#Gemini new moon
ethereal-cleanse · 4 months
Gemini New Moon PAC Spread
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Hey Guys! This one is pretty long, but I felt inspired to do it as I would one of my paid readings because I felt really connected with this moon today and I hope you guys find that at least one of these messages resonates with you! Now, let's get started★
Pile 1
Focus: 5 of pentacles (The Hierophant) After this new moon, those in pile 1 need to focus on balance. In our capitalistic society, money and resources are the key to our day-to-day survival, but what about your inner world? Your ties to the things outside of our mortal realm? Your growth will be found in the coexistence of the logical and mystical sides of life.
New Beginnings: The Emperor (Page of Swords) As new moons usher in new beginnings, you will gain more discipline, stability, and focus with a wave of curiosity, inspiration, and chattiness! If you’ve been wanting to be more assertive, this will come easily to you now.
How to Communicate: *The Gate (Justice) As we communicate during this time, remember to be pragmatic and speak the way you’d like to be spoken to. "You can attract more bees with honey than vinegar", and it’s important to remind yourself that it isn’t always what you say, it’s how you say it.
Strengths: The Devil (10 of Cups) In following this path, you must find strength in both the light and the dark. We all have wounds to heal and temptations that call to us, and while we must actively work to heal them, we cannot ignore the beautiful and joyous parts of life. Remain self-aware and honest with yourself, but don’t deprive yourself of embracing and showing appreciation for what and who you have. 
Release: 8 of cups (The Fool) To gain something new, we must also let go, and this lunar cycle says to walk away from people, habits, and thoughts that no longer serve you. It may be scary to leave what’s familiar, but the Fool says to jump into this newness bravely. What you will get now is far better than what you had before.  
Theme: Luck is on your side (New moon in Sagittarius) If you’ve been having a low spell, life is about to have an energetic restart! Take this time to be adventurous and connect with others, especially by sharing your ideas.
Manifestation: Know you are loved (New moon in Libra) “Love makes my world go round” Love, whether platonic or romantic, will start pouring in at this time. New relationship cycles (friendship, professional, and even romantic) as well as new opportunities will be available to you now.
Angel Guidance: #39 Perseverance (Joy Guide) “Don’t give up” Do not fret if things have taken longer than you thought, as your guides are urging you to keep going. Though this is a tougher process, take this time to learn as you go and keep your eye on the prize because your hard work will come to fruition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pile 2
Focus: Temperance (7 of Swords) For group 2, this lunar cycle wants you to stay calm and balanced (both mentally and emotionally) as you go after what you want while also being aware of potential deception. Someone or something might be subtly getting in your way either personally or professionally, but don’t allow this to shake you! A challenge will not take you off your path, because what is for you cannot be taken.
New Beginnings: The Hermit (inverted 6 of cups) As you move towards this, your new beginning may start with you taking more time to be alone and to reflect. If you have been carrying pain from the past or have felt unable to move forward, this will be your moment to finally, truly let go and focus on your future! You see the light now, and it’s starting from within.
How to Communicate: Knight of Pentacles (The Lovers) Because this could potentially be an emotional time, when communicating, you must try to ground your passion and dreams with practical considerations that others can more easily understand and picture along with you. This will help you feel more understood and can take your ideas from the imagination to the real world.  
Strengths: The Chariot (7 of Pentacles) A strength you can lean on currently is you self-discipline, ambition, and focus as well as your ability to plan and manifest! Your combination of patience and action makes you an unstoppable force and your success is inevitable. 
Release: 4 of Pentacles (9 of cups) Finally, to embrace all that’s coming to you, you must release your need for control and anything that has been weighing you down. By embracing optimism and your right to prosperity, abundance will come to you in droves. Theme: Nothing Will Come of This (Void of Course Moon) “I trust in my highest good” If you’ve been worried about or hoping for something, that thing isn’t in the Universe’s plan for you. While this might be a positive or negative for some of you, this is your chance to pivot towards something in true alignment.
Manifestation: Take Inspired Action (Full moon in Virgo) “I forgive myself for everything, I am doing my best” In line with the Knight of Pentacles and The Lovers, the seeds of your manifestations must be watered with action. Be proactive and intentional as you move forward to make your dreams a reality.
Angel Guidance: #26 Balance (Teacher Guide)
“Give fairly and with unconditional love, and all will turn out well” Take this time to click in with your relationships. Are you taking too much on from those in your life? Are you communicating your needs or waiting for others to guess and feel hurt? Do others feel like they aren’t getting enough from you? Our relationships need to be an equal space of give and take, and so this time calls to regain that balance.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pile 3
Focus: 2 of wands (10 of pentacles) For those in group 3, your intentions should be centered on your goals, as they will lead you to prosperity, growth, and abundance! This is a time when you can feel confident in taking calculated risks for them as well, as there is financial stability and a solid foundation beneath you. If you’ve been torn about which path to take, this is your sign to choose the path your heart can’t let go of.   
New Beginnings: The Tower (The High Priestess) As you go towards this new beginning, you will experience a significant transformation, one that might feel like a complete upheaval of everything you’ve known and built up until now. While this may sound scary, you will feel that something needs to change, and it’s important to trust your intuition and ability to face it head-on. 
How to Communicate: 8 of pentacles (10 of wands) Because this will be an intense time for you, please communicate your needs to those around you. You may need more support and assistance, those that care will want to rally around and lift you up as you trudge along.
Strengths:6 of swords (5 of wands) A strength you can embrace right now is the freedom to let go. The feelings from your past don’t have to remain in this present time. The choice to embrace peace and release resentment, hurt, and negativity is empowering, and this new beginning deserves a you who wants to be renewed. 
Release: King of Cups (inverted Knight of Cups) To fully move forward, replace moodiness with a balance between your mind and heart. Things can hurt, but they don’t have to consume you. “Logic” isn’t more valid than healthy emotional expression. Bring your emotional and realistic sides together and watch how your viewpoint evolves. 
Theme: Surrender to the Divine (Full Moon) “I am getting the answers I need” Life is coming to a head, a climax, and it is important to keep a cool head as it unfolds. The odds are in you favor, but it is important to tune into yourself and your feelings to see what they are trying to tell you. Trust in your intuition and your guides.
Manifestation: See the bigger picture (Full Moon in Sagittarius) “I know that I am blessed and I love my life within that knowing” In this time, you have to find a balance and acceptance of where you are vs where you want to be. Learn and research as you head towards this new path, and if conflict appears, learn what needs to be said instead of saying too much. Be the bigger and more patient person at this time.
Angel Guidance: #44 Limitation (Nature Guide) “Listen and learn from others, they make it easier for you” As this is a new path, shed your perchance for pride, as it is of no use to you. Find those who are more knowledgeable and versed than you, ask questions, watch, and learn. You can go so much further with far less struggle when you are open to being unsure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pile 4
Focus: 3 of Swords (Knight of swords) If you are recovering from heartbreak or dealing with heavy emotions like loneliness or depression, this lunar cycle is calling for you to pick yourself up and make big changes! Seize the day, put yourself back out there, open up, and be honest about how you feel, or simply be brave and do one thing that scares you. This low point isn't meant for you and it’s time to crawl towards the light. 
New Beginnings: The Magician (Ace of Pentacles) Your new beginning is realizing that you are the key to the life you desire. The Magician manifests and takes action while the ace of pentacles brews financial abundance and material gains. If you start taking actions now, no matter how small, that align with the things you’ve been wishing for, this is a time that will foster personal, material, or financial success. Dream big and go for it! All you have to do is take the first step. 
How to Communicate: Queen of Swords (King of Pentacles) When communicating, it’s important to be logical, direct, and clear-headed. As we express ourselves, try to balance your emotions and logic so that you can be heard while you express your true feelings. Hold your head high and be honest, even if it’s frightening. So much strength comes from speaking our truth. 
Strengths: 9 of pentacles (the Empress) A strength you should connect with (no matter your gender) is your divine feminine energy. Tapping into this aspect of ourselves allows us to connect with the earth and the divine, promoting self-understanding and our access to manifestation. The 9 of pentacles signals abundance and by combining these two, you can create a beautiful life and find a state of contentment.  
Release: The Star (9 of swords) To embrace all that is coming to you, lay down your fear, anxiety, and depression, and allow yourself to hope and dream. The life you want isn’t a silly pipe dream. You have access to pleasure and joy just like anyone else, and you must release the belief that you are worth anything less. 
Theme: A Win-Win Outcome is Forecast (Full moon in Libra) “Let go of that which is falling away…” A relationship in your life is changing, whether deepening or coming to a close. It is important to remember that some things are for a reason while others are for a season, and no matter which way it’s headed, allow it to run its intended course. No matter what happens, it’s for your highest good no matter how it feels.
Manifestation: Go Deeper (New moon in Scorpio) “Life goes in cycles and my life is now regenerating” You’re stepping back into your power after something that cut deep, and it’s time to go into it fully. Dig deep into what happened and see the whole picture. Experience things fully right now instead of accepting the surface level.
Angel Guidance: #36 Abundance (Joy Guide) “Fill your heart with gratitude and appreciation for the good things in life right now. More blessed abundance is on the way” The universe is showering you with gifts and blessings that are going unnoticed by you, and so your guides are now bringing them to your attention. Each morning, ask for something good to happen and write down what showed up at the end of the day. The universe gives back what you put out, and gratitude begets even more love and blessings!  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that is the end of this Pick-A-Card Reading. Thank you so much if you took the time to participate, comment in the notes what pile you pick, and please check out my shop or if you're feeling generous, you can support me on my ko-fi as well. Until next time, be sweet to yourselves!
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
astro notes: daily transits 6/6 gemini new moon
Thursday, 6/6, the Gemini New Moon presents an opportune moment to delve into themes of intelligence, adaptability, and the nuanced dance of communication and connection. This lunation invites us all to embrace our natural curiosity and versatility, encouraging us to explore new networks and expand our social horizons. With all the connecting aspects to this particular new moon, it's worth taking look at the various facets of this lunation, highlighting its influences and potential impacts on our lives:
Gemini New Moon: Core Themes and Energies
Intellectual Stimulation and Versatility Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, emphasizes mental agility and versatility. During this New Moon, there is a heightened focus on learning, gathering information, and sharing ideas. Our minds are sharp, quick to make connections, and eager to explore new concepts. This is an excellent time for engaging in activities that stimulate our intellect, such as reading, writing, attending workshops, or having stimulating conversations.
Restlessness and Exploration The restless nature of Gemini can lead to a desire for change and variety. This New Moon may inspire us to break out of our routines and seek new experiences. Whether it's exploring new neighborhoods, meeting new people, or trying out new hobbies, the Gemini energy encourages us to diversify our experiences and broaden our perspectives.
Networking and Social Connections Gemini is a social sign, thriving on interaction and communication. This New Moon opens a new chapter in our networking endeavors, making it a favorable time for building and strengthening social connections. We might find ourselves more inclined to reach out to others, engage in lively discussions, and forge new friendships. The emphasis is on light, engaging interactions that bring a sense of joy and connection.
The Influence of Venus: Harmony and Relationship Dynamics The conjunction of the New Moon with Venus adds a layer of harmony and affection to our interactions. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enhances our capacity for understanding and nurturing relationships. This aspect suggests that our romantic, familial, and social connections stand to benefit from a deeper appreciation of each other's needs and emotions.
Romance and Love: New beginnings in romantic relationships are favored. There is potential for new love interests or a renewed sense of affection and harmony in existing relationships.
Friendships and Community: This is a wonderful time to strengthen bonds with friends and community members. The Venus influence encourages cooperation, kindness, and mutual support.
Business and Professional Relationships: In the professional realm, this lunation can bring opportunities for collaboration and the development of harmonious working relationships.
Communication and Emotional Needs Gemini's communication style is often inquisitive and playful, yet the presence of Venus underscores the importance of addressing deeper emotional needs. While Gemini may prefer light-hearted banter, the conjunction with Venus reminds us to tune into the underlying emotional currents in our interactions. Recognizing and honoring these needs can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling connections.
Social Niceties and Pleasant Interactions Venus in conjunction with the New Moon emphasizes the importance of social graces and niceties. Small gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness can go a long way in enhancing our relationships. Creating an atmosphere of comfort and ease in social settings allows for more relaxed and enjoyable interactions.
The Role of Black Moon Lilith (BML) The trine between the Moon-Venus conjunction and Black Moon Lilith (BML) in Libra brings a deeper, more intense layer to this lunation. BML represents repressed desires and the quest for empowerment, often highlighting areas of our lives where we seek greater balance and fairness.
Partnership and Commitment: BML in Libra focuses on the dynamics of partnership and the need for equitable, balanced relationships. This aspect may bring to light any imbalances or power struggles within our connections, prompting us to address these issues head-on.
Confrontation and Expression: The influence of BML can lead to confrontations or emotional outbursts, especially if there have been long-standing issues simmering beneath the surface. It’s important to approach these situations with a desire for clarity and resolution, rather than avoidance.
Saturn in Pisces: Setting Boundaries The square aspect between the New Moon and Saturn in Pisces introduces a need for boundaries and discipline. While Gemini’s energy is mutable and adaptable, Saturn brings a grounding influence, urging us to be mindful of our limits.
Managing Restlessness: Saturn’s presence can help us channel Gemini’s restlessness into constructive activities, preventing us from becoming scattered or overwhelmed.
Creating Structure: This aspect encourages us to create structure in our lives, even as we explore new territories. Setting realistic goals and maintaining a balanced approach can help us navigate the dynamic energies of this New Moon.
Practical Applications and Reflections To make the most of the Gemini New Moon, consider incorporating the following practices:
Engage in Learning: Take up a new course, read books on topics of interest, or engage in stimulating discussions.
Expand Social Networks: Reach out to new people, join groups or clubs, and participate in social events.
Practice Mindfulness: While exploring new experiences, stay mindful of your emotional needs and those of others.
Set Intentions: Use the New Moon to set intentions related to communication, learning, and relationships.
Balance and Boundaries: Be mindful of your limits and create a balanced approach to managing the dynamic energies of this lunation.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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rawhoneybliss · 4 months
GEMINI New Moon 06/06/24 (Tarot/Oracle)
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our beautiful, loving and thriving community 🦋💗🌻
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june-petals · 4 months
| 06 - 06 - 2024 | ○ 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 ○
The Gemini New Moon Is The Perfect Time To Embrace Changes, Don't Hold Back, Take That Step Forward, You Are Ever Growing And Ever Changing; EMBRACE THE FLOW OF CHANGE IN THE COSMOS THAT SURROUNDS YOU!! ٭
With That In Mind, You Don't Have To Completely Change Your Whole Life In One Day, But If There's Something You've Been Meaning To Do Or A Habit You've Meant To Start, Today Has The Perfect Energy To Support You ٭
Some Journaling Ideas For The New Moon :
- What Is Something You Want To Let Go Of? Something You'd Like To Hold On To Or Keep?
- What Is Something You'd Like To Start Doing Or Integrating Into Your Life?
Also, Now Is A Good Time To Clean/Cleanse Your Journal, Don't Let Your Journal Hold Onto Stagnant Energy ٭
Some New Moon Activities :
- Reset, Cleanse, And Clean
- Shower ; Wash Off Any Old Energy
- Sweep Away Stagnant Energy
- Embrace The Flow And Change Of The World Around You
✩ Blessed Be ✩
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partyinthecookiejar · 4 months
Gemini New Moon
This New Moon on June 6th brings with it a great need for communication. This does a good favour to the healing of relationships, also helping to heal those relationships where communication has stopped. If you want to reconnect with someone, this New Moon is great for that. I recommend contacting them in the energy of the New Moon so that a new phase in your communication can begin. This New Moon is especially important for soul mates, they can expect a reunion or an increase in telepathy.
In addition to being a great time for people to connect, it is also a great time to strengthen friendships. You may miss someone, and if so, it´s a good time to reach out to them. On this day, it is very useful to express your feelings and share love. It is easily received and is a great moment to warm up the relationship. The most powerful day of the new moon is June 6, but the day before and later the energies are also active.
You should be careful in traffic, as this New Moon can cause many traffic accidents.
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turningwheeltarot · 1 year
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✨Mini Pick-a-Card✨ New Moon in Gemini Reading 🌚♊️ (June 17/18) — Area to Focus On/Set Intentions 🏹🔎
✨Follow me on instagram @turningwheel360✨
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astrabellasworld · 1 year
🌙 06/17 & 06/18/2023: New Moon in ♊️
The ♐️ Full Moon released beliefs that held us tight. Now, a New Moon in Gemini aligns our thoughts, emotions, and words just right. With clarity and intention, our mindset takes flight, setting the stage for Cancer season, where purpose ignites. #NewMoon ✨🌌
✨What does it mean for your rising? Let's see —
♈︎ - A buzzing curiosity awakens within you.
♉︎ - Indulgent exploration beckons your senses.
♊︎ - Embark on a quest of self-discovery.
♋︎ - Foster trust and kindness within yourself.
♌︎ - Embrace the winds of social change.
♍︎ - Witness a transformative career shift.
♎︎ - Explore endless possibilities and horizons.
♏︎ - Delve into self-reflection and vulnerability.
♐︎ - Watch your relationships bloom and grow.
♑︎ - Revitalize routines for a fresh start.
♒︎ - Bask in the abundance of creative flow.
♓︎ - Navigate transitions within your sacred home.
I advise reading these specifically for your rising sign, as they are based on specific transits to the whole sign houses for each rising sign. 🥰
Keep these in mind as the week progresses! 🌟
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confrontthefamiliar · 4 months
The planets weigh down on us all at once in the sign of Gemini
Everybody seems a little disheveled
I drive an hour down to Roseville to see my Gemini sister
After pancakes and smoothies we go down the road to her house
We binge The Voice, her favorite show
I get a little work done but it never feels like enough
Running around a bit much, answering all those calls, seeing all these friends
But the rhythm picks back up
And i can feel a momentum building
I say yes to the lake but no to dinner and i make it in time to see my new roommates dancing with fire
I play some country love songs on the drive home from Roseville and I remember the silly love i once played with down there
She ordered us noodles on her company dime but
“They still take the taxes out of my salary,” and I feel a little sad
When I’m reminded how I don’t like that’s how the world’s set up-
My baby sister’s getting taken advantage of
And I’m reminded of my own life and how much trust I’m putting into This Company that’s so grassroots while I yearn for both a corporate streamlined role where I thrive in a fancy gym routine or the opposite: nothing except writing my next book
The never-ending story of advocating for ourselves, Magdalene and I mention- is that the Libran/Aries axis?
Contracts with others vs. contracts with the self?
I keep making them and breaking mine around work and writing and smoking and eating
Pining away wistfully, oh for one goal, a single, golden goal, but now I have like seven
It’s okay to be depressed by the repressed but don’t be repressed by the depression, keep moving, keep learning, keep growing
I listen to those country love songs and think of all those partners I lost back in Roseville
Two friends tell me they fell in love because of country love songs
The concept of controlling feelings- the ultimate power
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jemirapayne · 4 months
Happy Gemini New Moon (June 6) ♊️🌑
Now is a great time to reconnect with what makes you curious, switch up your routines and start getting to know your community in a new, fun way! This pick-a-card reading is a chance for you to connect with the energy of this new moon, see what's working and see where you can set intentions for growth and self-expression.
Let me know your reflections in the comments 💌
0:00 → Gemini New Moon
0:41 → Pick a Card Selection
0:55 → Pile 1
19:01 → Pile 2
40:16 → Pile 3
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manifestdestinytarot · 4 months
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new moon in gemini ritual ✨
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ethereal-cleanse · 4 months
Gemini New Moon/Cazimi
How is everyone feeling as we head into our 6/6 Gemini New Moon? It's tucked in a cazimi with our Gemini sun (of course), mercury, Jupiter, and most importantly, Venus. Some of you may be feeling particularly occupied with thoughts of love, money, or general expansion and Gemini's exuberant energy is behind it with a fierceness.
For me, my life is very much feeling...transformative. I'm reflecting on a lot and feel like life is actively calling to me, even if I'm not all that sure what it wants me to know yet. A new me is coming and with that, new ideas, new beginnings, and a new view on life! I'm excited to see where this is going and will be diving much deeper into my spirituality. Comment where you're at right now in the notes. I would love to know, especially if any of my fellow mutable risings (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces) feel similarly to me. There will be a new pick-a-card spread for you all out tomorrow, so I'll see you then!
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l3xistentialism · 4 months
Under the Gemini New Moon 🌑:
I say it with my whole heart.
Speaking my truth is valid, but so is keeping information close to the chest.
Even when I’m playin, I’m not.
I heal my inner child while I raise my own children.
My words mean & make great things.
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rawhoneybliss · 4 months
do you have any plans/themes for this up-coming new moon? <3
Interestingly, I'm responding to this at exactly 5:55 🙏🏾
Yes, I've pretty much been in preparation mode for the Gemini New Moon since posting a video about it on my YouTube Channel 💖 I've already set specific intentions and have been extremely mindful of the energies I'm calling into my reality. The new beginning that this New Moon is ushering in feels fruitful. Letting go feels easy ✨♊🌙
Thanks for your question ☺️ Happy New Moon 💙
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apollotarot · 1 year
♊️ June 2023: New Moon In Gemini Tarot Spread
The cosmos prepares for a celestial spectacle as the Gemini New Moon approaches on June 18th. This enchanting alignment brings together the Sun and Moon at 26 degrees, inviting us to set new intentions in the realms of communication, thinking, daily tasks, projects, and the captivating themes governed by Gemini.
As we bid farewell to the vibrant Gemini season, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, accompanies us on this transformative journey. However, Neptune in Pisces introduces a unique twist, challenging our traditional mental strengths and urging us to embrace a broader perspective that intertwines intuition and clarity.
⛵️ Navigating the Cosmic Square
Neptune in Pisces casts a square aspect upon both the Sun and Moon during this New Moon phase, revealing a celestial dance of mystical proportions. As this aspect challenges the traditional mental frameworks we rely upon, it invites us to transcend the limitations of overthinking and mental stress. Instead, Neptune in Pisces guides us to seek a broader perspective, one that encompasses the realms of intuition and spiritual guidance. In this dance between clarity and confusion, we learn to honor our intuitive messages and integrate them into our decision-making process.
🤗 Embracing the Bigger Picture
The Gemini New Moon catalyzes embracing the bigger picture of our lives. It urges us to step beyond the boundaries of our analytical minds and dive into the depths of our intuitive wisdom. As we release the grip of excessive thinking, we open ourselves to new dimensions of understanding and insight. Through the guidance of Neptune’s square, we are encouraged to trust our inner knowing and allow our intuition to lead the way. Doing so gives us a clearer vision of our path and aligns ourselves with the cosmic flow.
🙏🏻 Welcoming Clarity and Intuition
As the Gemini New Moon graces the celestial stage, the universe invites us to embark on a journey of intention, intuition, and clarity. This powerful alignment encourages us to redefine our relationship with communication, thinking, and the Gemini-ruled aspects of our lives. With Neptune’s square challenging our mental constructs, we learn to navigate the realms of intuition and embrace a broader perspective. In this dance between clarity and confusion, we discover the wisdom of our inner voice and honor the bigger picture that awaits us. Let us embrace the transformative energies of the Gemini New Moon and embark on a path of growth and self-discovery.
🌚 Gemini New Moon Tarot Spread: Navigating Clarity and Intuition
As we immerse ourselves in the transformative energies of the Gemini New Moon, it becomes an opportune time to enhance our connection with the cosmos through the wisdom of tarot. The cards serve as insightful guides, illuminating the themes and energies surrounding us during this celestial event. In this section, we introduce you to a specially curated tarot spread designed to align your intentions with the vibrant essence of the Gemini New Moon.
🔮 June 2023: New Moon In Gemini Tarot Spread
Card 1: The Current State of Communication:
This card reflects the current state of your communication patterns and how they influence your overall well-being. Pay attention to any areas that require adjustments or improvements to enhance clarity and understanding.
Card 2: Embracing Mental Agility:
This card reveals the critical aspects of your thought process and the mental agility available now. It guides you on how to harness the cosmic energy of the Gemini New Moon to stimulate your intellect and enhance your problem-solving abilities.
Card 3: Intuitive Guidance:
Drawn from your intuition, this card represents the guidance and intuitive messages available to support you during this phase. Embrace the insights and trust the whispers of your inner wisdom as you navigate this transformative period.
Card 4: Letting Go of Mental Stress:
This card highlights the areas in your life where mental stress or overthinking may hinder your growth. It invites you to release any unnecessary mental burdens, allowing space for clarity and fresh perspectives to emerge.
Card 5: Embracing New Perspectives:
As you embark on this journey of clarity and intuition, this card signifies the new perspectives and opportunities that await you. Be open to new ideas, explore diverse viewpoints, and embrace the multidimensionality of the Gemini New Moon energy.
Card 6: Alignment with Cosmic Flow:
This card serves as a compass, guiding you toward aligning your intentions with the cosmic flow. It offers insights into how you can harmonize your desires with the universal energies to manifest your intentions gracefully and effortlessly.
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By engaging with this carefully crafted tarot spread during the Gemini New Moon, you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, clarity, and intuition. As you explore the messages revealed by the cards, remember to trust your inner voice and honor the wisdom of the cosmos. Embrace the magic of this celestial event and allow the tarot to illuminate the path ahead, guiding you towards alignment, growth, and personal transformation.
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nixieofthenorth · 1 year
June Masterpost
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This post will contain links to my posts connected to June, it’s energies, astrology, full moon etc. I hope you will like this post! Some of the dates my vary depending on where you live..
The Magick of June
June 4 - 
Strawberry Moon 🍓🌕(in Sagittarius)
June 17 - 
Saturn Retrograde (begins/ends Nov 4)
June 18 - 
New Moon Facts & Magick (in Gemini)
June 19 - 
Happy Magickal Father’s Day
June 21-
Litha History
Litha Facts
Litha Correspondences
Litha Crystals
Litha Incense & Oils
Litha Plants
Litha Animals
Litha Foods
Litha Deities
Litha Altar Ideas
Litha Ritual & Magick
Litha Activities
Last Minute Litha Ideas
June 22 - 
Happy Cancer Season! Cancer Sun The Decanates of Cancer Cancer – The Mother The Cusps of Cancer Cancer Crystals The Perfect Scent For Cancer Cancerian Foods Cancerians and Animals Witchcraft by sign – Cancer
June 24-
Faery Day 🧚🏼
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turningwheeltarot · 1 year
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June 18th, 2023: New Moon in Gemini 
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