house cusp in your chart Libra is in. Libra Rising (Idenity, Life decisions); Scorpio Rising (Mental health); Sagittarius Rising (Friendships, Aspirations); Capricorn Rising (Career, Image); Aquarius Risings (Education, Travel); Pisces Risings (Finance); Aries Risings (Relationships); Taurus Risings (Work, Health); Gemini Risings (Romance); Cancer Risings (Home, Family); Leo Risings (Communication, Plans); Virgo Risings (Income);
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (October 28th)
There will be drastic shifts in your life, ones that will require you to be stubborn, to have strength and persistence. Taurus is ruled by Venus so once again, I don't believe this eclipse will be draining or forceful compared to the ones before. Major focus on romance, finances, relationships. On a bigger scale, agriculture, finance, values, basic needs (food, electricity, water, etc.)
Most prominent for: The house cusp in your chart Taurus is in; Taurus Rising (Self, Life decisions); Gemini Rising (Mental health); Cancer Rising (Friendships); Leo Rising (Career, Image); Virgo Rising (Education, Travel); Libra Rising (Finance); Scorpio Rising (Relationships); Sagittarius Rising (Work, Health); Capricorn Rising (Romance); Aquarius Rising (Family, Home); Pisces Rising (Communication); Aries Rising (Income);
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Capricorn (December 13th-January 1st)
Once again - avoid signing important deals or documents, avoid making important plans and try not to contact your ex.
Most prominent for: Gemini and Virgo Mercury; Sagittarius and Capricorn Mercury;
If you want to know how these events will affect your own chart, check out my pinned post with the readings I offer <3 For orders DM me here or email me at [email protected]
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saturnrevolution · 2 years
2023 major transits
MARS GOES DIRECT - January 12th motivation, pleasure, will
After two and a half months in retrograde, Mars will finally be direct for the whole year. Mars is the planet of action-taking and will. We might have felt rather indecisive or confused, not really sure where to direct our attention during this transit, but as soon as Mars goes direct, we will be able to focus more, be more social and outgoing and open up to new information. However, it’s still in Gemini until March, so don’t expect to have solutions all of a sudden - but rather use this time to research and make sure that you read the right information. Collectively, this transit will help us put into action what we’ve researched, it will allow us to feel pleasure around the things we have been ignoring and we might be more active in our bodies.
SATURN IN PISCES - March 7th imagination meets reality Saturn has been in Aquarius since 2020 and we have finally learned the lessons of it. Starting in March, we will slowly ease into the wisdom of Saturn for the following three years. Saturn in Pisces is here to either bring order to chaos or bring chaos to order. We might learn to be more disciplined in our spiritual rituals, our goals and wishes, turning our art into something tangible and useful and setting emotional boundaries. But until we do so, we might experience a lack of boundaries, overindulgence in unhealthy habits or zoning out into our inner reality. Collectively, there might be more rules and laws that come up connected to art, as well as laws around drugs, alcohol, or mental health. Activism will become very impactful.
PLUTO IN AQUARIUS - March 23rd revolution in a digital world This is huge. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will slowly shift into Aquarius for a sneak peek this year, while in 2024 it will go into Aquarius and stay there for the next 20 years. This energy will be one we will get used to. Pluto in Aquarius will look like understanding the reasoning behind pain, behind the world’s most dark doings, as a way to move forward and build a more self-aware environment in which we can live and feel safe. It’s about global warming, artificial intelligence, the darker side of technology, debates and ultimately, using authenticity to evoke greater feelings within us. This also looks like communities built on interests they share, especially in an online setting, but also not following rules. JUPITER IN TAURUS - May 16th money, money, money Coming from the energetic Aries, Jupiter will move into Taurus till 2024. This means growth in anything that has to do with the Taurus archetype. We are already in it with prices, money will be a very talked about subject. However, this also indicates us overindulging, overspending or having more possibility to earn fast. Also, this transit is great when it comes to feeling more stable, but it might make us want to cling onto things, not allow change to occur or overidentify with material things. There will be an increase in self-help books or subjects, self-worth discussions and it’s important to see what resonates with us. Spending time in nature, grounding, sustainability will also be big. It’s all about learning to balance both sides. VENUS RETROGRADE - July 22nd taming the beast within Venus goes retrograde every year and a half and this time it will be in the sign of Leo until September. This indicates a period of analyzing and rethinking our relationships, especially from the perspective of what gives us pleasure, what makes us feel alive and how we can bring more of that into our lives from within us - not from an external source. Once we do find that, we will be able to adjust to the new environment we want to create once it goes direct again. Also, Venus has to do with money as well, so it’s a time of considering how our spending might influence us and trying to bring back the things we were investing in as a kid or investing more in our kids and adopting a rather “spending by the heart” habit. MERCURY RETROGRADES IN EARTH SIGNS April 21st - in Taurus August 23rd - in Virgo December 13th - in Capricorn redirection of perfection
Yearly, Mercury goes retrograde in different signs. This year, the earth signs are being targeted. This indicates the fact that our grounding presence will be a bit shaken by the retrogrades and we will be forced to retrace our decisions, some of which might have seemed pretty stable to begin with. Mercury retrograde in Taurus will ask us to review the way we spend, the way we view our worth and what we value. Mercury retrograde in Virgo will ask us to review the way we talk to ourselves, our habits and eating styles, lifestyle and health. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will ask us to review our career path and long-term goals. NORTH NODE IN ARIES SOUTH NODE IN LIBRA - July 17th
The nodes of the moon have been in the sign of Taurus and Scorpio and will be until July, when they shift into Aries and Libra. The South Node being in Scorpio has taught us how to embrace the dark, whilst it being in Libra will teach us how to let go of anything superficial and how to speak up instead. This will come in the form of lessons, in which we won’t feel heard or appreciated and so be pushed to speak. The North Node in Taurus till July is getting us closer to the inner stability we’ve been searching for, while it moving into Aries will amplify our need to express ourselves, take action and not let others dictate how to live. Collectively, we will move towards focusing on our body. LUNAR & SOLAR ECLIPSES Apr 20th - Solar eclipse in Aries May 5th - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio Oct 14th - Solar eclipse in Libra Oct 28th - Lunar eclipse in Taurus emotional back and forth The eclipses this year are a way for us to let go of the themes of the past year that have reached an end. We might be done with a project, finish paying a loan, letting go of heavy emotions that do not serve us. Instead, we are going to look forward to taking more risks, getting away from gossip and lower vibrations, we will embrace relationships with a newer light and be more open to mutual understanding. At the same time, we might stubbornly take decisions that we regret, rush into things or be slightly careless. All meant to help us grow.
check my 2023 PDF readings on my website www.saturnrevolution.com
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astroyongie · 2 years
2023 Planetary Predictions
Note: hey everyone ! last year I did 2022 and now im coming back with the 2023 edition ! I hope you guys like it ! To read this prediction it’s easy, just read the house the sign is in your chart ! If you have Aries in your first house, then you need to only read Aries first house in the planet. <3 I wish everyone a happy new year ! may you be blessed. 
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1st January to 15th May: Jupiter in Aries
1st House: During this period, it’s a good moment for you to start having healthy life styles. Taking care of your body, eating well, practicing exercise and not being afraid to show the world who you are. Aries is giving you the fire energy to mark goals and actually be stubborn enough to go through them 
2nd House: Money issues shouldn’t be a huge problem during this time. It’s important to remember that you will have some competition and you might feel like you need to be better than everyone else. Focus on your own goals and work, as your rewards will come strictly from what you create. Good period in creating businesses and for studies 
3rd House: I see new friendships becoming to life, and a good period for you to sign in different activities (like sports, communitarian work, ect) something you can work on with people during your free time. This experience could bring you a lot of experience so if you have the opportunity do it !
4th House: You might take some impulsive decisions during this time, mostly because you want to make everything settled and just go with your energy of the moment. If you are battling with someone for the attention of a peer, you might win as well 
5th House:I feel a lot lot of childlike spirt going on, joy and just overall good feelings. You will be abundant in happiness but also love. You might feel a need to be a heart collector as well, possibility of involving yourself in affairs !
6th House:Abundance in your health, you will feel energetic during this period, things are going rather well for you. Heating up a bit, sweating a lot too. Good period to workout and see your own body changing. Use this energy to make yourself useful at your working place
7th House:If you are in a relationship, expect a burning passion, an evolution and abundance in your relationship. Everything is going so well and you might have thoughts of marriage, or making things a little bit more serious, taking a step forward that might come out random and impulsively. If you aren’t in a relationship, there’s high changes for you to fall in love, or find a huge passionate adventure/crush during these moments, so keep an eye open. 
8th House: Be careful because this period will make you feel extremely sexual and frustrated with everything, so make sure to free your sexuality in a healthy way and try not to be too rough with your ideas. A feel physical fights too, fiery energy will be at his peak during this period. 
9th House: It’s a perfect time for you to travel, to meet you places and to have a new education, changing your studies or applying to something new. Use this creative energy to nourish your brain and feed your curiosity of the world
10th House: It feels very authoritative, so it’s a nice period to start working on your own and achieve success not by listening to others, but by listening to yourself, your own convictions and beliefs. Some of you boys, might become fathers during these time as well and some of you will have recognitions, mostly those who are in working or activities involving sports and finances. 
11th House: All the things you have been manifesting so far will start becoming true during this period, so it’s a good things. Your friendships will also be very important during that time, so keep making a name for yourself and to help those in need. I also see a lot of inner competition with others 
12th House: It’s a good period to recover from mental health as you have the energy of Aries to help you fight through it. During this time focus in your recover and also in your inner self to do some shadow work 
16th May to 3rd September: Jupiter in Taurus 
4 September : Retrograde Jupiter in Taurus 
1st House: Your image will be extremely important, and people around you will see you are someone very seductive yet untouchable. By denying people they might feel as if you are being stubborn or playing hard to get. Focus on eating better during this time and to get a better lifestyle instead of choosing comfort 
It’s going to be a complicated moment of a lot of self doubt about yourself, the way you look, the way people see you as well. You might feel as if you don’t fit in the society patterns, so make sure to keep your head out of water and to introspect. You are the only person who can create your own reality 
2nd House: Extremely good period for you during this moment either it comes with mney, goals, projects and even school, you are suppose to get everything that you want. It’s an abundant period so take profit of it to keep creating and to invest in things that matter and that have long success. Take risks 
You might doubt yourself a lot during this time. I would advice carefulness on your spending habits, because even if there’s an illusion of getting money, make sure you don’t spend it as if there’s no tomorrow. Take this period of time to also plan on new projects and wait for Jupiter to be direct again before putting them on light 
3rd House: Friendships being established, I also feel like this period will be good for flirting, for meeting new people and exploring new interesting subjects. People will feel naturally drawn to you, so use it to make new friends and learn more about the world. Get out of your comfort zone as well if possible 
I see a lot of introspection, of inner thoughts running around your little head, you thinking a lot about what people tell you, about events of the present and putting yourself in a situation that there’s no need to be. Be kind to people as well, as you will have the tendency to be quite cold and harsh with the way you communicate 
4th House: Fertility period. If you are looking to conceive a child it’s a perfect period, if you are not, then make sure to be protected ! It’s also a good moment to develop your current relationships and to take steps forwards like oficialization, marriage, promises, houses, ect. Also feminine period for the girls, time to start creating foundations with your partners and love ones
The doubts and fears are very present still, but don’t stop about planning your future with your love ones. Be really careful, because it’s a good period to have little surprised like, children like surprise, or exes coming back, parents and family members coming back as well. It’s also a period where you need to self care instead of caring for others 
5th House: So much flirty energy coming from here it’s insane, during the period be careful how you manage it. I see a lot of potencial romance coming into your life and you playing a lot with it. Possible affairs, cheating from your side and playing on several boards. 
Feeling dramatic, like everything is happening at once. During retrograde moment be careful, because these people you have been playing with will come for you for explanations. Take your time and also introspect to choose the best path and the best options for yourself 
6th House: You look good, your body will be healthy and it’s a good moment to keep working on it.Taurus energy will also provide you a lot of strength and motivation to do your work and meet your goals. Huge sense of organization and usefulness, if you work hard during this period you will be rewarded. 
Be careful when it comes to health during this period. I suggest you looking for anything concerning your ears, throat, vocal coords, thyroid, neck and your tongue. During this period you might also feel very very lazy and procrastinate a lot. Complicated time to feel joy overall 
7th House: Extremely good moment for you if you are in a relationship. You and your partner are getting cozy and enjoying each other presence very much, it’s a nice moment to make plans, to make goals and invest in what you guys have. If you aren’t in a relationship, Jupiter comes here to let you know there’s high changes to find someone but also to find regular people to be with (FWB for exemple).
During retrograde make sure to take some time to self care, because even if your heart belongs to someone, you also need to put your needs first. Be careful with your excessive jealousy and positivity. You don’t own people you love and you need to. Learn about boundaries during this time. 
8th House: Abundance in your sex life so if you are open minded about it, it’s a good period for you to explore your own body and your sexuality. You might also discover a lot of lies and trues about things that were done and said, so it’s pretty much a mystery box during this time. 
Deep inner growth during this period, a lot of spiritual stuff might happen too. Like you feeling overall sensitive to entities, feelings draw to anything that is occult. Also it’s a period where you might feel a little bit unlinked with your environment, where you have ideas of possessing (through sex for example). Don’t do any loans or investments during this time. High changes of having an inheritance during this time too. 
9th House: You have been blessed by the gods of wisdom, and everything is pointing for you to reach your goals, have good marks at school, pass your test, get that job. Use this moment to learn, to educate yourself, to read and to learn more about your interests. For some  people it means also traveling for your job and studies
You will go through a period where religion will be important (either positive or negative), where there will be a lot of self introspection and doubts, questions and answers provided by life itself. Study philosophy during this time, if possible. 
10th House: Good period to start a career, a long term job or goal. Your public image will be very important during this time as well, and you have abundance in your creations and on you network, so keep working hard and with other people to achieve a higher level in your professional life 
You might feel as if you career is a little bit stuck at the moment, you will go through a period of overthinking and doubt about the choices that you made in life. Stay strong and don’t let that win, instead think of solutions and start preparing them. Put them in action once it gets direct again 
11th House: It’s a good moment for you to so something for the society like doing some time of social work, humanitarian or helming in some short the community. If you do this, Jupiter energy in your 11house will help you get recognition and money. Your manifestation will become true as well
Careful what you wish for during these period, because manifestation is strong and it doesn’t always work in our favor. Be careful with someone of your friends wanting to get your place, or being jealous of your situation. Be kind during this period 
12th House: Huge abundance spiritually speaking, your consciousness will be quite open and it’s a perfect time to work in your spiritual side, in your connection with your religion and your belief.  Also a good period for healing so don’t hesitate to look for therapy and professionals during this good period 
Your mind might feel a little foggy, you will be very jealous of others, very stubborn, you feel like your life isn’t comfortable enough. A lot of doubt and overthinking as well. During this period work on your inner self 
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1 January to 6 March: Saturn in Aquarius
1st House: If you are kinda lost in yourself at the moment it’s normal. During this time you are still discovering who you are, your identity, what you want to be and become, what trace you want to leave in the world. If you have been thinking about changing you style physically, it’s also a good moment to explore 
2nd House: You might get a whole new job or opportunity to work somewhere else or to win money from something completely crazy and new. Make sure that you engage yourself in something legal tho !
3rd House: t’s a good period for you to engage yourself in actives and interests where you can share with other people (per exemple joining a club). Communication will be extremely important during these periods, so you need to talk with people and to share your mind and thinking 
4th House: Your roots and your family will be an important topics, bu new things will be achieved in family, new steps taken and new goals and decisions made. Your participation will be required 
5th House: There’s high changes for some of you starting an unconventional romance/ affaire with someone. This might lead to quite some drama in the future but it will be also a way of you feeling alive and child like 
6th House: Good health related to your legs and muscles legs in general, but it’s important to keep going some fitness and some sports to keep the goof form. During this period, be innovational and use your intelligence to help others create things they never thought of 
7th House: For those in a relationship you might give or receive a usual proposal of marriage or contract. For those who aren’t in a relationship, I see a Non traditional relationship that might come into your life
8th House: It’s a good time for your o explore all of your kinky side with partners that will be okay to help you with it. You light achieve a lot of experience and for some even be able to discover a few secrets that have been kept away from you
9th House: Some of you will travel for education, fun or work preposes. It’s a good time to discover more about the world, to start studding about some stuff, because whatever is your interest right now, you light be able to achieve quite a few things with it, so try to invest your time in that 
10th House: You will achieve a long term success in your project. I also see recognition for you but you need to keep that image of being different of others, so don’t lose your creative and your originality 
11th House: Technology might be an important area that you want to look into at the moment. This placement gives you and helps you achieve long lasting friendships and social circles, but again you need to keep your originality. Some of your wishes will come true during this period in an unexpected way
12th House: You will achieve a new scale of consciousness and beliefs, you will discover a lot about your inner world and the mysteries of spirituality. It’s truly a blessing so use that to explore and invest more of your time in it 
7 may to 16 June: Saturn in Pisces
17 June to 3rd November : Retrograde Saturn in Pisces (depending on your behaviors and choices karma will either be positive or negative)
4 November: Saturn in Pisces 
1st House: The way you perceive yourself is actually putting itself out in your utter world, so make sure you think positive of yourself during these moment so your own body and appearance can modelate to your energy. It’s also a good period to make sure that the you of your dreams becomes the you of today, so move your booty and change ! 
You will go through a drastic change mentally mostly, a lot of things are changing inside your little head, this comes from how you view yourself and the world. You might find finally answers for your questions concerning your deepest self 
2nd House: Everything you have been dreaming of, seem to become to life during this period, your manifestations are extremely strong, so take profit of that ! Either it involves money, income, goals or family, you will get it all !
The karma will be hitting you, and again this will depend on everyone based on your actions. In any case, karma will hit you in your money, work, income, possessions and jobs. 
3rd House: It’s such a good period for those who have been working in their mental health, as I see minds more at ease and more at peace as well. Use this time to keep involving and start engaging yourself in social activities 
Karma will hit your through your inner thoughts and mind, so depending on the person, this could be happy thinking, or negative overthinking. It might also hit you in the areas of your interest or even touch your siblings if you have any 
4th House: If you have a complicated relationship with your mother it’s a godo time to solve everything that needs to be solved and also just making your relationship better. Your emotions are also very important during the time and you might have outburst due to them being very hard to handle 
Karma will hit your self care mostly, so you might have a hard time taking care of yourself physically and mentally if you did negative behaviors. It will definitely hit your emotions, and in some cases, your mother, home and your family. 
5th House: Be careful with your romance life, a lot of crushes coming, a lot of people going, some affairs going on as well but also a lot of creativity ! So use the energy to create to achieve the things that you want. Use your head and your heads to Mae your goals come to life 
Karma will hit your joy. If you were good, you will be carefree and happy doing this time, if you haven't, you will become self pity and dramatic. Might also hit your relationships and affairs if you had any. 
6th House: Your health will be going great, no problems involving your feet or your hormones everything working well. It’s a good period to use your 6 sense to make projects and to be useful in helping people and be of service 
Karma will hit your analytical vision of things, making you either very well brained or comply foggy. Also your health in some cases (feet and hormones) 
7th House: It feels like some of you will be able to achieve love. No matter if you are in a relationship of not, it’s a amazon period to love, to find love and to construct things, like official relationship, marriages, babies, buying a house, making projects. A lot fo sharing and good vibes.
Karma will hit your interpersonal relationships, mostly friendships and romantic relationships and in some fe cases, business and contracts   
8th House: Intimacy will be at his peak during this period, so most of you need to be careful with your sexual lives because it can get a little crazy so project yourself well ! Some of you might win inheritances 
Karma will hit your spiritually and lies that have been said. In some cases your sex life, your intimacy, assets and financial situation like inheritances  
9th House: For those with this placement, you spiritual realm will be huge at this moment, some of you will be able to see things through dreams, have premonitions and see the future through many tools. Higher self energy and even spiritual travel for some, so explore that area if you can 
Karma will hit your ethics and spirituality, religion. You either feel lost or get all the good answers. In some cases, travels and education can also be touched 
10th House: Your reputation will change during this period, to something more positive, but people still see you as a dreamer. However you are able to put in a long successful career at the moment, so follow your dreams and show that you can make them be real 
Karma will hit your reputation and your inner and outer imager. In some cases also your career, your status, and goals, but also your father
11th House: Huge period of spirituality, you light even be able to communicate with spiritual beings, being into division, ect. You are at your peak during this time, so please use that energy to do good and to envolve ! 
Karma will hit your future so you really need be careful of your actions. In some cases it might also hit your friendships 
12th House: Again, it’s a huge spiritual moment as well, a lot fo your will be connected with the subconscious and spiritual travelers. A lot of you will also be able to heal yourself from the wounds in your heart and soul 
Karma will hit psychological and mental health, but also your loneliness, spirituality and your healing. This karma is also extremely strong 
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1 January to 21 January: Retrograde Uranus in Taurus  
22 January to 27 August: Uranus in Taurus
28 august : Retrograde Uranus in Taurus
1st House: Your body is changing during this whole period, so it’s important for you to eat well, to work out and to focus on your self motivation for this change to be positive and not negative. Innovate yourself physically, and take the risks you never did before 
A lot changing inside yourself this time, something more about your personality. Based on the events that will happen during retrograde, your perception of life and yourself will change a lot, and only yourself can make this positive or negative again 
2nd House: Most of you will see change in your routines and in your income (positively normally), so it’s a good period. Also you have the opportunity start being and investing your money, innovate and take risks
Your habits, ethics and values will change, and depending on your journey, you will either become very materialist during this period, or every family oriented  
3rd House: Be ready to go through a total transformation when it comes to your mind and the way you communicate and think. Tell yourself that you words have a lot of power at the moment and that you should use them wisely, even most during social gatherings. 
Your mind works a lot, you will be focusing a lot in your self interests and activities and removing yourself from the social world. Be careful not to isolate yourself too much and to use communication 
4th House: Some of you have the opportunity to become a mother or to create strong foundations in your relationship and home before taking the big step. Good period for self care and to use your feline side which is strong and seductive at the moment
You will be focused a lot in your own self care, leaving your home a little bit to the side. Also your energy is very me focused, in your own emotions and needs, it’s also a time you have to heal you inner child before making decisions for your home 
5th House: A lot of changing happening in your love life, so for the single ones, it might mean partner coming, but again the energy of fertility is high so be careful if you don’t want a baby !
It’s a good time for you to express yourself about what has been bothering you and make your boundaries clear. Taurus energy wants you to focus on your self expression, in your joy and creativity. Use your hands 
6th House: You will probably have some news concerning your health during this period, other than that, you might see your body change as well, so if you can try to make fitness plans. For those who work, there might have some changes in the organization and in your new services 
Use this time to focus and work on your health. Go see doctors if you can, solve every problem that needs to be solves, also I would advice you to have a more balanced diet and do some kinda oof work out too. You need to use this time to give yourself a goal and a sense of usefulness 
7th House: Things will change in your relationship, this could be positive of negative depending on other placements, but mostly concerning you and your partner’s point of view and sharings, contracts and future goals and ideas. For those single, well might say you guys will change to not singles 
If you are in a relationship, there’s chances that you fall out of love during this period, that you don’t feel so much attached like you used before. It’s important to take some time to decide what you want to do. For the single, you will feel possessive and jealous over the people you love and you will feel yourself change because of them
8th House: Again, I see inheritances coming in, a see your sex life changing drastically as well and a lot of taxes and assets being in the middle during this period, so it’s kinda of a lot of confusing stuff changing and happening.
I see your intimacy changing a lot and you not doing the same behaviors or patterns that you need before. Some internal changes will happen as well depending on other placements.
9th House: Travel plans won’t go as planed for many of you. In another hand, I see your life philosophy, your religions, your beliefs, changing as well based on other events the will happen throughout this period 
You might reconsider your beliefs during this time, but also plan some new travels and plans. Good moment to actually learn more about what interest you and expend your ethics by meeting new people 
10th House: Chances in your career that you cannot avoid, your reputation will change as well and how people will se you too. again, this depends on the other placement during the period, it can be good or bad
If you are feeling like changing jobs during this moment, go ahead, because your fame and your social status will be changing a lot during the hole year, and you will need to make decisions based on your own needs. Not others, not financial, but based on yourself   
11th House: I don’t see your manifestations becoming true during this period, but it seems like some of your friendships will change, so maybe you will lose some people around ou during the time 
Time to make new manifestations, new hopes, new dreams, new you, new everything because a lot is going to change during this period. Let go of people that don’t serve you and do some cleaning inside your friendship circles
12th House: Your spirituality will change, also I see a lot of healing and emotional stability as well. It’s a good period to work on mental health and do your best to improve it 
Your mental health will change a lot, depending on placements it might be good or not. In anywise it’s a moment you have to focus on yourself and to spend time alone to figure out your own things 
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January to  29 June: Neptune in Pisces 
30 June to 5 December: Retrograde Neptune in Pisces
6 December: Neptune in Pisces
1st House: Your body is going through a spiritual shift and your might be very in sink with your spiritual guides and your own mind as well. Thanks to Pisces in Neptune, everyone is able to feel a little bit of this energy somehow. Use your beliefs to change your approach of life 
Be careful with dissociative episodes involving your body, so body dysmorphia mostly. During these time, seek help of professionals if needed, and give yourself time to remove that fog you have created in your eyes
2nd House: Your mental health will be pretty much based on your financial situation. Depending on it, your moods will go through different stages. The more secure you are, the better. Good period to envolve in your ethics and open your mind to new things
You will have a deception concerning an investment and/or money issues during this period. A low income that will come and put you in a complicated situation. Please don’t do any type of business during this time 
3rd House: People with this placement might be able to communicate with spiritual beings during this period of time, but also they will be having a lot fo empathic abilities with people so if you can talk and ease people around you, use that energy 
Most of you will suffer from a many intrusive thoughts, overthinking, a lot of lies and self deception because of the usability to see the reality. Your mental health will be very poor during this period so please, take care of yourself. 
4th House: Emotions will be very important, working in your mental health is going to be essential during this period so it can ease when Neptune is going to be in retrograde. Furthermore, mother-child issues need to be communicated and self care is going to be primordial during this period 
Be careful and prepared to have self deceptions concerning your family and most importantly your mother. I see a not so good relationship with her as well that can become very toxic during this period, so make sure to seek help if needed
5th House: Within this period, love is what will make you feel alive and well, so if you can, spend the much time you can with people that you feel joy. Also use your creative power to draw, to write to create things that help you exterior your emotions 
However had been through an affair during this year of 2023 prepare to get it all back in your face during this period. I see a lot of sadness doing this period, a lot of creativity and joy in general and your inner child being very upset 
6th House: Mental health will be important during this period, so please take care if it, since it can easily become overpowered. Doing workouts can help you a lot with feelings better and more joyful as well. Spend time introspecting and organizing your mind
Be careful with your hormones, your feet too and your health in general. Your body isn’t in it’s best shape, a lot of psychosomatic problems as well.
7th House: Whenever your psychological health gets bad, make sure to find comfort beside your love ones and to work in your relationship as well with your partner if you have one. A lot of illusions about a possible marriage and union happens during this time, so protect yourself 
A lot of deceptions concerning your love life. Either this is about arguments, betrayals, contracts, breakups and divorces, all of theses things can happen during these time, so watch out for it 
8th House: I see you using sex to solve your inner problems, I see you using it to hide your true feelings and denials but that won’t be healthy forever. Also your spiritually is going to be very high, but careful with the lies and secrets hidden from you 
Okay so a lot of problems concerning your sexual life during this time, you using sex as a way to escape the world, some of you might even develop unhealthy sex habits and addictions as well. Careful with literal death around you, with unhealthy behaviors and problems that comes with inheritances as well. 
9th House: Traveling to feel better might be an option, but so is focusing in your beliefs and religion that can help you find answers to your inner questions. Working and studying law, religion and cultural topics can be useful for your future
Don’t travel during this period, it can bring you a lot of ad luck. Also your spirituality will be close, you feel abandoned and alone in this world. Make sure to surround yourself with people you love to avoid this type of feelings during these period 
10th House: Working too much can be bad for you, so take some rest. Try to remove that unearthly relationship you have with your reputation and remember that spending too much time in social media is not good for your mental health 
This is going to be a tough period because something won’t be working out in your career and I also feel bulling or harassment through social media, through social gatherings inside work in general
11th House: Going out with your friends to feel better will be the best remedy for you during hard times, however if you can you should also focus in manifestation good energies and work in your new goals and hopes for the future 
Manifestations are blocked at the moment and you are unable to have hope or find light. During this period, some of your friends might even hurt you and disappoint you as well so it’s not going to be very easy
12th House: The way the spiritual connection is the strongest in this moment, you can literals do anything spiritually and magically speaking so take this opportunity to study it and to improve yourself. Some of you will be able to go through afterlife experiences, heal your deepest wounds and see the secrets of the world 
Seek professional help as this placement show a lot fo depression episodes but also psychotic ones for the most completed cases. Spirituality is blocked and your mind will be very fogged with Neptune’s energy 
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1 January to 22 March: Pluto In Capricorn    
June 11 to October 9: Retrograde Pluto In Capricorn  
October 10: Pluto In Capricorn  
1st House: If you put some effort into what you eat, what you do and how you life your life, there will be a lot of transformation in your body (it’s your choice if this change will be positive of negative). You need to use the energy of Capricorn to be perseverante and to work for your goals to have good changes 
You will be needing to work a lot with your shadow self during this time, because Pluto retrograde will make you have a whole damn personality, someone darker, more witty, more judgmental and your good side will need to fight these thoughts a lot 
2nd House: You can except a lot of changes when it come to your working, study field. Your professional life might take a turn as well, there’s also a lot of money involved for a lot fo you, new possessions and habits that you will be investing on. Make sure you do this with your head !
This a hard time for you, because you will have a conflict with your own values and ethics and mostly you will feel like your life is not enough, as if you haven’t what you wanted. Be careful with greed behaviors and money management 
3rd House: You will become a lot more sure of yourself, a lot more stubborn and dedicated. Your thoughts are only filled with the necessary and you communicate for your own good and if you have something to take out from it. Be careful not to be too cold 
You will be fighting your mind a lot during this period, there will be the bad, greedy and judgmental side of yourself that will come out a lot, the overthinking and the sabotaging phases that need to be self controlled by you 
4th House: For some of you a see changes concerning moving out for a work, having to take your family with you. Some type of change that is linked with financial, home and work, so depending on other placements, this could mean several things. Creating new foundation is the main topic
Be careful because during this moment you might develop a very bad relationship with your mother, and even more a all bad relationship with your home due to your own dark self, so please work on yourself during this period   
5th House: For those lonely focused in work, it’s a perfect time to envolve and create something new during this period that will help improve your situation. Also there’s changes for your romantic situation to change (either relationship or breakup) 
If you have an affair during this time, or if you are cheating you will be caught and then you will feel attacked. Make sure to solve your situation before this happens and fight against your inner self that wants to be cruel and goody two shoe with people 
6th House: Depending in your current health, there will be changes. You will have a complicated moment, because thins won’t see organized in your life and you will have a hard time focusing in the service that you need to provide as you are too harsh on yourself 
You will be having awful healthy habits so please be careful or else your body will pay for it, mostly your skin, hair, nails, spleen, backs and bones. Organize your head and don’t be too hard on yourself and people around you, don’t be snobby. 
7th House: It’s a goodperiod to start doing planes with your partner for a possible contract, marriage, foundation, buying houses or moving out. Making plans will be essential to keep goals during the hard periods 
Your love relationships might get fragile during this period mostly due to your behavior being very cold, distant and too focused on other things than in the people that you love and are here for you. Some of you can go through breakups or separated ways
8th House: You will go through a whole transformation in your sexual life, there’s will be new things happening so if you can take profit of that energy to develop and explore you inner self. Also good moment to start financial investments, taxes and loans if you have the capacity for it 
Lack of intimacy is very present, you being unable to have a sentimental and sexual relationship with anyone. Your shadow self will be extremely strong during this period, which means all of you negative side will come out during this period so there’s a high need of canalizing that energy 
9th House: Travels ahead, mostly due to your work/projects and school. Use that time to explore new things and get as much experience as you can. It’s a Nice period to also get interested in topics like religion, culture and law. 
Religion and spirituality will be complexity blocked during this time. It’s a moment where you have no faith In life and around you, where your ethics and values will be questioned and also where people around you will make you feel stupid and unworthy 
10th House: Huge change happening in your career, it’s usually going to be positive but it will depend on other placements during the event. In any case expect a huge change in this that will shape your year 
You might get complexly hooked in your work, without even noticing anything else. Be careful because if you are too much in it, it can be negative for you and you might develop some addictions concerning your reputation and self image that you own’t be able to sustain 
11th House: There’s someone in your friends that will change your course of life and have a impact in your working field. You can trust them and also use that time to manifest new hopes and wishes 
Your manifestations are blocked and so are your friendships that are slowly pushing you away or you feel them being distant to you. Use communication and try to be understandable instead of snobby and judgmental 
12th House: Your consciousness is going to change and get a little more practical, so don’t expect to be too intuitive during this time. You think a lot with your head, which isn’t negative at all to be honest
You aren’t balanced between your working and your emotional life and that will have consequences In several areas of your life depending other placements. You aren’t listening to your intuition and your mental is degrading without you noticing during this period 
23 march to 30 April: Pluto In Aquarius  
1 may to 10 June: Retrograde Pluto In Aquarius
1st House: Some of you will get tattoos during this period, new haircuts, new clothes, new styles that will be appearing in the way you express yourself. A total transformation, some of you might even go through positive transformations when it comes to gender as well. Don’t be afraid to be yourself 
During this period you will feel weird, cast-outed, as if no one loves you or understands you. A lot of self doubt as well about the way you look and express yourself. You will have to fight against your dark shadow that will be someone with no empathy and too cruel 
2nd House: You might get some new possessions during this time, so make sure to be careful where you are investing your money so this buying is a good investment. I also see you probably changing your work and/or goals and finding new habits and projects 
Psychologically speaking you will feel a total mess during this time so take some time to work in your inner self. Even more because you might become very cruel when it comes to money 
3rd House: The way you think will go through a changing moment, you might have a lot more unconventional and non traditional values and thoughts, maybe find new interests that are out of your conform zone or culture, but it’s a good moment to envolve as a person and expend 
Your mind will be your biggest enemy during this period, because it will make you think things that aren’t real. Careful with dissociative behaviors during this period and see help if you feel like you are losing feet with reality and law 
4th House: Your family will go through some non traditional change (a divorce, an adoption, same gender relationship, country moving, ect). This change will be positive for your future so try not to be too harsh on yourself 
Bad period for your home family, because you might be prone to do a lot of things that will hurt your home, your family and most importantly your mother or child if you have any. Be more empathetic and less cold 
5th House: For those seeing someone but not being official yet, it seems like there’s high changes to get a true relationship from it. Good period to heal inner child and to use your creativity to create something innovating, take some risks !
Huge cheating energy during this time, you playing a little bit everywhere and doing the same mistakes as you did in your past. Please be careful so you don’t get stuck in a karmic chain. Also don’t make drama for nothing 
6th House: Your health will improve during this time, so make sure you keep working on yourself and in your health, try to do something that no one else would do, explore your options and don’t be afraid to be different from others ! 
Be careful with addictions and don’t do any type of drugs during this period as you can easily get addicted and destroy your life. 
7th House: Non tradicional changes happening in your relationship if you are taken, like a baby coming, a marriage proposal, a new person entering your life beside your partner. As for the ones single it can mean a same sex new relationship or person entering your life 
There’s high changes of cheating in your partner, of breaking up and of marriages being ruined during this period, also divorces for some. People single, might feel very alone during this period, as if no one ever would love them 
8th House: Your sexual and initiate life will have some changes as well, it seems like it’s a good period to try new things, try new partners and have experiences that are different that what you had so far, so explore if you feel conformable with it. Also be careful with lies that you might spread about others 
It’s a bad period when it comes to addictions, because whatever you do you can easily get hooked on whatever bad behaviors you are having in the moment. I also see you having weird and unconventional sexual attitudes so please be mindful in that area 
9th House: You might go through a period where you are discovering new religions, new philosophy, new ways to live and to practice “live” as a whole. It’s a good period to actually meditating and learn more about yourself about what you want to become. For some it also means the end of following a religion and following your own faith 
If you travel during this period, there’s changes you get stuck in the airport to come back for exemple, of that something happen to you travel journey that will be very annoying and put you off. Spiritually speaking, it’s also a blocked path unless you work on it 
10th House: You might unexpectedly change your career path, your job or your studies so if you had already an idea to do that, don’t be afraid to put it into practice ! It’s a nice time to involve differently in your career field and to be different from others in society 
Be careful not to overwork yourself, as there’s is chances of getting burnout by it. For some of you there’s the possibility of not being able o find work or being stuck in debts and having money problems, or even people not accepting you based on your looks; 
11th House: Don’t be afraid to do some cleaning in your friendships and to keep only the ones that serve you somehow. There will be also people leaving by their own your life, in that case don’t go after Them and stay original and unique to yourself 
Old toxic friendships coming back to you, people of your past coming to your life again, so be careful. Also for some of you there’s the possibility of finding rumos of your inside social media.
12th House: Your spiritual path might change, and you are in a good period to expend yourself and to try new things. Don’t go to the simple path since you have the energy and the gift to go beyond simple spiritual paths. Also a good time to change and work in your mental health. 
Bad period for your mental health, not only addictions, but also depression and psychotic episodes can happen. If you feel like you are losing touch with reality or that you are going though a path that isn’t traditional, please seek help 
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venus in pisces • january 26 - february 20, 2023
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venus enters pisces on january 26, 2023 at 8:33 PM CST, wrapping up another astrological cycle for venusian energy. venus is exalted in pisces, meaning that this is where venus can achieve it's highest form of expression and potential. venus being the planet of love can help us reach the highest form of love, attraction, connection, and value by tapping into Source-based love. christ consciousness is going to be a major theme with this transit, allowing us to tap into agape love, major forgiveness, and recognizing our innate power + value by seeing Source within us.
it's going to be very important to let our intuition guide us at this time. let your faith in the universe guide you to what you're attracting. beauty will be found everywhere and within everyone. be intentional with what and who you engage with at this time as piscean energy makes us more susceptible to other people's energy. a lot of us will be starting nu adventures, opening nu roads due to our increase in faith. put the desires of your heart first and everything you need to receive them will follow in divine timing. allow yourself to be a true trailblazer. letting your heart lead the way is a radical form of self-love that the vast majority is still scared to do. start acting like you deserve the world and more!
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how to alchemize with venus in pisces:
strengthen your connection to Source
indulge in your creative mediums
shadow work to heal past relationship wounds
keep an open mind
set boundaries with social media
forgive family members that have wronged you in the past
take a risk and answer your calling
if you're feeling called to move, set those intentions now!
script your dream partner
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tarotnoob · 2 years
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PAC: First three months of 2023
Pick an image, 1-3, scroll for your message.
Pile 1
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Okay, so the first 3 months for pile one i think are going to be a bit uncomfortable and chaotic and maybe a bit like an emotional roller coaster. The one thing that I feel for sure is that this pile is going to be pushed or forced out of their comfort zone, I don't necessarily see it as a choice here, I see things coming in that will make you uncomfortable.
I am mostly feeling like this will be about relationships. There is a sense of some type of energy or communication coming around a potential collaboration. So, it could be something like having to do a group project in a class with people you don't know and then do a presentation. So it feels kind of uncomfortable. The same for work, you might have to work out something with coworkers that could be about seeing eye to eye, or it could be working on a project with somebody that you don't necessarily get along with or know very well.
It just really feels like a situation where you know let's say you go to a party and there are a few people attending that you don't really like or in the past you had a weird situation with and they weren't very nice or whatever and then you have to go to the party and you have to like at least be civil so you say hello or you don't say hello at all and you just kind of like avoid the person all night.
But this makes me feel like you could be stuck in a situation where you have to deal with or confront something like that.
But I also feel like if it's a situation in which you've had a disagreement or a rocky past or rocky start with somebody, you might be put in this situation in order to have closure or workout some kind of tentative way of getting along with this person.
I see it coming in pretty soon, so I would say it could begin in January pretty quickly on. I mean it doesn't have to be work related but it is the three of pentacles, so it could just be a group type of situation. If you don't want to take three of pentacles literally, that card is also simply about building something, as a group or within a community.
So essentially the cards are saying something like very quickly, there will be some type of offer or opportunity or message especially in regard to working with other people. It's just that the other cards indicate to me that it's more of an uncomfortable situation.
Because the back of your Oracle cards for the flowers say discomfort, heart, homeostasis, nourishment. So this makes me feel there is something emotionally that will put you at unease, so you're kind of going to have to do some work to shift back to how you can balance this out. I think you have to do it on your own, I think it could be part of a test. Not like for real but as in, it's a challenge to see if you can handle situations where you are out of your element. And instead of freaking out about it, how are you going to handle it in a mature way where you come out of it not feeling really frazzled or afraid or like a total wallflower.
But even so, there is also indication here with the bridge card, that you should be able to make connections with other people. There's definitely the potential to bridge a gap with another person or to build a relationship with another person.
Another way to interpret it since we have eight of Wands, which can be about online communication is that this could be a relationship with somebody that you know online, and the same type of scenario, it could also be that you and this person create a project online or you make a new friend online, but it does seem geared more toward if you were to be making a new friend online, it would be through more of like a project situation. Because it doesn't feel like entirely for fun, there is some type of purpose and agenda here.
What else could it be? Like I said it could also be about studies because page of pentacles is here, that can be related to work or something to do with studies, so overall there is this thing here about cooperation, about the potential to learn something, and a potential offer, as well as the fact that this would be coming in soon, would have to do with communication, especially through online or quick types of messaging like emails.
I wonder if there's a Mercury retrograde coming up that it's a potential time for miscommunications.
It's also a good time for self-care. Because there's a lot here about being uncomfortable maybe in the heart chakra region, but finding ways to get back into balance, which the solution to that seems to find things that nourish you. This could be about a better diet, this could be about finding hobbies and tasks that you enjoy to bring you down when you have a tough or stressful day.
I mean there is definitely also a strong indication of some of you exercising or attempting to get fit, maybe even working out with other people, trying to get more organized, doing more planning.
So, my advice would be that there are going to be some things that come your way that you really don't have any control over, and they may make you uncomfortable. You will be having to interact with other people, so it's definitely a focus on some type of relationships but the opportunity to build something with other people or literally working and collaborating with other people. But you will either do this in order to learn something about yourself or to learn something because it's a project or you learn something from this interaction.
I think that it will be a bit stressful so what you need to do is make sure you have your ways of grounding yourself. I also feel like you should really focus on organization if that's possible. Not just because a need for structure, but I think it would be great to have activities that will take your mind off of other stuff.
At the back at the end of shuffling your tarot, I did have Queen of Wands although she's looking at me from the reverse but I don't always take that with back of deck, and then you have hanged man. That's interesting because 3 months will take you into Pisces. Queen of Wands would normally be about creativity, being bold, being independent, so this could be about on the one hand with the hanged man, again those are things that we can't control and trying to just go through the flow of things and also you know making sure we keep a broader perspective on the things that are happening.
So maybe you start to get overwhelmed because you're looking at the minutia of what's happening as opposed to a broader picture or taking a step back. It could be even that there is a quick to temper issue, so the advice would be to make sure you just take a step back from the situation.
I also think there could be an opportunity to assert your boundaries. You might be dealing with people who just as an example of it is a group setting or project, people telling you what to do or asking you to do more than they're doing or making you do a part that you don't feel comfortable doing, just making sure that you do stand up for yourself when necessary.
I do wonder if you feel a little less than confident over the next few months, and it could be related to work or studies. Just minor things getting you down and kind of picking away at your confidence. So that's why I think it's a great time like if those things happen at work or school, you know go for a coffee afterward. Or go to your favorite shop and buy something, watch a couple of shows that make you feel good. Don't watch anything that makes you feel gross or anxious. I think it's just about finding ways to manage moments that are up and down, and that way when it comes up in the future you can continue to handle things this way because no matter what we do we can't control everything in life. No matter how much we practice you know being calm or not letting people bother us, it's still going to happen.
So the only thing you can do is for one understand that there are things in life we can't control. That can be the most frustrating part about living and the sooner you understand that and accept it, some things will start to bother you a lot less.
But the other thing is just knowing your body and listening to it. When your body is saying you know I need to go take a walk or I need to go get a coffee. Or I just need to step out of the situation or I need to say something. I'm not really feeling like this is a confrontational thing, I'm feeling more this is just like a process that you need to start building. In order to have better relationships with people.
And for some of you you might have already been feeling this way a bit lately and so over the next 3 months you might find that you will work your way out of this type of funk. Like if you've been feeling lonely or just unappreciated, I think that it's still kind of coming in waves but I think that within 3 months you'll be able to come out of it, especially once we hit Pisces season.
I also think it's very possible that somebody you don't think you get along with or wouldn't work well with, something might shift in that relationship if you have anybody like that right now. Like somebody you don't know at all in class and then you're paired up with them and then you realize they're kind of cool and they become a new friend. That's a possibility but not for everybody.
I also think it's a great time to work on creative projects for you. I also think that it's a great time for you to get physical and that could be a way that you relieve stress. This could be through dance especially or taking a walk. Not to say that exercise solves everything to do with depression, but even speaking from personal experience, the little bit that you can do, can definitely help.
Or it could be a great time to pick up a hobby like that or take a class that has to do with dancing or movement. Or you might consider going to see some type of performance that has to do with dance. Like not just go to a movie but if you have any live entertainment nearby, especially plays or music or dance ensembles that you can watch, you might get a lot of enjoyment out of that.
And I will try to go into a specific story since I'm looking at the page of pentacles and I keep thinking I want to talk about that.
So specific story would be I do feel like somebody gives you an offer and it looks like or at least it presents itself as a reliable offer because it's a pentacle. It almost feels like it could be a start of something, especially in idea or a relationship but there does seem to be some skepticism about this person at first or situation.
I do feel like your skepticism is founded because there's an element this guy is sitting on a suitcase, and it's closed so you don't know what's inside of it. So it's almost like okay I don't really know how this is going to turn out but we already talked about a lot of situations in which you're going to have an offer to do something, but there's a degree of it feeling quite uncomfortable lol
However, there does seem to be curiosity about the offer even if they're skepticism. The curiosity could be negative or positive. For example, I was randomly invited by somebody at my job who I don't know but we interact with each other through my role. I have always allowed this person to go through with whatever request they've had because they've always been simple. Things like I send out a community email to the entire workplace every morning, people can submit to it. There are rules for like submitting before a certain time but if I'm there and I do it I don't really care. So a couple of times she's been like I know I've missed the deadline but can you get this in today. And I'm like yeah because it's really not that hard lol. And my boss has kind of shown me that the way she deals with stuff is it's not a big deal and we aren't fighting the other people in different departments, so I've kind of treated it as a customer service role where like I have no reason to be strict with people. Anyway so that was a long way of talking about that but this person invited me for coffee which is a little weird but you know she was like you've been so nice let's have coffee.
We were supposed to do it this past week and she canceled and I was like whatever that's fine I kind of wasn't in the mood that day anyway. So she rescheduled and said thank you for your flexibility. I told my co-workers about it and they were like that person is awful. They were like that person is one of our most difficult clients and she thinks she's all that because of her position. And after that I was like okay maybe she wants something from me. My role doesn't really have a lot of power. I work under somebody who has a decent amount of power and experience and then that person works under somebody who is significant.
But like I do one thing. So I had several co-workers tell me this and now I'm going to go into it thinking this person wants something from me. Maybe they won't and they aren't a great person to work with but on a personal level, they're okay. The things that they did tell me, don't sit well with me at all. And I get really fiercely loyal so I don't really like that this person has caused issues for my coworkers.
So that's just an example of you know you can have an offer, it's going to happen, you can be curious about it but at the same time you're like okay but what's really going to happen here or what's their agenda or is the situation going to work out and I brought it up too because the three of pentacles is here and you can be in a situation where you have to work with somebody and yeah but basically the cards just say you're going to get an offer, a message, especially in the form of the communication where somebody invites you to work with them or build something or do a project together.
I definitely feel like you're going to be asked to collaborate in some form with another person and most likely you are going to be the one that's invited but I guess you could be the one to offer it to them but it feels more like it's coming to you.
It does seem like this person wants something from you. That can be taken in any sense of the word. But it's like the bridge is telling me that this person wants to make a connection with you, but I can't say for sure if the connection is good or bad just like I told you in my anecdote.
And again in this bridge Oracle card, it looks like one hand is giving to another person but at the same time it looks like they're both giving something. They are making a connection here. And it feels again like it will be somebody who isn't very close to you. Like somebody you don't know well. Because one hand is coming from one direction and the other is coming from a different place. So it would be like working with somebody from a different department or like I said working with somebody that you don't know that well and this collaboration or connection that is going to happen, is just going to have you pass into each other's spheres. For some of you it could be a friend that you end up making or a temporary thing where you just work on something together or you know I have to throw it out there that, it could end up being uncomfortable like somebody's shady. There's not necessarily anything in the cards saying that other than I know you have a feeling of being uncomfortable to some degree, but that can be simply having to interact with a stranger you know. But I just want to emphasize you know You should always keep your guard up. You can be a person who gives people that benefit of the doubt always but you know trust your instincts.
If you have people around you telling you that this person is a bit shady, you probably shouldn't go into it thinking okay you know they're probably wrong. That's a good indication that you should approach it carefully. And of course I already had a bit of that feeling because I was like why does this person want to go to the trouble of having coffee. Like that's nice but I could tell that it's like weird. But I was going to go because it's coffee and it's not that big of a deal. And if she's rude or obnoxious, it's only going to last a half hour or worst case scenario, I say you know this makes me uncomfortable and I appreciate the invite but I think I'm going to go back to work because this is obnoxious lol. I mean you don't have to say that but that's just how I am. And like I said that will be an extreme thing but I would not sit through 30 minutes of somebody bad mouthing people I know and talking about how great they are because of some position that they have.
And at this point I can't really cancel and be like no. I don't want to either because I do want to make my own decisions you know.
So I tend to always read things a bit more from a cynical approach but like I said you know there's nothing in the cards that's particularly scary other than there's some need for self-care and alone time to recharge because there's some type of you know just something is uncomfortable or you're not feeling very confident.
And that could be because of this situation that's upcoming or this situation where you get to collaborate and work with somebody or meet somebody or get invited to something could actually be the thing that brings you out of your funk. So I don't want to scare you and be like this is the thing that's uncomfortable, because this thing for some of you could also be what draws you out and provides that nourishment or homeostasis. Like makes you feel like you belong to something. And that would definitely be for people who have felt lately that they are lonely or not appreciated or don't belong somewhere.
I would say for those people it looks more like this would be a nice opportunity to yes get you out of your comfort zone, yes maybe it will make you uncomfortable, but it could be a nice relationship for the future. Something that you can really build upon.
But again, I can't predict for everybody, so I just want to reinforce to trust your instincts. There is a significant amount of yellow and purple. So that makes me think of confidence as well as purple would be the crown chakra so it's that intuition and spirituality. So I think it could be you know gaining confidence with should I say your spiritual alignment. Like what I talked about with the organization earlier and not just about things or work type of organization, but we all need processes for spirituality. We have to have ways that we deal with certain situations or feelings, in order to stay at the right balance or I guess I could put it like you know at a good frequency.
You have to develop those types of responses. It has nothing to do with negating your feelings. Because you will always have sadness or loneliness, but it's okay I feel that way and it's probably temporary and what do I do. Like oftentimes when I feel sad or lonely which I have a little bit this past week, I will ask myself what do you need. Like I do it all of the time. I'm like what do you need. And it could be I just want to go get a Starbucks, I just want to order on Uber eats and get a nice expensive meal, maybe I'll buy myself a necklace or I will sit on the couch under a blanket and watch TV for as long as I need, take a bath, go to bed early, watch a compilation of the stupidest s*** on YouTube. I shouldn't say stupid s***. But I mean the things I watch sometimes are just ridiculous.
So you can't control your emotions, you have a bad day, what do you do. You don't want to do anything that's self-destructive or harmful, that's not conducive to raising your vibrations. You can have a past history with it, but you in theory should be working toward healthier ways to manage feelings. Feelings never go away, but how you react to them and what you do to push yourself back to a better feeling, is just something that has to be practiced and developed.
And it looks like you'll have an opportunity to do a lot of that over the next 3 months. I'm really surprised I didn't get two of pentacles here but come to the edge kind of gives me that. And again I really do think that for some of you, if you accept this offer to collaborate or build something with another person, I do think that this person could become significant to you. You could become closer to this person. This person could become a best friend or even a romantic interest. I guess for some of you it could just be getting invited to a party but we didn't really get three of cups so it feels more like if it was an invitation to a group gathering, it's to build something. Like even a retreat comes to mind for work you know were you do team building exercises so you get to know each other. I just had one yesterday lol. And at the end I was more like okay I'm done seeing you people for a while. Even though it was fun at parts but I was just like okay I'm ready to go home now.
So yeah keep your eyes open for opportunities to work with people and grow in some way or build better relationships with people. And also work on self-soothing measures even as an adult, we need that and that's what it looks like You should pay attention to. Also again I encourage physical activity for this group, and especially hobbies that bring you pleasure aesthetically or just through the movement gives you a good feeling. Or doing art. If that's what makes you feel better. I haven't been able to write in such a long time. I've been writing for work and I always tell myself okay when you get that done, you can work on your own stuff even though I have the weekends but sometimes on the weekends I work on my work stuff.
So I really miss that element of my life and I also need to find ways to make time for that because that's something that's really important to me and I've really neglected it. And I tell myself okay after you finish these articles. I was doing one article that I was actually assigned probably two and a half months ago or more probably 3 months ago. And it was difficult to get a hold of the source and then when I did and I finally was able to write everything, it became so long that my editor was like let's turn it into a series and also keep interviewing people after I've done so many interviews. I have one on Monday. And I'm not looking forward to it because they chose a difficult medium to do an interview on. Both people at the same time over zoom which is pretty difficult to record. And then I would have to transcribe that. I am excited to talk to these people and have this component of what they have to say in my story but they entirely ignored my options that I gave them for how I could interview them but have it like make sense. So I'll have to listen to the recording of them on my phone and then like differentiate them and they might influence each other's answers as well or might try to talk at once. But it is what it is you know I need to finish the article so that I can move on with my life.
Okay I hope that had some specifics for you so that it's not like well you know vague stuff here but offer for collaboration is pretty specific and very soon and almost like they text or email you to do this. Or it's just an invitation from somebody you know through work or go to school with but you don't feel that close to them but there's the potential to get to know them, or their motive is to get closer to you for whatever reason that may be. And just take care of yourself and make sure you have your ways of keeping yourself sane and paying attention to your mental health and that you're doing things that you like to do amidst any stress.
Pile 2
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It's crazy sometimes how obviously shuffling is connected to the pile. Because when I did pile one, for every deck, a bunch of cards kept falling out. Whereas for yours, one came out per deck. And I even tried to shuffle more of the tarot, because obviously I would like to take more, but just the one came out and I shuffled a couple of times without anything falling out, so I took it as part of your thing although I might clarify the knight of Wands at the end Even though I don't think it really wants me to.
Even so, I see similar themes to pile one. So you might have been drawn to it or it's just that, the people drawn to both of those piles will obviously be affected by the same energy and transits that are happening in the next several months. But how you react to them must be different because for pile one, I felt like there was room for growth there and how they responded to the unknown, whereas this pile seems excited by new and the unknown. Because you have the night of Wands, which is definitely a character who is completely open to adventure and being impulsive, being creative, being bold.
New Life has that same kind of feel, it's a lot like any of the aces, especially Ace of Wands comes to mind, and the tear, kind of reminds me of not really five of cups but like a five of cups eight of cups combination where like you go through some kind of grief or disappointment, but like the end result is being able to walk away to something better. It could be a moment or a challenge here that's about emotional growth of some sort.
And like I told them, you know there's nothing that you can do about the obstacles that will be coming your way, so you have to find moments of how you're able to deal with it. But I don't really feel like I need to coddle this group as much as I did pile one lol I mean in terms of like I felt like they didn't have the tools yet to be able to deal with things that were unplanned
Here I feel like I don't need to preach about that because you seem quite competent and excited about the potential for new things to happen. I don't know if there was stagnation before but for some reason the first few months of the next year, there is definitely excitement. There's the potential for travel, some of you might be starting some type of new phase which could be a new phase in a relationship or a new relationship altogether or a new job or just something about the first three months feels new and exciting.
With the first group, they had three of pentacles and do you have unity, which is also about the potential of working with others or relationships. Relationships tend to always come up when it's pile 2.
So it would make sense for you to be getting closer to somebody, like the tear card is about being vulnerable, sharing feelings, it's got a cup vibe to it, so to me it looks like a couple of situations. That either there's a new situation coming up, where you might be vulnerable because you don't have all of the information. That came up with pile one as well, the example would be like starting a new job. That's great that you have a new job it's exciting but also there's so much stuff you don't know, that it can feel kind of uncomfortable as well
So kind of like that baby bird type of feeling is what I'm getting from some of the stuff. And a component of it also seems to be about relationships. Where there might also be that growing pains in a relationship, especially a new one. Or like if an old relationship is entering a new phase. It does seem like there is the ability to grow a relationship by sharing something. Like sharing feelings or sharing a story or opening up to each other.
For some of you specifically, if this is a new relationship or even if it's old, it could involve a knight of Wands person and this is who you are meeting or like something in this relationship is changing because you're sharing something. Like something important. Like talking until the late hours or talking about your childhood or your fears. It's got a very deep level of conversation. And I'm more inclined to believe that this would be a new person coming in. Just because of the new life card. I know we can consider that you could be breathing new life into an old relationship but I feel like the knight of Wands is somebody who is coming in.
And maybe they're quite exciting, and you get to know this person quite intimately or for some reason feel like you can open up and share things with them. And it might even be especially for people who have been single for a while because the fairy is kind of just waking up on the pedestal here. So it's almost like you know if this was a relationship, it would be like okay you've been single for a long enough that it feels like you've been in hibernation.
Also on this card with the flowers, there's one that's fully in bloom and one that's like smaller and not quite fully bloomed. Two things I get from that intuitively would just be that well it kind of reminds me of the Sun card, so this person could be a Leo. There could be sunflowers involved, it could be that there is an age gap. The knight card can indicate somebody in their younger twenties. But I was going to say well you know if you were a queen, and they were a knight It could just indicate like several years gap but I guess it depends more on the person.
It's funny because my first thought when I saw the tear card was the BTS song. Which is one of my favorite songs. Or raps whatever you want to call it.
That song is about well actually that song is also emotional and about rap line opening up and being vulnerable and sharing how they felt when they thought about disbanding earlier on. Actually when I listen to it I get kind of teary-eyed lol
So that might be part of it too again another association with opening up and sharing things even though they're hard. It could also be relationships where you have to say something that's difficult to somebody but you're being honest. The thing about that card is that it's not a sad card it's that through crying or sharing things, there comes growth and a stronger bond because you've shared something
I want to also read this on the unity card, it says we discover strength which again another Leo card, when we release pain. With a newfound state of oneness, inner peace is close at hand. What personal strengths do you possess to release pain and unite your spirit?
So there could also be a level of self-care also involved with this pile. The first pile, I talked about doing activities that made them feel good or even getting physical, for this pile I feel particularly that the best self-care for you will be a good sleep schedule. Like as much sleep as possible. Because some of you might be staying up late or having restless sleep, having anxiety. So for you, I suggest working on your sleep patterns
I feel really drawn to the green color of this tear card. Green is associated with the heart chakra. So there is something that needs to be worked through. But I feel like once you work through that moment, it's like you feel totally refreshed. So maybe some of you just need to have a good cry or be told that it's totally okay to cry or maybe that's how you work through stuff already is that you know you cry and then you're over it or at least like that's what makes you feel better
But yeah the very specific part here that I already touched upon and I want to do specifics for each pile and that means it's not going to relate to everybody but I definitely feel like there's somebody coming in and that for some reason you form an emotional connection where you open up to each other and I don't know if it has to be romantic, but it's very satisfying and it gives you some relief.
So maybe you find somebody and you just talk to this person and that makes you feel better because unity kind of makes me feel for one it makes you feel better but at the same time it's like the two of you or however many are involved get something out of this mutually. So I really keep seeing in my head two people going out like to a bar or just hanging out at a space and talking into the late hours of the morning. Which might also be what's going on with the new life where like you start talking at 8:00 at night right and then all of a sudden it's 5:00 a.m. and the sun is rising
I think you probably want to know more about this person and I do too so I'm going to pull a card for the knight of Wands
Also I just feel called to say letters c and L could be significant, maybe T
Okay so you got four cards and back of deck is Queen of swords with two of swords behind
So you could relate to the queen of swords, but again a card about honesty and communication, logic. Behind that is a card about potential decisions or choices that need to be made
So the cards that describe your knight
We have page of cups, so again an offer or a card about conversation related to emotions. As a characteristic, somebody who is creative, somebody who is sensitive, somebody who is caring.
We also have King of pentacles, somebody who is reliable, somebody who might be really good at managing their money or giving advice, somebody who is pretty grounded. So definitely this is a nice combination already because it feels like somebody who would be really good to talk to. Because they know how to give advice, but they're also sensitive.
You know some people could be like heavy earth and you might not get as much emotional feedback but here this is like somebody you would come to about relationship advice or just like something that means a lot to you. If there was something that was bothering you, you might go to this friend and be like you know I just feel this way and what do you think I should do. I mean this definitely feels like somebody who would want to help you with the situation and not just listen without doing anything like let you rant, this is somebody you go to with the intention that you know that they're going to give you advice
Then we have three of wands. Traditionally, this card is about taking the first step on a journey or it can also be a card where you're waiting on somebody to come in and help you. So again this feels like a situation where somebody's coming in and they're going to help you in some way, especially through advice of some kind. It could even start out as like a professional or work situation, and you realize that this person is actually really easy to talk to and you like talking to them. The three of Wands would also point to new again. Like there might be a couple of steps before you reach this point with this person. Just because it feels like something has to happen before you get to three
This could also be pointing to the month of March
And the five of pentacles again this is a feeling of lack like loneliness or something's missing. So again it just feels like this person is coming in to fulfill this role of being somebody you can talk to. Like you haven't had this person in your life before or you haven't had somebody you could talk to like this and not only is this person going to fill the gap for that, but it's like you both or at least you feel comfortable talking to them about deep subjects that I like you know I've been depressed before or I feel sad and I feel lonely and like you're able to talk to them about that.
It surprising to me to come out of a knight of wands because sometimes you think about them and it doesn't feel like they go that deep so I wonder if maybe you might also feel this way at first. Like you don't expect when you meet or see this person that you could have this type of conversation but I guess as you get to know them or as an opportunity arises, you're really going to click with this person
Light red hair is showing up a couple of times, so that could be significant but it doesn't have to be. You could have reddish hair or they could. Although technically I think the page of cups has pink hair
I also would say that this person is exciting and fun. I think they like to travel and would like to get up and go and do things. I do think that they have a creative role as a job. Like they have a serious job but it would be something where they have to create like create videos or I don't really feel writing, I just feel like it's a very practical but creative type of position that they probably work in
I'm seeing a lot of browns, so I don't know if that means that they might wear a lot of neutral colors or if they're just really grounded. Like unexpectedly grounded for a fire sign. But we do have water, fire, and then two Earth cards, so they would be a mix of fire and Earth with a bit of water
Or I wonder if they have either a water mercury or an Earth sign in a water house. Like let's say they might have a Mercury in Pisces or Scorpio. And then maybe they have Taurus in the fourth house. That's not really important but
So that's predominantly what I see, that's a specific scenario for some of you and then overall this is mostly just about an exciting first 3 months I think, opportunities to be bold, opportunities for travel, I just feel like there's a lot of fresh new energy but especially after a moment where you are able to open up in some way, probably to another person or like you just have your own breakthrough all by yourself. Like you have a good cry or you know you just suddenly feel like oh okay well I'm done feeling that way and now I'm going to carry on
But again I feel like you should really pay attention to your sleep. But mostly I'm just reading that as I see you starting to feel really refreshed. I also feel like you're starting to feel put together or like things are lining up for you at this point. But I won't say that it will not be without maybe like some type of obstacle that does make you feel a certain way but like you overcome it so don't worry about it
And then like I said you know it might be because you meet somebody and you talk to them and something about that conversation makes you feel better. And in that case I would say no matter if it's a romantic thing or friend thing or like you're on a plane and you talk to somebody for a couple of hours and then he never talked to them again. Something about that conversation, I think would kind of like give you a nudge or you know be meaningful. And in that case I would think that you know spirit or something put you in each other's path or at least put that person in your path so that you could have this breakthrough moment. So even if you don't talk to them for very long, it's still a significant encounter because it does feel a bit serendipitous
Alexa play serendipity
They might also have green eyes. Or something about the color green will be significant during the conversation or around the meeting. They could be wearing a green sweater, green eyes, a tattoo with green, green earrings or yeah maybe this is more earrings. I guess they could buy you earrings or they wear earrings or it could even be a jewel in a ring. I don't know what that's about but I'm just throwing that in there for you
I would also say this person has a lot of energy. They might be hard to keep up with. You might even wonder if they ever sleep or they are early risers. Like you might not be a morning person but they're like too much in the morning lol
But I also see them as being the horse, and that makes me feel again somebody who wants to help and support you but at the same time you work as a team. So again for some of you this could be like a new person but it's work related. And you could even kind of like work closely with them as in close enough that you would be collaborating and obviously close enough that sometimes you would go to them for advice.
They feel kind of wise but again you might look at them and think because they're younger maybe or they act young in some way, that they aren't as mature or wise as they are but I'm telling you they're pretty wise. I don't know why we didn't really look into that but you might find out that once you start talking, you do have things in common that could be like similar traumas or just it might be that they are able to be empathetic to the things that you talk about. Like they listen but then they can also share that because they might have similar experiences
I also think they're pretty attractive or at least you find them quite attractive. You might even find their energy attractive like and again they would be fun and active and just high energy and maybe their creativity and maybe that they're unpredictable
But then underneath that there's some pretty solid stuff. They might even be pretty spiritual. Or even if they don't practice it like we do, just like an underlying yeah I don't know what's out there but I believe in something. And again I feel like they feel something because the five of pentacles is here and that's like not having something and yet this king of pentacles is offering one of these pentacles to you. So it's like something you've been looking for they have
And they also come in to help you in some way but that is so broad, they can help you in all kinds of ways.
I mean for some of you they could literally even offer you money lol. I don't know what kind of situation that would be like a sugar daddy lol but I mean like I feel like they want to give you something. Like they see that you don't have something and they want to give it to you. So they would definitely be providers or people who would want to take care of you but that might be their general energy is trying to help people. I feel like they are quite empathetic and I really feel like they're helpers too. Like you know anyway they can help somebody even in small ways. You know that person that gets up on a plane and helps the other person put their luggage into storage or opens the door for others or you know just see somebody in need and then they feel like compelled to go do it. I shouldn't say compelled but just like it seems to be in their nature to want to help. I don't think it's in a people pleaser kind of way I just think that they're generally helpful and well mannered
I also feel like they're quite fashionable. Like they put thought into what they wear and are even into accessories and such. Like all of the figures here have very well put together outfits with the belts and the capes and the boots and even the sleeping outfit on new life it's a cute outfit so I think they dress pretty well. It's still conservative I mean nothing is too wild here but like they look good. They could even be I was going to say European because that's how well dressed it comes off. And Europeans love all of their accessories and look well groomed
This person might have longer hair if it's a guy. Or if it's a girl, or if it's just a person, hair to like the chin or shoulders. If it's a girl, they could be a bit tomboyish but still like sexy feminine. That's a weird thing to say lol but imagine like a girl with a pixie haircut but cosplays like a superhero that wears pretty tight leotards I don't know what that translate as a guy though
I guess maybe just a well-dressed guy but maybe his hair is a bit longer or he wears accessories like earrings and maybe a lot of boots. Maybe he wears Chelsea boots I don't know. But this person seems well put together in the fashion area of their life.
And that's all we have for pile two
Pile 3
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There is definitely a theme running through the energy for all piles, so I guess we will all be under the same type of energy over the next few months. But what ties you to the others although it feels more vague in nature, is just that you will be probably put through some tough or uncomfortable situations in order to cause a transformation of some sort.
Because milk and honey is typically an abundance card, but it's also about abundance coming when you are your authentic self. I guess when you're true to yourself and your emotions and who you are.
The mint card, the description at least almost like describes the physical picture on the underworld. Mint is about how it tends to take over the garden but essentially what I get out of it is about how if you let something build up instead of releasing it, such as emotions or grudges or whatever, but basically holding on to that and letting it build up inside instead of releasing it. And how that can take over.
The underworld is a similar meaning because it's kind of about potentially entering a period or going through a period of darkness. It also just visually looks like maggots so it makes me think of something festering again and it's something that's like building up underneath. You also have seven of pentacles, which normally would be about putting in the effort for something, but again I'm feeling like there's something that's being buried underneath and then building up. And to me it has more of a negative feeling
When you add in the three of cups, it's a bit complicated in that it might specifically point to being in a relationship of some sort, friendship or otherwise and then some type of animosity or something brewing under the surface here that needs to be released. So you might over the next 3 months have an encounter with either a friend or some type of relationship or even somebody within a community that you belong to, and something building up there. I would lean more toward like if there was a problem, it needs to be addressed rather than let it fester but it could also be not as negative
It could just be that there's something hidden and brewing under the surface that might have to do with a relationship and I guess it could be a very dark way of saying that something is growing there. But I guess I just don't really feel a way that I could read this as positive. To me it feels like either shadow work or even a warning
For the other groups I didn't really pay attention to the back of the deck, but I will tell you that I ended up with repel, thinker, the creator, and technically two of cups but I was still shuffling it out but it is what it is. So if we do take those into account, repel is about being open to criticism and instead of putting your defenses up, you listen to the other person and you consider it.
This would make sense with thinker as well. You could be somebody who is more introverted or analytical and so you do a lot of internal processing of feelings and thoughts and don't end up sharing them or you might be prone to getting really defensive when people criticize you or maybe it's just difficult for you to open up about things. But as with the other piles, there's been a running message of right now we'll be an important time to open up and make yourself vulnerable in order to build better relationships with people
And that's why I say vague because the other two piles had more specifics coming but yours is just kind of like you definitely need to open up lol, you need to share who you are with people and in doing that, you will draw the kind of relationships that you want in life. As long as you are being yourself, as long as you're being honest, and as long as you are sharing the things you think need to be hidden. But as long as you do that, I don't think that you will end up in the type of relationships that you probably want. You might have a lot of superficial or temporary relationships but you really have to think about why that is and what part you have in that. It's probably because you are unwilling or afraid to open up to these people and in turn maybe they sense that and feel like they can't get past your defenses so maybe they move on or they start to feel like you don't care about them because maybe in turn you also don't ask about them or their feelings or something like that
You might also be some type of artist or a person who thinks so much in their head it's because they tend to unleash that through art or hobbies. Like instead of talking to people about your feelings, maybe you share it through writing or art or some other type of project.
With the two of cups coming up, it doesn't have to be a romantic situation. There are no cards here that point toward romance at this time. But if you felt drawn to pile two as well and are interested in romance, you might look to that pile for any specifics. But only if you were drawn to it not just because you want to hear about romance
However this pile I feel like it has more to do with relationships in general, friendships, two of cups can be about a card of mutual respect and being able to work together equally. And we were just talking about how it seems like probably in your life or at least in the next 3 months, there's going to be something that comes up about you know is this relationship equal or is this person happy with this friendship or relationship with me or what can I do to open up more
I'm sort of pointing the finger at you in this. I didn't for the others but the cards are more indicating like it's a bit more your doing, your choices. And I'm feeling more inclined to say that this is a message for you to change something about yourself because it's directly affecting the other people in the relationship or is preventing you from having healthier relationships
But yeah it definitely seems like a time where you will be investing or trying to grow or even weed out relationships because I keep seeing the usual picture for seven of pentacles with how it's somebody trying to grow a garden essentially or grow something that lasts. And since it's sitting next to the three of cups, we know it has to do with relationships.
But the weird thing is for me three of cups is also a card about the collective, so it seems to be reiterating the entire energy of the next 3 months which seems to be about putting effort and work into our relationships and making sure that we are understanding how to connect to other people. There's very serious energy about connecting authentically to others and how the energy wants us to do that is by being open and vulnerable. I mean within reason, you don't want to be taken advantage of of course but this just means that the closest route to an authentic relationship involves two people sharing equally and being willing to open up and trust I guess and be honest. Good or bad I mean nobody likes to hear that they've done something wrong but that's what makes a great relationship is that you can take other people's feedback and at least consider it. So you might have somebody confront you in the next 3 months
And they might point out a criticism and say you know I really didn't like the way you said that or I felt like you didn't consider my feelings and your first reaction might be to be like well you're just too sensitive or blah blah blah but you know I think it's a time to definitely consider feedback especially if it's some type of pattern in your life
But what's also kind of weird is that on another superficial level for a collective energy reading it just feels like something is brewing and something is building up in the world in general, it from the underworld doesn't look that great. I'll probably clarify your pile because I think it's gone beyond just being about the individuals reading this but is talking about collective energy
I know that it kind of feels like after the rain there's a rainbow is kind of a message that's coming through so it's almost like something bad in the collective or in the next 3 months in the world could be happening but it's to bring about growth or it's to shed light on something and the way it works and how bad it is in order to move towards something better. But it's presenting to me like maggots so that's not a really great way to read something
Or the tower I guess where it reminds me of the animal spirit Tarot and there's this tree that gets struck by lightning and in theory, something stronger will grow from that type of destruction or leveling. Or even like using manure on a garden to grow you know. Not just because it's s*** but because that's like the end process of the digestive cycle and yet you use it to give birth to something or create something new and that might be why the creator card also showed up at the back of the deck. Just to know that there will be creation and abundance that comes through this kind of like death-like process.
The death card is also about the cycles of life and you know we live and then we die and we end up in the ground and guess what you get eaten by maggots and then the whole process begins over and over again so
But whatever the stage is, it just feels like things are festering, things are building up under the surface, with the energy and everybody but the milk and honey is the part that's a bit weird that doesn't fit other than it talks about the best course of action is to just be true to yourself and be authentic. I also feel like it is symbolic of appreciating the simple pleasure in life
But I'm going to clarify each card even the oracles and see what we get
Okay so that makes sense. Mint or the footing card which is about stuff building up and overtaking or bullying the garden, also being tenacious. And the last line on the card says when presented with strong emotions, do you expose them or hide them? Which is hilarious because you got the seven of swords, which is about secrets and things that are hidden
So we have confirmation that again this is about keeping emotions inside or something being hidden from you or you hiding things from other people. I do have to bring up the warning that considering mint has the word bully in it, and seven of swords is suggestive of lying or betrayal, that again this could be a situation that comes up with another person where they feel betrayed or you feel betrayed or somebody was lying or somebody is being sketchy.
That's not going to be for everybody but since those are the meanings, I have to bring them up
And for milk and honey you have a nice knight of wands. And the ten of swords. So again there's something that's coming to an ending, a bit of a difficult ending here however the result of it I think is bringing in opportunities. It could be a new creative energy, it could be opportunities to travel, but there is an end to a phase that was a bit difficult and in turn something good is coming out of it. I would definitely suggest since this knight of Wands card came out again, that if you felt drawn to pile two, please check that out
But again I think this just goes back to what I said about there's always a rainbow after the rain. Not literally always but as in the milk and honey card has a rainbow on it and we talked about it so. This might also indicate a person, a friend or whatever who may come in and actually assist you with this dark time or whatever phase this is and kind of push you through it. This could be the relationship the three of cups or two of cups is talking about.
They might be able to provide some type of encouragement for you to be who you are or they yeah would be a type of person who could instill confidence in you or they themselves have this type of confidence and they push you to become more of who you actually are
And with the underworld, we have six of pentacles, which is about reciprocation or giving and receiving. It still feels very ominous to me, this part. I mean we talked about how it's important for relationships in our life to feel like we're contributing. It's not just about us, it's about the other person as well and making sure that they feel like they can be open and honest with us.
But again I'm really wanting you to maybe consider pile two because it's coming up to me again that this is about maybe somebody who besides helping us through a dark time and offering help when we need it and then us offering that person help, it makes me feel like this person would even have that kind of darkness in their own background and that's how they're able to help us through it
I kind of want to clarify the six of pentacles though because on the collective level it still feels kind of weird to me
Well we talked about the tower and we got the tower. So clarifying the six of pentacles for the underground, is the tower and four of swords.
That's Mars energy. You know that's very forceful making things happen energy but at the same time four of swords is about taking a step back. I guess it depends on if that four of swords was meant to be reversed or not but, It just feels really powerful to me. And it's sitting at the center of your cards, so even though I feel you're affected by it, I still feel like this is more about a collective thing.
There's the sense I'm just going to be honest with you. And don't feel like it has to apply to you and only you specifically, but it feels like it's something that the globe will experience and why it's turning up and your pile, I'm sure there's a reason. The pile three tends to be more of that spiritual collective type of energy anyway because of the number but there's a sense of something big happening, there's a sense of a group or people or whatever sharing this experience and the experience seems to be a moment of darkness that's shared amongst people and I mean literally maybe death is involved or just like that kind of darkness or related to the cycles of life but four of swords usually has that in a church in a tomb kind of feeling, and sometimes it can be literal and be about death. And I mentioned maggots and the literal death cards several times so I can't help but think that there's some type of shared dark experience here.
On a prediction level, there could be something that happens in the world that a lot of us are able to see through the TV or there's just some time of darkness and it causes people to have a moment of reflection. But on the lower specific level, this could be about the relationship. Whoever this person is, maybe you both have lost a parent or a sibling or friend, but somebody in this situation has lost something and there's been heavy destruction in some area of somebody's life, but through this experience, it somehow builds a relationship with somebody else. People are able to share something about this experience with other people and for some reason that's important
It doesn't have to be both of you and it could be a metaphor of sharing the darkest parts of ourself or sharing trauma or sharing at that deep dark level that creates a very serious bond or if it's not about people, it's about spiritual transformation and in order to engage a very deep level of spiritual transformation, one has to go through some very heavy darkness. Not to say that you can't do smaller types of transformation or those are less significant, it's just that some people have to go through a very dark thing and it is for a purpose. The bad thing doesn't have to be you know like oh it happened for a reason because that's awful to say to somebody but this is more about as a catalyst for a transformation, some people have to encounter a dark moment. But what comes out of this is growth for the individual but also there is the potential to create bonds with others or the collective by a shared dark experience. Why is that significant? I don't really know. I could take a guess as a person with feelings
Why is it important that we share dark stuff in life like why is that important to spiritual growth. Why do we have to see horrible things on TV in order to bond us. Like what is the whole purpose of that if you believe that somebody created everything or not somebody but an energy was a source which is what spirituality says it doesn't have to be God but if you believe in that that's okay. But like what does darkness and pain have to do with spirituality, why is it important in the process and why is it fundamental for a certain type of growth
I mean in theory, energy or source or whatever you want to call it, is out there just trying to gain any experiences it can but even in science, you know death comes from destruction or decay or things being turned back into their most basic element. You know it's not really pretty. If you see a decomposing body or if you see somebody in their last moments or last days of life, I've never encountered a situation like that where it was ever peaceful so whenever I read an obituaries that it was like oh they want peacefully in their sleep I'm like that seems unlikely. I mean if you're lucky I guess you die in your sleep but having seen some people at the end of their time, nothing about it was calm or pretty. It's actually pretty traumatic
But the cards are just saying there's some type of silver lining and experiencing this and it's a form and a way of bringing people closer together for what purpose. I don't know I guess mass empathy, change but to me that's a pretty high price for being able to understand each other and work together
I mean that is great but do you really have to like drop a bomb on a couple million people before you get the lesson or you realize that other people are real and the world doesn't revolve around you
Moving on, seven of pentacles have one card dropout which was King of cups and then a few cards kind of slipped out but I was like no you don't get to do that. So you get the king of cups.
Again, feels like a building up of emotions that are festering like we talked about in the beginning, but also again it could be investment in a specific relationship involving a king of cups but to me the more important messages whatever is building or growing under the surface, there's some type of emotional or empathetic or intuitive purpose that is meant to be invested in or I should say the reason behind all of that stuff is definitely about the growth of emotional connections and building up I guess to get kind of airy-fairy I guess if humans ever evolve into just communicating through emotions or the brain or whatever, it's like an evolution here evolving how you connect to other people on an intuitive level. Because King of cups represents intuition and feelings you know, and seven of pentacles is building and investing and growing something so you are growing emotional and intuitive connections with people through some type of dark phase in life
And then three of cups, you got knight of pentacles which can represent a person or the speed of the process, which is slow and kind of diligent, it's a lot like that seven of pentacles energy. The two of swords also came out but I said it as reversed, so this could be a block, this could be unable to make a decision, some type of block that has to do with intuition.
When you put them all together for basic purposes for the next 3 months, it's just as I said it's coming out as holding on to something or keeping something hidden from somebody else and that's blocking a pure intuitive connection with other people.
It may point to a literal event in the next 3 months that either takes place in a global or personal level, where you might have an incident or you know something might happen that is a bit destructive. I don't know on what level and I don't want to scare anybody but that's what the cards say right in the middle a shared kind of like dark experience which could have happened in the past and you meet somebody and do you have that in common or it's upcoming on a personal or a global scale
But again the advice here is to feel the feelings but don't hide them, I'm definitely feeling like sharing the darkest parts are important, I don't know why. That's probably an easy question for some people because it's like well obviously if you share the darkest parts of you and people stick around then they're definitely going to be your friend but it's like it's not just about that here, this is about the ingredients for a very high level spiritual transformation. And you just can't get there without a really big bump in the road that knocks you off your horse
But right now again back to a personal adjust this pile level, there does seem to be some type of block, especially with the relationships in your life where you are putting up some type of defenses or not completely opening up or not allowing others to open up to you without some type of judgment or defensiveness
But you may find that when you do open up to somebody, they can help you through it. That's the most simple message that I can give to this pile and like I said for some reason it's also happening on a broader collective level.
And again if this is a specific person and they end up being new, I do see you being guarded or skeptical toward this person even though I feel like they are offering to help but it's like you don't want to accept it or are suspicious or skeptical for whatever reasons that are under the surface that you need to work out because the universe seems to want to tell you to let this person in and let them help you. Whether it's a specific person or that's a general message that you need to hear, that's what's coming through
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doihavetosaymyname · 2 years
Pick a pile and get a reading <3
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Pile one
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10 of  pentacles, the Moon, The Wheel of Fortune, 6 of cups.
Channelled message: Thank you for being so patient.
2022 probably was very negative/uneventful; you reflected on yourself A LOT. I see you even doing shadow work. Luckily, in 2023 the period of melancholy ends. I see you getting out of old cycles/breaking old patterns. You healed your inner child; may approach things in a different, more playful way.
You are blessed by sudden positive change; lots of good luck and you being at the right place at the right time. 
I see material abundance and emotional fulfillment. Perhaps, this year you are going to spend a lot of time with people you consider family.  
You may visit your childhood home and people/things from the past may comeback to you.    
10 and 6 are your lucky numbers. 10 symbolizes a lucky fresh start, 6 represents restoration of peace/harmony. 
If you enjoy my readings, please consider donating <3
Pile two
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King of swords rx, 3 of swords rx, the Emperor, the Tower. 
Channelled message: Tapping into your inner rage is good for your health sometimes .
I see you quitting your job or education this year. Feels like you have an overbearing boss/professor who was not competent; perhaps the boss/professor abused their power and took advantage of you. You finally had enough and decided to walk away. The resentment has been building up for a long time, but you kept it to yourself. You tolerated their bullshit and then decided to silently resign, surprising them as they did not expect for it to happen. 
They will beg for you to come back. You already made up your mind though; you left everything behind and burned this bridge forever. 
I would advise you to have a good plan since quitting a job/uni can have serious consequences, however, my advice is definitely not needed. I am picking up your energy, and you are an absolute boss ass bitch. You are a strategist who thinks everything through, always five steps ahead of everyone. You are a highly intellectual, precise, and disciplined person.  
Allow yourself to be more impulsive from time to time.   
If you enjoy my readings, please consider donating <3
Pile three
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King of cups rx, the High priestess rx, queen of swords rx, 9 of cups rx, 2 of wands, the Magician, ace of swords. 
Channelled message: The only difference between you and the person you envy is the level of confidence.
For now (the very beginning of a new year) your energy is blocked. You feel stuck and unmotivated. I can sense some cynicism/pessimistic outlook in life from this pile; you probably have a generally passive approach to pretty much everything. 
All of it is such a shame because you genuinely have the potential to make ALL of your dreams come true. It is crazy how much power your mind holds yet you just refuse to acknowledge it. 
You have to remember that you are not a TV/film character — no one will give you a sudden plot twist love interest while you barely leave your house. It is delusional to expect that life will unfold its wonders when you refuse to take action. You have to take charge of your own destiny. 
Go out. Put yourself out there. 
Instead of seeing yourself as a character, approach life like a screenwriter. What plot lines would you add to make your own story compelling?
If you enjoy my readings, please consider donating <3
Happy lunar new year! Hope the reading resonated <3
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kakiastro · 2 years
2023 Astrology Vibes
Last day of 2022, I think I can speak for everyone when I say this year was something 🫣
But 2023 is going to be a different vibe and I’m going to tell you why
1. For the last 5.5 years Saturn has been in his home signs Capricorn &Aquarius! These were the probably some of the most challenging years and you had to do a lot of growth and break away from karmas. Also add Pluto Capricorn that’s been intensifying everything! Look at the years from 2017-Present. Check what houses Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius were transiting those years using transit chart.
For ex. Saturn has transited in my 6&7h so I’ve learned a lot about relationships (platonic&romantic) and I’ve had some health stuff that made me want to change some diets.
2. Now Saturn is leaving his home signs into watery Pisces for 2.5 years. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter&Neptune. What happens when realism sign and non realism sign come together? It means it’s time to wake up and smell the roses 🌹 wherever you’ve had your rose colored glasses on, Saturn is about to snatch them off😭 if you have Saturn Pisces natally, then you are about to go through your Saturn return! check and see what house Pisces rules in your chart to see the themes you’re about to experience . Don’t worry you guys got this!
3. In numerology, 2023 is a water ruled year! The number 7 is ruled by Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon.
4. In Chinese astrology, it’s ruled by the water rabbit! Rabbit means fertility and growth!
5. Pluto also takes a dip in new sign Aquarius for a few months before going back into Capricorn before stationing in Aquarius permanently in 2024 for 20 years. Aquarius is an air sign but is known as the water bearer
So what happened when you put all of these things together? Well here are my own 2023 predictions…
1. Spirituality will be on the rise, especially occult, I feel like people will dive into the unknown, I feel like people will be finding God on their own terms without influences from churches. More people may leave churches due to corruptions and I feel like karma is going to come to the toxic people who uses religion for their own gain
2. Something with fish, maybe a low fish supply since Saturn restricts. Also Pisces rules the deep ocean and Saturn represents time and ancient stuff, I wonder if we’ll find some ancient civilizations or species in the oceans?? When Pluto enters aqua, that may advance it since aqua rules technology and Pluto rules dark hidden places👀
3. Women will be the focus next year since it’s a cancer ruled year. I’ve seeing lots of babies and pregnancy signs so I think a lot of new souls will be born next year, these new babies will be advanced, I’m talking doing things at 2 when they shouldn’t be able to do until their 5 😅 honestly the whole Pluto cap and future aqua generation will be. Watch what I say😅 back to women though, sisterhood will become a big thing, women banding together to start a business or just to have a small support system.
4. The moon rules over our family, ancestors, home life, our private life, our emotional comfort. Themes surrounding these topics will be the focus. Now depending on your moon sign, this will tell you how your year can go, I would personally check your solar return chart and see what sign the moon is in for that year
For ex. In my solar return chart, the moon is in Leo 10h with moon ruler in the 9h for 2023, themes of children, traveling, having fun. My uncle &his gf is having a child in February!
5. Pisces also rules over addictions, with Saturn here I feel like more people will began to talk about there addiction struggles or become more aware. I know for one that I personally need to take a step back from social media & be more present, focusing more on my creative projects. So things like that will be topics
6. I’m very interested to see the kind of music that will be released! Pisces rules over music! I feel there’s going to be timeless music(Saturn ) it wouldn’t surprise me if a new genre appeared, last time Saturn was in Pisces, the grunge era was huge!!! Kurt Cobain was a Pisces. So I’m wondering if there’s going to be another Pisces icon on the rise next year? I feel like it would be someone who’s been in the industry but just now becoming mainstream, I’m thinking it’s going to be woman or feminine energy
7. Also a lot of good movies will be out next year as well! I feel like movies dealing with the past will be the theme, now I know movies are made a year before but I think by the time they are released it fits perfect with what’s going on Astrologically. I always tell people to pay attention to the movies and tv shows that come out. I feel like they’re a glimpse of what’s to come the following year! Especially the big ones, like Wakanda forever & Avatar both were the biggest movies and had themes of family, women and water hellooo
See you all next year
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astrosolutions · 1 year
Rohini Nakshatra: Unlock the Secrets of Your Destiny and Success.
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People born under the influence of Rohini Nakshatra are believed to possess an attractive personality, creativity, and a strong desire for material wealth. They are often associated with qualities such as beauty, grace, and charm. However, they may also exhibit a stubborn nature and a tendency to become possessive.
Astrologically, Rohini Nakshatra is associated with the planet Venus, which represents love, beauty, and sensuality. It is believed that individuals born under this nakshatra are influenced by Venus, leading them to possess a love for aesthetics, art, and a desire for harmonious relationships.
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What BLESSINGS are Coming this Fall?! 🍂 Mabon Tarot Pick-a-Card
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black-lake · 2 years
I just loved this video and I wanted to share it with y’all to spread more awareness about the upcoming astrological events. 🔭🌌 I loved the idea of encouraging us individually to stay in those higher vibrations of love, gratitude and peace to accelerate the birth of new earth, since clearly so many astrological aspects are indicating massive changes and us as co-creators in this universe have the power to accelerate those changes. Right there will be many triggers and we can rather keep it running smoothly more often than not by choosing to stay calm and at peace, since it will all pass. 🌍
Now especially with pluto going through the very last degrees of cap (28° to 29°), it’s going to be intense before it finally enters aqua in March to June, then back in cap and back again in aqua in 2024 until possibly 2043. And I’m so excited about this evolution and freedom but also kinda scared. For one, pluto in aqua is about to mess with us in social media big time, expect to be 👀 or controlled somehow, but either way those pluto themes will play out strongly in social media. I also have my mc in aqua and although they won’t conjunct obvs since it’s at later aqua degrees, I still dk how heck that will play out.
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unknown-internet · 2 years
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missvalerierose717 · 1 year
mars into Leo prediction all signs!! ❤️❤️❤️ ♌️
welcome to the Mars in Leo all sign prediction!
The readings are going to be split up in the 3 decans of Leo, with dates ranging from May 20th to July 10th
What is a Mars in Leo like?
“In Leo, Mars is a bold and confident leader with a childlike heart. A performer at heart yet slightly arrogant when in regards to its talents, Mars in Leo's showmanship is incomparable.”
May 20th to June 9th
The energy is starting out with a lot of mental stimulation and strategies. During this time the sun entered Gemini and forming a harmonious sextile exact to Mars.
There is expected to be moments of conflicts involving emotional responses and reasoning. This partially due to Venus being very active in Cancer, along with a lot of activated aspects to Pluto in the 1 degree in Aquarius. This indicates an abundance air element (I.e. intellectual, logical) vs. Water (I.e. emotion, intuition)
Through these days, we will be working through some honest discussions, and how we feel. Learning to except our feelings is a big part of this process.
The full moon in Sagittarius at 13 degree on June 3rd is an Jupiter influenced activation and revealing time of our higher lessons. 13° is associated with Aries. These are both fire elements, so this can be an active time for us all as a collective. in the journey it will be very apparent what we want! It could be a successful time to conquer. fate has brought us everything we’ve wished for. 💞
Bonus, oracle card; the fifth chakra Arcangel Gabrielle. 
This is a perfect  representation of the energy, resembling self expression in speaking your truth. 
It’s a time to focus on your throat, chakra and your heart center, acknowledging your power to communicate. Also, this is a time to speak your truth. Expression of your emotions and ideas in a way that’s honoring your spirit. 
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June 10th through June 29th
We will begin to put in work in today, energy of the three of pentacles.
On June 11th Pluto enters back into Capricorn. Then followed by Saturn in Pisces 13° retrograding on June 17th. This is the time that we are going to be more focused on ambition and goals.
We will consume ourself in projects and collaborations. This is an important time to make use of our knowledge and creating solidify our foundations.
We may be going to feel more at ease as we materialize, and the physical things in life become more pleasurable. We may feel more abundant in regards a more stabilized environment.
Our love life also may be more productive as we put in the effort to be cooperative to one another.
With this decan we experience a new moon in Gemini on June 18th. It’s 26 degrees which is the degree of Taurus. We may be strong, steady and working on matters of love. Making this a time to be willing to compromise.
Bonus, oracle card; happy family.
A time for closeness, fun and caring.  this is about finding and truly loving the value of your family, and what it brings. Prepare yourself for more time involving happiness in the home life.
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June 30th to July 10th
During this time, the sun will be in cancer by June 21st. Even though this is a very emotional setting, we are still living in a way that is wildly untamed.
It is predicted that we will end with the true nature of Leo’s spirit, and the strength card. This is about pride and confidence in all we’ve came to do and conquered.
Linkages to the planet Venus, and strong feelings we are deserving, and unwilling to accept less than our worth. We will be consumed by royalty and goddess tendencies.
 It will be projected that  there’s a fierce energy to go after your truest desires. It’s a power packed force of pride and ambition to follow you heart, Leo, after all does rule the heart.
 We may even make it widely known, how we really feel and what we really want. It’s not a time to be quiet about your pursuits.  We know we are deserving and our romantic relationships may begin to be fuel with fiery romantic flair. 😍
Bonus, oracle card: Ying yang. 
Resemblance of passion and action, versus intuitive and logical. This is where the forces are coming together to emerge as one unified source. Completeness in counterparts. This is the time to be receptive to your partner.
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And the overall card, for the transit is the world. This card will be the main influence during this whole transit.
With this overall energy we are in seek of Achievement, Responsibility, Repayment, Completion, Fresh starts.
Bonus, oracle card;  indecision.
 The overall impact of this oracle card is during this transit we are going to discover what we need in life. Especially with Mars being our planet of action and desires.  This is a revealing time for us as a collective to rediscover, we may need to cut off some things that are unnecessary to manifest our happy life in reality.
Follow me for more astrological updates and predictions www.facebook.com/missvalerierose | IG: miss.valerierose
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mylimoji · 2 years
next year is going to be GREAT for leo risings and you know what, i deserve it, i've been in this rut for too long 🥹
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mars direct in gemini • january 12, 2023
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mars has been retrograding since august, but is now stationed direct at 8° gemini on january 12, 2023. when mars stations direct, this is the end of the recalibration period for how + where mars is working in our lives. reflect on the last 2.5 months - how have your mindsets developed? how is your relationship with your toxic habits? have you learned to speak up for yourself more? what's your relationship like with the internet these days? mars has been working to bring us into alignment with our motives, our drive, and the way we execute when it comes to how we communicate, what we learn, and what we engage with on a mental basis. if you have been using this retrograde to your advantage, you may be being blessed with a more empowered mindset, toxic ties are being broken, you're no longer settling for less, and confidently exercising that throat chakra.
the focus here is organizing our spaces by filtering out what no longer serves where we're headed. this involves releasing friendships, abandoning spaces we no longer resonate with, doing a social media cleanse, and even deep cleaning our physical spaces since the state of our physical environment correlates with our mental environment. many people will be focusing more on health + wellness so if you've been called to upgrade your life in that sense, now is the time. we'll also be seeing more people getting irrational, aggressive, and competitive on the internet - mind your business + do not get lost in the sauce of social media competition. overall, this transit is here to help is realign with your long-term goals and creatively conjure up a way that we can be successful through our God-given talents. in order to attain success, we must overcome our fears of self-expression and no longer doubting our abilities.
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how to alchemize with mars direct:
learn to feel safe within our own body
i cannot stress this enough... mind your business!
create boundaries with social media
hang in spaces that motivate you
release the lazy, unfocused friends that you're still holding onto
speak up for yourself!
learn nu things
implement more healing hobbies
write more!
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astrologicaldiary · 1 year
Saturn transit in Pisces : New age of spirituality
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I want to talk about this Saturn transit in Pisces. When I first heard the astrologers from TikTok about this transit, I didn't actually care for it... Maybe because I was consumed and overstimulated, but I didn't quite listen carefully of what is the meaning of this transit. But I remember when I was scrolling on Twitter, I saw a post of another Twitter user who screenshots of an Instagram post of Kalis Uchis saying that we as a collective should be careful of how much alcohol we are consuming in our bodies, then I think she said that she stopped drinking alcohol... This is just a summary of what she said, and if you don't know who she is... my friend, you are missing out
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Then I followed an astrologer on Twitter, and they captioned the post as the embodiment of Saturn in Pisces... I wasn't quite confused about this, but I know I'm seeing the pattern and seeing the waves of people shifting their beliefs surrounding religion.
Literally today, I watched a video of Kelly Stamps. She's a popular YouTuber, and I love her channel and her vibes. Believe it or not, she had helped me to be comfortable being alone and she made me laugh while we were all quarantined at home. But anyways, she posted a clip of her celebrating Easter, and I guess it made some of her followers pissed.
She created a new channel called " whataburgerqueen" ( just love her sense of humor), and she went on a rant about how her followers on the Youtube space were calling her conservative and shocked to see that she's a Christian... That really lost me because the United States' main religion is Christianity, so I usually assume everyone is Christian especially for me being a Muslim. So when I hear people saying that they didn't she was a Christian, as a Muslim, I don't usually share my religion with anybody because to be honest *some* people are weird and they asked too many questions. I'm like go google and leave me out of it! So I usually keep it to myself, but now you know. To get to the point, Kelly was saying that we are living in a world with no grace and a low vibrational society. And she also stated we are living in a society that cares about money, getting things fast, and not trying to reflect more on certain things. I agree with her too!
She also said that this will be her new era embracing her Christian values and other things that truly matter without worry about clicks and followers...
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With this transit, I predict the collective especially the influencers, celebs, and other public figures are going to praise their faith out loud, and there's nothing wrong with it! But I fear there could some religious supremacy happening or people thinking that they are better worshippers than others. Mind you, my sister who doesn't pray and doesn't fast as often, she is listening Islam podcasts and she's working on repairing her faith in Allah ( it means God before you panic!).
I feel like we are going to be seeing a rise in people working on their faith. Now the negative side of this, there are going to be evil people who use religion as their power source to shame other people who are not as traditional as the holy book. For example, we are seeing white Republicans trying to ban drag shows and controlling and alienating transpeople...
I'm curious how this will impact the society we live in, but these are all my opinions and I ain't no professional astrologer ( maybe I should....but we will never know).
I'll talk to you soon.
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